Mart 2011
Mart 2011
Pozdravljamo vas dragi ~itaoci, Evo, ponovo se sre}emo sa novim izdanjem magazina “For You” koji }e vas, nadamo se, kao i tokom prethodnih osam godina, informisati i zabaviti u ovim toplim prole}nim danima. Da bismo to ispunili, naš ure|iva~ki tim je pokušao da odabere najzanimljivije teme, i teme koje ste vi najviše tra`ili. Naravno, pisali smo i o najnovijim doga|ajima iz sveta filma i muzike, o `ivotu slavnih li~nosti, i najnovijim dostignu}ima u nauci i tehnologiji. U sportskom odeljku }ete se susresti sa predivnom bra}om Jani}ijevi} iz Mitrovice – karatistima. Kao i uvek, “For You” ~asopis ima samo najnovije vesti za vas. Isto tako, dozvolite mi da istaknem jednu novu inicijativu našeg ure|iva~kog tima, inicijativu koja }e se baviti lokalnim samoupravama, tj. opštinama. U vezi toga imam dva pitanja za vas; prvo: da li znate kako funkcioniše vaša opština, i kako se upravlja?; drugo: imate li uticaj na na~in upravljanja u opštini? Ako mislite da vaši odgovori nisu toliko pozitivni, onda vas pozivam da posvetite nekoliko minuta na{oj inicijativi o toj va`noj temi, time {to }ete pro~itati naš ~lanak posve}en lokalnim samoupravama. Svakako su ovo samo neke od tema o kojima smo pisali u ovom izdanju, a na vama je da prelistate ~asopis i pro~itate vama najzanimljivije teme. Nemojte zaboraviti da nam pišete i da nam prenesete svoja mišljenja, kritike, ili da nam javite šta biste voleli da pro~itate u narednim izdanjima. Znajte, vaša pisma imaju direktan uticaj na odabir tekstova za slede}e izdanje, i da nam poma`u da pratimo ono što vas interesuje. Na kraju mi je samo preostalo da vam po`elim dobro zdravlje, uspeh u školi i predivno prole}e. Leonora "For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Novinari: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanji`a Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For You” magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:[email protected] 6 20 30 8 14 12 2-3: Uvodnik, Sadr`aj 4-5: U~enik meseca: Obu}i }u jednoga dana beli lekarski mantil 6-7: NVO “GORA” veza sa dugogodi{njom tradicijom 8-9: For you fashion: Prole}ni trend: “cat eye” (ma~je o~i) 10-11: Music Box: Sergej ]etkovi} - kralj balada 12-13: Briga i prijateljstvo za penzionere 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Toko tukan 16-17: Poster: Sergej ]etkovi} 18-19: Moviemania: Just go with it; Barney’s version; Season of the witch. 20-21: Sportski ugao: Karate klub “Zve~an” 22-23: Hi-Tech: ^uda koje je stvorio ~ovek 24-25: Kako funkcioni{e va{a op{tina? 26-27: Upitnik: Koje tri stvari biste poneli sa sobom na pusto ostrvo? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca Greetings to you dear readers, 16 28 22 18 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: Student of the month: I will put on a wight doctor’s coat one day 6-7: NGO “GORA” - a connection with age-long traditions 8-9: For you fashion: Spring trend “Cat eye” 10-11: Music Box: Sergej Cetkovic - The king of the ballads 12-13: Care and friendship for the pensioners 14-15: Animal kingdom: Toco Toucan 16-17: Poster: Sergej Cetkovic 4 18-19: Moviemania: Just go with it; Barney’s version; Season of the witch. 20-21: Sports corner: Karate club “Zvecan” 22-23: Hi-Tech: Man-made marvels 24-25: How does your municipality function?! 26-27: Questionnaire: Which are the three things that you would take with you in a desert island? 228-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters Here we meet once again, with another edition of the For You magazine, which we hope will entertain and inform you in this beginning of spring as it has done for eight years now. In order to do so our editorial team has tried to select the most interesting and most sought after topics by you. Of course, we have the most up to date events on movies and music, the lives of famous people and the latest achievements in science and technology. In the sports section you will meet the magnificent Janicijevic brothers – karate practitioners. In other words, as always, For You has the latest news for you. However, let me point out the latest initiative of our editorial team that deals with the local authority, or municipalities. I have two questions for you regarding this. First: do you know how your municipality func- tions and how it is governed? The second question is: can you have a say in the way your municipality is governed? If you find that your answers to these questions are not so favorable, then I invite you to read our article dedicated to local authority and to our initiative regarding this very important topic. Of course, these are only some of the topics on which we have written in this edition and it is up to you to leaf through the magazine and read it. Don’t forget to write to us and let us know of your opinions, criticize us or let us know what you would like to read in next editions. Don’t forget that it is your letters that have a direct bearing on the selection of articles for the next edition and that help stay closer to your interests. In the end, all that remains for me is to wish you good health, success at school and a marvelous spring. Leonora. 'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: [email protected]; N Milena Leki} a{ razgovor sa u~enicom ~etvrtog razreda Osnovne {kole „Miladin Miti}“, Milenom Leki} iz Preoca, zapo~eo je pitanjem o profesiji kojom }e se ona, mo`da, baviti u budu}nosti. „@elim da jednoga dana postanem dobar lekar koji }e le~iti sve ljude bez obzira na to ko su ili odakle dolaze. Isto tako mi se dopada i posao policajaca, jer su oni ti koji sprovode red i mir. Svi|a mi se to {to za njih uvek ima posla, i uvek su nekoj akciji.“ Milenica je do sada bila odli~na u~enica, nada se da }e i na kraju ove godine imati isti uspeh. De{ava joj se da ponekad dobije i neku ocenu ispod petice, ipak ne `ali se, jer smatra da je svaka ocena za |aka. „Za mene {kola predstavlja znanje, jer znate kako ka`u u narodu „znanje je imanje“, kao i vaspitanje. Rado se setim tog prvog dana u {koli, kada sam s nestrpljenjem ~ekala da mi osvane novi dan, kako bih ponovo sela u moju |a~ku klupu.“ Ova desetogodi{njakinja ima osam predmeta i smatra da je to dovoljno za njen uzrast. Najomiljeniji predmeti su joj muzi~ko i fizi~ko vaspitanje; muzi~ko jer voli da peva i u~i nove pesmice, a fizi~ko zbog rekreacije i raznoraznih igara. Ona ima vi{e u~itelja, a najomiljeniji joj je njen razredni Radivoje Tomi}, koji je za Milenu imao samo re~i hvale. „Milena je dobra, mirna i vred- na u~enica. Nadam se da }e u budu}nosti biti jo{ bolja. Smatram da je za jednog u~enika najva`nije da se maksimalno trudi i da pokazuje interesovanje za nastavu, na svim ~asovima.“ Milena mnogo voli da ~ita knjige, pre svega bajke, a najomiljenija joj je „Princeza Foska i ve{tica Toska“ ~iji je autor Silvija Ronkalja. Bajke mnogo voli jer se, kako ona ka`e, ponekad poistove}uje sa glavnim likovima, i svaku pri~u do`ivljava na poseban na~in. Zamolili smo je da nam opi{e jedan radni dan, na {ta je ona odgovorila: „Jedan moj radni dan po~inje brigom o li~noj higijeni, a zatim doru~kom. Nakon toga zavr{avam svoj doma}i zadatak i spremam se za {kolu. Posle ~asova ru~am sa mojim uku}anima, u~im, i potom se odmaram uz neki film ili seriju.“ Nas dve smo pri~ale o raznoraznim stvarima, ~ak smo pri~ale o cve}u, i iz toga saznali da joj se dopadaju visibabe. „Najvi{e volim visibabu, ona je vesnik prole}a, i uvek se obradujem kada je vidim jer znam da nam dolaze topliji dani.“ Gospo|a Ljiljana, Milenina mama, pokazala nam je nekoliko medalja i diploma koje je njena }erka osvojila na {kolskim krosovima. „Iako `ivimo u te{koj finansijskoj situaciji, moja }erka Milena se zaista trudi da bude dobar |ak, na {ta smo jako ponosni, jer pod ovakvim uslovima to nimalo nije lako. Iskreno se nadamo da }e joj se jednoga dana ispuniti `elja – da postane lekar. Ima jo{ dosta vremena, i nadam se da }emo do tada biti u mnogo boljoj situaciji, kako bismo mogli da pru`imo adekvatno {kolovanje na{oj deci.“ Nakon {to zavr{i osnovnu {kolu, Milena planira da upi{e srednju medicinsku...a ko zna mo`da }emo i mi jednoga dana i}i kod nje na le~enje?! Ne sumnjam u to da bi ona blistala u belom mantilu! No, o tom, potom... Ova gostoljubiva i jako dru{tvena devoj~ica uputila je jednu jako interesantnu poruku svim mladima na Kosovu: „U~ite, igrajte i dru`ite se me|usobno! Prihvatajte ljude onakve kakvi jesu, bez obzira da li su bogati ili siroma{ni, beli ili crni, visoki ili mali!“ O ur conversation with Milena Lekic from Preoce, the fourthgrade student of the primary school “Miladin Mitic”, has started with us asking her about the profession that she may be engaged in, in the future. “I wish to become a good doctor one day, and to treat all people regardless who they are or where they come from. I also like the profession of a policeman, because they’re the ones that bring order and peace. I like that they always have something to do, and they’re always in some kind of an action”. Little Milena has been a great student so far, and she hopes that she will repeat such success at the end of this schooling year. She sometimes gets an odd grade that is bellow best (5), but she is not complaining because she thinks that every grade is acceptable for students. “For me, school represents knowledge, because as you know, our old adage says that ‘knowledge is power’, and so is education. I gladly look back to my first day in school, when I impatiently waited to wake up on that day, in order to take my place in the school-class”. This ten-year old girl has 8 subjects in school and thinks that it is enough for her age. Her favourite subjects are music and physical education; she likes music education because she likes to sing and learn new songs, and she likes physical education for its recreation and various games. She has more than one teacher, and her favourite is her class-teacher Radivoje Tomic, who had only best words to say for Milena. “Milena is a kind, peaceful and hard-working student. I hope that she will be even better in the future. I think that the most important thing for a student is to show effort and interest to learn at every lecture”. Milena likes to read books, above all fairytales, and her favourite one is called “La principessa Tosca e la strega Fosca” written by Silvia Roncaglia. She likes fairytales because she often identifies herself with main characters and lives through every story in a very special way. We have asked her to describe one working day to us, and she explained it to us: “My usual working day starts with hygiene duties, and is followed by breakfast. After that, I finish my home-work and get ready for school. After finished lectures I have lunch with my family, I study then, and later rest while watching a movie or some series“. We have discussed various topics, we even talked about flowers, and we found out that she mostly prefers