Broj 58 - Privredna komora Beograda
Broj 58 - Privredna komora Beograda
KOMBEG info broj 58. Kombeg info izdaje P.R.A. agencija, ovlašćena agencija Privredne komore Beograda za odnose sa javnošću str 04, 05 STRUČNJACI I PRIVREDA TRAŽE MINISTARSTVO --------------------------Experts and businessmen seek IT ministry IT – PROFESIJA BUDUĆNOSTI ——————————————— IT – PROFESSION OF THE FUTURE str 08, 09 RAZVOJ INDUSTRIJE SOFTVERA --------------------------Development of the software industry PREGOVORI SA EU – POGLAVLJE 10 EU NEGOTIATIONS CHAPTER 10 USKLADITI REGULATORNI OKVIR SA EVROPSKIM ADAPTING IT LAWS TO THE EUROPEAN ONES Informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije su pokretač razvoja društva, vode većoj konkurentnosti privrede, doprinoseći tako i kvalitetu životnog standarda građana. Širokopojasni pristup internetu je neophodan uslov i prioritet Information and communication technology as a driving force of the development of a society, leads to greater economic competitiveness, thus contributing to the quality of living standards of the citizens. The broadband internet access is of the utmost importance Tema sednice Odbora Udruženja informatičke delatnosti Privredne komore Beograda, održane u saradnji sa Društvom za informatiku Srbije, bila je Poglavlje 10 pregovora sa Evropskom unijom – Informaciono društvo i mediji, a govorilo se o regulisanju širokopojasnog pristupa, interkonekciji, analizi tržišta, univerzalnim uslugama i pravima korisnika, e-upravi, e-zdravstvu, pitanjima privatnosti, digitalizaciji. The Association for Information Technologies of Belgrade Chamber of Commerce has held its Board meeting in cooperation with the Serbian Society for Informatics, with the Negotiation Chapter 10 with the European Union – Information Society and Media as the main topic. The participants discussed the regulation of broadband access, interconnection, market analysis, universal services and rights of users, e-government, e-health, privacy issues, and digitization. Informatika neophodna za modernizaciju ekonomije Stefan Lazarević, državni sekretar u Ministarstvu spoljne i unutrašnje trgovine i telekomunikacija i predsednik Pregovaračke grupe 10, objasnio je da nas u ovoj godini čeka prva faza pregovora, skrininzi. - To je pre svega dobro i za nas, jer ja pregovarački proces shvatam, pre svega, kao razvojnu šansu, šansu za modernizaciju ekonomije naše države, ali i društva u celini. U okviru Pregovaračke grupe 10, nećemo se samo baviti usklađivanjem našeg zakonodavstva sa zakonodavnim regulativama Evropske unije, već ćemo se baviti i pitanjima koja su od suš- e-UPRAVA Srbija je napravila veliki iskorak u razvoju elektronske uprave, ali ono što joj nedostaje je međusobno povezivanje svih institucija. Ministarstvo priprema Zakon o elektronskom poslovanju, čija suština je da na jednom mestu objedini pitanja elektronskog dokumenta, elektronskog potpisa, elektronskog identiteta i elektronske arhive. ICT is necessary for modernization of our economy Sednica Odbora Udruženja informatičke delatnosti Privredne komore Beograda tinskog razvojnog karaktera i značaja za ekonomije 21. veka, rekao je Stefan Lazarević, navodeći kao primer razvoj širokopojasnog pristupa internetu. Imajući u vidu da su naredne dve do tri godine DIGITALIZACIJA Jedna od tema kojom će se Pregovaračka grupa 10 baviti u procesu pregovora sa EU jeste digitalizacija, čiji je rok za izvršenje 17. jun 2015. godine. Srbija se u ovoj oblasti susreće sa dva izazova, od kojih je jedan finansijski, a drugi regulatorni. Kako bi obezbedila finansijska sredstva, Srbija je otpočela pregovore sa Evropskom bankom za obnovu i razvoj. Kada je reč o regulativi, neophodno je da Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja donese dva zakona – Zakon o elektronskim medijima i Zakon o javnim servisima. RAZVOJ ŠIROKOPOJASNOG INTERNETA Strategiju razvoja širokopojasnog interneta do 2016. godine od izuzetnog je značaja za Srbiju. Javna rasprava o Nacionalnoj strategiji završena je još u decembru, a razvoj telekomunikacione infrastrukture u Srbiji olakšaće usvajanje Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji, koje se, takođe, očekuje. Od ove infrastrukture zavisi konkurentnost ekonomije, kao i privlačenje stranih investicija. Obezbeđivanje širokopojasnog pristupa svakom građaninu omogućava korišćenje e-poslovanja, e-bankarstva, e-trgovine, e-obrazovanja i e-zdravstva. KOMBEG info 02 Stručnjaci diskutuju o Poglavlju 10 ključne za dostizanje ciljeva EU, Ministarstvo je uradilo Strategiju razvoja širokopojasnih mreža i servisa u Republici Srbiji do 2016. godine. - Očekujemo da se kroz sinhronizaciju našeg pravnog okvira sa okvirom za oblast informatike u Evropskoj uniji stvori povoljniji ambijent za razvoj informatičkog društva u Srbiji. Glavna stvar koja nama nedostaje su servisi. Mi ćemo kroz ovaj proces da unapredimo te servise. Očekujemo da će taj proces priprema biti podržan i time što ćemo znatnije razvijati IKT sektor u Srbiji i primenu informatike, da bi naša privreda bila konkurentnija u trenutku kada uđemo u Evropsku uniju, rekao je Nikola Marković, predsednik Društva za informatiku Srbije. Stefan Lazarević, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications and President of the Negotiating Group 10, explained that this year we expect the first phase of negotiations, i.e. screenings. - This is especially good for us, because I consider the negotiation process primarily as an opportunity for development, a chance for modernizing our state economy, and also society as a whole. Within the Negotiating Group 10, we will not only deal with adjusting our legislation to the legislative regulati- e- GOVERNMENT Serbia has made a huge step forward in the development of e-governance, but it lacks the interconnection of all institutions. Ministry prepares the Law on Electronic Commerce, the essence of which is that it unites the issue of electronic documents, electronic signature, electronic identity and electronic archives in one place. GLAS PRIVREDE Obostrani interes privrede i države jeste zadržavanje inženjera u zemlji, kako bi se povećali kapaciteti IT industrije, a edukacija i implementiranje zakonske regulative su preduslovi za to. - Ono što je tužan trend jeste da sada dolaze strane kompanije koje lokalno uzimaju naše resurse. Strane kompanije su kupovale resurse i izvozile ih iz zemlje, a sada ih kupuju lokalno. To je meni zastrašujući efekat. Posledica toga je da ni mi sami ne možemo da budemo dovoljno efikasni, rekao je Vladimir Živanović, direktor kompanije Saga. The Association for Information Technologies’ Board meeting ons of the European Union, but we will also deal with issues that are of crucial developmental importance of the 21st century economies, such as development of broadband internet access, said Stefan Lazarević. Bearing in mind that the next two to three years DIGITIZATION One of the topics that the Negotiating Group 10 will be discussing in the negotiation process with the EU is digitization, the deadline for implementation being 17th June 2015. In this area Serbia is facing two challenges, one is financial, and the other is regulatory. In order to secure funding, Serbia has started the negotiations with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. When it comes to regulation, it is necessary that Ministry of Culture and Information adopts two laws – the Electronic Media Law and the Public Service Act. BROADBAND INTERNET DEVELOPMENT The Strategy of Broadband Internet Development to 2016 is of the utmost importance for Serbia. Public hearings on the National Strategy were completed in December, and the development of telecommunications infrastructure in Serbia will facilitate the adoption of the Law on Planning and Construction, which is also expected soon. Competitiveness of the economy and attraction of foreign investments depend on this infrastructure. Providing broadband access to everyone enables citizen to use e-commerce, e-banking, e-trade, e-education and e-health. are crucial for achieving the EU goals, the Ministry prepared a Strategy of Development of Broadband Networks and Services in