MOHR ICT Strategic Plan - Ministry of Human Resources
MOHR ICT Strategic Plan - Ministry of Human Resources
MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Copyright All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Government of Malaysia represented by Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR). Confidentiality Information, data and drawings embodied in this report are strictly confidential and are supplied on the understanding that they will be held confidentially and not disclosed to third parties without prior written consent of the Project Owner, Government of Malaysia represented by Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR). ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 i MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Distribution Organisation for Distribution Organisation Organisation Address MoHR Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR) Level 6-9, Block D3, Complex D Federal Government Administrative Centre 62530 Putrajaya Tel No.: +603-8886 5000/5200 Fax No.: +603-8889 2381 Portal: Public Relation Officer (PRO): [email protected] ODAX ODAX Synergie Sdn. Bhd. 9-2-1, Block A, Megan Salak Park, Jalan 2/125E, Taman Desa Petaling, 57100 Kuala Lumpur Tel No: +603 9057 0617 Fax No.: +603 9057 0618 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 ii MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Distribution Name Role Dato' Mohd Shariff Bin Hussin Chief Information Officer (CIO) Deputy Secretary General (MoHR) (Operation), MoHR Tuan Haji Ishak bin Lebai Omar Client Project Director ICT Director (MoHR) Information Management Division, MoHR Pn. Nor Azwin Binti Sani Project Manager Senior ICT Officer (MoHR) Information Management Division, MoHR Nurakmar binti Zubir Project Secretariat ICT Officer (MoHR) Information Management Division, MoHR Mohd Nasry Awang Consultant Project Director Executive Director (ODAX) ODAX Synergie Sdn Bhd ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 iii MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Document Control Basic Information Project Title: Development of MoHR ICT Strategic Plan (ISP) Contract 2 May 2013 Commencement Date: Contract Expiry Date: 2 September 2013 Project Brief: Objective of ISP 1) To develop an ICT strategic direction for MoHR for a period of five (5) years. 2) To develop the technical architecture for ICT implementation inline with the strategic direction of MOHR. 3) To provide an implementation plan identifying the implementation strategies and actions to be taken. 4) To define the standards, procedure and guidelines to support the implementation of the proposed ICT Strategic Plan. 5) To develop the ICT implementation roadmap with cost estimation. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 iv MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Basic Information Scope of Services The purpose of the project is to formulate MoHR’s five years (2013 until 2017) ICT Strategic Plan (ISP) that would reflect MoHR new ICT road map for the five (5) year. In summary, the scope of works can be categorized as follows: 1) To assess the current environment of MOHR. 2) To develop and ICT framework and implementation consideration plan among taking into others, the current environment, the vision and mission of MOHR and identifying the implementation strategies and actions to be taken which includes the detail description of each project including estimated cost, duration, priority, implementation schedule and key implementation steps. 3) To recommend the strategy and appropriate technology that match with MOHR’s requirement. 4) To prepare the ICT Strategic Plan (ISP) report that complies with MAMPU’s guidelines. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 v MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 This document is available in two forms, controlled and uncontrolled. The controlled variant is maintained electronically and accessed by authorised users. Uncontrolled variants are all other electronic and printed copies. Document Title: MoHR ICT Strategic Plan – Final ISP Report (Executive Summary) Deliverable Number: Deliverable No. 4 Deliverable Type: Report Author: Mohd Nasry Awang File Reference: MoHR ICT Strategic Plan – Final ISP (Executive Summary) v1.0 Document Reference: Deliverable 4: MoHR ICT Strategic Plan – Final ISP Report (Executive Summary) v 1.0 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 vi MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1 2 CURRENT ICT ENVIRONMENT & GAP ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 2 3 CURRENT MOHR APPLICATIONS LANDSCAPE ............................................................................. 4 4 ORGANISATION ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................... 7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................... 7 MOHR PRESENCE ......................................................................................................................... 8 MOHR STAKEHOLDERS & CUSTOMERS ..................................................................................... 9 MOHR STRATEGIC PLAN FRAMEWORK .................................................................................... 10 VISION .......................................................................................................................................... 11 MISSION ....................................................................................................................................... 11 MOHR ROLES .............................................................................................................................. 12 5 ORGANISATION ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS ................................................................................ 14 6 HUMAN CAPITAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................... 15 7 MOHR MACHINERIES AND ROLES ............................................................................................... 17 8 ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORK................................................................................20 8.1 8.2 8.3 9 ORGANISATION UNITS ............................................................................................................... 21 SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................... 22 ACTORS ....................................................................................................................................... 23 MOHR ICT STRATEGIC THRUSTS ..................................................................................................24 10 MOHR ICT FRAMEWORK............................................................................................................... 25 11 MOHR ICT PROGRAMS .................................................................................................................. 27 12 MOHR ICT INITIATIVES ..................................................................................................................29 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 INITIATIVE 1.1 - LABOUR MARKET DEMAND & SUPPLY INFORMATION SYSTEM (LMDSIS) ............... 32 INITIATIVE 1.2 - UNIFIED MOHR STAKEHOLDERS INFORMATION SYSTEM (UMSIS) .........................36 INITIATIVE 1.3 -UNIFIED ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (UEMS) ...................................... 37 INITIATIVE 1.4 - UNIFIED HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM (UHCDS).................................38 INITIATIVE 1.5 - CORPORATE BRANDING SOLUTIONS (CBS) .......................................................... 40 INITIATIVE 1.6 - PROGRAMS & EVENTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PEMS) ........................................ 41 INITIATIVE 2.1 - FORMULATION OF MOHR ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORK ......................42 INITIATIVE 2.2 - MOHR ICT ORGANISATION RESTRUCTURING .......................................................45 INITIATIVE 2.3 - MOHR ICT HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ....................................... 46 INITIATIVE 2.4 - SOURCING PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE (PMO) .......................................... 49 INITIATIVE 2.5 - ICT INFRASTRUCTURE CONSOLIDATION & TECHNOLOGY REFRESH .......................50 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 vii MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 INITIATIVE 2.6 - ICT SECURITY AUDIT & ICT SECURITY STRENGTHENING ...................................... 