Sept 2012 - Magazine For You
Sept 2012 - Magazine For You
UVODNIK 10 30 Zdravo dragi ~itaoci! Za razliku od prethodnih brojeva, ovoga puta u uvodniku ne}u govoriti o temama kojima smo se bavili u ovom izdanju. @elim da pišem malo više o desetoj godišnjici magazina For You, koja predstavlja zaista poseban momenat za mene i sve one koji u~estvuju u pripremanju ovog magazina. Pro{li su meseci i meseci, i kona~no u decembru ove godine, magazin For You sti`e do punih deset godina od objavljivanja svog prvog izdanja. Tokom svih ovih godina, dve stvari se nisu nikada menjale: pre svega, posve}enost celog tima da vam predstavi proizvod koji }e vas zabaviti, informisati i istovremeno nau~iti ne~emu, a drugo je vaša lojalnost, lojalnost svih naših ~italaca koji svakoga meseca prou~avaju ovaj magazin, redovno pišu i dele sa nama svoja mišljenja, ~ime saznajemo da cene naš rad. Stoga vam se ovom prilikom u ime celokupnog osoblja magazina For You, zahvaljujem na podršci koju ste nam pru`ili tokom ovih 10 godina, tj. tokom ovog zajedni~kog, izuzetnog putovanja sa vama. Naša zahvalnost se ne završava ovde. Štaviše, ovo je tek po~etak jer }ete od 15. septembra do 15. novembra 2012. mo}i da postanete direktni u~esnik nagradne igre na našem vebsajtu, koju smo organizovali kako bi nagradili naše ~itaoce. Za više informacija o ovoj igri pozivamo vas da pro~itate ~lanak “10 godina sa vama”, koji mo`ete na}i na str.6 ovog izdanja. Ja }u vas samo ohrabriti da u~estvujete u ovoj nagradnoj igri, jer }ete, pored osvajanja veoma privla~nih i korisnih nagrada, imati mogu}nost da u~estvujete u našoj zabavi 15. decembra, u glavnom štabu KFOR-a „Film City“ u Prištini, koja }e biti organizovana u ~ast ove godišnjice. Na kraju nam ne preostaje ništa više da ka`emo, osim da vas još jedanput pozovemo da budete deo naše igre, jer kao i uvek – sa nama mo`ete samo da pobedite. Do slede}eg susreta, Leonora “For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha Fotografijeë: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: [email protected]; 2 for you 18 4 2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: Gimnazija „Gnjilane“ u [ilovu 6-7: For you magazin – deset godina sa vama 8-9: For you fashion: Trendovi muških nao~ara za sunce u 2012. 10-11: Music Box: Sa{a Kova~evi} - put do zvezda 12-13: Kako funkcioni{e va{a Op{tina? 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: 5 najve}ih radilica u `ivotinjskom svetu 16-17: Poster: Sa{a Kova~evi} 18-19: Moviemania: Hope springs; Sparkle; Celeste and Jesse forever 20-21: London 2012 inspiracija naših dana 22-23: Hi-Tech: Igra~ke za poneti na put 24-25: Nevidljivi zidovi 26-27: Upitnik: Navedite tri tehni~ke sprave koje najvi{e koristite? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca 20 8 28 22 22 14 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: Gimnasium „Gnjilane“ in Silovo 6-7: For you magazine – ten years wiyh you 8-9: For you fashion: Men’s sunglasses trends for 2012 10-11: Music Box: Sasa Kovacevic - The way to the stars 12-13: How does your municipality function? 14-15: Animal kingdom: Top 5 animal workaholics 16-17: Poster: Sasa Kovacevic EDITORIAL Hello my dear readers! Unlike other early times, in the editorial of this edition I will not talk about topics that we have addressed in this number. This time I want to write a little bit more about the tenth anniversary of the For You magazine, which represents a very special moment to me and all those who are engaged in the preparation of this magazine. So, month after month, in December of this year, For You 4U magazine reaches full ten years since it published its first edition. In all these years, two things have never changed: firstly, the commitment of the entire magazine team to bring before you a product that will entertain, inform, yet also teach you; secondly, your loyalty, the loyalty of all our readers who every month explore this magazine but also who write to us on regular basis and share with us opinions and appreciation for our work. Therefore, on this occasion, on behalf of the entire For You magazine staff, I thank you for your support during these 10 years, respectively during this extraordinary journey that we have taken together so far. Our gratitude does not end here. No, in fact this is only the beginning, because starting from September 15 until November 15, 2012, on our website, you could become a direct participant of our prize game that we have organized to reward our readers. For further information about this game, I invite you to read the article “10 years with you”, which will be found on page 6 of this magazine’s edition. I will only encourage you to take part in this rewarding game, because along with very attractive and very useful rewards, you will be able to participate in our party on December 15, at KFOR Headquarters “Film City”, in Prishtina, which will be organised in honour of this anniversary. In the end there is nothing left to say, but to invite you once again to become part of our game because as always, you can only win with us. Until we meet again, greetings from: Leonora 12 18-19: Moviemania: Hope springs; Sparkle; Celeste and Jesse forever 20-21: Sports corner: London 2012, inspiration of our days 22-23: Hi-Tech: Hot solar-powered gadgets 24-25: Invisible walls 26-27: Questionnaire: List three technology devices you mainly use and why? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: [email protected]; for you 3 škola meseca GIMNAZIJA “GNJILANE” U ŠILOVU Direktor {kole Zoran Stojanovi} D ragi |aci, pred vama je jo{ jedna {kolska godina, u kojoj vam pre svega `elimo dobro zdravlje i odli~an uspeh. Mi }emo se kao i do sada, dru`iti sa vama, tako {to }emo objavljivati va{a pisma, mi{ljenja i intervjue. Svaki va{ i najmanji doprinos nama je itekako neophodan, jer ~ini ovaj magazin „velikim“. Praksa je da vam u ovoj rubrici predstavljamo {kolu meseca, {to je ovoga puta Gimnazija „Gnjilane“ (prirodnomatemati~ki i dru{tveno-jezi~ki smer) u [ilovu. Srda~na dobrodo{lica direktora ove {kole, gospodina Zorana Stojanovi}a, u~inila je da shvatimo za{to su u~enici tokom svake na{e posete bili jako kooperativni i ljubazni u saradnji sa nama. Njih predvodi jedan divan tim profesora i pedagoga, naravno pod „palicom“ direktora Stojanovi}a, koji je otvoreno govorio sa nama o radu, pote{ko}ama, uspesima i padovima u {koli. „Vezano za rad direktora mogu da ka`em da je to jedan jako odgovoran posao, posao koji iziskuje mnogo znanja i ume}a u planiranju i realizaciji nastave i nastavnih sadr`aja, i svih problematika koje nailaze u realizaciji sa tim nastavnim sadr`ajima: vezano za me|uljudske odnose, saradnju izme|u samih profesora, i saradnju sa lokalnom zajednicom. Zadovoljstvo je {to se mladi obrazuju, jer }e im to „pokupljeno“ znanje olak{ati `ivot, `ivot u porodici, `ivot u zajednici, i {ire,“ istakao je gospodin Stojanovi}, po struci diplomirani in`enjer tehnologije i diplomirani hemi~ar. Ova gimnazija broji 208 u~enika, od ~ega 142 u mati~noj {koli u [ilovu, i 66 u izdvojenom odeljenju u Pasjanu, {to posebno uliva optimizam da se broj u~enika iz godine u godinu pove}ava. Gimnazija je zajedno sa medicinskom {kolom, sme{tena u zgradi Osnovne {kole „Vuk Karad`i}“, tako da su u nedostatku u~ioni~kog, laboratorisjkog i kabinetskog prostora. S obzirom na razvoj informacione tehnologije, nedostaju im i razli~ita moderna sredstva za realizaciju pojedinih nastavnih predmeta. A, pro{le {kolske godine veliki problem im je predstavljao prevoz u~enika 4 for you iz susednih sela, jer autobus nije mogao da saobra}a zbog neo~i{}enog snega i leda, ~ime je napravljen veliki broj izostanaka. Uprkos svim pote{ko}ama, jedan ozbiljan i savestan rad u~enika, profesora i administracije, rezultirao je dobrim uspehom u~enika, gde je od 208 upisanih, njih 190 zabele`ilo pozitivan uspeh na kraju {kolske 2011/12. „Zahvaljuju}i saradnji, razumevanju, toleranciji i `elji da se prenese znanje u~enicima, uspeli smo da i pored svih pote{ko}a koje smo imali tokom zimskog perioda, doprinesemo postizanju jednog zadovoljavaju}eg nivoa. Najbolje odeljenje nam je odeljnje prirodnomatemati~ke struke, 4/1 u Pasjanu, koji ima prose~nu ocenu 4,21,“ izjavio je direktor Zoran Stojanovi}. On nam je pomenuo i u~eni~ki parlament sa~injen od sekretara i predsednika svakog odeljenja, koji uz prisustvo direktora odr`avaju sastanke na mese~nom nivou. Tu se re{ava problematika: odnos izme|u u~enika i profesora, odnosno profesora i u~enika; ocena - osetljiv pedago{ki problem, jer se tu javlja nezadovoljstvo kod u~enika, a koje se prenosi i na roditelje; disciplina, itd. „Poku{avamo savetima i upozorenjima u nekim nepravilnostima koje se dese u radu, ne samo u poslu, ve} i u pona{anju u~enika, ispravimo gre{ke, i da kroz odre|ene mere koje su predvi|ene pravilnikom, popravimo pona{anje u~enika na jedan zadovoljavaju}i na~in. Uvek pazimo da ne o{tetimo u~enika, roditelja, a ni samog nastavnika, kada su u pitanju problemi u smislu discipline ili ocena koje nisu po pravilniku ocenjivanja u~enika,“ kazao je direktor. I, na kraju na{eg razgovora, direktor Gimnazije “Gnjilane” Zoran Stojanovi}, uputio je svim mladima na Kosovu, slede}u poruku: “Postoji mogu}nost zajedni~kog `ivota, mira, tolerancije, i razumevanja za sve zajednice koje `ive na ovom prostoru. Na{a sudbina je zajedni~ka, i ima mesta za sve. @elim da se samo prave vrednosti cene i po{tuju, jer }e na taj na~in sigurno biti uspeha i u `ivotu i u radu u~enika.” school of the month GIMNASIUM “GNJILANE” IN SILOVO D ear pupils, yet another school year is ahead of us, in which we firstly wish you good health and great success. As before, we will hang out with you by publishing your letters, opinions and interviews. Even your smallest contribution is very much needed among us, because it makes our magazine „great“. The practice in this column is to present you the school of the month, which now is the gymnasium “Gnjilane” (of the natural sciences and the socio-linguistic course) in Silovo. Hearty welcome of the school director, Mr. Zoran Stojanovic, has made us understand why the students were very cooperative and polite in cooperation with us during each of our visits. They are led by a superb team of professors and pedagogues, of course, under the conductor’s „wand“ of Director Stojanovic, who openly spoke with us about the work, difficulties, successes and failures in the school. “Regarding the work of the director, I can say that this is a very responsible job, a job that requires a lot of knowledge and skills in planning and implementing lectures and teaching contents, as well as all the problems encountered in the implementation of these teaching materials: related to interpersonal relations, cooperation between the teachers themselves, and cooperation with the local community. It is a pleasure to see the young being educated, as this “picked up” knowledge will facilitate their lives, family lives, lives within the community, and beyond,” said Mr. Stojanovic, a graduate engineer of technology by trade and a graduate chemist. This high school has 208 students, of which 142 are in the main school in Silovo, and 66 in a separate section in Pasjane, what especially gives optimism is that the number of students is increasing from year to year. Together with the medical school, gymnasium is housed in the building of an elementary school “Vuk Karadzic”, which means that they are lacking classrooms, laboratory areas and cabinet space. Given to the development of information technology, they lack various modern means for the realization of certain subjects. And, during the previous academic year, their big problem was the transportation of students from the neighbouring villages, because their bus could not drive due to the remaining snow and ice, which then created a large number of absences. Despite all the difficulties, a serious and conscientious work of students, teachers and administration, resulted in good success of the students, where 190 out the 208 enrolled students reported a positive success at the end of the school year 2011/12. „Thanks to the cooperation, understanding, tolerance and the desire to convey the knowledge to students, we have succeeded despite all the difficulties that we had during the winter period, managing to contribute the achieving of a satisfactory level. Our best class is the class of the Natural Science and Mathematics, 4/1 in Pasjane, which has an average grade of 4.21“ said Director Zoran Stojanovic. He has also mentioned us the Students’ Parliament composed of the president and the secretary from an each class, which is holding meetings on a monthly basis in the presence of the Director. This is the place where problems as such are solved: relation between the students and professors i.e. professors and students; grading – a sensitive pedagogical problem, because it could be a place where dissatisfaction among the students occurs, which is transmitted to the parents; discipline, etc... “We are trying to give advices and warnings regarding some irregularities that occur in the work, not only regarding the work itself but also in the students’ behaviour, in order to correct mistakes and to improve students’ behaviour in a satisfactory manner by using certain measures, which have been provided in the Regulation. We always take care not to damage the students, parents and even teachers themselves, when it comes to problems in the discipline or grades that may not fit the Regulations of grading students,“ said the Director. And at the end of our conversation, the Director of the gymnasium “Gnjilane” Zoran Stojanovic, addressed to all young people in Kosovo, with the following message: „There is a possibility of coexistence, peace, tolerance and understanding for all communities living in this area. Our destiny is shared, and there is room for everyone. I want to see only the right values be appreciated and respected, because this way there will surely be success in students’ lives and work“. for you 5 FOR YOU MAGAZIN – DESET GODINA SA VAMA Dragi ~itaoci, O soblje For You magazina ima ~ast i zadovoljstvo da vas obavesti da od 15. septembra po~injemo pripreme za obele`avanje desete godišnjice ovog ~asopisa. U decembru ove godine For You magazin puni deset godina i ulazi u svoje doba „adolescencije“. Naravno, nije bilo nimalo lako posti}i takav uspeh, to ne bi bilo mogu}e da nije bilo vas, naših cenjenih ~italaca. Stoga, smatramo da je primerno da povodom obele`avanja ove godišnjice, najve}i korisnici budete upravo vi, naši redovni ~itaoci, ljudi koji su ~itali ~asopis svakog meseca, a zatim slali svoja pisma redakciji kako bi nam rekli svoje mišljenje o poslu koji mi obavljamo. Zato smo odlu~ili da po~ev od 15. septembra pa sve do 15. novembra 2012, na našem Internet sajtu organizujemo veliku igru - kviz za sve naše ~itaoce. Kada je re~ o nagradama, verujemo da }e biti vrlo korisne za vas. Ali, šta treba da uradite kako biste mogli da u~estvujete u našem kvizu? Osnovni princip For You ~asopisa od njegovog prvog izdanja je bio da u~i, informiše i zabavlja vas u isto vreme. Naša kviz igra sledi ove principe i iz tih razloga je dizajniran u obliku kviza znanja sa 25 pitanja. Vaše znanje i mudrost }e biti testirani o vašem voljenom magazinu, i naš cilj je da nagradimo naše najposve}enije ~itaoce. Još jedna va`na stvar , koju mnogi od vas verovatno znaju je ta da od svog prvog izdanja, ~asopis je jasno istakao da je namenjen uzrastu od 6 for you 12 do 18 godina. Mi razumemo da naši ~itaoci mogu biti još mla|i ili stariji, ali zvani~no je ovaj uzrast kojem je magazin posve}en. Shodno tome, u~eš}e u igri }e biti uslovljeno ovom ~injenicom. Da bismo bili sigurni da su naši u~esnici ovog uzrasta, pre nego što po~nete sa odgovaranjem na pitanja, od vas se zahteva da dostavite osnovne podatke: ime, prezime, opština u kojoj `ivite, vaš datum ro|enja i broj telefona na koji mo`emo da vas kontaktiramo u slu~aju da vi budete pobednik. To zna~i da }e svaki od vas imati samo jednu priliku da testira svoje znanje o For You magazinu. S druge strane , ima} ete dovoljno vremena da uradite kviz i mo`ete koristiti arhivu magazina, ako ste ih sa~uvali, ili da ~ak koristite našu online arhivu svih izdanja u PDF formatu , koju mo`ete na}i na našoj adresi U slu~aju da ne odgovorite na pitanje, onda }e program to smatrati kao pogrešan odgovor, a to }e uticati na vaš kona~ni rezultat. Razlog zašto ovo govorimo je zato {to pobednika automatski bira sam program. Drugim re~ima, program uzima u obzir trajanje kviza i procenat ta~nosti, odnosno broj ta~nih odgovora. U slu~aju da dva kandidata podjednako odgovaraju na pitanja u smislu vremena i ta~nosti, onda }e program odlu~iti po popularnoj poslovici:“br`a ptica dobija crva“. Zato po`urite, ne oklevajte i postanite u~esnici naše igre. Ali, šta ako u ovoj kategoriji dva kandidata budu ponovo izjedna~ena!? Onda mogu samo da se nadam da vaše ime po~inje slovom A! Oh, umalo da zaboravim, da davanje la`nih ili neta~nih informacija iz bilo kog razloga mo`e dovesti do diskvalifikacije iz takmi~enja, i kao posledica toga }ete izgubiti mogu}nost da dobijete neku od nagrada koje ste osvojili. Dakle, pre nego što zapo~nete kviz uverite se da imate dovoljno vremena da ga završite, uverite se da imate lak pristup celokupnoj arhivi „For You“ ~asopisa, ali iznad svega ne gubite vreme i postanite deo naše igre. Nagrade }e biti: prvo mesto Laptop (1 nagrada), drugo mesto Smart Telefon (3 nagrade), a tre}e mesto iPod nano (6 nagrada). Ali to nije sve, jer }e svi pobednici, zajedno sa 50 najboljih igra~a našeg kviza i njihovi roditelji biti pozvani kao po~asni gosti na ceremoniju dodele nagrada i na zabavu, koja }e se odr`ati 15. decembra u glavnom štabu KFOR-a u Prištini. Nagrade za pobednike }e biti dodeljene li~no od strane visokih predstavnika KFOR-a, tako|e }e imati priliku da se upoznaju sa novinarima magazina. U isto vreme, po~asni gosti }e tako|e biti neki ljudi o kojima je naš ~asopis pisao u razli~itim izdanjima. Dakle, razli~ite li~nosti kao što su: poznati peva~i, sportisti, predsednici opština, direktori škola, i va{i vr{njaci iz svih krajeva Kosova. Na kraju, nije ostalo ništa drugo osim da vas zamolim da posetite naš sajt, i da pa`ljivo pro~itate uputstva za u~eš}e kako biste postali deo naše igre. Osoblje ~asopisa For You je uvereno da }ete ostati zadovoljni, a vi znate da mi dr`imo obe}anja. FOR YOU MAGAZINE – TEN YEARS WITH YOU Dear readers, F or You magazine staff has the honour and the pleasure to inform you that from September 15, we will begin preparations to mark the tenth anniversary of For You magazine. In December of this year, For You magazine will be ten years old and enters its “adolescence” age. Of course, such an achievement has not been easy, and would not have been possible if it wasn’t for you, our precious readers. Therefore, we feel it is more appropriate that on the occasion of marking this anniversary, the biggest beneficiaries be you, our regular readers. The people who read the magazine every month and send their letters to the editorial’s office telling us their opinion about the work we do. We have decided that starting from September 15 until November 15, 2012, on our Internet website we will organise a big quiz game for all our readers. As for the rewards of this prize game, we believe they will be very useful to you. But, what should you do to take part in our quiz game? The main objective of For You magazine since its first edition has always been to teach, inform and entertain the reader. Our quiz game follows these principles and for this reason it is designed in the form of a knowledge quiz with 25 questions. Your knowledge and wisdom will be tested about your lovely magazine and our goal is to reward the most dedicated readers. Another important thing, which many of you probably know is that since its first edition, For You magazine has made clear that it is intended for ages 12 to 18 years. We understand that our readers may be younger or older, but officially these are the ages that the magazine is dedicated to. Consequently, the participation in the game will be conditioned by this fact. To ensure that participants are in this age (before you start answering the questions) you are required to submit some basic information: name, surname, municipality where you live, your birthday and a phone number where we can contact you in case you are a winner. This means that each and every of you will only have one chance to test your knowledge about the For You magazine. On the other hand, you will have enough time to do the quiz and use your archive of magazines, if you have stored them, or even use our online archive of all editions in PDF format, which you can find at In case you leave a question unfilled, then the program will consider it as a wrong answer and it will affect your final score. The reason why we are telling you this is because the winner will be selected automatically by the programme. In other words, the program takes into account the duration of completing the quiz and the percentage of accuracy, respectively the number of correct answers. In case two candidates are equally striking in terms of time and accuracy, then the programme will deliberate according to the popular word of wisdom: “The early bird gets the worm”. So hurry up, do not hesitate and become a participant of our game. But, what if in this category the two candidates will be equal, too!? I can only hope your name starts with the letter A! Oh, I almost forgot that providing false or inaccurate information for any reason could result in your disqualification from the competition and as a consequence you will lose the opportunity to get any of the reward you may have won. So, before you start the quiz make sure you have enough time to finish it, make sure you have easy access to all For You magazine archives, so do not waste time and become part of our game. The rewards will be: first place laptop (1 award), the second place Smart Phone (3 awards) and the third place iPod Nano (6 awards). That’s not all because all winners together with the 50 best players of our quiz game and their parents will be invited as guests of honour at the prize distribution ceremony a party that will be held on December 15, in HQ KFOR Main, Prishtina. Awards for winners will be delivered personally by a senior representative of KFOR. You will also have the opportunity to meet the magazine’s journalists. At the same time, guests of honour will be some of the people that we have interviewed. Personalities such as: famous singers, sportsmen, mayors of municipalities, school principals and their peers from all over Kosovo will take part. In the end, there is nothing left to say but to ask you to visit our website and read carefully the instructions for participation and become part of our game. For You magazine staff is confident that you will remain happy, and you know that we keep our promises. for you 7 fashion Nao~are za sunce ne samo da štite od sunca, nego predstavljaju i modni detalj. Mo`da su jedan od najva`nijih dodataka koje mogu nositi muškarci. ^ine vas atraktivnim i u trendu. Pošto svake godine imamo nove trendove za oba pola, nisu svi u mogu}nosti da idu u korak sa njima. No, mirno