the Repiblic of Serbia until 2016. - Through the synchronization of our legal framework with the framework for the field of informatics in the European Union, we expect that a favorable environment for the development of information society in Serbia will be created. The thing we lack the most are the services. Through this process we are going to improve those services. We expect that the process of preparation will be supported by significant development of the ICT sector in Serbia and by the application of information technology, in order to make our economy more competitive at a time when we enter the European Union, said Nikola Marković, President of the Serbian Society for Informatics. THE VOICE OF ECONOMY The mutual interest of the economy and the state is keeping engineers in the country, in order to increase the capacity of the IT industry. Education and implementation of legislation are the preconditions. - The sad trend is that foreign companies are now coming to take our local resources. They were buying resources and exporting them from the country, and now they are buying locally. This is a frightening effect to me. The consequence is that we ourselves cannot be effective enough, said Vladimir Zivanović, Director of Saga company. KOMBEG info 03 DRŽAVA I INFORMATIKA THE STATE AND INFORMATICS STRUČNJACI I PRIVREDA TRAŽE MINISTARSTVO THE EXPERTS AND ECONOMY SEEK MINISTRY Profesionalna informatička udruženja i asocijacije uputile su zahtev državnim vlastima da što hitnije osnuju posebno ministarstvo za informaciono društvo, jer su informacione i komunikacione tehnologije nužan deo svih sektora života i upravljanja Professional IT associations urge the state authorities to form a special ministry for information society, as the information and communication technologies are an important part of each sector of life and governance Sa skupa u Privrednoj komori Beograda o Poglavlju 10 pregovora o pridruživanju EU, koje se odnosi na informaciono društvo, i proširene sednice Odbora Udruženja informatičke delatnosti, upućen je predlog državnim organima o formiranju posebnog Ministarstva za informaciono društvo, kao jednog od stubova i prioriteta rada nove Vlade Srbije. Napredak zemalja koje su uvidele značaj primene informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija i formirale posebno ministarstvo je vidljiv i trebalo bi da služi kao primer razvojne šanse za Srbiju, smatraju u Udruženju. Ministarstvo bi pokrivalo sledeće delatnosti: proizvodnju računara i periferne opreme, računarsko programiranje, kablovske telekomunikacije, obradu podataka, hosting, satelitske tele- From the meeting at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce on Negotiation Chapter 10 of the EU accession, which refers to the information society, organized by the Association for Information Technologies, the professional associations of IT have sent a proposal to the state authorities urging them to establish a separate Ministry for Information Society as one of the pillars and priorities of the new Serbian government. Progress of countries that have realized the importance of the information and communication technology implementation and have formed a separate ministry is visible and should serve as an example as a development opportunity for Serbia. komunikacije, konsultantske delatatnosti u IT oblasti, izdavanje ostalih softvera, bežične telekomunikacije, popravku računara, proizvodnju komunikacione opreme, veb portale i drugo. Investitori traže razvijenu IT infrastrukturu KOMORA IMA SPREMNE PROJEKTE Privredna komora Beograda i njeno Udruženje informatičke delatnosti imaju nekoliko gotovih IT projekata za Grad Beograd. Jedan od njih je Beogradska optička metro mreža, koja bi bila izgrađena putem javno-privatnog partnerstva. Dobar primer je mreža koja se na ovaj način gradi u Novom Sadu, gde će partneri imati interes u 75% profita u narednih 25 godina, nakon čega će celokupan prihod pripadati javnom preduzeću Informatika. Optička mreža će biti izgrađena u tri faze, a korisnici će imati pristup širokopojasnom internetu, kablovsku i IP televiziju, a priključak će biti besplatan sa mogućnošću izbora internet provajdera za svaku od telekomunikacionih usluga. Drugi projekat koji je Komora ponudila Gradu Beogradu je izgradnja data centra za hostovanje, gde bi sa jednog mesta mogli da se opslužuju informacioni sistemi kompanija i institucija. Kako kaže sekretar Udruženja informatičke delatnosti Dušan Rakić, Beograd bi mogao da hostuje pola Evrope. Kako su se IT biznis inkubatori pokazali izuzetno potrebnim i uspešnim, Privredna komora Beograda je pripremila za beogradske opštine projekte i model za ovakve centre u kojima bi mlade IT firme dobile mogućnost da započnu posao i administrativnu, savetodavnu, knjigovodstvenu i pravnu pomoć da svoj biznis postave na čvrste osnove. - To je naša stara inicijativa, koju smo više puta predlagali. Mislim da je sada pravi trenutak da podsetimo sve učesnike u formiranju Vlade da je informaciono društvo veoma važno i da razmisle o formiranju posebnog ministarstva. Ono što je važno je da sada praktično svi politički činioci pominju informacione tehnologije kao jedan od prioriteta, rekao je Dušan Rakić, sekretar Udruženja. Ne postoji ni jedan sektor koji nema veze sa informacionim tehnologijama. Ukoliko ne postoji mogućnost formiranja ministarstva, predlaže se formiranje Kancelarije za digitalnu agendu u rangu ministarstva, kao i osnivanje Fonda za razvoj e-uprave i telekomunikacija u Srbiji, iz viška sredstava ostvarenih po završnom računu regulatornih agencija sektora. Nedavno su i Američka privredna komora u Srbiji, Savet stranih investitora i Nacionalna alijansa za lokalni ekonomski razvoj (NALED), predložili uspostavljanje posebnog Ministarstva informacionog društva, sa uverenjem da takvo telo može značajno doprineti pozicioniranju Srbije kao investicione destinacije i omogućiti dalji privredni rast. Investors demand well developed IT infrastructure The Ministry would cover the following functions: manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment, computer programming, cable telecommunication, data processing, hosting, satellite communication, consulting technologies in the IT field, expense of other software, wireless telecommunication, computer repair, manufacture of communication equipment, web portals, etc. - This is our old initiative, which we have repeatedly suggested. I think that now is a good time to remind THE CHAMBER HAS READY PROJECTS Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and its Association for Information Technologies have a few completed IT projects for the City of Belgrade. One of them is the Belgrade Optical Metro Network, which would be built through publicprivate partnership. A good example is a network which is being built in this way in Novi Sad, where the partners will have an interest in 75% of the profits in the next 25 years, and after that all the USPOSTAVITI IT AUTORITET GRADA Gradska uprava Beograda nema posebno telo zaduženo za koordinaciju i upravljanje informacionim i komunikacionim tehnologijama, što je jedan od razloga za mnoge neuspešne IT projekte Skupštine Grada i javnih gradskih preduzeća, kao što su BusPlus, Oracle ili Infostan. Neophodno je na nivou grada uspostaviti IT autoritet, telo odgovorno za IT, koje bi vodilo ove projekte. Osim toga, u preduzećima i institucijama bi trebalo uvesti i osobu koja rukovodi IT poslovima – u svetu se to zove CIO – Chief Information Officer, kao što postoji CEO (Chief Executive Officer), smatraju stručnjaci. Kada se rade IT projekti, moraju da postoje standardi i da, nakon godinu dana, neko izvrši evaluaciju i analizu benefita, posebno kada su u pitanju državni projekti, odnosno javna nabavka. Pismo Mandataru za sastav Vlade Srbije KOMBEG info 04 Extended Board meeting of the Association for Information Technoligies all participants in the formation of the Government that the information society is very important and urge them to consider the establishment of a separate ministry. What is important is that now almost all the political factors mention information technology as