Change Starts Here


Change Starts Here
Change Starts Here
Change Starts Here
How we are DRIVING Change!
The United Way’s mission is to
improve lives and build community
by engaging individuals and
mobilizing collective action.
Message from the Board Chair
and Executive Director:
Through generous gifts of time, talent and treasure this
past year, thousands of Central and South Okanagan
and Similkameen residents created enormous impact to
help kids be all they can be, build strong and resilient
communities, and lift people from poverty to possibility.
A focus of this year’s campaign was to increase community
participation in the United Way, and we asked what could
be achieved if simply one more percent of our local
population became engaged in our impact mission. We
are striving to measure success not only in dollars raised,
but in positive changes made. And collectively we created
amazing impact in 2013.
For example, the total number of projects completed
through the Day of Caring program increased by 9%, and
for the first time was offered to organizations in the South
Okanagan. These efforts contributed an in-kind value to
Board of Directors
Bruce Olsen, Chair
Alison Moscrop,
Past Chair
Bob Brown, Past Chair
Darcy Haw, Treasurer
and Vice Chair
Janet Lawrence,
Community Investment
Committee Chair
Anne Kirkpatrick,
Resource Development
Committee Chair
James Paterson
Carol Gordon
Laura Myles
Karen Erickson
Andrew Pritchard
Laura Thurnheer
Greg McGowan
Kathy Conway
Heather Pesta
Victor Narynskyyi
Bruce Olsen
Board Chair
the community of over $159,000. The overall participation
increase in the number of volunteer hours contributed to
the United Way and the community was 13%. Plus there
was an overall increase in the number of donors, and total
dollars raised to be invested in community impact this year
was $1.2 million.
Thank You to all of our volunteers
who assist us in many different
ways such as our Board of
Directors, Resource Development
and Community Investment
Committees, Community Impact
Teams, Campaign Cabinet, Special
Event Ambassadors, Office Support,
Days of Caring Ambassadors and
GenNext!!! All of YOU make United
Way successful in our communities.
Together we are YOUnited!!
The stories and demonstrations of impact are highlighted
throughout this Annual Report. It is all possible thanks to
our dedicated Board Directors, the expertise and talents
of our staff members, the passion and alacrity of our
many volunteers, and generosity and spirit of each donor.
Together, we make change start here.
The 2nd Annual Drive Thru Breakfast in Penticton
was hosted by the Penticton Lakeside Resort, and with a
generous promotion and contribution by Skaha Ford and
Penticton Kia, raised $11,421!
Bruce Olsen, Board Chair
Marla O’Brien, Executive Director
Marla O’Brien, Executive Director
Avril Paice, Director of Community Investment
Jennifer Park, Director of Resource Development
Judy Doucette, Director of Finance
Riley Gettens, Director of the
Maxine DeHart’s 16th Annual Drive Thru at the
Ramada Lodge was one of the largest and most successful
ever, selling out 1,500 bagged breakfasts and garnering
South Okanagan office (Feb – July)
Angela Pomeroy, Development Associate
Amanda Turner, Success By 6 Coordinator
Nathan Pinfield, Administrative Associate
Thanks to the Canada Summer Jobs Program: Summer
students Anureet Gill and Miranda Tumbach
United Way 2013 Annual Report
In the Central and South Okanagan Similkameen,
our Community Funds supported:
United Way is more than just a funder...
United Way does a lot more than provide funding to charities.
We are a movement to create change in communities through
partnerships on priority issues, and funding is just
one of several strategies we use to do this.
Other strategies include leading community initiatives,
mobilizing volunteers, leveraging resources, advocating,
and supporting organizations through our programs.
