međunarodni dan mira - Nansen Dialogue Network
međunarodni dan mira - Nansen Dialogue Network
2012 MEĐUNARODNI DAN MIRA THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS: GPPAC NA ZAPADNOM BALKANU GPPAC IN THE WESTERN BALKANS OBRAZOVANJE ZA MIR - GLAVNA POSTIGNUĆA 2011-2012 EDUCATION FOR PEACE - KEY ACHEVEMENTS 2011-2012 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OCTOBER 2010-OCTOBER 2011 LIKOVNI KONKURS UOČI MEĐUNARODNOG DANA MIRA THE ARTS COMPETITION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE MEĐUNARODNI DAN MIRA 2012. THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE 2012 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 - 19 11 - 20 Ed. M. Vitas Translation: S. Došljak Proofreading: S. Došljak Contributors: I. Gajovic D. Šarengaća T. Popović L. Mustafa Đ. Dabovic D. Radoman M. Cerović D. Stefanović M. Cero M. Mladenović A. Jovankin M. Vitas D. Pejčić GLOBALNO PARTNERSTVO ZA PREVENCIJU ORUŽANIH SUKOBA NA ZAPADNOM BALKANU Nansen dijalog mreža je 2004. godine preuzela ulogu regionalnog inicijatora Globalnog partnerstva za prevenciju oružanih sukoba na Zapadnom Balkanu. Cilj je bio da se organizovanjem regionalne mreže podrži međusobna saradnja mirovnih organizacija aktivnih u regionu. Regionalni akcioni plan za Balkan kreiran je tokom Balkanske konferencije „Izgradnja mira i prevencija sukoba“ održane u novembru 2004. godine u Igalu, Crna Gora. Delegacija GPPAC-a za Balkan predstavila je regionalne prioritete identifikovane u Regionalnom akcionom planu na međunarodnoj konferenciji „Od reakcije do prevencije“ održanoj 2005. godine u sedištu Ujedinjenih nacija u Njujorku. GPPAC Zapadni Balkan realizuje regionalne aktivnosti u okviru dva programa: 1. OBRAZOVANJE ZA MIR (OzM) 2. DIJALOG I MEDIJACIJA OBRAZOVANJE ZA MIR: Program se realizuje sa ciljem unapređenja saradnje između institucija (Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja / Ministarstva prosvjete i sporta, Zavoda za unapređivanje obrazovanja / Zavoda za školstvo) i nastavnika – praktičara iz Srbije i Crne Gore. Svi akteri u okviru programa zajedno rade na uvođenju vrednosti i sadržaja obrazovanja za mir u postojeće nastavne sadržaje. Regionalne aktivnosti obrazovanja za mir imaju cilj da: Poboljšaju kapacitete nastavnika i mirovnih edukatora za primenu veština i tehnika transformacije sukoba, uključujući školsku medijaciju kao jednu od tehnika za nenasilno rešavanje sukoba u školama; Učvrste bližu saradnju nastavnika, mirovnih edukatora i ministarstava prosvete da bi se podržalo integrisanje elemenata obrazovanja za mir u nastavne programe i sadržaje, kao i implementacija Sveobuhvatnog pristupa u obrazovanju za mir. Tokom 2012. i 2013. godine, naglasak će biti na definisanju i primeni sadržaja u okviru postojećih školskih predmeta uz podršku obrazovnih institucija na nacionalnom nivou; Doprinesu nenasilnom rešavanju sukoba i izgradnji održivog mira u školama i lokalnim zajednicama u regionu. INSTITUCIONALNA PODRŠKA i zakonski okvir neophodni su za uspešnu primenu programa obrazovanja za mir. GPPAC na Zapadnom Balkanu proširio je svoju mrežu i unapredio saradnju sa državnim institucijama aktivno uključivši njihove predstavnike u program obrazovanja za mir i nenasilno rešavanje sukoba, kao i u rad GPPAC radne grupe Obrazovanje za mir. Savetnici ministarstva prosvete aktivni su članovi GPPAC Radne grupe za obrazovanje za mir od 2008. godine. Na osnovu rezultata realizovanih regionalnih projekata i dobijene institucionalne podrške, NDC Crna Gora i NDC Srbija – ključni GPPAC partneri na Zapadnom Balkanu od 2011. godine realizuju regionalni projekat „Obrazovne institucije implementiraju obrazovanje za mir“. U Tivtu je od 7. do 8. jula 2012. godine u organizaciji NDC Crna Gora i NDC Srbija održan Regionalni skup Obrazovne institucije implementiraju obrazovanje za mir na kome su učestvovali timovi iz Crne Gore i Srbije koji okupljaju predstavnike ministarstava prosvete, nastavike i aktiviste organizacija civilnog društva. Tokom dvodnevnog sastanka učesnici su radili na sadržaju zbirke primene iskustava obrazovanja za mir, koja će biti objavljena početkom 2013. godine, kao i daljoj saradnji na programima Obrazovanja za mir i obeležavanju Međunarodnog dana mira 21. septembra. DIJALOG I MEDIJACIJA: Program se realizuje sa ciljem izgradnje kapaciteta nadležnih predstavnika lokalnih vlasti kroz regionalne skupove i obuke iz oblasti dijaloga i medijacije. Brojne preporuke Evropske unije i rad državnih institucija povezani su postizanjem neophodnih promena koje se najčešće odvijaju na lokalnom nivou. Program je kreiran na osnovu prethodnih iskustava i saradnje sa lokalnim vlastima, kao i dobrih rezultata koje je mreža GPPAC Zapadni Balkan ostvarila u polju dijaloga i medijacije. Početkom decembra 2012. godine će se u Podgorici po prvi put sastati učesnici ovog programa tokom okruglog stola“Mogućnosti primjene dijaloga i medijacije u lokalnoj upravi, razmjena iskustava na Zapadnom Balkanu”. IZGRADNJA MIRA I RODNA RAVNOPRAVNOST U regionu Zapadnog Balkana većina mirovnih aktivista su žene, dok su muškarci još uvek većina na pozicijama donosioca odluka. GPPAC Zapadni Balkan doprinosi osnaživanju žena za izgradnju mira i prevenciju sukoba kroz dva programa. Tokom 2013. godine u realizaciji programa učesvovaće žene koje se nalaze na mestima donosioca odluka, a rodno senzitivne teme biće uključene u regionalne aktivnosti. GPPAC Zapadni Balkan sarađuje sa akterima važnim za implementaciju UN SB Rezolucije 1325. Posebna pažnja biće posvećena implementaciji lokalnih akcionih planova i preporuka Deklaracije Cetinje parlamentarnog foruma (2010.) i Deklaracije koju su usvojile parlamentarke u junu 2012. godine, naročito onih preporuka koje se odnose na ulogu žena u prevenciji sukoba, izgradnji mira i obrazovanju za mir. Predstavnice GPPAC-a Gesa Bent i Maja Vitas učestvovale su na Forumu koji je održan u Budvi 2012., i iskoristile priliku da razmene informacije o participaciji žena u prevenciji sukoba, izgradnji mira i ljudskoj bezbednosti. Maja Vitas i Dragana Šarengaća NDC Srbija 2 THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR THE PREVENTION OF ARMED CONFLICT IN THE WESTERN BALKANS In 2004 the Nansen Dialogue Network had taken on the role of the regional initiator of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict in the Western Balkans. Nansen Dialogue Centres’ aim was to support peacebuilding organisations active in the region by organizing a regional network. The Regional Balkan Action Agenda was created during the Balkan conference “Peacebuilding and Conflict prevention” held in November 2004 in Igalo, Montenegro. GPPAC Western Balkans delegation presented the regional priorities identified in the Regional Action Plan at the international conference “From Reaction to Prevention” held in 2005 in the UN Headquarters in New York City. GPPAC Western Balkans implements regional activities within two programmes: 1. PEACE EDUCATIONS (PE) 2. DIALOGUE AND MEDIATION On the basis of the results of realized regional projects and the institutional support received, NDC Montenegro and NDC Serbia as key GPPAC partners in the Western Balkans have been implementing the regional project “Educational Institutions Implement Peace Education” since 2011. A regional meeting called Educational Institutions Implement Peace Education, organised jointly by NDC Montenegro and NDC Serbia was held 7-8 July, 2012 in Tivat, Montenegro. Participants were teams from Montenegro and Serbia that included representatives of ministries of education, teachers and CSO activists. During the two-day meeting, the participants worked on the contents of the collection of implementation of peace education experiences which will be published at the beginning of 2013. They also discussed further cooperation on the peace education programmes and the celebration of 21 September - The International Day of Peace. PEACE EDUCATIONS: Program is implemented with the aim to improve the cooperation of the institutions (The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development / The Ministry of Education and Sport, The Instate for Education Advancement / Institute for Education) and teachers – practitioners from Serbia and Montenegro. All actors within the programme are working together towards introduction of values and contents of peace education into the existing curricula. DIALOGUE AND MEDIATION: The programme is implemented with the aim to build capacities of responsible representatives of local authorities through regional meetings and training in the field of dialogue and mediation. A great number of recommendations of the European Union and work of state institutions are connected to the achievement of necessary changes, most often on the local level. The programme was created on the basis of previous experiences and cooperation with the local authorities, as well as the good results of GPPAC network in the Western Balkans in the field of dialogue and mediation. At the beginning of December participants of this programme will have an opportunity to meet in Podgorica during the round table “Possibilities of Dialogue and Mediation Application in Local Government, Exchange of Experience in the Western Balkans”. Regional activities of the peace education aim to: Improve capacities of teachers and peace educators for the implementation of skills and techniques of conflict transformation, including school mediation as one of the techniques for non-violent conflict resolution in schools; Strengthen closer cooperation of teachers, peace educators and ministries of education in order to support the integration of peace education elements into teaching programmes, and the implementation of the Whole School Approach in the peace education. During 2012 and 2013 the highlight will be on the definition and implementation of contents within the existing school subjects with the support of educational institutions on all levels; To contribute to the non-violent conflict resolution and sustainable peacebuilding in schools and local communities in the region. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT and the legal framework are necessary for a successful implementation of the peace education programmes. GPPAC Western Balkans has expanded the network in the Western Balkans and had improved the cooperation with state institutions by including their representatives in the programme for peace education and non-violent conflict resolution, as well as in the work of the GPPAC Peace Education Working Group. Counselors of the ministries of education have been active members of this GPPAC Working Group since 2008. PEACEBUILDING AND GENDER EQUALITY In the region of the Western Balkans most peacebuilding activists are women, while men still hold majority in decision making. Through the two programmes GPPAC Western Balkans will contribute to the empowerment of women in the field of peacebuilding and conflict prevention. In 2013 the two programmes will include women in the decision-making positions and gender sensitive themes will be integrated in regional activities. GPPAC Western Balkans cooperates with important actors for the Implementation of UNSC R 1325. Special attention will be given to the implementation of local action agendas and recommendations of the Declaration of Cetinje Parliamentary Forum 2010 and the follow up Declaration adopted by women parliamentarians in June 2012 and more particularly recommendations related to the role of women in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and peace education. Representatives of GPPAC, Gesa Bent and Maja Vitas, participated in the Forum held in Budva in 2012, and used this opportunity to share information on women's participation in conflict prevention, peace building and human security. Maja Vitas & Dragana Šarengaća NDC Serbia 3 OBRAZOVANJE ZA MIR - GLAVNA POSTIGNUĆA 2011-2012 CRNA GORA Učionice –resursi za bezbijedne i inkluzivne škole Tokom 2010. godine u okviru GPPAC Globalne grupe za obrazovanje za mir inicirana je saradnja između Australije i Crne Gore, koja je započeta održavanjem pilot radionice u Podgorici u aprilu 2011. godine. Gary Shaw, viši savjetnik u Ministarstvu obrazovanja, oblasti Viktorija iz Australije, održao je radionicu za prosvjetne radnike i predstavnike nevladinih organizacija i institucija predstavljajući relevantne modele Obrazovanja za mir koji se realizuju pod pokroviteljstvom Ministrastva prosvjete Australije. Kako je interesovanje učesnika iz Crne Gore bilo veliko da čuju i saznaju više, kao i da podjele svoja iskustva i zapažanja, Gary Shaw i Ivana Gajović iskoristili su priliku da osmisle zajednički projekat. Projekat Učionice –resursi za bezbijedne i inkluzivne škole realizovan je od decembra 2011. godine do juna 2012, zahvaljujući podršci Australijske ambasade u Beogradu. Projekat je uključivao saradnju između Nansen dijalog centra Crna Gora, Ministarstva prosvjete i sporta Crne Gore i Ministarstva prosvjete oblasti Viktorija, iz Australije, a sastojao se u podršci nastavnicima koji su radili na osmišljavanju priprema za časove sa elementima Obrazovanja za mir i konstruktivnog rješavanja konflikata za osnovne škole u Crnoj Gori i Australiji. Profesorke engleskog jezika, maternjeg jezika i matematike iz Crne Gore pripemile su set lekcija iz svojih oblasti, akcentujući vrijednosti i metode Obrazovanja za mir. Ove lekcije su već isprobali nastavnici u Australiji i Crnoj Gori. Prve evaluacije pokazale su da je riječ o dobro pripremljenim materijalima, koji će se daljom upotrebom i testiranjem dopunjavati savjetima i “naučenim lekcijama” drugih kolega. Iako su dvije zemlje udaljene jedna od druge, kroz projekat koji uvezuje slične vrijednosne ciljeve, metode i potrebe, pokazalo se da savremeni vid komunikacija ne priznaje barijere minulih vremena. Naredna faza projekta će biti bolje uvezivanje kolega iz ovih zemalja, na nivou nastavnika, učenika, predstavnika Ministarstava, kako bi se osnažila bilateralna saradnja, a prije svega međusobno učenje. Australijska ambasada je od samog početka projekta, pokazala podršku i puno razumijevanje za naš projekat, na čemu dugujemo zahvalnost. Globalna grupa za obrazovanje za mir, kao jedna od radnih grupa u okviru mreže Globalnog partnerstva za prevenciju oružanih sukoba-GPPAC, nastavlja da radi na zadatku uvezivanju regiona, u cilju zajedničkog učenja i unaprijeđenja metoda i vrijednosti Obrazovanja za mir na globalnom nivou. Ivana Gajović, NDC Crna Gora SRBIJA Obrazovanje za mir-dijalogom do rešenja Akreditovani program NDC Srbija Program radionica „Obrazovanje za mir-dijalogom do rešenja“ sažima naša dugogodišnja iskustva u realizaciji obrazovnih treninga iz polja konstruktivnog rješavanja sukoba. Iskustvo u radu sa školama u multietničkim sredinama Srbije i iz regiona predstavljalo je dragocjeno polazište u procesu kreiranja sadržaja programa. U isto vrijeme, nastojali smo da program odgovori na aktuelne potrebe škola za izgradnjom kapaciteta za prevenciju nasilja, u skladu sa postojećim prioritetima i standardima profesionalnog usavršavanja. Imajući u vidu da su nastavnici ključni akteri u prenošenju znanja i vještina učenicima, program smo kreirali sa ciljem osposobljavanja nastavnika za usvajanje i primjenu tehnika konstruktivnog rješavanja sukoba u radnoj praksi. Teme radionica kroz interaktivan pristup obrađuju razlike između dijaloga i debate, komunikacijske vještine, sredstva i tehnike analize sukoba, tehnike pregovaranja i školsku medijaciju . Time podstičemo rad na razumijevanju i dinamici sukoba, kao i razumijevanju različitih interesa, pozicija i potreba strana u sukobu. Nastavnici naučena sredstva i tehnike analize sukoba mogu da isprobaju u praksi kroz vježbe i simulacije koje oslikavaju realne sukobe iz škole, lokalne zajednice i porodice . Ovakav pristup pri obradi tematskih cjelina odabrali smo u cilju boljeg razumijevanja različitih stavova i odnosa na relaciji nastavnik - učenik, nastavnik - nastavnik ili učenik – učenik i u cilju promocije mirnog rješavanja sukoba u školama, uz primjenu dijaloga i tehnika konstruktivnog rješavanja sukoba. Važna komponenta programa je da se kroz učešće u zajedničkim obukama ostvaruje bolja saradnja među pripadnicima različitih etničkih grupa u lokalnim zajednicama, kao i bliža saradnja sa roditeljima učenika. Program je akreditovan od strane Zavoda za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja u maju 2012.godine što nas je, kao autore programa i praktičare, motivisalo za realizaciju budućih radionica. Nadamo se da će nastavnici tehnike i vještine usvojene u okviru ovog programa koristiti u svakodnevnoj praksi i da će prenošenjem stečenih znanja na učenike zajednički raditi na stvaranju pozitivnog, mirnog i bezbednog školskog okruženja. Dragana Šarengaća, NDC Srbija 4 EDUCATION FOR PEACE – KEY ACHEVEMENTS 2011-2012 MONTENEGRO Classrooms - Resources for Safe and Inclusive Schools During 2010, within the GPPAC Global Peace Education Group, cooperation between Australia and Montenegro was initiated, which began with a pilot workshop held in Podgorica in April 2011. Gary Shaw, the senior adviser at the Ministry of Education in the State of Victoria, held a workshop for teachers and representatives of nongovernmental organisations and institutions presenting relevant models of Peace Education which were realised with the support of the Australian Ministry of Education. As the interest of participants from Montenegro was very high and since they wanted to find out more, but also to share their experiences and observations, Gary Shaw and Ivana Gajović used that opportunity to create a joint project. Project Classrooms - Resources for Safe and Inclusive Schools was realised between December 2011 and June 2012 thanks to the support from the Australian Embassy in Belgrade. The project included cooperation between Nansen Dialogue Centre Montenegro, the Ministry of Education and Sports of Montenegro and the Ministry of Education of the State of Victoria in Australia. It consisted of supporting teachers who worked on creating preparations for classes with the elements of Peace Education and constructive conflict resolution for primary schools in Montenegro and Australia. English Language, Mother Tongue and Maths teachers from Montenegro prepared a set of units from their respective subjects, underlining values and methods of Peace Education. These units had already been tested by teachers in Australia and Montenegro. The first evaluations showed that these were well prepared materials that would be improved by future use and trials with advice and "lessons learned" from other colleagues. Despite the fact that the two countries are far from