Authorized Uses of I
Authorized Uses of I
6l8l2OLs Authorized Uses of I st - 3'd Percent (5) AUTHORIZED USES OF REVENUE._ ' (a) All tax revenues received pursuant to this section by a county imposing the tourist development tax shall be used by that county for the following purposes only: To acquire, construct, extend, enlarge, remodel, repalr, lmprove, maintain, operate, or promote one or more: a. Publicly owned and operated convention centers. sports stadiums. sports arenas, coliseums. or auditoriums within the boundaries of the county or subcounty speclal taxing district in which the tax is levied; or b. Aquariums or museums that are publicly owned and operated or owned and operated by not-for-profit organizations and open to the public, within the boundaries of the county or sub-county special taxing district in which the tax ls r l. levied; r 2. To promote ) zoologlcal parks that are publicly owned and operated or owned and operated by not-for-profit organizations and open to the public; 3. To promote and advertise tourism in this state and nationallv and internationallv; however, if tax revenues are expended for an activity, service, venue, or event, the activity, seryice, venue, or event must have as one of its main ourooses the attraction of tourists as evidenced bv the oromotion of the activiw. of I st-3rd Percent Cont. Uses > 4. To fund or by ciatio ns as cou commerce or sl contract t ec am in the county, which may include any indirect administrative costs for services perfgrmed by the counw on behdl r 5. " To finance or restoration to whi 1S as e identified the re p s an r ln counties 9f the nd a county as the or eros state's in the s of fewer than 100.000 oooulation. uD to 'l 0 oercent tal mey Ee r,rseil facilities. revenu park for beach t 6/8/2o7s The 4th Percent (professionat sports Franchise Facility Tax) , (l) ln addition to any other tax which is imposed pursuant to this section, a county may impose up to an additional I -percent tax on the exercise of the privilege described in paragraph (a) by majoritv vote of the governing board of the county in order to: Authorized Uses of the 4th Percent l. Pay the debt service on bonds issued to finance the construction. reconitruction, or renovation of a professional soorts franchise faq!l!q7, or the acquisition, construction, retonstructiontr ren ion oFa retained spring training franchise facility, either publicly owned and oDerated, or oubliclv owned and ooerated bv the owner of a orofessional sirorts franchlse or <ither lessee with sufficieht exoertise or financial capability to operate such facility, and to pay the illanning and design coits incLrred'prior to the issuahte of suih bondi. 2. Pay the debt service on bonds issued to finance the construction, recon siructionl oilE n oVaE on oFa convention center, and to pav the planninq and desiqn costs incurreUpiior to thCissu'ance of such bonds. 3. Pav the oDeration and maintenance costs of a convention center for a oeririd of uo e tai for the purposes authorized in subparaqraph 2. may use the tax for the ourooses enumerat€d in this subDaraoraDh. Anv counw that elects to lew the tax for the Durooses authilrize-d in subolraoraoh 2. after -lulv I , 2odo, may use the orodeeds of the tax to pay the oderation and maintenance costs of a convention center for the life of the bonds. 4. Promote and advertise tourism in the state of Florida and nationall ran and tn ternat iona owever, tax revenues are ex pen e act ty, se rv ce, venue , or event, the activity, servi ce, venue or event shall have as one ofi ts main ourooses the rttraction of tou rists as evidenced by the oromo@t to rists 2 6/8lzo15 The 5th Perceht (professional sports Franchise Facility Tax) > n) ln addition to any other tax that is imposed under this section, a county that has imposed the tax under paragraph (l) (4th Percent) may impose an additional tax that is n oreater than I oercent on the exercise of the privilege described in paragraph (a) by a majority plus one vote of the membership of the board of county commissioners in order to: Authorized Uses of the 5th Percent ) I Pay the debt service on bonds issued to finance: nof a faci lity owned and ) othe r rn s. ) b. or a renovation of owned a to > 2. Promote and advertise tourism nati in the State of Florida and ver, if tax revenues are expendeil for an activity, service, venue, or -event, the activity, seivice, venue, or evenf shall have as one of its main purpos-es the attraction of tourists as evidenced by the promotion of the activity, , venue, or event to tourists 3 6/8l2o7s The 6th Percent (HighTourism tmpactTax) (m) I. ln addltlon to any other tax which is lmpoied pursuant to thir iecflon. a hioh tourism impact (ounty mav impose an additiohal I -oercent tax on the exerclse ot the privilege described in paraqraph (a) by extraordlnarv vote of the qovernihq board oftha couhW. The tdx revenues recaived-aiaainito tFIs paragraph shall be uged for oie or more of the authorized'uses pursuant to subsection (5). (l -3.d PerceniF 2. A cou nty i! conside red to be a hi sh tou 5m tm nt ol Revenue has certified tos c un ty t De e le $ tm 00m su , I ) a uth except that no cou pm ent tax pu rsuant to s,212 co .o nce a cou qu 05 e asa h under cha ptet 212 pu e after the to were a minimum s a convention a high conS I h tourism im pact cou s tou.i 5m ,it Monroe, Orange, Osceola, Walton Counties have enacted this percent 4 o ZO7 h dH6"fg COMPARISON OF TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAXES CHART Name of Tax lnitial Le\y Triennial Penny Debt for Prolessional Sports Facility, Spring Training Facility, Convention Cenler (Debt and O&lirl) & Promotion High Tourism Penny Eligible Countios All counties. exception counties which may levy a convention dovelopment tax, any county may levy th6 Triennlal Penny after it has levied the lnitial Levy for at least thre6 years. All counties that have previously levied a tourist tax. High tourism as defined by statuta, to include counties in which lhe revenues from the tourist tax base exceeded $600 million in the provious year or in which the tourist tax revenues ar€ at least 1 8 percent of the sales 8F- Debt for Professional Sports Facility & Payment for Promotion Penny I operating promoting or or canter, a profassional sports spring tmining facility convention paym.nt or op6* costs of convenlion centers financed with lourist tax revenue or for debt sgruice on and c€rtain facilities, t:li'?fl"Tl,li"J[]i'"n lX','::t improvements and ,, , ,, , = , - rins facilities. ,, for = ,' goveming which must provide referendum approval ofthe Pnor to adoption of ordinance, the county must appoint a tourist d€velopment council with members as designated by statut6. The council must adopt a plan for tourist development, including uses for the tourist tax members of the county above, counties with a population ot fewer than 750,000 may uso the revenue to fund zoological parks, nature centers and fishino oierE. may not levy the Triennial Penny. tax. board. construction of a professional sports facility or for tourisl .. promotlon. promotron' !9'!'it! Ft'otigni =, county board. members of the govorning of the county governing which has levied board. te of tha members of lhe county governing board. Monroe County, Orange County, Osceola County Palm B€ach County and Walton County are high tourism lmpact counties. @Sarah M. Bleakley(2O1 1) (o (rr