Oktobar 2012
Oktobar 2012
UVODNIK Pozdrav dragi ~itaoci, Protekao je još jedan mesec, mi se ponovo sastajemo sa vama u nadi da }ete biti zadovoljni našim radom. A, mi imamo dvostruko više razloga za zadovoljstvo! I, to zato što uz objavljivanje najnovijeg izdanja ~asopisa, od 15. septembra na našoj vebstranici www.magazineforyou.com, po~ela je i naša nagradna igra u kojoj `elimo da nagra|ujemo na{e ~itaoce. Stoga, dozvolite mi da vas ovom prilikom još jednom pozovem da u~estvujete u ovoj igri, u kojoj } ete imati priliku da osvojite zaista divne nagrade. Ne zaboravite, vreme prolazi, a naša igra }e trajati samo do 15. novembra 2012. godine. Nagrade }e se dodeljivati 15. decembra na velikoj zabavi koja }e biti organizovana u prostorijama glavnog štaba KFOR-a. Tako|e, pozivam vas da pro~itate ovo izdanj,e zato što }ete u njemu prona}i sve neophodne informacije o tome kako mo`ete postati deo ove igre. Hajde da se sada vratimo na sadr`aj najnovijeg broja ~asopisa koji dr`ite u vašim rukama. Kao i uvek, ne}e nedostajati najnovije novosti iz sveta filma, u kojima vam predstavljamo filmove “Arbitra`a”, “Hotel Transilvanija” i “Liberal Arts”. U muzi~koj rubrici mo`ete pro~itati ekskluzivni intervju sa Dubiozom kolektiv, bendom iz BiH, koji je nedavno gostovao u Pri{tini. Sportska rubrika je posve} ena olimpijskoj dobitnici zlatne medalje u tekvondu, Milici Mandi}. Istovremeno vam preporu~ujem da pro~itate i ~lanke “Kako funkcioniše vaša opština?”, “I male stvari su od zna~aja”, kao i “Obrazovanje - jedini put ka napretku”. To su samo neki od ~lanaka koji je naša redakcija pripremila za vas, a na vama je da ga prelistate, i prona|ete ono što vas najviše interesuje. Na kraju, ne preostaje mi ništa drugo negoóda vam po`elim mnogo uspeha i dobro zdravlje! 16 22 18 6 Leonora “For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha Fotografijeë: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: [email protected]; http://www.magazineforyou.com 2 for you 2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: Osnovna {kola „Kralj Milutin“ u Gra~anici 6-7: Obrazovanje – jedini put ka napretku 8-9: For you fashion: Nakit u trendu 10-11: Music Box: Dubioza kolektiv u Pri{tini 12-13: Kako funkcioni{e va{a Op{tina? 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Top 10 “zelenih” `ivotinja 16-17: Poster: Dubioza kolektiv 18-19: Moviemania: Arbitrage; Hotel Transylvania; Liberal arts 20-21: Sportski ugao: Milica Mandi} – Olimpijska {ampionka 22-23: Hi-Tech: 5 neophodnih aparata koje iPhone ne mo`e da zameni...bar za sada 24-25: i male stvari su od zna~aja 26-27: Upitnik: Da li ste nekada bili tu`ibaba? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca 20 30 28 22 14 12 EDITORIAL Greetings dear readers, Another month has passed and we are meeting again with the hope that you continue to be pleased with our work. While for us, the pleasure is double! Since, along the publishing of the newest edition of the magazine as of 15th September, in our webpage www.magazineforyou.com, has begun our prize game through which we aim to reward our readers. Therefore, on this occasion allow me to once again invite all of you to become part of this game through which you will have the opportunity to win really wonderful prizes. Don’t forget, time is passing, while our game will be ongoing only until 15th of November 2012. Whereas, the prizes will be handed out on the 15th of December in an enormous party, which will be organized in the HQ KFOR premises. Furthermore, I invite you to go through this edition since you will find there all the necessary information of how you can become part of this game. Let’s return now to the content of the newest number of the magazine that you have in your hands. As always, there will not be a lack of the latest news from the movie world, where we present “Arbitrage”, “Hotel Transylvania” and “Liberal Arts”. In the music column you can read the interview with famous music band Dubioza kolektiv. The sports column is dedicated to Milica Mandic – the Olympic Gold Medal winner. At the same time I recommend to you to read also the articles: “How does your municipality function?”, “Small things do matter”, as well as “Education –the only road towards progress”. These are some of the articles that our editorial office has prepared for you, and it is up to you to go through the magazine and find the information that you are most interested in. In the end, nothing else remains but to wish you much success and good health! Leonora 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Elementary school „Kralj Milutin“ in Gracanica 6-7: Education – the only road towards progress 8-9: For you fashion: Jewelry trends for 2012 10-11: Music Box: Dubioza kolektiv in Pristina 12-13: How does your municipality function? 14-15: Animal kingdom: Top 10 “green” animals 16-17: Poster: Dubioza kolektiv 18-19: Moviemania: Arbitrage; Hotel Transylvania; Liberal Arts 20-21: Sports corner: Milica Mandic – Olympic champion 22-23: Hi-Tech: 5 essential gadgets the iPhone can’t replace... yet 24-25: Little things do matter 26-27: Questionnaire: Have you ever been a telltale? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: [email protected]; http://www.magazineforyou.com for you 3 škola meseca OSNOVNA ŠKOLA “KRALJ MILUTIN” U GRAČANICI G de god da se pomene Gra~anica, najpre se pomisli na manastir Gra~anicu, bogomolju koju je 1321. sagradio kralj Milutin, po kojem osnovna {kola u istoimenoj op{tini, danas nosi njegovo ime. Nekada je u okrugu ovog manastira postojala manastirska {kola, podatak koji nam ukazuje koliko je staro obrazovanje srpskog naroda u ovom delu Kosova.Tradicija pismenosti je nastavljena, s tim {to je iz crkvene {kole preme{tana u drugu {kolsku zgradu, gde je nekada radila kao ~etvororazredna, da bi kasnije prerasla u osmorazrednu, jednu od najstarijih srpskih {kola na ovom prostoru. Ova {kola sa jednom bogatom istorijom, danas ima oko 600 u~enika, i 79 radnika iz Gra~anice i obli`njih mesta. A, ve} 24 godine, direktor ove {kole je gospodin Gligorije Stojanovi}, po struci profesor biologije. Prema njegovim re~ima, u {kolskoj zgradi su, pored osnovne {kole, sada sme{tene i Medicinska, Gra|evinsko-saobra}ajna i Muzi~ka {kola, tako da se zbog nedostatka prostora nastava odvija u tri smene. „Uspevamo da se organizujemo i normalno funkcioni{emo, zahvaljuju}i dobroj saradnji izme|u nas, direktora ovih {kola. Sve nastavne aktivnosti se sto posto odra|uju, imamo tu ljude koji kontroli{u ~asove i obrazovanje, normalno sa direktorima. [to se ti~e vannastavnih aktivnosti, imamo u toku godine dve jake svetkovine i predstave, to je Dan Svetoga Save, prvog srpskog prosvetitelja i u~itelja, i Dan {kole, koje svakako, u kulturnom i obrazovnom smislu, odra|ujemo prigodnim kulturnim programom“, kazao nam je direktor Stojanovi}. O[ „Kralj Milutin“ iznedrila je silne generacije, me|u kojima su eminetni stru~njaci, doktori, in`enjeri, profesori, itd. No, kada ka`emo iznedrila je, ne zna~i da to i dalje ne}e raditi. Naprotiv, ne prekida se tradicija tako lako. A, tek u dana{njici kada je tehnologija toliko napredovala, i uslovi za obrazovanje su daleko bolji i lak{i. „Ova {kola je majka znanja, i mi se bavimo jednim humanim poslom. Mi smo ti na kojima le`i obrazovanje i vaspitavanje mlade populacije. Iz godine u godinu, mi posti`emo sve bolje rezultate u svim oblastima, gde re|amo veliki broj pehara,“ izjavio je g.Gligorije. Svetli trenutak {kole bio je kada je NVO IOM 2010. godine, donacijom od 150.000 evra renovirala ovaj objekat, ~ime je izmenila i spolja{nji i unutra{nji izgled {kole. „Tada smo, od jedne oronule {kole dobili jedan sasvim moderan objekat, ali na`alost nedostaju nam u~ioni~ki i kabinetski prostor,“ dodao je g. Gligorije. On je tako|e napomenuo da {kola poseduje fiskulturnu salu, jednu od najboljih sportskih dvorana u ovom delu Kosova, koju maksimalno koriste i tre}a lica za vannastavne aktivnosti, gde je pomenuo KUD „Venac“ koje trenutno svoje probe odr`ava 4 for you upravo u ovoj sali. Valja napomenuti, da je ovo jedna od {kola koja svake godine izdaje zbornik pod nazivom „Dan {ap}e moje ime“, sa petlom na naslovnoj strani, koji simboli{e jutro sa nekom ve{}u. „Ustvari to je ne{to {to oslikava mladost u ovoj {koli, jedan rad sa tim u~nicima ni`ih razreda. Svi u~enici daju doprinos u tom literarnom smislu {to u prozi, {to u poeziji, i oni najbolji radovi se {tampaju. Svi u~enici imaju obavezu da napi{u najbolje, i svi te`e da {to bolju pri~u ili pesmicu osmisle da bi njihov rad sa njihovim imenom i prezimenom u{ao u zbornik, tj. u{ao u tu {kolsku knjigu“. Za kraj na{eg razgovora, direktor Gligorije Stojanovi}, po`eleo je svim osnovcima na Kosovu zdravlje i dobar uspeh u 2012/13. {kolskoj godini. „@elim im puno sre}e i uspeha u ovoj godini. Ponosan sam na svoj kolektiv i u~enike, jer me svi oni na neki na~in oboga}uju i kao ~oveka, i kao direktora. Kao prosvetni radnik, smatram da mladima maksimalno treba pru`iti prostor, uslove i sredstva za u~enje, kako bi mogli da do|u do neke kreacije, koja `ivot zna~i“. school of the month ELEMENTARY SCHOOL “KRALJ MILUTIN” IN GRACANICA W herever and whenever you mention Gračanica, first thought goes to the Gračanica monastery, church built in the year of 1321 by King Milutin, according to whom this elementary school in the municipality of the same name, now bears his name. The district of the Monastery once had a convent school, which is an information that indicates us how old the education of the Serbian people in this part of Kosovo is. Tradition of literacy has been continued, by moving it from the church school into another school building, where it once operated as a four-year school, in order to later become the eight-year one, one of the oldest Serbian schools in this area. This school with rich history now has about 600 students, and 79 workers from Gračanica and nearby places. And, already for 24 years, the school’s director is Mr. Gligorije Stojanović, a biology teacher by profession. According to him, the school’s building, in addition to the elementary school, now houses the Medical, Construction and Transportation as well as the Music school, whose classes are held in three shifts due to lack of space. “We manage to organized ourselves and function normally, thanks to the good cooperation between ourselves, directors of these schools. All teaching activities are carried out by 100%, we have people who control the classes and education, normally together with the directors. As far as extracurricular activities are concerned, we have two strong festivities and festivals during the year, the Day of Saint Sava, the first Serbian educator and teacher, and the school’s day, which of course, in terms of culture and education, we mark with appropriate cultural programs,” said Director Stojanović. Elementary school “King Milutin” has spawned tremendous generations, which include eminent experts, doctors, engineers, professors, and so on. However, when we say – it has spawned, it does not mean it will not continue to do so. On the contrary, the tradition is not broken so easily. Especially now, in the present time, when the technology is being so advanced and with conditions for education being far better and easier. “This school is the mother of knowledge, and we are engaged in a humane work. We are the ones on which education and upbringing of young people rests upon. Year after year, we accomplish better and better results in all areas, where we frequently are winning a large number of awards,” said Mr. Gligorije. The bright moment of the school was when the NGO IOM has renovated the school building in 2012 with the donation of 150,000 Euros, thus changing the external and internal appearance of the school. “Then, instead of a dilapidated school, we have received a completely modern facility, but unfortunately we lack classrooms and cabinet space,” added Mr. Gligorije. He also noted that school includes a gym, one of the best gyms in this part of Kosovo, which is also put to maximum use by the third persons for extracurricular activities, where he would particularly mention the cultural-society “Venac” that is currently carrying out its practices in this exact space. It should be noted that this is one of the schools that every year publishes an