spavajte, neki od prošlogodišnjih trendova }e se nastaviti i ove godine. Predimenzirane nao~are za sunce edan od trendova nao~ara za sunce kojima smo bili svedoci u 2011. godini, bile su predimenzionirane nao~are za sunce. One predstavljaju retro stil, koji je prvobitno postao popularan 70-ih godina, preuzimaju}i popularnost nao~ara oblika ma~jih o~iju, koje su bile popularne u 60-im godinama. Starinske nao~are poznatih dizajnera sa ogromnim ramovima i staklima koja li~e na o~i insekata su zadr`ale popularnost tokom 80-ih i 90-ih godina, posebno kod poznatih li~nosti. Zvezde, ~ija lica prate naleti paparaci novinara, obi~no nose takve ogromne nao~are da bi se mogli nezapa`eno kretati me|u ljudima. Stakla pokrivaju veliki deo lica, i time poma`u u zaklanjanju identiteta slavne li~nosti. Iako to nije od nekog velikog zna~aja za ve}inu od nas, nošenjem predimenzioniranih nao~ara za sunce, sebi mo`emo pru`iti ose} aj i izgled filmskih zvezda. J Oversized Sunglasses ne of the biggest trends we saw for 2011 sunglasses trends was oversized sunglasses. Oversized sunglasses are a style of retro sunglasses which originally became popular in the 1970s, overtaking the cat-eye sunglasses which were popular in the 1960s. Vintage designer sunglasses with oversized frames and bug-eye lenses remained popular in the 1980s and 1990s particularly with celebrities. Celebrities who get swarmed by the media paparazzi typically don these oversized sunglasses so that they can slip by in crowds unnoticed. The lenses cover a very wide portion of the face and can help to conceal a celebrity’s identity. Even though that practical value isn’t really applicable to most of us, the wearing of large oversized sunglasses can provide the rest of us with an added benefit—the “star look.” O Si}ušne nao~are za sunce druge strane spektra imamo male nao~are za sunce. I pored toga što im popularnost raste, male nao~are ~esto bolje odgovaraju oblicima lica nego prevelike. Jedan od razloga za popularnost malih nao~ara za sunce u 2011. godini je velika popularnost predimenzioniranih nao~ara za sunce. To mo`da deluje nelogi~no, ali podjednak je broj ljudi koji hrle za nošenjem predimenzioniranih nao~ara zbog pru`anja ose}aja slave, kao što postoje ljudi koji ih smatraju ogromnim. Sve se svodi na izbor - neki ljudi se jednostavno izra`avaju na druga~iji na~in, što objašnjava zašto male nao~are predstavljaju tako veliki kontra-trend. Uostalom, ne `ele svi da sakriju svoje lice! S Petite Sunglasses t the other end of the spectrum we have petite sunglasses. Not only are petite sunglasses a growing trend they also flatter some facial structures far more than oversized sunglasses. One reason petite sunglasses came into fashion in 2011 is that oversized sunglasses are so popular. This might seem counterintuitive but just as many people flock to oversized styles for their celebrity flair many other people also find them overwhelming. It’s all about options—some people express themselves differently and that’s why petite sunglasses are such a big counter-trend. Not everyone wants to hide their faces after all! A 8 for you fashion Sunglasses not only protect you from the sun they are also a fashion statement. Perhaps one of the most important accessories a men can wear. They make you look attractive and trendy. Since every year we have new trends for both, men and women not everybody can keep up with them. But keep calm because some of the trends of last year will continue this year. Starinske nao~are za sunce ije samo novo i savremeno u modi ovih dana, ve} je tu i retromoda iz davnih dana! Ljudi u trendu kupuju retke starinske nao~are za sunce kao i one inspirisane starinskim stilom. Pri kupovini starinskih nao~ara, ne morate ih tra`iti po prodavnicama starinske robe, zato što i popularne prodavnice N sun~anih nao~ara sada prodaju nao~are inspirisane starinskim stilovima. Vintage Sunglasses hese days it isn’t just the new and modern which is fashionable but also the retro fashions of yesteryear! Trendy people are shopping for rare vintage sunglasses and vintage inspired sunglasses. You don’t have to look for a vintage sunglasses shop just to buy vintage sunglasses, though since this style is so popular that many mainstream sunglasses stores also sell vintage inspired sunglasses. T Polarizovane nao~are za sunce olarizacija je neverovatna tehnologija koja je stvorila nao~are za sunce otporne na odsjaj. Danas (a verovatno i zauvek) je veoma popularno nositi sportske polarizovane nao~are za sunce. Polarizovane nao~are za sunce mogu da eliminišu odsjaj sa bezmetalnih površina, kao što su voda, što ih ~ini odli~nim za sportove na vodi, naro~ito za ribolov. Ako u`ivate u sportskom ribolovu (ili pecate ribu za ishranu), polarizovane nao~are za sunce su nešto što morate imati; ukloni}e odsjaj površine vode i omogu}i}e vam da sagledate dubinu i vidite ispod površine vode. Ostali koji nose polarizovane nao~are iz profesionalnih razloga su voza~i kamiona, kao i ostali koji provode mnogo vremena na putu. Polarizacija mo`e pomo}i u eliminaciji odsjaja puta i pejza`a. Biciklisti i ostali koji se bave sportovima na otvorenom, na putu i drugde, mogu tako|e imati P koristi od polarizovanih nao~ara za sunce. Imajte na umu da polarizacija ne poma`e u smanjenju odsjaja kod sne`nih površina. Polarized Sunglasses olarization is an amazing technology which has made glare-resistant sunglasses possible. These days (and probably forevermore) it is very trendy to wear polarized sports sunglasses. Polarized sunglasses can eliminate glare from non metallic surfaces like water which makes them excellent for water sports and in particular for fishing. If you enjoy sports fishing (or you fish for a living) polarized sports sunglasses are a must; they will remove the glare from the surface of the water and allow you to perceive depth and see what’s underneath the surface. Other people who wear polarized sunglasses for occupational reasons include truck drivers and others who spend a lot of time on the road. The polarization can help to eliminate some of the glare of the road and the landscape. Cyclists and others who do outdoor sports on the road and elsewhere can also benefit from polarized sunglasses. Note though that polarization won’t help reduce glare when it comes to snow. P for you 9 music box SAŠA KOVAČEVIĆ PUT DO ZVEZDA S a{a Kova~evi} je jedan od najpopularnijih peva~a u regionu, a ovog leta smo na svakom koraku mogli ~uti njegov hit „Lapsus“, kojim se poistove}uje i mu{ki i `enski deo publike. @ene ga posebno mnogo vole, zato {to pored ne`nih i romanti~nih pesama kojima osvaja `enska srca, postoji još nešto što Saša poseduje, a to je stas. Upravo zbog toga i ne treba mnogo vremena da se shvati zašto je ve}ina devojaka zaljubljena u njega. Saša Kova~evi} je ro|en 27. jula 1985. u Beogradu, završio je Srednju muzi~ku {kolu „Kosta Manojlovi}“, smer klavir, i Akademiju umetnosti - odsek snimanje i obrada zvuka na BK Univerzitetu. Prvi javni nastup je imao 2004. na festivalu “Sun~ane skale”, nastup sa pesmom „Pakao i Raj“ mu je doneo popularnost, da bi usledili singlovi „Jedina si Vredela“, „Korak do dna“, i „Ruka za spas“ koja je progla{ena za pesmu godine. U 2007. dobija 10 for you nagradu za otkri}e godine, zatim slede nagrade Melos estrade, nagrada Beogradski pobednik za pop peva~a godine, a na Danima estrade osvaja 1. mesto za otkri}e godine. Osvojio je 2. mesto na festivalu zabavne muzike u Vrnja~koj banji sa pesmom „La`u te“, pobednik je i Radijskog festivala sa pesmom „Bolji ~ovek“. Krajem 2008. iza{ao je i njegov prvi duet sa Eminom Jahovi}, pesma „Jo{ ti se nadam“ za koju je dobio nagradu za duetsku pesmu 2009. godine. Njegov otac je imao vrlo ozbiljnu klavijaturu na kojoj je nebrojeno puta pokušavao da skine neke akorde, a Sa{a je to uradio iz prve, bez greške, i to sa nepunih pet godina. @iveli su u Zemunu, i jednom dok su šetali pored Muzi~ke škole „Kosta Manojlovi}”, roditelji su `eleli da svrate i provere da li njihovi sinovi, Sa{a i dve i po godine stariji sin Rade, imaju sluha. Rade se stideo, nije hteo da u|e, plašio se, a Sa{a je sam ušao. Rekli su da ima apsolutni sluh, ali morao je da sa~eka godinu dana da bi krenuo u muzi~ko zabavište. U sedmoj godini upisao je muzi~ku školu, odsek za klavir, na koji se, ina~e, prima od devete godine. Bio bi primljen i ranije, ali imao je malu šaku i nedovoljno velik raspon prstiju. Ina~e, bio je izrazito nizak, do osmog razreda pretposlednji u vrsti na fizi~kom, onda mo`ete misliti koliki je bio u šestoj godini. Kao klinac svaki drugi dan hteo je da bude nešto drugo, ali najviše ga je interesovala muzika. Dok su se njegovi vršnjaci igrali, on je vreme posve}ivao instrumentu. Trenirao je košarku od petog do osmog razreda, a u srednjoj školi kik-boks. Bio je vrlodobar |ak, nije pravio zavrzlame, i imao je odli~no vladanje. Do 18. godine je radio po splavovima i klubovima. S punoletstvom je vokalno sazreo, pa je do izra`aja došla promuklost i neki šmek kojim je „kupio“ publiku. Kada je izbacio pesmu „Jedina si vredela”, platio je TV „Palmi” da se pesma vrti dva-tri meseca. „Radio S” je bio najja~a stanica u gradu i tra`ili su njegov kontakt. Mislio je da }e i njima morati da plati, me|utim, oni su njegovu pesmu puštali na sat-dva. Njegovoj sre}i nije bilo kraja. Slede}e godine se sam pojavio na Festivalu Radija S, s novom baladom koja je naišla na super prijem kod publike. Krenule su neke simpatije, onda još jedan festival, pa album... U po~etku, novac koji je zara|ivao, kao i svaki neiskusni mladi}, hteo je da ima za sebe, neograni~eno se razbacivao. Kada je pri~a postala ozbiljnija, donosio je gomilu para ku}i i davao ih svojim roditeljima. Tako je to funkcionisalo dugo, i zahvaljuju}i tome sada sedi u svom studiju. Sve što je zara|ivao ulagao je u budu}nost svoje porodice. @elja mu je da jednoga dana napuni Marakanu ili U{}e, {to }e sigurno ostvariti ukoliko nastavi da re|a hitove. Ali, ~emu `urba, njemu je tek 26 godina?! SASA KOVACEVIC THE WAY TO THE STARS S asa Kovacevic is one of the most popular singers in the region, and this summer on every step we could hear his hit “Lapsuz”, a song which is popular with both males and females in the audience. Women especially adore him, because besides gentle and romantic songs that win women’s hearts, there’s something else that Sasa has and that is physique. It’s not hard to understand why the majority of girls love him. Sasa Kovacevic was born on 27 July 1985 in Belgrade; he finished Music School “Kosta Manojlovic”, department of piano, the Academy of Arts - Department of audio recording and processing in the BK University. He had his first public performance in 2004 at the festival “Sunny scales” (Suncane skale) with the song “Hell and Paradise” (Pakao i raj). This song brought him popularity and it was followed by the singles “Only You Were the Worthy One” (Jedina si vredela), “Step up to the bottom” (Korak do dna), and “Hand of salvation” which was named song of the year. In 2007 he was awarded a prize as the discovery of the year, followed by Melos Show Business Award and Award Belgrade Winner for Pop Singer of the Year. He won the second place in the pop music festival in Vrnjacka Banja with the song “They’re lying to you” (Lazu te) and first place in the Radio Festival with the song “Better Man” (Bolji covek). In late 2008 was also released his first duet with Emina Jahovic, the song “I am still hoping you will come” (Jos ti se nadam) which won the Award for the Best Duet in 2009. His father had a very complex keyboard in which he had tried many times to strike a chord, Sasha did it in the first attempt, without errors, when he was less than five years old. They lived in Zemun, and once as they walked near the Music School “Kosta Manojlovic”, the parents wanted to stop by and check whether their sons, Sasa, and two and a half years older son Rade, have a music talent. Rade was shy and did not want to enter, he was afraid, but Sasha entered on his own. He was told that he has absolute talent, but had to wait a year to start in music kindergarten. At seven, he enrolled in music school, piano department, to which, students are accepted from nine years old. He would have been accepted earlier, but had a small hand and the range of his fingers was not big enough. He was very short up until the eighth grade he was second from the back in a row in physical education class, so you can imagine how tall he was when he was six years old. As a kid, he wanted to be something else every other day, but he was interested in music the most. While his peers were playing, he was devoting his time to a music instrument. He played basketball from fifth to eighth grade, and in high school he did kickboxing. He was a very good student and did not make mischiefs; he had an excellent behaviour record. By 18 years of age he worked on rafts and clubs. With adulthood he matured vocally, hoarseness and a certain “flavour” of his voice that “bought” the audience became fully developed. When he released the song “Only You Were the Worthy music box One”, he paid TV “Palma” to play the song for two or three months. The S Radio was the strongest radio station in the city and they asked for his contact. He thought he would; have to pay them as well, as they have played his song every hour or two. His happiness knew no bounds. The following year, he appeared on his own at the Festival of Radio S, with a new ballad, which was met with a great reaction from the audience. Some infatuations started at that time, then another festival, and album ... Initially, as any inexperienced young man, he wanted to have the money he earned for himself and was spending it unlimitedly. However when everything became more serious, he was brought home bundles of money and gave it to his parents. This functioned in that way for a long time, and thanks to that now he sits in his own studio. All he earned he invested in the future of his family. His wishes to one day fill Marakana or Usce, which he will surely realize if he continues to produce hits. But why the hurry, he is only 26 years old?! for you 11 KAKO FUNKCIONIŠE VAŠA OPŠTINA? predsednik Op{tine Klina Sokol Bashota „Uspostavljanje efektivne administracije i transparentnost radova koji se izvode u opštini su dve glavne odlike naše opštine, ja sam se trudio da ih uspostavim od prvog dana na mestu presednika opštine. Kao prvo, pošto su ljudi u svakodnevnom kontaktu sa opštinskom upravom, uprava mo`e da iza|e u susret njihovim potrebama. Ukoliko uprava nije efikasna i ne brine o potrebama gra|ana onda gra|ani ne mogu imati poverenje u opštinsku upravu. Što se ti~e transparentnosti, osim informisanja gra|ana o radu opštinske uprave, mi moramo biti motivisani kao vo|stvo opštine, da radimo naporno, pravi~no, dobro i iskreno.“ Ovako gospodin Sokol Bašota predstavlja lokalnu samoupravu u Opštini Klina, koji je ve} pet godina predsednik op{tine. On dalje naglašava da je klju~ni korak u poboljšanju javnih usluga preseljenje u nove prostorije, koje pru`aju modernije uslove i dovoljno radnog prostora. Gospodin Bašota tvrdi da je upravo ovo doprinelo zna~ajnom 12 for you napretku. U vezi sa sprovo|enjem Zakona o lokalnoj samoupravi, gospodin Bašota naglašava da je zakon u potpunosti primenjen što se ti~e njegovih ovlaš}enja. Ovo se odra`ava u posve}enosti i interesovanju gra|ana da aktivno u~estvuju u radu opštinske samouprave. Naj~eš}e ovo ~ine preko u~estvovanja u dvema javnim raspravama, koje propisuje zakon, radi pripreme opštinskog bud`eta. Gospodin Bašota ka`e da tokom godine organizuje najmanje sedam javnih rasprava. Na drugu ruku, on ka`e da su njegova vrata otvorena svakog ~etvrtka svim gra|anima, da do|u i iznesu svoje individualne probleme, kao i da potra`e rešenja i pomo} opštine. Ovo ne zna~i da drugim danima nemaju priliku da se sretnu sa predsednikom opštine, sve dok presednik ima dovoljno vremena da odvoji za njih. Opština je razvila efikasnu mre`u informisanja preko lokalnih medija i seoskih odbora, kako bi komunicirali sa gra|anima. Još jedan uspeh opštinske uprave prema gospodinu Ba{oti jeste integrisanje etni~kih manjina koje `ive u opštini, posebno Srba. Gospodin Bašota ka`e da je zbog ovog uspeha Klina vode} a i šampion me|u opštinama. „Mislim da su stvari proste: na nama je da odlu~imo da li }e naša prošlost diktirati našu budu}nost. Ukoliko to dozvolimo onda }e naš napredak zna~ajno biti usporen. Me|utim, ukoliko gledamo ka budu}nosti i svojim delima odre|ujemo današnjicu, onda je jasno }emo samo izgradnjom demokratskog društva koje poštuje ljudska prava bez obzira na rasu, nacionalnu pripadnost, versku ispovest, pol ili starosnu dob, imati istinski razvoj. To bi bio pravi boljitak. Ovakav napredak bi stvorio bolji `ivot za našu decu i naredne generacije posle njih,“ istakao je gospodin Bašota. Ovo je razlog zbog kojeg su ulo`ili maksimalne napore ka stvaranju uslova za reintegraciju Srba i drugih manjina u javni `ivot opštine. On tako|e napominje da ima mnogo problema koji se ne mogu rešiti odjednom, kao i da ima elemenata koji se trude da spre~e napredak. Na srecu, on ka`e da su oni malobrojni. Pokazatelj ovog je i sve ve}i broj Srba koji su zainteresovani da se sastanu sa predsednikom opštine i sara|uju sa njim. Što se ti~e omladine, gospodin Bašota ka`e da i pored dobre volje, ~injenica je da ne postoji dovoljno investicija u neophodnu infrastrukturu i razvoj projekata za omladinu. On ovom prilikom poziva sve nadle`ne institucije da promene svoja razmišljanja i više investiraju u potrebe omladine. U ovom smislu, on je spomenuo da je opština dala sve od sebe i investirala u opštinski fudbalski klub, pošto je ovo najomiljeniji sport omladine. Kao rezultat, klub }e se ove sezone takmi~iti u Prvoj ligi Kosova. Na kraju, gospodin Bašota poru~uje svim mladim ljudima da u~e i steknu obrazovanje, jer sve investicije namenjene njima }e biti uzaludne ukoliko u budu}nosti ne budu imali profesionalne kvalifikacije, kako bi videli korist svih tih investicija. HOW DOES YOUR MUNICIPALITY FUNCTION? “Establishment of an effective administration and being transparent with public for the work carried out in the municipality are two main features, which I tried to create since the first day I was assigned the mayor of the Municipality. First, because people are in daily contact with the municipal administration and the administration shall meet their requirements and needs. If it is not efficient and does not respond to the needs of citizens, then they will never trust municipal government either. When it comes to the transparency, beside informing citizens about municipal government work, it is the best motivation for us as municipal leaders to work hard, straight, good and honestly”. This is how Mr. Sokol Bashota summarises his governance in the Municipality of Klina, he has been the mayor for the past five years now. He further stresses that a crucial step in terms of improving the utilities quality has been moving to a new facility, which offers modern conditions and sufficient work space, according to Mr. Bashota it has facilitated things a lot. Regarding the implementation of the Law on Local Governance, Mr. Bashota emphasises that when it comes to his share of responsibility, the law was fully implemented, which is also reflected in the commitment and interest of citizens to participate actively with the municipality’s governance. The most common way to do this is to participate in two public debates, mandatory by the law, for preparation of municipal annual budget. However, Mr. Bashota says within the year, he organises at least seven debates with the public. Mr. Bashota stated that in addition all citizens have the opportunity every Thursday to knock at his office door and discuss their individual concerns and seek solutions or help from the municipality. This does not mean they will not be able to meet the mayor during other days of the week, as long as the mayor has time to meet them. The municipality has created an efficient information network where local media and village councils communicate to the citizens. Another success of the municipal government according to Mr. Bashota is the integration of ethnic minorities who live in this municipality, especially the Serbs, a success which Mr. Bashota says Klina is the leading municipality, a champion. “I think things are very simple: it is up to us to decide if we want our past to dictate our future. Consequently, our development will face obstacles. However, if we decide to look into the future and to determine today according to our actions, then it is obvious that only by building a democratic society that respects human rights, without distinction of race, nationality, religion, gender or age, we will have a genuine development. Precisely this kind of development would provide a better life for our children and generations to come after them”, Mr. Bashota said. This is what pushed them to engage in creating conditions for full reintegration of Serbs and other minorities in public life of this municipality. On the other hand, he recalls that problems are numerous and not all can be resolved at once, certainly elements that try to prevent such development are present. Fortunately, according to him they are few in number and this shows the fact that Serbs are more and more interested in meeting and working with the mayor. With regards to the youth, Mr. Bashota says despite the good will, it is an undeniable fact that investment opportunities in creating the necessary infrastructure and development of projects for the youth are very few. So on this occasion, he urges the responsible institutions to change their course and start to think and invest more for the needs of youth. In this regard, he mentioned that the municipality did the utmost to help and invested a lot in the football club of the municipality as this is the most popular sport of the youth. This season the club will compete in the First League of Kosovo. Mr. Bashota advised all young people to study and get educated because all investments addressed to them will be in vain if tomorrow they will not have the necessary professional qualifications to benefit from them. for you 13 životinjsko carstvo 5 najvećih radilica u životinjskom svetu M o`e vas iznenaditi da mravi imaju drugi cilj od onoga da vam uništavaju izlete u prirodi. Ove marljive `ivotinje toliko puno rade, da lako mogu da osramote naš rad. Zapravo, mnoga stvorenja rade tokom celih dana i no}i samo da bi pre`ivele u divljini. Ako vam se ~ini da je vaš posao te`ak, znajte da mnoge `ivotinje obavljaju poslove koji su vrlo sli~ni poslovima koje obavljaju ljudi, iz razli~itih razloga. Tako|e, imaju i jedinstveno oru|e koje koriste u radu. Saznajmo kako izgledaju uobi~ajeni radni dani kod pet najvrednijih radnika u `ivotinjskom carstvu. 5. Fabri~ki radnici: Mravi Kolonije mrava funkcionišu kao fabrika sa dobro definisanim ulogama i odgovornostima. Jedina uloga kraljice mrava je da se reprodukuje, što je ~ini jedinim proizvo|a~em svih mrava ro|enih u koloniji. Jedina du`nost muškog mrava predstavlja parenje sa kraljicom, a za razliku od kraljice koja `ivi do 20 godina, mu`jaci uginu brzo nakon parenja. Svi ostali mravi u koloniji imaju specifi~ne poslove ~ime odr`avaju glatko funkcionisanje kolonije. Mravi radnici su odgovorni za ishranu i brigu o larvama koje proizvodi kraljica, kao i za odr`avanje ~isto}e kolonije, kopanje tunela, i niz drugih zadataka. Mravi za nala`enje hrane su, kao što im i ime ka`e, odgovorni za pronala`enje hrane i njeno dovla~enje do kolonije. Pored tih uloga, neki mravi slu`e i kao ~uvari kolonije, jer pretra`uju okolinu za mrave koji pronalaze hranu. 5. Factory Workers: Ants An ant colony runs like a factory with well-defined roles and responsibilities. The queen ant’s only role is to reproduce, making her the sole producer of all ants born in a colony. A male ant’s only job is to mate with the queen, and unlike the queen who lives for 15 to 20 years, males die shortly after mating. All of the other ants in the colony have specific jobs to keep it running smoothly. Worker ants are responsible for feeding and caring for the larvae produced by the queen, as well as keeping the colony clean, digging new tunnels and a variety of other tasks. Foraging ants are responsible for finding food and bringing their finds back to the colony. In addition to these roles, some ants act as security guards, scouting locations for the foragers and guarding the colony. 14 for you 4. Stru~njaci za uništavanje: Termiti Kada ve}ina ljudi ~uje re~ – termit, odmah pomisle na razaranje, ali ova si}ušna bi}a koja se hrane drvetom zaista slu`e svrsi koja se razlikuje od najgorih no}nih mora koje imaju vlasnici domova. ]ini se da termiti funkcionišu po društvenom sistemu veoma sli~nom sistemu mrava. Termiti radnici su bele boje ili se ~esto ~ine neprovidni, i prvi se pojavljuju pri nala`enju novog komada drveta. Oni su odgovorni za lociranje prehrambenih resursa, iskopavanje drve}a, i brigu o mladim termitima. Termiti vojnici su fizi~ki zreli, mogu se prepoznati po boji glave koja se kre}e od `ute do braon boje i crnim ustima. Njihova glavna odgovornost je da štite koloniju od neprijatelja poput mrava ili termita iz konkurentskih kolonija. Jedini krilati termiti u koloniji se roje i samim tim su zadu`eni za zapo~injanje novih kolonija. 4. Demolition Experts: Termites When most people hear termites they immediately think of destruction, but these tiny wood eaters actually serve a purpose beyond being a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Termites appear to operate within a social system very similar to that of ants. The worker termites are white and often appear transparent they are first on the scene when a new wood source is found. They are responsible for locating food resources, excavating the wood and caring for young termites. Soldier termites are physically mature and can be identified by their yellow to brown heads and black mouths. Their main responsibility is to protect the colony from enemies like ants or termites from competing colonies. The only winged termites in a colony are called alates or swarmers, and they are in charge of starting new colonies. 3. Poljoprivrednici: Gliste Gliste mo`da izgledaju kao jednostavne `ivotinje, me|utim, ^arls Darvin je proveo decenije prou~avaju}i te ljigave puzavce, i jednom je izjavio da su one odigrale klju~nu ulogu u istoriji našeg sveta. Darvin nije jedina osoba koja je prepoznala njihovu vrednost. Mnogi ljudi koji pripremaju |ubrivo ve} znaju koliko su korisne gliste. One su prirodni poljoprivrednici koji oru zemlju dok buše top 5 animal workaholics T his may surprise you, but ants have more of a purpose than putting a damper on your picnic. These industrious animals have workloads that may put you to shame. In fact, many creatures work long days and nights animal kingdom just to survive in the wild. If you think your job is rough, a lot of these animals perform tasks that are very similar to jobs people do, though they may have completely different reasons for doing them and unique tools for getting the jobs done. Find out what a regular workday is like in the animal kingdom for 5 of the most dedicated workers around. 2. Roditelji: Carski pingvini Ljudi širom sveta su bili o~arani nezgodama carskih pingvina još od prikazivanja filma „Marš pingvina“ 2005. godine. Film je pri~a o epskom putovanju carskih pingvina, aprila svake godine, u cilju razmno`avanja mladih. Mu`jak carskog pingvina bi svakako mogao dobiti titulu oca godine, ako bismo uzeli u obzir razdaljinu koji ova antarkti~ka `ivotinja prelazi za svoje leglo. Pošto u proseku pre|u 80 kilometara od okeana do odgovaraju}e lokacije u unutrašnjosti, pingvini se pare nakon ~ega majka izle`e jaje koje predaje mu`jaku. Dok se majka vra}a u more da bi sakupila hranu, otac sedi na jajetu oko 64 dana do njegovog izleganja. Po izleganju mladun~eta pingvina, otac se brine o njemu, utopljavaju}i ga, pa ~ak i hrane}i ga hranljivim materijama iz svog jednjaka sve do povratka majke. Po povratku majke, roditeljske du`nosti se zamenjuju, pa mu`jak pingvina kre}e ka moru, da bi po prvi put nakon ~etiri meseca nešto pojeo. Do decembra, koji predstavlja leto na Antarktiku, lednici po~inju da se tope otkrivaju}i okean. To se doga|a ta~no na vreme kada su mladi carskog pingvina kona~no sposobni da plivaju i samostalno sakupljaju hranu. 2. The Parents: Emperor Penguins People all over the world have been enamored with the plight of emperor penguins ever since the documentary film “March of the Penguins” debuted in 2005. The film told the story of the epic voyage emperor penguins make every year in April, all for the purpose of breeding their young. The male emperor penguin could be considered Father of the Year when you consider the lengths this Antarctic animal goes to for his hatchling. After traveling an average of 80 kilometers from the ocean to a hatching ground, penguins mate and the mother produces an egg that she passes to the father. While the mother returns to the sea for food the father sits on the egg for around 64 days until it hatches. Once the baby penguin emerges the father keeps it warm and even feeds it nutrients secreted from his own esophagus until the mother returns. Upon the mother’s return parental duties are exchanged so the male penguin can return to sea for his first meal in over four months. By December which is summer in Antarctica the pack ice begins to melt revealing the ocean underneath. This happens just in time for the young emperor penguins, which are finally able to swim and collect food on their own. tunele kroz nju. Tuneli koje ostavljaju iza sebe, tako|e slu`e za cirkulaciju vazduha i vode u tlo, odr`avaju}i ga sve`im i ishranjenim. Gomilice izmeta koje gliste ostavljaju iza sebe, su tako|e va`ne jer su bogate azotom, kalcijumom, i drugim hranljivim sastojcima koji su od neprocenjive va`nosti za zdrav ekosistem. 3. The Farmers: Earthworms The earthworm may seem like a simple animal but Charles Darwin spent decades studying the slimy crawlers and once said they played a vital part in our world’s history. Darwin isn’t the only person to recognize their value. Most people who are into composting already know the benefit of earthworms. They are nature’s farmers plowing the soil as they tunnel through it. The tunnels they leave behind also serve a purpose by circulating air and water into the soil keeping it fresh and nutrient-rich. Earthworm droppings called castings are also essential as they are rich in nitrogen, calcium and other nutrients that are indispensable for a healthy ecosystem. 1. Radnici u firmi: Medonosne p~ele Ovi mali insekti prošarani tamno braon i `utom bojom su zadu`eni za posao koji vredi više miliona eura. Sli~no kao i kod bilo koje druge velike kompanije, tu postoji niz uloga koje potpoma`u glatko poslovanje unutar košnice. Direktor je kraljica p~ela (matica), a njena glavna odgovornost je da reprodukuje više p~ela da bi u košnici stalno bilo novih radnika. Poljske p~ele su zadu`ene za let izvan košnica i prikupljanje neophodnih zaliha, kao što je nektar, koje zatim predaju p~elama radilicama u košnici. Sve p~ele radilice su `enke, i zadu`ene su za stvaranje meda. Iznova i iznova pre`ivaju nektar da bi uklonile višak vode, ~ime proizvode med. P~ele radilice tako|e obezbe|uju grejanje i klimu u košnici, zimi je zagrevaju mahanjem krila, dok hla|enje leti obavljaju rasprskavaju}i vodu na sa}e. Za njih nema odmora ili slobodnih sati na kraju dugog radnog dana, jer kao i kod ostalih `ivotinja na ovoj listi, njihov posao neprekidno te~e bez ikakve naknade za prekovremeni rad. 1. Corporate Employees: Honey Bees These little dark brown and yellow-striped insects are responsible for a multi-million dollar business. Much like any large company, there are a variety of roles that help the business inside the beehive run smoothly. The CEO is the queen bee and her main responsibility is to reproduce more bees so the hive continuously has new workers. Field bees are responsible for leaving the hive to collect necessary supplies, like nectar which they pass on to the worker bees at the hive. The worker bees are all female and are responsible for creating the honey. They regurgitate the nectar over and over to remove most of the water which produces honey. Worker bees also provide heating and air-conditioning for the hive warming it in the winter by waving their wings and cooling it by sprinkling water on the honeycomb. There are no vacations or happy hours at the end of a long day, like the rest of the animals in our countdown their business runs around the clock with no overtime pay. for you 15 moviemania SPARKLE SPARKLE Uloge: Jordin Sparks, Derek Luke, Whitney Houston, Mike Epps, Omari Hardwick, Terrence Jenkins Re`iser: Salim Akil Studio: TriStar Pictures @anr: Drama / Mjuzikl Sinopsis uzi~ki prodid`i Sparkl se bori da postane zvezda, dok rešava probleme koji razdvajaju njenu porodicu. Poreklom iz Detroita i }erka samohrane majke, ona pokušava da balansira svoju novu romansu sa muzi~kim menad`erom Stiksom, dok se suo~ava sa neo~ekivanim izazovima koje donosi njen novi `ivot, dok ona i njene dve sestre vode borbu kako bi postale dinami~na peva~ka grupa tokom Motown ere. M Synopsis usical prodigy Sparkle struggles Starring: Jordin Sparks, to become a star Derek Luke, Whitney while overcoming issues Houston, Mike Epps, that are tearing her family Omari Hardwick, Terrence apart. From an affluent Jenkins Detroit area and daughter Director: Salim Akil to a single mother, she Studio: TriStar Pictures tries to balance a new roGenre: Drama / Musical mance with music manager Stix, while dealing with the unexpected challenges her new life will bring as she and her two sisters strive to become a dynamic singing group during the Motown-era. SPARKLE 18 for you M CELESTE AND JESSE FOREVER CELESTA I D@ESI ZAUVEK Sinopsis elesta i D`esi zauvek je film o dvoje ljudi koji su se upoznali u srednjoj školi, ven~ali se mladi i sada odrastaju odvojeni. Sada u svojim tridesetim, oni odlu~uju da se razvedu i da ostanu prijatelji dok sebi pronalaze druge veze. Ovaj plan nije lak kao što su oni zamišljali. Celesta, zapovedni~ki nastrojena i uspešna, ube|ena je da razvod od de~a~kog D`esija je prava stvar koju treba uraditi. D`esi pasivno prihvata ovu tranziciju u prijateljstvo, iako je i dalje zaljubljen u nju. Dok nastupa realnost njihovog razlaza, Celesta polako i bolno Uloge: Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, Chris Messina, Ari Graynor, Emma Roberts, Elijah Wood Re`iser: Lee Toland Krieger Studio: Sony Pictures Classics @anr: Komedija/Drama C shvata da je bila kavaljer u vezi sa njihovim odnosom. Ali, njen tajming sa D`esijem je manje od slu~ajnog. Dok prolaze kroz turbulentne promene u svom `ivotu i srcu, ovo dvoje u~i da ukoliko stvarno voliš nekog, mo`da ga trebaš pustiti da ode. Film je humoristi~ni i iskreni pregled slomljenog srca, i dugog, teškog puta da se to isto srce izle~i. HOPE SPRINGS HOPE SPRINGS Uloge: Meryl Streep, Steve Carell, Tommy Sinopsis ej i Arnold su par posve}en jedno drugom, ali decenije braka su u~inile da Kej po`eli malo da za~ini stvari i ponovo se pove`e sa svojim mu`em. Kada ona ~uje za poznatog specijalistu, koji savetuje parove, u malom gradu zvanom Great Hope Springs, ona pokuša da ubedi svog skepti~nog mu`a, Lee Jones nepokolebljivog Re`iser: David ~oveka od rutine, da Frankel se popnu na avion i Studio: Columodu na jednu nedelju bia Pictures bra~ne terapije. Samo @anr: Drama ube|ivanje tvrdoglavog Arnolda da odu je samo po sebi teško, a pravi izazov nastaje kada spuste zavese svoje spava}e sobe u pokušaju da ponove zapale iskru koja ih je spojila i prvi put. moviemania Synopsis eleste and Jesse Forever is about two people who met in high school, married young and have growing apart. Now thirty, they decide to get divorced and attempt to stay best friends while pursuing other relationships. This plan is not as simple as they had imagined. Celeste, imperious, successful and driven is convinced that divorcing the boyish Jesse is the right thing to do. Jesse passively accepts this transition into friendship even though he still is in love with her. As the reality of their separation sets in Celeste slowly and painfully realizes she has been cavalier about their relationship. But her timing with Jesse is less than fortuitous. While navigating the turbulent changes in their lives and in their hearts, these two learn that in order to truly love someone, you may have to let them go. The film is a humorous and honest examination of a broken heart and the long, hard road it takes to heal it. CELESTE AND JESSE FOREVER Starring: Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, Chris Messina, Ari Graynor, Emma Roberts, Elijah Wood Director: Lee Toland Krieger Studio: Sony Pictures Classics Genre: Comedy / Drama C K Synopsis ay and Arnold are a devoted couple, but decades of marriage have left Kay wanting to spice things up and reconnect with her husband. When she hears of a renowned couple’s K HOPE SPRINGS specialist in the small town of Great Hope Springs. Kay attempts to persuade her skeptical husband, a steadfast man of routine, to get on a plane for a week of marriage therapy. Just convincing the stubborn Arnold to go on the retreat is hard enough, the real challenge for both of them comes as they shed their bedroom hang-ups and try to reignite the spark that caused them to fall for each other in the first place. Starring: Meryl Streep, Steve Carell, Tommy Lee Jones Director: David Frankel Studio: Columbia Pictures Genre: Drama for you 19 sportski ugao LONDON 2012 - INSPIRACIJA NAŠIH DANA „Inspirisati generaciju“ je bio moto Olimpijskih igara u Londonu 2012, i stvarno su one poslu`ile kao inspiracija koja je 17 dana uzastopno omogu}ila celoj planeti da sanja. Kao prvo, po prvi put u istoriji ovih igara su sve reprezentacije imale pripadnice lepšeg pola. To je u~inilo da posve}enost ovih igara bude zna~ajno dostignu}e za raznovrsnost i uklju~enje. Ove igre su bile predodre|ene da budu posebne još od momenta ceremonije njihovog zvani~nog otvaranja, koja je koštala 42 miliona dolara. Pod vo|stvom britanskog reditelja Denija Bojla (koji je osvojio oskar za re`iju filma “Mlioner iz blata”) ova ceremonija je bila ispunjena spektakularnom scenografijom, muzikom i tipi~nim britanskim humorom sa puno iznena|enja. Ko bi pretpostavio da }e kraljica Elizabeta pristati da igra sa agentom D`ejms Bondom (glumac Danijel Krejg)? Glavna tema ceremonije je uklju~ivala obi~ne engleze po~evši od farmera, fabri~kih radnika pa sve do poznate bolnice za decu “De~ja bolnica Veliki Ormond” i to baš radnike ove bolnice, uglavnom medicinske sestre koje su na nekoliko trenutaka zapostavile svoje ljudske du`nosti i postale plesa~ice ovog velikog spektakla. Zajedno sa njima 20 for you su bila i deca, kao i likovi iz engleske knji`evnosti kao što su Cruella De Vil, kapetan Kuka, Kraljica Srca do lorda Voldemora, a koji su na kraju sklonjeni sa scene od gomile Mari Popinsa. Zatim je nastavljeno sa Mr Binovim (Rovan Atkinson) snovima o sportskom uspehu. Mo`da najmo}niji utisak ovim povodom je ostavila odluka da se izbegne olimpijska tradicija za potpalu vatre od strane poznate li~nosti. Umesto toga, u Londonu 2012 Olimpijska vatra je potpaljena od strane šest mladih sportista koji predstavljaju budu}nost britanskog sporta. Tako je London ovih dana ugostio 10.500 sportista iz 204 razli~ite zemlje, koji su se takmi~ili na 302 takmi~enja u 26 razli~itih sportskih disciplina. Svi ovi sportisti su dali svoj maksimum, tako da }e takmi~enje biti na nivou koji su zaslu`ili. Stoga nije bio iznena|uju}i broj oborenih rekorda; bilo je nekih istorijskih momenata, ali tako|e je bilo i kontroverzi. Majkl Felps je ukupno osvojio svoju 22 olimpijske medalje u plivanju. Pobeda je bila prekretni trenutak koji }e teško biti oboren u bliskoj budu}nosti, jer je Felps postao najnagra|eniji sportista na olimpijskim igrama svih vremena. Pored ovog istorijskog trenutka, plivanje je tako|e izazvalo velike debate. Mnogi ljudi smatraju pobedu 16-godišnje pliva~ice, Ye Shiwen iz Kine, u disciplini 400 metara mešovito kao sumnjivu, jer je pliva~ica bila osumnji~ena za koriš}enje dopinga. To je zato što je postignut novi svetski rekord na ovom takmi~enju, a ona je poslednjih 50 metara slobodnim stilom plivala br`e od amerikanca Riana Lochte, pobednika na istom takmi~enju u muškoj disciplini. Me|utim, uzorci prikupljeni od 6000 neo~ekivanih pregleda koji su organizovani tokom Olimpijskih igara, bi}e sa~uvani za narednih osam godina, tako da }e slu~ajevi upotreba ilegalnih supstanci sigurno biti otkriveni. Kada su u pitanju ukupni pobednici, tu nema velikih promena jer se kao što se i o~ekivalo, od prvog dana borba vodila izme|u SAD i Kine. Ovo je tre}i put da je London doma}in Olimpijade, pre toga je organizovao igre 1909. i 1948. godine. Vredi naglasiti da su kao trostruki organizatori, London i Velika Britanija zaista uspeli da organizuju sportski spektakl. Ostvarenje takvog standarda u Londonu } e sigurno poslu`iti kao primer za slede}eg organizatora - grad Rio de @aneiro. Do tada }emo se se}ati magi~nih trenutaka igara koje smo ostavili iza sebe, ali uvek sa pogledom u budu}nost. LONDON 2012 - INSPIRATION OF OUR DAYS “Inspire a generation” was the motto of the London 2012 Olympic Games and indeed were an inspiration, which for 17 consecutive days enable the entire globe to dream. Firstly, for the first time in the history of these games, all teams had in their ranks female athletes. This made the commitment of these games a tangible achievement for diversity and inclusion. These games were deemed to be special from the moment the sports corner Thus, London of these days hosted 10,500 athletes from 204 different states, who competed in 302 competitions, in 26 different sports disciplines. All these athletes gave their best so that the competition would be at the level they deserved. Therefore, it was not surprising that a number of records were broken; there were some historical moments yet also controversy. Michael Phelps won in total 22 Olympic medals in swimming. This victory was a milestone moment that would hardly be broken in the near future, because Phelps became the most awarded athlete with Olympic medals of all times. Besides this historical moment, the sport of swimming also caused major debates. Many people considered the victory of 16-year-old swimmer, Ye Shiwen from China, in the 400 meters medley discipline as suspicious and the swimmer was suspected for use of doping. This is because a new world record was achieved in this competition and she swam the last 50 meters freestyle faster than the American Ryan Lochte, winner of the same competition in men’s discipline. However, samples collected from 6000 unexpected examinations, organized during the Olympics, will be stored for the next eight years, so cases when there is use of illegal substances will certainly be discovered. In terms of overall winners, there are no major changes, since as expected from the first day the battle would take place between the U.S. and China. This was the third time that London hosted the Olympics; before it organised in 1909 and in 1948. It is worth emphasising that as a triple organiser, London and the UK managed to organise a sporting spectacle indeed. Achievement of such a standard in London will certainly serve as an example to the next organiser, city of Rio de Janeiro. Until then we will remember the magical moments of the games we left behind, but always heading towards the future. official opening ceremony took place, which cost 42 million dollars. Under the guidance of the British director, Danny Boyle (who won the Oscar for directing the film “Slumdog Millionaire”), this ceremony was filled with spectacular scenery, music and typical British humour and with many surprises. Who would have guessed that Queen Elizabeth would agree to play along with agent James Bond (actor Daniel Craig)? The main theme of the ceremony would include ordinary English people starting with farmers, factory workers up to the famous hospital for children “Great Ormond Street Hospital”, and were precisely workers of this hospital, mainly nurses, who for a few moments this evening had neglected their human duty to become dancers of this great show. Along with them were children, too, as well as characters of English literature such as Cruella de Vil, Captain Hook, Queen of Hearts down to Lord Voldemort, who finally were removed from the scene by a bunch of Mary Poppins. Then, it continued with Mr. Bean’s dreams (Rowan Atkinson) on sports success. Perhaps the most powerful statement on this occasion was the decision to avoid the Olympic tradition for kindling the fire by a distinguished person. Instead of this, the London 2012 Olympic fire was kindled by six young sportsmen, who represent the future of British sport. for you 21 Hi - Tech UREĐAJI NA SOLARNI POGON Z amislite svet u kome se sve radi na solarni pogon: automobil, mobilni telefon, ~ak i kosilica, i vaša be`i~na tastatura. Ako ste krenuli u kupovinu, nije previše teško napraviti više vaših elektronskih ure|aja ekološki prihvatljivima. Evo nekih najboljih i najkorisnijih (mada ne uvek i najotmenijih) solarnih ure|aja. Igra~ke na solarni pogon Ako se tek upoznajete sa solarnom energijom, imajte na umu da ne moraju svi solarni ure|aji imati prakti~nu primenu. Na kraju krajeva, mi govorimo o suncu, ne morate da brinete o rasipanju energije! Pogledajte solarnog uplašenog skakavca, koji ska~e okolo kada dobija previše sun~eve svetlosti, ili mini automobil na solarni pogon koji zumira okolinu. Solar-Powered Toys If you’re just getting into solar power keep in mind that not all solar gadgets have to have a practical purpose. After all we’re talking about the sun you don’t have to worry about wasting energy! Check out the Solar Frightened Grasshopper which jumps around when it gets too much sunlight or the mini solar-powered car which zooms around. Sole Mio Miš Koji je bolji pratilac za vašu be`i~nu, solarnu tastaturu od be`i~nog i solarnog miša? Sole Mio miš je prvo testiranje do`iveo 2007. godine na Delft Tehni~kom Univerzitetu u Holandiji, ali na`alost od tada nije bilo više re~i o njemu. Sole Mio Mouse What better companion for your wireless solar-powered keyboard than a wireless solar-powered mouse? The Sole Mio mouse first underwent testing in 2007 at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands but unfortunately there has been no word about it since. 