sipahi annual 2070 year 46 - issue 47
sipahi annual 2070 year 46 - issue 47
lj=;+= !(#& df ef/tsf] u'h/ftsf eujfgnfn OGb|hLn] g]kfnsf @#j6f clen]v k|sfz u/]kl5 j+zfjnLx¿sf] cfwf/df dfq kl9Fb} u/]sf] g]kfnsf]Oltxf; tfTsflns k|fdfl0fs ;fdu|Lsf] cfwf/df ljZn]i f0f ul/g] r/0fdf k|j]z u/]sf] xf] . tL @# j6f clen]vdf lnR5ljsfnsf !% j6f, dNnsfnsf & j6f / zfxsfnsf] Pp6f clen]v lyP . lj=;+= !(#& df !% j6f clen]v k|sfz eP/ z'? ePsf lnR5ljsfnsf clen]v kl5Nnf] sfnsf] cg';Gwfgaf6 clxn];Dd @@) j6fclen]vsf] k|sfzgdf k'u]sf] 5 . lnR5ljsfnsf tL clen]v / c¿ afëo tyf cfGtl/s k|df0fx¿sf] cfwf/df lnR5ljsfnsf] g]kfn em08}em08} clxn]s} hqf] lyof] eGg] s'/f l;4 eO;s] sf] 5 . lnR5ljsfnkl5 g]kfnsf] ;f] cj:yf /x]g / qmdzM /fHo 6'qmg] qmd z'? eof] . of] qmd a9\b} hfFbf ljqmdsf] afx|f}F ztfAbLlt/ g]kfndf # j6f /fHo v8f x'g k'u] . Pp6f g]kfnvfN8f] s]Gb| ePsf] klZrd ! g+= g'j fsf] 6;Dd dfq cfkm\g f] /fHo sfod /xFbf klg :d:t g]kfn gjsf]6e'ª\ tLk|h]+t /fh]s[td\ -;d:t g]kfn g'j fsf]6 e'l Qm;Dd /fHo u/]_ egL uj{ ug{] s]Gb|sf] /fHo, csf{] g]kfnsf] blIf0fk"je{ ]sdf gfGob]j n] v8f u/]sf] l;d/f}g u9/fHo, csf{] g]kfnsf] klZrdf]Q/e]sdf gfu/fhn] v8f u/]sf] l;Fhf/fHo, hf] s'g } j]nf rLgsf] :jzfl;t If]q ltAatsf] dfg;/f]j /k|b]z / ef/tsf] pQ/fv08 /fHosf]s'dfpF–u9jfnk|b]z;Dd cfkm\g f] clwsf/ k'¥ofpg ;dy{ ePsf] lyof] . /fHo 6'qmg] qmd qmdzM a9\b} uof] / ljqmdsf] c7f/f}F ztfAbLdf k'Ubf o;e]sdf %@ j6feGbf a9L/fHo v8f eP. o;} cj:yfdf lj=;+=!&&( kf}if @& ut] uf]/vfsf /fhf g/e"kfn zfxsf h]7f 5f]/fsf] ¿kdf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] hGd eof] . lj=;+= !^!^ df b|Jo zfxn] uf]/vf/fHo v8f u/]b]l v g} uf]/vfnLx¿n] k"j{ lt/ a9\g ] s'/fdf Wofg lbPsf lyP . o;sf] ;fy} of]Uo+ of]Uofo bftJod\ -7Ls dflg;nfO{ 7Ls 7fpFdf /fVg'k5{_ eGg] l;4fGtn] klg uf]/vf/fHodf s]xL sfd u/]sf] lyof] . lj=;+=!&(( r}q @% ut] afa' g/e"kfn zfxsf] d[To' ePkl5 k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx uf]/vfsf /fhf eP . cfkm" /fhfx'g] lalQs} k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] PsLs/0fsf] sfd z'? ul/xfn] / To;sf] husf] ¿kdf lj=;+=!*)! cflZjg !% ut] g'jfsf]6ljhoaf6 Tof] sfd z'? eOxfNof] . cgj/t kl/>dn] cfkm\g f] /fHoeGbf k"j{l t/sf dsjfgk'/, sf7df8f}F, kf6g, eQmk'/, rf}b08L, ljhok'/sf] PsLs/0f ug{ k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx ;dy{ eP . g]kfnvfN8f]sf] ljhonuQ} klZrdlt/sf] cleofgdf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx nfu] / z'?df s]xL ;kmntf xft nfu] klg cGTodf c;kmntf xft nfUof] . To;kl5 k"j{l t/sf] cleofgdf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx nfu] / To;df pgn] ;kmntf kfP klg . k"j{l t/sf] cleofg k'/f ePkl5 km]l/ klZrdlt/sf] cleofg ;+rfng ug{ g'j fsf]6 k'u]sf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx cs:dft\ la/fdL k/] / ToxLF lj=;+= !*#! Dff3 ! ut] pgsf] d[To' eof] . cfkm\g f] d[To' x'g 'eGbf s]xL lbgcl3 cfkm\g f efOef/fbf/x¿nfO{hDdfkf/Lk[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] pkb]z lbP, hf] lbJof]kb]z klg sxlnG5 . To; pkb]zdf ljleGg ljifo 5g\ tfklgTo;nfO{ d"Votof b'O efudf afF8\g ;lsG5 . Pp6f cfkm\g f] hLjgsf pgn] Hofb} dxŒjk"0 f{ 7fg]sf s'/f / csf{]c fkm\g f] gLlt;Fu ;Da4 ljifo . cfkm\g f] hLjg;Fu ;Da4 s'/f atfpFbf klg d"ntM pgn] cfkm\g f] PsLs/0f cleofg;Fu ;Da4 s'/fnfO{ g}hf]8 lbPsf 5g\ . pkb]zdf pgn] cfk\mgf afa'sf] rr{} u/]sf 5}g g\, t/ cfkm\g f efOx¿sf] rrf{ u/]sf 5g\ . efOx¿sf] d2tn] pgn] PsLs/0fsf] sfd a9fpg ;s]sf lyP . dsjfgk'/sL /fhs'df/L OGb|s'df/L;Fu ePsf] ljjfxsf] rrf{ pgn] pkb]zdf u/]sf 5g\ . k[YjLgf/fo0fsf]PsLs/0f ;DaGwL ljrf/nfO{ ;f] c;kmn ljjfxn] dnhn u/]sf] lyof] . uf]vf{j +zfjnLdf o;ljifodfo:tf]e lgPsf] 5 – >Lgfos k[YjLgf/fo0f ;fx kfpnfUg' x'“bf] eof]= af6fdf cfkmgf ef/f kfFrl;t x's'd x'+bf] eof]= s:tf] x's'd eof] eGof cab]lvg\ Odsjflgnufot\ O rf}lal; afOl;sf r]lna]6L ljjfx ug'{5 }g= Sofcy{n] eGof cfkmgf /flgsf] lalGt uf]r/ ;'Gg}k5{= ;'Gofkl5 gftf;+aGw dfjnL ;;'/fnL eofkl5 dfof df]x x'G5= t;y{ g]kfnnufOt ;sn kxf8sf] d'n's lngfsf] dg;'j f cl3 klg /x]5 = d]/f klg Plx dg;'jf 5= lxGb'klt x]ds0f{ ;]g dxf/fhfsf /flgn] dnfO t'R5 jrg af]N ofsf] tf d]/f dg;'jf b[9 u/fpgfnfO kf] /x]5 elg P:t} t/xsf aftlrt x's'd x'b} uf]iff{ cfOk'Ug'x'bf] eof]= o;/L cfkm\g f] PsLs/0f cleofg;Fu of] ljjfx hf]l8Psf]n] k[ YjLgf/fo0fn] o;sf] rrf{ u/]sf x'g \ . sfzLsf /hk"tsL 5f]/L g/]Gb|nIdL;F u ePsf] bf];f| ] ljjfx, h;af6 pgsf] j+z rNof], To;sf] rflxFpgn] pkb]zdf pNn]v u/]sf 5}gg\ . olt s'/f ug'{sf] tfTko{ pgn] h'g pkb]z lbP, To;sf] d"n p2]Z o cfkm"n] PsLs/0f ubf{ p7fPsf] si6sf]] ;+l IfKt cg'e j ;'g fpg' / cfkm"kl5 cfkm"n] cfh{]sf] / eljiodf cfkm\g f ;Gtfgn] cflh{g 'kg{] /fHo hf]ufpg rflxg] gLltsf] rrf{ ug'{ g} xf] eGg] :ki6 x'G5 . To;} k|; +udf PsLs/0fcleofgsf] d"n c+u ;}GogLltsf] af/]df klg pkb]zdf s]xL s'/f k/]sf] 5= ca To;sf] af/]df s]xL rrf{ tn ul/G5 . ;;'/fnL dsjfgk'/df s'/f gldnL rGb|flul/sf] af6f] u/Luf]/vflt/ kms{]sf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxnfO{ g]kfnvfN8f]sf tLg /fHo lhTg] OR5f x'G5 / To;sf] nflu d}w Ldf pgn] ;}Gogfosx¿sf] e]nf u/] – r]Kofsf] iffjf lnUnLu\sf] cf8 ul/ /fif]sf d]/f ltg lj/ 5g\= ltgnfO{ af]nfxf6sf] ¿sf n]i fgh}l ; eGbf ltgsf] gfp s] s] xf] elg ;'Wofof / /0flht\ a:Goft\ dfgl;+ /f]sfxf lj/eb| kf7s\ d}l wdf /ftlbg ul/ cfOk's elg n]ifL k7f`f / cfO{k'u] / ltg5]p osfGt u¥of -/_ eg]= lbsaGb ;]gl;t xfs lb cf`f= g]kfn klg b]lif cf`f= xfGgfsf] dg;'jf klg /fifL cf`f= ltldx? Sof eG5f} elg d}n ] eGbf xfGg'xj;\ dxf/fhf eg]/ ;Nnfxf lbof / d}n] eg] d h;} csf{sf] 5qeË ug{ d hf+5'= d]/f] 5qe+u ug{ csf{] cfof] eGof s;f] xf]n f elg d}n ] eGbf xh"/sf xfltxpjf O{ a fO{;\ rf}l al; cfof] eGof r]Kofdf /utsf] glb axfpnf dfxf/fhf eGof / osfGtaf6 pl7 uf]i ff{ uop= /0flht\ a:Goft, dfgl;+x /f]sfxf / jL/eb| kf7s gfdsf # hgf ;}Gogfosx¿;Fusf] 5nkmndf g]kfnvfN8f] lhTg] OR5f k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx k|s6 u5{g \, pgsf] To; s'/fdf tLg}hgf ;]gfgfosn] pT;fx yK5g\, t/ k[i 7zf]wg gu/L cl3 a9\bf klZrdaf6 ndh'ª cflbaf6 x'g ] cfqmd0faf6 s;/Lhf]l ug] eGg] k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] k|Z gdf ;]g fgfosx¿af6 pT;fxk"j{ssf] pQ/ t cfpF5, t/ To;af6 k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] lrQ /fd|f]; Fu ga'e m]sf] otfaf6 b]l vg cfpF5 . d}w Laf6 lxF8]kl5 k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx uf]/vfdf kms{ G5g\ . To;} a]nf tLy{x¿ 3'Db} k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf dfdf kfNkfnL o'j/fh pBf]t ;]g uf]/vfdf cfOk'U5g\ / pgsf] k[YjLgf/fo0f;Fu o:tf] s'/f x'G5 — k'u]kl5 dfdfHo" klg lgns+0 7 k;'kltsf] b;{g nfO{ b]p3f6sf] af6f] ul/ hfg'eofsf] /x]5= lgns+07 k;'kltsf] b;{g eofkl5 >Luf]/ifgfysf] b;{g nfO{ uf]iff{d f cfpg'eof] / b;{g eofkl5 dl;t e] 6 eof] / d}n ] eGof= dfdfHo" ds'jfgk'/ klg k'lu cf`f= g]kfn klg b] lif cf`f= xfGgfsf] dg'; 'af klg /flif cf`+f+= slt s'/fn] d]/f] sfh kmTo] xf]nf= clt{ aS;g'eof x'bf] xf] elg d}n ] eGbf dnfO{ klg kRr/fqLdf lb|i6fGt eof]= xfdLn] b]if\tf kfrkf08'j fsf] cjtf/ eof h:tf] nfUb5= s'?Ifqsf] d]nf ge} g]kfn km'6\g ]5}g = ndh'g\ eGofsf] u?8 xf]= uf]i ff{ eGofsf] ;/k xf]= g]kfn eGofsf] Eofu'tf] xf]= c3L u?8sf] cfiff 5n\g=' ta ;k{n] Eofu'tf] iffg kfp5= d]/f ;fydf rf/ hftsf l;kflx 5g\= OGdf s:sf] ;jf/ u¥of rf8f] sfh kmTo xf]nf elg ;f]Wbf s] s] hft 5g\ elg ;f]W fg'eof] / afx'g \ if;\ du/ 7s'l / Ogdfs:sf] ;jf/ u¥of rf8f] sfh kmToxf]n f elg ;f]Wbf afx'g\sf] ;jf/ eGofsf] ao]n xf]= kfts\ nfU5= 7s'l/sf] ;jf/ eGofsf] l;+3 xf]= k5fl8 buf x'G5= du|sf] ;jf/ eGofsf] 6fug\ 3f]8f xf]= l9nf] x'G5= if;sf] ;jf/ eGofsf] tflh t'l s{ 3f]8f xf]= if;sf] ;jf/ u¥of rf8f] xf]nf eGof h:tf] nfU5 elg c? w]/} s'/fsf] clt{ lb hfg'eof]Yof]= pg} clt{ ln`f= k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] d]/f ;}Godf afx'g , v;, du/ / 7s'/L 5g\, logdf s;nfO{ ;]g fklt agfpFbf /fd|f] xf]nf egL dfdf;Fu ;Nnfx ubf{ dfdfn] afx'g, du/ / 7s'/Ldf ePsf] bf]ifsf] rrf{ u/L ;aeGbf of]Uo v; x'G5g\ egL eG5g\ / Tof] ;Nnfx / c¿ cg'ejsf] cfwf/df kl5 sfn' kfF8] sfhL agfOG5g\ . sfn' kfF8]sf] of]Uotfaf6 k|efljt ePsf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfx cfkm\g f] cleofgnfO{ cem a9L k|efjzfnL agfpg To;df a:GoftnfO{ klg hf]8\5g\ / kfF8] / a:Goftsf] j}jflxs;DaGwdf :jo+ ndL aGg k'U5g\ — ca kf8] a:Goft\sf] h'u aflwlb+5'= t]l / 5f]l / l;j/fd a:Goft\sf] 5f]/f] s]x]l ;{+x a:Goft\nfO{ b]p elg dflu lax] klg ul/lb`f / kf8] a:Goft\sf] h'u aflw kf8]sf] 9fn\ a:Goft\sf] t/jf/ ul/ g]kfndf r9fO u¥ofsf] xf] .. sfn' kfF8]sL 5f]/L lrqfb]jL / lzj/fdl;+x a:Goftsf dflxnf 5f]/f s]x/l;+xsf] j}jflxs ;DaGw o;/L k[YjLgf/fo0f hf]8\5g\ . lj=;+=!*)# df ;fFufrf]ssf]n8fOF“df cfkm\g f] Hofg pT;u{ u/]sf lzj/fdl;+xsf 5f]/f s]x/l;+x lj=;+= !*@* kf}i f % ut] ePsf] ;tx'Fsf] n8fOFFdf d[To' j/0f u5{g \ . lj=;+= !*!$ Ho]i 7 !( ut] ePsf] sLlt{k'/sf] n8fOFFdf sfn' kfF8] dfl/Psf x'g\ . pkb]zsf] j0f{g af6 Tof] ljjfx x'Fbf lzj/fdl;+x lalt;s]sf / sfn' kfF8] hLljt /x]sf] efj cfpF5 . o;/L k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] b'O{6f 3/fgfsf] ;DaGw u/fP/ cfkm\g f] PsLs/0fcleofgnfO{ cl3 a9fpg vf]h]sf] b]lvG5 . ToxL pkb]zsf] kl5Nnf] c+zdf lzj/fdl;+x a:Goftsf ;GtfgnfO{ blIf0flt/sf] cyf{t\ ef/tlt/sf] / sfn' kfF8]sf ;GtfgnfO{ ef]6lt/sf] cyf{t\pQ/lt/sf] ;lGw cflb sfdsf] lhDdf lbg] s'/f u/]/ k[YjLgf/fo0fn] o; ;DaGwnfO{ cem a9L dha" t kf/]sf 5g\ . lj=;+= !*)! cflZjg !% ut] g'jfsf]6 lht]sf k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] lj=;+= !*@% cflZjg !# ut] sf7df8f}F, lj=;+= !*@% cflZjg @$ ut] kf6g / lj=;+=!*@^ dfu{ ! ut] eQmk'/ ljho u/L g]kfnvfN8f]d f k"0f{ clwsf/ hdfP . pgn] g]kfn vfN8f]j l/kl/sf 8fF8fsf] ;}GodxTjsf] af/]df ljrf/ u/]/ o:tf] af]n]sf 5g\ — of] g]kfnsf] tift lsNnf xf]=of] lsNnf kfof] eGof rf/} afb;fxnfO{ jx|fnf nfpg}5= O:j/n] /rgf u¥ofsf] lsNnf /x]5 = :jwg'kg{] /x]g 5= l;jk'l / ! km'n\rf]s\ @ rG8f-lul/ # d_dxfb]pkf]ifl/ $kfn'+ % bfKrf ^ sfx'Nof & O{gdf klg lsNnf ksL agfpg'= lsNnflk5] tf]k nd\56\ ul/ /fifLlbg' / hlt eGHofO{ 5g\= eGHofkL5] os os kmnfd]9f]sf agfO{ 9f]sflk5] os os tf]k nd\56\ ul/ /fifLlbg' / kk+f+r l;kflx /fifLlbg' / o:j eofkl5 r]jf uGof{ rrf{ uGof{ euGof gf:Gof 9's"jf km;flb if'l g o:tfx¿sf] klg s]xL rNg]5}g = rf/} afb;fxL r9fO{ ul/ cfof] eGof klg s;}sf] s]xL rn\Go /x]g 5= lzjk'/L, km'n\rf]sL, rGb|flul/, dxfb]pkf]v/L, kfn'ª, bfKrf, sfx'n] oL & 7fpFdf /fd|f] lsNnf agfO{ ltgdf ;}l gs /fVg", To;f] eP h:tf] zlQm cfP klg n8\g ;lsG5 egL oxfF n]l vPsf] 5 . ef/fbf/x¿ ljnf;L ePkl5 7"nf] ;}GozlQm klg o'4df k/flht x'G5 eGg] s'/f ef/tsf] Oltxf;af6 :ki6 x'G5 . of] s'/f k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] /fd|/L a'em]sf lyP . To;}n] ;}l gsx¿n] cfkm\g f] Jojxf/ rnfpgrflxF ;s"g\, t/ pgLx¿ w]/} wg sdfO{ ljnf;LrflxF gxf]pmg\ eGg] nIo k[YjLgf/fo0fn] lnPsf] b]l vG5 — Sof r'gL l;kfO{ eof Sof e}ef/fbf/ eof OgnfO{ bjny sfdfpg glbg'= cfbdL x]l/ x'd{t\ dfq} /fifLlbg'=sLg egf}nf= bjny\ eofsfn] t/jf/df kl; dg{ dfg{ ;s}gg\ / xl/ksf] rks\ x'G5= l;kflx e}ef/fbf/n] :jif u/]g g\ eGof rf/} if'6\df d]/f] t/jf/ ahGo}5= b]lvG5 . ljnf;L ePkl5 ;}l gsx¿ /fd|/L n8\g ;Sb}gg\, b]z k/fwLg x' G5 eGg] efjn] k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] o:tf] af]n]sf] cfkm\g f ef/fbf/n] v/fk sfd u/] klg p;nfO{ gdfg"{, 7"nf] n8fOFFdf k7fOlbg", lht]/ cfof] eg] /fd|} eof], d¥of] eg] klg s]xL v/fa ePg egL k[YjLgf/fo0fn] af]n]sf 5g\ — kf8] a:Goft\ k+y e}ofb d+u|nfO{ df/ftk\ lbbf cfnf]kfnf] kfnf] ul/ iffg lbg'= O{ d]/f g'g \u'g\sf :jemf ;]js x'g\= O{g Lx¿sf] hLj hfGof la/fd u¥ofsf] eof klg cfkm'n ] gdfg'{= a? df/ftk lbo]/ n8f`Ldf emf]l;lbg' / lhj hf]ufO{ cfof] eGof a9Lof eof]= dl/uof] eGof cfkm'n] dfg'{ cs}{af6 dfl/lbofsf] a9Lof x'G5= ta /fhfn] ;]j snfO{ 3/df gdfg'{= cfkm\g f] ;}Godf ljb|f]x gxf]c f] ;\ egL k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] of] gLlt lnPsf] b]l vG5 . l;kfxLx¿nfO{ 3/kl§sf] s'/fdf 9'Ss eP/ n8\g ;Sg] cj:yf NofOlbg'k5{ egLk[YjLgf/fo0fn] o:tf] af]n]sf 5g\ – pk|fGt .. h9 s'/f] /fhfnfO{ rfxLGof l;kflxx?sf] 3/ if]t\ ldnfO{lbg' / dn\ hn\ u5{g \ / 8'jf} af]l6 leq xfNg kfp5g\ / slanfsf] lglkm{l s| x'G5= 9f]sfdf eof klg uf}8fdf eof klg l;kflxx¿sf] 5flt alnof] /xG5= ;}l gsx¿nfO{ hflu/sf] ¿kdf 3/ kfos kg{] u/L hUuf lbg", To;f] ePkl5 df]xL / tlN;ª b'j}sf] efu kfpF5g\ / 3/kl§af6 9'Ss eO{ n8\g ] sfddf ;}l gsx¿ nfUg ;S5g\ / cfkm\g f] ljho x'G5 egL k[YjLgf/fo0fn] oxfF af]n]sf 5g\ . 5g\ . ;}l gsx¿nfO{ of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df egf{ u/L sfdsf] cfwf/df kbf]Ggt ug'{k5{ egL k[YjLgf/fo0fn] o:tf] af]n ]sf khlg ubf{df klg ;o] gfnsf s+d\kgL hdfpg' / ;o] gfnsf ;'a ]bf/ rf/ kfr n8f`Ldf h; kfO{ cfofsf o:tf cfkm'n ] hflr ;'a]bf/ xfNg'= ;'a]bf/n] klg ;ft kul/ b'O{ rf/ af9 iffofsf o:tf ;ftkul/ xfn\g '= ;ftkul/n] :jx| x'bf xfNbf cfkm'l;t dg{] dfGo{ hfrL !^ x'bf xfn\g '= !^ x'bfn] klg cfkm'l;t dg{] dfGo{ hfrL l;kflx xfln cfkm\g fcfkm\g fkl§ egf{ ug'{= aGb"s af]Sg] ;ohgf l;kflxx¿af6 sDkgL v8f ug'{k5{, rf/ kfFrj6f n8fOFFdf ;kmntf k|fKt u/]sfnfO{ /fhfn] ;'a]bf/ agfpg'k5{, ;' a]bf/n] b'O{ rf/j6f n8fOFF n8]sfnfO{ ;ftku/L agfpg'k5{, ;ftku/Ln] n8fOFFdf /fd|f]; Fu n8\g ;Sg] ;f]x| x'b\bf egf{ ug'{k5{, ;f]x| x'b\bfn] klg n8fOFFdf /fd|f]; Fun8\g ;Sg] l;kfxLx¿ egf{ ug'{k5{ egL oxfF n]l vPsf] 5. l;kfxLdf of] of] hftsf dflg; /fVg" egL o;/L n]l vPsf] 5 – k§L kl§df l;kflx klgif;\ du/ u'?+ 7s'l / O{g } rf/ hft dfq} lifrf]n f ul/xfn\g ' / tjf{/ kbf{ ;fx|f] x'G5= n'xf RofkGof klg Og} rf/ hft dfq} x'g\ / t-/_jf/ kbf{ ;fx|f] x'G5 / j}l / tSof OGb|sf] cf;g\ klg 8ufO{5= ;]g fdf v;, du/, u'?ª, 7s'/L hftsf dflg; /fVg" / sDkgLhdfpFbf tL ;a} hftsf dflg; /fVg" egLoxfFelgPsf] 5 . klxn] dfdf;Fu ;Nnfx ubf{ k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] cfkm\g f] ;}Godf afx'g, v;, du/, 7s'/L 5g\ egL af]n]sfdf kl5Nnf] sfndf To;df ;+zf]wg u/L afx' gsf] 7fpFdf u'? ª /flvPsf] b]l vG5 . o'4;fdu|Lsf] ¿kdf wg', aGb"s, v'F8f, tf]ksf] Joj:yf x'g 'k5{ egL n]l vPsf] 5 — xhf/f} wgf xhf/f} kysf{nf xhf/f} if'8f xhf/f} tf]k eof OGb|sf] cf;g klg 8ufO{5 = xhf/f}F wg', xhf/f}F aGb"s, xhf/f}F vF'8f, xhf/f}F tf]k eP sf]xL;Fu 8/fpg'kb{}g egLoxfF elgPsf] 5 . n8fOFFdf n8\g hfg] / To;sf] aGbf]a:t ldnfpg] b'j }sf] plQs} dxŒj x'G5 egL o:tf] n]l vPsf] 5 – n8f`Ldf klg xfGGof / ;if lbGof O{ b'j} a/f]a/ x'g \= hflu/ lbbf latn\ lbbf b'j}n fO{ a/f] a/ lbg'= n8\g hfg] /To;sf] nflu cfjZos Joj:yf ldnfpg] b'j }sf] plQs} dxŒj x'gfn] hflu/ lbFbf / hUuf lbFbf b'j}n] plQs} dxŒj kfpg'k5{ egLoxfF elgPsf] 5 . n8fOFFdf n8\g hfg]n fO{ lgw{Ss;Fu n8\g] jftfj/0f agf];\ egL k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] d/j6sf]Joj:yf u/]sf lyP — d¥of] eGof p:sf 5f]/f if'8f xfGGof gx'GHofn\ d/j6 lbg'= if'8f xfGGof eofkl5 hflu/df psflnlbg'= n8fOFFdf s'g } ;}lgssf] d[To' eof] eg] p;sf] 5f]/fnfO{ d/j6 gfds a[lQ lbg", pd]/ k'u]kl5 / n8\g ;Sg] ePkl5 p;nfO{ hflu/ lbg" egLoxfF n]l vPsf] 5 . /fhfn] ljj]s /fv] eg] of]Uo l;kfxL xft nfU5g\ egL pkb]zdf n]l vPsf] 5 – /fhfn] ljj]s /fifLlbof b];b]; sf l;kflx klg cf;f /fifL cfpg\5g\ / o:j eof t/jf/Lof l;kflx xft nfu\5g\ = /fhfn] ljj]sk"j{s sfd u/] eg] b]zljb]zsf l;kfxLx¿ cfkm"sxfF cfpF5g\ / of]Uo ;}l gsx¿ cfkm"sxfF x'G5g\ egL oxfF n]l vPsf] 5 . l;kfxL / b'l gofF /fhfsf d"n tŒj x'g \ egL pkb]zdf n]l vPsf] 5 – kfpb}g = /fhfsf ;f/ eGofsf] l;kflx / /}l tx? 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P;=;L=;/sf/, s]=s]= bQ cfw'l gs ef/t jif{ sf Oltxf; -@ efu_, OlG8og k|]; lnld6]8 k|ofu, lj=;+=@))* lq/Tg dfgGw/, tLy{k|; fb ld>, lbg]z/fh kGt, sdnl;+x /f7f}/, ej]Zj/ k+u]gL g]kfnL ;]g fsf] Oltxf;, hËL c8\8f sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)^( lbg]z/fh kGt lj=;+=@)@^ >L % k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] d/j6gLlt, k"l0f{df @@ k"0ff{Ísf !!&–!!( k[=, ;+zf]w g — d08n sf7df8f}F, lbg]z/fh kGt g]kfnsf] Oltxf;sf s]xL kfgf, ;femfk|sfzg sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)#* lbg]z/fh kGt uf]/vfsf] Oltxf; -klxnf] efu_, lbg]z/fh kGt sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)$! lbg]z/fh kGt >L % k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] ljifodf s]xL s'/f, ;femf k|sfzg nlntk'/, lj=;+=@)%* lbg]z/fh kGt >L % a8fdxf/fhflw/fh k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] lbJof]kb]z, >L % sf] ;/sf/ ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/dGqfno ;"rgfljefu sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)%( lbg]z/fh kGt dxfd08nb]lv sfFu8f;Dd, lvnzd{f /fhLjnf]rghf]zL:df/s k|l ti7fg sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)^& go/fh kGt >L % k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] pkb] zsf] g]kfnL tyf ;+:s[t kBdoL JofVof, g]kfn /fhsLo k|1fk|lti7fg sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)$) go/fh kGt, b]jLk|;fb e08f/L, uf}tdjh| jh|frfo{, lbg]z/fh kGt >L % k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] pkb]z -!—% v08_, hubDafk|sfzg nlntk'/, lj=;+=@)@%, @)@* afa'/fd cfrfo{ >L % a8fdxf/fhflw/fh k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] ;+lIfKt hLjgL -!–@ efu_, >L % dxf/fhflw/fhsf k|]; ;lrjfno /fhb/af/ sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)@$ afa'/fd cfrfo{ >L % a8fdxf/fhflw/fh k[Y jLgf/fo0f zfxsf] ;+lIfKt hLjgL -#–$ efu_, >L % dxf/fhflw/fhsf k|d'v ;+j fb ;lrjfno /fhb/af/ sf7df8f}F, lj=;+=@)@%–@)@^ dx]z/fh kGt l/Sysf] b'b{zf, /fhwfgL !# jif{ !*% cÍsf] & k[ =, pT;u{– k|sfzg k|f=ln= sf7df8fF}, lj=;+=@)&) kf}if ! ut] xl/x/gfy zf:qL dL/ sfl;d, sfzLljBfkL7 sfzL, lj=;+=!(*$ Nature and Challenges of Peace Support Operations in 21st Century: A Case of United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) - Major Ranjit Thapa “More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that, my friends, is why we have the United Nations.” -Kofi Annan 1 Abstract Established immediately after South Sudan became a sovereign state in 2011, UNMISS is mainly mandated to provide support for state building, strengthen government’s institutions, and protection of civilian, which varies from the traditional peacekeeping framework. Operating in a new nation, inter-communal violence and activities of non-state armed groups appears limiting its freedom of movement, posing challenges to protection of civilian, and threats to its personnel too. However, there appears multiple challenges, role of UNMISS has been observed instrumental in the transformation of a new nation. Drawing on various literatures and based on own observation, this paper seeks to highlight nature and challenges of peace support operations at present by taking into account the case of UNMISS. Introduction 1. In Africa, on 9 July 2011, a new nation, South Sudan, was born, when it declared independence following a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) -provided referendum that voted overwhelmingly in favour of secession from Sudan. As a sovereign state, it became 193 member of United Nations, and UNMISS was established on 9 July 2011. This mission is refreshed from United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) established in 2005, when the Government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) that struggled for almost 25 years for the liberation of Southern Sudan, signed a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in April 2005. 2. UNMISS, unlike traditional peacekeeping–“blue helmets on ground,” is mandated with a range of objectives - state-building to protection of civilian (PoC), which warrants a coordinated, committed, and sustained effort of all components of mission so as contribute in establishing conditions that strengthen government’s institutions and support its capability to govern. Furthermore, provide support in establishing infrastructure that enables future development, strengthen the capability for rule of law, and gradually develop South Sudan as a peaceful and democratically stable country by which it can aspire for future prosperity. 1 BBC News, BBC Home Page, New Millennium, New Challenges , millennium/584374.stm (accessed 22 October 13) 3. Furthermore, it is also necessary to monitor situation that the two countries, recently separated, gradually move towards resolving underlying issues, especially border demarcation, which appears important in maintaining security of the region in general and the transition of South Sudan in particular. Drawing on various literatures and based on own observation this paper attempts to highlight nature and challenges of peace support operations at present day taking into account the case of UNMISS. South Sudan: A Country in General 4. South Sudan with an area of 644, 329 square kilometers2 and estimated population of 9.6 million 3 is bordered by Ethiopia to East, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo to South, Central African Republic to West and Sudan to North (see figure 1). It has 10 states. English is the official language. Ethnic groups mainly comprises, though there exists more than twenty, of Dinka, Lou Nuer, Kakwa, Bari, Shilluk, Murle, Anuak, Jie, and Acholi. 4 Literacy rate is 20% and 50.6% of people live below poverty line. 5 Figure-1 South Sudan and Bordering Countries Source: CIA, The World Fact Book, South Sudan, (accessed 23 October 13). 5. Its major historical development can be traced on from 1870s, when Egypt attempted to colonize the region of Southern Sudan by establishing the province of Equatoria. However, in 1898 a British force was able to overthrow the Islamic Mahdist regime, who overran the region in 1885. With Equatoria being the southernmost of its eight provinces, an Anglo-Egyptian Sudan was established and Equatoria remained an isolated region over the following decades.6 6. Sudan gained its independence from the British rule in 1956. During that time, it was with an understanding that the Southerners would be able to participate fully in the political system of Sudan. When the Arab-led Khartoum government reneged on its promises, a mutiny began that led to two conflicts, 1955-1972 and 1983-2005, in which perhaps 2.5 million people died due to starvation and drought. 7 The difference between the North and the South was reinforced, when Islam Sharia law was introduced in September 1983. 8 The recent conflict, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UNMISS Home Page, (accessed 20 October 13). LeRiche and Arnold, 4. Ibid Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Prolonged Wars, (accessed 26 October 13). 1983-2005, for liberation of South from Sudan by SPLM, with its armed wing Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), ended with a CPA signed on 9 January 2005. 7. Following a six-year mandatory interim period provided by CPA for South, a referendum was held on 9 January 2011 as a part of the agreement. The result was a vote of 98.8% 9 in favor of secession and it attained independence on 9 July 2011. The new country comprises 10 of Sudan’s 25 states. The former head of the SPLM, Dr. John Garang, was killed in a helicopter crash on 30 July 2005.10 The current president, Salva Kiir Mayardit, took over after Garang’s death and was re-elected with 93% of the vote in 2010.11 8. The economic conditions have deteriorated since January 2012, when the government decided to shut down oil production following bilateral disagreements with Sudan. Moreover, a boundary demarcation issue in Abyei region, which resulted in clashes in the recent past between Sudan and South Sudan, remains unresolved. Since 27 June 2012, United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) is established, deploying Ethiopian troops, to demilitarize Abyei and to monitor the flashpoint border between north and south. 12 Since independence, South Sudan has struggled with good governance and nation building and has attempted to control various non-state armed groups operating in its territory. UNMISS: A Brief Background and the Mandate 9. After the CPA signed on 9 January 2005, UNMIS was established in Khartoum, which ended its interim period on 8 July 2011.13 When the Security Council passed resolution 1996 on 8 July 2011, a refreshed UNMISS was established in Juba on 9 July 2011. Established under chapter VII of UN charter,14 UNMISS is mandated initially for a period of one year with the intention to renew the mandate and period as may be required. In July 2013, Security Council renewed its mandate until 15 July 2014.15 10. According to the mandate, up to 7,000 military personnel, including military liaison officers and staff officers, up to 900 civilian police personnel, including as appropriate formed units, and an appropriate civilian component, including technical human rights investigation expertise forms the component of UNMISS. Key parts of the mandate are: 16 (a) Support for peace consolidation and thereby fostering longer-term state-building and economic development; (b) Support the Government in exercising its responsibilities for conflict prevention, mitigation, and resolution and protect civilians; (c) Support the Government in developing its capacity to provide security, to establish rule of law, and to strengthen the security and justice sectors. 9 LeRiche and Arnold, 131. Ibid.,115. 11 Aljazeera, Country Profile: South Sudan, 2011630102213823618.html (accessed 23 October 13). 12 UNISFA, (accessed 28 October 2013). 13 UNMISS Mandate , (accessed 22 August 2013). 14 Ibid. 15 Security Council, SC/11058, (accessed 12 September 2013). 16 UNMISS Mandate. 10 Mission Structure and Operating Modalities in General 11. Mission has various components providing uniqueness to its nature and function. It mainly comprises of civilian and military components. Human Rights and Women Protection, Civil Affairs, Child Protection, Recovery, Reintegration and Peace Building, PoC, Rule of Law, and Public Information are the major focal units, besides Mission Support Division, Military, and Police. UNMISS is headed by Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG). The highest level of coordination and mission support is from UNMISS FHQ, Juba. Deputy SRSG, Force Commander, and Director of Mission Support work directly under SRSG. 12. In each state, UNMISS has State Support Bases (SSBs) headed by State Coordinator; a senior most civilian leadership to coordinate mission activities in the state. In each SSB, there are normally 3 to 5 County Support Bases (CSBs). Based on criticality of the situation to support mission requirement, Temporary Operating Bases (TOBs) are established by troops for few months to an extended duration. All components; civilian, military, police, and mission support staffs, similar to FHQ, represents in all SSBs and CSBs too. At each SSB, Military Liaison Team consisting of 14 to 22 Military Liaison Officers (MLOs), mostly Majors and headed by Colonel, conducts liaison with SPLA and contribute in planning of integrated missions. 13. In order to implement mission mandate, FHQ and SSBs regularly engage in planning of various programmes. Most of the activities, situation analysis and risk assessment, investigation, monitoring and reporting, information gathering and developing early warning capability for PoC, strengthening capacity of host government’s security forces are planned and executed by an Integrated Team (IT) composed of various units, and lead role by civilian leadership. Jonglei State: Mission Focus 14. Jonglei is one of 10 states of South Sudan with an area of 122,479 square kilometers (See figure 2). It has 11 Counties with its state capital at Bor. Besides, various ethnic groups; Dinka and Lou Nuer are considered as major groups. Murle tribe, in majority, remains mostly in eastern Jonglie. UNMISS has SSB at Bor, CSB [TOB] in Pibor and Akobo, and TOBs in Gumuruk and Yuai. This state has remained the focus of the mission, and international community too, due to increasing threats to civilian population as well as attack on UNMISS personnel, which appears to have provided limited freedom of movement mainly orchestrated by armed group activities and inter-communal violence. Figure-2 Jonglei State of South Sudan Source: STILLSUDAN, 29 June 2010, (accessed 28 October 13). Few places updated by author. 15. The situation in Jonglei state has remained volatile, uncertain, and complex, since the spike in inter-communal violence in late 2011. David Yau Yau, a civilian Murle tribesman in his thirties, launched his first revolt against state authority in May 2010 from Pibor after his defeat as an independent candidate in April 2010 parliamentary election, representing that County, in the State Assembly.17 It is estimated that 4,000–6,000 largely Murle youths have joined Yau Yau’s ranks receiving arms and ammunition from him. 18 In the early months of 2013, an offensive launched by South Sudan’s national army, SPLA, against armed groups in eastern Jonglei appear to have culminated without significant result. 16. It is observed that direct threats to UNMISS have increased manifold. On 21 December 2012, UNMISS MI-8 helicopter on a reconnaissance flight, at around 10 a.m. local time, has been shot down by SPLA in Likuangole area north of Pibor, killing all four crew members.19 Keeping in view the potential threats, mission adopted mitigation measures in which UNMISS aircrafts flying within Jonglei must obtain flight safety assurance from SPLA GHQ, and subsequently SPLA formation of Jonglei, and in those areas specified as high risk, mostly in eastern Jonglei, SPLA deployed on ground too. Besides, one SPLA officer and one MLO have to be on board on those flights going to high-risk areas as a mitigation measures. 17. On 12 March 2013, at around 1030 hours local time, a regular vehicle patrol of INDBATT2 moving from Gumuruk to Pibor area was fired upon by armed group in which the patrol leader, received a gunshot wound and was later evacuated for treatment.20 In April 2013, five soldiers from INDBATT2, including convoy commander Lieutenant Colonel, and two UNMISS civilian staffs were killed in an attack by armed group21 along Pibor-Bor road axis close to Gumuruk, while in a humanitarian convoy protection task. Regarding perpetrators, BBC news details, “South Sudan’s military spokesman blamed on militants led David Yau Yau, who South Sudan says is being armed by Sudan.”22 A safety measure is established; prior notification of all UNMISS road movement within Jonglei State has to be provided to SPLA. 18. A most deadly incident occurred in Jonglei on 8 February 2013 causing the greatest loss of life since the violence erupted. A group of Lou Nuer pastoralists were attacked by a large group of allegedly Murle armed men in Northern Jonglei, Walgak, which local authorities reported 118 people were killed. “The UNMISS and also investigation by Human Rights verified 69 people killed, including four SPLA soldiers and 19 children, and also received information about a further 37 people injured and 34 unaccounted for.” 23 19. Inter-communal violence characterized by mobilization of youths, and armed group activities has exacerbated the security situation in Jonglei. Recently, an attack in an early daylight of 20 October 2013 in Twic East County also resulted in almost 70 dead and 80 people injured.24 The local authorities and people in that area accused the neighbouring Murle armed 17 David YauYau’s Rebellion, Human Security Baseline Assessment (HSBA) for Sudan and South Sudan, Small Arms Survey, southern-dissident-militias/HSBA-Armed-Groups-Yau-Yau.pdf (accessed 18 October). 18 Ibid. 19 Security Council, SC/10873 AFR/2494, and UN News Centre, South Sudan: UN peacekeeping mission’s helicopter shot down, killing all crew members, http:// (accessed 22 February 2013). 20 NDTV, Indian Army officer on United Nations mission injured in Sudan attack, india/indian-army-officer-on-united-nations-mission-injured-in-sudan-attack-342034 (accessed 21 July 2013). 21 BBC News, Five Indian UN troops killed in South Sudan, (accessed 22 October2013). 22 Ibid. 23 UNMISS; Report on the 8 February 2013 attack on Lou Nuer pastoralists in Akobo West Sub-County, Jonglei State, April 2013, 3, (accessed 3 September 2013). 24 Sudan tribune, Jonglei: UN condemns Twic attack after 70 killed, (accessed 24 Oct 2013). group of carrying out the raid. 25 A cattle-raiding feud between rival ethnic groups have resulted into increased threats to innocent civilian and has led to insecurity in the state, which has left hundreds of people dead and some 100,000 displaced since independence.26 Nepalese Force Reserve Battalion in UNMISS 20. A battalion from Nepalese Army is working under UNMISS since early 2012, and is deployed in Rumbek, Lakes state of South Sudan. It is tasked as Air Mobile Force Reserve Battalion (FRB). Besides primary task–force reserve, it has supported UNMISS by providing troops in other two states–a company in Malakal of Upper Nile and Bor of Jonglei State. Within Jonglei, troops are deployed in Pibor, and earlier in Manyobal, considered as high-risk areas, and Yuai too, where mission felt urgent to establish UN footprints in order to provide early warning for the protection of civilian from emerging violence. 21. NEPFRB1, Narayandal Battalion, deployed troops to various locations and supported mission directed tasks besides establishing camp. NEPFRB2, Bhairab Prasad Battalion, greatly embraced new deployments in high-risk areas in Jonglei as an immediate response to mission’s critical requirement to provide force protection and conduct military operations as part of PoC. NEPFRB’s quick response and active involvement in directed tasks provided an overriding significance to support mission’s force reconfiguration plan, which was highly appreciative. 22. Furthermore, the ability of the Battalion in building and maintaining good relationship with local authorities and civilian population, and promptness in undertaking heavier responsibility with flexible approach, when asked by FHQ, was observed instrumental to maintain mission’s operational tempo given the volatile situation of Jonglei. It was further reinforced by Battalion leadership’s collaborative skills, adaptability, creative and critical thinking capability as well as forward-looking approach to engage with mission’s key leadership and local authorities in those areas where troops were deployed. Challenges and Recommendations 23. Unlike traditional peacekeeping, in most cases observing, monitoring, and keeping peace by force, UNMISS is mandated with various tasks mostly within the political framework. Ward and Lekson details, “Peace operations in the early days, outside intervention in conflicts were matters for soldiers and UN officials, and during the current generation, however, the cast of characters has become more diverse.” 27 Working under such dimension, to support government institution and contribute in strengthening capability of a new nation necessitates resilient, informed, and committed human capacity, who works in complete harmony with a greater realization of respect for diversity and professional integrity. 24. Given the integrated nature of mission, where mission players–“civilian pillars,” are important to provide firm support and commitment in materializing mission’s mandate–devise ways and means to achieve the end state, should have an adequate intellectual reach, not only to run mission’s bureaucracy, to support new nation as per mandate. Furthermore, equipped with informed human resources, there is an increasing need to coordinate the effort of various units 25 Ibid. Ibid. 27 George F. Ward Jr. and J. Michael Lekson, “Dealing with Conflict: The Contribution of Training,” in Peacemaking in International Conflict, ed. I. William Zartman (The United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C: 2007), 368. 26 within mission. It should not appear as if every unit wants to coordinate, however, none wants to be coordinated. Hence, a visible and sustained coordination at all level and cooperation with a clear intent displaying ways and means appears critical. 25. Given the nature of the mandate, there is a need to operate with a highly professional approach, display informed behavior with high moral standard, and enhanced teamwork by taking confidence of various components that underpins the effective implementation of the mandate. Most of the mission activities revolve around the actions by “Integrated Team”–mostly Civilian Pillars and their lead role. There is a need to greatly realize and manifest the importance of a common approach to any situation, and that should appear more as a natural process than as a requirement while performing tasks in a more credible manner. 26. As UNMISS is continuously engaged and committed to support transformation of a new nation, its freedom of movement appears limited and its activities that are mostly underpinned by the concept of PoC appears challenged mainly brought by the volatile situation of Jonglei. While threats to civilians and suffering continue and concern authorities of the government are not able to ensure adequate protection measures and preserve basic rights, there arises a need to strengthen PoC mandate and adopt a robust mechanism within the framework of the concept of responsibility to protect, R2P, in order to protect innocent civilians from violence. Patrice Sartre details, “In practice, the first objective of robustness should be the freedom of action, the precondition for the success of its missions: protecting itself, protecting the populations, and retaining control of the crisis area so that political progress is possible.”28 27. The concept of R2P was unanimously ratified by UN at the 2005 World Summit, which was developed by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) set up by the government of Canada in 2001.29 Woodward and Morrison details, “It hinges on the belief that sovereignty grants the privilege to nations to govern independently, but it also comes with a responsibility to the people who are governed. The responsibility is for governments to protect their people but that when they are unwilling or unable to do so, that responsibility must be borne by the broader community of states.” 30 28. Paul Collier, a professor of economics at Oxford University, details, “R2P is a full-frontal assault on the concept of national sovereignty.”31 While, Woodward and Morrison posit, “This concept is a victory for democracy because it pledges to support sovereign rule only when it protects the populace it governs.”32 In places of violence or under imminent threats, which is highly likely for humanitarian crises, necessity of humanitarian intervention by the International Community and UN appears urgent. Under such dynamics, mainly within the PoC mandate, mission leadership’s effective diplomacy and an enhanced engagement, within a broader strategic framework, with host government, partners, regional players, and other stakeholders assumes an overwhelming significance towards materializing the mandate. 28 Patrice Sarte, Making UN Peacekeeping More Robust: Protecting the Mission, Persuading the Actors, International Peace Institute, 15, August 2011, (accessed April 2012). 29 Margaret H. Woodward and Philip G. Morrison, The Responsibility to Protect: The Libya Test Case, 21, Joint Force Quarterly, Issue 71, 4th Quarter 2013, NDU Press. (accessed 11 September 2013). 30 Ibid., 21. 31 Paul Collier, Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places (Harper Collins: New York, 2010), 218. 32 Margaret H. Woodward and Philip G. Morrison, 24. 29. Another prerequisite that appear essential for PoC is to establish condition that supports conflict prevention. South Sudan, a home of 9.6 million people, has an estimated 50% of the population less than 20 and close to 70% under 35 years of age.33 Collier argues, “The social structure that seems to affect the risk of violence is the proportion of young men in the population, as those between 15 and 29, is dangerous. A doubling in the proportion increases the risk of conflict from around 5% over a five-year period to around 20%.34 Given the mobilization of inter-communal youths and the current situation of South Sudan, it is consequential to provide support for establishing infrastructure for education and training, and to generate employment opportunities that contribute in utilizing those human resources towards positive outcome. 30. UNMISS military component are categorized as military units–Troops Contributing Countries (TCC), “experts in the mission” as Military Liaison Officers–unarmed, and staff officers. In an integrated mission like UNMISS, the role of military component is equally important. TCCs are mainly involved in providing protection to IT missions, conducting patrols, staffing installations and facilities, and escorting humanitarian convoys. “Experts in the mission” are extensively engaged in assisting other components to function effectively by carrying out liaison with SPLA and placing military liaison teams at places with TCC to assess security situation and to work as interlocutor to support mission’s early warning capability, while military staff officer support mission staff functions. 31. At present, host of characters and components flanks peacekeeping operations. Each group possesses a unique organizational culture and tends to apply its own peculiar vocabulary to peace and humanitarian operations.35 Ward and Lekson elaborates, “Soldier and UN officials remain central players, but they have been joined by many others, including representatives of hundreds of international and single-country NGOs, other intergovernmental agencies, regional organizations, and police from dozens of countries.” 36 Military Components are deployed, guided by national caveats too, normally for a shorter duration, whereas, civilian components serve in the mission as per their contract. Though all mission components work under UN and mission’s mandate framework, military component should realize that they are representing their country–as ambassadors, and their actions and behavior reflect their professionalism and capability to operate in a diverse and multinational environment. 32. It is essential that military component understand the necessity to work in complete harmony, display professionalism, and understand characteristics, roles and responsibility, and limitation of various civilian components within the mission. Similarly, the civilian components should also take into account the nature and culture of military units and understand their operating mechanism as well as respect viewpoints from diverse background. Furthermore, understanding socio-cultural dynamics of host country and respect sentiments of people on which the foundation of their values rests needs a closer look. 33. As the situation in South Sudan, particularly due to the violence in Jonglei, deteriorated and posed increasing threats to civilian population, force posture was reviewed–NEPFRB troops reinforced Jonglei, primary area of responsibility of INDBATT. Military Operations–foot and vehicle patrol were enhanced in Pibor and Gumuruk, however, inaccessible road conditions and weather challenges are observed restricting mobility and effectiveness. It appears imperative to 33 LeRiche, Matthew and Matthew Arnold. Collier, 130. 35 Ward and Lekson, 366. 36 Ibid. 34 cater more air assets in place to effectively conduct PoC tasks, enhance mission’s capability as part of early warning and monitoring mechanism, and deter violence. A dedicated Military Aviation Unit with required type and number of aircrafts and surveillance assets–mainly Helicopters and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles appears crucial to strengthen the current inventory; as Rwandans Military Aviation Unit of UNMISS are also committed for sustainment functions. 34. Given the political situation of South Sudan–a new nation in transition, and ongoing challenges, an immediate focus on strengthening capability of its security forces appears critical to shape their behavior with a better understanding and of a more professional nature. It can greatly contribute in supporting the democratic effort of the Government and maintaining an environment conducive for international community to operate effectively and continue their commitment for the betterment of South Sudan. Furthermore, it also helps in developing a benign approach to provide support towards preserving basic rights of people. Conclusion 35. Given the nature of mission by looking into its mandated tasks in general vis-à-vis ongoing situation of South Sudan in particular; a new country in a phase of transformation and instability created by ongoing inter-communal violence and activities of non state armed group, there appear challenges ahead of UNMISS. However, it has gained considerable success in the transition of a new country. Moreover, its role has remained instrumental in supporting peacebuilding efforts, strengthening various institutions, and above all protection of civilians. 36. Peacekeeping operations at present day, where peacekeepers freedom of movement appears hindered and even threats to peacekeepers are increasing; there arises a need to have a robust mandate with adequate ways and means, and strengthen R2P concept by implementing strong mechanism. Moreover, mission leaderships’ enhanced engagement–coercive diplomacy if needed, timely positioning of required resources, and effective role of mission support division are critical to such missions to deal with emerging challenges. 37. In an integrated mission like UNMISS, operating in a framework to support building a new nation, its centre of gravity is its human resources. It appears that role of civilian pillars will be the key to determine the success of mission. A more closer and continuous consideration in equipping the mission with informed and highly professional human capital is pressing. Furthermore, common approach, focused and sustained coordination, shared responsibility and diligent accountability, and above all a wider recognition and greater realization of core UN values–respect for diversity and integrity, and professionalism, would strongly contribute to overcome underlying challenges and could provide enduring momentum to UN peace support operations in the days to come. Bibliography Books Collier, Paul, Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places, HarperCollins: New York, 2010. LeRiche, Matthew and Matthew Arnold, South Sudan: From Revolution to Independence, Hurst & Company: London, 2012. Malone, david M., The UN Security Council: From the Cold War to the 21 st Century, Viva Books: New Delhi, 2006. Zartman I. William, ed. Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods and Techniques, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C., 2007. Web-based Documents Aljazeera, Country Profile: South Sudan, ndependence/2011/06/2011630102213823618.html (accessed 23 Oct 13). BBC News, Five Indian UN troops killed in South Sudan, (accessed 22 October 2013). Da Costa Diana Felix, “We are one, but we are different”: Murle identity and local peacebuilding in Jonglei State, South Sudan, NOREF, application/a73e03e2f938e2da71374bafc2981250.pdf (accessed 27 Nov 2013) David YauYau’s Rebellion, Human Security Baseline Assessment (HSBA) for Sudan and South Sudan, Small Arms Survey, 47 Avenue Blanc, 1202Geneva,Switzerland, http://www.smallarmssurveysudan. org/filead min/docs/facts-figures/south-sudan/armed-groups/southern-dissident-militias/HSBA-Armed-Groups-YauYau.pdf (accessed 11 October 13). Jonglei’s Tribal Conflicts: Countering Insecurity in South Sudan, Africa Report No. 154, 23 Dec 2009, Countering%20Insecurity%20in%20South%20Sudan.pdf (accessed 06 Dec 2013). NDTV, Indian Army officer on United Nations mission injured in Sudan attack, http://www.ndtv. com/article/india/indian-army-officer-on-united-nations-mission-injured-in-sudan-attack-342034accessed 21 July 2013). Prolonged Wars: The War in Sudan, (accessed 26 Oct 13). Patrice Sarte, Making UN Peacekeeping More Robust: Protecting the Mission, Persuading the Actors, International Peace Institute, 15, August 2011, (accessed April 2012). Security Council SC/10873 (accessed 22 Feb 2013). AFR/2494 Sudan tribune, Jonglei: UN condemns Twic attack after 70 killed, ?article48525 (accessed 24 Oct 2013). STILLSUDAN, 29 June 2010, (accessed 28 October 13). The United Nations Mission in South Sudan, UNMISS Mandate, missions/unmiss/mandate.shtml (accessed 22 October 2013). UN News Centre, South Sudan: UN peacekeeping mission’s helicopter shot down, killing all crew members, (accessed 22 Feb 2013). UNISFA (accessed 28 October 2013). UNMISS, Report on the 8 February 2013 attack on Lou Nuer pastoralists in Akobo West Sub-County, Jonglei State, APRIL 2013, 3, gtyY4% 3D& tabid=5434&language=en-US (accessed 03 September 2013). 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(Assumtions) %= xfn;Dd xfd|f] /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt lgdf{0f eO;s]sf] 5}g, t/ klg cGt/f{l i6«o , If]qLo / cfGtl/s ;'/Iff jftfj/0fx?sf] k[i7e"lddf /fHosf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, /fli6«o cv08tf, /fli6«o lxt tyf /fli6«o PstfnfO{ rL/sfn;Dd sfod /fVg /fli6«o zlQm ;+oGqsf ;a} ;fwgx?nfO{ cfjZostfcg';f/ ;+of]hg / ;b'kof]u ub}{ /fli6«o ;'/Iff xfl;n ug{ xfdL ;Ifd eO/x]sf 5f}“ . o; n]vdf g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt ;DaGwL ljljw ljifox?df k|: t't ljj/0fx? n]vssf] JolQmut wf/0ff / a'emfO{sf] cfwf/df ;+lIfKt ?kdf k|:tfj ul/Psf 5g\ . ;fdl/s ;'/Iff jftfj/0fsf] ljZn]if0f ^= ;'/Iff gLltsf] cjwf/0ff af/] k|: tfj ug'{ k"j { g] kfnsf] ;'/Iff gLltnfO{ k|ToIf / ck|ToIf ?kdf k|efj kfg]{ ;fdl/s ;'/Iff jftfj/0fsf] af/]df k|sfz kfg{ cfjZos b]l vG5 . oL ;fdl/s ;'/Iff jftfj/0fnfO{ lgDgfg'; f/ ljZn]if0f ul/G5 . -s_ cGt/f{li6«o ;'/Iff jftfj/0f -v_ If]qLo ;'/Iff jftfj/0f -u_ cfGtl/s ;'/Iff jftfj/0f cGt/f{li6«o ;'/Iff jftfj/0f &= lgDgfg'; f/ laZn]i f0f ug{ ;lsG5M– -s_ ljZjdf Globalization / Economic Liberalization sf] k|efjn] x/]s /fi6«x? Ps cfk;df s'g } g s'g } dfWodaf6 Interdependent 5g\, h:n] ubf{ /fi6«x? larsf] Geographic Boundry x?sf] dxŒj sd x“'b} uO/x]sf] b]l vG5 . -v_ Globalization n] cy{tGq, ;~rf/, dfgj clwsf/, ul/jL, vfB, O{Gwg, phf{ tyf kfgLsf] ;Í6, hnjfo'kl/jt{g (Climate Change)/Global Warming, cftÍjfb cflb ljifo cGt/f{l i6«o s/0f eO ;'/Iff hl6ntf lgDTofPsf] 5 . -u_ Ps /fi6«df 36]sf] 36gfn] pQm /fi6«d f dfq} k|efj gkf/L Trans-national x'g k'Ub5g\ . -3_ åGådf ;+nUg /fi6«x?n]] e"–efu lj:tf/ ug'{eGbf World Order df Political and Economic Domiance / Security Assuarance k|fKt ug{ k|of; ub{5g\ . -ª_ k/Dk/fut ?kdf /fi6«–/fi6« lar o'4eGbf /fi6« leq} War within State x'g ] ub{5 . o:tf o'4 x? u[x o'4sf]?kdf b]vf kb{5g\, h:nfO{ Vested Interests ePsf /fi6«, Non State Actors (NSA) jf cftÍsf/L ;d"xaf6 ;xof]u k|fKt x'g] ub{5 . o'4x?sf] t'ngfdf /fi6«l eq} (Intrastate)x'g] ;+3if{x? ;fk]l Ifs ?kdf a9L/x]sf 5g\ . -r_ o'4/t kIfx? Intra-national k|s[ltsf x'“b} uO/x]sf sf/0f k/Dk/fut kmf}hx? ck/Dk/fut sfo{x?df s]Gb|Lt eO/x]sf 5g\ . -5_ ljZj Bi-polar af6 Uni-polar x'“b} Multi-polar aGb} uO/x]sf]n] World Order a9L hl6n aGb} uO/x]sf] 5 . -h_ (;]K6]Da/ ;g\@))! -(÷!! - Nine Eleven _df cd]l/sfsf] Twin Tower tyf k]G6fugdf ePsf] cftÍjfbL xdnf;“u}War on Global Terrrosim sf] o'43f]i f ePsf] 5 . cftÍjfb s'g} Ps /fi6«sf] dfq} ;d:of geP/ ljZjJofkL ;d:of x'g k'u]sf] 5 . -em_ nfu" kbfy{, dfgj t:s/L,cGt/f{li6«o hf;';L , Political Extremism, Religious and Ethnic Fundamentalism, cftÍjfb, ul/jL, a]/f]huf/L cflbn] ubf{ åGåsf] a0f{k6 (Spectrum) ablnPsf] 5 . -`_ zflGtk"0f{ k|of]usf] gfddf /fi6«x?aLr cf0fljs zlQm k|fKt ug{ k|l tikwf{ eO/x]sf] 5 . -6_ cftÍafbL ;d"xx?af6 cf0fljs, h}l js tyf /f;folgs xltof/x? (NBC, Weapon of Mass hGo sRrf kbfy{x? k|fKt u/L cftÍsf/L ultljlwdf k|o f]u ug{ k|o f; eO/x]sf]n] ;'/Iff ;+j]bgzLntf a9\b} uO/x]sf] 5 . Destruction) If]qLo ;'/Iff jftfj/0f *= If]qLo ;'/Iff jftfj/0f vf;u/L l5d]sL /fi6« ef/t / kfls:tfgaLrsf] ;DaGwdf lge{/ /x]sf] 5, h;nfO{ lgDgfg';f/ laZn]if0f ug{ ;lsG5M– -s_ o; If]qdf Extra-regional Power /fi6«x?sf] If]q Lo :jfy{ -Regional Interests) n] ubf{ -h:t} ckmuflg:tfg_ If]qLo ;'/Iffl:ylt hl6n aGb} uO/x]sf] 5 . -v_ blIf0f Pl;of rLg, ef/t / kfls:tfg ;lxtsf] Nuclear Traid aLr cjl:yt 5, h;cGtu{t rLg / kfls:tfg tyf ef/t / kfls:tfgsf] 5'6[f5'6[} Nuclear Diods /x]sf 5g\ . o;sf] cltl/Qm pQ/ sf]l /of / O/fgsf] cf0fljs Aspirations n] blIf0f Pl;ofsf] Nuclear Dynamics nfO{ yk hl6n agfO{ /x]sf] b]l vG5 . -u_ ef/t / kfls:tfg Newest and Youngest cf0fljs zlQm x'g \ . ljjfbf:kb\ sflZd/ ;d:ofsf] jftfj/0fdf ef/t / kfls:tfg;Fu cf0fljs zlQm ljBdfg x'gfn]] blIf0f Pl;ofNuclear Flash Point sf] ?kdf ljsl;tx'“b} uO/x]sf] b]lvG5 . o;n]] Global Nuclear Order nfO{ ;d]t k|e fj kf/]sf] 5 . -3_ ef/t / kfls:tfgsf] ;DaGw cem} klg Cold War Era sf] h:tf] /x]sf]n] If]qLo ;'/Iff jftfj/0f cl:y/ aGb} uO/x]sf] b]lvG5 . ;d:ofx? zflGtk"0f{ 9+uaf6 ;dfwfg gx'“bf cfk;L cljZjf; a9\b} uO/x]sf] b]lvG5 . -ª_ b'O{ b]zx?aLr Nuclear and Missile Restraints df cljZjf; / Conventional Arms Race h:tf ;+j]bgzLn ljifox?df ;xdlt x'g g;Sbf If]qLo ;'/Iff jftfj/0f cl:y/ aGb} uPsf] b]l vG5 . -r_ b'O{ b]zx?aLrsf] Confidence Building Measures klg kmnbfoL x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . -5_ b'O{ b]zx?;“u cf0fljs zlQm ljBdfg x'g fn] blIf0f Pl;ofdf Prolonged Conventional War sf] ;+efjgf Go"g b]lvG5, t/ Limited War sf] jftfj/0f eg] ljsf; x“'b} uO/x]sf] b]lvG5 . -h_ ef/tsf] l5d]sL /fi6«x?;“u s'g } g s'g } ?kdf ljjfb x'g fn] Regional Relation df lr;f]kg b]l vG5 . h:t} v'N nf ;Ldfgf, ;Ldf ljjfb, hn>f]tsf] af“8kmf“6df ljjfb cflb . -em_ -`_ and ef/tsf] Hegemonic Attitude n] ubf{ ;fgf l5d]sL /fi6«x?n] c;'/lIft dx;'; u/]sf 5g\ . Over Popupation, Poverty, Underdevelopment, Migration, Political Extremism, Religious Ethnic Fundamentalism, nfu" kbfy{ tyf dfgj t:s/L, a]/f]huf/L, vfBfGg, phf{, O{Gwg, :jf:Yo ;DaGwL ;d:of, k|b'if0f cflbn] ;fdflhs ;lxi0f'tf cl:y/ aGb} uO/x]sf] 5 . -6_ ljb|f]xL tyf ck/flws ;d"xx?n] v'N nf ;Ldfgfsf] kmfO{bf p7fO{ l5d]sL /fi6«x?sf] lxt ljkl/t sfo{ ul//x]sfn] ;'/Iff jftfj/0f hl6n aGb} uPsf] b]lvG5 . -7_ If]qLo cftÍjfbL ;+u7gx?sf] cGt/f{l i6«o cftÍjfb;Fu ulx/f] ;DaGw /x]sf]n] Regional Security Dynamics hl6n aGb} uPsf] b]lvG5 . cfGtl/s ;'/Iff jftfj/0f (= cfGtl/s b[l i6sf]0 faf6 g]kfnsf] ;'/Iffdf b]xfosf sf/0fx?af6 vt/f pTkGg x'g] ;Defjgf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . -s_ g]kfn Ps cNkljsl;t e"kl/j]li7t b]z xf] . xfd|f] cy{tGq w]/} xb;Dd k/lge{/ /x]sf] 5 . /fhgLlts cl:y/tf, /fhg}lts ;fdGh:otfsf] cefj, nlDabf] ;+q md0fsfn, e|i 6frf/, vfB, O{Gwg tyf phf{ ;Í6, a9\bf] hg;+Vof, ul/jL, j]/f]huf/L, Youth Bulge, clzIff, wfld{s÷hflto ljjfb, ;fDk|bflostf, c;Gt'lnt cfly{s ljsf;, Socio-economic-political Fault Lines h:tf ;d:ofx?n] g]kfnL ;dfh cl:y/ /x]sf] b]l vG5 . -v_ xfn g]kfnsf] k'/fgf] /fhg}lts ;+/rgf ablnO{; s]sf] t/ gofF ;+/rgf k"0 f{?kdf :yflkt eO g;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . csf]{tkm{ cGt/f{li6«o tyf If]qLo ?kdf ljsl;t Globalization, IT sf] ljsf;, If]q Lo tyf cGt/f{li6«o k|l t:kwf{, pmhf{ / pkef]Uoa:t'sf] sdL, a9\bf] cfoft tyf d"Noj[l 4 cflb sf/0fx?n] cfGtl/s r'gf}tLnfO{ Joj:yfkgdf sl7gfO eO/x]sf] b]l vG5 . -u_ v'Nnf (Open and Porous) / cJojl:yt ;Ldfgf tyf sdhf]/ cfGtl/s sfg'g n] ubf{ Trans-border ck/fwx?, gSsnL d'b|fsf] sf/f]af/, dfgj cf]; f/k;f/, Drug Trafficking / Smugling, Fifth Coloumnist ultljlw, z/0ffyL{ tyf cfk|j f;Lsf] cfjfudg cflbdf lj:tf/ eO ;'/Iff Joa:Yff r'g f}tLk"0 f{ aGb} uPsf] b]lvG5 . -3_ cy{tGqnfO{ gsf/fTds c;/ kfg]{ u/L ;~rfng ul/g] aGb x8\tfn, c/fhs ultljlw tyf pmhf{ ;Í6 h:tf sf/0fx?n] cy{tGqnfO{ b"/ufdL c;/ k/]sf] / cGt/f{l i6«o hutdf g]kfnsf] gsf/fTds 5lj k|bz{g eO ko{6g pBf]unfO{ ;d]t gsf/fTds k|efj kfl//x]sf] b]lvG5 . -ª_ Free Tibet Movement (Anti-China Movement), wd{sf] gfddf af}4 u'Dafx?sf] clgolGqt lj:tf/, Christianity tyf db/;f h:tf k|ToIf÷ck|ToIf ?kdf ;~rflnt ljljw ultljlwx?af6 g]kfnsf] c;n l5d]sL /fi6«x?;“usf] ;DaGw / cfGtl/s ;'/Iffdf k|lts"n k|efj kfg{ ;Sg] b]lvG5 . -r_ hflto tyf If]qLo :jfoQtf / cfTdlg0f{o sf] clwsf/sf] cfj/0fdf ;~rfng eO/x]sf laleGg k|sf/sf ultljlwx?n] b]zsf] cfGtl/s ;'/Iffdf k|lts"n c;/ k'¥ofO /x]sf] 5 . o; k|sf/sf] ultljlwx?af6 b]z ljv08gtkm{ pGd'v x'g afB ePsf] / o:tf ljv08g zlQmnfO{ lgd{"n kfg{ b]znfO{ 7"nf] r'gf}tL x'g ] b]l vG5 . -5_ e"l dut ;d"xx?af6 x'g] u/]sf ljleGg ljWj+;fTds ultljlw / ;/sf/;“u jftf{sf] nflu cdfGo dfu /fvL afWofTds l:yltsf] >[hgf u/L ;'/Iff r'gf}tLx? lbg] u/]sf] b]l vG5 . -h_ cGt/f{li6«o tyf If]qLo cftÍjfbL ;d"x / Vested Interests ePsf cGt/f{li6«o tyf If]q Lo hf;'; L ;~hfnsf] rnv]nn] ubf{ ;'/Iff r'gf}tL a9\b} uPsf] b]l vG5 . /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] ckl/xfo{tf !)= /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt To:tf] pkfo / sbdx?sf] ;+o f]hg xf], h:n] cfGtl/s Pj+ afëo vt/fnfO{ ;dod} /f]Sb5 / lgd"{n ub{5 . g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt /fli6«o zlQmsf ;+oGqx? h:t} /fhgLlts, cfly{s, s'6g}l ts, ;"rgf / ;' /Iff ;fwgx?sf] ;dfof]l ht :j?k xf] . /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt lgDg sf/0faf6 cfjZos kb{5 M– -s_ j[xt\ ;'/Iff cjwf/0ffdfkm{t abln“bf] cGt/f{l i6«o , If]qLo tyf /fli6«o ;'/Iff jftfj/0f, e"–/fhgLlts cj:yf, r'g f} tL tyf ;DefjgfnfO{ ;Daf]w g u/L dxŒjk"0f{ /fli6«o lxtx?sf] ;+/If0f, ;Dj4{g / k|j4{g ub}{ /fli6«o p2]Z o / nIo xfl;n ug{ . -v_ gful/snfO{ /fHon] ;a} k|s[ltsf r'g f}tLx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ub{5 elg ljZj:t t'N ofpg . -u_ ;a} ;f+: s[l ts, wfld{s, eflifs tyf ef}uf]l ns ;d'bfosfaLrdf ;x–cl:tTj, ;lxi0f'tf / ;b\efj k|j4{g ug{ . -3_ ;'/Iff ;+oGqsf] ;Ifdtf clej[l4 ub}{ ;'/Iff If]qsf] k|e fjsfl/tf a9fpg . -ª_ /fHoåf/f k|ltkflbt gLltx?sf] sfof{GjognfO{ lgb]{l zt ug{ . -r _ If]qLo tyf cGt/f{li6«o ljZjf; / ;xof]u clej[l 4 ug{ . bL3{sfnLg ;f]“r !!= æ;fj{e f}d, :jtGq, ;'/lIft, Gofok"0 f{, nf]stflGqs / ;d[4 g]kfnÆ sf] ;[hgf u/L o;nfO{ rL/sfn;Dd lg/Gt/tf lbg' /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] bL3{sfnLg ;f]Fr x'g]5 . /fli6«o lxtsf ljifox? (National Interests) !@= kl/efiff æ/fi6«n] k|fKt ug{ rfxg] j[xt\ / lg/Gt/ kl/0ffdÆ nfO{ /fli6«o lxtsf] ?kdf kl/eflift ug{ ;lsG5 . csf]{ cy{df, National interests are the interpretation of the national purpose by those at the helm of affairs in the context of prevailing conditions and their assessment of future propose. These may be defined "as the general and continuing ends for which a state acts" sf] ?kdf a'em\g ;lsG5 . g]kfnsf] /fli6«o lxtnfO{ # efudf ljefhg ug{ ;lsG5 M– ljlzi6 /fli6«o lxtx? - Vital Interests_ !#= /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] nflu ljlzi6 /fli6«o lxtsf ljifox? lgDgfg';f/ ;dfj]z x'g pko'Qm b]lvG5 M– -s_ g] kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf, :jtGqtf, /fli6«o Pstf, ef}uf]l ns÷If]qLo cv08tfsf] /Iff ug]{ . -v_ dha't, ;Gt'l nt tyf lbuf] cfly{s ljsf; ug]{ . /0fgLlts /fli6«o lxtx? - Strategic National Interests_ !$= /fli6«o -s_ -v_ -u_ -3_ -ª_ -r_ -5_ -h_ ;'/Iff gLltsf] nflu /0fgLlts /fli6«o lxtsf ljifox? lgDgfg';f/ ;dfj]z x'g pko'Q m b]l vG5 M– ljlzi6 /fli6«o lxtx?sf] /Iff tyf k|j 4{g . :yfoL zflGt ;'/Iff, ;'zf;g / l:y/tf . nf]stGqsf] /Iff . lbuf] cfly{s ljsf; . cfly{s ;d[l 4sf] nflu lgl{j {jfb ?kdf glhssf] ;fd'lb|s aGb/ufx ;Dd kx'“r . hflto tyf wfld{s ;lxi0f'tf . df}l ns dfgj clwsf/sf] /Iff . If]qLo tyf cGt/f{li6«o ;xof]udf clej[l 4 . zflGtk"0f{ ;x–cl:tTj . cGo /fli6«o lxtx? - Other National Interests_ !%= /fli6«o -s_ -v_ -u_ -3_ -ª_ -r_ -5_ ;'/Iff gLltsf] nflu cGo /fli6«o lxtsf ljifox? lgDgfg';f/ ;dfj]z x'g pko'Qm b]lvG5 M– ljlzi6 / /0fgLlts /fli6«o lxtx?sf] ;+/If0f . k|efjsf/L ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g . cfly{s / ;fdflhs ;Gt'ng . lbuf] ljsf; / jftfj/0f ;+/If0f . k|l jlw ljsf; . ljkb\ Joj:yfkg . ;~rf/ hutsf] ;Gt'l nt lgoGq0f / :jtGqtf . d"ne"t p2]Z ox? (National Objectives) !^= d"n e"t p2]Z ox?nfO{ o; cg'; f/ kl/eflift ug{ ;lsG5M– National objectives are broad goals based on certain principles designed to support national interests. !&= /fli6«o -s_ -v_ -u_ -3_ -ª_ -r_ -5_ ;'/Iff gLltsf d"ne"t p2]Z ox? lgDg cg'; f/ x'g pko'Q m b]lvG5 M– g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}l dstf, cv08tf, klxrfg / /fli6«o lxtsf] /Iff ug]{ . hgtfnfO{ ;'/Iffsf] k|Tofe"l t k|bfg ug]{ . /fi6«nfO{ If]qLo÷ljZjJofkL k|l tikwf{df ;Ifd agfpg] . lbuf] tyf ;Gt'lnt ljsf; ug]{ . /fi6«sf] e"ld, hn, cfsfz, j[xt cfly{s If]q, k|fs[l ts >f]t / ;+/rgfsf] /Iff ug]{ . dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f / k|j 4{g ug]{ . ljZj zflGt tyf If]qLo÷cGt/f{l i6«o k|of;x?df k|efjsf/L of]ubfg / ;fem]bf/L ug]{ . d"n nIo(National Goals) !*= /fi6«sf] d"n nIonfO{ o;cg';f/ kl/eflift ug{ ;lsG5M– A national goal is a future state of affairs considered desirable by the nation, promoted by the national government and calling forth the efforts of the population in order to achieve it. !(= /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] d"n nIon] lgDg efjgfnfO{ ;d]6\g ' kg]{ b]l vG5 M– æ;+l jwfgåf/f k|Tofe"t cj;/ / :jtGqtfsf] cg'e"lt x'g ] jftfj/0fsf] lgdf{0 f ug'{ /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] d"n nIo x'g]5 .Æ gLltx? (National Policies) @)= /fi6«sf] d"n gLltnfO{ o; cg';f/ kl/eflift ug{ ;lsG5M– National policies are specific courses of action designed to achieve national objectives. Policies can be considered as the means to accomplis h ends i.e. objectives. @!= /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf d"n e"t p2]Zox? / nIosf] k|flKtsf lgldQ d"ntM b]xfosf gLltx? cjnDjg ul/g' pko'Qm b]l vG5 M– -s_ g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf / cv08tfsf] /Iff ug]{ . -v_ ;fdflhs, wfld{s, ;f+:s[l ts, eflifs, hflto / ;fDk|bflos ;b\efjsf] jftfj/0f ;[hgf ub}{ /fli6«o klxrfgnfO{ sfod /fVg] . -u_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] cjwf/0ff cg'; f/ j}b]l zs gLlt nfu' ug]{ . -3_ ;'zf;g, zlQm ljs]Gb|Ls/0f / hjfkmb]l xtfdf clej[l 4 ug]{ . -ª_ cy{tGq / nufgLstf{sf] ljZjf; clej[l4sf nflu of]ubfg ug]{ . -r_ ljleGg cGt/f{l i6«o ;lGw ;Demf} tf / k|fjwfgx?sf dfWodjf6 /fli6«o lxtsf] ;+/If0f / k|j4{g ug]{ . -5_ ljZj zflGt k|of;sf] ;fem]bf/Ldf clej[l 4 ug]{ . -h_ /fi6«nfO{ If]q Lo÷ljZjJofkL k|ltikwf{df ;Ifd agfpg] . -em_ National Security Culture sf] ljsf; ug]{ . -`_ g]kfnsf] ;fdl/s >f]t ;fwgsf] ;+/If0f ug]{ . -6_ PsLs[t tyf lbuf] zflGt ;'/Iffsf] k|j4{g ug]{ . -7_ ;'/Iff Joj:yfkgdf hgtfsf] ;fem]bf/L clej[l 4 ug]{ . -8_ cftÍjfb tyf ck/fwhGo ultljlwx?nfO{ lgd"{n kfg]{ . -9_ ljkb\ Joj:yfkg sfo{n fO{ Jojl:yt / ;'b[9 agfpg] . /fli6«o ;'/Iffdf c;/ kfg]{ ljifox? -Factors_ @@= /fli6«o -s_ -v_ -u_ -3_ ;'/Iffdf c;/ kfg]{ ljifox? d"Votof lgDg adf]l hd x'g ;Sg]5 g\ M– ljlzi6, ;fdl/s tyf cGo /fli6«o lxtsf ljifox? . ef}uf]lns, wfld{s, hflto tyf ;fDk|bflos ljifox? . d"n 'sleq ;'/IffnfO{ k|e fj kfg]{ cfGtl/s ljifox? . ;'/IffnfO{ k|e fj kfg]{ Global, Regional and Sub-regional ljifox? . /fli6o« ;'/Iff gLltnfO{ lgb]{lzt ug]{ cfwf/x? @#= /fli6«o -s_ -v_ -u_ -3_ ;'/Iff gLltnfO{ lgb]{lzt ug]{ cfwf/x? lgDgfg';f/ x'g ;Sg]5g\ M– g]kfnsf] ;fj{ef}d;Qf / ef}uf]lns cv08tf . ;+l jwfgaf6 k|Tofe"t /fHosf lgb]{zs l;4fGt / d"ngLltx? . /fli6«o :jfy{ / lxtx? . /fli6«o klxrfg / uf}/jsf] lg/Gt/tf . -ª_ -r_ -5_ -h_ -em_ ;fdflhs ;lxi0f'tf / ;fd~h:otfsf] clej[l 4 . dha'b, ;Gt'l nt tyf lbuf] cfly{s ljsf; . sfg'g L zf;g, kf/bzL{tf / hjfkmb]l xtf . k|efjsf/L ;'/Iff Joj:yf . dfgj clwsf/sf] ;+/If0f / k|a4{g . /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf r'gf}tLx? (National Security Challenges) @$= g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf r'g f}tLx? lgDg adf]lhd x'g ;Sg] b]l vG5 M– -s_ /fhg}lts r'gf}tLx? -!_ nlDabf] ;+q md0fsfn / /fhg}lts cl:y/tf . -@_ b[9 /fhg}l ts O{R5f zlQm / g]t[Tjsf] cefj . -#_ g]kfnsf] k'/fgf] /fhg}lts ;+/rgf ablnO{;s]sf] t/ gof“ ;+/rgf k"0f{?kdf :yflkt eO g;s]sf]n] b]z cem} klg Transitional Period df /x]sf] . -$_ cem} klg cfd gful/s /fhg}l ts ?kn] ;lqmo eO g;Sg' . -v_ ;fdflhs r'gf}tLx? -!_ ljleGg If]q, ju{, wd{, efiff, hfthfltaLr a9\bf] åGå / ;fdflhs ;b\efjdf sdL . -@_ gful/stf ;DaGwL ;d:of . -#_ If]qLotf tyf ;fDk|bflostf ;DaGwL ;d:of . -$_ hg;+Vof j[l4, ul/jL, j]/f]huf/L, z/0ffyL{, clzIff, a;fO{+;/fO{+ tyf Ifdtfjfg dfgj ;+; fwgsf] knfog (Brain Drain), Youth Bulge cflb . -%_ lj:yflkt tyf z/0ffyL{ ;d:of . -^_ n}+l Ës e]befj tyf ck/fwx? . -&_ lk5l8Psf, c;xfo tyf lgDgjlu{o ;d'bfosf] kx'Frdf Go"g tf . -*_ ;fdflhs / g}l ts d"N odf eO/x]sf] x|f; . -(_ dxfdf/L, Pr=cfO=eL= P8\;, a8{km\n" / cGo ;+qmldt /f]ux? . -u_ cfly{s r'gf}tLx? -!_ ljBdfg >f]t ;fwgaf6 clwstd kmfO{bf lng g;Sg' . -@_ /fli6«o >f]t ;fwgsf] c;Gt'l nt afF8kmfF8 tyf pkef]u . -#_ cfly{s c;dfgtf tyf ck/fw, gSsnL d'b|f, e|i6frf/, /fhZj r'xfj6 / 5nL . -$_ vfB c;'/Iff÷s[lif k/lge{/tf / j}1flgs s[l if k|l jlwsf] cefj . -%_ ko{6g Joj;fodf Jofkstfsf] cefj . -^_ nufgLd}qL ;'/Iff jftfj/0fsf] cefj . -&_ cfly{s cfh{g sf] nflu Joj;flos lzIffsf] Jofkstfdf sdL . -*_ ljBdfg cf}Bf]lus ;+/rgfdf cl:y/tf . -(_ ;Ifd hgzlQmsf] knfog . -!)_ s]xL xb;Dd k/lge{/ -Donor Driven) cy{g Llt . -!!_ NGO/INGO sf] cfkmg} :jfy{ / kf/blz{tfsf] cefj . -3_ -ª_ -r_ -5_ -!@_ j}b]l zs /f]huf/ tyf pTkfbgdf a9\bf] lge{/tf . -!#_ pmhf{df k/lg/e{tf÷;+s6 . -!$_ cfly{s ultljlwnfO{ g} k|efljt ug]{ u/L ul/g] aGb, x8\tfn, ljikmf]6, cfuhgL, ckx/0f h:tf c/fhs ultljlwx? . ck/fw ;DaGwL r'gf}tLx? -!_ sfg'g L zf;gsf] ;+: s[l tdf /fhg}l ts x:tIf]k . -@_ a9\bf] e|i 6frf/ tyf b08 k'/:sf/ / hjfkmb]l xtfsf] sdL . -#_ ;d'bfodf lx+;fsf] dgf]lj1fgdf j[l 4÷n'6kf6, Joj;flos ckx/0f, ;+ul7t tyf ;z:q ck/fw tyf Contract Killer h:tf ;+:s[l tdf j[l4 . -$_ ljljw xltof/ / ljikmf]6s kbfy{sf] cj}w k}7 f/L . -%_ ;Ldf jf/kf/ ck/fwx?df j[l 4 . -^_ ;fOa/ ck/fw . -&_ nfu" kbfy{ tyf dfgj a]rlavg . -*_ ;~rf/ dfWodx?sf] b'?kof]u . cftÍjfb ;DaGwL r'gf}tLx? -!