DANVILLE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL BUILDING November 17, 2015 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: PRESIDING: Sherman M. Saunders, Mayor James B. Buckner L. G. “Larry” Campbell, Jr. John B. Gilstrap Alonzo L. Jones STAFF: Gary P. Miller, Vice Mayor Albert K. “Buddy” Rawley, Jr. Fred O. Shanks, III J. Lee Vogler, Jr. Joseph C. King, City Manager Ken F. Larking, Deputy City Manager W. Clarke Whitfield, Jr., City Attorney Susan M. DeMasi, City Clerk Page 1 of 79 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION - J. Lee Vogler, Jr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SPECIAL RECOGNITION COMMUNICATIONS FROM VISITORS Citizens who desire to speak on matters not listed on the agenda will be heard at this time. Citizens who desire to speak on agenda items will be heard when the agenda item is considered. MINUTES A. Consideration of Approval of Minutes from Regular Council Meeting held on October 20, 2015. Council Letter Number CL - 1306 CONSENT AGENDA The following Budget Amendments (Items A - C) have been previously discussed by City Council and introduced for First Reading, and will be further considered by City Council in Public Hearing. After the Public Hearing has been closed, there will be no separate discussion on these items and they will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired by a Council Member or a citizen, the item(s) will be removed from the consent process and considered separately. A. Consideration of Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Provide for a Grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Commonwealth Attorney's Office in the Amount of $44,635 for the Domestic Violence Victim Program. Council Letter Number CL-1288 Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Provide for a Grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia for a Domestic Violence Victim Program in the Amount of $44,635 and Appropriating Same. FINAL ADOPTION B. Consideration of Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Accept a Grant from the State of Virginia for a Victim Witness Program. Council Letter Number CL-1287 Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Provide for a Grant from the Commonwealth for a Victim Witness Program in the Amount of $52,911 and Appropriating Same. FINAL ADOPTION Page 2 of 79 C. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Amend the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget for a Federal Grant to aid W.W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home. Council Letter Number CL-1284 An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance for a Federal Grant in the Amount of $44,057 to aid the Food Service Operations at W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home and Appropriating Same. FINAL ADOPTION NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Appropriate Funds from Anticipated Revenues. Council Letter Number CL-1285 An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance by Anticipating Revenues in the Amount of $59,010 from the Operation of an Electronic Monitoring Program and Outreach Detention Program for Pittsylvania County and Appropriating Same. FIRST READING B. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Appropriate Grant Funds for Electronic Monitoring, Outreach Detention Programs, and Contracted Mentoring Services at W.W. Moore Detention Home. Council Letter Number CL-1286 An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance for a Grant from the Department of Juvenile Justice in the Amount of $86,999 Along with a Local Share of $39,830, for a Total Appropriation of $126,829, to Provide for the Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Programs and Contracted Mentoring Services for the City of Danville at the W. W. Moore Jr. Detention Home and Appropriating Same. FIRST READING C. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Grant a Special Use Permit at 132 Union Street Bridge Road. Council Letter Number CL-1296 1. Public Hearing 2. An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit for Uses with Lot Frontage on the Dan River in Accordance with Article 3.M, Section C, Item 17 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as Amended, at 132 Union Street Bridge Road. D. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Rezone 668 Arnett Boulevard. Council Letter Number CL-1297 1. 2. Public Hearing An Ordinance Rezoning from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and Adjacent Parcel ID # 04535, Otherwise Known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 Respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. Page 3 of 79 E. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Include a Grant to Assist in the Development of Sandy Creek Park. Council Letter Number CL-1300 An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Include a Grant from the Riverbank Fund of the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region in the Amount of $24,000 to Assist in the Development of Sandy Creek Park. FIRST READING F. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance for Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule. Council Letter Number CL-1276 An Ordinance Establishing Certain Parks and Recreation User Fees of the City of Danville. G. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance for the Danville Public Library Fee Schedule. Council Letter Number CL-1316 An Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges for the Danville Public Library. COMMUNICATIONS FROM: A. City Manager B. City Attorney C. City Clerk D. Roll Call ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 79 CL-1306 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: Item #: A. Approval of Minutes Susan M. DeMasi, Clerk of Council SUMMARY Consideration of Approval of Minutes from Regular Council Meeting held on October 20, 2015. Council Letter Number CL - 1306 Attachments Draft Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 79 October 20, 2015 The Second Regular October meeting of the Danville City Council was held on October 20, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the Fourth Floor of the Municipal Building. The following Council Members were present: James B. Buckner, L. G. “Larry” Campbell Jr., John B. Gilstrap, Alonzo L. Jones, Vice Mayor Gary P. Miller, Albert K. “Buddy” Rawley Jr., Mayor Sherman M. Saunders, Fred O. Shanks, III and J. Lee Vogler (9). Staff Members present were: Deputy City Manager Ken F. Larking, City Attorney W. Clarke Whitfield Jr., and City Clerk Susan M. DeMasi. City Manager Joseph C. King was absent. Mayor Saunders presided. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member L.G. “Larry” Campbell, Jr., offered the Invocation; the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS Mayor Saunders recognized Dr. Tiffany M. Franks, President of Averett University who appeared before Council to provide an update. Dr. Franks noted Averett is home to almost 1100 students locally and about 900 adult students across the Commonwealth. There are thirty-three more traditional students this year compared to last year and sixty more full time Freshman this fall compared to last fall. The Riverview Campus is home to 164 nursing students; this December the first nursing students will graduate, all of them are staying in this region to serve. Dr. Franks discussed how the University is engaging with the community including their Reimagination Celebration for incoming Freshman and their twenty-six service learning courses where students partner with local agencies for community service. Dr. Franks also noted that Averett employees are given eight hours of paid leave to go out and give back to the community. Dr. Franks invited Council to the North Campus to the upcoming ground breaking on the new Frank Campbell stadium. Council Members thanked Dr. Franks for appearing before Council and for the update. Mayor Saunders recognized Ms. Laurie Moran, President of the Danville-Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce who discussed a proposed Travel and Tourism Plan for Danville and Pittsylvania County. Ms. Moran noted about a year ago, Virginia Travel Corporation held a two day planning session and developed information for the area. The Chamber formed a group that includes representatives from the City, Pittsylvania County and the travel and tourism businesses in the region to look at what was done in the two planning sessions and what would be feasible next steps. Ms. Moran distributed a one page handout to Council entitled: Danville and Pittsylvania County Proposed Travel and Tourism Plan (a copy of which has been retained on Laserfiche in the City Clerk’s folder: Presentations to Council.) Ms. Moran reviewed the mission, goals and strategies to put together a sustainable tourism program that coordinates, develops, attracts and markets the assets in Danville and Pittsylvania County. Ms. Moran explained she has spoken with the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors, will speak before the Chamber Board and would like Council’s feedback, ideas and suggestions. Ms. Moran stated she will come back in early 2016 with full recommendations and plans to discuss with Council. Council Members thanked Ms. Moran for her presentation and noted their support of the program. Mayor Saunders recognized Tunstall High School Government Class. Page 6 of 79 October 20, 2015 COMMUNICATIONS FROM VISITORS Mayor Saunders reminded citizens that on January 6, 2015, City Council adopted rules regarding Council meetings. Under Section 4.2, Communications from Visitors, Council added two items: there shall be a time limit for each individual speaker of five uninterrupted minutes. A representative of a group may have up to ten uninterrupted minutes to make a presentation. The representative shall identify the group at the beginning of his or her presentation and a group may have no more than one spokesperson. Mayor Saunders recognized Glenn Scearce who stated that Council Member Jones does a wonderful job with children in the City, spoke on the City budget, a letter in the Register & Bee, the Bloody Monday plaque, crime and litter in the City and the State flag. Mayor Saunders recognized Trey Dallas, student at Tunstall High School who suggested a combined Tobacco Heritage and Textile Heritage Museum for the City of Danville and Pittsylvania County region. MEETING MINUTES Upon Motion by Council Member Campbell and second by Council Member Buckner, Minutes for the Regular Council Meeting held on September 15, 2015 were approved as presented. Draft copies had been distributed prior to the Meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Saunders announced that the following Budget Amendments, (Items B-C) had been previously discussed by City Council and introduced for First Reading and will be further considered by City Council in Public Hearing. After the Public Hearing is closed, there will be no separate discussion on these items and they will be enacted in one motion. If discussion is desired by a Council Member or citizen, the item(s) would be removed from the consent process and considered separately. Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider Amendments to the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on October 13, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the public hearing was closed. BUDGET AMENDMENT – AMENDING FY16 BAO - $350,000 FROM GENERAL FUND FOR ANTICIPATED COSTS RELATED TO VARIOUS LEGAL MATTERS Upon Motion by Council Member Rawley and second by Council Member Vogler, an Ordinance entitled Ordinance No. 2015-10.02 Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance providing a transfer from the General Fund Balance in the amount of $350,000 to cover anticipated costs related to various legal matters and appropriating same was adopted by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) Page 7 of 79 October 20, 2015 BUDGET AMENDMENT – AMENDING THE FY16 BAO - $1,301,020 CDBG, HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP FUNDS - PROJECTS TO IMPROVE DANVILLE Upon Motion by Council Member Rawley and second by Council Member Vogler, an Ordinance entitled Ordinance No. 2015-10.01 amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance for projects to be or being undertaken to improve the Danville Community, financed with Community Development Block Grant, Home Investment Partnership Funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and estimated program income for a total appropriation of $1,301,020 was adopted by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) NEW BUSINESS BUDGET AMENDMENT – AMENDING FY16 BAO – APPROPRIATING COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES ACT FUNDS AND LOCAL MATCHING FUNDS FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $4,690,410 Upon Motion by Vice Mayor Miller and second by Council Member Buckner, an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-10.03 AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BY APPROPRIATING COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES ACT FUNDS AND PROVIDING LOCAL MATCHING FUNDS FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $4,690,410 was presented by its First Reading, as required by City Charter, to lie over for Final Adoption. Council Member Rawley questioned staff on the amount of the local share last year and Mr. Reynolds noted he did not have the exact amount but this year was more than last year. Mr. Shanks noted the City’s share has been over $1,000,000 for the last eight years. PUBLIC HEARING – GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO WAIVE MINIMUM LOT SIZE AT 2016 WEST MAIN STREET Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider a Special Use Permit at 2016 West Main Street. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on October 6, and October 13, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Council Member Shanks moved adoption of an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-10.04 Page 8 of 79 October 20, 2015 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO WAIVE THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.M, SECTION C, ITEM 21 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, AT 2016 WEST MAIN STREET The Motion was seconded by Council Member Gilstrap and carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) NAY: PUBLIC HEARING – GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO HAVE RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS AS AN ANCILLARY USE WITH NON-RESIDENTIAL USES ON THE FIRST FLOOR AT 600 CRAGHEAD STREET Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider a Special Use Permit at 600 Craghead Street. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on October 6, and October 13, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Council Member Vogler moved adoption of an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-10.05 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO HAVE RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS AS AN ANCILLARY USE WITH NON-RESIDENTIAL USES ON THE FIRST FLOOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.L, SECTION C, ITEM 9 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, AT 600 CRAGHEAD STREET The Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Miller and carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: ABSTAIN: 8-0-1 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, and Vogler (8) None (0) Shanks (1) STATEMENT OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST I, Fred O. Shanks, III, do hereby state that I have a conflict of interest regarding the consideration of an Ordinance granting a Special Use permit to have residential dwellings as an ancillary use with non-residential uses on the first floor of 600 Craghead Street, listed on the agenda as New Business Item (C). Therefore, pursuant to the State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act, Virginia Code §2.2-3112, I must abstain from voting on this agenda item. Witness my signature this 20th day of October, 2015. s/Fred O. Shanks, III Page 9 of 79 October 20, 2015 PUBLIC HEARING – GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO WAIVE THE MAXIMUM DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY CODE AT 600 CRAGHEAD STREET Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider a Special Use Permit at 600 Craghead Street. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on October 6, and October 13, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Council Member Campbell moved adoption of an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-10.06 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO WAIVE THE MAXIMUM DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.L, SECTION C, ITEM 13 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED AT 600 CRAGHEAD STREET The Motion was seconded by Council Member Buckner and carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: ABSTAIN: 8-0-1 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, and Vogler (8) None (0) Shanks (1) STATEMENT OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST I, Fred O. Shanks, III, do hereby state that I have a conflict of interest regarding the consideration of an Ordinance granting a Special Use permit to waive the maximum density at 600 Craghead Street, listed on the agenda as New Business Item (D). Therefore, pursuant to the State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act, Virginia Code §2.23112, I must abstain from voting on this agenda item. Witness my signature this 20th day of October, 2015. s/Fred O. Shanks, III PUBLIC HEARING - AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY TO VDOT TO OBTAIN FUNDING UNDER THE VIRGINIA TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider Authorizing the City Manager to Apply to VDOT. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on October 6, and October 13, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Council Member Rawley moved adoption of a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2015-10.07 Page 10 of 79 October 20, 2015 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY TO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO OBTAIN FUNDING UNDER THE VIRGINIA TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM The Motion was seconded by Council Member Buckner. Council Member Rawley questioned the City’s twenty percent share, what the cost might be. Ken Gillie, Division Director of Planning noted an approximate cost would be about $80,000. Of that figure, the City can use the amount it paid for the property and engineering fees for design toward that; in real costs, at this time, he does not have that figure. The Motion was carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) APPROVING REQUEST TO VDOT TO ALLOCATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM FUNDS FOR VARIOUS STREET MAINTENANCE AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Vice Mayor Miller moved adoption of a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2015-10.08 APPROVING A REQUEST TO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ALLOCATE REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM FUNDS FOR VARIOUS STREET MAINTENANCE AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The Motion was seconded by Council Member Buckner and carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) SUPPORT OF THE RIVER DISTRICT ASSOCIATION’S APPLICATION TO INCLUDE DANVILLE IN THE VIRGINIA MAIN STREET PROGRAM Council Member Jones moved adoption of a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2015-10.09 IN SUPPORT OF THE RIVER DISTRICT ASSOCIATION’S APPLICATION TO INCLUDE DANVILLE IN THE VIRGINIA MAIN STREET PROGRAM The Motion was seconded by Council Member Vogler. Page 11 of 79 October 20, 2015 Vice Mayor Miller noted the City had previously been in this program and he supported the City being involved in it again. Mr. Shanks stated there is no additional cost required with this Resolution. The Motion was carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) Mayor Saunders stated to the citizens in the room and watching on television, and the students, Council does not always know what is going to be said during the public comment period and would like to apologize on behalf of the City to anyone and everyone who may have been offended by certain comments and observations tonight. Mayor Saunders thanked the police officer for being cooperative not knowing what may have been coming otherwise. Council tries to do everything in these Chambers, decently and in order, with respect to everyone and what happened tonight, he does not appreciate it and apologized to everyone in this room watching, especially the students, and those who may hear or read about this. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications from the Deputy City Manager or City Clerk. City Attorney Clarke Whitfield reminded citizens since the next Council meeting would normally fall on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 which is an election day, by City Code, the next Council meeting will be held on November 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Council Members thanked Dr. Tiffany Franks and Ms. Laurie Moran for appearing before Council and for their updates. Council also thanked the members of the Tunstall High School Government Class for attending tonight’s meeting. Council Member Buckner thanked everyone who came out to this year’s River District Festival and everyone who made it a huge success. Council Member Campbell noted he was chosen by the State to attend a gang violence conference in the Richmond area and that is important that the City try to implement some of the ideas from that conference. Mr. Campbell noted he would like to see a partnership with the City and the community with a series of conferences in different locations dealing with gangs and violence in the community. Council Member Gilstrap explained to citizens that the Council’s agenda is available on line on the Danville website a week prior to the meeting. The library fee has been put on a short hold because Council decided to address all the fees at one time. Council Member Jones thanked Mr. Scearce for his compliment and noted to the Tunstall students it is important to have a mentor in your life. Mr. Jones explained when he got on Council, the Mayor called him and Mr. Jones thanked Mayor Saunders for all he does. Page 12 of 79 October 20, 2015 Vice Mayor Miller stated the Schoolfield Museum does have memorabilia from the Mill, that the area needs a Museum of the City of Danville. Vice Mayor Miller reminded citizens to get out and vote. Council Member Shanks recommended the students obtain their own pocket copy of the Constitution. Mr. Shanks noted people are offended by different things with regard to one of the speakers tonight and also reminded citizens that November 5, 2015 is the Galileo High School Bead for Life program. Council Member Vogler congratulated the GWHS football team, thanked the Dan River Church who opened a new worship center and for inviting Council. Mr. Vogler reminded citizens they can go to data.danvilleva.gov to view the City’s budget and financial information. Mayor Saunders thanked the Tunstall High School students, Laurie Moran and Dr. Tiffany Franks for attending this evening’s meeting. Mayor Saunders thanked the Council Members for agreeing to serve the citizens and region every day and reminded citizens to be mindful when talking about the City, they don’t know who they are talking to. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: _______________________________ MAYOR ______________________________ CITY CLERK Page 13 of 79 CL-1288 City Council Regular Meeting Consent Agenda Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: Item #: A. Virginia Domestic Violence Victim Grant Appropriation Cynthia Thomasson, Budget Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meetings: 11/05/2015 - First Reading 11/17/2015 - Final Adoption SUMMARY The Commonwealth Attorney’s Office has received notice from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Criminal Justice Services, of the award of grant funds to be used to fund the salary of an attorney or victim’s advocate to work in the Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court dealing with victims of domestic violence. The grant is in the amount of $44,635 and does not require any local matching funds. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Ordinance which provides for the appropriation of the funds. Attachments Ordinance Page 14 of 79 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015- ___-___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A GRANT FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA FOR A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIM PROGRAM GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $44,635 AND APPROPRIATING SAME. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended by increasing revenues to provide for a grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Criminal Justice Services, in an amount of $44,635 and appropriating same within the Special Grants Fund, such revenue and appropriation to be a follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Account No. Amount Categorical Aid – State: Domestic Violence Victim Fund 61146000-47060 $44,635 EXPENDITURES Description Domestic Violence Victim Program 7 Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement-VRS-Empl Share Life/Disability Insurance Travel/Training Print Shop Print Shop-Office Expenses Account No. Amount 61146000-51100 61146000-51450 61146000-51500 61146000-51630 61146000-54900 61146000-52650 61146000-52655 TOTAL $ 35,745 2,735 4,315 124 600 200 916 $ 44,635 Page 15 of 79 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. APPROVED: _______________________ MAYOR ATTEST: _______________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: _______________________ City Attorney 2 Page 16 of 79 CL-1287 City Council Regular Meeting Consent Agenda Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: Item #: B. Victim Witness Program Appropriation Cynthia Thomasson, Budget Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meetings: 11/05/2015 - First Reading 11/17/2015 - Final Adoption SUMMARY The City has received notice from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Criminal Justice Services, of the approval of Federal and State funding in the amount of $52,911 for the continuation of the city's Victim Witness Assistance Program, which is operated through the Commonwealth Attorney's Office. BACKGROUND The Victim Witness Program provides assistance to victims of criminal offenses (e.g., rape, felonious assault, child sexual and physical abuse, homicide, domestic violence) occurring in Danville. The program provides direct services such as short-term and follow-up counseling, referral services to meet specific needs, (e.g., mental health, social services, legal, medical), and filing claims for crime victims' compensation. The program also provides court escorts and explanations of criminal court procedures, intervenes with employers, collection agencies and landlords when victims' injuries result in loss of income, and monitors court-ordered restitution payments. The goal of the Victim Witness Program is to alleviate, to whatever degree possible, the confusion, pain, and suffering of innocent victims of violent crime occurring in Danville. This is an annual grant and does not require any local matching funds. For proper accounting purposes, it is necessary to appropriate these funds. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached ordinance which provides for the appropriation of the funds. Attachments Ordinance Page 17 of 79 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015- ___-___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A GRANT FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA FOR A VICTIM WITNESS PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $52,911 AND APPROPRIATING SAME. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended by increasing revenues to provide for a grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Criminal Justice Services, in an amount of $52,911 for the purpose of operating a victim witness program within the City of Danville, and appropriating same within the Special Grants Fund, such revenue and appropriation to be a follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Account No. Amount Categorical Aid – State: Victim Witness Program 60301000-47060 $ 52,911.00 EXPENDITURES Description Victim Witness Program Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement VRS-State Share Print Shop Print Shop-Office Supplies Postage Telephone Office Supplies Travel Account No. Amount 60301000-51100 60301000-51450 60301000-51501 60301000-52650 60301000-52655 60301000-54050 60301000-54100 60301000-55820 60301000-54900 $ 39,449.00 3,018.00 4,762.00 620.00 1,092.00 384.00 1,650.00 1,336.00 600.00 TOTAL $ 52,911.00 Page 18 of 79 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. APPROVED: _______________________ MAYOR ATTEST: _______________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: _______________________ City Attorney 2 Page 19 of 79 CL-1284 City Council Regular Meeting Consent Agenda Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: Item #: C. Appropriation of United States Department of Agriculture Funds Philip Broadfoot, Chief of Police COUNCIL ACTION Business Meetings: 11/05/2015 - First Reading 11/17/2015 - Final Adoption SUMMARY Each fiscal year the W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home receives funds from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a result of the detention home's participation in the National School Nutrition Program. The revenue from the USDA offsets some of the costs related to the Food Service operation at the detention home. It is projected the City will receive $44,057 for FY 2016. The amount of the funds received may be more or less depending on changes in the daily population. BACKGROUND The W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home will participate in the National School Nutrition Program during FY 2016. The anticipated revenue is projected and an appropriation is requested based on current utilization rates, anticipated reimbursement rates, and the number of days each meal or snack is reimbursed. The USDA reimbursement rates provided by the Department of Juvenile Justice Food Operations Unit for FY 2016 are as follows: Breakfast - $1.66; Lunch - $3.13; and Snack - $0.84. Breakfast and lunch meals are reimbursed 365 days per year. Snacks are reimbursed 104 days per year. There is no reimbursement for dinner meals. Based on the average daily population of 24, and the number of days meals and snacks are reimbursed, the W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home expects to receive approximately $44,057. USDA funds are received quarterly by the City of Danville. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Ordinance appropriating funds within the Special Grants Fund for expenses related to the Food Service Operation at the W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home. Attachments Ordinance Page 20 of 79 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-___.___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR A FEDERAL GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $44,057 TO AID THE FOOD SERVICE OPERATIONS AT W. W. MOORE, JR. DETENTION HOME AND APPROPRIATING SAME. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended to anticipate revenues from a grant in the amount of approximately $44,057 from the United States Department of Agriculture to the W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home for the purpose of aiding the food service operations and appropriating same in the Special Grants Fund for Fiscal Year 2016, such revenue and appropriation to be as follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Categorical Aid-State: U.S.D.A.- Detention Home Account No. Amount 60114000-47210 $44,057 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Description W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home Food Supplies/Food Services Account No. Amount 60114000-55825 $44,057 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this appropriation shall be a continuing appropriation and such appropriations shall carry forward from year to year until such funds are expended for the purpose for which they were appropriated; and AND BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. 1 Page 21 of 79 APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ___________________________ City Attorney 2 Page 22 of 79 CL-1285 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: A. Pittsylvania County Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Programs Philip Broadfoot, Chief of Police COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 11/17/15 - First Reading 12/01/15 - Final Adoption SUMMARY The W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home provides contracted Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Programs for Pittsylvania County. The Outreach Detention Program includes the delivery of services, such as face-to-face supervision, home visitation, and school/employment contacts. The Electronic Monitoring Program includes the same services, but also monitors the juvenile's location through the use of electronic equipment. The budget projection for the operation of the Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Programs for FY 2016 is $59,010. Pittsylvania County is billed for all services. BACKGROUND The W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home provides and operates contracted Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Programs for Pittsylvania County. The programs are court-ordered and offer comprehensive supervision to juveniles before the Pittsylvania County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. The services are provided by a full-time worker. Periodic reports are provided to the court on each juvenile, or when there are deviations from the approved schedule or violations of the rules of the court. Pittsylvania County is charged $29.00 per service unit (day) for the Electronic Monitoring Program and $39.00 per service unit (day) for the Outreach Detention Program. If the customer does not have a landline telephone and is referred to the Electronic Monitoring Program, Pittsylvania County is charged $44.00 per service unit (day) for the use of GPS equipment for monitoring purposes. Total operating costs for the programs for Pittsylvania County for FY 2016 are estimated at $59,010. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached Ordinance amending the FY 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance by anticipating revenues from the operation of the Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Programs for Pittsylvania County and appropriating the same. Attachments Ordinance Page 23 of 79 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-___.___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BY ANTICIPATING REVENUES IN THE AMOUNT OF $59,010 FROM THE OPERATION OF AN ELECTRONIC MONITORING PROGRAM AND OUTREACH DETENTION PROGRAM FOR PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY AND APPROPRIATING SAME. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended to anticipate revenues in the amount of $59,010 in per diem charges from Pittsylvania County to operate an Electronic Monitoring Program and Outreach Detention Program, and appropriating same, such revenue and appropriation to be as follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Account No. Amount Electronic Monitoring Program & Outreach Detention Program Charges for Service: Per Diem Charges-Pittsyl County 0120822/0120823-42070 $59,010 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Description Account No. Amount W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home Electronic Monitoring & Outreach Detention Program FT Sal/Wages Reg FICA Retirement ERS Telephone Equipment Leased Travel/Train Exp Office Supplies 0120822/0120823 51100 0120822/0120823 51450 0120822/0120823 51525 0120822/0120823 54100 0120822/0120823 54750 0120822/0120823 54900 0120822/0120823 55820 TOTAL: $42,407 3,146 3,036 1,321 6,500 2,500 100 $59,010 Page 24 of 79 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ___________________________ City Attorney 2 Page 25 of 79 CL-1286 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: B. Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act Funding Appropriation Philip Broadfoot, Chief of Police COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 11/17/15 - First Reading 12/01/15 - Final Adoption SUMMARY The Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) requires the locality to develop and submit a plan outlining how the City will serve juvenile offenders before intake on complaints or from the court on petitions alleging the juvenile is delinquent, in need of services, or in need of supervision with allocated funds. The locality's biennial plan and funding was approved for FY 2015 and FY 2016. During FY 2015, The Danville Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court placed ninety-one (91) juveniles in the Electronic Monitoring Program and seventy-six (76) in the Outreach Detention Program. Seven (7) juveniles participated in the Mentoring Program. The Danville Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court increased the use of the GPS services for electronic monitoring and supervision of juveniles, which doubled the expenditures for the lease of equipment. The state reduced the allocation of VJCCCA funds by $2,647, and the City received $84,352 rather than the original allocation of $86,999. In addition, employee salaries, FICA, and retirement increased due to the City's new compensation plan based on merit increases. As a result of the above factors, the City provided an additional $10,563 to support the VJCCCA programs and services during FY 2015. During FY 2016, the City will receive $86,999 from the Department of Juvenile Justice to support the delivery of programs and services to support the juvenile offenders. The City is requested to provide a match in the amount of $39,830 from local money. The local match has historically been $26,324, resulting in an increase of $13,506 from local money. The funding will provide an Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Program to the City of Danville. This will be accomplished with two full-time workers. The Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Programs offer the courts alternatives to secure detention by increasing the level of supervision of the juveniles and the intensity of services, such as face-to-face contact, home visitation, school/employment contacts, and monitoring through the use of electronic equipment. This funding will also provide contracted mentoring services. Projections have been made for FY 2016 based on the previous year's increase in the utilization of GPS services and the City's employee compensation plan and merit increases. There is the potential for a reduction in the state's allocation as well. Although the costs to operate the program may exceed the state's allocation and the City's local match, the alternative of placing juveniles in secure detention or in an out-of-home placement would result in greater cost to the locality. Page 26 of 79 BACKGROUND In 1995, the General Assembly enacted the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA), which appropriated additional funding to localities to implement non-secure detention programs and services to meet the needs of juveniles involved with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Services Unit. The City has been the recipient of VJCCCA funds since its inception. The amount of local match money has remained the same each year. The funding allows the W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home to operate an Electronic Monitoring and Outreach Detention Program and provide contracted mentoring services to juvenile offenders referred by the Danville Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. Without these programs and services, it is possible many of these juveniles would have been placed in secure detention or in an out-of-home placement, resulting in greater cost to the locality. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached Ordinance appropriating funds to operate non-secure detention programs to provide services for juveniles in the Juvenile Justice system. Attachments Ordinance Page 27 of 79 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-___.___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR A GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $86,999 ALONG WITH A LOCAL SHARE OF $39,830, FOR A TOTAL APPROPRIATION OF $126,829, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTRONIC MONITORING AND OUTREACH DETENTION PROGRAMS AND CONTRACTED MENTORING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF DANVILLE AT THE W. W. MOORE JR. DETENTION HOME AND APPROPRIATING SAME. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended to anticipate revenues from a grant in the amount of $86,999 from the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act for the purpose of operating programs which provide alternatives to detention and appropriating same in the Special Grants Fund, and appropriating $39,830 from the General Fund Account such revenue and appropriation to be as follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Account No. Amount Categorical Aid-State: Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) 61096000-47240 $86,999 Local Share: Transfers from General Fund 61096000-6101 TOTAL: 39,830 $126,829 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Description Account No. W. W. Moore, Jr. Detention Home Electronic Monitoring & Outreach Detention Program FT Sal/Wages Reg 61096000 51100 FICA 61096000 51450 Retirement ERS 61096000 51525 Telephone 61096000 54100 Amount $82,835 5,582 5,931 1,095 Page 28 of 79 Travel/Train Exp Equipment Leased Contracted Services 61096000 54900 61096000 54750 61096000 52349 TOTAL: 5,000 20,000 6,386 $126,829 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: City Attorney 2 Page 29 of 79 CL-1296 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: C. Request a Special Use Permit for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River at 132 Union Street Bridge Road Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 11/17/15 - Public Hearing SUMMARY A request has been filed by Quality Construction, requesting a Special Use Permit for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 17 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 132 Union Street Bridge Rd., otherwise known as Grid 1708, Block 001 Parcel 000011 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is requesting to construct a three (3) bay service garage addition to the existing structure that fronts on the Dan River. BACKGROUND The subject property, 132 Union Street Bridge Road is approximately 5.72 acres and is zoned HR-C, Highway Retail Commercial. The applicant, Quality Construction on behalf of Woodall Nissan, is proposing to construct a three (3) bay service garage addition to the existing structure that fronts on the Dan River. In accordance with Article 3M, Section C, Item 17, a Special Use Permit is required for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River. The new construction will be an extension of the existing bays. It will also mimic the existing in size, design and scale that were built in 2005. The construction will be elevated above the flood plain and will mimic the existing garage bays built in 2005. At their meeting of October 12, 2015 the Planning Commission voted 3-2 (Commissioner's Garrison and Jones absent) to recommend approval of the request. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 17 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 132 Union Street Bridge Rd., otherwise known as Grid 1708, Block 001 Parcel 000011 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. Attachments Ordinance Planning Backup Page 30 of 79 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR USES WITH LOT FRONTAGE ON THE DAN RIVER IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.M, SECTION C, ITEM 17 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, AT 132 UNION STREET BRIDGE ROAD. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the report of the Planning Commission recommending approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274, filed by Quality Construction, requesting a Special Use Permit for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River in accordance with Article 3.M, Section C, Item 17 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, at 132 Union Street Bridge Road, otherwise known as Grid 1708, Block 001 Parcel 000011 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, is hereby received; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in consideration of said report and the public hearing this day held by Council, Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274, filed by Quality Construction, requesting a Special Use Permit for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River in accordance with Article 3.M, Section C, Item 17 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, at 132 Union Street Bridge Road, otherwise known as Grid 1708, Block 001, Parcel 000011 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, is hereby granted and approved. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR Page 31 of 79 ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ___________________________ City Attorney 2 Page 32 of 79 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Post Office Box 3300 Danville, Virginia (434) 799-5260 MEMORANDUM DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2015 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST REQUEST: Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274, filed by Quality Construction, requesting a Special Use Permit for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River in accordance with Article 3. M; Section C, Item 17 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 132 Union Street Bridge Rd, otherwise known as Grid 1708, Block 001 Parcel 000011 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is requesting to construct a three (3) bay service garage addition to the existing structure that fronts on the Dan River. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission voted 3-2 (Commissioner's Jones and Garrison absent) to recommend approval of the request. ~ 1K4~(t:(~) Mr. Michael Scearce, Chairman RESPONSES: Twenty (25) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. Seven (7) responses were received . Five (5) were not opposed (Carper, River Partnership, Fowler, Thomasson and Dumont). Two (2) were opposed (Davis & Davis Rental and Dodd). COMMENTS: No comments received Page 33 of 79 eil}' 01 1X11l\'iI!(', \'irl-liu l;) PLANNING REPORT ask._ P.O. Box 3300 Danvllle, VA 24543 (434) 799-5261 City Planning Commission Meeting of October 12, 2015 Subject: Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274, filed by Quality Construction, requesting a Special Use Permit for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 17 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 132 Union Street Bridge Rd, otherwise known as Grid 1708, Block 001 Parcel 000011 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is requesting to construct a three (3) bay service garage addition to the existing structure that fronts on the Dan River. Background: The subject property, 132 Union Street Bridge Road is approxi mately 5.72 acres and is zoned HR-C , Highway Retail Commercial. The applicant, Quality Construction , is proposing to construct a three (3) bay service garage addition to the existing structure that fronts on the Dan River. In accordance with Article 3M, Section C, Item 17 a Special Use Permit is required for uses with lot frontage on the Dan River. The new construction will be an extension of the existing bays . It will also mimic the existing in size, design and scale that were built in 2005 .. Twenty-five (25) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. A full report will be presented at the City Planning Commission meeting on October 12 , 2015. Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274, filed by Quality Construction , to construct a three (3) bay garage addition to the existing structure that fronts on the Dan River. The construction will be elevated above the flood plain and will mimic the existing garage bays built in 2005 . Page 34 of 79 ~ - City Planning Commission Alternatives: 1. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274 subject to conditions by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274 as submitted. 3. Recommend denial of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000274 as submitted . Attachments: Application Property Ownership/Zoning Map Data Sheet Existing Land Use Map (2012 Aerial) Year 2020 Land Use Map Page 35 of 79 , / / / 2 . / Oil ~ ,) / / - 0 oDo / ,~ <.[ ~ I / I / / / / / / / / ( 7' , ( . 'J / / I I I I I I 488.83' I I II I I Page 36 of 79 LEFT ELEVATION SCALE 1/8"= 1 ' - 0" ~7 , N I o N / SPLIT FAC E-./' CMU' S FRONT ELEVATION SCALE 1/8"= 1' - 0" 'ING BUILDING I I I I I I I I I \ CMU PARAP~ I I I ~DD ~ ::::J ~ 0 ~ 0 ::::JO,-, 'I NG BUILDING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t LI I I I I I I I I ILL 111 1 DDDD DO DD DD DDDD DODD DDDD D D I I I I I DOD DOD D V METAL WALL PANELS REAR ELEVATION SCALE 1/8"= l' - 0" BUI LDING DESIGN DATA: APPLICABLE CODE: 20 12 VIRGINIA STATEWIDE BUILDING COD E (2012 I.B,C.) USE GROUP: S- 1 Page 37 of 79 I I- - CITY OF DANVILLE SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICAT ION TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: Application is hereby made for the Specia l Use Permit as described below: INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PLANNING DIVISION APPPLICATION IS HEREB Y MADE FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO AUTHORlZE THE FOLLOWING USE: _________________________________________________________________ CASE NUM BER:_____________________ EXISTING ZONING: ___________ _ _ PROPOSED ZONING :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TAX MAP NUMBER: _ __ _ _ _ _ __ RECEIVED BY: _ _______ _ _ _ __ DATE FILED: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PL ANNING COMMISSION DA TE: _ _ _ __ CITY COUNCIL DA TE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRlN T) Exact legal description of property (Attach if insufficient space). Gross AreaINet Area: 4-.25 A cpo, E5 Property Location: N @E W Side of: Between: p,11Iep,SIDa:: DP,. ± UNION and Property Address: ST. 132 UNION ST. Bp,lo<?s JZ..D. Bp.."oc."e:: P-aP. e,p., I OGi:: Proffered Conditions (if any, please attach): _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 www.danville-va.gov Page 38 of 79 EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: I. PROPOSED USE FOR THE SPEC IAL USE PERMIT: Please provide a site plan with the follow ing information: • Proposed use of the land: size and location of structures with dimensions to lot lines. • Vehicular circulation system with points of ingress and egress. • Existing on-site build ings, separation dimensions and paved areas. • Locat ion and dimensions of all parking and loading areas, including the number of off-street parking and loading spaces provided. • Net acreage. • Gross and net square footage of bui ld ing (s) (proposed and ex isting). • Required landscaping and buffer areas. Please provide a bri ef description of the proposed development: AnDIno", of ,3 Se.P-VICE. 8AYS To EXISTING BLDG. PRESENT OWNER (S) OF ALL PROPERTIES INCLUD ED IN APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE OR PR INT) : I. NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: 13'2. {J", "1 TELEPHoNE: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ NrSSAU WOOOA' I U ..... ON &r! f!p(t ST. ~e,'OGe: R-ofMJ/! P>O. W...,.,.-\.. SIGNATURE: OANVILLc..W\, DATE: 't/2.I/fS"' DATE: _ _ __ _ EMAILADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ APPLICANT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): If the appl icant is not the property owner, written authorization fi·om the property owner must accompany this app licati on. NAME: _ _ f) ---=V_,~-+--'.IS!--I"-·-------TELEPI-IONE:---------- MAILING ADDRESS: 13 '2!;' GOOOy'EA~ 131:.."'0. DAN V/L.I..E:., IIA. 245'4/ EMA IL ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ SIGNATURE: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ DATE: '112,11,.f I P.O. Box 3300 Danv ille, VA 24543 434-799-526 1 Fax 434-797-8919 www.danvi lle-va.gov Page 39 of 79 BRIGHTW ELL DR. -, --- -., ., ,- RIVER P TWC i ./ _~_ -L ____ _ ------__ "<n > --- ---0,:> _ _ CEDAR pt. -=-. " ~-- ~ --- z _ .---~~ ~' -- "''"-< - r- __ SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS Al"lD ZONING WITHIN 300 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY of Prepared by: Planning Division 9/23/2015 Oisdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible fOf any inaccuracies herein contained . The City of Danville makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy. and in particular. its accuracy in tabeling, dimensions . contours. property boundaries, or placement or iocation of any map features thereon No responsib ility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability. use Of misuse of the information herein provided . Page 40 of 79 SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST DATA SHEET - DATE: October 12 , 2015 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 132 Union Street Bridge Rd PRESENT ZONE: HR-C , Highway Retail Commercial PROPOSED ZONE: HR-C , Highway Retail Commercial LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION : SEA, Sensitive Environmental Area ACTION REQUESTED : The applicant is req uesting to construct a three (3) bay service garage addition to the existing structure that fronts on the Dan River. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Automobile dealership with service garage PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: same PROPERTY OWNER (S): Robert Woodall Chevrolet Inc NAME OF APPLICANT (S): Quality Construction PROPERTY BORDERED BY: Commercial development to the east and west, mi xed commercial and residential to the north and the Dan Rive r to the south ACREAGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE: 4.49 acre CHARACTER OF VICINITY: Commercial INGRESS AND EGRESS: Union Street Bridge Rd TRAFFIC Medium-to High VOLUME: ~- NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: To be reported at the Planning Commission meeting of October 12, 2015 Page 41 of 79 IT GIS 2012 AERIAL VIEW OF AREA SU RROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 9/23/20 15 Oisdaimer: InfOfmation contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible fOf any inaCCtlracies herein contained. The City of Danville makes r,o represenlatlon of warran ty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, Us accuracy in labeling, dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or pl acement or location of any map features thereon. No respons ibility is assumed for damages Of other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability. use or misuse of the inform ation herein provided. Page 42 of 79 ::- PSA ""w , >C j PSA ~ - ) '"z -I '" ~ USR i SSR , ~ *- ~ \ \ --'--tf~RBISON 5r 1 i ~ , , , - ~U - L US r YEAR 2020 LAND USE PLAN FOR AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECf PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 9/23/2015 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. The Ci ty of Danville makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions. contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy. availabi lity, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Page 43 of 79 CL-1297 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: D. Request to rezone from N-C to "Conditional" HR-C, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 0453. Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 11/17/15 - Public Hearing SUMMARY A request has been filed by William Mitchell, Jr., requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for a dry cleaning operation. BACKGROUND This property is currently developed with a vacant building that has had various commercial entities since its initial construction as a dry cleaner. The applicant owns an additional adjoining lot that is transected by an APCO high voltage power line and subsequent easement. This adjacent parcel is not buildable due to topographical conditions and the easement. The applicant is proposing to rezone to a “Conditional” HR-C Highway category to allow for the recreation of a dry cleaning operation. These types of operations are not permitted in the N-C district. The applicant has met with staff to generate a proffer of conditions which limit the proposed uses to those found in the N-C district, with some minor additions as well as the dry cleaning operation. Staff has met with the applicant to generate a list of proffers that will allow for the requested dry cleaning operation, as well as some other limited uses similar to those already permitted in the N-C district which it is currently zoned. At their meeting of October 12, 2015, the Planning Commission voted 5-0 (Commissioner's Jones and Garrison absent) to recommend approval of the request as submitted. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance rezoning from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. Attachments Ordinance Page 44 of 79 Planning Backup Proffer Page 45 of 79 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE REZONING FROM N-C NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TO “CONDITIONAL” HR-C HIGHWAY RETAIL COMMERCIAL, 668 ARNETT BOULEVARD AND ADJACENT PARCEL ID # 04535, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS GRID 1816, BLOCK 005, PARCEL’S 00005 AND 00004 RESPECTIVELY, OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA ZONING DISTRICT MAP. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, William Mitchell, Jr., has requested to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the report of the City Planning Commission recommending approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277, filed by William Mitchell, Jr., requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, be, and the same is hereby, received; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in accordance with the Code of the City of Danville, the conditions proffered by William Mitchell, Jr., who has requested to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, as provided in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and made part hereof as if fully set forth herein, be, and the same are hereby, received, accepted and approved; and Page 46 of 79 BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED that in consideration of said report and the public hearing this day held by Council, Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277, filed by William Mitchell, Jr., requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map, described in the Proffer of Conditions by William Mitchell Jr., which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by reference be, and the same are hereby, rezoned subject to said conditions from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to “Conditional” HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, and 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel ID # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel’s 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map, be, and the same are hereby, amended from N-C Neighborhood Commercial District to “Conditional” HRC Highway Retail Commercial District. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ___________________________ City Attorney 2 Page 47 of 79 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Post Office Box 3300 Danville, Virginia (434) 799-5260 MEMORANDUM DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2015 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: REZONING REQUEST REQUEST: Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277, filed by William Mitchell, Jr., requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to "Conditional" HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcellD # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel's 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for a dry cleaning operation. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission voted 5-0 (Commissioner's Jones and Garrison absent) to recommend approval of the request. ~ )J/. 4~ (~C(;) Mr. Michael Scearce, Chairman RESPONSES: Twenty-one (21) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. Six (6) responses were received . Five (5) were not opposed (BIPCO , LLC , JONES, BROWN , MILLS, BALDWIN) . One (1) was opposed (FORD) . COMMENTS: "Pull some traffic from Riverside & Nor Dan & Piney Forest Road as well as North Main also School Traffic." Lottie H. Ford Page 48 of 79 l 11\ , .[ I "U I\'IU. :, \ Ir;..: ilu" PLANNING REPORT P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 (434) 799-5261 City Planning Commission Meeting of October 12, 2015 Subject: Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277, filed by William Mitchell, Jr., requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to "Conditional" HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcel 10 # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel's 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for a dry cleaning operation. Background: A request has been filed by William Mitchell , Jr. requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to "Conditional" HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcellD # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel's 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for a dry cleaning operation. This property is currently developed with a vacant building that has had various commercial entities since its initial construction as a dry cleaner. The applicant owns an additional adjoining lot that is transected by an APCO high voltage power line and subsequent easement. This adjacent parcel is un buildable due to topographical conditions and the easement. The applicant is proposing to rezone to a "Conditional" HR-C Highway category to allow for the recreation of a dry cleaning operation. These types of operations are not permitted-in the N-G district. The applicant has met with staff to generate a proffer of conditions which limit the proposed uses to those found in the N-C district, with some minor additions as well as the dry cleaning operation . Twenty-one (21) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. A complete report will be presented at the Planning Commission meeting of October 12, 2015 . Page 49 of 79 Staff Analys is and Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277, filed by William Mitchell, Jr. , requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to "Conditional" HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcellD # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005 , Parcel's 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. Staff has met with the applicant to generate a list of proffers that will allow for the requested dry cleaning operation , as well as some other limited uses similar to those already permitted in the N-C district which it is currently zoned . City Planning Commission Alternatives: 1. 2. 3. Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277 as submitted . Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277 with conditions per Planning Commission. Recommend denial of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277. Attachments: Application Property Ownership/Zoning Map Data Sheet Existing Land Use Map (2012 Aerial) Year 2020 Land Use Map Page 50 of 79 CITY OF DANVILLE REZONING APPLICA nON TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE HONORAB LE CITY COUNCIL: Application is hereby made for the rezoning as described below: INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PLAi'lNL'lfG DIVISION CASE NUMBER: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ EXISTING ZONING: -I-/YL->'C"--_____ PROPOS ED ZONING:----'-H-'--'-A...:...C-=--_ _ __ TAX MAP NUMBER: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RECEIVED BY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DATEFILED: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY COUNCIL DATE: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: _ _ _ __ INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT Exact legal description of property (Attach if insufficient space). Gross ArealNet Area: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Property Address: Property Location: N SEW Side of: £ /1 \' 1Between: Co I () AJ ,'/11 ( 0 r.-( 'y t 5,' cI '" 0 f t7)!/ eit (1/1/ d ' and -->-.Gu!.<.:-l.,,-,'-,-I -'... t ""O,-,Y....c,,I --,'; f; ....,,' --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - Proffered Conditions (ifany, please attach): ~'')-' '' ,,-'''-'-L8.'_.-'_'_' H J'I'_'(::.~.. LI\'_'e____'<d'____ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ PRESENT OWNER (S) OF ALL PROPERTIES INCLUDED IN APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): DATE: SIGNATURE: J-//LI/'}f'i ,_, .1\ T ,I_v· 5 , I I DATE : _ _ _ __ EMAIL ADDRESS:.A57m.-rc..h (w C O }Jl(./ 1 _~ t ; IV [,-t APPLICANT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) : If the applicant is not the property owner, written authorization from the property owner must accompany this application. NAL',,[E: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ TELEPHONE :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MAILING ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ EMAlL ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ SIGNATURE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE:_ _ _ __ P.O, Box 33 00 Danville, VA 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-891 9 W\VW .dan vi lle- va.gov Page 51 of 79 EXPLANATION OF REQ UEST: 1. NEW COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Please prov ide ten ( 10) sets, blue or black line copies, ofa fi nal site plan with the following infonnation: • Proposed use of the land: size and location of structures with dimens ions to lot lines, • Vehicular circulation system with poi nts of ingress and egress, • Exi sting on-site buildings, separation dimensions and paved areas, • Location and dimensions of all parking and loading areas, including the number of off-street parking and loadi ng spaces provided, • Net acreage. • Gross and net square footage of building (s) (proposed and existing), • Required landscaping and buffer areas. Please prov ide a brief description of the proposed development: 2. ALTERATION OF ZONING BOUNDARIES: Please provide a survey of proposed Zoni ng boundaries, Please prov ide a brief description of the request: u r I r I 3. RESIDENTIAL REZONING: Please provide a brief description of the request: P,O. Box 3300 Danv ille, VA 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 www.danvil le-va.gov Page 52 of 79 Danville. V A Zoning Page I of 5 ARTICLE 3.M: - HR-C, HIGHWAY RETAIL COMMERCIAL (Highway Retail Commercial District) A. - Purpose and Intent. The HR-C District is established to provide suitable locations in Danville's heavily traveled collector streets and arterial highways for those commerc ial and business uses which are oriented to the automobile and wh ich require regional access characteristics independent of the marketplace attributable to adjoining neighborhoods or pedestrian trade. The app licati on of the HR-C District should be to those areas of the City where ind ividual uses can be grouped into planned concentrations which limi t the "strip" development effect on newly developing areas as well as on redevelopment areas where retail and business uses currently exist. In addition, the Corridor Overlay District may impact the regulation of uses in this district. Adequate transportation and site planning of uses within the HR-C District should have the goa l of minimizing conflicts with through-traffic movements along the entrance City's corridors and major arterial streets. The HR-C District is not in tended to be app lied to shopping centers. Given the impli cations of traffic, pedestrian access, land scaping, and inter-parcel connections, large-scale individual retailers in excess of 60,000 per establishment (typically referred to as "big boxes" or "superstores") shall require a special use permit. Minimum site improvements for uses within the HR-C District shall in clude adequate on-site parking, public water and sewer service, public street frontage and safe access, pedestrian imp rovements, storm drainage, stormwater management facilities, and outdoor lighting for parking areas. (Ord . No. 2004-02.04, Art. 3.M, § A, 2-17-04) B. - Permitted Uses. An ind ividual use or structure intended for a single use with 60,000 square feet gross flo or area or less, incorporating the following uses: 1. Automob ile and light veh icle dealerships and retail sales establishments (with service and repair facilities as an ancillary use, with completely enclosed service facilities and screened outdoor storage of repair vehicles) . ...... 2. Automob ile and light vehicle repair establishments (within completely enclosed structures w ith screened outdoor storage). ~ 3. Banks and financial institutions. 4. Business services and office supply establishments. 5. Car washes. 6. Churches and places of worship. 7. Convenience stores (wilt! or without gasoline sales). 8. Fast-food restau rants. ""9. .......1-0. Funeral homes . Gasoline sales establishments. 11 . Health club, spa or fitness cente r. " L _., ... Ll _ _ 1. Page 53 of 79 Danville, VA Zoning --'12 . Hospi tals and health care facilities with inpatient services. 13. Hotels and motels. 14. Laundromats/dry cleaners. '--15. 16. ""'"-17. ~18. 19. ..... 20. 21. "~22. 23. Page 2 of 5 Light intensity wholesale trade establishments (with no outd oor sales or display of products). Medical offices and outpatient care facilities. Mini-storage warehouses, with no exterior storage. Movie theaters. Offices (general and professiona l). Parking lots (private and public with off-street parking as the principal use). Persona l service establishments. Private post office and delivery service. Public uses. 24. Repair service estab lishments (exclusive of automobile and light vehicle service and repair, with no outdoor storage). - 25. Restaurants. 26. Retail sa les and leasing establishments, with screened outdoor sales or display of products limited to no greater than 15% of the net developab le lot area. (See Additional Regulations.) ......... 27. Schools, colleges and universities (public and private). 28. Seasonal retail uses. 29. Temp orary retail sales. 30. Exterminator. 31. Bicycle shop. 32. Adult day support services. 33. Child th erapeutic day support services. (Ord. No. 2004-02.04, Art. 3.M, § B, 2-17-04; Ord. No. 2005-04.04, 4-5-05; Ord . No. 2009-1 2.08, 12-15-09; Ord. No. 2013-06.01, 6-4-13; Ord. No. 20 14-08.09, 8-19-14) c. - Uses Permitted by Specia l Use Permit. An individu al use otherwise permitted hereinabove by-right in the HR-C District, but having greater than 60,000 square feet gross floor area, or any of the following uses: - 1. Auction establishments. ~ 2. Bed and breakfast, inn or tourist home (as defined). '- 3. 4. -..... 5. 6. Bus stations. Commercia l recreation facilities (indoor and outdoor). Conference centers. Day care centers (adult and ch ild). '-- 7. Kenne ls, commercial. ......... 8. Light warehousing uses related to an adjunct retail use permitted either by-right or specia l permit, provided that warehousing space does not exceed 50% of the gross floor area . .... 9. Drive-in movie theaters. .... 1.. ..... . ... . ]...1 ........ 1.. Q /'1A I'1n 1" Page 54 of 79 Danville, V A Zon ing ---1 0. Parking garages and structures. ---11. Pet cli nics. __ 12. Plant nurseries. 13. --- 14. Page 3 of 5 Public utilities. Research and development activities which do not cause any more smoke, dust, odor, noise, vibration or danger of explosion than other uses permitted in th is district and which involve no more than 15% of the gross floor area in the assembling or processing of products. All assembling or processing shall only involve products developed on the premises. All services and storage shall be conducted within the principal structure wh ich is to be completely en closed. --15. Schools, colleges and universities (public or private). -~· 16. Taxidermists . ..... 17. Uses with lot frontage on the Dan River. -- 18. Veh icle sale, rental and anci lla ry service establishments, in clud ing mobile homes. -- 19. Veterinary clini cs. 20. Wa iver for increase in building heights to over 50 feet. 21. Wa iver of yard requirements, subject to the prohibition of parking in front yards . ...... 22. ':23. Caretaker's residence. Homeless she lter. 24. Microbrewery or Micro-winery. 25. Who lesale Sales. (Ord . No. 2004·02.04, Art. 3.M, § C, 2·17-04; Ord . No. 2008-07.04, Art. 3.M, § C. 7·15-08; Ord . No. 200911.07, 11 -5-09; Ord. No. 2012·09.09, 9-18·12; Ord. No. 2015-01.04, 1·20-15) D.. Lot Size Requirements. 1. Minimum district size: Not regu lated, provided that districts should be located, sized and spaced to li mit potential "st rip" development impacts. 2. 3. 4. Min imu m lot areas: (1) Interior lot: 13,500 square feet. (2) Corner lot: 15,000 square feet. Minimum lot width: (1) Interior lot: 90 fee t. (2) Corner lot: 150 feet. No HR·C District lot shall be designed or employed for use in which an area more than 25% of the prescribed minimum lot area is comprised of either of the follo wing physical land units: (a) wetlands or (b) water features . (Ord. No. 2004·02 .04, Art. 3.M, § D, 2·17-04) E. . Bulk Regulations. 1. Maximum building height: 50 feet. 2. Minimum yard reqUirements: a. "h f'\ .,t ·hln .... l,. Page 55 of 79 'li ~o o a ~ SCHOO L B TOC SCHOOL B TOC - _-T-T~KEETER. I 'pT(i\1 GUILFORD , 5,. GOUR~EY C~I'IN. B ~d=~(Offi-- IL_ OT_R____________________ r '.~ "'. ~ fUTUHE.LAWNCREST ST " .., THIRD AVE W SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS AND ZONING WITHIN 300 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY 0) Prepared by: Planning Division 9/23/2015 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map is 10 be used for refe rence purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible fOf any inaccura cies herein contained. The City of Dan"ille makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling. dimensions, contours. property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to Ihe accuracy, availability, use Of misuse of the inform a~on herein provided . Page 56 of 79 "CONDITIONAL" REZONING REQUEST DATA SHEET DATE: October 12, 2015 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcellD # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005 , Parcel's 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map PRESENT ZONE: N-C Neighborhood Commercial PROPOSED ZONE: "Conditional" HR-C Highway Retail Commercial LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial ACTION REQUESTED : The applicant is requesting to rezone to operate a dry cleaning facility. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Vacant commercial storefront (Historically used as a dry cleaner but not within the past 2 years) PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: Dry Cleaning Facility PROPERTY OWNER (S): William Mitchell Jr. NAME OF APPLICANT (S): Same PROPERTY BORDERED BY: Commercial, a church and residential to the north , an APCO sUbstation to the east, commercial and multi-family residential to the south and mixed commercial and multifamily residential to the west ACREAGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE: 0.82 acres CHARACTER OF VICINITY: Commercial INGRESS AND EGRESS: Arnett Boulevard TRAFFIC VOLUME: Moderate to High NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION : To be reported at the Planning Commission meeting of October 12, 2015 . Page 57 of 79 2012 AERIAL VIEW OF AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division Oisdaimer: Information contained on this map is 10 be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is nol responsib le fo r any inaccurades herein contained , The City of Danville makes 110 representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions, contours. property ~?~~~~r.i~~: _o~~~:~~:~I, ?~~~:~~~~_?:~:~~~~~f:~~~~e; thereon. No responsibi lity is assumed for damages or other Page 58 of 79 RUSK(N ST tANSSUR'l'DR USR BRENTWOOP DR PA.~KLAND DR PSA ~ .'1, AMFL ...~. y 'b '\ " '~ NS USR USR PSA SSR MR USR USR PSA YEAR 2020 LAND USE PLAN FOR AREA SURRO UNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division ~/2~/201 S Disd aimer: Infonnation contained 00 this map is to be used fOt reference purposes only. The City of Dan ville is not responsible for any inaCCtJracies herein cootained. The City of Danville makes no representa tion of warranty as 10 this map's accuracy. and in parlicular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions. contours, properly boundaries. or pl acement or location of any map features thereon . No responsibility is assumed for damages (X other Ijabililie.<; dllP. t!'l rhl! "r:"" "v"a"nii itv II~" nr rni~1 ,e.. " r ,,, ... i"r""n ~l i",, ........ ;~ ~~ •.; ........ or",.,., Page 59 of 79 EXHIBIT A Proffer List to Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000277, filed by William Mitchell, Jr., requesting to rezone from N-C Neighborhood Commercial to "Conditional" HR-C Highway Retail Commercial, 668 Arnett Boulevard and adjacent parcellD # 04535, otherwise known as Grid 1816, Block 005, Parcel's 00005 and 00004 respectively, of the City of Danville, Virginia Zoning District Map. B. - Permitted Uses. An individual use or structure intended for a single use with 60,000 square feet gross floor area or less, incorporating the following uses: 1. Automobile and light vehicle dealerships and retail sales establishments (with service and repair facilities as an ancillary use, with completely enclosed service facilities and screened outdoor storage of repair vehicles). 2. Automobile and light vehicle repair establishments (within completely enclosed structures with screened outdoor storage). 3. Banks and financial institutions. 4. Business services and office supply establishments. 6. Car washes. 6. Churches and places of worship. 7. Convenience stores (with or without gasoline sales). 8. Fast-food restaurants. 9. Funeral homes. 10. Gasoline sales establishments . . 11. Health club, spa or fitness center. 12. Hospitals and health care facilities 'Nith inpatient services. 1d. Hotels and motels. 14. Laundromats/dry cleaners. 16. Light intensity wholesale trade establishments (with no outdoor sales or display of products). 16. Medical offices and outpatient care facilities. 17. Mini storage warehouses, with no exterior storage. 1B. Movie theaters. 19. Offices (general and professional). 20. Parl<ing lots (private and public with off street parking as the principal use). 21. Personal service establishments. Page 1 Page 60 of 79 22. RFiv.ate-j:3ost office and delivery service. 23. Public uses. 24. Rej3aif-sOPJice establishments (e)(clusive of automobile and light vehicle service and repair, with no outdoor storage). 25. Restaurants. 26. Retail sales and leasing establishments, with screened outdoor sales or display of products limited to no greater than 15% of the net developable lot area. (See Additional Regulations.) 27. Schools, colleges and universities (public and private). 28. Seasonal retail uses. 29. Temporary retail sales. 30. Exterminator. 31. Bicycle shop. 32. Adult day support services. 33. Child therapeutic day support services. C. - Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit. An individual use otherwise permitted hereinabove by-right in the HR-C District, but having greater than 60,000 square feet gross floor area, or any of the following uses: 1. Auction establishments. 2. Bed and breal<fast, inn or tourist home (as defined). a. Bus stations. 4. Commercial recreation facilities (indoor and outdoor). 5. Conference centers. 6. Day care centers (adult and child). 7. Kennels, commercial. S. bight warehousing uses related to an adjunct retail use permitted either by right or special permit, provided that warehousing space does not exceed 50% of the gross floor area. 9. Drive in movie theaters. 10. Rarking garages and structures. 11. Ret clinics. 12. Rlant nurseries. 13. Public utilities. Page 2 Page 61 of 79 44.---Resemch and development activities which do not cause any more smoke, dust, odor, noise, vibration or danger of explosion than other uses permitted in this district and which involve no more than 15% of the gross floor area in the assembling or processing of products. /\11 assembling or processing shall only involve products developed on the premises. /\11 services and storage shall be conducted within the principal structure ...:hich is to be completely enclosed. 15. Schools, colleges and universities (public or private). 1e. Ta)(idermists. 17. Uses with lot frontage on the Dan River. 18. Vehicle sale, rental and ancillary service establishments, including mobile homes. 19. Veterinary clinics. 20. Waiver for increase in building heights to over 50 feet. 21. Waiver of yard requirements, subject to the prohibition of parking in front yards. 22. Caretaker's residence. 23. Homeless shelter. 24. Microbrewery or Micro-winery. 25. Wholesale Sales. aJ.di!dVm 1t!ftduJi tlr. William Mitchell Jr. I I ' Date Page 3 Page 62 of 79 CL-1300 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: E. RiverBank Fund of the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region Grant Appropriation William Sgrinia, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 11/17/15 - First Reading 12/01/15 - Public Hearing - Final Adoption SUMMARY The City of Danville has been awarded a grant totaling $24,000 from the RiverBank Fund of the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region to assist in the development of Sandy Creek Park, a 7.07 acre tract of land located on Riverside Drive adjacent to the current Dan River Church location. When completed, park amenities will include an access trail across the property to the adjacent Riverwalk, landscaping, picnic tables, fencing, soft river access to facilitate launch of carry-in boats, and repair and resurfacing of the 49 parking spaces that are included in the parcel. BACKGROUND City Council approved the purchase of the parcel of land that will become Sandy Creek Park for $40,000 on November 18, 2014. The City anticipates to take ownership of the property before the end of the calendar year. A Limited Phase 1 and wetland delineation have been completed and are under review by the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Development is set to begin once this analysis is approved. When completed, the park will provide additional access to the river and space for individual and group use. It will also provide the only publicly owned Riverwalk trailhead, parking area and carry-in boat access on the northwest side of the Dan River. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached Ordinance appropriating the RiverBank Fund of the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region grant for FY 2016. Attachments Award Letter Ordinance Page 63 of 79 Community Foundation if 541 Loyal Street · Danville, Virginia 24541 434.793.0884 • Fax 434 .793.6489 • IVlVw.cfdrr.org theDan River Region bllp"ovillg mzd ellricbillg area lives tln-oug" the generosity 0/ dOllors July 20, 2015 D ear G rant Recipient, We are pleased to support your organization with a grant from RiverBank Fund o f T he Community Foundation of the D an River Region. We are awarding $237,500 in grants to eight organizations and hope to build collaboration among the groups and their projects. Our goal, of course, is to improve and enrich the lives of people in our region, through organizations such as yours. We need your help to promote this unique partnership. Please acknowledge The Commun.ity Foundation for its support in your publications, where appro priate. We also would appreciate being included on your mailing list. Please send us photographs representing this grant or your organization in general for us to use in our publica tions. Don't forget to return the Interim Grant Report Form sent with your no tification by D ecember 16,2015 and your Final Grant Report Form by June 24, 2016. Congratulatio ns for your success ful proposal. Please feel free to contact me with any questio ns or concerns rega rding your grant. D ebra D odson Executive Director Page 64 of 79 .t 077 American National Bank AND TRUST COMPANY 541 LOYAL STREET DANVILLE, VA 24541 PAY twMu.E. VlRGINlA 24&«l ACH R&T 001401027 68·102·514 * Twenty-Four Thousand and no/lOO * AMOUNT DATE TO THE ORDER OF City of Danville - Parks & ATTN: Mr. Bill Sgrinia P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA '24543 ia ii Rec~eation Ii"., ~~~~~~"!:.'~"~ i1i m THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE DAN RIVER REGION 7lS7 20160048 river City of Danville - Parks & Recreation 7077 07/lS/20lS 007077 07/lS/20lS To assist in the development of Sandy Creek Park, a RiverBank Temp Fund 24,000.00 CHECK TOTAL: 24,000.00 $ ****24,000.00 Page 65 of 79 PRESENTED: ____________________ ADOPTED: ______________________ RESOLUTION NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE A GRANT FROM THE RIVERBANK FUND OF THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE DAN RIVER REGION IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,000 TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SANDY CREEK PARK. WHEREAS, the City of Danville was awarded a grant in the amount of $24,000 from the RiverBank Fund of the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region to assist in the development of Sandy Creek Park; and WHEREAS, City Council previously approved the purchase of the 7.07 acre tract of land on November 18, 2014 for this use; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and is hereby, amended by using anticipated revenues from the RiverBank Fund of the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region in the amount of $24,000 to be appropriated as follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Account No. Capital Projects Fund RiverBank – Sandy Creek Park 61186000-43640 Amount $24,000 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Description Account No. Capital Projects Fund RiverBank – Sandy Creek Park 61186000-52349 Amount $24,000 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. Page 66 of 79 APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ____________________________ City Attorney 2 Page 67 of 79 CL-1276 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: F. Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule William Sgrinia, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism COUNCIL ACTION Work Session: 10/08/15 10/20/15 11/05/15 Business Meeting: 11/17/15 SUMMARY City Council has discussed simplification of the Parks and Recreation fee schedule. This ordinance establishes the fees charged by Parks and Recreation and provides guidance on how they are to be administered. BACKGROUND On June 2, 2015, City Council voted to make themselves the final approving authority for Parks and Recreation fees. Prior to this action, the Parks and Recreation Director and the City Manager set all service and facility fees. The fees for facility and equipment rentals are fixed and contained in the policy document. Fees for programs are based on the cost to provide the program so that the participants are covering the cost. Scholarships are made available for those who need financial assistance. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Parks and Recreation Fees ordinance. Attachments Ordinance Page 68 of 79 PRESENTED: ____________________ ADOPTED: ______________________ ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CERTAIN RECREATION USER FEES OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE. PARKS AND NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that certain Parks & Recreation Fees of the City of Danville, and the same are hereby, established in accordance with and as shown on the two (2) Schedules attached hereto as follows: Schedule I – General Terms and Conditions; Schedule II – Facility and Program Fees; AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the aforesaid Schedules be, and they are hereby, made a part of this Ordinance as fully and completely as if they were set out in their entirety in this Ordinance; and BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that all previous Parks & Recreation user fee schedules are hereby repealed and replaced by the attached Schedules. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Page 69 of 79 Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ___________________________ City Attorney 2 Page 70 of 79 CITY OF DANVILLE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITY AND PROGRAM FEES SCHEDULE I GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. The general policy of the City is to recover a portion of the costs of rentals or programs through the use of fees. B. Fees for programs and events are determined based on the cost to provide the program/event. C. For events that are cosponsored by Parks and Recreation, the Director will determine the appropriate fees. These events include, but are not limited to, Harvest Jubilee and Festival in the Park. D. The fees for the use of a large portion of a park will be determined by the Director of Parks and Recreation and will be based on the direct impact associated with facility use. The minimum fee for large park events will be $25/half-day and $50/full-day. Examples include the use of the front half of Ballou Park or the entire use of neighborhood parks like Doyle Thomas Park. E. Individuals, business or commercial vendors operating a concession for personal profit or gain on Parks and Recreation property must agree by contract to pay the City of Danville 20% of the gross receipts from vendor’s sale. A Community or non-profit group or organization operating a concession on Parks and Recreation property must agree by contract to pay to the City of Danville 10% of the gross receipts from vendor’s sales. Contracts are available from the Administration Office at the City Auditorium building. F. When advantageous, Parks and Recreation will seek to provide programs or services through a contractual instructor agreement with an individual or organization. These agreements are a business relationship and as such share responsibilities. The City will retain 30% of the class fees and will pay out the contractor the remaining 70%. Danville Parks and Recreation will assist in advertising, provide space and facility oversight, receive registration and receipt all payments. In return, the contractor will provide the service that has been contracted and defined in a signed agreement between the city and contractor. G. The City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to develop administrative policies and procedures for billing, and/or fees which are consistent with the provisions and the authorizing ordinance. 3 Page 71 of 79 CITY OF DANVILLE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITY AND PROGRAM FEES SCHEDULE II FACILITY AND PROGRAM FEES A. Community Facility Fees Facility Rates Coates, Glenwood and Stonewall Recreation Centers $200/ 4-hour minimum $50 add’l hr. Squire Recreation Center and City Auditorium $300 / 4-hr.min. $75 add’l hr. Ballou Nature Center and City Auditorium Lobby $150 / 4-hr.min. $35 add’l hr. Ballou Park Stage $180 / 4-hr.min. $45 add’l hr. Community Market $480 / 4-hr.min. $120 add’l hr. Community Market Community Room $320 / 4-hr.min. $80 add’l hr. Ballou Senior Center, Pepsi Building and City Auditorium Gym $260 / 4-hr.min. $65 add’l hr. B. Outdoor Athletic Facility Fees Facility Small Group Revenue Generation Rates Large Group Revenue Generation Rates Danville Non-Profit Rates RiverwalkTrail $50 + $2/ participant $100 + $2/ participant includes shelter No Fee Disc Golf Course $50 + $2/ participant $100 + $2/ participant includes shelter No Fee 4 Page 72 of 79 Facility Rates Skate Park $30 / hr. Tennis Court $30 / hr. American Legion Field at Dan Daniel Park $225/ 4-hr.min. $55 add’l hr. Baseball, Softball and Soccer Field Use $50/ field Baseball/Softball Field Service Costs Preparation $25 / field Field Lights $20 / field C. Carrington Pavilion Facility Fees Uses and Conditions Rates Option 1 – No admissions charged or concessions sold City has option to offer concessions 5-hour use: $600 $100/add’l hr. Option 2 – Facility user charges admission and retains concession revenues 10-hour use: $1,000 $200/add’l hr. D. Main Street Plaza and Lawn Fees Facility Rates Main Street Plaza No. 1 (3,282 Sq. Ft.) 220 Capacity $30 per hour 4-hour minimum Main Street Plaza No. 2 - Trailhead Lawn (2,855 Sq. Ft.) $10 per hour 5-hour minimum 5 Page 73 of 79 E. Picnic Shelter Fees Shelter and Location Rates REFUNDABLE CLEAN UP-DEPOSIT $30 Ballou Park Shelter No. 6 Shelter No. 10 5-hour use: $35 10-hour use: $40 Ballou Park Shelter No. 2 Shelter No. 8 5-hour use: $25 10-hour use: $50 Dan Daniel Park – Shelter No. 17 5-hour use: $35 10-hour use: $65 Dan Daniel Park Shelter No. 11 Shelter No. 13 Shelter No. 15 5-hour use: $25 10-hour use: $40 Camilla Williams Park – Shelter No. 1 Shelter No. 2 5-hour use: $25 10-hour use: $40 Coates Recreation - Shelter 5-hour use: N/A 10-hour use: $40 Anglers Park - Shelter No. 21 5-hour use: $35 10-hour use:$65 All other Picnic Sites 5-hour use: $12 10-hour use: $25 6 Page 74 of 79 F. Equipment Rentals Items Rates Canoe Day Use Weekend Use $35 $70 Kayak Day Use Weekend Use $25 $50 Miscellaneous - Day or Weekend Use Car Pads $5 per set Paddles $5 each Personal Flotation Device $5 each 7 Page 75 of 79 CL-1316 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 11/17/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: G. Library Fee Schedule Ken F. Larking, Deputy City Manager COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 11/17/15 SUMMARY City Council requested a review of the Danville Public Library's fee schedule. The proposed fee schedule includes the repeal of the $50 non-resident library fee, as requested by City Council. BACKGROUND On June 2, 2015, City Council voted to make themselves the final approving authority for Parks and Recreation fees, which includes the Library fees. Prior to this action, the Parks and Recreation Director and the City Manager set all service and facility fees. The proposed fee schedule includes fees for the library consistent with the Library Director's recommendation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Library fees ordinance. Attachments Ordinance Page 76 of 79 PRESENTED: ____________________ ADOPTED: ______________________ ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FEES AND CHARGES FOR THE DANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that on and after November 18, 2015, the charges for the Danville Public Library, and other related services be, and the same are hereby, established, authorized and approved as follows: DANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY FINES & FEES The City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to develop administrative policies and procedures for billing, and/or fees that are consistent with the provisions of the authorizing ordinance. Lost Library Card Fee $1.00 Late Fines Books, Music CD, Book on CD 10¢ per day up to $5.00 DVD $2.00 per day up to $15.00 Interlibrary Loan $2.00 per day Lost fee 90 days after the due date, the replacement cost of the material is charged. The cost paid for lost materials returned within 6 months of the billing date will be refunded. Interlibrary Loan $2.00 per request Copies and Printing 15¢ per copy; 10¢ per black and white print; and 25¢ per color print. Page 77 of 79 FAX Within the US $1.75 for the first page and $1.00 per additional page. International $4.95 for the first page and $3.45 per additional page. Notary Service $2.00 per signature Programming Fee Library programs and services are free of charge. Occasionally there is a charge to cover materials. If there is an established fee per participant for a program that the Library is the intermediary, the fee is passed on to the participant. Room Rental $15 per hour Library Card Free to anyone within 50 miles driving distance to the Main Library, temporary residents and employees of public and private schools in Danville. Guest access for computers available to anyone living outside 50 miles driving distance at no cost. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that all other charges, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter amended or repealed. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK 2 Page 78 of 79 Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ___________________________ City Attorney 3 Page 79 of 79