ACB br4.qxd - Airport City Belgrade


ACB br4.qxd - Airport City Belgrade
Photo session from the air, May 2009
by Miodrag Trajkovic
Snimci ACB-a iz helikoptera, maj 2009.
Foto: Miodrag Trajkovi}
Business Park Airport City
Belgrade opened its first
exhibition of photographs
with which this city
within the city actually
opened up itself to the
public and the audience.
U poslovnom centru
Airport City, 9. juna
otvorena je prva izlo`ba
fotografija ~ime je
zapravo ovaj grad u
gradu otvoren za javnost
i publiku.
The exhibition of photographs from the
Thessaloníki Front in the First World War, shot by
French soldier Pierre Jaminet and presented to the
public for the first time back in 2008 within the
Week of Serbian Culture in France, before being
exhibited in front of the New Belgrade Municipal
building on the occasion of the Days of this municipality, opened by Mayor of New Belgrade, Nenad
Milenkovic, and CEO of Airport City, Adir El Al.
Izlo`bu fotografija sa Solunskog fronta iz Prvog
svetskog rata, koje je snimio francuski vojnik Pjer
@amine i koja je prvi put javno prezentovna 2008.
godine u okviru nedelje srpske kulture u
Francuskoj, a potom bila izlo`ena ispred zgrade
op{tine Novi Beograd povodom obele`avanja Dana
ove op{tine, otvorili su predsednik op{tine Novi
Beograd, Nenad Milenkovi} i direktor Airoport
City-a, Adir El Al.
Editor’s word
Re~ urednika
As our contribution to the summer holidays, we wanted
to share a few nice images with you.
Pred letnju pauzu `eleli smo da podelimo nekoliko foto
reporta`a umesto vesti.
I hope you will enjoy these photos of Airport City from
the air, as well as the carnival atmosphere on "red noses
Avenue"- something so different from the business environment you see every day.
Verujem da }e vas obradovati fotografije iz vazduha koje
smo izlo`ili u na{oj Aveniji, kao i vesela Ulica crvenih
noseva - malo druga~ija slika na{eg svakodnevnog
poslovnog okru`enja.
Instead of sharing views and thoughts on the crisis and
how to deal with tough times, it struck me from conversations with our tenants that two key themes emerged:
the optimism that that we need on daily basis; and
responsibility. This second word, in the broadest sense,
covers our business environment and our wider surroundings. I believe that we are all thinking, despite the
challenging and tough times, of how to act with the
most corporate and personal responsibility and care
towards the environment, those in need or those who
deserve the most encouragement…
Umesto ozbiljnih promi{ljanja na temu krize i kako je
prevazi}i u razgovoru s mnogima od vas pojavljuju se
dve klju~ne teme/re~i: optimizam koji nam treba i
odgovornost. Ova druga, {iroko posmatrano, pokriva i
poslovni aspekt okrenut na{em {irem okru`enju.
Verujem da svi promi{ljamo kako uprkos I unato~ svim
preprekama i nepovoljnom momentu da u~inimo svoje
postupke na korporativnom i li~nom planu odgovornijim
prema okru`enju, onima kojima treba ili onima koje
vredi ponajvi{e obradovati….
Marina Deleon
Marina Deleon
Dragi ~itao~e,
Dear reader,
Communication Advisor
Humanitarian Project
mail: marinaª
Mobile digital breast cancer
screening unit made
available to end-users
01. juli
01. juli
Proud to join the breast cancer cause
Veoma smo ponosni sto smo u~estvovali u akciji
kupovine mamografa
Airport City is proud to have participated in the humanitarian action to purchase mammography machines for breast cancer screening.
According to B92 News, during the action to raise funds for the first mobile digital mammography machine in Serbia, participants included 114 donors - both public and private
companies, as well as local authorities and the Republican administration.
Between May and November 2008, around 50 million dinars was collected, making this
the largest humanitarian action and philanthropic project in Serbia in the last 12 months.
As B92 notes, this provides strong testimony about the importance of partnerships
between the private and public sector in order to solve the most important social issues,
such as - among others - the fight against breast cancer.
This mobile digital mammography machine, the first of its kind in Serbia, is a premium
mobile diagnostic station intended for post reviews and breast cancer screening. The
equipped Hologic Selenia Full Field Digital Mammography System technology with direct
recording, the only one of its kind in the world, is installed in a mobile container 13.5
metres long that also includes a receiving room, dressing rooms for patients, operating
rooms and facilities for staff. The device was manufactured between February and May
2009 in Germany by company Freitag under a special commission of the B92 Fund and
the Serbian Institute of Oncology and Radiology.
Among the donor companies was Airport City Belgrade, while ACB resident Telenor provided the biggest individual donation.
vest preneta sa sajta B92:
"....Tokom akcije prikupljanja sredstava za prvi pokretni digitalni mamograf u Srbiji, u~e{}e
je uzelo 114 donatora, kompanija, javnih i privatnih preduze}a kao i organa lokalne i
republi~ke uprave. Izme|u maja i novembra 2008. godine, prikupljeno je oko 50 miliona
dinara. Ova akcija je najve}i humanitarni i filantropski projekat u Srbiji u prethodnih 12
meseci koji sna`no govori o va`nosti partnerstva privatnog i javnog sektora na re{avanju
najva`nijih dru{tvenih pitanja kao {to je izme|u ostalog i borba protiv raka dojke.
