Sept. 2014 - Magazine For You


Sept. 2014 - Magazine For You
Zdravo dragi ~itaoci!
Ovde se se ponovo sre}emo kroz stranice
najnovijeg izdanja For You magazina. Pre svega,
`elim da vam se zahvalim na svim pozitivnim
komentarima u pismima koje ste poslali na{oj
redakciji. Izuzetno nam je drago što smo i dalje
vaš omiljeni ~asopis. Tako|e cenimo sva vaša
mišljenja i sugestije, jer na ovaj na~in nam
poma`ete da ostanemo bli`i vama. Dakle, ja
vas pozivam da nastavite da ~itate ~asopis
i nastavite da nam šaljete svoje komentare
i preporuke. No, hajde da bacimo pogled na
najnovije izdanje magazina.
Zašto se raduješ novoj školskoj godini? Ovo
je pitanje koje smo postavili nekima od va{ih
vršnjaka, a ako ste radoznali i `elite da saznate
šta su nam oni odgovorili pro~itajte kolumnu
Upitnik. U [koli meseca ima}ete priliku da nau~ite
nešto više o Osnovnoj školi „Knez Lazar“ u Donjoj
Gu{terici. Kao i obi~no, na filmskim stranicama
predstavljamo vam neke od najnovijih filmova.
U Sportskom uglu, ovoga puta smo odlu~ili da
pišemo o Vujadinu Savi}u i njegovim uspesima u
fudbalu. Za one koji vole `ivotinje, ovog meseca
}emo govoriti o 25 naj~udnijih praistorijskih
stvorenja koja su ikada hodala zemljom. Muzi~ka
kutija je ovaj put rezervisana za beogradski bend
Zemlja gruva. Pro~itajte ovaj ~lanak kako biste
saznali ko su oni i koja su to njihova dostignu}a.
Naravno, to nije sve, ali za više }ete morati
da pro~itate ~asopis i obe}avam vam da ne}ete
biti razo~arani. Jednom re~ju, naš ~asopis }e
definitivno biti šolja ~aja za svakoga!
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: [email protected];
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Osnovna {kola „Knez
Lazar“ u Donjoj
6-7: Sre}ni zubi, sre}
no dete
8-9: For you fashion:
Najbolji muški satovi za
10-11: Music Box:
Zemlja gruva
12-13: Mladi i
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: 25 naj~udnijih
praistorijskih stvorenja
koja su hodala po
16-17: Poster:
Vujadin Savi}
18-19: Moviemania:
Get on up ;The Giver;
Ninja Turtles
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Fudbaler Vujadin Savi}
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: NVO Santa
26-27: Upitnik: Za{to
se radujete novoj
{kolskoj godini?
28-29: Verovali
ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
Hello dear readers!
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: “Knez Lazar”
primary school in Donja
6-7: Happy teeth,
happy child
8-9: For you fashion:
Best watches for
teenage boys
10-11: Music Box:
Groove land
12-13: Youth and
14-15: Animal kingdom:
25 strangest prehistoric
creatures to roam the
Here we meet again through the pages of the latest
edition of the “For You 4U” magazine. First of all, I
would like to thank you for all the positive remarks in
the letters you have sent to our editorial office. We are
extremely happy that we still remain to be your favorite
magazine. We also appreciate all your opinions and
suggestions because in this way you help us to remain
as close to you as possible. Therefore, I invite you to
keep reading our magazine and keep sending to us
your comments and preferences. But, enough about
that, and let’s take a brief look at this latest edition of
the magazine.
Why do you look forward to the new school
year? This was the question that we asked some
of your peers, and if you are curious to learn
what their answers were, then please read the
questionnaire column. In the school of the month
column, you will have the opportunity to learn
something more about the Secondary High School
“Ymer Prizreni” in Prizren. As usual, in the movie
pages we present some of the latest films.
In the sports corner, this time we have decided
to write about brothers Ari and Art Veseli and their
successes in judo. For those who like animals, this
month we will talk about 25 strangest prehistoric
creatures to roam the earth. The Music Box column,
this time is reserved for the young talent in music Mark
Marku. Read this article to find out who this new singer
is and what his achievements are.
Of course, this is not all, but for more you will have
to read the magazine and I promise to you that you will
not be disappointed. In one word, our magazine will
definitely be everyone’s cup of tea!
16-17: Poster:
Vujadin Savic
18-19: Moviemania:
Get on up ;The Giver;
Ninja Turtles
20-21: Sports corner:
Vujadin Savic Footballer
22-23: Hi-tech
24-25: NGO “Santa
26-27: Questionnaire:
Why do you look forward
to new school year?
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword
31-32: Readers’ letters
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: [email protected];
for you 3
škola meseca
direktor {kole, Milorad Filipovi}
irektor Osnovne {kole „Knez Lazar“ u Donjoj
Gu{terici, Milorad Filipovi}, objasnio nam je da
su obrazovanje i vaspitanje dve nerazdvojne
komponente u jednog ~oveka. „Te dve stvari idu
zajedno, i podjednako su va`ne. Bez jednog ili
drugog nema dobrog ~oveka. Mora{ dobro vladati i
obrazovanjem i vaspitanjem da bi bio neko, da bi bio
uva`en i da bi uva`avao drugog, ako to ne poseduje{
onda ne}e{ ni uva`en biti, niti }e{ ti uva`avati. To se
ponese od ku}e, nasledi se, razvija u {koli i prosle|uje“,
zapo~eo je razgovor jednim zanimljivim stavom,
gospodin Filipovi}, po struci profesor istorije, ina~e
direktor {kole ve} dvadeset godina.
Obzirom da smo na samom po~etku govorili i o
vaspitanju u~enika, direktor je ponosito pohvalio svoje
|ake, jer kako ka`e „njihovo vaspitanje se najbolje
primeti na ekskurzijama“. „Kada na{e u~enike vodimo
na more ili ekskurzije po raznim turisti~kim
mestima, dobijamo samo pohvale za njih.
A to najbolje uo~e radnici hotela. Deca su
nam zaista dobra, ali mogu biti jo{ bolja.
Potrebno je da se vi{e posvete u~enju,
da steknu osnovna znanja i obrazovanje,
da bi kada iza|u odavde bili osposobljeni
da prate nastavu u srednjoj, a to je dalji
osnov za fakultet i vi{e studije“.
Oko 530 u~enika i 65 nastavnika, sa
podru~nim odeljenjima u Liva|u, Dobrotinu
i Gornjoj Gu{terici, pod “dirigentnom
palicom“ pomenutog direktora, savr{eno
funkcioni{e. Jedna su od vode}ih {kola
po broju |aka i uspesima koje posti`u na
raznim {kolskim takmi~enjima. „Nijedan
posao nije te`ak ako se savesno radi, i
ako ste mu maksimalno posve}eni. Velika
je odgovornost biti direktor, potrebno je
mnogo rada i odricanja, a po{tovanje
radnog vremena uvek je na prvom mestu.
4 for you
Ono ~ime nismo zadovoljni je fizi~ki izgled
i higijena {kole, jer je {kola stara, i te{ko je
odr`avati ~istom. Imamo i kabinete, ali su ti
kabineti, na`alost, pretvoreni u radni prostor, jer
se u zgradi nalaze jo{ dve {kole: poljoprivredna i
medicinska. [kola je zaista preokupirana i nema
vremena da se odr`i ta dopunska ili dodatna
nastava. Deca su tako|e vezana za prevoz, tako
da je te{ko organizovati neke dodatne ~asove, i
to je ne{to {to nam manjka“.
Gospodin Filipovi} posebno je naglasio
izgled fiskulturne sale u kojoj je nemogu}e
odr`ati ~as fiskulture ili baviti se bilo kakvim
sportskim aktivnostima. Trenutno, donacijom
Svetske banke, {kola je u procesu renoviranja,
ali samo spolja. Akcijom „Tople {kole“ uradi}e
izolaciju, i nove prozore, parno grejanje i mokri
~vor. Me|utim, u fiskulturnoj sali }e uraditi samo
zidove, dok }e pod i dalje ostati u lo{em stanju.
„O~ekujemo da }emo dobiti donaciju i za parket,
i da }e na{a deca kona~no mo}i da u|u u fiskulturnu
salu. Siguran sam se da }e se na}i ljudi dobre volje koji
}e nam pomo}i da i to re{imo“.
Na kraju razgovora, gospodin Filipovi} savetovao
je svim roditeljima da {to vi{e dolaze u {kolu, a ne
samo na kraju {kolske godine radi intervencija. „Mi
imamo dobru saradnju sa svim roditeljima. Ali, uvek
mo`e bolje, vi{e anga`ovanja, vi{e discipline, realnosti
u ocenjivanju, {to ja posebno isti~em na sednicama.
Redovno upu}ujem kritike ako neko pogre{i u
ocenjivanju. Smatram da je na{e obrazovanje izuzetno
dobro, bar u osnovnim {kolama. Svim u~enicima, a
i nastavnicima, `elim sre}an po~etak nove {kolske
godine. Sve {to nisu mogli da ostvare u prethodnoj
neka to u~ine u ovoj godini“.
school of the month
he principal of the “Knez Lazar” Primary School in
Donja Gusterica, Milorad Filipovic, explained to us
that education and upbringing are two inseparable
components in a man. “Those two things go together and
they are both equally important. Without the one or the
other you cannot have a good person. You must have a
good stronghold over both education and upbringing in
order to be somebody, in order to be respected and in order
to respect others. If you do not possess these qualities,
you will neither be respected nor will you respect others.
These qualities are gained within the home, are inherited,
are developed at school and are passed on”, this is how
Mr. Filipovic, a history teacher by vocation and the school
principle for over twenty years, started our conversation.
Mr. Filipovic’s view is very interesting.
Given that we talked about the upbringing of pupils at the
very beginning, the principle proudly commended his pupils.
He says that “their upbringing is best observed during school
trips”. “When we take our pupils to the seaside or when
we have trips to different tourist locations, we only
receive praise regarding their behaviour. The hotel
staffs notices this best. Our children are truly good
but they could still be better. They need to commit
themselves to studying more, to gaining basic
knowledge and education, so that when they leave
this school, they will be enabled to follow classes
in secondary school, which is the foundation for
university studies and higher education”.
Around 530 pupils and 65 teachers, with external
classes in Livadje, Dobrotin and Gornja Gusterica,
function perfectly under the “conductor’s baton” of
the aforementioned principle. They are one of the top
schools when it comes to the number of pupils sent
to school competitions and the number of awards the
pupils gain at the competitions. „No job is too difficult
if it is done consciously and if you are fully committed
to it. The principle’s job carries a lot of responsibility
with it and you need to work and sacrifice a lot.
Respecting the working hours comes first. We
are not satisfied with the physical appearance of
the school and the levels of hygiene in the school
since our school is old and it is difficult to keep it
clean. We had classrooms for each subject but
unfortunately they had to be transformed into
working areas since we share the building with two
other schools: the Agricultural Secondary School
and the Medical Secondary School. The school
is really preoccupied and we do not have time for
additional and supplemental classes. The children
are also bound by the transport schedule and we
find it difficult to organise the additional classes,
which we need“.
Mr. Filipovic stressed the appearance of the
gym, in which neither physical education classes
nor sports activities can be held. AT the moment
the outside of the school is being renovated
through a donation of the World Bank. Through
the “Warm Schools” project, the outside insulation
of the school, new windows, heating and a bathroom will be
installed. However, only the walls of the gym will be renovated
whilst the floor will remain in a bad state. “We expect to
receive a donation for the parquet in the gym so that our
children will finally be able to use it. I am sure that people of
good-will will be found who will help us solve this problem.”
At the end of our talk, Mr. Filipovic advised all parents to
visit the school more often and not only towards the end of
the school year in order to try and get better marks for their
children. “We have good cooperation with all our parents but
we can always do better. We can engage more, better enforce
discipline and be more realistic when it comes to marking,
which is something I regularly stress at teachers’ meetings. I
regularly criticise those who give wrong marks. I consider our
educational system to be very good, at least when it comes
to primary schools. I wish all the pupils and teachers a happy
start of the new school year. All that, which they could not
achieve last year, may they achieve this year”.
for you 5
rojekat „Sre}ni zubi, sre}
no dete“ je po~eo sa radom
2012. god. a zasniva se na
preporukama ministarskog odbora
„Škola za promovisanje zdravlja“,
programa koji je osnovan na
inicijativu SZO - Svetske zdravstvene
organizacije. Shodno tome, projekat
„Sre}ni zubi, sre}no dete“ ima za
cilj da se direktno proširi na više
od 1150 predškolskih ustanova i
iz predškolskih i osnovnoškolskih
ustanova (1-5. razred) širom
Kosova su bili uklju~eni u projekat.
Projekat koristi najjednostavnije,
najatraktivnije i najprihvatljivije
metode za komunikaciju sa decom
i u~enicima. Naime, kampanja je
usmerena na edukaciju dece i u~enika
kroz nastupe, pesme, crte`e, maskote,
modele, slike, video snimke, brošure i
transparente. Prema re~ima gospodina
osnovnih škola na Kosovu.