22 for you Logitech K750 be`i~na tastatura na solarni pogon Ako `elite da oslobodite svoju tastaturu od `ica i baterija, Logitech je proizvod za vas: be`i~na tastatura K750 na solarni pogon. Ova tanka tastatura poseduje 2.4GHz be`i~nu fekvenciju, i dobija eneriju od spoljašnje i unutrašnje svetlosti, u slu~aju da `elite da koristite vaš ra~unar pod suncem. Samoodr`ive nao~are koje konvertuju energiju Ima li boljeg mesta za solarne panele nego na vašim nao~arama za sunce? Ove atraktivne nao~are sa solarnim panelima su zamisao eko-dizajnera Hjun-Joong Kima i Kvang-Seok Jeonga, a koje imaju solarne }elije sa bojom. Dizajneri opisuju solarne }elije sa bojom kao „jeftinu organsku boju koja zajedno sa nano tehnologijom pru`a jeftinu, ali visoko efikasnu energiju“. Mala uti~nica na zadnjem delu okvira vam omogu}ava da koristite sakupljenu energiju za punjenje malih ure|aja, kao što su telefoni i MP3 plejeri. Self-EnergyConverting Sunglasses What better place to have solar panels than on your sun- Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 If you want to free your keyboard from both wires and batteries Logitech has a product for you: the wireless solar keyboard K750. This thin keyboard features 2.4GHz wireless and gets power from both outdoor and indoor light just in case you want to do your computing under the sun. glasses? These attractive solar-panel sunglasses imagined by eco-designers Hyun-Joong Kim and Kwang-Seok Jeong feature dye solar cells. The designers describe the dye solar cells as “cheap organic dye used with nano technology providing cheap but high energy efficiency.” A small power jack at the back of the frames allows you to use the collected energy to charge small gadgets such as phones and MP3 players. Hi - Tech HOT SOLAR-POWERED GADGETS I magine a world in which everything runs on solar power: your car, your cell phone, your lawnmower and your wireless keyboard. If you’re willing to do some shopping it’s not too hard to make a lot of your electronic devices environmentally friendly. Here are some of the coolest and most useful (though not always the most fashionable) solar-powered gadgets. od 230mA, panel vam omogu} ava da napunite vaš iPod ili iPhone dok slušate muziku na zvu~nicima. Ukoliko niste napolju to nije problem - ovaj ure|aj tako|e poseduje litijum-jonsku bateriju za slušanje muzike kada ste unutra. Soulra Solarni Muzi~ki Panel Potreban vam je na~in da vašu muziku slušate napolju? Etonov prefinjeni Soulra XL iPod/iPhone je muzi~ki panel na solarni pogon sa pokretnim solarnim panelom. Sa maksimalnom izlaznom snagom Soulra Solar Boom Box Need a way to carry your tunes into the great outdoors? Eton’s stylish Soulra XL Solar-Powered iPod/iPhone boom box features a flip-out solar panel. With a maximum output of 230mA, the panel allows you to charge your iPod or iPhone while listening to music through the speakers. If you’re not outside, that’s no problem: The unit also has a lithium ion battery pack for indoor listening. Sharp Solarni Hibrid SH6230C Mobilni Telefon Videli smo punja~e mobilnih telefona na solarni pogon, ali šta je sa telefonom koji radi na isti ovakav pogon? Sharpov Solarni Hibrid SH6230C mobilni telefon je upravo to, telefon koji poseduje solarni panel koji apsorbuje sun~anu energiju i pretvara je u vreme za pri~u. Ostale specifikacije uklju~uju 2.9-in~ni LCD displej i kameru od 5 megapiksela. Sharp nije jedina kompanija koja koristi sun~anu energiju: LG i Samsung su tako|e razvili prototipove telefona na solarni pogon. Sharp Solar Hybrid SH6230C Cell Phone We’ve seen solarpowered cell phone battery chargers, but what about a solarpowered cell phone? Sharp’s Solar Hybrid SH6230C cell phone is just that, the phone sports a solar panel that soaks up sun and outputs talk time. Other specs include a 2.9inch LCD screen and a 5-megapixel camera. Sharp isn’t the only company toying with solar power, however: LG and Samsung have also developed solarpowered phone prototypes. Ranac-Punja~ na Solarni Pogon Evo još jednog za one koji vole da svoje vreme provode napolju. Voltaikov solarni ranac je savršen za nošenje i punjenje vaših ure|aja kada ste u pokretu. Ovaj visokotehnološki ranac poseduje solarni paket sa univerzalnom USB baterijom koju tako|e mo`ete puniti i pomo}u obi~ne uti~nice. Solar-Powered Charging Backpack Here’s another one for outdoorsy folks. Voltaic’s OffGrid Solar Backpack is perfect for carrying and charging your gadgets on the go. This high-tech backpack has a removable solar pack with a universal USB battery that you can also charge through an AC charger. for you 23 NEVIDLJIVI ZIDOVI G lavna `elja svih roditelja je da budu u stanju da podu~avaju, obrazuju i pripremaju svoju decu na najbolji mogu}i na~in za budu} nost. I, zato svakodnevno razgovaraju sa svojom decom pokušavaju}i da im prenesu sve svoje znanje i iskustvo. Ali, iznena|uju}e je koliko ~esto roditelji zaboravljaju da ponašanje i odnos samih roditelja na najbolji na~in uti~e na podu~avanje dece. To zna~i da i pored svih pohvalnih re~i i saveta, roditelji zaboravljaju da njihovo ponašanje nesvesno dovodi do stvaranja nevidljivih zidova u karakteru i duhu njihove dece. To su zidovi koji vremenom postaju gotovo nepodnošljivi. Ro|en sam i odrastao u Mitrovici u vreme kada ju`na i severna Mitrovica nisu postojale, kada je most preko reke Ibar predstavljao ta~ku povezivanja Ibarskih obala i ništa osim toga. Se}am se tog vremena, kada smo u zavisnosti od godišnjeg doba tako|e menjali mesta za igru u gradu. Tokom leta su se sva gradska deca mogla na}i u neposrednoj blizini reke Ibar, ili u školskim dvorištima grada, igraju}i fudbal ili košarku. Dok su tokom zime gradski obronci bila mesta na kojima smo se ~esto skijali i sankali. I tako mladi smo znali sve ulice i zaseoke grada. ^ak i danas, kada govorimo o Mitrovici, uprkos brojnim problemima ovog grada, ja ga li~no ne smatram podeljenim. I, pored prepreka i barikada, i dalje vidim te ulice i zaseoke bez ikakvih prepreka, baš kao što ih se se}am iz detinjstva. To je zato što sam deo te generacije koja je imala 24 for you sre}u da odrasta u ovom gradu u vreme kada su naši roditelji `iveli jedni uz druge. Taj su`ivot nam je omogu}io da se kao deca slobodno kre}emo, istra`uju}i grad, grad u kojem smo se rodili, u~e} i i upoznavaju}i se sa njim, istovremeno upoznavaju}i sebe i jedni druge. Na`alost, u jednom trenutku je nešto pošlo naopako. Kao rezultat toga, danas mladi ljudi Mitrovice odrastaju u okru`enju gde roditelji ne uspevaju da prevazi|u me|usobne razlike. To je vreme kada barikade i zidovi koji razdvajaju predstavljaju odgovor njihovih roditelja na probleme i razlike. Shodno tome, današnji roditelji svojim gestovima i stavovima podu~avaju svoju decu u duhu nesaradnje, mr`nje, nepoverenja i podela. Iz svega toga, najve}u štetu zbog toga trpe deca Mitrovice koja odrastaju stvaraju}i zidove – te nevidljive zidove koji ih ometaju tokom `ivota da spoznaju Mitrovicu na na~in na koji je ja, a verovatno i moji vršnjaci, vidimo. Ko nam daje za pravo da uskra}ujemo našoj deci zadovoljstva koja smo mi imali tokom odrastanja u ovom divnom gradu?! Ne smemo zaboraviti da vreme vrlo brzo prolazi, deca rastu veoma brzo, i imamo veoma malo vremena da ih podu~imo re~ima, savetima, ali pre svega ponašanjem i stavom u vezi toga kako mogu da postanu bolje osobe. Sada je vreme da razmišljamo o budu} nosti naše dece, a da bismo to uspeli moramo odgovoriti na samo jedno pitanje. Ako mi, koji smo u jednom trenutku odrastali igraju}i se zajedno i koji se uzajamno veoma dobro poznajemo, ne uspevamo da izna|emo na~in za saradnju i koegzistenciju, kako }e generacije koje odrastaju izolovane jedne od drugih to moci da urade? Kako }e oni prevazi}i vidljive i nevidljive zidove koje danas gradimo u njihovim `ivotima? INVISIBLE WALLS T he main wish of all the parents is to be able to teach, educate and prepare their children as best as possible for the future. Therefore, every single day they talk to their children trying to pass all their knowledge and experience to them. But, it is surprising how often parents forget that the best teacher and the most influential are the actions and the attitude of parents themselves. This means that despite all the good words and advises the parents forget that their behavior involuntarily leads to the creation of invisible walls in the mind and spirits of their children. These are walls that with time become almost impassable. I was born and grew up in Mitrovica at a time when Mitrovica South and North did not exist, when the bridge above the Ibër/ Ibar River was the linking point of the Ibër/Ibar riversides and nothing more. I remember at that time, depending on the season of the year, we used to change the city parts where we used to play. During the summer all the children of the city could be found near the Ibër/Ibar riversides or at the schoolyards of the city, playing football or basketball. While during the wintertime the hills of the city were the areas we would frequent mostly with our sleds and skis. Thus, at a very young age we knew all the roads and allies of the city. Even today when we talk about Mitrovica, despite the numerous problems of this city, I personally do not see it divided. Despite the obstacles and barricades, I see in my mind those roads and allies without any obstacles, that I am familiar with since childhood. This is the reason that I am part of that generation that had the fortune to grow up in this city at a time when our parents co-existed with each other. This coexistence enabled us, the children, to move freely, to research our city, our hometown, to learn to get familiar with it and at the same time to get to know ourselves and each other. Unfortunately, over time something went wrong. As a result, today the young people of Mitrovica are growing up in an environment where their parents do not manage to overcome their differences. It is a time when the answers of their parents towards the problems and differences are the barricades and the separating walls. Consequently, todays parents with their gestures and attitude are teaching their children the spirit of noncooperation, hatred, distrust and division. Out of all this, the biggest damage is today’s children of Mitrovica grow up by creating walls - those invisible walls that will hinder them during life to see Mitrovica as I have seen it, and my generation has seen it. Who gives us the right to deny our children the pleasures we had while growing up in this beautiful city? We must not forget that time goes by very quickly and the children grow very fast and we have very little time to teach them through words, advises, but above all through behavior and attitude how they can become a better person. Today, it is time to think about the future of our children and to do so we must answer one single question. If we, who at one point grew up by playing together and who know one another very well, are not succeeding to find a way to cooperate and coexist in peace, how will the generations that are growing up isolated from each other be able to do so? How will they overcome the visible and invisible walls that we are building today in their lives? for you 25 Upitnik NAVEDITE TRI TEHNI^KE SPRAVE KOJE NAJVI[E KORISTITE? Maja Markovi} (16) Mobilni telefon najvi{e koristim za povezivanje sa ljudima, ali koristim ga i za slu{anje muzike, i slikanje. Mislim da je jedan itekako koristan aparat, posebno zbog komunikacije. Kompjuter najvi{e koristim zbog Interneta, informisanosti, i komuniciranja sa ljudima preko