UVODNIK 20 Zdravo dragi ~itaoci! Ponovo se sre}emo u ovom izdanju magazina For You, i ovoga puta `elim da zapo~nem uvodnik tako što }u vam se zahvaliti za u~e{}e u na{em kvizu „Deset godina sa vama“. Va{e u~e{}e u ovoj nagradnoj igri pokazuje koliko vas voli i redovno ~ita magazin For You. Jo{ vi{e su ohrabruju}i visoki rezultati koje ste postigli u ovom kvizu. Ne sumnjam da jedva ~ekate da saznate ko su sre}ni dobitnici, mo`da si ba{ ti sre} ni dobitnik. Zato vam obe}avam da }e na{a redakcija ubrzo kontaktirati sve pobednike kviza, tako|e, imena svih dobitnika }emo objaviti na na{oj Internet stranici Naravno, kontaktira}emo i sve one koji }e biti pozvani na ceremoniju dodele nagrada, koja }e se odr`ati 15. decembra 2012. A sada, hajde da se vratimo magazinu. Kao i uvek, u rubrici Movies mo`ete ~itati o najnovijim holivudskim produkcijama „Deset godina“, „Puter“ i „Pad“, dok vas u Muzi~koj kutiji o~ekuje intervju sa doma}im bendom Kanda, Kod`a i Neboj{a. Ovog meseca, predsednik Opštine Uroševac vam govori o funkcionisanju ove opštine. U sportskom uglu, ovoga puta pro~itajte nešto više o `ivotu i uspesima fudbalera Nemanje Vidi}a. Pošto znamo da se pribli`avaju hladni dani, smatramo da vredi obratiti pa`nju na rubriku o modi, tj. na šešire za jesen-zimu 2012/13. Ovo su samo neke od odabranih tema u ovom izdanju. Na vama je da otkrijete više dok ~itate magazin, i prona|ete ono što je vama najinteresantnije. Kao i uvek, ne zaboravite da nam ka`ete šta vam se najvi{e dopada, a {ta ne, u vezi našeg magazina. Znajte da nam je va{e mi{ljenje itekako od velikog zna~aja. Do slede}eg izdanja, `elim vam sve najbolje! 18 16 Leonora! “For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha Fotografijeë: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: [email protected]; 2 for you 30 2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: Osnovna {kola “Leposavi}” 6-7: Maltretiranje – fenomen koji moramo iskoreniti 8-9: For you fashion: Trendovi šešira za sezonu jesen/zima 2012/2013 10-11: Music Box: Kanda, Kod`a i Neboj{a 12-13: Kako funkcioni{e va{a Op{tina? 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: 5 vode}ih majki me|u `ivotinjama 16-17: Poster: Kanda, Kod`a i Neboj{a 18-19: Moviemania: Skyfall; 10 Years; Butter 20-21: Sportski ugao: Nemanja Vidi} 22-23: Hi-Tech: Budite kreativni: tehni~ke spravice koje su bezbedne za malene de~je ruke i uši 24-25: For You na Brajevom pismu 26-27: Upitnik: [ta te ~ini ljubomornim/om? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca 4 22 8 14 12 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: “Leposavic” primary school 6-7: Bullying – a phenomenon we must eradicate 8-9: For you fashion: Hat trends fall/winter 2012/2013 10-11: Music Box: Kanda, Kodza and Nebojsa 12-13: How does your municipality function? 14-15: Animal kingdom: Top 5 animal moms 16-17: Poster: Kanda, Kodza and Nebojsa 18-19: Moviemania: Skyfall; 10 Years; Butter 20-21: Sports corner: Nemanja Vidic 22-23: Hi-Tech: Get creative: high-tech gadgets safe for kids’ little hands and ears 24-25: “For You” in Braille alphabet 26-27: Questionnaire: What makes you jealous? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters EDITORIAL Hello dear readers! Here we meet again in this edition of the For You magazine and this time I want to begin this editorial by thanking you for your participation in our Quiz “10 years with you”. Your participation in this prize game is the best indicator on how many of you like and regularly read For You magazine. Even more encouraging are the high results you have achieved in this quiz. I have no doubts that you can hardly wait to find out whether you are one of our lucky winners. Therefore, I assure you that our editorial office will soon contact all the winners as well as publish their names in our web page We will also contact all those that will participate at our prize award ceremony which will be held on 15 December 2012. Let’s go back to the magazine. As always in move column you can read this time on newest Hollywood productions, “Ten Year,” “Butter” and “Skyfall.” At music column you can read an exclusive interview with music band Kadza, Kondza i Nebojsa. For this month, Urosevac Mayor, Mr. Agim Aliu will talk about the governing in this municipality. At sports corner, this time you will find more on football player Nemanja Vidic. Being aware that cold days are coming, we think it is worthy paying some attention to fashion column, respectively hats for fall 2012 – winter 2013. These are only some of the topics we have chosen for you in this edition. It is up to you to find more while reading the magazine and find what is more interesting for you. As always, do not forget to tell us what do you like or dislike regarding our magazine. I can assure you that your opinion is very valuable for us. Until next edition, all the best! Leonora! ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: [email protected]; for you 3 škola meseca OSNOVNA ŠKOLA “LEPOSAVIĆ” direktor Krstivoje Radosavljevi} Z vuk {kolskog zvona uvek podseti na one lepe |a~ke dane bezbri`nog detinjstva. A, tek {kolsko dvori{te preplavljeno razdraganom de~icom, uvek u~ini da pomislimo „eh, da mi je vratiti se u {kolu“. No, kao mladi i nezreli, ~esto smo pravili propuste u u~enju, koji nam se kad tad vrate kao bumerang, {to nam je potvrdio i dirketor Osnovne {kole ’’Leposavi}’’ u Leposavi}u, Krstivoje Radosavljevi}. „Ranije, na{e generacije nisu imale toliko uslova i sredstava za u~enje, kao {to je danas slu~aj. Zato uvek savetujem mladima da u~e {to vi{e, jer danas, recimo, imaju mogu}nosti da u~e vi{e stranih jezika, {to im automatski pru`a vi{e {ansi za bolji posao i bolji `ivot“, kazao je direktor Krstivoje, po struci profesor fizike. Kada je stupio na ovu funkciju 2004. njegov prvi zadatak je bio organizovanje kabinetske nastave, kako bi se olak{ao rad nastavnika i doprinelo boljem u~enju i upoznavanju u~enika sa stru~nim predmetima, metodama i raznim u~ilima. „Ranije su u~ila bila raspore|ena u holu, u nekakvim ormarima, i zamislite sada nastavnika koji treba da uzme globus, pa da ga vu~e, u ne znam koju u~ionicu ili sprat. Ovako, taj globus ga ~eka u kabinetu geografije, ili neko u~ilo iz biologije stoji u kabinetu biologije. Na taj na~in se pobolj{ao kvalitet nastave, u cilju da deca znaju {to vi{e, da budu obrazovanija, i da ta saznanja budu na vi{em nivou“, dodao je gospodin Radosavljevi}. On je istakao da {kola broji 661 u~enika i oko 90 nastavnog i pomo}nog osoblja. Direktor, kao jedna pozitivna li~nost, svojom predano{}u uti~e na svoj kolektiv i u~enike, {to rezultira jednom pozitivnom energijom i disciplinom u {koli. „Saradnja izme|u svih nas je veoma dobra, pre svega, osnovana je na pedago{ko-vaspitnim principima i pravilniku pona{anja nastavnika i 4 for you u~enika, od ulaska u {kolu do obla~enja. Atmosfera je veoma prijatna, sre}om, nemamo ovde nekog nasilja i zlostavljanje dece, {to je vrlo bitno, jer je taj trend nasilja i zlostavljanja znatno u porastu, naro~ito kod mladih ljudi“. Dobro je ~uti da se taj trend u na{im {kolama jo{ uvek ne praktikuje, i nadamo se da }e tako i ostati, ali jedan od trendova koji ova {kola sprovodi jeste U~eni~ki parlament. Modernizovanjem nastave, na sre}u u~enika, sada u~enici imaju svoje mesto okupljanja, na kojem mogu izneti sve svoje kritike, primedbe i preporuke, koje se prenose direktoru {kole. „Ti njihovi zahtevi su, naravno, uvek u njihovu korist. Tako da, ponekad ih moram usmeravati. Na primer, ~esto im savetujem da oni sami pokrenu neku akciju kojom mo`emo da pomognemo bolesnome ili siroma{nome. Na sre}u, oni su poslu{ni, u~imo ih da budu humani, pa smo imali i takvih akcija sakupljanja novca za pomo} onim u~enicima koji `ive u te{koj finansijskoj situaciji“. Definitvno je ovo dobra ideja koju trebamo svi podr`ati, a jo{ bolje je {to jo{ uvek postoje {kole koje organizuju sli~ne akcije. No, pored ove akcije, gospodin Krstivoje nam je pomenuo i akcije ~i{}enja {kolskog dvori{ta, jedinog parka u toj sredini, koji me{tanima slu`i kao mesto okupljanja, te se ponekad desi da mladi zaborave da otpatke treba bacati u korpu za sme}e. To je idealna prilika da se uti~e na mlade od prvih {kolskih dana da ~uvaju svoju okolinu, ali, i roditelji su du`ni da sudeluju u vaspitavanju dece, ne samo kada je ure|ivanje `ivotne sredine u pitanju, nego i {tednja vode i elelektri~ne energije. Za kraj, direktor Osnovne {kole „Leposavi}“, Krstivoje Radosavljevi}, kao dugogodi{nji prosvetni radnik, poru~io je mladima slede}e: „U~ite, ne poku{avajte nekim drugim i lak{im metodama da do|ete do rezultata. Bolje vam je da iza svojih ocena stojite znanjem i ve{tinama, jer }e vam se to znanje jednoga dana itekako isplatiti“. school of the month “LEPOSAVIC” PRIMARY SCHOOL T he sound of a school bell always reminds one of their beautiful school days and carefree childhood. A school playground overflowing with excited children always brings the “eh, if I could only go back to school” thought to mind. All of us, when we were young and immature, made lapses in our studies, which came back to us like a boomerang, this was confirmed by Krstivoje Radosavljevic, the headmaster of the “Leposavic” Primary School in Leposavic. “In the past, our generation did have such good conditions and resources for studying, as is the case today. That is why I always give advice to youngsters to study as many foreign languages as they can, which automatically creates greater chances for a better job and a better life”, headmaster Krstivoje told us, who is a physics teacher by profession. When he was appointed headmaster in 2004, his first task was to organize study cabinets, which would ease the teachers’ workload and allow the pupils to gain a better education and gain a better understanding of the specific subjects, methods and teaching tools. “Before we had teaching tools arranged in the school hall, stored in some sort of cupboards, and now imagine a teacher who has to pick up a globe, carry it to, I don not know which, classroom or floor. Now that globe awaits the teacher in the geography cabinet, or a biology teaching tool awaits in the biology cabinet. This has bettered the quality of teaching, the children know more and are better educated, their knowledge is at a higher level”, Mr. Radosavljevic added. He points out that the school is attended by 661 pupils and has around 90 members of the teaching and auxiliary staff. The headmaster, as a positive character, through his commitment influences the staff and pupils, which results in positive energy and discipline in the school. “The cooperation between all of us is very good, foremost it is based on pedagogical - educational principles and the Behavioral Rulebook for both the pupils and teachers, which applies from the moment that they enter the school until the moment they leave it. The atmosphere in our school is very enjoyable, fortunately we do not have incidents of school violence or child abuse, which is very significant since that trend of violence and abuse is on the rise, especially amongst the younger population. ” It is good to hear that that trend is not being practiced in our schools yet and we hope it will remain that way. One of the trends that this school is implementing is the Pupils’ Parliament. By modernizing the teaching methods, to the benefit of the pupils, the pupils now have a gathering place where they can voice their criticism, complaints and suggestions, which are forwarded to the headmaster. “Their demands are, of course, to their benefit. That is why, on occasion, I have to steer them. For example, I often advise them to initiate something through which we can help the sick and poor. Fortunately, they are obedient; we teach them to be humane. Recently we had a money collection for pupils who are facing financial difficulties”. This is definitively a good idea which we should all support. What is even better is the fact that we still have schools which organize such charities. Apart from this charitable action, Mr. Krstivoje mentioned the school yard cleanup drive. The school yard is the only park in the area, which serves as a