snowdrop-flowers. „I prefer snowdrops because they symbolise spring and I’m always glad to see this flower because then I know that warmer days are coming”. Mrs.Ljiljana, Milena’s mother has shown us some medals and diplomas that her daughter has won in school’s cross-running competitions. “Even though we live in a poor financial situation, my daughter Milena is really trying hard to be a good student, which makes us very proud, because it’s not an easy task in such conditions. We truly hope that her wish to become a doctor will come true one day. There is still a lot of time ahead of her, and I hope that we will reach a much better situation by that time, in order to offer a more adequate education to our children”. After she finishes primary school, Milena is planning to sign up for the medical high school... and who knows, maybe we will visit her for medical treatments one day?! I have no doubts that she will shine in the white coat! But, we’ll cross that bridge later... This hospitable and very sociable girl has sent a very interesting message to all young people of Kosovo: “study, play and socialise together! Accept people the way they are, whether they’re rich or poor, white or black, tall or short!” “Osnovala sam nevladinu organizaciju „GORA“ u `elji da uradim nešto više za sebe i goransku zajednicu kojoj pripadam. Uvek mi je smetalo to što sam prime}ivala veliku prazninu, kada je u pitanju predstavljanje goranske tradicije i nošnje. Na raznim vašarima na kojima se predstavljalo kulturno nasle|e, nikada nije prisustvovala nijedna nevladina organizacija iz Gore ili makar neka koja bi predstavila naše obi~aje i tradiciju.“ Ovako Sevdija Ramadani po~inje pri~u o svojoj organizaciji. Ona je ro|ena u selu Brod koje se nalazi u opštini Šar, a u Prištini, gde je u po~etku radila kao kuvarica, `ivi ve} 12 godina. Me|utim, njena zainteresovanost i strast prema o~uvanju kulturnog nasle|a, naterala ju je da donese jednu od najva`nijih odluka u `ivotu - da napusti posao kuvarice i osnuje organizaciju koja }e se baviti o~uvanjem i gajenjem jedne od najbogatijih i najraznovrsnijih oblasti u kulturnom nasle|u Kosova, narodnim tradicionalnim nošnjama. Gospo|a Ramadani se prise}a da je na samom po~etku dobijala pomo} i veliku podršku od jedne njene albanske pijateljice iz Opoje (oblast u opštini Šar naseljena Albancima). „Pošto je ona imala dobro iskustvo osnivanjem NVO „BESA“, insistirala je da i ja uradim nešto sli~no, pošto je i goranskoj kulturi trebao prostor kako bi mogla da bude predstavljena širom Kosova. Tako sam u maju 2009. godine osnovala moje udru`enje, i od tada sam uspela da okupim ukupno 9 Goranki. One šiju tradicionalnu ode}u (nošnju), pokriva~e za krevete, jorgane i jastu~nice, tako|e pripremaju miraz za nevestu prema starim obi~ajima, a rade i vez na okviru, itd. Drugim re~ima, ovde u našem društvu mo`ete na}i sve vrste rukotvorina koje su, kao što se to nekada radilo, napravljene ru~no u okviru ili su tkane,“ dodaje gospo|a Ramadani. Naravno, ovo nije lak posao, veoma je skup i zahteva puno posve}enosti i napornog rada, ali za one koji zaista cene ovo bogatstvo cena nikada nije problem. Pored toga, gospo|a Ramadani ka`e da se pored novih rukotvorina, u ponudi u radnji njene NVO, koja se nalazi u Prištini blizu Srednje tehni~ke škole „28 Nentori“ (28. Novembar), mogu na}i i stare rukotvorine. Ovom prilikom je istakla tepih napravljen pre 50 godina koji je ceo istkan na razboju. Cena je kako ka`e, u odnosu na kosovske standarde, prili~no visoka, preko 500 evra, ali uprkos tome ona ka`e da ga ne}e nikada prodati po toj ceni. Tako|e je istakla komplet goranske nošnje napravljen pre 30 godina. I, sada se postavlja jedno veoma logi~no pitanje: „Recite mi molim vas gde danas mo`ete na}i par farmerki ili komad bilo koje druge ode}e, koji traje 30 godina i du`e, a da nije nigde ošte}en?“ Kvalitet ove ode}e je tako dobar zato što je ru~no ra|en na okviru, i to je garancija da mogu da se peru ru~no i u mašini za veš, a da ne do|e do ošte}enja,“ ka`e ona. Što se ti~e pomo}i raznih vladinih i nevladinih organizacija, gospo|a Ramadani isti~e da te pomo}i ima veoma malo. Me|utim, posao i dalje ide zahvaljuju}i dogovoru koji ona ima sa svojim radnicama - da }e biti pla}ene tek onda kada se njihov ru~ni rad proda. S druge strane, puno ceni posve}enost raznih institucija koje organizuju vašare kulturnog nasle|a, pošto su prema njenom mišljenju oni veoma va`ni za reklamu njene NVO, i jako su bitni za njihov rad. Ona ka`e da su u isto vreme ovi vašari mostovi koji ih povezuju sa ljudima zainteresovanim za kupovinu takve ode}e, i ovom prilikom je pomenula da je na mnogim vašarima uspostavila kontakte sa ljudima is razli~itih gradova na Kosovu, iz Albanije, pa ~ak i iz Turske. “Veoma mi je drago što se bavim ovim iz razloga što sam uspela da postignem svoj drugi cilj, a to je da pru`im priliku Gorankama u Prištini, da zara|uju bave}i se ovim poslom, ali i da se integrišu u društvo i `ive bolje.“ Na kraju je gospo|a Ramadani poru~ila svim mladim ljudima, da ne zaborave da ove tradicionalne nošnje najbolje pokazuju da su njihovi potomci, ljudi koji su imali ose}aj za lepo i koji su voleli `ivot, i da poštuju}i ovo nasle|eno blago tako|e poštuju prošlost, kao i budu}nost. “I have established the nongovenmental organization (NGO) ‘GORA’, wanting to do something more for myself, and for the Goran community, which I belong to. I have always been bothered by the fact that I have noticed a huge absence in representing the Goran traditions and dresses, since in different fairs where the cultural heritage is presented, there has never been an NGO from Gora, or at least an NGO that has presented our customs and tradiiton,” this is how Sevdija Ramadani begins to tell the story about her activity. She was born in the village of Brod, in the Municipality of Sharr, while now she has been living in Prishtina for 12 years, where initially she used to work as a cook. But her interest and passion in preserving the cultural heritage pushed her into probably taking one of her most important decisions in life: to leave her job as a cook and establish an organization that would deal with the preservation and cultivation of one of the most richest and diverse fields of the Cultural Heritage of Kosovo – the National Traditional Costumes. In the beginning Mrs. Ramadani recalls that she used to receive help and a huge drive from one of her Albanian friends from Opoja, which is a region inhabited with Albanians, in the Municipality of Sharr. “After her good experience in establishing the NGO ‘BESA’, she insisted that I too should take a similar step, since there was a need for the Gorani culture to also have a window through which it would be presented throughout Kosovo. Thus, in May of 2009, I opened my society and since then I have succeeded to gather totally nine Gorani women, who make traditional clothings, but also bed covers, quilt covers and pillow-cases, the preparation of the brides dowry, according to the old tradition, embroidery in frames, etc. In other words, here at our society, you can find all types of handicrafts, which similar to years ago are handmade in a frame, or are weaved,” Mrs. Ramadani, adds. Surely, this is not an easy job to do and it is very expensive and requires a lot of commitment and hard work, but to those who really know how to cherish this wealth, the price is never an issue. Additionally, Mrs. Ramadani says that apart from the new handiworks in her NGO’s shop, which is located in Pristina near the Secondary Technical School “28 Nëntori” (28th November), it also offers for sale old handiworks. On this occasion, she points out a carpet made 50 years ago, which is entirely weaved in a loom. The price, she says, for the Kosovo standards, is quite high, it is above 500 Euros, but despite this she insists that she will never sell it for that price. She also points out a set of the Gorani costume, which has been made 30 years ago. At this moment, she makes a very logical question: Please tell me where you can find today a pair of jeans or any other clothes that last for 30 years or more, and are not damaged? The quality of these clothes, she says, are such, because all of them are handmade in a frame and this guarantees them that they can be both handwashed and machine-washed and remain undamaged. As far as the support is concerned, both from different non-governmental and governmental organizations, Mrs. Ramadani emphasizes that there is very little of it. However, she can keep her activity running, thanks to the agreement that she has with her fellow workers that they will be payed for their work only after their handiwork has been sold, regardless of what that might be. On the other hand, she highly assessed the commitment of the different institutions that organize the cultural heritage fairs, since according to her they are very important for the advertisement of her NGO, but what is the most essential is that they are important for their work. At the same time, she says that these fairs are a connection bridge that links them with the people that are interested in buying such clothes, and on this occasion she mentioned the fact that in many similar fairs she has established contacts with people from different cities of Kosovo, Albania and even Turkey. “I am very pleased that I am engaged in this activity, also because I have achieved to accomplish another goal of mine, which is to create the possibility for the Gorani women in Prishtina to earn through this work, but also to be integrated into the society and to have a better life”. In the end, Mrs. Ramadani advised all the young people to not forget that these traditional dressings show best that they derive from people with a sense for the beauty who loved their life, and by honouring this inherited treasure they also honor the past and at the same time their future. [ • Neophodno vam je samostoje}e ogledalo, jer }e vam trebati obe ruke. Da bi vam šminka bila savršena neophodno je da imate ujedna~en ten. Nanesite puder na lice koji je po nijansi što pribli`niji vašem tenu, a korektor na deo ispod i iznad o~iju. • U prodaji postoje dve vrste ajlajnera, olovka ili te~ni ajlajner sa tankom ili sa sun|erastom, uglastom ~etkicom. Predla`emo vam da probate oba, tako }ete sami videti koji vam najviše odgovara. Ukoliko niste baš vi~ni izvla~enju tankih linija odlu~ite se za olovku. Kasnije mo`ete pre}i na te~ni ajlajner. • Koristite crnu olovku za o~i koja je oštro zarezana. Dr`ite o~i otvorene tokom nanošenja ajlajnera da biste videli kako izvla~ite liniju. • Povucite malo na gore spoljni deo gornjeg kapka i krenite da izvla~ite liniju. Po~nite od spoljnjeg dela oka, polagano izvucite tanku crtu na gore, ka obrvama. Ne preterujte sa du`inom. Za prirodniji izgled izvucite tanku liniju, a ukoliko `elite naglašeniji i dramati~niji izgled izvucite deblju i du`u liniju. Nastavite da nanosite