CADIZ Roadbook
CADIZ Roadbook
Updated 29-august-2015 TransAndalus Andalucía by MTB 2,000 kilometres by mountain-bike through Andalucía The name “TransAndalus" and "Andalucía en BTT”, together with the contents of the website, are the copyright of the various collaborators in the project. All rights are reserved. For the province of Cádiz these are: Sanlúcar de Barrameda – El Puerto de Santa María: José Mª Berenguer, Jesús Marrufo El Puerto de Santa María - Barbate: Jaime Andrés Barbate – El Lentiscal (Bolonia): Marcos García El Lentiscal (Bolonia) – El Colmenar (Málaga): Miguel Ángel Baltanás We would particularly like to thank Juan Carlos Rodriguez "Piru" whose knowledge on routes through the province of Cádiz has been invaluable Editorial coordination: Francisco J. Cortés (fran) Cartography: Carlos García Guide to the province of Cádiz Translation: Andy Miller, Elaine and Ned Griffin, Greg Mills, Alicja WolanczyK, and Helen Langhorne sandstones and limestones) has favoured a topography varying from rolling hills to steep mountain ranges, with a vegetation alternating between almost desert-like spots to leafy ‘Laurisilvas’ (laurel forests), unique in the continental Europe - the pine and cork oak forests that make up the wooded areas are particularly remarkable. Its coastline alternates between extensive beaches and marshes and cliffs, and with the exception of few spots, it has been spared the effects of property speculation. TRANSANDALUS ROAD BOOK PROVINCE OF CÁDIZ Sanlúcar de Barrameda – El Colmenar Sanlúcar de Barrameda – El Puerto de Santa María Section 2 El Puerto de Santa María – Puerto Real Section 3 Puerto Real – Chiclana Section 4 Chiclana - Conil Section 5 Conil - Barbate Section 6 Barbate – Zahara de los Atunes Section 7 Zahara de los Atunes – Tarifa Section 8 Tarifa – Puerto de El Bujeo Section 9 Puerto de El Bujeo – Algeciras Section 10 Algeciras – Castellar Viejo Section 11 Castellar Viejo – Jimena de la Frontera Section 12 Jimena de la Frontera – El Colmenar Section 1 Total distance travelled through the province of Cádiz 40 kms 11.50 kms 23.30 kms 26.80 kms 26.30 kms 9.55 kms 34 kms 29.85 kms 26.30 kms 43.60 kms. 21.20 Kms. 40.10 Kms. 332.50 kms DESCRIPTION Crossing the Guadalquivir, the river that provides Andalucía’s backbone, you enter its southernmost province. Cádiz represents a meeting point of continents and seas; Europe and Africa are hardly 14 kms apart, while the waters of the Atlantic and Mediterranean mix the in the Estrecho de Gibraltar (Straits of Gibraltar). This position has shaped its environment and history, and in particular its climate: the province’s mountains receive the highest levels of rainfall of the whole country despite being in the heart of dry Spain; and the frequency of its most well-known winds, the ‘Levante’ and ‘Poniente’ (eastwind and westwind). The complex geology of Cádiz, which comprises three main entities (quaternary sediments, The history and pre-history of this province has left an important legacy: numerous cave paintings; well-preserved Roman cities, necropolises, roads, aqueducts, and countless murals and monuments - not forgetting the architecture of its villages, [sometimes masked by the changes of the last 50 years]. The economy of the province has been traditionally dominated by the primary sector: fishing on the coasts, and farming and cattleraising in the fields, together with forestry and cork production. In the second half of the twentieth century the bahías gaditanas (Algeciras and Cádiz) developed as major industrial centres which made a major contribution to the growth of the population in these area, and along with the area around Jerez de la Frontera they make up the three major centres of industrial activity in the province. In the last quarter of the twentieth century tourist development has begun to significantly change the landscape and the local society and economy leading, as we enter the 21st century, to a rampant speculation and settlement although some places have managed to hold onto their undoubted charm. Our passage through the tierras gaditanas will take in all of these aspects: starting with the gentle hills of the western countryside and the Bay of Cádiz, going on to see the coastlines of Chiclana, Conil and Barbate, and then, almost reaching Tarifa, riding into the mountains of the Sierras del Estrecho and Los Alcornocales (the cork tree forests), and then, before leaving the province of Cádiz, we skirt skirting the mountain range of the Serranía de Grazalema, (which we leave behind us at Montejaque). It’s best for the touring cyclist to be forewarned: while at the start of this route Cádiz welcome us with gentleness and courtesy, it will see us off demanding the utmost effort of our legs - although without doubt, having rewarded our senses and inspired us to return to enjoy its many charms. Camping Playa las Dunas de San Antón [web] P. Marítimo La Puntilla – 956 872 210 - El Puerto de Santa María TransAndalus RoadBook · Provincia de CÁDIZ ¿Dónde Comer? Rota: Muchos y variados sitios en torno a la “Plaza de La Costilla” (restaurantes, pizzerías, tabernas, cafeterías…) Pizzería La Forestal (decoración de ciclismo) - C/ Catavino de Oro Nº 2 - Rota El Puerto de Santa María: Gran variedad de establecimientos en la “Ribera del marisco”, incluidos los célebres “Romerijos” Rte. La Dorada – Avda. de la Bajamar, 36 – El Puerto de Santa María TRAMO 1 Sanlúcar de Barrameda – El Puerto de Santa María FICHA TÉCNICA Distancia Dificultad Física Dificultad Técnica Asfalto Pista Sendero Ciclabilidad 40.00 kms Baja Baja 17,10 kms 22,90 kms 0 kms 100 % 0% Supermercado ¿Dónde Dormir? Hostal Sixto [web] Plaza Barroso, 6 – 956 846 310 - Rota (zona centro) Hostal El Torito [web] C/ Constitución, 1 – 956 813 369 - Rota (zona centro) Hotel Los Cántaros *** [web] C/ Curva, 6 - 956 540 020 - El Puerto de Santa María (zona centro) 25% discount to transandaluseros Hotel Los Jándalos [web] Avd. Bajamar, s/n – 956-873-211 – El Puerto de Santa María El Baobab Hostel [web] C/. Pagador, 37 – 956-542-123 – El Puerto de Santa María 15% discount to transandaluseros Hotel Campomar ** [web] Avd. Catalina Santos “La Guachi”, 3 – 956 560 143 El Puerto de Santa María (Valdelagrana) Hostal Chaikana [web] C/ Javier de Burgos, 17 – 956 542 922 - El Pto de Sta María (zona centro) Taller mecánico Farmacia OTROS DATOS Tienda bicis Ciclos Coca – Polígono Palmar Nave 12 – 956 38 41 73 – Sanlúcar Jurado y Valdés – Avda. Constitución 30 - 956 37 34 95 - Chipiona Bicicletas Antonio’s - Avda. San Fernando 66 - 956 81 46 44 - Rota Bicicletas Bigote- Edificio Oasis - 956 87 54 18 - El Puerto de Santa María Decathlon – El Puerto de Santa María DESCRIPCION The new route for the first section of the TransAndalus follows the Vía Verde de la Costa Noroeste (north-east coast greenway) on the old railway line which once linked the towns of Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cadiz, None, Rota and El Puerto de Santa Maria. As these are all major towns with lots of facilities for tourists, you won’t have any trouble finding places to stay, good places to eat, monuments to see, bodegas (wine cellars), and bike shops, etc ... As noted below, we start by the Bajo de Guía pier and after a short stretch of cycle path, take several local streets that lead to the beginning of the section of the greenway, from here keep straight on to Chipiona where the route makes a wide curve before continuing in a constant straight line to Rota. Here we leave the old railway line to take the service road parallel to the A-491 and Camino Viejo de Rota, which will take us to El Puerto de Santa María, the end of the section. Section 1 · Sanlúcar – Pto. Sta. María · Overview Section 1 · Sanlúcar – Pto. Sta. María · Profile TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz . Section 1 · Sanlúcar de Barrameda – El Pto. Sta. María Total 0,00 0,21 1,75 2,15 Partial 0.00 0.21 1.54 0.40 Diagram 3,30 0.30 Description Sanlucar de Barrameda. We begin the route at the Olaso jetty (by the yacht club). Head right (southwest) 3,85 0.55 Paseo maritimo. Take the cycle track to the end of the Paseo maritime (sea front). Roundabout. Take the first exit onto the Avenida de Las Piletas. At the end of the avenida turn left, and continue to the La Balsa fishing sport club Turn right onto a street without a name built along the course of the old railway. 4,30 0.45 4,80 0.50 5,25 0.45 Underpass - go under the Avenida del Castillo. Straight on. 2,60 3,00 0.45 0.40 Roundabout. Straight on taking the second exit. Traffic island. Passing some apartments on the left we reach a traffic island. We join the Carretera de la Jara which joins from the left. Left turn then right. In this stretch of road there are two two tight turns, the first to left and second to the right. Keep to the tarmac. Junction. Straight on. We reach the Apeadero de La Jara, the old La Jara train halt. From here the road of the same name continues to the right, but we continue straight on the Avenida de el Puerto de Santa Maria. Fork. Straight on. We reach the Colegio La Jara (on the right), with a church on the left. The Avenida de El Puerto de Santa Maria continues to the right. We continue straight on, on a stretch of road with no name. Small roundabout at the junction with the Camino (or Vereda) de la Reyerta. Continue straight on Vía Verde de la Costa Noroeste leaving the asphalt. We are now coming into the town of Chipiona. A few metres further on there is the El Menúo venta (restaurant/café). 5,88 6,15 6,50 8,40 8,85 9,15 0.63 0.27 0.32 1.90 0.43 0.30 Junction with a local road. Continue straight on on the dirt road. Junction. Keep straight on at the junction with a local road. Junction with two asphalt caminos. We continue straight ahead following the dirt road. Chipiona. Our camino continues to the left, but if you want to visit this charming town, take the cycle path on the right. This leads to the marina, the beaches (200 metres) and the city centre. We are now in the town itself. Cross over the Avenida de Granada. From here our dirt road continues straight ahead through the poligono industrial/commercial area) of La Lagunilla. Station. The pista ends at the old train station (opposite the La Lagunilla). We continue through the poligono joining the Avenida de la Estación which then turns off to the right. Continue straight (on the right there’s a "limpiabicicletas" bikewash). 9,30 9,55 10,20 10,90 11,90 12,05 0.15 Roundabout Straight on taking the second exit from the roundabout, following the Avenida/Carretera de la Estación (old section of the Cañada del Chapitel – an old route for taking animals to their summer pastures). On the left we have the A-480 and right the Avenida de la Constitución. 0.25 Leaving Chipiona. Again taking the Vía Verde de la Costa Noroeste on the right, just after the Avenida de la Vía Láctea. 0.65 Junction. Straight on at the junction with the Camino de Los Llanos local road. 0.70 1.00 0.15 Junction. Straight on at the junction with the Colada de Puerto Romedo). Junction with another local road. Straight on. Junction with another branch of the Cañada Real de Chapitel. To the left is the Pinar de Peritanda (or pine forest of La Virgen de Regla). A good point to stop for a few minutes rest or have a snack. 13,15 1.10 Junction. Straight on. The next few kilometres can often be muddy in winter. There’s the option here of taking the paved road on the right which runs alongside the A-491 motorway. 20,20 2.23 Junction. Straight on. 13,75 14,00 15,05 15,70 20,35 0.60 0.25 1.05 0.65 Costa Ballena. We come into town of Rota. On the right you can see the Costa Ballena resort where there are hotels, beaches, entertainment and services, etc. From here the Via Verde deserves the name, as it’s well signed with a well-maintained surface. Junction with a cycle path that leads back to Sanlúcar. Continue straight on the greenway. Bridge over the A-2077. On the right we have the Asador Venta La Peña and before the old train-stop of La Peña del Águila.. Second bridge over the the A-491. 18,05 2.35 21,00 21,35 21,70 21,90 0.14 0.65 0.35 0.35 0.20 Sharp turn left. We pick up the dirt road that runs parallel to the A2075). We leave the vía verde which continues for a further 1.20 km into the tourist resort of Rota. Straight on. Keeping to the road that follows the A2075 and skirts the naval base. Venta Las tinajas, superb menu, especially the meat dishes. Continue straight on, passing turnings on the left and right Cementerio Municipal (municipal cemetery), the camino is surfaced from here – although we leave it a little further on. Junction. Straight on. We continue by road, ignoring the cycle path that begins at this point. Bridge over the A491. On the other side, there are a number of caminos, continue on the asphalt road. 22,20 22,80 23,70 0.47 0.60 0.90 Turn right towards the viveros (nurseries) taking the Vía de servicio La Laguneta (service road) right to its end following the A491. Caution, respect the no-entry signs opposite and turn left onto the service road. Petrol/Gas Station and Venta Las Marismas. Straight on. Left turn. 34,50 34,70 35,50 1.00 3.40 32,70 0.60 Construction zone for the extension of the A491. We turn left off the road onto the Camino Viejo de Rota. We come across several caminos left and right, keep straight ahead along the widest. 4.00 Turn right onto the Hijuela the Cortijo de La Negra. This last stretch of dirt road is a bit more difficult, as it is quite stony. Altos de Berbén. From here the road is surfaced. We keep to it until the end of the stage. 1.00 0.15 Junction with the A2078. Caution in summer this road is usually very busy. Take the camino that’s just ahead. 37,65 28,70 0.80 Junction with the El Bercial road. Continue straight on. 36,65 28,10 0.20 Right turn to rejoin the Camino Viejo de rota. From here go straight to El Puerto de Santa Maria. Underpass under the A - 491. 36,50 24,70 1.80 37,70 Roundabout and the Venta Durango on the right. Straight on, taking the first exit. 1.05 El Puerto de Santa María, important tourist centre and base for the wine trade. Turn right. Due to heavy traffic it is advisable to ride on the pavement for short stretch 0.05 Pedestrian crossing. Use the crossing at the first set of traffic lights to cross the road and turn left. We pass in front of the over the first traffic light and we are across the street turn left, passing in front of the Bodegas Caballero. 37,75 0.05 Right turn. Leave the pavement and continue along the Calle Durango. 39,85 0.60 Turn right onto Calle Santa Fe. 37.85 0.10 37,95 0.10 38,75 0.80 Turn left onto Calle Federico Rubio. Near the end of it we come to the Castillo de San Marcos (Castle of Saint Mark). Right turn pick up the Avenida Micaela Aramburu de Mora. Turn left onto Calle Cadenas. 38,90 0.15 39,00 0.10 39,25 0.25 Turn left onto Avenida de la Bajamar. In front of us is the Rio Guadalete and the Estación Marítima (ferry terminal), where can take a catamaran to Cádiz (bikes are allowed on board). The journey takes 30 minutes. Embarcadero (jetty) for the famous Vaporcito de El Puerto ferry service. Follow the road as it bears left and at the pedestrian crossing we reach the Calderon park. On the right side is the river Guadalete and left the Ribera del marisco, restaurant district where there are good places to eat. 40,00 0.15 Cycle path. This cycleway takes us to the start of the next section of the TransAndalus, the Parque Metropolitano de Los Toruños, but ... ... this section ends at this roundabout. The train station is 300 metres from here. TransAndalus RoadBook · province of Cádiz Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy SECTION 2 El Puerto de Santa María – Puerto Real TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Physical Difficulty Technical Difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Sendero Rideable Proportion 11,50 kms Low Low 3,91 kms 34 % 7,59 kms 66 % 0 kms 0% 100 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Hostal Bahía de Cádiz 68 Calle Palma – 956 564-703 Hotel Las Canteras [website] 8 Avenida Constitución – 956 564-040 Hotel Restaurante Catalán [website] Avenida Constitución – 956 832-203 Hotel El Caballo Negro ** [website] Carretera. Medina – 956-83-66-12 (with bike shop) Where to Eat? Venta La Bajada (opposite the Hospital de Puerto Real) Venta Teresa (opposite the Hospital de Puerto Real) Bike shops: Velobikes – Calle Sagasta, 48b (junto RENFE) – 628-62-05-82 – Puerto Real Royal Bikes [web] – Crtra. Medina – 956-564-064 - Puerto Real Francis Bikes [website] – Chapín 3ª fase – 956-33-56-53 – Jerez de la Frontera DESCRIPTION The stage starts at the bridge across the Guadalete River. By means of a bike path, we arrive in Puerto Real after having crossed the Los Toruños Metropolitan Park. During this section, we will have an opportunity to visit two beaches: Valdelagrana and Levante. This stage presents no problems, and is very popular with cyclists. As usual, we leave the choice of roads through town at your discretion, but we recommend the ride along the seaside promenade, ending at City Hall. Section 2 · Puerto Santa María - Puerto Real · Overview Section 2 · Puerto Santa María - Puerto Real· Profile The route turns away from the river by a small shelter for fishermen. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 2 · El Puerto de Santa María - Puerto Real Total 0.00 0.90 2.20 3.00 3,45 3,50 Partial Diagram 0,90 0,80 Roundabout with a monument of white pyramids in tribute to the salineros (salt miners). a little later we pass a Decathlon (bike and camping goods superstore) on the left. Continue on the cycleway. Roundabout. Cross over and take the lane that runs in parallel with the main road (N-IV). 0,45 Venta “El Maka”. Cross the bridge over the Río San Pedro and go into the Parque Metropolitano de Los Toruños y Pinar de la Algaida. 1,30 0,05 s ro te Es o Rí ro ed P S. 1,58 Description Reset your trip computer at the beginning of the bridge over the Guadalete. We take the cycleway on the right-hand side, separated from the road by railings. Roundabout with a replica of Columbus’ ship La Nina. Continue straight on in the bike lane. 0,00 5,08 Take the main avenue towards the Los Desamparados salt mine following the route closest to the Río San Pedro. 5,40 6,05 At a right hand bend we reach a wooden boardwalk which is an ordeal for cyclists, but there is a track running parallel with an even surface. We continue straight on, parallel with the main road. 0,32 End of the track and the boardwalk, turn 90º to the right and continue on the main avenue. 0,65 torre 7,75 1,70 9,40 1,65 Al puente y a la Playa Campus 9,87 0,47 90ºright-hand bend. After 130m turn left at the junction. (If you continue straight on the lane will take you, 200m further on, to a wooden bridge over the Río San Pedro and if you go straight on from there you will reach, after 1500m, the solitary Playa de Levante). We leave the Parque de Los Toruños. We are now in the university campus. Take the cycleway leading to the left. Following the bikepath we cross over a roundabout and take the bridge over the main road (dual carriageway). After crossing the bridge continue along the cycleway heading left. Change pavement/sidewalk before reaching the roundabout. 10,20 0,33 10.33 0.13 10.77 0.44 At the roundabout, take the second exit, leading to Puerto Real’s Paseo Marítimo (promenade/sea front). Following the paseo will take us into the centre of the city. Bike path. Follow bike path that crosses de road. Continue on bike path. Follow bike path as it crosses the road again, and goes along the seaside promenade Puerto Real. To the left is the City Hall (“Ayuntamiento”) 11.50 0.73 TransAndalus RoadBook · Provincia de Cádiz Supermarket SECTION 3 Puerto Real – Chiclana de la Frontera 22.55 kms 116 metres Low Low 3.10 kms (max) 19.45 kms 0 kms 100 % Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Elevation Gain Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Asphalt Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable Proportion Where to eat? You won’t have any problem finding somewhere to eat. Othere are also lots of ventas on the outskirts. Bike shops: Bicicletas Alvarito [web]: Avenida Descubrimientos, Polígono Industrial Urbisur, Chiclana (opposite McDonald’s) – 956-403-905 Bicicletas El Cerrillo: 5 Calle Remo, Chiclana – 956-404-463 13 % 87 % 0% OTHER INFORMATION Where to sleep? Hostal El Campanario * [website] Calle Rompeolas La Barrosa, Chiclana – 956-495-958 Hostal La Campa * Avenida Pescadores, Chiclana – 956-494-890 Hostal Villa ** 14 Virgen del Carmen, Chiclana – 956-400-512 Camping La Rana Verde *** [website] Pago La Rana , Chiclana – 956-494-348 – Chiclana 10% discount to transandaluseros DESCRIPTION We leave Puerto Real the passeo maritimo opposite the ayuntamiento (town hall). Then we’ll pickup the old national road at the Monumento homenaje al sector naval (a big modern sculpture on a roundabout) then follow the road for 3 kilometres to the Hospital Universitario. At the hospital we follow the camino that skirts the right-hand side of the hospital (passing the entrance to the ambulance station. From here we take a couple of caminos which connect to the Corredor Verde Dos Bahías a green corridor that is planned to link bay of Cadiz with the bay of Algeciras. The trail leads through shady pine woods to the flowing through a shady pine forest to the Encrucijada del Flamenco crossroads. From there we take the El Marquesado trail that leads which runs near the lagunas (lagoons) de Montellano y Jeli and the abandoned quarry of El Berrueco. At the top of the hill, there’s a scenic viewpoint the Punto Mágico with excellent views of the Bay of Cadiz. Go into the large settlement of Chiclana by the new bridge over the river Iro. To the town centre and hotels are to the right and to the left is the cycle path that leads to the start of the next section. Note: you can reduce the proportion of asphalt significantly by taking paths alongside the road between the 4.90 to 8.00 kilometre points percentage drops significantly asphalt. In any case, the route is completely rideable throughout. Section 3 · Puerto Real – Chiclana de la Frontera · Overview Section 3 · Puerto Real – Chiclana de la Frontera · Profile Traffic circle. On reaching another circle, we continue under the highway bridge as we follow the circle left TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz. Section 3 · Puerto Real – Chiclana de la Frontera Total 0.00 Partial 0.00 0,98 0,98 1,00 0,02 Diagram 2,30 2,70 0,15 Description Puerto Real. At the point where the seaside promenade bike path ends, turn right and continue on the promenade now without a specific bicycle lane. Left turn. Where the promenade ends by the beach, at the point just past the last apartment building on our left, go up a dirt road ramp next to stairs Road. On reaching the old main road, turn right Traffic circle. Take the first right. 1,50 2,85 3,00 0,15 3,80 0,80 4,00 0,20 0,50 0,80 0,40 Traffic circle. Take the first right again. Shortly afterwards, go over the railroad bridge 4,65 0,65 Traffic circle. After the bridge, take the first right 7,45 Circle. Once we have passed below the highway, we take the right turn towards the hospital. 2,80 H Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real. We reach the traffic circle at the hospital entrance, and continue straight across it (not entering the hospital) passing in front of two small rural eateries: “Casa Pepa” y “Venta La Bajada” At the end of the tarmac, by the entrance to the hospital car park, continue straight on along the track that runs through the pine trees Continue on past turnings to the left and right. From here there are several points where the track divides only to converge a short distance further on. Encrucijada del Flamenco crossroads at El Flamenco. Turn right. Signposted as the ‘Tramo Varianto’ of the Corredor Verde Dos Bahias 8,65 9,75 10,75 11,95 1,20 1,10 1,00 1,20 13,95 2,00 14,80 0,85 15,10 Tarmac lane. Turn left. There is a path running along the left hand verge for anyone wanting to avoid the road – although traffic on the road is limited. Leave the tarmac lane on the bend before it joins the road and take the path that runs, through the pine trees, in parallel with the main road . Arriving at a wide dirt road, we join the surfaced road which leads to the left. We then go on to take the cycle lane that runs along the right hand side of the road. We pass in front of an abattoir (slaughterhouse). Turn left off the road and onto a dirt track which climbs gently. 16,00 17,15 18,75 20,70 21,60 T-junction. Turn right. (Left,there is a gate to the entrance to a private finca). After 70m the trail bends to the left. Straight on passing in front of the church of El Marquesado. 1,15 Junction. Continue straight on past the various small turnings on the left. 1,60 Punto Mágico. Good views. Small monument at a junction at the top of a small hill. Go straight on. 1,95 0,90 Cross the bridge over the main road, continue straight on. we arrive, on tarmac, at the outskirts of Chiclana. Junction. uphill Turn right, heading Turn left onto Calle Muleta. 21,70 22,80 0.30 0,90 Junctions. Straight on, passing turnings on the left and then, 40 metres further on, on the right. 0,10 1,10 Roundabout. Continue straight on towards the bridge over the river Iro, cross over by the wide cycleway/pavement. 0,50 Chiclana. End of the bridge. On the right the city center. Next stage left, taking bike path (CAUTION when crossing) T-junction. Turn left. After 90m the trail bends right. 23,30 Apartamentos Mati Carril de la fuente - 956-441-291 or 956-440-543 - Conil Hostal Malia * [website] 46 Paseo Junquera – 956-440-925 - Conil Hostal Sonrisa del Mar * 3 Calle Huerto – 956-440-197 - Conil Camping Fuente del Gallo [website] Urbanización Fuente del Gallo – 956-440-137 - Conil Camping El Faro [website] Carretera Puerto Pesquero, at 2 kilometre point from TA – 956-444-096 Camping Cala del Aceite [website] Roche Viejo – 956-442-950 Camping Roche [website] Pago del Zorro – 956-442-216 TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz SECTION 4 Chiclana de la Frontera – Conil de la Frontera TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Elevation Gain Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Asphalt Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable Proportion 26,80 kms 176 mts. Low Medium 6,15 kms 22.9 % 14,05 kms 52.4 % 6,60 kms 24.7 % 100 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to sleep? Hostal Cabo Roche ** [website] Carretera Puerto Pesquero (Roche V) – 956-232-089 Hostal La Conileña * [website] 1 Calle Arrumbadores, 1 – 956-442-478 15% discount to transandaluseros Hotel Rte. Blanco y Verde [web] C/. Rosa de los Vientos – 956-442-613 - Conil 10% discount + PC with internet + wifi Hotel Las 3 Jotas [website] 27 Calle San Sebastián - 956-440-450 10% discount (except high Seaton) + free bike parking Hostal La Posada * [website] Calle Quevedo – 956-444-171 Where to Eat? La Tasca de Juan (in the Torre Guzmán area) Bar Pericón (village centre) Pizzería Giovanni (parque de la Atalaya) Bar Nico (in the upper part of the village) Most campsites/campgrounds have a supermarket and restaurant. Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy Bike shops: Taller Lucas - 956-440-264 – Calle Buenos Aires – Conil Conil-Rent – Bike hire | Workshop not always open - 956-44-15-36 – Calle Gonzalo Sánchez Fuentes (opposite “Ambulatorio”) – Conil DESCRIPTION In this section we again head towards the Atlantic which comes to play a principal role in the landscape. The route passes through the pine woods surrounding the the luxury hotels and residences of Novo Sancti Petri, Torre del Puerco and Roche. From here the route runs along the edge of spectacular cliffs dotted with small coves. If the weather is good, The beaches in this area are well worth a stop and a dip in the sea. From the lighthouse at Cabo Roche we can make out out below us the port of Conil and further to the the south east the Cabo de Trafalgar (Cape of Trafalgar). After a short descent to the eastern entrance of the small harbour, we continue along the clifftops after riding by along the Cala de Aceite. This coastline saw one of the most important episodes of naval history, the Battle of Trafalgar (which really took place closer to the Cabo Roche than the cape that gave its name to the battle). Travellers who pass through here between April and July will be able to see in action the almadraba - an ancient technique of fishing, using a system of fixed nets, that has marked the character and economy of the villages of the area. In spring, it is not at all uncommon to see Orca (Killer) whales near the beach at dusk. We arrive at Conil via the beaches of the Fuente del Gollo and La Fontanilla. To pass through the village it is best to take the streets closest to the coast (not always easy at times as hotels and houses block the path at various points, obliging short detours) before finally coming out at the paseo marítimo at the Playa de los Bateles. Note: the total distance given for this stage includes the 4.1 kms (at least) running from the entrance to Conil to the point where we leave the village on the dirt road towards Barbate. The percentages of asphalt and path only take into account the first 19.3 kms of the stage - the route through the village depend on the choice of the cyclotourist. Although we recommend using the paseo marítimo, travelling through u village’s white, steep and narrow streets would also be an excellent choice. Section 4 · Chiclana – Conil · Overview Section 4 · Chiclana - Conil · Profile Intersection, turn left (Callejón de Borreguitos) TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 4 · Chiclana – Conil de la Frontera Total 0,00 0,95 1,15 2,35 2,65 Partial 0,00 0,95 0,20 1,20 Diagram 3,55 0,70 Description The stage starts where the bike lane crosses the Iro River bridge. We take the cycleway to the left The intersection is under construction. (Temporarily). We continue straight ahead on the left shoulder End of (temporary) construction. The cycleway crosses the road (two more crossing within the next 50 meters, CAUTION). We turn right on exiting the bike lane, cross the road and follow an unpaved path to the fence by "Maderas Polanco" (an abandoned lumberyard) Ignore the junction to the left, continue straight 0,30 4,05 0,50 Intersection. Turn right. 4,67 4,80 5,05 0,62 0,13 0,25 0,20 We go through a wooden fence and take a right turn up a steep hill. There is a fountain just before the climb. T-junction by water tanks. Turn left. The track turns right. 5,45 0,40 T-junction, turn to the right. 5,77 0,32 Intersection, continue straight on "el Camino del Ciervo". 2,85 "Pinar de El Hierro" (Well known local pine forest). We cross the road a follow the track the goes up ahead of us. 5,92 0,22 Junction, turn right, further on ignore the various small turings on the left.. Junction, turn right. 6,45 6,82 7,77 8,77 9,50 10,65 11,75 12,00 0,53 0,37 0,95 1,00 0,73 1,15 1,10 0,25 12,60 Yeguada el Chapparal. Take the left towards Campano, after 50 metres the tarmac gives way to a well-surfaced track. 13,40 Pass in front of the other entrance to the beach and the hotel Chiclana Riu. Continue along the paved path. Drinking water. 0,60 Abandoned Guardia Civil barracks. Turn left where the path ends at a small roundabout. 0,80 Road forks: take the right-hand fork. 13,75 Campano: entrance to the los Salesianos fairground. Continue straight on on tarmac. 14,70 0,35 Turn right on reaching a tarmac lane that leads to Roche. If you want to avoid the road there is a path on the left-hand shoulder. 0,95 Junction: a little after the path ends we continue straight on on asphalt (the turning on the left leads to a beautiful beach). Venta de Melilla, continue straight on. 15,15 Novo Sancti Petri: turn left onto the cycle lane on the left side of the road. Centro de Recursos Ambientales aula de Naturaleza 'Huerta del Nuovo' (environmental education centre). Continue straight on. Junction: turn right towards the sea. After 250m, at the end of the street, take the path to the left. Drinking water fountain. 16,90 17,05 Roche, we enter this village through a security barrier that is no longer in operation. 0,45 We leave Roche. Roundabout: turn right, passing in front of the Conforte Calas de Conil. 1,75 0,15 H 18,90 1,95 Turn left onto a boardwalk path with turnings to the bays and the clifftop. We ride along it for the next 2 km. It is worth a few metres detour to see the Playa de Roche. Cabo Roche lighthouse. Spectacular views from the clifftop over the port and the village of Conil. Descend on tarmac towards the port. 19,35 19,50 20,15 20,60 22,20 22,50 24,00 0,45 puerto Puerto de Conil: turn to the left passing over a bridge and starting a short descent. Turn off to the right, leaving the asphalt, and take the track that climbs upwards. 0,15 0,65 Camping Cala de Aceite: turn to the right, cross the deep ditch and turn right again, looking for the entry to the Cala de Aceite and clifftop. 0,45 Turn to the left along the cliff edge, followed by a lane and and various parallel paths. Attention: the path can get dangerous if you get too close to the edge. camping 1,60 End of the clifftop: we descend to the right by the track which soon changes into a path. Ignore the street which goes off to the left of the path. 0,30 Conil: we turn right onto a a street that leads over a bridge. We ride for 4/1kms through Conil, and then on towards Barbate. 1,50 Roundabout. On the right, towards the sea 24,30 25,15 25,40 25,90 26,80 0,30 0,85 Upon reaching the beach at La Fontanilla, left. we leave the beach for a brief stretch of tarmac on the left. 0,25 With the street to the left we return to the La Fontanilla beach. At the end, turn left back onto the main route. 0,50 Paseo marítimo de Atlántico. We joined the broad promenade which runs parallel to the street and continue straight on. 0,90 Final stretch. At the end of the promenade, just before the river. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz SECTION 5 Conil de la Frontera– Barbate TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Travel Time Elevation Gain Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Asphalt Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable Proportion 26.30 kms min. metres Medium Medium 11,50 kms 44.0 % 12,95 kms 49.5 % 1,70 kms 6.5 % 95 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to sleep? Hostal Reyes [website] 956-232-211 | 660-124-014 – El Palmar Adiafa Hotel *** [website] 1 Avd. Ruiz de Alda – 956-454-060 - Barbate Pensión Piñobreña 26 Ramón y Cajal – 956433917 - Barbate Pensión Sevilla 12 Padre López Benítez – 956432383 - Barbate Hostal La Tarayuela Juan Ramón Jiménez – 956-431-479 - Barbate Where to eat? Rte.-Pizzería Acebuche [website] - Paseo Marítimo - 696-999-052 - El Palmar Restaurante "El Campero" - Avenida de la Constitución – 956-432-300 Restaurante "Torres" – 1 Calle Ruiz de Alda – 956-430-985 Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy Bike shop: Taller Castellano: 76 Avenida Generalísimo, Barbate – 956-430-156 DESCRIPTION After passing through the village of Conil (we recommend riding along the streets and lanes closest to the coast) we come out at at the paseo marítimo, at the extreme south east of which there is a pedestrian bridge over the Río Salado where we reset our trip computers and begin this section. The route then continues along the Senda Costera C3 (C3 Coastal Path) which links Conil with the Cabo de Trafalgar. Before arriving at the cape we will come across the surfer's beach of El Palmar. From El Palmar we take the route off the coast in order to avoid the sandy rise to the cliffs of Barbate. We also have the chance to visit Vejer de la Frontera, turning off 5 kms. On the way back towards the coastline we can admire the Acantilado de Barbate (Barbate cliffs) an escarpment, more than 100m high, that drops vertically into the Straits. It is not unusual to see Africa from the cliff heights. We then come to the Torre de Tajo which together with others such as El Puerco or Castilnovo constituted for centuries an effective system of communication between the coastal villages, in the event of attack. The descent to Barbate, great fun, ends at the Playa de la Hierababuena, just at the entrance to port of Barbate, where the section ends. Section 5 · Conil - Barbate · Overview Section 5 · Conil - Barbate · Profile Detour: After turning 90º we take the secondary path on the right TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 5 · Conil - Barbate Total 0,00 3,20 5,50 6,70 7,50 Partial 0.00 3.20 2.30 1,20 0,80 Diagram 7,73 0,23 Description We leave Conil by the paseo marítimo, heading SE and after crossing the pedestrian bridge, reset the trip computer to zero. After riding along the track that runs parallel with the beach, and before arriving at El Palmar, a river cuts across the route; we skirt around, it on the beach, and then rejoin the road running parallel with the coast heading SE. We reach a roundabout. If you want to go to the beach turn left towards Los Caños de Meca, otherwise carry straight on heading SE parallel with the beach. Curve: A small road turns left sharply and then becomes a path to separate us from the beach Crossroads: We turn right 7,80 8,10 8,22 8,80 0,07 0,30 0,12 0,58 Detour: We go straight forward living the main road 10,57 1,77 Crossroads: Passing the sown field we turn left following the electrical installation towards the country house visible in the end of the road. Country house and crossroads: By the country house we take the road on the right. Roundabout: Follow the road and turn right on the roundabout, direction Caños de Meca. Crossroads: Turn left carefully taking the sharp curve which takes you from the road. 14,00 14,65 15,55 16,05 16,75 16,85 3,43 Crossroads: Turn right. If you turn left you arrive to Vejer in 5kms. 18,40 Detour: Follow a paved road living the path on your right. 0,65 18,70 0,30 Houses: Go straight ahead living a bus station on your right. 0,90 0,55 0,70 0,10 19,10 Crossroads: The asphalt turns into the paving stones on the left (on the right it soon turns into an unpaved road) Detour: On the left there is an unpaved road from Vejer, we go straight till a paved road appears. 19,45 19,55 0,10 0,40 0,35 0,10 Detour: We take the road living the unpaved one on the left. Crossroads: On the crossroads take a paved road on your right and then turn left following the road among the pine trees, we enter the natural park of Breña. Path: After following the path on the right side of firewall, once you arrive to a curve cross it in order to get into the forest. Detour: Turn right. 19,75 16,95 1,50 Road: The paved way leads to a road, cross it and you see a gate in front of you, you can pass it on the right (jump over). We turn left and then right through a firewall. 20,20 0,20 0,45 Detour: Before reaching firewall again, turn right. the Firewall: This path comes out onto another firewall and then continues, however, this time we do not cross the firewall and follow the path on the left side. Firewall: We arrive to another firewall, we go straight on the left side following the path among the pine trees (much more cyclable). Path: The firewall ends up and we take the road on the left. 20,40 0,20 22,65 2,25 23,20 0,55 24,10 0,90 26,30 2,10 Tajo Tower (Torre del Tajo): Passing the Tajo Tower there is a spectacular view over the cliffs. We keep the path straight forward. After the gentle descent on this track, sandy at times and rocky at others, we arrive at a fork, where we take the right, heading ENE towards Barbate. We descend by a sandy path, at this point the path passes through a gateway wheich leads to a lane descending and becoming still narrower, heading ENE, with the Playa de Hierbabuena at the bottom. This enjoyable path takes us directly to Barbate. At the entry to the yachting marina we carry on along the street that leads parallel with the dock walls heading ENE. Barbate, we can continue straight along the avenue to exit the village and continue the route, or take the right which leads to the paseo marítimo. Camping Bahía de la Plata [web] (at 1 km at the next section) Crtra. Atlanterra, s/n – 956-43-90-40 TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Where to Eat? Restaurante “Casa Juanito” Sagasta, 7 – 956 439211 Restaurante-Pizzería “Cristóbal” Plaza Thompson, 2 – 956 439552 Rte. Bodega “La Botica” Real, 13 - 956 439183 SECTION 6 Barbate – Zahara de los Atunes TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Time required Elevation gained Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable proportion 9.55 kms 1h 6 metres Medium Medium 2.25 kms 34.6% 6.50 kms 65.4% 0 kms % 98 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Hotel Almadraba ** [web] María Luisa, 15 – 956 439332 Hotel Cortijo de la Plata ** [web] Urb. Atlanterra, s/n – 956 439001 Hotel Doña Lola *** [web] Pl. Thomson, 1 – 956 439009 Hotel Gran Sol *** [web] Sánchez Rodríguez, s/n – 956 439301 Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy DESCRIPTION To cycle this short section, we leave Barbate by the highway to Zahara de los Atunes (along which we could continue if necessary since it runs parallel to the TransAndalus). Or, at low tide, we could choose to cycle almost all the way along the beach from the Rio Barbate to the Rio Cachon in Zahara. The beach route increases the cyclability of the stage to 100% because it allows us to avoid pushing our bikes through the sand banks we would otherwise encounter along the track. It might seem unusual that in a section so short and flat, the difficulty level is rated as medium. However, piloting our bikes along the sandy track could become a little hard, especially with loaded panniers. The landscape is predominantly an extensive wild beach to our right and depopulated hills to our left (depopulated because the military uses those lands a few days a year). Nature lovers will be glad to know that we are cycling in an area where birds migrate. In addition, if we look toward the sea, it's perfectly possible to make out dolphins and even killer whales if it's the season of the almadrabas (a traditional fishing method for capturing red tuna during the spring). Section 6 · Barbate - Zahara · Croquis Section 6 · Barbate - Zahara · Profile to the beach. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 6· Barbate - Zahara de los Atunes Total 0,00 0,35 2,15 3,50 5,20 5,70 Partial 0,00 0,35 1,80 1,45 1,70 0,50 Diagram 2,00 After a few dry arroyos, the track divides. Ignore the branch to the left and continue straight, parallel to the coast, SSE. 0,63 At this point, the beach begins to widen. Ignore the crossroads and continue straight ahead, SE, a little farther from the coast. Description Salimos de Barbate desde la rotonda del tramo anterior por la Avenida Juan XXIII y luego, siguiendo recto, calle Zahara Continuamos por la carretera de Zahara, en dirección al puente sobre la marisma de Barbate. Precaución con el tráfico. After passing extensive tidelands, you will see some small houses to the left. At this point, on your right, you can leave the highway to follow a sandy, but safer, path that runs parallel to the road, traveling SE. Follow the bordering path until the houses end, where there is a sign indicating "zona militar" and a ditch. Pass it, and take a track closer to the beach traveling SE parallel to the shore. Continue along the sandy track, going straight ahead at the crossroad, SE, parallel to the shore. Continue along the coast. After crossing an arroyo that seems to be dry, continue straight ahead through the crossroad, SE, parallel 7,70 8,33 8,65 0,32 9,36 0,71 9,55 0,19 Leaving behind a concrete bridge, we arrive at an unpaved parking area by the side of the highway. Turn right onto the highway and continue SE along the bank of the river toward Zahara. Arriving by highway at the roundabout at the entrance to the town, take the first exit to the right, going S over the bridge into Zahara. Zahara de los Atunes. After entering the town via the bridge, take the second street to the left with various hotels and restaurants. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz SECTION 7 Zahara de los Atunes – Tarifa TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Time required Elevation gained Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable proportion 34 kms min. metres Medium Medium 15,56 kms 45.7 % 10,63 kms 31.3 % 7,81 kms 23 % 99 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Camping Bahía de la Plata [web] (at 1 km after Zahara) Crtra. Atlanterra, s/n – 956-43-90-40 Hostal Los Jerezanos [web] 956-68-85-92 - Bolonia Hostal Bellavista [web] 956-688-553 - Bolonia Hostal Ríos [web] 956-688-586 – Bolonia Apartamentos Bolonia Paraíso [web] 956-688-577 – Bolonia Apartamentos Miramar [web] 956-688-561 – Bolonia Camping Torre de la Peña I y II [web] - (I) N-340, Km. 75.5 – 956-684-174 - Tarifa - (II) N-340, Km. 78 – 956-684-903 - Tarifa Hotel Copacabana [web] N-340, Km. 75 – 956-681-709 - Tarifa Hostal Alborada [web] C/. San José, 40 – 956-681-140 - Tarifa Hostal El Asturiano [web] C/. Amador de los Ríos, 8 – 956-680-619 – Tarifa Hostal Villanueva Avd. Andalucía, 11 – 956-684-149 – Tarifa Hostal Alamaeda [web] Paseo de la Alameda, 4 – 956-681-181 - Tarifa Where to Eat? Rte. La Reja, Rte. El Albero y Ríos Rte. - Bolonia Hostal Villanueva - Avd. Andalucía, 11 – 956-684-149 - Tarifa Mesón La Rueda – Bda. Huerta del Rey – 956-680-081 – Tarifa Pizzería La Trattoria – Paseo de la Alameda – 956-682-225 - Tarifa Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy Bike shop: Sailboards Tarifa [facebook] – Polígono Industrial La Vega - 956-681188 - Tarifa DESCRIPTION This section starts in Zahara de los Atunes (Zahara of the Tunas) along a sandy track parallel to the beach which brings us to the spectacular residential development of Atlanterra. Here we take a beautiful road that travels high above the coast to Faro Caraminal (Caraminal Lighthouse), where we can enjoy impressive scenery over the Strait of Gibraltar from Punta de Tarifa on our left to Faro de Trafalgar on the right, with Africa as a backdrop. At this point we change direction, leaving the coast to turn towards the hills. We pass through cork oak forests and climb near vertiginous walls of sandy rock used for nesting by multitudes of birds, mainly birds of prey such as griffon vultures (Buitre Leonado) which will probably be flying over our heads. Then, this section runs at an authentic and unique point on the route. “El Lentiscal” is the official name of the village on the bay of Bolonia but in practice it’s known as Bolonia. The bay is beautiful with an immense beach of fine golden sand and you definitely have to visit the Roman remains at the archaeological site of Baelo Claudia. The wonderful peace and tranquility in this almost virgin corner, unspoilt by coastal development make it a great place to pause on our journey. Walking along the beach and climbing the dune as the sun down will be one of the most enduring memories of the Transandalus. From Bolonia, we start to head away from the coast. The beach at Bolonia is the last of the playas that have been the common denominator of the previous sections. This unspoilt beach is a good place to say goodbye to the coast. From the bay we make the climb to the puerto (pass) of Bolonia, just over 4 kms of quiet road (except in summer). We then have to take a narrow asphalt-surfaced track that leads to the foothills of the Sierra de San Bartolomé. We pass through the bucolic hamlet of Betis with the first first views of the Strait of Gibralter and the montains of Jbel Musa in Africa; together with the panorama of Tarifa on and the playa de los Lances. From Betis we can also contemplate the “tumbas antropomorfas” – graves carved out of the rock – only a few metres from the route. The tarmac pista soon takes us to the carretera nacional 340. Our route runs parallel with this busy road until we reach La Peña. At this point we can choose between continue the Transandalus, that takes leave of the coast which we don’t see again until the route arrives at the city of Almería or enter into Tarifa. Note on accommodation: while the offer varies in Bolonia, the accommodation in road section approximately between 23km and 27km and in Tarifa does not tend to be cheap and during the summer tends to be complete, it is recommended to consider this before the trip and book in advance in case of doubts. If you do not want to enter Tarifa, on the 27km and passing the bus station, you can cross the road and take a paved road that goes up, you arrive at the point to the 7.47km of the next stretch towards Puerto de El Bujeo. Section 7 · Zahara – Tarifa· Croquis Section 7 · Zahara - Tarifa · Profile TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 7 · Zahara – Tarifa Total Partial 0,00 0.00 0,15 0.15 0,30 1,07 1,45 2,45 0.15 0.77 0.38 1.00 Diagram 2,53 0.08 3,41 0.88 3,87 0.46 Description Zahara. After passing the bridge at the entrance to the town, turn right on a boulevard divided down the middle into two separate lanes. Set your mileage counter to zero, and go SW toward the beach. The boulevard ends at the beach, where it crosses a sandy lane. Take this lane to the left. It will wind between some houses, SE, parallel to the beach. Gateway. We left turn right and take wooden boardwalk to the left End ot the boardwalk. We will continue straight to an unpaved parking area. Cross this and look for a sandy track leaving on the right, close to the dunes. Take it SE, parallel to the beach. After some houses, we arrive at a crossroads. Continue straight ahead via the sandy track, SE, parallel to the beach. After passing a campground on the left and just where there is some construction, turn left at the crossroad, NE toward the highway. 3,94 0.07 4,03 0.09 4,18 0.15 4,48 0.31 A few metres before the lane reaches the highway, turn right onto a wide boardwalk that leads SE to a concrete seaside promenade. A few metres before the end of the concrete promenade, go to the right and follow a short sandy track straight ahead, SE, parallel to the beach. The promenade continues. A few metres before it ends again, turn right on a path in order to cross an arroyo straight ahead, SSW. Pass a hotel's exit to the beach. On arriving at a junction in an unpaved esplanade, take the left fork, SE, parallel to the beach. At a crossing where the lane that goes straight ahead continues between the dunes, turn left on a lane that leads to an asphalted road between houses, NE, toward the interior. Where the road divides, take the left fork, NE toward the interior between houses. On arriving at a junction with a major highway (but one with little traffic), turn right, traveling SE parallel to the coast. 6,25 6,43 6,67 7,42 7,85 9,30 10,25 1.77 After the highway crosses between some chalets, there is a fork where it leaves the coast. Turn left, traveling E. 0.18 At this point, turn right on a road that heads downhill. There is a sign that indicates Faro Camarinal, SSE. 0.24 Where the road divides, take the fork that climbs to the left, SSE, parallel to the coast. 0.75 0,43 1,45 0,95 On arriving at the end of the development, there is parking on the left and an iron gate in front of us (to keep cars from entering). Go around the side of the gate and climb toward the lighthouse, SE. Faro de Camarinal. Once you've climbed to the lighthouse where the road ends, go back a few metres and take a track to the left and backwards, heading ENE, climbing toward the interior. This track brings us to a highway with little traffic. Turn right and downhill, heading ESE toward bahía de Bolonia (the Bay of Bolonia). Junction: straight on passing a turning to the left (this turning joins the previous route) Junction: turn left. 10,50 12,35 0,25 1,85 12,80 0,45 16,85 4,00 17,02 18,85 19,60 0,17 1,83 0,75 Entrance to the Baelo Claudia archeological site: straight on on the road. Bolonia. The two turnings on the left lead to Bolonia where there are bars, restaurants and places to stay. If you are continuing on to the next section go straight on. We rejoin the route taking the road that leads from here to the puerto (pass) de Bolonia. Steady but gentle climb Pass: End of the climb. Continue on the road. Turning: turn off the carretera onto an asphalt camino on the righ. Betis: Continue on the camino passing through the hamlet of Betis. Junction: Turn left and downhill – all on asphalt. head 21,80 22,00 22,10 22,45 22,70 2,20 0,20 0,10 0,35 0,25 Main road: turn right onto the N340 for less than 200 metres. Turning: turn left onto a camino. Take care - busy road! Junctions: Straight on past two turning on the right. 24,50 24,95 25,20 0,60 0,45 0,25 Turning: ATTENTION, turn left onto a little-used camino. 25,45 Junction: continue straight on crossing a concrete camino that leads to a hotel. 25,55 0,25 0,10 Caminos: Straight on at both junctions. Junctions: Pass the entrance to the hotel, turn a little to the left to pick up a small camino which then crosses a small river. Junction: cross the area of level ground and continue straight on Sendero (path): We rach a curved section of camino in concrete. Take the sendero on the other side. Technical section. Houses: We reach another section of flat ground. The path leads beside the road without crossing it. Junction: straight on. 22,95 23,65 23,90 0,25 0,70 Junction: Bear right onto a path that leads between the road and a house. There is a shop on the other side of the road. 0,25 Campsite: Pass the entrance to the campsite and take the camino on the left that bears way from the road. NB once pass the camping head straight on. 25,75 26,50 0,20 0,75 Road: Cross the road. At the entrance tothe hotel take the path that leads to the left which follows the road. Campsite: At the entrance to the campsite we have to take the road for a short stretch. 27,00 27,45 28,95 30,55 0,50 Bus Stop: Once you get to the bus stop, take the path that is parallel to the road. 0,45 Camping. Continue the path once you arrive to the camping entrance. 1,50 Road. By a new entrance to the beach, we take the road again without changing direction. 1,50 Detour. A few meters before reaching the patrol station, we take the path on the right. Gate. When you arrive to the gate, pass it over on the left. 30,85 31,05 31,95 0,30 0,20 0,90 Footbridge. The path widens and you can see a wooden footbridge that runs through the protected area of the Lances, leading us to Tarifa. Bridge. The footbridge goes over the Jara River. E 32,50 32,85 33,05 0,55 0,35 0,20 P Car park. The path leads to a car park, we follow the path next to the stadium wall. Tarifa. The path ends at the beginning of the promenade of Tarifa, take the side Street leaving the promenade on your right. Crossroads. Turn right leaving the stadium on your left. Crossroads. In the village take the street on your right. 33,15 33,70 34,00 0,10 0,55 0,30 Crossroads. Take the street on your left that climbs gently. Finish. We arrive to the main street of Tarifa. Turn right to find the hotels. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz. Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy Bike shops: Radikal Bike [web] - 956-65-40-47 – Algeciras Pumori [web] - 956-66-07-09 - Algeciras TECHNICAL DETAILS 29,85 kms h mts. Medium Low 3,60 kms 25,55 kms 0,70 kms 12 % 86 % 2% 100 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Albergue juvenil (Youth Hostel) [website] N-340, km. 95.6 Pto. del Bujeo – Bda. Pelayo – 955-034-886 Hotel Mesón de Sancho *** [website] N- 340, km. 94 - El Cuartón – 956684900 Casas rurales “Huerta grande” [website] Barriada Pelayo – 956-679-700 Where to Eat? Albergue juvenil (Youth Hostel) N-340.Pto del Bujeo – Barriada Pelayo Various restaurants in Barriada Pelayo All types of services and lodgings in the nearby towns of Tarifa y Algeciras, SECTION 8 Tarifa – El Bujeo Distance Time required Elevation gained Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable proportion Supermarket DESCRIPTION We continue our trip from Tarifa to Algeciras through a spectacular, very attractive and varied route, before we stop in the port of Bujeo, a natural pass between Tarifa and Algeciras as the coast is very steep between them. Surrounded by its arab walls we leave Tarifa taking a path which in turn leads us to a former military facilities, from here a short distance through an asphalted road will lead us to “Colada de la Costa” (“Washing of the Coast”), the old road that used to link these two towns and that we are going to follow for few kilometers. The “colada” is characterized by a small road (very rocky during most of its way) that go parallel to the coast, with cliffs and with hardly any slope. After passing by another former military instalations an asphalted route starts and begins to withdraw from the coast rising inward, at this point we take another way that is in much better conditions than the one next to the coastline, now the continuos up and down route leads us to the Guadalmesí Tower and Beach where the river of the same name ends, we are going to meet it again at the end of this phase. After crossing the river, our way begins to move away from the coastline, the road gradually becomes more and more difficult (in sections like a path) and gains slope through the spectacular and solitary gullies of Alelíes and Viñas. This road ends at the hill of Cerro de las Canteras, we will find here a multiple crossing where we take the paved road that goes to the hill, soon we pass former military instalations and take the national road 340. We follow it carefully till the viewpoint of Estrecho and a few meters before reaching it we take an unpaved road. This road leads up the hill of "El Palancar", next to a huge wind farm with wind turbines where at the multiple crossing another road enters the Guadalmesí River without a possibility to get lost in the recreational area of Bujeo, the end of this phase of our trip. Please note: The end of this section is not any village itself, but a mountain pass where we can link up with the next section as long as we want to. However, in the end of this section there are two areas with public services. Continuing forward we finish the section and in aprox. 300 meters we arrive at a national way 340. If we turn left (towards Algeciras) we reach a mountain pass in about 300 meters, once we start to go down there will appear a youth hostel on our left where we can have a snack or nap. Continuing the national way in about 500 meters we find an entrance to the Huerta Grande complex, a lovely place to sleep and eat. There is also a possibility to go down from Bujeo towards Tarifa (right) where at aprox. 2km we find a hotel, a petrol station and a supermarket Section 8 · Tarifa – El Bujeo · Croquis Section 8 · Tarifa – El Bujeo · Profile TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 8 · Tarifa – El Bujeo Total 0,00 0,15 0,33 0,55 0,65 Partial 0,00 0,15 0,18 0,22 0,10 Diagram 0,27 Description Puerta de Jerez: We begin our section next to the famous Puerta de Jerez, we start climbing the old national road N-340 after leaving Puerta de Jerez on our right. Detour: We turn right and go down along a paved road next to the walls. 2,13 0,61 We join a paved road next to old military installations. We leave the road on our right. 2,40 Crossroads: We leave the street on our left and then immediately turn right that leads to the city centre, just in front of us. 7,20 Detour: After going along a double curve along the walls, we turn left and take an unpaved road up to Finca Vista Alegre. 7,70 We leave few houses on our right and continue climbing a small path. 7,90 We join a track on our right. 1,25 1,52 Straight. We leave a detour with a country house in the backgroung on our right and continue the path straight ahead. 10,30 0,27 4,80 0,50 0,20 2,40 Crossroads. We go straight the central road. Gate. We pass a gate and follow the paved road. Detour. We leave the paved road with the military installations on our right and then go down a concrete road. The Guadalmesí Tower and bird observatory. We follow a paved steep descent. 0,60 10,60 0,30 The Guadalmesí Beach. We cross a modern ford over the river and begin climbing a road through houses. Crossroads. Go straight. 11,35 19,75 0,75 0,25 The Guadalmesí River Bridge 11,60 0,25 21,05 1,30 22,95 1,90 Crossroads. Go straight. – 12,00 0,40 Go straight. 17,10 18,00 18,70 19,50 5,10 0,90 0,70 0,80 Cerro de las Canteras. Crossroads. After climbing a difficult ramp we arrive at multiple crossroads on the hill. We take the second branch on our right where a paved road begins next to the old military installations. Gate: We pass the open gate leaving the old military installations behind. We follow the paved road. Crossroads: We leave another paved road on our right, we go straight. 25,00 29,85 2,05 4,85 Road. We reach the national road N-340. We turn right and drive carefully although there is a verge, this is the road with a lot of traffic. Detour. We leave the road taking an unpaved road that rises on our left. Given the heave traffic on this road and the danger of this maneuver, we recommend to turn at the viewpoint barely 100 meters further on. Detour. After leaving a few secundary tracks that lead to a wind farms, we take a wider road that starts to rise strongly. “El Palancar” Arrive at a wind farm at the top of an enormous hill. Descend via the track in front (ignoring two tracks on the right). Puerto del Bujeo. The stage ends in a recreation area. To continue on the Transandalus, turn left and ascend on a track next to the recreation area. If instead you go straight ahead, you will come to the N-340. Turn right on the highway for Tarifa; turn left for Algeciris. 500 metres down the road (toward Algeciris) is the youth hostel, “Albergue Juvenil de la Junta de Andalucía”, and a little further down is the neighborhood of Pelayo. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz SECTION 9 Puerto El Bujeo – Algeciras TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Time required Elevation gained Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable proportion 26,30 kms 1,5 hrs. 225 metres Low Low 2,25 kms 9% 24,05 kms 91% 0,00 kms 0% 100% OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Hotel Aura *** [web] Avda. Virgen del Carmen - 956-639-655 - Algeciras AC Hotel Algeciras [web] Crtra. El Rinconcillo 956-635-060 - Algeciras NH Algeciras Suites [web] C/. Malta, 1- 956-639-748 - Algeciras [At 22.30 km. we’ll can turn to the right to Algeciras where there are Hotels and full services] Where to Eat? Mesón El Estribo – Urb. Parque Bolonia – Algeciras La Posada de Millán – C/. Maestro Millán Picazo - Algeciras Bar Rte. El Gallego – Avd. Virgen del Carmen, 38 - Algeciras Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy Bike shop: Radikal Bike - 956-65-40-47 – Algeciras Pumori - 956-66-07-09 - Algeciras DESCRIPTION From the junction at Puerto del Bujeo, we take the track on the right which immediately begins an ascent to the mountain pass of la Higuera, situated in the foothills of the Sierra del Bujeo. Just before we reach the top, we'll have incomparable views over the Strait of Gibraltar. In terms of foliage, a dense cork oak forest will accompany us for the next several days. After the mountain pass of la Higuera, our gentle descent runs across the headwaters of the incredible valleys of the río de la Miel and the garganta del Capitán, heading toward the Sierra de la Palma. Then we'll come to the viewpoint of Hoyo de Don Pedro, where it is well worth the effort to look out over our surroundings. From here a long descent takes us past the country house of El Acebuche and then puts us in the plain called Llano de Botafuego, not far away from the city of Algeciras. The final stretch takes us on a road towards the urban centre of Algeciras, firstly by way of the way of the “Puerta Verde” or Green Door, and then up a long incline via a sucession of roundabouts. IMPORTANT NOTE: If it is our intention to continue on the next stage, and not end the day’s stage in Algeciras, once we arrive at the kilometric point 21.52, we should turn left rather than carry straight on (towards Algeciras), then at this point we can continue the instructions of the next stage of the route map: Algeciras – Castillo de Castellar, from the kilometric point 4.78. In the kilometric point 22.30 we can head right into Algeciras in 2 kms, a city with any number of options for over night stays and services etc. Section 9 · El Bujeo – Algeciras · Croquis Section 9 · El Bujeo – Algeciras · Profile 0.78 Crossing: We leave the road at the flats of Botafuegos. We take the path to the right which runs parallel to it. 1.15 Roundabout: The path arrives at a roundabout and we take the third exit towards Algericas, after a short flat stretch we begin climbing. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 9 · El Bujeo – Algeciras Total 0.00 4.70 6.51 7.85 12.48 20.63 21.52 Partial 0.00 4.70 1.81 1.34 Diagram 22.30 Description Puerto del Bujeo. Leaving from the recreation area, take the track on the right that begins to climb immediately. Puerto de la Higuera. Begin a gentle descent. Fuente de las Corzas to the left. Continue to follow the track. Casa (House) de Puerto de la Zarza. las 24.35 24.70 0.90 0.35 Corzas. 4.63 Overlook Hoyo de Don Pedro. Begin a long descent, always following the main track. 8.15 Cortijo Acebuche. Go through the gate. Before this you have passed through two others. 0.89 23.45 Crossing: We carry on along the main track. ATTENTION: Read the note in the stage description. There is a possibility to continue towards Los Barrios and Castellar 24.95 25.45 25.60 25.80 0.25 0.50 0.15 0.20 Roundabout: We take the second exit, over a bridge crossing railway tracks. Roundabout: We take the second exit and begin a stiff climb. Roundabout: We take the second exit, turning 90º and ignoring small access roads to urbanisations. Roundabout: We take the first exit and begin a pronounced downhill. Roundabout: Continue downhill andthen first exit. There is a Eroski Hypermarket to the left. Roundabout: Straight on passing under the motorway, second exit. 25.90 26.30 0.10 0.40 Roundabout: downhill. Straight on, Algeciras. Roundabout of “Milenio”. Straight ahead, sea front and hotels (Hotel Aura 100 m), to the right City Centre. End of stage. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz SECTION 10 Algeciras – Castillo de Castellar (Castellar Viejo) TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Time required Elevation gained Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable proportion 43.60 kms 1h 30 min. 233 metres Medium None 24,80 kms 56.9 % 11,05 kms 25.3 % 7,75 kms 17.8 % 100 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Hotel Real Los Barrios * [web] Avd. Pablo Picaso, 7 – 956-620-024 - Los Barrios Pensión El Semáforo C/. Alhóndiga, 5 - Tlf. 956-620-129 - Los Barrios Hotel Castellar **** [web] Castellar –Almoraima Road - 956-693-018 - Castellar de la Frontera 10% discount to transandaluseros + free bike parking Hotel y Casas Rurales Castillo de Castellar [web] Rosario, 3 – 956-693-150 - Castillo de Castellar Where to Eat? La Abuela. Prepared meals. Av. Alcalde Don Juan Rodríguez – Los Barrios Bar Las Palmeras – C/. Blasco Ibáñez, 1 –Los Barrios Bar CZ – Paseo Constitución, s/n – Los Barrios Various restaurants / ventas between kilometer 29 and the 35.60 Various posibilities in Castellar de la Frontera (Castellar Nuevo) Restaurant in the Casas Rurales complex and bar at the entrance of Castillo de Castellar (Castellar Viejo) Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy DESCRIPTION We leave Algeciras using the same way we came in on the previous stage, taking the Puerta Verde and bordering the quarter of Los Barrios using paths and tracks. Latterly, on secondary roads, we need to take on two short but stiff climbs before we reach the easier cycle path which takes us to Almoraima. From this point the section runs entirely by road because both the presence of private properties and the lack of drove roads or other public tracks make it impossible to travel by trails or paths. In fact, the GR-7 long-distance footpath runs along this same route. However, the roads have very little traffic, and a separate bicycle lane has recently been constructed beside the section with the most congestion. It is worth mentioning the beauty of our final stretch. Under the canopy of a dense cork oak forest, we approach the steep slopes of a summit where the fortress of old Castellar with its 13th century Moorish castle looms over us. After some strenous climbs along this little road, the castle welcomes us to its idyllic setting with its endless vistas over the reservoir of Guadarranque, the horizons of Alcornocales Natural Park, the Bay of Algeciras, and the Rock of Gibraltar. There are no services in Castellar Viejo except a bar, a flamenco tavern, a restaurant, and some rural houses for rent. These casas rurales within the castle walls are a unique window into the past, offering an exceptional experience for an overnight stay. The curious history of Castillo de Castellar or Castellar Viejo is worth noting. The original town was depopulated during the decades of the fifties and sixties. The final tipping point was the location of Castellar de la Frontera (New Castellar) in the valley below, the last village settlement built in the Franco era. Castellar Viejo turned into a destination for hippies in the seventies. Today, the haven of peace found in its beautiful homes and streets, its artistic decor, and its location inside fortress walls on a hill with excellent views make Castellar an outstanding tourist destination. Section 10 · Algeciras – Castillo de Castellar · Croquis Section 10 · Algeciras – Castillo de Castellar · Profile Roundabout. Take the second exit at front of you, continue down. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz. Section 10 · Algeciras – Castillo de Castellar Total 0.00 0.40 0.50 0.70 0.85 1.35 Partial 0.00 0.40 0.10 0.20 0.15 0.50 Diagram 1.60 0.25 Description Roundabout. Once arrived at Algeciras, we take opposite direction till P.K.- 4.78. We enter the roundabout leaving on our left the trade fair. Roundabout. We take the second exit, pass below the motorway. We start to go up. Roundabout. Go straight and take the second exit with a strong slope. Roundabout. Continue straight, third exit passing Eroski on your right. Roundabout. The slope finishes, take fourth exit onto the avenue. Roundabout. Take the second exit at front of you with sharp drop. Roundabout. Take the first exit. 1.95 2.85 4.00 4.78 4.92 6.20 6.26 0.35 0.90 1.15 0.78 0.14 1.28 0.06 Roundabout. We leave the first exit and stuck to this road we take a path parallel to it. Crossroads. The trail ends at a crossroads along the road, take a left along a dirt track, leaving the horse riding campus on your right. Detour. We take the path on our right. Private road. We leave the path on our right and immediately take the private concrete road. Bridge. We go through the wooden bridge to go around the Prior reservoir. Crossroads. After crossing the bridge, we turn right to continue the path. 7.71 1.45 H 8.75 9.47 9.82 10.10 14.44 16,20 1.04 Crossroads and road. Before the crossroad, we take the path on our left and cross a bridge, we leave a forest defense helipad on our right. 17,22 Paved road. We arrive to the paved road on our left. The alternative in case of mud (please see the table in the end). 18,19 0.72 Crossroads. We take a path on our right to"Corredor Verde", we continue the path avoiding others. 0.35 Crossroads and tunnel. We leave a split on our left, we pass the tunnel below the motorway. 0.28 4.34 1.76 Trail. We take a trail on our right, in front of the path cut with a gate. 1.02 0.97 Roundabout. We take the fifth exit (counting all of them). The petrol station is on your right. Crossroads. Before arriving to the top of a small hill, we take the road on our left to Jimena de la Frontera. Continue the road that turns right. 20,94 2.75 Go straight. 24,00 3.06 Go straight. 27,60 3.60 Crossroad with road A-405. Turn left towards Jimena, taking bike path. Path. After various km of trails and paths next to the river, we arrive to the path on our right. 29,00 1.40 29,70 0.70 Road. After crossing the bridge and going below the motorway through a tunnel, we arrive to an old road and turn right passing in front of the Venta el Frenazo. There will be San Roque Station (services) on your right. At the junction there are 2 small restaurants. We continue by bike path, from here there's a lateral wall separating us from the road. At this crossroad we leave on our right the entrance to the station for cargo. 20.00 35,20 35,60 37,80 40,05 42,60 43,60 5.45 0.05 0.40 2.20 2.25 2.55 1.00 The bicycle lane ends at the station “La Almoraima”. Only a few metres ahead, turn left at the crossroad. Turn right at the junction, cycling on the shoulder. Take the left-hand fork of the highway to Castillo de Castellar. There is a gas station about 300 mts. down the right fork and a little further is Castellar Nuevo. Continue straight ahead on the highway. Venta (Restaurant) “La Jarandilla”. Begin a hard climb to the castle. Continue straight ahead on the highway. Castillo de Castellar. Information board for the Parque Natural Alcornocales. The entrance to the castle is on the left. *ALTERNATIVA PARA CRUZAR LOS BARRIOS CASO DE ENCONTRAR EL CAMINO TOTALMENTE EMBARRADO Total 8,75 8,77 9,42 9,72 9,97 12,22 Parcial 8.75 0.02 0.65 0.30 Gráfico Descripción Cruce: Tomamos a la derecha hacia la cercana carretera Carretera: Nos incorporamos a la carretera hacia la izquierda dirección Los Barrios Rotonda: Entrada en la población de Los Barrios, continuar al frente, segunda salida Rotonda: Continuamos al frente, segunda salida 0.25 Rotonda: Giramos a la izquierda, tercera salida en dirección Jerez por antigua carretera, siempre al frente 2.25 Cruce: Unión con trazado original, giramos a la derecha por carretera y seguimos rutómetro a partir del P.K.- 18.19 TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Camping Los Arconocales ** [web] Castillejo Bajo Cruz Blanca – 956-640-060 (has bungalows also) - Jimena de la Frontera SECTION 11 Castillo de Castellar – Jimena de la Frontera Where to Eat? Great variety of restaurants in the town. TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Time required Elevation gained Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable proportion 21.23 kms 2h 10min 50metros Low Medium-High 1.07 kms 5% 18.33 kms 86% 1.83 kms 9% 100 % OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Hostal Jimena Real ** C/. Sevilla – 956-648-130 - Jimena de la Frontera Hostal Los Arcos * Avda. Reina de los Ángeles – 956-640-328 - Jimena (Train station) :: 10% discount for transandaluseros :: Hostal El Anón * [web] C/. Consuelo – 956-640-113 - Jimena de la Frontera Posada La Casa Grande [web] C/. Fuente Nueva, 42 – 956-641-120 | 667-658-298 – Jimena :: 15% double room / 25% single room discount for transandaluseros :: Apart-hotel La Hacienda de Don Luis [web] C/. Blas Infante, 9-15 – 956-641-195 – Jimena de la Frontera :: 15% discount for transandaluseros :: Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy DESCRIPTION We depart from the castle using the only road that heads toward the north, located near the Los Alcornocales Natural Park information board. The road soon turns into a track and begins to descend, first smoothly and after that more abruptly, while the surface gets considerably worse. The end of this descent marks the start of the wide Vegas (lowlands) de Jimena. From here to our destination, the route scarcely changes in elevation. After some kilometres we arrive at a junction. Here, after we have crossed the railway, we must turn left and continue next to the tracks until reaching the outskirts of Jimena de la Frontera, which we can make out on the horizon. On this stretch of the route if we're lucky, we can observe birds of the southern European steppe, birds of prey, and large mammals such as deer. The route, very entertaining and pleasant, brings us to Jimena after having crossed the río Hozgarganta which is considered the last virgin river in Andalucía. A big part of the next section of the TransÁndalus runs along its valley. Section 11 · Castillo de Castellar – Jimena de la Frontera · Section 11 · Castillo de Castellar – Jimena de la Frontera · Overview Profile Take a secondary track. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 11 · Castillo de Castellar – Jimena de la Frontera Total 0.00 1.62 4.15 Partial 0.00 1.62 2.53 Diagram 12.45 0.85 Description Leave the castle continuing ahead along the same route by which we arrived. It is the only exit that is asphalted. Junction. Take the right fork, beginning a steep, rocky descent. (The asphal ends.) End of the descent. There is a farm on the left. Cross a wire fence ahead. 13.25 13.80 14.82 0.80 0.55 1.02 Continue straight ahead. 7.02 7.42 15.07 2.87 0.40 Crossroads. Cross the railroad tracks and then turn left. 0.25 16.08 11.60 0.82 Go through a wire fence and gate next to a bridge under the railroad. following the 1.01 1.88 Cross the railroad line. 18.48 0.52 GR Just before crossing the railroad, take a path to the right. Continue straight ahead. 17.96 3.36 Turn left, footpath. The path ends. Turn right. Stay to the left. 10.78 Arroyo Salado. Cross next to a wooden bridge. Total Partial Diagram Description Rancho Los Lobos 18.61 20.16 20.37 0.13 1.55 0.21 Junction with an asphalted road. Turn right. Río Hozgarganta. Cross via a narrow bridge. Turn right, ascending. 20.50 21.23 0.13 0.73 Jimena de la Frontera. Turn left to the center of the town where the TransAndalus continues. (road-book addenda: how to cross the town) Crossing Jimena de la Frontera 0.00 0.00 Final point of the Castellar-Jimena stage, next to Restaurante Cuenca. Climb toward the center of the town. 0.40 0.40 Plaza. Continue via calle Sevilla which is quite rocky. 0.70 0.30 Ayuntamiento (town hall) 1.00 0.30 Continue straight, signposted “camping” 1.90 0.90 2.10 0.20 Camping “Los Alcornocales” Junction with highway C-8201 (was C-3331). Point zero for the following stage. TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Alojamiento Rural Jara [website] C/. Lepanto – 629-516-562 – El Colmenar SECTION 12 Jimena de la Frontera – El Colmenar Where to Eat? Hotel Rural Buitreras * Mesón Las Flores / Bar España (facing the station) Mesón El Cani TECHNICAL DETAILS Distance Time required Elevation gained Physical difficulty Technical difficulty Surfaced road or track Unsurfaced road or track Singletrack/path Rideable proportion 40.10 kms 3h 30 min. 780 metres Medium-High Low 14.12 kms 35% 25.98 kms 65% 0 kms 100 % 0% OTHER INFORMATION Where to Sleep? Hotel Rural Buitreras * [web] C/. Pista Forestal, s/n – 952-153-070 - El Colmenar [10% discount for. “transandaluseros” in low season and 15% in high season in double rooms] Casa Rural Ahora [web] Finca La Vega – 952-15-30-46 – El Colmenar [10% discount for “transandaluseros”] Posada Rural Ananda [web] C/. Lepanto, 40 – 636-136-924 – El Colmenar [10% discount for “transandaluseros” and 5% at the restaurant] Mesón Rincón del Cani 952-153-179 – El Colmenar Casa Rural La Salahara 627-555-342 – El Colmenar Supermarket Bike shop Repair shop Pharmacy DESCRIPTION Once we have crossed Jimena and are at the northern edge of the town, we come to the junction with the C-8201 where we turn left towards Ubrique. This stretch of road deserves special mention. It winds deep into the valley of the río Hozgarganta, considered the last unspoiled river in Andalucía since it has no towns between its headwaters and Jimena de la Frontera. We travel through beautiful sections of the Los Alcornocales Natural Park, and even better, the road has very little traffic since the closest town to Jimena is more than 50 km away. The route runs at a consistent height over the riverbed, and when it finally descends to the bottom of the valley, it enters the province of Málaga. Here we immediately leave the road, taking a track that starts to our right. If in coming this far we have felt ourselves immersed in greenery and beauty, from here on we will find ourselves even more impressed. First, we will have to conquer a long, steep ascent to the Carrera del Caballo, traveling via the Loma de los Cerquijos and having left behind the Garganta del Ramblazo and the depression of Las Motillas. However, we will be surrounded by luxuriant gall oaks and cork oaks, and we might cross paths with wild boars, deer, or muflones (bighorn sheep). After climbing to the pass of Carrera del Caballo and crossing a gate, we'll take a track that starts on our right, but not before enjoying the magnificent views over the massive limestone summits of the Natural Park of Sierra de Grazalema in the nearby Sierra de Cádiz. A long and delightful descent will bring us to the splendid Rio Guadiaro, next to which is situated our goal, El Colmenar. Its idyllic setting becomes the final glorious image of the day. Section 12· Jimena de la Frontera - El Colmenar · Overview Section 12 · Jimena de la Frontera – El Colmenar · Profile TransAndalus RoadBook · Province of Cádiz Section 12 · Jimena de la Frontera – El Colmenar Total 0.00 Partial 0.00 10.85 10.85 12.60 1.75 16.65 22.25 24.21 4.05 Diagram 32.75 8.54 Description Leave the northern edge of Jimera, arriving at the junction with the C8201 (was C-3331) after passing the campground “Los Alcornocales”. Turn left toward Ubrique. Set your mileage counter to zero. Shortly after entering the province of Malaga, we arrive at the bottom of the Valle del Hozgarganta next to the river. Turn right on a track, leaving the highway to begin a steep ascent. Water tank on the left. Continue climbing. Turnoff to Ramblazo. Take the right fork, ascending. 5.60 Junction with the GR-7 longdistance trail which also comes from Jimena (but it ascends via a non-cyclable footpath). Turn left. 1.96 “La Carrera del Caballo”. Cross the gate/cattleguard and take the first track branching to the right. (On the left, the GR-7 goes to Ubrique.) Begin descending toward El Colmenar. 36.83 40.10 4.08 3.27 Gate. Go through and continue straight ahead. Puerto Zurera. Turn right on the asphalt and continue descending toward El Colmenar. El Colmenar. Railroad station. Level crossing.
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