BrainTrust Canada Association
Building Healthy Families Society
Canadian Mental Health Association –
Central and South Okanagan
Canadian Red Cross –
Central Okanagan Child Development Association
Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society
Central Okanagan Hospice Association
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Community Recreational Initiatives Society
Desert Sun Counselling & Resource Centre
Dragonfly Pond Family Society
Hands in Service
John Howard Society of the Central
and South Okanagan Similkameen
Kelowna & District Share Society
Kelowna Child Care Society
Kelowna Community Resources
Kelowna Family Centre
Kelowna Women’s Shelter
Meals on Wheels Penticton
NeighbourLink Summerland
NOW Canada
Okanagan Boys & Girls Clubs
Pathways Abilities Society
Peachland Wellness Centre
Penticton and District Community Resources Society
Penticton Discovery House
Pets and People Visiting Society
Project Literacy Kelowna Society
Reach Out Youth Counseling
Seniors Outreach Services Society
South Okanagan Similkameen Brain Injury Society
South Okanagan Victim Assistance Society
St John Ambulance – Pet Therapy Program
Summerland Asset Development Initiative
The Arthritis Society
Westside Health Network
● Completed a total of 72 Day of Caring projects, matching groups of volunteers from local companies to service projects at community organizations.
● Distributed over 11,000 emergency transportation vouchers to community organizations so they can provide bus tickets to clients with no other safe access to transportation.
● Acted as a clearinghouse to connect over 150 nonprofits with professional skill sets, volunteer labour, media relationships, and recycled office and computer equipment.
● Supported the work of Success By 6 and Better At Home throughout our region. These are province-
wide programs funded by the BC Government and Credit Unions of BC (SB6) to ensure children up to age 6 get the best possible start in life and helping seniors live independently and safely in their homes through non-medical support.
All that kids can be means that children
and youth are:
● Engaged in learning
● Connected and involved in their communities
● Supported in physical and emotional well-being
Strong communities are where people are:
● Involved in their communities
● Supported in personal well-being and safety
● Connected to supports
Poverty to possibility means we support:
● Housing stability
● Employment and financial security
● Food security
All that
kids can be
to possibility
Healthy people,
3 Strategies
for Changing Lives
United Way 2013 Annual Report
Youth Initiative Grants, supported by
Interior Savings and Telus
● 12 grants totaling $12,500
Central and South Okanagan
During 2013-14, in addition to our funding
programs, the United Way:
Where we invest to create Impact:
Impact and Special Reserve Grants:
Day of Caring Grants, for supplies for
Day of Caring projects
● 9 grants totaling $3,760
Sponsorship of the Okanagan Volunteer
● Opportunities Fair $1,000
Impact Projects in the Central and
South Okanagan Similkameen
● 14 grants totaling $33,230
Prospective New Community Partner Grants for Karis Support Society and Inn from the Cold $16,000
Emergency Grants for the Penticton Boys and Girls Club and CMHA, Penticton $4,618
Change Starts Here
United Way 2013 Honour Roll
McGrath, Vince
Marshall, Rupert
Martens, Michael
Mathieson, Cynthia
Metherell, Joni
Mitchell, Paul
Montford, Ian
Mooney, Wendy
Mortenson, Bud
Moscrop, Alison
Murdoch, Don
O’Brien, Andrew & Marla
Oliver, Richard
Olsen, Bruce
Orban, Steve
Paterson, James
Paterson, Jim & Diane
Pesta, Heather
Phung, Thi Ruby
Pullen, Quinton
Quaal, Aleta
Ramsay, James
Randall, Rebecca
Real, R.
Reiss, Lucy
Riva, Donald
Robins, Jennifer
Saari, Ryan
Sanders, Brian
Scott, Rick
Seigel , Dr. Stuart
Shakespeare, Michael
Sirois, Diane
Skrapek, Richard
Smith, Bruce
Smith, Robin
Speiser, Scot
Spencer, Rhys
Standen, Robert
Stang, Sarah
Stef, Carl
Stevens, Dr. Holly
Stevens – Cross, Leslie
Stewart, Richard
Teetzel, Ian
Thomson, Mr. Donald
Thurnheer, Laura A.