anthology titled “The day whispers my name”, with the rooster on the front page, symbolising the morning that brings news. “Actually, it is something that reflects the youth in this school, one work with the lower graders. All students contribute in the literal sense both in fiction, as in poetry, with the best writings being printed. All pupils have an obligation to write the best they can, and they all are trying their best to come up with the best possible story or poem, in order for their work, holding their first and last names, to be included in the collection, i.e. to be part of the anthology”. For the end of our conversation, director Gligorije Stojanović wished all elementary school students in Kosovo health and good fortune in the school year of 2012/13. “I wish them the best of luck and success this year. I am proud of my own collective and students, because they all somehow enrich me both as a man and as a director. As an educator, I believe that young people should be given maximum of space, means and conditions for learning, in order to be able to come to some sort of a creation, which means life”. for you 5 OBRAZOVANJE – JEDINI PUT KA NAPRETKU R azvoj kulture i ~ove~anstva, kao vrste, zavisi od prakse preno{enja znanja i iskustava sa jedne generacije na drugu. U po~etku, to je proces koji se radio verbalno, a razvijen je u obliku pri~a. Tokom vremena i društvenog razvoja koji je usledio, zajednice su po~ele da razvijaju aktivnosti kao što su trgovina, masovna komunikacija, praktikovanje religije, itd. Vrlo brzo su ove prakse bile pra}ene kodifikacijom obrazovanja i nastave. Samim tim, prvi oblici ovog obrazovanja poti~u iz starog Egipta izme|u 500. i 3000. godine pre nove ere. Ovo se mo`e nazvati prvim koracima ka organizovanom sakupljanju i preno{enju znanja, {to je dovelo do direktnog razvoja ~ove~anstva danas. Ustvari, ovo prenošenje znanja tako|e predstavlja i definiciju u širokom smislu onoga što mi danas znamo pod imenom - obrazovanje. Ali, u u`em smislu, danas je formalno obrazovanje proces kroz koji društvo namerno prenosi znanja, sposobnosti, tradicije i vrednosti sa jedne generacije na slede}u, na primer, kroz školski sistem. Ovaj sistem je toliko va`an, da je ve}ina zemalja u svetu, odre|ene nivoe ovakvog obrazovanja deklarisala kao obavezne za sve svoje gra|ane. Pravo na obrazovanje, poznato kao bitno pravo svih ljudi, oli~eno je u dokumentima, kao što je Evropska konvencija o ljudskim pravima (1952) i Me|unarodna konvencija o ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima (1966). Iznad svega, najva`nije je da svaki roditelj, bilo gde u svetu, na jedan ili drugi na~in, koristi obrazovanje kao najbolju formu da pripremi decu za suo~avanje sa `ivotom. Razloge koji stoje iza takvih akcija nije teško razumeti. Niko ne mo`e da porekne ~injenicu da obrazovanje društva, a naro~ito mladih generacija, predstavlja najbolji na~in da se obezbedi ekonomski razvoj jedne zemlje, odnosno njena budu}nost. Ovo je posebno zna~ajno, jer moderna tehnologija koja je potrebna za ostvarivanje savremenih ekonomskih aktivnosti, zahteva kvalifikovane radnike i lidere koji znaju specifi~nosti ove tehnologije. S druge strane, tehnolo{ki razvoj je od globalne ekonomske 6 for you aktivnosti stvorio neophodnost, gde komunikacija izme|u razli~itih kultura i dr`ava predstavlja glavni klju~. Drugim re~ima, kada govorimo o obrazovanju, zapravo se bavimo lancem delatnosti i posledica, lancem koji je usko povezan sa onim šta smo i kako komuniciramo sa svetom koji nas okru`uje. Me|utim, ono što se zaboravlja u ovom slu~aju je da se mladi naraštaji ne obrazuju samo kroz školovanje. Drugu va`nu ulogu u mladoj generaciji igra i ponašanje, jer imitacija ponašanja naših roditelja je prva faza obrazovanja svakog od nas. Nemojmo zaboraviti da obrazovanje igra veoma va`nu ulogu u rešavanju konflikata i prevazila`enju razlika. Dakle, ako danas kao roditelji izaberemo put nasilja, netrpeljivosti i ne-komunikacije, kako bismo rešili naše probleme, onda }e i naša deca sutra imati isto ponašanje. Bez obzira koliko smo u pravu i koliko su pravilni naši stavovi koje izla`emo našoj deci, ako oni to ne primete kroz naše ponašanje onda }e sve biti uzalud. Praksa je na hiljade puta dokazala, da kakvi smo i kako delujemo danas, odre|uje kako }e se sutra ponašati i kakva }e biti naša deca. Odnosno, mi smo ti koji u svojim rukama dr`e klju~ za njihovu budu}nost, zato budimo oprezni i odgovorni u tome kako }emo koristiti taj klju~. EDUCATION – THE ONLY ROAD TOWARDS PROGRESS T he development of culture and humanity for our species depends on the passing of knowledge and experience from one generation to the next. This was a process of verbal communication and was developed in the form of stories. Over time and the social development that followed, societies began to develop activities such as trade, extensive communication, religious practices, etc. Very soon these practices were followed by the organization of education and of teaching. Consequently, the first forms of this education began in old Egypt between the years 3000 and 500 BC. These can be termed as the first steps towards the organized collection and transfer of knowledge, a direct result of which is the development of humanity today. Education can be viewed as the passing of knowledge. In a narrower meaning, education is the formal process through which the society intentionally transmits knowledge, abilities, traditions and values from one generation to the next for example, through the school system. This system is so important that most of the countries in the world, have declared certain levels of this education as compulsory for all their citizens. The right for education is known as an essential right of all people and has been embodied in such documents as the European Convention on Human Rights (1952) and the UN International Convention on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (1966). Above all, most important is that every parent anywhere in the world in one way or another uses education to prepare their children to face life. The reasons behind such actions are not hard to understand. No one can deny the fact that the education of society and especially of the younger generation is the best way to ensure the economic development of a country, respectively its future. This is especially significant, because the modern technology that is required today for exercising economic activities demands qualified leaders and workers that know the specifics of this technology. Technologic development has made the global economic activity a necessity, where the communication between cultures and different countries is the main key. When talking about education we deal with a chain of actions and consequences, a chain that is closely connected with what we are and how we interact with the world surrounding us. However, what is forgotten in this case is that the young generations are not educated only through schooling. Our parents’ behaviors are the first stage of education and play an important role in the development of the young generations’ behavior. Let us not forget that education plays a very important role in the resolving of conflicts and overcoming differences. Therefore, if we today as parents choose the road of violence, intolerance and non-communication to solve our problems, our children will tomorrow show the same behavior. No matter how right and to the point are the words that we tell our children, if those are not followed by our actions everything will be in vain. These practices have proven how we exist and our actions today determines how our children will be and behave tomorrow. Respectively, we are the ones who have in our hands the key to their future, therefore let us be careful and responsible how we use it. for you 7 fashion NAKIT U TRENDU 2012 N ema potrebe naglašavati modnim sladokuscima koliko je va`an nakit. Svi to znamo. Ali, dobro je uvek biti u trendu i biti upoznat sa najnovijim novostima industrije. Najpoznatiji trendovi nakita u ovoj godini su u rangu od klasi~nih komada do prirodnih komada za jesensku kolekciju. Ova godina je vezana za odr`ivost, za reciklirane, sirove komade koji variraju od klasike do egzotike. Tako|e smo bili svedoci tome da su neki od trendova iz 2011. zadr`ali svoju modnu popularnost i u 2012. godini, kao što je veliko i smelo prstenje, i mešavina vintid` i najmodernijih stilova. Dakle, predstavljamo vam našu listu najpopularnijih stilova nakita. Cvetne fantazije Kao što znate, cvetovi su pravi hit ove sezone. Ne nalaze se samo na printovima ode}e, cipela, marama i torbi, ve} uti~u na oblik šešira, i pojavljuju se u razli~itim oblicima nakita. Ogrlice, prstenje, narukvice, šnale za kosu i drugi komadi nakita inspirisani su cve} em. Min|uše oblika lustera Min|uše u obliku lustera su veoma lepe i `enstvene. One za tren oka mogu pretvoriti vaš ve~ernji izgled u nešto potpuno luksuzno. Min|uše od jednog, dva, ili tri sloja, koje su bile veoma popularne ovog prole} a, prave se od plemenitih metala i jeftinijih materijala sli~nog izgleda, uklju~uju} i predivne dragulje ili plasti~ne elemente. Nakit inspirisan morem More je predstavljalo popularnu temu u modnoj sezoni 2012. godine, i inspirisalo je stvaranje velikog broja fantasti~nih modnih dodataka, uklju~uju} i i komade nakita. Prstenje oblika morskih zvezda, min|uše oblika morskih perli ili ribljih krljušti, ogrlice napravljene od školjkica, kristali u bojama duge, i drugi interesantni komadi nakita mogu transformisati vaš izgled i u~initi ga mnogo romanti~nijim. 8 for you Etno-uticaj Svi smo mi sakupljali etnonakit sa razli~itih putovanja. A sada je vreme i da ga nosimo. Istaknite se svojim svetlim i zanimljivim ogrlicama, velikim prstenjem, min|ušama sa perjem, komadima sa resama i pletivom. Dodajte i neobi~ne tra~ice sa drvenim detaljima svojoj kosi, i nemojte se mnogo optere} ivati uklapanjem boja i detalja. Moto ove godine je: što je više – to je bolje. Prirodno kamenje Danas kada se ljudi sve više okre}u ka prirodi, ne iznena|uje nas to što modni kreatori pokušavaju da koriste prirodne materijale u svojim kreacijama. A kamenje je 2012. godine korišteno na izuzetne na~ine. Višeslojne ogrlice Ogrlice koje se nose u više slojeva su šik i moderne. Mo`ete da nosite jednu višeslojnu ogrlicu ili nekoliko ogrlica u istoj boji, ili razli~itih boja da biste ulepšali svoj izgled. Narukvice u geometrijskim oblicima Narukvice kvadratnog, trougaonog, kockastog ili okruglog oblika su veoma moderne ove sezone. Mo`da izgledaju masivno na prvi pogled, ali kada se savršeno usklade se ode}om, mogu pru`iti pravi naglasak izgledu. 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion fashion JEWELRY TRENDS FOR 2012 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion 4U fashion ... 4U fashion ... 4U fashion T here is no need to tell a fashionista how important jewelry is. We are all aware of that. But it is great to stay in trend and know the latest innovations in the industry. In 2012 the top jewelry trends are all about classic pieces up to natural pieces for the fall collection. 2012 is all about sustainability, recycled, raw pieces that range from classic to exotic. We have also seen few trends that started out in 2011 continued to be hot fashion items in 2012, such as the big and bold rings as well as mix of vintage with a contemporary flair. So, our list of the hottest jewelry tendencies is right here for you. Floral Fantasy As you know flowers are a real hit this season. They aren’t only featured as prints on clothing, shoes, handkerchiefs and bags. They also influence the shape of headwear and come in all kinds of jewelry. Necklaces, rings, bracelets, hair pins and other jewelry pieces the 2012 collections have been inspired by flowers. jewelry from different travels. Now it is time to wear it. Make a statement with your bright and interesting necklaces, large rings, earrings with feathers, fringe and knitted elements. Add unusual ribbons and wooden details in your hair and do not care much about matching things. This spring the motto is: the more the better. Chandelier Earrings Chandelier earrings are very beautiful and feminine. They can make your evening look totally luxurious in no time. One-, two- or even three-layered earrings, which are very trendy this spring, come made of both precious metals and less expensive equivalents with amazing jewels or plastic elements in them. Genuine Stones Today, when people more and more turn to nature, there is nothing surprising in the fact that fashion designers try to use genuine materials in their creations. For 2012 it was the stones that were used in so many impressive ways. Sea-Inspired Jewelry Sea was a big theme of 2012 fashion season and it inspired creation of plenty of fantastic accessories. Sea-star-rings, pearl and fish-scale earrings, necklaces made of shells, iridescent crystals and other interesting jewelry can transform your look and make it more romantic. Ethnic Influence We all have brought ethnic Multilayer Necklaces Necklaces worn in many layers look chic and stylish. You can wear one multilayer necklace or a few necklaces in the same color or different colors to brighten up your look. Bracelets in Geometric Shapes Square, triangle, cubic, and round bracelets are very trendy this season. They might look a little tough but when perfectly coordinated with an outfit they can give the right emphasis to the look. for you 9 music box DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV U PRIŠTINI Bio je Ivan iz Mitrovice, Goran iz Gra~anice, Alban iz Pri{tine... i jo{ mnogo njih na Dubiozinom koncertu u Grmiji, u Pri{tini. I, nije se moglo primetiti ko je ko, i {ta je ko. Dubioza je uspela sve da digne na noge. J o{ uvek se govori o gostovanju ovog bosanskohercegova~kog benda, po prvi put u Pri{tini, po prvi put na Kosovu. Ovaj najpopularniji bend u regionu i {ire, svojom me{avinom regea, duba, ska i roka, humorom i pou~nim porukama koje se uglavnom bave socijalnim temama, pored nealbanske publike pridobio je albanski deo populacije. Tako da, sada svi oni koji slu{aju ovu vrtsu muzike znaju ko je Dubioza kolektiv, i osmoricu `uto-crnih uniformisanih momaka, koji su se na pri{tinskom festivalu pod nazivom „Festivali Yt“ (Tvoj festival), 20. avgusta, predstavili uglavnom sa pesmama na engleskom jeziku. Pored svih obo`avalaca, medija i novinara, nije nam bilo lako do}i do njih, ali... ipak smo uspeli da „ukrademo“ jednog od ~lanova benda, i to njihovog vo|u Brana Jakubovi}a. U nastavku sledi ekskluzivan intervju: For You: Otkud vi u Pri{tini? Dubioza: Na poziv ovog sjajnog festivala, i jako mi je drago {to smo mogli do}i. Mislim da niko od nas ni privatno ni poslovno nikad nije bio na Kosovu, i stvarno smo imali jaku `elju da do|emo ovde, jer je ovo jedini deo biv{e Jugoslavije koji nismo posetili. Hteli smo da vidimo kako di{u ljudi na Kosovu i u Pri{tini. Stvarno je super! Albumi: 2004. - Dubioza kolektiv 2004. - Open Wide 2006. - Dubnamite 2008. - Firma Ilegal 2010. - 5 do 12 2011. - Wild Wild East 10 for you For You: Kada ste dobili poziv, {ta vam je prvo palo na pamet? Dubioza: U Sarajevu `ivi dosta ljudi sa Kosova. Tako da ja imam prijatelja koji su sa Kosova, i nemam nikakvih predrasuda. Na kraju krajeva, imamo puno zajedni~kih tema, i mo`emo lak{e razumeti jedni druge. Zaista mi je drago {to sam ve~eras ovde. For You: Kakvi su utisci nakon koncerta? Dubioza: Najbolje }u ti objasniti na na~in da sam ja toliko bio uzbu|en, da su sve pesme koje su se svirale meni zvu~ale presporo. I, hteo sam da to bude jo{ energi~nije, dali smo maksimum, ali sam ose}ao da treba da damo i vi{e od sebe. For You: [ta bi mi rekao o Dubiozi? Dubioza: Bend je nastao 2003. godine, tako {to su se igrom slu~aja raspala dva benda koja su tada funkcionisala, i onda su se ti ostaci skupili u Dubiozu kolektiv. Onda su se pridru`ili jo{ neki ljudi, i do sada imamo {est izdanja. Imamo tri izdanja na engleskom i dva na bosanskom jeziku, i na jednom izdanju su samo remiksi. Uglavnom me{amo jezike, paralelno funkcioni{emo na teritoriji biv{e Jugoslavije s tim doma}im albumima, i {irom Evrope pevamo na engleskom jeziku. For You: Na engleskom jeziku sa nagla{enim tvrdim slovom R? Dubioza: A, glupo je da se folira{, zamisli da sad peva{ na nekom kokni naglasku, ili ne znam ni ja, na kalifornisjkom. Po{to je engleski internacionalni jezik, onda je svaki taj akcenat validan. Mi pri~amo onako kako ga pri~amo, tako i pevamo, i glupo je sada folirati ne{to {to ti nisi. For You: Za{to Dubioza kolektiv? Dubioza: To ime je najbolje opisivalo stanje u kojem se nalaze sve zemlje biv{e Jugoslavije, a ima jo{ puno zemalja koje bi se dale svrstati u tu listu. I, to kolektiv uvek nas je bilo nekako 8-oro ili vi{e, kolektiv nas asocira na neka vremena u kojima je bilo lak{e sara|ivati, puno jednostavnije komunicirati, i manje je granica bilo izme|u ljudi. Zbog toga i nosimo te neke dresove, ne zato {to volimo biti uniformisani, ve} zato {to `elimo dokazati da ljudi mogu zajedno raditi, mogu zajedno `iveti, i na kraju krajeva, mogu do}i do toga da potpuno isto izgledaju. Mi namerno potenciramo to, i mislimo da je to najsmislenija poruka danas svetu u kojem je definitivno otu|enje jedan od velikih problema. @elimo okrenuti glavu ljudima na drugu stranu, da ~ovek koji razmi{lja svojom glavom shvati da mo`emo komunicirati sa svima ostalima, ~ak i kada nam se mi{ljenja ne podudaraju, i da trebamo zajedno najnormalnije funkcionisati . For You: Koristite i dosta humora u pesmama? Dubioza: Trudimo se da i mi na neki relaksiraniji na~in obradimo te socijalne teme, {to je malo i naporno. Znaju ve} svi ljudi {ta se de{ava, bitno je samo to predstaviti na pravi na~in, da to ponovo krene do kola. Najlak{e je pratiti ono depresivne pesme „sve je bezveze“, „sve je nikakvo“, i sl. a to nije na{ stil, i mi ne pevamo o flori i fauni. Potrebno je mo`da kroz pesmu poku{ati ponuditi neki odgovor na neka pitanja koja sve nas mu~e. For You: Poruka svim ljudima na Kosovu? Dubioza: Dragi moji ljudi sa Kosova – vodite ljubav a ne rat. There was Ivan from Mitrovica, Goran from Gracanica, Alban from Pristina... and many more of them at Dubioza’s concert in Grmija in Pristina. And, no one was able to differentiate who is who, and who is what. Dubioza has managed to raise everyone to their feet. T here is still talking going on about the visit of this band from Bosnia and Herzegovina for the first time in Kosovo, for the first time in Pristina. The most popular band in the region and beyond, with its mixture of reggae, dub, ska and rock, humour and informative messages that are mainly dealing with social issues, in addition to its audience from the territory of former Yugoslavia, has won over the Albanian part of the population as well. So, now all those who listen to this kind of music know who Dubioza kolektiv is, and know eight young men dressed in yellow-and-black uniforms that were at the Pristina festival dubbed “Festivali Yt” (Your Festival), on the 20th of August, presenting themselves mostly with songs in English language. In addition to all the fans, media and journalists, it was not easy for us to get a hold of them, but ... we still managed to “steal” one of the band members, which was their leader Brano Jakubovic. The following is an exclusive interview: For You: How come you’re in Pristina? Dubioza: It was per invitation of this great festival, and I’m very pleased that we have been able to come. I think none of us have ever been in Kosovo, neither in a private or a business capacity, and we really had a strong desire to come here, because this is the only part of the former Yugoslavia that we have not visited. We wanted to see how people breathe in Kosovo and in Pristina. It’s really great! For You: What was the first thing that came to your mind when you received an invitation? Dubioza: There are a lot of people from Kosovo living in Sarajevo. Therefore, I have friends who are from Kosovo, and I have no prejudices. After all, we have a lot of common themes, and we can more easily understand each other. I’m really glad to be here tonight. For You: What are your impressions after the concert? Dubioza: The best way that I can explain is to say that I was so excited that all songs that we have played sounded too slow to me. And I wanted it to be more energetic, we gave our maximum, but I felt that we should’ve given more and more of ourselves. For You: What could you tell me about Dubioza? Dubioza: The band was founded in 2003, in the way that two bands have fallen apart, creating the Dubioza kolektiv from these joining remains. Some other people have joined then, and we have been having six editions so far. We have three editions in English, two in Bosnian language, and one edition only included remixes. We mostly mix languages, in the parallel manner we function in the former Yugoslavia with those local albums, while we use English language to perform throughout Europe. music box DUBIOZA KOLEKTIV IN PRISTINA For You: In an English language with a strong rolling letter “R”? Dubioza: Ah, it’s stupid to pretend, now imagine singing in a cockney accent, or … I don’t know, Californian. Since English is the international language, then every accent is valid. We talk the way we talk, and sing the same way, and it is stupid to pretend about something you’re not. For You: Why Dubioza kolektiv? Dubioza: This name has best described a condition in which all countries of the former Yugoslavia are in, and there are still a lot of countries that might be classified in that list. And the word “collective”… well, there was always 8 or more of us, word “collective” makes us think of a time in which it was easier to cooperate, communication was a lot easier, and there were less boundaries between people. That is why we wear some kinds of uniforms, not because we like to be uniformed but because we want to prove that people can work together, live together, and in the end, may come to the point to look exactly the same. We deliberately emphasize that, and we think that this is the most meaningful message today for a world where alienation is definitely one of the big problems. We want to turn people’s heads to the other side, so that the man who thinks for himself realizes that we can communicate with everyone else, even when our opinions do not match, and we need to function together normally. For You: You also use a lot humour in your songs? Dubioza: We try to deal with these social topics in a more relaxed manner, which is a little bit tiring. Everyone already knows what is going on, it is just important to present it in the right way, so that it starts again. The easiest way is to listen to those depressing song of the “everything sucks” type, but it’s not our style, and we are not signing about the flora and fauna. We could possibly try to use songs to offer some answers to some questions that plague us all. For You: Message for all people in Kosovo? Dubioza: My dear people from Kosovo – make love, not war. Albums: 2004. - Dubioza kolektiv 2004. - Open Wide 2006. - Dubnamite 2008. - Firma Ilegal 2010. - 5 do 12 2011. - Wild Wild East for you 11 KAKO FUNKCIONIŠE VAŠA OPŠTINA? predsednik Op{tine Kamenica Shaip Surdulli O voga puta smo odgovor na ovo veoma va`no pitanje odlu~ili da potra`imo u prelepoj Kamenici, gde smo imali zadovoljstvo da razgovaramo sa predsednikom Opštine Kamenica Šaipom Surdulijem. Kao istaknutu karakteristiku svog upravljanja, gospodin Surduli je naglasio posve}enost slu`bi gra|anima i razvijanju što ve}eg broja projekata koji bi poboljšali kvalitet njihovog `ivota. Tom prilikom je naglasio, da u postizanju ovog cilja opštinu tako|e podr`avaju razli~iti partneri kao što su: USAID, [vajcarska Vlada, Evropska komisija, razli~ita ministarstva, kao i druge lokalne i centralne institucije. Kao konkretniji primer, gospodin Surduli je rekao, da su dva ogromna projekta u završnoj fazi: prvi je izgradnja nove zgrade Skupštine opštine, 12 for you koji finansira Evropska komisija; a drugi projekat je izgradnja fiskulturne sale, koji finansira Ministarstvo za kulturu, omladinu i sport. „Imao sam tu privilegiju i odgovornost da upravljam Opštinom Kamenica, tokom dva perioda: prvi je bio od 2000. do 2007. godine; zatim, nakon dvogodišnje pauze, kandidovao sam se ponovo na lokalnim izborima, 2009. godine, za mesto predsednika opštine i ponovo osvojio glasove poverenja gra|ana. Ako uporedimo ova dva perioda upravljanja, mogu vam re}i, da je sadašnji na~in upravljanja puno bolji i uspešniji u odnosu na prethodni kada nije još