olovku ili te~ni ajlajner polako, što bli`e trepavicama, ka unutrašnjem delu oka. • Kad završite sa ajlajnerom, nanesite maskaru na celu du`inu trepavica. Naglasite obrve olovkom za obrve. Za prirodniji izgled koristite nijansu koja odgovara boji vaših obrva ili nešto svetliju. Obrve sen`ite olovkom, kratkim potezima u smeru rasta obrva. Zabavite se, ve`bajte i eksperimentišite! ta prvo pogledate na nekom kada se upoznate? Zna se! O~i su te koje otkrivaju li~nost i na prvi pogled dosta govore o osobi. Zato im treba posvetiti puno pa`nje, analizirati ih i odrediti kakva im {minka najvi{e odgovara. Treba ih i korigovati – smanjiti, pove}ati, suziti, ili pro{iriti. A za to }e najbolje poslu`iti senke raznih tonova i gustina. Senkama se posti`u fantasti~ni efekti – daju pogledu o{trinu ili toplinu, razdraganost i vedrinu ili misti~nost. Nijansiranje ide uglavnom od najtamnijeg do najsvetlijeg, ali opet, u zavisnosti od efekta koji `elite da izazovete, mogu se koristiti i obrnuto. A boje? Naravno, tonovi se odre|uju prema boji o~iju, tena, kose i ode}e. A ukoliko `elite da budete u trendu ovog prole}a odlu~ite se za šminku koja je svedenija i pastelnih boja. Za ve~ernje izlaske, ven~anja, poslovne ili maturske ve~eri predla`emo vam glamurozniju šminku sa naglaskom na o~i, takozvani ma~kasti ili “cat eye” make up. Ve}ina svetskih modnih kompanija, kao {to je recimo Chanel, za prole}e je kreirao jednu liniji pod nazivom „Chanel Pearl Make up Collection Spring 2011“. Tvorac ove kolekcije je Peter Philips (kreativni direktor Chanel Makeupa). Iz samog njenog naziva i sami zaklju~ujemo da je Philips inspiraciju pronašao u biserima, stvorivši tako "sve`u i blistavu kolekciju make up-a". Za nadolaze}u sezonu Chanel preporu~uje crni „smokey eye“ i neutralne usne. Dakle i dalje je akcenat na o~ima. Za ma~kaste o~i poput And`eline D`oli neophodan vam je ajlajner (eyeliner). Koliko god vam koriš}enje ajlajnera izgledalo komplikovano, jedino što vam stvarno treba je strpljenje i ve`banje pokreta. Sa ajlajnerom vaš make up izgleda}e veoma chic i sexy, a celom stajlingu da}e misteriozniji izgled. O~i su uvek najva`nije, jer su najprivla~niji deo lica. Ukoliko ste spremi za eksperimentisanje, pogledajte vodi~ za savršeni cat eye makeup. W hat is the first thing you notice on a person that you meet for the first time? Everyone knows it! The eyes reveal one’s personality and speak a lot about a person at first sight. That is why we need to give them much attention, analyse them and determine what kind of make-up suits them best. They should also be corrected – reduced, enlarged, thinned-down or widened-up. And to achieve that, it is best to use eye-shadows of different shades and complexities. Eye-shadows achieve fantastic effects – they bring out the sharpness or warmth of our eyes, cheerfulness and brightness or mysticism. Shadows range from darkest to brightest shades, again depending on the effect that you wish to cause you can use the opposite. What about the colours? Of course, colour-shades are determined according to the colour of our eyes, skin tone, hair colour, and the colour of our clothes. And if you want to be fashionable this spring, you should decide upon using a more reduced make-up of pastel colours. For evening parties, weddings, business dinners or prom-nights, we suggest you to use glamorous make-up, with an emphasis on the eyes, to use the so-called kitty or “cat-eye” make-up. Most of the world’s fashion companies, such as Channel for instance, have created lines called “Chanel Pearl Make-up Collection Spring 2011”. The creator of this collection is Peter Phillips, the creative director for Chanel’s make-up. From its very name we can conclude on our own that Phillips found inspiration in pearls, thus creating a “fresh and glary make-up collection”. For the upcoming season, Chanel recommends black “smokey eyes” and neutral coloured lips. So, the accent is still on the eyes. To achieve cat-eyes like on Angeline Jolie, you need a eyeliner. No matter how complicated using eyeliners seem to you, the only thing that you really need is patience and practice of movements. With eyeliner, your make-up will look very chic and sexy, and will give a more mysterious look to your whole style. Eyes are always most important, because they are the most attractive part of the face. If you are ready to experiment, read our guide to perfect cat-eye make-up. • You need a standing mirror, because you will need both hands free. In order for your makeup to be perfect, you need to have an even tan. Apply powder that is similar to your skincomplexion onto your face, and apply some corrector under and above your eyes. • There are two types of eyeliners sold, the pencil and the liquid eyeliner that has a thin or spongy angular brush. We recommend you to try both. That way you will be able to see what suits you best. If you’re not really accustomed to drawing fine lines, you should opt for the pencil. You will later move onto liquid eyeliners. • Use a black pencil which has sharp edges. Keep your eyes open while you apply the eyeliner in order to see how you draw the line. • Slightly pull upwards your upper eyelid, and start to draw the line. Start from the outer part of an eye; easily draw a thin line toward the eyebrows. Don’t overdo with its length. For a more natural look, draw a thin line and if you want a more emphasized and dramatic look, draw a thicker and longer line. Continue to slowly draw the line with a pencil or with the liquid eyeliner as close to the eyebrows, toward an inner part of an eye. • When you’re finished applying the eyeliner, apply mascara on the entire length of your eyelashes. Emphasize both eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. For a more natural look use the shade that matches the colour of your eyebrows, or a slightly lighter shade. Shade your eyebrows using quick moves in the direction of their growth. Have fun, practice, and experiment! Nedavno su u beogradskom Sava centru dodeljene nagrade „Oskar popularnosti“ li~nostima koje su obele`ile prethodnu godinu. Nagradu za Pop peva~a godine ubedljivo je osvojio (SMS glasovima publike) kantautor Sergej ]etkovi}. O va zna~ajna nagrada, koju je poznati muzi~ar dobio iz oblasti pop kulture, samo je jo{ jedna potvrda uspešne godine u kojoj je Sergej objavio svoj peti album „2 minuta“ i odr`ao u okviru svoje regionalne turneje niz uspešnih koncerata. Slu{aju}i deset novih kompozicija sa ovog albuma, mo`e se ~uti ~etrdesetak minuta muzike, poetskog sadr`aja, kroz koji se provla~i prepoznatljiva emocija, ali ovog puta profilišu se i mo}ni gitarski rifovi, koji paraju ljubavno sna`ne emocije i zgusnute dinami~ke refrene. Njegova tematska odrednica naslanja se na prefinjeno pop muziciranje sa dobro doziranom ljubavnom notom, primereno senzibilnom mediteranskom zvuku, pa time ovaj album pretenduje da postane posebnim dokumentom recentnoj fazi ovog vrsnog muzi~ara. Ro|en je 8. marta 1976. godine u Podgorici. Završio je ni`u i srednju muzi~ku školu “Vasa Pavi}” u Podgorici i još uvek je student, teoretskog odseka, Muzi~ke akademije na Cetinju. Detinjstvo pamti po bezbri`nosti i ka`e da mu svako podse}anje na taj period izmamljuje osmeh na lice. Od majke Dragice nasledio je talenat za muziku, dok mu je otac Slobodan, koji je sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka bio prvak Jugoslavije u automobilizmu i osvaja~ kupa Jadrana u kategoriji brze vo`nje, preneo takmi~arski duh. Sergej je najviše voleo da provodi vreme sa šest godina starijim bratom Igorom. Odrastao je na klasi~noj muzici tokom školovanja u ni`oj i srednjoj muzi~koj školi, u osmom razredu otkrio je „Polis“, Fila Kolinsa, Erosa i ostao im veran do sada. Veliki uticaj na njegovo pevanje i stil imali su Zdravko ^oli} i Oliver Dragojevi}, koga veoma ceni i poštuje. Proslavio se 2000. godine nakon nastupa na Budvanskom festivalu sa pesmom „Sati, dani, godine“, nakon kojeg objavljuje svoj prvi studijski CD „Kristina“. Mnoge pesme sa ovog albuma postale su veliki hitovi kao {to su: „Zaustavi}u vrijeme“, „Probudi me“, „Grad“ i druge. Nakon drugog, tako|e dobro zapa`enog albuma, „Budi mi voda“, Sergej 2005. objavljuje svoj tre}i studijski album „Kad ti zatreba“, album koji obara sve rekorde i po tira`u i po slu{anosti, a sa pesmom „Pogledi u tami“ pune dve godine nalazi se na svim top listama u zemljama biv{e Jugoslavije. Po~etkom novembra 2007. Sergej objavljuje ~etvrti album „Pola moga svijeta“ koji je postavio nove standarde u zabavnoj pop muzici. Bilo je potrebno samo nekoliko godina da Sergej ]etkovi} pre|e put od nastupa u barovima na budvanskim pla`ama do zvani~no najpopularnijeg peva~a u celom regionu. Karijeru nikada nije gradio na skandalima i pri~ama o privatnom `ivotu, ve} je pustio da njegove pesme govore same i otvore mu put do zvezda. Svoj privatni `ivot uvek je vešto krio od o~iju javnosti i nikada nije govorio o braku i supruzi Kristini. A nedavno je otkrio da posle deset godina braka i dalje mašta o potomstvu i ne gubi nadu, i izjavio je da je siguran kako }e biti idealan otac. Od kako se o`enio, sa 23 godine, Kristina je njegova najve}a podr{ka u `ivotu. Nakon {to odslu{ate njegov posledni album shvati}ete za{to ga nazivaju „kraljem balada“. Sergej je definitivno svojim tekstovima ve} odavno opravdao sve pozitivne komentare i re~i hvale. Ne mo`emo se nikako otrgnuti od utiska da je Sergej nesumnjivo autorski nadahnut, kreativno sve`, produkcijski osmi{ljen, aran`erski odeven u jedno novo muzi~ko ruho, {to je, ipak refleks onoga {to on danas jeste – istinska pop zvezda sa originalnim zvukom. LI^NA KARTA • Ro|en: 8. marta 1976. • Horoskop: Ribe • Porodica: o`enjen Kristinom, nemaju dece • Obrazovanje: na drugoj je godini Muzi~ke akademije u Podgorici. Diplomira}e kad bude imao vremena. • Karijera: prvi nastup 1998. na „Sun~anim skalama“. Do sada objavio pet albuma. Prvi album zove se „Kristina“. • Crnogorska pop zvezda u mladosti je igrao brejk-dens u grupi Elektro bugi. • Sergej je uvek voleo motore i brzu vo`nju, ali mu otac, automobilski as, nije dozvoljavao da kupi dvoto~kaša. • Najva`nija stvar koju je nau~io od roditelja jeste da nikad ne uzima nešto što nije njegovo. Sava Centre in Belgrade has recently awarded “Oscars for Popularity” to personalities that have marked the previous year. The award for the pop-signer of the year has been indisputably won (through SMS public votes) by the songwriter Sergej Cetkovic. T his significant award, which this famous musician won in the sphere of pop-culture, is just another confirmation of a successful year during which Sergej released his fifth album “2 Minutes” (2 Minuta) and held a series of successful concerts as part of his regional tour. Listening to ten new songs from this album, we can hear about 40minutes of music of a poetic content, which contain well-known emotions, but is also streaming powerful guitar riffs that rip