Pokretni digitalni mamograf, prvi ove vrste u Srbiji, predstavlja vrhunsku pokretnu dijagnosti~ku stanicu namenjenu specijalisti~kim pregledima i snimanjima dojke. Opremljen je
digitalnim mamografom Hologic Selenia sa tehnologijom direktnog snimanja, jedinim
takve vrste na svetu, koji je instaliran u mobilni kontejner duzine 13,5 metara u kome se
nalaze prijemne prostorije, svla~ionice za pacijente, radna soba i prostorija za osoblje.
Ure|aj je proizveden izme|u februara i maja 2009. godine u Nema~koj po specijalnoj
narud`bini Fonda B92 i Instituta za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije od strane kompanije
"We prepared the exhibition in co-operation with the
French Belfer Centre that New Belgrade is twinned with.
The photos in question were found by the family of the
French Thessaloníki fighter after his death and made
available to the public," said Milenkovic.
He pointed out that in this way, both formally and symbolically, Airport City becomes an integral part of the
New Belgrade street walking scene and starts to deal
with culturally educational activities and programmes. He
added that the most developed part of New Belgrade
was, thus, opening up to the public and that this exhibition marks only the first step on the road.
Airport City's CEO said that this mini business city, which
is a daily workplace for several thousand people, wants
to be closer not only to its clients, but also to neighbours,
the community and the local environment, as well contributing to the culture of the host country.
Adir also announced similar events and happenings at
Airport City, which - as he explained - will continue to
spread through the two new phases of constructing this
business city.
Thessaloniki Front
The First World War's Thessaloníki Front was
opened in an attempt by the Western Allies to
help Serbia in the autumn of 1915 against the
joint assualt of forces from Germany, AustroHungary and Bulgaria. The expedition of Allied
troops came too late and in insufficient numbers to prevent the fall of Serbia, while the situation was made yet more difficult by an internal political crisis in Greece (national schism).
Despite the situation, a stable front was created stretching from the Albanian coast of the
Adriatic Sea to the River Strum, where participating international allied forces and Serbian
soldiers fought off the central powers led by
Germany. The Thessaloníki Front remained
fairly stable, despite local actions, right up until
the great Allied offensive of September 1918.
The resulting breakthrough of the Thessaloníki
Front led to the fall of Bulgaria and the liberation of Serbia. The fallen soldiers of the front
are buried in the Zejtinlik Serbian Military
Cemetery in Thessaloníki.
Solunski front
Solunski front u Prvom svetskom ratu otvoren
je u poku{aju Saveznika da pomognu Srbiji u
jesen 1915. godine protiv zdru`enog napada
Nema~ke, Austro-Ugarske i Bugarske.
Ekspedicija savezni~kih vojnika do{la je
prekasno i u nedovoljnom broju da spre~i pad
Srbije, a dodatno je bila ote`ana i unutra{njom
politi~kom krizom u Gr~koj( Nacionalna
Uprkos tome stvoren je stabilan front koji se
prostirao od albanske obale Jadranskog mora
do reke Strume na kome su se me|unarodne
savezni~ke snage u kojima su u~estvovali i srpski vojnici borile sa Centralnim silama na ~elu
sa Nema~kom. Solunski front je ostao prili~no
stabilan uprkos lokalnim akcijama, sve do
velike savezni~ke ofanzive u septembru 1918.
godine.Rezultat proboja Solunskog fronta bio
je pad Bugarske i oslobo|enje Srbije. Poginuli
vojnici na frontu sahranjeni su u sklopu
Srpskog vojni~kog groblja Zejtinlik u Solunu.
Izlo`bu smo pripremili u saradnji sa francuskom departmanom Belfer sa kojim se Novi Beograd pobratimio, a u
pitanju su fotografije koje je porodica ovog francuskog
Solunca prona{la posle njegove smrti i ustupila javnosti
na uvid, kazao je Milenkovi}.
On je istakao da na ovaj na~in i formalno i simboli~no
ACB postaje integralni deo novobeogradskih ulica i
{etali{ta i po~inje da se bavi kulturno edukativnim
aktivnostima i sadr`ajima. I dodao da je najure|eniji deo
Novog Beograda na ovaj na~in otvoren za javnost i da je
ovo samo prvi korak na tom putu.
Direktor Airport City-a kazao je da ovaj mali poslovni
grad u kome svakodnevno radi nekoliko hiljada ljudi `eli
da se pribli`i ne samo klijentima nego i susedima i
dru{tvenoj zajednici i okru`enju, kao i da pru`i doprinos
kulturi zemlje u kojoj se nalazi.
Adir El Al je najavio i druge sli~ne doga|aje i de{avanja u
ACB-u koji }e, kako je istakao, nastaviti da se {iri kroz
dve slede}e faze u izgradnji ovog poslovnog grada.
event June 2009
Beyond Business
Airport City Belgrade, Serbia's only bespoke, modern business park,
is offering itself as more than just a top-class business venue
ACB is moving beyond its everyday role as the
country's top location for doing business by launching a programme of festive carnival evenings to
entertain friends and clients of Airport City
throughout the urban summer.
By Mark R. Pullen
With a fork full of delicious Carpaccio and a glass of
fine wine, I eased back into my chair to admire the
tranquil dominance of the Airport City towers. I
watched, both relaxed and inspired, as fascinated
youngsters admired the juggler's skilful hands, the
sun set beyond our blue-glass haven and a gang of
runaway balloons broke free of their vendor, heading for the heavens.
Central pedestrian walking avenues are renowned
for their street entertainers the world over. From
the cobblestones of York to the blocks of L.A., loudly dressed and similarly voiced street performers
offer respite from the routine of daily life and
something magical to entertain youngsters.
Now Airport City Avenue has joined the list of such
streets of magic, thanks to the decision to organise
open-air evening events of a festive nature and
bring traditional street entertainment to New
Belgrade for the first time.