Thurston, Matt
Tracey, Doug
Turri, Don
Tyner, Ross
Vernon, Alanna
Ward, Kim
Wells, Susan
Wilson, Ruth
Wilson, Sharon
Woodward, Peter
Yee, Kelly
Zuckerman, Carol
Zuschtok, Tony
Zvonarich, Sheila
United Way 2013 Honour Roll
Donations of
$5000 +
Adria, Robert & Kim
Armstrong, Sean
Budd, Tom
Ibbotson, J.
The Colin and Lois Pritchard
The Priebe Family Foundation
Rea, Glen
$2500 - $4999
Arsenault, Theresa
Bailey, Angela
BURNCO Family Foundation
Hamilton, Brent
Kellert, Barbara
Laloge, Ken
Nelson, Jeff
Nelson, Dr. Louise
Newby, Robert
Rizzo, Mike
Schultz, Rodney
White, Chris
$1000 - $2499
United Way gives thanks…
…to Honourary Chair Mike Roberts
Mike Roberts has been a steadfast advocate and volunteer
for the United Way for almost 3 decades. Though he
retired from his professional role as Global Okanagan’s
“very own” weather forecaster last fall, Mike still committed
with enthusiasm to his Honourary Chair role for the
campaign, acting as MC at Kick-Off Breakfasts and Spirit
Awards celebrations in Kelowna and Penticton. We are so
appreciative, Mike, for all your dedication and advocacy of
the United Way in your community!
Abel, Barry
Anderson, Leslie
Appleton, John
Arkle, Nicholas
Babcock, Sharon
Bailey, Mary-Louise
Barnes, Glenn
Baron, Mark
Basso, Dan
Beames, Judge Alison
Bennett, Steve
Berg, Dr. Darren
Bernier, Kris
Bilawchuk, Kathryn & Wayne
Borring-Olsen, Karen
Bracken, Rusty & Bev
Brown, Bob
Burnett, Clarke
Buszard, Deborah
Bye, Murray
Cameron, Lorraine
Campbell, Peter
Carr, Andrew
Cattani, Edward
Chamberlain, Dr. Grant
Chrenek, James
Church, Lloyd
Conway, Kathy & Michael
Cousins, Curtis
Crowley, Mike
Darnell, Sue
da Silva, Deborah
DeHart, Maxine & Chris
Dickie, Mark
Dolson, Joan
Drapak, Tammy
Driscol, Joseph
Edwards, Debbie & Terry
Erickson, Karen
Fabris, Mary
Feist, Diane
Fine, Robert
Fisette, Raymond
Flannigan, Mary-Jane & Terry
Fleming, Stephen
Fort, Don
Fraser, Gladys
Freeman, Patrick
Fukumoto, Ruth
Gall, Clayton & Shannon
Gorman, Ron
Gorman, Ross
Gorniak, Shawn
Grant, Miriam
Gray, Theresa
Guidolin, John
Guyitt, Jason
Hall, Stephanie
Hamilton, Jim
Hamzehi, Pantea
Hare, Carl
Harper, Terry
Harvey-Smith, Frank
Hatt, Dr. Linda
Haw, Darcy
Hjorth, Jason
Holitzki, Shelley
Holtby, Cairy
Hubber, Michael
Johnson, Sara
Kampeth, Ron
Kavanagh, Trudy
Keehn, A
Kerr, David
Kharwar, Sukhjit
King, Christopher
Kinnear, Mark
Kippan, Duncan
Kirkpatrick, Anne
Klassen, Steven
Knapp, David
Kotler, Dina
Laing, Miles
Laveck, Alana
Laviolette, Jim
Lawson, John
Leatherdale, Stuart
Lund, Charles & Mary
Lyttle, Amy
McCormick, A.
McCoubrey, Dr. Sharon
McEwen, Rolfe
$500 - $999
Albrecht, Laura
Allard, David
Allen, Lola
Allen, M.
