Maj 2013 - Magazine For You


Maj 2013 - Magazine For You
Zdravo dragi ~itaoci,
Polako se pribli`avamo kraju ove školske godine. Nadam
se da ste zadovoljni rezultatima koje ste postigli u školi. Isto
kada i vi, i mi }emo imati letnji raspust. Sli~no prethodnim
godinama, magazin For You ne}e biti objavljivan tokom
jula i avgusta. Me|utim, u septembru }emo biti ponovo
zajedno. Ali, hajde da se vratimo našem najnovijem izdanju
koje se nalazi ispred vas. Kao i uvek, tu su stare rubrike sa
najnovijim vestima.
Škola koja je ovoga meseca našla mesto u rubrici Škola
meseca je srednja „Tehni~ko-ekonomska {kola“ u selu
Vrbovac, u opštini Klokot. U rubrici Moda }ete na}i
najpopularnije frizure u ovoj godini. A @ivotinjsko carstvo
vam ovoga puta predstavlja „5 najre|ih `ivotinja na svetu“.
Music Box samo za vas, obo`avatelje muzike, predstavlja
zanimljive odlomke iz `ivota peva~ice koju vi najviše volite
– Rihanne. Tako|e vam predstavljamo najnovije filmove
strane produkcije, filmove koje sa velikim interesovanjem
gledaju svi obo`avaoci filmova u svetu: „Fast & Furious 6”,
„The grate Gatsby” i „At any price”.
I, to nije sve. Ako prelistate magazin mo}i }ete da se
upoznate sa slavnim vaterpolistom Andrijom Prlainovi}em.
A ne}e biti manjka vesti o jo{ nekim poznatim li~nostima,
novostima iz oblasti tehnologije, društvenih tema od kojih
izdvajamo: „@elim da budem deo ovog društva na osnovu
svojih zasluga“, „Buzdrini (Podrimlje) – Omladinski centar
za mlade“, i „Faca u {koli“. Svi ovi ~lanci su tu za vas, u
najnovijem izdanju vašeg omiljenog magazina.
Iako ne}emo biti sa vama dva meseca, nastavi}emo
da radimo za vas u svako doba. Tokom ova dva meseca
ima}ete priliku da ~itate o novim temama na našoj
Internet stranici, koja }e biti
pripremljena ekskluzivno za vas.
Pozdrav svima vama i `elim vam sve najbolje ovog leta.
Tako|e, pozivam vas da se ponovo sretnemo u septembru.
Do tada, sve najbolje!
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: [email protected];
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Tehni~ko-ekonomska {kola
u Vrbovcu
6-7: @elim da budem deo
ovog dru{tva na osnovu
svojih zasluga 8-9: For
you fashion:
Kako da imate najpopularnije frizure u 2013. godini
10-11: Music Box:
12-13: Buzdrini
(Podrimlje) - Omladinski
centar osnovan od
strane omladine za
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: 5 najre|ih
`ivotinja na svetu
16-17: Poster: Rihanna
18-19:Moviemania: Fast &
furious 6; The great gatsby;
At any price
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Vaterpolista Andrija
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Faca u {koli
26-27: Upitnik: [ta je
28-29: Verovali ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: Technicaleconomic school in
6-7: “I want to be part
of this society based
on my merits”
8-9: For you fashion:
How to get the hottest
haircuts of 2013!
10-11: Music Box:
12-13: “Buzëdrini” –
youth center by the
youth for the youth
14-15: Animal kingdom:
Top 5 rarest animals in
the world
16-17: Poster:
18-19: Moviemania:
Fast & furious 6; The
great gatsby; At any
20-21: Sports corner:
Water polo player Andrija
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Top guy at
26-27: Questionnaire:
What is respect?
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
Hello dear readers,
We are slowly approaching the end of this school year. I hope
that you are pleased with the achieved results in school. At the
same time as you, we will also have a summer vacation. Similar
to previous years, the For You Magazine will not be published
during the month of July and August. However, in September we
will be together again. But let us return to our latest edition which
you have in front of you. As always, there are old columns with the
latest news. Let us begin:
The school that this month has found a place in the School of
the Month column is the Technical - economic school in Vrbovac
, Municipality of Klokot. While in the column Fashion you can find
the most famous hair styles of this year. We continue with the
Animal Kingdom, where this time we present to you the world’s
five most extraordinary animals. In the Music Box, exclusively
for you music fans, we have small sequences from the life of the
most beloved singer by you, readers - Rihanna. We also have
included the latest movies from foreign production, movies that
are being watched with great interest by all movie buffs around
the world: “Fast& Furious 6”, “The great Gatsby” and “At any
price”. This is not all. If you flick carefully through the magazine’s
content you can read about the water polo player Andrija
Prlainovic. There will be no lack of celebrity news, latest news
from the field of technology, social topics out of which I would
distinguish: “I want to be part of this society based on my merits”,
“Buzdrini (Podrimlje) – Youth Centre for the Youth”, as well as the
“Top guy at school”. All these articles are there for you to read in
the latest edition of your favorite magazine.
Although, we will not be with you for two whole months, we will
continue to work for you at all times. During these two months you
will have the chance to read about new topics on our webpage, which will be prepared
exclusively for you. Greeting to all of you, and I wish you all the
best this summer, and invite you to meet again in September.
Until then, all the best!
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: [email protected];
for you 3
škola meseca
direktor {kole Boban Spasi}
va, jedina srednja {kola na srpskom jeziku u
Klokotu i Vitini, predstavlja mladima u ovoj sredini
ne samo obrazovnu ustanovu ve} i kutak. Oni u njoj
u~e, dru`e se, zabavljaju; {kola im je „centar svega“.
Tehni~ko-ekonomska {kola u Vrbovcu (Klokot) pod
skromnim uslovima ima oko 140 u~enika i dva smera:
tehni~ki (ma{inski tehni~ar za kompjutersko konstruisanje
i automehani~ar) i ekonomski (ekonomski tehni~ar).
Obzirom da su „podstanari“ Osnovne {kole „Marko
Rajkovi}“ ponestaje im radionica i kabinetskog prostora,
{to zna~i da se predavanja vi{e baziraju na teorijsku
nastavu nego li prakti~nu.
Direktor {kole Boban Spasi}
naglasio je da su uslovi sada daleko
bolji nego {to su bili ranije. „Profesori
se snalaze onako kako moraju, i ja
sam jako zadovoljan njihovim radom
kao i radom u~enika. Kabinetska
nastava svakako ima svoje prednosti,
ipak, profesori prenose svoje znanje
na najbolji mogu}i na~in“.
Dodao je da je stru~an kadar sto
posto zastupljen, i to su to uglavnom
profesori koji su nekada bili u~enici iste
{kole. To zna~i da veliki broj u~enika
nastavlja {kolovanje. „Negde oko 50%
njih zavr{i visoko ili vi{e obrazovanje.
U~enici koji zadovoljavaju standard,
ako im je prosek odli~an, primaju
stipendije. Ukoliko je prosek vrlodobar,
a u~enik ima potvrdu da je socijalni
slu~aj, tako|e dobija stependiju“,
dodao je g. Spasi}.
On nam se pohvalio saradnjom
koja postoji u {koli izme|u u~enika,
4 for you
profesora i roditelja, kao i saradnjom sa
osnovnom {kolom u ~ijoj su zgradi sme{teni.
„Imamo odli~nu komunikaciju sa svima, a
ja sam ve} 14 godina profesor u ovoj {koli,
tako da svi poznaju moj karakter, i saradnja
je odli~na“. Jedino {to ga zabrinjava jeste
dru{tveni `ivot svih tih mladih u~enika, koji
obzirom da `ive u ruralnoj sredini nemaju
toliko organizovanih kulturnih de{avanja. Jedan od razloga je nedostatak prostora, ali i to
{to u~enici imaju samo jedan autobus koji ih
prevozi po oklonim selima odakle i dolaze, {to
zna da potraje.
„Na{i u~enici su puni ambicija, ali nam je
te`e da organizujemo bilo kakvu dodatnu
nastavu jer imamo dve {kole u jednoj, kao i
to {to u~enici putuju uve~e ku}ama. Tako da
kulturan `ivot nije toliko razvijen, nema neku
{irinu, i na{i |aci su `eljni novina i zabave“,
rekao je direktor.
[to se ti~e „novog trenda“ nasilja u {koli,
uglavnom primenjuju evropske standarde,
gde je u~enik za{ti}en sa svih aspekata, tako
da je nasilje svedeno na jedan minimum. O
toj temi smo porazgovarali i sa jednim od profesora grupe
ma{inskih predmeta, Milivojem ]ojom, koji nam je rekao da
je prezadovoljan na~inom na koji su vaspitani mladi u toj
sredini. „Ovde su deca jako vredna, mirna i fina, sa njima
zaista mo`e lepo da se radi. Ova {kola im je sve jer je
jedina srednja {kola u okolini. @elim im da budu zdravi, da
u~e, rade i obavezno studiraju“, poru~io je g. ]ojo.
Za kraj je i sam direktor Boban imao poruku za sve mlade
na Kosovu. „Bavite se {to vi{e knjigom, obrazovanjem i
mlado{}u. Sve {to nau~ite danas, valja}e vam sutra“.
school of the month
his is the only Serbian language high school in Klokot
and Vitina, and for the youth in this area it is not only
an educational institution but also a nook. They learn,
play and have fun in it; the school, is for them “center of
Technical-Economic School in Vrbovac (Klokot) under
modest conditions has 140 students and two directions:
technical (mechanical technician in computer engineering
and car mechanic) and economic (economic technician).
Since they are “tenants” of Elementary School “Marko
Rajkovic” they are running out of workshops and cabinet
space, which means that the lectures are based more on
theoretical teaching process than practical.
The school’s director Boban Spasic said that the conditions
are far better now than they were before. “The teachers are
managing the best way they can, and I am very satisfied
with their work and the work of students.
Lecturing in a cabinet certainly has its
advantages; however, teachers impart their
knowledge in the best possible way. “
He added that one hundred percent of
the staff is professional, and these are
mainly professors who were once students
of the same school. This means that many
students continue their education. “Some
50% of them complete high school or a
college education. Students, who meet the
standard i.e. their average score is excellent,
receive scholarships. If the average score is
‘very good’ and the student has a certificate
that he is a social case, he also gets the
scholarship,” added Mr. Spasic.
He has praised the cooperation that exists
between the school and the pupils, teachers
and parents, as well as collaboration with
the primary school in whose buildings
they are located. “We have excellent
communication with everyone, and
I’m a teacher in this school for 14
years already, so everyone knows
my character, and the cooperation
is excellent.” The only thing that
worries him is the social life of these
young students, because they live
in rural areas do not have many
organized cultural events. One of
the reasons is the lack of facilities,
but also that the students have only
one bus that transports them to their
homes in the surrounding villages,
and that takes time.
Our students are full of ambition, but
it is difficult for us to arrange any extra
classes because we have two schools
in one, and because the students
travel to their homes in the evening. So
the cultured life is not so developed,
it doesn’t have much depth, and our
students are eager for novelty and
entertainment,” said the director.
As for the” new trend “of violence at school, they mainly
apply European standards, where the student is protected
from all sides, so that the violence is kept to a minimum. On
this subject we talked with a professor who teaches a group
of mechanical subjects, Milivoje Djoja, who told us that he
was very pleased with the way young people in that area
behave. “The children here are very hard-working, quiet and
polite, and one can really work well with them. This school is
everything to them since it is the only high school in the area.
I want them to be healthy, to learn, work and the priority is to
study,” said Mr. Djoja.