The inaugural ACB carnival social event, which took
place on the balmy Thursday evening of 7th June,
saw Airport City's wide pedestrian avenue become
a block of fun for the family, utterly transforming
both the look and feel of the business park to suit
the evening's entertainment.
Along with classical street performers, including
stilt walkers, jugglers and clowns, ACB went one
step beyond the usual by offering us the excellent
performance of a professional belly dancer, who
mesmerised guests with her traditional interpretation of the classical dance.
The evening's visitors to ACB - families and friends
of the Park - were fully entertained by the performers, who also added to the family feel of the
evening by interacting with the kids and making
guests feel as though they were 'part of the act'.
While jugglers juggled and dancers danced, we
were able to sit back and soak up the festive,
relaxed atmosphere of summer at one of New
Belgrade's most important emerging landmarks.
Moreover, unlike most street entertainment, which
requires that the public stand and encircle the performer, here stress-free parents are able to sit at
one of ACB's café-restaurants, enjoy the fine fare
on offer and watch their kids entertain and be
entertained on a raised stage set in the centre of
the wide avenue.
This event has served to prove that ACB, which is
normally reserved for professional day-time activities, lends itself perfectly to the role of an alternative open-air evening venue.
Both spacious and reassuringly confined, ACB is
well placed to act as an alternative outdoor location
for fun and entertainment during the baking
Belgrade summer.
Entertaining evenings at ACB are set to continue
and even grow, particularly as Airport City continues to develop beyond its principal role as a nineto-five business centre, with the addition of restaurants, retail outlets, beauty & fitness centres and
the like.
Airport City Beograd, jedini po meri sagra|en
moderan biznis park,sada nudi i ne{to vi{e od
poslovnog prostora vrhunske klase.
ACB izlazi preko granica svoje svakodnevne uloge,
vrhunske biznis lokacije u zemlji, lansiraju}i program
sve~anih karnevalskih ve~eri kako bi zabavio prijatelje
i klijente Airport City-ja tokom leta u gradu.
Sa vilju{kom punom ukusnog karpa~a i ~a{om
dobrog vina, skliznuo sam natrag u stolicu kako bih
se divio mirnoj nadmo}i kula Airport City-ja.
Posmatrao sam, istovremeno opu{ten i nadahnut,
kako se odu{evljeni klinci dive ve{tim rukama
`onglera, dok je sunce zalazilo za na{ raj od plavog
stakla, a odbegla banda balona oslobo|enih od
prodavca kretala ka nebesima.
organizuju ve~ernja doga|anja na otvorenom u
formi gradskih sve~anosti i da se tako prvi put na
Novi Beograd dovede tradicionalna uli~na zabava.
Tokom uvodnog ACB karnevala koji se odigrao
jednog prijatnog ~etvrtka uve~e, 7. juna, {iroka
pe{a~ka avenija Airport City-ja postala je ulica
porodi~ne zabave, potpuno prilagodiv{i izgled i
atmosferu biznis parka ve~ernjoj zabavi.
Od klasi~nih uli~nih zabavlja~a, klovnova, `onglera
i hoda~a na {tulama, ACB je oti{ao jo{ korak dalje
od uobi~ajenog, nude}i sjajan nastup profesionalne
trbu{ne plesa~ice koja je svojom tradicionalnom
interpretacijom klasi~nog plesa potpuno op~inila
U celom svetu, glavne pe{a~ke avenije su ~uvene
po svojim uli~nim zabavlja~ima. Od kaldrme Jorka
do blokova Los An|elesa, `ivopisno obu~eni uli~ni
zabavlja~i nude predah od rutine dnevnog `ivota i
ne{to magi~no da zabave mla|ariju.
Izvo|a~i su animirali ve~ernje posetioce ACB-a porodice i prijatelje Parka - a dodatno, komuniciraju}i sa decom i ~ine}i da se gosti ose}aju kao da su
"deo ta~ke", doprineli porodi~noj atmosferi ove
Sada se avenija Airport City-ja pridru`ila spisku
ovakvih magi~nih ulica, zahvaljuju}i odluci da se
Dok su `ongleri `onglirali a plesa~i plesali, mogli
smo da predahnemo i upijamo sve~anu, opu{tenu
atmosferu leta na jednom od najzna~ajnijih
novobeogradskih prostora.
I jo{ ne{to - za razliku od ve}ine uli~nih zabavlja~a
oko kojih publika stoji, ovde su roditelji mogli
opu{teno da sede u nekom od kafe-restorana ACBa, da u`ivaju u finoj hrani i posmatraju svoju decu
koja se zabavljaju na izdignutoj sceni u centru prostrane avenije.
Ovaj doga|aj dokazuje da se ACB, koji je normalno rezervisan za poslovne dnevne aktivnosti,
savr{eno uklapa u alternativnu ulogu otvorenog
ve~ernjeg prostora.
U isto vreme prostran i spokojno za{ti}en, ACB je
na odli~nom mestu da slu`i kao alternativna lokacija za zabavu i slobodno vreme tokom vrelog
beogradskog leta.
Zabavne ve~eri u ACB-u }e se nastaviti i {iriti jer se
Airport City i dalje razvija izvan svoje osnovne
uloge biznis centra od 9 do 5, otvaranjem
restorana, prodavnica, salona lepote, fitnes centra i
sli~nih sadr`aja.
ACB tenants
We were greeted in Beiersdorf's office
in Belgrade by Mr Peter Koy{, CEO, in
fluent Serbian!
shape and, in my opinion, this one is something unique. It's
not massive, but is somewhat more intimate as whole.
Many buildings, but nicely spread so you feel more comfortable. For me personally, it's a great advantage - more space
between you makes it feel like you're in a small city area…
I like to take look through my window and see something
else other than many people entering a busy shopping
mall. You can concentrate on your work better.
This is a nice surprise; you speak Serbian?
I have been living here for about eight years now and
Slovakian, my mother tongue, is also a Slavic language…If one is interested, you can learn a language in
eight years. Beiersdorf is certainly one of the major players on our market and has a very long tradition in Serbia.
However, our main interest was to see how Mr Koy{ sees
his business and everyday surroundings in Belgrade, considering that this is almost his second home.
Do you find that the work environment here is comparable to the places you have worked before?
It's a difficult question. There are a lot of differences, yet
a lot of aspects that can be compared and similarities
found. As I said before, we're both Slavic nations so from
an ethnic point of view there are even more similarities
than differences - from the food that people like to ethnic customs, expressions and shared emotional values as
a big part of similar ethnic origins.
In some other aspects it's different. The markets are not
the same, the sizes of the countries, etc.
What I liked from the very beginning was the hospitality.
Serbs are very hospitable and easily accept foreigners. I
think that we share that, as both Serbs and Slovaks like
to show the best last thing to their visitor. It's the same;
we have the same view of hospitality.
Did you manage to preserve your authentic values in
Slovakia, in spite of the fact that you had to merge
with the EU family of nations?
I don't think it's up to me to judge. This is a good question for foreigners working there.
Life is tougher than it was before, in terms of competition and the market-orientated approach adopted with
EU standards. Still, I believe that the basic values have
remained the same.
It's different in a small city than the capital but, for
instance, hospitality is the same. Bratislava and Belgrade
are jungles and you have to fight for your place in the sun,
ensuring that a certain slow paced attitude is not possible.
Have you been with the company for a long time?
I am with the company for more than 10 years altogether.
I was working for Beiersdorf in Slovakia and before I
came to Belgrade I worked in Austria on preparations for
entry onto the Serbian market, so even there I was
already working on a Belgrade company operation.
I am curious. Are we considered as a significant or
regionally important market?
I would dare to say 'extremely important'. You have to
know that we have been present here since 1931 - the
year of the company's first registration here. Nivea products have been present here at all times and we maintained continuity during the '90s. Therefore, we feel
responsible to maintain this level. We are investing in our
consumers and we have an indisputable leading position
on the market in all aspects of market share. Looking
through product categories, we have made excellent
achievements and it's important to maintain that. We are
placed first in all product categories except shampoos. All
told, we have 26 per cent market share, while second
placed holds just 11 per cent.
As a market leader, I would presume that you are
looking for working surroundings that are as adequate here as elsewhere. Did you find the working
environment the same as in other places you have
worked or does it differ?
I can compare Slovakia, Poland, Austria, Hungary… The
office space we are using here is definitely of the highest
quality. Every office project has a different objective and
How many people do you have working here at ACB?
Around 20 in the office and altogether around 30, with
a few out of the office. It's not a big team, as we have
been co-operating with distributor Delta here since '97.
It's a good, long-standing co-operation. They have many
more people engaged on our brands' distribution - I
would say that there are more than 80 employees in
Delta, which is the exclusive distributor for us in Serbia
and has a proven record of success.
What about the company's image as part of the
broader community here?
I believe that the company is well integrated into the
broader community. We are planning numerous projects
but - as we all know - it's a slightly difficult moment now.
That said, being socially responsible is part of our company's basic values. In terms of CSR, we have mainly undertaken medical care projects. For instance, we are sponsors of melanoma days, which is about building public
awareness of the threat of skin cancer.
What's in your CSR focus?
We focus on three areas: education, health and culture.
It's up to local management how they distribute or direct
funds, but that's the main frame.
Here it would be SOS Children for kids in need, which
covers areas linked to family. You have to combine societal issues and bring something normal or suitable for the
brand and be the first or the biggest.
So education is in focus?
Education in terms of skin care, for instance. We concentrate on raising awareness of the importance of skin protection, as skin cancer is underestimated. We are trying
to contribute to educating kids and adults alike, as it's
common knowledge that people in Europe tend not to
behave very responsibly regarding threats to their health.
Nowadays it's better; there's more awareness than
before. However, we are living on a continent that's now
more at jeopardy than before so we must try harder. And
ever responsible skins products producer would be naturally orientated in that direction.
What would you say in that respect about the modern
customer? Customers have certainly become more
demanding and more aware of health issues, protection and what's good for them in the long term. Do
you feel that you meet the standards to satisfy the
demands of even the most demanding of customers?
Yes, I would say we are meeting the needs being
demanded. Journalists may like to speculate about the
typical Serbian consumer, but I would say that it's a
demanding one!
Women are our main target and they are well aware of
what they need. Accordingly, we are bringing all our
innovations here. Everything you have in Germany you
can get here, albeit maybe with a very short time delay
of perhaps a month after launching a new product.
We are ready to offer state-of-the-art products and are
extremely dedicated to satisfying the demands of local
Are promotions done in the same style?
Some are slightly different than here, but we are offering
the same and I would dare to say even better. We are trying to do the same promotions in a few countries, sharing ideas and keeping local specific tastes.
Beiersdorf doesn't implement a copy/paste model at local
level. We always try to adopt the company's basic business standards to individual market needs and characteristics. I would call it the model best suited to each particular market.
We always need to be more creative in order to offer
something that's more appealing to local needs and
expectations. As I said, Serbian consumers are choosy
and have good taste.
It's amazing how taste differs from one country to another!