each other, through the project that ties in similar value goals, it was proved that modern ways of communication did not accept the barriers of times past. The next phase of the project will include a better networking of colleagues from these two countries, at the level of teachers, students, representatives of ministries in order to reinforce bilateral cooperation, and primarily learning from each other. From the very beginning, the Australian Embassy showed support and full understanding of our project, for which we owe them gratitude. The Global Peace Education Group, as one of the working groups within the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict – GPPAC continues to work on connecting regions in order to help learning from each other, improve methods and values of Peace Education at the global level. Ivana Gajović, NDC Montenegro SERBIA Peace Education – Resolution Through Dialogue NDC Serbia’s accredited training programme The Peace Education – Resolution Through Dialogue training programme summarises our long-term experience in facilitating and implementing educational trainings on constructive conflict resolution. The experience gained from working with schools in multiethnic communities of Serbia and from the region was a valuable starting point for us when creating contents of the programme. At the same time, our intention is to respond to up-to-date needs of the schools in terms of capacity building for the prevention of violence which are in accordance with existing priorities and standards for professional development. Bearing in mind that teachers are the key actors in passing on the knowledge and skills to students, we have developed the programme with the aim of building capacities of teachers in acquiring and applying techniques for constructive conflict resolution in their work places. Topics of the workshops cover Differences Between Dialogue and Debate, Communication Skills, Conflict Analysis Tools and Techniques, Negotiation Techniques and School Mediation by using interactive methodology of work. With such approach, we are motivating teachers to work on understanding conflicts and conflict dynamics as well as understanding different interests, needs and positions of the sides in conflict. Teachers will be able to try out the acquired conflict analysis tools and techniques through exercises and simulations based on scenarios of real conflicts in schools, local community and family. We have chosen this approach in facilitating the trainings in order to provide better understanding of the relations between teachers and students, teachers themselves or students themselves. Furthermore, the training programme has been developed to promote peaceful conflict resolution in schools by applying dialogue and techniques of constructive conflict resolution. An important component of the programme is that it provides an opportunity for closer cooperation between representatives of different ethnic groups in local communities through joint participation in the trainings, as well as closer cooperation with parents. The programme was accredited by the Institute for Education Advancement in May 2012 and for us as the authors of the programme and practitioners this is a motivating factor to implement future trainings. We hope that teachers will use the acquired techniques and skills in their day-to-day work and that by passing on the knowledge to students they will work together on creating a positive, peaceful and safe school environment. Dragana Šarengaća, NDC Serbia 5 Društvena kompetentnost – Životne veštine Pojednostavljeno: socijalna kompetentnost = sposobnost pojedinca za interakciju sa drugima u različitim situacijama. U školskom kontekstu, uobičajeno je da se radi u okviru ovih oblasti/osnovnih tema: Empatija (saosećajnost), Saradničke veštine, Samopotvrđivanje, Samokontrola, Odgovornost, Igra, radost i humor Tokom perioda od 2007. do 2011. godine predstavnici NDC Srbije i Školskog odeljenja opštine Lillehammer uložili su puno truda u obrazovanje nastavnika i učenika u školama u Bujanovcu, pripremajući ih za primenu školske medijacije. Zajednički su osnovani medijatorski klubovi, pružana je podrška nastavnicima medijatorima i organizovane konsultacije povodom analize rada sa učenicima, kao i načina analize sukoba koji su rešavani u klubovima. Tokom ovog procesa primećeno je da su učenici koji su prošli obuku i aktivni vršnjački medijatori razvili dobar osećaj za timski rad, postali odgovorniji i saosećajniji prema vršnjacima. Samopotvrđivanje i samopouzdanje su vidno poboljšani. Ova saznanja inspirisala su radnu grupu koja vodi projekat da isplanira rad na jačanju socijalnih veština, da bi na taj način uključili veći broj učenika i nastavnika. Tako je fokus našeg rada u poslednje dve godine bio usmeren ka razvijanju socijalnih veština među učenicima sve četiri škole uključene u projekat, predvođen timovima nastavnika. Važna komponenta ovog rada bile su konsultacije nastavničkih timova iz srpskih i albanskih škola, kao i povezivanje učenika različitih nacionalnosti. Kolege iz Norveške prenosile su dragocena znanja i iskustva iz svoje radne prakse nastavnicima u školama u Bujanovcu i pomagali im da kreiraju planove za razvoj socijalnih veština. Vredi pomenti da su seminari profesionalnog usavršavanja bili organizovani tako da je nastavnicima pružana prilika da se konsultuju i planiraju zajedno. Nastavnički timovi iz albanskih i srpskih škola su radili zajedno tokom seminara, ali i tokom konsultativnih sastanaka organizovanih u njihovim školama. Nastavnici iz škole Branko Radičević pružali su podršku kolegama iz škole Naim Frasheri. Takođe, iskusniji nastavnici iz Naim Frasheri škole pomagali su kolegama u školi Muharem Kadriu. Tokom konsultacija nastavnici su razmenjivali iskustva primene planova i metodologije koje su pospešivale razvoj socijalnih veština kod učenika. Aktivna podrška predstavnika Ministarstva prosvete je zaista značajna za uspešnost ovog projekta. Naime, jedan od ciljeva projekta bio je da se nastavnicima pomogne da bolje razumeju novi zakon o Osnovama sistema obrazovanja i vaspitanja Republike Srbije. Odredbe zakona odnose se na razvoj socijalnih veština, naglašavaju važnost demokratskih procesa u školama, ukazuju da treba ulagati u sigurno, inkluzivno školsko okruženje, kao i u poštovanje različitosti i jednakih prava za sve nacionalnosti koje žive u Srbiji. Zahvaljujući činjenici da je projekat zasnovan na potrebi da se nove generacije osnaže životnim veštinama, program je bio rastao u skladu sa realnošću. Kreiran je da bi podržao praktičnu primenu zakona i specifične uslove u školama u opštini Bujanovac. Iz ovoga je prirodno razvijena bliska saradnja sa Jedinicom za prevenciju nasilja pri Ministarstvu prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja. Predstavnici iz Beograda i Niša su tumačili protokole za primenu zakonskih odredbi tako što su radili sa nastavnicima na definisanju zadataka timova i davali smernice za primenu protokola. Opština Bujanovac pružala je podršku školama tokom perioda primene projekte. Da bi ovakav projekat dao dobre rezultate, dobri odnosi svih predstavnika lokalne zajednice su veoma važni, kao i koordinacija i zajedničko ulaganje truda. Tatjana Popović, NDC Srbija Radionice "Obrazovanje za mir-dijalogom do rešenja" (Rakovica) NDC Srbija organizuje prvu radionicu u okviru akreditovanog programa "Obrazovanje za mir - dijalogom do rešenja" u Osnovnoj školi "Ivo Andrić" u beogradskoj opštini Rakovica. Radionica na temu "Dijalog i komunikacijske veštine" održaće se 20.oktobra 2012.godine. Učesnici radionice su nastavnici, pedagozi i psiholozi ove škole. Sledeće radionice su planirane za 24. novembar i 8.decembar 2012.godine. Dragana Šarengaća, NDC Serbia 6 Social Competence - Life skills helping younger colleagues at Muharem Kadriu school.These consultancies developed into exchange on the ways of implementing plans and methodologies used to foster social skills among students. Another important component of this work was an active role of the ministry of Education in the project. Namely, one of the objectives was to help teachers understand the new Law on Education and Upbringing System of the Republic of Serbia. Many of the law articles refer to the development of social competences, stress the democratic process in schools, the importance of having a safe, inclusive school environment for each child, respect of differences and equal rights of all nationalities living in Serbia. Simplified: social competence = individual's ability to interact with others in different situations. These are the main topics within the school environment: Empathy, Cooperative skills, Self-assertiveness, Self-control, Responsibility, Play, Joy and Humor. The project strengthened teachers’ professional competences for working with pupils on developing and using social skills. By law, teachers, principals and pedagogues are required to upgrade their professional skills by participating in the professional trainings in order to actively work on transferring the knowledge and skills to students. The important mechanism for conflict prevention recently introduced is that each school have to form the team for the prevention of violence, to define the plan of activities and reporting procedures in the Annual School plan. Since the project