_ If]qLo÷cGt/f{l i6«o cftÍjfbL ;d"x, e"ldut ck/flws ;d"x / Trans-border ck/flws ;d"xaf6 x'g] cftÍjfbL lqmofsnfkx? . -@_ cftÍjfbsf] p2]Zo k'/f ug{ ;dfhdf cl:y/tf / c;'/Iff a9fO{ 8/ / qf; ;[hgf ug]{ ljljw lqmofsnfkx? . -#_ cftÍjfbLx?af6 nfu" kbfy{, xftxltof/ / ljikmf]6s kbfy{sf] cf]; f/k;f/ . -$_ ko{6g, nufgL / j}b]lzs d'b|f cfh{g sf If]qdf ePsf] k|ultaf6 ;[hgf x'g] vt/fx? . -%_ 3';k}7 / a9\bf] rnv]n . k|fs[l ts ;fwg >f]t tyf ljkb\ Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL r'gf}tLx? -!_ ;'/IffnfO{ k|e fj kfg]{ u/L lgdf{0f ul/g] clgof]l ht / cj}1flgs ljsf; lgdf{0fsf sfo{x? . -@_ kof{j /0fLo k|efjnfO{ Wofg glbO{sg ;~rflnt ljsf; lgdf{0 fsf] sfo{x? . -#_ eljiosf] (Next Generation) nflu ;f]r g/fvL ;fwg >f]tsf] zf]i f0f / x|f; . -$_ /fHoaf6 k|efjsf/L r]tgfd"ns sfo{qmddf sdL . -%_ dfgj lgld{t ljkb\ . -^_ k|fs[lts ljkb\ . -&_ Global Warming /Climate Change (ljZj tfkqmddf j[l 4_ . ljljw r'gf}tLx? -!_ cGt/f{li6«o ;'/Iff jftfj/0f - Political, Diplomatic, Information, Economic,Military cflb;Fu ;DalGwt :jfy{ / lxtx?larsf] ;dfof]hg, cGt/;+3if{ / ;fdl/s k|lt:kwf{_ . -@_ If]qLo ;'/Iff jftfj/0f (Regional/Sub-regional Security Environment) . -#_ cfGtl/s ;'/Iff jftfj/0f (Domestic Security Environment) . -$_ /fhgLlts cl:y/tf (Political Instability) . -%_ v'nf cGt/f{l i6«o ;Ldfgf (Open International Border) . -^_ cf0fljs, h}l js tyf /f;folgs xltof/x?sf] vt/f -of] ;DefjgfnfO{ klg gsfg{ ;lsFb}g _ . g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;'/IffnfO{ ;'lglZrt ug]{ pkfo÷dfWodx? @%= g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;'/IffnfO{ ;'lglZrt ug]{ pkfo÷dfWodx? lgDg cg';f/ x'g ;Sg] b]l vG5 M– -s_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff ;'lglZrttfsf] dfWod g]kfnL hgtf / g]kfn g} /x]sf] . -v_ /fHo zlQmsf ;+o Gqx?sf] b"/bzL{ k|o f] uåf/f cfkm}n ] of cGt/f{l i6«o ;xof] uaf6 ;'/Iffsf] k|Tofe"l t . -u_ ljZj;gLo ;"rgfsf] ;xL d"N ofÍgsf] cfwf/df ljsf; x'g nfu]sf] kl/l:ylt af/] klxnf g} cg'd fg u/L cfjZos Courses of Action sf] ljsf; . -3_ /fli6«o ;'/IffnfO{ ;'/lIft tyf ;'b[9 kfg]{ PskIfLo, låkIfLo / ax'kIfLo pkfox?sf] cjnDag, h:t} ;+o 'Qm /fi6« ;+ 3 tyf cGtu{tsf lgsfox?, ldq /fi6«x?, cGt/{fli6«o ;lGw ;Demf}tf cflbsf ljljw ljifox?df ;lqmo / g]t[TjbfoL e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ . b]zsf] :jledfgaf6 ljrlnt geO cfºgf] /fli6«o lxt / :jfy{ k|fKt ug{df sl6a4 /xg] . g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt ;DaGwL ;'e mfjx? @^= /fli6«o ;'/Iff ;DaGwL ;'emfjx? lgDgfg';f/ k|:t't ul/G5 M– -s_ g]kfndf xfn;Dd lnlvt /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt lgdf{0f eOg;s]sf] cj:yfdf /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb\, ;DalGwt dGqfnox?, ;'/Iff lgsfox?, ;'/Iff lj1 / cGo cfjZos lgsfosf] ;+o'Qm k|o f;df /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt lgdf{0f ug'{ kg]{ b]l vG5 . /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLlt th'{d f ePkl5 dfq ;'/Iff ;DaGwL cGo gLltx? lgdf{0 fsf] nflu dfu{bz{g k|fKt x'G5 . -v_ g]kfnsf] /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] k|d'v cª\u eg]sf] dha't / kl/kSs s'6g}lts IfdtfnfO{ dfGg ;lsG5 . s'6gLlt / ;'/Iff gLlt Ps csf{ sf] kl/k'/s x'g ] u/L sfd ug'{ kb{5 . xfd|f] c;+n Ug k//fi6« gLlt tyf k~rzLnsf] l;4fGt k|ltsf] ljZjf; / cEof; cem} klg ;fGble{s b]lvG5 . -u_ /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltn] /fi6«sf] ;a} s'6g}l ts k|o f;af6 o'4 x'gaf6 /f]Sg ;Sg' kb{5 cyf{t, Policy ofAvoidance of War/Conflict nfO{ cjnDag ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . -3_ ;+o 'Qm /fi6« ;+3 nufot ljleGg If]q Lo tyf cGt/f{l i6«o ;+u7gx? tyf ;lGw ;Demf}tf / International Affairs df ;lqmo ?kdf cfj4 /xL cg's"n ;'/Iff jftfj/0f (Favorable Security Environment) ;[hgf ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . -ª_ xfd|f] Geo-strategic l:yltn] ubf{ ljljw ljifox?df l5d]sL /fi6«x?;Fu lge{/ x'g' kg]{ afWotf 5 . To;}n] d'n'ssf] /fli6«o :jfy{af6 ljrlnt gx'g ] u/L l5d]sL /fi6«x?;Fu :j:y k|l t:kwf{ ub}{ a'l 4dfgL s'6gLlt (Wise, Balanced and Tactful Diplomacy) dfkm{t clwstd kmfO{bf lng'kg]{ b]l vG5 . -r_ /fhg}l ts l:y/tf, cfGtl/s zflGt ;'/Iff, cfly{s÷ef}uf]lns ljsf;, ;'zf;g/ k|efjsf/L ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] dfWodaf6 ul/jL lgjf/0f / /f]huf/Lsf] cj;/ k|bfg ub}{ cg's"n ;'/Iff jftfj/0f ;[hgf ug'{ kg]{ b]lvG5 . nlDabf] ;+q md0fsfnnfO{ hlt ;Sbf] l56f] cGTo ug'{ kg]{ b]lvG5 . -5_ ;a} If]q, ;d'bfo, hfthflt, efiff, wd{, ju{, j0f{, ln¨nfO{ ;dfg cj;/ k|bfg u/L ;fdflhs ;lxi0f'tf tyf ;fdGh:otf (Social Harmony) sfod ug'{ kg]{ b]lvG5, cyf{t Socio-politico-economic Fault Lines ;do d} klxrfg u/L lg?k0f ug'{ kg]{ b]l vG5 . -h_ ;fdl/s dxŒjsf ljsf; lgdf{0f sfo{, ljBdfg k|fs[lts >f]t ;fwgsf] ;d'lrt k|o f]u tyf ko{6g Joj;fodfkm{t cfly{s ;DkGgtf xfl;n u/L cfd gful/ssf] hLjg:t/ psf:g] . b]z leq /f]huf/Lsf] cj:yf ;[hgf u/L ul/jL x6fpg' kg]{ b]l vG5 . o;af6 k/lge{/tf Go"g kfg{ pNn]vgLo ;xof]u k'Ug]5 . -em_ /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{l i6«o k|of;af6 zL3| phf{ ;Í6sf] ;dfwfg ug]{ . To;}u/L Human Capital, vfB, kfgL, :jf:Yo, lzIff, O{Gwg, jftfj/0f cflbsf] ;'/Iff Plsg ug'{ kg]{ b]l vG5 . -`_ ;Gt'lnt ljsf;dfkm{t cfdgful/snfO{ ;dfg Goflos cj;/ k|bfg ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 . -6_ ;'/Iff lgsfox?sf] Capacity Building df Wofg lbg' kg]{ b]lvG5 . -7_ /fli6«o Intelligence ;+o GqnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg] . /fli6«o ;'/IffnfO{ c;/ kfg]{ afëo tyf cfGtl/s ck/flws, e"l dut / cftÍsf/L ultljlwx?nfO{ lgd"{n kfg{ k|efjsf/L Intelligence ;+o Gq tof/ ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 . -8_ cGt/f{li6«o cftÍjfb, Climate Change/Global Warming, NBC/WMD eo h:tf cGt/f{l i6«o r'gf}tLx?nfO{ ;fdgf ug{ cGt/f{l i6«o k|o f;x?df ;lqmo ;fem]bf/L ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . -9_ k|efjsf/L ljkb Joj:yfkgsf] Joj:yf ug]{ . cfjZostfcg';f/ cGt/f{l i6«o / If]qLo Partners ;“u ;xsfo{ ug{ ;Ifd x'g' kg]{ b] lvG5 . @&= /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb\ ;DaGwL cGtl/d ;+l jwfg @)^# sf] efu @) sf] wf/f !$% adf]lhd æg]kfnL ;]g fsf] kl/rfng, ;~rfng, / k|o f]u ug{sf] nflu dlGqkl/ifb\nfO{ l;kmfl/; ug{Æ g]kfndf Ps /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb\sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5, h;nfO{ g]kfnsf]] Apex Security Institution sf] ?kdf lng ;lsG5 . o; lgsfonfO{ lgDgfg'; f/ kl/dfh{g ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . -s_ ljBdfg Joj:yfcg';f/ /fli6«o;'/Iff kl/ifb\df k|w fgdGqL cWoIf /xg]u/L /IffdGqL / u[xdGqLx? kb]g ;b:o /xg] tyf dGqLkl/ifb\df /x]sf /fhg}lts bnx? dWo] km/s–km/s bnsf] k|l tlglwTj x'g ] u/L k|wfgdGqLn] tf]s]sf tLg hgf dGqLx?nfO{ ;b:osf] ?kdf /fVg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . b]zdf afëo x:tIf]k / o'4 x'g af6 /f]Sg, afëo hutdf b]zsf] cfly{s gLlt Project ug{ tyf cGt/f{ l i6«o ;lGw ;Demf}tf / k|o f;x?df k//fi6«dGqfnon] ;lqmo tyf g]t[TjbfoL e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ x'“bf k//fi6« dGqLnfO{ ;d]t /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb\df kb]g ;b:osf] ?kdf ;dfj]; ug{ pko' Qm b]l vG5 . -v_ ;'/Iff kl/ifb\sf] ;+/rgfdf k|wfg ;]g fkltnfO{ cfdlGqt ;b:osf] ?kdf dfq /flvPsf] 5 . ;'/Iff kl/ifbsf] ljljw lhDd]jf/L dWo] /fi6«df ;+s6 kbf{ ;/sf/n] ;]gf kl/rfng ug'{kg]{ cj:yfdf ;]g f ;DaGwL ljj]szLn / b"/bzL{ ;Nnfx lbg;Sg] JolQm g]kfnsf] k|w fg ;]g fklt dfq ePsf]n] pxfFnfO{ cfdlGqtsf] ?kdf geO{ kl/ifb\sf] kb]g ;b:odf /fVg' kg]{ b]l vG5 . ldq /fi6«x?sf] o; k|sf/sf] lgsfodf k|wfg ;]gfkltnfO{ ;b:odf /flvPsf] a]xf]/f pNn]v ug{ ;fGble{s b]l vG5 . -u_ /Iff dGqfnosf ;lrjnfO{ kl/ifb\sf] ;+o f]hssf] lhDd]jf/L lbOPtfklg pxfF dGqfnos} sfo{df Jo:t eO/xg'kg]{ x'“bf eljiodf 5'6[} :jfoQ / k"0 f{sfnLg sfo{ ug]{ /fli6«o ;'/Iff ;Nnfxsf/ -;'/Iff lj1_ h:tf] lgo'l Qm ;[hgf u/L kl/ifb\nfO{ k|efjsf/L ?kdf ;~rfng ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . -3_ ;'/Iff kl/ifb\nfO{ cfGtl/s ;'/Iff / jfXo k|l t/Iff ;DaGwL ljZn]i f0f / d"NofÍg ug{ Think Tank sf] ?kdf ljsf; ug'{ kg]{ b]lvG5 . -ª_ ablnFbf] cGt/f{li6«o, If]qLo / cfGtl/s jftfj/0fnfO{ b[l i6ut u/L ;'/Iff kl/ifb\sf] Dof08]6nfO{ g} k'g/fjnf]sg ug'{ kg]{ b]lvG5 . -r_ ;'/Iff kl/ifbsf] dftxtdf /xg] u/L g]kfnsf] ;a} ;'/Iff lgsfox?sf] ;"rgf ;DaGwL pRr:t/Lo ;"rgf ;dGjo s] Gb| (High Level Intelligence Co-ordination Center) :yfkgf ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . -5_ g]kfnsf] ;'/Iff gLlt ;'/Iffsf] cljefHo l;4fGt -Principle of Indivisibility of Security_ df cfwfl/t x'g 'kb{5 . ;+If]k @*= /fli6«o ;'/Iff x/]s b]zsf] Survivability ;Fu k|ToIf ?kdf ;DalGwt x'G5 . /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf] k|d 'v nIo /fli6«o lxtx?sf] hu]{g f, ;+/If0f / k|j 4{g ug]{tkm{ s]Gb|Lt x'g ' kb{5 . @(= b]zsf] cfGtl/s, If]qLo tyf cGt/f{li6«o jftfj/0f, /fli6«o zlQmsf ;+o Gqx?sf] cj:yf (Potential of Instruments of National Power) , Geo-strategic Location, /fHosf >f]t ;fwgx? (National Strategic Assets), /fHosf] s'6gLlts Ifdtf (Diplomacy), l5d]sL b]zx?;Fusf] ;DaGw, b]zsf] cfbz{, ;fdflhs, cfly{s, /fhg}l ts, wfld{s, ;f+: s[lts Aspirations nfO{ ;d]t ;d]6L b]z tyf cfdgful/ssf] ;'/IffnfO{ s]Gb|l jGb'df /fv]/ cg's"n ;'/Iff jftfj/0fsf] k[i 6e"l ddf /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltsf] th'{d f / cEof; ug'{ kb{5 . b]zsf] cfGtl/s, If]qLo / cGt/f{l i6«o jftfj/0fn] /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltnfO{ lg/Gt/ k|efj kfl//x]sf] x'G5 . t;y{, /fli6«o lxt / :jfy{af6 larlnt gx'g ] u/L ;'/Iff gLltnfO{ ;d;fdlos ?kdf cBfjlws ;d]t ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf x'g ;S5 . pk/f]Qm cfjZostfnfO{ dWo]gh/df /fvL ca lgdf{0 f x'g] /fli6«o ;'/Iff gLltaf6 /fli6«o lxtsf] ;+/If0f / ;Da4{g eO Pp6f ;'/lIft, ;Ifd, ljsl;t, cfTdlge{/ / ;d[4zfnL g] kfn lgdf{0fdf 7f]; of]ubfg k'Ug] ljZjf; lng ;lsG5 . ljifo k|j]z != ljZjsf] s'g} klg d'n'ssf] ;]gfdf sfo{sf/L ;+/rgf leq sfod ul/Psf bhf{x? afx]s klg s]xL dfgfy{ -Houorary_ kbx?sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'G5 . s'g } JolQm ljz]i fsf] of]Uotf, Ifdtf / p;sf] ;]g fk|ltsf] of]ubfg / nfdf] ;]j fsf] sb/:j?k o:tf] dfgfy{ kb -bhf{_ k|bfg ug]{ k|rng /xL cfPsf] kfOG5 . ljleGg /fi6«sf ;]g fdf k|bfg ul/g] dfgfy{ bhf{x?dWo] Colonel in Chief, Colonel of the Regiment, Colonel Commandant cflb /x]sf 5g\ . oL dfgfy{ bhf{x? k|bfg ug{ ljleGg d'n'sx?n] cf–cfk\mg} dfkb08 / zt{x?sf] Joj:yf u/]sf x'G5g\ . @= g]kfnL ;]g fdf klg ljutdf ;jf]{Rr dxf;]g fgL, clt/yL h:tf dfgfy{ kbx? sfod /x]sf] kfOPtfklg xfn ;f] Joj:yf xl6;s]sf] 5 . t/ g]kfn ;/sf/åf/f @)^( ;fn df3 !) ut] g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sflzt ;}l gs lgodfjnL, @)^( sf] bkmf $@ sf] v08 -!_ cg';f/ g]kfnL ;]g fdf k|z+;gLo sfd u/]sf t/ a9'j fsf] cj;/ gkfO{ cjsfz lng] pk;]gfgLb]l v ;xfos /yL bhf{; Ddsf ;}l gs JolQmnfO{ a9'jf ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/; ;lxt dfgfy{ a9'j fsf nflu k|w fg ;]g fkltn] g] kfn ;/sf/;dIf k]z ug{ ;Sg] / g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;f] l;kmfl/; cg'; f/ a9'jf ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . ;f] pk–lgod adf]lhd dfgfy{ a9'jf x'g] ;}l gs JolQmsf] bHof{gL lrGx k|o f]u ug{ kfpg] afx]s cGo ;'l jwf kfpg] 5}g eGg] ;d]t pQm bkmfdf pNn]v ePsf] 5 . t/ dfgfy{ pk–;]g fgLn] eg] kbn] kfpg] ;a} ;'ljwf kfpg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . ;f]xL ;}l gs lgodfjnLsf] cg';"rL–$ df dfgfy{ pk–;]g fgL / dfgfy{ ;x–;]g fgLsf] 5'§} k|sf/sf] bHof{gL lrGxsf] ;d]t Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . s'g } klg d'n'ssf] ;]g fdf k|bfg ul/g] dfgfy{ kbx? dWo] Colonel Commandant kb klg Ps dxŒjk"0f{{ kb xf] . g]kfnL ;]gfdf klg of] dfgfy{ kb k|rngdf /x]sf] 5, h;nfO{ æljz]if clws[tÆ eGg] ul/G5 . p2]Zo #= of] n]vsf] p2]Z o ;]g fdf s0f{]n sdf08f06 -ljz]if clws[t_ sf] k|rngsf] k|f/De, e"l dsf / g]kfnL ;]g fdf ;f] kbsf] ljleGg kIfx?sf] ;DaGwdf k|sfz kfg'{ /x]sf] 5 . ;]gfdf s0f]{n sdf08f06 kbsf] k|rngsf] Oltxf; $= ;]g fdf s0f]{n sdf08f06 kbsf] k|rngsf] Oltxf;nfO{ s]n fpFbf a]n fotL ;]g faf6} of] kb k|rngdf cfPsf] kfO{ G5 . cd]l /sL :jtGqtf o'4eGbf klxn]b]l v g} of] kb a]nfotL ;]gfdf sfod /x]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . To;a]nf of] kb dfgfy{ lyPg, Pp6f sfo{sf/L kb lyof] . o;} kbsf] lj:tf/:j?k s0f]{n sdf08f06 kb k|rngdf cfPsf] b]l vG5 . ;g\ !(@! df a]nfotL ;]g fdf ;xfos /yL -Brigadier General _ bhf{ x6fP/ Colonel Commandant bhf{ k|rngdf NofOPsf] lyof] . of] Ps sfo{sf/L kb lyof], of] kb k|fKt ug]{ JolQmn] jflxgL, l8kf], tflnd s]Gb| cflbsf] g]t[Tj ub{Yof] . ;g\ !(@* df ;f] s0f]{n sdf08f06 bhf{n fO{ Brigadier bhf{n ] k'g M:yf{kg ul/Psf] lyof] . a]nfotdf g} ;g\ !&%% tfsf %) j6f Royal Marines u'Ndx? v8f u/L To;nfO{ # j6f k[tgf -Division _ df ljefhg ul/Psf] lyof] . ;f] k[tgfx?sf] g]t[Tj ug{ Colonel Commandant x? lgo'Qm ul/Psf] lyof] . ;f] klg Ps sfo{sf/L kb g} lyof] . ;g\ !(%& df Royal Marines af6 s0f]{n sdf08f06 eGg] sfo{sf/L kb k"0f{?kdf x6]sf] lyof] . clxn] a]n fotL ;]g fdf Colonel Commandant eGg] kb Ps dfgfy{ kbdf dfq ;Lldt x'g k' u]sf] 5 . Toxf“ ;xfos /yL / ;f]eGbf dflysf bhf{sf axfnjfnf jf k"j { /yLj[Gb -General Officers_ x?nfO{ xfn ljleGg Corps -bn_ x?sf] lglDt of] dfgfy{ kb k|bfg ul/G5 . %= Sofg]l8og ;z:q ;]gfdf hgj/L !(@% / l8;]Da/ !($& df b'O{hgf ;}l gs clws[tnfO{ Colonel Commandant dfgfy{ kbsf] ?kdf lgo'Qm ul/Psf] lyof] . of] kbsf] cjlw ;fdfGotM tLg jif{sf] x'G 5 / cfjZostfg';f/ yk ug{ klg ldNb5 . ;g\ @))! af6 Sofg]l 8og ;z:q ;]gfsf] Medical Branch df klg s0f]{n sdf08f06 lgo'l Qm ug]{ k|fjwfg /flvPsf] 5 . To;}ul/ ci6«]lnog ;]g fsf] Corps / Regiment x?df klg dfgfy{ Colonel Commandant lgo'Qm ug]{ Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . Toxf“ cjsfz k|fKt ;}l gs clws[tx?nfO{ of] kbdf lgo'l Qm ul/G5 . ;g\ !**@ ;Dd ci6«]lnog ;]g fsf] 50th Regiment df William Acland Douglas s0f]{n sdf08f06 lgo'Q m ePsf lyP . t/ Tof] sfo{sf/L kbsf] ?kdf lyof] . ^= To:t}, a+unfb]z ;]g fsf] Corps jf Regiment x?df klg ;fdfGotM pk/yLeGbf dflysf /yLj[Gbx?nfO{ Colonel Commandant kbdf dfgfy{ lgo'l Qm ul/g] k|rng /x]sf] 5 . oxf“sf] k|foM ;a} Corps / Regiments x?df s0f]{n sdf08f06sf] lgo'lQm ul/Psf] kfOG5 . To;}ul/ ef/tdf klg pk/yL jf /yL bhf{sf /yLj[GbnfO{ /]l hd] 06x?sf] nflu dfgfy{ s0f]{n sdf08f06sf] lgo'lQm lbg] ul/Psf] 5 . Toxf“ ;f] dfgfy{ kbsf] nflu bHof{g L lrGxdf klg 5'§} klxrfg /fVg] Joj:yf ;d]t ul/Psf] 5 . ef/tsf] ljZj ljBfnox?;“u ;DalGwt National Cadet Corps -/fli6«o ;]j f bn–NCC_ sf] dfgfy{ Colonel Commandant kbdf ;DalGwt ljZjljBfnosf pks'nklt -Vice-chancellors_ x?nfO{ tf]lsg] ul/G5 . o;/L tf]l sg] pks'n kltx?n] NCC sf] vfuL kf]zfs tyf lrGx nufpg kfp5g\ . oBlk pgLx? ;}l gs k[i7e"ldaf6 cfPsf x'“b}g g\ . &= >Ln+sfnL ;]g fdf klg ljleGg Corps, Mechanized Infantry Regiment / Srilanka National Guard x?df ;]j f/t ;xfos /yL / ;f]eGbf dflysf /yLj[GbnfO{ dfgfy{ Colonel Commandant kbdf lgo'lQm ug]{ Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . To:t} ;+o 'Qm /fHo cd]l /sfsf] P]l txfl;s k[i7e"l dnfO{ cWoog ubf{ ;g\ !&&( df Michael Kovats nfO{ Continental Army sf] g]t[Tj ug]{ Colonel Commandant lgo'Qm ul/Psf] lyof], tTsfnLg la|l 6z;“usf] o'4df pgsf] d[To' ePsf] lyof] . To;a]nf US Marines Corps sf] pRrtd bhf{nfO{ Colonel Commandant elgGYof] . ltgtfs of] bhf{ Pp6f sfo{sf/L ;}lgs kbsf] ?kdf /x]sf] lyof] . t/ clxn] US Army df of] kb k|rngdf /x]sf] kfOGb}g . Go"lhNof08sf] Royal Regiment of New Zealand Artillery df klg dxf;]g fgL -Colonel _ jf ;f]eGbf dflysf k"j { Artillery Officer x?nfO{ Colonel Commandant df lgo'Qm ug]{ k|rng /lxcfPsf] 5 . Toxf“ ! clk|n !&@& df Colonel Albert Bargard nfO{ klxnf] k6s Royal Regimentof Artillery sf] Colonel Commandant lgo'Qm ul/Psf] lyof] . g]kfnL ;]gfdf s0f]{n sdf08f06 -ljz]if clws[t_ sf] k|r ng k[i7e"l d *= xfn;Dd k|sflzt ;}lgs Oltxf;x?df s0f]{n sdf08f06 -ljz]if clws[t_ sf] ;DaGwdf s'g } pNn]v ePsf] kfOGb}g . ;fy}, ;}l gs P]g–@)^# / ;}lgs lgodfjnL–@)^( df klg s0f]{n sdf08f06 kbsf] ;DaGwdf s'g} pNn]v ePsf] b]lvGb}g . of] kb Ps dfgfy{ / lglZqmo kb ePsf] sf/0fn] klg o;sf] vf;} rrf{ gePsf] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . ljz]if clws[t;DaGwL clen]vsf] vf]hntf; tyf cWoog ug]{ l;nl;nfdf @)@^ ;fn df3df g]kfnL ;]g fåf/f k|sflzt ;}l gs cfb]z g+= @(^÷@^ df ljz]if clws[t -s0f]{n sdf08f06_ sf] ;DaGwdf pNn]v ePsf] kfOPsf] 5 . ;f] ;}l gs cfb]zdf ljz]if clws[tn] kfpg] ;'ljwf, ljz]if clws[t agfpg] lgod, xbDofb, ljz]if clws[tsf] sfdx? tyf gof“ ljz]if clws[t lgo'l Qm ug]{ af/]df pNn]v ePsf] kfOG5 . pQm cfb]zdf gof“ ljz]if clws[t lgo'Q m ug{sf] nflu æk|w fg ;]g fkltn] >L % dxf/fhflw/fh ;/sf/sf] h'gfkmdf /Iff dGqfnodfk{mt gof“ ljz]i f clws[tsf] gfdfjnL :jLs[ltsf] nflu ! dlxgf cufl8 r9fpg] 5g\Æ eGg] pNn]v ePsf] 5 . g]kfnL ;]gfn] ljz]if clws[tsf] ;DaGwdf pQm ;}lgs cfb]zdf pNn]l vt lgodx?nfO{ ;do;fk]If ?kdf kl/dfh{g / ;+zf]wg ub}{ nu]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . (= g]kfnL ;]g fdf s0f]{n sdf08f06 -ljz]if clws[t_ lgo'Q m ug]{ ;DaGwdf @)@^ df3sf] pQm ;}l gs cfb]zdf pNn]v ePsf] kfOPtfklg s]xL u0fx?sf] Oltxf; cWoog ubf{ @)@% ;fndf g} ljz]i f clws[tx? lgo'lQm ePsf] kfOG5 . ldlt @)@% ;fn kmfu'g @* ut] >L >Lgfy u0f / >L ab{axfb'/ u0fdf qmdzM k"j{ sdf08/–O{g –rLkm >L tf]/0f zDz]/ /f0ff / c=k|f=;=/=>L lbndfg l;+x yf=d= s0f]{n sdf08f06 lgo'l Qm x'g'e Psf] b]l vG5 . To;y{, ;DejtM pxf“x? g} g]kfnL ;]gfsf] klxnf] s0f]{n sdf08f06sf] k+l Qmdf kg'{x'G5 . g]kfnL ;]gfsf] klbs u0f / ;kf]{l 6¨ cfD;{ -d4lt kmf}h_ nufotsf u0f;/x dfGotf k|fKt cGo u0fx?df ljz]if clws[t lgo'lQm ug]{ k|rng /x]sf] 5 . axfnjfnf ;xfos /yL jf ;f]e Gbf dflyNnf] bhf{sf /yLj[GbnfO{ g]kfnL ;]gfsf] u0fx?df ljz]if clws[t lgo'l Qm ug]{ ul/G5 . ljz]if cj:yfdf cjsfz k|fKt /yLj[GbnfO{ klg ljz]if clws[tdf lgo'l Qm ug]{ ul/Psf] kfOG5 . o;/L lgo'lQm x'g' x'g] ljz]if clws[tx?sf] cjlw ^! jif{ pd]/;Dd jf lgo'l Qm ePsf] ldltn] !) jif{ dWo] h'g l56f] x'g cfp“5 ;f]xL ldltaf6 cjsfz x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . s0f]{n sdf08f06 lgo'lQm ug]{ cfwf/x? !)= g]kfnL ;]gfdf /yLj[Gbx?nfO{ s0f]{n sdf08f06 -ljz]if clws[t_ df lgo'l Qm ug{sf] nflu lgDg cfwf/x? lgwf{/0f u/]sf] kfOG5 M– -s_ klxnf] k|fyldstf cfk\mgf] Kof/]G6 o'l g6 -clws[t eO klxnf] lgo'l Qm ePsf] o'l g6_ df . -v_ To;kl5 sdf08 u/]sf] o'lg6sf] nflu k|fyldstf lbOg] . -u_ ;kf]{l 6¨ cfD;{ nufot o'lg6x?df ;f]xL cfD;{df /xL ;s]sfnfO{ k|fyldstf lbO{ lgo'lQm ug]{ . -3_ gof“ u0fx?sf] xsdf u'Nd x'“bf sdf08 u/]sf] jf ;f] u'N ddf ;?jf eO{;s]sfnfO{ k|fyldstf lbOg] . -ª_ dfly pNn]lvt k|fyldstf leq kg{ g;Sg] /yLj[GbnfO{ h]i7tfsf cfwf/df a9L ;do sfo{/t /x]sf] o'lg6 jf ;+o 'Qm /fi6«;+l 3o zflGt ;]gfdf sdf08 u/]sf] o' lg6 jf To:t} cGo o'l g6x?df lgo'lQm ug{ ;lsg] . -r_ pNn]l vt cfwf/x? cg';f/ ljz]i f clws[t lgo'l Qm ug{ kb vfnL gePdf h]i7tfdf /x]sf /yLj[Gbx?nfO{ gof“ :yfkgf ePsf u0fx?df qmdzM lgo'l Qm ul/g] . s0f]{n sdf08f06sf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ !!= g]kfnL ;]gfdf s0f]{n sdf08f06df lgo'l Qm x'g 'x'g ] /yLj[Gbsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ lgDg adf]l hd tf]l sPsf] kfOG5 M– -s_ u0fsf] cleefjssf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{ . -v_ u0fsf] lxt x'g] sfo{d f plrt ;Nnfx jf dfu{bz{g k|bfg ug]{ . -u_ u0fklt Pj+ u0fsf ;snbhf{sf] xf};nf clej[l4 ug]{ sfo{d f /fo–;Nnfx lbg] . -3_ u0fkltnfO{ tflnd, j]n k]mo/ -sNof0fsf/L sfo{_ h:tf ljifox?df ;Nnfx k|bfg ug]{ . -ª_ hËL c8\8fn] dfu]df plrt /fo–;Nnfx lbg] . -r_ u0fsf] Oltxf;, rfnrng, k/Dk/f, /ª\u, dfg–kbjL / o:t} tYox?sf] ;+sng u/L k': ts cflb k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{df cfjZos ;xof]u ug]{ . -5_ u0fsf k"j { clws[t, klbs tyf cGobhf{nfO{ ljleGg ;df/f]x jf pT;jx?df ;xefuL u/fpg] h:tf sfo{n fO{ k|f]T;fxg ug]{ . -h_ u0fsf] ljleGg pT;j tyf k"hfx?df ul/g] lgdGq0ffdf cleefjssf] ?kdf pkl:yt x'g ] . -em_ sNof0fsf/L sfo{d f o'l g6 km08 vr{ ug'{ k/]df sf=/=lj=-a]=a[= _ sf] gLlt cg';f/ u0fkltnfO{ cfjZos ;Nnfx lbg] . -`_ ljz]if clws[t lgo'l Qm ePkl5 u0fsf ;snbhf{n fO{ e]6L kl/rofTds sfo{qmd u/L ;Daf]wg ;d]t ug]{ . -6_ cjsfz k|fKt /yLj[Gb ljz]if clws[tsf] x}l ;otn] o'l g6df hf“bf ;nfdLsf] xsbf/ x'g ]5g\ . ;fy} plrt kf]zfs -/fli6«o kf]zfs_ df Sjf6{/ uf8{ lg/LIf0f ;d]t ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . -7_ ljz]if clws[tdf lgo'l Qm eO;s]kl5 u0fsf] lg/LIf0f tyf lgdGq0ffdf hf“bf cfjZos kg]{ aGbf]j:tL ;DaGwL Joj:yfx? hËL c8\8f / ;DalGwt u0fn] ;dGjo u/L ldnfpg] 5g\ . s0f]{n sdf08f06 / u0faLrsf] kf/Dkl/s ;DaGw !@= g]kfnL ;]g fsf] u0fx?df lgo'lQm x'g 'x'g ] s0f]{n sdf08f06 / u0fsf]l ardf pRr :t/sf] kf/:kl/s ;DaGw sfod /x]sf] x'g' kb{5 . g]kfnL ;] gfsf s]xL o'lg6 klt -u0fklt_ / ljz]if clws[taLr ;'dw'/ ;DaGwsf] cefj v6\l sPsf] klg obfsbf ;'l ggdf cfpg] u/]sf] 5 . u0fkltn] ;do;dodf s0f]{n sdf08f06;“ u ;Dks{ tyf ;dGjo u/L u0fsf] j:t'l:yltaf/]df hfgsf/L u/fpg] / cfjZos k/]df pxf;“u ;/-;Nnfx dfu]df klg s'g} xfgL xF'b}g . ;fy}, s0f]{n sdf08f06n] klg ;do;dodf u0fklt;“u s'/fsfgL u/L u0fsf] j:t'l:ylt af/]df hfgsf/L lng' pko'Qm g} x'g] b]l vG5 . o'lg6 kltn] s0f]{n sdf08f06nfO{ af]emsf] ?kdf lng] / s0f]{n sdf08f06n] klg o'l g6df ;Dks{ ug{ cK7\o f/f] dx;'; ug]{ ug'{ x'Fb}g . u0fsf] s'g } klg pT;j, ;df/f]x, rf8kj{ cflb dxŒjk"0 f{{ lbgx?df o'l g6 kltn] s0f]{n sdf08f06nfO{ cfdGq0f ug{ e'Ng' xF'b}g eg] o:tf cj;/x?df s0f]{n sdf08f06n] klg cfk\mgf] o'lg6sf] e|d 0f u/L ;snbhf{;“u e]63f6 / cGt/lqmof u/L cleefjssf] e"l dsf lgjf{x ug{ r'Sg' xF'b}g . !#= s0f]{n sdf08f06df lgo'l Qm x'g ] /yLj[Gb Hofb} g} kl/kSj, ;]g fdf bL3{ ;]j f u/]sf], k]zf;DaGwL 1fgdf ljlzi7tf xfl;n u/]sf], b]z–ljb]zsf] ;]g fsf] af/]df k|z:t cg'ejx? ;+ufn]sf] Ps ;}l gs ljz]if1 / >f]t JolQmsf] klxrfg agfO;s]sf] k|a'4 JolQmTj x'g' x'g ] x'“bf o:tf ljlzi7 / dxŒjk"0f{{ JolQmaf6 u0fkltn] rfx]df u0fsf] ljleGg kIfx?df k|z:t ;/–;Nnfx tyf dfu{bz{g k|fKt ug{ ;S5g\ . of] s'/f ;DalGwt u0fkltsf] OR5f / b[l i6sf]0fdf lge{/ /xG5 . !$= g]kfnL ;]gfdf s0f]{n sdf08f06sf] kb Ps dfgfy{ / cj}tlgs kb ePtfklg /]l hd]06÷u0fk|l t lghsf] e"l dsf dxŒjk"0 f{{ / uxg /x]sf] x'G5 . To;}n], s0f]{n sdf08f06 / u0faLrsf] ;DaGw Hofb} kf/:kl/s / ;f}xfb| k"0f{ x'g cfjZos 5, o;sf] nflu ;DalGwt u0fkltn] dha't k'n sf] ?kdf cfk\mgf] st{Jo lgjf{x ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 . s0f]{n sdf08f06df lgo'lQm x'g 'x'g ] /yLj[Gbn] klg of] kbnfO{ Pp6f cj;/, uf}/j, k|l ti7f Pj+ ;Ddfgsf] ?kdf lnO{ cfk"m lgo'l Qm ePsf] u0fk|l t lg/Gt/ ;xof]u / ;f}xfb|tf k|bz{g ug{df kl5 kg'{ xF'b}g , of] g} s0f]{n sdf08f06 -ljz]if clws[t_ sf] k|d'v lhDd]j f/L klg xf] . lgZsif{ !%= ljleGg /fi6«sf ;]g fdf s0f]{n sdf08f06sf] e"l dsf / lhDd]jf/L k|foM ;dfg /x]sf] kfOG5 . Corps, Regiments tyf u0fx?df lgo'lQm x'g] s0f]{n sdf08f06x?sf] ck/];gn -Operational_ ljifox?df s'g } ;/f]sf/ xF'b}g . t/ o'l g6sf] cfGtl/s ljifo / ;snbhf{sf] sNof0f / ;jf]{k/L lxtsf] ljifodf pgLx? ;DalGwt /xG5g\ . To;}n], s0f]{n sdf08f06nfO{ æ/]l hd] 06sf lktfÆ - Father of the Regiment_ klg elgG5 . c:t'M . -n]vs >L s[i0f bn u0fsf s0f]{n sdf08f06 x'g 'x'G5_ ;Gbe{ ;fdu|Lx? != g]kfn /fhkq æg]kfnL ;]gf ;DaGwL sfg'gdf ;+zf]wg / PsLs/0fsf] Joa:yf ug{ ag]sf] P]gÆ sf7df8f}+M g]kfn ;/sf/, sfg'g , Gofo tyf ;+; bLo Joj:yf dGqfno, c;f]h !@ ut] @)^#= @= g]kfn /fhkq æ;} lgs lgodfjnL @)^(Æ sf7df8f}+M g]kfn ;/sf/, /Iff dGqfno, df3 !) ut], @)^(= #= k+u]g L, eu]Zj/ >L >Lgfy u0fsf] ;Dk"0f{ Oltxf;, 88]nw'/fM >L >Lgfy u0f, la=;+= @)^&= $= ab{ P]ltxfl;s bk{0f, rl/sf]6M ab{ axfb'/ u0f, @)^^= %= a}B, t'N;L/fd tyf cGo g]kfnsf] ;}lgs Oltxf; -efu–@_, sf7df8f}+M g]kfnL hËL c8\8f, la=;+= @)^%= ^= ;}lgs cfb]z g+=@(^÷@^ æljz]if clws[t -s0f]{n sdf08]G6_ n] kfpg] ;'ljwfx?Æ sf7df8f}+M g]kfnL h+uL c8\8f, df3 @)@^= &= *= (= !)= !!= !@= !#= !$= !%= !^= ;}l gs ;lrj ljefu, hËL c8\8faf6 k|fKt ljj/0f= http://www.americanhungarianfederatin. org/news_michael_kovats_de_fabricy.htm michael_kovats _medal_of_freedom.htm htm. 20130903MGenHolmes ColCmdt.html. Changing times, Changing Family Values - Kedar Bhakta Mathema Family values can be defined as ideals that we live by in a family. It is reflected in our everyday behavior and dealings with the members of our own family and the people outside of it. These values are transmitted to the family from generations to generations and are modified as new members enter the family through marriage or as society changes or the family or its individual members are exposed to external influences. It is said, the family is the oldest of all human institutions. One prime reason for this is that it is also the most flexible one. Its values over the centuries have changed again and again. With one or two children now in most middle class urban families in our country, it has, for instance, little in common with the traditional households of say twenty five years ago. Not only are family and household compositions changing. Equally important are the shifting expectations that people have for their relationships with others. Young wives or husbands these days, for instance, demand ‘intimacy’ or ‘commitment’ in personal life. Relations between husband and wife are no longer taken for granted as in the good old days. Relationships these days are active – one has to work at it. The other change we notice is that the head of the family - the father or in some cases the grandfather is no longer the aloof, feared, controlling figure. He is more visible and real to his children than his forebear, say his father or grandfather ever was to their off springs. Fathers are more ‘domesticated’ now than ever before and although most of them still don’t do many household chores such as child care, cleaning and preparing food, they now play more active role in raising children. This could be the result of compulsion, as more and more housewives now hold paid jobs outside the home due to either the economic necessity (couples find it mandatory to have two incomes in order to sustain a desired life style) or their desire for personal fulfillment. As educated and salaried women enter middle class homes, certain traditional family patterns are renegotiated. We can already sense a subtle move towards more egalitarian relationships between husband and wife in many middle class families, thanks to the increased educational status and the growing economic independence of urban women. Notwithstanding this development, most urban middle class women continue to play their gendered role and shoulder the main responsibility for most housework. One of the biggest challenges confronting the emerging nuclear family with working parents is the raising of children. Although fathers are taking a more active role in parenting, wives continue to bear the brunt of responsibility for child rearing. For working husbands and wives, everyday life is hectic with a frenzy of activities such as getting children up, preparing them for schools in mornings, working in the office, picking the children up at the end of the day, helping them with their home works, taking care of affairs at home and carving out time for their own needs. Some nuclear families, which also contain a husband’s or wife’s parents, receive lots of support from such parents as well as benefitting from their experience and wisdom. Many grandparents in such cases find themselves quite busy during their retirement, taking care of grandchildren, from babysitting to escorting children to and from school, to helping them with their homework. It is not an uncommon practice even among our young sons and daughters living abroad in North America or Australia to send invitations to their parents for their ‘back-up support’ during delivery of babies or early days of child rearing. The traditional joint family system in urban areas is rapidly giving way to nuclear family. Some of our nuclear families are unique in the sense that these families contain parents from the husband or sometimes from the wife’s side. It is these kinds of families which come under threat when the nuclear family decide to move out or migrate abroad, leaving behind their aging parents to battle the inevitable uncertainties and loneliness of old age all by themselves. One of the strongest raison d'être of the institution of family is the support - physical, material, psychological and even spiritual it provides to its members. As in the past even today children receive the love, care and support that they require till they are grown up. It is however the support mechanism for the old and aging members which used to be there under the traditional joint family system that has weakened today. There is a growing concern today with the problem of values among young people, including the weakening of what is considered to be the first virtue in our culture- “filial piety”. Many urban young men and women in Nepal as in almost every country seem to be somewhat uncertain of their value orientation - thanks to the increasingly scientific and what a sociologist would call a relativistic nature of modern culture. Religion is of small help to them in this regard. The rigid and absolute views on values coming from the past appear too old fashioned to these young minds and therefore they do not appeal to them. As family values and social codes which used to guide people’s choices and activities loosen, more and more young people go about defining their own identities, shaping their own lives and constructing their own future. There has been always a conflict in all societies throughout history between the family values of cohesiveness and young members’ spirit of adventure, self-discovery and self-advancement. It is only now that globalization has encouraged this sense of individualism among young people even further -even in countries like Nepal. Education too plays its role in shaping an individual’s world view and value system. In some cases our children spend more time in schools and boarding houses than at home, thus absorbing more values from their peers and boarding school culture than from their parents and families. Children’s and young people’s easy access and daily exposure to print and electronic media have further opened other and perhaps more formidable venues for transmitting values to young minds. Few words about what makes a family strong and happy. Dr. John DeFrain, a University of Nebraska family scientist who has spent over 20 years studying 18,000 families in 27 countries rank ‘commitment’ as the most important feature of a happy and well-functioning family. Commitment to the family unit means making changes in the personal goals and activities of individual members for the interest of the family. According to Dr DeFrain, in families where commitments are strong, young people and even children learn to understand the value of altering their individual plans and desires in the interest of overall family needs. Dr DeFrain has also found out through his research, that appreciation for each other and a good communication system are the other two important factors in making of a successful family. He stresses the importance of maintaining close communication with children and the young members of the family. Too often parents assert their parental authority and make mistakes of claiming the exclusive right to determine the conditions of their children’s life. Such attitude and behavior do more harm than good to family harmony. Before closing, a word of advice from the famous Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran as to what our relationship should be like with our children: Your children are not your children They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which You cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. “However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?” - Gautam Buddha k[i7e"l d != s'g} klg ;+u7gsf] ;f+u7lgs 9f“rf jf agfj6 tof/ ubf{ pQm ;+u7gn] ;DkGg ug'{kg]{ sfo{sf cnjf ;'rf? ?kdf ;+ u7g ;~rfngdf cfOkg{ ;Sg] ljljw Jojwfgx?nfO{ ;d]t dWo]gh/ ul/Psf] x'G5 . ljleGg ju{, If]q, wd{ lnª\u, cflbsf] k|l tlglwTj x'g] u/L v8f ePsf ;+u7gx?sf] sfo{ ;~rfngdf cfGtl/s k|l tikwf{ x'g ' :jefljs dflgG5 . ;+o 'Qm /fi6« ;+3sfcg';f/ ha ljljw If]q / ju{sf pTs[i6 JolQmx? ;dfg nIf k|flKtsf nflu sfo{ u5{g eg] To:tf] sfo{If]qdf åGå x'g ' :jfefljs dflgG5 . To;}n] ljljw k|sf/sf sfo{ If]qx?df x'g] c;Gt'l i6 / u'g f;fx? ;'Gg / To;df cfjZos k|l qmof cufl8 a9fpg /fli6«o jf ;f+u7lgs :t/sf] cf] Da8;\dg PsfO{x? :yfkgf ul/Psf x'G5g . o:tf PsfO{x?n] d"VotM k/]sf jf p7fOPsf u'g f;fx? ;'g'jfO{ ug]{ tyf gLlt lgdf{0 fdf ;xof]u L e"ldsf v]Ng] ub{5g . @= g]kfnL ;]gfn] ljljw ju{, If]q, wd{ / hfltsf pTs[i6 JolQmx?sf] k|l tlglwTj ub{5 . To;}n ] g]kfnL ;]g f leq klg cfGtl/s sfo{ ;~rfngdf ljljw lsl;dsf u'g f;f, ;'emfa / ph'/L kg]{ sfo{nfO{ c:jefljs ?kdf lng' xF'b}g . ;}l gs P]g / lgdfjnLx?n] cg'zf;g pNnª\3g ug]{ tyf cGo ck/flws k|s[ltsf 36gfx?df ;+nUgnfO{ sf/jfxL ug]{ k|fjwfg eP klg sltko cj:yfdf P]g lgodx? cfslif{t gx'g] cj:yf klg /xG5 . #= xfn g]kfnL ;]gfsf ;snbhf{x?n] cfkm"nfO{ k/]sf jf nfu]sf kL/ dsf{ / u'g f;fx? k]z ug]{ / ;'g 'jfO{ ug]{ r]g ckm sdf08 afx]s cGo lgsfo 5}g . ljleGg ;dodf dflyNnf] txsf clwsf/Lx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg u/L k|]lift ul/g] a]g fdL ph'/L jf kqx?sf] s'g } klg cflwsfl/tf x'“b}g eg] To:tf kqx?sf] cfwf/df cflwsf/Ls sf/jfxL k|lqmof cufl8 a9fpg;d]t sl7gfO x'G5 . To;}n] g]kfnL ;]g fdf klg ;snbhf{n] cf–cfkm\g f sfo{If]qdf cfk"mnfO{ k/]sf cK7\o f/fx? / kL/ dsf{x?sf ljifodf ph'/L lbg ;Sg] / ;f] pk/ cfjZos 5fglag ug{ ;Sg] Ps lgikIf / :jtGq PsfO{ u7gsf] cfjZostf ;fGb{les b]lvG5 . cf]Da8;\dgsf] :yfkgf $= :j]8]gsf tTsfnLg /fhf rfN;{ afxf}F 6sL{d f lgjf{; gdf /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;g\ !&!# df b}l gs k|zf;g / Gofo k2ltsf] cg'udg ug{ rfG;n/ ckm hli6;sf] :yfkgf u/L cfw'lgs o'udf cf]D a8;\dgsf] ljlwjt\ ;'?jft u/]sf] kfOG5 . To;kl5 ;doqmd;“u} ljleGg b]zx?df cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x?sf] :yfkgf kg]{ k|rng a9\b} uof] . ljz]iftM bf]; |f] ljZj o'4kl5 lghfdlt ;}l gs ;DaGwsf] k'g M JofVof ug]{ qmddf ;}l gs If]qnfO{ dfq ;d]6\g ] cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x?sf] ;d]t :yfkgf ePs]f kfOG5 . gj]{ / cli6«ofdf qmdzM ;g\ !(%@ / !(%% df ;}l gs If]qdfq x]g ]{ u/L ;+;lbo ;'g 'jfO{ ;ldltsf] :yfkgf eof] . To:t} tTsfnLg klZrd hd{gLdf ;g\ !(%( df ;}lgs If]q df lghfdlt ks8nfO{ cem alnof] agfpg ;}lgs If]q dfq x]g {] cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{sf] :yfkgf ul/of] . To;kl5sf jif{x?sf] cWoog ubf{ ;g\ !(() kl5 k|hftfGqLs k2lt cª\ufn]sf /fi6«x?df ;g\ () sf] bzskl5 o:tf PsfO{x ? :yfkgf ug]{ nx/ g} rn]sf] b]lvG5, h;df afëo k|efjsf] cnfjf ;]g fnfO{ lghfdlt ks8df /fVg];d]t p2]Z o x'g ;Sb5 . sltko cj:yfdf s'g } k|sf/sf 36gf ljz]ifaf6 pTk|]l /t eP/ klg cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{sf] :yfkgf ePsf] kfOG5, h;sf] pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf ;++o'Qm clw/fHosf] ;le{; sDKn]g sldzg/sf] :yfkgfnfO{ lng ;lsG5 . 1 Barket, Johnston, Assistant Secretary General, UN Ombudsman and Mediation Service, Benjamin S. Buckland, and William Mcdermott, Ombudsman Institutions for the Armed Forces, (Geneva: The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces, 2012), 15. 3 Hans Born, Aidan Wills and Benjamin S. Buckland, A Comparative Perspective of Ombudsman Institutions for the Armed Forces, (Geneva: The Geneva Centre for the Democratic control of the Armed Forces, 2011), 3. 4 Hans, Aidan and Benjamin, 3. 5 Benjamin and William, 16. 6 Nicholas Blake QC, A Review of the Circumstances Surrounding the Deaths of Four Soldiers at Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut between 1995 and 2002, The Deepcut Review, (London:The Stationery office, 2006), 400. 2 %= s]xL /fi6«x?df ;]g fsf] ;+u7gleq g} O{G:k]S6/ hg/nsf] b/aGbL sfod u/L cf]Da8\;dgsf] ?kdf sfo{ ;~rfng ePsf] kfOG5 . ;g\ !&&& l8;]D a/ !# df cd]l /sL sfu|]; åf/f ljlwjt\ ?kdf O{G:k]S6/ hg/n ckm lb cfdL{ eGg] kbsf] :yfkgf eof] / lghnfO{ lbOPsf $ j6f sfo{If]q dWo] t];|f]df ;]g fdf cg'zf;gsf] kfngf / rfF}yf]df clws[tx?n] cfk"m cGtu{tsf hjfgx?;“u ;xL / Gofof]l rt 9ª\uaf6 Jojxf/ ePsf] Plsg ug]{ ;d]t lyP . g]b/Nof8df ;g\ !($% df ;}l gs ;+u7gdf O{G:k]S6/ hg/nsf] Joa:yf u/L lghnfO{ g} ;}l gs cf]D a8;\dgsf] ?kdf lgo'lQm ul/of] . ^= cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{x?n] d"VotM u'gf;fx? ;'g'jfO{ ug]{ / To;df 5fglag ug]{ sfd ub{5 g\ t/ ljZn]i 0ffTds b[li6sf]0 faf6 x]bf{ o;af6 cGo kIfx? klg pbfuf/ x'G5g . s'g }klg lgsfodf u'g f;f /fVg' jf ph'/L ug'{ eg]sf] pQm lgsfok|l tsf] ljZjf;sf] jftfj/0f sfod /xg' xf] . lrq g+=! df b]vfO{P h:t} cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{k|l t hlt w]/} ljZjf; a9\5 Toltg} ;+Vofdf ph'/Lx? a9\g ] ;Defjgf /xG5 . To:t} cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x?df kg]{ ph'/Lsf] ;+Vof s'g }klg ;+: yfsf] ;'zf;gsf] ;"rssf] ?kdf klg lng ;lsG5 . ;fdfGo cj:yfdf lrq g+=@ df b]vfPsf] h:t} ha ha ;+:yfut z';f;gsf] cj:yf v:sb} hfG5 tata pQm ;+: yfdf sfo{/t JolQmx?sf] c;Gt'li6 a9\b} hfG5 / u'g f;f jf ph'/Lx?sf] ;+Vof a9\g ] ;Defjgf /xG5 . a9L a9L ;+: yfut z';f;g 5fglag k|ltsf] ljZj;lgotf 36L u'gf;f÷ph'/L lrq g+= ! a9L a9L 36L u'gf;f÷ph'/L lrq g+= @ cf]Da8;\dgsf df]8nx? &= xfn ljZjsf ljleGg b]zx? leGgleGg k|sf/sf cf]Da8;\dgx? sfo{/t /x]sf 5g\ . ljleGg b]zx?sf] ;}l gs k/Dk/f, sfg'g L bfo/f, ;fdflhs agfa6, z}l Ifs:t/, lghfdlt ;}l gs ;DaGw cflb h:tf ljifoa:t'x?n] cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x?sf] :yfkgfdf k|ToIf e"ldsf v]n]sf] kfOG5 . cfkm\g f] b]zsf] /fli6«o ;]gf;“u ;DalGwt ljifox? dfq ;d]6g] sfo{ If]q ePsf cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x?sf] ;d]t sfo{If]q / agfj6 km/s km/s kfOG5 . ;f+u7flgs agfj6sf lx;fan] cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{nfO{ d" VotM lgDgfg';f/ 5'§ofpg ;lsG5M -s_ ;]gfsf] ;+u7g leq /xg] cf]D a8;\dg M ljleGg /fi6«x?sf ;]g fdf Inspector General sf] b/aGbL sfod u/L lghnfO{ g} ;}lgs cf]Da8;\dgsf] ?kdf lgo'l Qm u/]sf] kfOG5 . o;sf] pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf cd]l/sL ;]g f tyf g]b/Nof08sf] ;]gfdf /x]sf Inspector General x?nfO{ lng ;lsG5 . s]xL /fi6«x?sf ;]g fx?df eGg] ;Lldt ljifoa:t'x?df dfq s]Gb|Lt u'g f;f ;'Gg] jf ph'/L ;'Gg] PsfO{x? :yfkgf ePsf 5g\ . ef/tLo ;]g fsf ;]g fkltsf] k|ToIf cGtu{tdf /x]sf] CAB (Complaints and Advisory Board) n] kbf]Gglt;“u ;DalGwt u'gf;fx? dfq ;'g 'jfO{ ub{5 . ;}l gs ;+u7gx?n] k|fyldstfsf ;fy o:tf vfnsf PsfO{ :yfkgfdf hf]8 lbPsf] kfOG5 . oL PsfO{d f sdf08 ug]{ tyf /xg] cGo JolQmx? k|fo ;}lgs k[i 7e"l dsf g} x'g] ePsfn] sdf08 tyf lgoGq0fdf a9L ;r]t x'g], ;}lgs ;d:ofx? ;lhn} a'emg ;Sg], ck/]zgn ;"rgfx?k|lt a9L 7 Hans, Aidan and Benjamin, 2. History of the US Army Inspector General, US Department of the Army, Hans, Aidan and Benjamin, 3. 10 Lt Gen Raj Sujlana (Retd), Should RTI Act Cover the Armed Forces? 11 Benjamin and William, 30. 8 9 ;Dj]bgzLn x'g], ;d:ofdf k/]sf JolQmx?sf] ;xh kx'“r h:tf kmfO{bfx? x'g ;Sb5g . t/ o:tf PsfO{ ;}lgs ;+u7gs} Ps lx:;f eP/ sfd ubf{ k|fKt ug]{ :jtGqtf / lgikIftfsf ljifodf k|Zg ug]{ 7fp“ eg] /x]sf] 5 . -v_ ;}lgs If]q x]g]{ :jtGq cf]D a8;\dg M PsfO{ sltko d'n 'sx?df ;}l gs If]q dfq x]g ]{ u/L ;]gfsf] ;+u7geGbf aflx/ :jtGq cf]D a8;\dgsf] :yfkgf ul/Psf] x'G5 . ljz]i f1x? ;lDdlnt o:tf PsfO{x?n] k|bQ clwsf/ / sfo{ If]qcg'?k lzsfotx? ;'Gg], btf{ ug]{, 5fglag ug]{, lgb]{zg lbg] jf ;'emfa lbg] sfo{x? ug{ ;Sb5g . o:tf PsfO{x?sf] ;a}eGbf alnof] kIf eg]sf] ;}l gs ;+u7gx?af6 k|fKt ug]{ :jtGqtf / lgikIftfnfO{ g} dflgG5 . t/ ;}l gs ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgf a'e\mg sl7gfO{ x'g], ;xh kx'“r gx'g], ;}l gs JolQmx?sf] ljZjf; lhTg sl7gfO{ x'g] h:tf ljifox?nfO{ o;sf] sdhf]/Lsf] ?kdf lnOG5 . u}/;}lgs JolQmx? ;lDdlnt o:tf cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{nfO{ klg sfo{If]qsf cfwf/df @ ju{df 5'§ofpg ;lsG5 . -!_ ;}lgs If]qdfq sfo{ If]q ePsf cf]D a8;\dg M ljleGg b]zx?df ;}l gs If]q dfq ;d]6g] u/L :jtGqt cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{x? :yfkgf ul/Psf 5g\ . b]zsf] ;+;b jf /Iff dGqfno cGtu{t /xg] o:tf PsfO{x? sfg'g k|bQ clwsf/ adf]lhd cfkm\g f] sfo{ ;~rfng ub{5 g\ / ;+;b jf /Iff dGqfno k|l t hjfkmb]xL x'G5g . ;+o 'Qm clw/fHosf] ;le{; sDKn]g sldzg/, gj]{sf] ;+;bLo ;ldlt, Sofg8fsf] g]zg l8km]G; tyf Sofg]l8og kmf];]{; cf]D a8;\dg cflb of] ju{df kb{5 g . -@_ ;fwf/0f (General) cf]Da8;\dg M sltko b]zx?df :yfgLo sfg'g cg';f/:yflkt cf]D a8;\dgx?n] cGo If]qsf cnjf ;}lgs If]q nfO{ klg ;d]6\b5g . ;dfhsf ;a}ju{sf dflg;x?sf] :jtGqtf / clwsf/ ;'l glZrt ug]{ clek|fon] :yflkt o:tf :jtGq cf]D a8;\dgx?n] cfkm\g f] sfo{If]q leq /x]/ ;a} If]qx?af6 -;}l gs ;d]t_ k|fKt u'g f;f jf ;'e mfax?sf cfwf/df cg';Gwfg ug]{ / ;'emfa jf lgb]{zg lbg] ub{5g . ;la{ofsf] k|f]6]S6/ ckm l;l6hg, c:6«]lnofsf] sdga]N y cf]d a8;\Dofg, lkmlnlkG;sf] clkm; ckm lb cf]da8;\Dofg, cflb of] ju{df kb{5 g\ . *= dfly pNn]l vt ul/Psf cf]Da8;\dgx?n] d"VotM lgDg @ k|sf/n] sfo{ ;~rfng ub{5 gM -s_ u'gf;f ;'g'jfO{ ug]{ M ljleGg JolQm / ;+: yfx?af6 k|fKt u'g f;fx?sf] ;'g'j fO{ ug]{ jf ;+sng ug]{, r]g ckm sdf08df /xL ;DalGwt PsfO{x?df pQm u'g f;fx? k|]l zt ug]{ / pQm laifodf ePsf k|ult k|l ta]bg k|fKt ug]{ sfd ub{5 g\ . o:tf lgsfon] 5fglag ub}{g \g / oLlgx?sf] ;f+u7flgs ;+/rgf klg ;fgf] x'G5 . -v_ u'gf;f ;'g'j fO{ / 5fglag ug]{ M ljleGg JolQm / ;+:yfx?af6 k|fKt u'g f;fx? ;+sng, 5fglag / ;DalGwtnfO{ cfjZos sf/jfxLsf] nflu l;kmfl/; ug]{ sfd ub{5g\ . sltko b]zdf o:tf PsfO{x?nfO{ sfg'gL ;+/IfsTj ;d]t k|fKt 5 . sfdsf] k|s[l t x]/L o:tf PsfO{x?sf] ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgf 7"n f] ;d]t x'G5 . g]kfnL ;]gfdf cf]Da8;\dg (= g]kfnL ;]gfdf xfn s'g } JolQm ljz]i fn] s'g }klg k|sf/sf u'g f;f jf ;'emfjx? /fVg' k/]d f cfkm\ g f] sdf08/ jf r]g ckm sdf08df kg]{ jl/i7 clwsf/Lx? afx]s clwsfl/s ?kdf cGoq k|l tj]bg ug]{ Joj:yf 5}g . To;}n] g]kfnL ;]]g f;“u ;DalGwt u'g f;f jf ;'e mfax? ;'Gg] / 5fglag ug]{ Ps :jtGq / lgikIf PsfO{, cf]D a8;\dg, u7g ug'{ ;fGble{s b]lvG5 . g]kfnL ;]g fdf cf]Da8;\dg :yfkgf ug'{sf] d"Vo p2]Zo lgDg cg'; f/ x'g ;Sb5M -s_ g]kfnL ;]g fleq jf ;]g f;“u ;DalGwt u'gf;f tyf sld sdhf]/Lx?sf af/]df cflwsfl/s lgsfoaf6 :jtGq / lgikIf 5fglag u/fpg] . -v_ cfkm\g f kL/dsf{ / ;d:of ;'Gg] cflwsfl/s lgsfok|l t ;snbhf{sf] ljZjf; hufO{ ;du|df g]t[Tj ju{ / ;sn bhf{sf]aLrdf ljZjf;sf] jftfa/0f dha'b agfpg] . -u_ k|wfg ;]gfkltnfO{ ;]g fleq /x]sf u'gf;f tyf sldsdhf]/Lx?sf af/]df cflwsf/Ls hfgsf/L u/fO{ gLlt lgdf{0fdf ;xof]uL e"ldsf v]Ng] . -3_ g]kfnL ;]gfdf kf/blz{tf / lgikIftfsf] k|rf/ k|;f/ x'g ] . 12 13 Benjamin and William, 34. Benjamin and William, 33. !)= dfly pNn]l vt p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu cf]Da8;\dgsf] u7g lgDg l;4fGtx?df cfwfl/t x'g' pko'Qm b]l vG5 M -s_ sfo{ :jtGqtf - Independence) -v_ t6:ytf / lgikIftf -Neutrality and Impartiality) -u_ uf]klgotf -Confidentiality) -3_ ;xh kx'“r -Informality/Ease of Access) !!= g]kfnL ;]g fdf cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{sf] :yfkgf g} ;Dk"0f{ ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg eg] x}g . cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{sf] d"Vo cfwf/zLnf eg]sf] u'g f;f btf{ ug]{ k|l qmof, ;'Id / uxg 5fglag tyf ;DalGwt ljifodf ;xL lgb]{zg jf k|l tj]bg x'g \ . ;a}eGbf dxŒjk"0f{ / ;'?jftLr/0f eg]sf] u'gf;f jf ph'/L ug{ ;Sg] ;xh jftfj/0f xf] . JolQm ljz]i fn] cfkm"nfO{ dsf{ k/]sf] s'/f ;xh} ph'/L ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf x'g ' kb{5 . lghn] ph'/L u/]s} sf/0f s;}n ] l/l;OaL ;f“Wg cj:yf /xg' x“'b}g . ;fy} cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x?n] klg ljleGg >f]t / dfWodx? k|o f]u u/L uf]klgotfdf ;d]t s'g} cf“r gk'Ug] u/L clwstd ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ ;xh kx'“rsf] Joj:yf ug'{ kb{5 . lgikIf ?kdf x'g] z'Id / uxg 5fglag cf]Da8;\dgsf] csf]{ cfwf/zLnf xf] . cfjZostfcg'?k afëo ljz]if1x?sf] ;d]t ;xof]udf 5fglag ug{ ;Sg' kb{5 . 5fglagaf6 k|fKt glthfnfO{ ;xL?kdf lgb]{zg jf ;'emfasf]?kdf k|: t't ug{ ;Sg' klg Tolts} dxŒjk"0f{ kIf x'G5 . sltko cj:yfdf cf]D a8;\dgåf/f lbOPsf lgb]{zgx? afWofTdsf/L x'g ;Sb5g\ eg] slxn]sfxLF ;+: yfsf nflu ;'w f/fTds ;'emfax? dfq klg x'g ;Sb5g . !@= s'g}klg ;+:yf jf PsfO{sf] sfo{ bIftfdf ef}l ts kIfx?sf] hlt e"ldsf /xG5, cGo kIfx?sf] k|efj klg plQs} /xG5 . cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x?sf] sfo{ bIftfdf klg u}x«ef}l ts tTjx?sf] klg dxŒjk"0 f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . k|ydtM cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{ k|l t ;snbhf{sf] ljZjf; x'g' kb{5 . pgLx?nfO{ cf]Da8;\dgåf/f sfo{ ;~rfngdf x'g] uf]klgotfsf cnfjf To;af6 ;xL glthf k|fKt x'g ]5 eGg] ljifodf k"0f{ ljZjf; x'g ' kb{5 . To:t} s'g }klg ph'/L pk/ x'g] 5fglag k"0f{tM lgikIf x'g ]5 eGg] ljZjf; lbnfpg' klg plQs} h?/L /xG5 . cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{åf/f lbOPsf lgb]{zg jf ;'e mfax? Gofof]l rt 9ª\uaf6 ;Daf]wg ePsf 5g\ elg cg'udg ug'{klg cfjZos b]lvG5 . o; k|sf/sf] cg'udgn] pQm ;+:yfk|l tsf] cf:yf / ljZjf; a9fpg] ;'l glZrttf x'G5 . dfly pNn]lvt ljleGg kIfx?sf] cGt/;DaGw lrq g+=# df ;d]t b]vfOPsf] 5 . u'gf;f ;'Gg] cg'udg ljZj;lgotf cf]D a8;\dg lgb]{zg÷k|l tj]bg 5fglag lgikIftf lrq g+= $ !#= g]kfnL ;]g fdf xfn cf]Da8;\dg jf o:t} k|sf/sf PsfO{df sfo{ cg'ea ePsf hgzlQmsf] cefj x'g ;Sb5 . To;}n] ;'?jftL r/0fdf :jtGq / lgikIf 9ª\uaf6 5fglag ug{ ;Sg] s]xL clws[tx? 5gf}6 u/L pgLx?nfO{ ;DalGwt ljifodf 1fg lbnfpg' h?/L x'G5 . o;qmddf 5flgPsf clws[tx?nfO{ :jb]zsf /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u, clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u, nufotsf lgsfox?sf cnjf cf]Da8;\dgsf km/skm/s df]8]nx? sfo{/ t /x]sf ljleGg ldq/fi6«x?sf cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{x?sf] cWoog e|d0f;d]t u/fpg ;lsG5 . g]kfnL ;]gfdf cf]D a8;\dg PsfO{sf] :yfkgf ul/Pdf To;nfO{ a}wtf lbg ;}l gs P]g / lgodfjnLx?df ;d]t ;f] ;DaGwL Joa:yf ;dfa]z ug'{ pko'Qm b]l vG5 . ;+If]k !$= jt{dfg ljZj kl/j]zdf ljleGg b]zx?df ;}l gs If]qnfO{ dfq ;d] 6\g ] u/L km/skm/s df]8nsf cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{x? :yfkgf ul/Psf] kfOG5 . ;DalGwt b]zsf] sfg'gL Joa:yf, ;fdflhs cj:yf, z}l Ifs:t/, ;}lgs k]zf ;DaGwL hgwf/0ff / r]tgf, ;}lgs lghfdlt ;DaGw / ljutdf 36]sf ljleGg 36gfx?nfO{ ;d]t cfwf/ agfP/ cf]D a8;\dgsf] sfo{ If]q / clwsf/x? ;'l glZrt ul/Psf] kfOG5 . To;}n] s'g}klg b]z jf ;+u7gdf cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{sf] :yfkgf ubf{ d"n tM cfkm\g } kl/j]z / cfjZostfx?df s]Gb|Lt /x]sf] x'G5 . !%= g]kfnL ;]gfnfO{ cem lgikIf, kf/bzL{ / lhDd]af/ lgsfosf] ?kdf ljsf; ub}{ ljZj kl/j]z tyf ljleGg /fi6«sf ;]g fx?sf] ;f+u7lgs agfj6 / sfo{ 9f“rf;“u ;d]t ;fGble{s agfpg Ps cf]Da8;\dg PsfO{ sf] :yfkgf ug'{ pko'Qm b]lvG5 . eljiodf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgfdf km]/abn ePdf lj:t[t sfo{l jlw / j}w flgs sfo{ If]q;lxtsf] Ps :jtGq / lgikIf PsfO{ :yfkgf ug{ ;d]t pko'Qm b]l vG5 . o;af6 g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+l jwfg @)^# sf] wf/f !$$ pkwf/f -#_ df pNn]v ePcg';f/ g]kfnL ;]g fsf] nf]stfGqLs/0fsf] k|l qmofdf ;d]t yk d2t k'Ug] b]lvG5 . ;Gbe{ / ;fdfu|L 1. Annual Report 2012, Service Complaints Commissioner, UK, 2013. 2. 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The Government's Response to the House of Commons Defense Committee's Third Report of Session 20042005, "On Duty of Care" the Secretary of State for Defense, London, 2005. 12. g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg -cf7f}+ ;++z f]w g_ @)^#, g]k fn sfg'g cfof]u, sf7df8f}+, @)^& 13. 14. 15. 16. 14 - kl/ro != g]kfndf ;'/Iff If]q;“u ;DalGwt s]xL lj1x?sf ;fy} sltko /fhg}lts g]t[Tjdf ;d]t Pp6f a'emfO{ 5 – g]kfn b'O{ ljzfn /fi6«x? rLg / ef/taLr /x]sf] Pp6f ;fgf] /fi6« ePsf]n ] g t tL /fi6«x?;“u n8fOF“ug{ ;S5 g t jt{dfg cGt/f{li6«o kl/l:yltdf tL b'O{ /fi6«x?n] g]kfndf xdnf ug]{ ;+efjgf g} 5 . g]kfndf afëo vt/fsf] ;+efjgf 5}g cyjf slDtdf klg To:tf] vt/fsf] ;Defjgf lgs6 eljio -Ps b'O{ bzs_ ;Dd 5}g . t;y{, g]kfndf 7"nf] ;+Vofdf ;]g f cfjZos kb}{g / ;}lgs If]q df vr{ ug'{ eg]sf] cg'Tkfbs If]qdf vr{ ug'{ xf] . To;}n] cToGt} ;fgf] cfsf/df, gfd dfqsf] ;]gf /fvL ;}l gs If]qdf ul/g] nufgL cGo pTkfbgzLn If]qdf ul/P /fi6«n ] nfe xfl;n ug{ ;Sb5 . of] ljrf/ Pp6f /fi6«sf] ;'/IffnfO{ k/Dk/fjfbL dfq geO{ ;+sL0f b[l i6sf]0faf6 x]g ]{ ;f]rsf] pkh xf] / o:tf ljrf/sf] ;+k|]if0fn] s]xL cfd;~rf/ nufot hgdfg;df ;d]t o:t} cjf:tljs wf/0ffx? agfpg an ldn]sf] b]l vG5 . t/;To s] xf] eg], ljZj /ª\ud~rdf cfPsf] /fhg}l ts, cfly{s, ;fdflhs / j}rfl/s kl/jt{g / k|l jlwdf ePsf] Jofks ljsf;n] afëo vt/fsf] k|s[ltdf;d]t kl/jt{g cfPsf] 5 / ;fy} vt/fsf] cf“sng ubf{ k/Dk/fut ;f]rdf kl/jt{g Nofpg' kg]{ cfjZostf dx;'; ePsf] 5 . @= x'g t zLto'4sf] cGTo;“u} k|mflG;; km'sfofdfn] eg]em}+ …Oltxf;sf] cGToÚ eP/ ljZjdf ca /fi6«x?aLr l;4fGtsf] nflu o'4 geO{ /fi6«l eq} x'g] hghfltaLrsf] åGåsf] k|w fgtf /xg] s'/fnfO{ gsfg{ ldNb}g . To:t}u/L, ;'/IffnfO{ Psfª\sL?kdf x]g { gx'g] / o;nfO{ …/fi6« /fHoÚsf] cjwf/0ff / sf]/f ;fj{ef}d;Qf;“u dfq hf]8]/ g]x]/L …dfgjLo ;'/IffÚsf] cjwf/0ff;“u hf]8]/ x]g'{ kg]{ klZrdf /fi6« x?sf] ljrf/nfO{ an lbg] cfwf/x? klg k|;:t} 5g\ . To;}ul/ cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGwsf l;4fGtx?n] klg ;'/Iffsf cjwf/0ffx?nfO{ cf–cfkm\g } 9Ën] JofVof u/]sf] kfOG5 . oyfy{jfb -l/oflnhd\_, cfbz{j fb -cfO{l 8oflnhd\_, pbf/jfb -lna/lnhd\_ cflb h:tf jfb k|ltjfbx?sf] 3]/fleq dfq ;Lldt g/xL Jofjxfl/s b[li6sf]0 faf6 x]g]{ xf] eg] ;'/IffnfO{ j:t'k/s 9Ën] a'‰g Tolt sl7g gxf]n f . #= cfhsf] ljZjdf Pp6f ;fgf] /fi6« x'g'sf w]/} kL8fhGo cfofdx? 5g\ . To;dWo] ;fgf] d'n'ssf gful/sn] dx;'; ug]{ n3'tfef; klg Ps xf] . ;fg} /fi6« ePsf gftfn] ;' /Iff ljifodf ljrf/ ljdz{ ug'{ / cfkm\g f wf/0ffx? /fVg' sltko cj:yfdf …a9LÚ s'/f u/]sf] klg 7xl/g] u/]sf] kfO{G5 . /0fgLltsf] ;Gbe{df ljrf/ ljdz{ ubf{ …jgsf] af3n] gvfP klg dgsf] af3n] vfg]Ú / cfkm\g f sdL sdhf]/Lx?nfO{ of] / Tof] axfgfdf 9fs5f]k ug]{ k|j[lQ klg gkfOg] xf]Og . o;} ;Gbe{df, /fi6« lgdf{tf a8fdxf/fhflw/fh k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxsf] dxfg pb\uf/ …g]kfn b'O{ 9'ËfaLrsf] t?nÚ nfO{ ;+sL0f{ JofVof u/L b'O{ ljzfn b]zsf] lardf /x]/ g]kfnn] afëo vt/fsf] cf“sng / To;sf /f]syfdsf] pkfox? ubf{ l5d]sLx? lrl9g] ePsfn] gtd:ts eP/ a:g' g} c;n s'6gLlt x'g] ts{ klg obfsbf ;'l gg] ul/G5 . cfkm\g f ;'/Iffsf] pkfox? cjnDag ubf{ l5d]sLsf] ;'/Iffdf cf3ft k'U5 eGg] dfGotf ;w}“ ;xL x'g ;Sb}g . ljb]zL d'n's;“u ;'/Iff ;+s6 -;]So'l/6L l8n]df_ ga9fO{sg klg cfkm\g f] d'n'ssf] ;'/Iff Joj:yf ;'b[9 ug{ ;lsG5 . ;a}eGbf dxŒjk"0 f{ s'/f ljrf/ ljdz{ / ;Djfb xf] . olb xfdL cfkm\g f] ;'/Iffsf af/]df lrlGtt 5f}F eg] ax;sf] yfngL ug}{ k5{, …df]xL dfUg] 9'ª\u|f] n'sfpg]Ú x'g ;Sb}g . ha xfdL ax;sf] yfngL u5f}{+ cg]sg k|Zgx? plAhG5g\ . t;y{, …g]kfndf afëo vt/fsf] ;+e fjgf 5 ls 5}g / 5 eg] sxf“af6 o:tf] vt/fsf] pTklQ x'G5 <Ú eGg] af/]df sf}t'xntf x'g ' :jefljs} xf] . o; n]vdf oxL ljifonfO{ ;ª\If]kdf lrg]{ k|oTg ul/Psf] 5 . t/, d"Vo ljifodf k|j]z ug'{ cl3 ;fdl/s kl/k|]Iosf] af/]df rrf{ ug'{ cfjZos b]lvPsfn] ;j{k|yd To;df 5nkmn ul/g]5 . If]qLo ;fdl/s kl/k|]I o $= g]kfndf x'g ;Sg] afëo / cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf r'g f}tLx?nfO{ ljZn]i f0f ug]{ l;nl;ndf /fli6«o, If]qLo / cGt/f{l i6«o kl/k|]Iosf] af/]df rrf{ ug'{ ;fGble{s x'G5 . oL tLg}j 6f kl/k|]Iox?nfO{ t'ngf ubf{ If]qLo kl/l:ylt cGt/f{li6«o k|m flG;; km'sfofdf, b g];gn O{G6]«: 6, !^ -;d/_ !(*(, g]zgn Pkm]o;{ O+s . a]/L cf/=kf]hg, æb ;]S o'l /6L l8n]df P08 O{lylgs sGkm\nLS6,Æ , ef]N o'd #%, g+=!, :k|LË !((#, kfgf @&–$& . kl/l:ylteGbf a9L k|efjzfnL x'g ] / /fli6«o kl/l:ylt If]qLo kl/l:ylteGbf a9L uxg / dxŒjk"0 f{ x'g ] s'/fnfO{ dgg ug'{ h?/L 5 . o; n]vsf] bfo/f aflx/L vt/fsf] pTklQsf] ljlzi6 kl/l:ylt -d'n 's leq}af6 pTkGg x'g] aflx/L vt/f_ sf] af/]df rrf{ ug'{ ePsfn] ;fdl/s kl/k|]Iosf] ljZn]if0fnfO{ If]qLo–/fli6«o kl/l:yltdf s]Gb|Lt ul/Psf] 5 . /0fg}l ts kl/k|]Iosf cfofdx? cg]sg 5g\ h:t} /fhg}lts, cfly{s, ;}lgs, ef}lts, j}1flgs, k|fljlws, ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[l ts, sfg'g L / g}l ts . To;}n], oxf“ g]kfnnfO{ rf/}l t/af6 3]g ]{ b'O{ l5d]sL /fi6«x? rLg / ef/tsf] hg;+Vof, k|fs[lts >f]t ;fwg, hnjfo' kl/jt{g, k|fs[l ts k|sf]k, ;"rgf k|l jlw cflbsf af/]df ;ª\If]kdf rrf{ ul/Psf] 5 . %= hg;+Vof= ljZjsf] s/La b'O{l txfO{ ;+Vofdf /x]sf] rLg / ef/tsf] ljzfn hg;+Vof o; If]q sf] /0fg}l ts kl/k|]Iosf] Pp6f dxŒjk"0f{ lx:;f xf] . >d Pjd\ jf}l 4s zlQmsf] ?kdf /xg] hg;+Vof b'a} b]zsf] nflu j/bfg x'g ] b]lvG5 eg] ;xL Joj:yfkg x'g g;s] cle;fkl;4 x'g ;Sg] klg TolQs} ;+efjgf 5 . clxn] rLgn] ljZjdf ;a}eGbf pRr b/df cfly{s pGglt ul//x]sf] 5 h;df >dzlQmsf] dxŒjk"0 f{ of]ubfg 5 . cfufdL b'O{ bzsdf rLgsf] bf“h f]df ef/tsf] hg;+Vofsf] agfj6df o'jf hgzlQmsf] afx'N otf /xg uO{ pTkfbsTjdf pNn]Vo j[l4 x'g ] ;+efjgf k|r'/ dfqfdf 5 . o;n] cfufdL b'O{ bzslt/ ef/tsf] cfly{s j[l 4b/ emg} tLa| eO ;+; f/s} pRr cfly{s j[l4b/ ePsf] /fi6«sf] ?kdf k|:t't x'g ] cWoogn] b]vfPsf] 5 . cfly{s pGglt dfq xf]Og, b'a} /fi6«sf hgtfsf] lbgfg'l bgsf] a9\bf] rfxgfn] tL /fi6«x?df r'gf}tLx? klg TolQs} ylkg]5 . rLgn] cfkm\g f] a9\bf] k|f}9 hg;+Vofsf] ;fdflhs ;'/Iff tyf sNof0fsf/L sfo{sf] nflu ljz]if Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ afWofTds kl/l:yltn] ubf{ csf]{ bzsaf6 clxn]s} cg' kftdf cfly{s j[l 4 ug{ d'l :sn kg]{ b]]l vG5 . ef/tdf x'g ;Sg] ;DkGg / ljkGg hgtfaLrsf] vf8n tyf cfly{s e|i6frf/n] cg]sf}+ cfGtl/s snx ;[hgf u/L ljsf;sf] ultnfO{ w]/} k5fl8 ws]Ng] ;Sg] ;+efjgfx?nfO{ klg gsfg{ ;ls“b}g . t;y{, ef/tsf] ;+: yfkg kIfsf] hg;+Vof Joj: hg;+Vofg} …6fO{d adÚsf] ?kdf b]vf gknf{ eGg ;ls“b}g . o; sf/0fn] klg ef/tdf x'g ] dfcf]j fbL nufot cGo gfddf x'g] czflGtnfO{ /f]Sg ef/tsf] e/dUb'/ k|o Tg x'g] b]l vG5 . o:tf ;d:ofx? ef/t leq} pb\ud x'g] b]l vG5 eg] sltko cj:yfdf l5d]sL /fi6«x?af6 ;d]t k|efj kg{;Sg] b]l vG5 . o;sf nflu l5d]sL ldq /fi6«x?;“u ef/tsf] /fd|f] ;DaGw / ;xsfo{ x'g 'kg]{ cfjZostf x'G5 . t;y{, hg;+Vofsf] sf/0fn] x'g ] a9\bf] cfGtl/s pkef]u tyf pkef]Qmfjfb, ;fdflhs ;'/Iff / nf]ssNof0f sfo{sf] nflu dfq geO rLg / ef/t b'j }n] cfGtl/s :yfoLTjsf] nflu klg lglZrt ;dofjlw;Dd 7f]; ?kdf cfly{s j[l 4b/nfO{ sfod /fVg' kg]{ b]lvG5 . ^= ;}lgs÷;'/Iff= ef/t / rLgdf x'g] lg/Gt/ cf}B f]l us ljsf;n] o; If]q df ;}Go zlQmsf] klg pNn]vgLo ljsf; ug]{ 5 . ljZjdf g} xltof/sf] cfk"lt{df dxŒjk"0 f{ e"ldsf v]Ng] oL b'O{ /fi6«sf]aLrdf /xg] g]kfnnfO{ o;sf] k|ToIf k|efj kg]{ s'/f lglZrt 5 . ;}l gs ;fdl/s If]qdf oL b''O{ /fi6«n] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]N g] 5g\ . b'a} /fi6«n] ;zQm dxf;fu/Lo gfljs Ifdtf -An" jf6/ g]eL_ xfl;n u/L Pl;of k|zfGt If]q nufot ljZjdf cfkm\g f] k| e'Tj sfod /fVg xf]8afhL ug]{ 5g\ . ef/tn] lxGb dxf;fu/df cfkm\g f] ;zQm pkl:ylt hgfpg] 5 eg] rLgn] ljZje/ g} cfkm\g f] gfljs zlQm k'¥ ofpg] Ifdtf /fVb} O{i6–rfO{g f–;L tyf ;fpy–rfO{g f–;L nufot cGo If]qdf cd]l/sL sf/jfxL tyf pkl:yltnfO{ k|lt/f]w jf k|l tsf/ ug]{ Ifdtf /fVg] 5 . e'6fg, g]kfn, >Ln+sf, kfls:tfg / Dofgdf/df ePsf] rLgsf] lg/Gt/ nufgL tyf nufjnfO{ lgik|efjL t'Nofpg ef/tn] e/dUb'/ ug]{ 5 . lxGb dxf;fu/, O{i6–rfO{g f–;L / ;fpy–rfO{g f–;L dxfzlQm /fi6«x? larsf] /0fg}lts 6s/fjsf] :yfg x'g] 5g\ t/ klg a]nfa]nfdf x'g] o:tf 6s/fjx? cfly{s ljsf;sf] sf/0fn] 7"nf] o'4 df kl/0ft x'g ] ;Defjgf sd} /xg] b]lvG5 . a?, cftª\sjfb h:tf u}/ k/Dk/fut n8fOF“n] o; If]qdf 7"n f] ;d:of ;[hgf ug]{ 5 . cn sfobf, tflnjfg, sf:dL/L cftª\sjfbL ;d"xx?, gS;njfbL -dfcf]j fbL_ ljb|f]x, :jtGq ltJjt cfGbf]ng tyf pO{u'/ k[ystfjfbL cfGbf]ngx?sf sf/0f o; pkIf]q Go"g pb\j]uLo åGå -nf] O{G6]l G;6L sGkm\l nS6_ af6 d'Qm x'g ;Sg] 5}g . o; If]qdf pNn]lvt sf/0fx?af6 x'g;Sg] cfGtl/s tyf If]qLo cl:y/tfnfO{ x6fO{ :yfloTj sfod /fVg] Ifdtfdf oL /fi6«x?sf] hflto–wfld{s ;b\efjnfO{ sfod /fVg ;Sg] ;fdYo{ lge{/ /xg]5 . &= phf{= /fli6«o ;'/Iff / cv08tfsf] ljifonfO{ Psflt/ /fVg] xf] eg] ef/t / rLgsf] d"Vo k|fyldstf tLa| cfly{s ljsf; x'g ]5 h;sf] nflu phf{sf] cfjZostf cltg} dxŒjk"0 f{ x'G5 . o:tf] cfjZostf k'/f ug{sf] nflu phf{sf] d"Vo ;|f]tsf] ?kdf /x]sf] k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf] ;xh / lgoldt cfk"l t{sf nflu b'a} /fi6«n] e/dUb'/ k|oTg ug]{ 5g\ . ef/tn] O{/fg nufot dWo–Pl;ofnL /fi6«x?af6 kfO{knfO{g sf] dfWodaf6 cfkm\g f] cfjZostf k"lt{ ug]{ k|o Tg ul//x]sf] 5 / eljiodf klg ;f]xL k|o f;nfO{ ;fsf/ t'N ofpg g} k|of;/t /xg] ;+efjgf b]l vG5 . b'a} /fi6«d f x'g] cf}Bf]l us ljsf;sf] sf/0fn] ubf{ k]6«f]l nod kbfy{sf] dfu cToflws x'guO{ To;sf] d"No tLa| ?kdf a9\g ] 5 . oL b'a} b]zn] cfkm\g f] phf{ cfjZostfnfO{ kl/k"lt{ ug{sf] nflu k]6«f]l nod kbfy{sf] cnfjf cf0fljs phf{, sf]O{nf, Uof“; tyf hnljB'ttkm{ g]k fnsf] k|lt/Iff 8lS6«g , g]kfnL ;]gf, @)^$, k]h #@ . , 8]enkd]G6 sG;]K6 P08 8lS6«g ;]G6/, Pd=cf]=l8=, o'=s]=, cS6f]a/ @)!@ . , 8]enkd]G6 sG;]K6 P08 8lS6«g ;]G6/, Pd=cf]=l8=, o'=s]=, cS6f]a/ @)!@ . O{Hofs :6f]g lkm;, æO{l d6]zg O{h b ;]S o'/ ]:6 kmd{ ckm km\Nof6/L, JxfO{ rfO{g fh kfj/km"n, Go" Gofzgn l8km]G; kf]: r/ n'S; ;f] dr nfO{s cd]l /sfh,Æ , j]e;fO{6M form_ of_flattery_china_us_national_security#sthash.h2wTmnHE.dpbs -x]l/Psf] gf]e]D a/ @%_ . cfkm\g f] Wofg s]Gb|Lt ug]{ 5g\ . To;sf nflu l5d]sL /fi6«x?af6 klg phf{sf] cfjZostf k'/f ug]{ x/;Dej k|o Tg ug{]5 g\ . ljB't cfk"l t{sf] nflu e'6fg;“usf] ef/tLo ;xsfo{ lg/Gt/ /xg] 5 eg] Uof“+; sf] nflu a+unfb]z / hnljB'tsf] nflu g]kfn;“+usf] k|o Tg hf/L /xg] 5 . rLgn] klg dWo–Pl;ofnL /fi6«x?sf] cnfjf clk|msL /fi6«x?df cfkm\g f] Wofg s]Gb|Lt ul//xg] lglZrt} 5 . h;sf nflu dnfSsf nufotsf ;d' Gb|L hn–8d?dWo -:6«]6 \;_ ;'/lIft /fVg' tyf ;d'Gb|dfly cfkm\g f] k|e'Tj sfod /fVg' dxŒjk"0f{ x'G5 . *= kfgL= hg;+Vof j[l4;“u} kfgLsf] a9\bf] dfusf] sf/0f ef/tLo pkdxfåLkdf tgfj a9\g ] 5 . ljz]if u/L a|Dxk'q– lxdfno If]qdf of] ;d:of a9L uDeL/ x'g ]5 . rLg / ef/tn] cf–cfkm\g f] e"–efusf] a|D xk'q gbLdf afFw lgdf{0f u/L ljB't pTkfbg ug]{ tyf kfgLsf] k|efj kl/jt{g u/L cfkm}n ] pkef] u ug]{ gLltn] rLg / ef/taLr dfq geO{ ef/t / a+unfb]zaLr klg tgfj pTkGg eO/x]sf] 5 . eljiodf ;tnh gbLsf] kflg pkef]usf] ;DaGwdf ;d]t rLg / ef/t lar ljjfb pTkGg x'g ;Sg] ;+efjgf b]l vG5 . To:t} u/L, ef/tLo gd{bf 8\o fdsf] ljjfb Psflt/ 5 eg] l/e/ lnÍLË k|f]h]S6 nfu' ug]{ jf gug]{ eGg] ;DaGwdf 7"n} ax; 5]l8Psf] 5 . kfgLsf] af“8kmf“8sf] ;Gbe{df g]kfn, ef/t, rLg / a+unfb]zaLrdf …tNnf] t6Lo /fi6«Ú / …pkNnf] t6Lo /fi6«Úsf clwsf/sf] af/]d f cfpg] c;dembf/Lx? åGåsf] ?kdf kl/0ft x'g ;Sg] ;+e fjgf plQs} 5 . cfufdL bzsx?df o; If]qdf kfgLsf] ;+s6 uDeL/ ?kdf k|lt/Iff / ;'/Iffsf] ljifo aGg] 5 . 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klg a9Lg} x'g]5 g\ . rLgn] klg g]kfnnfO{ rLg / ef/taLrsf] dWojlt{ /fi6«sf] ?kdf x]g]{ b]l vG5 . rLgn] g]kfndf cfkm\g f] k|efj sfod /fVg k"jf{wf/ ljsf;df cem a9LdxŒjk"0f{e"l dsfv]Ng] b]lvG5 . , kfls:tfg, , # l8;]Da/ @)!# j]e;fO{6M news/international/world-news/chinato-substantially-increase-assistance-to-nepal-pakistan/articleshow/26804655.cms -x]l/Psf] $ l8;]Da/ @)!#_ !#= ef/t / rLgsf] cfly{s ;Dj[l4;“u} ljZjsf] /0fg}l ts Wofg–b[li6 qmdzM klZrdf /fi6«x?af6 k"l j{o /fi6«x?df ;b}{ hfg] 5 .8 oL b'O{ /fi6« sf] cfly{s ;Dj[l4;“u} g]kfnn] klg :jtM ;Dj[l 4 xfl;n u5{ eGg] ;f]r ;xL gx' g ;S5 . gLlt lgdf{tfx?sf] ;kmn u[xsfo{å f/f ;dodf g} ;xL gLlt th'{df ePsf] v08df g]kfnn] oL b'O{ b]zx?af6 k|z:t cfly{s nfe lnO{ b'|tb/ pGglt ug]{ ;Defjgf Psflt/ 5 eg] unt gLltsf] sf/0f b'O{ dxfzlQmx?sf] lardf Pp6f ;d:ofu|: t /fi6«sf] ?kdf /xL tL b'O{ /fi6«sf] x:tIf]ksf] lzsf/klgaGg ;Sg]5 . cfly{s ljsf;sf nflu g] kfnsf] /fhg}l ts, s'6g}l ts, ;}lgs Ifdtf pRr x'g cfjZos 5 . /fhg}l ts l;4fGt / jfbeGbf klg ljz]if u/L g]kfndf x'g] cfGtl/s u8a8L tyf cl:y/tfk|lt b'a} b]zsf] rf;f] / lrGtf /xg]5 . g]kfndf x'g] /fhg}l ts bª\uf, cfGtl/s snx, hghflt tyf If]qLo ;+3if{sf] sf/0faf6 l5d]sL d'n 'sx?n] x:tIf]k u/L cfkm\g f] cg's"n ;/sf/ agfpg k|oTg ug]{ 5g\ . oL ;d:ofx?sf] lbuf] ;dfwfg eg]s} ;dodfg} ;a}nfO{ dfGo x'g] /fhg}lts / ;+j}wflgs :yfoLTjsf] vf]hL ug' { x'g ]5 . !$= xfn g]kfnsf] cy{tGq j}b]l zs /f]huf/Laf6 k|fKt /]l d6\o fG;df a9L lge{/ 5 . /]ld6\o fG;df ;+e fjgf / r'gf}tL b'a} 5g\ . ljleGg /fi6«x?;“u g]kfnsf] pko'Q m b'O{ tyf ax'kIfLo ;DaGw / ;+o Gqsf] cefjdf cGt/f{li6«o >d ahf/df g]kfnL >d zlQm ;+j]bgzLn l:yltdf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfnn] ljZj >dahf/df lbPsf] of]ubfgsf] kmn:j?k cfh{g ug]{ /]ld6\ofG; dfq geO g]kfnL >ldsx?n] cfh{g ug]{ cg'ej, ;Lk / IfdtfnfO{ ;xL 9Ëaf6 :jb]zdf kl/rfng ug{ ;lsPsf] v08df /fi6«sf] b'|bt/ ljsf;df cem a9L of]ubfg k'Ug] k|j n ;+efjgf 5 . ef/t / rLgdf ePsf] cf}B f]lus k|ult / To;sf] g]kfndf kg]{ k|efj / g]kfnL >ldsx?n] ljZj >d ahf/af6 cfh{g u/]sf] ;Lk tyf 1fgn] ubf{ g]kfnn] s[lif If]qdf dfq geO{ ko{6g / cf}B f]l us nufotsf yk gof“ If]qx?df k|ult ug]{ k|r'/ ;+efjgf /x]sf] 5 . !%= cGt/f{li6«o >d ahf/df dxŒjk"0f{ pkl:yltsf] sf/0faf6 g]kfnsf] ;DaGw s]xL blIf0fk"j L{ Pl;ofnL, dWok"j L{ tyf vf8L /fi6«x?df ;d]t a9\g hfg] 5 . t/ e"/fhg}l ts cjl:ylt tyf ljZj zlQmsf] ?kdf pbfpg ;Sg] sd ;+e fjgfsf sf/0f To:tf /fi6«x?sf] ;fdl/s k|efj g]kfndf sd} b]vf kg]{ 5 . oBlk tL /fi6«x?df x'g ;Sg] x7ft\ >d ;DaGwL gLltut kl/jt{g tyf g] kfnL >ldsx?n] Jofks?kdf /f]huf/L u'd fpg' kg]{ kl/l:ylt cfO{k/]df g]kfndf 7"n} k|efj kg]{ / To;af6 g]kfn ;/sf/n] uDeL/ cfGtl/s r'gf}tLx?sf] ;fdgf ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . o;sf cnfjf g]kfnL >ldsx? sfd ug]{ /fi6«x?df cfly{s, ;fdflhs, ;f+: s[lts, wfld{s k|s[l tsf glrtfPsf ;d:ofx? klg crfgs b]vfkg{ ;Sg] ;+efjgfnfO{ gsfg{ ;ls“b}g . o:tf r'gf}tLx?sf] ;xL Joj:yfkg ug{ ;dodfg} tof/L gug]{ xf] eg] b]zdf 7"n} pynk'yn Nofpg ;Sg] ;+e fjgf x'G5 . t;y{, cGt/f{l i6«o >d ahf/df ePsf] g]kfnL ;DaGwsf] cfly{s cfofd dfq geO k|ToIf jf k/f]If ?kdf ;'/Iffsf cfofdx? klg x'g ] 5g\ . o; ;DaGwdf ;'/Iff If]q;“u ;Da4 lj1x?sf] vf;} Wofg uPsf] b]l vPsf] 5}g . ljZj >d ahf/df sfo{/t oL hgzlQmx?n] g]kfndf cfly{s dfq geO ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[l ts, dgf]j}1flgs kl/jt{g df ;d]t 7"nf] e"l dsf v]Ng]5g\ / o:tf kl/jt{g x? ;sf/fTds dfq geO gsf/fTds ;d]t x'g] ;+e fjgfx? klg k|z:t 5g\ . ;}lgs /0fg}l ts kl/k|]If !^= ef/t / rLg= cfufdL b'O{ bzs;Dd rLg / kfls:tfg;“u ef/tsf] tgfj sfod} /xg] b]lvG5 eg] tL b'O{ /fi6«x? larsf] ;fdl/s ;DaGwnfO{ ef/tn] cfkm"nfO{ ul/Psf] 3]/faGbL -sG6]gd]0 6÷O{g ;s{n d]06_ sf] ?kdf lnPsf] b]lvG5 . To:t}ul/ ef/tsf cGo l5d]sL /fi6«x? a+unfb]z, g]kfn, e'6fg, >Ln+sf, Dofgdf/;“u a9\b} uPsf] rLgsf] ;DaGwnfO{ ;d]t ef/tn] 3]/faGbLsf] lx;fan] lnPsf] b]lvG5 . xfn} ef/t / rLgsf] ;Ldf If]qdf eO{/x]sf em8ksf 36gfx? / b'a} kIfaf6 ePsf ;}Go kl/rfngn] of] tgfjnfO{ k'l i6 ub{5 . !&= ef/tn] xfn} …dfp06]g :6«fO{l sË sf]/Ú tyf b'O{ …O{lG8k]08]0 6 O{Gkm\o flG6« la|u]8Ú / b'O{ …O{l G8k]0 8]06 cf/df]8 la|u8Úsf] :yfkgf ug]{ lg0f{o u/]/ nueu (),))) kmf}h rLg;“usf] nfO{g ckm PSr'Pn sG6«f]n -Pn=P=;L=_ df t}gfy ug]{ of]hgf cl3 a9fO{ ;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . klZrd a+ufnsf] kgfu9df x]8Sjf6{/ x'g] !& sf]/sf] t}g fyLn] Pp6f uxg ;+s]t ub{5 . Psftkm{, kfls:tfg tyf cGo ;fgf l5d]sL /fi6«x?dfkm{t 3]/faGbL ul/Psf] dx;'; u/L To;af6 aflx/ lg:sg lrlgof“ kIfdfly bjfj ;[hgf ug{ klg ef/tn] of] sbd rfn]sf] x'g ;Sg] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 eg] csf]{l t/, ef/tnfO{ 5]p5fp -k]l /km]/L_ df cNdNofO{ rLg Pl;of k|zfGt If]qdf dxfzlQmsf] ?kdf :yflkt x'g ] /0fgLltsf] lx:;f klg x'g ;Sg] sltko ef/tLo /0fg}lts ljZn]ifsx?sf] a'emfO{ 5 . Ps hgf ef/tLo e"tk"j { l/o/ P8ld/nsf] ljrf/df dgdf]xg l;+x, 8f=, ef/tLo k|w fgdlGq, ;]So'l/6L–l/S; 86 sd, @# gf]e]Da/ @)!#, j]e ;fO6: -south -asia/india-defence/combined-commanders-conference-pm-address-2249.html, -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_ .pxf+ eGg' x'G5 , "...just as the economic pendulum is shifting inexorably from west to east, so is the strategic focus..." s]xL Trickle-down theory df ljZjf; /fVg]x? o:tf wf/0ff /fVg] ub{5g\ . ef/t / rLgsf] kmf}h aLr nb\bfv / cS;fO{ rLgsf] nfO{g ckm PSr'Pn sG6«f ]ndf ePsf] tLg xKtf nfdf] tgfj ef/tLo ljb]z dGqL ;ndfg v|l;bsf]sf] lrg e|d0fsf] k"j{;GWofdf % d] @)!# df ;fDo ePsf] lyof] . cfdL{ u]6 \; kmfOgn gf]8 6' /]h :6«f Os sf]/ Pn¨ PnPl;, 6fO{D;\ Go'h g]6js{, 6fOD; ckm OlG8of, @) gf]eD] a/ @)!# . http://articles.timesofindia. ef}uf]lns?kdf ;Lldt PlS;;af6 rLgdfly ul/g] cfqmd0fn] ljzfn lrlgof ;]gfnfO{ /0fg}lts r'gf}tL lbg' ef/tnfO{ kmnfdsf] lrp/f rkfP;/x x'g]5 . To;n} pgL eGb5g\ a? lxGb dxf;fu/df pRr:t/sf] ef/tLo hn;]g fsf] pkl:yltn] rLgnfO{ cfly{s?kn] sdhf]/ t'NofO{ ef/tsf] /0fg}lts kxntf xfl;n ug]{ Ifdtf /fVb5 . o:tf wf/0ffx? x'“bfx'“b} klg lsg ef/tn] s/La !#)) c/a ?k}+o fFsf] nufgLdf nueu (),))) sf] ;+Vofsf] gof“ kmf}h v8f ug]{ lg0f{o u¥of] eGg] k|Zg oxf“ cxd\ x'g cfp“5 . ljZn]ifsx?s} ts{df ljZjf; ug]{ xf] eg] klg ef/tLo c?0ffrn k|b]zdf 6\o f+s dg'e/ ug]{ hldg 5}g a? kfl/kl§ lrlgof“ e"l ddf o:tf :yfg k|; :t 5g\ . t/ oxf“ Pp6f s'/f s] la;{g x'“b}g eg], ef/tsf] pQ/– k"j{df eO/x]sf] ;–z:q ljb|f]x / To;df rLg, kfls:tfg / a+unfb]zn] ;3fp k'¥ ofO/x]sf] eGg] ef/tLo ljZn]i fsx?sf] bfjLnfO{ ljZjf; ug]{ xf] eg] st} ef/tsf] ;]gf kl/rfngsf] c3f]l ift p2]Z o Toxf“ x'g ;Sg] ;z:q ljb|f]xnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug'{ t xf]Og . olb ToxfFsf] ljb|f]xnfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ g;lsPdf ljb]zL zlQmn] rnv]n u/L pu|–?k lng] ;+efjgf Psflt/ 5 eg] Toxf“sf ljb|fx] Ln] dfcf]j fbLx?;“u u7aGwg u/]sf] v08df ef/tLo ;'/Iff Joj:yfnfO{ cToGt} 7"nf] r'gf}tLsf] ;fdgf ug'{ kg]{ ;+efjgf klg TolQs} 5 . csf]{ k|Z g, olb ef/tsf] p2]Zo …nfO{g ckm PSr'c n sG6«f]nÚsf] ;'/Iff Joj:yf dha't agfpg] xf] eg] c?0ffrn afx]s cGo :yfgx? -pQ/fv08, lxdf~rn k|b]z cflb :yfgx?_ df klg kmf}hsf] t}g fyL a9fpg' kg]{ b]l vG5 t/ To;f] ul/Psf] 5}g . oBlk, :6«fO{l sË sf]/sf] cjwf/0ff / gof“ v8f x'g ] kmf}h dfp06]g jf/km]o/sf] nflu tof/L / ;'; lHht ul/g] eGg] va/n] o;sf] :yfkgfsf] Pp6f p2]Z o rLg dflysf] cfqmds Ifdtf -ckm]l G;e Sofkfljln6L_ xfl;n u/L 8]6/]G; lbg' xf] eGg ;lsG5 . !