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UVODNIK1:Layout 1.qxd
Novembar/Studeni 2012. - April/Travanj 2013. godine UVODNIK / INTRODUCTION Po{tovani ~itatelji, Dear Readers, Pred Vama je novo izdanje ~asopisa Sarajevo Airport Magazine. Period od posljednjeg broja do danas mo`emo okarakterizirati dosta uspješnim i djelotvornim. Kao što smo najavili u prethodnom periodu, osim unapre|enja osnovne djelatnosti okrenuli smo se i razvoju neavijacijskih usluga, prvenstveno prodajnih i ugostiteljskih usluga. Sa zadovoljstvom mogu ista}i da smo sa veoma skromnim sredstvima uspjeli napraviti izuzetno zapa`ena poboljšanja. Poboljšanja koja su u funkciji korisnika naših usluga, u funkciji pove}anja komfora na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo. Istakao bih samo neke: okon~ali smo aktivnosti na reorganizaciji parking-prostora ~ime smo pove}ali kapacitete postoje}ih parkingmjesta, zatim, proširili smo kapacitete ugostiteljskih objekata - ljetna bašta, restoran u Terminalu A, obogatili smo ponudu prostora za oglašavanje dodatnim lokacijama a u toku su i radovi na proširenju Duty Free-Shopa i salona za putnike poslovne klase. Kada su u pitanju upravlja~ki sistemi, Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo nastoji odr`ati i unaprijediti ve} uspostavljene sisteme i to sistem upravljanja kvalitetom i sistem okolinskog upravljanja, a radimo i na uspostavljanju sistema za upravljanje sigurnoš}u informacija. Svi ovi sistemi imaju me|unarodni karakter što nas svrstava u red kompanija konkurentnih za široko internacionalno tr`ište. Uo~i zimske sezone, uobi~ajeno, obavljaju se pripreme i pregled sredstava i opreme koja }e se upotrebljavati za ~iš}enje poletno-sletne staze i drugih manevarskih površina Aerodroma i okolnih parking- prostora. Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo raspola`e svom neophodnom mehanizacijom (vozilima i mašinama) za ~iš}enje snje`nih padavina. Tako|er, izvršena je obuka, provjera i verifikacija znanja svih radnika Zimske slu`be, što predstavlja preduslov za brzu i efikasnu reakciju pri ~iš}enju i odr`avanju manevarskih površina tokom zimske sezone. Na kraju, mogu re}i da smo u prethodnom periodu ulo`ili mnogo truda i rada te se nadamo da su naši napori prepoznati. In front of you is a new edition of the journal Sarajevo Airport Magazine. The period from the last number until today can be characterized as quite successful and effective. As we announced in the previous period, except for the core business, we turned to the development of non-aviation services, especially retail and catering services. I am pleased to note that we have managed to make a very notable improvement with very modest means. Improvements have been made for the benefit of our clients in order to increase comfort at Sarajevo International Airport. I would point out some of them: we ended activities in reorganizing parking-space by which we have increased the capacity of existing parkingplace, then, we have expanded the capacity of catering establishments - a summer garden, a restaurant in Terminal A, we have enriched the offer for advertising space by additional locations, and there are ongoing works to expand the Duty Free Shop and lounges for business class travelers. When it comes to steering systems, Sarajevo International Airport strives to maintain and enhance the already established systems, these are the quality management system and environmental management system, and we are working to establish a system for information security management. All of these systems have an international character, which puts us in line with companies competing for a broad international market. Right before the winter season, we carry out the usuall preparations and reviews of resources and equipment that will be used to clean the runway and other airport maneuvering areas and surrounding parking spaces. Sarajevo International Airport has all the necessary machinery (vehicles and machines) for removing the snow. Training, validation and verification of skills of the Winter Service Team, has also been in progress, which is a prerequisite for rapid and effective response for cleaning and maintaining the maneuvering areas during the winter season. In the end, I can say that we have invested a lot of effort and work in the previous period, hoping that our efforts have been recognized. Do novog izdanja našeg magazina, Until a new edition of our magazine, Direktor 3 SIAM Ivan Veli~an SADR@AJ / CONTENT SADR @A J CON T E N T Sarajevski aerodrom je na{ prozor u svijet/ Sarajevo Airport is Our Gate to the World 18-21 Slu`ba ugostiteljstva i cateringa – cilj zadovoljan gost/ Catering Department – Goal is Satisfied Customer 22-26 Centar za obuku stru~nog osoblja/ Training Center for the Professional Staff 28-29 Zimska slu`ba – garant otvorenosti Sarajevskog aerodroma/ Winter Service – Guarantee for Openness of the Sarajevo Airport 30-35 Nadam se da sa Sarajevskog aerodroma letimo u Brazil/ I Hope That We Will Fly to Brazil from the Sarajevo Airport 36-39 IMP RES UM Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom bio je veoma uspje{an/ Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom Was Very Successful SAM 4 Sarajevo Airport Magazine Periodi~ni magazin Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo / Periodical magazine of Sarajevo International Airport Izdava~ / Publisher: Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo / Sarajevo International Airport Redakcijski kolegij / Editorial board: Ivan Veli~an, generalni direktor / general manager, Edita Sulejmanovi}, viši stru~ni saradnik sistema za upravljanje sigurnoš}u informacija / senior expert collaborator for managing security of informations, Alma Krni}, PR menad`er / PR menager, Darijan Veli~an, marketing menad`er / marketing menager, agencija PRag d.o.o. Sarajevo / agency PRag d.o.o. Sarajevo Priprema i ure|ivanje / Preparation and editing: PRag d.o.o. Tira` / Circulation: 10.000 Engleski prevod / English translation: Nada Turnad`i} Fotografija / Photography: PRag d.o.o. i arhiv Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo / Sarajevo International Airport Archives DTP / Design: PRag d.o.o. Štampa / Printing: Suton, Široki Brijeg 40-43 Sarajevo i olimpijske ljepotice/ Sarajevo and Olimpic Mountains, Natural Attractions 46-56 Pakt za stabilnost Jugoisto~ne Evrope/ Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe 58 Izuzetna saradnja sa Me|unarodnim aerodromom Sarajevo/ Exceptional Cooperation with the Sarajevo International Airport 60-63 VIJESTI / NEWS Aerodrom Sarajevo prvi u BiH po prodaji karata [esnaest godina od ponovnog otvaranja Aerodroma Sarajevo Obilje`eno je 16 godina od poslijeratnog otvaranja Sarajevskog aerodroma za civilni zra~ni promet. Nakon ratnih zbivanja i potpunog uništenja aerodromskih kapaciteta, Sarajevski aerodrom je 16. augusta 1996. godine ponovo otvoren, a sama sve~anost otvaranja predstavljala je ostvarenje najve}eg sna svih zaposlenih. ^inu ponovnog otvaranja aerodroma prisustvovali su tadašnji predsjednik Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine Alija Izetbegovi} i ameri~ki dr`avni sekretar Warren Christopher. Odmah po otvaranju Aerodroma, Croatia Airlines uspostavila je vezu izme|u Sarajeva i Zagreba, a turska kompanija Top Air izme|u Sarajeva i Istanbula. Do kraja te godine Aerodrom Sarajevo ostvario je promet od 26.000 putnika i bio je u Bosni i Hecegovini jedini aerodrom u funkciji civilnog zrakoplovstva. Danas, sa prometom od 600.000 putnika godišnje, mo`emo slobodno re}i da je stara legenda o ptici feniks u našem slu~aju postala stvarnost, jer smo prošli put od ratnog pepela do tehnološkog operativnog maksimuma, kojem u zrakoplovstvu svi te`imo. Sixteen Years Since Re-Opening of the Sarajevo International Airport It has been 16 years since the Sarajevo International Airport was re-opened for the civilian air traffic. After the horrible war and total destruction of the airport facilities, the Sarajevo International Airport was opened again on August 16, 1996. The opening ceremony represented realization of the airport employees’ greatest dreams. The President of Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time, Alija Izetbegovic, and the U.S. Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, attended this re-opening ceremony at the Sarajevo Airport. Immediately after the re-opening, Croatia Airlines established a flying route between Sarajevo and Zagreb, while the Turkish carrier Top Air introduced operations between Sarajevo and Istanbul. By the end of that year, Sarajevo Airport recorded air traffic of 26,000 passengers and was the only operating airport for civil operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today, having approximately 600,000 passengers a year, we can say that the old legend of Phoenix bird in our case has become a reality, because we have risen from the ashes of war to technological operating maximum, a goal which anyone employed in aviation industry is aiming for. SIAM 6 Prema statisti~kim podacima Amadeusa - vode}eg provajdera IT rješenja u putni~koj i turisti~koj industriji, šalter za prodaju aviokarata Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo bio je na prvom mjestu po broju prodatih aviokarata za juli 2012. godine za podru~je BiH (ukupno 531 aviokarta). Ovo je veliko priznanje za uposlenike Aerodroma koji konstantno rade na poboljšanju i unapre|enju usluga klijentima korisnicima aerodromskih usluga po najvišim svjetskim standardima. Potvrda je to kvaliteta usluga koje pru`amo, ali i naše predanosti da postavljamo nove, više standarde i obaramo rekorde. Sarajevo Airport is the Best Ticketing Desk According to the statistics of Amadeus - a leading provider of IT solutions for travel and tourism industry, Sarajevo International Airport’s ticketing desk was ranked first in respect of number of air tickets sold in July of 2012 in Bosnia and Herzegovina (total of 531 air tickets sold). This is a great recognition to the airport staff in their constant effort to improve the services they provide to clients - users of airport services. This is an acknowledgment for the quality services we provide, but also our commitment to set new and higher standards with a goal of breaking the existing records. VIJESTI / NEWS Brendirana traka za prtljag Na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo predstavljena prva brendirana traka za prtljag. Ova traka je inovativan na~in reklamiranja koji je prvi put u Evropi upotrijebljen na Venecijanskom aerodromu u Italiji, dok je traka koja je postavljena na Sarajevskom aerodromu prva i trenutno jedina takva u regionu. Sama realizacija ovoga projekta bila je izuzetno kompleksna i dosta zahtjevna, jer se konstrukcija trake sastoji od 246 pojedina~nih elemenata. Du`ina trake je 48 metara i sveukupno predstavlja simulaciju cilindra na ameri~kom ruletu. Odluka o brendiranju i postavljanju trake pokazala se kao odli~an potez, što pokazuje da je Aerodrom Sarajevo spreman za sve vrste inovativnog oglašavanja. Branding of the Luggage Carousel Sarajevo International Airport launched the first branded luggage carousel. This is an innovative way of advertising that was first used in Europe at the Venice Airport in Italy, while the carousel placed at the Sarajevo Airport is the first and only one in the region. The construction of this project was extremely complex since the construction of the luggage carousel consists of 246 individual components. The length of the carousel conveyor belt is 48 meters long and it represents a simulation of the cylinder that can be seen on the American roulette. The decision on branding the carousel proved to be a great move, indicating that the Sarajevo Airport is ready for new kinds of innovative advertising. Kompanija AUTOline, glavni zastupnik Daimlera AG za BiH, jedan od vode}ih lidera u automobilskoj industriji i na ovaj na~in prepoznala je ulogu brendiranja i oglašavanja u svrhu promocije i boljeg pozicioniranja na tr`ištu svojih proizvoda i usluga. Zadovoljstvo rezervisanog besplatnog parking mjesta me|u prvima je iskusio poznati bh. glumac Enis Bešlagi}. Free Parking for Drivers of Mercedes Cars Besplatan parking za vlasnike Mercedes vozila Na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo predstavljena je usluga slobodnih parking mjesta za sve voza~e Mercedesa. U suradnji sa kompanijom AUTOline, Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo obezbijedio je mogu}nost besplatnog korištenja parking mjesta za sve voza~e Mercedesa koji do|u na Aerodrom Sarajevo. Takvih mjesta je ukupno pet, a parking je besplatan i mjesta su pozicionirana ispred glavne terminalne zgrade Aerodroma Sarajevo. SIAM 8 Sarajevo International Airport introduced the free parking service for all drivers of Mercedes vehicles. In cooperation with the company Autoline, Sarajevo International Airport has provided a free parking space for all the Mercedes cars drivers who come to Sarajevo Airport. There are five free parking spaces positioned in front of the airport’s main terminal. Autoline, the main representative of Daimler AG in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the leaders in the automotive industry, recognized the importance of branding and advertising and used free parking campaign to improve position of its products and services on the market. Famous Bosnian actor Enis Bešlagi} was among the first ones who experienced the satisfaction of the reserved free parking space. VIJESTI / NEWS Otvorena automatska mjenja~nica novca Automatic Money Exchange Machine Open to Business U prizemlju Terminala B Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo u funkciji je automatska mjenja~nica novca. Zvani~nom otvorenju prisustvovali su generalni direktor Aerodroma Sarajevo Ivan Veli~an, direktor Raiffeisen banke Michael Müller i gradona~elnik Sarajeva Alija Behmen, koji je napravio prvu transakciju i time zvani~no pustio u rad ATM mjenja~nicu. Mjenja~nice su svakodnevni dio potreba aerodroma, a prednost ovog ure|aja je ta što je za razliku od klasi~nih mjenja~nica dostupan u periodu otvorenosti Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. Automatska mjenja~nica mo`e se koristiti za gotovinske transakcije zamjene stranih valuta u lokalnu valutu, KM. U ovoj mjenja~nici omogu}ena je zamjena valuta: EUR, USD, CHF i HRK u KM, a u narednom periodu planirano je širenje ove liste valuta. At the ground floor of the Sarajevo International Airport’s Terminal B, an automatic money exchange machine is put into operation. The official opening was attended by the Managing Director of Sarajevo Airport Ivan Veli~an, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Michael Müller, and the Mayor of Sarajevo Alija Behmen, who made the first transaction and thus officially commissioned ATM exchange. Exchange offices are part of the everyday need at the airport, and the advantage of this device is that, unlike the regular exchange windows, it is available during the operation hours of the Sarajevo International Airport. Automatic exchange machine can be used for cash transactions from foreign currencies to the local currency, KM. The automatic exchange machine is enabled to convert the following foreign currencies: EUR, USD, CHF, HRK to KM, and there is a plan in the future to expand the list of available currencies. Presented Updated Map with Obstacles With a goal of increasing the level of security of various air operations, in the middle of the last year Sarajevo International Airport instituted proceedings aimed at preparation of maps of obstacles - Type A. The importance of mapping obstacles is primarily in providing safe conditions for the movement of aircraft, as well as presentation of security breaches due to obstructions in the vicinity of the Airport. The project included the creation of the database and the obstacles that are in the range of the runway at the Sarajevo Airport. Along with the implementation of activities necessary to produce maps of obstacles, geodetic survey was conducted covering the entire area within the airport fence, and a 3D plan of the airport was created, that is, a database that will serve as a basis for the future geographic-information systems (GIS). The realization process of the project required a detailed study on the ground, which took place mostly at night, in order to ensure an uninterrupted flow of air traffic operations. Presentation ceremony of the updated maps hosted the representatives of Sarajevo Airport management and the company Geodata, King IT and IGA-plan. SIAM 10 Prezentirana a`urirana karta prepreka Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo je u cilju pove}anja stepena sigurnosti pri razli~itim zra~nim operacijama, polovinom protekle godine pokrenuo postupak izrade karte prepreka - tip A. Zna~aj izrade karte prepreka je prije svega osiguranje uvjeta za sigurno kretanje zrakoplova, kao i spre~avanje narušavanja sigurnosti zbog prepreka u okolini Aerodroma. Projekat je obuhvatio i izradu baze podataka o preprekama koje se nalaze u opsegu ravni za polijetanje na Aerodromu Sarajevo. Uporedo sa realizacijom aktivnosti neophodnih za izradu karte prepreka, izvršeno je i geodetsko snimanje kompletnog podru~ja Aerodroma unutar ograde, a izra|en je i 3D plan obuhvata aerodroma, odnosno baza podataka koja }e poslu`iti kao osnova budu}eg geografskog informacionog sistema (GIS). Proces realizacije projekta zahtijevao je detaljno istra`ivanje na terenu, te se odvijao uglavnom no}u, radi omogu}avanja neometanog odvijanja zra~nog prometa. Sve~anosti predstavljanja a`urirane karte su prisustvovali predstavnici menad`menta Aerodroma Sarajevo, te kompanija Geodata, King IT i IGA-plan. VIJESTI / NEWS Mogu}nost uspostave aviolinije Atina-Sarajevo Ambasador Republike Gr~ke u BiH Karolos Gadis nedavno je posjetio Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo. Na sastanku sa direktorom Me|unarodnog aerodoma Sarajevo Ivanom Veli~anom razgovaralo se o stanju u ovoj kompaniji, razvojnim planovima i mogu}nostima unapre|enja saradnje. Posebno je naglašena mogu}nost uspostave zra~nog mosta sa Gr~kom, otvaranjem aviolinije Atina – Sarajevo. Prilikom svoje posjete, ambasador Gadis imao je priliku za upoznavanje sa aktivnostima i kapacitetima Sarajevskog aerodroma. Uz rije~i zahvalnosti za uprili~enu posjetu, ambasador Gadis izrazio je podršku naporima rukovodstva Aerodroma za unapre|enje poslovanja i po`elio sre}u i uspjeh u daljem radu svim uposlenicima Sarajevskog aerodroma. The Possibility of Establishing Flight Route Athens-Sarajevo Ambassador of the Republic of Greece in BiH, H.E. Karolos Gadis, recently visited Sarajevo International Airport. At the meeting with Ivan Veli~an, the director of the Sarajevo International Airport they discussed the situation in this company, development plans and the possibilities of improvement of cooperation. What is emphasized is the possibility of establishing an air bridge with Greece, with the opening of flight route Athens - Sarajevo. During his visit, the Ambassador Gadis had the opportunity to learn about the activities and capacities of the Sarajevo Airport. In a few words of gratitude for the organized visit, ambassador Gadis expressed his support for the efforts of airport management for business improvement and wished good luck and success in the future work of all the employees of the Sarajevo Airport. SIAM 12 Ban Ki-moon odr`ao zavr{nu pressicu na Sarajevskom aerodromu Tokom svoje prve zvani~ne posjete našoj zemlji, generalni sekretar Ujedinjenih naroda Ban Kimoon je