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Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
We are also proud of the fact that most clients
who chose ACB for their working environment
are still here and extending their long term lease
agreements. I hope we have some good and prosperous times ahead of us in the years to come.
So let me again wish you a successful year ahead,
both business wise and personally.
povećanje sopstvene efikasnosti ključ uspeha u borbi
s opštom krizom u kojoj se još uvek nalazimo. Za nas
u Airport City-ju ova borba je daleko lakša i uspešnija budući da smo okruženi našim lojalnim klijentima.
Svaki njihov uspeh i nas čini srećnim i ponosnim što
smo u tako dobrom društvu.
Ponosni smo takođe i na činjenicu da je velika većina
klijenata koja nam je poklonila poverenje da budemo mesto njihovog poslovanja i neki od njih upravo
produžavaju svoje dugoročne ugovore. Zato se nadam u ime svih nas da nas čekaju dobra i uspešna
vremena u godinama pred nama.
Dozvolite mi još jednom da vam svima poželim uspešnu sledeću godinu na poslovnom i ličnom planu.
Adir El Al
Adir El Al
Foto session December, 2012
it was a real joy&fun to work on this creative task…
Editor’s word
Rec urednika
Since it’s the end of the year and everyone is trying to
somehow leave their worries behind in this year and
go on with more positive emotions in the next year,
we tried to find creative potential in the immediate
environment, believing that conquering the hidden dimensions of the environment will become an additional
source of creative and positive energy.
Pošto je kraj godine i svi se trude da nekako ostave
brige u ovoj, te krenu s više pozitivnih emocija u sledeću
godinu, pokušali smo da otkrijemo kreativni potencijal
u našem neposrednom okruženju, verujući da će nam
ta osvojena skrivena dimenzija prostora postati dodatni
izvor kreativne i pozitivne energije.
So, we wanted at the end of 2012 to see our primary
business environment and architecture that serves the
function of business in a different way - through the
lens of an artist. We tried to engage a team of creative
artists to bring together a space where we spend our
business time with a space of artistic freedom.
Did we try to combine the incompatible? Your reactions
will provide our answer.
Happy holidays everyone and may you meet your desires that you have shared with us on these pages and
those secret ones you have saved from excuses!
Sincerely yours
Dakle, poželeli smo da na kraju 2012. vidimo naše, primarno poslovno okruženje i arhitekturu koja je u funkciji
biznisa, na jedan drugi način - kroz objektiv umetnika.
Pokušali smo da angažovanjem tima kreativnih umetnika spojimo prostor u kome provodimo svoje poslovno
vreme s prostorom umetničke slobode.
Pokušaj da spojimo nespojivo? Vaše reakcije će nam biti
Srećni svi praznici i neka vam se ispune želje koje ste
s nama podelili na ovim stranicama, kao i one potajne
koje ste sačuvali od izgovora!
Iskreno vaša
Marina Deleon
Communication Advisor
Marina Deleon
Communication Advisor
> EVENT 17.12.2012
more efficient is the key to success in the time of
crisis we are still in the midst of. For us at Airport City the struggle was so much easier working
alongside our loyal clients and we are really happy
for each and every success they achieve.
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Mladen Krstanović,
Banca Intesa
sea. But maybe I won’t be able to hold out and I’ll end
up going somewhere for seven days skiing!
Storks Will Return
Compass for
Marija Jovanović, Travel House
My New Year’s wish is
for business at our ACB
branch to further develop
and for us all to stay on
the same team. Personally,
I would like another baby. I already have a daughter,
Saša, who will turn three in January. I am satisfied with
my life and have no material needs. Under the Christmas
tree it is most important that there are nice gifts for my
child. My favourite gift now is something for her and I
try to make sure she is happy - then we are happy. She
loves books, but does not like dolls much. She loves to
draw and write and it very creative, so I’ll buy for her
and myself a large packge of Lego for New Year. And
there will be few more fairytales, since we always read
two at bedtime...
What would you like for New Year
Santa’s Sleigh flies across the sky
Marija Kovačević, Societe General banka Srbija
Vratiće se rode
Moja novogodišnja poslovna želja je da se naša ekspozitura u ACB-u još više razvije i da ostanemo svi u istom
timu. A privatno bih želala još jednu bebicu. Već imam
ćerku Sašu koja će imati tri godine u januaru. Ja sam
zadovoljna svojim životom i ništa materijalno mi nije
potrebno. Pod jelkom je najvažnije da budu lepi pokloni
za moje dete. Meni je sada najdraži poklon nešto što je
za nju i trudim se da ona bude srećna- onda smo i mi
srećni. Ona obožava knjige, a lutke i ne voli baš mnogo.
Voli da crta, piše i veoma je kreativna, tako da ću njoj i
sebi kupiti veliko pakovanje lego kocki za Novu godinu.
A, biće tu i još poneka bajka pošto čitamo uvek po dve
pred spavanje...
Šta biste želeli da dobijete za Novu godinu
Sanke Deda Mraza preko neba jezde
Vladimir Veljović, Health
institution Vizim
Sirtaki or flamenco
There is nothing special as a
gift I would like to get for
New Year. I have a common desire for good health,
a successful business year
that I want and to be with my family and colleagues.
But I would still like to travel somewhere just for the
New Year holidays, to Greece or Spain, to some southern sea ... in warmer regions.
Vladimir Veljović , Dom zdravlja Vizim
Sirtaki ili flamenko
Ne postoji ništa posebno što bih kao poklon voleo da
dobijem za Novu godinu. Imam uobičajene želje za
dobro zdravlje, uspešnu poslovnu godinu što želim i
svojoj porodici i kolegama. Ali voleo bih ipak da otputujem negde upravo za novogodišnje praznike, u Grčku ili
Španiju, na neka mora južna …u toplije krajeve.
Ivana Protić, Carvel
Suleiman Visiting
I want health first and
foremost, and for my love
life to be okay. It is my
great desire, and this for
me would be the best gift,
to go to Turkey in 2013. I
do not follow the soap operas, but I am drawn to the
Orient and our shared history. I like places where there’s
something to see and learn. It’s not the most important
to me entertainment and nightlife, I prefer to visit some
sights that we don’t have and meet with the culture of
other nations.
Ivana Protić, Carvel
Sulejmanu u pohode
Želim zdravlje na prvom mestu i da mi ljubav bude OK.
Velika mi je želja i to bi za mene bio najlepši poklon da
odem u Tursku 2013. godine. Ne pratim serije, ali me
privlači Orijent i naša zajednička prošlost. Volim mesta
na kojima ima šta da se vidi i nauči. Nije mi najvažniji
provod i noćni život, više volim da obiđem neke znamenitosti koje mi nemamo i da se upoznam sa kulturom
drugih naroda.
I scuba dive so I’d like to
get some diving equipment.
For instance something that
I’m missing: an underwater compass or a knife or something. An underwater
compass is not very expensive, costing about fifty euros.
Every year I try to dive at three or four locations. For
example 2012th I was in Croatia and Egypt. And here
I was diving a little but that does not count, little Ada
Ciganlija and White Church. I dive for three years and
it’s my hobby. Otherwise diving is more dangerous sport
if you follow the rules and are well prepared.
Da se ponovo zaljubim
Volela bih da se u novoj godini zaljubim. To bi mi bio
najlepši poklon, kao u onoj pesmi “ da mi je da se još
jednom zaljubim....” To bih baš volela - samo to! A
onda bih posle možda poželela da otputujem na neku
egzotičnu destinaciju , na primer na Tajland. Inače ja sam
skijaš, ali bih ove zime više volela da otputujem na neka
topla mora. A možda i ne izdržim, pa ipak odem sedam
dana negde na skijanje!
Nemanja Bekan,
CB Richard Ellis
Winter holiday
as a gift
Mladen Krstanović, Banka Inteza
Kompas i za sreću
Ja se bavim ronjenjem tako da bih voleo da dobijem neki
deo ronilačke opreme. Recimo nešto što mi fali: kompas
ili podvodni nož ili tako nešto. Podvodni kompas nije
mnogo skup, košta oko pedeset evra. Trudim se svake
godine da ronim na tri, četiri lokacije. Na primer 2012.
sam bio u Hrvatskoj i Egiptu. I ovde sam malo ronio ali
to ne računam, malo Ada Ciganlija i Bela Crkva. Ronim
već tri godine i to mi je hobi. Inače ronjenje nije više
opasan sport ako poštujete pravila i dobro se pripremite.
Zorica Trivić, Banca Intesa
Mulled wine on
I would like to welcome in the
New Year with my nearest
and dearest in a beautiful
and remarkable place, with
drinks and music that we all
love. The most beautiful gift for me will be New Year’s Eve
on Kopaonik. I love skiing, but also walking in the snow, and
meteorologists predict a lot of snow this year. I’m looking
forward joyously to a New Year’s snowball fight, sledding and
hanging out with some mulled wine ... and that’s it.
> Commercial /Ads/ Clients News
Marija Kovačević, Societe
Generale Bank Serbia
I would like someone to buy
me a nice winter holiday.
No matter where, as long
as it’s in the snow. Could be
Slovenia, Jahorina or something, nothing too exclusive
or over-the-top, just some nice resort in the neighbourhood. I’d like to await New Year in the snow, to ski and
spend the evening with friends.
Nemanja Bekan, CB Richard Ellis
Zimovanje na poklon
Voleo bih da mi neko uplati neko lepo zimovanje. Nebitno
gde, samo da je na snegu. Može Slovenija, Jahorina ili tako
nešto, ništa ekskluzivno i preterano, neko lepo skijalište u
komšiluku. Voleo bih da na snegu dočekam i Novu godinu,
da se skijam, a uveče provodim sa društvom.