“In the end, director Boban also had a message for all
young people in Kosovo. “As much as possible be involved
with books, education and youth. Everything you learn today
will help you tomorrow.”
for you 5
osobama sa posebnim
potrebama od strane osoba sa
posebnim potrebama (peer to
peer – jednak jednakome). Da
budem iskren ovo je veoma
va`no jer je druga~ije kada
vam osoba bez ograni~enih
mogu}nosti ka`e da mo`ete
da radite ovo ili ono. Ali je
potpuno druga~ije i pouzdanije
kada vam osoba sa posebnim
potrebama ka`e da mo`ete da
postignete sve.
„Ograni~ene mogu}nosti
su kada osoba ne mo`e
da izvede neku akciju bez
pomo}i opreme ili drugih
osoba” – definicija ograni~enih
mogu}nosti na Kosovu.
funkcionisanja se ne
treba pojednostaviti
tako što }e se osoba sa
ograni~enim mogu}nostima
opisivati kao neko ko ima li~ne
nedostatke, i re}i
da postoje prepreke za
njihov slobodan pristup u
našem društvu. Ustvari,
nedostatak odgovaraju}eg
obrazovanja ljudi sa posebnim
potrebama je mnogo ve}i
problem. Ulaganje u njihovo
obrazovanje ne samo da
poboljšava njen kvalitet
`ivota ve} ga i osposobljava
da ne bude teret društvu
kada poraste, ve} ~lan koji
mu doprinosi, jednak svima
drugima. Drugi problem je
nedostatak zdravstvenih
slu`bi. Ovo su neke od
glavnih poruka Rinora Gašija
tokom njegovog intervjua.
Kada je imao osam godina
Rinor je, kao posledica
nesre}e, trajno izgubio
sposobnost da hoda.
Ako `elite da saznate
šta je još rekao tokom
našeg razgovora
pozivamo vas
6 for you
pro~itate intervju ispod!
Koliko je teško osobi sa
posebnim potrebama na
Kosovu da studira i radi?
Sre}om, ja sam danas veoma
nezavisan, ~ak imam voza~ku
dozvolu i auto. Mogu sam da
idem na fakultet ili na posao,
ali treba da istaknem da sam
morao da se upi{em na privatni
univerzitet jer Univerzitet u
Pri{tini (Ekonomski fakultet)
nema objekte koje su mi
Na koji na~in Vam je
HANDIKOS pomogao?
Od kada je uspostavljen, cilj
HANDIKOS-a je da razvije
Štam Vam je najviše smetalo
dok ste odrastali?
Što se mene ti~e, mogu da
ka`em da sam imao puno sre}e jer su me svi ljudi oko mene
uvek podr`avali, naro~ito moja
porodica. I, nisu me nikad
diskriminisali, ali što je još
bitnije – nisu mi nikada davali
privilegije. Diskriminisanje
osobe sa posebnim potrebama
je isto toliko neprijatno koliko
i njegovo privilegovanje.
Posebne potrebe ne zna~i to
da neko drugi treba da radi za
nas ve} samo da ih mi moramo
raditi druga~ije.
Koji je pravi izraz koji se
treba koristiti u obra}anju
Vama i zašto, i koliko je to
Vama va`no?
Konvencija Ujedinjenih
nacija o pravima osoba sa
posebnim potrebama koja je
odobrena u decembru 2006.
godine predvi|a da }e ljudi sa
ograni~enim mogu}nostima
sami birati izraz kojim `ele
da im se drugi obra}aju. Na
Kosovu preovladava izraz
“osobe sa ograni~enim mogu}nostima“, iako je prihvatljiv
i izraz “osobe sa posebnim
potrebama“. Izraz “Invalid“ se
upotrebljava za neki neva`e}i dokument – ali ja verujem
da mi nismo neva`e}i
(invalid) zbog naših
posebnih potreba.
Kako se
snalazite sami?
Moram da
planiram sa kim
i gde
Ali bilo
je i situacija kada sam morao
da tra`im pomo} od slu~ajnih
prolaznika, i nikada sa tim
nisam imao problema, ali to se
dešava veoma retko.
Da li imate neke veze sa
Ja sam aktivni sportista, igram
košarku, tenis i mnogo volim
plivanje. Nadam se da
}emo uskoro i}i na ronjenje sa
Ronila~kim klubom „Pri{tina“.
Oni su nam ponudili osnovni
trening za deset osoba sa
posednim potrebama. Ovo
mo`e da zvu~i ~udno ali u
razvijenim zemljama je to
normalno i mi smo u tom
smislu aktivni.
Šta se po Vama mora
promeniti u našem društvu?
Ono što se mora promeniti je
~itav pristup društva prema
osobama sa posebnim
potrebama. Od 2003. do 2013.
godine broj dece sa posebnim
potrebama koja poha|aju
školu se pove}ao za samo
1%. Zna~i da ja govorim o
pobolj{anju obrazovanja,
zdravstvene nege i socijalne
Šta Vas je najviše
impresioniralo tokom poseta
u inostranstvu?
Postoje tri pristupa posebnim
potrebama. Prvi je zdravstveni
pristup koji nas tretira kao
pacijente. Drugi je pristup
društvenog sistema koji nas
tretira kao slu~ajeve koji ne
doprinose društvu, i tre}i
pristup je zasnovan na ljudskim
pravima tako da svi imamo
jednaka prava. Ja `elim da
budem deo mog društva
na osnovu svojih zasluga i
vrednosti, i da neka pitanja kao
na primer pristup ne uti~u na
to pravo. Upravo to je pristup
koji preovladava u zapadnim
Koja je Vaša poruka?
Ljudi imaju razli~ite potrebe,
ali svi imaju ista prava.
Stoga, trebaju biti informisani
o osobama sa posebnim
potrebama ~ak i kroz
razgovor sa njima.
getting registered in a private
university because the
University of Prishtina (Faculty
of Economy) lacked the
necessary facilities for me.
In what way has HANDIKOS
helped you?
Since it has been established
HANDIKOS aim is to develop
support for persons with
disabilities from a person with
disabilities (peer to peer).
To be honest this is very
important because it differs if
a person without disabilities
tells you that you can do this
or that. But, it is a completely
different thing and more
credible when another person
with disabilities tells you that
you can achieve everything.
“Disability is an action that
a person cannot perform
without the assistance
of equipment or other
persons.” – the definition of
disability in Kosovo.
aving a disability should
not be simplified by
describing the disabled as
having problems with personal
deficiencies and that there are
obstacles to free access for the
disabled within our society. In
fact, the lack of proper education
for persons with disabilities is a
much greater problem. Investing
in the education of a person with
disabilities not only improves his
life quality but also enables him
not to be a burden on the society
when he grows up, but instead
be a contributing member
equal to everyone else. Another
problem is the lack of health
services. These are some of the
main messages Rinor Gashi
gave during our interview with
him. As a result of an accident at
the age of 8 Rinor permanently
lost his ability to walk. If you
want to find out what else he
said during our conversation, we
invite to read the interview below!
How difficult is it for a person
with disabilities in Kosovo to
study and work?
Luckily today I am very
independent, I even have a
driving license and a car. I can
go on my own to the university
or to work. But I must emphasize
that I was constrained in
What bothered you the
most when you were growing
As far as I am concerned I could
say that I have been very lucky
because all the people around
me have always supported me,
especially my family and they
never discriminated against me,
but what is even more important
they never gave me privilege.
Discriminating against a person
with disabilities is just as harsh
as privileging him. Disability does
not mean that others should do
things for us but, only that we
must do them differently.
What is the correct term to use
to address you and why and
how important is this for you?
The United Nations Convention
on the rights of persons with
disabilities that was approved
in December 2006 stipulates
that persons with disabilities
will themselves choose the
term they want to address
them. In Kosovo prevails the
term ‘persons with disabilities’
although it is an acceptable
term ‘persons with special
needs’. ‘Invalid’ would be an
important example of a term
- I believe we are not invalid
because of our disability.
How do you go out
on your own?
I must plan with who I am
going out and where we are
going. But there are cases
when I also had to ask for
help from random by passers
and I never had problems with
that, but this occurs rarely.
What is your relation to
I am an active sportsman, I
play basketball, tennis and
I like swimming a lot. I hope
that very soon we will go
diving with Prishtina diving
club. The later have offered
us basic training for 10
persons with disabilities. This
might sound strange but in
the developed countries it is
normal and we are active in
this direction.
According to you what must
change in our society?
What must change is the
entire approach the society
has towards persons with
disabilities. From 2003 until
2013 the number of children
with disabilities attending
school has increased only
1%. So I am talking here
about improving education,
health care and social care.
What has impressed you
the most during your visits
There are three approaches
towards disabilities. The first
is the health approach that
treats us as patients. The
second is the social system
approach that treats us as
non-contributing cases of
the society and the third
approach is based on human
rights, so that we have equal
rights. I want to be part of my
society based on my merits
and values and that issues
like access will not impact
on this right. This is exactly
the approach that prevails in
western countries.
What is your message?
People have different needs
but they all have equal rights.
Therefore, they should be
informed about disabilities
even by talking to a person
with disabilities.
for you 7
Postaje vam dosadna stara frizura? Probajte naše
omiljene frizure poznatih u 2013. godini.
Lea Michele i
Taylor Swift
Šiške su
popularne u 2013.
godini. Iako puno
devojaka super
nosi ovaj fazon,
omiljene su nam
Lia Mišel i Tejlor
Svift. Mo`ete ih
o~ešljati ili ih malo
rastršiti kako bi
izgledale guš}e –
sve`e je i super `enstveno, tako da vrišti moda.
Da, tako je!
Lea Michele and Taylor Swift
Fringes are super hot for 2013. Although plenty of girls are
rocking this look, our favourites are Lea Michele and Taylor Swift.
You can either comb them or mess it up a bit for a more textured
feel - it’s fresh, super feminine and screams fashion. Yes, you!
Karlie Kloss
Da bi ste izgledali kao model tra`ite
od svog stiliste netradicionalnu bob
frizuru i odlu~ite koliko kratka `elite
da bude tako što }ete izabrati koji
deo tela `elite da naglasite, kao na
primer klju~nu kost, ramena, ili vili~nu
kost. Kada odlu~ite koliko }ete skratiti
kosu, slede}a stvar koju `elite re}i je
da ne prave slojeve kao kod obi~ne
frizure. Ovaj izgled je posebno dobar
za devojke sa tankom kosom kao što
je ima Karli Klos, jer ~ini da vaše lokne izgledaju guš}e!
Karlie Kloss
To get this model-approved look, ask your stylist for a
non-traditional bob, and decide how short you want to go
by picking what feature you want to highlight, like your
collarbone, shoulders, or jawline. When you figure out how
short you want to go, the next thing you want to tell them is
not to layer it like a normal haircut. This look is especially
good for girls with fine hair, like Karlie Kloss, because it
makes your locks look thicker!
Victoria Beckham i Blake Lively
Pogledajte Viktoriju Bekam pa napravite moderno od
neuredne bo~ne pletenice. A znamo i da je Blejk Lajvli
veliki obo`avalac pletenica. Veoma se lako pravi a
dodaje ekstra nagoveštaj glamura kada vam do|e da
promenite frizuru.
8 for you
Rihanna i Anne
Neka bude kratka
i slatka ove
godine. Svi|a
nam se sve`a
piksi frizura
En Hatavej za
“Jadnike”, a
tako|e divno
izgleda i na
Rijani. Zašto
ne biste probali
ovaj novi stil frizure umesto da nosite slojeve velike kose?
Mo`da }e vam nedostajati du`ina, ali vam ne}e nedostajati
vreme koje je potrebno da je sredite svakog jutra!
Rihanna and Anne Hathaway
Keep it short and sweet this year. We love Anne
Hathaway’s fresh pixie cut for ‘Les Miserables’, and it also
looks fabulous on Rihanna. Instead of rocking the layers of
big hair, why not go for this fresh hairstyle? You might miss
the length, but you won’t miss the time it takes to fix your
hair every morning!