Projekat, koji realizuju Organizacija
za obrazovanje, nauku i zdravlje
- KISCOMS, Nacionalni centar za
obrazovanje o oralnom zdravlju - DentIn i Udru`enje studenata stomatologije
na Kosovu - Kads, bi}e projekat koji
}e trajati, i ima za cilj uklju~ivanje
sadašnjih i budu}ih generacija dece i
u~enika. Cilj projekta je da se informišu
„deca u predškolskim ustanovama i
|aci u osnovnim školama“ o zna~aju
oralnog zdravlja, svesti o tome koje
su prehrambene namirnice zdrave
a koje štetne za zube, informacije
o pravilnom i redovnom na~inu ~iš}
enja zuba, procena stomatološkog i
oralnog zdravstvenog stanja dece,
procena nivoa obrazovanja o oralnom
zdravlju, i priprema kratkoro~ne i
srednjoro~ne regulacije strategije
za oralno zdravstveno vaspitanje u
predškolskim ustanovama i osnovnim
školama na Kosovu.
D`elajdin Ujkani, vlasnik
stomatološke klinike Dent-In, koji
je tako|e osniva~ i trenutno glavni
zagovornik projekta, istakao je da je
implementacija projekta po~ela 12.
septembra 2012. godine i samo u
toku školske 2012-2013, 300 u~enika
Ujkani, razlog zašto je izabran ovaj
na~in komunikacije je zato što je
to najbolji na~in da se promoviše
zdravlje zuba kod dece i u~enika,
odnosno zdravlje zuba kod mla|ih
generacija. Tokom realizacije projekta
se u~enici takmi~e u izvo|enju
predstave „Sre}ni zubi, sre}no dete“,
a zatim u likovnom takmi~enju sa
temom ~etkica za zube, sa Zekom,
maskotom projekta, i takmi~enju
u najboljem recitovanju pesama u
kojima su glavne teme zubi i zubari.
Recitovanje i crte`i u~enika se
u~itavaju na YouTube-u, na profil
projekta pod imenom „DentinGroup“
i na Facebook profilu „Dhembe te
shendoshe, femije te lumtur“ (Zdravi
zubi, zdrava deca), i tako broj klikova
„Like“ ili „Share“ od strane njihovih
vršnjaka, prijatelja i ro|aka, kao
i drugih zainteresovanih strana }
e se brojati kao glasovi. Na primer,
pobednici takmi~enja „Deset najboljih
(najklikovanih-glasanih) pesama“ za
{kolsku 2013/2014. godinu bili su:
1. Viola Zhugolli, O[ „Xhemail
Mustafa“, Pri{tina (767 klikova)
2. Aurora Tahiri, O[ „Pjeter
Bogdani“, Pri{tina (763 klikova)
3. Olta Ilazi, O[ „Xhemail Mustafa“,
6 for you
Pri{tina (649 klikova)
Dok 5142 klikova na samom
takmi~enju pokazuju da je projekat na
pravom putu. Na kraju, klinika DentIn pobednike }e nagraditi ~etkicom
i pastom za zube, kao i besplatnim
stomatološkim uslugama za dve
godine. Pobednici takmi~enja za
najbolju predstavu }e tako|e imati
koristi od ovih nagrada. Još jedna
prednost ovog takmi~enja je to što }e
deca, dok se pripremaju za predstavu,
u~iti o tome koje su namirnice
zdrave a koje štetne za zube; bi}
e informisani putem slika na kojima
su ti prehrambeni proizvodi, naro~ito
mleko i sve`e jabuke. U ovom slu~aju,
deca }e imati priliku da vide modele i
maskote sa sretnim zubima, zdravim
i o~iš}enim, i maskote sa prljavim i
lošim zubima. U tom smislu se vrši
zajedni~ka demonstracija pravog
na~ina ~iš}enja zuba pomo}u modela.
Tre}e, deca }e posetiti Nacionalni
centar za obrazovanje o oralnom
zdravlju i stomatološku kliniku DentIn. Postoje trenuci kada deca oklevaju
da u|u u zgradu, ali vremenom se
prilagode i postanu deo aktivnosti
prihvatanjem da odu kod zubara bez
Na kraju je gospodin D`elajdin
Ujkani poru~io je svima da je
zdravstveno obrazovanje dece i
u~enika, uklju~uju}i oralno zdravlje
i stomatološko obrazovanje, veoma
va`no. Prema njegovim re~ima, to
ih dovodi do stvaranja dobre navike
kontinuirane stomatološke nege
što po~inje izborom ili upotrebom
namirnica koje su zdrave za zube,
kao što su: voda, mleko, ~aj od
kamilice, hleb, sir, sve`e vo}e i povr}
e, i što je više mogu}e izbegavanje
namirnica štetnih kako za zube
tako i za celokupno zdravlje, kao
što su ~okolada, slatkiši, bombone,
~ips, kikiriki, posoljene i pobiberene
semenke i gazirani sokovi.
he “Happy teeth, happy child’ project
has started in 2012 and is based on
the recommendations of the Ministerial
Committee of the “Health Promoting
Schools” programme, a programme which
was established at the initiative of the World
Health Organisation – WHO. Consequently,
the “Happy teeth, happy child” project
aims to be extended directly to over 1150
preschool institutions and elementary
schools of Kosovo.
The project, which is implemented by
the Organisation for Education, Science and
Health – KISCOMS, National Centre for Oral
Health Education – Dent-In and Kosovo
Association of Dentistry Students – KADS,
will be an ongoing project, which aims
inclusion of current and future generations
of children and students. The purpose of the
project is to inform the preschool institutions’
children and elementary schools’ students
on the importance of oral heath, awareness
on which food articles are healthy and
which are harmful to the teeth, information
on the right and regular method of dental
cleaning, assessment of the dental and oral
health condition in children, assessment
of the level of oral health education, and
preparation of short-term and mid-term
strategy regulation for oral health education
in preschool institutions and elementary
schools of Kosovo.
Xhelajdin Ujkani, owner of the Dent-In
Dental Clinic, who is also the founder and
currently the main supporter of the project,
emphasised that project’s implementation
began on September 12, 2012 and only
during the school year 2012-2013, 300
preschool and elementary school (grade 1-5)
children Kosovo wide were involved in
the project. The project uses simplest,
most attractive and most acceptable
methods to communicate with children
and students. Namely, the campaign
is focused on educating children
and students through performances,
poems, drawings, mascots, models,
images, videos, brochures and banners.
According to Mr. Ujkani, the reason why
this mode of communication is selected is
because it is the best way to promote dental
health of children and students, respectively
the dental health of the younger generations.
During the execution of the project, students
compete in the performance of the show
“Happy teeth, happy child”, then bunny with
the brush theme – mascot of the project
– drawing competition and the best recital
competition for “teeth” and “dentist” poems.
The recitals and drawings of students
are uploaded on YouTube, under the
“DentinGroup” project profile and on
Facebook “Dhëmbë të shëndoshë, fëmijë të
lumtur” profile, and as such the number of
their clicks, likes and shares by their peers,
friends and relatives, but as well as other
interested parties, are counted as votes. For
example the winners of the competition ten
best (most clicked-voted) poems for school
year 2013/2014 were:
1. Viola Zhugolli, Primary School
“Xhemail Mustafa” , Prishtinë/Priština (767
2. Aurora Tahiri, Primary School “Pjetër
Bogdani” , Prishtinë/Priština (763 clicks)
3. Olta Ilazi, Primary School “Xhemail
Mustafa” , Prishtinë/Priština (649 clicks)
Whereas, a total of 5142 clicks just
for this competition show that so far the
project is on the right track. Finally, the
Dent-In Clinic will award the winners with
toothbrushes, toothpaste and free dental
services for two years. Winners of the
competition for the best performance will
benefit from these rewards, too. Another
benefit of the competition is that while
preparing for the performance, children
will be taught on healthy and harmful
food articles to the teeth; they will be
informed through images which are those
food articles, particularly milk and fresh
apples. In this case, children have the
opportunity to see patterns and mascots
of happy teeth, healthy and cleaned teeth
and mascots of dirty and bad teeth. In this
regard, a common demonstration of right
way of cleaning the teeth using models is
conducted. Thirdly, children pay a dental
visit at the National Centre for Oral Health
Education and at the Dent-In Dental Clinic.
There are times when children are reluctant
to enter inside the facility, but over the time,
they adapt and become an active part of
the activity by accepting to pay a dental visit
without any hesitation.
In the end, Mr. Xhelajdin Ujkani called
on everyone that health education of
children and students, including oral health
and dental education, are very important.
According to him, this leads them to
creating a good habit on continuous dental
care starting with the selection or use of
health food articles for teeth such as: water,
milk, chamomile tea, bread, cheese, fresh
fruits and vegetables, and avoiding thus as
much as possible harmful food articles to
both, the teeth and overall health such as
chocolate, sweets, candies, chips, peanuts,
seeds with salt and pepper and sodas.
for you 7
atovi su nezaobilazan modni detalj. Mladi}i, uglavnom tinejd`eri,
~esto potcenjuju privla~nost i funkcionalnost sata. Sat na ruci im
priska~e u pomo} da ne zakasne na ~asove, ili mo`da na ljubavni
sastanak. Donosimo vam spisak nezaobilaznih muških ru~nih satova za
tinejd`ere koji najviše odgovaraju njihovom aktivnom na~inu `ivota.
Fossil muški sat FS4487 sa crnom
silikonskom narukvicom i crnim analognim
broj~anikom sa hronografom
Ovaj sat je definitivno hit me|u de~acima. Njegovo
potpuno crno ku}ište i narukvica odaju “cool”
utisak, posebno kada su tinejd`eri u pitanju. Zbog
nazubljenog ku}išta ovaj sat deluje savremenije od
drugih satova, a njegova silikonska narukvica koja
imitira metalnu daje notu modernog ovom klasi~nom
satu. Sat poseduje i hronograf što je veoma
korisno kada vam je potrebna štoperica za sportske
aktivnosti. Plave kazaljke hronografa su savršen
detalj na ovom satu klasi~nog i sofisticiranog izgleda.
Fossil Men’s FS4487 Black
Silicone Bracelet Black Analog Dial
Chronograph Watch
This watch is sure to be a hit among the boys. Its stark black
case and strap will exude the ‘cool’ that teenagers are fond of.
Its knurled case gives it an edgier look from other watches. It’s faux metal silicone
band adds a modern twist to this classic look. It also has a chronograph which
would be great when stopwatches are needed for games. The blue hands of the
chronograph are the perfect accent to this classic and sophisticated looking watch.
Seikov SNK809 Seiko 5 automatski
muški sat sa crnom platnenom
Srebro na crnom platnu }e definitivno
podsta}i tinejd`era da baci pogled na
svoj ru~ni zglob. A privu}i }e ~ak i
zavidne poglede njegovih prijatelja. Ku}
ište od ner|aju}eg ~elika ovom modelu
daje prefinjen izgled koji nikad ne mo`e
da dosadi. Hardlek mineralno staklo
smanjuje šanse da sat dobije ogrebotine.
Ovaj sat se sla`e sa bilo ~ime što jedan
tinejd`er mo`e da obu~e i odli~an je detalj
svakoj odevnoj kombinaciji. Platneni kaiš
ovaj sat ~ini mnogo više “organskim”. Ovo je
sat generalno jednostavnog izgleda, le`erno
otmen - odiše neusiljenim šikom.
Seiko Men’s SNK809 Seiko 5
Automatic Black Canvas Strap Watch
Silver against black canvas would definitely draw the teenage boy’s eyes
to his own wrist. Even his friends would envy him. Its stainless steel case
gives it a sleek look and will never be boring. The Hardlex mineral crystal
decreases the chance of getting scratches on the wristwatch. It would
go with whatever he would wear and be a great accent to his outfit! The
canvas strap makes it more organic. The overall appearance is simple.
This is class not forced—he will exude effortless casual chic.
8 for you
Casio G1001BV G-Shock
Classic AnaDigi muški sat
Ovo je sat za
veoma aktivne
tipa i avanturisti~kog
duha. Sat
je lagan
iako deluje
robusno i ~vrsto.
Zaštitno mineralno
staklo ga štiti od
ogrebotina, tako da
šta god de~aci radili,
sat ostaje neošte}en. Sat
je vodootporan, otporan na udarce a
poseduje i luminaciju. Ovaj ru~ni sat je
preko potreban pratilac i napolju. Njegov
ukupan izgled nagoveštava postojanost.
Ovaj izdr`ljivi sat }e se uvek dopasti
aktivnim tinejd`erima.
Casio Men’s G100-1BV G-Shock
Classic Ana-Digi Watch
Highly active, sporty and adventurous
teenage boys would want this watch. It
looks rugged and strong but is still lightweight. Its protective mineral crystal
will protect the watch from scratches.
Hence, whatever the boy does, the watch
would remain unscathed. It’s waterproof,
shockproof, and even luminous. Even in
the outdoors, the watch will be a much
needed companion. The whole look of
the wristwatch announces durability. This
hardy watch will always look awesome for
the energetic teenager.
Nautica N14536 NST
muški sat sa hronografom
Ovaj veoma sportski sat ide
uz sve što nose tinejd`eri.
