Večernji program - Dubrovačke ljetne igre
Večernji program - Dubrovačke ljetne igre
61. dubrovačke ljetne igre 61st Dubrovnik Summer Festival 2010 Hrvatska Croatia Vip program Jacky Terrasson Trio Jacky Terrasson glasovir piano Ben Williams bas bass Terreon Gully bubnjevi drums Taraca tvrđave Revelin Revelin Fort Terrace 27. srpnja 27 July 21.30 09:30 pm Jazz-pijanist Jacky (pravim imenom Jacques-Laurent) Terrasson rođen je u Berlinu godine 1966., od majke Amerikanke i oca Francuza. Od rane mladosti zanosio se je slušajući svirku Buda Powella, Billa Evansa, Theloniusa Monka i Milesa Davisa, a osobito je obožavao glas Billie Holiday. Studirao je na Glazbenom koledžu Berklee u Bostonu (među ostalima i kod Danila Pereza), a zatim stjecao dragocjena iskustva svirajući po chicaškim i newyorškim klubovima te surađujući sa sastavima Arthura Taylora i Betty Carter. Godine 1993. pobijedio je na pijanističkom natjecanju Thelonius Monk, i otada traje njegova sve intenzivnija međunarodna karijera. Surađivao je s nekima od najpoznatijih jazz-vokala. Na albumu Rendez-vous pratio je Casandru Wilson, radio kao aranžer i glazbenik za Diannu Reeves, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Jimmyja Scotta i Betty Carter, surađivao s Rayom Brownom i Artom Taylorom te snimio dva albuma s Ryom Cooderom. O njegovoj velikoj samokritičnosti dovoljno govori i činjenica da je svoj prvi solistički album objavio tek nakon osam onih na kojima je samo surađivao. Na njemu se, pored standarda, koje izvodi na jedinstven način, nalazilo i nekoliko skladba koje svjedoče o njegovu francusko-američkom podrijetlu. Podjednako uspješan i u Francuskoj i u SAD-u, Terrasson osvaja značajna priznanja u obje zemlje, pa je tako proglašen najboljim jazz-glazbenikom godine (Prix Django Reinhardt koju mu je dodijelila L'Academie du Jazz), dobio nagradu za najbolji album godine za album Smile, a 2003. bio ovjenčan Nagradom Django d’Or za najbolji album i najboljeg izvođača godine. The New York Times Magazine pisao je o Jackyju Terrassonu kao „jednom od trideset najboljih umjetnika mlađih od trideset godina, koji će ostaviti neizbrisiv trag na američkoj kulturi u narednim godinama“. Da nije bio daleko od istine svjedoči i podatak da je Terrasson dosad bio dvaput nominiran za Nagradu Grammy. International Herald Tribune piše o njemu kao o „briljantnom umjetniku“ te posebno ističe „specifičnu ritmičnost njegova muziciranja i sposobnost brzih i vještih prelazaka iz najglasnijih u najtiše zone“. Časopis Time uvrstio je njegov prvi album među najbolje albume godine 1994., a Los Angeles Times nazvao ga je pijanistom koji ima „briljantnu maštu za improvizaciju, ali i vlastiti, lako prepoznatljivi zvuk“. Pored samostalnih nastupa, Jacky Terrasson je nastupao u duu sa slavnim flautistom Emmanuelom Pahudom te u triju s basistom Ugonnom Okegwom i bubnjarom Leonom Parkerom. U novije je doba osobito zapažena njegova suradnja s gitaristom Philipom Catherineom. Svojim mnogobrojnim nastupima na najpoznatijim svjetskim festivalima i u najvećim koncertnim dvoranama Terrasson je stekao ugled jednoga od najznačajnijih pijanista svojega naraštaja. U diskografskom mu se opusu nalaze albumi Jacky Terrasson (Blue Note, 1994.), Lover Man (1994.), Reach (Blue Note, 1996.), Rendez vous (Mino Cinelu, Kenny Davis, Lonnie Plaxico, Cassandra Wilson, Blue Note, 1997.), Alive (Blue Note, 1998.), What It Is (Michael Brecker, Jay Collins, Xiomara Laugart, Gregoire Maret, Blue Note, 1999.), Where It’s At (EMI, 1999.), A Paris... (Blue Note, 2001.), Moon & Sand (Jazz aux remparts, 2001.), Lover Man (Venus, 2002.), Smile (Blue Note, 2002.), Into the Blue (Emmanuel Pahor, Blue Note, 2003.), Mirror (EMI, 2007.) i Push (Concord Jazz, 2010.). Basist Ben (Benjamin James) Williams, rođen u Washingtonu DC, podjednako je veliki majstor na električnom basu i glasoviru, a zanima se različitim glazbenim žanrovima, od klasike do jazza, hip-hopa, R & B-a i gospela. Diplomirao je u Glazbenoj školi Državnog sveučilišta Michigan, gdje je jazz svirku studirao kod Rodneya Whitakera i Jacka Budrowa, a planira magistrirati u newyorškoj Glazbenoj