was based on the need to empower the new generations with life skills, the programme was continuously growing with the reality. It was created to suit the practical application of the law, as well as specific conditions in schools in Bujanovac municipality. Along these lines, a close cooperation with the Unit for Prevention of Violence at the Ministry of Education was established. The representatives from Belgrade and Niš explained protocols for implementation of the law by working with teachers on creating tasks for the teams and defining the guidelines for application. Bujanovac municipality provided support to the project during the implementation course. Good relationships of all actors living in the local community are very important, while collective efforts are highly desirable for a successful implementation of this kind of project. In the period from 2007 to 2011 NDC Serbia and the Lillehammer School department invested in the education of teachers and students, fostered formation of the mediation clubs and supervised the work of the clubs by consulting with teachers-mediators on the ways of analyzing conflict cases that were being resolved through mediation. During the process it was noticed that students that were active peer mediators and students who participated in the workshops had developed better sense for the team work, became more responsible and emphatic towards their peers. Self-awareness and self-esteem were significantly improved. These facts inspired the project school group to plan the work on strengthening social skills with the aim to include larger number of students and teachers. Therefore, during the last two years, the focus of our work has been on developing social competence skills among students of each school, lead by a team of teachers. Important component of this work were consultancies of teachers' teams from Serbian and Albanian schools as well as connecting students of different nationalities. Norwegian colleagues were transferring valuable knowledge and experiences to the teachers working in schools in Bujanovac by giving examples and working together with them on the creation of the social skills development plan. It is worth mentioning that professional trainings for teachers were organised in the way so that they could consult with each other during the workshops. Teachers from Serbian and Albanian schools participating in the project were working jointly on the creation of the plans during the workshops, as well as consulted afterwards at the meetings organised in their schools. Teachers from Branko Radičević school supported the colleagues at Naim Frasheri school. Also, more experienced teachers from Naim Frasheri were Tatjana Popović, NDC Serbia Peace Education - Resolution Through Dialogue workshops in Rakovica NDC Serbia is organising the first workshop of accredited training programme Peace Education - Resolution Through Dialogue in Ivo Andrić Primary School in Rakovica, one of Belgrade's municipalities. The workshop on Dialogue and Communication Skills will be organised on 20 October 2012. Participants of the workshop will be teachers, pedagogues and psychologists of this school. The next workshops are planned for 24 November and 8 December 2012. Dragana Šarengaća, NDC Serbia 7 LIKOVNI KONKURS UOČI MEĐUNARODNOG DANA MIRA Globalno partnerstvo za prevenciju oružanih sukoba na Zapadnom Balkanu i NDC Srbija inicirali su prvi likovni konkurs LJUDI GRADE MIR 21. septembra 2010. godine sa ciljem da predstavi učenicima koncept Međunarodnog dana mira i omogući im da učestvuju u regionalnim mirovnim aktivnostima. Brojni pristigli radovi i dečija mašta motivisali su organizatore da pretvore Likovni konkurs u godišnju aktivnost povodom Međunarodnog dana mira. Likovni konkurs 2012 raspisan je po treći put u regionu Zapadnog Balkana na temu „Moj doprinos miru”. Škole, nastavnici i učenici pozvani su da se uključe u obeležavanje Međunarodnog dana mira učešćem na konkursu. Nastavnici, direktori, psiholozi i pedagozi motivisani su da razgovaraju sa učenicima o Međunarodnom danu mira i značaju dorinosa svakog pojedinca nenasilnom rešavanju sukoba i izgradnji održivog mira. Po završetku konkursa stručna komisija izabraće 12 radova koji će ilustrovati mirovni kalendar za 2013. godinu. Dvanaest pobednika likovnog konkursa dobiće sertifikate Mladi grade mir i simbolične nagrade za vreme promocije kalendara koja je planirana za sredinu decembra. Ciljevi konkursa su bili: • Upoznavanje učenika sa idejom Međunarodnog dana mira; • Podsticanje učenika da pronađu kreativne načine na koje oni kao pojedinci mogu da doprinesu miru; • Podsticanje diskusije o značaju dorinosa svakog pojedinca nenasilnom rešavanju sukoba i izgradnji održivog mira; • Doprinos bezbednosti ljudi, toleraniciji i pomirenju u regionu Zapadnog Balkana... Prezentacija Nansen Mirovnog kalendara za 2012. godinu Nansen dijalog centar Srbija predstavio je Nansen mirovni kalendar za 2012. godinu 16. decembra 2011. godine u Kulturnom centru Rex (Beograd). Kalendar su ilustrovali radovi učenika koji su pobedili na regionalnom likovnom konkursu Fridtjof Nansen – čovek koji je gradio mir. Nakon promocije, prisutni su pogledali izložbu radova koji su učestvovali na likovnom konkursu. Promocija Nansen mirovnog kalendara bila je deo proslave Nansen godine u Srbiji koju je NDC Srbija obeležio u saradnji sa Ambasadom Kraljevine Norveške u Beogradu. Nj.E. Nils Ragnar Kamsvog (Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg), ambasador Kraljevine Norveške uručio je sertifikate i nagrade pobednicima Likovnog konkursa Fridtjof Nansen – čovek koji je gradio mir. Nakon dodele nagrada, prikazan je film „Samo jedan život“ o životu Fridtjofa Nansena, norveškog dobitnika Nobelove nagrade za mir. Početkom 2012. Nansen dijalog centar Crna Gora i GPPAC Zapadni Balkan organizovali su dodelu nagrada za pobednike Likovnog konkursa Fridtjof Nansen – čovek koji je gradio mir i promociju Nansen mirovnog kalendara za 2012. godinu u Svečanoj sali Zavoda za školstvo Crne Gore u Podgorici. Autorima nagrađenih radova iz Crne Gore nagrade je uručila gđa Vesne Vučurović, pomoćnica ministra prosvjete i sporta Crne Gore. Maja Vitas, NDC Srbija 8 THE ARTS COMPETITION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict in the Western Balkans and NDC Serbia initiated the first Arts Competition PEOPLE BUILDING PEACE for schoolchildren on 21 September 2010 with the aim to introduce students to the concept of the International Day of Peace and enable wider youth participation in the regional peacebuilding activities. The great participation and children's imagination motivated organisers to make the Arts Competition an annual event, launched once a year on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. Upon the closing of the competition a selection committee selects twelve winning artworks that will illustrate the Peace Calendar for the next year. A call for the arts competition has been launched for the third time in the Western Balkan region, this time on the topic "My Contribution to Peace". Schools, teachers and students were invited to join the marking of the International Day of Peace by taking part in the arts competition. Teachers, principals, psychologists and pedagogues were motivated to talk to students about the International Day of Peace and the importance of each individual's contribution to non-violent conflict resolution and sustainable peace building. After the completion of the competition the expert jury will select 12 drawings which will illustrate the Peace Calendar for 2013. Twelve winners of the arts competition will be awarded certificates Youth Building Peace and symbolic prizes during the promotion of the calendar planned for mid December. Objectives of the competition were: • To introduce students to the idea of the International Day of Peace; • To encourage students to find creative ways in which they as individuals can contribute to peace; • To encourage a discussion on the importance of each individual's contribution to non-violent conflict resolution and sustainable peacebuilding; • Contribution to the security of people, tolerance and reconciliation in the Western Balkan region... Norwegian ambassador with award winners from Serbia Presentation of the Peace Calendar for 2012 Nansen Dialogue Centre Serbia presented the 2012 Nansen Peace Calendar on Friday, 16 December 2011 at the Cultural Center Rex in Belgrade. The Calendar was illustrated with artworks by schoolchildren, the winners of the regional Arts Competition Fridtjof Nansen – the Man Who Was Building Peace. After the promotion, guests saw the exhibition of the selected drawings that participated in the arts competition. The promotion of the Nansen Peace Calendar was a part of the celebration of the Nansen Year in Serbia which NDC Serbia marked in cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade on the occasion of 150th anniversary of the birth of Fridtjof Nansen, the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize winner, whose life and work was portrayed in the film Only One Life. H.E. Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg, the Ambassador of Norway to Serbia, awarded certificates and prizes to the winners of the Arts Competition Fridtjof Nansen – the Man Who Was Building Peace. Nansen Dialogue Centre Montenegro and GPPAC Western Balkans organised an awards ceremony for the Arts Competition Fridtjof Nansen – the Man Who Was Building Peace and the promotion of Nansen Peace Calendar for 2012 at the Institute for Education of Montenegro in Podgorica in the early 2012. Ms. Vesna Vučurović, Deputy Minister of Education and Sports of Montenegro awarded the prizes and certificates to the authors of the winning drawings from Montenegro. Maja Vitas, NDC Serbia 9 MEĐUNARODNI DAN MIRA 2012. Nansen dijalog centri i regionalna mreža škola, mirovnih edukatora i aktivista, učesnika projekta „Obrazovne institucije implementiraju obrazovanje za mir“, obeležili su 21. septembar, Međunarodni dan mira nizom mirovnih aktivnosti na temu „Moj doprinos miru“ . Na ovaj važan međunarodni datum pojedinci i organizacije ukazivali su na značaj izgradnje mira i prevencije sukoba uključivši se svojim lokalnim doprinosom u izgradnju globalnog mira. Tako su učesnici projekta „Obrazovne institucije implementiraju obrazovanje za mir“, nastavnici i mirovni edukatori sa učenicima iz regiona dali doprinos miru u okviru njihovih lokalnih zajednicama. BUJANOVAC Piknik povodom Međunarodnog dana mira škola Branko Radičević (Bujanovac), Naim Frašeri (Bujanovac), Muharem Kadriu (Veliki Trnovac) i Vuk Karadžić (Levosoje). Tokom piknika održan je čas likovnog u prirodi, gde su deca crtala na temu ”Moj Doprinos miru”, što je tema ovogodišnjeg konkursa za ilustraciju mirovnog kalendara za 2013. godinu. Povodom Međunarodnog dana mira Nansen dijalog centar Srbija je, u saradnji sa srpskim i albanskim osnovnim školama koje učestvuju u projektu "Saradnja škola Lillehammer Bujanovac", organizovao piknik za učenike i nastavnike. Nakon časa likovnog, organizovano je takmičenje mešovitih grupa u sportskim aktivnostima. Po završetku sportskih aktivnosti učenici i nastavnici očistili su teren na kome je organizovan piknik. Ljumnije Mustafa, NDC Bujanovac Pikniku, koji je održan u subotu 22. septembra u blizini Bujanovca, prisustvovalo je preko 100 učenika i oko 20 nastavnika iz osnovnih ULCINJ Međunarodni dan mira u JU OŠ ,,Maršal Tito“ Nastavnici su 21. septembra 2012. godine petnaest minuta prvog časa u OŠ “Maršal Tito” posvetili Međunarodnom danu mira upoznavši učenike sa značajem ovog dana i njegovim mestom u kalendaru Ujedninjenih nacija. Nastavnici građanskog vaspitanja i istorije Đuro Dabović i Mahmut Metanović realizovali su kroz radionicu jedan čas na temu Međunardonog dana mira. Učenici nižih razreda su ispisali poruke mira na balonima, koje su pustili iz školskog dvorišta. U okviru likovnih i literarnih radionica organizovana je školska izložba povodom Međunardnog dana mira koja je postavljena u holu škole. Đuro Dabović, OŠ „Maršal Tito“ 10 THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE 2012 Nansen Dialogue Centres and a regional network of schools, peace educators and activists, participants in project "Educational Institutions Implement Peace Education" marked 21 September, the International Day of Peace with a series of activities on the topic "My Contribution to Peace". On this important international date, individuals and organisations were underlining the importance of peacebuilding and conflict prevention by joining in with their local contribution to global peacebuilding. In line with this, participants of the project "Educational Institutions Implement Peace Education", teachers and peace educators with their students from the region gave their contribution to peace in their local communities: BUJANOVAC The International Day of Peace Picnic On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, Nansen Dialogue Centre Serbia, in cooperation with Serbian and Albanian schools that participate in the project "Lillehammer – Bujanovac Schools Cooperation", organised a picnic for students and teachers. Over 100 students and over 20 teachers from primary schools Branko Radičević (Bujanovac), Naim Frasheri (Bujanovac), Muharem Kadriu (Veliki Trnovac) and Vuk Karadžić (Levosoje) attended the picnic that took place on Saturday, 22 September, near Bujanovac. During the picnic, an outdoor art class dedicated to "My Contribution to Peace" was held. "My Contribution to Peace" is the topic of this year’s Arts Competition for the illustration of the 2013 Peace Calendar. After the art class, sports activities for mixed groups were organised. After the sports competition, students and teachers cleaned the area where the excursion had taken place. Lumnije Mustafa, NDC Bujanovac ULCINJ International Day of Peace in "Maršal Tito" Primary School On 21 September 2012, teachers dedicated 15 minutes of the first class in "Maršal Tito" Primary School to the International Day of Peace, introducing their students to the importance of this day and its place in the United Nations' calendar. Civic Education and History teachers Đuro Dabović and Mahmut Metanović held a class in form of a workshop dedicated to the topic of the International Day of Peace. Students of junior classes wrote messages of peace on balloons which they released in the schoolyard. Within arts and literary workshops, a school exhibition was organised in the school lobby to mark the International Day of Peace. Đuro Dabović, "Maršal Tito" Primary School 11 NIKŠIĆ „Navijamo za mir!“ Učenici i nastavnici JU OŠ “Milija Nikčević“ iz Nikšića obilježili su Međunarodni dana mira – 21. Septembar 2012. godine osmislivši događaj u školi, kao i akciju u lokalnoj zajednici i podsjetivši sve nastavnike, učenike i ostale građane na značaj obrazovanja za mir. Prvi dio akcije povodom obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana mira organizovan je u školi. Školski medijatori su, zajedno sa nastavnicima, održali čas na temu Naš doprinos miru, na kojem su učenici imali priliku da razgovaraju o tome kako mogu doprinijeti miru u porodici, školi, zajednici i svijetu. Performans u lokalnoj zajednici osmišljen je na osnovu ideja nastalih na časovima. Učenici su imali priliku i da se kreativno izraze iscrtavajući simbole mira i prijateljstva na školskom trotoaru. JU OŠ „Jovan Draganić“ Učenici i nastavnici JU OŠ „Jovan Draganić“ iz Nikšića su povodom obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana mira – 21. septembra osmislili razne događaje u školi. Učenici su svoju kreativnost izrazili kroz poeziju, sastave, likovne radove i poruke mira koje su kasnije izložene u školskom holu. U školskom holu su izložili više panoa sa radovima učenika. Prvi dio aktivnosti podrazumijevao je održavanje časa na temu Naš doprinos miru, na kojem su učenici razgovarali o tome kako mogu doprinijeti miru u svojim porodicama, školi, lokalnoj zajednici i uopšte u svijetu. Aktivnosti su podrazumijevale i izradu Jedan zid u školi oslikali su simbolima mira, kao jedan od doprinosa miru i nenasilju u školi. Drugi dio promocije Međunarodnog dana mira podrazumijevao je izlazak učenika u lokalnu zajednicu i izvođenje performansa „Navijamo za mir“. Učenici – školski medijatori su, zajedno sa nastavnicima, prošli kroz centar grada pjevajući pjesmu “Samo da rata ne bude”. Učenici su nosili majice razlicitih sportskih klubova i kape, zastavice, šalove narukvice sa simbolima mira i sloganom akcije – „Navijamo za mir“, koje su sami napravili. Glavna ideja akcije bila je da se pokaže da bez obzira za koji klub navijajmo, svi zajedno navijamo za mir. Učenici su prikazali slagalicu u obliku znaka mira, napravljenu od hamer papira, a potom čitali poruke kako se može doprinijeti miru u porodici, školi, zajednici i svijetu. Nakon izvedenog performansa, učenici su prolaznicima dijelili origami golubove mira, uz poruku Nek’ mir planetom vlada, bez svađe, osmjehnite se sada. Trg Nikšića napustili su opet pjevajući pjesmu “Samo da rata ne bude”. Na centralnim zidu na ulazu u školu i sada su okačeni likovni radovi, fotografije, slagalica, golubovi mira i zastavice sa akcije. Obilježavanjem Međunarodnog dana mira željeli smo da skrenemo pažnju na važnost i ulogu mira u društvu, na način koji će pokazati da je mir dio svakodnevnog života i da svi mi, kao pojedinci možemo da doprinesemo miru u svom okruženju. Bez obzira na sve različitosti mir je ono čemu svi težimo. Dragana Radoman, OŠ “Milija Nikčević” origami golubova mira i zastavica na kojima su crtali simbole mira i pisali različite poruke mira i prijateljstva. Najznačajniji dio aktivnosti, koji se učenicima i posebno dopao, je bio ispisivanje poruka mira i crtanje simbola mira i prijateljstva na trotoaru ispred škole. Milka Cerović, OŠ “Jovan Draganić” 12 NIKŠIĆ "We Cheer for Peace" The students had an opportunity to express themselves creatively by drawing symbols of peace and friendship on the school pavement. A wall in the school was painted with symbols of peace, as one of the contributions to peace and non-violence at school. The second part of the promotion of the International Day of Peace included students going among local community and doing a performance "We Cheer for Peace". Students – school mediators, together with teachers, walked through the centre of town singing the song "Don't Let There Be War". The students wore t-shirts of different sports clubs, as well as hats, and carried flags, scarves, and bracelets with the symbols of peace and the slogan for the event "We Cheer for Peace". The main idea of the event was to show that, no matter which club