Veoma je moderan i
odiše muškom snagom
i stilom kakve mo`e da
postigne samo Nautica.
Ovaj sat je masivan
i sna`an, i daje dozu
prefinjenosti onome ko
ga nosi. Sa njim na ruci
~ak i tinejd`er deluje
mu`evnije zbog njegovog
maskulinog izgleda. Srebro
nikad ne izlazi iz mode –
sjajno je ali ipak ne blješti.
Ovaj Nauticin visokokvalitetan
sat je vodootporan što zna~i da
podrazumeva zaštitu od ulaska
atches are highly essential. Boys, usually teenagers, tend
to underestimate the allure and functionality of the watch.
When they have wristwatches with them, it would help them
to be not late for their class, or even dates. Here’s a list of must-have
wristwatches for teenage boys that are suitable for their active lives.
Casio G7900A-4 G-Shock Rescue crveni digitalni
sportski muški sat
Ovaj sat definitivno bode o~i. Crvena boja
prosto ”vrišti” od energije, što je u skladu sa
tinejd`erskom beskona~nom potragom za
aktivnostima i razonodom. Za razliku od drugih
satovi, ovaj model je mat boje. Sa ovim
masivnim digitalnim satom na ruci, vaš de~ak
}e biti glavna tema u gradu. Ovaj otporan
na udarce i vodootporan sat }e se slagati
uz avanturisti~ki `ivotni stil svakog aktivnog
de~aka. Izuzetna karakteristika ovog sata je
grafikon mese~evih mena i plime i oseke. A kada
nosi jednostavnu ode}u, uz ovaj crveni sat na
ruci tinejd`er }e ostavljati utisak osobe sa stavom.
Ovaj sat jednostavno donosi “cool” poene!
Casio Men’s G7900A-4 G-Shock Rescue
Red Digital Sport Watch
This watch is definitely eye-catching. Red screams energy which would match
the teenage boy’s infinite search for activity and leisure. Unlike the other
watches, it has a matted look. Your boy would be the talk of the town when he
wears this rugged digital watch. Shock-resistant and water-proof, this would
complement any adventurous boy’s lifestyle. An amazing feature of this watch
is its moon and tide graph. When he is wearing stark outfits, the red color of the
watch adds attitude to the whole ensemble. It just adds cool points!
Nautica Men’s N14536
NST Chronograph
This highly sporty watch would
greatly match anything the
teenager wears. It is very
stylish. It exudes manly
power and class which
only Nautica could
achieve. The watch
is bold and strong. It
adds sophistication
to the wearer. Even
a teenager would look
manlier because of its
masculine appearance.
Silver will never be out of
rage. It’s shiny but not too
flashy. This high quality watch
from Nautica is water resistant
which prevents sweat from
damaging it.
Timex T5E231 Ironman
Traditional 100-Lap
muški sat u kombinaciji
srebrnog metala/
crne narukvice od
Ovaj poliuretanski sat je
odli~an za tinejd`ere,
a njegov sportski
izgled }e definitivno
privla~iti poglede.
Mladi}i sportskog tipa
}e imati najviše koristi
od ovog sata, naro~ito
u toku treninga. Sat
poseduje FLIX tehnologiju
koja sat osvetljava no}u
malo ja~im pokretom ruke.
Ovu funkciju morate imati ako
volite da d`ogirate no}u.
Stuhrling Original
Men’s 706.02
Regatta Diver
Sport II
kvarcni sat
sa plavim
detaljima i
Ovo je
po svemu
muški sat. Zreliji
tinejd`eri }e
definitivno izgledati
“cool“ sa ovim satom
na ruci. Plavi detalji
na ner|aju}em ~eliku
srebrne boje ~ine ga
zanimljivijim i daju mu
“cool” izgled. Ako se nosi sa jakim bojama,
ovaj ru~ni sat }e ih umiriti i u~initi da
mladi} deluje moderno. Zaštitni Krysterna
kristal ~ini sat izdr`ljivijim i štiti ga od
Stuhrling Original Men’s 706.02
Aquadiver Regatta Diver Sport II
Quartz Date Blue Accent Rubber
Strap Watch
Classic masculinity is what’s written allover this watch. The more mature teenage
boy will definitely look cool when he wears
this watch on his wrist. The blue accents
against the silver stainless steel give it an
interesting look which makes it way cooler.
If worn with loud colors, the wristwatch will
subdue them and make the young man
more fashionable. The protective Krysterna
crystal makes the watch more durable and
prevents it from scratches.
Timex Men’s T5E231
Ironman Traditional
100-Lap Silver-Tone/
Black Resin Strap
This resin digital watch is
very good for the teenage
boy. Its sporty look will
definitely be an eyecatcher. The athletic teen
would benefit most from
this watch especially
during training sessions. It
has FLIX technology which
will illuminate the watch
when at night just by a firm
shake of the wrist. A must for
those night runs.
for you 9
music box
Strogo |uskanje do poslednje kapi znoja! parola je koja
predstavlja ljude neverovatno zarazne pozitivne energije,
koji vam svojim likom i delom `ele dobrodošlicu u samo
njihovu Zemlju Gruva.
gruvlend?” sa velikim medijskim odjekom.
Nakon izdavanja albuma
i prvih svirki, osetila se
potreba da se bend proširi,
jer je zvuk zahtevao `ivu
svirku velikog benda. Posle
mnogo peripetija, uspešnih
i neuspešnih proba, cifra
se kona~no zaustavila na
broju 11. ^udesna dru`ina
broji 11 glava i predstavlja
najbolje što Zemlja gruva!
trenutno mo`e da ponudi,
tj. gruvlend!eleven je njena
Trenutno najbrojniji bend na
doma}oj sceni je za relativno
kratko vreme od izdavanja
prvog albuma “WTF is gruvlend?” iz klupske atrakcije
prerastao u monster band od
11 glava, i najavio da je re~ o
pojavi kakva se odavno nije
desila na doma}oj sceni.
Specifi~nost muzike
Zemlje gruva!
Pored raznolikosti muzi~kih
stilova i prepoznatljivog
zvuka bras sekcije, najviše
odre|uje frontline Zemlje
gruva: Zoe Kidah, Konstrakta i MC Milovan, tri
vokalna solista sa razli~itim
muzi~kim ukusom i manirom
pevanja. Ovaj uigrani vokalni
tandem vlada scenom više
emlja Gruva je bend
iz Beograda, grupe
entuzijasta koji `ele
da promovišu muziku i
ostale stvari vezane za
muziku i javne nastupe.
Ovu grupu odlikuju veoma
pozitivan duh, jaka ambicija i specifi~an pristup produkciji i promociji
Istorija Zemlje gruva, koja je
nastala iz brojnih ideja, ambicija projekata i podprojekata, svoj pravi po~etak bele`i
u trenutku kada je Milovan
dobio prostor za Studio Gruvlend! U isto vreme se pojavila
mogu}nost u~estvovanja na
Beoviziji. Zoe, Konstrakta
i Šobaja su se tu podra-
10 for you
zumevali, Ni~e se priklju~io
nakon završenih studija u
Be~u, a talentovani Perica se
pojavio da odsvira trombon
za „^udesne svetove“ i tu
ostao. Nakon mnogih uspona i padova od te famozne
Beovizije, što je vreme više
prolazilo, izlazak albuma je
bivao sve o~igledniji.
Klju~ni trenutak nove istorije
Gruvlenda! se desio na svirci
u klubu MUFF, novembra
2009, pojavom izvesnog
Nebojše Yowanovicha Nesha, koji je, vrlo samosvesno
koriste}i svoje ube|iva~ke
sposobnosti, samoinicijativno
preuzeo ulogu da organizuje Gruvlend! u nešto nalik
firmi. [est meseci kasnije,
ta~no 01.05.2010. izlazi prvo
izdanje pod nazivom “WTF is
Osnovni podaci
Bend osnovan: Februar
@anr: Gruv!
^lanovi:MC Milovan,
Konstrakta, Zoe Kidah,
Shobaya, Bole, ^ohi, Vojin,
Stefke, Pera, \ole...
od decenije, a doma}oj
publici je poznat iz saradnje
sa bendom Mistake Mistake, sa kojima su nastupali
ispred poznatih imena kao
što su Prodigy, Punjabi MC,
Kosheen, Capleton i dr.
Od izdavanja albuma prvenca za sopstvenu Internet etiketu, svaki single
sa albuma postaje instant
hit i zauzima najviše pozicije
svih relevantnih doma}ih
top lista, uklju~uju}i i prvo
mesto na MTV Doma}ici.
Prvi bend na doma}oj sceni
koji je zvani~no postavio
svoj prvi album za besplatno
skidanje sa sopstvenog sajta.
Album je rigorozno selektovan i predstavlja svojstvenu
definiciju gruva, onoga što
je i glavni pokreta~ Zemlje
gruva!, bez obzira da li je to
hip-hop, reggae, soul, r’n’b,
afro... Va`no je da pesma
ima dobar gruv, da ima zarazan ritam koji pomera!
Dugogodišnje iskustvo
nau~ilo je ~lanove Zemlje
Gruva! da se prilagode publici i naprave dobru atmosferu, kako u malim klubovima
tako i na velikim festivalima,
kao što su Exit, Beovizija i
Rodni grad: Beograd
Uticaji: Fela Kuti, Stevie
Wonder, Fat Freddys Drop,
Omar, D’angelo, Capleton,
Grace Jones, Sizzla, Jamie
Lidell, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles
Davis, Erykah Badu, Chaka
Khan, Alice Russell, Jill
Scot, Lauryn Hill
music box
Strict dancing to the last drop of sweat! Is the slogan
representing the people of incredibly contagious positive energy, who with its character and work want to
welcome you in only their Groove Land.
roove Land (Zemlja
Gruva!) is a band
from Belgrade, a
group of enthusiasts who
wish to promote music
and other things related to
music and public appearances. This group is characterized by a very positive
spirit, strong ambition and
a specific approach to the
production and promotion
of music.
History of the Groove Land
band (Zemlja Gruva!), which
is formed from a number of
ideas, ambition projects and
subprojects, had its real start
with recording at a time when
Milovan got space for Gruvlend Studio! At the same time
appeared the opportunity to
participate in Beovizija (competition). Zoe, Konstrakta and
Šobaja are natural here, while
Niče joined after finishing his
studies in Vienna, a talented
Perica appeared to play the
trombone for the “wonderful world” and stayed there.
After many ups and downs
since the famous Beovizija,
as more time passed, the
release of the album was
becoming obvious.
The key moment of the
new history of Gruvlend!
occurred at a gig in a club
Muff, in November 2009,
after appearance of certain
Nebojsa Jovanovic Nesh, is
very self-consciously used
his persuasive abilities, on his
own initiative he took the role
to organize Gruvlend! into
something like a company.
Six months later, exactly on
01.05.2010, comes first album titled “WTF is Gruvlend?”
with large media coverage.
After the release of the album
and the first gigs, it felt the
need to expand the band,
because the sound of live
music demanded a great
band. After many vicissitudes,
successful and unsuccessful
trial, the figure finally stopped
at number 11. Amazing
troupe consists of 11 persons
and represents the best that
Zemlja Gruva! currently has
to offer, i.e. gruvlend! eleven
is its representation.
Currently the most numerous
band on the local scene for
a relatively short time since
publication of the first album,
“WTF is gruvlend?” managed
to grow from the club attrac-
tion into a monster band of 11
persons and announced that
this is phenomenon which
did not happen on the local
scene for a long time.
The specificity of the
Zemlja Gruva! music
In addition to the diversity
of musical styles and
distinctive sound of
bras section, specificity
is mostly determined
by frontline of Zemlja Gruva!: Zoe Kidah,
Konstrakta and MC
Milovan, three vocal
soloists from different
musical tastes and
singing manners. This
coordinated vocal duo
govern the scene for
more than a decade, it
is known to local audience from collaboration
with the band Mistake
Mistake, with which
they performed in front
of well-known names
such as Prodigy,
Punjabi MC, Kosheen,
Capleton and others.
Basic information
Band formed: February
Genre: Groove!
Members: MC Milovan,
Konstrakta, Zoe Kidah,
Shobaya, Bole, ^ohi, Vojin,
Stefke, Pera, \ole...
Since the publication of
first album for their own
Internet label,
every single from the album
became an instant hit and
occupies the highest position
of all relevant national music
charts, including the top spot
on MTV Domaćica. They are
first band on the local scene
which officially set up his
first album as a free download from their own website.
Album is rigorously selected
and represents intrinsic
definition of groove, which
is the main driver of Zemlja
Gruva!, Whether it’s hip-hop,
reggae, soul, r’n’b, afro ... It
is important that the song has
a good groove with infectious
rhythm that moves!
Long experience has taught
the members of Zemlja Gruva! to adapt to the audience
and create a good atmosphere, in small clubs and at
major festivals such as Exit,
Beovizija and Nisomnija.
