Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan for KELSO WASTE FACILITY ISSUE NO 2 – JANUARY 2014 Issue 1 2 Reviewed by Neil Chapman Sarah Abid Approved by Anthony Vangi Anthony Vangi Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Approval date February 2014 Page 2 Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Legislative requirements ........................................................................................................................4 1.3 Definition of ‘pollution incident’ .............................................................................................................5 2.0 SITE OVERVIEW – KELSO WASTE FACILITY...............................................................................................5 2.1 Background..............................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Facility layout...........................................................................................................................................5 2.3 Emergency Incident Response Procedures .............................................................................................6 2.4 Plant and Safety Equipment ....................................................................................................................6 2.5 Inventory of pollutants............................................................................................................................7 2.6 Potential Hazards and Pre-emptive Actions............................................................................................8 3.0 AUTHORITIES TO BE NOTIFIED OF POLLUTION INCIDENT.......................................................................9 3.1 If an incident occurs within standard operating hours ...........................................................................9 3.2 If an incident occurs outside standard operating hours .......................................................................10 4.0 ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN DURING OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER A POLLUTION INCIDENT ............................11 4.1 Initial response phase............................................................................................................................11 4.2 Emergency Services Response Phase ....................................................................................................11 4.3 Containment or Control Phase:.............................................................................................................12 4.4 Recovery Phase......................................................................................................................................12 5.0 COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION & COMMUNICATION ..............................................................................13 6.0 REVIEW & MAINTENANCE OF PIRMP....................................................................................................13 6.1 Staff Training .........................................................................................................................................13 6.2 Testing and review of the PIRMP ..........................................................................................................14 Appendix 1 – Incident Assessment Form ..........................................................................................................15 Appendix 2 – Site Layout ...................................................................................................................................15 Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION This PIMRP has been prepared in response to the requirements of the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act), which requires Bankstown City Council to report pollution incidents immediately to the EPA and other Agencies, and to have mechanisms in place to also notify any affected community. 1.1 Objectives The objectives of this PIMRP are to: a) Ensure comprehensive and timely communication about a pollution incident to staff at the Kelso Waste Facility, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), NSW Ministry of Health, WorkCover NSW, and Fire and Rescue (NSW) and people outside the facility who may be affected by the impacts of any pollution incident; and b) Minimise and control the risk of a pollution incident at the facility by identifying pollution risks and planning actions to be taken to manage those risks Ensure the plan is properly implemented by trained staff, identifying the persons responsible for implementing it and ensuring that the plan is regularly tested for accuracy, currency and suitability 1.2 Legislative requirements The specific requirements for Pollution Incident Response Management Plans are set out in Part 5.7A of the POEO Act and the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009 (POEO(G) Regulation). In summary, this provision requires the following: a) All holders of environment protection licences must prepare a pollution incident response management plan (section 153A, POEO Act). b) The plan must include the information detailed in the POEO Act (section 153C) and be in the form required by the POEO(G) Regulation (clause 98B). c) Licensees must keep the plan at the premises to which the environment protection licence relates or, in the case of trackable waste transporters and mobile plant, where the relevant activity takes place (section 153D, POEO Act). Licensees must test the plan in accordance with the POEO(G) Regulation (clause 98E). If a pollution incident occurs in the course of an activity so that material harm to the environment is caused or threatened, licensees must immediately implement the plan (section 153F, POEO Act). Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 4 1.3 Definition of ‘pollution incident’ The definition of a pollution incident is: Pollution incident means an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on premises, but it does not include an incident or set of circumstances involving only the emission of any noise. A pollution incident is required to be notified if there is a risk of ‘material harm to the environment’, which is defined in section 147 of the POEO Act as: a) Harm to the environment is material if: (i) It involves actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or to ecosystems that is not trivial, or (ii) It results in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount, or amounts in aggregate, exceeding $10,000 (or such other amount as is prescribed by the regulations), and b) Loss includes the reasonable costs and expenses that would be incurred in taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent, mitigate or make good harm to the environment. 2.0 SITE OVERVIEW – KELSO WASTE FACILITY 2.1 Background The facility commenced operations in 1952 and the original site now encompasses the Kelso sporting grounds, Kelso Park. The current landfill area has been in use since 1968. Waste has been deposited in a series of layers, approximately 2.5 - 3.0 m thick. This approach to landfilling has now produced a landfill that is some 30 m in fill depth and approximately 18 m above the prevailing topography. Currently, the Kelso Landfill is used exclusively by BCC Business Units and Council’s contractors to dispose of waste that is created by Council activities. 2.2 Facility layout The Kelso Waste Facility is comprised of the Kelso Landfill site (KLS), Kelso Recycling Area (KRA) and ancillary weigh-bridge area containing main site office, amenities & plant compound. Activities within the KLS include landfilling of wastes, cell construction and stock-piling of daily & intermediate cover material. Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 5 Activities within the KLS include stock-piling and campaign crushing of concrete, recycling aggregates & soils, stock-piling and blending of organic mulches; also the temporary storage of mattresses and rubber tyres for off-site recycling. Refer to Appendix 3 attached, for a detailed site layout of the premises. 2.3 Emergency Incident Response Procedures Council has an adopted Emergency Management Plan for the Kelso Waste Facility. The objective of this Plan to protect the safety of staff, contractors or visitors present on the site in the event of Emergency. The Plan includes evacuation procedures, notification of relevant authorities and provision for periodic testing and review of the Emergency Management Plan. A copy of the Plan is maintained at the Kelso site office. All Kelso personnel carry mobile phones ensuring staff are contactable during operations. Two way radios are to be installed in all plant providing ready communication between operators and the site office. 2.4 Plant and Safety Equipment The following plant & safety equipment is maintained on site: Type Potential Use Location Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal protection against dust, eye irritations Site office Spill Kit Clean up of liquid spills Site office Plant compound Water cart Suppress dust, fight small fire Plant compound Track loader & Rubber tyre loaders Combat fire, excavate trenches, divert liquid flows Plant compound Portable fire extinguishers Combat fire Site office Plant compound Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 6 2.5 Inventory of pollutants Very few chemicals and/or potential pollutants are kept in quantity on the site, and these are stored within the Office & plant compound area. MSDS are held on-site for these products. Potential pollutants can be classified generally as: a) Grease & Oils (maintenance) and Fuels not generally exceeding 100L b) Small quantities of proprietary herbicide for local weed control around buildings c) Household grade cleaning products, pest spray degreasers, spray paint Various items of heavy plant are re-fuelled by a fuel-supply contractor using a mobile tanker. Type of pollutant Engine Oil Trucking Kleen Spheerol Grease Premium Engine Oil Hydraulic Oil Powerdrive Fluid Hydraulic Fluid Food Processing Degreaser Transmission Oil Coolgard Coolant Castrol Hydraulic Oil Premixed Heavy Duty Coolant Spray Paint Lubricant Quantity on site 110 L 25 L 1000 kg 40 L 20 L 20L 20L 40 L 60L 10 L 160 L 120L 1450 g 400g A Safe Work Method Statement and Standard Operating procedure is in place. Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 7 2.6 Potential Hazards and Pre-emptive Actions Hazard Likelihood Impact Pre-emptive actions taken Risk Dust migrating from site to M5 or surrounding properties Moderate Moderate Low Smoke from fire Moderate Low Landfill gas emissions migrating off-site Low High - Watering of roads, stockpiles when needed using water cart or sprinklers. - Maintaining good groundcover - Intermediate cover/grass applied to disturbed areas not being filled for longer than 90 days. - Management Plan for site vegetation implemented. - Minimum 150mm cover material applied to waste daily. Extensive buffer around site. - Sound landfill management practices used. - Network of gas monitoring wells. - Regular emissions monitoring. Leachate entering waterways or groundwater Moderate Moderate Fuel/oil spill entering waterways Low Moderate Air pollution Low Moderate Water Pollution Pollution Incident Response Management Plan - Minimum 150mm cover material applied to waste daily. - Surface water management to limit ingress of water to waste cells. Compliance with environmental guidelines for cell construction. - Regular water quality monitoring. Re-fuelling procedures followed Spill kits maintained on site. Moderate Low Page 8 3.0 AUTHORITIES TO BE NOTIFIED OF POLLUTION INCIDENT 3.1 If an incident occurs within standard operating hours Council staff will have the best opportunity to identify and assess the incident promptly. Any personnel becoming aware of an incident will notify the Team Leader Landfill Operations in the first instance. The Team leader will notify the Landfill Co-ordinator or if not contactable, the Director City Assets & Infrastructure, unless there is an immediate threat to human health or property at which time the Team Leader will first notify 000 (Triple Zero). The Director (or delegate) will notify the Council General Manager and then assign or will assume the role of Incident Supervisor. The Incident Supervisor will: If there is an immediate threat to human health or property notify the authorities in the order listed: 1. Relevant Personnel Anthony Vangi (Director City Assets and Infrastructure) Tel: 9707 9885 Mob: 0412 019 060 Neil Chapman (Coordinator Landfill Operations) Tel: 9707 9252 Mob:0409 830 103 Ray Holden (Team Leader Tip Operations) Tel: 9707 9251 Mob: 0412019060 2. Fire and Rescue NSW Tel: 000 – triple Zero 3. EPA Environment Line Tel: 131 555 4. The Ministry of Health via the local Public Health Unit Western Zone (Camperdown Office) PO Box 374, Camperdown 2050 Tel: 9515 9420 Fax: 02 9515 9440 Fax: 02 9515 9468 (alternate) After Hours Contact Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 9 Tel: 02 9828 3000 (Liverpool Hospital) - ask for Environmental Health - Health Officer on call 5. WorkCover Authority Tel: 13 10 50 6. Bankstown City Council Tel: 02 9707 9999 – Customer Service Centre If there is no immediate threat to human health or property then call 1. Bankstown City Council Tel: 02 9707-9999 – Customer Service Centre 2. EPA Environment Line Tel: 131 555 3. The Ministry of Health via the local Public Health Unit Western Zone (Camperdown Office) PO Box 374, Camperdown 2050 4. Tel: 9515 9420 Fax: 9515 9440 Fax: 9515 9467 (s) After Hours Contact Tel: 9828 3000 (Liverpool Hospital) - ask for Environmental Health Officer on call 5. WorkCover Authority Tel: 13 10 50 6. Fire and Rescue NSW Tel: 000 – triple Zero 3.2 If an incident occurs outside standard operating hours If an incident occurs outside standard operating hours it is most likely to be reported by a member of the public either direct to Fire & Rescue NSW (000) or via Council’s Emergency After Hours number (9707-9999) The Emergency After Hours service will notify the Landfill Co-ordinator or if uncontactable the Director City Assets & Infrastructure. One of these personnel will be assigned or will assume the role of Incident Supervisor. The Incident supervisor will inform the General Manager and follow the relevant notification protocol. Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 10 4.0 ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN DURING OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER A POLLUTION INCIDENT 4.1 Initial response phase Council staff or individuals first present at the scene are to report the pollution incident to the Team Leader – Landfill Operations or otherwise in accordance with Section 3.0 above. The Incident Supervisor (or delegate) will attend the scene and will ensure any personnel are safe and put in place any containment actions required to prevent or limit the pollution incident. The Incident Supervisor (or delegate) will defer to and follow the instructions of any combat agency already on-site e.g. Fire & Rescue, that has assumed control and management responsibilities for the incident. An initial visual assessment will determine the actions to be implemented which are to be directed to: > Protecting life and preventing injury to persons; > Isolating the location and excluding entry, as appropriate; > Limiting