April 2010 - Magazine For You


April 2010 - Magazine For You
Pozdrav dragi ~itaoci!
U ovom najnovijem izdanju
va{eg omiljenog magazina "For You
4U", `elela bih sve vas od sveg srca
da pozdravim. Nadam se da se svi
dobro zabavljate u {koli i van nje, i
iskreno se nadam da }ete biti
uspe{ni u svim aspektima `ivota.
Kao i obi~no, ispred vas su najnovije
vesti iz sveta muzike, filma, tehnologije i dosta zanimljivih informacija.
Tako|e bih `elela da se zahvalim za
va{e komentare, po{to dobijamo
puno va{ih komentara na na{oj veb
stranici www.magazineforyou.com.
A sada, da vidimo ~lanke u
najnovijem izdanju, jedan po jedan:
U rubrici "U~enik meseca"
ima}ete priliku da saznate ne{to vi{e
o Mileni Anti} iz Gra~anice. U rubrici
"Moda" predstavi}emo vam najbolje
i najnovije frizure za 2010. godinu,
kako bismo ispunili `elju mnogih
na{ih ~italaca. Dok }ete u rubrici
"Muzi~ka kutija", sigurno u`ivati
~itaju}i ~lanak o poznatoj peva~ici
Ke{i. U rubrici slavnih li~nosti, svi
u~enici }e imati priliku da nau~e
ne{to vi{e o doajenu srpske
knji`evnosti Aleksi [anti}. Kao i
obi~no, sigurno }ete u`ivati ~itaju}i
stranice sa najnovijim filmovima iz
celog sveta, kao i najnovije vesti iz
`ivota slavnih li~nosti.
U rubrici "Misli poznatih" mo}i
}ete da pro~itate neke od najpoznatijih citata o ljudskoj prirodi, zatim
mo`ete ~itati o jedinstvenim sportovima {irom sveta, dru{tvene teme iz
svakodnevnog `ivota na Kosovu,
kao i mnoge druge zanimljive
~lanke. Sigurna sam da ne}ete mo}i
da ispustite iz ruku najnovije izdanje
"For You 4U" magazina, sve dok ga
ne pro~itate od prve do poslednje
stranice. Pozivamo vas da nastavite
da ~itate na{ magazin i da nam
pi{ete, kako bi smo bili bli`i vama.
Radujem se na{em ponovnom
susretu u maju.
Do tada, ostajte mi dobro dragi
moji prijatelji!
"For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo
koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša
mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj
formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti
objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj
Novinari: Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Vera Gerovac, Sanela Kanji`a
Ilustrator: Aleksandar Narand`i}
Fotograf: Naim Shala
Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri
Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani
Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603 lokal
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For You”
magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail:[email protected];
[email protected] http://www.magazineforyou.com
5:Pedantna i lepo vaspitana Milena Anti}ë
7: Kulturno nasle|e Mlin Tahira Sadriaja u
9: For you fashion
13: Music Box: Kesha
15: Hol slavnih: Aleksa
17:@ivotinjsko carstvo:
Sivi soko
19: Svet poznatih
21:Kultura: Slikar
Zoran @ivkovi}
23: Avenija Udru`enje poslovnih
25: Internet & kompjuterske igre: Final
Fantasy XIII
27: Poster: Kesha
28- 31:Moviemania:
Remember me; Diary of
Wimpy Kid; Alice in
33: Va{ kutak
35: Nove {kole za
decu u [trpcu
39: Sportski ugao:
Jedinstveni sportovi u
41: Hi-T
43: Spremni da vas
45: Upitnik; Slagalica
47: Enigmatski ugao
49: Verovali ili ne ...
50: Misli poznatih o ljudskoj prirodi
52: Pisma ~italaca
Hello our dear readers!
4-5: Pedantic and wellbred Milena Antic
6-7: Cultural heritage The Tahir Sadriaj mill
in Isniq
8-9: For you fashion
10-13: Music Box:
14-15: Hall of fame:
Aleksa Santic
16-17: Animal kingdom:
Peregrine falcons
18-19: Celebrity news
20-21: Culture: Painter
Zoran Zivkovic
22-23: “Avenija” Association of business
24-25: Internet &
computer games: Final
Fantasy XIII
26-27: Poster: Kesha
28- 31: Moviemania:
Remember me; Diary of
Wimpy Kid; Alice in
32-33: Your corner
34-35: New schools for
children in Strpce
36-39: Sports corner:
Unique sports of the world
40-41: Hi-Tech
42-43: LMT - We listen to
44-45: Questionnaire;
46-47: Crossword
48-49: Did you know ...
50: Famous thoughts on
human nature
51-52: Reader’s letters
In the very beginning of
the latest edition of your
favorite "For You 4U" magazine, I would like to greet
you all from the bottom of
my heart. I hope that you
are all having lots of fun in
and out of school and I sincerely hope that you will be
as successful as possible in
all aspects of your life. As
usual, we will bring in front
of you the latest news from
the world of music, film,
technology and lots of interesting information.
I would also like to
thank you for your comments, as we are receiving lots of your comments
in our web page:
And now, let's see the articles of the latest edition
one by one:
In the "Student of the
Month" column, you will
have the opportunity to
Milena Antic from Gracanica. In the "Fashion"
column, we will bring in
front of you the latest top
hairstyles of 2010 in order
to fulfill the wish of lots of
our readers, whereas in the
"Music Box" column, you
will certainly enjoy reading
an article on the famous
singer Kesha. In the "Hall
of fame" column, all the
pupils will have the opportunity to learn more about
the doyen of Serbian literature, Aleksa Santic. As
usual, you will certainly
enjoy reading the pages
with the latest movies from
all around the world as well
as the latest news from the
celebrities' lives.
In the "Famous Thoughts" column, you will be
able to read some of the
most famous quotes on
human nature, then the
unique sports all around the
world, social topics from
everyday life in Kosovo and
many other interesting articles and I am certain that
you will not be able to put
the latest edition of the "For
You 4U" magazine down
until you have read it from
the first to the last page.
We invite you to keep reading our magazine and to
keep writing to us so that
we can be as close to you
as possible.
I look forward to meeting you in May.
Until then, stay well my
dear friends!
'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and
financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view
of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR
accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of
these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name
of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or
malicious letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Vera Gerovac, Sanela Kanjizha
Illustrator: Aleksandar Narandzic
Photographer: Naim Shala
Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
vreme na{oj
redakciji sti`u
pozivi nekih nastavnika i u~enika, mole}i
nas da se ba{ iz njihove {kole na|e neko
u rubrici "U~enik
meseca". Mi znamo
da na Kosovu ima
mnogo pametne dece
koja posti`u dobre
rezultate u {koli, ali ne
mo`emo odjednom
pisati o svima.
Jednom smo imali
priliku da ~ujemo
Milenu Anti} kako
recituje, i bili smo
zapanjeni. ^ak su
nam je i u njenoj
{koli pohvalili, a nastavnica biologije Sonja Maksimovi} ka`e
za Milenu da je vredna i pa`ljiva u~enica. "Na ~asu je uvek
aktivna. Skoro smo imali takmi~enje iz biologije u na{oj {koli,
na kojem je Milena osvojila prvo mesto. Ona je jedno marljivo stvorenje, kulturno i lepo vaspitano."
Milenica je u~enica {estog razreda Osnovne {kole "Kralj
Milutin" u Gra~anici. Redovno ide u {kolu i nikada nije odsustvovala sa ~asova, a kamoli be`ala sa njih, jer voli svaki trenutak
proveden u njoj. Od prvog razreda re|a samo petice, a na ~asovima je uvek dobrovoljac. Sve predmete voli, i ne bi nijedan
odvajala. Sti`e sve na vreme da nau~i i odgovara, pa valjda je
zbog toga i me|u najboljima. Kako nam je rekla, nema ba{
mnogo slobodnog vremena zato {to je verna svojim knjigama i
{koli. "Ako od samog po~etka savlada{ znanje, onda nije mnogo
te{ko da u~i{ i prati{ nastavu. Mislim da je jako va`no za svakog
u~enika da redovno u~i i radi doma}e zadatke. Za vreme ~asa
moje o~i su uprte u nastavnika, slu{am ga i gledam dok predaje.
Tako uspevam skoro sve da zapamtim, i onda ku}i samo jednom
pro~itam lekciju, i to mi je dovoljno."
Uz njenu stariju sestru Jelenu u~ila je prva slova. Gledala je kako
ona radi doma}i i tako uz nju crtala prve oblike, a nestrpljivo je ~ekala
da krene u prvi razred. "Se}am se tog prvog dana u {koli,
jer sam bila jako stidljiva. U po~etku sam se malo bojala,
zato {to nisam znala kako je to i}i u {kolu. Tog dana sam
do{la i oti{la iz {kole sa mamom, jer ipak nisam smela da
sve to uradim samostalno. U po~etku nisam imala mnogo
drugarica sve dok se nisam malo opustila. Se}am se da
sam tada htela da sedim sa jednom devoj~icom, koja je
posle toga bila van Kosova, a sada nam se opet vratila, i
stvarno sam presre}na zbog toga."
U razgovoru sa Milenom smo saznali da trenira
ko{arku i da se nada da }e jednoga dana postati profesionalna ko{arka{ica. No, to nije jedino zanimanje koje
se njoj dopada; mo`da jednoga dana postane nastavnica
ili ~ak lekarka. "Jo{
kao mala, volela
sam da se igram
lekara, ali jo{ uvek
imam vremena za
odlu~ivanje. Mislim
da je najosnovnije
za ~oveka da se
obrazuje i vaspitava. Svakako su za to potrebni i
dobri nastavnici, koje mi ina~e
Osim {to vredno u~i,
Milena zna i lepo da crta, tako
da u holu {kole uvek mo`ete
videti nekoliko njenih radova, a
poslednji koji je uradila bio je
na temu "Stop nasilju". "Volim
da crtam, i to ba{ lepo crtam.
Nastavnici uvek uzimaju moje
radove da poka`u drugim
u~enicima kako ne{to treba
lepo da se uradi. ^ak su i moje
sveske uvek pedantne i lepe,
zato {to volim da mi je sve
uredno." Osim {to vodi ra~una
o izgledu njenih svesaka,
Milena brine i o svojim drugovima i drugaricama koji ne mogu dobro
da nau~e neku lekciju. A to dru`enje je podse}a na likove iz njene
omiljene knjige "Hajduci", u kojoj je dru`ina uvek zajedno.
Pored svih tih obaveza, ide i
u Muzi~ku {kolu "Stevan
Mokranjac", gde je nau~ila da
svira klavir i frulicu. Na {kolskim priredbama i takmi~enjima je uvek prisutna, a ume
lepo i da zapeva. "Pro{le
godine sam u~estvovala na
jednom takmi~enju etno
pevanja na Brezovici, gde
sam pevala sa jo{ dve
devoj~ice i tada smo osvojile
tre}e mesto. To je jedno pozitivno iskustvo kojeg }u se
uvek se}ati."
Eto, i ovog meseca ste
imali priliku da upoznate jo{
jednog "U~enika meseca", i to
Milenu Anti} iz Gra~anice. A,
koga }emo vam u slede}em
broju predstaviti, ostaje tajna
sve dok u ruke ne uzmete
majski broj na{eg magazina.
ately our production is
receiving the calls from
some of the teachers
and students, who are asking
to have a student of their
school in the section "Student
of the month". We know that
there are a lot of smart children in Kosovo who are
achieving good results in the
school, but we can not write
about all of them at once.
We had an opportunity to
listen to 12 year old Milena
Antic reciting, and we were
amazed. We were told compliments about her even in her
school, and the biology
teacher Mrs. Sonja
Maksimovic says about
Milena that she is a diligent
and careful student. "She is
always active in class.
Recently we had the biology
competition in our school, and
Milena won the first place.
She is a meticulous being,
educated and well raised."
Little Milena is a student of the sixth class in Primary
school "Kralj Milutin" in Gracanica. She is constantly going to
the school and she has never been absent from class, and
she would never skip the classes, because she likes every
moment she spends in them. Since the first class she is only
receiving A's, and she is always a volunteer during the classes. She likes all the subjects and she would not separate one.
She is always punctual in studying and taking tests, and probably because of that she is among the best. As she told us,
she doesn't have a lot of free time because she is dedicated
to her books and school. "If you gain knowledge from the very
beginning than it is not very difficult to learn and follow
the teachings. I think it is very important for each
student to frequently study and do the homework. While in the class I am paying
attention to the teacher, I listen to him
and I watch him while he is teaching, and that is enough for me."
She was learning her first
letters from her sister Jelena.
She was watching her sister
doing her homework and so
she started to draw her first
forms, and was impatient to
start going to the first
class. "I remember that first
day in the school, because
I was very shy. I was afraid
a little bit in the beginning,
because I did not know how it
is to go to the school. That day
I came to and I left the school
with my mom, because I still could
not do it all by myself. I did not have
a lot of friend at the beginning until i got
relaxed a little bit. I remember I wanted to
share the table with one girl, who left Kosovo
afterwards, and now she is back again and I am very
happy because of that."
During our conversation with Milena we
found out that she is training basketball and
hopes to become a professional basketball
player some day. But, that is not the only
occupation she likes; one day she may
become a teacher or maybe even a doctor.
"Since I was a little girl I liked to play a doctor, but there is still time to make a decision. I
think that education and upbringing are fundamental for one. Certainly, for that it is necessary to have good teachers, whom we have."
Besides studying well, Milena is good in
drawing, so you can always see some of her
works in the school, and the last one she has
done is dedicated to the theme "Stop the violence". "I like to draw, and I can draw pretty
well. The teachers are always using my
drawings to demonstrate to the other students how something needs to be done nicely. Even my notebooks are pedantic and pretty, because I like everything to be in order."
Besides taking care about how her notebooks
look like, Milena is taking care of her friends
too, who can not learn so well some lesson.
That socializing reminds her of characters in
her favorite book "Hajduci", where all the
friends are always together.
Besides all these obligations, she is attending musical
school "Stevan Mokranjac", where she learned how to play
the piano and the flute. She is always participating in school
plays, and she can also sing pretty well. "Last year I took part
in an ethno singing competition in Brezovica, where I was
singing with two other girls and we won the third place. That
was a positive experience which I will always remember."
So, you had a chance to get to know another "Student
of the month", and that was Milena Antic from Gracanica.
But, who we are going to introduce in the next edition,
remains a secret until you get a
hold of the May's edition
of our magazine.
ovaj mlin, jer je za njih
neshvatljivo da se
jedan stari i tradicionalni mlin koji postoji ve} 300 godina
zaboravi i zatvori, i to
bez ikakvih razloga.
Upravo zbog toga }e
oni nastaviti da
odr`avaju ovu gradnju,
mehanizam mlina, i
svakako }e nastaviti
da se brinu o protoku
vode koji je ~esto
blokiran zbog sme}a.
Pored toga,
gospodin Berisha
obja{njava da ~ak i
danas, oni obavljaju
ovu delatnost u skladu
sa poslednjim `eljama
svojih predaka. To
zna~i da oni nisu
pla}eni za svoje
usluge, pla}anje se
vr{i bra{nom, odnosno
za 100 kg mlevenog
`ita, uzima se 10 kg
bra{na kao naknada
Gospodin Rrustem Berisha
za mlevenje. Ova vrsta
uplate je poznata kao
"Sve je po~elo od mog pra-pradede Dervisha, koji je
"Ujam". Pored toga, on tako|e ka`e da je posuda za
zanat preneo na svog sina, mog pradedu Tahira, koji
merenje, manja od jednog kilograma, i da ju je on takvu
je onda opet zanat preneo na mog dedu Sadriju, koji
nasledio od svog dede, a na 100 kg on uzima 10 takvih
je tako|e preneo zanat na mog oca Meta. A kasnije,
posuda bra{na, {to je
uz moju slobodnu volju, prenet je i na mene, a kako
nakon merenja jednako
mi se ~ini, ova na{a porodi~na tradicija bi}e nastavl- te`ini od 8,5 kg. "Po
jena preko moga sina Red`e. Dakle, sa jedne gendobijanju ovih 10 posueracije na drugu, vi{e od 300 godina, ovaj mlin je u
da bra{na, ka`e se da
vlasni{tvu na{e porodice".
treba da se vrati jedna
{aka puna bra{na
pravo ovim re~ima, gospodin Rrustem Berisha,
onome kome se melje
po~inje svoju pri~u o posebnoj vezi koju njegova
`ito (u vre}u sa
porodica ima sa vodenicom, koja se nalazi na ulazu u
bra{nom), jer je `elja
selo Isni} u op{tini De~ane. Dobro stanje u kome se ovo
na{ih predaka bila da
kameno zdanje nalazi pokazuje, da uprkos svojoj starosti,
eventualni gubitak
zahvaljuju}i ljubavi i pa`nji ~lanova ove porodice, ovaj mlin je
bude na na{oj strani, a
u stanju da izdr`i sve "o`iljke" vremena, pa ~ak i danas nasne za onog koji melje
tavlja da melje `ito. Obzirom da je u to vreme bilo malo mlisvoje `ito".
nova, ljudi su morali da ~ekaju danima za mlevenje `ita.