we cheer for, we all cheer for peace. Students and teachers in "Milija Nikčević" Primary School marked the International Day of Peace – 21 September by creating an event in school, as well as an event in their local community, reminding all teachers, students and other citizens of the importance of peace education. The first part of the event on the occasion of marking the International Day of Peace was organised in the school. School mediators, together with teachers, held a class dedicated to the topic Our Contribution to Peace in which the students had an opportunity to discuss how they could contribute to peace in their family, school, community and the world. The performance in the local community was planned based on the ideas created during classes. The students displayed a puzzle in the shape of the symbol of peace, made out of thick paper, and then read the messages about how one could contribute to peace in the family, school, community and the world. After their performance, the students distributed origami peace doves to passers by with the message saying "May Peace Rule the World, No Fights, Smile Now". They left the Nikšić square singing the song "Don't Let There Be War". Artworks, photographs, the puzzle, peace doves and flags from the event are still on the central wall by the school entrance. By marking the international Day of Peace we wanted to draw attention to the importance and role of peace in society, in the way that would show that peace was part of everyday life and that all of us as individuals could contribute to peace in our environment. Despite all differences, peace is what we all strive for. Dragana Radoman, “Milija Nikčević” Primary School "Jovan Draganić" Primary School Students and teachers at "Jovan Draganić" Primary School in Nikšić planned various events at school on the occasion of the International Day of Peace – 21 September. The first part of the activities included a class on the topic Our Contribution to Peace where students talked about how they could contribute to pace in their family, school, local community and in the world in general. The students showed their creativity through poetry, essays and artworks and the messages of peace which were later exhibited in the school lobby. Several billboards with students' works were put on display. The activities included making origami peace doves and flags on which they drew symbols of peace and wrote various messages of peace and friendship. The most important part of the activities, which students liked in particular, was writing the messages of peace and drawing symbols of peace on the pavement in front of the school. Milka Cerović, “Jovan Draganić”Primary School 13 VOJVODINA U susret obeležavanju Dana mira Građanski fond Panonija, kao deo širih aktivnosti, radeći sa mladim ljudima u 9 višenacionalnih gradova u Vojvodini u 2012. godini realizuje projekat Dositeum – obrazovanje za demokratiju – Učenje za miran život u Vojvodini, podržan od Demmocracy Commission, Ambasade SAD u Beogradu. Važan fokus projekta su radionice Uvodne lekcije o izgradnji mira. Osnovni cilj radionica «Uvodne lekcije o izgradnji mira» jeste upoznavanje sa oblašću izgradnje mira – termina koji ima više različitih definicija, pa prema tome i različitu upotrebu, u skladu sa tim ko termin koristi, kada i, u koje svrhe. Prezentacija gospodina Lena Stofera temu izgradnje mira obrađuje na edukativnom, akademskom nivou - zasnovanom na temelju socioloških, političkih i ostalih društvenih nauka, uz konkretne primere izgradnje mira na terenu, širom sveta. Kroz njih se jasno i nedvosmisleno reflektuje višegodišnje nastojanje GF Panonije da utiče na izgradnju mira u regionu, u ovom slučaju direktnim radom sa mladima. Projektom je planirano održavanje 9 radionica, od čega je održano sedam (u Rumi 11.05., u Bačkoj Palanci 21.05., 25.05. u Novom Bečeju, u Vrbasu 26.05., i u Somboru 20.07.); poslednje dve održane su u Subotici 19. septembra u Srednjoj školi Ivan Sarić i, 22. septembra u Inđiji, u Srednjoj školi Đorđe Natošević. Subotica Inđija Poslednje dve radionice u Subotici i Indjiji posvećene su obeležavanju Međunarodnog dana mira. U Zrenjaninu, partnerska organizacija GF PANONIJA, je u povodu obeležavanja Međunarodnog dana mira u prostoru Zrenjaninske gimnazije organizovala izložbu, a u centru grada su organizovali akciju na kojoj su delili " besplatne zagrljaje " i lepe reči o miru. Danica Stefanović, GF Panonija SREBRENICA - BRATUNAC Dijalog centar obilježio Međunarodni dan mira U saradnji sa NDC Sarajevo i Mrežom za izgradnju mira, “Dijalog centar Srebrenica – Bratunac” je 21. septembra 2012. obilježio i proslavio Međunarodni dan mira. Učešćem u obilježavanju ovog važnog datuma “Dijalog Centar Srebrenica – Bratunac” nastavio je aktivno da doprinosi izgradnji mira i povjerenja u Srebrenici i Bratuncu. U saradanji sa Nansen forumom mladih postavljen je info pult sa koga je promovisan mirovni aktivizam sa ciljem skretanja pažnje i podsjećanja javnosti na važnost mira, kako u životu pojedinca, tako i u društvu i u svijetu globalno. Dugoročno, cilj je bio da se podstakne što veći broj različitih aktera da u okviru svojih djelatnosti i u svom okruženju pokrenu slične aktivnosti, kako bi obilježavanje 21. septembra, Međunarodnog dana mira, preraslo u tradicionalnu gradsku manifestaciju. U večernjim satima održan je Koncert za mir na kome su učestvovale muzičke grupe iz Srebrenice i Bratunca. Uoči samog koncerta pročitana je poruka da mir nije odsustvo rata, da je mir sistematska borba protiv nasilja, strukturalnog nasilja, etničke podijeljenosti, nejednakosti, neravnopravnosti, borba protiv svih negativnih društvenih fenomena. Istaknuta je važnost socijalne integracije, stvaranja kulture mira i izgradnje mira kroz kulturu. Nansen Forum Mladih i Dijalog centar Srebrenica – Bratunac su svojim aktivnostima na polju kulture do sada dali veliki doprinos očuvanju i izgradnji mira u svojoj regiji. Koncert za mir bio je i promocija zajedništva i izgradnje mira kroz muziku i ples. Mustafa Cero, NDC Sarajevo 14 VOJVODINA Towards Celebrating the Day of Peace Zrenjanin In 2012 Citizens' Foundation Panonija, as part of their broader activities with working with young people in nine multinational towns in Vojvodina is implementing a project called Dositeum – Education for Democracy – Learning for a Peaceful Life in Vojvodina which is supported by US Embassy in Belgrade's Democracy Commission. An important focus of the project are workshops called Introductory Lessons on Peacebuilding. Their main goal is to get introduced to the field of peacebuilding - a term that has various definitions and hence different uses depending on who is using the term, when and to what purpose. Mr Lane Stopher's presentation explains the topic of peacebuilding in an educational, academic level based on sociological, political and other social sciences, with concrete examples of peacebuilding on the ground all across the world. They clearly reflect several-year endeavours by CF Panonija to influence peacebuilding in the region, in this case by working directly with young people. The project envisages nine workshops, seven of which have already been held (in Ruma on 11 May, in Bačka Palanka on 21 May, in Novi Bečej on 25 May, in Vrbas on 26 May and in Sombor on 20 July). The last two were held in Subotica on 19 September in "Ivan Sarić " Secondary School and in Inđija in "Đorđe Natošević" Secondary School on 22 September. The last two workshops in Subotica and Inđija were dedicated to marking the International Day of Peace. In Zrenjanin, CF Panonija's partner organisation organised on the occasion of the International Day of Peace an exhibition on the premises of the Zrenjanin Grammar School, while in the centre of the town they organised an activity during which they were giving away "free hugs" and nice words about peace. Danica Stefanović, CF Panonija SREBRENICA - BRATUNAC Dialogue Centre marked the International Day of Peace In cooperation with NDC Sarajevo and Peace Building Network, "Dialogue Centre Srebrenica - Bratunac" marked 21 September 2012, the International Day of Peace. Zrenjanin By participating in the celebration of this very important date, "Dialogue Centre Srebrenica - Bratunac" has continued actively to contribute to the building of peace and trust in Srebrenica and Bratunac. With the members of the Nansen Youth Forum, DCSB opened an Info-booth and promoted peace activism in order to draw attention to and remind the public of the importance of peace, both in an individual's life and in society and globaly in the world. The long-term aim was to encourage many different actors to initiate similar activities in the framework of their own activities and their communities, so that the marking of the 21 September, the International Day of Peace, becomes a traditional city manifestation. In the evening, a Concert for Peace was held where music groups from Srebrenica and Bratunac played. Just before the concert, a message that peace was not the absence of war, that peace was a systematic struggle against violence, structural violence, ethnic divisions, inequalities, fight against all negative social phenomena was read. The importance of social integration, the creation of a culture of peace and peace-building through culture were emphasized. With their activities