one of the priorities, said Dušan Rakić, Secretary of the Chamber’s Association for IT. - There is not a single sector that has nothing to do with information technology. If there is no possibility of forming a ministry, it is proposed to establish the Office for the Digital Agenda at the level of a ministry, as well as to establish the Fund for Development of e-Govern- Mubadala Injazat data center income will belong to the public company Informatika. The optical network will be built in three phases, and users will have access to broadband internet, cable and IP television, and connection will be free with a choice of internet provider for each of telecommunication services. The other project which the Chamber has offered to the City is building of a data center for hosting, where the information systems of companies and institutions could be serviced from one place. According to Association’s Secretary Dušan Rakić, Belgrade could host the half of Europe. As IT business incubators proved extremely necessary and successful, Chamber of Commerce has prepared projects for Belgrade municipalities and a model for such centers where the young IT companies would get the opportunity to start a business and administrative, advisory, accounting and legal assistance to set up their business on a firm basis. ment Services and Telecommunications in Serbia, from the extra funds achieved by the final account of the regulatory agency sectors. Recently, the American Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade, Foreign Investors Council, and National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED), have also proposed the establishment of a separate Ministry of Information Society, with the belief that such a body can significantly contribute to the positioning of Serbia as an investment destination and facilitate further economic growth. THE CITY NEEDS AN IT AUTHORITY The City Administration of Belgrade has no particular body responsible for information and communication technology and coordination, which is one of the reasons for many failed IT projects of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade and public city companies. The experts say it was necessary to establish an IT authority on the city level and to form the city authorities’ body to responsible for IT, which would lead these projects. In addition, enterprises and institutions should introduce the person in charge of IT operations - Chief Information Officer CIO, similar to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). When IT projects are carried on, there must be standards and, a year after the start of implementation, evaluation and analysis of benefits should be performed, especially when it comes to government projects and public procurement. KOMBEG info 05 INFORMACIONO DRUŠTVO INFORMATION SOCIETY STRATEGIJA RAZVOJA DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije sve dublje transformišu način interakcije ljudi, preduzeća i javnih institucija, a funkcionisanje modernog, informacionog društva zavisi od svima dostupnog i kvalitetnog pristupa internetu i razvijenog elektronskog poslovanja Information and communication technology deeply transformed the way people, companies and public institutions interact, and functioning of the modern, information society depends on high quality of internet access to everyone and developed electronic business Strategija razvoja informacionog društva u Republici Srbiji do 2020. godine, koja zajedno sa strategijom u oblasti telekomunikacija čini Digitalnu agendu RS, usmerena je na iskorišćenje potencijala informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija za povećanje efikasnosti rada, ekonomski rast, veću zaposlenost i podizanje kvaliteta života građana. Development Strategy of Information Society in the Republic of Serbia to 2020, which together with the Strategy in the field of telecommunications makes the Digital Agenda of Serbia, is focused on the utilization of the information and communication technology potential to increased efficiency, economic growth, higher employment and improving the quality life of citizens. 2020. je rok za uspostavljanje razvijenog informacionog društva Razvoj elektronskog poslovanja, koje uključuje e-upravu, e-trgovinu, e-pravosuđe, e-zdravlje i e-obrazovanje, postalo je neophodnost za funkcionisanje današnjeg društva. U strategiji se ističe značaj IKT kao glavnog faktora uticaja na ekonomski rast i inovativnost. Podsticanje razvoja IKT sektora podrazumeva i efikasnu zaštitu intelektualne svojine softverskih proizvoda i drugih digitalnih sadržaja. Svi aspekti informacione bezbednosti, koja podrazumeva zaštitu sistema, podataka i infrastrukture u cilju očuvanja poverljivosti, integriteta i raspoloživosti informacija, biće uređeni u Srbiji do 2020. godine kao jedan od preduslova razvoja održivog informacionog društva, kaže se u Strategiji. Developed information society to be established by 2020 Javna rasprava o Nacrtu strategije razvoja širokopojasnih mreža i servisa AKCIONI PLAN Za ispunjenje ciljeva Strategije i ostvarivanje svih preduslova za uspostavljanje razvijenog informacionog društva, ostalo je još sedam godina. Sa usvajanjem Akcionog plana za njeno sprovođenje u 2013/14. godini se kasnilo; usvojen je tek u avgustu prošle godine, a njegovo ostvarivanje za sada ne ide po planu. Od 29 aktivnosti predviđenih za 2013. godinu, ostvareno je 18, a neke INFORMACIONA BEZBEDNOST Akcionim planom se predviđa stvaranje neophodnog zakonodavnog okvira, pri čemu su Zakon o informacionoj bezbednosti, Zakon o elektronskom poslovanju i Zakon o čuvanju elektronskih dokumenata, najvažniji zakoni koji treba da budu usvojeni. Srbija je jedna od retkih evropskih zemalja koja još uvek nema tzv. CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), niti telo na državnom nivou koje se bavi informacionom bezbednošću. Zakonom će biti uređena oblast informacione bezbednosti, a posebno u IKT sistemima za rad sa tajnim podacima, u sistemima u organima javne vlasti, radi koordinacije prevencije i zaštite od bezbednosnih rizika u svim IKT sistemima u Srbiji, kao i zbog uređivanja inspekcije za informacionu bezbednost. od preostalih aktivnosti nisu ni započete. - Predlažemo, kao Udruženje informatičke delatnosti, da naredna vlada intenzivnije radi na njihovoj realizaciji, kako ne bi izazvali kašnjenje na aktivnostima predviđenim za ovu godinu i svojim resursima stojimo na raspolaganju za njihovu realizaciju, kaže Dušan Rakić, sekretar ovog udruženja Privredne komore Beograda. e-ZDRAVSTVO PRIORITET Prioritet u sprovođenju Plana je uspostavljanje integrisanog zdravstvenog informacionog sistem u cilju obezbeđivanja efikasnijeg, kvalitetnijeg i dostupnijeg zdravstva. Predviđeno je uspostavljanje informacionih sistema u svim ustanovama primarne zdravstvene zaštite i uvođenje zdravstvenih elektronskih kartona svih pacijenata, elektronsko zakazivanje pregleda, uspostavljanje bolničkih informacionih sistema i Data centra integrisanog zdravstvenog informacionog sistema. Uspostavljanjem širokopojasne zdravstvene informacione mreže, više od 350 zdravstvenih ustanova će biti informatički povezano i biće omo- gućena razmena podataka među njima. Za- konom o zdravstvenom osiguranju bilo je predviđeno uvođenje elektronskih zdravstvenih knjižica do 2014. godine, ali će rok verovatno biti pomeren za 2016. ili 2017, mada je i to jedna od bitnih karika za funkcionisanje e-zdravstva. Development of electronic business, which includes e-government, e-commerce, e-justice, e-health and e-education has become a necessity for the functioning of modern society. The strategy emphasizes the importance of ICT as a major factor affecting the economic growth and innovation. Encouraging the development of the ICT sector includes the effective protection of intellectual property rights of software products and other digital content. All aspects of information security, which includes system, data and infrastructure protection in order to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information will be arranged in Serbia until 2020 as a precondition for development of the sustainable