febl newsletter 2008.pub
febl newsletter 2008.pub
DRAGONFLY POND FAMILY RESPITE SOCIETY FEBRUARY 2008 DRAGONFLY POND BOARD MEMBERS ——————————————————————————————————————— — Kevin Nickerson Parent Anna Campbell Parent Linda Morgenstern Nurse Traci Fladager Respite Care Provider Jennifer Hutchinson Parent Brad Hope Community Professional Wanted! Volunteers of all ages with various Skills and abilities Please call to discuss this great opportunity to give the gift of your time 490-3305 Location Change For DFP Office Just to let everyone know that our office will not be Downtown as of the end of January2008. We will now be home based once again as the demand for space at the present location increases. Tina will be still happy to meet with you so call her any time. 490-3305 Mailing address: Box 24077 Penticton, BC V2A 8L9 Parent Social Coffee House Evening at Smith & Co. Friday February 22, 2008 7:00-9:00 PM Come join us for a relaxing evening across from liquidation world on Winnipeg St. Coffee tea and pastries will be provided RSVP Tina at 490-3305 Dragonflies and Minnows Spring Break Program It is that time again…. join us for fun filled activities including one hour of swim time and aquatic games and time with a swim instructor. Then we move into an activity room for another hour of arts & crafts, music and dancing, and gross motor activities such as bikes, hockey, and climbing apparatus. March 17,18,19 & 20, 2008 9:30-12:00 At the Community Center Pool and Gym Please fill out attached Registration form and drop it off at the community center. For more info call Tina 490-3305 Coming SPRING 2008 Dragonfly Gym Time Saturday April 5,May 3, & June 7 12:00-1:30 1 1/2 hours of arts & crafts, music and dancing, and gross motor activities such as bikes, hockey, and climbing apparatus Light lunch provided With advance registration Dragonfly Pond Gigantic Yard Sale May 10th 7am - 3pm 449 Conklin Avenue Donation items will kindly be accepted after March 31/08. All proceeds go to Dragonfly Pond Family Respite Society supporting families with children who have complex care needs in the South Okanagan! For more information, or to donate to the Yard sale contact Sonny @ 490-3855 or Tina@490- 2008 Family Christmas Party From the left DFP Board members: Brad Hope, Linda Morgenstern, Traci Fladager, Mayor Jake Kimberly, Wendy & Ocean Kenward, Anna Campbell and Coordinator Tina Myers Photo By Doug McLaughlin you nd k n u a Th ine F Th Tot ank y s ou Bre to Teen akf ast s nsh u S DFP 2007 Christmas 2007 I For Tha GA the nk yo gi u coo ngerb kies rea d Thanks to those who made it the best party ever! s nk a Th To a nt a S PAR T P nk s Tha ur To O eers nt Volu Th a Ma nks t K i yo o mb r erl y you Thank y a Safew ch Tray ERFE CT wi e sand For th Than ks T Dou o For g McLau these g wo hlin phot nderful os And Thanks to all that came out! Th Mc anks t Don o a ld s Respitality Respitality is alive and on the move in the South Okanagan!! Attempts are being made to reconnect with past supporters as well as sign up new hotels, new restaurants and provide for you some exciting gifts!! Please, if you aren’t already signed up for this incredible program, call Tina at 490-3305. Everyone deserves a little R.E.S.P. …... R.= Rest E.= Energizing S.= Sleep P.= Pampering Thanks to these business Partners we will once again be offering our families Respitality South Okanagan The Pasta Factory Penticton Lakeside Resort THE PEN MAR THEATER Okanagan Symphony RESPITALITY SOUTH OKANAGAN Respitality provides parents of a child with complex care needs a chance to experience a much-needed break in a welcoming and comfortable environment while their child is receiving respite care in the family home. WHAT IS RESPITALITY? Families apply for Respitality South Okanagan through Dragonfly Pond Family Respite Society. All you will need to do is fill out a simple registration form that will let us know when you would like to enjoy a Respitality stay. Families are then registered for an overnight stay, which is donated on an availability basis by local partner hotels. The number of family stays per year depends on the number of hospitality partners. Respitality is offered from October until May of each year. HOW CAN I REGISTER? This program is offered free of charge to families who have children with complex care needs. WHO SHOULD I CONTACT? If you are interested in participating in Respitality please contact the coordinator for Respitality South Okanagan at 490-3305. REGISTER NOW AND GIVE YOURSELVES AND YOUR FAMILY THE BREAK YOU DESERVE! Funding for Respitality South Okanagan Provided by grants from The Vancouver Foundation And the United Way of the South Okanagan DRAGONFLY POND FAMILY RESPITE SOCIETY IS SUPPORTED BY… Vancouver Foundation, Quest Society for Hearing Enhancement – Summerland, Penticton Auto Dealers Association, Penticton & Friends Golf Tournament, , Shoppers Drug Mart, United Way of South Okanagan, Ministry of Child and Family Development, Interior Health, City of Penticton, Lakeside Resort, Days Inn. Ramada Inn & Suites, London Drugs, Naramata Heritage Inn & Spa, Grumpy’s Place B&B Kaleden, Gerhinger Wineries, Shoppers Drug Mart Penticton, Pasta Factory, Okanagan Motorcycle Rider’s Association, Rick Appleton of Royal Lepage Realty, Rick Whittaker, Accountant, Roxie Reeder Memorial Fund, Sky MacDonald Memorial Fund, Starbucks, Business Gives Back, Naramata Centre, Senator Ross Fitzpatrick, MLA Rick Thorpe, MP Stockwell Day, Honorable Linda Reid, Magic FM Sunshine Fund, Canuck Place Hospice, Lakeview Market Bakery – Kelowna, OK Falls Women’s Institute, City of Penticton Social Development Committee, City of Penticton Community Centre & Pool Staff, Okanagan Fest of Ale Society, Communities for Kids, Penticton Kinettes, Okanagan Similkameen Neurological Society-Child Development Centre, The White Spot, Variety Club of BC, Community Foundation of the South Okanagan, Staples, Penticton Herald, Summerland Review and Penticton Western, Barebones Theatre Company, Wal-Mart, Zellers, Lee & Dale Jewelers, private consultants, concerned citizens, family members, foundations, community agencies & service providers Dragonflies and Minnows Spring Break 2008 PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM MONDAY MARCH 17, 18, 19 &20TH 9:30-12:00 PENTICTON COMMUNITY CENTRE POOL & GYM Child's Information: Date:__________ Child's Name: ______________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________________________________ Any allergies or concerns: _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Parents/Guardian name(s): ___________________________________ Contact phone number: ______________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________ Caregiver's Name: __________________________________________ (Or person accompanying participant) Contact phone number: ______________________________________ Emergency Contact Person: __________________________________ Contact phone number: Email:________________________________ I have read and agree that the above information is correct, and I will notify the Program Coordinator of any changes. ________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date