Zorica Trivić, Banka Inteza
Kuvano vino na Kopaoniku
Volela bih da Novu godinu dočekam sa meni dragim
osobama na nekom lepom i izuzetnom mestu, uz
piće i muziku koju svi volimo. Najlepši poklon biće mi
novogodišnji doček na Kopaoniku. Obožavam skijanje ali
i šetnje po snegu, a ove godine meteorolozi predviđaju
puno snega.Unapred se radujem novogodišnjem grudvanju, sankanju i provodu uz neko kuvano vino …i to je to.
Nina Džađić, HP
More time...
In the coming year I want a
little more free time. I have
some, but not enough. I would
like for myself more walks in
nature because we spend up
to nine or ten hours in the
office and then go home and throw ourselves on those daily
current affairs ... and so our free time just melts away.
Nina Džađić, HP
Više vremena, aman
U Novoj godini želim malo više slobodnog vremena.
Imam ga, ali ne dovoljno. Poželela bih sebi više šetnji u
prirodi pošto provodimo po devet, deset sati u kancelariji, a onda odeš kući i baciš se na sve one svakodnevne
tekuće poslove…i tako se slobodno vreme prosto istopi.
Marija Jovanović, World Wide
To fall in love again
I’d like to fall in love in the
new year. That would be the
most beautiful gift, like in
that song “let me fall in love
again ....” I would really like just that! And then after I might like to travel to some
exotic destination, for example Thailand. Otherwise I’m a
skier, but this winter I would prefer to travel to a warm
The best gift ever
Jasna Đurović manager of the branch of
Societe Generale Bank Serbia at Airport City
Cheap is that which money buys
Each New Year for me is the most beautiful, which is
why I try to give everyone something. The tradition
we have in the family means a lot to me and I want to
pass that on to my family. I have a brother who is 18
years old, so we are traditionally there on 1st January in
the morning all with my mum, dad and grandmother
opening presents that were under the tree.
In life there were a lot of nice gifts, but I prefer to give
than to receive and that fills me up. I love when I give
someone something they really wanted. That is why to
me those moments are so beautiful when opening New
Year’s gifts that bring a smile to the faces of those I love.
All I want for myself and others in 2013 is to be alive and
well, to have a little luck and a lot of smiles, because they
say the cheap stuff is that which money can buy.
We held our conversation with
Dragana Ognjenović in the
atmosphere of restaurant Pire,
which is one more segment
of life designed by D.O.
For criticism, but much more for Belgraders, the signbrand of Dragana Ognjenović is primarily associated with
simplicity and adjustedness-categories in which it is probably the most difficult to stay consistent.
We talk between small servings about everything from
slow food and soul food to fashion, corporate design and
fireworks of the white colour of salt in Dragana’s latest
project SO[L] – SALT in Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012.
Is design an integral part of life, lifestyle, work that is more
than that, or is design for you the very concept of life?
Razgovor s Draganom Ognjenović
Jasna Đurović menadžerka ekspoziture
Societe Generale banke Srbija u Airport City-ju
vodili smo u ambijentu restorana
Jeftino je ono što se kupuje novcem
Pire, još jednim segmentom života
Svaka nova godina za mene je nešto najlepše zato što
se trudim da svima poklonim po nešto. Mnogo mi znači
tradicija koju imamo u porodici i to želim da prenesem na
svoju porodicu. Imam brata koji ima 18 godina, tako da
smo tradicionalno prvog januara ujutru svi tu i s mamom,
tatom i bakom otvaramo poklone koji su ispod jelke.
U životu je bilo dosta lepih poklona, ali ja više volim da
darujem nego da budem darovana i to me najviše ispunjava. Volim kada dam nekome nešto što je baš želeo.
Zato su mi tako lepi trenuci otvaranja novogodišnjih
poklona koji izmame osmehe na licima onih koje volim.
Jedino što želim sebi i drugima u 2013. godini je da
budemo živi i zdravi, malo sreće i puno osmeha, jer kako
kažu jeftino je samo ono što novcem može da se kupi.
designed by D.O.
Essentially, if we look back and try to determine what
would characterise the space in which I have dealt with
and deal with there are lots of things, or the same one
all these years, the driving force and what characterised
the entire process is curiosity, the curiosity that concerns
things and not people, the desire for drawing and creating new things and passion for design from which I have
not been able to save myself for as long as I can remember myself.
Your need for designing the environment really dates
back that far?
ship to the world – quite simply: I was constantly drawing.
It’s not about whether I could, wanted or intended, I
simply couldn’t exist any longer without that, it’s a part
of me and the essence of who I am. Design for me is
shaping in the broadest sense, while only its parts are
fashion and designing a dress and a coffee cup, ending
with ambience or food.
If design research is the essence of everything you do,
how much is voluntary and planned in that process?
The creative process is not easy to explain. And it cannot
be commanded. As I worked on very disparate things,
conventional wisdom is that it is a process in which the
artist imagines in advance what they will do, what they
want to achieve in any genre or which material they will
test ... But I have no universal plans… I simply draw. And
then, in parallel, designing my environment and trying out
in a variety of genres comes naturally. I have never imagined in advance that I want to design a cup for example.
From some sequence of thoughts, searching, and often a
need, drawing in the end just happened or is not quite
that. And the people in my life came to me also in that
way, spontaneously and without any intention...
How does design fit in cooperation with business people?
By Marina Deleon
Essentially yes, I learned to sew at an early age, almost
before I started writing. After that my main form of expression became drawing, and then when I found out
that there are textiles. All this together defined me and
there was no more discussion about what I like or more
or should I develop as a personal expression and relation-
It does not fit so easily.
For me, two things are essential for design: technology
and patience. In order for a product to be designed and
developed, it takes a lot of patience and courage to wait
for the completion of the process. I think that only brave
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
If we become aware of that area I believe that everyone
in the company who decides about these things should
primarily ask themselves what happened to all those discarded and forgotten gifts received and which fall into
the category of “dust catchers” on the shelves or ended
up as rubbish... that’s not just a question of throwing
away money, but rather also that you never remember
who gave it to you. Therefore, you should not place
yourself among the order of such givers. Moreover, this
money can be use for more useful giving.
Texture gives tone and combinations. There is black blacker than earth, black-grey and skies that are awfully white
and white-white salt to dirty pink, grey ... all in all, not
three lives are enough to enumerate all the colours in this
black-and-white spectrum.
A business gift would, for me, be in some way beneficial,
but it would primarily be desirable to have a human and
artistic message - I think the combination of creativity and
need is the answer for a successful gift. If you also manage to incorporate the moment of surprise, to find artistic
expression for the attention and the message ...
It’s hard to live off of what they do, but they also have a
window through which they can see the world differently
than others. Gloominess must be overcome.
And never should one underestimate the consumer. He certainly thinks. Each gift we received and which was perhaps
modest, but that was appropriate, stayed in our heart.
I think so. And that’s why philosophy and art mix more
at other times. Philosophy is important and reflection is
important and for this collaborative effort it may be possible to open the doors and windows that allow you to
see the sky behind the lead. When people are imprisoned,
as they are often in politics, then freedom scares them,
and freedom is the most important. Communication and
exchange of opinions and common reflection of different
views, learning and education, especially transparency, are
very important and can be a way out.
In which way has Airport City been inspirational for you?
Inspiring to me is the cooperation with you. I do not know if
I would have opted for Airport City independently and without a call from Marina Deleon, communication advisor who
created concept for this task. I am motivated by working
with people who have passion and belief that things can be
done and launched, as was the case in your thinking about
this task. In this task it’s important to me that there is a serious challenge – this was just that, impossible... to take something that is corporate and accurate and to try to represent
it with more substance, in another way and to add another,
different picture. In fact, to view it from a different angle.
I like to work with people in whom I do not have to
doubt. Then I work easily .... It was very inspiring to work
also with these young people, it’s always both a great
pleasure and privilege. Jovana Mirosavljević, a Belgrader,
currently a ballerina of the theatre in Rijeka, was not in
Airport City ... Another illustration of the separate worlds
of art and business. Marko Sovilj, who saw this architecture in a new way. Marko Nikolić did great make-up... I
believe that a link between art and business would be
very useful, especially in the times in which we live today.
On would refresh the other and not undermine it, as is
commonly thought.
The climate was also a limitation on us, or maybe also
gave us breadth. I love hard tasks and they are often
inspiring to me.
and far-sighted business people can be serious about in- Maybe this is a good time to go back to our business envesting in artistic creation and design. Unfortunately, in vironment and the topic of corporate gifts, which is alour region, despite the fact that
ways very topical in this month
we have a serious lack of tech- While we’re already speaking about presents, of the year
nology, there is no patience for what would you like to receive for New Year?
those who invest in a product.
The essence of gift giving is
We also lack awareness that it For New Year I would like to get a rare perfume in ourselves. Also the way we
is necessary over time to invest that is not expensive, but is rarely made (off the give and think of a gift. To me,
the money to show their worth record, we found out which one...)
with a gift it is primarily imthrough a mature and conportant to pay attention to the
quered product, and without it What gift do you remember?
other, and then to oneself. All
there is no achieving of quality.
we want for us to comprise a
Design is simply not an area in I got some gifts that I remember, but the point is gift should be given. I do not
which it is possible to rapidly that they were given at the right time and were believe in the usefulness and
turnover money, except that it intended precisely for me (which I think is the even the possibility of a posiis perhaps the biggest gain after essence of a gift). On one occasion I got a tiny tive effect of the gifts that are
that time is waited.
booklet of songs, at the moment when those given only as a formality and
songs meant something to me and when the that have no true dimension of
Is that not a pessimistic view? dedication meant something... all in all, it made attention in the sense of conthe gift memorable. I also get stones. Usually. My ceived effort. The same goes
It probably is if we look from the very close friends know that I love rocks. So I get for corporate gifts. Through the
perspective of our surroundings. stones from different places they travel to. This is gift we give to transmit much
I believe that there are areas nothing expensive, but to me its precious. Simply, more, but also to educate. A
that are still inclined or are still pick up stones from the street...
gift should have a dimension
fertile ground for design, such as
primarily of enjoyment, then
India. In countries like India there’s still a belief in human of surprise ... The person who receives it, even if it is
activity, in man - a master who will patiently teach, will also a company, remembers that which made an impression
conquer masterfully shaping. This kind of approach, time, at the time. What remains is remembered. The main
patience, I think is not possible in the corporate world that purpose of everything is always to respect. Others and
is only interested in fast money and consumption.