*= ef/tsf] kf/Dkl/s ;}Go zlQm / cf0fljs Ifdtf hlt;'s} ePtfklg To;sf] k|of]u x'g ] ;+efjgf cToGt} Go"g 5, h;sf ljljw sf/0fx? 5g\ . Pp6f d"Vo sf/0f, cfly{s ljsf;sf] kydf b'|tb/ ultdf cu|; / ef/tnfO{ o'4df xf]l dg' eg]sf] ;d[l 4sf] nIoaf6 bzsf}+ kl5 ws]lng' xf] . kmn:j?k, pkef]Qmfjfblt/ cu|;/ a9\bf] hg;+ Vofsf] pn{+bf] dfunfO{ k'/f ug{ g;sL b]zg} u[xo'4 lt/ ws]l ng] / cGttM ljvl08t x'g ] ;d]t ;+e fjgf /xG5 . To;}n ], ;}l gs zlQmsf] k|bz{g / s]xL ;fgfltgf em8kx? x'g] afx]s ef/t ;fFl Rrs} o'4df xf]l dg] ;+efjgf cToGt} sd 5, t/ ljZjsf] cGo efux?df em}+ ef/tLo cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf r'g f}tLx?n] klg lgs} 7"nf] ;d:of ;[hgf ug]{ Jofks ;+efjgf /xg] s'/fnfO{ gsfg{ ldNb}g . cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf r'g f}tLx? g} ef/tsf] cfly{s ljsf;df k|wfg jfwssf] ?kdf b]lvg] lglZrtk|foM 5 . jt{dfg\ ;dodf, klZrdL k|mlG6o/af6 ;'/Iffsf r'g f}tLx? k"jL{ k|mlG6o/ tkm{ cled'v x'“b} uPsf] ef/tn] dx;'; u/]sf] a'lemG5 . ef/tsf k|w fgdGqL 8f= dgdf]xg l;+xn] ef/tsf] dfcf]jfbLx?nfO{ ;a}eGbf 7"nf] cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf] r'g f}tLsf] ?kdf lnPsf] tYonfO{ ljrf/ ubf{ ef/t cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf] dfdnfdf cToGt} ;+j]bgzLn / lrlGtt ePsf] k|i6 x'G5 . To;}n] ef/tsf] c?0ffrn k|b]z;“u ;Ldf hf]l 8Psf lrlgof“ e"–efudf a9\b} uPsf] lrlgof“ ;}l gs ultljlw, a|D xk'q gbLdf rLg tyf ef/tn] af“w af“w L hnljB't\ tyf kfgLsf] pkef]u ug]{ sfo{d f cfPsf] xf]8afhL nufot To; If]qdf hf/L ljb|f]x / /]8 sl/8f]/ -dfcf]j fbL k|efljt /fHox?_ sf] ;dfudn] pTkGg x'g;Sg] cToGt} uDeL/ ;'/Iffsf r'g f}tLx?nfO{ ljZn]i f0f u/]/ g} gof“ kmf}h kl/rfng ul/g nfu]sf] x'g ;S5 . Ps ef/tLo ;'/Iff ljZn]i fssf cg'; f/ jt{dfg\ ;dodf b]l vPsf ef/tLo cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf d"Vo r'gf}tLx? lgDg 5g\ M -s_ /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o cftª\sjfbsf r'g f}tLx? . -v_ ;+o 'Qm /fHo cd]l/sfsf] kmf}hn] ckmuflg:tfg 5f8]kl5 lhxfbL tTjx?n] hDa' tyf slZd/df ljb|f]xsf] Hjfnf bGsfpg ;Sg] ;+e fjgf . -u_ pQ/ k"j{df lrlgof“x?sf] km}n“bf] k|efj / ultljlwx? . -3_ dfcf]j fbLsf] a9\bf] k|efj . !(= g]kfn= g]kfnsf] afëo / cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf cfofdx?df ;dfgtf ePklg sltko cfofdx? k[ys klg 5g\ . aflx/af6 g]kfndf x'g ;Sg] ;'/Iffsf vt/fx? /fhg}lts, cfly{s, ;fdflhs, wfld{s, 3fts xltof/x?sf] pTkfbg tyf xltof/sf] xf] 8afhL, hg;+Vofsf] j[l4 OToflb sf/0fx?af6 x'g ] b]l vG5g\ eg] cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf vt/fx? ;fdflhs, /fhg}l ts, cfly{s, wfld{s cltjfb, ;fDk|bflostf, hfltotf, If]qLotf, ljv08gjfb, eflifs cflb sf/0fx?af6 x'g ;Sg] b]lvPsf 5g\ . g]kfnL ;]g f /fli6«o /Iffsf] clGtd zlQmsf] ?kdf /xg] 5 . oBlk, cfufdL bzsx?df ;]g fsf] e"l dsf afëo cfqmd0fsf] lj?4df eGbfklg cfGtl/s r'g f}tLx?sf] ;fdgf ug{sf] nflu g} vf]lhg] 5 . jt{dfg\ o'udf /fi6« /fhf d]g g, l/Pn P8dL/n -l/6fo8{_, O{l08og g]eL, c dfpG6]g :6«fOs sf]/ Oh g6 b cf]GnL cK;g, b lxGb', @( h'nfO @)!# .. , -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_pgL eG5g\, "A geographically limited one axis offensive will not destabilise the PLA, but a flotilla of nuclear submarines and a three carrier air group in the Indian Ocean can economically cripple mainland China." k|sfz l;+x, , HjfOG6 :k]zn ck/]zg o'lgel;{6L l/kf]6{ )* – $ ;]K6]D a/ @))*, h]P ;cf]o ' k|]; xn{a6{ lkmN8 km\nf]l/8f, @))*, k]h %# . , b lxGb', d] @$, @)!) j]e;fO{6 M , -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_pxf+ eGg'x'G5, "Naxalism remains the biggest internal security challenge facing our country." k|sfz l;+x, , cs]hgn k]k /, h'g @)!#, ljj]sfgGb OG6/g]zgn kmfpG8];g, Go' lbNnL, j]e;fO6:, -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_ leq}af6 ;[lht åGå tyf ljb|f]xsf] ;dfwfg ug{ Tolt ;lhnf] 5}g . ;dfhsf] ;xL k|ltljDasf] ?kdf /x]sf] ;]g fn] g} o:tf ;d:ofx?sf] ;xL 9Ën] ;fdgf ug{ ;Sb5 . @)= s]xL kl/l:yltdf ;Ldf hf]l 8Psf l5d]sLeGbf k/af6 klg afëo vt/f cfpg ;Sg] ;+efjgfnfO{ 7f8} gsfg{ g;lsPtfklg g]kfnsf] afëo vt/fsf] pb\ud\sf] s'/f ubf{ ;Ldf hf]l8Psf b'O{ ljzfn l5d]sL /fi6«x?af6} x'g ] cf“sng ug'{ gf}n f] tyf c;fGble{s s'/f xf]Og . ef/t / rLg b'a }n] g]kfnnfO{ Pp6f dWojlt{ /fi6« -akm\km/ :6]6_sf] ?kdf x]g]{ /0fg}lts b[li6sf]0f / tL /fi6«x? lar a9\bf] cfly{s ;DaGwnfO{ dWo]g h/ ubf{ g]kfnnfO{ b'O{ b]z larsf] åGådf ;dfj]z gug'{ g} b'j} d'n'ssf] lxtdf x'g ] kSsf 5 . oBlk xfn eO/x]sf] b'a} b]zsf] zlQmsf] xf]8afhLnfO{ x]bf{ olb b'O{ b]z o'4sf] ;+3f/df k'u] eg] st} …uf]?sf] h'w fO{, afR5fsf] ldrfO{Ú df t g]kfn kg]{ xf]Og egL zª\sf ug]{ 7fp“ klg gePsf xf]Ogg\ . l5d]sL /fi6«x?af6 pTkGg x'g ] aflx/L vt/fsf] ljZn]if0fsf] nflu Ps ljxª\ud\ b[li6uf]r/ x'g ' h?/L 5 h'g o; n]vsf] bfo/f leq kb}{g . t/ jt{dfg\ /fli6«o If]qLo / cGt/f{l i6«o /fhg}lts Pjd\ ;fdl/s kl/b[ZonfO{ ljrf/ ljdz{ ubf{ g]kfnsf] afëo vt/f /fi6«sf] e"–efu aflx/af6 eGbf klg leq}af6 pTklt x'g] ;+efjgf a9L b]l vPsf] 5 . em§ ;'Gbf of] cf“sng c:jfefljs nfUg ;Snf t/ o;sf s]xL 7f]; sf/0fx? 5g\ . olb g]kfnsf ;'/Iff lgsfox? sdhf]/eO{ ;'/Iffsf cfGtl/s r'gf}tLx?nfO{ ;fdgf ug{ ;s]g g\ eg] l5d]sL /fi6«n] ljleGg :j?kdf x:tIf]k ug]{ ;+efjgf /xG5 . Ps lx;fan] æltd|f] b]zn] cfkm\g f] ;'/Iffsf r'g f} tLx?nfO{ ;dfwfg ug{ ;s]g / To;n] xfdLnfO{ vt/f eof] To;}n ] xfdL r'k nfu]/ a:g ;Sb}g f}F . xfdL To:tf vt/fsf] ;dfwfg cfkm} u5f}{FÆ egL g]kfndf k|j ]z u/] eg] To;a]nf xfdLn] s] ug]{ eGg] s'/f clxNo} a'em\g h?/L 5 . ljutdf klg o:t} k|s[l tsf 36gfx? ePsf lyP . vDkf ljb|f]xsf ;Gbe{df g]kfnn] cfkm} ;f] ;d:of ;dfwfg gu/] x:tIf]k ug]{ bjfj rLgn] lbPsf] s'/f v'Ng cfPsf] lyof] eg] åGåsfndf dfcf]jfbLn] sf7df8f}+nfO{ gfsfaGbL ubf{ ef/tLo ;'/Iff lgsfox?n] …a|]8 alDaËÚ ug]{ s'/f cfPsf] lyof] . t;y{, tn pNn]v ul/Psf cfGtl/s ;'/Iff r'g f}tLsf s]xL pbfx/0fx? x'g \ h'g olb sfa' leq g/x]sf] cj:yfdf g]kfnsf nflu afëo vt/f tyf ;}lgs x:tIf]ksf] sf/0f aGg ;S5g\ . -s_ cGt/f{li6«o tyf If]qLo cftª\ssf/L ;+u7gx?n] g]kfnnfO{ 6«flGh6 KjfO{0 6 agfPdf . -v_ g]kfnL e"ld k|of]u u/]/ ltAjt tyf rLg lj/f]w L ultljlwx? ePdf . -u_ g]kfnL e"l d k|of]u u/]/ ef/t lj/f]l w x'g ] ultljlwx? h:t} nfu" cf}ifw, gSsnL ?k}o fF, ljikmf]6s kbfy{sf] cf];f/k;f/, g]kfnsf] ;Ldf If]qdf ePsf] db/f;fx?sf] j[l4 / To;df d'l:nd s6\6/klGyx?sf] ultljlwx? ePdf . -3_ ef/tLo cyjf lrlgof“ ljb|f]xLx?n] g]kfndf cf>o lnO tL b]zx?sf lj?4df cfkm\g f] ultljlwx? ;~rfng u/]df . -ª_ g]kfndf ef/t lj/f]w L pu| ultljlwx? ePdf . -r_ g]kfndf ef/t tyf rLgsf dxŒjk"0f{ JolQm tyf ;DklQsf] Iflt, xTof, ckx/0f cflb x'g uPdf . -5_ ef/tLo cyjf lrlgof“ gful/sx?sf] lxt k|lts"n -h:t}, 7"n f] cfly{s gf]S;fgL_ x'g] s'g} sfo{ ePdf . -h_ ef/tsf] cfGtl/s ;'/Iffdf ;f]emf] k|e fj kg]{ vfnsf ;–z:q cfGbf]ng g]kfndf ePdf . -em_ g]kfnleq x'g] t/ g]kfnL ;'/Iff kmf}hsf] lgoGq0f leq g/xg] hflto, If]qLo, wfld{s, ;f+:s[l ts b+ufx? ePdf . -`_ ef/tsf] ;+3 Lo ;b\efjdf ;d]t c;/ kfg{ ;Sg] u/L g]kfndf ljv08gsf/Lultljlwx? ePdf . -6_ hnljB't, kfgL, k|fs[l ts >f]t;fwgx?sf] pkef]udf ljjfbx? cfPdf . -7_ lgdf{0 f sfo{df k|o f]u ul/g] ;fdu|Lx? h:t} lul§, afn'jf, 9'Ë f, sf7 OToflb pkef]udf ljjfbx? cfPdf . -8_ g]kfndf 7"n f] kl/df0fdf ax'd"N o vlgh kbfy{ -h:t} o'/]lgod_ e]l§g' / To;sf] ;d'lrt Joj:yfkg g]kfnLn] ug{ g;s]df . cyjfTo:tfa:t' dfly cfk/flwscyjfcftª\ssf/Lsf] lgoGq0f ePdf . lalal;, j]e ;fO6 M, 20 October 2013 , , -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_ ;dfrf/ eGb5 , "The two countries[India & China] have promised to boost trade to $100bn in the next few years - up 50% from current levels - and China is keen on signing a regional trading arrangement to boost it further." of] j]e;fO{6 klg x]g '{ xf]nf Content.aspx?MenuId=3&SubMenuId=0 ;'hfg bQ, sf7df08" a|]8 aDal¨ cg b]NnL Kn]6, b 6]l nu|f km, @# cuit @))$ . j]j ;fO{6 : /1040823/asp/nation/story_3662457.asp , -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_ . ;dfrf/df elgPsf] 5 "The Indian security establishment is looking at the option of “bread bombing” the besieged capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, where supplies have been choked in a blockade imposed by Maoist rebels." @!= dfly pNn]l vt ;'/Iffsf r'gf}tLx? em§ x]bf{ ;fdfGo k|s[l tsf] / k|x/L kl/rfngaf6 ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsg] nfUg ;S5 t/ oLg} ;d:ofx?n] ha ljs/fn ?k lnG5, /fi6«df rf/}lt/af6 vt/f cfOnfU5g\ . cGttf]uTjf cfGtl/s ;d:ofx? /fi6« ljv08gsf] sf/s x'g ] ub{ 5 . o:t} kl/l:yltdf ljb]zLn] 5ß o'4 -k|f]S;L jf/_ ug]{ ;+efjgf klg /xG5 . xfdLn] cGo d'n'sx?sf] pbfx/0fsf] ;fy ;fy} cfkm\g } ljutaf6 klg kf7 l;Sg' kb{5 . t;y{, g]kfnL ;'/Iff kmf}hx? / ljz]if u/L /fli6«o /Iffsf] clGtd zlQmsf] ?kdf /x]sf] g]kfnL ;]g fnfO{ ;b}j ;zQm / ;jn t'NofO{ /fVg' kb{5 . @@= cy{zf:qdf rf/ k|sf/sf o'4sf] j0f{g ub}{ sf}l6No eGb5g\ – s'g} klg /fi6«df vt/fx? klg rf/} k|sf/n] cfOkg{ ;S5g\ M cfGtl/s ?kdf pTkGg x'g] vt/f, afëo ?kdf pTkGg x'g] vt/f, afëo ;dly{t leqL vt/f / leqL ;dly{t afëo vt/f . oL dWo] cfGtl/s vt/f t'?Gt} ;Daf]w g ul/g' kb{5 lsgeg] aflx/L vt/feGbf of] …n's]/ a;]sf] ;k{sf] qf;Ú cem a9L vt/gfs x'G5 . sf}l6Non] eg]emF} g]kfnsf] k|fs[l ts zq' ;Ldf hf]l8Psf l5d]sL /fi6« eGbfklg jt{dfg\ ;dodf cfGtl/s ;d:of x'g ] b]l vPsf] 5 . t;y{, o;sf] ;dfwfgsf] nflu ;xL gLlt, ;fdYo{ / tof/L x'g ' clt h?/L 5 . sf}l6Nos} egfO{df æunt gLltsf] cjnDagn] aflx/L b'Z dgnfO{ pS;fpg] sfd u5{ .Æ t;y{, b]zleq cfO{ kg{ ;Sg] vt/fsf] r'gf}tLx?nfO{ ;dfwfg ug{] plrt pkfox? cjnDag ul/Psf] v08df aflx/L vt/f cfpg] ;Defjgf Go"g eP/ hfG5 . @#= g]kfnn] cfkm\g f l5d]sL /fi6«k|lt d]n ldnfk / ;f}xfb|tfsf] gLlt cjnDag ug'{ kb{5 / l5d]sL /fi6«;“usf] ;' /Iff ;ª\s6nfO{ a9\g glbg Wofg lbg' kb{5 eGg] s'/fdf s'g } z+sf 5}g t/ To;f] eGb}df g]kfnL ;]gf nufotsf cfkm\g f] ;'/Iff lgsfox?nfO{ ;jn, ;Ifd, Jofj;foLs / ;fwg >f]tn] ;DkGg agfpg' x'“b}g eGg] xf]Og . oL b'O{ z"Go of]u (hL/f] ;d) xf]Ogg\ . g]kfnn] ;'/Iff låljwf cfpg] kl/l:yltsf] ;[hgf gul/sg klg cfkm\g f] ;'/Iff kmf}hnfO{ ;jn / ;Ifd agfpg ;Sb5 . h'g b'j}kIfnfO{ nfebfos kl/l:ylt -ljg–ljg–l;Ro'P;g_ x'g ;Sb5 . g]kfnn] …cfO{ nfUg] dfly dfq hfO{ nfUg]Ú gLlt cjnDag u/]/ cgfqmd0fsf] kIfkflt ePsf] t 5|“b}5 t/ To;f] eg]/ r'k nfu]/ a:bf /0fg}lts txdf ;xL ;+jfbsf] cefjdf l5d]sL /fi6«x?df z+sf / låljwf pTkGg x'g ;Sg] ;Defjgf /xG5 . cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf klg afëo cfofdx? x'G5g\, To;}n] /fi6«l eqsf ;'/Iffsf r'gf}tLx? cfGtl/s dfdnf dfq xf] egL tof/L gug]{ / l5d]sL /fi6«; “u ;+j fbxLgtfsf] l:yltdf a:g] ug'{ pko'Qm x'“b}g . a?, st} cfkm\g f lqmofsnfkn] ;'/Iff ;ª\s6 t pTkGg x'“b}g egL ljrf/ ug{ h?/L 5 . rLgn] g]kfnaf6 x'g ] rLg tyf ltJjt lj/f]w L ultljlwx? k|lt ;w“} lrGtf / rf;f] JoQm ug]{ u/]sf] 5 eg] ef/tn] cfkm\g f] b]zsf] gS;nfO{6 cfGbf]n gdf g]kfn leqaf6 x'g] ;xof]u, gSsnL ef/tLo ?k}Fo f“, cfO{=P;=cfO{=sf] ultljlw, cftª\sjfbLx? n'l sl5lk a;]sf] cflb sf/0fn] cfkm\g f] ;'/Iffdf cf“r cfPsf] hgfp“b} cfPsf] 5. ;+If]k @$= g]kfnsf] ;fdl/s kl/k|]Io / afëo vt/fsf] ljZn]if0f ubf{ g]kfn;“u ;Ldfgf hf]l 8Psf b'O{ l5d]sL /fi6«x?sf] ;fdl/s kl/k|]Iosf] cWoog / ljZn]i f0f ug'{ ckl/xfo{ 5 lsgeg] To;sf] k|ToIf jf k/f]If k|e fj g]kfndf klg k5{ . rLg / ef/tsf] ;fdl/s kl/k|]IonfO{ dWo]g h/ /fVbf b'j} /fi6«sf] hg;+ Vofn] tL /fi6«sf eljio lgwf{/0f ug]{ b]l vG5 . Psftkm{ hg;+Vof ljsf;sf] nflu cTofjZos >f]t–;fwg xf] eg] csf]{tkm{ ;d'l rt kl/rfngsf] cefjdf ;f]xL >f]t–;fwg Pp6f 7"nf] ;d:ofsf] ?kdf k|: t't x'g] klg plQs} k|jn ;+e fjgf /xG5 . b'j } ljzfn /fi6«x? cfkm"n fO{ If]qLo zlQmsf] ?kdf :yflkt ub}{ dxfb]zdf bx|f] pkl:ylt hgfpg] / cGttf] uTjf ljZjzlQmsf] ?kdf pbfpg] k|o Tgdf tNnLg b]l vG5g\ . o;sf nflu ef/t cfkm\g f l5d]sL /fi6«x?df k|efj lj:tf/ ug{df Jo:t b]l vG5 eg] rLg o:tf] k|efjsf] lj:tf/eGbf cem} aflx/ hfg] t/v/df nfu]sf] 5 . b'a} /fi6«x?sf cfly{s j[l 4b/ tLa| x'“b} uO/x]sf] ePtfklg xfn rLgsf] cfly{s j[l 4 ef/tsf]eGbf pRr / tLa| 5 . t/ b'O{ bzsdf ef/tsf] cfly{s j[l 4b/ rLgeGbf pRr x'g ] ljZn]if0fn] b]vfPsf] 5 . e"d08nLs/0f, e"–/fhg}l ts cjl:ylt / hg;+Vofsf] sf/0f cfufdL bzsx?df rLg / ef/t cfly{s ljsf;sf nflu Pscsf{df cGt/lge{/ x'g] b]l vPsf] 5 . b'a} b]zdf eO/x]sf] tLa| cfly{s j[l4sf nflu phf{ ;a}e Gbf dxŒjk"0f{ j:t' x'g uPsf] 5 . oxL phf{ g} ;'/Iffsf d"Vo r'g f}tLsf] ?kdf b]vf kg{ ;Sg] k|j n ;+efjgf /x]sf] b]l vG5 . o;sf ;fy}, cfGtl/s ;'/Iff / :yfloTj cfly{s ;d[l4sf] nflu ef/t / rLg b'a}nfO{ cTofjZos ePsfn] To;sf] nflu h:tf]; 's} sf}l6No, cy{zf:q, Pn=Pg=/+u/fhg åf/f ;DkfbLt / cg'bLt, k]g u'O{g a'S ; O{l 08of, !((@ k]h ^#^ . pgn] dGqo'4 -s'tgLlt_, k|f Ifo'4 -v'nf o'4_, s'6 o'4 -dgf]j}1flgs o'4_, u'9o'4 -sf]e6{ ck/]z g_ u/L rf/ k|sf/sf o'4 x'g ] atfPsf 5g\ . sf}l6No, cy{zf:q, lelk dlNns, OG6/gn ;]So'l/6L Dofg]hd]G6 M Rofn]Gh]h P08 kf]l n;L cK;G;, O{;' la|km, ;]G6/ km/ Nof08 jf/km]o/ :6l8h, Go' lbNnL df p4/0f ul/Psf] . j]e;fO6 M, -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_ k|sfz l;+x, Ol08ofh gy{Oi6 M b kmlG6o/ Og km/d]G6, HjfO{G6 :k]zn ck/] zg o'lgel;{6L l/kf]6{ )* – $ ;]K6]Da/ @))*, h]P;cf]o' k|]; xn{a6{ lkmN8 km \nf]l/8f, @))*, k]h %# . pgL eGb5g\, "Myanmar and Nepal have been friendly to India, but their internal problems prevent them from exercising full control over the disaffected elements within their own countries. The northeastern rebels strike a nexus with these elements and with their help, establish sanctuaries in those countries." ef/tL h}g, lbKtLdfg ltjf/L / lg/h rf}xfg, O{l08og d'hflxb\lbg sf] kmfp08/ ofl;g eStfn P/]i6]8, 6fO{D; ckm O{l08of, #) cui6, @)!# . ;dfrf/df pNn]v 5, "Yasin Bhatkal, one of India's most wanted terrorists responsible for several bombings that have claimed over 140 lives, has been arrested. The 30-year-old, whose real name is Ahmed Siddibappa, was picked up from Pokhara in Nepal where he was living in the guise of a Unani doctor." j]j ;fO{6: -terror-attacks, -x]l/Psf] ldlt @& gf]eDa/ @)!#_ d"N o r'sfpg klg b'a} /fi6«x? kl5 kb}{gg\ eGg ;lsG5 . t;y{ o; pkdxfb]z v08df /0fg}lts ;f]rsf] bfo/f e"/fhg}l tsaf6 e"cfly{sdf ?kfGt/0f x'“b} uO/x]sf] b]l vG5 . @%= ;f/df eGg' kbf{, s'g} klg /fi6«df afëo / cfGtl/s vt/fx? x'G5g\ g}, km/s oltdfq xf] o'u / sfn–cg';f/ To;sf] k|s[lt / uDeL/tf km/s x'G5 . jt{dfg o'udf zLto'4sf] cGTo / b]zleq x'g] cfGtl/s åGåsf] j[l4 Psflt/ 5 eg] e"d08nLs/0f / cfly{s tyf ;fdl/s w|'j Ls/0fsf] kf6f] 5'§} 5 . oLg} kl/k|]Iosf] ;]/f] km]/f]af6 ljZn]i f0f ubf{ g]kfndf ljlzi6 lsl;dsf] afëo / cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf kl/l:yltx? 5g\ . g]kfnsf b'O{ l5d]sL /fi6«x?df xfn} eO/x]sf] ;Ldf tgfj / kmf}h kl/rfngsf afah'b b'a} /fi6« n8fOF“df xf]l dg] ;+efjgf Go"g xf]n f / g]kfn dfly b'a} /fi6«af6 cfqmd0f klg gxf]nf t/ olb ltgsf ;fdl/s :jfy{df cf3ft k' u] eg] g]kfndf x:tIf]k gxf]n f eGg ;lsGg . jt{dfg ;dodf cfGtl/s ;d:ofsf] 68\sf/f] afëo cfofdx? x'G5g\ . 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O{e]6, lqmi6= , 8]enkd]06 sG;]K6 P08 8lS6«g ;]G6/, Pd=cf]=8L=, o'=s]=, cS6f]a/ @)!@ . ;'hfg bQ, sf7df08" a|]8 aDa¨L cg b]NnL Kn]6, b 6]lnu|f km, @# cuit @))$, j]j ;fO{6 : /1040823/asp/nation/story_3662457.asp l;+x, dgdf]xg 8f= ef/tLo k|w fgdGqL, ;]So"l/6L–l/S; 86 sd, @# gf]e]Da/ @)!#, j]e ;fO6: , b lxGb', d] @$, @)!) j]e ;fO{6 M /news/national/naxalism-biggest-threat-to-internal-security-manmohan/article436781.ece :6«f6]l hs 6«]08\; k|f]u|fd M l/hgn ;e]{ – ;fpy Pl;of cfp6 6' @)$), 8]enkd]06 sG;]K6 P08 8lS6«g ;]G6/, Pd=cf]=8L=,o's ], cS6f]a/ @)!@ . Merit Based Promotion System in Nepalese Army - Col. (Er.) Dipak Prasad Bastola Senior Aeronautical Engineer Aerospace MBA (France) "The history of the Nepalese Army is largely the history of modern Nepal. This gallant institution has stood firm to serve the interests of Nepal and the Nepalese people, be it against external threats, internal threats or in times of disaster. Today, I feel privileged to lead this proud institution and assure that I shall leave no stone unturned to maintain its apolitical nature and to abide by national policies to maintain a professional and efficient Nepalese Army"1 - Chief of Army Staff General Gaurav SJB Rana Abstract: This article on "Merit Based Promotion in Nepalese Army" explores the organizational impact of a variety of important promotion systems commonly practiced in Nepalese Army including Spoil system, absolute merit-based systems, relative merit-based systems, and seniority-based systems. This is followed by a discussion of the various types of promotion systems and the factors that may mitigate the limitations of these systems. Organizations are composed of people who can exhibit different natural abilities (in addition to their on-the-job experiences), which may affect their chances of promotion and ultimately the organizational performance. Promotion systems affect almost all aspects of organizational lives. Therefore, with my past 27 years experience in Nepalese Army as an officer and with the advantage of sound knowledge of Human Resource Management from Master of Business Administration, I personally did the research through personal interview of various officers, Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) and other ranks in Nepalese Army and also studied all theoretical as well as historical back ground of Merit Based Promotion system around the globe as well as the Nepalese Army. The paper begins with an introduction to the Merit Based Promotion System as currently practiced in NA. It then dwells on foundation of Merit Based Promotion System, its advantage and disadvantages, study of promotion system of some other developed countries, some recommendations for such merit based system and finally, the summary, which purely focus on Merit Based Culture for the success of this Merit Based promotion system in our Nepalese Army. Organizational greater output leading to professionalism can be achieved if we can adopt this Merit Based Promotion System. 1. Introduction: The government has introduced new regulations for the Nepalese Army with provisions of "fast-track" promotion of its officers based on their performance. The Army Service Regulation 2013 has put an end to the tradition of promoting army officers only on the basis of seniority and trainings. The rule endorsed by the Cabinet states that 1 COAS Nepalese Army Facebook post dated 10 september 2012 the scores obtained by officers in their appraisals would be the primary basis for promotions. Based on this new rule, the Nepalese Army introduced Merit based promotion system in some ranks. The regulation came into effect after its publication in the Nepal Gazette on 23 January 2013. According to the new rules, junior officers can get good ‘jumps’ in the promotions if they obtain maximum score in the performance appraisal. (Fig.1 Merit Based Promotion System in Nepalese Army) Before entering into the subject "Merit Based Promotion system in Nepalese Army", this article focuses on the definition of merit based system and its history in brief. The merit system is the process of promoting and hiring government employees based on their ability to perform a job, rather than on their seniority or their connection. A spoil system (opposite to Merit based system)2 is also another system of promotion where merit is not the only criteria for the promotion. Similar spoil systems are common in other nations that traditionally have been based on tribal organization or other Kinship groups and Localism in general. In this article I personally, like to analyses the Merit Based Promotion system in our Nepalese Army, its advantage and recommended some fruitful tools to make Merit Based Promotion culture within Nepalese Army. The goal of this Merit based promotion is to build leaders for tomorrow's Nepalese Army. The regulation stipulates that majors and lieutenant colonels will be classified into three groups- qualified, more qualified and most qualified- during their promotions. Of the total vacant seats, 20 percent will be filled by those in the ‘most qualified’ category, 60 percent by those in the ‘more qualified’ category and 20 percent by those in the ‘qualified’ category. The new rules say that officers promoted in the ‘excellent’ category will be senior to all officers from the other two categories. In order to get enlisted in the ‘excellent’ category, officers should score 70 percent or more in their appraisal. This is new system in our Army and we should all understand the advantage and disadvantage of this system. 2. History of Merit based promotion system: Meritocracy (merit, from Latin word meaning “earn” + -cracy, from Ancient Greek word meaning “strength, power”) is a Political philosophy that holds power should be vested in individuals according to merit. Advancement in such a system is based on perceived intellectual talent measured through examination and/or demonstrated achievement in the field where it is implemented. The "most common definition of meritocracy conceptualizes merit in terms of tested competency and ability, and most likely, as measured by IQ or standardized 2 Defination from achievement tests." In government or other administration systems, meritocracy, in an administrative sense, is a system of government or other administration (such as business administration) wherein appointments and responsibilities are assigned to individuals based upon their "merits", namely intelligence, credentials, and education, determined through evaluations or examinations. Meritocracy as a concept spread from China to British India during the seventeenth century, and then into continental Europe and the United States. China is the first Nation to introduce this merit based promotion system in the army and Government sector. As the Qin and Han dynasties developed a meritocratic system in order to maintain power over a large, sprawling empire, it became necessary for the government to maintain a complex network of officials. The first European power to implement a successful meritocratic civil service was the British Empire, in their administration of India: "company managers hired and promoted employees based on competitive examinations in order to prevent corruption and favoritism." Seniority refers to the length of service in the company or in its plants or in its departments or in a particular position. Under this Seniority method of promotion, the promotion goes to the senior-most person, provided he/she is fit for the job. On Merit will be given to a qualified person in recognition of his/her performance .This is not based on seniority. This method is an incentive for him/her. An organization seeking to promote its workers may choose to do so based on seniority to take advantage of the employees' experience with the organization and to reward them for their service. Another option is to promote based on merit, a measure of the employees' contributions based on performance. Each method offers potential advantages and disadvantages for the organization. The British East India Company, in its expansionist mode was moving towards the Northeast and approaching Nepal. Nepal was divided into many principalities during this period. It was at this time that King Prithvi Narayan Shah, hailing from one of the principalities called Gorkha, decided to unify Nepal. He was the architect of modern Nepal. Although, Gorkha was small and economically weak, King Prithvi Narayan Shah astounded the world by carrying out such a challenging task under such difficult circumstances. The Unification Campaign was initiated in 1740 AD at which time the British had already started colonizing the Indian provinces. This was a turning point in the history of the Nepalese army (NA). Since unification was not possible without a strong army, the management of the armed forces had to be exceptional. Apart from the standard army being organized in Gorkha, technicians and experts had to be brought in from abroad to manufacture war materials. After the Gorkhali troops finally captured Kathmandu (then known as Nepal), the Gorkhali armed forces came to be known as the Nepalese Army. At that time Spoil System of promotion was predominant and there was no seniority as well as merit based promotion system in Nepalese Army. 3. Promotion System in Nepalese Army: According to The History of Nepalese Army, a book published by Nepalese army, 3 King Prithvi Narayan Shah started a formal organizational structure in the Army after winning the battle against Makawanpur in 1762 (1819 BS). Five units namely, Srinath, Kalibox, Barda Bahadur and Sabuj companies established as companies during the unification campaign of Nepal in the 1760s. Srinath, Kalibox, Barda Bahadur and Sabuj companies were set up in September 1762, while the Purano Gorakh Company was established in February 1763. 3 The History of Nepalese army, a book published by Nepalese army (Fig.2 Promotion System from 1762 to 2013 in Nepalese Army) Based on our Nepalese Army History and Nepalese History Book, we can conclude that promotion system from 1762 to 1862 was purely Spoil system that was fully controlled by the King and his courtiers and there was no seniority as well as Merit system. Further, 1862 to 1962 during Rana Regime as well as before Panchayat regime also Spoil System was the basic system of promotion within Nepalese Army. From 1962 to 1990 during the Panchayat era, the Army Promotion was based on Mixed System that is Spoil System as well as Based on Seniority. After re-establishment of democracy in 1990, the promotion system in the Nepalese Army was based on Seniority and Merit based system. Since January 2013, the Nepalese Army introduced "Merit Based Promotion System". 4. Foundation of Merit based Promotion: By definition, the principle of meritocracy could not be effective in a non-competitive society or environment. Nepal is a developing country with less than 50 % populations having higher education. However, the Foundation of Merit Based Promotion is Higher education along with other factors as shown in below Figure 4. National Culture of Merit Based No Blame Culture Merit Based Promotion Highly Professional Organisation Higher Level of Education (Fig. 3 Foundation of Merit Based Promotion in Nepalese Army) Though this may seem like a drawback, in reality, the Merit Based promotion can be implemented smoothly within Nepalese army if we can develop Merit based Culture as National Culture in Nepal. This system should not be limited to the Nepalese Army only but expanded to other government sectors as well. Professionalism is also another factor. A highly professional army always welcomes Merit based promotion. We need to give priority in Professionalism. Training is the back bone of professionalism. Similarly, "No Blame Culture" needs to be introduced in Nepalese Army. We should not blame other for our Promotion. Merit Based culture need to be developed from schooling and even from the child hood. 5. Why Merit based Promotion? Its advantages: The primary concern with meritocracy is the unclear definition of "merit". Different people often have their own standards of merit, thus raising the question of which "merit" has the best merits - or in other words - which standard is the "best" standard. Meritocracy also has been criticized by egalitarians as a mere myth, which serves only to justify the status quo with its proponents only giving lip service to equality. In the words of sociologist Laurie Taylor: The hideous thing about meritocracy is it tells you that if you’ve given life your all and haven’t got to the top you’re thick or stupid. Previously, at least, you could always just blame the class system. (Fig. 4 Merit Based Promotion Vs Seniority) I personally did a worldwide research and concluded that around the globe 80% employees prefer Merit Based Promotion, 15% prefer Seniority Based Promotion and 5% prefer traditional promotion that is connected to relationship and political connection. This above research clearly indicates that Merit based promotion is the best promotion system and we as Nepalese army need to implement in all level of promotion which is presently limited to certain ranks only. Advantages of Merit based promotion: (a) Motivation Boost: A merit-based program can provide motivation leading to increase productivity. Army personnel who recognize that the best performers are the ones who get ahead may put forth the extra effort they believe it takes to receive promotions. (Fig. 5 Performance of Officers in Seniority Based and Merit Based Promotion in the Nepalese Army) (b) Reward for Ability: Military possess varying levels of skills and abilities, and a merit-based program rewards those who may have the most to offer the organization in the long run. While tenured employees offer the benefit of greater experience, this does not necessarily equate with more ability. Less experienced army personnel possessing a greater flair for innovation or creativity may be more likely to generate ideas that help the army move forward in the future. Human Resource problem in our Nepalese Army is associated in mainly: 1. Needs: What is the need of Army personnel in terms of their personal need and their career development need. 2. Skill: We are facing a lot of problem now to prepare qualified human resource. It is because of new technological development and globalization. 3. Motivation: How we can keep our soldiers for a long time within a organization with highly motivated condition is another key issue for HRM. Now for new generation employee I think motivation not only includes increment in the salary but also many other factors, their expectations are high and as an organization we need to address them from Merit Based Promotion. The goal of human resource management within Nepalese Army is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting and maintaining employees and also manage them effectively. From above graph we can see the continuous improvement in performance of individuals throughout his career path. This can only be possible in Merit Based Promotion System. Problems of HRM can lies in following working areas of human resource management within the Nepalese Army, They are mainly: 1. Work force planning 2. Recruitment 3. Induction and orientation 4. Skill management 5. Training and development 6. Personnel administration 7. Compensation or salary 8. Time management 9. Employ benefits administration 10. Performance Appraisal 11. Motivation 12. Reward System 13. Employment Relations 14. Health and safety at work 15. Sustainable HRM 16. Leadership 17. Communication within organization and external communication. 18. Diversity management (Recently developed in HRM) 19. Working with different cultural back ground people. 20. Flexibility and work life balance. 21. Finally, promotion system: Talent management in terms of recruitment, motivation, retention, development and career progression (meeting their career ambition) in future employ will be the great challenge for HRM and only Merit Based Promotion System can address the future demand of our Soldiers. 6. Military Promotion System in some of the developed nations: US Army Promotion system is based on Merit system. This Merit is calculated based on Military Trainings Points, Military awards and decoration, Military Education Points and Civil education points. British Army, Indian Army, Pakistan army and most of the Armies around the globe are now practicing promotion based on Merit system and found one of the proven systems of promotion in professional army. Promotion in the army is normally a process of selecting men and women who are thought capable of assuming higher responsibilities than those with which they have previously been charged, but it can also be used as a reward for services already rendered. The former principle tends to lead to advancement through selection (merit), the latter by length of service (seniority), although influence, nepotism and purchase have also played their parts. Non-commissioned officers are usually appointed and promoted within their regiment or branch on the recommendation of commissioned officers. Most modern armies operate a peacetime promotion system based partly on merit, as demonstrated in competitive examinations, and partly on seniority. Peacetime promotion is generally slow and predictable, although every effort is now made to establish definite career patterns for young officers. In wartime, promotion can be rapid and pay little or no regard to seniority, able and enterprising officers being pushed into senior commands at great speed. Very often, this is achieved by the use of temporary or acting rank; an efficient lieutenant-colonel might well find himself advanced to the rank of temporary major-general commanding a division although only receiving pay for his substantive rank. This method, which was much used, and abused, by the British army during the Second World War. 7. Summary, "Merit based promotion is the Future of Nepalese Army": There is a need of Merit based Promotion System for all ranks and its model needs to be designed scientifically as per the needs of the Nepalese Army. Models of Merit Based promotion at Lower level, Middle Level and higher level should be different, like at lower level emphasis should be given physical and tactical aspects and middle level should give priority in leadership and managerial aspects along with physical, whereas at top level focus should be given in the areas of Leadership, Managerial skill and strategic capabilities. (Fig.6 Merit Based Promotion in Summery) It will take some time to set course for such Merit Based promotion, but we should work hard to find out the best way in which it can adopt for merit system in different ranks of Nepalese Army. A task force like PPG (Perspective Planning Group) can take some management expert to develop Merit criteria of different ranks of Nepalese Army. For example, Merit criteria for a sergeant is not the same as that for Lt.Col. In summary, I would like to highlight this Quote "Promotion is a movement to a position in which responsibilities and presumably, prestige are increased" - Dale Yoder.4We can conclude that Merit Based Promotion system is back bone of any organization. It is a system that rewards hard work. That's why, "Merit based promotion is the Future of Nepalese Army". 8. References: 1. Research Methods for Business by Joseph F.Hair, Jr 2007 . 2. Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage by Barney & Hesterly (Pearson International Edition). 3. Human Resource Management, Case study Approach by Michael Muller-Camen & Susan Leigh (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development). 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. -39 4 Office Management, By Balachandran, ;fwf/0f != k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] cfjZostf af]weO o;sf] ;+/If0f / ;Da4{g ug]{ kxn / k|o f;sf] kl/0ffd:j?k cfh g]kfndf !) j6f /fli6«o lgs'~h, # j6f jGohGt' cf/If, ^ j6f ;+/If0f If]q, Pp6f lzsf/ cf/If / !@ j6f dBjlt{ If]q :yfkgf eO ;~rfng eO/x]sf 5g\ . oL ljleGg ;+/If0f If]qx?n] #$,!*@=^@ ju{ sL=dL= If]qkmn cf]u6]sf 5g\ . h'g g]kfnsf] s"n If]qkmn -!,$&,!*! ju{ sL=dL=_ sf] @#=@# k|l tzt x'g cfp“5 . @= g]kfn k|fs[l ts ;Dkbfdf wgL t/ k|foM ul/j hgtfsf] b]z ePsf]n ] Oltxf;sf] ljleGg sfnv08df ;DkGg ;+/If0fsf ljljw kxn / k|of;x? ePsf] kfOG5 . s/La pGgfO{;f}+ ztfAbLdf tof/ eO nfu' ePsf] s;'/ / b08 ;“hfo pNn]v ePsf] lznfn]v lzjk'/Lgfufh'{g /fli6«o lgs'~hsf] gfufh'{g v08df t}g fy u0f x]=Sjf=df cfh klg ;'/ lIft 5 . g]kfnsf ag h¨n / jGohGt' ;+/If0fdf P]ltxfl;s kxn / k|of; Pj+ ;a}sf] ck"j { of]ubfgsf] of] Pp6f alnof] glh/ xf] . cfw'lgs ;+/If0fsf] hu cyjf ldof]sf] ?kdf g]kfnL ;]g fnfO{ k|fKt >]o / ljZjf;n] ;]gfsf] Tofu / of]ubfgnfO{ bzf{p F5 . æxl/of] ag g]kfnsf] wgÆ eGg] o'l Qm Hofb} ;fGble{s / pko'Qm x'“bfx'“b} klg o;sf] plrt ;+/If0f x'g g;Sbf cfh ;+/lIft If]qx? dfly r'gf}tL yf]kl/Psf] cj:yf 5 . ;+/If0fsf] P]l txfl;s ;fem]bf/ g]kfnL ;]g fn] ljBdfg ;d:ofx?sf] cWoog, klxrfg / d"NofÍg u/L r'gf}tLnfO{ cj;/df kl/0ft ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf af]s]sf] 5 . g]kfnL ;]gfn] k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgsf] kl/0ffd / /fli6«o cGt/f{li6«o ljZjf;sf] sf/0f ;fgf] 6's\8Laf6 ;+/If0f ;'? u/]sf] ;]gfsf] jt{d fg cfsf/ w]/} 7"nf] eO;s]sf] 5 .oBlk, ;+/If0f If]qdf g]kfnL ;]gfsf] yk dfu eO/x]sf] 5 . 9f]/kf6g lzsf/ cf/If / dsfn'a?0f /fli6«o lgs'~hdf g]kfnL ;]g fsf b'O{ a6flnog t}gfy ug]{ k|lqmof clGtd r/0fdf k'lu;s]sf] 5 . k;f{ jGohGt' cf/IfnfO{ k"j{tkm{ afudtL;Dd lj:tf/ ug]{ of]hgf :jLs[l t x'g f;fy Toxf“ klg yk Ps a6flnogsf] cfjZostf klxrfg eO;s]sf] 5 . xfn ( /fli6«o lgs'~h / # jGohGt' cf/Ifsf] ;'/Iff lhDd]jf/L g]kfnL ;]gfnfO{ lbOPsf] 5 . g]kfnL ;]gfn] pRr k|fyldstfdf /fv]sf] of] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug{ xfn & u0f / & u'Nd u/L !$ o'l g6 lkmN8df t}g fy 5g\ . &^@& ;+Vofsf] g]kfnL ;]gfn] !$! kf]i6x? :yfkgf u/L tL kf]i 6x?dfkm{t cfkm"nfO{ k|fKt ;Dj]bgzLn / dxŒjk"0 f{ ;+/If0f lhDd]jf/L k'/f ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ . lkmN8df t}gfy jt{dfg o'lg6x?sf] ;+Vof / eljiodf dfueO kfO{knfO{gdf /x]sf o'l g6x?sf] ;+Vof x]g ]{ xf] eg] Pp6f klbs l8lehgeGbf a9L cyjf s/La !) xhf/sf] lgoldt ;lqmo ;]g f of] lhDd]j f/Lsf] nflu ;dlk{t /xg] 5 . k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] cfjZostf tyf dxŒj #= k[YjLsf] pTklQ sfnb]lv g} ;Dk"0 f{ lhjhGt'x? cfkm\g f] cl:tTjsf] nflu k|s[lt;“u cfl>t /x]sf 5g\ . k[YjLdf kfOg] ;Dk"0f{ k|f0fL hutsf] nflu ckl/xfo{ xfjf / kfgLsf] z'4tf sfod /fvL lg/Gt/ cfk"lt{ ug{ k|s[lt ;+/If0f ug'{sf] csf]{ ljsNk 5}g . o;/L dfgj nufot ;Dk"0 f{ hLjhGt'sf] cl:tTj /Iff ug{ / kfl/l:ylts k|0 ffnL -Eco System_ nfO{ hf]ufO{ /fVg k|s[l t ;+/If0f ckl/xfo{ /x]sf] 5 . k|s[l t ;+/If0fsf] dxŒjnfO{ a'“bfut ?kdf k|:t't ubf{– -s_ k|s[lt ;Gt'ng sfod /fVg . -v_ k|s[lt / k|s[l tsf] lgodnfO{ hf]ufO{ /fVg . -u_ hLj hutsf ;f/f k|f0fLx?sf] ;x–cl:tTjsf] ;Ddfg ug{ . -3_ b'n{e k|hfltsf] j+z hf]ufpg / ljsf; ug{ . -ª_ kfgLsf] >f]t / z'4 kfgLsf] hu]gf{ ug{ tyf hn>f]t ljsf;sf] dfu{ k|z:t ug{ . -r_ b'n{e / cd"N o hLjhGt', ag:klt / hl8a'6Lsf] ;+/If0f / ;Dj4{g ug{ . -5_ k|fs[l ts k|sf]k lgoGq0fdf of]ubfg ug{ . -h_ vlgh kbfy{, sRrf kbfy{, lgdf{0 f ;fdu|Lsf] ;+/If0f, Aoj:yfkg / ;b'kof]u u/L pBf]u Joj;fosf] ljsf; ug{ . -em_ ko{6g pBf]usf] ljsf; ug{ . -`_ hnjfo' kl/jt{g / kof{j/0fLo k|b'i f0fsf] /f]syfddf 6]j f k'¥ ofpg . -6_ sfj{g pT;h{g k|lqmof lgoGq0f ug{ cfjZos ag h¨n hf]ufP/ sfj{g Jofkf/af6 d'n'ssf] cfo>f]t a9fpg . -7_ k|fs[lts ;f}Gbo{tfnfO{ cgGtsfn;Dd hLjGt /flv/fVg . -8_ ;Dk"0f{ dfgjhfltsf] bL3{sfnLg lxt / sNof0fsf] nflu . k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf r'gf}tLx? $= ljZjJofkL?kdf a9\b} uPsf] hg;+Vofsf] rfk, dfgjhfltsf] a9\bf] cfjZostf, cltqmd0f, k|fs[l ts k|sf]k, k|b'if0f, jGo hGt'sf] cj}w c¨ Jofkf/, s[lif tyf cf}Bf]uLs/0f cflbn] k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] sfo{n fO{ hl6n / r'g f}tLk"0 f{ agfPsf] s'/f 3fd h:t} 5n{¨ 5 . oL ljljw r'gf}tLx?n] ubf{ k|s[l t / k|fs[lts ;Dkbf tyf hLjhGt'sf] af;:yfg v'Drb} uPsf] cj:yf 5 . oL r'gf}tLx? sltko k|fs[l ts, w]/} h;f] dfgj l;lh{t / s]xL cfGtl/s 5g\ . t/ oxf“ xfdL cfGtl/s r'g f}tLx? / ltgsf] lgbfgsf] af/]df rrf{ u5+f}{F . -s_ k|fyldstf lgwf{/0f M g]kfnL ;]gfsf] k|fylds lhDd]jf/L lgjf{w?kdf /fli6«o cv08tf / ;fj{ef}ldstfsf] /Iff ug'{ xf] . oBlk k|s[l t ;+/If0fsf] lhDd]j f/L lgjf{x ug]{ sfo{sf] nflu 5'6\o fOPsf] kmf}hnfO{ g]kfnL ;]gfn] ;b}j ;+/If0f sfo{df dfq nflu kg]{ lbuf] Joj:yfsf] k|Tofe"lt ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . cfGtl/s åGåsfndf h:tf] kf]i 6x? dh{ x'“bf cfkm\g f] ;'/Iff lhDd]jf/Ldf ePsf w]/} kf]i6x? Wj:t ePsf] / jg tyf jGohGt'sf] 7"nf] Iflt ePsf] glh/af6 /fli6«o cGt/f{li6«o ;+/If0fljb\x?n] lbuf] ;'/Iff Joj:yfsf] ck]Iff u/]sf 5g\ . t;y{, slDtdf k|s[lt ;+/If0f h¨n l8p6Ldf vl§g] kmf}hsf] nflu ;]s]08/L geP/ k|fylds lhDd]jf/L x'g ' kb{5 . ;fy} eljiodf kf]i6x? g5f8\g ] k|ltj4tf / t}gfy kmf}hsf] e/kbf]{ ;'/Iff Joj:yfsf nflu lgs'~h cf/IfnfO{ ;+s6sfnLg cj:yfdf zflGt If]q 3f]i f0ff ug]{ Joj:yfsf nflu kxn ul/g'kb{5 . k|fyldstf lgwf{/0f u/]kl5 h¨n l8p6Lsf] kmf}h / >f]t ;fwgnfO{ lhNnf ;'/Iff, ;df/f]x, eL=cfO{=kL= ;'/Iff nufotsf cGo lhDd]jf/Ldf gnufO{ ;+/If0f l8p6Ldf Psfu|?kdf s]Gb|Lt x'g lbg'kb{5 . å}wrl/qsf] l8p6Ln] Civil Military Relation df ;d]t gsf/fTds c;/ kfg]{ / kl/0ffd klg xft gnfUg] x'gfn] ;hutf ckgfpg' kb{5 . -v_ Joj;flos kIf M k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x u/]sf] s/La $ bzs k'Ug nflu;s]sf] 5 . h¨n l8p6Ldf k7fpg] o'l g6, kltx? / kmf}h rogsf] :ki6 dfkb08 x'g 'kb{5 . k]zfut k|ltof]lutfdf k|yd / låtLo x'g], zflGt ;]gfdf ;xefuL x'g ] o'lg6x?nfO{ k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] lhDd]jf/Ldf v/f] pqg] cj;/ k|bfg ug{ / clt of]Uo ;d"xaf6 kltx? 5gf}6 ug{ pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . h¨n l8p6L ;fgbf/ / ;kmntfk" j{s k'/f u/L pTs[i6 kl/0ffd lgsfNgsf] nflu kmf}hnfO{ pko'Q m tflnd, cEof;, xf}; nf / ;'ljwf clgjfo{?kdf k|bfg ug{ cfjZos x'G5 . ;+/If0f lzIff :s"n -Conservation Education School _ sf] zL3| :yfkgf / tfnLd ;~rfngsf] Joj:yfaf6 kmf}hsf] Joj;flostf j[l4 ug{ ;lsG5 . ;fy}, t/fO{ a[u]8, dfp06]g a[u]8 / lxdfnL a[u]8sf] s/La Ps l8lehg cfsf/sf] 5'§} h¨n kmd]{; g :yfkgfsf] ;+efJotf cWoog u/]/ k"0 f{ Joj;flos kmf}h l8p6Lsf] nflu of]ubfg ug{ ;s]sf] v08df /fli6«o cGt/f{l i6«o jftfj/0fljb\ / ;+/If0fljb\x?sf] yk cf:yf, ljZjf; / ;dy{g k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 . -u_ :yfoLTj M ;+/If0f lhDd]jf/Laf6 u0f÷u'NdnfO{ ! jif{df cGoq :yfgfGt/0f ul/Psf] glh/af6 s] cf+sng ug{ ;lsG5 eg] !÷@ jif{ ag h¨n lrgfpg o'lg6x?nfO{ lgs'~h÷cf/Ifdf n}hfg] / l56}[ cGoq :yfgfGt/0f ug]{ kl/kf6L eGbf u0f÷u'N dnfO{ $ jif{ clgjfo{ ;+/If0f lhDd]j f/Ldf /xg'kg] { gLltut k|fjwfg ;'l glZrt ug{ pko'Q m x'G5 . cem of]eGbf cufl8 a9]/ :yfoL h¨n kmd]{;gnfO{ t/fO{af6 kxf8, k"j{af6 klZrd cyjf w]/} kf]i6 / r'gf}tL ePsf] lgs'~h cf/Ifaf6 t' ngfTds sd kf]i 6 / r'g f}tL ePsf] :yfg ljz]i fdf :yfgfGt/0f ug]{ Joj:yf ePdf kmf}hsf] Joj;flostfdf emg\ lgvf/ cfO{ /fd|f] / e/kbf]{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg x'g ;Sb5 . o'lg6 cbnLabnLsf] ;Dj]bgzLn ;donfO{ se/ ug{ / ;'/Iff r'g f}tLnfO{ ;fDo kfg{sf] nflu æck/]]zg x06Æ Hofb} k| efjsf/L ePsf] 5 . :k]; n ck/]zg kmf];{af6 k|fKt of] ;xof]un] lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~hnfO{ ælh/f] kf]lr¨ jif{Æ sf] ;Ddfg k|fKt ug{ ;3fp k'u]sf] oyfy{ xfdLn] la;{g ldNb}g . æck/]; g x06Æ sf] :jfldTj / lhDd]jf/L o; jif{af6 dWo k[tgf c8\8fn] lnPsf] s'/f Hofb} ;XfgLo 5 . k[tgf l/he{ kmf}h tyf chobn u'NdnfO{ kl/rfng u/]/ ;~rfng x'g ] ck/]zg x06n] ck]Iffs[t ;kmntf xfl;n ug]{ s'/fdf b'O{ dt 5}g . dWo k[tgfsf] of] cu'jfO{ / kxntfn] ljZj ;Dkbfdf ;"l rs[t lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~hsf] ;+/If0fdf ljz]if of]ubfg t k'U5 g}, cGo k[tgf c8\8fsf] nflu klg cg's/0fof]Uo kf7 x'g]5 . -3_ r]g ckm sdf08 M r]g ckm sdf08nfO{ ;/n / ;xh agfO{ lkmN8 o'l g6x?nfO{ pRr xf};nf sfod /fvL ;fxl;s / kxn sbdL lnP/ sfo{ ug{ Jojxf/t ;lhnf] agfOg' kb{5 . /fli6«o ;Í6 tyf /fli6«o cfktsfnLg ;do cyjf /fli6«o ;]g f kl/rfngsf] cj:yf afx]s zflGtsfnLg ;dodf lgs'~h / cf/Ifdf t}gfy u0f÷u'N dx?nfO{ /fli6«o lgs'~h lgb]{zgfnoaf6 k|ToIf cg'udg, lgoGq0f / lgb]{zg ug]{ Joj:yf a9L ;/n / Jofjxfl/s x'G5 . tfn's jflxgL / k[tgfx?n] ;Dj]bgzLn ;+/If0f lhDd]jf/Ldf vl§Psf lkmN8 o'lg6x?nfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] avt :j:k"mt{?kdf hgzlQm, ef}l ts / g}l ts ;kf]6{ ug]{ gLlt cjnDag ug'{ kb{5 . ;fy}, ;fwf/0f zflGtsfnLg cj:yfdf cf–cfkm\g f] lhDd]jf/L If]qdf kg]{ lgs'~h÷cf/Ifsf] ;'/Iff cj:yf ;'b[9 ug]{ / gd"gf lgs'~h agfpg] ;DalGwt k[tgf / jflxgLsf] p2]Z o ePsf] v08df ;+/If0f lhDd]jf/Ldf lgzGb]x ;s/fTds kl/jt{g cfpg] ;+efjgf a9]]/ hfG5 . -ª_ lgb]{zgfnosf] ;jnLs/0f M @)^^ ;fndf zfvfaf6 lgb]{zgfnodf ?kfGt/0f ePsf] #( hgf b/aGbLsf] /fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' cf/If lgb]{zgfnosf] ;+/rgfnfO{ k"g/fjnf]sg u/L gof“, k|efjsf/L / sfdofjL ;+/rgf agfO lbg' kb{5 . ;fy} lgb]{zgfnonfO{ d'n 'sel/sf ;a} lgs'~h / cf/Ifx?nfO{ k|ToIf cg'udg, lgb]{zg / lgoGq0f ug{ ;Ifd / ;jn agfpg >f]t ;fwg ;DkGg ;d]t agfOg' kb{5 . lgb]{zgfnosf] ;zlQms/0f / lkmN8 o'l g6 kltx?nfO{ cem a9L pQ/bfoL / hjfkmb]xL agfpg u0f÷u'Ndkltx?sf] g]s]j bL /fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' cf/If lgb]{zsaf6 n]l vg] Joj:yf Jojxfl/s / pko'Qm x'G5 . -r_ ;z:q k|x/Lsf] :yfgfGt/0f M af“s] /fli6«o lgs'~h 3f]if0ff eO ;f] sf] ;'/Iffy{ g]kfnL ;]g fsf] u0f;d]t t}gfy eO;s]sf] cj:yfdf Toxf“ t}gfy ;z:q k|x/Lsf] u0fnfO{ cGoq :yfgfGt/0f ug{ ePsf] l9nfO{n ] 7"n f] ;d:of ;[hgf ePsf] 5 . Pp6f lgs'~hleq b'O{ lsl;dsf ;'/Iff kmf}hsf] pkl:yltsf] cljnDa cGTo x'g cfjZos 5 . o;sf] nflu ;z:q k|x/Lsf] u0fnfO{ lgs'~h aflx/ :yfgfGt/0f / Joj:yfkg ug{ l9nf] eO;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . of] ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] nflu ;z:q k|x/L an x]8Sjf6/sf] :j]l R5s kxn / k|o f; a9L sfdofjL x'g] b]l vG5 . -5_ kltx?sf] sfo{l jlw M ;Dj]bgzLn / dxŒjk"0f{ lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug{ kltx?sf] cxd\ e"l dsf x'g] x'“bf pgLx?n] lgs'~h, cf/Ifdf @ jif{ clgjfo{ ;]jf ug]{ Joj:yf ;'lglZrt x'g ' kb{5 . xfn & j6f lgs'~h, cf/Ifdf t}gfy u'N dsf u'N dkltx?sf] !)÷!@ dlxgfsf] lgo'lQmn] tL lgs'~h÷cf/Ifx?nfO{ ck]Iffs[t kl/0ffd tyf of]ubfg k'Ug ;s]sf] 5}g . t;y{, u'Ndx?nfO{ u0fdf :t/f]Gglt ug]{ cyjf lgs'~h÷cf/Ifsf] xsdf u'Ndkltx?sf] ;]jf cjlwnfO{ @ jif{ sfod ug]{ gLltut Joj:yf x'g h?/L b]l vG5 . To;}ul/ o'l g6 cbnL÷abnLsf] ;dodf ;d]t u0fklt÷u'Ndkltx?sf] h¨n l8p6Ldf latfpg] ;dofjlw @ jif{ sfod /fVg] Joj:yf dfq lgs'~h÷cf/Ifsf] lxtdf x'g]5 . -h_ yk lhDd]jf/Lsf] Ph]0 8f M dsfn'a?0f /fli6«o lgs'~h / 9f]/kf6g lzsf/ cf/Ifsf] ;+/If0f lhDd]jf/L g]kfnL ;]gfnfO{ lbgsf] nflu Ps÷Ps a6flnog kmf}h zL3| t}gfy ul/lbg /fli6«o lgs'~h ljefun] jg dGqfnodfkm{t /Iff dGqfnodf cg'/f]w u/L k7fPsf] ljifonfO{ uDeL/tfk"j {s lnO{ zL3| sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg cfjZos b]l vG5 . dsfn'a?0f /fli6«o lgs'~h / 9f]/kf6g lzsf/ cf/Ifdf yk Iflt x'g gkfpb} kmf}h t}g fy ug{ / ltgLx?sf] ;'/Iff cj:yf ;'b[9 u/L gd"g f lgs'~h / cf/If agfpg l9nfO{ ul/g' x'“b}g . gof“ lgs'~h cf/Ifdf ;]g fsf] ;'/Iff dfu Psflt/ Hofb} ;s/fTds / csf]{lt/ ;]g fk|lt ;+/If0fljb\x?sf] a9\bf] ljZjf; klg xf] . o;sf] cnjf ;+/If0f lhDd]j f/Ldf pNn]Vo ;+Vofdf kmf}hnfO{ lehfpg' g]kfnL ;]g fsf] nflu /fd|f] cj;/ / jt{dfg cfsf/sf] cfjZostfnfO{ k'i 6\o fO{ ug]{ df}sf klg xf] . -em_ >f]t–;fwg / k"jf{w f/ kIf M lgs'~h÷cf/If :yfkgfsfnsf sf7sf 3/x? k'/fgf / hL0f{ dfq geP/ a:g cof]Uo / c;'/lIft ;d]t eO;s]sf 5g\ . tL 3/x?nfO{ gof“ ;'/lIft 3/x?n] abNg zL3| sf/jfxL cufl8 a9fpg cfjZos eO;s]sf] 5 . gof“ kf]i 6x?sf] lgdf{0 f / k'/fgf kf]i 6x?sf] d/fdt, ;+ef/ tyf :t/f]Ggltdf ;d]t oyf]l rt Wofg k'¥ofpg cfjZos b]l vG5 . lgs'~h -cf/Ifdf eL=cfO{=kL= u]i6 xfp;sf] lgdf{0 f u/]/ ;}l gs clwsf/Lx? tyf kfx'gfx?nfO{ Joj:yfkg ug{ ;lsof] eg] h¨n l8p6Ldf /x]sf] kmf}hnfO{ /fxt, ;lhnf] / ldtJooL ;d]t x'g hfG5 . drfg, g]i 6x?sf] lgdf{0 f / k|o f] un] df]jfO{n h¨n ck/]; gnfO{ d2t k'Ub5 . r': t df]l jln6L / sDo"lgs];gn] dfq jf:tljs / cy{k"0f{ ;+/If0f ;+e j x'g] ePsf] x'“bf o:tf >f]t ;fwg pknAw u/fpg / ltgsf] d/fdt ;+ ef/ tyf lbuf] ;+/If0f / ;b'kof]u dfly hf]8 lbg'kb{5 . -~f_ ;+/If0f k|0 ffnL M k|frLg / k/Dk/fut ;+/If0f k|0ffnLn] cfw'lgs r'g f}tLsf] ;fdgf ug{ k|foM c;Dej 5 . t;y{ ;+/If0f k|0 ffnLdf ;do ;fk]If / Jofks ;'w f/sf] cfjZostf 5 . ;fO{sn k6«f]l n¨ / To;af6 xfl;n x'g ] ;/k|fO{h kl/jt{g sf] ;Djfxs x'g ;Sb5 . Management Information System Technology [MIST] / Smart Patrolling nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg cyjf c? lj:tf/ ub]{ n}hf“bf cfw'l gstd k|0ffnLsf] cjnDag x'g hfG5 . lhDd]jf/Lsf] If]q sf] lgoldt cg'udg ug{ / ;"rgf ;+sng ug{ Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) sf] k|of]udf hf]8 lbg cfjZos 5 . o;sf] cnjf rf]/L lzsf/L / t:s/x?df dgf]j}1flgs bafa lbg ;d]t o:tf] hxfhsf] k|of]u k|efjsf/L x'g ;Sb5 . k/Dk/fut ;+/If0f k|0 ffnLnfO{ tf]8\g / cfw'lgs tyf ;do;fk]If ;+/If0f k|0ffnLsf] vf] h, klxrfg / cjnDag ug]{ d"Vo lhDd]jf/L ;DalGwt kltsf] x'G5 . cfkm"n] ;fdgf ug'{kg]{ r'gf}tLsf] 7Ls n]vfhf]vf u/]/ pko'Qm h¨n snfsf] cjnDag ug]{ / ;kmntf k|fKt ug]{ sfd o'l g6kltsf] x'G5 . t;y{, o'lg6klt Hofb} ;fxl;s, ultzLn / b"/b[li6 /fVg ;Sg] x'g 'kb{5 . -6_ hjfkmb]lxtf M ;+/If0f lhDd]jf/Lsf] uxgtf / ;Dj]bgzLntfnfO{ Wofgdf /fVb} ;a} txsf kltx?sf] hjfkmb]lxtf a9fpg ckl/xfo{ ePsf] 5 . ;+/If0fdf q'6L, nfk/jfxL / l9nf;': tL cIfDo x'G5 / To;sf] d"N o ;a}n] clgjfo{?kdf ltg'{ kb{5 eGg] s'/fnfO{ Jojxf/df ptf/]/ b]vfpg ;Sg' kb{5 . /fd|f] sfdsf] >]o ;DalGwt k[tgfklt, jflxgLklt, lgb]{zs nufotnfO{ lbg / Ifltsf] nflu ;a}nfO{ clgjfo{ hjfkmb]x L agfpg] Joj:yf ePdfq ;+/If0f sfo{ k|efjsf/L x'g ;Sb5 . ;+/If0fdf hjfkmb]l xtfsf] dfu hg:t/df dfq geP/ /fli6«o / cGt/f{li6«o :t/df ;d]t a9]]/ uPsf] oyfy{n fO{ xfdLn] OdfGbf/Lk"j{s cfTd;fy ug'{kb{5 . ;+/If0f pknAwLx? %= g]kfnL ;]gfn] ljljw r'gf}tLx?, k|lts"n tf / cefjsf afjh'b\ ;+/If0f If]qdf xfl;n u/]sf] pknAwLsf] /fli6«o cGt/f{li6«o hutdf v'n ]/ k|z+; f ePsf] 5 . ut jif{ clk|msf / l5d]sL d'n's ef/tdf ePsf] u}F8fsf] rf]/L lzsf/Ln] vfusf] dfu a9]/ uPsf] tYonfO{ k'li6 ub{5 . tL b]zx?df Ps jif{df ^)) eGbf a9L u}F8fsf] lzsf/ x'“bf g]kfnl:yt lgs'~h÷cf/Ifsf u}F8fx? ;'/lIft /xg' eg]sf] oxf“sf] ;'/Iff Joj:yf Hofb} e/kbf]{ / dhj't 5 eGg] k|df0f xf] . ;+/If0f pknAwLx?nfO{ a“'bfut?kdf k|: t't ubf{ – -s_ b'n{e jGohGt' u}F8f / af3sf] ;+Vofdf pNn]Vo j[l 4 x'g' . -v_ ;'/Iff husf] cfwf/df ;+/If0f If]qx? lj:tf/ x'g' / af“s] /fli6«o lgs'~hsf] la:tf/ / af3sf] ;+Vof ;g\ @)@@ ;Dd bf]Aa/ agfpg] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] nIonfO{ ;fsf/ kfg{sf] nflu af“s]df u0f t}gfy x'g ' . -u_ lrtjg / ;u/dfyf /fli6«o lgs'~h ljZj ;Dkbfdf ;"l rs[t x'g' . -3_ sf]zL6Kk' jGohGt' cf/If nufot w]/} tfn tn}ofx? ljZj /fd;f/ ;"l rdf ;"lrs[t x'g ' . -ª_ lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~hn] æZero Poaching YearÆ sf] ;Ddfg kfpg' / cGo lgs'~h / cf/Ifx? ;d]t Zero Poaching Statusxfl;n ug{ pBt /xg' . -r_ g]kfnL ;]gfsf] ;+/If0f of]ubfgn] Civil Military Relation nfO{ k| uf9 ug{ d2t k'¥ofpg' . -5_ g]kfnL ;]g fsf] cGt/f{li6«o ;Dks{ / ;DaGw lj:tf/df 6]jf k'Ug' / ;+/If0f of]ubfgsf] cGo ;]gf tyf ljZj ;+/If0f ;d'bfo -World Conservation Community_ ;d]taf6 k|z+; f x'g' . -h_ /fli6«o cGt/f{l i6«o ;+/If0f ;xsdL{ tyf bft[ lgsfox?af6 ;dy{g / ;xof]u k|fKt x'g ' . -em_ rf]/L lzsf/L / cj}w Jofkf/ lgoGq0fdf /fHonfO{ pNn]Vo ;kmntf k|fKt x'g' . -`_ g]kfnL ;]gfsf o'l g6 ;a o'l g6 / JolQm ljz]if /fli6«o cGt/f{li6«o sb/ / k'/:sf/af6 ;Ddflgt x'g ' . -6_ ;+/If0fdf yk ;xeflutfsf] dfu u/]/ g]kfnL ;]gfk|l t yk cf:yf / ljZjf; k|s6 ug'{ . -7_ ko{6g / /fhZjdf j[l 4eO /fli6«o cy{tGqdf ;s/fTds 6]j f k'Ug' . lkmN8 o'lg6sf] kxntf / k|of; ^= ;+/If0fdf ;sf/fTds kl/jt{g Nofpg ;Sg] ;a}eGbf a9L tfut lkmN8 o'lg6df /x]sf] x'G5 . lkmN8 o'lg6sf] kl/rfng, k|o f]u / lgb]{zg Psn?kdf o'l g6 sdf08/n] ug]{ ePsf]n ] kltsf] of]hgf / kxnsbdLn] lgs'~h÷cf/Ifsf] eljio lgwf{/0f ub{5 . k|d'v ;+/If0f clws[t - Chief Warden_ nfO{ æh¨nsf] /fhfÆ eg]/ sltko n]v / k': tsdf pNn]v ul/Psf] s'/fnfO{ dfGg] xf] eg] klg p;sf] hu cyjf ldof] eg]sf] Toxf“ t}gfy o'lg6 sdf08/ g} xf] . t;y{, o'lg6 sdf08/n] s;}sf] d'v gtfsL :j]lR5s / :j:km"{t?kdf ;'/Iff sf/jfxL ;~rfng u/]/ ;kmntf / kl/0ffd xfl;n ug{ pBt /xg' kb{5 . lgs'~h k|zf;g / ;'/Iff cËaLr s'g } klg k|fs[l ts / s[lqd cj/f]w x'g' xF'b}g . ;fdfGo / zflGtsfnLg cj:yfdf kltx?sf] nflu kxntf / c;Ld ;fx; k|bz{g ug]{ pko'Qm ynf] lgs'~h÷cf/If afx]s bf]>f] cyjf j}slNks csf]{ :yfg b]l vFb}g . t;y{, lkmN8 o'l g6x?nfO{ :jtM / :j:km"t{ ?kdf kxnsbdL lng ;a}n] k|]l /t ug'{kb{5 . lkmN8 o'lg6x?sf] lgDg kxn / k|o f;n] ;+/If0fdf cf;fltt kl/jt{g Nofpg ;lsG5 . -s_ Zero Mistake Syndrom af6 d'Qm /xL No risk, no gain sf] l;4fGt cjnDag u/]/ ;fxl;s 9ª\uaf6 kl/0ffdd'vL sfd ug]{ . -v_ æaf]6 lj?jf xfd|f cfdf afa' / jGohGt' xfd|f ;GtfgÆ eGg] jf0fLnfO{ cfTd;ft\ u/L ;snbhf{sf] /ut / efjgfdf ;+/If0f efj hfu[t u/fpg] . -u_ gof“ t}g fy x'g cfpg] o'lg6nfO{ Go"g td # dlxgf cf]e/Nofk u/L ;“u} /fVg], lehfpg] / lj:t[tdf l8p6L a'emfpg] . -3_ h¨n l8p6L cjlwe/ pRr Tofu k|bz{g ug]{ . cfly{s nfe, ;fdfg hf]8\g ], ;fdfg xfNg] h:tf sfo{df eGbf sb/ / k'/:sf/ xfl;n ug]{tkm{ pBt /xg] . -ª_ cfkm\g f] 5'§} e/kbf]{ O{06 g]6 js{sf] :yfkgf ug]{ / O{0 6 g]6js{ af/] /fd|f] a'ema'emf/y ug]{ . -r_ ck/]zg bfo/fnfO{ km/flsnf] kf/L kf6]af3sf] cfxf/f a9fpg ljz]if of]ubfg ug]{ . -5_ b08 k'/:sf/ gLltsf] s8fO{sf ;fy cjnDag u/L kmf}hnfO{ cg'zfl;t, r':t / hjfkmb]xL agfP/ kl/rfng ug]{ . -h_ lgs'~h÷cf/If k|zf;gsf] ef}lts k"jf{wf/, ;jf/L ;fwg / cGo >f]t ;fwgsf] ;d]t ;'/Iff lhDd]jf/L lng] . -em_ lgs'~h÷cf/Ifsf] :jfldTj :j]l R5s / :j:k"mt{?kdf u|x0f ug]{ . -`_ kmfo/n]g, k'n , k'n];f cflbsf] lgdf{0f ;'w f/ sfo{df :j]lR5s >dbfg tyf of]ubfg ug]{ . -6_ jGohGt'sf] af;:yfg ;'wf/, kf]v/L 3f“; ] d}bfg lgdf{0 fdf :j]l R5s of]ubfg ug]{ . -7_ jGohGt' u0fgf, cg'udg / cg';Gwfg sfo{df :j]lR5s ;xeflutf hgfpb} e/kbf]{ ;'/Iff / hgzlQm Pj+ aGbf]j:tL ;xof]u k|bfg ug]{ . -8_ lgs'~h -cf/Ifsf jf:tljs dflns Toxf“ a;f]af; ug]{ hgtf / ;'/Iff kmf}h c:yfoL ;xof]uL ;+o Gq dfq xf] eGg] s'/fnfO{ cfTd;ft u/L ;xeflutfd"ns ;+/If0f df]8nnfO{ k|f]T;fxg lbg] . -9_ ;+/If0fdf ;a}nfO{ cfj4 ug{ æj[xb\ 6LdÆ lgdf{0fdf hf]8 lbg] . -0f_ dBjlt{ If]q sf] ;d]t ag ;Dkbf / aGohGt'sf] ;'/Iff :jfldTj lng cfkm\g f] sfo{ If]qsf] bfo/f a9fpg] . pk;+xf/ &= cfhsf lgs'~hcf/If / b'n{e jGohGt'x? xfd|f k"j {hx?sf /ut kl;gfsf pkh x'g \ . oLgnfO{ h:tfsf] t:t} cyjf cem kl/:s[t / ljsl;t?kdf efjL ;GtltnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ug]{ uxg bfloTj :jefjt xfd|f] x'g cfp“5 . g]kfnL ;]g fsf] s/La $ bzs nfdf] of]ubfgsf] /Iff ug{ klg xfdLn] k|s[l t ;+/If0fsf] lhDd]j f/LnfO{ pRr k|fyldstfdf /fvL axg ug}{kg]{ x'G5 . xfnsf] pknAwLdf k"0 f{ lj/fd nufP/ lj>fd lng'eGbf cem pT;flxt eP/ k/Dk/fut k|0 ffnL / cfkm\g f sdL sdhf]/LnfO{ ;RofpFb} cfw'lgstd, a}1flgs / Jojxfl/s ;+/If0f k|0ffnLsf] cg's/0f u/]/ cufl8 a9\g o'lQm;+ut x'G5 . of] a[xb hl6n / ;Dj]bgzLn lhDd]jf/L ePsf]n] lkmN8sf] ;d:ofx?sf] plrt ;Daf]wg ug{ / ljifdtf / k|lts"n tfdf h'lw/x]sf kmf}hnfO{ yk ;'ljwf ;DkGg agfO{ xf}; nf sfod /fVg ;}l gs g]t[Tj txaf6} ljz]i f kxntf lgjf{x ul/g'kb{5 . ;fy}, cfO{;f]n]; gsf] Psn k|o f; eGbf ;+o 'Qm / ;fem]bf/ lhDd]j f/L ePsf]n ] s]Gb|b]lv If]q, c~rnx“'b} lkmN8 tx;Dd ;a}n] ;a} lgsfo;“u ;Dks{ ;'–;DaGw / ;dGjo u/L sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ pko' Qm x'G5 . ;}l gs g]t[Tj ju{sf] k|fyldstf / b[9 k|ltj4tf tyf lkmN8 txsf] kxntf, Tofu, ;dk{0 f / ;fxl;s ;+/If0f sfo{n ] dfq k|s[l tsf] wgL b]zsf] cd"No gLlwx?sf] lbuf] ;+/If0f ;Dej 5 . dg, jrg / sd{n] k'/f ul/g] of] wfld{s / k'0o ;]jfaf6 g]kfnL ;]g fn] cfTd;Gt'l i6 dfq k|fKt ug]{ 5}g, a? cfkm\g f] ax'c foflds rl/q k|bz{g ub}{ /fli6« o / cGt/f{l i6«o uf}/j sdfpg ;'Gb/ cj;/ k|fKt eO/xg] 5 . lgoldt ;lqmo ;]gfnfO{ k|fKt of] cj;/sf] k"0 f{ ;b'kof]u ub}{ g] kfnL ;]g fn] ljZj ;+/If0f ;d'bfonfO{ Pp6f ækl/:s[t / pTs[i6 ;+/If0f df]8nÆ k|:t't u/]/ b]vfpg;s]df jt{dfg ;+/If0f lhDd]jf/LnfO{ r'gf}tLaf6 cj;/df abNg ;lsg]5 . dlg;sf] cfr/0faf6 p;sf] s'nsf] cg'dfg nfUb5, p;sf] efiffaf6 p;sf] d'n b]zsf] kl/ro ldNb5 / p åf/f ul/Psf] cfb/ ;Ddfgaf6 p;sf] x[bosf] pbf/tfsf] cg'dfg nfUb5 . – sf}l6No lj=;+= @)#& lt/ d g+= $ jflxgLsf] jflxgL ;]g fgLdf sfo{/t lyP . ToxL bf}/fg k|d'v ;]gfgLdf kbf]Gglt eO{ pRrlzv/ zfvfsf] zfvfkltdf ;?jf ePsf] hfgsf/L;d]t k|fKt u/]“ . cfkm\g f] sfo{ef/ a'emfP/ ;d'b|; xtaf6 !@%)) kmL6df cjl:yt d':tfË lhNnfsf] s};fËsf] nflu k|:yfg u/]“ . cfkm\g f] uGtJo :yfg k'Ug ;j{k|yd sf7df08f} uP, csf{] lbg s'g} ljz]i f lgb{]zg eP a'em\g h¨L c8\8f l5/]“ . ?= @* sf] a; l6s6 sf6L kf]v/fdf af; a:g k'u]“ . k} bn lx“8\bf ;xof]u ug{ b'O{ hgf s}; fËaf6 cfP/ kf]v/fdf s'/]/ a;]sf /x]5g\ . csf{] lbg ljxfg} hf]d;f]d / s};fËsf] nflu k|:yfg u/]“ . kf]v/faf6 k}bn lx“8L k|yd lbg rGbfsf]6 bf]>f] lbg 3f]8]kfgLsf] psfnf] sf6]kl5 lzvf eGg]ufp“d f af; al;of] . pQm ;do 3f]8]kfgLdf afSnf] t/ v/L h'“ufo'Qm u'/f“;sf] hª\un / tLgj6f e§L k;nsf] 5fk|f] dfq lyP . t]>f] lbg 3f“; f / rf}yf] lbg hf]d;f]d k'l uof] . cSnfd6fO{h x'g \ Ps lbg hf]d;f]ddf af; a;L 5}6f}F lbg d'l Qmgfy bz{gug{ uP“ . ;ftf}F lbg l7gLufp“x'“b} nDkm'8\o fË vf]n f tb{} 7f8f] psfnf] af6f] eP/ rf/ 306fdf s}; fË k'u“] . vDkfx?sf] rnv]n bf}/fg s};fË d"Vo SofDk lyof] . ;a} sdf08/x? a:g] / of]hgf agfpg] d"Vo SofDkaf6} x'Gy] . lj=;+= @)#! ;fnlt/ g]kfnL ;]gfn] vDkfx?sf] lgMz:qLs/0f u/] kZrft\ pRr lxdfnL If]qdf n8\g ;Sg] Ifdtf j[l 4 ug{ cfjZos 7fgL ToxL pRr lzv/ zfvfsf] :yfkgf ePsf] lyof] . ejgx? c:yfoL ?kdf 9'ª\uf / df6f]sf] kvf{n tyf 5fgf df6f]n] 5fPsf lyP . d sfo{/t /x];Dd g]kfnL ;]g fn] s'g } yk ejgsf] lgdf{0f jf k'/fgf 3/x?sf] d/fdt u/]sf] lyPg . P]g–t]g cfkm\g } >f]t / ;fwgaf6 d/fdt u/L ;f] 6x/fdf ;}l gsx? a:g] ub{y] . kf]v/faf6 s};fË;Ddsf] k}bn ofqf klg clt /f]rs lyof] t/ d of] n]vdf ;dfj]z ug{ rfxGg . s]xL lbg zfvfsf] lhDd]j f/L, ultljlw cflb a'e m\g nfUof] . dfp06]g jf/km]o/ tflnd g} gu/]sf] s/ ;fx]asf] ;?jf lsg s;/L ePsf] xf]nf < eGg] rrf{ zfvfdf sfo{/t ljleGg bhf{sfn] ug{] u/]sf] ;'Gg kfp“y] . d klg ;?jf ul/Psf]df crlDdt lyP“ . d}n] lj=;+= @)!(–@)@@ ;fn u/L # jif{ ef/tsf] g]zgn l8km]G; Ps]8]dL, v/sjf;nf, k'gf / ! jif{ OlG8og ldln6/L Ps]8]dL, b]x/fb'g u/L $ jif{sf] clws[t cfwf/e"t tflnd u/]sf] lyP“ . v/sjf;nfdf tflnd/t x'“bf k|yd k6s Sof8]6x?nfO{{ dfp06]l gol/Ëdf n}hfg] lg0f{o ePcg';f/ $ hgfdWo] d klg 5gf}6df k/]sf] lyP . ;]gfsf] k|l;4 kj{tf/f]xL clws[t g] tf ePsf] xfd| f] 6f]nLn] pQ/fv08sf] u9jfndf kg{] aGb/k'5 lxdfnsf] cf/f]x0f u/]sf] lyof] . To; cf/f]x0fsf] bf}/fg l;lsPsf] snfx? / JolQmut cWoog u/L cfkm\g f] k]zfut 1fgsf] clej[l4 ub{} uP“ . vDkfx?sf] lgMz:qLs/0f kl5klg s]xL 5'6]sf vDkfx?af6 d': tfË, 8f]Nkf / dgfË lhNnfx?df ;lqmo /xL pkb|j ug{] ;Defjgfx?nfO{ b[l i6ut u/L ;fnsf] Ps k6s d':tfËsf] nf]d GyfËb]lv g]kfn rLgsf] ;Ldfgfx'“b} 8f]Nkfsf] 5sf{ef]6;Ddsf] Onfsfsf] /]sL ug{] lgb{]zg /x]5 . zfvfaf/] lj:t[t la|l kmË / hfgsf/L ePkl5 cfkm\g } cfufdL of]hgfx? af/] ;f]Rg yfn] . ;fpg ! ut]af6 k/Dk/fut /]sLdf hfg] :jLs[ltsf] nflu n]l vof] . d ;lxt !$ hgfsf] 5gf} 6 / aGbf]a:tL ;fdfgx? 9'jfgL ug{ rf/ 3f]8f / gf} vRr8 sf] klg Joj:yf ul/of] . oxL bf}/fg a]l ;s tflnd klg ;'? e} ;s]sf] lyof] . ;do d} /]sL hfg] :jLs[l t k|fKt eof] . d]/f] r'g f}tLk"0 f{ ofqf lj=;+=@)#* ;fpg ! ut]sf] !))) ah] hf]d ;f]daf6 ;'? eof] . !@#) ah] sfua]g L k'l uof] hxf“ d'lQmgfyaf6 aUg] vf]nf sfnLu08sL gbLdf ldl;g] /x]5 . of] bf]efg ef/tsf] uofeGbf sd kljq :yn /x]g5 . cfkm\g } tLy{ :ynnfO{ x]nf u/L ef/tdf lsg hfg] u5{ g\ < s] c1fgtfn] xf] < ufp“sf] dWo efudf /x]sf] 7"nf] /ftf] 3/df a:g / vfg] Joj:yf /x]5 . ljb]zLx? /]8 x6sf] gfdn] kl/lrt /x]5 g\ . ufp“sf] rf/}lt/ /]lu:tfgsf] h:tf] b[Z o b]l vof], d]/f] nflu klg g]kfndf of] gf}n f] lyof] . ufp“sf] k[i 7e"l ddf df6f]sf] kxf8 / Tof] kxf8df u'kmfx? ePsf] h:tf] Kjfnx? klg :ki6 b]lvGy] . sfua]gLaf6 k|:yfg x'“bf cln psfnf] / ;f“3'/f] e~HofË eP/ hfg] af6f] /x]5, Tof] e~HofËaf6 hf“bf dfG5]nfO{ g} p8fO{ lbg] ultsf] xfjf rNg] u/]sf] cg'e"l t ul/of] . sfuj]gLaf6 tLg 306f lx“8]kl5 bzj6f 3/ /x]sf] tfDa] / Toxf“af6 Ps 306fsf] lx“8fO{kZrft cGbfhL !(@ hg;+Vof, %)–^) 3/, x'nfs kf7zfnfo'Q m 5';fË ufp“ cfof] . bfdf]b/ lxd>[+vnfaf6 lg:s]sf] gbL ufp“sf] k"j { pQ/lt/af6 auL sfnL u08sLdf ;dfj]z ePsf] b]l vof] . sfnL u08sLsf] lsgf/x'“b} r]n ] eGg] ufp“sf] blIf0fdf /x]sf] k'naf6 gbL kf/ u/L psfnf] nfu]kl5 aL; j6f 3/ / &)–*) hg;+Vof ePsf] r]n ] ufp“ k'uL ToxL af; al;of] . bf]>f] lbg r]n]af6 r§fgsf] dWo efuaf6 lgld{t ;f“3'/f] / vt/gfs uf]/]6f] af6f]x'“b} psfnf] nfluof] . cGbfhLb'O{ 306f lx“8fOkl5 !@ j6f 3/ / %%–^) hg;+Vof ePsf] ;d/ ufp“ k'luof] . kxf8sf] 9nfgdf /x]sf] tyf glhs w'kLsf] ;fgf] hª\un klg b]lvof] . To:sf] dfly hL0f{ cj:yfdf !@ j6f vDkfx?af6 lgld{t 3/x? klg lyP . pRr :yfgdf /x]sf] x'“bf tnaf6 cfpg]x?nfO{ /f]Sg /fd|f] nf]s]zg ePsf]n] s]xL vDkfx? a:g] u/]sf /x]5 g\ . ;d/af6 l3ln+u;Ddsf] ;ft 306fsf lxF8fO{ kZrft\ PSnf–PSn} 3/ jf e§L ePsf] ljof“, Gofdb / ;+a'rL cfP . k}bn ofqLx? oL e§Lx?df 5\o f+u / :yfgLo dlb/f vf“bf /x]5 g\ . lrof gkfOg] /x]5 . Toxf“af6 bz 306fsf] lx“8fOkl5 cGbfhL (# 3/ / #%) hg;+Vof ePsf] l3lnËdf af; al;of] . t]>f] lbg zlgaf/ ePtfklg ljxfg * ah] ofqf ;'? ul/of] . tLg 306fsf] lx“8fOkl5 && 3/ / @&) hg;+Vof ePsf] 3dLufp“ k'l uof] . 3dLufp“ 5]pdf 3dLvf]nf alu/x]sf] lyof] . vf]n fdf sf7]k'n lgld{t b]lvof] . 3dLsf] pQ/lt/ %) j6f 3/ / !() hg;+Vof ePsf] 8+ue/ eGg] ufp“, ufp“sf] glhs} ;f+ eGg] :yfgdf vDkfx? a:g] u/]sf] ^ j6f 3/ b]lvof] . 3dLaf6 r/fË vf]n fsf] lsgf/x'“b} # 306f lx“8]kl5 r/fË ufp“ cfof] . cGbfhL 3/ %) / hg;+Vof #%) /x]sf] afSnf] a:tL b]l vof] . r/fËdf k|l ;4 u'D af r/f+u 5of]t] klg /x]5 . d': tfË /fhfsf] b/af/ hL0f{ / ?Ug cj:yfdf k'u]sf] b]lvof] . Tof] lbg r/fËd} af; al;of] . r/fËsf] pQ/df kg{] Ps 306fsf] lx“8fOsf] b"/Ldf $% 3/ / @)) hg;+Vof ePsf] d/fFu ufp“sf] cjnf]sg ug{ uOof] . To;} ufp“sf] glhs * 3/, dfG5] @% /x]sf] ;f]/ / & 3/ hg;+Vof @* /x]sf] ;'D af eGg] ;fgf] ufp“ klg b]vf k/] . d': tfËdf k|l ;4 /x]sf] 3/ u'D af klg oxL /x]5 . To;}sf] glhs /f/f eGg]k'/fgf vDkf SofDk hL0f{ cj:yfdf b]lvof] . rf}yf] lbgr/f+uaf6 PSnf] e§L y'n '{u+x'“b} /]lu:tfgh:tf] af6f] eP/ tLg 306fsf] lx“8fOkl5 k'/fgf d':tfË /fHosf] /fhwfgL nf]d+GyfË k'l uof] . 6f9faf6 x]bf{ ufp“sf] rf/}lt/ kvf{n nufPsf] / blIf0flt/ b/af/ tyf 7"nf] u'D af b]lvof] . nf]dfGyfË cGbfhL !^) 3/ / &)) hg;+Vofo'Q m 3gf a:tL hxf“;Ldf k|zf;g sfof{n o, x]Nykf]i6, lgDg dfWolds ljBfno, 5f]6L x'nfs / k|x/L r]s kf]i 6;d]t /x]5 . k|x/L kf]i 6sf] glk|m gfoj lg/LIfs ;lxt @) hgf /x]sf] ePtfklg s'g} k|sf/sf] ;d:of eP ;a} d': tfË /fhf ;dIf hfg] rng x'“bf k|x/Lx? lbg s6fP/ a:g]afx]s c? s]xL pkof] uL g/x]sf] b]l vof] . hf8f] ofddf of] sfo{n ox? sfua]gL / hf]d;f]ddf ;g{] k/Dk/f /x]5 . ufp“ sf s]xLn] 7s'/L, lji6 / u'?Ë hft n]Vbf] /x]5g\ . nf]dGyfË glhs ;Dh'+u, lgGo'n , 5f]z]/, 5'08'k, l7u/ g]du]n , km'j f{ ofDbf], lsdln+u cflb ufp“x? tyf k|l;4 u'? u'D af klg 5f]z]/df /x]5 . l3ln+ueGbf pQ/lt/sf ufp“n ]x?n] d':tfË /fhfnfO{ clt g} dfg lb“bf /x]5 g\ . nf]dfGyfË ufp“sf] k"j { pQ/lt/ df6f]sf] kxf8h:tf] b]lvof], h;sf] r'§Ldf Ift ljIft lsnf b]Vg ;lsof] . k"j{ pQ/ nfu]df rLgsf] ;Ldfgf sf]n f/f k'Ubf] /x]5 . a]n'sflt/ d':tfË /fhf lhDdL k/j/ lji6nfO{ e]6\g b/af/ uOof] . pxf“ g]kfnL ;]gfsf] dfgsf] vflt/ k|d'v ;]gfgLsf] kb klg k|fKt u/]sf x'g \ . g]kfnL k|i6 af]Ng g;Sg] x'“bf ;xfos rGb| ysfnLnfO{ ;/sf/af6 lgo'Qm ul/Psf] /x]5 . pxf“sf] /fgL klg lzi6 / ;s'zn u[l xgL /lxlG5g\ . g]kfnL ;]g fk|l t /fd|f] efjgf /x]sf] kfOof] . 3f]8f kfNg / ;jf/L ug{df clt O{R5's /x]5 g\ . 5f]/f 5f]/L eg] /x]g 5g\ . nf]dfGyfË /]l u:yfg / v'nf ;ª\u|fno h:tf] :yn ePsf] b]vf k¥of] . ltAatL efiffdf d}bfgnfO{ yfË eG5g\ t;y{ of] ufp“ d}bfg h:tf] /x]sf]n] nf]dfGyfË gfdfs/0f ePsf] ;'lgG5 . :yfgLoaf;Lx? nf]dfyfËsf] u'D af ToxL /x]sf] Pp6} ?vsf] sf7af6 lgld{t xf] eGg] u5{g \, t;y{ s'g} ;do Toxf“ hËn /x]sf] sNkgf ug{ ;lsG5 t/ clxn]sf] a:t'l :ylt x]bf{ kTof/ ug{ sl7g x'g ]5 . sfua]g LeGbf dflysf ufp“n]x?n] hgfj/sf uf]a/x? ;'sfP/ jf s]xL :yfgdf kfOg] sf6fo'Q m emf/Lx?nfO{ O{Gwgsf] ?kdf k|o f]u ug{] / 3/ lgdf{0 fsf] nflu cfjZos sf7x? k|foM hf]d;f]d Onfsfaf6 nUg] ubf{ /x]5g\ . ofqfsf] kf“rf} lbg nf]dfGyfËaf6 klZrd ltAat ;Ldfgf x'“b} 5sf{ef]6sf] nflu k|:yfg ul/of] . ca x'g ] xfd|f] ofqfdf s'g } ufp“ a:tL kg{] 5}g / af6f] klg cfk"mx?n] g} klxNofpg' kg{]5 . ky k|bz{s lagf pRr lxdfnL If]qdf x/fO{ Hofg ;d]t hfg] ;Defjgfx? x'g ] ub{5 . t;y{ of] af6f] klxn] klg lx“8!÷@ ]sf p=lz=zf=df g} sfo{/t k|d'v lzIfs 5f]tf]/ z]kf{nfO{ ;d]t xfd|f] 6f]nLdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] lyof] . nf]dfGyfËaf6 @ 306f klZrd pQ/ vf]nfsf] lsgf/} lsgf/ lx“8]kl5 s]sf eGHofËsf] km]bdf ofrf{ eGg] 7fp“ k'l uof] . tLgj6f rf}/L uf]7x? /x]5 g\ . ;fpgsf] dlxgf ePsf]n] rf}!÷@/Lx?nfO{ r/fpg k'Ug] 3f“; pld|; s]sf lyP . ;f] uf]7x? 8f]Skf ;d'bfosf] /x]5g\ . Toxf“af6 af6f] klxNofp“b} s/La @ 306f 7f8f] psfnf] nfu]kl5 ;d'b| ;txaf6 !&))) kmL6sf] prfO{ df l5d'7' eGg] :yfg k'luof] . s]xL rf}/L / ofs rl//x]sf lyP . bfp/f gkfO{g ] t/ vf]h] ;'s]sf] uf]j/ clncln kfOg] /x]5 . Tof] lbg l5ld7'df af; al;of] . lxp“ kufn]/ kfgL k|fKt ul/of] . dl§t]n / :6f]ex? ePsf]n] uf]a/ vf]Hg' k/]g . 7fp“7fp“df km\o fp d';fx?n] w'nf] vg]sf] b]l vof] . clt g} lr;f] xfjf rn]sf] x'“bf tfkqmd klg dfO{g; g} lyof] t/ 6f]nLn] b'M v gdfgL ;a} Joj:yf u/] . 3f]8f vRr/x?sf] nflu bfgf klg lnP/ uPsf lyof}F, lxp“ kUn]sf] :yfgx?df /fd|} 3f“; pd|]sf] x'“bf kz'x?sf] nflu ;d:of k/]g . 5}7 f}+ lbg l5ld7'af6 laxfg cf7 ah] k|:yfg u/L !!)) ah]l t/ s]sf eHofË k'l uof] . h'g !*,!@# kmL6sf] prfO{df cjl:yt /x]5 . eGHofËaf6 5sf{ef]6sf] lbzfdf psfnf] nfluof] / 8]9 306fkl5 km]bLdf k'l uof] . Toxf“ Pp6f ;fgf] vf]n f pQ/af6 au]/ cfPsf] lyof] . To;}sf] lsgf/} lsgf/ / 9' ª\u}9'ª\uf ePsf] af6f] klxNofp“b} uOof] . s'g} s'g} 7fp“x?df 3f]8f vRr/x?nfO{ ;xf/f klg lbg' k/]sf] lyof] . slxn]sflx“ ofs / e]8f afv|f r/fpg cfpg]x? dfq lx“8\g ] ubf{ /x]5g\ . cGbfhL rf/306f psfnf] af6f] nfu]kl5 !&))) kmL6sf] prfO{df ;'dGbf] eGg] 7fp“df k'luof] . Toxf“af6 5sf{ef]6 / ltAat hfg] af6f] 5'l §g] tyf r/f“u lg:sg] vf]nfsf] d'xfg / 8'O6/ vf]n fsf] bf]efg klg /x]5 . ;f] vf]nfx? sl7gfO{ ;fy tl/of] / k}/f]n ] ubf{ af6f]x? cj?4 ePtfklg kG5fp“b} hf“bf ;do w]/} nfu]sf] lyof] . ;'dGbf] k'Ubf kfgL klg kg{ ;'? eof], tLa| xfjf rn]sf]n] lhp 78\o fpg] u/L rL;f] ePtf klg xfd|f] 6f]n Ln] To:tf] afwf lj£g afah'b \ ;fdfgx? ;'/lIft /fVb} 6]0 6x? nufP . vfgf ksfpg] 6]06 g nu]sf]df k5'tf] eof] t/ 6f6 kf]lng af/]/ xfjf / kfgL 5]Sg] Joj:yf ul/of] . To:tf] ljs6 cj:yfdf klg efG5] / lkkfn] b'Mv gdfgL vfgf ksfPsf]df wGoafb / :ofjf;L lbgaf6 cfk"mnfO{ /f]Sg ;s]g . /ftel/ kfgL k¥of], 3f]8f / vRr8x? kfgL / rL;f] xfjf v]Kb} cfkm\gf] :yfgx?af6 x6]gg\ . o:tf] k|lts'n cj:yfaf6 aRg 3f]8f vRr8x? ;'/lIft :yfgdf hfg efUg klg ;Sby] . xfdLx? afx]s g r/fr'?ËL g 5]kf/f] s]xL klg b]lvPg . ljxfg p7\bf kfgL kg{ sd ePsf] lyof], t/ xfjf rn]sf]n ] s7\o f“ lu|g] lr;f] oyfjt\ lyof] . ;ftf}“ lbg ;'dGbf]af6 ljxfg & ah] k|: yfg ul/of] . psfnf] cf]/fnf] af6f] kG5\o fp“b} ofqf ;'? ul/of], b'O{ 306fsf] lx“8fOkl5 3dLsf] eGHofË k'l uof] . Toxf“ Pp6f tfn /x]5 . eGHofËsf] prfO{ !*^&% kmL6 lyof], tfnaf6 lg:s]sf] kfgLsf] vf]n fsf] lsgf/ x'“b} eGHofË k'u]sf lyof}“ . eGHofËaf6 k'gM psfnf] cf]/fnf]] / 9'“ufx?sf]aLr af6f] klxNofp“b} lx“8\b} uOof] . klx/f] hfg] / d/fdt gx'g ], r/fpg] ;dodf ofs rf}/L / e]8f afv|f lx“8]sf] y'k|} uf]/]6f] km]nf kg{] t/ xfdLx? s'g af6f] hfg' kg{] xf] af/] PsLgug{ ky k|bz{s / cg'ejsf] vf“rf] /x]sf]] 1fg k|fKt ul/of] . lbzf klxNofpg ;lhnf] xf];\ eGg] x]t' 7fp“ 7fp“df 9'“ufx? Ps dfly csf{] /fvL ;r]t klg u/fpg] u/]sf] b]l vof] . lx“8\bf–lx“8\b} b'O{j6f kxf8sf]aLr gf/v]d vf]n fsf] d'xfg / To;kl5 rp/ b]lvof] . rp/}rp/ b'O{ 306f lx“8]kl5 a]n 'sf rf/ ah]l t/ y'un'“ u jf lkmnf]“u eGg] :yfg k'luof], o;sf] prfO{ !