through strong emotions of love and dense dynamic choruses. His thematic setting relies on sophisticated pop music performed with the well-dosed love note, adjusted to a sensitive Mediterranean sound, and thus this album aspires to be a separate document of the recent phase of a skilled musician. He was born on 8 March 1976 in Podgorica. He completed his elementary and secondary music school "Vasa Pavic” in Podgorica and is still a student of the theoretical section in the Music Academy in Cetinje. He remembers his childhood to be carefree and says that every reminder of that period brings a smile on his face. He inherited talent for music from his mother Danica, while his father Slobodan, who was the champion of Yugoslavia in the automobile sports and the Adriatic Cup winner in the category of speedy driving in the seventies, conveyed to him the spirit of competition. Sergej mostly preferred to spend time with his six years older brother, Igor. He grew up on classical music during his education in the lower and the secondary music school, discovering “The Police", Phil Collins and Eros in the eighth grade, to which he remained faithful to PROFILE up to present time. Great influence on his singing and style also had Zdravko Colic, Oliver Dragojevic whom he • Born: 8. March 1976. appreciates and respect a lot. • Horoscope: Pisces He became famous in 2000, after the performance at • Family: married to Kristina, no the Budva festival, with the song “Hours, days, years” children (Sati, dani, godine), after which he released his first stu• Education: he is currently at the dio CD “Kristina”. Many songs from this album has second year of the music become big hits, and include: “I will stop the time” Academy in Podgorica. He will (Zaustavicu vrijeme), “Wake me up” (Probudi me), “City” get a degree when he finds more (Grad) and other ones. After the second, also well known time. album “Be like water” (Budi mi voda), Sergej released • Career: first performance in his third studio album in 2005 “When you need it” (Kad ti 1998, during „Suncane skale“. zatreba), an album that broke all records in its sales and Has released five albums so far. audience and which has been in all charts of the former First album is called „Kristina“. Yugoslavia with the song “Views in the darkness” • During his youth, Montenegrin (Pogledi u tami) for whole two years. In early November pop star has performed breakof 2007 Sergei released his fourth album, "Half of my dance in a band ‘Elektro bugi’. world" (Pola moga svijeta), which has set new standards • Sergej always liked motorbikes in the entertaining pop music. It took only a few years for and fast driving, but his father, the Sergei Cetkovic to cross the road from performing in automobile ace, never allowed bars on Budva beaches to officially becoming the most him to purchase the two-wheeler. popular singer in the region. His career was never built • The most important thing that he on scandals and stories about his private life, but he let has learned from his parents is to his songs speak for themselves and open his path never take something that doesn’t toward the stars. He has always skilfully hid his private belong to him. life from the public view and never spoke about marriage and his wife Kristina. He recently revealed that after ten years of marriage he is still dreaming of having children and that he is not loosing hope, being sure that he would be an ideal father. Since he got married at the age of 23, Kristina was his biggest support in life. When you listen to his last album, you will understand why they call him the “king of ballads”. Through his lyrics, Sergej has definitely justified all positive comments and words of praise. We simply can’t move away from the impression that Sergej is an undoubtedly inspired, creatively fresh, and well-designed in the area of production, wrapped up in a new musical arrangement, which is all the reflex of something that he actually is today – a true pop start with an original sound. greškama iz prošlosti, kako ih ne bismo ponovili. Ovo je po pukovniku Chatzitheofanous-u najbolji na~in za obezbe|ivanje bolje i sigurnije budu}nosti za sve. Pukovnik nas je tako|e informisao da je penzionerima, pored organizovanih medicinskih pregleda, tako|e pru`ena pomo} u renoviranju zgrade „Društva penzionera“. Drugim re~ima, gr~ki pripadnici KFOR-a su obnovili fasadu objekta, popravili pod, obezbedili aparat za merenje krvnog pritiska, kao i šahovske table za zabavu penzionera. I, posle 18 meseci slu`enja u miru na Kosovu, pukovnik Chatzitheofanous je naglasio da su njegove obaveze, kao prvo vezane za ~injenicu da on sebe ne vidi samo kao priPukovnik Chatzitheofanous Georgios padnika KFOR-a, nego i kao suseda ljudima na Kosovu. To ova 2011. godina je za penzionere Uroševca po~ela sa je tako|e razlog što je deo njegove pa`nje najviše posve}en lepim iznena|enjem, koje im je omogu}io gr~ki kontingent razvoju saradnje, jer je to jedini na~in za obezbe|ivanje KFOR-a, pod vo|stvom svog komandanta pukovnika budu}nosti u miru i napredku za sve one koji `ive na Balkanu. Chatzitheofanous Georgios-a. Po~ev{i od sredine januara, pa “Po mom mišljenju, danas sam ovde da pomognem, jer ovi svake dve nedelje, gr~ki doktori su organizovali zdravstvene preljudi imaju potrebu za našom pomo}i, i zato sam siguran da i glede ovoj grupaciji stanovništva, koja se na`alost ~esto susre}e oni ne bi oklevali, i da bi i oni nama pru`ili ruku prijateljstva, sa te{kom ekonomskom situacijom, i to nije slu~aj samo u ukoliko bi nam bila potrebna njihova pomo} u budu}nosti. Zato Uroševcu nego na celom Kosovu. Poru~nik-doktor Varvara se nadam da }u se posle nekoliko godina vratiti na Kosovo kao Pantelidou je naglasio da su ovakvi pregledi i ranije organizoturista sa svojom porodicom, i da }u umesto kasarne KFOR-a vani, ali se sada prvi put obavljaju redovno, na svake dve nedelnai}i na lepe i moderno izgra|ene škole, jer je to jedini na~in je. Objašnjavaju}i razlog ove inicijative, doktorka je rekla da je za obezbe|ivanje budu}nosti bez etni~kih, politi~kih i verskih jedini i glavni razlog humane prirode. „Ne trebamo zaboraviti da razdvajanja na Balkanu. Mi smo u stanju da to uradimo, jer to su to osnovni lekarski pregledi, gde uglavnom kontrolišemo krvni dugujemo svim mladim generacijama. Tokom mog boravka pritisak, razgovaramo sa pacijentima i pru`amo im medicinske ovde sam upoznao mnogo dobrih ljudi, i zato sam uveren da je savete u vezi zdravstvenih problema koje penzioneri imaju. to sve sasvim mogu}e. I, zato }u po odlasku ovde ostaviti deo Naravno, ne mo`emo zaboraviti da su naše medicinske svog srca, uz divne prijatelje koje sam upoznao,“ izjavio je na mogu}nosti prili~no ograni~ene, ipak, ovim gestom `elimo preneti kraju pukovnik Chatzitheofanous. poruku da smo spremni da im pomognemo u svakom trenutku, oniliko koliko mo`emo,“ rekla je izme|u ostalog doktorka Pantelidou. Pukovnik Chatzitheofanous je naglasio u vezi ovog projekta, da je ovo samo jedan od brojnih projekata koji su gr~ki pripadnici KFOR-a realizovali do sada. Me|utim, prema njegovim re~ima, zna~aj ovog projekta le`i u ~injenici da je fokusiran na deo stanovništva kojem je potrebna na{a pomo}, po{to su svoj `ivot posvetili razvoju društva u kome `ivimo. Oni su istovremeno pro`iveli toliko toga tokom svog `ivota, a borave}i uz njih mo`emo mnogo nau~iti iz njihovog iskustva, i što je najva`nije mo`emo u~iti na N T can,” said among other things Doctor Pantelidou. While Col. Chatzitheofanous in relation to this project emphasized that this is only one of the numerous projects that the Greek KFOR members have developed so far. However, according to him the importance of this project lies in the fact that it is focused on the part of the population, which needs our help, after a long life commitment to the development of the society where we live. At the same time, they have experienced so much during their life, and by staying close to them, we can learn a lot from their experience and what is most important we can learn from their mistakes in the past, in order to not repeat them anymore. This according to Col. Chatzitheofanous is the best way to ensure a better and safer future for everyone. The Colonel also informed us that apart from organizing the medical examinations, the Ferizaj/Urosevac pensioners have been aided also with the renovation of the building of the pensioners’ society. In other words, the Greek KFOR members have painted the building, have repaired the floor, as well as have secured a device for measuring the blood pressure, as well as some chess boards for the entertainment of the pensioners. And after 18 months in service of the peace in Kosovo, Col Chatzitheofanous emphasized that firstly all his commitment is connected to the fact that he sees himself more than a member of KFOR, he sees himself as a neighbor of the Kosovo people. This is also the reason why a big part of his attention is dedicated precisely to the development of cooperation, since this is the only way to ensure a future in peace and progress for all those that live in the Balkans. “In my opinion, I am here today to help, since these people have a need for our help, as I am sure that if tomorrow we would need their help, they wouldn’t hesitate at any moment to give their hand of friendship. Therefore, I hope that after some years, I could come in Kosovo as a tourist with my family, and instead of KFOR military barracks to find beautiful and modern built schools, because this is the only way to ensure a future, where the Balkans will not have borders of ethnical, political and religious separation. And this we are able to do and we owe it to all the young generations. During my stay here I have met so many good people that I am convinced that this is entirely possible, and when I leave a part of my heart will remain here, close to all the wonderful friends that I have met here,” stated in the end Colonel Chatzitheofanous. Dr. Varvara Pantelidou he New Year 2011 for the Ferizaj/Urosevac pensioners began with a rather nice surprise for them, which was provided by the Greek KFOR Contingent under the leadership of their Commander, Col. Chatzitheofanous Georgios. Thus, beginning from the middle of the month of January, every two weeks the Greek military doctors have organized medical visits for this part of the population, which unfortunately due to the present economical situation often face economical difficulties, not only in Ferizaj/Urosevac but also in the entire Kosovo. LT Doctor Varvara Pantelidou emphasized that such visits have been organized also in the past, but this is the first time that they are regularly kept, every two weeks. While as far as the reason of taking this initiation, she said that the only reason and the main one is the humane one. “We should not forget that these are essential medical examinations, where mainly we control the