It is obvious that Airport City is a good space and well organized and that it provides a good business environment
for the people who use it. By the photographs it can be
seen what were the interesting points for me. Everywhere
where there is room for a touch of art, a blend of creativity and pragmatism. It would be wonderful to have many
more such points.
This is a business city and it can be seen from the motives of our photos that our gaze was held by the places
that have the potential to be places for the exchange of
energy: square, fences, benches etc. A meeting place, the
ability to shelter from the rain to sit on a bench ... But a
city is still comprised of art, the relationship towards that
and communication and that’s why we took photos of the
sculpture, fence, plane… maybe after work when each
tenant of this place leaves the office some others could
come, to the restaurant to have dinner, to take a walk and
give this city another dimension...
To highlight a little the aspect of black and white in this
story. In front of us are black and white photos that are
very expressive. On the other hand I have found your
fashion has always been synonymous with minimalism
and in black and white. But it’s not like a world without
colour, on the contrary, so black and white photos of
your models in the environment ACB seem soft and not
at all “colourless”.
For me neither black nor white are just that. That external
colourless it a blazing space.
They accuse me of being naïve, but when it comes to
times that are tough and grim per se and are not inspiring or push forward, in such times it is somehow easier
for creative people ... or is it really difficult for them?
Do you think creative people are able to see an exit that
others are not in a position to see?
Za kritiku ali još mnogo više za Beograđane brand Dragana Ognjenović prevashodno asocira na jednostavnost
i svedenost – kategorije u kojima je verovatno najteže
ostati dosledan.
Razgovaramo između malih obroka o svemu od slow
food-a i soul food-a do mode, korporativnog designa
i vatrometa bele boje soli u Draganinom poslednjem
projektu SO[L]- SALT u Mariboru, evropskoj prestonici
kulture 2012.
Da li je dizajn sastavni deo života, životni stil, posao koji
je više od toga ili je dizajniranje za tebe koncept života?
Suštinski, ako se zagledam unazad i pokušam da odredim
šta bi odlikovalo prostor u kome sam se bavila i bavim
mnoštvom stvari ili jednom istom svih ovih godina, pokretačka energija i ono što odlikuje kompletan proces jeste
znatiželja, ona znatiželja koja se tiče stvari a ne ljudi, želja
za crtanjem i stvaranjem novog i pasija prema dizajnu od
koje ne mogu da se spasim od kako znam za sebe.
Potreba za oblikovanjem okoline datira stvarno tako
U suštini da, naučila sam da šijem jako rano, praktično pre
nego što sam počela da pišem. Nakon toga, moj osnovni izraz
je postao crtež, a posle toga kada sam saznala da postoji tekstil. Sve se to, zajedno definisalo i nije više bilo diskusije oko
toga šta volim ili šta bi trebalo da razvijam kao lični izraz i
odnos prema svetu -najjednostavnije: stalno sam crtala.
Ne radi se o tome da li sam to mogla, želela ili nameravala, jednostavno nisam više umela da postojim bez toga,
to je deo mene i suština onoga sto jesam. Dizajn je za
mene oblikovanje u najširem smislu, a samo njegov deo
su moda i oblikovanje haljina i šolja za kafu, završno sa
ambijentom ili hranom.
Ako je dizajnersko istraživanje suština svega što radiš,
koliko ima voljnog i planiranog u tom procesu?
Kreativni proces nije jednostavno objasniti. A nije mu moguće komandovati. Kako sam radila veoma raznorodne
stvari, uobičajeno mišljenje je da je to proces u kome
umetnik unapred zamisli šta će raditi, šta želi da postigne
u kom žanru ili u kom će se materijalu oprobati... Ali
ja nemam globalne planove, jednostavno crtam. A onda,
paralelno, oblikovanje okoline i oprobavanje u različitim
žanrovima stigne spontano. Nikada nisam unapred zamislila da želim da dizajniram naprimer šolju. Iz nekog sleda
promišljanja, traženja, često i potrebe crtanja na kraju se
desilo ili nije baš to. I ljudi su u mom životu dolazili do
mene isto tako, spontano i bez namere...
Kako se dizajn uklapa u saradnju s ljudima iz biznisa?
Ne uklapa se tako lako.
Po meni, dve stvari su esencijalne za dizajn: tehnologija
i strpljenje. Da bi se jedan proizvod oblikovao i razvio,
potrebno je mnogo strpljenja ali i hrabrosti da se sačeka
završetak tog procesa. Mislim da samo hrabri i dalekovidi
ljudi iz biznisa mogu da se ozbiljno bave investiranjem u
umetničko oblikovanje i dizajn. Nažalost, u našim predelima, pored toga što imamo ozbiljan nedostatak tehnologije, nema ni strpljenja kod onih koji investiraju u proizvod.
Takođe ne postoji svest da je neophodno vreme uloženom
novcu da pokaže svoju vrednost kroz zreo i osvojen proizvod, a bez toga nema postizanja kvaliteta. Dizajn prosto
nije oblast u kojoj je moguć brz obrt novca, osim što je
možda najveća dobit nakon što se to vreme sačeka.
Nije li to pesimističan pogled?
Verovatno da jeste ako posmatramo iz perspektive našeg okruženja. Verujem da su prostori koji
su još uvek naklonjeniji ili su još
uvek pogodno tle za dizajn, npr
Indija. U zemljama kao što je Indija i dalje postoji vera u ljudsku
delatnost, u čoveka - majstora
koji će nešto strpljivo naučiti,
osvojiti i majstorski oblikovati.
Takva vrsta pristupa, vremena,
strpljenja mislim da nije više
moguća u korporativnom svetu
koga jedino zanimaju brz novac
i potrošnja.
strast i veru da se stvari mogu uraditi i pokrenuti, kao
što je bilo u tvom promišljanju zadatka. U tom zadatku,
važno mi je da postoji ozbiljan izazov - ovo je bilo baš to,
nemoguće... da nešto što je korporativno i precizno pokušamo da predstavimo na sočniji, drugi način i da dodamo
još jednu, drugačiju sliku. Zapravo, viđenje iz drugog ugla.
Volim da radim s ljudima u koje ne moram da sumnjam.
Onda radim lako.... Bilo mi je jako inspirativno takođe da
radim s ovim mladim ljudima, to je uvek veliko uzajamno
uživanje i privilegija. Jovana Mirosavljević, beograđanka, trenutno balerina pozorišta u Rijeci nije bila u Airport City-ju...
Još jedna ilustracija odvojenih svetova umetnosti i biznisa.
Marko Sovilj, koji je ovu arhitekturu video na nov način. Marko Nikolić koji je uradio sjajan make-up... Verujem da bi link
između umetnosti i biznisa bio izuzetno koristan pogotovo u
vremenima u kojima danas živimo. Jedno drugo bi osvežilo, a
ne ugrozilo kako se uobičajeno misli.
Kada već pričamo o poklonima: šta bi volela da Klima nam je bila takođe ogranidobiješ za Novu godinu?
čenje ili možda nam je dala širinu. Volim teške zadatke i često
Za Novu godinu bih volela da dobijem jedan redak su mi inspiracija.
parfem koji nije skup, ali se retko pravi (off the
record saznali smo koji je ...)
Očigledno je da je Airport City
dobar prostor i dobro organizoŠta je poklon koji pamtis?
van i da pruža dobro poslovno
Dobila sam neke poklone koje pamtim, a suština okruženje ljudima koji ga koriste.
je da su bili dati u pravo vreme i bili su namenje- Po fotografijama se vidi šta su
ni baš meni (što mislim da je suština poklona). meni bile interesantne tačke. Sve
Jednom prilikom, dobila sam malecku knjižicu pe- ono gde postoji prostor za dosama, u momentu kada su te pesme meni nešto dir umetnosti, spoj kreativnosti
značile i kada mi je posveta značila i ...sve u svei pragmatičnog. Divno bi bilo da
mu to je učinilo taj poklon nezaboravnim. Dobijam i kamenje. Obično. Moji jako bliski prijatelji ima mnogo više takvih tačaka.
znaju da volim kamenje. Tako dobijam kamenje
sa različitih mesta na koja putuju. To nije ništa Ovo je poslovni grad i vidi se
Možda je ovo dobar momenat skupoceno, a meni je dragoceno. Prosto, pokupe po motivima naših fotografija
da se vratimo našem poslov- kamen s ulice...
da nam se pogled zadržao na
nom okruženju i temi korporamestima koja imaju potencijal
tivnog poklona koja je u ovom mesecu u godini uvek da budu mesta razmene energije: trg, ograda, klupa itd.
veoma aktuelna
Mesto okupljanja, mogućnost da se sklonimo od kiše da
sednemo na klupu... Ali grad ipak čini i umetnost, odnos
Suština poklona i poklanjanja je u nama samima. Tako- prema tome i komunikacija i zato smo slikali skulpturu,
đe i način na koji poklanjamo i promišljamo poklon. Po ogradu, avion... možda kada posle radnog vremena kancemeni, kod poklona je važna prevashodno pažnja prema larije napuste jedni stanari na ovo mesto bi mogli da dođu
drugome, a onda i prema sebi samom. Sve sto želimo da neki drugi, u restoran da večeraju, prošetaju i daju ovom
za nas čini poklon, to bi trebalo pokloniti. Ne verujem u gradu neku drugu dimenziju...
svrsishodnost a ni u mogućnost pozitivnog efekta poklona
koji se daje tek reda radi i koji nema dimenziju istinske Da osvetlimo malkice i aspekt crno-belog u ovoj priči. Pred
pažnje i u tom smislu osmišljenog napora. Isto važi i za nama su crno bele fotografije i veoma su ekspresivne. S
korporativne poklone. Kroz poklon koji dajemo prenosimo druge strane tvoja moda mi je uvek bila sinonim za minimnogo toga ali i educiramo. Poklon bi trebalo da ima i malizam i za crno-belo. Ali kao što to nije svet bez boja,
dimenziju pre svega uživanja, potom iznenađenja... Osoba naprotiv tako i crno bele fotografije tvojih modela u ambikoja to prima, makar to bila i kompanija, zapamti ono što jentu ACB-a deluju mekano i ni najmanje „bezbojno“.
je napravilo otisak u vremenu. Koji ostaje i pamti se. Suština svega uvek je u poštovanju. Drugih i sebe.
Za mene ni crno ni belo nisu samo to. To spolja bezbojno
je plamteći prostor.
Ako bismo osvestili taj prostor verujem da bi svako ko
odlučuje u kompaniji o ovakvim stvarima trebalo prevas- Teksturu daju ton i kombinacije. Postoji crno-crnje od zehodno da se zapita šta je sa svim onim bačenim i zaborav- mlje, crno-sivo i nebo koje je užasno belo i belo-bela so
ljenim poklonima koje je primio i koji spadaju u kategoriju do prljavog roze, sivog...sve u svemu ni tri života nisu do“hvatača prašine” po policama ili su završili u đ voljna da se pobroje sve boje u tom crno-belom spektru.
nije samo pitanje bačenog novca već i toga da se niste
nikada setili onih koji su vam to poklonili. Dakle, ne treba Mene optužuju da sam naivna ali kada dođu vremena
se staviti u red takvih darodavaca. Osim toga taj novac je koja su teška i sumorna per se i nisu inspirativna niti gumoguće korisnije pokloniti.
raju napred, u takvim vremenima je kreativcima nekako
lakše… Ili im je zapravo teže?
Poslovni poklon bi po meni trebalo da bude na neki način
koristan ali bi pre svega poželjno bilo da ima ljudsku i Da teško žive od onoga što rade, ali imaju i jedan prozor
umetničku poruku - mislim da su spoj kreativnosti i potre- kroz koji mogu da gledaju na svet drugačije od ostalih.
be odgovor za uspešan poklon. Ako još uspete da inkor- Sumorno mora da se prebrodi.
porirate i momenat iznenađenja, da pronađete umetnički
izraz za pažnju i poruku...
Misliš li da kreativci mogu da vide i izlaz koji drugi nisu
u stanju da vide?
I nikako ne bi trebalo potcenjivati konzumenta. On itekako
razmišlja. Svaki poklon koji smo dobili a koji je bio možda Mislim da da. I zato su se filozofija i umetnost više mešale
skroman, ali koji je bio odgovarajući, ostao nam je u srcu.
u nekim drugim vremenima. Filozofija je važna i promišljanje je važno i iz tog zajedničkog napora možda je moguće
Na koji način ti je Airport City bio inspirativan?
otvoriti vrata i prozore koji omogućavaju da se vidi i iza
olovnog neba. Kada su ljudi zatvoreni kao što su često
Inspirativna mi je saradnja s tobom. Ne znam da li bih u politici onda ih sloboda plaši, a sloboda je najvažnija.
se samostalno bez poziva Marine Deleon, savetnice za Komunikacija i razmena mišljenja i zajedničko promišljanje
komunikacije koja je osmislila ovaj zadatak, odlučila za iz različitih vizura, obrazovanje i učenje i pre svega otvoAirport City. Motiviše me saradnja sa ljudima koji imaju renost, veoma su bitni i mogu da budu izlaz.
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
D.O. trademark holder, entered the fashion world as painter,
theatre and film costume designer, interior and graphic
designer, also as art director on commercials and TV shows.
Ognjenović studied Belgrade Art Academy. Shape tailoring,
precocious cuts, and highest quality fabrics, become her
trademark since the very beginning. Her work was presented
in nearly every European city (including at the London
Institute of Contemporary Arts), in Mexico and in the USA.
Ognjenović use to present her first line of clothing at the
New York Fashion Week, while her second line of clothing
“Software” was presented on Miami Fashion week. The D.O.
Fashion trademark officially started at 1992. and has been
expanded in 1999. Now includes manufacturing facility, five
shops in downtown Belgrade: main, D.O. line, D.O. Home,
a line of accessories for the home. In 2002, D.O. fashion
welcomed a line of everyday urban fashion called “Software”,
after that “Simply D.O.” line. In September of 2012 in
Maribor, European capital of culture 2012. she presented
her artistic concept SO[L] – SALT.
Poziv Airport City-ja, inspirisao je da se predstavi kao
art direktor izložbe fotografija Marka Sovilja sa temom
arhitektura i moda i modnom revijom potpuno nove kolekcije
načinjene za ovu priliku, koju će predstaviti u prostoru
Airport City-ja 17. decembra 2012. godine.
Marko Sovilj was born 1986 in Belgrade. He began photography as a boy. In the eighth year of primary school he won
first prize at a national competition with his series of blackand-white photographs.
Marko Sovilj je rođen 1986. godine, u Beogradu. Fotografijom počinje da se bavi kao dečak. U osmom razredu osnovne
škole osvaja prvu nagradu na republičkom takmičenju serijom crno-belih fotografija.
During photography studies he won first place at the Belgrade Festival of New Communications (B-LINK) with his
work on the theme Upload/Download.
He considers the start of his professional career as an editorial photo shoot with ballet dancer Dragana Ognjenovic and
the magazine Faar, as well as an editorial for Elle magazine
at the same time.
Next came the exhibitions “UN women’s paradise” in the
premises of Supermarket, “14122099” at Gallery Progres,
“What Women Want” at the Eurocentre gallery and “Seventies” at the National Gallery.
Campaign photos for international club “Pacha” – Ibiza Spain.
Visual identity of the humanitarian campaign “Kids for kids”
Photos for L’Nouvelle Scene Theatre (France) and the play
“Les Nuits Blanches”, JDP (Yugoslav Drama Theatre) for the
play “It’s not the death of the bike when they steal it from
you,” Madlenianum for the shows “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
and UK ‘Steamboat’ for the play “Beckett Lodgings” etc.
Photos for the “Dahlija” advertising campaign, photos and videos for the 27th and 32nd BELGRADE Fashion Weeks, as well
as campaigns for Featherstone & Co. (France), D.O., SOFTWARE, SIMPLY D.O., SOS, MIMIMASO, Labrador, Knitwear
Ivkovic, Fashion companies (REPLAY , Scotch & Soda) etc.
Na studijama fotografije, osvaja prvo mesto na Beogradskom festivalu novih komunikacija (B-LINK) radom na temu
Za svoj profesionalni početak smatra editorijal sa balerinom
za Draganu Ognjenović i časopis Faar i editorial za magazin
Elle u isto vreme.
Slede izložbe: ”Un’ womens paradise” u prostorijama Supermarketa; ”14122099”, galerija Progres; ”Šta žene žele” u galeriji Eurocentar; ”Sedamdesete”, Nacionalna galerija.
Fotografije za kampanju internacionalnog kluba “Pacha” –
Ibiza Spain. Vizualni identitet himanitarne akcije “Deca-Deci”
Fotografije za potrebe pozorišta L’Nouvelle Scene (Francuska), predstava “Les Nuits Blanches”, JDP (Jugoslovensko
Dramsko Pozorište) za predstavu “Nije smrt biciklo da ti
ga ukradu”, Madlenijanum, predstava “Doručak kod Tifanija”,
UK ‘Parobrod’, predstava “Pansion Beket”…
Fotografije za potrebe reklamne kampanje “Dahlija”, Fotografije i video za 27. i 32.BELGRADE FASHION WEEK, kampanja za Featherstone & Co (France), “D.O.”, “SOFTWARE”,
“SIMPLY D.O.”, “SOS”, “MIMIMASO”, “Labrador”, “Trikotaža
Ivković”, Fashion company (REPLAY, Scotch&Soda)…
Since 2007 he has collaborated with the most prominent fashion
magazines for which he photographed fashion editorials such as
the Serbian editions of the magazines Elle, Faar, Cosmopolitan,
L’Officiel, Grazia, Men’s Health, Story, Hello, Gala style... Collaborates with fashion designers (Dragana Ognjenović, Dejan
Despotović, Jovana Marković, Marko Mitanovski, Ana Šekularac,
Tamara Radivojević, Dejan Momčilovic, Bata Spasojević, Tatjana
Tatalović et al.), fashion companies, musicians and other personalities from the arts and media.
Od 2007. godine sarađuje s najistaknutijim modnim magazinima za koje je fotografisao modne editorijale, kao što su
srpska izdanja časopisa: Elle, Faar, Cosmopolitan, L`Officiel,
Grazia, Men’s health, Story, Hello, Gala style... Sarađuje sa
modnim dizajnerima (Dragana Ognjenović, Dejan Despotović, Jovana Marković, Marko Mitanovski, Ana Šekularac,
Tamara Radivojević, Dejana Momčilović, Bata Spasojević,
Tatjana Tatalović…), modnim kućama, muzičarima i ostalim
ličnostima iz sveta umetnosti i medija.