Na kraju, gospodin
"Kada bi ovi zidovi mogli da govore, oni bi nam ispri~ali
Berisha ka`e da je
najveselije i najtu`nije pri~e. Ovo ka`em, jer upravo u ovom
sre}na okolnost to {to je
mlinu su mnogi zaprosili svoje mlade, a mnogi su ovde spojedan od njegovih sinova
jeni brakom. Ljudi su ovde dobijali najnovije informacije o
posve}en mlinu, i `eli da
raznim de{avanjima u drugim selima i regionima. Na`alost,
nastavi porodi~nu tradibilo je ljudi pogo|enih siroma{tvom koji su dolazili da im
ciju. A, njegova najve}a
pozajmimo ne{to bra{na, jer nisu imali hleb da prehrane
`elja je da i jedan od
svoju porodicu. Moji preci nikada nisu oklevali, i uvek su im
njegovih unuka nastavi
pomagali", rekao je gospodin Beri{a. On je tako|e kazao, da
ovu tradiciju, i da u
su vrata mlina uvek bila otvorena za sve ljude, bez obzira na
budu}nosti o~uva biser
njihovo etni~ko poreklo, a {to je najva`nije, svi koji su ~ekali
kulturne ba{tine ovog
u mlinu, bila im je uvek ponu|ena hrana, i to na sofri (okrugli
regiona, poznatog kao
drveni sto, kratkih nogu). Iz tog razloga gospodin Beri{a
"Porodi~ni mlin Tahira
zajedno sa svojim sinom Red`om, nastavio je da odr`ava
Sadriaja" u selu Isni}.
"It all started with my greatgreat-grandfather Dervish
who passed on his trade to
his son, my great grandfather Tahir, who then passed
it on to my grandfather
Sadri, who passed it on to
his son, my father Meta,
from whom I then willingly
took it over and it seems
likely now that my son
Rexha will continue our
family trade. In this way, for
more than 300 years, this
mill has been the property
of my family's, generation
after generation."
his is how Mr. Rrustem
Berisha begins telling
the story about his family's unique relation with the
water mill situated at the
entrance of Isniq village in
Decani municipality. The good
condition of the stone building
proves that despite its age,
and with thanks to the dedication and care of the members
of the family, this mill has survived through the years and remains to this day functional.
Mr. Berisha attributes his spiritual bond with the mill to several
reasons. The first is the fact that this is one of the oldest buildings
in this area, and it has been so well preserved that it still looks as it
did centuries ago. Secondly, for generations his family have
worked in the mill and have earned their daily bread from this
activity, and lastly, is the social significance of the mill.
In the past, a mill was not only the place where people would
grind their wheat or corn. As there were very few mills, sometimes
people had to wait for days until they could make use of the mill. "If
only these walls could talk, they could tell us all sorts of stories - both
happy and sad. I say this because in this very mill, many relations
and friendships were founded. People would learn what was going
on in other villages and regions. There were also cases where
needy people came to ask for some flour if they had no bread at
home for their families. Every time this happened, my family would
never refuse to help," explains Mr. Berisha. He also emphasised that
the mill doors have always been open to everybody, regardless of
their ethnic background. What is more important is that during the
time people waited for their turn to grind, the Berisha family prepared
food for all of them. This is why it is inconceivable to Mr. Berisha and
his son to simply close the door on a tradition of over 300 years old
let it become a part of history. They therefore continue to maintain
the building, the mill mechanisms and the water flow, which, sometimes becomes blocked by garbage.
Mr. Berisha tells us that until today, his family carry on the traditions passed down from their ancestors. This means that they do not
charge money for their services but that the payment is made in flour:
for every hundred kilograms of flour ground, ten are taken as payment. This practice is known as "Ujem". Mr. Berisha tells us that even
his measuring bowl is inherited from his grandfather. From one hundred kilograms of flour ground, ten such bowls are taken, although
when measured, this equals just around 8,5 kilos, and not ten, as is
the deal. "After I take these 10 bowls, my father has always urged me
to return a handful of flour from my share to the client, to make sure
that there is no loss on behalf of the client."
At the end of our conversation, Mr. Berisha told us how happy he
was that one of his sons is dedicated to carry on the family tradition.
His greatest wish is that in the future, one of his nephews will decide
to continue the family tradition, and ensure the preservation of this
pearl in Kosovo's cultural heritage, known simply as "The Tahir
Sadriaj Mill" of Isniq village.
ko postoji jedna stvar koju
Ke{a zna kako da uradi,
to je pri~anje pri~a. Evo
jedne prili~no dobre pri~e; pre tri
godine, slavoljubiva pop peva~ica
i tekstopisac odlu~ila je da joj
Princ producira njen prvi album.
Saznala je njegovu adresu i
odvezla se do njegove ku}e na
Beverli Hilsu, gde je platila vrtlaru
pet dolara da joj dozvoli da se
provu~e kroz vrata. Pe{aka je
putem, oivi~enim purpurnim
somotom, u{la kroz otklju~ana
vrata, i vozila se staklenim liftom
do tre}eg sprata, gde je
"Ljubi~asti" svirao sa svojim bendom. "Bilo je pomalo neprijatno",
prise}a se ona, "ali koga je briga,
zar ne?". Sela sam na jednom od
ljubi~astih prestolja u sobi dok me
on nije primetio, {to na kraju i
jeste. A, zatim je rekao: "Kako si
do|avola ti u{la ovde?", ispri~ala
Ke{a kroz smeh. "Njegovo
obezbe|enje me je izbacilo vani,
ali ne pre nego {to sam mu ostavila svoj demo CD umotan sa
velikom ljubi~astom ma{nom". Ke{a nikada nije dobila poziv
od Princa, ali ovaj mali "incident" govori puno o ovoj dvadesetdvogodi{njoj zapaljivoj li~nosti i njenoj odlu~nosti.
Sre}om, Ke{a ne}e morati da otkriva kakav je ose}aj
`aljenja. Ona je trenutno u poslu pisanja i snimanja svog debi
albuma sa
izvr{nim producentom dr Luke,
koji je napravio
top hitove za
Britni Spirs, Kejti
Peri, Keli
Klarkson, Avril
Lavinj, i Flo Ridu.
Nakon {to je pao
na njenu razigranu, pola ispevanu i pola izrepovanu pesmu na
grubom demou,
Luke je doveo
Ke{u u RCA
Rekords, koji su
sa njom potpisali
ugovor u februaru
2009. godine.
Album na kome je
sa Ke{om tako|e
radio veteran i
autor hitova Maks
Martin (Pink, Keli
Klarkson, Britni
Spirs) i tekstopisac/producent po
potrebi, Beni
Blanko (Keti Peri,
3OH!3, Spank
Rok) - polako se
sve vi{e oblikuje u
vrhunsku kolekciju
popularnih elekto-pop pesama. Sve je vi{e neodoljiva svojom
visoko-oktanskom pank energijom, i znajte da Ke{a ne
po{tuje stihove i stav. "@elim da moja muzika bude zabavna,
bez pardona, mangupska, bez uvijanja, duhovita i zanimljiva",
ka`e ona, ali sa su{tinom u svemu tome. "Ispod svih mojih
lica ja sam emocionalna osoba, `elim da se ljudi, kada ~uju
moje pesme, poistovete sa njima."
Ke{a pripisije njenu ljubav ka pri~ama-pesmama, godinama provedenim sa tekstopiscima, veteranima u Ne{vilu.
Njena mama Pebe, biv{a pank-rok peva~ica, tekstopisac ~ija
se karijera uzdigla u muzi~kom gradu krajem 70-ih, kada je
bila koautor pesme pod nazivom "Old Flames Can't Hold A
Candle To You" koja je postala hit peva~a D`o Suna 1978.
godine, kao i pesme koja je kantri peva~icu Doli Parton 1980.
godine podigla i dugo vreme dr`ala na listi najboljih pesama.
Ali u vreme kada je Ke{a ro|ena 1987. godine Pebe je prolazila kroz lo{ period, borila se da svojom muzikom obezbedi
Ke{u i njenog starijeg brata. "@iveli smo od pomo}i i markica
za hranu", ka`e Ke{a. "Ono {to mi je ostalo u se}anju jeste
kada mi je mama govorila: "Ako `eli{ ne{to, zgrabi ga"." Pebe
se 1991. godine preselila u Ne{vil sa svojom porodicom, gde
je dobila ugovor za izdavanje novog albuma. Ke{a je videla
unutra{njost mnogih studija za snimanje. "Mislila sam da su
svi odrasli u studiju za snimanje",
ka`e ona. Poha|ala je muzi~ku
nastavak na strani 12
f there's one thing Kesha knows how to do, it's tell stories.
Here's a pretty good one: Three years ago, the aspiring pop
singer and songwriter decided she wanted Prince to produce
her first album. So, she found out his address and drove to his
Beverly Hills home, where she paid the gardener five dollars to
let her squeeze herself under his front gate. Then she hiked up
the driveway (which was lined in purple velvet), let herself in
through an unlocked side door, and rode the mirrored elevator
up to the third floor where the Purple One himself was jamming
with his band. "It was kind of awkward," she recalls, "but who
cares, right? So I sat on one of the purple thrones in the room
until he noticed me, which he finally did. He was like, 'How the
hell did you get in here?'" she says with a laugh. "His security
kicked me out, but not before I left him my demo CD wrapped in
a giant purple bow." Kesha never did hear from Prince, but the
incident speaks volumes about this 22-year-old newcomer's firecracker personality and determination.
Luckily, Kesha
won't have to find out
what regret feels like.
She is currently at
work writing and
recording her debut
album with executive
producer Dr. Luke,
who has scored No. 1
smashes for Britney
Spears, Katy Perry,
Kelly Clarkson, Avril
Lavigne, and Flo Rida.
After falling for her
playful half-sung/halfrapped vocal delivery
on a rough demo,
Luke brought Kesha to
RCA Records, which
signed her in February
2009. The album which will also feature
Kesha's collaborations
with veteran hit maker
Max Martin (Pink,
Kelly Clarkson, Britney
Spears) and indemand songwriter/producer Benny
Blanco (Katy Perry,
3OH!3, Spank Rock) is shaping up to be an
edgy collection of
hard-hitting electropop songs, made all
the more irresistible by
their high-octane punk
energy and Kesha's irreverent lyrics and attitude. "I want my
music to be fun, unapologetic, rowdy, quirky, humorous, and
interesting," she says, "but with substance behind it. I'm an
emotional person underneath all my fronting. I want people to
listen to it and feel like they can relate."
Kesha credits her love for storysongs to spending her formative years
hanging out with veteran songwriters
in Nashville. Her mom Pebe, a former
punk-rock singer, is a songwriter
whose career took off in Music City in
the late '70s when a song she cowrote, called "Old Flames Can't Hold
A Candle To You," became a hit for
Joe Sun in 1978 and a country charttopper for Dolly Parton in 1980. But by
the time Kesha was born in 1987
Pebe was going through a bad patch,
struggling to support Kesha and her
older brother through her music. "We
were on welfare and food stamps,"
Kesha says. "One of my first memories is my mom telling me, 'If you want
something, just take it.'" In 1991,
Pebe moved the family back to
Nashville, where she had landed a
new publishing deal. Kesha saw the
inside of a lot of recording studios. "I
thought everyone grew up in a recording studio," she says. She attended a
music school in the Tennessee countryside ("where some of the kids didn't
have any shoes," she recalls), took song writing classes, and
fell in love with country music greats Johnny Cash, Dolly
Parton, and Patsy Cline. "I'd listen to these beautiful songs and
they all told stories," she says.
"Bob Dylan's Nashville Skyline
continued on page 13
{kolu u jednom selu u Tenesiju ("gde neka
deca nisu imala cipele na nogama" prise}a
se ona), poha|ala je i ~asove pisanja
pesama i zaljubila se u velikane kantri
muzike D`onija Ke{a, Doli Parton, i Petsi
Klajn. "Ja bih slu{ala ove prelepe pesme i
sve su one pri~ale svoju pri~u", ka`e ona.
"Bob Dilanov "Ne{vil Skyline" je jedan od
mojih omiljenih albuma svih vremena" S vremena na vreme, Pebe je davala Ke{i da peva
pesme na kojima je radila. "Moja mama mi je
uvek govorila: "Ima{ dobar glas, ve`baj
pevanje", tako da bih pevala svo vreme",
Ime: Ona stilizuje njeno ime sa dolar
znakom "Ke$ha. Znak za dolar u njenom
umetni~kom imenu je zbog toga {to je
"ironi~na", kako ne veruje da novac
donosi vi{e uspeha od sre}e. Ona ka`e
da je najsre}nija bila kada nije imala ni
2 dolara!
Imid` i umetnost: Ke{a i njena muzika
su otpisani rano od nekih kao lako,
prora~unato i sirovo, smatraju}i je za
`rtvu "kulture kazane za slavne
li~nosti". Ona tvrdi suprotno u intervjuu
"Ja godinama radim na ostvarivanju
ovog sna - moj put, moja misija. Stvarno
sam ulo`ila puno misli, vremena i truda
u njega."
Uticaj: Ke{a je navela Beck i Queen
kao one koji su imali najvi{e uticaja u
mizi~kom smislu na nju. Njeni tekstovi
ka`e Ke{a.
Kada je Ke{a imala 17 godina napustila je srednju {kolu.
"To je bila ludost, zato {to
sam bila upisana na
Me|unarodnom bakalaureatprogramu i trebala sam da se
upi{em na Univerzitet
Kolumbije i studije psihologije", ka`e ona. "Ali htela sam
da se vratim u Los An|eles i
krenem za mojom muzikom."
Tada je i upoznala dr Luke:
"Ja sam bio u potrazi za
`enskim izvo|a~em sa
neverovatnim, prepoznatljivim
glasom, peva~icom koja uz to
ima sopstveni stil", ka`e
Luke. "Ke{a ne zvu~i kao bilo
ko drugi", dr Luke je tada
sara|ivao sa usijanim hip-hop
umetnikom Flo Ridom na
pesmi za njegov drugi album.
Jedne no}i, Ke{a je sedela sa
njima, i reper joj je rekao da
mu je potreban `enski glas u
jednoj od numera, i pitao je
Ke{u da li ho}e da otpeva
vokal sa njim, naravno, ona je
to prihvatila. U februaru, ta
pesma "Right round" je prodana u 636.000 primeraka i
stigla je na prvo mesto po
broju preuzimanja, prve
nedelje od objavljivanja.
Odmah je oborila rekord svih vremena po
broju prodanih digitalnih kopija za jednu
nedelju. "Kada sam prvi put ~ula moj glas na
radiju i pesmu "Right round", po~ela sam da
vri{tim i pla~em", ka`e Ke{a. "Ja stvarno
naporno radim kako bih ispunila ono {to
`elim, i lepo je videti da se naporan rad
isplati. Pre samo tri godine sam krala konzervirano povr}e iz prodavnice "Sve za jedan
dolar", i to kako bih pre`ivela. Sada sam na
prvom mestu sa pesmom, i radim na mom
albumu i imam malo sitni{a u d`epu. Jo{ da
se zasnivaju na njenom `ivotnom
iskustvu i pod uticajem stila pri~anja
pri~a kantri muzike.
Vokalni stil: Ke{a koristi sing-song rep
stil u brojnim njenim pesmama, najvi{e
u njenom debi singlu "Tik Tok"; En
Povers u Los An|eles Tajmsu upore|uje
ovaj stil sa stilom L'Trimma i Salt-nPepa.
Teme i `anr: Ke{a je napisala sve
pesme na njenom albumu. Ona opisuje
svoju muziku kao bez pardona i brani
svoju odluku za odabir pop muzike za
album "@ivotinja", obja{njavaju}i da je
htela "ljudima da da ne{to {to }e im
doneti radost."
Moda: Ke{in stajling se sastoji iz
neuredne frizure, zamrljane {minke.
Ke{a opisuje svoju ode}u kao "{iksme}e" i ka`e da je Kejt Ri~ards njena
modna inspiracija.
mogu moju mamu da izvedem na ve~eru, e to je
najbolji ose}aj na svetu."
Njen debi singl "Tik Tok"
je odmah postigao uspeh,
oborio je sve vrste rekorda
za najvi{e digitalnih preuzimanja. Niste mogli da
uklju~ite radio, a da ne
~ujete "Tik Tok" kako se vrti
iznova. Njen debi album
"@ivotinja" je objavljen
po~etkom 2010. godine, i
naravno debitovao je kao
broj jedan na listi u SAD.
is one of my all-time favourite records." From time
to time, Pebe let Kesha sing on tracks she was
working on. "My mom always told me, 'You have a
good voice, practice singing,' so I'd sing everything all the time," Kesha says.