^%)) kmL6 hlt x'g ' kb{5 . y'un'u jf lkmnf]uaf6 ltAatsf] 8}g f hfg] To:t} blIf0flt/ 3dL k'Ug] uf]/]6f] af6f] /x]5 . Tof] lbg y'un'“udf g} af; al;of] . kfgL gk/]sf] t/ xfjf rnL /xg] x'“bf lr;f] lyof] t/ ;'dGbf]eGbf sd . 3f]8f vRr8 klg rg{ ;lsg] 3f“; o'Qm d}bfg ePsf] t/ ?v / emf8L s]xL klg lyPg . cf7f}“ lbg y'un'“uaf6 ljxfg ^ ah] lxFl8of] . rp/sf] af6f]x'“b} psfnf] af6f] ;dfltof], rf/}lt/ uf]/]6f]af6f]x? uPsf b]lvof] . rf}/L / ofs rg{] qmddf cfjthfjt ubf{ ePsf] x'g ' kb{5 . s/La @ 306f tn emb}{ lx“8]kl5 gfvv]d vf]nfsf] lsgf/x'“b} eL/sf] psfnf] / cf]/fnf] af6f]af6 ;xL lbzf klxNofp“b} hfg'kg{] / vf]nf tg{ ;lsg] :yfgsf] ;d]t cjnf]sg ug{'kg{] cj:yf lyof] . pQm Onfsfdf /x]sf] s'g }klg vf]nfx?df k' n lyPg . gfvv]d vf]nf / w'n' vf]nf ldl;Pkl5 vf]nfsf] gfd af/a'Ë x'g] u/]sf] / of] g} kl5 e]/L gbLdf kl/0ft x'g] /x]5 . lkmnf]ueGbf cln dfly hxf“af6 xfdL lx“8]sf lyof}“, e]/L gbLsf] d'xfg kbf{] /x]5 . ;fgf] vf]n f t/]kl5 klx/f] uPsf] af6f] kG5fp“b} cGbfhL 8]9 306fsf] lx“8fOkl5 hËnL n;'g} n;'g ePsf] rp/h:tf] :yfg cfof] h'g w'n ' vf]n fsf] k"j{ / gfvv]d vf]nfsf] blIf0f lsgf/df cjl:yt lyof] . w'n' vf]nf tg{ g;lsg] cj:yfdf ePsf]n] Tof] lbg vf]nfsf] lsgf/ d} af; al;of] . gjf}“ lbg aGbf]a:tL / cgfjZos hgzlQmnfO{ af;:yfg d} 5f8L d;lxt cf7 hgfn] ljxfg ^ ah] 5sf{ef]6sf] nflu k|:yfg ul/of] . ljxfg gfvv]d vf]nfsf] kfgL 36]sf]n] ;lhn} tl/of] . vf]n f t/]kl5 gbLsf] pQ/L lsgf/} lsgf/x'“b} eL/sf] af6f] lxFl 8of] . s]xL :yfgdf klx/f] uO/x]sf]n] 9'ª\uf / df6f] v;L /x]sf lyP . hldg klg ef“l;P/ uPsf] b]lvGYof] . ;fjwfgL ckgfpg' kg{] ePsfn] s]xLn] klx/f] uPsf] cj:yf x]/L ;"lrt ug{] / s]xLn] b'u'/]/ ;f] :yfg kf/ ug{] tl/sf ckgfOof] . 6f]nLsf ;a} ;b:ox? zf/Ll/s b[l i6sf]0 fn] :j:Yo / cg'ejL ePsfn] ljifd kl/l:yltnfO{ em]Ng ;Sg] ;Ifd lyP . klx/f]sf] af6f] lxFl 8Pkl5 dGof“u vf]nf cfof], h;nfO{ ;lhn}l ;t tl/of] . 5sf{ef]6 ufp“ k'Ubf hf“uv]n vf]nf cfof] . vf]nfdf hL0f{ cj:yfsf] sf7]k'n ePsf]n ] ;fjwfgLk"j{s tl/of] . o;/L rf/ 306f lx“8]kl5 5sf{ef]6 k'luof] . 8f]Nkf lhNnfsf] blIf0fL ;Ldfgfdf kg{] 5sf{ef]6 ljs6 tyf cflbd cj:yfdf /x]sf] b]l vof] . 8f“/ ufp“ ;ldltsf] jf=g+= % df kg{ ePtfklg kf“r 306f lx“8]kl5 dfq 8f]/ ufp“ cfp“bf] /x]5 . cGbfhL $& 3/ / @%) hg;+Vof a;f]af; ug{] k|foM 8f]Skf ;d'bfosf ePklg u'?Ë n]Vbf /x]5 g\ . sIff % ;Dd k9fO{ x'g ] :s"n df ljBfyL{x? !@ ah]kl5 dfq k9\g cfpg] b]lvof] . ufp“n ]x?n] cfkm\g f 5f]/f 5f]/Lx?nfO{ ljxfg rf}/L, ofs / e]8f afv|f r/fpg k7fpg], lbp;f] kms{]kl5 dfq :s"n hfg] rng /x]5 . :s"n sf] b'O{j6f lzIfs tLg dlxgf hlt a:bf /x]5 g\ . To;kl5 kf“r lbg lx“8]/ tna lng b'g} uPkl5 g kmls{g] ubf{ /x]5 g\ . ;/sf/L sd{rf/L sf]xL klg g cfpg] olb cfP, ha/h:tL vfg] s'/fx? lnO{ lbg] eGg] :yfgLoaf;Lx?sf] u'g f;f] ;'l gof] . k'/f ufp“ uGbuLo'Qm, af6f]el/ lxnf], rkL{ st}klg lgdf{0f ePsf] b]l vPg . g'xfpg] afgL klg sd, vfg] kfgL lng hf+uv]n vf]nfdf g} hfg' kg{], O{Gwgsf] nflu ;'v]sf] uf]a/ / sf“6fbf/ emf/L dfq k|of]u ubf{ /x]5g\ . ufp“n]x? % lbg lx“8]/ lkmnf]u / 8“sgf eGHofËx'“b} Jofkf/sf] nflu ltAatsf] 8}gf eGg] :yfg / slxn] yfvf]n fdf hfg] u5{g \ eGg] ;'l gof] . 5sf{ef]6 ufp“ ;d'b| ;xtaf6 !$@@% kmL6sf] prfO{df /x]5 . xfd|f] 6f]nL ! ah]l t/ 5sf{e f] 6af6 lkmtf{ af; a:g] 3'n'sf] nflu k'gM ToxL vt/gfs af6f] x'“b} kmls{o f] / a]n'sf % ah] lt/ k'Uof] . 5sf{e f]6 ufp“d f k9] n]v]sf Pshgf klg e]l 6Pg . g]kfnL efiff af]Ng ;Sg] klg yf]/} /x]5 g\ . vDkfx?n] vDkf pGd'n geGbf klxnf] v'a b'M v lbg] ubf{ /x]5 g\ . xfdLx? kmls{bf Ps hgf 6'l /i6 z]kf{ kyk|bz{sl;t b'g }lt/ uO/x]sf] e]6\bf crDd nfUof] . w'n'sf] af;sf] lbg hª\unL n;'g sf] tfhf / xl/of] t/sf/L vfg] cj;/ k|fKt eof] . Tof] lbg d:tl;t ;'l tof] . bzf}“ lbg ljxfg lx“p gkUn]sf]n] w'n' vf]nfdf kfgLsf] axfj sd ePsf] b]lvof] . t;y{, & ah]l t/ tg{ of]h gf ul/Pcg'; f/ $) kmL6 nfdf] 8f]/L vf]nfsf] b'j } lsgf/df af“lwof] . To;kl5 5f]6f] l:nË / Sof/fljgfsf] d2tn] 3f]8f $ / vRr8 ( tfl/of] . To;kl5 ;a} 6f]n Lsf !$ hgf / 3f]8f vRr8sf /vjfnf # hgf ;d]t !& hgfnfO{ klg tfl/of] . kfgL clt g} lr;f] / gbLsf] axfj tLa| ePsf] ePtfklg cK7\o f/f] gdfgL tl/of] . Toxf“af6 ! 306f lx“8]kl5 xl/of] b'jf]sf] d}bfg cfof] . Tof] d}bfgsf] lsgf/f 5]pdf 9'ª\uf / df6f]sf] Pp6f 3/ / 7"n f] kfn 6f“u]sf] b]l vof] . s/La !^))) kmL6sf] prfO{df /x]sf] To; :yfgnfO{ l5dL 7fdf] jf 7f“;f] eGg] /x]5 . bfs{] 5f}“ eGg] vDkfsf] cGbfhL ofs ^) rf}/L () / @)) hlt e]8f Rof“u|fsf] uf]7 /x]5 . xfdLx? hf“bf ;a} n's]sf t/ ;DemfPkl5 bfs{] 5f}“sf] >LdtL, 5f]/ L, h]7L 5f]/Lsf] 5f]/f tyf cGo k'?if @ / :qL b]vf k/] . vDkfx?n] Tof] :yfg cfkm\g } JolQmut h:tf] u/]sf /x]5g\ . 5sf{ef]6sf] kz'x?nfO{ klg rg{ glbg] tyf ufp“n ]x?nfO{ cfkm\g f] gf]s/h:tf] Jojxf/ ubf{ /x]5g\ . ;docg'; f/ clxn] To:tf] /x]g 5 . bfs{] 5f}“n] g]kfnL gful/stf lnO ;s]sf] / kf]v/fdf gLnsdn eGg] xf]6n klg rnfO{ /x]sf] ;'lgof] . l5dL 7fdf]af6 cfwf 306f lx“8]kl5 yhf+u vf]nf cfPsf] / af6f] vf]n fsf] klZrd lsgf/x'“b} ePsf] ePtfklg slnnf] r§fg / klx/f]n] ubf{ ;f] af6f] lx“8\g sl7g /x]5 . yhf+u vf]nf rf}8fO{df km}lnPsf]n] hxf“ af6f] v/fa 5 Toxf“ vf]n} vf]n f lx“8\g ] / af6f] 7Ls ePsf] :yfgdf k'g M k|of]u ug{] u/L cu|;/ eOof] . vf]n f ;f“3'l /Psf] :yfgdf af6f]sf] klx/f] kG5fp“b} cufl8 a9Lof] . o;} k|lqmofn] ubf{ yhf+u vf]nfnfO{ ^ 7fp“df tg{ k¥of] . s'g} s'g } :yfgdf g/d r§fgx? vl;/x]sf] klg b]lvof] . 7f8} psfnf] lx“8\g ' k/]g t/ pma8vfa8 af6f]n] ubf{ rf“8} ysfO{ nfUbf] /x]5 . o;/L lx“8\bflx“8\b} a]n'sf # ah] yhfË / d'n “u vf]n fsf] bf]jfg g'D n' ;'Dbf]s eGg] :yfgdf k'l uof] . kfnx? 6f“Ug] :yfg ePtfklg c? ag:klt s]xL gePsf] b]lvof] . JolQmx?sf] cfjthfjt gx'g ] x'“bf uf]/]6f] af6f]x? klg k|foM cj?4 lyP . !^%^% kmL6sf] prfO{df /x]sf] g'Dn' ;'D bf]sdf af; al;of] . P3f/f}“ lbg g'Dn' ;'Dbf]saf6 laxfg & ah] lxFl 8of] . cGbfhL !^%)) kmL6sf] prfO{d f vf]n fsf] lsgf/}l sgf/ st} vf]nf tg'{ kg]{ / af6f]el/ v's'nf] 9'ª\uf / r§fgnfO{ kG5fp“b} Ps 306f lx“8]kl5 9'“ufx? Ps dfly csf{] y'kf/L /flvPsf] dGo] eGg] :yfg k'l uof] . Toxf“af6 Pp6f af6f] klZrd uPsf] ;fob Tof] af6f] d's'6 lxdfn / wjnflu/Lsf] pQ/lt/sf] lx“8g EofnL hfg' kg{] cg'd fg ug{ ;lsG5 . xfdLx? l;w} hfg] af6f] nfu]sf lyoFf}F . cfwf 306f lx“8]kl5 cufl8 eGHofË b]lvof] . Tof] eGHofË h;sf] prfO{ !*!@# kmL6 /x]5 , ;Dd k'Ug v's'nf] 9'ª\ufx? h'g v;L af6f] cj?4 ePsf lyP, nfO{ kG5fp“b} lx“8\bf s/La @ 306fdf eGHofË k'luof] . eGHofËaf6 7f8f] cfwf 306fsf] cf]/fnf] vl;/xg] r§fg / 9'ª\ufx? eP/ lx“8\g ' kg{] afWotf lyof] . cfwf 306fsf] 7f8f] pt/fO{kl5 Pp6f vf]n f tg'{ k¥of] . To;kl5 ! 306f hltsf] t];f]{ af6f] lx“8]kl5 wf]s vf]n f;Dd k'Ug vt/gfs / 8/nfUbf] tLg 306fsf] pt/fO{ kZrft cln ;lhnf] pQ/fO{ cfPsf]df ;a}n] cfgGbsf] Zjf; km]g { ;s] . t/ wf]s vf]nf k'Ug] a]nfsf] af6f] klg vt/gfs lyof] . h]g t]g ;ts{tfk"j{s ;a} hgfj/x?;lxt wf]s vf]nf k'l uof] . wf]s vf]n fdf hL0f{ cj:yfsf] sf7] k'n /x]5 . dflg;x?n] a9f] ;t{stfk"j{s k'n sf] k|of]u u/] t/ hgfj/x?sf] nflu ;Dej gePsf]n] 8f]/L / Sof/flegf/sf] k|o f]un] tfl/of] . gbL tbf{ 3f]8f vRr8x?sf] ef/L dflg;x?n] af]sL k'n t/]sf lyof}“ . Tof] lbg ToxLF af; al;of]] . pQm :yfgdf kfnx? 6f“Ug d'l :sn, 3f]8f vRr8x?nfO{ r/fpg :yfg klg gePsf], kfgL k/] dflyaf6 9'ª\ufx? v:g] ;Defjgf x'“bfx'“b} klg ;a} ylst ePsf]n ] af; al;of] . af¥xf}“ lbg wf]s vf]n f -emf jf rf n'D kf_ af6 ljxfg cf7 ah] k|: yfg ul/of] . ;'?df cfwf 306f 7f8f] psfnf] To;kl5 cln t];f{] af6f, eL/df sf6]/ lgld{t tyf v's'nf] 9'ª\uf / anf}6] df6f] tn em/L /xg] x'“bf ;'/lIft lx“8 \g ;lsg] cj:yf lyPg . b'O{ 306f lx“8]kl5 7f8} cf]/fnf] emg'{ kg{] /x]5 , hgfj/x? ljgf d2t hfg ;lsg] b]l vPg . t;y{ k|To]s 3f]8f / vRr8nfO{ Ps Ps hgfn] d2t ub{} nluof] . aL; ldg]6 lx“8]kl5 tg{ ;lsg] vf]nf cfof] . Toxf“af6 tLg 306f lx“8]kl5 k'gM csf{] tg{ ;lsg] vf]nf cfof] . jif{ft\df s'g}klg vf]n f tg{ g;lsg] /x]5 . vf]n fn] aufPsf] x'“bf af6f]sf] cj:yf bogLo lyof] . af6f]x?sf] d/fdt s'g }klg lgsfoaf6 gx'g ] b]l vof] . o;/L tLg 306fsf] vt/gfs ysfO{ nfUg] af6f] lx“8]kl5 kxf8sf] 9nfgdf a;]sf] d':tfË lhNnfdf kg{] !@*@% kmL6sf] prfO{df cjl:yt ;fUbf eGg] ufp““ cfof] . 3/ ;+Vof @) / hg;+Vof () /x]sf] ;a}n] u'?Ë n]Vg] u/]sf], kf“r sIff;Ddsf] :s"n Pp6f t/ lzIfsx? k|foM gx'g] /x]5 g\ . v]l t /fd|f] gx'g] x'“bf kz'kfng d"Vo lhljsfsf] ;fwg /x]5 . bfp/f / 3f“; vl/b ug{ ;lsg] t/ w]/} dxËf] /x]5 . ;fUbf k'Ubf s]xL xl/of] w'kLsf] af]6x? b]Vg kfp“bf cfgGb nfUof], t;y{ ;fUbfd} af; al;of] . s]xL lbg;Dd !^, !& / !* xhf/ kmL6sf] prfO{d f lxFl8Psf]n] !@ xhf/ kmL6df k'Ubf clS;hgsf] dfqf k|z:t kfOPsf] x'“bf lhp xn'sf] / z/L/df klg ck|Tofl;t km"lt{ cfPsf] dx;'; eof] . PsIf0f ;a}n ] cf/fd u/L csf{] lbgsf] aGbf] a:tdf nfUof}F . d ufp“df uP / a:t'l:ylt a'e m\g ] k|o f; u/]“ . kms{]/ cfp“bf 3f]8f vRr8x? klg k|zGg / k"mlt{n f] ePsf] b]v]“ . t]¥xf}“ lbg ;fUbf ufp“af6 ^ ah] lxFl8of] . tLg 306fsf] t];f{] / psfnf] lx“8]kl5 ;fUbf 8f“8fsf] pRr :yfg !$&&% kmL6df k'luof] . To;kl5 cf]/fnf] af6f] h'g v's'nf] r§fg ePsf]n ] vl;/xg] cj:yfdf /x]sf] eP/ tLg 306f lx“8]kl5 !!)#* kmL6sf] prfO{df cjl:yt km\n]s / 8“uf/ hf]u ufp“ cfP . b'j } ufp“sf]laraf6 k“uf vf]nf aUg] u/]sf] / b'j} ufp“n]x?n] pQm vf]nfsf] kfgL l;“rfO{sf] nflu k|o f]u ubf{ /x]5 g\ . Toxf“ k'Ug] af6f] klg ;lhnf] lyPg, 9'ª\u}9'ª\uf tyf klx/f]n] cj?4 af6f] k|o f]u ug'{ kg]{] ePsf]n ] ;ts{tf ckgfpg' cfjZos lyof] . km\n]saf6 cf]/fnf] nfu]kl5 Ps 306fdf sfnL u08sL gbLsf] au/df k'luof] . Toxf“af6 rfln; ldg]6 lx“8]kl5 hf]d;f]d cfof] . Tof] lbg ToxL af; al;of] . csf{] lbg s}; fË k|: yfg ul/of] . kGw| lbgkl5 s}; fËd} g'xfpg] w'g ] sfo{ ;DkGg ul/of] . ;}l gs b[l i6sf]0 fn] Tof] Onfsfsf] lj:t[t k|l tj]bg n]vg] tof/Ldf nfu]“ . o;/L !# lbgdWo] * lbg hgz"Go, lgh{g, pTof/nfUbf] pRr lxdfnL If]q df HofgnfO{ xTs]nfdf /fvL lhp g} leml/Ë x'g ] ofqf kZrft\ ;'vbsf] cg'e j eof] . cfjZos k'/f ;fdfg tyf lxdfnL If]qdf lx“8\g ;Sg] :j:Yo tyf cg'ejL JolQm ljgf of] If]qdf ofqf ug{ clt g} hf]lvd x'g ]5 . h;df cfTdljZjf; 5, Tolx ;kmn x'G 5, ;+;f/ t ljZjf;n] lhTg] g xf] . – :j]6df8{g Role of Nepalese Army in International Peace and Security - Jaya Raj Acharya, Ph. D Former Ambassador to the United Nations I. Nepalese Army at the National Unification Stage Nepalese Army has been playing a crucial role in international peace and security throughout its history. It was first organized by Prithvi Narayan Shah (1743-1775), the founder of modern Nepal. Nepal, as it came to be unified, happened to be a buffer state between the two empires in the south and the north of Nepal. The British East India Company, basically a business company established in 1600, was bringing the Indian princely states under its colonial control in the south. To the north of Nepal was the Tibetan region that was somewhat dependent on the protection of the Chinese Emperor in Beijing. With the gradual expansion and consolidation of the East India Company’s power in the Indian territories there was a specter of clash between the two empires. The Opium Wars, also known as the Anglo-Chinese Wars, which comprised the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842 and the Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860, evidenced this possibility. Those were the climax points of disputes over trade and diplomatic relations between China under the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire. Prithvi Narayan Shaha himself foretold this impending clash between the nation state that he was trying to create in the strategic location in the southern watershed in the Himalayas and the expanding British colonial rule in the northern plains of what is now called India. He said in his Divya Upadesh “the British Army will definitely come into clash with the Gorkhali army”. However, he advised his successors not to fight “aggressively” (jaai katak nagarnoo), but “defensively” (jhiki katak garnoo). His idea was never aggressive; it was just defensive - defensive of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of his own county. He was in a sense the first defender of freedom against the rising threat of British imperialism. Creation of modern Nepal through the national unification campaign was in itself a contribution to the regional and international peace and security. Thus, Nepalese Army that fought for 71 years from1743 to 1814 for the unification of small principalities into a modern nation state contributed to peace, security and stability in the Himalayan region. It is obvious that if Nepal were not founded in the shape that it has taken today, there would undoubtedly be a collision between the British and Chinese empires in this region. So one must give credit to the Nepalese Army for its crucial role in creating modern Nepal and for its contribution to regional peace and security at different stages of history. Although it may look like that the creation of moderns Nepal was to serve its own self-interest, the outcome of the efforts of Nepalese Army was the emergence of a new balance of power in Asia particularly between the British India and imperial China resulting in stability in the region. Creation of Nepal as modern nation state would protect the freedom its people who inherited a sense of national pride, identity and freedom since very ancient times. II. Nepalese Army in World Wars Nepalese Army also actively participated in both World Wars in favor of freedom and security of nations. The German attempt to subjugate Europe as a whole was perceived as a real threat to freedom of its people and independence of the countries in the continent. The threat to freedom in Europe meant a threat to freedom everywhere. Even India that was struggling under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi to gain its independence from the British colonial rule fought the World War II on the British side because the German aggression on its neighbors coupled with the Italian and Japanese aggressions on their neighbors was seen as a greater menace to the freedom of people and international peace and security. It was seen that the British colonial rule would come eventually to an end anyway. So the participation of Nepalese Army and the Gorkha soldiers in the British army was based on the philosophical ground of protecting the universal values such as freedom, equality and justice against the violent aggressions of the Axis powers. Even if it looked as if the Gorkha soldiers were fighting for the British side as mercenaries, it was really not so. There was an inherent element of Nepalese love for peace, freedom and security of not only the Nepalese people themselves but of every citizen of the world. III. The Stage of Non-alignment Although modern Nepal came into existence as a result of the war efforts of Nepalese Army, it does not mean that Nepalese are war-mongering people. The military campaign for national unification was a defensive effort for protection and preservation of freedom and security against the foreign aggression. The Nepalese are really a peace-loving people living very hard life in the rugged mountains of Nepal for centuries so their country Nepal, as a nation state, does not believe in any military bloc as a means for maintaining international peace and security. It is understandable that the establishment of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact in 1955 as its counterbalance went against the philosophy of Nepal as a nation state. As a matter of principle Nepal did not believe in the building of military blocs, stockpiling of nuclear weapons or any weapon of mass destruction as guarantor of international peace and security. Our view is that even the stockpile of conventional weapons beyond a certain limit is counterproductive for national or international peace and security. Peaceful co-existence with its immediate neighbors is one of the corner-stones of Nepal’s foreign and security policy. We believe that the Least Developed countries (LDCs) such as Nepal and developing counties of Asia, Africa and Latin America with higher economic level would do well if they spent their scarce resources on the social and economic development of their people. It has become an aphorism today that military security is giving way to social security. In this context, Nepal refused to align itself with any of the military blocs NATO, Warsaw Pact or SEATO. Following this national policy of non-alignments, Nepalese Army kept aloof from the military blocs during the Cold War decades. So Nepal took and still takes a serious interest in the disarmament issues being discussed at the United Nations. Nepal actually would like to see the nuclear weapons-free world that will be much secure for the future generations of our children and their children. IV. Nepalese Army at the UN Peacekeeping Operations Nepalese Army, keeping itself away from any involvement in military conflicts or Cold War politics in accordance with the national policy, participated, however, in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKOs) even during the Cold War. After the end of the Cold War in 1990 Nepalese Army has been more actively involved in UNPKOs with greater number of Nepalese soldiers in them. One of the current philosophical tenets of Nepalese Army is to be active in UN efforts for international peace and security through its peace-keeping operations. Ironically, after the end of the Cold War, there have been more UNPKOs around the world and the contribution of Nepalese Army has also increased. Nepal is one of the top seven countries contributing its troops to the UNPKOs. The following information from the Nepalese Army website illustrates and explains its contribution to the UN Peacekeeping operations: “Nepal became a member of the United Nations in 1955 and since then, has been an active participant of most UN endeavors. The participation of Nepalese Army in the UN peacekeeping operations spans a period of 53 years covering 37 UN Missions, in which over 99,501 personnel have participated. The Army’s long association with UN Peace Support Operations began with the deployment of five Military Observers in the Middle East (United Nations Observer Group in Lebanon) in 1958. The first Nepalese contingent, Purano Gorakh battalion was deployed in Egypt in 1974. The Nepalese Army has contributed outstanding force commanders, elite military contingents, impartial military observers and dedicated staff officers. Their devotion to duty and excellent performance has been widely acclaimed. Nepalese troops have taken part in some of the most difficult operations, and have suffered casualties in the service of the UN. To date, 59 personnel of the Nepalese Army have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty and 58 have been disabled.” Nepalese Army in Peace Support Operations S. No. Mission Year 1 2 UNOGIL, Lebanon (Military Observers) UNIPOM, India/Pakistan (Military Observers) 1958 1966 3 4 UNEF II Sinai, Middle East (Peacekeeping Troops) UNIFIL, Lebanon (Peacekeeping Troops) 1974 1978 5 6 UNMOT, Tajikistan UNGOMAP I/II, OSGAP I/II/III (Military Observers) 1989 1989 7 8 UNIKOM Kuwait/Iraq (Force Commander) UNMIH, Haiti (Peacekeeping Troops) 1991 1991 9 10 UNTSO, Israel , Middle - East (Chief of Staff) UNISOM, Somalia (Peacekeeping Troops) 1992 1993 11 12 UNPF/UNPROFOR, Former Yugoslavia UNGCI, Iraq (Peacekeeping Troops) 1994 1995 13 14 UNTAES, Eastern Slovenia (Military Observers) UNPREDEP, Macedonia (Military Observers) 1996 1996 15 16 UNOMIL, Liberia (Military Observers) UNMOP, Prevalaka (Military Observers) 1996 1998 17 18 UNMIK, Kosovo (Military Observers) UNOMSIL/UNAMSIL, Sierra Leone (Peacekeeping Troops) 1999 1999 19 20 MONUC, DR Congo (Peacekeeping Troops) UNAMET/UNTAET/UNMISET, East Timor (Peacekeeping Troops) 1999 1999 21 22 UNFICYP, Cyprus (Force Commander) UNMEE, Ethiopia/Eritrea (Military Observers) 1999 2000 23 24 MINUCI, Ivory Coast (Military Observers) UNOCI , Ivory Coaste (Military Observers) 2003 2003 25 26 UNMIL, Liberia - Provost (Peacekeeping Troops) UNDOF, Israel/Syria (Force Commander & Staff) 2003 2004 27 28 MINUSTAH, Haiti (Peacekeeping Troops) ONUB, Burundi (Peacekeeping Troops) 2004 2004 29 30 UNMIS, Sudan (Peacekeeping Troops) UNIFIL, Lebanon (Peacekeeping Troops) 2004 2006 31 32 UNOMIG, Georgia (Military Observers) MINURCAT, Chad (Military Observers, Staff & Troops) 2007 2008 33 34 UNAMID, Sudan (Military Observers to be followed by troops) 2008 UNAMI, Iraq (Staff) 2008 2008 35 36 UNMIT, Timor-Leste MINURSO, Morocco 2008 2010 37 38 UNSMIS UNDOF, Syria 2012 2013 39 MINUSMA, Mali 2013 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Acharya, Jaya Raj (2005). “Conflict in Nepal: Question of UN Role”, The Himalayan Times, Kathmandu, August 10, 2005. 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(Combat & Civil) sf] sfo{ IfdtfnfO{ clej[l4 (Synergized) u/L ;]gfsf] ;+u7gfTds k|efjsfl/tf tyf sfo{ s'zntf (Effectiveness & Efficiency) nfO{ a9fpg /0fgLlts cjwf/0ffsf] ljsf; ug'{ /x]sf] 5 . cWoogsf] kl/lw #= o; n]vdf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] Combat Engineers tyf Military Engineer Services (MES) df xfn b]lvPsf sl7gfO{ tyf sfo{ k|0 ffnL af/] 5f]6s/L ?kdf k|i6\o fpg] k|of; ul/Psf 5 . ljBdfg cj:yfnfO{ ljZn]if0f u/L ;Dk"0f{ Engineering Efforts nfO{ Pslqt ?kdf Corps of Engineers sf] cjwf/0ffdf nfu' ug{ ;s]df o;nfO{ ;dfofg'sn " kl/dfh{g tyf cfw'lgsLs/0f ug{ ;lsG5 egL s]xL JolQmut ;'e mfjx? k|:t't ug]{ hdsf]{ ul/Psf] 5 . Engineering cª\usf] k|e fjsfl/tfnfO{ clej[l 4 ug{ v8f ug'{kg]{ lgb]{zgfno, jflxgL, sh]h jf d"Vo zfvfx?sf] 9fFrf k|:tfj ul/Psf] 5 . of] vfsf Pp6f PreliminaryOutline sf] ?kdf dfq /x]sf] 5 . o;sf] lj:t[t 9fFrf tyf sfo{ k|0ffnLsf] ;DaGwdf cem uxg cWoog tyf ljj] rgf x'g ' cfjZos b]l vG5 . k[i7e"l d $= lj=;+= @))( / @)@@ ;fndf ul/Psf] g]kfnL ;]g fsf] klxnf] / bf]>f] k"gu{7g, @)@& / @)$@ ;fndf ul/Psf] !) jif]{ of]hgfx?, cfof]udfkm{t @)%#÷%$ ;fndf ul/Psf] cfw'lgsLs/0fsf] k|of; / kl5Nnf] k6s @)%^ ;fndf k"0f{ ?kdf nfu" ug{ g;lsPsf] rd' cjwf/0ff (Corps Concept) sf] ljsf;qmdnfO{ ;du| ?kdf s]nfpbf nfdf] ;dosf] cGt/fnkl5 g]kfnL ;]gfnfO{ ;do;fk]If agfpg k'gM Pp6f bL3{sfnLg of]hgf th'{d f ug'{kg]{ 68\sf/f] cfjZostf v8\l sPsf] dx;'; ul/G5 . %= g]kfnL ;]g fsf] ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgf lgdf{0 f ubf{ k/Dk/fut n8fOFF (Conventional War) sf] cGt/f{li6«o dfGotf tyf l;4fGtnfO{ dWo]gh/ /fvL cTofjZos cª\ux?sf] :yfkgf ul/Psf] ljlwt} 5 . d2lt kmf}hsf] ?kdf eg] Combat Engineering cª\ux?sf] ;+/rgf v8f ul/Fb} cfPsf] 5 . o; qmddf Combat Engineers sf ljleGg u0f/lkmN8 u'Ndx? v8f u/L tb\cg'?ksf tflndx? lbO{+b} cfO/x]sf] 5 . kl5Nnf] r/0fsf] g]kfnL ;]g fsf] ljsf;qmdnfO{ x]g]{ xf] eg] d'n 'sdf pTkGg ljifd kl/l:yltsf] sf/0f klbs kmf}hx?sf] ;+VofTds lj:tf/ tLa| ePsf] kfO{G5 . g]kfnL ;]gfsf ;Dk"0 f{ kmf}hx? k"0 f{tof cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf] Unconventional n8fOFFdf kl/rflnt ul/Psf]n ] t'ngfTds ?kdf ljz]iftM sDJof6 OlGhlgo/x?sf] ljsf; tyf Ifdtf clej[l 4 ;f]r]cg'?k x'g ;s]g . o;/L 5f]6f] ;dodf lj:tfl/teO{ xfn s/La (^))) sf] ;+Vofdf /x]sf] g]kfnL ;]gfsf] glk|mnfO{ cfjZos kg]{ cTofjZos ;]j f, ef}lts k"j f{w f/, d]lzg/L cf}hf/ nufot k|fljlws >f]]t tyf ;fwgx? eg] guGo dfqfdf yk ul/Psf 5g\ . o;af6 ;+u7gsf] hgzlQmdf pNn]Vo j[l 4 t eof] t/ d2lt kmf}hsf] ;dfgfGt/ ljsf; x'g g;Sbf u'0ffTds ljsf;n] cfzfltt ;kmntf kfpg ;s]g . o;af6 klbs kmf}hsf] pknAwL tyf k| efjsfl/tfnfO{ lbuf] /fVg ;lsPg . ^. /fli6«o cv08tf, :jtGqtf tyf :jflwgtfnfO{ jflx/L jf cfGtl/s vt/faf6 hf]ufpg' g} /fli6«o ;]gfsf] k|d'v bfloTj ePtf klg åGå jf zflGtsf] cj:yfdf ;]gfn] /fli6«o ljsf;df nufot cGt/f{li6«o If]qdf k'¥ ofpg ;Sg] of]ubfgnfO{ dWo]g h/ /fvL Ps ;Ifd tyf cfw'lgs ;]gfsf] dxŒj ;}Go /0fgLltsf/x?n] dfq} geO{ ;Dk"0 f{ /fhg}l ts Pj+ k|zf;lgs If]qsf hflgkmsf/x?n] cfTd;fy ug{ ;Sg' kb{5 . h;sf] nflu ;]gfsf] pkfb]o tf / k|efjsfl/tfnfO{ qmlds ?kdf j[l 4 ub}{ n}hfg' kg]{ 68\sf/f] cfjZostf b]lvG5 . ljBdfg cj:yf Pj+ sdL sdhf]/Lx? &= ljBdfg cj:yf;Dd g]kfnL ;]g f cfO{k'Ubf ;snbhf{sf] Go"g td\ cfjZostfdf s] s] kb{5g\ eGg] af/] xfn;Dd s'g} ;/sf/L gLlt sfod ug{ g;lsPsf]n] / ;]gfnfO{ jflif{s ?kdf ljlgof]hg x'g ] ah]6 ;d]t Hofb} Go"g ePaf6 ;]g fnfO{ ef}lts >f]t ;fwgaf6 ;DkGg ug{ g;lsPsf] b]l vG5 . o;sf] HjnGt pbfx/0f /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u tyf cy{ dGqfnonfO{ g]kfnL ;]g fn] "Bunker to Barrack" sf] gf/fåf/f cfZj:t t'N ofO{ ef}lts lgdf{0fsf] nflu ah]6 ljlgof]hg u/fpg' lgs} ;+3if{ ug'{ k¥of] . h'ga]nf hlt ah]6 k|fKt eof] / h] cufl8 cfO{ nfUof] To;}n] k|fyldstf kfpg] k|l qmofn] ubf{ Jof/]sx?sf] ;xL Joj:yfkg x'g g;Sbf k]zfut ;]g fsf] ;+u7g v8f ePsf] ;of}F jif{ ljlt;Sbf klg cfzfltt?kdf ;}l gs ;]j f nufot l;kfxLsf] hLjg:t/ (Quality of Soldiers' Life) prfNg ;lsPsf] 5}g . o:tf] cj:yfnfO{ hlt;Sbf] rf8f] cGTo ug{ ;s]df ;]gfsf] cfw'l gsLs/0fdf pNn]Vo k|ult xfl;n ug{ ;lsG5 . lj=;+= @)^( ebf}df hf/L k|wfg ;]g fklt Ho"sf] 'Command Guidance' df of] kIfnfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fvL of]hgf th'{df ug]{ ;sf/fTds sfo{sf] yfngL ePsf] 5 . o;af6 ;du|?kdf ;}lgs JolQmx?sf] k]zfk|ltsf] ;dk{0fsf] efjgf tyf :jfledfgnfO{ cem prfO{df nfg d2t k'Ug] cfzf ug{ ;lsG5 . *= xfn g]kfnL ;]gfdf ljsf; lgdf{0f tyf :yklt dxflgb]{zgfno -lj=lg=d=lg=_ / OlGhlgo/ lgb]{zgfno -O=lg=_ u/L b'O{ j6f 5'§f 5'§} Ol~hlgol/Ë ;+/rgf /xL cfPsf 5g\ . lj=lg=d=lg= cGtu{t /x]sf] ljsf; lgdf{0 f lgb]{zgfnon] ljleGg /fli6«o dxŒjsf ;8sx? nufot ef}l ts k"jf{w f/x?sf]] lgdf{0 f sfo{ / :yklt lgb]{zgfno cGtu{tsf] :yklt ;]j fn] ;a} k[tgf x]=Sjf= tyf cGtu{tsf o'l g6x?sf] ef}l ts k"j f{wf/x?sf] dd{t ;+ef/ /]vb]v ug]{ sfo{ ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . O=lg= cGtu{tsf u0fx?n] cf-cfkm\g f] k[tgfx?nfO{ ck/]zgn sfo{d f sDJof6 ;kf]6{ / /fli6«o dxŒjsf ef}lts k"jf{w f/x?sf] ;'/Iff k|bfg ub}{ cfO{/x]sf 5g\ . xfn lj=lg=d=lg= cGtu{t !(@# / O=lg=cGtu{t $!(* b/jGbL ;+Vof sfod /x]sf] 5 . oL b'j} lgb]{zgfnox?df k|fljlws / ;fwf/0f ;]jf u/L b'O{ k|sf/sf hgzlQm sfo{/t 5g\ . ;fwf/0ftk{msf sDJof6 Ol~hlgo/ clws[tx? dWo] pNn]Vo ;+Vofdf pRr :t/sf] tflnd (Civil Engineering) k|fKt clws[tx? ;d]t /x]sf 5g\ . oL clws[tx? k|fljlws ;d"xsf clws[t;/x of]Uo ePtf klg gLltut ;d:ofn] ubf{ lghx?sf] of]Uotf / IfdtfnfO{ pRrtd ;b'kof]u ug{ ;lsPsf] 5}g . o;sf] cltl/Qm xfn o; If]qdf b]l vPsf d"Vo sdL sdhf]/Lx? b]xfo adf]l hd /x]sf] dx;'; ul/G5M-s_ ljutdf cfGtl/s ;'/Iffsf] sf/0faf6 sDJof6 Ol~hlgo/x?n] cfkm\g f] k|d'v lhDd]j f/L (Primary Role) eGbf klg klbs kmf}hsf] lhDd]j f/L (Secondary Role) sf] e"ldsf a9L lgjf{x ug'{ k/]sf] 5 . h;n] ubf{ g]kfnL ;]g fsf] Field/Combat Engineering df cTofjZos ;]jfx? k|bfg ug]{ k|fljlws Ifdtf (Trades) sf] oyf]l rt lasf; x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;fy} kmf}hx? ;-;fgf] 6f]n LeO{ cToflws dfqdf 5l/P/ /xgfn] (Scattered Deployment) o'lg6x?df Sprit-de-Crops sf] efjgfdf ;d]t k|lts"n c;/ k/]sf] b]l vG5 . -v_ hËL c8\8fdf /xL k|w fg ;]gfkltnfO{ Strategic txsf] /fo ;'emfj ;Nnfx lbg kg]{ Ol~hlgo/ lgb]{zgfnon] lkmN8df sfo{/t Engineersu0f÷lkmN8 u'N dx? nufot tflnd cflbdf Operational txsf] e"l dsf a9L axg u/L /xg' k/]sf]] 5 . o;sf] cltl/Qm oL cª\ux?sf] ;d'lrt ljsf; ug{ cfjZos kg]{ æcg';Gwfg tyf ljsf;Æ sfo{x?sf] k"0f{ cefj b]l vof] . Ol~hlgo/ lgb]{zgfnonfO{ k[tgfsf] ck/]zg c08/ sdf08df /fvL ;f] cg'?k v6g k6g x'Fbf lgb]{zgfnon] ug'{kg]{ Engineers ;DaGwL d"Vo sfo{x? cf]e m]ndf kg{ uPsf] 5 . -u_ 5f]6f] ;dodf pNn]Vo j[l 4eO 5l/P/ /x]sf klbs kmf}hx?nfO{ of]hgfa4 9Ëaf6 (Cantonment/ Station/Area) Jojl:yt tl/sfn] /fVg g;lsPsf] . o;sf] d"Vo sf/0f kmd]{zg x]=Sjf=, o'l g6 tyf ;a o'lg6x?df /xg] :yfoL k|s[ltsf;+/rgfx?sf] bL3{sfnLg of]hgf (Master Plan) cyjf KLP (Key Location Plan) sf] cjwf/0ff nfu' ug{ g;lsPsf] ;fy} cflwsfl/s Pj+ k"0 f{?kdf “Scale of Accommodations”gx'Fbf ef}l ts k"jf{w f/x?nfO{ Standardizationug{ sl7gfO{ pTkGg eO/x]sf] 5 . -3_ k[tgfeGbf tNnf] txdf MES sf] Organizational Structure gx'Fbf lgoldt ?kdf x'g 'kg]{ Jof/ssf] dd{t ;+ef/ tyf ;-;fgf lgdf{0f sfo{x?df cfly{s tyf k|fljlws ;d:ofx? b]l vg] u/]sf] 5 . g]kfnL ;]gfsf] ;+/rgfdf MES sf cª\ux?sf] k|fjwfg /flvPtf klg h'g lhDd]j f/L o; lgsfon] jxg ug'{kg]{ xf] ;f] x'g g;s]sf] k|ltt x'G5 . b/aGbL sfod ePtf klg ERE sfhdf s]xL JolQmx? dfq c:yfoL?kdf jflxgL/u0f /u'Ndx?df /fVg] k|rng sfod} 5 . o; cª\unfO{ cfjZos clwsf/ lbO{ >f]t ;fwg pknJw u/fO{ k"0f{?kn] lhDd]jf/ agfpg ;lsPsf] 5}|g . MES n] ug'{kg]{ sfo{x? klg :yfgLo kmd]{zg tyf klbs o'l g6x?n] cfk\mg} >f]t / ;fwg h'6fO{ ub}{ cfO/x]sf] kfO{G5 . o;af6 :yfgLo klt tyf o'l g6x?nfO{ cToflws ef/ tyf bjfj kl//x]sf] 5 . k|o f]ustf{n] g} k|fljlws sfo{sf] kxntf tyf lhDd]j f/L ;d]t lng' kg]{ cj:yf b]lvPsf] 5 . -ª_ gofF ef}lts ;+/rgf lgdf{0 fsf] cfjZostf, of]hgf tyf sfo{ ;Dkfbg k|l qmofdf ckgfpg' kg]{ cToGt k|efjsf/L tyf e/kbf]{ k4lt "Defence Works Procedure"nfu' ug{ g;lsPsf] . of]hgf k|:tfj ubf{ Bottom Up k|0ffnL ckgfpg' kg]{df ;f] geO{ Top Down ePsf]n] k|of]ustf{sf] e"l dsf uf}0 f x'guO Users Satisfaction ;Gtf]ifhgs gkfO{Psf] . -r_ 7"nf tyf /fli6«o dxŒjsf lgdf{0 f sfo{df g]kfnL ;]g fsf k|fljlws ;d"xsf yf]/} clws[t dfq kl/rfngeO ef}l ts ;+/rgfx? 7]Ssfk§fdfkm{ t lgdf{0f ug]{ ul/Psf] t/ ;]gfsf] sDJof6 Ol~hlgo/tkm{ pknJw /x]sf *)% bIf hgzlQm k"0f{?kdf kl/rfng ug{ g;Sbf ;Gt'l nt ?kaf6 cfzfltt ;kmntf (Output) k|fKt ug{ / Civil Works nfO{ lj:tf/ -k'n, hnljB't, Po/kf]6{, afFw, gbL lgoGq0f, l;~rfO{ cflb_ ug{ ;lsPsf] 5}g . -5_ cGt/f{li6«o zflGt :yfkgf sfo{df g]kfnL ;]g fsf] Ol~hlgo;{ o'l g6x?sf] Ifdtf tyf cg'ej pRr :t/sf] ePtf klg cem a9L ;|f]t / ;fwg ;DkGg t'NofO{ o;sf] If]q cfzfltt ?kdf lj:tf/ ug{ ;lsPsf] 5}g, oBlk xfn;fn} cfP/ o; If]qdf /fd|f] kxnx? eg] eO/x]sf 5g\ . -h_ k|fljlws of]hgf th'{df, sfof{Gjog tyf cfly{s sf/f]jf/ cflb sfo{x? Pp6} cª\udfkm{t x'g ] ePsfn] k"0f{?kdf Check and Balance sfod ug{ g;lsPsf] . -em_ g]kfnL ;]g fn] Disaster Management sf] If]qdf v]Ng'kg]{ e"l dsf ty gLlt lgdf{0f sfo{df ljut s]xL ;dob]lv ;lqmo of]ubfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf] ePtfklg Relief sfo{df ;]g fsf] hgzlQm dfqn] k|efjsf/L tyf e/kbf]{ e"l dsf v]Ng g;s]sf] . o; If]q df cfjZos kg]{ >f]t ;fwg Pj+ Technology nfO{ Operationalize ug{ sl7gfO{ pTkGg eO/x]sf] 5 . lab]zL ;]gfdf Engineer sf] Joj:yf (= laleGg lab]zL ;]gf -ef/t, cd]l/sf / a]nfot_ x?df Engineering ;+/rgfx?sf] cWoog ubf{ b]xfo lgisif{x? lgsfNg ;lsG5 M -s_ Combat Engineer, Civil Works / MES d"VotM Pp6} ;+/rgf (Corps of Engineers) leq Engineer in Chief jf Chief Engineer jf Chief of Engineers gfdfs/0f u/L Pp6} 5ftf ;+u7g lgdf{0 f ul/Psf] . -v_ E-in-C nfO{ k|wfg ;]gfkltsf] k|ToIf c08/ sdf08df /flvPsf] / Ps dxŒjk"0 f{ PSOs sf] ?kdf lhDd]jf/L lbOPsf] kfO{G5 . -u_ Engineers Officers sf] Pp6} Career development k|0ffnL /x]sf kfOG5 . k|fljlws / ;fwf/0f ;]j f h:tf cGo cnu ;]jf g/x]sf] t/ pNn]Vo ;+Vofdf u}/;}l gs JolQmx? /xg] Joj:yf b]lvPsf] . -3_ clwsf+z l;len Ol~hlgol/Ë sfo{x? h:t}M /fhdfu{, k'n , hnlaB't, Dam, af;:yfgsf] of]hgf, lgdf{0 f tyf dd{t ;Def/ Pj+ cTofjZos ;]jfx? k|bfg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L axg ug]{ u/]sf] . -h:t}M cd]l/sfsf] s"n Hydropower Ifdtfsf] @$ % c+z US Army Corps of Engineers n] pTkfbg ub{5 eg] ef/tdf Border Road Organization n] /0fgLlts dxŒjsf s/La ## xhf/ ls=dL=;8s lgdf0f{ u/L ;s]sf] kfO{G5_ . -ª_ /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/df Engineers sf] e"l dsf Multifarioustyf Extensive x'g' sf] ;fy} Army sf] ;du| 5lj tyf Credibility a9fpg dxŒjk"0 f{ e"l dsf /x]sf] . cjnDag ug'{ kg]{ cjwf/0ff, gLlt tyf of]h gfx? !)= k|wfg ;]gfkltsf] dfu{ lgb]{z g (COAS Command Guidance): k|wfg ;]gfklt Ho" af6 @)^( ebf}d f hf/L ePsf] Command Guidance sf] nIo-! df æOlGhlgol/Ë o'lg6x?sf] e"l dsfnfO{ lj:t[tLs/0f ub}{ ax'cfoflds sfo{ Ifdtfsf] qmlds ?kdf ljsf; ug]{Æ gLlt :ki6 ?kdf;d]t pNn]v ePsf] x'g fn] o; nIo k|fKt ug{ j[xt\ Pj+ bL3{sfnLg k|s[ltsf] of]hgf th'{d f ug'{ kg]{ x'G5 . !!= /0fgLlts cjwf/0ff (StrategicConceptofEmployment)M Command Guidance df pNn]l vt gLltnfO{ d"t{?k lbg OlGhlgo;{n fO{ xfnsf] ;Lldt e"l dsfdf dfq} g/fvL "4- Wheels Strategy" -rf6{ ! df bzf{OPsf] vfsf cg'?k_sf] cjwf/0ff cg'?k lhDd]jf/LnfO{ k'gM kl/eflift ub}{ kl/rfng ug'{kb{5 . o; cjwf/0ffdf g]kfnL ;]g fdf /x]sf] Combat tyf Civil Engineering 1fgnfO{ Strategic Concept of Employment of NA Engrs s]Gb|l jGb'd f (Core Capability) /fVb} /fi6« ljsf; (Chart 1) (4-Wheels Strategy) (Nation Development), ljkb\ Joj:yfkg (Disaster Management) / ;+o 'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo zfGtL :yfkgf sfo{ (UN Peacekeeping Operation) df ;lqmo ;xeflutf hgfpg] gLlt Peripheral Wheels cjnDag ug'{kg]{ ;'emfj ub{5' . g]kfnL ;]g fsf] Driving Shaft OlGhlgol/Ë 1fg tyf ;LknfO{ dfly pNn]l vt # & Core j6} If]qdf PsLs[t Pj+ ;dfgfGt/ ?kdf ;b'kof]u ug{ ;s]df g]kfnL ;]gfsf] OlGhlgol/Ë ;]j f cem ultlzn (Dynamic) Pj+ pTkfbgd"n s (Productive) If]qsf] ?kdf ljsf; x'g] ;'lglZrt b]lvG5 . o; cjwf/0ffnfO{ sfof{G jog ug{ g]kfnL ;]g fdf xfn sfo{/t ;Dk"0 f{ OlGhlgol/Ë ;]j fx?nfO{ Pp6} 5ftf d'g L Nofpg' kg]{ cfjZostf dx;'; u/]sf] 5' . o;af6 g]kfnL ;]gfsf] clt dxŒjk"0f{ d2lt cª\usf] ?kdf /x]sf], Civil Engineers / Sappers x?sf] Spirit-de-Corps tyf sfo{ Ifdtf PsLs[t?kaf6 ljsf; x'g ;Sb5 . !@= bL3{sfnLg p2]Zo (Mission): Corps of Engineers sf] bL3{sfnLg p2]Zo æo'4 tyf zflGtsfnLg cj:yfdf clt dxŒjk"0f{ OlGhlgol/Ë ;]j fx? pknAw u/fO{ /fli6«o ;'/IffnfO{ ;'b[9 t'N ofpg], /fli6«o ljsf;df ;xefuLeO cy{tGqnfO{ phf{ k|bfg ug]{, k|sf]kaf6 x'g ;Sg] vt/fnfO{ Go"g Ls/0f ug]{ tyf cGt/f{li6«o If]qdf /fi6«;+3Lo zflGt :yfkgf sfo{df ;lqmo of]ubfg k|bfg u/L g]kfnL ;]g fsf] pkfb]o tfnfO{ ;fy{s t'N ofpg]Æ x'g ' kb{5 . !#= dfly pNn]l vt /0fgLlts cjwf/0ff cGtu{t /x]/ Corps of Engineers sf] ;du| p2]Zo xfl;n ug{ @ r/0fsf] (Operational Concept) nfO{ of]hgfa4 sfof{G jog ug{ ;lsPdf ;}lgs OlGhlgo/sf] k]zf cem dof{lbt, bIf / k|efjsf/L x'Fb} cfpg] / ;du|df g]kfnL ;]g fsf] pkfb]otf cf}l rTok"0f{ tl/sfaf6 bL3{sfnLg ?kdf :yflkt ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf] nflu rf6{ @ df k|:tfj ul/Psf lgb]{zgfno, x]=Sjf=, sn]h, O{sfO{ tyf zfvf÷k|zfvfx? v8f ug{ ;s]df Corps of Engineers sf] cjwf/0ffsf] ljsf; ug{ cToGt ;lhnf] / Jojxfl/s x'g ]5 . -s_ cNk cNksfnLg of]hgf (Short Term Plan): @ -# jif{if{ leq --!_ xfn sfod /x]sf # j6} lgb]{zgfnox? -Ol~hlgo/ Ol~hlgo/ lgb]{zgfno, ljsf; lgdf{0 f lgb]{zgfno / :yklt lgb]{zgfno_ nfO{ Pp6} ;+/rgf leq Engineer-in-Chief Engineer Chief (E-in (E in-C) n] g]t[Tj ug]{ u/L Ol~hlgo/ ljefu v8f ug]{ . o;/L E-in in-C k|wfg ;]gfklt k|l t k|ToIf ?kdf pQ/bfoL /xg] . --@_ xfn Ol~hlgo/ ljefu cGtu{ t sDJof6 Ol~hlgo/sf] ;+Vof $!(* -^(%_, ljsf; lgdf{0f lgb]{zgfnosf] !#%^ !#%^ - %_ / :yklt lgb]{zgfnosf] %^% -@@ % % -(%_ kmf}hx? ePsf] x'Fbf oL lgb]{zgfnox? tyf cGtu{tsf ;+/rgfnfO{ k'g M ;Gt'ng (Rebalance) ug'{ kg]{ x'G5 . k'gM ;Gt'ng ubf{ b'ba}a} ;]jfsf clws[tx? /xg] pok'Qm ;+Vofsf] ;+u7gfTds b/jGbL sfod ug'{ kb{5 . -#_ o; ljefu cGtu{tsf ;a} lgb]{zgfnox? h·L c8\ c88f 8f leq ;Fu} (Co--locate) /flvg'kg]{ . --$_ sDJof6 OlGhlgol/Ë OlGhlgol/ sfo{ tyf xfn /x]sf % j6f OlGhlgo/ u0fx?sf] sdf08 sG6«f]n ty f ck/]zg lhDd]jf/L axg ug]{ O=lg=cGtu{t /xg] u/L Engineer Brigade HQs sf] 5'§} ;+/rgf v8f ug]{ . --%_ Ol~hlgo/ o'l g6x?df x'g'kg]{ Ol~hlgol/Ë :6f]/, Knf06, ad l8:kf]hn, x]x eL eL OSjLkd]0 6x? ;do ;fk]If gofF :s]n (Table of Organization and Equipment) lgwf{/0f pRr :t/af6 :jLs[t u/L nfu' u/fpg] . s'g} klg sfo{ (Works) sf] Authorized Scale tyf Specification nfO{ ;/sf/af6 l:js[t u/fO{ nfu' u/fpg] (Scale of Accommodation) . --^_ ^_ ljsf;sf k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0 f, ljkb\ ljkb Joj:yfkg / zflGt ;]g fdf k|To]s u0fsf] slDtdf Ps lkmN8 u'Nd / lkmN8 kfs{ u'NdnfO{ kl/rfng x'g ;Sg] gLltut Joj:yf sfod ug]{ / afFsL lkmN8 u' Ndx?nfO{ k[tgf cGtu{t sDJof6 /f]ndf g} ;Lldt ug]{] . o;/L lgdf{0f sfo{df ;+n Ug x'g ] lkmN8 u'Ndsf] ;+/rgfnfO{ ‘Construction ‘Construction Company’ sf] 9fFrfdf n}hfg] . --&_ k[tgf cGtu{t xfn /x]sf OlGhlgo/ u0fx?sf] nf]s]zg (Deployment) sf] k"g /fjnf]sg Pj+ lhDd]jf/LnfO{ k'kg/eflift g /eflift u/L tb\ tbcg' cg'?k gofF Joj:yf ug]{ . --*_ Key Location Plan (KLP) sf] of]h gfa4 ljsf; ug]{= bL3{sfnLg sfnLg ;f]r /fvL ;} lgs l gs b[li6sf]0 faf6 ljleGg sfo{sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ :yfgx?sf] Key Location Plan agfO{ oyf;So l56f] ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t u/fO{ ;f] cg'?k hUuf clws/0f tyf Cantonment/Station x?sf] qmlds ljsf; ub}{ n}hfg' kg]{ . -(_ OlGhlgo/ Directorate, Unit, Subunit x?nfO{ klbs kmf}h ;/x lhDd]j f/L lbg gx'g] . o;sf Unit/Subunit nfO{ OlGhlgo/sf] Primary Role df g} v6fpg' kg]{ / clt cfjZos Infantry tflnd dfq} u/] x'g] Joj:yf ul/g' kg]{ . -v_ bL3{sfnLg of]h gf -Long Term Plan) : #-% jif{ leq z'? ug'{kg]{ -!_ Civil Engineers k|fljlws ;d"x nfO{ ;]g faf6 lj:tf/} x6fpFb} Combat tyf Civil Engineers ;a}nfO{ Pp6} ;]j f cGtu{t /fVg] . l8u|L u/]sf] ;a} clws[tx?nfO{ gfdsf] cufl8 O= n]Vg kfpg] gLltut Joj:yf ug]{ . o;sf] nflu ;]g fdf Civil Engineer clws[tx?nfO{ k|fljlws gegL ;fwf/0f clws[t;/x egf{ ug]{ / b'a} ;d"xsf clws[tx?nfO{ E-in-C (Engineers in Chief) ;Dd kbf]Gglt x'g ;Sg] cj;/ k|bfg ug]{ . -@_ Combat Engineer clws[tx?n] Infantry Trg eGbf klg cfk\mgf] k]zfut tflndx? -h:t} Engr Y.O's., Engr Coy Cdr, Degree Engineering cflb) nfO{ clgjfo{ u/fpg' kg] { gLltut Joj:yf ldnfpg] . Civil Engineer af6 l;w} egf{ ul/g]] clws[tx?nfO{ klg clgjfo{?kdf Combat Engineering tflndsf] ;fy} Go"g td\ Infantry tflnd u/fpg] . -#_ MES lgb]{zgfno cGtu{ t ck/]zgn txdf Executive Engrs jf Commander Works Engrs / 6\o flS6n txdf Assistant Engineer sf] 5'§} ;+/rgf tyf ;]jf ;'? ug]{ . Essential Services afx]s cGo 6]«8sf bIf hgzlQmx?nfO{ Tactical level df :yfgLo bIf JolQmx?nfO{ Out Sourcingug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf ldnfpg] . -$_ Combat Engineers nfO{ MES cGtu{tsf o'lg6x?sf] Executive Engineers jf Commander Works Engineers jf Assistant Engineer sf] c:yfoL Deputation df /fVg ;lsg] Joj:yf ldnfpg] -o; k|sf/sf] Joj:yf ef/tLo ;]g fdf klg /x]sf] 5_ . o;sf] lj:t[t vfsf rf6{ @ df bzf{OPsf] 5 . -%_ g]kfnL ;]g fn] Engineering College :yfkgf u/L ;}lgs nufot u}/;}l gs JolQmnfO{ Civil Engineering ljifodf :gfts :t/sf] cWofkg u/fpg] Joj:yf ug]{ . l;w} egf{ ePsf Ol~hlgo/ tyf egf{ ePkl5 Ol~hlgol/Ë l8u|L ug]{ clws[tx?nfO{ Master txsf] cWoog -:jb]z tyf ljb]z_ ug]{ cj;/ k|bfg u/L pRr :t/sf] bIf hgzlQm pTkfbg ug]{ . eljiodf cfjZostf x]/L Civil Engineering afx]ssf cGo Stream df ;d]t cWofkg u/fpg ;lsg] . -^_ Ol~hlgo/ ljefu cGtu{t ;'?df ;fgf] cfsf/sf] Research and Development zfvf :yfkgf ub}{ bL3{sfndf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] Ps dxŒjk"0 f{ cª\usf] ?kdf “Defence Research and Development Organization” sf] ?kdf ljsf; ub}{ n}hfg] . -&_ g]kfnL ;]g fleq ul/g] ;Dk"0f{ ef}l ts lgdf{0f sfo{x? nufot Jof/]s 3/x?sf] d/fdt ;+ef/, lgdf{0 f sfo{x?sf] cfjZostf, of]hgf tyf sfo{ ;Dkfbg k|lqmof k|e fjsf/L / e/kbf]{ agfpg "Defence Works Procedure" sf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ k"0f{ ?kdf nfu' ug]{ . -*_ s'g} klg 7"nf dd{t tyf ef}lts ;+/rgf lgdf{0f sfo{ ubf{ qmda4 ?kdf b]xfosf] Procedure ckgfpg]M-vs_ klxnf] txM Acceptance of Necessity -nfutcg';f/ ljleGg txsf] Competent Financial Authority tf]Sg]_ . -vv_ bf]>f] txM Administrative Approval lng] . -vu_ t]>f] txM Appropriation of Funds -;DalGwt Staff x? dfkm{t ul/g' kg]{_ . -v3_ rf}yf] txM Technical Sanction lng] -sfo{sf] k|s[l t x]/L ljleGg txdf Competent Engineer Authority tf]Sg]_ . -(_ cfly{s, k|zf;lgs, k|fljlws sfo{x? 5'§f 5'§} cª\u jf lgsfodfkm{t ug]{= Financial tyf Administrative Control sf] nflu Div / Bde Cdr x?nfO{ lhDd]j f/L lbO{g' kg]{ / Technical Plg, Execution Control sf] lhDd]jf/Lx? E-in-C cGtu{tsf OlGhlgo/ cª\ux?nfO{ lbO{g' kg]{ . ;fy} of]hgf agfpFbf jf sfof{Gjog ubf{ k|o f]ustf{ (User Fmn/Units) sf] ;xefuLtfnfO{ k|fyldstf lbg] . o;af6 Check and Balance ug{ ;lhnf] x'g'sf] ;fy} lgdf{0f sfo{sf] u'0f:t/ ;d]t sfod /fVg d2t k'Ug] b]l vG5 . -!)_ Disaster Management/Relief sfo{df Military Engineer Services / Combat Engineers sf] e"ldsf dxŒjk"0 f{ / k|efjsf/L x'g ] x'Fbf Engineer Units Sugges ted Hierarchical Structure of Offrs in‘Corpsof Engineers’( Ch art 3) x?sf] ;xeflutfnfO{ qmdzM a9fpFb} n}hfg' kg]{ . o;sf] nflu xfn} :yfkgf ePsf] æ/fli6«o ljsf; tyf ;'/Iff dxflgb]{zgfno cGtu{tsf] /fi6« ljsf; lgb]{zfno, ljkb Joj:yfkg lgb]{zgfno / cGtu{tsf u0fx?nfO{ cfpFbf @-# jif{leq æOl~hlgo/ ljefuÆ cGtu{t Nofpg' kb{5 . OlGhlgo/ ljefusf] bL3{sfnLg of]hgfsf] vfsf rf6{-@ df b]vfO{Psf] 5 ;fy} OlGhlgo/ ljefu v8f ePkl5 clws[tx?sf] ;+o 'Qm b/aGbLnfO{ -;fwf/0f / k|fljlws_ rf6{-# cg';f/sf] vfsfdf k'g ;{Gt'n g ug]{ ;d]t k|: tfj ul/Psf] 5 . Lt Gen 1 Ma j Gen Exis ting Hierarchy 3 Ideal P yramidal Hie rar chy 2 Brig Gen 5-6 Col Expected /Best Hierarchy 10-12 Futu re St r Total<= 350 Col (7) Exis tin g Str Total=33 0 L t Col (20) Maj(97) Lt Col 35-40 Ma j 70-75 Capt(112) Lt (88) Capt 100-105 110-115 Lt -!!_ OlGhlgo/ cª\ux?nfO{ cGt/f{l i6«o :t/sf] tflnd tyf ;fwg >f]t ;DkGg agfpFb} ;+o 'Qm /fi6«;+3 sf] zflGt ;]gfdf cGo ljsf;sf] sfo{x? h:t}M ;8s, Po/ lkmN8, k'n, gbL lgoGq0f, Sanitary Works, Environmental Protection, Field Fortification cflb sfo{x? ;d]t ;dGjo ug{ ;Sg] u/L lhDd]jf/L If]q lj:tf/ ug]{ . zflGt ;]gfdf ;xefuL eO/x]sf] Ps lkmN8 u'N d En sf] glk|mnfO{ a9fP/ Ps OlGhlgo/ u0f;Dd k'¥ofpg ;s]df /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/df klg OlGhlgo/sf] sfo{ Ifdtf ljsf; x'Fb}uO OlGhlgo/ ;]j fnfO{ :jb]zdf ;d]t Multidimensional agfpg ;lsg] . -!@_ xfn g]kfnL ;]g fdf /x]sf] ljB't tyf oflGqs ;]jf lgb]{zgfno / cGtu{tsf ;+/rgfnfO{ klg bL3{sfndf E-in-C cGtu{t Nofpg ;lsg] ;DefjgfnfO{ cWoog ug]{ . !$= g]t[Tj tx (Chain of Command). E-in-C n] Staff / Command sf] bf]xf]/f] e"ldsf v]Ng' kg]{ ePsf] x'Fbf Operational, Technical / Administrative b[li6sf]0 faf6 of]Uo tyf ;Ifd OlGhlgo/ clws[tn] o; ljefusf] g]t[Tj ubf{ cToGt k|efjsf/L x'G 5 . o;sf] nflu b]xfosf rf/ ljsNkx? dWo] s'g } PsnfO{ htL;Sbf] l56f] sfof{Gjogdf n}hfg pko'Qm x'G5 M -s_ lasNk !M OlGhlgo/ ljefunfO{ xfns} k|f=p=/=n] Administrative / Technical Control ug]{ . Deputy E-in-C df sDJof6 Ol~hlgo/tkm{sf ;=/=nfO{ ck/]zgn Command sf] lhDd]j f/L lbg] . o; ljefu cGtu{t /xg] cGo lgb]{zgfnodf ljsf; lgdf{0 f lgb]{zgfno (Civil Works Directorate), Combat Directorate, Military Engineering Service (MES) Directorate /xg] 5g\ . Civil Works Directorate n] ljsf; lgdf{0f tyf Humanitarian Works sf] lhDd]jf/L axg ug]{, Combat Directorate n] d"Vot\ Combat ;DaGwL ultljlwsf] cltl/Qm Development Works, Humanitarian Works, Disaster Management, Jof/]s lgdf{0 f tyf d/fdt cflb sfo{x? ug]{ / MES Directorate n] Jof/]s 3/ lgdf{0 f, d/fdt tyf k| zf;lgs sfo{ dfq ug]{ Joj:yf sfod ug]{ . -v_ lasNk @M Ol~hlgo/ ljefusf] k|d'vdf ;fwf/0f jf k|fljlws p=/= n] sdf08 ug{] . k|f=p=/= Ein-C eP Deputy E-in-C ;fwf/0ftkm{sf ;=/= (Combat Engineers) sf clws[t x'g ] . olb E-in-C ;fwf/0ftkm{sf p=/=af6 lghnfO{ Operational / Administrative lhDd]jf/L lbg] / Deputy E-in-C k|fljlws ;=/= x'g ] h;n] Technical Control sf] dfq lhDd]jf/L axg ug]{ . olb E-in-C k|fljlwstkm{sf p=/= eP Technical / Administrative lhDd]jf/L axg ug]{ / DeputyE-in-C ;fwf/0ftkm{sf] ;=/= (Combat Engrs) x'g] h;n] Operational Command and Control sf] lhDd]jf/L axg ug]{5 . cGtu{tsf lgb]{zgfnox?sf] lhDd]jf/L ljsNk ! ;/x g} x'g ] . -u_ lasNk #M s]xL ;do E-in-C/ Dy E-in-C b'j} kbdf pk/yL bhf{ /xg] . ;fwf/0f p=/= (Combat Engineers) E-in-C x'g] h;n] Operational Command / Administration Control ug]{ . Dy E-in-C df k|fljlwstkm{sf p=/= /xg] h;n] Over all Technical Control sf] lhDd]jf/L axg ug]{ . cGtu{tsf lgb]{zgfnox?sf] lhDd]jf/L ljsNk ! ;/x g} x'g ] . g]kfnL ;]g fsf] bL3{sfnLg k"g;{+/rgf ubf{ OlGhlgo/ ljefu k|d 'vdf ;fwf/0f (Combat Engineers t/ Engineer Degree u/]sf dfq_ tkm{sf] /yL bhf{ sfod u/L E-in-C sf] k"0f{ lhDd]jf/L lbg] . -3_ ljsNk $M dfly pNn]l vt ;a} ljsNkx?nfO{ ;f]xL qmddf -ljsNk !, @ / #_ nfu' ub}{ hfg] . rf6{ @ df bzf{OP cg'?ksf ;a} cª\ux?sf] :yfkgf u/L Corps of Engineers n] cfkm\g f] e"ldsf ;lqmotfsf ;fy lgjf{x ug]{ . !%= r'gf}tLx? -s_ xfnsf b'O{j 6} ;]j fx? -;fwf/0f / k|fljlws_ h;sf j[l Q ljsf; k|0 ffnL g} km/s /x]sf] cj:yfdf Pp6} ;d"xdf ;dfof]hg u/L sfo{ ljefhg ubf{ sDJof6tkm{sf clws[t / k|fljlws clws[taLr Strategic tyf Operational txsf] Command Control df b'l jwf pTkGg x'g ;Sg] . -v_ k|fljlws tkm{sf clws[tx?nfO{ Combat Engineering sf] / Combat Engineering tkm{sf clws[tx?nfO{ k|fljlws tkm{sf] pRr 1fg lbnfO{ ;Ifd agfpg ;do nfUg] . o;n] ubf{ Corps of Engineer sf] sfo{ If]qnfO{ tTsfn ‘Diversify’ ubf{ ljBdfg Planning Capacity ck'u x'g ;Sg] x'Fbf u}/;}l gs ljz]if1x?sf] ;+n Ugtf cfjZos kg{ ;Sb5 . -u_ g]kfnL ;]g fdf xfn ljBdfg /x]sf] -ljz]if kl/l:yltsf] sf/0f_ /fi6« lgdf{0f Pj+ k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{x?sf] Duplication nfO{ x6fpg s]xL ;do s'g}{ kg]{ x'G5 . To; a]nf;Dd lhDd]jf/L af8kmfF8 / sfo{ ;Dkfbgdf s]xL c:ki6tf pTkGg x'g ;Sb5 . ;+If]k !^= g]kfnL ;]g fnfO{ ;dofg's"n cfw'lgsLs/0f ug]{ l;nl;nfdf Civil Engineering ;]j f;Fu ;DalGwt cª\ux?nfO{ PsLs[t ?kdf ljsf; ug'{kg]{ b]l vG5 . o;af6 xfd|f] h:tf] cljsl;t tyf ul/jL b]zn] pknJw u/fpg] ;Lldt >f]t ;fwgsf] pRrtd\ k|of]u (Optimum Utilization) ug{ ;lsg] / h:tf]; 's} cj:yfdf klg :t/Lo 9+uaf6 sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf clej[l 4 ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf] nflu "4-Wheels Strategy" sf] cjwf/0ff canDag ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . o;af6 /fli6« o tyf cGt/f{l i6«o :t/df g]kfnL ;]g fsf] OlGhlgol/Ë ;]j fnfO{ cem a9L Dynamic tyf Productive Force sf] ?kdf ljsf; ug{ ;lsG5 . Jof/]sx?df /x]sf ef}l ts ;+/rgfx? nufot gofF lgdf{0f sfo{n fO{ of]hgfa4 tyf Jojl:yt tl/sfn] sfof{Gjog ug{ ;s]df g]kfnL ;]g fsf ;snbhf{x?sf] Jof/]ssf] hLjg:t/df pNn]Vo ;'w f/ ;d]t ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf] nflu OlGhlgo/ cª\ux?nfO{ ;do ;fk]If x'g ] u/L ljBdfg ;f+u7lgs ;+/rgfdf cfd"n kl/jt{g Pj+ ;'w f/ ub}{ cfw'lgs k|ljlwaf6 ;fwg ;DkGg u/fpg ;s]df n8fOFsf] cltl/Qm zflGtsfnLg cj:yfdf;d]t /fli6«o ljsf;df of]ubfg, cfktsfnLg cj:yfdf Disaster Relief sfo{df kl/rfng Pj+ cGt/f{li6«o If]qdf ;d]t k|e fjsf/L ?kaf6 dxŒjk"0 f{ of]ubfg lbg ;Sg] b]l vG5 . g]kfnL ;]gfdf o; k|sf/sf] /0fg}l gs :t/sf] gLltut ;'wf/n] ;}lgs JolQmx?sf] :jfledfg tyf xf}; nf j[l4 ug{ ;sf/fTds e"l dsf v]Ng'sf] ;fy} ;du|df ;]gfs} 5lj pHjn x'Fb} hfg]df ljZj:t x'g ;lsG5 . kl/ro != g]kfnL ;]gf nfdf] Oltxf; af]s]sf] uf}/jzfnL ;+:yf ePsfn] o;nfO{ cem ultzLn, k|e fjsf/L, ;do;fk]If kl/0ffdd'vL agfpFb} n}hfg' kg]{ b]l vPsf] 5 . nfdf] ;do Pp6} 9fFrf / tf}/tl/sfaf6 s'g } klg lhjGt ;+:yf rNg ck]Iffs[t k|l ts"n ePsfn] g]kfnL ;] gfsf ;snbhf{x?sf] kbf]Gglt k|lqmofdf klg ;dosf] dfucg';f/ ePsf] kl/dfh{g n] dfq lglb{i6 nIodf ;lhn} k'Ug ;lsG5 . ;+: yfnfO{ ultzLn / k|e fjsf/L agfpg ePsf w]/} ;+o Gqx? dWo] Ps / dxŒjk"0 f{ xf] ;dofg's"n a9'jf k|0ffnL . lgwf{l/t p2]Z ox? k|fKt ug{ kbf]Gglt k|lqmofsf] uxg e"ldsf /x]sf]]n] ;+: yfsf ;snbhf{x?sf] dgf]efj k|ltljlDat x'g ] u/L kl/dflh{ t x'g'kb{5 . @= g]kfnL ;]gf xfn Post Conflict Situation df /x]sfn] ljutsf] åGånfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ u/L g]kfnL ;]g fdf ;+VofTds j[l 4 ul/Psf], u/fpg' kg]{ tflnddf s]xL xb;Dd ;Demf}tf ul/Psf], åGåsf] sf/0fn] pRrsf]6Lsf o'jf hgzlQm ;+: yfk|lt k"0 f{ cfs[i 6 x'g g;s]sf], cfjZos kg]{ ;fdu|Lx?sf] oy]i6 pknAwtfsf] sld cflb sf/0fn] ubf{ kbf]Gglt k|l qmofdf k|efljt agfpg' :jfefljs /x]sf] 5 . clws[t nufot cGo bhf{x?sf] h]i 7tfdf cfwfl/t a9'jf k|0ffnLn] s'zn, Dynamic JolQmx?n] cfºgf] zlQm energy sf] ;b'kof]u ug{ gkfpg], sd of]Uo JolQmx?n] cf]xf]bf kfpg] cflb sf/0fn] ubf{ ;+: yfaf6 knfog x'g ], ck]Iffs[t kl/0ffd xft gnfUg] l:ylt cfpg ;Sg] b]lvG5 . /fd|f] ug]{ jf ug{ ;Sg]n ] cj;/ kfpg ;Sg] ePsfn] ;a} clwstd effort lbg cu|; / x'g hfg] / kl/0ffd:j?k JolQmut tyf ;+:yfut ljsf; x'g hfg] b]l vG5 . #= jt{dfg cj:yfdf kbf]Gglt k|l qmof Hofb} kf/bzL{, ;xefuLd"ns / Ifdtf tyf of]Uotfsf] sb/ ug]{ lsl;dsf] x'g'kg]{ /x]sf] 5 . ;Dej eP;Dd ;e]{ u/L ax';+Vos ;/f]sf/jfnx?sf] ;xeflutfdf v'Nnf ?kn] kbf]Gglt ug{ ;s] kl/0ffd Hofb} /fd|f] cfp“g ;Sg] b]l vG5 . h;sf] Ifdtf hxfF; Dd 5 To;n] Tolx;Ddsf] dfq lhDd]jf/L kfp“bf p;n] kfPsf] lhDd]jf/LnfO{ ;xh ?kdf uGtJodf k'¥ofp“g ;Sg] x'gfn] Ifdtfcg';f/sf] e"ldsf lbg'kg]{ b]l vPsf] 5 . ;fy} ;+: yfdf cGo tl/sfn] nfdf] of]ubfg lbg]x?nfO{ plrt ;Ddfgsf] Joj:yfn] dfq g]kfnL ;]gfn] cGt/f{l i6«o hut;Fu k|l t:kwf{ ug{ ;Sg] b]lvG5 . p2]Zo $= d]/f] o; n]vsf] d"Vo p2]Zo g]kfnL ;]g fsf] cem ;+: yfut ljsf; ug{ / cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] ;]g f ;/xsf] of]Uotf k|bfg ug]{ lsl;dsf] ;do;fk]If kbf]Gglt k|0 ffnL af/] rrf{ ug'{ /x]sf] 5 . of]Uotfdf cfwfl/t ;snbhf{ sf] a9'jf ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf %= b]xfosf sf/0fn] ubf{ sfo{ ;Dkfbg d"NofÍgsf cfwf/df a9'jf ug'{kg]{ jt{dfg cfjZostf /x]sf] kfO{Psf] 5 . -s_ o'jfx? -clws[t÷cGobhf{_ kbf]Gglt geO pxL bhf{af6} cjsfz kfp“g] cj:yf cfpg'= of]Uo clws[tx? ;]g fgL tyf k|=;]=af6 cjsfz tyf of]Uo l;kfxLx? !) jif{;Dd l;kfxL d} a:g' kg]{ afWotf /x]sf] . nfdf] ;do;Dd Pp6} bhf{df /lx/x“bf p;sf] sfo{ s'zntfdf x|f; cfpg] ePsfn] p;sf] Ifdtfdf sld gcfpg] lsl;dn] a9'jf ug{ ;s] ;+: yfn] ;xL ult lng ;Sg] . Ifdtfcg';f/sf] lhDd]j f/L lbg'kg]{ ;+: yf tyf ;+: yfdf cfjåx?sf] lxtcg'?k x'g ] ePsfn] h;n] hlt af]Sg ;S5 To;nfO{ Tolt g} af]sfpg' kg]{ tyf af]Sg g;Sg]n fO{ a9L ef/L af]sfPdf cfkm" klg lxF8\g g;Sg] tyf ;+:yfnfO{ uGtJodf k'¥ofpg g;Sg] x'g ;S5 . -v_ lhDd]j f/L efjgfdf sdL cfpg'= clws[t, klbs tyf cGobhf{x?df Extra lhDd]jf/L lng] tyf kxntf k|of]u ug]{ cj:yf h]i7tfaf6 kbf]Gglt ug]{ sf/0fn] ubf{ ckjfb Hofb} sd /x]sf] kl/0ffTds:j?k ;+: yfsf k|fo ;a} ;b:ox? ;[hgzLn tyf nuglzn x'g g;s]sf] tyf kfnf] cfPkl5 kbf]GglteO xfN5 eGg] v/fa ;f]rsf] gsf/fTds c;/ k/]sf] o'l g6sf ;a}n fO{ h]i 7tfsf] cfwf/df a9'jf u/fPdf p sd lhDd]jf/ eP klg x'g ], ;[hglzn / cltl/Qm kl/>dL geP klg x'g] ePsf]n ] ;+:yfnfO{ of]ubfg lbg]x?nfO{ Ifdtfg';f/sf] lhDd]jf/L lbPdf ;[hgzLn JolQmx?sf] Ifdtfsf] ;b'kof]u x'g hfg] b]l vG5 . -u_ klbs tyf :6fkmx? ;j{q sdhf]/ ePsf] eGg] u'gf;f] ;'l gg] u/]sf] = o;f] x'g 'df h]i 7tfsf] cfwf/df x'g ] kbf]Gglt k|s[ofsf] k|d'v bf]if /x]sf] 5 . sd of]Uox?sf nflu aflx/ cGo ljsNk sd /xg] x'g fn] p ;w}F hflu/df /xg rfxg] t/ a9L of]Uon] 7fp“ gkfpg] ePkl5 p cGo ljsNktkm{ pGd'veO ;Ifd JolQmx? knfog eO/x]sf] cj:yf /x]sf] . To:tf ;Ifd JolQmx? ;+:yfaf6 ;dok"j{ g} knfog ePdf ;+:yfn] k|ult ug{ g;Sg] ePsfn] xfn sfo{/t klbs tyf ljNnfbf/ lhDd]j f/, ;[hgzLn /x]sf] gkfO{Psf] . To;}n] klbs tyf ljNnfbf/x? lhDd]jf/ agfpg pgLx?sf] bhf{cg';f/sf] lhDd]jf/LlbO ;Ifd JolQmx?nfO{ pgLx?sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg cg'; f/sf] a9'jf lbFbf pko'Qm x'g hfg] b]lvG5 . -#_ :jR5 k|lt:kwf{sf] jftfj/0fsf] ;[hgf= ;snbhf{df :jR5 k|lt:kwf{sf] efjgfsf] ljsf; ug{ ;s] dfq xfd|f] :t/j[l4eO cGt/f{li6«o ;]g fsf] :t/df k'Ug ;Sg] . To;}n ] ljZjJofkLs/0fsf] cj:yfdf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] jf}l 4s, g}l ts, rfl/lqs, z}l Ifs of]Uotf a9fpg :jR5 k|l t:kwf{sf] jftfj/0f agfO{ of]Uotfcg';f/sf] lhDd]jf/L lbg' kg]{ b]l vG5 . g]kfnL ;]gfsf] kbf]Gglt ;DaGwL jt{dfg Joj:yf / cem k|efjsf/L agfpg ;'e mfj ^= ;fdfGotof g]kfnL ;]gfsf] a9'jf k|lqmofdf xfn;Dd h]i 7tfnfO{ cfwf/ dflgb} cfPsf] 5 . o; k|0ffnLsf cfkm\g } ;an / b'j{n kIf eP klg ;du|df of] tl/sfn] JolQmTj ljsf;df x|f; Nofpg], ;Ifd JolQm lhDd]jf/Laf6 jl~rt x'g], sdhf]/ -c;Ifd_ JolQmn] a9L lhDd]jf/L kfpg] h:tf sf/0fn] ;lhj ;+:yfl:y/ ultdf /xg] x'g fn] ;do;fk]If g]t[Tjsf] :yfkgfsf nflu ljljwtf ePsf] kbf]Gglt k|lqmof c+ufNbf a9L nfeflGjt x'g] b]lvG5 . ;dli6ut ?kdf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] a9'jf k|l qmofsf] cj:yf lgDgfg';f/ ljefhg u/L cWoog ug{ ;lsG5 . -s_ clws[t ju{ -v_ klbs ju{ -u_ cGo bhf{ clws[t ju{ &= s]xL ;do cl3;Dd g]kfnL ;]gfsf clws[tx?sf] a9'jf clws[t Sof8]6sf] dof{bfqmddf cfwfl/t /x]sf] lyof] . pQm tl/sfn] ljBdfg r'g f}tLx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ g;Sg] dx;'; ul/Psf] 5 . kl/0ffd:j?k of]UotfnfO{ cfwf/ dflg k|d'v ;]g fgL / dxf ;]g fgLsf] a9'j f ;'? ul/Psf] 5 . of] k|l qmofnfO{ clws[tx? h:t} cGo bhf{x?df klg nfu' ubf{ Hofb} pko'Qm x'g] dx;'; ul/Psf] 5 . of] gof“ Joj:yfn] tTsfnLg r'gf}tLx? kG5fpg] k|o f; cjZo u/]s} 5 . o;n] a9L of]Uox?nfO{ cj;/ lbP s} ePklg eljiodf cGo r'g f}tLx? ;[hgf ug{ ;Sg] b]l vG5 . eljiosf lt ;Defljt r'gf}tLx?nfO{ ;d]t ;+ jf]wg ug]{ u/L of]Uotfdf cfwfl/t gofF a9'jf k|l qmofn] ck]Iff u/]eGbf /fd|f] glthf lbg ;Sg] b]lvG5 . of]Uotfdf cfwfl/t a9'jfsf] tl/sfnfO{ cem dha't agfpg lgDgfg'; f/sf ;'wf/n]] k|efjsf/L e"l dsf v]Ng ;Sg] s'/f clws[tx?df rrf{sf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . -s_ bHof{gL 6d{sf] ljBdfg Joj:yfdf k"g/fjnf]sgM dflyNnf] cf]xf]bfsf] lhDd]j f/Ldf w]/} ;do;Dd Pp6} JolQmnfO{ /fVbf cGo slgi6x?n] Hofb} l56f] cjsfz kfpg] afWotf ePsfn] sdf08 tyf :6fkm sn]h pQL0f{ clws[tx? cfr/0fdf v/faL b]l vPsf afx]snfO{ slDtdf d=;]=;Dd k'Ug] lsl;dn] d=;]=, ;xfos /yL / pk/yLsf] 6d{ ldnfg ug'{kg]{ . ;dfGotof ljb]zL tyf :jb]zs} cGo If]qdf o:t} cEof; /x]sfn] ;]g fsf] dflyNnf] lgsfodf ;do;fk]If, phf{lzn JolQmx? k'Ug] x'gfn] ;+:yfsf] ljsf; x'g 'sf ;fy} of]Uotfsf] minimum pknAwL ;d]t x'g ;Sg] b]l vG5 . -v_ dof{bfqmd lgwf{/0fsf nflu dflgg] clws[t cfwf/ tflndsf] Bracketing system df kl/dfh{gM s"n a]l;snfO{ $ j6f u'| kdf ljefhg ubf{ Pp6f u'|ksf] clGtd / csf]{ u'|ksf] klxnf]aLr @ cª\ssf] cGt/ x'g ] h;n] Hofb} 7"n f] cGt/ v8f ug]{ ePsfn] sd j}1flgs /x]sf] . ;fy} ^) hgfsf] j]l ;sdf k|yd / kGw|f}n ] a/fa/L cª\s kfpg] h;n] ubf{ klxnf] / kGw|f}df cGt/ gx'g ] t/ kGw|f} / ;f]x|f}df @ cª\ssf] cGt/ x'g ] ePsfn] lgDg ljsNkdf hf“bf a9L a}1flgs aGg ;Sg] . -!_ )=@%÷)=%) sf] cª\s kfpg] ;fgf] ;fgf] ;d"x tof/ ug]{ . -@_ klxnf] / clGtd clws[tx? lar !) cª\ssf] cGt/ ePsfn] ^) hgf ePsf] a]l ;sdf !)÷^)=!÷^ cª\s k|To]s clws[tx?df cGt/ ug]{ . -u_ ljb]z :6fkm sn]hsf] cª\s= ljb]z :6fkm sn]h tflnd ug]{nfO{ lbg] cª\s x6fpg g;lsg] cj:yfdf ljb]z tflndsf nflu of]Uo t/ ljleGg sf/0fn] tflnddf ;xefuL x'g gkfPsfx?nfO{ klg ;f]xL cg';f/sf] cª\s lbg'kg]{ . ljb]z tflnd Ps lsl;dsf] Privilege dflgFb} cfPsf] 5 . k'gM p;}nfO{ yk cª\s clg l;lgo/ sdf08 ;d]t kfpg] ePsfn] kl/dfh{g sf] cfjZostf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . -3_ k|lt:kwf{df ;dfj]z ug]{ k|lqmof= of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df dof{bfqmd 5'6\o fp“bf a]l ;s -a]l;saLr tyf Pp6} a]l;ssf] klg km/s–km/s cª\s kfpg] b]lvPsfn] # j6f a]l ;s lar k|lt:kwf{ u/fpg] t/ kf“r k6s;Dd a9'jf x'g g;s] h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df s]xL k|l tztnfO{ a9'j f ug]{ . cª\s ljj/0f %, !@ / !& nfO{ g} sfod /fVg] . tLg k6seGbf a9L k6sdf kbf]Gglt x'g ]nfO{ !& cª\s dfq lbg] . -ª_ kbs ljt/0fsf] kf/bzL{ dfkb08= lglZrt sfdsf] cfwf/df dfq kbs kfpg] elg dfkb08 lgwf{/0f ug'{kg]{ . dfkb08 lgwf{/0f gu/L kbs ljt/0f u/]df Jofks hgu'gf;f] ;[hgf x'g hfg] tyf dflyNnf] lgsfodf JolQmjfbL :jfy{ut cg'/f]wx?sf] bjfj;d]t kg{ ;Sg] ePsfn] ljtl/t ;Ddfgsf] gsf/fTds k|e fj kg{;Sg] b]lvPsf] 5 . -r_ k|fKt cª\snfO{ kf/bzL{ agfpg' kg]{= af]8{n] lbPsf]eGbf afx]ssf] ;a} clws[tsf] cª\s g]6df /flv ;a}n] hfGg, a'em\g ;Sg] Joj:yfdf hf]8 lbg'kg]{ . o;f] x'g ;s]df of] gofF kbf]Gglt k|l qmofn] ;a}sf] dg lhTg ;kmn x'g;Sg] b]l vPsf] 5 . -5_ h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df kbf]G glt= sfo{; Dkfbgsf] cfwf/df a9'j f x'g g;s]sf t/ sdf08 tyf :6fkm sf];{ ul/;s]sf clws[tx?dWo] s]xL k|l tztnfO{ h]i 7tfsf] cfwf/df a9'j f ubf{ sf]xL g5'6\g ] tyf p;n] u/]sf] tflndsf] d"N ofª\sg ;d]t x'g hfg] . -h_ sdf08 tyf :6fkm sn]h tflndsf] lzIffyL{ 5gf}6 klqmofdf k"g/fjnf]sg= lzIffyL{ 5gf} 6sf d"Vo cfwf/sf] ?kdf pd]/sf] dflyNnf] ;Ldf tf]l sFb} cfPsf] 5 . t/ oyfy{df To; pd]/sf] ;Ldfsf] k|of]u sxL st} ePsf] dx';; gul/Psf] . pd]/sf] ;Ldfsf sf/0f !) j6f a]l;s ;d]tsf clws[tx?aLr k|lt:kwf{ x'g] ePsfn] bzsdf ePsf] k|l jlw, tf}/tl/sf tyf lnPsf] lhDd]jf/Ln] 7"nf] cGt/ ;[hgf u/]sf] b]l vPsf] 5 . o;sf] abnf Pp6f a]l ;s clws[tx?nfO{ # k6s;Dd cfºgf] j]l;ssf cl3kl5sf clws[tx?aLr k|l t:kwf{ u/fPdf Pp6} ;dosf] lzIff lnPsf clws[tx?aLrdf dfq k|lt:kwf{ x'g hfg] tyf j]l ;s cg';f/sf] k|l t:kwf{n ] ubf{ a]l;sdf /fd|f] ug]{ clws[tx? 5gf}6 x'g ;Sg] / Pp6f a]l ;ssf] w]/} /fd|f] ug]{ clws[t cGo a]l;ssf] cem ;Ifd clws[tx?;+u k|l t:kwf{ ug{ g;ls aflxl/g' kg]{ x'G5 . To:t} pQL0f{ ug]{ ;+Vof klg k|j]z k/LIffdf ;dfj]z ePsfx?sf] $)Ü nfO{ pQL0f{ u/fpFbf ;fGble{s x'g hfg] b]lvPsf] 5 . klbs ju{ *= ;fdfGotof klbsx?sf] a9'j f :6fkmsf] dof{bfqmd cg';f/ zt{sf] tflnd u/]sfx?nfO{ h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df lbFOb} cfPsf] 5 . o; ;DaGwdf klbs a9L ;lqmo tyf lhDd]j f/ agfpg :6fkm 5gf}6df ljz]if Wofg k'¥ofpg' kg]{ b]l vG5 . klbs lhDd]jf/, ;lqmo / of]Uo 5gf}6 ug{ cfjZos /x]sf] 5 . cGo bhf{ (= k|foM w]/} o'lg6x?n] cGo bhf{x?sf] a9'j f h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df dfq u/]sf] b]l vP klg s]xL o'l g6x?n] h]i7tfsf] cltl/Qm s]xL k|l tzt of]Uotfsf] cfwf/df ;d]t a9' jf u/]sf] b]lvG5 . ljNnfbf/ ljz]ift x'4f lhDd]j f/, ;Ifd tyf e/kbf]{ gePsf] eGg] u'gf;f] g]kfnL ;]g fdf ;j{q ;'l gg] u/]sf] . o;f] x'g'sf] d"Vo sf/0f h]i 7tfsf] cfwf/df a9'jf ug'{, tflnddf ;xefuL x'g f;fy sdhf]/x?nfO{ pQL0f{ u/fpg], bhf{ cg'; f/sf] lhDd]j f/L÷clwsf/ glbg', af}l4s:t/ a9fpg] / lhDd]jf/L lng] af/] tflnd glbg', /fzg artsf nflu cfp6 5f]8\g ] k|lqmofdf j[l4 x'g ', k|To]s lhDd]jf/Ldf dflyNnf] lgsfoaf6 x:tIf]k ug'{ cflb /x]sf] dx;'; ul/Psf] 5 . ;Ifd ljNnfbf/ 5gf}6 ug{ ;s] klbs ju{x? cem ;an x'g;Sg] b]l vG5 . laNnfbf/ tyf klbsx?sf] a9'jf lgDgfg';f/sf] cfwf/df ug{ ;s] ;+: yfut ;'wf/ x'g ;Sg] b]lvG5 . -s_ h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df -v_ cfGtl/s k|lt:kwf{sf] cfwf/df -u_ ljz]if l;kmfl/;sf] cfwf/df -3_ t'?Gt /flhgfdf hfg] cfwf/ h]i7tfsf] cfwf/ !)= h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df a9'j f ug{ lgDg cg';f/sf] zt{ kfngf ug'{kg]{ . -s_ Ko'7b]l v u'Nd :6fkm;Ddsf] a9'jf ubf{ tf]lsPsf] cfjZos zt{ / of]Uotf k'u]sf dWo] h]i7tfaf6 ;DalGwt bhf{sf] s"n vfnL ;+Vofsf] %)Ü nfO{ a9'jf ug]{ . -v_ klbsdf a9'jf ubf{ h]i 7tfsf cfwf/df dfq ug]{ t/ a9'j fsf] k|ltikwf{df ;xefuL x'g ] pDd]b \jf/n] cfkm"n ] u/]sf # j6f tflnddf slDtdf æuÆ u|]l8¨ xfl;n u/]sf] x'g 'kg]{ . -u_ h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df kbf]Gglt x'g a9'jf kl5 axg ug'{ kg]{ cf]xf]bf jf lhDd]jf/L ;DaGwL lnlvt k/LIff -Mission Essential Task Test_ %) cª\ssf] / %) cª\ssf] Jojxfl/s -df}l vs / zf/Ll/s_ k/LIff lng] . kbf]Gglt x'g sf] nflu pDd]bjf/n] slDtdf klg pQL0f{ -$) k|ltzt_ cs+ k|fKt u/]sf] x'g 'kg]{ . h]i7 JolQm pQL0f{ gePdf p eGbf slgi7 JolQmnfO{ pxL k|lqmofsf cfwf/df 5gf}6 ug]{ . o;/L kbf]Gglt x'g ] JolQm Pp6f bhf{d f tLg k6s dfq ;xefuL x'g kfpg] . -3_ x'4f / ;f] eGbf tnsf] bhf{sf] nflu klbs / clws[t ;lDdlnt 6f]nLn] k/LIff lng]5 eg] klbssf] nflu kltn] tf]s]sf] slDtdf @ hgf clws[tx? / ! hgf h]i 7 klbssf] 6f]n Ln] ;Dk"0f{ k/LIff ;~rfng ug{] . -ª_ h]i7tfsf] cfwf/df kbf]Ggltsf] nflu 5gf}6 ePsf] JolQm ;/sf/L sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf o'lg6 aflx/ -sfh, tflnd, zflGt;]g f_ df /x]sf] cj:yfdf p;sf] zf/Ll/s tyf lnlvt k/LIff dfly pNn]l vt sfo{df vl6O{ hfg'eGbf cufl8 lnPsf] k/LIffnfO{ cfwf/ dfGg] t/ bHof{gL lrGx| nufpg' k"j{ b'j} k/LIff clgjfo{ ?kn] lbO kf; x' g'kg]{ . cfGtl/s k|lt:kwf{sf] cfwf/ !!= cg'zfl;t, OdfGbf/, pRr xf};nf ePsf, pRr lzIff xfl;n u/]sf, ;+: yfnfO{ pRr:t/sf] of]ubfg k'¥ofPsf tyf o"lg6n] l;kmfl/; u/]sf JolQmx?nfO{ sfo{ bIftfsf] d"Nofª\sg u/L h]i7tf afx]s ljz]if l;kmfl/;df k|l tikwf{å f/f kbf]Gglt ul/g] h;sf nflu b]xfocg';f/sf] sfo{ljlw /x]df pko'Qm x'g ] . -s_ Ko'7b]l v x'4f÷:6fkm;Ddsf bhf{sf] nflu jflif{s s"n l/Qm kb ;+Vofsf] 36Ldf %)Ü kbdf a9'jf cfGtl/s k|ltikwf{åf/f ug]{ . -v_ o;/L k|ltikwf{ u/fpbf ;]jf, zt{ / of]Uotf k'u]sf dWo] Pp6f kbsf] nflu a9Ldf ^ hgf ;DdnfO{ k|l tikwf{df ;xefuL u/fpg] . tf]l sPsf dfkb08 leqsfaf6 5gf}6 u/L klQklQn] ;]gfd'v -;]= d'=_ df ;]=d'= kltn] u'Nddf / u'Ndkltn] u0fdf l;kmfl/; ug]{5 / u0fdf h]i7 clws[tsf] cWoIftfdf cfGtl/s -k|f/lDes_ af]8{ a;L klQ x“'b} u'Nd txaf6 cfPsf] l;kmfl/;nfO{ tf]lsPsf] dfkb08sf] cfwf/df cª\s lbO Ps k6ssf] nflu a9Ldf ^ hgf pDd]bjf/ 5fgL k|lt:kwf{sf k/LIffsf nflu l;kmfl/; ug]{ . pQm 5gf}6 ePsf pDd]bjf/x?nfO{ kltsf] cfb]zdf # ;b:o k/LIfs 6f]n Ln] k/LIff lng] . -u_ k|l tikwf{Tds tl/sfaf6 a9'jf x'g ] JolQm s'g}klg lsl;dsf] b08 ;hfo ;DaGwL cleof]u gnfu]sf] x'g ' kg]{5 t/ Ps k6s a9'jfaf6 kl5 k/]kl5 jf ;hfo e'Qmfg ul/;s]kl5 d"NofÍg ;ldltn] ;'lw|Psf] dx;'; u/L l;kmfl/; u/]df k|l tikwf{df ;xefuL u/fpg ;lsg] . -3_ k|l tikwf{df ;xefuLx?sf] a9'j fsf] qmd lgDg cg';f/sf] d"N ofÍg k|l qmofaf6 ug]{ . -!_ zt{sf] tflndsf] cª\s ljefhg= h'g bhf{df a9'jf x'g] xf] To;bhf{sf nflu u/]sf] tflndsf] cª\s k|fKt u|]l8¨sf cfwf/df b]xfo cg'; f/ lbg] . -@_ -ss_ s u|]l 8¨ cª\s $ -sv_ v u|]l 8¨ cª\s # -su_ u u|]l 8¨ cª\s @ -s3_ 3 u|]l 8¨ cª\s ! lzIfftkm{= -ss_ :gfts / ;f] eGbfdfly cª\s $ -sv_ k|df0fkq jf ;f] ;/x cª\s # -su_ P;=Pn=;L= jf kmi6 Snf; cª\s @ -s3_ ;]s]0 8 Snf; cª\s ! -#_ v]ndf k|fKt kbs= v]nx?df efulnO kbs lhTg] tyf cGo sfo{df ;kmn JolQmnfO{ b]xfo cg';f/ cª\s k|bfg ug]{ . -ss_ /fli6«o :t/ cª\s $ -sv_ cfdL{ :t/ cª\s # -su_ k[tgf :t/ cª\s @ -s3_ jflxgL :t/ cª\s ! -$_ o'lg6df k"¥ ofPsf] of]u bfg tyf cg'z f;g= o'l g6df k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgsf] s'n cª\s * /fVg] . pQm cª\s af]8{sf ;a} ;b:ox?n] uf]Ko÷v'Nnf k|bfg u/L Average lgsfNg] . v]ns'b afx]s cGo If]q h:t}M lzIfseO sfo{ u/]sf], jflxgL÷k[tgf÷cfdL{ tflnddf /fd|f] glthf NofPsf] JolQm, /g/, clkm; /g/, a9L km:6 Dofg lg:sg] JolQm, l;sdL{, 8sdL{, On]lS6«l ;og, sDKo"6/ tyf l;Ugn ck/] 6/, k]G6/, KnDa/, 8«fO{e/, dfn rnfgL 8\o '6L cflbdf pTs[i6 sfo{ u/L ljz]i f of]ubfg lbPsf] JolQmnfO{ 5gf}6 ug]{ . -%_ h]i7tf cfwf/= lgDg h]i7tfqmddf /x]sf JolQmx?nfO{ dfq k|lt:kwf{df ;xefuL ug]{ . -ss_ l;kfxL h]i7tf !)) g+= ;Ddsf] -sv_ Ko'7 h]i7tf %) ,, -^_ -su_ cd h]i7tf $) ,, -s3_ x'4f h]i 7tf @) ,, sfodL ;]jf cjlw= -ss_ Ko'7sf] nflu $ jif{ -sv_ cdNbf/ sf] nflu # jif{ -su_ x'4f sf] nflu @ jif{ -s3_ :6fkm sf] nflu # jif{ -&_ zt{ afx]ssf] cGo h'g;'s} tflnd -slDtdf $ xKtf_ u/]sf] ePdf pQm tflndx? 