uvek bio odobren Zakon o lokalnoj samoupravi“, rekao je gospodin Surduli. On je istakao da je prva prednost upravo jasna definisanost odgovornosti. Po novom zakonu, predsednik opštine je glavna odgovorna osoba za svaki uspeh ili neuspeh u na~inu na koji se upravlja opštinom. Predsednik Surduli je podsetio da zakon tako|e predvi|a niz mehanizama koji imaju za cilj uklju~ivanje gra|ana u upravljanje njihovom opštinom. Organizovanje javnih debata vezano za planiranje bud`eta, direktni sastanci gra|ana sa predsednikom opštine, u~estvovanje gra|ana u zasedanjima Skupštine opštine, kao i prilika da govore na tim zasedanjima, samo su neki od ovih mehanizama koji za cilj imaju uspostavljanje demokratije, u kojoj su gra|ani i poštovanje njihovih prava u centru pa`nje. Druga prednost je to što gra|ani imaju priliku da prate rad Skupštine opštine putem lokalne radio stanice u Kamenici i preko veb stranice www.youtube. com (Telekomuna), na kojoj se mogu videti video snimci zadataka Skupštine opštine. Ali, najbitnije je da gra|ani imaju priliku da se svakoga dana sastanu sa predsednikom opštine, pod uslovom da on nema planirane neke druge obaveze, da razgovaraju o svojim problemima, li~nim i onim vezanim za bilo koju zajednicu ili naselje. „Kamenica se tako|e razlikuje jer imamo prili~no veliki broj gra|ana srpske zajednice koji `ive u našoj opštini. Me|utim, 2000. godine smo po~eli sa implementacijom mnogih projekata koji za cilj imaju njihovu reintegraciju u društvo, ali i stvaranje pravog demokratskog društva u kome se poštuju prava svih gra|ana, bez obzira na njihovo etni~ko poreklo. Stoga, danas svako u našoj opštini ima punu slobodu kretanja. A, ve} nekoliko godina u Kamenici radi i zajedni~ka pijaca, gde se svi poljoprivrednici i trgovci bave svojim poslom bez ikakvih prepreka; gra|ani mogu slobodno da se kre}u i kupe stvari koje im trebaju. [to se ti~e uklju~ivanja u upravljanje, mogu da ka`em da su danas u skoro svakoj opštinskoj kancelariji zaposleni Srbi, koji bez ikakvih problema komuniciraju sa svim strankama“, dodao je gospodin Surduli. Na kraju je posavetovao mlade ljude da u~e i da se što više posvete obrazovanju, pošto nam je danas potrebno da naša omladina bude orijentisana na razvoj proizvodnog sektora, jer }e samo na taj na~in mo}i da osiguraju bolju budu}nost. HOW DOES YOUR MUNICIPALITY FUNCTION? T his time the answers to this very important question we decided to take in the beautiful town of Kamenica, where we had the pleasure to talk to Mr. Shaip Surdulli, Mayor of Municipality of Kamenica. As a distinguishing feature of his governance, Mr. Surdulli emphasized the commitment to be in service of the citizens and to develop as many projects as possible, which will improve the quality of their lives. On this occasion, he emphasized that in the accomplishment of this aim, the municipality is supported also by different partners, such as: USAID, Swiss Government, European Commission, but also by different ministries and other local and central institutions. As a more concrete example, on this occasion Mayor Surdulli mentioned that two enormous projects are at the end stage. The first is the construction of the new building of the municipal assembly, which is being financed by the European Commission. The second project is the construction of the gym, financed by the Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sports. “I have had the privilege and the responsibility to lead the Municipality of Kamenica during two periods. The first one was, from year 2000 to 2007. Then after a two year pause, I ran again in the local elections of year 2009 for the post of the Mayor of the municipality and I again won the vote of confidence of the citizens. If we compare these two periods of governance, then I can tell you that the current governance is a much better and successful way of governing than the previous one, before the new law for local self-governance was approved,” stated Mr. Surdulli. Moreover, he emphasized that the first advantage is precisely the clear definition of responsibilities. With the new law, the Mayor is the main responsible for every success or failure in the way the municipality is governed. On the other hand, Mayor Surdulli, reminded that the law foresees also a line of mechanisms that aim the involvement of the citizens in the governing of their municipality. The organizing of the public debates in connection to the budget planning, the direct meetings of the citizens with the Mayor of the municipality, the participation of the citizens in the meetings of the Municipal Assembly, as well as the opportunity to speak there, are only some of these mechanisms that aim the set-up of a democracy where the citizens and the respecting of their rights are at the spotlight. Another advantage is that the citizens have the opportunity to follow the work of the Municipal Assembly both by the local radio of Kamenica and via the webpage www.youtube.com (Telekomuna), where one can see the videos of the Municipal Assembly tasks. But, essentially the citizens have the opportunity every day, provided that the Mayor does not have any other obligations planned, to meet with the Mayor and discuss about their concerns, both individual ones, or belonging to any community or neighborhood. “Kamenica differs also for reasons that we have a rather large number of citizens of the Kosovo Serbian Community that live in our municipality. However, as of year 2000 we have begun with the implementation of many projects aiming their reintegration into the society, but also the creation of a truly democratic society, where the rights of all citizens are respected, regardless of their ethnic background. Therefore, today we have achieved for freedom of movement to be complete for everyone in our municipality. For some years now, in Kamenica functions also the joint market where all the farmers and traders carry out their business without any obstacle, but also the citizens can move freely and buy the things they need. While, as far as the incorporation in governance is concerned I can say that today almost in every municipal office there are Kosovo Serbs employed, who without any problem communicate with all the parties that address their office,” Mr. Surdulli added. In the end, he had a message to convey to the young people, whom he advised to learn and commit as much as possible to education, given that today we need our youth to be oriented in the development of the production sector, because only in this way they will be able to ensure a better future. for you 13 životinjsko carstvo top 10 “zelenih” životinja p~ela. Slede}i put kada ~ujete zujanje u blizini, razmislite o aplauzu koji te `ivotinje zaslu`uju za svoj naporni rad. P~ela Naravno, njihov ubod mo`e biti izuzetno iritantan, ali svakodnevne p~elinje du`nosti oprašivanja su od suštinske va`nosti kada je u pitanju oprašivanje cvetova i biljaka. Procenjuje se da jedna tre}ina ljudske hrane zavisi od oprašivanja insekata, u ~emu ve}inu rada obavljaju p~ele, posebno doma}a evropska medna Detli} I, šta je ovde dobra vest? Zapadnoindijski detli} i pegava `una se hrane insektima, naoro~ito mrskim termitima, ~ime ne samo da poma`u u ograni~avanju populacije tih šteto~ina pod kontrolom, Bee Sure, their sting can be a pain in the you-know-what, but the full-time pollinating duties of bees are essential when it comes to ensuring that flowering plants, well, flower. It’s estimated that one-third of the human food supply depends on insect pollination, with bees accounting for the majority, particularly the domesticated European honey bee. Next time you hear one buzzing by, consider delivering a round of applause is in order for all their hard work. ve} i odr`avaju vašu ku}nu stolariju zdravom. A loša vest je ta što se te dve vrste nalaze samo na Velikom Kajmanskom ostrvu. To nam zvu~i kao savršen izgovor za preseljenje u toplo, tropsko okru`enje! Woodpecker The good news? Both the West Indian and the Northern Flicker Woodpeckers eat many insects, particularly pesky termites, which not only helps keep the pest population under control, but the wood in your house preserved as well. The bad news? These two species are only found in Grand Cayman. Sounds like the perfect excuse to move to a warm, tropical environment! Loptasti piton Ova zmija je dobila svoj naziv po svojoj te`nji da se u slu~aju spoljašnje pretnje sklup~a u loptu, štite}i svoju glavu u centru kotura. Ve} ina pitona ubija svoj plen davljenjem, a najviše se hrane rov~icama, miševima i pacovima; ~ime poma`e u obuzdavanju njihove prenaseljenosti na planeti i negativnih uticaja na `ivotnu sredinu. Ball Python This snake gets its name as a Pustinjska lisica Pustinjske lisice poseduju izuzetan sluh koji im poma`e da lociraju plen koji se skriva pod zemljom, uklju~uju}i glodare koji prete da nasele zemlju u ogromnom broju, ~ime nakanadno mogu ugroziti poljoprivredne useve. Lisice i drugi mali mesojedi su od suštinskog zna~aja za odr`avanje ekosistema pod kontrolom, ali ta vrsta pati od gubitka staništa i ~esto je predmet mnogih lova~kih ekspedicija, uprkos ~injenici da ne predstavlja opasnost za ljude ili stoku. including rodents that run the risk of overpopulation, which can threaten agricultural crops. Foxes and other small carnivores are essential for keeping the ecosystem in check, but the species is suffering from loss of habitat and also often the focus of many hunting expeditions, despite the fact they pose no threat to humans or livestock. Fennec Fox Fennec foxes have extraordinary hearing that helps them locate prey hiding underground, Balegar Ime govori sve – ova buba ima klju~nu ulogu u svetu poljoprivrede zakopavaju}i i vare} i izmet. Tim procesom ne samo da poboljšava razmenu hranljivih sastojaka i strukturu zemljišta, ve} tako|e slu`i i kao zaštita stoke 14 for you result of its tendency to coil into a tight ball with its heads protected in the center of the coil if threatened. Similar to a boa, most pythons take down their prey via constriction with a taste preference for shrews, mice and rats, which helps rein in overpopulation and its adverse effects on the environment. uklanjaju}i potencijalna staništa muva, a time i bolesti koje te šteto~ine prenose. Dung Beetle The name says it all - this beetle plays a crucial role in the world of agriculture by both burying and consuming feces. The process not only improves improve nutrient cycling and soil structure, but also serves to protect livestock by removing what could be a potential habitat for flies and other disease-carrying pests. animal kingdom top 10 “green” animals Sup Supa mo`emo smatrati za prirodnog |ubretara, zahvaljuju} i njegovom apetitu za strvine. Leševi `ivotinja predstavljaju savršeno tlo za razvoj bakterija i drugih opasnosti, ali neverovatna otpornost koju ove ptice imaju na botulizam, omogu}ava im da uklanjaju mrtve ostatke `ivotinja, ~ime odr`avaju okru`enje ~istim od potencijalno opasnog otpada. Vulture The vulture could be considered nature’s garbage collector, thanks to its appetite for roadkill. Animal carcasses act as the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria and other dangers, but the vulture’s incredible resistance to botulism allows the bird to remove dead animals, keeping the environment clean of the potentially hazardous waste. Kišna glista Kišna glista je zaradila svoj „zeleni“ pe~at kao rezultat kopanja duga~kih tunela pod zemljom, ~ime omogu}ava protok vode i vazduha kroz zemlju. Dok kopaju tunele, ove male `ivotinjke u sebe unose zemlju, vare je zajedno sa ostalim sastojcima i izbacuju izvan tla, gde slu`i kao savršeno |ubrivo. Ko štedi, ima}e! Earthworm The earthworm earns its “green” stamp of approval as a result of digging large burrows underground, which allows for more water and air to pass through the soil. As they burrow, these little wigglers also ingest soil along with any plant matter in it, eventually passing it through their body above ground, where it serves as an ideal fertilizer. Waste not, want not! `ivotinjske populacije, koja bi mogla uzrokovati negativnu i dugoro~nu štetu u lancu morske ishrane. Velika bela ajkula Upravo kada ste pomislili da je bezbedno vratiti se u vodu... ustvari, mnogo su sigurnije nego što ve}ina to misli. I, pored toga što se napadi velikih belih ajkula na ljude ~esto preuveli~avaju u medijima, u stvarnosti su veoma retki. To su ~eš}e slu~ajevi pogrešno odre|enog identiteta nego što predstavljaju stvaran lov na ljudske `rtve. Ajkule igraju bitnu ulogu u ekosistemima okeana, poma`u}i u obuzdavanju Great White Shark Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...actually, it’s already much safer than most think. Though great white attacks on humans are often played up in the media, in reality they are very few and far between, more often occurring as a case of mistaken identity than an actual penchant for human prey. Additionally, sharks play an essential role in ocean ecosystems, helping to curb animal populations, which could bring adverse, long-term damage to the marine food chain. Afri~ki sivi papagaj Zaboravite na dijamante – ova ptica je najbolji prijatelj tropskih šuma, jer svojim izmetom raznosi nesvarene semenke širom svog staništa. Povrh toga, neke sorte se tako|e hrane nektarom i potom igraju va`nu ulogu u oprašivanju raznih biljaka koje `ive pod šumskim krošnjama. Kao jedan od najpopularnijih imitatora, neke studije tvrde da papagaji, za razliku od drugih ptica, poseduju nivo inteligencije koji parira inteligenciji šimpanza i delfina. African Grey Parrot Forget diamonds - this bird is the tropical forest’s best friend, as it dispenses undigested seeds across its habitat through its own guano. On top of that, some varieties also eat nectar and subsequently play an important role in the pollination of a variety of plants that live under the forest canopy. As one of the most accomplished mimics, some studies have argued that parrots, unlike most bird species, carry a keen intelligence on par with chimpanzees and dolphins. Lemur Sli~no Afri~kom sivom papagaju, lemuri se hrane sezonskim plodovima, rasipaju}i sve nesvarene semenke širom svog okru`enja. Semenke zatim klijaju, obnavljaju}i vegetaciju, što je od izuzetne va`nosti za ostrvo koje je do sada izgubilo preko 80 procenata vegetacije zbog se~e šuma i poljoprivrede. Lemur Similar to the African Grey Parrot, lemurs tend to dine on seasonal fruits, scattering any undigested seeds throughout their environment. The seeds then sprout, replenishing vegetation, which is extremely important for an island that’s lost over 80 percent of its original habitat due to logging and agriculture. for you 15 moviemania ometanja od strane ljudi. U jednom posebnom vikendu, Uloge: Adam Sandler, Kevin Drakula je pozvao James, David Spade, Steve neke od najpoznatijih Buscemi, Molly Shannon, svetskih ~udovišta, Andy Samberg, Fran DreFrankenštajna i njescher, Cee-Lo Green govu nevestu Mami, Re`iser: Genndy TartaNevidljivog ^oveka, kovsky porodicu vukodlaka, Studio: Columbia Pictures i još neke, kako @anr: Crtani film/Komedija bi proslavili 118. ro|endan njegove Sinopsis }erke Mejvis. Za Drobrodošli u Hoakulu, goš}enje svih ovih tel Transilvanija, legendarnih monstruma Drakulino raskošno nije problem, ali njegov letovalište, gde monstrumi svet bi mogao da proi njihove porodice mogu padne kada jedan obi~an da `ive opušteno, slobodni momak svrati u hotel i da budu monstrumi bez baci oko na Mejvis. HOTEL TRANSILVANIJA HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA D HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, David Spade, Steve Buscemi, Molly Shannon, Andy Samberg, Fran Drescher, Cee-Lo 18 for you Green Director: Genndy Tartakovsky Studio: Columbia Pictures Genre: Animation/ Comedy Synopsis elcome to the Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s lavish five-star resort, where monsters and their families can live it up, free to be the monsters they are without humans to bother them. On one special weekend, Dracula has invited some of the world’s most famous monsters, Frankenstein and his bride, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, a family of werewolves, and more, to celebrate his daughter Mavis’ 118th birthday. For Drac, catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem, but his world could come crashing down when one ordinary guy stumbles on the hotel and takes a shine to Mavis. W moviemania SLOBODNE UMETNOSTI Uloge: Josh Radnor, Elizabeth Olsen, Richard Jenkins, Allison Janney, John Magaro, Elizabeth Reaser Re`iser: Josh Radnor Studio: IFC Films @anr: Komedija/Drama LIBERAL ARTS ARBITRAGE N N Sinopsis Ponovo slobodan, 35 godina, neinspirisan svojim poslom, D`esi Fišer brine o tome da su njegovi najbolji dani ostali iza njega. Ali, bez obzira koliko on gura svoju glavu u knjigu, `ivot D`esija vu~e natrag. Kada ga njegov omiljeni profesor sa fakulteta pozove da odr`i govor na oproštajnoj ve~eri pred penzionisanje, D`esi prihvata šansu. On je spreman za nostalgiju menze i studentskih soba, `urke i seminare o poeziji; ali ono što ne vidi je da dolazi Zibi – prelepa, otmena studentkinja druge godine, koja voli klasi~nu muziku. Zibi budi ona strašljiva, uzbudljiva, studentska ose}anja mogu} nosti i veze za koje je D`esi mislio da ih je zauvek sahranio. sposobnosti osobe da odredi pravu vrednost datom tr`ištu. To je talenat koji je od milijardera hed` fonda, magnata Roberta Milera napravio pravi portret uspeha u ameri~kom biznisu. Me|utim, uo~i svog šezdesetog ARBITRA@A Casta ro|endana, Miler Re`iser: Nichoo~ajni~ki pokušava Uloge: Richard las Jarecki da proda svoje Gere, Susan Studio: Lionstrgova~ko carstvo Sarandon, gate and Roadjednoj velikoj banci Tim Roth, Brit side Attractions pre nego se otkrije Marling, Nate @anr: Drama / obim njegove preParker, Laetitia Triler vare. Kada neo~ekiSinopsis vano kobna ikolas Jarecki pravi greška izazove po`eljni rediteljski njegovo shvatanje debi sa ovim o tome koje stvari zategnutim i zavodljivim vrede, Miler trilerom o ljubavi, odan}e uvideti da osti i visokim finansijama. nije samo njegov Arbitra`a – kupiti jeftino i posao na ivici prodati skupo - zavisi od balansa. Synopsis ewly single, 35, and uninspired by his job, Jesse Fisher worries that his best days are behind him. But no matter how much he buries his head in a book, life keeps pulling Jesse back. When his favorite LIBERAL ARTS college professor Starring: Josh Radnor, invites him Elizabeth Olsen, Richard to campus Jenkins, Allison Janney, to speak at John Magaro, Elizabeth his retireReaser ment dinDirector: Josh Radnor ner, Jesse Studio: IFC Films jumps at Genre: Comedy/Drama the chance. He is prepared for the nostalgia of the dining halls and dorm rooms, the parties and poetry seminars; what he doesn’t see coming is Zibby--a beautiful, precocious, classicalmusic-loving sophomore. Zibby awakens scary, exciting, long-dormant feelings of possibility and connection that Jesse thought he had buried forever. Synopsis icholas Jarecki makes an auspicious directorial debut with this taut and alluring suspense thriller about love, loyalty, and high finance. Arbitrage--buying low and selling high-depends on a person’s ability to determine the true value of any given market. It’s a talent that has made billionaire hedge fund magnate Robert Miller the very portrait of success in American N ARBITRAGE Starring: Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth, Brit Marling, Nate Parker, Laetitia Casta Director: Nicholas Jarecki Studio: Lionsgate and Roadside Attractions Genre: Drama / Thriller business. But on the eve of his sixtieth birthday, Miller finds himself desperately trying to sell his trading empire to a major bank before the extent of his fraud is discovered. When an unexpected bloody error challenges his perception of what things are worth, Miller finds that his business is not the only thing hanging in the balance. for you 19 sportski ugao MILICA MANDIĆ – OLIMPIJSKA ŠAMPIONKA Srpska tekvondistkinja Milica Mandi} osvojila je zlatnu medalju na Olimpijskim igrama u Londonu pobediv{i Francuskinju An-Karolin Graf sa 9:7, u kategoriji preko 67 kilograma! U uzbudljivom finalu ova sportistkinja donela je Srbiji tre}e, najsjajnije odli~je u Londonu, a ukupno ih je do sada 101. Ovo je prva zlatna medalja za Srbiju od Sidneja 2000. godine. A, Milica je uspela da pobedi redom Samoanku Taligtu Krouli, pobednicu iz Pekinga, Meksikanku Mariju Espinozu, zatim Ruskinju Anastasiju Bara{njikovu, i u finalu svetsku i evropsku {ampionku Francuskinju An Karolin Graf. Zato smo i re{ili da vas u ovom broju upoznamo sa dvadesetogodi{njom Milicom Mandi}, sportistkinjom koja je u{la u istoriju osvajanjem jedinog zlata za Srbiju na Olimpijskim igrama u Velikoj Britaniji. Milica, koja je veoma lako mogla da se umesto tekvonda bavi rukometom ili da nastavi sa folklorom, postala je preko no}i najpopularnija li~nost u Srbiji. Njen desetogodi{nji rad i trud su se kona~no isplatili. A ovu pobedu isklju~ivo poklanja porodici, treneru Draganu Jovi}u, Srbiji, svom klubu „Galebu“, i svima onima koji su bili uz nju. U jednom od intervjua je otkrila i kako se obrela u ovom malo poznatom sportu u Srbiji: „Videla reklamu u školi, zaljubila se u sport i sada ne mogu bez njega. Upoznala sam izuzetne ljude, za ovako nešto se `ivi i radi toliko godina. Sve je vredno i osmeha i suza“. Pre odlaska u London zra~ila je optimizmom i govorila kako su joj u pripremama mnogo pomogli treneri, roditelji, prijatelji, ali i psiholozi. Neposredno pre odlaska u London dru`ila se sa studentima DIF-a i govorila im o sportskim i `ivotnim iskustvima. Tada je rekla da se raduje Igrama, ali da se nada da }e pred samo takmi~enje uspeti da se izoluje od gu`ve i posveti pripremama. Milica svakog dana trenira 20 for you po dva puta, a ka`e da je prošle godine imala tek tri-~etiri sedmice slobodnog vremena. Mnogi su joj odali priznanje za osvajanje zlata, me|u kojima i predsednik OK Srbije Vlade Divac. On je istakao da su `ene obele`ile ove Igre kada je Srbija u pitanju, i zahvalio se svim `enama u Srbiji. Za ovu ~lanicu Tekvondo kluba „Galeb“, i osvaja~icu 101. olimpijske medalje za Srbiju, Tašmajdan, Cvetni trg, Slavija i Srpskih vladara, prakti~no su kao za nekoga dvorište porodi~ne ku}e. Tu se nekada provla~ila kroz ogradu kako bi ušla na bazen, igrala „izme|u dve vatre“, }askala sa drugaricama o prvim simpatijama, radovala se dobrim i tugovala zbog retkih loših ocena. Milica je sa deset godina po~ela da trenira tekvondo, a pre toga se oprobala u košarci pa i folkloru. Posle prvog uspeha u tekvondou, na~injenog na sestrin ro|endan 29. novembra 2003. još uvek se kolebala, i malo je nedostajalo da umesto tatamija i tekvondoa, izabere rukomet. Zahvaljuju}i tekvondou, Milica, ~iji je specijalitet udarac nogom u glavu, proputovala je svet, a kao najinteresantnije putovanje izdvojila je ono u Koreji. U postojbini tekvondoa, sporta, po kojem }e je od 11. avgusta 2012. godine pamtiti ~itav svet, Milica je imala problem sa hranom, jer ništa od tamošnjih jela nije mogla da jede. Milica Mandi} van sporta: ostala je verna svom kraju, ima tradiciju ispijanja kafe u „Flertu“, gde vodi opuštene razgovore u kojima sport nije glavna tema. Mo`ete je ~esto videti na košarkaškim utakmicama Partizana, na koje odlazi uglavnom sa ocem. Navijati za crno-bele u porodici Mandi} je deo tradicije. Kada je u pitanju obrazovanje, Milica je završila Osnovnu školu „Vladislav Ribnikar“, zatim srednju farmaceutsko-fizioterapeutsku, a sada je na „Megatrendu“, na Fakultetu za kulturu i medije, smer „odnosi s javnoš}u“. Ka`e da joj je još rano da razmišlja šta }e raditi po završetku karijere. Milici Mandi}, na{oj novoj miljenici, `elimo da u~estvuje i osvoji ponovo zlato, bar na jo{ dve Olimpijade. sports corner MILICA MANDIC – OLYMPIC CHAMPION Serbian taekwondoist Milica Mandić has won a gold medal at the London Olympics by beating France’s AnneCaroline Graffe with the score 9:7, in the category of over 67 kilograms! I n an exciting final, this athlete has brought to Serbia the third, shiniest medal in London, now totalling them up to 101. This is the first gold medal for Serbia from Sydney 2000. And, Milica has managed to consecutively win against the Samoan Talitiga Crawley, winner from Beijing, Mexican Maria Espinoza, then Russia’s Anastasia Baryshnikova, and in the finals - the World and European champion French Anne-Caroline Graffe. That’s why we have decided to introduce you in this issue to the twentyyear old Milica Mandić, a female athlete who made history by winning the only gold for Serbia are the Olympics in the