When Kesha was 17 years old, she quit high
school, "which was crazy because I was enrolled
in an International Baccalaureate program and
was going to go to Columbia University and study
psychology," she says, "but I wanted to move
back to L.A. and pursue my music." That's when
she met Dr. Luke. "I had been looking for a
female artist with an incredible, distinctive voice
who had her own style," Luke says. "Kesha didn't
sound like anybody else." Dr. Luke was also
working with red-hot hip-hop artist Flo Rida on a
track for his second album. One night, Kesha was
hanging out with them and the rapper told her he
wanted a female voice on a track and asked if she wanted to lay down a vocal. Naturally, she obliged. In
February, that track, "Right Round," soared to No. 1,
selling more than 636,000 downloads its first week out,
and shattering the all-time one-week digital single sales
record. "When I first heard my voice on 'Right Round' on
the radio, I started screaming and crying," Kesha says.
"I'm working really hard to make this happen and it's nice
to see that hard work pay off. I mean, three years ago I
was stealing canned vegetables from the dollar store to
survive. Now I'm on a No. 1 song, working on my album,
and have a little change in my pocket. To be able to take
my mom out to dinner is the best feeling in the world."
Her debut single 'Tik Tok' was an instant success,
breaking all sorts of records for most digital downloads. You couldn't turn on the radio without hearing
'Tik Tok' bieng played over and over. Her debut album
'Animal' was released in early 2010 and of course
debuted #1 in the US.
Name: She stylizes her
name with a dollar sign
"Ke$ha". The dollar sign in
her stage name is due to
her being 'ironic' as she
doesn't place money has a
huge success to happiness. She says she was
most happy when she didn't even have 2 dollars!
Image and artistry: Kesha
and her music have been
dismissed early on by
some as lightweight, calculating and crude; perceiving
her as a victim in the "cauldron of celebrity culture".
She insisted otherwise in
an interview, countering
that "I have been working
on realizing this dream, my
path, my mission, for
years. I've really invested a
lot of thought, time and
effort into it."
Influences: Kesha has listed Beck and Queen as
musical influences. Her
lyrics are based on her life
experiences and are influenced by the storytelling
style of country music.
Vocal style: Kesha uses a
sing-song rapping style on
a number of her songs,
most notably on her debut
single 'Tik Tok'; Ann
Powers of the Los
Angeles Times compared
this vocal style to that of
L'Trimm and Salt-N-Pepa..
Themes and genre:
Kesha has writing credit on
all of her songs. She
describes her music as
irreverent and defended
her decision to make pop
music for Animal, explaining that she wanted to
"give people something
that brings them joy".
Fashion: Kesha's styling
comprises messed hair,
smudged makeup. Kesha
describes her dress sense
as 'garbage-chic' and
named Keith Richards as
her fashion inspiration.
"Pu~ina plava
Prohladni pada mrak.
Vrh hridi crne
Zadnji rumeni zrak."
Ovo su dragi na{i
~itaoci stihovi jedne od
najlep{ih pesama srpske
poezije. "Ve~e na {kolju"
se jo{ uvek recituje na
raznim priredbama, a
svakako ne smemo zaboraviti ko ju je napisao doajen na{e knji`evnosti,
Aleksa [anti}.
"Ovaj pisac nije hteo da
veruje u zlo me|u ljudima.
Imao je neku unutra{nju
potrebu da sve preina~i na
lepo i simpati~no", rekla
nam je petnaestogodi{nja
Jelena iz Gra~anice koja u
svojoj biblioteci ima skoro
sva [anti}eva izdanja koja
imaju zaista veliki broj kritika. A jedna od njih je i J. Du~i}eva koji je za ovog pisca kazao,
da je on bio najve}e dete u srpskoj knji`evnosti.
Njegova poezija kre}e se u celini izme|u dva tradicionalna
opredeljenja, izme|u li~nih i kolektivnih ose}anja, ljubavi i
rodoljublja, idealne drage i napa}enog naroda. Kao ljubavni pesnik razvio se pod uticajem sevdalinki, muslimanskih narodnih
pesama. U njegovim pesmama do~aran je orijentalni ambijent
bašta, šedrvana, behara i šarenih leptira. A devojka koja se u
njima pojavljuje sva je oki}ena |erdanima, bujne, izazovne, ali
ipak skrivene lepote. U nekima su toliko pogo|eni ton i duh sevdalinke da su i same u{le u narod i po~ele se pevati kao narodne
pesme ('Emina', 'Na izvoru'). Pesnik je zanesen tim raskošnim
svetom, ali on nikada nije u njemu, ve} ga posmatra prikriven, s
boja`ljive udaljenosti. ^e`njivo, ~ulno raspolo`enje prelazi u tugu
zbog neostvarene ljubavi,
proma{enosti u
li~nom `ivotu i
usamljenosti kao
u pesmi 'Jedna
suza' , za koju je
re~eno da spada
me|u najdirljivije
ljubavne pesme u
nas, po tonu
patrijahalne i
~estite iskrenosti.
pesni~ka intima
pro`eta je
ose}anjem, nju
obasjava plamen
doma}eg ognji{ta. U velikoj elegiji 'Pretprazni~ko ve~e', olovnu
te`inu usamljenosti u opustelom domu olak{ava se}anje na
detinjstvo i na idili~ne ve~eri oko rasplamsale vatre na ognji{tu
kada je cela ku}a bila ispunjena smehom, pesmom i pri~om, ali
i uteha koju mu donose pesme, i svoje, 'I drugova sviju'.
Ose}anje bratske ljubavi {iri se u njegovim pesmama u sve
ve}im i ve}im krugovima - na porodicu, na prijatelje i drugove, na
`ive i mrtve srpske knji`evnike kojima ~esto posve}uje svoje
pesme, kao i na prirodu. Njegova poezija, u kojoj je postigao
najve}e umetni~ke domete, obasjana je svetloš}u doma}eg
ognji{ta i pro`eta njegovom toplinom. U sonetu 'Moja
otad`bina' pesnik otad`binu poistove}uje sa narodom. Ona je
svuda gde se njegov narod nalazi. Cela
otad`bina je kao rodni dom, a svi pripadnici naroda kao ro|ena bra}a.
Vezanost za rodnu grudu i doma}e
ognji{te duboka je i trajna; njeno kidanje
izaziva bol u pesnikovoj du{i. U nekima od
svojih najpotresnijih pesama [anti} peva o
patnji onih koji zauvek napu{taju svoju
domovinu i odlaze u tu| svet ('Ostajte
ovdje', 'Hljeb'). U nizu pesama [anti} je
iskazao patnju i veli~inu radnog ~oveka,
seljaka i radnika. Me|u njima su neke od
najboljih koje je napisao: 'O klasje moje',
'Moji o~evi', 'Kova~' i 'Pesma podzemna'
koja je posve}ena radni~koj klasi. Do`ivljaj
ukletosti sudbine siroma{nih, koji je u
njenom sredi{tu, dat je na posredovan,
moderan na~in, u vi{ezna~nim simbolima.
[anti} je, poput svog velikog uzora J. J.
Zmaja, do`iveo popularnost kod {irih slojeva ~italaca i stekao laskav naziv narodnog
pesnika, dok su njegove ~isto umetni~ke
vrednosti neretko
osporavane kako u
kritici njegovog
doba, tako i u poznijoj kritici.
Svojim jednostavnim pesmama, u
kojima spontana
ljudska pri~a te~e
kao reka, uvek
sve`a i nova, koja
zapljuskuje i prodire
u sve mnogobrojne,
pritajene obale na{e,
u~i nas [anti} `ivotu
i danas. Zbog toga
ga svi mi ~itamo,
volimo i prihvatamo.
Aleksa [anti} ro|en je u Mostaru 1868.
godine, u kojem je i ostao do kraja `ivota. Jedan
je od najpoznatijih pesnika novije srpske lirike.
Prvu pesmu objavio je 1886., a prvu zbirku
pesama 1891. U Šanti}evom pesni~kom formiranju, od doma}ih pesnika, pored Vojislava
Ili}a, najve}i udeo imao je Zmaj, a od stranih Henrich Heine i drugi nema~ki romanti~ari.
Poznati pesnik umro je 2. februara 1924. godine
u gradu u kojem je i ro|en, od tada neizle~ive
bolesti, tuberkuloze.
"The blue offing
Chili dark falls.
The peak of a black rock
The last red ray."
Dear readers, these are the verses of one of the
most beautiful poems of Serbian poetry. "The
evening on reef" is still being recited on various
school plays; therefore we can't forget who wrote it the doyen of our literature, Aleksa Santic.
"This writer didn't want to believe in evil among people. He
had some inner need to convert everything to pretty and amiable", we were told by a 15 year old Jelena from Gracanica, who
has almost all of Šanti?'s publications that have so many critics.
One of them is made by J.Ducic who stated for this writer that he
is the biggest child of a Serbian literature.
His poetry is usually in between two traditional believes,
between personal and collective feelings, love and patriotism, the
ideal dear and people who have suffered a lot. He developed into
a love poet under the effect of sevdalinka's (love songs), the
Muslim folk poems. In his poems the oriental ambient of a gardens, fountains, early springs and maple butterflies is
described. And the girl described in poems is
bejeweled with necklaces; she possesses rich, provocative, but still
hidden beauty. In some of
them the spirit and the tone
of love songs are so
effective that they were
sang as folk songs
("Emina", "At the
spring"). The poet
is enthralled with
the richness of the
world, but he is
never in it, he is
watching it from a
fearful distance hidden. Yearning, the
emotional mood changes
into sorrow because of the
unfulfilled love, mistakes in his
private life and loneliness like in
the poem "One tear", which is told to be
one of the most sensitive love songs, of a patriarchal and reputable sincerity tone.
The Santic's poetic intimacy is imbued with a powerful emotion, enlightened by the flames of home. In the big elegy "The
evening before holiday", the heavy loneliness in an empty home
is more bearable thanks to the memories from childhood and the
idyllic evenings around the stirred fire at the fire place when the
whole house was full of laughter, songs and stories, and the consolation brought by poems of him and of "All his friends". The
feeling of a brotherly love in his poems is being spread out in
increasingly bigger circles - to a family, friends and companions,
dead and alive Serbian writers to whom he often dedicates his
poems, and to the nature as well. Also his social and patriotic
poetry, in which he has reached the highest artistic achieve-
ments, is enlightened by the light of a home and imbued
with his warmth. In the sonnet "My homeland" the writers
equals the homeland with the people. It is wherever his
people are. The whole homeland is as like a home, and
all people are like brothers.
The connection to the place of birth and home is
deep and constant; it's tearing causes the pain in the
poet's soul. In some of his most moving poems Šanti?
writes about
those who left
their homeland
forever and left
to the other's
world ("Stay
here", "The brad"). In
series of poems Šanti?
had expressed the suffering and greatness of
a working man, countryman and worker. Some
of them are among his
finest poems: "My ears",
"My fathers", "The
blacksmith" and
"The underground
poem" dedicated to the
working class. The feeling of the cursed destiny of poor people,
which is in the focus, is
given in indirect, modern way through ambiguous symbols. Just like his idol J. J.
Zmaj, Šanti? was popular in wide range of his
readers and was given a flattering
name: the people's poet, while
his purely artistic values were
quite often challenged in
the critics of his time as
well as in the late
With his
simple poems, in
which the spontaneous people's
story flows like a
river, always
fresh and new,
splashing and
piercing in many,
concealed coasts of
ours, Šanti? is teaching
us life even today.
Therefore we all read his work,
love and accpet him.
Aleksa Santic was born in Mostar 1868, where he
stayed till the end of his life. He is one of the best
known poets in the newer Serbian lyric. He had published his first song in 1886, and his first collection of
poems in 1891. The biggest influence on Šanti?'s poetic developing besides Vojislav Ili?, had Zmaj from the
domestic poets, and Henrich Heine and other German
romantics, from the foreign poets. The famous poet
died of tuberculosis, which was incurable at that time,
in February 2nd 1924 in the city where he was born.
rvi put u `ivotu sam videla sivog sokola, i to kada sam
sa svojim prijateljima bila u ribolovu na reci Beli Drim.
On se gnezdi pod F{ajskim mostom u \akovici, tako da
smo ga mogli ~uti kako ci~i. Leteo je visoko iznad na{ih glava i
sleteo je na stubove mosta iznad mene, i onda je nestao. Iz
radoznalosti da saznam vi{e o ovoj vrsti ptice, po~ela sam da
istra`ujem preko interneta. Otkrila sam da je sivi soko me|u
naj~e{}im pticama grabljivicama i da `ive na svim kontinentima
osim Antarktika. Oni vole {irok i otvoren prostor, i vole da se
razvijaju u blizini obale, gde su obalske ptice uobi~ajene. Ali,
mogu se na}i svuda od tundre do pustinje. Sivi soko ~ak `ivi
na mostovima i neboderima u ve}im gradovima. Interesantno je
da odnos izme|u sivih sokolova i ljudi se`e hiljadama godina
unazad. Nekada davno su bili veoma plodni i rasprostranjeni
{irom sveta, a naj~e{}e su se koristili za lov. Sivi soko je
prirodno poslu{an i lako se upu{ta u kontak, pa ~ak i sa ljudima, a ina~e ih je lako ukrotiti. Ljudi su sokolovu spretnost
uvideli kao njihovu prednost u lovu. Njegova veli~anstvena brzina i snaga su razlozi zbog kojih je sivi soko bio omiljena ptica
me|u sokolarima u srednjem veku. Me|utim, po{to su jaja i
mladunci ptica grabljivica prili~no retka i skupa, zato proces
gajenja i obuke, jastreba ili sokola, zahteva mnogo vremena,
novca i prostora. Zbog toga je gajenje sokolova uglavnom
ograni~eno na plemi}ku klasu. @enka je znatno ve}a i sna`nija
od mu{karca, samim tim je po`eljnija i samo se ona naziva
"soko". Mu{ki sivi soko se naziva "Teret", {to zna~i tre}inu.
Iako je sokolarstvo izgubilo na popularnosti, i dalje postoje oni
koji to i danas praktikuju, naro~ito na Bliskom istoku.
Fizi~ki opis
Postoji 19 regionalnih varijanti (podvrsta) sivog sokola na
svetu. Oni se znatno razlikuju u veli~ini i boji. Kao i svi
sokolovi, sivi imaju duga i {iljata krila, i tanak, kratak rep. U
Severnoj Americi su otprilike veli~ine vrana, mu`jaci su du`ine
izme|u 36 i 49 cm, a `enke od 45 do 58 cm. Raspon krila se
kre}e od 91 do 112 cm. Oni su u proseku te`ine oko 900
grama. Kao i ve}ina ptica grabljivica, `enke sivog sokola
su ne{to ve}e od mu`jaka. Oni su obi~no 15-20% ve}e i
40-50% te`e od mu`jaka. Sivi sokolovi imaju {kriljasta
plavo-siva krila, crne trake na le|ima i bledi trbu{ni deo.
Imaju belo lice sa crnom trakom na svakom obrazu, i
velike tamne o~i. Njihov `ivotni vek je 15 godina, a neki
mogu da `ive i do 20.
Majstori lova
Sivi sokolovi su grabljivice - {to zna~i da su ptice koje
love i ubijaju za hranu. Oni su veoma dobro prilago|eni za
lov zato {to imaju jak, o{tar i savijen kljun za kidanje
mesa; imaju velike i o{tre o~i za uo~avanje plena na
velikoj udaljenosti; a poseduju i o{tre, sna`ne kand`e
(zvane "talon") za hvatanje i ~erupanje njihovog plena.
Fascinantne ~injenice
•Sivi soko je zabele`en kao najbr`a ptica, posti`e horizontalnu krstare}u brzinu od 105-110 km/h. Sivi soko je
jedna od najbr`ih ptica grabljivica, sa brzinom od 440
km/h u naletu.
• Sivi sokolovi imaju izuzetno o{tar vid. Oni mogu da
vide male predmete iz velike daljine, i precizno lete pri
velikim brzinama kako bi uhvatile plen. Sivi sokolovi love
isklju~ivo ptice, koje ~ine 77 do 99% plena ove grabljivice.
• Par sivog sokola je zajedno do kraja `ivota, obi~no
postavljaju doma}instva visoko u liticama. Gnezdo sivog
sokola se zove "{kripac", a mladunci se zovu golu`dravci.
Jedu neverovatnu koli~inu hrane, i za {est dana dupliraju
svoju te`inu, a nakon tri nedelje su deset puta te`i od
svoje te`ine na ro|enju.