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The country’s greatest width from west to east is about 1,900 km (about 1,200 mi); its greatest length from north to south is about 2,010 km (about 1,250 mi). The vast central basin is a low–lying plateau. There are mountains in the east. More than half of the country is covered by dense equatorial forest. The main river is the Congo River. There are many lakes i.e. Lake Albert, lake Mweru, lake Tanganyika, lake Edward, lake Kivu etc. The DRC is rich in natural resources. The DRC is bounded on the north by the Central African Republic and the Republic of the Sudan; on the east by Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Lake Tanganyika (which separates the DRC from Tanzania); on the south by Zambia and Angola; and on the west by Angola. The equator crosses the northern DRC. Kinshasa is the capital and largest city. Except in the high elevations, the country’s climate is very hot and humid. The average annual temperature in the low central area is about 27°C (about 80°F). Temperatures are considerably higher in February, the hottest month. Frequent heavy rains occur from April to November north of the equator and from October through May south of the equator. More than 200 languages are spoken in the DRC. French is the official language and principal business language. Four African languages are also widely spoken: Swahili in the east, Kikongo in the area between Kinshasa and the coast, Tshiluba in the south, and Lingala along the Congo River. The DRC has more than 200 ethnic groups, about 80 percent of whom are Bantuspeaking peoples who migrated into the area from the northwest beginning around 300 BC. The largest single groups are the Lunda, Luba, Kuba, Bakongo (Kongo), Mongo, Mangbetu, and Azande. Pygmy groups are scattered throughout the rain forest zone. Purpose This article will provide some background on Democratic Republic of Congo and through the cultural framework analyze the intra-state conflict. Brief History of DRC In colonial period the Portuguese came to the Congo for the trade and carried hundreds of thousand slaves to Europe. An expedition came in the late nineteenth century to the Congo. The explorers traveled from the Indian Ocean, coming from other direction and traveled through the Congo River and traversed to the other side of the continent. In 1877, the explorers arrived in town of Boma in eastern Congo, sixty miles from the mouth of the river. Mr Henry Mortan Stanley took 999 days to reach Boma from east coast of Africa. He wanted the British Crown to expand its empire to the Congo, but that time the British had its interest elsewhere. So Stanley met King Leopold of Belgium and the King was desperate to make his empire in Africa where no other European had arrived. Boma became the capital of King Leopold’s private colony, the Congo Free State. In 1908 King Leopold handed over Congo to the Belgian government as Belgian Congo. After the World War II, African continent was seeing many countries gain their independence from their colonial powers. Similarly, Congo received its independence from Belgium in 1960. After the Congo received its independence, it experienced five years of political turmoil. In 1965, Army Chief of Staff Joseph Désiré Mobutu (later Mobutu Sese Seko) seized power in a coup. For 32 years Mobutu ran a corrupt, undemocratic regime, concentrating power in the executive branch and favoring those loyal to him. His party, the Popular Movement for the Revolution (Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution, or MPR), became the sole legal political party, and dissidents were suppressed. In May 1997 rebels led by Laurent Kabila seized control of the country and overthrew Mobutu. Kabila suspended the constitution and declared himself president. Kabila was assassinated in January 2001. Origins of the Conflict Since 1994, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been rent with ethnic strife and civil war, touched off by a massive inflow of refugees from fighting originating in neighboring Rwanda and Burundi. This situation was complicated further in May 1997, when Laurent-Desire Kabila secured external support and initiated a military campaign against thenPresident of Zaire (DRC), Mobutu Sese Seko. Kabila subsequently assumed control of the country, at which point troops from a number of neighboring countries intervened on opposing sides. The war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has since been unprecedented in its regional scope, with fighting continuing despite the signature in July 1999 of a ceasefire by concerned Heads of State and rebel leaders in Lusaka, Zambia (Known as the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement). Political Culture The Democratic Republic of Congo has a peculiar political culture of its own from its independence as a Belgian Colony. In May 1960, a growing nationalist movement, the Mouvement National Congolais or MNC Party, led by Patrice Lumumba, won the parliamentary elections. The party appointed Lumumba, as Prime Minister. The parliament elected Joseph Kasavubu, of the Alliance des Bakongo ( ABAKO) party as President. Other parties that emerged were the Parti Solidaire Africain (PSA) and the Parti National du Peuple (PNP). The Belgian Congo achieved independence on 30 June 1960 under the name “Republique du Congo” (Republic of Congo). Shortly after independence, the province of Katanga led by Moise Tshombe and South Kasai engaged in secessionist struggles against the new leadership.1 Belgians liberated Congo, leaving behind its so many white educated people who were skilled technologically such as doctors, engineers, industrialists etc. Lumumba and his men with communist ideology, started attacking the white people, with rape, murder, looting and even killing the children. The horrified white people and elite people left the Congo. Most of the 100,000 Europeans who had remained behind after independence fled the country, opening the way for Congolese to replace the European military and administrative elites.2 After that Congo’s whole industry, agriculture, companies, banks were affected, and closed. The country was going through a very complex transitional period where Congo lacked skilled man power and technology. The western countries felt a very dangerous signal of Soviets interests in Congo and the country was also tilting towards communism. On the other hand, Katanga, which lies in the south east part of the Congo, was moving towards a better life with all the infrastructure, industry, factories, banks etc. The President of Katanga Mr. Tshombe generated very good diplomatic relationships with western countries. In the meantime UN did not want Katanga to become an independent and sovereign country- and it sent its peacekeeping troops to Katanga; with a little fierce fighting Katanga was brought into the DRC. While Katanga came into the DRC, there was a military coup in Kinshasa and the then Chief of Army Staff Gen. Mobutu (-After Mobutu Sese Seko) over threw the Lumumba government and came into power in 1965. As a dictator Mobutu SeSe ruled for 32 years in the DRC. For the country’s peace and security the U.S. also supported the Mobutu government. With the dictatorship rule by force of Mobutu, the DRC went on to a stable security situation to some extent. But there was lot of corruption in the Mobutu Government. The DRC enjoys a wide range of natural mineral resources which, if managed properly, can make this country one of the richest country in the world. It has large reserves of gold, diamonds, cobalt, coltan, cupper, tin, iron and uranium in different states and provinces of the country. The DRC’s political culture is very much related with its country’s natural resources. During Belgian rule, they have been extracting and exploiting the natural mineral resources to Belgium and Europe. During Mobutu’s regime also it has been exploited by Mobutu’s government and its friendly countries. DRC’s two small land-locked neighboring countries, Rwanda and Uganda are also keen in the huge amount of mineral resources which were available in DRC. The DRC enjoyed few months of liberal democracy after independence. Then again after the military coup overthrew the Lumumba government and Mobutu regime ruled 32 years as a dictator. In 1997 Laurent Kabila took over the power and it is again became an autocratic regime. After the assassination of President Laurent Kabila, his son Joseph Kabila was made President of the DRC. Though there are multi-party system in the DRC, we can say that there is still unreformed autocracy. It is important to remember that political liberalization in the DRC is little more than the Mobutu and Laurent Kabila’s regime. While the new democracy in the country is both very young and unconsolidated, it is not necessarily doomed to failure by poverty and backwardness. The country needs time to work with and become habituated to democratic institutions, to shape them to fit particular cultural and political circumstances and to allow them to sink deep roots of commitment among all the major players and the public at large. On 30 July and 29 October 2006, less than a year after a December 2005 constitutional referendum, the vast and strife-wracked Democratic Republic of the Congo held its first multi party elections since 1965.3 Although ethnic solidarity is assumed to be an ever-present variable in DRC politics, in these elections that factor cannot be coupled with political party result. Depending on how one counts them, there are anywhere from two-hundred to six-hundred ethnic groups in the DRC. Given the DRC’s tragic recent history-including the 1998 to 2003 conflict whose toll of three to four million human lives makes it the worst the globe has seen since World War II- the holding of a successful national election stands as a major positive accomplishment.4 In sum, Joseph Kabila has not only won the presidential election but now heads an alliance that completely dominates the National Assembly and almost certainly the senate, plus possibly ten of the eleven provincial assemblies. A new cabinet has been installed comprising sixty ministers.5 Sovereignty Sovereignty is intimately bound up with the idea of statehood. In the case of the DRC, as long as juridical sovereignty is maintained, a government’s inability to control its territory, population and affairs does not significantly endanger its statehood. Neopatrimonialism The fractionalization of society that neopatrimonialism inevitably produces leaves the members of that society at a significant risk of instability. DRC’s largest wars have been driven by relatively small warring parties. In the DRC the two main non-state armed groups in the east of the country, the “Congres’ National pour la defense du people”(CNDP) and the “Forces Democratiques de Liberation du Rwanda” (FDLR), are estimated to control only between 4,000 and 7,000 combatants respectively.6 It was not always easy for neopatrimonial authorities to defeat even small rebellions. The poor state of the armed forces also allowed rebels to exploit the governing regime by encouraging defections within its army or by simply routing ineffective troops. For example, the campaign launched by Laurent Kabila’s Rwandan-and Ugandan-backed Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire (APDL) in 1996 against Mobutu’s army was so weak that the AFDL mostly saw it running away; the only fighting during the campaign was done by foreigners’ (namely mercenaries, the army of the former Rwandan government and its Interahamwe militias, as well as some UNITA rebels from Angola).7 Ethnicity, Race and Culture The main and majority ethnic group living in DRC is the Bantu race. Bantus are the original people who migrated from eastern Nigeria in 500 BC what is now the DRC and in other Central African countries.8 The effects of ethnic fractionalization have been broadly studied. Most studies find these have negative socioeconomic impacts. 9 Scholars argue that ethnic fractionalization significantly undermines Africa’s rate of economic growth. Societies with high levels of ethnic fractionalization need deeper government intervention with more regulations, possibly favoring the ethnic groups in power. The Government frequently delivers patronage to favored groups rather than to the general public. This leads to more corruption and a reduced quality of delivered public goods, producing higher infant mortality, persistence of illiteracy, and lower levels of educational attainment.10 Another body of literature argues that ethnic diversity tends to produce ethnic conflicts and political instability. Some analyses stress that long-standing cultural differences between ethnic groups make democratic stability difficult. Others focus on the recent mobilization and politicization of ethnic differences by enterprising politicians. However, Fearon and Laitin (2003) argues that in the period since 1945 there is no evidence demonstrating that ethnic diversity increases the likelihood of the onset of civil violence. They find that geographic and economic variables are better predictor of the onset of civil war than cultural ones. When the state or society marginalizes ethnic minority groups that enjoy access to a base of resources, these groups are more likely to mobilize members to try to exit the system.11 Although all armed conflicts involve identity politics, people’s ethnic identities are commonly held to be of greater significance than their other identities.12 The basic argument is that ethnicity does not cause armed conflict; rather so-called ethnic wars are usually the result of political power struggles between elites whose actions do not simply reflect static ethnic identifies but instead shape identifier and political consequences that flow from them. In this sense we can agree with the sentiment that ethnic difference does not have a strong relationship with the incidence of armed conflict. 13 Nevertheless, the construction of specific ethnic identities to support particular political agenda has frequently been an important ingredient of DRC’s wars. Ethnicity and War Analysts who view ethnicity in more instrumental terms, however, have argued that violence occurs when power-hungry elites manipulate a variety of institutions to encourage wide-spread fear of some other ethnicity and create incentives for publics to take ostensibly defensive measures to ward off the source of the threat.14 Some analysts argued that hatreds between ethnic groups persist over generations until something triggers an eruption of mass violence against the despised group. For example, in the DRC, mass violence between Hema and Lendu tribes (races) in the Northern part of the country in Ituri district, resulted in hundreds of victims killed, tortured and raped in 2005/2006. The ethnic groups are more likely to rebel when, (1) more representatives of that ethnic group are excluded from state power, especially if they experienced a loss of power in the recent past. (2) the group’s capacity to mobilize is high, and (3) the group has experienced conflict in the past. In sum, we can conclude that ethnicity plus marginalization, organization and a history of violence are ‘an important part of the dynamics leading to the outbreak of civil wars.15 Hence, it seems clear that wars are never fought solely over ethnic difference. So-called ethnic conflicts are really political wars triggered by influential individuals who attempt to harness political and economic forces to their own agendas, there by strengthening their supporters and weakening their opponents. Religion Religion and beliefs did not cause DRC’s war, but “the ways in which people at all levels thought about power was rooted in religious ideology”.16 An example of religion at work was shown by the Mai-Mai soldiers in eastern Zaire (DRC) who believed their connection with the spirit world gave them supernatural powers-hence their willingness to lead Laurent Kabila’s AFDL forces into battle against President Mobutu’s soldiers in 1997. Literally meaning ‘WaterWater’, the name Mai-Mai comes from the belief that bullets could be turned into water as a result of a dawa potion(magic potion) being poured over their body to prevent weapons from killing and maiming them. As a result, Mai-Mai warriors often fought naked or dressed in leaves. Although Mobutu’s troops were badly trained, poorly equipped and suffered from low morale, their fear of the Mai-Mai does seem to have contributed to their retreat.17 Religion’s role was less important than deeply ingrained political cultures and elite opportunism amidst a social context of severe poverty and inequality. Resources Africa’s wars are often referred to as resource wars. Similarly, the civil war or insurgency movement going on in the Democratic Republic of Congo is for resources. The resources war, fought not over competing political ideologies but by greedy individuals in order to accumulate wealth by extracting the country’s ‘natural’ resources such as gold, diamond, coltan, uranium, minerals and timber. Contemporary thinking about the causes or outbreak of armed conflicts has been dominated by two broad and seemingly contradictory hypotheses: (1) A scarcity of important resources increases the rank of war, and (2) An abundance of valuable resources increases the risk of war. 18 An example, struck the village of Donga in the DRC’s Equateur province in 2009. Fighting began when a militia from the Enyele community attacked members of the Monzaya, apparently over access to fishing ponds and nearby farm land. The violence left nearly fifty people dead and caused more than 20,000 to flee their homes. Even with the subsequent arrival of government troops and UN peacekeepers the situation escalated, causing the displacement of an estimated 145,000 people. On closer inspection, however, this episode had as much to do with political intrigues within and between the communities as with access to fish.19 Michael Ross has identified two additional ways in which resource abundance relates to the onset of wars. In the first scenario, resource wealth helped trigger conflicts by encouraging interventions from neighboring powers, thus placing the emphasis firmly back on political decisions. In the DRC where external powers supported nascent rebel groups against incumbent governments, in part to gain access to natural resources wealth: and the support provided by Ugandan and Rwandan forces to rebel movements in DRC.20 The second mechanism was when rebel groups and /or governments sold what Ross called ‘booty futures‘- the right to exploit mineral resources that the prospective seller has not yet captured. Booty futures were significant ingredients in the conflicts in the DRC. Although rebels in these conflicts initially possessed few lucrative resources, they had a chance of securing them in combat. Insurgents traded the prospect of access of these future mineral rights to foreign firms and neighboring governments and used the proceeds to pay soldiers and buy arms, and thus gain the capacity to capture the promised resource. In April 1997, for example, Laurent Kabila was able to sign a deal worth $885 million with American Mining Fields when it became clear that his AFDL forces were going to topple Mobutu’s regime. 21 The conflicts in Zaire /DRC provide an excellent example of these political dynamics at work. Although the eastern DRC has always possessed huge amounts of minerals and gems, the presence of these items did not cause the recent conflicts there. Rather, what eventually became known as Africa’s world war started because of a mix of cross-border security issues in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide and governance issues in Zaire, where anti-Mobutu groups saw an opportunity finally to topple the wily old dictator with the help of the regimes in Rwanda and Uganda. Of course, the political economy of the country’s resources soon became a crucial factor in shaping the dynamics of the conflict, but resources do not explain its beginning or the underlying motives of its participants.22 Economy The earliest economy of DRC was based on hunting, fishing, and gathering food. Over time, populations became increasingly sedentary. As livestock and crops, especially cereals such as millet and sorghum, become domesticated, populations began to permanently occupy lands that previously could support only temporary settlements. Their economies became based upon agriculture or on agro-pastoralism. Although citizens of the DRC are among the poorest in the world, having the second lowest nominal GDP per capita, the DRC is widely considered to be the richest country in the world regarding natural resources; its untapped deposits of raw minerals are estimated to be worth in excess of US$ 24 trillion.23 The DRC has more than 30% of the world’s diamond reserves and 70% of the world’s coltan.24 At the time of its independence in 1960, DRC was the second most industrialized country in Africa after South Africa, it boasted a thriving mining sector and its agriculture sector was relatively productive.25 The two recent conflicts (the First and Second Congo Wars), which began in 1996, have dramatically reduced national output and government revenue, have increased external debt, and have resulted in deaths of more than five million people from war, and associated famine and disease. Malnutrition affects approximately two thirds of the country’s population. Military With a weak rule of law framework and inadequately developed institutions of civil governance, post-independence DRC witnessed a succession of military coups. During this period, the DRC came to be characterized by endemic corruption, systematic abuses of human rights, and the continuing focus on internal regime survival that have been ably documented by regional scholars.26 The military focus on internal mechanism of regime survival undermined the professionalism and core competencies of the militaries themselves. Regime maintenance neither required nor rewarded most core military skills, leading to the atrophy of hard military capabilities at both the individual and institutional levels. Under Mobutu, the decline in that followed independence and that accelerated during, and in large part as a consequence of, the cold war.27 Regional Framework for State Reconstruction The conflict in the DRC is interrelated with the regional conflict. The regional nature of violence is not unique. The conflicts in Central Asia, Western Africa and the Horn of Africa all share characteristics of “regional conflict formations”.28 They are comprised of interrelated civil wars, operating at different levels (local, provincial, national and regional) without respect for frontiers. “They arise from state collapse and they came in regional cluster. They take place between and inside states out of control of their actions, with privatized economies and security, and competing rebel groups, as well as multinational forces, vying for control of political space”.29 Conclusion The problem in Africa is that it is often the failure of states that causes regional problems. The DRC’s problem is also related with the neighboring countries’ problem. The neighboring countries are exploiting the DRC’s natural resources for their benefits. Ethnicity rises to a significant level of concern for the people of the DRC, but the main cause of conflict is for the control and retention of power. In addition to that, another important cause is the control of resources and natural resources which are abundantly available in the DRC. The main problem seem currently is the management of resources. To resolve the problem and to build the nation in DRC, international actors have an important role to play, not just by supporting state building, but also by controlling global flows, such as arms, illegally exploited goods, mercenaries and drugs. Global involvement also means better coordination within governments, and between governments and donors on issues such as aid, debt relief, conditionality, trade policy, multinational conduct, remittances and commodity shock relief. The increasing networking of actors reduces transparency and therefore requires new oversight mechanism. End Notes 1. ”Jungle Shipwreck”, Time Magazine, 25 July 1960. 2. ”The United Nations and the Congo”. 30 March 2007. Retrieved 2 May 2010. 3. Larry Diamond and Marc F.Plattner, Democratization in Africa, 2007, p.310. 4. Ibid, p. 311. 5. Ibid, p.323. 6. UN Security Council, Final Report of the Group of Experts on the DRC, para. 20. 7. Pruner, Africa’s World War, p. 128. 8. Amy R. Krakowka and Laurel J. Hummel, Understanding Africa: AGeographic Approach, 2009. 9. Afro Barometer, Working Paper No. 66, p. 2. 10. Ibid 11. Ibid 12. Paul D. Williams, War and Conflict in Africa, 2012, p. 113. 13. Hyden, African Politics, p. 204. 14. Lake and Rothchild, ‘Spreading fear fear’: Fearmand Latin, ‘Violence’; Gagnon, The Myth. 15. Cederman, Wimmer and Min, Why do ethnic groups rebel, p. 88. 16. Ellis, The Mask, p. 304. 17. Paul D Williams, War and Conflict in Africa, 2012, p. 75. 18. Ibid 19. Ross, How do natural resources, p. 56. 20. Ibid 21. Paul D. Williams, War and Conflict in Africa, 2012, p. 76. 22. For evidence, Net with Grignon and Kisangani, The Democratic Republic of Congo. 23. “ Business Law portal in Africa”, Retrieved 22 March 2009. 24. “DR Congo’s $ 24 trillion fortune”, The, Retrieved 22 July 2011. 25. Andreas Exenberger; Simon Hartmann (2007), “The Dark Side of Globalization. The Vicious Cycle of Exploitation from World Market Integration: Lesson from the Congo”. 26. Amy R. Krakowka and Laurel J. Hummel, Understanding Africa: A geographic Approach, 2009, p. 385. 27. Ibid 28. Rubin’s term, Sec B. Rubin et al., Draft Discussion Paper I. 29. W.I.Zartman, Regional Conflict Management in Africa, 2003, p. 81. slt 5/k:6 x'Fbf /x]5 g xlu rfxgfx?, h;nfO{ 6ks6ks l6k]/ u'Go'“sf] 5]pdf kf]sf] kfg]{ Xofp ;d]t aFfsL /x]g ddf, g t c;/Nn kl;|Psf] lhGbuLnfO{ ;d]6\g g} ;lsof], cgj/t ;kgfsf] cf]O{/f] v]lk/x] lsGt' Pp6} dfq ;kgf k'/f ePsf] efÚ dl/hfg' . ca k'/} ePgg\ eg]/ ;kgf b]Vg r6Ss} 5f]8\g ] s'/f] klg ePg, e"nr's lng]l bg] cf“z'sf] lx;fa kl5 u/f}“n f, a; a'9];sfnsf] l8ndf 6SqmSs plePls d ;'l > ;l/tf Pp6f ;/sf/L s'; L{df a;]/ hgtfsf kmfon / sDKo"6/sf kmf]N8/x?df hLjgsf] dfg] vf]l h/x]sL 5' . xf] d ;'>L ;l/tf hLjgsf] km]b}af6 dftflktf u'dfP/ x'l s{Psf] d]/f] afNosfn dfjnL dnhndf vf;} km:6fPg . dfdf xh'/sf] ;'w f] dfof / rf]yfn] dfO{h'sf] ;f}t]gL Aojxf/n] lynlynf] ag]sf] d]/f] AolQmTj cfdfafa'sf] cf]em]n jf yKk8 gkfP/ g} xf]nf cnL p5[|ª\vn / afO{kmfn] 6fO{ ksf] /Xof] h;sf] sf/0f kl/l:yltsf dem]l /df ;d]t k6s k6s aN8\o fª vfg' k¥of] d}n ] . glvlrPsf of}j gsf kfl/nf b[Zox? clg k'/f gePsf hLjgsf cg'R5]bx? bf]xf]¥ ofp“b} ubf{ o:tf] nfU5 w]/} lrh 5f]8]/ lgs} 6f9f kf] cfO{P5, olb kms]{/} uO{of] eg] klg lt lrhx? oyf:yfgdf e]l6Ggg\ xf]nf ;fob ======== . lxhf] ef]haf6 kmls{Pb]l v d]/f cf“vfsf vx/]x? yfldPsf 5}gg\, g of] dgnfO{ a'e mfpg ;S5' g t cf“z'x?nfO{ /f]Sg g}, kl/l:yltsf kfª\u|fn] lslrldrL t'N ofPsf :jlKgn nf;sf p?ª b]v]/ aUg] dgtftf cf“z' Ps kmf“sf] ;xfg'e"l tn] sxf“ yfldbf /x]5g\ ef]h Aof/]ssf] lyof], kN6gsf] ;tjflif{sLsf] df}sf kf/]/ lhNnfel/sf 7"nf, ;fgf, demf}+nf ;a} vfn] xflsdx?nfO{ lgDTofO{Psf] /x]5 . ToxL“ xflsdL x'nd'n df d klg ;s]; Dd cfkm"nfO{ lrl6Ss t'NofP/ Aof/]sleq l5/]sL lyP . x'gt d Ps :qL l3/f}n f] em} l5KkLFbf klg ljjfx gu/]sf] ljifo w]/}n fO{ v;v;sf] sf/0f ag]sf] 5 . b'lgof“n fO{ pQ/ lb“bf lb“bf slxn]sfxL“ t o:tf] nfU5 c+ufnf] el/sf] pQ/ 6S|ofO{l bp tfls s;}n] k'g M o:tf] k|Z g t]:of{{pg] r]:6f gu/f]; . afnL a}“;sf] cf;kf;df db{sf sl;nf afx'kf;df af“lwg] /x/ s'g cfO{dfO{n fO{ x'Gg / < cflv/ /x/;“u ;Demf}tf lsg u/] xf]nf < o;sf] jf:tljs pQ/ d}n ] s;}n fO{ klg lbOgF, lxkmfhtsf ;fy cfkm};“u /flv/x]“ . s'g} ;d"x If]q ;Dk|bfo jf AolQmk|l t cfu|x jf b'/fu|x /fVg] y' k|} ef]h et]/df ;l/s eO;s]sL d l;kfxLsf] ef]hdf eg] g'tg pkl:ylt hgfp“b} lyP“, o;s} sf/0f klg ddf dgUo] /f]dfl~rttf ;~rf/ e}/x]sf] lyof] . ;}l gs a:g] 7f“p x]g ]{ k"/fgf] wf]sf] k'/f x'g] lglZrttfn] plQs} uhSs lyof] dg . b]zeQm / hf]l;nf l;kfxLx?sf] le8df l5/]/ Pp6f clj:d/0fLo kmf]6f] lslrSs lvrfp“g ] /x/ klg x[bosf s'g fsfgL lt/ yflt g} lyof], hgdfg;df km}ng] ckmjfxsf] lgSof}{n ug'{ lyof], clg d]/f] tDtDofO{nf] cltt / v6\sbf] jt{dfg cd/sf] yf]/} lrof] rrf]{ klg . d"nu]6sf] cbk ;nfdLsf] :jfut ;“u} d}n] klxnf] k6s Aof/]ssf] wtL{ s'l NrP . sndL h'Fuf pd|g nfu] sf] l76f]n ] emF} lrl6Ss k/]sf] Aof/]sn] dnfO{b]lv df}sf 5f]k]/ n'; 'Ss cf“vf df/] h:tf] nfUof] . d nfhn] a'xf/L emf/ emF} Ps} kf]sf] k/]“ af6f] 5]p5fpdf nxnfPsf km"nx/ xlNnP/ dnfO{ 5'g vf]Hy] dfgf}F tGg]/L ;'sf]d n xftx? d]/f] ;+a]bgzLntf tk{m a9\b}5g\ . d ;+sf]rn] v'Drb} cl3 a9\b} lyP ;]tf] 6f]kL nufP/ nds nds lxFl 8/x]sf] ;}lgs hjfg;Fu} . dnfO{ To;n] kms]{/ x]/]klg x'GYof] eGg] nflu/x]sf] lyof], af]nfpg] cfF6 cfPg . cd/sf] af/]df tof/ kf/]sf] k|Z g p;sf cufl8 t]:of{Olbg] bfp klg x]l //x] clkt' Tof] k|Z g d]/} kf]N6fdf 56k6fO{ /Xof] . dnfO{ o:tf] nfU5 wtL{df st} :ju{ 5 eg] Tof] Aof/]s g} xf], O{Gb|sf] cd/fjtL klg o:t} xf]nf ;fob\ h;sf] j0f{g cIf/n] c8\sn]/ sxf“ ug{ ;lsG5 / < l;kfxLsf] xftn] k'l 5Psf 9'¨fx? efG5f 3/sf ef8f“s'8f e} m l6lnSs 6lNsPsf lyP, ptKt v8]/L xf];\ of lzlz/sf] 708L l;kfxLsf] cledfg emF} udSs km'n]sf km"nx? a]df}; ddf klg 9sdSs} b]Vbf nfUYof] kl/>dn] ef}l tstfnfO{ hltv]/ klg km'n fpg / kmnfpg ;ls“bf] /x]5 t . kmf}hLz}nLdf 7l8Psf ?v / h¨L ;fh;Hhf b]Vbf nfUYof] lhpFb} klg :ju{ b]l vof] t cflv/ . dnfO{ crDd nfU5 ls hlt l;kfxLx? b]lvGy] ;a} Ao:t lyP s;}n fO{ rsf]{ :j/n] cXfpg of s/fpg kb}{gYof], xfdL lx8“\b} ubf{ b]VYof} xflsdL 5fof“n fO{ ;d]t 5l/tf] d': sfgsf ;fy kmf}hL clejfbg 6S|ofP/ kf; x'Gy] l;kfxLsf em'0 8x? . slt dof{lbt / cg's/0fLo cg'zf;g hxf“ pRrsf]6Lsf] st{Aok/fo0ftf cg'e "t x'GYof] . uf]vf{n L kmf}hn] ljZj ysf{Psf] To;} sxf“ /x]5 / < h;nfO{ ;dosf] ;fkf]g fkf]n] slxNo} gfKg ;lsg] 5}g . d}n] Tof] l;kfxLsf] cglulGt x'n df cd/sf] lj:d[t cfs[l t 7Dofpg] sf]l z; ul//x]“ t/ p:t} kf]zfs / p:t} efjel¨df df ;a} Ps} sf“6sf nfUy] dfgf} lt ;a} Ps} sf]vaf6 Ps}rf]6L hlGdPsf x'g cr]n ef]h eGg] lalQs} df+; dlb/fdf kf}8g] ;:sf/ 5 xfd|f], t/ Tof] kmf}hL ef]h cln k[ys lyof] xfdLn] klg l;kfxLsf] nfddf ldl;P/ yfn yfKof}F, l;kfxL;“u no ldnfP/ gfRof} F, o;sf] cg'e"lt g} a]Un} /Xof] . dnfO{ o;a]nf eGg dg nfu]sf] 5 ls of] kf] /x]5 t lhGbuL h'g d} n] hLjgdf Ps k6s dfq a]xf]g { kfPF . sfdsf] bhf{ x'Gg /x]5 x/]s sfdnfO{ cfkm\g } lhDd]jf/L ;Demg] ;+: sf/ / Ps csf{k|l t dl/d]6\g ] efjgf b]v]/ dnfO{ t cflX; g} nfu]/ cfof], gLlt lgod eGg] s'/f c?nfO{ l;sfpg'eGbf klxn] cfkm"df k|of]u ug'k5{ eGg] kf7 d}n] ToxL“ af6 l;s]/ cfP“ . dnfO{ nfU5 l;kfxLsf b'O{rf/j6f u'0f dfq klg k|To]s g]kfnLsf cGt:s/0fdf l5/fO{ lbg kfP cfxf“ s:tf] x'GYof] dfgj ;Eotf < cflv/ of] b]z x]g {nfos agfpg] l;kfxL g} t /x] 5 . kms{g] a]n fdf xfdL Pp6f au}“rfdf l5¥of}“, kjj]z4f/df nlt|Psf] a]u'ga]nLsf] x“fuf]n] d]/f] ufnfdf Rjf:; 5f]of] k'gM eml:sP . htg u/]/ x'sf{Psf km"n / l5dn]sf lgnsf“8f clg rfO{l gh b'af]sf] lardf ndtGg t]l;{Psf] Ps dfgj lgld{t l;¨ d/d/sf] kvf{n h;sf] dfly k§L rlDsnf cIf/df n]l vPsf] lyof] æzxLb :df/sÆ . :df/s dflyaf6 emf]+l uPsf kfl/hftsf xf“ufaf6 em/]sf ;]tf km"nx? cnf}lss ;'uGw 5/]/ e'Oel/ kf]l vPsf lyP, k|s[l t slt OdfGbf/ 5 hf] xfdLn]; d]t la;{g nfu]sf cledfgL zxLbsf zL/df km"n r9fP/ k'0 o sdfp“5 . lznfn]vdf lj/ult k|fKt ug]{sf] tl:a/ ;lxt 5f]6f] lrgf/L klg d'l Gt/ kl§ s'lbFPsf] lyof] . d klg c?sf] l;sf] ub}{ zxLbsf tl:a/df km"n r9“fpb} cl3 a9\b} lyP, x7ft\ d]/f cfvf“x? 8u8u eP :d/0fzlQm lzlylnb} uof], k[YjLsf] ult t]h eof] d ;a} b[Zox?nfO{ wldnf] b]Vg yfn]“ . d]/f] cd/ ToxL zxLbsf] k+lQmdf kf] /x]5, h;nfO{ d pd]/ 9lNspGh]n klv{/x]sL lyP . p;sf] ef}ltstf ca zxLbsf] ?kdf ToxL“ :df/sdf ;Lldt eP5 . p;nfO{ r9fpg 5'6\o fPsf] km"n sf] y'¨f] e'O{df vl;;s]sf] lyof], Psk6s d}n ] p;sf] tl:a/ bf]xf]¥ ofP/ x]/]“+ b]zsf nflu dg{ kfPsf] /f]dfl~rttfdf p lvl;Ss xfl;/x]sf] lyof], ;flassf] l;kfxL xFf;f] . d d]/f] cd/sf] d[To'nfO{ ;kgf eGg ;lSbg lyP k/Gt' lakgfsf] ?kdf :jLsfg]{ lxDdt klg ddf lyPg . kvf{P/ hfg]x? o;/L b'lgof“af6} nfktf x'g ;S5g / < d t p;sf] a;GtLo cfudgdf cfkm"n fO{ v8]/L t'NofP/ klv{/x]sL ly+P . d]/f] ge/]sf] l;“pbf] k'l 5of], gnfPsf r'/fx? km'6], Tof] Aof/]s geP/ c? s'g} :yfg x"“bf] xf] t d 8f“sf] 5f] 8L ;Sy]“ xf]nf t/ l;kfxLsf] sd{e"l dnfO{ cf“z'n] la6'N ofO{lbg dg nfu]g / alQb} sf]7fdf cfP/ 5ftL lkl6lk6L /f]P“ olt /f]P“, olt /f]P“, olt w]/} /f]Psf] of] d]/f] hLjgs} klxnf] lyof] / clGtd klg . xfdL SofDk; hf“bf af6f] ;“u} hf]l 8Psf] Aof/]ssf] u]6df t}gfy x'GYof] cd/ . ;fob l8p6Ldf x'“bf] xf], l6lnSs 6Nsg] h'Qf 9nSs 9Ns]sf] 5q] 6f]kL d'lg b]l vg] Ps hf]8f rgf“vf] cf“vf clg cf]7df 6fl:; /xg] dGb d':sfg / h¨L xfpefpdf pleO{ /xg] cd/ dnfO{ lsg lsg ;+; f/sf dfG5]eGbf k[ys / cfkm\g } nfUYof] . ;fob s;}nfO{ eujfgn] agfPsf x'G5g g} o:t}, a6'jLsf s6fIfdf cS;/ p lvl;Ss xf“: Yof] / cflTdotf k|s6 ub{Yof] . xfdL eg] l5NnLb} efUYof}“ . p;n] xfdL pk/ s'g } cIfDo ulNt u/]sf] lyPg t}klg dfdfsf 5f]/Lx? xDd];L ptk{ m x]b}{gYf] x]l /xfn] cf“vf km'sfn]/ x]b{Yf], af]n ] emls{P/ af]N y] . d hflGbg Tof] l;kfxL dfof / 3[0ff 5'6\o fpg ;Sb}g lyof] sL p;sf] :jfefj g} o:tf] . la5§} 3[0 ffn] x]/] klg To;}ul/ xf“:bYof], h;/L d cf;lQmn] x]y]{ . lbof / l/gfn] l;kfxLsf] l;kfxLTj klxrfg ug'{sf] ;f6f] :jfyL{ / Aoflerf/L hflu/]sf] ?kdf 7DofPsf] b]Vbf clxn] klg d]/f] lrQ b'v]/ cfp5 . p slxn]sfxL“ w[i 7tfnfO{ swf}/L lbP/} xfdL;“u af]N g] afxfgf agfpYof], lbof / l/gf tyfgfd ufnL ub}{ lx8\y] t/ ufnL ubf{ xf]; \ of dL7f] af]Nbf p;sf] cf]7df ;bfaxf/ em'l 08/xg] kmqmbf] xf“; f] b]v]/ d lhn vfGyF] . x}g oL l;kfxLx? s:sf] h'7f] vfG5g x“ < oxL ljlzi6tfsf] k|efj dfof ag]/ dnfO{ lrNg yfln;s]sf] /x]5 cln kl5 dfq rfn kfPF . Psk6s cd/n] xfd|f] af6} 5]Sof] v} sf] eL=cfO{=kL=sf] cfudg x'“b} lyof] /] p cg'/f]w ub}{ lyof] ls s[kof tkfO{x? csf]{ af6f] uO{l bg'xf]; t/ lbofnfO{ of] :jLsfo{ ePg / p aDsb} lx“8\b} lyO{ crfgs k5fl/g k'uL l/gf / d k]6 ldlrldlr xf:g yfNof}, s'/f ;+: sf/s} cfp“5 jf:tadf xfdL c?nfO{ b'Mv kbf{ xf“; p7]/ xf] of ?g ghfg]/ uHhan] xf“:5f} t/ l;kfxL eujfg eP/ p4f/ ug{ cfO{k'U5 . dnfO{ t nfU5 l;kfxL / eujfg p:t} x'g ;'vdf klg sfd nfUg], b'Mvdf emg sfd nfUg] . oxf“ o:t} eof] cd/n] lbofnfO{ lkmNdL kf/fdf v'a htg;fy p7fof] d}n] clxn]klg ;lDem/x]sL 5' . p;n] lstfa sfkL l6k]/ lbofsf xftdf /flvlb“b} eg]sf] lyof] æhLjgsf ;a} cK7]/fdf o;/L p7fO{lbg] dfG5] gkfO{g ;S5, cfkm} p7\g klg l;Sg'k5{Æ . lbof / l/gfn] wGojfbsf] ;f6f] Ps} d'v nfu]/ akm'/f] l;kfxLsf] v}/f] ptf/], p eg] xf“l;/Xof] l;kfxL xf“;f] / cGTodf eGof] æwGojfbÆ . 5fb'~h]n ufnL vfP/ klg wGojfb lbPsf] klxnf] rf]6L ;'g ] d}n], cflv/ l;kfxLsf] cfTdf s:tf] x'G5 lr/]/ x]g{ dg nfu]sf] lyof] dnfO{ . lbof n8]sf]df klg crDdsf] cfXL; hfu]/ cfof] p;sf] ;f6f] d k5fl/PsL eP klg t x'g ] . la:tf/} d cd/ k|lt cln a9L g} k"j f{ u|xL eP5' Sof/] alxgLx?sf] kf]n ;'g ]/ dfO{h'n] d]/f] ;ftf] vfg'eof] æefGhL l;kfxLnfO{ o;/L dg k]6 lbg' x'Gg, tL t ;f/} dfkfsf kf] x'G5g t, yfx} gkfO{ kml/ofdf u'6d'l6g cfO{k'U5gÆ . t/ dnfO{ nfU5 dfG5]x?sf] of] cleAolQm jf:tljstfsf] w/ftn g5f]O{ st} clNemPsf] cjz]i f dfq . d}n] cgluGtL PsfGttfx? p;“u u'hf/]sL 5' t/ p;n] cfkm\g f sfd's xftx? slxn] klg dtk{m nDsfPg, nfhn] xf] of st{Aon] Pp6f s'gfdf y'k|L /xGYof] / eGYof] æb]zeQmx? 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Psk6s kNnf] ufpF cfunfuLsf] rk]6fdf k¥of] Toxf“ cfuf] lgefp“bf ;}l gs hjfgx?n] z/L/ lemN:ofPsf] /ldt lbofn] klg x]l//xL . cln kl5 dxfdf/Ln] csf]{ Ps uf“p g} ;f]Q/ aGof] Tolta]n f klg cf}ifwL af]s]/ ltg} ;}lgs hjfgx? lx“8] . b]z lab]z 36gf b'3{6gf======== dnfO{ t o:tf] nfU5 ;]g fnfO{ b]Vgf;fy ljklQsf] g} ;ftf] hfG5 . r6\6fg sk]/ kxf8sf b'u{d ufpFx?df uf8L k'¥ofO{lbg] sfd dfq x}g ljZj o'4b]lv lnP/ /fi6«; +l3o zflGt :yfkgfy{ cGt/f{li6«o hutdf;d]t g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] gfdnfO{ cToGt dof{l bt / pRr t'NofPsf] l;kfxLn] g} t xf] gL . nfvf}F g]kfnLn] sdfpg g;s]sf] O{Hht g]kfnL ;]gfsf] dfq Pp6f l;kfxLn] sdfP/ cfp“5 . OdfGbfl/tfsf] ;Ddfg ug]{ afgL g} sxf“ 5 / xfd|f] . Psk6s lbof l;ls:t lj/fdL k/L p;nfO{ /utsf] vf“rf] k¥of] b'n{e /St ;d"x Pkm=Pd=/]l8of], ;d]t la1fkg ul/of] t/ st} kfO{Pg . cGttM p;nfO{ arfpg pxL l;kfxL cfO{k'Uof] h;nfO{ p;n] ul//xL . d ;f]RyF] ca cd/h:tf] b]zeQm l;kfxLsf] /ut r9fPkl5 t s]xL pef/ cfpnfsL < t/ Tolts} ?i6 / cfqmfds alg/xL . lbofn] v'nf x[bon] Tof] l;kfxLnfO{ wGojfb;Dd elgg . lsg v'N b}g g cfvf“x? hf] cd/ h:tf l;kfxLsf] of]ubfgnfO{ t[0f d"Non] r'Stf ug{ vf]Hb5g . b}lgs klqsfdf hLjge/L 3[0ff p l;kfxL k|lt x“ oL ;fdflhs d hflGbg Tof] l;kfxL dnfO{ rfxGYof] of rfxb}g Yof] t/ d eg] p;nfO{ hxf“ e] 6\o f] ToxL KjfSs æd ltdLnfO{ dfof u5'{Æ elglbGy]F . d]/f] ult5f8f k|j [lQb]lv clnslt d': sfP/ p eGYof] æltdL dnfO{ dfof u/, d /fi6«nfO{ dfof u5'{ o:t} rlqmo ddtfdf g} xfd|f] hLjg ;f/k"0f{ xf];Æ . d Tof] aGb's af]Sg] l;kfxLsf] olt 7"nf] cfbz{ / h]/L em} 3'd fp/f] s'/f ;'g]/ 6\jf“ ky]{ . d}n ] ;Dem]; Dd of] xfd|f] e]63f6 clGtd lyof] Sof/] . p kmf}hL ef/L 5f“b xfn]/ st} hfF+b} lyof], nfdf] ;}l gsL nfO{gsf] nueu k'5f/df lyof] p . sxf“ lx“8]sf] lyof] s'lGg p;n] uGtJo eGg rfx]g d}n ] ;f]l wg 3f“; sf] nf]edf kl5 nfu]sL k7]qmL em} lgs} tn;Dd k5\o fpb} em/], cgL af/Daf/ ;f]Wb} lyPF æcd/ xfdL ljjfx ug]{ x}g <Æ p d]/f] gsr/f] k|Zgsf] pQ/ xf“;]/} o;/L lbGYof] ækv{g==== k|]d ubf{ Tofu / lj5f]8sf] d"N o klg la;{g x'Gg ;l/tf, b]z ?b} u/]sf] a]n f ljjfx u/]/ ltd|f afx'kf;df lg;fl:;P“ eg] d /fi6«3flt sxnfpg] 5', km]/L of] ;+s6sfnLg kl/j]zdf /+l ug gkfpFb} ltd|f] l;“pbf] kvflnof] eg]===== d b]znfO{ c;xfo / ltdLnfO{ lawjf agfpg rfxGgÆ . d cflQP/ ;f]Wy] F æltd|f nDa]tfg kvf{O{df d slt kv'{“ cd/, dnfO{ of] kvf{ O afx]s ;ayf]s :jLsfo{ 5Æ . p;n] af?bL xftn] d]/f ufnf c7\o fP/ eg]sf] lyof] ækvfO{ Ps dlxgf, Ps jif{ of t Ps h'gL g} klg x'g ;S5, df6f]sf] 6Lsf nufP/ o'4df lx“8]sf] l;kfxLsf] kvf{OnfO{ ;dosf] al/of]n] gfKg ;lsGg ;l/tf==== .Æ Ps h'g Lsf] cnfkn] d cndNn k/]“ pleg g;s]/ y'r'Ss a;“] cd/ eg] a'6n] d]/f] d'6'nfO{ 6]s]/ ;kgfx?nfO{ km6fkm6 gf£b} uof] . b]v'Gh]n x]l //x]“ To;kl5 p slxNo} kms]{/ cfPg . cfh ljxfg} d}n ] cd/sf] zxfbQsf] vj/ lbofnfO{ klg ;'g fP p klg /f]O{ Pp6f ulx/f] ?jfO{ cf“z' au]k5L dfq yfxf eof] xfdL b'j}sf] cf“z'sf] /+u Pp6} /x]5 . cd/;“usf] ;l6s ;xofqf g} d]/f] ;Demg nfos hLjg aGof], d}n] glhsaf6 l;kfxLnfO{ b]v“ ] p;sf] 9's9'sL, xTsDk cfkm\g } xftn] 5fd] p leqsf] b]zelQm / ;+j]bgfnfO{ cfkm\g } c+u'n Ln] prfn]“ . d}n] Ps cg'R5]b lhGbuL l;kfxL;“u lhP“ . l;kfxL kfl/hftsf] ;'of]ujL/ dfq x}g, ljZj]Zj/sf] sfNklgs kfq dfq klg x}g l;kfxL cd/ klg /x]5 hf] l;kfxLsf] kl/efiffnfO{ g} r'gf}tL lbP/ zxLbsf] ?kdf Oltxf“; eP/ af“lr/x]5 ======= af“l r/xg] 5====== . International Trends in Military Justice System; A Comparative Study - Major Anil Subedi Judge Advocate General's Department 1. Introduction Military justice is a distinct legal system that applies to members of armed forces. In other words, military justice is separate bodies of law that govern the conduct of members of their armed forces. Some states use special judicial and other arrangements to enforce those laws, while others use civilian judicial system. The main purpose of military justice is to preserve discipline and good order in the armed forces. Structures, rules and procedures in military justice can be substantially different from their civilian counterparts. Usually, military justice operates in a separate court system with stricter rules and procedures to maintain the highest standard of internal discipline and to ensure the operational effectiveness of the armed forces. The argument for military justice systems operating in parallel to their civilian counterparts is that usually civilian judges don't have the necessary expertise in military affairs. The main rationale for a separate court system is the unique character of military life, where discipline, organization and hierarchy play a crucial role. These are essential for maintaining the effectiveness and combat readiness of the armed forces. But since the recent past, questions have been being raised whether the military justice system is in compliance with international standards, such as human rights and fair trial guarantees and as a result of that, many states have come up with certain amendments in their military justice systems and some others including Nepal are in the reformation phase. 2. Why do we need Separate Justice System for Armed Forces? The Supreme Court of Nepal has pronounced in a habeas corpus case of Iman Singh Gurung the government of Nepal, "…there should have some special provisions in law to make the armed forces competent enough to effectively accomplish their duty of protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation. Legal provisions that are laid down to maintain the discipline in other government services are not enough for the armed forces…" Similarly, the Supreme Court of Canada has said in a case of R v Genereux, "…the purpose of a separate system of military tribunals is to allow the Armed Forces to deal with matters that pertain directly to the discipline, efficiency and morale of the military. The safety and well-being of Canadians depends considerably on the willingness and readiness of a force of men and women to defend against threats to the nation’s security. To maintain the Armed Forces in a state of readiness, the military must be in a position to enforce internal discipline effectively and efficiently. Breaches of military discipline must be dealt with speedily and frequently, punished more severely than would be the case if a civilian engaged in such conduct. There is thus a need for separate tribunals to enforce special disciplinary standards in the military...” Based on the court decisions, the overall objective of the justice system is to create a just and fair environment in society and the military requires a system of justice separate from that of the civilian justice system. The civilian justice system is concerned primarily with the prevention and punishment of crimes and the goal of the military justice system is to maintain good order and discipline in its organization. The primary mission of the military is to defend the state's sovereignty and territorial integrity by preparing for and engaging in wars and other crucial situation. The maintenance of this force requires discipline and constant training unlike that found in any civilian job, and it is not possible to develop such character, behavior and level of performance on short notice. To be ready to conduct operations, a military must have a good preparation in times of peace. As such, not just in times of war, the maintenance of good order and discipline is a key objective of the military during the peace-time as well. It is justified by the military jurisprudence and recognized armed forces as separate, distinct and special organs of the state. That is why the Armed Forces need separate but more rigid, prompt and fair justice system to maintain the high level of discipline in their organization. 3. Military Justice System in Common Law and Civil Law There are significant differences about the military justice system between common law and civil law. Generally in the common law systems, ad hoc military tribunals are convened on a case by-case basis, whereas standing military courts operate in civil law systems. However, common law countries are increasingly moving towards a system of standing military courts. One of the main reasons for this is to improve the flexibility of the system of military justice. For example, The United Kingdom revokes the need to obtain a convening warrant for each trial, and more than one Court Martial is able to operate at any time. Purely military justice systems, which mainly prevail in common law countries, are based on the exclusive jurisdiction of military courts over offences committed by military personnel. In some continental European countries, civilian courts have jurisdiction over military cases. For example, in Germany, there are no peacetime standing military courts. Administrative (disciplinary) tribunals deal with service offences, while civilian courts concentrate on crimes. Some eastern and central European countries have abolished standing military courts in peacetime, but their Constitutions still allow for the creation of such a system in wartime. 4. Recent Trends There have been lots of changes in military justice systems of many countries in recent years. As we've discussed so far, overall military justice systems can primarily be divided into two types. Either it is based on Common Law or in Civil Law. But to make it more convenient to understand, we can divide the system in five different categories, particularly based on their court provisions as mentioned below. (a) Courts-martial convened for the individual case, (b) Standing military courts, (c) Specialized civilian courts, (d) General civilian courts in peacetime, (e) General civilian courts in peace and war. It will be easier to understand the recent trends in military justice system with a brief description of current practices in some countries. (a) United States of America: In the USA, Constitution authorizes the creation of a system of military justice. Article I, Section 8 permits the U.S. Congress to "make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces." Congress issued these rules first in 1806 as the Articles of War. Military justice during the American Civil War was governed by the 1863 Lieber Code. The Articles of War were superseded in 1951 by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The UCMJ is federal law, found in Title 10 United States Code Chapter 47, and implemented by the Manual for Courts-Martial, an executive order issued by the President of the United States in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the United States armed forces. The offenses covered by the UCMJ include those encompassed by "high crimes and misdemeanors" which covers officials generally, and includes perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order. It also includes ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for civilians, on the grounds that more is expected of military personnel by their oaths of office. Now the recommendations for changes have been put forward in the Cox report from May 2001. One of the recommendations is to increase the independence, availability and responsibilities of military judges. According to the report, complaints against the military justice system have long been fueled by allegations that military judges are neither sufficiently independent nor empowered enough to act as effective, impartial arbiters at trial. It is recommended to create standing judicial circuits, composed of tenured judges and empowered to manage courts-martial within geographic regions. It is also recommended to establish fixed terms of office for military judges, to enhance the overall independence of the military judiciary. Most commonly, courts-martial in the United States are convened to try members of the U.S. military for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is the U.S. military's criminal code. However, they can also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the enforcement of martial law in an occupied territory. Courts-martial are governed by the rules of procedure and evidence laid out in the Manual for Courts-Martial, which contains the Rules for Courts-Martial, Military Rules of Evidence, and other guidance. There are three types of courts martial: Special, Summary, and General. Decisions of Courts Martial can be reviewed by Court of Criminal Appeals as an intermediate review. If the sentence, as approved by the convening authority, includes death, a badconduct discharge, a dishonorable discharge, dismissal of an officer, or confinement for one year or more, the case is reviewed by an intermediate court. There are four such courts the Army Court of Criminal Appeals, the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals, the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals, and the Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals. The Courts of Criminal Appeals review the cases for legal error, factual sufficiency, and sentence appropriateness. All other cases are subject to review by judge advocates under regulations issued by each service. After such review, the Judge Advocate General may refer a case to the appropriate Court of Criminal Appeals. The Courts of Criminal Appeals also have jurisdiction under Article 62 of the UCMJ to consider appeals by the United States of certain judicial rulings during trial. Review under Article 62 is limited to issues involving alleged legal errors.The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) reviews the cases in which the sentence, as affirmed by a Court of Criminal Appeals, extends to death, all the cases reviewed by a Court of Criminal Appeals which the Judge Advocate General orders sent to the CAAF for review and all cases reviewed by a Court of Criminal Appeals in which, upon petition of the accused and on good cause shown, the CAAF has granted a review. The Supreme Court of the United States has discretion under 28 U.S.C. § 1259 to review cases under the UCMJ on writ of certiorari where the CAAF has conducted a mandatory review (death penalty and certified cases), granted discretionary review of a petition, or otherwise granted relief. Since 2007, several bills have been introduced into Congress to expand the accessibility of service members to the Supreme Court. (b) United Kingdom: The system of military discipline in the British Army has undergone extensive change since 1996 to ensure that it more closely reflects the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Following the ECHR decision in Findlay v UK, the UK Armed Forces Act 1996 revised the procedures to guarantee the objectivity and impartiality of courts martial, largely by removing the conveners, court members, and prosecutors at courts-martial from the normal military chain of command. It subsequently became clear that the British military summary dealing procedure was also very vulnerable to challenge under ECHR Art 6, and that procedure was consequently amended in the Armed Forces Discipline Act 2000, which for the first time allows soldiers to elect trial by court martial in all summary dealing cases if they choose, and even where they do not so elect they now have the right to appeal to a Summary Appeal Court (SAC). The latest piece of domestic legislation to affect the British system substantially is the Armed Forces Act 2006, which received Royal Assent at the end of 2006, and was implemented in 2009. The main purpose of this Act is simply to create a unified military discipline regime for all three services. The Armed Forces Act 2006 establishes the Court Martial as a permanent standing court. Previously courts-martial were convened on an ad hoc basis. The Court Martial may try any offence against service law. The Court is made up of a Judge Advocate, and between three and seven (depending on the seriousness of the offence) officers and warrant officers. Rulings on matters of law are made by the Judge Advocate alone, whilst decisions on the facts are made by a majority of the members of the court, not including the Judge Advocate, and decisions on sentence by a majority of the court, this time including the Judge Advocate. The Court Martial Appeal Court hears appeals from the Court Martial. It is mostly made up of judges from the civilian Court of Appeal for England and Wales. Further appeal lies to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. (c) South Africa: In South Africa, a previous act from 1957 on military justice was superseded by "Military discipline supplementary act" of 1999. Cases may be handled summarily if the accused elects so and pleads guilty. Lieutenants and higher officers cannot be punished summarily but must be indicted before a military court. South African military justice component is headed by Adjutant General who is a highly qualified officer of having minimum 7 years of experience in military justice administration and having qualification that meets to be an advocate or attorney in South African High Court. Other components under Adjutant General are Director of Military Judges, Director of Military Prosecutions, Director of Military Defence Counsel, Director of Military Judicial Review and Senior Military Judge. All of them are legal experts. There are 3 types of trial courts in South African Military Justice System; Court of Senior Military Judge, Court of Military Judge and Commanding Officer's disciplinary hearing. All the trial courts in South African military justice system are of standing nature and all the officials in courts martial are active members of the armed forces having adequate knowledge on administration of justice. Appeals are heard by Court of Military Appeals, which is comprised of 5 members (if the offences are murder, treason, rape and culpable homicide committed outside the South African borders); 3 judges or retired judges from any division of High Court of South Africa, 1 appropriately qualified officer of permanent force having minimum 10 years of experience in criminal or military justice administration or have practiced minimum 10 years in South African High Court as an Advocate or Attorney holding law degree and 1 officer with experience of field operational command. In other cases, there will be 3 members; 1 judge or retired judge from the High Court of South Africa or 1 magistrate or retired magistrate with minimum 10 years of experience, 1 appropriately qualified officer from a permanent force holding law degree and having experience of practice as an advocate or attorney in a South African High Court or having minimum 10 years of experience in criminal or military justice administration and 1 officer with field command experience. Court of Military Appeals is the Highest Military Court and its decisions are binding to other military courts. (d) Germany: In Germany, members of any branch of the German armed forces are subject to the ordinary civil jurisdiction and unless otherwise stated all civil laws apply to soldiers as well. The German constitution allows the federal government in art. 96 II to create military courts under special circumstances: in times of war, outside of Germany or on a German vessel, acting under a legal judge and only for members of the armed forces. In fact, no such laws have been enacted so far. Instead, suspects of crimes committed abroad are subject to the district attorney of the city of Potsdam. Nonetheless, there exist numerous acts that only concern soldiers describing their special status, their rights and duties. The military penal code applies to soldiers by extending the civil penal code to crimes that can be only committed on military duty: general offenses (such as desertion, illegal use of weapons and more) and offenses that interfere with the military hierarchy (such as mutiny or abuse). Law enforcing inside any branch is done by the military police. When investigating, working for the attorney is equivalent to any German police in civil issues. In cases where both groups are involved (on German terrain), regular and military police cooperate. In emergencies, the regular police is authorized to maintain order until the military police has arrived. Soldiers that violate military regulations may also receive penalties in form of Non-judicial punishment or in severe cases judicial punishments by a special type of court. These procedures are defined by the Military Discipline Code. The head of the unit as immediate superior who acts as primary disciplinary master has the exclusive right to choose: non-judicial punishment (such as fines, curfews, arrests up to 7 days), forwarding the decision to the next superior officer of the unit (arrest then can be extended up to 21 days) or calling the military service court which has the power for further punishment (like degradation and shortening the salary up to five years). The judge of such court is a civil one; two military officers are attending every case and act as consultants to the judge. In Germany, there are no federal or military prisons. If a soldier is sentenced to jail for up to six months the punishment is executed by barrack administration. He will remain in arrest for the same time but continue serving in his unit on duty times unless the court has imposed further limits. Otherwise soldiers will be detained in civil state prisons. In the case of a soldier being sentenced to jail for one year or more (6 months or more in case of bribery) he will be discharged from the armed forces. (e) India: In India, military justice system is mainly governed by Army Act, Navy Act and Air Force Act. These laws define the statutory provisions as applicable to men and women in uniform. The military courts in India are also ad hoc courts and coming under extreme stress with the establishment of Armed Forces Tribunal in 2007. There is increasing voice in the country for the reform on the lines liberal democracies are seeing in their military justice system. Presently there are four types of trial courts; General Court martial, Summary General Court Martial, District Court Martial and Summary Court Martial. All these courts are comprised of active force members. In every such court, there should be 1 Judge Advocate or an Officer from Judge Advocate General Department or any officer approved by Judge Advocate General (JAG). Accused can challenge the court members and if the challenge is reasonable, the court member should be changed. They also get the facility to have a defending officer from JAG department to plead on their favour. Appeals are heard by the Armed Forces Tribunal, which comprises former judges and retired generals, which can overturn court martial verdicts, grant bail and admit petitions challenging dismissals, promotions and matters related to pay and pension. India has very much similar military justice system like in Nepal. (f) Nepal: In Nepal, military justice system is primarily governed by the Army Act, 2006 and the Army Court Martial Rules, 2008. Unlike the other common law follower states, Nepal has mixed provisions of ad hoc courts in trial and standing court in appeal. There are mainly four types of courts-martial (General Court Martial, Summary General Court Martial, District Court Martial and Summary Court Martial) in trial and a Special Military Court is in appeal. Special Military Court also hears the cases of Corruption, Theft, Torture and Disappearances as a trial court in which, its decision can be challenged in the Supreme Court of Nepal. Composition of this court is very unique to other country's courts of similar level. This court is headed by an appellate court judge (appointed by the Government of Nepal on the recommendation of Judicial Council) and other two members are the Defense Secretary and the Judge Advocate General. Recently, the Supreme Court of Nepal has directed the government to form a taskforce comprising legal experts, military officials, members of civil society and human rights defenders to review and recommend changes in the military justice system. The court also has mentioned in its verdict that the idea is to make the system compliant with the Interim Constitution and international human rights obligations. The court also said that reform is necessary as the system doesn't seem to be in accordance with the provisions of the Interim Constitution and international rights treaties. Now, the Government of Nepal has formed a task force to reform the army act and the task force's report is yet to come. 5. Conclusion There is a long history of military justice system and its importance to maintain the highest standard of discipline in the armed forces. Till few decades back, it was accepted in most of the societies that it needs more rigid and prompt judicial action in military than in civilian. But the time has changed and people have begun to talk about equally fair and free trial in military justice system as well. Many countries have already amended their legal provisions to address the recent trend and some other countries including Nepal are on the way towards it. There are clear trends in the development of military justice to be seen on the international scene with regard to the rights of the accused with reference to human rights standards. We can conclude in a more formed way that all the military courts should be competent enough for the free and fair hearings and military justice system should be enhanced as per the latest development in entire justice system. Reference Materials Army Act, 2006, Army Court Martial Rules, 2008, The Kathmandu Post (published on 2011-07-01), an English Daily News Paper of Nepal Guidebook, Understanding Military Justice, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) An Overview of American Jurisprudence and the Military Justice System By Daniel Paul Sommers ‘R. v. Généreux, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 259’, 1. Canada Supreme Court Reports, No. 1 (13 February 1992), 259. Iman Singh Gurung Vs the Government of Nepal, Ne.Ka.Pa. 2049, Ni.No. 4597, page no. 710 International trends in Military Justice, Presentation by Arne Willy Dahl (Judge Advocate General for the Norwegian Armed Forces and President of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War) at the Global Military Appellate Seminar at Yale Law School, April 12, 2011, European Convention on Human Rights,, (The Journal of Bar Association of Queensland, Australia), “Death is nothing, but to live defeated and unglorious is to die daily.” - Napoleon Bonaparte -! hgj/L, !*!% O{=_ kl/ro g]kfn—c+u|]h o'å -!*!$—!^ O{_ sf] bf}/fgdf g]kfnsf] /fhwfgL sf7df8f}+ pkTosf dfly 5f]6f] ;dodf clwkTo sfod u/L cfºgf]] zt{x¿ nfb\g ] d"Vo p2]Z osf ;fy cl3a9]sf] d]h/ hg/n dfn{] g]t[Tjsf] d"Vo c+u|]h kmf}hnfO{ cl3 a9\g k"0 f{¿kdf /f]Sg ;kmn k;f{ / ;dgk'/df ! hgj/L !*!% O{= df g]kfnL ;]g fn] n8]sf] n8fOF“sf] g]kfnsf] Oltxf;df cToGt dxŒjk"0f{ :yfg /x]tfklg o; n8fOF“sf] ljz]if rrf{ ePsf] kfOb}g . o; n8fOFdf xf/]kl5 cToGt lg/f;eO d]h/ hg/n dfn{] s;}nfO{ hfgsf/L glbO cfºgf]] ;}l gs lzlj/af6 !) km/j/L !*!% O{= sf] ljxfg cs:dft knfog ePsf lyP h'g 36gf ljZjsf] ;}lgs Oltxf;df lj/n} kfO{G5 . k[i7e"l d O{zfsf] ;qf}“ ztfJbLsf] ;'?df la|l6z O{i6 OlG8of sDkgL blIf0fL ef/tdf k|j]z u/L klZrdtkm{ ;'/t / aDaO{df / k"j{df db|f;df cfºgf] Jofkfl/s s]Gb|x? vf]n L Jofkf/ ug{ yfn]sf lyP . ;qf}“ ztfAbLsf] cGTo;Dddf pgLx?n] snsQf zx/df ;d]t Jofkfl/s s]Gb| vf]Ng ;kmn ePsf lyP . ef/tdf Jofkf/ ubf{ :yfgLo zf;sx?af6 cg]s afwf c8\rg cfpg yfn]kl5 O{i6 OlG8of sDkgLn] cfkm\g } ;]gf v8f ug{] lg0f{o u/]kl5 To;sf] lhDdf /j6{ NsfO{jnfO{ lbOof] . O{i6 OlG8of sDkgLn] v8f u/]sf] gof“ kmf}hsf] ;kmn k/LIf0f !&%& O{= df ePsf] knf;Lsf] n8fOF“df eof] h;df pgLx¿n] a+ufnsf gjfjnfO{ k/f:t u/L ef/tdf cfºgf]] ;fd|fHo :yfkgfsf] hu a;fn]sf lyP . cfºgf]] ;fd|fHo lj:tf/ s}+ qmddf O{i 6 OlG8of sDkgLn] c7f/f}“ ztfAbLsf] cGTo ;Dddf pQ/L ef/tdf a+ufn, ljxf/, cjw / lbNnL, blIf0fL ef/tdf d}; '/, sgf{6s, x}b/fjfb / db|f; tyf >Ln+sfdf;d]t cfºgf]] clwkTo sfod ug{ ;kmn ePsf] lyof] . s/La s/La ;f]xL ;dodf g]kfndf klg k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxn] ;'? u/]sf] PsLs/0f cleofgn] d" t{¿ k ln“b} k"j {df l6:6f gbL / klZrddf ;tnh gbL;Ddsf kxf8L e"efux? PsLs[t u/L ljzfn g]kfn clw/fHosf] :yfkgf x'g k'u]sf] lyof] . o; bf}/fgdf g]kfn / O{i 6 OlG8of sDkgLsf] k"j{b]l v klZrd;Dd lgs} nfdf] ;femf ;Ldfgf sfod x'g uPsf] lyof], h;sf] km:j¿k cg]sf}+ 7fp“df ;Ldf ljjfbx? b]l vPsf lyP . To:t} ;Ldf ljjfbx¿sf] sf/0faf6 ;d]t O{i 6 sDkgLn] !*!$ O{= df g]kfn;“u o'å ug{] lg0f{o u¥of] / ;f]xL lg0f{o adf]l hd ! gf]a]Dj/ !*!$ O{= sf lbg p;n] g]kfn lj¿å o'åsf] ljlwjt\ 3f]if0ff u¥of] . g]kfn / O{i 6 OlG8of sDkgLaLr !*!$–!^ O{= df ePsf] o'å , h;nfO{ g]kfn–c+u|]h o'å klg elgG5, sf] g]kfnsf] ;}l gs Oltxf;df Hofb} dxŒjk"0 f{ :yfg /x]sf] 5 . o; oådf c+u|]hL ;]gfn] cfqmd0f u/]sf rf/ j6f k|d 'v If]qx¿ dWo tLg j6f If]q df g]kfnL ;]g fn] hLt xfl;n u/]sf] ePtfklg\ ;'b'/klZrdsf] Ps If]qsf] xf/kl5 ;Dk"0f{ o'å sf] kl/0ffd c+u|]hx¿sf] kIfdf x'guO{ ;'uf} nL ;lGwsf] dfWodaf6 g]kfnsf] s/La b'O{ ltxfO{ e"e fu u'Dg k'u]sf] lyof] . g]kfn—c+u|]h o'å sf] bf}/fgdf c+u|]hx?n] g]kfnL ;]gfnfO{ ;'b"/klZrd If]qdf / /fhwfgL sf7df8f}+ If]qdf Ps}k6s cfqmd0f u/L b'j} 7fp“df ljho xfl;n u/L cfºgf]] zt{ nfb\g ] of]hgf agfPsf] lyof] . pQm of]hgf d'tflas sf7df8f}+ If]qnfO{ cfºgf]] lgoGq0fdf lng] cleofg ;~rfng ug{ d]h/ hg/n j]g ]6 dfn{]sf] g]t[Tjdf s/La *))) sf] d"Vo kmf}h k6gf glhs /x]sf] lbgfk'/df t}gfy ul/Psf] lyof] eg] o; cleofgnfO{ ;3fpg uf]/vk'/tkm{af6 d]h/ hg/n ;'l nefg p8sf] g]t[Tjdf s/La $))) hgfsf] csf{] Pp6f kmf}h a'6jn, kfNkfx'“b} klZrdlt/sf gfsfx¿ 5]Sb} cufl8 a9\g ] u/L t}gfy ul/Psf] lyof] . o; o'ådf d]h/ hg/n j]g] 6 dfn{]n] g]t[Tj u/]sf] d"Vo kmf}hnfO{ !*!$ O{= sf] lqm;d; kj{; Dddf sf7df8f}+ pkTosfsf] 3]]/faGbL u/L g]kfnL zf;sx¿nfO{ zflGtjftf{df cfpg] u/L afWo kf/L o'åsf] cGTo ug{] ljz]if lhDd]jf/L ;'l DkPsf] lyof] . Tolt dxŒjk"0f{ lhDd]jf/L kfPsf] ;f] kmf}hn] s'g}klg dxŒjk"0f{ pknJwL xfl;n ug{ ;s]g . To;sf sdf08/ d]h/ hg/n j]g6 dfn{] cfºgf]] c;kmntfsf] sf/0faf6 cfºgf]] kmf}hnfO{ g]t[Tj ljlxg 5f8L PSn} cfºgf]] lzlj/af6 knfog ePsf] 36gf ljZjsf] ;}lgs Oltxf;df lj/n} kfOg] 36gfsf] ¿kdf c+lst x'g uPsf] 5 . d]h/ hg/n j]g ]6 dfn{]sf] g]t[Tjdf ;~rfng ul/Psf] cToGt dxŒjk"0f{ cleofg cGtu{t nl8Psf] k;f{ / ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF“ g]kfn / g]kfnLsf nflu cToGt uf}/j ug'{kg{] 36gf ePsf] ePtfklg g]kfnsf] Oltxf;df o; n8fOF“ af/] lj:t[t hfgsf/L kfOb}g . k|:t't n]vdf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] uf}/jk"0f{ pknAwLsf ¿kdf /x]sf] k;f{ / ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF“nfO{ ;uf}/j k|: t't ug{] k|o f; ul/Psf] 5 . g]kfn–c+u|]h o'å sf bf}/fg O{i 6 OlG8of sDkgLsf ue{g / hg/n tyf sdfG8/–O{g–rLkm n8{ df]O{/fn] sf7df8f}+ pkTosf dflysf] lgoGq0fnfO{ cToGt k|fyldstf lbPsf lyP . pgn] d]h/ hg/n j]g]6 dfn{]n fO{ tTsf n cufl8 a9L x]6f}“8f, dsjfgk'/ / xl/x/k'/ u9L dfly sAhf ub{} sf7df8f}+tkm{ cufl8 a9\g lgb{]zg lbPsf lyP . pgn] afUdtL / /fKtL gbLaLrsf] s/La #)–$) dfO{n km/flsnf] If]qaf6 pQ/tkm{ cu|;/ x'g'kg{] lyof] . pgsf] kmf}hdf c+u|]h / ef/tLo ;d]t hDdf &(*( hgf / *^* ef/tLo / o'/f]k]nL cfl6{n /L;d]t lyof] . cfjZostf cg'; f/ c¿ kmf}h;d]t yKg ;lsg] cfZjf;g lbOPsf] lyof] . o'å 3f]i f0ff ePsf] ^ lbgkl5, gf]j]D j/ ^, !*!$ O{= df n8{ df]O{/fn] d]h/ hg/n dfn{]nfO{ ljz]if lgb{]zg lbFb} n]v]sf] kqdf pgn] eg]sf lyP ætkfO{+nfO{ ;'l DkPsf] lhDd]jf/L ljz]if dxŒjsf] 5 . xfd|f] b]zsf] Pl;ofdf cflwkTo sfod /fVg, xfd|f] clwg:t If]q sf] ;'/Iff ug{ / eljiodf o:tf o'4x¿ x'g glbg tkfOsf] cleofgsf] zL3| ;kmntfn] dxŒjk"0 f{ e"l dsf v]N g] 5 . g]kfn lj?4 ;~rfng ul/Psf ;a} cleofgx? dWo tkfO{ g]t[Tjsf] cleofgsf] ;kmntfn] ljz]if dxŒj /fVb5 .Æ jf:tjdf n8{ df] O{/fn] hg/n dfn{]sf] ;kmn cleofgn] o'4 l56f] 6'ª\Uofpg 7"n f] d2t k'¥ofpg] lgisif{ lgsfn]sf lyP . d]h/ hg/n dfn{]n] pQ/ kxf8tkm{ k|j]z ug{] af6f] v'n fpg clu|d 6f]nLsf] ¿kdf d]h/ j|]8zfsf] g]t[Tjdf Pp6f 6f]nL ;/fg If]qdf / d]h/ /km;]h\sf] g]t[Tjdf csf{] 6f]n L lt/x't If]qdf v§fP . ;/fg If]qsf hfgsf/ /x]sf d]h/ a|]8zfn] @$ gDa/ !*!$ O{= df ax/jf, af/fu9L / k;f{dfly sAhf ug{ tLg 5'§f5'§} 6f]nL agfO{ k7fP . SofK6]g x]g /L l;JnLsf] g]t[Tjsf] 6f]n Ln] k"j{tkm{sf] ax/jf n8fOF“ u/]/ sAhf u¥of] eg] SofK6]g x] n] af/fu9L dfly sAhf hdfP . To:t} n]l km\6g]0 6 :dLysf] g]t[Tjsf] 6f] nLn] vfnL /x]sf] k;f{u9L dfly ;lhn} sAhf u¥of] h'g g]kfnL kmf}hn] klxNo} vfnL u/L s]xL pQ/tkm{ h¨nL If]qdf df]rf{ hdfO{ a:g uPsf lyP . d]h/ j|]8zfn], SofK6]g l;JnLsf] 6f]n LnfO{ ax/jfaf6 s]xL pQ/tkm{ /x]sf] ;dgk'/dfuO sAhf u/L a:g] cfb]z lbPcg';f/ Toxf“ c+u|]h kmf}hn] sAhf hdfof] . o; k|sf/ d]h/ j|]8zfn] ;dgk'/, af/fu9L / k;f{d f tLg clu|d df]rf{ v8f u/L ;Dk"0f{ ;/g t/fO{ dfly cfºgf]] sAhf ePsf] 3f]if0ff u/] . ptf k"j{tkm{sf] lt/x't If]qdf vl§Psf] d]h/ /k\m;]h g]t[Tjsf] 6f]nLn] klg cfºgf]] lhDdfsf] sfd ;DkGg ul/;s]sf] lyof] . d]h/ hg/n dfn{] s/La Ps xhf/ c+u|]hL ;]g f / ;ft xhf/ lxGb': tfgL kmf}h lnO{ lbgfk'/af6 dsjfgk'/sf] af6f]x“'b} sf7df8f}+ cfp“b}5 g\ eGg] xNnf g]kfnsf] /fhwfgLdf km}l n;s]sf] lyof] . To; cl3g} s0f{]n /0fjL l;+x yfkfsf] g]t[Tjdf sKtfg k|;fb l;+x a:Goft / ;/bf/ avt l;+x a:Goft ;d]t >L jh|j f0fL, e}/j / jL/bn kN6g ;lxt s/La $))) hgfsf] kmf}h dsjfgk'/ If]q df vl§Psf] lyof] . gof“ kl/l:yltsf] ;fdgf ug{ yk kmf}h;lxt !*!$ O{= sf] gf]e ]Da/ dlxgfdf sKtfg jL/ s]z/ kf08], sKtfg ;j{l ht yfkf, sKtfg zDz]/ /fgf, n]l º6g]G6 k[YjL xdfn, n]l º6g]0 6 s0f{l ;+x af]u6L, n]l º6g]0 6 sfn', n]l º6g]0 6 b/Lofj l;+x a:Goft, n]l º6g]06 b]l jeQm e'h]n , n]l º6g]0 6 l;+xjL/ kf08], yfg]bf/ cltjn lji6, vl/bf/ OGbLj/ hf]zL, d]h/ u'0 fjGt / l86\7f :j¿k l;+x lji6 cflbnfO{ cufl8 a9L /x]sf] c+u|]h kmf}hnfO{ x/fO{ wkfpg] p2]Z osf ;fy dsjfgk'/ If]q df v§fOof] . oxL kmf}hn] k;f{ / ;dgk'/df df]rf{ agfO{ a;]sf] c+u|]h kmf}hsf] clu|d 6f]nL dfly Ps}lbg cfqmd0f u/L x/fPsf] lyof], h;nfO{ k;f{ / ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF“ elgG5 . k;f{sf] n8fOF“ k;f{ If]qdf g]kfnL ;]gfsf] ultljlw a9\g yfn]kl5 k;f{u9Ldf df]rf{ agfO a;]sf c+u|]h kmf}hsf sdf08/ n]l km\6g]0 6 l:dyn] c;'/Iffsf] sf/0fbzf{O l8;Da/ !