It's the same for beauty products as it is for food, for
instance. People in two neighbouring countries might have
different values and perceptions and it is at this point that
you connect with local consumers and investigate their likes
& dislikes, identifying what's the most suitable for local
needs and trying to fit the ideal portfolio for a product.
Understanding your consumers is a difficult but worthwhile
process and I hope we are doing a good job here.
What would you share about doing business in Serbia
and where we now stand in terms of Europe?
In terms of being part of Europe, I would say that definitely, yes, this country is part of Europe and that can't be
As for advice, I have nothing spectacular but to share my
view that people need to be responsible towards their
company, family, country and workplace. Nowadays you
can work and improve things in your immediate surroundings no matter if you can or can't influence things
at a broader level.
It's important to criticise, but ordinary people should start
from themselves and be responsible, which will bring the
people and the country inevitably closer to modern
The crisis is everywhere. These are not favourable times
for anyone who is striving to get to a better level and
improve his position. On the other hand, though, there is
no other option than to strive. The government and people have to be patient and optimistic, while Serbia has to
fight for its place.
I would say that keys are hard work, patience and
responsibility - from my personal point of view it's something that applies at an individual level and goes up to be
adopted as a societal value.
How do your friends see you working in Serbia?
We had a high school reunion recently and I was surprised
how the negative perception still exists. I spent some time
and efforts to describe the beautiful city I now live in to my
friends… So, even in my home country, which has strong
links with Vojvodina Slovaks, not everything is known and
people need to hear something different before they can
abandon the negative story they heard before. Serbia definitely needs more positive marketing towards Europe.
And Europe should finally give help and more support. The
people working here are part of a good and well heard
story about doing business in Belgrade.
U beogradskoj kancelariji Beirsdorf-a pozdravio nas je
Piter Koy{, izvr{ni direktor, i to na te~nom srpskom jeziku!
Beiersdorf je jedan od glavnih igra~a na na{em tr`i{tu a u
Srbiji ima veoma dugu tradiciju. Ipak, nas je uglavnom
zanimalo kako gospodin Koy{ gleda na svoj posao i
svakodnevno okru`enje u Beogradu.
Ovo je prijatno iznena|enje: Vi govorite srpski?
@ivim ovde ve} skoro osam godina a slova~ki, moj maternji jezik, je tako|e slovenski jezik ... Ako ste zainteresovani, mo`ete nau~iti jezik za osam godina.
Da li Vam se ~ini da radno okru`enje ovde mo`e da se
poredi sa mestima na kojima ste ranije radili?
To je te{ko pitanje. Ima mnogo razlika ali i mnogo aspekata u kojima se mogu praviti pore|enja i prona}i sli~nosti.
Kao {to sam ve} ranije rekao, mi pripadamo slovenskoj
naciji tako da, sa etni~ke ta~ke gledi{ta, ima ~ak vi{e
sli~nosti nego razlika - od hrane koja se ljudima dopada
do narodnih obi~aja, izraza i zajedni~kih emocionalnih
vrednosti kao va`nog dela sli~nog etni~kog porekla.
U nekim aspektima ima razlika. Tr`i{ta nisu ista, veli~ina
zemalja,ekonomski trenutak, itd.
Ono {to mi se od po~etka dopalo je gostoljubivost.
Srbi su veoma gostoljubivi i lako prihvataju strance. Mislim
da smo i u tome sli~ni jer i Srbi i Slovaci vole gostu da poka`u
najbolje. Isto je - delimo isti pogled na gostoljubivost.
Da li ste uspeli da sa~uvate svoje autenti~ne vrednosti
u Slova~koj iako ste se uklju~ili u porodicu naroda EU?
Nije na meni da sudim. Ovo je dobro pitanje za strance koji
tamo rade. @ivot je te`i nego {to je bio ranije u smislu o{trije
konkurencije i kompetitivnosti {to je do{lo sa EU standardima. Ipak mislim da su osnovne vrednosti ostale iste.
Nije isto u malim gradovima i u prestonici ali, na primer,
gostoljubivost je ista. Bratislava i Beograd su d`ungle i
morate se boriti za svoje mesto pod suncem i biti svesni
da nema mesta za spori tradicionalni tempo `ivota.
Da li ste dugo u ovoj kompaniji?
Tu sam vi{e od deset godina.
Radio sam u Beiersdorf-u u Slova~koj i, pre nego {to sam
do{ao u Beograd, u Austriji sam radio na pripremama za
ulazak na srpsko tr`i{te, tako da sam ~ak i tamo radio na
poslovanju beogradske kompanije.
Da li se na nas gleda kao na va`no regionalno tr`i{te?
Usudi}u se da ka`em 'izuzetno va`no'. Imajte u vidu da smo
mi ovde prisutni od 1931. godine - kada se kompanija prvi
put ovde registrovala. Proizvodi Nivea su ovde bili stalno
prisutni i taj kontinuitet se zadr`ao I tokom devedesetih.
Zbog toga se ose}amo odgovorni da zadr`imo taj nivo. Mi
ula`emo u svoje potro{a~e i u svim aspektima neosporno
dr`imo vode}u poziciju na tr`i{tu. [to se ti~e kategorija
proizvoda, postigli smo velike uspehe i va`no je da to
odr`imo. Dr`imo prvo mesto u svim kategorijama proizvoda sa izuzetkom {ampona. Sve u svemu, dr`imo 26 posto
tr`i{ta, dok drugoplasirani ima samo 11 posto.
Kao lider na tr`i{tu, pretpostavljam da i kod nas
tra`ite primeren radni prostor. Da li nalazite da je
radni prostor ovde u ACB-u isti kao na drugom mestima ili se razlikuje?
