Katalog 2013
Katalog 2013
Dragi prijatelji, Dear friends, pred vama je program 4. Međunarodnog festivala zelene kulture “Green Fest”. Edukativni program je postao još složeniji, izložbeni program – još brojniji, a uveli smo i nove termine za premijerno prikazivanje filmova. I ove godine pokrećemo pitanja značajna za životnu sredinu – GMO, hemikalije i toksini, stav medija prema izazovima u životnoj sredini, održiva gradnja, etički odnos prema životinjama, održivi izvori energije... Radili smo od prošlog festivala, kako bi ispunilli obećanje dato na zatvaranju prošle godine – da ćemo biti tu i biti još veći. Zvanično smo najveći festival ovakve vrste u regionu – i zajedno sa vama nastavićemo da rastemo i u budućnosti. Here is the programme of the Fourth International Festival of Green Culture “Green Fest”. The educational programme has become more complex, the exhibition programme more numerous and we have also introduced new time periods for premier screening of films. This year, we are again initiating important questions concerning environment – GMO, chemicals and toxins, the position of media in regard to environmental issues, sustainable housing construction, ethical treatment of animals, renewable energy resources and so on. We have been working hard since the last festival, in order to keep all the promises given then, at the closing night – one of those promises was that we will continue to organize this festival and that it will be even larger than the last one. Officially, we are the largest festival of this kind in the region, and together with you, we will continue to grow in the future. 3 Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine grada Beograda Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine grada Beograda osnovan je da obavlja „poslove zadovoljavanja potreba građana u oblasti zaštite životne sredine...“ Ovako počinju administrativne rečenice iz Ustava i gradskih odluka, a iza toga već dvadeset tri godine razvija se nukleus nove svesti o nužnosti promene našeg odnosa prema okolini i gradu u kome živimo, u kome stvaramo, čije nasleđe i vrednosti baštinimo i koje treba da oplemenimo, sačuvamo i ostavimo onima koji dolaze. Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine dugi niz godina sarađuje sa nevladinim sektorom, a preko javnog konkursa koji ima za cilj podršku projektima iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine. Ove godine Sekretarijat je podržao i pomogao 26 udruženja. http://www.beograd.rs/cms/view.php?id=2038 Secretariat for Environmental Protection - City of Belgrade was established to perform “activities to meet the needs of citizens in the field of environmental protection…” So begins the administrative sentence in the Constitution and other City regulations, while for twenty three years already the Secretariat has been developing the nucleus of a new awareness for the need of change in relation to our environment and the city we live in, whose heritage and values we are using and have to enrich, preserve and leave to those who come. Secretariat for Environmental Protection has been cooperating for a long time with the CSO sector, also by public competitions with the aim to support projects in the field of environmental protection. Only this year the Secretariat has supported and given their assistance to 26 organisations so far. Secretariat for Environmental Protection City of Belgrade 4 radionice debate predavanja prezentacije workshops debates lectures presentations RECIKLAŽA NIJE GNJAVAŽA UGROŽENE BILJNE I ŽIVOTINJSKE VRSTE U SRBIJI RECYCLING IS NOT BORING ENDANGERED PLANT AND ANIMAL SPECIES IN SERBIA Reciklaža nikada nije bila zabavnija. Iskorišćeni i suvišni materijali započinju novi život u formi haljina, ukrasa i dekoracija, slika, novčanika, nakita, cvetova... Na radionici razmenjujemo ideje, upoznajemo različite materijale, družimo se i stvaramo novu liniju “zelenih” modnih detalja. Radionica je namenjena uzrastu od 11 do 14 godina. Ekološka sekcija ,,ZELENI VRABAC” osnovne škole Knez Sima Marković sa prof. Gordanom Gorunović Recycling has never been more fun. Utilized and excess materials find a new life in form of dresses, ornaments and decoration, paintings, wallets, jewellery, flowers, etc. At the workshop, we share ideas, get to know various materials, socialize and create a new line of “green” fashion items. The workshop is intended for youngsters aged 11 to 14 years. Ecological section “GREEN SPARROW” of the primary school “Knez Sima Markovic”, led by the teacher Gordana Gorunovic www.osbozdarevac.edu.rs Pratite medveđi put i naučite koje su retke i ugrožene vrste životinja u Srbiji. Koliko su životinje visoke u odnosu na tebe? Gde žive? Kako tačno izgledaju? Učimo kroz interakciju, mini-kvizove i bojenje, igramo se i upoznajemo životinjski svet u našoj zemlji. Radionica je namenjena uzrastu od 6 do 8 godina. Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije /Nataša Panić, Maja Radosavljević, Bojana Rakočević Follow the path of bears and learn which animal species are rare or endangered in Serbia. How tall are the animals in comparison to you? Where do they live? How exactly do they look like? We learn through interaction, mini-quizzes and colouring, we play and get acquainted with the animal world in our country. The workshop is designed for children 6 to 8 years of age. Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia / Nataša Panić, Maja Radosavljević, Bojana Rakočevićwww.zzps.rs SLIKE MOG ZAVIČAJA EKO MODA PICTURES OF MY HOMETOWN ECO FASHION Razmišljaš o pokretanju posla u budućnosti? Nemaš ideju odakle da počneš? Saznaj kako to rade učenici poljoprivredne škole PK “Beograd”. Radionica je namenjena uzrastu od 10 do 13 godina. Dom učenika poljoprivredne škole PK ”Beograd” sa prof. Biljanom Milić Perić i Draganom Benović Have you thought about starting your own business in the future? But you have no idea where to start? Find out more about the methods used by the pupils of the Agricultural school PK “Belgrade”. The workshop is intended for children 10 to 13 years of age. Dormitory School of Agriculture PK “Belgrade”, led by the teachers Biljana Milić Perić and Dragana Benović www.skolapkb.edu.rs Koji svetski dizajneri koriste upotrebljene materijale za svoje kreacije? Staro postaje novo. Moda postaje “zelena”. Zaboravi šablon, dizajniraj originalni komad odeće sa svojim ličnim pečatom. Radionica je namenjena uzrastu od 10 do 14 godina. OŠ "Banović Strahinja" sa prof. Jovanom Todorović Which world famous designers use secondary materials in their creations? Old becomes new. Fashion is becoming “green”. Forget the patterns and create your garment that with a personal touch. The workshop is designed for children aged 10 to 14 years. Primary School “Banović Strahinja”, led by the teacher Jovana Todorovic www.osbanovicstrahinja.nasaskola.rs 7 DOKAZIVANJE PRISUSTVA OLOVA U UZORCIMA ZEMLJIŠTA Olovo, kao težak metal, predstavlja jednu od opasnosti kojima smo izloženi u svakodnevnom životu. Ima ga u akumulatorima, bojama, benzinu... Ali šta se dešava kada uđe u zemljište? Nauči kako se utvrđuje prisustvo olova u zemljištu i kako se taloži u telu biljaka ulazeći u lanac ishrane. Prezentacija je namenjena uzrastu od 10 do 13 godina. OŠ "Ruđer Bošković" / učenici Milan Bulajić, Dean Polimac, Marko Milošević sa mentorkom Jelenom Vračević PROVING THE PRESENCE OF LEAD IN SOIL SAMPLES Lead, as a heavy metal, represents one of the dangers we are exposed to in our everyday life. It is found in batteries, paints, gasoline, etc. But what happens when it gats into the soil? Learn how to determine the presence of lead in the soil and how it accumulates in the plants, entering so the food chain. The presentation is intended for children aged 10 to 13 years. Primary school “Ruđer Bošković”, pupils Milan Bulajić, Dean Polimac and Marko Milošević with their mentor Jelena Vračević www.osboskovic.edu.rs KAKO NAPRAVITI EKOLOŠKU KUĆU? Da li znaš da se stambeni objekat može pretvoriti u energetski nezavisnu jedinicu kroz primenu mera energetske efikasnosti i minimalne upotrebe obnovljivih izvora energije, sa svim ugodnostima neophodnim za svakodnevni život? Saznaj sve o pasivnoj arhitekturi, primeni različitih mera i preporukama za izgradnju ovakvih objekata. Predavanje je namenjeno studentima fakulteta i srednjoškolcima. Think green design dipl.arh. Rade Kosanović i dipl. ing. Vladimir Janković HOW TO BUILD AN ECOLOGICAL HOUSE? Do you know that a house can be converted into a energetically independent unit by applying energy efficiency measures and minimal use of renewable energy resources, keeping all the comfort needed for everyday life? Find out all about passive architecture, appliance of various measures and recommendations for construction of such dwellings. The lecture is intended for university students and high school pupils. Think green design, Rade Kosanović, Architect BSc and Vladimir Janković, Engineer BScwww.kosanovic.rs EKOLOŠKI, AKTIVNO, ODGOVORNO KOLIKI JE MOJ EKOLOŠKI OTISAK? ENVIRONMENTAL, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE HOW BIG IS MY ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT? Želiš da daš doprinos rešavanju problema u životnoj sredini, a ne znaš kako? Aktivizam je odgovor! Pridruži se istomišljenicima, i kroz grupni rad nauči kako da osmisliš i realizuješ aktivnosti koje će poboljšati ekološko stanje u društvu. Radionica je namenjena učenicima srednjih škola. Centar za razvoj neprofitnog sektora, Aleksandar Bratković Would you like to contribute to solving environmental problems, but you don’t know how? Activism is the answer! Join like-minded people and learn in groups how to create and carry out activities which would improve the environmental condition in the society. The workshop is designed for high school pupils. Centre for Development of Non-Profit Sector, Aleksandar Bratković www.crnps.org.rs 8 Da li si razmišljao koliki je tvoj uticaj na životnu sredinu? Koliko resursa koristiš u svakodnevnom životu? Koje su posledice toga? Da li neke navike možeš da promeniš? Nauči da izračunaš svoj “ekološki otisak” i kako da smanjiš svoj uticaj na prirodu. Radionica je namenjena uzrastu od 11 do 14 godina. WWF Svetski fond za prirodu Have you ever thought about your personal impact on the environment? How many resources do you use in everyday life? What are the consequences? Can you change some of your habits? Learn how to calculate your “ecological footprint” and how to reduce your impact on nature. The workshop is intended for children aged 11 to 14 years. WWF World Wide Found for Nature wwf.panda.org/sr PROFESIONALNI IZAZOVI U ZAŠTITI PREDELA Značaj zaštite prirodnih dobara odavno je prepoznat. Međutim, koji su izazovi na putu povećavanja teritorije pod zaštitom? Kroz timski rad u grupama i diskusiju, saznajte kako da savladavate profesionalne izazove u oblasti zaštite prirode i predela. Radionica je namenjena studentima i srednjoškolcima. Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije u saradnji sa Ministarstvom prirodnih resursa, rudarstva i prostornog planiranja RS i Gradskim sekretarijatom za zaštitu životne sredine / Biljana Filipović, Biljana Ilić, Dejana Lukić, Nataša Panić PROFESSIONAL CHALLENGES IN PROTECTING NATURAL AREAS The importance of protecting natural resources was recognized long time ago. However, which obstacles lay in the way of increasing the territory under protection? Through team work in groups and discussion, find out how to overcome professional challenges in the field of nature protection. The workshop is intended for students. Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning and City Secretariat for Environmental Protection / Biljana Filipović, Biljana Ilić, Dejana Lukić, Nataša Panić www.zzps.rs SUNCE I MI Bez Sunca svet koji poznajemo ne bi postojao, kao ni mi. Ne bi postojali dan i noć. Ne bi postojala ni fotosinteza. Međutim, izlaganje suncu postaje sve opasnije. Da li znaš koje su pozitivne i negativne strane sunčevog zračenja? EKOMELODIJA Svaki simfonijski orkestar je jedinstven. Takvi smo i mi. Sviraćemo na instrumentima koje ćemo sami napraviti od, različitih, već upotrebljenih predmeta. To nije sve. Naš orkestar će imati i plesnu grupu. Napravićemo koncert za pamćenje. MAJKA ZEMLJA Šta činimo loše Zemlji, a niko nam nije rekao da je loše? Gde najčešće grešimo? Zajedno ćemo pronaći odgovore na ova pitanja i naučiti nove stvari o životu na Zemlji, ali ćemo saznati i ponešto o galaksiji kroz koju putuje naša plava Planeta. Radionice su namenjene uzrastu od 9 do 12 godina. Učenici OŠ "Đorđe Krstić" sa prof. Ilinkom Miletić i Centar za dnevni boravak dece i omladine ometene u razvoju. ECOMELODY Every symphonic orchestra is unique. It is same with us. We will play the instruments that we have made from different, already used materials. That is not everything. Our orchestra will also have accompanying dance group. We will make a concert to be remembered. MOTHER EARTH What bad things we do to the Earth, and no one told us that? What are the most common mistakes? Together we will find the answers on these questions and learn new things about life on the Planet, but we will also learn something new about the Milky Way. Workshops are intended for children 9 to 12 years of age. Students of primary school "Đorđe Krstić" with prof. Ilinka Miletić and Center for housing and day care for children and youth with disabilitieswww.os-djordjekrstic.edu.rs ZA I PROTIV EKSPERIMENATA NA ŽIVOTINJAMA Da li je humano eksperimentisati na životinjama ili je human tretman rezervisan samo za ljude? Koja će strana prevagnuti? Na kojoj si ti strani? Uključi se u debatu i izarzi svoj stav! Radionice su namenjene uzrastu od 10 do 14 godina. OŠ “Stevan Sremac” sa prof. Jelenom Markvart i Vericom Lazić THE SUN AND WE Without the Sun, the world as we know it would not exist, and neither would we. There would be no day or night. Nor photosynthesis. However, exposure to Sun is becoming more and more dangerous. Do you know which positive and negative aspects of solar radiation are there? PROS AND CONS OF ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS Is it humane to experiment on animals or is humane treatment only reserved for the mankind? Which side will prevail? Which side are you on? Join the debate and tell us your opinion! Workshops are intended for children in the age from 10 to 14 years. Primary School “Stevan Sremac”, led by the teachers Jelena Markvart and Verica Lazić SOLARNA CENTRALA Sunce je besplatan izvor energije i koristi se sve češće. Da li znate kako se sunčeva energija transformiše u električnu? Elektrotehnička škola “Rade Končar”, jedan od pionira upotrebe ove tehnologije, spremila je demonstraciju rada fotonaponske elektrane. Budućnost može da počne! Radionica je namenjena uzrastu od 9 do 15 godina. Elektrotehnička škola "Rade Končar" SOLAR POWER PLANT The Sun is a free source of energy, which has been used more often lately. Do you know how to transform solar energy into electricity? Electro-technical School “Rade Končar” is one of the pioneers in using this technology and they have prepared a demonstration of photovoltaic power. The future may begin! The workshop is intended for children in the age from 9 to 15 years. Electro-technical School “Rade Končar”www.koncar.edu.rs 9 PANEL DISKUSIJA Masovni mediji su odavno postali prenosnici svih informacija koje nas zanimaju. Životna sredina kao okruženje u kom živimo nije dobila takav tretman. Koliko je tema životne sredine među prioritetima medijskih kuća u Srbiji? Da li komercijalni mediji imaju potrebu da se bave ovom temom? Koliko su kvalitetne informacije koje dobijamo od njih? Da li mediji i javnost mogu biti pokretač društvenih promena? Ovo su samo neka od pitanja na koje ćemo probati da nađemo odgovor u okviru panel diskusije. Učestvuju: Ivan Cvejić – g lavni i odgovorni urednik, Novinska agencija Beta, Igor Rill – urednik, Nacionalna Geografija Srbija, Slobodan Bubnjević – urednik komunikacija, Centar za promociju nauke Duška Dimović – direktor programa u Srbiji, Svetski fond za prirodu PANEL DISCUSSION Mass media became the carrier of all information of interest long time ago. Environmental issues have still not received such a status in the media. To which extent are environmental issues handled as priority in the Serbian media? Do private media have the need to address these issues? What is the quality of reporting that we get from them? Can media and the public in general initiate social changes? These are only some of the questions that we will try to answer in the panel discussion. Participants: Ivan Cvejić - editor-in-chief, News agency Beta, Igor Rill - editor, National Geographic Serbia, Slobodan Bubnjević - communication editor, Centre for Promotion of Science Duška Dimović - Programme Director in Serbia, WWF FOTOGRAFSKA RADIONICA Šta je potrebno da postoji u jednom kadru? Da li je režija fotografije bitna? Kako se koristi svetlo? Koliko se koriste programi za obradu fotografije? Da li svet od minijatura može da ispriča priču? Pridruži se i napravi svoj foto-esej! Kreiraj svoj svet! Radionica namenjena mladima. Radionica se realizuje u saradnji sa kompanijom Canon. Voditelj radionice: Mina Šarenac, fotograf PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP What exactly needs to be in a shot? Is directing important during the photo shooting? How do we use the light? To which extent can we use the software for photo processing? Can this world of miniatures tell us a story? Join us and make your own photo-essay! Create you own world! The workshop is intended for young people. Workshop is organized in cooperation with Canon. Led by: Mina Šarenac, photographer 10 U ŠKOLSKOM DOBU MOJE BAKE ZELENO JE BILA SAMO BOJA. DANAS JE TO MOJA BOJA, KROZ KOJU VIDIM SVET Da li znaš kako se prečišćava voda? Zašto je važna energetska efikasnost? Šta je biodiverzitet i kako ga čuvamo? Kako možeš da recikliraš plastičnu kesu? Eko - musketari će ti odgovoriti na sva ova pitanja i pokazati kako da budeš odgovoran stanovnik Planete. Radionica je namenjena uzrastu od 10 do 13 godina. Eko-mustekari OŠ "Drinka Pavlović" sa prof. Marinom Drndarski WHEN MY GRANDMOTHER WENT TO SCHOOL, GREEN WAS JUST A COLOUR. TODAY, IT IS MY COLOUR THROUGH WHICH I SEE THE WORLD Do you know how the water gets purified? Or why is energy efficiency so important? What is biodiversity and how do we protect it? How can you recycle a plastic bag? Eco-Musketeers will give you an answer to all these questions and show you how to become a responsible citizen of the planet Earth. The workshop is intended for children 10 to 13 years of age. Eco-Musketeers – Primary School “Drinka Pavlović”, led by the teacher Marina Drndarskiwww.drinka.rs BICIKL JE U MODI ILI BICIKL, VOLIM TE ZELENO Urbane sredine nailaze na izazove u svakodnevnom transportu. Da li je održivi transport moguć? Da li nam fali infrastruktura? Da li je bicikl idealno prevozno sredstvo? Učenici Saobraćajno - tehničke škole “Zemun” imaju ove odgovore i žele da podele svoje znanje i projekte sa vama. Ukoliko ste ljubitelji vožnje biciklom, ova prezentacija je napravljena upravo za vas! Prezentacija je namenjena učenicima srednjih škola. Saobraćajno tehnička škola "Zemun" prof Biljana Kordić, saobraćajni inženjer i mr Aleksandra Nikolić Matić, prof književnosti BICYCLE IS IN OR BICYCLE, I LOVE YOU GREEN Urban areas are facing challenges in daily transportation. Is a sustainable transportation possible? Do we lack infrastructure for it? Is the bike the perfect vehicle? Pupils of the Transportation-technical school “Zemun” have the answers and would like to share the knowledge and projects with you. If you like to ride a bicycle, their presentation is just made for you! The presentation is intended for high school pupils. Transportation-technical school “Zemun”, led by teachers Biljana Kordić, transportation engineer Bsc and Aleksandra Nikolić Matić, literature MAwww.saobteh.edu.rs CentAR za unapređenje životne sredine Environmental Improvement Center www.cuzs.org Misija Centra za unapređenje životne sredine je izgradnja zdrave i resursno održive budućnosti, u kojoj će ljudi živeti u skladu sa prirodom. Mi razumemo izazove nastale u životnoj sredini i znamo da je potrebno više od polovičnih mera kako bi promenili budućnost. Zbog toga radimo i insistiramo na potrebnim reformama. Pritisci sa kojima se suočava Planeta i ljudi koji je nastanjuju, previše su važni da bismo mogli da pravimo kompromise. The mission of the Environmental Improvement Center is to build a healthy and in regard to resources sustainable future, in which humans will live in harmony with the nature. We understand the challenges of the environment and we know that it takes more than half-hearted measures in order to change the future. Therefore, we work and insist on the necessary reforms. The pressures our Planet and the people who live on it are faced with are too important that we could allow ourselves to make compromises. kratki filmovi amaterski filmovi revijalni program žiri festivala short film amateur film revue program festival jury PLAY AGAIN / IGRAJ PONOVO (88’) UNDERKASTELSEN / PREPUŠTANJE (87’) Buduća generacija ljudi će provoditi više vremena u virtualnom svetu, nego u prirodi. Nove medijske tehnologije su poboljšale naš život na bezbroj načina. Informacije su sada dostupne jednim klikom miša. Prijatelji koji žive preko mora dele s nama naš svakodnevni život. Šta onda propuštamo kada sedimo za monitorom? I kako će se to odraziti na našu decu, naše društvo, i možda, našu planetu? U vremenu, kada se deca više igraju za monitorom, nego napolju, film IGRAJ PONOVO preispituje pomeranja u ravnoteži između vizuelnog i stvarnog sveta. Da li je naša povezanost s prirodom nestala u digitalnoj zečjoj rupi? Ovaj dirljiv i komičan dokumentarac prati priču šest tinejdžera, koji poput “prosečne američke dece”, provode pet do petnaest sati ispred monitora. IGRAJ PONOVO ih isključuje iz struje i odvodi na njihovu prvu avanturu u divljinu – gde nema struje, dometa mobilnoj mreži i virtuelne stvarnosti. Prepuštanje je film o “hemijskom društvu” – društvu koje smo izgradili od Drugog svetskog rata. Ljudi su tada koristili 1 milion tona hemikalija godišnje; danas je to 500 miliona tona. U odnosu na filmove koji obrađuju temu prisustva hemikalija u hrani, ovaj film se bavi temom hemikalija kojima smo izloženi u svakodnevnom životu. Izuzetno snažan film o 100 000 različitih hemikalija koje koristimo, njhovim posledicama po nas i naše zdravlje. U saradnji sa 23 profesora i lekara koji učestvuju u filmu, reditelj Stefan Jarl se podvrgava analizi krvi koja utvrđuje prisustvo nekoliko stotina različitih toksina. Nakon toga, poziva svoju prijateljicu Evu da se uključi u ovaj eksperiment. U toku snimanja filma Eva je bila trudna i spremala se za porođaj, pa je iščekivanje rezultata bilo napeto i otvorilo je nova pitanja u uticaju ovih hemikalija na još nerođeno potomstvo. SAD / USA, 2010 | Režija / Directed by: Tonje Hessen Schei One generation from now most people will have spent more time in the virtual world than in nature. New media technologies have improved our lives in countless ways. Information now appears with a click. Overseas friends are part of our daily lives. But what are we missing when we are behind screens? And how will this impact our children, our society, and eventually, our planet? At a time when children play more behind screens than outside, PLAY AGAIN explores the changing balance between the virtual and natural worlds. Is our connection to nature disappearing down the digital rabbit hole? This moving and humorous documentary follows six teenagers who, like the “average American child,” spend five to fifteen hours a day behind screens. PLAY AGAIN unplugs these teens and takes them on their first wilderness adventure – no electricity, no cell phone coverage, no virtual reality. Švedska / Sweden, 2010 | Režija / Directed by: Stefan Jarl Submission is a film about the “chemical society” – the society we have building since the World War II. Back then, people used about 1 million tons of chemicals per year, nowadays it is 500 million tons. Other than in films about the chemicals in food products, this film is dealing with chemicals that we are exposed to in our daily environments. It is an extremely powerful film about 100’000 different chemicals that we use and their impact on us and our health. Consulting 23 professors and medical doctors participating in the film, the director Stefan Jarl performs a blood test confirming the existence of several hundred foreign chemicals in his blood. After that, he turns his friend Eva asking her to participate in the experiment. After all, she is 35 years younger than him. During the making of the film, Eva has been pregnant and preparing to give birth to a child. The expectation of the results was intense as it opened new questions regarding the impact of chemicals on yet unborn children. 15 MORE THAN HONEY / VIŠE OD MEDA (95’) GMO OMG (90’) U prethodnih 15 godina, brojne kolonije pčela su izgubile na brojnosti širom sveta, ali je uzrok i dalje nepoznat. U zavisnosti od regiona 50 - 90% populacije pčela je nestalo i ova pojava se širi kao epidemija – od košnice do košnice. Naučnici kažu da postoji razlog za brigu: 80% biljnih vrsta ima potrebu za polinacijom od strane pčela, koje su se pojavile na Zemlji 60 miliona godina pre čoveka i postale su nezamenljive za naš opstanak. Osećajući potrebu da sazna više o ovom problemu, švajcarski reditelj Markus Imhoof, koji dolazi iz porodice koja je nekoliko generacija unazad gajila pčele, kreće u potragu za odgovorima od uzgajivača širom sveta. Uz obilje informacija koje donosi, ovaj nagrađivani film navodi i na razmišljanje o odnosu čoveka i pčela i njihovoj uzajamnoj povezanosti. Snimljen na izuzetan način, ovaj film omogućava zaista blisko upoznavanje sveta pčela, čineći ga savršenom avanturom. Ko kontroliše budućnost hrane? Nagrađivani film GMO OMG otkriva sistematsko korporativno preuzimanje i potencijalne gubitke najvrednijeg nasleđa čovečanstva: sadnog semena. Reditelj Džeremi Seifert istražuje kako će gubitak različitih vrsta semena i genetska promena hrane uticati na njegovu decu, zdravlje hrane i slobodu izbora širom sveta. GMO OMG možete premijerno gledati na Green Fest-u. Genetski modifikovana hrana je jedan od najvećih eksperimenata današnjice. Rizici i efekti ovakve ishrane na naše zdravlje i životnu sredinu su uglavnom nepoznati. Da li je potrebno da GMO hrana bude vidljivo obeležena. Zašto u SAD - NE, a u Evropi - DA? Ovaj film ispituje koliko su visoki ulozi u lancu globalne ishrane i kroz animirane segmente i provokativne statističke podatke, ističe koliko je značajno fokusirati se na ovu temu u bliskoj budućnosti. Over the past 15 years, numerous colonies of bees have been decimated throughout the world, but the causes of that phenomenon still remain unknown. Depending on the world region, 50-90% of bee population has disappeared and the epidemic is still spreading from beehive to beehive. Scientists say that we all have good reason to be worried: 80% of plant species need bees to be pollinated. Bees appeared on Earth 60 million years before man and they became indispensable for our survival. Feeling the need to find out more about this issue, Swiss director Markus Imhoof coming from a family that has nurtured bees for several generations, searches for answers from breeders worldwide. In addition to a multitude of information, this rewarded documentary film makes us think about the relationship between mankind and bees and their symbiosis. Taken in an extraordinary manner, this film really enables us to get acquainted with the world of bees, making it a perfect adventure. Who controls the future of your food? GMO OMG explores the systematic corporate takeover and potential loss of humanity’s most precious and ancient inheritance: seeds. Director Jeremy Seifert investigates how loss of seed diversity and corresponding laboratory assisted genetic alteration of food affects his young children, the health of our planet, and freedom of choice everywhere. You can watch GMO OMG documentary premiered at the Green Fest. Genetically modified food is one of the greatest ongoing experiments in the present time. The health and environmental risks and effects of such a diet are largely unknown. Is it necessary to visibly label GMO food? Why not in the USA, and why yes in Europe? This documentary explores how high the stakes are in the global food chain and underlines with help of animated film segments and provocative statistical data the need to focus our attention on this issue in the near future. SAD / USA, 2012 | Režija / Directed by: Markus Imhoof 16 SAD / USA, 2013 | Režija / Directed by: Jeremy Seifert TRASHED / BAČENI U ĐUBRE (98’) BLACKFISH / CRNA RIBA (83’) Džeremi Ajrons stoji na plaži pored drevnog libanskog grada Sidona. Pored njega su planine medicinskog otpada, smeća, toksičnih tečnosti i uginulih životinja – rezultat tridesetogodišnje potrošnje samo jednog malog grada. Kako se dovoze nove količine, delovi otpada završavaju u plavetnilu Mediterana. Ovo je samo jedna od lokacija koju Džeremi Ajrons obilazi u svom putovanju oko sveta i otkrivanju prelepih krajeva zatrovanih otpadom, istražujući do koje mere zagađujemo prirodu otpadom i koji su efekti takvog našeg ponašanja. U ovom nagrađivanom filmu, koji se prikazuje premijerno u Srbiji, otkrivamo šta se dešava sa milijardama tona otpada. Ovaj hrabar istraživački put vodi Ajronsa (i nas) od skepticizma do tuge, od užasa do nade. Rediteljka filma Kandida Bredi je imala i podršku u stvaranju ove priče zahvaljujući originalnoj muzici pisanoj od strane Oskarom ovenčanog kompozitora Vangelisa. Da li se sećate Oskarom nagrađenog filma Zaliv? Film Blackfish predstavlja svojevrstan nastavak ove priče o morskim bićima i odnosu ljudi prema njima. Sada imate priliku da ovaj nagrađivani film vidite premijerno u Srbiji, na Green Fest-u. Iza zabave u morskom parku “SeaWorld Entertainment”, gde delfini i kitovi zabavljaju publiku, leži tragična priča o kitu ubici Tilikumu i njegovim žrtvama. Od prvog napada na svoje trenere, organizacija “SeaWorld Entertainment” zataškava istinu, praveći profit na životinjama, koje su navikle da žive u hiljadama kilometara okeana. Kada bi vas na silu zatvorili i držali 25 godina u prostoru veličine kade, da li biste imali psihoze? Tilikum je u 2010. napao i usmrtio još jednog trenera. Prema rečima jednog od trenera: “Kada ih pogledaš u oči, shvatiš da tu ima nekoga.” SAD / USA, 2012 | Režija / Directed by: Candida Brady Jeremy Irons stands on a beach beside the ancient Lebanese city of Sidon. Beside him towers a mountain of medical waste, household trash, toxic fluids and dead animals – a result of thirty years of consumption by just one small city. As the day’s new consignments are tipped on top, debris tumbles off into the blue of the Mediterranean. This is just one of the locations in Jeremy Iron’s journey around the world, visiting magnificently beautiful sights tainted by pollution and exploring to which extent we are polluting the nature and what is the impact of such behaviour of ours. In this award-winning documentary, premier screened in Serbia, we are going to find out what is happening with billions tons of waste. This brave investigative journey takes Irons (and us) from skepticism to sorrow, from horror to hope. In making this film, the director Candida Brady was also supported by the Oscar-winning composer Vangelis who wrote the music for her film. SAD / USA, 2013 | Režija / Directed by: Gabriela Cowperthwaite Do you remember the Oscar-winning film The Cove? The documentary Blackfish represents a kind of continuation of the story about sea creatures and human relationship to them. Now you have the opportunity to watch this award-winning documentary film premiered in Serbia, at the Green Fest. Behind the show in the marine park “SeaWorld Entertainment”, where dolphins and orcas entertain the audience, lays a tragic story of the killer whale Tilikum and his victims. From the very first attacks, the company “SeaWorld Entertainment” has tried to cover up the truth, making profit with animals that used to live in thousand miles of the ocean. If you were forcibly kept in a space in the size of a bathtub for 25 years, wouldn’t you develop psychoses? In 2010, Tilikum attacked and killed another SeaWorld trainer. The words of one of the trainers: “When you look them in the eyes, you realize that there is someone.” 17 Nataša Petrušić green screen fest jury Radi u Sekretarijatu za zaštitu životne sredine na poziciji šefa odseka za informisanje, obrazovanje i saradnju sa udruženjima od 2010. godine. Pre Gradske uprave Grada Beograda radila u Gradskoj opštini Rakovica, u Odeljenju za ekologiju, zaštitu i unapređenje životne sredine. Učestvovala u više projekata u oblasti zaštite životne sredine. Rođena 1966. godine. Udata, majka dvoje dece. Since 2010 she has worked for the Secretariat for Environmental Protection as Head of the Department for Public Relations, Education and Cooperation with Associations. Before taking on the assignment in the City Administration of Belgrade, she worked for the City Municipality of Rakovica, in the Department for Ecology and Environmental Protection and Improvement. She has participated in several environmental projects. Born in 1966, she is married and mother of two children. Igor RilL Rođen u Beogradu 1970. godine. Diplomirao na katedri za istoriju umetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Glavni urednik časopisa National Geographic na srpskom jeziku i gostujući predavač na odseku za novinarstvo Fakulteta političkih nauka u Beogradu. Igor Rill was born in Belgrade, in 1970. He took a degree in Art History at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Belgrade. He holds the position of Editor-in-Chief of the magazine National Geographic in Serbian and works as visiting lecturer at the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade. 18 Igor M. Toholj Petar Mitrić Rođen u Beogradu, Srbija, 1968. Započeo svoju filmsku karijeru kao član nekoliko najznačajnijih filmskih društava u bivšoj Jugoslaviji i kasnije, u Akademsko filmskom centru, tokom 80-ih. Studirao je sociologiju i završio Filmsku i TV montažu na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu, gde je dobitnik nagrade "Slavko Vorkapić" za najboljeg studenta u generaciji 2000. Objavljuje eseje iz filmske estetike i teorije u časopisima Filaž i Camera Lucida. Reditelj više od 20 dokumentarnih i eksperimentalnih filmova koji su prikazani i nagrađivani na festivalima i retrospektivama u zemlji i inostranstvu. Producent nekoliko dokumentarnih filmova, kao osnivač producentske kuće Zero od 2008. i 10 dokumentarnih filmova tokom Regionalne radionice antropološkog filma Pametnik 2008-2012. Član sekcije reditelja dokumentarnog filma Akademije filmske umetnosti i nauke Srbije - AFUN i Umetničkog saveta Filmskog centra Srbije od 2012. godine. Studirao srpski jezik i književnost na novosadskom univerzitetu. Jedan od osnivača i organizatora Jugoslovenskog festivala jeftinog filma koji se održavao u periodu od 1998/2000. godine. Tokom 2001. i 2002. godine u Sarajevu snimao dokumentarni film „Kultura odgađanja“ o alternativnoj muzičkoj sceni u posleratnom Sarajevu. Od 2004. godine selektor programa „Mladi autori Evrope“ na Festivalu evropskog filma Palić. Od 2008. godine sarađuje sa Skoplje Film Festivalom na mestu selektora programa „Autorski film“. Iste godine na Festivalu evropskog filma Palić potpisuje program "Paralele i sudari" koji se bavi istočno-evropskom kinematografijom, koji uređuje do danas. Od 2013 godine radi kao selektor Takmičarskog programa festivala L`Europe autour de l`Europe u Parizu. Kao producent snimio dva dokumentarna filma „Nevidljiva nacija“ i „Banatski trougao“ Darka Kovačevića. Radi i kao urednik filmskog programa bioskopa EuroCinema u Subotici. Povremeno piše i objavljuje tekstove o filmu. Born in Belgrade, Serbia,1968. Started his film career as member of several most important Film societies in former Yugoslavia. and later Academic Film Center, in the 80’s. Studied Sociology and graduated on Film and TV Editing department at the Faculty for Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, where he was awarded with Slavko Vorkapić prize for best student in his generation, 2000. Publishes film esthetics and theory essays in Filage and Camera Lucida magazines. Director of more that 20 documentary and experimental films that were shown and awarded at festivals and retrospectives in country and abroad. Producer of several documentary films as founder of Zero production company 2008 and 10 documentaries during anthropological film wokrshop Pametnik 2008-2012. Member of documentary film directors section of Academy of Film art and science of Serbia / AFUN from 2012. and Artistic council of Serbian film center. Petar Mitrić has studied Serbian language and literature at the University of Novi Sad. He is one of the founders and organizers of Yugoslav Low budget Film Festival that was held from 1998 to 2000. During 2001 and 2002, he was filming a documentary “The Culture of Postponing” in Sarajevo, about the alternative music scene in postwar Sarajevo. From 2004 he has been program selector “Young Spirit of Europe” at the European Film Festival Palic. From 2008 he has been cooperating with Skopje Film Festival as a selector for “Auteur Film”. In the same year he signed the program “Parallels and Encounters” for East-European Cinematography that he has been editing ever since. Since 2013 works as a programmer of Competitive programme of the L’Europe autour de l’Europe Festival in Paris. As a producer, he has made two documentaries/direct dramas, Darko Kovacevic’s “Invisible Nation” and “The Triangle of Banat”. Mitric works as the film program editor in EuroCinema in Subotica. From time to time, he writes and publishes texts about films. 19 short and amateur film Međunarodni konkurs za amaterski i kratki film je bio otvoren od 25. juna do 11. oktobra. Prijavljeno je preko 106 filmova iz 24 zemlje, koje je ocenio žiri takmičarskog programa festivala. International Call for entries for amateur and short film was open from June 25th to October 11th. The topic for amateur film was “Urban ecology and sustainable development”. Over 106 films from 24 countries applied and are evaluated by the Jury of the festival competition program. kratki filmovi Vinterlys Skule Eriksen Norway | 2011 | 25' | Ibis film as 2012 Yevgeniia Vradii Ukraine | 2013. | 12' | Vidverti.com Lignite locked Daniel Mulloy USA | 2013 | 6' | Crossing Bridges Productions How we live Meghan Horvath UK | 2012 | 15' | Banyak Films The Water Seekers Diya Banerjee India | 2013 | 25' | Film produced under the aegis of UNDP Asia Pacific Human Development Media Fellowship Sheher Sheher... Everywhere Pramod Pathak India | 2013 | 5' | Independent production Sticky Situation Viktor Zaytsev Russia | 2013 | 2' | Independent production Time Crunch H. Paul Moon USA | 2011 | 6' | Zen Violence Films LLC ESPERO? Simone Giampaolo UK | 2013 | 5' | Bournemouth University RUNNING WATER JEAN-MICHEL ROLLAND France | 2012 | 7' | Fran et Jim Electric Dreams Matt Cleaves & Ben McNamara Australia | 2012 | 8' | Oh My!' Creative Studio Nebo Goran Todić i Dino Kasalo BIH | 2012 | 25' | Independent production 22 Social animals Ilya Zheltyakov Russia | 2013 | 16' | Independent production POOP ON POVERTY Vijay S. Jodha India | 2013 | 6' | Steps International SOL MASLINA KAMEN Branko Vilus Croatia | 2013 | 20' | RESTART PACHAMAMA (Mother Earth) A.S. GALEY Spain | 2013 | 14' | Horizon&Nature Films Dark Reaper Anna Kohlschutter Germany | 2012 | 3' | IFS Internationale Filmschule keln The Day After Aleksandar Popović, Goran Dobrosavljević Serbia | 2013 | 7' | NVO Nekompromitovani Intelektualci Beogradski Second wind Sergey Tsyss Russia | 2012 | 7' | Independent production short film Recikliranje Branko Ištvančić Croatia | 2010 | 15' | Propeler film Ne to seme, Svetislave Pavle Čelić Serbia | 2013 | 9' | VESTA group, non-profit film&tv production Harvest Nir Nadler & Chaja Hertog Netherlands | 2013 | 11' | Family Affair Films The Plastic Circle Rajesh Bhatia India | 2013 | 5' | Spark Films Video & Audio The Story of a Danube Salmon Jovana Milanko, Šandor Šipoš, Dušan Brković Serbia | 2013 | 14' | Extrocube - Liquid Art 23 amaterski filmovi 24 Divljina Nikola Radosavljević 2' | 2012 | Serbia Crucez Luis Aguilar 7' | 2013 | Mexico Fair play Branko Ištvančić 1' | 2010 | Croatia Greenwoodo Marko Kovač 2' | 2012 | Serbia Traffic Dmytro Bondarchuk 3' | 2013 | Ukraine Le Duo Dmytro Bondarchuk 2' | 2012 | Ukraine Povratak Glancatora Nikola Cakić 13' | 2012 | Serbia Pavle spašava svet Ognjen Jajčanin 3' | 2013 | Serbia Početak propasti Branislav Stojanović 1' | 2013 | Serbia Naša Planeta Andrea Čoti 2' | 2013 | Serbia Where the beasts still roam Simon Goodall 13' | 2013 | United Kingdom The drop of Water - drop of life Tea Trumbić 1' | 2012 | Caroatia Zemlja i mi Slavko Kostić 9' | 2013 | Serbia Evolution of beastliness the collective work of the children's film Studio "Detective" 4' | 2012 | Russia Birds’ rebellion The collective work of the children's film Studio "Detective" 5' | 2013 | Russia Small Fish Učenici 7, 8. i 9. razreda osnovne škole uz mentorstvo Marka Wolfa i Matjaža Gedera 7' | 2013 | Slovenia Rastanak zelene Aljoša Dakić 2' | 2013 | Serbia Four colours of green Marko Žunić 7' | 2013 | Serbia Lead generation Aleksandra Aleksovska 12' | 2013 | Macedonia Naša Planeta, Naš dom Milan Zdravković 10' | 2013 | Serbia amateur film 10 SABRANIH NEDELA - pripitomljavajući prirodu, ljudi su podivljali! Kolundžić Mirjana 11' | 2012 | Serbia SCENARIO (for GREEN ISLAND) Students of University Politecnico Milano 3' | 2008 | Italy Vote for green Mladi istraživači 3' | 2013 | Serbia Best Before Katarina Ilišković 11' | 2013 | Serbia 25 izložbe inovacije instalacije reuse umetnost exibitions inovations installations reuse art Think green design okuplja istomišljenike u oblasti ugodnog i zdravog života, sa osvrtom na očuvanje eko sistema od načina gradnje, gajenja organske hrane do korišćenja obnovljivih izvora energije. “Baštica” je minimalistički projekat saksijica sa živim biljkama koje se, zahvaljujući magnetu, mogu aplicirati od frižidera do bilo kog mesta u enterijeru. Think Green Design brings together people who care about the quality of life, with emphasis on preserving ecosystems. This includes a variety of activities – from housing construction issues, growing of organic food to using renewable energy. “Little Garden” is a minimalistic project consisting of tiny flowerpots with magnetic bottoms that can be put on the fridge or any other spot at home. www.kosanovic.rs Udruženje “ЕKO-DVORIŠTE” počelo je sa radom 2009. godine na inicijativu mladih ljudi iz Obrenovca. Primarna oblast našeg delovanja je zaštita životne sredine, sa akcentom na edukaciju građana i konkretne aktivnosti u segmentu reciklaže. Izložbu “Od otpada do umetnosti” čine radovi koje su pravili mladi, uzrasta od 15 do 30 godina, iz 16 gradova u Srbiji u okviru istoimenog projekta. Drobljenjem, sečenjem, oslikavanjem i tehnikom dekupaž reciklirali su otpadno ambalažno staklo (flaše, tegle, činije...) i pravili nove upotrebne predmete. “EKO-DVORIŠTE” (ECO GARDEN) is an organisation founded Zaštićeno prirodno područje “Arboretum Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu” predstavlja jedinstven pejzažno-arhitektonski prostor sa nizom suštinskih vrednosti, predeonih i stvorenih odlika i kompleksnih funkcija. Ovo je ‘zelena učionica’ i živi arhiv domaćih i stranih dendrovrsta, predstavljenih sa preko 1.800 primeraka, na nešto više od 6 ha površine okućnice Fakulteta. Još uvek – neotkrivena zelena oaza Beograda. Senzorni vrt Izložbena postavka senzornog vrta predstavlja deo idejnog projekta uređenja Arboretuma Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Podignut u sigurnom i prijatnom ambijentu Arboretuma, ovaj vrt je namenjen deci i odraslima sa posebnim potrebama, prvenstveno za izvođenje hortikulturne terapije i edukacije. Prisutne biljne vrste vezuju se za određena čula (mirisa, ukusa, vida, dodira), podstičući ih i donoseći pozitivna iskustva učenja, u okruženju zelenog sveta drveća. Protected natural area “Arboretum of the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade” represents a unique landscape and architectural space with a variety of substantial values, spatial and created features and complex functions. It is a “green classroom” and living archive of domestic and non-domestic wooded plants, represented by more than 1800 specimen in an area of 6 ha around the Faculty building, which is as such a still undiscovered green oasis in Belgrade. Sensory Garden The exhibition of a sensory garden is a part of the Arboretum of the Faculty of Forestry renovation project. Placed in the safe and pleasant environment of the Arboretum, the garden is designed for children and adults with special needs, primarily for horticultural therapy and training. All plant species in the garden are associated to certain senses (smell, taste, sight, touch), encouraging its visitors to make positive learning experiences, surrounded by the green world of trees www.sfb.bg.ac.rs/ in 2009 upon an initiative of young people from Obrenovac. Their primary area of work is to protect the environment with the emphasis on the education of citizens and special engagement in the field of recycling. The exhibition “From Waste to Art” includes art work that has been created by young people aged 15 - 30 throughout 16 cities in Serbia within a project that bears the same name. By crushing, cutting and painting, as well as by using decoupage technique, they have recycled waste glass (bottles, jars, bowls, etc.) making thus new practical items. www.ekodvoriste.com 27 CENTAR ZA PROMOCIJU NAUKE je državna ustanova nadležna za promociju i popularizaciju nauke. Centar je osnovan 2010. zakonom o naučnoistraživačkoj delatnosti Republike Srbije čime je preuzeo 11 zakonom definisanih nadležnosti u poslovima promocije nauke. Kako bi ostvario ciljeve ovog programa, Centar u svakodnevnom radu pokušava da premosti jaz između nauke i građana, povezujući napredak i kreativnost, prošlost i budućnost. IZLOŽBA “10 OTVORENIH PITANJA NAUKE” Sa misijom da razvija naučnu pismenost i u želji da nauku predstavi onakvom kakva jeste – kao živ, neprekidni proces istraživanja, Centar za promociju nauke predstavlja izložbu “10 otvorenih pitanja nauke”, koja prikazuje one zadatke i izazove koji bi u budućnosti mogli značajno da utiču na svakodnevicu. Pokrovitelj postavke je Filip Bol, urednik časopisa Nature, a selekcija predstavljenih nerešenih naučnih problema je inspirisana njegovim člankom "Ten unsolved misteries" objavljenim u časopisu Scientific American. CENTER FOR THE PROMOTION OF SCIENCE is a governmental institution competent for the promotion and popularization of science. It has been established in 2010 under the Law on Scientific Research of the Republic of Serbia. Thus it has taken over 11 legally defined competences in the field of the promotion of science. In order to achieve these objectives in their daily work, the Centre seeks to bridge the gap between the science and citizens, linking progress and creativity, past and future. EXHIBITION „10 OPEN QUESTIONS OF SCIENCE“ With their mission to develop scientific literacy and in order to present science for what it is – a living, ongoing research process, the Centre for Promotion of Science set up an exhibition „10 Open Questions of Science“ displaying tasks and challenges of the future that could have a significant impact on everyday life. The sponsor of the exhibition is Philip Ball, the editor of the magazine Nature. The selection of presented scientific problems is inspired by his article „Ten Unsolved Mysteries“ published in the magazine Scientific American. www.cpn.rs 28 UG BEOGRADSKI FESTIVAL CVEĆA ima za cilj da kroz raznovrsne aktivnosti podstiče razvoj standarda urbane ekologije na principima održivosti i aktivne javnosti. Osnovni postulat BFC-a je unapređenje kvaliteta života kroz različite discipline i mrežnu saradnju, koja proizvodi interakciju pružajući obnovu, zaštitu i vrednovanje zelene infrastrukture Beograda kao važan deo naše urbane svakodnevnice. BFC programi obuhvataju organizaciju manifestacija, edukacija, pokretanje radnih akcija i inicijativa. BELGRADE FLOWER FESTIVAL organisation has the objective to encourage the development of urban ecology standards through various activities based on the principles of sustainability and active public engagement. The main postulate of BFC is to improve the quality of life through different engagement and network cooperation, interacting thus by offering reconstruction, protection and evaluation of Belgrade green infrastructure as an essential part of everyday urban life. BFC programmes include organising events and training, work actions and launching initiatives. www.bfc.rs TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA BEOGRADA (TOB) je javna služba Skupštine grada Beograda, čiji je delokrug rada promocija i razvoj turističke ponude grada Beograda. THE TOURIST ORGANIZATION OF BELGRADE (TOB) is a public service of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade, founded to conduct activities relating to development, preservation and protection of tourist values on the territory of Belgrade. www.tob.rs EU info centar nudi odgovore na pitanja vezana za Evropsku uniju i nudi pomoć u pronalaženju informacija vezanih za EU programe i fondove. Info Centar je otvoren za posete građana radnim danima od 10:00 do 19:00 i subotom od 10:00 do 15:00. Otvoreni smo za organizovane grupne posete. Organizujemo seminare, radionice, tribine i druge događaje o EU integracijama, kao i kulturna dešavanja i umetničke izložbe koje se odnose na Evropsku uniju. The EU Info Centre offers answers to EU related questions and provide help in finding information and guidelines for access to the EU programmes and funds. The Information Centre is open to the public from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday and 10:00 am to 3 pm on Saturday. We are also open for organised group visits; we organise seminars, workshops, debates and other events about the EU integration, as well as cultural events and art exhibitions in the EU context.www.euinfo.rs/ Liceulice je organizacija koja od 2010. godine realizuje praktične programe direktne podrške marginalizovanim grupama, sa ciljem njihove veće ekonomske i socijalne uključenosti. Ovaj program, koji podstiče socijalno preduzetništvo, aktivizam, filantropiju i solidarnost, razvija se u Srbiji uspešno pune tri godine, utičući sve osetnije na smanjenje siromaštva i isključenosti ugroženih kategorija stanovništva. Krajem 2012. pojavila su se i prva regionalna izdanja – u Skoplju, Prištini i Sarajevu. Since 2010, the organisation Liceulice has been carrying out programmes of direct support to marginalized groups with the aim to improve their economic and social inclusion in the society. The programme that encourages social entrepreneurship, activism, philanthropy and solidarity has been successfully implemented in Serbia for the last three years, having a positive effect on the reduction of poverty and social exclusion of most vulnerable groups in the society. By the end of 2012 first regional editions of the magazine Liceulice appeared in Skopje, Priština and Sarajevo. liceulice.wordpress.com recan Fondacija za reciklažu limenki za piće je aktivna od 2005. godine i osnovana je kao neprofitna organizacija od strane Ball Packaging Europe, Fabrike za proizvodnju limenki. Cilj recan Fondacije je da promoviše svest o značaju zaštite životne sredine, posebno među mlađom populacijom, da učvrsti svest o potrebi reciklaže limenki u razmišljanjima potrošača kao naučen i konačno uobičajen model ponašanja. recan Fondacija deluje kroz edukaciju, s ciljem da reciklaža postane navika. Haljina "LIMENKA po LIMENKA" Unikatna haljina od limenki Riken (Recan) fondacije za reciklažu limenki za piće "LIMENKA po LIMENKA", za čiju izradu je kreatorki Tatjani Tatalović bilo potrebno oko 200 limenki i poklopaca, predstavljena je na izložbi „Zakopčaj me selotejpom“. Zanimljivo je da haljina izgleda kao da je načinjena od dukata, što je i bila osnovna ideja izložbe, da se istakne činjenica da je limenka i nakon upotrebe vredna sekundarna sirovina. recan Foundation for recycling beverage cans has been active since 2005 and was established as a non-profit organisation by Ball Packaging Europe, a company producing cans. The objective of the recan Foundation is to promote awareness of the importance of the environmental protection, especially among young people. recan Foundation is set to build awareness of the need for recycling cans in the minds of consumers, as an acquired and finally normal pattern of behaviour. Through training activities recan Foundation wants to reach the goal that recycling becomes a habit. Dress CAN-by-CAN Unique dress made of cans supplied by recan Fondation for recycling bevarage cans. CAN-by-CAN dress was designed by Tatjana Tatalović. The designer used approx. 200 cans and covers for the dress which was presented at the exhibition „Zip Me up with Tape“. The dress looks like made of old coins, as the main intention of the exhibition was to show that used beverage cans can be valuable secondary raw materials. www.recan.org.rs 29 WWF je jedna od najvećih, širom sveta priznatih, nezavisnih organizacija, koja se bavi zaštitom prirode i ima skoro 5 miliona pristalica i aktivnu globalnu mrežu u više od 100 zemalja. Misija WWF-a je da zaustavi uništavanje životne sredine i da stvori budućnost u kojoj ljudi žive u skladu sa prirodom putem očuvanja svetske biološke raznovrsnosti, održivog korišćenja prirodnih resursa i smanjenja zagađenja i preterane potrošnje. Izložba „Vodeni lavirint” za tematiku ima prizore biljnih i životinjskih vrsta iz Specijalnog rezervata prirode Gornje Podunavlje. Autor izložbe je Szilard Kovacs, profesionalni fotograf, umetnik i ljubitelj prirode. Ovo je jedna od retkih prilika da se na jedan upečatljiv način otkrije skrivena lepota i prirodna harmonija Specijalnog rezervata prirode Gornje Podunavlje koji je inače deo Prekograničnog rezervata Mura-Drava-Dunav. WWF is one of the largest, worldwide recognized, independent organizations dealing with nature protection. It has more than 5 million supporters and an active global network throughout more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the natural environment and to build a future where humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, by ensuring sustainable use of natural resources and by promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. The exhibition “Water Labyrinth” shows scenes of plant and animal species from the Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve. The author of the exhibition is Szilard Kovacs, a professional photographer, artist and green activist. This is one of rare opportunities to discover the hidden beauty and harmony of nature in the Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve which is also a part of the Cross-border Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube. wwf.panda.org/sr/ 30 Zelena Srbija je portal novinske agencije Beta namenjen očuvanju životne sredine i podsticanju zdravog načina života. Portal sadrži vesti, fotografije i video zapise o aktuelnim zbivanjima iz oblasti zaštite okoline. Zelena Srbija, the web-portal of the news agency Beta, is dedicated to preserving the environment and promoting healthy lifestyle. It was established in 2009. The web-portal contains new, photographs and videos about the latest developments in the field of environment protection. www.zelenasrbija.rs Moj komšija bez krova je inicijativa kojom je pokrenuta neformalna online zajednica, koja kroz razne akcije omogućava direktnu pomoć našim sugrađanima bez krova nad glavom. Pojedinačnim i ličnim gestovima i razvojem međusobne komunikacije svako od nas pozvan je da stekne novu dobru naviku. Sendvič viška, konzerva hrane koja već dugo stoji ili par toplih čarapa su male stvari koje retko primetimo kao „višak“ koji može imati novu namenu. Akciju realizuju "Liceulice" i Crveni krst Palilula. Moj komšija bez krova (My Homeless Neighbour) is an initiative that launched an informal online community through a variety of actions providing direct help to our homeless co-citizens. By individual and personal gestures and by developing interactive communication we should all acquire new good habits. An extra sandwich, a can of food that has been standing too long in the cupboard or a pair of warm socks are little things that we rarely notice as a „surplus“, which could however find a new use. The action was implemented by Liceulice and Red Cross Palilula. Elektrotehnička škola "RADE KONČAR" postoji više od 50 godina i danas obrazuje učenike za 