the potential spread of pollution; > Identifying additional hazards; and > Calling for appropriate help, per Section 3.0 An Incident Assessment Checklist is to be used to aid incident assessment and record information required to be provided to the EPA and other authorities as required by Section 150 of the POEO Act. Information is to be gathered only as safe to do so. 4.2 Emergency Services Response Phase If the incident presents an immediate threat to human health or property and 000 has been contacted, staff are to evacuate the site of all persons and enact the Emergency Services Plan. Emergency Services personnel will assume responsibility for managing the incident, including initial command & control responsibilities on arrival. Council staff (and contractors) will follow and adhere to all directions and instructions issued by the appointed emergency services Incident Controller. Council staff (or contractors) will fully co-operate with emergency services and provide: > An initial briefing of events > Relevant documentation, plans and the completed Incident Assessment Form This will assist emergency services to: > Assess the situation; > Identify hazards; > Prepare a Response Plan; > Identify resources or specialist assistance needed; and > Contact & co-ordinate additional resources (if any) to respond to the incident Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 11 4.3 Containment or Control Phase: Having completed the initial assessment of the incident and before emergency services arrive (if contacted), additional resources and actions should be directed to: 1. Establish mobile phone contact with the Incident Supervisor. 2. Provide first – aid assistance to any injured person 3. If the Emergency Management Plan has been enacted ensure evacuation procedures are followed. 4. Close the site or the landfill and/or restrict access if appropriate. Exit gates may need to remain open for passage of emergency services in which case personnel may need to be assigned security duty on the gate, if safe to do so. 5. Restrict access to the incident area – provide clear communication to any personnel remaining on site 6. If required and safe to do so, the Incident Supervisor is to initiate actions to prevent further threat to life, property or the environment. 7. The Incident Supervisor is to collect details of persons involved, keeping time log of key events. 8. Provide full briefing of incident, actions to date to emergency services 9. Maintain effective communications with relevant authorities and any local affected community 10. Facilitate or assist with the recovery phase. 4.4 Recovery Phase The Recovery Phase will focus on: > Collecting and appropriately managing any spilt materials; > tabilising any earthworks, diversion drains, containment structures; > Undertake staff debriefing; > Restock spill kits; and > Finalising incident documentation and reporting on outcomes Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 12 5.0 COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION & COMMUNICATION In the event of a pollution incident, the Incident Supervisor will make an assessment of the requirement to notify neighbours and/or the surrounding local community. Where possible, an owners and occupiers of premises who may be affected by a pollution incident will be issued with an early warning or alert, and if appropriate, regular updates. Once the incident is controlled or past, a final bulletin will also be issued to provide the “ all clear.” This decision whether to communicate will be determined on the level of risk, being: Priority 1: Immediate: indicating high - very high risk of high impact incident. Pollutants will enter the environment and cause material harm. The incident is assessed as immediate and threatening to human health, property and/or the environment. Priority is to contact occupants of likely affected premises as soon as possible. The Incident Supervisor will call on Council resources for telephone contact, letter box drop or door-knocks as appropriate. Status reports to be provided to Council’s Customer Service Centre as appropriate. Priority 2: Deferred: indicating medium risk incident Pollutants are likely to enter the environment. The incident is assessed as being manageable through implementation of containment or other emergency services measures. Close monitoring of the incident, containment and/or other site measures are required with notification of occupants of likely affected premises to occur if measures fail. Incident is regraded to Priority 1. Status reports to be provided to Council’s Customer Service Centre as appropriate. Priority 3: No notification Pollutants may enter the surrounding environment. The incident is assessed as being managed under normal site incident response and not likely to have a direct impact or adversely affect the surrounding community. 6.0 REVIEW & MAINTENANCE OF PIRMP 6.1 Staff Training Staff are inducted and trained in the use of this PIRMP. The PIRMP is promoted at regular staff meetings to ensure all site personnel understand pollution incident procedures, their roles & responsibilities and how and when to activate this plan in a pollution incident. This PIRMP also describes the notification process for Council After Hours services and contains a list of current contact details in the event of a pollution incident. Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 13 6.2 Testing and review of the PIRMP The PIRMP will initially be tested and then tested on an annual basis in conjunction with the Emergency Management Plan for Kelso Waste facility. The PIRMP will be reviewed on an annual basis following testing and will also be reviewed within one month following the occurrence of any pollution incident. Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 14 Appendices: Appendix 1 – Incident Assessment Form Appendix 2 – Site Layout Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Page 15 Appendix 1 – Incident Assessment Form Page 1 INCIDENT ASSESSMENT FORM To be completed by the Incident Supervisor (Landfill Manager or Site Supervisor) Date and Time: Initials INITIAL RESPONSE PHASE Provide short description of Incident - including Nature, and Location. Circle relevant incident: a) Leachate b) Fire c) Stormwater d) Noise e) Dust f) Odour g) Other Mark Location as best possible on Figure 1 (attached). Notes: Location - record of the place where pollution incident is occurring or is likely to occur (i.e. record possible migration path, as best possible) Nature - record estimated quantity or volume and concentration of any pollutants involved (if known) The information recorded here is to allow a initial (or brief) assessment of the risk to help determine the likely impacts, implementation of the PIRMP and/or relevant actions to be undertaken. Figure 1 Page 2 Date and Time: Initials Perform Brief/Initial Risk Assessment Fill out below sections as best possible. Some points not be applicable depending on nature of pollution incident • Identify spilt material/pollutants List chemicals/materials/pollutants (if possible) may etc. (if possible) • Determine (i.e. best estimate) quantity of spilled material • Evaluate hazards at the location • Obtain a copy of relevant MSDS (if chemical spilt) • Evaluate the RISK and determine if the pollution incident is a high or CRITICAL/PRIORITY 1 low pollution risk and whether trivial Implementation of or not. PIRMP required; Circle appropriate risk category: If incident is immediate and threatening for human health: Dial 000 MEDIUM/ PRIORITY 2 Implementation of PIRMP may be required, monitor pollution incident. If containment efforts fail, implement PIRMP LOW/ PRIORITY 3 Unlikely PIRMP is to be implemented, Monitor pollution incident and containment activities Page 3 Date and Time: Initials ACTIONS Emergency Services Response Phase • Clear affected area of personnel/individuals If No, state why. For example, injured individual may not be able to be moved or Council staff may be able to implement containment activities (if deemed safe to do so) • Determine if evacuation of Landfill site is necessary Yes Yes No No If Yes, implement Emergency Evacuation Plan. If No, record personnel or individuals remaining on site and for what purpose (e.g. assisting in containment activities) Check individuals for injuries including contamination Purpose remaining on site Name • Note: some individuals may not be aware of an injury and/or having been contaminated. Yes No Page 4 Date and Time: Initials If required: Administer First Aid, Details: (include names of individuals andactions and/or dial 000 Notify EPA and other authorities of incident - i.e. Implement Notification Protocol (section 4.1) taken) (attach pages if necessary) Name Contact Details Record personnel delegated to undertake this task: Record all information regarding Ensure above sections are completed as best possible and incident in preparation for arrival of practicable due to incident situation. Emergency Services Page 5 Date and Time: Containment or Control Phase Initials Record actions as best possible including personnel delegated to tasks If 000 has been dialed, only proceed if deemed safe to do so. Cease works if incident worsens and dial 000. • Determine appropriate actions to isolate/contain pollutants (if safe to do so); • Ensure fire protection is available if risk of fire. Contact relevant Council staff for assistance • • • Contact EPA and other authorities if incident is not trivial - i.e. Implement Notification Protocol (section 3.1 or 3.2) Monitor containment works If Council staff included in response • Establish Secure Zone (around incident area or evacuate and secure entire site) • Assign tasks to personnel • Specify equipment and tools for clean-up including PPE • Locate and control spilt material if appropriate. Record personnel delegated to undertake this task: Page 6 Date and Time: Initials • Neutralise and/or absorb material • Prepare residue for removal • Verify area clear of contaminant • Decontaminate equipment • Debrief personnel involved Yes No • Complete Incident Reports Yes No Any other information / actions: Name: Signature: (Incident Supervisor; Landfill Manager or Site supervisor) Date: Appendix 2 – Site Layout
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