• Zbog svoje fantasti~ne okretnosti i mogu}nosti da
brzo lete, sivi sokolovi su omiljeni izbor sokolara. Sokolari
krote, i treniraju sive sokolove da love druge ptice.
hile we were fishing with my
friends on the river Drini i
bardhë (White Drin) for the
first time in my life I saw Peregrine
Falcon. Apparently, it was nesting
under a bridge (Fshejtë bridge Djakovica), and we heard it
screeching. It flew high above our
heads and landed in the bridge's
rafters above me. Then it was
gone. From curiosity to know
more about this kind of bird I
started researching over the net. I
found that Peregrine falcons are
among the world's most common
birds of prey and live on all continents except Antarctica. They
prefer wide-open spaces, and
thrive near coasts where shorebirds are common, but they can
be found everywhere from tundra
to deserts. Peregrines are even
known to live on bridges and skyscrapers in major cities. An interesting fact is that the relationship
between Peregrine Falcons and humans
goes back thousands of years. Once highly prolific and widespread throughout
the world, Peregrine Falcons
were commonly used in the
practice of Falconry.
Peregrines are naturally
docile and easily lent themselves to taming by
humans who saw the
hunting prowess as an asset in hunting for
food. The Peregrine's magnificent speed and
power also made it the favourite bird for falconers in the Middle Ages. However as eggs
and chicks of birds of prey were quite rare
and expensive, and because the process of
raising and training a hawk or falcon requires
a great deal of time, money, and space, it was
largely restricted to the noble classes. The
female, which is slightly larger and more powerful than the male, was preferred, and only
she is given the title of "falcon". A male
Peregrine is referred to as a "tiercel"
meaning third. Although falconry has
fallen out of favour, there are still
those who practice it today especially in the Middle East.
Physical Description
There are 19 regional variants
(subspecies) of peregrine falcon
worldwide. They vary considerably
in size and colour. Like all falcons,
peregrine falcons have long, tapered
wings and a slim, short tail. In North
America they are roughly
crow sized, ranging in
length from between 36 and
49 cm in males and 45 to 58
cm in females. Wingspan
varies from 91 to 112 cm. They weigh an
average of 907 g. Like most birds of prey,
female peregrine falcons are slightly larger
than males. They are typically 15-20% larger
and 40-50% heavier than males. Peregrine
falcons have slate and blue-gray wings, black
bars on their backs and pale underbellies.
They have white faces with a black stripe on
each cheek and large, dark eyes. Their lifespan is 15 years some can live as long as 20
Masters of the Hunt
Peregrine Falcons are raptors - which mean
they are birds which hunt and kill for food.
They are very well adapted to the hunt, with
strong, sharp, curved beaks for tearing flesh,
large, keen eyes for viewing prey at great distances, and sharp, powerful claws (called
talons) for clutching, and grasping their quarry.
Fascinating Facts
• The peregrine is the fastest bird on
record reaching horizontal cruising speeds of
105-110 kmh. The Peregrine Falcon is one of
the fastest birds of prey, swooping down at
speeds of up to 440 km/h.
• Peregrine falcons have extraordinarily
keen vision. They can see small objects from
very far away and accurately fly at high
speeds to capture them. Peregrine falcons
prey almost exclusively on birds, which make
up 77 to 99% of prey items.
• Pairs of Peregrines mate for life, usually
setting up housekeeping high in the cliffs.
Peregrine nests are called scrapes, or eyries
and baby falcons are called eyasses. They
eat an incredible amount of food - in six days,
they double their weight, and at three weeks
are ten times their size at birth.
• Because of their fantastic agility and
capability for high speeds, peregrine falcons
have been the favourite choice of falconers.
Falconers train them to hunt other birds.
i novinari uvek smo u nekoj potrazi za dobrim
pri~ama, i stalno ih pronalazimo. A, ovoga puta
prona{li smo jednu interesantnu li~nost koju
`elimo da vam predstavimo, i to slikara Zorana
@ivkovi}a koji slika ulje na platnu i lesonitu. Pored toga
bavi se grafikom, re|e skulpturom, pastelom na papiru,
kao i digitalnom fotografijom.
Ovoga puta na{li smo se u Ugljaru, malenom mestu
u kojem `ivi i stvara pomenuti slikar. ^im smo ugledali
zanimljivo dvori{te sa letnjikovcem i jo{ nekim interesantnim detaljima kao {to su neki pruti}i u obliku
vetrenja~e koje pokre}u vetar i voda, znali smo odmah
da je ovaj slikar itekako kreativan. Ispri~ao nam je
svoju `ivotnu pri~u koju je zapo~eo re~ima: "Ro|en
sam 1953. godine u ku}i mojih roditelja, i to ba{ u ku}i,
a ne u bolnici. Upravo sam zbog toga emotivno vezan
za ovo dvori{te, kao i za svako drvo koje se u njemu
nalazi." Jo{ od malih nogu je po~eo da pokazuje
interesovanje za slikarstvo, a uzor mu je bila starija
sestra koja se bavila vezom. Jednom prilikom vezla je
na belom platnu, i trebala je na njemu prvo nactrati
neki oblik. Zamolila je svog brata Zorana da joj
pomogne u crtanju, {to je on naravno i uradio. "To se
radilo olovkom i nekim ka{ikama, i tako sam po~eo da
stvaram likove, cvetove, leptire i razno. Dobijao sam
komplimente koji su mi bili podstrek da po~nem da
razmi{ljam o crte`u i bojama."
Gospodin @ivkovi} je ro|en kao
dvanaesto dete u siroma{noj porodici, a
`ivot na selu nije bio nimalo lak. Imao je
stare roditelje, koji tada nisu ozbiljno
shvatali njegovu ljubav prema slikarstvu i muzici.
Nikada nije dobijao njihovu podr{ku, ali to nije mnogo
uticalo na njega, obzirom da se preko 30 godina bavi
kulturom. Jo{ kao osnovca, nastavnici su ga forsirali
zato {to je bio naljbolji, i u tom periodu je izlagao svoje
radove na {kolskim izlo`bama. "Slike, knjige i tempere
boje bile su jedine koje sam tada osvajao, i upravo su
me te simboli~ne nagrade terale da idem dalje. Kada
sam video {ta sve ~ovek mo`e da uradi divnim bojama,
i da mo`e da nacrta cvet ~iji prostor i miris ose}ate,
bio sam prijatno iznena|en, i nastavio sam da se
bavim onim {to mi ide od ruke - slikarstvom."
Najva`nije slike za koje je emotivno vezan jesu
portrteti njegovih roditelja, koji su za njega od neprocenjive vrednosti, a nada se da }e ih i posle njega
~uvati generacije koje dolaze.
Svojim umetni~kim radovima osvajao je mnoge
nagrade, a prvu samostalnu izlo`bu otvorio je 2001. u
Gra~anici gde je izlagao radove koje je kroz godine
stvarao. On se nije ograni~io samo na slikanje, a to
nam govori ~injenica da godinama poku{ava da ono
{to zna, prenese i na mlade. "Slikarstvo je moja velika
ljubav i jedna navika.
Ali, i pored toga, trudim
se da za ovu omladinu
organizujem kulturni
`ivot, i to ne po nekoj
slu`benoj du`nosti, ve}
samo volonterski. To
radim zato {to znam da i
sada ima mladih koji
vape za inspiracijom i
podr{kom, isto kao {to
sam ja nekada."
On poma`e onima
koji su talentovani za
slikarstvo i muziku. U
njegovom dvori{tu postoji jedna mala radionica
gde se mladi s vremena
na vreme okupljaju, i tu
su neki od njih po prvi
put naslikali pejza` ili
mrtvu prirodu. Ljudi koji
sa bave kulturom ne
znaju za granice i tra`e
srodne du{e gde god da
su, i ko god da su. Ovaj
umetnik preporu~uje
mladima da se bave kulturom, jer posle njih
ostaju dela vredna pomena i ~uvanja.
1980. Prvo mesto na likovnoj koloniji "17 vodenica" u
Donjem Dušniku, na Jugoslovenskom nivou
1975. "Nagrada za likovno stvarala{tvo" u Smederevu
1977. "Nagrada za likovni rad" u Pan~evu
1978. "Plaketa za likovni rad" u Pri{tini
1979. Prva nagrada likovne kolonije u Gad`inom
Hanu u Ni{u
well as to the each tree that's in it". He
had shown interest for painting since he
was a child and his idol was his older sister who weaved. Once she was weaving
on the white canvas and she was supposed to draw some figure on it first. She
asked her brother to help her with drawing, and he did, of course. "It was done
by the pencil and some spoons and that's
how I begin to create figures, flowers,
butterflies and various things. I have been
given compliments that have encouraged
me to think about drawing and colors".
Mr. Zivkovic was born as a twelfth
child in a poor family, when the life in the
village was not easy. He had elderly parents who didn't understand his love for
painting and music. He has never had
their support, but that didn't affect him a
lot, since he done art for more than 30
years. Since he was in the primary
school, his teachers were supporting
him because he was the best and at that
period he was exposing his work during
school exhibits. "The paintings,
books, and colors were the only
awards I have been given and it was
these symbolic awards that kept me
going further. When I realized what
one can do with the wonderful colors
and draw the flower that you can feel
his shape and scent, I was positively
surprised so I kept doing what I was
doing the best - painting". The most
important paintings for him are the ones
he is emotionally in relation with, the
paintings of his parents, that are precious to him and he hopes that, even
when he is gone, the next generations
will take care of them.
His artistic work was awarded many
times, and he had his first individual
exhibit in 2001 in Gracanica, showing the
limits and are looking for the soul-mates
wherever they are and whoever they
might be. This artist recommends to the
youth to do the art, because after them
there will remain works worth to be mentioned and preserved.
1980. First place on painting colony
"17 watermills" in Donji Dusnik,
Yugoslavian level
1975. "The award for fine arts creativity" in Smederevo
1977. "The award for fine arts work"
in Pancevo
1978. "The plaque for fine arts work"
in Pristina
1979. The first award of the fine arts
colony in Gadzin Han, Nis.
e journalists are always looking
for a good story and we find
them all the time. This time we
found an interesting person whom we
want to introduce to you and that is
Zoran Zivkovic, the painter who uses oil
paints on canvas and plywood. Besides
that, he also does graphics, sometimes
sculpture, pastels on paper and digital
photography as well.
This time we met in Ugljare, the small
town where the above mentioned painter
lives and works. As soon as we have
seen an interesting yard with the cottage
and few more interesting details, a windmill made from wood running on wind
and water, we knew right there that this
painter is undoubtedly creative. He told
us his life story that he begin with the
words: "I was born in 1953 in my parents'
house, right there in that house itself, not
in the hospital. That's the reason why I'm
emotionally connected to this yard, as
work he created in years. The fact
that he is trying to teach the youth his
skills shows that he is not limited to
the painting only. "The painting is my
great love and my habit. Besides that
I'm trying to organize cultural activities
for the youth, not as an official but on
voluntary bases. I do that because I
know even today there are young people
who are crying for inspiration and support, just as I did once".
He helps to those who are gifted for
painting and music. There is a small
workshop in his yard where the youth
gathers sometimes and there some of
them have painted their first landscape
or dull nature. The people in art know no
ordana \ori} iz
Lapljeg Sela je
zaista "`ena
zmaj" i pravi primer dobre
biznismenke. Kada smo
je upoznali, nabrajala
nam je mnogo poslova i
pozicija na kojima se
nalazi, tako da nismo
mogli da joj "uhvatimo" ni
po~etak ni kraj. Morali
smo je pitati da li ikada
odmara, na {ta je odgovorila: "Za sve se na|e
vremena, samo kada to
`elite. Ne}u da gubim
vreme u spavanju ili
sedenju, jer imam isplanirane dane na pozitivan
na~in." Ona je i za nas
na{la malo vremena da
nam ispri~a ono
Gordana \ori}
najva`nije o njenom
Udru`enju poslovnih
`ena "Avenija".
U njenoj ku}i, gde se ina~e nalazi sedi{te ove organizacije, do~ekalo nas je nekoliko `ena punih pozitivne
energije. Izgleda da je predsednica ovog udru`enja
Gordana \ori} pravi pokreta~ tog dobrog raspolo`enja i
volje za rad. Njihovi ru~ni radovi su nam odmarali o~i, jer ne
mo`ete svakoga dana videti takve lepe vezove na raznim
tkaninama i odevnim predmetima, koji u vama bude
ose}anja lepog, kulturnog i tradicionalnog. Ugledali smo i
krparice koje su nekada na{e bake tkale i koristile, a
obzirom da se moda vra}a, one su ponovo u upotrebi.
Osnovni cilj ovog udru`enja jeste ekonomski razvoj i
otvaranje novih radnih mesta za `ensku populaciju, kako
bi imale lep{u bodu}nost i bolje `ivotne uslove. "Od dana
registrovanja na{eg udru`enja 2000. godine, prvu pomo},
ma{ine za {ivenje, dobili smo od KFOR-a. Zaista bih se
pohvalila saradnjom koju smo imali sa njima, jer su nas
od samog po~etka podr`avali u mnogo ~emu." I, usred
na{eg }askanja, gospo|a \ori} je imala telefonski poziv
iz Slova~ke kancelarije u Pri{tini. U tom trenutku su joj
javili da je zahvaljuju}i KFOR-u dobila donaciju ~etiri kon-
tejnera u kojima }e otvoriti jo{ jednu radionicu u Gra~anici,
{to }e ovim `enama zbog ve}e koncentracije stanovni{tva,
pomo}i da lak{e prodaju svoje rukotvorine. "Sa KFOR-om i
sa jo{ nekoliko organizacija imamo zaista fantasti~nu saradnju, to su organizacije koje su nas svih ovih godina pomagale, ne samo materijalno, ve} i savetodavno".
Gospo|a \ori} se ve} dvadeset godina posve}uje biznisu i
humanitarnom radu. Ona `eli da podstakne `ene na rad, i da
njeno iskustvo kao privrednika i preduzetnika prenese na njih i
ohrabri ih da pokrenu male porodi~ne biznise. Udru`enje ima
300 ~lanica sa svih prostora Kosova, koje su ras~lanjene u tri
grupe: jednu grupu ~ine `ene koje imaju male biznise u
sklopu porodice; u drugoj grupi su `ene koje se bave tradicionalnim ru~nim radovima; i u tre}u grupu spadaju `ene koje
nemaju uslove da ostvare prihode za egzistenciju i isklju~ivo
se bave kolektivnim radom.
Ovde mo`ete sresti dame od 16 do 65 godina starosti.
Jedna od mla|ih jeste i sekretar "Avenije", ri|okosa Jelena
Nedeljkovi} kojoj se `ivot promenio od kako radi u ovom
udru`enju. "Postala sam mnogo samopouzdanija i zadovoljnija. Ovde vlada jedna pozitivna energija, toliko da jedva
~ekam da do|em na posao i to sve zahvaljuju}i Gordani, jer
je ona ta koja svima nama pru`a podr{ku. Ona nas
podr`ava u svemu, pa ~ak i u na{im `eljama za
daljim usavr{avanjem."
"Avenija" za sobom ima veliki broj aktivnosti
od kojih su i prodajne izlo`be na kojima ~lanice
izla`u svoje ru~ne radove, a svakako uspevaju i
da ih dekori{u nacionalnom kuhinjom. "Mi smo
ve} nekim organizacijama poslali cenovnik na{ih
jela, i nadamo se da }emo mo}i da za mnoge
proslave i prijeme pripremamo razna jela. Samim
tim `ene }e imati priliku da zarade ne{to novca",
izjavila je predsednica ovog udru`enja.
Sve dame koje postanu ~lanice "Avenije"
zaboravljaju na svakodnevne probleme i `ivot im
se promeni na bolje, zato {to su aktivne, zaposlene i ose}aju se korisnije. Ukoliko nisu dobre
volje, nakon provedenog dana u ovom "`enskom
kutku", one se oraspolo`e, postaju hrabrije i
samopouzdanije. Gospo|a Gordana \ori}
poru~ila je `enskoj populaciji da su vrata
"Avenije" otvorena za svaku `enu koja `eli da se
dru`i, upozna druge i ne{to nau~i.
ordana Djoric
from Laplje Selo
really is an
extraordinary woman and
a real example of a good
businesswoman. When
we met, she listed all the
jobs and positions she
holds. We had a hard
time catching it all, and
had to ask if she ever
rests, to which she
responded: "You can find
time for everything, but
only when you want to. I
will not waste time
sleeping or sitting,
because I have scheduled days in a positive
way." She found some
free time for us, to tell us
Jelena Nedeljkovi}
more about her
Association of Business
Women: "Avenija."
The main office of the organization is in Gordana's home,
where we were greeted by several women full of positive
energy. It seems that the president of this association,
Gordana Djoric, has a gift for spreading good energy and willingness to work. Their handicrafts were a treat to our eyes,
since it is not every day that you see such beautiful embroidery on fabrics and garments. We saw "Krparice" (rags) that
our grandmothers used to weave and use, and are making a
comeback in fashion.
The main objective of this association is economic development and job creation for the female population, in order to create a more promising future and raise living conditions. "From
the registration of our association in 2000, we have received
first aid kits and sewing machines from KFOR. I am happy
about our cooperation with KFOR, because they supported us
from the very beginning in many ways." In the middle of our
chat, Mrs. Djoric received a phone call from the Slovak office in
Pristina. She was told that thanks to KFOR her organization will
receive a donation of four containers, which they will use to
open another workshop in Gracanica.