6 obrazovnih profila: elektrotehničar za termičke i rashladne uređaje, eleketrotehničar energetike, elektrotehničar procesnog upravljanja, elektrotehničar za elektroniku na vozilima, elektrotehničar za računare, elektrotehničar elektronike. Pored toga ETŠ "Rade Končar" obrazuje i specijaliste za elektroniku na vozilima u okviru V stepena školovanja. Škola broji 1100 učenika i oko 100 nastavnika. Biološko istraživačko društvo “Josif Pančić” nastalo je 1978. godine. Okuplja studente biologije kao i sve druge koji su zainteresovani za naučno-istraživački rad iz raznih oblasti biologije. Uz podršku i stručnu pomoć profesora i saradnika sa Biološkog fakulteta i drugih institucija, istraživanja iz različitih oblasti se odvijaju kroz rad nekoliko sekcija: florističke, mikološke, hidrobiološke teriološke, biospeleološke, entomološke, herpetološke, lihenološke i ornitološke. Electro-Technical School RADE KONČAR Iza sedam gradova, sedam fabrika i sedam zagađenih reka, prostiru se beskrajni pejzaži šuma, pašnjaka i bistrih izvora. U takvom okruženju, daleko od civilizacije i saobraćajne buke, odvija se jedan sasvim drugačiji i tajanstven život. Fotografije su nastale na terenskim akcijama Društva, ali i tokom drugih poseta prirodi. was established over 50 years ago. Today, they are offering six occupational profiles: Electrician for cooking and refrigerating devices, Energy electrician, Process control electrician, Electrician for vehicle electronics, Computer electrician and Electronics electrician. In addition, ETS „RADE KONČAR“ provides a specialized education for vehicle electronics within a tertiary grade of occupational education. The school has 1100 students and around 100 teachers. www.koncar.edu.rs Izložba „Priroda vas posmatra” Biological Research Society „Josif Pančić“ was founded in 1978. Society brings together biology students as well as all other interested in scientific research in various fields of biology. Supported by professors and experts from the Faculty of Biology and other institutions, the research work takes place in several sections: botany, mycology, hydro-biology, theriology, biospeology, entomology, herpetology, lichenology and ornithology. Exhibition “Nature is observing you” Beyond seven cities, seven factories and seven polluted rivers lay endless landscapes of forests, grassland and clear waters. In such an environment, far from civilization and traffic noise, a completely different and magic life takes place. Photographs were taken during field actions of the Society, but also during other expeditions to nature sights. 31 SOLAGRO TIM je skupina mladih ljudi, inženjera poljoprivrede, koji su željom za znanjem i novinama, odlučili da naprave pomak u poljoprivredi, kao i u tehničkim dostignućima. Njihova ideja je bila da konstruišu sušaru koja će raditi na solarni pogon. Na taj način će se uštedeti velike količine električne energije, koja bi se inače iskoristila za ove svrhe. Sisak eko film festival deluje kroz Dom kulture Kristalna kocka vedrine iz Siska. Na svom putu od 700 km kroz urbane i ruralne krajeve, prikazali smo kratke filmove o zaštiti životne sredine. Nikola Šolić je bio deo festivalskog tima koji je u maju 2013. biciklima posetio Sisačko-moslavačku županiju u Hrvatskoj i Unsko-sanski kanton u Bosni i Hercegovini. Solarna sušara Projekat je pokrenuo SOLAGRO TIM u saradnji s recan Fondacijom za reciklažu limenki za piće. Reč je o projektu koji se sastoji od kolektora toplotne solarne energije, napravljenom od aluminijumskih limenki i sušare za voće. Kolektor je sačinjen od limenki, koje su spojene silikonom, smeštenim u limeni okvir, koji je termoizolovan i zatvoren pleksiglasom. Na ovaj način se toplotna sunčeva energija generiše u aluminijumskim tunelima i dalje se transportuje u sušaru. SOLARGO TEAM is a group of young people, engineers of agriculture, eager for knowledge and innovations, who decided to make a step forward in agriculture as well as in technological developments. Their idea was to construct a dryer that would run on solar power, in order to save large amounts of electricity that would otherwise be used for this purpose. Solar Dryer The project was initiated by SOLAGRO TEAM in cooperation with recan Foundation for recycling beverage cans. The project includes a solar energy collector made of beverage cans connected to a fruit dehydrator. The collector is made of cans attached to each other by silicon and placed in a thermo-isolated aluminum frame covered by plexiglass. Thus, the generated solar energy in aluminum tunnels is further transported to the dehydrator. 32 Izložba “Una Voda” Fotografije nastale tokom SEFF-a, prikazuju vodu, i to reku Unu u svim svojim fazama. Autor, Nikola Šolić, poigrava se linijama i senkama koje voda proizvodi na svojim kaskadama, slapovima i brzacima. Menjanjem forme, kroz mekoću i oštrinu, voda pokazuje snagu i magičnost. Sve se čini kao jedna prava ekološka čarolija života, jer voda i jeste ŽIVOT. Sisak Eco Film Festival is organised by the Cultural Center “The Crystal Cube of Brightness” from Sisak, Craotia. Along 700 kilometers through urban and rural areas, short films about environmental protection were screened. Nikola Šolić was one member of the Festival team who in May 2013 rode by bicycle through Sisak-Moslavina County in Croatia and Una-Sana Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Exhibition “Una Water” Photographs taken during SEFF show water of the Una River in all its appearances. The author, Nikola Šolić, plays with lines and shadows that water is creating on cascades, slopes and rapids. By changing the form, by softness and sharpness, the water is presenting its power and magic. Everything looks like a real ecological magic of life, as water is LIFE. KOD PONAŠANJA CODE OF CONDUCT GREEN FEST je inkluzivna manifestacija koja okuplja različite grupe ljudi koji imaju pravo učešća u svim sadržajima manifestacije ravnopravno, u atmosferi uzajamnog poštovanja, tolerancije i ohrabrivanja. Sav materijal proizveden u namene ove manifestacije će biti prikladan za starije od 8 godina. Organizatori GREEN FEST - a neće tolerisati pretnje, maltretiranje i/ili uvredljivo ili diskriminišuće ponašanje bilo kog učesnika manifestacije, uključujući i govornike. Sve podnesene žalbe ostaju strogo poverljive i biće tretirane i ispitane sa potrebnom ozbiljnošću. U ovakvim slučajevima mogu biti preduzete sledeće mere: Green Fest is an inclusive event that will attract many different groups of people that all have the right to participate equitably in all activities offered, in an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance and empowerment. All materials produced for the Festival will be adequate for persons aged 8 and above. The organizers of the GREEN FEST will not tolerate any conduct that would involve threats, menace and/or disrespectful or discriminatory behavior of any participant of this event. All complaints will be treated strictly confidential in regard to the complainants and will be processed and treated with the due sincerity. In such case, following measures could be applied: - Prekršilac može biti zamoljen da se izvini; - Prekršilac može biti upozoren da prekine/ promeni svoje ponašanje u prigodno; - Prekršilac može biti upozoren da će biti udaljen ako nastavi sa svojim ponašanjem; - Prekršilac može biti zamoljen da odmah napusti manifestaciju sa zabranom daljeg prisustvovanja; - Incident može biti i prijavljen najbližoj policijskoj stanici; - Ostale mere u skladu sa situacijom; - The offender(s) could be asked to apologize to the complainant(s); - The offender(s) could be asked to cease the incorrect behavior and adopt a more adequate way of communication; - The offender(s) may be warned to be removed from the premises if he/she/they continue with the impropriate behavior; - The offender(s) could be asked to leave the premises immediately or to be interrupted in such misconduct and banned from all further activities; - The incident could be reported to the police; - Other measures available depending on the situation. 33 www.greenfest.rs 13-15. 11. 2013. 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