Allingham, Bradly
Amsler, Robert
Anderson, Cory
Anthony, Alex
Atherton, Michael
Babiuk, Bruce
Bagatto, Kimberley
Bakay, Heather
Bambalort, Shelley
Ban, Robert
Banham, Dr. Heather
Barker, Sonya
Barton, Adele
Beda, Blanche
Bedford, Karen
Behardien, Tanya
Bernard, Paul
Bertrim, Greg
Berwick, James
Billey, Robert
Blaskovich, Pamela
Bond, Mr. and Mrs. David
Bottoroff, Dr. Joan
Bright, Adam
Buffy, Charles
Burns, Mr & Mrs Scott
Bye, Caroline
Campbell, Colin
Carels, Shawn
Cares, Team
Carlson, Brent
Cartwright, Maureen
Cavanaugh, Peg
Chisholm, Michael
Colbeck, Florence
Collins, Rob
Cook, Jason
Corbett, Wendy
Corrigall, Dr. DM
Coulson, Holly
Couture, Keith
Craig, Donald
Craig, Janet
Crowe, David
Crowley, Yvonne
Cumming, Evalina
Dabiri, Marcia
Davidson, Randy
Dekker, Tim
Dill, Torin
Disbery, Ian
Donnelly, Dwayne
Dorsel, Michael
Drury, Joyce
Ducksworth, Kieron
Duncan, Graeme
Dutoff, Keri
Ehlers, Julian
Erickson, Vic
Evans, Scott
Fenton, William
Fielding, Keith
Finlay, Denise
Fisette, Raymond
Fisher, Leslie
Fortier, Shanna
Fricska, Gabor
Geleynse, Benjamin
Gilmore, Peggy
Given, Gail
Grant, James
● This list was compiled according to our campaign records. If your name is misspelled,
missing or you aren’t being recognized according to your wishes,
please contact our office so we can correct our records.
United Way 2013 Annual Report
Grant, Marie
Grayston, Keith
Gunn, Kurtis
Haller, Deborah
Hanna, Michael
Harvey, Ken
Havgan, Daryl
Hazzi, Heather
Hebert, John
Hickman, Martine
Hilts, Michelle
Hobson, Robert
Hodge, Carl
Holmes, Lynne
Holmes, Professor
Humberstone, Michael
Hurd, Ernie
Illman, Tony
Jamieson, Ian
Janes, R.E.
Jenn, Travis
Jones, Danny
Jones, Elly
Kakoschke, Warren
Kallen, Curt
Karstad, Lars
Kelly, Yvonne
Kempf, Alfred
Keyes, Daniel
Kok, Onno
Kost, Donna
Krystynak, R.
Kummen, Nancy
Kunz, Randy
Lade, Gordon
Lafleur, Marion Lee
LaMonica, Holly
Laplieur, Judy
Larsen, James
Laverdiere, Ashley
Lawlor, Linda
Lee, Charles
Lehmberg, Cary
Leiper, Jean
Lightbody, Wally
Lind, Isabella
Lionello, Robert
Lloyd, Jordan
Louwe, Nancy
Lutier, Charlotte
Lyons, Tim
Macdonald, Bonnie
Maier, Brenda
Mainwaring, Lyn
Malito, Judy
Marck, Patricia
Marcolin, Barbara
Martindale, Stan
Masterman, Jack
Mathews, Jennifer
Mattusi, Ron
McHaffie, Lisa
McKain, Blaine
McLean, Angela
McLellan, Patrick
McVeen, Et
Mitchell, Marjorie
Mitchell, Robert
Moen, Barbara
Morimoto, Thomas
Munholland, Robert
Murphy, Kerri
Nowoseiski, Brian
Nygaard, Gwen
Oliveira, Brian
Paige, Susan
Parker, Elaine
Patterson, Al
Pesut, Dr. Barbara
Peter, Dyan
Pomeroy, Brian and Angela
Pourmokhtari, Bayan
Prehofer, Brandon
Ranson, Peter
Resener, Chris
Reynolds, William
Ridgeway, Randy
Roberge, Joseph
Robertson, Andrea
Robinson, James
Roche, Peter
Rooke, Wendy
Roth, Cindy
Rouck, Kerry
Rozell, Daniel
Ruff, Jim
Ryan, Jim
Sattelberger, Cindy
Sawatzky, Paula
Schneider, Heather
Shaw, Roger
Sherwood, Robert
Skinner, Jim
Smith, Scott
Sol, John
Solmer, Ronald
St. Jean, Wayne
Stuart, Ian
Tanner, Tammy
Thorn, George
Thubron, Brian
Troock, Laurie
Turton, Mary
Tutte, Al
Ujlaky, Frank
Vacic, Sonja
Van-Ingen, Raymond
Vanwicklin, Byron
Vass, Dan
Vernon, Norm
Vos, John
Wakeling, Emily
Walker, Melanie
Walsh, Christene
Watt, Bill
Wheeler, Janet
Wiebe, J.
