Handbook - Lonestar SC


Handbook - Lonestar SC
Thank you and congratulations for volunteering to be the Team Manager of your child’s select soccer
Lonestar SC SA believes that the role of Team Manager is critical to the overall goal of providing a
positive experience for parents, coaches, and above all, the players on the team. At times, this task and
its duties can seem overwhelming, especially if this is your first experience as Team Manager. Once the
protocol is learned, it is easier to understand for the years that follow.
Remember, the Lonestar SA staff is here to assist you in every way possible. It is such a great
experience to help your child’s team, while enjoying the season along the way.
Club Information: Lonestar Soccer Club San Antonio
Lonestar Soccer Club – San Antonio
Starcrest, San Antonio, TX 78247
Office Hours:
Bookkeeping/Registrar - Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Directors - Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00am - 1:00pm
S.T.A.R./ ASP- Please see admin. assistant schedules.
Office: 210-880-5772
Ext 2 Administration ● Monica Rheinberger [email protected]
● Registrar/Event Coordinator - Brittany Borgia: [email protected]
● Admin Intern- Andres Martinez: [email protected]
● Registrar- Jennifer Rios: [email protected]
● Club Assistant at ASP- Amanda Mercado: [email protected]
Ext 3 Bookkeeping –
Director of Finance & Registration - Kathy Stoddard: [email protected]
Ext 4 Director of Coaching – Nick Hallam: [email protected]
Table of Contents
❖ Welcome and Thank you
❖ Lonestar SC SA Board of Directors / Administrative Staff Lonestar SC SA Program Directors
❖ Managers Role
● Team manager expectations Coach vs. Manager Team Book
● Club Communication
● Manager email Flow Chart- Club Calendar
● Lonestar SC SA team webpage
● Uniforms
● Fundraising
● Additional Information
● Naming Convention
● Guest player v. Club/Player Pass, Official roster v. unofficial roster, Play up Rules
● Associations
● North Zone
❖ Gotsoccer Database
● Printing Rosters Game Day Procedures Game Cards
❖ Fall League Season
❖ Spring Cup Season
Tournaments/Trainer Fees
Club/Player Pass/Guest Players
Additional Important Got Soccer Information Background check (Kidsafe)
Player profile - (College) HS+ Billing - general
Family account vs. Player account
Board of Directors (WAIT*)
Vice President:
Vice President:
Bryan Brown
Ann Kuri
Clarence Franke
Danny Trevino
Barry Burns
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Monica Rheinberger: [email protected]
Assistant Registrar & Event Coordinator - Brittany Borgia: [email protected]
Director of Finance & Registration - Kathy Stoddard: [email protected]
Registrar- Jennifer Rios: [email protected]
Admin Intern- Andres Martinez: [email protected]
Club Assistant- Amanda Mercado: [email protected]
Director of Coaching
Director of Coaching- Nick Hallam: [email protected]
Player Development Directors
Senior Boys East
Senior Girls East
All West Programs
Junior West
Junior Boys East
Junior Girls East
Jr. Academy Boys
Jr. Academy Girls
Micro Academy
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
Diana Driggers
Gabriel Serda
Mauricio Ramirez
Dennis Bryan
David Garcia-Hevia
Taylar Sklar
Sergio Gonzalez
General Information:
The team manager’s role is critical to the success of the team. Team managers are NOT assistant
coaches but there to support the trainer. As such, team managers handle administrative issues
related to the team’s operation not the player development aspects of our program. You are not the
coach’s “voice” in anyway. You are there to facilitate and execute all organization of paperwork from
the team end so that your team is in good standing with Lonestar, and all of the organizations/
association affiliated.
Team managers should sit with parents on the parent sidelines and enjoy their child’s soccer
experience along with all the other parents on the team. Unless your trainer has a last minute
emergency of some sort on the way to a game, team managers will not be expected to carry out any
soccer specific duties, including training sessions, warm ups before games, warming up goalies, game
day coaching, cool downs, or any other function that is reserved for members of the Lonestar SC SA
coaching staff.
Some Examples of Parental Issues and Concerns- Whom to refer them to
Team Managers - Game cards, tournament registration, tournament collection, trainer fee,
collection, player cards/medical releases, communications about team information from association or
administration, management of manager email account,web page…to name a few!
Coaches/Directors-Trainer questions and concerns, playing time, training curriculum,
winning and losing, behavioral/ personality issues on team, player field positions on
game day, tournament guest players, practice nights, off season training
Administration- Uniforms, player cards, registration forms, trainer expenses (estimates
and actual), qualification/additional fees, tournament registration verification, communication
throughout the club, volunteer opportunities, fundraising events
● ALL parent issues dealing with soccer should be referred to the team coach
● If the Coach is not able to address an issue parents should contact the appropriate Director.
● If a parent has a question about any concerns, we ask you simply remind them of the “24-hour”
rule to be followed - wait 24 hours to discuss concerns and provide feedback with the coach.
The field is not the place to discuss these issues.
● A manager is not to go to the coaching side of the sideline, unless called over by the coach
Manager Documentation (A team book is recommended so that you can have with at all times,
and it matches your roster if any discrepancies)
Laminated Player’s Cards (put in same order as roster)
EACH player is required to have on file a State Issued Birth Certificate (note: hospital birth certificates
are not acceptable) FILED WITH THE Lonestar SC SA LEAGUE. There is verification on the player card
that the player’s DOB has been locked. These do not need to be carried to weekly games.
Medical Releases (put in same order as roster)
-Every player is REQUIRED to complete a NEW medical release each soccer year. (Not for the USC
Teams, not needed on hand just filed in LSSCSA office)
-Does not need to be notarized for STYSA tournaments.
After picture, cards must be laminated (Kinkos, OfficeMax/Depot).
Place cards on ring, in alphabetical order (matching the roster order), and carry to every game and
Must be presented to Referee at beginning of every game to check players in for the game. MAKE
Player card delivery date:
● WDDOA Rosters/player cards delivery date TBD – (typically Mid August for D1/S2) From Retta
● AAYSA – Registrar – LSSC - Monica Rheinberger/ Brittany Borgia (Mid August)
● USSF DA, NPL, US Club (USC Champions League) and ECNL have a different process for player cards. No
signature is required. Jennifer Rios
Player Cards:
Lonestar SC SA issued player cards are issued for Lonestar SC SA use only. Lonestar SC SA will not
release cards for any non Lonestar scheduled events. Lonestar SC SA CAN NOT print D1/S2 cards. Team
managers are only issued one copy.
Kidsafe Badges for Coaches, Team Managers and DoctorsSafety First- Annually we do a background check for any/ all adults who come into contact with our
players. You will be asked to fill out some information in order to be an “approved” team official as
Team Manager. We will also need a headshot photo for your card. The process takes 1-3 days to
receive approval.
- Copy of Driver's License
- Headshot
Cards are for various events. You will not be allowed to go to other side of field without your kid safe
badge. We will give you a copy of your card to keep in your book as reference. Color of card changes
annually, hot pink for 2016-2017, to make sure they are up to date. Instructions on how to do
background check - check for a separate document in your g-drive
Supplemental Information:
Create a TEAM CONTACT SHEET containing email addresses and phone numbers for all players/parents
on team. Please send this to us and we can make sure all are in group. Please give to team as they will
need communication with each other.
● Team Webpage:
- Separate Manual in Google Drive.
- Used to post information pertinent to the team including practice schedules, tournament schedules
and results
- NO external links to outside team pages allowed (i.e. shutterfly, photobucket, etc.) All Team
Managers need to email [email protected] with their web questions.
-Please feel free to delegate this to another parent but share above information.
● Player Insurance
▪ Through STYSA or US Club Soccer, not Lonestar
▪ Forms on http://www.stxsoccer.org/insurance/
Through US Club Soccer at http://www.usclubsoccer.org/resources/insurance/
Flow Chart
Director of Coaching
Nick Hallam
[email protected]
Player Development Director
Senior Girls
Senior Boys
West Program
Junior Program
Academy Boys
Academy Girls
Micro Academy
Head Coach
Player, Parent
Manager email
We have created an email specific to your team name for the 2016-2017 season. This email will serve
as your team correspondence to make it easier to keep for your records. It will allow us to send you
google documents that may be useful to you throughout the season. (Tournament spreadsheet,
Trainer Fee document, Team Manager Contact list and this handbook)
Admin will only contact you via team manager email-- Important info in your gmail account includes:
Medical Releases, manuals, Trainer Travel Fees, ect.
*****We ask that when you send an email to the entire team, that you make sure to BCC the entire
group of emails. This prevents anyone from accidentally hitting “reply all” and sharing unwanted
questions or information.
manager YR Gender color SA @lonestar-sc-sa.com Ex: [email protected]
Club Wide Communication
● Calendar in the resource tab under the information column
● Rainout: Check Field Status- (1) Facebook (2) Twitter
▪ (3) www.lonestar-sc-sa.com websites color indicator - Will be updated when status changes
● Parent/Player Handbook – online on Lonestar homepage; icon in left column
Uniforms - Summer Order Required
● All players will receive email from soccer.com. Our email gives instruction on what to click and
indicates numbers are assigned, etc.
● Uniform & Practice Wear
● If in the middle of the season, a player needs a replacement piece, email Britt Borgia
[email protected] and they will send the link. Reminder: it takes a day or
two to receive email.
● Uniform Use- Behavior of our teams is taken seriously. Uniforms should not be worn nor card
use outside of a Lonestar planned event. Incorrect representation of Lonestar SC SA staff/ team
conduct which is not being run by our staff is not allowed.
● Used uniforms, if available, can be found at http://lonestar-sc-sa.com/page.php?p=396 . Please
check if number is approved by coach before purchasing to prevent doubling of numbers.
● If a team wishes to do a fundraiser activity that is not listed on the ‘Approved Team Fundraising
Activities List’, the team manager must submit a fundraising request form and Lonestar SC SA
board will review and notify if approved
● Lonestar Logo MUST NOT be used without Lonestar approval
General Terms and Abbreviations:
Naming convention: Here is the breakdown of the basics for the Lonestar SC team naming standards
Format: Lonestars xxy aaaaa bbb ccc ddd
--------------xxy = year/gender = 01G, 99B, etc.
--------------aaaaa = team color or level of play (these ONLY)
Red - Team 1 for a given City/Campus and Year/Gender
Black - Centralized Teams from 2 locations (if no combined team as second team, move to
white as second team)
White - Team 2
Blue - Team 3
Gold - Team 4
Silver - Team 5 (if abbreviated - SLVR)
Bronze - Team 6 (if abbreviated - BRNZ)
Navy - Team 7
--------------bbb = City code
- San Antonio
--------------ccc = Campus code
EAST - East Campus
WEST - West Campus
** Only needed if 2 of the same color on both locations.
--------------ddd = Secondary identifier for small sided teams if required A, B, C, etc.
--------------RULES :
1. Any variation/additions must be approved by Board of Directors for brand acceptance
2. "Lonestars" in a team name is always plural - never use "Lonestar SC" as part of team name
3. Never separate year and gender - always 3 characters
Dual Rostered Players
A player is dual rostered When their name will appear on two rosters in order to be able to play with
those teams. The dual rostering process takes place with administration in correlation with directors
based on the availability of that player and at the discretion of the coach on that weekend for that
player. A player will only be dual rostered if the rules of each association are followed.
Guest Player v. Club/Player Pass
The recent evolution in the rules in South Texas has seen more flexibility being allowed to clubs with
regard to the movement of their players within the program rosters. We at Lonestar SC San Antonio
believe this to be a significant step forward which allows the club and club staff more flexibility in the
opportunities for player development we are now able to provide.