UK. Milica, who could very easily have been playing handball or continue folklore dancing instead of taekwondo, overnight became the most popular figure in Serbia. Her ten-year long hard work has finally paid off. And she presents this victory exclusively to her family, coach Dragan Jović, Serbia, her club “Galeb”, and all those who stood by her. In one of her interviews she has revealed the way how she found herself in this little-known sport in Serbia: “I have seen an advertisement in school, fell in love with the sport and I cannot do without it now. I have met with extraordinary people, one lives and works for all these years to experience this. Everything is worth the smiles and tears”. Before leaving for London, she radiated optimism and spoke that her coaches have helped a lot in her preparations, along with her parents, friends, but also psychologists. Shortly before departing for London, she socialized with the students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education (DIF) speaking to them about sports and life-related experi- ences. Back then she said that she was looking forward to the Games, but that she hopes to be able to isolate herself from the crowd right before the very competition and focus on preparations. Milica is training twice every day, stating that she only had tree-four weeks of free time last year. Many have praised her for winning gold, among which is also the President of the Serbian Olympics Committee Vlade Divac. He pointed out that women have marked these Games when it comes to Serbia, and thanked all the women in Serbia. For this member of the taekwondo club “Galeb” and winner of the 101st Olympic medal for Serbia, Tašmajdan, Cvetni trg, Slavija and the Srpskih vladara Street are practically the same as a front yard of a family house. There, she once pushed through the fences in order to reach the swimming pool, play dodgeball, chitchat with her friends about the first crush, rejoiced to good and wept for poor grades. Milica has started to train taekwondo when she was ten years old, while trying herself in basketball and even folklore dancing prior to it. After the first success in taekwondo, achieved on her sister’s birthday on 29th of November 2003, she was still having doubts, and was so close to choosing handball instead of tatami and taekwondo. Thanks to taekwondo, Milica, whose specialty is the kick in the head, has travelled throughout the world, stating that the most interesting journey was the one to Korea. In the homeland of taekwondo, sports for which she will be remembered by the whole world after 11th of August 2012, Milica had problems with the food, because she couldn’t eat any of the local foods. Milica Mandić, outside sports: she has remained faithful to her neighbourhood, still holding a tradition to drink coffee in “Flert”, where she engages in relaxed conversations in which sport is not the main topic. You can often see her at basketball games of Partizan, which she attends mostly with her father. It is part of the Mandić family tradition to support the black-and-whites. When it comes to education, Milica has finished the elementary school “Vladislav Ribnikar”, then the secondary school of pharmacy and physiotherapy, and is now attending the “Megatrend” faculty for Culture and Media, with the specialty for “public relations”. She says that it is still early for her to think about what she will do after the end of her career. We wish Milica Mandić, our new favourite, to participate and again win gold on at least two more Olympics. for you 21 Hi - Tech 5 NEPHODNIH APARATA KOJE iPHONE NE MOŽE DA ZAMENI...BAR ZA SADA P rose~ni smartfon pretvara ljude u bogove...sve dok nam ne zatreba aparat koji zumira ili prijem kada nema mre`e. Naši pametni telefoni su kao vojni švajcarski no`evi u digitalnom dobu. Ali, umesto turpije za nokte i otvara~a flaša, oni sadr`e mikroprocesore, ekrane na dodir, sveprisutnu be`i~nu infrastrukturu Interneta, kako bi se rešio bilo koji problem, od balansiranja prijateljstava do poravnjanja naših ~ekovnih knji`ica, od navigacije no}nog neba do upravljanja kroz saobra}ajne gu`ve. Bez obzira na njihovu mo} i raznovrsnost, pametni telefoni ipak ne mogu sve. Još uvek su nam potrebni konkretni ure|aji u svemu od pre`ivljavanja do zabave, i još uvek ne mo`emo sve naše potrebe za aparatima smestiti samo u jedan ure|aj. Igra~ka Konzola Angry Birds je najprodavanija igra svih vremena, ali kada tvrdokorni igra~i imaju nešto što ih mu~i, onda pametni telefoni ne mogu da dr`e korak sa igra~kim konzolama. Zanimljivo je da nedostatak dubokih i predanih igara na telefonima ne mora da predstavlja problem sa procesorima i grafi~kim karticama mobilnih telefona: Dok Xbox i PlayStation imaju hardverska unapre|enja samo na osam i više godina, iOS i Android ure|aji dobijaju masovna tehnološka unapre|enja svake godine. Problem mo`e ustvari biti i dvostran. Prvo su Angry Birds, koje su do`ivele fenomenalni uspeh, uveliko zahvaljuju}i svojoj jednostavnosti. Predvi|ene za jednokratnu upotrebu, obi~nih naziva, pokazali su se toliko uspešnim za Pocket iskustvo i toliko jeftinijim za proizvodnju od Holivud velikih konzolnih igara, da su došli u poziciju da dominiraju tr`ištem mobilnih igara, ostavljaju}i blokbaster AAA igre konzolama. Drugo je ~injenica da ekranima osetljivim na dodir i dalje nedostaju neverovatno precizne kontrole koje imamo na d`ojsticima. Game Console Angry Birds is the bestselling game of all time. But when hardcore gamers have an itch to scratch, smartphones don’t hold a candle to full-blown gaming consoles. Interestingly enough, the lack of deep, immersive games on phones is not necessarily a problem with cellphone processors and CPUs: While Xboxes and PlayStations only see hardware upgrades every eight or so years, iOS and Android devices get massive technological improvements every year. The problem may in fact be twofold. The first is obvious in Angry Birds itself, which achieved its phenomenal success largely because of its simplicity. Disposable, casual titles have proven so successful for pocket experiences and are so much cheaper to produce than Hollywood-scale console games, that they have come to dominate mobile gaming while leaving the blockbuster AAA games to consoles. Second is the fact that touchscreens still lack the incredibly accurate controls we get on gamepads. likom ekranu, i slike sa malo svetla posta}e mutne bez blica. Ali Instagram! Deljenje fotografija na Fejsbuku dok si napolju! Za prakti~ni razlog treba se suo~iti sa nugodnim osim za jedno. Pametni telefoni su bukvalno ignorisali zum so~iva. I, dok su postproduckioni filteri u~inili dosta da poboljšaju fotografije sa malo piksela i malo kontrasta, ipak nema zamene za bliski i li~ni pregled zum so~iva. I da, digitalni zum se ne ra~una. Kamera sa zumom Kamera koju poseduju pametni telefoni }e u ve}ini slu~ajeva biti dovoljna. Da, slike }e biti zrnaste na ve- 22 for you Zooming Camera Most of the time, a smartphone camera is good enough. Sure, its pictures are grainy on a large screen, and the low light photos tend to get blurry without a flash. But Instagram! Sharing photos on Facebook while you’re still out! For the convenience factor alone, it’s worth putting up with the inconveniences, except for one. Smartphone cameras have virtually ignored zoom lenses. And while post-production filters can do a lot to improve pixely, lowcontrast shots, there’s no replacement for the up-closeand-personal view of a zoom lens. And, no, digital zoom doesn’t count. Hi - Tech 5 ESSENTIAL GADGETS THE IPHONE CANNOT REPLACE... YET T he average smartphone turns men into gods... until we need a camera that zooms, or our reception is off the grid. Smartphones are the Swiss Army knives of the digital age. In place of nail files and can openers, they’ve leveraged microprocessors, touchscreens, and the omnipresent wireless architecture of the Internet to tackle any problem, from balancing friendships to balancing checkbooks, from navigating the night sky to navigating rush hour traffic. Despite their power and versatility, however, our smartphones can’t do everything. We still need discrete devices in everything from survival to entertainment, and we can’t unify all of our gadget needs into one device, yet. Toki-Voki Ukoliko je repetitor mobilne telefonije pokvaren, kao što se ~esto dešava prilikom svakog sportskog doga|aja, onda }eš do}i u situaciju da ne mo`eš da obaviš poziv. I, ako do|e do nesre}e onda se ovaj problem komplikuje. Ipak, postoji rešenje za ove probleme. Radio talasi niskog intenziteta omogu}avaju voki-toki razgovor i fiksne linije, prave analogne linije, ne digitalne, mogu vas povezati prili~no dobro sa ostatkom sveta. Ali mobilni telefoni su mali i nemaju mesta za svu krupnu analognu opremu, potrebne uti~nice ili ~ak i za mali telefon prema telefonu voki-toki hardver. Mo}ni kao što jesu, ipak, pametni Baterijska lampa Aplikacije ovog tipa su Bogom dane. Osvetljenje ekrana telefona ili LED svetlo su osvetlili mnoge izgubljene klju~eve i ispale prstenove. Ali, jedno LED osvetljenje ne poseduje dovoljno mo}i da osvetli ve}e okru`enje. Kada vam je potrebna svetlost pri peša~enju u mraku, nestanka struje, onda vam je potrebna prava baterijska lampa. Ironi~no je da su mnoge moderne baterijske lampe opremljene LED diodama. LED ispušta neverovatnu koli~inu toplote u veoma malom kolu i zbog toga vaš iPhone nije trenutno opremljen mo}nijom bakljom. Flashlight Flashlight apps are a godsend. Lighting up a phone’s screen or LED flash in a pinch has illuminated many lost keys and dropped rings. But a single LED lacks the power to make large environments glow. When you need light in the dark—trailblazing, blackout-beating, following-Lassieto-the-well light, you need a real deal flashlight. Ironically, many modern flashlights are themselves fitted with LEDs. But LEDs release a spectacular amount of heat in very small circuitry, which is why your iPhone isn’t currently fitted with a more powerful torch. telefoni nisu u potpunosti u mogu}nosti za komunikaciju potpuno samostalno, što zna~i da ako do|e do apokalipse ipak ne}emo mo}i da o tome tvitujemo. Walkie-Talkie If the local cell tower is jammed, like at pretty much any sporting event, you can be stuck unable to make calls. If disaster strikes, this problem is compounded. Yet there are solutions for these problems. Shortwave radios can enable walkie-talkie chatter, and hardlines, true analog lines rather than digital services, can connect you quite reliably to the rest of the world. But cellphones are small, so they don’t make room for bulkier analog equipment, necessary jacks, or even diminutive phoneto-phone walkie-talkie hardware. Powerful as they are, then, smartphones are not truly capable of communication on their own accord, meaning that when the apocalypse comes, we probably won’t be able to tweet about it. da vas pusti sa nekom zabavnom Fejsbuk slikom ili UDID sinhronizovanim sistemom, onda se grdno varaš prijatelju. Nov~anik Pla}anja postaju digitalna, van svake sumnje. NFC ~ipovi }e uskoro postati standard u telefonima, podr`ani od programa koji }e obavljati transakcije, a koji dolazi od kompanija kao što su Google, Square i PayPal. Tako da, ne treba puno da bi se shvatilo da }e telefoni uskoro zameniti nov~anike. Ali ipak ne}e, bar ne u potpunosti. ^ak i kada sva infrastruktura do|e u naše lokalne prodavnice, ~ak i kada }ete provla~iti vaš telefon umesto Visa kartice, opet }e nam biti potrebno mesto da skladištimo naše bonove, ~lanske kartice od teretane, i ono što najviše razo~arava – voza~ku dozvolu. Jer ako mislite da }e saobra}ajac Wallet Payments are undoubtedly going digital. NFC chips will soon be a standard in phones, backed by transaction software from companies such as Google, Square, and PayPal. So it seems a no-brainer that cellphones will replace wallets in the nearest of futures. Except they won’t, not entirely. Even when all of the infrastructure trickles into our local stores, even when you swipe your phone rather than your Visa card, we’ll still have the need for a place to store loyalty punch cards, your gym membership ID and most disappointingly, your driver’s license. Because if you think the DMV is going to let you slide with a cheeky Facebook picture and UDID-based syncing system, you’ve got another thing coming, friend. for you 23 I MALE STVARI SU OD ZNAČAJA D a li ste ikada bili u situaciji sa kojom se niste mogli slo`iti ni na koji na~in, ali, tako|e, osetili da ste nemo}ni da ih izmenite? Ako niste, onda je skoro neizbe`no da }ete do`iveti nešto sli~no tokom `ivota. To }e se sigurno dogoditi, ali ono ~ime treba da se zapitamo je - da li stvarno ne mo`emo uticati na promenu situacije! Takva izjava mo`e da zvu~i vrlo optimisti~no i neverovatno, ali u stvarnosti postoje brojni primeri jednostavnih ljudi, koji su svojim delovanjem uticali na izmenu situacija, koje su se na prvi pogled ~inile kao nemogu} e za promenu. Najlepši deo toga je da su takvi postupci ~esto bili izuzetno jednostavni i vrlo lako ostvarivi. Uveren sam da ste svi vi upoznati sa barem jednim takvim primerom, a postoji i šansa da su mnogi od vas verovatno i bili deo takvih primera. Ovde, pre svega, mislim na akciju prikupljanja plasti~nih zatvara~a za flaše, za koje se u zamenu dobijaju invalidska kolica za osobe sa invaliditetom. Mnogi od vas mo`da znaju, ali bih još jednom pomenuo da ova ideja poti~e iz Turske, od studenta koji je u stvari poreklom sa Kosova. Iskra koja je generisala tu ideju, bio je slu~ajan susret sa nepoznatom majkom koja je u naru~ju dr`ala svoje dete sa invaliditetom. To je uticalo na Kuštrima Ahmetija da razmisli o na~inu kako bi mogao da pomogne toj `eni. I, zato je predlo`io kompaniji za recikla`u “Muzafer Pinarbasi Isletmeleri” iz Izmira, da ova firma kupi invalidska kolica u zamenu za plasti~ne zatvara~e za flaše. Krajnji rezultat je bio to da ovo nije bila samo uspešna akcija u Turskoj, ve} se vrlo brzo proširila i kroz 44 zemlje sveta. Zbog toga, Kuštrim mo`e uskoro u}i u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda zbog sakupljenih 235 tona plasti~nih zatvara~a za flaše. A, uz kupovinu preko 1180 invalidskih kolica za osobe sa invaliditetom, ova akcija ima veoma pozitivan uticaj na ekologiju. 24 for you Dakle, razmislite o tome, najve}i deo tih plasti~nih zatvara~a za flaše }e najverovatnije završiti kao neiskorišten otpad. S druge strane, moramo naglasiti da se svi plasti~ni zatvara~i na bocama moraju ukloniti u slu~ajevima kada se boce prera|uju u fabrikama za recikla`u, obzirom da se njihov sastav razlikuje od sastava boca. To je veoma naporan i skup posao. Uz u~eš}e u prikupljanju zatvara~a, mi pored obezbe|ivanja invalidskih kolica istovremeno poma`emo u odr`avanju `ivotne sredine ~istom, štite}i prirodne resurse zemlje, ali tako|e i direktno poma`emo u veoma skupom i napornom procesu recikla`e. Hajde da pogledamo ovu situaciju iz drugog ugla. Pitamo se koliko je zahteva za obezbe|ivanje invalidskih kolica poslala neka nepoznata mlada majka sa detetom sa invaliditetom. Ili, koliko se majki i roditelja širom sveta suo~ava sa sli~nim situacijama koje se na prvi pogled ~ine nepromenjivima. A, rešenja se ~ine tako laka, i tako jednostavna, pa ~ak i sprovodljiva u mnogim drugim situacijama! Da bismo se još jednom vratili na po~etak ovog teksta, ovaj primer nas u~i da ne postoje nemogu}e situacije koje se ne mogu poboljšati, ve} su to samo neiskorištene mogu}nosti. Ono što se treba uraditi je da dobro razmislimo o svakoj aktivnosti koju preduzmemo ili ne preduzmemo. Jer, kao što je rekao Edmund Burk “sve što je neophodno za pobedu zla je da dobri ljudi ne u~ine ništa”. U ve}ini slu~ajeva, upravo je naše nedelovanje i neuklju~ivanje, ono što omogu}ava stvaranje situacija koje se ~ine nepromenjivim. Time što se ponašamo kao pasivni gra|ani, omogu}avamo odre|enim elementima, kojima je li~no boga}enje jedini cilj, da stvaraju situacije kojima ote`avaju naš `ivot. Sakupljanje zatvara~a boca ne predstavlja ništa drugo nego aktivnost gra|ana, koji udru`uju napore ne radi li~ne dobiti ve} radi dobrobiti cele zajednice. Zbog toga, na vama je, mladim generacijama, da ne popuštate u teškim situacijama. Prvi korak u tom pravcu je ka saradnji i udru`ivanju snage i akcija, radi vaših ciljeva (opšteg dobra). Ne zaboravite, vaša budu}nost zavisi od onoga što preduzimamo ili ne preduzimamo danas! LITTLE THINGS DO MATTER H ave you ever faced situations that you cannot agree with in any way, but on the other hand, you have felt powerless to change their condition? If not, then it is almost unavoidable for you to experience such an occurrence during your lifetime. This is certain, but what needs to be questioned is if you really cannot influence their change! Such a statement can sound very optimistic and unbelievable, but in reality there are numerous examples of simple people, who with their actions have achieved to change situations that at first glance have appeared impossible to change. The beautiful part of this is that often such actions have been extremely simple and very easy achievable. I am sure that all of you are aware for at least such an example, and there are good chances that many of you have become part of it. I am talking about the action of collecting plastic bottle caps in exchange of wheelchairs for persons with disabilities. Many of you may know, but for correctness I will mention once again that this idea originates from Turkey, from a student who in fact comes from Kosovo. The spark from which the idea generated is a casual meeting with an unknown mother, who was carrying in her arms, her child with disabilities. This pushed Kushtrim Ahmeti, to think how he could help that woman. Thus he proposed to the Recycling Company “Muzaffer Pınarbası Isletmeleri” from Izmir, that in exchange of plastic caps, the company would buy a wheelchair. The final result was that this was not only a successful action in Turkey, but it was extended very fast throughout 44 countries of the world. Kushtrim may soon enter in the Guinness Book of Records for the collected plastic caps of 235 tons. Along the purchase of over 1180 wheelchairs for persons with disabilities, this action has a very positive ecological impact. So think about it, the biggest part of these plastic caps most probably will end as unused waste. On the other hand, we must emphasize that also in those cases when the used plastic bottles end in recycling factories all the caps must be removed from the bottles, given that their material differs from the bottle one. This is a very hard and expensive job. Thus, with the participation in collecting the caps, apart from ensuring wheelchairs we at the same time help in keeping the environment clean, protecting the natural resources of the earth, but we also help directly the very costly and hard process of recycling. Let us see this situation from another perspective. We wonder how many requests has the unknown mother made, with her child with disabilities to secure a wheelchair. Or how many mothers and parents throughout the world face similar situations that in appearance are unchangeable. While the solution results to be so easy, so simple and even implementable in many other situations! In order to once again return to the statement in the beginning of this writing, this example teaches us that there are no impossible situations for improvement, there are only unexploited opportunities. What needs to be done is for us to think hard about every action that we take, or do not take. Because, as Edmund Burke has said “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” In most cases, it is precisely our non-action and noninvolvement that enables the creation of situations that appear to be unchangeable. Being a passive citizen, we allow for certain elements, the only goal of which is the personal gain, to create situations that only make our life difficult. The collection of caps is nothing more than being active citizens, who join their efforts not for personal gain, but for the good of the entire community. Therefore, it belongs to you, the young generations, to not give in to the difficult situations. The first step in this direction is in finding ways of cooperation and uniting the power and actions, for the greater good. Do not forget, your future depends from what we do or do not do today! for you 25 Upitnik DA LI STE NEKADA BILI TU@IBABA? Ana Jovanovi} (10) Nikada mi se do sada nije desilo da tu`im svoje drugove ili drugarice. I, mislim kada bi se desilo da ja uradim tako ne{to, verovatno bih ose}ala krivicu. Mada, ponekad mi do|e da ih tu`im, ali, ipak, to ne uradim. Smatram da je tu`akanje samo na~in da sebe izbavi{ iz nevolje, a druga ubavi{ u nevolju. Ana Jovanovic (10) So far I have never reported/tattled my friends or girlfriends. And, I think that if I did something like that, I would probably feel guilt. Although, sometimes I feel like telling on them, but still, I do not do it. I think that telling on someone is only way to get yourself out of trouble, and get someone else into trouble. Vladimir Stojkovi} (10) Uvek nam se za vreme {kole puno toga izde{ava, pa ~ak i to da nekog nekad i tu`imo. Tako sam i ja jednom bio tu`ibaba, zato {to sam izdao druga da je tr~ao po hodniku. A, posle toga, on je uzvratio istim na~inom, tako {to me je tu`io kada sam stojao kod prozora, {to nisam smeo da uradim. Vladimir Stojkovic (10) During the school time a lot of things always happen to us, even that sometimes we tell on someone. So, once I was a tell-tale as well, because I gave up my friend that he was running down the hallway. And, after that, he got back at me in the same way, so he reported me when I was standing at the window, which I shouldn’t have done. FOR YOU ^ASOPIS – DESET GODINA SA VAMA Dragi ~itaoci, ^asopis For You vas sa zadovoljstvom poziva da u~estvujete u našoj nagradnoj igri (kvizu) koji }e se odr`ati od 15. septembra do 15. novembra 2012. godine; više mo`ete pro~itati na našoj Internet stranici www.magazineforyou.com. Da biste imali pravo da u~estvujete u ovoj igri, morate ispuniti slede}e uslove: 1. Morate biti stanovnik Kosova. 2. Morate imati od 12 do 18 godina, obzirom da je ~asopis For You namenjen toj starosnoj grupi. 3. U~eš}e u kvizu je zabranjeno licima koja su u porodi~nom srodstvu sa zaposlenima u KFOR-u. Ako ispunjavate te uslove, ne oklevajte da postanete deo ove igre, zato što su nagrade jednostavno fantasti~ne: prvo mesto – laptop (1 nagrada); drugo mesto – smartfon (3 nagrade); i tre}e mesto – iPod nano (6 nagrada). Me|utim, to nije sve, zato što }e pobednici i najboljih 50 u~esnika naše nagradne igre, zajedno sa 26 for you Ivana Popovi} (9) Ja nikada nisam bila tu`ibaba, jer mislim da niko ne treba biti tako ne{to. Treba{ poku{ati da bude{ nekome dobar drug, ako mo`e{ da ga prikrije{ i pomogne{ mu kada je u nekoj nevolji. Najlak{e je izdati druga, tako {to }e{ ga odati kod nastavnika. Ivana Popovic (9) I never was a tell-tale, because I think that nobody should be something like that. You should try to be a good friend to someone, if you can hide him and help him when he is in trouble. It is easiest to betray a friend by telling on him to a teacher. svojim roditeljima, biti po~asni gosti na ceremoniji dodele nagrada i na zabavi koja }e biti odr`ana 15. decembra u glavnom štabu KFOR-a u Prištini. Pobednicima }e nagrade li~no uru~iti komandant KFOR-a. To zna~i da }e svi prisutni imati priliku da se upoznaju sa komandantom KFOR-a, ali tako|e i sa drugim visokim predstavnicima KFOR-a, kao i novinarima For You ~asopisa. Neki od poštovanih gostiju }e istovremeno biti i osobe o kojima je ~asopis ve} pisao u prethodnim izdanjima, kao što su poznate li~nosti, muzi~ari, sportisti, predsednici opština, direktori škola, itd… Ne zaboravite, ako ste odlu~ili da u~estvujete u ovom kvizu, naša redakcija vam savetuje da pa`ljivo pro~itate ~itav tekst sa uputstvom koji }ete videti pre nego što po~nete odgovarati na pitanja kviza. Nakon što pro~itate ceo tekst, u potpunosti }ete razumeti pravila igre i tako|e }ete dobiti savet o tome, kako biste mogli da postignete najbolji rezultat. Dakle, šta ~ekate?! Posetite Internet stranicu www.magazineforyou.com, i postanite deo naše igre! Uvereni smo da }ete biti zadovoljni, a vi znate da mi dr`imo do naših obe}anja. Questionnaire HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A TELL-TALE? Luka Stefanovi} (10) Jednom prilikom sam morao to da budem, jer sam u tom momentu `eleo da spasim sebe. Onda sam tu`io svog dobrog druga, i dan danas mi je jako `ao {to sam morao da uradim tako ne{to. Mislim da }u to uvek pamtiti, jer sam posle toga imao gri`u savesti. Luke Stefanovic (10) Once I had to be one, because at that moment I wanted to save myself. Then I reported my good friend, and today I am very sorry that I had to do something like that. I think I will always remember it, because then I had a guilty conscience. Tamara Ristovi} (9) Kada ti je neko drug, pa ~ak i ako to nije, treba da bude dobra osoba pre svega. Trudim se da nikad nikoga ne povredim, a kamo li izigravam tu`ibabu. ^ak i da neko pogre{i, treba zadr`ati to za sebe, jer nisam za to da nekog treba tu`iti. Tamara Ristovic (9) When someone is your friend, or even if it is not, it should be a good person foremost. I try to never hurt nobody, let alone play the role of tattletale. Even if someone makes a mistake, you should keep it to yourself, because I don’t think it should be reported. FOR YOU MAGAZINE – TEN YEARS WITH YOU Dear readers, The For You Magazine has the pleasure to invite you to participate in our prize game (quiz) that will be held from the 15th of September to the 15th of November 2012, which you can find at our webpage www.magazineforyou.com. In order to be eligible for participation in this game, you should meet the following conditions: 1. You must be a permanent resident of Kosovo. 