Bella Thorne
Najva`nije je
da ne dozvolite
svom frizeru da
se~e preširoko.
Nijedna od
dlaka koje
padaju sa
strane vašeg
lica ne treba da
bude ise~ena u
šiške! Umesto
debelih šiški
tra`ite ištrickan
izgled sa
ravnom linijom.
Bella Thorne
The most important thing is
to not let your hairdresser
cut too wide. None of the
hair that falls on the sides of
your face should be cut into
bangs! Instead of a thick,
mod fringe, ask for a choppy
cut with a straight line.
Victoria Beckham and Blake Lively
Look to Victoria Beckham to make a trend out of the messy
side-plait. And we know
Blake Lively’s always
been a big fan of braids.
It’s so easy to do and
just adds an extra hint of
glamour when you feel
like changing up your
(Izvor: http://www.
Growing tired of your same old hairstyle? Try out our
favorite celeb cuts of 2013.
Seyfried i Kelly
Vintage je ponovo
u modi i osta}e
i u 2013. godini.
Amanda Sejfrid
i Keli Bruk su
samo dve od
mnogih poznatih
li~nosti koje na
crvenom tepihu
nose ove na
stranu preba~ene stare holivudske talase. Zašto ne biste
nosili ovaj bezvremeni klasi~ni stil.
Amanda Seyfried and Kelly Brook
Vintage is back, and it’s here to stay in 2013. Amanda
Seyfried and Kelly Brook are just two of the many celebrities
that flaunt these side-swept old Hollywood waves on the red
carpet. Why not go for a timeless, classic look?
Walsh i Kristen
Taj neuredan,
izgled, još uvek
je u modi u
2013. godioni.
Nije nam nikada
dovoljno lakih
talasa Kristen
Stjuart, a Kimberli Valš izgleda sjajno sa tom neverovatnom
frizurom opasnice. Bez obzira na to da li imate pravu ili
talasastu kosu, lako mo`ete nositi ovaj still sa malo surfspreja na pomalo vla`nu kosu.
Kimberley Walsh and Kristen Stewart
That messy, tousled, just-rolled-out-of-bed look is still
trending in 2013. We can’t get enough of Kristen Stewart’s
effortless waves and Kimberley Walsh looks great with that
amazing vixen hairstyle. Whether you have straight or wavy
hair, you can easily rock this look with a little bit of surf-spray
on slightly damp hair.
i Kourtney
Pun|ica na vrhu
glave je toliko
u modi sada,
uglavnom jer
izgleda prelepo
na svakom.
To je takav
izgled, mo`ete
nositi zagla|enu
pun|icu kao Kortni Kardašijan ili je malo rasturiti kao
model godine Kara Delavinj.
Leighton Meester i
Dianna Agron
Bob frizura je
ponovo u modi! Ako
ste raspolo`eni za
nešto novo u 2013.
godini, pratite zvezdu
TV serije “Tra~ara”
(Gossip) Liton Mister
i Dian Agron iz TV
serije “Peva~ko
društvo” (Glee) koje
nose ravnu kratku
bob frizuru. Dovoljno je duga da mo`ete da je stilizujete onako
kako `elite a dovoljno kratka da vas istakne. Mi je obo`avamo!
Cara Delevingne and Kourtney Kardashian
The topknot is so hot right now mostly because it looks
gorgeous on everyone. It’s such a versatile look, you can
either rock a sleek knot like Kourtney Kardashian or mess it
up like model-of-the-year Cara Delevingne.
Leighton Meester and Dianna Agron
The bob is back! If you’re in the mood for something new in
2013, follow ‘Gossip Girl’ star Leighton Meester and Glee
girl Dianna Agron with a sleek, short bob hairstyle. It’s long
enough to style however you like and short enough to make
a statement. We love it!
Kate Middleton
i Natalie Portman
Ako se plašite da napravite
dramati~nu promenu u 2013.
godini, ne mo`ete da pogrešite
sa duga~kom stepenastom
kosom. Nismo iznena|eni što
je ova frizura najtra`enija ove
godine kada su Kejt Midlton i
Natali Portman predvodnice ovog
ozbiljnog stila.
Kate Middleton and Natalie Portman
If you’re afraid to go for a dramatic
makeover in 2013, you can’t go wrong
with a long layered hairstyle. We’re not
surprised this is one of the most-requested
haircuts this year, with Kate Middleton and
Natalie Portman leading this no-nonsense
hairstyle. It looks absolutely fabulous on
any face.
(Source: http://www.
for you 9
music box
o|ena 20. februara 1988.
na Barbadosu, pod imenom
Robyn Rihanna Fenty,
{esnaestogodi{nja Rihanna potpisuje
ugovor sa diskografskom ku}om
„Def Jam“, kada izdaje svoj prvi
album, koji se 2005. prodao u više
od 2 miliona primeraka širom sveta.
Nakon toga je izdala mnoge albume
i hitove poput „Unfaithful“, „Disturbia“ i „Umbrella“. Rihanna je tako|e
dobitnica mnogih nagrada, kao što
su: Grammy, MTV nagrada za najbolji
spot i Billboard nagrade.
Rihanna je najstarija od troje dece, od
majke Monike Fenti, ra~unovo|e, i oca
Ronalda Fentija, magacionera. Rihannino detinjstvo su obele`ili borba njenog
oca sa alkoholizmom, kao i bra~ni problemi njenih roditelja, koji su se razveli
kada je ona imala 14 godina. Me|utim,
Rihannin otac je uspeo da savlada svoju
zavisnost i sada su njeni roditelji vrlo
bliski. „Moj otac je sada najopuštenija
osoba na svetu“, ka`e Rihanna. „Ne
gnjavi me. Dozvoljava mi da `ivim svoj
`ivot. Takav je bio i kada sam bila mla|a.
Posmatrao bi kako pravim greške, ali
nije me spre~avao u tome. Moj otac
mi dozvoljava da pravim greške i da
kroz njih u~im”. Rihanna je nekoliko
godina tokom svog detinjstva patila od
glavobolje. Ovo stanje je pokušavala
da sakrije od svojih prijatelja i drugara
kako oni ne bi mislili da je nenormalna.
„Nikada nisam iskazivala kako se ose}
am“, prise}a se Rihanna. „Uvek sam sve
skrivala u sebi, Išla u školu... i niko ne
bi prime}ivao da sa mnom nešto nije u
redu“.Kao tinejd`erka, Rihanna se okrenula pevanju, koje joj je predstavljalo
beg od porodi~nih problema. Osnovala
je `ensku grupu sa još dve drugarice;
kada im je bilo 15 godina, pozvane su na
audiciju kod muzi~kog producenta Evana
Rod`ersa, koji je sa svojom suprugom sa
Barbadosa bio u poseti ostrvu. Rod`ers
je bio oduševljen vrlo lepom i nevero-
10 for you
vatno talentovanom Rihannom, ali na
uštrb njene dve drugarice. „Tog trenutka
kada je Rihanna ušetala u prostoriju,
druge dve devojke kao da nisu postojale“, priznao je Rod`ers. Nakon manje
od godinu dana, kada je Rihanna imala
samo 16 godina, napustila je Barbados
i preselila se kod Rod`ersa i njegove
supruge u Konetikat i po~ela sa snimanjem demo albuma. „Kada sam napustila
Barbados, nisam se osvr}ala iza sebe“,
prise}a se Rihanna“. @elela sam da
uradim ono što sam morala, ~ak iako je
to zna~ilo preseljenje u Ameriku“.
Diskografska ku}a „Def Jam“
Januara 2005. godine, Rod`ers je sredio
Rihanni audiciju sa novo postavljenim
presednikom „Def Jam-a“ , ~uvenim
reperom Jay-Z. „Ja sam se tresla u
hodniku“, prise}a se Rihanna. Me|utim,
kada je Rihanna otvorila usta i zapevala,
povratila se sebi. „Se}am se da sam ih
sve u prostoriji gledala pravo u o~i, tada
sam bila neustrašiva“, ka`e Rihanna. „Ali
onog trenutka kada sam prestala da pevam, pomislila sam u sebi: „O moj Bo`e,
pa Jay-Z sedi preko puta mene“. Ikona
hip-hopa je bio isto onoliko zate~en Rihanninim nevi|enim glasom i pouzdanim
nastupom, koliko i Rod`ers pre dve godine. Odmah je potpisao ugovor sa njom.
„Napravili smo mali štos iz Kuma“, prise}a se Jay-Z. „Kazali smo joj da je jedini
na~in na koji mo`e da iza|e iz prostorije
kroz prozor“. Samo osam meseci nakon
toga, Rihanna je objavila svoj prvi singl
„Pon de Replay“. To je bila pesma za
klubove, sa primesom regea, koja je brzo
sko~ila na drugo mesto na listi Bilbord
singlova. Ovaj singl je najavio Rihannu
kao slede}u pop zvezdu. Njen prvi album
„Music of the Sun“ se popeo na deseto
mesto liste Billbord albuma. Na ovom
albumu je bio i singl „If Its Lovin’ That
You Want“. Slede}e godine Rihanna je
izdala i svoj drugi album „A Girl Like Me“,
sa kojeg su proistekla dva velika hita
„Unfaitful“ i „SOS“, Rihannin prvi singl
koji se popeo na prvo mesto.
Dobra devojka koja se pokvarila
2007. godine Rihanna se svojim tre}im
albumom „Good Girl Gone
Bad“ transformisala od
slatke tinejd`erske princeze
popa u pravu super zvezdu.
Najve}i hit na ovom albumu
je bio singl sa Jay-Z-ijem
„Umbrella“. „Ovo pokazuje
da je mnogo odrasla kao
umetnik“, rekao je Jay-Z.
„Ukoliko poslušate re~i te
pesme, shvati}ete njihovu
dubinu i koliko je napredovala“. „Umbrella“ se popela
na vrh Bilbord liste, a za
ovu pesmu je dobila i Gremi
nagradu za najbolje otpevanu rep saradnju. Album
se popeo na drugo mesto
na listi. Na tom albumu je
bilo singlova poput „Don’t
Stop the Music“ i „Shut Up and Drive“.
Remiksi na albumu „Good Girl Gone
Bad“, koje je izdala naredne godine,
postali su hitovi kao što su „Disturbia“ i
„Take a Bow“. 2011. godine Rihanna je
izdala svoj šesti album „Talk That Talk“.
Na albumu se nalazila pesma „We found
Love“ u kojoj se pojavljuje DJ Calvin
Harris, za koju je dobila Gremi Nagradu
2013. za najbolji kratki spot.
Li~ni `ivot
2009. godine Rihanna se opet pojavila
na naslovnim stranama. To je bila velika
medijska ujudurma, a Rihanna je bila
u centru incidenta porodi~nog nasilja,
jer ju je tadašnji de~ko Chris Brown
napao pred dodelu nagrada. Incident
je izazvao veliko javno saose}anje i
podršku Rihanni, i od tada je ona postala
glasnogovornik u borbi protiv porodi~nog
nasilja. „Ovo se meni dogodilo“, rekla
je u intervjuu sa Diane-om Sawyer.
„Mo`e se dogoditi bilo kome“. Od kako
se pojavila na sceni pop muzike 2005.
zvezda sa Barbadosa je neprekidno bila
na vrhu muzi~ke industrije. Ve} skoro
šest godina, gotovo je nemogu}e slušati
radio ili u}i u klub a ne ~uti neku od
njenih neverovatno zaraznih pesama.
