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We hope you`ve been enjoying this article from Ambidextrous! It is
We hope you've been enjoying this article from Ambidextrous! It is part of our effort to provide a forum for the cross-disciplinary, cross-market community of people with an academic, professional and personal interest in design. Please support the community by becoming a subscriber! Subscribe to Ambidextrous: http://ambidextrousmag.org/subscribe high concept Ups and Downs in Zipper History by Hugh Musick Photo by Scott Blankenship P rior to the 20th century, one needed the manual dexterity of an expert locksmith to unhinge the web of fasteners, hooks, and buttons that held lovers captive in their clothing. Disrobing— that necessary and exquisite prelude to lust fulfilled—became a whole lot easier with the introduction of the zipper. The zipper’s development is a compelling example of the extensive efforts required to transform an idea into reality. An inventor, marketers, investors, engineers, salesmen, and financiers all had a hand in working through the countless details of bringing a feasible product to market. Long before it took the form we know today, the zipper was an idea that excited the imaginations of many. Chicago farm equipment salesman Whitcomb Judson is the father of the zipper’s precursor, the sliding fastener. Conceived in the early 1890s, his device was largely informed by his trade: witnessing how farm equipment was automating many labor-intensive processes, he applied similar principles to simplify the process of hooking shoe clasps. In 1891, he filed a patent for a “Clasp Locker or Unlocker for Shoes.” The two-part device consisted of a fastening guide and a series of clasps referred to as “fastening elements.” The guide served the purpose of drawing together two lines of opposing elements. Like the modern zipper slide, the two lines of elements entered at the top of the roughly triangular guide, met at the point of convergence, and exited the bottom an interlocked line. The guide was without precedent and marked the emergence of a compelling new technology. The same could not be said of the fastening elements. Although the series of clasps could be brought together, without some mechanism to apply downward pressure they could not be held in place. Despite this shortcoming, the device was granted a patent that same year. Judson attempted to address the deficiencies of the fastening elements in a second patent application filed the following year, proposing a series of lightweight hooks linked together into Finally Fall 2008 Ambidextrous 19 be sewn into place. This idea simplified the chains that could be fed through shoelace holes. However, in the application he failed to fastener, its method of production, and its explain how the hooks actually locked together. installation. This latest development inspired Nevertheless, Judson received a second patent one of Earle’s original investors, Colonel Lewis for the idea in 1893. With two patents in hand, Walker, to create a new company to produce it. Judson’s device caught For the next decade, Walkthe attention of friend and er’s firm, Automatic Hook The zipper demonstrates and Eye, and its product fellow farm equipment salesman, Harry Earle. based on Judson’s innovathat a transformational Earle straddled the world tion, the C-Curity Sliding technology is seldom of invention and business Fastener, kept the dream and dedicated himself for of the device alive. born fully formed but a decade to creating a marDetermined to autoevolves by incrementally ket for Judson’s concept. mate the production of refining the original idea. C-Curity, Earle purchased By simply recognizing the specially made equipment potential in Judson’s idea, from a machinery foundry. the unsung and largely invisible Earle can be credited with laying the The machinery required that two foundry mefoundation for all that followed. Assembling a chanics be at Automatic Hook and Eye to overgroup of investors, he founded the Universal see its operation. A young engineer, Gideon Fastener Company in 1894. Sundback, was invited to join the factory. Even though Judson had established the Sundback’s arrival at Automatic Hook and fundamental components of the modern zipEye marked a shift from improvised developper, the Universal Fastener Company struggled ment to a more systematic approach aimed to make it real. The fastening elements deat correcting the device’s shortcomings. He scribed in Judson’s patents simply could framed the problem of the C-Curity as such: not be produced. Thus the “Clasp Locker or “When the fastener was put in the placket of Unlocker for Shoes” was just the beginning a ladies’ [sic] skirt, and the lady bent over, the of a 35-year journey that ended in the zipper. fastener would pop open.” Although such a While it makes a nice story to imagine great design flaw is not without a certain lascivious inventions being based on one man’s stroke of charm, from a commercial standpoint it was genius and then the next day made ubiquitous, unacceptable. Sundback worked on the probthe zipper demonstrates that a transformalem for two years before arriving at a solution. tional technology is seldom born fully formed. In 1907 Sundback filed his first of many Instead, it evolves through a series of incresliding fastener patents. He christened the mental refinements to the original idea. improved fastener the Plako and described the Two years later, in 1896, the company hit main change as follows: “The major problem I tackled...[was]...to make the fastener more upon a new solution: a menacing-looking chain of hook and eyelets curving out to face flexible, and I devised a new eye in the Plako an opposing but identical chain. The two fastener. The solution…was successful to the chains were spaced in such a way that the extent [that] the hook would not snap out of hooks of one chain received the eyelet on the the eye when the fastener was being flexed.” opposing chain. The problem now was that In appearance, the Plako resembled the while the company had a fastener that could C-Curity except that the eyes were larger and be produced, it did not function well. held fast to corresponding hooks. Though it Eight more years passed before Judson hit corrected the problems of its predecessor, the upon a design that could be marketed to the Plako remained tethered to outdated technolpublic. In 1904, he moved away from chain ogy: the hook and eye fastener. Between 1908 links and instead proposed clamping the and 1913, its improved performance helped fastening elements to cloth tape that could bolster investors’ spirits, re-focus marketing 20 Ambidextrous Finally Fall 2008 Photo by Scott Blankenship efforts, and keep the company afloat. It wasn’t on a pair of gloves and was inspired to put until the unexpected death of his wife Elvira in them on his company’s new rubber galoshes. 1911 that a despairing Sundback, yearning for Originally named the Mystik Boot, Goodrich’s distraction, turned his full attention to elimipresident was so charmed by the novel closure nating hooks and fasteners. that he suggested the galoshes be renamed Abandoning all aspects of prior designs the “Zipper” to highlight its unusual point of except for the slider, Sundback arrived at a dedifferentiation. vice that was flexible and did not separate. He The galoshes became an enormous sucexplained, “One side of the fastener has spring cess because of their unique sliding fastenjaw members which clamp around the corded ers. In fact, they were so successful that B.F. edge of the tape on the opposite side. The Goodrich registered “Zipper” as the trademark slider opens up the jaw members and carries named for its boots. 70 percent of all of Hookthe corded edge in under the jaws.” What he less Fastener Company’s production during hit upon was the modern zipper. the mid 1920s went into the making of the gaSundback’s rethinking of the sliding fasloshes. By the time the galoshes sales tapered tener sparked the imagination of Walker, the off at the end of the decade, the term zipper invention’s principal backer. By early 1913 had taken root in the American lexicon. Nevertheless, the zipper was still not widely Walker was developing a sales strategy, soliciting investor interest, and planning a relocation used. It took another 15 years for Walker’s of the factory. So entranced was he with the sons to finally gain the acceptance from the new fastener that he decided to close down garment industry that had eluded them for so Automatic Hook and Eye and replace it with long. Behaviorism, a new school of thought in the new Hookless Fastener Company. Walker early childhood development that promoted sent his adult sons to New independence, endorsed the York City to handle sales to use of zippers in children’s It is easy to make the garment industry. clothing. The success of zipWalker insisted that his pers as an aid for helping a fastener even for sons not just try to sell the dress themselves universal use. Provided children new technology, but propaved the way for adult clothyou don’t have to make ing manufacturers to follow. vide vital feedback on the nature of their sales calls. Demand suddenly exploded it, you can let your “Take time to write me full in 1937 with factories going imagination run riot. details of each case you into 24-hour-a-day producvisit...with...a full account tion, and with it, the zipper of just what you said and what took place. I became a ubiquitous fastener. Reflecting on his breakthrough Sundback want these reports to help me to a full and complete understanding...so I can take a hand wrote, “It is easy to make a fastener even for in this game you are learning and teaching me universal use. Provided you don’t have to at the same time.” make the fastener, you can let your imaginaIn spite of his markedly forward-looking tion run riot. When you design a fastener you approach to sales, selling to clothing manufachave to consider commercial production or turers proved more difficult than he imagined. mechanical means of making a commercial The new technology was more expensive than product.” What appears so obvious in the abbuttons, unfamiliar to users and therefore stract becomes less so once it confronts realnot a compelling offering. Undeterred, Walker ity. It is only through the combined efforts of continued to fund and nurture the idea. It took a number of actors that design ideas become almost another nine years to convince clothing the fixtures surrounding our lives. Keep that manufacturers of the zipper’s worth. The turnin mind the next time passion demands some ing point came in 1922 when an engineer at hasty disrobing. B.F. Goodrich saw the Hookless Fastener used Finally Fall 2008 Ambidextrous 21