gathering place for the locals, thus youngsters sometimes forget to take their garbage to the trash cans. This is an ideal opportunity to influence the youth from the earliest school-going age to preserve the environment. It also serves to remind parents that they are obliged to cooperate in the education of children, not only when it comes to the environment but also in issues of water and power conservation. At the end, the headmaster of the “Leposavic” Primary School Krstivoje Radosavljevic, a seasoned educator, wanted to convey the following to the youth: “Study, do not try to achieve results through other easier methods. It is better for you to back your marks with knowledge and skills, because this knowledge will bring benefits one day in the future.” for you 5 Maltretiranje – fenomen koji moramo iskoreniti D a li ste ikada bili `rtva ili svedok maltretiranja u školi? Pre nego što date odri~an odgovor, razmislite još jednom, da li vam se ikada dogodilo da vas vaši školski drugari naprestano zadirkuju i nazivaju pogrdnim imenima. Ili, mo`da ste se smejali dok je neko drugi ismejavan zbog svog odevanja, boje ko`e, na~ina na koji govori, ili bilo koje druge osobine. Ako je vaš odgovor pozitivan u vezi sa bilo kojim od gore pomenutih primera, imajte na umu da stalno zadirkivanje vršnjaka u vezi karakteristi~nih osobina kao što su rasa, religija, nacionalnost, pol, izgled, nošenje i upotreba markirane robe, predstavlja jedan on najuobi~ajnijih tipova maltretiranja u školama. Najgore u vezi toga je da se ova vrsta problema naj~eš}e prenebregava bez pru`anja odgovaraju}e pa`nje tom problemu. S druge strane, ona izaziva dugoro~ne posledice i duboke emotivne o`iljke na maltretiranim osobama. Zato su `rtve maltretiranja sklone ulasku u za~arani krug koji mo`e da uklju~i alkohol i drogu, depresiju, ponašanje vezano za samoizolaciju, povla~enje 6 for you iz društvene okoline, i u najte`im slu~ajevima samoubistvo. Brojne studije širom sveta pokazuju da maltretiranje u školama predstavlja društveni fenomen u porastu. Štaviše, u zemljama poput Velike Britanije, maltretiranje u školama predstavlja jedan od najakutnijih problema sa kojim se susre}u mladi ljudi. Na`alost, ni škole na Kosovu nisu imune na ovu pojavu. Maltretiranje je podeljene u tri glavne grupe: emotivno, verbalno, i najnasilniji oblik - fizi~ko maltretiranje. ^esto se mo`e primetiti da su zavist i netrpeljivost naj~eš}i motivi koji pokre}u nasilnike. Tako|e, u ve}ini slu~ajeva, proizilazi da maltretiranje predstavlja dobar na~in za te osobe da poboljšaju svoje samopouzdanje, zato što ih zlostavljanje drugih ~ini da se ose}aju superiorno. Na kraju krajeva, zlostavljanje je ~esto odraz porodi~nog okru`enja u kome `ive siled`ije. Bez obzira na motive, jedno je sigurno, takvo ponašanje je apsolutno neprihvatljivo i uopšte se ne treba tolerisati. Ustvari, to je jedan od glavnih problema u vezi maltretiranja. ^esto se dešava u našem prisustvu, i na{im nereagovanjem guramo `rtvu u samoizolaciju i pokoravanje osobi koja vrši maltretiranje, dok nasilnik vidi svoje ponašanje kao normalan standard društvenog ponašanja. Prema studijama, razlozi za izostajanje reakcije su višestruki. To se obi~no dešava zato što svedoci maltretiranja ne reaguju jer se plaše da bi oni mogli postati slede}a `rtva siled`ija, ili im je sasvim dovoljno to što oni sami ne predstavljaju metu maltretiranja. Me|utim, u ve}ini slu~ajeva ljudi jednostavno ne reaguju zato što im nedostaje volja da se suo~e sa po~iniocem i pomognu `rtvi. Drugi oblik maltretiranja, koje se pojavljuje u sve ve}em broju slu~ajeva, poznat je kao sajber-maltretiranje (maltretiranje preko Interneta). Lako se mo`e razumeti da je ova vrsta maltretiranja direktna posledica razvoja Internet tehnologije. Sve je više izveštaja u kojima korisnici društvenih mre`a postaju `rtve maltretiranja. U ve} ini slu~ajeva, posledice su podjednako teške kao i kod “konvencionalnih” oblika maltretiranja. Osim toga, neograni~en broj korisnika društvenih mre`a pru`a platformu za izuzetno brzo širenje zlostavljanja, kako na lokalnom tako i globalnom nivou. Samo u oktobru ove godine, petnaestogodišnjakinja iz Kanade, Amanda Tod, po~inila je samoubistvo nakon što je godinama bila podvrgnuta (sajber) maltretiranju. Ova pri~a je još tragi~nija zato što je tinejd`erka pre samoubistva morala tri puta da se seli sa svojom porodicom i menja škole, kao rezultat zlostavljanja kome je bila podvrgnuta ne samo preko Fejsbuka ve} i u svom `ivotnom okru`enju. Treba naglasiti kako bismo spre~ili maltretiranje trebamo shvatiti da svako nazivanje pogrdnim imenima, širenje glasina, pretnje, isklju~ivanje iz zajedni~kih aktivnosti, izbegavanje komunikacije, zastrašivanje, izazivanje nelagodnosti drugima, kao i fizi~ki udarci, predstavljaju tipi~no ponašanje nasilnika. Zato, nikada nemojte dozvoliti ni sebi niti ostalima da se na ovakav na~in ophode drugima samo zato što su druga~iji. Ne zaboravite, vi uti~ete na formiranje jedni drugih, baš kao što uti~u vaši roditelji, nastavnici i društvo u celini. Pomozite svojim prijateljima da odrastu zdravi sa samopouzdanjem, zato što }ete na taj na~in pomo} i i sebi. Poštuju}i druge u~ite da cenite sebe i verujete u svoje sposobnosti. A kada se to dogodi, bi}ete spremni da preuzmete svoje društvene odgovornosti da biste pomogli izgradnju budu}nosti koju `elite, i samo nebo je va{a granica! Bullying – a phenomenon we must eradicate H ave you ever been a victim or witness of bullying at your school? Before you say no, think once more whether it has occurred that your school friends continuously teased you and called you degrading names. Or maybe you laughed when someone was ridiculed because of how they look or dress, their skin colour, the way they speak or any other distinguishing feature they have. If your answer is yes, for any of the two abovementioned cases then be aware that continuously teasing someone by its peers due to distinguishing features such as race, religion, ethnicity, gender, appearance, use of brands and such, is one of the most common types of bullying at schools. The worst about it is that most of the time this type of behaviour is overseen without showing the proper attention towards this problem. On the other hand it causes long term consequences and deep emotional scars on the persons that are bullied. Thus the bullying victims are prone to enter a vicious circle that can include alcohol and drug abuse, depression, auto-isolation behaviour, social withdrawal, and in most severe occasions suicide. Numerous studies around the world show that bullying at schools in particular is an increasing social phenomenon. Furthermore in countries like Great Britain school bullying is one of the most acute problems that young people are faced with. Unfortunately, schools in Kosovo are not immune to this phenomenon either. Bullying is divided into three major types: emotional, oral and the most violent physical bullying. It has often been noticed that the most common motives that drive the bullies are envy and resentment. Also in most cases it results that bullying is a good way for these persons to improve their self-confidence because abusing others makes them feel superior. Finally bullying quite often is a reflection of the family environment that bullies live in. Regardless of the motives one thing is certain, such behaviour is absolutely unacceptable and it should not be tolerated at all. In fact, this is one of the main problems in relation to bullying. It often occurs in our presence and by not reacting we push the victim to selfisolation and submission to bullying, while the bully sees its behaviour as a normal standard of social behaviour. According to studies reasons for not reacting are manifold. It usually takes place because the witnesses of bullying do not react because they fear they might become the next victim of the bully, or for them it is sufficient that they are not the intended target. However, in most cases people do not react simply because they lack the will to face the perpetrator and help the victim. Another form of bullying which is becoming increasingly concerning is known as cyber-bullying. It is easily understandable that this type of bullying is a direct result of the development of internet technology. There are more and more reports of social networks users becoming victims of bullying. In most cases the consequences are just as grave as those of “conventional” forms of bullying. Furthermore, the unlimited number of users of social networks provide the platform for the abuse to rapidly become nationally and globaly widespread. Only in October this year, fifteen year old Canadian girl Amanda Todd commited suicide after being (cyber) bullied for years. This story is even more tragic because prior to commiting suicide the teenager and her family had to move and change her school three times as a result of the abuse she received not only via facebook, but also in her living environment. It should be emphasised that to prevent bullying we should realise that calling names, spreading rumours, threatening, excluding them from activities, not communicating, intimidating and causing discomfort to others, as well as hitting them, are typical behaviour for bullies. Therefore do not ever allow that you or someone else behaves like this against someone else just because they are different. Do not forget you impact in shaping each other just as much as your parents, teachers and society in general do. Therefore help your friends around you grow up healthy and with self-confidence because this way you will help yourself. By appreciating others you will learn to appreciate yourself and believe in your abilities. When this happens, you will be ready to take over your social responsibilities to help build the future you want, and the sky will be your limit! for you 7 fashion TRENDOVI ŠEŠIRA ZA SEZONU JESEN/ZIMA 2012/2013 V e}ina `ena i dalje nosi šešire da bi zaštitile svoju glavu i kosu od hladno}e ili vru}ine. Ali, situacija }e se promeniti tokom sezone jesen/zima 2012/2013, jer šešir postaje nešto više od prakti~nog komada, postaje stvaran i vredan modni detalj koji mo`e dopuniti vaš izlged i pomo}i}e vam da se istaknete. I dok mo`da `elite da nosite bilo kakvu vrstu šešira, mi vam ovde prikazujemo stilove šešira koji }e biti u trendu ove sezone. Pored toga, pru`i}emo vam nekoliko saveta o tome kako i gde da ih nosite. Krznene kape Mo`da mislite da je krzno predvidivo kada je u pitanju zimska moda, i naravno da }ete biti u pravu. Ali, niko ne mo`e da porekne da je krzno (bilo da je pravo ili la`no) lepo i luksuzno, što ga ~ini popularnim me|u `enama svih uzrasta i modnih ukusa. Taj, kao i neki drugi faktori poznati modnim kreatorima, su samo predodredili ~injenicu da }e krznene kape biti veliki hit tokom sezone jesen/zima 2012/2013. Krznene kape tokom modne sezone jesen/zima 2012/2013 nam dolaze u razli~itim bojama. Tako imamo šešire u tamnim i neutralnim tonovima, koji su sli~ni prirodnim nijansama krzna, a tu su i svetli i ekscentri~ni prelivi koji su dizajnirani da privuku pa`nju. Pored toga }e se razlikovati i njihovi oblici. Kako da ih nosite: Krznene kape su veoma raznovrsne kada su u pitanju na~ini njihovog nošenja. Ne morate da putujete u region Antarktika da biste ih nosili. Skoro da ne postoje ograni~enja. Krznene kape mo`ete nositi uz ko`ne pantalone, farmerke, plišane suknje ili štampani tekstil, kao dodatak skoro svakom stilu odevanja i obu}e. Gde da ih nosite: Gde god `elite ili trebate oti}i. Kaubojski šeširi Vestern stil nije baš popularan kod ljudi koji slepo prate modne trendove. Iako ponekad volimo kaubojske ~izme i košulje, ali to je otprilike sve. Me|utim, kaubojski šeširi }e igrati zna~ajnu ulogu u novoj modnoj sezoni. Kako da ih nosite: Vaš kaubojski šešir nosite sa skra}enom (odse~enom u struku) jaknom i ko`nim rukavicama, pored toga }e odgovarati i bilo kakav drugi odevni predmet sa rajsferšlusima. Opredelite se za svetlije boje i vrlo istaknute detalje. Gde da ih nosite: Naravno da }e kaubojski šešir biti smešan ako ga budete nosili na putu do kancelarije, ali }e sasvim odgovarati na