Ali, i pored stalnih hitova i neoborivog
javnog imid`a, ona priznaje da je krhka
mlada `ena koja se izborila sa mnogo
~ime u proteklih par godina, i još uvek
joj je teško da bude pribrana. „Postavila
sam gard tako visoko“, rekla je nakon
incidenta porodi~nog nasilja od strane
Chris-a Brown-a 2009. „Ne `elim da me
ljudi vide kako pla~em. Nisam `elela
da me ljudi sa`aljevaju. Bila sam lako
povredljiva tada i nisam `elela da se
stvori takva slika o meni. @elela sam da
svi vide kako govorim - dobro sam, jaka
sam. Pravila sam se takvom sve dok
to nije postalo stvarno“. Avgusta 2012.
u~inilo se da je Rihanna opet uspostavila kontakt sa Brown-om. Otvoreno je
govorila o tome sa Oprah-om Winfrey o
svojoj vezi sa Braunom. Rekla je da je
Braun mo`da bio najve}a ljubav njenog
`ivota i da je sada stvorila „vrlo blisko
prijateljstvo“ sa njim.
music box
orn Robyn Rihanna Fenty, on
February 20, 1988 in Barbados,
Rihanna signed with Def Jam
records at age 16 and released her first
album, which sold more than 2 million
copies worldwide, in 2005. She went
on to release more albums and hit
songs, including “Unfaithful,” “Disturbia” and “Umbrella.” Rihanna has
also won multiple awards including
Grammys, MTV Video Music Awards
and Billboard awards.
Early Life
Rihanna is the eldest of three children born
to Monica Fenty, an accountant, and Ronald
Fenty, a warehouse supervisor. Rihanna’s childhood was marred by her father’s struggles with
addictions to alcohol and her parents’ marital
problems, they divorced when she was 14
years old. However, since that time, Rihanna’s
father has managed to conquer his addictions
and the pair are now very close. “Now my
dad is like the coolest person on the planet,”
Rihanna says. “He doesn’t smother me. He
lets me live my life. And he’s been like that a
lot, even when I was younger. He would watch
me making a mistake and he wouldn’t stop me.
My dad, he lets me make it and then I learn.”
Rihanna also struggled with crippling headaches for several years during her childhood, a
condition she attempted to hide from her friends
and classmates so that they would not think she
was abnormal. “I never expressed how I felt,”
she remembers. “I always kept it in. I would go
to school ... you would never know there was
something wrong with me.”
As a teenager, Rihanna turned to singing as a
release from her troubles at home. She formed
a girl group with two classmates; when they
were 15 years old, they scored an audition
with music producer Evan Rodgers, who was
visiting the island with his Barbadian wife.
Rogers was awed by the precociously beautiful
and phenomenally talented Rihanna, to the
unfortunate detriment of her two friends. “The
minute Rihanna walked into the room, it was
like the other two girls didn’t exist,” he admitted.
Less than a year later, when Rihanna was only
16 years old, she left Barbados to move in with
Rogers and his wife in Connecticut and work on
recording a demo album. “When
I left Barbados, I didn’t look back,”
Rihanna recalled. “I wanted to do
what I had to do, even if it meant
moving to America.”
Def Jam Records
In January 2005, Rogers landed
Rihanna an audition for Def Jam
Records and its newly minted
president, the legendary rapper Jay-Z. “I was in
the lobby just shaking,” she recalled. However,
once Rihanna opened her voice to sing she
regained her composure. “I remember staring
into everybody’s eyes in the room while I was
singing, and at that point, I was fearless,” she
said. “But the minute I stopped singing, I was
like, ‘oh my God, Jay-Z is sitting right in front of
me.’” The hip-hop icon was every bit as wowed
by Rihanna’s stunning voice and commanding
presence as Rogers had been two years earlier,
and he signed her on the spot. “We made a
little Godfather joke,” Jay-Z remembered. “We
said the only way she could leave was through
the window.” Only eight months later, in August
2005, Rihanna released her first single, “Pon de
Replay,” a reggae-influenced club track that skyrocketed to No. 2 on the Billboard singles chart
and announced Rihanna as the next big up-andcoming pop star. Her first album, Music of the
Sun, released later that month, reached No. 10
on the Billboard albums chart and also featured
the single “If It’s Lovin’ That You Want.” Rihanna
released her second album, A Girl Like Me, the
next year, spawning two major hits in “Unfaithful”
and “SOS,” Rihanna’s first No. 1 single.
‘Good Girl Gone Bad’
In 2007, Rihanna effected a transformation from
cute teen pop princess to fully fledged superstar with her third album, Good Girl Gone Bad,
fueled by its smash hit lead single “Umbrella,”
featuring Jay-Z. “It shows such growth for her
as an artist,” Jay-Z said about the track. “If you
listen to the lyrics to that song, you know the
depth and how far she’s come.” “Umbrella”
topped the Billboard singles chart and earned
Rihanna her first Grammy Award for Best Rap/
Sung Collaboration. The album reached No.
2 on the charts and also featured the singles
“Don’t Stop the Music” and “Shut Up and Drive.”
Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes, released
the following year, scored two new further hits in
“Disturbia” and “Take a Bow.” In 2011, Rihanna
released her sixth studio album: Talk That
Talk. The album included the song “We Found
Love,” which features DJ Calvin Harris and
won the 2013 Grammy Award for best short
form music video.
Personal Life
In 2009, Rihanna again made headlines again,
becoming the center of a media firestorm after
a domestic violence incident in which her thenboyfriend Chris Brown assaulted her before
an awards show. The incident sparked a huge
public outpouring of support for Rihanna, and
she has since become a spokesperson against
domestic violence. “This happened to me,” she
said in an interview with Diane Sawyer. “It can
happen to anyone.” Since she first appeared
on the pop music scene in 2005, this Barbadian
pop star has enjoyed a nearly uninterrupted run
at the top of the music industry. For nearly six
years, it has been virtually impossible to listen to
the radio or enter a dance club without hearing
one of Rihanna’s infectiously catchy songs. But
beyond the constant stream of hits and her unflappable public image, Rihanna acknowledges
that she is still just a vulnerable young woman
who has experienced much adversity in recent
years, and often struggles to keep it together.
“I put my guard up so hard,” she said of the
aftermath of her domestic violence incident with
Chris Brown in 2009. “I didn’t want people to
see me cry. I didn’t want people to feel bad for
me. It was a very vulnerable time in my life, and
I refused to let that be the image. I wanted them
to see me as, ‘I’m fine, I’m tough.’ I put that up
until it felt real.” In 2012, Rihanna appeared to
be reconnecting with Brown. The pair worked
together on the song “Birthday Cake” released
that year. Rihanna also spoke very candidly
with Oprah Winfrey about her relationship with
Brown that August. She told Winfrey that Brown
may have been the love of her life and she has
developed “a very close friendship” with him.
for you 11
„Alkohol, droga, prostitucija i druge negativne
pojave poput ovih i dalje nisu problem u našem
selu. Me|utim, Ratkovac je jedno od najve}ih sela
u opštini Orahovac i glavni centar za 13 susednih
sela. Kada uzmemo u obzir dešavanja u velikim
gradovima, smatramo da je mnogo bolje da radimo
na spre~avanju takvih pojava nego da se posle
borimo protiv njih“, ovako je direktor Omladinskog
centra „Buzdrini“, Kaltrin Morina, objasnio svrhu
postojanja ovog centra. Kada govorimo o prevenciji,
Morina ka`e da je najbolji na~in da se to postigne
kroz anaga`ovanje mladih u društvenim i sportskim
aktivnostima. On ka`e da prevencija po~inje sa
uklanjanjem mladih iz okru`enja koje neguje loše
navike kao što je pušenje. Pošto mladi imaju
dosta slobodnog vremena i provode ga u takvom
okru`enju, ve}e su šanse da }e upasti u nevolje.
Pripadnik Omladinskog centra, Etnike Popaj,
naglašava da aktivnosti koje organizuje centar
imaju razli~ite ciljeve, od zabave do podizanja
svesti o razli~itim pojavama. Kao primer ona navodi
godišnji koncert koji se organizuje svakog leta u
~ast zemljaka koji provode svoj odmor u domovini.
Ona je naglasila da svake godine u februaru, centar
organizuje dobrovoljno davanje krvi kako bi se
mladima podigla svest o vrednosti `ivota.
Me|utim, organizovanje ovih aktivnosti i rad
ove organizacije uopšte nije lak, obzirom da
im nedostaju sredstva, centar funkcioniše sa
minimalnim finansiranjem od strane Opštine
12 for you
i ~esto od strane
stanovnika sela. Moramo naglasiti
da pored nedostatka finansijskih sredstava,
ovaj centar ima i drugih velikih problema, kao
što je nedostatak kancelarija, koje bi slu`ile svim
sadašnjim i budu}im ~lanovima. Gospodin Morina
dodaje da je opština nedavno obe}ala da }e centru
ustupiti na koriš}enje 80 kvadrata unutar Doma
kulture, koji bi trebao uskoro da se izgradi u selu.
Sedamnaestogodišnja Arjeta Morina, uprkos
svojoj mladosti, ~lan je ovog centra, i ka`e da je
najbitnije da im ne nedostaje volje i ozbiljnosti tokom
rada. Tako da i pored finansijskih i drugih problema,
oni uspešno organizuju aktivnosti koje su naumili.
Ovih troje mladih ljudi naglašava da njihovo
anga`ovanje oko centra nosi duplu korist. Imaju
tu satisfakciju da oboga}uju sebe i druge korisnim
aktivnostima za celu zajednicu. Dok s druge strane,
u~e stvari koje }e im pomo}i profesionalno. „Ja sam
~lan ovog centra ve} ~etiri godine i stvari koje sam
nau~io su one najbitnije: kako podneti li~ni zahtev
ili zahtev u ime sela, kako organizovati sastanak,
projekat ili NVO“,
naglašava Kaltrin.
Na kraju, ovi
mladi ljudi poru~uju
svojim vršnjacima
širom Kosova, da što
više u~e i da se što
više anga`uju kroz
organizacije koje
kulturno i umetni~ki
uzdi`u. I, na taj na~in
}e se pripremiti za
izazove koje ih o~ekuju
tokom `ivota, bili oni
li~ne ili profesionalni
drugs and other negative
phenomena are still not a problem in our
village. However, Ratkoci is one of the biggest villages in the
Municipality of Rahovec and at the same time it is the main
center for 13 other surrounding villages. Therefore, seeing the
developments in the big cities we believe that it is much better
to work on the prevention of such phenomena than to fight
them”, this is how the Head of the Youth Center “Buzëdrini”, Mr.
Kaltrin Morina explained the goal of this center. And when we
talk about prevention, Morina says that the best way to do this
is to engage the youth in social and entertainment activities.
Moreover, according to him, the prevention begins by removing
the youth from areas where they acquire bad habits such as
smoking. Given that young people have a lot of free time on
their hands and they spend it in such environments, there are
greater chances for them to get
in trouble.
Etnike Popaj, another
member from this youth center,
emphasized that the center has
different goals for organized
activities, beginning with entertainment to the awareness of
different issues. As an example she mentioned the annual concert
that is organized every summer in honor of the countrymen who
spend their vacations here in their homeland. On the other hand,
she emphasized that every year during the month of February
this center organizes the voluntary blood donation, aiming to raise
the awareness of young people that life matters.
However, organizing activities and the work of this
organization were not easy at all. Due to the lack of funds they
operate with minimum finances that are mainly secured by the
Rahovec Municipality and very often by the community of the
village itself. We must emphasize that apart from financing, this
center has other enormous shortfalls. One case is the lack of
a facility where the center would set-up its office, which would
serve as a reference point for all its current and
future members. In connection to this, Mr. Morina
added that lately the municipality has promised
that it will allocate to the center an area of 80
square meters inside the Culture House building.
This will be built soon in this village. Seventeenyear-old Arjeta Morina, who despite her young age
is a member of this center, says that it is important
that they have the will and desire to work. Therefore,
despite the difficulties and the financial shortfalls they
are able to successfully organize the activities that they
set as objectives for themselves.
On the other hand, these three young people
emphasized that their engagement in this center has a
dual benefit. On one hand they have the satisfaction of
the centers impact and enrichment of their own lives and
that of their peers with beneficial activities for their entire
community. While, on the other hand, they learn things which
will help them in their professional lives. “I have been part of this
center for four years and the things that I have learned are most
essential. Examples are how to make a personal request on
behalf of the village, how to set-up a meeting, and the organizing
of a project or even an NGO”, emphasized Morina.
At the end, these three young people advise their peers to get
involved throughout Kosovo as much as possible in studying and
in different organizations that aim to enhance their enrichment
with cultural and artistic activities. This way they will be better
prepare for the future challenges that await them in their lives,
both in their personal and in their professional one.
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
5 najredih
životinja na
Ugro`ene, retke, dragocene, lovljene, prodavane,
bez obzira koju re~ upotrebite, ove `ivotinje imaju
najmanje šanse od svih stvorenja na svetu da pre`ive.
One su na ivici izumiranja. Ovo je spisak 5 najre|ih i
najugro`enijih `ivotinja na svetu.
4. Crveni vuk: Najre|a vrsta
vuka na svetu
rveni vuk je jedna od
najugro`enijih `ivotinjskih vrsta
na svetu. Crveni vukovi su
jedna od samo dve vrste vukova na
svetu kojima preti izumiranje. Crveni
vuk je sitniji od sivog vuka, duga~ak je
od 137 do 168 cm, oko 60 cm visok i
te`i od 22 do 36 kg. 1973. godine Crveni
vuk je proglašen za ugro`enu vrstu. Ve}
1980. je proglašen izumrlim. Zahvaljuju}i ozbiljnom programu uzgajanja, trenutno
je 10 `ivih Crvenih vukova na svetu.
Gubitak staništa, teški vremenski uslovi,
ga`enje automobilima i krivolov su najve}e pretnje po Crvenog vuka.
4. Red wolf: Rarest wolf in the world
he Red wolf is one of the most
endangered species in the world.
Red wolves are one of the two
species of wolves in the world and
is at the verge of extinction. The red
wolf is smaller than the grey wolf with
137–168cm long, around 60 cm tall, and
14 for you
weighs 22-36 kg. In 1973, the red
wolf was declared endangered
and by 1980 it was officially
declared extinct in the wild.
Thanks to an extensive breeding
program, there are currently 100
red wolves alive in the world. Habitat
loss, severe weather, deaths by motor
vehicles and illegal hunting are the
threats facing the red wolves.
3. Pigmejski tarzijer:
Najre|a vrsta primata
na svetu
tarzijer ili
tarzijer je
najre|a vrsta
primata na
svetu. Oni `ive
u Sulavesi u
Indoneziji. Za
tarzijera se
da je izumro
po~etkom 20.
dok 2008.
tim istra`iva~a
nije pronašao
~etitri primerka
tarzijera. Ova ~udna
i nepoznata `ivotinja
je duga~ka od 90 do
105 mm i teška manje od
0,05kg. Pigmejski tarzijeri su
jedini primati koji su mesojedi
(konkretno, insektojedi). Ovo je
no}na `ivotinja, koja je aktivna
top 5 rarest animals
in the world
Endangered, rare, precious, hunted, traded, no
matter what you say, these animals have the
least chances of survival of all the creature’s
on earth. They are at the verge of extinction.
This is the list of the 5 rarest and most
endangered animals in the world.
2. Baid`i: Kineski re~ni
aid`i ili Kineski re~ni
delfin je slatkovodni
delfin koji `ivi samo
u reci Jangce u Kini. Populacija
Baid`ija je drasti~no opala nakon
industrijskog rasta u Kini i nakon što su
reke po~ele da se koriste za ribarenje
i plovidbu. 2006. godine, nakon
bezuspešne ekspedicije da se prona|e
Baid`i u reci, proglašen je izumrlom vrstom.
Naziva se i Boginjom Jangce reke. Baid`i je vrlo
animal kingdom
blizu izumiranja, pošto ima
još samo 13 `ivih primeraka
na svetu.
2. Baiji: Chinese River
he Baiji, or the
Chinese River Dolphin
is a freshwater
dolphin found only in the
Yangtze River in China.
The population of Baiji
declined dramatically
after the industrial
growth of China and
the use of rivers for
transportation and
fishing. In 2006,
after the failure
of an expedition
to find a Baiji in
the river, it was
declared extinct.
“Goddess of the
Yangtze”, the
Baiji is very close
to extinction as there
are only about 13 living
specimen left.
samo no}u, a preko dana uglavnom spava na
granama drve}a.
3. Pygmy Tarsier: The rarest primate in
the World
he pygmy tarsier or the
mountain tarsier is
the rarest primate
in the world. Occuring in
Sulawesi in Indonesia,
the pygmy tarsier was
thought to have become
extinct in the early 20th
century until in 2008,
four pygmy tarsiers
were found by a
research team. This
weird and strange
animal is 90105 mm and
weighs less
than 0.05 kg.
The pygmy
are the only
to be precise). It is
nocturnal (active at night)
and spends most of the day
sleeping on branches.
for you 15
eliki Gatsbi
prati Nika
Uloge: Leonardo DiCaprio,
fid`elardovskog pisca
Carey Mulligan, Tobey Mau pokušaju, dok na
guire, Joel Edgerton, Jason
prole}e 1922. godine
Clarke, Isla Fisher, Gemma
napušta SrednjoWard
zapadnu Ameriku i
Re`iser: Baz Luhrmann
dolazi u Njujork. Ovo
@anr: Drama/Romantika
je vreme labavog
Studio: Warner Bros.
morala, svetlucavog d`eza i kraljeva
{vercovanog alkohola. U potrazi za
svojim ameri~kim snom, Nik stanuje
pored misterioznog milionera koji
stalno pravi `urke, D`eja Getsbija. Tako|e preko puta zaliva
`ivi njegova ro|aka Dejzi i njen
raskalašan mu` plave krvi, Tom
Bjukenon. Ovako Nik biva uvu~en
u za~arani svet super bogatih, njihovih iluzija, ljubavi i prevara. Kao
svedok unutar i van svog sveta,
on piše pri~u o nemogu}oj ljubavi, snovima i visoko oktanskoj tragediji, i tako prinosi
ogledalo našem savremenom
svetu i njegovim mukama.
Cast: Leonardo
DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire,
Joel Edgerton, Jason
Clarke, Isla Fisher,
Gemma Ward
Director: Baz
Genre: Drama/Romance
Studio: Warner Bros.
he Great Gatsby follows
Fitzgerald-like, would-be
writer Nick Carraway as he
leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City
in the spring of 1922, an era of loosening morals, glittering jazz and bootleg kings. Chasing his own American Dream, Nick lands
next door to a mysterious, party-giving
millionaire, Jay Gatsby and across the bay
from his cousin, Daisy and her philandering,
blue-blooded husband, Tom Buchanan. It is
thus that Nick is drawn into the captivating world of the super rich, their
illusions, loves and deceits. As
Nick bears witness, within and
without the world he inhabits,
he pens a tale of impossible
love, incorruptible dreams and
high-octane tragedy, and holds
a mirror to our own modern
times and struggles.
Uloge: Vin Diesel,
Paul Walker,
Johnson, Gina
Michelle Ro-
ošto je plja~ka u Riju, koju su izveli Dom i Brajan,
srušila cartsvo jednog velikana i njihova ekipa je ostala sa 100 miliona dolara, naši junaci su se raštrkali
po svetu. Njihova nemogu}nost da se vrate ku}i i njihov
`ivot u ve~itom bekstvu ~ini njihov `ivot nepotpunim. U
me|uvremenu, Hobz prati organizaciju ubita~no obu~enih
18 for you
driguez, Joe Taslim,
Tyrese Gibson, Jordana Brewster, Sung
Kang, Chris ‘Ludacris’
Bridges, Luke Evans
Re`iser: Justin Lin
@anr: Akcioni/
Studio: Universal
voza~a pla}enika kroz dvanaest zemalja. Njihovom vo|i,
okrutna zamenica je stara ljubav Doma, Leti, za koju je
mislio da je mrtva. Jedini na~in da se zaustave kriminalci
jeste da ih pobede na ulici. Zato Hobz tra`i od Doma da
sastavi svoju elitnu ekipu u Londonu. Zauzvrat? Puno pomilovanje za sve njih kako bi mogli da se vrate ku}i i budu
opet sa svojim porodicama.
et in the competitive world of modern
agriculture, “At Any
Price” centers on ambitious
Henry Whipple, who wants
his rebellious son Dean to
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Zac
Efron, Kim Dickens, Heather
Graham, Clancy Brown
Director: Ramin Bahrani
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Studio: Sony Pictures Classics
Uloge: Dennis Quaid,
Zac Efron, Kim Dickens,
Heather Graham, Clancy
Re`iser: Ramin Bahrani
@anr: Drama/Komedija
Studio: Sony Pictures
adnja se odvija u
konkurentnom svetu
savremene poljoprivrede. Glavni lik filma
“Po svaku cenu” je ambiciozni Henri Vipl, koji `eli
da njegov buntovni sin
Din pomogne u širenju
porodi~nog poljoprivrednog carstva. Me|utim,
Din se namera~io da
postane profesnioalni voza~
trka~kih automobila. Kada
zapo~ne velika
istraga njihovih
poslova, otac i
sin bivaju iznenada gurnuti
u situaciju
koja preti
izvoru prihoda.
ince Dom and Brian’s
Rio heist toppled a
kingpin’s empire and
left their crew with $100
million, our heroes have
scattered across the
globe. But their inability
to return home and living
forever on the lam have
left their lives incomplete. Meanwhile, Hobbs
has been tracking an
organization of lethally
skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries,
whose mastermind is
aided by a ruthless
revealed to be the love
Dom thought was dead,
Letty. The only way to
stop the criminal outfit
is to outmatch them at
street level, so Hobbs
Cast: Vin Diesel, Paul
Walker, Dwayne Johnson,
Gina Carano, Michelle Rodriguez, Joe Taslim, Tyrese
Gibson, Jordana Brewster,
Sung Kang, Chris ‘Ludacris’
Bridges, Luke Evans
Director: Justin Lin
Genre: Action/Crime/Thriller
Studio: Universal Pictures
help expand his family’s farming
empire. However, Dean has his
sights set on becoming a professional race car driver. When a
high-stakes investigation into
their business unfolds, father and son are pushed
into an unexpected
situation that
threatens the
asks Dom to assemble his
elite team in London. Payment? Full pardons for all
of them so they can return
home and make their families whole again.
for you 19
sportski ugao
oliko je dobrih sportista na na{oj sportskoj sceni, da
ih treba uvek pomenuti. Jedan od njih je i vaterpolista
Andrija Prlainovi}, progla{en za najboljeg strelca
vaterpolo turnira na tridesetim Olimpijskim igrama u Londonu.
Tako|e, u Srbiji je progla{en za najboljeg sportistu 2012.
godine. On je jednostavno igra~ bez ~ijih pogodaka Srbija
pro{le godine ne bi mogla da osvoji zlatnu medalju na Evropskom prvenstvu i bronzu na Olimpijskim igrama.