Za ovu crno belu izložbu u Airport City-ju kombinuje fotografiju, modu i savremenu arhitekturu.
For this exhibition of black and white images he combines
photography, fashion and modern architecture.
Marina & Dragana
At the end of this year Airport City decided to share with
tenants, partners and friends the experience of one unusual
artistic look at this primarily business environment. It is not
the first time that ACB opened its space for interaction with
artists though it is the first experience with fashion design.
Dragana Ognjenovic was attracted to take role of art director
with creative team of young artists and working with Marina
Deleon communication advisor who created concept for this
task, they made event Business & Fashion hand in hand.
Za kraj ove godine Airport City je odlučio da podeli sa svojim
klijentima i poslovnim prijateljima jedan neuobičajen umetnički pogled na svojposlovni ambijent. Iako ovo nije prvi put
da Airport City otvara prostor za saradnju s umetnicima ovo
jeste prvi iskorak ka temi modnog dizajna. Poziv Airport
City-ja, inspirisao je Draganu Ognjenović da se predstavi
kao art direktor tima mladih umetnika i u saradnji s Marinom
Deleon koja je bila konceptualni direktor sa strane ACB-a,
osmišljen je event “Biznis I moda ruku pod ruku”.
In next Airport City would try to help in promoting of young
creative people so space would be opened firstly for students of University of Architecture to present their project
linked with corporate architecture.
U sledećoj godini Airport City će usmeriti svoje napore da
pomogne talentovanim studentima, u ovom momentu Arhitektonskog fakulteta, da izlože svoje radove u našem prostoru.
Instead of New Year’s baskets
Umesto novogodišnjih korpi
Instead of traditional New Year’s baskets for client and friends we decided to invest
that fund in launching project with students from Faculty of Architecture at Belgrade
Ove godine smo rešili da umesto tradicionalnih novogodišnjih korpi usmerimo taj fond
u saradnju sa kreativnim mladim arhitektama, studentima beogradskog Arhitektonskog
ACB would organize exhibition of their best works done during workshop dedicated to
problems of corporate architecture. Students of last years have this kind of workshops
and on one in December their task was dedicated to subject that can be linked with
ACB as Business Park.
Airport City će organizovati izložbu njihovih najboljih radova koji će nastati kao proizvod
radionice posvećene problemima korporativne arhitekture. Naime, studenti završnih godina
imaju organizovane radionice i u okviru jednog dela tog programa u decembru postavljen
im je zadatak koji je u vezi sa temom koja je i nama kao biznis parku interesantna.
Knowing that our tenants are also dedicated to social responsibility we are sure that all
would feel happy to be part of this effort that might enable young and talented people
to gain experience in presenting their work to broader audience than their immediate
academic surroundings. We are happy for this opportunity and believe it would enrich
our daily lives here as well.
Znajući da većina naših klijenata i partnera takođe pomaže razne projekte u okviru svojih
programa korporativne odgovornosti sigurni smo da ćete prihvatiti umesto novogodišnje
korpe ovaj gest kojim ćemo nekim mladim i talentovanim ljudima pomoći da steknu
dodatno iskustvo izlaganja radova u okolini koja je šira od njihovog uobičajenog
akademskog okruženja. Mi smo zahvalni za priliku da u ovome učestvujemo jer verujemo
da će to obogatiti i naš svakodnevni poslovni život.
Slaviša Tomović, manager of retail company Carvel
Shoes on for New Year at Airport City
“We offer all residents of our little city within the city the
possibility of entering the New Year in new shoes because
at our Airport City shop we have a New Year discount of
30 per cent on our complete offer,” said Slavisa Tomovic,
CEO of retail company Carvel, speaking to Whats up. He
added that the ACB outlet is open every day from 9 to 5.
The company Carvel, which was founded 20 years ago,
has a retail network of 15 outlets across Serbia and 17
shops abroad, mainly in the region, but also further
afield. It is the distributor for 30 brands, including some
of the largest shoe manufacturers in the world, such as
the brands Grand and Rider. In addition, Carvel sells the
products of the largest producer of summer shoes in the
world, Brazil’s Ipanema, in 12 countries of the EU and the
Western Balkans, and has a shop in Italy, Malta, all ex-Yu
countries, as well as in Albania. In Belgrade its largest
retail spaces are at the Immo centre, Terazije, Banovo
Brdo, in Zira and in Miljakovac, where a large warehouse
we notified our neighbours at Airport City via email and
flyers, while we have a special action for individual companies. This means that now, around New Year, each of
the companies with which we have agreed, and there are
30 of them, will have their day at Carvel, when all their
employees can purchase quality shoes at Carvel as priority
customers with discounts of 30 per cent,” says Tomovic.
He said that the regular discount for all ACB neighbours is
20 per cent, and that during actions such as these for Christmas and New Year they can buy with even bigger discounts.
Now they offer winter boots, shoes and trainers, while the
Carvel range includes quality winter footwear from Swedish brand Björn Borg, signed by the tennis legend who has
sailed in the waters of design.
Tomovic says that for customers at ACB there will be a
privilege card available with which they can continue to
buy at Carvel for even more reasonable prices.
of shoes can also be found, offering older models or items
that don’t exist in other places. Soon, in early March, a
new Carvel will be opened in the new shopping centre at
the Vozdovac Stadium.
“In Airport City we have been three years in this amazing space at the start of the ACB Central Avenue. It is
used for sales, but most of all its basic purpose is to
present our offer. This showroom attracts our customers,
major suppliers from all over the region, but also clients
who take goods for their own smaller footwear shops,”
says Tomovic, explaining that here customers only look at
models and prices of goods and make orders like from a
living catalogue.
He says that since last autumn company Carvel decided that
the space at ACB would become a classic shop, with a new
location to be found for the showroom. Because of the previous operational policy and purpose of this space in Airport
City it worked for a few months in a row with large breaks
and the shop was often closed for a long period, to the
disappointment and anger of neighbours from Airport City,
potential regular customers of this footwear were able to
buy at discounted, good neighbourly prices.
“Now we’re decided to avoid breaks in work and to be
active here all the time. We worked all summer and after
a short break we are now continuing. About that, as well
as all elements of the offer and possibilities of purchase,
“Nudimo svim stanovnicima našeg malog grada u gradu
mogućnost da u Novu godinu uđu u novim cipelama jer u
našoj prodavnici u Airport City-ju imamp novogodišnji popust na našu celokupnu ponudu od 30 odsto”, izjavio je za
Whats up, direktor maloprodaje kompanije Carvel, Slaviša
Tomović. I naveo da je radnja u ACB-ju otvorena svakog
radnog dana od 9 do 17 sati.
Kompanija Carvel koja je osnovana pre dvadeset godina
ima maloprodajnu mrežu od 15 prodavnica širom Srbije i
17 prodavnica u inostranstvu, uglavnom u regionu, ali i šire.
Distributeri su tridesetak brendova među kojima i nekih
od najvećih proizvođača cipela u svetu kao što su brendovi
Grenda i Rider. Osim toga Carvel organizuje prodaju najvećeg proizvođača letnje obuće na svetu, brazilske Ipaneme i
to u 12 zemalja EU i Zapadnog Balkana, a imaju prodavnice
i u Italiji, na Malti, u svim eks-Ju državama kao i u Albaniji.U
Beogradu se najveći prodajni prostori nalaze u Immo centru, na Terazijama, na Banovom brdu, u Ziri i na Miljakovcu
gde je i veliki magacin obuće, pa se tu mogu naći i stariji
modeli ili ono čega nema na drugim mestima.Uskoro, početkom marta, biće otvoren i Carvel u novom tržnom centru
u okviru stadiona Voždovac.
“U Airport City-ju smo već tri godine u ovom izvanrednom
prostoru na početku centralne ACB avenije. Koristi se za
prodaju, ali pre svega njegova bazična namena bila je za
prezentaciju naše ponude. U ovaj show-room dolazili su
naši kupci, veliki dobavljači iz celog regiona, ali i klijenti
koji su uzimali robu za sopstvene manje prodavnice obuće”,
kaže Tomović. I objašnjava da su se ovde samo gledali modeli i cene i naručivala roba kao iz živog kataloga.
On navodi da je kompanija Carvel od jesenas donela odluku
da prostor u ACB-a postane klasična prodavnica, a da pronađu novu lokaciju za show room.Zbog prethodne poslovne
politike i namene ovog prostora u Airport City-ju se radilo
po nekoliko meseci zaredom sa velikim pauzama, pa je prodavnica često bila zatvorena u dužem periodu na žalost i
ljutnju komšija iz Airport City-ja, potencijalnih ali i redovnih
kupaca ove obuće koju su mogli da kupe po povlašćenim,
dobrosusedskim, cenama.
“Sad smo rešili da izbegnemo pauze u radu i da ovde budemo aktivni sve vreme. Radili smo celo leto i posle jedne kraće
pauze sada nastavljamo. O tome kao i o svim elementima
ponude i mogućnostima kupovine obavestili smo mail-om i
flajerima naše komšije u Airport City-ju, a imamo i posebne
akcije za pojedine kompanije. Znači, sada oko Nove godine
svaka od kompanija sa kojom smo se dogovorili, a takvih je
tridesetak, imaće svoj dan u Carvelu kada svi njihovi zaposleni
mogu da kupe kvalitetnu obuću u Carvelu kao prioritetni
kupci sa popustima od 30 odsto”, kaže Tomović.