Wiegers, Linda
Wilson, Gwynneth
Wong, Lynn
Wood, Sydney
Woods, John
Zacharias, Anne
Zilm, Gwen
*An additional 31 leadership donors
have chosen to remain anonymous.
Change Starts Here
Corporate Donations and Workplace Campaigns:
0768349 BC Ltd.
589592 BC Ltd.
777343 BC Ltd
Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School
Acklands-Grainger Inc.
Acuere Consulting Ltd.
ADL Occupational Therapy Inc.
Advantage Body Clinic Ltd.
Ashland Canada Corporation
Authentax Small Business Services
Aviva Canada Inc.
Banbury Green RV Park
Baxter Corporation
Bayer Inc.
BC Cancer Agency
BC Hydro
BDO Dunwoody
Beach Tek Inc.
Bell Media
Best Buy Canada
Brockwhite Canada Company
Burnco Rock Products
Business Development Bank of Canada
Calowna Costumes
Canada Post
Canada Revenue Agency
Canadian Northern Shield
Canadian Online Giving Foundation
Canadian Western Bank
Cannery Trade Centre
Capri Travel Centre Ltd.
CAT Rental Store
CEI Architecture
Century 21 Executives Realty Ltd.
Ceridian Canada Ltd.
City of Kelowna
City of Penticton
CMA/MD Management Physician Services
Coastal Naturopathic Centre Inc.
Colin and Lois Pritchard Foundation
Corix Utilities
Costco Wholesale
Crowe MacKay LLP
Cumis Insurance
Deloitte and Touche
Delta Grand Okanagan Resort
District of West Kelowna
e Impact Consulting Corp.
Eli Lilly Canada
Enterprise Rent-a-Car
Envision Credit Union
ESRI Canada
Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott
Farm Credit Canada
Farris, Vaughn, Wills, Murphy LLP
FH&P Lawyers
First Canadian Insurance
First West
Fortis BC
Framing and Art Centre
Future Shop
Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Ltd.
General Mills Canada
Global Communications Ltd.
Golden Valley Foods Ltd.
Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd.
Government of Canada
Government of Canada Retirees
Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants
Great West Life Assurance Company
Harmony Acura
Harmony Honda
Heartwood Manufacturing Office Furniture
Helping Hands Club of Worksafe BC
Hershey Company
Highpoint Energy & Investments
Houle Electric Ltd.
Howard F. Peet Law Corp.
IBM Canada
Industrial Alliance Pacific Insurance & Financial
Services Inc.
Interior Health
Interior Savings
Investors Group
Janssen-Ortho Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Medical
Kelowna Flightcraft
Kelowna Ford and Lincoln
Key Rehabilitation Services
Kruger Neuro - Rehabilitatiion Inc.
Lakeland Oil Ltd.
Lifescan Canada Ltd.
Lifeworks Family Chiropractic
Lockerbie & Hole Contracting Ltd.
London Drugs Ltd.
Manulife Financial
Marquardt Mechanical
Melcor Developments Ltd.
Meyers Norris Penny
Michael P. Crowley Inc.
Montgomery Miles Law
Morrow Environmental Consultants Inc.
Nav Canada
North Okanagan Labour Council
Odlum Brown Ltd.
Okanagan Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ltd.