svoju završnu press konferenciju odr`ao na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo. Konferencija za novinare odr`ana je u zgradi Terminala A u posebno preure|enom dijelu objekta, koji }e se i u budu}nosti koristiti kao lokacija za odr`avanje press konferencija. Posebnost ove konferencije bila je to da je Generalni sekretar na konferenciju došao sa aerodromske piste, nakon svoje posjete Srebrenici, te se putem putni~kih stepenica za avione popeo u prostoriju u kojoj je bila predvi|ena konferencija za novinare. Ovo je još jedan dokaz uspješnosti i spremnosti radnika Sarajevskog aerodroma po pitanju do~eka VIP osoba. Ban Ki-moon Held a Final Press Conference at the Sarajevo Airport During his first official visit to our country, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, held his final press conference at the Sarajevo International Airport. The press conference was held in the building of Terminal A in a specially converted part of the building, which will be used in the future as a venue for the press conferences. Special feature of this conference was the fact that the Secretary General came to the conference from the runway, following his visit to Srebrenica, and by way of passenger aircraft, climbed the stairs to the room where the press conference was planned. This is another evidence of the success and the willingness of employees of Sarajevo Airport in terms of welcoming VIPs. VIJESTI / NEWS Nedavno je u Montrealu odr`ana Konferencija o zrakopolovnoj sigurnosti, koju je organizirala Me|unarodna organizacija za civilno zrakoplovstvo ICAO. Ovoj konferenciji prisustvovalo je više od 700 u~esnika, koji su predstavljali 132 dr`ave ~lanice i 23 me|unarodne i regionalne organizacije, te udru`enja iz avioindustrije. Predstavnik BiH na ovoj konferenciji bio je Edhem Ta}i, stru~njak iz oblasti sigurnosti civilnog zrakoplovstva i šef Sektora za aerodrome i sigurnost Federalne direkcije za civilnu avijaciju. “Konferencija je bila vrlo konstruktivna i još jednom je vrlo decidno naglašena vode}a uloga ICAO u procesima razvoja i unaprje|enja sigurnosti civilnog zrakoplovstva. Priznaju}i klju~nu ulogu civilnog zrakoplovstva u globalnom ekonomskom razvoju i raznolike izazove u oblasti sigurnosti sa kojima se sektor me|unarodnog zra~nog prijevoza danas suo~ava, zaklju~eno je da i dalje postoje vjerodostojne prijetnje sa kojima se ozbiljno treba pozabaviti. Zaklju~eno je i da terorizam ne poznaje granice i da treba raditi na njegovom slabljenju, kako ne bi pokopao povjerenje javnosti u vazdušni sektor. Tako|er, naglasak je stavljen i na Rezoluciju A37-17 o zrakoplovnoj sigurnosti, koja, zajedno sa ICAO strategijom zrakoplovne sigurnosti, unapre|uje zrakoplovnu sigurnost od nezakonitog ometanja ili teroristi~kih napada”, objasnio je Ta}i. Edhem Ta}i at the Conference on Aviation Security in Montreal Recently, in Montreal was held the Conference on Aviation Security organized by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO. This conference was attended by more than 700 participants, representing 132 Member States and 23 international and regional organizations and associations from the aviation industry. The representative of B&H at this conference was Edhem Ta}i, an expert in the field of civil aviation security and head of airports and security of the Federal Directorate of Civil Aviation. “ The conference has been very constructive, and once again it is very clearly emphasized the leading role of ICAO in the development and improvement of the safety of civil aviation. Recognizing the key role of civil aviation in global economic development and the diverse challenges in the field of security which the international air transport sector is facing today, it is concluded that there are still major threats that must be dealt with seriously. It was concluded that terrorism knows no boundaries and that we need to work on his weakening, so not to bury the public confidence in air sector. Also, emphasis is given to Resolution A3717 on aviation security, which, together with ICAO aviation safety strategy, improves aviation security from unlawful interference or terrorist attacks“ explained Ta}i. Do~ek zlatnih paraolimpijaca Nakon osvajanja zlatne medalje na Paraolimpijskim igrama odr`anim u Londonu, reprezentativci BiH u sjede}oj odbojci su sve~ani do~ek imali na Sarajevskom aerodromu. U zgradi Terminala A zlatni paraolimpijci odr`ali su konferenciju za mnogobrojne novinare, na kojoj su se zahvalili gra|anima naše zemlje na podršci i na poklon im donijeli zlatnu medalju koju su dobili nakon pobjede u finalu nad svojim protivnicima iz Irana. Nakon odr`ane konferencije za novinare, zlatne paraolimpijce ispred zgrade Terminala B do~ekale su brojne Sarajlije. Welcome to Golden Paralympic Athletes After winning the gold medal at the Paralympic Games in London, the team of Bosnia and Herzegovina in sitting volleyball had a ceremonial welcome at the Sarajevo Airport. In the building of Terminal A, the golden paralympics held a press conference for numerous journalists, in which they thanked the citizens of our country for their support for the gold medal they received after winning the final against their rivals from Iran. After the press conference, the golden paralympics in front of Terminal B were welcomed by many citizens of Sarajevo. 13 SIAM Edhem Ta}i na Konferenciji o zrakoplovnoj sigurnosti u Montrealu VIJESTI / NEWS Uspje{no proveden drugi nadzorni audit Successfully Completed Second Inspection Audit On the 29th and 30th of October, the second inspection audit was successfully completed at the Sarajevo International Airport. Authorized auditors from the certificating company TUV Thuringen, along with the representatives of the Sarajevo International Airport, completed the second regular inspection audit of the controlling systems for the quality and safety of the environment, in accordance with the regulations of the international standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004. The focus of the audit were the areas covering the arrivals and departures of aircrafts, passengers and things, as well as other supporting services in the air traffic. SIAM 14 Na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo je 29. i 30. oktobra 2012. godine uspješno proveden drugi nadzorni audit. Auditori ovlaštene certifikacijske ku}e TUV Thuringen, uz prisustvo predstavnika Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, proveli su drugi redovni nadzorni audit sistema upravljanja kvalitetom i zaštitom okoline u skladu sa zahtjevima me|unarodnih standarda ISO 9001:2008 i ISO 14001:2004. Opseg audita bile su oblasti prihvata i otpreme zrakoplova, putnika i stvari, te ostalih prate}ih usluga u zra~nom prometu. PROMO Na{e iskustvo za va{e sigurno putovanje ... Our Experience Guarantees Your Safe Travell... Ulagali smo u edukaciju kadrova, ka`e ^engi} We invested a lot in training of our staff, says ^engi} Turisti~ka agencija Viator: Najbolja usluga i zadovoljstvo klijenata je imperativ u poslovanju rijedni, ljubazni i educirani kadrovi klju~ su našeg uspjeha, s ponosom isti~e Amela ^engi}, direktorica Viatora. Pametna i sposobna mlada `ena koja osvaja svojom pozitivnom energijom i koja ve} šest godina uspješno stoji na ~elu turisti~ke agencije Viator, ali i kompanije Unionkomerc. V Kraljevski tretman “Kada sam zapo~ela pri~u zvanu Viator, `eljela sam da budemo najbolji u kontekstu kvaliteta usluge, brige o klijentima i kona~no njihovog zadovoljstva. Na našem tr`ištu nije jednostavno okupiti tim ljudi koji imaju sve neophodne me|unarodne certifikate za aviosaobra}aj. Me|utim, mi smo na po~etku puno ulagali u edukaciju naših kadrova i danas su svi uposlenici Viatora IATA akreditirani agenti, što predstavlja garant visokog kvaliteta i iznimne usluge. Pored edukacije, paralelno smo radili na uspostavljanju partnerskih odnosa sa najzna~ajnijim me|unarodnim kompanijama u turizmu. U ovom momentu direktni smo partneri 34 vode}e svjetske aviokompanije, jedini smo u BiH ovlašteni partner Content INN – hotelskog distributivnog sistema i nudimo specijalne aran`mane sa 220.000 hotela širom svijeta. Klijentima agencije Viator osiguravamo VIP tretman na najzna~ajnijim svjetskim sajmovima, kao što su CeBit Hannover, Essen Security, IHM Minhen, ANUGA Koln, Ambienta Milano, GSM Barcelona”, isti~e ^engi}. Kvalitet usluge i zadovoljstvo klijenata imperativ je u poslovanju Viatora i to osjetite ~im pre|ete preko praga agencije, od prekrasnog ambijenta do prekrasnog tima, sve je na svom mjestu. Oni zaista brinu o svojim klijentima pa nas ne ~udi podatak da im ve} SIAM 16 Viator Travel Agency: The best services and customer satisfaction is our business imperative ard working, friendly and educated staff are the key to our success, proudly points Amela ^engi}, director of Viator Travel Agency. Smart young woman who overwhelmed us with positive energy, stands at the front of the Agency Viator, as well as the company Unionkomerc. H Royal Treatment “When I began the story called Viator, I wanted to be the best in the context of quality of services, customer care and finally their satisfaction. In our market is not easy to find a certified people for international airline traffic. At the beginning we invested a lot in training of our staff. Nowadays all of them are IATA accredited agents, which is a guarantee of high quality and exceptional services.” “In addition to education, we have worked on the establishment of partnerships with major international companies in the tourism industry. At this moment we have 34 partners, the world's leading airlines, and we are the only authorized partner in BiH of Content INN - the hotel distribution system. We offer special arrangements with 220,000 hotels worldwide. The Agency provides to our clients VIP treatment at the PROMO most important international fairs, such as CeBit Hannover, Essen Security, IHM Munich, Cologne ANUGA, Ambienta Milan, Barcelona GSM,” says ^engi}. Service quality and customer satisfaction is imperative in the business of Viator, as soon as you cross the threshold of the agency that is easy to feel, from the beautiful atmosphere to a wonderful team, everything par godina povjerenje ukazuju vode}e kompanije, dr`avne i me|unarodne institucije u BiH. “Mi ozbiljno pratimo potrebe tr`išta i konstantno unapre|ujemo naše usluge, a u poslovanju primjenjujemo me|unarodne standarde. Dodatno, cijene}i ukazano povjerenje, našim klijentima kroz Loyalty program omogu}avamo korištenje posebnih bonusa i pogodnosti. Vjerujemo da je svaki pojedina~ni kupac kralj i zato nastojimo obezbijediti kraljevski tretman. To nas je diferenciralo na tr`ištu“, dodaje ^engi}. Simulirani let Viator je specijaliziran za organizaciju poslovnih putovanja, prodaju aviokarata, rezervacije hotelskog smještaja, organizacije kongresa, sajmova i konferencija. U nastojanu da se pribli`e i individualnim korisnicima od nedavno posluju i na Me|unarodnom aerodromu u Sarajevu. Viator je, zasad, prva i jedina agencija koja pored aviokompanija posluje na Me|unarodnom aerodromu u Sarajevu Viator is currently the first and only agency that, in addition to the airline companies, operates at the International Airport in Sarajevo is in its place. They truly care about their clients, so we are not surprise by the fact that they have made partnerships with leading companies, national and international institutions in BiH. “We seriously follow the market needs and also constantly improve our services and solutions, and our business adheres to the international standards. In addition, respecting the trust given to our agency, through the Loyalty Program we ensure to our clients special bonuses and benefits. We strive to provide the royal treatment to each of our clients. That is how we differentiate between other agencies at the market”, adds ^engi}. Simulated Flight 17 SIAM “U oktobru 2012. godine uprili~ili smo sve~ano otvaranje poslovnice na Me|unarodnom aerodromu u Sarajevu, simuliraju}i let za Be~ – Pariz – London – Istanbul. Zvanice su do~ekale stjuardese i posada “posebnog leta”, uru~ivši im ru~ni prtljag koji }e iskoristiti na nekom od putovanja, stjuarti su servirali hranu baš kao u avionu, u sat vremena smo obletjeli ~etiri najljepša evropska grada. Reakcije naših klijenata, poslovnih partnera i predstavnika medija su fantasti~ne. Ponosni smo na ~injenicu da je Viator, zasad, prva i jedina agencija koja pored aviokompanija posluje na aerodromu, ali se ne zaustavljamo na tome. Marljivo nastavljamo raditi kako bi opravdali povjerenje svakog klijenta. Naše iskustvo za Vaše sigurno putovanje }e i dalje biti poslovna filozifija Viatora, koja garantira vrhunske usluge, brigu o korisnicima tokom, ali i nakon putovanja”, naglašava ^engi}. Viator is specialized for business travel, airline tickets, hotel accommodation, conferences, trade shows and cogresses. In an effort to get closer to individual users, they recently opened an office at the International Airport in Sarajevo. “We've just organized a grand opening of branch office at the International airport in Sarajevo, simulating a flight to Vienna - Paris - London - Istanbul. Guests were greeted by flight attendants and crew of “special flight”, giving them a hand luggage to be used on one of the next trips, flight attendants served food just like in an airplane, in one hour we “flew” over four beautiful European cities. Our customers, business partners and media representatives were delighted. Viator is currently the first and only agency that, in addition to the airline companies, operates at the International Airport in Sarajevo, but we will not stop there. We continue to work diligently in order to justify the trust of each client. Our business philosophy guarantees superior services, as well as customer care during and after travels”,says ^engi}. INSTITUCIJE / INSTITUTIONS Sarajevski aerodrom je na{ prozor u svijet Sarajevo Airport is Our Gate to the World Enver Bijedi}, federalni ministar prometa i komunikacija ka`e da je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo centar Bosne i Hercegovine. Na njemu posjetioci ~esto sti~u prvi dojam o BiH, a taj dojam je uvijek pozitivan. Enver Bijedi}, Federal Minister of Transport and Communications, said that the Sarajevo International Airport is a center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Visitors often get first impressions about Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Airport, and that impression is always positive. a funkcioniranje Sarajevskog aerodroma nije bitan samo broj putnika i aviona, nego i podrška dr`avnih, odnosno, entitetskih organa. Federalno ministarstvo prometa i komunikacija jedna je od insitucija pod ~ijom je nadle`nosti rad Sarajevskog aerodroma. Enver Bijedi}, federalni ministar prometa i komunikacija ka`e da je Sarajevski aerodrom najbitniji aerodrom u dr`avi, te da je njegov rad bitan za imid` naše zemlje u svijetu. or the functioning of the Sarajevo Airport, the number of passengers and aircrafts is not of only importance, but also the support of the state, that is, entity institutions. Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications is one of the institutions under whose jurisdiction is the work of the Sarajevo Airport. Enver Bijedi}, Federal Minister of Transport and Communications, said that the Sarajevo Airport is the most important airport in the country, and that its successful work is important for the image of our country in the world. Z Zna~ajan napredak “Sarajevski aerodrom je klju~na ta~ka ove zemlje, iako imamo ~etiri me|unarodna aerodroma u BiH. Ovaj aerodrom je glavni aerodrom u zemlji, zbog niza karakteristika, kao što su povoljan geografski polo`aj, jer se nalazi F Significant Progress "Sarajevo Airport is the key point of this country, even though we have a total of four international airports in Novo rukovodstvo nastavilo je dobrim putem prethodnika, ali je donijelo i mnogo novih ideja koje }e rad Sarajevskog aerodroma dodatno unaprijediti The new leadership came aboard and continued the good work of their predecessors, but also brought a lot of new ideas, which will further improve work of the Sarajevo Airport u centru dr`ave, koji je i glavni grad BiH, u kojem se dešava ve}ina ekonomskih, turisti~kih i kulturnih tokova. Slobodno se mo`e re}i da je Sarajevski aerodrom naš prozor u svijet i ~esto predstavlja prvi dojam o našoj zemlji. Me|unarodni aerodrom u Sarajevu sada je na zavidnom nivou, u odnosu na period nakon rata. Kuriozitet je da sam u to doba radio na ovom aerodromu i dobro se sje}am kako je tada Aerodrom izgledao i kakve su posljedice na njega ostavile ratna razaranja. Sad je to me|unarodni aerodrom u pravom smislu te rije~i, koji zadovoljava sve me|unarodne standarde i kroz koji SIAM 18 Bosnia and Herzegovina. This airport is the main airport in the country, due to a number of characteristics, such as a favorable geographical position, as it is located in the center of the country that is also the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where most of the economic, tourist and cultural events take place. We can say that Sarajevo Airport is our gate to the world, which often represents the first impression of our country. Sarajevo International Airport is now at the enviable level, compared to the period after the war. It INSTITUCIJE / INSTITUTIONS Od taksi direktno zavisi i sudbina dr`avne aviokompanije BH Airlines The fate of BH Airlines directly depends on tax collection Bijedi} ka`e da još nije došlo vrijeme za proširenje kapaciteta Sarajevskog aerodroma, iako je bio potpisan sporazum sa Evropskom bankom za obnovu i razvoj o izgradnji novog terminala obnove. Došlo je novo rukovodstvo koje je nastavilo dobrim putem prethodnika, ali je donijelo i mnogo novih ideja, koji }e rad Sarajevskog aerodroma dodatno unaprijediti. Smatram da novo rukovodstvo dobro obavlja svoj posao, te da je saradnja sa njima na zavidnom nivou. Ta saradnja }e u budu}nosti sigurno donijeti još pozitivnih stvari“, dodaje Bijedi}. Kao što je poznato, za bolje poslovanje Aerodroma kru- Bijedi} says it is not time yet for the capacity expansion at the Sarajevo Airport, although an agreement was signed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to build a new terminal is interesting that I worked at the airport at that time and I remember well how the airport looked back then and what consequences the war left on it. Now it is an international airport in a true sense of the word, which meets all of the international standards and annually serves more than 600,000 passengers. All supporting services at the Sarajevo Airport are equal to the airports around the world, so Sarajevo Airport does not fall back in any way," said Minister Bijedi}. He adds that the new management at the Sarajevo Airport boosted company's operations in a brief period. "Previous management at the Sarajevo Airport performed their job well in the post-war business period and during the Airport’s reconstruction. The new leadership came aboard and continued the 19 SIAM godišnje pro|e više od 600.000 putnika. Sve popratne slu`be Aerodroma iste su kao na svim aerodromima širom svijeta, tako da Sarajevski aerodrom ne zaostaje ni po ~emu“, ka`e ministar Bijedi}. Dodaje da je novo rukovodstvo Aerodroma za kratak period pospješilo poslovanje ove kompanije. „Prethodni ~elni ljudi Aerodroma dobro su obavili svoj posao u poslijeratnom poslovanju i u periodu njegove INSTITUCIJE / INSTITUTIONS Sarajevski aerodrom ni po ~emu ne zaostaje za svjetskim aerodromima / Sarajevo