Guest Players:
A 'Guest Player' is considered to be a player from outside of the club. This means, they are either
registered with another soccer organization or are not registered with a soccer organization at all. As a
guest player they can be added to a current team roster to participate with that team in a tournament
event or scrimmage.
There may be a number of reasons for this occurring such as, but not limited to:
● The roster is short for that particular event due to injury or unavailability.
● The guest player is considering joining the club. Coaching staff may use the opportunity to
evaluate the player’s current and potential ability during that event so as place the player in the
correct team upon joining the club.
These players are 'guests' of the club during these events and so need to be treated with respect by all
members of the club, including, current players, families and staff.
Player Pass Players:
The player pass function is now in place (with certain restrictions) to enable us to move currently
registered Lonestar SC San Antonio players among current Lonestar SC San Antonio teams. This is
done (where allowed) to achieve one of the following objectives:
To provide a more challenging environment for that individual player who has been having a great
deal of success on their current team. This may allow the coaching staff to evaluate the 'readiness'
of the player to potentially move up into a more competitive team level.
To assist a depleted roster due to injury or unavailability for that game or weekend where possible
(some restrictions will need to be considered in these instances they may prevent a player pass
player being available on any given date)
To provide the player with additional playing time due to only receiving minimal playing time on
their currently rostered team.
Please recognize all Lonestar SC San Antonio players are part of one club therefore, when a 'Player
Pass' player is involved in your roster they should NOT be considered an outsider. They are part of your
club and are being moved into that roster for a specific reason and so we request that you consider the
player a part of that roster for the game or games they are involved in.
Ultimately, we would like for all Lonestar SC San Antonio players and families who may not have
considered this approach previously, to begin adjusting your perception slightly to a more global age
group pool or club view rather than isolating our view to a single team within our program. We should
all be proud of all facets of our club and celebrate all successes small or large and take pride that we
are all in this together. After all "We Are... Lonestar - San Antonio!!!"
Official roster v Unofficial roster
Official roster needs to have Registrar signature
WDDOA Registrar – (This roster has a picture of Texas in top left hand corner)
Lonestar San Antonio Club Registrar - Jennifer Rios/Britt Borgia
USC- Lonestar Logo and US Club Soccer Logo (Official Roster printed at top)
SCL, PL, D1 and S2 - require WDDOA registrar signature to be official (Retta)
Division II - requires Club Registrar signature to be official
Keep original and make copies to give out at tournaments or for other reasons. Do not distribute
to parents. For use only at Lonestar approved events.
Play Up Rules
WDDOA (PL, SCL, D1, S2): http: www.wddoa.org/
League Prem
State Texas
● US Club
○ USC - United Soccer Clubs Champions League
○ JR. Academy/Micro
● US Youth Soccer - Announces New competitive Structure http://www.usclubsoccer.org
○ US Youth Soccer is the largest member of the United States Soccer Federation, the
governing body for soccer in the United States.
○ US Youth Soccer is nonprofit and educational organization
○ The US Youth Soccer membership is divided into four regions with each director elected
to the board. The regions are East (Region I), Midwest (Region II), South (Region III) and
West (Region IV).
○ Each State has a board of directors, elected by delegates from their member leagues,
clubs or teams.
■ Regional Premier League
■ Premier League
■ State Classic League
■ D1
■ S2
■ S2
■ D2
● Region III: is Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, No.
Carolina, Oklahoma, So. Carolina, Tennessee, No. Texas, and So. Texas
STYSA is the governing body for South Texas Youth Soccer
● They oversee leagues that we play in such as WDDOA, AAYSA, North Zone
● They oversee the regional and state competitions such as Premier League West (PLW), Premier
League (PL), Regional Premier League (RPL) and State Classic League (SCL)
● They run the spring cups - National, Presidents, Directors and South Texas;
● Cup Manuel http://www.stxsoccer.org/docs/Competitions/STYSA%20Cup%20Manual- 3-182013.pdf
● Main webpage http://www.stxsoccer.org/
WDDOA – Western District Division One Association (Home Association SCL, PL & D1)
● They also oversee spring cup play, Texas Cup, for D1 one teams, ages U11-U12
● www.wddoa.org
AAYSA – Alamo Area Youth Soccer Association (Home Association SII, DII, & Jr. Academy)
● AAYSA is our local association
● www.aaysa.org
o AAYSA Rosters official with Club Registrar Signature
The club administrator registers and pays the team fee. Fee is based on level of the team.
The US Youth Soccer Region III Premier League is a fully sanctioned US Youth Soccer competitive
league designed to provide the highest-level teams within US Youth Soccer Region III with an
opportunity to compete at the most competitive level of play possible to aid in the
development of US Youth Soccer players.
Webpage: http://regioniii.usyouthsoccer.org/premier_league/Home/
The South Texas Youth Soccer Association (STYSA) State Classic League (SCL) was launched in Fall
2009. The State Classic League creates a new competitive league designed to give the top teams in the
U14 through U17 age groups the highest possible level of competition.
The State Classic League is owned and operated by STYSA. Participation in the SCL is governed by the
rules adopted by the United States Soccer Federation (US Soccer), US Youth Soccer (USYS), Federation
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and South Texas Youth Soccer Association (STYSA) rules
except where modified.
- Webpage http://www.stxsoccer.org/
Click State Competitions---State Classic League
● Team standings are used to seed each group into the following Spring Texas Cup
Website: http://www.wddoa.org/index.php
Retta: [email protected]
Western District Division One Assn
3000 Joe DiMaggio Blvd, Suite 77
Round Rock, Texas 78665
website: https://sites.google.com/site/nzsuper2/
Dominique: [email protected]
WDS2 – SII League
Western District Division One Assn
3000 Joe DiMaggio Blvd, Suite 77
Round Rock, Texas 78665
Division II – Competitive
This introductory level of competitive play is designed for players to enjoy the game and want to
continue to develop their skills through better competition than recreational play. There is a
requirement that coaches make every effort to play each player at least 50% of each game. Website:
AAYSA Registrar - TBD
Final Schedules Posted:
Premier Schedules: http://www.stxsoccer.org/regional_premier_league/
SCL Schedules: http://www.stxsoccer.org/state_classic_league/
USC- www.usctx.org
Division I Schedules: www.wddoa.org
Super II Schedules: https://sites.google.com/site/nzsuper2/home
Division II Schedule: http: www.aaysa.org
The club will register each team
The club is responsible for paying the registration fee.
The fee is paid by the club in January- to meet deadline.
Each cup placement is determined by the Program Director.
1) National Cup
a) Administered by STYSA, D1 Competition (04-98)
b) http://www.stxsoccer.org/state_cup/
2) President ’s Cup
a) Administered by STYSA, D1 Competition (04-98)
b) Administered by STYSA, D1 Competition (2005)
c) http://www.stxsoccer.org/presidents_cup/
3) Director’s Cup
● Administered by STYSA, S2 Competition
● http://www.stxsoccer.org/directors_cup/
4) South Texas Cup
● Administered by State Associations, D2 Competition
● http://www.stxsoccer.org/south_texas_cup/
5) Texas Cup
● Texas Cup is for all WDDOA D1 teams 06 - 05 only
Here is a link to the Cups Manual:
Got Soccer database
Each team has its own GotSoccer account with individual login and password. Please DO NOT change
the UN or PW.
There are directions in our Google Drive
To login from the www.gotsport.com website you would first click ‘Login’ on the
left side of the homepage, in the red bar or at www. gotsport.com , click ‘Teams and Team
Officials’ then ‘Team Account’ enter the username and
This account follows the team through the years, it is very important that you do not create any other
accounts for the team
Gotsoccer is used to print game cards, for access to player cards, printing rosters, registering for
Print an unofficial team roster
Please make sure all players have the correct jersey number assigned. If correction is needed, email
● You can print your teams roster by scrolling over ‘Teams’ and selecting ‘Print Team Rosters’
Check the box next to your team and select the ‘Print’ button highlighted in the yellow box.
Remember, SCL, PL and D1, S2 require Association Registrar (Retta) signature to be official.
Division II require Club Registrar (Monica) signature to be official.
Pictures - Current headshot picture of player (1x1) **NO hats or sunglasses**
Deadline- August 1, 2016 for new uploads. New pictures on the first week of practice in red practice
uniform is recommended.
● Upload photos in GotSoccer and you will not have to add photo. They will print on your cards!
GAME DAY PROCEDURES - all levels of play general
Home uniform is BLACK
Away uniform is WHITE
Players should always take both full sets of uniforms to every game
Home team must change if conflict arises
Players to be at game field 45 minutes prior to kickoff. Unless otherwise instructed by coach.
Teams will occupy one side of the field and spectators will occupy the opposite side directly across
from their team.
Spectators are required to be a minimum of 5 feet from the touchlines of the field and shall occupy
only the space between the top of the penalty area and 10 feet from the halfway line on their
designated half of the field (opposite the players).
No one is allowed behind the goals.
Parents are not allowed on field or team sideline once warm-up begins, during or after games
Coach releases players to parents.
“24-hour” rule; wait 24 hours to discuss any concerns or provide feedback with coach; the field is NOT
the place to discuss issues.
● The home team is responsible for printing the game card
● Game card is provided by HOME team (mailed to team manager AAYSA Coordinator)
Whoever signs the game card is also responsible for making sure the points are correct and any
penalties (red or yellow cards) are noted accurately on the card.
● Managers track penalties (cards) for each player on their team (league games only)
● At the end of each game it is highly recommended that you take a photo on your phone of
game cards-- just in case verification is needed.
● This photo should be kept if needed as reference, if future conflict should arise.
Post Game responsibilities
● VERY IMPORTANT: Must be signed by Manager or Coach at end of every game
Club/Player Pass
We have supported the introduction of the Club Pass System for many years. It is
designed to improve the player development process by increasing opportunities for players to
participate in games at appropriate levels of play, throughout the year. This is a player development
tool. Sanctions from within LSCSA, the governing bodies of leagues and/or STYSA for misuse of the
system will be severe.
No LSC player is allowed to club pass with another team without the consent of the DoC or DoC’s
Each level of play has their own set of rules that address the Club Pass System for any team playing at
that level of play. It is important that coaches and managers read carefully and understand the rules
surrounding the Club Pass System at your teams level of play.
For this reason, ONLY the club’s registrar will be executing the player pass as necessary . It is the
responsibility of the team’s coach to coordinate with their program director no later than 96 hours
prior to the game. The Deadline for a FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OR SUNDAY GAME IS Wednesday 12PM.
Director’s meet on Wednesdays and execute accordingly.
● Coaches and directors select mandatory tournaments for each team.
● A team manager is responsible for check in, copy of official signed roster, and player cards.
○ Team Manager responsibility to pay fee and check-in team
○ Hotels me be one of the tournament approved hotels according to that tournament.
○ The host tournaments mandate all players to stay at the same hotel as their team for
away tournaments.
○ Please consult coach if there is an issue.
● For August tournaments - players are able to use the previous season’s player cards.
● Please request official rosters for tournaments by the Thursday of that tournament weekend to
ensure you receive on time.
Tournament Trainer Fees
● You will receive a “Tournament Estimated Expenses” from Administration once the final
number of teams attending/coaches attending are submitted from DOC to administration. This
is just an estimate so you can collect as needed while with parents that weekend (some may
collect for “Fall/Spring” as we see later below.
● You will receive the “Tournament Actual Expenses” after the tournament to adjust the amount.
● Expenses should be split between players; financial aid recipient players still pay expenses
● If a player is injured or not able to attend a tournament, the parents are still required to pay
tournament expenses.
● Check/Cash is to be paid to Lonestar SC no more than 2 weeks after the tournament. No
payment will result in no tournament entry into next tournament.
● If you do not receive payment from a player, please contact bookkeeper and we will adjust
Lonestar Austin Labor Day Cup, Aug 30-Sept 1, Austin
Estimated Trainer Costs from Admin
Total fees for tournament
Total cost per player / 15 players
Players make checks payable to (team name)
It is recommended that you collect a “season” at a time. Dividing it into Fall/Spring, will eliminate you
collecting week to week on those months of tournaments. Here is a sample
Lonestar 00G Red Fall 2015 Budget
Challenge Aggieland Cup, Aug 23-24, College Station
Estimated Trainer Costs from Admin (Received)
Total fees for tournament
ALDC Tournament, Aug 30, 31st Austin
Estimated Trainer Costs from Admin (Received)
Estimated Trainer Costs FROM YOUR
Total fees for tournament
Total fees for tournament
Tournament "X" in Houston(Dec)
85gas + 30x2 meals + 125X2 hotel = 385395
(any surplus for XMAS gift for coach)
Players make checks payable to (team name)
This way they may be able to pay you up front, you have a
"bank" for up front costs, and adjustments are all kept on
spreadsheet for their viewing…any surplus for give at end of season,
or carried to the Spring 1st tournament!
Guest Players
● In some cases, there are not enough players for a tournament so a guest player may be asked to play
with the team. These may be from our club or from another club to help the team with numbers for
the up and coming tournament/ or if a player is considering coming over to our club. Guest players are
responsible for all fees just as rostered team members
● In some cases, LAST MINUTE things occur where you thought you were fine on number of players and
now you need to guest play a player or two LAST MINUTE and the family only had a few days (week at
most) to work it out, if fees have already been collected/calculated, it is your judgment as to whether
to ask a guest player for fees since they are not financially obligated to the tournament until last
minute. Any questions refer to administration staff at beginning of packet.
Additional Tournament Paperwork if Applicable
● Permission to Travel Papers (See Specific Instructions)
● Teams from STYSA (we’re from STYSA) wishing to travel outside the STYSA boundaries must have
Permission to Travel approved before traveling for any reason.
● No team will be allowed to participate outside STYSA without proper permission to travel. Any team
found to be in violation will be subject to fines, travel restrictions, and additional sanctions by the
STYSA Appeals Committee. If any fines are accessed, these are paid by the team.
Additional GotSoccer Important Information
Background check (Kid Safe)
Kid Safe Badges - All adults that participate with the players during practices or games must have a Kid
Safe Badge. This includes all coaches, managers, and team volunteers.
There should be 1 coach badge, 1 team manager badge, and each player cards available to be shown
by team manager.
Player Profile (College/HS)
For players that are high school age and older, LSCSA use gotsoccer player profiles for more
information on how to access a players account use the link below.
We also have a College Identification Program. You may access all our presentations, college links and
recruiting preparation documents on our website on the left menu under “College Identification
If you get any billing questions from a parent, they will need their username and password to log
on to their Gotsoccer account. This can come from Admin. Coordinator and once they have, they can
check the following:
Log Into Account
Click My Profile
Click Club registration – this will allow them to see/enter credit card information, see payments made,
balance, etc. They can update any bill information. Contact [email protected] for
Family account vs Player account
When you register with the Lonestar Soccer SA Club, you will be given an INDIVIDUAL account, one
per each player. This is important in the registration process. Once the player is fully registered,
accepted their spots, and team assignments have been made, a FAMILY ACCOUNT can be created.
This makes it easy to see all children’s accounts at once. This includes all profiles, payments, and balance
*If registering (camps, fall/spring registration), you need to register each child using individual player account.