Okanagan College
Okanagan Regional Library
Organco Holdings Ltd.
PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc.
Penticton and District Community Resources
Phillips, Hager, North
Platinum Personnel & Business Services Inc.
Poplar Grove Winery
Priebe Family Foundation
Prospera Credit Union
Provincial Employees Community Fund
Purdy’s Chocolates Ltd.
Pushor Mitchell Lawyers
R355 Enterprises Ltd.
Rackforce Networks Inc.
Red Door Engraving
Regional District of Central Okanagan
Reid Hurst
RioCan Real Estate Investments
Royal Bank of Canada
School District #23
Scotia McLeod
Shaw Media Inc.
Signode Canada
Silver Strings Ventures
Skaha Ford
Sliderz Community House Inc.
Smart Betty
South Main Bakery and Meats Deli
South Okanagan Boundary Labour Council
South Okanagan Integrated Community
Services Society
Strategic Aviation Services Ltd.
Suncor Inc.
Target Canada
TD Canada Trust
The 1988 Foundation
The Bay Company
TheVibrant Vine
Total Restoration
Town Shoes
TransAlta Corporation
UBC Okanagan
Waterplay Solutions Corp.
White Line Professional Driving School Inc.
Wine Central
Your Dollar Store with More Inc.
United Way 2013 Annual Report
United Way Financial Report 2013-14:
It is very important to our donors, and to us, that each dollar creates maximum impact in creating a better community.
Our United Way adheres to the Transparency, Accountability, and Financial Reporting (TAFR) guidelines developed by
United Way Centraide Canada to ensure we are accurately tracking, monitoring and reporting our revenue and expenses.
What about overhead?
United Way has long promoted itself as an efficient way to give. We are now also striving to be an effective way to
give - by monitoring emerging community issues, leveraging and maximizing other financial and in-kind contributions, and
thoughtfully investing in programs and organizations that can create the most impact. This work requires professional staff
and business infrastructure; therefore expenses to operate are all part of the United Way’s mission to improve lives and
build community. In simple terms, overhead is part of our cause, not separate from it.
For the 2013-14 year, following TARF guidelines, our direct costs of fundraising were 16.9% of total revenue plus 9.5% for
general administration costs associated with fundraising. If you have any questions or would like a complete copy of our
2013-14 audited Financial Statements, please feel free to contact us.
To our media sponsors:
Beyond 50 Magazine
Kelowna Daily Courier
The Capital News
Global Okanagan
Snap Okanagan
SO Country
The Penticton Herald
The Penticton
Western News
United Way of the Central & South Okanagan/Similkameen
United Way of the Central & South Okanagan/Similkameen
As at January 31, 2014
For the year ended January 31, 2014
Statement of Financial Position
Furniture and equipment (Note 4)
Investment of reserve fund (Note 3)
(Restated Note 13)
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 3)
Pledges receivable
Prepaid expenses
HST receivable
Statement of Operations
Designated and undesignated
Funds transferred from other UWs-Cs
Funds transferred to other UWs-Cs
Recovered (uncollectible) pledges
Commitments (Note 9)
Net Assets
Internally restricted operating reserve
Invested in furniture and equipment
Fundraising expenditures (Schedule 2)
Net revenue available for programs
Program expenditures (Schedule 3)
Allocations (Note 5)
Special events
Gifts in kind
Non-recurring major gifts
Net revenue
Approved on behalf of the Board
Director by Management
Prepared by Management
For a complete set of audited financial statements, please contact United Way office or
For a complete set of audited financial statements, please contact United Way office or
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements
United Way 2013 Annual Report
Accounts payable and accruals
Deferred revenue
Government remittances payable
Allocations payable (Note 5)
(Restated Note 13)
Central Okanagan Office
202-1456 St. Paul Street
Kelowna, BC V1Y 2E6
P: 250-860-2356
F: 250-868-3206
E: [email protected]
South Okanagan Similkameen Office
PO Box 24026
Penticton, BC V2A 8L9
P: 250-492-2842
E: [email protected]