Financial report 2003
Financial report 2003
CGEA Connex 36-38 avenue Kléber - 75799 Paris cedex 16 - France Tel.: (33) 1 71 75 00 00 - Fax : (33) 7 71 75 10 00 Head office: Parc des Fontaines 163-169, avenue Georges Clemenceau - 92735 Nanterre - France RCS: B 383 607 090 Capital: 195 936 240 EUR Bords de Loir - Photos : C.Majani d’Inguimbert Financial report 2003 Contents I Consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2003 2 II Consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2003 4 III Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended December 31, 2003 5 IV Summary of significant accounting policies 6 V Consolidation methods 8 VI Significant events of the period 9 VII Changes in scope of consolidation 10 VIII Additional notes to the balance sheet and income statement 16 IX Statutory auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements 28 C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 1 I Consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2003 (€ thousands) December 31, 2002 December 31, 2003 Net ASSETS Amount Gross Dep./Amort. Net Amount Provisions Amount Réf. Note Fixed assets 211 192 Intangible assets 244 533 (38 259) 206 274 VIII - (8) 264 326 Goodwill 356 837 (99 007) 257 830 VIII - (9) 1 443 919 Property, plant & equipment 2 911 028 (1 281 404) 1 629 624 VIII - (10) 1 919 437 Total intangible and tangible assets 3 512 398 (1 418 670) 2 093 728 11 954 (2 319) 9 635 VIII - (11) VIII - (12) Financial assets 13 939 Non-consolidated investments 3 410 Investments accounted for by the equity method 1 814 0 1 814 3 951 Other financial assets 5 083 (2 041) 3 042 76 915 Long-term loans 72 779 (5) 72 774 98 215 Total financial assets 91 630 (4 365) 87 265 3 604 028 (1 423 035) 2 180 993 42 480 (554) 41 926 2 017 652 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS (I) VIII - (17) Current assets 43 390 637 692 Trade receivables and other accounts receivable 651 686 (24 692) 626 994 VIII - (19) 215 126 Financial receivables 183 612 (1 711) 181 901 VIII - (17) 153 447 Cash and marketable securities 103 929 (1 010) 102 919 VIII - (17) 1 049 655 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS (II) 981 707 (27 967) 953 740 21 978 3 089 285 2 Inventories PREPAID EXPENSES AND DEFERRED CHARGES (III) TOTAL (I+II+III) Co n s o l i d a t e d 24 027 4 609 762 f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s, ye a r 24 027 (1 451 002) e n d e d VIII - (13) 3 158 760 D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 3 (€ thousands) December 31, 2002 December 31, 2003 Réf. LIABILITIES Notes Shareholders’ equity 195 935 Capital stock (12 246 015 shares) 195 935 183 694 Additional paid-in capital 183 694 55 260 8 665 Group reserves 52 065 Net group income (78 169) 443 554 Group share of net shareholders’ equity 353 525 VIII - (14) 226 047 Investment subsidies 375 137 VIII - (15) 669 601 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (I) 728 662 Minority interest 36 866 1 813 38 679 In shareholders’ equity 33 874 In net income 11 475 TOTAL MINORITY INTEREST (II) 45 349 VIII - (14) Other shareholders’ equity 100 000 Subordinated loan 100 000 100 000 OTHER SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (III) 100 000 VIII - (17) 110 555 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES (IV) 169 776 VIII - (16) Liabilities 628 370 Shareholder’s loan (of which €605,558 long-term) 683 107 VIII - (17) 553 210 Debt (of which €378,882 long-term) 511 050 VIII - (17) 923 025 Trade payables and other short term debt 906 210 VIII - (19) 2 104 605 2 100 367 TOTAL LIABILITIES (V) 65 845 DEFERRED INCOME (VI) 14 606 3 089 285 TOTAL (I+II+III+IV+V+VI) 3 158 760 C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l VIII - (20) R e p o r t 3 II Consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2003 (€ thousands) 2002 2003 % Change Notes 03 / 02 3 426 644 (3 186 518) NET SALES 3 678 380 Cost of sales 7.3% (3 473 729) 9.0% (3 212) R & D costs (2 771) - 13.7% (15 155) Selling costs (13 817) - 8.8% (113 574) - 4.7% (119 175) 1 765 General and Administrative costs Share in net income of SNC and SCI partnerships VIII - (1) 747 Other operating revenue/(expense) 17 365 55.0% VIII - (2) 115 556 E.B.I.T. (*) 92 601 - 19.9% VIII - (3) (11 545) Net restructuring costs (31 500) N/A VIII - (4) (18 991) Amortization of goodwill (30 891) 62.7% VIII - (9) 30 210 - 64.5% (39 161) - 23.2% (7 569) 165.0% NET FINANCIAL EXPENSE (46 730) - 13.2% PRE-TAX INCOME ON CONTINUING OPERATIONS (16 520) Other income and expense (27 440) PRE-TAX INCOME (43 960) Income taxes and deferred taxes (16 973) 12 646 NET INCOME FROM CONSOLIDATED COMPANIES (60 933) (2 046) Group share in net income of companies accounted for at equity (4 236) Amortization of goodwill on companies accounted for at equity (1 525) 11 207 85 020 (50 996) (2 856) (53 852) 31 168 6 542 37 710 (25 064) (122) NET OPERATING INCOME Net interest expense Other financial income/(expense) 10 478 NET INCOME (66 694) (1 813) Minority interest (11 475) NET INCOME, GROUP SHARE (78 169) EBITDA (**) 283 320 8 665 290 523 VIII - (5) VIII - (6) VIII - (7) VIII - (12) 107.1% VIII - (9) VIII - (14) - 2.5% (€) 0.71 Earnings per share (6.38) 0.71 Diluted earnings per share (6.38) (*) Earnings before interest, tax, goodwill, amortization and restructuring costs (**) Earnings before financial expense, tax, goodwill amortization, amortization and depreciation of long term assets and restructuring costs 4 Co n s o l i d a t e d f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s, ye a r e n d e d D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 3 III Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended December 31, 2003 (€ thousands) 2002 2003 192 435 Cash flow 190 878 (58 210) Change in working capital (88 340) 134 225 I. Cash provided by operating activities 102 538 (98 470) Capital expenditure (net of disposals) (80 852) (111 952) Acquisitions of financial assets (37 478) 4 625 Divestments of financial assets 3 787 (31 587) Change in long-term financial receivables 3 876 (8 765) Change in short-term financial receivables 29 952 (3 561) Marketable securities 12 909 11 136 Impact of changes in scope of consolidation (238 574) 9 695 II. Cash used in investing activities (58 111) 214 644 Change in long-term debt 23 307 (348 418) Change in short-term debt (80 424) 33 738 Change in other long-term liabilities (2 975) 250 342 Increase in capital stock (12 168) Cash dividends paid 138 139 III. Cash provided by financing activities (65 578) (21 690) IV. Foreign currency effect and other (18 227) 82 482 Opening cash 12 101 Change in cash (I+II+III+IV) 94 583 Closing cash 384 (5 870) 94 583 (39 378) 55 205 C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 5 IV Summary of significant accounting policies The CGEA Transport Group was formed on January 1, 1997 when the CGEA Group transferred its passenger transport activities to a separate subsidiary at net book value. In 2000, CGEA Transport changed its name to Connex and in 2001, the parent company, CGEA Connex, became a direct subsidiary of Veolia Environnement. The consolidated financial statements of the Connex Group have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles: n n n French generally accepted accounting principles; The provisions of the law of January 3, 1985 and its enforcement decree of February 17, 1986; The new consolidated accounting treatment recommended by the Comité de la Réglementation Comptable (in Regulation 99-02 of April 29, 1999). The accounting methods applied are consistent with those used by the Veolia Environnement Group which owns the entire capital of CGEA Connex. Veolia Environnement includes the Connex Group in its consolidated financial statements. 1 Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are stated at cost. Market share gained through new international subsidiaries or subsidiaries operating in specific markets is recorded as an intangible asset. Purchased goodwill with a unit value of less than 6 €150,000 recorded in the balance sheets of fullyconsolidated companies is amortized in full in the year of acquisition in the consolidated financial statements; in the case of companies consolidated for the first time, the difference between accumulated goodwill amortization calculated in accordance with Group policy has been charged to their reserves as of the date of acquisition. Deferred charges, which are recorded under « Intangible assets », include project start-up costs. A provision is booked for start-up costs on projects still in development. Since 1998, passenger transport vehicles (buses and coaches) have been depreciated over a period of 8 to 14 years throughout the entire Group, in order to harmonize the depreciation policies used by the various Group companies and for consistency with those used by the major foreign operators. In the case of subsidized assets, subsidies are either deferred and recognized as revenue over the depreciation applicable to the asset concerned or over the period during which the subsidy is definitively acquired by the company, with the exception of the Rouen metro-tramway concession (see Note 15). Recurring capital gains on disposal of passenger transport vehicles are treated as operating items. Assets acquired under finance leases are capitalized. They are stated at cost and depreciated using the methods described below. The corresponding liability is recorded as debt. Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 Depreciation and amortization are calculated by the straight-line or reducing balance method to reflect as closely as possible the actual decline in value of the assets concerned, as follows: Asset Depreciation period Method 1 year Straight-line Purchased goodwill, less than € 150,000 Purchased goodwill, more than € 150,000 Other intangible assets 20 years Straight-line 1 to 10 years Straight-line or reducing balance Buildings 20 years Straight-line 10 to 15 years Straight-line Plant and equipment 5 to 10 years Straight-line Passenger transport vehicles 8 to 14 years Straight-line 10 to 30 years Straight-line 4 years Straight-line Fixtures, installations and improvements Rolling stock Service vehicles Fixtures and fittings 10 years Straight-line 5 years Reducing balance 5 to 7 years Straight-line 8 to 10 years Straight-line Computer equipment Office equipment Office furniture 2 Financial assets Investments in non-consolidated companies are stated at the lower of cost and fair value. Fair value is determined based on market values or probable realizable value, taking into account the company’s earnings outlook. 3 Inventories Raw materials inventories include vehicle fuel and replacement parts. They are stated at cost. Due to the nature and fast turnover of inventories, cost is based on the last purchase price. 4 Receivables and payables Receivables and payables are stated at nominal value. Provisions are booked to cover any risk of non-recovery of receivables. 5 Translation differences Depending upon the underlying asset or liability, translation differences are written directly either to the income statement or to shareholders’ equity. Translation differences arising on loans in foreign currencies contracted to finance foreign subsidiaries are written to shareholders’ equity. 6 Corporate income tax Since January 1, 2001, CGEA Connex and most of its French subsidiaries have been integrated in the Veolia Environnement tax group. C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 7 V Consolidation methods Group companies are consolidated by one of three methods, as follows: n n n direct and indirect subsidiaries that are exclusively controlled by the Group are fully consolidated; closely-held companies that are controlled jointly by the Group and one or several partners are proportionaly consolidated; companies that are between 20% and 50%-owned and are not controlled by the Group are accounted for by the equity method. Companies that are not material in relation to the Group as a whole and companies acquired at the year-end are excluded from the consolidation scope. 1 Year-end The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the basis of individual financial statements or interim financial statements at December 31. 2 Intercompany transactions Intercompany transactions between fully-consolidated companies are eliminated in full. Transactions with proportionately-consolidated companies are eliminated based on the Group’s percentage interest. Other intercompany transactions (dividends, changes in provisions for impairment in value of investments in consolidated companies and gains and losses on intercompany sales of tangible fixed assets or financial assets) are also eliminated in full. 3 Foreign currency translation The balance sheets of foreign subsidiaries based outside the euro-zone are translated into euros at the year-end exchange rate, and their income 8 statements and statements of sources and uses of funds at the average rate for the year. Any resulting translation differences are recorded as a separate component of consolidated shareholders’ equity under “Cumulative translation adjustment”. In 2003, the translation adjustment debited to shareholders’ equity amounted to €6.6 million. 4 Goodwill Goodwill represents the difference between the cost of shares in consolidated companies and the Group’s equity in the fair value of the underlying net assets at the date of acquisition. Fair value adjustments concern both property, plant and equipment, principally passenger transport vehicles, and intangible assets such as market shares, which are not amortized. The value attributed to these intangible assets is determined using valuation methods based on objective, quantifiable indicators. The value is reviewed regularly, using the same method. Any remaining balance, which cannot be allocated to the above-mentioned assets, represents goodwill. Goodwill is amortized over twenty years. As an exception to this principle, goodwill arising on acquisition of certain companies engaged in the execution of specific transport contracts may, in certain cases, be amortized over a period that takes account of the residual life of the contracts. Goodwill representing less than €150 thousand is amortized in full in the year of acquisition. 5 Pension commitments The Group’s liability for pension commitments and lump sum payments on retirement is calculated by the projected unit credit method on an actuarial basis, taking into account the probability of employees remaining with the Group until Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 retirement age, projected future salary levels and the appropriate discount rates, determined separately for each individual country. In France, the rate used is 4.75%. Outside France, the rates range from 5.0% to 12.0%. The liability of substantially all French companies in the Connex Group for lump sum payments on retirement is funded under an insured plan. At December 31, 2003, commitments totaling €11.9 million were funded under insured plans and commitments of €47.2 million were covered by provisions recorded in the balance sheet. In 2000, an in-depth review of certain supplementary retirement plans in place in several of the Group’s subsidiaries revealed the existence of an actuarial liability similar in substance to the Group’s pension commitments. This liability has therefore been accounted for in the same way as existing pension commitments. The total liability outstanding as of December 31, 2003 was covered by provisions amounting to €3.1 million. 6 Deferred taxes Deferred taxes are recorded by the liability method at local tax rates for all temporary differences between restated book income and taxable income. Deferred tax assets (including on tax loss carryforwards) are recognised only when it is probable that the related tax benefit will be realized. VI Significant events of the period The Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) in the United Kingdom decided to terminate the rail franchise operated by Connex South Eastern. The contract expired on November 9, 2003. Connex then sold off all the assets related to this business and transferred its personnel to the new franchisee. Revenue from this contract amounted to €611 million for the full year in 2002 and €527 million for the period up to the termination of operations in 2003. The decision was also taken to sell off the bus lines at the beginning of 2004. In the United States, after a 6-month transitional period, Connex and its partners in MBCR subsidiary took over management of the Boston suburburban railway on July 1, 2003. Revenue ($200 million over a full year) amounted to €94 million in 2003. The contract is for a five-year period. In Australia, the Melbourne contract negotiations in 2003 were successful. The new contract was signed at the beginning of 2004, for a five year period, with annual revenue of €300 million (€111 million in 2003). In Norway, Connex won during the first quarter 2003 the bid related to the privatisation of FFR (Finnmark Fylkesrederi og Ruteslskap AS) which operates regional bus and ferry passenger services in the Finnmark region. Estimated annual revenue is €42 million. In France, on August 1, 2003 Connex took over the management of regular school bus lines from the former operator STAHV (Vosges). Annual revenue from these activities amounts to €10.5 million. C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 9 VII Changes in scope of consolidation As of December 31, 2003, the consolidation scope of the Connex Group included 407 companies compared with 395 one year earlier. The 2003 figure includes: n 371 fully consolidated companies, n 28 proportionately consolidated companies, n n n n 8 companies or groups of companies accounted for at equity. The principal changes in the scope of consolidation or percentage holdings were: n n n n 10 Full consolidation of MBCRC, the Boston contract operator (operations start on July 1), Acquisition as of April 1, 2003 of FFR in Norway (bus and ferry), Purchase of Sometrar’s minority interests, which was therefore fully consolidated in 2003 (56% proportionate consolidation in 2002), First-time consolidation of the investment in Israel, n n n Full consolidation of the Bavarian subsidiary, BOB, as of December 31, 2003 (previously equity method), after Deutsche Bahn exercised its put, Equity method consolidation of Necoss in Germany as of July 1, 2003 (previously proportionately consolidated), Some first-time consolidations in France (Prévost, Autocars Broch, Les Rubans Bleus, Aria, SNN, PPS, Echos Piste, Trac Piste), in Germany (Van Gerven, BGB – subsidiary of IGB…) and in North and Eastern Europe (Connex Praha, Connex Hongrie, CTD Leasing 2003, Connex Tog and Connex Kedzierzyn Kozle), Disposal of companies: in France (Océtour, Bus Air), in Spain (Edetania), and in Australia (Victorian Railway Company Pty), Purchase of minority interests in the Polish subsidiaries (Connex Lancut, Connex Sanok and Connex Tczew), Connex South Eastern terminated operations on November 8, 2003, after receiving notice from the SRA on June 26, 2003. Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 France ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l d m et ho n ny at io m Co nn pa lid Co so Co n ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l Co nn m Co Co n so pa lid ny at io n m et ho d Companies consolidated in 2003 FC CITRAM POITOU CHARENTES 99.52 100.00 99.51 100.00 First-time FC CITRAM PYRENEES 99.52 100.00 FC AERO PISTE 59.77 FC CLOS PIERVIL FC AIX ARBOIS AEROPORT 99.95 100.00 First-time FC CMTS FC ARY 99.51 100.00 PC COMOX FC ATCRB 99.52 100.00 FC COMPAGNIE SAINT QUENTINOISE FC A.RIA 99.00 98.80 99.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 59.99 DE TRANSPORTS 59.99 First-time 99.51 100.00 FC AUTO NICE TRANSPORTS 98.32 FC AUTOBUS AIXOIS 99.80 100.00 FC CONNEX AUVERGNE 99.52 100.00 FC AUTOBUS ARTESIENS 84.65 FC CONNEX BORDEAUX 99.99 FC AUTOBUS AUBAGNAIS 99.96 100.00 FC CONNEX LCB 100.00 100.00 FC AUTOBUS AURELIENS 69.64 FC CONNEX NANCY 100.00 100.00 FC AUTOBUS DU FORT 99.96 100.00 FC COTRAP 89.23 FC AUTOCARS BROCH 99.52 100.00 First-time FC COURRIERS AUTOMOBILES PICARDS 87.05 97.53 FC AUTOCARS DU CALVADOS 99.52 100.00 FC COURRIERS BEAUCERONS 99.47 99.95 FC AUTOCARS SABARDU 99.82 99.86 FC COURRIERS DE LA GARONNE 99.51 99.99 FC AUTOCARS TOURNEUX 99.98 99.98 FC COURRIERS DE SEINE-ET-OISE 99.98 99.98 FC BUS DE L'ETANG DE BERRE 99.61 99.96 FC CPL 99.95 100.00 FC BUS MANOSQUE VAL DURANCE 51.98 52.00 PC CTCOP 49.96 49.96 FC CABARO 99.51 99.99 FC CTPO 99.98 99.98 FC CARBU WASH 59.77 99.00 FC ECHOS-PISTES 59.77 99.00 First-time FC CARS CHARVIS 99.52 100.00 FC E-MOVE 99.99 100.00 FC CARS DU PAYS D'AIX 99.96 100.00 FC ENERGIE BUS 97.52 97.58 FC CARS ET BUS MAINTENANCE 99.60 100.00 FC ESTEREL CARS 99.99 99.99 FC CARS EXPRESS 86.97 PC EUROLINES SA 49.74 49.98 FC CARS ROQUES 99.52 100.00 FC EUROLUM 100.00 100.00 FC CAT 99.06 FC FASSETTA 99.52 100.00 97.24 70.00 99.88 99.38 99.99 89.52 FC CFTA 100.00 100.00 PC GECIR 45.00 FC CFTA Cargo 100.00 100.00 First-time FC GENERALE DE LOCATION 99.95 100.00 FC CFTA CENTRE OUEST 99.52 100.00 FC CFTI 99.52 99.52 45.00 FC GTV VERNEY 99.60 100.00 FC GUERIF - MARGOGNE 99.60 100.00 FC CGEA Connex (Société-mère) 100.00 100.00 FC ILE-DE-FRANCE TOURISME FC CGFTE 100.00 100.00 PC INTERCARS 50.00 50.00 First-time FC INTERPISTE 59.77 99.00 99.52 100.00 99.00 100.00 100.00 FC CHARLIPISTE 59.77 FC CIE ARMORICAINE DE TRANSPORTS 99.60 100.00 FC JEANNEROT FRANCHE-COMTE FC CIE DE TRANSPORTS DE SAUMUR 99.39 FC KUNEGEL 99.51 99.99 FC CIE DES AUTOCARS DE L'ANJOU 99.60 100.00 FC LA MARE AU MOULIN SCI 99.94 99.99 FC CIE DES AUTOCARS DE TOURAINE 99.52 100.00 FC LES AUTOCARS BLANC 99.91 99.95 FC CIE DES TRANSPORTS DE L'ATLANTIQUE 99.60 100.00 FC LES AUTOCARS MENARDI 99.96 100.00 FC CIE DES TRANSPORTS DE L'EST 99.60 100.00 FC LES CARS FAVIER 99.53 100.00 FC CIE DES TRANSPORTS D'ILE-ET-VILAINE 99.17 99.56 FC LES CARS ROSE 100.00 100.00 99.79 FC CIE DES TRANSPORTS DU MORBIHAN 99.60 99.99 FC LES MELEZES SCI 99.76 100.00 FC CIE DES TRANSPORTS DU PAYS DE VANNES 99.57 99.97 FC LES RAPIDES VAROIS 99.52 100.00 FC CIE NORMANDE D'AUTOBUS 99.52 100.00 PC LES RUBANS BLEUS 49.98 50.00 First-time FC CIOTABUS 97.96 98.00 FC LITTORAL CARS 95.63 96.10 FC CIRCUL AIR 59.77 99.00 FC MAINE AUTOCARS 99.52 100.00 FC CITRAM AQUITAINE 99.51 100.00 FC MANU-PISTE 59.77 99.00 FC: Full Consolidation, PC: Proportionate Consolidation, EM: Equity Method C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 11 ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l pa m Co Co nn d m et ho n ny at io lid so Co nn m Co n ny pa ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l d m et ho n at io lid Co so Co n FC MECA PISTE 59.77 99.00 FC TDI 99.52 100.00 FC MEDIACITE 99.63 100.00 FC TEL 99.52 100.00 FC METRO TRAFFIC CONTROL 99.87 99.87 EM TOURISME VERNEY 99.60 100.00 FC MIDI PISTE 59.77 99.00 FC TOURISME VERNEY - MATERIEL ET SERVICES 99.60 100.00 FC MONTLUÇON CARS 99.52 100.00 FC TRA 99.95 99.99 FC NORD INVESTISSEMENT 99.92 FC TRAC-PISTE 59.77 99.00 First-time FC OCECARS 99.52 100.00 FC TRANS PROVENCE 99.48 99.52 FC PASSAGERS POLE SERVICES 59.77 99.00 First-time FC TRANS VAL D'OISE 99.96 100.00 FC POISSON 99.80 99.80 FC TRANS VAL DE France 99.96 100.00 FC PREVOST 99.52 100.00 First-time EM TRANSEVRY 31.08 31.08 FC RAPIDES DE COTE D'AZUR 99.52 100.00 EM TRANSPORT AUTO BRUNIER 39.82 39.82 FC RAPIDES DE LA MEUSE 99.06 99.54 FC TRANSPORT ET TOURISME DU TERRITOIRE 99.60 100.00 FC RAPIDES DU LITTORAL 99.23 99.71 FC TRANSPORT PUBLIC DU VAL DU GIER PC RHONE NORD AUTOCARS 50.00 50.00 FC TRANSPORT SERVICES ET GESTION 99.96 100.00 FC RMTT 59.97 59.97 FC TRANSPORTS BORDEUX 84.61 FC VE AIRPORT 59.97 60.00 FC TRANSPORTS DU VAL DE SEINE 99.59 99.99 FC SCI DE LA LAVANDE 99.96 100.00 FC TRANSPORTS DU VAL D'OISE 65.00 65.00 FC SCI ROSTAND 99.99 100.00 FC TRANSPORTS GAGNARD 99.52 100.00 FC SDCPT FOS 99.51 100.00 FC TRANSPORTS JOFFET 99.52 100.00 FC SEAFEP 99.52 100.00 FC TRANSPORTS VERNEY RHONE-ALPES 99.60 100.00 PC SEM AAAS 49.75 FC TRANS-SERVICES 99.82 100.00 FC SERVEAU 99.52 100.00 FC TRANSVAR 99.52 100.00 FC SETRA 99.95 100.00 FC VAROISE DE TRANSPORTS 99.96 100.00 FC SMEA 99.82 99.97 FC VATASUR 96.32 100.00 99.60 99.60 FC SNCP 99.97 49.99 FC SNEG 100.00 100.00 FC SNN 100.00 100.00 First-time FC SOCORAIL 100.00 100.00 FC SOMETRAR 98.78 98.78 FC ST2N 95.03 95.03 FC STCE 99.87 99.87 FC STDE 99.97 99.97 FC STDG 99.51 100.00 FC STDLC 99.52 100.00 FC STDM 99.50 99.98 FC STE DES TRANSPORTS AUTO. DE L'OUEST 99.53 99.92 FC STE DES TRANSPORTS D'ANNONAY DAVEZIEUX 99.60 100.00 FC STE DES TRANSPORTS DE NORMANDIE 99.60 100.00 EM STE FOURAS AIX 49.76 50.00 FC STPAS 99.92 99.92 FC STRAV 99.82 99.99 FC STUD 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 97.04 Austria FC CONNEX VERKHER OSTERREICH GMBH 100.00 100.00 Switzerland FC CONNEX VERKHER SCHWEIZ AG 100.00 100.00 Jersey FC CONNEX JERSEY TRANSPORT 100.00 100.00 Asia pacific FC CARSUD 50.99 50.99 FC CONNEX GROUP AUSTRALIA 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA PTY 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX NOUVELLE CALÉDONIE 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX NSW PTY 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX SYDNEY PTY 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TRAINS MELBOURNE PTY 100.00 100.00 FC CROSSLEY 100.00 100.00 FC MELBOURNE TRANSPORT ENTR. 100.00 100.00 Colombia FC SUD CARS 99.96 99.98 FC T3M 83.33 83.33 PC CONEXION MOVIL FC TCAR 99.88 99.88 PC STE INTERNATIONALE DE TRANSPORT MASSIVO 38.50 31.07 38.50 First-time 38.50 FC: Full Consolidation, PC: Proportionate Consolidation, EM: Equity Method 12 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l d m et ho n ny at io Co m Co nn pa lid so Co n ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l ny pa m Co Co nn d m et ho n at io lid so Co n Germany FC EISENBAHNWERKSTATT FC CONNEX VERKEHR GmbH 100.00 100.00 PC HABUS GmbH FC CONNEX NAHEVERKEHR 100.00 100.00 FC LAUSITZBAHN Gmbh FC ALPINA BAD HOMBURG GmbH 51.00 FC NOB 100.00 100.00 First-time 51.00 100.00 100.00 PC NBRB TEILE UND LOGISTIK Gmbh B U S : C O N N E X S TA D T V E R K E H R 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 FC NWB 64.00 64.00 FC ALPINA BIBERACH VERWALTUNGS GmbH 100.00 100.00 FC OME 100.00 100.00 FC ALPINA IMMOBILIEN GmbH 100.00 100.00 FC RBE 100.00 100.00 FC ALPINA MÜNCHEN GmbH & CO KG 100.00 100.00 FC WEG 100.00 100.00 FC ALPINA RHEIN-MAIN GmbH & CO KG 100.00 100.00 FC ALPINA VERWALTUNGS GmbH 100.00 100.00 FC AUTO BUS SERVICE GmbH 100.00 100.00 FC AUTO-LEGNER GmbH & CO KG 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX STADTVERKEHR 100.00 100.00 FC DURENTRANS FC GRIENSTEIDL OMNIBUS UND REISEBURO FC HVG 51.00 F R E I G H T: C O N N E X C A R G O L O G I S T I C S FC BAHNBETRIEBS-GESELLSCHAFT 51.00 100.00 100.00 50.21 First-time 80.00 100.00 FC CONNEX CARGO LOGISTICS GmbH 80.00 80.00 FC FVE 78.40 98.00 74.83 FC HTB 80.00 100.00 FC JENSEN VERWALTUNGS GmbH 100.00 100.00 FC IGB 40.17 50.21 FC JENSEN & DAMM GmbH & CO KG 100.00 100.00 FC NEB 26.88 66.92 FC K TANK GmbH 100.00 100.00 EM NEUTRAL CONTAINER SHUTTLE SYSTEM 31.20 39.00 FC K TANK REISEN GmbH & CO KG 100.00 100.00 FC NWC 40.80 51.00 FC KALENBERG GmbH & CO KG 100.00 100.00 FC RBB 80.00 100.00 60.08 100.00 FC NVG 74.83 36.80 BORSIGWALDE FC BCB 74.86 FC RCB FC OVR 100.00 100.00 74.86 FC SRS 18.82 70.00 FC PALATINABUS 100.00 100.00 FC TWE AG 43.10 53.88 FC TWE BAHNBETRIEBS GmbH 43.10 100.00 First-time FC REGIOBUS GUTERSLOH 43.10 100.00 PC RHEIN-BUS 51.00 51.00 FC SAX-BUS EILENBURGER 56.00 56.00 FC SHA FC SVG United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 51.02 51.02 FC TAETER VERWALTUNGS GmbH 100.00 100.00 FC TAETER-AACHEN 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX BUS 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX LEASING 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX SOUTH EASTERN 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TRANSPORT UK Ltd 100.00 100.00 FC TAETER-TOURS 51.00 51.00 Spain FC TWE BUSVERKEHRS GmbH 43.10 53.88 PC ALMERAYA 25.00 25.00 EM BUS TURISTICO DE MALAGA SA 20.00 20.00 50.00 50.00 FC VAN GERVEN OMNIBUS 100.00 100.00 FC VERKEHRSUNTERNEHMEN K TANK GmbH & CO KG FC VGG FC WEG-KV PC WEST-BUS Entrante PC CORPORACION ESPANOLA 100.00 100.00 50.53 50.53 100.00 100.00 49.00 49.00 REGIONAL RAIL: CONNEX REGIOBAHN TRANSPORTES SA PC CORPORACION JEREZANA 50.00 50.00 PC DETREN 50.00 50.00 PC FCC CONNEX CORPORACION SA 50.00 50.00 PC TRANSPORTES MUNUCIPALES DE EGARA SA 40.00 50.00 29.84 50.00 TRANSPORTES URBANO SA FC BIGS 100.00 100.00 FC BOB 100.00 100.00 PC TRANSPORTES URBANOS FC CONNEX REGIOBAHN GmbH 100.00 100.00 PC UTE TREMBAIX 33.00 33.00 First-time FC DEG 100.00 100.00 PC UTE TREMBESOS 33.00 33.00 First-time DE SANLUCAR SA FC: Full Consolidation, PC: Proportionate Consolidation, EM: Equity Method C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 13 ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l Co nn d m et ho n pa ny at io m lid Co so Co nn Co n ny pa ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l d m et ho n at io m lid Co so Co n United States Israel FC BELLE ISLE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX ISRAEL 100.00 100.00 First-time FC CENTRAL CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TRANSPORTATION ISRAEL 100.00 100.00 First-time FC CENTURY CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CHAMPION CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CHECKER CAB ASSOCIATION 100.00 100.00 FC CHOICE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CIRCLE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CLASSIC CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC AB GESTOR 100.00 100.00 FC COAST CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC ALUMINIUMBUSS I PITEÅ AB 100.00 100.00 FC COLONIAL CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CGEA TRANSPORT AB 100.00 100.00 FC COMPUTER CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX SVERIGE AB 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX NORTH 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TÅG AB 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX NORTH AMERICA 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TRANSPORT AB 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX RAILROAD LLC 100.00 100.00 First-time FC CONNEX TUNNELBANAN AB 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX SOUTH 100.00 100.00 FC E-CONNEX AB 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX WEST LLC 100.00 100.00 First-time FC KALMAR BUSS EK. FÖR. 100.00 100.00 FC CORDIAL CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC KB BUSSNINGEN Hungary FC CONNEX HUNGARY K.F.T 100.00 100.00 First-time Sweden 83.30 83.30 EM JIMMY'S CAB 50.00 50.00 FC LINJEBUSS MASKIN OCH TEKNIK AB 100.00 100.00 FC MBCRC 60.00 60.00 First-time FC NORDPASSAGEN AB 100.00 100.00 FC NATIONAL LIMOUSINE 100.00 100.00 FC NORRBOTTENS TRAFIK AB 100.00 100.00 FC OAK STREET SALES 100.00 100.00 FC SKÅNSKA TRAFIK AB 100.00 100.00 FC SAFETY CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 EM TAGIA AB FC SCOUT CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC TIMRÅBUSSARNA AB 100.00 100.00 FC SECURE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC TOPPBUSS AB 100.00 100.00 FC SELECT CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC TULEVÄGENS EGENDOMS AB 100.00 100.00 FC SENTINEL CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC VERGENTA FINANS AB 100.00 100.00 FC SERENE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 33.00 33.00 Denmark FC SERVICE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC SKYLINE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX DANMARK A/S FC SUN TAXI CAB ASSOCIATION 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TRANSPORT TOG A/S 100.00 100.00 FC SUNRISE CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CTD LEASING 1999 A/S 100.00 100.00 FC SUPERIOR CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CTD LEASING 2000 A/S 100.00 100.00 FC SUPREME CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC CTD LEASING 2001 A/S 100.00 100.00 FC TAXI DISPATCH 100.00 100.00 FC CTD LEASING 2002 A/S 100.00 100.00 FC YELLOW BUS SERVICE 100.00 100.00 FC CTD LEASING 2003 A/S 100.00 100.00 First-time FC YELLOW CAB ASSOCIATION 100.00 100.00 FC LINJEBUS LEASING AF 1998 A/S 100.00 100.00 FC YELLOW CAB COMPANY 100.00 100.00 FC LINJEBUS LEASING AF 1999 A/S 100.00 100.00 FC YELLOW MANAGEMENT 100.00 100.00 FC YELLOW TAXI ASSOCIATION 100.00 100.00 FC YELLOW VAN SERVICE 100.00 100.00 Lebanon 100.00 100.00 Norway FC CONNEX BUSS AS 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX NORGE AS 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TOG A/S 100.00 100.00 First-time FC CGEA MEDITERRANEAN MIDDLE EAST SAL 99.99 99.99 FC CONNEX VEST AS 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX LIBAN 99.67 99.67 FC FFR A/S 100.00 100.00 First-time FC GOLCONDE SAL 60.91 61.11 FC ÖSTERHUS BUSS AS 100.00 100.00 FC: Full Consolidation, PC: Proportionate Consolidation, EM: Equity Method 14 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l d m et ho n ny at io m Co nn pa lid Co so Co n ex pe rce nt Pe ag rce ei nt nt ag er es ec t on tro l ny pa m Co Co nn d m et ho n at io lid so Co n Finland FC PZN 100.00 100.00 FC ALHONEN & LASTUNEN OY 100.00 100.00 FC ROLGOED 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX ESPOO OY 100.00 100.00 FC SAMENWERKENDE MAASTRICHTSE FC CONNEX FINLAND OY 100.00 100.00 PERSONENVERVOERDERS FC CONNEX HELSINKI OY 100.00 100.00 FC SBM BESLOTEN VERVOER 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX VANTAA OY 100.00 100.00 FC SIESWERDA TAXI'S 100.00 100.00 FC HAKUNILAN LIIKENNE OY 100.00 100.00 FC STADSBUS GROEP MAASTRICHT 100.00 100.00 FC LINJALIIKE A & J HAUTAMAKI OY 100.00 100.00 FC STADSBUS MAASTRICHT 100.00 100.00 FC RIBEATA OY 100.00 100.00 FC STADSBUS MAASTRICHT PARTICIPATIES 100.00 100.00 FC TCMB 100.00 100.00 FC TTC 100.00 100.00 Poland FC CONNEX KEDZIERZYN KOZLE SP .ZO.O 100.00 100.00 First-time FC CONNEX POLSKA SP.ZO.O 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX WARSZAWA SP.ZO.O 100.00 100.00 FC PKS CONNEX LANCUT SP.ZO.O 92.58 92.58 FC PKS CONNEX SANOK SP.ZO.O 92.56 92.56 FC ZKM CONNEX TCZEW SP.ZO.O 66.71 66.71 Czech Republic FC CONNEX CR 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX MORAVA A.S. 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX PRAHA s r o 100.00 100.00 First-time FC CONNEX VYCHODNI CECHY A.S. 100.00 100.00 FC SAD TRINEC / BUS SLEZSKO 100.00 100.00 FC AS CONNEX TARTU 100.00 100.00 FC AUTAVERHUUR GUUS BAGGGEN GELEEN 100.00 100.00 FC BBA 100.00 100.00 FC BBA BEDRIJF RANDSTAD 100.00 100.00 FC BBA FAST FERRIES 100.00 100.00 FC BBA TOURS 100.00 100.00 66.66 66.66 FC CGEA TRANSPORT NEDERLAND 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX TRANSPORT NEDERLAND 100.00 100.00 FC CONTINENTAL BREDA 100.00 100.00 FC CRALS PERSONENVERVOER MAASTRICHT 100.00 100.00 PC EUROLINES BV NETHERLANDS BAGGGEN LIMBURG 100.00 100.00 FC WALSMITS 100.00 100.00 Belgium FC A. DE VOEGHT & CO BVBA PC AMT 50.00 50.00 FC EUROTAX 100.00 100.00 FC LIMEX 100.00 100.00 FC NBA 100.00 100.00 FC OMNITAX 100.00 100.00 FC PBB 100.00 100.00 FC PWN 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 First-time FC AUTOBUS & AUTOCARS GEORGES SPRL 100.00 100.00 FC AUTOBUS VERLEYEN N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC AUTOBUSBEDRIJF G. MEBIS & CO. N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC AUTOBUSSEN EN AUTOCARS ACHIEL WEYN EN ZONEN N.V. FC AUTOCARS DE POLDER N.V. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 PC B&C 50.00 First-time 100.00 100.00 FC CONNEX BELGIUM N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC DE DUINEN N.V. 100.00 100.00 PC EUROLINES BELGIUM Netherlands FC BSM VOERTUIGSERVICE FC VERVOERONDERNEMING GUUS FC BUS DE POLDER N.V. Estonia 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 First-time FC GEENENS BUS & CAR N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC GEENENS N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC GRUSON AUTOBUS N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC HADEP N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC HEIDEBLOEM N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC HERMES N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC KATRIVA N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC LEFEVER N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC R. MELOTTE & CO. N.V. 100.00 100.00 PC S.O.D.E.L.I. S.A. 50.00 50.00 FC V.B.M.N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC VAN COILLIE N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC VAN PEE INVEST N.V. 100.00 100.00 FC VERVOERBEDRIJF GEBROEDERS DE VOS BVBA 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 FC YPRABUS S.A. Slovenia IG CERTUS, DD 61.00 61.00 FC: Full Consolidation, PC: Proportionate Consolidation, EM: Equity Method C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 15 VIII Additional notes to the balance sheet and income statement 1 Net sales (€ thousands) ANALYSIS OF NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 2001 % Total 2002 % Total 2003 % Total FRANCE 1 008 315 32.5% 1 290 167 37.7% 1 374 100 37.4% INTERNATIONAL 2 094 686 67.5% 2 136 477 62.3% 2 304 280 62.6% TOTAL 3 103 001 100.0% 3 426 644 100.0% 3 678 380 100.0% Connex Group net sales amounted to €3,678.4m, a rise of 7.3% compared with 2002. Organic growth accounted for 6.3% of the increase and new acquisitions for the remainder. The main growth drivers were the acquisition of the Verney Group in France, developments in Northern Europe with the FFR contract in Norway, business expansion in the United States due the Boston contract, and activities in Spain and Germany. This was offset to some extent by the two month impact of the loss of the South Eastern contract in the United Kingdom. 2 Other operating revenue and expense This item totaled €17.4m, principally comprising €13.3m from the transfer of debt to the local authorities following the renegotiation of the Melbourne contract. In 2002, this item principally included €6m in compensation from an equipment manufacturer and proceeds of various asset disposals in Germany and the United States. 3 EBIT EBIT amounted to €92.6m, 19.9% down on 2002. In France, EBIT increased particularly in urban transport business. Outside France, it was satisfactory in Belgium, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic, and was boosted by the Boston railway contract in the United States. It was offset to some extent however by the difficult situation in the United Kingdom and also to a lesser degree by the situation in Israel and Lebanon. 4 Restructuring This item includes the cost incurred by the early termination of the South Eastern contract in the United Kingdom (€20.9m), and the cost of restructuring in Germany (€3.6m) and Sweden (€1.6m). 5 Net financial expense Net financial expense totaled €46.7m, including: n n 6 interest expense of €39m, other financial expense, principally comprising amortization of interest expense capitalized during the start-up period of the Rouen metro concession (Sometrar). Other income and expense This item amounted to a net expense of €27.4m, including a €25.2m provision for the disposal of the bus business in the United Kingdom and various capital gains and losses on the disposal of shares in France, Spain and Australia. In 2002, this item amounted to a net gain of €6.8m, principally due to the €7.5m dilution gains on the Connex Cargo / IGB share exchange, offset by various losses on the disposal of shares in France and Australia. 16 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 7 Income taxes and deferred taxes a) Income taxes (€ thousands) 2002 2003 Current taxes 20 142 21 166 Deferred taxes 4 922 (4 193) 25 064 16 973 TOTAL The deferred tax expense recorded in 2003 mainly includes: n n n deferred tax liabilities arising from the harmonization of depreciation periods for passenger transport vehicles, deferred tax assets corresponding to tax losses, principally outside France, deferred tax assets arising from the reduction of tax rates in Poland and the Czech Republic. b) Deferred taxes The impact of deferred taxes was as follows: (€ thousands) Balance Impact of changes Change during Balance End 2002 in scope and other the period End 2003 77 482 5 577 (737) 82 323 128 884 4 118 (4 930) 128 072 Impact on the consolidated balance sheet Deferred tax assets Provision for deferred tax liabilities Impact on the consolidated statement of income Deferred taxes (4 922) 4 193 c) Tax reconciliation The group’s theoretical tax for 2003, calculated at the standard French rate of 34.33% is a profit of €15.1m. The difference with the actual tax charge of €17m leads to a difference of €32.1m, which breaks down as follows: n n n n n difference between French tax rate and local tax rates in countries outside France: €(4.5)m, unused tax loss carryforwards in companies where their recovery is deemed too long-term or uncertain, for instance, in Germany: €(14.1)m, permanent differences for goodwill amortization: €(6.4)m, prior year adjustments and other permanent differences (no tax on the provision for disposal of the bus business in the United Kingdom): €(8.2)m, a reduction in the tax rates in Poland and the Czech Republic: €1.1m. C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 17 8 Intangible assets (€ thousands) Opening Impact of Acquisitions Disposals Closing balance changes in scope 2003 2003 balance 2002 and other 2003 Intangible assets at cost 242 461 7 207 4 383 (9 518) 244 533 Accumulated amortization and provisions (31 269) (3 962) (8 488) 5 461 (38 259) Intangible assets - Net 211 192 3 245 (4 105) (4 057) 206 274 Intangible assets comprise: n n n market shares worth €151.9m in 2003, compared with €155.7m in 2002, due to currency fluctuations, purchased goodwill: €19.2m, project development, engineering and start-up costs: €16.2m (including €5.1m in the Asia Pacific region and €6.5m due to losses incurred in the initial years of Sometrar concession, which are being deducted from the initial profits generated by the contract). In the statement of changes in financial position, intangible asset investments amounted to €10 million after deduction of deferred charges and disposals. 9 Goodwill (€ thousands) Change during the year Goodwill at January 1, 2003 Changes in scope and other, less impact of final fair value adjustments Gross amount Amort. and Provisions Net amount 351 170 (86 844) 264 326 5 667 Amortization for the year Goodwill at December 31, 2003 356 837 20 253 25 920 (32 416) (32 416) (99 007) 257 830 The transactions that generated goodwill are as follows: n n n n Acquisition of Sometrar minority interests Acquisition of companies in France Acquisition of companies in Norway, Poland and Belgium Review of the opening balance sheet of Certus € 5.7 m € 4.3 m € 15.0 m € 1.6 m Due to the loss of the South Eastern contract, the remaining goodwill was amortized in full in 2003 (€9.7 million goodwill amortization compared with €1.2 million in 2002), and the gross value and accumulated amortization totaling €19.5m were written off. 18 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 10 Property, plant and equipment (€ thousand) Balance Impact of Acquisitions Disposals Balance End 2002 changes in scope 2003 2003 End 2003 and other Property, plant & equipment at cost Accumulated depreciation and provisions Property, plant & equipment, net 2 611 207 367 927 182 450 (250 556) 2 911 028 (1 167 288) (79 206) (184 867) 149 957 (1 281 404) 1 443 919 288 721 (2 417) (100 599) 1 629 624 Capital expenditure net of disposals and investment subsidies worth €10.9m amounted to €70.8 million. The disposals included €55 million relating to the Connex South Eastern franchise in the United Kingdom, and the sale of passenger transport vehicules, for fleet management purposes. 11 Principal investments in unconsolidated companies (€ thousand) % Shareholders’ Net income interest equity of previous Cost Depreciation Net period C.T.V.M.I. 29.78% 6 722 (389) 2 058 873 873 1 040 1 040 Tramvia Metropolita del Besos, S.A. 2.91% 30 000 Tramvia Metropolita, S.A. 3.41% 30 852 352 2 058 Express Ferries 13.50% 6 054 856 882 PKS Connex Sedziszow Malopolski 50.82% 1 297 44 659 PKS Connex Brzozow 50.85% 1 255 (13) 642 Cityway 89.00% (36) (24) 195 (195) 0 5 605 (1 242) 4 363 11 954 (2 319) 9 635 Other investments (gross value per company < €0.5m) Total at December 31, 2003 C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l (882) 0 659 642 R e p o r t 19 12 Investments accounted for by the equity method (€ thousands) Company % interest TAGIA AB TAB Group share Group share of net assets of net income 33.00 % 220 (1 094) 39.82 % 744 100.00 % 674 STE FOURAS AIX 50.00 % 85 NECOSS (1) 39.00 % BOB (2) 50.00 % TOURISME VERNEY Various (immaterial individual items) TOTAL 107 (457) (2 808) 91 16 1 814 (4 236) (1) The NECOSS investment is stated at zero in assets following the writedown of €0.5 million as a provision for liabilities. (2) Full consolidation of the Bavarian subsidiary, BOB, as of December 31, 2003 (previously equity method), after Deutsche Bahn exercised its put. Change in group share of net assets (€ thousands) At January 1, 2003 3 410 Acquisitions and other (1) 2 232 Net income of companies accounted for by the equity method (4 236) Accumulated translation adjustment (49) Writedown of Necoss shares to a provision for liabilities 457 At December 31, 2003 1 814 (1) Mainly corresponds to the change in consolidation method for BOB (Equity method in 2002, full consolidation as of December 31, 2003) and the disposal of the «Victorian Railway Company ». 13 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges (€ thousands) Prepaid expenses Foreign currency translation gains (losses) Total 2002 2003 Change 03/02 21 978 24 027 2 049 0 0 0 21 978 24 027 2 049 In 2003, prepaid expenses included €3.1 million in maintenance costs for the Melbourne contract. In 2002, this item included €6.3 million in lease payments for rolling stock and railway equipment related to the South Eastern contract in the United Kingdom. 20 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 14 Changes in shareholders’ equity Group share At January 1, 2003 (€ thousands) Capital Additional stock paid-in capital 195 935 183 694 Net income for the year Reserves Total 63 925 443 554 (78 169) (78 169) Foreign currency translation adjustments (1) (6 065) (6 065) Dividend payment (3 060) (3 060) Other changes (2) (2 735) (2 735) (26 104) 353 525 At December 31, 2003 195 935 183 694 (1) Principally due to the US dollar €(5.0)m, pound sterling €(2.1)m, Swedish krona €(1.6)m, Czech koruna €(1.3)m and the Israeli shekel €(0.9)m, offset in part by the €6.2m rise in the Australian dollar. (2) Principally due to the fair value adjustments made to the Group’s share of net assets after the Bavarian subsidiary, BOB, previously accounted for by the equity method, which was charged directly to Group consolidated reserves on the date of acquisition of control, in accordance with regulation 99-02 (§ 221). Minority interests (€ thousands) At January 1, 2003 38 679 Dividends paid to minority shareholders of subsidiaries (2 852) Effect of changes in scope and other (1 485) Minority interest in net income for the year 11 475 Foreign currency translation adjustments (468) 45 349 At December 31, 2003 This increase corresponds principally to the entry of minority shareholders in the Boston contract and a reclassification of German freight business. 15 Subsidies (€ thousands) Subsidy for the Rouen metro/tramway concession Other investment subsidies TOTAL Increases Writebacks Balance Balance Change in scope, End 2002 method & other End 2003 170 546 134 000 304 546 55 501 12 092 10 892 (7 894) 70 591 226 047 146 092 10 892 (7 894) 375 137 The subsidy granted by the Rouen municipal authorities for the Rouen metro/tramway concession (Sometrar) is intended to finance non-replaceable assets which must be handed back at the end of the concession period for no consideration. Changes during the period were due to the change in consolidation method (proportionate consolidation at 56% as of December 31, 2002; full consolidation as of December 31, 2003). C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 21 16 Long and short-term provisions (€ thousands) Balance Changes in scope End 2002 & other Increases Decreases Balance 8 916 (1 254) 4 520 (2 161) 844 (296) 282 (276) 554 3 951 (500) 1 240 (326) 4 365 13 711 (2 050) 6 042 (2 763) 14 940 End 2003 Provisions for impairment Receivables and marketable securities Inventories Investments & other financial assets SUB-TOTAL (I) 10 021 Provisions for liabilities and charges Provisions for major repairs and renewals 5 775 382 2 525 (1 247) 7 435 Provisions for litigation 7 790 383 4 904 (2 929) 10 148 Provisions for pension commitments 48 253 663 4 753 (3 419) 50 250 Provisions for SOMETRAR assets managed under concession 22 840 17 946 5 535 0 46 321 Other provisions for liabilities & charges (1) 25 897 9 809 37 205 (17 289) 55 622 SUB-TOTAL (II) 110 555 29 183 54 922 (24 884) 169 776 TOTAL (I + II) 124 266 27 133 60 964 (27 647) 184 716 33 317 (1) Including, as of December 31, 2003, a €24.8 million provision for the disposal of the bus business in the United Kingdom, and a €1.3 provision for the disposal of T3M combined transport business. Provisions for litigation essentially relate to social, tax and commercial matters and those settled by an industrial tribunal. For a breakdown of pension commitments see paragraph V.5. Net charges to depreciation, amortization and provisions: (€ thousands) Operating Restructuring expense Provisions for impairment Provisions for liabilities and charges Sub-total short and long-term provisions Exceptional Financial expense expense 2 572 Goodwill 707 122 4 677 25 239 2 694 4 677 25 239 Total 3 279 30 038 707 33 317 Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and 184 241 1 270 3 302 1 816 185 511 investment subsidiaries written back to income Amortization of deferred charges 7 918 Goodwill amortization Total 22 190 237 4 677 28 325 8 625 13 036 32 416 32 416 32 416 264 280 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 17 Net debt (€ thousands) 2002 2003 Subordinated loan 100 000 100 000 0 Shareholder loan 628 370 683 107 54 737 Limited recourse project financing (1) Borrowings Change 02/03 29 956 48 934 18 978 523 254 462 116 (61 138) Cash and marketable securities (153 447) (102 919) 50 528 Financial receivables (2) (215 126) (181 901) 33 225 Long term loans (3) (76 915) (72 774) 4 141 Total 836 092 936 563 100 471 (1) Debt contracted to finance the Rouen metro infrastructure and installations (€30 million in 2002 and €49 million in 2003) is classified as limited recourse in that it is secured only by the project financed. The change in 2003 is due to full consolidation, (it was 56% consolidated in 2002). (2) This item principally comprises prefinancing of trains under construction (Australia, Germany,…). (3) Including €17.7 million as of December 31, 2003, contracted by Connex South Eastern in the United Kingdom (long-term investment made at the start of the franchise contract at an 8% interest rate), compared with €38.4 million as of December 31, 2002, and a €44.9 million financial deposit for trains in Australia. Maturity of debt: (€ thousands) Total debt Subordinated loan Maturity of debt at December 31, 2003 2002 2003 100 000 100 000 < 1 year 1 to 5 years > 5 years 100 000 Shareholder loan 628 370 683 107 77 549 605 558 Other debt 553 210 511 050 132 168 251 432 127 450 1 281 580 1 294 157 209 717 856 990 227 450 TOTAL 1 084 440 Unused credit lines Unused credit lines amounted to €169.4m as of December 31, 2003, including €139.6m in shareholder loan facilities. C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 23 18 Group exposure to interest rate risk (€ thousands) Currency Other long-term debt Euro (€) TOTAL Fixed rate Floating rate 117 287 563 719 681 006 American dollar (US$) 2 540 2 970 5 510 Australian dollar (A$) 46 997 109 945 156 942 Swedish krona (SKr) 1 163 88 220 89 383 Danish krona (DKr) 4 030 73 386 77 416 Norwegian krona (NKr) Other TOTAL 20 248 39 116 59 364 37 14 782 14 819 192 302 892 138 1 084 440 Veolia Environnement plays the role of internal banker, in terms of partly providing various credit facilities and taking responsibility for interest rate risk. As of December 31, 2003, these credit facilities comprised short and long-term loans and a subordinated loan of €100 million, all at floating interest rates. 19 Receivables and payables a) Accounts receivable (€ thousands) 2002 2003 Change 02/03 548 398 545 265 (3 133) Provisions for doubtful accounts (6 736) (7 300) (564) Other non-operating receivables 18 548 6 705 (11 843) Deferred tax assets 83 420 99 716 16 296 Provisions for deferred tax assets (5 938) (17 392) (11 454) 637 692 626 994 (10 698) Trade receivables and other accounts receivable Total accounts receivable At December 31, 2003, receivables sold without recourse under DAILLY Act contracts amounted to €31.9 million compared with €21.3 million as of December 31, 2002. 24 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 b) Accounts payable (€ thousands) Trade payables and other accounts payable Other non-operating liabilities Deferred tax liabilities 2002 2003 Change 02/03 726 313 677 503 (48 810) 18 422 16 387 (2 035) 128 884 128 072 (812) Other long-term liabilities 49 406 84 248 34 842 Total accounts payable 923 025 906 210 (16 815) All trade and other accounts payable are due within one year. 20 Deferred income (€ thousands) Deferred income Foreign currency translation gains Total 2002 2003 Change 02/03 64 361 14 606 (49 755) 1 484 0 (1 484) 65 845 14 606 (51 239) The change compared with 2002 is mainly due to the termination of prepaid subscriptions related to the South Eastern contract in the United Kingdom (€53.9 million as of December 31, 2002). 21 Average number of employees 2002 2003 Change 02/03 2 075 1 964 (111) Other employees 46 314 49 473 3 159 TOTAL 48 389 51 437 3 048 Executives The above figures correspond to the weighted average number of employees, determined based on hours worked and staff utilization rates. The average number of Group employees is determined as follows: n n n All employees of fully-consolidated companies are included, The number of employees of proportionately consolidated companies included is based on the Group’s percentage interest in the company, Employees of companies accounted for by the equity method are not included. The increase in the average number of employees was due to organic growth in Connex Transport AB (1,110 extra employees) and in business in the United States (1,189 extra employees). C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 25 22 Off-balance sheet items For greater clarity, collateral granted (see part 23) and commitments given and received under financing arrangements for the acquisition of certain items of rolling stock in France are identified separately. (€ thousands) 2002 2003 Guarantees 13 708 13 240 Performance bonds 97 809 75 657 7 465 17 980 118 982 106 877 Other commitments received 1 352 7 370 TOTAL 1 352 7 370 Commitments given Other commitments given TOTAL Commitments received Guarantees Performance bond commitments given in 2003 include: n n n €29.7m in counter-guarantees given by CGEA Connex in connection with the Melbourne contract, €15.8m in counter-guarantees given by MBCR in connection with the Boston contract, €10m in counter-guarantees given by CGEA Connex for the Dublin contract. In 2002, they also included €52.3m in counter-guarantees given by CGEA Connex in connection with the UK railway contract. Other commitments given include the commitment to purchase the minority interests in the German freight holding (Connex Cargo). Other commitments not valued: CGEA Connex has guaranteed the Rouen local authorities that it will implement the operating contract for the Zénith in Rouen until February 2006, in the event of the default of the operator or its parent company, Vega (former subsidiary of CGEA Connex). Part of Vega’s shares have been mortgaged to Connex, as consideration for this guarantee. 26 Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 Commitments given and received in connection with financing arrangements for the acquisition of rolling stock (€ thousands) 2002 2003 Commitments given 197 575 297 535 Commitments received 112 591 171 422 Since 2000, the Group has contracted off-balance sheet financing arrangements for the acquisiton of certain items of rolling stock in France. Investments in this respect totaled €57.8m in 2003 and €151.3m on a cumulative basis. Under these arrangements, the financing organization has undertaken to make lease payments to the group totaling €171.4m, under a ten-year head lease, while the Group has undertaken to make rental payments to the financing organization totalling €14.3m in 2000, €17.5m in 2001, €40.7m in 2002 and €53.6 in 2003, under a seven-year sublease. The rolling stock concerned has been mortgaged to the financial organization for the sum of €171.4m. Operating and finance leases Connex leases assets under operating and finance leases. As of December 31, 2003, the minimum future lease payments amounted to: (€ thousands) Operating Finance lease lease 2004 173 378 34 827 2005 169 878 24 320 2006 161 470 18 736 2007 154 522 22 510 2008 148 621 10 173 2009 and subsequent years 219 778 76 308 1 027 647 186 874 TOTAL 23 Collateral granted (€ thousands) Collateral granted 2002 2003 77 899 117 291 This item mainly comprises vehicles pledged as collateral for bank debts. C o n n e x - F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t 27 IX Statutory auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements For the period ended december 31, 2003 TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT ISSUED IN FRENCH In accordance with our appointment by your Shareholders’ General Meetings, we have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of CGEA Connex, for the year ended December 31, 2003. These consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements, based on our audit. 1 Opinion on the consolidated financial statements We conducted our audit in accordance with French generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements, prepared according to French generally accepted accounting principles, give a true and fair view of the financial position and the results of operations of all the entities consolidated. 2 Basis of our assessment In conformity with the provisions of Article L.225-235, paragraph 2, of the Commercial Code, introduced by the French Financial Security Act of August 1, 2003 and applicable for the first time to this accounting period, which require that we substantiate our assessments, we draw your attention to the following: The management of CGEA Connex is required to make estimates and assumptions which affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. In our audit of the consolidated financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2003, we concluded that, of the items subject to material accounting estimates, property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and provisions for contingencies and charges might require substantiation of our assessments, on the following points: n n Concerning the methods used to value the main goodwill items and property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, as described respectively in notes V-4) and IV-1) of the notes to the consolidated financial statements, our work consisted in assessing the amounts, disclosures and assumptions used to estimate these items. Regarding provisions for contingencies and liabilities, we assessed the basis on which these provisions were recorded and reviewed the appropriateness of the information provided in note VIII -16) of the notes to the consolidated financial statements. We also assessed the significant estimates and assumptions made by management to prepare the financial statements, and ensured that they were reasonable. These assessments are an integral part of our audit of the financial statements as a whole. They therefore enabled us to issue the unqualified opinion set out in the first part of this report. 3 Specific verifications We also verified the information provided in the group’s management report. We have no comments to make as to its fair presentation and its conformity with the consolidated financial statements. Courbevoie and Paris, April 26, 2004 The Statutory Auditors BARBIER FRINAULT & CIE - ERNST & YOUNG Jean BOUQUOT 28 RSM SALUSTRO REYDEL Bernard CATTENOZ - Philippe ARNAUD Notes to the consolidated financial statements, year ended December 31, 2003 CGEA Connex 36-38 avenue Kléber - 75799 Paris cedex 16 - France Tel.: (33) 1 71 75 00 00 - Fax : (33) 7 71 75 10 00 Head office: Parc des Fontaines 163-169, avenue Georges Clemenceau - 92735 Nanterre - France RCS: B 383 607 090 Capital: 195 936 240 EUR Bords de Loir - Photos : C.Majani d’Inguimbert Financial report 2003