2. You must be 12 to 18 years, in order to participate in the quiz, given that this is the group age that the For You Magazine is dedicated to. 3. The participation in the quiz is prohibited for persons whose family members are employed by KFOR. If you meet these conditions, than do not hesitate to become part of this game, given that the prizes are truly fantastic: First place - laptop (1 prize); Second place - smartphone (3 prizes); and the third place - iPod nano (6 prizes). However, this is not all, since all the winners and the 50 best of our prize game Dimitrije Turkovi} (9) Se}am se kao da je ju~e bilo, kada me je drug tako jako gurnuo, da sam pao i povredio koleno. To se slu~ajno desilo dok smo se igrali u {koli, ali sam ja tada osetio jak bol u kolenu, i morao sam to da ka`em u~iteljici. Bilo mi je mnogo `ao druga kojeg sam tu`io. Dimitrije Turkovic (9) I remember like it was yesterday, when my friend pushed me so hard that I fell and hurt my knee. This accident happened while we were playing in the school, but then I felt a sharp pain in my knee, and I had to tell the teacher. I felt very sorry for the friend that I reported. together with their parents will be the honored guests in the award ceremony, as well as the party that will be held on the 15th of December at HQ KFOR in Pristina. The awards for the winners will be delivered by senior representatives of KFOR. This means that all the present will have the opportunity to meet them, as well as the journalists of the For You Magazine. At the same time, the honored guests will be also some of the interviewees whom the magazine has written about in the different editions, such as personalities, as famous musicians, sportsmen, municipality mayors, school directors, etc. Don’t forget, if you have decided to participate in this quiz, than we from the editorial office advice you to read with much attention the entire text of the statement that will appear before you prior to beginning answering the quiz questions. The full reading of this text will enable all of you to understand well the game rules, but it will also provide advices on how you can achieve the best results. So, what are you waiting for? Go to the webpage www.magazineforyou.com, become part of our game! We are convinced that you will be satisfied, and you know that we keep our promises. for you 27 • Drevne Olimpijske igre su se proslavljale kao verski festival, od 776. godine pre nove ere pa do 393. godine nove ere, kada su zabranjene zbog toga što su smatrane paganskim festivalom (Olimpijada je proslavljala gr~kog boga Zevsa). o ovatn ! r e v e N inito ali ist • Jedini `enski takmi~ar koji nije morao da se podvrgne testu polne pripadnosti, tokom letnjih Olimpijskih igara 1976. Godine, bila je princeza Ana iz Velike Britanije, koja se 28 for you • The ancient Olympics were celebrated as a religious festival from 776 B.C. until 393 A.D., when the games were banned for being a pagan festival (the Olympics celebrated the Greek god Zeus). takmi~ila kao ~lan britanskog konji~kog tima. Kao }erka kraljice Elizabete II, takav test je bio ozna~en kao neprikladan. • The only female competitor not to have to submit to a sex test at the 1976 Summer Olympics was Princess Anne of the UK, who was competing as a member of the UK equestrian team. As the daughter Queen Elizabeth II, such a test was seen as inappropriate. • Isklju~enje bejzbola iz programa Igara u Londonu 2012. godine je izglasano na sastanku MOK-a, odr`anom 7. jula 2005. Godine; ~ime je taj sport postao prvi koji je izglasan za isklju~enje iz Olimpijskih igara, jer je prethodno polo bio povu~en sa u~eš}a u igrama odr`anim u Berlinu 1936. godine. • Baseball was voted out of the programme for the London 2012 Games at an IOC meeting on 7 July 2005, becoming the first sport to be voted out of the Olympics since Polo was withdrawn from the Berlin 1936 Games. • The only Olympian ever • Jedini to be awarded the Nobel olimpijac Peace Prize was Philip Noelkoji je dobio Baker of Great Britain, who Nobelovu won the silver in the 1500 nagradu za metres in 1920. mir je Filip Noel-Bejker iz Velike • Lon- • LonBritanije, don je prva don is the koji zemlja koja first country je osvojio srebrnu je bila doma} to host the medalju na 1500 in Olimpijskim Games three metara 1920. goigrama tri times: 1908, dine. puta: 1908, 1948 and 1948. i 2012. 2012. godine. • Prve maraton trke u modernim olimpijskim igrama su odr`avane na pribli`nim razdaljinama (38.6 – 43.45 kilometara), sve do igara u Londonu 1908. godine. Kraljevska porodica je tada zahtevala da maraton po~inje od Vindzorskog dvorca da bi mladi kraljevi}i mogli biti svedoci po~etka trke. Udaljenost od Vindzorskog dvorca do Olimpijskog stadiona je bila 42,195 metara. Ova udaljenost je 1924. godine ustanovljena kao standardna du`ina maratona. • The first marathons of the modern Olympics were held over an approximate distance (38.6 – 43.45 km) until the London 1908 games. This time the royal family requested that the marathon start at the Winsor Castle so that the royal children could witness its start. The distance from the Windsor Castle to the Olympic Stadium was 42,195 metres. In 1924, this distance became the standardized length of a marathon. • Pet olimpijskih prstenova simbolizuju me|unarodno prijateljstvo izme|u pet osnovnih kontinenata, a boje su im izabrane 1920. godine na taj na~in tako što svaka dr`ava sveta ima barem jednu od tih boja na svojoj zastavi. • The five rings symbolize international friendship between the five major land blocks and the colours were chosen because at least one of them appeared on the flag of every country in the world in 1920. • Me|unarodni centar za emitovanje predstavlja celodnevno (dvadeset~etvoro~asovno) medijsko ~vorište, u kome oko 20,000 emitera, fotografa i novinara prenose Igre procenjenom broju od 4 milijarde ljudi širom sveta. • Povla~enje konopca je bio zvani~ni olimpijski sport do igara u Antverpenu 1920. godine. Unbelievable but true! • Tug of War was an official Olympic sport until the 1920 Antwerp Games. • The International Broadcast Centre was a 24 hour media hub for around 20,000 broadcasters, photographers and journalists who brought the Games to an estimated four billion people worldwide • Da bi se odre|eni sport razmatrao za uklju~ivanje u Olimpijske igre, moraju ga „široko upra`njavati“ muškarci iz barem 75 zemalja sa ~etiri kontinenta, i `ene iz najmanje 40 zemalja sa tri kontinenta. • In order for a sport to be considered for inclusion in the Olympics it must be ‘widely practiced’ by men in at least 75 countries and on four continents, and by women in at least 40 countries and on three continents. for you 29 30 for you Po{tovani, Javljam Vam se iz Preoca. Omiljeni glumac mi je Rado{ Baji}, a peva~ica Anabela. Hteo sam da Vas zamolim da objavite poster fudbalera Iker-a Casilas-a. Ina~e, najvi{e volim fudbal, i koristim svaki slobodan trenutak da se posvetim tom sportu. San mi je da jednoga dana postanem dobar fudbaler. Lazar Arsi} O[ „Miladin Miti}“ Preoce Zdravo! Zovem se Du{an, imam 12 godina. Svoje slobodno vreme provodim bave}i se sportom, pre svega fudbalom. Redovno ~itam ovaj magazin, i posebno mi se dopada HiTech, obzirom da volim da budem u korak s vremenom i najnovijom tehnologijom. Du{an Tenaskovi} O[ „Miladin Miti}“ Preoce ]ao! Meni najdra`a peva~ica je Ceca, a od bendova volim Magazin. [to se filmova ti~e, „Sam u ku}i“ je neprikosnoven. Glumica koju najvi{e volim je meksikanka Maite Perroni. Slobodno vreme obi~no provodim u~e}i, ~itaju}i knjige ili dru`e}i se sa mojim najboljim drugaricama. Nikoleta Nedeljkovi} O[ „Miladin Miti}“ Preoce Pozdrav! Mnogo volim da slu{am muziku, od svih bendova posebno odvajam Linkin Park i njihovu pesmu „Numb“. Glumac kojeg posebno cenim je Bata @ivojinovi}. Bio bih Vam jako zahvalan kada biste objavili poster Pamele Anderson, ukoliko je to mogu}e. Tako|e, voleo bih da vi{e pi{ete o sportskim de{avanjima. Nikola Risti} Ekonomsko-trgovinska {kola Laplje Selo Draga redakcijo, Htela sam samo da Vam ka`em da mi se ovaj magazin mnogo svi|a. Volela bih da u filmskoj rubrici ponekd pi{ete i o crtanim filmovima. Peva~ice koje najvi{e volim su Lepa Brena i Jelena Karleu{a. Slobodno vreme provodim sa uku}anima, ponekad i sa mojim drugaricama. Aneta Rami} O[ „Miladin Miti}“ Preoce Pozdrav svima! Ja sam Jovana iz Preoca, imam 17 godina, redovno ~itam KFOR magazin For You, koji mi se veoma dopada. U slobodno vreme slu{am muziku, {etam sa drugaricama, u~im, ~itam, itd. Od sportova najvi{e volim ko{arku i odbojku. Volela bih da objavite poster Seke Aleksi}, Amadeus benda, Angelina-e Jolie i William-a Levy-ija. Jovana Tanaskovi} Ekonomsko-trgovinska {kola Laplje Selo for you 31 Dear, I’m writing you from Preoce. My favorite actor Radoš Bajić, and a singer Anabela. I wanted to ask you to publish the poster of the football player Iker Casillas. Besides, I like football, and I use every free moment to dedicate myself to this sport. My dream is to one day become a good football player. Lazar Arsić Elementary school “Miladin Mitić” Preoce Hello! My name is Dušan, and i’m 12 years old. I spend my free time engaging in sports, above all football. I read this magazine on regular basis, and i particularly like „HiTech“ since i like to be in synch with the time and newest technology. Dusan Tenasković Elementary school “Miladin Mitić” Preoce Ciao! My favourite singer is Ceca, with „Magazin“ being my favourite band. As far as movies are concerned, „Home Alone“ is beyond comparison. The actress that I like the most is a Mexican Maite Perroni. I usually spend my free time in studying, reading books or hanging out with my best friends. Nikoleta Nedeljković Elementary school “Miladin Mitić” Preoce Greetings! I really love to listen to music, and I would particularly like to pinpoint Linkin Park and their song “Numb” from all other bands. The actor whom I especially appreciate is Bata Živojinović. I would be very grateful if you published a poster of Pamela Anderson, if it’s possible. Also, I’d like if you could write more about sports events. Nikola Ristić Secondary school of Economy and Trade Laplje Selo Dear Editorial Staff, I just wanted to tell you that I like this magazine a lot. I wished that you sometimes write more about cartoons in your film section. Singers that I love the most are Lepa Brena and Jelena Karleuša. I spend my free time with my family, and sometimes with my friends. Aneta Ramić Elementary school „Miladin Mitić“ Preoce Greetings to everyone! I’m Jovana from Preoce, i’m 17 years old, i read KFOR’s magazine ForYou on regular basis, and I like it a lot. In my free time I listen to music, walk with friends, study, read, etc. Of all sports, my favourite ones are basketball and volleyball. I would like you to publish the poster of Seka Aleksic, Amadeus Band, Angelina Jollie and William Levy. Jovana Tanasković Secondary school of Economy and Trade Laplje Selo
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