September 2015 - Before and After Schools Services
September 2015 - Before and After Schools Services
1151 NE Colbern Road • Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 • (816) 986-3440 September 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER • 9/7—Grandparents Day BASS 44--1-1 • 9//10—Deadline to submit payment for Sept. fees to avoid late fee Dear BASS Families, • 9/25—BASS Advisory Council—BCMS 6:30 pm • 9/26 & 27—Oktoberfest • 10/2—Annual Lights On Afterschool @ Paradise Park 5:00– 8:00 pm • 10/11—Race for the Future 8:00 a.m. • 10/13—Columbus Day • 10/17—Early Release Day • 10/22—Early Release Day • 10/23—Full Day • 10/24—Full Day • 10/31—Halloween • 11/2—Daylight Saving Time Ends Inside this issue: What’s New for 2014-15 2 Staffing Update 2 Newsworthy Notes & Helpful Info 3 Neighborhood News 4 BASS Advisory Council 4 Nurse Christy’s Corner 5 LSR7 District News 5 Character Education 5 Business Partners 6 September Snack Calendar 7 September Activity Calendar 8 Welcome to a new year of school. Welcome to those of you who this is your first year with Before and After School services (BASS). We are looking forward to some exciting activities and events this year! Coming real quickly around the corner is Oktoberfest, September 26-27. BASS has a booth and staff enjoy playing games with the kids at the booth and the kids love the prizes! Soon after that is one of our favorite and most popular events with families…our “Lights On After School Celebration” (LOA) at Paradise Park. This event will be held on October 2nd rain, shine or snow. Paradise Park has been an excellent partner with BASS for years and our celebrations have been fun and memorable for families. You will be seeing information at your sites about both of these events. A very meaningful opportunity is available to each family. That is to be a member of the BASS Advisory Council. We meet 3 times a year for one hour in the evening. We discuss issues relevant to the BASS program and we encourage family participation. We believe the family involvement over the years has served the program well and we enjoy the interaction with you during the meetings. Your Site Coordinator will have additional information about the dates and times. An added bonus to the night is that we provide for you Waldo’s Pizza and Salad! Yum, Yum! As the Director of the program, the most important thing to me is that you are satisfied and hopefully you can say you are more than satisfied with the Quality Care that we provide through BASS. Parent, child and staff surveys are used annually to make changes to our program. In addition As we begin this new year, we to those opportunities, I am available also have implemented a new softby phone or to meet with you indiware system for family accounts. vidually. I care about your thoughts Many of you enrolled before the and views of the programming and I changeover and we appreciate your would want you to feel welcome to patience and cooperation in transfer- share them with me. Even difficult ring your information over to the new situations can be resolved when we system. The Administrative staff have work as a team. been working diligently during the transfer to a new system. Next month Enjoy this year, you won’t have we will report out on what some of another 2014-2015 year again. Make the benefits are to the new system. the most of the journey and thank you Thanks again for your patience in the for choosing BASS! change. ~ Dawn Butler What’s New for 2014-15 BASS HAS IMPLEMENTED A NEW ONLINE ENROLLMENT & DATABASE SYSTEM • If your child was enrolled and the enrollment fee paid prior to July 2014, the BASS Admin office entered your child’s enrollment in the new system and created your account. Parents will need to go to the BASS Web Store at and enter your email address, then click on “Forgot Password” to create your password. • All other parents must set up a new account in order to enroll in any program. • The enrollment fee must now be paid online at the time of registration with a debit or credit card and a $10 convenience fee will be incurred. Through October 1, 2014 the enrollment fee for all programs will be discounted by $10 as a courtesy to our families because of this unforeseen design in the system. • BASS Admin will not be able to keep password information. Passwords are created when the account is set up. If you forget your password, you may go to our website at and click on the “Password Reset” link. EXCITING NEW STATUS FOR PARENTS NEEDING DROP IN CARE! BASS is offering a new One Day Drop In status beginning with the 2014-15 school year. Fees are $30 for both a morning and afternoon session or $27 for a morning or afternoon only session. Parents will need to complete an online registration for students and pay the enrollment fee prior to attendance. Afternoon attendance requires advance notice to the Site Coordinator and school office. Parents are responsible for confirming the need for their child’s attendance at Kids Country with both the Site Coordinator and school office. Accounts will be billed only for days attended at the conclusion of each month and account balances must be monitored by parents to avoid late payment fees. BASS HAS A NEW UPDATED WEB ADDRESS – Find our BASS webpage at to get the latest information and to access newsletters and parent communications and flyers. SNOW DAY SITE CHANGE – Students who previously attended Pleasant Lea Elementary as their snow day site will now be attending Prairie View Elementary on snow days. (Affected sites include Highland Park, Pleasant Lea Elementary and Prairie View) Staffing Update Please welcome the following new staff members for the 2014-15 School Year for BASS. Along with our new employees, some familiar faces have transferred to new locations for this year as listed below. New Staff Transfers Nathan Davis, Associate Molly Montgomery, Site Coordinator—Hazel Grove Sarah Doane, Associate Becky Griffin, Site Coordinator—Highland Park Sherelle Ledbetter, Associate Alyssa Twaddell, Site Coordinator—Lee’s Summit Alexandra Tobey, Associate Marta Peck, Site Coordinator—Richardson Susan Cary, Associate Sherri Kuhn, Site Coordinator—Trailridge Hannah Britt, Associate Cassandra Pyburn, Associate Thomas Halliday, Associate Garrett Sampson, Associate Page 2 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SERVICES NEWSLETTER—SEPTEMBER 2014 Newsworthy Notes and Helpful Information Payment Information: Parents—please include your child’s name and school in the memo portion of your check when sending payments in the mail or dropping off payment in our drop box. Our Annual “Lights On Afterschool” celebration is scheduled for Thursday, October 2, from 5:00—8:00 p.m. at Paradise Park. More information will be shared soon, but save this date on your calendar for an evening of FREE fun for your family! Visit the BASS booth at Oktoberfest in downtown Lee’s Summit on Friday, September 26, from 5-9 pm and on Saturday, Sept. 27, from 10 am—9 pm. Children will be able to participate in games such as a bean bag toss or balloon pop. Make sure you mention that you are a BASS family to have your name entered in a drawing for a free month of tuition for one of our families! Put on your running shoes and prepare for the 18th Annual Race for the Future 5K run/walk and kids dash to benefit the Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation and the Carrie Foresee Memorial Scholarship Fund. The race is Saturday, Oct. 11 at 8 a.m. at Lee's Summit West High School. BASS is committed to the safety of each child. The information below is taken directly from our Staff Handbook and is reviewed with all staff periodically throughout the year. These steps are in place to make sure children arrive safely after school. System for Monitoring Children’s Arrival to Kids Country After School Each day after school, the Site Staff is to use the following procedures under the direction of the Site Coordinator. Follow procedure in order listed: • Check in the office prior to student dismissal for any students who were absent or left school early. • Check phone messages (voice mail and/or recorder) and emails prior to student dismissal. • Record exception information on the daily attendance sheet prior to the dismissal of children from school. Do not mark a student absent until attendance is taken. Notes regarding absence need to go in comment section. • Check off each child’s name on a current attendance form as children arrive to the program, taking every precaution to know that the attendance form being used is current. Attendance forms should be updated daily by the Site Coordinator. • If a child does not report to the site, the site staff should notify the Coordinator or Assistant immediately. The Coordinator or Assistant shall contact the school teacher, secretary, Principal, or ask the child’s friends in an effort to locate the child. If another child provides information on student, it must be verified by an adult. • If the child may have gone home on the bus, the Coordinator or Assistant is to call Transportation immediately (986-2400) to have the child returned to the site. Be prepared to provide the name and address of the child if the bus number is not available. • If the child is not located in the above step, contact the parent or other persons listed on the emergency contact list. If there is no answer, leave the date and time of call with your site phone number. • If the child has gone home with a parent and a note was not provided, then the Coordinator or Assistant is to call the parent for verification. • If Transportation does not have the child and the parents do not have the child, the staff is to contact the Before & After School Services Director or the Assistant Director and also notify the Building Principal immediately. • The Before & After School Services Director will notify SLC Administration. • If a parent or another person on the authorized contact list is unable to be contacted within 30 minutes of school dismissal, Police may be contacted. Page 3 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SERVICES NEWSLETTER—SEPTEMBER 2014 Neighborhood News Trailridge Kids Country started off the new school year in our new room. We did a number of bug activities including making huge bugs to decorate our room and flying bugs out of straws. They really fly! Sunset Valley Kids Country’s school year is off to a great start. We are making friends and learning the routine. Our Older Kids Club will be gearing up to start within the next week. They will be applying for jobs and going through the application process. Several of our older kids were instrumental in assisting with our September bulletin board design pictured at the right. Before & After School Advisory Council Before and After School Services welcomes parent involvement! One of the best ways to become involved is to participate in our Before & After School Advisory Council. This team of parents and staff work together throughout the year to share ideas and feedback to provide the best for our children, staff and families in Lee’s Summit. If you are interested in becoming involved, simply let your Site Coordinator know of your interest. Most communication is done via email; however, the Before & After School advisory council will meet for one hour three times during the school year. Page 4 Mark your calendar for the following dates if you would like to join us: Thursday, September 25 Thursday, January 22 (inclement weather date of February 5 Thursday, April 23 Location: Bernard Campbell Middle School Media Center, 1201 NE Colbern Road—6:30 PM—7:30 PM (The above dates have been revised from the dates listed in the May 2014 newsletter.) BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SERVICES NEWSLETTER—SEPTEMBER 2014 Nurse Christy’s Corner Medications in Kids Country All medications are administered according to the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District medication policy and procedures. All medications must be pre-approved by the BASS nurse or a district registered nurse before it will be administered at Before & After School Services. The health room medication supply is not accessible before or after school hours. A separate BASS supply of medication must be provided. Medications will not be transported to and from the health room on a daily basis. The medication must be delivered directly to the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator in a pharmacy labeled package. Over the counter medication must be in a commercially labeled package with the child’s name on it. Please do not send medication in your child’s backpack. Children should not be in possession of medication. Medications will not be given if brought in unlabeled containers--please no baggie meds. doctor’s sample for instance), we will require a doctor’s prescription with the appropriate information. This would include the name of the medication, dose, route and time of administration. The pharmacy will print a new label if, for instance, the box with the label on it has been thrown away. If it is an Over-the-Counter drug such as Tylenol, we will require a doctor’s note with the same information as stated above. This can be faxed to your child’s Site Coordinator. New this year, there is a place on the parent permission form for the doctor to sign as well. Please understand, we follow all of the medication policies in order to ensure the safety of our students. To see all of the related information and policies about medication administration in BASS, please refer to pages 22 and 23 in the Parents and Guardians will be asked to fill out permis- parent handbook. If you sion forms in BASS if not obtained from the Health Room. still have questions, call In order for the medication to be administered the follow- the BASS RN at 986-3449. ing must be in place. I hope everyone has a safe, healthy and happy The parent permission form must be signed. year. If there is no pharmacy label on the medication, (a LSR7 District News available to residents living within the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District. Lee’s Summit CARES, in cooperation with the Lee’s Parenting the Love and Logic Way will be presented Summit R-7 School District, is presenting two Love and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays, Sept. 22 through Oct. 20, at Logic parenting classes this fall. Prairie View Elementary School, 501 SE Todd George Road. Love and Logic Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun Cost is $42 per participant with previous participants paywill be presented from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 23 ing only $10 for the new program manual. Scholarships are through Oct. 21, at the Lee’s Summit Christian Church, 800 available for Lee’s Summit R-7 residents. NE Tudor Road. Cost is $30 per participant, and there’s no For more information, contact Bev at ReDiscover at cost for previous participants of this class. Scholarships are (816) 347-3259 or visit LS CARES presents Love and Logic classes Character Education RESPECT— RESPECT—Honoring others with courtesy and consideration. Page 5 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SERVICES NEWSLETTER—SEPTEMBER 2014 BUSINESS PARTNERS Page 6 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SERVICES NEWSLETTER—SEPTEMBER 2014 Page 7 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SERVICES NEWSLETTER—SEPTEMBER 2014 Health & Safety: Fire Safety Character Trait: Respect Monthly Drill: Hard Lock Down September 2014 Activity Calendar MONDAY 1 KC CLOSED Memorial Day TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 4 5 Pencil Toppers Character Trait: Recipe for Respect Popsicle Stick Picture Frame Paper Bag Jellyfish Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play 8 9 10 11 12 Paper Football Paper Plate Owl Tissue Paper Butterfly Patriotic Pinwheel Toilet Paper Roll Weaving Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play 15 16 17 18 19 Drill: Hard Lock Down Paper Chandelier Health & Safety: Fire Safety Discussion Monster Book Marks Tissue Paper Sunflower Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play 22 23 24 25 26 Autumn Leaf Drawing Brown Paper Bag Kites Milk Carton Houses Crackle Crayon Painting Stained Glass Apple Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Cooperative Play 29 30 Nature Walk/Leaf People Name Aliens or Monsters Cooperative Play Cooperative Play Page 8 BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL SERVICES NEWSLETTER—SEPTEMBER 2014