Airport does not fail to keep pace with other world airports in any segment Jo{ je rano za pro{irenje kapaciteta Bijedi} ka`e da jo{ nije do{lo vrijeme za pro{renje kapaciteta Sarajevskog aerodroma, iako je bio potpisan sporazum sa Evropskom bankom za obnovu i razvoj o izgradnji novog terminala. “Zaklju~eno je da je za takav potez rano, jer Sarajevski aerodrom mo`e normalno funkcionirati i sa sada{njim brojem putnika. Sad o tome ne treba razmi{ljati, jer }e pro}i jo{ vremena dok poraste broj putnika koji dolaze na ovaj aerodrom. O pro{irenju kapaciteta treba razmi{ljati u budu}nosti, ali samo pod uslovom da se prije toga rije{e sve potrebne dozvole za izgradnju novih objekata. Tako|er, Sarajevski aerodrom treba posmatrati i kao po~etnu ta~ku za budu}e infrastrukturne projekte u na{oj zemlji. Masovnijom izgradnjom koridora Vc, elektrifikacijom i izgradnjom novih `eljezni~kih pruga, preko ovog aerodroma }e dolaziti veliki broj radnika, ali i infrastrukture koja je potrebna za izgradnju takvih projekata, {to }e vjerovatno dovesti i do pro{irenja kapaciteta Aerodroma”, ka`e Bijedi}. cijalno bi bilo ukidanje putni~ke takse - naknade za razvoj i unaprje|enje zra~nog prometa u FBiH u iznosu od 10 eura. Ova taksa je ve} ukinuta na me|unarodnim aerodromima u Tuzli i Mostaru, kako bi postali konkurentniji. Me|utim, svi putnici Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo još moraju pla}ati ovu taksu, a nije sigurno kada }e i da li }e se ova taksa ukinuti. Sinergija sa BH Airlinesom “Kad pri~amo o taksama, ovom problemu se mo`e pristupiti sa dvije strane. S jedne strane, kao putnik i korisnik usluga Sarajevskog aerodroma uvijek bih bio za ukidanje tih taksi. Me|utim, kao ministar u Vladi FBiH i kao ~ovjek na ~elu ministarstva koje je nadle`no za 10 dr`avnih kompanija, me|u kojima je i Sarajevski aerodrom, ne smijem zaboraviti da od tih taksi direktno zavisi i sudbina SIAM 20 good work of their predecessors, but also brought a lot of new ideas, which will further improve work of the Sarajevo Airport. I believe that the new management is doing a good job, and that the cooperation with them is at the high level. That cooperation will surely bring more positive things in the future," adds Bijedi}. For better business operations at the Airport, it would be crucial to abolish the current traveling tax fees for the development and improvement of the air transport in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which currently amounts to 10 EUR. This tax has been already abolished at the international airports in Tuzla and Mostar, in order for them to become more competitive. However, all the passengers at the Sarajevo International Airport still have to pay this tax, and it is uncertain when and whether this tax will be abolished. Synergy with the BH Airlines "When we talk about the airport taxes we can address this problem from two different angles. On one side, as a traveler and user of the services at the Sarajevo Airport, I would be in favor of abolishing these taxes. However, as a Minister in the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a head of the Ministry that is responsible for 10 state-owned companies, including the Sarajevo International Airport, I must not forget that the fate of the state-owned company BH Airlines also directly depends on these taxes. Abolishment of these taxes would leave BH Airlines without annual financial funds of four million KM, and without these funds the company would not be able to operate. We know that the abolition of these taxes is also a requirement of many low-tariff airlines, such as Ryanair and Wizzair, which is their condition to establish a flight route to the Sarajevo Airport. However, we cannot act against the national airline, because BH Airlines would disappear with the abolition of this tax, INSTITUCIJE / INSTITUTIONS Za bolje poslovanje Aerodroma krucijalno bi bilo ukidanje putni~ke takse - naknade za razvoj i unaprje|enje zra~nog prometa u FBiH u iznosu od 10 eura Saradnja sa novim rukovodstvom je na visokom nivou, ka`e Bijedi} / Cooperation with the new management is at the high level, says Bijedi} dr`avne aviokompanije, jer ukidanjem ove takse BH Airlines nestaje, a zna se šta zna~i za neku dr`avu nestanak doma}e aviokompanije“; ka`e Bijedi} i dodaje da je budu}nost Sarajevskog aerodroma i BH Airlinesa povezana. „Upravo zbog toga, trenutno smo u pregovorima o pronalasku strateškog partnera za BH Airlines, nakon odlaska Turkish Airlinesa, kako bi ova aviokompanija mogla normalno profunkcionirati. Razvoj BH Airlinesa i njegovo poslovanje vezano je za Sarajevski aerodrom, a i obrnuto. Kada dobijemo novog strateškog partnera za BH Airlines, taj partner dovla~i nove avione, koji su ve}i od sadašnjih, što odmah zna~i i više putnika na Sarajevskom aerodromu. Time bi se stvorili uslovi za otvaranje novih linija, i to onih dalekometnih, pogotovo na podru~ju Bliskog istoka ili Azije, gdje imamo veliki broj naših gra|ana koji rade u tim dijelovima svijeta. Osim toga, Sarajevski aerodrom u budu}nosti mo`e biti neka vrsta tranzitnog aerodroma, gdje upravo avioni iz azijskih destinacija mogu dolaziti na ovaj aerodrom i ovdje puniti gorivo i odmarati, te kasnije i}i ka krajnjim destinacijama u Evropi“, zaklju~uje Bijedi}. Still Early for the Capacity Expansion Bijedic says it is not time yet for the capacity expansion at the Sarajevo Airport, although an agreement was signed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to build a new terminal. “It is concluded that it is still early for that move, because Sarajevo Airport can function normally with the current number of passengers. We should not think about that now, because it will take more time before the number of travelers coming to this airport goes significantly up. We do need to think about capacity expansion in the forthcoming future, but only under the condition that before such a decision all necessary permits for construction of new facilities are in place. In addition, the Sarajevo Airport should be looked at as a starting point for the future infrastructure projects in our country. With the massive construction of the Corridor Vc, electrification and construction of the new railway lines, through this airport will not only arrive large number of workers, but also the infrastructure components that are needed for the construction of such projects, which will likely lead to the expansion of the Sarajevo Airport capacity,” says Bijedi}. For better business operations at the Airport, it would be crucial to abolish the current traveling tax fees for the development and improvement of the air transport in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which currently amounts to 10 EUR and we know what disappearance of a domestic airline company means for one country,” said Bijedi}, adding that the future of the Sarajevo Airport and BH Airlines is closely linked. "That is why we are currently in talks about finding a strategic partner for the BH Airlines, after the leave of the Turkish Airlines, so this airline could start functioning normally. Development of the BH Airlines and its business is linked to the Sarajevo Airport, and vice versa. When we get a new strategic partner for the BH Airlines, that partner will bring in new planes that are larger than the current ones, which automatically means more passengers at the Sarajevo Airport. That would create conditions for opening of the new flight routes, especially those long-range to the Middle East or Asia, where we have a large number of our citizens that work in those parts of the world. In addition, Sarajevo Airport in the future can also become some kind of the transit airport, where planes from the Asian destinations could fly to this airport to refuel and rest, and later continue the flights to their final destinations in Europe”, concludes Bijedi}. 21 SIAM dr`avne aviokompanije BH Airlines. Ukidanjem ovih taksi, BH Airlines ostavljamo bez godišnjih ~etiri miliona KM finansijskih sredstava, a bez tih sredstava ova kompanija više ne bi mogla raditi. Znamo da je ukidanje takse zahtjev i mnogih niskobud`etnih aviokompanija, poput Ryanaira ili Wizzaira, jer bi u tom slu~aju uspostavili linije ka Sarajevskom aerodromu. Ali, ne mo`emo raditi protiv USLUGE / SERVICES Slu`ba ugostiteljstva i cateringa – cilj zadovoljan gost Catering Department – Goal is Satisfied Customer Slu`ba ugostiteljstva i cateringa Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo nedavno je proširila svoje kapacitete, kako bi vrhunsku uslugu mogla ponuditi što ve}em broju posjetilaca i putnika. e} više od 40 godina Slu`ba ugostiteljstva i cateringa Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo uspješno pru`a sve ugostiteljske usluge i catering kako aviokompanijama i putnicima, tako i drugim gostima i poslovnim partnerima. “U okviru Terminala A i B imamo sljede}e ugostiteljski objekte: Restoran u Terminalu A gdje osoblje ugostiteljstva priprema predjela, gotova jela, jela sa roštilja za sve zaposlenike Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, kao i zaposlenike aviokompanija, Cari- V @elimo zadovoljiti naše posjetioce, ka`e Be~i} / We want to satisfy expectations of our visitors, says Be~i} ne, Špedicija, Jedinica grani~na policija BiH, kao i ostale poslovne partnere, naše zakupce. Od ove godine, nakon renoviranja, restoran navedene usluge pru`a i našim putnicima i gostima po vrlo povoljnim cijenama, sa prekrasnim pogledom na pistu. U Terminalu B locirana su tri ugostiteljska objekta i to: Re- SIAM 22 Catering Department of the Sarajevo International Airport recently expanded its capacity, so it could offer superior service to the highest possible number of visitors and passengers. or more than 40 years Catering Services at Sarajevo International Airport successfully provide all of the catering services to airline companies and passengers, as well as to other guests and business partners. “Within the Terminal A and B we have the following catering facilities: Restaurant at Terminal A, where catering staff prepares entree meal dishes, fast food dishes, and grilled dishes for all of the employees at the Sarajevo International Airport, including the employees of the airline companies,Customs, Freightage, Bosnian Border Police Unit, as well as other business partners and our tenants. Starting this year, after the renovations are completed, the Restaurant will provide described services to our passengers at very affordable prices and beautiful sight at the airport runway. Three catering facilities are located at Terminal B, and they are: Refreshment Bar, which is located on the ground floor of Terminal B next to the arrivals section, with the summer guarden that was open for guest in the summer of 2012. On the next floor there is a Fast Food before the border line, and behind the border line, or just at the gate to be exact, there is a Snack Bar,” explains the manger of this service Senad Be~i}. This year a Fast Food mini kitchen was opened, which F USLUGE / SERVICES Nove usluge na raspolaganju / New services are available SIAM 23 USLUGE / SERVICES freshment bar, koji se nalazi u prizemlju Terminala B u dijelu dolazaka, sa ljetnom baštom otvorenom u ljeto 2012. godine. Na spratu se nalazi i Fast Food, prije grani~ne crte, a iza grani~ne crte, ta~nije u samom gateu, nalazi se Snack bar“, objašnjava šef ove slu`be Senad Be~i}. U sklopu Fast fooda od ove godine, otvorena je minikuhinja te se gostima osim pi}a, sladoleda i kola~a nude i brza jela. “U navedenim objektima imamo mogu}nost pru`iti sve vrste ugostiteljskih us- Na zahtjev pojedinih aviokompanija koristimo halal meso i halal proizvode u pripremi obroka koji se mogu na}i i na našem tr`ištu luga, budu}i da posjedujemo potrebne namirnice, kvalificirano osoblje i ono što je najva`nije – znanje i iskustvo kako to u~initi. Napominjemo da na zahtjev korisnika usluga pru`amo i ugostiteljske usluge u VIP salonima Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, te vršimo snabdijevanje salona poslovne klase. U okviru Slu`be ugostiteljstva imamo i Odjel cateringa koji priprema obroke za putnike u zrakoplovima, a na zahtjev aviokompanija. Obroci pripremljeni za putnike rade se uz punu primjenu HACCP, po standardu avikompanija i uz primjenu pozitivnih propisa. Na zahtjev pojedinih aviokompanija koristimo halal meso i halal proizvode u pripremi obroka koji se mogu na}i i na našem tr`ištu“, isti~e Be~i}. U svojoj ponudi Odjel cateSIAM 24 USLUGE / SERVICES besides drinks, ice cream, and sweets also offers our guests fast food options. “At all of the mentioned facilities we have the ability to provide all types of catering services, considering that we have all of the required ingredients, qualified staff, and most importantly – knowledge and experience to do these things. Furthermore, in response to the requests of our clients, we also offer catering services at the Sarajevo International Airport's VIP lounges, and supply the business class lounges. The novelty for our visitors is opening of the summer garden, which had very good attendance this summer Restoran Terminala A nedavno je temeljito obnovljen / Restaurant Terminal A has recently been thoroughly renovated 25 SIAM Within the Catering Services we also have the Catering Departments that prepares meals, based on the airline company`s request, for the aircraft passengers. Meals prepared for the passengers follow the HCCP criteria, based on the standards of the airline companies and accordance with the positive regulations. Based on the request of the individual airline companies, for the preparation for some of the meals we use HALAL meat and other products that can be found on our market,” says Be~i}. As a part of their services, Catering Department offers meals for VIP, business and economy class passengers. All of the Catering Department staff have the HACCP certificate and regularly attend seminars to keep up with the USLUGE / SERVICES ringa nudi obroke za VIP putnike, poslovnu i ekonomsku klasu. Svo osoblje Catering odjela ima HACCP certifikate i redovno poha|aju seminare kako bi išli u korak sa HACCP standardima i zahtjevima. “Higijensko tehni~ka zaštita je na visokom nivou što pokazuju i nalazi Zavoda za zdravstvenu zaštitu radnika u saobra}aju koji redovno vrše bakteriološku obradu i potvr|uju makrobiološku ispravnost `ivotnih namirnica. @elim naglasiti da je osnovni cilj svih zaposlenika Aerodroma “zadovoljan kupac”, shodno tome uposlenici ugostiteljstva daju sve od sebe da zadovolje visoke kriterije svih putnika i gostiju i da im pru`e što kvalitetniju uslugu“, objašnjava Be~i}. SIAM 26 HACCP standards and requirements. “Technical sanitary security is at the high level, which is evidenced by the findings of the Institute for Trafic Health Safety, which regularly perform bacteriological protection treatment and confirm microbiological safety of the food ingredients. I would like to emphasize that the main goal of the employees at the Sarajevo Airport is “satisfied customer”, and based on that catering staff gives their best to satisfy passengers’ high criteria and give them the highest possible quality service,“ explains Be~i}. EDUKACIJA / EDUCATION Centar za obuku stru~nog osoblja Ovaj centar organiziran je i kadrovski osposobljen za provo|enje obuka stru~nog osoblja na aerodromu. ao i za sve poslove u prihvatu i otpremi aviona, putnika i prtljaga, veoma bitan faktor je kvalitetno obu~en kadar, koji je u stanju u svakom momentu odgovoriti postavljenim obavezama i zadacima, ali i riješiti nepredvi|ene probleme, koji se na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo mogu pojaviti bilo kada. Zbog toga na ovom aerodromu postoji Centar za obuku stru~nog osoblja, koji svakodnevno posti`e veliki napredak u obuci i edukaciji svojih kadrova, nastoje}i svakog radnika pojedina~no osposobiti za obavljanje više poslova. Centar za obuku stru~nog osoblja, kao organizacijski dio Sarajevskog aerodroma, osnovan je 2003. godine i djeluje u skladu sa Odobrenjem i Rješenjem Direkcije za civilnu avijaciju BiH (BHDCA). Centar je organiziran i kadrovski osposobljen za provo|enje obuka stru~nog osoblja na aerodromu. Kako je aerodromska djelatnost vrlo specifi~na, tako i pojedina zanimanja iziskuju usko stru~nu osposobljenost i obrazovanje koje nije mogu}e obaviti u doma}im redovnim školama. Upravo zbog toga je postojanje ovog Centra opravdano i neophodno. Uspješan rad ovog Centra omogu}uje i neophodna prate}a infrastruktura. To su savremeno opremljene u~ionice i kabineti u kojima se odr`ava teorijska nastava, te poligoni sa sredstvima na kojima se izvode prakti~ne vje`be i obuke kandidata. U prostorijama Centra smještena je i biblioteka u kojoj se mogu prona}i priru~nici za sve predmete zastupljene Nastavnim planom i programom. Predavanja iz pojedinih obasti izvode instruktori koji se nalaze na listi stru~njaka za provo|enje obuke za koju su odre|eni i za koju su stru~no osposobljeni. Nakon uspješno završene obuke za pojedina stru~na zvanja, kandidatu se izdaje potvrda o obu~enosti za rad na poslovima za koje je završio obuku. Oblasti po kojima se vrši stru~no osposobljavanje vezane su za prihvat i otpremu aviona, putnika i prtljaga, gdje polaznici sti~u zvanja kao što su koordinator prometa, dispe~er prometa, kontrolor opslu`ivanja aviona, balanser aviona, dispe~er platforme, stujardesa/stujart – prihvat i otprema putnika, parker-signalist, rukovodilac aerodromskom opremom i sli~no. Osim ovih, tu su i obuke iz domena protivpo`arne zaštite aerodroma i zrakoplova, kao i stru~no osposobljavanje iz domena snabdije- K SIAM 28 vanja aviona gorivom. Vrlo bitan segment u radu ovog Centra je organiziranje i provo|enje obuke za Zimsku slu`bu. Da bi se svi postupci i radnje obavili u skladu sa doma}im i me|unarodnim standardima, kandidati prolaze iscrpnu obuku koja se odnosi na odle|ivanje i zaštitu od zale|ivanja aviona i operativnih površina. Rukovanje opremom za ove procese, odre|ivanje metoda koje se trebaju primijeniti, provjere prije i nakon ~iš}enja, te finalne Osoblje sti~e dodatna znanja / Staff gaining additional skills provjere cjelokupnog procesa mogu raditi samo stru~no osposobljeni kadrovi. Takvi kadrovi i usko stru~ni profili školuju se upravo u Centru za obuku stru~nog osoblja, gdje se tako|er vrše obuke za sticanje posebnih odobrenja i poha|aju specijalisti~ki kursevi. EDUKACIJA / EDUCATION Training Center for the Professional Staff The Center is carefully organized and adequately staffed for conducting the training of professional staff working at the airport. A order to prepare each employee to perform multiple tasks. The Training Center at the Sarajevo Airport was founded in 2003 and operates in accordance with the Approvals and Solutions of the Directorate for Civil Aviation B&H (aka BH DCA). The Center is organized and ap- propriately equipped for conducting the training of professional staff at the airport. Since airport activities are very specific, some jobs require special skill and knowledge that cannot be received at regular schools. This is why the existence of this Center is so important and necessary. The successful operation of this Center is also supported by necessary infrastructure. This includes classrooms equipped with modern labs where lectures are held, and training areas with supporting tools for practical exercises and training of the candidates. The Center also has a library that is equipped with textbooks for all the subjects listed in the school curriculum. Lectures in some training areas are given by instructors who are well known as experts for the subjects they are to teach. After successful completion of training for specific professional occupation, a candidate receives a certificate that allows him to work in the area for which the training was completed. Available fields for professional training are related to the ground handling of aircraft, passengers and baggage, where attendants can acquire skills for the jobs like air traffic co-ordinator, traffic dispatcher, aircraft servicing controller, aircraft balancer, platform dispatcher, stewardess / steward passenger handling, parker-signaler, operator of airport equipment, etc. Apart from these, there is also a training available in the domain of fire protection of airports and aircraft, as well as a training in the domain of aircraft fuel supply. Very important element in work of the Center is organization and conduct of training for the Winter Service Team. In order for all procedures and operations to be performed in accordance with the national and international standards, candidates must undergo extensive training related to procedures of de-icing and anti-icing of aircraft and supporting operational areas. Handling of the equipment for these processes, determination of the procedures that need to be applied, checks before and after cleaning, and final checks of the entire process, can only be performed by trained personnel. These are reasons why such personnel and other specialized employees are trained at the Training Center, which also offers training for obtaining special permits and attending specialist courses. 