*!$ O{= sf] ;'¿df cfºgf]] df]rf{ 5f]8L k"j {tkm{ jf/fu9Ldf /x]sf] c+u|]h kmf}hdf ;fd]n x'g k'u]sf lyP . t/ d]h/ j|]8zfn] k'gM k;f{u9Ldf df]rf{ lng cln 7"n f] kmf}h ;lxt SofK6]g x]g /L l;JnLnfO{ g]t[Tj ug{ v6fPsf lyP eg] ;dgk'/ df]rf{d f SofK6]g j}SgLnfO{ g]t[Tj lbPsf lyP . d]h/ j|]8zfn] v8f 1 rGb| jL vfG*'/L— , lbNnL, !fg ;fu/ klAns]zg, 1997 O{=, k[i& 134 pxL 3 hf]g k]Djn, , cS;kmf]*{, sNofl/G*g k|];, 1971 O{= k[i& 210 4 pxL, k[i& 211-215 5 ;f]dWjh lji^, , sf&dfG*f}, gf/fo)fh+u / g/]Gb|dfg, lj=;+= 2020, k[i& 105 6 k]D jn, l^Kk)fL ;+Vof 3, k[i& 215 2 u/]sf k;f{, jf/fu9L / ;dgk'/sf] df]rf{df c+u|]h kmf} hsf] ;+Vof lgs} sd lyof] eg] d]h/ hg/n dfn{] tof/L gk'u]sf] eGb} lbgfk'/af6 d"Vo kmf}h lnO{ cufl8 a9\g l9nfO{ ul//x]sf lyP hals pgL gf]e ]Da/sf] bf]; |f] xKtf;Dd cl3Nnf df]rf{tkm{ cufl8 a9L ;Sg'kg{] lyof] . o; l9nfO{n] ;Dk"0f{ cleofgnfO{ lgs} k|lts"n c;/ k'¥ofO{/x]sf] lyof] . ueg{/ hg/n n8{ df]O{/fn] d]h/ hg/n dfn{]nfO{ l5§} cufl8 a9\g 3R3RofO/x]sf lyP . cleofgsf nflu tf]l sPsf] ;doeGbf s/La b'O{ xKtf kl5 gf]e]Da/ dlxgfsf] cGTolt/ d]h / hg/n dfn{]n ] g]t[Tj u/]sf] d"Vo kmf}h u+uf gbLkf/ u/L tLg j6} clu|d df]rf{sf]aLr efudf /x]sf] jf/fu9Lsf] clu|ddf]rf{tkm{ cufl8 a9\o f] . l8;]Da/ !( tfl/vsf lbg;Dd pQm kmf}h af/fu9Lsf] s] xL klZrddf /x]sf] nf}6gdf lzlj/ v8f ug{ k'Uof] . ptf g]kfnL n8fsfx?n] k;f{ / ;dgk'/ If]qdf 7"nf] cfqmd0f ug{] tof/Lsf ;fy zq' sd ;t{s x'g ] df}sf vf]hL a;]sf lyP . To:tf] df}sf c+u|]hx?sf] gof“ jif{ ;'¿ x'g ] hgj/L ! tfl/v x'g] lgisif{ ;lxt ;f]xL lbg c+u|]hkmf}h dfly b'a} df]rf{d f cfqmd0f ug{] pgLx?n] lg0f{o u/] . l8;]D a/ #) tfl/vsf lbg k;f{ df]rf{sf sdf08/ x]g/L l;JnLn], To; If]qdf g]kfnL kmf}hsf] ultljlw a9]sf] / cfqmd0f x'g ;Sg] ;fdfGo cfz+sf u/L d]h/ hg/n dfn{] ;dIf k|l tj]bg k7fPsf lyP, t/ s'g} yk d2tsf] dfu eg] u/]sf lyPgg\ . t}klg d]h/ hg/n dfn{]n] d]h/ u|Lg:6«L6sf] g]t[Tjdf rf/ sDkgL kmf}h l8;]Da/ #! tfl/vsf] ljxfg # ah] d2tsf nflu k;f{tkm{ k7fP t/ d]h/ l;JnLn] s'g} tfs]tf gu/]sfn] ;f] kmf}haLr d}+ af; a;L ef]lnkN6 dfq k;f{ k'Ug] ePsf] lyof] . l8;]Da/ #! tfl/vsf lbg d]h/ l;GnL;“u s/La #^) hgfsf] kmf}h, ^ kfp08sf] Pp6f tf]k / 8]9 kfp08sf] Pp6f ;fgf] dfp06]g ug dfq lyof] . df6f]n] ag]sf] k;f{u9L pgsf] kmf}h a:g ;fgf] ePsf]n] To;eGbf pQ/tkm{ ltnfj] gbLsf] klZrd lsgf/fdf ;fnemf8Ln] 3]l/Psf] :yfgdf pgn] cfºgf]] lzlj/ v8f u/]sf lyP . lzlj/sf] k"j{tkm{ ulx/f] gbL tyf pQ/ / klZrdtkm{ 3gf h¨n lyof] . To; :yfgsf pgL s/La b'O{ xKtf;Dd a;]tfklg lzlj/sf] clt cfjZos ;'/Iff ;d]tsf] s'g } k|aGw ldnfPsf lyPgg\ . lzlj/ jl/kl/sf] h¨n ;kmf ug{], 6«]Gr vGg] / cAh/j]zg kf]i 6 ;d]t v8f ug{] sfd u/]sf lyPgg\ . pgL olt 9'Ss lyP ls ;'/Iffsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg'sf] ;f6f] gof“ jif{ dgfpg] tof/Ldf Jo:t lyP . To; lbg n]l km\ 6g]0 6 :dLyn] g]kfnL kmf}haf6 cfqmd0f x'g ;Sg] hfgsf/L lbPkl5 dfq pgn] cfºgf]] ;]g fnfO{ xltof/ ;lxt ;ts{ a:g cfb]z lbPsf lyP . klxNo} lgwf{l /t of]hgfcg';f/ ! hgj/L, !*!%O{= sf] laxfg lem;ld;] d} sKtfg ;j{hLt yfkf / sKtfg zDz]/ /fgfsf] g]t[Tjdf sfnLaS; sDkgL ;lxtsf] g]kfnL ;]gfsf] 7"nf] kmf}hn] PSsf;L k;f{df /x]sf] c+u|]h kmf}h dfly cfqmd0f ;'? u¥of] . pQm kmf}h;“u s}o f}“ xfQL dfly nflbPsf ;fgf tf]kx¿ ;d]t lyP . g]kfnL ;]gfsf] cfqmd0faf6 lj|l6z ;}l gs lzlj/ IftljIft x'g yfNof], pgLx¿sf /;b kfgL / uf]n Lu6\7f g]kfnL ;]g fsf] sAhfdf k/] . n]lº6g]06 l:dyn] g]kfnL ;]g fsf] cfqmd0f /f]Sg s]xL k|o f; u/], t/ pgsf] s]xL ;Lk nfu]g . c+u|]h kmf}hsf sdf08/ SofK6]g x]g /L l;JnL gof“ pTkGg kl/l:ylt lgoGq0fdf lng cl3 ;/] t/ g]kfnL ;]gfsf] cfqmd0faf6 pgsf] v'§f / 5ftLdf uf]nL nfuL ;Vt 3fOt] eP . To;kl5 c+u|]h kmf}hsf] g]t[Tj n]l º6g]0 6 l:dysf] xftdf kg{ uof] . pgL d"Vo lzlj/df k'Ubf cfl6{n/L clkm;/ d]l y;gn] cfºgf] tf]kaf6 df]rf{ lnO{ /x]sf lyP / ljlnod n]e L ;Vt 3fOt] eP/ klg nl8/x]sf lyP . o;/L s/La Ps 306f;Dd n8]tfklg uf]n Lu6\7f ;dfKt ePkl5 c+u|]h kmf}h k5L x6\g yfNof] . c+u|]h kmf}hsf gof“ sdf08/ n]l º6g]0 6 l:dy / cfl6{n /L clkm;/ d]l y;gn] tTsfn, k5fl8 /x]sf] k;f{u9Ldf kms{g] lg0f{o u/] . t/ k;f{u9Ldf g]kfnL kmf}hsf] sAhf eO;s]sf] yfxf kfPkl5 n]l º6g]0 6 l:dyn] cGo ljsNk gb]v]kl5 tTsfn k"j {tkm{ /x]sf] gbL kf/u/L ;'/lIft :yfgtkm{ hfg cfb]z lbP . pQm cfb]zcg'; f/ kf}8L v]n]/ gbL kf/ ug{]x¿ aRg ;kmn eP . n]l º6g]0 6 l:dy cfkm} kf}8L v]Ng ghfGg] ePsf]n] pgsf @ hgf alnof l;kfxLn] pgnfO{ ;s'zn gbL kf/ u/fP . k'/fgf sdf08/ SofK6]g x]g /L l;JnL c;Qm cj:yfdf /x]sfn] cGo 3fO{t] ;/x pgnfO{ ToxL 5fl8of] . pgsf] ToxL b]xfGt eof] . d2lt kmf}h;lxt cfPsf d]h/ u|Lg:6«L6 laxfg k;f{u9Ltkm{ cfp“b} ubf{ s/La # dfO{n cl3 g} aGb"s / uf]nfaf¿bsf] cfjfh ;'g ]kl5 c;dGh:odf k/] . ToxL ;dodf k;f{u9Laf6 efUb} cfPsf l;kfxLx¿af6 ;a} j[tfGt ;'g ]kl5 pgn] cufl8 a9\g ] of]hgf :ylut u/] . k;f{sf] n8fOF“df c+u|]htkm{ !@! hgf dfl/P, !#$ hgf 3fO{t] eP / tLg hgf j]kQf eP . d]h/ hg/n dfn{]n ] d]h/ u|Lg:6«L6af6 of] va/ kfPkl5 pgL cToGt lg/f; eP . pgL c;dGh:odf kl//x]s} a]nf To;} lbg ePsf] ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF“df klg c+u|]h kmf}hsf] 7"n f] gf]S;fgL ;lxt xf/ ePsf] va/ cfO{k'Uof] . 7 pxL, k[i& 218-219 pxL, k[i& 219 9 pxL, 10 ^]s axfb'/ vqL, 11 k]D jn, l^Kk)fL ;+Vof 3, k[i & 219-221 12 pxL, k[i& 221 8 , sf&dfG*f}, >Ldlt zf/bf s'df/L s]= ;L=, lj=;+= 2041, k[i & 32 ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF “ ! hgj/L !*!% O{= sf] laxfg ^ ah] sKtfg Nj}SgLsf] g]t[Tjdf ;dgk'/df /x]sf] c+u|]h kmf}h dfly PSsf;L sKtfg jL/ s]z/ kf08] / n]l º6g]0 6 k[YjL xdfnsf] g]t[Tjdf >Lgfy, b]jLbQ, jL/eb| / h+ud]x/ kN6g ;lxtsf] 7"nf] g]kfnL ;]g fn] cfqmd0f ;'¿ u/] . ;dgk'/df s/La @))) hgfsf] 7"n f] g]kfnL ;]g fn] cs:dft xdnf u/]sf] af/ ] Toxf“ /x]sf] c+u|]h kmf}hsf ;]s]G8–Og–sdf08/ n]l º6g]0 6 :6«6]n n] lj:t[t l/kf]6{ d]h/ hg/n dfn{] ;dIf k7fPsf lyP . pQm l/kf]6{ cg';f/ hgj/L ! tfl/v !*!% O{= sf] laxfg ^ ah] cs:dft 7"nf] g]kfnL kmf}hn] rf/} lt/af6 eLif0f cfqmd0f ;'? u/]sf] s/La !) ldg]6d}“ Toxf“ /x]sf] c+u|]h kmf}hsf sdf08/ sKtfg Nj}SgLsf / n]l º6g]0 6 8sgsf] cfqmd0fdf k/L d[To' ePkl5 c+u|]h kmf}h g]t[Tj ljlxg cj:yfdf ltt/ljt/ x'g yfNof] . eLif0f cfqmd0fdf k/L c+u|]h kmf}hsf] ;}lgs lzlj/ hNg yfn]kl5 aRg] s]xL pkfo gb]lv ;}lgs sdf08/ ;DxfNg k'u]sf n]l º6g]0 6 :6«]6]n n] ;Dk"0f{ kmf}hnfO{ ;'/lIft kl5 x6\g cfb]z lbP . pQm cfqmd0fdf c+u|]h kmf}h tkm{ 7"n f] gf]S;fg x'g uof] . Toxf“ /x]sf c+u|]h kmf}hsf sdf08/ sKtfg Nj}SgL, n]l º6g]0 6 8+sg;lxt ;}of}“ c+u|]h kmf}h dfl/P eg] g] kfnL kmf}htkm{ klg lgs} hgfn] Hofg u'dfP . o; n8fOF“df g]kfnL kmf}hn] c+u|]h kmf}hsf # tf]k, !^( aGb"s, * lk:tf}n , ## lsl/r, ( efnf / @%(^ yfg uf]n Lu7\7f xft kfg{ ;kmn eP . ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF“ ePsf] Ps jif{kl5 ;f] :yfg x]g { k'u]sf c+u|]h clkm;/ hf]g ;Lkn] Toxf“ dfgj s+sfnsf c;+Vo cjz]if b]v]sf lyP . pk;+xf/ Ps} lbg ePsf] k;f{ / ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF“df c+u|]h kmf}hsf] g/fd|f];“ u xf/ ePkl5 d]h/ hg/n dfn{] Hofb} cflQP . pgn] sf7df08f}+“ pkTosf arfpg g]kfnL ;]gfsf !#))) eGbfa9L kmf}h To; If]qdf t}g fy /x]sf] cToGt sfNklgs cg'dfg ;d]t u/] . 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To; nuQ} pgnfO{ pQm kmf}hsf] sdf08f]af6 x6fO{ d]h/ hg/n hh{ p8nfO{ gof“ sdf08/ tf]lsPsf] k"j{ hfgsf/L kfPkl5 pgL ljlIfKt h:t} eP . o;af6 cfk"m cGtu{tsf] kmf}h ;fd' cfºgf]] 7"n f] j]OhQL x'g] 7fgL pgL PSn} Toxf“af6 knfog x'g ] lg0f{odf k'u] . ;f]xL lg0f{o adf]lhd !) km/j/L !*!% O{= sf] Psf ljxfg} c“Wof/f]d} pgL s;}nfO{ hfgsf/Lg} glbO{ PSsf;L cfºgf]] ;}l gs lzlj/ 5f8L knfog eP . s'g }klg ;}lgs sdf08/ cfºgf]] ;Dk"0f{ kmf}hnfO{ g]t[Tj ljlxg agfp“b} d}bfg 5f8L PSn} knfog ePsf] of] #^ cToGt cljZjl:go / lj/n} x'g ;Sg] #^ gfsf] ¿kdf ljZj ;}l gs Oltxf;df clÍt x'g k'u]sf] 5 . g]kfn–c+u|]h o'4df c+u|]h kmf}hsf] d"Vo of]hgf nyflnË kfg{ ;kmn k;f{ / ;dgk'/sf] n8fOF“ g]kfn / g]kfnL ;]gfsf] nflu Pp6f uf}/j ug'{ kg{] n8fOF“sf] ¿kdf ;bf :d/0fLo /xg] 5 . tL axfb'/ n8fs'nfO{ O{Hht u/, h;n] c;+Vo o'ub]lv o'4 ub}{ xfd|f] lglDt :jtGqtfsf] cd"No k}t[s ;DklQ /Iff u/]/ /flvlbPsf 5g\ . – j6«s /;]n 13 14 ^] s axfb'/ vqL, l^Kk)fL ;+Vof 10, k[i& 40 k]D an, l^Kk)fL ;+Vof 3, k[i& 222 HOW TO FOSTER UNIT COHESION IN NEPALESE ARMY - Lieutenant Colonel Bhuvan Khatri Introduction 1. The history of Nepalese Army (NA) is as old as the country itself. NA’s glorious history has become possible through the sacrifice, dedication and commitment of its members. Since its early days, NA has been dedicated and committed in the service of Nepal and Nepalese people. Respecting the cultural, religious and ethnic diversity, Nepalese Army has weaved its all ranks into cohesive group and endeavored in safeguarding the national sovereignty, territorial integrity and also accomplishing any other assigned task. 2. The Primary role of the NA is to defend the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Nepal whereas the secondary role is to provide assistance to the Civilian Government in the maintenance of internal security. Apart from this, Nepalese Army is also playing important role in nation development, nature conservation, disaster management, search and rescue, UN peace keeping and demining. In order to maintain its professionalism and capability in defending the sovereignty and the territorial integrity, Nepalese Army has accorded a very high importance to training and unit cohesion. 3. As Nepal is a multi-diversity country in terms of geography, language, religion and culture, Nepalese Army recruits it’s officers and men from all segment of society. They come with different value, system and attitudes. Nepalese Army has been transforming all it’s members into a cohesive group and utilized them on achieving its organizational goals. In this article, efforts have been made to explore the various spectrums of cohesiveness and recommend some of the techniques and procedures that will enable our unit/subunits to be organized as a strong cohesive unit. Understanding Various spectrums of Cohesiveness/Cohesion “The challenge for every organization is to build a feeling of oneness of dependence one another because the question is usually not how well each person works, but how well they work together.” –Vince Lombardi. 4. Cohesion is the message of Lombardi in the above quote. Cohesion is one of the most important elements of organizational productivity. It means that every member of the organization bears a responsibility for success or failure. “Cohesion” and “Cohesiveness” are similar terms used interchangeably in the research literature. However Cohesion is more common in military parlance where as Cohesiveness is frequently referred as one of the individual qualities. 5. “Cohesion is a bond of relationships and motivational factors that make a team want to stay and work together.”1 Cohesiveness or Cohesion is simply a quality that keeps diverse teams together and creates shared responsibility for success. It enables members of team to stay together and support each other, mainly during the period of stressful events both inside and outside the team. ‘In their recent Army War College study Why They Fight, Leonard Wong and his coauthors take on an ambitious and important task.2 They seek to explain the U.S. military’s overwhelming victory over the Saddam Hussein regime during the initial combat operations, and they conclude that “cohesion, or the strong emotional bonds between soldiers, continues to be a critical factor in combat motivation” and that “U.S. soldiers continue to fight because of the bonds of trust between soldiers.”3 Before entering into Military/Unit Cohesion, we have to have clear understanding on group cohesion, social cohesion and task cohesion. 6. Group Cohesion Group cohesion is a process that ascertains how well a group holds together. When the cohesion is strong, the group will be effective, but when cohesion is weak, the group may collapse. In 1950, Leon Festinger broadly defined the group cohesion as “the resultant of all the forces acting on all the members to remain in the group” (p. 274). 7. Group Cohesion has been a interesting topic of study for social psychologists and many others who want to make large organizations work effectively. Group cohesion mainly hints on pulling together a team, a workplace and a similar group of people. 8. To foster group cohesiveness, it is necessary to communicate a clear team purpose and make sure that everyone knows each others' roles. Some of the factors that help a group to be held together are Profession, Society, Culture and tradition, Religion, Geography, Environment, Economic (business, trade), Nationality and Patriotism. 9. Social Cohesion In simple term, social cohesion is traditional cohesion where members of a group like each other. It is more related to the emotional parts of friendship i.e. liking, caring, and closeness among group members. How much the members of a group like each other, enjoy each other’s company, and feel emotionally close to one another are the indicators of a good social cohesion. 10. Task Cohesion It is simply focusing the group on task and mission accomplishment. It also refers to the shared commitment and dedication of a team that wants to achieve its goals with the collective efforts. ‘A group with high task cohesion is composed of members who share a common goal and who are motivated to coordinate their efforts as a team to achieve that goal.’4 11. Building a Task Cohesion Building a task cohesion is a matter of collective effort that requires a common goal to be achieved. A group with high task cohesion is composed of such members who share a common goal. They must be dedicated and motivated to coordinate their efforts as a team to achieve that goal. The following are some of the methods which enable to build a Task Cohesion- 1 Army Doctrine Reference Publication 6-22 Army Leadership LeonardWong, Thomas A. Kolditz, Raymond A. Millen, and Terrence M. Potter, Why They Fight:Combat Motivation in the IraqWar (Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. ArmyWar College,2003). 3 Ibid., 23, 25 4 See Robert J. Mac Coun, “What Is Known about Unit Cohesion and Military Performance,” in Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND,1993), 283-331; and Elizabeth Kier, “Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness,” International Security 23, no. 2 (1998): 5-39. 2 (a) Focus team identity around the team mission using Logos, Names, Slogans. (b) Focus on melding skills necessary for task completion. (c) Train on missing task-relevant skills. (d) Ensure team understands the task through Well-defined instructions, Well-defined objectives, Well-defined assignments. (e) Leader feedback to team should be Direct, Constant, Immediate and Task-oriented. Military/Unit Cohesion 12. The Concept of Cohesion is first recognized in the military as the important factor that makes or breaks the unit’s efficiency. The military commanders have long identified that when the military cohesion is neglected or broken down, the unit’s efficiency is diminished and ultimately collapsed. 13. Military/Unit Cohesion indicates to such a bonding of members of a unit that enables them to sustain their will and commitment to each other, the organization and the mission. “...we define military cohesion as the bonding together of members of a unit or organization in such a way as to sustain their will and commitment to each other, their unit, and the mission.”5 “Unit cohesion [is the] result of controlled, interactive forces that lead to solidarity within military units, directing the soldiers toward common goals with an express commitment to one another and to the unit as a whole.” 6 14. Only the Cohesive Armies in the world are regarded as the good armies. Three important things of Cohesive Army are as follows: (a) The over-all organizational structure- It indicates to the Army with goals, policies and support. (b) The “human element”- It means small intimate groups that motivate soldiers through their norms and values. (c) The Influence of leader on the small group and the resulting commitment of the individual soldier toward achieving army goals. 15. When the organization, the small group and the leader come together in an army especially on lower level, at this point the strong cohesion is developed. Cohesiveness is applicable in unit and mostly subunits (Company, Platoon and Section) level because(a) It is easy to notice and monitor how the small group members respond as individuals within these unit/subunits level. (b) Leadership technique i.e. TLP (Troop Leading Procedure) and their positive effects on the small group are also easily visible at this level. 5 6 Johns et al., 1984, p. ix. Dictionary of United States Army Terms, 1986, p. 174, quoted in Oliver, 1990a, p.4. Role of Higher Level (Army HQ and Formations) towards a Cohesive Unit 16. Army Head Quarter, Divisions and Brigades have got an important role towards a cohesive unit. The role of higher level towards a cohesive unit is as follows; (a) Establish goals and Objectives- The higher level should provide a clear purpose to cohesive unit. It can be in the form of goals and objectives (b) Provide support- The higher level must be able to provide the varied support required by lower-level cohesive unit. It can be in terms of Personnel, logistic support, policies and directives) (c) Prescribe structural characteristics- The higher level should be aware about the structural characteristics. They must me able to prescribe structural characteristics for the small unit that will promote cohesion. The policies on prescribed structural characteristics for small unit are as follows; Cohesion is inverse to size- small unit, better cohesion. Duration - the longer, the stronger cohesion becomes. Frequency -the more association, the more cohesion is developed. Structure - the more structured relationships, the more cohesion is developed. Role of Small Units (Battalion, Coy, Platoon, Sec) Towards a Cohesive Unit 17. Battalion, coy, platoon and section are the most suitable units and subunits where a strong unit cohesion can easily fostered. The role of these unit/subunits towards a cohesive unit is as follows; (a) Serve as a basic, tactical, fire and maneuver or operational unit. (b) Serve as a “buddy group” fulfilling all basic needs of the soldier. (c) Provide mutual observation and reporting system that facilitates peer system and leader pressure to correct individual deviance. (d) Serve as a dominant group controlling behavior of the troops, with in which the leader acts to ensure group norms are congruent with organizational objectives. Role of Leaders towards a Cohesive Unit 18. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”7 The leaders at all level have got their influencing roles towards a Cohesive Unit. Some of them are as follows; (a) Transmit organizational goals to small groups. (b) Lead the unit in achieving its goals. 7 John C. Maxwell. (c) Maintain desired small group discipline, norms and values by ensuring organizational support, detection and correction of deviance. (d) Create or maintain an ideologically sound soldier through setting examples, teaching, or indoctrination. Techniques and Measures for Increasing Cohesiveness/Cohesion within Small Units 19. All unit Commanders want to see their unit and subunits converted into a strong cohesive unit so that it can easily accomplish its assigned task. Cohesion can’t be instilled in a unit overnight. Its possible through a long process and collective effort. Here are some recommended techniques and measures which may be useful in increasing cohesiveness within unit/subunit levels; (a) Train team members in technical and interpersonal skills for team performance. (b) Clearly define tasks and objectives. (c) Form the identity of the team around its task or mission. (d) Reward individuals for team contribution and reward teams for team performance. (e) Conduct group development exercises that increase team cohesion. (f) Emphasize skill diversity, where member skills complement each other for mission accomplishment. (g) Decentralize and empower Chain of Command down to section level (h) Strict Implementation of ‘buddy system’ (i) Arrange line dress, kitchen, toilet, parade ground Coy-wise (If possible implement it down to sec level) (j) Conduct of daily parade, outdoor exercises as per the organization(coy, platoon and sec) (k) Delegation of authority to subordinate Commanders to recommend leave, reward and punishment, promotion, provide Special facilities. (l) Maintain the intactness of the troops. (m) Periodic Conduct of Collective Training. (n) Conduct of Professional competition. (o) Conduct of Annual sports competition. (p) Arrangement of Central mess coy-wise (including Officers and JCO-at least thrice in a week). (q) Concept of combined training and combined leave. (r) Organizing social get-together including the family gathering. (s) Organizing the picnic, periodic cultural program (t) Organizing Happy hours (u) Celebrating all nationally listed feast and festivals in a organized way. Indicators of a strong Cohesive Unit 20. When a unit commander is able to establish a strong organizational cohesion in his unit, the following important elements can be found in his unit; (a) Team Work. When Commander and troops start to think about their small groups, replacing their own personal interests and agendas, those groups can be termed as teams. Once organizational cohesiveness is achieved, the leader can see an overall increase in team development. Team work can produce a synergic result i.e. 2+2=5, proving simple mathematical calculation wrong. (b) Individual Contribution. In a strong cohesive unit, the troops and leaders are motivated by success of the team or organization. They endeavored to contribute for team by giving their feedback, observations, insights, ideas which help to create a synergic effect. (c) Empowerment. Mutual trust and confidence fosters unit cohesion which help to build the more empowered troops and leaders. The sense of mutual trust and confidence between leaders and troops empowers them to take more independent decisions and work more freely in teams towards achieving common organizational goals and objectives. (d) Cooperation. A good team work requires collaboration between leaders and troops and among the troops as well. There are levels of cooperation among the troops, leaders, units and subunits as well. These levels of cooperation are beyond the scope of individual responsibilities but also it is clearly visible and it significantly contribute to the success of unit. Once, the effective level of unit cohesion is achieved, the leaders should note this sense of cooperation and actively monitor it as an overall indicator of his unit’s good health. (e) Quality. Another easily distinguishable benefit of a strong unit cohesiveness is the increment in the quality of unit work and individual contributions. The unit becomes able to maximize its efficiency, as an increment in unit’s overall performance. Conclusion 21. The glory of Nepalese Army both in home and abroad is very high because of it’s high level of professionalism, discipline and dedication which is only possible through a strong unit cohesiveness. Nepalese Army has given top priority to the unit cohesion. The higher head quarters and Formations have got an important role towards a cohesive unit. Their role is to set goals and objectives; provide support and prescribe structural characteristics to unit and subunits. As we all know cohesion is inverse to size and it is deeply associated with the duration and effective ideal structure. So, strong unit cohesion can easily be applied in battalion, coy, platoon and section level. The leaders at various levels have got their influencing roles towards a Cohesive Unit. They can transmit organizational goals to small groups, lead the unit in achieving its goals and maintain discipline, army norms and values. Team work, empowerment, individual contribution and cooperation are the yardsticks to measure a strong cohesive unit. 22. All level of commanders want to see their organization converted into a cohesive group so that they can easily achieve their organizational goals. But, cohesion can’t be instilled in a unit overnight. It’s a long process which requires the collective will, effort and coordination among all levels of commanders, subordinate commanders and troops. 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To:t} xfd|f] j}lbs ;gftg lxGb" wd{ k/Dk/fsf] klg cfºg} ljz]iftf /x]sf] kfOG5 . xfd|f] j}lbs wd{ k/Dk/fdf ;j{AofkL k/a|Dx k/d]Zj/nfO{ lgu'{0f / ;u'0 f jf lg/fsf/ / ;fsf/ :j?kdf dfGb} cfPsf] 5 . ljZj jf ;+; f/ ;bf ultzLn x'g ] ePsfn] ljleGg sfnv08x?df cfO{kg{] la£gafwfx?sf] ;fdgf ub{} cl3 a9\g sf lglDt cg]sf}F jL/k'?ifx? jf ;fwsx?n] cb[Zo ?kdf /xg] OZj/Lo zlQm jf b}j L zlQmsf] pkf;gf ug{{] u/]sf ufyfx? xfd|f k|frLgu|Gy / k'/f0fx?df klg pNn]v ePsf] cg]sf}F pbfx/0fx? kfOG5g\ . xfd|f] klg ToxL zlQmdf c6n ljZjf; Pj+ cf:yf oyfjt /xL cfPsf] 5 . t;y{ lgzfgsf] Oltxf;nfO{ vf]tNb} hfFbf pk/f]Qm j}l bs sfndfg} k'Ug' kg{] x'G5 . dfgj Oltxf;sf] k|frLgsfn egf}F jf j}lbssfn b]l vg} ;]g f jf ;+u7gsf] k|f/lDes:j?k ;'?jft ePsf] kfOG5 . o;}ul/ kf}/fl0fssfndf klg dg' / dg'sf ;Gtfgx?n] /fHo ;+ u7gsf] lj:tf/ u/]sf] s'/f klg xfdLn] la;{g ;lsFb}g . k|frLgsfndf /fhf, ;]g f, ;d"x / ;+u7g b]z cflbn] cfºgf]] kl/ro jf lrgf]sf ?kdf cfºg} clt ljlzi6 k|sf/sf] em08f tof/ ul/ k|of]uu/]sf]kfOG5 . ljZjs} k|frLgu|Gy CUj]bdf em08fsf af/]df pNn]v u/]sf] kfOG5 . Toltj]nf em08fnfO{ Wjh, s]t', a[xt\s]t', ;x;|s]t' cflb gfdaf6 lrgfO{Psf] 5 . To;}ul/ cyj{ j]bdf ;"o { cyf{t b]j lrGx ePsf] em08fsf] pNn]v ePsf] / dxfef/t sfndf ch'{g sf] /ydf /x]sf] em08fdf xg'dfgsf] lrq clÍt ePsfn] slkWjh eGg] zJb pNn]v ePsf] kfOG5 . oLg}} k|frLgcfwf/ / ljz]iftfaf6 s] s'/f cjut x'G5 eg] ljlwk"j{s k"hfcfhf u/L v8f ul/Psf] em08f kljq dlGb/ / To; leqsf] ;'Gb/ /Tg hl8t d'l t{{g } lgzfg xf] . lgzfgsf] dxŒj ;+; f/e/sf ;a}h;f] /fHox?df st} w]/} / st} yf]/}sf] ;+Vofdf ePtfklg ;]g f ;a} /fHox?df cjl:yt 5g eg] lt ;a} /fHox?sf ;]gfdf cf–cfºg} wdf{g ';f/sf lgzfgx? /x]sf 5g\ . lt ;]gfx?n] cf cfºgf]] efiffdf lgzfg :j?k zlQmsf] pkf;gf Pj+ elQmefj k|s6 ug{] ub{5g . lgzfg zAbn] ;fdfGotof ælrGxÆ cy{nfO{ a'e mfpFb5 . t/ ;]g fdf lgzfg eGgfn] clt ljlzi6 snf sf}znåf/f lgld{t b}jL zlQm cGt/lglxt ljlzi6 /Tg hl8t ;fIfft zlQm:j?k b]j L b]jtf eGg] a'emfpF5 . kf}/fl0fs sfndf O{Gb|fbL b]jtfx?n] dlxiff;'/, z'De, lgz'De Pj+ /Qmljh cflb tfdl;s /fIf;x?sf] ;+xf/sf] nflu b}jL zlQmsf] pkf;gf cf/fwgf u/L cf–cfºgf]] ;}Go ansf] ljho ePsf] k| ;Ë ljleGg wfld{s kf}/fl0fs u|Gyx?df pNn]v ePsf] kfOG5 . /fdfo0fdf q]tf o'udf /fdrGb| eujfgn] cfkm\g L kTgL ;LtfnfO{ ck/x/0f u/L n}hfg] n+sfklt /fj0fnfO{ k/f:t ug{sf nflu ul/Psf] zlQmsf] pkf;gf / o;}ul/ 4fk/ o'udf wd{/fh o'lwli7/n] u'Ktaf; latfpgsf] nflu cgGo elQmk"j{s u/]sf] zlQm ;fwgfaf6 klg oxL s'/fsf] k'l i6 ePsf] b]lvG5 . o; k|sf/ k|frLg sfnb]lvg} dfgj hfltn] cfºgf]] cl:tTj ;+/If0f / ;+jw{gsf nflu klg b}j L zlQmsf] ;xf/f lnPsf] s'/fdf s'g } z+sf 5}g . Oltxf;sf ljleGg sfnv08x?df 7"nf, ;fgf, anjfg / lgj{nx?sf] lardf a}dg:otf a9\b} hfg yfn]kl5 zlQmsf] dxŒj c? a9\b} uPsf] b]lvG5 . kmn:j?k sfnfGt/df z:qf:qsf] k|o f]u Pj+ zlQmsf] xf]8afhL a9\b} uPkl5 b}jL zlQmsf] cfjZostf cem a9L 68\sf/f] ?kdf dx;'; x'g ' :jefljsg} b]lvG5 . ;]g fdf lgzfg zAbn] zlQm:j?k b]jb]jLsf] k|ltssf] :j?knfO{ lrgfpFb5 eGg] s'/f dflyg} pNn]v eO;s]sf] 5 . ljleGg ;doqmddf ;]gfx? Aojl:yt / ;+ul7t ?kdf /fVg] Joj:yf ePkl5 lgzfgnfO{ klg cf–cfºgf]] cg's"n x'g ] u/L :yfkgf / To;sf] ;'/lIft Joj:yf ub{} cfPsf] k/Dk/f cBfalws laBdfg 5 . ctM ;]gfnfO{ cfºgf]] ljhodf lgzfgn] zlQm k|bfg u/]sf] xf] eGg] ljZjf; nfu]kl5 g} To;k|lt c? a9L elQm Pj+ cf:yf k|s6 x'g uPsf] xf] . t;y{ ;]g fsf] elQm / cf:yfaf6 b}jL zlQm:j?k lgzfgn] ;d:t ;}l gssf] dgf]andf phf{ k|bfg u/]s]f l;4 x'g cfpF5 . To;}sf] kl/0ffd:j?k ;]gf / lgzfg zlQmsf] cGof]Gofl>t ;DaGw /x]sf] b]l vG5 . To;}n] cfh ;]gf eGg] ljlQs} b}jL zlQm:j?k lgzfgsf pkf;s x'g eGg' cltzof]l Qm gxf]nf . t;y{ xfd|f] b]zsf] ;Gbe{df g]kfnL ;]gfsf] / lgzfgsf] uf}/jufyfsf] ;fO{gf] Oltxf;;Fu hf]l 8Psf] 5 . ToxL d"N o / dfGotfnfO{ cWoog ubf{ afO{; ] rf}l a;] /fHosf] kfnfdf klg sf]t, zlQmkL7 lgzfgnfO{ anL r9fO{ >4f Pj+ elQm k|s6 u/]sf] kfOG5 . xfd|f] g]kfnL ;]gf leq lgzfg eGgfn] b}jL zlQm:j?k clÍt ul/Psf c=lg= / k=lg= eGg] gfdfs/0f u/L k|rngdf NofO{Psf /Tg hl8t zlQm:j?k b]j L b]j tfsf d'l t{{x? pRrsf]6Lsf] sk8fdf em§ gv:g] / gxNnLg] u/L h8L h8fp / emlsemsfp agfO{ ;j{;fwf/0fsf] dgnfO{ klg ;lhn} cfsli{ft ug{] vfnsf d'l t{{åf/f ;'zf]l et k|d'v ljz]iftf lgzfgdf cjl:yt 5 . o;k|sf/ cfWoflTds b[l i6sf]0f ;d]t k/Dk/fb]l v lg/Gt/ ?kdf rNb} cfPsf xfd|f lgzfgsf ljz]iftf / dxŒjnfO{ xfdLx?n] ;fdfGo ?kdf geO ljz]i f ?kdf lng' ckl/xfo{ x'g] b]lvG5 . cGtdf s] eGg ;lsG5 eg] pk/f]Qm oyfy{tfsf cfwf/af6 b}j L zlQmo'Qm lgzfg / ;]gfsf] ;DaGwdf tfbfTDotf /x]sf] 5 . oLg}} ljleGg k|sf/x?sf cfwf/df ;+l IfKtdf eGg' kbf{ s] eGg ;lsG5 eg] k|frLg k/Dk/fb]l v rNb} cfPsf] xfd|f] ;gftg j}l bs lxGb" k/Dk/fcg';f/ ;fIfft\ zlQm:j?k ljleGg b]jL b]jtfsf :j?kg} xfd|f ;]gfn] dfGb} cfPsf lgzfg zlQmsf k|l ts ePsfn]g } ;]gfdf lgzfgsf] dxŒjn] cToGt pRr :yfg cf]u6\g ;kmn 5 . lgzfgsf] ;+/If0f ug{] tl/sf g]kfnL ;]gfdf /x]sf ljleGg lgzfgx?sf] ;+/If0f s;/L ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] ;Gbe{df ;j{k|yd xfdLx?n] s] eGg ;lsG5 eg] lgzfg eg]sf] s] xf] < of] lgzfg;Fu xfd|f] ;]g fsf] s] s:tf] ;DaGw /x]sf] 5 / o;sf] dxŒj s] 5 eg] / uxg ?kdf cWoog / dgg\ ug'{g } klxnf] cfjZostf x'g cfpF5 . oxfFg]/ Pp6f g]kfnL ;dfhdf k|rlnt pvfg pNn]v ug'{ pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . h:t} æhfGg]nfO{ >Lv08 ghfGg]n fO{ v'kf{sf] laF8Æ eg]emF} of] lgzfgsf ;Gbe{df klg ToxL gLlt nfu' x'g ] b]lvG5 . lsgeg] ha;Dd s'g } klg lrh jf j:t'nfO{ /fd|f];Fu lrlgFb}g / To;sf] dxŒj / dlxdf yfxf xF'b}g ta;Dd To;sf ;DaGwdf dfgjsf dfg;k6ndf To; k|lt >4f / cf:yf knfpFb}g . To;}n ] xfdLx?n] s] s'/fdf Wofg lbg' pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 eg] h'g h'g o'l g6x?df hxfF hxfF cjl:yt cf–cfºgf] lgzfgsf ;DaGwdf cf–cfºgf] o'l g6sf ;Dk"0f{ tnb]lv dfly;Ddg} cfºgf] lgzfgsf] kl/ro, Oltxf; -slxn] :yfkgf eof] / o;n] s'g–s'g :yfgdf slxn] s] s:tf sfo{x? ub{} cfPsf] 5_ / ;]gfdf lgzfgsf] dxŒjnfO{ lsg pRr :yfg lbPsf] xf] eGg] af/]df ;do–;dodf ;d:t JolQmx?nfO{ Pslqt u/]/ n]Sr/ ug'{ g} plrt pkfo x'g] b]lvG5 . o;f] ubf{ bf]xf]/f] kmfO{bf x'g cfpF5 . Psflt/ ljleGg ;dodf ljleGg o'l g6x?af6 ;?jf eP/ cfpg] clws[t, klbs / cGobhf{x? ;a}nfO{ ;f] o'l g6sf] kl/ro, k|frLgtf / dxŒjsf ;fy} ;f] o'lg6n] u/]sf dxŒjk"0 f{ sfo{x?sf] hfgsf/L k|fKt ug{ ;Sb5g eg] csf{tkm{ o:tf] dxŒjk"0 f{ Oltxf; af]s]sf] o'l g6sf xfdLx?n] o;sf] uf}/j a9fpg] sfo{ lt/ cu|; / x'g ' a'l4dfgL 7x5{ eGg] efjgfsf] lasf; ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] b]l vG5 . of] sfo{sf nflu d"Votof tLg hgf JolQmsf] k|d'v e"l dsf /xg hfG5 . != ;DalGwt o'l g6sf klt, @= To; o'l g6sf] Ho]i7 klbs, #= To; o'lg6sf] b/aGbLdf lgo'l Qm ePsf kl08t . lgzfg ;+/If0fsf nflu csf{] kIf klg Tolts} dxŒjk"0f{ x'g cfpF5 . Tof] s] eg] ;do;dodf ;DalGwt klt / Ho]i 7 klbsn] cfºgf] lgzfgsf] plrt /]vb]v ug{] / hfgsf/LlnO{ /fVg] . ;fy} To; o'lg6sf] b/aGbLdf /xL b}l gs ;fFem ljxfg lgzfg sf]7fdf k"hfkf7 ug{] kl08tn] w]/} s'/fx?df ljrf/ k'¥ofpg' kg{] x'G5 . To; sf]7fsf] ;'U3/ ;kmfO{ cflb / k"hf ubf{ kfgL / cfuf]af6 hf]ufpg'kb{5 . olb lgzfgsf] kmbf{ d';fn] sf6\o f] kfgLn] leHof] jf cfufn] s'g} gf]S;fg k'¥ofof] eg] t'?Gt cfºgf]] klt / Ho]i7 klbsnfO{ ;f] sf] hfgsf/L lbg] / l56f] eGbf l56f] To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ Wofg k'¥ ofpg] . o;sf ;fy} lgzfg sf]7f s:tf] 5 / To; sf]7df s]xL ;d:of ePdf ;f] ;d:of lg/fs/0f ug{ s] ubf{ plrt / pko'Q m x'G5 oyfzL3| ;f] sfo{ ;DkGg ug{] . ;+l IfKtdf eGbf lgzfgsf] ;+/If0f ug{] tl/sfdf oLg}} pko'{Qm ljljw k|l qmof ckgfpg'g } ;/n, ;'ne / pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 . lgzfgsf] k"hf ug{] lalwM ljZjdf Psdfq ;u/dfyfsf] gfdn] lrlgg] xfd|f] b]z g]kfn ljleGg b]j L b]j tfsf d7 dlGb/x? / cg] sf}F} tLy{:yn Pj+ gbLgfnf ;d]tn] o'Qm Ps kljq k'0o e"l dsf ?kdf kl/lrt 5 eg] csf{tkm{ clx+;fjfbL zflGtsf k|lts eujfg a'4 sf] hGde"l d Pj+ cfb{zgf/L ;Ltf / e[s'6Lsf gfdn] klg kl/lrt 5 . oxfFsf gful/sx? klg k|foM zflGt lk|o / ldng;f/ Aojxf/n] ubf{ ljZje/g} cfºgf]] Ps 5'§} k|sf/sf] kl/ro :yflkt ub{} cfPsf] s'/f ;j{l jlbt} 5 . uf}/jdo Oltxf; ePsf] xfd|f] g]kfnL ;]g fdf klg ljleGg k[tgf÷jflxgL÷u0f÷u'N d÷l8kf]÷ lzIffnox?df ;d]t cg]sf}F} b]jL b]jtfsf d7 dlGb/x? / lgzfg klg /x]sf 5g . ctM lt lgzfg / d7 dlGb/x?df k/Dk/fut ?kdf k"hfkf7 xF'b} cfPsf] ePtfklg ldlt @)$$ ;fn kf}i f dlxgfaf6 ;+:s[t cWoog u/]sf kl08tx? k"hfkf7 cflb sfo{x? lalwjt\ ?kdf ;~rfng ug{] p2]Z on] ;=k=x'=, d"= k=hd, d"=k=;'= / kl08t clws[tx?sf];d]t b/aGbL >[hgf ul/ nueu k|foh;f] o'lg6x?df kl08tsf] Joj:yf x'g ' cj:o klg Ps ;/fxlgo sfo{ xf] . t/ kl08t lgo'Qm u/]/ dfq} ;'rf? ?kn] k"hfkf7 ;DkGg ePsf] 5 eGg ;lsFb}g . To;}n ] cGo sfd sf/jfxL h:t} k"hfkf7df klg ;a} o'l g6x?df Ps?ktf Nofpg / plgx?sf] d"Vo st{Ao s] xf] eGg] af/]df ;r]t / ;Ifd agfpgsf nflu gofF lgo'l Qm x'g ] kl08tx?nfO{ ;}Go cfwf/ tflndsf ;fy} kl08t cfwf/ tflnd klg clgjfo{?kdf u/fP/ dfq} ;DalGwt o'l g6df k7fpg' kg{] / ;do–;dodf gofF k'/fgf ;a} kl08tx?nfO{ k"hf ;DaGwL k|lzIf0f lbg] Joj:yf x'g klg Tolts} dxŒjk"0 f{ x'g] b]lvG5 . lgzfgsf] k"hf ubf{ k|foM ;a} s'/fdf Wofg k'¥ ofpg' kg{] x'G5 . ;j{k|ydtM x/]s s'/fdf rf]vL gLlt x'g ' k5{ . k"hf ug{] kl08tsf ;fy} ohdfg klg To:t} z'4 / kljq x'g' cfjZos 5 . ljxfg a]n'sf lgoldt ?kdf k"hfkf7, w'kbLk, g}a]B / cf/lt cflb oy f;Dej iff]8zf]krf/n] k"hf ug{] ug'{ kb{5 . o;sf nflu ldlt @)%^ ;fneGbf cufl8 h;h;n] h] h;/L ug{] u/]sf eP klg pQm ;fnsf] gj/fqb]l v Pp6f ;fdfGo cfwf/sf ?kdf ælgzfg / df}nf] k"hf ljlwÆ eGg] k': ts k|sflzt u/L ;a} o'lg6x?df ljt/0f ul/Psf] 5 tfklg Tof] k': ts Pp6f ;fdfGo cfwf/ dfq xf] . lsgeg] xfd|f] g]kfnL ;]g fdf /x]sf lgzfgx? ljleGg b]j b]jLsf gfdaf6 gfdfs/0f ul/Psf 5g . h:t} u0f]zbn u0fsf] lgzfgdf u0f]zhLsf] d'lt{{ /x]sf] 5 eg] e}/jgfy u0fsf] lgzfgdf e}/jsf] d'l t{{ cjl:yt 5 . o;} kz'klt k|;fb u0fsf] lgzfgdf kz'kltgfysf] d'l t{{ clÍt eP h:t} sfnLaS; u0fsf] lgzfgdf sfnLsf] d'l t{{ /x]sf] 5 eg] /fdaf0f u'Ndsf] lgzfgdf /fdaf0f / ;"o { rGb| lrGx clÍt 5g . t;y{ h'g o'lg6sf] lgzfgdf h'g b]j L b]jtfsf] lrq cjl:yt 5 ;f]xL cfwf/df To; o'l g6sf] gfdfs/0f ePsf] b]l vG5 . ctM ælgzfg / df}nf] k"hf ljlwÆ eGg] k':tsdf pNn]v eP cg';f/ lgzfgnfO{ :qLlnË afrL cy{df dfq l;ldt ul/Psf] 5 To;sf/0f u0f]z, e}/j, kz'kltgfy / /fd cflbsf] k"hfklg ;f]xL :qLlnËL ?kdf ug'{ o'l Qm;Fut xF'b}g . xfd|f] lxGb" wdf{g'; f/ tL ljljw b]jL b] jtfsf] k"hf ljlw klg leGgleGg k|sf/af6 ug'{ kg{] ljwfg ePsf] x'g fn] h'g o'lg6sf lgzfgdf h'g b]j b]j LnfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ gfdfs/0f ul/Psf] 5 ;f]xL b]jL b]jtfsf dGqåf/fg} k"hf ug'{ ljwfg ;Ddt x'g ] x'gfn] o;tkm{ klg Wofg lbg' cfjZos b]lvG5 . t;y{ ;+l IfKtdf s] b]lvG5 eg] h'g p2]Z on] g]kfnL ;]g fdf kl08tx?sf] b/aGbL ;[hgf u/L ;a} o'lg6x?df nfu' ub{} cfOPsf] 5 ;f] sfo{ Aojl:yt / ;'rf? ?kn] ;~rfng x'g ;s]sf] b]l vFb}g . o;nfO{ cem} kl/:s[t ub{} k"0f{tf lbgcfjZos5 . lgzfgsf] k"hf slxn] slxn] x'G5 != lgTo k"hf @= ljz]i f k"hf lgTo k"hf eGgfn] b}lgs ljxfg / a]n'sf k"hfkf7, w'kbLk, g}a]B / cf/lt ul/G5 . ljz]i f k"hf eGgfn] j8f bzF}sf] gj/fq / dxfgjdLdf ul/g] k"hf cl3kl5eGbf ljz]if tl/sfn] ul/G5 . o;}ul/ r}q bz}Fsf] r}qfi6dLsf lbgdf klg lgzfgsf] ljz]if k"hful/G5 . To:t} h'g lbg ;f] o'lg6sf] :yfkgf ePsf] xf] h;nfO{ jflif{sf]T;j klg elgG5 ;f] lbgdf lgzfgsf] ljz]if k"hf ug'{ kb{5 . sltko o'l g6x?df k|To]s xKtf, k|To]s kIf jf k|To]s dlxgfdf klg ;DalGwt o'lg6sf klt, k|d'v ;'j ]bf/ jf Ho]i7 klbsn] klg z'4eO lgzfg sf]7fdfuO{ cf–cfºgf]] o'l g6x?df s'g} clgi6 gxf]; eGg] efjgfaf6 clek|]/Lt eP/ klg ljz]i f k"hf ug{] k|rng /x]sf] kfOG5 . ;Dk"0 f{ o'l g6x?df /x]sf lgzfgx? k|foM ;a} b'O{÷b'O{ j6f g} /xG5g . tL lgzfgnfO{ klxnf]nfO{ c=lg= / bf]; |f]nfO{ k=lg= eg]/ lrlgG5 . hlxn] klg / hxfF klg c=lg= l;lgo/ x'G5 eg] k=lg= h'l go/ x'G5 . To;}n ] k"hf sf]7fdf /fVbf klg c=lg=nfO{ bflxgf / k=lg=nfO{ afofF /fVg' kb{5 . k|To]s lbg lgTo k"hf ubf{ klg klxnf c=lg=nfO{ k"hf u'g{ kb{5 eg] k=lg=nfO{ k5fl8 k"hf ug'{ kb{5 . o;}ul/ ljz]if k"hfsf] nflu k"hf sf]7faf6 lgzfgnfO{ lgsfNg' kbf{ / af]Sbf klg c=lg=nfO{ l;lgo/n] af]Sg' kb{5 eg] k=lg=nfO{ h'lgon/n] af]Sg' kb{5 . k"hf:yfgdf /fVbf klg ;j{q oxL lgod nfu' x'G5 . kN6gsf] cbnLabnL x'bfF klg oxL lgod cg';f/g} ug'{ kb{5 . s'g s'g o'lg6sf lgzfgx?nfO{ kN6g cbnL abnL x'Fbf klg :yfgfGt/0f ug'{ xF'b}g . g]kfnL ;]g fsf ljleGg u0f u'Ndx? dWo] >L u0f]zbn u0f, >L /fhbn u0f, >L e}/jgfy u0f, >L hubn u0f, >L sfnLaS; u0f / u'N ddf >L zfb'{n h+u u'N d / ;d/h+u u'Nd afx]s cGo ;a} u0f u'Ndx? ;fdfGotof #÷$ jif{sf] cGt/fndf Ps :yfgaf6 csf{] :yfgdf :yfgfGt/0f ug{] k|rng /xL cfPsf] 5 . o;/L lglZrt ;dofjlw k'/f ePkl5 Ps :yfgaf6 csf{] :yfgdf :yfgfGt/0f x'Fbf /fd|f] z'e ;fO{t h'/fO{ cbnLabnL ug{] k/Dk/f /xL cfPsf] 5 . tfklg s]xL kN6gx?sf lgzfgx? lglZrt :yfg ljz]i fdf g} /fVg] k| rng klg ljBdfg 5 . h:t} sfnLaS; u0f -O_, b]jLbQ u0f, >Lh+u u0f, e}/jLbn u0f / ;d/h+u u'Ndsf lgzfgx? . >Lh+u u0fsf] lgzfg ;f] u0f ;?jfeO{ cGoq hfg nfUbf wgs'6fsf :yfgLo afl;Gbfn] ToxfF cfO{ lgTo k"hf ug{] u/]sf] / cfºgf]] dgf]sfdgf k"0f{ ePsf] sf/0f ;f] lgzfg ToxLg} /fvL kfpF elg cfu|x u/]sfn] cWofjlw ToxL g} cjl:yt 5 . sfnLaS; u0f -O_ sf] lgzfg klg pQm u0f sf7df08f}F aflx/ /xFbfklg xg'dfg 9f]sf d"n sf]tdfg} /xg] / a8f bz}Fsf] dxfgjdL / r}q bz}Fsf] r}qfi6dLsf lbg ToxfFaf6 lgsfnL eQmk'/df nlu k"hf ug{] / k'g M d"nsf]tdfg} NofP/ /fVg] k|rng 5 . >L b]j LbQ u0fsf] lgzfg cGo u0f u'Ndsf] lgzfg eGbf b]jLsf]?kdf a9L dfGo x'g fsf] sf/0fn] d"n sf]taf6 aflx/ n}hfg] k|rng 5}g . j8f bz}F / r}q bz}Fdf bz}F 3/df k"hf ubf{ lgzfgx?df anL lbFbf ;fdfGo k;f{P/ df/ xflgG5 eg] b]jLbQ u0fsf] lgzfg k"hf ubf{ /fuf]n fO{ k"0 f{ dG;fP/ dfq jnL lbg] k|yf 5 . ctM b]jLbQ u0fsf] lgzfg k|ToIf dfgL a8f bz}Fdf sf]t k"hfsf] a]nf gj cfo'Qm ePsf clws[tx?nfO{ b]j LbQ u0fsf] lgzfg 5'g nufO{ ;}lgs ;lrjn] ;ky u|x0f u/fpg] k|rng 5 . o:t} e}/jLbn u'Nd u0f ag]kl5 u0f hfg nfu]sf] 7fpFdf n}hfg nfUbf ;f] u0fdf cg]s clgi6 x'g] ;+s]t kfPkl5 k'gM g'jfsf]6sf] e}/jL:yfgdfg} nu]/ /fVg] k|rng /xL cfPsf] 5 . o;}ul/ tTsfnLg>L % dxf/fhflw/fh lujf0f{o'4 ljqmd zfxsf] zf;g sfndf >L zfb'{n h+u u'N d klxnf lj=;+= !*&!÷&@ ;fndf g]kfn / c+u|]hsf] o'4 df axfb'/L;fy n8]sf] Oltxf; ePtfklg xfn of] u'Nd / o;sf] lgzfg klg d"nsf]tdfg} /x]sf] 5 . lj=;+= !()( ;fn kl5 of] u'Nd j8f u'?Ho"sf] ;'/Iffdf t} gfy /xFb} cfPsfn] clxn] klg o; u'NdnfO{ u'?Ho"sf] kN6g eg]/ klg lrlgG5 . xfn;Dd klg oxfFsf hjfgx?sf] kf]zfs px L klxnfsf] h:t} sfnf bf}/f ;'?jfn, sfnf h'Qf, 6f]kL / xltof/ klg k'/fg} /x]sf 5g\ eg] ljleGg ;dodf x'g ] hfqf / ;df/f]xx?df klg k|frLg;}l gs kf]zfs nufO{ efu lnFb} cfPsf] 5 . o:t} ;d/h+u u'N dsf] lgzfg ;w}F ;'tfP/ /fVg] rngcg';f/ clxn] klg ;'tfP/} /fVg] ul/Psf] 5 . o;}ul/ sltko rng rNtLdf /x]sf s]xL clen]v ePsf / s'g } clen]v gePsf lgzfgx? klg d"n sf]tdfg} /x]sf 5g . tL ;a} lgzfgx?sf k"hfcfhf ToxfF sfo{ /t l;len kl08taf6 x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . xg'dfg 9f]sfl:yt d"nsf]tnfO{ g} sDa'sf]tsf] gfdn] klg lrlgG5 . cfklQdf w}o{ lng' / st{Jodf b[9 /xg' ;To ;fwgf xf] . – dxfTdf ufGwL PROUD TO BE HUMAN - Kumari Dikachhya Gurung Late His Majesty King Birendra had declared Nepal as a Zone of Peace. Many people from the both East and West visited Nepal, looking for peace and the Utopia, Shangri-La. Unfortunately the political unstability has ruined the peace and harmony in the country. So called the peoples’ revolution has adversely affected the economy of the country too. Nepal’s status as one of the most peaceful nations in the world has deteriorated to one of the unstable and unsecure countries. Law and order situation of the country is at doldrums and security of the ordinary citizens adversely affected. The political leaders protect the criminals and the people feel helpless when they see the noted criminals getting scot free! No institution is safe from corruption and unfortunately it is being accepted as an inseparable part of our society. People want to buy salt and petrol but it is not readily available. Nepalis are paying the highest electricity tarrifs in the South Asian region. Common people have to pay higher prices for normal groceries and, even water and electricity etc but nobody is bothered at all! The Maoist conflict showed that the Nepalese army (NA) was the only institution which didn’t buckle under them. And as the army shattered their dreams of grabbing power by force, they laid down their arms and rejoined the mainstream politics. NA succeeded because of its higher moral ground, and the deep respect for the religion. Today’s modernisation has further degraded human values and character, whereas the typical weaknesses like greed, attachment, hatred, jealousy, selfishness, anger, etc are taking firmer hold in the human nature and behaviour. And it is further going down the drain. Today humanity is divided across the barriers of race, colour, creed, language, nationality, religion, etc. An old adage says that, “Nothing is lost if wealth is lost. Something is lost if Health is lost. Everything is lost if Character is lost.” But in today’s world very less importance is given to the character. In the old days only the warriors having strong character were taught how to use special weapons like Brahmashtra or Paashupatsashtra etc. There was a fear that the weaker ones would misuse the powers! How appropriate! Everyone wants to be successful in his or her life. People aspire to become a millionaire or a superstar or become very powerful so that the family can live in a luxurious way for some generations. No one wants to be a simple Human being. A simple human being; who doesnot wish ill of others, always ready to help the needy people and stand up for what is right and just. It is more difficult to become a normal human. Nepali people are a very diverse people. We have tall ones, we have short ones. We have pointed noses, we have flat noses. We have fairer people, we have darker people. Some wear kachhaads, some dhoti. We have those who can speak Nepali flawlessly and we have those who can’t. And the dialects might differ from valley to valley! We have many new years to celebrate in a single year. Though Hinduism is the main religion other religions too exist side by side. The present decay in our society is due to the deterioration in the human values. There is no tolerance for the humans of different religion or different colour or race, different ethnicity or different locality. In one of the Saint’s words: Merely paying lip-service to the principles of humanity is not enough; one has to live by it too! You must put it into practice even if it costs you countless hardships in the process. People who are spending their entire time for their own livelihood, happiness and prosperity are humans just for the namesake. A true human who devotes his life to help others is a true human being. Our society and the country need such human beings. The light of good behaviour lights up the world too. Simply put, a Soldier is as near as possible to being a good human being. He serves his nation selflessly and contributes to better the society too. The recent elections proved that the people were confident and happy by the NA’s deployment for the security. A soldier is the epitome of discipline, dedication, loyalty, selflessness etc which sadly, our society lacks. Most of all, the soldier is religious and believes in the god! The belief in god and religion keeps a soldier in the right track of humanity. NA is the only institution in Nepal which has retained the traditions of the religion. No meat is cooked in the army’s kitchen on ekadashis, Satya Narayan puja is strictly observed, Navratri and Kaalratri is strictly observed, Shivaratri and Fulpati celebrations are important national events. The list is endless. And nowadays Buddha idols are being placed besides the temples in the barracks. It is the fear of the god, the spiritualty, which gives the soldier confidence and the higher moral ground in the battle too. A soldier believes that to obey orders is a soldier’s duty. The religion also guides him in his duty towards friends, families, society and the country also. Various army welfare schemes keep his mind off the basic necessities like medical facilities for the family and education for his children. A soldier needs peace of mind to serve selflessly in the army. For that his family support is quite vital. As he is away for duty most of the time, the spouse has to bear the full burden of running the house. It is virtually the spouse’s job to look after the children too. She has to bear the day to day affairs of running the house. Thank god for the mobile phones, now the home is just a phone call away! Soldiers are normal, simple and ordinary people. The nations are built by such people only. And it is not a single soldier; his whole family is behind him. The family’s sacrifice is also equally great if not greater! The NA Soldiers are renowned in the world because of their dedication as a peacekeeper and more are in demand. Thus the soldier plays an equally important role in the nation’s foreign policy too! And as they say, if you want peace, be ready for war!! Let us start with simple things if we really want to improve our society. Let us just be simple humans. And love the other humans. There is a place in our society for all kinds of race, creed and religion. Let us not judge the people by their bank accounts, or their certificates, or the colour of their skin. Let us be just humans and be proud of it! k[i7e"l d != /fli6«o lgs'~hsf] cjwf/0ffcg'?k ;+/If0f ug]{ p2]Z on] lglZrt e"–efu 5'6\o fpg] kxnsf] ;'?jft ;+o 'Qm/fHo cd]l/sf af6 ePsf] kfOG5 . ;g\ !*&@ df Yellow Stone National Park sf] :yfkgf eof] . h;nfO{ ljZjsf] klxnf] /fli6«o lgs'~h eg]/ bfjL ul/Psf] 5 . oBlk k|mfG;sf] Forest of Fontainebleau sf] s]xL e"–efudf ;g\ !*^! af6 g} ;+/If0f ug]{ sfo{ ;'? eO;s]sf] eGg] a'l emG5 . g]kfndf k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] OltxfF; sf kfgfx? kN6fpg] xf] eg] ;+/If0fsf] cjwf/0ff / ;+/If0f ug]{ sfo{ w]/} cufl8af6 ;'? eO;s]sf] ePtfklg cf}krfl/s ?kdf lj=;+=@)@( ;fndf jg ljefu cGtu{tsf] Pp6f ;+/If0f zfvfsf] :yfkgfeO{ /fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' ;+/If0fsf] sfo{ k|f/De ePsf]df @)#& ;fndf jg tyf e"–;+/If0f dGqfno cGtu{t Pp6f 5'§} ljefusf] ?kdf æ/fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' ;+/If0f ljefuÆ sf] :yfkgf eof] . g]kfndf /x]sf] ljleGg jg:klt, jGohGt' / e"–b[Zox?sf] ;+/If0f, ;Dj4{g tyf Joj:yfkg ug]{ p2]Zon] :yflkt /fli6«o lgs' ~h tyf jGohGt' ;+/If0f ljefucGtu{t xfn;Dd !) j6f /fli6«o lgs'~h, # j6f jGohGt' cf/If, ^ j6f ;+/If0f If]q, Pp6f lzsf/ cf/If / lgs'~h tyf cf/If cGtu{t !@ j6f dWojlt{{ If]q :yfkgfeO{ ;~rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . oL ljleGg ;+/If0f If]qx?n] #$,!*@,^@ ju{ sL=dL= If]q kmn cf]u6]sf 5g\ . h'g g]kfnsf] s"n If]q kmnsf] @#=@# k|l tzt x'g cfpF5 . @= æxl/of] jg g]k fnsf] wgÆ eGg] egfO{ g]kfnLx?n]] cfk\mgf] k'vf{af6 ;'Gb} / l;Sb} cfPsf] x'gfn] klg s]xL xb;Dd g]kfnLx?sf] dg–dlit:sdf k|s[lt ;+/If0f ug'{k5{ eGg] efjgfsf] k|fb'{e fj ePsf] kfOG5 . g]kfndf s]xL bzs cufl8;Dd hg;+Vofsf] rfk Tolt gePsf], t/fO{d f dn]l/ofsf] 8/ /x]sf], jGohGt' tyf jg–k}bfj/sf] Jofkf/ xfnsf] h:tf] Jofks?kdf g/x]sf], ljutdf hgdfg;df tTsfnLg sfg'g L Joj:yf / /fHok|lt /x]sf] cf:yf Pj+ 8/ cflb sf/0fx?n] ubf{ klg k|s[l t ;+/If0fdf pNn]vgLo e"ldsf v]Nb} cfPsf] lyof] . kl5Nnf] s]xL bzsdf hg;+Vofsf] ck|Tofl;t j[l4 x'g ', 7"nf] ;+Vofdf hgtfx? hËndf cfl>t x“'b} hfg]qmd a9\g ', jGohGt'÷jGohGt'sf] cfv]6f]kxf/÷jg–k}bfj/sf] dfu Pj+ d"N o w]/} a9g', sfg'g L Joj:yf s]xL lkmtnf] x'g ', /fhg}lts kmfObfsf] nflu unt sfo{df nfUg] JolQmx?nfO{;d]t ;xof]u ug{ kl5 gkg]{ k|j [lQ a9\g ' h:tf ljljw sf/0fx?n] ubf{ g]kfndf k|s[l t ;+/If0f Pp6f 7"n f] r'g f}tLsf]?kdf /lxcfPsf] 5 . g]kfndf k|s[l t ;+/If0f Pp6f 7"nf] r'g f}tLsf]?kdf /x]sf] tyf cGt/f{l i6«o Pj+ /fli6«o dxŒj af]s]sf] lgs'~h÷cf/Ifx?sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu ;a}eGbf e/kbf]{, k|l tj4, cg'zfl;t, ;'–;lHht / h'g;'s} Pj+ h:tf];'s} bjfjdf klg g8\udluP/ /fli6«o ;DklQsf] hu]gf{ ug{; Sg] ;aeGbf pTs[i 6 ljsNksf] ?kdf g]kfnL ;] gfnfO{ b]v]/ g} o:tf] vfnsf] ;'/Iffsf] lhDd]jf/L g]kfnL ;]g fnfO{ lbOFb} cfPsf] s'/f ;a}n] a'em]sf] b]lvG5 . g]kfnL ;]g fn] klg cfk"mnfO{ k|fKt /fli6«o ÷cGt/f{li6«o rf;f] / dxŒjsf] k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{n fO{ Hofb} ulDe/tfk"j{s lnPsf] 5 / g]kfnL ;]g fsf ;snbhf{n ] klg clt g} k|l tj4 eP/ k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§b} cfPsf 5g\ . k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{sf] nflu g]kfnL ;]g fsf] k|ToIf?kdf & j6f klbs u0fx? tyf & j6f cgfl>t u'Ndx? vl§Psf 5g\ eg] ck|ToIf?kdf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] ;Dk"0f{ o'lg6x?n] g} pNn]vgLo e"l dsf v]Nb} cfPsf] 5 . k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] cfjZostf tyf dxŒj #= ;+/lIft If]qx?sf] lj:tf/ Pj+ plrt Joj:yfkg tyf jGohGt' Pj+ jg–hËnnfO{{ k|efjsf/L ?kdf ;+/If0f ug{ ;lsPdf ljleGg kmfObfx? x'g ] b]lvG5 . o;/L x'g ] d"Vo kmfObfx?nfO{ ;+l IfKt ?kdf lgDg a'“bfx?df k|i6\o fpg ;lsg] b]lvG5 . -s_ k|fs[l ts ;Gt'ng sfod /fVg ?v–lj?jfn] dflg;nfO{ geOgx'g] clS;hg pTkfbg ug'{sf] ;fy} sfj{g–8fO{– cS;fO{8 lgoGq0f ug{; d]t dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]ln/x]sf] x'G5 . jGohGt', r/f–r'?ª\uL / jg–k}bfj/n] k|fs[lts ;Gt'ng sfod /fVgdf ;d]t 7"nf] of]ubfg lbO/x]sf] x'G5 . k|fs[l ts ;Gt'ng sfod /fVg' hLj–hGt' dfq geO dfgj hLjgsf] nflu ;d]t Hofb} ckl/xfo{ /x]sf] 5 . -v_ z'4 kfgL pknJw u/fpg kfgLsf] d'xfg, vf]nf, gbL cflbsf] ;+/If0faf6 k|ToIf?kdf tyf jg hËnsf] hu]gf{ ugf{n] ck|ToIf?kdf dfgj hLjgnfO{ cTofjZos /x]sf] lkpg]kfgLsf] a9\bf] dfunfO{ lg/Gt/ ?kdf cfk"l t{ ug{ ;Dej x'g;Sg] b]l vG5 . eljiodf z'4 kfgLsf] dxŒj emg a9\g ] x'Fbf o;af6 /fi6«n] yk kmfObf p7fpg ;Sg] ;d]t b]lvG5 . -u_ k|sf]k lgoGq0f ug{ k|s[lt ;+/If0f ugf{n] af9L, klx/f], e"–Ifo h:tf k|fs[lts k|sf]kx?af6 hf]l ug ;d]t 7"n f] d2t k'Ug hfg] b]l vG5 . -3_ cfly{s b[li6sf]0fn] dxŒjk"0f{ k|ToIf tyf ck|ToIf?kdf k|s[l t ;+/If0faf6 cfly{s cfocfh{g ug{;d]t ;lsg] b]lvG5 . ko{6gsf] ljsf;, jg k}bfj/ tyf cGo k|fs[l ts >f]tx?sf] Jojl:yt ;b'kof]uaf6 klg /fi6«n] kmfObf p7fp“b} cfPsf] 5 / o;af6 eljiodf yk kmfObf p7fpFg ;Sg] b]lvG5 . -ª_ hl8a'l6sf] ;+/If0f / ;Daw{g /fi6«n] ;+/lIft If]qdf pknJw x'g] ljleGg ax'd"No h8La'l 6x?sf] ;xL ;b'kof]u u/L yk kmfObf lng;Sg] b]lvG5 . -r_ vlgh kbfy{ Pj+ cGo sRrf kbfy{ ;+/lIft If]qdf x'g ;Sg] vlgh kbfy{sf] cWoog, cg';Gwfg Pj+ pTvgg\ / xfn l5d]sL /fi6«df ;d]t lgdf{0 f sfo{sf] nflu cToflws dfu /x]sf] afn'jf, 9'ª\uf, sf7 cflb a:t'x?sf] ;d'lrt Joj:yfkg u/L jftfj/0fdf s'g } k|efj gkg]{ u/L To:tf j:t'x?af6 ;d]t /fi6«n] kmfObf lng ;Sg] b]lvG5 . -5_ b'n{e hLjhGt' / ;+/If0fsf] uf}/j ljZjdf nf]k eO;s]sf tyf nf]kf] Gd'v hLjhGt' Pj+ jg–k}bfj/sf] hu]gf{ ug{; Sg' / ljZjsf] Pp6f k|d'v r'g f}tLsf] ?kdf /x]sf] Global Warming Pj+ jfo'–k|b'if0fsf] ;d:of lg/fs/0f ug{ Pp6f 7f]; of]ubfg lbg;Sg' klg /fi6«sf] nflu g}] Pp6f 7"n f] uf}/j Pj+ cfTd–;Ddfgsf] ljifo x'g] b]lvG5 . -h_ efjL ;Gtltsf] nflu ax'd"No pkxf/ ljZjdf nf]kf]Gd'v hLjhGt' Pj+ jg:kltsf] ;+/If0f tyf k'g +;{[hgf ug{ g;lsg] jg–hËn Pj+ k|fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;Dj4{g u/L efjL k':tfnfO{ x:tfGt/0f ug{ ;s]d f of] klg o; k':tfaf6 cfp“bf] k': tfsf] nflu ax'd"N o pkxf/ k|bfg u/];/x x'g] b]lvG5 . k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf r'gf}tLx? $= ljZjsf x/]s /fi6«x?df cf–cfk\mgf] ljz]if ef}uf]l ns, ;fdflhs, cfly{s, /fhg}l ts nufotsf ljleGg kIfx?n] pQm /fi6«sf] k|s[lt ;+/If0fdf leGbf–leGb} vfnsf] afwf, cj/f]w jf r'g f}tLx? ;[hgf u/]sf] x'g ;S5 . Pp6f /fi6«sf] ljBdfg kl/l:ylt csf]{ /fi6«;“u gldNg klg ;S5 . g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df klg b]zsf] ljs6 e"–jgf]6, a9\bf] hg;+Vof, sdhf]/ cfly{s cj:yf, ;+/If0f ug'{k5{ eGg] r]tgfsf] sdL, lkmtnf] sfg'g L cj:yf / t/n /fhg}lts cj:yf cflb ljleGg kIfx?n] k|ToIf÷ck|ToIf ?kdf k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{df ;d:of jf r'g f}tLsf] ?kdf e"l dsf v]ln/x]sf] kfOG5 . g]kfnsf] ljleGg cf/If, lgs'~h, lzsf/ cf/If / cGo ;+/If0f If]q x? lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{df cjl:yt 5g\ . ;+/If0fsf ;d:of Pj+ r'gf}tLx? ;+/lIft If]qsf] cjl:ylt, e"–jgf]6, ;+/lIft If]q j/k/sf afl;Gbfx?sf] ;fdflhs–cfly{s– /fhg}l ts l:ylt Pj+ r]tgfsf] :t/, ;+/lIft If]qsf] If]qkmn cflb ljleGg s'/fx?df e/ kg]{ b]lvG5 . tfklg, ;dfGotof k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{df dx;'; ul/Psf d"Vo r'g f}tLx?nfO{ ljleGg a'“bfx?df 5'§ofO{ ljZn]i f0f ug{ ;lsg] b]l vG5 . -s_ hg;+Vof j[l4 / jg hËndfly a9\bf] lge{/tf tLj|?kdf a9L/x] sf] hg;+Vof / pgLx?nfO{ af;:yfg, s[l if cflb sfo{x?sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ hdLgsf] cfjZostf k'l t{ ug{ ;+/lIft If]qdf cltqmd0f ug]{ qmd a9\b} uPsf] kfOG5 . ;+/lIft If]q j/k/ a:g] :yfgLo afl;Gbfx?sf] sdhf]/ cfly{s cj:yf, 3/ kfn'j f lhjhGt'sf] nflu r/0f / 3Ff;sf] nflu jg–hËndf k:g' kg]{ afWotf, a}slNks O{Gwg Hofb} d+xuf] x'g uO{ bfp/fdf e/ kg'{kg]{ ljjztf h:tf ljljw sf/0fx?n] ubf{ klg jg–hËn Pj+ ;+/lIft If]q df dfgj–rfk a9\b} uPsf] b]l vG5 . -v_ sf7 / jgk}bjf/sf] a9\bf] dfu ljleGg lgdf{0 f sfo{, kmlg{r/ cflb tof/ ug{] sfo{sf] nflu sf7 / jgk}bfjf/sf] dfu;d]t lbgfg'l bg a9\b} uPsf] kfOG5 . a9\bf] dfu cfk'l t{ ug{ ;d]t l;ldt dfqfdf /x]sf] jg–hËn dfly rfk a9\b} uPsf] b]l vG5 . -u_ jGohGt' / jGohGt'sf] ljleGg cª\u÷cfv]6f]kxf/sf] a9\bf] /fli6«o ÷cGt/f{li6«o dfu ljnf;tf k|bz{g ug{, ljleGg of}g pQ]hs nufotsf cf}ifwLx? tof/ ug{, ljleGg dxËf] klx/g nufotsf a:t'x? jgfpgsf] nflu sRrf kbfy{sf]?kdf k|of]u ug{;d]t jGohGt' / jGohGt'sf] ljleGg cª\u÷cfv]6f]kxf/x?sf] dfu /fli6«o Pj+ cGt/f{li6«o ahf/df lbgfg'lbg a9\b} uPsf] 5 . ljZjdf Psftkm{ To:tf dxŒjk"0 f{ jGohGt'sf] ;+ Vof 36b} hfg' / csf]{tkm{ To:tf jGohGt' / jGohGt'sf] cª\u÷cfvf]6f]kxf/af6 lgld{t a:t'x?sf] dfu a9\b} hfg'n] klg jGohGt' ;+/If0fdf yk r'g f}tL a9\b} uPsf] b]l vG5 . -3 lj1fgsf] ljsf; / k|l jlwsf] b"? kof]u lj1fg, k|ljlw, ;Lk / 1fgnfO{ b'?kof]u u/L l;ldt JolQmx?n] cg'l rt kmfObfsf] nflu k|fs[l ts >f]tsf] ljgfzdf k|of]u ug]{u/]sf] ;d]t kfOG5 . 7"n f] e"–efu 9fSg] u/L 7"n f] hfnf] yfKg], ljiffbLsf] k|o f] u ug]{, s/]0 6 nufO{ df5f dfg]{, 3/]n' xltof/ dfq geO cTofw'l gs xft–xltof/ ;d]t k|o f]u ug]{, ?v / sf7 lrg{ d]sflgsn cf/f / cTofw'l gs d]l zgx?sf] k|o f]u ug]{ h:tf ljljw pbfxf/0fx/af6 ;d]t of] s'/f k'l i6 x'g] b]l vG5 . -ª_ t:s/x?sf] ;+ul7t Pj+ of]hgfj4 sfof{Gjog xfn cfP/ t:s/x? 7"n f] ;+Vofdf Pp6f ;d"x g} jgfP/ Hofb} k]z]j/ 9+uaf6 cTofw'lgs pks/0fx?sf] k|o f]u u/L jGohGt' tyf sf7sf] t:s/L ug]{ u/]sf] ;d]t kfOG5 . s]xL ;do cufl8 b]zsf] ljleGg efuaf6 7"n f] ;+Vofdf l;sdL{x? ;+sng u/]/, d]sflgsn cf/f / cTofw'l gs d]l zgx? k|of]u u/L, hËn leq wF'+j f gcfcf]; egL UofF; r'Nxf]sf] ;d]t Joj:yf u/L, ;'/IffsdL{ Pj+ jf8]{g sfof{n osf x/]s ultljlwx?nfO{ lgu/fgLdf ub}{}, 7"n f] /sd nufgL u/]/, Jojl:yt 9ª\uaf6 lj:t[t of]hgf Pj+ tof/L u/L, 7"n f] dfqfdf ?v sf6\g k|o f; u/]sf] pbfx/0faf6 ;d]t k|fs[l ts ;+/If0f emg\ r'gf}tLk"0f{ aGb}5 eGg] s'/fnfO{ yk k'l i6 ug]{ b]lvG5 . o;sf] ;fy} t:s/Ldf nfUg] sof}F JolQmx?sf] klxrfg ePklg 7f]; k|df0f ge]l6g', ;DalGwtsf] ;+n Ugtf af/] s;}n ] aofg glbg' / st} g st}af6 pgLx?sf] s'g} /fhg}lts kf6L{; Fu ;DaGw x'g ;Sg] ;+efjgf /xg' h:tf s'/fx?n] klg kl/l:yltnfO{ yk hl6n agfp“b} nu]sf] eGg] a'l emG5 . sf7 sf6\b} u/]sf] JolQmx?nfO{ kqmfp u/]/ Nofpb}F ubf{ 7"nf] ;+Vofdf ufpFn]x?n] 3]/]/ ljleGg /fhg}lts bnsf sfo{stf{x?sf] ;d]t d4tn] af6f] /f]sL k|x/L–k|zf;g;Fu anldRofO{ u/L cj/f]w v8f ug{ vf]Hg' tyf u}/– sfg'g L 9+uaf6 lu§L÷afn'jf cf];fb}{ u/]sf] 6\o fS6/ kqmfp u¥of] eg]/ /fhdfu{ - High–Way_ df rSsfhfd ug'{ / o:tf ultljlw ug]{ JolQmx?nfO{ k|x/L–k|zf;gn] tTsfn} kqmg÷sf/jfxL ug{ g;ls afWoeO l:ylt ;fDo kfg{ ;Demf}tf u/L Ps lx;fjn] nfrf/Lkg k|bz{g ug'{kg]{ h:tf pbfxf/0faf6 klg /fi6«sf] xfnsf] hl6n kl/l:ylt Pj+ t/n /fhg}lts cj:yf nufotsf sf/0fx?n] ubf{ b[9tfsf ;fy k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{df k|l tj4 x'g ;DalGwt cGo ;/sf/L lgsfox?nfO{ ;d]t slxn]sfxL 7"nf] bjfj Pj+ r'g f}tLx?sf] ;fdgf ;d]t ug'{ kl//x]sf] eGg] a'lemG5 . -r_ sd ;hfFo / hl/jfgfsf] Joj:yf jGohGt', jGohGt'sf] cË÷cfv]6f]kxf/ / sf7 t:s/L ug{ ;s]d f w]/} kmfObf x'g ] t/ pQm sf/f]jf/ ug]{ JolQmx?nfO{ h/Ljfgf Hofb} Go"g /x]sf] tyf s8f sf/jfxL ug{ klg s]xL ;d:of /x]sf] eGg] a'lemG5 . cfDbfgLsf] t'ngfdf kqmfp k/]kl5 ltg'{kg]{ hl/jfgf÷w/f}6L jf ;hfFo Hofb} sd /x]sf] x'Fbf ævlNtdf w/f}l6sf] /sd /fv]/ t:s/L ug]{ JolQmx? hËn k:g] u5{g\Æ eGg] h:tf Joªu ;d]t ug]{u/]sf] kfOG5 . Psk6s nf]k ePkl5 k'gM ;[hgf ug{ g;lsg] / Psk6s ljgfz ePkl5 k'g M pTkfbg ug{ g;lsg] o:tf cd"No k|fs[l ts j/bfgx?nfO{ hf]ufpg /fi6«sf] b[9 lgZro, s7f]/ sfg'gsf] lgdf{0 f / sfg'g sf] plrt sfof{Gjog x'g clt cfjZos /x]sf] b]lvG5 . -5_ ;+/lIft If]q j/k/sf afl;Gbfx?sf] hfu?stf tyf pkef]Qmf ;ldltx?sf] k|l tj4tf k|s[lt ;+/If0fdf ;+/lIft If]q j/k/ /x]sf :yfgLo afl;Gbfx?sf] ;d]t 7"n f] e"l dsf x'g ] ub{5 . :yfgLo JolQmx?sf] r]tgf Pj+ ;+/If0f ug'{k5{ eGg] cfjgfsf] sdL tyf æof] xfd|f] /fli6«o ;Dklt xf] / xfd|f ] ;fd"lxs lxtsf] nflu ;Dj]bgl;n eP/ o;sf] k|of]u÷pkef]u ug'{k5{Æ eGg] 1fgsf] sdL h:tf s'/fx? klg k|s[lt ;+/If0fdf r'g f}tLsf] ?kdf /x]sf] kfOG5 . pgLx?nfO{ æk|fs[l ts >f]tx?sf] ;+/If0f u/]/ xfdLnfO{ s] kmfObfÆ eGg] s'/fsf] lrQ a'em\bf] hjfkm lbg ;Sg'kg]{ b]lvG5 . hËnL xfQLaf6 hf]ufpg /fv]sf] O{n]l S6«s km]l G;ªusf] sf7;d]t lems]/ aflnlbg] / lr;f] n'uf ;'sfP/ laB't\ ;6{; ls{6eO{ O{n]l S6«s km]lG;ª\un] sfd gu/]sf] pbfx/0fx?af6 klg :yfgLo afl;Gbfx?df kof{K t 1fgsf] cefj /x]sf] / pgLx? cfk\mg} ;'/Iff;“u ;DalGwt s'/fx?df ;d]t nfk/jfx /x]sf] klg b]lvG5 . ;+/lIft If]q j/k/sf afl;Gbfx?sf] c1fgtf tyf afWotf x6fpg r]tgf, lzIff Pj+ a}slNks /f]huf/L ;[hgf ub}{, s]xL unt sfo{ u/]df s8f sf/jfxL x'G5 eGg] sfg'gL sf/jfxLsf] 8/sf] efjgf ljsf; ug{' klg clt cfjZos /x]sf] b]l vG5 . hËnL hgfj/x?n] ufp“–a:tLdf uP/ ug]{ wg–hgsf] Iflt /f]Sg kxn ug{ / plrt Ifltk"l t{ oyfzL3| ;xh t/Lsfn] pknJw u/fpg] k|fjwfg ePdf ;d]t :yfgLo afl;Gbfx?af6 yk ;xof] u kfpg] ck]Iff /fVg ;lsG5 . ldl8ofn] ;d]t :yfgLo afl;Gbfx?nfO{ ;+/If0f sfo{sf] dxŒj ;DaGwL r]tgf a9fpg / pTk|]l/t u/fpg ;sf/fTds e"ldsf v]Ng;Sg] b]lvG5 . g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+/If0f If]q j/k/sf] hgtfx?sf] lxt / ;+/If0fdf of]ubfg b'j} s'/f xf]; \ eg]/ dWojlt{ If]qx? ;d]t u7g u/]sf] 5 . oBlk k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{ df ;a} dWojlt{{ If]q pkef]Q mf ;ldltx?n] ck]Iffs[t of]ubfg lbg g;s]sf] s'/f ;d]t ;a}n] dx;'; u/]sf] kfOG5 . ;ldltx?sf] k|l tj]bgsf] cf}krfl/stfdf dfq e/ gkl/ /fHosf] nufgLcg'?k p2]Zo cg';f/sf] pknAwL sfof{Gjog txdf ePsf] 5÷5}g olsg ug{, Jojxfl/s pknAwL dfkg cfwf/sf] ljsf; u/]/, pknJwLx?sf] d"N ofÍg u/L, s'g ;ldltdf s]–slt ;'l jwf lbg]÷nufgL ug]{ eg]/ lg0f{o ug]{ k|0 fflnsf] ljsf; ug{ ;d]t pko'Qm x'g] b]l vG5 . -h_ ;a} ;/sf/L lgsfo / kIfx?sf] b[9 ;+sNk æ/fi6«df /x]sf] k|fs[l ts >f]tx? xfd|f] /fli6«o ;DklQ xf] / o;sf] ;+/If0f Pj+ ;Dj4{{gdf xfdL ;a}sf] s]xL g s]xL lhDd]jf/L / g}lts bfloTj 5Æ eGg] efjgf ;a}df :jtM:km"t{?kdf k|: k' m6g x'g cfjZos x'G5 . k|fs[l ts ;+/If0fdf k|ToIf vl§Psf lgs'~h÷cf/If k|zf;g, ;]g f / jg sfof{no dfq xf]Og k|zf;g, g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an, /fli6«o cg';Gwfg sfof{n o h:tf ;/sf/L lgsfox?df;d]t k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{k|lt cfk\mgf] bfloTjaf]wdf yk j[l 4 ug{ ;lsPdf / g]kfn k|x/L tyf ;z:q k|x/L ansf] tNnf]bhf{ / tNnf] lgsfo;Dd klg k|s[l Q ;+/If0f sfo{df ;d]t of]ubfg lbg ljz]if lgb]{zgeO ;a} ;/sf/L lgsfox? Psh'6 eP/ b[9 ;+sNklnO k|s[lt ;+/If0fdf cem} k|l tj4eO sfo{ u/]df ;+/If0f sfo{df yk 6]jf k'Ug hfg] b]l vG5 . -em_ æZero Error SyndromÆ k|fs[lts ;+/If0f Pj+ ;Da4{gsf] nflu lgodfg';f/ ;xL tl/sfn] sfo{ ubf{klg /fhg}l gs kf6L{, u}/–;/sf/L ;+u7g, dfgj clwsf/jfbL ;+u7g cflbaf6 eljiodf cgfjZos ;d:of Pj+ bjfj cfpg ;Sg]h:tf dgdf bj]/ /x]sf] 8/n] ubf{ ;fgf] dfq klg ulNt gxf];\ eGg] dfgl;stf -Zero Error Syndrom_ af6 q:t eP/ klg k"0 f{?kdf k|l tj4eO cfqmds tl/sfn] ;+/If0f sfo{d f nfUg g;s]sf] eGg];d]t a'lemG5 . /fd|f] sfo{sf] ;xL d"N ofÍg u/L ljz]i f ?kdf pTk|]l /t ug]{ vfnsf] Joj:yf gx'g ] / OdfGbf/Lk"j{s ;xL p2]Zosf] ;fy sfo{ ubf{ st{Jokfngsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g} 36\g f÷b'3{6\g f 36]df k"0f{?kdf ;DalGwt ;a}af6 ;xof]u÷;dy{g x'G5 eGg] cfTdljZjf; hufpg g;s]d f klg lkmN8df vl§g] JolQmx?df o:tf] efjgf pTkGg x'g ;Sg] b]lvG5 . -`_ bL3{sfnLg of]h gf / 7f]; sfo{lbzf k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] nflu ;/sf/sf ;a} dGqfno Pj+ ljefux? lar cfk;df a[xt\?kdf ;dGjoeO s'g}klg gLlt÷lgodx? tof/ ug'{k"j { x/]s b[li6sf]0 faf6 cWoog u/L bL3{sfnLg of]hgf Pj+ 7f]; sfo{l bzf lbg g;s]df klg ;+/If0f sfo{df ;d:of ;[hgf x'g ;Sg] s'/f ;a}n ] dx;'; u/]sf] b]lvG5 . /fhg}lts bjfadf jf dGqfnodf pRr txsf sd{rf/Lx? km]l/gf;fy gLlt÷lgodx?df ljleGg kl/jt{g x'g ] tyf ljefux? lar cfk;df ;dGjo geO Ps–cfk;df afFl emg] vfnsf] lg0f{o x? ug]{ h:tf sfo{x? ePdf ;+/If0f sfo{df k|l ts"n c;/ kg{;Sg] b]lvG5 . Psftkm{ pBf]u dGqfnon] qmz/ pBf]u vf]Ng cg'dlt lbg], lh=lj=;=n] s/ p7fpg] tyf csf]{tkm{ cf/If÷lgs'~h k|zf;gn] 9'ªuf÷lu§L nfg /f]Sg] / dWojlt{{ If]qdf qmz/ pBf]u aGb ug{ k|o f; klg ul//xg] tyf ;/sf/sf] Pp6f lgsfon] k\mofS6«Lx?nfO{ gofF 3/ lgdf{0f ug{ l:js[lt lbg] / csf]{ lgsfon] pQm 7fp“df gbLsf] k|s[l t axfjdf c;/ kg]{ x'“bf lgdf{0 f sfo{ /f]Sg kq klg k7fO/xg]] pbfx/0fx?af6 klg sxL g sxL s]xL g s]xL sdL–sdhf]/L ljBdfg 5 eGg] oyfy{nfO{ ;DalGwt ;a} ;/sf/L lgsfox?n] dgg\ ug}{kg]{ b]l vG5 . -6_ ;a} lgsfo / kIfsf] lhDd]jf/L Pj+ bfloTjsf] hfgsf/L lgs'~h÷cf/If sfof{n o, g]kfnL ;]gfsf] o'lg6, cGo ;'/Iff kmf}h, jg sfof{no, k|zf;g, pkef]Qmf ;ldlt, ;+/If0fdf vl§g] NGO÷INGO cflb ;a}sf] k|ToIf÷ck|ToIf?kdf k|s[l t ;+/If0fdf cf–cfk\mg} vfnsf] lhDd]j f/L /x] sf] x'G5 . /fd|f] sfo{ ePsf] hz lng / pknAwLx?sf] tYofÍ b]vfO{ cfk\mgf] sfd b]vfpg xf]8afhL rNg;Sg] t/ s'g } q'l6 jf sdL–sdhf]/L ePdf g]kfnL ;]gflt/ kms{g ;Sg] ;Defjgfx?k|l t klg ;w“} ;r]t x'g'kg]{ b]l vG5 . k|ToIf÷ck|ToIf ?kdf ljleGg kIfsf] lhDd]jf/L ePtf klg sxL st} ?v sfl6Pdf jf u}+8f dfl/Pdf ;dli6ut\?kdf /x]sf sdL–sdhf]/Lx? kQf nufO{ To;sf] lg/fs0f ug]{tkm{ gnfuL k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] nflu cxf]/fq vl§Psf] g]kfnL ;]gfsf] o'l g6sf] sxf“ / s] sdL–sdhf]/L 5 eGg] vf]hljg ug{ dfq hf]8 lbg] tyf ;s];Dd o'l g6nfO{ jf kf]i 6nfO{ g} lhDd]jf/ agfP/ ;d:ofsf] ulx/fO{; Dd ghfg] k|j[l Q ePdf To;af6 ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] bL3{sfnLg pkfo lgl:sg] b]l v“b}g . ;+o 'Qm ?kdf ljleGg lgsfo Pj+ kIfx?n] ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§g] x'“bf s'g}klg z+sf, e|d jf bf]xf]/f] kl/>d gk/f];\ / JolQmut ;DaGw tyf JolQm ljz]ifsf] O{R5fdf e/ gkg]{ u/L Pp6f Jojl:yt k|0 ffnL -System _ df rnf];\ eGgsf] nflu klg s'g kIfsf] lhDd]j f/L Pj+ bfloTj s] s] xf] ;f] af/]df ;d]t ;a} kIfx? :ki6 x'g pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 . -7_ hËnsf] Ifdtf -Carrying Capacity_ / ;Defljt ljz]if Technical vfnsf] ;d:ofx? af/] cWoog xfn hËnL e"–efu ga9]tfklg ;+/If0f sfo{ /fd|f] ePsf] x'“bf hËnL hgfj/x?sf] ;+Vof a9]sf] kfOG5 . s'g hËndf s'g hgfj/ slt ;+Vofdf c6fpg] Ifdtf 5 / ;+Vof a9L ePsf] hgfj/x?nfO{ s]–s;/L Joj:yfkg ug]{ eGg]af/] s'g } cWoog jf bL3{sfnLg÷cNksfnLg of]hgf ag]sf] a'l emb}g . pbfxf/0fsf] nflu cToflws ;+Vofdf a9L/x]sf] hËnL xfQL slt j6f;Dd hËndf x'g pko'Qm 5 -hËnsf] Casrrying Capacity cg';f/_ / qmdzM ;+Vof a9L/x]sf] hËnL xfQLx?nfO{ s;/L Joj:yfkg ug]{ eGg] ljifodf ;a} df}g /x]sf] b]l vG5 . To;}u/L eljiodf 3/–kfn'j f hgfj/x?af6 ;/]/ jf cGo s'g } sf/0fn] hËnL hgfj/x?df s'g} ljz]if ºn" jf cGo /f] usf] dxfdf/L km}lnPdf s]–s;/L To;nfO{ lgoGq0f ug]{ tyf 3/–kfn'j f / hËnL hgfj/x?aLr nuftf/ nfdf] ;dosf] ;+;u{af6 hËnL hgfj/x?sf] lhg qm;eO s'g} :k]l z;sf] Originality g} nf]k x'g;Sg] h:tf ;Defjgfx?nfO{ s;/L ;Daf]w g ug]{ eGg] h:tf lgtfGt k|fljlws -Technical_ k|s[l tsf ljifox?df ljz]if cWoog / cg';Gwfg ePsf] kfO“b}g . pbfx/0fsf] nflu sf]zL6Kk'df cgf{ / e}F;Lsf] qm; eO/x] sf] / oxL qmd a9L/x]d f eljiodf cgf{sf] Original :k]l z; kfpg g} ufx|f] kg{;Sg] ;Defjgfx?nfO{ ;d]t gsfg{ ;ls“b}g . To;}ul/ agdf/f nufotsf ljz]i f vfnsf] emf8L÷nx/fx?n] hËnsf] 7"nf] e"–efu 9flsP/ eljiodf 7"nf] ;d:of Nofpg;Sg] r'gf}tLnfO{ s]–s;/L lg/fs/0f ug]{ eg]/ pkfo kQf nufpg vf;} ljz]i f k|of; ePsf] eGg] klg a'l emb}g . k|s[lt ;+/If0fdf g]kfnL ;]gf %= Psftkm{ b]zdf JofKt ul/jL, j]/f]huf/L, sdhf]/ z}lIfs:t/ nufotsf ljljw sf/0fx? tyf csf]{tkm{ ljifd Pj+ ljs6 e"–efudf lxdfn kxf8 / t/fO{df km}lnPsf] k|fs[l ts >f]t / ;+/lIft If]qx?nfO{ ;'/Iff k|bfg ug{' w]/} cufl8af6 g} Pp6f r'gf}tLk"0f{ sfo{ /xL cfPsf] lyof]eg] xfnljBdfg t/n /fhg}lts cj:yf nufot ylkPsf ljljw vfnsf r'gf}tLx?n] ;+/If0f sfo{nfO{ yk hl6n / sl7g agfPsf] 5 . cGt/f{l i6«o Pj+ /fli6«o dxŒjsf] o:tf k|fs[l ts >f]tsf] ;+/If0f ug{ cTofjZos Pj+ ckl/xfo{ /x]sf] 5 . /fli6«o lxt;Fu ;DalGwt 7"n f] dxŒj af]s]sf] tyf Hofb} r'g f}tLk"0 f{ sfo{ /x]sf] x'Fbf g} g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfnL ;]g fnfO{ k|fs[l ts ;+/If0fsf] uxg lhDd]jf/L k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf] b]l vG5 . /fi6«sf] ;aeGbf ;zQm, ;+fu7lgs ?kdf Psa4, bx|f] c7f]6, b[9 k|l ta4tf ePsf] / s'g }klg 8/ –wlDs–bjfjaf6 lsl~rt dfq klg ljrlnt geO cfºgf] lhDd]jf/L lgefpg ;Sg] ;aeGbf pTs[i6 ljsNksf] ?kdf /x]sf] x'Fbf g} k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] lhDd]jf/L g]kfnL ;]g fnfO{ k|bfg ub}{c fPsf] eGg] a'lemG5 . ^= k|fs[lts ;+/If0fdf ljleGg kIfx?sf] k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf lhDd]jf/L /x]sf] x'G5 . g]kfnL ;]g fn] Hofb} g} ;Dj]bgzLn eP/ cfk\mgf] o:tf] uxg lhDd]j f/LnfO{ lgjf{x ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . ;DalGwt cGo ;a} lgsfox?n] klg uDeL/tfk"j{s cfk\mgf] lhDd]jf/L lgefpg bQlrQeO nfu]df o;af6 yk pknAwL x'g;Sg] b]lvG5 . d"Vo u/L dfly rrf{ ul/Psf ;+/If0fsf r'gf}tLx?nfO{ ;s]; Dd ;a} Psh'6 eP/ x6fpFb} nfg / ;+/If0fdf vl§Psf ;'/IffsdL{x?n] ef]Ug' k/]sf ;d:of Pj+ sl7gfO{x?nfO{ qmdzM x6fpFb} pgLx?nfO{ cfw'l gs k|l jlw Pj+ pks/0fx?n] ;'–;lHht kfb}{ pgLx?sf] dgf]jn dfly p7fpg ;lsPdf ;+/If0f sfo{ yk k|e fjsf/L x'g] s'/fdf s;}sf] b'O{ dt x'g ] b]l vFb}g . k|s[lt ;+/If0fdf vl§Psf kmf}hsf] ;d:of tyf ;'emfjx? &= lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{d f k"j{b]l v klZrd;Dd km}l nPsf] ljleGg ;+/lIft If]qx?df vl§Psf kmf}hx?sf] :yfg ljz]if cg';f/ cf–cfk\mg} df}lns Pj+ ljz]if ;d:ofx? ljBdfg /x]sf 5g\ . ;fdfGotof k|fs[l ts ;+/If0fdf vl§Psf kmf}hx?n] ef]l u/x]sf ;d:ofx? tyf ljleGg ;'emfjx?sf] af/]d f oxfF ;+l IfKt?kdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . -s_ ef}l ts k"jf{w f/ g]kfnL ;]gfn] 8\o 6L ul//x]sf] lgs'~h÷cf/Ifsf] cem} klg sof}F kf]i6x?df Go"g td ef}l ts cfjZostfx?nfO{ ;d]t ;Demf}Ftf u/]/ kmf}hn] cfk\mgf] lhDd]j f/L axg ul//x]sf] b]lvG5 . sof}F :yfgx?df alQsf] ;'l jwf, ;~rf/sf] ;'l jwf / kfgLsf] ;'l jwf;d]t gePsf] klg kfOG5 . cem} klg s]xL kf]i 6x?df glhssf] ufpFdf uO{ kfgL yfk]/ uf8fdf af]s]/ Nofpg'kg]{ cj:yf ;d]t ljBdfg 5 . -v_ /fzg cfk'lt{ lgs'~h÷cf/Ifdf t}g fy u0f÷u'N dx?sf] /fzg 7]Ssf ;DalGwt lhNnfdf t}g fy cGo o'lg6x?n] vf]Ng] / /fzg sj'l notgfdfdf h]–h:tf] n]l vP klg ljleGg :yfgx?df vl§Psf kf]i 6x?df lgoldt?kdf /fzg cfk'lt{ ug]{ tyf t/sf/L, cfn' / df;' h:tf rfF8} lau|g ] a:t'x?sf] lgoldt Joj:yf ug]{ ;DaGwdf b"/L / ef}uf]lns cj:yfsf] sf/0f;d]tn] ubf{ sof}F o'lg6x?n] ;d:of ef]Ug' kl//x]sf] b]lvG5 . hËndf ljifd xfjf–kfgLsf] sf/0fn] ;d]tn] ubf{ klg :6f]/ u/]/ /fv]sf] /fzg cf]l ;g], sldnf÷ls/fn] laufg{] / 9'; L kg]{ h:tf ;d:ofx? klg cfpg] ub{5 . ljz]iful/ nfdf] b"/L se/ ug]{ u/L s]xL /ft aflx/ a:g]u/L ul/g] ;}lgs sf/jflxx? ug{ vl§g] kmf}hx?sf] nflu 8«fO{ /fzg÷Pd=cf/=O{= sf] Joj:yf gx'g 'n] klg s]xL ;d:of kg]{ u/]sf] b]lvG5 . -u_ kof{Kt cjlwsf] pko'Qm tflnd g]kfnL ;]gfsf] ;snbhf{n] cfk\mgf] ;]j f cjlwe/ ug]{ ljleGg tflndx? / cfwf/e"t lhDd]jf/LeGbf k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§bf ug'{kg]{ sfo{ s]xL km/s k|s[l tsf] x'g] ub{5 . xfn k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{sf] lhDd]jf/Ldf nuftf/ nfdf] ;do;Dd gv6fO{ cGoq vl§Psf] o'l g6eGbf sd ;dojlwdf o'lg6x?sf] :yfgfGt/0f ug]{ k|fjwfg /x]sf] 5 . o;/L gof“ t}gfy eO{hfg] o'l g6x?nfO{ ;+/If0f 8\o '6Ldf t}gfy x'g;fy :yfg ljz]if Pj+ lhDd]jf/Lsf] k|s[l t cg'?ksf] k|s[lt ;+/If0f ;DaGwL tflnd lbg] Joj:yf ePtfklg Tof] Tolt Jojl:yt, k|efjsf/L Pj+ kof{Kt gePsf] dx;'; ul/Psf] 5 . o;/L t}g fy x'g hfg] kmf}hnfO{ Pp6f ljz]if Kofs]h tflnd k|bfg ug{ pko'Qm x'g] b]l vG5 . tflnd u/fpg cg'ej k|fKt clws[t;lxtsf] Pp6f ljz]if 6f]n L tof/ ug{ jf bL3{sfnLg?kdf æ;+/If0f lzIffnoÆ sf] :yfkgf u/]/;d]t k|s[lt ;+/If0f ;DaGwL tflndx?nfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ ;lsG5 . ;DalGwt dGqfno÷ljefusf] ;xof]udf o:tf] vfnsf] lzIffno :yfkgf u/L :t/Lo 9+uaf6 ;~rfng ug{ ;lsPdf eljiodf ljb]zL lzIffyL{x?nfO{; d]t ;xefuL u/fO{ tflnd ;~rfng ug{ ;lsg] ;Defjgf;d]t /x]sf] b]l vG5 . g]kfnL ;]g fsf] k|s[l t ;+/If0fsf] cg'ej÷1fg / cGt/f{li6«o rf;f]sf] ;+/If0f sfo{df g]kfn / g]kfnL ;]gfsf] of]ubfgnfO{ ljZjJofkL?kdf kl/ro lbg eljiodf of] Pp6f d"Vo dfWod aGg;Sg] ;d]t b]lvG5 . xfnsf] nflu o'l g6 cbnL–abnL x'“bf klg :yfgfGt/0feO{ cfpg] o'lg6sf] s]xL k|l tzt JolQmx? # dlxgf cufl8af6 c6\o frsf] ?kdf vl§O{ ;Dk"0f{ lhDd]j f/L, va/ ;+sng nufotsf ;a} kIfaf/] a[xt\ Pj+ la:t[t 1fg÷cg'ej xfl;n u/]kZrft dfq af“sL kmf}hsf] :yfgfGt/0f ug]{ k|fjwfg /fVg;d]t pko'Qm x'g] b]l vG5 . -3_ va/ ;+sng ;+/If0f sfo{df ;d]t va/sf] Hofb} g} 7"nf] dxŒj x'g] ub{5 . lzsf/L / t:s/ ;DaGwL ;xL Pj+ olsg va/ k|fKt ug{;s]df dfq pko'Qm ;}lgs sf/afxLx?af6 jg–hËn, jGohGt' / cGo k|fs[lts >f]tnfO{ ;+/If0f ug{ ;lhnf] x'g ] b]l vG5 . jf8]{g÷lgs'~h k|zf;gsf] O{G6 g]6js{ Hofb} k|efjsf/L gx'g ', cGo ;'/Iff lgsfo;Fu ;xsfo{ u/L va/x? k|fKt ug{ jf8]{g ÷lgs'~h sfof{no;d]t Tolt w]/} ;Ifd x'g g;Sg', va/ ;+sng sfo{sf] nflu kof{Kt ah]6sf] Joj:yf gx'g' tyf ;Lldt ;dofjlwsf] nflu vl§g] o'lg6x?n] 5f]6f] ;dodf cfk\mgf] O{G6 g]6js{ lj:tf/ ug{ s]xL ;d:of x'g ' cflb sf/0fx?n] ;d]t va/ ;Íngdf s]xL sl7gfO{ dx;'; x'g] u/]sf] kfOG5 . -ª_ ;+Vofsf] cg'kftdf 7"nf] lhDd]jf/L If]q cem} klg clwsf+z lgs'~h÷cf/Ifdf ;+/If0f ug'{kg]{ If]q kmnsf] t'ngfdf lgs} sd hgzlQmn] 8\o '6L ul//xg' k/]sf] b]l vG5 . glk|m sd x'Fbf kf]i 6x?sf] b'/L a9\g ,] df]ljlnl6df sdL cfpg] / ;dli6ut\ ?kdf ;+/If0f sfo{df g} c;/ kl//x]sf] b]lvG5 . -r_ l;Ugn ldnfk k|s[lt ;+/If0fdf vl§Psf] o'l g6x?df kof{Kt l;Ugn ldnfksf ;fwgx? pknJw gx'g ' / Aofl6« rfF8} cf]l ;g]÷sfd gug]{ x'“bf yk ;d:of ylkPsf] b]l vG5 . hËndf l:qmlgu+ O{km]S6sf] sf/0fn];d]t Ps cfk;df ;dGjo Pj+ O{d/h]G;Ldf va/ cfbfg–k|bfg ug{ s]xL ;d:of kl//x]sf] b]l vG5 . hËnsf] af6f]x'“b} 6]l nkmf]gsf] tf/ n}hfbf b"/Lsf] sf/0fn] / hËnL hgfj/n] Iflt k'¥ofO{l bgfn] s]xL ;d:of kg]{ tyf df]jfO{nsf] g]6js{ ;d]t g;dfTgfn] j}slNks ;Dks{sf] dfWodsf]?kdf /x]sf] 6]l nkmf]g÷df]jfO{n n] ;d]t sof}F :yfgx?df sfd gug]{ x'“bf yk ufx|f] agfPsf] b]l vG5 . k|s[l t ;+/If0fdf vl§Psf] o'lg6x?nfO{ Aofl6«sf] vkt cjlw 36fO{ kof{K t ;+Vofdf Aofl6« pknAw u/fpg tyf 6]l nkmf]g ÷df]jfO{n÷;L=8L=Pd=P=sf] 6fj/x? yk ug{ nufO{ o'lg6x?nfO{ cfjZostfcg';f/ kmf]g÷df]j fO{n ;]6x? pknAw u/fpg pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . -5_ Snf]lbª\u / O{So'k d]0 6 k|fs[lts ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§Psf] kmf}hnfO{ r':tf, a'7, Sofgef;, l:nlkª\u Jofu, Dof6«];, nufot s]xL ;fdu|Lx? yk pknAw u/fpg] ul/Psf] 5 . tyflk vl§g] :yfgsf] xfjf–kfgL, ef}uf]l ns cj:yf cflb s'/fx?nfO{ dWo]g h/ /fvL lxdfnL If]qdf :gf]–Snf]l bª\u / cGoq cfjZostf cg';f/sf Snf]l bª\u cfO{6dx? o'l g6sf] ;a} glk||mnfO{ k'Ug] u/L, ;lhnf];“u o'lg6 nf]s]zgdf g} k|fKt x'g ]u/L k7fpg] Joj:yf ldnfpg tyf vkt cjlwdf ;d]t k'g d{"NofÍg ug{ pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . o;sf] ;fy} kmf}hnfO{ cfjZos kg]{ High Power sf] 6r{, ;r{nfO{6, Night Vision Device, GPS h:tf O{So'kd]0 6x? / o;nfO{ cfjZos kg]{ Jofl6«x? kof{K t dfqfdf pknJw u/fpg pko'Qm x'g] b]l vG5 . s'g }klg O{So'kd]0 6 pknJw u/fp“bf To;nfO{ dd{t–;+e f/ ug]{ ah]6, k|of]u ug]{ tl/sf ;DaGwL tflnd / To;nfO{ rflxg] Aofl6«÷O{Gwg kof{Kt dfqfdf lg/Gt/?kdf pknAw u/fpg] Joj:yf ldnfpg Hofb} cfjZos x'g] b]l vG5 . -h_ pko'Qm xft–xltof/ k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§Psf o'lg6x?nfO{ cGo o'l g6x? ;f]–;/xsf] b/jGbL cg';f/ xft–xltof/, PS;Knf]l;e / PDo"lgzg pknJw u/fpg'eGbf To;df kl/dfh{g u/L :yfg ljz]ifdf a'e m–a'emf/y ug]{u/L ef}uf]l ns cjl:ylt, lhDd]jf/L Pj+ cfjZostfsf] l;4fGtnfO{ ;d]t dWo]g h/ /fvL pko'Qm xft÷xltof/x? pknAw u/fpg pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§Psf] kmf}hnfO{ k]: tf]n h:tf] ;fgf] xltof/ kof{K t ;+Vofdf pknAw u/fpg tyf pbfx/0fsf] nflu xfQLn] b'Mv lbg] 7fp“df Knfli6s /fp08 / Knfli6s /fp08 kmfo/ ug{ ldNg] xltof/ pknAw u/fpg;d]t pko'Qm x'g] b]l vG5 . hËnsf] xfjfkfgL / pko'Qm :6f]/sf] cefjnfO{ ;d]t dWo]g h/ /fvL *! dL=dL=sf] ad, u[g ]8, /fp08 cflb s]xL sd pknjw u/fP klg afwf gkg]{ b]lvG5 . -em_ kmf}hsf] df]ljln6L o'lg6sf] nf]s]zgcg'?k lxdfn Pj+ kxf8df 3f]8f / vRr8 tyf t/fO{df e"–agf]6 ;'xfp“bf] uf8Lx? kof{Kt ;+Vofdf pknJw u/fpg pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . t/fO{df vl§Psf] o'l g6sf] nflu kof{Kt ;+Vofdf alnof] ;fO{sn, df]6/;fO{sn / kf]i6sf] ;+Vof Pj+ b"/Lsf] lx;fjn] uf8Lx? pknJw u/fpg pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 . o;/L pknJw u/fOg] oftoftsf ;fwgsf] dd{t–;+e f/ ug{ tyf cfjZos kg]{ O{Gwgsf] nflu;d]t Jojxfl/s b[li6sf]0 fn] lx;fj u/L kof{K t dfqfdf ah]6 pknJw u/fpg cfjZos kg]{ b]l vG5 . o;sf ;fy} t/fO{df cjl:yt cf/If÷lgs'~hdf t}gfy o'l g6x?df w]/} e]l xsn d'ed]06 x'g ] x'Fbf uf8L rnfpg] 8«fO{e/x?sf] cfjZostf a9L kg]{ x'gfn] 8«fO{leªu tflndsf] sf]6f;d]t cfjZostfcg'; f/ kof{Kt ;+Vofdf pknAw u/fpg pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . -`_ cTofw'lgs k|ljlw÷pks/0fx? k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{sf] nflu ljZjdf k|o f] u eO/x]sf cTofw'l gs k|ljlw / pks/0fx?sf] k|of]u ub}{ nfg pko'Q m x'g] b]l vG5 . ljZjdf ;+/If0f sfo{df s]–s:tf] cTofw'lgs k|l jlw Pj+ pks/0fx? k|of]udf cfO/x]sf 5g\, To; ;DaGwL j[xt\ Pj+ uxg cWoog u/L To;sf] Cost Effeciency, Practicability, Handling, Maintenance Cost cflb ;a} kIfsf] n]vfhf]vf u/L pbfxf/0fsf] nflu 8«f]g , ;L=;L= Sofd/f, :of6nfO{6 df]l g6l/ªu l;i6d, /]sL x]lnsK6/ cflb h:tf ljleGg cfw'l gs pks/0fx?