information society, according to the Strategy. Conference on ICT and education at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce THE ACTION PLAN For meeting the objectives of the Strategy and achieving the preconditions for the establishment of a developed information society, there is seven years left. The adoption of the Action Plan for the implementation in 2013/14 was delayed; it was adopted in August last year, and its achievement has not been going according to plan so far. Of the 29 activities planned for 2013, 18 were accomplished, and some of the remaining activities have not started yet. INFORMATION SECURITY The Action Plan provides the creation of the necessary legal framework, including the adoption of the Law on Information Security, Law on Electronic Commerce and the Law on the Electronic Documents Preservation, as the most important ones. Serbia is one of the few European countries that still does not have the Computer Emergency Response Team, nor a body at the state level to deal with information security. According to the law, this field will be organized, particularly in the ICT systems for dealing with confidential information and in the public and state institutions, in order to coordinate prevention and protection from security risks in all ICT systems in Serbia, as well as to regulate the inspection of information security. - We suggest, as the Association for Information Technologies, that the next government intensifies work on their implementation, in order to avoid delays in the activities scheduled for this year. We are available with all our resources for their implementation, says Dušan Rakić, Secretary of the Association of Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. e-HEALTH IS PRIORITY Priority in the implementation of the Plan is the establishment of an integrated health information system in order to provide more efficient, more accessible and better health care. The establishment of information systems is expected in all primary institutions for health care and the introduction of electronic health cards for all patients, electronic scheduling, implementation of the hospital information systems and establishment of the Data Center of integrated health information system. Through the establishment of a broadband health information network, more than 350 health facilities will be connected and exchange of data among them enabled. According to the Health Insurance Act, introduction of electronic health cards was planned for 2014, but this deadline is likely to be rescheduled for 2016 or 2017, although it is one of the important links for the functioning of e-health. Roundtable on the Draft Law on Information Security at the Chamber KOMBEG info 06 KOMBEG info 07 RAZVOJ INDUSTRIJE SOFTVERA DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOFTWARE INDUSTRY NOVA INDUSTRIJALIZACIJA SRBIJE NEW INDUSTRIALIZATION OF SERBIA Industrija softvera ima mnogo prednosti u odnosu na druge sektore jer zahteva male investicije, ekološki je čista, zapošljava vrlo kvalifikovanu radnu snagu i akumulativna je – stvara visoku dodatnu vrednost po zaposlenom The software industry has many advantages compared to other sectors because it requires small investments, employs highly skilled workforce, does not polute environment, and it is accumulative – it creates high value added per employee Dušan Rakić, sekretar Udruženja informatičke delatnosti Privredne komore Beograda, kaže da sadašnje stanje u Srbiji ne pogoduje razvoju indu- strije softvera: Ne postoji dovoljan broj kompanija koje mogu da se bave razvojem softvera, a još manje onih koje imaju dovoljan broj softver inženje- ra. Fakulteti nemaju dovoljan kapacitet neophodan za vrlo dinamičan razvoj potrebnih kadrova, a interesovanje mladih za ove studije bi trebalo podstaći stipendijama i studentskim kreditima. Osim toga, ne postoje propisi koji podstiču izvoz usluga razvoja softvera iz Srbije i koje bi obezbedile međunarodnu konkurentnost kompanija iz Srbije. Nedostaje nam 23.000 softverskih inženjera POTREBNA VEĆA IZDVAJANJA ZA IT U Srbiji su izdvajanja za informacione i komunikacione tehnologije mnogo manja nego u okruženju – samo 60 evra po glavi stanovnika godišnje, dok su u susednim zemljama i do 200 evra, koliko ulažu Mađarska i Hrvatska. - Mi smo jedno od najslabijih informacionih tržišta u Evropi, pa i u regionu. Za svima kaskamo: za Mađarima poprilično, a već se uočava i zaostatak za Rumunima i Bugarima. Da bi Srbija uhvatila kakav-takav korak sa zemljama iz regiona u pogledu informacione tehnologije, neophodan je rast ulaganja u IT od najmanje 15 procenata godišnje. Samo tako će Srbija za pet godina sa 60 evra po stanovniku ulaganja u IT dostići 120 evra. Ako se to nastavi, za manje od 10 godina biće daleko ispred Hrvatske i Mađarske, kaže IT analitičar Milovan Matijević, dodajući da u ovom trenutku nema nezaposlenog informatičara. SRBIJA NA 56. MESTU U SVETU Prema dostupnosti, raširenosti i korišćenju informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija, kao i veštinama za njihovo korišćenje, Srbija je na 56. mestu od 157 zemalja u svetu, ali tek na 26. mestu među zemljama Evrope, pokazuje lista koju svake godine pravi Međunarodna unija za telekomunikacije (ITU). Stari kontinent dominira kada je u pitanju IT razvoj, jer osim prvog mesta koje već četiri godine drži Južna Koreja i 10. na kome je Hong Kong, ostale među prvih deset su evropske zemlje: Švedska, Island, Danska, Finska, Norveška, Holandija, Velika Britanija i Luksemburg. SAD je na 17. mestu. Slovenija je na 28. mestu, Hrvatska na 38, a Bosna i Hercegovina na 67. mestu. KOMBEG info 08 Uz promene propisa i veće budžetsko finansiranje studenata informatike na državnim i privatnim univerzitetima, neophodno je posebnim programima podržati projekte i inicijative povezivanja kompanija za razvoj softvera i visokoškolskih ustanova, poput koncepta preduzetničkog univerziteta, kao i formiranje inkubatora novih firmi u oblasti razvoja softvera. - U slučaju podrške države i stipendiranje studenata, industrija softvera može imati resurse za prihod od jedne milijarde evra godišnje za nekoliko godina, kaže prof. dr Dragan Domazet, rektor Univerziteta Metropoliten. Za ovaj prihod bilo bi potrebno oko 30.000 softverskih inženjera, a ako pretpostavimo da ih sada radi oko 7.000, nedostaje 23.000. Za njihovu ’proizvodnju’ je potrebno 18 godina sa kapacitetom obrazovanja od 1.275 i pod nerealnom pretpostavkom da svi završavaju studije i niko ne odlazi u inostranstvo. Cilj bi bio ostvaren za pet godina ukoliko bismo imali 5.000 diplomiranih studenata godišnje. ONLAJN NEDELJA Onlajn nedelja, koja se svake godine organizuje širom Evrope kako bi što više ljudi uvela u svet informacionih tehnologija i pomogla im da steknu onlajn veštine, ove godine se organizuje od 24. do 30. marta. Središnja pažnja ovogodišnje kampanje je digitalna inkluzija, zapošljavanje i digitalni poslovi u skladu sa naporima da se bolje uskladi ponuda i potražnja e-veština. U Srbiji je kampanja usmerena na promociju i približavanje informacionih tehnologija građanima i njihovo digitalno opismenjavanje. Ponuđene su mnogobrojne radionice i aktivnosti, kao što su Mali ljudi u čudesnom svetu računara – čas starijih učenika koji uče mlađe bezbednom i pravilnom korišćenju interneta, linkovi sa igricama, besplatno preuzimanje programa Songsmith za decu koja žele da se oprobaju u pevanju i komponovanju, radionice za razmenu znanja, na kojima unuci uče svoje deke i bake da koriste internet, test e-Virtuoz za tinejdžere, predavanja o IKT poslu kao poslu budućnosti, kreativne veb radionice. Dušan Rakić, Secretary of the Association for Information Technologies of Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, says that the current situation in Serbia is not matching to the development of the software industry: There is no sufficient number of companies that may be engaged in software development, and even fewer of those that have a sufficient number of software engineers. Faculties do not have sufficient capacity necessary for the very dynamic development of the personnel needed, and the interest of