muzi~kom festivalu ili 8 for you putovanju širom zemlje. Šeširi u obliku zvona Šešiti u obliku zvona su izuzetno `enstveni. Dolaze nam iz 1920. godine i donose nam eleganciju i prefinjenost koje nedostaju našoj modnoj epohi. Svi se divimo modi koja razbija polne granice, ali uvek je dobro vratiti se istinskim izvorima sopstvenog bi}a. Kako da ih nosite: Šešir u obliku zvona nosite uz `enstvene haljine, odela a suknjama, kaputi}e i šik mantile. Da biste izgledali inteligentniji, svom izgledu dodajte cipele sa štiklom ili duboke ~izme, uz par ko`nih rukavica. Gde da ih nosite: Šeširi u obliku zvona najbolje izgledaju na zabavama tokom raspusta ili ven~anjima, ali mogu pristajati i koktelima i nezvani~nim okupljanjima. Fedora šeširi Fedora šeširi su verovatno najsvetraniji šeširi koji su ikada izmišljeni. Prvi put su dizajnirani u 19.veku i to za muškarce, dok su sada uniseks detalj koji se mo`e nositi sa svim i sva~im. Kako da ih nosite: Fedora šeširi odli~no izgledaju sa bilo kojom vrstom ode}e. Mogu izgledati `enstveno ako ih nosite uz haljinu štampanog dezena, a mogu biti i androgini detalj kada je nosite uz pantalone i košulju. Gde da ih nosite: Bilo gde, i u bilo kojoj prilici na bilo kom mestu. Fedora šeširi su uvek primereni i izgledaju dobro na svima. Cilindri Mo`da zvu~i ~udno, ali cilindri }e tako|e biti u trendu tokom modne sezone jesen/zima 2012/2013. Šeširi, koji su se prethodnih decenija nosili kao detalj na dramskim kostimima, su uznapredovali na putu ka modernim modnim krugovima, pa se mogu videti i na modnim pistama i ulicama. Kako i gde da ih nosite: Cilindri nisu baš raznovrsni, tako da }e odgovarati na mestima gde se odr`avaju opere ili tematske zabave. Tako|e mo`ete eksperimentisati nose}i ih i na ulici, ali se u tom slu~aju potrudite da naglasak bude na šeširu i da ga ništa ne odvra}a. Nemojte nositi smoking uz cilindar. Šeširi širokog oboda (gau~o šeširi) Ako je komplikovano nositi cilindre, sa šeširima širokog oboda ne}ete imati problema u upotpunjavanju vašeg izgleda. Šeširi širokog oboda su moderni i izvanredni, a tako|e su i neverovatno `enstveni. Kako i gde da ih nosite: Šeširi širokog oboda se obi~no ne nose na ulicama, i ~eš}e ih vidimo na doga|ajima kao što su polo utakmice, ili nešto sli~no. Me|utim, svaka nova sezona donosi nova pravila, što podrazumeva da tokom sezone jesen/zima 2012/2013 mo`ete nositi vaš šešir širokog oboda na nekoliko razli~itih na~ina. Dizajneri obi~no kombinuju šešire sa širokim obodom sa koktelskim haljinama bez bretela, ili pantalonama strogog kroja. A vi uvek mo`ete isprobati i nešto još smelije. fashion HAT TRENDS FALL/WINTER 2012/2013 N ow, majority of women still wear hats to protect their heads and hair from either cold or heat. But the situation is going to change in the Fall/ Winter 2012/2013 season because hat is becoming a little more than just a practical item, it is a real and quiet valuable fashion accessory which can either complete your look or help you stand out. And while you might want to wear any kind of hat we are here to tell you which hat styles will be trendy this season. Besides, we will provide you with a few pieces of advice on how and where to wear these styles. Fur hats You may think that fur is quite predictable when it comes to winter fashion, and of course you will be right. But no one can deny that fur (either genuine or fake) is beautiful and luxurious which makes it popular with women of all ages and fashion tastes. This and some other factors known to designers only have predetermined the fact fur hats will be a great hit during the Fall/ Winter 2012/2013 season. Fur hats of the Fall/Winter 2012/2013 fashion season come in a variety of colors. There are hats in dark and neutral tones which are similar to natural fur shades, or bright and eccentric hues which are designed to attract attention. Shapes will differ as well. How to wear: Fur hats are quite versatile when it comes to wearability. You don’t have to be travelling to the Antarctic region to wear them. There are almost no restrictions. You can wear fur hats with leather pants, jeans, velvet skirts or prints, with nearly any style of clothing and footwear. Where to wear: Any place you like or need to go. Cowboy Hats Western style is not very popular with fashionistas. We do love cowboy boots and shirts sometimes, but that is usually all. However, cowboy hats are going to play a significant role in the new fashion season. How to wear: Wear your cowboy hat with a cropped jacket and leather gloves, any outfits with zippers will also work. Opt for brighter colors and edgy accessories. Where to where: Of course cowboy hat will look ridiculous on your way to office but it will be just right at a music festival or a road trip across the country. Cloche hats Cloche hats are super feminine. They have come to us from the 1920s and brought elegance and sophistication our fashion era lacks. We all admire gender bending fashion now but returning to our true selves is always good. How to wear: Wear a cloche hat with womanly dresses, skirt suits, trench coats and chic coats. Add court shoes and classic high boots as well as a pair of leather gloves to your outfit to look smart. Where to wear: Cloche hats look best at holiday parties and weddings but can be as appropriate at cocktail parties and unofficial gatherings. Fedora hats Fedora hats are probably the most versatile hats ever invented. First designed for men in the 19th century, now fedoras are unisex and can be worn with everything. How to wear: Fedora hats look great with any kind of clothing. They can look feminine if you wear a printed dress or they can look androgynous when you are in trousers and a shirt. Where to wear: Anywhere, any occasion and any place. Fedoras are always appropriate and look good on anyone. Top Hats It may sound surprising but top hats will also be trendy during the Fall/Winter 2012/2013 fashion season. The hats, which in previous decades were worn only as accessories for drama costumes, have made their way to modern fashion and can be seen both on the runway and in streets. How and where to wear: Top hats are hardly versatile but they will be just in place at the opera or a themed party. You can also experiment with wearing it to a street, but in this case make sure the focus is on the hat and nothing distracts from it. Don’t wear a tuxedo with a top hat. Gaucho hats If top hats are hard to pull off, you will have no problem in using a gaucho hat to complement your look. Gaucho hats are stylish and exquisite, and they are incredibly feminine, too. How and where to wear: Gaucho hats are not normally worn in streets and are more preferred to be donned to polo racing events or occasions similar to those. However, every new season brings new rules and that means during Fall/Winter 2012/2013 season you can wear your gaucho hat in a few different ways. Designers pair gaucho hats with strapless cocktail dresses and austere trouser suits. But you can always try something bolder. for you 9 music box Kanda, Kodža i Nebojša I mali smo ~ast da ih slu{amo i upoznamo u Gra~anici, tokom njihovog gostovanja u sklopu manifestacije „Kulturno zabavno leto 2012“. Koncertu je prisustvovao veliki broj ljudi, {to iz okoline Gra~anice, {to iz Pri{tine, koji su `eleli da ~uju zvuke ovog kao i ostalih bendova koji su nastupali te ve~eri na bazenu „Hacijenda“. Dok su se svojim izvo|enjem predstavljali mladi bendovi sa Kosova, mi smo iza scene uspeli da porazgovaramo sa jednim od ~lanova benda KKN, Nenadom Pejovi}em. Stoga vam u ovom broju predstavljamo intervju sa Kandom, Kod`om i Neboj{om. 4U: Ovo nije prvi put da KKN gostuju u Gra~anici. Kakvi su utisci, obzirom da ste ve} imali priliku da se sretnete sa na{om publikom? Nenad: Utisci su uvek sna`ni i lepi, mi maltene svakih godinu dana dolazimo ovde. Sre}ni smo {to nas je Dragana Stani} kontaktirala i ove i pro{le godine, drago nam je {to mo`emo da do|emo ovde. Da}emo sve od sebe, i nadam se da }e publika dobro reagovati na nas. 4U: Da li bi prihvatio poziv da svira{ u Pri{tini? Nenad: Da, svirali bi u Pri{tini, zato {to sviramo za na{u publiku, mi znamo da i me|u Albancima imamo ljude koji nas rado slu{aju, tako da bismo svakako 10 for you svirali gde god da nas pozovu, jer rok je nacionalna i internacionalna ideologija. Mi stvaramo muziku na koju niko ne mo`e da uti~e. 4U: [ta izra`avate u svojoj muzici? Nenad: U na{oj muzici izra`avamo rokenrol, `ivot i vreme onakvim kakvim ga mi do`ivljavamo. Tako da je na{a muzika stilski {arenolika i ima razli~itih uticaja, ne mo`e da se navede pod jedan `anr i stil, ali je generalno rokenrol orijentacija, i radimo trenutno na novoj muzici. 4U: Da li u bendu svi slu{ate istu vrstu muzike? Nenad: Ne, niti je to neka obaveza da svi slu{amo istu vrstu muzike. Postoje naravno neke kao vred- Novinarka Sanela Kanji`a sa Kandom, Kod`om i Neboj{om nosti, ali u rok muzici uvek je problem kada pri~a{ o nekim pravim vrednostima, po~ne{ malo da se kosi{ sa takozvanom ikonoklasti~kom prirodom rokenrola. Svi slu{amo razli~itu vrstu muzike, ali generalno se svi nalazimo na nekom klasi~nom roku. 4U: Kada mo`emo o~ekivati novi album? Nenad: Slede}e, ili one tamo godine, ali vrlo verovatno da }emo uskoro izbaciti ne{to novo. Treba da snimimo spot za pesmu „Kafana i rokenrol“, to nam je bio prvi singl sa pro{log albuma. Voditelj Jelen top 10 liste, Lazar Sakan, postao je fan te pesme, toliko je otkinuo da je pozvao ortaka svog oca, koji je bio marketing guru u Srbiji, da nam objavi spot za tu pesmu. 4U: Da li KKN ima neki moto? Nenad: Moto je - nemoj nikome da daje{ ribu ako je gladan, daj mu {tap i nau~i ga da peca. Nemamo sada neki poseban moto, ali najpre bi to bio na{ moto. Nismo ljudi koji kada nam postave pitanje - da li imate neki savet nekom mladom bendu ili nekom mladom ~oveku, ili ako imate ne{to eksplicitno da poru~ite, neku parolu, mi ka`emo ne, nema gotovih re{enja, borite se sami za gotova re{enja. Na|ite put kako se do njih dolazi, zato {to nema nekog generalnog pravila sa kojim mo`e{ da re{i{ probleme bilo gde u svetu, nego u se i u svoje kljuse. 4U: Da li bi imao mo`da neku poruku za omladinu na Kosovu? Nenad: Naravno, ova riba koju smo sada jeli je bila ba{ ukusna. Hvala vam na njoj. Budite mladi i isterajte svoje do kraja. Grupa Kanda, Kod`a i Neboj{a ( KKN) je nastala 1991. godine u Beogradu. Bend sada ~ine: Oliver Nektarijevi} (vokal), Nikola Novakovi} (gitara), Nenad Pejovi} (gitara), Branislav Dragovi} (bas) i Vladan Rajovi} (bubnjevi). Do sada su izdali {est albuma, u poslednjih desetak godina odr`ali su oko 500 koncerata, uglavnom na prostoru biv{e Jugoslavije. music box Kanda, Kodza and Nebojsa W e had the honor of listening to and meeting them in Gracanica, during their guest appearance at the “Cultural Entertainment Summer of 2012” event. The concert was attended by a large number of people, from both Gracanica, Pristina and the surrounding areas. They all wanted to hear the beats of this and other bands which were playing that night at the “Hacijenda” swimming pool. Whilst young bands from Kosovo were making themselves known to the public, in the backstage we managed to speak to one band member of the KKN, Nenad Pejovic. This is why we are publishing our interview with Kanda, Kodza and Nebojsa in his issue. 4U: This is not the first time KKN is playing in Gracanica. What are your impressions, given that you have already appeared before this audience? Nenad: The impressions are always powerful and beautiful, we play hear once annually. We are glad that Dragana Stanic called us this year and last year, we are glad we could come here. We will give our best and I hope the audience will react positively to our appearance. 4U: Would you accept an invitation to play in Pristina? Nenad: Yes, we would play in Pristina because we play for our audience. We know that many Albanians gladly listen to our music, so we would gladly play anywhere we are invited, Rock is both a national and international ideology. We create music which no one can influence. 