52 INITIATIVE 2.7 - STRENGTHENING CUSTOMER FACING SOLUTIONS ............................................... 53 INITIATIVE 2.8 - GREEN ICT INITIATIVES ....................................................................................54 INITIATIVE 3.1 -ONE GOVERNMENT UNIFIED COMMUNICATIONS (1GOV*UC)................................ 55 INITIATIVE 3.2 -ONE GOVERNMENT DATA CENTRE (1GOV*DC) ...................................................56 INITIATIVE 3.3 - ONE GOVERNMENT NETWORK (1GOV*NET) ...................................................... 57 INITIATIVE 3.4 - ENTERPRISE RESEARCH & SURVEY SYSTEM (ERSS) ............................................59 INITIATIVE 4.1 - DATA REQUIREMENTS & DATA OWNERSHIP COMMITTEE (DRDOC) ................... 60 INITIATIVE 4.2 - MOHR SINGLE-SIGN-ON PORTAL......................................................................62 INITIATIVE 4.3 - BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI)............................................................................63 INITIATIVE 4.4 -HUMAN CAPITAL CENTRALISED DATABASE (HCCDB) .........................................65 INITIATIVE 4.5 - ENTERPRISE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EKMS) ............................... 66 INITIATIVE 4.6 - ENTERPRISE ICT SERVICE DESK (EISD) .............................................................67 INITIATIVE 4.7 - DEVELOPMENT OF MOHR ICT STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM ................... 69 13 IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP ....................................................................................................70 14 COST ESTIMATES ........................................................................................................................... 72 [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 viii MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Acronym and Abbreviation ADTEC Advanced Technology Training Center AGC Attorney General’s Chambers BI Business Intelligence CoE Centre of Excellent EISD Enterprise ICT Service Desk HADI HCD Agencies Data Integration HCD Human Capital Development ICDS Integrated Competency Development System ILMIA Institute of Labour Market Information and Analysis ILO International Labour Organisation ILP Institusi Latihan Perindustrian JHEKS Jabatan Hal Ehwal Kesatuan Sekerja (Trade Unions Affairs Department) JKKP Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Department of Occupational Safety and Health – DOSH) JKTN Jawatankuasa Kabinet Tindakan Negara JMTI Japan-Malaysia Technical Institute JPK Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (Department of Skills Development) JPP Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan (Industrial Relations Department) JTK SABAH Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Sabah (Labour Department of Sabah) JTK Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Sarawak (Labour Department of Sarawak) SARAWAK JTKSM Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (Labour Department of Peninsular Malaysia) JTM Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (Manpower Department) KKP Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan MBE Model Baru Ekonomi MP Mahkamah Perusahaan (Industrial Court) MPGN Majlis Perundingan Gaji Negara ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 ix MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 NHRC National Human Resources Centre NHRC National Human Resources Centre NIOSH Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) NLAC Majlis Penasihat Buruh Kebangsaan OSH Occupational Safety and Heath PERKESO Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (Social Security Organisation – SOCSO) PLSDB Potential Labour Supply Database PLWS Productivity Linked Wage Systems PSMB Perbadanan Sumber Manusia Berhad (Human Resources Development Berhad) PTE Program Transformasi Ekonomi PTPK Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran (Skill Development Fund ) RUU Rang Undang-Undang SBGP-OKU Skim Bantuan Galakan Perniagaan untuk Orang Kurang Upaya SHO Safety and Health Officer SIPK Sistem Insurans Pemberhentian Kerja SKM Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia SOP Standard Operating Procedures TEVT Technical Education And Vocational Training TIMS Training & Institutes Management System UEMS Unified Enforcement Management System UI Unemployment Insurance UIS Unemployment Insurance Scheme UMSIS Unified MoHR Stakeholders Information System VTO Sijil Pengajar Vokasional WCA Workmen Compensation Act ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 x MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 1 INTRODUCTION MoHR started as a Department of Labour in 1904 and became to what it is known today as Ministry of Human Resources in 1960. Simply put, MoHR’s role in leading Malaysia’s Human Capital has been over more than hundred (100) years today or for the past fifty-six (56) years since independence. Over the past five decades of independence, Malaysia has seen Human Capital Transformation or best described by Durrishah Idrus, “from Agriculture to Industry, Pondok to Twin Towers”1 . Within the said period, the explosion growth of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) advancement has changed tremendously overtime from the way people are communicating and conducting business. Just for an analogy purposes, in terms of ICT progress, disk storage for 25 Mega Bytes in the 1980’s weighs approximately 100 Kg with the size of a washing machine. Today, an SD memory card for the size of 256 GB is available in the international market weighing approximately 3 grams. Thus, comparatively, storage per gram has increased by 341 Million times within 30 years or approximately an average of 11 Million improvements per year. That is on the sheer weight alone and not by the access time capability. Sounds scary or may perhaps exaggerating, but the point is, similarly, we have to transform MoHR ICT capabilities in respond to the Human Capital Transformation to ensure that Malaysia will achieve Vision 2020, High Income Nation and capable of providing highly skilful knowledge workers. ICT is no longer a tool or automation system, ICT shall be treated as catalyst of change and shall shape and provide organisation capabilities to meet this highly globalised, competitive and borderless world that we are here today. ICT shall not be seen as cost centre, but rather an investment for better Malaysian’s future, with respect to Human Capital Transformation. 1 Human Capital Transformation – 55 Years of Malaysian Experience, Chapter 1 – Durrishah Idrus ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 1 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 2 CURRENT ICT ENVIRONMENT & GAP ANALYSIS Based on our analysis of MoHR and Government related key documents, to name a few, such as the Strategic Plan, Blue Ocean Strategy, annual reports, Government Transformation Plan (GTP), National Key Economic Areas (NKEA), National Key Result Areas (NKRA), Economic Transformation Program (ETP), Minister’s Score Cards, and through our interviews, online surveys and workshops with MoHR Line of Business (LoB) and MoHR ICT Teams, appropriately, we performed MoHR’s ICT Maturity Level assessment in following areas: 1) ICT Shaping and Providing organisation capabilities 2) Prudent ICT Design and Strategies 3) Continuous ICT Human Capital Development 4) Embrace Best Practices, continuous improvement culture and prudent ICT Governance 5) Improve total organisation service delivery The following diagram illustrates our findings of MoHR’s ICT Maturity Level. The inner centre orange line denotes the current ICT Maturity Level while the dark blue outer line denotes the desired Maturity Level. Based on the said assessment, in general, the overall ICT Maturity is approximately halfway from the desired maturity level as desired by the LoBs. In some areas, MoHR performs well such as in the ICT Governance, understanding of LoBs requirements, planning effort and Central Agencies ICT initiatives adoption. However, big gaps are observed in ITIL best practices adoption, data ownership, data integrity, Enterprise Architecture, certified training programs, real-time “catchy” & informative information dissemination, Malaysia’s HR information central reference and unified electronic services. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 2 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 MoHR ICT Maturity Level ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 3 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 3 CURRENT MoHR APPLICATIONS LANDSCAPE The following diagram illustrates MoHR current applications owned by the Ministry and the Departments. Based on the said diagram, from the strategic point observation, it can be seen that the core business applications for MoHR are in “silos” and not in accordance of any business framework. As a result, the applications were developed based on user needs out of pressing daily operations rather from strategic point requirements from a holistic view required for the Human Capital needs for the Nation. This ISP is developed to focus on addressing the most fundamental need to develop a Business Framework for MoHR that will address the Human Capital Transformation, next to formulate the Enterprise ICT Framework for MoHR and subsequently formulate appropriate ICT Programs and ICT initiatives that shall correspond to the business needs of the ministry. Next, an implementation roadmap complete with budgetary estimates will be prepared for MoHR’s implementation consideration. [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 4 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Current MoHR Applications and Ownerships ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 5 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 The following diagram illustrates the SWOT analysis being carried out to best summarise the organisation strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threat. The SWOT analysis complements the ICT Maturity Level assessment in a slightly different perspective. The said ICT Maturity Level and SWOT analysis serves as a foundation for this ISP to address and to appropriately propose solutions framework and implementation roadmap for MoHR’s consideration. MoHR ICT Maturity Level ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 6 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 4 ORGANISATION ENVIRONMENT 4.1 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE Diagram below illustrates MoHR Organisation Structure. MoHR Organisation Structure ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 7 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 4.2 MoHR PRESENCE MoHR has its presence practically in almost all major localities in the entire country including offices in the overseas as shown below. MoHR Presence ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 8 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 4.3 MoHR STAKEHOLDERS & CUSTOMERS MoHR Stakeholders and Customers are illustrated in the diagram as shown below. MoHR Stakeholders ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 9 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 4.4 MoHR STRATEGIC PLAN FRAMEWORK MoHR Strategic Plan Framework is as illustrated below. MoHR Strategic Plan Framework The six (6) MoHR Strategic Thrusts are as follows: 1) Creating Employment Opportunities and Securing Workers Rights 2) Preserving the Harmonious Industrial Relations Atmosphere 3) Resolving Disputes In a Just and Equitable 4) Implement Occupational Health and Safety Dynamic Practice 5) Developing Competitive National Human Resources 6) Providing the Social Safety Net ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 10 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 4.5 VISION "To be the leading agency in the development and management of a World Class Workforce." 4.6 MISSION MoHR Mission statements are as follows: 1) To develop a workforce that is productive, informative, discipline, caring and responsive to the changing labour environment towards increasing the economic growth and hence create more job opportunities. 2) To encourage and maintain conducive and harmonized industrial relation between employers, employees and trade unions for the nation's economic development and wellness of people. 3) To uphold social justice and ensure harmonious industrial relations through solving industrial dispute between employer and employee and awarding collective agreement. 4) To ensure trade unions practice democracy, orderly and is responsible to assist achieving the objective of industrial harmony. 5) To be the leader in development of nation's human resources. 6) To ensure safety and health of workforce is assured. 7) To develop skilled, knowledgeable and competitive workforce in a harmonious industrial relations with social justice. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 11 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 4.7 MoHR ROLES There are eight (8) MoHR key roles as described below: 1 2 Labour Market Analysis Analyse the labour market to create new forms and job opportunities for the workforce while maintaining existing jobs. Implementers and enforcers KSM should act as implementers and regulators to ensure workers' rights are always protected without compromising the interests and competitiveness of employers and at the same time ensure a conducive industrial relations and harmony. 3 Social Safety Net Providers Ensuring the workers are always protected and values of a caring society in the industrial community. 4 5 Unifier of various Parties MoHR consists of various departments and agencies together under a determination to ensure the effective and efficient services to its customers. Facilitate Industrial Relations Implement best practices to make MoHR as a role model and to be followed by the community and industry to create a conducive working environment, harmonious and productive. 6 Lead Management and Human Capital Development MoHR shall increase its effort to explore the future and shall be the agent of change. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 12 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 7 Implementing Safety and Health Culture Spearhead the implementation of the safety and good health at work to ensure a safe working environment and comfortable for entire workforce. 8 Good Governance Spearhead the implementation of good governance for sustainable organisation development. [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 13 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 5 ORGANISATION ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Diagram below illustrates the MoHR Organisation Viewpoints where the bottom part denotes the MoHR Machineries and other associated key other Government Agencies working in collaboration and synergistically providing outward looking services as described in the middle part of the said diagram. The said services are then rendered to MoHR key Stakeholders grouped into five (5) categories as shown at the top part of the said diagram. A more refined and detail descriptions are described in the main report in Section 7.1. Organisation Viewpoints The Organisation Viewpoints serve as the fundamental block for the formulation of Human Capital Framework. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 14 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 6 HUMAN CAPITAL FRAMEWORK In order to develop MoHR ICT Framework, there is a need to look at the entire value chain of Human Capital in a holistic manner i.e. “from the Cradle to the Grave” approach. Appropriately, based on our series of discussions with MoHR Line of Business (LoB) officers and senior management of MoHR and other associated research, we have developed a high level Human Capital Framework as shown below as a foundation in shaping MoHR ICT Framework and subsequently, become the driver for the proposed ICT programs and initiatives. Human Capital Framework The said Human Capital Framework is viewed from left to right i.e. from a child until they become a productive labour entering the Employment Market into workplace within various industry sectors. Orange colour in said diagram is to represent the core roles of MoHR with respect to the ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 15 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 said Human Capital. For easy assimilation purposes, the said diagram is to represent: 1) Skilled Labour Production – This role is being carried out by Human Resource Department (Jabatan Tenaga Manusia – JTM) through the ILJTM (Institut Latihan Jabatan Tenaga Manusia) and ADTEC (Advanced Technology) located nation wide. 2) Jobs Matching Assistance – MoHR provides jobs matching assistance through the implementation of JobsMalaysia to assist Job Seekers to reach the potential employers and vice versa. 3) Labour, OSH and Social Safety Net Enforcement within Employment Market – Within the employment market, there are many services rendered by MoHR such as labour enforcement, social safety net provider, etc. 4) Re-Skills, Re-Train and Life Long Leaning – This Human Capital Development program will cross boundary within the employment market and also in the vocational training (TVET) program. In addition, the said Human Capital Development program overlaps with many other government agencies that offer similar roles. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 16 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 7 MoHR MACHINERIES AND ROLES Based on the Human Capital Framework, diagram below illustrates the roles of various MoHR Machineries in relation to the said Human Capital Framework. MoHR Machineries Roles Brief descriptions of the nine (9) key roles as shown in the said diagram are as follows: 1) Labour Market Analysis – This role is primarily being carried out by ILMIA. 2) Implementers & Enforcers – The implementation and the enforcement covers the jobs matching and employment market life cycle. These roles are being carried out by three (3) departments, namely JTKSM ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 17 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 (Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semennajung Malaysia), JTKSWK (Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Sarawak) and JTKSBH (Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Sabah). The said three (3) agencies perform similar functions but accountable for their respective territories. However, in some cases, there are some peculiarity for certain JTKs due to different applicable or complementing laws within their respective territorial coverage (states). 3) Social Safety Net Provider – The social safety net provider is primarily implemented and enforced by SOCSO/PERKESO, an Agency under MoHR. 4) Unifier of Various Parties – The unifier role between employer and employee trade unions is under the purview of JHEKS (Jabatan Hal Ehwal Kesatuan Sekerja - Trade Unions Affairs Department). 5) Facilitate Industrial Relations – This role is being carried out by JPP (Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan Industrial Relations Department). 6) Lead Human Capital Development – The Human Capital development involves two (2) MoHR Departments, namely JTM (Jabatan Tenaga Manusia Manpower Department) and JPK (Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran - Department of Skills Development), and three (3) Agencies namely, HRDF (Human Resources Development Berhad), NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) and PTPK (Perbadanan Tabung Pembangunan Kemahiran - Skill Development Fund). ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 18 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 7) Implementing Safety and Health Culture – The said role is being carried out by JKKP (Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan - Department of Occupational Safety and Health, DOSH) and NIOSH. 8) Dispute Settlement – The said role is being carried out by the MP (Mahkamah Perusahan – Industrial Court, IC). 9) Labour & Human Resource Policy – The said roles are being carried out by Labour Policy Division and Human Resource Policy Division, respectively. [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 19 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 8 ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORK This ISP has been developed based on the Enterprise Architecture Framework (EA) due to the complexity of MoHR organisation and its associated machineries. The EA Framework is used as a key guide as a typical conventional ISP approach would not suffice to produce desirable results to MoHR due to the tightly coupled and interlinked relationships between the Ministry and its associated machineries. In fact, Human Capital is of the most critical national agenda for producing knowledge workers moving towards achieving a high-income nation. The Enterprise Architecture Framework (EA) used for this ISP development is as shown below. Enterprise Architecture Framework (EA) This ISP engagement scope does NOT cover the complete Enterprise Architecture Framework exercise, however, due to the complexity and the magnitude of MoHR and its associated machineries and huge gap between the “To-Be” and the “As-IS”, the EA Framework is being ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 20 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 adopted for the purpose generating high-level To-Be environment in conformance to the Enterprise Architecture Framework that will be blend into the subsequent phase for MoHR implementation road-map. The EA Framework that we adopted only will be addressing the Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3 and some key components of Layer 5, which will be discussed at high-level in the subsequent sections. 8.1 ORGANISATION UNITS The term Organisation Unit is a term used by the IT Architect in accordance to the International Enterprise Architecture Framework to represent responsible entity for their associated services rendered to internal and external customers. MoHR and its associated machineries have a total of twenty-two (22) main organisation units as shown below. MoHR Organisation Units ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 21 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 8.2 SERVICES There are a total of eighty-one (81) services for the internal and the external services provided by the said twenty-two (22) organisation units. Out of the said eighty-one (81) services, there are a total of twenty-two (22) internal services and fifty-nine (59) external services provided by MoHR and its associated departments and agencies as shown below. The details of the services are described in Section Error! Reference source not found.. MoHR Services Summary List ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 22 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 8.3 ACTORS Diagram below illustrates MoHR key actors. MoHR Key Actors ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 23 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 9 MoHR ICT STRATEGIC THRUSTS The five (5) MoHR ICT Strategic Thrusts are illustrated in diagram below and they are as follows: 1) ICT Shaping & Providing Organisation Capabilities 2) Prudent ICT Design & Strategies 3) Continuous ICT Human Capital Development 4) Embrace Best Practices, Continuous Improvement & Prudent ICT Governance 5) Improve Total Organisation Service Delivery MoHR ICT Strategic Thrust ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 24 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 10 MoHR ICT FRAMEWORK MoHR ICT Framework is as illustrated below, which shall serve as a guide in developing appropriate ICT programs and initiatives that will correspond to Human Capital Framework described earlier. MoHR ICT Framework The prime ICT elements required to support MoHR ICT Framework are as follows: 1) To identify the needs of MoHR and the needs of MoHR Stakeholders, Customers, Departments and Agencies. 2) To provide appropriate Access Channel to MoHR internal users, Stakeholders, Customers, Departments and Agencies. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 25 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 3) To provide appropriate Applications and Systems to MoHR internal users, Stakeholders, Customers, Departments and Agencies. 4) To provide Central Data Bank or Central Data Repository to foster Collaboration and information sharing between MoHR Stakeholders, Customers, Departments and Agencies. 5) To provide sound and appropriate ICT Infrastructure to support the required new and existing applications. 6) To provide enabling environment to foster maximum effectiveness and usage and of ICT in all aspects of MoHR Business and Operations. [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 26 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 11 MoHR ICT PROGRAMS Diagram below illustrates the proposed four (4) ICT Programs for MoHR and their relationships with the proposed ICT initiatives, ICT Strategic Thrusts, MoHR ICT Framework and the Human Capital Framework. MoHR ICT Programs & Relationships The proposed four (4) MoHR ICT Programs are as follows: 1) Improve Organisation Capabilities & Service Delivery The most fundamental and the most crucial ICT Program is to position MoHR ICT to provide Organisation capabilities and service delivery. ICT Program 1 is primarily addressing the ICT Strategic Thrust 1 – ICT Shaping & Providing Organisation Capabilities. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 27 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 2) Improve ICT Capabilities & Capacity - MoHR ICT Program 2 is geared towards supporting the ICT Strategic Thrust 2 – Prudent ICT Design & Strategies, ICT Strategic Thrust 3 – Continuous ICT Human Capital Development and ICT Strategic Thrust 4 – Embrace Best Practices, Continuous Improvement Culture and Prudent ICT Governance. 3) Enterprise Wide Optimisation - MoHR ICT Program 3 is geared towards supporting the ICT Strategic Thrust 4 – Embrace Best Practices, Continuous Improvement Culture and Prudent ICT Governance and to be synergistic with other Central Government Agency initiatives led by MAMPU to better capitalise other effective implementations in order to reap the benefits of what have been successfully by others and focussing on adoption and adaptation to MoHR context. 4) Foster Enterprise Wide Standardisation - Program 4 spirit is to create “One Ministry, One System, One Look & Feel and Oneness Branding” while at the same time reap the benefits of volume of scale cost savings and to facilitate easy ICT adoption and better control, better manageability and increased security for operations support. Thus, delivering better values and ICT user experience to internal and external customers. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 28 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12 MoHR ICT INITIATIVES Diagram below illustrates the proposed MoHR ICT Programs and ICT Initiatives addressing the MoHR Business and Operations requirements mapped against the Human Capital Framework, MoHR ICT Framework and MoHR ICT Strategic Thrusts. Proposed MoHR ICT Programs & ICT Initiatives Based on the identified four (4) ICT Programs, a total of twenty-five (25) ICT Initiatives are recommended to support the said drivers as described earlier. The descriptions of each initiative are described in the following sections by their respective ICT Programs. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 29 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Listed below are the proposed twenty-five (25) initiatives grouped by their respective ICT programs: 1) I1.1 - Labour Market Demand & Supply Information System (LMDSIS) 2) I1.2 - Unified MoHR Stakeholders Information System (UMSIS) 3) I1.3 - Unified Enforcement Management System (UEMS) 4) I1.4 - Unified Human Capital Development System (UHCDS) 5) I1.5 - Corporate Branding Solutions (CBS) 6) I1.6 - Programs & Events Management System (PEMS) 7) I2.1 - Formulation of MoHR Enterprise Architecture Framework (MEAF) 8) I2.2 - MoHR ICT Organisation Restructuring 9) I2.3 - MoHR ICT Human Capital Development Program 10) I2.4 - Sourcing Project Management Office (PMO) 11) I2.5 - ICT Infrastructure Consolidation & Technology Refresh 12) I2.6 - ICT Security Audit & ICT Security Strengthening 13) I2.7 - Strengthening Customer Facing Solutions 14) I2.8 - Green ICT Initiatives 15) I3.1 - One Government Unified Communications (1Gov*UC) ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 30 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 16) I3.2 - One Government Data Centre (1Gov*DC) 17) I3.3 - One Government Network (1Gov*NET) 18) I3.4 - Enterprise Research & Survey System (ERSS) 19) I4.1 - Formation of Data Requirements & Data Ownership Committee (DRDOC) 20) I4.2 - MoHR Single-Sign-On Portal 21) I4.3 - Business Intelligence (BI) 22) I4.4 - Human Capital Centralised Database (HCCDB) 23) I4.5 - Enterprise Knowledge Management System (EKMS) 24) I4.6 - Enterprise ICT Service Desk (EISD) 25) I4.7 - Development of MoHR ICT Strategic Partnership Program ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 31 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.1 INITIATIVE 1.1 - Labour Market Demand & Supply Information System (LMDSIS) Based on our discussions with MoHR Senior Management and Line of Business (LoB) through various sessions as described in Section 5, the need for LMDSIS is of the most critical requirement that will provide the most fundamental and the most important organisation capabilities to address the entire value chain of Labour Demand and Supply. Diagram below illustrates the high level process of Labour Demand and Supply. Labour High Level Process The Labour High-Level process is divided into three (3) main processes as follows: 1) Labour Supply Preparation 2) Labour Supply 3) Labour Demand ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 32 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Labour Supply Preparation ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 33 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Labour Supply by NOSS Classifications The Labour Supply preparation process will produce Potential Labour Supply Database (PLSDB). From the said PLSDB, through multiple activities as shown above, will lead to the generation of Labour Supply by NOSS classifications Database. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 34 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Labour Market Demand The above process illustrates the process of generating Labour Market Demand, which is in critical needs by MoHR. Knowing the total numbers of Labour Demand is not helping, as the need is to know the market demand for what specific skills as per NOSS only then MoHR can be advising the educations and higher learning sectors to be producing by what exactly the market needs. The above process once implemented, over time, it will eventually match what skillsets required, by which industry sector, by how many, by which locality, by which constituents, by which organisation/establishments and can trace the labour supply chain for possible jobs matching. Key success is the completeness of the system and the “carrot” to entice the employers, employees and jobs seekers. “Carrot” can come in a form of delivering the values as needed by the said target audience. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 35 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.2 INITIATIVE 1.2 - Unified MoHR Stakeholders Information System (UMSIS) The basic fundamental need for Unified MoHR Stakeholders Information System (UMSIS) is to address the issue of data duplication, similar data and information but not quite exactly the same for slightly different needs and usage, same establishments but viewed differently depending on which views from which organisation viewpoint. Diagram below illustrates the high-level concept for the proposed UMSIS. UMSIS High Level Concept ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 36 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.3 INITIATIVE 1.3 -Unified Enforcement Management System (UEMS) Diagram below illustrates the high-level of Unified Enforcement Management System (UEMS) and its associated sub-systems and modules. In general, the UEMS has five (5) subsystems: 1) Labour Enforcement Management 2) OSH Enforcement Management 3) Trade Unions, Industrial Relations and Industrial Court Management 4) Social Safety Net Information Management UEMS Overview More elaborate descriptions of UEMS are available in the main report in Section 7.8.3. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 37 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.4 INITIATIVE 1.4 - Unified Human Capital Development System (UHCDS) In summary, the Unified Human Capital Development System (UHCDS) shall have the following sub systems: 1) Integrated Competency Development System (CDS) 2) Training & Institutes Management System (TIMS) 3) Agencies Data Integration (HADI) UHCDS - Integrated Competency Development System (CDS) ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 38 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 UHCDS – TIMS & HADI ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 39 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.5 INITIATIVE 1.5 - Corporate Branding Solutions (CBS) The Corporate Branding Solutions (CBS) is a solution to foster standardisation, optimisation of resources and tools across ministry wide to create MoHR “Corporate Identity” to deliver catchy, entertaining, infotainment and memorable to be effective in delivering key messages of what MoHR wants to deliver. Various channels shall be used from the same solution such as Television Advertisement, Newsprints, Billboard, Buntings, etc. Diagram below illustrates the key channels and their appropriate kits to suit the appropriate needs and channel. Corporate Branding Solutions ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 40 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.6 INITIATIVE 1.6 - Programs & Events Management System (PEMS) PEMS is a complementing solution for the Corporate Branding Solutions (CBS). PEMS is tool to manage all MoHR related promotion activities, minister’s visits, exhibitions, awareness campaign, etc. It is envisioned that this PEMS to be used by the ministry, departments and agencies so that at the Ministry level, MoHR will have a holistic views of the concerted effort by MoHR machineries centrally. Project & Event Management System ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 41 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.7 INITIATIVE 2.1 - Formulation of MoHR Enterprise Architecture Framework The intent of Enterprise Architecture Framework (EA) is to ensure and sustain the alignment between business and ICT, the information about the relationships between the EA assets will become useful when there is a need to study the impact of change. In any enterprise, change can be driven either by business or IT or anyone. Examples are as follows: 1) A business-driven change may be a new policy or strategy. With the EA repository, the business organisations can analyse the impact of such change on IT, that is, the Application, Data and Technology architectures. 2) An IT-driven change could be due to some technology change. With the EA repository, the IT organisation can analyse the impact of such change on the business. 3) Hence, by cataloguing the EA Assets and modelling their relationship will make it easier to study impact of any change. The productivity of analysing impact is further improved with the use of the EA software. 4) MoHR’s specific purpose of EA are as follows: • To support the implementation of the specified MoHR twenty-five (25) ICT Initiatives that requires details assessment and their associated relationships and impact to the business functions, business processes, data architecture, data & system integrations across the entire MoHR machineries. • To improve MoHR service delivery means improving expected service outcome to be received by the customer. EA in a way involves in connecting people, ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 42 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 processes and technology that generate the service outcome. The expected benefits of EA for MoHR are as follows: 1) The EA will capture the Organisational knowledge, systematically. Organisational knowledge is an individual knowledge paired with that of other individuals in an organisation. It is the type of organisation asset to which no value can be named. When individuals pool their knowledge within an organisation, that knowledge can give the organisation advantages over others in the same field. Therefore, it sets a mechanism for MoHR to ensure the organisation knowledge will be updated as revised to becoming a living document. 2) Once EA becomes Organisation Knowledge, any ICT implementation will have a sole key reference for any ICT projects. Any discrepancy, imperfection or changes, shall be reflected into EA. 3) A more efficient business operations when business processes and other architectural information are easily identifiable clearly defined and rightfully classified in the EA. 4) The above is just a few examples of what MoHR can benefit from the EA. In any organisation, it is crucial to be able to answer the above concerns especially when an enterprise goes through constant change due to competitive pressure or a change in government/industry/global regulatory requirements. In addition, business and IT managers are often pressed for time to have these answers ready for senior managements. EA will also speed up the decisionmaking process with regards to what to do due to any ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 43 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 change. For example, should I enhance/retire existing application or buy/build a new application to support the change. The desired outcomes of MoHR EA are as follows: 1) Identification of main components of the organisation and its information systems. 2) Identification the ways in which the organisation and its components work together in order to achieve defined business objectives. 3) Identification of which information systems support the business processes of the organisation. 4) Subsequently, from the EA Artifacts, the Systems High Level will serve as a foundation for developing Technical Specification and Tender Document. [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 44 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.8 INITIATIVE 2.2 - MoHR ICT Organisation Restructuring MoHR current ICT Structure is proposed to be restructured to achieve the following key objectives: 1) To be in conformance to MAMPU Blueprint2 2) To position and equip to handle the Human Capital Transformation Flagship Initiatives 3) To adopt ICT best practices 4) To address the shortcomings as described in Section 4 Diagram below illustrates the proposed ICT Organisation for ICT Division that addresses the mentioned key objectives. Proposed MoHR ICT Organisation Restructure 2 Public Sector ICT Study ICT Governance Blueprint, 04 October 2010 (Led by MAMPU, prepared by KPMG) – Page 129 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 45 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.9 INITIATIVE 2.3 - MoHR ICT Human Capital Development Program ICT Human Capital Development program is a key critical success factors for the ICT Strategic Plan (ISP) to be materialise. The ICT Structure shapes the roles clearly but the people or the Human Capital is the real asset. Based on our findings as described in Section 4, the following are the key excerpts of Human Capital related issues that requires serious attention: 1) MOHR ICT has insufficient manpower due to the vacancy posted is not fulfilled in time and additional task is assigned during the transition period of hiring new staff. 2) MOHR ICT needs improvements on the requirement Technical & ICT Management Skill sets for current operation support to meet the business expectation. 3) MOHR ICT has to be more exposed on new technologies and new solutions in order to capitalise new approaches and technologies in order to maximize the value of the ICT department. Proposed recommendations to address this issue will be discuss in the subsequent report. 4) MOHR ICT needs to align with HR for more structured training programme where the right skillset development is provided to people based on their R&R accordingly. The following diagrams reflected our findings when we conducted our ICT Survey in the beginning of the project. Almost 90% of BPM personnel responded that they do NOT have a structured training program and also do NOT have any ICT related certification trainings. The said findings require quick, structured and methodological remedies towards building Knowledge Workers and building high-income Nation direction. On the positive note, knowing the problem is halfway to solving the ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 46 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 problem, and that is the spirit of this ISP, which is to charter improvements and strategic directions. Survey – BPM Training programs ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 47 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Diagram below summarises the proposed MoHR ICT Human Capital Development Program. MoHR ICT Human Capital Development Program [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 48 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.10 INITIATIVE 2.4 - Sourcing Project Management Office (PMO) In view of MoHR ICT Team will be implementing very large initiatives especially the implementation of the Human Capital Transformation Flagship, which is the combination of Initiative 1.1 - Labour Market Demand & Supply Information System (LMDSIS), Initiative 1.2 - Unified MoHR Stakeholders Information System (UMSIS), Initiative 1.3 - Unified Enforcement Management System (UEMS) and Initiative 1.4 - Unified Human Capital Development System (UHCDS), it is highly recommended that MoHR to adopt hybrid implementation, i.e. a combination of MoHR internal team and an external Project Management Office (PMO) to minimise the risk of poor project implementation outcome. In addition, the said recommended approach would enable the new MoHR ICT Projects & Portfolio Management Section as described in the main report in Section 7.8.8 to gain project management experience by getting involved with the right strategic partner for technology transfer. [Remainder of this page is intended blank] ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 49 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.11 INITIATIVE 2.5 - ICT Infrastructure Consolidation & Technology Refresh It is highly recommended that MoHR to use new ICT Infrastructure for all of the new initiatives as most of the present ICT Infrastructure are at full capacity, kindly refer to Appendix-E: MoHR Current ICT Service Catalogue for more details. Diagram below illustrates the Data Centre diagram and its associated connectivity taking into consideration of MAMPU Government Shared Services (GSS) direction. It is prudent for MoHR to procure the latest ICT Infrastructure equipment that will be able to be migrated or moved out to the Government Data Centre when the time comes or when MAMPU is ready to deploy fully the 1Goc*DC. Data Centre & ICT Infrastructure ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 50 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Data Centre Phase 1 & 2 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 51 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.12 INITIATIVE 2.6 - ICT Security Audit & ICT Security Strengthening As the technology progresses and computers are all interlinked and connected similar to the banking industry, the security threat is becoming of a paramount importance to ensure the security of the Government Data is not compromised. It is recommended that regular ICT Security Audit to be embraced and executed by specialised ICT Security Professionals. In addition, ICT Security intrusion detection, mobility management, antivirus and desktop management, mobile devices security to be hardened and strengthen. Typically, the outcome from the ICT Security Audit will identify potential vulnerability and threats that would require remedies and preventive measures. There are many types of security hardening tools hardware and software and also ICT Security Monitoring Solutions that will be overseeing the security threats. The importance of addressing the ICT Security shall be addressed holistically and has to comply to ICT Security Guidelines by MAMPU as well as to adhere to the proposed ICT Organisation Structure that is dedicated to manage the entire process of audit, intrusion detection, identity management, risk management, etc. The following descriptions shall serve as a basic guideline with respect to the ICT Security Audit. There are seven (7) areas to performed security audit: 1) Physical Security 2) Network Security 3) Protocol / Services 4) User Security 5) Data Storage Security 6) Passwords 7) System Administration ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 52 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.13 INITIATIVE 2.7 - Strengthening Customer Facing Solutions It is recommended that MoHR focuses on two (2) primary channels as follows as part of strengthening customer facing solutions; MoHR SingleSign-Portal and Mobile Applications. For the MoHR Single-Sign-On Portal, kindly refer to Section 7.8.20 for more details. In this section, we shall focus on the type of applications that shall be made available on the Mobile Applications to primarily address the viewpoints of Employee, Employer, Jobs Seekers and MoHR Senior Management. Diagram below illustrates the proposed Mobile applications Model for MoHR primarily to provide meaningful values to the said target audience. MoHR Mobile Applications Model ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 53 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.14 INITIATIVE 2.8 - Green ICT Initiatives Diagram below illustrates the Green ICT initiatives proposed for MoHR against the MAMPU Green ICT Strategic Framework. In summary, the ISP has complied and addressed the Green ICT Strategic Framework as defined by MAMPU. MoHR Compliance to MAMPU Green ICT Initiatives ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 54 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.15 INITIATIVE 3.1 -One Government Unified Communications (1Gov*UC) On 23 April 2012, MAMPU kicked off the One Government Unified Communications (1GovUC) project to support the Economic Transformation Programme, 12 National key Economic Areas (NKEA) and many Entry Point Projects (EPP). 1GovUC project is pursued under the NKEA Business services. The implementation of 1Gov*UC project will help save cost through the collaboration of integrated communication. Diagram below illustrates the overall 1GovUC functions. By adopting the 1GovUC initiative, MoHR will be standardising the Email, Calendaring, Messaging, Unified Communications and Video Conferencing across the Ministry, excluding the Agencies. 1GovUC Functions ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 55 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.16 INITIATIVE 3.2 -One Government Data Centre (1Gov*DC) MAMPU has initiated 1GovCLOUD as a mechanism to provide Data Centre related services to be used by government agencies. At present, MAMPU has implemented two (2) types of data centres as follows: 1) GDC 1 – A fully operated Data Centres by MAMPU Located at Cyberjaya and Putrajaya 2) GDC 2 – A private public initiatives Data Centres Located at Petaling Jaya and Shah Alam. Operated by Strateq, an operator appointed by MAMPU. It is highly recommended for MoHR to utilise the 1GovCLOUD initiative for the new infrastructure for the new ISP initiatives especially for the maximise the benefits of the PDSA initiative while at the same time reduce the ISP implementation cost to MoHR. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 56 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.17 INITIATIVE 3.3 - One Government Network (1Gov*NET) 1Gov*Net is a Government initiative to develop a Public Sector ICT network infrastructure that will be centrally- managed and providing data communication, voice and video services (or unified communications). This network will not only be used to facilitate communications between Government agencies, but also to support mobile computing and enhanced security on access to Government applications. The establishment of the 1Gov*Net is to realize our Prime Minister’s aspiration to create one integrated network specifically for the use of Government agencies nation- wide. The Government needs to provide a big budget allocation with the high demand by agencies to develop, upgrade and widen network coverage. Through the implementation of 1Gov*Net, the Government is able not only to save costs but also provides uniformity in terms of infrastructure and services.3 Concept of 1 Gov*Net 3 By The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) - Author: Puan Zaiha Mat Noor, ICT Shared Services Division ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 57 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Transformation of 1Gov*Net In the context of MoHR, all MoHR connectivity for a the Ministry and the Departments shall utilise the 1Gov*NET as provide by the Central Agency. Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Service Catalogue shall be formulated between MoHR and MAMPU to ensure expectations and service delivery can be measured for both parties. This ISP has adopted the 1Gov&NET initiative as the sole network platform for MoHR. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 58 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.18 INITIATIVE 3.4 - Enterprise Research & Survey System (ERSS) Diagram below illustrates then ERSS concept and the ERSS key functions required to support MoHR business needs. The ERSS shall be extracting the Contacts Database from the UMSIS-DB for the purpose of the ERSS survey issuance. The key drivers of the proposed ERSS is to complement the following applications: 1) Labour Market Demand & Supply Information System (LMDSIS) 2) Unified MoHR Stakeholders Information System (UMSIS) 3) Unified Enforcement Management System (UEMS) 4) Enterprise ICT Service Desk (EISD) ERSS Concept & Key Functions ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 59 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.19 INITIATIVE 4.1 - Data Requirements & Data Ownership Committee (DRDOC) Based on our series of discussions with MoHR Senior Management, MoHR Line of Business (LoB) and also the MoHR ICT Teams, there is a need to properly address the Data Ownership, Data Requirement and Systems ownership issues to ensure clear and well defined roles and responsibilities of various parties to charter the new way forward especially to handle the Human Capital Transformation Flagship. It is highly recommended for MoHR to establish Data Requirement and Data Ownership Committee or in short, DRDOC to be reported to the Ministry JPICT as shown below. Data Requirements & Data Ownership Committee (DRDOC) Structure ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 60 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Based on the said structure, we are recommending the roles and responsibilities matrix as shown below. DRDOC Roles & Responsibilities Matrix ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 61 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.20 INITIATIVE 4.2 - MoHR Single-Sign-On Portal Not all Single-Sign-On Portal are created equal. Choosing the right technology platform that blends well with other middleware used by MoHR is critical. Another aspect that people tend to overlook on SSO Portal is on how easy it is to manage and publish the content. Can the SSO Portal handle video well? These are some of the basic tips of choosing the right SSO Portal for MoHR. Diagram illustrates the Portal key components. SSO Enterprise Portal Key Components ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 62 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.21 INITIATIVE 4.3 - Business Intelligence (BI) The Business Intelligence (BI) can only be successfully be implemented once the data is made available and possess “single-source-of-truth”, only then the BI can be perform its desired intent and function. On the other hand, the “single-source-of-truth” database cannot be functioning as a “single-source-of-truth” if the applications are churning in various directions and forms feeding conflicting data. In summary, every component as identified in this ISP shall be performing its desired intent and purpose in a holistic manner. The following diagrams illustrate the BI Dashboards designed for MoHR business needs. BI Dashboards – Part 1 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 63 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 BI Dashboards – Part 2 & Part 3 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 64 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.22 INITIATIVE 4.4 -Human Capital Centralised Database (HCCDB) The Human Capital Centralised Databases (HCCDB) is the major outcome from the ISP implementation through various initiatives as illustrated below. Human Capital Centralised Databases (HCCDB) ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 65 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.23 INITIATIVE 4.5 - Enterprise Knowledge Management System (EKMS) The main components of Enterprise Knowledge Management System (EKMS) are as shown in below. Enterprise Knowledge Management System (EKMS) ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 66 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.24 INITIATIVE 4.6 - Enterprise ICT Service Desk (EISD) The Enterprise ICT Service Desk (EISD) is primarily to serve to following capabilities: 1) To equip the IT Operations & Support and other IT Teams with capabilities for optimising essential IT Service Desk Services management functionality to support MoHR IT Services offerings to MoHR customers. The EISD shall leverage the monitoring information collected by IT Services Monitoring, speeding the detection and escalation of issues and allowing MoHR to provide better quality service, faster and better managed services and performance measurement. 2) To enable users/customers to report IT Services related enquiries, complaints, incidents, new service request and change management request to the IT Operations & Support. 3) To enable the IT Service Desk with its consumer like users experience equips IT service desk teams with action-based workflows built on ITIL standards, so they can manage, coordinate, and optimize all aspects of service delivery. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 67 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 The EISD main application functions and modules module are as shown below. EISD Application Function & Modules The EISD has the following main application modules: 1) Request Management Catalogue 2) Incident Management 3) Problem Management 4) Change Management 5) Configuration Management 6) Service Level Management 7) Knowledge Management 8) Consumer Quality User Experience ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 68 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 12.25 INITIATIVE 4.7 - Development of MoHR ICT Strategic Partnership Program It is best for MoHR to develop a strategic partnership program to ensure full depth understanding of MoHR requirements, whilst to ensure continuity for continuous improvement and also not to loose the skillsets developed through the implementation stage to be continued for support, operations, maintenance and further improvements. Therefore, the following key points shall be considered for MoHR consideration subject to appropriate Government policies: 1) To have not more than three (3) Servers product makes but not limiting to a single product make within five (5) years period. Rationale are as follows: • To maximise operations support familiarities and continuation skillsets development • To maximise spare parts interchange abilities • To maximise discount factor on long term support • Not limiting to only one product make will allow competition for better pricing and support values 2) To limit to not more than three (3) programming language platforms but to start with one (1) language platform using Java and its associated middle wares to ensure interoperability across the entire framework and ensuring maximum security throughout the entire system. Overtime, other technology platform may be considered after organisation knowledge maturity increases. 3) There shall not be one (1) single solution suite for the entire implementation to avoid “being stucked and locked” into ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 69 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 specific technology provider. However, not to adopt too many technology provider solutions to avoid complicated and costly integration and operations issues. 4) To adopt \solution from Presentation Tier layer architecture until Resource Tier Architecture that shall interoperate seamlessly to avoid integration complication and “siloed” technology pieces. 13 IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP With a total of twenty-five (25) ICT initiatives to be implemented over five years period, we have formulated the implementation road map as illustrated in earlier Timeline in the following diagram where there some interdependencies and pre-requisites that were put in place. The implementation road map is structured according to the following strategies: 1) Quick Win 2) Big impacts to Malaysians come first 3) Prudent and realistic ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 70 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 MoHR ISP Five-Year Implementation Road Map ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 71 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 14 COST ESTIMATES The estimated implementation cost for the proposed ICT Programs and Initiatives are as shown below. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 72 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 The total five-year implementation cost is estimated at RM 51,347,000.00. The said cost estimates yearly distribution is as shown below. ISP Implementation Cost Estimates Per Year The ISP cost estimates by program is as shown in the following diagram. From the said chart, it can be seen that the highest contribution cost if from the Program 2 – Improve ICT Capabilities and Capacity, and followed by Program 1 – Improve Organisation Capabilities & Service Delivery. Program 3 – Enterprise Wide Optimisation, is the smallest cost to implement as the said program capitalise the Central Agency initiatives and the cost is borne by the Central Agency, through MAMPU. ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 73 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 ISP Cost Estimates by Programs ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 74 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Diagram below illustrates the cost comparison between the total cost per year against the key components such as the Human Capital Transformation Flagship, ICT Infrastructure and its associated middleware and Software Framework, and the Pre-requisite for Flagship. Key Component Cost Comparison ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 75 MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES (MoHR) ICT STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2018 Information Management Division MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES Level 6, Block D3, Complex D Federal Government Administration Centre 62502 Putrajaya Tel: +603 8886 5000 Fax: +603 8890 2381 ISP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v1.0 76