On je naveo da je redovan popust za sve komšije u ACB
20 odsto, a da se na akcijama kao što je ova božićno-novogodišnja može kupovati i sa znatno većim popustima.
Sada se nude zimske čizme, cipele i patike, a u asortimanu
Carvela nalazi se i kvalitetna zimska švedska obuća brenda
Bjern Borg, koju potpisuje teniska legenda koja je zaplovila
u dizajnerske vode.
Tomović kaže da će za kupce u ACB-ju biti dostupne i
privilage kartice sa kojima će moći ubuduće da kupuju u
Carvelu još povoljnije.
Ljiljana Lukić
Airport Citys invitation inspired her to do art direction
for exhibition of Marko Sovilj photography’s with theme
architecture and fashion, and also brand new collection for
this occasion, which will be presented in Airport City space
at 17th of December 2012.
Dizajner robne marke D.O. , ušla je u modu kao slikar,
dizajner pozorišnih I filmskih kostima, kao i grafički i dizajner
enterijera. Radila je kao art direktor na mnogobrojnim
reklamama I televizijskim emisijama. Studirala je slikarstvo
na umetničkoj Akademiji u Beogradu. Oblikovanje odeće,
precizno krojenje i tkanine postaće njen zaštitni znak od
samog početka. Svoj rad je prezentovala u skoro svakom
evropskom gradu, uključujući Institut za modernu umetnost
u Londonu, Meksiku i u USA. Godinama je svoju prvu liniju
D.O. prezentovala na nedelji mode u New Yorku, kao i
drugu liniju “Software” na nedelji mode u Miami-ju. D.O.
robna marka, oficijelno je počela da postoji od 1992.godina,
a proširila se 1999. godine. Sada se sastoji od proizvodnog
pogona i pet prodavnica u centru Beograda. Prva linija
D.O., D.O. home linija sitnih predmeta za kuću. U 2002.
godini otvorena je prodavnica linije “Software” svakodnevne,
urbane mode, a nekoliko godina posle toga otvorena
je i prodavnica linije “Simply d.o.”. U Septembru 2012. u
Mariboru, evropskoj prestonici kulture 2012. prezentovala je
svoj art concept SO[L]- SO.
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Both bank and customers
on safe ground
the competitive environment, which is certainly not negligible
because it is a large amount, but the repayment period is really
long – up to 25 or even 30 years when it comes to subsidized
loans, and that requires serious consideration when choosing
banks. The bank in which to take out credit for the purchase of
an apartment is a bank that one has to be in a relationship with
for a really long time.
The three of us who work in this branch became a well-organized team in a short time. Clients tend to come every day, so
one feels a kind of intimate, homely atmosphere. Working hours
are adjusted to Airport City: Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
from 9 to 4:30, and Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:30 to
6pm, which is convenient for those who work until 5pm to be
able to complete tasks in the bank after their working day. They
all have our cell phone numbers, e-mails and we are constantly
online. We cooperate very well. We give our all, but we are
satisfied. We leave our personal problems at the door and are
fully committed to the job – says branch manager at Societe
General Bank ACB, Jasna Đurović, speaking to What’s up. An
economist on her master studies, she has seven years of experience with this bank.
In May last year Airport City welcomed Societe Generale Bank
Serbia, a branch of this banking group which is particularly
strong at the international level and operates in nearly 80 countries. What is new that you and your team brought to ACB?
First of all, my colleagues and I are very happy to work in such
attractive surroundings. I do not mean the visual impression that
Airport City leaves, although, of course, that is very important,
but all the interesting people with whom we get the opportunity to meet and work together with, who on the one hand are
pleasant and good neighbours, while on the other are clients
who have clearly defined needs. That’s why the most important
requirement is professionalism that we place in front of our team,
we are expected to be extremely efficient to save the time of
our customers to provide quality services adapted to the specific
needs of the client. Aware that the people we work with have
very little time available to complete their obligations, we go out
of our way to meet them by ensuring that at any time they can
get the information, calculations and all they need without going
to the bank – through e-mail, telephone, however suits them.
At this time of the year holiday shopping is current, but so
are banking products that can be used for these purchases.
Which products of Societe Generale do you recommend for
this purpose?
Societe Generale bank recently launched its MASTERATA credit
card, which allows equal monthly installments of debts and to a
large extent has replaced the popular cheques. Massimo Duty,
Nine West, Zara, PS Fashion, Bershka, Pull & Bear, as well Forma
Ideale, Cool Shop, Gigatron and Dr. Colic are just some of the
partners of Societe Generale, whose outlets the card can be used
without any interest or fees, with the amount spent on repayments based on two to six monthly installments. A complete list
of partners is available at: MASTERATA, alongside a one-time fee of five per cent of the amount spent, can be
used for interest-free payment in monthly installments and other
points of sale with the MasterCard mark, not only in Serbia, but
also abroad. The first installment is due for payment 30 days
from the date of the transaction and if the client on the date
of the rate’s maturity has insufficient funds they will not enter
an unapproved minus, but rather the rate will be transferred to
the revolving repayment. Masterata also increases the purchasing
power of the user – the card’s limit can be as high as six monthly
salaries, because only five per cent of the approved limit enters
into the credit bureau.
What would you single out from the loans offered by Societe
Generale for individuals?
The crediting offer of Societe Generale is so diverse that I am
afraid that my answer might sound like the answer of a singer
whose songs are all like their children. However, if I must single
out something it would certainly be mortgage loans, for which
we are one of the market leaders. I’m not talking just about
What would you single out as the advantage of home loans
from Societe Generale bank?
Societe Generale Bank not only offers competitive terms when
it comes to mortgage loans, but also provides real estate buyers
the opportunity to borrow according to their needs, interests
and expectations. The bank offers loans with an interest rate
that is tied to Euribor, is variable and follows every movement of
the base rate of the euro. At the moment, due to developments
on the global market, Euribor is at an historical low and that
certainly brings some benefits to customers. However, it should
be noted that the value of Euribor, with the release of the crisis,
is moving upward. Although we do not know when this will happen, given the deadline of home loan payments it is reasonable
to expect that for some clients will hit that growth of Euribor,
and thus its interest and rates. In order for us to enable customers to protect themselves from these changes, we have offered
combined mortgage loans in which, every three years, the client
will again decide in the future to pay a fixed or variable interest
rate. And to do so at no extra cost!
What does that really mean in practice?
This practically means that the client at the time when, based on
information from the market, we expect the growth of Euribor,
will decide for the next three years to pay back their loan at a
fixed interest rate, and his rate will not suffer due to a rising
Euribor. If they expect the base rate to stagnate or even decline,
they will opt for a variable interest in the future, so that every
fall of the Euribor will have a positive impact on the rate.
What does this working space at ACB mean for you; how important it is for you and the bank and what are your experiences?
We came here on 25th May 2011 and are here a year and a half.
The space is excellent and we feel very safe and secure here. Everything is secured and we are told that this is one of the safest
buildings in Belgrade, which one can feel. The space and complete
exterior area under observation from cameras, the physical security is great and everything is on the top level. The whole complex
is very well organized. We are satisfied with parking and it’s very
important to us that our customers can park very close to the
entrance to the bank. Several thousand people circulate at ACB
on a daily basis and here are top companies, while we mainly
specialize in such clients in a specific way, because people who do
business here generally do not have much time. Break times, coffee or lunch breaks, are often very short or skipped, so for them,
for instance, we enable them to send us an email request, in order
for us to prepare everything for them and they come just to sign.
What exactly is your mission?
I deal with a lot of commercial activity, because contact needs to be
maintained with many people and during the day I am often out of
the office. Then my operations wait for me and I stay behind until
seven or eight in the evening, as many others do at ACB.
What did you find most interesting here and what pleasantly
surprised you?
It’s a nice custom that companies here celebrate anniversaries,
birthdays and the like. We had our event in May, on the anniversary of the opening of the office, and 80% responded to
their invites. We had a small programme, violin, speeches, very
good catering, birthday cake, we even blew candles out and it
was really great. And we go to others for birthdays and it’s a
kind of beautiful tradition that together we commemorate our
important dates or New Year, for example. And I try to keep
up to date with them all and be a welcome seen guest. Our
bank officially celebrates every New Year at the head office for
the 1200 employee we have, while here we will invite our dear
customers when we decorate the Christmas tree. Our gifts are
always in the spirit of Societe Generale Bank. We will only be
closed on 1st and 2nd January.
Nas tri koje radimo u ovoj filijali za kratko vreme smo postale
dobro organizovan tim. Klijenti uglavnom dolaze svakoga dana,
tako da se oseća neka vrsta prisnosti, domaćinske atmosfere.
Radno vreme je prilagođeno Airport City-ju : ponedeljkom, četvrtkom i petkom je od 9 do 16.30, a utorkom i sredom od 10.30
do 18 časova što je pogodnost za one koji rade do pet da bi
mogli i posle svog radnog dana da završe poslove u banci. Svi
oni imaju brojeve naših mobilnih telefona, mejlove i stalno smo
on line, jako dobro sarađujemo. Mi dajemo sve od sebe, ali smo
zadovoljni. Privatne probleme ostavljamo napolju i potpuno smo
posvećene poslu, kaže za Whats up, menadžerka ekspoziture
Societe General banke u ACB, Jasna Đurović, diplomirani ekonomista na master studijama sa sedmogodišnjim iskustvom u
ovoj banci.
U maju prošle godine u Airport City se doselila ekspozitura Societe Generale banke u Srbiji, filijale bankarske grupacije koja je
izuzetno snažna na internacionalnom nivou i posluje u gotovo 80
zemalja sveta. Šta je to novo što ste vi i vaš tim doneli u ACB?