školi Juilliard. Pobjednik je mnogih natjecanja i dobitnik značajnih nagradnih stipendija. Još godine 2002. bio je dobitnikom Nagrade za godišnju stipendiju Društva Duke Elington. Godine 2005. pobijedio je (u kategoriji jazz) na Natjecanju Međunarodnog društva basista (ISB) i Međunarodnom jazz-natjecanju Thelonious Monk, a dvostruki je dobitnik Natjecanja za jazz-stipendiju Fish Middleton, u sklopu Jazz-Festivala Istočne obale i Glasovirskog natjecanja DC Public School. Surađivao je s priznatim američkim i vanameričkim umjetnicima kao što su Wynton Marsalis, Terence Blanchard, Roy Hargrove, Mulgrew Miller, Cyrus Chestnut, Ron Blake, Stefon Harris, Karreim Riggins, Hamiett Bluiette, James Williams, Bobby Watson, Winard Harper, Buster Williams, John Hicks, Anthony Wonsey, Me’Shelle N’degeocello, Gene Lake, Wycliffe Gordon i Delfeayo Marsalis. Publika i kritika uvijek s lakoćom zapažaju njegov sjajan ritmički puls, svježe harmonijske zamisli, kao i nenaučiv osjećaj za briljantnu koordinaciju s vokalnim solistima i susviračima. Bubnjar, skladatelj, aranžer i producent Terreon Gully, rođen u St. Louisu, Illinois, među prijateljima poznat i kao Tank, najprije se školovao u jazzansamblu pri Lincoln Senior High School pod vodstvom Ronalda Cartera, a zatim na Sveučilištu u Houstonu gdje mu je mentor bio Marvin Sparks, tamošnji pročelnik Odjela za udaraljke, i gdje je diplomirao godine 1996. Sada boravi i umjetnički djeluje u New York Cityju. Taj autentični i profinjeno inovativni majstor udaraljkaške tehnike osobito se zanima za pronalaženje novih boja pri rafiniranoj izmjeni zvukovnih izvora, a aktivan je i podjednako vješt u mnogim stilovima, među kojima su afrokubanski zvuk, funk, fusion, big band, rhythm and blues, hip hop, pop i gospel. Intenzivno svirajući i snimajući, često surađuje s osobnostima i sastavima kakvi su Jacky Terrason, The Christian McBride Band, Stefon Harris, David Sanborn, Marc Cary, Geoffrey Keezer, Yerba Buena, Burning Spear, Lauryn Hill, Roy Ayers, Benny Green Trio, Charlie Hunter, Real Live Band, Diane Reeves, Abbey Lincoln, Russell Gunn, Lizz Wright i drugi. Posebno je tražen kao studijski glazbenik pa mnogo snima za diskografske potrebe, film i komercijalne projekte. Od godine 2008 Terreon Gully je profesor bubnjeva i povijesti jazza na kanadskom Sveučilištu Manitoba, Winnipeg. D. Detoni The jazz-pianist Jacky (JacquesLaurent) Terrasson was born in Berlin in 1966, to an American mother and a French father. In his youth he listened to music by Bud Powell, Bill Evans, Thelonious Monk and Miles Davis, and was particularly fond of Billie Holiday. He studied at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, and later jammed at clubs in Chicago and New York before he began to work with the ensembles of Arthur Taylor and Betty Carter. In 1993 Jacky Terrasson won the Thelonious Monk Competition and launched a brilliant international career. He has worked with some of the most renowned jazz vocalists, such as Cassandra Wilson on the album Rendezvous. As a pianist and arranger he has worked with Dianna Reeves, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Jimmy Scott and Betty Carter. He has also worked with Ray Brown and Art Taylor and recorded two albums with Ry Cooder. Jacky Terrasson undertook the challenge of his first solo studio album Mirror after working on other artists’ recordings for eight years. In addition to jazz standards performed in his unique way, the album includes his own pieces which reveal his French-American origins. Equally successful in France and the USA, Terrasson has been awarded many times in both countries: he won Best Jazz Artist of the Year (Prix Django Reinhardt, L'Academie du Jazz), Best Jazz Album of the Year for Smile, and two Django d’Or awards for Best Jazz Album and Best Artist in 2003. The New York Times Magazine acclaimed him as “one of 30 artists under the age of 30 most likely to make an impact on American culture in the future”. In support of this statement is the fact that Terrasson has been a Grammy nominee two times. The New York Times has hailed him as “reliably brilliant” and