blood pressure, and we talk to them, as well as offer them medical advises to the health concerns that these pensioners have. Surely, we cannot forget that our medical possibilities here are quite limited, but nonetheless through this gesture we want to tell them that we are ready to help them at any time, with what we P ostoji oko ~etrdeset poznatih vrsta tukana koje su lako prepoznatljive po svojim velikim, obi~no jarko obojenim kljunovima. Variraju po veli~ini, od 36 to 76cm. Najpoznatiji je ujedno i najve}i od svih tukana - toko tukan sa svojim svetlo `uto-narand`astim kljunom, du`ine oko 19cm. Najmanja vrsta tukana je arakar tukan. Prebivalište toko tukana su samo tropske kišne šume ju`ne Amerike. Ne boravi nigde drugo u svetu, iako je poznat i voljen na svakom kontinentu. Do nedavno je bilo nepoznato zašto imaju tako veliki šareni kljun. Kljunovi im ne slu`e da bi privukli partnera, zato što ih poseduju i `enke i mu`jaci, i ne menjaju se tokom godišnjih doba. Me|utim, najnovija istra`ivanja pokazuju da ptice koriste svoje kljunove za odr`avanje temperature vazduha. Ptice se ne znoje, a vreme je ~esto toplo u tim ju`noameri~kim d`unglama. Iako su im kljunovi veliki, i svojom veli~inom mogu odvratiti mogu}e neprijatelje i grabljivice, oni su zbog svoje ne~vrsto}e beskorisni kao oru`je. Sastoje se od strukture, po izgledu sli~ne sa}u, što zna~i da se sastoje od rupica ispunjenih vazduhom. To ih ~ini izuzetno lakim, ali beskorisnim za borbu, kopanje rupa, ili bilo šta što zahteva upotrebu snage. Kljunove koriste za ishranu vo}em, što predstavlja glavni vid ishrane tukana. Dosta su lenje ptice i vole da borave na jednom mestu, hrane}i se vo}em koje im je tu na dohvat ruke, pri ~emu im poma`e veliki kljun, tako da nemaju potrebu za kretanjem. Tako|e predstavljaju odli~an na~in za skrivanje dok sede me|u jarko obojenim vo}em u krošnjama, iako se ~ini da i ne pokušavaju da se sakriju, pošto me|u sobom komuniciraju - na veoma glasan na~in! Iako se njihova osnovna ishrana sastoji od vo}a, oni su svaštojedi, što zna~i da tako|e mogu jesti i insekte, guštere, jaja, i mladunce drugih ptica. Dugi kljunovi im dozvoljavaju da dopru do dubokih pukotina u drve}u gde se takva mala stvorenja kriju, i da kradu jaja i mladunce iz gnezda drugih ptica. Jedan od rituala parenja u kojima u~estvuju oba pola ptica je ritualno bacanje vo}a, gde mu`jaci i `enke tukana jedni drugima bacaju komade vo}a, hvataju}i ih i koriste}i svoje velike kljunove tokom parenja. Tukan se gnezdi u velikim rupama u drve}u, gde pola`e dva do ~etiri jaja o kojima se brinu oba roditelja, greju}i ih. Mladunci tukana se ne ra|aju sa velikim kljunom; u stvari, kljunovi su im vrlo mali, ali rastu tokom odrastanja, razvijaju}i se u uobi~ajen tukanov kljun nakon otprilike tri meseca. Tukani `ive u grupama koje se zovu kolonije, i sadr`e oko šest ptica po koloniji. Njihove jarke boje su u stvari dobra kamufla`a u vreme kada sede u krošnjama drve}a prašume, obasjanim razigranim sun~evim zracima. Tukan je postao popularan na televiziji i u reklamama, a njegov ogroman kljun, obojen šarenim jarkim bojama, ~ini ga jednom od najpoznatijih ptica na svetu. Ve}ina tukana ne mo`e da se uzdr`i od stalnog ~avrljanja, ~ime daju utisak da ne pokušavaju da se sakriju od bilo koga. Tukan je veoma popularan ku}ni ljubimac, a mnogo njih se lovi kako bi se zadovoljili zahtevi prodavnica za ku}ne ljubimce. Tako|e se koriste i u reklamne svrhe, reklamiraju}i razli~ite proizvode. T here are about forty known species of toucan, all of which are easily recognizable by their big brightly colored bill. They vary in size, from about 36cm up to 76cm. Probably the most well known is the largest of all the toucan species, the Toco Toucan with its bright yellow-orange bill which is about 19 cm big. The smallest species of toucan is the Aracar Toucanet. The Toco Toucan is only at home in the tropical rain forest of South America, living no where else in the world, yet it is known and loved by nearly everyone on every continent. Until recently it was not known why toucans have such large colorful bills. They are unlikely to be used for attracting a mate as both the males and females possess them and they do not change with the seasons. However, the latest studies suggest that the bird’s bills are used for air conditioning. Birds don't sweat and it can be hot in those South American jungles. Although the bills are large, which may deter enemies and predators with their sheer size, they are useless as weapons as they are not solid. They are made from a structure similar to honeycomb in appearance and so are mainly just holes full of air. This makes them extremely light but useless for fighting or digging holes, or anything else which would require any force to be exerted. These bills are useful for eating fruit, which is the toucan’s main diet. They are quite lazy birds and like to sit in one place, eating any fruit which is hanging within reach. Such a large bill allows them to reach that little bit further without actually having to move. It is also great camouflage while they're sitting amongst brightly colored hanging fruit, although it is unlikely that they are trying very hard to keep a low profile, as they communicate with each other constantly – extremely loudly! Although their main diet is fruit they are omnivorous, which means that they will also eat insects, lizards, eggs and the chicks of other birds. The long bills allow them to reach inside tree crevices where such creatures may be hiding, and to steal eggs and chicks from the nests of other birds. One of the mating rituals that both sexes take part in is a ritual fruit toss, where both male and female toucan pitch morsels of fruit to each other and catch them, using the large beaks during mating. The toucan will nest in a large hole inside a tree, where she will lay two to four eggs, which both parents will incubate and help to care for. Small toucans are not born with the large bill; it is quite tiny actually and will grow with them, developing into the typical toucan bill about three months later. Toucans live in groups called a flock that will contain about six birds per flock. Their bright colors are actually very good camouflage when it comes time to sit in the trees, in the dappled light of the rain forest canopy. The Toucan has been made popular in television and advertising due to its huge over sized bill, with its bright array of colors making it one of the most popular birds in the world. Since most of the toucans will keep up constant chatter however it seems they are not trying to remain hidden from anyone. The Toucan is a very popular pet and many are captured to supply the demand for the pet shop trade, as well as used to sell advertising items. SAMO NASTAVI SA TIM Uloge: Adam Sendler, D`enifer Aniston, Bruklin Deker, Nikol Kidman, Dejv Metjuz Re`iser: Denis Dugan Studio: Columbia Pictures @anr: komedija Sinopsis U filmu “Samo nastavi sa tim”, plasti~ni hirurg koji se zabavlja sa mnogo mla|om u~iteljicom, nagovara svoju vernu sekretaricu da glumi njegovu `enu sa kojom je pred razvodom, da bi sakrio svoju nepromišljenu la`. U trenutku kada la`i po~inju da isplivavaju, i sekretari~ina deca po~inju da budu uklju~ena u sve to, svi odlaze na vikendodmor na Havaje, što }e im izmeniti `ivot. JUST GO WITH IT Starring: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Brooklyn Decker, Nicole Kidman, Dave Matthews Director: Dennis Dugan Studio: Columbia Pictures Genre: Comedy Synopsis In Just Go With It, a plastic surgeon, romancing a much younger schoolteacher, enlists his loyal assistant to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife, in order to cover up a careless lie. When more lies backfire, the assistant's kids become involved, and everyone heads off for a weekend in Hawaii that will change all their lives.. Sinopsis Barni Panofski je naizgled obi~an ~ovek koji `ivi izuzetan `ivot. Film je iskreno ispovedanje, prenešeno iz Barnijevog ugla i obuhvata tri decenije i dva kontinenta, vode}i nas kroz razli~ite "uloge" u njegovoj neobi~noj biografiji. Tu je njegova prva `ena, Klara, crvenokosa, flagrantno neverna `ena slobodnog duha, sa kojom Barni kratko provodi boemski `ivot u Rimu. Druga "gospo|a P." je bogata jevrejska princeza koja vodi neprestane razgovore i kupuje po prodavnicama, jedva prime}uju}i da je Barni i ne sluša. I baš tokom njihovog raskošnog ven~anja, Barni upoznaje i po~inje da se zaljubljuje u svoju BARNIJEVA VERZIJA tre}u `enu, majku dvoje njegove dece, i njegove istinske ljubavi. Uz svog oca, kao Uloge: Pol \amati, Dastin pomo}nika, Barni nas vodi kroz mnoge Hofman, Rozamund Pajk, pozitivne i još ve}i broj negativnih Mini Drajver, Rašel Lefev, doga|aja tokom svog dugog i raznolikog Skot Spidman, Brus `ivota. On pokazuje da je pravi Grinvud romanti~ar, i da je u stanju da ispolji sve Re`iser: Ri~ard D`. Luis nivoe galantnosti, velikodušnosti i Studio: Sony Pictures dobrote, kada i mi i on to najmanje o~ekuClassics jemo. Njegov `ivot je fantasti~no ispunjen, @anr: Drama i odigran na izuzetan na~in. SEZONA VEŠTICA Uloge: Nikolas Kejd`, Ron Prlman, Stiven Kempbel Mur, Ulrih Tomsen, Stiven Grejem, Kristofer Li, Kler Foj Re`iser: Dominik Sena Studio: Relativity Media @anr: Natprirodne mo}i / Triler Synopsis Oscar winner Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman star in this supernatural action adventure about a heroic Crusader and his closest friend who return home after decades of fierce fighting, only to find their world destroyed by the Plague. The church elders, convinced that a girl accused of being a witch is responsible for the devastation, command the two to transport the strange girl to a remote monastery where monks will perform an ancient ritual to rid the land of her curse. They embark on a harrowing, action-filled journey that will test their strength and courage as they discover the girl's dark secret and find themselves battling a terrifyingly powerful force that will determine the fate of the world. Sinopsis Oskarovac Nikolas Kejd` i Ron Prlman glume u ovoj natprirodnoj akcionoj avanturi o herojskom krstašu koji se sa svojim najboljim prijateljem vra}a ku}i posle decenija `estokih bitaka, i tu nailazi na `ivot uništen kugom. Starešine crkve, uvereni da je devojka koja je optu`ena da je veštica kriva za to uništenje, nare|uju ovoj dvojici da prevezu ~udnu devojku u udaljeni manastir, gde }e monasi obaviti drevni ritual i osloboditi zemlju od njene kletve. Oni kre}u na SEASON OF stresno THE WITCH putovanje ispunjeno Starring: akcijom, Nicolas Cage, koje }e testirati njiRon Perlman, hovu snagu i Stephen Campbell hrabrost, dok otkriMoore, Ulrich Thomsen, vaju devoj~ine Stephen Graham, mra~ne tajne i Christopher Lee, Claire bore}i se sa zasFoy trašuju}e mo}nim Director: Dominic Sena silama, odre|uju}i Studio: Relativity Media sudbinu sveta. Genre: Supernatural / Thriller nents, taking