Home town: Belgrade
Influences: Fela Kuti,
Stevie Wonder, Fat Freddys
Drop, Omar, D’angelo, Capleton, Grace Jones, Sizzla,
Jamie Lidell, Ella Fitzgerald,
Miles Davis, Erykah Badu,
Chaka Khan, Alice Russell,
Jill Scot, Lauryn Hill
for you 11
mladina, bezbednost i
volonterizam su tri glavne teme
regionalne konferencije „Mladi
i bezbednost“ koja je odr`ana u Prištini
od 7. do 9. jula 2014. Konferenciju je
organizovala Misija OEBS-a na Kosovu
i okupila je regionalne relevantne
institucije i organizacije civilnog društva iz
oblasti bezbednosti mladih. Najzna~ajnija
karakteristika ove konferencije je
da su prisustvovali ~lanovi NVO-a
i OSCE misija iz Albanije, Bosne i
Hercegovine, BJR Makedonije, Crne
Gore, Srbije i sa Kosova, kao i pripadnici
ICITAP (Me|unarodni program pomo}
i u kriminalisti~koj obuci Ministarstva
pravde Sjedinjenih dr`ava), Foruma za
gra|ansku inicijativu (FIQ), Bezbednijig
sveta, Kosovske policije, Ministarstva
unutrašnjih poslova (MUP), Ministarstva
obrazovanja, nauke i tehnologije,
Ministarstva kulture, omladine i sporta
(MKOS), Policijske akademije Crne
Gore, Makedonske dr`avne agencije
za omladinu i sport, kao i Kosovske
akademije za javnu bezbednost (KAPS).
Kada se raspravlja o temi kao što
je bezbednost, ve}ina mladih ispod
osamnaest godina starosti smatra da
nema mnogo toga što oni mogu da urade
i da je to posao za odrasle. Me|utim,
Shpresaë Mulli}i, viši oficir u OEBS – OJB,
smatra da je ovaj pojam zastareo i da
mladi ljudi moraju da shvate da je njihov
doprinos od vitalnog zna~aja. „Prva stvar
koju svi mladi ljudi moraju da urade u
vezi javne bezbednosti je da oni treba da
iznesu sve probleme i pitanja sa kojima
se suo~avaju i za koja veruju da imaju
negativan uticaj na kvalitet svakodnevnog
`ivota. To nas dovodi do drugog koraka
koji moraju preduzeti, odnosno da im
je potrebno da znaju koje mehanizme i
kojim institucijama se mogu obratiti kako
bi izrazili svoje probleme, bilo to policiji
opštinskim vlastima, ili ministarstvima“,
rekla je gospo|a Mulli}i. Ovu ideju su
podr`ali i ostali u~esnici, kao što su Dejan
Remeti}, Sr|an Kosti} i Vukadin Vlasti},
koji su se slo`ili da omladina mora da
bude proaktivna u rešavanju problema.
Oni su svi pomenuli zna~aj volonterskog
12 for you
rada i napora mladih tokom
ovogodišnjih poplava u Srbiji i Bosni i
Hercegovini. Me|utim, oni su naglasili
da institucije treba više da kanališu
svu tu energiju i potencijal, jer ne treba
da se sve svede samo na takve akcije.
Tom stavkom su se slo`ili svi u~esnici,
jer, u cilju postizanja toga naglasak
mora biti stavljen na volonterski rad.
U~esnici konferencije su imali
priliku da vide strategije i stavove u
regionu u suo~avanju sa bezbednoš}
u mladih. Prisutnima se obratio i direktor
OJB Duško Zaviši}, koji je spomenuo
opasnost od skrivanja problema u
okru`enju mladih. „Mladi imaju dve
opcije u tom pogledu, da budu pasivni
i zanemaruju delinkventno ponašanje
ili da se aktivno anga`uju, izveštavaju i
razgovaraju o ovim ponašanjima“.
Centralne institucije Kosova
predstavile su svoje strateške
dokumente i odgovaraju}e aktivnosti
u borbi sa nasiljem kod omladine i
prevencije nasilnih akata me|u njima.
Posebno su rad i aktivnosti Lokalnih
odbora za javnu bezbednost (LOJB)
na Kosovu privukli dosta pa`nje kao
odli~an mehanizam premoš}avanja, koji
unapre|uje saradnju izme|u gra|ana i
njihovih bezbednosnih institucija.
Još jedna tema oko koje su se
predstavnici nevladinih organizacija iz
regiona slo`ili je da se nasilju u školama
ne mo`e suprotstaviti isklju~ivo školsko
osoblje ili policija. Ovome treba prili~no
holisti~ki pristup od strane svih relevantnih
aktera, ali i anga`ovanje mladih. Ponovo
je naglašeno da su mladi od klju~nog
zna~aja, jer su oni ti koji se suo~avaju sa
ovim fenomenom.
Konferencija je zatvorena setom
zajedni~kih zaklju~aka i preporuka koje
mo`ete pro~itati u nastavku.
1. Postoji spremnost za volonterski rad
u regionu, ali nije pravilno organizovan niti
2. Nasilje kod mladih i bezbednost
mladih nisu stvar samo jedne institucije i
ne mo`e se rešiti od strane samo jedne
3. Prirodne katastrofe u Srbiji, Albaniji
i Bosni i Hercegovini su pokazale da mladi
mogu doneti veliki uticaj kroz volonterski
rad, ali to mora biti organizovano i
rukovo|eno od strane vlasti.
4. Relevantni strateški dokumenti
obi~no ne uzimaju u obzir nezaposlenost
mladih kao potencijalnu pretnju
bezbednosti mladih.
5. Postoji nedostatak promocije
relevantnih strateških dokumenata i
odgovaraju}ih mehanizama za njihovo
6. Obrazovne institucije ne odgovaraju
na odgovaraju}i na~in na zahteve tr`išta
rada obrazovanjem i obukom koju pru`aju
7. Postoji nedostatak znanja i
kapaciteta me|u mladima u regionu u
odgovoru na vanredne situacije.
8. Omladinskim organizacijama
civilnog društva nedostaje kapacitet u
zastupanju njihovih ideja.
1. Vlasti treba da prepoznaju
volonterski rad i da sara|uju sa civilnim
društvom u njihovom organizovanju.
2. Nasilje kod mladih treba spre~iti
kroz saradnju obrazovnih institucija i
organizaciju civilnog društva. Relevantne
institucije treba da imaju integrisani pristup
u rešavanju nasilja kod mladih i pru`anja
3. Nadle`ni organi treba da organizuju
i upravljaju omladinski volonterski rad u
hitnim slu~ajevima.
4. Relevantni strateški dokumenti treba
da uzimaju u obzir nezaposlenost mladih
kao potencijalnu pretnju bezbednosti
5. Nadle`ni organi, civilno društvo i
mediji treba da se uklju~e u promovisanju
strateških dokumenata o bezbednosti
mladih i da uvedu odgovaraju}e
mehanizme za njihovo sprovo|enje.
6. Ministarstvo prosvete i ostale
obrazovne institucije treba da usklade
zahteve tr`išta rada sa obrazovanjem i
obukom koju pru`aju mladima.
7. Znanje i kapaciteti u reagovanju na
vanredne situacije kod omladine u regionu
treba da budu poboljšani od strane
odgovornih institucija.
8. Relevantne institucije trebaju
nastojati da unaprede kapacitete
omladinskih organizacija civilnog društva
pru`anjem mogu}nosti zastupanja.
Policiju mo`ete kontaktirati na
slede}i na~in:
Fix: 038 550 999 ili 92
Mobitel (Vala i IPKO): 192, 922
E-mail: [email protected]
Mo`ete kontaktirati i Ministarstvo
za kulturu, omladinu i sport na
slede}i na~in:
Adresa: Trg „Majka Tereza“ b.b.
Tel: +381 38 211 637
Fax: +381 38 211 440
Email: [email protected]
outh, security and voluntarism were
the three main topics of the regional
conference “Youth and Security” that
was held in Prishtinë/Priština from 7 to 9 of
July 2014. The conference was organised by
the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and it gathered
regional relevant institutions and civil society
organisations involved in the field of youth
security. The most noteworthy feature of
this conference is that it was attended by
members of NGO’s and OSCE Missions
in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR
of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and
Kosovo, members of ICITAP (International
Criminal Investigative Training Assistance
Program of the United States Department
of Justice), Forum for Civic Initiatives (FIQ),
Safer World, Kosovo Police, Ministry of
Internal Affairs (MIA), Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology, Ministry of Culture,
Youth and Sports (MCYS), Montenegro
Police Academy, Macedonian State Agency
for Youth and Sport, and Kosovo Academy
for Public Safety (KAPS).
When topics such as security are
discussed most of the young people under
the age of eighteen will think that there is not
much that they can do, and that this is a job
for adults. However, Shpresë Mulliqi, senior
officer at OSCE – Department for Security
and Public Safety (DSPS), strongly believes
that this notion is outdated and that young
people must realize that their contribution is
vital. “The first thing all young people must
do concerning public security is that they
should voice all the problems and issues they
face and which they believe have a negative
impact in the quality of their everyday life.
This leads us to the second step they must
take, respectively that they need to get to
know which mechanisms and institutions they
can address to voice their problems, whether
it is the police, municipal authorities or even
ministries” said Mrs. Mulliqi. This
idea was further supported by
other participants such as Dejan
Remetic, Srdjan Kostic and
Vlatic Vukadin who all agreed
that the youth must be proactive
in problem solving. They all
mentioned the importance of
the voluntary work and efforts
of the youth during this year’s
floods in Serbia and Bosnia and
Hercegovina. However, they stressed that
institutions should do more to channel all
this energy and potential as it should not
be reduced only to such actions. That is
why all the participants agreed that in order
to achieve that more emphasis must be put
to voluntary work.
The participants of the conference also
had the opportunity to have insights, look
at the strategies and views of the region in
tackling the security of youth. First to address
the audience was Director of DSPS Mr. Dusko
Zavisic who mentioned the threat of hiding
the problems persisting in the environment
frequented by youth. “Youth has two options
in this regard, to be passive and neglect the
delinquent behaviour, or be active and engage
report and discuss these behaviours”.
Afterwards, Kosovo institutions presented
their strategic documents and respective
activities in tackling with violence among
youth and prevention of violent acts among
them. In particular the work and activities
of the Local Committees for Public Safety
(LCPS) in Kosovo seemed to garner a lot
of attention as a great bridging mechanism
enhancing the cooperation between the
citizens and their security institutions.
Another topic that representatives of
NGO’s from the region agreed upon was
that violence in schools cannot be countered
solely by school staff or the police. This needs
a rather holistic approach by all relevant
stakeholders, but also engagement of youth.
Again it was emphasized that the latter are of
crucial importance as they are the first ones to
face this phenomenon.
The conference was concluded with a set
of joint conclusions and recommendations
which you can read below.
1. There is a willingness for voluntary
work at the region but it is not properly
organised nor acknowledged;
2. Youth violence and youth security are
not a matter only of one institution and thus
cannot be resolved only by one institution;
3. Natural disasters in Serbia, Albania
and Bosnia and Herzegovina demonstrated
that youth can bring a great impact through
voluntary work but this needs organisation
and direction by the authorities;
4. Relevant strategic documents
generally do not take into consideration the
unemployment of youth as a potential threat
to youth safety;
5. There is a lack of promotion of
relevant strategic documents and respective
mechanisms for their implementation;
6. Education institutions do not
appropriately match the demand of labour
market with the education and training they
provide to youth;
7. There is a lack of knowledge and
capacities among youth in the region on
responding to emergencies; and
8. Youth civil society organisations lack
capacities in advocating their ideas.
1. Authorities should acknowledge
voluntary work and cooperate with civil society
in organising it;
2. Youth violence should be prevented
through cooperation of education institutions
and civil society organisations. Relevant
institutions should take integrated approach
in tackling youth violence and providing youth
3. Relevant authorities should organise
and direct youth voluntary work in cases of
4. Relevant strategic documents
should take into consideration the youth
unemployment as a potential threat to youth
5. Relevant authorities, civil society
and media should engage in promoting
strategic documents on youth safety and
introduce respective mechanisms for their
6. Ministry of Education and other
education institutions should match the
demand of labour market with the education
and training they provide to youth;
7. Knowledge and capacities in
responding to emergencies among youth in
the region should be enhanced by responsible
institutions; and
8. Relevant institutions should strive
to enhance capacities of youth civil society
organisations by providing advocacy
You can contact the police as follows:
On landline: 038 550 999 or 92
Mobile (both Vala and IPKO): 192, 922
E-mail: [email protected]
You can contact the Ministry of
Culture, Youth and Sports as follows:
Address: Sheshi “Nëna Terezë” pa nr.
Tel: +381 38 211 637
Fax: +381 38 211 440
Email: [email protected]
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
25 najcudnijih praistorijskih stvorenja koja
su hodala po zemlji
vet je prepun raznih stvorenja, neka su simpati~na, neka su
zastrašuju}a, a neka su prosto bizarna. Me|utim, današnje
`ivotinje ne mogu ni pribli`no da se mere sa `ivotinjima koje su
`ivele na zemlji u praistoriji. Od minijaturnih glodara koji su li~ili na
ptice do ogromnih `ivotinja koje su `ivele ispod morskih talasa, ovo je
25 naj~udnijih praistorijskih stvorenja koja su hodala zemljom.
25. Arheopteriks
Ovaj naziv na
gr~kom zna~i mala
ptica, tako|e zna~i
“rano krilo” ili “prva
ptica”, navodno je
`ivela u periodu jure.
Fosilizovano pero je
prona|eno 1861. u
Nema~koj, gde su
se vekovima kopale visoko
kvalitetne naslage kre~njaka.
25. Archaeopteryx
The Greek name for a little
bird, also translated as
24. Deinoheirus
Dinosaurus koji je mala
enigma za paleontologe
pošto je jedini dokaz o
njegovom postojanju
gomila fosilnih
ostataka, uklju~uju}
i one prednjih udova
i ki~me. Oni su
prona|eni 1965. u
Mongoliji, kada je ovaj stvor i
dobio ime “strašne ruke”.
22. Dimorphodon
Its name means “two-form
tooth” which is the result of
having two distinct types
“early wing” or “first bird,” it
supposedly existed during the
Jurassic Period. A fossilized
feather was discovered in 1861
in Germany, where high-quality
lime deposits were mined for
over a century.
of fossil remains, including
two forelimbs and some bits
of vertebrae. The fossilized
remains were found on July
9, 1965 in Mongolia and
were given the name
Deinocheirus or “terrible
24. Deinocheirus
This dinosaur is a
bit of any enigma for
paleontologists as the
only known evidence for
its existence are a handful
23. Deinoterijum
Poznat i kao
“kopa~ kljovama”
i “strašna zver”.
Ostaci ovog
sisara koji podse}
a na današnje
slonove prona|eni
su na lokalitetu
punom ostataka
predaka ~oveka na
jezeru Turkana u Keniji.
23. Deinotherium
Also called a “hoe tusker” or
“terrible beast,” the remains
14 for you
22. Dimorfodon
Ime mu zna~i “zub u dva
oblika”, zato što je imao
dve vrste zuba koje su
se znatno razlikovale.
Ovaj stvor navodno
je imao odli~an vid i
ogromne kand`e kojima
je hvatao ribu, lignje i
21. Dunkleosteus
Poznat i kao “Danklova kost”.
Jedna je od najve}ih oklopnih
riba koja je ikada `ivela u
okeanima. Bila je `estok
predator koji je mogao da bude
duga~ak do deset metara i
te`ak 3,6 tona.
21. Dunkleosteus
Also called “Dunkle’s Bone,”
this was one of the largest
armored jaw fishes to have
20. Elazmosaurus
Elazmosaurus mo`e da se
prevede kao “tanki tanjir”.
Bili su visoki oko 30
stopa i 46 stopa
duga~ki, od ~ega
mu je samo vrat
bio oko 25 stopa duga~ak,
što je ~etiri puta du`e od
vrata `irafe. Kada su prvi put
sastavljali skelet ovog stvorenja,
nau~nici su stavili glavu na
pogrešan kraj zbog ~udnog
oblika ove `ivotinje.
20. Elasmosaur
Elasmosaur, which means
of teeth in its jaw. These
creatures supposedly had
great eyesight and formidable
claws to hunt fish, squid or
ever roamed the Earth.
Considered one of the
fiercest predators in the
ocean it could measure
up to 10 meters and
weighed 3.6 tons.
plate,” could
have been
around 30
feet in height and
46 feet in length.
Most of its length
was in its neck, which was
roughly 25 feet long, or 4
times larger than the neck of
a giraffe. When it was first
reconstructed, scientists made
the mistake of putting its head
on the wrong end due to its
funny shape.
19. Epidendrosaurus
Iako se arheopteriks smatra za prvu pticu,
ovaj “gušter sa drve}a” bio je prvi reptil koji
je bio bli`i pticama nego dinosaurusima. Bio
je oko šest in~a duga~ak, a dugim rukama i
kand`ama je hvatao insekte iz kore drveta.
of these prehistoric mammals
that resemble modern-day
elephants were discovered at
major hominid excavation sites
at Lake Turkana in Kenya.
19. Epidendrosaurus
Though Archaopteryx was credited as the
“first bird,” Epidendrosaurus or “lizard of the tree” was the first
reptile to be closer to a bird than a dinosaur. It was about six
inches long and used its long arms and clawed hands to pry on
insects from tree bark.
(nastavlja se ...)
animal kingdom
25 strangest prehistoric creatures
to roam the earth
he world is cluttered with so many different creatures, some cute, some scary and some just
plainly bizarre. However, the animals of today have nothing on the creatures that lived on Earth
during prehistoric times. From miniature bird looking rodents to the behemoths beneath the
waves, these are the 25 strangest prehistoric creatures to roam the Earth.
ostacima, bio prva `ivotinja
koja je imala ukrasna pera.
Mali dinosaurus koji je imao
perje `iveo je na prostorima
današnjeg kineskog regiona
Unutrašnje Mongolije.
Epideksipteriks ili “pokaziva~
perja” je, prema fosilnim
17. Halucigenija
Ro|aka savremenih
zglavkara, halucigenija
je jedno je od naj~udnijih
stvorenja ~iji su fosilni
ostaci prona|eni. Nije
bila du`a od tri milimetra,
i imala loptastu glavu
koja je bila povezana
sa cilindri~nim trupom.
Prvo se smatralo da
se oslanjala na sopstvenu
ki~mu, da bi kasnije nau~nici
utvrdili da su joj to bili pipci
koji su zapravo bili noge. To
~ini Halucigeniju prete~om
današnjih baršunastih glista.
17. Hallucigenia
relative of modern arthropods,
Hallucigenia is one of the
18. Epidexipteryx
small-feathered dinosaur
that existed once in the Inner
Mongolia region of China,
Epidexipteryx or “display
feather” is the earliest known
representation of ornamental
feathers in the fossil record.
15. Jaekelopterus
This extinct species of sea
scorpions had an estimated
length of 2.5 meters, one of
strangest creatures in the
fossil record. Less than 3
millimeters long, it has a
bulbous round head connected
to its cylindrical trunk. Though
it was previously thought that it
stood on its spines, it was later
discovered that the tentacles
are actually feet, making the
Hallucigenia the ancestor of
today’s velvet worms.
16. Helikoprion
Poznat i kao “spiralna
testera”. Ova `ivotinja koja
podse}a na ajkulu pojavila
se u okeanima krajem
perioda Karbona. Jedini
fosilni ostatak je uvrnut
kalem sa njenim trouglastim
zubima. Ova bizarna
struktura bila je zaka~ena za
donji deo vilice ovog stvora,
a nau~nici ne znaju za šta je
koriš}en. Neki spekulišu da je koriš}
ena za drobljenje školjki dok drugi
smatraju da je ovaj kalem slu`io kao
bi~ za hvatanje nesre}nog plena.
16. Helicoprion
Also known as “spiral saw,” this
shark-like cartilaginous fish first
arose in the oceans of the late
Carboniferous era. However, the
15. Jekelopterus
Ova izumrla vrsta morske
škorpije navodno je bila
duga~ka 2,5 metara i
bila je jedan od najve}ih
zglavkara ikada otkrivenih.
Iako nazvan “morska
škorpija“, trebalo bi da je
`ivela u rekama i jezerima
na teritoriji današnje
14. Jozefoartigasija
@ivotinja koja ro|aka
današnje pakarane i koja
veoma podse}a na današnju
ju`noameri~ku kapibaru
bila je najve}i
glodar na planeti
i te`ila je i do
1000 kg.
the largest arthropods ever
discovered. Although it was
dubbed a “sea scorpion,”
it supposedly lived in the
freshwater rivers and lakes of
present day Germany.
resembling a capybara,
these creatures were the
biggest rodents on the planet
weighing up to 1000kg.
14. Josephoartigasia
Related to the modern
pacarana and very closely
only surviving evidence of its
existence was a tight curled-up
coil of triangular teeth. This bizarre
structure was attached to the
bottom part of its jaw, though how
it was used still remains a mystery
today. Some speculations are that
it was used to grind shells, while
others believed that the coil could
be unfurled like a whip to spear
unfortunate prey.
13. Liopleurodon
Poznat i kao “glatki
zub”, ovaj morski
se ribom,
i drugim
Bio je
ve}i od
skoro 16 stopa koja je
~inila skoro ~etvrtinu
13. Liopleurodon
Also known as
tooth,” this marine
predator lived on a
diet of fish, squid, and
other sea reptiles.
Bigger than a sperm
whale, its skull was
16 ft or nearly 1/4 of
its body.
(to be continued ...)
for you 15
Uloge: Chadwick
Boseman, Viola
Davis, Octavia
Spencer, Nelsan Ellis, Lennie James,
nimljen na osnovu
`ivotne pri~e
oca Soula, ovaj film na
smeo na~in prikazuje
svet muzike, unutrašnji
svet i dešavanja u `ivotu
D`ejmsa Brauna, dok
prati njegov put od
siromašnog detinjstva
do uzdizanja u jednu
od najuticajnijih li~nosti
dvadesetog veka.
Cast: Chadwick
Boseman, Viola
Davis, Octavia Spencer, Nelsan
Ellis, Lennie
James, Jill
Jill Scott i Dan
Re`ija: By Tate
@anr: Drama/Muzi~ki
Studio: Universal
Scott and Dan
Director: By
Tate Taylor
Genre: Drama/
Studio: Universal Pictures
ased on the incredible
life story of the Godfather
of Soul, the film will give
a fearless look inside the music, moves and moods of James Brown,
taking audiences on the journey from his impoverished childhood to his
evolution into one of the most influential figures of the 20th century.
Uloge: Meryl Streep,
Jeff Bridges, Brenton
Thwaites, Katie Holmes,
Odeya Rush, Alexander
Skarsgard i Taylor Swift
Re`ija: Phillip Noyce
@anr: Drama/Nau~na
Studio: The Weinstein Co.
18 for you
esnaestogodišnji D`onas, mladi} koji `ivi u
naizgled savršenom svetu budu}nosti, biva
izabran da pro|e posebnu obuku od strane
starca pod imenom “The Giver“... koji jedini ~uva
se}anje na pravu `ivotnu sre}u i patnje.
Grad ~eka sumorna
budu}nost sve dok
~etiri neobi~na brata
besku}nika ne ustanu
iz kanalizacije i otkriju
svoju pravu sudbinu
kao Nind`a kornja~e.
Kornja~e udru`uju
snage sa neustrašivom
novinarkom Ejpril O’Nil
i njenim duhovitim
kamermanom Vernom
Fenvikom kako bi
spasili grad i razotkrili
Šrederov zlo}udni plan.
Uloge: Megan Fox, Alan
Ritchson, Pete Ploszek,
Jeremy Howard, Noel Fisher,
Will Arnett, Danny Woodburn,
William Fichtner, Whoopi Goldberg, Johnny Knoxville i Tony
Re`ija: Jonathan Liebesman
@anr: Akcija/Avantura
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Cast: Megan Fox,
Alan Ritchson,
Pete Ploszek,
Jeremy Howard,
Noel Fisher, Will
Arnett, Danny
Woodburn, William
Fichtner, Whoopi
Goldberg, Johnny
Knoxville and Tony
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Genre: Action/Adventure
Studio: Paramount Pictures
he city needs heroes.
Darkness has settled
over New York City as
Shredder and his evil Foot
Clan have an iron grip on
from the
police to the
The future
is grim until
four unlikely
outcast brothers rise from
the sewers
and discover
their destiny
as Teenage
Mutant Ninja
Turtles. The
Turtles must
work with fearless reporter April O’Neil and
her wise-cracking cameraman
Vern Fenwick to save the
city and unravel Shredder’s
diabolical plan.
radu su potrebni
novi heroji. Tama
se nadvila nad
Njujorkom dok Šreder i
njegov zli Klan stopala
dr`e sve pod kontrolom,
od policije do politi~ara.
t the
of sixteen, Jonas,
a young
boy from a
world, is
singled out
to receive
special training from The Giver, who
alone holds the memories of the
true joys and pain of life.
Cast: Meryl Streep,
Jeff Bridges, Brenton Thwaites, Katie
Holmes, Odeya
Rush, Alexander
Skarsgard and Taylor Swift
Director: Phillip
Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi
Studio: The Weinstein Co.
for you 19
sportski ugao
Jedan od mnogobrojnih igra~a, koji je posle dobre
role u Srbiji, karijeru odlu~io da gradi u inostranstvu
je i Vujadin Savi}. Sin legendarnog Du{ana Savi}a,
oti{ao je put Francuske i svoju sre}u potra`io u Bordou. O`enjen je jednom od najboljih i najlep{ih na{ih
glumica, Mirkom Vasiljevi}, sa kojom ima dvoje dece.
Bila je to odlu~uju}a utakmica,
ko pobedi osvaja prvenstvo,
jer je do kraja ostalo još svega
~ini mi se tri kola. Minimalno
smo pora`eni, a jedini pogodak
na utakmici, evrogol postigao
je tatin zemljak sa Uba Ra}a
Ukoliko se u budu}nosti
za to stvore potrebni uslovi
i poklope se kockice, da li
bi voleo da ponovo obu~eš
dres Crvene zvezde?
- Naravno! Siguran sam da
ce do}i dan kada cu opet obu}
i taj dres.