in the field of culture, Nansen Youth Forum and Dialogue Centre Srebrenica - Bratunac so far made a great contribution to preserving and building peace in their region. Concert for Peace was also a promotion of unity and peacebuilding through music and dance. Mustafa Cero, NDC Sarajevo 15 ZVORNIK Obilježen Dan mira u Gimnaziji / SŠC “Petar Kočić” Učenici Gimnazije/Srednje stručne škole "Petar Kočić" Zvornik obilježili su u petak, 21. septembra 2012. godine, Dan mira. Građanima su podelili materijale sa tematikom mira. Obilježavanje su organizovali članovi Nansen koordinacionog odbora Zvornik uz podršku Nansen dijalog centra Sarajevo. PRIJEDOR NDC Prijedor obilježio Međunarodni dan mira 21. septembra 2012. aktivnostima u Prijedoru i Sanskom Mostu Nansen dijalog centar Prijedor je u saradnji sa kancelarijom NDC Sarajevo u okviru Mreže za izgradnju mira, obilježio Međunarodni dan mira podržavajući međuentitetsku saradnju. Nakon podijele mirovnog promotivnog materijala u centru Sanskog Mosta i Prijedora, predstavnicima ovih opština uručen je pano pod nazivom „50 načina da izgradimo mir“. Obe opštine učestvovale su u realizovanju projektnih aktivnosti NDC Prijedor. Nakon uručenja panoa kabinetu načelnika Sanskog Mosta, načelnik opštine, Dr Mustafa Avadagić naglasio je da će opština Sanski Most nastaviti da podržava NDC Prijedor u realizaciji projektnih aktivnosti. U okviru plana aktivnosti učenici u OŠ „Desanka Maksimović“ iz Prijedora i OŠ „5.oktobar“ i „Hasan Kikić“ iz Sanskog Mosta koji kroz projekat NDC Prijedor učestvuju na radionicama mirovnog obrazovanja / prevencije konflikta, su 21. septembra 2012. jednu radionicu posvetili „Međunarodnom danu mira“. Svi učenici pomenutih škola su taj dan likovno predstavili svoja razmišljanja. Najbolji radovi su predstavljeni na facebook stranici NDC Prijedor. JAJCE Nansen koordinacioni odbor Jajce obilježio Dan mira u Jajcu Nansen koordinacioni odbor Jajce obilježio je Međunarodni dan mira u petak, 21. septembra 2012. godine, nizom aktivnosti u Domu kulture Jajce. Organizovano je druženje učenika Srednje strukovne škole „Jajce“ i djece iz Dječjeg vrtića „Bare“ i pričaonica na temu: Mir, tolerancija, ljubav, a nakon toga i likovna radionica. Dvije članice Nansen koordinacionog odbora Jajce predstavile su rad ovog tijela na području Jajca. Potom je organizovan okrugli sto "Reading is Cool" - sat književnosti o važnosti čitanja i utjecaju knjiga na sve nas. Učesnici su bili učenici Srednje strukovne škole Jajce i profesori jezika i književnosti (Amela Kavazbašić, Iva Ištvanić, Tarik Zjajo i Josipa Kulenović). Na kraju, Karate klub „Tigar“ iz Jajca je izveo nekoliko kata. Nansen dijalog centar Sarajevo i Nansen koordinacioni odbor Jajce izražavaju veliku zahvalnost gospodinu Mevzudinu Duranović, direktoru Doma kulture Jajce, koji je ustupio prostorije Doma za realizaciju ovih aktivnosti te ih uvrstio u manifestaciju "Septembarske večeri". Mustafa Cero, NDC Sarajevo PODGORICA OŠ „Marko Miljanov“ Svi nastavnici OŠ „Marko Miljanov“ uvodni deo prvog časa posvetili su razgovoru sa učenicima na temu mira. učeničkim tekstovima, pesmama i fotografijama na kojima su simboli mira. Pedagog Rade Božović, zajedno sa nastavnicima koji su prošli obuku obrazovanja za mir i učenicima medijatorima, organizovao je radionicu na temu ,,Mirovno rešavanje konflikata’’. U prvom dijelu učenici su u formi igrokaza približili temu radionice. Za drugi dio učenici medijatori napravili su velikog goluba od bijelog hamer-papira koji je simbolično ponijeo poruke mira učenika i nastavnika škole napisane na fluorescentnom papiru. Magdalena Lazović, OŠ „Marko Miljanov“ U holu škole postavljena je izlozba likovnih radova na temu Dan Mira, a literarna sekcija pripremila je zidne novine sa 16 ZVORNIK The Peace day commemorated in Grammar School / HVS “Petar Kočić Students of the Grammar School/High Vocational School "Petar Kočić", Zvornik commemorated on Friday, 21 September 2012, the Peace day. They distributed to citizens peace-related materials. Commemoration was organized by the members of the Nansen Coordination Board Zvornik with the support of the Nansen Dialogue Centre Sarajevo. JAJCE Nansen Coordination Board marked The International Day of Peace PODGORICA "Marko Miljanov“ Primary School All teachers at "Marko Miljanov" primary school dedicated the first part of their class to talking to children about peace. An arts exhibition called "Peace Day" was set up in the school lobby, while the literary section prepared wall-newspaper with students' articles, poems and photographs containing the symbols of peace. Pedagogue Rade Božović, together with teachers who had gone through the peace education training, and student mediators organised a workshop dedicated to Peaceful Conflict Resolution". In the first part, in the form of play, the students brought the topic of the workshop closer to the audience. In the second part, students-mediators created a big dove out of white thick paper which symbolically carried the messages of peace created by students and teachers written on a fluorescent paper. Magdalena Lazović, "Marko Miljanov“ Primary School PRIJEDOR NDC Prijedor marked the International Day of Peace To mark the International Day of Peace, Nansen Dialogue Centre Prijedor in coordination with the NDC Sarajevo office and with the Network for Peace Building, organized activities in Prijedor and Sanski Most on 21 September thus supporting the cross-entity co-operation. After NDC Prijedor distributed peace promotional material in the centre of Sanski Most and in the centre of Prijedor, the activities were continued with the distribution of a billboard titled „50 Ways to Build Peace“ to the representatives of municipalities Prijedor and Sanski Most. Both municipalities were involved in the implementation of project activities of NDC Prijedor. After the billboard was handed to the Cabinet of Mayor of the Municipality of Sanski Most, the Mayor emphasized that the municipality would continue to support NDC Prijedor in their implementation of project activities. Students in "Desanka Maksimović" primary school from Prijedor and "5. Oktobar" and "Hasan Kikić" primary schools from Sanski Most who participated in NDC Prijedor workshops on peace education /conflict prevention and conflict management, dedicated one workshop to "The Day of Peace" on 21 September 2012. All interested students were able to present their thoughts about this subject through paintings. The best paintings were presented on the NDC Prijedor Facebook page. On Friday, 21 September, Nansen Coordination Board Jajce marked the International Day of Peace with several activities in the House of Culture Jajce. They organized socializing of students of High Vocational School Jajce with children from the Kindergarten „Bare“ from this town on the subject “Peace, Tolerance, Love”. After that they organized a painting workshop on the same subject. Two members of the Nansen Coordination Board Jajce, Josipa and Iva, presented the work of the Board at the territory of Jajce. A round table „Reading is Cool“ was organized - as a class in literature on the importance of reading and the influence of books on all of us. Participants were students of High Vocational School Jajce and professors of language and literature (Amela Kavazbašić, Iva Ištvanić, Tarik Zjajo and Josipa Kulenović). In the end, the Karate club „Tigar“ Jajce did a performance of martial arts. Nansen Dialogue Centre (NDC) Sarajevo and Nansen Coordination Board (NCB) Jajce express their gratitude to Mr. Mevzudin Duranović, the Director of the House of Culture Jajce, who provided premises in the House for the realization of the activities and included them in the event „September’s Nights“. Mustafa Cero, NDC Sarajevo 17 KRALJEVO Predrasude i stereotipi su koren sukoba! Obeležavanje Međunarodnog dana mira deo je aktivnosti mreže obrazovnih institucija koje se bave implementacijom obrazovanja za mir u školama u okviru programa Nansen dijalog centara i GPPAC Zapadni Balkan. Odlučili smo da se na Međunarodni dan mira pozabavimo korenom problema: stereotipima i diskriminacijom, koji su izvor svakog sukoba. Često se različitost doživljava kao pretnja i na osnovu takvog razmišljanja nastaje etiketiranje pojedinaca i grupa, koje služi kao opravdanje za diskriminaciju, tj. nejednak tretman u društvu i uskraćivanje prava. Kroz radionicu decentracije učenici su bliži razumevanju problema i uvažavanju drugih koji nisu lošiji zbog svoje različitosti, već samo drugačiji. Razumevanje ljudi prema kojima imamo predrasude i prevazilaženje tih predrasuda nužni su za prevenciju konflikata i uspostavljanje mira. Poljoprivredno-hemijska škola ''Dr Đorđe Radić'' iz Kraljeva je i ove godine obeležila Međunarodni dan mira, 21. septembar. U svečanoj sali Poljoprivredno-hemijske škole organizovali smo radionicu u vidu simulacije i diskusiju na temu prevazilaženja diskriminacije i stereotipa kao osnove za uspostavljanja mira. NIŠ „Navijam za mir!