Pre svega, mojim kolegama i meni je veliko zadovoljstvo što radimo u ovako atraktivnom okruženju. Tu ne mislim na vizuelni utisak
koji Airport City ostavlja, mada je, naravno, i to veoma značajno,
već na sve zanimljive ljude sa kojima ovde imamo prilike da se
sretnemo i sarađujemo, koji su s jedne strane prijatne i dobre
komšije, a sa druge klijenti koji imaju jasno definisane potrebe.
Zato je profesionalnost najvažniji zahtev koji stavljam pred svoj
tim, od nas se očekuje da budemo izuzetno efikasni, da štedimo
vreme svojih klijenata, da pružimo kvalitetnu uslugu prilagođenu
konkretnim potrebama klijenta. Svesni da je ljudima sa kojima radimo na raspolaganju jako malo vremena za završavanje obaveza,
izlazimo im u susret tako što im u svakom trenutku omogućavamo da informacije, kalkulacije i sve što im je potrebno, dobiju
bez dolaska u banku, elektronskom poštom, telefonom, kako god
im najviše odgovara.
U ovom periodu godine, aktuelne su praznične kupovine, ali i
bankarski proizvodi koji mogu da se koriste za te kupovine. Koji
proizvod Societe Generale banke preporučujete u te svrhe?
Societe Generale banka je nedavno lansirala MASTERATU, kreditnu karticu koja omogućava otplatu duga u jednakim mesečnim ratama, a u velikoj meri zamenjuje popularne čekove. Massimo Duti,
Nine West, Zara, P.S. Fashion, Bershka, Pull & Bear, kao I Forma
Ideale, Cool Shop, Gigatron, Dr. Colić, samo su neki od partnera
Societe Generale banke, na čijim prodajnim mestima ova kartica
može da se koristi bez ikakve kamate ili naknade, pri čemu se potrošeni iznos otplaćuje na 2 do 6 mesečnih rata. Kompletan spisak
partnera dostupan je na adresi: MASTERATA,
uz jednokratnu naknadu od 5 odsto potrošenog iznosa, može da
se koristi za beskamatno plaćanje na više rata i na ostalim prodajnim mestima sa MasterCard oznakom i to ne samo u Srbiji, već i
u inostranstvu. Prva rata dospeva na naplatu 30 dana od datuma
nastanka transakcije, a ako klijent na dan dospeća rate nema dovoljno sredstava, neće ući u nedozvoljeni minus već će mu rata biti
prebačena na revolving otplatu. Masterata povećava i kupovnu
moć korisnika - limit kartice može biti u visini i do 6 mesečnih
zarada, jer samo 5 odsto odobrenog limita ulazi u kreditni biro.
Šta biste izdvojili u ponudi kredita Societe Generale za fizička lica?
Ponuda kredita Societe Generale banke je tako raznovrsna, da
se bojim da bi moj odgovor mogao da zvuči kao odgovor nekog
pevača kome su sve pesme kao deca. Ali ako treba nešto da izdvojim, to bi svakako bili stambeni krediti, po kojima smo jedan od
lidera na tržištu. Ne govorim samo o konkurentnim uslovima, koji
svakako nisu zanemarljivi jer se radi o velikim iznosima, sa zaista
dugim periodom otplate, do 25 čak i do 30 godina kada su u pitanju krediti sa subvencijom. To zaista zahteva ozbiljno promišljanje
pri izboru banke. Banka kod koje se zadužimo za kupovinu stana
je banka sa kojom zaista dugo ostajemo u vezi.
A šta biste izdvojili kao prednost stambenih kredita u Societe
Generale banci?
Societe Generale banka ne samo da nudi konkurentne uslove
kada su u pitanju stambeni krediti, već daje priliku kupcima nekretnina da se zaduže u skladu sa svojim potrebama, interesima
i očekivanjima. Banka nudi kredite sa kamatom koja je vezana
za euribor, promenljiva je i prati svako kretanje ove bazne stope
na evro. Euribor je u ovom trenutku, usled dešavanja na globalnomtržištu, na svom istorijskom minimumu, a to svakako donosi
određene benefite klijentima. Ipak, treba imati u vidu da će se
vrednost euribora, sa izlaskom iz krize, kretati naviše. Iako ne
znamo kada će se to dogoditi, s obzirom na rok otplate stambenih kredita, realno je očekivati da će neke klijente taj rast euribora, a samim tim i njihovih kamata i rata, pogoditi. Kako bismo
omogućili klijentima da se zaštite od tih promena, ponudili smo
kombinovane stambene kredite kod kojih, na svake tri godine,
klijent iznova odlučuje da će u narednom periodu plaćati fiksnu
ili promenljivu kamatu. I to bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova!
Šta to tačno znači u praksi?
To praktično znači da će klijent u trenutku kada, na osnovu
informacija sa tržišta očekuje rast vrednosti euribora, odlučiti
da u naredne tri godine plaća kredit po fiksnoj kamatnoj stopi,
te njegova rata neće trpeti zbog rasta euribora. Ukoliko očekuje
da će ova bazna stopa stagnirati ili čak opadati, opredeliće se
za promenljivu kamatu u narednom periodu, pa će se svaki pad
euribora pozitivno odraziti na njegove rate.
A šta za vas znači ovaj radni prostor u ACB-u, koliko je to
važno za vas i za banku i kakva su vaša iskustva?
Mi smo ovde došli 25. maja 2011. godine i tu smo već godinu i po
dana. Prostor je odličan i osećamo se jako sigurno i bezbedno. Sve
je obezbeđeno i zato kažu da je ovo jedan od najsigurnijih objekata
u Beogradu što se i oseća. Sve je na vrhunskom nivou i ceo kompleks je jako dobro organizovan. Zadovoljni smo parkingom i jako
nam je značajno što naši klijenti mogu da se parkiraju blizu ulaza u
banku. U ACB-u dnevno cirkuliše nekoliko hiljada ljudi, ovde su najveće kompanije i mi smo uglavnom specijalizovani za tu klijentelu na
jedan specifičan način jer ljudi koji ovde posluju uglavnom nemaju
mnogo vremena. Odlazak na pauzu, kafu, ručak je vrlo često izuzetno kratak ili ga preskoče tako da im omogućavamo da nam mailom
pošalju zahtev, da im mi sve pripremimo i oni dođu da potpišu.
A šta je tačno vaš zadatak?
Ja se dosta bavim komercijalnim aktivnostima jer treba održavati
kontakte sa puno ljudi i u toku dana sam često izvan kancelarije.
Onda me operativa sačeka pa ostajem do sedam, osam uveče,
kao uostalom i mnogi drugi u ACB-u.
Šta vam je ovde najzanimljivije, a šta vas je prijatno iznenadilo?
Lep običaj je što kompanije slave godišnjice, rođendane i sl. Mi
smo imali svoj event u maju na godišnjicu otvaranja ekspoziture
i odazvalo je 80% pozvanih. Imali smo mali program, violinu,
prigodne govore, jako dobar ketering, rođendansku tortu, čak
smo duvali svećice i bilo je stvarno izvanredno. I mi idemo kod
drugih na rođendane i to je neka vrsta lepe tradicije da zajedno
obeležimo.svoje važne datume ili novu godinu na primer. I ja se
trudim da ih sve propratim i da budem rado viđen gost. Naša
banka svake godine proslavlja oficijelno Novu godinu u centrali
za 1200 zaposlenih koliko imamo, a ovde ćemo pozvati naše
drage klijente kad okitimo jelku. Naši pokloni su uvek u duhu
Societe General banke. Nećemo raditi samo 1. i 2. januara.
Dr Zorica Dinić, director of the Vizim Health Centre
Health Centre at Airport City
Vizim has existed for almost 20 years and we were the first private clinic in Serbia, then we opened the first private health centre
in Belgrade, and now another one in Airport City-ju. We also have
5external offices that are located in certain institutions and we are
now in the process of opening two more such clinics, says for Whats
Up owner and director of the Vizim Health Centre, Dr Zorica Dinić.
I am particularly pleased as a doctor, because it shows the changing
health awareness of employers and employees in companies. What
I am especially proud of is that our first branch office opened 12
years ago in the National Theatre in Belgrade, where we take care
of all three ensembles: opera, drama and ballet.
And in other companies doctors and nurses are present every day,
the clinic is within the company where the service is provided, and
now we are in negotiations on signing contracts with two large
houses: the biggest wholsale pharmaceutical trader in Serbia “Farmalogist” and the “Drenit” factory in Belgrade. This points to a positive trend in our country that is present in Europe and the world,
and that’s growing concern for one’s own health.
The inability of the state to organize and facilitate the patient at all
times to ensure medical help is available at a time when complaints
are wrongly diagnosed, as our poor awareness and lack of accountability, as I claim as a doctor. If you can arrange for someone to
come in comfortably at a time that suits him, it could be a Sunday,
and this is in fact the perfect day for examinations because they all
are free, then he would not accept such an option without thinking. I’m talking about preventative services as and when the first
symptoms occur so the doctor can immediately respond. Preventative medicine is the biggest money savers of the Health Insurance
Fund because it quickly finishes medication and procedures. If you
are late you will require hospital treatment, surgeries and rehabilitation, and often at the end you have a permanent disability, when
you take all of that into account they are all expenses of the Fund.
We see great benefits and incentives, coupled with good public
and private health care, especially when it comes to savings for
the Fund, especially when it comes to preventative care in state
institutions; my colleagues have absolutely no possibility because
daily they have 50 patients. There is no room there for preventive
medicine, unlike a private practice, where you have the time as
much as the patients need and explain everything to the patient,
because, as I say to my doctors, “the diagnosis is not for the doctor,
it is for the patient.” He needs to be explained what it means and
what his illness is, teach him how to live with his illness. If you have
a lot of waiting, people give up their views and thus give room for
the disease to progress.