Ro|en u Dubrovniku (Hrvatska), odrastao u Herceg
Novom, sportista kojeg su zavoleli navija~i i Partizana i
Crvene zvezde, {to je prava retkost. Nakon pet godina
provedenih sa crno-belima, re{io je da se pridru`i crvenobelima. Za njega se ka`e da je jedan od najboljih vaterpolista na svetu, obzirom na mnogo trofeja koji su obele`ili
njegovu karijeru. Ujedno se smatra za jednog od najinteligentnijih sportista u Evropi.
Jo{ od malih nogu se znalo da }e on postati vaterpolista,
jer poti~e iz porodice u kojoj samo njegova majka nije igrala
vaterpolo. Oduvek je voleo da bude u vodi, a sa ~etiri godine
je po~eo da pliva, da bi ve} sa {est godina po~eo trenirati
ovaj sport. Vremenom je toliko zavoleo ovaj sport, da je danas postao vrhunski igra~.
Za Andriju se prvi put ~ulo dok je bio u klubu Jadran u
kojem je ponikao, da bi se kasnije preselio u Beograd, gde je
zaigrao za Partizan. U tom klubu je ostvario zapa`ene rezultate, ali ubzro prelazi u italijanski Proreko, trenutno najorganizovaniji klub na svetu. Sada je ovaj famozni vaterpolista
kapiten doma}e lige - Crvene zvezde.
Iako je vaterpolo na na{im prostorima u senci
fudbala i ko{arke, vaterpolisti su ipak omiljeni sportisti, ali Prlainovi} je od onih koji ne jure veliku slavu
i popularnost. Njemu su treninzi najja~a snaga, jer tu
sti~e samopouzdanje. On je ~ovek sa patrijarhalnim
vaspitanjem, i stoga ne tra}i svoje dragoceno slobodno vreme na disko klubove i ispijanje alkohola do
zore. To je veoma dobar primer mladima koji `ele biti
„in“, da svoju energiju usmeravaju ka nekim kvalitetnijim stvarima u `ivotu, kao {to je to upravo sport.
Svoju budu}nost, nakon zavr{etka karijere,
vidi u treniranju mladih izdanaka, a ve} je po~eo
analizirati poznatije vaterpolo trenere, ~ime `eli
svaladati sve trenerske ve{tine. Ovaj “delfin“ je
zaslu`an za nastavak trofejnog niza na{eg vaterpola, a ve} uveliko razmi{lja o Igrama u Riju, gde
se definitivno nada zlatu.
20 for you
Datum ro|enja: 28.4.1987.
Sport: Vaterpolo
Pozicija: Kapiten
Klub: BVK Crvena zvezda
Raniji klubovi: Jadran HN,
Partizan, Fluminense, Pro
Visina: 2.01 m
Te`ina: 106.1 kg
Muzika: Stari jugoslovenski
Voli: Vodu i engleski
Mana: Tvrdoglavost
Omilljeni sportista: Lionel
sports corner
here are so many good athletes in our sports scene,
that they should always be mentioned. One of them
is water polo player Andrija Prlainovic, who was
declared the best scorer in the thirtieth water polo Olympic
Games in London. In addition, in Serbia he was declared
the best sportsman in 2012. He is simply a player without
whose scores Serbia could not have won a gold medal at
the European Championships and a bronze medal at the
Olympics last year.
Born in Dubrovnik (Croatia), raised in Herceg Novi, he is
a sportsman with whom both the fans of Partizan and Crvena
Zvezda fell in love, which is a rarity. After five years with
Partizan, he decided to join the red and whites. He is said to
be one of the best water polo players in the world, due to the
many trophies that marked his career. He is also considered
to be one of the most intelligent athletes in Europe.
It was known that he would become a water polo player
while he was still little, because he comes from a family
where only his mother did not play water polo. He has always
liked being in the water, and he started to swim when he was
four years old, and began to practice this sport as a six year
old. With time, he started loving this sport so much that today
he has become a top player.
Andrija was first heard of when he was in the club
Jadran where he originated as a water polo player, but later
he moved to Belgrade, where he played for Partizan. In
this club he has achieved remarkable
results, but soon he moved to the Italian club, Proreko, which is currently
the most organized club in the world.
Now, this famous water polo player is
a captain in the domestic league club
– Crvena Zvezda.
Although water polo is in our region
in the shadow of soccer and basketball, water polo athletes are still favorite sportsmen, but Prlainovic is one of
those who do not chase great fame
and popularity. His greatest strength
is training, because this is where he
gains confidence. He is a man with
patriarchal values and therefore he
does not waste his precious free time
at night clubs and drinking alcohol until
dawn. It is a very good example to young people who want to
be “in”, of how they should direct their energy toward some
better things in life, such as sport precisely is.
He sees his future, after his career ends, in coaching young water polo players, and has already begun to
analyze known water polo coaches, in order to master
coaching skills. This “dolphin” is credited with continuation
of series of trophies of our water polo, and he is already
deeply thinking about the Olympics in Rio, where he definitely hopes to win gold.
Date of Birth: 28.4.1987
Sport: Water polo
Position: Captain
Club: BVK Crvena zvezda
Previous clubs: Jadran HN,
Partizan, Fluminense, Pro
Height: 2.01 m
Weight: 106.1 kg
Music: Old Yugoslavian
Likes: Water and English
Flaw: Stubbornness
Favorite sportsman:
Lionel Messi
for you 21
Hi - Tech
sadr`aj. Olimpus VH -520 kompaktni digitalni
fotoaparat }e biti dostupan u crvenoj, ljubi~astoj,
plavoj, crnoj i braon boji.
limpus je predstavio svoj novi digitalni fotoaparat VH - 520 , koji nudi
snimanje u visokoj rezoluciji (1080p)
kao i niz drugih mogu}nosti. Njegov
tanki dizajn i razli~ite opcije sa strane, ovaj
aparat ima odli~an kvalitet pri slabom osvetljenju zbog IHS tehnologije, koja se, kako
kompanija isti~e, ~esto mo`e na}i samo
u ve}im kamerama po višoj ceni. Olimpus
VH - 520 nudi 14 - megapiksela CMOS
senzor, a koristi TruePic V procesor, koji je
prvi put razvijen za koriš}enje u digitalnim
SLR fotoaparatima. Zoom je prili~no visok sa
opti~kim zumom od 10 puta sa 20 puta digitalnim podsticajem.
ISO raspon ide do 6400, a tu je HDR pozadinsko osvetljenje.
Ekran je od 3 in~a. Najzad, slike i video mogu da se menjaju
sa Magi~nim filterima, koji su memorisani i na raspolaganju su
da se primene efekti na ve} snimljen i sa~uvan
OD 11.6 IN^A SA
ovi Windows 8
je od strane
japanske kompanije Computer
Mouse poznatiji
kao LuvPad VN1100.
Ima LED ekran od 11.6 in~a sa
rezolucijom 1920 x 1080 piksela . Osim Vizia, ovaj model,
LuvPad VN1100 , pokre}e
processor 1 GHz AMD
Z – 60 sa dual jezgrom,
lympus presented its new digital camera
VH-520, offering high definition 1080p
recording, as well as a variety of other
features. Its slim design and colorful options aside,
this unit boasts excellent low-light quality due to iHS
technology, which is, as the company points out,
often only found in larger cameras at higher price.
The Olympus VH-520 offers a 14-megapixel CMOS
sensor, and
utilizes the
V processor, which
was first
for use in
digital SLR
Zoom is
fairly high at
10x optical
zoom with a
digital boost
to 20x. ISO
range goes up
to 6400, and there’s HDR Backlight Adjustment. The display is
3-inches. Finally, images and video can be edited with Magic
Filters, which are presets available to apply effects to recorded
and saved content. The Olympus VH-520 compact digital camera will be available in red, purple, blue, black, and brown.
6250 grafikom podr`anoj sa 2GB RAM-a. Tablet poseduje
128GB Solid State Disk (SSD). Ostale karakteristike
uklju~uju Bluetooth 4.0, Be`i~nu konekciju (Wi-Fi)
802.11n, USB i HDMI i Litijumsku 4700mAh bateriju koja
mo`e da podr`i do 5.5 sati rada.
Windows 8
tablet was launched by
the Japanese company
Mouse Computer known as LuvPad WN1100. It
has an 11.6 inch LED screen with 1920X1080
pixel resolution. Except Vizio, this model, LuvPad
WN1100, is powered by 1 GHz AMD Z-60 dual core
processor, with Radeon HD 6250 graphics supported with
2GB RAM. The tablet is provided by a 128GB solid state disk
(SSD). Other features include Bluetooth 4.0, Wireless 802.11n,
USB and HDMI and the 4700mAh 5.5 hrs life Lithium battery.
22 for you
Hi - Tech
doga|aj 21. maja, a ovo je trenutno
samo glasina, jer još nije potvr|ena od
strane Microsofta. ^ak i ako se to desi,
puno predstavljanje novog XboX 720
o~ekuje se na E3 doga|aju koji }e se
odr`ati u junu.
ini se da ne}emo dugo ~ekati na slede}u Microsoft
Xbox 720 konzolu. Poslednje glasine su da }e ta
konzola biti predstavljena slede}eg meseca. Verge
tvrdi da }e Microsoft organizovati
TC je tiho
lansirao dva
nova smart
(pametna) telefona
Desire serije, ve}
navedenih na sajtu
tajvanske kompanije
HTC koji }e
uskoro biti predstavljeni u drugim
zemljama . Desire P
model pokre}e Qualcomm Snapdragon
MSM8255 1GHz dual
kor procesor sa 768
MB RAM memorije,
ima 4 GB interne
memorije, Super
LCD2 4,3 ekran sa
800x480 piksela, 8
megapiksela zadnje kamere sa BSI
senzorom, microSD
slot, 1620 mAh bateriju,
GPS i GLONASS navigacioni sistem. Desire
Q model pokre}e jedan procesor brzine 1GHz sa 512 MB
RAM memorije, poseduje ekran od 4 in~a sa 800x480
piksela, 4GB RAM-a i GPS (bez GLONASS-a) navigacioni sistem, microSD slot , kameru od 5 megapiksela i
1650 mAh bateriju . Oba modela rade na Android 4.Jelly
t seems
that we
won’t have
wait long
before next
720 TO BE PREMicrosoft
Xbox 720
Recent rumours have that
this piece will be unveiled next
month. The Verge claims that Microsoft
will organize the event on 21st of May,
which currently is just a rumour, since it
was not yet confirmed by the Microsoft. Even if this occurs,
full presentation of new Xbox 720 is expected in E3 event
due to take place in June.
Bean sa HTC Sense 4.0
korisni~kim interfejsom i oba
uklju~uju Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
i Beats Audio tehnologiju
zvuka. Desire P i Desire Q
izgleda da ciljaju na srednji
nivo tr`išta i oni su najnoviji
od 10 modela Desire porodice.
TC silently launched
two new smartphones
of Desire series,
already listed in the website of
Taiwanese company HTC which
are soon to be presented in other
countries. Desire P model is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8255 1GHz dual core with 768 MB RAM, 4GB
internal memory, Super LCD2 4.3 screen with 800 X 480
pixels, rear 8 megapixel camera with BSI sensor, microSD
slot, 1620 mAh battery, GPS and GLONASS. The Desire
Q model is powered with a single 1GHz processor with 512
MB RAM, 4 inch 800 X 480 pixel screen, 4GB RAM, GPS (no
GLONASS), microSD slot, 5 megapixel camera and 1650 mAh
battery. Both smartphones run on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with
HTC Sense 4.0 user interface, and they include Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi and Audio Beats sound technology. Desire P and Desire
Q seem that aim at mid-level market, and they are the latest of
10 models of Desire family.
for you 23
e}a{ li se ti Aleksandra iz ~etvrte godine, bio je
glavni u {koli, ali, nije bio glavni jer je bio najbolji
u~enik ili |ak generacije, ve} je bio najpoznatiji
po broju izostanaka u {koli. Zamislite njegove roditelje
kada su morali da se bore sa njim,
a roditelji su mu ina~e bili lekari.