Dres kog svetskog ili
evropskog velikana bi voleo
da obu~eš u budu}nosti?
- Bez razmišljanja, dres
Od kada si otišao iz Srbije,
nastupao si za klubove u
Francuskoj i Nema~koj. Koliko
je teško adaptirati se na nove
zemlje, jezik, kulturu, stil igre?
- Jako je teško uklopiti se
u sredinu gde ne poznaješ
nijednog saigra~a, jezik, grad.
Kada nemaš nekoga ko }e da
stane uz tebe i sa kim mo`eš
da deliš teške trenutke. Ja sam
jako mlad otišao i tada nikoga od
naših igra~a nije bilo u Bordou
što mi je mnogo falilo. Sa druge
strane u Drezden sam došao
u trenutku kada su u klubu bila
~etiri Balkanca i samim tim mi
je prilago|avanje bilo olakšano i
rezultiralo je dobrim partijama.
Kada se osvrneš na
dosadašnju karijeru, koje
pobede se i danas rado se}
aš, a koji poraz bi voleo da
- Što se pobeda ti~e bez
dileme je to moj debi u Crvenoj
zvezdi, protiv Dinama iz Tbilisija.
Tada smo u gostima izgubili
smo 2-0, a u Beogradu smo ve}
posle dva minuta imali gol
zaostatka. Ali ta energija sa
tribina, `elja momaka na terenu,
to je bilo neopisivo! Ginulo se
za svaku loptu što su navija~i
prepoznali. Davali su nam snagu
da meljemo protivnika i nagrada
je stigla bukvalno u poslednjem
minutu kada je Dejan Leki}
20 for you
postigao gol za kona~nih 5:2
~ime je obezbe|en prolazak
dalje. Što se poraza ti~e, iako
nisam igrao tu utakmicu bio sam
me|u rezervama, poraz od Partiizana na JNA me i dalje pe~e.
Dete si poznatih i
uspešnih roditelja. Koliko ti
je tokom karijere bilo teško
da nosiš breme prezimena
Savi} i da iza|eš iz senke
slavnog oca?
Puno ime: Vujadin Savi}
Datum ro|enja: 1. jul
Mesto ro|enja : Beograd
Visina: 1,94 m
Pozicija: odbrana
Juniorski klubovi:
Crvena zvezda Beograd
Seniorski klubovi
2007-2009 - Rad Beograd
2009-2010 - Crvena zvezda
2010 Bordo
- Nikada nisam ose}ao
breme slavnog oca. Saveti
koje mogu i koje svakodnevno
dobijam od svojih roditelja su
neprocenjivi. To je prednost koju
ja imam u odnosu na ve}inu, jer
ipak je moj otac bio vrhunski fudbaler, prošao je kroz sve i svašta
i ta~no zna kada, šta i kako.
Nedavno si postao otac po
drugi put. Bez obzira na to što
si veoma mlad, imaš sina i }
erku. Koliko te je roditeljstvo
promenilo i koliko si strog
- Postati roditelj je nešto
najlepše na svetu. Promenilo me
je u nekim razmišljanjima, prioritetima u `ivotu. Mislim da nisam
preterano strog otac, ali oni
su još jako mali da bih mogao
konkretnije da ka`em kakav
sam po tom pitanju. Trudi}u se
da budu svoji i ne}u ih sputavati
u `ivotu, kao što ni moji roditelji
nisu mene. Ako na njih uspem
da prenesem makar polovinu
onoga što su moji roditelji preneli
na mene ja }u biti presre}an. Tu
je i Mirka koja je izuzetna majka i
zajedno }emo se truditi i nadam
se izvesti decu na pravi put.
Vujadin Savic is one of the many footballers, who after
showing good results in Serbia, decided to build his career abroad. The son of the legendary Dusan Savic went
to France and tried his luck with Bordeaux. He is married
to one of the best and most beautiful local actresses,
Mirka Vasiljevic, and they have two children together.
Since you left Serbia, you
played for French and German clubs. How difficult is
it to adapt to new countries,
languages, cultures and
styles of football?
It is very difficult to fit into a
new environment, where you
do not know any of your team
at that time, there weren’t any
of our footballers playing for
Bordeaux. I missed them a lot.
On the other hand, I started
playing for Dresden at a time
when there were four players
from the Balkans in the club.
This eased the adaptation
process and resulted in some
very good games.
When you look back at
your career up to now, which
victories do you remember
fondly and which defeats
would you rather forget?
As far as the victories are
concerned, I fondly remember
my debut for Red Star, when
we beat Dynamo from Tbilisi.
We first lost 2-0 away, and
then in Belgrade we were a
goal behind after two minutes
of the match. But the energy
from the stands, the drive of
the guys on the pitch, that
was indescribable! We fought
for every ball and the fans
recognised that. They gave
us the energy to grind the op-
mates, where you do not know
the language or city. It is very
difficult when you do not have
anyone to support you and
with whom you can share the
most difficult moments. I left
when I was very young and,
ponents and the reward literally
came to us in the last minute,
when Dejan Lekic scored.
The match finished with a 5:2
score and we went through to
the next stage. When it comes
to defeats, there is a match,
although I did not play in it
as I was on the bench. We
were defeated by Partisan at
the JNA Stadium that defeat
still hurts. It was a deciding
match, since, if I remember
correctly, there were only
three rounds left. The defeat
was minimal since the only
goal, the Euro goal, was
scored by father’s compatriot
from Ub, Rasa Petrovic.
If in the future, the
necessary conditions are
met and all falls into place,
would you like to play for
Red Star again?
Of course! I am convinced
that the day will come when I
will again wear that jersey.
Which jersey would you
like to wear in the future,
when it comes to the World
or European teams?
The Olympiakos jersey,
without a second thought.
Your parents are famous
and successful. How difficult
was it to carry the Savic
surname and to step out of
your father’s shadow?
I never felt burdened by
my father’s fame. The advice I
get from my parents on a daily
basis are priceless. This is an
advantage I have compared
to most players. After all, my
father was a top footballer
and he has been through all
kinds of things, thus he exactly knows when, how and
what and to do.
sports corner
Full name: Vujadin Savic
Date of Birth: 1st July 1990
Place of Birth: Belgrade
Height: 1.94 m
Position: Defender
Junior clubs:
Red Star Belgrade
Senior clubs:
2007-2009 - Rad Belgrade
2009-2010 - Red Star
2010 -
them to lead their own lives
and I will not prevent them in
doing the things they want,
in the same manner as my
parents did with me. I would be
more than happy if I manage
to pass onto my children half of
the things my parents passed
onto me. Mirka is there as well
and she is a great mother and
together we will strive to raise
our children in the right way.
You recently became a
father for the second time.
Although you are very
young, you are a father to a
daughter and son. How has
parenthood changed you
and are you a strict father?
Becoming a parent is the
most beautiful thing in the
world. It has changed my way
of thinking and my priorities
in life. I think I am not overly
strict but my children are
still very small for me to be
able to give a more specific
answer. I will try and allow
for you 21
Hi - Tech
aznovrsnost modela koje mo`ete na}i na Internetu
ili u razli~itim prodavnicama ~ini da ne znate koji da
izaberete. Ve}ina ljudi danas kada `eli da kupi laptop zna šta otprilike ho}e, koje karakteristike mašina treba
da ima, ali ipak sumnjaju koji treba izabrati. Zbog toga vam
predstavljamo 10 najboljih laptopova dostupnih na tr`ištu.
Prva stvar koju morate znati kada se odlu~ite da kupite
laptop je razlog zbog kojeg to `elite. Da li ste u potrazi za
ne~im na ~emu }ete igrati igrice? Ako jeste, dobra grafi~ka
kartica i veliki ekran bi}e dovoljno da zadovolji vaše
zahteve. Dalje, vaš bud`et je ograni~en? Zatim, proverite
15-INCHH (2013)
Procesor: Intel Core i74750HQ, 2.0 GHz
Tip: Media, Biznis, zamena
za desktop ra~unar
OS: Mac OS X
Monitor: 15.4 in~a
Ta~ skrin: ne
Grafi~ka kartica: Intel Iris
Pro 5200
Hard disk:
Cena: 1544.18 €
15-INCHH (2013)
Processor: Intel Core i74750HQ, 2.0
Type: Media,
substitute for
System: Mac
Monitor: 15.4 inch
Touch-screen: no
Graphic Card: Intel
Iris Pro 5200
HDD: 256GB
Price: 1544.18 €
13-INCHH (2013)
Procesor: Intel Core i54250U, 2.4 GHz
Tip: Ultra, Biznis
22 for you
OS: Mac OS X
Monitor: 13.3 in~a
Ta~ skrin: ne
Grafi~ka kartica: Intel Iris
Hard disk: 128GB
Cena: 1029.21 €
13-INCHH (2013)
Processor: Intel Core i54250U, 2.4 GHz
Type: Ultra, Business
System: Mac
Monitor: 13.3 inch
Touch-screen: no
Card: Intel Iris
HDD: 128GB
Price: 1029.21 €
Procesor: Intel Atom Z2760,
1.3 GHz
Tip: Tablet,
Windows 8
1.44/2.4 lbs
Monitor: 10.1 in~a
Ta~ skrin: da
Grafi~ka kartica: Intel HD
Hard disk: 64 GB
nešto što se uklapa u vaš bud`et, nešto što barem
ima dobar procesor, kao Core i3 sa 4 GB RAM
memorije. Ako vam je potreban laptop za biznis
onda vam je potreban model koji kao karakteristiku ima visoke bezbednosne karakteristike, nešto
kao skeniranje otiska prsta}e sigurno biti jedan od
uslova. Za one u pokretu, za one koji mnogo putuju,
ultra – book bi}e savršen za nošenje.
Za gledanje filmova, po`eljno je da imate laptop sa
svetlim ekranom, sa rezolucijom od 1080p. I na kraju,
ali ne najmanje va`no, zapitajte se da li vam je potreban laptop sa ekranom osetljivim na dodir. Sa novom
verzijom softvera operativnog sistema Windows 8 i 8.1
opcija sa ekranom osetljivim na dodir je va`an faktor
prilikom kupovine laptopa.
Kako bismo vam pomogli da re{ite dilemu, predla`emo
vam listu 10 najboljih laptop ra~unara dostupnih na tr`ištu.
Cena: 288.38 €
BOOK T100TA (64GB)
Processor: Intel Atom
Z2760, 1.3 GHz
Type: Tablet, Ultrabook
System: Windows 8
1.44/2.4 lbs
Monitor: 10.1 inch
Touch-screen: yes
Graphic Card: Intel HD
HDD: 64 GB
Price: 288.38 €
Procesor: Samsung Exynos
5250, 1.7 GHz
Tip: normalan, Ultra, slobodan
OS: Google Chrome OS
Monitor: 11.6 in~a
Ta~ skrin: ne
Grafi~ka kartica: ARM MaliT604
Hard disk: 16 GB
Cena: 219.65 €
Type: normal, Ultra, free
System: Google Chrome OS
Monitor: 11.6 inch
Touch-screen: no
Graphic Card: ARM MaliT604
HDD: 16
219.65 €
Procesor: Intel Core i54300U, 1.9 GHz
Tip: Biznis, Ultrabook
OS: Windows 8
Monitor: 14 in~a
Ta~ skrin: da
Grafi~ka kartica:Intel HD
Graphics 4400
Hard disk: 256 GB
Cena: 1413.83 €
Processor: Intel Core i54300U, 1.9 GHz
Type: Business, Ultrabook
System: Windows 8
Monitor: 14 inch
Touch-screen: yes
Graphic Card: Intel HD
Graphics 4400
HDD: 256 GB
Price: 1413.83 €
Processor: Samsung Exynos
5250, 1.7 GHz
Hi - Tech
ometime it is not easy to buy a laptop. Variety of
models you can find in the Internet or in different
stores makes you not to know which one to choose.
Most of the people today when they want to buy a laptop,
in their mind they know what they want, which features
the machine should have, yet they have doubts which on
to choose. Because of this, we bring to you 10 best laptops available in the market today.
First thing you must know when deciding to buy one
is the reason you want it. Are you looking something for
games? If yes, a good graphic card and big screen would
Intel Core
2.8, overclocked up to
3.8 GHz
Tip: za igrice
OS: Windows 8
RAM: 16 GB
Monitor: 17.3 in~a
Ta~ skrin: ne
Grafi~ka kartica: Nvidia
GeForce GTX 880M
Hard disk: 1 TB
Cena: 1836.54 €
Processor: Intel Core i74810MQ, 2.8, overclocked
up to 3.8 GHz
Type: for games
System: Windows 8
RAM: 16 GB
Monitor: 17.3 inch
Touch-screen: no
Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 880M
Price: 1836.54 €
Procesor: Intel Core i5-
3210M, 2.5 GHz
Tip: normalan, slobodan
OS: Windows 8
Monitor: 15.6 in~a
Ta~ skrin: ne
Grafi~ka kartica: Intel HD
Graphics 4000
Hard disk: 500 GB
Cena: 389.89 €
Processor: Intel Core i53210M, 2.5 GHz
Type: normal, free
System: Windows 8
Monitor: 15.6 inch
Touch-screen: no
Graphic Card: Intel
HD Graphics 4000
HDD: 500 GB
Price: 389.89 €
Procesor: Intel Core i54200U, 1.6 GHz
Tip: Biznis, Ultrabook
OS: Windows 8
Monitor: 12.5 in~a
Ta~ skrin: da
Grafi~ka kartica: Intel HD
Graphics 4400
Hard disk: 256 GB
be enough to meet you requirement. Next, your budget is
limited? Then, check out something that fits within your
budget, something which at least has good processor, like
Core i3 with 4 GB RAM memory. If you need a laptop for
business, then you need a model which as a feature has
high security characteristics, like finger print scan would
for sure be one of the requirements. For those on motion,
those who travel a lot, an Ultra-book would be perfect for
carrying it.
For watching movies, it is preferred to have one
with bright monitor, with 1080p resolution. And last but
not least, ask yourself if you need a laptop with touch
screen. With the new software version of Windows 8
and 8.1, touch-screen option is important factor when
buying a laptop.
Helping you on these dilemmas, we bring for you a list
of top 10 laptops available in the market today.
Price: 1050.29 €
Processor: Intel Core i54200U, 1.6 GHz
Type: Business, Ultrabook
System: Windows 8
Monitor: 12.5 inch
Touch-screen: yes
Graphic Card: Intel HD
Graphics 4400
HDD: 256
1050.29 €
Procesor: Intel Celeron
N2920, 1.86 GHz
Tip: normalan, slobodan
OS: Windows 8
Monitor: 15.6 in~a
Ta~ skrin: da
Grafi~ka kartica:Intel HD
Hard disk: 500 GB
Cena: 359.01 €
Processor: Intel Celeron
N2920, 1.86 GHz
Type: normal, free
System: Windows 8
Monitor: 15.6 inch
Touch-screen: yes
Graphic Card: Intel HD
HDD: 500 GB
Price: 359.01 €
(GS70 2OD-002US)
Procesor: Intel Core i74700MQ, 2.4 MHz
Tip: za igrice, ultra
OS: Windows 8
RAM: 16 GB
Monitor: 17.3 in~a
Ta~ skrin: da
Grafi~ka kartica: Nvidia GeForce GTX 765M
Hard disk: 1256 GB
Cena: 1229.31 €
(GS70 2OD-002US)
Processor: Intel Core i74700MQ, 2.4 MHz
Type: for games, ultra
System: Windows 8
RAM: 16 GB
Monitor: 17.3 inch
Touch-screen: yes
Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 765M
HDD: 1256 GB
Price: 1229.31 €
for you 23
„Zdrava `ena – zdravo
dru{tvo“ jedan je od motoa
NVO „Santa Marija“ iz
Zve~ana. „Moramo da
radimo na pobolj{anju
kvaliteta `ivota svih,
jer ako imate zdravo
potomstvo, i ako imate
zdravu `enu ispred
sebe, ima}ete i zdravo
demokratsko dru{tvo. Prvo
standardi, pa sve ostalo“,
obja{njava direktorka
pomenute organizacije,
Blagica Radovanovi}.
Prema njenim re~ima,
organizacija je osnovana
2000. godine s ciljem da
pomogne i za{titi `ene i
decu od porodi~nog ili bilo
koje vrste nasilja, kao i da
unapredi ljudska prava,
demokratiju i gra|ansko
dru{tvo u zajednici. „Na{a
vizija je da mlade `ene
i devojke koje su na{e
~lanice, imaju neku svoju
viziju i potrude se da je
ostvare, a to je dru{tvo
u kome svaka `ena i
svako dete ima pravo na
opstanak, razvoj i u~enje,
bez diskriminacije“.
Radi ostvarivanja ciljeva
udru`enje je realizovalo
preko 30 projekata, od
kojih su: promovisanje i
za{tita `enskih i de~jih
prava, kampanja protiv
nasilja nad `enama
i decom, konflikt
menad`ment, javno
zastupanje, konsultacije
za `ene, itd. Tokom raznih
aktivnosti imenicu @ena
24 for you
pi{u velikim slovom,
da bi javnost videla
da `ene treba da budu
osna`ene. A, jedan od
bitnijih projekata, koji
traje ve} tri godine, je
i savetovali{te za `ene
obolele od raka dojke.
„Kroz taj projekat smo
u Studentskoj poliklinici
u severnoj Mitrovici
dobili savremen
ultrazvu~ni aparat
pomo}u kojeg se radi
rana dijagnostika
kancera dojke.
Prilikom ovog projekta
organizovali smo
tribine, zdravstvene
i psiholo{ke radionice,
kao i besplatan ultrazvuk
4D“, naglasila je gospo|a
Me|utim, NVO „Santa
Marija“ ciljna grupa su
tako|e i mladi. Povodom
toga, davali su podr{ku
u~eni~kim parlamentima
koji postoje u {kolama, a
koji su zakonska obaveza.
„Radili smo na podizanju
kapaciteta, da u~enici
znaju da lobiraju za neki
svoj cilj, da se prepoznaju
i budu aktivni. Hteli smo
da ih podr`imo na na~in
da u~eni~ki parlamenti ne
postoje samo na papiru“.
Gospo|a Radovanovi}
je pomenula jo{ jedan
projekat na koji su oni
veoma ponosni, a to je
Podr{ka centrima za rani
razvoj dece, koji se nalaze
u ~etiri sela na severu
Kosova. U tim centrima
boravi 120 dece, od
tri do {est godina, koja
nemaju mogu}nost da
borave u pred{kolskim
ustanovama i vrti}ima,
jer u ruralnim sredinama
ne postoje. Sa njima,
po ~etiri sata dnevno,
rade edukatorke koje su
zavr{ile treninge zvane
„Korak po korak“, po
~ijem programu se i vode.
A, prema interesovanju
dece organizuju se
raznorazne kreativne
radionice. „Roditelji su
jako zadovoljni, i ve}
tri godine se odr`avaju
projektne aktivnosti. Deca
se socijalizuju, pripremaju
za pred{kolski program,
i prvenstveno se radi na
motorici. Organizujemo
i posetu lekara,
stomatologa, psihologa,
kao i logopeda“.
„Ravnopravna si, ima{
posao, tvoj `ivot, budu}
nost, dobro ti je - @
ENA si!“, jo{ jedan je
od slogana NVO Santa
Marija iz Zve~ana,
organizacije koja svojim
aktivnostima poma`e u
ekonomskom osna`ivanju
@ene. Pove}avaju}i nivo
znanja i ve{tina mo`e se
doprineti osna`ivanju i
nezaposlenih `ena za
pokretanje sopstvenog
Ne zaboravite da
“iza svakog uspe{nog
mu{karca stoji uspe{na
`ena“. A gospo|a Blagica
Radovanovi} jedan je od
tih primera. „@ene mogu
da doprinesu pomirenju,
ne samo na Kosovu ve}
svuda u svetu. Mogu da se
uhvate u ko{tac sa svim
problemima. Dokazale su
da mogu imati i porodicu i
karijeru. @ene su zmajevi
li supermeni, uspevaju
da rode i odgoje po
nekoliko dece, da budu
dobre majke i supruge,
i profesionalci u poslu“,
rekla je za kraj direktorka
NVO Santa Marija.
“Healthy women –
healthy society” is one of
the mottos of the „Santa
Marija“ NGO from Zvečan/
Zveçan. „We mostly work
on improving the quality
of life for all, because if
you have healthy offspring
and if you have a healthy
woman in front of you then
you will have a healthy
democratic society. First
of all we need to set
standards, then the rest“,
is an explanation given
by Blagica Radovanovic,
the director of the abovementioned organisation.
According to her, the
organisation was set up
in 2000, with the goal of
helping and protecting
women and children who
are victims of domestic
violence and all other
forms of violence. The
organisation also aims at
enhancing human rights,
democracy and civil society
within the community. „Our
vision is for young women
and girls, who are members
of our organisation, to have
a vision of their own and to
strive to fulfil it. Our vision
is to have a society where
each and every woman
and child has the right to
survival, development and
education, without any form
of discrimination“.
The association has
implemented over 30
projects aimed at achieving
their goals. Some of them
are: the promotion and
protection of the rights of
women and children, a
campaign against violence
over women and children,
conflict management,
public representation,
consultations for women,
etc. During their various
activities, the noun woman
is written with a capital
letter, in order for the public
to realise that women
should be empowered.
Another of the most
important projects of this
organisation, which has
been running for over
three years, is counselling
for women with breast
cancer. „Through this
project we managed to
equip the Student Policlinic
in Mitrovica North with a
modern ultrasound, which
helps in the early detection
of breast cancer. Within the
framework of this project,
we organised stands,
health and psychological
workshops, as well as free
4D ultrasound check-ups“,
Mrs. Radovanovic stressed.
However, the “Santa
Maria” NGO also targets
the youth. In that regard,
they supported pupil
parliaments, which exist
in schools and which
are mandated by law.
„We worked on capacity
building so that pupils
would be able to lobby for
their goals, that they can
be active and recognised.
We want to support them
in a manner which would
allow the pupil parliaments
function in reality and not
only on paper“.
Mrs. Radovanovic
mentioned another project,
which she is very proud
of, which is the Support
to Children’s Early
Development Centres,
which exist in four villages
in northern Kosovo. These
centres cater to 120
children, aged between
three and six, who cannot
attend crèches and
preschool institutions, since
they do not exist in rural
areas. These children are
taught by female educators
for four hours per day.
The educators have
completed the “Step by
Step” course and teach the
children according to the
programme outlined in this
course. Creative workshops
are organised, according
to the interest shown by
the children. „The parents
are very pleased and we
have been conducting
project activities for three
years now. The children
are being socialised and
are being prepared for the
preschool programme. We
focus on motor abilities. We
also organise visits to the
doctor, dentist, psychologist
and speech therapist“.
“You are equal, you
have a job, you have your
life, you have a future,
you feel good – you are a
WOMAN” is another slogan
of the “Santa Maria” NGO
from Zvečan/Zveçan, an
organisation which helps
to economically empower
women. By broadening
their knowledge and by
enhancing their skills,
unemployed women can
be empowered to open up
their own businesses.
Do not forget that
„behind every successful
man there is a successful
woman“. Mrs. Blagica
Radovanovic is an
example of this. „Women
can contribute to
reconciliation, not only in
Kosovo but throughout the
World. They can tackle
any problem. They have
proven that they can have
both a family and a career.
Women are dragons,
women are supermen,
they manage to give birth
and to bring up a number
of children, they manage
to be good mothers and
wives at home whilst being
good professionals at
work“, the “Santa Maria”
NGO Director concluded.
for you 25
godini se
pre svega,
i novog
znanja. Jedva ~ekam da upoznam i nove nastavnike. Ono {to
me ove godine ~ini tu`nom je {to
zavr{avam osmogodi{nju {kolu, i
to zna~i da vi{e ne}u biti sa istim
dru{tvom. Jedno znam, a to je da
}e mi mnogo nedostajati.
Kao i
i ja se
Zbog dru`enja sa prijateljima,
ponovnom okupljanju... Ova
godina nije kao i svaka do sada,
jer sada upisujem srednju {kolu,
gde }u upoznati nove prijatelje
i profesore. Naravno ste}i }u i
novo znanje.
Ono {to
me posebno ~ini
je to {to
znam da
}u svakoga dana
vi|ati moje prijatelje u {koli. [kola
je ne{to {to se pamti zauvek. Sva
prijateljstva i znanje koja sti~emo
u osnovnoj {koli su ne{to {to ostane “urezano“ u na{oj glavi. Zbog
svega toga uvek se radujem novoj
{kolskoj godini.
Biljana Cvejic (14)
I am looking forward to the new
school year mainly because of
friends and new knowledge. I
can’t wait to meet the new teachers. What makes me sad this
year is that I am finishing primary
school, which means that I will
no longer be with the same guys.
One thing is for sure, I’ll miss
them a lot.
Andjela Dekic (14)
Like every child, I am also looking forward to the beginning of
the new school year, because
of socializing with friends, the
reunion... This year is not like any
other year so far, because I will
now enroll in high school where I
will meet new friends and teachers. Of course I will acquire new
knowledge as well.
Tamara Tomic (15)
What makes me particularly
happy is to know that I will get to
see my friends at school every
day. School is something we
remember forever. All the friends
and knowledge acquired in primary school are something that
remains “etched” in our minds.
Because of all that I always look
forward to the new school year.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
Ovog septembra
kre}em u
{kolu, i
se radujem tom
danu. Nova okolina, novo dru{tvo,
novi profesori, novo znanje... sve
}e biti novo, i nadam se da }u se
dobro adaptirati na sve te novine.
Osnovna {kola }e mi ostati u
dobrom se}anju, me|utim, sada
idemo korak dalje.
~injenicom da
u srednju {kolu,
to zna~i da za mene jednostavno
po~inje novo razdoblje u `ivotu.
Jedva ~ekam da po~ne nova {kolska
godina, jer ove godine to zna~i da }
u pro{iriti krug prijatelja, upozna}u
mnogo novih. Susre}em se sa novim
izazovima i sti~em ve}e znanje.
Teodora Vucic (15)
This September I will start attending high school, and I am especially looking forward to this day.
New environment, new friends,
new teachers, new knowledge ...
everything will be new, and I hope
I will adjust well to all the novelties. I will keep Primary School in
good memory, but now the time
has come to move on.
Katarina Mitic (14)
The very fact that I will start attending high school this year
for me simply means that a new
chapter in my life is about to begin. I can’t wait for the new school
year to start, because this year
it means I’ll expand the circle of
friends and I will get to meet many
new ones. I will face new challenges and gain greater knowledge.
se radujemo ovoj
jer }emo
nove drugove i drugarice.
Me|utim, pomalo smo i tu`ni jer
se rastajemo sa starim drugovima
i drugaricama. Svakako, svima
`elimo sve najbolje, kako prijateljima tako i profesorima. I,
puno uspeha u novoj {kolskoj
Milan Sekulic (14)
I am especially looking forward
to the beginning of this school
year, as we will get to meet new
friends. However, we are also a
bit sad because we are parting
with old friends. Of course, I wish
all the best to everyone, friends
and teachers, and a lot of success in the new school year!
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
Neverovatne cinjenice o drvecu
Drve}e je u stanju da vam pru`i mnogo više od hladovine. Ono mo`e da vam pomogne da uštedite
novac ali i spre~ava kriminal.
Usamljenici na
kraju duge
Kada ste poslednji
put zastali i razmislili
o svim blagodetima
drve}a? Svi mi naravno maštamo o tome
da napravimo kolibu
na drvetu kakvu smo
oduvek `eleli. I da,
drve}e vrši ~itav taj
proces fotosinteze,
što je zaista ‘cool’,
a uz to i spre~ava
eroziju tla, povoljno
uti~e na uslove `ivota
u ekosistemu, i pru`a
nam materijal za
energiju i smeštaj.
Me|utim, kao što se
da videti iz slede}ih
pet ~injenica, postoji
još mnogo toga u vezi sa tim ne`nim šumskim d`inovima što
nismo znali a što zaslu`uje našu pa`nju i poštovanje
They ‘Talk’ to Each Other
Did you know that certain types of trees warn each other
when they’re under siege by insects? Since the late 1970s,
researchers have studied this phenomenon in willows and
poplars. Collectively, they’ve found that trees infested with
insects will produce an excess of chemicals in their leaves.
These chemicals not only reduce the nutritional value of the
leaves for the insects, but also warn neighboring trees. Following the warning, nearby trees will begin to produce the
same chemicals, defending themselves from a similar attack.
Lonely At The End of the Rainbow
When was the last time you thought about how awesome
trees are? Sure, we all dream about constructing the ultimate
treehouse. And, yes, trees do that whole photosynthesis thing,
which is eight kinds of cool, as is preventing erosion, moderating ecosystems, and providing materials for energy and
shelter. But, as these five facts will show you, there’s so much
more to appreciate and learn about the gentle giants of our
They’re Cheap and Natural Recyclers
Trees are all-mighty recyclers. They regulate our air quality
through photosynthesis, absorbing nearly a ton of CO2 in a
lifetime and produce about 260 pounds of oxygen a year. Now
they are being used to recycle waste. Willow trees are used
in Enkoping, Sweden, to clean sewage sludge, reuse wastewater, and recycle liquid from landfills. The town spreads
its waste around the trees, which, in turn, decompose and
recycle it. Enkoping capitalizes on the faster-growing trees by
harvesting them for “biomass [electricity] production.”
Da li ste znali da
kod odre|enih
vrsta drve}a
stabla su u stanju
da upozoravaju
jedna druge na
navalu insekata? Nau~nici
prou~avaju ovaj
fenomen kod
vrba i topola
još od kasnih
sedamdesetih. Oni su došli do zajedni~kog zaklju~ka da drve}
e zara`eno insektima proizvedi višak odre|enih hemikalija na
liš}u. Ove hemikalije ne samo da smanjuju hranljivu vrednost
liš}a za insekte, ve} i upozoravaju susedna stabla. Nakon
upozorenja, okolna stabla drve}a po~inju da lu~e istu tu hemikaliju brane}i se od sli~nog napada.
28 for you
Drve}e predstavlja jeftine i prirodne reciklere
Stabla su svemo}ni recikleri. Drve}e kroz proces fotosinteze
reguliše kvalitet vazduha koji udišemo tako što tokom `ivotnog veka ve`e skoro tonu ugljen-dioksoda a proizvede oko
118 kilograma kiseonika. Drve}e se danas koristi za recikla`u
otpada. U gradu Enkopingu u Švedskoj vrba se koristi u svrhu
pre~iš}avanja kanalizacijskog mulja, ponovnog koriš}enja otpadnih voda, i recikliranja te~nost iz deponija. Gradske slu`be
odla`u otpad oko stabala vrbe koja taj otpad zatim razla`u i
recikliraju. Grad Enkoping zatim koristi ~injenicu što drve}e
br`e raste, jer se pose~ena stabla potom koriste za proizvodnju biomase struje.
Drve}e vam poma`e da uštedite novac
Zrela stabla drve}a koja su “propisno postavljena oko zgrada”
štite doma}instva od sunca i vetra. Prema podacima Agencije za šume SAD, ovakve površine pod drve}em mogu da
smanje koriš}enje klima ure|aja i do 30% a grejnih ure|aja
od 20% do 30 %. Ali to nije sve! Agencija tako|e navodi da
Unbelievable facts about trees
From saving you money to preventing crime, trees do so much more than provide shade.
“zdrava, zrela stabla drve}a u proseku pove}avaju vrednost
imovine za 10 odsto, ~ime su svi na dobitku!
They Save You Money
Mature trees that are “properly placed around buildings” can
protect a household from excessive exposure to the sun or
wind. According to the U.S. Forest Service, such tree cover
can conserve air conditioning use by 30 percent and heating
use by 20 to 30 percent. But wait, there’s more! The Service
also states that “healthy, mature trees add an average of 10
percent to a property’s value.” Sounds like a win-win.
mo`e da proizvede ogroman stres za drve}e. U urbanim
sredinama loš kvalitet zemljišta, prenatrpane `ardinjere za stabla, i borba za vodu izme|u više biljaka su
naj~eš}i izaziva~i stresa za drve}e. Ako se ne le~i, takav
stres mo`e da inhibira rast drveta ili ciklus fotosinteze.
Stoga slede}i put kada vidite drvo koje je pod stresom
pomozite mu! Odr`avajte zemljište tako da bude bogato
hranljivim materijama i dajte svojim stablima dovoljno
prostora da dišu.
Drve}e spre~ava kriminal
Na osnovu mnogobrojnih istra`ivanja sprovedenih na ovu
temu došlo se do zaklju~ka da je u naseljima sa višim
stablima drve}a stopa kriminala ni`a nego u podru~jima
sa manjim stablima. Studija je zaklju~ila da drve}e predstavlja simboli~nu sigurnosnu mre`u. ^ini se da su naselja
i ku}e sa višim stablima bolje ~uvana i zašti}ena od onih
bez drve}a. Osim toga, pretpostavlja se da manje drve}
e pru`a bolju zaštitu za kriminalce koji nameravaju da se
ušunjaju u ku}u ili zgradu.
Trees Prevent Crime
From a lot of reasearching done in this topic, it is found that
areas with larger trees experience less crime than those
with smaller ones. The study concluded that trees serve as
a symbolic safety net. Neighborhoods and houses with large
trees are assumed to be better kept and protected than those
without them. Furthermore, they speculated that smaller trees
provide better cover for criminals seeking to sneak up on a
I drve}e do`ivljava stres isto kao i mi
Drve}e je veoma osetljivo kada je njihova `ivotna sredina u pitanju. Bilo kakvo narušavanje ravnote`e u ekosistemu, bilo da je izazvano od strane ~oveka ili prirode,
They’re Just As Stressed As We Are
Trees are very sensitive to their environments. The disruption of an ecosystem, whether caused by man or nature, can
greatly stress a tree. In urban environments, poor soil quality,
overcrowded tree planters, and competition for water between
different plants are the most common stressors to trees. If not
treated, such stress can inhibit a tree’s growth or photosynthesis cycle. So, the next time you see a stressed tree, help it
out! Keep your soil nutrient-rich and give your trees plenty of
space to breath.
for you 29
30 for you
Pisma citalaca
Ja bih hteo da postanem
fudbaler, da igram za neki
tim, ali po{to moji roditelji
nemaju uslova da ispune
moju `elju, onda igram
fudbal sa svojim drugarima u
{kolskom dvori{tu. Fudbal mi
je, podrazumeva se, omiljeni
sport. Darko Lazi} mi je
omiljeni peva~, a od filmova mi
se najvi{e dopada „Rambo 4“.
Milutin Manojlovi}
O[ „Janko Jovi}evi}“
Dunja Ili} mi je najomiljenija
peva~ica. Volela bih da
objavite poster Vampirski
dnevnici. Slobodno vreme
uglavnom provodim gledaju}
i TV. Omiljeni sport mi je
odbojka. Posebno bih
naglasila da mnogo volim
`ivotinje, a posebno ma~ke.
Veliki sam ljubitelj `ivotinja.
Milana Pejanovi}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
Severna Mitrovica
Najdra`i peva~i su mi Ceca
i Aca Lukas. Od filmova
posebno odvajam „Vrisak“,
„Sam u ku}i“ i „Krug“. Zamolio
bih Vas da objavite poster
jednog od najboljih ko{arka{a
NBA LeBron-a James-a.
Mnogo volim sport: fudbal,
ko{arku i tenis, posebno. Tako
da u slobodno vreme igram
Filip Tomi}
O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“
Severna Mitrovica
Ceca mi je jedna od
najdra`ih peva~ica na na{oj
estradi. Jednostavno, ona
je neprevazi|ena. Dopadaju
mu se sve njene pesme.
Od stranih peva~ica, po{to
volim da slu{am i stranu
muziku, svi|aju mi se
Rihanna i Beyonce. Volela
bih da objavite njihove
postere. A od filmova posebno
izdvajam „Sam u ku}i“.
Tijana Maksimovi}
O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“
Severna Mitrovica
Volela bih da dobijem
poster Selene Gomez, kao
i da u narednom izdanju
saznam sve o njenom
`ivotu. Zato, molim Vas,
pi{ite ne{to i o njoj. Tako|e,
dopada mi se i grupa One
direction, i uvek ih rado
slu{am. U slobodno vreme
najvi{e volim da vozim
rolere. Kada je sport u
pitanju, posebno mi se
dopadaju odbojka i skijanje.
Tamara Tomi}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
Severna Mitrovica
po~etku bih istakao da mnogo
volim da se bavim sportom, i
da mi je fudbal omiljeni sport.
Stoga, zamolio bih Vas da
u nekom izdanju objavite i
poster Crvene zvezde. Kada
je muzika u pitanju, volim da
slu{am razne `anrove, a od
doma}ih peva~ica posebno
bih izdvojio Cecu.
Filip Tomi}
O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“
Severna Mitrovica
for you 31
Readers’ letters
I would like to become a football
player, to play for a team, but
since my parents are not in the
position to fulfill my wish, then
I play soccer with my friends in
the school playground. Football
is obviously my favorite sport.
Darko Lazic is my favorite
singer, and the film I like best is
“Rambo 4.”
Milutin Manojlovic
Elementary School “Janko
Dunja Ilic is my favorite singer.
I’d like you to publish a poster
of Vampire Diaries. I usually
spend my free time watching
TV. My favorite sport is
volleyball. I would particularly
point out that I love animals,
especially cats. I’m a huge
animal lover.
Milana Pejanovic
Elementary School “Sveti
North Mitrovica
My favorite singers are Ceca
and Aca Lukas. As for movies,
I would like to single out
“Scream,” “Home Alone” and
“Circle.” I would like you to
publish a poster one of the best
NBA basketball players LeBron
James. I like sports very much:
football, basketball and tennis in
particular. Thus, in my free time
I play soccer.
Filip Tomic
Elementary School “Branko
North Mitrovica
Dear all,
Ceca is one of my favorite
singers in our show business.
She is simply unparalleled. I like
all of her songs. As for foreign
singers, since I like listening
to foreign music as
well, I like Rihanna and
Beyonce. I’d like you to
publish their posters. I would
single out “Home Alone” as a
movie I like.
Tijana Maksimovic
Elementary School “Branko
North Mitrovica
I would love to receive a poster
of Selena Gomez and to find
out everything about her life
in your next issue. So please,
write something about her as
well. Also, I like One Direction
band, I always gladly listen to
their music. In my spare time
I like to ride skates. When it
comes to sports, I like volleyball
and skiing in particular.
Tamara Tomic
Elementary School “Sveti
North Mitrovica
Firstly, I would like to
emphasize that I like to play
sports very much, and football
is my favorite sport. Therefore,
I would like to ask you to
publish a Red Star poster
in one of your next issues.
When it comes to music, I like
to listen to various genres,
while of local singers I want to
particularly mention Ceca.
Filip Tomic
Elementary School
“Branko Radicevic”
North Mitrovica