÷k|ljlw leq\o fpg pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 . -6_ bf]xf]/f] sdf08 / lhDd]jf/L xfn k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{d f vl§Psf] kmf}hsf] r]g–ckm–sdf08 b'O{j6f /x]sf] 5 . /fli6«o lgs'~h tyf jGohGt' cf/If lgb]{zgfnosf] l;w}cGtu{t /x]/ Psftkm{ sfo{ub}{ cfPsf]5 eg] csf]{tkm{ k[tgf x]=Sjf= x'“b} jflxgL c8\8fsf] sdf08df;d]t /x]sf] 5 . jf:tjdf k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{ / ck|]zgn 8\o 'l6 ;d]t ;dfgfGt/ 9+uaf6 cufl8 a9fpg plQs} cfjZostf 5 t/ o;/L bf]xf]/f] sdf08 x'Fbf s]xL g s]xL k|zf;lgs / Jojxfl/s sl7gfO{ eg] kl//x]s} b]l vG5 . x/]s n]vfkl9 / dfu kmf/fd cflb jflxgL c8 \8f / k[tgf x]=Sjf= x'“b} hfg'kg]{ Joj:yf / o'lg6klt÷clws[tx?sf] g]s]jbL n]Vg]÷;b/ ug]{ clVtof/L jflxgL c8\8f÷k[tgf x]=Sjf= df x'g] Joj:yf cflbn] ubf{ b'j }tkm{sf] r]g –ckm–sdf08af6 k|fKt x'g] cfb]z÷lgb]{zg Pj+ k|fyldstfnfO{ ;Gt'ng ldnfP/ cufl8 a9\g ' klg Pp6f sl7gfO{sf]?kdf g} /lxcfPsf] 5 . pbfx/0fsf] nflu lgb]{zgfnoaf6 :ki6 ?kdf k|s[l t ;+/If0fsf] nflu vl§Psf] kmf}hsf] d"Vo lhDd]jf/L ;+/If0f sfo{ /x]sf] / o'l g6x?nfO{ cfpg] ah]6 lgtfGt?kdf k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{sf] nflu s]Gb|Lt eP/ sfd ug]{ eg]/ lgb]{zg x'g ] / km]/L csf]{tkm{ sGef]P÷eL=cfO{=kL= :sl6ªu nufotsf k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{df gvl§Psf o'l g6x?n] lgjf{x ug'{kg]{ lhDd]jf/Lx? 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p7\g ] u/]sf] klg kfOG5 . jf:tjdf o; ;DaGwdf Pp6f 6fF:s kmf];{ g} v8f u/]/ eljiodf x'g ;Sg] kmfObf, a]kmfObf Pj+ kmf}hsf] dgf]la1fg -Psychology_ nfO{ ;d]t uxg cWoog u/L Hofb} g} ;Dj]bgzLn eP/ Pp6f 7f]; lg0f{o ug{ pko'Qm x'g] b]l vG5 . -8_ kof{Kt clwsf/ Pj+ ljz]if sfg'gL k|f jwfg k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§g] kmf}hnfO{ sfg'g L ?kdf kof{Kt clwsf/ k|bfg ug{ pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 . k|s[lt ;+/If0fsf] lhDd]jf/L Hofb} k|efjsf/L 9+uaf6 lgjf{x ug{ ;+/If0f sdL{x?sf] clwsf/ hËn leq dfq ;Lldt g/fvL t:s/x?sf] hfnf] clw/fHoe/L km}lnPsf] x'g;Sg] x'“bf cg';Gwfg, kqmfp / yk 5fgljgsf] nflu cfjZos k/]df u}/–;}l gs kf]zfsdf ;d]t Pj+ h'g;'s} :yfgdf klg hfg / cfjZos sf/jfxL ug{ kof{Kt sfg'gL clwsf/ k|bfg ug{ pko'Qm x'g] b]lvG5 . sfo{ ;~rfngsf] qmddf syd\sbflrt\ s'g} lzsf/L÷t:s/÷sf7 rf]/ 3fO{t]÷d[To' ePdf;d]t s'g} klg cfIf]k gcfpg] / dfgj clwsf/jfbL ;+3÷;+u7gsf] bjfjdf kg'{g kg]{ tyf st{Jokfngsf] l;nl;nfdf s'g} klg To:tf] vfnsf] 36\g f 36]df g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;DalGwt lgsfox?n] To;sf] k"0 f{?kdf lhDd]jf/L lnG5 eGg] s'/fsf] Plsg u/fO{ ;+/If0fsdL{x?sf] cfTd–ljZjf;df clej[l 4 ug{ klg cTofjZos /x]sf] b]l vG5 . -9_ ljz]if ;x'lnot÷O{G ;]G6Lesf] Joj:yf k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{df ;xL 9ª\uaf6 vl§Psf] kmf}h /fi6«df nueu ;+s6sfn nfu]sf] cj:yfdf h:t} pRr zf/Ll/s Pj+ dfgl;s bjfadf /xL cxf]/fq vl§Psf] kfOG5 . kmf}hsf] sldn] ubf{ kof{Kt ljbf gkfpg], @$ ;} 306f :6f08jfO{ a:g'kg]{, lbg / /ftdf clgjfo{ k6«f]l nª\u ug'{ kg]{, h'g;'s} ;dodf t:s/x?;“u d'7 d]6eO{ bf]xf]/f] kmfol/ªu ;d]t x'g ;Sg], lhDd]j f/L lgjf{xsf] qmddf afWofTds kl/l:yltdf kmfo/ vf]Ng'kg{] / cfk"m / cGo JolQmx? 3fO{t] x'g÷d[To' ;d]t x'g;Sg] ;Defjgf /xg] cflb sf/0fn] ubf{ k|s[l t ;+/If0fdf t}g fy kmf}hx?n] pRr dfgl;s bjfjdf sfo{ ul//x]s]f kfOG5 . @$ ;} 306f hËnL hgfj/sf] 8/, r'g f} tLk"0 f{ lhDd]jf/L / ljifd xfjfkfgLsf] sf/0fn] jf:tjd} k|s[l t ;+/If0f l8p6Ldf vl§Psf o'lg6x?sf] kmf}h Jof/]sdf Pslqt eO{ sfo{ ug]{ o'l g6sf] kmf}heGbf a9L sl7g kl/l:yltdf sfo{ ul//x]sf] b]lvG5 . o;/L vl§g] kmf}hx?sf] nflu ljz]if k'/:sf/ jf ;x'l not÷O{G;]G6Lesf] vf;} ljz]if Joj:yf ePsf] kfO{bg} . pRr lxdfnL e]udf vl§g] kmf}hn] æb'u{d ;]jf kbsÆ kfpg] k|fjwfg ePh:t} ljs6 e" –jgf]6 / ljifd xfjfkgLdf /x]/ k|s[l t ;+/If0f h:tf] r'g f}tLk"0 f{ lhDd]j f/L lgjf{x ug]{ kmf}hsf] nflu æ;+/If0f kbsÆ jf To:t} pko' Qm kbssf] Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg] b]lvG5 . xfn clws[tn] lxdfnL e]udf vl§Pafkt kbf]Ggltsf] nflu kfpg] cÍsf] t'n gfdf ljifd÷ljs6 e"–jgf]6df r'gf}tLk"0f{ sfo{ug]{ t/fO{ O{nfsfdf /x]sf] lgs'~h÷cf/Ifdf vl§P/ sfo{ u/] jfkt k|fKt ug]{ cÍ;d]t Hofb} sd /x]sf] x'“bf To;df ;d]t k"gd{"N ofÍg ug{ ;lsg] b]l vG5 . lglZrt ;do ;]jf u/]jfkt k|s[l t ;+/If0f ;DaGwL ljb]z tflnd÷;]ldgf/÷e|d0fdf ;xefuL u/fpg], ljz]if eQfsf] Joj:yf ug]{, ljz]i f aLdfsf] Joj:yf ug]{, k6«f]l nªudf hf“bf k|o f]u ug{ ljz]i f 8«fO{ vfhfsf] Joj:yf ug]{, u'Nd x]=Sjf=df c:yfoL kl/jf/ cfjf;sf] Joj:yf ug]{ h:tf ljljw pkfox? ckgfP/ kmf}hsf] xf};nf a9fpg ljleGg vfnsf k'/:sf/ Pj+ ;x'lnot÷O{G;]G6Lesf] Joj:yf ug{;d]t pko'Qm x'g ] b]l vG5 . pk;+xf/ *= cGt/f{li6«o Pj+ /fli6«o dxŒjsf] k|s[lt ;+/If0f sfo{ jf:tjd} h6Ln, ;Dj]bgzLn / r'gf}tLk"0f{ /x]sf] 5 . ToxL sf/0fn] g} g]kfnL ;]g fnfO{ To:tf] uxg lhDd]jf/L lbOFb} cfPsf] kfOG5 . k|s[l t ;+/If0fdf ljleGg kIfx? tyf lgsfox?sf] cf–cfk\ mg} ljz]if e"l dsf, lhDd]jf/L / of]ubfg x'g] u5{ . xfn g]kfnsf] k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{df ljleGg vfnsf] sdL–sdhf]/L, ;d:of Pj+ sl7gfO{x? ljBdfg /x]sf] ePtfklg k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{ g]kfndf jf:tjd} Pp6f ljlzi6 9ª\af6 xF'b} cfPsf] 5 . o;sf] 7"nf] h; g]kfnL ;]gfn] klg kfpg' :jfefljs g} b]lvG5 . ;+/If0f sfo{d f ljBdfg ;sf/fTds Pj+ ;jn kIfx?nfO{ yk kl/dfh{g Pj+ ;zQm agfp“b} nu]/, ;a} sld–sdhf]/Lx?nfO{ lg/fs/0f ug{ ;DalGwt ;a} kIfaf6 ljz]i f ?kdf kxn ub}{, ;+/If0f sfo{nfO{ yk dha't jgfp“g, b[9 c7f]6 lnP/ cufl8 a9\g 'kg]{ b]lvG5 . (= k|s[lt ;+/If0f h:tf] ;Dj]bgzLn Pj+ cTofjZos ljifonfO{ s'g }klg xfntdf eljiodf ug]{ eg]/ sd k|fyldstfdf /fVg gx'g] b]lvG5 . k|s[lt ;+/If0f o:tf] If]q xf] hxf“ ug]{ nufgL, kl/>d / of]ubfg slxNo} klg v]/ hf“b}g / To;n] u'0ffTds ?kdf k|ToIf÷ck|ToIf ?kdf k|ltkmn lbG5 eGg] s'/f ;a}n] dgg\ ug'{ cTofjZos /x]sf] b]l vG5 . :ki6 gLlt, s7f]/ sfg'g L k|fjwfg, ;+/If0f sfo{df vl§g] ;a} JolQmx?sf] pRr dgf]jn Pj+ cfTdljZjf;, ;a} lgsfo Pj+ kIfx?sf] ;lqmotf cflb s'/fx?af6 k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{n fO{ yk ;zQm, k|e fjsf/L Pj+ pknAwLd"n s agfpg ;lsg] b]lvG5 . g]kfnL ;]g fsf sd{7 ;snbhf{ /fli6«o lxtsf] k|s[l t ;+/If0f sfo{d f lbO/x]sf] ct'n gLo of]ubfgnfO{ ;a} kIfx?n] yk ;xof]u u/L ;+/If0f sfo{nfO{ cem a9L ;dfog's"n Pj+ :t/Lo agfpg lgtfGt cfjZos /x]sf] b]lvG5 . NGO INGO jL/ dflg;x? Ps k6s d[To'sf] cg'ej ub{5g\ t/ sfo/ d[To' cfpg' eGbf klxn] s}of}+ k6s dl/ ;S5 . – ljlnod z]S;lko/ Army Aviation Roles in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Operations - Pilot Lieutenant Colonel Man Bahadur Karki Introduction Disaster is an event of prompt, unexpected and accidental which may cause loss of life, damage to property and environment. Similarly, disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses that exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using its own resources.1 In other words, human made or natural disaster disturbs the functioning community or part of nation or transnational areas. Its effect is more in the developing and the least developed country than developed country due to high level of hazard and vulnerability. Some disasters may forecast like flood, hurricane, glacier outburst through early warning system but some like earthquake and volcanic eruption can’t be predicted. However, we can adopt mitigation and risk reduction majors. Nepal faces several types of natural disaster every year; the most prominent are floods including Glacier Lake Outburst Flooding (GLOF), drought, landslides, wildfires and earthquakes. Nepal ranks 11th in the world in terms of vulnerability to earthquake and 30 th in terms of flood risks (UNDP 2004).2 More we prepared in the mitigation and preparatory stage i.e. before disaster that prevents or mitigates great loss after the disaster. Therefore, our main focus should be on the pre-disaster phase. There are several initiative and policies adopted by the Government of Nepal such as formulation of National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF), National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, establishment of National Emergency Operation Center (NEOC), Flagship program, Consortium, seminars, Table Top Exercise (TTX), Field Training Exercise (FTX) and so on. Nevertheless, there is still more to be learned and adopted to respond the mega scale disaster like Haiti Earthquake in 2010, or more recent from the Philippines, as it is said that Nepal cannot afford the luxury of being unprepared.3 With the assistance from national and international stakeholder, Government of Nepal and other government and international organization hold various community based awareness program and national level programs to better shape the disaster management. The disaster 1 Kapoor, Mukesh Disaster Management. New Delhi: Saurabh Publishing House, 2012 Kafle, Shesh Kanta, Disaster Risk Reduction. Koshi Printing Press: Kathmandu, 2012 3 Cavalcante, Marco, Weathering the Storm. The Kathmandu Post, 10 December 2013, P.7 2 response job is neither the singly managed nor can be possible to do so. It requires participation, combined efforts and collaboration of community, village, district, zone, regional to national and international organizations including the security agencies. Nepalese Army is considered as the first responder in managing the disaster. The presence of Army at the length and breadth of the country, provision in interim constitution, strength of the organization, integrated functional areas such as engineering, logistics, signal, medical and air capability, better training, Urban Search and Rescue capability and past experiences have envisaged as the first responder. During the disaster early hour to few days depending on the scale of damage and level of disaster, the probability of saving the lives are more, need of affected people will be more and there may be chaos due to uncertainty, unprepared plan, lack of governance, missing of commander, loss of subordinates and family members, challenges to coordinate and communicate with the all stakeholders. Therefore, the organized and prepared security force like Nepalese Army can render the effective rescue and relief support with all available resources of Combat, Combat Support and Combat Support Services unit. This paper is mainly focused on the Army Aviation roles in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. Aviation is one of the key functional areas to render effective response in HADR operations due to its inherited advantages of height, reach and speed. In the disaster, if road is collapsed or impassable, air assets (airplane and helicopter) can operate from the air. Similarly, to airlift people from the affected location to the safe place or air lifting casualty to better medical facility or triage area, evacuation (including foreigners mass evacuation to the nearest international border/international flights connection) as well as to provide quick relief operations, aviation is the reliable and quickest mode of transportation to employ during the disaster. Various Roles of Army Aviation Damage Assessment (Aerial Surveillance) The damage caused by the disaster first hand information can be acquired through air. The camera mounted on the aircraft or with the help of steel camera, the actual damage can be disseminated. This will help the planners, decision makers and international partners to get an appropriate decision on need assessment and future requirement. Even the aircraft can provide real time images through the uplink which directly provides an opportunity to overview the pictures or scene captured by the surveillance aircraft at the Command Post (CP) or National Emergency Operation Center (NEOC) or Joint Operation Center (JOC). Aerial Search & Rescue In the early hours of every disaster, people may have shock and considered more vulnerable. In this period, people who are in trapped or stranded or suffered with some injury due to the sudden blow of disasters require to be located and timely response action be initiated. In this period ground and aerial search and rescue operation is vital to locate and immediate action to airlift or rescue the people. Rescue Operation After locating or finding the people or as suggested by the medical team, the affected people be airlifted to the triage area or next best medical facility. The air evacuation rescue is quickest and safest when the road is unserviceable due to the damage or impassable or condition of people is critical. Relief In the early hours to couple of days the Food Items (FIs) and Non Food Items (NFIs) need to be dispatched. The early needs are high due to shortage and low supply. More efficiently and quickly we dispatch relief material, more effects and less suffering to the community. Air can be mobilized to transport relief materials at the required spot i.e. Main Operating Base (MOB) to Forward Operating Base (FOB). Air Drop If there is no spot available to land helicopter/airplane, area is water logged due to flood or extensive damage caused by the earthquake, rescue party has not reached the area, the supply or relief material be air dropped to the victim or air drop at the disaster hit area. Fig. 1 Helicopter evacuating people from water logged area to the safe location. Recovery After identifying and establishing the staging area, resupply of food and non-food items be dispatched in order to continuously supply and facilitate the ongoing rescue mission. The air assets are mobilized from the main operating base to forward operating base and vice versa. When the situation is normal and rescue operations have ceased, the air assets will be used to support recovery and stabilization operations, too. Wreckage Collection (Air Accident) If aircraft failed to contact Civil Aviation Controlled Tower in more than 30 minutes, aircraft mishap procedures start. First action in this situation is aerial Search and Rescue (SAR). After locating the aircraft (in case of accident), the ground rescue party as well as investigation team will be dispatched to the crash site. Then, the human remains (dead body) and vital aircraft components like Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Flight Data Recorder (FDR) are collected as wreckage that can be also airlifted depending on the geographical area and condition of the surface transport leading to the crash site. Collaboration and Coordination During the mega scale disaster, according to the National Disaster Response Framework (NDRF) provision Army Aviation personnel will also work as air planner in the planning section of Multinational Military Coordination Center (MNMCC) who will closely work with other participating multinational forces. Personnel involved in this section plan, advise, coordinate, collaborate and facilitate air issues in order to expedite and multiply the disaster respond. Fig 2. Coordination Mechanism of MNMCC Disaster Relief Flights in the Last Five Years Nepal encounters 1.06 disaster events per day in an average. The recurrent event is flooding in plain and hilly area during monsoon season, cold-wave cold wave (Shitlahar) during winter season and fire in the pre-monsoon pre monsoon season. In addition there are other natural and human made disasters such as epidemic, air accident, draught, glacier lake outburst, avalanche, low visibility and so on. As per the record of Army Aviation during the last five years employment, Army air assets have hav e been utilized for disaster relief flight. In 2008 Koshi flood, 2009 Jajarkot epidemic, 2010 stranded passenger at Lukla, 2011, 2012 floods in Western region and 2013 Darchula floods are major disasters in the last five years and Government of Nepal has utilized u tilized Army air assets for the rescue and relief works of the people during those calamities. Fiscal Year Remarks 2008/09 Koshi Flood (Eastern Region) 2009/10 Jajarkot Epidemic (Mid Western Region) 2010/11 Lukla Stranded Passenger (Gateway of Mt. Everest) 2012/13 Seti River Flash Flood 2013/14 Darchula Flood Table 1 Major HADR Air Operations in the last five years The five years above table also signifies importance, relevancy and employment of the national air assets. The role of Army Aviation be it in the flash flood of Seti river or biological epidemic (cholera) in the Mid Western or effect of Himalayan Tsunami in Darchula, the relief and rescue effort highlights the contribution of the Army Aviation and its service to the community, country and people. . Fig.3 Flood affected people airlifted by the Mi-17 helicopter Fig 4 Stranded tourists from Lukla evacuated by Skytruck. Considering disaster prone country, frequent tremor of earthquake, annual floods in the hills and plain area, environmental, economical, social and political damage, effective response mechanism and operational readiness is paramount. More we prepared, more we equipped, more we devised effective plan with all stakeholders on board and more we provisioned enough air assets in the mitigation and preparedness phase, fewer casualties, less damages and destruction will be in the actual event. In case of Mega Scale Disaster As per the study of National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET), if MMI IX4 intensity of Earthquake hits in Kathmandu whose estimated population is 3-3.5 million, there will be more than 1,00,000 death, 1,00,000 serious injuries, 2,00,000 minor injuries and around 9,00,000 people will be homeless.5 In that horrific situation how we can take effective steps to manage this crisis that is what the need of the hour. Depending on the types, scale of disaster and initial damage assessment government mobilizes the available national resources from district, regional or central level. If the national resource is not enough and international assistance is required under the recommendations of Central Natural Disaster Relief Committee (CNDRC), the cabinet of Nepalese Government may appeal for international assistance. The Central Natural Disaster Relief Committee which is chaired by the Minister of Home Affairs is the apex body to respond disaster rescue and relief operations. Present capacity of Army Air assets are airlifting of 10 ton of cargo or 120 personnel. However, this number may vary due to the availability of serviceable aircraft. Available air assets can acquire information regarding damage assessment, search and rescue and communication mission. In this situation, Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) system and all air traffic services will be provided by the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal’s tower. If there is any damage in the Civil Aviation Tower and other facilities that may also pose some challenges for effective responding action. Similarly, there is a high requirement of air 4 The Modified Mercalli Intensity value assigned to a specific site after an earthquake has a more meaningful measure. The lower numbers of the intensity scale generally deal with the manner in which the earthquake is felt by people. The higher numbers of the scale are based on observed structural damage. Structural engineers usually contribute information for assigning intensity values of VIII or above. 5 Based on NSET presentation during Academic Session of Regional Seminar on Disaster Response and Humanitarian Assistance Operation on 3 April 2012. tasks. For this Civil Airlines’ service can be sought. Presently, operating Civil Airlines in Nepal are shown on the table. AIRCRAFT TYPE Boeing 757 Twin Otter Beechcraft 1900 D ATR 42 ATR 72 Jet Stream 41 Twin Otter Dornier Beechcraft Dornier Ecureuil (B3) Beechcraft 1900 D Beechcraft 1900 C PC-750 XTOL Grand Caravan 208 Grand Caravan 208 CAPACITY NO PASSENGER CARGO Nepal Airlines 2 190 21,228 Kg. 5 16 (1200-1300) Kg. Buddha Air 3 18 (1500-1550) Kg. 3 47 (3500-4000) Kg. 3 70-72 (5000-5500) Kg. Yeti Air 7 29-30 (2500-2800) Kg. Tara Air 5 19 (133-1400) Kg. 3 18 (1300-1400) Kg. Simrik Air 2 18 (1500-1550) Kg. 2 18 (1400-155)Kg. 2 4 450 Kg. Guna Air 1 18 (1500-1550) Kg. 2 18 (1500-1550) Kg Air Kasthamandap 2 8 (1100-1200) Kg. Goma Air 2 1100-1200 kg Makalu Air 2 2 1100-1200 kg Sita Air 2 18 REMARKS National Flag Carrier Dornier Agni Air Dornier 1 18 (1300-1400) Kg Jet Stream 41 3 29-30 (2500-2800) Kg Air Dynasty (Helicopter Operator) Ecureuil (B,B2,B3) 4 5 400 Kg. Mountain Helicopter (Helicopter Operator) Ecureuil (B2,B3) 3 5-6 (400-450) Kg. Fishtail Air (Helicopter Operator) Ecureuil (B2,B3) 2 5-6 (400-450) Kg. Bell 1 5 450 Kg. Shree Airlines (Helicopter Operator) Mi-17 6 One in Nepal rest in the UN Mission Note: Passenger/Payload Capacity depending upon weather, Altitude, temperature, sector, condition of Helipad & runway length. About 60 % air assets can be planned for the HADR operations. Table 2 Air Assets operated by Civil Airlines in Nepal6 6 Civil Aviation Report 2013 Published by Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal According to the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) present storage capacity is 71,558 kiloliters which is just enough for 15 days national sales based on the projected sales for 2009. To maintain the same level of storage capacity and carry out rescue and relief operations, continuous replenishment of fuel product is must. Otherwise, depleting fuel products jeopardize effective air operations. The situation will be much worse if the road leading to Kathmandu valley got obstructed. The current storage capacities in different regions of the country are as follows: Storage Capacity of Nepal Oil Corporation Ltd Location Kathmandu Amlekhgunj Biratnagar Janakpur Bhairawa Pokhara Nepalgunj Surkhet Dhangadi Dipayal Total Petrol 1,870 1,960 560 30 140 350 140 0 85 0 5,135 Diesel 8,400 16,100 8,510 140 3,055 2,280 2,280 0 1,590 15 41,610 Kerosene 4,960 5,580 2,180 70 394 760 760 45 760 45 16,314 Jet A1 7,710 0 280 0 60 64 280 60 45 0 8,499 Total 22,940 23,640 11,530 240 3,649 3,454 3,460 105 2,480 60 71,558 Note: In Nepal, total of eight Airports namely Biratnagar, Ramechhap, Kathmandu, Pokhara, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj, Surkhet and Dhangadhi have refueling facilities.7 Kathmandu is the gateway of international air transportation. All cargo, relief materials, goods and personnel may travel through Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu. In the surge of air traffic movements, there is likely to encounter with number of air traffic service challenges such as getting on ground and taking off from the Airport, holding, getting a slot, ground handling, parking space, personnel to load and unload, visa and travel document processing, national and international air movement and so on. In addition to fuel at the International Airport, Kathmandu, presently, Nepal Airlines provides mostly ground handling services to all international operators from Nepal except Thai Airways and Indian Airlines as latter two Airlines have own ground handling facility at Kathmandu. Key Focus Areas in Terms of Aviation Perspective The main areas or concern to develop Aviation multiple role and expeditious service, the following areas need to be augmented and considered to improve. 7 Accessed from official website of Nepal Oil Corporation on 10 Jan 2014. Limited Airlifting Capability The resources which are presently available with the Army are limited to respond in the mega scale disaster. This increases vulnerability in the mega scale. In other words, during the mega scale disaster, when the vulnerability is high that will multiply the loss of life and damage to property. To reinforce, upgrade and equip so as to reduce vulnerability, Aviation capability and capacity need to increase. At the time, the Civil Airlines can also be mobilized during the crisis and need. This will also enhance air strength to mobilize and mitigate the loss. Traffic Management In the mega scale disaster, Kathmandu International Airport is the gateway to international community and the world. Due to number of incoming and outgoing traffic, ground movement and handling facility airport becomes congested and less number of relief traffic at the critical phase. It is a major burden in the surging condition due to limited international airport bay and domestic parking area. Damage Assessment In order to give clear picture and study the level of damage, initial assessment has to be carried out properly. Depending on the damage assessment provide the clear picture on the scale and future needs. Even it is a guiding factor to appeal international community if the national resources are insufficient. Airfield Operations Ground and Air operations will be expeditious in case of the early and speedy ground operations. Otherwise, due to high volume of traffics make airfield operations difficult and challenge to manage. Ramp Management Personnel who will contribute in the ramp management need to be aviation trained personnel to expedite ramp movement. The personnel needs to aware the procedures, safety awareness and handling of air cargo and passenger. Ground Handling Equipment (GHE) Loading and offloading is also another major challenge in the early hours. If it is not clear on time, it poses a great hurdle due to the limited available space and traffic slots for the aircraft. In order to clear the area and facilitate quick turn round of the air traffic, enough number of Ground Handling Equipment is required to loading and offloading of high volume cargo. Alternate Airport Though international airport is Kathmandu, other nearby regional airport may take as alternate airport for turboprop aircrafts. Chandraghadi, Biratnagar, Simara, Bharatpur, Pokhara, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj, Surkhet and Dhangadhi airport may consider alternate airport to operate in the time of need. For heavy load jet aircraft cannot operate at those airports but it can consider the alternate, if high volume of traffic is coming or aircraft with less capacity can be diverted to those airports in order to facilitate and expedite the service. Blanket Clearance Traffic coming to Nepal needs to get overfly permission of neighboring country. In the humanitarian relief and assistance situation, if there is provision of blanket clearance that will also help to reduce the time and avoid every flight clearance. Fuel According to the official report of Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC), it has fuel storage capacity for 15 days. If the road is impassable or obstructed or blocked due to the disaster, there is likelihood of challenges to get fuel resupply of fuel and replenishment of fuel storage. To sustain and maintain the requisite amount of fuel, Advanced Aviation Forward Area Refueling System (AAFARS), rubber tank, auxiliary fuel tank jerry can store fuel and provide refueling facilities to the small aircrafts. However, for the heavy and medium category aircraft inbound to Kathmandu may advise to come with no fueling at the Kathmandu, so that all international traffic takes fuel while returning to their destination from the nearest neighboring country. Multi role Air Assets Modern air assets including Short Take off and Landing (STOL) capable aircrafts will enhance and increase airlifting capability of Army Aviation. The limited aircraft can be utilized in various multi roles. In order to prepare for the disaster response and sustain the available aircrafts need to employ in multi roles. In the mega scale disaster, for instance Earthquake in Kathmandu, if Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team is required from outside and Kathmandu Airport is inoperable; the air assets can be employed to bring the team from the nearest boarder to Kathmandu. After the onset of disaster, the first 96 hours is very critical to save the human life from the trapped personnel by the Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue (CSSR) team. Provision of Helipad The Government of Nepal has identified 84 open areas in the Kathmandu Valley to settle the Internally Displaced People (IDP) caused by the disaster. In order to rescue the personnel and for resupply essential relief materials, those open areas need to have helipad. Similarly, the Hospital has to allocate either some space for helipad or helipad provision has to be on the roof top. Mock Exercise (TTX/FTX) Frequent Table Top Exercise (TTX), Field Training Exercise (FTX) and mock exercise will help to get clear idea, understanding and confidence of stakeholders. This will also makes command control easier and save the time to respond with no confusion in discharging the duty and responsibility correctly. Fig.5 Soldiers transferring CSSR casualty during the FTX Conclusion Disaster is very complex and sensitive issue. It entails participation of societies to the national and international partner nations and organizations. Considering Nepal’s geographical position, varied topography, tectonic movements, livelihood, socio-economic conditions, infrastructure development, building codes, legal provisions there have been lot of works are underway to develop effective disaster response plan with the involvement of national and international stakeholders. The Army Aviation has contributed in every scale of disaster be it the local level landslides to the mega earthquake. Given the high priority and vulnerability of disaster air capabilities and capacities also need to be modernized, improved and equipped in order to mitigate the challanges and achieving the goal of making disaster resilient nepal. “Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster” - Sun Tzu g]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ n] tTsfnLg ;/sf/;dIf $) z'qLo dfu k|: t't u/L @)%@ kmfu'g ! ut]b]l v k|f/De ePsf] …hgo'4 Ú @)^@÷)^# P]l txfl;s hgcfGbf]n gaf6 nf]stflGqs u0ftGq :yfkgf ePkl5 k|f/De ePsf] zflGt k|lqmofn] ;'vb cGTo ePsf] 5 . 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ut] cgldg alxud{g ePkl5 PsLs[t g]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ n] /]vb]v, ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgfsf nflu ljz]if ;ldltnfO{ cf}krfl/s ¿kdf c:yfoL lzlj/ / n8fs" x:tfGt/0f u¥of] . oBlk xltof/ / ;]g fsf] cg'udg ljz]if ;ldltsf] lhDd]jf/L lyPg . t/ cgldgsf] alxu{dgn] ;/sf/ ;dIf c:yfoL lzlj/sf xltof/ / ;]gfsf] cg'udg ug{] r'gf}tLk"0f{ lhDd]jf/L klg k'/f u¥of] . k"j{ n8fs", pgLx¿sf xltof/ / c:yfoL lzlj/ @)^* r}t @* df g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ x:tfGt/0f u/]kl5 b]zdf å}w ;]g fsf] cl:tTj ;dfKt eof] . dfcf]j fbLsf k"j{ n8fs"x¿sf] /]vb]v, ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgfsfnflu @)^% c;f]hdf ul7t ljz]if ;ldltn] ;dfof]hg / k'g:yf{kgf k|l qmof ;DkGg u/] kl5 @)^( r}t #) ut] ljz]i f ;ldlt lj36g ul/Psf] lyof] . #= ;dfof]hg / k'g:yf{kgf tyf xltof/ Joj:yfkg k|lqmofsf] ;+j}wflgs k|fjwfg ;dfof]hg / k'g :yf{kgf tyf xltof/ Joj:yfkg k|l qmofsf] af/]df/fhgLlts bnx?aLr /fhgLlts ;xdlt dfq} ePg, pQm ;xdltx?nfO{ cfjZostfcg';f/ ;+l jwfgdf lnlka4 ;d]t ul/of] . g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+l jwfg, @)^# df ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf tyf xltof/ Joj:yfkgsf ;DaGwdf pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . cGtl/d ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f !$^ df – …dfcf]jfbL ;]g fsf n8fs"x¿sf] /]vb]v, ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgfsf nflu dlGqkl/ifb\n] ;+l jwfg;efdf k|l tlglwTj ug{] k|d'v /fhgLlts bnx?sf] ljz]i f ;ldlt agfpg] 5 . To; ;ldltsf sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ dlGqkl/ifb\n] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x'g ]5 .Ú egL pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . @)^% sflt{s !@ df tTsfnLg k|wfgdGqL k'iksdn bfxfnsf] g]t[Tjdf k" j{ n8fs"sf] /]vb]v, ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgfsf lglDt ljz]if ;ldlt u7g ePsf] lyof] . o;}ul/ ljz]if ;ldltnfO{ ;'e mfj lbg] / ;xof]u ug{] p2]Zon] @)^^ j}zfv # df k|fljlws ;ldlt ;d]t u7g ul/of] . ljz]if ;ldltsf] ;'e mfjdf zflGt tyf k'g lg{df{0 f dGqfnon] @)^& ebf} #! ut] k"j{ n8fs"sf] /]vb]v, lgoGq0f, lgb{]zg k|lqmof / cfrf/;+lxtf ;DaGwL lgb{]lzsf hf/L u/]sf] lyof] . o;}ul/ ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f !$& df pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 – …;]gf / xltof/ Joj:yfkg / cg'udg ;DaGwL cGo Joj:yf g]kfn ;/sf/ / g]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ lar ;DkGg @)^# ;fn dª\l ;/ % ut]sf] …lj:t[t zflGt ;Demf}tfÚ / @)^# ;fn dª\l ;/ @@ ut]sf] …;]g f / xltof/ Joj:yfkgsf] cg'udg ;DaGwL ;Demf}tfÚ df pNn]v eP adf]l hd x'g ]5 .Ú pQm wf/fn] xltof/ / ;]g fsf] Joj:yfkg / cg'udgsf] ;xdltx?nfO{ ;+:yfut u/]sf] 5 . To;}n] k|d'v /fhgLlts bnx¿ lar ePsf ;xdlt -lj:t[t zflGt ;Demf}tf / xltof/ / ;]gf Joj:yfkgsf] cg'udg ;DaGwL ;Demf}tf_ k|l tsf] k|l ta4tf / zflGt k|l qmofnfO{ ;kmn lgisif{df k'¥ofpg] ;xdlt / ;Demf}tfx?nfO{ ;+l jwfgn] ;+: yfut u/]sf] 5 . $= ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{k gf;DaGwL ;ft a'Fb] ;xdlt nfdf] ;do;Dd ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgfsf af/]df k|d'v kIfaLr cf/f]k–k|Tof/f]k / cGtlj{/f]w ePklg cGttM @)^* sflt{s !% ut] ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgf ;DaGwL ;ft a'Fb] ;xdlt u/L k|d'v bnx?n] zflGt k|l qmofsf af/]df P]l txfl;s lg0f{o u/] . pQm ;ft a'Fb] ;xdltsf] b:tfj]hn] ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf ;DaGwL ;a} ljjfbf:kb a'Fbfx?sf] 7f]; / d"t{?kdf ;Daf]wg u/]kl5 ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgf k|l qmofn] ult lnPsf] lyof] . g]kfnL ;]g fdf ;dfof]hg ul/g] k"j{ n8fs"sf] ;ª\Vof, ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgfsf ljlw / k|l qmof, ;dfof]hg x'g] k"j{ n8fs"x¿sf] bhf{ lgwf{/0fsf ;fy} :j]lR5s cjsfzsf] af/]df;d]t ;ft a'Fb] ;xdltn] :ki6 kf/]sf] lyof] . cGtl/d ;+l jwfg @)^#, lj:t[t zflGt ;Demf}tf, xltof/ / ;]gf Joj:yfkgsf] cg'udg ;DaGwL ;Demf}tf, /fhgLlts bnx¿aLr ePsf /fhgLlts ;xdlt adf]l hd cGt/f{li6«o cEof;sf cfwf/e"t l;4fGtnfO{ cg';/0f ub{} ;ft a'F b] ;xdlt ul/Psf] lyof] . pQm ;ft a'Fb] ;xdlt zflGt k|l qmofsf] k|d'v kIf ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgf k|lqmof ;DkGg ug{ dfu{ k|z:t ug{] P]ltxfl;s b:tfj]h lyof] . zflGt k|l qmofsf] ;kmntfsf lglDt cfÏgf k"j{ c8fg 5f]8]/ k|d'v bnx?sf] pbf/tf / nrstfsf] sf/0fn] g} pQm ;xdlt ;Dej ePsf] lyof] . jf:tjdf bnx¿n] g} ;ft a'Fb] ;xdltsf ljifoj:t'sf] kl/sNkgf u/], d:of}bf tof/ kf/] / cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfosf] ;+nUgtflagf zflGt k|lqmof ;DkGg u/] . åGåf]Q/ cGo b]zsf] cEof;ljk/Lt ;ft a'Fb] ;xdltsf] cfwf/df g]kfnn] /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs, cfly{s, ;'/Iff / ;}Go kl/j]znfO{ cfTd;ft u/L ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf k|l qmofsf] df}lns ljlzi6 / df}lns df]8]n ljsl;t ul/of] . g]skf -dfcf]jfbL_ / g]kfn sDo'l g:6 kf6L{ -Pstf s]Gb|_ aLr @)^% df3df PsLs/0f eof] / g]skf -dfcf]jfbL_ sf] gfd PsLs[t g]kfn sDo'l g:6 kf6L{ -dfcf]jfbL_ /flvof] . g]skf -dfcf]jfbL_ af6 ljeflht ePsf dft[sf ofbj / df]xg j}B -ls/0f_ n] g]t[Tj u/]sf b'O{ kf6L{n] oxL gfd /fv]sf 5g\ . kf6L{ PsLs/0f cl3 g]skf -dfcf]jfbL_ / PsLs/0fkl5 Pg]s kf -dfcf]jfbL_ zAbfjnL k|o f]u ul/Psf] 5 . . , g]kfn gLlt cWoog k|lti7fg, @)^* . . , g]kfn gLlt cWoog k|lti7fg, @)^* . tflnsf #M k"j{ n8fs"sf] btf{, k|df0fLs/0f / juL{s/0f k|lqmof tyf xltof/;DaGwL tYofª\s btf{ tyf k|df0fLs/0f k|lqmof btf{ ePsf s"n k"j{ n8fs" cgldgn] k|dfl0ft u/]sf n8fs" btf{ ul/Psf / s06]g/df /flvPsf s"n xltof/sf] ;ª\Vof k|df0fLs/0fdf cg'kl:yt t;y{ :jtM cof]Uo n8fs" cof]Uo n8fs" @)^# h]7 !! ;Ddsf] ldltdf !* jif{d'lgsf -afn n8fs" dflgPsf_ kl5 egf{ ul/Psf s"n cof]Uo -sd pd]/±kl5 egf{ ePsf_ juL{s/0f k|lqmofsf] glthf juL{s/0f k|lqmofdf cg'kl:yt s"n n8fs"sf] ;ª\Vof juL{s/0f k|lqmofdf pkl:yt s"n n8fs"sf] ;ª\Vof d[t, lgisfl;t / euf}8f ;dfof]hgdf k/]sf s"n n8fs"sf] ;ª\Vof :j]lR5s cjsfzsf] nflu 5flgPsf s"n n8fs"sf] ;ª\Vof hDdf #@,@%) !(,^)@ #,$&% *,^$) k'?if dlxnf !%,&%^ -*)=#&Ü_ #,*$^-!(=^#Ü_ @,(&# !,(*& -^^=*%Ü_ (*^ -##=!^Ü_ !,)#% $,))* *)$ -&&=)^(Ü_ @#! -@@=#!Ü_ @,$%^ !&,)%@ ($ !,$@@ !%,^@$ !#,$($ -&(=!#Ü_ #,%%*-@)=*&Ü_ !,#!* -(@=^(Ü_ !)$ -&=#!Ü_ !@,!&) -&&=*(Ü_ #,$%$-@@=!!Ü_ tflnsf # df pNn]v ul/Pcg'; f/ juL{s/0f ul/Psf s"n !&,)%@ k"j { n8fs" -!#,$($ k'?if / #,%%* dlxnf_ dWo] !%,^@$ hgfn] :j]l R5s cjsfz /f]h]sf lyP . ;ft a'Fb] ;xdltdf clwstd\ ^,%)) k"j{ n8fs" g]kfnL ;]g fdf ;dfof]hg x'g ;Sg] pNn]v ePklg s]jn !,$@@ dfq ;dfof]hgdf ePsf lyP . ljz]if ;ldltsf] lg0f{o adf]lhd g]kfnL ;]gfdf ;dfof]hg k"j{ n8fs"dWo] Ps hgfnfO{ dxf;]g fgL, b'O{ hgfnfO{ k|d'v ;]gfgL, !# hgfnfO{ ;]gfgL / #) hgfnfO{ ;x;]g fgL bhf{ lbOPsf] 5 . afFsL @$ hgf pk;]gfgL x'g]5 g\ . dfq 5 hgf k" j{ n8fs"n] k'gM:yf{kgf /f]h]sf lyP . %= ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{k gf k|lqmofsf ;sf/fTds ;Gb]zx? ljZjsf x/]s åGå tyf ljb|f]x / zflGt k|l qmof pQm b]zsf] /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs, cfly{s / ;}Go kl/j]zdf cfkm}Fdf df}lns / ljlzi6 x'G5g\ . t/ g]kfnsf] zflGt k|l qmof w]/} b[l i6sf]0fn] df}l ns / ljlzi6 5 . /fhgLlts bnx?aLr @)^* sflt{s !% ut] ePsf] ;ft a'Fb] ;xdlt ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgf k|l qmofnfO{ tfls{s lgisif{df k'¥ ofpg] dfu{ lgb{]zs b:tfj]h xf] . pQm ;ft a'Fb] ;xdltsf] cfwf/df g} ;/sf/, /fhgLlts bnx? / ljz]i f ;ldltn] ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf k|l qmofnfO{ tfls{s lgisif{df k'¥ ofP . g]kfnsf] zflGt k|l qmofsf ;sf/fTds kIfx?nfO{ aF'bfut ?kdf o;l/ AofVof ul/Psf] 5 . %=! /fhgLlts bnx?n] g]t[T jdf ;DkGg df}l ns / ljlzi6 k|lqmof g]kfnsf] zflGt k|l qmofsf] ;a}eGbf dxŒjk"0 f{ kIf eg]sf] g]kfnsf /fhgLlts bnx?n] g]t[Tj u/]sf] df}l ns, ljlzi6 / ;kmn k|l qmof xf] . g]kfnsf /fhgLlts bnx¿n] ;du| zflGt k|lqmofsf] kxn / g]t[Tj dfq} u/]gg\, ;DkGg ug{ ;d]t ;kmn eP . dfcf]j fbL k"j{ n8fs"nfO{ c:yfoL lzlj/df ;Lldt, k"j{ n8fs" / xltof/sf] btf{ tyf k|df0fLs/0f / s06]g /df /x]sf xltof/ / c:yfoL lzlj/sf] cg'udg ug{] h:tf k|fljlws ljifodf cGt/f{l i6«o ;d'bfosf] k|fljlws ;xof]u g] kfn ;/sf/n] lnof] . t/ zflGt k|lqmofdf g]t[TjbfoL e"l dsf lgjf{x u/L tfls{s lgisif{df k'¥ofpg] sfd ;/sf/, ljz]if ;ldlt / /fhgLlts bnx¿n] g} u/] . cGtl/d ;+l jwfgsf] wf/f !$^ cg';f/ g] kfn ;/sf/n] k|d'v bn -Pg]skf -dfcf]j fbL_, g]kfnL sf+u|];, g]skf–Pdfn] / g]k fnsf] zflGt k|lqmofsf] l;+xfjnf]s g, g]kfn gLlt cWoog k|lti7fg, ;+:s/0f !, cª\s *, ;fpg @)&) . dw];jfbL bnx¿_ sf k|l tlglwx¿ /x]sf] ljz]i f ;ldlt u7g u¥of] / zflGt k|l qmofsf] lhDd]jf/L ;'l Dkof] . ljz]if ;ldltn] k|d'v /fhgLlts bnsf k|ltlglw, ;'/Iff lgsfo -g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L / ;z:q k|x/L an_ / k"j{ n8fs"x¿sf] Ps hgf k|ltlglwnfO{ ;d]6]/ !@ ;b:o /x]sf] ;lrjfno u7g u¥of] . cgldgsf] alxu{dgkl5 ljz]if ;ldlt / ;lrjfnon] k"j{ n8fs"x¿sf] /]vb]v, ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgf tyf xltof/ / c:yfoL lzlj/sf] cg'udg ug{] k|fljlws / cToGt ;+j ]bgzLn cltl/Qm lhDd]jf/L klg jxg u¥of] . /fhgLlts ¿kdf cToGt w'|j Ls[t ;dfh / vl08t /fhgLlts k|lqmofdf cGtb{nLo /fhgLlts ;+oGq / o;sf] ;lrjfnon] zflGt k|l qmofsf ;a} lg0f{o x¿ ;xdltsf cfwf/df dfq} u/]g , zflGt k|lqmofnfO{ tfls{s lgisif{df k'¥ofpg klg ;kmn eof] . clwsf+z åGåf]Q/ b]zx?df t]; |f] kIf -;+o 'Qm /fi6« ;ª\3 jf dxfzlQm tyf zlQm /fi6«_ sf] ;xof]o tyf ;xhLs/0f lagf zflGt k|lqmof ;kmntfk"j {s ;DkGg ePsf pbfx/0fx? lj/n} 5g . t/ g]kfnsf /fhgLlts bnx¿n] g} g]kfnL zflGt k|l qmofsf cGtj{: t' kl/sNkgf u/] / ;ft a'Fb] ;xdltcg';f/ lgisif{df k'¥ofP . To;}n ] zflGt k|l qmofnfO{ cfÏg} kxn / g]t[Tjdf k'/f ug{ ;Ifd x'g ' g]kfn ;/sf/ / /fhgLlts bnx¿sf] pNn]vgLo kIf / ljlzi6 ;kmntf xf] . %=@ zflGtk"0 f{ jftf{ k|lqmofaf6 lx+;fTds åGåsf] cGTo tTsfnLg ;ft bnLo u7aGwg / ljb|f]xL g]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ n] ef/tsf] /fhwfgL gofFl bNnLdf @)^@ df afx| a'Fb] ;dembf/Ldf x:tfIf/ u/]/ /fhfsf] zf;glj?4 ;+o'Q m ¿kdf ;ª\3if{ u/L nf]stGq :yfkgf ug{] hf]lvdk"0 f{ lg0f{o u/]sf lyP . t/, cGttM @)^# df pgLx¿ /fhfnfO{ ;QfRo't u/]/ g]kfndf nf]stflGqs u0ftGq :yflkt ug{ ;kmn eP . To;}n] ;z:q ;ª\3if{ u/]sf] ;z:q bn / zflGt / nf]stGqdf ljZjf; ug{] lgMz:q /fhgLlts bnx¿ nf]stGq / zflGtsf nflu ;+o 'Qm ;ª\3if{ u/L ;kmntf xfl;n ug{ ;S5g\ eGg] k|dfl0ft eof] . g]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ n] lj:t[t zflGt ;Demf}tfdfkm{t lx+; fsf] af6f] Tofu]/ zflGtk"0 f{ nf]stflGqs k|l qmofsf cfwf/e" t l;4fGtx? cfTd;ft ub}{ bzs nfdf] ;z:q ;ª\3if{ cGTo u¥of] . lj:t[t zflGt ;Demf}tfdf x:tfIf/ u/L g]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ /fhgLlts d"n wf/df dfq} k|j ]z u/]g , xltof/ ;/sf/nfO{ a'emfP/ ;]gf;d]t lj36g u¥of] . o;/L xltof/ ;/sf/nfO{ a'emfP/ ;]g f;d]t lj36g u/]kl5 g]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ cGo bn h:t} lgMz:q /fhgLlts bnsf] ?kdf ¿kfGt/0f klg eof] . To;}n ] g]kfnsf] zflGt k|lqmofn] …lx+;fTds åGå zflGtk"0f{ jftf{ k|l qmofaf6 ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsG5Ú eGg] ;Gb]z lbPsf] 5 . %=# g]kfnL df]8]nsf] ljsf; g]kfnn] ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgfnufot zflGt k|lqmofdf cGo b]zsf cEof;af6 kf7 l;s] klg s'g } klg df]8]n ljz]i fsf] cg'/0f tyf cfoft eg] u/]g . g]kfnn] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg @)^#, lj:t[t zflGt ;Demf}tf, xltof/ / ;]gf Joj:yfkgsf] cg'udg ;Demf}tf / /fhgLlts bnx¿aLr ePsf /fhgLlts ;xdltcg'; f/ ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgfsf] df]8]n ljsl;t u¥of] . lx+;fTds åGåsf] cGTo u/L w]/} b]zn] zflGt :yfkgf k|l qmofdf cjnDag ug{] lgM;}lgsLs/0f, ckl/rfng tyf ;dfof]hg-8L=8L=cf/=_ sf] k|fljlws k|l qmofnfO{ g]kfnn] cg'z/0fu/]g . jf:tjdf g]kfnn] …8L8Lcf/Ú eGg] zAbfjnL g} k|o f] u u/]g . t/ @)^# df k"j{ n8fs" ckl/rflnt / lgMz:q ul/Psf lyP . pQm …8L8Lcf/Ú zAbfjnLsf] ;§f …xltof/ / ;]gf Joj:yfkgÚ zAbfjnL k|of]u ul/of] . g]kfnn] ;'/Iff If]q ;'wf/ eGg] zAbfanL klg k|o f]u u/]g . t/ zflGt k|l qmofdf o;sf cfwf/e"t l;4fGtnfO{ cg';/0ful/Psf] lyof] . jf:tjdf g]kfnn] åGå tyf zflGtsf x/]s cfofdnfO{ g] kfnL kl/j]zcg'?k ;fGble{s agfPsf] 5 . k|rlnt cGt/f{l i6«o cEof;cg'; f/ k"j{ n8fs"x?nfO{ ls ;'/Iff kmf}hdf ;dfof]hg cyjf ;dfhdf k'gM:yf{kgf ul/G5 . t/ g]kfnn] k"j{ n8fs"n fO{ ;dfhdf k'g M:yf{kgf ug{] qmddf :j]lR5s cjsfzsf] gofF cjwf/0ff ljsl;t u¥of] . cGt/f{l i6«o cEof;ljk/Lt !(,^)@ k"j{ n8fs"dWo] !%,^@$ hgfn] :j]l R5s cjsfz /f]h] . !,$@@ k"j{ n8fs"x? g]kfnL ;]g fdf ;dfof]hg eP eg] s]jn 5 hgfn] dfq k'g M:yf{kgf /f]h]sf 5g\ . jf:tjdf kfFr nfvb]lv cf7 nfv ?k}o fF;Ddsf] gub/fzL pbf/ :j]l R5s cjsfzsf] cjwf/0ffsf] sf/0fn] g} g]kfnsf] ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf k|l qmof ;kmn ePsf] xf] .clwsf+z åGåf]Q / b]zx¿n] ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf k|l qmofsf nflu cGt/f{li6«o ;d'bfon] cfly{s ;xof]u lnPsf 5g\ . t/ g]kfnn] ;dfof]hg / :j]l R5s cjsfzsf nflu cGt/f{l i6«o ;d'bfo;Fu cfly{s ;xof]u lnPg / g]kfnL hgtfn] lt/]sf] s/af6 g} ;Dk"0f{ k|l qmof k"j {pNn]lvt jfUn], u]hf zdf{, ;sf/fTds t/ ck"0f{ zflGt k|lqmof, sflGtk'/ , dª\l;/ %, @)^( jfUn], u]hf zdf{, …/fhgLlts c;'/ Iff / ;z:q åGå M dfgj ;'/ Iffdf r'g f}tLÚ df ,jfUn], u]hf zdf{ -;=_, g]kfn gLlt cWoog k|lti7fg, @)^( . ;dfkgul/of] . To;}n] ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf k|lqmof k'/f ug{ cfÏg} cfGtl/s ;|f]t kl/rfng ug{] g]kfn ;DejtM ;+; f/sf] klxnf] åGåf]Q/ ljsf;zLn /fi6« xf] . %=$ g]kfnL ;]gfsf] ;sf/fTds e"ldsf bzs nfdf] åGåsfndf h;sf lj?4 /Qmkftk"0f{ o'4 n8]sf] lyof], ToxL ljb|f]xL n8fs" ;dfof]hgsf nflu g]kfnL ;]gfn] /rgfTds / ;sf/fTds e"ldsf lgjf{x u¥of] . tTsfnLg /fhgLlts kl/j]zdf bnx¿sf k/:k/ lj/f]wL ljrf/ / c8fgsf] sf/0fn] ;dfof]hg k|l qmof hl6n ePsf] kl/l:yltdf klg g]kfnL ;]gfn] nrstf b]vfpFb} ;dfof]hg k|lqmofnfO{ cufl8 a9fpg 7f]; kxn u/]sf] lyof] . ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{kgf k|l qmofsf af/]d f /fhgLlts bnx¿sf lardf lj/f]w fefifk"0f{ jxz rln/x]sf] ;dodf g]kfnL ;]gfn] /fli6«o ljsf; tyf ;'/Iff dxflgb{]zgfnodf ;dfof]hg ug{ ;lsg] k|: tfj u/]kl5 ;dfof]hg / k'g M:yf{kgf k|l qmofn] ;sf/fTds df]8 lnPsf] lyof] . g]kfnL ;]gfsf] pQm k|: tfjk|lt /fhgLlts bnx¿ klg ;xdt ePkl5 of] k|l qmofn] ult lnPsf] lyof] . olb g]kfnL ;]g fn] ;sf/fTds kxn gu/]sf] eP ;fob of] k|lqmof olt ;xh?kdf ;dfwfg gxF'g klg ;SYof] . ;dfof]hg k|l qmofdf dfq} xf]Og\, bhf{ lgwf{/0fdf ;d]t g]kfnL ;]g fn] ;sf/fTds e"l dsf lgjf{x u¥of] . To;}n] g]kfnL ;]g fn] g]kfnsf] zflGt k|lqmofdf ;sf/fTds e"l dsf lgjf{x u/L pbfx/0fLo ghL/ :yflkt u/]sf] 5 . ^= ;dfof]hg / k'gM:yf{k gf k|lqmofsf gsf/fTds ;Gb]zx? ^=! dxª\uf] / vlr{nf] k|lqmof k"j{ n8fs"x?sf] ;dfof]hg tyf k'g:yf{ kgf k|lqmof ;DkGg x'g ' cfkm}df ;sf/fTds pknAwL xf] . t/ k|l tJolQm cfo &!& cd]l/sL 8n/ ePsf] g]kfndf @# ca{eGbf a9L /sd vr{ x'Fbf g]kfnsf] zflGt k|l qmof vlr{n f] ePsf] 5 . zflGt tyf k'g lg{df{0f dGqfnosf] k|l tj]bg cg';f/ *,!%,%%,$$,)))k"j{ n8fs"sf] :j]l R5s cjsfz / ^,#$,(&,$),($^ dfl;s eQfdf vr{ ul/Psf] 5 . o;}ul/ @,&^,%^,!$,(^@ vfBfGg / b}l gs pkef]Uo j:t'sf nflu / ^*,@),#*,)!& @* c:yfoL lzlj/x?df ef}l ts k"j f{wf/ lgdf{0fdf vr{ ePsf] k|l tj]bg ;fj{hlgs ePsf] 5 . pQm k|ltj]bgdf pNn]v ul/Pcg'; f/ g]kfn zflGt sf]i fn] &$,#!,%$,))) ;8s lgdf{0 f / #,$!,$^,))) vfg]kfgLdf vr{ u/]sf] lyof] . vr{ ljj/0fdf ##,!!,%),))) :jf:Yo / @,%#,#),))) ljB'tsf nflu vr{ ePsf] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . o; cltl/Qm cGo bft[ lgsfox? – cd]l/sf, a]nfot, hd{g, gj]{, l:j6\h/Nof08, 8]g dfs{, ljZj a}+sn] ;d]t zflGt k|l qmofdf pNn]Vo?kdf vr{ u/]sf 5g\ . t/ pQm vr{ ;fj{hlgs ePsf] 5}g . k"j { n8fs"sf] ;dfof]hg tyf k'g :yf{kgf k|l qmofdf ePsf] s"n vr{ ljj/0f tnsf] tflnsfdf k|: t't ul/Psf] 5 . tflnsf $M zflGt k|lqmofsf] s"n vr{ qm=;= zLif{s hDdf vr{ -?=_ != ef}l ts ;+/rgf ^*,@),#*,)!& @= e/0fkf]i f0f @,&^,%^,!$,(^@ #= k"j{ n8fs"x?sf] dfl;s eQf ^,#$,(&,$),($^ $= k|zff;lgs vr{ !#,^*,!),*)$ %= ;8s &$,#!,%$,))) ^= vfg]kfgL #,$!,$^,))) &= :jf:Yo ##,!!,%),))) *= ljB't @,%#,#),))) (= :j]lR5s cjsfz *,!%,%%,$$,))) !)= :j]lR5s cjsfz afx]s ljz]if ;ldlt ;lrjfnosf] hDdf vr{ @!,*),@(,)(^ !!= !@= zflGt dGqfnon] åGåkLl8tx?nfO{ k|bfg u/]sf] /fxt /sd -cf=j @)^( ÷)&) ;Dd_ ljljw s"n g]k fnsf] zflGt k|lqmofsf] l;+xfjnf]s g, g]kfn gLlt cWoog k|lti7fg, ;+:s/0f !, cª\s *, ;fpg @)&) . #,#(,@!,!%,*)) @&,#&,!),%^& @#,!),&#,*$,!(@ :j]lR5s cjsfz / k"j{ n8fs"sf] dfl;s eQf ljt/0fsf] k|l qmofdf b]l vPsf] ckf/blz{tf / clgoldttf h:tf ljifonfO{ /fhgLlts bnx?n] uDeL/tfk"j {s p7fPsf 5g\ . s]xL /fhgLlts bnx?n] Pg]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ sf g]tf tyf sdf08/x?n] /sd b'?kof] u u/]sf] cf/f]k ;d]t nufpFb} cfPsf 5g\ . pQm ckf/blz{tf / b'?kof]usf] d'2 f Pg]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ leq ;d]t uDeL/tfk"j{s p7]sf] lyof] . Pg]skf -dfcf]j fbL_ n] o;sf] af/]df 5fglagsf nflu cfof]u g} u7g u/]sf] lyof] . t/ pQm cfof]usf] k|l tj]bg xfn;Dd ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] 5}g . clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]un] klg :j]lR5s cjsfz / k"j{ n8fs"sf] dfl;s eQf ljt/0fsf] k|lqmofdf b]lvPsf] ckf/blz{tf / clgoldttf ;DaGwL cg'; Gwfg k|f/De u/]sf] 5 . ^=@ dfcf]j fbL n8fs" k'/:s[t t/ åGå kLl8t pk]l Ift g]kfnsf] zflGt k|lqmof k"j{ n8fs"sf] ;dfof]hg / k'g:yf{kgfdf dfq} s]Gb|Lt /Xof] . k"j{ n8fs"sf] ;dfof]hg / k'g :yf{kgf tyf xltof/ Joj:yfkgsf ;fy} ;/sf/n] åGå kLl8tx?nfO{ Gofo / /fxt klg k|bfg ug{' kg{] lyof] . t/ ;/sf/ tyf /fhgLlts bnx?n] åGå kLl8t / bzs nfdf] åGåsf sf/0f cfGtl/s?kdf lj:yflkt gful/sx?nfO{ /fxt tyf Gofo lbnfpg] kIfnfO{ cfjZos Wofg lbPsf] b]l vFb}g . zflGt tyf k'glg{df{0f dGqfnosf] tYofª\scg';f/ &(,%&! g]kfnL gful/s ;z:q åGåsf sf/0f lj:yflkt ePsf lyP . t/ pgLx?nfO{ k"j {jt :yfgdf kmsf{pg, ;DklQ lkmtf{ u/fpg / /fxt k|bfg ug{ ;/sf/n] 7f]; sfo{of]hgf agfP/ sfof{Gjog ug{'kYof{] t/ u/]g . oBlk, zflGt tyf k'g lg{df{0f dGqfnon] åGå kLl8tx?nfO{ #,#(,@!,!%,*)) /fxt ljt/0f u/]sf] pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . t/ w]/h} ;f] /sd jf:tljs åGå kLl8tx?n] geO{ ;Qf?9 tyf k|efjzfnL /fhgLlts bnsf sfo{stf{x?n] k|fKt u/]sf 5g\ . To;}n] åGå kLl8t / cfGtl/s?kdf lj:yflkt gful/sx? cfºgf clwsf/sf nflu clxn] klg ;ª\3if{/t 5g\ / cToGt bogLo cj:yfdf afFRg jfWo 5g\ . To;}n] g]kfnsf] zflGt k|l qmofn] k"j { n8fs" nfO{ k'/:s[t t/ åGå kLl8t pk]l Ift u/]sf] 5 . ^=# ;To lg?k0f tyf d]nldnfk / ljkQf gful/sk|lt a]j f:tf g]kfnsf] zflGt k|lqmof /fhgLlts bnaLrsf] ;+j fb, ;xdlt, ;xsfo{ / d]n ldnfkk"0f{ k|l qmofsf] sf/0fn] ;kmn ePsf] xf] . jf:tjdf /fhgLlts bnx? larsf] ;xdlt / d]n ldnfk g} zflGt k|l qmofsf] dxŒjk"0 f{ cfwf/ xf] . t/ ;/sf/ / /fhgLlts bnx?n] ljut & jif{d f klg ;+l jwfg / lj:t[t zflGt ;Demf}tfsf] cleGg cª\u ;To lg?k0f tyf d]nldnfk cfof]u / a]kQf gful/s 5fglag cfof] u;d]t u7g u/]g g\ . ;/sf/ / /fhgLlts bnx?n] åGåsf] ;dodf ePsf uDeL/ ck/flws lqmofsnfkdf ;+n Ug ck/fwLx?nfO{ sfg'g / Gofosf] bfo/fdf NofO{ b08xLgtfsf] ;+:s[l t cGTo ub}{ kLl8tx?nfO{ Gofo ;'l glZrt ug'{ kYof]{ . t/ pgLx?n] g ;To lg?k0f tyf d]n ldnfk cfof]u / j]kQf gful/s 5fglag cfof]u u7g u/], g b08xLgtf cGTo u/L ;ª\qmd0fsfnLg Gofo ;'l gZrt ug{ lg0ff{o s kxn g} u/] . xfn;Dd klg !,%#) a]kQf ePsf elgPsf gful/sx?sf] cj:yf c1ft /x]sf] zflGt tyf k'glg{df{0f dGqfnosf] tYofª\sn] kl/l:ylt slt lrGtfhgs 5 eGg] k|i6 kfb{5 . ;jf]{Rr cbfntsf] lgb]{zg / /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]usf ;'e mfjx?sf afah'b ;To lg?k0f tyf d]nldnfk cfof]u / a]kQf gful/s 5fglag cfof]u u7g ug{ ;/sf/ pbfl;g b]l vPsf] 5 . s]xL /fhgLlts bn, /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u / /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{l i6«o dfgj clwsf/jfbL ;+:yfx?n] ;z:q åGåsf] ;dodf ePsf dfgj clwsf/ pnª\3gsf 36gf, ;ª\qmd0fsfnLg Gofo / b08xLgtfsf d'2fx?sf] p7fpFb} cfPklg s'g}klg ;/sf/n] uDeL/tfk"j{s lnPgg\ . &= lgisif{ ;+l jwfg;efdfkm{t gofF ;+ljwfg hf/L ug{ c;kmn ePklg g]kfnn] k"j{ n8fs"x?sf] ;dfof]hg tyf k'g :yf{kgf tyf xltof/ Joj:yfkg k|l qmof ;kmntfk"j{s ;DkGg u/]/ dxŒjk"0f{ pknAwL xfl;n u/]sf] 5 . s'g}klg åGåf]Q/ /fi6«sf nflu ljb|f]xL n8fs"x?sf] ;dfof]hg / k'g:yf{kgfsf] k|lqmof cToGt hl6n, ljjfbf:kb hf]lvdk"0 f{ ;d]t x'G 5 . t/ g]kfnn] pQm k|l qmofnfO{ ;kmn lgisif{df dfq k'¥ofPg, g]kfnsf] /fhgLlts, cfly{s, ;'/Iff tyf ;}Go kl/j] zcg';f/ cGt/f{li6«o ?kdf :yflkt d"No–dfGotf / cEof;x?sf] cg';/0f ub}{ ljlzi6 g]kfnL df]8]n ;d]t :yfkgf u¥of] . oBlk x/]s åGå / zflGt k|l qmofsf /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs, cfly{s / ;}Go cfofd / kl/j]zdf ljlzi6 g} x'G5g\ . t/ g]kfnsf] df}l ns zflGt k|l qmof cfkm}df ljlzi6 5 . To;}n] g]kfnsf] zflGt k|lqmofnfO{ cGo s'g }klg b]zsf] zflGt k|l qmof;Fu t'ngf ug{ ldNb}g . olb ;+l jwfg;efdfkm{ t gofF ;+ljwfg hf/L ePsf] eP g] kfn lj:t[t zflGt k|l qmofsf] ljlzi6 pbfx/0f aGg] lyof] . t/ ;dfof]hg tyf k''g:yf{kgfsf] cf+lzs pknAwL / :yflkt df}lns g]kfnL df]8]n cGo åGåf]Q / d'n 'sx?sf nflu åGå ;dfwfg / ljb|f]xL n8fs"sf] ;dfof]hg / k'g :yf{kgf k|l qmofsf ;Gbe{df pkof]uL ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L aGg ;S5 . e§/fO{, /fhg / jfUn], u]hf zdf{ -;+_, , g]kfn gLlt cWoog k|lti7fg, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @)!) . b]jsf]6f, lvdnfn, , sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @)!@ . bLlIft, sgsdl0f, , lxdfn a'S;, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @)!! . PG;]8]n , ;]af:6]g , d]nf]g , 8]le8, k|wfg, ;'dg -;+_, , SoflDa|h ljZjljBfno k|]; , @)!@ . , Pl;og :68L ;]G6/ km/ lk; P08 sGlnS6 6«fG;km/d]; g, sf7df8f}+, g]k fn, @)!! . uf}td, efis/ / dfgGw/, lr/g -;+_, , dfl6{g rf}tf/L, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @))* . x6, dfOsn -;+_, , OlG8ofgf ljZjljBfno k|];, @))$ . sF8]n, z'ezª\s/, , k}/jL k|sfzg, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @)!! . sfsL{, ch'{g / ;]8g, 8]le8 -;+_, Pl8«o f]6 klAn;;{, gofF lbNnL, @))# . nfjtL, dx]Gb| / kxf8L, cg'k -;+_, Go'of]s{, @)!) . dfl6{g , Oofg, , /f]6\n]h 6]n/ / k|mflG;; u'|k, n08g / , lxdfn a'S;, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @)!) . ld>, lj/]Gb|k|;fb=, , kmfOg lk|G6\; OGs=, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @))( . d'lg, P;l8, , ?kf P08 sf], gofF lbNnL, @))# . >]i7, r'8faxfb'/, dfcf]j fbL ;ª\3if{;Fu h'Wb} g]kfnM åGå ljZn]if0f / ;dfwfg, sf7df8f}+, @))$ . yfkf, bLks, lk|G6 xfp;, sf7df8f}+, g]k fn, @))& . yfkf, bLks -;+_, , dfl6{g rf}tf/L, sf7df8f}+, @))# . , sf7df8f}+, g]kfn, @))& . pk|]l t, lji0f'/fh=, jfUn], u]hf zdf{ -;+_, g]kfn, @)!