Za{to li je on onda krenuo tim lo{im
putem?! I dan danas se pitam,
i nikako ne mogu da shvatim o
~emu sve te “velike” {kolske face
razmi{ljaju dok izigravaju neke
“juna~ine“ u {kolskim hodnicima,
u~ionicama ili dvori{tu?!
Kod nas u {koli je bilo mnogo
takvih likova, a Aleksandar je bio
da ka`em njihov vo|a, njemu su
se svi klanjali, jedni zato {to su ga
podr`avali u tim nasilnim akcijama,
a drugi zato {to su ga se pla{ili
i nisu `eleli da mu stanu na put.
Ta na{a {kolska faca je bio jedino
24 for you
zgodan dasa, ali ne i tako pametan. Na svu
sre}u jednom prilikom je odr`ana sve~anost
povodom Dana {kole, gde se odr`avao i neki
{kolski kviz, da ka`em slobodan kviz. Naime,
vo|a kviza je bila neka atraktivna devojka
koja je dolazila iz neke, ne se}am se imena
nevladine organizacije. Odjednom je primetila
Aleksandra okru`enog lepim devojkama,
povukla ga je za ruku i po~ela ispitivati. To je
bilo njegovih “pet minuta“! Svi smo se smejali
njegovom zamuckivanju i neznanju, nije ~ak
znao da je Dablin glavni grad Irske.
Od tog dana bio je manji od makovog zrna
jer se niko vi{e nije hteo dru`iti sa njim. Svi su
ga zami{ljali druga~ijim, svi su mislili da je on
glavni u celoj {koli zato {to je bio najpametniji,
a zapravo on je samo voleo da se pravi
pametan poni`avaju}i ostale u~enike u {koli.
Voleo je zadirkivati, rugati se, praviti kle~ke,
~upati devoj~ice... {ta sve nije radio. Zbog
toga je on bio glavni u celoj {koli, ne zato
{to su ga voleli ve} zato {to su ga se mnogi
pla{ili. A doboga, on je bio sin lekara, i niko
mu nije mogao stati na kraj.
Ipak, taj Dan {kole }emo svi pamtiti. Svi
smo bili sre}ni jer je Aleksandar bio u}utkan za sva
vremena, jer je tada on postao tema ruganja. To se uvek
de{ava svima onima koji misle da je nasilje, bilo koje
vrste, jedini na~in komuniciranja. Tada kada je Aca bio
ismejan pred celom {kolom, na sred sve~anosti, shvatio
je da mu je ipak bilo bolje da je krenuo drugom putanjom.
Bilo mu je te{ko da se posle toga vrati u {kolu, ali
je bio svestan da }e morati svima da se izvini zbog
svog nezrelog pona{anja. Naravno, svima nama je bilo
potrebno da shvatimo da je i on normalan kao i svi mi
u {koli. On je zapravo bio samo jedno usamljeno dete
kome je bila potrebna ne~ija pa`nja, a od roditelja koji
su bili preoptere}eni poslom, je nije dobijao. @eleo je
pa`nju, i dobijao ju je, jer su svi govorili samo o njegovim
incidentima u {koli.
Drago mi je da danas ~ujem da je i Aleksandar zar{io
fakultet, i to verovali ili ne psihologiju. Jednom prilikom
smo se sreli, rekao mi je: „Draga, Sanela, knjiga je ta
koja mi je bila najbolji drug. Istra`uju}i komunikaciju i
vrste nasilja, uspeo sam da razgrani~im dobro od lo{eg,
i shvatim da tako nasilan jedino mogu posti}i da budem
odba~en od svih. To nikako nisam `eleo, da budem sam i
da svi upiru prstom u mene“.
to communicate. When Aleksandar was made the
laughing stock of the school, in the middle of the
ceremony, he realised that it would have been better
if he followed another path.
It was hard for him to return to school but he was
aware that he must apologies to everyone for his immature
behavior. Of course, we all needed to realise that he too
was just as normal as the rest of us. He was, in fact, just a
lonely child who yearned for attention. He did not receive
attention from his parents, who were preoccupied with work.
He wanted attention and received it, when everyone talked
about the incidents he created in school.
I am glad to hear that Aleksandar has now graduated
and earned a degree in, believe it or not, psychology. We
met on one occasion and he told me: “Dear Sanela, books
were my best friends. By researching communication and
violence, I have managed to know right from wrong and
have realised that through violence I can only achieve
alienation. That is something I never wished for, to be alone
and have fingers pointed at me”.
o you remember Aleksandar that went to school
with us in the fourth year, he was the top guy in
school but not because he was the best student of
our generation he was the main culprit in skipping school.
Imagine his parents, who were doctors, having to deal with
him. Why then did he have to stray down the wrong path?!
To this day I ask myself this question and still I cannot
understand what all the “top guys” from school thought
while they were going about, pretending to be the “heroes”
of school corridors, classrooms and playgrounds?!
There were many such characters in our school, and
let’s say Aleksandar was their leader. They all bowed
down to him, some of them because they supported him
in his violent actions, others because they feared him and
did not want to cross his path. Our “top guy” was only
handsome but not so smart. Fortunately, once there was
a ceremony held to mark our School Day and some sort
of school quiz was held, let’s say, a free quiz. The quiz
master was an attractive girl, who worked for some nongovernmental organization, her name I have forgotten.
Suddenly, she noticed Aleksandar surrounded by pretty
girls; she pulled him aside and started questioning him.
Those were his “five minutes of fame”! We all laughed at
his mumbling and ignorance, he did not even know that
Dublin is the capital of Ireland.
From that day on, he was smaller than a poppy seed,
since no one wanted to be in his company. Everyone
thought that he was something different; everyone thought
that he was the main guy of our entire school because
he was smart. In fact, he just pretended to be smart by
humiliating the other pupils. He liked to tease, made fun
and pulled the hair of other students, especially girls. That
was why he was the main guy of the entire school, not
because he was well liked but because he was feared. For
goodness sake, he was the son of a doctor, and no one
could put an end to his wrongdoings.
However, we all remember that school day. We were
all glad that Aleksandar had been shut up for good. Then
he became the butt of all the jokes. That happens to all of
those who think that violence, of any sort, is the only way
for you 25
Raki} (19)
Po{tovanje je
koji vodi
i usmerava ka
pravim i kvalitetnim odnosima me|u
ljudima. Po{tovanje kao celinu ~ine
razli~iti tokovi: primarno, me|uljudsko,
po{tovanje bo`anskih ili drugih ideologija, `ivota razli~itih dru{tava...
Stefan Rakic (19)
Respect is the foundation of civilization. It is the brain of a healthy society.
It is a sign that leads and directs to
true and good quality relationships
between people. Respect as a whole
consists of various streams: primary,
interpersonal, respect of divine or
other ideologies, respect of different
Ivan Brankovi} (18)
Za mene je po{tovanje kada po{tujete
nekoga koga volite i ko vam je drag.
Naravno, pre svega, smatram da treba
po{tovati starije osobe od sebe. Svakako treba po{tovati sva~ije mi{ljenje
bez obzira na uzrast. Po{tovati nekoga
zna~i isto {to i po{tovati samog sebe.
Ivan Brankovic (18)
For me respect is when you respect
someone you love and who is dear to
you. Of course, first of all, I think we
should respect the people who are older than us. Certainly, everyone’s
opinion should be respected regardless of age. To respect someone
means the same thing as self-respect.
Aleksandar Vasi} (18)
Po{tovanje je ose}anje koje imamo
prema nekome ili ne~emu. Nekada su
postojale op{te prihva}ene norme i
pravila pona{anja, a u dana{nje vreme
po{tuje ko {ta `eli i koga `eli. Po{tovati
nekoga, zna~i isto {to po{tovati sebe,
a granica po{tovanja je tamo gde
samopo{tovanje prestaje.
Aleksandar Vasic (18)
Respect is a feeling we have towards
someone or something. There used to be commonly accepted norms
and rules of behavior, and nowadays everyone respects what they
want and whom they want. To respect someone means the same
thing as respecting yourself and the limit of respect is where selfrespect ends.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
Aleksandra Brankovi} (18)
primeri iz
da je kod
ljudi koji
po{tovanje, istovremeno odbijaju}i da po{tuju
druge. Po{tovati nekoga za mene
zna~i prihvatiti ga onakvim kakav jeste,
uva`iti njegove stavove i mi{ljenja,
ceniti njegovo vreme i odnos prema
Aleksandra Brankovic (18)
Numerous examples from everyday
life show that there are too many
people here who demand respect while
refusing to respect others. To respect
someone for me is to accept them for
what they are, respect their views and
opinions, appreciate their time and
relationship with others.
Danijel Petrovi} (18)
Ja sam neko ko smatra da se
po{tovanje mora zaslu`iti. Kao prvo,
moramo po{tovati sebe da bi nas i drugi
po{tovali; jer osoba koja po{tuje sebe,
po{tuje i druge, i svojim pona{anjem
ukazuje na to da `eli biti po{tovana.
Lepo je po{tovati i biti po{tovan.
Danijel Petrovic (18)
I am someone who believes that respect
must be earned. First, we must respect
ourself so others would respect us, for people who respect themselves
respect others as well, and with his/her behavior indicates that he/she
wants to be respected. It’s good to respect and be respected.
Stefan Vuji} (18)
Po{tovanje je odnos koji svaka osoba
treba da ima prema drugoj osobi, bez
obzira na razliku u godinama, veri ili
nacionalnoj pripadnosti. Ljudi moraju biti
usmereni jedni ka drugima, pomagati
jedni drugima u te{kim trenucima,
me|usobno deliti i dobro i zlo, jer to je
ono {to nas ~ini ljudima.
Stefan Vujic (18)
Respect is a relationship that each person should have towards other person, regardless of differences in age,
religion or nationality. People need to be directed towards each other,
help each other in difficult times, share good and bad, because that’s
what makes us human.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
so fast to things around you or
why that stubbed toe hurts right
away? It’s due to the superspeedy movement of nerve
impulses from your brain to the
rest of your body and vice versa,
bringing reactions at the speed
of a high powered
luxury sports car.
• Ljudska mo`dana }elija
mo`e da skladišti pet puta
više informacija od En• Nerve impulses to and from the brain
ciklopdije Britanika ili bilo
travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Ever
koje drugo enciklopedije.
wonder how you
Nau~nici se još
can react
nisu slo`ili koliko
• Nau~nici tvrde da više
ta~no informacio
sanjate ukoliko Vam je koeNeverovato!
ja mozak mo`e
ficijent inteligencije viši. Dok je
da skladišti, ali
ali istinit
ovo mo`da ta~no, nemojte misliti da
pretpostavlja se
zaostajete mentalno ukoliko se ne mo`ete
da se radi o brojci
setiti svojih snova. Ve}ina nas se ne mo`e setiti
izme|u 3 i 1 000 terabita.
mnogih naših snova. Prose~no trajanje snova jeste 2 do 3
sekunde, što je jedva dovoljno dugo da se registruju.
• Nervni impulsi putuju od i do Vašeg
mozga brzinom i do 170 milja na sat. Da
li ste se ikada zapitali zašto tako brzo
reagujete na stvari oko Vas ili zašto
Vas no`ni palac odmah zaboli kada ga
povredite? To je zbog super brzih nervnih
impulsa koji putuju iz i do Vašeg mozga,
oni prouzrokuju reakcije brze kao luksuzan sportski automobil sa mnogo konjskih snaga.
• Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more
you dream. While this may be true, don’t take
it as a sign you’re mentally lacking if you can’t
recall your dreams. Most of us don’t remember many of our dreams and the average length of most dreams is only
2-3 seconds–barely long
enough to register.