the International Herald Tribune has praised him for his “purely personal concept of metre, not to mention his uncanny ability to go from pianissimo to fortissimo without stopping anywhere in between”. Jacky Terrasson’s Blue Note debut was ranked among Time Magazine’s Top Albums of 1995, and the Los Angeles Times has heralded him as “a pianist with a shining improvisational imagination, who seems clearly determined to follow his own path”. In addition to his solo performances, Jacky Terrasson has performed in a duo with the renowned flutist Emmanuel Pahud and in a trio with the bass player Ugonna Okegwo and the drummer Leon Parker. He has recently worked with the guitarist Philip Catherine. Performing at some of the world’s most prestigious festivals and halls, Jacky Terrasson has established himself as one of the finest pianists of his generation. His discography includes Jacky Terrasson (Blue Note, 1994), Lover Man (1994), Reach (Blue Note, 1996, Rendez vous (Mino Cinelu, Kenny Davis, Lonnie Plaxico, Cassandra Wilson, Blue Note, 1997), Alive (Blue Note, 1998), What It Is (Michael Brecker, Jay Collins, Xiomara Laugart, Gregoire Maret, Blue Note, 1999), Where It’s At (EMI, 1999), A Paris... (Blue Note, 2001), Moon & Sand (Jazz aux remparts, 2001), Lover Man (Venus, 2002), Smile (Blue Note, 2002), Into the Blue (Emmanuel Pahor, Blue Note, 2003), Mirror (EMI, 2007) and Push (Concord Jazz, 2010). Ben (Benjamin James) Williams, a native of Washington DC, performs on electric bass and piano as well. His musical influence is rooted in various genres of music including classical, jazz, hip-hop, R&B and gospel. He graduated from the Michigan State University School of Music where he studied jazz with Rodney Whitaker and Jack Budrow, and plans to pursue a master’s degree at the Juilliard School of Music. Ben Williams has won several competitions and scholarship awards. He is a 2002 recipient of the Duke Ellington Society Annual Scholarship Award. In 2005 he won first place in the International Society of Bassists Competition (ISB) and the Thelonious Monk International Jazz Competition. He is a two-time winner of the Fish Middleton Jazz Scholarship Competition at the East Coast Jazz Festival and a two-time winner of the DC Public School Piano Competition. Ben Williams has performed both nationally and internationally with such artists as Wynton Marsalis, Terence Blanchard, Roy Hargrove, Mulgrew Miller, Cyrus Chestnut, Ron Blake, Stefon Harris, Karreim Riggins, Hamiett Bluiette, James Williams, Bobby Watson, Winard Harper, Buster Williams, John Hicks, Anthony Wonsey, Me’Shelle N’degeocello, Gene Lake, Wycliffe Gordon and Delfeayo Marsalis. His brilliant sense of rhythm, fresh harmonic ideas and outstanding togetherness with vocal soloists and fellow musicians have enthralled audiences and critics alike. A native of St Louis, Illinois, the drummer Terreon Gully, or «Tank», also writes, produces and arranges music. He started his musical career performing in the Lincoln Senior High School Jazz Ensemble under the leadership of Ronald Carter. Later he attended the University of Houston, where his mentor Marvin Sparks, Director of Percussion Studies, introduced him to the world of percussion, and where he graduated from in 1996. He now lives and works in New York City. Terreon’s artistic uniqueness lies in his distinctive sound, authenticity and creativity, and he has mastered a variety of styles including Afro-Cuban, funk, fusion, big band, rhythm and blues, hip hop, pop and gospel. He performs and records extensively, often working with such artists as Jacky Terrasson, The Christian McBride Band, Stefon Harris, David Sanborn, Marc Cary, Geoffrey Keezer, Yerba Buena, Burning Spear, Lauryn Hill, Roy Ayers, Benny Green Trio, Charlie Hunter, Real Live Band, Diane Reeves, Abbey Lincoln, Russell Gunn, Lizz Wright and many others. Terreon Gully is known for his exceptional work in the studio, recording for albums, films and commercials. Since 2008 He has been Professor of Drumset and Jazz History at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. D. Detoni