This will be of great
help to the women:
due to the larger population, it will be easier for them to sell
their handicrafts. "We
have cooperated fantastically with KFOR
and several other
organizations. These
are organizations
which have helped us
for many years, not
only financially, but
also by advising us
very well." Ms. Djoric
has been devoted to
business and humanitarian work for twenty
years already. She
wants to encourage
women to work and to start small family businesses. She
also wants to pass on to them her experience as a businesswoman and entrepreneur. The association has 300
members from all over Kosovo, who are separated into
three groups: one group consists of women who have small
family businesses, another group consists of women dealing with traditional handicrafts, and the third group includes
women who are unable to gather sufficient income to cover
their existence.
At "Avenija" you can meet ladies from 16 to 65 years
of age. One of the younger ladies is the secretary of
"Avenija", redhead Jelena Nedeljkovic, whose life has
changed since she started working for the association. "I
became more confident and satisfied. The positive energy
here is so strong that I can hardly wait to come to work,
and this is all
thanks to
Gordana. She is
so supportive to
us all. She supports us with
everything, even
our wishes for
further improvement." "Avenija"'s
scope of activity is
large, and includes
the sales and exhibitions of crafts fabricated by members.
Exhibitions are made
even more successful
with the accompaniment of national cuisine. "We have sent
the price list of our
menu to some organizations, and we hope
that we will be invited
to prepare various
dishes for celebrations
and receptions. This
will provide the
women with another opportunity to earn some money",
said the president of the
All the ladies who become
members of "Avenija" forget
about everyday problems and
their lives change for the better, because they become
active and employed, and
thereby feel useful. If they
sometimes do not feel well,
they can spend a day in this
"women's corner", and
become noticeably more
cheerful, braver and more
confident. Ms. Gordana Djoric
asked us to send out the
message that the door of
"Avenija" is open to all
women who want to socialize,
meet others and learn.
amouveren i samoproklamovani heroj sa {armantnim
podsmehom i srcem od
• Veo
zlata. Sparan, saveznik bez glum
napre a linearno
posti na koga se mo`ete osloniti
za po koju skrivenu po{alicu i
• Van anja i likov
topao zagrljaj. Ovi likovi zvu~e
illa }e
kao standardni likovi u
i to pu am i}i na
stereotipnim ulogama, ali u
prilog Final Fantasy XIII ide to
da oni prevazilaze standardnu
formulu i nalaze put do va{eg
srca. Kao i mnogi drugi u
• Raz
ansamblu, uloga likova u
uglav likost i
Final Fantasy-u, njih smanom o
trate starim prijateljima, a
• Velik kova
kao stari prijatelji, oni }e
i origin
alni sv
odu{eviti va{ duh, zagree
pri~om a ubedljivo t, u
jati va{e srce a ponekad
• Zab
vas i ogor~iti. Njihova
dr`i v an sistem
pri~a je velika i privla~na
as na
vrhov orbe
- upijaju}a kao {to ste i
• Veli~
mogli da o~ekujete u
nosti nstvene vr
dugoj igri igranja
uloga. To je isto tako
dobro, imaju}i u vidu
zabavu, ali igra puna gre{aka je
satkana oko odli~ne pri~e. Ovo je intenzivno
fokusirana, izuzetno linearna avantura koja
nudi malo iluzija izbora, ali nikada ne ~ini
Snow-a, prebijaju}i
dobro iz njih. Sre}om, sistem borbi je zabavan
|avole i |avolove sledbenike.
i anga`ovanje svih njegovih elemenata pada
Tako|e zabavan je i na~in na koji se
na mesto, i to }e vas gurati napred ~ak i kada
kamera kre}e, uramljivanje
se pri~a smiri u drugom delu igre.
brzopoteznih pokreta dok vam time
Dok kr~ite svoj put kroz svemirske brodove
omogu}ava da vidite va`ne vizuelne
i kroz kristalne pe}ine, uski fokus putovanja }e
povratne informacije, kao {to su
biti skoro isto toliko upadljiv, kao i lepa okolina
ime [efove ~arolije ili tajmer koji se
koja vas okru`uje. Neke igre u nizu su izrazito
pojavljuje nad va{om glavom kada
linearane, ali Final Fantasy XIII je upadljivija u
je zla kob ba~ena. Iako kontrola
ovom pogledu i vi{e od svojih prethodnika.
samo jednog lika istovremeno,
Iako postoje izuzeci, kao {to je ranije pomenut
mo`da u jednom trenutku zvu~i kao
drevni travnjak, obi~no se kre}ete u jednom
ograni~enje, nemojte misliti da su
pravcu: napred. Ako mislite da vas je neko u
bitke lake za dobiti. Iako mo`ete
borbi nadja~ao, mo`ete se vratiti unazad da
da pustite igru da odabere
iskoristite reakciju neprijatelja, i sa~ekate da
podrazumevani skup radnji u va{e
dobijete na snazi pre nego {to krenete dalje,
ime, neke kasnije borbe imaju
ali retko }ete morati to da uradite. Linearnost
koristi od malo ve{tijeg mikro
je jo{ izra`enija, jer staze i hodnici kojima se
upravljanja, pored uobi~ajenih
kre}ete su obi~no prili~no uski, i ima par ireletrivijalnih primera. Bi}e pametnih
vantnih zadataka koji obezbe|uju raznolikost;
izazova koji vas ~ekaju kada prenema mini igara koje treba zavr{iti, nema
vazi|ete jednostavnost u
zagonetki koje mo`ete re{avati i pored nekopo~etnim delovima igre.
liko klju~nih trenutaka, i nema naseljenih
Postoje neki elementi koji dr`e
gradova koje treba istra`iti.
Final Fantasy XIII dalje od toga da
To je sve prili~no zabavno i privla~no,
postane sve {to je mogla da postane. ^ak i takva,
naro~ito tokom borbi [efova. Nekoliko borbi
ipak je ovo legitimno sjajna igra sa zapanjuju}om
su te{ke i zahtevaju nekoliko poku{aja,
lepotom, fantasti~nom pri~om i borbama za
razli~ite kombinacije ~lanova va{e misije i
u`ivanje, {to zna~i da ima mnogo
nekoliko razli~itih rasporeda pristupa pre trizajedni~kog sa Final Fantasy igrama
jumfa. Mnogo radosti borbe dolazi od na~ina
koje su se igrale pre ove.
na koji ubrzavaju likovi poput Fang-a i
The Bad
gly linear
• Exceedin
cand chara
exploration n
ter progress et on
in a big
your nerv
The Good
and mostly
• A diverse
cst of chara
excellent ca
riginal worl
• A great o
fleshed ou
pelling sto
bat system
on your to
• Magnifice
cocky selfproclaimed
hero with a
charming sneer and
a heart of gold. A
sultry, no-nonsense
ally you can rely
on for a sly quip and a warm
hug. These characters sound like
standard role-playing stereotypes,
but to Final Fantasy XIII's credit,
they transcend formula and wriggle
into your heart. Like many other Final
Fantasy ensemble casts, the misfits at the
center of this tale feel like old friends, and
like old friends, they will excite your spirit, move
your heart, and sometimes exasperate you. Their
story is grand and compelling--as absorbing as you
could hope for in a long role-playing game. That's just as
well, given the fun but flawed game woven around this
excellent tale. This is an intensely focused, exceptionally
linear adventure that offers a few illusions of choice but
never makes good on them. Fortunately, the battle system
is fun and engaging once all of its elements fall into place,
and it will keep you pushing forward even when the story
lulls in the second half.
As you make your way across airships and through
crystal caverns, the journey's
narrow focus will be almost as
striking as the pretty environments. Some games in the
series have been markedly linear, but Final Fantasy XIII is
even more conspicuous in this
regard than its predecessors.
While there are some exceptions, such as in the previously
mentioned primeval grassland,
you are generally moving in one
direction: forward. If you feel
outmatched in battle, you can
backtrack to take advantage of
responding enemies and grow a
bit stronger before moving on,
but you'll rarely need to do so.
The linearity is even more pronounced because the walkways
and corridors you follow are
usually rather narrow, and there
are few extraneous tasks to provide variety--no mini games to
complete, no puzzles to solve,
and aside from a few key
moments, no populated towns to
It's all quite fun and
engaging, particularly during
boss fights. Several of these
fights are difficult and will
require a few tries, a few different party member combinations, and a few
different paradigm layouts before you triumph. Much of the joy of combat comes
from the way characters like Fang and
Snow speed about, beating up on imps and
wyverns. It also comes from the way the
camera moves around, framing the flashy
moves while letting you take in important
visual feedback like the name of a boss's
spell or the countdown timer that appears
over your head when doom is cast.
Although controlling only a single character
at a time sounds limiting, don't assume battles are hands-off affairs. While you can let
the game choose a default set of actions
on your behalf, some late-game battles
benefit from a bit of skill micromanagement
on top of the usual paradigm fiddling.
There will be smart challenges waiting for
you once you overcome the ease of the
early hours.
There are some elements that keep
Final Fantasy XIII from being everything it
could have been. Even so, it is still a legitimately great game for its stunning beauty,
fantastic story, and enjoyable battles, which
means it has a lot in common with the Final
Fantasy games that came before it.
U romanti~noj drami Remember
Me, Robert Pattinson glumi Tylera, mladog buntovnika iz New York
City-ja koji ima zategnutu vezu sa
svojim ocem, otkako je tragedija
rastavila njihovu porodicu. Tyler
je mislio da niko ne mo`e da
zamisli kroz {ta on prolazi sve do
dana kada je sreo Ally u jednom
neobi~nom zaokretu sudbine.
Ljubav je bila poslednja stvar u
njegovim mislima, ali kako ga
njen duh neo~ekivano le~i i
inspiri{e, on po~inje da se
zaljubljuje u nju. Kroz njihovu
ljubav, on po~inje da nalazi sre}u
i zna~enje u svom `ivotu.
Me|utim uskoro, skrivene tajne
bivaju otkrivene i okolnosti koje
su ih sastavile polako prete da ih
razdvoje. Remember Me je nezaboravna pri~a o mo}i ljubavi,
snazi porodice, zna~aju
strastvenog `ivota i vrednovanju
svakog dana ne~ijeg `ivota.
Glavne uloge: Robert Pattinson,
Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper,
Emilie de Ravin, Ruby Jerins
Re`ija: Allen Coulter
Studio: Summit Entertainment
@anr: Drama / Romansa
Starring: Robert Pattinson, Pierce
Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Emilie de
Ravin, Ruby Jerins
Director: Allen Coulter
Studio: Summit Entertainment
Genre: Drama / Romance
In the romantic drama Remember Me,
Robert Pattinson plays Tyler, a rebellious
young man in New York City who has a
strained relationship with his father ever
since tragedy separated their family.
Tyler didn't think anyone could possibly
understand what he was going through
until the day he met Ally through an
unusual twist of fate. Love was the last
thing on his mind, but as her spirit unex-
pectedly heals and inspires him, he
begins to fall for her. Through their love,
he begins to find happiness and meaning
in his life. But soon, hidden secrets are
revealed, and the circumstances that
brought them together slowly threaten to
tear them apart. Remember Me is an
unforgettable story about the power of
love, the strength of family, and the
importance of living passionately and
treasuring every day of one's life.
Glavne uloge: Zachary
Gordon, Chloe Moretz,
Zasnovan je na najbolje
prodavanom ilustrovanom
romanu Jeff-a Kinney-a
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid".
Film hronolo{ki prati
Based on the bestWIMPY KID
selling illustrated novel
"Diary of a Wimpy
Starring: Zachary Gordon,
Kid" by Jeff Kinney,
Chloe Moretz, Steve Zahn,
the film chronicles the
Rachael Harris, Devon Bostick
adventures of wiseDirector: Thor Freudenthal
cracking middle
Studio: 20th Century Fox
school student Greg
Genre: Comedy / Family
Heffley over the
course of an academic
year, as told through
the young man's diary and hand-drawn cartoons.
pametnjakovi}a iz
srednje {kole
Heffley-a na
nastavi jedne
godine, kao
{to je re~eno, uz
pomo} mladi}evog
dnevnika i crtanih
filmova koji su ru~no
Steve Zahn, Rachael
Harris, Devon Bostick
Re`ija: Thor Freudenthal
Studio: 20th Century Fox
@anr: Komedija /
Glavne uloge:
Mia Wasikowska, Matt
Lucas, Johnny
Depp, Michael
Sheen, Anne
Carter, Crispin
Lee, Stephen
Re`ija: Tim
Studio: Walt
Fantastika /
Starring: Mia
Wasikowska, Matt
Lucas, Johnny
Depp, Michael
Sheen, Anne
Hathaway, Helena
Iz Walt Disney Pictures-a
nam dolazi epska ma{tovita avantura u 3D Alice In
Wonderland, magi~an i
izmi{ljen prikaz jedne od
najomiljenijih pri~a za sva
vremena. Johnny Depp
glumi Mad Hatter-a, a Mia
Wasikowska je devetnaestogodi{nja Alice koja
se vra}a u izmi{ljen svet
sa kojim se prvi put sus-
rela kao devoj~ica, sastaju}i se ponovo sa drugarima iz detinjstva: Belim
Zekom, Tweedledee i
Dormouse-om, Caterpillarom, Cheshire Cat-om, i
naravno Mad Hatter-om.
Alice kre}e na fantasti~no
putovanje kako bi prona{la
svoju pravu sudbinu i
prekinula vladavinu terora
Crvene Kraljice.
Bonham Carter,
Crispin Glover,
Christopher Lee,
Stephen Fry
Director: Tim
Studio: Walt
Disney Pictures
Genre: Fantasy /
From Walt Disney Pictures
comes an epic 3D fantasy
adventure Alice In Wonderland, a
magical and imaginative twist on
some of the most beloved stories
of all time. Johnny Depp stars as
the Mad Hatter and Mia
Wasikowska as 19-year-old
Alice, who returns to the whimsi-
cal world she first encountered
as a young girl, reuniting with her
childhood friends: the White
Rabbit, Tweedledee and
Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the
Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and
of course, the Mad Hatter. Alice
embarks on a fantastical journey
to find her true destiny and end
the Red Queen's reign of terror.
Glavne uloge: Pierce Brosnan,
Ewan McGregor, Kim Cattrall, Tom
Wilkinson, Olivia Williams, James
Belushi, Robert Pugh, Timothy
Kada uspe{an britanski pisac
o duhovima, The Ghost, pristane
da zavr{i memoare biv{eg premijera Britanije Adama Langa, njegov
agent ga uverava da je to prilika
koja se pru`a jednom u `ivotu. Ali
projekat izgleda proklet od samog
po~etka - zato {to njegov prethodnik u projektu, koji je dugo vremena bio Langov asistent, gine u
nesre}i. The Ghost, usred zime,
odlazi u ku}u na ostrvu u
okeanu na Isto~noj obali
SAD, kako bi radio na projektu. Me|utim, dan nakon
njegovog dolaska, biv{i
ministar britanskog kabineta optu`uje Langa da je
dozvolio ilegalno hvatanje
osumnji~enih terorista i
isporu~io ih na mu~enje
CIA-iji, {to predstavlja ratni zlo~in.
Kontraverza dovodi brojne
reportere i protestante na ostrvo
na kojem `ivi Lang sa svojom
suprugom Ruth i njegovom li~nom
sekretaricom (i ljubavnicom)
Amelia-om. The Ghost u radu
po~inje da otkriva pojedinosti koje
ukazuju da je njegov prethodnik
mo`da otkrio mra~nu tajnu koja
povezuje Langa sa CIA-ijom, i da
je nekako ova informacija sakrivena u zapisima koje je on ostavio.
Da li je Lang bio u slu`bi ameri~ke
obave{tajne agencije dok je bio
premijer? I da li je The Ghost-ov
prethodnik ubijen zbog stra{ne
istine koju je otkrio?
Starring: Pierce Brosnan,
Ewan McGregor, Kim Cattrall,
Tom Wilkinson, Olivia Williams,
James Belushi, Robert Pugh,
Timothy Hutton
When a successful British
ghost-writer, The Ghost, agrees to
complete the memoirs of former
British Prime Minister Adam Lang,
his agent assures him it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But the project
seems doomed from the start-not
least because his predecessor on
the project, Lang's long-term aide,
died in an unfortunate accident. The
Ghost flies out to work on the project, in the middle of winter,
to an ocean front house on
an island off the U.S.
Eastern seaboard. But the
day after he arrives, a former British cabinet minister
accuses Lang of authorizing
the illegal seizure of suspected terrorists and handing
them over for torture by the
CIA-a war crime. The controversy
brings reporters and protesters
swarming to the island mansion
where Lang is staying with his wife,
Ruth, and his personal assistant
(and mistress), Amelia. As The
Ghost works, he begins to uncover
clues suggesting his predecessor
may have stumbled on a dark
secret linking Lang to the CIA-and
that somehow this information is
hidden in the manuscript he left
behind. Was Lang in the service of
the American intelligence agency
while he was prime minister? And
was The Ghost's predecessor murdered because of the appalling truth
he uncovered?
Glavne uloge: Brendan
Gleeson, Liam Hourican, Mick
Lally, Michael McGrath, Evan
McGuire, Christen Mooney
Magija, fantazija i keltska
mitologija su ujedinjeni u
rasko{u boja i detalja koji
zaslepljuju o~i u ovoj op{irnoj
pri~i o mo}ima ma{te i vere
koje vode ~ove~anstvo kroz
mra~na vremena. Mladi
Brendan `ivi u Opatiji Kells,
udaljenoj srednjovekovnoj
ispostavi koja je pod
opsadom napada~a varvara. Jednog dana slavni
gospodar prosvetitelj dolazi
iz daleke zemlje nose}i
staru ali nedovr{enu knjigu,
prepunu tajnim mudrostima
i mo}ima. Da bi doprineo
zavr{etku knjige, Brendan
mora prevazi}i njegova
najve}a strahovanja na opasnom pohodu koji ga vodi u
za~aranu {umu u kojoj se kriju
mitska stvorenja. Ovde on
sre}e vilu Aisling, misterioznu
mladu `enu-vu~icu, koja mu
poma`e na tom putu. Ali da li
}e u okru`enju varvara
Brendan-ova odlu~nost i umetni~ka vizija osvetliti tamu i
pokazati da je prosve}enost
najbolja odbrana od zla?
Starring: Brendan Gleeson, Liam
Hourican, Mick Lally, Michael
McGrath, Evan McGuire, Christen
Magic, fantasy, and Celtic
mythology come together in a riot
of colour and detail that dazzle the
eyes, in this sweeping story about
the power of imagination and faith
to carry humanity through dark
times. Young Brendan lives in the
Abbey of Kells, a remote medieval
outpost under siege from
raiding barbarians. One
day a celebrated master
illuminator arrives from
foreign lands carrying an
ancient but unfinished
book, brimming with
secret wisdom and powers. To help complete the
magical book, Brendan
has to overcome his
deepest fears on a dangerous
quest that takes him into the
enchanted forest, where mythical
creatures hide. It is here that he
meets the fairy Aisling, a mysterious young wolf-girl, who helps him
along the way. But with the barbarians closing in, will Brendan's
determination and artistic vision
illuminate the darkness and show
that enlightenment is the best fortification against evil?
Glavne uloge: Jay Baruchel, Mike
Vogel, Krysten Ritter, Geoff Stults,
Lindsay Sloane, Alice Eve, T.J.
Miller, Nate Torrence
U komediji She's Out of My
League, Kirk, prose~ni mladi}, ne
mo`e verovati njegovoj sre}i. Iako
je zaglavljen u, naizgled, poslu
kome nigde kraja, kao agent
bezbednosti na aerodromu, suprotSHE'S OUT OF MY LEAGUE
Starring: Jay Baruchel, Mike Vogel,
Krysten Ritter, Geoff Stults, Lindsay
Sloane, Alice Eve, T.J. Miller, Nate
In the comedy She's Out of My
League, Kirk, an average Joe, can't
believe his luck. Though he's stuck in
a seemingly dead-end job as an air-
no svakom o~ekivanju, Molly uspe{na i fatalno lepa devojka, se
zajubljuje u njega. Kirk ne mo`e da
veruje, kao ni njegovi prijatelji,
porodica, a ~ak ni {est biv{ih
devojaka. Sada on mora prona}i
na~in kako da odr`i vezu, iako i
sam me|u prvima priznaje da
je ona potpuno
iznad njegovog
port security
agent, against all
odds, Molly, a
successful and outrageously gorgeous
babe, falls for him. Kirk is stunned. So
are his friends, his family and even his
ex-girlfriend. Now he has to figure out
how to make the relationship work,
even though he'd be the first to admit
she's totally out of his league.
ja da
ja jeda
. Bilo je jednoga jutra
po~nem tap, namonti
ujutru u
ram m
lepo vre
idem n
da mon
sam ja
me. Ok
kad on
to radio tiram drugi {ta ac i
o - pro pogledam kro o {est sati
p. Dok
ejava s
z prozo
lo{e vre
vodu. P mamca, prog a iza|e iz vo
po~nem e odlu~im da g. Iako je bilo
uta ga
imam {
opremu a pakujem o ak krenem i
ta da v m do {tapa, rati se u
u auto
u rukam
i krene
a dve m : upecana ri ukao i Negde
ba je im
ola puta
autu, p
se vrati da ih pustim e. One me
e goriv
prve ~e ja sa jednom
sme, n
voar i k
ar i zatr rastu. Nakon su da }e
je, doli ko~im do
a`i mi
Ja mu
toga na
zabran koh da je nem zvolu za peca e
divlje s Usput su me rezeri
pa mi o
Spakov ribolov.
poveza i veverice, a irali
jer mi je
am sve
pun op
ku}i. U
u auto
njima s ut, pokupim
Kad sa e i mamaca. to bio
dva jele krenuo
ratim u
m stiga
pivo. O
a, pa s
o na m
u ka
nije bil
ku}i. N ostado{e da fanu na po je
o, park sto gde
auto u
ao sam
am bio
iju, a ja
ku}i `e
da se ra
i po~eo
Ja joj is me upita {ta , a kad stigoh
ribolov pakujem. Os
ci s
povero ri~ah celu pri am ulovio da
reku da u i{li uz reku
~u, a o
vala. A
, a ja n
na mi n as.
RIBOL am ni{ta sla
za pec rona{li dobro
anje. R
A RE^ o.
O.[. "K
ralj Mil ad Marinkov
utin"Gra~an i}
O~iju tv
ojih da
Tvoj po
na je
gled pro
dire u
Satkan senja no},
a od tm
urnih o
Kao o{
blatrica m
Kida n
iti tuge
I dobija ledi,
Srce p
{arenil osebnu notu
Koji se i prolaz mes
I gorke
Tiho {a a oblaka krije u,
da lije, e
O~iju tv
ojih da
O~iju tv
Sunce jih da nije,
bi se u
O~iju tv izgubio glas…
Ne bi s jih da nije,
ada bil
o nas!
ska {k govinola
ait, swa
ame to
out of w back to the w out and there
d, pu
ttle fis
shing ro fish had two li em go and
e to let
e caugh
seen: th They asked m hen they grow
ing. The
g one
its hand to come back n came and
o fishin at around six
ed to g
promise a fishing guard fish. I told him no
I' decid nice. I got up
the win ugh
n to
e to co
y perm
forbid m
oked th ere. Even tho
t th
the mo
't have
wing ou
to go, s r
nd took
at I don .
wly sno ther I decided
e car a
d up tw
it was a cking. I threw
, I picke pped by a
cked ev
nd I
them I
e. Along
of the tr
k off.
off hom together with ept drinking, a t
e middle e canister and
and too
en I go
stags a e a beer. The
Somew f gas, so I took in, and emp, but wh t
g the
bar to
car ran nearest sink,
on. Alon
me. I w ed me what I t
ran to th the tank and squirrels were se w e my wife as whole story bu
up beca
tied it in tags, boars an
d, I didn
ld her th
day. I to elieve t me. An my
ick them baits.
n't b
gear an
ing, but
she did nything. I give WORD.
hitchhik s stuffed with ich was free o
my car
e spot w hoal water and n
got to th
When I rked my car in e other fisherm
cking. T I was going
men, I
y Sch
started g up the river
find a
"- Grac
were go river in order to shing rod, bait
down th t together one t another one
d start
it, a fish
the h
I was
r. While
r eyes.
for you
If it w
r eyes,
for you shinO
If it w
n would
The su
ok sta
Your lo ord's blade,
lose its 't for your
the thre
If it wa
Tearing and unhap,
ow, wo
of sorr
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U razgovoru sa direktorom Osnovne {kole "Razim
Cokli" u Brodu, Avni-jom Limani-jem, saznali smo da su
me{tani bili ti koji su zahtevali da se osigura bolja nastava
u novoj i bli`oj {koli za 150 u~enika. "Izgradnja i obnova
{kole je od velikog zna~aja za sve nas, zato {to su nam
pobolj{ani uslovi za rad, jer smo ranije radili u veoma
lo{im uslovima. [to je najva`nije, deci je mnogo lak{e da
prate nastavu u {koli i da do|u do nje, jer je ona sada
e verujemo
mnogo bli`a. Moram re}i da je higijena na ve}em nivou, a
da i{ta mo`e
grejanje mnogo bolje radi."
da nas
No, ovo nije jedina {kola koja je u poslednje vreme
impresionira kao {to
izgra|ena u op{tini [trpce, tako|e je i selo Sevce dobilo
to mogu deca, ovo
novu {kolu koja }e po~eti sa radom u septembru, a nastavu
govorimo iz razloga
}e poha|ati 230 u~enika. Ranije je ova {kola bila monta`nog
{to nas je u selu
tipa sa odre|enim rokom trajanja. Neki u~enici su trenutno
Brod, op{tina
sme{teni u privremenom objektu koji je u vlasni{tvu
[trpce, o~arala
op{tinske zadruge i ne zadovoljava najosnovnije uslove za
jedna devetoodvijanje nastave. Sa jo{ malo zavr{nih radova, i razme{teni
godi{nja Rina Aliu.
u~enici ponovo }e se vratiti mati~noj {koli "[arski odred",
Kada smo je
koja sada lep{e izgleda, a svakako zadovoljava o~ekivanja
ugledali, stekli smo
|aka, nastavnika i roditelja.
utisak da je jako
Presretan zbog idealnih uslostidljiva, i da }emo
va koje }e imati u novom
morati da joj
objektu, {ef ra~unovodstva
"~upamo re~i iz
ove {kole Bo{ko Milenkovi}
usta". Ali, bilo je
kazao nam je da su radovi
dovoljno samo da
na ovom objektu zapo~eti
joj postavimo jedno
2007. godine, i sada su pri
pitanje - {ta misli o
kraju. "Trenutno deca nemaGospodin Tasa Radi}
novoj {koli, i Rina je
ju nikakvih uslova za rad,
po~ela da govori bez
sve {to imaju jesu tabla,
imalo stezanja i zbunjenosti.
klupe i stolice. Neke od njih
Iskreno, nismo o~ekivali takav govor od jednog deteta:
smo smestili u Ja`incu,
"Ovu {kolu su po~eli da prave pre dve godine, i nisu je
Vrbe{tici i u jednom privrezavr{ili na vreme. Me|utim, posle su do{li drugi radnici koji
menom objektu. Jedva
su radili mnogo br`e, i uspeli su da u najkra}em roku zavr{e
~ekamo da se smestimo u
preostale radove. Nekada smo morali da pe{a~imo po nekonovu {kolu, kako bismo
liko kilometara, a sada nam ne treba mnogo vremena da
mogli normalno da radimo."
stignemo od ku}e do {kole, i obratno. Zaista nam je bilo
I, op{tinski radnici su se
te{ko da hodamo po vodi i blatnjavom putu, a sada tih probobradovali novim {kolskim
lema nemamo, jer imamo bolje uslove." Na{a poseta ovoj
objektima, jer kako su nam
{koli je za |ake bila ne{to posebno, {to smo mogli osetiti po
rekli samo obrazovanjem
njihovom izrazu lica. ^ak su neki od njih stajali kod vrata ne
mo`emo imati prosperitetniju
bi li se slikali ili rukovali sa nama, a mi smo ih radosno
budu}nost, u {ta se i mi u
gledali kako tr~karaju okolo.
potpunosti sla`emo. A direktor Odeljenja za kulturu, sport i
mlade pri op{tini Tasa
Radi} li~no nas je vodio u
obilazak novih {kola, i pri
tom nam je naglasio da su
obe ura|ene na moderan
na~in i po evropskim standardima. "Sigurno je to da
izgradnja i obnova ovih
objekata predstavlja
napredak i idealne uslove.
Smatram da ulaganjem u
{kolstvo obezbe|ujemo
normalan `ivot i bolju
edukaciju dece."
Svi mi ponekad imamo
neke pote{ko}e u svakodnevnom `ivotu i radu. Ali,
nijedan problem nije
nere{iv, a pogotovu ako
imamo nekog da nas
podr`i, kao {to je u ovom
slu~aju, svojom dobrom
voljom i donacijom za
izgradnju ovih {kola, uradila Evropska agencija za
Rekonstrukciju i Razvoj.
Osnovna {kola “[arski odred” u Sevce
only school that was recently
built in the municipality of
Strpce; the village of Sevce
has also been granted a new
school which will open in
September, and be attended by
230 pupils. Previously, this was
a preassembled school with a
limited lifetime. Some students
are currently housed in temporary facilities which are owned
by the municipal cooperative
and do not meet the basic
requirements in which to conduct classes. With only a little
finishing work remaining, relocated students will return to
their original school, "Sarski
Odred", which is now more
beautiful and certainly meets
the expectations of students,
teachers and parents.
Overjoyed by the ideal conditions provided by the new
Mr. Avni Limani
building, chief accountant of
the school, Bosko Milenkovic,
told us that the work on this building started in 2007 and is now
nearing an end. "At the moment, children have bad working
conditions. All they have at the moment are boards, desks and
chairs. Some of them have settled in Jazince, Vrbestica, in temporary facilities. We cannot wait to be settled into the new
school and to start working in normal conditions."
Municipal workers are also glad for the new school buildings, because, as they told us, it is only through education that
we can have a prosperous future. A director of the Department
for Culture, Sport and Youth at the municipality, Tasa Radic,
personally led us on a tour of the new schools and pointed out
that they are both modern and built according to European standards. "It is certain that the construction and reconstruction of
these facilities represents progress and provides ideal new conditions. I believe that by investing in education we can provide a
more normalised life for children."
No problem is without solution, especially if we have someone to support us. With its good will and donations towards the
construction of schools, the European Agency for
Reconstruction and Development have provided a solution.
do not believe that anything can impress us the way children can; we say this because of the way we were
charmed by nine-year old Rina Aliu a surprisingly talkative
girl. She lives in the village of Brod, in the municipality of
Strpce, and gave us an impressive comprehension of her new
school building. When we saw her, our first impressions were
that she was very shy, and that we would have to ask a lot of
questions to get her to talk to us. It was enough to ask just
one question - on what she thinks about the new school, and
Rina began to speak without any shyness or confusion.
Honestly, we did not expect such a monologue from a child:
"They started to build this school two years ago, and they did
not complete it on
time. After that, however, new workers
came who worked
faster and managed to
complete the construction work in very little
time. Before, we had
to walk for several
miles, and now we do
not need as much time
to get from home to
school and vice versa.
For us it was hard to
walk on wet and
muddy roads, and now
we do not have these
problems because we
have better conditions." Our visit to this
school was special for
the students; we could
see that by just looking at their faces.
Some of them even stood at the door in order to be photographed with us or to just shake hands with us, and we
watched them as they ran
around happily.
In an interview with Avni
Limani, the director of "Razim
Cokli" primary school in the village of Brod, we learned that
the villagers were the ones
who requested the better education for their 150 students,
through a closer and newer
school. "Construction and
reconstruction of schools is of
great importance for all of us.
We now have improved working conditions, because we
previously worked in very poor
conditions. Most importantly, it
is easier now for children to
come to school and to follow
their classes, because school
is much closer now. I must say
that the hygiene level is also
much higher and the heating
works much better."
However, this is not the
Elementary school “Razim Cokli” in the village of Brod
Gledano kroz istoriju {irom sveta, jedna od
glavnih preokupacija bila je i ostala zabava a
najuobi~ajeni oblik je bio igranje igara. Tako su
se mnoge aktivnosti ili igre vremenom razvile da
bi danas bile poznate kao sportovi. Neki od njih
kao {to su fudbal, ko{arka, rukomet, atletika itd.
su stekli popularnost i pro{irili se po celom
svetu. Me|utim, nisu svi sportovi podjednako
rasprostranjeni {irom sveta iako su u svojim
zemljama porekla veoma va`ni. U ovom izdanju
pomenu}emo neke od ovih sportova koji su
veoma jedinstveni.
igra "fute ball" za vreme XII veka. Engleske {kole bi sigurno razvile svoje sopstvene varijante ove igre odmah
nakon {to su osnovane-Eton Wall igra na primer.
Pronalazak ragbija zbog toga nije ~in igranja ranijih oblika
ragbija u Ragbi [koli ili negde drugde ve} su sama
de{avanja vodila do njegove kodifikacije. Me|utim, treba
naglasiti da su 1870. momci iz Ragbi [kole doneli prva
pisana pravila njihove verzije sporta i veoma brzo ova
pravila su prihva}ena {irom zemlje. Cilj igre je da timovi
te`e da prenesu loptu do kraja terena na strani koja pripada njihovom protivniku a zasnovana je na odre|enim pravilima kako timovi mogu to u~initi. Danas postoje dva glavna
ragbi koda: liga i unija. Najbitnije karakteristike koje su
zajedni~ke za oba ragbi koda obuhvataju ovalnu loptu i
zabranu dodavanja lopte napred, tako da igra~i mogu
osvojiti teren samo tr~anjem sa loptom ili {utiranjem lopte.
Glavne razlike izme|u dve igre, osim {to liga ima 13
igra~a a unija 15, se odnose na obaranje na zemlju i njegove posledice: igra~i Unije nastavljaju sa igrom nakon
obaranja: u zavisnosti od situacije, mo`e do}i do sudara ili
te{ke povrede. Igra~i lige ne mogu nastaviti igru nakon
obaranja na zemlju: igra se nastavlja izvo|enjem udarca. U
ligi, ako ekipa koja napada ne uspe da poentira nakon {est
napada, onda predaje posed
lopte. Unija nema pravilo
nastavak na strani 38
{est napada; ekipa mo`e
Ragbi fudbal
ako je prili~no rasprostranjen u zapadnoj Evropi, ovaj
sport i dalje ostaje nepoznat {iroj javnosti u preostalim
delovima Evrope i ve}eg dela sveta. Istorijski gledano
ne mo`e se tvrditi da je ovaj sport izmi{ljen kao igra na
polju koja je nalik ragbi fudbalu a koju su igrali stari Grci i
zvali je episkyros. U Velsu takav sport se zove knapan ili
"kriapan" i poti~e iz srednjeg veka. Stari irski prethodnik
ragbija mo`e biti kejd. Korni{i su ga zvali "bacanje ka
golovima" koje datira jo{ iz bronzanog doba. Isto~ni Englezi
"Campball", Francuzi "La Soule" ili "Chole" (te{ka i zabavna
igra na otvorenom). U engleskim selima se sigurno igrala
Historically all over the world one of the major human preoccupations has been and remains entertainment and the
most usual form was playing games. Thus many activities
or games have been developed through time only to be
known today as sports. Some of them as football, basket-
ball, handball, athletics etc. have gained popularity and are
spread all over the world. But, not all sports are equally
spread internationally although in their countries of origin
they are very important. In this issue we will mention some
of these sports that are very unique.
its codification. However it should be emphasised that it was in 1870
that the boys from Rugby School produced the first written rules for
their version of the sport and soon after these rules were adopted
across the country. The aim of the game is that the teams aim to
carry the ball towards of the end of the field of their opponent side
and based on certain rules how the teams can do that today there are
two main rugby codes: league and union. The most distinctive features common to both rugby codes include the oval ball and the ban
on passing the ball forward, so that players can gain ground only by
running with the ball or by kicking it. The main differences between
the two games, besides league having teams of 13 players and union
of 15, involve the tackle and its aftermath: Union players contest possession following the tackle: depending on the situation, either a ruck
or a maul can occur. League players may not contest possession
after making a tackle: play is
continued on page 39
continued with a play-the-ball.
Rugby football
lthough quite spread in Western Europe still this sport remains
unknown to the wide audience in the rest of Europe and for
the most parts of the world. Historically it can not be claimed
that this sport was invented as a field-game resembling rugby football
was a game played by ancient Greeks called episkyros. In Wales
such a sport is called cnapan or "criapan", and has medieval roots.
The old Irish predecessor of rugby may be caid. The Cornish called it
"hurling to goals" which dates back to the bronze age. East Anglians
"Campball", the French "La Soule" or "Chole" (a rough-and-tumble
cross-country game). English villages were certainly playing games of
'fute ball' during the 1100s. English boarding schools would certainly
have developed their own variants of this game as soon as they were
established-the Eton Wall Game being one example. The "invention"
of rugby was therefore not the act of playing early forms of the game
at Rugby School or elsewhere but rather the events which led up to
dr`ati loptu i neograni~eno napadati pre poentiranja
sve dok uspeva da loptu odr`i u posedu i ne na~ini
neki prekr{aj. Postavljeni delovi unije podrazumevaju
"scrum"(gu`va za loptu), kada se protivnici guraju za
posed, i postrojenje, kada paralelne linije obe ekipe,
postavljane vertikalno od ta~ linije (linije sa strane)
poku{avaju da uhvate loptu izba~enu nakon ta~a
(mesto iza ta~ linije). Kod lige, tako|e postoji "scrum",
ali ima mnogo manju va`nost po{to se retko izvodi i
obuhvata mnogo manje igra~a ~ine}i "scrum" akademskim. Pozicionirani delovi obi~no po~inju od situacije
postavljanja lopte. Mnoge od pozicija ragbi lige imaju
sli~na imena i zadatke kao kod pozicija ragbi unije s'tim
{to u ragbi ligi ne postoje krilni napada~i.
Keltski fudbal
eltski fudbal (Irski: Peil, Peil Ghaelach ili Caid), obi~no
nazivan "Football", "Gaelic" ili "Gah", je Vrsta fudbala
koji se igra uglavnom u Irskoj. Zajedno sa Hurlingom
spada u dva najgledanija sporta u Irskoj. Fudbal se igra u timovima po 15 na pravouganom travnatom terenu sa golovima
u obliku slova H na oba kraja. Sli~no ragbiju, glavni cilj je
poentirati {utiranjem ili bacanjem lopte kroz cilj. Pobe|uje tim
koji ima vi{e poena na kraju utakmice. Igra~i prenose loptu
napred na terenu kombinacijom no{enja, solovanja (bacanjem a zatim {utiranjem lopte navi{e
i hvatanjem u ruke), {utiranja i dodavanja rukama svojim saigra~ima. Ja~ina obaranja na
zemlju je ve}a u odnosu na fudbal (nogomet) ali
manja nego u ragbiju. Statistika pokazuje da
igra privla~i zna~ajno vi{e gledalaca nego bilo
koji drugi sport u Irskoj; 2005 ESRI podatci
pokazuju da privla~i 34% ukupne publike na
sportskim de{avanjima u Irskoj, gde im je
najve}i rival hurling koji privla~i 23%. Veruje se
da igra poti~e od starog irskog fudbala poznatog
kao kejd koji datira jo{ iz srednjeg veka, iako
savremena pravila nisu doneta sve do 1886.
urling je timski sport na otvorenom koji ima stare
keltske korene, za koji je nadle`na Keltska Atletska
Asocijacija, i koji se igra {tapovima koji se zovu
hurlis i loptom koja se zove sliotar. Igra, igra se uglavnom
u Irskoj, ima praistorijske korene i smatrana je najbr`im
terenskim timskim sportom na svetu kada je u pitanju
sama utakmica. Jedna od irskih nacionalnih keltskih igara,
deli mnoga obele`ja sa keltskim fudbalom, kao {to su teren
i golovi, broj igra~a i mnogi termini. Postoji sli~na igra za
`ene koja se zove kamod`i (camogaiocht). Cilj igre je da
igra~i koriste}i drvene {tapove hurlije ubace malu loptu
sliotar kroz stative gola protivnika, ili preko pre~ke za
jedan poen, ili ispod pre~ke u mre`u koju brani golman za
jedan gol, koji vredi tri poena. Sliotar se mo`e uhvatiti
rukom i nositi ali ne du`e od ~etiri koraka, udariti u vazduhu ili na zemlji. Mo`e biti {utnut ili udaren otvorenom
{akom (dodavanje rukom) kod kratkih dodavanja. Igra~ koji
ho}e da nosi loptu du`e od tri koraka mora da udara ili balansira sliotar na kraju {tapa i lopticom mo`e baratati samo
dva puta dok je u njegovom posedu. Rame uz rame je
dozvoljeno iako kontakt telom ili guranje ramenima nije
dozvoljeno. Igra~i ne nose ode}u sa za{titnom postavom.
Plasti~ni za{titni {lem je obavezan za igra~e.
In league, if the team in possession fails to score before a set of six
tackles, it surrenders possession. Union has no six-tackle rule; a team
can keep the ball for an unlimited number of tackles before scoring as
long as it maintains possession and does not commit an offence. Set
pieces of the union code include the scrum, where packs of opposing
players push against each other for possession, and the lineout,
where parallel lines of players from each team, arranged perpendicular to the touch-line (the side line) attempt to catch the ball thrown
from touch (the area behind the touch-line). In the league code, the
scrum still exists, but with greatly reduced importance as it is rarely
contested and involves far less players making the scrum academic.
Set pieces are generally started from the play-the-ball situation. Many
of the rugby league positions have similar names and requirements to
rugby union positions but there are no flankers in rugby league.
Gaelic football
aelic football (Irish: Peil, Peil Ghaelach, or Caid), commonly referred to as "Football", "Gaelic", or "Gah" is a
form of football played mainly in Ireland. It is, together
with hurling, one of the two most popular spectator sports in
Ireland. Football is played by teams of 15 on a rectangular grass
pitch with H-shaped goals at each end. Similar to rugby the primary object is to score by kicking or striking the ball with the
hand and getting it
through the goals. The
team with the highest
score at the end of the
match wins. Players
advance the ball up
the field with a combination of carrying,
soloing (dropping and
then toe-kicking the
ball upward into the
hands), kicking, and
hand-passing to their
team-mates. The level
of tackling allowed is
more robust than in
association football
(soccer), but less than
rugby. Statistics show
the game drawing significantly more spectators than any other
sport in Ireland; 2005
ESRI figures indicate
that it draws 34% of
total attendances at sports events in Ireland, with the closest
rival, hurling drawing 23%.
The game is believed to have descended from ancient Irish
football known as caid which dates back to medieval times,
although the modern rules were not set down until 1886.
urling is an outdoor team sport of ancient Gaelic origin, administered
by the Gaelic Athletic Association, and played with sticks called hurleys and a ball called a sliotar. The game, played primarily in Ireland,
has prehistoric origins and is thought to be the world's fastest field team
sport in terms of game play. One of Ireland's native Gaelic games, it shares
a number of features with Gaelic football, such as the field and goals, number of players, and much terminology. There is a similar game for women
called camogie (camógaíocht). The object of the game is for players to use
a wooden stick called a hurley to hit a small ball called a sliotar between the
opponents' goalposts either over the crossbar for one point, or under the
crossbar into a net guarded by a goalkeeper for one goal, which is equivalent to three points. The sliotar can be caught in the hand and carried for
not more than four steps, struck in the air, or struck on the ground with the
hurl. It can be kicked or slapped with an open hand (the hand pass) for
short-range passing. A player who wants to carry the ball for more than
three steps has to bounce or balance the sliotar on the end of the stick and
the ball can only be handled twice while in his possession. Side to side
shouldering is allowed although body-checking or shoulder-charging is illegal. No protective padding is worn by players. A plastic protective helmet
with faceguard is mandatory for players.
LMT Ekipa u Orahovcu
"Svi vojnici pre po~etka
slu`be u okviru LMT-ija, prethodno moraju da pro|u kroz posebnu
obuku, gde u~e o specifi~nosti
na~ina rada koji }e se na}i pred
njima. U isto vreme, mo`e se re}i
da smo mi, KFOR LMT, vojna
jedinica koja ne mo`e da radi ili
funkcioni{e sa direktnim
nare|enjima na{ih pretpostavljenih, ve} vi{e radimo sa uputstvima. Jer je na{ posao, odnosno na{a misija da saslu{amo {ta
gra|ani imaju da ka`u." Ovo nam
je rekao komandant LMT
terenske ku}e u Orahovcu, major
Kurt Findels, i to onda kada smo
ga pitali o radu i zadacima
jedinice koju on vodi. Zaista je
~injenica da, njegov tim od osam
vojnika, tokom cele njihove misije
na Kosovu, ne provede ni dan u
jednom od KFOR-ovih vojnih
kampova. Oni svoje vreme
provode u ku}i koja se nalazi u
okolini Orahovca, nekoliko minuta
udaljenoj od centra grada. To
najbolje pokazuje prirodu rada
LMT-ija, a kada tome dodate i
~injenicu da su vrata ove ku}e
otvorena 24 sata dnevno i 7 dana
u nedelji, i to za sve gra|ane
ovog podru~ja, bez obzira ko su
oni, ni za{to su tu do{li. S toga,
mislimo da je LMT moto "Spremni
da Vas saslu{amo", i vi{e nego
prikladan. Drugi, veoma va`an
momenat u radu LMT-ija, kako
navodi major Findels, je da u
svim slu~ajevima poku{avaju da
podstaknu ljude da iznesu svoje
primedbe odgovaraju}oj instituciji ili kancelariji. Oni
~ak mogu da
u pro-
nala`enju potrebnih
kontakata, a u posebnim slu~ajevima i pomo}i
u organizovanju sastanka sa zvani~nicima ili
ovla{}enim licima. Na
pitanje koje su glavne
brige stanovnika u njihovoj zoni odgovornosti, major Findels sa
obja{njava da me|uetni~kim odnosi nisu
vi{e glavna briga, ve}
problemi sa snabdevanjem strujom i
Tokom našeg boravka u terenskoj ku}i,
imali smo priliku da se
sastanemo sa gospodinom Hilmi-jom Shalajom, jednim od stalnih prevodilaca ove jedinice. On nam je
rekao, da je ova ku}a veoma
va`na referentna ta~ka za sve
stanovnike Orahovca. Prema njegovim re~ima, ovo je upravo
razlog zbog kojeg on voli svoj
posao, ~ak i ako to nije nimalo
lak posao. Kako je on rekao, iako
radno vreme traje 8 sati dnevno,
zbog ~injenice da je ku}a otvorena za svakoga u svakom
trenutku, on kao prevodilac mora
da bude na raspolaganju 24 sata
dnevno. "Stanovnici ove oblasti
zakucaju na vrata naše
terenske ku}e iz
razi~itih razloga, po~ev{i od
potrebe da tra`e pomo} za sebe,
pa do toga da tra`e razgovor i
pomo} za celu grupu ljudi, a
koliko ja znam, ni jedan slu~aj
do sada nije odbijen".
S druge strane, komandant
slu`be za protivpo`arnu za{titu i
spasavanje u Orahovcu Neki
Kollari, imao je samo re~i
po{tovanja i zahvalnosti o poslu
koji obavlja LMT. Kako on ka`e,
razlog tome je rezultat brojnih
slu~ajeva u kojima su ove
jedinice intervenisale, odnosno su
slu`ile kao most u pru`anju
pomo}i i razvoju saradnje,
izme|u slu`be za protivpo`arnu
za{titu i spasavanje. Me|utim,
prema njegovim re~ima, najve}e
ostvarenje LMT-ija koje su postigli
kroz rad i posve}enosti poslu,
jeste to što su uspeli da izgrade
jako prijateljstvo izme|u KFOR-a
i stanovnika Kosova.
O zna~aju LMT-ija razgovarali
smo i sa slu`benikom Odeljenja
za obrazovanje i kulturu u Op{tini
Pe}, Naser-om Kastrati-jem. Iako
su kilometrima daleko od na{ih
prethodnih sagovornika, gospodin
Kastrati je tako|e imao samo re~i
hvale za posao koji LMT obavlja
u ovom regionu. "Sigurno je, da
je metod rada LMT-ija pun pogodak, jer se ponekad neke stvari
ne mogu isplanirati bez diskusije
i potpune analize. To je ~ak imalo
uticaja i na nas u odeljenju za
obrazovanje, i mi smo po~eli da
primenjujemo ovaj metod rada u
komunikaciji sa u~enicima.
Samo na taj na~in saznajemo za njihove
potrebe i brige, i
samo na taj na~in
mo`emo da im
LMT Teams in Orahovac
"Prior to beginning their
LMT service in Kosovo, every
soldier must complete a special course which will acquaint
them with the nature of the
work which awaits them. At
the same time, one could say
that LMTs are military units
that cannot work nor function
according to strict orders from
their superiors but are rather
based on guidelines. This is
because the duty, the mission,
of LMTs is to listen to what
people have to tell them." This
is how major Kurt Findels,
LMT commander of the Field
House in Rahovec, explained
the work and duties of his unit.
Indeed, the fact that during
their service in Kosovo this
team of eight soldiers does
not spend a single day in any
of KFOR's military bases but are instead stationed in a
house only a few minutes away from the centre of town is
the best indicator of the unique nature of their work. When
we also consider the fact that this house has a 24 hours a
day, seven days a week walk in service for all civilians,
regardless who they are or what they come for, the motto
"We listen to You" rings very true. Another important aspect
of their work, according to major Findels, is that the LMT
soldiers always encourage people to direct their needs to
the proper institution or office. Whenever needed, LMT soldiers help civilians in finding the proper contacts, and sometimes even assist in setting up meetings with them. When
asked about the most common problems faced by people
from their AOR, major Findels quite happily says that nowadays, interethnic problems are no longer the major concern
and have been surpassed by everyday problems such as
lack of electricity and water and such.
During our visit to this field house we also had the
chance to talk with Mr. Hilmi Shala, one of the permanently
hired translators of this unit, who explained that the house
has become an important link to all the inhabitants of
Rahovec. This is, according to him, what makes his job so
enjoyable, even though it is not always easy. He reminded
us that although he has regular working hours, he has to be
on call 24 hours a day as a translator due to the fact that
the house is open to all at
any time. "The inhabitants
of the area come to this
house for different reasons, asking for assistance in solving individual
and collective problems.
So far, I do not know a
single case of someone
being turned away."
Mr. Neki Kollari,
commander of the
Rahovec Fire Brigade,
had only words of
appraisal and gratitude for
the LMTs and their work.
As he told us, there are
countless occasions in
which the LMTs have
intermediated and served
as a bridge in offering
help and developing
cooperation between
KFOR and his fire
brigade. According to him,
the LMT's biggest achievement is that through
their work and dedication, they have managed
to develop strong bonds of friendship between
the local population and KFOR.
On the importance of the work of LMTs, we
also spoke to Mr. Naser Kastrati, Education
Official at the directorate of Education and
Culture in the Municipality of Peja. Although
kilometres away from our abovementioned
location, Mr. Kastrati also only had words of
appraisal for the LMT teams that are active in
this area. "Of course their way of working is
very good because you can never plan something properly without first discussing and
analyzing it in detail. I might also add that this
way of working has made an impact on us as
a directorate and we have started to apply it
in our own communication with the students.
We have come to realise that it is only by listening to their needs and problems that we
will be able to truly help them."
Marija Cerovina (14)
Nije mi se desilo da nekad
pla~em zbog neke lo{ije
ocene. Ina~e sam odli~na
u~enica, tako da
nikad nisam
dobila slabu
ocenu. Ja zaista
vredno radim,
u~im i uvek
pa`ljivo pratim
profesore na
~asovima. A, to
mi svakako
poma`e da lak{e
savladam znanje ili neku
oblast koju trebam da
nau~im. Koliko u~im - toliko
znam, a nekada se naravno
desi da dobijem neku
~etvorku, ali ja uop{te ne
patim zbog toga.
Marija Cerovina (14)
It didn't happen to me to
cry because of some bad
grade. Otherwise I'm an
excellent student, so I never
got a low grade.
I work very
hard, I study and
I always listen
carefully to the
teachers while in
class. And that,
of course, helps
me to easier
overcome knowledge or
some subject that I need
to learn. I know as much
as I learn, and sometimes
it happens to me to get 2,
but I don't worry about it
at all.
Lazar Stanojevi} (14)
Da, ja jesam plakao vi{e puta, i to zbog tih
lo{ih ocena. Dobijao sam lo{e ocene iz vi{e
predmeta, i to iz fizike, srpskog i matematike.
Mislim da mi ni sada to nisu najomiljeniji predmeti, i to ba{ zbog tog lo{eg iskustva.
Redovno u~im, i uvek sam spreman na ~asovima za odgovaranje.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
Slavko Mili} (14)
Ne se}am se da sam
nekada zaplakao zbog
neke lo{e ocene, ali
svakako mi je bilo `ao
zbog toga. Od svih predmeta koje
imamo, najvi{e
volim srpski jezik,
iz kojeg mi se
~esto de{ava da
dobijem dvojku.
Uvek se spremim
za odgovaranje iz
srpskog jezika, i
potrudim se da to
nekako dobro
nau~im, i na kraju dobijem
lo{u ocenu samo zbog
nekoliko gre{aka.
Slavko Milic (14)
I don't remember that I
ever cried because of
some bad grade, but certainly I felt sorry because
of it. I love Serbian language the most
of all subjects,
but quite often it
happens to me
to get 2. I
always get
ready for
Serbian language exam and
try to somehow
learn it well, but
at the end I get bad
grade just because of a
few mistakes.
Lazar Stanojevic (14)
Yes, I have cried several times because of
bad grades. I was getting bad grades in
more subjects: physics, Serbian and math. I
think that even now, those are not my favorite
subjects, just because of that bad experience.
I frequently study and I'm always ready for
the exams.
Miljan Mili} (14)
Ja sam jednom, i to u
skorije vreme, plakao
zbog slabe ocene koju
sam dobio iz geografije. Spremao sam se
za to odgovaranje,
me|utim, profesor mi je
postavio jedno
pitanje na koje
ja nisam dao
ta~an odgovor
i dobio sam
Zapravo, nisam znao
da ka`em gde se
ta~no nalazi severni
ledeni okean.
Miljan Milic (14)
I did once; it was
recently, I have cried
because of a bad
grade that I received
in geography. I was
preparing for
that exam,
but, the professor asked
me some
question that
I didn't
answered correctly and I
got 1.
Actually, I
didn't know how to
explain where exactly
the Arctic Ocean is.
Nemanja Trajkovi} (14)
Redovno radim doma}e zadatke, i uvek slu{am
profesore dok dr`e predavanje iz neke oblasti.
Kada dobijem neku slabu ocenu, jednostavno ne
`elim da lijem suze zbog toga, jer mislim da ne
bismo trebali da pla~emo, pa ~ak ni kada dobijemo jedinicu.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
Jelenko Jovanovi} (14)
Nikada nisam plakao
zbog neke slabe
ocene. Naravno, da
sam dobijao lo{ih
ocena, ali smatram da
to ipak nije
razlog za
Trudim se da
uvek nau~im
lekcije, a ako
se desi da ne
ocenu za koju
mislim da
znam, pa nije
"smak sveta", ne}u
zbog toga da pla~em.
Jelenko Jovanovic (14)
I have never cried
because of some bad
grade. Of course I
scored some bad
grades, but I think
that it is not a
r e a s o n t o c r y.
I always try to
learn the lessons, and if it
happens to
me not to
score the
grade I
deserved, it is
not "the end
of the world", I won't
cry because of it.
Nemanja Trajkovic (14)
I constantly do the homework, and I
always pay attention to the teachers while
they teach some subject. When I get some
bad grade, I simply don't want to cry a
river because of it; I think we should not
cry, not even when we get 1.
1. Unfurnished
2. Common verb
8. Joke
12. Burden
13. Seeing organ
14. Soprano’s song
15. Playbill listing
16. Musket ending
17. Mini’s opposite
18. Be present
20. Before, poetically
22. Place
23. Maxima maker
27. Insinuate
30. Hideout
31. Alias initials
32. Politican Bob
33. Cocktail spot
34. Miss a step
35. Water (Fr.)
36. Unruly gang
37. Secluded valleys
38. Long-haired cat
40. ___ date
41. Donkey
42. Fixes faulty text
46. ___ Domino
49. Nervous twitch
51. Fruit rind
52. “Peekaboo, ___
you!” (2 wds.)
53. A Gbor sister
54. Jane Austen
55. Slant
56. Foul caller
57. Chamber
1. ___ Raton
2. Med. School
3. Corrosion
4. Actress Getty
5. Needing hoeing
6. Popeye’s “yes”
7. More peaceful
8. Director
9. Historic age
10. VI
11. Skater
19. Opposing vote
21. ___ Tin Tin
24. Mall event
25. Essentially similar
26. Short sleeps
27. Mental image
28. ___ and groan
29. Cork
30. Speck
33. Blowhard
34. One snoozing
36. “___ Robinson”
37. Bubble-blowing
39. Desert spots
40. Like Sanka
43. “Finding ___”
(2003 film)
44. Test-driver’s car
45. Bang
46. Lightweight life
47. “Try ___ might
...” (2 wds.)
48. Oolong, e. g.
50. “___ got it!”
Moja priroda je pot~injena
onome u ~emu radi, kao
ruka bojad`ije.
William Shakespeare
(1564-1616), britanski
pesnik, pisac pozori{nih
komada, glumac
My nature is subdued to what
it works in, like the
dyer's hand.
William Shakespeare
(1564-1616), British
Poet, Playwright,
Priroda se naporno trudi da
nas natera da uspemo,
ali priroda ne zavisi od
nas. Nismo mi jedini
R. Buckminster Fuller
(1895-1983), ameri~ki
pronalaza~, dizajner, pesnik,
Nature is trying very hard to
make us succeed, but
nature does not depend
on us. We are not the
only experiment.
R. Buckminster Fuller
(1895-1983), American
Inventor, Designer, Poet,
Ima u ljudima dosta
Mark Twain (1835-1910),
ameri~ki humorista,
There is a great deal of
human nature in people.
Mark Twain (18351910), American
Humorist, Writer
U ljudskoj prirodi je da
razmi{lja mudro i postupa budalasto.
Anatole France
(1844-1924), francuski
It is human nature to
think wisely and act
Anatole France
(1844-1924), French
Ono {to zovemo akutno
znanje o ljudskoj prirodi
je u ve}ini slu~ajeva,
ni{ta drugo, ve} se slabosti posmatra~a reflektuju od drugih.
Georg C. Lichtenberg (17421799), nema~ki fizi~ar,
What is called an acute
knowledge of human
nature is mostly nothing
but the observer's own
weaknesses reflected
back from others.
Georg C. Lichtenberg (17421799), German Physicist,
Siguran sam da kada
pra{ina vekova pre|e
preko na{ih gradova, i
mi }emo biti upam}eni,
ne zbog na{ih pobeda
ili poraza u boju ili
politici, ve} zbog
na{eg doprinosa ljudskom duhu.
John F. Kennedy (19171963), tridesetpeti
predsednik SAD
I am certain that after the
dust of centuries has passed
over our cities, we,
too, will be remembered not for victories
or defeats in battle or
in politics, but for our
contribution to the
human spirit.
John F. Kennedy (19171963), Thirty-fifth President
of the USA
Skoro je nemogu}e sme{iti
se spolja, a da se ne
ose}ate bolje iznutra.
Kingsley Amis
(1922-1995), britanski
It is almost impossible
to smile on the outside
without feeling better
on the inside.
Kingsley Amis (19221995), British Novelist
Ne postoji ništa drugo osim
ljudske prirode što mo`e potpuno da se promeni, ako
se sa tim poslom krene
dovoljno rano.
George Bernard Shaw
(1856-1950), britanski
dramaturg irskog
There is nothing that can be
changed more completely
than human nature
when the job is taken
in hand early enough.
George Bernard
Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish-born British
Znam da gore na vrhu vi
vidite divan prizor, ali
dole na dnu i mi trebamo da imamo neka
Dr. Seuss (1904-1991),
ameri~ki pisac i
I know up on the top you are
seeing great sights,
but down at the bottom we, too, should
have rights.
Dr. Seuss (19041991), American
Writer and Cartoonist,
Ljudski duh je va{a, specifi~no ljudska dimenzija i
sadr`i sposobnosti
koje druga bi}a nemaju. Svaki ~ovek je
duhovan; ustvari, duh
je su{tina biti ~ovek.
Imate telo koje mo`e
da se razboli; imate
psihu koja mo`e da se
poremeti. Ali duh je ono
{to ste Vi. To je va{e zdravo jezgro.
Joseph Fabry
(1909 - 1999), ameri~ki
profesor, predava~,
autor, austijskog
The human spirit is your
specifically human dimension and contains
abilities other creatures do not have.
Every human is spiritual; in fact, spirit is
the essence of being
human. You have a
body that may become ill;
you have a psyche that may
become disturbed. But the
spirit is what you are. It is
your healthy core.
Joseph Fabry (1909 1999), Austrian Born
American Professor,
Lecturer, Author
Meni je more kao osoba kao dete koje dugo poznajem. Zvu~i ludo, znam,
ali kada plivam u moru
ja sa njim pri~am, i
nikad se ne ose}am
usamljeno kada sam u
Gertrude Caroline Ederle
(1905 - 2003), ameri~ki
takmi~ar u
To me, the sea is like a
person - like a child that
I've known a long
time. It sounds
crazy, I know, but
when I swim in the
sea I talk to it. I
never feel alone
when I'm out there.
Gertrude Caroline Ederle
(1905 - 2003), American
competitive swimmer
Priroda ne zna da se
{ali. Ona je uvek istinita, uvek ozbiljna,
uvek u pravu, a
gre{ke uvek pravi
Johann Wolfgang
Von Goethe (17491832), nema~ki pesnik,
Nature understands no jesting. She is always true,
always serious,
always severe. She is
always right, and the
errors are always
those of man.
Johann Wolfgang
Von Goethe (1749-1832),
German Poet, Dramatist,
Ja mislim da je magaz i n " F o r Yo u " n e s a m o
zabavan, ve} i pou~an.
Meni se ovaj magazin
dopada, jer govori o
ljudima sa Kosova i o
`ivotima javnih
li~nosti. Mislim da je
zanimljiv deci, ali
m o g u Va m r e } i d a g a
~ i t a j u i o d r a s l i . Vo l e l a
bih da u slede}em
broju objavite poster
Jovana Stefanovi}a i
To { e t a P r o e s k o g . M o j i
omiljeni glumci su
J e a n C l a u d e Va n
Damme i Sylvester
Stallone, a od glumica
najvi{e volim Angelinau Jolie. Moj omiljeni
sport je tenis, a u slobodno vreme slu{am
m u z i k u . Ve l i k i p o z d r a v !
Joli} Aleksandra
O. [. "[arski Odred"Ja`ince
Ja se zovem Nikolija i
`elim da Vam ka`em da
mi se magazin "For You"
mnogo dopada. Vrlo je
zanimljiv i ma{tovit.
Volela bih da u
slede}em broju objavite
poster muzi~ke grupe
"High School Musical",
jer su oni moja omiljena
grupa. Tako|e mi se
svideo poster Harry
Potter-a: volim da
gledam filmove o njemu.
A, i ina~e - sve u magazinu mi se dopada!
Imate moj veliki pozdrav
i veliku pohvalu od
mene!!! I zato Vas molim
- kada biste hteli da mi
ispunite `elju da
objavite poster Hana-e
Montana-e, jer je mnogo
volim? I, nemojte zaboraviti da ste najbolji
Nikolija Vrani}
O. [. "[arski
Odred"- Ja`ince
Magazin je super!
^ita}emo ga i dalje samo tako nastavite!
Ina~e, moja omiljena
peva~ica je Aleksandra
Radovi}, a omiljena
pesma mi je "^arobno
jutro" od Nine Badri}.
Od glumica najvi{e
volim Slobodu Mi}alovi},
a od glumaca Eshton-a
Kutcher-a. Slobodno
vreme provodim ~itaju}i,
a od sportova najvi{e
volim ko{arku.
Ili} Ivana
E.T.[. "Jovan Cviji}" [trpce
Pozdrav svima!
Moja omiljena peva~ica
je Nina Badri} i mnogo
volim njenu pesmu
"^arobno jutro". Od
najvi{e volim Ivana
Bosilj~i}a, a od stranih
Brad Pitt-a. Omiljeni
sport mi je ko{arka, a
kako mnogo volim da se
dru`im sa knjigom, u
slobodno vreme puno
~itam. Svi|a mi se Va{
magazin i samo nastavite tako! Sve pohvale!
Stojanovi} Nadica
E.T.[. "Jovan Cviji}"
- [trpce
I think that the "For You"
magazine is not only
entertaining but educational as well. I like this magazine because it is about
people of Kosovo and
about the lives of celebrities. I think it is interesting
for children but I can tell
you that grown-ups are
reading it too. I would like
if you can publish the
posters of Jovan
Stefanovic and Tose
Proeski in the next edition.
My favorite actors are
Jean Claude Van Damme
and Sylvester Stalone, and
I like Angelina Jolie the
most of all actresses. My
favorite sport is tennis,
and in free time I listen to
music. Best regards!
Jolic Aleksandra
Primary School "Sarski
Odred"- Jazince
My name is Nikolija and I
want to tell you that I like
your magazine "For You" a
lot. It is very interesting
and fanciful. I would like
you to publish the poster
of "High School Musical"
band in the next edition
because it is my favorite
band. I also liked the
poster of Harry Potter: I
like to watch movies about
him. But I also like everything in the magazine! You
have my greetings and
gratitude!!! Therefore I
ask if you could fulfill my
wish and publish the
poster of Hannah
Montana, because I like
her so much. And don't
forget that you are the
best magazine!
Nikolija Vranic
Primary School "Sarski
Odred"- Jazince
The magazine is
great. We are going
to read it in future keep up with good
work. However, my
favorite singer is
Aleksandra Radovic and
my favorite song is
"Carobno Jutro" by Nina
Badric. I like Sloboda
Micalovic the most of all
actresses and Eshton
Kutcher from the actors.
I spend my free time
reading and I like to play
Ilic Ivana
Economy and Trade
School "Jovan Cvijic"
Greetings to everyone!
My favorite singer is Nina
Badric and I like her song
"Carobno Jutro" a lot. I like
Ivan Bosiljcic the most of
actors and Brad
Pitt from the foreign ones.
My favorite sport is basketball and I read a lot in my
free time because I like
books. I like your magazine, keep it up like that.
All compliments!
Stojanovic Nadica
Economy and Trade
School "Jovan Cvijic"