# . Pl8«o f]6 klAn;;{, gofF lbNnL, @))( . g]kfn gLlt cWoog k|lti7fg / Pgl;l;cf/, sf7df8f}+, o'4 df ;d]t, zf/Ll/s zlQmeGbf g}lts zlQm tLgu'0ff a9L cfjZos kb{5 . –g]kf]lnog ;fwf/0f != cf/f]Uo tyf :j:y hLjg x/]s JolQmsf] df}lns clwsf/ xf] . k|frLg ;dodf Clifd'l gx?n] :j:y /xgsf] nflu of]u / cfo'j]{bsf] l;4fGt k|of]udf NofPsf lyP . of]usf] sf/0f g} Clifd'lgx?n] cfkm\g f] cfo' nDAofpg / hLjg e/ :j:y / t]lhnf] ?kdf /xg ;kmn ePsf lyP . Clifx?n] yfn]sf] of] k/Dk/fnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg ;lsPdf xfdL 7"N7"n f 8fS6/af6 lgsf] kfg{ g;Sg] /f]ux? of]u / k|f0ffofdaf6 lgsf] kfg{ ;lsG5 . To;sf/0f lbgx'“ of]u u/]/ cfkm\g f] z/L/leq /f]unfO{ l5g{ glbg sf]l z; ug'{ k5{ . @ cfw'lgs hLjgz}n L tyf ;fdflhs kl/j]zdf ;fdflhs ;+/rgf / ;b\efjnfO{ dha'b agfpg' cfjZos b]lvG5 . Jo:t zx/sf afl;Gbfx?, 5/l5d]sdf Ps cfk;df g} klxrfg x'g g;sL /x]sf] kfOPsf] / dflg; ;fdflhs k|f0fL ePtfklg clxn]sf] jftfj/0f tyf Aojxf/x? c;fdflhs em}+ b]lvg yfn]sf] cj:yfdf ;fgfltgf ;d:of tyf ;'v b'Mv Ps cfk;df af“8\g ] aftfj/0f gx'“bf dfgl;s / efjgfTds ;+s6x? a9\b} uPsf] kfOG5 eg] ;fgfltgf ;d:ofx? olb xfdL h'6\o f}F eg] ;/n 9ª\uaf6 ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsG5 tyf dgf]an;d]t pRr /xg]df b'O dt gxf]nf . #= cfWoflTds, :jf:Yo / of]u lzIffsf] cefjsf sf/0fn] ubf{ dflg;x?sf] cfxf/ ljxf/ / cfr/0f 7Ls 9ª\uaf6 x'g ;ls/x]sf] kfOb}g . k|b'l ift jftfj/0fdf /xg' kg]{, k|b'l ift xfjf, ldnfj6L ljiffSt cvfB vfgfx? pkef]u ug'{ kg]{ afWofTds kl/l:ylt, sd zf/Ll/s >d ug]{ clg lha|f]sf] :jfb / l56f]sf] nflu kf]i f0fo'Q m eGbfklg hÍ km'8 vfg] ;+: s[lt / cfkm\g f] Ifdtf tyf ef]ueGbf clws vfg] afgLn] dflg;x?df df]6f]kg, slAhot, Uofli6«s, d[uf}nf tyf d'6' /f]u, SofG;/ hGo ljdf/Lx?af6 kLl8t alg/x]5 g\, lbgfg'l bg 3/3/df o:tf /f]uLx?sf] ;+Vof a9L/x]sf] e]l 6G5 . o:tf] kl/j]zdf c1fgtfsf] sf/0fn] ubf{ ;fgfltgf ljdf/Lx?sf] klg ;dodf /f]syfd ug]{ r]tgf gx'Fbf hLjg g} hf]l vddf kl/x]sf] kfOG5 . xf6{ c6\o fs, d[uf}{nf km]n x'g] tyf ljleGg c¨x?df SofG;/sf ljdf/Lx?sf] ;+Vof a9\b} uPsf] kfOG5 eg] ;f] sf] pkrf/ k2lt dx“uf] eOlb“bf pkrf/ ug{ ul/j hgtfx?n] cfkm\g f] ;Dk"0f{ wg ;Dklt l;WofP/ pkrf/ ug{ afWo 5g\ . t/ klg 7Ls pkrf/ kfpg g;sL si6s/ hLjg af“lr/x] sf]] kfOG5 . Psflt/ pkrf/sf] gfddf vr{ wfGg g;sL ;Dk"0 f{ kl/jf/x? cfly{s / dfgl;s ;Í6df 8'l a/x]sf] kfOG5 eg] csf]{tkm{ pkrf/sf] gfddf 7"nf] wg/fzL lab]zL/x]sf] 5 . b]zdf pBf]u snsf/vfgfeGbf :6f/ xf]6nh:tf xl:k6n tyf gl;{¨ xf]dx?sf] ;+V of lta|?kdf a9L/x]sf] / ;f]df ;+n Ug Aoj;foLx? cfly{s?kdf ;DkGgx'“b} uO/x]sf] kl/k|]Iodf of]u tyf cfo'j]{b lzIff o:tf] Pp6f dfWod x'g ;S5 h;n] k|To]s JolQmsf] zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s kL8f b"/ ul/lbg ;Sb5 tyf JolQmx?nfO{ /f]u nfUg] cj;/ g} cfpg lb“b}g / olb /f]u nflu xfn]tfklg sd ldx]g t / yf]/} /sd vr{ u/L of]u tyf cfo'{j]bsf] dfWodaf6 ;/n pkrf/ ;Dej 5 . of]un] JolQmx?df bof, k|]d, ;b\efj / cg'zf;g, s?0ff, Ifdf, bfgh:tf u'0fx?n] el/lbg ;S5 / ;'–;+: sfl/t, k|]d / ;b\efj el/Psf] ;dfh tyf /fi6« agfpg d2t ldNb5 . ;dfhnfO{ gs/fTdstfaf6 ;s/fTdstftkm{ 8f]xf]¥ofpg ;Sb5 . o;af6 JolQm zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s?kdf :j:y agL cd" No hLjgnfO{ ;b'kof]u ub{} k'?iffy{ ug{ ;Ifd x'g ;Sb5 / hLjg wGo x'g]5 . jt{dfg ;fdflhs kl/j]z / :jf:Yol:ylt $= ljZjdf ePsf] lj1fgsf] k|ultsf] sf/0f ;~rf/, s[lif, lrlsT;f, oftfoft nufotsf r/d ljsf;n] hLjgsf x/]s If]qdf c;fwf/0f k|ult x'g 'sf ;fy} dfgj hLjg ef}l ts k|ultsf] pTsif{df k'u]sf] 5 . o;/L ef}lts k|ultsf] afah'b jftfj/0f clt g} k|b'liftx'“b} uPsf], dfgj hLjg dfgl;s, efjgfTds jf cfWoflTds ;Í6n] u|l ;t 5g\ . lrGtf, lg/fzf, tgfj, Oiof{, 4]if, ck/fw, zq'tf, 56k6Lh:tf dfgl;s ;d:ofx? ljs/fn?kn] a9]sf] kfOG5 eg] k|z:t ;DklQ, ef}lts?kdf ;DkGgtfx? ;'v ;'l jwfsf afah'b \ dfgl;s ?kdf r/doftgf ef]l u/x]sf] kfOG5 . %= c;Lldt rfxgf tyf t[i0ffM dflg;sf] c;Lldt rfxgf, t[i 0ff, nf]e , df]xn] ubf{ O{R5f k|fKt ug{sf] nflu xtf/df ef]hg ug]{, efu bf}8sf] hLGbuL lhpg], /ftdf ;'Tg' kg]{ cj:yfdf hfuf /xg] / cf/fd ug{ k'm;{t gkfp“bf dgdf ysfg, kL/, 8/, lg/fzf, Gof>f]kgn] el/g uO{ dg j]r}g /xg] ub{5 . oxL sf/0faf6 g} df]]6f]kg, Uof:6«Ls, x[bo /f]u, d[uf}nf /f]u, SofG;/, tgfj, lg/fzf, dfgl;s ;Gtfk h:tf ;d:ofx?af6 kLl8t x'g]sf] ;+Vof lbgfg'l bg a9\b} uPsf] kfOG5 eg] tgfj x6fpg] gfddf gzfn' kbfy{sf] zxf/f lng] tyf b'/frf/ cflb sfo{d f;d]t km:g] u/]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . kmntMdfgj cfkm\g f] wd{ tyf st{Jo lgjf{x ug{ r'Sb} uPsf] e]l 6G5 . h;sf] sf/0f e|i 6frf/, b'/frf/, cfk/flws 36gfx? a9\b} uPsf], ;dfhdf c+zd'2f, xTof, cfTdxTof, 5f]8kq -kf/kfr's]_ , n'6kf6 h:tf 36gfx? a9\g uO{ ;dfh lbg k|l tlbg emg\emg\ czfGt aGb} uO/x]sf] kfOG5 . ^= unt vfgkfg / clgGb|fM cfo'j{]bdf pNn]v ePsf ljlw / k/Dk/fnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbFb} cfkm\g f] cfxf/ljxf/ tyf cfr/0f ;'l 4 ub{} hfg' kb{5 . unt vfgkfg tyf sd ;'Tg], clgGb|fsf sf/0f xfd|f] kfrg tTj sdhf]/ x'G5 . kfrg sdhf]/ ePdfslAhot x'G5 . unt vfgkfg tyf clgGb|fsf] sf/0f dg / z/L/ yfSb5 , kfrgtGq sdhf]/ x'G5, ToxL sf/0faf6 ckr x'g ] tyf slJhot x'g ] ub{5 . nfdf] ;do;Dd cfGb|fdf la;fSt tyf ckr ePsf] vfg]s'/f /xL/x“b f cfd tTj -lrKnf] kbfy{_ aGg'sf ;fy} cgfjZos Uof;x? pTkGg x'G5 . ToxL cfd tTj / Uof;x? z/L/ e/L k}mnbf /Qm;~rf/ /fd|f];“u x'g g;sL z/L/sf ljleGg cª\ ux?df kL8f x'g ] tyf z/L/ ef/L x'g ] ub{5 . o; kZrft k]6 v/fj x'g], /Qmdf ljsf/ a9\g ], cN;/, k|]z/, ;'u/, SofG;/, d'6' tyf d[uf} nf nufotsf ljleGg /f]ux?af6 ;d:of ;'? x'g yfNb5 . -s_ cfjZostfeGbf a9L vfg'M slAhot x'g] w]/} sf/0f dWo] xfd|f] vfgkfg / cfr/0f klg d"Vo xf] . k]6sf] kfrgzlQm eGbf a9L vfg]s'/f nf]8 ug{' cjZo g} clgi6sf] O6 nufpg' xf] . o;/L vfFbf c? nfUg] /f]ux? cfkm\g } 7fpFdf 5+b}5 t/ slAhot rflx“ ;'?d} x'G5 . a9L vfgfn] z/L/sf ;Dk"0 f{ tGq k|efljt x'G5g\ . k|foM dflg;x? cfjZostfeGbf a9L vfg vfg' jf ?Rg'n fO{ g} :jf:Yo sf] kof{o 7fGb5g\ . ltgLx? ef]s / vfgfaLrsf] ;DaGwdf ljZjf; ub{}g g\ . ef]s / cfxf/, lgb|f / hfu/0f, :qL / d}y'g jf Ct' / d}y'g, zlQm / kl/>d, pd]/ / wd{ tyf cy{ / cfjZostf cflbsf] ;+o f]hg ;d x'g 'k5{ . t/ clxn]sf] cfw'lgs ;+: s[ltn] ef]s gnfu]klg ?lrs/ j:t'n] ;s]; Dd v'afpg nufp“5 / ef]s nfUbf klg ;fwf / ;/n vfgfn] kv{g nufp“5 . ef]s gnfuL ef]hg / cfjZostfeGbf a9L ef]hg b'j} xflgsf/s x'G5 . o;/L vfFbf k]6nfO{ cgfjZos sfdsf] ef/ a9\5 . sltko dflg;x? dgkg{] vfg]s'/f b] v]/ cfkm"n fO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ;Sb}g g\, rfx] k] 6 6Gg g} lsg gxf];\ . a9L vfg'sf] cy{ xf] lgisflzt x'g ] kbfy{sf] clws dfqfdf lgdf{0 f, h;n] kfrgk|0ffnLsf sfo{df /f]sfj6 k}bf u5{ . lgisfl;t x' g ] Pjd\ gkr]sf kbfy{sf] ld>0fn] :jljiffQmtfsf] l:ylt k}bf x'G5 . ckr, ;8\g Pjd\ Uof“; aG5 / o;n] cfGb|fsf leQfx?df k|xf/ ug{ nfU5 . h;n] la:tf/} la:tf/} ;DalGwt df+zk]zLsf] zlQm / Toxf“af6 z/L/ cg's"n lg:sg'kg{] >fjdf afwf / /f]sfa6sf] cj:yf Nofp“5 . h;sf] k|i6 cy{ slAhot g} xf] . -kf}8]n, @)&);@^_ -v_ lj?4 vfgf vfg'M sltko vfB o:tf 5g\ h'g kRg sl7g x'G5 jf l9nf] kR5 . x'gt z/L/cg'; f/ s'g} ef]hg s;}n fO{ 7Ls s;}nfO{ lj?4 x'g;S5 . Pp6fnfO{ ;'kfRo ef]hg csf{]n fO{ chL0f{ x'g;S5 . t/ ;du|df eGg'kbf{ ;fbf / ;/n vfB ;a}n fO{ ;'kfRo g} x'G5 . dflysf] k|; ¨ l9nf] kRg] k|s[ltsf vfgfsf ;DaGwdf pNn]v ePsf] xf] . l9nf] kRg] vfB klg sltko cGo vfg]s'/f;Fu ld;fP/ vf“bf ;'kfRo x'G5 eg] sltko gld;fO vf“bf ;'kfRo x'G5 . h:t}M /f]6L / bxL, /f]6L / b"w, bxL / eft -rfdnsf]_ k|rngdf vfOg] ePklg lj?4 lxtsf/L 5g\ . t/ ld;fP/ vf“bf kfrg cJojl:yt x'G5 / ckr, Uof“; , cDntf, cldnf] kfgL jf 8sf/ cfpg], k]6 ef/L x'g ], 3fF6L kf]Ng] cflb ;d:of x'g ;S5 . o:tf vfB ld;fP/ vfFbf /fd|f];“u kRb}g / gkr]sf] kbfy{n] cj/f]w pTkGg u/L slAhots} ?kwf/0f ub{5 . o:tf] cj/f]wn] >fj x'g 'kg{] cfjZos tTj >fj x'g df klg cj/f]w Nofp“5 / slAhot x'G5 . -kf}8]n, @)&);@^_ -u_ tŒjxLg vfgf vfg'M le6fldg / vlgh nj0f /xLt (Devitalized and Demineralized) vfB kbfy{n] klg slAhot a9fpg 7"nf] e"l dsf v]N 5 . cfhef]ln vfB kbfy{n fO{ z'4 ug{] (Refining) gfddf kf]ifs tTjnfO{ k"0f{tof /lxt ug{] rng a9]sf] 5 / ahf/df To:t} vfBsf] afx'Notf 5 . o:tf vfB kbfy{ k]6leq lgliqmo ?kdf /xG5g\ / s'g} pQ]hgf k}bf ub{}g g\ . lg/Gt/ o:t} s'/fdfq vfgfn] cfGb|fsf] cfjZos pQ]hgf ;dfKt x'g hfG5 / slAhot x'G5 . -kf}8]n, @)&);@^_ &= Jofkfl/s/0f / :jf:Yo l:yltM xfn Joj;foLs/0fsf] gfddf 5f]6f] ;dodf a9L gfkmf sdfpg] p2]Z on] ul/Psf] Jofkf/ sfo{x?af6 hgdfg;sf] :jf:Yodf gsf/fTds c;/ kb{} uPsf] kfOG5 . x/]s vfg]s'/fx?df cvfB kbfy{, ljiffbL tyf /;fogx?sf] ld;fj6af6 d'6', d[uf}nf, Kofglqmofh / sn]hf] h:tf cª\ux?df SofG;/ nufot cGo eofgs ljdf/Lx? x'guO JolQmx? si6s/ hLjg lhpg afWo 5g\ eg] ;f] sf] pkrf/sf] gfddf caf{} ?k}o fFsf] wg/fzL vr{ x'g] u/]sf] 5 . cvfB tyf ld;fj6 x'g] s]xL j:t'x?sf] pbfx/0f tnsf] a'Fbfx?df pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . -s_ Knfli6ssf ef8fx?df lkpg] kfgL nufot tftf] k]o kbfy{ /fvL ljqmL ljt/0f ubf{ SofG;/hGo /f]ux? nfUg ;Sg] . x/]s vfg]s'/f Koflsª ubf{; d]t sd u'0f:t/sf Knfli6ssf ef8fx? k|of]u x'g] u/]sf] sf/0f o;af6 :jf:Yodf gsf/fTds c;/ kg{ ;Sg] b]l vG5 . -v_ xl/of] ;AhLx?df ljiffbL tyf cvfB /ª\ux?sf] k|of]u, rfdn tyf kmnkm"nx?df kf]l n; ug{], df5fdf gs'l xg] /;fog /fVg], u]8fu'8Lx?df ls6gfzs cf}i fwLsf] k|o f]u ug{], kmnkm"n tyf t/sf/Lx? l56f] j[l 4 ug{ xflgsf/s OGh]S;gx? nufpg], kmnkm"n l56f] ksfpg /;fogx? k|o f] u ug{], ufO{e }F;Lsf] b"w a9fpg OGh]S;g lbg], b"w glalu|cf]; \ eGg] x]t'n ] Sofli6s ;f]8f b"w df ld;fpg] cflb sfo{x?af6 pTkflbt vfBfGgsf] ;]jgn] z/L/sf cª\ u?df SofG;/ nufotsf ljleGg /f]ux? nfUg] u/]sf] . -u_ kmfi6km'8sf] gfddf k|of]u x'g ] clhgf]df]6f] nufotsf cvfB j:t' tyf /;fog, af/Daf/ k'g M k|of]u x' g] t] n, cvfB t]n , vfgf ;8\g /f]Sg] /;fog, cvfB /ª\ux?, ld;fj6 u/]sf] cvfB kbfy{x?af6 tof/ ePsf] vfg]s'/fx? hg:jf:Yosf] nflu cToGt xflgsf/s ePtfklg ;f] sf] Jofkf/n] 7"nf] ahf/ cf]u6]sf] kfOG5 . o:tf vfg]s'/fx?af6 :jf:Yodf k|l ts"n c;/ kg{] u/]sf] . dg'io hLjgsf] p2]Zo *= dflg;sf] hLjg k|f0fL hutdf g} ;j{>]i7 dflgG5, lsgls pm;“u an, a'l 4 / ljj]s ;a} yf]s x'G5 . oxL sf/0faf6 p;n] hLjgdf w]/} k|ult Pj+ k'?iffy{x? ug{ ;Sb5 . oL ;a} k'?iffy{ ug{ :j:y z/L/ rflxG5 . dg':o hLjgsf] ;jf]{kl/ p2]Z o- rf/ k'?iffy{, wd{, cy{, sfd df]Ifsf] kfngf ub}{ cfTdpGglt ug]{ tyf hGd d/0fsf] rqmaf6 d'Qmx'“b} k|e';“u ;fIffTsf/ x'g ] xf] . oL ;a} k'?iffy{sf] cfwf/ :j:y z/L/ xf] . :j:y z/L/sf] dfWodaf6 dfq b}l gs lbg rof{ cyf{t sd{x? ljlwjt\ ?kdf ug{ ;Sb5 . ;fy} ;fwgf ug{ :j:y z/L/ rflxG5 . :j:y z/L/sf] nflu plrt cfxf/ljxf/, plrt lgGb|f / a|x \drfo{ h:tf tLg :tDesf] cfjZos x'G5 . olb o;sf] kfngf ePg eg] a'l 4, wd{ / :d/0f zlQm g:6 x'g uO{ z/L/df dfgl;s tyf zf/Ll/s bf]i fx? a9\g hfG5 . h;af6 z/L/ /f]uu|:t x'g k'Ub5 . t;y{ dg'io hLjgsf] p2]Zo k'/f ug{ :j:y z/L/sf] nflu x/If0f k|oTg ul//xg' kb{5 . of]u / cfo'j {]b :j:y z/L/sf] cfwf/ (= s] xf] t of]u < -s_ of]u hLjg lhpg] snf xf] . ;xL of]u ug]{ JolQmn] g} u[x:y hLjg ;xL 9+uaf6 lhpg l;Sb5 . jt{dfg ;fdflhs kl/j]zdf of]u tyf cfo'j]{b o:tf] lzIff aGg ;S5 h:n] zx/sf] Ao:t hLjgdf klg xfdL ;fdflhs k|f0fLnfO{ Ps cfk;df hf]l8g / hLjgdf cf/f]Uotf tyf pdË eg{ d2t ldNb5 . of]uaf6 zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s ljsf/ x6\b} uO{ t]h tyf cf]h el/b} hfG5 . o;af6 xfdLnfO{ dfgl;s / zf/Ll/s ?kdf :j:y /fVg ;Sb5 tyf AolQm AolQmnfO{ ;sf/fTds kydf 8f]¥ ofpg ;Sb5 . xfd|f] cfxf/ tyf cfr/0f z'4 x'g g;Sbf slAhot tyf ckr x'g ] tyf k|b'l ift jftfj/0fsf] sf/0f z/L/df ljsf/x? k}bf x'g ] ub{5 . oL cfpg] ljsf/x?sf sf/0f xfd|f gz-gf8Lx? hfd x'guO{ kL8f x'g ] tyf z/L/sf ;a} cª\ux?df kf]i f0f gk'Ug ;Sb5 / cª\ux? sdhf]/ x'g uO 7Ls 9+uaf6 sfd gug{ ;S5 . kf]if0f /fd|f];F u gk'u]s} sf/0f df]6f]kg jf b'Jnf]kg a9\5, d'6', lkmof] tyf d[uf}nf h:tf cª\ux?df ;d:of cfpguO lj/fdL kg{ ;S5f}F . JolQm l/;fxf :jefjsf] x'g 'sf] ;fy} p;sf] /f]u k|l t/f]w fTds Ifdtf (Immune System) sdhf]/ x'guO JolQm ljdf/L kg{ ;Sb5 . -v_ of]un] z/L/ leqsf] ljif / ljhftLo kbfy{ aflx/ lgsfNg], cd[t, k|f0f jfo' cª\u k|Tofu+df k'¥ofpFb5, h;af6 z/L/sf] z'l 4kg a9\b} hfG5 eg] r}tGo, cf]h / t]h a9\b} hfG5, k|To]s cª\u k|TofÍ :j:y / ;jn x'G5g\ tyf xfdLnfO{ /f]u d'Qm agfpFb5 . clkt' xfdL leqaf6 g} plrt dfqfdf xfdf{]G;sf] >fj x'g yfNb5 . xfd|f] cfGtl/s /f;folgs k|lqmof ;Gt'l nt x'g hfG5 . z/L/sf] Pgfaf]lnHd - Anabolism_ Sof6faf]lnHd -Catabolism _ d]6faf]lns /]6 - Metabolic Rate_ cyf{t\ jft, lkQ, skm ;d cj:yfdf cfp“b5g\ . ;'Kt -Dead_ tGt'x?sf] k'ghf{u/0f x'G5 . gof“ tGt'x?, sf]lzsfx? -Cells_ sf] lgdf{0 f x'G5 . of]usf] ;'Id lqmofx?åf/f :gfo' tGqnfO{ r':t agfOG5 . -cfrfo{, @))&;@_ -u_ ;'v k|fKt ug{ lrQ k|zGg x'g' h?/L 5 . ;'vL dflg;x?k|l t d}q Lefj, b'MvLx?k|lt s?0ffefj, k'0 ozLn JolQmx?k|lt d'l btf Pj+ ck'0ozLn -b'i6_ JolQmx?k|lt pk]Iff /fVgfn] lrQ k|zGg /xG5 . of]uaf6 leqsf] cfTdfnfO{ kf]if0f lbG5, eo, nHhf, l/; k}bf x'g ] sfo{ ubf{ cfTdfnfO{ kf]if0f lbFb}g . t;y{ b}l gs of]uul/ z/L/nfO{ dfgl;s / zf/Ll/s ?kdf :j:y agfO{ hLjgsf] cd"No ;donfO{ k'?iffy{ ug{sf] nflu ;b'kof]u ug{ ;lsG5 . !)= cfo'j{]b æxfd|f] ;Eotf / ;+:s[l tsf d"n ;|f]t j]b x'g \ hf] dfgj hfltsf k': tsfnodf ;aeGbf k|frLg u|Gy klg x'g\ . j]b rf/j6f 5g M CUj]b, oh'j{]b, ;fdj]b / cyj{j]b . ;+; f/sf] ;a}eGbf k|frLg lrlsT;f Pj+ :jf:Yo ;DaGwL zf:q cfo'j{]b xf] h;nfO{ cyj{j ]bsf] pkj]bsf] ?kdf dflgG5 . cfo'j {]b eGgfn] hLjg ;DaGwL lj1fg eGg] a'l emG5 h;n] cfo'sf] 1fg u/fp“b5 . o;sf] p2]Zo :j:y JolQmsf] :jf:YonfO{ /Iff ug{' / /f]uL JolQmsf] /f]unfO{ lgd"{n ug{' xf] . cem} ;fwf/0f cy{df eGg] xf] eg] ;xL tl/sfaf6 hLjgofkg ug{] snfnfO{ g} cfo'j{]b elgG5 . cfo'j{]b s]an /f]ux?sf] lrlsT;f tyf /f]ux?sf] 1fgdfq k|bfg ug{] xf]Og, clkt' hLjg hLpgsf] nflu cfjZos ;a} k|sf/sf 1fgsf] k|flKt u/fp“b5 . w]/} 5f]6f] cy{df eGg'kbf{ xfdL o;nfO{ Pp6f cb\e"t lrlsT;f k|0ffnL klg eGg ;S5f}F lsgls o;n] :j:y / /f]uL b'j}sf] nflu Jojl:yt / qmda4 1fg k|: t't ub{5 .Æ -cfrfo{, @))&;@_ cfo'j{]bdf pNn]v ePsf xfd|f 3/ cf“ugdf kfOg] cd"No h8La'6Lx?nfO{ xfdLn] klxrfg ug{ g;Sbf cyf{t\ xfd|f k'vf{x?n] k|of]u ub{} cfPsf] ljlw / k/Dk/fx?nfO{ 7Ls 9ª\uaf6 kfngf ug{ g;Sbf dxËf] pkrf/ ug{ afWo ePsf 5f}F . csf]{tkm{ xfd| f cd"No h8La'6Lx?sf] ;xL klxrfg ug{ g;ls v]/ uO/x]sf] 5, oft sf}8Lsf] efpdf ljb]zL/x]sf] 5, h:n] ubf{ b]z emg emg lk5l8/x]sf] tyf ul/jLtkm{ a9L/x]sf] 5, t;y{ cfo'j{]bdf pNn]v ePsf ljlw / k/Dk/fnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg ;s]df xfd|f] hLjg ;'Gb/ / :j:y agfpg ;lsG5 . xfdLn] u'?hf], l3ps'df/L, t'n ;L, gLd, lkkn nufot xhf/f}F cfo'j]{l bs dxŒj ePsf] ag:kltx?sf] dxŒj a'em\g ;s]sf] v08df ;f] sf] k|o f]uaf6 ;xh cf}i fwf]krf/ ug{ ;lsG5 . !!= plrt cfxf/ljxf/ :j:y z/L/sf] cfwf/ cfo'j{]bsf cg'; f/ h:tf] cfxf/ lnOof] To:t} dg lgdf{0 f x'G5 . z'4 cfxf/af6 g} xfd|f] cGt:s/0f z'4 x'g d2t k'Ub5 . ;flTjs cfxf/ lng JolQmnfO{ ljifo jf;gfn] ;tfpb}g . Ct' tyf ;dofg'; f/ ef]hg ;]jg tyf cfkm\g f] k|s[l t -skm, lkQ, jfo'_ , lnË tyf cfo' cg'; f/ z'4 ;flTjs cfxf/ ;]j g ug{ ;Sg' kb{5 h;af6 xfd|f] ;bfrf/ hLjg / ;fwgfnfO{ ;3fp k'Ub5 . dg'ion] hLjg lhpg t lhPs} 5 t/ ?“b} hf a]v';Lx'“b} lhPsf] 5 s;/L To:tf] x'G5 <cfo'j{]bdf pNn]v ePsf ljlw / k/Dk/fnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lb“b} cfkm\ g f] cfxf/ ljxf/ tyf cfr/0f z'4 ub{} hfg' kb{5 . sd ;'Tg], clgGb|fsf sf/0f xfd|f] kfrg tTj sdhf]/ x'G5 . kfrg sdhf]/ ePdfslAhot x'G5 . xfd|f] kfrg tGq alnof] agfpg sf]lz; ug'{ kb{5 .clgGb|fsf] sf/0f dg / z/L/ yfSb5, kfrgtGq sdhf]/ x'G5, ToxL sf/0faf6 ckr x'g ] tyf slAhot x'g ] ub{5 . nfdf] ;do;Dd cfGb|fdf ljzfQm tyf ckr ePsf] vfg]s'/f /xL /x“bf cfd tTj -lrKnf] kbfy{_ aGg'sf ;fy} cgfjZos Uof;x? pTkGg x'G5 . ToxL cfd tTj / Uof;x? z/L/ e/L k}mnbf /Qm;~rf/ /fd|f];“u x'g g;ls z/L/sf ljleGg cª\ux?df kL8f x'g] tyf z/L/ ef/L x'g ] ub{5 . o; kZrft\ k]6 v/fj x'g], /Qmdf ljsf/ a9\g ], cN;/, k|]z/, ;'u/, SofG;/, d'6' tyf d[uf}nf nufotsf ljleGg /f]ux?af6 ;d:of z'? x'g yfNb5 . !@= plrt cfxf/sf] 9ª\u 7Ls 9ª\uaf6 cfxf/ ubf{ dfq l7s 9+uaf6 kRg ;Sb5 / slJhot x'g lb“b}g eg] vfPsf] cfxf/ k'/f kr]kl5 dfq z/L/df kf]if0f ldNb5 eg] o;af6 cf]h; a9\g yfNb5 / xfd|f] z/L/sf] wft'x? /fd|f] cj:yfdf /xG5 . z/L/ lg/f]uL tyf ;'Gb/ aGb} hfG5 . xfd|f] ef]hgdf k|f]l6g, sfaf{]xfO8«]6, le6fldg, vlgh tTj cflbsf] ;Gt'lnt dfqf x'g' kb{5 . cfxf/ lb“bf b]xfoadf]lhd ug{ plrt x'G5 . -s_ ef]hg ubf{ gaf]nL k|zGg d'b|fdf kn]6L df/L a;]/ ;]j g ug'{ /fd|f] x'G5 . ukm ub} jf 6L=eL= x]b}{ ef]hg ug'{ xfgLsf/s x'g ;S5 . ;fy} ef]hg tof/ ug]{ tyf ;]jg ug]{ ;dodf s|f]w sf ;fy l/;fP/ tof/ ul/Pdf ;f]xL cg';f/ ef]hgsf] c;/ /xg ;Sg]x'Fbf k|zGg d'b|fdf oL sfo{x? ul/g' kb{5 . -v_ Ct' cg'; f/ cfxf/ ;]jg ug]{ . ef]s nfu] kl5 jf ef]s hufP/ dfq ef]hg ug]{ / k|ltlbg lglZrt ;dodf ef]hg lng] . ef]s gnfu]df ef]hg ug{' euf8L cb'jfsf] /; ;]jg ubf{ /fd|f] x'G5, ;fy} wlgofF / la/] g'g dg tftf] kfgLdf ld;fO{ ;]jg u/]df clUg tTj a9\b5 . -u_ cfkm\g f] z/L/sf] k|s[l t -skm, lkQ jf jfo'_ cg';f/ cfxf/ 5gf}6 u/L ;]jg ug'{ kb{5 . h:t} u/d z/L/ -lkQ k|s[lt_ ePsf] JolQmn] udL{ k}bf ug]{ vfgf eGbf 7G8f k}bf ug]{ cfxf/ lng' /fd|f] x'G5 eg] To;/L g} 7G8f z/L/ -skm k|s[ltsf]_ ePsf] JolQmn] udL{ k}bf ug]{ cfxf/ lng plrt x'G5 . ef]hdf clws d;nf tyf lk/f] k|of]u gug{], o;af6 kfrg ;DaGwL /f] u x'g ;S5 . -3_ ljxfg k|z:t ef]hg ug'{ / a]n 'sL xn'sf ef]hg ug]{ . ef]hg ;Gt'l nt xf]; eg]/ Wofg lbg] . hlt ef]s 5 Tof]eGbf s]xL sd cfxf/ ;]jg ug]{ afgL ug'{ kb{5 . -ª_ kmfi6 km'8, hÍ k'm8 tyf ;] tf] kf]ln; u/]sf] rfdn, d}bfaf6 ag]sf] vfgf / ;]tf] lrgL ;]j g gug'{ /fd|f] x'G5 . clhgf]df]6f], gSsnL t]n tyf af/Daf/ l/;fOsn u/L k|of]u ug]{ t]n cflb ldl;Psf] vfgf xflgsf/s x'G5 . o;af6 d'6', d[uf}nf tyf SofG;/hGo /f]ux? nfUg ;Sg] b]l vPsf] 5 . -r_ ef]hg la:tf/} rkfO{rkfO{ ;]jg ug]{, k]o kbfy{nfO{ klg 7f]; kbfy{ vfPemF} la:tf/} rkfO{rkfO{ e}Fm vfg] ubf{ ef]hg krfpg ;lhnf] x'G5 / yf]/} vfgfn] klg cfjZos kf]i f0f k|fKt x'g ;Sb5 t/ vfgf grkfO{ vfgfn] ckr tyf slAhoteO ljleGg ;d:of cfpg ;S5 . ef]hg u/]sf] s/La ! 3G6f ;Dd kfgL glkpg' plrt x'G5 . o;sf] sf/0f xf] ef]hg ubf{ ljleGg kfrg /;x? ldl;g] ub{5 . olb l56f]l 56f] ef]hg u/]df kfrg /;x? pko'Qm 9+uaf6 gldl;g ;Sb5 ;fy} tTsfn kfgL lkPdf kfrg /; kftnf] x'g uO{ kfrg sfo{d f c;/ kg{ ;Sb5 . -5_ ljxfgsf] ef]hgdf c+s'l /t cGgx? h:t} d]yL, ux'“, d'+uL, rgf / d'; '/f]sf] ld>0f k|o f]u ePdf ;a} vfnsf] le6fldg tyf ldg/nx? k|fKt x'g ;Sb5 . kmfO{j/o'Qm vfgfx? h:t} cf6f, ;nfbx?, l9lsdf s'6]sf] rfdn -kf]ln; gu/]sf]_ k|of]u ug'{ pko'Qm x'G5 . lbge/ sfd ug'{ kg]{ x'Fbf laxfgsf] vfgf /fd|f] ;Fu vfg' kb{5 . df};d cg';f/sf] kmn, ;JhL vfg' kb{5 . cGoyf wft' gi6 x'g ], cf]h gi6 x'g] u5{, To;y{ vfgf ldnfO{ vfg' kb{5 . -h_ /ftdf xn'sf ef]hg dfq ug]{, cfkm\g f] z/L/sf] k|s[l t tyf ul/g] zf/Ll/s >d cg';f/ -!÷@ j6f ;'Vvf /f]6L, ;JhL / ;'k dfq_ ef]hg ;]jg ug{] tyf ;'Tg' cufl8 dgtftf] b"w ;]jg ug{' /fd|f] . a]n'sL kf]}l i6s tTj a9L ePsf] ef]hg ;]j g ubf{ To;af6 g} ljsf/sf] hGd x'G5 . -em_ ef]hg u/L ;s]kl5 la:tf/} s/La !)) kfOnf lxF8\g ' k5{ / ;'Tg' cufl8 s/La @-# 306f klxn] ef]hg u/L ;Sg' kb{5 . k|l tlbg ef]hg kZrft xftd'v wf]P/ skfnnfO{ sf“l3of]n] sf]g{' k5{ . o;f] ugf{n ] 6fpsf] ;DaGwL kL8f / cGo /f]u / jft\ ;DaGwL kL8f pTkGg xF'b}g . ;fy} skfn l56f] km'Nb}g . ef]hg u/L;s]kl5 d'q Tofu ug{'k5{, o;f] ugf{n] sDd/df b'vfO{ x'b}g / kTy/sf] ;d:of klg x'b}g . -`_ ahf/df kfOg] cvfBj:t' tyf ljiffbL ldl;Psf] vfBfGg, kmnkm"n, b"w tyf t/sf/Lx? k|lt ;r]t /xg] / ljiffbL ldl;Psf] x'g ;Sg] kmnkm"n tyf t/sf/Lx?nfO{ dgtftf] kfgLdf w]/}a]/ lehfO /fd|f];Fu ;kmf u/]/ k|o f]u ubf{ plrt x'g]5 . Knfli6ssf efF8fx?sf] ;§f plrt wft' tyf l;;fsf ef8fx? k|of]u ugf{n] SofG;/hGo ljsf/x?af6 s]xL xb;Dd 5'6sf/f ldNg ;Sb5 . !#= ;T;+u / ;bfrf/ hLjgz}n Lsf] cjnDag ug{] h'g ljifo klg /fd|f] -g/fd|f] h] klg OlGb|o x? af6 ;'G5f}, b]Vb5f}F, h:tf] cfxf/ h;/L lnG5f}F, h'g jf0fL xfdL af]N b5fF}, ;f]Rb5f} / dgdf cg'ej ub{5 fF} To:tf] k|e fj xfd|f] cGt:s/0fdf uP/ hDdf x'G5 / clg xfd|f] :jefj rd{df o:t} lgdf{0 fx'“b} hfG5 . hlt klg sd{ ul/G5 k"j{ hGdaf6} xfd|f] cGt:s/0fdf hDdf ePsf] s'/f / jt{dfgdf -Jojxf/_ b}l gs cfr/0f / Jojxf/af6 lrQdf ;f]xL cg'; f/ dgf]j[l Qsf] ?kdf /xG5 . clg xfdLnfO{ o;/L cr]tg ?kdf /x]sf] dgaf6 xfd|f] ;f]r / sd{nfO{ k|]/0ff lbG5 . hlGd ;s]kl5 Pp6f afnssf] glhs cfdf, kl/jf/, ;dfhaf6 h] hlt lzIff wf/0f ug{ cj;/ ldNb5 clg cfh xfdL h] hlt ;f]Rb5f} jf sd{ ub{5f} To;df k"j{ hGdsf] ;+:sf/ tyf o; hGdsf] clxn];Ddsf] cfrf/0f / Jojxf/ ;dflxt ?k xf] . clg ;+: sf/x?af6 dgf]j[lQ, dgf]j[l Qx?af6 k|]/0ff / cfr/0f cfbt tyf :jefjaf6 ;+: sf/ aGb} csf]{ hGdsf] ;+: sf/ ?k ;d]t lgdf{0f x'G5 . lrQdf c+l st oL lrq0fx?nfO{ g} JolQmsf] rl/q elgG5 . o;k|sf/ s;}sf] cfr/0f g} hLjgdf p;sf] ;f]r, b[li6sf]0 f tyf lbzfsf] lgwf{/0f ub{5 . To;y{ jt{dfgdf tkfO{ laxfg hfu]b]lv /ftL ;'Tg] a]nf;Dd lbg /ft @$ 3G6fdf h;/L ;do latfOG5, h;/L ;do ;b'kof]u ul/G5 To;af6 g} hLjgsf] ;kmntf÷c;kmntfsf] cfwf/ aGb} hfG5 . ;bfrf/ g} xfd|f] wd{sf] cfwf/sf] d"n tTj xf], o;df g} xfd|f] wd{ l6Sb5 . To;af6 g} xfd|f] lrQ z'l 4df d2t k'Ub5 . s'g}klg 1fg jf ;Tsd{ z'4 lrQ lagf ;Dej g} 5}g . t;y{ 7Ls ;ª\ut / Jojxf/af6 dfq xfd|f] dg, lrQ / ;+:sf/ z'4 xF'+b} hfG5 . !$= cfr/0f z'l4 b"/frf/, cgfrf/ tyf cTofrf/ ug]{ / b': sd{ ug]{ JolQmx? dfofhfndf kb{5g . hLjgdf ljif 3f]l ng yfNb5, dg :y'neO h] g/fd|f] sd{ u/]klg ToxL 7Ls nfUb} hfG5 . a]xf];L xG5 / emg b':sd{ ug{ k|]l /t x'G5 . p;n] ;xL / ;To s'/f ;'Gg / b]Vg} ;Sb}g , p;sf] xfnt s'Des0f{ e}Fm x'G5 . To;sf/0f oL s'/fx? af6 k/ a:g} k5{ . h;af6 dg z'4 / ;'Id x'g ;3fp k'Ub5 . eujfg h:t} :jR5, lgd{n ?kdf hlGdPsf] afns;+ut cg'; f/ cfr/0f lgdf{0 f ub}{ hfG5 . clg lj:tf/} d, d]/f]sf] dfofhfndf kb}{ hfG5 . cjf]w afns ;do;Fu} :jfyL{ aGb} hGd lbg] af cfdfnfO{;d]t 3/af6 lgsfNg ;Sg] aGb5, dftf lktf / u'? eujfg e}mF x'G5g\ eGg] s'/f;d]t p;n] ljrf/ ug{ la;{G5 . cfdf a'afsf] ;]jf g} pQd tLy{ xf] eGg] af]w x'g ;Sb}g . hLjgdf O{R5fx?, t[i 0ffx?, sfdgfx?sf] slxNo} cGt x'Fb}g , dfg;Ddfg, t]/f] d]/f] df g} dflg; cNdlng k'Ub5, ljifo jf;gfdf cNdlng k'Ub5, cyf{t dfs'/fsf] hfndf emF} kg{ yfNb5, oxfF ;DdsL dg]{ a]n f ;Dd klg oL af;gfx?n] hfsL g} /fVb5 . clg d[To' kZrft ;'Id dgsf ;fy ToxL ?ksf] hGd x'g yfNb5 . ToxL ;+:sf/ csf]{ hGddf;d]t ;b{5 . t;y{ ;T;+u ug{], cfxf/ z'l 4 / cfr/0f tyf Jojxf/ z'l4af6 dgnfO{ x/bd ;'Id agfO{ ;Tsd{ ug{ ;lsPdf of] hLjgsf] cd"No If0fx? k"0 f{ ;b'kof]u x'g uO lg/f]uL aGg] / lrQ lgd{n x'g fn] hGdd/0fsf] h+hfnaf6;d]t d'Qm x'g ;Sb5 . pkof]uL yk s]xL s'/fx? !%= ;w}F nfdf] nfdf] Zjf; lng] aflg a;fNg' k5{ / o;f] ugf{n] cg]sf}+ ladf/L cfkm} lgsf] x'G5 . nfdf] nfdf] Zjf; lngfn] kmf]S;f] alnof] x'G5 / /Qm;~rf/ Joj:yfn] ;'l3|g fn] ;du| cf/f]Uo Pj+ bL3{ cfo'sf] nfe ldN5 . z/L/ lj1fgsf cg';f/ b'j} kmf]S;f]n] z/L/ leq clS;hg k|bfg ub{5 . h;n] ubf{ /Qm zf]wg sfo{ Jojl:yt ?kn] rN5 . nfdf] nfdf] Zjf; glngfn] xfd|f] kmf]S;f]sf] nueu Ps rf}yfO efun] dfq sfo{ ub{5 / z]i f tLg rf}yfO efu nueu lg:s[o /xG5 . kmf]S;f]df k|foM ;ft s/f]8 tL; nfv :kGh h:tf] sf]i7s x'G5 . ;fwf/0f xn'sf Zjf; lngfn] nueu b'O s/f]8 l5b|d f g} k|f0f jfo'sf] ;~rf/ x'G5 . z]]if kfFr s/f]8 tL; nfv l5b|df k|f0f jfo' gk'Ugfn] lgis[o /xG5, kl/0ffd tx oLgLx?df kmf]x/ hDg ;'? x'G5 h:n] ubf{ 6L=aL=, vf]sL, a|f]GsfOl6; cflb eoÍs/ /f]un] u|l ;t x'G5 . o; k|sf/sf] cw'/f] sfo{ k2ltaf6 /Qm z'l 4df k|efj k5{ / x[bo sdhf]/ x'“b} hfG5 . t;y{ k'/fk'/f Zjf; lng h?/L x'G5 . o;f] ugf{n ] ysfO{ nfUb}g / lbg cfgGbk"j{s laT5 . !^= g'xfpg' cufl8 d'q Tofu ug{'k5{ . k|ltlbg hlt rf]6L dnd'q, lb;f lk;fa Tofu ug{' x'G5 Tolt rf]6L tn dflysf] b'j} bGt k+lQmnfO{ ldnfP/ hf]/n] bafP/ dnd'q Tofu ugf{n] b'O{ rf/ lbgdf g} sdhf]/ bf“tsf] h/f dha't x'G5 / lgoldt cEof;n] bGt d"n dha't x'G5 / bf“tn] bL3{sfn;Dd sfd lbG5 / s'g} k|sf/sf] bfFt ;DaGwL /f]u x'“b}g . !&= Psrf]6L pdfn]sf] kfgL ;]nfO;s]kl5 k'gM pdfNg' jf tftf] ug{' xF'b}g . o;f] u/] kfgL ljif ;dfg x'G5 . !*= g'g / tf]/Lsf] t]n ld;fP/ lgTo bfFt dfem\g fn] bfFtsf] d}n 5'6]/ hfG5 / ls/fx? d5{ clg of] bfFtsf] nflu /fd|f] d~hg klg xf] . bf“tsf] nflu of] /fdjf0f cf}ifwL xf] . w]/} u/d jf w]/} lr;f] kbfy{ vfg' x'“b}g, o;n] bf“tsf] h/fnfO{ gf]S;fgL k' ¥ofp“5 . !(= ahf/af6 sfpnL / d'nf lsGbf ;w}“ a9L xl/of] kft ePsf] sfpnL / d'n f lsGg' k5{ / kft /fv]/ t/sf/L agfpg' k5{ . xl/of] kftdf k|z:t dfqfdf le6fldg x'G5 . sfpnL;“u} o;}sf] xl/of] kft ld;fP/ t/sf/L agfpgfn] jfo' ljsf/ x'“b}g / t/sf/L klg dL7f] x'G5 . @)= lkpg] cfbt dfbs kbfy{ ;]jgugf{;fy dg, OlGb|o a]xf]; x'G5 . a'l4 a]xf]; x'G5, clg sxf“ 6]s]sf] 5 s] xL yfxf x'“b}g , clg b': sd{ ug{ k|]l /t x'G5 . s]xL klg aflx/ ;'l gPsf] s'/f cfgGb xf] jf b'vsf] sf/0f xf] < a'l 4af6 hfRg' kb{5 . Enjoyment ToxL hf] hxfF dg, OlGb|o, a'l 4 hflu|t cj:yfdf /lx/xf]; \ . x/–If0f, k|l t–If0f dg ;r]t xf]; , /xL /xf]; . @!= gk+';stf unt cfxf/, ljxf/ hLjg z}nLsf sf/0f cª\u klxNo} pQ]hgf eO{ lnªusf] Ifdtf tyf sfd zlQmsf] x|f; eO{, gk'+zstf x'G5 . Nofk6ksf] k|o f]u klg gk'+zstfsf] nflu Ps sf/s tTj x'g ;S5 . ;]tf] Kofh ! xKtf lg/Gt/ k|of]u ubf{ gk'+ ;stf gi6eO sfd zlQm a9\5 . # j6f ;]tf KofhnfO{ sd cf“rdf b"w df ksfpg] clg Tof] b"w lkpg] . o;af6 sfd zlQm a9fpg d2t ldNb5 . @@= £o" s'df/L Platelets k|l blbg vfnL k]6df @% -#) u|fd £o" s'df/Lsf] u' bL vfg] ubf{ /utdf Platelets sf] ;+Vofa9\g hfG5 . o;af6 z/L/leq /x]sf SofG;/sf ;]nx?nfO{ 36fpg'sf] ;fy ;fy} ;Dk"0 f{ /Qm ljsf/x? tyf :qLhGo /f]ux?df kmfO{bf ub{5 . jft, x]kf6fO{l 6; æljÆ, k]6 k'mNg], ef]s gnfUg], lk;fj kf]N g], dfl;s wd{ clgoldt x'g ] cflbdf £o" s'df/Lsf] ;]jgaf6 kmfO{bf k'Ub5 . o;af6 z/L/df ;'Gb/tf yK5 . @#= kTy/ r6\6f b}lgs laxfg @-# kQf rkfO{rkfO{ vf“bf s]xL lbgdf g} ;a} vfn] kTy/L tyf d'q ljsf/df nfe ldNb5 . kTy/L x'g ]x?n] k|f0ffofdx? ub}{ ;fydf uxtsf] emf]n klg lkpg] ugf{n] kTy/Lsf] ;d:ofaf6 /fxt ldNb5 . ;+If]k @$= xfd|f] z/L/ leq cz'4 cfxf/, k|b'l ift jftfj/0f, unt cfr/0f tyf Jojxf/ tyf hyfefjL cf}ifwL ;]j g cflbaf6 ljhflto kbfy{ pTkGgeO z/L/df /f]uJofwLx? k}bf x'g ;Sb5 . /f]uL z/L/af6 /fd|f] sd{ cyf{t \ k'?iffy{ ug{ ;lsGg jf /fd|f] sd{ ug{ afwf pTkGg x'g hfG5 / xfdL cfkm\g f] hLjgsf] ax'd"No ;do /fd|f] s'/fsf] lrGtgeGbf v/fj sd{af6 Joltt x'g k'U5 / hLjg c;kmn aGb5, si6s/ aGb5 . ;xL of]u ug]{ JolQmn] g} u[x:y hLjg ;xL 9ª\uaf6 lhpg l;Sb5 . of]uaf6 zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s ljsf/ x6\b}uO t]h tyf cf]h el/Fb} hfG5 . czfGt / tgfj o'Qm hLjgaf6 d'l Qm k|fKt u/L hLjgdf ;bf zflGt 5fO{/xgsf] lgldQ of]u k|d' v ;fwg xf] . of]uaf6 leqsf] cfTdfnfO{ kf]if0f lbG5, eo, nHhf, l/; k}bf x'g] sfo{ ubf{ cfTdfnfO{ kf]if0f lbFb}g . of]un] zf/L/ leqsf] ljif / ljhftLo kbfy{ aflx/ lgsfNg], cd[t, k|f0f jfo' cª\ucª\udf k'U5, z/L/sf] z'l4kg a9\b} hfG5 . nf]e, qmf]w tyf bf]if 36L r}tGo / t]h a9\5 . t;y{ b}lgs of]u u/L z/L/nfO{ dfgl;s / zf/Ll/s ?kdf :j:y agfO{ hLjgsf] cd"N o ;donfO{ k'?iffy{ ug{sf] nflu ;b'kof]u ug{ ;lsG5 . o;/L of]u tyf k|f0ffofdsf ;fydf cfo'j{]baf6 w]/} y/L /f]ux?af6 5'6sf/f ldNguO JolQmx? :j:y / lg/f]uL aGg ;S5g\ tyf k|To]s 3/ / a:tLx?af6 /f]uLsf] ;+Vof sd x“'b} hfG5 / /fi6«n] :j:y hgzlQm k|fKt u/]/ /fi6« lgdf{0fdf 6]jf k'Ub5 . kf}8 ]n, ljgf]b,@)&), æunt vfgkfg slAhotsf] sf/0fÆ pkrf/ dfl;s sf] * cÍsf] k]h @^ Gof}k fg], ;/b, @)^(, æof]u Ps hLjg bz{g Æ of]u ;Gb]z :dfl/sf sf] jif{ %, cÍ %, k]h ^^ cfrfo{, afns[i0f, @))&, æcfTd lgj]b gÆ lj1fgsL s;f}6Ldf of]u :jfdL ,/fdb]j, k|f0fod l;4fGt /x:o, @))$, k]h ! lzi6tf To:tf] u'0f xf] h;n] dflg;nfO{ eb| agfpF5 . – dxfTdf ufGwL The Rationale behind Nepalese Army Welfare Board (NAWB) - Brigadier General (Retd) Dilip SJB Rana The welfare scheme of Nepal Government for the Nepalese Army personnel, its exservicemen and their dependents is almost negligible compared to the welfare facilities provided by the governments of other SAARC member countries to their respective armed forces. The government of India provides most of the welfare facilities to members of its armed forces and their ex-servicemen, whereas the armed forces of other SAARC member countries provide their own welfare measures to their recipients. Nepalese Army has also been providing some welfare schemes to the serving as well as ex-servicemen and their legal dependents from the welfare fund created by Gen Guna SJB Rana during his tenure as the Chief of Army Staff in the midseventies from a fixed amount of fund being deducted from NA personnel serving in UN Peacekeeping Missions around the conflict ridden parts of the world. At present, the revolving fund that has accumulated over time amounts nearly to the tune of 26 billion rupees. But it is only the interest of the principal amount of this fund being paid from various banks, where these funds are kept, that can be spent on various welfare activities. As a result, the welfare activities carried out by NA, though commendable, have been limited and deemed insufficient, especially when the government till today seems reluctant to spend anything in such necessary activities. In such a scenario, it is very praiseworthy that the present NA leadership came out with a vision statement that also tries to rectify the above mentioned deficiency in providing welfare measures to its recipients and created the atmosphere to expand the boundaries of welfare activities. The formation of Nepalese Army Welfare Board (NAWB) at present is the result of such a sound vision. COAS, Gen Gaurav Shumshre JB Rana and his Principal Staff Officers deserve the highest accolade from all members of armed forces of Nepal for taking such a forward leap to the well deserved concept Gen Guna SJB Rana. NAWB is composed from both from ex-servicemen as well as a component of serving personnel from NA on a deputation basis. Basically, NAWB has been formed to fulfill the dual aims of increasing the income generating activities from the existing welfare fund in one hand and then to increase the volume of welfare activities on the other hand.Thus, the aim of NAWB is to develop a concept of ‘Nepalese Army Welfare Board’(NAWB) with a view to generate enough funds from parts of the existing fund in hand and maximize welfare facilities to serving and retired army personnel and their dependents. The Nepalese Army Welfare Fund Directorate (NAWFD) so far has beenkeeping up-todate account of the welfare fund, managing the flow of fund from UN Missions, keeping it in various banks, releasing fund for investment and welfare activities, preparing the contingents for UN Peacekeeping Missions and ensuring maximum output from the investment in Peacekeeping Missions. So far, the welfare activities carried out by NAWFD gas been restricted to providing additional medical facilities to both the serving members and its ex-servicemen and their dependents, providing education to the dependents of both categories of NA personnel. Other welfare activities include provision of housing facilities, medical insurance, and dearness allowance etc, though in a limited manner due to resource crunch. Existing laws do not encourage the NAWFD, a branch of the army itself, to invest in other lucrative income generating projects. But, NAWB will be in a position to invest in such projects remaining within the legal framework of the country. The newly formed NAWB is envisioned to have the following three functions:(a) Invest available funds in income generating fields. (b) Identify new welfare schemes and implement them. (c) Improve existing welfare activities. Both NAWFD and NAWB are under the Nepalese Army Welfare Management Committee (NAWMC), which is the highest directing body for their management and decision making and the incumbent COAS is the Chairman of this directing body. In the health sector, NAWB envisages the construction of a Veteran’s Hospital catering for the needs of the ex-servicemen and their dependents at the central level. This hospital will be having at least one area of specialization whereas the existing military hospital will have yet another area of specialization. Field hospitals at the regional level and polyclinics at the district level are also envisaged. Provisions of providing medical assistance to the ex-servicemen along with their dependents and the dependents of serving personnel and civilians as well are envisaged in the Veteran’s Hospital, Field Hospitals and the polyclinics. The polyclinics will be the first point of contact for the personnel living in the districts for their medical needs. The polyclinics and the Field Hospitals will refer the patients to the Veteran’s Hospital if required. In the same manner, NAWB is in the process of establishing epicenters, one by one, in all the five regions in the country. These epicenters will be the first point of contact of all the exservicemen of the concerned region on matters pertaining to the activities of NAWB and opportunities likely to be provided for the betterment of their living standard. The very first epicenter has been going to be established at Boradandi, Kailali District, as part NAWB’s first activity during the period of the restarted regional ex-servicemen reunion meet which was held from 27th -29 th of Magh, 2070. The epicenters will help the ex-servicemen of the regions for self employment or other employments in order to enhance their living standard. In a nutshell, NAWB’s aspirations are to provide adequate medical support to exservicemen who are over the age of 60 years and to provide opportunities for self employment or reemployment with adequate vocational trainings etc for the ex-servicemen who have not crossed the 60 years of age and to provide education for the dependents of both. NAWB also aspires to invest in various sectors with the aim of increasing the existing welfare fund and thereby enhance its capacity for more welfare oriented activities. != k[i7e"l d M g]kfnL ;]gf g]kfn /fi6« / g]kfnL hgtfsf] /Iff ug{ dg, jrg / sd{n] ;dlk{ t uf}/jdo Oltxf; af]s]sf] ul/dfdo ;+: yf xf] . /fi6«, /fli6«o tf, /fli6«o cv08tfsf] /Iff ug{ d'n'se/ vl6Psf] g]kfnL ;]gf nf]stflGqs d"No / dfGotfnfO{ s]Gb|df /fvL lgi7fk"0 f{ ¿kdf cfºgf] k];fut wd{ lgjf{x ug{ slxNo} kl5k/]sf] 5}g . cfGtl/s åGå xf]; \ jf afëo åGådf xf];\ cfºgf] st{JonfO{ OdfGbfl/tfsf ;fy k'/f ug{ ;wF} cu|;/ g]kfnL ;]g fn] Oltxf;sf] k|f/lDes 38Lb]l v jt{dfg;Dd g} cfºgf] /fli6«o lhDd]jf/LnfO{ lgi7fsf ;fy k'/f ub{} cfO/x]sf] 5 . g]kfnL ;]gf g]kfnL hgtfnfO{ k|fs[l ts ljklQdf k/]sf] a]nfdf xf];\ jf cGo s'g } b'3 {6gfdf k/L cfxt ePsf] a]nf xf];\ ;xof]udf h'6L xfN5, ;]jfsf] xft a9fO xfN5 . af9L, klx/f], e"sDk cflb b}j L jf k|fs[l ts ljklQsf] a]n fdf g]kfnL hgtfsf] lxt ug{ d]rLb]lv dxfsfnL;Dd / lxdfnb]l v t/fO{; Dd g} cfkm"nfO{ cxf] /fq ;dlk{t ug{] g]kfnL ;]g f g]kfnL hgtfsf] cfzf / e/f];fsf] s]Gb| xf] . k|yd ljZjo'4b]l v g} cfºgf]] axfb'/L, ;fx; / OdfGbfl/tfn] ;+;f/df gfd sdfpg ;kmn g]kfnL ;]g f ljZjdf åGå/t b]zx¿df g]kfnsf] k|ltlglwTj ub{} zflGt :yfkgf ug{] sfo{d f ;dlk{t /x]/ cfºgf]] klxrfgnfO{ ljZjJofkL agfpFb} nf]slk|otfsf] lzv/df cfkm"n fO{ k'¥ ofpg ;kmn ePsf] 5 . ;+o 'Qm /fi6«; +3sf] cfXjfgdf zflGt :yfkgfy{ ;g\ !(%* b]lv jt{dfg;Dd g} g]kfnL ;]gf vl6O{ hfg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o;/L ljZjsf ljleGg d'n 'sdf zflGt :yfkgfsf nflu vl6O{ hfg] g]kfnL ;]gfn] kfpg] kfl/>ldsaf6 lglZrt /sd s§f u/L g]kfnL ;]g fsf axfnjfnf / cjsfz k|f Kt ;}l gs Pj ltgsf cfl>t kl/jf/hgsf] lzIff, :jf:Yo, cfjf; cflb sfo{df ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] kljq p2]Zon] k|]l/t eO{ …ax'hg lxtfo ax'hg ;'vfoÚ sf] cfbz{ jfSo /fvL g]kfnL ;]g fn] cfºgf]] sNof0fsf/L sf]ifnfO{ Jojl:yt Pjd\ k|efjsf/L ¿kdf ;~rfng ug{ Pp6f sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb{]zgfnosf] :yfkgf u/]sf] 5 / h;af6 ljleGg sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿ ;Dkfbg xF'b} cfO/x]sf 5g\ . o; n]vdf g]kfnL ;]g fsf] sNof0fsf/L of]hgfcGtu{t ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L sf]i fåf/f ;~rflnt sfo{x¿sf] ;+l IfKt rrf{ ug{] hdsf]{ ul/Psf] 5 . @= ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L sf]ifsf] ;+lIfKt kl/ro g]kfnL ;]g fsf axfnjfnf / cjsfzk|fKt ;}l gs Pj ltgsf cfl>t kl/jf/x¿sf] sNof0f ug{] p2]Zon] lj=;+= @)#@ ;fndf :yfkgf ePsf] ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]if g]kfnL ;]g fsf] :jfldTj ePsf] sf]if xf] . o; sf]i fnfO{ Jojl:yt ?kn] ;~rfng ug{ g]kfnL ;]g fn] sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb{]zgfno v8f u/L cfºgf] ljleGg sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿ ;Grfng ub{} cO/x]sf] b]lvG5 . ;}l gs P]g @)^# / ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L sf]if lgodfjnL @)^% / To;cGtu{t ag]sf] ljwfg tyf sfo{ljlwsf] kl/lw leq /xL o; sf]ifsf] ;~rfng x'g] ub{5 . k|wfg ;]gfkltsf] cWoIftfdf ul7t ;ft ;b:oLo sf]if ;~rfng tyf Joj:yfkg ;ldltaf6 sf]ifsf] cfo–Joo jflif{s ?kdf :jLs[t u/fO{ vr{ ug{] / cfGtl/s n]vf k/LIf0f Pjd\ dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] ljefuaf6 lgoldt ?kdf jflif{s n]vf k/LIf0f u/L sf]i fnfO{ kf/bz{L{ agfpg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o; sf]i fdf lgDg lnlvt ;|f]taf6k|fKt /sd /xg] Joj:yf ;}l gs P]g @)^# df pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 M -s_ ;+o 'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] cfx\jfgdf ljZjsf] s'g} klg efudf zflGt :yfkgf ug{] sfo{df vl6Psf g]kfnL ;]g fn] ;]j f u/]afkt\ k|fKt x'g ] /sdaf6 tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] k|l tztn] s§f u/]sf] /sd, -v_ ljleGg a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+: yfdf hDdf u/]sf] /sddf k|fKt Jofhaf6 sNof0fsf/L sfo{ ;~rfng u/L art x'g cfPsf] /sd, -u_ tf]lsP adf]l hd sNof0fsf/L sfo{df nufgL u/L cfh{g u/]sf] /sd, -3_ ljqmd ;+jt\ @)#@ ;fn cfiff9 dlxgfb]lv of] P]g k|f/De x'Fbfsf] avt;Ddsf] d"n wgsf] ¿kdf ljleGg a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfdf /flvPsf] /sd / ;f]af6 k|fKt Jofh /sd, -ª_ sNof0fsf/L sfo{sf] nflu g]kfnL hª\uL c8\8fn] tf]s]sf] ;+: yfsf] gfddf /x]sf] rn, crn, ;DklQ / ;f]af6 a9]–a9fPsf] /sd, -r_ sNof0fsf/L sfo{sf] nflu g]kfnL ;]g fn] xfn k|o f]u ul//x]sf] rn, crn ;DklQ / ;f]af6 a9] –a9fPsf] /sd . @=! sf]ifsf] k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] sfo{ tyf If]q -s_ g]kfnL ;]g fsf axfnjfnf tyf e"tk"j{ JolQm / lghsf kl/jf/sf] sNof0fsf nflu sNof0fsf/L sfo{ ;~rfng ug{, -v_ sNof0fsf/L of]hgf tyf cfod"ns sfo{ ;~rfng ug{, -u_ klxn]b]l v rln/x]sf sNof0fsf/L sfo{ nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg, -3_ g]kfnL ;]gf ;+o 'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] cfx\jfgdf zflGt;]g fdf ;lDdlnt x'Fbf ;f]; Fu ;DalGwt sfo{sf] nflu cfjZos kg]{ /sd / ;/–;fdfg pknAw u/fpg, -ª_ g]kfnL ;]gfn] k/Dk/fut ¿kdf rnfpFb} cfPsf] ;df/f]x, kj{, k"hf, pT;j, dxf]T;j, cltly ;Tsf/, pkxf/ cflb ;fdflhs sNof0fsf/L sfo{ rnfpg, -r_ sNof0fsf/L sfo{;Fu ;DalGwt sfd ug{ sfg'g adf]lhd :yfkgf ePsf] -5_ ;}l gs ;+: yf jf ;+u7gnfO{ cg'bfg lbg . @=@ nufgL ug{ ;lsg] sfo{ tyf If]q -s_ cf}i fwf]krf/ :jf:Yo ;]jf pknAw u/fpg], -v_ cfjf; pknAw u/fpg], -u_ Sofl06g ;~rfng ug]{, -3_ ljBfno tyf dxfljBfno :yfkgf u/L ;~rfng ug]{, -ª_ axfnjfnf tyf e"tk"j{ JolQmnfO{ ;xefuL u/fO{ cfod"ns sfo{ ;~rfng ug]{, -r_ ;ldltn] l;kmfl/; u/L /Iff dGqfnon] :jLs[t u/]sf cGo sfo{x¿ ug]{ . #= ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L sf]ifaf6;~rflnt sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿ ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]ifaf6 ;~rflnt sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿nfO{ 5f]6s/Ldf lgDglnlvt pkzLif{sdf ljefhg u/L b]vfOG5 M -s_ cf}ifwf]k rf/ ;]j f tyf ;'l jwfx¿ g]kfnL ;]g fdf axfnjfnf ;}l gssf cfl>t kl/jf/ / cjsfz k|fKt ;}l gs / ltgsf cfl>t kl/jf/nfO{ o; sf]ifn] lgz'N s cf}ifwf]krf/ ;'l jwf pknAw u/fpFb} cfPsf] b]l vG5 . >L jL/]Gb| ;}l gs c:ktfn 5fpgLdf egf{eO pkrf/ ub{f nfUg] vr{sf cltl/Qm Ps cfly{s jif{df ? ! nfv;Dd cf}i fwL pkrf/ ;'ljwf sf]ifn] pknAw u/fpFb} cfPsf] kfOG5 / ;fy} axfnjfnf / cjsfz k| fKt ;}lgs bDkltsf nflu pQm c:ktfndf pkrf/ x'g g;Sg] uDeL/ k|s[ltsf] /f]u nfu]d f k|l tJolQm ? % nfv :jf:Yo ladf sfo{qmd sf]ifn] ;~rfng ul/Psf] 5 . -v_ lzIff tyf 5fqj[lQ k|bfg sNof0fsf/L sf]i faf6 d'n'ssf ljleGg If]qdf ;ftj6f ;}l gs dxfljBfno, Ps ;}lgs ljBfno / Ps 5fqfjf; tyf g]kfnL ;]gf :jf:Yo lj1fg ;+:yfg ;~rfng/t 5g\ eg] 5fqj[lQ cGtu{t ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L 5fqj[lQ -:jb]z_, ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L 5fqj[l Q -ljb]z_, tyf k|w fg;]g fklt 5fqj[lQ sfo{q md ;~rfng ul/Psf 5g\ . lzIff If]q df ePsf sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿sf] rrf{ kl5 klg ul/g] 5 . -u_ ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L lgj[lQe/0f g]kfnL ;]gfaf6 cjsfz k|fKt ;}l gs tyf ltgsf ljwjf÷ljb'/sf nflu sf]ifn] dfl;s ?=$)) sf b/n] sNof0fsf/L lgj[l Qe/0f pknAw u/fpFb} cfPsf] b]l vG5 eg] &) jif{ gf3]sf cjsfz k|fKt ;}l gs / ltgsf ljwjf÷ljb'/nfO{ dfl;s ?=! xhf/sf b/n] lgj[l Qe/0f lbF+b} cfPsf] kfOG5 . lgj[lQe/0f jfkt dfq} sf]ifaf6 em08} #) s/f]8 ?k}oFf jflif{s nufgL ePsf] 5 . -3_ kl/jf/ tyf cfjf; ;x'lnot g]kfnL ;]gfsf axfnjfnf ;}l gsnfO{ dfl;s ?=@)) sf b/n] sf]i faf6 cg'bfg lbO{ pQm /sd lghs} gfddf hDdf u/L cjsfzsf] ;dodf Psd'i 6 ;fFjf Jofh ;lxt kl/jf/ tyf cfjf; ;x'lnot jfkt k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] 5 . -ª_ cfly{s ;xof]u o; sf]ifn] jL/ult k|fKt ;}l gssf xsjfnfnfO{ cfly{s ;xof]u :j?k ?=@% xhf/ tyf cfly{s cg'bfg :j?k ? ! nfv pknAw u/fpFb} cfPsf] 5 eg] ;]jfdf /xFbf 3fOt] ePsf ;}lgsx¿nfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 k|fKt x'g] /sd a/fa/ g} sf]ifn] yk /sd cg'bfg lbg] k|aGw ul/Psf] 5 . -r_ kl/jf/ cfjf; u[x g]kfnL ;]gfsf axfnjfnf ;snbhf{n fO{ kl/jf/ cfjf; ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg] p2]Z on] lgdf{0f ul/Psf cfjf; u[xaf6 xfn;Dd !#^ kl/jf/n] ;'l jwf k|fKt u/]sf] a'lemG5 / o;nfO{ cem} lj:tf/ ug{] of]hgf sf]ifn] /fv]sf] 5 . -5_ ef}l ts k"j f{wf/ ljsf; lzIff If]q sf sNof0fsf/L sfo{qmdx¿nfO{ lj:tf/ ug{] / cf}i fwf]krf/ Joj:yfkgdf cem} k|efjsfl/tf Nofpg] gLlt cg'?k ef}lts k"jf{w f/ ljsf; sfo{qmdx¿ sf]ifn] ;~rfng ub{} cfO{/x]sf] 5 . o:tf ef}l ts k"jf{w f/ ljsf; ug{] sfo{df sf]ifaf6 jflif{s cf}ift ?=&% s/f]8;Dd nufgL x'g] u/]sf] 5 . -h_ e"=k"= ;}lgs ;+3nfO{ ;xof]u o; sf]i fn] g]kfnL /fli6«o e"tk"j{ ;}lgs ;+3nfO{ ljZj e"=k"= ;}l gs dxf;+3sf] ;b:otf gjLs/0f ug{ jflif{s ! xhf/ & ;o ^) o'/f] cg'bfg lbF+b} cfPsf] 5 eg] cIfo sf]if cg'bfgdf zt k|ltzt j[l 4 u/L jflif{s ?=@ nfv k'¥ ofPsf] 5 . -em_ k|fs[l ts k|sf]k /fxt d'n 'sdf x'g hfg] ljleGg k|fs[lts k|sf]k tyf cGo ljleGg sf/0faf6 kLl8t JolQmx¿nfO{ /fxt :j?k ?=%) xhf/;Dd cfly{s /fxt k|bfg ug{] sf]ifsf] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . -`_ lqmofsd{ cg'b fg o; sf]i fn] lqmofsd{ cg'bfg ;DaGwL Joj:yfnfO{ k'g/fjnf]sg u/L o;} jif{b]l v ;fdfGo cj:yfdf axfnjfnf tyf cjsfz k|fKt ;snbhf{sf] d[To'kZrft s[ofsd{ vr{ jfkt ?=!) xhf/ pknAw u/fpg] gLlt agfOPsf] 5 . -6_ ;}lgs ;]jf s]G b|sf] :yfkgf o;} jif{b]lv kz' klt If]qdf k"hf, cr{gf, ;fdfGo :jf:Yo ;]j f tyf lqmofsd{d f ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] p2]Zon] cfjZos hgzlQm ;lxtsf] Ps ;}l gs ;]jf s]Gb| :yfkgf u/L ;~rfng ul/Psf] 5 . -7_ gub k'/:sf/ ljt/0f o; sf]i fn] ;}l gs cGtu{t ljleGg k];fut k|ltof]l utfdf k|yd, låtLo / t[tLo x'g ] u0f, u'NdnfO{ k|l tjif{ ?=!^ nfv ^ xhf/ gub k'/:sf/ ljt/0f ub{} cfO/x]sf] 5 . -8_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] /fh:jdf of]ubfg ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]ifdf df}Hbft /sd ljleGg a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+: yfx¿nfO{ lgIf]k pknAw u/fO{ cflh{t Jofhdf g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ Jofhs/ e'Q mfgL jfkt jflif{s s/La ?=@% s/f]8 sf]ifn] /fh:jdf of]ubfg u/]sf] 5 . -9_ PsLs[t ;"rgf tyf clen]v k|0 ffnLsf] :yfkgf sf]if cGtu{t ;~rflnt ;Dk"0 f{ ultljlwx¿af/] ;DalGwt ;a}nfO{ tTsfn hfgsf/L u/fpg / sf]if clen]v Joj:yfnfO{ ;d]t PsLs[t ug{ PsLs[t ;"rgf tyf clen]v k|0ffnLsf] yfngL sf]ifaf6 ul/Psf] 5 . -0f_ ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L af]8{sf] :yfkgf sf]ifaf6 ;~rflnt sNof0fsf/L sfo{sf] a9\bf] If]qnfO{ b[li6ut u/L ;}lgs P]g @)^# / sNof0fsf/L sf]if lgodfjnL @)^% n] Joj:yf u/] adf]l hd ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L sf]i f ;~rfng tyf Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] dftxt /xg] u/L axfnjfnf ;}lgsx¿, e"k" ;}lgsx¿ tyf u}/;}l gs ljz]if1x¿nfO{ ;d]t ;dfj]z u/]/ Ps ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L af]8{sf] :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 . sNof0fsf/L ultljlwnfO{ lj:tf/ Pj+ ljs]Gb| Lt u/L b]zsf ljleGg e"–efudf k'¥ ofpg] / gofF cfod"n s sfo{x¿sf] If]q klxrfg u/L To:tf If]qx¿df nufgL gLlt th'{df ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' o; af]8{sf] p2]Z o /x]sf] 5 . o;/L ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]if cGtu{t xfn ;~rflnt sfo{x¿sf] ;/;tL{ cWoog ubf{ d"ntM lzIff If]q , :jf:Yo If]q cfjf; Pj+ ef}lts ;'ljwf tyf cGo cfly{s sfo{qmdx¿ /x]sf] 5 . #=! lzIff If]q lzIff r]tgfsf] d'xfg xf], ljsf;sf] k"j f{wf/ xf] / dflg;sf] g}; lu{s clwsf/ xf] . lzIffljgf JolQm, ;dfh / /fi6«sf] ;d'l rt pGglt ;Dej 5}g . gLltdf …ljBf ljxLg kz'MÚ elgPsf] 5 . lzIffn] dflg;nfO{ cGwsf/af6 pHofnf]lt/, cefjaf6 k"0 f{tflt/, d[To'af6 cd/tflt/ n}hfg] ePsfn] o;nfO{ dfgjsf] g};lu{s clwsf/ dfGg ;lsG5 . g]kfnL ;]g fn] lzIffsf dfWodaf6 klg cfkm\g f sNof0fsf/L sfo{nfO{ d"t{?k k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . cfw'l gs / u'0f:t/Lo lzIffaf6 lzIffyL{x¿ jl~rt gx'g\ eGg] p2]Z onfO{ s]Gb|df /fvL d'n 'ssf ljleGg e"–efudf ljBfno txb]l v :gfts tx;Ddsf z}l Ifs sfo{qmdx¿ ;~rfng u/]/ g]kfnL ;]gfn] cfkm\g f] lzIffk|l tsf] df]x k|s6 u/]sf] b]lvG5 . xfn;Dd g]kfnL ;]g f sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb{]zgfno cGtu{t ;~rflnt dxfljBfno / ljBfnox¿ lgDg lnlvt 5g\ M -s_ -v_ ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, eQmk'/ ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, kf]v/f -u_ -3_ -ª_ -r_ -5_ -h_ -em_ -`_ ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, w/fg ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, ;'v{]t ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, s}nfnL ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, lrtjg ljh]Zj/L 1fgdlGb/ ;}l gs dxfljBfno, sf7df08f} l/k'dlb{gL ;}l gs dfWolds ljBfno, sf7df08f} lrlsT;fzf:q dxfljBfno (College of Medicine) sf7df08f} gl;{Ë dxfljBfno (College of Nursing) sf7df08f} g]kfnL ;]g fåf/f cfkm\g f] sNof0fsf/L sfo{cGtu{t ;~rflnt oL gf}j6f dxfljBfno / Ps dfWolds ljBfnosf af/]df ca ;+l IfKt rrf{ ul/G5 . -s_ ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, eQmk'/ g]kfnL ;]gfåf/f ;~rflnt of] ;a} eGbf h]7f] dxfljBfno xf] . o;sf] gftf tTsfnLg ;'l kË SofDk;;Fu hf]l8Psf] 5 . lj=;+=@)#% ;fndf dsjfgk'/ lhNnf eLdkm]bLsf] ;'l kËdf lqe'j g ljZjljBfnosf] cflËs SofDk;sf ?kdf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno / g]kfnL ;]g fsf] ;+o'Q m nufgLdf pQm sn]h ;~rfng ePsf] lyof] . k|f/Dedf dfgljsLtkm{ k|j L0ftf k|df0fkq txsf] cWoog cWofkg x'g ] o; sn]hdf @)#& ;fnb]lv dfgljsL ;+sfodf cltl/Qm lj1fg ;+sfodf klg k|jL0ftf k|d f0fkq txsf] k7g kf7g ;'? x'g yfNof] . s/La & jif{ eLdkm]bLdf /x]/ @)$@ ;fn r}qdf ;Nnf3f/L eQmk'/df :yfgfGt/0f ePsf] of] dxfljBfno lj=;+=@)$# ;fn kf}ifb]lv lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] ;DaGwg k|fKt jL/]Gb| ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno -SofDk;_ gfdfs/0feO g]kfnL ;]g fsf] k"0f{ :jfldTjdf lghL SofDk;sf ?kdf :yfkgfeO cfPsf]df @)^& >fj0fb]l v k'gM gfd kl/jt{g eO ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, eQmk'/sf gfddf b]zel/ rlr{t 5 . o; dxfljBfnodf SofDk;sf cltl/Qm lj=;+= @)$$ ;fndf tTsfnLg ;/sf/sf] :jLs[l t lnO{ ljBfno ;d]t :yfkgf u/L sIff $ df k7g kf7g k|f/De ul/Psf] a'lemG5 . ;'?df 5fqx¿n] dfq} cWoog ug{] df}sf kfpg] Joj:yf ePsf]df lj=;+=@)$^ ;fndf SofDk;tkm{ / @)$& ;fnb]l v ljBfno txdf 5fqsf cltl/Qm 5fqfx¿nfO{ klg egf{ lnO{ ;xlzIff k|0ffnL nfu' ul/Psf] b]l vG5 . o;} u/L @)^) ;fndf SofDk; txdf Joj:yfkg ljifo yk u/L pRr dfWolds lzIff kl/ifb\af6 ;DaGwg k|fKt u/]/ @)^^ ;fn kZrft\ lj1fg, dfgljsL / Joj:yfkg tLgj6} ;+sfonfO{ k"0 f{ ?kdf pRr dfWolds lzIff kl/ifb\ cGtu{t /fvL cWoog cWofkg x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . dxfljBfnonfO{ ljsf; / lj:tf/ ub{} n}hfg] g]kfnL ;]g fsf] gLltcg'?k ut jif{b]lv jL=P:;L -dfO{qmf]jfof]n f]hL / h]g ]/n ;fOG;_ tyf o;} jif{b]l v aL=aL=P= txsf] z}lIfs sfo{qmd k|f/De ul/Psf] 5 . cfjf;Lo / 8]:sn/ b'j} ?kdf ;~rflnt o; dxfljBfnodf :gfts txdf cWoog/t ljBfyL{ / o;} jif{b]l v sIff !! df -Joj:yfkg / lj1fg_ laxfgL ;qdf cWoog ug{] afx]ssf ;Dk"0 f{ 5fqx¿ / @!! hgf 5fqfx¿ cfjf;Lo ?kdf /xL k7g kf7g ub{5 g\ . xfn sIff % b]l v :gfts tx;Dd k9fO x'g ] o; dxfljBfnodf of] n]v tof/ kfbf{sf] ldlt;Dd @&)$ hgf ;}l gs / u}/ ;}l gs ljBfyL{x¿ cWoog/t 5g\ eg] !%( hgf lzIfs / !(* hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ sfo{/t 5g\ . %*$ /f]kgL If]qkmndf km}lnPsf] o; dxfljBfnonfO{ cem} ;'ljwf ;DkGg z}l Ifs ;+: yfsf ?kdf ljsl;t ug{ g]kfnL ;]g f lg/Gt/ lqmofzLn /x]sf] b]l vG5 . -v_ ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, kf]v/f b]zsf kfFrj6} ljsf; If]qdf dxfljBfno :yfkgf u/L ;~rfng ug{] g]kfnL ;]gfsf] gLltcg'?k lj=;+= @)^! ;fndf kf]v/fdf :yflkt o; dxfljBfnodf sIff $ b]lv !@ ;Dd k7g kf7g x'g ] ub{5 . xfn ;}l gs / u}/ ;}l gstkm{ u/L !!!# hgf ljBfyL{x¿ cWoog ug{] o; dxfljBfnodf ^) hgf lzIfs / &* hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ ;+n Ug /x]sf] 5 . -u_ ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, w/fg k"jf{~rn ljsf; If]qcGtu{t ;~rflnt o; ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfnosf] :yfkgf lj=;+=@)^@ ;fndf ePsf] xf] . xfn sIff $ b]lv sIff !) ;Dd k7g kf7g x'g] o; dxfljBfnodf ;}l gs / u}/ ;}lgstkm{ u/L &%$ hgf ljBfyL{x¿ cWoog/t 5g\ eg] $# hgf lzIfs / %% hgf sd{rf/L ;]jf/t 5g\ . -3_ ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, ;'v{]t dWoklZrdf~rn ljsf; If]qcGtu{t @)^# ;fndf :yfkgf ePsf] o; ;}lgs dxfljBfnodf xfn sIff $ b]lv !) ;Dd k7g kf7g eO/x]sf] 5 . o; dxfljBfnodf ;}lgs / u}/ ;}lgstkm{ u/L *)# hgf 5fq5fqfx¿ cWoot/t 5g\ eg] #* hgf lzIfs / ^) hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ sfo{/t 5g\ . -ª_ ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, s}nfnL -wgu9L_ ;'b"/ klZrdf~rn ljsf; If]qcGtu{t ;~rflnt o; ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno @)^& ;fndf :yflkt eO xfn sIff $ b]l v & ;Dd k7g kf7g eO/x]sf] 5 . o; dxfljBfnodf ;}l gs / u}/ ;}l gstkm{ u/L #%( hgf ljBfyL{x¿ cWoog/t 5g\ eg] !& hgf lzIfs / @& hgf sd{rf/x¿ dxfljBfnodf cfj4 5g\ . -r_ ;}lgs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno, lrtjg lj=;+= @)^* ;fndf :yfkgf ul/Psf] o; ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfnodf xfn sIff ^ / & df k7g kf7g eO/x]sf] 5 . ;}lgs / u}/ ;}l gstkm{ u/L @$) hgf 5fq5fqfx¿ cWoot ug{] o; dxfljBfnodf !& hgf lzIfs / #! hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ sfo{/t 5g\ . -5_ ljh]Zj/L 1fg dlGb/ ;}lgs dxfljBfno, sf7df08f} lj=;+= @)%$ ;fndf :yfkgf ul/Psf] o; ;}l gs dxfljBfnodf ;}l gs tyf u}/ ;}l gssf 5f]/Lx¿ dfq cWoog ub{5 g\ . sIff ! b]l v !@ ;Dd k7g kf7g x'g ] o; dxfljBfnodf xfn &^^ hgf 5fqfx¿ cWoog/t 5g\ eg] $# hgf lzIfs / @) hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ dxfljBfnodf ;]j f/t 5g\ . -h_ l/k'dlb{gL ;}lgs dfWolds ljBfno, sf7df08f} lj=;+= @)^! ;fndf :yfkgf ul/Psf] o; ;}l gs dfWolds ljBfnodf sIff ! b]lv !) ;Dd k7g kf7g x'Fb} cfO/x]sf] 5 . xfn @(( hgf ljBfyL{x¿ cWoog ug{] o; ljBfnodf @! hgf lzIfs / % hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ sfo{/t 5g\ . -em_ g]kfnL ;]gf :jf:Yo lj1fg ;+: yfg g]kfnL ;]gf / /fi6«nfO{ cfjZos kg{] bIf :jf:YosdL{sf] pTkfbg u/L k];fut bIftfnfO{ clej[l4 ub{} /fi6«s} Ps gd"gf :jf:Yo lzIf0f ;+: yfgsf] ?kdf :yflkt ug{] p2]Zo /fvL @)^* ;fndf sf7df08f}sf] e08f/vfndf g]kfnL ;]gf :jf:Yo lj1fg ;+:yfgsf] :yfkgf ul/Psf] 5 . o; ;+: yfg cGtu{t lrlsT;fzf:q dxfljBfno / gl;{Ë dxfljBfno xfn ;~rfngf cfPsf 5g\ eg d]l 8sn kf]l n6]l Sgs sn]h / sn]h ckm 8]G6n ;h{/L ;~rfng ug]{ of]hgfdf /x]sf 5g\ . -c_ lrlsT;fzf:q dxfljBfno (College of Medicine) lqe'jg ljZjljBfno lrlsT;fzf:q cWoog ;+: yfgaf6 ;DaGwg k|fKt u/L !)) hgf ljBfyL{ egf{ lnP/ lj=;+=@)^* d+l ;/b]lv of] dxfljBfno ;~rfng x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . xfn bf];|f] jif{df ;d]t u/L o; dxfljBfnodf @)) hgf ljBfyL{x¿ cfjf;Lo ?kdf /xL cWoog ul//x]sf] b]l vG5 . tLdWo] ;}l gstkm{ $* 5fq, @( 5fqf / u}/ ;}l gs tkm{ (! 5fq / #@ 5fqf /x]sf] kfOG5 . MBBS cGtu{t /x]sf] Basic Science ljifosf] cWoog sf7df08f}sf] e08f/vfndf / Clinical tyf Internship jL/]Gb| c:ktfn 5fpgLdf / ;+:yfg cGtu{ t ;~rfngdf cfpg] l;len c:ktfndf u/fpg] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o; dxfljBfnodf Under Graduate Medical Training (MBBS Course) ;lsPsf] b'O{ jif{ kl5 Post Graduate Training ;~rfng ug]{ of]hgf /x]sf] a'lemG5 . o; dxfljBfnodf @% hgf lzIfs / %% hgf sd{rf/L sfo{/t /x]sf] kfOG5 . -cf_ gl;{Ë dxfljBfno (College of Nursing) lj=;+= @)^* kf}ifb]l v ;~rfngdf cfPsf] o; dxfljBfno cGtu{t PCL gl;{Ë CTEVT ;Fu cfj4 /x]sf] 5 eg] BN / BSC Nursing lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf cfj4 /xL ;~rfngdf cfPsf 5g\ . o; dxfljBfnodf BN Nursing df xfn ;}l gs 5fqf & / u}/ ;}l gs 5fqf &# h/L *) hgf cWoot/t 5g\ eg] BSC Nursing df ;}lgs 5fqf !@ / u}/ ;}l gs 5fqf #( hgf u/L %! hgf cWoog ub{5 g\ . o;}u/L PCL Nursing df ;}l gs 5fqf $@ / u}/ ;}lgs 5fqf #* u/L *) hgf 5fqfx¿ cWoog ub{} cfO/x]sf] 5g\ . oL tLgj6} sfo{qmddf @# hgf lzIfs / !# hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ ;+n Ug /x]sf 5g\ . #=@ cfzfls/0f 5fqfjf;, ljh]Zj/L g]kfnL ;] gfdf axfndf /xFbf cfkm\g f] st{Jo k'/f ug{] qmddf jL/ult k|fKt ug{] ;snbhf{sf 5f]/Lx¿nfO{ lzIff k|bfg ug{] qmddf a:g / vfg ;xh xf];\ eGg] p2]Zon] ;}l gs >LdtL ;+3sf] ;lqmotfdf lj=;+=@)^! ;fndf o; 5fqfjf;sf] :yfkgf ePsf] 5 . o;sf ;fy} ;xf/fsf] cfjZostf kg{], b}jL k|sf]kdf k/L ljz]i f l;kmfl/; k|fKt g]kfnL ;]g fsf ;snbhf{sf 5f]/Lx¿nfO{ ljh]Z j/L 1fgdlGb/ ;}lgs dxfljBfnodf cWoog ug{] cj;/ k|fKt u/L o;} 5fqfjf;df /xg] Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] 5 . lj=;+=@)^# ;fnb]l v o; 5fqfjf;sf] ;Dk"0f{ vr{ sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb{]zgfnon] a]xf]g {] u/L 5fqfx¿nfO{ lgMz'Ns vfg], a:g] ;'l jwf pknAw u/fpF+b} cfPsf] 5 . xfn o; 5fqfjf;df () hgf 5fqfx¿ al;/x]sf 5g\ eg] pQm 5fqfjf;sf] /]vb]v / Joj:yfkgsf nflu # hgf lzIfs / & hgf sd{rf/Lx¿ vl6Psf 5g\ . g]kfnL ;]g fsf ;snbhf{x¿ -axnjfnf / cjsfz k|fKt_ tyf u}/;}l gssf ;Gtltx¿nfO{ Go"gtd z'N sdf u'0f:t/Lo lzIff k|bfg u/L k|l tefzfnL, cg'zfl;t, ;[hgzLn b]zeQm hgzlQm tof/ kf/L g]kfnL ;]g fsf nflu cfjZos clws[t tyf /fli6«o hghLjgsf ljleGg If]q df s'zn g]t[Tj k|bfg ug{] of]Uo ;Ifd z}l Ifs hgzlQm pTkfbg ug'{ g]kfnL ;]g fåf/f ;~rflnt dxfljBfnox¿sf] d"Vo p2]Zo /x]sf] 5 . cfjZos ef}l ts k"j f{w f/ h'6fO{ ;~rfngdf /x]sf oL dxfljBfnox¿sf] Joj:yfkgdf sNof0fsf/L sf]i faf6 lgs} 7"nf] wg/flz vr{ ePsf] 5 . g]kfnL ;]g f :jf:Yo lj1fgcGtu{t ;~rflnt dxfljBfnonfO{ 5f8]/ ;ftj6f dxfljBfno tyf Ps dfWolds ljBfnosf] ;~rfng ug{ rfn' vr{ s/La ?= %) s/f]8 /x]sf] a'lemG5 eg] :jf:Yo lj1fg ;+:yfgsf] ;~rfng ug{ s/La ? @% s/f]8 vr{ /x]sf] a'lemG5 . o;/L lzIff If]q df ePsf] vr{ sf] t'ngfdf cfDbfgL eg] lgs} sd /x]sf] tYon] b]vfpF5 . o;y{ sNof0fsf/L sf]ifsf] Jofhaf6 ;~rfngdf cfPsf oL z}lIfs ;+:yfgx¿nfO{ cfTdlge{/ agfpF+b} n}hfg] gLlt nfu' ug{ cfjZos 5 . ;}l gssf nflu ^) k|ltzt / u}/ ;}l gssf nflu $) k|ltlzt sf]6f lgwf{/0f u/L ljBfyL{ egf{ k|l qmof nfu' ul/Psf oL dxfljBfnox¿df xfn &$$( hgf ljBfyL{x¿ cfjf;Lo Pj+ 8]: sn/sf ¿kdf /xL cWoog/t 5g\ eg] pRr txb]l v >]0fLljxLg ;Ddu/L s/La !! ;olzIfs Pj+ sd{rf/Lx¿n] dxfljBfnox¿df /f]huf/L k|fKt u/]sf] 5 . #=# ;}lgs dxfljBfnox¿sf ;femf ljz]iftfx¿ M g]kfnL ;]gfsf] sNof0fsf/L of]hgf cGtu{t ;~rflnt dxfljBfno Pj+ ljBfnosf ;femf ljz]i ftfx¿ lgDg lnlvt a'Fbfx¿df k|:t't ul/G5 M != u}/ gfkmfd"ns z}l Ifs ;+:yfsf] ?kdf d'n'sdf lrlgg' @= ;}l gs tyf u}/;}l gssf ;GtltnfO{ sf]6f lgwf{/0f u/L k|j ]z k/LIffsf dfWodaf6 egf{ ug'{, #= u'0f:t/Lo z}l Ifs ;+: yfsf] ?kdf d'n 'sdf :yflkt x'g ' $= jL/ult k|fKt ;}lgs ;snbhf{sf ;GtltnfO{ lgMz'Ns lzIff k|bfg ug'{ %= Go'g td z'N sdf clwstd ;'l jwf lbP/ cfjf;Lo Pj+ 8]:sn/sf ¿kdf k7gkf7g ;~rfng ug'{ ^= cltl/St lqmofsnfkdf ljz]if hf]8 lbg' &= ljBfyL{x¿sf] rf}tkmL{ JolQmTj ljsf;df Wofg lbg' *= 5fqfjf;, k': tsfno, a;, sDKo'6/ / cGo z}lIfs k"jf{wf/x¿sf] ;d'l rt Joj:yf x'g' ( cª\u|]hL dfWodaf6 g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|rlnt kf7\o qmdnfO{ k|e fjsf/L ?kdf lzIf0f ug]{ kl/kf6L x'g' !)= of]Uo, cg'ejL / bIf lzIfsnfO{ lgo'Qm u/L lzIf0f u/fpg' !!= cGt/f{li6«o dfkb08sf] cfjf;Lo ef}l ts k"j f{wf/ h'6fO{ lzIf0f lqmofsnfk ;~rfng ug'{ !@= v]ns'b Pj+ zf/Ll/s JofofdnfO{ lzIffs} Ps cleGg cËsf ¿kdf :yflkt ug'{ !#= lzIfs Pj+ sd{rf/Lsf] k];fut bIftf / j[lQ ljsf;sf nflu ljleGg tflndsf] Joj:yf ul/g' !$= !%= !^= #=$= lzIfs Pj+ sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ tnj eQfsf] /fd|f] Joj:yf x'g ' hª\uL c8\8f / sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb]{zgfnosf] lgb]{zgnfO{ s]Gb|df /fvL ;+: yfsf] z}lIfs pGgogdf h'6\g' z}lIfs Pj+ cltl/Qm lqmofsnfksf If]qdf pNn]vgLo /fli6«o pknJwLx¿ xfl;n ug'{ . lzIff If]qsf] ;'b[9Ls/0fdf yflnPsf yk k|of; / of]hgfx¿ g]kfnL ;]gfsf] sNof0fsf/L of]hgfcGtu{t ;~rflnt ;Dk"0 f{ dxfljBfno tyf ljBfnonfO{ cem} Jojl:yt ug{ s]xL yk k|o f;sf] yfngL ul/Psf] 5 . tL k|o f; / of]hgfx¿nfO{ lgDg lnlvt a'Fbfx¿df k|: t't ul/G5 M != ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfno eQmk'/nfO{ Center of Excellence sf ¿kdf :yfkgf ug]{ / dxfljBfnodf lj1fg / Joj:yfkg ;+sfotkm{ :gfts txsf] sIff ;~rfng ug{sf nflu u'?of]hgf cg'; f/ cfjZos ef}l ts k"j f{w f/ ;DkGg ug]{ . @= o; dxfljBfnodf utjif{ sIff $ x6fO{ ;s]sf] / cfufdL z}lIfs ;qb]lv sIff % klg x6fO{ sIff ^ b]lv dfq ljBfno txsf] k7g kf7g ug]{ . #= kf]v/fl:yt ;}l gs dxfljBfnodf sIff !@ ;Ddsf] k7gkf7g eO;s]sf] ;Gbe{df Toxfaf6 klg lj=;+= @)&! ;fnb]l v sIff $ / % x6fO{ sIff ^ b]l v dfq ljBfyL{ egf{ lng] . $= lj=;+= @)&! ;fnb]l v w/fgl:yt ;}l gs dxfljBfnodf !)+@ sIff ;~rfng u/L ;f]xL z}lIfs zqb]l v qmdzM sIff $ / % x6fO{ sIff ^ df dfq ljBfyL{ egf{ lng] . %= lj=;+= @)&! ;fnb]l v l/k'dlb{g L ;}l gs dfWolds ljBfnoaf6 sIff ^ b]lv !) x6fO{ sIff ! b]l v % ;Dd @÷@ ;]S;g ;~rfng ug]{ / pQm ljBfnoaf6 sIff % cWoog k'/f u/]sf 5fqfx¿sf nflu Ps ;]S;g sf]6f ljh]Z j/L 1fg dlGb/ ;}l gs dxfljBfnodf cf/lIft u/L k|j ]z k/LIffsf cfwf/df of]Uo 5fqfx¿nfO{ egf{ lng] . ^= ljh]Zj/L 1fg dlGb/ ;}lgs dxfljBfnodf sIff ! b]lv % ;Dd !÷! ;]S;g / sIff ^ b]lv !@ ;Dd @÷@ ;]S;g 5fqfx¿sf nflu ;~rfng ug]{ . &= l/k'dlb{gL ;}lgs dfWolds ljBfnoaf6 sIff % pQL0f{ ug]{ 5fqx¿sf nflu sf]ifaf6 ;~rflnt ;a} ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxfljBfnox¿df sIff ^ df cWoogsf nflu k|j ]z k/LIffsf cfwf/df @÷@ sf]6f cf/lIft ug]{ / pQm sf]6fdf ljBfyL{ egf{ ubf{ g]kfnL ;] gfsf ;snbhf{sf 5f]/fx¿ ;/x gLlt lgod nfu' ug]{ . *= ;}l gs cfjf;Lo dxflaBfnox¿sf] sf]i fsf] cfly{s bfloTjnfO{ lglZrt ;Ldfleq /fVg xfnsf] ;}lgs / u}/ ;}lgs cg'kft -qmdzM ^)% / $)% nfO{ sfod /fVb} lgDg lnlvt yk Joj:yf nfu' ul/Psf] 5 M -s_ lzIf0f z'Nsdf k'g /fjnf]sg u/L xfnnfO{ u}/;}l gstkm{ % k|ltzt / ;}l gstkm{ !) k|l tzt z'Ns j[l 4 ul/Psf] . -v_ ;}l gs ljBfno / dxfljBfnox¿nfO{ sf]ifaf6 k|bfg ub{} cfPsf] cf+l zs k': ts tyf nQfsk8f cg'bfg s6f}lt ul/Psf] . (= g]kfn ;/sf/ lzIff dGqfnon] tof/ kf/]sf] ljBfno ;'/Iff of]hgf cg';f/ ;}l gs dxfljBfnox¿sf] ef}l ts tyf z}l Ifs Joj:yfkgdf k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ yflnPsf] . kx'Fr, u'0f:t/ / Joj:yfkgsf b[l i6n] d'n'sdf ;~rflnt sltko lghL z}l Ifs ;+: yfx¿ cGt/f{li6«o dfkb08sf] glhs k'Ug ;kmn ePsf b]l vG5g\ . tL dWo] g]kfnL ;]g fåf/f ;~rflnt dxfljBfnox¿ klg kb{5g\ eGbf cGoyf gxf]nf . g]kfnsf] lzIff j}1flgs x'g ;s]g , /f]huf/Ld'vL ePg, hgd'vL x'g ;s]g , ;f+:s[lts / ;fdflhs klxrfgd'vL ePg, ul/vfg] k|s[ltsf] x'g ;s]g , nufgL cg';f/sf] k|l tkmn lbg ;s]g , cfkm\g f] 1fg, ;Lk / IfdtfnfO{ d'n 'ssf] ;d'Ggltdf nufpg] k|s[ltsf] of]Uo, ;Ifd / b]zeQm z}l Ifs hgzlQm ck]lIft ?kdf pTkfbg ug{ ;lsPg eg] h:tf cg]sf}+ cf/f]k d'n'ssf] lzIff k4ltn] v]Kg' k/]sf] ;Gbe{df g]kfnL ;]gfåf/f b]zsf ljleGg e"–efudf ;~rflnt z}l Ifs ;+: yfx¿n] o; dflysf ;jfndf ljrf/ u/L cfkm\g f z}l Ifs ultljlwx¿ ;~rfng ug'{ cfjZos 5 . s'g } klg z}lIfs ;+: yfsf] ljsf;df gf} …cÚ sf] ljz]i f e"l dsf x'g ] wf/0ff lzIffljb\x¿sf] kfOG5, tL x'g \–-!_ cWofks -lzIfs_, -@_ cWoogfyL{ -ljBfyL{_, -#_ cWoog ljifo Pj+ ljlw -kf7\o qmd_, -$_ cleefjs -%_ cg'zf;g -^_ ckgTj -&_ cg'udg -lg/LIf0f_ -*_ cg'bfg -(_ cg';Gwfg . oL kIfx¿df klg Wofg lbP/ cl3 a9\g ;s] ;}l gs dxfljBfnox¿sf] k|l ti7fdf cem} clej[l4 cfpg] lglZrt 5 . #=% 5fqj[l Q ;DaGwL Joj:yf ;}l gs dxfljBfnox¿df cWoog ug{ gkfPsf g]kfnL ;]gfsf ;snbhf{sf h]x]Gbf/ ;Gtltx¿nfO{ ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]ifaf6 lglZrt k|lqmofsf cfwf/df 5fqj[lQ k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfnL ;]gfsf axfnjfnf tyf cjsfz k|fKt ;}lgssf 5f]/f5f]/Lx¿sf] k7g kf7gdf 6] jf k'¥ofpg / cleefjsx¿nfO{ s]xL cfly{s /fxt ;d]t ldnf];\ eGg] p2]Zon] sf]i faf6 5fqj[l Qsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L sf]i faf6 lgDg lnlvt tLg lsl;dsf z}lIfs 5fqj[lQ k|bfg ug{] ul/Psf] 5 M -!_ ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L 5fqj[l Q -:jb]z_ -@_ ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L 5fqj[l Q -ljb]z_ -#_ k|wfg;]g fklt 5fqj[lQ -!_ ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L 5fqj[lQ -:jb]z_ g]kfnL ;]g fsf] axfnjfnf / cjsfz k|fKt ;}lgssf sIff ^ b]lv !@ sIff;Dd cWoog/t 5f]/f 5f]/Lx¿nfO{ of] 5fqj[l Q k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . x/]s jif{sf] efb| dlxgfdf cfj]bgsf] ;"rgf k|sflzt u/]/ a} zfv dlxgfdf 5fqj[lQ :j?k dfl;s ?=%)) sf b/n] jflif{s ? ^ xhf/ k|l t ljBfyL{ k|bfg ul/G5 . of] 5fqj[l Q g]kfn ;/sf/af6 dfGotf k|fKt z}l Ifs ;+:yfx¿df cWoog ul//x]sf g]kfnL ;]gfsf axfnjfnf tyf cjsfz k|fKt ;}l gssf ;xf]b/ 5f]/f 5f]/Lx¿nfO{ dfq lbOG5 . 5fqj[l Qsf nflu lgj]bg lbPsf] jif{ eGbf cl3Nnf] jflif{s k/LIffdf lgh ljBfyL{n] sDtLdf %) k|l tzt cª\s k|fKt u/]sf] x'g' kg{]5 eg] dfWoflds ljBfnosf] xsdf !* jif{ / pRr dfWolds ljBfnosf] xsdf @! jif{ ggf3]sf] x'g ' kg{] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . 5fqj[l Q kfpg lgj]bgsf ;fy ;DalGwt ljBfyL{sf] rfl/lqs k|df0fkqsf] k|ltlnlk, cl3Nnf] jif{sf] nAwfª\skqsf] k|l tlnlk, hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkqsf] k|l tlnlk / cjsfz k|fKt ;}l gssf xsdf k]G;g k§fsf] k|l tlnlk ;+nUg ug'{ cfjZos 5 . )^(÷&) df of] 5fqj[lQ k|fKt ug{] ljBfyL{sf] ;+Vof !*))! /x]sf] tYon] b]vfpF5 . -@_ ;}lgs sNof0fsf/L 5fqj[lQ -ljb]z_ g]kfnL ;]gfsf] anflws[t ljefuaf6 5gf}6 eO{ MBBS tyf cGo k|fljlws ljifodf cWoog ug{ ljb]z hfg] axfnjfnf jf cjsfz k|fKt ;}lgssf 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ lj=;+=@)## ;fnb]l v jflif{s¿kdf lglZrt /sd 5fqj[lQ :j?k k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf xfn;Dd sfod /x]sf] kfOG5 . ldq/fi6« ef/t, kfls:tfg, aª\unfb]z / rLgdf uO{ MBBS tyf cGo k|fljlws ljifodf cWoog ug{ hfg] k|fljlws -d]l 8sn÷OlGhlgo/_ Sof8]6x¿nfO{ of] 5fqj[l Q k|bfgug{] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . ldq/fi6« aª\unfb]zdf cWoog ug{ hfg] d]l8sn Sof8]6sf nflu 6\o ';g lkm :j?k jflif{s gf} ;o o'=P;=8n/ k|bfg ug{] ul/G5 eg] kfls:tfg, aª\unfb]z / ef/tdf cWoog ug{ hfg] d]l 8sn Sof8]6xsf nflu ks]6 vr{ jfkt dfl;s () o'= P;=8n/ k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf 5 . ef/tdf Olnlhljln6L / /lhi6«];g z'Ns jfkt ltg'{kg{] lkm kfFr ;o o'=P;=8n/ k|bfg ug{] ul/G5 eg] ldq/fi6« rLgåf/f 5fqj[lQdf cWoog ug{ hfg] d]l8sn Sof8]6sf nflu b}lgs ks]6 vr{ jfkt $ o'=P;=8n/sf b/n] jflif{s !,$$) o'= P;=8n/ k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . of] 5fqj[lQ kfpgsf nflu klg ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L 5fqj[lQ -:jb]z_ df pNn]v ul/Psf cfjZos sfuhft lgj]bgsf ;fy ;+n Ug ug'{ kg{] x'G5 . -#_ k|wfg;]gfklt 5fqj[l Q g]kfnL ;]g fdf ;]jf/t /x+bfsf] cj:yfdf d[To' ePdf jf hª\uL sf/jfxLdf k/L jL/ult k|fKt ug{] ;snbhf{sf ^ b]l v !* jif{ pd]/ ;Ddsf 5f]/f5f]/L b'O{ hgfnfO{ dfl;s ? &)) sf b/n] jflif{s ? *$)) 5fqj[lQ:j?k /sd ljt/0f ug{] Joj:yf sf]ifn] u/]sf] 5 . of] 5fqj[l Q k|fKt ug{ ;DalGwt ljBfyL{n ] lgj]bgsf ;fy cfkm\g f] rfl/lqs k|d f0fkqsf] k|l tlnlk, cl3Nnf] jif{sf] nAwfªskqsf] k|ltlnlk, hGdbtf{ k|df0fkqsf] k|l tlnlk Pj+ cfdf / aRrfsf] k]G;g k§fsf] k|ltlnlk k]; ug'{ cfjZos 5 . o;/L k|bfg ul/g] oL 5fqj[l Qjfkt ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]i faf6 em08} rf}w s/f]8 ?k}o fF k|l tjif{ nufgL ePsf] 5 . $= :jf:Yo If]q :jf:Yo hgzlQm g} /fi6«l gdf{0 fsf cfwf/ x'g\ eGg] s'/fnfO{ dgg ub{} g]kfnL ;]gfn] cfkm\g f axfnjfnf ;}lgssf kl/jf/ tyf cjsfz k|fKt ;}lgs / ltgsf cfl>t kl/jf/x¿nfO{ cf}ifwf]krf/ ;]jf ;'ljwf k|bfg ug{] p2]Z on] lj=;+= @)#@ ;fndf k|wfg ;]gfkltsf] cWoIftfdf sNof0fsf/L sf]if Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] Joj:yf u/L ;f] cGtu{t ;}l gs cf}i fwf]krf/ ;]jf pk ;ldlt u7g u/L sNof0fsf/L cf}ifwf]krf/ ;]j f ;'ljwf k|bfg ub{} cfO{/x]sf] 5 . sNof0fsf/L cf}i fwf]krf/ Joj:yf sfof{no sf7df08f}sf] dxfª\sfn :yfgdf /x]sf]df lj=;+=@)^& d+l ;/b]lv 5fpgLl:yt >L jL/]Gb| c:ktfn kl/;/df :yfgfGt/0f u/fO{ pQm ;]jf ;'l jwf k|bfg ug{] sfo{ eO/x]sf] 5 . sNof0fsf/L cf}ifwf]krf/ Joj:yf sfof{n oaf6 lgDg lnlvt ;]jfx¿ k|bfg ug{] ul/Psf] 5 M -s_ hL=cf]=kL=8L= ;]j f -v_ ljz]if1 cf]=kL=8L=;]j f -u_ ;fgf tyf 7"nf zNolqmof ;]jf -3_ l8:k]G;/L ;]jf -ª_ 8fonf]l;;÷kf]i6 /]gn 6«fG:KnfG6 y]/fkL ;]j f -r_ s]df]y]/fkL ;]j f -5_ 8fO{Unf]l i6s ;]j f axfnjfnf ;}l gssf kl/jf/ tyf cjsfz k|fKt ;}lgs / ltgsf cfl>t kl/jf/nfO{ pknAw u/fOg] cf}i fwf]krf/ ;]j f ;'ljwfx¿ o; k|sf/ 5g\M -s_ jL/]Gb| c:ktfn 5fpgLleq pknAw x'g ] ;Dk"0 f{ ;]jf ;'ljwfx¿ . -v_ pQm c:ktfndf pknAw gx'g ] t/ sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb{]zgfnon] tf]s]sf] c:ktfndf x'g ] cf}i fwf]krf/ ;] jf ;'ljwfx¿ . -u_ jL/]Gb| c:ktfnleq / aflx/ x'g] ;]j f ;'l jwfx¿df d]l 8sn af]8{sf] l;kmfl/; cg'; f/ Ps cfly{s jif{df Ps JolQmnfO{ ? Ps nfv;Ddsf] cf}ifwf]krf/ ;]jf ;'l jwf pknAw u/fpg] Joj:yf /x]sf] . -3_ cfjf; tyf ladf zfvfaf6 k|l qmof k'/f u/L cfPsf lj/fdLx¿nfO{ :jf:Yo ladf zfvfaf6 cf}ifwL tyf /sd pknAw u/fpg] Joj:yf /x]sf] . axfnjfnf ;}l gssf kl/jf/ tyf cjsfz k|fKt ;}lgs / ltgsf kl/jf/ afx]s of] cf}ifwf]krf/ ;]j f ;'ljwf /Iff dGqfno, hª\uL c8\8f / cGtu{tsf lghfdtL sd{rf/Lx¿, ;}lgs dxfljBfno÷ljBfnosf lzIfs÷sd{rf/Lx¿ tyf sNof0fsf/L sf]if;Fu ;DalGwt lghfdtL sd{rf/lx¿ Pj+ /fli6«o :t/df Voflt k|fKt u}/;}l gs JolQmx¿nfO{ ;d]t k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . o;/L k|bfg ul/g] sNof0fsf/L cf}i fwf]krf/ ;]jf ;'ljwf jfkt ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]i faf6 jflif{s em08} rfnL; s/f]8 ?k}oFf cfly{s bfloTj /x]sf] 5 . sf]i faf6 ;~rflnt o; ;]jfnfO{ cem} Jojl:yt, k|efjsf/L / ;do;fk]If agfpFb} ;DalGwt ;a}sf] kx'Fr;Dd k'¥ofpg cf}ifwf]krf/ Joj:yf sfof{n o lg/Gt/ lqmofzLn /x]sf] 5 . o; sNof0fsf/L cf}i fwf]krf/ ;]j f ;'ljwfnfO{ k| efjsf/L agfpg rflnPsf sbdx¿ lgDg lnlvt 5g\ M -s_ cf}i fwL vl/b k|lqmofnfO{ yk Jojl:yt ug{ / ldtJooL 9+uaf6 u'0f:t/Lo cf}ifwL vl/b ug{ 5'§} 7]Ssfk6\6f ;ldlt u7g ug{] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . -v_ cf}i fwf]krf/ ;'l jwfnfO{ ;do;fk]If ¿kdf ;~rfng ug{ tyf lgoldt cg'udg / d"Nofª\sg ug{ sfo{/yLsf] cWoIftfdf cg'udg, /]vb]v / lgoGq0f ;ldlt u7g ug{] Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] 5 . -u_ cf}i fwf]krf/ ;]j fdf ;+n Ug lgsfox¿ ;}l gs :jf:Yo dxflgb{]zgfno, jL/]Gb| c:ktfn tyf sNof0fsf/L cf}i fwf]krf/ Joj:yf sfof{nosf] lhDd]jf/L ;lxtsf] sfo{ljlw tof/ kfg{] k|l qmof cl3 a9fOPsf] 5 . -3_ vlr{n f] aGb} uO/x]sf] cf}ifwf]krf/ / ;]jf k|bfg ug'{kg{] JolQmx¿sf] a9\bf] rfknfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ cfjZos bIf hgzlQmåf/f cfw'l gs k|l jlwsf] dfWodaf6 ;]jf lbg cf}ifwf]krf/ Joj:yf sfof{non] yk k|of;sf] yfngL u/]sf] 5 . -ª_ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 lgMz'Ns k|bfg x'g ] cf}ifwLx¿ g]kfnL ;]gfn] ;xh?kdf k|fKt ug{ cfjZos kxn ul/Psf] 5 . -r_ cf}i fwf]krf/ ;]jf ;'l jwfx¿ ;/n / ;xh ?kdf k|bfg ug{ cfjZos of]hgf agfO{ ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ ;Gt'i 6 kfg{] k|o f; eO/x]sf] 5 . %= ;}lgs k'g:yf{kgf s]Gb| d'n 'sdf ePsf cfGtl/s åGåsf ;dodf sof}+ dflg;x¿ lj:yflkt x'g 'sf ;fy} w]/} JolQmx¿ ckfË eO{ hLjg JotLt ul//x]sf 5g\ pSt åGådf 3fOt] eO{ ckfª\u x'g k'u]sf g]kfnL ;]g fsf hjfgsf ;fy} cGo ;'/Iff lgsfo tyf ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfnfO{ ;d]t bL3{sfnLg ?kdf ;]jf k|bfg ug{] p2]Z on] g]kfnL ;]gfn] @)^! ;fndf ;}l gs k'g :yf{kgf s]Gb| vf]Ng] lg0f{o u/]sf] b]l vG5 . xfn sf7df08f}sf] e08f/vfndf o; s]Gb|sf] sfof{n o :yfkgf eO{ ckfËtf ePsf tyf kLl8t hgx¿sf nflu cfjZos ;]j f k|bfg ug{] sfo{ o; s]Gb|af6 eO/x]sf] 5 . ^= cfjf; tyf ladf sfo{qmd g]kfnL ;]gfdf sfo{/t ;snbhf{n fO{ 3/ 38]/Lsf] k|aGw ug{ ;xh xf];\ eGg] x]t'n] Pj+ s'g} ljklQdf kbf{ cfly{s /fxt k|bfg ug{ ;lsof];\ eGg] sNof0fsf/L p2]Zon] cfjf; tyf ladf of]hgf cGtu{t lgDg lnlvt sfo{q mdx¿ ;~rfngdf /x]sf] 5 M -s_ cfjf; of]hgf -v_ ;x'l not C0f of]hgf -u_ 38]/L ljsf; of]hgf cfjf; cGtu{t ;~rflnt sfo{q mdx¿ 5g\ eg] ladf cGtu{t -s_ ;fwf/0f ladf -v_ b'3{6gf ladf -u_ :jf:Yo ladf h:tf sfo{qmdx¿ ;~rflnt 5g\ . o;sf ;fy} æclt/yL gL/ b}j L k|sf]k p¢f/ cIfo sf]i fÆ dfkm{t klg g]kfnL ;]g fsf klbs eGbf d'l gsf ;sn bhf{n fO{ /fxt k|bfg ug{] Joj:yf sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb{]zgfnon] u/]sf] 5 . &= >L jL/]Gb| zflGt sfo{ tflnd s]Gb| -kfFrvfn_ df sNof0fsf/L sfo{ ;+o 'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] cfx\jfgdf ljZj zflGt :yfkgfy{ g]kfnaf6 vl6O{ hfg] zflGt ;} lgsx¿nfO{ tflnd u/fpg] p2]Zon] :yflkt o; s]Gb|df ePsf sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿ o; k|sf/ 5g\M -s_ zflGt ;]g fdf ;lDdlnt eO{ hfg] ;snbhf{sf] :jf:Yo k/LIf0f ug{] p2]Z on] sNof0fsf/L of]hgf lgb{]zgfnoaf6 lgsf;f ePsf] gf}nfv krf; xhf/ ?k}ofFaf6 Level1 c:ktfnsf] lgdf{0f u/L cfjZos d]l ;g/L cf}hf/ tyf kmlg{r/ vl/b u/]sf] 5 eg] X-Ray Machine ;d]t h8fg ug{] sfo{ ePsf] 5 . -v_ ljleGg ld;gx¿df zflGt ;]g fdf ;xefuL eO{ hfg] ;sn bhf{sf nflu cfjZos kg{] Bunk Bed 915 yfg tflnd s]G b|df pknAw u/fOPsf] 5 . -u_ tflnd s]Gb|df ;~rfng x'g] ljleGg UN tflndx¿df ;xefuL x'g cfpg] ljb]zL lzIfs, lzIffyL{ / cltlyx¿nfO{ Nofpg n}hfg ;lhnf] xf];\ eGg] x]t'n ] dfO{qmf] a; ! sf] k|aGw ul/Psf] 5 . -3_ zflGt ;]g fdf ;xefuLeO hfg] ;snbhf{sf nflu cfjZos kg{] kfgLsf] plrt k|jGw ug{ kfgL 6\o fÍ/ ! vl/b ul/Psf] 5 . *= sf]ifaf6 ;~rfng x'g] cfufdL sNof0fsf/L sfo{ / of]hgfx¿ ;}l gs sNof0fsf/L sf]i faf6 ;~rfng ul/g] cfufdL sNof0fsf/L sfo{ tyf of]hgfx¿nfO{ lgDg lnlvt a'bfx¿df k|:t't ul/G5 M -s_ sNof0fsf/L ;]jf ;'ljwfnfO{ No Profit No Loss sf] cjwf/0ff cGtu{t cfly{s ?kdf ;jn / lbuf] sfo{q md th'{df ug{], -v_ Vateran' Hospital sf] :yfkgf ug{], -u_ ;Lkd"n s tyf /f]huf/ d"n s tflnd ;~rfng ug{ Vocational Training Institute :yfkgf ug{], -3_ :jf:Yo ;]jf pkrf/sf] ;LdfnfO{ lj:tf/ ug{], -ª_ jL/]Gb| c:ktfn -5fpgL_df Ps ;o zF}o f yk ug]{, -r_ College of Medical Polytechinic sf] :yfkgf ug{], -5_ If]qLo :t/df Medical SofDk ;~rfng ug{], -h_ If]qLo :t/df e"tk"j{ ;}l gs ;Dd]ng ug]{, -em_ lzIffsf] u'0 f:t/df clej[l 4 ug{] sfo{qmd ;}l gs dxfljBfnox¿df nfu' ug{], -`_ sfg'g L ;xfostf jfkt /sd k|bfg ug{], -6_ ;}l gs ;]j f s]Gb|dfkm{t lgMz'N s PDa'n] G; ;]jf pknAw u/fpg], -7_ nufgLsf If]qx¿ lj:tf/ ub{} k|zf]l wt lkpg] kfgL KnfG6sf] :yfkgf ug{], -8_ clS;hg KnfG6af6 Jofj;flos pTkfbg ;'? u/L laqmL ljt/0f ug{], -9_ Water Gel Plant :yfkgf ug{ cfjZos k|l qmof cl3 a9fpg], -0f_ zflGt ;]g f ;~rfng / xfn ;~rfngdf /x]sf sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿ tyf axfnjfnf tyf e"tk"j { ;}l gsx¿nfO{ nlIft u/L ;~rfng ul/g] gofF sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿nfO{ 5'§f5'§} If]qx¿df ljefhg u/L of]hgfa4 ?kdf ;~rfng ug{], -t_ a}+s Jofh dflysf] lge{/tfnfO{ sdug{ / sNof0fsf/L sfo{x¿nfO{ cfTdlge{/ agfpg j}slNks cfo cfh{g sf ;|f]tx¿ klxrfg u/L r/0fa4 ?kdf nufgL ug{] . 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