young people for these studies should be encouraged by scholarships and student loans. Besides, there are no regulations that encourage the export of software development services from Serbia, which would ensure the international competitiveness of companies from Serbia. companies in the field of software development. - In the case of state support and scholarships for students, the software industry may have resources for the income of one billion euro per year in few years, says Prof. Dr. Dragan Domazet, Rector of the Metropolitan University. – For this income we need about 30,000 software engineers, and assuming that now about 7,000 of them are employed, we miss 23,000. It takes 18 years of education for their 'production' with the education capacity of 1,275 and under the unrealistic assumption that all of them end their studies, and no one goes abroad. The goal would be achieved in five years if we had 5,000 graduates per year. Serbia lacks 23,000 software engineers With the changes in regulations and increased budgetary funding of informatics students at public and private universities, it is necessary to form a special program to support projects and initiatives for linking companies for software development and higher education institutions, such as the concept of an entrepreneurial university, as well as formation of incubators for new SERBIA IN THE 56TH PLACE IN THE WORLD According to the availability, scope and use of information and communication technology, as well as the skills to use them, Serbia is in the 56th place of 157 countries in the world, but only in the 26th place among the countries in Europe, shows a list which is being made every year by International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The old continent dominates when it comes to the IT development, because apart from the first place which South Korea holds for four years, and Hong Kong in the 10th, the remained are among the top ten the European countries: Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, Great Britain and Luxembourg. The USA is in the 17th place. Slovenia is in the 28th place, Croatia in the 38th and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 67th place. IT NEEDS MORE FUNDS In Serbia, the funds for information and communication technology are much smaller than in the surrounding - only 60 euro per capita per year, while in the neighboring countries they are up to 200 euro, the amount that Hungary and Croatia invest. - We are one of the weakest information markets in Europe and in the region. We lag behind everyone: behind Hungarians pretty much, and now also behind Romanians and Bulgarians. In order to catch some kind of step with other countries in the region in terms of information technology, Serbia needs to increase the investment in IT for at least 15 percent annually. Only then will Serbia reach in five years120 euro of investment in IT per capita. If this continues, in less than 10 years Serbia will be far ahead of Croatia and Hungary, says IT analyst Milovan Matijević, adding that at present there is no unemployed IT professionals. THE ONLINE WEEK The Online Week, which is organized every year in Europe so that more people are introduced to the world of information technology and helped to acquire online skills, this year is being organized from 24th to 30th March. The central focus of this year's campaign is a digital inclusion, employment and digital operations in accordance with the efforts to adjust supply and demand of e-skills. In Serbia, a campaign is aimed at promotion of information technologies, making them closer to people, and digital literacy of population. Numerous workshops and activities are offered, such as the Small People to the Wonderful World of Computers – the class of older students who teach the younger ones the safe and proper use of the internet, links to games, free download of Songsmith program for children who want to try singing and composing, workshops for knowledge sharing, in which the grandchildren teach their grandparents to use the internet, e-Virtuosos test for teenagers, teaching about ICT job as a business of future, and creative web workshops. KOMBEG info 09 OBRAZOVANJE ZA INFORMACIONE TEHNOLOGIJE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION SRBIJI POTREBNI IT STRUČNJACI SERBIA NEEDS IT PROFESSIONALS Razvojem sektora informacionih tehnologija, otvaraju se velike mogućnosti novih poslova i zapošljavanja. U čitavom svetu, pa tako i u Srbiji, postoji manjak IT stručnjaka. Procenjuje se da će 2015. godine u svetu biti tri miliona nepopunjenih radnih mesta u IKT sektoru As the information and communication technology sector grows, new jobs and employment opportunities grow as well. Throughout the world, as well as in Serbia, there is a lack of ICT experts Do 2020. godine u Srbiji moglo biti otvoreno od 50.000 do 100.000 novih radnih mesta u ovoj oblasti, a trenutna potražnja je oko 30.000 radnih mesta. It is estimated that by the year 2015, there would be three million vacant jobs in ICT sector around the world. In Serbia, by 2020, there could be between 50,000 and 100,000 vacant positions in this field, while current demand is 30,000 jobs. Rešenje u većem broju studenata i savremenim programima Broj poslova u oblasti informacionih tehnologija se konstantno povećava iz godine u godinu. Prema podacima portala Infostud, u 2012. godini, broj oglasa u ovoj oblasti povećao se za 80 odsto, a u 2013. godini za petinu. Međutim, broj prijava na ove oglase nije bio dovoljan da zadovolji potrebe tržišta. Problem nedovoljnog broja stručnjaka za IT oblast u Srbiji delimično bi mogao da se reši povećanjem kvota za upis studenata. Pitanje je da li Srbija može da iškoluje stručnjake onom brzinom kojom tržište raste. - Naše studente, u IT sektoru kompanije vrbuju i angažuju još tokom prvih godina studiranja. To tržište je otvoreno i u ekspanziji i deca se iz tog sektora najlakše zapošljavaju. Mi godišnje možemo da školujemo više stotina takvih stručnjaka. Beogradski univerzitet čak 200 njih, a u celoj Srbiji nešto manje od 1000 stručnjaka, kaže dekan Elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu Branko Kovačević. Dragana Bečejski-Vujaklija iz Društva za informa- tiku Srbije kaže da je ciklus zastarevanja znanja u ovoj oblasti jako kratak: Znamo na kakvoj tehnologiji su diplomirali ljudi koji su pre 35 godina završavali fakultete, a koliko su se u međuvremenu usavršavali, uglavnom je individualna stvar. Moramo ozbiljno da razmišljamo o načinu kako da se podmladi informatički kadar u državnim organima. Treba da budemo svesni da je veliki broj stranih informatičkih firmi otvorio filijale poslednje dve godine u Srbiji i da se naši studenti, a verovatno i svi ostali informatičari, masovno zapošljavaju u tim firmama. REČ STRUČNJAKA - Savremenu privredu, pre svega, karakteriše IT infrastruktura koju koristi, jer ona omogućava porast konkurentnosti preduzeća, porast produktivnosti i efikasnosti. Danas najuspešnija preduzeća svoj najveći uspeh baziraju na primeni informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija koje omogućavaju da se smanje troškovi, da se proširi tržište, da se poveća ekonomičnost poslovanja. Najuspešnije firme spadaju u tu kategoriju. Situacija u Srbiji nije dobra u tom pogledu jer većina kompanija ima nerazvijene informaciono-komunikacione primene. Mi moramo da koristimo IKT, da digitalizujemo procese, da ih optimiziramo, kako bi oni imali veće efekte na poslovanje, kaže Nikola Marković, predsednik Društva za informatiku Srbije, za Kombeg info. KOMBEG info 10 Number of different jobs within the ICT sector is constantly increasing. According to the Infostud, a leading employment web portal, the number of ICT job ads increased by 80% in 2012, while in Kovačević, Dean of the School of Electronic Engineering of the University of Belgrade. As Dragana Bečejski Vujaklija from the Serbian Society for Informatics said, knowledge obsolence cycle is far too short in this area. – We are aware of the technology used 35 years ago, and people who studied back then were additionally trained later, but did it mostly on voluntary basis. We have to seriously deal with renewal of IT personnel in the state bodies and institutions. We have to be aware of the fact that a great number of foreign IT companies have opened their branch offices in Serbia in the last couple of years, and most of our students, as well as all the other computer scientists, are hired by these companies. TOP IT JOB SKILLS FOR 2014 TOP IT VEŠTINE ZA 2014. Kompanije u svetu planiraju da zaposle radnike sa ovim veštinama: 1. Programiranje – 49% kompanija 2. Tehnička podrška – 37% kompanija 3. Administraticija mreža – 31% kompanija 4. Razvoj mobilnih aplikacija – 27% kompanija 5. Menadžment projakata u IT – 25% kompanija 6. Administracija baza podataka – 24% kompanija 7. Bezbednost informacionih sistema – 21% kompanija 8. Analiza i poslovno izveštavanje – 18% kompanija More IT students and modernized curricula are the solution 2013 it increased by a fifth. However, the number of submitted applications for these jobs were far from meeting the market's demands. The issue of IT experts shortage in Serbia could be partially resolved by increasing the student admission quotas. The question is: Could Serbia educate experts at the pace of market growth? - Companies recruit and hire our students while they are still in university. This market is open and growing, and kids involved in the sector are more likely to get a job. We can educate hundreds of IT experts yearly. The University of Belgrade has a capacity of educating 200 experts anualy, while Serbia as a whole has the capacity of educating slightly less than 1000 experts per year, says Branko STUDIRAJ I TI IT Kompanija Infostud i Ministarstvo finansija i privrede pokrenuli su projekat Studiraj i ti IT, sa željom da podstaknu mlade da upisuju fakultete na kojima se školuju IT stručnjaci. Iako IT studije omogućavaju brz dolazak do posla i dvostruko veće prosečne zarade od republičkog proseka, Srbija još uvek nema dovoljan broj stručnjaka, koji bi zadovoljio potrebe tržišta rada. Projekat je usmeren i na unapređivanje nastavnih programa na fakultetima. PLAKETE DIS ZA IT DOSTIGNUĆA Zasedanje Žirija za dodelu DIS plaketa U Privrednoj komori Beograda održan je sastanak Stručnog žirija za dodelu godišnjih plaketa Društva za informatiku Srbije (DIS), koje se dodeljuju za izvanredna dostignuća u oblastima: inovativna primena IT u poslovnom okruženju, objavljen naučni rad u oblasti informatike, razvijen i primenjen hardverski ili softverski proizvod i razvijena i primenjena informatička usluga. Žiri je zasedao u sastavu: Nikola Marković, prof. dr Dragana Bečejski-Vujaklija, Radivoje Filipović, Snežana Božić, Dušan Rakić, Tamara Vučenović i Zoran Korunović. Companies across the world are planning to hire employees with following skills: 1. Computer Programming – 49% of companies 2. Technical Assistance – 37% of companies 3. Network Administration – 31% of companies 4. App Developing - 27% of companies 5. IT Project Managament – 25% of companies 6. Database Administration – 24% of companies 7. Information System Security – 21% of companies 8. Business Reporting and Analysis – 18% of companies A WORD FROM AN EXPERT - Modern economy is mainly chracterised by the level of IT infrastructure performance for it can boost company's competitiveness, productivity and efficiency. Nowadays, the success of the most prosperous companies is based on the level of application of ICT, given that these technologies may reduce costs, expand the market and enhance business efficiency. Most prosperous companies belong to the category of high level ICT usage. In this regard, the situation in Serbia is bad, because the majority of companies have a low level of application of ICT. We have to apply ICT knowledge, we have to digitize and optimize the procedures, so as to enhance business efficiency - Nikola Marković, President of the Serbian Society for Informatics, told Kombeg Info. CAMPAIGN FOR IT STUDIES The Infostud company and the Ministry of Finance launched a project called You Too Should Study IT aimed at encouraging young people to enroll in IT schools and faculties. Even though IT studies provide an opportunity of getting employed rather swiftly, Serbia lacks IT experts and does not meet the IT job market demands. The project is also aimed at improving university and school curricula. AWARDS FOR IT EXCELLENCE Professional jury for awarding annual plaques of the Serbian Society for Informatics held a meeting Nikola Markovic, President of the Society at Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. Annual plaques are awarded for exceptional achievements in the fields of: innovative IT application in business environment, published scientific paper in the field of informatics, developed and implemented hardware or software product, and developed and implemented information system. The jury consisted of: Nikola Marković, Dragana Bečejski-Vujaklija PhD, Radivoje Filipović, Snežana Božić, Dušan Rakić, Tamara Vučenović and Zoran Korunović. KOMBEG info 11 AKTIVNOSTI UDRUŽENJA INFORMATIČKE DELATNOSTI ASOCIATION FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES UPRAVLJANJE DRŽAVNIM PROJEKTIMA Okrugli sto Kapaciteti jedinica za upravljanje projektima državnih organa – projektne strukture za realizaciju sektorskih projekata, koji je održan u Privrednoj komori Beograda, organizovao je PMI (Project Management Institute) ogranak Srbija, u saradnji sa Upravom sa Digitalnu agendu Minis- tarstva spoljne i unutrašnje trgovine i telekomunikacija, Društvom za informatiku Srbije i Privrednom komorom Beograda. U poslednjih 10 godina, iskorišćena je tek trećina od pet milijardi evra odobrenih Srbiji za različite projekte, odnosno 1,49 milijardi evra. Za kredite Neophodno je usvojiti metodologiju upravljanja projektima Okrugli sto o upravljanju projektima državnih organa INTEROPERABILNOST INFORMACIONIH SISTEMA Na okruglom stolu Interoperabilnost informacionih sistema državnih organa u Srbiji, koji je održan u Privrednoj komori Beograda, zaključeno je da je potrebno hitno usvajanje Nacionalnog okvira interoperabilnosti u skladu sa Evropskim. Okrugli sto su organizovali Komorino Udruženje informatičke delatnosti i Društvo za informatiku Srbije. Interoperabilnost je sposobnost informacionih sistema da međusobno deluju sa drugim sistemima, bez ikakvih ograničenja i preduslov je za razvoj e-uprave, digitalizaciju građevinske dozvole, poreza na imovinu i izdavanja ličnih dokumenata. Vlada Republike Srbije treba da utvrdi osnovne pravce, zadatke, izvršioce i rokove za usvajanje i realizaciju Nacionalnog okvira interoperabilnosti informacionih sistema državnih organa, imenuje Komisiju za interoperabilnost i Koordinaciono telo eksperata za tehničke aspekte. Neophodno je razviti elektronske registre i servise i definisati zajedničke standarde i protokole za razmenu podataka. REFORMA PORESKE UPRAVE Nov, elektronski sistem podnošenja poreskih prijava je od 1. januara 2014. godine obavezan za prijavu poreza i doprinosa za zarade i prijavu i odjavu zaposlenih. Četiri velika elektronska servisa: za porez na dodatu vrednost, za poreze i doprinose, kao i akcize i porez na dobit od 1. jula će postati obavezni za sve i neće postojati papirna alternativa za njih. Država je prihodovala oko sedam milijardi dinara više za prva tri meseca primene eletronskog sistema.Ovaj novi sistem predstavljen je i u Privrednoj komori Beograda. - Elektronski servisi nisu reforma poreske politike, jer se ovde ne menja nijedna poreska stopa, ne uvodi se i ne ukida nijedan novi porez, već se samo jednim novim principom i tehnologijama udara na birokratiju. Smanjuje se broj papira i povećava se efikas- KOMBEG info 12 koji su nam odobreni, ali nisu iskorišćeni, država je od 2009. do kraja 2013. platila 22 miliona evra na ime penala. Da li imamo odgovarajuće projektne kapacitete za procese pristupanja EU? Kako povećati moć apsorpcije sredstava iz EU fondova? Na koji način efikasnije da koristimo raspoložive materijalno-tehničke, kadrovske i finansijske resurse? Da li je usvojena zvanična jedinstvena državna metodologija upravljanja projektima? Ovo su neke od tema o kojima se govorilo na okruglom stolu, na kome su učestvovali šef pregovaračkog tima Srbije sa EU prof. dr Tanja Miščević, Ana Ilić iz Kancelarije za evropske integracije, direktor Uprave za Digitalnu agendu Dušan Stojanović i direktor Direkcije za upravljanje projektima Ministarstva odbrane dr Proda Šećerov. nost, a u Poreskoj upravi to omogućava da se ljudski resursi bave kvalitetnije nekim drugim stvarima, rekao je Saša Dulić, pomoćnik direktora Poreske uprave. Privredna komora Beograda je realizovala više jednodnevnih specijalističkih obuka Porezi i doprinosi i obuka za podnošenje poreske prijave. Saša Dulić: Ušteda ogromne količine papira Predstavnici državnih organa i obrazovnih institucija i stručnjaci iz oblasti upravlјanja projektima na skupu su zaključili da je potrebno usvojiti metodologiju upravljanja projektima, sinhronizovati na nivou Vlade saradnju na pripremi i sprovođenju projekata Jedinica za upravljanje projektima svih ministarstava i sprovesti obuku i sertifikaciju projektnih timova. DIGITALNA FORENZIKA Sajber kriminal, koji poprima karakteristike međunarodnog i organizovanog delovanja, sve više postaje preovlađujući vid kriminala; u prošloj godini je u evropskim zemljama digitalnim putem ukradeno čak 750 milijardi evra. Stručnjaci smatraju da uskoro neće biti ni jedne kriminalne istrage koja neće obuhvatati i IT forneziku. Na okruglom stolu Digitalna forenzika i IT veštačenje, koji je organizovalo Udruženje informatičke delatnosti Privredne komore Beograda u saradnji sa Udruženjem sudskih veštaka IT veštak, odlučeno je da se Vladi Srbije uputi inicijativa za hitno donošenje Nacionalne strategije suprotstavljanja zloupotrebi informacione tehnologije i usvajanje Zakona o digitalnom dokazu. Zaključeno je da je neophodno edukovanje pravosudnih organa u pogledu mogućnosti i pouzdanosti digitalne forenzike i IT veštačenja, jer se oni samo delimično koriste u sudskim sporovima. U poslove forenzike, koja sve više znači ekonomsku forenziku, potrebno je uključiti stručnjake sa velikim iskustvom u reviziji, računovodstvu i informaciono-komunikacionim tehnologijama. U slučaju digitalne forenzike, to je disciplina u kojoj se susreću pravo i informatika. STATE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Capacity for the State Administration's Project Management Units – Project Structures for Implementation of Sectoral Projects roundtable discussion, held at the Belgrade Chamber of Comm- erce, was organized by the Project Management Institute – Serbia branch, in cooperation with the Directorate for Digital Agenda of the Ministry od Foreign and International Trade and Communica- Roundtable discussion on the state administration’s project management NTEROPERABILITY OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Participants of the Interoperability of State Administration’s Information Systems in Serbia roundtable discussion concluded that there is an urgent need to adopt the National Interoperabilty Framework, similar to the European one. The roundtable was organized by the Chamber's Association for Information Technologies and the Serbian Society for Informatics. Interoperability is the ability of making information systems work together without any limitations. Interoperability makes the government less expensive and more efficient. Serbian Government should determine the basic directions, tasks, executors and deadlines for adopting and implementing Framework for Interoperability of State Authorities' Information Systems, and appoint the Interoperability Commission and the Expert Coordinating Body in charge of technical aspects. TAX ADMINISTRATION REFORM Starting 1st January 2014, using the new electronic application system is mandatory when submitting payroll taxes applications, as well as when registering employees. Four new electronic services (for value added tax, payroll taxes, as well as income and excise tax collection) are mandatory to use as of 1st July, with no alternatives offered. The state collected about seven billion dinars more in the first three months of using the electronic system.This new system has been presented at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. - Introducing electronic services is not a part of the Tax Policy reform: tax rates are not changing, there is no new tax introduced or an old one abolished. This is about cutting the bureaucracy by applying a new principle. Improved efficiency and less paper will allow the Tax Administration to make a better use of its human resources, said Saša Dulić, Assis- tant Director of Tax Administration in charge of IT. Belgrade Chamber of Commerce has organized several specialized training courses: Payroll taxes and training for submitting tax applications. During the trainings, legal basis, as well as practical filling of individual tax and tax deduction applications were discussed. Training on electronic submission of tax application at the Chamber tions, Serbian Society for Informatics and Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. Necessary to adopt the project management methodology Over the past ten years, Serbia has used only a third of five billion euro of approved funds intended for various projects. From 2009-2013, the state has paid 22 million euro in penalties for approved, but unused credits. Are we ready for EU accession processes, in terms of project capacity building? How do we increase the EU funds absorption rate? How can we use the available material, technical, personnel and financial resources more efficiently? These were some of the roundtable topics discussed by Prof. Dr. Tanja Miščević, head of Serbia’s team for the EU negotiations, Ana Ilić from the Office for European Integrations, Dušan Stojanović, director of the Digital Agenda Direcorate, and Dr. Proda Šećerov, director of the Defence Ministry’s Directorate for Project Management. Representatives of state administration and education institutions, as well as experts in project management areas, have concluded that it was necessary to adopt the project management methodology, to synchronize at the government level cooperation in preparation and implementation of projects of the Project Management Units in all ministries and to carry out training and certificaton of the project teams. DIGITAL FORENSICS Cyber crime becomes increasingly international and organized crime and the prevailing type of crime in the world; last year, 750 billion euro were stolen in cyber heists across Europe. Experts believe that in the near future, every criminal investigation will include IT forensics services. Digital Forensics and IT Expert Testimony roundtable, organised by the Association for Information Technologies in cooperation with the Association of IT Court Experts, decided to propose an initiative for urgent drafting of the National Strategy for Confronting Abuse of Information Technology and adopting the Law on Digital Evidence. Participants of the roundtable agreed on the necessity of additional education of judicial authorities regarding possibilities and reliability of digital forensics and IT expert testimony, because these are currently being used only to some degree in legal disputes. KOMBEG info 13 IT I PR IT AND PR RAZVIJANJE BIZNISA, A NE PROIZVODA Srpske IT kompanije uglavnom fokusiraju svoju komunikaciju na stručnu i poslovnu javnost, a mnogo manje na medije i širu populaciju. Za neke od njih se zna samo u uskostručnim krugovima ili za njih znaju samo strani partneri sa kojima posluju. Karakteristično za IT kompanije je da, po pravilu, nemaju dovoljno kvalitetno pozicionirane odnose s javnošću. Focus of Serbian IT companies is mainly on the communication with the professional and business community, and much less on the communication with the media and wider population. Only narrow professional circles and foreign business partners are familiar with these companies. Main characteristic of the most IT companies is poor quality of their public relations services. Na 50 softveraša nijedan PR ili marketing menadžer Kao jedan od osnovnih problema domaće IT industrije, stručnjaci smatraju to što IT firme razvijaju proizvodnju, a ne biznis. U svetskoj softverskoj industriji je standard da na jednog inženjera koji razvija softver, dolazi 3,5 prodavaca, marketing i PR menadžera. U Beogradu ima firmi koje imaju 50 softveraša u razvoju, a nijednog prodavca i nijedno lice zaduženo za odnose s javnošću, koje bi vodilo računa o prezentovanju proizvoda i kompanije, što je neophodno za širenje biznisa i dobro pozicioniranje na tržištu. - U IT firmama nedostaju ljudi sa specijalističkim PR znanjima. Zato je i njihova komunikacija s javnošću 50 software developers and not a single PR manager reaktivna, a ne proaktivna. Potencijal za razvoj ovog segmenta u IT industriji je onlajn komunikacija, komunikacija sa mladima, zajedničke aktiv- MEDIJI O IT SEKTORU Više od 60 odsto urednika nacionalnih medija smatra da IT industrija ima veliki uticaj na razvoj privrede Srbije, a 94 odsto da država treba više da radi na podršci ovom sektoru, pokazala je anketa koju je sprovela kompanija Asseco SEE u februaru 2014. godine. Polovina anketiranih smatra da je za razvoj IT sektora najvažnije unapređenje obrazovnog sistema, a jedna trećina da su presudni podsticajni KOMBEG info 14 BUSINESS, NOT A PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT programi države. Kao prednosti domaće IT industrije u odnosu na region i Evropu, najviše urednika ističe odnos kvaliteta i cene i kvalitetne kadrove. - Najveći generator tražnje za IT uslugama i infrastrukturom je država. Uvođenjem elektronskih servisa, državna administracija postaje efikasnija, optimalnija i, pre svega, transparentnija, uz direktan podsticaj IT sektoru, kaže Vladan Atanasijević, član Upravnog odbora kompanije Asseco SEE. nosti sa medijima, onlajn kampanje korporativne društvene odgovornosti, čime se može ostvariti zajednički uticaj na državu i razvoj potreba za razvojem informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija, kaže prof. dr Predrag Vujović, direktor P.R.A. agencije i predsednik Udruženja socijalnih, društvenih i ličnih uslužnih delatnosti Privredne komore Beograda. MULTIMEDIJALNA KOMPANIJSKA KOMUNIKACIJA Stručno predavanje Multimedijalna kompanijska komunikacija – do razvoja i profita kroz implemetaciju multimedijalnog sadržaja organizuju Udruženje informatičke delatnosti i Centar za poslovno obrazovanje i unapređenje kvaliteta Privredne komore Beograda. Predavanje je namenjeno vlasnicima, direktorima, rukovodiocima marketinga, ali i svima onima koji učestvuju u poslovnoj komunikaciji. Predavač će biti stručnjak za oblast vizuelnih komunikacija Boris Đurić, koji je i autor knjige Javni nastup, od prepelice do predatora. On će govoriti o mnoštvu multimedijalnih informacija, jačanju networkinga, multimedijima i biznisu, društvenim mrežama, primeni video klipova, odnosima sa javnošću, internetu i televiziji, kao i o novim tehnologijama, poput QR koda i Augmented Reality. Experts believe that one of domestic IT industry's biggest issues is its focus on the enhancement of productivity, while it shows little concern about the business. There is a norm in global software industry: one direct job (e.g. software developer) creates 3.5 indirect jobs (product sellers, marketing and PR managers). On the contrary, there are Belgrade-based IT companies that employ up to 50 software developers and not a single product seller or a PR manager that would take care about the product or company's presentation; and these are both essential positions for enhancing the business or being well-positioned on the market. - IT companies lack PR specialists. This is why their communication is reactive, and not proactive. The development of this business segment could be po- MEDIA EDITORS ON IT SECTOR More than 60% of national media editors believe IT industry has a huge impact on the development of Serbian economy, while 94% believe the state should provide more support to this sector, show- ed a survey conducted by Asseco SEE in February 2014. Half of respondents consider promotion of education system to be essential for the development of IT sector, while third of them consider incentive programs organized by the state as crucial. Majori- ty of editors listed price-quality ratio and high quality personnel as Serbia's main advantages compared to the rest of the region and Europe. - State is the most important generator of market demand for IT services. By introducing electronic services delivery, public administration becomes more efficient, optimal and, above all, more transparent, while at the same time it encourages the development of IT sector, said Vladan Atanasijević, Member of the Board of Asseco SEE. ssible through online communication, communication with young people, joint actions with the media, and/or online corporate social responsibility campaigns. Through these actions, we could make a real impact on the state, as well as on the development of ICT needs – says Predrag Vujović PhD, CEO of the P.R.A. agency and President of the Association of Social Care and Public and Private Service Providers of the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. MULTIMEDIA BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Belgrade Chamber of Commerce's Association for Information Technologies, together with the Centre for Business Education and Quality Promotion, will organize an expert lecture on Multimedia Business Communication – Achieving Growth and Profits through Application of Multimedia Contents. The lecture is intended not only for managers, directors and owners of marketing companies, but for all those involved in business communication activities. The lecture will be hosted by visual communication specialist Boris Đurić, author of the book Public Appearance: from Quail to Predator, who will talk about enhancing networking opportunities, multimedia in business, social networks, the use of video clips, public relations, Internet and TV, as well as about new technologies, such as QR Code and Augmented Reality. KOMBEG info 15 KOMBEG info CENTAR ZA OBUKU PROGRAMERA Kako je u IT sektoru neophodno permanentno usavršavanje, Privredna komora Beograda, u okviru Centra za obuku programera, organizuje redovne seminare i obuke za tehnologije u kojima je vidljiv nedostatak programera u Srbiji, pre svega za najčešće korišćene tehnologije HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, kao i za tehnologija na srednjem sloju - .NET, Java i PHP. Tržište poslovnih klijentskih web aplikacija raste velikom brzinom. Osim primena na klasičnim desktop računarima u browserima (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome...), ovakve aplikacije se sve češće viđaju na mobilnim telefonima, tabletima, pa čak i na modernim televizorima. Obuke organizuju Centar za poslovno obrazovanje i unapređenje kvaliteta u saradnji sa Udruženjem informatičke delatnosti i Info Centrom Komore. Kontakt: Vesna Muhić • Udruženje informatičke delatnosti, tehnički sekretar • [email protected] • tel: +(381 11) 2645 333 THE CENTER FOR PROGRAMMER EDUCATION Since the IT sector needs the permanent education, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, within the Center for Programmer Education, organizes on a regular basis seminars and training for technologies for which Serbia lacks programmers, first of all for the most used technologies, such as HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, as well as for medium-level technologies - .NET, Java i PHP. The market of business client web applications is growing very fast. Besides the usage of browsers on the classic desktop computers (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome...), these applications are increasingly used by mobile phones, tablets, even modern television sets. Seminars and workshops are organized by Center for Business Education and Quality Promotion in cooperation with the Association for Information Technologies and the Chamber’s Info Center. Contact: Vesna Muhić • Association for Information Technology, Technical Secretary • [email protected] • Phone: +(381 11) 2645 333 Izdaje i uređuje: P.R.A. d.o.o; Glavni urednik: Predrag Vujović; Adresa Redakcije: Požeška 67a, Beograd; Tel. 011 2546 401, 2546 437; E-mail:[email protected]; Web: