Januar 2010 - Magazine For You
Januar 2010 - Magazine For You
Zdravo dragi na{i ~itaoci! Evo nas, ponovo se sre}emo na stranicama najnovijeg izdanja magazina "For You" koji je ve} u{ao u osmu godinu svog izdavanja. Moram da naglasim da su uspeh i dugo postojanje na{eg magazina bili mogu}i samo zahvaljuju}i Va{em interesovanju i zato bih `elela da Vas pozovem da nastavite da nam pi{ete i da Vas podsetim da pogledate i na{u veb stranicu www.magazineforyou.com i da nam po{aljete svoje komentare i obavestite nas o svojim omiljenim temama! [to vi{e komunicirate sa nama, to }ete nam vi{e pomo}i da ostanemo bliski putem raznih tema i ~lanaka koje }emo Vam predstaviti na stranicama na{eg magazina. A sada, da skratimo pri~u i pogledamo sadr`aj najnovijeg izdanja na{eg magazina. "Koja izreka je va{ `ivotni moto?" - ovo je bilo pitanje koje smo postavili nekim od Va{ih vr{njaka i ako Vas interesuje {ta su odgovorili - pro~itajte rubriku "Upitnik". U rubrici "U~enik meseca" pro~ita}ete interesantan ~lanak o Danijelu Anti}u iz [ilova koji je odli~an u~enik Gimnazije u [ilovu, dok }ete sigurno u`ivati ~itaju}i o Du{ku Radovi}u u rubrici "Hol slavnih". U rubrici "Moviemania" mo}i }ete da ~itate o najnovijim stranim filmovima, kao {to su: "Crazy on the Outside", "The Book of Eli" i "The Tooth Fairy", dok }ete u rubrici "Kultura" pro~itati interesantnu pri~u o izdava~koj ku}i "Hvosno". U rubrici "Sportski ugao" odlu~ili smo da objavimo ~lanak o najva`nijim doga|ajima na me|unarodnoj sportskoj sceni, o "U17 World Cup"-u, a naro~ito o predstavnicima "U17" {vajcarske reprezentacije koji istovremeno predstavljaju vi{ekulturalne {ampione. U rubrici "@ivotinjsko carstvo" }ete mo}i da ~itate interesantan ~lanak o flamingu koji je nesumnjivo jedna od najlep{ih ptica na svetu. Rubrika "Muzi~ka kutija" je ovoga puta rezervisana za muzi~ku grupu "Neverne bebe" iz Beograda. Me|utim, to nije sve {to smo pripremili za Vas i ako `elite da saznate vi{e, pozivam Vas da pa`ljivo prelistate na{ magazin i sigurna sam da }ete u`ivati ~itaju}i na{e najnovije izdanje, jer }ete mo}i da ~itate i o najnovijim vestima iz sveta poznatih, sveta visoke tehnologije, kao i o najnovijim modnim stilovima. Jednom re~ju, vide}ete da u na{em najnovijem izdanju ima pone~eg za sva~iji ukus! Do februarskog izdanja budite mi dobro! "For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik : Leonora Shabanaj Novinari : Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Vera Gerovac, Sanela Kanji`a Ilustrator: Aleksandar Narand`i} Fotograf: Naim Shala Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603 lokal 2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For You” magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:[email protected]; [email protected] http://www.magazineforyou.com 16 22 6 4-5: Nema bolje budu}nosti bez ë u~enjaë 6-7: Kulturno nasle|e u Gnjilanu 8-9: For you fashion 10-13: Music Box: “Neverne bebe” 14-15: Hol slavnih: Ko ume da voli, ne bi trebalo ni{ta drugo da radi 16-17: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Flamingo 18-19: Svet poznatih 20-21: Kultura: ^uvari kulturne ba{tine 22-23: Trgovina ljudima - Ropstvo u 21. veku 24-25: Internet & kompjuterske igre: Fifa soccer 10 26-27: Poster: Denzel 36 Washington 28-31: Moviemania: Crazy on the outside; The book of Eli; The tooth fairy 32-33: Va{ kutak 34-35: Tolerancija i su`ivot u Novom Brdu 36-39: Sportski ugao: [vajcarski nacionalni fudbalski tim za igra~e mla|e od 17 godina multikulturalni {ampioni 40-41: Hi-Tech 42-43: Do|ite da se dru`imo 44-45: Upitnik; Slagalica 46-47: Enigmatski ugao 48-49: Verovali ili ne 50: Misli poznatih o {ansi 51-52: Pisma ~italaca 24 26 46 12 4-5: There is no betterfuture without studying 6-7: Cultural heritage in Gnjilane 8-9: For you fashion 10-13: Music Box: “Neverne bebe” 14-15: Hall of fame: Those who know how to love shouldn’t be doing anything else but that 16-17:Animal kingdom: Flamingo 18-19: Celebrity news 20-21: Culture: Guardians of the cultural heritage 22-23: Human trafficking - XXI centyry’s slavery 24-25: Internet & computer games: Fifa soccer 10 26-27: Poster: Denzel Washington 28-31: Moviemania: Crazy on the outside; The book of Eli; The tooth fairy 32-33: Your corner 34-35: Tolerance and cohabitation in Novo Brdo 36-39: Sports corner: The U17 Swiss national football team - the multicultural champions 40-41: Hi-Tech 42-43: Come to socialize with us 44-45: Questionnaire; Puzzle 46-47: Crossword puzzle 48-49: Did you know ... 50: Famous thoughts on opportunity 51-52: Reader’s letters Hello our dear readers! Here we meet again through the pages of the latest edition of the "For You 4U" magazine, which has already entered into the eighth year of its publication. I have to point out that the success and the longevity of our magazine have been possible thanks to your great interest and therefore I would like to invite you to keep writing to us and I would also like to remind you to browse through our web page www.magazineforyou.com and send us your comments and inform us about your favorite topics! The more you communicate with us, the more you will help us to stay closer to you with various topics and articles that we will bring in front of you through the pages of our magazine. Now, let's cut the long story short and let's see the content of the latest edition of our magazine: "Which proverb is your motto in life?" This was the question that we asked some of your age-mates and if you are curious to learn what their answers were, then please read the "Questionnaire" column. In the "Student of the Month" column, you will be able to read an interesting article on Danijel Antic from Gnjilane, who is an excellent student at the Comprehensive School in Silovo whereas in the "Hall of Fame" column, you will certainly enjoy reading an article on Dusko Radovic. In the "Moviemania" column, you will be able to read about the latest films from all around the world, such as: "Crazy on the Outside", "The Book of Eli", and "The Tooth Fairy", whereas in the "Culture" column, we invite you to read an interesting story on the publishing house "Hvosno". In the column of the "Sports Corner", we have decided to publish an article on one of the most important events on the International sports arena, "U17 World Cup" and in particular on the representatives of U17 Swiss national football team who, at the same time, represent multicultural champions. In the column of the "Animal of the Month", you will be able to read an interesting article on flamingos, which are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful birds in the world. This time, the column of the "Music Box" is reserved for the music band "Neverne Bebe" from Belgrade. However, this is not all that we have prepared for you and if you wish to learn more, then I invite you to browse carefully through the pages of our magazine and I am certain that you will enjoy reading the latest edition of our magazine, because you will also be able to read about the latest news from the celebrities' world, hi-tech as well as the latest fashion trends. In one word, you will see that the latest edition of our magazine is simply everybody's cup of tea! Stay well until February! 'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Journalists: Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Vera Gerovac, Sanela Kanjizha Illustrator: Aleksandar Narandzic Photographer: Naim Shala Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] http://www.magazineforyou.com moderan ~ovek, po godinama je desetak godina stariji od nas, pa samim tim mo`e bolje da razume nas mlade. Osim toga, dobar je pedagog i ume da nam prenese znanje." Kada se vrati iz {kole, Danijel se prvo malo odmori ("volim da odremam popodne"), a onda po~inje da u~i. U~i najmanje dva sata dnevno, dok su mu predavanja jo{ uvek "sve`a u glavi". Kako je rekao, u~enje mu je va`no i priznaje da `eli da bude uspe{an, da `eli da postigne najbolje rezultate u {koli, jer se bez toga ne mo`e imati bolja budu}nost i na}i dobro zaposlenje. Nakon zavr{etka Gimnazije, planira da upi{e Vojnu akademiju ili Elektrotehni~ki fakultet. "Vojna akademija traje ~etiri godine, kao i svaki drugi fakultet, a postoji velika mogu}nost da se kasnije dobije stalan posao. Osim toga, tamo se u~i dosta matematike, postoji elektrotehni~ki smer koji ja jako volim. Za sada, Danijel Anti} - Zaslu`io po{tovanje svojih drugova nau~ni rad i poziv profesora me ne privla~e." anijel Anti} ima 18 godina, u~enik S obzirom da `ivi u okru`enju gde ima je IV/1 razreda Gimnazije u dosta dece albanske nacionalnosti, pitali [ilovu, matemati~ki smer. Ro|en smo Danijela - da je u situaciji da upozna je u Gnjilanu 23. 02. 1991. godine, a `ivi vr{njaka albanske nacionalnosti i da mu u Gornjem Kuscu sa roditeljima, bratom i se pru`i prilika da se dru`i sa njim - da li sestrom koji su mla|i od njega i ima brobi to uradio? "[to da ne? Mo`da bi nam jnu rodbinu za koju je veoma vezan. samo jezik bio barijera, jer ja albanski ne Roditelji su trenutno nezaposleni, {to znam, a verujem i da Albanci mojih godimalo ote`ava njihovu situaciju, ali to na ne znaju srpski jezik. Ali, mislim da Danijela ne spre~ava da bude odli~an bismo se sna{li. Osim toga, svaki jezik se u~enik. Razlog za{to smo izabrali ba{ vremenom savlada i nau~i… Sve zajeovog de~ka za u~enika meseca januara dnice koje `ive na Kosovu moraju da `ive (a bilo je jo{ konkurenata u Gimnaziji u zajedno, a mi mladi nemamo veze sa [ilovu!) jeste taj {to je Danijel predseonim {to se ranije doga|alo na ovim prodnik {kolskog Parlamenta, imao je sve storima. Mislim da }emo, ako izgra|ujemo petice tokom celog {kolovanja i verovame|usobna prijateljstva, izgraditi i bolju tno }e (po re~ima direktora {kole gospobudu}nost na Kosovu." dina Zorana Stojanovi}a i Danijelovog On voli Internet, ima adresu na razrednog stare{ine, gospodina "Facebook"-u. Voli da se dopisuje sa ljudiAleksandra Marinkovi}a) biti "Vukovac", ma, da vidi razne komentare na forumima, a mo`da i |ak generacije. Danijel je ali ipak, misli da Internet otu|uje ljude. Na izuzetno skromna osoba, tako mlada, a primer, Danijel "}aska" sa nekom osobom ve} je stekao poverenje i po{tovanje i na mre`i, a kada se sretnu i kada treba da svojih vr{njaka i profesora. zapo~nu razgovor - to nije to. "Desilo mi Na pitanje koji mu je omiljeni predmet, se da izme|u mene i novoste~enog priDanijel je kao "iz topa" odgovorio jatelja sa mre`e nema pravog razgovora i matematika! Tako te`ak predmet za komunikacije. Mislim da je najbolje kada mnoge, za njega je pravo u`ivanje, a upozna{ osobu li~no, kada je dru`enje tako|e i hemija i fizika. A, profesori? Da li "u`ivo". Dru`enje preko Interneta je, ipak, zadaju "muke" u~enicima? "Na{i profesori samo "kuckanje" po tastaturi gde nema su zahtevni, ali su dobri. Omiljeni profesor li~nog kontakta, gde ne mo`e{ da "oseti{" mi je razredni stare{ina, Aleksandar tu li~nost, vidi{ njene pokrete, oseti{ tu Marinkovi}, profesor hemije. On je mlad, njegovu energiju, vidi{ izraz lica…" Danijel mnogo voli da ple{e, narodna kola posebno, ali nije nikada bio ~lan folklorne sekcije. Ovaj de~ko ima puno prijatelja, ali nikoga od njih ne bi posebno izdvojio. Ka`e da mu drugarstvo mnogo zna~i, jer "~ovek nije ostrvo" i ne mo`e da `ivi sam. Slobodno vreme provodi sa prijateljima, pose}uju kafi}e, slu{aju muziku - kao i svi mladi. Voli modu, ali nije od onih koji preteruju i misli da ne mora da ima ba{ najmoderniju garderobu. "Mislim da je obla~enje va`no, ali da ne sme biti prioritet u ne~ijem `ivotu. Ja volim sportsko-elegantni stil i kupujem garderobu koju mogu sebi finansijski da priu{tim. Od muzike volim rokenrol i moja omiljena grupa je "Riblja ~orba". Strava su! Osim toga volim i Bajagu i grupu "Van Gogh". Volim tako|e i na{u izvornu narodnu muziku, ali ne i ovu novokomponovanu to nije kvalitetna muzika." Uz stidljiv sme{ak rekao je da stalnu devojku nema ("imam neke simpatije, ali jo{ uvek nemam ozbiljnu vezu"), a misli da bi mu vreme za `enidbu bilo tek posle zavr{enog fakulteta. Na kraju, {ta po`eleti ovom izuzetnom de~ku koji mo`e biti uzor mnogima? Jer, on se ve} veoma dobro stara o svojoj boljoj budu}nosti. Dakle, samo napred, Danijele! Na dobrom si putu… D Danijel (stoji prvi s desna) sa drugovima iz razreda i razrednim stare{inom anijel Antic is 18 years old and he is a student of the class IV/1 in the Science and Mathematics Gymnasium in Silovo. He was born in Gnjilane on 23rd February 1991 and he lives in Gornje Kusce with his parents, younger brother and sister and has many relatives very dear to him. His parents are currently unemployed which makes their situation more difficult but it is not stopping Daniel from being an excellent student. The reason why we choose this boy for the student of the month (there were more 'competitors' in Silovo Gymnasium) is that Daniel is the chairman of the School Parliament and he had all top grades during the entire course of schooling and he will probably be, according to the words of the school director Zoran Stojanovic and head of the class Mr. Aleksandar Marinkovic, "Vukovac" (i.e. he will be presented with the Vuk Karadzic Award) and possibly elected for the Student of the generation. Danijel is extremely modest person. Despite being so young, he already gained the trust and respect of his peers and professors. To the question 'what is his favorite subject' he immediately replied - mathematics! Subject that is so difficulty for many, for him presents a real pleasure, and so do chemistry and physics. What about professors? Do they trouble the students? "Our professors are demanding but good. My favorite professor is D the head of our class, Aleksandar Marinkovic, who also teaches chemistry. He is a young and modern man who is around 10 years older then we are, so he is able to better understand us - young people. Besides this, he is a good pedagogue and he knows how to pass the knowledge to us. " When Danijel gets back from the school, first he gets some rest ("I like to take a nap in the afternoon") and then he starts studying. He studies at least two hours per day while the material from the classes is still "fresh" in his head. As he said, studying is important to him and he admits that he wants to be successful and achieve the best results in school because that is a precondition for a better future and a good job. After completing the education in the Gymnasium, he Profesor Marinkovi} sa svojim najboljim u~enikom is planning to enroll the - Za Danijela imam samo re~i hvale Military Academy or ElectroTechnical Faculty. "Military Academy lasts for 4 Socializing over the internet is just typing on the keyboard and there is no personal contact years, just as any other faculty, and there is a so you can not really feel that person, see the good chance to get a permanent job after finmovement, feel the energy or see the facial ishing it. Besides that, they study mathematics expression of that person…" a lot over there and there is electro-technical Daniel likes to dance a lot, especially department which I like a lot. For now, I am folk dances, but he was never a member of not very interested in scientific work or in prothe folklore section. This boy has many fession of a professor. " friends but he can not single out anyone. Considering the fact that he lives in an He says that friendship means a lot to him environment where a lot of children of because 'no man is an island' and he can Albanian nationality also lives, we asked not live alone. He spends free time with his Danijel if he is in a situation to meet peers of friends and they go to coffee bars, listen to Albanian nationality and would he socialize music - like all other young people. He likes with them if he had a chance? "Sure, why not. fashion but he does not exaggerate and he Maybe the language would be the only obstadoesn't think that he must have the most cle because I don't speak Albanian language fashionable wardrobe. "I think that style is and I believe that Albanians of my age also do important but it shouldn't be a priority in life. not speak Serbian language. But, I think we I like sports-elegance and I buy clothes that would manage somehow. Besides, every lanI can afford. When it comes to music, I like guage can be picked up… All communities in rock and roll and my favorite band is Riblja Kosovo have to live together and youth has Corba. They are great! I also like Bajaga nothing to do with what happened a while ago and Van Gogh. I also like our original folk in this region. I think that if we make friends, music but not this newly-composed music we will build a better future in Kosovo." that is not music of a good quality." He likes internet and has an address in He told us, with a shy smile, that he Facebook. He likes to correspond with other doesn't have a steady relationship ("there people, read different comments in forums are some girls I like but I am still not in a but still thinks that internet estranges people. serious relationship") and he thinks that For instance, Daniel chats with some person the time for getting married will be only over the net and when they meet in person after he finishes the faculty. and are supposed to have a conversation - it At the end, what can we wish for this is not the same. "It happened that I couldn't extraordinary boy who is setting example have a real conversation and communication for many? He is already taking care of his with the new friend I made over the net. I future very well. So, just forward Daniel! think it is the best when you meet someone You are on a right path… personally, when the socializing is 'live'. G njilane se nalazi u isto~nom delu Kosova i jedna je od najve}ih op{tina na Kosovu, kao i jedan od regionalnih centara, kao {to su: Mitrovica, Pri{tina, Pe} i Prizren. Iako nemamo ta~ne podatke o godini osnivanja ovog grada, ono {to se sa sigurno{}u zna, jeste da je ova oblast bila naseljena jo{ od prastarih vremena. Ovo dokazuju mnogobrojne arheolo{ke iskopine u samom Gnjilanu, kao i u njegovoj neposrednoj okolini. Me|utim, kada govorimo o samoj oblasti, oblasti Anamorava, nema sumnje da tvr|ave kao {to su one na Novom Brdu i Pogra|i predstavljaju bogatstvo i kulturno nasle|e na kome se mo`e pozavideti. Prema dosada{njim istra`ivanjima, nema sumnje da je Novo Brdo bio jedan od najve}ih trgovinskih, ekonomskih i rudarskih gradova na celom Balkanu. Druga tvr|ava u Pogra|u je manje poznata javnosti i prema ranijim istra`ivanjima procenjuje se da je izgra|ena tokom XIV veka nove ere, ali su stru~njaci tokom restauracije i istra`ivanja 2007. godine na{li dokaze koji ukazuju na to da je ova tvr|ava bila podignuta jo{ ranije. Me|utim, ono {to je najva`nije, jeste da je ova velika tvr|ava bila veoma va`na u svoje vreme zbog svog odli~nog strate{kog polo`aja. Prema gospodinu Artan-u Hoxha-i, direktoru Regionalnog centra za kulturno nasle|e, Gnjilane ima obilje mesta i objekata koji predstavljaju kulturno nasle|e. Do sada je ovaj Centar uspeo da identifikuje i u glavnoj bazi podataka Ministarstva za kulturu, omladinu i sport registruje preko 400 objekata kulturnog nasle|a. Me|u njima su, pored gore pomenutih tvr|ava i: Saraj i stara ku}a Gjinolli-a u Gnjilanu, Konak i manastir u Dragancu, toranj Sahit age u Donjem Kuscu, crkva Svete Ane u Dunavu, d`amija Medresa u Gnjilanu, d`amija u Slakovcu, d`amija u Pidicu, crkva Svete Varvare u Kmetovcu i mnoge druge stare ku}e, {tale itd. Gospodin Sherafedin Kadriu, zvani~nik za tradicionalnu kulturu u Regionalnom centru za kulturno nasle|e, nagla{ava da je va`no da naro~ito mlade generacije shvate da kada govorimo o kulturnom nasle|u, ne bi trebalo da ga gledamo kao albansku, srpsku, bo{nja~ku, tursku ili bilo koju drugu etni~ku svojinu, ve} bi mladi to trebalo da vide i shvate kao svoje kulturno nasle|e, kosovsko kulturno nasle|e koje svima jednako pripada. "Tokom 2007. godine razvili smo projekat za kulturno nasle|e. U okviru ovog projekta organizovali smo predavanja u nekoliko osnovnih i srednjih {kola u na{em regionu. Tokom tog perioda primetili smo da mlade generacije ne znaju ta~no {ta spada u kulturno nasle|e. Tako, kada su videli slike {tala, ku}a i sli~nog, bili su iznena|eni ~injenicom da je i to kulturno nasle|e", dodao je gospodin Kadriu. Zato apeluje na institucije koje se bave sastavljanjem {kolskog programa da na|u na~in da uklju~e i kulturno nasle|e u {kolske programe, makar tokom samo jednog polugodi{ta. Na kraju na{eg razgovora, gospodin Hoxha i gospodin Kadriu su podsetili mlade generacije da ~itaju i upoznaju kulturno nasle|e, jer }e jedino na taj na~in nau~iti kako da ga za{tite, ali i po{tuju vrednost i zna~aj kulturnog nasle|a. njilane is situated in the eastern part of Kosovo and is one of the seven major municipalities as well as one of the regional centers of Kosovo along with Mitrovica, Pristina, Pec and Prizren. Although there are no accurate records regarding the exact year of the foundation of this town, what is known for certain is that this area has been continuously inhabited since ancient times. This has been verified by many archeological findings in and around the Gjilani vicinity. But when we speak of the region itself (Anamorava region) then there is no doubt that castles like the one in Novo Brdo and in Pogradja represent a treasure and cultural heritage to be envied. According to existing studies there is no doubt that Novo Brdo was one of the biggest trading, economical and mining medieval towns in the whole Balkan area. The second castle, in Pogradje, is less known to the public but according to earlier studies it is estimated that it was built during the XIV century A.D.. However, during restoration works and studies carried over from 2007 and on, experts have found proof indicating that this castle might have been built even earlier. But what matters the most is the fact that this is a large castle of great importance at its time due to its highly strategical position. According to Mr.Artan Hoxha, Director of the Regional Centre for Cultural Heritage, Gnjilane has an abundance of cultural heritage sites. So far this center has managed to identify and register on the main data base of the Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sports over 400 objects G of cultural heritage. In addition to the above mentioned castles some of the objects included are: Konaku (Saraji) i Gjinollëve (Gjinolli old house) in Gnjilane, Konaku i Manastirit (Monestery house) in Dragance, Kulla e Sahit Agës (Sahit Aga Tower) in Donje Kufce, Saint Ana's church in Dunav, Medrese Mosque in Gnjilane, Sllakoc Mosque, Pidiq Mosque, Varvara church in Kmetoc and many other old houses, barns etc. Mr.Sherafedin Kadriu, an official for traditional culture in the Regional Centre for Cultural Heritage emphasises that it is especially important that the young generations realise that when we speak of cultural heritage we should not perceive it as Albanian, Serbian, Bosniac, Turkish or any other ethnical belonging. They should rather see and comprehend it as their cultural heritage, Kosovo's cultural heritage that belongs equally to all of them. "During 2007 we have developed a project for cultural heritage. Within this project we organised lectures in several primary and secondary schools in our region. During that time we noticed that the young generations wheren't very clear on what classifies as cultural heritage. So when they saw pictures of barns, houses, they where suprised. How could these buildings be cultural heritage," added Mr.Kadriu. That is why he urges the relevant institutions that compile the school programs to find a way to incorporate cultural heritage in school programs at least during one school semester. In the end, both Mr. Hoxha and Mr.Kadriu reminded all the young generations to read and get to know cultural heritage because this is the only way they will learn how to protect and appreciate its value and importance. Korak iznad duge - tanka linija Opet tvoje misli govorim na glas Koliko }u puta oterati strah Samo da si tu i da ima nas To se zove ljubav - to smo ti i ja Pre~icom do snova - korak ili dva Koliko je samo kilometara Pravim te od svega {to mi neko da Nek' nam dobar vetar snove pogura Sve dane tvoje kupi}u Ba{ sve, reci {to se nikad ne ~uju Sve grane {to nam du{u spajaju Toliko te volim samo budi tu Pogledaj u sunce, iznad oblaka To {to tamo vidi{ - to smo ti i ja Pogledaj u nebo pogledaj u san S Opet mi o svemu - pri~aj na sav glas Ponekad o sre}i i da li ima nas.. Pogledaj u sunce, iznad oblaka To {to tamo vidi{ - to smo ti i ja Pogledaj u nebo pogledaj u san To se zove ljubav - to smo ti i ja... Verovatno prepoznajete stihove pesme "Pogledaj u sunce" - jedan od ve}ih hitova Nevernih beba, najpoznatije srpske rok grupe osnovane 4. aprila 1993. godine u Beogradu. Radi se o "progressive" rok bendu koji je do sada imao preko 1.600 nastupa što u zemlji, što u inostranstvu. Bili su predgrupa ameri~koj rok grupi "Toto" na njihovom koncertu u Beogradu 2006. godine. Godina 2008. u kojoj su Neverne bebe proslavile nekoliko jubileja, najpre petnaestogodi{njicu rada, donela je bendu i poziv menad`menta jednog od najve}ih muzi~ara dana{njice - Lenny Kravitz nastupa u Beogradskoj Areni sa Nevernim bebama kao predgrupom. lede}i svoj "unutra{nji glas", energiju i ideje od kojih nije `eleo da odstupi, Milan \ur|evi} je nakon bavljenja muzikom od ranog detinjstva, svog prvog benda "Nova zemlja", rada sa grupom "Smak", mno{tva odsviranih koncerata u zemlji i inostranstvu i jakog li~nog pe~ata u muzici grupe "Frenky", 1993. godine kona~no formirao autorski projekat "Neverne bebe". Od tada, pa do danas, on je jednostavno re~eno vo|a i du{a benda kao vokal, klavijaturista, kompletan autor muzike i tekstova, aran`er i producent. Prvu postavu su, pored Milana, ~inili jo{ Vladan \ur|evi}, ^eda Macura, Bane Jeli} i Bili King. Ubrzo u bend dolazi i Sa{a Ran|elovi} Ran|a. Za izdava~ku ku}u "Take it or leave it" snimaju svoj prvi album 1994. godine pod nazivom "Neverne bebe I", medijski propra}en spotovima za pesme "Veliki je Bog" i "1000 godina". Bendu se pridru`uje Du{an [ubarevi}. Od samog po~etka rada odlikuje ih izuzetno `iva koncertna aktivnost koja je i danas jedan od njihovih za{titnih znakova - prose~no godi{nje odsviraju izme|u 140 i 150 koncerata. Do izlaska drugog studijskog albuma "Neverne bebe II" 1997. godine za izdava~ku ku}u "Red line records" u bendu se doga|aju jo{ neke kadrovske promene i iz njega izlazi Bili King, dolaze Gorica Ponjavi} i Aleksandar Tasi} a ne{to kasnije i Goran Marinkovi}. Spotovi sa ovog albuma "Stranac", "Dvoje" ,"Divlje svinje" i "Godine srama" bivaju izuzetno dobro prihva}eni od publike, a pesma "Dvoje" postaje apsolutni hit i ne{to poput "li~ne karte" Nevernih beba. Ova pesma na{la je svoje mesto i u "Antologiji YU rock-a" kao jedan od 50 najboljih tekstova, a po glasovima i anketama radio i TV stanica progla{ena je i za Hit decenije. [ira javnost je tokom 1998. godine mogla da se uveri u svo Milanovo i Ran|ino muzi~ko ume}e kroz poznati, do tada nevi|en TV projekat "3K - DUR". Ne{to kasnije }e se pokazati da je u~e{}e u ovoj emisiji imalo i dodatnu simboliku i va`nost...Kroz nesmanjenu koncertnu aktivnost polako pripremaju pesme za slede}i album, a novi milenijum do~ekuju u Africi, u Keniji, tako|e na bini. nastavak na strani 12 Tre}i album "Neverne bebe III - Ju`no od sre}e" pojavljuje se sredinom 2001. godine u izdanju ku}e "Hi - Fi centar" uz spotove za "Ljubav", "Gotovo", "Balkan" i "U bezna|u". Album biva progla{en najboljim rock izdanjem za tu godinu. Slede, prva velika autorska turneja po Crnoj Gori, veliki koncerti u Beogradu i Valjevu sa odli~nim prijemom novog i autenti~nog autorskog pristupa kod publike. Poneseni novootkrivenom energijom i kulminacijom `elje za isklju~ivo autorskim konceptom, Milan, Vlajko i Ran|a odlu~uju da idu za tim ose}ajem {to rezultira razila`enjem sa Goricom, Tasom i Goranom. Sredinom 2003. godine Nevernim bebama se pridru`uju dva nova vokala Jana [u{ter{i} i Jelena Pudar ~ije su izuzetne vokalne kvalitete i harizmu ~lanovi benda uo~ili u emisiji 3K-DUR, kao i bubnjar Duca One step above the rainbow thin line Once again I speak your thoughts out loud How many times it will drive away the fear Just so there are us and that you are here Shortcut to dreams - one step or two How many kilometers that can be I make you from everything anyone gives me I wish good wind to push the sails of our dreams Look at the sun, above the clouds What you see there - that's you and I Look at the sky - look at the dream That is called love - that's you and I Talk to me again about everything Sometimes about happiness and if there is us… All your days I will buy Every one of them, words you can never hear All branches that connect our souls That is how much I love you just be here Look at the sun, above the clouds What you see there - that's you and I Look at the sky - look at the dream That is called love - that's you and I ilan Djurdjevic followed his "inner voice", energy and ideas from which he didn't want to step back, and after being involved in music since early childhood, his first band Nova zemlja (New Land), work with the band Smak, many concerts in country and abroad, and had strong personal influence on the music of the band Frenky, in 1993 he finally formed Neverne Bebe. Since then, he is simply said a leader and a soul of the band as a vocalist, keyboard player, author of the music and lyrics, arranger and producer. Initial members of the band, besides Milan, were Vladan Djurdjevic, Ceda Macura, Bane Jelic and Bili King. Soon, Sasa Randjelovic Randja joined the group. They are recording their first album in 1994 for the publishing house "Take it or leave it" under the name "Neverne Bebe I". This album was followed by video spots for songs "Veliki je Bog" (God is great) and "1000 godina" (1000 years). At this time, Dusan Subarevic joined the band. Since the mere beginning, their work was characterized with extremely dynamic concert activity which is also today one of their trademarks - they have approximately from 140 to 150 concerts yearly. There were some other changes in band before they signed a contract with the publishing house "Red Line Records" for a second album - "Neverne Bebe II" in 1997. Bili King left the band and Gorica Ponjavic, Aleksandar Pesic, and Goran Marinkovic a bit later, became new members. Videos for this album "Stranac" (Stranger), "Dvoje" (Twosome), "Divlje svinje" (Wild pigs) and "Godine srama" (Years of shame), were very well accepted by public, and the song "Dvoje" has become a great hit and their trademark. This song found a place in the "TOP 50 best ex-YU lyrics", and according to votes and polls of radio and TV stations, it was proclaimed for the Song of the decade. Wider audience had a chance to witness Milan's and Randja's music skills in 1998 in a new TV music quiz "3K - DUR". M You probably recognize the lyrics of the song "Look At the Sun" - one of the greatest hits of Neverne Bebe, the most famous Serbian rock band, formed on 4 April 1993, in Belgrade. This is a 'progressive' rock band that had more then 1.600 performances in country and abroad. They were a guest intro band for the American rock band TOTO's concert in Belgrade in 2006. In 2008, Neverne Bebe celebrated few anniversaries, such as 15 years of work, and brought the band an invitation from one of the greatest musicians of today - Lenny Kravitz, who will perform in Belgrade Arena with Neverne Bebe as a guest intro band. Time will show that participation in this show had additional symbolism and importance… Having concerts with the same pace, they are slowly preparing the songs for their next album and they welcomed a new millennium on the stage in Kenya, Africa. Third album "Neverne Bebe III - Juzno od srece" (South of happines) was published at the middle of 2001 by "Hi-Fi Centar" with the videos for the songs "Ljubav" (Love), "Gotovo" (It is over) and "U beznadju" (In despair). Album was proclaimed for the Best rock music edition of that year. It was followed by the first big tour in Montenegro, big concerts in Belgrade and Valjevo with an excellent reaction by audience. Inspired by newly discovered energy and culmination of aspiration for exclusively authorial concept, Milan, Vlajko and Randja decided to follow that feeling which resulted in break-up with Gorica, Tasa and Goran. At the middle of 2003, two new vocalists joined Neverne Bebe - Jana Susteric and Jelena Pudar, who's extraordinary vocal quality and charisma members of the band noticed in the show "3K-DUR", as well as drummer Duca Ivanisevic. Thanks to these new voices of completely different sound, the band and authorial repertoire acquired a more serious sound. We can say that that was the moment continued on page 13 Ivani{evi}. Zahvaljuju}i novim glasovima, sasvim druga~ije boje, bend i autorski repertoar dobijaju ozbiljniji prizvuk. Mo`e se re}i da tada po~inje klju~ni deo novije istorije benda. Peva~ica Jana, ro|ena je Slovenka, {to }e bendu dosta pomo}i u proboju i na tamo{nje tr`i{te. Album obrada starih hitova sa prethodnih albuma uz dve nove pesme - "Neverne bebe IV - Best of - Dvoje" za "BK sound" , ekspresno lansira bend u samo sredi{te medijske pa`nje i pokazuje svu opravdanost promena koje su se dogodile, uz jedan sasvim novi zvuk i kvalitet. I ovaj album progla{en je najboljim rock izdanjem za 2004 . godinu u kojoj se pojavio. Najavljena spotom za pesmu "Gde smo" i kasnije nastavljena spotovima za "Veliki je Bog", "Dabogda la`em" i "Tu`na pesma", neprekidna medijska promocija albuma uz mnogobrojne koncerte trajala je vi{e od dve godine. U to vreme u bend ulazi Vladimir Ru`i~i} Kebac i uz Milana, Vlajka, Ran|u, Janu i Jelenu zatvara pri~u formiraju}i aktuelni sastav koji dobija Priznanje za veliki doprinos rock'n rollu na "Beoviziji". Doga|aj o kome su ~lanovi benda mo`da samo ma{tali i to u najskrivenijim snovima ostvaruje se 2006. godine gostovanjem na koncertu ameri~ke rok grupe "Toto" na Ta{majdanu. Pesma "Oktobarfest" postaje Hit 2006. godine na TV Balkanmedija, po glasovima gledalaca, a Neverne bebe dobijaju Nagradu za najbolji rock'n roll bend na "Beoviziji". Adekvatnu najavu za peti album eufori~no je napravio spot za pesmu "Da ima nas" koji je u rekordnom roku zaposeo TV stanice i u regionu. Za CD "Iza oblaka" koji se pojavio u prodaji 2007. u izdanju PGP RTS vezano je mnogo kurioziteta, preko gostovanja renomiranih muzi~ara (Simone Philips, Aki Rahimovski), velike Ex -Yu turneje, pa do podatka da je taj album najprodavanije rock izdanje u poslednjoj deceniji. "Iza oblaka - Modernu bajku za decu i odrasle" obele`ili su pored "Da ima nas" i spotovi za pesme "Boje duge" - duet sa Akijem Rahimovskim, odli~no prihva}en i ~esto emitovan na medijima u Ex-Yu republikama i "Ko zna". Pesma "Da ima nas" dobija titulu Hita godine na Festivalu "Beovizija". Kruna dosada{nje karijere nesumnjivo su dva rasprodata koncerta u Sava centru odr`ana 25. i 30. oktobra 2007 .godine. Provode}i ogroman deo vremena na putu i tamo gde se zapravo najbolje i ose}aju - na binama {irom sveta ispred svoje publike, Neverne bebe su krajem 2008. do{le do respektabilne brojke od 1750 odsviranih koncerata. Po~etkom oktobra pro{le godine, snimanjem pojedinih segmenata pesme "Dan tvoj" koja je na mnogim koncertima najavljivala neki novi po~etak neke nove bajke, Neverne bebe su u svom studiju po~ele sa ispisivanjem jo{ jednog va`nog poglavlja u karijeri. Kao i uvek, sa ponekim spremnim iznena|enjem koje ~uvaju za svoje verne fanove i za sve ostale po{tovaoce kvalitetnog zvuka, puni ideja i vo|eni novom kreativnom i stvarala~kom energijom -uskoro }e se predstaviti slede}im studijskim albumom, koje }emo mo`da imati prilike da ~ujemo ve} u prole}e. A, rad na novom albumu samo nam potvr|uje ~injenicu da "Neverne bebe uvek ostaju verne svojim obo`avaocima"! when the essential part of newer history of the band started. Singer Jana was born in Slovenia, and this fact will be quite helpful for breakthrough on the market there. tions in country, and region as well. There are many interesting facts about the CD "Iza oblaka" which came out in 2007 in the production of PGP RTS. Many renowned musicians participated in its making (Simone Philips, Aki Rahimovski), big former Yugoslavia tour, and the fact that this album is most sold rock edition in the last decade. "Iza oblaka - Moderna bajka za decu i odrasle" (Above the clouds - A modern fairytale for children and adults) was marked by video spots for the songs "Da ima nas", "Boje duge" (Colors of the rainbow) - duet with Aki Rahimovski, very well accepted and often broadcasted in medias in former Yugoslavian republics and "Ko zna" (Who knows). The song "Da ima nas" received the award for the Song of the year in the festival "Beovizija". The crowns of their career are undoubtedly two sold out concerts held in "Sava Centar" on 25 and 30 October 2007. Spending a lot of time on road and where they actually feel the best - on the stages world wide in front of their audience, Neverne Bebe at the end of 2008 Album of old reworked songs from the previous albums, with two new songs, "Neverne Bebe IV Best of - Dvoje", released by "BK Sound", launched the band in the center of Media's attention and justified the changes made with a completely new sound and quality. This album was also proclaimed for the Best rock music edition in 2004. Continuous promotion which started with video for the song "Gde smo" (Where are we) and continued with the videos for the songs "Veliki je Bog", "Dabogda lazem" and "Tuzna pesma (Sad song), was followed by numerous concerts and lasted more than two years. At that time, Vladimir Ruzicic Kebac joined the band and together with Milan, Vlajko, Randja, Jana and Jelena closed the circle by forming a today's setup of the band which was in "Beovizija" awarded with the Recognition for a great contribution to rock and roll music. The event that members of the band could only dream about came true in 2006 with the participation in the concert of the American rock band TOTO in Tasmajdan. The song "Oktobar fest" was by the viewers' votes proclaimed the hit song of 2006 in TV Balkanmedia, and Neverne Bebe received the award for the Best rock and roll band in "Beovizija". Appropriate announcement for fifth album euphorically made the video spot for the song "Da ima nas" (If there was us) which immediately found a place in all TV sta- reached the respectable number of 1750 concerts held. At the beginning of October last year, by recording a certain segments of the song "Dan je tvoj" (The day is yours) which at many concerts announced some new beginning of some new fairytale, Neverne Bebe started writing one more important chapter in their career. Full of ideas and lead by a new creative energy, they will present a next studio album maybe in a spring time already, and as always, they will save some special surprises for their fans and all others admirers of the sound of a good quality. Work on a new album only confirms that "Neverne Bebe always stay faithful to their fans"! Volite se ka a d niste z a jedno. To je pra a va a ljuba a v. Ko ume da a se voli sa a mo ka a da a je z a jedno, ta a j ne pra a vi pita a nje sa a kim je... O vo je samo jedan od sjajnih aforizama Du{ka Radovi}a (ro|en je 29. 11. 1922. godine u Ni{u), duhovnog oca "Malog pozori{ta"u Beogradu, glavnog urednika "Pionirskih novina", urednika "Programa za decu" Radio Beograda, urednika "Programa za decu" Televizije Beograd, urednika lista "Poletarac", novinara "Borbe" i od 1975. godine urednika Radija "Studija B". "I mi koji nikad ne}emo umreti, moramo govoriti da }emo svi umreti, iz obzira prema onima koji }e umreti", govorio je vi{e nego obzirni pesnik Beograda, novinar, mislilac i najve}i "mrgud" me|u decom: Du{ko Radovi}. Oni koji su ga poznavali ka`u da je njegovo ime Dušan nastalo od re~i "du{a" i prezime Radovi} od re~i "radenost", {to su uistinu bila sudbinska imena. Jer, on je bio dobar kao "du{a", imao je "zlatno srce" i bio je vredan kao "mrav". Tvorac "D`ona Piplfoksa" (radio drama) i "Stra{nog lava" (pesma za decu) osloba|ao je ljude od gluposti, vlasti, r|avih navika, neosetljivosti na dobrotu… Svedoci toga su knjige pesama i aforizama, zapisi kultnih emisija "Beograde, dobro jutro", a njegovim re~ima deca i dan-danas, citiraju}i ga, poku{avaju da objasne sebe i svet. Niko nije manje li~io na dete, a imao du{u deteta: uveravaju i danas njegovi prijatelji. Radovi}eve poetske opservacije, zgusnuti iskazi sa snagom aforizama, godinama su obele`avali i stvarali kriti~ki duh Beograda. Aforizmi kojima je budio Beogra|ane na talasima Radija "Studio B" kasnije su objavljeni u tri knjige "Beograde, dobro jutro". Neke od njegovih pesama: "Mrak", "[ta je na kraju", "Pesma o mleku", "Tatin muzi~ar", "Zdravica" (…sve što raste, htelo bi da raste…) postale su hitovi za decu u izvo|enju poznatog de~ijeg hora "Kolibri". One sada sjaje svedo~e}i o njegovom neprolaznom daru i ose}anju da od stvarnosti napravi literaturu, a od literature stvarnost. Kako je u knjigu u{ao samo manji deo emitovanih tekstova, kalendar je znatno prore|en. Sve što je zaslu`ivalo da se na|e u knjizi, stalo je ispod sto datuma. Ovoj vrsti pisanja te{ko je i verovatno nepotrebno odre|ivati ime i rod. Njegova dela prevo|ena su na sve zna~ajnije svetske jezike, a dobitnik je mnogih uglednih Najpoznatiji aforizmi Na mladima svet ostaje, ~im stariji donesu takvu odluku. Ju~e je jedan roditelj zavapio na roditeljskom sastanku: "Dajte mi dobro dete, pa }ete videti kakav sam ja otac!" Oni koji mnogo znaju - malo govore. I obrnuto: najvi{e govore oni koji ni{ta ne znaju. To ima veze. Samo razmi{ljanje mo`e ~oveka spre~iti da govori. Ko ume da voli, ne bi trebalo ni{ta drugo da radi. Vi vredite samo onoliko koliko ste drugima potrebni. Neki ljudi nas poni`avaju svojom dobrotom. Odvikli smo se od dobrote. Ne razumemo za{to nam neko ne{to ~ini ako ne tra`i nikakvu protivuslugu. Dobrota se ne mo`e vratiti, jer se i ne daje. Dobri ljudi su dobri zbog sebe, a ne zbog drugih. Pre nego {to krenete da tra`ite sre}u, proverite: mo`da ste ve} sre}ni. Sre}a je mala, obi~na i neupadljiva i mnogi ne umeju da je vide. Pred Narodnom bibliotekom je red, ali za tramvaj. Red je i pred Narodnim muzejem - ali za autobus. Nasme{ite se, sa mnogo dobrote i malo, malo gor~ine. Oprostite `ivotu i svetu {to nisu savr{eni. Ako re{ite sve probleme svoje dece, ona ne}e imati drugih problema sem Vas. Pro{ao je mesec knjige. U toku su jedanaest meseci radija i televizije. Danas }e u Palati pravde biti podeljena izvesna koli~ina pravde. Ko u tome oskudeva, mogao bi da po`uri. @elim Vam da Vas ne boli ono {to vas je bolelo, a da Vas voli ono {to Vas nije volelo. Da `elite i mo`ete vi{e nego {to Vam treba, a da sve {to Vam pretekne podelite sa onima koji ne mogu kao Vi. Nemojte uzimati mnogo vi{e nego {to dajete. Svaki novi dan je ili nagrada ili kazna za ono {to smo ju~e uradili. nagrada: "Neven", "Mlado pokolenje", "Nagrada Zmajevih de~ijih igara", "Nagrada Sterijinog pozorja", "Sedmojulska nagrada", kao i diplome Me|unarodne organizacije za de~iju knji`evnost "Hans Kristijan Andersen". U 62. godini, 16. avgusta 1984. godine Du{an (Du{ko) Radovi} umro je u Beogradu. Osta}e zapam}en kao pesnik, pisac, novinar, aforisti~ar i televizijski urednik. I ~ovek koji je bio dete - ve}e nego sva ostala deca. Stra{an lav Bio jednom jedan lav... Kakav lav? Stra{an lav, narogu{en i ljut sav! Stra{no, stra{no! I{ao je na tri noge, gledao je na tri oka, slušao je na tri uva... Stra{no, stra{no! Ne pitajte {ta je jeo. Taj je jeo {ta je hteo - tramvaj ceo i oblaka jedan deo! Stra{no, stra{no! Zubi o{tri, pogled zao, on za milost nije znao! Stra{no, stra{no! Dok ga Brana jednog dana nije gumom izbrisao. Stra{no, stra{no! Love each other when you are not together. That is the real love. Those who know how to love only when they are together, They do not care who they are with … his is just one of brilliant aphorisms of Dusko Radovic (born on 29th November 1922, in Nis) who is a spiritual father of "Malo pozoriste" (Small Theatre) in Belgrade, the editor-in-chief of "Pionirske novine" (Pioneer's newspaper), editor of Radio Belgrade's "Program za decu" (Children's Program), editor of Television Belgrade's "Program za decu", editor of "Poletarac" journal, a journalist of "Borba" and as of 1975, he was the editor "Studio B". "Even those of us who will never die, must keep saying that we will all die, out of consideration for those who will die", use to say more than considerate poet of Belgrade, journalist, thinker and the greatest "frowner" among children - Dusko Radovic. Those who knew him say that his name Dusan - derived from "dusa" (soul) and Radovic - derived from "radenost" (diligence) were indeed names of his destiny. These really were fateful names because he was good as a 'soul' (Serbian way of saying that someone is really a kind person) and had a 'golden heart' and he was diligent like an ant. How the T Most famous aphorisms The world stays to youth, as soon as the adults make that decision. Yesterday, one parent started weeping in a parent's meeting: "Give me a good child and you will se what kind of father I am!" Those who know a lot - do not talk a lot. And opposite: those who know the least speak the most. That is important. Only thinking prevents a man from talking. else but that. You are worth as much as others need you. Some people humiliate us with their kindness. We have forgotten the kindness. I do not understand why would someone do us a favor and not ask for anything in return. Kindness can not be returned because it is not given. Kind people are kind because of themselves and not for others. Before you start searching happiness, check first: maybe you are already happy. Happiness is small, common and inconspicuous anfd many are not able to see it. There is a line in front of the National Library but for a streetcar. There is also a line in front of the National Museum but only for a bus. Smile with a lot of goodness and just a little bit of bitterness. Forgive the life and the world for not being perfect. If you solve all problems of your children, they will have no other problems but you. Month of the book has passed. Eleven months of radio and television are ongoing. Today, a certain amount of justice will be distributed today. Those who do not have enough should hurry up. Every new day is an award or a punishment for what we did yesterday. I wish that what was hurting you don't hurt anymore, and that loves you all that didn't before; for you to wish for more and be able to do more than you need, and that all that is too much share with the ones who are not capable as you. Do not take much more than you can give. Those who know how to love shouldn't be doing anything author of "John Peoplefox" and "Terrible Lion" strove to free us of stupidity, the authorities, bad habits, insensitivity to kindness - is testified by his books of poems and aphorisms, notes from cult shows titled "Good Morning Belgrade", the words by which children, quoting him, try to explain themselves and the world. And there was nobody who looked as little as a child but had the soul of one - his friends assure us to this day. Radovic's poetic observations, dense statements with the power of aphorisms, were marking and creating a spirit of criticism in Belgrade for years. Aphorisms with which he use to wake up Belgrade inhabitants every morning on the frequency of the radio station "Studio B", were later published in three books "Good morning Belgrade". Some of his songs: "Mrak" (Darkness), "Sta je na kraju" (What is at the end), "Pesma o mleku" (Song about Milk), "Tatin muzicar" (Daddy's Musician), "Zdravica" (Toast) (…all that grows, wants to grow…) - became hit songs for children performed by wellknown children quire "Kolibri". They are still shining and proving his imperishable talent and ability to create a literature out of reality and reality out of literature. Since the book contains only small part of broadcasted Terrible lion Once upon a time there was a lion… What kind of lion? Terrible lion completely ruffled and mad lion! Do not even ask what he ate. That one ate everything - A whole streetcar And a part of a cloud! Awful, awful! Sharp teeth, evil look, For mercy he didn't know! Awful, awful! Awful, awful! He use to walk on three legs, Look at three eyes, Listen with three ears… Awful, awful! Until Brana One day Erased it with an eraser. Awful, awful! texts, the calendar is significantly sparse. Everything that can be found in a book filled 100 dates. It is difficult and probably unnecessary to define a name and gender for this kind of literature. His work was translated to all more significant world languages and he received many prestigious awards such as: "Neven" (Marigold), "Mlado pokolenje" (Young Generation), the award of Zmaj's Children's Games, the awards of Sterija's Theatre, Seventh of July Award, and the scrolls of honor of the Hans Christian Andersen International Organization of Children's Literature. Dusan Dusko Radovic was 62 years old when he died in Belgrade on 16th August 1984. He will be remembered as a poet, writer, journalist, aphorist and TV editor. And as a man who was a child more then all other children. FLAMINGO R e~ flamingo poti~e od latinske re~i za plamen. Egip}ani su obo`avali flamingose kao `ivo oli~enje boga sunca Ra. Flamingosi mogu da `ive do 20 godina u divljini i do 50 godina u zarobljeni{tvu. Mogu izrasti izme|u 90 i 150 centimetara u visinu i mogu da te`e izme|u 2,7 do 3,2 kg. Flamingosi imaju mr{ave noge, duga~ak elegantan vrat, velika krila raspona izme|u 1,40 i 1,65 metara i kratak rep. Postoji nekoliko vrsta flamingosa: ru`i~asti, karipski, patuljasti, ~ileanski, `utonogi i kratkokljuCarstvo: ni. Patuljasti flaminAnimalia gosi su najmanji od Tip: Chordata svih vrsta, ali i Klasa: Aves najbrojniji. Za Red: Phoenicopteriformes kratkokljune Porodica: flamingose se Phoenicopteridae jedno vreme Rod: Phoenicopterus verovalo da su izumrli, ali su otkrivene nove jedinke ove vrste 1957. godine i danas se mogu na}i u veoma malom broju na ograni~enom prostoru u Ju`noj Americi. Sve vrste flamingosa `ive u tropskim ili suptropskim oblastima. Flamingose mo`emo na}i na Karipskim ostrvima, Centralnoj Americi, Ju`noj Americi, Africi, Evropi i Aziji. Na~in `ivota Flamingosi dobijaju svoju roze boju od hrane koju jedu, jer sadr`i karotin. Hrane se malim beski~menjacima, {kampima, algama, insektima i dijatonima. Flamingosi se hrane sistemom filtera, uvla~e vodu u kljun koju zatim jezikom izbacuju, a hrana se zadr`ava na sitnim dlakama koje se zovu lamele. Ove `ivotinje vole da se hrane u jezerima koja imaju visoku koncentraciju lu`ne i alkalne soli. Mahanjem svoje naopako okrenute glave sa jedne na drugu stranu i izbacuju}i vodu iz kljunova debelim jezikom, flamingosi pritiskaju vodu iz jezera kroz filtere u kojima ostaju alge kojima se oni hrane. Mogu da "isfiltriraju" do dvadeset punih kljunova u sekundi vodu bogatu algama. Ovaj jedinstveni sistem ishrane daje im odre|enu sigurnost: dok moraju da se paze od predatora, kao {to su {akali i orlovi, ne moraju da se bore za hranu ni sa jednom drugom `ivotinjom. Ponekad ih jo{ nazivaju i "vatrenim pticama", jer mnoge vrste flamingosa vole da pose}uju toplo vulkansko ili blatnjavo meko zemlji{te. Flamingosi stoje na jednoj nozi kao i druge ptice, samo {to je to kod njih uo~ljivije. Oni stoje na jednoj nozi kako bi svoju te`inu prebacili na nogu koja je odmornija. Njihova stopala im olak{avaju stajanje u vla`nim i blatnjavim predelima. Mogu da plivaju, a stil plivanja im je sli~an stilu koje imaju patke ili labudovi. Osim toga, flamingosi mogu da sede! Ono za {ta bismo mi rekli da su kolena, ustvari su ~lanci na nozi. Flamingosi savijaju noge tako da im se stopala pomeraju pozadi, mogu i da lete, a sele se kako bi prona{li nove oblasti za hranjenje i parenje. Lete u neodre|enim jatima, mada ~esto u formacijama koje predstavljaju jednu dugu, pravu liniju ili u obliku latini~nog slova V. Kolonije od nekoliko desetina hiljada ptica su uobi~ajene (`ive u velikim kolonijama zbog za{tite i sig- urnosti). U zoolo{kim vrtovima veli~ina jata varira od 2 do 340 flamingosa, sa prosekom od 71 flamingosa po jatu. Flamingosi su veoma dru`eljubive ptice. Tako|e su i vrlo pla{ljivi, pa }e odmah poleteti u slu~aju ja~eg zvuka ili naglog pokreta. Glasovne mogu}nosti flamingosa variraju od nazalnog trubljenja do groktanja i re`anja. Uop{teno, flamingosi su veoma bu~ne ptice, ali postoje varijacije u zavisnosti od vrste. Zvuk igra veoma va`nu ulogu u odr`avanju jata na jednom mestu, ali i u rutualima parenja. Parenje Flamingosi nemaju ta~no odre|enu sezonu parenja i predpostavlja se da su monogamni i da se uvek pare sa istim partnerom. Roditelji prave kupu od blata pre~nika izme|u 30 i 50 cm u koju pola`u 1 jaje, na kojem `enke i mu`jaci naizmeni~no le`e. Njihova gnezda su oblika kupe sa ulegnu}em na vrhu, a jedno duguljasto jaje se pola`e u udubljenje - gnezda sa dva jajeta su retka. Potrebno je izme|u 28 do 31 dan da se iz jajeta izle`e mladun~e. Oba roditelja u~estvuju u izradi gnezda i gajenju mladun~eta. Kada se mladun~e flamingosa izlegne, njegova boja je sivobela. Ra|aju se sa pravim kljunom koji se vremenom krivi, dok flamingos postaje zreliji. Roditelji hrane mladun~e ve} svarenom hranom, {to je uloga `lezde koja je sme{tena blizu gornjeg probavnog trakta. Kada dostigne starost izme|u 7 i 10 dana, mladun~e po prvi put po~inje da pokazuje pokrete hranjenja u vodi i mo`e samostalno da po~ne da se hrani kad bude staro oko 60 dana. Potrebno je oko 3 godine da mladun~e flamingosa dostigne punu roze boju. Flamingosi se ne}e pariti sve dok ne dostignu punu roze boju. FLAMINGO Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Phoenicopteriformes Family: Phoenicopteridae Genus: Phoenicopterus he word flamingo comes from the Latin word for flame. Egyptians revered the flamingo as the living embodiment of the sun god Ra. They can live up to 20 years in the wild and 50 years in captivity. They can reach from 90 up to 150 cm tall and weigh about 6-7 pounds. Flamingos have slender legs, long, graceful necks, large wings 55 to 65 inches, and short tails. There are several species of flamingos: Greater, Lesser, Caribbean, Andean, Chilean, and James'. Lesser flamingos are the smallest of all of the species of flamingos. T Way of living Flamingos obtain their pink coloring from the food that they eat which contains carotene. They feed on small invertebrates such as shrimp, algae, insects and diatoms. Flamingos are filter feeders. They draw water into their beak and then force it out with their tongues, trapping the food particles on tiny hair like lamella. Flamingos prefer to feed in lakes where there are high saline or alkaline salt concentrations. By swinging their upside-down heads from side to side or swishing water with their fat tongues, flamingoes siphon the lake water through their filters to trap algae. They can filter as many as 20 beaks full of algae-rich water in a single second. This unique feeding system gives flamingoes a certain security: while they must watch out for predators like jackals or eagles, they compete with no other animals for food. They are sometimes called firebirds because many species prefer to frequent hot, volcanic, mud flats. Flamingos stand on one leg just like other birds do--it's just more noticeable in the flamingo. They stand on one leg to shift their weight to a better rested leg. Flamingos have webbed feet which help to support them on soft mud. They can swim. Their style is much the same as that of a duck or swan. Flamingos can sit down! What we often refer to as their "knees" is actually their ankle, and they fold their legs so that their feet extend backwards. Flamingos can fly. They migrate to find new feeding and breeding areas. They fly in loose flocks in long single lines or in a V-formation. Colonies of tens of thousands of birds are common. They live in large colonies for safety and protection. In zoos, flock size ranges from 2 to 340 flamingos, with an average of 71 birds. Flamingos are very social birds. They are also very skittish and will often take flight at sudden movement or noise. Flamingo vocalizations range from nasal honking to grunting and growling. Generally Flamingos are very noisy birds and variations exist in the voices of different species of flamingos. Vocalizations play an important part in keeping the flock together and in ritualized breeding displays. Mating Flamingoes have no firm mating season and appear to be monogamous. The parents build a mud-cone nest from 12 to 20 inches in diameter that holds one egg, which males and females take turns in incubating. Their nests are cone shaped, with a depression at the top. One oblong shaped egg is laid in the depression. A two egg clutch is rare. It takes between 28-31 days for the egg to hatch. Both parents participate in nest building and chick rearing. When flamingo chicks are born they are grayish white in color. The chicks have straight beaks which become curved as they mature. Adults feed their chick secreted food from glands located near the upper digestive tract. It is not regurgitated food. At 7-10 days, the chick shows typical feeding movement in the water and can feed themselves in about 60 days. It takes approximately 3 years for the flamingo chick to get its full coloration. Flamingos will not display or breed until they get their full pink coloration. Kultura P rakti~no, Izdava~ka ku}a "Ne {tampamo bilo ~ija dela. Na "Hvosno" je ostala jedina primer, {tampali smo knjigu o pozozbiljnija izdava~ka ku}a sa natom Savi De~ancu, sa njegovim autovih prostora, {to se ti~e srpskog enti~nim spisima. On je bio veoma dela stanovni{tva na Kosovu. [taobrazovan i {kolovan ~ovek svog vrempaju dela ozbiljnih autora, renomimena. Bio je prvi rektor Prizrenske ranih knji`evnika i na taj na~in Bogoslovije, a kao predstavnik Srba poku{avaju da se odr`e na tr`i{tu, a sa Kosova 1878. godine u~estvovao je ujedno i da o~uvaju kulturnu ba{tinu na Berlinskom kongresu… Ovo je sa ovih prostora. te`ak posao, kada nemate nikakvih O njihovom radu razgovarali smo donacija. Odr`ava nas samo ljubav sa gospodinom Zoranom prema knjizi, pisanoj re~i i `elja da se \or|evi}em, diplomiranim istori~arem ne izgubi na{a kulturna ba{tina", rekao umetnosti, direktorom i glavnim i je gospodin \or|evi}. odgovornim urednikom "Hvosna" iz [tampali su oko 20 knjiga poezije, Istoka, koji su nakon 1999. godine a nagradu "Rade Drainac" 2003-}e izme{teni prvo u Leposavi}, a od godine dobili su za zbirku pesama nedavno kancelarija im se nalazi u Radoslava Stojanovi}a "Netremice"; Bo{nja~koj mahali u Mitrovici. ove godine su dobili nagradu "Milan Ova izdava~ka ku}a je osnovana Raki}" i nagradu "Pero Despota 1996. godine i osnovna delatnost im Stefana Lazarevi}a" u Gra~anici za je izdavanje ~asopisa "Hvosno" koji zbirku pesama "Sent Andreja i druge se bavi dru{tvenim i kulturnim pitanjipesme" od Gorana \or|evi}a. Kao ma. Va`no je re}i da nisu prekidali sa ustanova dobili su "Vukovu nagradu" radom, iako su uslovi za rad ponekad 2003. godine za ukupan rad. Knjige im bili veoma te{ki. Danas se vi{e bave izlaze u malim tira`ima (300-500 ili kulturnom problematikom Kosova, 1000-5000 primeraka); sve knjige su nego dru{tvenim pitanjima. Od kada na srpskom jeziku, osim malobrojnih postoje izdali su oko 100 knjiga, od koje su prevedene na strane jezike. Iz kataloga sa likovne kolonije Hvostanski hrastovi u ~ega oko 80 naslova nakon 1999. Izdavanje stranih klasika ~eka, ipak, Gora`devcu 2008. godine godine. Uglavnom su to knjige proze, neka bolja vremena, jer nemaju finanpoezije, istorije (vreme iz turskog sijskih uslova za tako ne{to. perioda), isklju~ivo od autora sa ovih prostora, savremenih pisaca. "Poku{avail smo da uradimo {ta smo mogli na tom polju, ali "Srbi sa ovog prostora vi{e pi{u poeziju nego prozu. Za{to je nemamo dovoljno finansijskih sredstava. Prevo|enje je jako to tako - ne znam. Na primer, gospodin Petar Sari}, koji `ivi i radi skupo… [to se ti~e na{ih ~italaca, na Kosovu ima dosta obrazou [trpcu, jedan je od retkih autora koji pi{e prozu", izjavio je vanih ljudi, ljubitelja knjige i sva izdanja rasprodamo, je nam tira`i gospodin \or|evi}. nisu veliki. Tako je bar za sada…" Na nedavno odr`anom Sajmu knjiga u Gra~anici (septembar 2009. U svom radu poku{avaju da budu korektni, tematski se godine) Izdava~ka ku}a "Hvosno" je bila veoma zapa`ena i imali su vezuju za kulturnu ba{tinu, istoriju, prozu i poeziju, a u ~asopisu oko 20 knjiga, od kojih je jedna od najpopularnijih bila "Poruke mudrih "Hvosno" {tampaju i strane autore, jer se istovremeno trude da kroz vekove" od Miodraga M. Petrovi}a. "Hvosno" se bavi i izdavanjem budu i aktuelni. kataloga likovnih kolonija koje se odr`avaju u Gora`devcu, Osojanu i Na kraju na{eg razgovora, gospodin \or|evi} je poru~io na{im drugim mestima na Kosovu. Trenutno poku{avaju da naprave i 10-tak ~itaocima da smo svi mi sa ovih prostora odrasli zajedno. On to malih monografija o starim srpskim selima na Kosovu, od kojih su dobro zna, jer je radio kao direktor isto~ke Gimnazije - koju su u to neka od njih danas povratni~ka sela (Osojane, Ko{…). vreme poha|ali u~enici svih nacionalnosti. Preko 20.000 dinara (oko 250 evra) prometa ostvarili su na ovogo"Dakle, deco, budite tolerantni jedni prema drugima, ne radite di{njem Sajmu knjiga u Ni{u, {to je za ovu ku}u pristojna zarada. drugima ono {to ne biste voleli da drugi rade vama; budite vezani Finansijski se te{ko snalaze, jer ih niko ne dotira, tako da su primorani za svoju porodicu, ljudsko po{tenje i dobrotu. A, knjiga je jedan od da posluju tr`i{no, tj. svoja izdanja prodaju u pojedinim knji`arama i mostova upoznavanja i povezivanja naroda." kioscima u Mitrovici, jer nemaju svoje knji`are. Izdava~ka ku}a "Hvosno" u Mitrovici ima ~etvoro zaposlenih, a ostalih petoro radnika rade i `ive u op{tini Istok, u selu Osojane. Kriterijumi po kojima odabiraju koje }e knjige {tampati su ozbiljnost materijala i renome autora. Ne {tampaju ni{ta {to nije vezano za ozbiljan nau~ni rad, tako da {tampaju radove doktora, profesora, akademika. Gospodin Zoran \or|evi} - Ljubav prema knjizi i pisanoj re~i Culture ractically, the has four employees and other five workers live and work in the Publishing Municipality Istok, in the village of Osojane. House 'Hvosno' Criteria for the choice of books they intend to print are seriousis the last serious pubness of the material and reputation of the author. They are not publishlishing house in this ing anything that is not related to serious scientific wok, which is why region when it comes they publish works of doctors, professors and academics. "We are not to Serbian part of popprinting the work of just anyone. For instance, we were printing the ulation in Kosovo. book about famous Sava Decanac with his original scripts. He was They are printing the very educated man in his time. He was the first rector of the Prizren pieces of serious Seminary and he participated in Berlin Congress as a representative of authors and renowned the Kosovo Serbs in 1878 … This is a difficult job when you don't get literates and in this any donations. We keep doing this just out of love for book, written way trying to maintain word and wish to preserve our cultural heritage," said Mr. Djordjevic. their position in the They printed around 20 books of poetry and in 2003 they were market and preserve presented with the Rade Drinac Award for the collection of poems the cultural heritage of "Netremice" of Radoslav Stojanovic, and this year they received Milan this region as well. Rakic Award as well as Letter of Despot Stefan Lazarevic Award in We have talked to Gracanica for the collection of poems "Saint Andrej and other poems" Mr. Zoran Djordjevic, of Goran Djordjevic. As institution, they have received Vuk's Award in art historian and editor2003 for their overall work. Books are published in small number (300in-chief of the journal 500 or 1000-5000 copies); all books are in Serbian language except 'Hvosno' from Istok that few that were translated to foreign languages. They are waiting some Skulptura Mili}a Mili~evi}a sa likovne was after 1999 disbetter time to publish some old classics because they are not able to kolonije u Gora`devcu pro{le godine placed to Leposavic financially support this project. "We have tried to do everything we and their office was could in this area but we don't have enough funds. Translation is very recently moved to Bosnjacka Mahala in Mitrovica. This publishing expensive…When it comes to our readers, there are a lot of educated house was founded in 1996 and basic activity is publishing of the jourpeople in Kosovo, book fans and all copies are sold out because the nal 'Hvosno' which deals with social and cultural subjects. It is impornumber of books we print out is not big. At least for now…" tant to say that they never discontinued their work despite the fact that They are trying to do their work correctly; they deal with working conditions were quite difficult sometimes. Today, they are the subjects related to cultural heritage, history, prose, poetry more concerned with the cultural then social problems of Kosovo. and in the journal 'Hvosno' they print the works of foreign Since the foundation, they have published around 100 books of which authors because they wish to be up-to-date as well. 80 were published after 1999. These were mostly books of prose, At the end of our conversation, Mr. Djordjevic told our readpoetry of authors from this area and contemporary writers exclusively. ers that all of us, who live in this area, have grown-up together. "Serbs from this area write poetry more than prose. Why this is so - I He knows this very well because he used to work as the don't know. For instance, Mr. Petar Saric who lives and works in Director of Istok Gymnasium in which students of all nationaliStrpce is one of rare authors who write prose," said Mr. Djordjevic. ties attended the classes at that time. "Therefore, children, be In recently held book faire in Gracanica (Septmeber 2009), the tolerant to each other, don't do what you wouldn't like to be publishing house 'Hvosno' was notable and had around 20 books out done to you; stay close to your family, human decency and of which one of the most popular was "Poruke mudrih kroz vekove" goodness and remember that book is one of the bridges that (Messages of Wise People Through the Centuries) of Miodrag M. help us learn and connect with other nations." Petrovic. 'Hvosno' also publishes catalogues of art colonies that are organized in Gorazdevac, Osojane and other places in Kosovo. Currently, they are trying to create 10 small monographs about old Serbian villages in Kosovo and in some of these we have returnees today (Osojane, Kos…). They had a profit of over 20.000 dinars (around 250 Euros) in this year's book fair in Nis which is for this publishing house a decent amount. Financially it is very difficult for them because they are not supported by anyone which is why they are forced to sell their publications in certain bookstores and kiosks in Mitrovica because they do not have their own bookstores. Rad Gorana Bankovi}a - Umetni~ko saborovanje Hvostanski hrastovi 2008. godine u Gora`devcu Publishing House 'Hvosno' P TRGOVINA LJUDIMA - ROPSTVO U 21. VEKU Gospo|ica Dafina Hadri O be}anje o braku, poslu na Zapadu ili obe}anja za ilegalan prelazak preko granica u zapadne zemlje, drugim re~ima: obe}anje za bolji `ivot. Obi~no ovako po~inje no}na mora ve}ine `rtava trgovine ljudima. Jednom kada ove `rtve padnu u ruke beskrupuloznih kriminalaca, kao leptir uhva}en u paukovu mre`u, nalaze se na milost i nemilost tkalaca ovih spletki. Njihovo odredi{te je nepoznato! Na `alost, Kosovo nije po{te|eno u~e{}a u razvitku ovog okrutnog posla. Prime}eno je da Kosovo, umesto kao tranzit ili odredi{te, poslednjih godina postaje sve popularnije kao mesto porekla `rtava trgovine ljudima. U ve}ini slu~ajeva su to mlade devojke koje u potrazi za svojim snovima i u `elji da pobegnu od svakodnevnih problema na bilo koji mogu}i na~in, vrlo lako upadaju u ovakve zamke. Kao odgovor na ovakav razvoj situacije i prete}e opasnosti, naro~ito za mlade devojke, Organizacija za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju (OEBS) - misija na Kosovu, tokom 2009. godine je organizovala razli~ite aktivnosti u cilju da se podigne nivo svesti u javnosti o ovoj pretnji koja uvek tra`i slede}u `rtvu. Gospo|ica Dafina Hadri, savetnik za pitanja vezana za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima u Odseku za ljudska prava (OEBS na Kosovu), ka`e da bi dva projekta realizovana tokom 2009. godine trebala biti posebno spomenuta. Prvi projekat koji je realizovan tokom oktobra 2009. godine, podrazumevao je organizaciju obuke sa pripadnicima kosovske pograni~ne policijske slu`be po pitanju trgovine ljudima, dok je drugi projekat realizovan tokom oktobra i novembra 2009. godine predstavljao organizaciju obuke nastavnika iz nekoliko {kola iz razli~itih oblasti na Kosovu. Cilj ove obuke je bio da nakon povratka na svoja radna mesta, nastavnici budu u stanju da prenesu svojim kolegama informacije koje su dobili tokom obuke i {to je jo{ bitnije, da prenesu ove informacije u~enicima tokom predavanja. Zato su izabrani nastavnici koji predaju dru{tveno obrazovanje, geografiju i biologiju, a sva tri predmeta se bave ovom pojavom iz razli~itih uglova. Na kraju godine, OEBS je zavr{io svoje aktivnosti za 2009. godinu organizacijom kampanje za podizanje svesti po pitanju trgovine ljudima uz parolu: "Prekinite ti{inu. Prijavite trgovinu ljudima, ona je jedna od nas!" Ova kampanja je simboli~no organizovana od 25. novembra, {to je Me|unarodni dan protiv nasilja prema `enama, pa do 10. decembra, {to je Me|unarodni dan ljudskih prava. Tokom ove dve nedelje, poznate {irom sveta kao 16 dana aktivizma organizovane su brojne debate, konferencije za {tampu, deljeni su bilbordi, letci i posteri. Tako|e su odr`ana tri koncerta: jedan u severnoj Mitrovici 4. decembra sa lokalnim muzi~kim bendovima, drugi u Prizrenu, a tre}i u Pri{tini 10. decembra 2009. godine u Sali "1 Tetori". "Bili smo veoma uspe{ni, po{to su mladi bili veoma zainteresovani da u~estvuju u ovom koncertu. @elim da naglasim da je sala "1 Tetori" uprkos hladnom vremenu bila puna mladih koji su `eleli da budu deo ove aktivnosti. Posebnu zahvalnost dugujemo na{im umetnicima koji drugu godinu zaredom nisu oklevali da nam se pridru`e u ovoj va`noj akciji", rekla je gospo|ica Hadri. Na kraju je posebno podsetila mlade devojke da ne dozvole da ih obe}anja koja deluju 'previ{e dobra da bi bila istinita' namame, jer to upravo i jesu. Istovremeno je apelovala na sve one koji slu~ajno do|u u situaciju da saznaju ili posumnjaju da je u pitanju slu~aj trgovine ljudima, da ne oklevaju i pozovu broj 044/08090 koji je Ministarstvo pravde posvetilo svim `rtvama trgovine ljudima i gra|anima koji `ele da prijave ovakve zlo~ine. HUMAN TRAFFICKING XXI CENTURY'S SLAVERY promise of marriage, a promise of a job in the west, or promises to illegally cross borders towards the western countries are all promises of a better life. This is usually how the nightmare of most human trafficking victims starts. Once victims fall into the hands of these unscrupulous criminals, like butterflies caught in a spider's web, they are at the mercy of the weavers of these traps. Their destination is unknown! Unfortunately, Kosovo is not spared from becoming involved in this A cruel business. A trend has been noticed in recent years: there is a shift from Kosovo being a transit or a destination country to becoming a country of origin for trafficking victims. Most of the cases are young girls, which are in pursuit of a dream and having a desire to escape everyday difficulties by any means possible and very easily fall for such scams. In response to these trends and luring dangers for young girls, Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE) mission in Kosovo has organized various activities during 2009 to raise the awareness about this threat, whichis always seeking its next victim. Miss Dafina Hadri, counselor for anti-trafficking issues in the human rights department at the OSCE mission in Kosovo told us about two projects that where implemented during 2009 and are worthy of particular mentioned. The first project implemented during October 2009 was a training program organized for the members of Kosovo Border Police in regard to the issue of human trafficking. The second project, held during October and November 2009 organized training for teachers of several primary schools from different areas in Kosovo. The aim of this training was for teachers to pass on the information gathered during this training, to their colleagues upon return to their work. What is more important, teachers are to pass this information on to their students during lectures. This is why the chosen participants where teachers of subjects such as Social Education, Geography and Biology. All three of these subjects deal with the phenomenon of human trafficking from different points of view. Finally, to close its 2009 year of activities, the OSCE organized an awareness raising campaign against human trafficking under the motto: "Rock to break the silence. Report human trafficking-she is one of us!" Symbolically this campaign was organised from the 25th of November 2009, the International Day against Violence to Women, until the 10th of December 2009, International Day for Human Rights. During these two weeks, known worldwide as the 16 days of activism, many debates and press conferences where organized and many leaflets, billboards and posters were distributed. Three concerts were also held: one in Northern Mitrovica, on the 4th December 2009, featuring local music bands, the second in Prizren and the third concert was held in Prishtina on the 10th of December 2009 in "1 Tetori" hall. "We were very successful, as there was good interest among the young generations to attend the concert. I would like to emphasise that despite the cold weather, "1 Tetori" hall was full of young people who wanted to be a part of this activity. I dedicate special thanks to our artists, who for the second year in a row, did not hesitate to join us for this important cause," said Miss Hadri. At the end of the interview she especially reminded young girls to not get lured by promises that seem to good to be true because in fact, that is exactly what they are. And at the same time, she urged everyone else to not hesitate to use the hot line number 044/08090 in case they know of or suspect any case of human trafficking. The Ministry of Justice has dedicated this number to all human trafficking victims, and for citizens to report these crimes. FIFA 10 nudi najbolju zami{ljenu dinamiku igre ikada u seriji ovih igrica, a dolazi sa mno{tvom dodataka i modula za igranje "EA Sports FIFA" serija igrica je unapre|ena tokom proteklih nekoliko godina, i sada nudi dinamiku igre na istom nivou kao {to je i sama prezentacija igre. Sa igricom "FIFA 10" razvojni tim je napravio najbolju igricu u seriji, do sada, a zahvaljuju}i mnogo lak{om i te~nijom. U igrici izuzetno te~nom na~inu "FIFA 10" se igra~i kre}u mnogo kontrole igra~a sa pogleprirodnije, jer imate mogu}nost da dom od 360 stepeni, podesite na~in na koji igra~i tr~e, ali unapre|enom animacijom i i mnogo finije pode{avanja uglova iz relnim protivnikom nazvankojih napadaju na gol. im "AI". Ovogodi{nje izdanMod pod nazivom "Arena" je jo{ je donosi promenjeni uvek prisutan, on Vam omogu}ava "Manager mod", ali i novi ve`banje kad god ste u glavnom dodatak "Virtual Pro", {to meniju i ovaj mod je unapre|en da Vam dozvoljava da sebe odgovara novom ruhu "FIFA 10" stavite u igru i tako igrice. Mo`ete da ve`bate pokrete i otklju~ate nove mogu}nosti da koristite bio kog igra~a iz igrice, kao i da me~eve odigrate u skoro svakom modu za igranje. Rezultat je neuporediva na nekom od velikog broja ponu|enih stadiona. Mo`ete da partija fudbala, bilo da igrate igru "na brzaka" sa drugovima odigrate seriju slobodnih udaraca ili pak da odigrate ili sedite u stolici menad`era u toku vi{e sezona. I utakmicu od po~etka do kraja, a da pritom ne dalje postoje neka pitanja na kojima treba poraditi, Dobre strane morate da ~ekate u~itavanje cele igrice. Najve}i pun spisak opcija i modova za igranje kao rezul• Kontrola pogleda nad dodatak "Arena modu" je mogu}nost aktivirantat imaju pretrpan meni sistem izbora, dok je igra~ima od 360 stepeni ja seta opcija klikom na "D pad" u bilo kojoj mogu}nost da se unaprede igra~i za pravi dobro funkcioni{e utakmici koju budete igrali. Imate veliku konnovac sama po sebi ideja koja nas brine kao •"Virtual Pro" napredovanje kroz trolu: delovi pode{avanja se mogu preuzeti pokazatelj u kom pravcu ide ideja sadr`aja ve}inu modova za igranje sa osam razli~itih lokacija oko gola i isto za preuzimanje. Me|utim, ako ove male • Veliki broj samostalnih i modula tako mo`ete da predthodno podesite kretanje probleme ostavimo po strani, "FIFA 10" je za igranje vi{e igra~a do devet razli~itih igra~a. bez sumnje najbolja igra fudbala koju mo`ete • "Manager mod" nudi veliki Od ve} postoje}ih modova, "Menager da na|ete. To je paket bez kog nijedan ljubitelj broj opcija mod" je taj koji je do`iveo najve}e promene fudbala ne `eli da bude. ove godine. Sada je ve}i fokus stavljen na Dinamika igre nije ne{to drasti~no promenjena razvoj i transfere igra~a, morate se usredsrediti ove godine, ali pode{avanja i pobolj{anja su na pojedina~ne prohteve igra~a i biti mudri kad stvarno dodali dubinu igranju. Najve}i novi dodatak kog igra~a uvodite u igru. Dostupno me|unarodno igranju je kontrola igra~a sa pogledom od 360 stetr`i{te za transfer igra~a zna~i da postoji peni, {to ~ini kontolu ve}a realnija konkurencija, kada igra~a Lo{e strane ho}ete da unajmite nekog novog • "On line" igranje talenta, a sistem osmatranja nije besplatno igra~a je ni{ta manje nego impre• Pretrpan meni sissivna za igricu kojoj glavni zadatak tem izbora nije "Menager". Na sre}u, igrica nudi veliku pomo} onima kojima je pomo} potrebna, ali dodajte sponzore, zahteve osoblja i pregovaranje o ugovorima igra~a onda imate mod koji je dosta podroban i dugove~an. U ponudi je mnogo nagrada - ukoliko igrate u "Virtual Pro" modu igranja, kao i velika dostignu}a - ako se time du`e bavite. "FIFA 10" je igrica fudbala velikog kalibra, stvarno nudi fantasti~nu igru fudbala, pregr{t modova, a uz to i popravlja sve velike gre{ke uo~ene u igrici "FIFA 09". "FIFA 10" }e biti te`ak zadatak za sve ostale igrice koje od sada budu iza{le na tr`i{te, ali ne brinite o tome, ve} samo budite sre}ni i u`ivajte u svetlu uzvi{enog fudbalskog iskustva. FIFA 10 offers the best gameplay in the series' history and includes even more features and game modes to boot. A Sports' FIFA series has improved dramatically over the last few years, finally bringing the gameplay up to the same standard as its glittering presentation. With FIFA 10, the developer has produced the best game in the series to date, thanks to incredibly fluid 360-degree player control, improved animation, and realistic opponent AI. This year's game also introduces a revitalized Manager mode and a brand-new Virtual Pro feature, aside, FIFA 10 is without a doubt the best football game yet, and allowing you to put yourself in the game and unlock new abilities it's a package that no football fan will want to be without. across nearly every game mode. The result is an unparalleled The gameplay hasn't been radically overhauled this year, but the game of football, whether you're playing a quick game with your tweaks and improvements really add depth to the game. The mates or sitting in the manager's chair over several seasons. There biggest new gameplay feature is 360-degree player control, are still some issues--the sheer number of options and which makes player movement much smoother than before. game modes result in an overloaded menu system, In FIFA 10, they move much more naturally, since you're The Good while the ability to upgrade players able to make finer tweaks to their runs and subtle alter• 360 - degree player in exchange for ations to their angles of attack. control works well real cash is a The arena mode is still present, allowing you to prac• Virtual Pro progression worrying sign for tice whenever you're in the main menu, and it too has across most game modes the future of been improved for its FIFA 10 outing. You can prac• Huge number of solo and downloadable tice moves using any player from the game in a varimultiplayer modes content. ety of different stadiums, and you can also • Manager mode offers However, play out free kicks and even entire matchgreater depth these small es without having to sit through loading issues The Bad screens. The most significant addition • Live Season to Arena mode, is the ability to create updates aren't free custom set pieces that can be activat• Cluttered menu ed from the D pad in any system full-match mode. You have a great deal of control: set pieces can be taken from eight different places around the goal, and you can incorporate runs for up to nine different players. Of all the existing game modes, Manager mode has received the biggest overhaul this year. There's a much greater focus on player development and transfers--you have to focus on individual player needs and be wise about when to play them. The international transfer market also means that there's more realistic competition when you're trying to scope new talent, and the scouting system is impressive for a non-dedicated management game. Thankfully, the game offers plenty of help for those who want it, but throw in sponsorship, staff demands, and player contract negotiations, and you have a game mode that offers significant depth and longevity. It also offers plenty of rewards if you're playing with virtual pro, as well as substantial achievements for going the distance. FIFA 10 is a high-caliber football game--it plays a fantastic game, offers a wealth of modes, and addresses every major fault from FIFA 09. FIFA 10 will be a tough act to follow for every football game released from this day forward, but rather than worry about that you should just be happy basking in the light of this sublime football experience. E CRAZY ON THE OUTSIDE nije neko ko }e prihvatiti "Ne" kao odgovor. Dok Tommy ne `eli ni{ta vi{e sem da se ~ist pojavi pred svojim slu`benikom za uslovno pu{tene zatvorenike Angela-om, poslednje {to on ho}e jeste da je natera da posumnja u njega, posebno po{to je po~ela da mu se svi|a. I, dok vreme polako isti~e i Grey kre}e u primenu "{emu" kojom }e se obogatiti, Tommy nalazi sebe uhva}enog izme|u Viki koja }e upotrebiti sve iz svog velikog repertoara preterivanja kako bi sa~uvala svog brata i Angela-e, `ene koju on voli, a koja primenjuje zakon. Dodajte na ovo i Tommy-jevu sjajnu porodicu koja ga toliko podr`ava koliko su i slepi na tu ~injenicu i Tommy otkriva da je jedini na~in da pobedi da bude iskren sa onim {to ima u sebi, naro~ito kada je... "lud spolja" ("Crazy on the Outside"). LUD SPOLJA U glavnim ulogama: Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Ray Liotta, J.K. Simmons, Julie Bowen, Kelsey Grammer, Jeanne Tripplehorn Re`iser: Tim Allen Studio: "Freestyle Releasing" @anr: komedija Sinopsis ommy izlazi iz zatvora i spreman je za drugu {ansu u `ivotu. Tommy se preseljava kod svoje voljene sestre Viki, njenog cini~nog mu`a Eda i njihove porodice. Kada je do{ao trenutak da se objasni baki gde je Tommy bio protekle tri godine, Viki, kojoj je istina smetala, imala je odgovor: "Bio je u Francuskoj!". Po{to baka pri~a sa Tommy-jem samo na francuskom i ne skida beretku, Tommy je odlu~an da pobegne iz Viki-ne ku}e i ispuni dva, njemu bliska zadatka: prvi, da ponovo pokrene o~ev posao i drugi da se opet na|e i sprijatelji sa svojom starom ljubavlju Christy. Tragi~no, Christie je poginula u saobra}ajnoj nesre}i. Dok se javlja svom, sve po propisu, slu`beniku za uslovno pu{tene zatvorenike, Angela-i, Tommy dobija privremeni posao u lancu restorana brze hrane - "Pirate Burger". Pored toga {to je primoran da se obla~i kao neko ko li~i na mla|eg brata kapetana Kuka, on letimi~no gleda prelepu mu{teriju dok izlazi iz restorana, koja je ista Christy! "Pirat" Tommy juri za `enom i saznaje da je Christy `iva i da je verena i da se uskoro ven~ava. Ali, nju to ne spre~ava da se baci u Tommy-jevo naru~je, sve do trenutka kada je njihov bla`eni ponovni sastanak prekinut od strane njenog verenika, Frank-a magnata vlasnika lanca radnji za elektroniku. Viki opet udara! Ona je samo lagala svog brata kako bi ga za{titila od vesti o Christy-inoj udaji. Ali, ko }e ga za{tititi od njegovog starog "prijatelja" Gray-a ~ija ilegalan posao video piraterije i jeste razlog za{to je Tommy "zaglavio" zatvor. Gray je opet na potezu i poku{ava da privu~e Tommy-ja u novu "{emu", a Gray T CRAZY ON THE OUTSIDE Starring: Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Ray Liotta, J.K. Simmons, Julie Bowen, Kelsey Grammer, Jeanne Tripplehorn Director: Tim Allen Studio: Freestyle Releasing Genre: Comedy Synopsis ommy is fresh out of prison and ready for a second chance in life. Enter his loving sister Viki, her cynical husband Ed and their family. Tommy moves in with them, and when it comes to explaining to Grandma Tommy's whereabouts for the last three T years, the truth-challenged Viki has the answer: "He's been in France!" With Grandma now speaking only French to Tommy and sporting a beret, Tommy is determined to flee Viki's house and complete the two missions closest to his heart: One, to revive his late father's business and two, to re-connect with his old flame Christy . Tragically Christy died in an accident. Reporting to his by-the-book probation officer Angela Tommy lands a temporary job in a popular fast-food chain, Pirate Burger, where not only is he forced to dress up like something resembling Captain Hook's younger brother, but he catches a fleeting glimpse of a beautiful departing customer who looks exactly like - Christy! "Pirate" Tommy chases the woman down to discover that, indeed, it is Christy, very much alive and engaged to be married. But that doesn't stop her from throwing herself into Tommy's arms, until their blissful reunion is interrupted by Christy's current fiancée, Frank an electronic store magnate. Viki strikes again! But she only lied to her brother about Christy's demise to protect him from the news of Christy's nuptials. But who can protect him from his old "friend" Gray whose video piracy operation is the reason Tommy went to jail in the first place. Gray is back on the move and trying to lure Tommy into a new scheme - and Gray isn't somebody who takes no for an answer. And while Tommy would like nothing more than to come clean to probation officer Angela, the last thing he wants to do is raise her suspicions - especially since he might be falling in love with her. With time running out and Gray's get rich scheme advancing forward, Tommy finds himself caught between Viki who will use anything from her vast repertoire of exaggerations to save her brother, and Angela the woman he loves who also happens to enforce the law. Add to this the rest of Tommy's adoring family that is as supportive of him as they are blind to the facts and Tommy will discover that the only way to win is to be true to what's inside you, especially when it's…Crazy on the Outside. THE TOOTH FAIRY ZUBNA VILA U glavnim ulogama: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews, Chase Ellison, Billy Crystal, Brandon Jackson Re`iser: Michael Lembeck Studio: "20th Century Fox" @anr: komedija / porodi~ni film Sinopsis wayne Johnson je "The Tooth Fairy", znan jo{ i kao Derek Thompson, hokeja{ u ni`oj ligi hokeja na ledu pun energije. Nadimak je zaradio jer ima naviku da suparni~kim igra~ima izbije prednje kutnjake. Kada Derek uspeva da obeshrabri jednog mladi}a u vezi njegove hokeja{ke karijere, biva osu|en na nedelju dana te{kog rada kao vila: obu~en je u kratku baletsku suknju, ima krila i ~arobni {tapi}. U po~etku, Derek ne mo`e da podnese svoju novu ulogu, pravi grube gre{ke i posr}e dok poku{ava da kri{om pro|e kroz ku}e nepoznatih i uradi ono {to vile ina~e rade. Ali, dok se Derek polako uklapa u svoju novu ulogu, po~inje da otkriva svoje zaboravljene snove. D Synopsis wayne Johnson is "The Tooth Fairy," also known as Derek Thompson, a hard-charging minor league hockey player whose nickname comes from his habit of separating opposing players from their bicuspids. When Derek discourages a youngster's hopes, he's sentenced to one week's hard labor as a real tooth fairy, complete with the requisite tutu, wings and magic wand. At first, Derek "can't handle the tooth" - bumbling and stumbling as he tries to furtively wing his way through strangers' homes…doing what tooth fairies do. But as Derek slowly adapts to his new position, he begins to rediscover his own forgotten dreams. D T H E T O O T H FA I R Y Starring: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews, Chase Ellison, Billy Crystal, Brandon Jackson Director: Michael Lembeck Studio: 20th Century Fox Genre: Comedy / Family E L I J E VA KNJIGA U glavnim ulogama: Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis, Gary Oldman, Ray Stevenson, Jennifer Beals, Michael Gambon, Evan Jones Re`iseri: Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes Studio: "Warner Bros." @anr: akcija/triler Sinopsis F ilm se fokusira na usamljenog heroja po imenu Eli koji mora da se izbori i na|e izlaz iz pusto{i Amerike u bliskoj budu}nosti, kako bi za{titio svetu knjigu koja mo`da nosi klju~ o~uvanja budu}nosti ljudskog roda. THE BOOK OF ELI Starring: Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis, Gary Oldman, Ray Stevenson, Jennifer Beals, Michael Gambon, Evan Jones Director: Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes Studio: Warner Bros. Genre: Action / Thriller Synopsis his movie centers on a lone hero named Eli who must fight his way across the wasteland of a near-future America to protect a sacred book that might hold the key to saving the future of humanity. T Dolazi uskoro ... Coming soon KOMPLIKOVANO JE U glavnim ulogama: Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin, Zoe Kazan, Lake Bell, John Krasinski, Rita Wilson Radnja prati `enu koja se bori protiv sindroma "praznog doma", ona je podeljena izme|u biv{eg mu`a i prijatelja. IT'S COMPLICATED Starring: Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin, Zoe Kazan, Lake Bell, John Krasinski, Rita Wilson Follows a woman dealing with empty-nest syndrome who is torn between her ex-husband and a male friend. ALVIN I VEVERICE: NASTAVAK U glavnim ulogama: Jason Lee, Zachary Levi, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Anna Faris, Christina Applegate Nastavak animirane komedije iz 2007. godine u kojoj se pojavljuju veverice: Alvin, Sajmon i Teodor. ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKUEL Starring: Jason Lee, Zachary Levi, Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Anna Faris, Christina Applegate Sequel to the 2007 animated comedy featuring the chipmunks Alvin, Simon and Theodore. SVI SU DOBRO U glavnim ulogama: Robert De Niro, Drew Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale, Sam Rockwell "Svi su dobro" govori o udovcu koji bez pripreme kre}e na put kako bi se ponovo se sastao sa svojom odraslom decom samo kako bi saznao da su njihovi `ivoti daleko od toga da budu sjajni. EVERYBODY'S FINE Starring: Robert De Niro, Drew Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale, Sam Rockwell Everybody's Fine, follows a widower who embarks on an impromptu road trip to reconnect with each of his grown children only to discover that their lives are far from picture perfect. NEPOBEDIV U glavnim ulogama: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon Film "Nepobediv" govori o inspirativnoj, istinitoj pri~i o tome kako je Nelson Mendela udru`io snage sa kapitenom ragbi tima Ju`ne Afrike kako bi mu pomogao da ujedini zemlju. Novoizabrani predsednik Neslon Mendela zna da je njegova nacija i dalje rasno i ekonomski podeljena na po~etku stvaranja politike rasne diskriminacije. Veruju}i da mo`e da ujedini svoj narod, kroz zajedni~ki jezik - jezik sporta, Mendela okuplja ju`noafri~ki ragbi tim koji je do sada imao vrlo malo uspeha - da krenu ka neverovatnom uspehu i osvoje {ampionat Svetskog Kupa 1995. godine. INVICTUS Starring: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon Invictus tells the inspiring true story of how Nelson Mandela joined forces with the captain of South Africa's rugby team to help unite their country. Newly elected President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa's underdog rugby team as they make an unlikely run to the 1995 World Cup Championship match. Sveti S ava Moj ded a "Sveti S do{ao do stih a ava, Sv eti Sav Najve} a a srpsk a slava Najve} a {kols ka slav a." De~ice , 27. ja n Dolazi nam Sv uara, e Podign ite ru~ic ti Sava Danas e i ka`it nam je {kolska e slava. Neka z az Neka u vone {kolska zvona dnevnik Neka s e u dvo u budu petice To vam ri{tu za~uje g ra `eli Sve ti Sava ja . Zvonite z Zvonite vona u {koli, z vona Proslav imo najv u crkvi, e Na{eg u~itelja }i praznik Svetog Save. Ostado {e velik a Na{eg prvog p dela, Zato da rosvetit nas s elja Ja znam vaki |ak izgov ar ko je S veti Sa a va. Jovan ]os O.[. “K i} VI/2 ralj Mil utin” Gra~an ica v a S t n i Sa a ric d the ly n u o f r ndfathe aint Sava, My gra ava, S ay "Saint S rbian saint's d " ay. st Se aint's d s Greate l o o h st sc Greate ary 27 Janu us n o , n e g to Childr is comin d say a v a S Saint ands an t day. h le t t li in r Lift you ur school's sa of o Today is g bells rin book l o o h c s t o Let the ives in a grea f lyard to o ll o a h e c e s s e And let e tumult in th nts for you. h t r wa hea t Sava in a Let us S t a h That's w ells! chool b s! s e h t bell Ring church day e h t g test holi Rin a e r g e th a. lebrate int Sav Let's ce ur teacher Sa Of o cts great a re still e r a e r The at a cator th u d e t s ir f Of our here, ys dent sa u t s y r e is! why ev That is ho Saint Sava w I know I/2 Cosic V Jovan ” Milutin j l a r K “ E.S. ica Gracan Gospodin Marko Markovi} Z a razvitak jednog normalnog i zdravog dru{tva, faktori koji igraju glavnu ulogu u tome, jesu tolerancija, saradnja i po{tovanje sloboda drugih. Ljudi kroz vekove streme ka dostizanju istih, a jedan konkretan primer tome na{li smo na visoravni Novo Brdo, na kojoj su oduvek `ivele mnoge etni~ke grupe. Albanci, Srbi i Romi u ovoj op{tini re{avaju zajedno probleme sa kojima se susre}u. Naravno, u svakoj situaciji je potreban lider koji }e spojiti ljude i pomo}i im da iza|u na pravi put, a njihov lider je Skup{tina Op{tine Novo Brdo, na ~ijem je ~elu predsednik Bajru{ Ymeri, po struci in`enjer elektrotehnike. Prema poslednjim podacima, kako nam je on kazao, na ovom podru~ju `ivi oko 5000 stanovnika. Zahvaljuju}i svim me{tanima i radu op{tinskih radnika nikada nisu imali etni~kih, ili bilo kakvih sukoba. Naime, op{tina mnogo radi na zbli`avanju mladih i njihovom zapo{ljavanju, kao i na obezbe|ivanju zdravog i mirnog `ivota za sve zajednice. "Slobodno mogu da ka`em da smo mi primer tolerancije, zato {to u na{oj op{tini ljudi `ive zajedno, sara|uju me|usobno, pose}uju se, dru`e se, i imamo dovoljno primera koji to dokazuju. Na primer, imamo javni prevoz koji je obezbedila na{a op{tina, a koji koriste Srbi, Albanci i Romi, i svi oni su zadovoljni. ^esto mi se zahvaljuju zbog toga, jer ranije nisu imali autobus koji je dolazio direktno do Novog Brda, i onda su ljudi morali da pe{a~e po nekoliko kilometara kako bi do{li do svojih ku}a", izjavio je gospodin Ymeri. Ove re~i potvrdio nam je i slu`benik u Kancelariji za zajednice Marko Markovi} koji je istakao da ovaj autobus saobra}a tri puta dnevno na relaciji Novo Brdo - Pri{tina, i obratno. A zahvaljuju}i op{tini, prevoz putnika je besplatan i u korist je svih stanovnika, koji u zavisnosti od svojih potreba idu do Gra~anice ili do Pri{tine. Pored ove pomo}i me{tanima, gospodin Markovi} je rekao da su realizovali jo{ nekoliko velikih projekata koji su itekako va`ni za sve zajednice u Novom Brdu. Ve}inu projekata su finansirale Kosovske institucije uz podr{ku USAID-a, Evropske komisije i Mercy Corps-a: asfaltirali su nekoliko ulica, instalirali su vodovod i kanalizacioni sistem u nekoliko sela, renovirali su {kole i sve javne ustanove u op{tini, a postavili su i oko 200 kontejnera za odlaganje sme}a. Uz preporuku Kosovskih institucija, realizacijom projekata, imaju za cilj da zaposle i mlade ljude kako bi se smanjio broj nezaposlenosti. Tokom izvo|enja sezonskih radova, kao {to je to bilo prikupljanje sme}a i raznog otpada, i sa|enje borova, mladi su imali prilike i da zarade ne{to novca. Isto tako, u saradnji s op{tinom, NVO Mercy Corps organizovala je ~etvoromese~nu praksu, iliti pripravni~ki rad, i samim tim uticala je na upo{ljavanje desetak mladih koji su obavljali praksu u op{tinskoj administraciji. Nakon obuke, uspeli su i da dobiju stalno zaposlenje u istoj. Bez sumnje, svojim radom i zalaganjem za toleranciju i bolju saradnju svih zajednica, op{tinski radnici uticali su na kolektivni povratak 15 raseljenih porodica. Naravno, Kosovske institucije podr`ale su ovaj projekat samim tim {to su donirale projekat sa 840.000 evra, ~ime su izgra|ene 22 ku}e u selu Klobukar, od kojih je 18 za srpske i ~etiri za albanske porodice. U implementaciji ovog projekta u~estvovale su UNDP i UNHCR. Na kraju na{eg razgovora, predsednik ove op{tine zatra`io je od svojih me{tana da i dalje odr`avaju red i mir, kao {to su to i do sada radili. Kako gospodin Ymeri ka`e "bez njih ne bismo mogli ni{ta da ostvarimo, jer upravo su oni ti koji `ele da sve dobro funkcioni{e, i da samo mir i tolerancija vladaju u na{oj u op{tini. Zajedno i dogovorom mo`emo da realizujemo sve projekte i da re{imo sve probleme sa kojima se suo~avamo." actors that play a major role in the development of a normal and healthy society are tolerance, cooperation and respect for the freedom of others. Throughout centuries people have strode towards achieving this aim, and we have found one concrete example on the plateau of Novo Brdo, where there have always lived many ethnic groups. Together Albanians, Serbs and Roma in the municipality solve the problems they face. Of course, each situation needs a leader who will connect people and guide them in their right direction, and their leader is the Municipal Assembly of Novo Brdo, headed by President Bajrus Ymeri, electrical engineer by profession. According to recent data, he said that about 5000 inhabitants live in this area. Thanks to all of them, and thanks to the work of municipality's employees, they never had ethnic conflicts. In fact, the municipality is doing a lot in order to reconcile young people and deal with the problem of their unemployment, as well as to ensure a healthy and peaceful life for all communities. "I can say that we are an example of tolerance, because in our municipality, people live together, cooperate and socialize with each other, and we have enough examples to prove it. For example, we have public transportation that is provided by our municipality, which is used by Serbs, Albanians and Roma, and they are all very satisfied. They often express their gratitude because previously there were no busses that came all the way up to Novo Brdo, therefore people had to walk for several kilometers to reach their homes," said Mr. Ymeri. This is also confirmed by the municipal official for the Communities, Mr. Marko Markovic, who pointed out that this bus runs three times a day between Novo Brdo and F Pristina, and vice versa. With thanks to the municipality, the use of this transport is free and to the benefit of all residents, which depending on their need may go either to Gracanica or Pristina. In addition to this; Mr Markovic said that several other major projects have been completed - projects which are quite important for all communities in Novo Brdo. Most of these projects were financed by Kosovo institutions with the support of USAID, the European Commission and Mercy Corps, and include the asphalting of several streets, the installation of plumbing and sewerage systems in several villages, the renovation of schools and all public institutions in the municipality, and the purchase of 200 containers for the disposal of garbage. With the recommendation of the Kosovo institutions, the implementation of these projects, also aimed to employ young people in order to reduce the level of unemployment. Young people had the opportunity to earn some money by taking on seasonal work, collecting garbage and miscellaneous waste, or planting pine trees. Also, in cooperation with municipalities, NGO Mercy Corps organized a four-month work experience, or apprenticeship, and thus influenced the employment of ten young people. School/University graduates had the opportunity to follow an apprenticeship in the municipal administration. After this training, they managed to obtain permanent employment in the municipality. No doubt, the work and efforts of the municipal workers toward tolerance and better cooperation between all communities have influenced the collective return of 15 displaced families. Of course, the Kosovo institutions supported the project with a donation of 840,000 Euros, for building 22 houses in the village Klobukar. Eighteen of these houses where dedicated for the Serb community, and four for the Albanian community. The implementation of this project was also helped by UNDP and UNHCR. At the end of our conversation, the president of the municipality asked the inhabitants of the area to maintain peace and order, as they have done until now. "Without them we would not be able to achieve anything, because they are the ones who want everything to work well, and for peace and tolerance to rule in our municipality. Together and through cooperation we can implement all projects and solve all the problems we face", said Mr. Ymeri. Mr. Bajrush Ymeri U istoriji {vajcarskog sporta, 15. novembar 2009. godine osta}e upam}en nacionalni fudbalski tim za igra~e mla|e od 17 godina koji je osvojio "U17 World Cup" u Nigeriji i time uspeo da postigne najve}i uspeh od postojanja [vajcarske fudbalske asocijacije (SFA). Time {to su [vajcarci postali svetski {ampioni u fudbalu je izvanredan uspeh! Treneri ovog tima su Dany Ryser i Roger Meichtry koji su bili vrlo impresivni i pokazali izuzetan timski rad u pobedama nad Meksikom, Japanom, Brazilom, Nema~kom, Kolumbijom i Nigerijom. Ovaj tim je brilijantno nastupao i na "U17 European Championship" (Prvenstvo Evrope reprezentacija igra~a mla|ih od 17 godina) koji je odr`an u Nema~koj {est meseci pre toga, kada su nere{eno igrali sa [panijom i Francuskom i pobedili Italiju, ali su izgubili od Holandije u polufinalu. Na tom turniru [vajcarci su postigli samo pet golova u ~etiri utakmice, dok su postigli neverovatnih 18 golova u sedam utakmica na Svetskom prvenstvu u Nigeriji na "U17 World Cup". [vajcarski napada~i su ostavili dobar utisak zahvaljuju}i dobroj saradnji golgetera Harisa Seferovi}a ("Grasshopper Zurich", pet golova) i Nassim Ben Khalifa ("Grasshopper Zurich", ~etiri gola) koji je i izglasan za drugog najboljeg igra~a na turniru. Igra~ koji je tako|e vredan pomena zbog svog opasnog napada je Ricardo Rodriguez ("FC Zurich"), koji je postigao tri gola, a igra~ je odbrane. I pored svojih napada~kih mogu}nosti, tim je ostao ~vrst u odbrani. Samouverenu odbranu predvodio je Benjamin Siegrist ("Aston Villa"), koji je dobio "Zlatnu rukavicu" kao najbolji golman na turniru. Ovakav golman je bio itekako potreban, jer su [vajcarci morali da izdr`e jedan ili dva perioda jakog pritiska, naro~ito protiv doma}ina, Nigerije, u finalu. Mi smo, ipak, pomenuli samo par igra~a od cele ekipe, kojoj bismo tako|e trebali da odamo po~ast za njihov nastup, a igra~i koji su odigrali poslednjih {est utakmica su: Frederic Veseli ("Manchester City"), Pajtim Kasami ("Lazio"), Charyl Chappuis ("Grasshopper Zurich"), Andre Goncalves ("FC Zurich"), Sead Hajrovi} ("Arsenal"), Janick Kamber ("FC Basel"), Bruno Martignoni ("AC Bellinzona"), Granit Xhaka ("FC Basel") i Oliver Buff ("FC Zurich"). Zahvaljuju}i pobedi nad Nigerijom, [vajcarci su postali deo presti`nog dru{tva, zajedno sa predhodnim osvaja~ima Svetskog prvenstva: Nigerijom (Svetski prvak 2007, 1993 i 1985. godine), Brazilom (2003, 1999 i 1997. godine), Ganom (1995 i 1991. godine), Meksikom (2005. godine), Francuskom (2001. godine), Saudijskom Arabijom (1989. godine) i SSSRom (1987. godine). Kvalitet razvoja omladine u maloj zemlji kao {to je [vajcarska je podvu~ena ~injenicom da [vajcarska A selekcija sada zauzima 13. poziciju na FIFA rang listi (od oktobra 2009. godine), a u~estvovali su u finalima svih ve}ih takmi~enja i u~estvova}e i na Svetskom prvenstvu u Ju`noj Africi 2010. godine. Ovo se mo`e uzeti kao rezultat profesionalne promocije mladih talenata. Ovo je prvi put uklju~eno u sve nivoe {vajcarske igre od strane Hansruedi-na Hasler-a 1996. godine i od tada je nastavak na strani 38 postepeno unapre|ivano go- ovember 15th, 2009 will go down as a memorable day in the history of Swiss sport - the U17 national football team won the "U17 World Cup" in Nigeria and in doing so accomplished the greatest success the Swiss Football Association (SFV) has experienced to date. The Swiss becoming the world champions of football is a sensational achievement! The team coached by Dany Ryser and Roger Meichtry were very impressive and exhibited cohesive teamwork in successive victories over Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Columbia, and Nigeria. This team also performed brilliantly at the "U17 European Championship" that was held in Germany six months previously, drawing with Spain and France and defeating Italy before losing to the Netherlands in the semi-finals. At that tournament, the Swiss scored only five goals in four games, whereas they notched up an impressive 18 goals in seven games in Nigeria at the "U17 World Cup". The Swiss strikers made a great impression thanks to joint top-scorer Haris Seferovic (Grasshopper Zurich, five goals) and Nassim Ben Khalifa (Grasshopper Zurich, four goals), who was voted the second best player of the tournament. A player also highly worthy of a mention due to his attacking threat was Ricardo Rodriguez (FC Zurich), who scored three goals while playing in defense. For all its attacking ability, the team also stayed tight at the back. A confident defensive performance headed up by Benjamin Siegrist (Aston Villa), who received the "Golden Glove" for being the best goalkeeper of the tournament, was also required to be at his best to weather one or two periods of pressure - especially against the hosts, N Nigeria, in the final. We have, however, only mentioned a few players from the full squad and feel that we should also pay tribute to the performances of Frédéric Veseli (Manchester City), Pajtim Kasami (Lazio), Charyl Chappuis (Grasshopper Zurich), André Goncalves (FC Zurich), Sead Hajrovic (Arsenal), Janick Kamber (FC Basel), Bruno Martignoni (AC Bellinzona), Granit Xhaka (FC Basel), and Oliver Buff (FC Zurich), who all played in at least six games. Thanks to their victory in Nigeria, the Swiss now join the illustrious company of past world champions Nigeria (world champions in 1985, 1993, and 2007), Brazil (1997, 1999 and 2003), Ghana (1991 and 1995), Mexico (2005), France (2001), Saudi Arabia (1989), and the USSR (1987). The quality of the youth development programs in a "small" country such as Switzerland is highlighted by the fact that also the Swiss senior team is now number 13 in the FIFA rankings (as of October 2009) and also by the fact that they have participated in the finals of the last four major tournaments and will be appearing in South Africa 2010, and this can also be seen as the result of professional promotion of young talent. This was first introduced into all levels of the Swiss game by Hansruedi Hasler in 1996 and has been gradually improved year by year. If, as Captain Alex Frei correctly points out, the national team is the driving force of Swiss football, then youth development is the fuel. The most interesting