Facebook-a. Obzirom da volim da slu{am muziku dok d`ogiram, sa sobom uvek nosim Mp3 player. Maja Markovic (16) I use the mobile phone mostly to connect with people, but i also use it to listen to the music and to take photos. I think it is a particularly useful gadget, especially for communication. I use the personal computer mostly for internet, to be informed, and to communicate with people through Facebook. Since i like to listen to the music while i jog, i always carry an mp3 player with me. Dragana Vasi} (17) Mobilni telefon najvi{e koristim, jer sam pomo}u njega u stalnom kontaktu sa prijateljima. Koristim ga i za slikanje najlu|ih trenutaka provedenih u dru{tvu, kao i za slu{anje Slagalica Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku. 26 for you Jovana Vasi} (15) Kompjuter je najkorisniji, pre svega za surfovanje po Internetu, dok mi mobilni telefon slu`i za dopisivanje sa drugaricama, tako|e i za slu{anje muzike. A, najvi{e volim Nintendo, malu crnu konzulu, u kojoj je sme{teno 100 igrica, i ni{ta lep{e od toga. Jovana Vasic (15) Computer is the most useful one, above all for surfing through internet, while i use my mobile phone to text friends and also for listening to the music. Ah, above all, I love Nintendo the most, a little black console, which contains 100 games... there is nothing better than that. muzike. Nigde ne izlazim bez telefona. Kao i svi moji vr{njaci, ne mogu bez kompjutera, Mp3 player-a Interneta, igrica, muzike, Facebook-a. Dragana Vasic (17) I use the mobile phone the most, because it helps me be in constant contact with friends. I use it to capture craziest moments spent among friends, as well as to listen to the music. I’m not going anywhere without the phone. Just like my peers, i can’t do without a computer, mp3 player, internet, games, music, Facebook. Questionnaire Ivan Jovanovi} (18) Kompjuter je ne{to bez ~ega se danas ne mo`e, prevashodno radi elektronske po{te, poslovanja i komunikacije sa rodbinom i prijateljima. Bez mobilnih telefona se tako|e ne mo`e `iveti, zbog komunikacije sa ljudima, prijateljima, drugovima iz ove okoline. A, konzola X-BOX 360o – mi je najomiljeniji aparat zbog igrica i dobre zabave. Ivan Jovanovic (18) Computer is something we can’t do without today, above all because of emails, businesses, com- munication with relatives and friends. Mobile phones are also something that we can’t live without, because of communication with people, friends, neighbours. And the X-BOX 360o console is my favourite gadget for its games and good fun. Du{an Nikoli} (17) Kako bih se stalno ~uo sa prijateljima i rodbinom, i da bih bio u toku sa de{avanjima i novostima oko mene, redovno koristim laptop koji naravno ima Internet konekciju. Tako|e, koristim i mobilni telefon za dopisivanje i razgovor sa mojom devojkom. A, uz slu{anje muzike na MP3 playeru se najvi{e opu{tam. Dusan Nikolic (17) In order to always be able to talk to my friends and rela- LIST THREE TECHNOLOGY DEVICES YOU MAINLY USE AND WHY? Nikola Peri} (16) Televizor je nekada bio jedan od najomiljenijih tehni~kih aparata, jedini uz koji su se ljudi dugo zabavljali i bili u toku sa de{avanjima u celom svetu. Sada, recimo, kompjuter i mobilni telefon su sprave bez kojih se jedan obi~an dan ne mo`e zamisliti. Volim da gledam filmove na TV-u, vidim i ~ujem prijatelje preko telefona, kompjutera i Interneta. Nikola Peric (16) Television set was once the most favourite technical gadgets, the only one where people had fun for quite some time, being kept up to date with what was going on in the world. Now, we can say that the personal computer and a mobile phone are gadgets without which we cannot imagine a single day. I like to watch films on TV, to see and hear my friends over the phone, computer and internet. tives, and to be up to date with the news and what is going on around me, i use the laptop connected to the Internet, on regular basis. I also use the mobile phone to text and talk to my girlfriend. And i relax the most by listening to the music on an mp3 player. Puzzle Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR. for you 27 • Egip}ani su verovali da je Zemlja ravna i okrugla (kao pala~inka), a da reka Nil proti~e kroz njeno središte. vatno o r e v Ne stinito! ali i • Egyptian’s believed that the earth was flat and round (like a pancake) and that the Nile flowed through the center of it. • Faraon nikad ne dopušta da mu se vidi kosa – zbog toga uvek nosi krunu ili ukrasnu kapu koja se zove nemes. • A Pharaoh never let his hair be seen – he would always wear a crown or a headdress called a nemes. U starom Egiptu infekcije su le~ene bu|avim hlebom. • In ancient Egypt infections were treated with mouldy bread. 28 for you • @ene drevnog • The women in ancient Egipta su u`ivale pravnu i Egypt enjoyed legal and ekonomsku jednakost sa economical equality with • Egip}anski vomuškarcima. Me|utim, men. Nevertheless they jnici su koriš}eni nikada nisu u`ivale i never enjoyed social equalkao unutrašnje policidruštvenu jednakost. ity with men. jske snage. Pored toga, oni su prikupljali i porez za faraona. • Prva piramida (\ose10.4 metara, koji je na • Egyptian soldiers rova stepenasta pirasebi imao 15 vrata. were used as an Samo jedna vrata su se mida, sagra|ena oko internal police force. mogla otvoriti. 2600. godine pre nove Additionally they colere), prvobitno je bila lected taxes for • The first pyramid (The okru`ena the Pharaoh. Step Pyramid of Djoser zidom built around 2600 BC) visine was originally surrounded by a 34 ft tall wall which had 15 doors in it. Only one of the doors opened. • Da bi spre~io muve da slete na njega, Pepi II egipatski faraon, uvek je pored sebe imao nekoliko robova ~ija su tela bila premazana medom. ked slaves nearby whose bodies were smeared with honey. • In order to deter flies from landing on him, Pepi II of Egypt always kept several na- • Pri mumificiranju tela, jedini organ koji nije bio uklanjan je bilo srce, jer su Egip}ani verovali da ono predstavlja sedište duše. Unbelievable but true! • When a body was mummified the only internal organ that was not removed was the heart because Egyptians considered it to be the seat of the soul. • Ne zna se ko je slomio Sfingin nos. Crte`i Sfinge bez nosa datiraju još iz 1737. godine. • Egip}anska deca uopšte nisu nosila ode}u sve do svojih tinejd`erskih godina. Ode}a nije bila neophodna zbog egipatskih temperatura. • Egyptian children wore no clothing at all until they were in their teens. The temperature in Egypt made it unnecessary. • It is not known who destroyed the nose of the Sphinx. There are sketches of the Sphinx without a nose in 1737. • I muškarci i `ene Egipta su se šminkali – senke za o~i su obi~no bile zelene ili crne boje. Egip}ani su verovali da šminka poseduje lekovite mo}i. • Both Egyptian men and women wore makeup – eyepaint was usually green or black. The Egyptians believed that the makeup had healing power. for you 29 Enigmatski ugao - Crossword puzzle Skandi ukrštenica 10 Differences Labyrinth 30 for you Zdravo! Ja sam Petar, imam 13 godina. Svoje slobodno vreme provodim uglavnom igraju}i igrice i surfuju} i po Internetu. Omiljena glumica mi je [eherezada, voleo bih da u narednom broju objavite njen ili poster Jackie Chan-a. Za kraj bih pomenuo da mnogo volim sport, a posebno fudbal. Petar Maksimovi} O[ „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot ]ao! Krenu}u prvo od muzike, najvi{e volim da slu{am Anu Koki} i Osvaja~e. Najomiljeniji film mi je „Sam u ku}i“, a glumac Jackie Chan. Od sportista najvi{e volim na{eg najpoznatijeg i najboljeg tenisera sveta Novaka \okovi}a. Slobodno vreme provodim uglavnom sa dru{tvom, na Internetu i igraju}i raznorazne video igrice. Bo`ica Stevi} O[ „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Pozdrav, Omiljena peva~ica mi je Rada Manojlovi}, film „Crevni orao“, a glumica [eherezada. Mnogo volim da pi{em poeziju, igram na{a narodna kola, i pevam na{e stare pesme. Kada je sport u pitanju, najvi{e mi se dopadaju tenis i odbojka. Toliko od mene! @arko Peri} O[ „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Draga redakcijo, Javljam Vam se iz Klokota, i nadam se da } ete objaviti moje pisamce. U slobodno vreme najvi{e slu{am muziku, najomiljenija peva~ica mi je Seka Aleksi}. Pored muzike, volim da se bavim sportom, a najvi{e mi se dopada fudbal. Svaki slobodan dan provodim sa svojim dru{tvom, jer mi je sa njima najlep{e. Biljana Cvetkovi} O[ „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Zdravo, Slobodno vreme koristim za Internet i igranje video igrica. Pored toga, obavezno sa drugarima igram fudbal ili ko{arku. Kada je muzika u pitanju, volim da slu{am doma} e hitove, gde odvajam meni omiljenog peva~a Darka Lazi}a, koji zaista ima dobre pesme. Iz sveta filma odvajam doma}eg glumca Rado{a Baji}a. Aleksandar Stevi} O[ „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Po{tovani, Pre svega, `elim re}i da mi se mnogo svi|a ovaj magazin, i redovno ga ~itam. Zamolila bih Vas da u nekom od brojeva objavite poster na{eg, najboljeg tenisera na svetu Novaka \okovi}a. Dodala bih, da slobodno vreme najvi{e provodim igraju}i se sa mojim bratom. Jovana Vesi} O[ „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot for you 31 Hello! I’m Petar and I’m 13 years old. I spend my free time by mostly playing games and surfing the internet. My favourite actress is Scheherazade, I would like you to publish a poster of either her or Jackie Chan. Lastly, I would like to mention that I like sports a lot, especially football. Petar Maksimovic Primary school „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Ciao! I will start with music, I love listening to Ana Kokić and Osvajaci. My favourite film is “Home alone” and the actor is Jackie Chan. From sportsmen, I mainly love our most famous and greatest tennis player in the World Novak Djokovic. I spend free time mostly with my friends, on the internet and playing various video games. Božica Stević Primary school „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Greetings, My favourite singer is Rada Manojlovic, film is “Red Eagle” (Aguila roja), and the actress is Sheherazade. I like to write poetry very much, I dance folk dances, and sing our old songs. When sports are concerned, I mainly like tennis and volleyball. That would be all from me! Zarko Peric Primary school „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Draga redakcijo, I’m writing you from Klokot, and I hope that you will publish my little letter. During my free time, I mainly listen to music, with my favourite singer Seka Aleksic. Next to music, I like to engage in sports, mainly football. I spend every free day with my friends, because I’m having the best time with them. Biljana Cvetkovic Primary school „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Hello, I spend free time on the internet and playing video games. Next to that, playing football or basketball with friends is mandatory for me. When we’re talking about music, I like to listen to local hits, where I particularly emphasize my favourite singer Darko Lazic, who really has some good songs. From the movieworld, I wish to particularly mention the local actor Rados Bajic. Aleksandar Stevic Primary school „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot Respected, Above all, I wish to say that I really like this magazine, and I read it on regular basis. I would like to ask you to publish the poster of our best tennis player in the world Novak Djokovic in one of your next issues. I would add that I mostly spend free time playing with my brother. Jovana Vesic Primary school „Sveti Sava“ - Klokot