Private clinics can also prepare the patient for hospital all of those
are benefits that companies can provide their employees.
Airport City, as a large office complex, has a large number of employees, many companies and foreign companies that have absolute
respect. Rarely in one place can you find such a conglomerate of
respectable companies. It is the ideal foundation: for people in their
work environment to have the opportunity that a doctor is available at any time. What do we offer? It offers a large number of
specialist examinations, doctors who specialise in internal medicine,
cardiology, gynaecology, ophthalmology, specialists for ear, nose and
throat, paediatricians, psychiatrists, we all know how much we sit
today with computers and how damaged the spine become even
among young people. We also have dental services, laboratory services, a complete ultrasound, Doppler diagnostics and dermatology.
These are all examinations that can be performed every day at the
health centre, which is located in the Airport City business centre.
At first glance you can see the quality of services, quality equipment, clinic layout. I’m not just talking about the interior, but the
fact that everything is disposable on each type of examination. In
addition to quality service, professional staff and good equipment
show we really think about all the other elements that are not
secondary in medicine and in everyday life.
We offer various share packages, but for those employed at Airport
City the most interesting thing would be to subscribe to the medical record. This is a monthly subscription that includes the opening
of the medical record in which all examinations performed in our office, or even externally, are entered. The monthly fee itself provides
you an unlimited number of examinations and services at our health
centre. Nothing is subsequently charged. The monthly fee is 1,200
dinars per person and for this amount, which you pay regularly, you
come to the institution for the service that you need and do not
pay anything later. This means everything except subscription to
prosthetics in dentistry, which is paid separately, but even here we
created a benefit in the sense that the service is paid in instalments.
We are considering the opening of psychological counselling for
employees, customers and others in need of psychological help, as
well as group therapy sessions of this type. We are also getting
ready to form a centre for nutrition, but that will be a serious place
with medical guarantees. And a large number of cancer patients are
simply not protected and we intend to form an Oncology centre for
all those who suffer from such serious diseases in order to complete
diagnosis as soon as possible.
Vizim postoji skoro dvadeset godina. Bili smo prva privatna poliklinika u Srbiji, onda smo otvorili i prvi privatni Dom zdravlja u
Beogradu, a sada još jedan u Airport City-ju. Imamo i pet eksternih
ordinacija koje su smeštene u određenim ustanovima , a sada smo
na putu da otvorimo još dve ovakve ordinacije, kaže za WU, vlasnica
i direktorka Doma zdravlja Vizim, dr ZoricaDinić.
Mene to posebno raduje kao lekarku jer pokazuje da se menja svest
o zaštiti zdravlja u kompanijama. Ono na šta sam posebno ponosna
je naša prva ordinacija otvorena pre dvanaest godina u Narodnom
pozorištu u Beogradu gde brinemo o sva tri ansambla opere, drame
i baleta. I u drugim kompanijama su u ordinacijama svakodnevno
prisutni lekar i sestra i u krugu kompanije pružaju usluge. Sada smo
pred potpisivanjem ugovora sa dve velike kuće: najvećom veledrogerijom u Srbiji “Farmalogist” i Fabrikom “Drenit” u Beogradu. To
ukazuje na jednu pozitivnu tendenciju kod nas, a koja je prisutna u
Evropi i u svetu, a to je sve veće briga za sopstveno zdravlje.
Nemogućnost države da organizuje i omogući pacijentu da mu lekarska pomoć bude dostupna onda kada ima tegobe pogrešno se definiše
kao naša niska svest i neodgovornost - kao lekar tvrdim da to nije
tako. Ako organizujete da neko može komforno da dođe na pregled
u vreme koje mu odgovara onda svako će takvu opciju da prihvati bez
razmišljanja. Govorim o preventivnim pregledima kao i momentu kada
se jave prvi simptomi na koje lekar može odmah da reaguje. Preventivna medicina je najveći štediša sredstava za Fond zdravstvenog osiguranja jer se sve završava brzo, lekovima i propisanim procedurama.
Ako zakasnite imaćete nažalost obavezno bolničko lečenje, moguće
hirurške zahvate i rehabilitaciju, a često na kraju i trajnu invalidnost.
Dakle, kada sve to saberete to je skuplje za Fond.
Tu vidim velike olakšice i benefite: u dobroj sprezi državnog i privatnog
zdravstva. Naročito su značajni preventivni pregledi za koje u državnim
ustanovama moje kolege apsolutno nemaju mogućnosti jer dnevno imaju i po pedeset pacijenata. Prostor za preventivnu medicinu u takvim
uslovima nije izgledan za razliku od privatne ordinacije gde imate vremena koliko je potrebno i da pacijentu objasnite sve. Često kažem
mojim lekarima : “dijagnoza nije za lekara, ona je za pacijenta”. Njemu
treba objasniti šta podrazumeva njegova bolest i naučiti ga kako da s
njom živi. Ako moraju mnogo da čekaju, ljudi odustaju od pregleda i na
taj način su dali prostor bolesti da napreduje.
Privatne klinike mogu i da pripreme pacijenta za bolnicu i sve su
to zajedno pogodnosti koje kompanije mogu da obezbede svojima
Airport City kao veliki poslovni kompleks ima veliki broj zaposlenih
i retko gde možete na jednom mestu naći takav skup respektabilnih domaćih i stranih kompanija. To je za nas idealna pozicija:
ovde ljudi u svom radnom okruženju imaju mogućnost da im lekar
bude dostupan. Šta nudimo? Nudi se veliki broj specijalističkih
pregleda, tu su lekari internisti, kardiolog, ginekolog, oftalmolog,
specijlaista za uho, grlo, nos, pedijatar, fizijatar a svi dobro znamo
koliko danas sedimo za kompjuterima i kako strada kičma čak
i mladim ljudima. Imamo i stomatološke usluge, laboratorijske
usluge, kompletnu ultrazvučnu dijagnostiku, dopler dijagnostiku,
dermatologiju. Sve su to pregledi koji mogu da se obave svakog
dana u Domu zdravlja koji je smešten u ACB-u.
Na prvi pogled se vidi kvalitet usluge, opreme, izgled ordinacije
i visok standard zaštite od sterilizacije, upotrebe jednokratnog
potrošnog materijala za svaki pregled itd. Pored kvaliteta usluga,
stručnog kadra i dobre opreme mislimo i o svim drugim elementima
koji uopšte nisu sporedni u medicini i u svakodnevnom životu.
Nudimo raznorazne akcijske pakete za zaposlene u ACB-u, ali za
mene bi najzanimljivija bila PRETPLATA NA ZDRAVSTVENI KARTON. To je mesečna pretplata koja obuhvata otvaranje zdravstvenog kartona u koji se upisuju svi pregledi koji se obavljaju u
našoj ordinaciji ili čak eksterno. Tom mesečnom pretplatom vi sebi
obezbeđujete neograničen broj pregleda i usluga u našem Domu
zdravlja. Ništa se pritom naknadno ne plaća. Ta mesečna pretplata je
1.200 dinara po zaposlenom i za ovu sumu koju redovno uplaćujete
vi dolazite u ustanovu za uslugu koja vam je potrebna, naknadno ne
plaćate ništa. Ta pretplata jedino ne podrazumeva protetske radove
u stomatologiji što se posebno plaća, ali i tu smo napravili benefit u
smislu da se ova usluga plaća u više rata.
Razmišljamo i o otvaranju radnog psihološkog savetovališta za zaposlene, klijente i ostale kojima je potrebna psihološka pomoć kao i
o grupnim terapijama ove vrste. Spremamo se takođe da formiramo
centar za nutricionizam koji će biti ozbiljno mesto sa garancijama
i lekarima specijalistima. I veliki broj onkoloških pacijenata je prosto nezbrinut i nameravamo da formiramo i jedan Konzilijum za
onkologiju kako bi svi koji boluju od tako ozbiljnih obolenja što brže
i komfornije mogli da završe neophodnu dijagnostiku.
Ljiljana Lukić
Jasna Đurović manager of the branch of Societe Generale Bank Serbia at Airport City
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Airport City Belgrade newsletter
Wishing you Happy and
Prosperous 2013!
Adir El Al
CEO, Airport City Belgrade
What would be your message for our clients business partners and friends on the eve of 2013?
Koju poruku biste voleli da uputite povodom Nove
godine svojim partnerima i prijateljima?
I wish all of our partners and clients in Serbia
to have better climate next year, to manage to
overcome all obstacles and to reach their business
goals in the year to come.
Želim svim našim prijateljima, partnerima i klijentima u Srbiji da sledeće godine imaju povoljniju klimu
za poslovanje, da uspešno prevaziđu sve prepreke
na putu i da dostignu zacrtane poslovne ciljeve.
Last year’s climate wasn’t the most beneficial for
doing business, but we are all struggling over the
last four years – sometimes with more success,
sometimes with less, but nevertheless without giving up. Therefore I do believe that the way to beat
the unfavourable circumstances is to be creative,
to motivate ourselves and the people around us to
find new opportunities for development. I am sure
that actively seekingopportunities and being even
Poslovna klima u protekloj godini nije bila baš povoljna,
ali u protekle četiri krizne godine svi se svojski trudimo,
nekad s više nekad s manje uspeha, da održimo svoje
poslovanje - i tu smo, ne odustajemo. Zato verujem
da je negovanje kreativnosti u poslovanju pravi put da
se pobede nepovoljne okolnosti; potrebno je pronaći
motiv za sebe ali i motivisati ljude oko sebe da traže
prostor i nove mogućnosti za razvoj. Ubeđen sam da
je pronalaženje novih mogućnosti kao i maksimalno