Mogu da poredim Slova~ku, Poljsku, Austriju, Ma|arsku ...
Kancelarijiski prostor koji ovde koristimo je svakako najvi{eg
kvaliteta. Svaki office-projekat ima druga~iju svrhu i oblik
itd ali, po mom mi{ljenju, ovaj ovde je ne{to jedinstveno.
Nije preterano veliki, ali je u celini intimniji. Mnogo zgrada,
ali lepo raspore|enih tako da se ose}ate udobnije. Za mene
li~no to je velika prednost - vi{e slobodnog prostora ~ini da
se ose}ate kao da ste u malom gradu ...
Volim da pogledam kroz prozor i da vidim i ne{to drugo
osim mno{tva ljudi koji ulaze u prometni tr`ni centar. To
poma`e da se bolje koncentri{ete na posao.
Koliko va{ih ljudi radi ovde u ACB-u?
Oko 20 u kancelariji, a sve ukupno oko 30. To nije veliki
tim po{to radimo zajedno sa distributerom Delta jo{ od
1997. To je dobra, dugoro~na saradnja. Oni imaju mnogo
vi{e ljudi anga`ovanih na distribuciji na{ih proizvoda rekao bih da ima vi{e od 80 zaposlenih u Delti koja je na{
dokazano uspe{an, ekskluzivni distributer za Srbiju.
[ta biste rekli o imid`u va{e kompanije kao delu {ire
zajednice ovde?
Verujem da je kompanija dobro integrisana u {iru zajednicu. Planiramo brojne projekte, ali - kao {to svi znamo sada je malo te`ak trenutak za to. Bez obzira na to, jedna
od osnovnih vrednosti na{e kompanije je dru{tvena
[to se ti~e korporativne dru{tvene odgovornosti, uglavnom smo uklju~eni u projekte zdravstvene za{tite. Na
primer, mi smo sponzori Dana melanoma akcije usmerene
na podizanje svesti javnosti na opasnosti od raka ko`e.
[ta je u fokusu va{e korporativne dru{tvene odgovornosti?
Mi smo se usresredili na tri oblasti: obrazovanje, zdravlje
i kulturu. Od lokalne uprave zavisi kako }e rasporediti i
usmeriti fondove, ali to je osnovni okvir.
Ovde }e to biti SOS Deca za mlade u nevolji koji pokriva
podru~ja vezana za porodicu. Treba povezivati dru{tvena
pitanja i baviti se ne~im normalnim, ne~im {to odgovara
brendu. Tako|e, zahtev je biti prvi ili vode}i u nekoj akciji.
Zna~i, obrazovanje je u fokusu?
Obrazovanje u smislu npr. nege ko`e. Mi smo se usresredili
na gra|enje svesti o va`nosti za{tite ko`e, jer je opasnost
od raka ko`e potcenjena. Poku{avamo da doprinesemo
edukaciji dece i odraslih, s obzirom da je poznato da se u
Evropi ljudi ne pona{aju naro~ito odgovorno prema pretnjama zdravlju. Sada je situacija malo bolja; svest je malo
ja~a nego pre. Ipak, `ivimo na kontinentu koji je sada u
ve}oj opasnosti nego {to je bio pre, tako da moramo da
ula`emo ve}e napore. Uvek odgovorni proizvo|a~ sredstava za negu ko`e prirodno }e se orijentisati u tom pravcu.
U tom pogledu, {ta biste rekli o modernom klijentu?
Klijenti su svakako postali zahtevniji i svesniji zdravstvenih
pitanja, za{tite i onog {to je za njih dobro na duge staze.
Da li vam se ~ini da ispunjavate standarde koji zadovoljavaju zahteve najzahtevnijih klijenata?
Da, rekao bih da odgovaramo potrebama ljudi. Novinari
vole da postavljaju pitanja o tipi~nom srpskom potro{a~u
- ja bih rekao da je on svakako veoma zahtevan!
@ene su na{a glavna preokupacija a one su veoma svesne
onog {to im je potrebno. Shodno tome, mi sve svoje inovacije donosimo ovamo. Sve {to imate u Nema~koj
mo`ete dobiti i ovde, iako mo`da sa malim zaka{njenjem
od, recimo, mesec dana po{to se lansira novi proizvod.
Spremni smo da ponudimo savremene proizvode i potpuno
smo posve}eni zadovoljavanju potreba doma}ih klijenata.
Da li se promocije rade u istom stilu?
Neke se malo razlikuju od ovih ovde, ali mi nudimo isto
i, usu|ujem se da ka`em, ~ak i bolje. Trudimo se da radimo iste promocije u nekoliko zemalja, sa zajedni~kim idejama ali istovremeno ~uvaju}i specifi~nosti lokalnih
ukusa. Beiersdorf ne koristi copy/paste model na
lokalnom nivou. Uvek se trudimo da prilagodimo
osnovne poslovne standarde kompanije potrebama i
osobinama konkretnog tr`i{ta. Nazvao bih to modelom
koji se najbolje uklapa u svako pojedino tr`i{te.
Stalno moramo da budemo sve kreativniji kako bismo
ponudili ne{to privla~no lokalnim potrebama i o~ekivanjima. Kao {to sam rekao, potro{a~i u Srbiji su izbirljivi i
imaju dobar ukus.
Neverovatno je koliko se ukus razlikuje od zemlje do
zemlje! Isto je sa proizvodima za lepotu kao i sa hranom,
na primer. Ljudi u dve susedne zemlje mogu da gaje
razli~ite vrednosti i poglede i to je momenat u kome se
povezujete sa lokalnim potro{a~ima i ispitujete ono {to
vole/ne vole, prepoznajete {ta je najprikladnije za lokalne
potrebe i poku{avate da uklopite idealan portfolio
proizvoda. Upoznavanje kupaca je te`ak ali proces vredan
truda i ja se nadam da mi ovde u tome uspevamo.
[ta biste nam otkrili u vezi sa poslovanjem u Srbiji i
gde smo mi sada u evropskim okvirima?
Govore}i o Evropi, svakako bih rekao da, ova zemlja je
deo Evrope i to se ne mo`e promeniti. [to se ti~e saveta,
nemam nikakakav spektakularan, osim da vam otkrijem
svoje gledi{te da ljudi treba da budu odgovorni prema
svojoj kompaniji, porodici, zemlji i radnom prostoru.
Danas svako mo`e da radi i da unapre|uje stvari u svom
neposrednom okru`enju bez obzira da li mo`e ili ne da
uti~e na stvari na vi{em nivou.
Kritika je va`na, ali obi~ni ljudi treba da po~nu od sebe i
da budu odgovorni, a to }e neminovno ljude i zemlju
odvesti bli`e modernoj Evropi.
Kriza je svuda. Ovo nisu povoljna vremena za nekog ko
se bori da se uzdigne na vi{i nivo i da oja~a svoju poziciju. S druge strane, opet, ne postoji drugi izbor osim boriti se. Vlasti i narod moraju da budu strpljivi i optimisti~ni
dok se Srbija bori za svoje pozicije.
Rekao bih da je klju~ u napornom radu, strpljenju i
odgovornosti - sa moje li~ne ta~ke gledi{ta, to je ne{to
{to se primenjuje na li~nom planu, a odatle se uzdi`e na
mesto op{te dru{tvene vrednosti.
Kako va{i prijatelji gledaju na to {to radite u Srbiji?
Nedavno smo imali proslavu mature i bio sam iznena|en
u kojoj meri negativna percepcija jo{ uvek postoji.
Potro{io sam neko vreme i trud da svojim prijateljima
opi{em ovaj divni grad u kome sada `ivim ... Tako da, ~ak
i u mojoj rodnoj zemlji koja ima ~vrste veze sa
vojvo|anskim Slovacima, ima mnogo toga nepoznatog, a
ljudima je potrebno da ~uju ne{to drugo, kako bi mogli
da zaborave ru`ne pri~e koje su ~uli ranije. Srbiji je definitivno neophodan pozitivniji marketing prema Evropi. A
Evropa bi kona~no morala da pru`i pomo} i ve}u
podr{ku. Ljudi koji ovde rade su deo dobre i dobro
saslu{ane pri~e o poslovanju u Beogradu.
Airport City Belgrade - Business Partner 2009
The traditional award of group Mass Media International is just the latest recognition for ACB
By Ljiljana Lukic
Company Airport City Belgrade is richer by one
more prestigious business award, the award
"Business Partner 2009", presented by Mass Media
International in recognition of businesses that display high professional standards and strong ethical
practices, as well as contributing to the stabilisation
of the economic climate in the country and the
development of economic co-operation in the
region. The award was accepted by ACB CEO, Adir
El Al, at the formal award ceremony for "Business
Partner 2007" on 17th June at Belgrade's Hotel
Continental in the presence of other award recipients, business partners and representatives of the
government, diplomatic corps and media.
Giving thanks for the award, Mr El Al noted that it
was particularly important that Airport City, as the
most successful regional investment, had received
this award from business partners. He added that
by contributing to the economic development of
Belgrade, Serbia and the region, ACB would try to
justify this award in the coming period.
This year's awards went to a total of 42 companies
in Serbia and Southeast Europe in nine different
categories, among which was a new category set
up this year - Best Factory in the Region (Business
Partner 2009 special).
Ten awards for "Regional business partner 2009"
went to enterprises from Slovenia, Hungary,
Selection criteria
• operational professionalism
• good business collaborations
• ethical and innovative in business
• good business results
• exceptionally high quality products and
• market and marketing performance
• high level of customer and consumer
• Corporate social responsibility
• support for the local community
• ecological imperative
Romania, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus and
Serbia, where the winners included Krka, Dukat,
Bauxite Mili}, EFG Bank and others.
Among recipients of the "Business Partner 2009"
Award are 23 companies. Alongside Airport City
Belgrade, those are companies Tigar, Centroproizvod, McDonald's, Delta Maxi Group, Grawe
Insurance, Prokupac, Travelhouse, Special Hospital
Merkur, Altamed, Monterra, Wine Cellar Aleksandrovic, Habit Pharm, Konsing Group, MGUM
Technology, hiCad, Nutriko, Logo, JKP Novosadska
heating plant, Daniel Print, Creative Educational
Centre and Art foundry Vo`dovac-Brothers
and the establishing of better business co-operation in
the region, said Radovanovic, announcing the extension
of competition to the territory of Central Europe.
President of the jury, Ilija Cosic, Dean of the Novi Sad
Faculty of Technical Sciences, told reporters that the
award had as many as 300 candidate companies from
Serbia and Central and Eastern Europe. According to
Cosic, two criteria were of particular importance during
the selection of the winner: priority was given to companies that have created new knowledge and companies
that operate within a network.
Kompanija Airport City Belgrade bogatija je za jo{ jedno
presti`no poslovno priznanje, nagradu "Biznis Partner
2009", koju dodeljuje Mass Media International za poslovanje koje" uva`ava visoke profesionalne standarde i
~vrste eti~ke norme i koje doprinosi stabilizaciji poslovne
klime u zemlji i razvoju privredne saradnje u regionu".