of all is actually the fact that the majority of this U17 Swiss team is comprised of young talents that come from Switzerland's immigrant community, who today make up one-fifth of Switzerland's 7.7 million population. This is quite concerning because more than half of the team's players have dual nationality, which has caused concern in Switzerland that they could change allegiance and play for the nations of heritage (which is allowed under FIFA's national team eligibility rules). Despite that, Switzerland has invested and given them equal opportunities to develop their talent. And whether in the future they will play for Switzerland or their country of origin it is quite sure that the likes of Haris Seferovic (Bosnia), Nassim Ben Khalifa (Tunisia), Andre Goncalves (Portugal), Ricardo Rodriguez (Chile), Kofi Nimeley (Ghana), Frederic Veseli (Kosovo), Joel Kiassumbua (Congo), Igor Mijatovic (Serbia), Maik Nakic continued on page 39 "Adidas Zlatna rukavica": Benjamin Siegrist ( [vajcarska) FIFA-ina grupa za tehni~ka istra`ivanja (TSG) nagradila je golmana Benjamin-a Siegrist-a nagradom "Adidas Zlatna rukavica" za najboljeg golmana turnira. Ovaj d`in sa detinjastim licem, trenutno brani u "Aston Vila"-i u Engleskoj i jedan je od stubova uspeha njegovog tima - primio je samo sedam golova u isto toliko utakmica. On ku}i odlazi sa zaslu`enim priznanjem i njegovim doprinosom istorijskom uspehu pobedi {vajcarske reprezentacije. dinu za godinom. Ako je istina, kao {to kapiten Alex Frei ka`e, da je nacionalni tim ustvari pokreta~ka snaga {vajcarskog fudbala, onda je razvoj omladine gorivo koje sve pokre}e. Najzanimljivije od svega je ~injenica da ve}ina igra~a {vajcarske reprezentacije za igra~e mla|e od 17 godina dolazi iz [vajcarske zajednice imigranata, koja danas sa~injava jednu petinu od ukupno 7,7 miliona [vajcaraca. Ovo je prili~no zabrinjavaju}e ako uzmemo u obzir da vi{e od polovine igra~a ima dvojno dr`avljanstvo, {to je izazvalo brigu u [vajcarskoj da ti igra~i mogu da promene vernost i da igraju za reprezantaciju zemlje iz koje poti~u ({to je dozvoljeno po FIFA-inim pravilima o tome ko mo`e da igra za nacionalni tim). No, i pored te ~injenice, [vajcarska je ulo`ila u njih i pru`ila im je jednake {anse da razvijaju svoj talenat. A, da li }e u budu}nosti igrati za [vajcarsku ili za zemlju iz koje poti~u, sasvim je sigurno da }e naklonost Harisa Seferovi}a (Bosna), Nassim Ben Khalifa (Tunis), Andre Goncalves-a (Portugal), Ricardo-a Rodriguez-a (^ile), Kofi Nimeley-a (Gana), Frederica Veseli-ja (Kosovo), Joel Kiassumbua (Kongo), Igora Mijatovi}a (Srbija), Maik Naki}a (Hrvatska), Seada Hajrovi}a (Bosna), Pajtim Kasami-ja (Makedonija) i Granit-a Xhaka-e (Albanija) biti proverena u budu}nosti. DVORANA SLAVNIH Kao i obi~no, na kraju "U17 Svetskog prvenstva", FIFA objavljuje spisak najistaknutijih pojedinaca na turniru. Evo spiska odlikovanih: "Adidas Zlatna lopta": Sani Emmanuel (Nigerija) Deminutivan Nigerijac je osvojio 30,2 procenata glasova za najboljeg igra~a turnira, a glasali su novinari akreditovani na turniru. Iako je ve}inu me~eva po~injao sa klupe, njegov uticaj na igru i golovi za pam}enje bili su dovoljni da ubede novinare da je on zaslu`eni dobitnik nagrade "Adidas Zlatna lopta". "Adidas Srebrna lopta": Nassim Ben Khalifa ([vajcarska) Ovaj [vajcarac je priznao da je obo`avalac Ronalda ve} godinama, a ono {to se moglo videti - imitira ga do savr{enstva. @estok ritam, izuzetna tehnika i pribranost u {esnaestercu, doprinela je da [vajcarac sa brojem 10 na le|ima postigne ~etiri pogodka i asistira kod jo{ tri pogodka, na putu ka tituli. Uz tako kompletan prikaz mogu}nosti nije iznena|enje {to je osvojio 22,7 procenata glasova. "Adidas Bronzana lopta": Ramon Azeez (Nigerija) Lete}i centarfor Nigerije je privukao pa`nju medija svojom sposobno{}u da pru`i ravnote`u u izuzetno napada~ki nastrojenom timu. Igrao je u svakoj utakmici i ~ak uspeo da postigne gol u utakmici protiv Ju`ne Koreje. Sa osvojenih 17,8 procenata glasova, Azeez je osvojio "Adidas Bronzanu loptu" koja mo`e da bude od neke utehe od poraza u finalu. "Adidas Zlatna kopa~ka": Borja ([panija) Napada~ "Atletico Madrid"-a je krunisao izvanrednu kampanju nagradom za Najboljeg golgetera turnira" sa postignutih pet golova i jednom asistencijom. Igra~ sa brojem 9 na dresu je prikazao mo}, odli~nu tehniku i dobar ose}aj za gol, koji je njegove udarce video u ~etiri od sedam utakmica, a ~ak dva puta u utakmici protiv Urugvaja. Urugvaj pored SAD, Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata i Nigerije mogu da posvedo~e koliko je ovaj igra~ opasan. "Adidas Srebrna kopa~ka": Sani Emmanuel (Nigerija) Ovaj napada~ koji zna da iskoristi priliku kada mu se ona uka`e bio je tajno oru`je Nigerije na njihovom putu ka finalu. Jedina utakmica koju je po~eo na terenu bila je zavr{na utakmica, sa svega 221 minuta ukupno igranih na turniru. Ali, kad god je gol bio potreban, Emmanuel je bio tu, postigav{i pogodke protiv Argentine i dva puta protiv Novog Zelanda i [panije. Njegov impozantan ritam i zavr{nica - ova super zamena dobija "Adidas srebrnu kopa~ku". "Adidas Bronzana kopa~ka": Sebastian Gallegos (Urugvaj) Jo{ jedan demunitivan talenat javio se kao otkri}e turnira: igra~ Urugvaja sa brojem 10 na le|ima, ne samo da je pokazao klasu u vo|enju svoje ekipe u ~etvrtfinale, ve} i davanjem golova u svakoj utakmici u kojoj je Urugvaj postizao golove. Gallegos je svoje golove postigao protiv Ju`ne Koreje, Al`ira, Irana i [panije, gde i igra u fudbalskom klubu "Atletico Madrid". FIFA "Fair Play" nagrada: Nigerija Iako na samo korak od krunisanja za prvaka prvenstva, Nigerija je osvojila FIFA "Fair Play" nagradu. Igranjem "kod ku}e" Nigerijski igra~i su se dr`ali odli~no, pokazuju}i ogroman sportski duh i uzbu|uju}i doma}e navija~e svojim visokokvalitetnim igranjem fudbala. (Croatia), Sead Hajrovic (Bosnia), Pajtim Kasami (Macedonia) and Granit Xhaka (Albania) are to be looked for in the future. HALL OF FAME As usual at the end of the "U17 World Championship", FIFA also published the list of the most distinguished players of this tournament. Here is the full list of honors: Adidas Golden Ball: Sani Emmanuel (Nigeria) The diminutive Nigerian forward won 30.2 per cent of the votes for best player cast by the tournament's accredited media representatives. Although he started most matches on the bench, his impact on the game and memorable goals were enough to convince the press that he was a deserving winner of the Adidas Golden Ball. Adidas Silver Ball: Nassim Ben Khalifa (Switzerland) The Swiss admitted that he's been a Ronaldo fan for years, and from what was seen, he has emulated him to perfection. With his blistering pace, exquisite technique and composure in the box, the Swiss No10 netted four times and provided three assists on the way to the title. With such a complete performance, it comes as little surprise that he won an impressive 22.7 per cent of the votes. Adidas Bronze Ball: Ramon Azeez (Nigeria) Nigeria's flying midfielder grabbed the media's attention with his ability to provide balance in a clearly attack-minded team. He played in every can all attest to what a dangerous player he is. Adidas Silver Shoe: Sani Emmanuel (Nigeria) The opportunistic forward was Nigeria's secret weapon on their path to the final. His only start was in the final itself, meaning a total of just 221 minutes playing time all. But whenever a goal was needed, Emmanuel was there, scoring against Argentina, and twice against New Zealand and Spain. With his impressive pace and finishing, this super substitute collects the Adidas Silver Shoe. Adidas Bronze Shoe: Sebastian Gallegos (Uruguay) Another diminutive talent that emerged from the tournament, the Uruguay No10 not only showed his class by leading the young Celestes to the quarterfinals, but also by scoring in every game in which Uruguay got on the score sheet. Gallegos netted against Korea Republic, Algeria, Iran and Spain, where he plays his club football with Atletico Madrid. FIFA Fair Play Award: Nigeria Although just a step away from being crowned champions, Nigeria did win the FIFA Fair Play Award. Playing at home, Nigerian boys acquitted themselves magnificently, showing tremendous sportsmanship and thrilling the home fans with their high-quality football. game and even scored against Korea Republic. With 17.8 per cent of the votes, Azeez wins the Adidas Bronze Ball, which may be of some consolation after defeat in the final. Adidas Golden Glove: Benjamin Siegrist (Switzerland) The FIFA Technical Study Group (TSG) awarded Swiss goalkeeper Benjamin Siegrist the Adidas Golden Glove for best goalkeeper in the tournament. The baby-faced giant, currently at Aston Villa in England, was one of the pillars of his team's success, conceding just seven goals in as many games. He goes home with deserved recognition of his contribution to Switzerland's historic victory. Adidas Golden Shoe: Borja (Spain) The Atletico Madrid forward crowned an excellent campaign with the award for tournament's top scorer, with five goals and an assist. The No9 showed power, great technique, and an eye for goal which saw him hit the net in four of his seven games, including twice against Uruguay. They, along with USA, United Arab Emirates and Nigeria, Do|ite da se dru`imo - Jedna radna grupa Kreativnog centra M nogi ljudi nemaju dovoljno kontakta ili uop{te nemaju kontakta sa osobama sa posebnim potrebama, {to samo stvara barijeru prema njima. To se ne de{ava samo na Kosovu, nego svuda u svetu, a ne bi trebalo da bude tako. Jer, i osobe sa invaliditetom su deo na{eg dru{tva. Druga~iji su samo po tome {to imaju neke druga~ije potrebe. Posetili smo Centar za baznu rehabilitaciju u severnom delu Mitrovice ~iji je koadministrator gospo|ica Spiri} Mirjana. Ona nam je rekla da je Centar osnovala NVO "Hendikos" koja na Kosovu postoji od 1986. godine i bavi se re{avanjem problema i brigom o osobama sa invaliditetom. Centar organizacije je u Pri{tini, a do sada su otvorili 26 kancelarija na Kosovu i ukupno 11 ovakvih Centara. "Glavni menad`er na{e organizacije za mitrova~ki region je gospo|a Myrvete Hasani, a gospodin Afrim Maliqi je VD za sve na{e kancelarije na Kosovu. Centar za baznu rehabilitaciju u severnom delu Mitrovice sagra|en je u aprilu mesecu 2008. godine. Ina~e, NVO "Hendikos" je aktivan u severnoj Mitrovici od januara 2005. godine," rekla je gospo|ica Spiri}. Nismo saznali koliko novca je ulo`eno u ovaj Mala teretana - I sport je va`an Centar i odvozi ih ku}i. Otvoreni su od 8,30 do 17,00 svakog radnog dana, a deca u proseku provedu u Centru po 2 sata, jer su uglavnom {kolskog uzrasta i zauzeti su u {koli. "Nama je zadovoljstvo da radimo sa svim osobama koje imaju posebne potrebe, bez obzira na njihove godine. Na primer, imamo jednog ~lana koji boluje od autizma, Baneta. Kada je pre godinu dana po~eo da dolazi kod nas, ~uli smo pri~e da je agresivan, da je te{ko raditi sa njim itd. Me|utim, on je stvarno jedna mnogo dobra osoba (31 godinu je star) i kod nas nije agresivan. Vidite, sve zavisi od toga kako se postavite prema osobama sa specijalnim potrebama. Ako mi imamo lo{ pristup prema njima, dete }e biti agresivno; ako imamo dobar pristup - de{ava se ovo {to se de{ava: Bane do sada nijednom nije podviknuo, slomio ne{to, bacio, razbio… Moram da ga pohvalim: od kada je po~eo da dolazi kod nas, po~eo je da sklapa re~enice! Do tada je izgovarao samo pojedine re~i. @ao mi je {to nije ranije po~eo da dolazi kod nas", naglasila je gospo|ica Spiri}. Od jula meseca Centar radi na projektu pod nazivom "Kreativni centar" koji je ostvaren u saradnji sa "Caritasom" (finansijer UNICEF). U tom projektu zastupljene su psiholo{ke radionice, sportsko-rekreativne aktivnosti, likovne radionice. U teretani deca vredan objekat, ali se mo`e videti da je ulo`eno puno. Centar raspola`e sa 250 metara kvadratnih i ispunjava sve standarde vezane za osobe sa invaliditetom. Izgradnju Centra je finansirala Evropska komisija, a glavni finansijer "Hendikosa" je humanitarna organizacija "Save The Children". Centar ima salu za fizijatriju i malu teretanu gde fizioterapeut radi sa ~lanovima. Imaju i biblioteku igra~aka/igraonicu koju zovu "Buba Mara". Njeno opremanje je finansirao UNICEF u junu mesecu 2008. godine. Sala za edukaciju, gde sa decom radi psiho-socijalna radnica/vaspita~, slu`i da se sa decom radi na razvijanju komunikacije, koncentracije, pobolj{anju koordinacije pokreta Hajde da skuvamo kafu i poslu`imo goste ruku. Ovde praktikuju jedan vid rada sa decom koji se zove portid`, gde su u rad sa rade sa loptom, igraju stoni tenis, mali fudbal, decom sa posebnim potrebama uklju~ena i ko{arku, ili se igraju na obli`njem igrali{tu. deca koja nemaju smetnje u razvoju. To se Projekat se zavr{ava krajem godine i u zove inkluzivni deo rada i umnogome Centru se nadaju da }e se projekat nastaviti, poma`e hendikepiranoj deci. Izgra|ena jer se sa ovom decom za tako kratko vreme su i specijalna kupatila (za decu i ne mogu posti}i veliki rezultati. Radionice se odrasle) i sve je ura|eno po merilima i odr`avaju svakog dana u 2 smene: od 10,00 standardima EU. Prilaz Centru je tako|e do 12,00 i od 12,00 do 14,00. prilago|en osobama sa invaliditetom, Na kraju na{eg razgovora, gospo|ica nema stepenica, podovi nisu klizavi. U Spiri} je poru~ila svim stanovnicima Centru radi 8 zaposlenih: koadministraKosova da su i osobe sa posebnim potretor, asistent, 2 vaspita~ice, fizioterapeut, bama deo ovog dru{tva. voza~, 2 no}na ~uvara. "Svi ljudi dobre volje su dobrodo{li da Centar ima 149 ~lanova, od ~ega 49do|u kod nas i da se dru`e sa nama. Sigurna ro dece. Najmla|i ~lan ima 3 godine, a sam da }e se uveriti da smo mi isti kao i svi najstariji 70 godina. Deca `ive u sve 4 ostali, a na{a deca su fina i dobra i vole op{tine severnog Kosova, a Centar posedru{tvo. Mi samo imamo neke posebne duje specijalan kombi kojim ih dovodi u potrebe, druga~ije nego drugi ljudi." Drvo drugarstva any people do not have enough, or any, contact with the disabled people, and this forms a barrier between them. This is not the case only in Kosovo, but everywhere in the world. It should not be this way; people with disabilities are also a part of our society. They are different only because they have some different needs. We visited the Center for Basic Rehabilitation in the northern part of Mitrovica, where Ms. Mirjana Spiric works as co-administrator. She told us that this Center was founded by the NGO Handikos, which has operated in Kosovo since 1986 and deals with the problems and care of persons with disabilities. The headquarters of the organization is in Pristina and until now they have opened 26 offices in Kosovo and 11 centers of this kind. "The Chief Manager of our organization for the Mitrovica region is Mrs. Myrvete Hasani. Mr. Afrim Maliqi is an Executive Manager of all our offices in Kosovo. The Center for Basic Rehabilitation in the northern part of Mitrovica was built in April 2008. The NGO Handikos has also been active in North Mitrovica since January 2005," said Ms. Spiric. We did not find out what was the exact sum invested in this valuable project but it is obvious that it was a lot. The Center covers a surface of 250 m² and complies by all standards regarding the needs of persons with disabilities. The construction of the Center was founded by the European Commission, and the main financier of Handikos is humanitarian organization "Save the Children". The Center has a physical therapy room and a small gym where the physiatrist works with those who attend the Centre. There is also a playing room named "Buba Mara". The equipment for this room was bought with a grant from UNICEF in June 2008. The Education hall, where psycho-social worker works with children, is used to develop communication, concentration and coordination of hand movement. This is where a special working method is practiced, wherein children with no developmental prob- M lems participate in the work done with children with disabilities. This is an inclusive way of working and helps handicapped children a lot. Special bathrooms were also constructed, for both children and adults, and everything was built according to EU standards and norms. The alleyway leading to the Center was also adapted to suit the needs of persons with disabilities: there are no stairways and the floors are not slippery. There are 8 employees in the Center: a co-administrator, an assistant, 2 nursery workers, a physiotherapist, a chauffeur, and 2 night guards. The Center has 149 members, from which 49 are children. The youngest member is 3 years old and the oldest - 70 years old. Children come from all 4 municipalities in northern Kosovo and the Center owns a special van used to transport them to the Center and back home. The Center is open from 8:30 to 17:00 every working day and children spend approximately 2 hours each day in the Center because they are mostly school aged and they are busy Ms. Mirjana Spiric with the school. "It is our pleasure to work with all kinds of people with special needs, regardless of their age. For instance, we have one member, Bane, who is autistic. When he started coming here one year ago (he is 31 year old now), we where told that he was aggressive and that it was difficult to work with him, etc. He is actually a very nice person, however, and he is not aggressive toward us. You see, it all depends on what kind of attitude you have toward persons with special needs. If we use a bad approach with them, the child will be aggressive; if we use a good approach - what happens is what is happening here now - Bane haven't yelled, broken or thrown anything… I have to praise him: since he came to us, he has started constructing sentences! Before, he could only say a few words. I am sorry that he didn't start coming here earlier," pointed out Ms. Spiric. Since July, the Center is working on a project called "Creative Center" in cooperation with Caritas (founder of UNICEF). This project involves psychological workshops, sport and recreational activities, art workshops. In the gym, children work with balls, play table tennis, table football, basketball, or play in a nearby playground. The current project will be complete at the end of the year and in this Center, people are hoping that the project will continue because with these children you can not achieve much in such a short time. The workshops are being held every day in 2 shifts: from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 12:00 to 14:00. At the end of our conversation, Ms. Spiric wanted to say to all citizens of Kosovo that people with special needs are also a part of this society. "All people with good will want to come and socialize here with us are welcome. I am sure that they will realize that we are the same as anyone else, that our children are nice and that they love company. It is only that we have some special needs different to other people." Centar za baznu rehabilitaciju u Mitrovici - Izgra|en po standardima EU UPITNIK ... UPITNIK ... UPITNIK ... UPITNIK ... UPITNIK Marina Mili} (14) Ja sam Marina, imam 14 godina, i `ivim u Babinom Mostu. Moj moto `ivota je dru`enje iz razloga {to sam dru`eljubiva osoba, i zaista volim da imam mnogo drugova i drugarica. Mislim da je dru`enje ne{to najlep{e na svetu zato {to sve svoje tajne, bol i sre}u mo`e{ da podeli{ sa dru{tvom. Moje najbolje drugarice su Jovana i Aleksandra, i obe su u mom razredu. Kada se nas tri sastanemo obavezno pri~amo o simpatijama, modi, poznatim li~nostima, raznim glumcima i o omiljenim TV serijama koje redovno pratimo. A trenutno aktuelna tema nam je matursko ve~e. U poslednje vreme o tome samo i pri~amo, po{to }emo za nekoliko meseci obu}i najlep{e haljine koje odaberemo za taj veliki doga|aj. Volela bih da sva deca sti~u {to vi{e prijatelja i da budu sre}na! Marina Milic (14) My name is Marina and I am 14 years old. I live in Babin Most. My life motto is socializing because I am a sociable person and I really like to have a lot of friends and girlfriends. I think that socializing is the most beautiful thing in the whole world because you can share all your secrets, sorrows and happiness with your companions. My best friends are Jovana and Aleksandra and they are both in my class. When the three of us meet, we always talk about boys we like, fashion, famous people, different actors and favorite TV series that we watch regularly. Our current subject is a prom night and lately, that is all we talk about because on that night we will put on our best dresses that we will pick out especially for that important event. I wish that all children can make as much friends as possible and to be happy! Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku. Miljkovi} Jovana (13) Moj moto `ivota je sloboda, zato {to `elim da sva deca na Kosovu, i {ire, `ive slobodno. Svako ljudsko bi}e treba da ima slobodu, i onda }emo svi `iveti bolje, i deca }e odrastati bez ikakvih problema. Svakako je za jednog ~oveka sloboda najva`nija u `ivotu. Ja volim slobodu, i `elim da jednog dana slobodno odem do Las Vegasa, jer je po meni on najlep{i grad na svetu. @elim da mnogo putujem, i budem slobodna kao {to je ptica na nebu. Svi mi trebamo da vodimo slobodan `ivot i da nikome ne budu uskra}ena njegova prava. U mojoj porodici svi imamo slobodu da iznesemo neko svoje mi{ljenje. Naravno, kada mislim da imam potrebu da ka`em ne{to svojim uku}anima, onda im sasvim slobodno to i saop{tim. Uputila bih deci na Kosovu poruku, da se sa svima dru`e i da ne gledaju ko je kakve nacionalnosti, ve} kakav je taj neko u du{i. Miljkovic Jovana (13) My personal life motto is freedom because I wish for all children in Kosovo and wider to live free. Every human being should have freedom and then we will all live better and children will grow without any problems. Freedom is undoubtedly the most important thing in the life of a man. I love freedom and I want to go to Las Vegas one day because that is the most beautiful city in the world in my opinion. I want to travel a lot and be free as a bird in the sky. We all need to live a free life and no one should be deprived of his rights. In my family we all have a right to say our own opinions. Of course, when I feel the need to tell something to my mates then I do so. I would like to send a message to children in Kosovo to socialize with everyone and not pay attention to nationality but to what kind of person someone really is. QUESTIONNAIRE ... QUESTIONNAIRE ... QUESTIONNAIRE Marko Dani} (13) Svi mi imamo neki svoj moto `ivota, a moj moto je sport, jer mnogo volim da se bavim sportom. Kad porastem hteo bih da postanem fudbaler. Mislim da smo zdraviji ako smo bavimo sportom, jer nam sport poma`e u na{em razvoju, i u razvoju mi{i}a. Sport je mnogo zanimljiv, jer uvek mo`emo da se dru`imo sa mnogo ljudi, da sti~emo mnogo drugara, i upoznajemo nove gradove. Svi trebaju da se bave sportom, a de~aci trebaju da igraju fudbal jer }e biti mnogo zdraviji I sre}niji. Uvek se dr`m slogana "u zdravom telu, zdrav duh". Moji najbolji drugovi su Aleksandar i Sa{a, i sa njima uvek igram tenis i fudbal. Uglavnom tema na{ih razgovora je sport, a naravno pri~amo i o na{im simpatijama. Poru~io bih svima da se dru`e i da se obavezno bave sportom. Marko Danic (13) We all have some personal life motto and my motto is sport because I like to be involved in sports a lot. I would like to be a football player when I grow up. I think we are healthier if we do sports because it helps us in or development and the development of our muscles. Sport is very interesting because through sport we can socialize with a lot of people, make a lot of friends and see new cities. Everyone should be involved in sports and boys should play football because that will make them healthier and happier. I always stick to the saying "A healthy spirit in a healthy body". My best friends are Aleksandar and Sasa and we always watch tennis and football games together. Our conversations are mostly sport, and of course, we also talk about the girls we like. I would recommend to everyone to socialize and do sports by all means. Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR. Jelena Jovanovi} (14) Moto mog `ivota je dru`ba, i upravo zbog toga imam drugarica. Svoje slobodno vreme koristimo kako bismo bile zajedno, i kako bismo skupljale postere i sli~ice raznih glumaca iz na{ih omiljenih telenovela. Moje najbolje drugarice su Jovana, Biserka i Marina. Jako je va`no imati prijatelje zato {to njima mo`emo da prenesemo neka na{a ose}anja kakva god da su, i na taj na~in se bolje ose}amo. Drugarice su uvek tu da me saslu{aju, pomognu, i posavetuju. Volela bih da steknem jo{ prijatelja, na primer u Kanadi. Preporu~ila bih svima da se {to vi{e dru`e i komuniciraju, i da se nikada niko ni sa kim ne sva|a. Jelena Jovanovic (14) My life motto is socializing and that is why I have girlfriends. We spend our free time together collecting posters and pictures of different actors from our favorite TV series. My best friends are Jovana, Biserka and Marina. It is extremely important to have friends because we can share some of our feeling with them, no matter what they are, and in that way we start feeling better. My girlfriends are always there for me, to listen to me, help me and give me an advice. I would like to make more friends who are, for instance, from Canada. I would recommend to everyone to socialize and communicate as much as possible and that no one ever argues with anyone. ACROSS 1. Before (prefix) 4. Bainter and Wray 8. Sounded the alarm 12. Permitted 13. Have ___ in one’s bonnet (2 wds.) 14. Water (Sp.) 15. Edible grain 16. Pretense 17. Papermate products 18. Sleep images 20. Mai ___ 22. Actor Majors 23. Football gathering 27. Wished (for) 30. Small barrel 31. Purge 32. Highest point 33. Join together 34. ___ Kong 35. Roost 36. Blocker of “Bonanza” 37. One of Doc and Bashful’s pals 38. Hawthorne heroine 40. Make a boo-boo 41. Naval rank (abbr.) 42. Eating 46. Actress Sommer 49. Firefighter’s need 51. Strive 52. Tilt 53. Roman date 54. Actress Sothern 55. Potato chip brand 56. Hurl stones at 57. Do ___ disturb DOWN 1. Walk laboriously 2. Breed 3. Diminutive suffix 4. Tilled the soil 5. Mistreatment 6. “You betcha!” 7. Fumed 8. Quick 9. Birthday number 10. Cloister resident 11. Auto fuel 19. Author Haley 21. Calendar abbr. 24. Rain unit 25. Boundary mark 26. Anxious 27. Corned beef dish 28. Andy Taylor’s boy 29. Purina eaters 30. Author Follett 33. Aircraft carrier, e.g. 34. Trumpet, e.g. 36. Rec room 37. Most arid 39. Youthful years 40. Henry Ford’s son 43. “Terrible” czar 44. El ___ (weather phenomenon) 45. Mannerly man 46. House annex 47. Pasture 48. Cosmetics mogul Mary ___ 50. Lyric poem Uvek sam poku{avao da svaku katastrofu pretvorim u {ansu. John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) ameri~ki industrijalac, filantrop, osniva~ kompanije "Exxon" I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity. John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), American Industrialist, Philanthropist, Founder Exxon Kada se jedna vrata zatvore, druga se otvore. Me|utim, mi ~esto tako dugo `alosno gledamo u vrata koja su se zatvorila, da ne vidimo druga koja su nam se otvorila. Helen Keller (1880-1968) ameri~ki autor, predava~, pisac ljubavnih dela When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we don't see the one that has opened for us. Helen Keller - (18801968), American Author, Lecturer, Amorist Svaki zid predstavlja vrata. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) ameri~ki pesnik, esejist Every wall is a door. Ralph Waldo Emerson - (1803-1882), American Poet, Essayist [ansa ple{e sa onima koji su spremni na plesnom podijumu. H. Jackson Brown Jr. ameri~ki autor serije "Mala knjiga uputstava za `ivot" Opportunity dances with those who are ready on the dance floor. H. Jackson Brown Jr. American Author of ''Life's Little Instruction Book'' Series [ansu mnogi propu{taju zato {to dolazi obu~ena u kombinezon i izgleda kao posao. Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931) ameri~ki pronalaza~, preduzetnik Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931), American Inventor, Entrepreneur Najbolji ljudi nisu oni koji su ~ekali na {ansu, ve} oni koji su ih iskoristili. Opkolite {ansu, pokorite je i u~inite je svojim slugom. Edwin Hubbel Chapin (1814-1880) ameri~ki autor, sve{tenik The best men are not those who have waited for chances but who have taken them; besiege the chance; conquered the chance; and make the chance servitor. Edwin Hubbel Chapin (1814-1880), American Author, Clergyman Ljudi koji napreduju u ovom svetu su oni koji ustanu i potra`e okolnosti koje im odgovaraju i ako ih ne na|u - oni ih stvore. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) britanski dramaturg irskog porekla The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, they make them. George Bernard Shaw - (1856-1950), Irish-born British Dramatist Ako sve stvari koje Vam se doga|aju, dobre i lo{e, vidite kao {anse, onda funkcioni{ete na vi{em nivou svesti. Les Brown (1945) ameri~ki govornik, autor, trener, predava~ na temu motivacije If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness. Les Brown - (1945-), American Speaker, Author, Trainer, Motivator Lecturer Bolje je biti spreman da iskoristi{ {ansu i ne dobiti je, nego dobiti {ansu, a ne biti spreman. Whitney Young Jr. (1921-1971) ameri~ki dru{tveni reformator It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. Whitney Young Jr. (1921-1971), American Social Reformer Jedna od prvih lekcija koje sam kao dete nau~io je da ako odvratite pogled od ne~ega, to mo`da ne}e biti vi{e tu kada ponovo pogledate. John Edgar Wideman (1941) ameri~ki pisac, prosvetitelj One of the earliest lessons I learned as a child was that if you looked away from something, it might not be there when you looked back. John Edgar Wideman - (1941-), American Writer, Educator Neki ka`u da {ansa kuca samo jedanput. To nije ta~no. [ansa kuca sve vreme, ali Vi morate biti spremni za nju. Ako se {ansa uka`e, morate znati kako da je iskoristite. Louis L'Amour (1908-1988) autor iz Zapadne Amerike Mnogi od nas provedu `ivot tragaju}i za uspehom, kada je on obi~no tako blizu da mo`emo samo da pru`imo ruku i da ga dotaknemo. Russel H. Conwell (1843-1925) ameri~ki advokat, baptisti~ki sve{tenik, predava~ Morate sami da stvarate svoje {anse... John B. Gough (18171886), ameri~ki govornik britanskog porekla Some say opportunity knocks only once, that is not true. Opportunity knocks all the time, but you have to be ready for it. If the chance comes, you must have the equipment to take advantage of it. Louis L'Amour (1908-1988), American Western Author Many of us spend our lives searching for success when it is usually so close that we can reach out and touch it. Russel H. Conwell (1843-1925), American Lawyer, Baptist Minister, Lecturer You must make your own opportunities. John B. Gough - (18171886), British-born American Temperance Orator Pozdrav od Dragane! U~enica sam prve godine Gimnazije u Osojanu. Mnogo toga bih `elela da Vam ka`em o sebi, ali ipak re}i }u Vam ono najosnovnije. Omiljena grupa mi je "Rebelde", iz istoimene serije, koju mnogo volim da gledam. A tako|e, mnogo volim da slu{am i peva~icu Radmilu Manojlovi}. Glumica koja mi se najvi{e dopada je Roberta Pardo, i volela bih da imam njen poster. Od sportova najvi{e volim da igram odbojku i fudbal, {to ina~e i radim kada imam slobodne sate. Kada god mogu, iskoristim priliku da sredim moju sobu, da budem sa mojim dru{tvom i sa mojom najboljom drugaricom. ^esto listam ~asopise, i pravim sebi razne frizure. Tako da, sam ~vrsto odlu~ila da jednoga da otvorim frizerski salon. Dragana Dubi} Gimnazija - Osojane Zdravo! Pre svega, zamolio bih Vas, ukoliko biste mogli da objavite poster muzi~ke grupe "Beogradski Sindikat". Mnogo volim da ~itam, a kad god se "dohvatim" magazina "For You" uvek ga prelistam, a najvi{e mi se svi|aju "Skandinavka" i "Verovali ili ne". [to se glumaca ti~e, meni najomiljeniji je Dragan Nikoli}, a ne bi bilo lo{e da nekad pi{ete i o njemu. U slobodno vreme volim da pro{etam sa mojim drugovima. Ono {to obo`avam je sport, a najvi{e volim da igram fudbal, i nadam se da }u se jednoga dana profesionalno baviti istim. Stojan Popovi} Gimnazija - Osojane Pozdrav Va{oj redakciji! Ja sam Sabina iz Osojana. Redovno ~itam Va{ magazin, i mislim da je zaista odli~an, svi|aju mi se sve Va{e rubrike. A sada saznajte i Vi ne{to o meni; moj omiljeni peva~ je Michael Jackson, a od muzi~kih bendova volim da slu{am RBD. Tako|e, mnogo volim da slu{am i Daru Bubamaru. Omiljeni glumci su mi Mija i Miguel, ina~e likovi iz popularne serije "Rebelde". Volim da se bavim sportom, a naro~ito volim da igram odbojku i fudbal. Kad god imam slobodnog vremena uvek iskoristim priliku da odem kod drugarice, i da se sa njom igram raznih igara. Isto tako, kad god sam slobodna poma`em uku}anima u sre|ivanju ku}e. Sabina Salijaj Gimnazija - Osojane ]ao! Moram da Vam ka`em da mi se mnogo svi|a ovaj magazin. Ina~e, zovem se Nemanja Vu~kovi} i imam 15 godina. Na prvoj sam godini Gimnazije, i mnogo volim da slu{am muziku. Postoji mnogo bendova koji mi se svi|aju, a onaj koji bih posebno izdvojio je "Beogradski Sindikat". Glumac kojeg uvek volim da gledam u filmovima je Steven Sigal. Volim da se bavim sportom, a naro~ito, kao i ve}ina mojih drugara, fudbalom. Tako da, u slobodno vreme uvek igram fudbal. Ali, to nije sve ~ime se bavim kada sam slobodan; volim da igram karte, i jo{ mnogo toga. Toliko za sada! Nemanja Vu~kovi} Gimnazija - Osojane Greetings from Dragana! I am a student of the first grade in the Gymnasium in Osojane. I would like to tell you many things about myself, but I will tell you just the basics. My favorite band is "Rebelde" and it is from the series of the same name that I love to watch. I also like to listen to a singer Radmila Manjolovic very much. Actress that I like the best is Roberta Pardo and I would like to have a poster of her. When it comes to sport, I like to play volleyball and football the most and that is what I do when I have free time. Whenever I can, I use the opportunity to fix my room, spend time with my friends and with my best girlfriend. I read magazines often and make different hairstyles. That is why I have firmly decided to open a hairstyling saloon someday. Dragana Dubic Gymnasium - Osojane Hello! Primarily, I would like to ask you to publish a poster of the band "Beogradski Sindikat" if you can. I like to read very much and whenever I get a hold of For You magazine, I always browse through its pages and I like the most the crossword puzzle and column "Believe it or not". When it comes to actors, my favorite actor is Dragan Nikolic and it would be nice if you could write something about him. In my free time, I like to take a walk with my friends. What I adore is sport and I like to play football the most and I hope to play it professionally some day. Stojan Popovic Gymnasium - Osojane Greetings to Your editorial staff! I am Sabina from Osojane. I read your magazine regular- ly and I think that it is really excellent and I like all of your columns. And now you can find out something about me; my favorite singer is Michael Jackson, and I like to listen to music band "Rebelde". I like to play sports, especially volleyball and football. Whenever I have free time I go to my friends place and play different games with her. Also, whenever I have time I help my family to fix the house. Sabina Salijaj Gymnasium - Osojane Ciao! I have to tell you that I like this magazine a lot. My name is Nemanja Vuckovic and I am 15 years old. I am in the first year in the Gymnasium and I like to listen to music a lot. There are many bands that I like and the one that singled out itself from others is "Beogradski Sindikat". The actor which I like to watch in movies is Steven Sigal. I like to play sports and particularly football as most of my friends do. Therefore, in my free time I always play football. But, that is not all I do when I'm free; I like to play cards and much more. So that's all for now! Nemanja Vuckovic Gymnasium - Osojane