4U: What do you express in your music? Nenad: We express Rockn-Roll, life and time, as we see it, through our music. That is why our music varies in style and influences, we cannot tuck it into a single genre or style, rather it is Rock-n-Roll in general. We are working on new music at the moment. 4U: Do the band members listen to the same music? Nenad: No, nor is it a sort of requirement that we all listen to the same type of music. Of course, there are some values, but it is always a problem when we talk about true values in Rock. You start clashing a bit with the so called iconoclastic nature of Rock. We all listen to different types of music but generally we all agree on some sort of classic Rock. 4U: When can we expect a new album? Nenad: Next year or the year after next, but it is likely that we will publish something new very soon. We have to make a music video for our song “Kafana i rokenrol”, that was our first single from our latest album. The presenter of the Jelen Top 10 list, Lazar Sakan, has become a fan of this song. He went so mental over the song that he called his father’s mate, who was a marketing guru in Serbia, to come up with a music video for this song. 4U: Does KKN have a motto? Nenad: Our motto is – never give a hungry person a fish, give him a rod and teach him to fish. We do not have a real motto at the moment but that would be our motto. We are not the sort of people who when asked – do you have any advice for a young band or a young person or anything explicit to convey or a motto, we answer – no, there are no ready made solutions, fight for your own ready made solutions. Find a path that a lead to them, there is no general rule that would solve problems anywhere in the World, have faith in yourselves. 4U: Do you perhaps have a message for the youth in Kosovo? Nenad: Ofcourse, the fish we just ate was delicious. Thank you for the fish. Stay young and fight for yourselves to the end. The Kanda, Kodza and Nebojsa (KKN) band came into existence in 1991 in Belgrade. The band members at the moment are: Oliver Nektarijevic (vocals), Nikola Novakovic (guitar), Nenad Pejovic (guitar), Branislav Dragovic (bass) and Vladan Rajovic (drums). They have published six albums, in the last ten years they held around 500 concerts, most of them in the former Yugoslavia region. for you 11 KAKO FUNKCIONIŠE VAŠA OPŠTINA? gra|ana zavisi da li } e oni postati aktivni u~esnici u upravljanju svojom opštinom. Ipak, to ne zna~i da nema gra|ana koji nisu zainteresovani i posve} eni tome da se poboljša upravljanje opštinom. Naprotiv, ima gra|ana koji su aktivni, po~evši od sastanaka na kojima se priprema i pravi nacrt za opštinski bud`et, do onih koji `ele da u~estvuju u sednicama skupštine opštine. Drugi uspeh opštinske uprave Uro{evca je i integracija etni~kih manjina koje `ive u opštini, naro~ito Srba, što je uspeh na koji predsednik Op{tine Uro{evac Agim Aliu Uroševac mo`e da bude ponosan. Prema prava Opštine Uroševac je u jedinstvenoj re~ima gradona~elnika, opština je uspela da razvije poziciji u odnosu na ostale opštine na Kosovu, veoma uspešan proces za povratak srpske zajednice, zato što su tokom aprila i maja 2012. godine organizovani prevremeni izbori u ovoj opštini. Pobednik iako izgleda da na ovaj proces veoma uti~e teška ekonomska situacija na celom Kosovu. Po mišljenju ovih izbora je gospodin Agim Aliu, koji je rado prihvatio predsednika, to mo`e biti razlog što su ve}ina da se sastane i razgovara sa timom našeg magazina o povratnika starija lica. S druge strane, ovo je problem njegovom na~inu upravljanja ovom opštinom. u pogledu zaposlenja i njihove integracije u tr`ište Iako je samo par meseci na ovoj poziciji, novorada, naro~ito u opštinskoj upravi. Me|utim, to ne izabrani predsednik je istakao da je bio na mnogim zna~i da se njihovi interesi ne uzimaju u obzir. „Preko va`nim radnim pozicijama u ovoj opštini. Stoga, njihovih lokalnih kancelarija i predstavnika, ova mo`emo re}i da upravljanje opštinom nije ništa zajednica ima direktne predstavnike u opštinskoj novo za njega. Oblik njegovog upravljanja je opisao upravi. Ja tako|e ~esto izlazim na teren, i sastanci sa na slede}i na~in: „Sve moje aktivnosti u mom ~lanovima ove zajednice su ~esti koliko i sastanci sa `ivotu se zasnivaju na tri principa: rad, disciplina i profesionalnost, i ovi principi nisu mogli da se promene bilo kojim gra|aninom na{e opštine. Ovo se ogleda nakon preuzimanja odgovornosti za gra|ane Uroševca. u ostvarenju razli~itih projekata koji imaju za cilj da poboljšaju njihov `ivot. S druge strane, ceo ovaj napor Ovi principi }e ostati isti kod mene jer su deo mog je rezultirao atmosferom u kojoj srpski gra|ani mogu politi~kog ustrojstva, koje se sastoji od odgovornosti, da se kre}u slobodno gde god `ele ili trebaju. Što se discipline i profesionalnosti u radu koji obavljamo ti~e komunalne slu`be, mogu da ka`em da se u našoj u institucijama. Tako da }u ja uvek biti posve}en opštini usluge pru`aju jednako svim gra|anima, bez konstantnom unapre|ivanju ovih principa. Druga razlike,“ dodao je gospodin Aliu. karakteristika mog na~ina upravljanja je komunikacija Kada je u pitanju njegovo upravljanje i omladina, odnosno izgradnja partnerstva izme|u gra|ana i gradona~elnik ka`e da u okviru prvog bud`eta institucija. Kroz moje u~eš}e u upravljanju opštinom, odobrenog pod njegovim vo|stvom, vrednost uvek sam imao cilj da stvorim otvorene i slobodne oblike komunikacije bez razlike izme|u gra|ana i mojih sredstava dodeljenih omladini Uroševca je 40% ve} a. Drugim re~ima, bud`et za ovaj sektor je pove} saradnika i kolega. an sa 200.000 na 300.000 evra. Ova ~injenica, Od kada je stupio na mesto predsednika opštine, on prema mišljenju gospodina Aliua, pokazuje njegovu je odlu~io da svakoga dana odvoji vreme od 14:00 do posve}enost tome da se pribli`i mladima i njihovim 16:00 sati samo za gra|ane. To zna~i da u tom terminu potrebama u ovoj opštini. svako ko `eli da se sastane sa njim mo`e to da u~ini S druge strane, on je svim mladima uputio poruku, u njegovoj kancelariji. Teme za razgovor mogu biti da rade naporno, kao i da se anga`uju kako bi li~ne prirode do problema koji mu~e jednu grupu ili širu stvorili jedan mentalitet rada i odgovornosti. Na zajednicu. Povodom implementacije Zakona o lokalnoj ovaj na~in oni mogu uzeti sudbinu u svoje ruke, da samoupravi, gospodin Aliu je rekao da što se ti~e svaki radi za sebe, zato {to na taj na~in rade za njegove opštine, ovaj zakon se u potpunosti sprovodi. Me|utim, prema njegovom mišljenju, od ukupne kulture blagostanje cele zajednice. U 12 for you HOW DOES YOUR MUNICIPALITY FUNCTION? F erizaj/Urosevac municipality’s governance is in a unique position compared to all other municipalities in Kosovo, because during April and May of 2012, early elections were held in this municipality. The winner, of these elections was Mr. Agim Aliu, who gladly accepted to meet and talk with our magazine’s team about his way of governance in the municipality. Initially, the newly elected Mayor, emphasised that despite being new in this position, he has held many important job positions in the municipality. Therefore it can be said that the municipal governance is not something new to him. He summarized his way of governing as follows: “All my activities in my life have been based on three principles: work, discipline and professionalism and these principles could not change once I was voted by the citizens of the Ferizaj/Urosevac municipality as their mayor. I cannot change because they, these principles, are part of my political mind-set that we must be accountable, disciplined and professional in the work we perform inside the institutions. So, I will always commit to constantly advance these principles. Another feature of my governance is communication. That is building of the partnership between the institutions and the citizens. Throughout my involvement in the municipality’s governance, I have always aimed to create open and free communication forms without any distinction for both, the citizens as well as my associates and colleagues.” Since his election as mayor of the municipality, office hours from 14:00 to 16:00 are dedicated for meetings with the citizens. This means that during this time anyone who wants to meet him can do it in his office. Topics for discussion may be those of the individual nature down to the problems plaguing a group or a wider community. Regarding the implementation of the Law on Local Governance, Mr. Aliu said that in terms of his municipality, the law is fully implemented. However, according to him, it is up to the citizens’ overall culture to become active participants in the governance of their municipality. Nevertheless, this does not mean that there are no citizens who are interested in and committed to improving the municipal governance. On the contrary, there are citizens who are committed to becoming active, starting from the meetings on preparing and drafting of the municipal budget down to those who seek to take part in the municipal assembly sessions. Another success of the municipal governance in Ferizaj/Urosevac is the integration of ethnic minorities who live in the municipality, particularly Serbs, a success with which this municipality can be proud of. According to the mayor, they have managed to develop a very successful process for the return of the Serb community, although this process seems to be heavily influenced by the difficult economic situation in the entire Kosovo. According to him this may be one of the reasons why most of the returnees are elderly. On the other hand, this is a problem in terms of employment and their integration in the labour market, especially in the municipal governance. However, this does not mean that their interests are not taken into account. “Through their local offices and representatives, the community has direct representation in the municipal governance. Also, I often get out in the terrain and meetings with members of this community are as common as with any other citizen of our municipality. This is certainly reflected in the accomplishment of various projects, which aim to improve their lives. On the other side, all this effort has resulted in the creation of such a climate where Serbian citizens can move freely wherever they want or they need. As for utilities, I can say that in our municipality every service is provided equally to all citizens, without distinction”, added Mr. Aliu. In terms of the connection with the youth, the Mayor stated that within the first budget that was approved under his leadership, the amount of funds allocated to the youth of Ferizaj/Urosevac is up by 40%. In other words, the budget for this sector is increased from 200 000 Euros to 300 000 Euros. This fact, according to Mr. Aliu, demonstrates best his commitment to be closer to young people and their needs in the municipality. On the other hand he encouraged all the young people to work hard and to dedicate themselves to their work. In this way, they will decide their own destiny, thus contributing to the overall welfare of the community. for you 13 životinjsko carstvo 5 vodećih majki među životinjama N e postoji ništa sli~no maj~inskoj ljubavi, a majke u `ivotinjskom carstvu ne predstavljaju izuzetak. Pro~itajte tekst o 5 stvorenja koja ~ine sve radi svojih mladunaca, od pripremanja “obroka” svake ve~ere do samo`rtvovanja. Njihovi mladunci ih se stvarno trebaju na vreme setiti na Dan Majki, i poslati im ~estitke! 5. SLON Prva mama na našoj listi je zaradila tu poziciju zato što ra|a najve}e bebe na Zemlji – i to te`ine do 100 kilograma! (Mo`ete li uopšte zamisliti tako velike pelene za povijanje?). @enke slonova tako|e zaslu`uju nagradu i za izdr`avanje 22.mese~ne trudno}e. Mladunci se prvobitno ra|aju slepi, ~ime su primorani da se oslanjaju na svoj nos radi navigacije i otkrivanja prostora, ali sre}om `ive u matrijahalnom društvu. U momentu ro|enja bebe, ostale “dame” u stadu priska~u u pomo}, uklju~uju}i bake, sestre, tetke, pa ~ak i ro|ake. Sve te bebisiterke pod punim radnim sta`om se nazivaju “zamenske” majke i poma`u u svakom aspektu odgoja mladunaca, tako da se u ovom slu~aju stvarno ~ini kao da se ~itavo selo podiglo da bi se brinulo o jednom slonu. 