us through the different "acts" of his unusual history. There is his first wife, Starring: Paul Giamatti, Clara, a flame-haired, flaDustin Hoffman, Rosamund grantly unfaithful free spirit Pike, Minnie Driver, with whom Barney briefly Rachelle Lefevre , Scott lives at "la vie de Boheme" in Speedman, Bruce Rome. The "Second Mrs. P.," Greenwood is a wealthy Jewish Princess Director: Richard J. Lewis who shops and talks incesStudio: Sony Pictures santly, barely noticing that Classics Barney is not listening and it Genre: Drama is at their lavish wedding that Barney meets, and starts pursuing, his third wife, the mother of his two children, and his true love. With his father, Izzy as his side kick, Barney takes us through the many highs, and a few too many lows, of his long and colorful life. Not only does Barney turn out to be a true romantic, he is also capable of all kinds of sneaky acts of gallantry, generosity, and goodness when we and he least expect it. BARNEY'S VERSION Synopsis Barney Panofsky is a seemingly ordinary man who lives an extraordinary life. A candid confessional, told from Barney's point of view. The film spans three decades and two conti- O d samog nastanka do danas Karate klub „Zve~an“ re|a samo uspehe, brojne medalje i trofeje. I, pored ote`anih uslova za rad koji su isklju~ivo finansijske prirode, kvalitetan rad i brojno ~lanstvo doprineli su im u ostvarivanju zna~ajnih rezultata od samog nastanka kluba. O klubu i o ovoj plemenitoj borila~koj ve{tini razgovarali smo sa vi{im sportskim trenerom i majstorom karatea Ljubi{om Krasi}em, ~ije je prezime itekako poznatu po sportu (pre svega mislimo na poznatog fudbalera Milo{a Krasi}a). „Za osam godina postojanja kluba, na{i karatisti su osvoijili oko 2000 medalja, {to na doma}im, tako i na nekim me|unarodnim takmi~enji ma.“ Gospodin Krasi} se ovim sportom bavi od 1973. i kako ka`e u Mitrovici, a i na celom Kosovu, sve je vi{e zainteresovanih za ovu borila~ku ve{tinu. Dokaz tome su dva nova kluba u Mitrovici i Zubinom Potoku, koja su priiza{la iz njihovog mati~nog kluba u Zve~anu. „Mi smo najtrofejniji klub, sa najvi{e osvojenih medalja na takmi~enjima. Poku{avam da moju ljubav prema karateu i sportu prenesem i na decu. Cilj mi je da stvorim, ne samo uspe{ne takmi~are nego i budu}e trenere, tako da su pro{le godine tri na{a ~lana dobila majstorska zvanja. KK „Zve~an“ ima oko 50 aktivnih ~lanova, koji treniraju pet puta nedeljno, po sat vremena. A, pred odlazak na neko takmi~enje, ti treninzi se odr`avaju ~ak i po dva puta na dan, jer su fizi~ka spremnost i duhovna stabilnost najva`nije u ovom sportu. Govore}i o najboljim takmi~arima i ~lanovima ovog karate kluba, trener Krasi} nam je posebno istakao trojicu bra}e Jani}ijevi}a, Vuka, Iva i Vida. Ova trojica mladih, lepih, inteligentnih i jako talentovanih momaka, iako treniraju u te{kim uslovima, klubu su doneli oko 400 medalja i pehara sa doma}ih i me|unarodnih takmi~enja. „Sre}a je moja kao trenera, {to su tako tri mlada nebru{ena dijamanta do{la u na{ klub. Njihova volja, veliki talenat i malo moga rada doprinelo je da Vuk sa nepunih 14 godina pro{le godine postane majstor karatea, dok je Ivo (11 god., braon pojas) dve godine uzastopno prvak Srbije u svojoj kategoriji, a tre}i na kupu Srbije. On je tako|e i kapiten ekipe u svom klubu koji su bili drugi na prvenstvu Srbije. Za najmla|eg, osmogodi{njeg Vida, gospodin Krasi} tvrdi da je najve}i talenat koji tek treba lagano da ulazi u takmi~arske vode i da posti`e rezultate. „Sva trojica rastu uz mene, ali najmla|i je najstalo`eniji, ne mogu da ka`em da nisu i ova druga dvojica inteligentni i talenti, ali u Vidu ima ne{to {to ga odvaja od dvojice starijih.“ I, pored redovnih takmi~enja i ~estih odsustvovanja iz {kole, oni se maksimalno trude da nadoknade sve izgubljene lekcije. A mo`emo re}i i da nastavnici u njihovoj Osnovnoj {koli „Vuk Karad`i}“ u Zve~anu, imaju posebno razumevanja za njih trojicu. Vuk, koji pored redovne {kole poha|a i muzi~ku {kolu, odsek klasi~ne gitare, pohvalio nam se da je pre tri godine osvojio drugo mesto na republi~kom takmi~enju u pisanju sastava na temu „Kakvi smo mi prema bli`njima, takav }e Bog biti prema nama“. „Dajem sve od sebe da postignem {to bolje rezultate u redovnoj i muzi~koj {koli, u karateu, tako|e se bavim i ko{arkom. Moram da priznam da imam mnogo obaveza, mo`da vi{e od nekih mojih vr{njaka, ali poku{avam da se dobro organizujem i ispunim sve ono {to treba.“ Njegov srednji brat Ivo se bavi i fudbalom, solidan je u~enik, a u karateu je do sada osvojio 10-tak pehara i oko 200 medalja. „U sportu sam postigao maksimum, ali uvek mo`e jo{ bolje. Cilj mi je da jednoga dana zavr{im {kolovanje, moj otac Rade bi `eleo da to bude DiF, pa ko zna, mo`da mu se ta `elja i ispuni“, rekao je Ivo, dok nam je Vid pri~ao o tome koliko je posebno ponosan na svoje roditelje od kojih imaju podr{ku u svemu. „Zahvaljujem se ocu Radetu i majci Sla|ani koji su uvek uz nas trojicu. Njih dvoje se odri~u mnogo~ega kako bi mojoj bra}i i meni pru`ili samo najbolje i najlep{e.“ Sigurni smo da su i njihovi roditelji, ro|aci, kom{ije, prijatelji i sugra|ani ponosni na ovu trojicu divnih momaka, koji su re{ili da svoje slobodno vreme provode na najkvalitetniji i najzdraviji mogu}i na~in. Jednostavno, njihov `ivotni moto je „U zdravom telu, zdrav duh“! Bra}a Jani}ijevi}: Ivo, Vid i Vuk F rom its very first days until today, karate club “Zvecan” has been gaining successes, numerous medals and trophies. Despite difficult working conditions, which are exclusively related to financial issues, high-quality of work and numerous members have contributed them to achieve significant results from their beginnings. To learn more about the club and this noble martial art, we have talked to the senior sports coach and master of karate, Ljubisa Krasic, whose surname is more than well-known in the sports circles (above all, we’re thinking of the wellknown football player Milos Krasic). In eight years of club’s existence, our karate kids have won approximately 2000 medals, both in local and international competitions. Mr. Krasic has been involved in this sport since 1973, and according to him, there is more and more people interested in this martial arts, both in Mitrovica and in the whole of Kosovo. Proof for this lies in two new clubs in Mitrovica and in Zubin Potok, which have emerged from their parent-club in Zvecan. “We are the most awarded club, with the most medals won at competitions. I'm trying to convey my love of karate, and sports to children. My goal is to create not only successful competitors but also future trainers, and last year three of our members received master levels”. KC “Zvecan” has about 50 members, who train five times a week, for one hour. And before attending competitions, these trainings are held even twice a day, because the physical fitness and spiritual stability are most important in this sport. Speaking of best competitors and members of the karate club, coach Krasic especially pointed out three Janicijevic-brothers, Vuk, Ivo and Vid. These three young, beautiful, intelligent and very talented young men, although practicing in difficult conditions, have brought over 400 medals and trophies to the club from international and local competitions. “I’m happy as a coach to see these three young unpolished diamonds coming to our club. Their willingness, great talent and a little bit of my work have contributed to Vuk becoming the master of karate being barely 14 years old, while Ivo (11 years of age, brown belt) has been the champion of Serbia in his category and third in the Serbian cup for two consecutive years. He is also the captain of the club’s team, which has won the second place in the championship of Serbia. According to coach Krasic, the youngest one, the eight year old Vid, is the greatest talent that has yet to enter the competitor’s water and to achieve results. „All three of them are growing with me, but the youngest one is the calmest. Sure, the other two are also intelligent and talented, but Vid has something that sets him aside from his older brothers”. And in addition to regular competition and frequent absences from school, they are giving their best to make up for all their lost lectures. And we can say that teachers in their elementary school “Vuk Karadzic” in Zvecan, have a special understanding of these three. Vuk, who in addition to regular school also attends the musical school’s classic guitar department, has boasted to us that three years ago he has won the second place in the republican contest in writing essays with the topic “What we are to our neighbours, so will God be for us“. „I give my best to achieve best results in regular and musical school, karate, and to also play basketball. I must admit that I have many obligations, perhaps more than some of my friends, but i try to organise myself and to fulfil everything that is necessary”. His middle brother, Ivo plays football, is a solid student, and has won about 10 trophies and about 200 medals in karate. “I have achieved maximum in sport, but things can always be better. My goal is to finish school someday. My father would like it to be DIF, so who knows, his desire may come true,” said Ivo, while Vid told us how proud he is over their parents that give all their support in everything. “I thank my father Rade and mother Sladjana, which have always been next to us three. The two of them waive on many things, just so that they can provide to my brothers and me best and prettiest things”. We are sure that their parents, relatives, neighbours, friends and fellow citizens are proud of these three, which have decided to spend their free time in the best and healthiest way. Simply speaking, their life-motto is “Mens sana in corpore sano”! ^uda koja je stvorio ~ovek: Me|unarodna svemirska stanica Me|unarodna svemirska stanica sa stalnom posadom oko zemlje kru`i od novembra 2000., i dostupna je samo za turiste sa dovoljno visokim bankovnim ra~unima koji sebi mogu da priušte trošak od oko 25 miliona dolara, koliko košta povratna karta u prodaji firme “Svemirske avanture” (“Space Adventures”). Do danas je šestoro turista putovalo na me|unarodnu svemirsku stanicu da bi do`iveli ose}aj nulte gravitacije pri kru`enju oko planete. Me|utim, taj broj }e se sigurno pove}avati u narednim decenijama, pošto razli~ita privatna preduze}a razvijaju komercijalne svemirske letelice i programe, kako bi putovanja ka dalekim svemirskim prostorima uneli u turisti~ke destinacije. Man-Made Marvels: International Space Station Orbiting Earth with a resident crew since November 2000, the International Space Station is accessible only to enterprising tourists who have bank accounts flush enough to afford approximately $25 million for the round-trip ticket offered by Space Adventures. To date, six space tourists have boarded the ISS to experience days of zero gravity orbiting the