“ Ove godine u OŠ „Učitelj Tasa“ u Nišu učenici i nastavnici organizovali su niz aktivnosti kako bi obeležili Međunarodni dan mira. Nakon radionice sa učenicima organizovana je diskusija o različitosti, stereotipima, predrasudama i praktičnim aktivnostima koje će u školi poboljšati atmosferu i uspostaviti mir. Aleksandra Jovankin, Poljoprivredno-hemijska škola ''Dr Đorđe Radić'' Kao deo pripreme obeležavanja Međunarodnog dana mira organizovane su kreativne radionice za učenike mlađih razreda uz diskusiju o pitanjima šta za njih znači mir i kako bi oni doprineli ostvarivanju mira. Na ovim kreativnim radionicama osmišljene su mirovne zastavice na kojima su deca likovno predstavila svoju viziju mira uz poruku „Ja navijam za mir! A ti?“. Na školskom razglasu pročitan je kraći motivacioni tekst o tome kako svako može da bude deo mirovnog procesa, a učenici su još jednom pozvani da učestvuju na likovnom konkursu „Moj doprinos miru“. Na Međunaroni dan mira jedan broj učenika starijih razreda je, uz prisustvo nastavnika i Jasmine Gejo, iz Školske uprave Niš, prošetao sa mirovnim zastavicama i transparentom „Navijamo za mir! A vi?“. Učenici i nastavnici su se nakon šetnje pozicionirali na glavnom gradskom trgu gde su prolaznicima delili mirovne zastavice i animirali ih pričom o važnosti individualnog zalaganja za ostvarivanje mira. Na glavnom gradskom trgu učenici i nastavnici su se sreli sa članovima udružena građana „Protekta“ koji su takođe obeležavali Međunarodni dan mira i nastavili zajedno da promovišu mirovne vrednosti i nenasilno rešavanje sukoba. Učenici su bili zadovoljni uspešnom realizacijom akcije. Akcija je bila prilika i za razgovor o građanskoj odgovornosti. Milena Mladenović, OŠ “Učitelj Tasa” 18 KRALJEVO Prejudices and Stereotypes are Root of Conflict Agricultural-chemical school ''Dr Đorđe Radić'' in Kraljevo this year too marked the International Day of Peace, 21 September. In the school's conference hall they organised a workshop in a form of a role play and a discussion on the topic of overcoming discrimination and stereotypes as a basis of establishing peace. The marking of the International Day of Peace is a part of the activities of a network of educational institutions that implement peace education in schools within the programme of Nansen Dialogue Centres and GPPAC Western Balkans. They decided that on the International Day of Peace they should address the root of the problem – stereotypes and discrimination which are a source of every conflict. Differences are often experienced as a threat and on the basis of that feeling and understanding, individuals and groups are labelled, which serves as a justification for discrimination, i.e. unequal treatment in society and deprivation of rights. NIŠ „I Cheer for Peace!“ This year, students and teachers in "Učitelj Tasa" Primary School in Niš organised a series of activities to mark the International Day of Peace. In junior grades, prior to the week of marking the Day of Peace, creative workshops were organised with discussions about what peace meant to them and how they would contribute to achieving peace. In these workshops, peace flags were created on which children creatively presented their vision of peace with a message "I Cheer for Peace! What about you?" Through workshop on decentration the students were closer to understanding problems and respecting others who are not less good because of being different, they are just different. Understanding people against whom we have prejudices and overcoming these prejudices is necessary for conflict prevention and establishment of peace. After the workshop with students, there was a discussion about differences, stereotypes, prejudices and practical activities that would bring school a better atmosphere and establish peace. Aleksandra Jovankin, Agricultural – Chemical School ''Dr Đorđe Radić'' On school's P.A. they read a short motivational text about how each of us could be a part of the peace process, and participants were once again invited to take part in the arts competition called "My Contribution to Peace". On the International Day of Peace, a number of students from senior grades, together with teachers and Jasmina Gejo, from the local School Authority, had a walk with peace flags and a banner "We Cheer for Peace! What About you?". After the walk, students and teachers stopped at the main city square where they distributed peace flags to passers by and entertained them with the story about individual efforts to achieve peace. In the main square, students and teachers met members of "Protekta" Association of Citizens who were also marking the International Day of Peace. They continued together to promote peace values and non-violent conflict resolution. Students were satisfied that the activity was completed successfully. The activity was also an opportunity to talk about civic responsibility. Niš, 21.092012 Milena Mladenović, “Učitelj Tasa” Primary School 19 BEOGRAD Dan mira u OŠ „Miroslav Antić“ BELGRADE Peace Day in " Miroslav Antić" Primary School I ovaj 21. septembar razlikovao se od ostalih dana. Učenici obe smene dolazili su u školu noseći bele balone sa porukama mira kojima su ukrasili ogradu škole. Na simboličan način želeli su da skrenu pažnju na ovaj važan datum. This 21 September was again different from other days. Students from both shifts came to school carrying white balloons with messages of peace with which they decorated the school fence. In a symbolic way, they wanted to draw attention to this important date. Pet minuta prvog časa u većini odeljenja razgovaralo se o značaju mira i o njegovim simbolima. Tako su učenici prvog razreda objašnjavali šta znači mir, kako ga oni doživljavaju i shvataju, što je propraćeno i duhovitim komentarima. Učenici drugog, trećeg i četvrtog razreda pravili su panoe sa PORODICAMA REČI na temu MIR i tumačenjima. Petaci su osmišljavali bedževe sa zastavicama drugih zemalja na kojima je ispisana reč MIR na jeziku te države. Nosili su ih tog dana i izazvali pažnju svojih drugara. Druga grupa petaka realizovala je čas odeljenske zajednice na temu KAKO DOPRINOSIMO MIRU. Produkte ove radionice izložili su u holu škole. Učenici šestog i osmog razreda sa svojom nastavnicom ispisivali su Poruke mira i delili ih sugrađanima u naselju. Na časovima građanskog vaspitanja učenici su realizovali prvu radionicu na temu RAZMENA MIŠLJENJA O MOGUĆNOSTIMA POMIRENJA. Članovi recitatorske sekcije starijih razreda organizovali su Veče besedništva na temu BESEDE O MIRU sa nastavnicom srpskog jezika. Učenici, nastavnici i roditelji prisustvovali su autorskim besedama učenika. Zidove škole ukrasili su i likovni radovi učenika svih razreda. Svako odeljenje izabralo je NAJMIROLJUBIVIJEG UČENIKA koji će u narednom periodu biti uključen u aktivnosti u vezi sa promocijom nenasilne komunikacije i prevencijom sukoba. U holu škole postvaljena je Knjiga poruka o miru u koju gosti škole upisuju svoje misli vezane za mir, toleranciju, slobodu... Nakon upisivanja na poklon su dobili papirni cvet sa porukama koje su pravili učenici sa veroučiteljicom. In most grades, five minutes of the first class were dedicated to the importance of peace and its symbols. The first-graders explained what peace was, how they experienced and understood it, which was accompanied by some humorous comments too. Second-, third- and fourth-graders made billboards with FAMILIES OF WORDS on the topic of PEACE and their interpretations. The fifth-graders created badges with flags of other countries on which the word PEACE was written in the language of that country. They wore them that day attracting the attention of their fellow students. Another group of fifth-graders had a grade community class dedicated to the topic HOW WE CONTRIBUTE TO PEACE. The products from this workshop were exhibited in the school lobby. Sixth and eighth grade students, together with their teacher, wrote messages of peace and handed them to their fellow citizens in the area where they lived. In the Civic Education classes students realised the first workshop on the topic EXCHANGING OPINIONS ABOUT POSSIBILITIES OF RECONCILIATION. Members of the reciting section from senior grades organised an Evening of oration to the topic ORATIONS ABOUT PEACE with their Serbian Language teacher. Teachers, students and parents attended students' orations. The walls at the school were decorated with artworks by students from all grades. Each class chose the MOST PEACEFUL STUDENT who would be included in the activities related to the promotion of non-violent communication and conflict prevention. In the school lobby a Peace Message Book was put up where school guests could write down their thoughts about peace, tolerance, freedom... After writing down their thoughts they were given a paper flower with messages created by students with their Religious Education teacher. Školski tim Obrazovanja za mir doneo je odluku da se od ove godine Međunarodni dan mira obeležava na nivou cele škole više dana, kako bi se u aktivnosti uključio veći broj učenika, nastavnika i roditelja. Iz knjige poruka: „Kada bi ljudi shvatili da je svako nečije dete, drugačiji bi svet bio.“ (jedan roditelj) Education for Peace School Team decided that starting from this year; the International Day of Peace should be celebrated at the level of whole school and for several days in order to include a larger number of students, teachers and parents. From the Message Book: "If people understood that everybody was someone's child, the world would be a different place." (A parent) Dragana Pejčić, OŠ „Miroslav Antić“, Beograd Dragana Pejčić, "Miroslav Antić“ Primary School 20
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