5. ELEPHANT The first mom on our list earns her spot for giving birth to the biggest babies on Earth — we’re talking an average of 100 kg here! (Can you even imagine a diaper that large?) Female elephants also deserve a prize for enduring a 22-month pregnancy. The calves are initially born blind, forcing them to rely on their trunks for navigation and discovery, but fortunately, they live in a matriarchal society. Once the baby is born, the other “ladies” in the herd all lend a hand, including grandmothers, sisters, aunts and even cousins. These fulltime babysitters are called “Allomothers,” and they help in every aspect of rearing the young calves, so in this case, it really does take a village to raise an elephant! 4. GEPARD Strpljenje je vrlina, naro~ito kada je u pitanju mama gepard. U svakom trenutku, `enke obi~no imaju po ~etiri ili šest mladunaca o kojima se brinu, jer ti mladunci nisu ro|eni sa instinktom za pre`ivljavanje. Maj~ina je du`nost da ih nau~i kako da love plen i da izbegavaju druge grabljivice, što predstavlja potpunu obuku koja mo`e potrajati skoro dve godine. Onog momenta kada mladunci nau~e da se brinu o sebi, majka kre}e dalje i zapo~inje novu porodicu, ostavljaju}i svoje mladunce iza sebe da bi osnovali svoje bratstvo me|u sobom. Mu`jaci }e u toj grupi ostati do kraja svog `ivota, dok }e je `enke 14 for you napustiti nakon otprilike šest meseci, jer imaju nagon za samo}om, izbegavaju} i jedna drugu. Drage moje dame, zašto ne mo`emo `iveti zajedno? 4. CHEETAH Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to being a cheetah mom. At any given time, females usually have four to six cubs to care for, but these kids aren’t born with survival instincts. It’s up to mom to teach them how to hunt prey and avoid other predators, and this training can take nearly two years to sink in and stick. Once the cubs learn to fend for themselves, Mom moves on to start a new family, while her offspring left behind form a sibling or “sib” group. The boys will stay together for life, but the females will leave the group six months or so later, as they tend to be solitary and avoid each other. Ladies, ladies, ladies, can’t we just all get along? 2. KLJUNORO@AC Kljunoro`ac `ivi na indone`anskom ostrvu Sulavesi, gde dubi rupe u drve}u koje mu slu`e kao gnezda. Njihova jaja predstavljaju omiljenu hranu gušterima varanima, pa zato kljunorošci su`avaju ulazne hodnike svojih gnezda posebnim zaptiva~ima, svojim izmetom, da bi se zaštitili od grabljivice. E, ako im to ne spre~i nezvane goste, ništa ne}e! Majka kljunorošca }e ostati u svojoj rupi tokom ~itavog dvomese~nog perioda inkubacije, ignorišu}i svoju glad, na svoju štetu (mada mo`emo zamisliti kako miris koji se širi iz njenog na~ina zaštite mo`e uništiti sva~iji apetit). animal kingdom top 5 animal moms T here’s nothing quite like a mother’s love, and moms from the animal kingdom are no exception. Check out the top 5 creatures that go all out for their kids, from putting “dinner” on the table every night to even sacrificing themselves. These offspring really need to make sure they mail their Mother’s Day cards in time every year! 2. REDKNOBBED HORNBILL Red-knobbed hornbills live on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, where they utilize holes in trees as their nests. Their eggs are a favorite food of monitor lizards, so to combat these predators; the hornbills narrow the entryway to their nests with a very special sealant, their own feces. Now that should discourage any games of ding dong ditch! Momma Hornbill will stay in her hole for the entire two-month incubation period, ignoring any of her own hunger pains to her detriment (though one can imagine that the smell from her protection method would more or less kill anyone’s appetite). 1. HOBOTNICA Kada govorimo o mladuncima, `enka hobotnice ne gubi vreme – ona izle`e preko 50.000 jaja, i to bez pomo}i bilo kakvih lekova za poboljšavanje plodnosti! Potrebno je oko 40 dana da bi se jaja razvila pre izleganja, a majka sve vreme ostaje uz njih štite}i ih od grabljivica, ne`no duvaju}i struje vode preko njih obezbe|uju}i im 3. ORANGUTAN Veoma inteligentan, orangutan predstavlja ultimativni tip majke koja sve sama radi. Ona provodi skoro ceo svoj `ivot visoko na drve} u, gde svake no}i dogra|uje svoje gnezdo granama i liš}em, što zna~i da ona tokom svog `ivota ukrasi više od 30.000 domova! Pored toga, ona nikada ne ostavlja svoje bebe dole, uglavnom ih neguju}i dok ne napune 6 ili 7 godina, što predstavlja najdu`i period zavisnosti me|u `ivotinjskim carstvom na Zemlji. Za spomenuti je da se mu`jaci pojavljuju samo tokom parenja, pa se ~ak i mladunci mu`jaka br`e odvajaju od svojih majki nego njihove sestre, koje ~esto ostaju uz majke, u~e}i više o sposobnostima podizanja mladunaca. tako kiseonik. Takva uloga telohranitelja svojim jajašcima je spre~ava da lovi hranu za samu sebe, pa šta majka mo`e da uradi? Pa, hajde da vidimo, osam ruku (pipaka) je sigurno i više nego što je potrebno bilo kojoj hobotnici, tako da sigurno nema štete ako se jedna i pojede. Molimo vas, dodajte nam so i biber. 1. OCTOPUS When it comes to having babies, the female octopus doesn’t mess around, she lays over 50.000 eggs, and that’s without any fertility drugs! It takes around 40 days for the eggs to develop before hatching, and the mom stays close to them the entire time, protecting them from predators while gently blowing currents of water over them to provide oxygen. But playing bodyguard to the eggs also prohibits her from hunting for herself, so what’s a mom to do? Well let’s see, with eight arms, surely that’s more than any octopus really needs, so what’s the harm in eating one? Pass the salt and pepper, please. nursing offspring until they reach the age or 6 or 7, that’s the longest dependence of any animal on Earth. For the most part, males come around only to mate, and even the baby boys break away more quickly from their mothers than their female counterparts, who often stay longer to learn childrearing skills. 3. ORANGUTAN The highly intelligent orangutan is the ultimate do-it-yourself mom. She spends nearly all her life high up in the trees, where she builds a new nest every single night from branches and foliage, fashioning more than 30.000 homes in her lifetime! She also never puts her babies down, generally for you 15 moviemania SKYFALL Uloge: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Judi Dench Helen McCrory, Ben Whishaw, Albert Finney, Ola Rapace, Bérénice Marlohe Re`ija: Sam Mendes Studio: Columbia Pictures @anr: Drama Sinopsis filmu Skyfall }e Bondova lojalnost M biti pred velikim iskušenjima kada se njena prošlost bude vratila da je progoni. Tokom napada na MI6, 007 mora da prona|e i uništi pretnju, bez obzira na li~nu `rtvu. U 10 YEARS 10 GODINA Uloge: Channing Tatum, Rosario Dawson, Justin Long, Kate Mara, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, 18 for you Chris Pratt, Ron Livingston, Lynn Collins, Oscar Isaac Re`ija: Jamie Linden Studio: Anchor Bay Films @anr: Drama SKYFALL Starring: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Judi Dench Helen McCrory, Ben Whishaw, Albert Finney, Ola Rapace, Bérénice Marlohe Director: Sam Mendes Studio: Columbia Pictures Genre: Drama Synopsis n Skyfall, Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost. I SInopsis ovoj komediji ansambla „10 godina“ prati grupu prijatelja u no}i njihove ponovne srednjoškolske mature, koji još nisu potpuno odrasli ni posle 10 godina. ^enin Tejtum igra D`ejka, koji je duboko zaljubljen u svoju devojku i spreman da je zaprosi, koji nailazi na svoju veliku ljubav iz srednje škole po prvi put u deset godina. D`ejkov prijatelj Kali, o`enjen navija~icom, uveliko se raduje ponovnom okupljanju da bi mogao da se izvini svim drugovima iz razreda koje je zlostavljao u srednjoj U moviemania BUTTER PUTER Uloge: Jennifer Garner, Rob Corddry, Ashley Greene, Ty Burrell, Alicia Silverstone, Hugh Jack- BUTTER man, Olivia Wilde, Yara Shahidi Re`ija: Jim Field Smith Studio: Radius-TWC @anr: Komedija SInopsis vo je pri~a o nadmetanju, i to njegovom najozbiljnijem aspektu, film „Puter“ prikazuje sirovu ambiciju Laure Pikler, supruge Boba Piklera, dugotrajnog šampiona Ajove u vajanju skulptura od putera. Tokom 15 godina, Laura je u`ivala u svojoj otmenoj ulozi lepe, lojalne `ene svom dopadljivom, umetni~ki darovitom mu`u. Ali, kada se njen mu` Bob pod pritiskom povla~i i dopušta drugima šansu za slavu, ogor~ena Laura odlu~uje da i sama uzme u~eš}e u takmi~enju. U prvim je redovima tokom dana za prijavljivanje, da bi na kraju videla kako joj šanse za pobedu padaju ispod 100% sa dolaskom neobi~nog, ali ozbiljnog takmi~ara: desetogodišnje Destini, afroamerikanke koju je usvojio lokalni par D`uli i Itan. I to nije sve. Zlo~esta striptizeta Bruk, ina~e `eljna da bude Bobova ljubavnica, tako|e objavljuje kandidaturu, što ~ini i njegov najve}i obo`avalac Kerol-En. Suo~avaju}i se sa tri protivnika, dok je njena pastorka Kejtlin ismeva, Laura besna na svog mu`a odlu~uje da uradi sve što je potrebno za pobedu. Ako to podrazumeva pribegavanje sabota`i – pa ~ak i regrutovanje njenog priglupog bivšeg de~ka Bojda u ulozi njenog zaverenika – onda neka tako i bude. O školi. Me|utim, nakon više od jedne ~ašice pi}a, momak koji je od sportiste postao porodi~an muškarac, ponovo po~inje da se ponaša starim na~inom. U me|uvremenu, dugogodišnji suparnici Marti i Ej D`ej provode no} pokušavaju}i da, svako na svoj na~in, impresioniraju najpopularniju devojku u razredu. Najpopularniji u grupi Rivs, sada je poznati muzi~ar, ali i dalje previše stidljiv da bi razgovarao sa bivšom srednjoškolskom simpatijom, kojom je bio inspirisan dok je pisao jedan od hitova. 10 YEARS Starring: Channing Tatum, Rosario Dawson, Justin Long, Kate Mara, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, Starring: Jennifer Garner, Rob Corddry, Ashley Greene, Ty Burrell, Alicia Silverstone, Hugh Jackman, Olivia Wilde, Yara Shahidi Director: Jim Field Smith Studio: Radius-TWC Genre: Comedy Synopsis tale of competition at its most cut-throat, BUTTER surveys the raw ambition of Laura Pickler, the wife of Bob Pickler, Iowa’s long-reigning champion butter carver. For 15 years, Laura has relished her high-profile role as the beautiful, loyal helpmate to her affable, artistically gifted husband. But when Bob is pressured to retire and allow someone else a chance at glory, an indignant Laura decides to enter the competition herself. She is first in line on sign-up day, only to see her odds of victory fall below 100% with the arrival of an unlikely yet formidable contender: 10-year-old Destiny, the African-American foster child of local couple Julie and Ethan. And that’s not all. Bob’s would-be mistress, bad-girl stripper Brooke also declares her candidacy, as does his #1 fan, Carol-Ann. Facing three opponents, mocked by her stepdaughter Kaitlen and furious with her husband, Laura resolves to do whatever it takes to win. And if that means resorting to sabotage – and recruiting her dim-witted former boyfriend Boyd as a co-conspirator – then so be it. A Chris Pratt, Ron Livingston, Lynn Collins, Oscar Isaac Director: Jamie Linden Studio: Anchor Bay Films Genre: Drama Synopsis n this ensemble comedy, 10 Years follows a group of friends on the night of their high school reunion who, a decade later, still haven’t quite grown up. Channing Tatum plays Jake, who is deeply in love with his girlfriend and ready to propose, until he runs into his high school flame for the first time in ten years. Jake’s friend Cully married his cheerleader girlfriend, and has been looking forward to the reunion so he can finally apologize to all the classmates he bullied in high school. However, after a few too many drinks, the jock-turned-family man ends up reverting back to his old ways instead. Meanwhile, longtime rivals Marty and A.J spend the night still trying to one-up each other to impress the coolest girl in class, who now has a secret. The famous one of the group, Reeves is now well-known musician, but is still too shy to talk to the high school crush who inspired his one hit wonder. I for you 19 sportski ugao NEMANJA VIDIĆ N emanja Vidi} je po~eo svoju karijeru u omladinskom klubu Crvena zvezda Beograd, pridru`uju} i se omladinskom programu sa 14 godina. Nije debitovao za prvi tim sve do 2001, ali je nastupio 22 puta u svojoj prvoj sezoni. On je na kraju završio svoj boravak sa Crvenom zvezdom tako što ih je vodio ka osvajanju duple krune, doma}e lige Srbije i kupa pre prebacivanja u ruski Spartak iz Moskve u avgustu 2004. Nakon samo 39 igre i ~etiri gola, Man~ester Junajted je izrazio interesovanje da potpiše za njih. “Crveni” su njegov dolazak objavili na Bo`i}, 2005. Nakon završetka intenzivnog programa obuke, Vidi} je po~eo da pokazuje svoju klasu. Neumoran u odbrani i jak u vazdušnim duelima, Vidi} je postao jedan od najpoznatijih i najopasnijih defanzivaca Premijer lige i bio je klju~ni faktor u novijoj dominaciji Junajteda u Premijer ligi. Povreda klju~ne kosti zadobijena krajem marta 2007. je zadr`ala Vidi}a od ve}ine me~eva 20 for you Junajteda u toj sezoni, ali njegovi nastupi do tog trenutka su bili dovoljno va`ni u pomo} i Crvenima da ostanu na vrhu lige. Njegova igra je tako|e inspirisala pesmu me|u navija~ima Man~ester junajteda. Njegove impresivne predstave su se nastavile i donele mu produ`etak ugovora u 2007. On je rekao nakon ovog boljeg ugovora: “Igrati u ovom timu je velika privilegija. Nadam se da mogu da odradim svoj deo kako bi klubu doneo još više trofeja u narednim godinama”. Njegove re~i su se potvrdile. On je to uradio u sezoni 2008/09, poma`u}i Crvenima da stignu do 18 titule šampiona svoje lige, FIFA klupskog šampiona sveta i osvaja~a Karling kupa. Ovoliko uspeha se mo`e pripisati dobroj formi Vidi}a, ~injenica koja nije promakla njegovim saigra~ima, koji su glasali za njega kao najboljeg defanzivca “Igra~ godine po izboru igra~a”, nagrade u izboru za najboljeg igra~a na kraju sezone. On je tako|e bio izbor navija~a, pa je pokupio i presti`nu Sir Matt Busbi nagradu igra~a godine. Potpisao je novi ~etvorogodišnji ugovor sa klubom u leto 2010, koji }e ga zadr`ati na Old Trafordu najmanje do 2014 , a zatim je najavio da }e naslediti Gerija Datum ro|enja: 21. oktobar 1981. Mesto ro|enja: U`ice, Srbija Pozicija: Odbrambeni igra~ Odigranih utakmica: 248 Postignutih golova: 18 Pridru`io se Man~ester Junajtedu: 5. januara 2006. Debi utakmica za Junajted: 25. Januar, 2006. protiv Blekburna (H) Me|unarodno: Srbija (povukao se) Nevila na mestu kapitena Junajteda, dostignu}e koje je Vidi} opisao kao “veliku ~ast”. Novi kapiten je besprekorno igrao svoju ulogu i u`ivao je u verovatno najkonzistentnijoj sezoni u klubu tokom 2010/11. Pod njegovim vo|stvom su Crveni povratili titulu Premijer Lige od ^elsija , a njegov gol protiv “plavaca” u završnici se pokazao kao presudan. Pobe|eni su od Barselone u finalu Lige šampiona , dok je li~no priznanje stiglo u vidu Berklijeve nagrade za igra~a sezone. Vidi} je imao tu nesre}u da ne bude u stanju da se izgradi na svom nedavno li~nom dostignu}u u 2011/12. zato što je bio van stroja pola sezone, nakon povrede ukrštenog ligamenta kolena u me~u protiv Bazela u Ligi šampiona. Vidi}ev izostanak je bio gorak udarac za Crvene jer je njegova forma, pre povrede, bila na vrhuncu. On ih je vodio s le|a sa svojim uobi~ajenim neustrašivim poletom. Me|unarodna karijera Jugoslovenski omladinski internacionalac je napravio svoj seniorski debi 12. oktobra 2002. protiv Italije u kvalifikacijama za UEFA EURO 2004. Vidi} je bio deo reprezentacije Srbije i Crne Gore, odbrambene postavke poznatije kao “~etvorica slavnih”, zajedno sa Mladenom Krstaji}em, Ivicom Dragutinovi}em i Goranom Gavran~i}em, koja je primila samo jedan gol u deset kvalifikacionih me~eva za FIFA svetsko prvenstvo 2006 , postavljaju}i novi rekord u najmanje primljenih golova. Dana 12. juna 2006, on je povredio ligamente levog kolena na treningu i nije bilo više me~eva za njega na Svetskom prvenstvu 2006. Bio je redovan tokom kvalifikacija za Svetsko prvenstvo 2010. kada je Srbija završila na vrhu svoje grupe ispred favorita poput Francuske i Rumunije sa najboljim odbrambenim u~inkom. Srbija je imala manje sre}e na FIFA Svetskom prvenstvu 2010, završivši na poslednjem mestu u Grupi D. 24. oktobra 2011, Vidi} je najavio svoje povla~enje iz nacionalnog tima Srbije zbog negativnih komentara navija~a o njegovim nastupima. sports corner NEMANJA VIDIC N emanja Vidic began his career with boyhood club Red Star Belgrade, joining their youth program at 14. His first-team debut didn’t arrive until 2001 but he went on to make 22 appearances in his first season. He eventually ended his stay with Red Star by leading them to Serbia’s domestic league and cup double before switching to Russian outfit Spartak Moscow in August 2004. Just 39 games and four goals later, United expressed their interest in signing him. The Reds announced his signing on Christmas Day, 2005. After completing an intensive training program, Vidic began to show his class. Relentless in the tackle and formidable in the air, Vidic has become one of Premier League’s most feared defenders and has been a key factor in United’s recent domination of Premier League A collarbone injury sustained at the end of March 2007 kept Vidic out of most of United’s title run-in that season, but his performances until that point had been strong enough to help the Reds to the top of the league. His play also inspired a rousing song among Manchester United fans. His impressive performances continued and earned him a contract extension in 2007. He said of the improved deal: “Playing in this team is a great privilege. I hope I can do my bit to bring the club even more trophies in the years ahead.” True to his word, he did just that in 2008/09, helping the Reds to an 18th league title, the FIFA Club World Cup and the Carling Cup. Much of the success could be attributed to Vidic’s fine form, a fact not lost on his team-mates, who voted the towering defender the Players’ Player of the Year at the Reds’ end-of-season awards. He was also the fans’ choice, picking up the coveted Birthdate: 21 Oct 1981 Birthplace: Uzice, Serbia Position: Defender Appearances: 248 Goals Scored: 18 Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year award. He penned a new fouryear deal with the club in the summer of 2010 which will keep him at Old Trafford until at least 2014, and he followed that announcement by succeeding Gary Neville as United’s captain, an achievement Vidic described as ‘a huge honor’. The new skipper took to the role immaculately, and enjoyed arguably his most consistent season at the club during 2010/11. Under his leadership, the Reds reclaimed the Premier League title from Chelsea, with his goal against the Blues in the run-in proving vital, and were beaten by Barcelona in the Champions League final, while personal recognition arrived in the form of the Barclays Player of the Season award. Vidic was unfortunate not to be able to build on his recent personal achievement in 2011/12 as he was sidelined for half the season after suffering cruciate knee ligament damage against Basel in the Champions League. Vidic’s absence was a bitter blow for the Reds as his form, prior to Joined United: 05 Jan 2006 United Debut: 25 Jan 2006 v Blackburn (H) International: Serbia (retired) the injury, had been colossal, leading from the back with his usual fearless gusto. International Carrier A Yugoslavian youth international, he made his senior debut on 12 October 2002 against Italy in UEFA Euro 2004 qualification. Vidic was part of Serbia and Montenegro’s “Famous Four” defense, alongside Mladen Krstajic, Ivica Dragutinovic, and Goran Gavrancic, that conceded just one goal during the ten 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification matches, setting a new record for the fewest goals conceded. On 12 June 2006, he injured his left knee ligaments during training and he did not play any games at the 2006 World Cup. He was a regular during 2010 World Cup qualifying when fit and was instrumental as Serbia finished top of their group ahead of the likes of France and Romania with the best defensive record. Serbia had less luck at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, and came in last place in Group D. On 24 October 2011, Vidic announced his retirement from the Serbian national team because of negative comments from fans about his performances. for you 21 Hi - Tech BUDITE KREATIVNI: TEHNIČKE SPRAVICE KOJE SU BEZBEDNE ZA MALENE DEČJE RUKE I UŠI Da li deca stalno tra`e da se igraju sa telefonom? Prijatnije }ete se ose}ati ako im date da se zabavljaju ovim spravicama koje su bezbedne za de~ije koriš}enje. iMarker Umetni~ki projekti su zabavni ali neuredni; pustite kreativnosti na volju pru`aju}i vašem detetu „iMarker“, hemijsku olovku bez mastila, koja u potpunosti li~i na flomaster u boji. Mogu se koristiti za bojenje, crtanje i slikanje na iPad tablet ra~unaru uz softver Crayola ColorStudio. iMarker Art projects are fun but messy; let creativity loose and hand your child an iMarker, a no-ink stylus that looks and feels just like a Crayola marker. They can use it for drawing, coloring and painting right on the iPad with the Crayola ColorStudio app. Lights, Camera, Color softver Lights, Camera, Color program pretvara vaše li~ne fotografije u stranice za bojenje, uz skoro 100 razli~itih mogu}nosti koriš}enja bojica, flomastera i markera. Uklju~ena opcija ubacivanja sli~ica kao što su šašave nao~are, šeširi, uši i nosevi, dodaje nešto posebno vašim izmenjenim fotografijama. A nakon toga, vaše nove foto-kreacije mo`ete poslati prijateljima putem elektronske pošte (imejla), postavite ih na Fejsbuk, ili ~ak i odštampati i staviti u sobu ako su dostojne uramljivanja. Lights, Camera, Color app Lights, Camera, Color morphs your personal photos into coloring pages with close to 100 different crayons, colored pencils and marker options. The in-app sticker options adds flare to your altered images with goofy glasses, hats, ears and noses. Then send your refurbished photo creations to friends via email, upload them to Facebook, or if they’re frameworthy, print ‘em out and put ‘em on display. 22 for you Crayola ColorStudio HD softver iMarker je povezan sa besplatnim softverom Crayola ColorStudio HD, što vam omogućava bojenje preko 30 različitih stranica, ili stvaranje sopstvenih. Dok bojite, možete dodavati i specijalne efekte kao što su animirani likovi, postojeće sličice, muzički, zvučni i vizuelni efekti – čime oživljavate vaše kreacije. Takođe možete sačuvati sve vaše radove i čak ih podeliti sa drugima preko Fejsbuka ili imejla. A možete se opredeliti i za tradicionalniji način i odštampati ih i držati ih okačene u svom stanu. Crayola ColorStudio HD app The iMarker interacts with the free Crayola ColorStudio HD app to color in over 30 different pages, or create your own. As you color, add in such specials effects as animated characters, clip art, music, sound and visual effects — bringing your creations to life. You can save all of your work and even share on Facebook or via email. Or go old school and print those projects out for the refrigerator. Hi - Tech GET CREATIVE: HIGH-TECH GADGETS SAFE FOR KIDS’ LITTLE HANDS AND EARS Are kids always asking to play with phone? You’ll feel more comfortable keeping them occupied with these child-safe gadgets. Woogie 2 Sa~uvajte vaše tehni~ke spravice bezbedne za decu uz „Woogie 2“, mekani omot sa zaštitom za ekran osetljiv na dodir (ta~-skrin). Vaša deca sada slobodno mogu da se igraju do mile volje sa ovom punjenom `ivotinjkom; namenjena je za uzraste od 3 godine pa naviše. Woogie 2 Keep your gadgets safe and kid-friendly with Woogie 2, a huggable, squeezable case with a touch-screen protector. Your kids can safely get their paws all over this stuffed animal creature; it’s meant for ages 3 and up. Omoti u boji Ukrasite vaš smartfon Crayola omotima u boji. Ove višebojne štrafte ne samo da štite vašu spravicu, već se mogu menjati, i time birati između neograničenih izgleda kućišta. Color Clickers Decorate your smartphone with Crayola Color Clickers. These multi-color stripes not only protect your gadget, but can be interchanged for endless case options. MyPhones Deca mogu da prilagode svoje slušalice koriš}enjem MyPhones spravice koja }e zasigurno dobiti pozitivne ocene roditelja. Dovoljno male, imaju mogu} nost ograni~avanja ja~ine zvuka, ~ime ga spuštaju do nivoa preporu~enih za de~ije uši. Deca mogu dodavati sli~ice ili sama crtati po slušalicama šta god po`ele. Uz slušalice su uklju~eni i maleni silikonski umetci za uši, koji su dostupni u zabavnim bojama poput ljubi~aste, roze, svetlo zelene, i tamno plave. MyPhones Kids can customize their own headphone with the sure to be parent-approved MyPhones. These kid-size, volume-limiting headphones keep sound pressure down to levels recommended for young ears. Kids can add pictures or draw on their very own headphone as they wish. Small ear buds are also available in fun colors like Purple Pizazz, Cotton Candy, Caribbean Green and Blue Berry. for you 23 FOR YOU NA BRAJEVOM PISMU O d davnina pa do modernog doba Interneta, ~itanje predstavlja glavni na~in dobijanja informacija i širenja ideja. Ne postoji posao ili aktivnost u našem `ivotu koji od nas ne zahtevaju da koristimo našu veštinu ~itanja, po~evši od ~itanja kao vida zabave, zatim ~itanja kao na~ina za proširivanje našeg znanja, pa sve do obi~nog ~itanja zdravstvenih recepata za lekove koji spašavaju `ivot pacijenta. Zamislite kako bi bilo kad ne biste mogli pro~itati ono što je napisano. Na `alost, postoje ljudi koji nikad ne}e biti u stanju da to u~ine. Ne zato što ne `ele da ~itaju, ve} iz razli~itih razloga nisu u stanju da vide, a samim tim ni da ~itaju ili ~ak nau~e da ~itaju i pišu. To se odnosi na slepe i slabovide osobe, kojima je potrebna pomo} drugih za obavljanje i tako jednostavnog zadatka kao što je ~itanje. Sre}om, zahvaljuju}i francuzu Luju Braju, ovo nije jedini na~in na koji slabovide osobe mogu ~itati. Braj je 1824. godine izumeo poseban sistem pisanja, koji se u njegovu ~ast zove Brajevo pismo. Pismo koristi poseban tip papira na koji se utiskuju ta~ke koje se zatim mogu ~itati dodirivanjem prstima. Od tada, sve što preostaje da se uradi kod tog tipa pisma je investicija u pripremu i štampanje raznih publikacija, po~evši od knjiga pa sve do prospekata. I na Kosovu se ~ine koraci u štampanju materijala pisanog Brajevim pismom, kao što je bio slu~aj sa objavljivanjem Zakona o slepim osobama. Me|utim, o~igledno je da Kosovu zaista nedostaju periodi~ne publikacije štampane na Brajevom pismu, kao što su ~asopisi i novine, posebno one namenjene mladima. Tako je barem bio slu~aj do oktobra ove godine, kada je KFOR pristao da finansira objavljivanje For You ~asopisa u ovom posebnom formatu. Taj projekat je urodio plodom 24 for you nakon zahteva podnetog od strane gospo|e Emine Prekaj, iz Udru`enja slepih i slabovidih lica iz Pe}i. Njihov zahtev je bio veoma jednostavan: „Ovaj ~asopis se svi|a slepim osobama na Kosovu, posebno mladima. Na`alost oni ga ne mogu ~itati sami. Pošto naše udru`enje ima svu potrebnu opremu za štampanje na Brajevom pismu, sve što nam je potrebno je pokrivanje naših troškova“. Prema re~ima predsednika Slepih i slabovidih Kosova, Bujara Kadriua, ova zajednica na Kosovu obuhvata preko 4.000 lica. Tre}ina njih, tj. preko 1.200 osoba, predstavljaju mla|i od 18 godina. Zahvaljuju}i specijalnoj školi posve}enoj ovoj zajednici koja posluje u Pe}i, preko 60 procenata svih slepih i slabovidih na Kosovu su u stanju da ~itaju na Brajevom pismu. Ovih 2.400 ~italaca Brajevog pisma, sada }e na raspolaganju imati ukupno 300 primeraka ~asopisa For You na Brajevom pismu - na albanskom i srpskom jeziku. Realizacija ovog projekta je veoma jedinstvena zato što je ~asopis For You prvi na Kosovu koji finansira i zapo~inje objavljivanje u ovom obliku. Osim toga, redakcija ~asopisa For You je odlu~ila da pored štampane pripremi i elektronsku verziju za pripadnike ove zajednice koji ne mogu da ~itaju ovo pismo. Ova verzija je kompatibilna sa razli~itim kompjuterskim programima koji mogu ~itati sadr`aj prikazan na kompjuterskim monitorima. Slepi ljudi Kosova ima}e nezavisan pristup ~asopisu For You, bilo kroz štampane ili kroz elektronske verzije. Najva`niji aspekt je da je ovo na~in na koji ~asopis For You preduzima konkretne korake u podršci ove kategorije ljudi, kako bi oni bili u stanju da samostalno ostvare svoj puni potencijal. Postoji izreka: “Pero je mo}nije od ma~a!“ Objavljivanje ~asopisa For You na Brajevom pismu je mali ali veoma va`an korak, koji ima za cilj stvaranje podjednakih mogu}nosti i promociju obrazovanja. Na ovaj na~in gradimo bolju budu}nost za sve ljude koji `ive na Kosovu. Nakon svega, svi u dru{tvu trebaju imati jednake mogu}nosti, {to uklju~uje i mogu}nost ~itanja. FOR YOU IN BRAILLE ALPHABET F rom antiquity until the modern days of internet, reading is the main way of getting informed and spreading ideas. There is no line of work or activity in our lives that does not require us to use our reading skills, starting from reading as a form of entertainment, reading to expand our knowledge all the way to reading a prescription of a patient’s life saving medicine. Imagine how it would be if you could not read anything that is written. Unfortunately, there are people that will never be able to read. Not because they do not want to read but because due to various reasons they will never be able to see, thus they will never be able to read or even learn reading and writing. I am talking about all the blind and visually impaired persons who need the help from someone else even for a simple task like that. Fortunately, thanks to a Frenchman, Luis Braille, this is not the only way that a visually impaired person can read. It was Braille who in 1824 invented a special writing system that in his honour is now called the Braille Alphabet. This writing uses a special type of paper in which are pressed raised dots that can be read by touching them with your fingers. Since then, all that remains to be done is to invest in preparing and printing writings and various publications from books to leafleats in this type of writing. Also in Kosovo steps are being taken to print written materials in Braille, as it was the case with the publishing of the Law on Blind Persons. However, it is evident that Kosovo is lacking periodical publications printed in Braille, such as magazines or newspapers especially those dedicated to young people. At least that was the case until October this year when KFOR agreed to finance the publishing of For You magazine in this special format. This project came to fruition after a request presented by Mrs Emine Prekaj from the Blind and Visually Impaired Persons Association in Peja/ Pec. Their request was very simple: “Blind people in Kosovo like this magazine, young people in particular, but they cannot read it on their own. As our association has all the necessary equipment to print in Braille, all we need is our expenses to be covered.” According to the President of the Blind and Visually Impaired Persons of Kosovo, Mr Bujar Kadriu, there are over 4,000 persons in Kosovo that are part of this community. About a third of them, i.e. 1,200 are under the age of 18 years. Thanks to the special school dedicated to this community that operates in Peja/Pec, over 60 per cent of all blind or visually impaired Kosovarians are able to read in Braille Alphabet. Those 2,400 Braille readers will now have at their disposal a total of 300 copies of the For You magazine in Braille - both in Albanian and Serbian language. The realisation of this project is very unique as For You magazine is the first in Kosovo that finances and starts its publishing in this format. Furthermore, the For You magazine editorial office has decided that in addition to the printed version, for the members of this community who are not able to read this alphabet, to prepare an electronic version of the magazine. This version is compatible with various screen reading software that read the content shown on a computer screen. Now the blind people in Kosovo will have independent access to the For You magazine whether through the printed or the electronic version. The most important aspect is that this way For You magazine is taking concrete steps in supporting this category so that they can independently be able to realise their full potential. There is a saying: “The pen is mightier than the sword!” The publishing of the For You in Braille is a small but important step that aims at creating equal opportunities and promotion of education. This way we build a better future for all the people living in Kosovo. Because after all, everyone in society should have the same opportunity, this includes the opportunity to read. for you 25 Upitnik [TA TE ^INI LJOBOMORNIM/OM? An|ela Ni}iforovi} (14) Smatram da osoba ne treba da bude ljubomorna na ljude oko sebe, i da se ljubomora javlja samo zbog sopstvenog nezadovoljstva. Osobe koje nisu zadovoljne svojim `ivotom, bilo da je to u vezi {kole, ljubavi ili sli~nih stvari, naj~e{}e su ljubomorne. Ali, moram priznati da se ljubomora ponekad javi i kod mene. Obi~no to nisu neke krupne stvari, naj~e{}e mi bude krivo kada neko dobije ocenu kao i ja, a ne zaslu`uje je. Andjela Niciforovic (14) I think that a person should not be jealous of the people around, and that jealousy occurs only because of one’s own dissatisfaction. People who are not happy with their lives, whether it’s about school, love or similar things, are those that are usually jealous. But I have to admit that jealousy sometimes occurs in me. Usually, those are not big things, I usually feel bad when someone gets a grade such as mine, without deserving it. Danica Jevremovic (14) I’m rarely jealous, but there are those moments. I mainly feel jealous at school, and due to various reasons. It is often dur- ing the period of getting grades, when grades are in the center of attention. Then it happens that a student could be awarded a good grade that he doesn’t deserve, which makes me slightly angry. In fact, I believe that such a feeling should be avoided, as we should lead our own lives. Luka Trbaljevac (14) Imam 14 godina, i obi~no sam ljubomoran zbog nekih neva`nih stvari. Treniram ko{arku, i kada smo na utakmici, desi se da budem ljubomoran na decu koja dobijaju vi{e poena od mene, a ja sigurno znam da sam mnogo bolji od njih. Bude mi krivo, ali ipak shvatim da smo ekipa i da je va`no da pobedimo. Luka Trbaljevac (14) I’m 14 years old, and i’m usually jealous over some unimportant things. I train basketball, and during our play, I could be jealous over children that score more points than i do, as i surelly know that I’m much better than they are. I feel bad about it, nevertheless i realise that we’re a team and that it is important to win. Slagalica Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku. 26 for you Danica Jevremovi} (14) Retko sam ljubomorna, mada ima i takvih momenata. Uglavnom se ljubomornom osetim u {koli i to iz razli~itih razloga. ^esto je to period dobijanja ocena, kada su ocene u centru pa`nje. Tada se desi da u~enik nezaslu`eno dobije dobru ocenu, {to me pomalo i naljuti. Zapravo, smatram da takvo ose}anje treba izbegavati, i voditi svoj sopstveni `ivot. Questionnaire Aleksa Ivanovi} (14) Svima nama se ponekad desi da budemo ljubomorni, meni se to obi~no de{ava zbog nekih sitnica. Recimo, znam da budem ljubomoran na nekoga ako dobije istu ocenu kao i ja, a mnogo manje je u~io i manje se trudio. Treniram ko{arku, i na utakmicama nekad sedim na klupi, a u igri je neko od koga sam bolji {to zna mnogo da me naljuti, u tom trenutku osetim ljubomoru . Aleksa Ivanovic (14) We all sometimes happen to be jealous, and it often happens to be over some trivial bits. For instance, i can be jealous over someone getting the same grade without learning so much and without investing so much effort in it. I train basketball, and can really be angered when i sometimes sit on the bench during matches, while some, which are not as good as i am, are in the game; i feel jealousy at that moment. Sara Petronijevi} (14) Ne de{avaju mi se ~esto takve situacije, da ja budem ljubomorna na nekoga, ali imala sam prilike da i to osetim. To mi se naj~e{}e de{ava zbog simpatije. Kada mi se neko svi|a, a on gleda druge devoj~ice; to mi mnogo smeta, jer bih ja volela da gleda samo mene. Tako|e sam ljubomorna kada neka drugarica i ja odgovaramo, ja nau~im i znam za tu ocenu, a ona ne zna i dobije istu ocenu kao i ja. Postoje jo{ neke sitnice koje me ~ine ljubomornom, ali one su manje bitne, i nadam se da }e prestati. Sara Petronijevic (14) Such situations do not happen to often, where I’m jealous of someone, but I had the chance to feel it too. That usually happens WHAT MAKES YOU JEALOUS? Gnjidi} Nikolina (14) Nisam ~esto ljubomorna, ali na trenutke se desi da se tako osetim. Ljubomorna sam kada neko dobije peticu, a nije u~io, dok sam ja mnogo u~ila. Da budem iskrena, ljubomorna sam kada neko ima bolji prosek ocena od mene, a znam da je to dobio preko neke veze. Ja u~im i trudim se da bih zaradila pet, a on/ona ni{ta ne u~i, i nekako izvu~e da dobije peticu. U su{tini, to su sve sitnice, de~ja ljubomora, koje }e jednoga dana verovatno nestati. Gnjidic Nikolina (14) I’m not often jealous, but at times it happens that I can feel it. I’m jealous when someone gets an „A“ grade, without studying for it, while i studdied a lot. To be honest, I’m jealous when someone has a better grade-average than me, and I know that he has earned it through a connection. I am studying and trying to earn the best grade (5), and he/she is not studying at all, and somehow gets the best grade. In essence, these are all little things, children’s jealousy, which will probably disappear one day. because of someone i like. When I really like someone, and he’s looking at other girls, it bothers me a lot because I would love him to solely look at me. I’m also jealous when a friend and I are having a test, where i have studied and knew enough for the particular grade, but my friend gets the same grade for not knowing that much. There are also some small things that make me jealous, but they are less important, and I hope they will stop. Puzzle Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR. for you 27 • I slepi ljudi sanjaju – Ljudi koji oslepe posle ro|enja mogu da vide slike u svojim snovima. Dok osobe koje se rode slepe ne vide nikakve slike, ve} imaju podjednako `ivopisne snove koji uklju~uju druga ~ula kao što su zvuk, miris, dodir i emocije. •90% vaših snova se zaboravi – U roku od 5 minuta nakon bu|enja, pola vaših snova je zaboravljeno. Dok je 90% njih zaboravljeno u roku od 10 minuta. • Svi sanjaju – Svako ljudsko bi}e sanja (osim u slu~ajevima ekstremnih psiholoških poreme}aja). Muškarci i `ene imaju druga~ije snove kao i razli~ite fizi~ke reakcije. • Snovi spre~avaju psihoze – U nedavnom istra`ivanju spavanja, studenti koji su bu|eni na po~etku svakog sna, ali kojima se dozvoljavalo da spavaju tokom svih 8h, su svi posle samo 3 dana imali teško}e u koncentraciji, razdra`ljivost, halucinacije i znake psihoze. • Sanjamo samo o onome što nam je poznato – Snovi koje sanjamo su ~esto puni stranaca koji igraju odre|ene uloge u njima, da li ste znali da naš um ne izmišlja te likove, ve} su to lica stvarnih ljudi koje ste videli tokom `ivota ali koje ne poznajete ili kojih se ne se}ate. • Ne sanjaju svi u boji – ^ak 12% ljudi sanja snove u crno-beloj boji. Preostali procenat sanja u punom koloru. • Snovi ne predstavljaju ono o ~emu se sanja – Ako sanjate o nekoj odre|enoj temi, ~esto se doga|a da san nije o njoj. Snovi govore na duboko simboli~an na~in. Nesvesni um pokušava da uporedi san sa ne~im drugim, sli~nim. • Ljudi koji prestaju da koriste nešto što su ~esto koristili, imaju `ivopisnije snove – Osobe koje su dugo pušile cigarete, a koje prestaju sa tim, su prijavile mnogo `ivopisnije snove nego što bi ina~e iskusili. • Spoljašni stimulansi prodiru u naše snove – To se zove objedinjavanje sa snovima, i predstavlja iskustvo koje je ve}ina nas iskusila kada tokom snova ~ujemo stvaran svuk iz spoljašne okoline, koji zatim na neki na~in uklju~ujemo u san. Sli~an (mada nešto manje spoljašnjeg tipa) je slu~aj kada ste fizi~ki `edni a vaš um uklju~uje taj ose}aj u snove. • Paralizovani ste dok spavate – Verovali ili ne, vaše telo je prakti~no paralizovano tokom spavanja, najverovatnije da bi se spre~ilo kretanje vašeg tela i odigravanje razli~itih aspekata vašeg sna. • Dok hr~ete, ne sanjate. • Bebe ne sanjaju o sebi, dok ne napune 3 godine starosti. Od tog uzrasta, pa dok ne napune 7 ili 8 godina starosti, deca tipi~no imaju mnogo više no}nih mora nego odrasli. • Ako vas probude iz REM faze (faza brzih pokreta o~iju) sna, verovatnije je da }ete se se}ati vašeg sna na mnogo `ivopisniji na~in, nego što bi ga ste se se}ali nakon budjenja iz punog no} nog sna. Neverovatno ali istinito! 28 for you • Blind people dream - People who become blind after birth can see images in their dreams. People who are born blind do not see any images, but have dreams equally vivid involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion. • You forget 90% of your dreams Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream if forgotten. Within 10 minutes, 90% is gone. • Everybody dreams - Every human being dreams (except in cases of extreme psychological disorder) but men and women have different dreams and different physical reactions. • Dreams prevent psychosis - In a recent sleep study, students who were awakened at the beginning of each dream, but still allowed their 8 hours of sleep, all experienced difficulty in concentration, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis after only 3 days. • We only dream of what we know - Our dreams are frequently full of strangers who play out certain parts, did you know that your mind is not inventing those faces, they are real faces of real people that you have seen during your life but may not know or remember? • Dreams are not about what they are about - If you dream about some particular subject it is not often that the dream is about that. Dreams speak in a deeply symbolic language. The unconscious mind tries to compare your dream to something else, which is similar. • External stimuli invade our dreams - This is called Dream Incorporation and it is the experience that most of us have had where a sound from reality is heard in our dream and incorporated in some way. A similar (though less external) example would be when you are physically thirsty and your mind incorporates that feeling in to your dream. • You are paralyzed while you sleep - Believe it or not, your body is virtually paralyzed during your sleep, most likely to prevent your body from acting out aspects of your dreams. • When you are snoring, you are not dreaming. • Toddlers do not dream about themselves until around the age of 3. From the same age, children typically have many more nightmares than adults do until age 7 or 8. • If you are awakened out of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, you are more likely to remember your dream in a more vivid way than you would if you woke from a full night sleep. e bl va ! lie rue be t t Un bu • Not everyone dreams in color - A full 12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white. The remaining number dream in full color. rettes for a long time who stop, have reported much more vivid dreams than they would normally experience. • Quitters have more vivid dreams - People who have smoked ciga- for you 29 30 for you Zdravo, U slede}em broju i svim narednim brojevima, `elela bih da vidim i pro~itam ne{to vi{e o sportu, poznatim stranim i doma}im glumcima i glumicama, kao i doma}im serijama. Omiljeni film mi je „Sam u ku}i“, a od glumica mi se najvi{e dopada Monica Belucci. Volela bih da objavite njen poster ili poster Jennifer Lopez. Danica Jevremovi} O[ „Leposavi}“ Leposavi} ]ao! Ja bih Vas zamolila da jednu rubriku posvetite samo vicevima. Tako|e, bih volela da objavljujete biografije poznatih stranih li~nosti, kao {to je to engleska peva~ica Adele. U slobodno vreme slu{am njene pesme, kao i na{e doma} e pesme od Divljih jagoda i @ eljka Samard`i}a. Mnogo me interesuje i sport, posebno odbojka i rukomet. Sara Petronijevi} O[ „Leposavi}“ Leposavi} Pozdrav, Ovaj ~asopis mi se mnogo svi|a, i rado ga ~itam, samo tako nastavite. Moja interesovanja su slede}a: volim da igram ko{arku i fudbal; i volim da slu{am muziku u slobodno vreme. Najomiljeniji bend mi je na{ doma}i bend Crvena jabuka. [to se filmova ti~e, „Gospodar Prstenova“ se odvaja od svih. A, Johnny Depp i Halle Berry su glumci koje posebno volim da gledam. Aleksa Ivanovi} O[ „Leposavi}“ Leposavi} Draga redakcijo, Ono {to bih ja toplo preporu~ila ovom ~asopisu je da obavezno odvoji jednu rubriku samo za viceve. Tako|e, bilo bi dobro kada biste imali vi{e stranica posve}enih doma}im i stranim li~nostima, kao {to je to recimo Novak \okovi}, ~iji bih poster volela da objavite u narednom broju. Nikolina Gnjidi} O[ „Leposavi}“ Leposavi} Po{tovani, U slobodno vreme u`ivam u muzici i gledanju TV-a. Nisam od onih koji provode mnogo vremena na Internetu, jer smatram da to nije sve u `ivotu. Volim da ~itam va{ magazin, i volela bih da vi{e pi{ete o stranim i doma}im glumcima. Najdra`i film mi je na{ doma} i film „Lajanje na zvezde“. A od poznatih stranih li~nosti, najvi{e mi se dopadaju: Jennifer Lopez i Monica Bellucci. An|ela Ni}ifirovi} O[ „Leposavi}“ Leposavi} Zdravo! Ovaj magazin mi se veoma dopada, rado ga ~itam kad god za to imam priliku. U slobodno vreme ~esto igram fudbal i ko{arku sa drugarima, a ponekad {etam svog psa. Mnogo volim da slu{am muziku, gde mi je najomiljeniji bend Bijelo dugme. Kada su glumci u pitanju, posebno odvajam Mel-a Gibson-a i Eva-u Longoria-u. Voleo bih da objavite poster Kobe-ija Bryant-a. Luka Trboljevac O[ „Leposavi}“ Leposavi} for you 31 Hello, In the next issue, as well as in all subsequent ones, I would like to see and read more about sport, famous foreign and local actors and actresses, as well as local series. My favourite movie is “Home Alone” and the actress that I like the most is Monica Bellucci. I would like you to publish her poster or a poster of Jennifer Lopez. Danica Jevremovic OS „Leposavic“ Leposavic Ciao! I would like you to dedicate one of your columns only to jokes. Also, I would like you to publish biographies of famous international personalities, such as the British singer Adelle. In my free time, I listen to her songs, as well as to our local songs of Divlje Jagode and Zeljko Samardzic. I’m very interested in the sport, especially volleyball and handball. Sara Petronijevic OS „Leposavic“ Leposavic Greetings, I like this magazine quite a lot, and i gladly read it, so... keep it up. My interests are as follows: i like to play basketball and football; and I like to listen to music in my spare time. My favourite band is our local band Crvena Jabuka. As far as movies are concerned, “The Lord of the Rings” stands out from the rest. And Johnny Depp and Halle Berry are actors that I particularly like to watch. Aleksa Ivanovic OS „Leposavic“ Leposavic Dear editorial staff, What I would warmly recommend to this magazine is to definitely set aside a section for jokes. Also, it would be good if you had more pages dedicated to national and international personalities, such as Novak Djokovic for instance, whose poster I would like you to publish in the next issue. Nikolina Gnjidic OS „Leposavic“ Leposavic Dear, In my spare time i enjoy music and watching TV. I’m not one of those that spend much time on the internet, because I think that it’s not the only thing in life. I love to read your magazine, and I’d like you to write more about foreign and domestic actors. My favourite movie is our local film “Lajanje na zvezde”. Along with that, my favourite foreign celebrities are Jennifer Lopez and Monica Bellucci. Andjela Nicifirovic OS „Leposavic“ Leposavic Hello! I really like this magazine; I gladly read it whenever I have the opportunity to do so. In my spare time, i often play football and basketball with friends, and I sometimes walk my dog. I really love to listen to music, where my favourite band is Bijelo Dugme. When it comes to actors I particularly single out Mell Gibson and Eva Longoria. I would like you to publish a poster of Kobe Bryant. Luka Trboljevac OS „Leposavic“ Leposavic