planet. However, that number is sure to rise in coming decades as private companies develop commercial spacecraft and programs to make the final frontier a viable travel destination. ^uda koja je stvorio ~ovek: Time Warner Center Ovaj njujorški neboder visine 228.6 metara, otvoren 2003. godine, sastoji se od dve kule spojene atrijumom u kome se nalaze ekskluzivne prodavnice. To je bila prva visoka zgrada koja je izgra|ena u Njujorku posle teroristi~kih napada 11. septembra 2001. godine. Ovaj “grad u zgradi” u sebi sadr`i kancelarije kompanije “Time Warner”, stambene prostorije, hotele “Mandarin Oriental” i “New York”. TV emisija “Anderson Cooper 360°” se emituje iz CNN studija koji se nalazi u zgradi, u kojoj se tako|e nalazi i muzi~ki klub “Jazz at Lincoln Center”. Man-Made Marvels: Time Warner Center This 750-foot tall skyscraper in New York City, which opened in 2003, consists of two towers bridged by an atrium containing upscale retail shops. It was the first major building to be completed in New York City after the September 11 2001, terrorist attacks. This “city in a building” contains the offices of Time Warner Inc., residential condominiums, and the Mandarin Oriental, New York hotel. Anderson Cooper 360° broadcasts live here from CNN Studios, and you’ll also find the 1,200-seat Jazz at Lincoln Center. ^uda koja je stvorio ~ovek: Mijo Vijadukt Mijo Vijadukt koji se nalazi na jugu Francuske, i koji je otvoren 2004. godine, najviši je automobilski most na svetu, sa kolovozom na visini od skoro 274.32 metara. Ukosozategnuti dizajn daje mostu izgled jedrilica na moru, ~iji se jarboli uzdi`u u visini od 343 metra — što je ~ak više od visine Ajfelovog tornja. ^uda koja je stvorio ~ovek: Morska oaza „Morska oaza“, u vlasništvu firme “Royal Caribbean”, prvi put je zaplovio 2009. kao najve}i svetski putni~ki brod za krstarenje. Po te`ini je skoro 5 puta te`i od bruto te`ine Titanika, i 1.5 put du`i od zgrade ameri~kog Kapitola. U sebi sadr`i 16 paluba i ima kapacitet za 6,296 gostiju. Brod pru`a jednonedeljna putovanja po isto~nim i zapadnim Karibima, i isplovljava iz luke Everglejds u Fort Loderdejlu na Floridi. Man-Made Marvels: Millau Viaduct The Millau Viaduct in southern France, which opened in 2004, is the tallest vehicular bridge in the world, with a roadway nearly 900 feet in the air. The cable-stayed design gives the bridge the appearance of a row of sailboats at sea, and the masts rise 1,125 feet — higher than the Eiffel Tower. Man-Made Marvels: Oasis of the Seas Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas made its debut in 2009 as the world’s largest cruise ship. It’s nearly five times the gross tonnage of the Titanic and 1 1/2 times longer than the U.S. Capitol building. It has 16 decks and a capacity for 6,296 guests. The ship offers weeklong sailings in the eastern and western Caribbean. Cruises depart from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. ^uda koja je stvorio ~ovek: Burd` Kalifa Najviši neboder na svetu je otvoren u januaru 2010. godine u Dubaiju u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima, i od tada prima samo re~i hvale. Kada biste Ajfelov toranj (Eiffel tower) postavili na vrh zgrade Empajer Stejt (Empire State building) i dalje ne biste dostigli visinu Burd` Kalife. Uzdi`e se 828 metara iznad pustinje i pru`a pogled ka Persijskom zalivu, hotelu Burd` al-Arab u obliku jedra, i vešta~kom ostrvu Palm D`umeira. Prvobitno nazvana Burd` Dubai, zgrada je preimenovana u ~ast Šeika Kalifa Al Zajed Al Najana, vladara Abu Dabija, koji je 2009. investirao desetine milijardi dolara u Dubai, dok se grad borio da isplati ogromne finansijske dugove. Man-Made Marvels: Burj Khalifa Dubai, United Arab Emirates, opened the world’s tallest skyscraper in January, 2010, and superlatives have poured in ever since. If you stuck the Eiffel Tower on top of the Empire State Building, you still wouldn’t have a structure as tall as the Burj Khalifa. It rises 2,717 feet from the desert and provides views of the Persian Gulf, the sail-shaped Burj alArab hotel and the man-made Palm Jumeirah island. Originally named Burj Dubai, the building was renamed in honor of Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the ruler of Abu Dhabi, which pumped tens of billions of dollars into Dubai in 2009 as it struggled to pay enormous debts. “Kako funkcioni{e va{a op{tina ?!” bi}e tema jedne serije ~lanaka o radu op{tina na Kosovu, koju }emo vam predstaviti u narednih nekoliko izdanja na{eg magazina. Tom prilikom sazna}ete kako lokalne vlasti funkcioni{u i kako vi kao gra|ani mo`ete u~estvovati u tome. O pština je osnovna jedinica lokalne samouprave na Kosovu, koja se sastoji od jedne zajednice gra|ana koji `ive na odre|enoj teritoriji, odre|ene zakonom, koja obavlja upravu koja nije izri~ito dodeljena centralnim institucijama. Sve opštinske slu`be svih nivoa se brinu da gra|ani opštine u`ivaju sva prava, slobode i mogu}nosti, bez obzira na rasnu i etni~ku pripadnost, boju ko`e, pol, jezik, versku pripadnost, politi~ka ili druga shvatanja, nacionalno ili društveno poreklo, i bez obzira na imovinu, ro|enje ili bilo koji drugi status. To je na~in na koji Zakon o lokalnoj samoupravi opisuje termin opštine, kao i osnovne obaveze koje ova administrativna jedinica ima ka svojim gra|anima. Ovaj zakon je usvojen 20. februara 2008. godine, a njegovo usvajanje je od posebne va`nosti zato što predvi|a poboljšanje lokalne uprave pru`anjem više odgovornosti ka centralnoj upravi. Taj zakon istovremeno predvi|a ve}i broj prava gra|anima koji kroz svoje gra|ansko anga`ovanje mogu tra`iti odgovornost od svojih lokalnih uprava, ali i tako|e imati direktan uticaj na rad uprava. Time, Poglavlje IX: “Direktna demokratija i mehanizmi gra|anskog u~eš}a” iz Zakona o lokalnoj samoupravi predvi|a neke od mehanizama koji omogu}avaju gra|anima aktivno u~eš}e u razvoju opštine u kojoj `ive. Ti mehanizmi su slede}i: javno informisanje i konsultacije, pravo na organizovanje peticija, inicijativa gra|ana, referenduma, inicijativa za smenu gradona~elnika opština i opštinskih saveta. Dodatno poboljšanje ovom zakonu predvi|a izbor svih gradona~elnika opština na direktnim izborima glasovima gra|ana. Kao rezultat toga, gradona~elnici opština }e posedovati više odgovornosti tokom svog mandata. Drugim re~ima, ovaj zakon predvi|a aktivno u~eš}e gra|ana u upravljanju svojim opštinama, što predstavlja najva`niji stub poboljšanja funkcionisanja lokalne uprave. Ali, koliko su stanovnici Kosova upoznati sa predispozicijama ovog zakona? Posebno, koliko su mladi upoznati sa organizacijom lokalne uprave i svojim sposobnostima da uti~u na organizaciju uprave? Upravo zbog toga na{a redakcija planira da uvede seriju tekstova o radu opština. Za cilj imamo predstavljanje rada svih gradona~elnika opština na Kosovu, svih skupština opština, kao i predstavljanje u~eš}a gra|ana u organizaciji njihovih uprava i u donošenju odluka koje uti~u na njihov `ivot. A da bismo to ispunili, naši timovi }e posetiti sve opštine na Kosovu gde }e razgovarati sa gradona~elnicima, kako se bli`e upoznali sa uslovima, stru~nostima, i mogu}nostima za razvoj svake pojedina~ne opštine. Tako|e, ti timovi }e razgovarati sa slu~ajnim prolaznicima (gra|anima) kako bi proverili koliko su upoznati sa radom svojih opština. Te ~lanke i intervjue }emo na kraju objavljivati na našoj Internet stranici, a vas pozivamo da je posetite i pro~itate nešto više o radu i razvoju vaše opštine, kao i da je uporedite sa drugim opštinama. Ovom prilikom `elimo da naglasimo da }ete ovom našom inicijativom na našoj Internet stranici mo}i nau~iti više o vašim gra|anskim pravima, a tako|e i o odgovornostima koje opština ima ka vama. Zato nemojte oklevati, posetite našu Internet stranicu, i po~nite se upoznavati sa na~inima, kako da aktivno u~estvujete u oblikovanju sadašnjosti i vaše budu}nosti. “How does your municipality function?!”, this is the title under which we bring to you, our dear readers, a series of articles on how municipalities in Kosovo function, that is how does local governance function and the ways you as citizens can participate in it. T he municipality is an essential unit of the local selfgovernance in Kosovo, composed by one community of citizens in a certain territory, specified by law, which executes the entire authority that is not reserved expressively for the central institutions. All the municipality’s sectors take care that the citizens of the municipality enjoy all the rights and freedoms, regardless of race, ethnicity, color, gender, language, religion, political view or other opinions, national or social background, as well as regardless of property, birth or any other status in order for them to ejoy equal rights and opportunities in the municipal services of all levels. This is the way that the the Law of Local Selfgovernance describes the term municipality, as well as the fundamental obligations that this administrative unit has towards its residents. Otherwise, this law was approved on the 20th of February 2008, and its approval has a special significance, given that it foresees the improvement of the local governance by giving it more competences towards the central governance. At the same time, this law foresees even more rights for the citizens who with their citizen commitment can request accountability from their local governance, but also have a direct impact in the work of the latter one. Thus, Chapter IX: “The Direct Democracy and the Citizens’ Participation Mechanisms,” of the Law of Local Selfgovernance specifies some mechanisms, which enable the citizens in an active manner to participate in the development of the municipality where they live. The mechanisms in question are the following: public information and consulting, the right to petition, the citizens’ initiative, referendum, the intitiative for the removal of the municipal mayor, as well as the Councling Committee. Another improvement is that this law foresees that the mayors of the municipality shall be elected via direct voting by the citizens themselves. As a result the mayors of the municipalities will have more competences during the practice of their position. In other words, this law specifies the active participation of the citizens in the governing of their municipality, as the main pillar of the improvemet of the functioning of the local governance. But, how much are the inhabitants of Kosovo familiar with the predispositions of this law? Especially, how much are the youngsters familiar with the organzing of the local governance and their possibilities to have an impact in this organizing? Precisely for this reason, our magazine’s editorial office is planining the initiation of publishing a series of articles about the work of the municipalities. Through these articles we aim to present the work of all the mayors of the municipalities of Kosovo, of all the municipal assemblies, as well as to present also the citizens’ involvement in the organizing of their governance and in taking decisions that effect their life. To implement this, our teams will visit all the Kosovo municipalities. On this occasion, the teams will talk to the mayors of the municipalities to learn closely about the condition of every municipality separately, their specialty and potential to develop. However, these teams will talk also to occasional bypassers (citizens), in order to see how much they are informed about the work of their municipalities. In the end, these articles and interviews will be published on our webpage, and we invite you to visit it and read about the work and the development of your municipality, as well as to compare it with the other municipalities. On this occasion, we wish to emphasize our hope that through this initiation on our webpage, you will be able to learn more about your rights as a citizen, but also about the responsibilities that the municipality has towards you. Therefore, do not hasitate to visit our webpage, and start learning how to become active in the shaping of the present and in the shaping of your future. Nikoleta Nedeljkovi} (10) Prvu stvar koju bih ponela na pusto ostrvo bila bi hrana, zatim ode}a i voda. Ne znam kako bi izgledao `ivot na pustom ostvru, ali ja definitivno ne bih mogla da `ivim tamo bez ovih osnovnih potreb{tina. Zato se najradije ne bih usudila da idem na neko pusto ostrvo, jer mi je kod ku}e najlep{e. Marija Fili} (10) Sigurno je da bih na pusto ostrvo sa sobom ponela hranu, ode}u i vodu. Smatram da nikako ne bih mogla da zamislim svoj `ivot bez toga, jer su te tri stvari najva`nije u `ivotu. Bez toga se jednostavno ne mo`e, pogotovo ne bez hrane. Marija Filic (10) I would surely bring food, clothes and water to the desert island. I think that I wouldn’t be able to imagine life without it, because those three things are most important in life. Without them, we just can’t (live), especially without food. Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku. Nikoleta Nedeljkovic (10) First thing that I would take with me to the desert island would definitely be food, and then clothes and water. I don’t know what life on a desert island would look like, but I certainly wouldn’t be able to live there without those basic living necessities. That is why I would rather not dare to go to some desert island because I feel best at home. Du{an Tanaskovi} (10) Ja se svakako sla`em sa mojim drugarima, samo {to bih uz hranu dodao jo{ neki sok, loptu i {tap za pecanje. Imao bih {ta da jedem, loptu da se igram, a mo`da bih tamo prona{ao i neku vodu, te bih ujedno u`ivao u pecanju riba. ^ak bih posle mogao da se hranim tom ribom. Dusan Tanaskovic (10) I surely agree with my friends. Next to food, I would only add a few fruit-juices, a ball and a fishing rod. I would have something to eat, a ball to play with, and I would probably be able to come across some water and therefore be able to enjoy fishing. I would even be able to eat that fish. Lazar Arsi} (10) Na pustom ostrvo bih poneo hranu, zato {to je hrana najpotrebnija. Tako|e bih uzeo i vodu da ne budem `edan. Naravno, morao bih i da se obla~im, tako da mislim da je ode}a svakako neizostavan deo. A, nadam se da ne bih ba{ morao da budem sam na tom pustom ostrvu. Emilija Filipovi} (10) Mislim da bih najpre ponela hranu, jer na pustom ostrvu sigurno nema hrane. Tako|e bih ponela ode}u. Ponela bih i vodu za pi}e. Nikada do sada nisam bila na pustom ostrvu, tako da ne znam {ta bi mi tamo bilo najpotrebnije, ali jedno je sigurno – hrana. Emilija Filipovic (10) I think that I would take food before everything else, because there is certainly no food on a desert island. I would also bring clothes and drinking water. I have never been on a desert island, so I don’t know what would be to biggest necessity for me there. One thing is sure – it would be food. Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR. Lazar Arsic (10) I would take food to the desert island, because it’s most important. I would also bring water, to quench my thirst. Of course, I would have to clothe myself, so I think that clothes are an unavoidable item. And, I also hope that I wouldn’t have to really be alone on that desert island. Nikola Ili} (10) Prvo bih sa sobom uzeo mnogo hrane, jer kako bih ina~e opstao na pustom ostrvu, morao bih ne~im da se hranim?! Po{to bih se na{ao na nekom nepoznatom mestu, verovatno bi mi trebalo mnogo dana da se sna|em. Morao bih da bolje upoznam ostrvo, a zatim da tragam za hranom i vodom. Tako da bih ipak samo neke namirnice poneo sa sobom. Nikola Ilic (10) I would first bring a lot of food, because I wouldn’t be able to survive on a desert island, I would have to find something to feed myself with! Since I would find myself on some unknown place, I would probably need many days to find my way around. I would have to familiarise with the island, and then seek for food and water. Therefore, I would only take some basic foods with me. Zdravo, Ja se zovem Sibela, i javljam se iz Draga{a. Pi{em Vam iz razloga {to `elim da saznate ne{to o mojim interesovanjima, kako biste mo`da nekad i mogli da pi{ete o njima. Imam 14 godina i kao ve}ina tinejd`era mnogo volim da slu{am muziku, a najomiljenija grupa mi je „\ogani“. [to se filmova ti~e, dopada mi se film „Fanna“, a od glumaca najvi{e volim William-a Levy-ija. Slobodno vreme uglavnom provodim sa mojim dru{tvom, a isto tako volim da igram tenis ili fudbal. Toliko od mene! Sibela Begljer Draga{ ]ao! Zovem ze Aliman, i jednostavno sam hteo da Vam ka`em ne{to o sebi. Moja najomiljenija peva~ica je Rihanna, dok mi se od glumica najvi{e dopada Angelina Jolie. U slobodno vreme volim da gledam filmove, a najomiljeniji mi je „Put oko sveta za 80 dana“. [to se sportova ti~e, zaista volim da skijam, a najomiljeniji sport mi je fudbal. Hteo bih da Vas zamolim, ukoliko mo`ete, da objavite Shakirin poster. Aliman Re|eplar Draga{ Pozdrav, Eto, i ja sam re{ila da se pridru`im mojim drugarima, tako {to }u Vam u kratkim crtama re}i ne{to o sebi. Imam 13 godina, mnogo volim da slu{am muziku, a pre svega „Lady Gaga-u“. Od filmova mi je najomiljeniji „Stand up 2“. Svoje slobodno vreme volim da provodim surfuju}i po Internetu. Isto tako bih pomenula, da mnogo volim sport, a posebno odbojku. Postoji jo{ mnogo toga o ~emu bih Vam mogla pisati, ali, toliko za sada! Seldina Kamberi Osnovna {kola „9. Maj“ Draga{ Veliki pozdrav! Pre svega, `elim da pozdravim sve u Va{oj redakciji. Jako mi se dopada magazin „For You“, samo tako nastavite! Peva~ kojeg ja jako cenim jeste Dino Merlin, volim sve njegove pesme, a posebno mi se dopadaju pesme s albuma „Sredinom“. Omiljeni filmovi su mi „Fanna“ i „Pla}enici“, a mnogo volim slede}e glumce: Jet Li-ija, Halit Ergenc i Berguzar Korel (Onur i [eherezada). Volim da se bavim sportom, posebno odbojkom i fudbalom, a slobdno vreme provodim na „Facebook-u“. Hamza Meldis Draga{ ]ao, Na po~etku bih da Vas zamolim da objavite poster poznatih peva~ica – Rihanna-in i Hannah-in Montana-in. Filmovi koji mi se najvi{e dopadaju su: „Kill Bill“, „Zona Zamfirova“, „[umski ratnik“ i „Rambo III“; a od glumica najvi{e volim Penelope Cruz. U slobodno vreme se bavim sportom, posebno odbojkom, a volim i neke druge sportove, kao {to su tenis i plivanje. Naravno, moram da pomenem i da dosta vremena provodim igraju}i razne igrice na kompjuteru. Almedina [abani Osnovna {kola „9. Maj“ Draga{ Zdravo, Postoji mnogo peva~a i peva~ica koje volim, ali najvi{e cenim Rihannau i Dina Merlina – posebno volim pesme sa njegovog albuma „Ispo~etka“. Hteo bih da Vas zamolim da objavite poster, meni jako dragog muzi~ara koji vi{e nije sa nama, Michael-a Jackson-a. Glumac kojeg najvi{e volim da gledam jeste Milan Lane Gutovi}, jer mi je on nekako najzanimljiviji. I, jo{ ne{to o meni, slobodno vreme provodim ili za kompjuterom, ili igraju}i odbojku. Pozdrav od mene! Hamza Nejir Osnovna {kola „9. Maj“ Draga{ Hello, My name is Sibela, and I’m writing to you from Dragas. I wish for you to find out more about things that I’m interested in, in order for you to write about them sometimes. I’m 14 years old, and similar to many teenagers, I like to listen to the music, and my favourite band is “Djogani”. As far as movies are concerned, I like the movie called “Fanna”, and my favourite actor is William Levy. I mostly spend my free time with friends, and I also like to play tennis or football. That would be all from me! Sibela Begljer Dragas Ciao! My name is Aliman, and I simply wanted to tell you something about me. My favourite singer is Rihanna, while my favourite actress is Angelina Jolie. I spend my free time watching movies, and my favourite one is „Trip around the world in 80 days“. As far as sports are concerned, I truly like to ski, and my favourite sport is football. I would like to ask you to, if possible, publish the poster of Shakira. Aliman Redjeplar Dragas Greetings, Well, I too have decided to join my friends, and tell you something brief about me. I’m 13 years old, and really like to listen to music, above all to Lady Gaga. My favourite movie is “Stand up 2”. I spend my free time while surfing through the internet. I would also like to mention that I really like sports, especially volleyball. There is a lot more that I could write to you about, but this should be enough for the time being! Seldina Kamberi Primary school “9. Maj” - Dragas Big hello! Before everything, I wish to greet everyone in your editorial office. I really like magazine „For you“, keep it up! Singer that I respect I a lot is Dino Merlin, I like all his songs, and especially songs from his album „Sredinom“. My favourite movies are “Fanna” and “The Expendables”, and I like these following actors: Jet Lee, Halit Ergenç and Bergüzar Korel (Shehrazad & Onur). I love to play sports, especially volleyball and football, and I spend my free time on Facebook. Hamza Meldis Dragas Ciao, At the beginning, I would like to publish posters of famous singers – Rihanna and Hanna Montana. Movies that i like the most are: “Kill Bill”, “Zona Zamfirova”, “Forest Warrior” and “Rambo III”; and my favourite actress is Penelope Cruz. In my free time I play sports, especially volleyball, and I like some other sports like tennis and swimming. Sure, I have to mention that I spend a lot of time playing various computer games. Almedina Sabani Primary school “9. May” Dragas Hello, There are many singers that i like, but i mainly prefer Rihanna and Dino Merlin – i especially like songs from his album “Ispocetka”. I would like to ask you to publish a poster of a musician that i no longer among the living, Michael Jackson. Actor that i love watching, is Milan ’Lane’ Gutovic, because he is somehow the most interesting one to me. Another thing about me, I spend my free time while playing volleyball or by the computer. Sending you greetings! Hamza Nejir Primary school “9. May” Dragas