Partner is also a priority
in business
A ceremony held under the slogan "In business, as well as in life, the most important is a
partner" was opened by Ljubi{a Dimitrijevic,
State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and
services, and special guest Radovan Jela{ic,
National Bank of Serbia Governor. Guests
included the president of the Serbian
Chamber of Commerce, Milo{ Bugarin, who
received a special award for his specific contribution to stabilising the business climate
and developing co-operation in the region.
The gathering was also attended by the
ambassadors of Greece, Israel, Romania,
Hungary, Poland, Cyprus and Croatia.
Na sve~anom uru~enju regionalne nagrade "Biznis Partner
2009", 17. juna u beogradskom hotelu Kontinental, u prisustvu ostalih laureata, poslovnih partnera, predstavnika
Vlade, diplomatskog kora i medija, nagradu u ime Airport
City-a primio je direktor Adir El Al.
Zahvaljuju}i se na nagradi, El Al je naglasio da je posebno va`no {to je Airport City-u , kao najuspe{nijoj regionalnoj investiciji , ovu nagradu dodelilo biznis okru`enje,
odnosno poslovni partneri. On je dodao da }e ACB, doprinose}i razvoju privrede Beograda, Srbije i regiona, nastojati da ovo priznanje opravda i u narednom periodu.
Under the auspices of the special recognition awards,
"Business Partner Plus 2009" went to company Knjaz
Milo{, "Business Partner Special" belonged to company
Tetra Pak Production, the "Edu-Business Partner" Award
saw the selection of the Faculty of Information
Technology, while the title "Eco-Business Partner 2009"
went to Perihard Engineering. The 2009 Laureate, by
secret ballot, was presented to company Knjaz Milos
with the unique recognition "Best Partner 2009".
Director of Mass Media International, Milivoje
Radovanovic, said that the awarded companies had
shown, even in difficult times, a high degree of professionalism. I am especially proud for this year's winners,
because their business results have shown that the crisis
can be turned into an opportunity, said Radovanovic.
According to him, during previous years this prestigious
award has persevered in fostering the right values sought
from institutions to become deserved recipients fulfilling
all ten criteria. Such a comprehensive method to select a
laureate, with candidates choosing the best among
themselves, encourages the creation of new partnerships
Ove godine nagra|eno je ukupno 42 kompanije iz Srbije
i jugoisto~ne Evrope u devet kategorija me|u kojima je i
ove godine ustanovljena kategorija - najbolja fabrika u
regionu (Biznis partner 2009 specijal).
Deset nagrada "Regionalni biznis partner 2009" dobila su
preduze}a iz Slovenije, Ma|arske, Rumunije, Hrvatske,
Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Makedonije, Bugarske,
Gr~ke, Kipra i Srbije, me|u kojima su "Krka", "Dukat",
"Boksit Mili}", EFG Bank i druga.
Me|u dobitnicima nagrade su 23 kompanije, a pored
Airport City Belgrade, to su i kompanije "Tigar",
"Centroproizvod", "Mc Donalds", "Delta Maxi Grupa",
"Grawe osiguranje", "Prokupac", "Travelhouse", Specijalna
bolnica "Merkur", "Altamed", "Monterra", Podrum vina
"Aleksandrovi}", "Habit Pharm", "Konsing Group",
"MGUM Technology", "hiCad", "Nutriko", "Logo", JKP
Novosadska toplana, "Daniel Print", Kreativno edukativni
centar i Umetni~ka livnica Vo`dovac-Bra}a Jeremi}.
U okviru specijalnih nagrada priznanje "Biznis partner
plus 2009" pripala je kompaniji "Knjaz Milo{", "Biznis
partner specijal" preduze}u "Tetra pak production", za
"Edu-Biznis parnera" izabran je Fakultet informacionih
tehnologija, dok je titula "Eko-Biznis partner 2009" pripala "Perihard in`enjering"-u. Laureati 2009, tajnim
glasanjem na samoj proslavi, dodelili su kompaniji "Knjaz
Milo{" jedinstveno priznanje "Best partner 2009".
Direktor kompanije Mass Media International Milivoje
Radovanovi}, istakao je da su nagra|ene kompanije i u
te{kim vremenima pokazale visok stepen profesionalizma. "Na ovogodi{nje pobednike sam posebno ponosan
jer su poslovnim rezultatima pokazale da kriza mo`e da
se pretvori u {ansu", rekao je Radovanovi}.
Po njegovim re~ima, tokom prethodnih godina ovo
presti`no priznanje istrajalo je u negovanju pravih vrednosti tra`e}i od institucija da postanu zaslu`eno dobitnici
ispunjavaju}i svih deset kriterijuma. Ovakav, sveobuhvatan, metod izbora laureata, kada sami kandidati me|u
sobom biraju najbolje, podsti~e stvaranje novih partnerstava i uspostavlja bolju poslovnu saradnju u regionu,
rekao je Radovanovi} i najavio pro{irenje takmi~enja i na
prostor centralne Evrope.
Predsednik `irija Ilija ]osi}, dekan Fakulteta tehni~kih
nauka u Novom Sadu, kazao je novinarima da je za
nagrade bilo predlo`eno ~ak 300 kompanija iz Srbije i
centralne i isto~ne Evrope. Po re~ima ]osi}a, pri odabiru
pobednika dva kriterijuma su bila od posebne va`nosti prednost su imale kompanije koje su kreirale nova znanja i preduze}a koja posluju unutar mre`e.
Novinari saradnici/Journalist contribution:
Ljiljana Luki} / Mark Pullen
Prevod/Translation: Boba [ibali} / Mark
Foto/Photo: Miodrag Trajkovi} / Predrag
Dizajn/Design: Avantguarde