2007 Annual Report - Greater Worcester Community Foundation


2007 Annual Report - Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Our Vision Transforms
reater Worcester Community Foundation serves people who are
inspired to enhance the world they call home. People who create funds with
the Foundation have the clear-eyed compassion to see their community as it
is ; the imagination to envision how it could be ; and the desire to make it so.
Few donors have extraordinary means—but each has an extraordinary impulse to improve their
world. This creative impulse takes many forms. At the Foundation, each fund is an inspired act that
expresses a donor’s values and vision.
By creating a fund with the Foundation, you can change your world for the better in your own way.
Each fund is singular; but it is backed by the benefits of scale. The Foundation pools donors’ funds
and professionally invests this money to earn the highest returns. As your fund grows, it does more
for your chosen causes. Every year, the Foundation distributes up to 4.5 percent of your fund as grants
according to your wishes, and does so in perpetuity.
This year’s grants include $250 to stock a food pantry and a Foundation investment of $250,000 to
expand training of health care workers. Community knowledge guides each grant to make sure that
it counts. Our grantmaking process engages people who know the community best—your neighbors
and fellow donors—as well as service providers who work daily to improve lives and conditions in
Greater Worcester.
With a $10,000 gift or pledge, you can create your own charitable fund. Setting up a fund is simple
and spares you the costs, work and risks of running a private foundation. The Foundation manages
grantmaking and administration on your behalf, according to your wishes. The annual cost to you
for all services, including investment fees, is just 1.8 percent* of your fund’s value.
What makes giving through the Foundation so effective and efficient is the citizen-run process at
its heart. Our staff works with all-volunteer board members and committees to develop policies,
evaluate proposals and review the impacts of grants. This community-building process transforms
the participants as well as those who benefit from our gifts.
In this report, you will find a gallery of inspired donors and their funds. You may be among them.
If not, we invite you to create a fund and improve life in your community in your own way.
* The annual cost for a scholarship fund is two percent of the fund’s value.
Exploring the Worcester Historical Museum: Generations of Worcester
residents have used their minds, hearts and hands to create a community like
no other. This creative spirit is also visible in the inspired giving of our donors.
Our Vision Connects
Letter to the Community
y commingling energies as well
as funds, we create common good.
Ross K. Dik, President and Ann T. Lisi, Executive Director
Our founders created an organization that enables us to
transform our community by working together. We pool
not only our assets but also our visions and energies.
We put our individual visions to work within a common,
flexible structure that enables each of us to do more than
we could on our own. At same time, the growth of our
resources—including our relationships, knowledge and
funds—expands what the Foundation as a whole can do
for the community.
One of the ways we are doing more is by deepening
our partnerships with nonprofits. As of 2007, the
Foundation’s Negotiated General Operating Support
pilot has provided three agencies with multi-year grants
that match the scale of their ambitions. Also in 2007,
the board approved grantmaking to capital campaigns,
opening a new avenue for us to strengthen nonprofits.
Our board and staff are also striving to do more
by making efficient use of our human and financial
resources. We have adopted best practices that help
us to manage our growth. For example, the board has
developed a strong governance committee and embraced
succession planning. Now, as board leadership shifts, we
can maintain continuity while giving our new chair the
opportunity to have fresh impact.
Although our staff is serving an ever-larger circle
of donors and service providers, they remain a small
group—just eleven people. They are developing skills to
provide even better services while meeting increasingly
aggressive goals. And they continue to guide the
volunteer committees who are at the heart of our model
of community philanthropy.
This personal, face-to-face interchange connects service
providers with new opportunities for growth and support
and keeps donors close to the good work—and needs—of
nonprofits serving Worcester County. By commingling
energies as well as funds, we create common good.
Thank you for taking part.
Ann T. Lisi, Executive Director
Ross K. Dik, Chair of the Board and President
May 2005 to May 2008
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
2007 In Review
By the Numbers
Key Accomplishments
Dollars (Millions)
Total assets
Gifts to new & existing funds
Investment returns
Grant dollars distributed
Number of grantees
New Funds
Total Named Funds
Community Volunteers
Total Assets as of December 31
• Awardedgrantstotaling$2.7millionfrom discretionary, field-of-interest and committee advised
advised and scholarship funds.
Contributions Received
• Presentedatotalof$499,937inscholarshipsto
process that engaged more than 150 volunteers.
• LaunchedDonorCentral,anonlinetoolthatenables donors to securely access fund balances, grant activity
and gift history; view and research funding
opportunities; and recommend grantees.
Dollars (Millions)
• Grewtotalassetsto$134.4millionwithinvestment returnsof9.1%,$5.7millioningiftsto120funds, including26newfunds.
• Conducted13programsthroughtheNonprofit
Grants & Scholarships Approved
• HeldthefifthannualInsightsTour,bringingtogether
donors and service providers to explore needs of newlyarrived immigrants in the region and services to meet
their needs.
Since our founding in 1975, we’ve
received nearly $100 million in gifts and
awarded more than $60 million in grants.
Dollars (Millions)
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
The Jeppson Memorial Fund
A family rooted in Worcester nurtures its home
When the Brookfield librarian saw that her young
patrons were not using bicycle helmets, she and the police
chief organized a Bike Safety Program, complete with
prizes for students—50 free helmets. A grant from the
Jeppson Memorial Fund provided most of the program’s
Other grants have upgraded the Fire Department’s
communications system and supplied the town with
playground equipment, cherry trees, and curtains for the
Company. “The money is well used. We’re happy to see
served as president and CEO of the Norton Company.
Now that he is retired, John and his wife Marianne live
year-round at Oakholm, a dairy farm in Brookfield that
generations of Jeppsons gather at Oakholm for family
The town is just one of the designated beneficiaries of
the Jeppson Memorial Fund. Each year the Foundation
distributes a portion of the endowed fund to grantees
that represent the abiding interests of the family.
transferring most of the money in their family
Community Foundation. Their large gift helped to
ensure the survival of the community foundation, then in
John and Marianne Jeppson host four generations of Jeppsons at
Oakholm, a farm in Brookfield that is their home.
its second year. “We did it to preserve our assets and use
says John. “We wanted to put money back into the
community that has been so good to us.
“The Foundation’s many advantages include professional
annual grants in perpetuity to the causes we care about,
hile providing annual grants in perpetuity to the causes
we care about, our fund has grown almost fourfold.
John Jeppson II
On left: The Brookfield Fire Department upgraded its communications
system with a grant from the Jeppson Memorial Fund.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Maureen Hendrickson Memorial Scholarship Fund
A beloved teacher continues to touch young lives
the corn snake or guinea pig got loose, which raised
havoc. We’d read in the Bat Cave—a desk under a black
curtain—and organize food drives for the animal shelter.
with fellow teacher Barbara Wrenn collected the gifts.
Maureen’s friends raised money from raffles, bake sales,
and craft fairs. Judy sold photographs of Sutton scenes
By 2005, the school and its friends raised enough money
to establish an endowed fund with the Foundation that
graduate in perpetuity. “Maureen will keep touching the
Maureen Henrickson’s fellow teachers celebrate her life with
a scholarship.
“Maureen always had an eye out for the underdog who
Giving people a chance to live longer and healthier
lives motivates Matthew. Now in his first year at the
biomedical and electrical engineering. “New technologies
imagination, curiosity, and compassion in her students,
who learned not just from books but also from her
Noah’s Ark of animals.
“We’d play with the animals and take them out at
aureen will keep touching the lives of kids in Sutton.
Judy Rutelonis
On right: Sutton High School students show off the T-shirts
they received from their cherished third-grade teacher.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Alice Sibley Fund
Transforming lives through the gift of sight
Until recently, uninsured Worcester residents with
glaucoma or cataracts had to live with vision loss.
But in 2007, more than 80 people without health
insurance regained their eyesight at Great Brook Valley
after the death of her husband, J. Otis Sibley, a prominent
lawyer. Alice took neither her eyesight nor her family’s
good fortune for granted during her long life. She
herself had retina surgery and she funded a neighbor’s
eye operation.
medical eye care to Worcester residents who cannot pay
and sole heir, her bequest created an endowed fund that
will fulfill her wishes in perpetuity.
need of eye surgery. The grant funded pre-and-post
Tufts Medical Center in Boston and Worcester Medical
“State and federal programs reimburse our
whose patients often lack health insurance and speak a
language other than English. “The grant funded the staff
who guide patients through treatment such as medical
Alice Sibley, here with her husband and son, continues to transform
the lives of others.
when untreated diabetes led to vision loss. After surgery,
he saw the faces of his caregivers for the first time and
soon regained employment.
“Cataracts blur vision and, if neglected, lead to
ophthalmologist. “Our patients are restoring their
ur patients are restoring their independence
along with their eyesight.
Jean Keamy, M.D.
On left: Dr. Jean Keamy brings ophthalmology services to Great Brook
Valley Health Center, where many patients lack health insurance.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Barbara Allen Booth Fund
Making history come alive
nation and region. A long-time donor and trustee of
with the museum to turn the papers of her father-in-law
Worcester Telegram, The Evening Gazette and the Sunday
Telegram, into a memoir. She and her brother-in-law,
exhibition gallery.
says William D. Wallace, executive director of the
relationships to one another enriches our sense of our
community and ourselves. This bigger picture is very
Barbara Booth is eager to help the museum tell a larger
story of Worcester and its people. Now an honorary
trustee of the museum, she helped to fund the initial
architectural studies of its future home at the Worcester
museum will double its exhibition space, gain riverside
acreage, and create programs with other nonprofits that
incorporate all dimensions of life in the region, from the
arts and industry to ecology and civics.
“The fund grows as a future resource for the executive director,”
says Barbara Allen Booth.
Barbara Allen Booth grew up in rural Spencer on land
service in the Continental Army under the command of
General Washington.
to connect the history of her family with that of the
turned to the Foundation to create an endowed fund
“The fund grows as a future resource for the executive
birthday in 2008. “Creating the fund was a good decision.
The Foundation husbands my money on behalf of the
he Foundation husbands my money on behalf of the museum.
And I don’t need to do any work.
Barbara Allen Booth
On right: “History helps people see their lives in a larger context,” says
William D. Wallace, executive director, Worcester Historical Museum, with young visitors.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Donna R. C. and John E. Sansoucy Fund
A grateful family cares for its neighbors
to establish a charitable fund. They had enjoyed a good
not just the prospect of a tax break that attracted the
Donna, “and we started while we had the opportunity.
Now, we can give every year no matter how our business
created a donor advised fund. “We can adapt our grant
providing small grants to Moore State Park in Paxton;
which gives families with childhood cancer love, support
and free lodging. The three grantees are within a
few miles of the Sansoucys’ home in Paxton and their
business in Tatnuck Square, Worcester, which was
Donna and John enjoy making their small world better.
for college and retirement just like everyone else. People
John and Donna Sansoucy enjoy the flexibility of their donor advised fund.
this as a starting point. We’ve begun giving back to the
community that has been good to us. We can continue to
do this throughout our lives as well as the lives of
think of this as a starting point. We’ve begun giving
back to the community that has been good to us.
Donna Sansoucy
On left: One of the Sansoucys’ first grants was to Moore
State Park in Paxton, a favorite place for family hikes.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
John W. Lund Fund Community Service Award
Engaging Clark University in community change, one person at a time
Service Award, which comes with a cash prize of more
“By creating a fund, you can carry on your own way of
Worcester Community Foundation. “This award will
continue to encourage interaction between Clark and
“Jack understands the power of individuals to change
Ph.D. “Jack’s award and the values it promotes have
job as secretary of Clark’s Visual and Performing Arts
Department with year-round volunteer work nurturing
Worcester County’s cultural assets. “The two feed off
“This award will continue to encourage interaction between Clark
and Worcester long after I’m gone,” says Jack Lund.
classroom, as a catalyst of community change.
which each year recognizes a Clark student, faculty
member or staff person who makes an extraordinary
contribution to the quality of life in Worcester. With
the recommendations of the university’s Office of
Government and Community Affairs, the Clark president
arts festivals draw more than 22,000 people into the city.
“Through the arts, we bring to light all that Worcester
earn credits as Tina’s interns and sell their works. And
fundraisers and exhibits local artists.
Tina’s passion to invigorate Worcester is inspired by
y creating a fund, you can carry on your own way of bettering the world.
Jack Lund
On right: “Through the arts, we bring to light all
that Worcester has to offer,” says Tina Zlody.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
The Foundation makes grants in six key areas: arts
and culture, community and economic development,
education, environment, health, and human services.
We invite grant applications from all 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organizations residing in Worcester County.
Following are competitive grant opportunities offered by
the Foundation:
Discretionary, field-of-interest and committee-advised
grants enable the Foundation to respond quickly to
pressing community needs. Twice a year, our board’s
Distribution Committee reviews applications for
discretionary and field-of-interest grants. Volunteers
appointed by our board or donors annually review
proposals for committee-advised grants. Grants in these
three categories range in size from $250 to more than
$300,000, depending on fund resources, and support
strategic planning, programmatic activities, and technical
Scholarship awards are granted by the Foundation each
year from more than 90 scholarship funds designated
for college-bound residents of Central Massachusetts.
Most awards are for graduating high school seniors; but
some support older adults returning to school. A student
submits just one application to become considered for
all scholarships that suit their qualifications. Donors
establish the criteria for their awards, which vary from
$250 to more than $6,000, and many are renewable
throughout the student’s education. Applications are
available in paper and electronic form between early
February and late March. Most awards are announced by
the end of June.
The following grants are recommended by fund-holders:
Donor advised grants express the interests and priorities
of the donors or their designated advisors, who may
make grant recommendations at any time throughout the
year. Nonprofits are not usually required to submit an
Agency and designated grants provide nonprofits with
ongoing support from endowment funds created by their
boards or by others for their benefit. Grants from agency
and designated funds require the compliance of the
organization’s board prior to disbursement and may be
distributed automatically on an annual basis. Grants may
be for general operating costs, special projects, capital
expenditures, or emergency needs.
Grants Approved by Broad Category in 2007
Arts and Culture
Community Development
Human Services
Grant Totals
Discretionary, Field of Interest and Committee Advised Funds
Scholarship Funds
Designated and Agency Funds
Donor Advised Funds
All 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and students residing in Worcester County are invited to
call or visit www.greaterworcester.org for complete grant and scholarship guidelines.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Some amounts withheld by donor
A.P.P.L.E. Seed, Inc.
Jeppson Memorial Fund for Brookfield
Abby’s House
Isabel K. Arms Fund $869
Wynne L. Chase Fund $8,453
Elizabeth A. Culhane Memorial Fund $407
Ethel S. Cunningham Fund $4,553
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $18,000
Celeste and Dave Lionett Donor Advised
Fund $200
C. Jean and Myles McDonough Fund $1,000
Lillian S. Pratt Fund $20,000
Donna R. C. and John E. Sansoucy Fund
Access Community Action Agency
American Antiquarian Society
Auburn Christian Fellowship
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $500
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $1,500
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson
Fund $750
Jeppson Memorial Fund $13,394
Auburn Community Assistance Fund
American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee, Inc.
American Red Cross of Central
Auburn Historical Museum
Fairlawn Foundation Fund $100,000
Judge and Mrs. William Garbose Fund
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $1,250
Lionel M. and Cynthia E. Lamoureux Fund
Negotiated General Operating Support Fund
Andover Newton Theological School
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor
Advised Fund $500
Anna Maria College
Trust in Kids Fund $2,923
Maureen Logan Coghlin Fund
Anonymous Grantees (2)
Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington
Human Services Fund and Discretionary
Funds $12,500
Nonprofit Support Center Organization
Assistance Fund $30,000
AIDS Project Worcester
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $200
Arc of Quinebaug Valley
Khazma A. Soffan Memorial Fund $2,416
Fund for the Arts and Humanities and
Discretionary Funds $12,500
All Saints Episcopal Church
Athol Area YMCA
Sarah Daniels Pettit and William O. Pettit
Jr. Fund $748
Helen M. and Thomas B. Stinson Fund $244
Winifred Meany Killay and Matthew Meany
Memorial Fund $2,000
Alternatives Unlimited, Inc.
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Worcester Credit Bureau Fund $10,000
Alzheimer’s Association,
Massachusetts Chapter
The Auburn Foundation $2,000
Auburn Senior Center
The Auburn Foundation $1,815
Auburn Youth & Family Services
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Audio Journal
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
American Technion Society
ADVISE (Against Domestic Violence In
Al-Hamra Academy
Auburn District Nursing Association
The Auburn Foundation $3,000
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $5,000
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $20,000
The Auburn Foundation $5,000
The Hedin Family Memorial Emergency
Fund $100
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $3,500
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
African Community Education
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $250
Athol Bird and Nature Club
Auburn Birdbanding Research Team
The Auburn Foundation $1,500
Celeste and Dave Lionett Donor Advised
Fund $100
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Bancroft School
Jeppson Memorial Fund $20,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $100
Youth Opportunity Fund $7,500
Bar Harbor Historical Society
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson
Fund $250
Barton Center for Diabetes Education
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $500
Becker College
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and
Education Fund
Fairlawn Foundation Fund $10,000
George and Anna Krikorian Family Fund
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $5,000
The Pyle Fund $8,000
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Central
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund
Blackstone Valley Art Association
Worcester Credit Bureau Fund $7,320
Blackstone Valley Boys & Girls Club
Bridge of Central Massachusetts
Children’s Friend
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund $5,000
Andrew N. Ahlfors and Helmi E. Ahlfors Fund, Sumner Lee Sharfman Fund and Discretionary Funds $16,000
Blackstone Valley Chamber of
Commerce Education Foundation
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Mary B. Grogan Fund for Youth $1,028
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $1,000
Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library
Brookfield Elementary School
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $35,000
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $19,000
Paul J. and Dorothy B. Kervick Fund $547
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Louise R. and John F. Reynders Fund $418
Youth for Community Improvement Pass-
Through Grantmaking Fund $3,000
Raymond P. Harold Memorial Fund $811
Jeppson Memorial Fund for Brookfield $2,750
Christ Church
Boothbay Railway Village
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $8,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $1,000
Brookfield Police Department
Christ Episcopal Church
Boothbay Region Land Trust
Jeppson Memorial Fund for Brookfield $1,000
Boothbay Region YMCA
Brookfield Unitarian Universalist
City of Worcester Division of Elder
Raymond P. Harold Memorial Fund $2,500
Chesson Family Fund $712
Discretionary Funds $15,000
Raymond P. Harold Memorial Fund $500
Bosler Humane Society
Newell Hale Memorial Fund $972
Clark University
Central Massachusetts Area Health
Education Center
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $100
Greater Worcester Community Scholarship Fund: Ruth and John Adam Founders $163,713
John W. Lund Fund $6,520
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $2,600
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $20,000
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $2,000
Central Massachusetts Housing
Alliance, Inc.
College of the Atlantic
Boston Poultry Exposition
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson Fund $1,500
Central Massachusetts Muscular
Dystrophy Association
College of the Holy Cross
Bosler Humane Society Fund $2,111
Rosemary Davis Memorial Fund $2,000
The CASA Project
Discretionary Funds $15,000
Boston Athenaeum
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and Education Fund
Boston Lyric Opera/Opera New
John P. Castagnetti Memorial Fund $541
Boys & Girls Club of Webster Dudley
Hugh W. and Harriet K. Crawford Fund $25,000
Discretionary Funds $7,000
Boys & Girls Club of Worcester
Polly C. and Joseph R. Carter Fund $1,500
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $500
Robert G. and Eliza C. Hess Fund $1,042
Peter J. and Sophie Kosky Fund $699
Main South Fund and Discretionary Funds $15,000
Sonia Werblin Masterman Fund $1,556
Marla Maykel Fund $7,500
The Pyle Fund $5,000
Charles E. Soule Paul Revere Insurance Group Centennial Fund $600
Central Massachusetts Regional
Library System
Discretionary Funds $5,035
Raymond P. Harold Memorial Fund $500
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Community Foundation of the
Tri-County Area
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $500
Community Harvest Project
Centro Las Americas
H. Arthur Smith Fund $12,500
Lorraine Crepeau Fund and Discretionary Funds $10,000
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Community Healthlink, Inc.
Charlton Historical Society
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Lorraine Crepeau Fund $15,000
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $20,000
Frances F. Mansfield Fund $1,083
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $250
Corinne Charron Turner Fund and Discretionary Funds $18,000
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Connecticut Audubon Society
at Pomfret
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $500
Connecticut Farmland Trust, Inc.
Eagle Hill School
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $2,500
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
East Douglas Evergreen Cemetery
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
East Douglas Evergreen Cemetery Company
Fund $20,000
Anonymous Fund $100
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $500
Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc.
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $200
Dana Hall School
Hollis E. and Gwendolyn D. Alden Fund
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Paul E. Cohan Fund $100
Day Kimball Hospital
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $15,000
Department of Social Services Kids
Fund, Inc.
WTAG Christmas for Children Fund
DIAL SELF Teen Services
Joseph A. Tosoni Fund, Shepherd Knapp
School Fund and Discretionary Funds
Diocese of Worcester
Argitis Family Fund $1,200
Paul J. and Dorothy B. Kervick Fund $547
Dismas House of Central
Worcester County Deputy Sheriffs
Association Fund and Discretionary
Funds $10,000
Doctor Franklin Perkins School
Discretionary Funds $5,000
Dynamy, Inc.
East Highland Neighborhood
EQUAL, East Quabbin Alliance
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund
and Discretionary Funds $10,000
Family Health Center
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $51,000
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund
Mini-Grants Fund $1,000
Family Services of Central
East Quabbin Land Trust
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $12,000
John M. Nelson Fund $1,000
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Water and Land Stewardship Fund and
Rosemary Marble Harris Fund $4,022
Easter Seals of Massachusetts
Anonymous Fund $100
Hollis E. and Gwendolyn D. Alden Fund
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $1,000
Charles E. Soule Paul Revere Insurance
Group Centennial Fund $2,000
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community
and Education Fund
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $250
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $1,000
Rosemary Davis Memorial Fund $81,419
Dana L. DeAngelis-McDonald Memorial
Discretionary Funds $19,000
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $500
Elder Services of Worcester
Area, Inc.
Finnish American Reporter
Finnish American Social Club Fund $4,648
Finnish Center at Saima Park
Finnish Heritage Foundation Fund $500
Finnish Heritage Society, Sovittaja
Finnish Heritage Foundation Fund $500
First Church of Christ Unitarian
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and
Education Fund
First Congregational Church
of Douglas
First Congregational Church of Douglas
Endowment Fund $27,000
First Congregational Church
of Shrewsbury
Frances F. Mansfield Fund $1,083
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $500
H. Arthur Smith Designated Fund $3,415
Harold Davis Woodbury Fund $1,006
First Congregational Church, UCC
Elm Park Center for Early Childhood
First Congregational Parish,
The Elm Park Center for Early Childhood
Education Scholarship Fund $4,643
First Congregational Parish, Unitarian Fund
Elm Park Children’s Fund
First Night Worcester
Mini-Grants Fund $1,060
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
East Brookfield Youth/Dynamy Fund $1,000
Margaret and Gordon Torgersen Fund $500
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $500
First Unitarian Church
Hollis E. and Gwendolyn D. Alden Fund $885
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $2,000
First Unitarian Church Fund $499
John M. Nelson Fund $9,000
Florida Repertory Company, Inc.
Celeste and Dave Lionett Donor Advised Fund $100
Florida West Coast Symphony, Inc.
Paul E. Cohan Fund $250
Franklin Pierce University
Arthur M. Pappas and Martha R. Pappas Donor Advised Foundation $40,000
Friendly House, Inc.
Children’s Christmas Fund $350
Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Human Services Fund $18,000
Friends of Gale Free Library
Friends of Gale Free Library 110th Endowment Fund $10,371
Friends of Sutton Elders
Grand Banks Schooner
Museum Trust
Gale Free Library
C. Bradford and Elizabeth C. Newell Fund $1,451
Genesis Club, Inc.
Lorraine Crepeau Fund and Discretionary Funds $15,000
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $21,643
Pelletz Family Fund $250
Girl Scouts of Montachusett Council
Robert G. and Eliza C. Hess Fund $1,041
Marian B. Kubelus and Marian Zell Nesbit Memorial Fund and Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund $10,000
Girls, Incorporated
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $15,000
Robert G. and Eliza C. Hess Fund $1,042
Youth for Community Improvement Pass-
Through Grantmaking Fund $2,500
Goodyear Early Childhood Center
Friends of Learning in Killingly Fund $550
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $250
Grafton/Wachusett Lakers
Youth Hockey
Friends of the Leicester Public
John Carter “High Five” Youth Hockey Fund $150
Christopher J. Paskell Memorial Fund $784
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $2,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $500
Great Brook Valley Health Center
Sarah B. and Dix F. Davis Fund and Discretionary Funds $26,000
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund and Jiji’s Fund $18,000
Alice C.A. Sibley Fund $25,849
Greater Worcester 32° Masonic
Learning Center for Children
Polly C. and Joseph R. Carter Fund $3,000
Greater Worcester Land Trust
Marla Maykel Fund $500
Mini-Grants Fund $1,500
John M. Nelson Fund $500
Habitat for Humanity of Northeast
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $600
Harrington Memorial Hospital
Argitis Family Fund $100
Harvard PTA
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Harvard Schools Trust
Anonymous Fund $100
Harvard University Medical School
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler Fund
Harvest Fair Committee
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $4,000
Heifer Project International
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $100
Henry Lee Willis Community Center
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $15,000
Foundation corporators at the 2007 annual meeting include (left)
Sara Trillo Adams, chair of the distribution committee, and Thuha Le,
executive director of the Southeast Asian Coalition.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
John Woodman Higgins Armory
Argitis Family Fund $1,500
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and
Education Fund
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $1,500
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Shepherd Knapp School Fund $7,000
Mary Louise Wilding-White Fund $4,189
Higher Education Resource Center
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $2,000
Hillel House
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $1,000
Hillside School
H. Arthur Smith Designated Fund $6,832
Historic Deerfield, Inc.
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community
and Education Fund
Historic New England
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community
and Education Fund
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $300
Hobart College
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,500
Holy Name Central Catholic Junior/
Senior High School
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $500
HOPE Coalition
Youth Opportunity Fund $18,000
Horizons for Homeless Children
Child Wellness Fund and Discretionary
Funds $5,000
House of Peace and Education
Jane Bath Fund $1,125
Joseph A. Tosoni Fund $10,000
Hyde School
Ross and Lisa Dik Fund $300
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $2,000
Immigration History
Research Center
Finnish American Social Club Fund $4,648
Interfaith Hospitality Network
of Greater Worcester
Children’s Christmas Fund $350
Celeste and Dave Lionett Donor Advised
Fund $200
Pakachoag Church Fund for Human
Understanding $1,500
Irving N. and Annabel Wolfson Fund and
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Italian American Cultural Center
Joy of Music Program, Inc.
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $1,000
Joy of Music Program Beveridge and Frances
Webster Endowment Fund $1,453
James J. and Patricia A. Moynihan Fund and
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $1,500
Youth for Community Improvement PassThrough Grantmaking Fund $2,500
Junior Achievement of Central
Joseph A. Tosoni Fund and Discretionary
Funds $10,000
Jupiter Medical Center Foundation
Paul M. Pezzella Fund in Memory of Patsy
and Theresa Pezzella $635
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $2,500
Argitis Family Fund $100
Jewish Community Center of the
Greater Palm Beaches, Inc.
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Herbert B. and Jayne Cohan Fund $500
Jewish Family Service of Worcester
Friends of Learning in Killingly Fund $1,135
Theodore and Marjorie M. Deitz Fund $500
Discretionary Funds $15,000
Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington
Human Services Fund $15,000
Negotiated General Operating Support Fund
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $1,000
Jewish Federation of Central
Killingly Central School
Killingly Intermediate School
Friends of Learning in Killingly Fund $610
Lahey Clinic
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $500
Latin American Health Alliance
Samuel Frank Charitable Fund $1,587
Pelletz Family Fund $2,000
Discretionary Funds $15,000
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund
Jewish Federation of Palm Beach
Latino Education Institute
Herbert B. and Jayne Cohan Fund $3,300
Jewish Healthcare Center
Theodore and Marjorie M. Deitz Fund $500
Joshua Hyde Library
Charles P. Ciaffone and Rose B. Ciaffone
Fund $1,325
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Curtis G. Watkins Education Fund and
Discretionary Funds $18,000
Leadership Collaborative
Mini-Grants Fund $1,800
Legal Assistance Corporation of
Central Massachusetts
Central Massachusetts Health Standards
Fund and Discretionary Funds $8,000
Leicester Council on Aging
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $3,200
Leicester Lion’s Club
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $2,000
Leicester Mothers Club
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $5,000
Leicester Police Department
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $3,000
Leicester Red Hat Sophisticates
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $300
Leicester Summer Concert
Series Committee
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $4,000
Let’s Get Ready
Harriet Miller Hight Education Fund with the Association of Colored Peoples and Discretionary Funds $8,000
Listening: The Barre Integrated
Health Center
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $9,500
Literacy Project, Inc.
Robert S. and Helen A. Bowditch Fund and Discretionary Funds $9,000
Literacy Volunteers of Greater
Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Human Services Fund and Discretionary Funds $8,000
LMS Sports Boosters
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $4,000
Longboat Key Center for the Arts
Paul E. Cohan Fund $125
Lutheran Community Services
of Massachusetts
Partnership Fund and Discretionary Funds $15,000
Massachusetts Senior Action Council
MAB Community Services
Lois S. Feldman Fund $1,000
Main South Community
Development Corporation
Discretionary Funds $18,000
Maine Sea Coast Missionary Society
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson Fund $1,000
Major Taylor Association, Inc.
Mini-Grants Fund $1,000
Martin Luther King Jr. Business
Discretionary Funds $8,000
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Martha L. and William P. Densmore Fund $2,000
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $3,000
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
and Health Science
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $500
Massachusetts Continuing
Legal Education
Bowditch & Dewey Fund $15,000
Massachusetts Department of
Conservation and Recreation
Donna R. C. and John E. Sansoucy Fund $100
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson Fund $1,000
Massachusetts General Hospital
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson Fund $1,000
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $11,000
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $3,500
Massachusetts Historical Society
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and Education Fund
Discretionary Funds $5,000
Massachusetts Veterans, Inc.
Celeste and Dave Lionett Donor Advised Fund $100
Massachusetts Watershed Coalition
Discretionary Funds $10,000
The Master Singers of Worcester
Discretionary Funds $4,000
Matthew 25, Inc.
Howard J. and Dorothy R. McGuiness Fund $868
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund $5,000
McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys
Gertrude Alice Johnson Fund $500
Mercy Centre
Argitis Family Fund $1,000
Merrick Public Library
Jeppson Memorial Fund for Brookfield $1,000
Middlesex School
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler Fund $432
Midstate Youth Hockey
Christopher J. Paskell Memorial Fund $200
Millbury Public Library
Mary B. Grogan Fund for Youth $2,200
Millers River Watershed Council
Discretionary Funds $5,000
Water and Land Stewardship Fund and Robert M. and Carolyn G. Hyde Fund $4,022
Mohegan Council Boy Scouts
of America
Polly C. and Joseph R. Carter Fund $1,500
Maureen Logan Coghlin Fund
Robert G. and Eliza C. Hess Fund $1,041
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $4,000
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund $12,500
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Montachusett Interfaith Hospitality
Joseph A. Tosoni Fund and Discretionary
Funds $15,000
New Hope, Inc.
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $18,000
North Brookfield Youth Center
Discretionary Funds $8,000
Montachusett Opportunity Council
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $15,000
Northbridge Association of Churches
Ernest Osterman Family Fund
Mt. Desert Island Hospital
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson
Fund $1,000
Northbridge Centre Congregational
Music Worcester, Inc.
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler Fund
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $500
Jeppson Memorial Fund $6,697
Northeastern Vermont Regional
Named Beneficiaries of Trust
for Injured Survivors of Tornado
of June 1953
Central Massachusetts Disaster Relief
Residue Trust Fund $9,882
NEADS/Dogs for Deaf and Disabled
Martha L. and William P. Densmore Fund
Katharine Higgins Riley Fund $6,865
Pakachoag Church Outreach Ministry Fund
Lillian Knowles Eldred Fund of Pakachoag
Church for the Support of Sacred Music
Pakachoag Community Music School
Mini-Grants Fund $800
Shepherd Knapp School Fund $15,000
Pan-Massachusetts Challenge
Argitis Family Fund $200
Ernest Osterman Family Fund
Performing Arts of Northeast
Notre Dame Academy
Discretionary Funds $4,500
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $5,000
Discretionary Funds $9,000
Pakachoag Church, U.C.C.
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $500
Performing Arts School of Worcester
Oak Hill Community Development
Micah Housing Corporation Fund and
Discretionary Funds $20,000
Old Sturbridge Village
Argitis Family Fund $7,000
John M. Nelson Fund $250
Jeppson Memorial Fund
Pernet Family Health Service
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund
Gertrude Alice Johnson Fund $1,000
Margaret W. and Richard P. Traina Fund
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Inc.
Nativity School of Worcester
Herbert B. and Jayne Cohan Fund $500
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $1,000
Mary C. DeFeudis Fund $50,000
Lionel M. and Cynthia E. Lamoureux Fund
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund
NeighborWorks HomeOwnership
Center of Worcester
Providence & Worcester Railroad Company
Fund and Discretionary Funds $15,000
New England Air Museum
Argitis Family Fund $200
New England Historic Genealogical
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson
Fund $750
Among our most active donors was
Rosamond Bennett (1918 – 2007) who
created the Katharine Higgins Riley
Fund to honor her mother and benefit
a favorite nonprofit, NEADS/Dogs for
Deaf and Disabled Americans.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Phillips Academy - Andover
Quinsigamond Community College
Rectory School, Inc.
Jane Kenah Dewey Abbot/Andover Fund $25,000
Carmen Tobin Nursing Scholarship Fund $3,000
Youth Opportunity Fund and Discretionary Funds $12,000
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $300
Pleasant Street Neighborhood
Network Center
Refugee & Immigrant Assistance
Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Human Services Fund $15,000
Discretionary Funds $5,000
Quinsigamond Community College
Poetry Oasis
Fairlawn Foundation Fund $10,000
Regional Environmental Council
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund $10,000
Youth for Community Improvement
Pass-Through Grantmaking Fund $2,500
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Fund and Discretionary Funds $8,000
Morgan B. and Loretta R. Dewey Fund $125
Renaissance Award
Discretionary Funds $2,000
Pomfret Community School
Newell and Betty Hale Fund
Pomfret Community School Arts Fund $2,031
Rachel’s Table
Pomfret School
Rainbow Child Development Center
Ringling College Library Association
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $8,000
Paul E. Cohan Fund $100
Positive Futures Network
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $1,000
Gertrude Alice Johnson Fund $1,000
Lisi-Greene Fund $450
Martha L. and William P. Densmore Fund $1,000
Raivaaja Publishing Company
Paul E. Cohan Fund $150
Finnish Heritage Foundation Fund $500
Pregnant and Parenting Teen
Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $15,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $250
Preservation Worcester
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $250
Renaissance Award Fund $5,779
Rockport Chamber Music
Festival, Inc.
Rural Cemetery and Crematory
Elizabeth Trumbull Barton Fund $13,674
Rangeley Region Health Center, Inc.
Discretionary Funds $7,500
Problem Pregnancy
of Worcester, Inc.
Maureen Logan Coghlin Fund
Quinebaug Valley Community
College Foundation
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $20,000
Quinebaug Valley Council for the
Arts and Humanities
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor Advised Fund $1,000
Quinebaug-Shetucket Heritage
Corridor, Inc.
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $500
Accepting the 2007 Renaissance
Award is Dominick Marcigliano,
executive director of the Worcester
East Side Community Development
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Rutland Historical Society, Inc.
Save The Children
Mini-Grants Fund $1,200
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
St. Andrews Hospital
Senior Citizen Club of Leicester
Raymond P. Harold Memorial Fund $1,800
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $2,000
St. Anne and St. Patrick Parish
Seven Hills Foundation
Polly C. and Joseph R. Carter Fund $500
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $250
Argitis Family Fund $3,900
Sherry’s House
St. Anne’s Human Services
Gene J. DeFeudis Fund $2,400
Donna R. C. and John E. Sansoucy Fund
St. George’s Church
Shrewsbury Public Library
Morgan B. and Loretta R. Dewey Fund $100
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor
Advised Fund $3,000
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $2,500
St. Joseph and St. Pius X Parishes
Leicester Savings Bank Fund $5,000
South High Community School
St. Joseph’s Church
Margaret W. and Richard P. Traina Fund
St. Joseph’s Indian School
Patricia Fisher Fund $1,474
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund
and Discretionary Funds $8,549
South Middlesex Opportunity
Temple Emanuel
Paul E. Cohan Fund $370
Theodore and Marjorie M. Deitz Fund $500
Thayer Memorial Library
Rosemary Davis Memorial Fund $2,415
Thompson Ecumenical
Empowerment Group, Inc.
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
The 300 Committee
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $300
Town of Auburn Department of
Recreation & Culture
The Auburn Foundation $3,000
Town of Shrewsbury
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor
Advised Fund $1,000
Town of Uxbridge Police Department
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $15,000
UniBank September 11th Emergency
Personnel Education Fund $1,000
Anonymous Fund $750
Southbridge Interfaith Hospitality
Toxics Action Center, Inc.
St. Mary’s Parish
Discretionary Funds $8,000
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Pelletz Family Fund $500
Salem Community Corporation
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $250
Salvation Army
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $500
Samuel Frank Charitable Fund $1,587
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
Gertrude Alice Johnson Fund $500
Lionel M. and Cynthia E. Lamoureux Fund
The Pyle Fund $2,500
Samaritans, Inc.
Lois Anne Memorial Fund and Discretionary
Funds $10,000
Southeast Asian Coalition of Central
Worcester Credit Bureau Fund $20,000
Youth for Community Improvement
Pass-Through Grantmaking Fund
Special Olympics Massachusetts
Discretionary Funds $15,000
Stanford University
The Pyle Fund $500
Sturbridge Council on Aging
Mini-Grants Fund $1,500
Sarasota Season of Sculpture
Paul E. Cohan Fund $250
Water and Land Stewardship Fund
and Rosemary Davis Environmental
Preservation Fund $4,022
Trinity Chapel
Anonymous Fund $1,500
Trinity Lutheran Church
Jeppson Memorial Fund $26,971
Tri-Valley, Inc.
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund $18,000
Trustees of Reservations
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and
Education Fund
Twin Cities Community Development
Discretionary Funds $20,000
Twin City Youth Hockey Association
John Carter “High Five” Youth Hockey Fund
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
U.S. English Foundation
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $100
UMass Memorial Foundation
Hollis E. and Gwendolyn D. Alden Fund $1,770
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Budnitz Fund $1,474
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $51,250
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler Fund $408
Peter J. and Sophie Kosky Fund $1,398
C. Bradford and Elizabeth C. Newell Fund $1,451
Lillian S. Pratt Fund $10,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $550
H. Arthur Smith Designated Fund $6,832
Harold Davis Woodbury Fund $1,006
Unitarian Universalist Society
of Brooklyn
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $200
United Services, Inc.
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $400
United Way of Central Massachusetts
Uxbridge Public Schools
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $6,000
Mary C. DeFeudis Fund $25,000
Martha L. and William P. Densmore Fund $2,000
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $2,000
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $1,500
Arthur J. Remillard Jr. Fund $25,929
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $1,000
United Way of Central Massachusetts Fund $145,788
Greater Worcester Jaycees Fund and Discretionary Funds $10,000
University of Maine
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer Erikson
Fund $1,000
University of Massachusetts
Graduate School of Nursing
Fairlawn Foundation Fund $10,000
Lillian R. Goodman and Mary K. Alexander Fund for Nursing Education and Research $1,000
University of Massachusetts
Medical School
Sandy C. Marks Jr. Biomedical Education Fund $100
Uxbridge Youth Center
Anna S. and Warren G. Davis Fund and Discretionary Funds $10,000
Venerini Academy
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Village Improvement Society
of Dennis
Dana L. DeAngelis-McDonald Memorial Fund
VNA Care Network and Hospice
Argitis Family Fund $500
Cancer Care and Research Fund, Saint Vincent Healthcare Fund and Discretionary Funds $12,500
Fairlawn Foundation Fund $9,500
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $11,500
Wachusett Greenways
Morgan B. and Loretta R. Dewey Fund $225
Marla Maykel Fund $500
Wellesley College
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and Education Fund
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $1,500
West Boylston Historical Society
Marla Maykel Fund $500
WGBH Educational Foundation
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $1,500
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $1,000
George Marston Whitin Memorial
Community Center
Discretionary Funds $9,000
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler Fund $432
Lion dancers from the Chua Pho Hien Temple delight donors at the
Foundation’s “Swing into Spring” event in Tuckerman Hall.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Whitinsville Social Library
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler Fund
The John and Gloria Rauth Library Fund
Why Me, Inc.
Gene J. DeFeudis Fund $2,000
WICN Public Radio
Worcester Credit Bureau Fund $20,000
Williams College
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $1,500
Worcester Arts and Humanities
Educational Collaborative
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman Fund
Worcester Center for Crafts
Discretionary Funds $25,000
Louise R. and John F. Reynders Fund $418
Worcester Center for the
Performing Arts
Argitis Family Fund $500
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor
Advised Fund $1,000
The Douglas P. Butler Fund $1,000
Winchendon Youth Hockey
John Carter “High Five” Youth Hockey Fund
Windham County 4-H Foundation,
Worcester Collegium
H. Arthur Smith Fund and Discretionary
Funds $2,500
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
Worcester Community Action
Council, Inc.
Woodstock Academy
Discretionary Funds $10,000
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
Worcester Academy
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $500
Chapin Riley Fund $7,195
Worcester Animal Rescue League
Rosemary Davis Memorial Fund $2,000
Worcester Community Housing
Discretionary Funds $15,000
Worcester Comprehensive Child Care
Mini-Grants Fund $2,142
Worcester County Food Bank
Isabel K. Arms Fund $870
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $500
Lionel M. and Cynthia E. Lamoureux Fund
Howard J. and Dorothy R. McGuiness Fund
Worcester County Horticultural
Society/Tower Hill Botanic Garden
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and
Education Fund
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $1,250
H. Paul and Sara B. Buckingham III Fund
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $1,250
Marla Maykel Fund $7,500
Sarah Daniels Pettit and William O.
Pettit Jr. Fund $373
Worcester County Mechanics
Association/Mechanics Hall
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $300
Julie Chase Fuller Endowment Fund for
Mechanics Hall $27,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $250
Worcester County Poetry Association
Worcester County Poetry Association’s
Worcester Review Fund $3,040
Worcester County Poetry Association
Founders Fund $522
Worcester Art Museum
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and
Education Fund
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $300
H. Paul and Sara B. Buckingham III Fund
Martha A. Cowan Fund $1,640
Theodore and Marjorie M. Deitz Fund
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $1,500
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund $1,500
Honee A. Hess Partnership with Children
Fund $840
Jeppson Memorial Fund $20,000
John M. Nelson Fund $10,000
Louise R. and John F. Reynders Fund $418
Marvin Richmond Fund $2,051
Chapin Riley Fund $7,196
Helen M. and Thomas B. Stinson Fund $244
Worcester Art Museum Booth Family Fund
for Education and Outreach $100,432
2007 Insights Tour speakers
included Eva Millona, policy
director, Massachusetts Immigrant
& Refugee Advocacy Coalition.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Worcester East Side Community
Development Corporation
Worcester Credit Bureau Fund and Discretionary Funds $18,000
Worcester Roots Project, Inc.
YWCA of Central Massachusetts
Water and Land Stewardship Fund and Clarence S. Arms Family Fund $4,022
Eliza D. and Cora J. D. Dodge Fund and Discretionary Funds $15,000
Marian B. Kubelus and Marian Zell Nesbit Memorial Fund $7,500
Mini-Grants Fund $2,500
Worcester State College
Worcester Foundation for Biomedical
Hollis E. and Gwendolyn D. Alden Fund $885
Theodore and Marjorie M. Deitz Fund $1,000
Lionel M. and Cynthia E. Lamoureux Fund $1,000
Frances F. Mansfield Fund $1,083
Worcester Historical Museum
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and Education Fund
Barbara Allen Booth Fund $5,990
Robert W. Booth Fund for the Worcester Historical Museum $22,767
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund $1,000
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund $200
Worcester Historical Museum Fund $88,000
Worcester Historical Museum
Robert W. Booth Fund for Salisbury Mansion $21,453
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor Advised Fund $1,500
Fairlawn Foundation Fund $95,909
Quota International of Worcester Fund $1,452
Worcester State Foundation
YWCA/Daybreak Resources for
Women & Children
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $1,000
Carolyn Knight Dik Fund $500
Marla Maykel Fund $500
Lillian R. Goodman and Mary K. Alexander Fund for Nursing Education and Research $1,000
Worcester Technical High School
Saul A. Seder Fund $672
Worcester Youth Center
Fairman C. Cowan Fund and Discretionary Funds $15,000
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund $1,000
The Pyle Fund $1,000
Youth for Community Improvement Pass-
Through Grantmaking Fund $4,120
Wyndham Land Trust, Inc.
Worcester Interfaith
Newell and Betty Hale Fund $1,000
Discretionary Funds $5,000
Worcester Jewish Community Center
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund $1,000
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $500
John M. Nelson Fund $7,000
Worcester Public Library
Clarence S. Arms Family Fund $585
Worcester Public Schools
Marcia R. Katter Memorial Fund $3,088
Y.O.U., Inc.
Bozenhard Charitable Fund $250
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund
YMCA of Central Massachusetts
Polly C. and Joseph R. Carter Fund $1,500
Barbara E. and William E. Christensen Fund $7,500
Ross and Lisa Dik Fund $300
Fallon/OrNda Community Health Fund $20,000
Worcester Regional Research Bureau
Discretionary Funds $8,000
Worcester Regional Research Bureau Fund $2,862
Young Woman of Consequence Award
Konstantina B. Lukes Fund $500
Worcester Regional Science &
Engineering Fair
Marian B. Kubelus and Marian Zell Nesbit Memorial Fund $15,000
Worcester Engineering Society Fund $250
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Donors and Funds
Services to Donors
Benefiting Our Community
The Foundation’s comprehensive planning and
administrative services help individuals, families and
organizations articulate and fulfill their charitable and
financial goals.
Grants are awarded from the named fund to support
nonprofit organizations in accordance with donor wishes.
And as institutions and needs evolve over time, we have
the flexibility to adapt and to continue to fulfill their
long-term charitable goals.
We offer donors power and flexibility in charitable giving
without the paperwork, time and expenses associated
with running a private foundation. And donors benefit
from the Foundation’s sophisticated investment program
which preserves capital during tough times, extending
the longevity, value and reach of their contribution both
now and in the future.
Giving Now
We welcome gifts of any size from a broad range of
assets, including cash, publicly traded securities, closely
held stock, real estate, life insurance, tangible personal
property and private foundation holdings.
Donors can make a gift to any of our existing named
funds or, with a gift of $10,000 or more, establish a fund
to create a personal legacy. Donors receive the maximum
tax benefits allowed by law and the assurance that their
intentions will be honored in perpetuity. Donors and
their families are encouraged to continue giving to the
fund to help it grow even more and increase its earnings
Planned Giving
Donors can make a gift that benefits the community
after their lifetime by:
The Foundation provides an online tool to our donors
and advisors, DonorCentral, which allows fund holders
to securely access their fund balances, grant activity
and gift history; and, in the case of donor-advised funds,
recommend grantees.
Donors have the opportunity to learn more about current
and emerging issues in our community, including guided
visits to nonprofits that are grant recipients, focused
investment information sessions, and other donor
appreciation events.
Endowment Investment Performance
Net of Investment Fees as of December 31, 2007
• A gift through their will
• Naming the Foundation as beneficiary of Individual
Retirement Account assets
• Transferring a life insurance policy to the Foundation,
making premium payments tax-deductible
1 YR
3 YR
5 YR
10 YR
• Donating retained real estate as a future gift while
using the property throughout their lifetime
• Setting up a pooled income fund, charitable gift
annuity or charitable remainder trust that pays income
now and later supports the donor’s philanthropic goals
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
To find out more, we invite you to call us
or visit www.greaterworcester.org
In 2007, the Foundation received $5,677,569 in gifts.
Of this amount, $4,577,952 was added to existing named
funds; $1,099,617 created 26 new named funds; and
$49,039 comprised unrestricted gifts to the Directors
and Corporators Fund.
Lois Anne Memorial Fund
Karen C. Watkins
In memory of Vera Wadland
Phyllis M. Keith
Susanne LaFlash
Joseph and Margaret A. Marzilli
Linda C. Simulavich
John, Karina and Keith Thompson
Philip L. and Helen E. Wadland
Rita Witman
Helen P. Arsenault Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Fund for the Arts and
Donald and Mary Melville
Auburn Woman's Club Fund
Auburn Woman's Club
Auburn Youth and Family
Services Endowment Fund
Arthur M. and Martha R. Pappas
AVID North Scholarship Fund
Martha Abeles-Young
Ruth and Robert Angorn
Frances E. and Kenneth P. Arena
Elizabeth Klein Baker and
Joel H. Baker
Julie A. and Paul W. Booras
Louise I. Lehtola Clarke and Jeffrey R. Clarke
Lisa Cohane
Sandra J. and Mark O. Cutler
Joanne and William J. Deschenes
Elizabeth M. Drake and Barbara Drake
EMC Corporation
Barry and Joan Gerhardt
Phyllis A. and Michael R. Goldstein
Robert S. and Naomi L. Halpern
Kathleen L. and Donald W. Kelley Jr.
Colleen A. Kelly
Caprice A. and Kevin M. Kopka
Carol E. Lalos
Janet Dee Mathieu
Jean E. McNulty
Stephen E. Mills
Cathryn Morse
Matthew C. and Marie D. Morse
North High School
Saul Pannell
Arnold H. Pulda
Susan J. and Anthony J. Sanders
Barbara S. and Stephen P. Sargent
Harold and Naomi Scherzer
Steven D. and Gail G. Scherzer
Nancy Sheftel-Gomes and
A. Leonardo Gomes
Alan Spector
L.S. and K.S. Stambler
Nina T. and David B. Steinberg
Ann H. Sweetman and John M. Cruz Jr.
Lawrence M. Turner
Margaret M. and Paul A. Venditti
Worcester African Cultural Center
Father Miguel Bafaro Fund
Michael P. Bafaro
Ediberto Santiago
Elizabeth Trumbull Barton Fund
Estate of Trumbull Barton
Jane Bath Fund
Jane Bath Revocable Trust
Edward W. Bettke
Scholarship Fund
Edward W. Bettke
Blackstone Valley Chamber
of Commerce Education
Foundation Fund
Dina R. and Gerald (Lee) Gaudette III
Robert S. and Helen A.
Bowditch Fund
Susan B. Talmadge
Bozenhard Charitable Fund
Cushing C. Bozenhard Trust
George S. and Tammy Butler
George S. and Tammy Butler
The Douglas P. Butler Fund
Douglas P. Butler
Carrick Foundation Scholarship
The Carrick Foundation
Charitable Gift Annuity Fund
James S. Demetry
Sally S. Schenck
Wynne L. Chase Fund
Arthur E. Chase
Choose Worcester Fund
George I. Alden Trust
Atlas Distributing, Inc.
Bay State Savings Bank
Bowditch & Dewey, LLP
Commerce Bank & Trust Company
Commonwealth National Bank
Melvin S. Cutler Charitable Foundation
Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation
Fletcher, Tilton & Whipple, PC
George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation
Granite Group
Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, Inc.
Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Foundation
Bradley C. Higgins Foundation
Kelleher & Sadowsky Associates, Inc.
Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation
Mirick, O'Connell, DeMallie & Lougee, LLP
Morgan Worcester
National Grid
Polar Corporation
Providence & Worcester Railroad
Stoddard Charitable Trust
Sullivan Insurance Group
TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation
Telegram and Gazette
UMass Memorial Health Care
UnumProvident Corporation
Community Ministries Fund
First Baptist Church of Worcester
Worcester Area United Methodist
Fairman C. Cowan Fund
In honor of Fairman C. Cowan
Lowerre and Edward Simsarian
Martha A. Cowan Fund
Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
In honor of Martha A. Cowan
Lowerre and Edward Simsarian
Hugh W. and Harriet K.
Crawford Fund
Hugh W. and Harriet K. Crawford Foundation
Hugh W. and Harriet K.
Crawford Endowment Fund for
the Pearl L. Crawford Memorial
Hugh W. and Harriet K. Crawford
Lorraine Crepeau Fund
The Lorraine and Chauncey Crepeau Trust
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund
Jeanne Y. Curtis
Melvin S. Cutler Fund
Melvin S. Cutler Charitable Foundation
Anna S. and Warren G. Davis
Ronald S. Davis
December 3rd Scholarship Fund
Maureen T. Dunn
Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation
Admiral and Mrs. Louis E.
Denfeld Scholarship Fund
Admiral and Mrs. Louis E. Denfeld Scholarship Trust
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey
Fund for Wellesley College
Jane K. Dewey
Jane Kenah Dewey Abbot/
Andover Fund
Jane K. Dewey
Carolyn Knight Dik Fund
Carolyn Knight Dik
Directors and Corporators Fund
Robert C. Achorn
Robert S. Adler
Bruce Anderson
Mike and Marie Angelini
Robert S. Bachelder
Bank of America Foundation
Thomas J. and Lynora S. Bartholomew
John E. Bassett
Bruce S. Bennett
Rosamond R. Bennett
Dennis Berkey
Henry W. Beth
Mark P. Bilotta
Maurice J. and Pamela K. Boisvert
George F. Booth II
Sarah Bowditch
Bozenhard Charitable Fund of Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Christopher and Charlotte
James B. Broadhurst
Michael D. Brockelman
Denise Brookhouse
John H. Budd
Douglas P. Butler
Ann E. Carlson
Linda A. Cavaioli
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Brian Chandley
Harold R. Chesson Jr.
Joy C. Child
Elaine M. Ciborowski
James E. Collins
P. Kevin Condron
Charles P. Conroy
Martha Allis Cowan
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund of
Greater Worcester Community
Melvin S. Cutler Charitable
Dix F. Davis
Richard W. Dearborn
William P. Densmore
Kathleen Derzius through
United Way of Central
Ross K. and Lisa F. Dik
James C. and Carol B. Donnelly
George L. Dresser
Francis X. Dufault Jr.
Ellen S. Dunlap and Frank
Stephen J. Erickson
Barbara E. Fargo
Richard J. Fates
Norma and Saul F. Feingold
Peter S. Fellenz
Scott and Debbie Fenton
Harry L. Ferguson
Allen W. Fletcher
Justin L. Fletcher
Matthew V. Fletcher
Patricia A. Fletcher
Mary F. and Warner S. Fletcher
David P. Forsberg
Esther and Howard G. Freeman
Stuart W. Freilich
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Fuller
Gerald (Lee) Gaudette III
Lawrence J. Glick
Dorista J. Goldsberry
Dennis F. Gorman
John E. Graham
Lois B. Green
Martin J. Green and Maura A.
Nathan and Barbara E.
Ann T. Lisi and Joel P. Greene
Leslie E. Greis
David R. Grenon
Abraham W. Haddad DMD
Gloria Hall
Joy Wetzel Hall through United
Way of Central Massachusetts
Ernest S. Hayeck
Gaylene and Robert S. Heppe Jr.
John Herron Jr. and Julia L.
Honee A. Hess
Richard P. Houlihan
Patricia L. Jones
David A. Jordan
Maureen M. and William D.
Mrs. James B. Kenary III
Robert and Mary T. Kennedy
Mary E. Kett and Alden J.
Dr. Jean A. King Fray
Barbara C. Kohin
Joyce Kressler
Frances E. Langille
John P. Lauring
Thuha T. Le
David P. Leach and Audrey
Catherine and Peter Levine MD
Patsy C. Lewis
Robert J. Lewis
Joseph Lian Jr.
Robert G. and Arlene F. Lian
Stephen and Valerie Loring
C. Jean McDonough
Michael C. McFarland
Rev. Barbara W. Merritt
Erwin H. Miller
John O. Mirick
Ann K. Molloy
Maureen Moorehouse
Barrett Morgan
Laurance S. Morrison
Moira Moynihan Manoog and
Charlie Manoog
John G. O'Brien
Arthur M. and Martha R.
Alan B. and Judy M. Pemstein
R. Norman Peters
Sarah D. Pettit
Paul M. Pezzella
Lisa A. Piehler
Stephen and Cynthia Pitcher
John and Kathleen Polanowicz
Christine M. Proffitt
Richard Pyle
Hilda Ramirez
Ritmos Academy
Mary Ritter
Maria L. Rosado
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund of
Greater Worcester Community
R. Joseph Salois
David L. and Roberta R.
Paul and Susan Schlaikjer Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Paul F. Scully
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Carol L. Seager
J. Robert Seder
Jay S. Sherwin
Philip O. Shwachman
Jonathan Sigel
Lowerre and Edward Simsarian
John Spillane
Alan M. Stoll
William F. Sullivan
Sheila L. and George W.
Tetler III
Robert L. Thomas
David N. Tinsley
E. Paul Tinsley
Richard P. and Margaret W.
Tuyet Tran
Michael P. Tsotsis
Charles R. Valade
Wyatt R. Wade
James E. Wallace Jr.
Carlton A. Watson
Meridith D. Wesby
Todd H. Wetzel through
United Way of Central
Harry T. Whitin
Jack L. Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. David K.
Yesod Foundation
Robert A. and Joan D. Yood
Janice B. Yost
Douglas Center Cemetery
Preservation Fund
In memory of Wallis H. Darnley
Maud F. Ballou
G. R. Beauchamp
Rodger, Kimberly and Mathew
Estate of Wallis H. Darnley
Ruth B. Duhamel
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Giles Jr.
Sharon E. Hobey
Gail T. Randall
Jonathan C. Randall
Worcester Historical Museum
John and Fran Duke Scholarship
John F. Duke Jr.