29 SIAM s in case of any job related to ground handling of aircraft, passengers and luggage, an important factor is the well trained staff that must be capable of quick responding to any given duty and task, as well as of dealing with any unforeseen problems that can unexpectedly occur at the Sarajevo International Airport. Therefore, at this airport there is a Training Center which is making a great progress on a daily basis in training of its employees, in ODR@AVANJE / MAINTENANCE Zimska slu`ba – garant otvorenosti Sarajevskog aerodroma Ova slu`ba je ~esto jedna od najzaposlenijih slu`bi Me|unarodnog aerodorma Sarajevo. Slu`bu ~ini 30 radnika, koji sa najmodernijom mehanizacijom u svakom trenutku mogu odgovoriti na sve vremenske neda}e, koje u Sarajevu, baš i nisu tako rijetke. imska slu`ba je jedna od najbitnijih slu`bi na bilo kom aerodromu. Ova slu`ba se brine o tome da se avionski saobra}aj odvija normalno tokom zimskih mjeseci, pogotovo na aerodromima koji se nalaze na višoj nadmorskoj visini, kao što je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo. Posljednjih 10 godina Zimskom slu`bom Sarajevskog aerodroma rukovodi Fadil Šunj, stru~njak sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom pilota i ~ovjek koji je ~itav svoj radni vijek proveo vezan za poslove u avijaciji. On ka`e da je Zimska slu`ba na ovom aerodromu sigurno jedna od slu`bi koja ima najviše obaveza tokom trajanja zimske sezone letenja. Z Šest dugih mjeseci “Kalendarski, zima u Sarajevu traje nekih pet mjeseci, dok oficijelno kod nas zimska sezona po~inje 1. novembra i traje do 30. aprila. Me|utim, u tom periodu ne postoje neka pravila po pitanju padavina pa se zna desiti da tokom jedne sezone imamo 30 dana padavina, dok nekada zna biti i 55 dana padavina. U zavisnosti od toga koliko imamo padavina, tolika nam je i potreba nabavke materijala za ~iš}enje i odr`avanje piste, a to su razna sredstva protiv zale|ivanja i za odle|ivanje piste i rulnica. U jeku sezone imamo na raspolaganju 30-ak ljudi koji Specijalne mašine u toku ~iš}enja snijega / Special machines during the snow removal rade u dvije smjene. Zimska slu`ba pokriva kompletan aerodrom, od njegovog ulaza i kapije pa sve do piste. Ustvari, ~iste se dvije strane aerodroma, koje su podijeljene na Air side, to je sterilna strana iza grani~nog SIAM 30 ODR@AVANJE / MAINTENANCE Winter Service – Guarantee for Openness of the Sarajevo Airport Izgled o~iš}ene piste / View of the cleared runway This service is often one of the busiest at the Sarajevo International Airport. The service consists of 30 employees, who with the latest machinery can respond to all weather adversity, so typical for Sarajevo, at any time. inter Service is one of the most important services at any airport. Due to this service the air traffic can function normally during the winter months, especially at airports that are located at a higher altitude, such as the Sarajevo International Airport. W Six Long Months The man who, in the last 10 years, has been in charge of the Winter Service of Sarajevo Airport is Fadil Šunj, expert with extensive experience as a pilot and a man who dedicated his whole life to activities related to aviation. He says that the winter service on this airport is certainly one of the busiest during the winter season. “According to the calendar, winter in Sarajevo takes about five months, while officially at the airport the winter season begins on November 1ST and lasts until April 30TH. However, during this period there are no rules in terms of precipitation, so it can occur that during one season we have 30 days of rain or snow while , for example, next season there can be 55 days of precipitation. Depending on precipitation, we need and procure materials for cleaning and maintenance of the runway, and those are the various anti-icing and de-icing fluids. In high season we have about 30 people available to work in two shifts. Winter Service covers the entire airport, including all maneuvering surfaces and gates to the 31 SIAM Specijalni kamioni sa rotacionim ~etkama obavljaju više funkcija / Special trucks with rotating brushes perform multiple functions ODR@AVANJE / MAINTENANCE prelaza, a tu spadaju piste, platforma, rulnice i putevi za odr`avanje sigurnosti aerodroma. Druga strana je Land side, i to je strana na kojoj se nalaze ceste, parkinzi i ostala infrastruktura aerodroma, koja se svake godine mijenja, pa se ~esto nešto novo napravi, dogradi ili promijeni, tako da i mi moramo stalno pratiti te promjene i prilago|avati se. Na Air side imamo oko 250.000 kvadratnih metara za ~iš}enje. Tokom zimske sezone rada aerodroma, ~lanovi Zimske slu`be se ne smiju udaljavati sa podru~ja grada bez neke prijeke potrebe i ako negdje idu, obavezno se moraju javiti gdje su, kako bi se znalo da li su dostupni u odre|enom vremenskom periodu Tu je pista koja je duga 2.500 metara i 45 metara široka, a imamo i tri prilazne staze ka pisti koje se tako|er stalno ~iste. Zatim je tu i platforma za prihvat i otpremu aviona, du`ine oko 370-380 metara i širine 120 metara. To su osnovne površine na zra~noj strani koje uvijek moramo dr`ati ~istim. Osim toga, Zimska slu`ba je zadu`ena za odr`avanje radionavigacijskih sredstava koja se nalaze na samom aerodromu . To su navigacijski ure|aji koji slu`e za navo|enje aviona prilikom slijetanja. U slu~aju visine snijega kao u febrauru 2012. godine, bili smo du`ni da sa svojom mehanizacijom o~istimo prostor oko ure|aja, jer ako su oni ugro`eni, piloti u avionu nemaju dobar signal za slijetanje. Postoji ta~na procedura i tehnologija ~iš}enja tih ure|aja, kako bi avion imao sigurnije i što jednostavnoije slijetanje. Zimska slu`ba je tako|er zadu`ena i za servisni put, koji se nalazi pored ograde SIAM 32 runway. In fact, two sides of the airport are beeing cleaned, which are defined as the Air Side, which is the sterile area behind BCP, including the runway, platform, taxiway and service roads for airport security purposes. The other side is called Land Side, and that is the area which includes roads, parking lots and other infrastructure of the airport, which is constantly changed, so there is often something new being constructed or rehabilitated. For that reason we must constantly monitor these changes and to be prepared to adapt to them. On the Air Side we have about 250,000 square feet for cleaning. There is a runway that is 2,500 meters long and 45 meters wide, and we have three taxi routes to the runway, also constantly being cleaned. There is also a platform for aircraft ground handling, approximately 370-380 meters long and 120 meters wide. These are basic surfaces on the air side that must always be kept clean. In addition, the winter service is responsible for the maintenance of navigation aids that are located at the airport. These are nav- igation devices that are used to guide aircraft when landing. In case of a heavy snow cover like in Febraury 2012, we are required to use our mechanization to clean the areas around the machinery, because if those landing instruments are under snow cover, the pilots do not have a good signal for landing. There are exact procedures and technology for snow removal from these devices, in order for aircraft to have simple and safe landing. The Winter Service is also responsible for the service road, which is located next to the perimeter fence around the entire airport in length of about 10 kilometers“, explains Šunj and adds that great help in their work is the fact that the runway of Sarajevo Airport is coated with antiskid layer. “The great thing is that during the reconstruction of the runway, it was coated with antiskid material. Its role is to improve the coefficient of friction of aircraft ODR@AVANJE / MAINTENANCE tyres in order to stop quickly and safely. Compared to the runways not coated with antiskid material, the difference in braking is from 30 to 40 percent. Antiskid material increases safety during landing, which makes it easier both for us and for pilots”, says Šunj. Modern Equipment Zimska slu`ba Sarajevskog aerodroma raspola`e dovoljnim brojem mehanizacije da se u svakom trenutku mo`e izboriti i sa velikim padavinama. Najbolji primjer toga su snje`ne padavine iz februara 2012. godine, kada je za samo 24 sata u Sarajevu i njegovoj okolini napadalo više od metar snijega. Ipak, Zimska slu`ba ovog aero- Winter Service of Sarajevo Airport has a sufficient number of machines that can at any moment cope with great precipitation. The best example of this is snow in February 2012 when only in 24 hours in Sarajevo and its surroundings fell over one meter of snow. However, the winter service of this airport in less than 24 hours was able to remove the snow from maneuvering surfaces, thanks to the excellent mechanization, but also tremendous efforts of airport workers. “During the cleaning we currently use the latest machinery that exists in world's airports. In 2011 we bought two new snow ploughs, which are special machines, which can at the same time perform several functions. Apart from a brush that is 5,5 meeters droma je za manje od 24 sata uspjela o~istiti svu infrastrukturu aerodroma, zahvaljuju}i odli~noj mehanizaciji, ali i velikoj po`rtvovanosti radnika aerodroma. “Prilikom ~iš}enja koristimo, trenutno, najmoderniju mehanizaciju koja postoji na svjetskim aerodromima. Tokom 2011. godine nabavili smo i dvije nove rotacione ~etke, ali to nisu samo ~etke, nego su to specijalne mašine, koje odjednom mogu obavljati više funkcija, pa na sebi, osim ~etki širokih 5,5 metara, imaju i ralice, grtalice i turbine za oduvavanje zaostalog kontaminata za rad pluga. Postupak ~iš}enja obavlja se tako što specijalni kamioni prvo sa grtalicama guraju snijeg u stranu, da bi nakon toga ~etka pokupila sav snijeg do asfalta, a na kraju turbine oduvavaju sav snijeg koji, eventualno, ostane na pisti. Tako|er, imamo i snjegobaca~e, koji bacaju snijeg u stranu od 60 do 80 metara, u zavisnosti od toga da li je snijeg suh ili mokar. Kada se snijeg o~isti sa piste i svih površina, wide, it has also a snowplow, plower and turbine for blowing away residual contaminants to secure operation of the plow. The cleaning process is done by a special truck that first pushes snow with squeegee to the side, and after that the brush pickes up all the snow from the surface, and at the end the turbine blows away all the snow that may remain on the runway. Also, we have snow-throwers, which throw snow to the side at 60 to 80 meters away, depending on whether and condition of the snow. When the snow is removed from the runway and other maneuvering surfaces, it is transported to a specially designated places or dumps for snow. We have one main depot for snow, and we also have three additional ones in case that the main one gets snow-crowded. Trucks transport the snow to dump. There are about 40 special machines for cleaning, and they include snow- Moderna oprema 33 SIAM kompletnog aerodroma i koji je dug oko 10 kilometara“, objašnjava Šunj i dodaje da im veliku pomo} u njihovom radu predstavlja i podatak da je uzletnosletna pista Sarajevoskog aerodroma presvu~en antiskid masom. “Velika stvar je da je, tokom obnove uzleletno-sletne piste, ona presvu~ena antiskid masom. Njena je uloga da poboljša koeficijent trenja to~kova aviona, kako bi avion što br`e i sigurnije stao. U usporedbi sa pistom koja nije presvu~ena antiskid materijalom, razlika u ko~enju je i do 30 do 40 posto. Antiskid materijal pove}ava sigurnost prilikom slijetanja, što nama, a i pilotima dodatno olakšava posao”, ka`e Šunj. ODR@AVANJE / MAINTENANCE on se odvozi na specijalno predvi|ena mjesta ili deponije snijega. Imamo glavnu deponiju i tri dodatne u slu~aju da se glavna deponija pretrpa snijegom. Snijeg na deponije odvoze kamioni koje pune dva velika utovariva~a. Na raspolaganju imamo izme|u 40 specijalnih mašina za ~iš}enje, a tu ubrajamo rotacione ~etke, snjegobaca~e, traktore, grtalice, gredere i dodatne kamione, koji su u stanju pripravnosti, ukoliko je neki dio mehanizacije onemogu}en u radu. Imamo i odli~nu mašin- Zimska slu`ba je zadu`ena za odr`avanje radionavigacijskih ure|aja koji slu`e za navo|enje aviona prilikom slijetanja. U slu~aju visine snijega kao u febrauru 2012. godine, bili smo du`ni da mehanizacijom o~istimo te ure|aje, jer ako su oni ugro`eni, piloti u avionu nemaju dobar signal za slijetanje sku radionicu koja odr`ava naše mašine. Imamo i mašine koje su stare 10 do 12 godina, ali su u perfektnom stanju, zahvaljuju}i ljudima koji ih odr`avaju”, dodaje Šunj. Djelovanje Zimske slu`be zavisi od meteouslova na Aerodromu Sarajevo, koje moramo permanentno pratiti, pogotovo u zimskom periodu. Na Sarajevskom aerodomu postoji meteoslu`ba, koja u svakom momentu raspola`e informacijama o vremenskim usloSIAM 34 ploughs, snow-throwers, tractors, squeegee, greders, trucks and more that are on standby, if certain vehicles are out of order. We also have excellent mechanical workshop that repairs our machines, and we have machines that are 10 to 12 years old, but they are in perfect condition, thanks to the people who maintain them”, adds Šunj. Performance of Winter Service depends on weather conditions at the Sarajevo Airport. Winter Service must constantly monitor the weather conditions, especially in winter. At the Sarajevo Airport there is a meteorological station, which at any moment has information on weather conditions and these information are forwarded to the Winter Service. “We always receive information from the weather forekast service about the weather, in order to prepare for work. In case of a weather anomaly, previously observed by meteorological service and conveyed to us in due time, we prepare a certain number of people and machines and de-icing/anti-icing fluids, what allows us to act quickly. After arriving at work in the morning, we first check whether the current forecast coincides with the one announced the previous day, and immediately after that we prepare a timetable for the work according to the weather fore- cast. Another reason for successful operation of the winter service is its employees. During the winter season at the airport, winter team members are not allowed to leave the city without a pressing need, and if they still go somewhere, they must be able to respond to a call in a given period. For the past ten years, since I have been in charge of the Winter Service, it did not happen that the Sarajevo International Airport was closed due to snow precipitation. This job is quite de- ODR@AVANJE / MAINTENANCE Deponije snijega u krugu aerodroma / Landfills of snow at the airport Komitet za snijeg vima i te informacije proslje|uje Zimskoj slu`bi. “Od meteoslu`be uvijek dobijamo informacije o vremenu, kako bi se mogli pravovremeno spremiti za rad. Ako se desi neka meteo anomalija koju meteoslu`ba uo~i i koja se nama javi blagovremeno, onda vršimo pripreme sa odre|enim brojem ljudi i mašina, sredstvima za posipanje i odle|ivanje, što nam omogu}ava da br`e djelujemo. Jutarnjim dolaskom na posao provjerava se da li se trenutna prognoza poklapa sa najavljenom od prethodnog dana, te se odmah napravi raspored rada prema toj vremenskoj prognozi. Još jedan recept za uspješan rad Zimske slu`be su i njeni zaposlenici. Tokom zimske sezone rada aerodroma, ~lanovi Zimske slu`be se ne smiju udaljavati sa podru~ja grada bez neke prijeke potrebe i ako negdje idu, obavezno se moraju javiti gdje su, kako bi se znalo da li su dostupni u odre|enom vremenskom periodu. Za ovih 10 godina, otkako sam na ~elu Zimske slu`be, nije se desilo da Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo bude zatvoren zbog snje`nih padavina. Ovaj je posao dosta zahtjevan i stresan, te zahtijeva 120 posto anga`iranost svih radnika Zimske slu`be. Meni je zadovoljstvo spomenuti da za ovih 10 godina nisam do`ivio da neko od radnika ne do|e na poziv, u bilo koje doba dana ili no}i, ili tokom praznika i slobodnih dana”, sa ponosom isti~e Šunj. Snow Committee At the Sarajevo International Airport there is a Snow Committee, consisting of members of the company’s management. This Committee meets periodically to monitor developments during winter months and assign strategic tasks in this period. Purpose of the committee is planning and assessment of the Sarajevo International airport’s needs for the winter activities. “In addition to this Committee, there is also the Operating Snow Committee, consisting of entities that are involved in functioning of the airport in winter conditions, such as Winter Service, Operations Centre, Ramp Handling, Sector for Safety and Protection and others. The managers of these agencies are members of the Operating Committee, which constantly monitors what is happening on the ground and reacts accordingly. Also, the Operating Committee decides on purchase of spreading material, sort of equipment, and similar, and provides suggestions to the Snow Committee for the realization of the same activities. These are two main functions of the Committee, however, the most important part of the work is done by the Operations Center which is literally the heart of the Sarajevo Airport. Each time a snow removal is scheduled, I go to the Operations Centre, and get the information about a number of planes that day, weather forecast, etc. Based on the information we receive from our Operations Center, like the number of take-offs and landings, number of passengers and their check-ins, we can plan our daily tasks” adds [unj. manding and very stressful, and requires a 120 percent commitment of all employees of the winter service. I am pleased to note that for the last ten years I have not experienced that any of the workers did not respond to a call, at any time round-the-clock, or during holidays and days off.” proudly says Šunj. 35 SIAM Na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo postoji Komitet za snijeg, kojeg sa~injava menad`ment kompanije. Ovaj Komitet povremeno se sastaje, kako bi pratio razvoj situacije tokom zimskih mjeseci. Uloga tog komiteta je planiranje i ocjenjivanje potreba Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo za zimske aktivnosti. “Pored tog Komiteta, postoji i Operativni komitet za snijeg, kojeg sa~injavaju subjekti koji su uklju~eni u funkciju aerodroma u zimskim uvjetima, kao {to su Zimska slu`ba, Operativni centar, Ramp Handling, Sektor za sigurnost i za{titu i druge. [efovi tih slu`bi su u Operativnom komitetu, koji stalno prate {ta se de{ava na terenu, vr{e analizu prethodnih de{vanja i reagiraju po tom pitanju. Operativni komitet odlu~uje o koli~ini nabavke posipnog materijala, vrste opreme i sli~no, te predla`e Komitetu za snijeg realizaciju istih. To su glavne funkcije ova dva komiteta, me|utim, najbitniji dio posla obavi Operativni centar i on je bukvalno srce Sarajevskog aerodroma. Svaki put kad je zakazano ~i{}enje snijega, odem u Operativni centar i razmotrimo situaciju o broju aviona tog dana, informacije o vremenu i sli~no. Samo na osnovu informacija koje dobijemo od Operativnog centra, kao {to su broj polijetanja i slijetanja, prihvat putnika i njihovo ~ekiranje, mo`emo planirati na{e dnevne zadatke”, dodaje [unj. RAZGOVOR / CONVERSATION Nadam se da sa Sarajevskog aerodroma letimo u Brazil I Hope That We Will Fly to Brazil from the Sarajevo Airport Enis Bešlagi} je jedan od bh. glumaca koji usluge Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo ~esto koristi i kako sam ka`e, ovaj aerodrom zove svojim drugim domom. Enis Be{lagi} is one of the Bosnian actors that often uses Sarajevo International Airport's services and, as he often says, calls this airport his second home. sim ~estih putovanja na mnoge evropske i svjetske destinacije, Enis Bešlagi} je Sarajevski aerodrom koristio i za snimanje mnogobrojnih humoristi~nih i marketinških serijala, pa u šali ka`e da je na ovom aerodromu proveo toliko vremena da mu se to vrijeme po~ne ra~unati kao sta`. O Prijatna atmosfera “Sarajevski aerodrom je lijepo koncipiran i u nekoliko posljednjih godina do`ivio je svojevrsnu renesansu. U posljednje vrijeme ovaj aerodrom n addition to the frequent trips to many European and worldwide destinations, Enis Be{lagi} also used Sarajevo Airport for filming many of his humorous and marketing shows, and jokingly says that he spent so much time at this airport that he started counting this time toward his work experience. I Pleasant Atmosphere "Sarajevo Airport is beautifully conceived and during the recent SIAM 36 “Zaposleni na ovom aerodromu gostoprimljiviji su i pristupa~niji od radnika na drugim evropskim ili svjetskim aerodromima” oboga}en je sa mnogo dodatnih sadr`aja, ~ime je samo dobio na zanimljivosti. Osim toga, ovaj aerodrom volim i zbog prijatne atmosfere koja vlada na njemu, tako da mi je uvijek “Airport is the place where you see off and welcome people, so it is logical that there are a lot of emotional moments” years has experienced a kind of its own renaissance. Lately, this airport is enriched with many additional features, which made it even zadovoljstvo vra}ati se ovdje. Gostoprimljivi radnici ~ine ovaj aerodrom nadaleko poznatim, a i ve} sam se sjaranio sa ve}inom zaposlenika Aerodroma, jer ~esto putujem. Zaposleni na ovom aerodromu gostoprimljiviji su i pristupa~niji od radnika na drugim evropskim ili svjetskim aerodromima. To je dobro i samo mo`e privu}i nove posjetioce u BiH, jer }e putnici koji su sa Sarajevskog aerodroma odletili širiti pri~u o gostoprimstvu. Takva je naša priroda i imamo potrebu da goste našeg grada i dr`ave dobro do~ekamo kako bi se more interesting. Besides, I love this airport because of its pleasant atmosphere that is always present, so it's always a pleasure to come back here. Hospitable workers make this airport widely known, and I already made friendships with most of the airport employees, because I travel so often. Employees at this airport are more friendly and approachable compared to workers at other European and international airports. This is good and can only at- RAZGOVOR / CONVERSATION Sve {to se uradilo do sada po pitanju marketinga, uradilo se planski, pa su klijenti koji se reklamiraju svoj novac ulo`ili u pravu svrhu osje}ali kao u svojoj ku}i. U zemljama koje su razvijenije od nas ljudi nemaju takvu naviku, ~esto su bahati. Dolaskom na Aerodrom osje}am se prijatno, jer smatram da su svi mnogo uslu`niji nego što su radnici na drugim aerodromima u svijetu. Tako odmah imate osje}aj kao da ste došli u svoju ku}u“, ka`e Bešlagi}. Dodaje da je na Sarajevskom aerodromu imao mnogo sretnih situacija. “Aerodrom je mjesto gdje ispra}aš i do~ekuješ ljude, pa je logi~no da ima puno emotivnih trenutaka. Ipak, ono Bosanska kafa u Ju`noj Americi Popularni glumac je ve} neko vrijeme uklju~en u marketin{ke kampanje kojima najavljuje odlazak na{e reprezentacije na Svjetsko prvenstvo u fudbalu, koje }e se 2014. godine odr`ati u Brazilu. Na pitanje da li }e reprezentativci zaista sa Sarajevskog aerodroma krenuti put Brazila, Be{lagi} u svom stilu odgovara: “Pit }emo mi bosansku kafu u Brazilu, ako Bog da!” što je meni ostalo posebno u sje}anju jeste snimanje ske~eva o Sulji i Muji, koje smo ja i Milan Pavlovi} radili na ovom aerodromu. To mi je ostalo u sje}anju kao jedno od lijepih iskustava“, smatra Bešlagi}. Popularne cijene u restoranu tract new visitors to Bosnia and Herzegovina, because the passengers who are flying from the Sarajevo International Airport will Aerodrom je kao moj drugi dom, ka`e Bešlagi} / Airport is like my second home, says Bešlagi} spread the word about its hospitality. That is our nature and we have a need to give warm welcome to guests of our city and country, and make them feel like at home. People in other countries that are more developed than us do not have this habit, they are often overbearing. When I arrive at the Airport I feel pleasant, because I think that employees here are a lot more responsive compared to workers at other airports in the world. That immediately makes you feel like you have come to your house," says Be{lagi}. He adds that he had many happy situations at the Sarajevo Airport "Airport is the place where you see off and welcome people, so it is logical that there are a lot of emotional moments. However, what I find particularly memorable is filming the skits about Suljo and Mujo, which Milan Pavlovi} and I have done at this airport. 37 SIAM Ovaj poznati glumac je ina~e zaštitno lice kompanije Mercedes-Benz u našoj zemlji, a i vlasnik Mercedes vozila. Stoga je bilo logi~no da ga upitamo šta misli o usluzi be- RAZGOVOR / CONVERSATION splatnog parkinga za vlasnike Mercedes vozila na Sarajevskom aerodromu. “Mislim da je to dobra akcija i dobar marketinški potez, koji je potpuno druga~iji od onoga šta smo do sada navikli vi|ati. Ovaj potez ~elnika Aerodroma i predstavnika Mercedes-Benza u našoj zemlji jasan je znak i za “Aerodrom je mjesto gdje ispra}aš i do~ekuješ ljude, pa je logi~no da ima puno emotivnih trenutaka” skupo takvim ljudima, ali ovaj gest dokazuje da Mercedes misli na njih i njihove potrebe. Kao što sam rekao, ovo je marketinška revolucija i zbog toga pohvaljujem rukovodstvo Aerodroma. U posljednje vrijeme, svi dijelovi aerodromskog kompleksa odli~no su marketinški pokriveni, ali ima još prostora za razvoj ovakvih Putnici koji su sa Sarajevskog aerodroma odletili {irit }e pri~u o gostoprimstvu ostale kompanije da naprave nešto sli~no. Ne moraju to biti kompanije iz automobilske industrije, nego i iz ostalih sektora, a to je jedan fin na~in da nagrade svoje vjerne kupce. Ovaj potez je tako|er dobar iz razloga što su aerodromi mjesto odakle putuje poslovni ljudi, a znamo da oni ~esto preferiraju Mercedes kao privatna vozila. Nije parking- mjesto projekata. Sve što se uradilo do sada po pitanju marketinga, uradilo se planski, pa su klijenti, koji se reklamiraju, svoj novac ulo`ili u pravu svrhu. Kada tome dodate brojne deleUsluga besplatnog pakinga je odli~na / Free parking service is great Everything that was done so far in terms of marketing has been done with a plan, so the clients, who are being advertised, surely invested their money into the right place That remained in my memory as a very nice experience," said Be{lagi}. Popular Prices at the Restaurant This famous actor is the trademark face of the Mercedes-Benz company in our country, and also the owner of the Mercedes vehicle. Therefore, it was logical to ask him what he thought about the free parking service at the Sarajevo Airport for the owners of Mercedes vehicles. "I think this is a good action and marketing move, which is totally different from what we are used to seeing thus far. This move, made SIAM 38 Bosnian Coffee in South America The popular actor has been for some time included in the marketing campaign that announces the departure of our soccer team to the FIFA World Cup, which will take place in Brazil during the year of 2014. When he was asked whether he believes that our team will pass the qualifications and depart from the Sarajevo Airport to Brazil, Beslagic in his style responds: “We will drink Bosnian coffee in Brazil, with God’s will!” by the leaders of the Sarajevo Airport and representative of the Mercedes-Benz in our country, is a clear sign for the other companies to do something similar. These do not have to be companies from the automotive industry, but also from the other sectors, and that is one nice way to reward their loyal customers. This is also a good move because airports are place from which business people travel, and we know that most of them prefer Mercedes as a private vehicle. Parking space is not expensive for such people, but this gesture proves that Mercedes is thinking of them and their needs. As I just said, this is a marketing RAZGOVOR / CONVERSATION gacije, goste i sportske reprezentacije koje prvo dolaze na Sarajevski aerodrom, onda to samo pove}ava vaš marketinški uspjeh. Mislim da je Aerodrom prodisao punim plu}ima i da je otvoren prema svima“, objašnjava Bešlagi}, koji tako|er pohvaljuje i nove ugostiteljske usluge. “Putnicima i posjetiocima ranije nije bilo poznato da postoji restoran u Terminalu A koji mogu koristiti, a na Sarajevskom aerodromu nije bilo puno prilike za kvalitetnim obrokom. Promocija slobodnog korištenja restorana Aerodroma je još jedan u nizu odli~nih poteza, jer se ~esto desi da neki let kasni ili je odgo|en. Upravo zbog toga, putnici sada imaju na raspolaganju kvalitetnu ishranu dok ~ekaju nove termine letova. Mislim da taj restoran ima svoje brojne prednosti, jer njegove usluge ne moraju koristiti samo putnici, nego i posjeti- revolution and because of that I commend the Airport’s leadership. Lately, all parts of the airport complex have excellent marketing coverage, but there is still room for the development of such projects. Everything that was done so far in terms of marketing has been done with a plan, so the clients, who are being advertised, surely invested their money into the right place. When you add to the equa- oci, a dodatna prednost je i doma}a hrana, koja je, sigurno, kvalitetnija od hrane u drugim aerodromskim restoranima. A kada svemu tome dodate popularne cijene, restoran Sarajevskog aerodroma je bez premca“, zaklju~uje Bešlagi}. Ovako gostoprimljivih radnika nema nigdje / Hospitable employees like this you cannot find anywhere else “Employees at this airport are more friendly and approachable compared to workers at other European and international airports” tion a number of delegations, guests and national sport teams that pass through the Sarajevo Airport, your marketing success can increase even further. I think that the Airport started to breathe with full lungs and that it is open to and at the Sarajevo Airport there were not many opportunities for a quality meal. Promoting the free use of the Airport’s restaurant is yet another great service, because advantages, because its services do not have to be only used by the passengers, but also the visitors. Another additional advantage is the home-cooked food, which is The passengers who flew from the Sarajevo International Airport will spread the word about its hospitality. it often happens that a flight is delayed or postponed. Because of this, travelers now have access to high-quality food while waiting for the next scheduled flight. I think that this restaurant has its many for sure better than food at the other airport restaurants. And when you add to all of these affordable prices, the Sarajevo Airport’s restaurant is unmatched," says Be{lagi}. 39 SIAM everyone," explains Be{lagi}, who also praised the new catering service. "Travelers and visitors were not aware that there is a restaurant in the Terminal A that they can use, KONFERENCIJE / CONFERENCE Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom bio je veoma uspje{an Kosta Petrov, vlasnik agencija The P. World tokom maja u glavnom gradu Bosne i Hercegovine organizirao je konferenciju pod nazivom Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom, ~iji je jedan od glavnih partnera bio i Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo. osta Petrov je jedan od osniva~a kompanije The P. World, globalne kreativne agencije koja organizira svjetski poznate doga|aje širom svijeta. Ro|en je i odrastao u Skoplju, a profesionalnu karijeru zapo~inje u Event menagment industriji, u kompaniji Marcus Evans, gdje je lansirao prvu Evropsku konferenciju za korporativno komuniciranje. K Skup profesionalaca Tokom 2006. godine radio je za kompaniju IIR Middle East u Dubaiju na nekim od najuspješnijih regionalnih doga|aja kao što su Cityscape Dubai, Cityscape Abu Dhabi i Arab Health. Kosta Petrov je 21. maja organizirao konferenciju Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom, koja je okupila neke od najve}ih globalnih marketinških profesionalaca, kao što su Peter Parkes, menad`er za društvene mre`e Expediae, Sebastian Micozzi, voditelj marketinga za PepsiCo, Mark Drasutis, direktor produkt marketinga za Yahoo, te drugi marketinški profesionalci iz kompanija IBM, KLM, Unilever, BSkyB, American Express, Novartis i Hewlett Packard. “Pet godina radio sam u Dubaiju za najve}e svjetske kompanije koje or- tome kako naši doga|aji mijenjaju `ivote. Prije tri godine otvorio sam vlastitu kompaniju sa namjerom da kreiram doga|aje koji mijenjaju svijet, unaprje|uju kompanije i poma`u nam da mijenjamo svakodnevnicu. Sve što radimo isklju~ivo je rezultat Doga|aj je bio i svojevrsna platforma za razmjenu ideja i stvaranje marketinške strategije, putem koje mnogi mogu u~vrstiti poziciju kompanije na tr`ištu ganiziraju razli~ita doga|anja. Radio sam na organizaciji doga|aja koji podrazumijevaju više od 3.000 u~esnika, ali sam s vremenom shvatio da, iako imamo fantasti~ne izlaga~e, svim tim eventima nešto fali. Zaklju~io sam da se previše bavimo novcem, umjesto da razmišljamo o rada tima koji sara|uje sa najve}im svjetskim umovima”, rekao je na po~etku našeg razgovora Petrov. Upravo je tokom godina svog rada sticao prijeko potrebno iskustvo na polju marketinga, te je odlu~io da svoje znanje podijeliti sa drugima. Tako je nastala ideja Marketing Kin- Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom Was Very Successful Kosta Petrov, owner of the agancy The P. World, during the month of May organized a conference in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina called Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom, where Sarajevo International Airport was one of its major organization partners. osta Petrov is a cofounder of the company The P. World, a creative global agency that organizes famous events around the world. Born and raised in Skopje, his professional career begins in the event management business industry, at the company Marcus Evans, where he launched the first European conference for corporate communication. K SIAM 40 Congres of the Professionals During the year of 2006, he was an employee at the company IIR Middle East in Dubai, where he worked on some of the most successful regional events such as Cityscape Dubai, Cityscape Abu Dhabi and Arab Health. On May 21st , Kosta Petrov organized a confer- ence called Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom, which gathered some of the most popular global marketing professionals, such as: Peter Parkes, manager for social networks Expediae, Sebastian Micozzi, Head of Marketing for PepsiCo, Mark Drasutis, director of product marketing for Yahoo and other marketing professionals the from companies like IBM, KLM, Unile- KONFERENCIJE / CONFERENCE Svi smo dio globalne poslovne ekonomije i sve nas treba posmatrati isto We are all part of the global business economy and all of us should function that way Što prije moramo prestati razmišljati da smo region koji je manje va`an od Velike Britanije ili Francuske As a region we need to stop thinking of ourselves as less important than United Kingdom or France Zaklju~io sam da se previše bavimo novcem, umjesto da razmišljamo o tome kako naši doga|aji mijenjaju `ivote I concluded that we pay too much attention to money, instead of thinking about how our events are changing people,s lives 41 SIAM Impresioniran sam onim što sam vidio u Sarajevu/ I'm impressed with what I saw in Sarajevo KONFERENCIJE / CONFERENCE gdom, što je niz konferencija koje se bave pitanjima i trendovima marketinga. Nakon odr`anih konferencija u Beogradu i Zagrebu, red je došao i na Sarajevo. “Sarajevo Marketing Kigndom (SMK) bio je prvi globalni marketing doga|aj u Bosni i Hercegovini, na kojem su vrhunski stru~njaci iz marketinga imali priliku da interaktivnim putem prezentiraju najbolje radove i teme iz oblasti marketinga. Prema mojim informacijama, svi stru~njaci koji su došli na SMK u`ivali su u gostoprimstvu koji im je vaš grad pru`io. Zaista smo se potrudili da napravimo doga|aj koji }e donijeti pozitivne promjene u regionalnoj marketinškoj industriji, a ja ~vrsto vjerujem da smo postigli naš cilj. Svi oni, sa kojima smo sara|ivali na organizaciji ovog doga|aja, zaista su nam puno pomogli, a tu uklju~ujem i Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo, koji je bio jedan od partnera. Bez naših partnera ovaj doga|aj ne bi bilo mogu}e organizirati”, ka`e Petrov i dodaje da naša zemlja po pitanju marketinga nimalo ne zaostaje za vode}im svjetskim centrima na ovom ver, BSkyB, American Express, Novartis, and Hewlett Packard. “For five years I worked in Dubai for the world's largest companies that organize various events. I worked on organizing events that had more than three thousand participants, but I eventually realized that, although we have fantastic exhibitors, all of these events had something missing. I concluded that we pay too much attention to money, instead of thinking about how our events are changing people’s lives. Three years ago I started my own company with the intention to create events that will change the world, promote companies and help us change our daily life. Everything that we do is solely the result of a good teamwork that collaborates with the world's greatest minds," said Petrov at the beginning of our conversation. Years of his work helped him gain the much-needed experience in the field of marketing, and later he decided to share his knowledge with others. That is how the idea of SIAM 42 Osmijeh na aerodromu Kosta Petrov mnogo putuje po svijetu i ~est je gost mnogih svjetskih aerodroma. Me|utim, nagla{ava kako nigdje nije imao sli~an do~ek kao na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo. “Jedna od boljih stvari mog posla je to {to mogu putovati na puno mjesta {irom svijeta. Ovo je bio moj prvi posjet Sarajevu, a zaista sam impresioniran onim {to sam vidio. Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo dobro vodi brigu o svojim klijentima, a pozitivno su me iznenadila nasmijana lica ljudi koji rade na Aerodromu. Kada prvi put posje}ujete neku zemlju, najva`niji je prvi dojam, a upravo je taj prvi pozitivni utisak na Aerodormu Sarajevo dao do znanja da }e posjeta biti i vi{e nego ugodna”, nagla{ava Petrov. Marketing Kingdom was born, which is set to be a string of conferences dealing with issues and trends in marketing. After holding the successful conferences in Belgrade and Zagreb, the turn came to also organize one in Sarajevo. polju. Svi smo isti “Bez oklijevanja mogu re}i da BiH prati sve va`ne globalne marketinške trendove. Danas `ivimo u globalnom selu, a sa snagom društvenih medija stvarno ne postoji razlog zašto ne bismo trebali biti u stanju provesti sve glavne svjetske trendove. U~esnici naše konferencije bili su ugodno iznena|eni pitanjima i idejama koje su dobili od naših delegata. Doga|aj je bio i svojevrsna platforma za razmjenu ideja i stvaranje marketinške strategije, putem koje mnogi mogu u~vrstiti poziciju kompanije na tr`ištu. Na kraju, što prije moramo prestati razmišljati da smo region koji je manje va`an od Velike Britanije ili Francuske. Svi smo dio globalne poslovne ekonomije i sve nas treba posmatrati isto”, dodaje Petrov. Ovaj marketinški guru ne propušta pohvaliti doma}e u~esnike ovog skupa, koji su na vrijeme prepoznali zna~aj prenošenja znanja iz oblasti marketinga i koji su, tako|er, imali odli~ne prezentacije. the regional marketing industry, and I firmly believe that we achieved our goal. All of those who worked with us on organization of this event showed to be very helpful, including the Sarajevo International Airport, which was one of Kosta Petrov on May 21st organized a conference Sarajevo Marketing Kingdom, which gathered some of the biggest marketing professionals in the world. “Sarajevo Kingdom Marketing (SMK) was the first global marketing event in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During this event, top marketing experts had the opportunity to present their best work and topics in the field of marketing through interactive approach. According to my information, all the experts who came to SMK enjoyed your city’s hospitality. We really worked hard to create the event that will bring positive changes to the partners of this event. Without our partners the organization of the event would not be possible,” said Peter adding that in the terms of marketing our country is not inferior compared to the world's leading centers in this field. We Are All the Same “Without any hesitation I can say that Bosnia and Herzegovina is following all of the important global marketing trends. Today we live in KONFERENCIJE / CONFERENCE “Ovaj doga|aj pokazao je da je BiH na dobrom putu kada je rije~ o marketingu, uklju~uju}i i razvoj i prisustvo društvenih medija. Svi su vrlo pozitivno iznena|eni razvojem marketinške industrije u vašoj zemlji. Postoje kompanije koje ~ak i stvaraju nove marketinške trendove. Kada je marketing u pitanju, nije ga bitno samo stvarati, nego je bitno pratiti i trendove Postoji toliko mladih ljudi u BiH koji imaju iznena|uju}e poslovne ideje, siguran sam da }e njihove ideje uskoro postati stvarnost, a klju~ uspjeha je samo da vjeruju u sebe koji vladaju u tom segmentu. Tako|er, postoji toliko mladih ljudi u BiH koji imaju iznena|uju}e poslovne ideje, a siguran sam da }e njihove ideje uskoro postati stvarnost. Klju~ uspjeha je samo da vjeruju u sebe i svoju kompaniju, kako bi kupcima mogli ponuditi nešto druga~ije, a vidio sam da to bh. kompanije ve} uspješno rade”, zaklju~uje Petrov. Ova zemlja ima budu}nost u marketingu/ This country has a bright future in marketing Smile at the Airport Kosta Petrov travels a lot around the world and is a frequent guest at many international airports. However, he pointed out that never before he had experienced reception similar to the one at the Sarajevo International Airport. “One of the best things of my job is that I get to travel to a lot of places around the world. This was my first visit to Sarajevo, and I was really impressed with the beauty of the city. Sarajevo International Airport is taking good care of their clients, and what made me really positive were the smiling faces of the people working at the airport. When you visit some country for the first time, the first impression is very important, and everyone at the Sarajevo International Airport ensured that our first impression of Sarajevo stays positive,” says Petrov. France. We are all part of the global business economy and all of us should function the same way,“ added Petrov. This marketing guru did not forget to praise the local participants of this meeting, who recognized the importance of the knowledge transfer in the field of marketing and also offered great presentations. “This event proved that Bosnia and Herzegovina is on the right track when it comes to marketing, including social media. As I said, everyone was positively surprised with the development of the marketing industry in the country. There are companies that are even creating marketing trends, which is great because when it comes to marketing it is not just about following the trends, but also creating them. There are also a lot of young people in the country that have some amazing business ideas and I am sure that their ideas will become a reality soon. The key to success is believing in yourself and your company and offering customers something different and, from what I can see, Bosnian companies are succesfully doing that already,” concluded Petrov. 43 SIAM a global village, and with the power of social media there is really no reason why we should not be able to implement all of the major global trends. The participants of our conference were pleasantly surprised with the questions and ideas that they got from our delegates. The event can also be observed as sort of a platform for exchange of the ideas and marketing strategies, through which companies can position themselves as the leaders in their markets. In the end, as a region we need to stop thinking of ourselves as less important than United Kingdom or PROMO Kupac je za Knauf sredi{te aktivnosti Customer is the Center Focus of Knauf’s Activities nauf Group is the world manufacturer nauf grupa svjetsof gypsum construction materials and ki je proizvo|a~ insulation. It was founded by the gipsanih gra|evinbrothers Knauf 80 years ago, back in skih materijala i 1932, and today has over 150 manufacturing izolacija. Osnovala su je plants worldwide. About 22,000 employees bra}a Knauf prije 80 gofrom the several continents realize annual dina, davne 1932. goditurnover of nearly six billion Euros. Continune, a danas ima više od ous investments in the development of the 150 proizvodnih pogona new and advanced products combined with širom svijeta. Nešto više the highest quality standards positioned od 22.000 uposlenika na Knauf as a global leader on the world’s dry nekoliko kontinenata osconstruction market. Taking care of the ecoltvaruju godišnji promet ogy is one of Knauf’s business principles with od gotovo šest milijardi an incessant emphasis on maintaining the eura. Konstantna ulaganatural balance in all of its activities. nja u razvoj novih i napThe ownership structure at Knauf Group is rednih proizvoda u komfamily oriented to this day. Values of the fambinaciji sa najvišim stanily entrepreneurship continue to be nurtured dardima kvalitete zasluwithin the company, so dominant quality, co`ni su za globalni polooperation and team work, as well as ongoing `aj Knaufa kao lidera na concerns about the employees are the areas svjetskom tr`ištu suhe Mirza Lokvan~i}, direktor Knauf BiH, savjetnik i that we pay much attention to. Employees gradnje. Briga o ekolo- kordinator prodaje za Srbiju, Makedoniju, Kosovo, are our greatest asset. Our production stangiji jedna je od osnovnih Albaniju, CrnuGoru. vrijednosti poslovanja Mirza Lokvan~i}, Director of Knauf BiH, Advisor and Sales dards are in accordance with the strictest Knaufa, pri ~emu se ne- Coordinator for Serbia, Mecedonia, Kosovo, Albania, criteria of organic production, because only by creating partnership relation with the naprestano vodi ra~una o Montenegro. ture we can protect it and deliver clean enodr`anju prirodne ravvironment to the future generations. note`e u svim svojim Knauf BiH was established in 1997. Our business activiaktivnostima. ties follow the core business activities of the international Vlasni~ka struktura Knauf grupacije i danas je faKnauf Group, and those include selling of Knauf’s plasmilijarna, a vrijednosti familijarnog poduzetništva i terboards and complete systems for dry construction, dalje se njeguju unutar kompanije. Kvalitet, zajedplasters, mortars, and a wide range of construction ništvo i timski rad te stalna briga o zaposlenima chemistry products. With the development and production podru~ja su kojima se poklanja izuzetna pa`nja. Zaof dry construction systems Knauf is also growing fast in posleni su naš najdragocjeniji resurs. Naši su stanthe field of insulation materials. As a part of the multinadardi proizvodnje u skladu s najstro`im kriterijama tional company, our operations include application of the ekološke proizvodnje, jer jedino partnerskim odnoglobal strategy - to be the leading provider of dry consom prirodu mo`emo zaštiti i predati ~istu budu}im struction - on the local market. generacijama. We are the leader in this region that is setting new stanKnauf d.o.o. BiH osnovana je 1997. godine. Naše dards and further developing dry construction market. djelatnosti prate osnovne djelatnosti Knauf gruWe are building the market by projecting innovations for pacije, a to su: prodaja Knauf gipskartonskih plo~a future needs - market analysis alone does not satisfy us, te kompletnih sistema za suhu gradnju, `buka, mawe want to shape the market. In order to achieve that, we ltera, široke palete proizvoda gra|evinske hemije. produce construction materials that simplify the design Uz razvoj i proizvodnju sistema suhe gradnje Knauf and construction, as well as offer complete solutions and ubrzano raste i u podru~ju izolacijskih materijala. provide qualitative safety. With the high quality of our Kao dio multinacionalne kompanije, naše je djeloproducts, we develop and shape comfort of people’s lives. vanje primjena globalne strategije - biti vode}i poThe trust of our customers and end-users is achieved nu|a~ u suhoj gradnji - na lokalnom tr`ištu. thanks to the highest level of quality services and prodLider smo u regiji koji postavlja standarde i dalje ucts. razvija tr`ište suhe gradnje. Customer is the center of all of our activities. He is the Naš je kupac središte svih aktivnosti. On je smisao i meaning and purpose of our brainstorming and actions. cilj našeg razmišljanja i naših djela. Budu}nost We build our future based on the satisfaction of our cusgradimo na zadovoljstvu naših kupaca. Našim kupcitomers by helping them with development of the innovama poma`emo u razvoju inovativnih sistemskih rješetive system solutions. nja. K SIAM 44 K KNAUF d.o.o. Sarajevo EVROPSKA SNAGA U GRA\EVINARSTVU Kolodvorska 11-A BiH - 71000 Sarajevo Tel: +387 33 711 090 Fax: +387 33 664 368 e-mai: [email protected] Web: www.knauf.ba TURIZAM / TOURISM SARAJEVO i olimpijske ljepotice SARAJEVO and Olympic Mountains' Natural Attractions SIAM 46 TURIZAM / TOURISM SIAM 47 TURIZAM / TOURISM U okviru preuzimanja hotela Borik na Bjelašnici planirano je da njegova budu}a namjena bude medicinsko rehabilitacioni centar Within the takeover process of the hotel Borik on Bjelasnica, it has planned to turn this hotel into a health-rehab centre SIAM 48 TURIZAM / TOURISM Development of tourism on the mountains around Sarajevo was stopped by the aggression that hit Bosnia in 1992, which brought destruction of accomodation facilities and ski capacities on these locations. In the post-war period tourism employees have been working hard on reconstruction of tourist facilities and introduction of new attractions, which should be ready for the arriving winter season. arajevo has long been known as a popular winter resort. Being a host town of the XIV Winter Olympic Games 1984, and having excellent winter tourist attractions, Sarajevo attracted people from all over the world who used to visit the surrounding mountains and enjoy in numerous attractions. S New Facilities Unfortunately, further development of winter tourism on the mountains around Sarajevo was discontinued by aggression on BiH in 1992, when most of infrastructure was destroyed. After the war the mountains Razvoj turisti~ke ponude na planinama oko Bjelašnica, Igman and a part of Trebevi} belonged to Sarajeva zaustavila je agresija na BiH 1992. the Federation of BiH, while the other part of Trebevi} godine i donijela razaranja smještajnih i and the mountain Jahorina were assigned to the Reskijaških kapaciteta. Godinama nakon rata, public of Srpska. In years after the war, through dedicated work of tourism industry employees, most of turisti~ki radnici radili su na obnovi ovih the pre-war facilites have been renovated and rekapaciteta, a obnova i novi sadr`aji najavljeni paired to receive tourists. su i za ovu zimsku turisti~ku sezonu. As the executive of the company ZOI 84, Salko Hasanefendi} says, the final works are in progress and expected to be finished by the beginning of the forthcoming winter season 2012/13, when visitors will be arajevo je odavno poznato kao jedna od popuoffered new facilities. larnijih turisti~kih destinacija tokom zimskih “Presently are in progress the projects Accumulation mjeseci. Zahvaljuju}i ~injenici da su u glavnom 2 and Accumulation 3, which will provide for 80.000 gradu BiH odr`ane XIV zimske olimpijske igre, m³ of wash water that is necessary for production of sada ve} davne 1984. godine, Sarajevo je na osnovu man-made snow. In respect of the works on ski slopes, toga i odli~ne zimske ponude privla~ilo turiste iz cijewe prepared the run Kotlovi on top log svijeta, koji su posje}ivali plaof Bjelašnica montain and are connine na kojima su mogli prona}i tinuing to prepare the run Kolijevke brojne sadr`aje. that goes to the mountain peak. At Novi sadr`aji the moment we are also engaged on placing the windshields along the ski Na`alost, razvoj zimskog turizma na slopes, overhaul of vertical transport, planinama oko Sarajeva naglo je prelandscaping around the hostel Feri kinula agresija na BiH 1992. godine, a on the Igman's Veliko Polje, as well ve}ina infrastrukture tada je unias finishing the hostel's interior renštena. Nakon završetka rata, planine ovations. In addition to construction Bjelašnica, Igman i dio Trebevi}a priof new sports-recreational facilities, pali su Federaciji BiH, dok su drugi we also launched the initiative to take dio Trebevi}a i Jahorina pripali Repuover and put into operation the fablici Srpskoj. U godinama nakon rata, cilites whose construction had begun zahvaljuju}i predanom radu turisti~earlier, in order to be able to increakih radnika, veliki dio prijeratnih kase hotel capacities as much as pospaciteta je obnovljen i osposobljen za sible. For example, final works are prihvat turista. in progress on the hotel Mušinovi}, Kako ka`e Salko Hasanefendi}, dirthat should be finished by the beginektor kompanije ZOI 84, u toku su zaning of a new winter season. Legal vršni radovi za predstoje}u zimsku turisti~ku sezonu 2012/13, koja }e tu- Radimo na pove}anju kapaciteta, ka`e Salihefendi} / procedure related to take-over of the hotels Maršal and Borik on Bjeristima ponuditi i nove sadr`aje. We are working on increasing the capacities, says S 49 SIAM Salihefendi} TURIZAM / TOURISM “Trenutno se realiziraju projekti Akumulacija 2 i Akumulacija 3, koji }e nam omogu}iti 80.000 kubnih metara tehni~ke vode neophodne za proizvodnju vješta~kog snijega. U pogledu radova na stazama uredili smo vrh Bjelašnice, stazu Kotlovi, a nastavljamo sa ure|enjem staze Kolijevke do vrha. Trenutno se postavljaju i novi vjetrobrani na stazama, radi se remont vertikalnog transporta, ure|ujemo prostor oko hostela Feri na igmanskom Velikom polju, kao i njegova unutrašnjost. Osim toga, radi se na izgradnji sportsko – rekreativnih objekata, kao i pokretanju inicijative za dovršetak preuzimanja i aktiviranja hotelsko – ugostiteljskih kapaciteta koji su ve} zapo~eti, a za cilj imaju stavljanje u punu funkciju hotelskih kapaciteta. U toku su završni radovi na hotelu Mušinovi}, Imamo u planu otvaranje turisti~ke agencije i suvenirnice na Sarajevskom aerodromu koji }emo nastojati staviti u funkciju sa po~etkom nove zimske turisti~ke sezone. I procedura oko preuzimanja hotela Maršal i Borik na Bjelašnici je u završnoj fazi. U okviru preuzimanja hotela Borik na Bjelašnici planirano je da njegova budu}a namjena bude medicinsko –rehabilitacioni centar. Uz podršku Federalnog ministarstva okoliša i turizma u budu}nosti planiramo izgradnju ho- SIAM 50 lašnica is also going to be finished soon. Regarding the hotel Borik, the plan is to turn it into a health–rehabilitation centre. In the future, with support of the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism we also intend to build the hotel Ski on Malo Polje, the Olympic house and a restaurant on top of Bjelašnica. Government of the Sarajevo Canton is also actively participating in realization of activities between the company ZOI 84 and Trnovo Municipality being taken for construction of local and emergency roads, tourist footpath to the top of Bjelašnica, bike tracks, a by-pass road on the section Donja Grkalica – hotel Maršal, as well as public lavatories on Igman and Bjelašnica. Total investment, including financial support from the Sarajevo Canton Government and Government of FBiH, equals around eight million KM, what makes us quite satisfied given the overall crisis and conditions in the country. We would like to emphasize that the Government of Sarajevo Canton recognized tourism investments of ZOI 84 as projects of great importance for the canton of Sarajevo, the city of Sarajevo and the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina, which at the same time are stimulating for the tourism industry in general and employment, as well as for involving of the local community with whom they can together capitalize on advantages of this region“, says Hasanefendi}, adding that apart from renovation of the facilities on surrounding mountains, they have also planned restoration of sports facilities in the town of Sarajevo in order to improve the quality of services they offer to tourists TURIZAM / TOURISM tela Ski na Malom polju, izgradnju Olimpijske ku}e na Bjelašnici i restorana na vrhu Bjelašnice. Vlada Kantona Sarajevo tako|er se intenzivno uklju~ila u realizaciju aktivnosti izme|u ZOI 84 i Op}ine Trnovo na izgradnji lokalnih i protivpo`arnih puteva, turisti~kog puta do vrha Bjelašnice, biciklisti~kih staza, zaobilaznice na dionici Donja Grkalica – hotel Maršal, te izgradnji javnih toaleta na prostoru Igmana i Bjelašnice. Ukupni investicioni ciklus uz pomo} Vlade KS i Vlade FBiH iznosi oko osam miliona KM, što nam, s obzirom na cjelokupan ambijent i okolnosti koje u ovom trenutku vladaju, daje razlog da budemo zadovoljni. Naglašavamo da je Vlada KS prepoznala turisti~ke projekte ZOI 84 kao projekte od zna~aja za Kanton Sarajevo, Grad Sarajevo i dr`avu BiH, koji istovremeno poti~u razvoj turizma u cjelini, a ~ime se otvaraju nova radna mjesta i istovremeno se uklju~uje lokalna zajednica, sa kojom se mogu zajedno iskoristiti prednosti ovog prostora”, ka`e Hasanefendi} i dodaje kako je, osim obnove kapaciteta na planinama, planirana obnova i sportskih kompleksa u Sarajevu, kako bi se turistima i gra|anima pru`ili što kvalitetniji uslovi njihovog korištenja. Obnova Zetre “Pored Ski centra Bjelašnica – Igman, Vlada KS dala je saglasnost da se poslije du`eg niza godina pristupi sanaciji olimpijskog kompleksa Zetra, kako bi ova dvorana zadovoljavala sve me|unarodne standarde za organizaciju razli~itih takmi~enja svjetskog nivoa. Na`alost, do sada nije zna~ajnije investirano u dvoranu Zetra još od 1999. godine, kada je izvršena njena obnova. Neophodna su zna~ajnija ulaganja u ovaj olimpijski kompleks i ona }e u prvoj fazi iznositi šest miliona KM. Iz planiranih sredstava }e se finansirati ure|enje vanjske piste, obezbijediti kvalitetni skladišni prostori ukupne površine 11.000 kvadratnih metara, izgradnja polivalentnih sportskih ploha na pisti i sanacija sportske dvorane. Cilj ulaganja je stvaranje boljeg i ugodnijeg ambijenta za gra|ane Sarajeva i njegove posjetioce, te obezbje|enje optimalnih uslova za organizaciju sportskih takmi~enja na svim nivoima. Pomenuti projekti zna~ajan su podsticaj za doma}e kompanije koje izvode sve radove, a istovremeno predstavljaju i dobar podsticaj za zapošljavanje mladih i kvalificiranih osoba. Ovakvim razvojnim projektima, posebno onima koji se odnose na razvoj hotelijerstva i ugostiteljstva, te pove}anje smještajnih kapaciteta na Bjelašnici i Igmanu u narednom periodu stvaraju se uslovi za otvaranje oko stotinu novih radnih mjesta”, dodaje Hasanefendi}. ^elnik kompanije ZOI 84 isti~e dobru saradnju sa Me|unarodnim aerodromom Sarajevo, ali tvrdi da prostor za poboljšanje saradnje uvijek postoji. “Saradnja ZOI 84 i Sarajevskog aerodroma je do sada SIAM 52 and citizens. Renovation of Zetra “Besides Ski centre Bjelašnica – Igman, the Government of Sarajevo also approved the Olympic complex Zetra to be renovated after a long period so that it could meet all the international standards being necessary for organization of various sporting events. Unfortunately, there have not been major investments in Zetra hall since 1999, when it was restored last time. Significant funds are to be invested in this Olympic complex whose amount in the first stage should equal six million KM. The planned funds will be used for development of the We have plans to open travel agencies and souvenir shops at the Sarajevo Airport outdoor runway, provision of the warehouse facilities of total surface of 11.000 square meters, construction of multipurpose sporting tracks on the runway and sanation of the athletic hall. The investment is aimed at creating a better and more comfortable environment for the citizens of Sarajevo and visitors, as well as for achieving optimum conditions for organization of various sporting events of all levels. The mentioned project is important as an impetus to the local companies which execute the works and, consequently, for employment of young and qualified persons. Due to such development projects, and especially those related to hotel and catering industry, and in order to increase accommodation facilities on Bjelašnica and Igman, we will soon create conditions to open about a hundred of work posts”, adds Hasanefendi}. TURIZAM / TOURISM dobra, ali se ona svakako treba i mora unaprje|ivati. Saradnja sa ovim predze}em je od izuzetnog zna~aja za ZOI 84, te o~ekujemo da upravo aerodrom bude jedan od glavnih partnera u realizaciji i organizaciji velikih skijaških doga|aja na našim olimpijskim planinama. U prvom redu mislimo na organizaciju Evropa kupa u alpskom skijanju, Evropske omladinske Olimpijade EYOF 2017. godine, ali i budu}ih utrka na svjetskom niivou. U okviru planova za unaprje|enje partnerskih odnosa izme|u naše ku}e i Aerodroma svakako imamo u planu otvaranje turisti~ke agencije i suvenirnice na Sarajevskom aerodromu. Osim toga, mišljenja smo da bi Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo i ZOI 84 trebali imati zajedni~ke ^elnik kompanije ZOI 84 isti~e dobru saradnju sa Me|unarodnim aerodromom Sarajevo, ali tvrdi da prostor za poboljšanje saradnje uvijek postoji turisti~ke agencije na nekoliko lokacija u gradu, kao i na Bjelašnici“, smatra Hasanefendi}. Igman Igman je od Sarajeva udaljen 32 kilometra, a od Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo 23 kilometra. Nalazi se jugozapadno od Sarajeva, okru`uju}i planinu Bjelašnicu i dio Ilid`e. Najve}a ta~ka Igmana visoka je 1.502 metra, ~ime se svrstava u red najni`ih sarajevskih planina. Ova planina je poznata po klimi zdravoj za sve sportske pripreme, te se preporu~uje kao podru~je zdravstvenog i sportskog turizma. Tako|er je i popularna destinacija za planinarenje i skijanje. Tokom XIV zimskih olimpijskih igara bila je, uz Jahorinu i Bjelašnicu, jedno od glavnih borilišta. Još uvijek dosta objekata na Igmanu datira iz tog perioda, ali je ve}ina porušena ili devastirana tokom posljednjeg rata. Trenutno postoje planovi za novu `i~aru izme|u Igmana i dijela Ilid`e - Hrasnice. Najpopularniji dijelovi Igmana su: Veliko polje Na Velikom polju nalazi se 30 kilometara staza za nordijsko tr~anje i biatlon, kao i niz prate}ih objekata, koji su na`alost devastirani. Malo polje Na Malom polju izgra|ene su skakaonice od 90 i 70 metara. Pored njih su bile i skakaonice od 10, 25 i 40, koje su u potpunosti uništene. Na Igmanu postoji i niz prate}ih objekata, koji su na`alost, još uvijek devastirani, poput hotela Ski, dok je u njegovoj neposrednoj blizini i devastirani hotel Igman. Osim toga, tu se nalaze staze za alpsko skijanje sa `i~arom, od kojih dvosjedna `i~ara na Malom polju ima kapacitet od 1.200 osoba na sat, dok su istog kapaciteta i ~etiri Baby lifta. Bjelašnica Bjelašnica je tako|er od Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo udaljena 23 kilometra, a posjetiocima ove SIAM 54 The executive of ZOI 84 lays emphasis upon good cooperation with the Sarajevo International Airport, but also believes in its further improvement. “Cooperation between ZOI 84 and Sarajevo airport has been good so far, but it should and must be further improved. Having good relations with the airport company is of utmost importance to ZOI 84, because we expect the Airport to be one of the leading partners in realization and organization of big ski events on the Olympic mountains. First of all, we think of organization of the European Cup in alpine skiing, European Youth Olympiad EYOF 2017, but also of any future ski competitions on the world's level. Within our plans on improvement of the partnership between our company and the Airport, we intend to open a travel agency and a souvenir shop at the Sarajevo Airport. We also belive that the Sarajevo International Airport and ZOI 84 should have joint travel agencies on several locations downtown and on Bjelašnica“, holds Hasanefendi}. Igman Igman is situated 32 km from Sarajevo, and 23 km from Sarajevo International Airport. It is located South-West from Sarajevo, enclosing the mountain Bjelašnica and a part of Ilid`a. Its maximum height above sea-level is 1.502 m, what makes Igman one of the lowest mountains surrounding Sarajevo. Being well known for its climate conditions suitable for preparations The executive of the company ZOI 84 highlights good cooperation with the Sarajevo International Airport, but claims that there is always space for additional improvements of all kinds of athletes, Igman is recommended for health and sport purposes. It is also a popular destination for hiking and skiing. During the XIV Winter Olympic Games it was, together with Jahorina and Bjelašnica, one of major scenes of contest. Most facilities on Igman were constructed in that period but they were devastated or destroyed during the war. At the moment there are plans for a new cable railway between Igman and a part of Ilid`a, i.e. Hrasnica. The most popular parts of Igman are as follows: Veliko Polje (Large Field) On Veliko Polje there are 30 km long runs for Nordic events and biathlon, including support buildings that were devastated unfortunately. Malo Polje (Little Field) On Malo Polje there are newly constructed ski jumps of 90 and 70 m. Previously built jumps of 10, 25 and 40m are completely destroyed. There are also support buildings, devastated but not yet renovated, like the hotel Ski, and the Hotel Igman in its close vicinity. In addition, there are alpine skiing slopes with ski lifts, out of which the two-seater ski lift on Malo Polje has a capacity of 1.200 persons per hour, TURIZAM / TOURISM just like the four baby lifts. Bjelašnica Bjelašnica is also located 23 km from the Sarajevo International Airport and it offers its visitors ski runs, cable railways, ski lifts and catering facilities. Most of these sport and accommodation facilities were built during the XIV Winter Olympics, and they are still in use. On its highest peak, i.e. on the height of 2.067m above sea-level, there is a weather station, known as the highest permanently populated place in BiH. Bjelašnica abounds in natural attractions and scenery that should be seen end experienced regardless of the season. In summer time visitors are offered hiking, mountain cycling, or visiting eco-food fairs and sports events in a unique natural environment. The winter on Bjelašnica lasts from November till May, when it is known for huge snow drifts that can reach height of several metres. Bjelašnica has both steep skiing slopes and less inclined runs for inexperienced and unrpofessional skiiers. The Ski Centre has three Olympic runs and other slopes in total length of some 14 km. The ski runs go from the top of Bjelašnica to Babin Dol, where used to be the finish of the Olympic downhill in 1984. Ski runs for all alpine events are 8.345 m long. Lighting along the runs enables night skiing for skiiers who can easily reach the top due to six ski-lifts and cable railways. SKI Centre offers its skiing equipment at the Benetton house in the finish line area, including skiis and ski-boards for renting out. Parking capacity at Babin Dol is 800 parking lots, while accommodation can be found in the Maršal hotel, recently built hotel Han, as well as in plenty of private apartments. The tourist season lasts from December 15th until April 15th. 55 SIAM olimipijske planine na raspolaganju su ski-staze, `i~are, ski-liftovi, te ugostiteljski objekti. U sklopu XIV zimskih olimpijskih igara, na Bjelašnici su izgra|eni brojni sportski i turisti~ki objekti, koji se i danas koriste. Na najvišem dijelu ove planine, ta~nije na 2.067 metara nadmorske visine, podignuta je meteorološka stanica, koja je ujedno i najviša stalno nastanjena ta~ka u BiH. Bjelašnica obiluje prirodnim ljepotama i bogatstvima koje treba vidjeti i do`ivjeti bez obzira na sezonu. Tokom ljetne sezone posjetiocima su na raspolaganju mogu}nosti planinarenja, brdskog biciklizma, organiziranje eko sajmova i sportskih doga|aja u potpuno prirodnom ambijentu. Zima na Bjelašnici traje od novembra do maja, a posebnu atrakciju predstavljaju visoki snje`ni smetovi koji mogu dosegnuti visinu i do nekoliko metara. Bjelašnica raspola`e strmim skijaškim stazama i onim manje strmim koje naj~eš}e koriste po~etnici i skijaši amateri. Ski-centar raspola`e sa tri olimpijske staze i ostalim pomo}nim stazama ukupne du`ine od oko 14 kilometara. Ski staze se spuštaju sa vrha Bjelašnice do prostora Babin dol, gdje je bio i cilj Olimpijskog spusta 1984. godine. Skijaške staze za sve alpske discipline imaju du`inu od 8.345 metara. Rasvjeta na stazama omogu}ava da se na ovoj planini mo`e skijati i uve~er, a šest liftova i `i~ara omogu}ava lak uspon skijašima. SKI -centar raspola`e sa svojom ski- opremom u ciljnoj ku}i Benetton, te skijama i ski- bordovima za iznajmljivanje. Kapacitet parkinga na Babinom dolu je 800 parking mjesta, dok se smještajni kapaciteti nalaze u hotelu Maršal, nedavno izgra|enom hotelu Han, kao i po mnogobrojnim privatnim apartmanima. Sezona traje od 15. decembra do 15. aprila. TURIZAM / TOURISM SIAM 56 Jahorina Jahorina Jahorina je od Sarajeva udaljena 30 kilometara, a od Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, zahvaljuju}i novoj cesti preko Trebevi}a, putovanje do Jahorine traje samo pola sata. Najviši vrh ove planine je Ogorjelica sa 1.916 m nadmorske visine. Izvanredna konfiguracija terena, obilje vrlo kvalitetnog snijega, pogodna klima, kao i blage padine, uvrstili su ovu planinu me|u najljepše i najpoznatije ski-centre. Prosje~an broj dana sa snje`nim pokriva~em na Jahorini je 175, i to od oktobra do kraja maja. Desetogodišnji prosjek visine snje`nog pokriva~a u februaru iznosi 106 cm. Na XIV zimskim olimpijskim igrama, na Jahorini su odr`ane alpske discipline za `ene. Gostima je na raspolaganju više od 20 kilometara ure|enih staza za alpsko skijanje, povezanih sa pet savremenih `i~ara i tri ski-lifta, ukupnog kapaciteta oko 15.000 skijaša na sat. U neposrednoj blizini skijaških staza posjetioci mogu u`ivati i u gril ku}icama sa sun~alištima na kojima }e biti uslu`eni jelima sa roštilja, toplim i hladnim napicima. Standardni sadr`aji u kojima gosti mogu u`ivati su no}no skijanje, brojne zimske atraktivne priredbe, a odnedavno se na ovoj planini odr`avaju i takmi~enja u snowboardu. Gostima je na raspolaganju šest hotela sa više od 1.000 kreveta, kao i brojne privatne vikendice i apartmani. Zimska turisti~ka sezona, zavisno od snje`nih uslova, po~inje 15. decembra i traje do 15. aprila. Jahorina is 30 km away from Sarajevo, and from the Sarajevo International Airport it takes only half an hour to get there thanks to a newly constructed road across Trebevi}. The highest peak of this mountain is called Ogorjelica, placed on the height of 1.916 m above sea-level. Extraodinary configuration, abundance of top quality snow, weather conditions, as well as mild ski slopes make this mountain one of the best known and most beautiful ski resorts. Average number of days under a snow cover on Jahorina is 175, spread across October and May. Ten-year average height of the snow cover in February is 106 cm. During the XIV Winter Olympic Games, Jahorina was a host for women’ alpine ski events. Guests can ski on more than 20 km long slopes, which are prepared for alpine events and connected with five modern cable railways and three ski lifts for the total capacity of around 15.000 skiiers per hour. In close vicinity of the ski slopes, the guests can enjoy in grill restaurants with sundecks where they will be served grilled meat and hot and cold beverages. Standard offer also includes night skiing and numerous attractive winter events, like snowboard competitions that have started recently. Guests have at disposal six hotels with more than 1.000 beds, and many private houses and aparatments. The winter season lasts from December 15th until April 15th. IZ ARHIVE / FROM THE ARCHIVE Pakt za stabilnost jugoisto~ne Evrope Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe n July 29th and 30th 1999 the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina was a host town of the summit where the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe was established. By this act the international community chose a comprehensive strategy on prevention of conflitcs in our country, the strategy quite different from common ones, due to the fact that the Stability Pact offered a new and promissing aspect – economic development and regional cooperation.The Sarajavo summit, attended by nine heads of states of governments of countries in the region, started on 29 July 1999. Some of the participants at the summit included representatives of the European Council, European Community, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Developments, Southeast European Cooperative Initiative – SECI, Central European Initiative –CEI, UN High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – OSCE. More than 3,000 accredited correspondents participated in coverage of the summit held in the Zetra convention hall. Sarajevo Airport prepared promptly for the summit by turning certain premises into cosy lounges for a short stay of the officials and organized press conferences. In those two days there were 42 flights via Sarajevo Airport. On arrival of delegations there was a plane every 15 minutes, while departure take-offs were recorded every 10 minutes. As and alternative solution, airports in Mostar and Tuzla were prepared for air traffic operations too. O rad Sarajevo i Bosna i Hercegovina su 29.30. jula 1999. Godine bili doma}ini samita na kojem je utemeljen Pakt za stabilnost jugoisto~ne Evrope. Tim ~inom me|unarodna zajednica se opredijelila za sveobuhvatnu strategiju spre~avanja sukoba u našoj regiji, strategiju koja se razlikovala od uobi~ajenih, jer je Pakt za stabilnost ponudio jednu novu i obe}avaju}u dimenziju – ekonomski razvoj i regionalnu saradnju. Sastanak u Sarajevu na kojem je u~estvovalo devet šefova dr`ava i vlada zemalja regije, po~eo je 29. jula 1999. godine. U radu skupa sudjelovali su, izme|u ostalih, predstavnici Vije}a Evrope, Evropske unije, Me|unarodnog monetarnog fonda, Svjetske banke, Evropske banke za obnovu i razvoj, Inicijative za saradnju u jugoisto~noj Evropi ( Southeast European Cooperative initiative –SECI), Srednjoevropske inicijative ( Central European Initiative-CEI), Visokog komesarijata UN za izbjeglice ( UN High Commissioner for refugees – UNHCR) i Organizacije za evropsku sigurnost i saradnju ( The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – OSCE). Više od 3.000 akreditiranih novinara pratilo je samit odr`an u kompleksu dvorane Zetra. Na Sarajevskom aerodromu su prije dor`avanja samita ekspeditivno izvršene potrebne pripreme. Adaptirani su pojedini prostori i pretvoreni u ugodne salone za privremen boravak du`nosnika i odr`avanje pres –konferencija. U ta dva dana preko Sarajevskog aerodroma su obavljene 42 avio-operacije. Pri dolasku delegacija, svakih 15 minuta slijetao je jedan avion, a pri odlasku, polijetanja su bila svakih deset minuta. Kao alternativna rješenja za obavljanje potrebnih avio-operacija bili su osposobljeni aerodoromi u Mostaru i Tuzli. G SIAM 58 AVIOKOMPANIJE/ AIRLINES Od poslijeratnog perioda do danas, na Sarajevskom aerodromu radi nekoliko evropskih kompanija, koje su saglasne u tome da aerodromske slu`be uvijek i u svakom momentu imaju adekvatan odgovor na njihove potrebe. akon što je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo 1996. godine obnovio svoj rad, ve}ina evropskih aviokompanija pokrenula je me|unarodne letove sa ovog aerodroma. Prve aviokompanije koje su po~ele sa letovima nakon rata su Croatia Airlines i turska kompanija Top Air, koje uspostavljaju letove ka Zagrebu, odnosno Istanbulu. Danas sa Sarajevskog aerodroma letove obavlja nekoliko kompanija, koje imaju svoja predstavništva u terminalnoj zgradi, a predstavnici ovih kompanija naglašavaju izuzetnu saradnju sa slu`bama Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. N Austrian Airlines SIAM 60 Austrian Airlines uvodi prvi let na relaciji Be~-Sarajevo u martu 1997. godine, a iste godine ova kompanija otvara svoju poslovnicu na Sarajevskom aerodromu. “Nakon što smo po~eli sa redovnim letovima prema Be~u 1997. godine, u martu 2003. godine uvodimo dodatni no}ni let koji je još bolje povezao Be~ i Sarajevo, što je dovelo do bolje fleksibilnosti termina za naše putnike. Naš cilj u BiH je posti}i visoki nivo zadovoljstva kod svih interesnih grupa. Našu lokalnu organizaciju ~ini 15 slu`benika, koji su zadu`eni za odr`avanje visokog kvaliteta na svim nivoima. Imamo tim posve}en pravnim licima tj. ve}im kompanijama, prodajnu organizaciju zadu`enu za prodaju i marketing, kao i podršku putni~kim agencijama. Tako|er, na Sarajevskom aerodromu djeluje tim zadu`en za uslu`ivanje klijenata iz maloprodajnog segmenta sa stanovništvom i kontrolu kvaliteta usluga Sarajevskog aerodoma kako bi se osigurao što bolji i kvalitetniji nivo prihvata i otpreme putnika i aviona. Naša saradnja sa aerodromskim slu`bama vrlo je uspješna i konstruktivna, osnovana na partnerskim odnosima i uzajamnom razumijevanju“, rekao je Ismir Ibrahimovi}, station manager Austria Airlinesa. BH Airlines Pod imenom BH Airlines, jedina doma}a aviokompanija djeluje na prostoru Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo od juna 2005. godine. Ova kompanija pravni je nasljednik Air Bosne, koja je sa radom na Aerodromu zapo~ela 1994. godine. Broj djelatnika u Slu`bi zemaljskog opslu`ivanja je pet, a na Aerodromu se, tako|er, nalazi i slu`ba prodaje gdje rade dva zaposlenika. Njihovi zadaci i obaveze su prihvat i otprema putnika, prtljaga, robe, supervizija letova i svih poslova koje za ovu kompaniju obavljaju aerodromske slu`be. U kompaniji BH Airlines naglašavaju da imaju odli~nu saradnju sa aerodromskim slu`bama i slu`benicima. Tako|er, na Aerodromu djeluju i ostale slu`be iz kompanije BH Airlines, kao što su tehnika, dispatch OCC, slu`ba sigu- AVIOKOMPANIJE/ AIRLINES Izuzetna saradnja sa Me|unarodnim aerodromom Sarajevo Exceptional Cooperation with the Sarajevo International Airport Since the post-war period to this day, several European airlines have been operating at the Sarajevo International Airport, and all of them agree that the airport services are always available and ready to respond to their needs. ight after the Sarajevo International Airport re-established its operations in 1996, most of the European airlines launched international flights from this airport. The first airlines that started flying to Sarajevo after the war were Croatia Airlines and Turkish Air Top, which established flight routes to Zagreb and Istanbul. Today, several carriers have offices in the terminal building of the Sarajevo International Airport and offer scheduled flights. The representatives of these airlines emphasize that they have excellent cooperation with all of the departments at the Sarajevo International Airport. R cies. Furthermore, there is an operating team at the airport responsible for servicing clients from the retail segment and controlling the quality of the Sarajevo Airport’s services, with a goal to provide better and higher quality level of ground handling of arrival and departure of the passengers and aircrafts. Our cooperation with the airport’s departments has been very successful and constructive, founded on partnership and mutual understanding”, said Ismar Ibrahimovi}, station manager of the Austrian Airlines. BH Airlines Austrian Airlines The only domestic carrier, known as BH Airlines, has been operating at the Sarajevo International Airport since June 2005. This company is a legal successor of Air Bosnia, which started operating at the Airport in 1994. The number of employees in the Department of Ground Handling sums to five, and there is also a ticketing office located at the Airport with two employees. Their tasks and duties include ground handling of passengers, baggage, cargo, supervision of the flights and all other jobs that Airport’s departments perform for this airline. The company of the BH Airlines emphasizes that they have an excellent cooperation with the airport management and officials. In addition, other departments of BH Airlines also operate at the Airport, such as engineering, dispatch OCC, security services and flight crew, all of them totaling to 70 employees who coordinate their 61 SIAM Austrian Airlines introduced the first flight on the route Vienna-Sarajevo in March 1997, and the same year the company opened its office at the Sarajevo Airport. "Once we started with regular flights to Vienna in 1997, in March of 2003 we introduced additional night flight that connected Vienna and Sarajevo even better, which led to greater flexibility in terms of available departure times for our passengers. Our goal in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to reach the high level of satisfaction for all of our stakeholders. Our local organization has 15 employees, who are responsible for maintaining the high quality service at all levels. We have a team dedicated to corporate clients and larger companies, team responsible for sales and marketing, as well as a support team for travel agen- AVIOKOMPANIJE/ AIRLINES rnosti i leta~ko osoblje, koje broje 70 zaposlenika i koordiniraju svoj rad sa aerodromskim slu`bama. Croatia Airlines Predstavništvo Croatia Airlinesa u Sarajevu zvani~no je otvoreno 28. novembra 1996. godine, a ova kompanije bila je prva aviokompanija koja je uspostavila redovan civilni zra~ni promet iz glavnog grada BiH. “Od trenutka kada je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo otvoren za civilni promet 1996. godine, Croatia Airlines svojim letovima povezuje Sara- work with the airport departments. Croatia Airlines The Croatia Airlines’ office was officially opened in Sarajevo on November 28th, 1996. This company was the first airline to open its branch at the Sarajevo International Airport and establish regular civilian air traffic from and to the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. "From the moment of re-opening the Sarajevo International Airport for civilian air traffic in 1996, Croatia Airlines’ flights have been connecting Sarajevo with Zagreb two times a day, and via Zagreb with all of the European and world metropolises. We try to offer our passengers the best possible service with an emphasis on the safety and comfort. SIAM 62 jevo sa Zagrebom dva puta dnevno, a preko Zagreba i sa svim evropskim i svjetskim metropolama. Trudimo se da svojim putnicima ponudimo što kvalitetniju uslugu sa posebnim naglaskom na sigurnost i udobnost. Kako je kompanija ~lan Star Alliancea, putnicima su na raspolaganju i mnoge dodatne pogodnosti najve}e zrakoplovne udruge na Since the company is a member of the Star Alliance, the passengers have at disposal many additional benefits offered by the largest aviation association in the world. Our branch at the Sarajevo Airport employs five people, who perform all necessary activities needed for the full service, including ticket sales, taking care of the passengers before/after the flight, cooperation with the airport authorities and similar duties. I would emphasize that we have established outstanding cooperation with all of the Sarajevo International Airport’s departments. Considering that we have been present at Sarajevo Airport since the beginning, we were able to offer their employees various forms of education lectured by our certified instructors, both at our training center in Zagreb and at their training center in Sarajevo. Our hope and goal is to continue this good cooperation in the future, for which we have all of the condi- AVIOKOMPANIJE/ AIRLINES svijetu. U našem predstavništvu na Aerodromu uposleno je pet djelatnika, koji obavljaju sve aktivnosti potrebne za cjelovitu uslugu, od prodaje karata, brige o putnicima uo~i/nakon leta, suradnje s aerodromskim slu`bama i sli~no. Naglasila bih da smo sa svim slu`bama Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo uspostavili vanredno dobru suradnju. S obzirom na to da smo od samog po~etka prisutni u ovoj zra~noj luci, njihovim djelatnicima mogli smo ponuditi razne vidove školovanja, kako u Zagrebu u našem školskom centru, tako i dolaskom naših certificiranih instruktora u njihov školski centar. Nadamo se, i `elja nam je, da se ovako dobra suradnja nastavi i u narednom periodu, za šta postoje svi uvjeti“, govori Snje`ana Krpan, direktorica predstavništva Croatia Airlinesa u BiH. Njema~ka aviokompanija Lufthansa je na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo prisutna od 1998. godine, od kada obavlja redovne letove. Lufthansa je obnovila veze sa svim ve}im centrima u regionu krajem 90-ih godina prošlog stolje}a, pa je na red došla i BiH. Radi prili~nog interesa i potreba putnika za brzom i kvalitetnom komunikacijom sa zemljama zapadne Evrope ustanovljena je prva linija na relaciji Minhen – Sarajevo, a 29. marta 1998. godine prvi Lufthansin avion sletio je u sarajevsku zra~nu luku. Lufthansa svakodnevno odr`ava redovnu liniju izme|u Sarajeva i Minhena, te na taj na~in predstavlja respektabilnu snagu, potporu i neizostavan dio prometne strukture na Sarajevskom aerodromu. Turkish Airlines Lufthansa Turkish Airlines je tako|er me|u tions already in place“, says Snje`ana Krpan, CEO of Croatia Airlines offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. prvim kompanijama koje su po~ele sa letovima za glavni grad BiH. Ova kompanija prva ~etiri leta obavila je u septembru 1996. godine. Tada je nastupila pauza do novembra 1997. godine, kada je ova kompanija zapo~ela sa redovnim letovima za Sarajevo. “Naše predstavništvo na Sarajevskom aerodromu ima 10 zaposlenih, koji su na usluzi putnicima na ovom aerodromu. Letovi se obavljaju po ljetnjem i zimskom periodu letenja. U zimskom peroidu imamo ~etiri leta sedmi~no, dok se po ljetnjem redu letovi obavljaju dnevno. Tako|er, imamo i kooperaciju sa BH Airlinesom, gdje dijelimo putnike. Naša saradnja sa aerodromskim slu`bama je izuzetna, a ona se ogleda u svakodnevnoj saradnji i koordinaciji. Do sada nikada nismo imali problema u rješavanju naših zahtjeva, a nadamo se da }e se ovakva saradnja nastaviti i u budu}nosti“, rekao je Emir Fazlibegovi}, station manager Turkish Airlinesa. Turkish Airlines Lufthansa 63 SIAM The German airline Lufthansa has been present at the Sarajevo International Airport since 1998. Since then, it has been performing scheduled flights. Lufthansa has renewed its ties with all the major centers in the region at the end of the 90-ies of the last century, including the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Because of the travelers’ high interest and needs for a quick and quality connection with the countries of Western Europe, the first flight was established on the route Munich – Sarajevo, and the first Lufthansa airplane landed at the Sarajevo Airport on March 29th, 1998. Lufthansa maintains a scheduled flight route between Sarajevo and Munich on a daily basis, and thus represents a respectable force, support and an indispensable part of the traffic structure at the Sarajevo Airport. Turkish Airlines was also among the first carriers that started its flying services to the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This company conducted its first four flights in September 1996. From then on, they stopped their operations until November 1997, when they decided to establish scheduled flights to Sarajevo. "Our office at the Sarajevo Airport has 10 employees, who are at service to the passengers at this airport. Flights are carried out in both summer and winter flying season. In the winter we have four flights a week, while in the summer there are five daily operations. We also have cooperation with BH Airlines, where we share our passengers. Our cooperation with the Sarajevo Airport’s departments is extraordinary, and it is reflected in our daily cooperation and coordination. So far we never had a problem in resolving our requests, and we hope that this cooperation will continue in the future“, said Emir Fazlibegovi}, station manager of the Turkish Airlines. RASPORED LETENJA / FLIHGT SCHEDULES J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. Vrijedi do izdavanja novog reda letenja ZIMSKI RED LETENJA Datum izrade: 30.10.12 Zadani period pregleda: 31.10.12-30.03.13 PONEDJELJAK/MONDAY ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od R.B. Broj linije 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RAC 7001 ANCONA SOP 4120 BEOGRAD LH 1730 MUNICH JP 700 LJUBLJANA OS 757 VIENNA OU 344 ZAGREB JA 407 COPENHAGEN OU 344 ZAGREB TK 1025 OS 759 ISTANBUL VIENNA OS 759 JU 108 OU 342 VIENNA BEOGRAD ZAGREB OU 342 JA 107 ZAGREB ISTANBUL 08:15 11:00 12:35 12:55 14:20 15:00 15:00 15:00 18:00 21:40 21:40 21:45 22:00 22:00 23:00 JU 109 OU 341 JA 406 OS 760 BEOGRAD ZAGREB COPENHAGEN VIENNA LH 1731 JP 701 OS 758 MUNICH LJUBLJANA VIENNA OU 345 ZAGREB OU 345 SOP 4121 ZAGREB BEOGRAD JA 106 RAC 9002 TK 1026 ISTANBUL ANCONA ISTANBUL 06:20 06:30 07:00 07:40 13:15 13:25 15:05 15:30 15:30 16:35 17:00 17:55 18:55 redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 07.01.13 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 05.11.12 04.03.13 05.11.12 05.11.12 07.01.13 05.11.12 Va`i do 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 24.12.12 25.03.13 25.03.13 25.03.13 05.11.12 25.03.13 25.03.13 26.11.12 25.03.13 25.03.13 17.12.12 25.03.13 05.11.12 UTORAK/TUESDAY ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od R.B. Broj linije 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SIAM 64 TK 1021 RAC 7001 SOP 4120 4U 492 LH 1730 JP 700 OS 757 TK 1025 JU 108 OS 759 OU 342 OU 342 JA 107 ISTANBUL ANCONA BEOGRAD KOELN MUNICH LJUBLJANA VIENNA ISTANBUL BEOGRAD VIENNA ZAGREB ZAGREB ISTANBUL 10:25 10:35 11:25 12:30 12:35 12:55 14:20 18:00 21:40 21:40 22:00 22:00 23:00 JU 109 OU 341 OU 341 BEOGRAD ZAGREB ZAGREB OS 760 OS 760 TK 1022 VIENNA VIENNA ISTANBUL 4U 493 LH 1731 JP 701 OS 758 SOP 4121 JA 106 RAC 9002 TK 1026 KOELN MUNICH LJUBLJANA VIENNA BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ANCONA ISTANBUL 06:20 06:30 06:30 07:40 07:40 11:20 13:10 13:15 13:25 15:05 16:35 17:00 17:55 18:55 redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni 06.11.12 06.11.12 08.01.13 06.11.12 05.03.13 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 06.11.12 01.01.13 06.11.12 Va`i do 26.03.13 18.12.12 26.03.13 27.11.12 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 06.11.12 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 26.03.13 18.12.12 26.03.13 06.11.12 RASPORED LETENJA / FLIHGT SCHEDULES J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. Vrijedi do izdavanja novog reda letenja ZIMSKI RED LETENJA Datum izrade: 30.10.12 Zadani period pregleda: 31.10.12-30.03.13 SRIJEDA/WEDNESDAY ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od R.B. Broj linije Va`i do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27.03.13 19.12.12 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 07.11.12 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 27.03.13 07.11.12 JU 109 OU 341 OU 341 TK 1021 ISTANBUL RAC 7001 ANCONA SOP 4120 BEOGRAD LH 1730 MUNICH JP 700 LJUBLJANA JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA OS 757 VIENNA OU 344 ZAGREB OS 759 JU 108 OU 342 JA 107 VIENNA BEOGRAD ZAGREB ISTANBUL 10:25 10:35 11:25 12:35 12:55 14:10 14:20 15:00 BEOGRAD ZAGREB ZAGREB JA 306 B.LUKA /ZURICH OS 760 VIENNA ISTANBUL TK 1022 LH 1731 06:20 06:30 06:30 07:35 07:40 11:20 JP 701 MUNICH LJUBLJANA 13:15 13:25 OS 758 OU 345 SOP 4121 JA 106 RAC 9002 VIENNA ZAGREB BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ANCONA 15:05 15:30 16:35 17:00 17:55 21:40 21:45 22:00 23:00 redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni 31.10.12 31.10.12 02.01.13 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 31.10.12 ^ETVRTAK/THURSDAY Va`i do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 08.11.12 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 28.03.13 08.11.12 TK 1021 RAC 7001 SOP 4120 LH 1730 JP 700 OS 757 ISTANBUL ANCONA BEOGRAD MUNICH LJUBLJANA VIENNA 10:25 10:35 11:25 12:35 12:55 14:20 TK 1025 JU 108 OS 759 OU 342 JA 107 ISTANBUL BEOGRAD VIENNA ZAGREB ISTANBUL 18:00 21:40 21:40 22:00 23:00 JU 109 OU 341 BEOGRAD ZAGREB OS 760 TK 1022 VIENNA ISTANBUL 06:20 06:30 07:40 11:20 LH 1731 JP 701 OS 758 SOP 4121 JA 106 RAC 9002 TK 1026 MUNICH LJUBLJANA VIENNA BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ANCONA ISTANBUL 13:15 13:25 15:05 16:35 17:00 17:55 18:55 redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 01.11.12 65 SIAM ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od R.B. Broj linije RASPORED LETENJA / FLIHGT SCHEDULES J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. Vrijedi do izdavanja novog reda letenja ZIMSKI RED LETENJA Datum izrade: 30.10.12 Zadani period pregleda: 31.10.12-30.03.13 PETAK/FRIDAY R.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Broj linije ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od JU 109 OU 341 JA 406 OS 760 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 02.11.12 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 09.11.12 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 29.03.13 09.11.12 ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od R.B. Broj linije Va`i do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 30.03.13 30.03.13 30.03.13 30.03.13 30.03.13 30.03.13 30.03.13 30.03.13 30.03.13 16.03.13 10.11.12 30.03.13 03.11.12 30.03.13 30.03.13 10.11.12 RAC 7001 SOP 4120 LH 1730 JP 700 ANCONA BEOGRAD MUNICH LJUBLJANA 10:35 11:25 12:35 12:55 OS 757 OU 344 JA 407 VIENNA ZAGREB COPENHAGEN 14:20 15:00 15:00 TK 1025 ISTANBUL JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA OS 759 VIENNA JU 108 BEOGRAD OU 342 ZAGREB JA 107 ISTANBUL 18:00 20:45 21:40 21:45 22:00 23:00 BEOGRAD ZAGREB COPENHAGEN VIENNA 06:20 LH 1731 MUNICH JP 701 LJUBLJANA JA 306 B.LUKA /ZURICH OS 758 VIENNA OU 345 ZAGREB 13:15 13:25 14:15 15:05 15:30 SOP 4121 JA 106 RAC 9002 TK 1026 BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ANCONA ISTANBUL 06:30 07:00 07:40 16:35 17:00 17:55 18:55 redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i do SUBOTA/SATURDAY SIAM 66 TK 1021 ISTANBUL LH 1730 MUNICH 4U 2496 STUTTGART JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA OS 757 VIENNA 4U 492 KOELN 10:25 12:35 13:30 14:10 14:20 16:20 4U 492 4U 2496 JU 108 OU 342 JA 107 18:30 18:45 21:40 22:00 23:00 KOELN STUTTGART BEOGRAD ZAGREB ISTANBUL JU 109 BEOGRAD OU 341 ZAGREB JA 306 B.LUKA /ZURICH OS 760 VIENNA TK 1022 ISTANBUL LH 1731 MUNICH 4U 2497 STUTTGART 06:20 06:30 07:35 07:40 11:20 13:15 14:10 OS 758 4U 493 JA 106 4U 493 4U 2497 15:05 17:00 17:00 19:10 19:25 VIENNA KOELN ISTANBUL KOELN STUTTGART redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 10.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 23.03.13 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 03.11.12 RASPORED LETENJA / FLIGHT SCHEDULES J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. Vrijedi do izdavanja novog reda letenja ZIMSKI RED LETENJA Datum izrade: 30.10.12 Zadani period pregleda: 31.10.12-30.03.13 NEDJELJA/SUNDAY ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od R.B. Broj linije Va`i do 1 2 3 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 4 LH 1730 MUNICH 5 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 6 7 OS 757 VIENNA 8 OU 344 ZAGREB 9 10 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 11 JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA 12 OS 759 VIENNA 13 JU 108 BEOGRAD 14 OU 342 ZAGREB 15 JA 107 ISTANBUL 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 11.11.12 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 24.03.13 11.11.12 10:25 12:35 12:55 14:20 15:30 18:00 20:45 21:40 21:45 22:00 23:00 JU 109 BEOGRAD OU 341 ZAGREB TK 1022 ISTANBUL LH 1731 MUNICH JP 701 LJUBLJANA JA 306 B.LUKA /ZURICH OS 758 VIENNA OU 345 ZAGREB JA 106 ISTANBUL TK 1026 ISTANBUL 06:20 06:30 11:20 13:15 13:25 14:15 15:05 16:00 17:00 18:55 redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12 04.11.12