• 80%
mozga ~ini
voda. Vaš mozak
nije ~vrsta siva masa
koju ste mo`da videli
preko televizije. @ivo
mo`dano tkivo je organ
mljackav, roze boje i
poput `elea. Slede}i
• Površina ljudskog plu}nog krila je jednaka
put kada osetite da ste
površini teniskog terena. Kako bi što efikasnije unosile
dehidrirani, popijte vode
kiseonik u krv, plu}a se sastoje od hiljade razgranatih
kako bi Vam mozak osbronhija i sitnih grozdanih alveola. One su pune mikrostao hidriran.
kopskih kapilara koje razmenjuju kiseonik i ugljendioksid. Velika površina ~ini ovu razmenu lakšom, i ~ini da
• 80% of the brain is
Vaše telo ima dovoljno kiseonika stalno.
water. Your brain isn’t
the firm, gray mass
• The surface area of a human lung is equal to
you’ve seen on TV.
a tennis court. In order to more efficiently
Living brain tissue is a
oxygenate the blood, the lungs are filled
squishy, pink and jellywith thousands of branching bronchi and
like organ thanks to the
tiny, grape-like alveoli. These are filled
loads of blood and high
with microscopic capillaries which
water content of the tisoxygen and carbon dioxide. The
sue. So the next time
large amount of surface area makes
you’re feeling dehydratit easier for this exchange to take
ed get a drink to keep
place, and makes sure you stay
your brain hydrated.
properly oxygenated at all times.
28 for you
• The human
brain cell can hold
5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia
Britannica. Or any other
encyclopedia for that matter. Scientists have yet
to settle on a definitive
amount, but the storage
capacity of the brain in
electronic terms is thought
to be between 3 or even
1,000 terabytes.
• Vaše levo plu}no krilo je
manje od Vašeg desnog
plu}nog krila, kako bi bilo
dovoljno mesta za Vaše srce.
Ve}ina ljudi bi nacrtala svoja
plu}a tako da bi oba plu}na
krila izgledala kao da su podjednake veli~ine. Me|utim
dok su plu}na krila otprilike
iste veli~ine, ljudsko srce,
koje je centralno locirano,
je blago naklonjeno na levu
stranu. Tako da zauzima više
mesta na levoj strani tela i
tako gu`va levo plu}no krilo.
• Your left lung is smaller
than your right lung to make
room for your heart. For
most people, if they were
asked to draw a picture of
what the lungs look like they
would draw both looking
roughly the same size. While
the lungs are fairly similar
in size, the human heart,
though located fairly
centrally, is tilted
slightly to the left
making it take up
more room on that
side of the body
and crowding
out that poor left
• Jedna vlas ljudske kose mo`e
da izdr`i 99 grama. To je otprilike
te`ina jedne velike ~okolade. Pošto na
ljudskoj glavi ima stotine hiljada vlasi, bajka
o Zlatokosi se ~ini istinitom.
• One human hair can support 3.5 ounces. That’s
about the weight of two full size candy bars, and
with hundreds of thousands of
hairs on the human head,
• Plavuše imaju više kose. Pri~a se i da se više zabavljaju
makes the tale of Rapunzel
ali definitivno imaju više kose. Boja kose odre|uje koliko }e
much more plausible.
gusta biti kosa na glavi. U proseku, ljudsko bi}e poseduje
100 000 folikula kose. Svaka od njih mo`e da proizvede 20
vlasi kose tokom `ivota. Osobe sa plavom kosom,
• Nokti na prstima
u proseku, imaju 146 000 folikula dok osobe sa
skoro ~etiri puta
crnom kosom poseduju, u proseku, 110 000 folibr`e od noktiju na no`nim prstikula. Osobe sa ri|om kosom imaju najre|u kosu, oko
ma. Ukoliko ste primetili da ~eš}e
86 000 folikula.
skra}ujete nokte na prstima ruku
nego nokte na prstima nogu, to nije
• Blondes have more hair. They’re said to have more
samo plod Vaše mašte. Nokti koji su
fun, and they definitely have more hair. Hair color denajizlo`eniji i najviše se troše, rastu br`e.
termines how dense the hair on your head is. The averU
proseku, nokti na prstima ruku i nogu
age human has 100,000 hair follicles, each of which is
rastu oko jedne desetine in~a mese~no.
capable of producing 20 individual hairs during a person’s lifetime. Blondes average 146,000 follicles while
• Fingernails grow nearly 4 times
people with black hair tend to have about 110,000
faster than toenails. If you notice that
follicles. Those with brown hair fit the average with
you’re trimming your fingernails much
100,000 follicles and redheads have the least dense
more frequently than your toenails you’re not just
hair, with about 86,000 follicles.
imagining it. The nails that get the most exposure
and are used most frequently grow the fastest. On average, nails on both the toes
• Ljudsko
and fingers grow about one-tenth of
srce stvara dovoljno prian inch each month.
tiska da mo`e brizgati krv i do 30 stopa.
Nije ni ~udo što mo`ete lako osetiti otkucaje
Vašeg srca. Brzo i efikasno pumpanje
krvi širom Vašeg tela zahteva dosta pritiska koje rezultira u jakim kontrakcijama
srca i debelim zidovima komora koje
pumpaju krv po telu.
but true! le
• The human heart creates enough pressure
to squirt blood 30 feet. No wonder you can feel
your heartbeat so easily. Pumping blood through
your body quickly and efficiently takes quite
a bit of pressure resulting in the strong
contractions of the heart and the thick
walls of the ventricles which
push blood to the body.
• Vi biste pre`iveli i da Vam uklone ve}inu unutrašnjih organa.
Ljudsko telo mo`da deluje krhko,
ali mo`ete pre`iveti i ukoliko Vam
uklone `eludac, slezinu, 75% jetre,
80% creva, jedan bubreg, jedno
plu}no krilo i gotovo sve organe iz
predela karlice i prepona. Mo`da
se ne biste ose- }
ali baš najbolje, ali
bi bili `ivi.
• You could remove
a large part of your
internal organs and
survive. The
human body may appear fragile
but it’s possible to survive even
with the removal of the stomach,
the spleen, 75 percent of the liver,
80 percent of the intestines, one
kidney, one lung, and virtually every organ from the pelvic and groin
for you 29
30 for you
Rihanna mi je najomiljenija
peva~ica, od glasa, njenih
pesama do stila. Zato bih
volela da pi{ete o njoj.
Od glumica mi se dopada
meksi~ka Maite Perroni, ~iji
bih poster volela da vidim u
ovom ~asopisu. Omiljeni sport
mi je tenis, a slobodno vreme
provodim sa drugaricama ili
~atuju}i na Facebooku.
Nikoleta [uki}
O[ “Rajko Uro{evi}“
Gotovu{a – [trpce
Od svih sportova najvi{e
volim fudbal, i zato se ~esto
sa drugarima, u slobodno
vreme, bavimo upravo ovim
sportom. Kada je muzika u
pitanju najvi{e volim Riblju
~orbu, oni su neprevazi|eni.
Jackie Chan mi je najomiljeniji
glumac, a sportista Cristiano
Ronaldo, ~iji bih poster voleo
da objavite. Volim da gledam
filmove, a najvi{e mi se
dopada “Gas do daske 2“.
Jovan Durlevi}
O[ “Rajko Uro{evi}“
Gotovu{a – [trpce
Draga redakcijo,
Volela bih da objavite poster
meksi~ke glumice Dulce
Maria ili ameri~kog glumca
i peva~a Zac-a Efron-a. Od
filmova najvi{e volim na{
doma}i “Lajanje na zvezde“. A
omiljeni sport mi je odbojka. U
slobodno vreme najvi{e volim
da budem u dru{tvu moje
porodice i prijatelja.
An|ela Dimi}
O[ “Rajko Uro{evi}“
Gotovu{a – [trpce
U slobodno vreme volim da
igram odbojku, a najomiljeniji
sportista mi je Novak \okovi}. @eleo bih da objavite
poster Kim Kardashian,
Slash-a ili grupe One
direction. Omiljeni glumac
mi je Johnny Deep, a od
muzike slu{am bend Bullet
for my Valentine. “Pirati sa
Kariba“ je jedan od meni
najboljih filmova.
Milorad Staletovi}
O[ “Rajko Uro{evi}“
Gotovu{a – [trpce
Ja sam Aleksandra iz [trpca,
i napisa}u Vam ne{to o mojim
interesovanjima. Omiljena
muzi~ka grupa mi je Linkin
Park, a od doma}ih Riblja
~orba. George Clooney i
Jacie Chan su mi najdra`i
glumci, a kada je sport u
pitanju, ko{arka je po meni
najbolja. Slobodno vreme
provodim ~itaju}i knjige.
Aleksandra \or|evi}
O[ “Rajko Uro{evi}“
Gotovu{a – [trpce
Kada je muzika u pitanju
Riblju ~orbu, i najdra`u
pesmu “Kada padne no}“.
Od filmova najvi{e volim
“Sam u ku}i 5“, a {to se
glumaca ti~e Silvester
Stalone je jedan jedini.
U slobodno vreme se
uglavnom bavim sportom,
fudbalom i ko{arkom. Voleo
bih da objavite poster
Novaka \okovi}a.
Lazar Petkovi}
O[ “Rajko Uro{evi}“
Gotovu{a – [trpce
for you 31
Rihanna is my favorite singer,
starting with her voice to the
style of her songs. So I’d like
you to write about her. Among
actresses I like Mexican
actress Maite Perroni, whose
poster I would like to see in this
magazine. My favorite sport
is tennis, and I spend my free
time with friends or chatting on
Nikoleta Sukic
Primary School “Rajko
Gotovusa - Strpce
Of all the sports I like soccer
the most, so often with friends,
for leisure, we do this sport.
When it comes to music I love
the best Riblja Corba, they are
unsurpassed. Jackie Chan is
my favorite actor, and Cristiano
Ronaldo my favorite athlete,
whose poster I would like you to
publish. I like to watch movies,
and I especially like the movie
„Rush Hour 2“.
Jovan Durlevic
Primary School “Rajko
Gotovusa – Strpce
Dear Editorial Staff,
I’d like you to publish poster of
Mexican actress Dulce Maria, or
the American actor and singer
Zac Efron. From films I like best
our indigenous movie “Barking
at the Stars”. And my favorite
sport is volleyball. In my spare
time I like to be in the company
of my family and friends.
Andjela Dimic
Primary School “Rajko
Gotovusa – Strpce
In my spare time I like to play
volleyball and my favorite
athlete is Novak Djokovic. I’d
like you to publish a poster
of Kim Kardashian, Slash, or
group One Direction. My
favorite actor is Johnny
Deep, and when it comes
to music I listen to the band
Bullet for my Valentine. “Pirates
of the Caribbean” is in my
opinion one of the best films.
Milorad Staletovic
Primary School “Rajko
Gotovusa - Strpce
I’m Aleksandra from Strpce,
and I will write you something
about my interests. My favorite
musical group is Linkin Park,
and from local bands it is Riblja
Corba. George Clooney and
Jackie Chan are my favorite
actors, and when it comes to
sports, basketball is the best
for me. I spend my free time
reading books.
Aleksandra Djordjevic
Primary School “Rajko
Gotovusa - Strpce
it comes to music I would
especially single out Riblja
Corba and my favorite song
“When night falls”. Among
movies I like the best “Alone
in the House 5”, and as far as
actors are concerned Sylvester
Stallone is one and only. In my
spare time I mostly play sports,
soccer and basketball. I’d like
you to publish a poster of Novak
Lazar Petkovic
OS “Rajko Urosevic“
Gotovusa – Strpce