East Brookfield Scholarship
Barbara Fitts
Virginia M. Grenier
Joseph Persky Foundation
Ann Pinkerton Charitable Trust
Stephen G. Economos Scholar
Athlete Fund
Mark and Sherill Attarian
Joan Badjo
Gail B. and Robert G. Belk
Joan Bergstrom
Leo and Helen Bilouris
Peter and Carol Bishop
Peter and Patricia Bishop
CGI Interactive Communications/
Kelleher Family
Richard and Deborah Chad
Sarah Cluggish
Laura Coleman
Dillon Tree Service
John and Patricia Doherty
Peter M. Dolan and Rosemarie
Kinloch Earle and Miriam
Christina D. Economos
Gail and Kosta Economou
Bill Eddy and Margaret
Donoghue Eddy
Janet Edmunson
Tim and Michelle Fenton
Donald and Donna Fitman
Ray and Doris Fluet
Tommy and Linda Foisy
Sara Folta and Vincent
Friends of Stephen G. Economos
Pete and Mini Gaba
William and Patricia Gibbons
Ronald P. and Dolores G.
Kathleen and Stuart Glass
Don and Jeanne Goldberg
Grahm Family
Coleen Guertin
JJM Insurance/Marshall Family
Larry and Jennifer Johnson
Steven Kafka and Lindsay Smith
James and Sophia Karabatsos
Kathleen L. and Donald W.
Kelley Jr.
Mike Kiskovsky and Kara
Martin Kuniholm
Kathleen M. and Philip J.
Lahey MD
George P. Leasca
Wendy Lekan
William Lyons and Gigi
Patricia Lyons-Gallo and Steven
C. Gallo
Peggy MacMillan
McClean Family
Alice McKeon
Julie McKeon-Yahn and Eric
Mortimer Family
Thomas and Kathleen Moynagh
John A. and Katherine M.
Cathy M. and Michael Mulhearn
Aviva Must
Elizabeth Kraut Nahar and Avi
Kirk Bernstein-Nahar
National Grid
Marc and Heidi O'Connor
Amy O'Neil
Jeremiah and Elizabeth O'Rourke
Bruce S. Pailet
Jean and Doris Pailet
Michael and Judith Petit
Stephanie Pierce and Family
Joanna Melissa and Gregg A. Raleigh
Paul and Joyce Randell
Rotti Family
Jennifer Sacheck-Ward and Chris Ward
Barbara A. and Joseph F.
Sawyer Jr.
Janice A. Sawyer-Opuda and Paul H. Opuda
Paul J. and Theresa Scalzi
John D. and Elizabeth A. Schaper
Kyla Shea
Scott Sinrich and Deborah A. Gonsalves-Sinrich
Robert F. and Lisa M. Stake
Carole J. Swedberg
Steven Tankanow
Larry and Joan Tomasino
Pete and Mary Trainor
William R. and Kathleen M. Trainor
West Side Babe Ruth
Douglas and Donna Windler
Worcester State College Facilities Department
David and Jane Zapka
Tom and Thelma Zekos
Debra Wein Zieper and Matthew H. Zieper
Jeffrey S. Edinberg Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Terry and Maura Bennett
Eric Edinberg
In honor of
Arnold S. Edinberg’s birthday
Nason A. Hurowitz and
Martha P. Grace
In honor of Martha Grace
Arnold S. and
Phyllis C. Edinberg
In memory of Edward F. Bennett Jr.
Mary Clifford
Ruth Forgues
Lucille Hokanson
Robert Liddy
Harold Mann MD
Eleanor McCarthy
Irene McClure
Barbara Mercaldo
June “Mimi” Nagel
Arnold S. and
Phyllis C. Edinberg
Fred and Leona Eppinger
Scholarship Fund
Doug and Sarah Booher
Eppinger Family Foundation
Charles H. Eppinger
John P. and Elaine N. Eppinger
Lisa M. and Charles H.
Eppinger Jr.
Michael and Kathleen Eppinger
Thomas Eppinger
Ann E. Kleva
Joshua C. and Sabine T. Thompson
Gordon Iver and Dorothy
Brewer Erikson Fund
Gordon I. and Dorothy B. Erikson
Mary R. Fedeli Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Edwin Fedeli Jr.
Anita and Nathaniel A. Feingold
Scholarship Fund
Feingold Companies
Norma and Saul F. Feingold Joy
of Music Fund
Norma and Saul F. Feingold
Norma and Saul F. Feingold
Norma and Saul F. Feingold
Shirley Feldman Fund
Great Brook Valley Health Center
In honor of Zoila Feldman’s
Frances M. Anthes
Dr. Babu Pediatrics
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Martin Cohen
Allison Coleman
Fairman C. and Martha A. Cowan
Sheilah H. Dooley
Linda Dylewicz
ESL Associates, Inc.
Kathleen and Charles Estus
Marianne E. Felice MD
Harry L. Ferguson
Nina Fletcher
Leah and Pat Gallivan
John T. Gardiner
Lois B. Green
Ellen and Ron Hafer
Honee A. Hess
John P. Hess
Laurie and Matthew Hogan
Stephen and Valerie Loring
Keith Maxwell
Paul S. Morgan
William O. Pettit Jr.
Rex P. Schirmer
Sue Schlotterbeck
J. Robert Seder
Richard A. Sheils Jr.
John Siracusa
First Unitarian Church Fund
Francis H. Dewey
C. Jean and Myles McDonough
John M. Nelson Fund of Greater Worcester Community Foundation
A. Jane Fitzpatrick, M.D. and
Edward F. Kilroy, M.D. Fund
A. Jane Fitzpatrick Kilroy
Founders Fund
Robert E. Dik
Sandra L. Haagsma
John D. Hunt
Albertine Marinelli Trust
Karen M. Nunley
Edith H. Overly
Perry R. Pero
Planned Giving Group of New England
Milton and Elizabeth Raphaelson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rubin
Stoll Family Charitable Fund of the Jewish Federation of Central Massachusetts
Edward P. and Brenda K. Weathersbee
In memory of Thomas Lisi
Todd and Shelley Rodman
John F. Freeland Memorial Fund
Marsha Cunningham-
George E. and Sandra L. Freeland
Beverly A. Pinjuv
Friendly House Fund
Friendly House, Inc.
Friends of Gale Free Library
110th Endowment Fund
Dorothy I. Miles Riley Family Trust
Friends of Learning in Killingly
In memory of
Dr. James F. and Anne S. Jones
Janice Wippert Williams, KHS 1966
Susan Rees Jones
Friends of Northbridge Elders
In memory of
Stacie L. Baxendale
Muriel Booth
Joseph Jundanian
Marion Kidd
Sylvia M. Lermond
William Nydam
Fernande Power
Pam Radcliff
Angelia M. Zanchetti
Friends of Northbridge Elders
Friends of the Upton Town
Library Fund
Friends of the Upton Town Library
Judge and Mrs. William
Garbose Fund
William J. Luby
Barbara H. Gaudette Fund
Barbara H. Gaudette
Derek Gaudette Memorial
Scholarship Fund
GLBT Partnership Fund
Anonymous (2)
Thomas J. and Lynora S. Bartholomew
Jeanine M. Beratta
Michael E. and Julie B. Berberian
Margareta G. Berg
Sarah and Allen Berry
Mark P. Bilotta and Henry O. Ritter
Mrs. Howard M. Booth
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor Advised Fund of Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Michael D. Brockelman
Paul J. Burgess
Joanne L. Calista
Ralph G. Carlson
Kirk and Price Carter
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
Micah Chase
Arthur Chase
Alan Chuman and Janet M. Wallman
Henry and Elaine Ciborowski
Fairman C. and Martha A. Cowan
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund
of Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Jill C. Dagilis
Phil and Laurie Davis
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey
Susan DiClemente and Meredith
Carolyn Knight Dik
Ross K. and Lisa F. Dik
Gina D'Ottavio and Michele Pici
Family Diversity Projects
Barbara E. Fargo
Norma and Saul F. Feingold
Emily Ferrara and Lara Hoke
Fletcher Foundation
Allen W. Fletcher
Patricia A. Fletcher
Cynthia A. Frongillo and David W. Sneade
Funders for Lesbian & Gay Issues, Inc.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Ellen Gallagher and Allyson
Rodney Glasgow
Yvonne Goldsberry and Cherie
Drs. Ivan and Noreen Green
Carol Rae Greene and Diane
Harold W. Gurwitz
Laurence and Jane Hale
Honee A. Hess and Philip R.
Harold G. Hills
Hilltop Club
Deborah Harmon Hines
James Hogan
Mick and Louise Huppert
Frances and M Howard
Elizabeth A. Jenewin
Joelle Kanshepolsky and
Andrew Gotshalk
David Keller
Rev. Dr. Paul D. Kennedy
Dr. Jean A. King and John C.
Peggy Kocoras
Lara and Todd Kopoyan
Peter and Catherine Levine
Ann T. Lisi and Joel P. Greene
Jonathan B. and Monica E.
C. Jean and Myles McDonough
Janet Wilson Moore
Gail M. Morgan
Charlotte P. Newton
Katharine Odell
Jesse Pack
Lucy Pendell and Maura Conlon
Edward G. and Wendy B. Peskin
Danna B. Peterson
Paul M. Pezzella
Stephen and Cynthia Pitcher
Stephen Reynolds
Mary Beth and Rob Rockwell
Paul and Fay RossleyFund of
Greater Worcester
Saint-Gobain Corporation
Adam Sarnik
Ralph F. Sbrogna
Paul and Susan Schlaikjer Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Siff Charitable Foundation
Lowerre and Edward Simsarian
Caitlin M. Stover
Judith Thompson
Keith and Al Toney III
Richard P. and Margaret W.
UMass Memorial Health Care
Emily Vezina
Antonio and Danielle T. Viva
Wyatt R. and Erika D. Wade
Tina Hyland
Yesod Foundation
Robert Zeleniak
Robert P. Goulet Memorial
Scholarship Fund
James F. Goulet
Paul J. Gramling Memorial
Scholarship Fund for
Compassionate Caregiving to
People with Alzheimer's
George H. and Marjorie Abbot
Abigail Adams MD
Joan M. and Michael K.
Helena and Joseph J. Arruda
Jane E. Ashley
Margaret M. Attar
Paul T. and Marilyn K. Audette
Benison Landwehr and
Margaret A. Benison
Eric C. and Anne M. Blom
Cathleen C. Bradshaw
Genevieve C. Brechtl
Barbara C. Buchan
Patrick J. and Jane G. Carlin
Mary Jane Carroll
Anthony L. Ciociolo
Eileen and Stephen Clinch
Lorraine C. and Stephen T.
Deborah J. Cormier
Julie Ann and Joseph Dandrea
Dianne M. DesRosiers
Robert E. Dik
Mark S. Distefano
Don and Patricia Eidson
Barbara Emery
Lisa M. and James A.
Faust Jr. MD
Maureen Hughson Febiger
Sheila A. and Daniel J. Gannon
Irene C. and Norman E. Gauvin
M. Bonnie Gorman
James A. Gramling Jr.
Robert Gramling MD
Robert E. and Rosalind C.
Mary P. and John H. Herbowy
Kenneth W. and Carolyn A.
Virginia Judson Iannini
Elise A. Jacques MD
Ellen Ann Johnson
Dorothy A. Jones
Diane L. LeClair
Virginia Lewis
Benjamin N. Lipchak
Carol A. and Alfred D. Mailloux
Joyce L. Marcelonis
Martha and Robert J. Martin
Kathryn M. and Dennis P.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Mary Ellen and Frederick J.
McCready Jr.
Rachel J. and Jerome F.
Charles and Rhonda Mills
Jennifer L. and Denis Morovic
Brian W. and Nancy A. Murphy
Donna S. Nietzel
Nobile Family Fund of North
Central Massachusetts
Community Foundation
Mary M. O'Toole Trust
Kathleen E. Papineau
Karen J. Pirani
Marie S. Ponte
Carol G. and Richard A. Prager
Susan M. Rabbitt
Avad and Mary R. Ramachandra
Mary R. and Frank A. Renda
J. Scott Roberts
Cynthia L. and Walter E.
Sears Jr.
Vasco F. and Monica C. Silva
Robert J. Skinner
Lindsay C. Slabich
Halina B. Slowik
SmartAnalyst, Inc.
Sharon and George M. Sousa
St. Vincent Hospital
Marcy and David Tixier
Michelle and Scott Ubrick
Christine E. and Michael R. Voss
Don W. and Kathryn M.
Dr. Daniel and Barbara Wochos
Corinne M. Wolfrom
Greater Worcester Community
Foundation Operating Fund
John W. Lund
Great Brook Valley Health
Center Fund
Great Brook Valley Health
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon
The Grynsel Educational
Scholarship Fund
Cecelia Grynsel
Emil Haddad Jazz Scholarship
Edward P. Gardella
John D. and Joyce A. McKeogh
Leonard J. and Maxine K. Morse
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Odgren
Judy A. Smith
Constance Tuttle
In memory of Antonette Clemons
Everett J. Abraham
Simon J. Chiasson Jr.
Agnes C. Cochis
Amy L. and Andrew N. Cochis
Randall H. and Patricia J. Collins
Jetta Darrow and Dan Stephan
Donna B. and James J. Ewick
Margaret E. Hesselton and
Paul, Connie and Marcia
Aaron Knopping and Carol
Mary Mardirosian
Arlene M. and Robert C. Taylor
The Hedin Family Memorial
Emergency Fund
Richard Hedin
The Hedin Family Memorial
In memory of Rosemary Bouley
Richard Hedin
Hendricks House Preservation
Amy Lee Baker
Maureen Henrickson Memorial
Scholarship Fund
894 Properties Management
Gayla J. Bieksha
Debra A. Bonder
Sandra L. Burke
Lisa A. Campbell
Mary C. Doherty
Theresa A. and William A.
Dunn Jr.
Lynn Granlund
Kathleen Greeno
Susan F. Halacy
Kristin L. Joyce
Ann E. Junnila
Lorri M. Kenney
Deborah J. Kozik
Robert J. Krensky
Beverly E. MacCollom
Robin H. Millea
Kari A. Raffa
Judith A. Rutelonis
Melissa S. Soule
Paula A. Sylvester
Patricia L. Thompson
Christine M. Watkins
Honee A. Hess Partnership with
Children Fund
In honor of Honee Hess
Steven Magnusson
Charles Hugo Community
Service Award Fund
In memory of Charles F. Hugo
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Abrams
S. Jane Arntz
Marguerite R. Belanger
Van and Paulette B. Bluemel
Michael D. Brockelman
Mr. and Mrs. R. Emerson
Brooks Jr.
Tim and Suzanne Ethier
Lillian J. and Albert G. Ferron
Kristen M. and Matthew P. Fitzpatrick Sr.
Maureen and Larry Floryan
Marilynn L. Foley
Marilyn Franklin
Donald T. and Doris Ann French
Vance M. and Anne R. Gillespie
Richard J. and Joyce L. Godfrey
William and Karin Green
Peter Harrington
Sharon B. Hsu
Lisa L. Hugo
H. William and Frances L. Johansen
Harold M. Lane Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maney
Susan Marsh and Richard Maurer
Maurice Martel
Miles Funeral Director
Richard A. and Birgit M. Nelson
Jim and Ida Nystrom
David and Joanne O'Brien
Jonathan O. Phelps
Carol G. and Richard A. Prager
Robert D. and Ruth B. Price
Anne L. and Frank W. Puffer
Mary C. and William J. Ritter
Brian J. and Dawn T. Rooke
George R. and Paulette F. Sherrill
Charles Skillings
Sandra L. Sundin
Edward P. and Brenda K. Weathersbee
Richard H. and Phyllis A. Whitten
Virginia E. and James F. Wilman
Debbie Anne Johnson Memorial
In memory of George R. Frye
Herbert C. and Martha H. Johnson
Angelo T. Pappas
Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
Dottie Sundquist and Bryan Richheimer
John F. and Rayna Keenan Fund
In honor of Jack Keenan’s birthday
Karen and Michael F. Bader
Lisa, David, Alyssa and Justin Bader
Bernard J. and Ann Gersh
Andrew J. Heilpern and Carol Margolis
John F. Keenan Jr.
Keeping the Dream Alive
Harriet P. Miller Hight
In honor of Harriet Miller Hight’s
Emilie Miller Fruit
Edith M. Heier
Erwin H. Miller
Joseph N. and Susan H. Rountree
Kirby Foundation Fund
Kirby Foundation
Max H. Kuhner and Eloise A.
Kuhner Fund
Eloise Kuhner Trust
Leicester High School Football
Alumni Scholarship Fund
Leicester High School Football Alumni
Peter H. and Catherine H.
Levine Fund
Catherine H. and Peter H. Levine MD
Mark MacPherson Lightbown
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marion Lightbown
Gertrude Alice Johnson Fund
Robert D. Johnson
Stanley T. Johnson
Celeste and Dave Lionett Donor
Advised Fund
David J. and Celeste Lionett
Jenica Lynn Junnila Memorial
Scholarship Fund
In memory of Ruth Junnila
Theresa F. Andersen
Edward H. and Eva L. Duane
Raymond and Linda Fox
Janet L. Hammarstrom
Paul G. and Lorna B. Hammarstrom
John R. Jolin
Wayne H. and Ann E. Junnila
Ruth V. Larson and Family
Richard A. and Linda Marino
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Palmer
Lisi-Greene Fund
Ann T. Lisi and Joel P. Greene
In memory of Thomas Lisi
Linda D. and Peter A. Chadwick
Pamela Keogh
Kelly A. O'Connor and Craig A. Stimson
Gail T. Randall
Joanne M. Reegan
Susan Saccoccia
Denisha R. and Eliseo
Sanchez Sr.
Jasmine Vasquez-Okutoro and Moses Okutoro
Lieutenant James F. "Jay" Lyons
III Memorial Scholarship Fund
Advantage Benefits Group
Eileen Barrette
Ralph Bartley
JoAnn Bauer
Michelle M. Beaudin
Mary U. Been
Robert A. Bilodeau
Ann and Gregory Bilowz
John P. Brissette and Family
Dale Burton
Alice Callery
Dana M. Canzano
Scott Chapman
Kathleen Comer
Roger B. Conant
Thomas Courtemarche
Alys J. and James J. Covello Jr.
Matthew Deignan
Gina M. Dibaro
Michael Doherty
Mark L. and Janet P. Donahue
Beth Dube
Roseann C. Earley
Jason P. Erban
Thomas J. Farrell
Flagship Bank & Trust Company
James P. and Ellen F. Foley
Fontaine Family and Carol LeDue
John G. Franco
John A. and Alyce D. Giaquinto
Brian D. Grassi
David and Elaine Gustafson
Robert Halvorsen
Cong Han
Elizabeth A. Hasson
Thomas Head
Jonathan J. Hylka
Kerri J. Janton and Family
Thomas Jessop
Donnal I. Johnson
Joseph M. Jourdain
Elise Kaplan
Aaron S. Katz
Peter S. Keating
David Keeler
Knights of Columbus
Council #88
Pamela J. Kuindersma
Melissa LaFleur
Kristina B. Lahti
Leitrim Pub
Maureen Lynch
James F. and Joan M. Lyons
Mary Maher
Cherie Martin
Eileen M. Martin
Gail Marie McCarthy
Wendy U. McCurley
Re-Elect McGovern Committee
Michael McNamee
Meghan McNeil
Paul McNeil
John Milley
Andrew G. Mills
Caitlin Navin
Northworks Bar and Grille
Barbara O'Connor
Mary E. O'Sullivan
Tracy and Kelley Padgett
Jaime L. and Paul Patriarca
Valerie Pedone
Timothy J. and Veronique C. Pitney
Steven Reilly
Chrissy Remian
James Ridick
Matthew J. Rivest
Lynn and Frederic Rushton
Dennis Shea
Kathleen J. Stanton
Jeffrey P. Staples
Jay D. Stranieri
Mylinda Swenson
Michele K. Tepper
Michael Testa
Susan Thorbahn
Jeffrey S. Titus
Kathleen Toomey and Family
Tri-Star Sportswear
Jennifer E. Vandoros
Wexford House
Holly J. Wielsma
Stefanie Wood
Worcester Credit Union
Richard A. Xenos
Magee Family Education Fund
B. Dale Magee MD Fund Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Sandy C. Marks Jr. Biomedical
Education Fund
Irvin Heifetz
Julia W. Marks
Barbara S. Massey Fund
Robert K. Massey Jr.
Sonia Werblin Masterman Fund
Master Singers of Worcester
The Master Singers of
Matthew 25 - The Fr. Joseph
LaBran, S.J. House Fund
Matthew 25, Inc.
Howard J. and Dorothy R.
McGuiness Fund
Estate of Dorothy R. McGuiness
Howard J. and Dorothy R.
McGuiness Scholarship Fund
Estate of Dorothy R. McGuiness
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Winifred Meany Killay and
Matthew Meany Memorial
Shaun Bennett
In memory of JoAnn Waite-Bennett
Virginia E. Jerris
Robert E. Waite
Mary E. McQuoid
Kathleen M. and Martin P.
Szerlag Jr.
Robyn B. and Jeffrey Yalian
Middlesex Savings Charitable
Foundation Scholarship Fund
Middlesex Savings Charitable
Paul M. Pezzella Fund in
Memory of Patsy and Theresa
Paul M. Pezzella
Michael Minty Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Keith A. MacNeal
Lillian S. Pratt Fund
Estate of Lillian S. Pratt
Barrett and Mahroo Morgan
Barrett and Mahroo Morgan
Constantine Mina and Vasiliky
Strates Moschos Scholarship
Galatea Moschos Lewry and
Arthur T. Lewry
Michael C. Moschos
Vasiliky Strates Moschos
Memorial Fund
Michael C. Moschos
Nonprofit Support Center
Program Fund
George I. Alden Trust
Ernest Osterman Family Fund
Thomas E. Adams
Campbell Group
Thomas R. and Virginia M. Cope
Susanne E. Gray and Ernest
Denise Oosterman
Tracy L. Oosterman
E. Osterman Gas Service
Elsie Osterman
Leah G. Osterman and David C.
In honor of Ernest Osterman
Ruth Osterman
Arthur M. Pappas and Martha
R. Pappas Donor Advised
Arthur M. and Martha R.
Pappas Foundation
Arthur M. and Martha R.
Christopher J. Paskell Memorial
Assumption College Men's Ice
In memory of Patricia Hoban
Robert E. Dik
Robert G. Gibbons
Marlene and David Persky Fund
Joseph Persky Foundation
Chapin Riley Fund
Chapin Riley Trust
Rogers-Kennedy Memorial
Patricia A. Fletcher
Melvin and Martha Rosenblatt
Martha and Melvin Rosenblatt
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund
Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation
Paul and Fay Rossley
Barbara Marks Rothschild Arts
and Education Scholarship Fund
In memory of Trudie Schinagel
Aime A. Lambert
Thelma E. Schinagle
Ida and Murray Rotman
Scholarship Fund
Barry S. Rotman
Rural Cemetery Fund
Proprietors of the Rural
Andrew Sala Memorial
Scholarship Fund
In honor of Nancy Sala’s retirement
Jeanette M. Ahronian
Paul A. and Donna M. Aliquo
John and Elizabeth Amoroso
Cynthia A. Arcate
Richard Arent
Amy Atwood
Lawrence and Jacqueline Bailey
Andrew R. and Penny P.
Joan Bok
Walter F. and Helen A. Browne
Walter F. and Kathleen Browne
Daniel A. Cameron
Senator Harriette L. Chandler
David R. and Diane J. Charest
Deanna Charves
Carol A. and Ronald L. Conte
Fouad and Sarah Dagher
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Sean R. Driscoll
Aleta M. Fazzone
James X. and Jill M. P.
William J. and Patricia C.
Thomas J. Fleming
Fletcher, Tilton & Whipple, PC
David and Ann Forsberg
Friends of Nancy H. Sala
David Gendall
Dennis G. and Audrey R.
Frederic E. Greenman
Rita and Jeffrey Greiman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grover
Richard J. and Mary Rose
Anita C. Hagspiel
Gregory Hale
Stephen T. Hall
Barbara A. Hassan
John J. Healy
Tressa A. Herring
Alfred and Patricia Houston
Marilyn Flint Jacques
Cheryl A. LaFleur and William
A. Kuncik
Robert A. Lambe
Michael J. and Jacalyn M.
Christina and Michael Lochhead
Robert J. Lorkiewicz
Carmine and Marisa Luongo
Joseph Mannarino and Karen
William F. McEvoy and Sandra
Checovich McEvoy
Robert and Pennyann McLaren
Laura G. McNaughton and
David H. Goldberg
John Medbury
Kevin P. and Laurie M. Menard
Richard N. Morency
Michael P. and Elisabeth M.
Bruce G. and Celia M. Nelson
Guy W. Nichols
William J. Nicholson Jr. and
Marjorie A. Katz
William and Nina O'Brien
Lydia M. Pastuszek
Rudolph V. Persico
Ronald A. Racine
Stephen B. and Marcy L. Reed
Kevin B. and Melissa K.
Thomas E. Rogers and Margaret
Buresh Rogers
Glenn R. and Sandra K.
Robert and Linda Seega
Ronald and Cynthia Shepard
William T. Sherry and Diane E.
Douglas Smith
Dennis E. and Jeanne Snay
Gary C. and Ann M. Sunday
George W. Tetler III
Diane M. Thompson
Michael & Ann-Marie
William F. and Kimberly A.
Randall and Ann Marie
Bennett K. and Carol S. White
Mark C. and Julie A. Wilcox
Worcester Business
Development Corporation
Cheryl A. Young
Paul J. and Donna M. Zaremba
Donna R. C. and John E.
Sansoucy Fund
Donna R. C. and John E.
Norman L. and Dorothy A.
Sharfman Fund
Norman L. Sharfman Trust
Herbert D. Sherwin Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Nellie Mae Education
Jay S. Sherwin and Rachel
William J. Short Scholarship
Priscilla Short Kerr and Phillips
H. Kerr
Alice C.A. Sibley Fund
Alice C.A. Sibley Trust
Evelyn and Sumner Silver Fund
Evelyn B. Silver
Claudia Simonian Scholarship
Beverly A. Brown
Matthew J. and Barbara M.
Steven and Kimberly
Jean Chase
Karen A. and Abdulnor
Arvilla and Kerop Davidian
Edward and Nancy Davidian
Cecilia M. Dibella
Valerie L. and John C. Duggan
Christine L. Emery
Farmers Financial Group
Fenuccio Electric
Friends of Richard Simonian
Elizabeth M. and Stephen F.
James J. and Joanne Geneva
Vanessa L. and Andrew G.
Terrie J. Hanna
Carol B. Hope
Alida Howard
Brian P. and Marie E. LaHair
Ann B. Logan and Christopher C. Eccles
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin W. Mason Jr
Marsha R. Ovrut
Kari A. Raffa
Suzanne A. and Manuel Rodriques
Karen G. and Raymond J. Rossetti
Nancy A. Russell
Judith A. Rutelonis
Mario and Mary Savelloni
Kim M. Simonian
Mary and George Simonian Jr.
Richard Simonian
Steve Charette Agency
Robert Sweet
Thomas B. Carroll Insurance, Inc.
Karen E. and Guy M. Vallaro
Arthur and Ann Marie Varjabedian
Barbara A. Wrenn
John J. Simpson Jr. Memorial
Kevin and Linda O'Sullivan
Spag's Supply Fund
Sandra E. Travinski
Steelman Expository Writing
Scholarship Fund
David C. Steelman and Virginia Theo-Steelman
Sylvia Gafvert Stubblebine
Joyce G. Adderley
Swedish National Federation
In memory of Alice L. Carlson
Robert Belden
Norman B. and Anne Maja Blodgett
Richard Cahill
Clark University
Harry C. and Frances R. Gadde
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hohler
Gordon F. and Norma M. Hohne
Susan E. Johnson
Leif and Siw M. Kristiansson
Ingrid V. Lawrence
Elsie Lindof
Isabelle A. and Linda I. Nelson
Philip C. and Patty J. Nyberg
Quinsigamond Lodge #517, Vasa Order of America
Barbara A. Rosen
Ingrid and John E. Ward
Tahanto Regional High School
Scholarship Fund
Anonymous (3)
Martha E. Bigelow
Boylston Mass Auto Body
Tom and Nancy Buckingham
Alice Carlin
Clinton Savings Charitable Foundation
Robert W. and Edith M. Comeau
Cary J. and Nancy Corkin
Helen J. and Paul B. Dexter
Thomas D. and Cindy Erle
M. Joy Foley
Gerald Gleich and Francesca Bang
Nitin and Sunita Godiwala
Gary R. and Jacqueline A. Gothing
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Harris
Louise Roseberry Janda
Brian C. and Lorna J. Keane
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kennedy
Margaret J. Klimaski
Barbara H. Krackhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson
Luvak, Inc.
Marla D. and Peter S. Lyon
Barry and Mary Ellen Matthew
Madeline and Robert F. McTague Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mecca
Milano Regulatory Solutions/
Jake and Ellen Milano
Peter W. and Emilie A. Moran
Charles and Lynda Nelson
Dean and Liz Polnerow
John P. and Ornella R. Quinn
Joanne B. Reitzel
Thomas A. and Mary Rinker/Bay Path Barn
Dave and Donni Rodman
Ann M. and David W. Rossow
Daniel and Joan Shanahan and Family
Carl M. Sharpe
Florence L. Smith
Robert L. and Paula A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Wheeler Sr.
Woodward/Wheeler Family
In memory of Raymond DiMuzio
Helen M. DiMuzio
Paul E. Tarkiainen Art Award
Terri and Bob Girouard
Cindy and Albert LaBarge
Lori and Todd LaBarge
LaBarge Engineering & Contracting
Teri Patriquin
Temple Sinai Fund
Temple Sinai
Candi Tiarks Cancer Research
In memory of William Yeager
Stanley and Patricia L. Burden
Robert J. and Nancy Chapman
Charlene C. Chase
Don's Mobile Unit Inc.
Kenneth J. and Maria R. Doucette
Vincent Doucette
Elaine S. Fortier
John E. Freyer
Stanley and Cheryl Friedlander
Lan Goodwin and Cathy Woods
William and Judy Hobstetter
Margo A. and Leo E. Knight Jr.
Land Title Guarantee Company
Maria T. Lang
Candace A. Lee
Old Republic International Corporation
Old Republic National Title Insurance Company
Thomas and Melva Peot
Scott Rager
Fredricka Taubitz
Bill and Leslie Vollbracht
Steven R. and Heather Walker
Ellen and Steve Wilson
Sumner B. Tilton Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Sumner B. Tilton Jr.
Laurie C. Tinsley Scholarship
Robert E. Evans and Kathleen K. Evans Family Foundation
Genworth Financial
Frank M. and Christine Gigliotti
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hryniewich
Peter J. and Pauline F. Lorden
Christine M. McCarthy
Kathleen A. McCarthy
MetLife Foundation
Stuart and Lisa V. Sargisson
Elaine Edmunds Shower
Robert P. Stalilonis and Angele M. C. Patenaude
Laurie C. Tinsley Scholarship Foundation
Dorothy C. Tinsley
Margaret and Gordon
Torgersen Fund
In memory of Rev. Dr. Gordon M.
Isabel K. Arms
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Barry
John C. and Mary G. Bath
Christina M. Bergenholtz
Peter and Marilyn Blanchard
Suzanne and Herb Boswell
Bowditch & Marinelli, Inc.
Joan H. and Norman M. Bress
George S. and Tammy Butler
Chester F. and Sylvia V. Caswell
Linda D. and Peter A. Chadwick
Pamela A. Cirincione
Patricia L. Cordier
Keith and Lois Dahlberg
Nancy L. Dahlberg
Joe H. and Elizabeth D. Doud
Mary F. Duffy
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Norma and Saul F. Feingold
Eugene A. Fischer
Mary F. and Warner S. Fletcher
Patricia A. Fletcher
John and Anita Haynes
Robert C. and Alice E. Hohler
Nason A. Hurowitz and Martha P. Grace
Pamela Keogh
Kathy L. and John F. Lanza Jr.
Shpresa C. Lee
Kathleen J. Lewando
Ruth M. Linden
Ann T. Lisi and Joel P. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Loeffler
John Loeffler
Eleanor, David and Bruce Long
John W. Lund
Elsie Magill
Family of Alexandra Markello
Erwin H. Miller
Helen J. Morey
Cynthia L. and Constantine L. Mourginis
Nancy Jean and William S. Muszynski
Roland T. and Ethel E. Nelson
Howard W. and Gertrude B. Nicholson
Mary S. and Joseph C. Oakley
Herbert J. and Christine O'Connor
Kelly A. O'Connor and Craig A. Stimson
Jean C. Osborne
Stephen and Cynthia Pitcher
Gail T. Randall
Joanne M. Reegan
Dr. and Mrs. Willard G. Rice
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund of Greater Worcester
Community Foundation
Denisha R. and Eliseo
Sanchez Sr.
Donald F. and Judith L. Stoddard
Susan Stuart
Audrey J. Terpo
Gale B. and Philip G. Torgersen
William D. Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. Wen Yang Wen
Joyce A. and Robert G. Wolcott
Kimball R. Woodbury
Jasmine Vasquez-Okutoro and Moses Okutoro
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Water and Land Stewardship
Donald and Mary Melville
Webster Square Business
Association Scholarship Fund
Webster Square Business
Leroy Weiner Scholarship Fund
Gail Weiner Korval
In honor of Bibe Schlesinger’s
Betty and Ed Shuman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wetzel
Joy Wetzel Hall through United
Way of Central Massachusetts
Todd H. and Charlotte A.
Wetzel Fund
Todd H. Wetzel through United
Way of Central Massachusetts
Whittier Family Charitable Gift
Henry and Donna Whittier
Irving N. and Annabel Wolfson
Irving N. Wolfson MD
Worcester Animal Rescue
League Fund
Glenn C. DeMallie
Robert K. Massey Jr.
Worcester County Poetry
Association Founders Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael True
Worcester County Poetry
WTAG Christmas for Children
Joe Abbascia
Billy and Janice Abdelnour
Advanced Energy Concepts
Adeline M. Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Lenore C. Armstrong
William and Valerie Barrett and
Suzanne and Steven Berard
Martha E. Bigelow
Wendy A. Bragg
Richard P. and Ellen M. Brigham
Richard J. Burgess
Mildred Bushong
Henry Camosse Jr.
Beverly F. Cancelmo
Wanda and Dallas Cantlin
Mary and Francis R. Carroll
Mickey Chapman
Paul and Nancy T. Chase
Eleanor Laing Clifford
George Coleman
John J. Conte
Donna A. and James A.
Judith A. Dacey
John F. Dansereau
Darcy Design Construction
Antonio J. Delgado
Committee to Elect Vinny
George E. Dickey Jr.
Susan J. and James G.
Dobson Jr.
Philip Drapos
Committee to Elect Joseph D.
Early Jr.
Engine 15
Alfred S. Erlich
Dale P. Fafard
Mark and Anne Marie Farrell
Kurt Farrington
Donna M. Fiore
Craig F. Fitzgerald
Cynthia M. Flaherty
David T. Flood
Gail and Dennis Foley
Committee to Elect John Fresolo
Galway Bay
Richard W. and Joyce E. Green
Nancy J. and Benjamin A.
Ellen M. Gregus
Patricia A. Hall
James M. Hallaman
David L. Hammond
Dorothy Hargrove
Mary Haroyan
Richard J. and Mary Lou
Nancy D. Hawley
Jeanne M. Hays
Dennis M. Head Jr.
Beth A. Heckman
Donna J. Hendrickson
Bruce R. and Nancy E. Herholz
Arthur and Sophie Innamorati
International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers Local
Union 96
Paul R. Jackson
Joe Dimaggio Little League
Penelope B. Johnson
Knight Incorporated/Daniel and
Jane O'Connor
Mary Ann Kourey
Steven LaBarre
Laborers International Union of
NA Local 243
Jonathan W. Lacob
Debra LaVergne
Sharon and Richard Lawson
James L. LeClaire
Patricia A. Lee
Richard E. and Joanne M.
Sydney Levy
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Otto R. and Ulrike R. Lies
Seth J. Lillis
Lilly's Bakery
Susan M. Mailman
Leslie A. Malloy
Annette M. and Robert R.
Magdalena P. Margelony
Mr. Mawson's U.S. History Class
at Doherty Memorial HS
Irene L. Mayo
Andrew P. and Lisa K. Mazurka
and Sierra
Brian McCarthy
Denise A. McElhinney
Lynn and Robert McLaughlin
Dottie McLoughlin
Mary McLoughlin
Susan M. McNamara
Janice and Sebastian Messina Jr.
Ellen S. and David A. Meyers
Peter E. Michaud
JoAnn and David Mills
John Monfredo
Donna Murdock
Murphy Family
Nancy and Karl Nelson
Marcia Norbeck
Kurt A. Nordquist
Neal M. Novack DMD
James J. and Theresa M. O'Brien
Jonathan Olson
Jeanne F. O'Malley
Carol A. O'Sullivan
Our Lady of the Angels 5th
Grade Class
Gloria J. Padula
Penny Wise Markets
Committee to Elect Michael C.
Perotto City Council
Michael C. Perotto Insurance
Committee to Re-Elect George
N. Peterson Jr.
Joseph M. and Gayle A. Petty
Rene H. Picard
Doris and Donald Piche
Robert F. and Carole E. Pietro
Shirley I. Prachniak
Quizno's Subs
Raymond Raboin
Lawrence M. Raymond
Peter S. and Kimberlee A.
Judith A. Robbins
Augusta J. Rosen
Gary Rosen
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund of
Greater Worcester
Community Foundation
Edward E. Ryan lll
Paul A. Samar
Mary Shea
Thomas F. and Carolyn B. Shilale
Janice Silverman
Jean O'Hara Siniawski
Barbara L. Sleeper
Richard P. Smith
Anne M. Spellane
Janet Stanavich
Paul F. Stapinski
Patricia Strong
Marcelle A. Stuart
Susan H. Sullivan
Tanks Unlimited
Victor M. Taylor
TLC Pet Haven
Kathleen Toomey and Family
Gail C. and Peter A. Tosi
Skip and Loretta Twichell
Union Music
Anna-Maria Vacca
Wachusett Babe Ruth Baseball
Marsha K. and Ronald W.
Christian K. Weber
Robert W. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wells
Peter D. and Shelie A. Wells
West Tatnuck School, Mrs.
Keaney's 5th Grade Class
Helen V. Williams
Worcester Administrative
Officers' Association
Worcester Fire Fighters
Association Local 1009
Worcester Police Department
WTAG Listeners
Margaret B. Zytkiewicz
Youth Opportunity Fund
Richard Monette Landscaping &
Youth Opportunities Upheld,
Inc. Fund
Y.O.U., Inc.
Every effort has been made to
ensure the accuracy of this list.
If we have made an error, please
let us know.
New Funds
A gallery of creative giving
Jane Bath Fund
Shrewsbury resident Sandra Celona honors the memory of her
friend Jane Bath with this donor advised fund that supports
programs serving youth and families.
Edward W. Bettke Scholarship Fund
Edward Bettke created this designated fund
to benefit several of his family’s favorite
schools: Christ Community Lutheran School
in Naples, Florida; St. Andrew Lutheran
School in Chicago; and in nearby Melrose
Park, Walther Lutheran School.
George S. and Tammy Butler Fund
George and Tammy Butler of Boylston created this donor
advised fund to bring more planning and continuity to their
charitable activities.
Admiral and Mrs. Louis E. Denfeld
Scholarship Fund
This fund was created with a bequest from
Ruth Denfeld of Westborough and faithfully
administered by trustees through a law firm.
They chose the Foundation as the ideal home
to perpetuate and manage this scholarship
for Westborough High School graduates.
Jane Kenah Dewey Abbot/Andover Fund
Jane Dewey of Worcester created this
designated fund for the Abbot Academy,
one of the nation’s first schools for girls
and since 1973 a component of Phillips
Andover Academy.
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund
for Wellesley College
Wellesley alumna Jane Kenah Dewey ’52
created this endowed fund as her class gift.
Stephen G. Economos
Scholar Athlete Fund
Worcester businessman Stephen Economos,
known as “Mr. E,” was a generous
contributor to youth organizations and for
five decades he coached youth and college
softball. His daughter Christina spearheaded
this fund, which will award scholarships to
softball players.
Fred and Leona Eppinger
Scholarship Fund
What do you give your parents for their
60th wedding anniversary? The Eppinger
family chose to create a scholarship fund
for college-bound students at David Prouty
High School in Spencer.
Friends of the Upton Town Library Fund
The Friends of Upton Town Library is a
nonprofit that promotes the joy of reading.
Its agency fund will pay for items not
covered in the library budget and bolster an
upcoming campaign to improve
library facilities.
Barbara H. Gaudette Fund
Barbara Gaudette created this donor advised fund to benefit the
communities of Worcester and the Blackstone Valley.
Paul J. Gramling Memorial Scholarship Fund for
Compassionate Care Giving to People with Alzheimer’s
The late Dr. Paul Gramling was the longserving chief of emergency services at St.
Vincent Hospital in Worcester. Late in life,
he suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. His
wife, Dr. Kathryn Gramling, honors her
husband with this fund, which supports
continuing education to those who care for
Alzheimer’s patients.
The Hedin Family Memorial Fund and
Hedin Family Memorial Emergency Fund
Retired high school teacher Richard E.
Hedin of Auburn honors his parents,
Blanche and Harold Hedin, with these funds,
which help people with critical needs and
provide scholarships to Auburn High School
students pursuing a teaching career.
Charles Hugo Community
Service Award Fund
When Charles F. Hugo died in 2005 at age
77, the town of Holden lost an ardent and
effective champion. His daughter Lisa Hugo
led the effort to honor him by creating this
scholarship, which benefits graduating
seniors of Wachusett Regional High School.
• 07
• 07
New Funds
Each fund is an inspired act that enriches the community
Kirby Foundation Fund
The Kirby family’s five siblings and their
spouses were introduced to philanthropy
as trustees of a family foundation created
by their late father, Robert Kirby. They
established this donor advised fund to honor
their sister, Lisa Kirby Gibbs of Worcester,
and support her local interests.
Lillian S. Pratt Fund
Lillian Sophia Prikacki was a LithuanianAmerican who dressed with flair, drove a
sports car, and traveled the world with her
companion, Jimmy. She died in Worcester
at age 97, leaving a charitable bequest to
create a fund that benefits Abby’s House and
UMass Memorial Hospice.
Leicester High School Football Alumni
Scholarship Fund
In 1960, the Leicester High School football
team had an undefeated season and many of
the teammates stay in touch as members of
the LHS Football Alumni Club. Through
this permanent fund, the club will award
scholarships to the school’s college-bound football players.
Evelyn and Sumner Silver Fund
Longstanding environmental advocate
Evelyn Silver and her husband Sumner, an
attorney in Worcester, created this fund to
benefit local environmental organizations
in perpetuity.
Peter H. and Catherine H. Levine Fund
Peter and Cathy Levine created this donor
advised fund to support philanthropic
interests that include gardening, youth
services and musical performance as well as
their abiding engagement in health care that
reflects Peter’s long career as a physician,
researcher and hospital CEO.
Master Singers of Worcester Fund
This agency endowment fund celebrates
the 32nd anniversary of the Master
Singers of Worcester, whose superb choral
performances are backed by strong fiscal
Matthew 25 Father Joseph LaBran S.J.
House Fund
In honor of Father Joseph LaBran S.J., a
former chaplain at Holy Cross College, this
fund will support a project by Matthew
25, a nonprofit that renovates multi-family
properties to create affordable rental
housing for low-income families.
Claudia Simonian Scholarship Fund
Claudia Simonian was a beloved Sutton
elementary school principal and anonymous
philanthropist. Claudia’s family honors her
with this scholarship fund, which will help
financially needy students of Sutton
High School.
Temple Sinai Fund
Temple Sinai is celebrating its 50th
anniversary. Its endowment committee
created this agency fund to ensure the
continuity and growth of this thriving
congregation and religious school in the
Reform Judaism tradition.
Whittier Family Charitable Gift Fund
Sutton residents Henry “Ross” Whittier and Donna Whittier
established this donor advised fund to support their varied local
interests including educational programs for youth and teens.
Worcester Animal Rescue League Fund
Robert K. Massey Jr. created this fund to
honor his late father, Robert K. Massey Sr.,
a founder of Greater Worcester Community
Foundation. The fund helps the Worcester
Animal Rescue League care for lost and
abandoned animals.
Barrett and Mahroo Morgan Fund
Mahroo and Barry Morgan of Worcester will use their fund to
sustain two cherished institutions: the First Unitarian Church
and the Worcester Art Museum.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Invitation to the Acorn Society
Acorn Society Members
Anonymous (2)
John Adam Jr.
Isabel K. Arms
Brian L. and Betty G. Bjurling
Cushing C. Bozenhard
Douglas P. Butler
Kenneth and Nancy Candito
Jeanne Y. Curtis
Elizabeth O. Dean
Francis H. Dewey III
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey
Ross K. and Lisa F. Dik
Richard and Carol Dymek
Elmer E. Ellison Jr. *
Dennis F. Gorman
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon
Claire L. Halvey
Harriet P. Miller Hight *
Forrest A. and Shirley H. Jacobs
Frances and M Howard Jacobson
Patricia L. and Kenneth R. Jones
David P. Leach and Audrey Klein-Leach
Catherine H. and Peter H. Levine MD
Margaret D. Lincoln
Ann T. Lisi
John W. Lund
Barbara B. and Raymond E. Morin
John M. Nelson
Sarah D. Pettit
Bonnie M. Prescott
Gloria and John A. Rauth
Susan and C. Reid Roberts MD
Linda Carlson Romano
Evelyn B. Silver
David C. Steelman and
Virginia Theo-Steelman
Helen M. Stinson
Cynthia C. and Harrison G. Taylor Jr.
Sumner B. Tilton Jr.
Irving N. Wolfson MD
David K. Woodbury
Kimball R. and Elizabeth Woodbury
New Members
Edward W. Bettke
Mark P. Bilotta and Henry O. Ritter
Maurice J. and Pamela K. Boisvert
James S. Demetry
Dina R. and Gerald (Lee) Gaudette III
Richard Hedin
Paul and Fay Rossley
Sally S. Schenck
Acorn Society members include Paul and Fay Rossley (left) and Tony Tilton, a former
Foundation president.
We invite you to join the ever-growing roster of Acorn Society members.
Becoming a member is simple: Just let us know that you have named the
Foundation as a beneficiary of your estate.
Your deferred gift can be a portion of your estate—as little as one percent of its
total value. Or with a donation of $10,000 or more, you can establish a named fund.
While helping to secure the future of the Foundation, your planned gift may
provide you with significant tax advantages. And as a Society member, you will
be invited to special events, including our annual meeting, investment breakfast,
and Insights Tours, which bring donors and service providers together to explore
issues critical to Greater Worcester.
We are deeply grateful to every member of the Acorn Society, including those
who prefer to remain anonymous. Your legacy strengthens your Foundation—and
your community. Find out more by contacting Ann T. Lisi, Executive Director, at
(508) 755-0980 or [email protected].
our legacy strengthens your Foundation—
and your community.
* Deceased 2008
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Named Funds
Discretionary, Field of Interest and Committee Advised Funds
Since 1975, generous individuals, families and organizations have used
the Foundation to manage their charitable giving through a named fund.
Established with a gift of $10,000 or more, these funds produce income for
grant making that supports organizations and purposes defined by the donor.
Fund types:
• Discretionary, field of interest and committee advised funds support the
changing needs of the community
• Donor advised funds allow donors to make grant recommendations
• Designated and agency funds support a particular organization
• Scholarship funds provide tuition assistance to students
The following list notes the year that each fund was created and its balance as
of December 31, 2007. Some balances have been omitted at donor request.
Sarah B. and Dix F. Davis Fund (2002)
Eliza D. and Cora J.D. Dodge Fund
(1985) $7,037,360
Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth
Fund (1983) $127,189
EMC Community Fund (2000) $46,335
Fairlawn Foundation Fund (1991)
Fallon/OrNda Community Health
Fund (1996) $5,735,732
Charles H. Farnum Fund (2003)
Andrew N. Ahlfors and Helmi E.
Ahlfors Fund (2002) $302,819
Children’s Christmas Fund (1991)
Lois Anne Memorial Fund (1993)
Child Wellness Fund (2001) $12,381
Elva E. and John J. Chisholm Fund
Founders Fund (1983) $506,987
Marion Stoddard Fletcher Fund (1992)
Clarence S. Arms Family Fund (1986)
(1989) $6,530,182
Samuel Frank Charitable Fund (1993)
Fund for the Arts and Humanities
Barbara E. and William E. Christensen
Fund (1998) $65,803
Esther and Howard G. Freeman Fund
(1993) $362,174
Community Ministries Fund (2006)
The Auburn Foundation (2002)
Nils Bjork Memorial Fund (1992)
Dr. Harold M. Constantian Fund (1997)
Robert W. Booth Fund in Memory of
George F. Booth (1988) $9,692,529
Fairman C. Cowan Fund (1995) $62,344
(1984) $71,356
Friends of Learning in Killingly Fund
(1998) $91,025
Garfield Berry Fund (1998) $11,636
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr.
Fund (1987) $209,548
Ragnhild L. Gersdorf Fund (1994)
Lorraine Crepeau Fund (2006) $961,322
Robert and Mary S. Cushman Fund
GLBT Partnership Fund (2005) $185,176
(1978) $430,061
Bowditch & Dewey Fund (1989)
Haskell and Ina Gordon Fund (1980)
Richard C. Daniels Fund (2001)
Robert S. and Helen A. Bowditch Fund
(1990) $72,988
Nathan and Barbara Greenberg Fund
Anna S. and Warren G. Davis Fund
(1982) $281,581
(1998) $16,373
Cancer Care and Research Fund (1991)
Mary B. Grogan Fund for Youth (2001)
Jean B. and Gilbert S. Davis Fund
(1994) $38,963
John Carter “High Five” Youth
Hockey Fund (1996) $16,001
Central Massachusetts Health
Standards Fund (1990) $162,200
Rosemary Davis Environmental
Preservation Fund (2001) $62,849
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Margery M. and O. Vincent Gustafson
Fund (1980) $87,160
Named Funds
Discretionary, Field of Interest and Committee Advised Funds
Greater Worcester Community
Scholarship Fund: Ruth and John
Adam Founders (2000) $4,276,963
Greater Worcester Jaycees Fund (1997)
Raymond P. Harold Discretionary
Fund (1982) $174,318
Barbara S. Massey Fund (2000) $985,789
Harry G. Stoddard Fund (1992)
Micah Housing Corporation Fund
Estelle M. Sullivan Fund (2003)
(1981) $18,856
James J. and Patricia A. Moynihan
Fund (2003) $123,221
Gilbert H. Sundberg Fund (1987)
Marc Needleman Memorial Fund
D. Russell and Atsye S. Taft Fund
(2000) $10,180
Francis A. and Jacquelyn H.
Harrington Human Services Fund
Organization Assistance Fund (1996)
(1992) $1,556,847
Joseph A. Tosoni Fund (2002) $725,886
Rosemary Marble Harris Fund (2001)
Partnership Fund (1990) $250,652
Tree Fund (2000) $9,243
(1992) $867,310
Orville Harrold Fund (2005) $383,452
Christopher J. Paskell Memorial Fund
Corinne Charron Turner Fund (1986)
(2004) $20,545
Bradley C. Higgins Fund (1982)
Marlene and David Persky Fund (1997)
UniBank September 11th Emergency
Personnel Education Fund (2002)
Harriet Miller Hight Education Fund
with the Association of Colored
Peoples (1982) $61,812
Ann J. and Richard Prouty Fund (1988)
The Robert M. and Carolyn G. Hyde
Fund (1998) $49,591
Jeppson Memorial Fund (1976)
Water and Land Stewardship Fund
(2000) $324,549
Providence & Worcester Railroad
Company Fund (1991) $74,691
(1995) $22,136
Renaissance Award Fund (2004)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wetzel Fund
Jiji’s Fund (1999) $19,561
(1983) $382,861
Melvin and Martha Rosenblatt Fund
Robert J. and Anne C. Whipple Fund
(1985) $73,298
(1997) $9,904
Albert R. and Carolyn Jones Fund
Saint Vincent Healthcare Fund (1999)
(1995) $223,496
John F. and Reyna Keenan Fund (1994)
Seven Hills Youth Fund (1995) $11,441
Marian B. Kubelus and Marian Zell
Nesbit Memorial Fund (1984) $691,833
Max H. Kuhner and Eloise A. Kuhner
Fund (2005) $412,129
Nancy and Michael Leavitt Fund (1984)
Leicester Savings Bank Fund (1997)
Main South Fund (1999) $45,446
Frances F. Mansfield Fund (1996)
Curtis G. Watkins Education Fund
Irving N. and Annabel Wolfson Fund
(1998) $13,156
Norman L. and Dorothy A. Sharfman
Fund (2004) $2,596,534
Sumner Lee Sharfman Fund (1984)
Worcester County Deputy Sheriffs
Association Fund (1999) $21,517
Worcester Credit Bureau Fund (1992)
Shepherd Knapp School Fund (1979)
Worcester Executives Association
- Dana DeAngelis McDonald Fund
(2000) $7,640
Alice C.A. Sibley Fund (2004) $673,164
Youth For Community Improvement
Endowment Fund (2002) $14,647
Evelyn and Sumner Silver Fund (2007)
$10,039 NEW
Youth Opportunity Fund (1981)
H. Arthur Smith Fund (1986) $460,725
Spag’s Supply Fund (1986) $39,711
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Named Funds
Donor Advised Funds
Argitis Family Fund (2004)
Gene J. DeFeudis Fund (1991)
Finnish American Social Club Fund
(1998) $285,160
Finnish Heritage Foundation Fund
Isabel K. Arms Fund (2005)
Mary C. DeFeudis Fund (1991)
Elkanah B. Atkinson Community and
Education Fund (1986)
Theodore and Marjorie M. Deitz
Fund (1993) $34,617
Jane Bath Fund (2007)
$25,846 NEW
Martha L. and William P. Densmore
Fund (1999) $94,745
Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr.
Fund (1987) $213,477
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund
Bozenhard Charitable Fund (2005)
The Douglas P. Butler Fund (1998)
George S. and Tammy Butler Fund
Morgan B. and Loretta R. Dewey
Fund (2001) $12,751
Carolyn Knight Dik Fund (1998)
Ross and Lisa Dik Fund (1993)
Marcia Butzel Fund (2001)
Barbara M. and Irving James
Donahue Jr. Fund (1993) $16,763
Wynne L. Chase Fund (1998)
Maureen Logan Coghlin Fund (2001)
Phyllis and Stuart Freilich Charitable
Foundation Fund (1999) $107,879
$20,000 NEW
(1994) $126,320
(1998) $30,709
A. Jane Fitzpatrick, M.D. and Edward
F. Kilroy, M.D. Fund (1998) $11,611
Barbara H. Gaudette Fund (2007)
(2007) $99,922 NEW
William R. and Janet A. Carrick Fund
(1991) $14,539
Lillian Knowles Eldred Fund of
Pakachoag Church for the Support of
Sacred Music (1999) $32,265
Gordon Iver and Dorothy Brewer
Erikson Fund (1996) $34,043
Lillian R. Goodman and Mary
K. Alexander Fund for Nursing
Education and Research (1999) $49,599
Margaret A. and Ralph H. Gowetz
Fund (1990) $43,136
Paul J. Gramling Memorial
Scholarship Fund for Compassionate
Caregiving to People with
Alzheimer’s (2007) $7,619 NEW
Lois B. and Robert F. Green Fund
(2001) $16,801
David R. and Rosalie A. Grenon Fund
(1986) $231,692
Herbert B. and Jayne Cohan Fund
(2000) $29,180
Paul E. Cohan Fund (2000)
Hugh W. and Harriet K. Crawford
Fund (2004) $969,542
Elizabeth A. Culhane Memorial Fund
(2000) $13,113
Jeanne Remillard Curtis Fund (1999)
Rosemary Davis Memorial Fund
(2000) $2,979,154
Dana L. DeAngelis-McDonald
Memorial Fund (2002) $14,308
Participants in the Foundation’s Youth for Community Improvement program
become acquainted at a winter retreat before they start their season of grantmaking.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Named Funds
Donor Advised Funds
Newell and Betty Hale Fund (2001)
Celeste and Dave Lionett Donor
Advised Fund (2004) $64,997
Joseph F. and Claire L. Halvey Fund
Lisi-Greene Fund (2004)
(2002) $7,256
Raymond P. Harold Memorial Fund
Konstantina B. Lukes Fund (1986)
(1982) $162,628
Charles E. Scott Community Fund
(1997) $12,265
Charles E. Soule Paul Revere
Insurance Group Centennial Fund
(1995) $70,772
Candi Tiarks Cancer Research Fund
(1996) $15,663
Harris Family Fund (2001) $13,136
MacLean Family Fund (2004) $28,620
The Hedin Family Memorial
Emergency Fund (2007) NEW
Sandy C. Marks Jr. Biomedical
Education Fund (2003) $25,500
Frances M. Herron Fund (1997)
Marla Maykel Fund (2001) $45,419
Margaret and Gordon Torgersen
Fund (2000) $26,143
Margaret W. and Richard P. Traina
Fund (1999) $15,027
Ann D. and Louis C. Iandoli Fund
Gertrude Alice Johnson Fund (2002)
W. David and Lee Norton Kelly
Family Fund (2002) $19,244
Kesseli and Morse Company Fund
(1998) $12,378
Charles H. McDonald Memorial
Foundation (2005) $9,523
C. Jean and Myles McDonough Fund
James J. and Patricia A. Moynihan
Donor Advised Fund (2003) $21,676
John M. Nelson Fund (1990) $150,912
Ernest Osterman Family Fund (2004)
Kirby Foundation Fund (2007)
Arthur M. Pappas and Martha R.
Pappas Donor Advised Foundation
George and Anna Krikorian Family
Fund (1994) $280,015
WTAG Christmas For Children Fund
Town of Petersham Fund (1984)
Lionel M. and Cynthia E. Lamoureux
Fund (2000) $11,155
The Pyle Fund (1986) $597,912
The LaVigne Family Fund (1992)
Quota International of Worcester
Fund (1998) $12,988
Anne A. Levine Fund (1995)
Paul and Fay Rossley Fund (1995)
Glenda and Arthur Wolpert Fund
Pelletz Family Fund (2003) $64,727
Peter H. and Catherine H. Levine
Fund (2007) $73,000 NEW
Whittier Family Charitable Gift
Fund (2007) $97,879 NEW
(2000) $105,819
Todd H. and Charlotte A. Wetzel
Fund (1992) $28,927
(1999) $88,244
Pakachoag Church Fund for Human
Understanding (1999) $35,197
Augusta H. Kressler, M.D. Fund (2002)
Amos E. and Ann Laura Wasgatt
Fund (1997) $36,807
(1988) $31,741
Winifred Meany Killay and Matthew
Meany Memorial Fund (2003)
$13,996 NEW
Trust in Kids Fund (1987) $73,216
Donna R. C. and John E. Sansoucy
Fund (2006) $12,385
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Named Funds
Designated Funds
Hollis E. and Gwendolyn D. Alden
Fund (1977) $143,726
Jane Kenah Dewey Abbot/Andover
Fund (2007) $24,733 NEW
(1996) $29,607
Clarence S. Arms Family Fund (1986)
Directors and Corporators
Community Impact Fund (2007) $17,519
Paul J. and Dorothy B. Kervick Fund
Peter J. and Sophie Kosky Fund (1988)
Elizabeth Trumbull Barton Fund
(2004) $389,203
Directors and Corporators Fund (1984)
Max H. and Eloise A. Kuhner
Memorial Fund (2005) $355,488
Edward W. Bettke Scholarship Fund
(2007) $10,536 NEW
John W. Lund Fund (1993) $178,644
Douglas Center Cemetery
Preservation Fund (1999) $37,274
Barbara Allen Booth Fund (2001)
Robert W. Booth Fund for the
Worcester Historical Museum (2002)
Marjorie G. and Elmer E. Ellison Jr.
Fund (2001) $16,436
Bosler Humane Society Fund (1986)
Shirley Feldman Fund (2005) $22,001
First Congregational Parish, Unitarian
Fund (2006) $59,581
Howard J. and Dorothy R.
McGuinness Fund (2004) $82,186
Edward P. Miner and Dauphinais Park
Endowment Fund (2003) $19,486
Barrett and Mahroo Morgan Fund
(1995) $37,117
First Unitarian Church Fund (2006)
H. Paul and Sara B. Buckingham III
Fund (2000) $11,458
Sonia Werblin Masterman Fund (2001)
Norma and Saul F. Feingold Joy of
Music Fund (2006) $6,447
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Budnitz Fund
Frances F. Mansfield Fund (1996)
(2007) $100,692 NEW
Patricia Fisher Fund (2006) $36,235
Vasiliky Strates Moschos Memorial
Fund (2002) $19,613
Polly C. and Joseph R. Carter Fund
Rani P. and Haribabu Muddana, M.D.
Fund (2001) $42,469
Ginette Harrison, M.D. Memorial
Fund (2001) $107,883
C. Bradford and Elizabeth C. Newell
Fund (1999) $81,346
Central Massachusetts Disaster
Relief Residue Trust Fund (1980)
Hendricks House Preservation Fund
Norcross Heritage Fund (2004) $14,217
(1999) $148,320
Chesson Family Fund (1991) $19,270
Honee A. Hess Partnership With
Children Fund (1996) $25,791
(1987) $279,534
Newell Hale Memorial Fund (2003)
John P. Castagnetti Memorial Fund
(2003) $14,466
Charles P. Ciaffone and Rose B.
Ciaffone Fund (2005) $32,985
Sarah Daniels Pettit and William O.
Pettit Jr. Fund (1996) $32,965
Robert G. and Eliza C. Hess Fund
Paul M. Pezzella Fund in Memory
of Patsy and Theresa Pezzella (1999)
(1979) $112,861
Holden Council on Aging/Senior
Center Fund (2003) $12,785
Pomfret Community School Arts Fund
Martha A. Cowan Fund (1987) $55,208
Hugh W. and Harriet K. Crawford
Endowment Fund for the Pearl L.
Crawford Memorial Library (2006)
(2006) $46,822
Jeppson Memorial Fund (1976)
Lillian S. Pratt Fund (2007)
$19,879 NEW
Ethel S. Cunningham Fund (1987)
Marcia R. Katter Memorial Fund (2001)
John A. Rauth Fund (2001)
Henry B. and Jane K. Dewey Fund for
Wellesley College (2007) $34,126 NEW
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler
Fund (1997) $83,112
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Arthur J. Remillard Jr. Fund (1993)
Named Funds
Designated Funds
Louise R. and John F. Reynders Fund
(1987) $40,622
Marvin Richmond Fund (1998) $59,633
Chapin Riley Fund (2000) $1,973,370
Katharine Higgins Riley Fund (1991)
Valueofof Funds
Funds byby
Rogers-Kennedy Memorial Fund (2003)
Saul A. Seder Fund (1991) $18,166
H. Arthur Smith Fund (1986) $462,370
Khazma A. Soffan Memorial Fund
(2000) $67,618
Helen M. and Thomas B. Stinson
Fund (2001) $13,430
Mary Louise Wilding-White Fund
(1978) $113,736
Harold Davis Woodbury Fund (1987)
Donor Advised
Committee Advised
Field of Interest
Worcester Animal Rescue League
Fund (2007) $11,614 NEW
Worcester Art Museum Booth Family
Fund for Education and Outreach
(1999) $2,324,107
Worcester Arts and Humanities
Educational Collaborative Fund (2002)
Worcester Engineering Society Fund
(1989) $25,784
Worcester Historical Museum Robert
W. Booth Fund for Salisbury Mansion
(1995) $476,289
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Named Funds
Agency Funds
African Heritage Institute Fund (1997)
Friends of Northbridge Elders Fund
(1997) $55,077
American Red Cross of Central
Massachusetts Fund (2000) $15,192
Friends of the Upton Town Library
Fund (2007) $17,993 NEW
Auburn Youth and Family Services
Endowment Fund (2000) $36,189
Julie Chase Fuller Endowment Fund
for Mechanics Hall (1989) $688,222
Father Miguel Bafaro Fund (1998)
Great Brook Valley Health Center
Fund (1984) $612,086
Touchstone Community School Fund
South Worcester Neighborhood
Center Growth Fund (1985) $62,440
Tatnuck Brook Watershed Fund (1996)
Temple Sinai Fund (2007)
$286,000 NEW
(2005) $334,598
Barre Players Endowment Fund (1997)
Greater Worcester Land Trust Fund
(1988) $60,017
United Way of Central Massachusetts
Fund (1987) $3,729,991
Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring
Fund (1999) $58,893
Roberta Gunn Fund for Board
Development (2003) $16,173
Worcester Area Association for the
Education of Young Children Fund
Blackstone Valley Chamber of
Commerce Education Foundation
Fund (2005) $54,249
Joy of Music Program Beveridge and
Frances Webster Endowment Fund
Janet Alden Carrick Memorial Fund
for the East Douglas Evergreen
Cemetery (2006) $11,805
Choose Worcester Fund (2005)
(2000) $39,153
Worcester County Law Library Trust
Fund (1998) $805,879
Lincoln Village Tenants Association
Fund (1997) $4,915
Worcester County Poetry Association
Founders Fund (2002) $24,014
Master Singers of Worcester Fund
Worcester County Poetry
Association’s Worcester Review Fund
(2007) $10,282 NEW
Douglas Historical Society Fund
Matthew 25 Fund (1997)
(2000) $103,849
Dynamy Fund (1997) $40,703
East Douglas Evergreen Cemetery
Company Fund and Wallen Memorial
Trust (2005) $330,400
The Elm Park Center for Early
Childhood Education Scholarship
Fund (2006) $114,705
(1998) $18,061
Millbury Public Library Endowment
Fund (1991) $103,720
National Memorial Trust Fund (1990)
Rural Cemetery Fund (2006)
(2000) $89,866
Worcester Historical Museum Fund
(2002) $1,970,965
Worcester Regional Research Bureau
Fund (1989) $80,654
Worcester Public Library Fund (1992)
Youth Opportunities Upheld, Inc.
Fund (1987) $623,437
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Endowment Fund (1994) $31,396
Lois S. Feldman Fund (1990) $28,247
First Congregational Church of
Douglas Endowment Fund (1999)
Friendly House Fund (2000) $34,911
Friends of Gale Free Library 110th
Endowment Fund (1998) $382,487
Foundation program officer
Lois Smith (left) and Susan
Gately, associate dean of
Worcester State College,
were presenters at the
2007 donor Insights Tour.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Named Funds
Scholarship Funds
The Foundation’s endowed
scholarship funds are listed here,
followed by the year established,
market value on December 31, 2007
and the number and total dollar
amount of approved awards.
Adolfo Arrastia Beacon of Light
Scholarship Fund (2005) $21,223
One award - $725
Helen P. Arsenault Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2000) $15,919
One award - $1,000
Auburn Woman’s Club Scholarship
Fund (2000) $41,433
Mary Connolly Memorial Scholarship
Fund (1999) $10,375
Mary R. Fedeli Memorial Scholarship
Fund (2002) $73,772
One award - $150
Four awards - $4,000
Cutler Associates, Inc. Scholarship
(Melvin S. Cutler Fund) (1986) $14,403
Anita and Nathaniel A. Feingold
Scholarship Fund (1994) $13,316
Four awards - $6,000
Two awards - $1,400
December 3rd Scholarship Fund (1999)
Norma and Saul Feingold Fund (1983)
Nineteen awards - $49,000
One award - $1,000
Admiral and Mrs. Louis E. Denfeld
Scholarship Fund (2007) $37,401 NEW
Finnish American Social Club
Scholarship (1998)
Five awards - $4,000
Santo J. and Ellen M. DiDonato
Memorial Scholarship Fund (1999)
Two awards - $9,500
One award - $1,000
Two awards - $1,000
John and Fran Duke Scholarship Fund
AVID North Scholarship (2004) $8,869
(2004) $9,621
One award - $500
One award - $500
Dennis Elroy Barry Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2005) $3,282
Belmont Street Community School
Scholarship Fund (2000) $13,842
One award - $500
Loretta J. Belval Scholarship Fund
(2002) $43,489
One award - $1,500
Bruce S. Bennett Fund for Community
Journalism (2006) $15,627
One award - $675
Mary and John Buckley Memorial
Education Fund (1998) $25,994
One award - $1,000
Carrick Foundation Scholarship (2000)
Five awards - $15,000
Charlton Parent Teacher
Organization Scholarship Fund (1999)
Two awards - $2,000
Commonwealth Gas Employees’
Credit Union Scholarship (2003)
Eleven awards - $13,900
Gerald A. Fogarty Memorial
Scholarship (1998)
Earl P. Fontaine Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2003) $16,262
Janet Fraser Scholarship Fund (1999)
Richard and Carol Dymek Scholarship
Fund (2006) $17,003
Four awards - $10,000
One award - $650
John F. Freeland Memorial Fund (2005)
Joseph D. Early Scholarship Fund
(2006) $11,146
One award - $450
East Brookfield Scholarship Fund
One award - $1,200
Friends of Rutland Heights Hospital
Permanent Fund Scholarship (1993)
Four awards - $2,500
(2004) $71,520
Stephen G. Economos Scholar Athlete
Fund (2007) $15,239 NEW
Judge William Garbose Memorial
Scholarship (1998) $50,706
Jeffrey S. Edinberg Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2002) $26,023
Four awards - $4,000
One award - $500
Derek Gaudette Memorial
Scholarship Fund (1995) $32,980
Elm Park Community School
Scholarship Fund (1987) $60,265
two awards - $2,000
Three awards - $2,000
General Scholarship Fund (1990)
Fred and Leona Eppinger Scholarship
Fund (2007) $56,577 NEW
Fairlawn Foundation Robert S.
Schedin Scholarship for Health
Studies (1991)
Four awards - $10,000
nine awards - $8,500
Matthew Gignac Memorial
Scholarship Fund (1999) $16,066
Two awards - $1,000
Robert P. Goulet Memorial
Scholarship Fund (1998) $9,009
One award - $500
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Named Funds
Scholarship Funds
Grantee Agency Scholarship (1996)
Eight awards - $20,000
Greg’s Grant Foundation Memorial
Scholarship (1997) $198,830
Two awards - $3,000
The Grynsel Educational Scholarship
Fund and Summers Family
Educational Scholarship (2006) $25,951
One award - $500
Leicester High School Football
Alumni Scholarship Fund (2007) $7,780
Anthony E. Mickunas Memorial
Scholarship Fund (1987) $93,534
Five awards - $3,400
Leicester Samaritan Nursing
Association Fund Scholarship (1996)
Two awards - $1,750
Leicester Savings Bank Fund
Scholarship (1997)
Middlesex Savings Bank Scholarship
Twenty-five awards - $28,000
Michael Minty Memorial Scholarship
Fund (1988) $25,747
Four awards - $949
Five awards - $5,000
Emil Haddad Jazz Scholarship Fund
(2004) $26,973
Two awards - $850
Joseph F. and Claire L. Halvey
Scholarship Fund (2003) $7,189
Mark MacPherson Lightbown
Memorial Scholarship Fund (1980)
Four awards - $6,000
Constantine Mina and Vasiliky Strates
Moschos Scholarship Fund (2005)
Anne Carey Murphy Memorial
Scholarship (2001) $54,562
One award - $1,000
Lincoln Village Tenant Association
Scholarship Fund (2001) $27,152
One award - $2,000
The Hedin Family Memorial Fund
One award - $1,000
Nichols Academy Fels Scholarship
Fund (2001) $110,854
Mary Falby Logan and Francis Logan
Jr. Scholarship Fund (2004) $24,632
Four awards - $5,600
Maureen Henrickson Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2004) $15,711
One award - $970
Nichols Academy Scholarship Fund
One award - $500
Konstantina B. Lukes Fund (1986)
(2001) $73,813
Two awards - $4,200
(2007) $15,780 NEW
One award - $500
Five awards - $2,500
Charles Hugo Community Service
Award Fund (2007) $41,744 NEW
Debbie Anne Johnson Memorial
Scholarship Fund (1993) $40,558
Lunenburg Opportunity Fund (1999)
Four awards - $10,000
One award - $2,000
Lieutenant James “Jay” Lyons III
Memorial Scholarship Fund (2001)
Jenica L. Junnila Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2000) $18,207
Two awards - $2,000
Arnold and Sylvia Nylund Scholarship
Fund (2001) $12,515
One award - $750
Sarah Daniels Pettit and William
O. Pettit Jr. Scholarship Fund (1996)
Three awards - $2,800
Richard W. Pierce Fund Scholarship
One award - $500
Magee Family Education Fund (2003)
Deborah A. Kaufman Scholarship
Fund (1990) $20,902
(1985) $955,995
Twenty-one awards - $26,265
One award - $750
Magee Family Scholarship for UMass
Amherst (2004) $22,654
Arthur J. Remillard Jr. Scholarship
Fund (2001) $139,480
Lawrence M. and Augusta L. Keeler
Scholarship Fund (1978) $187,943
Two awards - $3,428
Two awards - $4,000
Six awards - $6,500
Frances F. Mansfield Fund Scholarship
Barbara Marks Rothschild Arts &
Education Scholarship Fund (2004)
Keeping the Dream Alive Scholarship
(1996) $30,993
One award - $1,000
Four awards - $5,400
Leonard F. Leamy Scholarship Fund
Howard J. and Dorothy R. McGuiness
Scholarship Fund (2004) $81,801
One award - $1,725
(2006) $691,663
One award - $6,000
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
One award - $600
Ida and Murray Rotman Scholarship
Fund (1985) $137,168
Five awards - $3,000
Named Funds
Scholarship Funds
Andrew Sala Memorial Scholarship
Fund (1998) $75,213
Laurie C. Tinsley Scholarship Fund
Paul J. Westberg Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2000) $12,687
Two awards - $3,000
(2002) $163,088
Thirty-nine awards - $22,750
One award - $400
Herbert D. Sherwin Memorial
Scholarship Fund (2004) $53,504
Tobin Family Fund (1999) $20,591
Mary Olive Wood Scholarship Fund
One award - $500
(1992) $1,232,212
Thirteen awards - $21,000
Two awards - $1,000
William J. Short Scholarship Fund
Carmen Tobin Nursing Scholarship
Fund (1995) $65,750
(2002) $63,143
Two awards - $2,000
Multiple awards through Quinsigamond
Community College - $3,000
Alexander G. Simonatis Scholarship
Fund (2004) $549,995
Walker Magnetics Scholarship Fund
Four awards - $16,000
(1982) $35,784
One award - $1,250
Worcester Latino Coalition
Scholarship Fund (1999) $13,525
One award - $1,000
Worcester Swedish Charitable
Association Scholarship Fund (2001)
Two awards - $2,800
Claudia Simonian Scholarship Fund
Reginald Washburn Scholarship (1990)
(2007) $29,882 NEW
One award - $1,000
Worcester Woman’s Club Scholarship
Fund (1999) $121,741
John J. Simpson Jr. Memorial Fund
Webster Square Business Association
Scholarship Fund (2002) $17,069
Five awards - $5,000
(1993) $5,165
One award - $500
Leroy Weiner Scholarship Fund (2000)
Arthur J. Smith and Dorothy G. Smith
Scholarship Fund (2005) $28,471
Two awards - $2,000
One award - $1,000
Steelman Expository Writing
Scholarship Fund (1999) $21,223
Two awards - $1,500
Sylvia Gafvert Stubblebine
Scholarship Fund (1989) $60,608
Three awards - $2,250
Swedish National Federation Fund
Scholarship (2001) $21,024
One award - $700
Tahanto Regional High School
Scholarship Fund (1997) $88,866
Four awards - $4,000
Paul E. Tarkiainen Art Award Fund
(1995) $36,721
One award - $1,000
Kathleen Terry Memorial Scholarship
Fund (2005) $27,154
One award - $1,200
Sumner B. Tilton Memorial
Scholarship Fund (1985) $2,273,180
Teacher Benetta Kuffour
(center) of the Excellence for
English Language Learners
Academy spoke with 2007
Insights Tour attendees who
included corporator Mary
Melville and Fred Harris Daniels
Foundation trustee, David
Thirty awards - $86,500
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Audit Committee
Robert S. Bachelder
David M. Brunelle
Ross K. Dik
Gerald L. Gaudette III, chair
Patricia L. Jones
Auditor: Stowe & Degon
Distribution Committee
Sara Trillo Adams, chair
Brian M. Chandley
Richard P. Cusson
Gerald M. Gates
Kevin R. Kearney
Michael A. Nigro
Martha R. Pappas
Governance Committee
Pamela K. Boisvert
Ross K. Dik
Ellen S. Dunlap
Gerald L.Gaudette III
Mary C. Ritter
R. Joseph Salois, chair
Investment Committee
Thomas J. Bartholomew
William R. Carrick
James E. Collins
Dix F. Davis, chair
Ross K. Dik
Warner S. Fletcher
Abraham W. Haddad
Charles R. Valade
Jeffrey R. Croteau, Prime
Buchholz & Associates
Nominating Committee
Pamela K. Boisvert
Ellen S. Dunlap
Gerald L. Gaudette III
Dennis F. Gorman, chair
John E. Graham
Ann T. Lisi
Gail T. Randall
R. Joseph Salois
Roberta R. Schaefer
Nonprofit Support Center
Advisory Committee
Mark P. Bilotta
Ellen S. Dunlap
Timothy J. Garvin
Patsy C. Lewis, chair
Monica E. Lowell
Frederick H. Mulligan
Stephen M. Pitcher
Kent dur Russell
Richard P. Traina
Carlton A. Watson
Auburn Foundation Advisory
Patricia Bukoski
Robert Fenby
Charles O’Connor
Arthur M. Pappas
Martha R. Pappas
Susan Pappas
Thomas Turco
Fairlawn Foundation Trustees
Mary Aleksiewicz
Robert Anderson
Margareta Berg
Karl N. Bjork, chair
John Duggan MD
N. Lynn Eckhert MD
Shelley Schedin Hall
Robert G. Lian
Fallon/OrNda Community
Health Fund Advisory
Mark P. Bilotta
Dix F. Davis
Harry L. Ferguson, chair
Dorista J. Goldsberry
Rhian Gregory
Johanna Lolax
Gary Segal
Mary B. Grogan Fund for Youth
Advisory Committee
Peter F. Keenan Jr.
Elaine Loehmann
Mary Lou Mulhane
Jeppson Memorial Fund for
Brookfield Advisory Committee
James W. Allen
Amy Law
Christine McManus
Brian Rossetti
Leicester Savings Bank Fund
Advisory Committee
Marjorie A. Cooper
Steve P. Corley
Paul A. Fontaine, chair
Karl E. Gumpright
Cynthia Lapointe
Robert Leroux
James E. O’Donnell
Paul R. Rossley
Outreach & Evaluation
John E. Bassett
Pamela K. Boisvert
Linda D. Chadwick
Jeanne Y. Curtis
Richard P. Cusson
Dix F. Davis
William P. Densmore
Joanne Derr
Henry B. Dewey
Harry L. Ferguson
Mary F. Fletcher
John R. Ford
Susan G. Gately
James Gennaro
Kevin R. Kearney
Audrey Klein-Leach
John W. Lund
Debra Medeiros
Mary H. Melville
Erwin H. Miller
Laurance S. Morrison
Vincent J. Osterman
Hilda Ramirez
Linda Carlson Romano
Scott Rossiter
Roberta R. Schaefer
Paul F. Schlaikjer
Edward D. Simsarian
Robert Thomas
Debra M. Townsley
Marian Wilson
Michael Wronski
Friends of Learning in Killingly
(FOLK) Advisory Committee
Janice Ahola-Sidaway, chair
Walter Anderson III
Ronald Aubin
Ann Klein Bryan
Christopher M. Burke
Patricia R. Burke
Judith Johns Elzholz
Susan Rees Jones
Ralph E. LaChance
Paul D. Lefrancois
Tom R. Martin
Pearl Sipila McCahill
Richard N. Rust
Timothy J. Schmidt
Barbara Crabtree Simonetta
Deborah L. Smith
Gary L. Sposato
Paul R. Theroux
Kathleen Krajewski Traut
Cathy E. Wade
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Donor Jack Keenan speaks with Denisha Sanchez, a Foundation
donor services associate, while visiting the Latino Education
Institute at Worcester State College.
Scholarship Selection
James W. Allen
John T. Andreoli
Rochelle Appiah
Billy Ayala
Lindsey Baiocchi
Holly A. Baker
Georgia B. Barnhill
Ivette Colon Barouck
Jim Barys
Christine E. Bellesis
Terrance G. Bennett
Mark P. Bilotta
Edla Ann Bloom
Sue-Anne Bock
Pamela K. Boisvert
Jacklyn Bonneau
Sarah A. Bowditch
Cynthia Boyd
Roberta Briggs
Carol Bryngelson
Dennis Budd
John H. Budd
Patricia Bukoski
Denise Calderwood
William R. Carrick
Brian M. Chandley
Cindi Chase
Maureen Ciccone
Barbara A. Clancy
J. Christopher Collins
Sonja Collins
Kerry L. Conaghan
Jill Conlon
Marjorie A. Cooper
Benjamin Craver
Sandra Curewitz
Katie Curtin-Mestre
Gerald Deary
Henry B. Dewey
Robert E. Dietrich
Lee Dominey
Janice Ducharme
Dorothy A. Dudley
Sarah Dudzic
John Duke
Frances Duke
Marcia D. Dwelly
C. Ann Eaton
Arnold S. Edinberg
Phyllis C. Edinberg
Kathleen Ekblom
Francoise Elise
June Eressy
Stephen J. Erickson
Robert E. Evans
Judy Fairfull
Scott Fenton
Jack L. Foley
Marilyn Fraser
Edward P. Gardella
Barbara R. Garneau
Susan G. Gately
Diane Gillespie
Rodney Glasgow
Harriet Goff
David H. Grenier
Michael Hachey
Shelley S. Hall
Malcolm Halliday
Claire L. Halvey
Midge B. Hamilton
Richard E. Hedin
Paul Hernandez
Darlene Heywosz
Charla Hixson
Frances M. Hoey
Diane Holland Cagnon
Dennis L. Irish
Frances Jacobson
Nancy A. Johnson
Ann E. Junnila
Wayne H. Junnila
Joelle Kanshepolsky
Kevin R. Kearney
Judith Kirk
Audrey Klein-Leach
Mary Knox
Steve Kwederis
Monina R. Lahoz
Keesha LaTulippe
John P. Lauring
Denis M. Leary
William Leaver
Monique LeBlanc
Peter H. Levine MD
Elvis Lopez
William J. Luby
Rosemary Luddy
Karen Ludington
Matthew Lundberg
B. Dale Magee
Judith Masters
Marina R. Matuzek
Debra Medeiros
Christopher G. Mehne
Ruthann Melancon
Erwin H. Miller
Ann K. Molloy
Christopher E. Monaghan
Paul Mondestin
Ona Moore
Laurance S. Morrison
John T. Mullaney
Paul Mullins
Gail Nemsick
Erin Nosek
Joe O'Brien
James E. O'Donnell
Deborah Packard
Blanca Pagan
Jeff Parcells
Judith M. Pemstein
Sarah D. Pettit
Cynthia N. Pitcher
Jamie Pitney
Eileen Prior
Patricia C. Pulda
Stephen Reynolds
Cynthia M.T. Rielley
Shelley Rodman
Ana Rodriguez
Maria L. Rosado
Scott Rossiter
Jeffrey Rothschild
Bernard Rotman
Brenda Safford
Linda A. Salem Pervier
Robert A. Salvatelli
Diane Sanderson
Doug Schmeling
Joan Scribner
Carol L. Seager
Janice E. Seymour
William Short
Edward D. Simsarian
Stephen Slaten
Rev. Noberto Soto
Jay D. Stranieri
Cynthia Taylor
Marcia Terry
Carole Thompson
Charles Thompson
Daniel Tinsley
Margaret W. Traina
Tuyet Tran
Rob Traver
Diane Tucceri
George S. Usevich
Charles R. Valade
Nicole Valentine
Guy Webb
Kevin Wells
Ken Westberg
Todd H. Wetzel
Heather Wightman
David B. Wiinikka-Lydon
Bonnie Wyneken
Elizabeth Young
Water and Land Stewardship
Fund Advisory Committee
Henry W. Beth
Laura E. Bronwell
Brendan T. Donahue
Allen W. Fletcher
Mary H. Melville
Wyatt R. Wade
Donna Williams
Youth for Community
Improvement Members
Jacqueline Agyeman
Alice Athy
Katherine Cortes
Joseph Donahue
Natasha Hopkins
Matthew Knoll
Neil Ngondi
June Njeri
Fatima Rivera
Daniel Rodriguez
Jeffrey Rothschild
Jessica Sadick
Avae Thomas
Nhi Tran
Wendy and Richard Ardizzone founded the Joy of Music
Program, whose offerings for musicians of all ages
will benefit from the Beveridge and Frances Webster
Endowment Fund.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Lawrence J. Abramoff
Robert C. Achorn
Sara Trillo Adams
Robert S. Adler
Bruce Anderson
James A. Andreoli
John T. Andreoli
Michael P. Angelini
Robert V. Antonucci
Robert S. Bachelder
Dexter A. Bailey
Thomas J. Bartholomew
John E. Bassett
Bruce S. Bennett
Rosamond R. Bennett *
Dennis D. Berkey
Sarah G. Berry
Henry W. Beth
Mark P. Bilotta
Maurice J. Boisvert
Pamela K. Boisvert
James Bonds Sr.
George F. Booth II
Sarah Ann Bowditch
Cushing C. Bozenhard
Christopher W. Bramley
Michael D. Brockelman
Laura Bronwell
Denise H. Brookhouse
Phillip D. Brown
David M. Brunelle
John H. Budd
Douglas P. Butler
Gail E. Carberry
Jennifer Davis Carey
Ann E. Carlson
Nancy M. Carlson
Deborah D. Cary
Linda A. Cavaioli
Harriette L. Chandler
Brian M. Chandley
Harold R. Chesson Jr.
Joy C. Child
Elaine M. Ciborowski
Barbara Clifford
J. Christopher Collins
James E. Collins
P. Kevin Condron
Charles P. Conroy
Anthony M. Consigli
Martha Allis Cowan
Kenneth C. Crater
Ralph D. Crowley Jr.
Katie Curtin-Mestre
Jeanne Y. Curtis
Iliana D’Limas
Jill C. Dagilis
Dix F. Davis
Laurel A. Davis
Daniel de la Torre Jr.
Richard W. Dearborn
Gene J. DeFeudis
James F. Delehaunty
William P. Densmore
Henry B. Dewey
Morgan B. Dewey
Ross K. Dik
Brendan Donahue
James C. Donnelly Jr.
George L. Dresser
Dorothy A. Dudley
Francis X. Dufault Jr.
Ellen S. Dunlap
David M. Dunn
William R. Durgin
N. Lynn Eckhert
Frederick H. Eppinger Jr.
Stephen J. Erickson
Monica Escobar Lowell
Walter Ettinger
Barbara E. Fargo
Nabil M. Farooq
Richard J. Fates
Saul F. Feingold
Zoila Torres Feldman
Peter S. Fellenz
Scott Fenton
Harry L. Ferguson
Emily R. Ferrara
Deborah Mathews Finch
Allen W. Fletcher
Mary F. Fletcher
Warner S. Fletcher
Jack L. Foley
David P. Forsberg
Howard G. Freeman
Phyllis R. Freilich
Stuart W. Freilich
Ramon V. Frias
Mark W. Fuller
Helen F. Garcia
James C. Garvey
Gerald M. Gates
Gerald L. Gaudette III
Bruce Gaultney
Stephen F. Gemelli
Rodney M. Glasgow
Lawrence J. Glick
Dorista J. Goldsberry
Dennis F. Gorman
John E. Graham
Lois B. Green
Martin J. Green
Barbara E. Greenberg
Leslie E. Greis
David R. Grenon
J. Michael Grenon
Veronica M. Griffin
Abraham W. Haddad
Laurence N. Hale
Gloria Hall
James H. Harrington
Ernest S. Hayeck
Rose Armatruda Hayes
Robert S. Heppe Jr.
John Herron Jr.
Honee A. Hess
John E. Hodgson
Richard P. Houlihan
Dennis L. Irish
M Howard Jacobson
Robert E. Jennings
Patricia L. Jones
David A. Jordan
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Maureen M. Kelleher
Alison C. Kenary
Richard B. Kennedy
Robert M. Kennedy
Mary E. Kett
Jean A. King Fray
Audrey Klein-Leach
Barbara C. Kohin
Joyce R. Kressler
Frances E. Langille
John P. Lauring
Thomas P. LaVigne
Thuha T. Le
Jenique A. LeBlond
Paul Leone
Peter H. Levine MD
Patsy C. Lewis
Robert J. Lewis
Joseph Lian Jr.
Robert G. Lian
Stephen B. Loring
Rosemary Luddy
John W. Lund
Stacey D. Luster
Donata J. Martin
Tod Masterman
C. Jean McDonough
Michael C. McFarland
Cynthia McMullen
Christopher G. Mehne
Donald R. Melville
Mary H. Melville
Barbara W. Merritt
Erwin H. Miller
Ann K. Molloy
Charles F. Monahan Jr.
Janet Wilson Moore
Maureen Moorehouse
Barrett Morgan
Gail M. Morgan
Laurance S. Morrison
James J. Moynihan
Moira Moynihan-Manoog
Frederic H. Mulligan
Timothy P. Murray
Laura H. Myers
Robert Z. Nemeth
John G. O’Brien
Andrew B. O’Donnell
Vincent F. O’Rourke Jr.
Kevin O’Sullivan
Vincent J. Osterman
Warren K. Palley
Martha R. Pappas
James F. Paulhus
Thoru Pederson
Judith M. Pemstein
R. Norman Peters
Sarah D. Pettit
Paul M. Pezzella
Lisa A. Piehler
Cynthia N. Pitcher
John W. Polanowicz
Christine M. Proffitt
Richard Prouty
Richard L. Pyle
Raymond Quinlan
Candace A. Race
Hilda Ramirez
Scott R. Reisinger
Arthur J. Remillard Jr.
Wendy J. Rickles
Mary C. Ritter
Maria L. Rosado
Melvin M. Rosenblatt
Scott Rossiter
Paul R. Rossley
Barry S. Rotman
Brenda K. Safford
Nancy H. Sala
R. Joseph Salois
Anthony J. Salvidio II
Ediberto Santiago
Ralph F. Sbrogna
Roberta R. Schaefer
Paul F. Schlaikjer
Paul F. Scully
Carol L. Seager
J. Robert Seder
Jay S. Sherwin
John F. Shoro
Philip O. Shwachman
Shirley S. Siff
Jonathan R. Sigel
Edward D. Simsarian
John E. Smithhisler
John J. Spillane
Nanette J. St. Pierre-Locke
Peter R. Stanton
Alan M. Stoll
William F. Sullivan
Polly A. Tatum
George W. Tetler III
Robert L. Thomas
Sumner B. Tilton Jr.
David N. Tinsley
E. Paul Tinsley
Debra M. Townsley
Margaret W. Traina
Richard P. Traina
Tuyet Tran
Michael P. Tsotsis
Charles R. Valade
Carmen D. Vazquez
Wyatt R. Wade
James E. Wallace Jr.
William D. Wallace
Carlton A. Watson
Janice I. Weekes
James A. Welu
Meridith D. Wesby
Todd H. Wetzel
Harry T. Whitin
Thomas J. Wickstrom
Timothy P. Wickstrom
Marian V. Wilson
Jack L. Wolfson
David K. Woodbury
Janice B. Yost
Marita Zuraitis
* deceased
Statements of Financial Position
Years Ended December 31, 2007 and 2006
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Pledges receivable
Split interest agreements:
Net investments in pooled income fund
Net interest in charitable remainder trust
Net interest in charitable gift annuity
Cash value of life insurance
Property held for investment
Notes receivable
Property and equipment, net
Total assets
$ 134,454,960
$ 124,622,810
Distributions payable
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Funds held as agency endowments
Total liabilities
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 134,454,960
$ 124,622,810
Audits of Greater Worcester Community Foundation’s
financial statements as of, and for the years ended December
31, 2007 and 2006, were conducted by Stowe & Degon.
A complete copy of the audited financial statements may be
obtained by calling the Foundation at 508.755.0980.
The Foundation retains the services of independent investment
consultants to provide support to the investment committee and
monitor the performance of its investment managers.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
Statements of Activities
Years Ended December 31, 2007 and 2006
Revenue, gains, and
other support:
Total net investment return
Less: Investment return for
agency endowments
62,330 $10,806,484
- $ 10,868,814
$ 70,734 $14,675,937
Total Distributions
Less: Distributions for
agency endowments
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net investment return
Total gifts and donations
Less: Gifts and donations
for agency endowments
Gifts and donations
Change in split interest
Other support
Satisfaction of purpose
Net assets, end of year
$75,982,361 $122,879,240 $
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
997,088 $39,359,636
$72,868,177 $113,224,901
Board of Directors and Staff
Ross K. Dik, President
Knight-Dik Insurance Agency
Dennis F. Gorman
Fletcher, Tilton & Whipple, PC
Peter H. Levine MD, Vice President
President Emeritus
UMass Memorial Health Care
Mary E. Kett
Senior Vice President
Smith Barney
Ellen S. Dunlap, Clerk
American Antiquarian Society
Monica E. Lowell
Vice President
UMass Memorial Health Care
Dix F. Davis, Treasurer
Allmerica (retired)
Frederic H. Mulligan
Cutler Associates, Inc.
R. Joseph Salois, Officer at-Large
Atlas Distributing, Inc.
Mary C. Ritter
Vice President
Fallon Community Health Plan
Sara Trillo Adams
Latino Mental Health Project
Scott Rossiter
Lampin Corporation
Thomas J. Bartholomew
Bartholomew & Company
Paul R. Rossley
Allmerica (retired)
Rodney M. Glasgow Jr.
Director of Diversity
Worcester Academy
Linda D. Chadwick, ext. 108
Director of Marketing & Donor Services
[email protected]
Kelly A. O’Connor, ext. 112
Donor Services Officer
[email protected]
Denisha R. Sanchez, ext. 104
Donor Services Associate
[email protected]
Martha R. Pappas
Educator (retired)
Gerald L. Gaudette III
Gaudette Insurance, Inc.
Ann T. Lisi, ext. 105
[email protected]
Warner S. Fletcher, Officer at-Large
Fletcher, Tilton & Whipple, PC
Pamela K. Boisvert
Vice President
Colleges of Worcester Consortium
Pamela Keogh, CPA, ext. 103
Director of Finance & Administration
[email protected]
Diane Simonelli, ext. 114
Accounting Manager
[email protected]
Robert L. Thomas
Executive Director
MLK Jr Business Empowerment Center
Carlton A. Watson
Executive Director
Henry Lee Willis Community Center
Joanne M. Reegan, ext. 102
Finance Assistant
[email protected]
Jasmine Vasquez Okutoro, ext. 100
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Lois A. Smith, ext. 107
Senior Program Officer
[email protected]
Pamela B. Kane, ext. 109
Program Officer
[email protected]
Gail T. Randall, ext. 101
Special Projects Officer
[email protected]
Greater Worcester Community Foundation • 07 ANNUAL REPORT
2007 Annual Report
On the Cover:
Learning responsibility: Education in bike safety engages kids and adults in the Town of
Brookfield. The program was supported by a grant from the Jeppson Memorial Fund.
‘07 Annual Report Production Credits
Writer: Susan Saccoccia
About Greater Worcester Community Foundation . . . . . . 1
Editor: Linda Chadwick
Letter to the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Graphics: Atomic Design, Rob Zeleniak and Ingrid Mach
Highlights of 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Printer: AM Lithography Corporation
Profiles of Donors and Grantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Photography: Dan Vaillancourt unless otherwise indicated:
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
P 5: Dany Pelletier
Donors and Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
P 9: Provided by Sibley family
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
P 23: Kerry Conaghan
New Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
P 26, 27, 40, 47, 50, 51: Kelly O’Connor
Acorn Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
P 38, 39: Wellesley College insignia courtesy of Wellesley College;
Master Singers of Worcester photo courtesy of Will Sherwood.
All other New Funds photos by fund donors or grant recipients.
Named Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
P 43: YCI committee member
Committees and Corporators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Board of Directors and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Our Mission
To enhance our community, now and in the future, through philanthropic leadership
Our Values
We appreciate and trust the people of our community to work together to solve
problems, build prosperity, and bring vitality to the lives of others.
Our community is a unified body of individuals from a rich array of backgrounds
who contribute in unique ways.
We are a professional, compassionate steward of our donors’ gifts, which have been
permanently entrusted to us for the purpose of improving lives and conditions.
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
370 Main Street . Suite 650 . Worcester . Massachusetts 01608.1738
Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations