CEA-LETI 12µm pixels for uncooled infrared detectors
CEA-LETI 12µm pixels for uncooled infrared detectors
1 Welcome CEA is a French government-funded technological research organization. Drawing on its excellence in fundamental research, its activities cover three main areas: Energy, Information and Health Technologies, and Defense and Security. As a prominent player in the European Research Area, with an internationally acknowledged level of expertise in its core competencies, CEA is involved in setting up collaborative projects with many partners around the world. Within CEA Technological Research Division, three institutes lead researches in order to increase the industrial competitiveness through technological innovation and transfers: the CEA-LETI, focused on microelectronics, information & healthcare technologies, the CEA-LIST dedicated to technologies for digital systems, and the CEA-LITEN devoted to new energy technologies. The CEA-LETI is focused on micro and nanotechnologies and their applications, from wireless devices and systems, to biology and healthcare or photonics. Nanoelectronics and Microsystems (MEMS) are at the core of its silicon activities. As a major player in the MINATEC innovation campus, CEA-LETI operates 8,000-m² state-of-the-art clean rooms, on 24/7 mode, on 200mm and 300mm wafer platforms. With 1,700 employees, CEA-LETI trains more than 240 Ph.D. students and hosts 200 assignees from partner companies. Strongly committed to the creation of value for the industry, CEA-LETI puts a strong emphasis on intellectual property and owns more than 2,000 patent families. For more information, visit http://www.leti.fr. Within CEA-Leti, Optics and Photonics research activities are focused principally on big industrial markets of photonics: all-wavelength imaging (visible, infrared, THz), information displays, solid state lighting, optical data communications, optical environmental sensors. The R&D projects are performed with industrial and academic partners. The industrial partners of the Optics and Photonics department range from SME to large international companies. The projects are merging fundamental aspects with advanced technological and industrial developments; nanosciences are connected with material sciences, optics, electronics and micro & nano-fabrication. 2 3 Contents Page 5 Bruno MOUREY > Interview Head of Optics and PhoTonics Division Page 7 2012 key figures Page 9 Scientific activity Page 11 1- InfraRed Imaging: cooled detectors Page 41 4- Optical environmental sensors Page 47 5- Optics and nanophotonics Page 53 6- Silicon Photonics Page 61 7- Solid state lighting (LED) Page 23 2- InfraRed Imaging: microbolometers Page 33 3- Display components Page 67 8- PhD Degrees awarded 4 5 Interview with Bruno MOUREY, Head of Optics and PhoTonics Division (DOPT) Dear Reader, After two years in its current configuration, the DOPT operates at cruising speed. It is currently organized into two main applicative sub-divisions: Imaging o Cooled infrared o Uncooled infrared o Visible Novel applications o Micro displays o Optical sensors o Silicon photonics o Solid state lighting They rely on a third sub-division that includes all Specific technologies. The Department also draws extensively on the capacities of the Leti’s mainstream CMOS and back-end clean rooms. The Department is covering the whole development chain of modern photonics, from material science and technological processing to photonic systems. But it ambitions particularly the development of photonic components in the applicative domains mentioned here before. A large part of the DOPT developments are done under partnerships with industrial companies. The volume of the industry-lead activity is steadily growing, particularly the last two years. So one of our current challenges is to keep a reasonable part of sound advanced research, to be able to prepare our tomorrow’s applied R&D. I wish to thank all the team of our Department for their capacity to innovate technically and scientifically, both in the advanced and in the industrial R&D projects, sometimes under the constraints of short-term goals. This scientific report will let you appreciate some of our innovative results of the year 2012. Have a nice reading! 6 7 2012 Key Figures 185 permanent researchers 35 PhD students and Post-docs 105 scientific publications 57 patents filed in 2012 380 patents portfolio 20% under licence Clean rooms dedicated to IR and visible imaging, photonics fab, packaging Optics and optoelectronics characterization facilities Modeling and simulation 8 9 Scientific Activity Publications 105 publications in 2012, including conference communications and 40 papers in scientific review Prize and Awards II-VI materials 2012 conference Best student Paper Award granted to Alexandre Gaucher. SPIE Photonics Europe 2012 conference, Best Student Paper awarded to Alexandros Emboras In 2012, France’s Ministry of Education distinguished Gerard Destefanis with the Knight of the Order of Academic Palms for his research on mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) IR detectors Experts 32 CEA experts: 2 research directors, 3 international experts 8 Researchers with habilitation qualification to independently supervise doctoral candidates Scientific Committees Editorial Boards of ISRN Nanotechnology Members of Technical Programs and Steering Committees in major conferences in 2012: SPIE Security and Défence, Edinburgh,- International Workshop on ZnO materials”, Nice- OPTRO, Paris. Books Participation of JM Fedeli in the “Handbook of silicon Photonics”, Editors L Vivien and L Pavesi and published by CRC Press. Others books of CEA / LETI are mentioned on the website: www.leti.fr/en/Discover-Leti/Books 10 11 1 InfraRed Imaging: cooled detectors Bulk CdZnTe growth HgCdTe epi growth, doping and processing HgCdTe focal plane arrays: SWIR, LWIR HgCdTe avalanche single photon detectors InGaAs SWIR focal plane arrays Flip-chip assembly and wafer level cameras 12 Growth of bulk CdZnTe : size increase and quality improvement Research topics : CdZnTe, growth, single crystal D. Brellier, E. Gout, G. Gaude ABSTRACT: The growth of single crystal, bulk cadmium zinc telluride, used as substrate for mercury cadmium telluride epitaxy, has been optimized in two ways. First, the size of the ingots has been increased to extract very large substrates, giving the opportunity to make megapixel size infrared focal plane arrays. Moreover, an excellent reproducibility of crystal singularity has been reached. The Second point concerns crystal quality evaluated by double crystal X-ray diffraction and etch pit density with very good value. Bulk cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe) is considered as the ideal substrate for mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) epitaxy, for infrared applications. The rapid increase in the infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) size toward megapixel resolution requires the use of larger dimension substrates. Besides, good crystal quality of CdZnTe is also necessary for the realization of epitaxy with a reduced dislocation density, a drastic requirement for detector performance. In order to reduce the size and the density of microscopic defects usually present in the substrates, as precipitates or inclusions, which can affect the electro-optic properties of HgCdTe photodiodes, the growth of CdZnTe under specific conditions has been implemented. Infrared transmission microscopy shows that defect size has been reduced from few tens of microns to less than few microns. In this context, it is necessary to control the growth of CdZnTe single crystal ingots, in a reproducible way. The growth technique used at LETI/DOPT is the Vertical Gradient Freeze (VGF) method; single crystal and (111) oriented ingots are usually obtained. Several ingots of 80 mm and 115 mm in diameter have been obtained with a single crystal grain from the bottom to the top (Fig.1). The ingots are fully transparent in the infrared window, from 1 µm up to 25 µm wavelength range. In the largest ingots, 63mmx63mm substrates have been extracted (Fig. 2). Crystal quality has been investigated using double crystal Xray diffraction, and also, chemical revelation of etch pit density (EPD). Fig. 3 is a mapping of the rocking curve full width at half maximum (FWHM) of a 63mmx63mm substrate. The FWHM mean value is (36±8) Arcsec. The evaluation of EPD on the (111)Te face leads to values in the low 104/cm². 80 mm Figure 1 : Single crystalline CdZnTe ingots Dimension (mm) 115 mm FWHM (Arcsec) Figure 3: FWHM mapping obtained by double crystal X-ray diffraction This quality is comparable to that of the best material currently available on the world market. In the framework of DEFIR join laboratory between CEA-LETI and Sofradir [1], our industrial partner is able to compete with world leaders on large IRFPAs market. Figure 2: Evolution of CdZnTe substrate size Reference: [1] : M. Vuillermet, D. Billon-Lanfrey, Y. Reibel, A. Manissadjian, L. Mollard, N. Baier, O. Gravrand, D. Brellier, G. Destéfanis, Proc. SPIE 8541, Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications IX, 854109 (October 24, 2012) 13 Strain Determination In Quasi Lattice-matched LWIR HgCdTe/CdZnTe Research topics : HgCdTe, strain relaxation, HRXRD P. Ballet, X. Baudry, B. Polge, D. Brellier, J. Merlin and P. Gergaud (LETI/DTSI) ABSTRACT: In this paper, we take advantage of the zinc distribution of (211)B CdZnTe substrates to probe the lattice mismatch induced stress in HgCdTe layers grown by MBE. HRXRD is used to accurately determine the strain-free lattice parameters of both CdZnTe and HgCdTe, together with the in-plane components of the stress tensor. By using several wafers, the stress evolution is derived over a broad range of lattice mismatch. In particular, stress relaxation is evidenced for a mismatch greater than 0.02% and 0.04% for tensile and compressively strained HgCdTe respectively. Strain relaxation is correlated with substrate curvature and rocking curve peak broadening which provide indirect evidence for plastic relaxation. compressive strain tensile strain stress (MPa) 20 0 -20 -0.15 S1 [11-1] S2 [-110] -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 a/a (%) Figure 1 : Measured in-plane stress components as a function of lattice mismatch for the five samples. The correlation with rocking-curve FWHM is given in fig.2. The FWHM is lower than 40 arcsecs in the elastic regime, which indicates no significant additional broadening compared to the rocking curve of the substrate. On the other hand, in the relaxed range, the FWHM rapidly reaches 60 arcsecs. This increase in FWHM is again an indication that plastic relaxation occurs probably through the generation of misfit dislocations. Rocking Curve FWHM (arcsecs) The performance of HgCdTe-based devices is closely related to the crystalline perfection of the HgCdTe thin film. Lattice matching is therefore essential, and can be achieved, in principle, by growing HgCdTe on CdZnTe substrates with an appropriate zinc fraction. Practically, the zinc content of CdZnTe substrates varies from one another and within a single wafer. This is particularly true for (211) substrates since vertical gradient freeze ingots are usually (111) oriented leading to a 20° offset in the cutting of the (211) wafers. In this work we investigate the strain distribution in five LWIR HgCdTe layers grown by MBE on 4cmx4cm CdZnTe (211)B substrates. The substrates have been chosen so that the overall zinc dispersion allows for the investigation of the broader range of lattice mismatch induced strain, spanning from tensile to compressive. The MBE growth has been carried out in a RIBER 32P system. The HgCdTe thickness is 5 microns for all layers which is the maximum thickness for which the X-ray diffraction from the substrate can still be detected for the symmetric (224) reflexion. In order to extract the in-plane stress components for the strained HgCdTe layers, we have used the metric-tensor formalism, first applied to HgCdTe for the measurement of thermal stress and the extraction of the coefficient of thermal expansion for HgCdTe [1]. The in-plane stress components are plotted in fig.1 for the five samples. There are two different behaviours: (i) An elastic regime for which the stress evolution is linear with lattice mismatch. This regime describes a coherently strained HgCdTe layer for which the strain is directly proportional to the lattice mismatch between HgCdTe and CdZnTe. (ii) A clear saturation of the stress for absolute lattice mismatch greater than 0.02% for tensile strain and 0.04% for compressive strain. This latter regime is found to be slightly asymmetric towards compressively strained HgCdTe, consistently with the asymmetry of the zero stress lattice-mismatch which is a signature of the thermal expansion coefficient difference between layer and substrate [1]. It is also found to be slightly asymmetric in magnitude with an absolute saturated stress of 12MPa for tensile strain and 18MPa for compressive strain. This latter value is estimated as the mean value between the two in-plane components of the stress tensor because of the significant stress anisotropy measured for compressively strained HgCdTe layers. The saturation of the stress clearly indicates that strain relaxation is taking place with an amount of relaxation directly proportional to the extrapolated difference between the lines defined in the elastic and relaxation regimes as graphically described in fig.1. The onsets for strain relaxation are found to correspond to zinc fractions of 3.9% and 4.7%. 70 60 50 40 30 20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 a/a (%) Figure 2 : Evolution of the (224) rocking-curve FWHM as a function of lattice mismatch. As a conclusion, our results indicate that for low mismatch, the stress scales linearly with lattice mismatch whereas for larger mismatch a strain relaxation regime is evidenced. We show that the onsets for relaxation could be accurately determined with strong implication in the zinc dispersion specifications for CdZnTe wafers. Références : [1] P. Gergaud, A. Jonchère, B. Amstatt, X. Baudry, D. Brellier and P. Ballet, J. Electron. Mater. 41, 2694 (2012). 14 Quantitative damage depth profiles in arsenic implanted HgCdTe Research topics: HgCdTe doping, ion implantation damages C. Lobre, D. Jalabert (INAC), I. Vickridge (INP), L. Mollard, P. H. Jouneau (INAC) and P. Ballet ABSTRACT: Rutherford backscattering (RBS) experiments under channeling conditions have been carried out on arsenic implanted Hg0.77Cd0.23Te (MCT) layers. Accurate damage profiles have been extracted through a simple formalism from implanted and annealed layers. Damages evolution with increasing ion implantation dose was investigated by a complementary approach taking advantage of each characterization mean. Evidences of irradiation induced annealing process during implantation have been pointed out as well as complexes involving arsenic in annealed layers. The p-on-n photodiode architecture leads to desirable device performance and in particular, low dark currents allowing higher working temperatures. This architecture requires a shallow, well-controlled, zone of electrically active p-type extrinsic dopant. Arsenic is the most used p-type doping species for this architecture and ionic implantation provides a suitable means to produce the shallow localized zone. Nevertheless, quite an important challenge needs to be overcome in order to activate the implanted arsenic: a strong electrical n-type doping region related to irradiation damages defects need to be totally removed. In our work, correlations between Rutherford backscattering (RBS) channelling experiments, bright field scanning transmission electron microscopy (BF-STEM) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) were performed to study defects induced by arsenic implantation in MCT and their evolution during post implant anneals. Damage profiles extracted from the RBS channeling experiments, arsenic concentration profiles from SIMS and defect visualization from BF-STEM imaging are summarized in Figure 1. Damage profile shows a good agreement with the defect contrasted image. In particular, the depth where the contrasted zone of the images stops well corresponds to the fast decrease of the defect profiles. This agreement adds to the validity of our calculation method of the defect profiles. When increasing ion implantation doses BF-STEM study shows a drastic evolution of the defects morphology. Small dislocation loops seem to coalesce during the implantation process to form large extended defects. In addition, as shown in figure 2, quantitative information deduced from the RBS channeling experiment, bring out that increasing the implantation dose produce logarithmically deeper defects maxima. These observations indicate that the MCT experiences an irradiation induced annealing process during implantation. The kinetics of damage accumulation is then controlled by a competition between damage accumulation and dynamic annealing [1]. Figure 2: Displaced atoms density depth profiles for implantation doses of 5 × 1013 at.cm-2; 2 × 1014 at.cm-2 and 2 × 1015 at.cm-2 (from left to right). Insert shows the evolution with implanted dose of total disorder from the integration of damage profiles and maximum of the damage profile. Figure 1: BF-STEM image of implanted MCT layer with 2 × 1014 at.cm-3 As ions. Arsenic concentration profiles in green line (left scale). The dechannelling center density depth profile calculated from dechanneling experiment is shown in red (right scale). Damage evolution has been studied for thermally annealed layers. Fast damage correction has been observed. Damage profiles of annealed layer associated with arsenic concentration profile from SIMS indicate the presence of complexes involving arsenic [1]. Our complementary approach, taking advantage of each characterization mean, leads us to a better understanding of damage accumulation in MCT during ion implantation. In addition evidences of complexes involving arsenic have been pointed out. Références: [1] C. Lobre, D. Jalabert, I. Vickridge, E. Briand, D. Benzeggouta, L. Mollard, P. H. Jouneau and P. Ballet, “Quantitative damage depth profiles in arsenic implanted HgCdTe”, in preparation for publication. 15 Arsenic complexes optical signatures in As-doped HgCdTe epilayers Research topics: p-type doping, photoluminescence, hall effect, ionization energies. F. Gemain, I.C. Robin, S. Brochen, P. Ballet, O. Gravrand and G. Feuillet ABSTRACT: The optical signatures of arsenic complexes in As-doped HgCdTe samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy were clearly identified using comparison between photoluminescence spectra, Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and Hall measurements. The ionization energies of the different complexes were measured both by photoluminescence and temperature-dependent Hall measurements. In the past decade, ex-situ p-type doping during molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of HgCdTe has been widely studied, because it is the key toward the realization of complex infrared detector heterostructures such as dual band sensors, hot detectors, and p-on-n-devices [1,2]. For ex-situ doping, arsenic is the most used impurity, as it has demonstrated very low diffusion properties into HgCdTe and also because the available purity and associated effusion technology meet today’s requirements for MBE. Nevertheless, there are still many unknowns regarding this kind of doping. One of the major uncertainties is the knowledge of the As incorporation site before and after thermal activation. According to EXAFS measurements carried out by P. Ballet and X. Biquard [3], a new insight on As site transfer upon thermal activation was proposed. It was shown that before p-activation annealing, As incorporated atoms are shared between two structures: a donor chalcogenide glass As2Te3 and an acceptor structure AsHg8. The proportion between the two phases is approximately equal before thermal activation. After p-activation annealing, the As2Te3 donor is dissociated. Some of the As atoms from the As2Te3 glass enforce the active AsHg8 acceptor, the other part occupy Hg sites, creating the AsHg donor defect. Thus, 67% of the incorporated As atoms are incorporated as AsHg8 acceptors and 33% are incorporated in the crystal lattice in Hg sites (AsHg) after thermal activation. Since the concentration of acceptors is higher than the one of donors upon p-activation annealing, a ptype conductivity is measured. To identify the As complex optical signatures, we compared PL spectra of an HgCdTe epilayer with EXAFS measurements and temperature-dependent Hall measurements. Gaussian functions were used to fit PL spectra as shown in Fig. 1. The studied HgCdTe layer was grown by MBE and arsenic doped using an arsenic cracker cell with a cell and a cracker temperature of 260°C and 500°C respectively. The active layer is 6.7 µm thick with a cadmium composition of 30.7%, corresponding to a cut-off wavelength of 4.97µm at room temperature. In order to activate the arsenic after growth, a p-activation annealing at high temperature is performed on the sample. In order to fill the Hg vacancies responsible of uncontrolled p-type doping, a low temperature annealing under saturating mercury pressure is performed. This treatment called n-type annealing reduces the Hg vacancies which are acceptor defects to a few 1013 per cm3, well below the residual doping of the MBE-grown HgCdTe layers. Modulated PL measurements with a continuous-scan Fourier transform infrared spectrometer were carried out on the MCT epilayer. The PL measurements were performed between 8 K and 300 K using a 1064 nm wavelength Nd-YAG laser for excitation. The signal was detected with a cooled MCT detector. A comparison between the PL spectra of the HgCdTe epilayer before p-activation and after p-activation annealing ( Fig.1) show a significant evolution of the different PL peaks. The temperaturedependent PL study (Fig.2) allowed us to identify more precisely these peaks. The HE peak is clearly assigned to the band-to-band recombination. The ME PL peak at 15.2 meV below the HE peak is only measured in the spectrum of the sample before p-type annealing and disappears above 60K. This peak also disappear s after p-type annealing and a new peak ME2, closer to the HE peak is then measured. The energy difference between the HE peak and the ME, ME2 and the LE peak respectively gives the associated ionization energies. Figure 1: Comparison of the PL spectra at 8K of an As doped HgCdTe sample (a) before and (b) after p-activation. Moreover, temperature-dependent Hall measurements not described here were carried out on of both samples before and after p-activation. Data were modeled by the charge-balance equation [4]. The activation energy found for the sample before p-type annealing was the same as the one measured for the ME peak with PL measurements (15.2 meV). Then, the activation energy obtained with the temperature-dependent Hall measurements of the sample after p-activation corresponds to the ionization energy of the LE peak measured with PL (26 meV). Last, the ratio between the acceptor and donor concentration found by the Hall measurements modeling before and after pactivation corresponds to the ratio measured by EXAFS measurements for the As2Te3 complex donor, the AsHg8 acceptor and the AsHg donor defect detailed before. Figure 2: Temperature-dependent PL study of PL peak positions (a) before and (b) after p-activation. That is why, we could clearly associate the ME PL peak to the As2Te3 complex optical signature, the LE peak to the AsHg8 complex and the ME2 peak to the AsHg donor defect optical signature with ionization energies of 15meV, 26meV and 11 meV respectively. To conclude, very consistent results were found between the different characterization techniques, leading to a clear identification of the different arsenic complexes, the determination of their activation energy and their concentration before and after p-activation. [1] J. Baylet, P. Ballet, P. Castelein, F. Rothan, O. Gravrand, M. Fendler, E. Lafosse, J. P. Zanatta, J. P. Chamonal, A. Million, and G. Destefanis, J. Electron. Mater. 35, 1153 (2006). [2] J. Rothman, G. Perrays, P. Ballet, L. Mollard, S. Gout, and J. P. Chamonal, J. Electron. Mater. 37, 1303 (2008). [3] X. Biquard, I. Alliot and P. Ballet, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 103501 (2009). [4]F. Gemain, I.C. Robin, M. De Vita, S. Brochen, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 131901 (2011). 16 Characterization of plasma etching process damage in HgCdTe Research topics: etched sidewalls, Auger electron spectroscopy, minority carrier lifetime A. Gaucher, J. Baylet, J.Rothman, E. Martinez and C. Cardinaud (IMN,Nantes) ABSTRACT: Exposure of n-type long wave infrared (LWIR) Hg1-xCdxTe (MCT) to CH4-H2 based inductively coupled plasma (ICP) have been investigated in terms of microstructural and electrical damage. The results of an investigation of the damage of etched sidewalls is presented. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) has been used to monitor the evolution of X beneath etched surfaces. Conductivity measurements and minority carrier lifetimes have been studied on patterned photoconductors from which it is possible to extract a surface recombination velocity (SRV). These studies have evidenced surface conductivities variations and SRVs shift of several orders of magnitude, depending on the process used to make the sample. Hg1-xCdxTe is the most flexible material used to make high quality infrared detectors arrays. In the future, these arrays will need to be larger, with higher resolution, and added functionality, like dual-band detection, avalanche gain, or higher operating temperature. To accomplish such features, it is necessary to develop new pixel architectures, which often include trenches or vias that have to be etched into HgCdTe. However, HgCdTe is a very sensitive material which tends to be damaged during the fabrication process, especially etching steps [1]. Plasma etching is considered as a good option to structure HgCdTe as it potentially combines the smooth and damage-free mechanism of wet etching to the good anisotropy of dry etching. However, the plasma etching step has to be optimized to fulfill these requirements. In order to do so, it is important to be able to characterize the microstructural and electrical damages induced by plasma etching in both N-type and P-type HgCdTe with variable composition. We investigate the damage of etched sidewalls, which actually represent the main part of patterned etched surfaces in novel architectures [2]. which means that the potential microstructural damage induced by etching are lower than the demonstrated performances. Conductivity and minority carrier lifetimes measurements have been performed on patterned photoconductors of variable width. As shown on Fig. 2, the measured lifetime decreases with the photoconductor width. This shows the etched sidewalls influence on the electrical properties. 55µm 30µm 20µm t = 0.6µs t = 0.2µs t = 0.1µs Decreasing width AES is used to monitor the evolution of X beneath etched surfaces. An Auger quantification method has been calibrated to our material (Fig. 1). 1 0.9 0.8 Figure 2: Photoconductive decay evolution with the photoconductor width 0.7 XCd 0.6 It is possible to extract a surface recombination velocity (SRV) from lifetime measurements on a set of photoconductors of variable width. Similarly, it is possible to extract a surface conductivity from conductivity measurements. These studies have evidenced variations of SRV and of surface conductivity between ion beam etched, plasma etched and hybrid plasma and wet etched samples. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Real stack 0.1 Auger linescan 0 0 5 10 15 Depth (µm) Figure 1 : Calibration of the AES quantification on a HgCdTe stacking of variable X layers Successful quantification was achieved in the range 0.2 < XCd < 0.3 with a XCd discrimination limit of ΔXCd = 0.02 and an analysis step of 10 nm. Unfortunately, no stoichiometric evolution was detected beyond etched surfaces with AES These characterization methods allow to precisely tune the etching processes in order to reduce as much as possible the etched induced damage. These results were presented at the U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI materials which took place at Seattle (USA) on November 2012. The Best Student Paper Award was presented to the author for this work. References : [1] J. Baylet, O. Gravrand, E. Lafosse, C. Vergnaud, S. Ballerand, B. Aventurier, J. C. Deplanche, P. Ballet, P. Castelein, J. P. Chamonal, A. Million, G. Destefanis, “Study of the Pixel-Pitch Reduction for HgCdTe Infrared Dual-Band Detectors”, (2004) Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 690-700 [2] A. Gaucher, J. Baylet, J. Rothman, E. Martinez, C. Cardinaud, “Characterization of plasma etching process damage in HgCdTe” submitted to Journal of Electronic Materials 17 Ultra low dark current FPA for photon detection in the SWIR range Research topics : IR detection, ultra low flux, astrophysics O. Gravrand and L Mollard ABSTRACT: Ultra low flux detection is mandatory for next generation astrophysics observatories. In a common effort between CEA-SAp, CEA LETI, and Sofradir (LETI startup), we have fabricated first European low flux IR retinas. Ultra low dark currents (0.04e/s) have been demonstrated on a HgCdTe photodiodes arrays hybridized on a Si dedicated ROIC. Space based observatories for astrophysics are very demanding in ultra low flux detection in the IR spectrum. Such low flux levels represent the detection of a few photons only during long integration times (typically 1e-/s during several minutes) and therefore require ultra low dark current photodiodes (0.1e/s) coupled to a very high performance ROIC stage in terms of noise and leakage. We report here first results carried out at CEA and Sofradir to build such an ultra low dark current focal plane arrays (FPA) in the short wave infrared range (SWIR) to meet these requirements,. Those FPAs are dedicated to very low flux detection in the 2µm wavelength range. In this purpose, Sofradir has designed a source follower per detector readout circuit (ROIC), 384x288, 15µm pitch, dedicated to ultra low flux detection. Leakage currents have been measured down to 0.01 e/s on test pixels, with ultra low readout noises (less than 10 electrons). material absorbing efficiently IR radiation in this wavelength range. Both p/n and n/p structures have been evaluated. The metallurgical nature of the absorbing layer have also been examined as both molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) have been processed. Therefore a large process window has been explored in order to optimize detection abilities. High temperature characterizations have been performed at CEA-LETI and showed state of the art dark currents. Low flux characterizations have been carried out at CEA-SAp at low temperature (from 40 to 160K, see figure 1) in a dedicated light thigh cryostat. Dark currents as low as 0.04e/s (one electron every 25 seconds) has been measured at 45K for 2µm cutoff diodes, with fairly uniform current mappings. As an illustration of the level of performance obtained, note that the first limiting mechanism was electroluminescence from the silicon temperature probes (1µm wavelength radiation that may be sensed by the tested photodiodes). Turning off those probes led to a factor ten improvement in dark current. Figure 1: Ultra low dark currents measured at CEA-Sap This ROIC has been hybridized on different HgCdTe diode configurations processed at CEA-LETI. HgCdTe is a narrow gap Figure 2: examples of measured ultra low dark current mappings Références : [1] O. Gravrand et al, "Ultralow-Dark-Current CdHgTe FPAs in the SWIR Range at CEA and Sofradir", JEM 41(10) p2686 (2012) [2] B. Fieque et al., "IR ROIC for very low flux and very low noise applications", SPIE8176-55 (2011) 18 p-on-n VLWIR HgCdTe Focal Plane Arrays for space applications Research topics: IR sensors, HgCdTe, p-on-n technology L.Mollard, N.Baier, O.Gravrand ABSTRACT: IR detector market is driven by numerous applications in military, security, science and space domains, which all require the highest-performance sensors currently available. The most commonly used material, with high performances, is based on the II-VI semiconductor HgCdTe. Historically, Middle Wavelength (MWIR) and Long Wavelength (LWIR) were focused on defense applications, whereas Very Long Wavelength (VLWIR) and Small Wavelength (SWIR) are more used for remote sensing projects. In this way, TV/4 arrays, 30 µm pixel pitch, have been manufactured for the VLWIR range, using p-on-n technology. The measured dark current fits state of the art results. Different HgCdTe technologies, which enable high-quality photodiodes, are compatible with backside-illuminated technology on focal plane arrays. The two most common technologies at CEA/LETI are n-on-p and p-on-n planar architectures. Compared to the n-on-p technology, this p-onn structure is characterized by lower dark current, due to the minority carrier (hole) lifetime. It is also characterized by lower series resistance, due to the majority carrier (electron) mobility in the base layer. Such properties are interesting to improve operability at high temperature and to increase the format of array ([1]-[3]). For such architecture, the p-type arsenic area is formed by controlled diffusion of As into an In n-type doped HgCdTe epitaxial layer. Moreover, two annealing steps under Hg-overpressure are required for the formation of the p-on-n photodiodes. The first one is a high temperature annealing to diffuse and activate the arsenic as p-type dopant. It also enables to eliminate the radiation damage resulting from arsenic implantation. The second one is a low temperature anneal to fill Hg vacancies created during the previous process step and restore the n-type indium doping level. A cross-sectional view of our p-on-n architecture is presented in Figure 1. array, processed at CEA/LETI, is a TV/4 format, with respectively 30 µm and 25 µm pitch for λc equal to 12.3 µm and 15.1 µm. Measurements were made at 78K (λc=12.3 µm) and 50 K (λc=15.1 µm). Excellent performances have been obtained with our VLWIR IRFPAs. Concerning responsivity, the operability is equal to 99.93% (λc=12.3 µm) and 98.7% (λc=15.1 µm) using a ±50% criteria with dispersions respectively as low as 3.9% and 5.4 %. Using the same conditions of measurements, the comparison of shotnoise limit and measured Root-Mean-Square (RMS) noise, clearly shows that diodes are shot-noise limited for both cutoff wavelength. These impressive results in term of array operability are confirmed by the value of the R0A product. R0A is defined as the product of the dynamic resistance at zero bias (R0) by the sensitive area (A), and is inversely proportional to the dark current density. Figure 2 clearly shows that compared to n-on-p technology a gain of two orders of magnitude is obtained. In addition, dark current measurements are consistent with values previously reported. None of our devices was found with dark current densities significantly higher than the Rule 07 model (a p-onn heuristic model), indicating that our diodes are state-ofthe-art. These results demonstrate the high quality of our p-on-n photodiodes on both LWIR and VLWIR wavelength. Currently further studies and efforts are conducted to develop a new pon-n technological approach which could (maybe) enable us to obtain even better performances. Figure 1: Cross sectional view of our p-on-n planar photodiode For VLWIR spectral band, achieving excellent HgCdTe detector performance is extremely challenging. Indeed, VLWIR photodiodes are essential for space applications, but require large Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs) with low defects and high response uniformity. For such small energy gaps, the material becomes sensitive to small energy perturbations, which could be a source of non-uniformity in dark current. Such developments have been funded by French National Space Studies Center (CNES) for IASI project ([4]-[6]). The Figure 2: RoA product at 77K for p-on-n IRFPAs References : [1] L.Mollard, Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 38, Number 8 (2009), 1805-1813 [2] L.Mollard, N.Baier Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 40, Number 8 (2011), 1830-1839 [3] N.Baier,L.Mollard Proc. SPIE 8353, (May 1, 2012) [4] L.Mollard, N.Baier, Journal of Electronic Material, 2013 Status of p-on-n As ion-implanted HgCdTe at DEFIR, (to be published) [5] L.Mollard, N.Baier, Conference on Space telescopes and instrumentation, Overview of p-on-n planar IRFPAs at DEFIR(to be published). [6] N.Baier,L.Mollard , Conference on Space telescopes and instrumentation, Evaluation of VLWIR p-on-n MCT FPAs(to be published). 19 Linear mode single photon detection with HgCdTe APDs Research topics : Avalanche photodiodes, single photon detection, HgCdTe J. Rothman, G. Vojetta, K. Foubert and F. Guellec (LETI/DACLE) ABSTRACT: ABSTRACT: Infrared single photon detection have been demonstrated using HgCdTe APDs hybridized to an ultra low noise read-out integrated circuit (ROIC) designed at Leti. The device has been used to make the first direct measurement of the gain probability density function (PDF) of a HgCdTe APD and to characterize the (Poison) PDF of attenuated laser pulses. The gain PDF of the APD is associated with a high detection efficiency which should enable new applications in science, information technology and imaging. Figure 1: Single photons events detected with a HgCdTe APD hybridized with a specially dedicated low noise ROIC HgCdTe avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with a sufficiently low cadmium composition are characterized by exceptional amplification properties that promise to open new windows for optical observations when only a few photons are available during the characteristic time of observation, such as active imaging, lidar, wavefront sensing and photon counting. These properties are stable linear gains to values larger than 1000, close to zero excess noise and response times that are independent of the gain, due to carrier multiplication which is only induced by the electrons. bandwidth and keeping the power consumption low. DOPT is one of the front runners in the development and optimization of this technology. Since the first demonstration in 2006, the focus of the activity at DOPT has been on arrays of detectors for laser illuminated active imaging. More recently, an important effort have been made on the development of detectors assemblies which can detect a single photon impinging on the detector. The use of HgCdTe for this application opens the path to enhanced performance in terms of photon detection efficiency (PDE) and detection rate. In addition, the linear amplification allows detecting several photons that arrives at the same instant on a single detector. This is essential to determine the quantum nature of a multi-photon state and in applications with a high dynamic range of signals, such as the detection of backscattered light in atmospheric LIDAR measurements. The challenge in developing such detectors resides in the minimizing the noise of the amplifier while maximizing the frequency bandwidth. A first clear demonstration of single photon detection using HgCdTe was reported by DRS in 2011, using a ROIC with a 50 electrons of noise per characteristic time at a bandwidth of 120 MHz. This detector allowed high SNR single photon detection at gains higher than 200. We developed an ultra low noise ROIC with about 10 electrons of noise per characteristic time and with a low 7MHz bandwidth1. The detection of single photons with this detector is illustrated in figure 1. Each peak corresponds to the detection of a single photon and the fluctuation in amplitude is due to the random variation of the gain for each avalanche multiplication process. The distribution in amplitude of the events yields a direct measurement of the probability density function of the gain in the APDs, for which we have made the first direct estimation of the excess noise factor of the APDs. The shape of the gain PDF implies also that high PDE values, in the order of 80-90 %, can be achieved at high threshold values compared to the average gain. In addition, measurements at zero flux have shown that the rate of dark events is sufficiently low for most time resolved photon counting experiments. Figure 2 shows a first demonstration of using the single element photon counting device to detect determines the photon number state of attenuated laser pulses. The Poison distribution, broadened by the excess noise of the detector can be detected for photons with an average of at least 5 photons and illustrates the high dynamic range of the detector which enables, for example, the detection of complex multi-photon quantum states of light. ── m=5.5 ── m=1.25 ── m=0.8 Figure 2: Probability density distribution function of Poisson distributed photon states detected with a DOPT HgCdTe APD single photon detector, measured at a gain of 70 References : 1. G. Vojetta, F. Guellec, L. Matthieu, K. Foubert, P. Feautrier and J. Rothman, Proc. SPIE 8375, 83750Y (2012) 20 A 15 µm pitch 640 × 512 pixel hybrid InGaAs image sensor for night vision Research topics: Infrared Imaging, SWIR, InGaAs, night vision, low-noise read out circuit E De Borniol, P Castelein and F Guellec (LETI/DACLE) ABSTRACT: Through collaboration between III-V Lab and CEA-Leti, a 640 x 512 InGaAs image sensor with 15 µm pixel pitch has been developed. The photodiode array detects the light from the visible to the near infrared wavelength (0.4 to 1.7 µm). The readout IC (ROIC) was design in a standard CMOS 0.18 µm technology. The pixel circuit is based on a capacitive transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) input stage with two selectable charge-tovoltage conversion gains. It has been optimized for low noise performance in the high gain mode. The readout noise is around 30 electrons for a dynamic range of 71 dB in high-gain mode and 108 electrons and 79 dB in low-gain mode. InGaAs detectors enable compact light-weight packaging and easy camera integration. Thanks to a small band gap the dark current is low and cooling is not mandatory. These detectors are sensitive in the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) band which presents some very interesting characteristics. In this band the detectors can see through the haze and more importantly for night vision, they benefit from the emission of light by the atmosphere, called airglow or nightglow. This can be a real advantage in dark night conditions (moonless or cloudy sky). A 15 µm pixel pitch 640 x 512 image sensor sensitive in this spectral band has been developed through collaboration between III-V Lab (InGaAs photodiode array) and CEA-Leti (ROIC). The detector array and read out circuit were optimized for low light measurement. dynamic range of 79dB. The noise floor improvement in highgain mode comes with a dynamic range reduction. Nevertheless the careful CTIA design optimization allowed reaching a low noise floor of 30e- with CDS at room temperature for a dynamic range of 71dB. This set of figures, achieved with a 15μm pixel pitch, brings an improvement compared to available measurement results of other lownoise hybrid InGaAs image sensors. Table 1. Measured ROIC performances in high-gain and low-gain modes. High-gain mode Low-gain mode Power consumption 150 mW 150 mW Conversion gain 17.6 µV/e- 1.9 µV/e- Full well capacity Read noise without CDS with CDS 105 ke- 1 Me- 92 e- to 110 e30 to 40 e- 166 e108 e- Maximum dynamic Range 71dB 79dB An example of image captured with the developed image sensor in day light conditions is depicted figure 2. Figure 1. 640x512 pixel @ 15μm pitch InGaAs module In order to optimize the ROIC noise, a Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) function has been implemented [1]. The ROIC can work in three different operating modes: high frame rate (120 fps with 4 video outputs), CDS (60 fps with 4 video outputs) and low power (60 fps with 2 video outputs). The measured read out noise and full well capacity are detailed Table 1 [2]. In low-gain mode the read noise is about 108e- with CDS for a full well capacity of 1Me- giving a Figure 2. High resolution image achieved with VGA InGaAs module. References : [1] « A low-noise 15-μm pixel-pitch 640×512 hybrid InGaAs image sensor for night vision » Fabrice Guellec, Sébastien Dubois, Eric de Borniol, Pierre Castelein, Sébastien Martin, Romain Guiguet, Michaël Tchagaspanian, Anne Rouvié, Philippe Bois ; Proc. SPIE 8298, Sensors, Cameras, and Systems for Industrial and Scientific Applications XIII, 82980C (February 9, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.912105. [2] « High-performance 640 x 512 pixel hybrid InGaAs image sensor for night vision » Eric De Borniol, Fabrice Guellec, Pierre Castelein, Anne Rouvié, Jean-Alexandre Robo, Jean-Luc Reverchon; Proc. SPIE 8353, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXVIII, 835307 (May 1, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.921086. 21 3D thermo-mechanical simulation of fine pitch - high count ball grid array flip chip assemblies Research topics: Flip chip, Ball grid array, 3D System in Package, Micromechanical modeling M.Fendler, W.Kpobie, N.Bonfoh*, C.Dreistadt*, P.Lipinski* (*ENIM, Metz) ABSTRACT: Flip chip technology is increasingly prevalent in electronics assembly (3D System in Package) and is mainly used at fine pitch for the manufacture of megapixel large focal plane detectors arrays. For the estimation of the reliability of these assemblies, numerical simulations based on Finite Element Methods (FEM) appear as the cheapest method. Due to the impossibility of direct modeling of very large assemblies containing more than one million solder bumps, various simplifications were tested. In the present study, we proposed a model based on a micromechanical description of the equivalent thermo-elastic properties of the interconnection layer of the flip chip assembly composed of solder bumps and epoxy filler. 3D System in Package devices, with more functions in the module, require the miniaturization of their components and the need of complex and innovative assembly technologies. For infrared imagers, the conventional flip chip technology is performed with indium solder micro-balls to interconnect the silicon readout circuit with an array of detectors (II-VI or IIIV semiconductor alloys). With the increase of the resolution of imagers, leading to large megapixel detector arrays at fine pitches down to 15 µm, optoelectronic components are subjected to severe thermo-mechanical loads related to their process of assembly (soldering), and to the cryogenic operating conditions (77K). This heterogeneous structure must thus be modeled and simulated in order to obtain the most reliable assembly at lower cost in terms of associated technological efforts (choice of materials, configurations of assembly). 3D modeling seems more realistic to study the reliability of these flip chip assemblies. The megapixel assembly considered in the present work contains in its interconnection layer over 1.3 million solder bumps. Modeling such a structure is currently impossible given the present computer technology. To overcome this difficulty, the composite interconnection layer made of indium solder balls and epoxy underfill, has been replaced by a homogeneous equivalent material (HEM), Fig.1. Then thermo-elastic properties of the HEM were determined using the Mori-Tanaka multi-site approximation and its constitutive law has been implemented in the finite element code Abaqus® through the UMAT subroutine. Results deduced from numerical simulations based on the HEM approach appear in good agreement with experimental measurements of deflection, measured with an optical chromatic confocal surface analyser. Moreover, the required CPU time for this type of simulations remains reasonable (less than 3 hours) when using the conventional workstations (Dell Precision T7500, Intel Xeon E5620, 8 CPUs, 24 Go RAM, 2.4 GHz). Locally, to estimate stress and strain fields in the indium bumps, two approaches were tested for structural zoom: submodeling and coupled modeling. Comparisons of the obtained results show that the sub-modeling approach is more relevant and requires less CPU time than the coupled one. Sub-modeling applied to a megapixel array assembly revealed that local stresses are maximal in the vicinity of the interface between solder bumps and chip (Fig.2). Cracks are therefore expected to initiate in this area of the flip chip because of the presence of intermetallic compounds which are formed during soldering. Figure 2 Equivalent Von Mises Stress in the solder bumps and epoxy underfill. The next step of this study is to validate simulations with deflection measurements at low temperature, down to 77K. Figure 1: Homogenisation and localisation thermo-elasticity References : Kpobie, W., Ben Khlifa, S., Bonfoh, N., Fendler, M., Lipinski, P. Multi Site micro mechanical modelling of thermoelastic properties of heterogeneous materials (2012) Composite Structures, 94, pp.2068-2077 Ben Khlifa, S., Bonfoh, N., Lipinski, P., Fendler, M., Bernabe, S., Ribot, H. Thermomechanical characterization of electronic components (2010) 11th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and MicroSystems, EuroSimE 2010, art. no. 5464592. 22 Ultra compact infrared cryogenic wafer level camera Research topics: Infrared camera on chip, compound eyes, 3D system in package M.Fendler, G.Lasfargues, F. De La Barriere*, G.Druart*, N.Guerineau* (*ONERA, Palaiseau) ABSTRACT: A compact infrared cryogenic multichannel camera has been performed with a wide field of view equal to 120°. By merging the optics with the detector, the concept is compatible with both cryogenic constraints and wafer-level fabrication. The optical system is limited by the diffraction. By cooling the optics, we achieved a very low NETD equal to 15 mK, compared with traditional infrared cameras. A post processing algorithm which aims at reconstructing a well-sampled image from the set of undersampled raw subimages produced by the camera is validated on experimental images. Nowadays, both civilian and military applications require miniaturized and cheap optical systems. The constraints on the size and weight of such systems are so demanding that downscaled versions of traditional systems with a single optical axis are reaching their limits because of a loss of resolved points in the final image. A solution to compensate for this problem can be found by looking at nature, where small invertebrates have developed compound eyes. Therefore, multi-aperture imaging seems to be a good approach to design thin optical systems. All these concepts tend to merge the optical system with the detector, leading to very thin wafer-level camera modules. Different multichannel approaches, which differ in the way of dividing the information contained in the scene, can be distinguished. We choosed the TOMBO principle: each channel captures a low-resolution image of the overall Field Of View (FOV). Providing non redundant information between the subimages, a high resolution image is retrieved thanks to a super-resolution image processing. We performed a 4x4 multichannel wafer-level infrared camera, working in the 3 − 5µm spectral range and directly integrated on a cooled IRFPA (Fig.1) [1]. Each channel has the same wide field of view equal to 120°, and a very short focal length (the total track length of the camera is equal to 4.08 mm). It is efficiently prevented from crosstalk between the channels thanks to the use of the cold shield and of a field diaphragm array. at CEA LETI MINATEC. These techniques are directly inspired by the hybridization of an IRFPA [2]. Basically, an IRFPA based on HgCdTe technology is made of an HgCdTe layer (which is sensitive to infrared radiations) and of a Silicon readout circuit. The HgCdTe layer and the Silicon read-out circuit are connected with indium bumps. The idea is to support the optical module at a short distance from the HgCdTe layer with indium bumps also. We used the selfalignment properties of micro-bumps soldering, to guarantee a sub-micronic optical positioning between the different optical stages (detector and two microlenses arrays, Fig.2). The whole assembling process is compatible with wafer-level fabrication, and is adapted to the cryogenic environment (thermo-mechanical behaviour). Figure 2:3D stack of optical and detecting devices The resolution of a single subimage can be highly improved by applying a simple shift-and-add post processing algorithm to the set of undersampled raw subimages acquired by the camera (Fig.3) [1]. Figure1: Cooled Infrared Cam-On-Chip The optical wafer-level module is assembled with the IRFPA using advanced, innovative and precise techniques developed Figure 3: High resolution image after post processing. References : [1] De la Barriere, F., Druart, G., Guerineau, N., Lasfargues, G., Fendler, M., Lhermet, N., Taboury, J. Compact infrared cryogenic wafer level camera: design and experimental validation(2012) Applied Optics, 51(8), pp.1049-1060 [2] Lasfargues, G., Fendler, M., De La Barriere, F., Guerineau, N., Druart, G., Ribot, H., Moullec, J.-B. Surface shaping and 3D interconnection of optical functions on photodetector, using an optimized reflow process of solder bumps. (2012) Proceedings of Electronics System Integration Technology Conference, 4 th ESTC, to be published 23 2 InfraRed Imaging: Microbolometers Bolometer-based IR, THz, and multispectral Focal plane arrays: small pitch Pixel level packaging arrays Curved focal plane arrays 24 CEA-LETI 12µm pixels for uncooled infrared detectors Research topics : Uncooled infrared detector – Microbolometers – 12µm S. Becker, P. Imperinetti, J.-J. Yon, J.-L. Ouvrier-Buffet, V. Goudon, A. Hamelin, C. Vialle, A. Arnaud ABSTRACT: Recent developments at CEA, LETI have demonstrated the successful integration of 12µm pixels on a commercial VGA ROIC Shrinking the pixel pitch usually leads to a dramatic drop in sensitivity of thermal infrared (IR) detector. Therefore, in order to keep a signal-to-noise ratio acceptable, one way followed at CEA, LETI has been to improve the photolithographic resolution during the microbolometer process in order to reduce the width of the thermistor supporting legs. For these developments, the legs have been defined as thin as 300nm, leading to a thermal insulation greater than 200 MK/W. The TV-format ROIC (640x480 pixels) used for this study was initially designed for 17µm pixels, so an adaptation of the electrical contacts between the CMOS and the microbolometers has been necessary. The fill factor is naturally reduced in this situation, see figure 1. The cavity design has been adjusted to maximise the absorption coefficient in the range [8-12µm]. The mean absorbance value between 8 and 12µm has been measured at 63%. Since the fill factor is ~50%, this outstanding result proves that the optical cross section is greater than the geometrical cross section. Simulations performed in Comsol® environment have confirmed this behavior. Complementary electro-optical tests have been carried out using a f/1 optical aperture and a frame rate of 30Hz. Responsivity was measured using two blackbodies respectively set at 293K and 303K. The FPA temperature was regulated by a thermo-electrical cooler (TEC) at 303K. Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) and responsivity have been measured with a capacitive gain of 6pF and an integration time of 65µs. Table 1 : Electro-optical performances Responsivity 11.3mV/K Temporal NETD 53.6mK Pixel time constant 6.6ms FOM 353mK.ms The figure of merit (FOM) of IR uncooled detectors, expressed as the product between the temporal NETD and the time constant, is estimated around 353mK.ms. This FOM is similar to that of commercial 17µm a-Si FPA. Figure 1 : SEM photography of 12µm pixels on a 17µm pitch ROIC The electrical contacts between the readout circuit and the microbolometers have been achieved using a copper damascene process provided to fill the openings in the CMOS passivation layer with copper plugs. A reflective metallic film connecting the copper plugs and the microbolometer inputs has been deposited and patterned in order to manage the mismatch between the ROIC pitch and the microbolometer size. Such a damascene arrangement leads to a planar surface pretty perfect that improves significantly the conformation of the quarter-wave optical cavity and as a result, the absorption of the pixel. At the same time, the planar surface provided by the damascene option improves the photolithographic resolution used to pattern the thermistor supporting legs. A component of the first batch has been associated with a 35mm – F/1 objective, proving excellent imaging quality. Figure 2 : IR image obtained with 12µm pixels on TV-format ROIC Latest pixel size reduction of uncooled IR-FPA at CEA, LETI,S Becker, P Imperinetti; JJ Yon ; JL OuvrierBuffet ; V Goudon ; A Hamelin ; C Vialle ; A Arnaud Proc. SPIE 8541, Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications IX, 85410C (October 24, 2012) References : 25 Broadband THz Uncooled AntennaCoupled Microbolometer Array. Electromagnetic Design, Simulations and Measurements Research topics : THZ Antenna-coupled bolometer, electromagnetic simulation, FTIR Duy-Thong Nguyen, François Simoens, Jean-Louis Ouvrier-Buffet, Jérôme Meilhan, and Jean-Louis Coutaz (IMEP-LAHC, Université de Savoie) ABSTRACT: Bolometer sensors are good candidates for THz imaging thanks to their maturity and capability to sense THz waves on the whole spectrum. Starting with infrared microbolometer technology, uncooled antennacoupled microbolometer focal plane array are being developed at CEA-LETI with the objective of offering lowcost, real-time 2D terahertz imaging sensors. One of the major challenges is studying the optical coupling mechanism of the detector in THz frequency range. We present results of the electromagnetic design and characterization process of these focal plane arrays, concentrating on the spectral absorption. II. DESIGN AND SIMULATION A schematic of one pixel of the detector array is shown in Fig. 1. The 50 µm pitch detector associates quasi-double-bowtie antennas to a thermometer microbridge structure derived from the standard infrared bolometers. The function of these antennas is to couple the incident wave to the load resistances, located at the center of the bolometer. Absorptance Simulation 1 0.8 Absorptance I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND For THz detection, standard uncooled microbolometer sensors are not optimized and exhibit limited sensitivity [1]. Thus, starting from the well-mastered infrared technology; developments are being undertaken by several institutes to shift response of IR detectors to THz range [2] – [3]. Such adaptation entails significant works of electromagnetic modeling of the pixel and development of experimental techniques to validate the designs in this poorly exploited spectral range where measurement methods are most of the time inexistent. This paper presents the design, simulation and experimental validation of a broadband THz antennacoupled microbolometers developed at CEA-LETI. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 Frequency [THz] Figure 2: Simulated absorptance of the detector for cross polarization Absorption is evaluated through interferogram measurement of bolometer with a TDS where a chopper and a lock-in amplifier are employed to enhance SNR. The simulated absorption matches very well with experiment for considered polarization. The same absorption peak as the simulation at 1.35 THz is present and the shape of the absorption curve exhibits the same features. Figure 3: FTIR absorptance measurement for one polarization Figure 1: Simulation scheme of one antenna-coupled bolometer pixel To enhance antenna gain, an equivalent quarter-wavelength resonant cavity is realized under the antennas with an 11-μm thick SiO2 layer deposited over a metallic reflector. The 2D focal plane array (FPA) is a periodic arrangement of the previously described antenna-coupled micro-bolometers. Thus this 2D antennas arrays can be treated as a frequency selective surface (FSS) and simulations are performed for a single pixel using Floquet port with periodic boundary condition. Knowing the total dissipated heat on the microbridge and the power delivered at the Floquet port, one can infer the absorption efficiency of the detector (Fig. 2). References : [1] [2] [3] [4] III. CONCLUSION Results of electromagnetic designs of antenna coupled microbolometers are successfully compared to detector’s spectral absorptance measurement [4]. Both modeling of such complex structure and characterization difficulty in the THz domain have been overcome and showed very promising results. These tools open the way to future enhancement of THz uncooled bolometer imaging array performances and absorption range through new optimized designs. Lee A., & al. "Real-time imaging using a 4.3-THz quantum cascade laser and a 240×320 element focal-plane array," Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2006 and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. CLEO/QELS 2006. Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-2, 21-26 May 2006 M. A. Dem’yanenko, & al. "Microbolometer detector arrays for the infrared and terahertz ranges", Journal of Optical Technology, 76, 739 (2009) N. Oda, "Uncooled bolometer-type terahertz focal plane array and camera for real-time imaging", C. R. Phys. 11, pp. 496–509, 2010. D.T. Nguyen et al., Broadband THz Uncooled Antenna-coupled Microbolometer Array – Electromagnetic Design, Simulations and Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (2012) 26 Terahertz frequency agility of uncooled antenna-coupled microbolometer arrays Research topics : Multispectral IR-VIS-THz imager, sub-THz uncooled antenna bolometer Jérôme Meilhan, François Simoens, Jérémy Lalanne-Dera, Serge Gidon, Gilles Lasfargues, Stéphane Pocas, Jean-Louis Ouvrier-Buffet ABSTRACT: Antenna coupled bolometer developed at CEA-Leti can address the whole THz range by proper tailoring of the antennas while keeping the technological stack unchanged. This paper presents the flexibility of the design regarding absorption frequency and presents its capability to sense frequencies below 1 THz. I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The development of Terahertz (THz) applications is restrained by the availability of affordable and highly-sensitive detectors. CEA-LETI took up this challenge by extending the sensibility of Infrared (IR) bolometer to THz range. Key feature of these detectors is the addition of tunable dipole antennas to the standard IR bolometer structure processed above a dielectric resonant cavity. Unlike other technological approaches under development (for ex. [1]), the optical absorber and thermometer are separate. We report on the pixel structure developed so far and detail the design of absorbing antennas. Multispectral application of antenna bolometers is also demonstrated with the realization of a multi-spectral imager. Finally, we present current studies to extend sensitivity below 1THz for passive imaging and demonstrate feasibility through preliminary simulation results. The flexibility of the developed antenna structure leads the path to multispectral THz FPA. A monolithic 160x160 bolometers FPA assembling IR sensors surrounding 32x32 THz pixels has been developed [3]. Tested performances are at state of the art of both imaging domains as NETD of IR channel is better than 50mK and NEP of THz channel is comparable to previous achievements [4]. II. Real-time video acquisition has been laboratory test setup illustrated in Fig. optical test pattern standing in the way Cascade Laser (QCL) beam optical path Visible and THz ranges. RESULTS Figure 2 : Setup for Visible / THz real time imaging tests performed in the 2 where a paper of a THz-Quantum is imaged both in Simulated Absorptance of Pixel 850 GHz 1 Absorption 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Frequency [THz] Figure 2 : Absorption of adapted antenna bolometer for f < 1 THz Figure 1 : Detailed structure of 2-stage antenna-coupled bolometer The two-stage antenna structure (Fig. 1) provides efficient coupling of the 2 cross-polarization components of incoming radiation [2]. One polarization excites the longer bowtie antenna (“DC antenna”). A lower stack level antenna (“CC antenna”) collects the other polarization. A sub-antenna located on the microbridge capacitively couples this polarization-related current. Induced currents of both antennas heat up the suspended membrane through Joule dissipation in matched load resistances. From now on this technological stack is consolidated and absorption frequency is adjusted by proper tailoring of antenna dimensions and loads. Designs optimized for 1.7 THz and 2.4THz central frequency have shown excellent agreement between FEM modeling and absorption measurements. Imaging at frequency f below 1 THz can be addressed while keeping thickness of the resonant cavity and µ-bridge dimensions by integration of metallic structures in the vertical technological stack. In Fig. 3, first simulations of a 70-μm pitch antenna-coupled bolometer show better than 80 % optical absorption, between 0.8-0.9 THz. III. CONCLUSION Antenna-coupled bolometer solution for uncooled THz imaging is on its way to reach maturity. The pixel structure has been successfully adapted to different frequencies and its integration in a monolithic multispectral FPA has been demonstrated. Foreseen studies will address the demonstration of the structure to be tuned seamlessly to low THz frequency range. References : [1] Oda N, “Uncooled bolometer-type Terahertz focal plane array and camera for real-time imaging”, C. R. Physique 11, pp.496–509 (2010) [2] D.T. Nguyen et al., Broadband THz Uncooled Antenna-coupled Microbolometer Array – Electromagnetic Design, Simulations and Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (2012) [3] M. Perenzoni., “A monolithic visible, infrared and terahertz 2D detector”, IRMMW-THz 2010 [4] F. Simoens et al, “Real-time imaging with THz fully-customized uncooled amorphous-silicon microbolometer FPAs”, SPIE 2012 27 Innovative monolithic detector for Tri-Spectral (THz, IR, Vis) imaging Research topics : micro-bolometer, THz, Infra-Red, photodiode, multispectral S.Pocas, M. Perrenzoni *, F. Simoens, J. Meilhan, W. Rabaud, B. Delplanque, A. Arnaud (*Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, Italy) ABSTRACT: Fusion of multispectral images has been explored for many years for security and used in a number of commercial products. CEA-Leti and FBK have developed an innovative sensor technology that gathers monolithically on a unique focal plane arrays, pixels sensitive to radiation in three spectral ranges that are terahertz (THz), infrared (IR) and visible. This technology benefits of many assets for volume market: compactness, full CMOS compatibility on 200mm wafers, advanced functions of the CMOS read-out integrated circuit (ROIC), and operation at room temperature. The ROIC houses visible APS diodes while IR and THz detections are carried out by microbolometers collectively processed above the CMOS substrate. CEA-Leti and FBK have developed a multispectral, real time imaging sensor [1]. The main challenge was to integrate monolithically three different sensing principles on the same substrate: the detector combines pixels sensitive in the visible and NIR range (400-900nm), in the thermal infrared band (8-12 µm) and in the terahertz frequency range from 13 THz. Such integration has benefited from mature thermal infrared bolometer technology [2] and developments of innovative THz antenna-coupled silicon microbolometer [3] at CEA-Leti. The specifications of the sensor have been set to suit low price applications. This constraint has motivated the design of a focal plane on a CMOS substrate fully compatible with standard silicon processing and operation at room temperature to avoid any expensive cooling equipment (thermo electric coolers, liquid helium, etc.). The IR and THz pixels are simultaneously manufactured above the ASIC wafer. First, a THz metallic reflector is patterned on the CMOS passivation layer. Then an 11µm planarized thick oxide is deposited. This stack acts as a quarter wavelength cavity which improves significantly the optical coupling efficiency for the THz bolometer. The micro bridges are fabricated above this cavity, applying process steps directly transposed from the CEA-LETI standard infrared bolometer flow chart. Copper-plugged TOVs (Through silicon-Oxide Vias) connect the bolometer sensor level down to the CMOS read-out-circuit (ROIC) upper metal pads through the thick dielectric cavity. The CMOS ROIC designed by FBK, supports both visible 2D array pixels and the mandatory Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for the 3-channel signal readout. The FPA has been arranged with 32x32 THz pixels with a 50µm pitch surrounded by 160X160 IR pixels with a 25µm pitch (Figure 2). The visible diodes are located underneath each IR pixel buried inside the CMOS substrate. Figure 2: Transversal view of the tri-spectral focal plane All the electrical tests performed on this new microbolometers combination, show a high level of operability which means a perfect control of the technological manufacturing. Indded we obtained many dies per wafer with an operability of 100% for the THz microbolometers and >99.5% for the IR bolometers in the same Focal Plane Arrays. Figure 1: Schematic view of the Focal Plane Array The performances of each bolometer conform to the state of the art in term of sensivity. Indeed we measured a NETD <50mK for IR pixel and a NEP~33pW @1.7THz for THz pixels. Due to the high yield and good sensivity, real time videos with a good quality have been performed in the three spectral modes. References : [1] S. Pocas, M. Perenzoni N. Massari, F. Simoens, J. Meilhan, W. Rabaud, S.Martin, B. Delplanque, P Imperinetti, V. Goudon, C. Vialle, A. Arnaud, “Innovative monolithic detector for tri-spectral (THz, IR, Vis) imaging”, Proc. SPIE 8544, (2012) [2] J.J. Yon, A. Astier, S. Bisotto, G. Chaming’s, A. Durand, J. L. Martin, E. Mottin, J.L. Ouvrier-Buffet, J. L. Tissot, “First demonstration of 25µm pitch uncooled amorphous silicon microbolometer IRFPA at LETI-LIR, Proc. SPIE 5783, 432-440 (2005). [3] F. Simoens, J. Meilhan, B. Delplanque, S. Gidon, G. Lasfargues, J. Lalanne Dera, D.T. Nguyen, J.L. Ouvrier-Buffet, S. Pocas, T. Maillou, S. Barbieri , “Real-time imaging with THz fully-customized uncooled amorphous-silicon microbolometer focal plane arrays”, Proc. SPIE 8363, (2012) 28 World first infrared image using Pixel Level Packaging technology Research topics : Infrared detector, microbolometer, pixel level packaging G. Dumont, L. Carle, V. Goudon, C. Vialle, S. Becker, A. Hamelin, A. Arnaud, JJ. Yon ABSTRACT: The success and the commercial availability of uncooled infrared detectors has recently attracted new interest in the outlook of IR sensors of lower resolution for high volume markets such as home automation. The cost objectives for these markets however require a technological breakthrough, particularly in regard to the vacuum packaging of these components which remains an adverse cost driver for the microbolometer technology. In this context, CEA-LETI has proposed and has committed in a pixel level packaging technology. This paper presents the recent development at CEA-LETI on this technology that aims at encapsulating each pixel under vacuum in the direct continuity of the bolometer process. Pixel Level Packaging (PLP hereafter) process consists in the manufacturing of IR transparent microcaps that cover each microbolometer (i.e. each pixel) of the array [1](see Fig.1). To be efficient, the microcap has to be hermetically sealed under vacuum and maintain the vacuum level in the 10-3 mbar range requested for nominal IR detector operation. The main point (regarding cost reduction objectives) is that the PLP process is thoroughly carried out directly on the readout integrated circuit and bolometers wafer, in a full collective way. compatibility of PLP with respect to bolometer and CMOS technologies. Moreover, resulting devices were used to take the world first infrared images using a pixel level packaged detector (see Fig.2). The optical performances measured on these devices prove the vacuum quality inside the packaging and are already compatible with IR sensors applications. [3] Anti-reflection and sealing layer Microcap Reflector / Getter Bolometer Figure 1: SEM view of a microbolometer after PLP process CEA-LETI has already successfully demonstrated that the PLP concept, when applied on a single microbolometer pixel, can provide the required vacuum below 10-3 mbar [2]. Since this feasibility milestone, CEA-LETI has pushed forward the development of this technology: the bolometers and PLP processes have been implemented onto operational readout circuits CMOS base wafers with a 34µm pixel pitch. Electrical resistance measurements have been performed directly on wafers at different steps of the overall process in order to evaluate the impact of PLP over bolometer and CMOS technologies. First measurements were done after the bolometer process and before PLP. Second measurements were performed after PLP. Therefore it has been possible to follow the overall number of defective pixels before and after PLP resulting in a PLP yield of 99.77%. This demonstrates the References : Figure 2: First infrared image made with a PLP device Therefore PLP technology has been successfully carried out on a 320x240 readout circuit leading to the first presentation of a PLP image. This key result demonstrates that, as a very low cost collective packaging technology, PLP is well suited to address the high volume market of low-resolution IR sensors. The next step aims at developing a fully dedicated 80x80 CMOS readout circuit to address the foreseen market. 57 patents filed in 2011 [1] M. Vilain, “Procédés et dispositifs de fabrication de détecteurs de rayonnement”, FR 2 822 541 French Patent, 380 (2001).patents portfolio [2] G. Dumont, W. Rabaud, X. Baillin, JL. Pornin, L. Carle, V. Goudon, C. Vialle, M. Pellat, A. Arnaud, “Pixel level packagin g for uncooled 20% under licence IRFPA”, Infrared technology and Applications XXXVII, Proc. SPIE Vol. 8012, (2011). [3] G. Dumont, W. Rabaud, J-J. Yon, L. Carle, V. Goudon, C. Vialle, Sébastien Becker, Antoine Hamelin, A. Arnaud, “Current progress on pixel level packaging for uncooled IRFPA”, Infrared technology and Applications XXXVIII, Proc. SPIE Vol. 8353, (2012). 29 Pixel level packaging technology performances Research topics : Infrared detector, microbolometer, pixel level packaging G. Dumont, L. Carle, V. Goudon, C. Vialle, S. Becker, A. Hamelin, A. Arnaud, JJ. Yon ABSTRACT: The success and the commercial availability of uncooled infrared detectors has recently attracted new interest in the outlook of IR sensors of lower resolution for high volume markets such as home automation. The cost objectives for these markets however require a technological breakthrough, particularly in regard to the vacuum packaging of these components which remains an adverse cost driver for the microbolometer technology. In this context, CEA-LETI has proposed and has committed in a pixel level packaging technology. This paper presents the optical and ageing performances measured on the first devices using this technology manufactured at CEA-LETI. Pixel Level Packaging (PLP hereafter) process consists in the manufacturing of IR transparent microcaps that cover each microbolometer (i.e. each pixel) of the array [1](see Fig.1). To be efficient, the microcap has to be hermetically sealed under vacuum and maintain the vacuum level in the 10-3 mbar range requested for nominal IR detector operation. The main point (regarding cost reduction objectives) is that the PLP process is thoroughly carried out directly on the readout integrated circuit and bolometers wafer, in a full collective way. Anti-reflection and sealing layer Furthermore, in order to evaluate the PLP vacuum integrity along time, CEA-LETI has initiated some accelerated ageing tests on unitary PLP pixels which are fully representative of those of the IRFPA. For that, the thermal resistance of a PLP test device has been regularly measured while being baked in an oven at 90°C during one month. Indeed, as the thermal resistance of a microbolometer is strongly linked to its surrounding pressure, this is a good indicator to assess the residual pressure inside PLP cavities. These measurements were performed in-situ, enabling to keep the device under test at 90°C all the time. Microcap Reflector / Getter Bolometer Figure 1 : SEM view of a microbolometer after PLP process Figure 2 : Thermal resistance evolution during 30 days at 90°C CEA-LETI has already demonstrated that the PLP can provide the required vacuum below 10-3 mbar [2]. PLP technology has also been implemented onto operational readout circuits CMOS base wafers resulting in the first infrared images taken with pixel level packaged detectors [3]. After one month ageing at 90°C, the thermal resistance shows a degradation of only 3% with respect to its starting value (see Fig.2). This excellent result is in agreement with previous work [3], where no noticeable evolution of the thermal resistance was measured after a full year at room temperature. A Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) measurement has also been performed on these first imaging devices resulting in a value of 117mK. If we subtract the acquisition chain noise in a quadratic way, the intrinsic bolometer NETD is evaluated at 100 mK. This first result is very promising as it already fit the required performances for addressing the low-end and low-cost IR sensors market. Moreover, the pixel time constant is 6ms and is therefore compatible with classical operation at 60Hz. Although this preliminary result must be improved to reach the required lifetime expected for the foreseen application, it is already a key result as it proves that PLP still features a residual pressure below 10-2 mbar after this accelerated ageing test. This result enforces PLP technology as a conceivable packaging solution for uncooled IRFPA for very high volume applications. References : [1] M. Vilain, “Procédés et dispositifs de fabrication de détecteurs de rayonnement”, FR 2 822 541 French Patent, (2001). [2] G. Dumont, W. Rabaud, X. Baillin, JL. Pornin, L. Carle, V. Goudon, C. Vialle, M. Pellat, A. Arnaud, “Pixel level packagin g for uncooled IRFPA”, Infrared technology and Applications XXXVII, Proc. SPIE Vol. 8012, (2011). [3] G. Dumont, W. Rabaud, J-J. Yon, L. Carle, V. Goudon, C. Vialle, Sébastien Becker, Antoine Hamelin, A. Arnaud, “Current progress on pixel level packaging for uncooled IRFPA”, Infrared technology and Applications XXXVIII, Proc. SPIE Vol. 8353, (2012). 30 Hemispherical infrared focal plane arrays: a new design parameter for the instruments. Research topics: Curved focal plane array, infrared, large field of view instruments M.Fendler, D.Dumas, P.Laporte* (*OBSPM, Meudon) ABSTRACT: In ground based astronomy, mainly all designs of sky survey telescopes are limited by the requirement that the detecting surface is flat whereas the focal surface is curved. We propose an ideal solution which is to curve the focal plane array in a spherical shape, thanks to our monolithic process developed at CEALETI based on thinned silicon substrates which allows a 100% optical fill factor In astronomy, projects such as wide survey ground based telescopes and the miniaturization of spatial launched instruments need a novel camera design. Correction of aberrations is one of the primary challenges to achieve that camera optical design breakthrough; nature gives us an interesting solution, which has never been copied before, by curving the focal plane of animal and human eyes. Indeed, the curved shape suppresses aberration of curvature and then leads to a simplification and a miniaturization of the camera design (Fig.1) [1]. Figure 2: Concave hemispherical 320 x 256, 25µm pitch infrared microbolometers array (80mm bending radius) Figure 1: Performance (PSF) and camera design simplification provided by curved curved focal plane CEA-LETI has developed a process to curve detectors in hemispherical shapes. The process allows curving the whole detector without modifying the flowchart and saving a 100 % fill factor (Fig.2) [2,3]. Infrared pixels did not suffer from mechanical and electrical damages after the spherical bending. The camera based on curved detector is fully compliant with standard cameras in terms of integration and electrical noise (Fig.3), and moreover, it offers better optical quality as well as a simplification and miniaturization of the optical design. Figure 3: Electro-optical performances of the monolithic curved focal plane array (see Fig.2) The bending radius is now a new parameter for future optical designs that might revolutionize telescope architecture, as well as any kind of retina-based imaging systems needing simplification and miniaturization of the optical design. Indeed, all technological areas would benefit from this new generation of detectors and novels applications such as biomedical cameras, robotic eyes, small spectrometers, and Unnamed Aerial Vehicles for civil and military surveillance… References : [1] Fendler, M., Dumas, D., Chemla, F., Cohen, M., Laporte, P., Tekaya, K., Primot, J., Le Coarer, E., Ribot, H. Hemispherical infrared focal plane arrays: a new design parameter for the instruments. (2012) Proceedings of SPIE, High energy, optical, and infrared detectors for astronomy, 8453, art.no 8453-60 [2] Dumas, D., Fendler, M., Berger, F., Cloix, B., Pornin, C., Baier, N., Druart, G., Primot, J., Le Coarer, E. An infrared camera based on curved retina (2012) Optics Letters, Vol.37, No.4, pp.653-655 [3] Dumas, D., Fendler, M., Baier, N., Primot, J., Le Coarer, E. Curved focal plane detector array for wide field cameras (2012) Applied Optics, 51(22), pp.5419 - 5424 31 Complete THz system for reflection real-time imaging with uncooled antenna-coupled bolometer arrays Research topics : High resolution Terahertz imaging components and system F. Simoens, J. Meilhan, J. Lalanne-Dera, S. Gidon, G. Lasfargues, S.Martin, S. Pocas, J.-L. OuvrierBuffet, D. Guillaume (CEA INAC-SBT), V. Jagtap, S. Barbieri (Laboratoire MPQ, Université Paris 7) ABSTRACT: CEA-Leti has developed a real-time reflection imaging system: it combines illumination by QCL sources and a telescope that focuses the reflected radiation onto a camera that houses an uncooled 320x240 antenna-coupled micro-bolometer array driven by a FPGA card. High spatial resolution images of large illuminated surfaces are acquired in real-time. Such demonstration performance is a premiere in the high frequency range THz imaging field. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Practical terahertz (THz) systems require reduced acquisition time that can be achieved by the use of focal-plane array (FPA) cameras instead of single-point detectors. Antennacoupled micro-bolometer arrays developed by CEA-Leti fulfills this demand, with prototyped 320x240 pixel sensors optimized for detection in the 1.5-3.5 THz range [1]. Moreover, for most of the envisaged applications, real-time reflection imaging is to be applied to analyze very absorbing materials. This expectation has motivated the development of a complete reflection active THz imaging demonstrator by Leti in collaboration with other CEA divisions and French universities. I. IMAGING TESTS RESULTS An optical test pattern has been placed in front of a metallic plane mirror. The THz video camera images the letters in real-time with a better than 2 mm spatial resolution. 55mm IMAGING DEMONSTRATOR DESCRIPTION Figure 2 : Imaged test pattern for optical resolution estimation This target has been covered by a nylon clean room coat: tests have shown that still the imaging system sensitivity is sufficient to image the reflected beam after propagation in more than 1 m in air and two-way crossing through the textile. Figure 1 : CEA THz reflection active imaging demonstrator The demonstrator combines a THz source, an optical system and an uncooled bolometer camera. The THz source consists in associated THz Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) of the French Paris 7 University [2] integrated in a CEA-INAC designed cryogenic pulse tube cooler. A specific illumination optical setup guides the THz beam towards the scene on a 40x60mm2 surface. Then the reflected and backscattered radiation from the scene is collected and focused by a Newton telescope onto the sensitive surface of the 320x240 bolometer array embedded in a dedicated vacuum sealed packaging. This focal plane array (FPA) is driven by commercial FPGA and customized front-end electronic cards housed in a camera box (Fig. 4). The demonstrator is fully integrated in an autonomous and transportable hermitically closed system. This housing allows air drying of 3 of the whole 4 m beam optical path from the source to the camera. Figure 2 : Real time reflected image of the target hidden by nylon coat CONCLUSION Real-time imaging of a 40x60 mm² illuminated surface has been demonstrated with a typical 2 mm resolution thanks to the large surface of the antenna-coupled bolometer array and to a telescope-like optical system. Forthcoming work will aim at improving beam shaping and homogenization and at demonstrating the capabilities of spectro-imaging on the bolometer FPA with multiple-frequency illumination. These encouraging achievements open the way to industrial transfer for several applications where reflection imaging is required to analyze opaque materials. References : [1] F. Simoens, J. Meilhan, B. Delplanque, S. Gidon, G. Lasfargues, J. Lalanne Dera, D.T. Nguyen, J.L. Ouvrier-Buffet, S. Pocas, T. Maillou, O. Cathabard, S. Barbieri, “Real-time imaging with THz fully-customized uncooled amorphous-silicon microbolometer FPAs”, Proc. SPIE 8363, 83630D (2012) [2] S. Barbieri., J. Alton, J. Fowler, H. E. Beere, E. H. Linfield, D. A. Ritchie, “2.9THz quantum cascade lasers operating up to 70K in continuous wave”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1674 (2004) 32 33 3 Display components Small pitch active matrix LCDs and associated technologies OLED small displays: electrical modeling, active matrix, encapsulation Quantum dot OLEDs 34 Development of 5 µm-Pixel Pitch Active- Matrix for Transmissive LCD Picoprojector Research topics: LCD, Picoprojector, Microdisplay, Transfer on glass F Templier, U Rossini, D Sarrasin, L Clerc, T Flahaut, V Larrey and J Segura-Puchades (LETI/ DACLE) ABSTRACT: Development of transparent active-matrix for picoprojector with 5 µm color-pixel pitch has been shown. Transfer on glass of pre-processed SOI wafer, followed by silicon grinding and post-process on glass has been achieved. This process seems to be very suitable for the fabrication of high-resolution picoprojectors with transmissive LCDs. Recently a great interest has been shown for picoprojectors which can be used as stand-alone devices or ultimately integrated in portable devices such as cameras or cellphones. To fabricate an easy-to-make and compact optical system for picoprojector, transmissive LCD can be an excellent solution. To achieve this, it is necessary to have a transmissive, very small pixel-pitch (5 µm or less) activematrix. Silicon Integrated Circuit (IC) technologies provides very small pitch such as 5 µm, however silicon is not transmissive. Here we present [1] the design and development of very-small pitch (5 µm, color-pixel) transmissive active-matrix suited for LCD-based picoprojector, made from SOI circuit transferred on glass plate. The original process is the following (Figure 1). First part of the process consists of processing 200 mm SOI wafers with conventional IC technology including 6-level copper interconnect. Then wafers are transferred on standard borosilicate 200 mm glass wafer and backside silicon is removed by grinding. Subsequently, post-process is performed to define vias, light-shield, both made using standard dual-damascene process. Finally, the pixel electrode is made by deposition of ITO and patterning with plasma etching. All this post-process is made on standard silicon-line equipment. in each field during the insulation step all over the wafer to compensate. After correction, pattern positions are measured and we could find that compensation is fully efficient, which is a major result of the development. Use of copper interconnect provides very narrow line and columns thanks to the high conductivity, which contributes to the good aperture ratio combined with the very small pixel pitch. Vias are opened using plasma etching. Vias filling and metallization patterning are made using conventional damascene process. ITO electrode is then deposited by PVD, which is followed by annealing. Plasma etching of ITO pixel electrodes leads to tapered edges, which helps good covering of subsequent liquid crystal alignment layer, combined with very good insulation despite the small spacing between pixels. Quality of insulation could be assessed by electrical measurements, which has been done using test patterns which consists in ITO lines separated by a given distance ranging from 0.25 to 1 µm. We could evidence that for a spacing as small as 0.5 µm, defect density is around 0.05 m1 . Considering the actual pixel layout, this corresponds to less than 0.5 defects per display, which is encouraging for a first evaluation in development step. Figure 2: Processed glass-wafer (left) and processed active-matrix made from SOI wafer transferred on glass and with post-process (right). Figure 1: Step-by-step original process for transmissive IC active matrix from SOI After transfer of SOI wafer on glass, distortion occurs due to the mismatch of mechanical properties (e. g. Young’s modulus) between Si and Glass. This distortion could be measured using the photolithography tool (ASM300 stepper). After measurement (we found a radial distortion), the stepper computes the required correction and applies it Design and fabrication of transparent active-matrix for picoprojector with 5 µm color-pixel pitch and 70 % of open aperture has been shown. Transfer on glass of pre-processed SOI wafer, followed by silicon grinding and post-process on glass consisting of 3 photolithography levels has been achieved. Distortion after transfer on glass has been measured and we show that it can be compensated. This process seems very suitable for the fabrication of highresolution picoprojectors using transmissive, SOI-based LCD [1]. References: [1] F.Templier, U. Rossini, D. Sarrasin, L. Clerc, T. Flahaut, J. Segura-Puchades, V. Larrey, H. Wehbe-Alause, M. Marty, “Development of 5 µmpixel pitch active-matrix for transmissive LCD picoprojector”, The 19th International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display 2012 (IDW/AD’12), December 4-7 2012, Kyoto, Japan (2012) 35 Transferring silicon on glass Research topics: transfer, glass wafer, SOI, distortion U.ROSSINI and T.FLAHAUT (LETI/ DTSI) ABSTRACT: We observed a negative expansion coefficient when transferring Silicon on glass wafer. Such an expansion is not afforded by the stepper correction capability, so we tried to understand the mechanism of expansion and a way to correct it. In the project aimed at achieving a transmissive LCD micro display (see “Development of 5 µm-Pixel Pitch Active- Matrix for Transmissive LCD Picoprojector” in this report), one process step is the transfer of silicon backplane from an SOI wafer on a glass wafer. The post process then consists in making the electrical interconnects for each pixel through the bulk oxide until the first metallic layer (metal 1). After transfer of SOI wafer on glass, distortion occurs due to the mismatch of mechanical properties (e. g. Young’s modulus) between Si and Glass. To get the maximum open aperture ratio for the pixel, we tried to avoid the oversizing of via and then we tried to minimize distortion effects during transfer. To evaluate the distortion we used mainly data coming from the photolithography tool (ASM300 stepper). We measured mainly a negative extension phenomenon, which couldn’t be explained yet by temperature consideration as the transfer step was done at room temperature and as slippage is not possible after transfer during curing step. We suggested that Young modulus difference between glass and silicon was responsible of the distortion phenomenon, as explained in the next section. When bonding two wafers, the distortion ε inside each wafer increases with decreasing the distance to the wafers interface: e=0 dz h Wafers Interface previous experiment, it can be calculated from the previous formula that 30mJ/m² was necessary. This value is consistent with the 70 to 100mJ/m² released during the transfer. The remaining energy is used to remove the air between the wafers, controlling then the propagation speed of the bonding front as explained in [1]. Furthermore, if we calculate this expansion when the wafers have different thicknesses hi, we may find the following link between the overall distortion and the sticking energy : 3(hglassEglass hSi ESi ) 2 (hglassEglass hSi ESi ) * hglassEglass * hSi ESi This means that hi Ei =0 * 2 will give no expansion. As, for example, silicon has a Young modulus twice the one of glass, the silicon wafer must be half glass wafer thickness. Controlling the expansion is important because this amount is found to be the limit capability of the stepper in expansion correction when doing the post process photolithography on the glass wafers. The last formula for the overall distortion has been experimentally verified by Vincent LARREY from LETI/DTSI/SSURF department and reported in the document [2] and following graph (Fig.1). Two values for the Young modulus have been considered for both crystalline axes of Silicon (1.1.0 and 1.0.0) and a sticking energy of 75mJ/m² has been measured. e(z) e=ei T We suppose a transversal component T of the Van der Waals forces occurring at the wafers interfaces during the bonding of both wafers. For a slice wafer of surface S and infinitesimal thickness dz, the mechanical energy J needed to induce the distortion ε(z)i can be written as: 1 .J i * S * z * Ei * ( z )i2 2 where Ei represents the young modulus for glass and Silicon, S is the wafer area, dz is the infinitesimal thickness. Then integrating the previous elastic energy on the whole thickness of the wafer and assuming that the tension T is the same for both wafers, the total elastic energy stored in both wafers during the bonding process can be written as: Theory curves with 75mJ/m² Theory axe 1.1.0 0 Theory axe 1.0.0 -5 ) m-10 p (p-15 n o is -20 n a p xE-25 -30 Experimal values -35 300 400 500 600 700 Silicon wafer Thickness µm 800 Eglass * ESi 1 J total Sh * ( Eglass ESi ) * 2 2 3 ( Eglass ESi ) Figure 1: Experimental measurement in blue versus theory (red and green curves) where h is the thickness of each wafers and ε the measured expansion after transfer on glass. In order to generate the -20ppm expansion measured in the We can see effectively that the negative expansion is nearly zero when the silicon wafer thickness tends to 350µm which is half thickness of glass wafer (700µm). References [1] F. Rieutord, B Bataillou, H Moriceau, Dynamics of a bonding front, PRL 94, 236101 (2005) [2] Berthod Loic, Vincent Larrey .Collage des hétéro-structures et des déformations de nappes (2012) 36 Enhanced Cholesteric Liquid crystal phase modulator Research topics: liquid crystal, cholesteric, birefringence, phase modulation U.ROSSINI ABSTRACT: Using the Poincare sphere tool, we describe a method to avoid residual birefringence when using Cholesteric liquid crystal in phase modulator devices. This simple method consists of determining the correct alignment direction for the liquid crystal for each internal side of the device. Phase modulation is often made by using nematic liquid crystal with homogeneous alignment and polarized light in the direction of the extraordinary index of the liquid crystal. However many applications in optics need to work with nonpolarized light and then two devices with orthogonal orientations must used to act on natural light. A well-known arrangement with only one nematic liquid crystal device uses a quarter wavelength plate and a mirror but works only if transparency of the device is not required. Cholesteric liquid crystal has been proposed for phase modulation on non-polarized light. This implies that the liquid crystal must act in the same manner whatever the light polarization. We can imagine that a polarized light will cross the liquid crystal in each direction (extraordinary and ordinary) if the Cholesteric pitch is short enough regarding the device thickness (d). The average optical index will be equal to no+1/2Δn independently of the polarization direction. If the liquid crystal is activated in homeotropic direction (perpendicularly to the surface) using voltage, the optical index will be no. Using the Poincare sphere (well-known method to represent light polarization, circular polarized light at the pole until linear polarized light on equator) we can observe that a polarized light through the device becomes slightly elliptic depending of polarization, effectively, the optical effect due to Cholesteric liquid crystal may be summarized as the action of a elliptical bi-refringent layer (represented by K vector on the following graph). Then, the effect on a linear polarized light, is like a rotation on the Poincare sphere around this k axe when going through the liquid crystal. The highest the twist (k*2), more the birefringent axe (k) will be in vertical position and less will be the residual ellipticity. However, by giving a particular twist (θ) to the liquid crystal, we can avoid what is called the residual birefringence in devices using Cholesteric liquid crystal. Here Amp is the rotation around the elliptical birefringent axe. If Amp is a multiple of 2, (N*2), the light will turn back to initial position on the Poincare sphere and no ellipticity will be induced, whatever the polarization entrance position. Then the twist has to be: N2 d 2n2 2 2 k Experimentally, the specified value for the twist of the Cholesteric liquid crystal can be obtained by buffing the polyimide in the good direction. As an example, using MLC2062 from Merck and adequate Cholesteric proportion in device with thickness 5.1µm, the correction ε is computed to be 26°, 36°, 62° for respectively k= 7, 5, 3. The correction needed, will tend to be zero when the number of gyrations increases to infinity (the k axe coincides with Y axe on Poincare sphere). 2 k 1 Ellipticité induite Elliptical biréfringent No correction Angle non adapté with correction Angle adapté e 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 10 Polarisation Entrance Liquid crystal Figure 1: Action of elliptical birefringent layer 30 50 70 90 Azimut entrée ENTRANCE POLARISATION (°) Figure 2: DIMOS computing comparing ellipticity obtained with and without correction Using DIMOS (dedicated Liquid crystal software) we can verify that applying the computed correction, the induced ellipticity is effectively zero regardless the entrance polarization. U ROSSINI and L CLERC, METHOD OF PRODUCING A PHASE DEVICE BASED ON A TWISTED LIQUID CRYSTAL HAVING OPTIMIZED STRUCTURE OPERATING UNDER UNPOLARIZED LIGHT, Patent WO 2013/023869 37 Electrical Modeling of a Full Stack Fluorescent Dual Emitter White PIN OLED Research topics: OLED, Electrical Modeling, Fit simulation K. Bouzid, H. Kanaan, H. Doyeux ABSTRACT: Electrical modeling of a full stack fluorescent dual emitter (blue + yellow) emitter white PIN OLED is performed using a commercial software and a set of material parameters obtained by extraction from single carrier devices JV curves. Simulation outputs show JV characteristics matching experimental JV curves and a consistent behavior. It is widely recognized that the development and optimization of OLED stacks could be speeded up by using electrical and optical modeling of their behavior. Such numerical tools could give, when mastered, preliminary results concerning innovative structures or new materials or even help speeding up stack optimization procedures. As for any simulation tool, it is of prime importance for data input values to be as close as possible to reality in order to obtain a quality model. In the present work, an electrical model of a full OLED stack (Figure 1) has been created using experimentally extracted parameters as input. The full modeled stack is a top emitting OLED made of following layers: Al / p-doped layer (29nm) / Yellow-doped NPB (1%) (5nm) / Blue-doped SMB013 (5%) (27nm) / Alq3 (5nm) / N-doped layer (22 nm) / Ag. Then, simulations based on this model have been run in order to match experimental JV curve with the numerical output. The goal was to validate the fit procedure used for parameter extraction as well as the full stack model behavior itself. Moreover, a particular importance is brought to the behavior of the simulated OLED. To investigate this, electric field, charge carriers and excitons profiles have been studied and all these points were found out to be closely reflective of the results expected from state of the art knowledge. For instance, carriers profile (Figure 3) shows an accumulation of electrons and holes at the SMB013/NPB interface which seems coherent with the big gap between the two material LUMOs and HOMOs but also with the differences in carrier mobilities. It also shows that each carrier type concentration is decaying starting from its injection electrode in accordance with material transport properties, revealing a pseudo-symmetry at the NPB/SMB013 interface that seems to be the node of the structure, as intended by design. Figure 1: Fluorescent Dual Emitter White PIN OLED: 0.44 cm² rectangular diodes, built on 200 mm silicon wafers One can observe in Figure 2 the superimposed simulated JV curve matching the experimental one. Figure 3: Free electron (full line) and free hole (dashed line) distribution profiles at 5V With this study ([1] and [2]), we demonstrated that a modeling of a full stack fluorescent dual emitter OLED based on parameters extracted from experimental devices was possible. To our knowledge, this work is the first successful attempt. Creating a model such strongly based on parameters extracted from experimental device characteristics will enable to build up a predictive model in the future, allowing further performance enhancement. Figure 2: Experimental (dots) and simulated (full line) current density versus voltage curves. References : [1] K. Bouzid, H. Kanaan and H. Doyeux, “Determination of electrical properties of OLED materials through combined measurements and simulation of single carrier devices”, ICOE 2012 conference proceedings. [2] K. Bouzid, H. Doyeux, H. Kanaan, “Electrical Modeling of a Full Stack Fluorescent Dual Emitter White PIN OLED”, IDW 2012 conference proceedings 38 Development of InGaZnO ThinFilm Transistors for activematrix OLED displays Research topics: Thin-film transistors, metal-oxide, OLED displays, active-matrix, XPS F Templier, Thuy Ngyuen, B Aventurier, G Rodriguez*, J-P Barnes*, O Renaud* (*LETI/ DTSI) ABSTRACT: We have developed bottom-gate IGZO thin-film transistors for active-matrix OLED displays. We investigated the relation between electrical properties and material composition, as a function of process conditions. The fabricated devices are state-of-the-art, except for threshold voltage, which has to be improved. Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors (IGZO TFTs) have shown interesting properties for application in activematrix displays, such as a high mobility and a good threshold voltage (Vth) stability [1]. LETI has started development of such devices, with very promising first results [2, 3]. Bottom-gate IGZO TFTs have been fabricated, and process conditions have been varied to include different annealing conditions (Oxygen or Nitrogen ambient). Their performances have been investigated by electrical characterizations. It has been found that characteristics strongly depend on annealing conditions. TFTs with Oxygen annealing exhibit standard TFT characteristics. In the meantime, TFTs without a post-annealing or with Nitrogen annealing exhibited poor characteristics, more particularly it looked as if channel could not be depleted in the reverse mode, IGZO layer behaving almost as a conductive layer. To understand the origins of this phenomenon, IGZO films from these devices have been analyzed by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). We have focused on the O1s peak (Figure 1), from which, after deconvolution, we could extract the respective contributions of oxygen contamination (peak O3 at 533.6 eV), oxygen vacancies (O2 at 532.7 eV) and oxygen-metal binding (O1 at 531eV). It can be seen that IGZO layers after annealing in N2 have higher concentration of oxygen vacancies. This is consistent with our electrical results since it is assumed that conduction in IGZO films is the result of oxygen vacancies. We have also investigated the effect of aging TFTs under air, with or without passivation. Electrical and XPS analysis where performed. Our work shows a relation between electrical properties and chemical composition as characterized by XPS. A first batch of IGZO TFTs has been realized and characterized. Figure 2 shows typical transconductance characteristics of such TFT. Figure 2: Typical transfer characteristics of bottom-gate IGZO thinfilm transistor, at Vd = 0.1 and Vd = 10 Volts. Device parameters have been extracted from the transfer characteristics and are summarized in table 1. Parameter Ion/Ioff Vth (V) µ (cm2/Vs) S (V/dec) Ioff (at Vg = -20V) Vd = 0.1 V Vd = 10 V 1,4. 108 -10,6 5,8 0,201 1.10-12 4,4. 109 -10,6 2,61 0,21 5. E-12 Table 1: Summary of IGZO TFT parameters extracted from transfer characteristics, in linear (left) and saturation (right) regimes. Conduction properties are very interesting, both regarding mobility, on-current and subthreshold slope. In the meantime, leakage current is very low, giving outstanding ON/OFF ratio. On the other hand, threshold voltage is well below zero, and this has to be improved. Overall, these first results are very encouraging. Our work contributes to finding a high-performance and reliable TFT technology for application in the domain of active-matrix displays. Figure 1: XPS O1s spectra of IGZO films after annealing under N2 (left) and in O2 (right) References : [1] T. Kamiya, K. Nomura, et H. Hosono, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, vol. 11, no 4, p. 044305, 2010. [2] T. Nguyen, B. Aventurier, G. Rodriguez, J.-P. Barnes, F. Templier “Characterization of transparent Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide semiconductor for application in thin-film transistors” Workshop nanoTransparent Conductive Materials (nanoTCM), 14-15 June 2012, Grenoble, France (2012) [3] T. Nguyen, B. Aventurier, G. Rodriguez, J.-P. Barnes, O. Renault, F. Templier “Analysis of IGZO films for the development of active-matrix OLED displays” 5th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE12) 2-5 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece (2012) 39 Stability of 8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum films encapsulated by a single Al2O3 barrier deposited by low temperature atomic layer deposition Research topics: Thin film encapsulation, OLED, organic electronics T. Maindron, J.-Y. Simon, E. Viasnoff, D. Lafond ABSTRACT: 100 nm thick AlQ3 films deposited onto silicon wafers have been encapsulated by mean of low temperature atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 (20 nm). Investigation of the film evolution under storage test as harsh as 65 °C/85% RH has been investigated up to ~ 1000 h and no severe degradation could be noticed. The results have been compared to raw AlQ3 films which deteriorate far faster in the same conditions. For that purpose, fluorescence measurements have been used to monitor the film evolution. The approach of this work has been motivated by the research for an encapsulation for OLED which was not based on usual polymeric decoupling layers but rather on molecular decoupling layers. Few examples of such molecular decoupling layers exist. Lee S.-N. et al. have described the use of the molecule 2-methyl-9,10-di(2-naphthyl)anthracene (MADN) as a decoupling layer between sputtered SiN and SiON layers [1]. The authors explained that the integration of a MADN layer in the encapsulation stack can planarize the surface of the (n−1)th inorganic barrier layer before the deposition of the subsequent nth layer thus leading to lower pinhole density in the nth layer. The whole WVTR is thus reduced. Liu et al. have integrated AlQ3 films between evaporated LiF layers for the encapsulation of top-emitting OLED [2]. One of the main advantages of such molecular layers is that they are easily vacuum-deposited so that the encapsulation process may potentially be fully integrated in the OLED fabrication line without any additional tool required for polymer deposition. The deposition of Al2O3 films from ALD onto amorphous molecular films has been found however not to be an easy task. In this work, the AlQ3 molecule has been found to be a material of choice for that purpose because it shows a high stability to the low temperature ALD of Al(CH3)3/H2O process (Fig. 1). Figure 1: (left) the AlQ3 molecule; (right) description of the test develop in this work; AlQ3 thickness is 100 nm; Al2O3 is 20 nm Two other molecular films of 4,7-diphenyl-1,10phenanthroline (BPhen) and 2,2 ′ ,7,7 ′ -tetra(N, N-ditolyl)amino-spiro-bifluorene (Spiro-TTB) have been also tested: they clearly react during the deposition process and crystallization of the organic layers appears clearly upon oxide deposition (table 1). Table 1: Description of samples tested in this work BPhen and Spiro-TTB molecules have two different Tg, the first one being lower than the deposition temperature of the oxide, the second one being higher. Tg of the molecular films does not seem to be a criterion of choice to expect a nice ALD deposition of Al2O3 onto organic molecular layers. Chemical reactions with chemical reagents in the ALD process are rather suspected. With AlQ3, it has been possible to compare the stability of the single AlQ3 films with Al2O3 encapsulated AlQ3 films versus time (up to ~ 1000 h) upon storage in a climatic environment as harsh as 65 °C/ 85% RH (Fig. 2). Figure 2: Evolution of Si/AlQ3/Al2O3 (top) and Si/AlQ3 (bottom) fluorescence intensities and fluorescence peak position at maximum of fluorescence versus storage time at 65 °C/85% RH Storage of Si/AlQ3 and Si/AlQ3/Al2O3 films has been performed at 65 °C/85% RH. The results have been depicted in Fig. 2 for Si/AlQ3/Al2O3 where the FL peak position at maximum FL intensity of AlQ3 and the maximum FL intensity have been plotted versus storage time. The raw AlQ3 film does not withstand the severe climatic conditions: the films crystallized in less than 15 h leading to an obvious FL quenching as well as to a FL blue shift from 532 nm to 496 nm. On the contrary, the Si/AlQ3/Al2O3 films showed an incredible stability up to 889 h. As a result, the FL peak at 532 nm remains unchanged and the FL intensity decreases by ~ 20 % with a linear behavior. No crystallization could be observed at the end. In summary, it has been shown that low temperature ALD of Al2O3 films could be implemented onto organic molecular films like AlQ3 showing very good barrier properties. However, the deposition of Al2O3 films onto organic molecular films is highly dependent on the intrinsic nature of the molecule to be encapsulated rather than its Tg [3]. References [1] S.-N. Lee, S.-W. Hwang, C.H. Chen, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) 7432 [2] S. Liu, D. Zhang, Y. Li, L. Duan, G. Dong, L. Wang, Y. Qiu, Chin. Sci. Bull. 53 (2008) 958 [3] T. Maindron et al., Thin Solid Films, Volume 520, Issue 23, Pages 6876 (30 September 2012) 40 Langmuir–Schaeffer monolayers of colloidal nanocrystals for cost efficient quantum dot LED Research topics: Quantum dot, Langmuir, Microprinting, QDLED S Le Calvez, H Bourvon, H Kanaan, S Meunier-Della-Gatta, C Philippot* and P Reiss* (*CEA/ DSM/INAC) ABSTRACT : Quantum dot (QD) LEDs of high color purity, low turn-on voltage and low leakage current are demonstrated using a solvent free method. First, a monolayer of QDs is formed at the air/water interface, which is then transferred with a PDMS stamp onto the device. The method is applicable to large substrates and reduces materials consumption as compared to other deposition techniques. Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals or quantum dots (QDs) have the appealing property to emit a tunable wavelength determined by their chemical composition and size. These characteristics make them attractive for applications in general lighting and flat-panel displays. Solution-processed quantum dot light emitting diodes (QDLEDs) open the way for low-cost fabrication of color saturated displays. The electroluminescence spectra of QDLEDs exhibit a narrow bandwidth (full width at half maximum 30 nm) and QDbased displays offer high color purity and saturation. Despite these unique characteristics and recent research breakthroughs, some drawbacks need to be overcome to achieve mass production of QDLEDs and QD displays. At present, cost reduction and improved homogeneity of the QD layers are among the main challenges. Because of their high molecular weight, QDs cannot be evaporated like small molecules used in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). Prepared in colloidal solution, they are commonly spin-coated onto devices with the goal to achieve one or a few monolayers [1], the low thickness being required for efficient charge injection into the emissive QD layer. The spin-coating process involves a large loss of material and the used solvent must not dissolve underlying layers, which limits its choice. Also, in many cases poor homogeneity of the deposited layers is observed, which has a strong impact on device color purity and efficiency. Here we present a new cost-efficient technique overcoming all these issues. We implemented a new method combining both stamping and the Langmuir–Schaeffer technique [2]. The main steps of our approach are presented in Figure 1. First, in order to form a QD monolayer, a Langmuir trough in hydrophobic Teflon is used. A known quantity of QDs is dispersed in chloroform and spread on the surface of deionized water. After the evaporation of chloroform, the barriers are closed to compress the nanocrystals and form a compact film. A PDMS stamp is then approached horizontally to the surface and gently pulled out of the water. After drying, the QDs are ready to be stamped on devices by regular stamping. Figure 1: Step-by-step description of the developed QD deposition method. QDs are compressed and deposited on a PDMS stamp using the Langmuir–Schaeffer technique. Subsequently the QDs are transferred on organic materials used in a OLED stack. (HIL: hole injection layer, HTL: hole transport layer, ETL: electron transport layer, EIL: electron injection layer). Finally, we implemented the described QD deposition technique to develop QDLEDs. On an ITO-coated glass substrate, a p-doped layer of 2,2’7,7-tetra(n,n-ditolyl)amino-spiro-bifluorene (spiro-TTB) doped with tetrafluorotetracyano-p-quinodimethane (F4TCNQ) has been deposited. Next, a HTL of N,N-diphenyl- N,N’-bis(1naphthyl)-(1,1-biphenyl)-4,4-diamine(NPB) was evaporated. The QDs were transferred onto this layer by using the method described above. Finally, a layer of 2,9-dimethyl-4,7diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (BCP), an n-doped layer, and silver were thermally evaporated. Optical characterizations of the obtained diodes are given in Figure 2. The energy levels of the materials used in our device are represented in Figure 2c. Thanks to our process deposition the QDs are deposited as a close-packed film. The low value of the QDLED turn-on voltage of 2.4 V shows that charge balance in the device is equilibrated. Figure 2: a) Photograph of the obtained QDLED under operation (bias voltage: 4 V). b) Photoluminescence spectrum (blue) in hexane using an excitation wavelength of 405nm and electroluminescence spectrum (red) showing high color purity. Maximum intensities are measured for 620 nm (FWHM 25 nm) and 628 nm (FWMH 35 nm), respectively. c) Energy level scheme of the materials used in the QDLED. Moreover, the observed leakage current densities of 105 mA/ cm2 are similar to those obtained with diodes entirely composed of small molecules. The maximum luminance of 170 Cd/m2 is reached at 6 V and the maximum EQE accounts for 0.11% at 2.4 V. Using this method, it is possible to obtain compact and homogeneous QD monolayers on large substrates, which is a key point for developing light-emitting devices of high color purity. We have implemented this technique to realize a QDLED showing narrow emission, low turn-on voltage, and low leakage current. In view of its advantages, it is very likely that the described technique will contribute to the development of more efficient devices in the future, notably through the optimization of the device architecture. Combining cost-efficiency and simplicity, it also paves the way for QDs to be used in displays for mass-production. References : H. Bourvon, S. Le Calvez, D. Vaufrey, S. Meunier Della Gatta, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 2011, 1286 H. Bourvon, S. Le Calvez, H.Kanaan, S. Meunier-Della-Gatta,C. Philippot , P.r Reiss, Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 4414–4418 41 4 Optical environmental sensors Micro-hotplate IR emitters Non-dispersive IR sensors Integrated photoacoustic sensors 42 Air Convection on a Micro Hotplate for Gas Sensor Research topics : Gas Sensor modelization, Filament, Electro-Thermal convection, S. Gidon, M. Brun, S. Nicoletti and P. Barritault ABSTRACT: monitoring of indoor CO2 concentration is of particular interest to detect room occupancy in order to optimise power consumptions of building. Key feature for a wider use of the sensing technic involved the management of the power consumption that is related to the temperature uniformity of the micro hotplate. We improve our electro thermal heater model, tacking in account the convective thermal effect that can be described using the numerical simulation in stationary regime. In such a way we can propose an explicit thermal flux law. One approach to monitor the indoor CO2 concentration is to use optical detection using specific absorption lines of CO2 molecules in the infrared domain close to 4.2 µm. Such optical sensors include a detector, typically a microbolometer, an IR source – such as a hotplate– and a filter to select the interesting band in the black body spectrum of the emitter. All these components are made in well known planar Si technology using MEMS approach (Si3N4/SiO2 as supporting layer and TiN/Pt/TiN for and heater layer). In the past, we have optimised the filament geometry (conductive track width) to minimize the sensor consumption, using a Comsol™ electro-thermal model [1], figure 1. Though, to describe conductive and convective thermal exchanges in air out of the micro-hotplate, we use the proposed law by [2]. proposed in the thermal ComsolTM module. We choose the boundary conditions using axial symmetry, wall on the hotplate and outlet flux elsewhere. The surface of the hotplate is fixed at 650°C everywhere. The model provides the temperature and flow velocity in air related to its density gradient, figure 3. Reynolds number appeared sufficiently low (lower than 100) to argue in favor of the used laminar model. Figure 3. Air temperature around a 150µm diameter hotplate (left) and air flow around (right). Figure 1. Filament temperature profile obtains in a first 3D electro thermal model (z dimension magnified by a factor 50, for better accuracy). We deduce the thermal convection flux density on the hotplate surface, figure 4. We notice that the thermal flow is slightly greater on the upper surface, but can be one decade larger at the border of the disc. This phenomenon explains the temperature non-uniformity observed experimentally on devices already designed with a constant thermal flux value. However, we experimentally observed that the temperature uniformity was lower than expected [3], as reported figure 2. Figure 2. Microscopy images of the realized heated filament, SEM view (left) and IR radiation (right), showing the temperature distribution on the hotplate. That is why we investigate thermal dissipation related to laminar air convection in stationary regime. We use the air parameters using the laminar flow coupled equations Figure 4. Flux density profile on the top hotplate surface (red), compared to the initially used constant value (purple). Finally, we conclude that the sensor consumption can be still lowered [4]. References : 1. S. Gidon, and S. Nicoletti “Optimisation of Filament Geometry for Gas Sensor Application”, Comsol Conf 2010. 2. Pierre Barritault, Mickael Brun, Serge Gidon, Sergio Nicoletti, “Mid-IR source based on a free-standing microhotplate for autonomous CO2 sensing in indoor applications”, Sensors and Actuators A 172, 379– 385, 2011. 3. S. Gidon, M. Brun, S. Nicoletti and P. Barritault “Air Convection on a Micro Hotplate for Gas Sensor”, Comsol Conf 2012. 43 Low Power consumption CO2 sensor for domotics applications Research topics: CO2 detection, Optical Sensing, NDIR P.Barritault, M.Brun, S.Nicoletti ABSTRACT: We report the fabrication and the characterization of a NDIR sensor based on a micro-bolometer detector and a MEMS IR-source. The accuracy and repeatability of the sensor was studied for CO2 and hydrocarbons detection. The results show that the performances obtained are totally compatible with indoor air quality requirements. Moreover the sensor has a very low power consumption (in the order of 1mJ per measurement) which makes it suitable for autonomous applications. Finally, we emphasize the fact that this sensor, because it uses a bolometer array, can be converted in a multi-gas sensor. Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) gas sensors are used in various applications, for instance, monitoring of air quality in office buildings, which represent a big market for low cost sensors. NDIR gas sensors typically consist of an IR-source, an optical path containing the gas sample, and an IRdetector in combination with a gas-specific optical filter. Commercial sensors generally use thermopile or pyroelectric detectors with a high power thermal source. As a consequence the power consumption is well above the maximum energy tolerable for autonomous devices. We report here a MEMS-based, low-power-consumption gas sensor that can be extended to multi gas detection. It combines, a free standing micro-hotplate which behaves as a black-body providing a large IR emission spectrum, a commercial optical filter suitable for CO2 detection, and an array of micro-bolometer for the signal detection. The use of an array of bolometers combined with an array of specific filters opens the way to multi-gas sensing. has been varied from 0 to 3000 ppm. Figure 2: Average signal output of the NDIR CO 2 sensor. Each point corresponds to an averaged measured value and the error bars correspond to associated standard deviations. The repeatability of measurement is better than 1 mV with negligible hysteresis. From the curve slope we can determine the sensitivity: a variation of 1 mV on the detector signal corresponds to a variation of 30 ppm at 1000 ppm of CO2. Based on these data we calculated the sensor sensitivity in V/ppm and the noise the ppm equivalent of the standard deviation as a function of the CO2 concentration.. The results are reported in Fig. 3. 0,00 35 -0,02 -0,03 Sensitivity Noise -0,04 -0,05 Figure 1: Experimental setup used for NDIR sensing Figure 1 shows a lab version of the sensor prototype with the assembly used for the measurements [1]. During the test the IR source is driven at a power of 45 mW which is a good trade-off between luminance and life time [2]. Taking in to account that the hotplate source can be switched on and off in less than 1 ms, the time constant of the device is settled by the bolometer’s arrays. In good agreement with the simulated data indicates, the response time of the bolometer is 10 ms. The choice of pulses durations of 30 ms is a good compromise between power consumption and signal. In this case, the energy consumed by the IR-source for each measurement is 1.35 mJ, only. Figure 2 shows the average signal output of the sensor as a function. During the measurements the concentration of CO2 25 Noise [ppm] Sensitivity (µV/ppm) 45 -0,01 15 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 [CO2] Figure 3: Sensor sensitivity and the noise equivalent concetrattion of the device. To conclude, we have experimentally demonstrated the feasibility of a CO2 NDIR sensor with accuracy and repeatability equivalent to those commercial devices. These performances are reached with very low power consumption: 1.35 mJ per measurement for the IR-source a resolution of 30 ppm at 1000 ppm, as required by ASRAE specifications. By simply changing the wavelength, this sensor can be used to detect other gas such as for example hydrocarbons. Acknowledgments: This work was carried out in collaboration with Schneider Electric in the frame of “HOMES” project founded by OSEO References : 1. S. Fanget, H Grange, F. Palancade, G. Ganuchaud, M Matheron, S. Charlot, T Bordy, T Hoang, P. Rey, D. Mercier, P. Brunet-Manquat , P. Robert, CO2 MEASUREMENT USING AN ALN/SI SAW SENSOR, Proc. Transducers T3P.034 (2011) 1136-1139. 2. P. Barritault, M. Brun, S. Gidon, S. Nicoletti, Mid-IR source based on a free-standing microhotplate for autonomous CO2 sensing in indoor applications, Sens. Actuators A 172 (2011) 379– 385. 44 Low power CO2 prototype at CES’13 Research topics: CO2 sensors, NDIR, Air quality monitoring L.ANDRE, P.BARRITAULT, O.LARTIGUE, F.LAULAGNET ABSTRACT: Nowadays industrial CO2 sensors are individually assembled. In addition, they require either AA type batteries or cable energy alimentation. Hence, these sensors are not only expensive, but also energy consuming and cumbersome. In the frame of the GREENET project with STMicroelectronics and supported by French Research Agency ANR, we developed a prototype of sensor that was presented at CES (Consumer Electronic Show) 2013 in Las Vegas. Performances are compliant with ASHRAE norms. Power consumption is lower than today’s solutions. Last we developed a waferlevel source, paving the way to industrial low cost, ultra-low power and small footprint solutions. Energy harvesting in modern buildings as well as air quality monitoring are two emerging needs [1] requiring low cost gas sensors. In particular, CO2 sensors market is expected to ramp up from 10 to 200M$ in the decade. In order to grab this market, solutions need to meet the following: Compliance with ASHRAE norms. It should be able to read concentrations within the range 1003000ppm, with a precision of +-50ppm at 1000ppm.In particular no measurement drift shall occur. Low consumption is a strong advantage as no cables, batteries nor maintenance are required Small Footprint. In particular one shall concentrate on solution where no AA batteries are necessary Not expensive Most solutions for CO2 sensors use NDIR (Non Dispersive Infra-Red) detection (Fig.1): A source produces Infra-red light which is collimated and filtered so that the transmitted light corresponds to the absorption band of the gas under analysis. For instance, in case of CO2, the light will be filtered and absorbed at 4.26µm. Then, light is focused on a detector such as a thermopile, a pyrometer or a bolometer. The detector transforms the remaining optical power into electric signal. and producing Infra-Red photons. As a drawback, the air surrounding the membrane is heated up as well, which is a waste of energy. In this project, we started with a packaging of the source: the source is aligned and wire-bonded on a TO39 box. Then the box is brazed under vacuum (10-3mBar). The source is aligned and assembled on the focal plane of a large numerical aperture geltech lens. The collimated beam is filtered using a commercial optical filter and refocused on a thermopile detector. A picture of the demonstrator is shown on Fig.2.The source is supplied with 1.2V and 1.6mA during 40ms and the thermopile is supplied with 2.8V and 1mA during 65ms. We have tested our setup using a CO2 chamber. The chamber is thermally stabilized and humidity is controlled. The result is shown on Fig.3 Figure 2: Picture of the demonstrator 10cmxF18mm Output thermopile signal for 3 different CO2 concentration 0ppm / 1500ppm / 3000ppm 600 550 Figure 1: Non Dispersive Infrared gas sensors principle From this signal, following Beer-Lambert law, one is able to calculate the concentration of the gas. On the one hand, today’s solutions are potentially compliant with ASHRAE norms (+-50ppm + 3% of reading [2]). On the other hand, they are based on ABC calibration where the concentration is assumed to be as low as 300ppm at night, leading to unreliable measurements. These products are individually assembled, which is not a mass and cost effective production. Last they require a supply voltage of 5V or greater and current of 3.7mA or greater [3]. In a previous project “HOMES”, we have developed a waferlevel “black body” source: a Nitride Titanium suspended membrane is supplied with a current heating up the device 500 ) V (m e il p o rm450 e h t t u p t u O 400 350 300 0 500 1000 1500 # measurment (1 measure /5s) 2000 2500 3000 Figure 1: Characterization thermopile output as a function of [CO2]. If footprint is slightly large, multipath cavities could highly reduce it. Then, preliminary characterization shows possible precision of 60ppm in the range 1000ppm. In addition, vaccum packaging has strongly reduced the voltage x current need. Last waferlevel technology makes possible the production of cost effective CO2 sensors. The demonstrator is today a solution for “carbon dioxide level –measurement- through the IPv6 wireless and batteryless GreeNet network” as reported by partner STM at CES [4]. References : f [1] : lux research inc. [2] : www.gassensing.co.uk/products/cozir-ambient/ [3] : www.senseair.se/products/oem-module/k30/ [4] : IBM, STm and Shaspa Advance Smarter Home Initiative, Press Release, CES Las Vegas, January, 8th, 2013. 45 New trends in optical gas sensing Research topics: Optical Sensing, Mid-IR photonics, QCL, photoacoustic spectroscopy M.Brun, P.Labeye, S.Nicoletti ABSTRACT: a novel approach to develop miniaturised optical sensors is presented. This approach results from the compilation of concepts and preliminary experimental results dealing with widely tunable MIR sources, with the MIR Si-based PIC and MEMS gas detectors all integrated on a single chip. The monitoring of air pollution and control of industrial emissions will become in a near future a key requirement for a better quality of life from both the points of view of the comfort and healthiness. Topics like environment preservation, emissions control, and reduction of the energy consumption in public and residential buildings are often discussed on the media and R&D actions in this field are nowadays strongly supported by public authorities. Today’s main technological developments address the possibility of realizing measuring devices able to effectively detect the principal pollutants at lower costs. In this context, optical detection offers a number of advantages related to the possibility of addressing specific molecules by the choice wavelength of the source. Indeed, each molecule has a distinct absorption spectrum which represents a unique “signature” of the chemical compound. The choice of a given adsorption peak or of a characteristic band of the spectrum allows to detect the pollutant and to estimate its concentration. This approach has been developed in a number of lab and commercial tools. These tools are generally bulky and costly, limiting de facto their diffusion in many application fields. The miniaturization of the gas sensor with the associated cost reduction is a key issue to improve sustainability and to address application areas with very high socio-economic implications, such as climate change or air quality controls. This approach results from the compilation of concepts and preliminary experimental results of a series of papers dealing with the widely tunable MIR source [Capasso 2009], with the MIR Si-based PIC [Soref 2008] and MEMS photo-acoustic cell [Holthoff 2010]. Such an approach has never been realized so far and it represents a crucial breakthrough for sensing applications. In this approach, the use of QCL sources allows to cover a region of the electromagnetic spectrum where the absorption is the most intense. Figure 1 reports different pollutant as a function of the most intense wavelength band. When used in combination with high resolution detections methods, QCLs can fulfil the requirements of sensitivity and selectivity needed for trace pollutant detection in air. This target is achieved by fabricating on the same chip a miniaturized photo-acoustic cell based on MEMS microphones. In this context the μ-sensor is fabricated through the extensive use of Si-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) and IC/MEMS technology, which allow to merge on the same chip different functionalities spanning from integrated optics, fluidics, acoustics and electromechanical transduction. CEA-Leti and III-V Lab jointly develop a novel detection architecture where a multi-wavelength quantum cascade laser (QCL) source is associated with a photoacoustic cell, all integrated on a single chip, to realize a miniaturized optical gas sensor based [1]. Figure 2: Schematics of the µ-sensor assembly. Figure 1: some of most common pollutants and typical detection wavelength range Figure 2 reports a schematics of the µ-sensor assembly where the mutual arrangement of the different subcomponents in the device. The key challenge consist in the combination of different enabling technologies allowing to merge the output of different sources, via the use of mid-IR photonics, to handle the beam to transduction unit and to detect the gas concentration via a suitable measurement mechanism. This will constitute a sensitive and selective TDLS system on a chip able to detect/control several gases. Références : 3. S. Nicoletti, M. Brun, P. Labeye, M. Carras “Développement d’un détecteur optique de gaz intégré sur puce” Photoniques Numéro 60, Juillet-Août 2012 4. B. G. Lee, Mikhail A. Belkin, Christian Pflügl, Laurent Diehl, Haifei A. Zhang, Ross M. Audet, Jim MacArthur, David P. Bour, Scott W. Corzine, Gloria E. Höfler, and Federico Capasso. "DFB Quantum Cascade Lasers Array" IEEE JQE, 45(5): 554, 2009. 5. R. Soref, “Toward Silicon-based Longwave Integrated Optoelectronics”, Proceedings of SPIE Photonics 6898-5, 2008 6. E. Holthoff, J. Bender, P. Pellegrino and A. Fisher, “Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for Trace Vapor Detection and Molecular Discrimination”, Sensors 2010, 10, 1986-2002, 2010 … 46 47 5 Optics and nanophotonics Large nanophotonic systems modeling Super-resolution optical discs Solid immersion lenses Holographic watermarking 48 Multilevel fast multipole method for the design of large-scale nanophotonic systems Research topics: numerical method, electromagnetism, nanophotonic M. Fall, S. Boutami, A. Glière, J. Hazart, B. Stout ABSTRACT: We have developed a multilevel fast multipole method, adapted to the simulation of large-scale nanophotonic systems. The method consists in the formulation of equivalent charge and currents, related to scalar and vector potentials, at the surface of the scatterers. The calculation of interactions between boundary elements of the surface is accelerated by the fast multipole algorithm. This method has been applied to the design of various systems, including plasmonic systems, which can hardly be treated by classical methods. Nanophotonic structures are generally simulated by volume methods, as Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, or Finite element method (FEM). However, for large structures, or metallic plasmonic structures which require a fine mesh, the memory and time computation required can increase dramatically, and make proper simulation infeasible. Surface methods, like the boundary element method (BEM) have been developed to reduce the number of mesh elements. These methods consist in expressing the electromagnetic filed in whole space as a function of electric and magnetic currents at the surface of scatterers. Combined with the fast multipole method (FMM) that enables a huge acceleration of the calculation of interaction between far mesh elements (Fig. 1), very large systems can thus be handled. What we performed is the development of an FMM on a new BEM formalism [1], based on scalar and vector potentials instead of electric and magnetic currents, for the first time to our knowledge. This method was shown to enable accurate simulation of metallic plasmonic systems [2], while providing a significant reduction of computation requirements, compared to BEM-alone (Table 1). Several thousands of unknowns could be handled on a standard computer. Table 1 : Memory and time computation comparisons for BEM-alone and FMM-BEM (Gold plasmonic nanoparticles of different radii, =516nm) Radius ( R 0 ) 0.125 0.145 0.5 1 1.5 2 Number of unknowns Memory (GB) BEM/MLFMM Time (s) BEM/MLFMM 13 936 15 952 37 824 68 528 134 608 196 752 1.945 /0.162 2.913 /0.157 /1.192 /3.909 /3.399 /4.321 381 /16. 56 1 076 /23.79 /75.85 /371.8 /2 643 /4 801 More complex nanophotic systems have been simulated, such as a plasmonic lens consisting of a collection of gold nanorods, as described in [3]. The memory required in this case is a few GBs, instead of several tens of GBs with FDTD. Figure 2: (a) plasmonic nanolens with nanorods with width ranging from 25nm to 75nm [3]; (b) electric field at focal plane (BEM-FMM) ; (c) electric field in section plane (BEM-FMM). Figure 1 : (a) surface mesh of a particle ; (b) FMM acceleration by adaptative domain meshing,and merging of interactions calculations ; (c) Surface charges at exterior surface of a gold nanoparticle (=516nm, radius /2). Our perspective would be to extend the method to periodic systems with large number of unknowns [4], like image sensor matrices for example. [1] F. J. Garcıa de Abajo, A. Howie, "Retarded field calculation of electron energy loss in inhomogeneous dielectrics", Phys. Rev. B 65, 115418 (2002). [2] M. Fall, S. Boutami, A. Glière, B. Stout, and J. Hazart,"Multilevel fast multipole method based on a potential formulation for 3D electromagnetic scattering problems", to appear in JOSA A, (2013). [3] L. Verslegers, P. B. Catrysse, Z. Yu, W. Shin, Z. Ruan, and S. Fan, "Phase front design with metallic pillar arrays", Opt. Lett. 35, pp. 844-846 (2010) [4] S.Boutami and M. Fall, "Calculation of the Free-Space Periodic Green’s Function Using Equivalent Finite Array", IEEE trans. on antenn. and prop. 60, pp 4725-4731 (2012). 49 Making the semiconductor-metal transition in InSb compound for double density Blu-ray super-RENS-ROM discs Research topics: InSb, semiconductor-metal transition, optical memories B. Hyot, B. André, L. Poupinet ABSTRACT: A semiconductor-metal transition is characterized by a sudden change in electrical properties but also in optical behaviours, as a consequence of a change in electron behaviour. The ability to induce a reversible semiconductor-metal transition in a material by varying conditions such as applied temperature or electrical field, results in attractive changes in properties that have fuelled the curiosity of scientists. At LETI, we have investigated the interest of such materials, in particular InSb compound, exhibiting the reversible semiconductor-metal transition in the development of the next generation of optical Blu–ray discs, the so-called super-resolution near field structure (super-RENS) discs. With the advent of high definition television and the ever increasing storage demands resulting from the Internet, higher capacity storage systems are an ongoing requirement. One of the most promising approaches is the use of the crystal-to-amorphous transition or phase change recording. This technology has realized optical disc memories such as DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) and Blu-ray Disc and proven that optical storage is an excellent medium for such storage needs. However, increasing the capacity of optical recording in the far-field optical diffraction limit is restricted by the minimum resolvable spacing given by the resolution limit or Abbe’s criterion /4NA where is the wavelength of the light and NA the numerical aperture of the objective. Optical disk drive towards higher storage densities in the far-field limit is thus reaching a significant technological and cost limit with the use of lasers in the UV range. To circumvent such issues, the use of optical near-field recording techniques has been an active area of research. Most techniques (metallic coated cone shaped fibers, metallic diffusing tips, Solid Immersion Lens,…) require to control very precisely the distance between the near field source and the recording area. This requirement is a brake on the removability and/or the handling of the disc. Nevertheless, when an optical property of the object changes under the influence of the laser spot, detection of details smaller than the optical diffraction limit becomes possible in the far field. In optical disc systems the object can easily be provided with nonlinear optical materials enabling superresolution. Hence super-resolution appears to be a promising technique which implies a “super-resolving” structure using only thin film technology and is a candidate to be a likely successor to the next generation of Blu-ray discs since it combines removal and backward read-compatibility with earlier optical storage media. At the beginning of the development of this new concept of super-resolution in 1998, chalcogenide phase change alloys and the amorphous-to-crystal transition are at the heart of this new generation of optical discs. Developments driven at LETI on so-called super-resolution near field structure (super-RENS) discs take advantage of the reversible semiconductor-metal transition in the InSb material; the optically (thermally)-induced metallization of a semiconducting InSb layer through the solid-to-liquid transition being characterized by a sudden and huge change of its optical properties. First success in the video playback on HDTV (High Definition TeleVision) display from 50 GB (Blu-ray capacity X2) InSbbased super-RENS-ROM discs including a high definition video content with 1920X1080 pixels was realized recently by the super-RENS consortium joining three partners: AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Mitsubishi Electric Co. (Japan) and LETI. Fig. 1 shows a snapshot of the video demonstration realized with a data transfer rate of 36 Mbps (Blu-ray transfer rate at 1X). HDTV TV HD 1920X1080 Lecteur Optical optique pick up Disque InSbà based SR Drive super-RENS disc Figure 1: Snapshot of high definition video content from InSb-based super-RENS-ROM disc corresponding to 50 GB per layer (Blu-ray capacity X2) displayed on HDTV. InSb-based technology satisfying a data transfer rate of 72 Mbps (Blu-ray transfer rate at 2X), we succeeded in replaying simultaneously four high definition multiplexed videos recorded on a 50 GB super-RENS-ROM disc (Fig. 2). Figure 2: Simultaneous replay of four high definition multiplexed videos on four HDTV systems. This achievement indicates that super-RENS technology has a high potential to realize higher density optical disc system beyond capacity of Blu-ray system. References : [1] K. Nakai, M. Ohmaki, N. Takeshita, B. Hyot, B. André, and L. Poupinet, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 (2010) 08KE01 [2] B. Hyot, PSSb 249, N°10 (2012) 1992-1998 50 Submicron hollow spot generation by solid immersion lens: structured illumination and tolerances Research topics : µLens, Laser beam shaping; Optical trapping; Optical vortices. M. Brun, S. Olivier, S. Nicoletti ABSTRACT: The recent demand for miniaturized high quality optical systems for strong light confinement has pushed forward the development of solid immersion lenses (SIL), down to the micrometer-scale. These microsolid immersion lenses (μ-SIL) have a potential to be applied in many different fields, such as microscopy, lithography, optical data storage, Raman spectroscopy, and fluorescent imaging. In order to maximize the focusing capabilities of the μ-SIL, they should be placed at the focal plane of a high numerical aperture (NA) objective lens, resulting in an immersed spot whose dimensions are reduced by a factor equals to the µSIL refractive index. Doughnut shaped intensity distribution generation and alignment tolerances are presented. We have developed an integrated version of micrometer size SILs on 200mm Silicon wafers by combining standard microelectronic and MEMs process. The µSILs is constituted of SiO2 or SiN material with diameters up to 2µm (see figure 1a) and are integrated on a silicon nitride self standing membrane released from the silicon substrate by TMAH wet etching technique. This allows giving optical access to both sides of the µlens for characterisation and applications. Using these well controlled technological routes quasi perfect hemispherical shape are achieved on the micro SILS and collective realisation allows for µSILS matrix realisation with very good performances uniformity. Solid immersion effects have been experimentally verified using high-resolution interference microscope (HRIM) at EPFL as illustrated on figure 1b and c. As shown when the focused spot is located outside the µSILs the spot appears broad and blurry (1b) limited in size by diffraction effect. Although, when located in the centre of the µsIls the spot size decrease and effects. a) become brighter due b) to immersion c) Figure 1: a) Hemispheric surface of the SiO2 µSIL. b) µSil matrix bottom view with focalised spot outside the SIL (on the down-left corner). c) with focalised spot onto the µSIL centre. By structuring the polarization state of an incident light beam impinging on a SIO2 µSIL, immersed submicron-size hollow focused spots can be obtained [1]. Such structured focused spots are characterized by a doughnut-shaped intensity distribution, whose central dark region is of great interest for optical trapping of nano-size particles and super-resolution microscopy and lithography. Immersion effect influence over the size and intensity of the final spot has been experimentally and theoretically investigated for azimuthal polarized plane wave. Here again immersion effect decrease the size of the central hollow beam down to 220nm ie 1.3 times smaller than the non-immersed spot. The measured peak intensity is also increased by a factor 1.57 as shown in the figure 2. Figure 2: Measured intensity distributions of the doughnut-shape hollow spots: on the top left, the non-immersed spot is mapped in a 2 μm circular measuring window. The immersed spot is shown on the bottom left. Normalised intensity cross section is given on the right. At a practical level, one point of concern certainly regards the alignment sensitivity of such micro-sized SILs in the optical system. Answering these questions is of great relevance for any application that may profit from the µ-SIL spot size reduction. Experimental and theoretical study show that the µsIL a very robust to misalignments when moving laterally the µSil respectively to the incident beam [2]. To quantify the tolerance error, the correlation (normalized covariance) between the misaligned and the ideal focused spots has been computed. For azimuthal polarisation correlations as high as 95% are found for a displacement of 200nm and reach 80% at 400nm considered as the bottom limit to maintain a doughnut like focus spot. This is a very large misalignment tolerance regarding to the radius of the µSIL of 1µm. The study have revealed that this alignment tolerance is dependant of the incident polarisation and even greater for linear polarisation state (80% at 500nm). It is also dependant on the refractive index and the size of the µSIL [2]. This observation sets a practical guide for designing and evaluating optical immersion systems operating with objectives and different numerical apertures and/or µSIL size. References : 1- Myun-Sik Kim, Alberto C. Assafrao, Toralf Scharf, Arthur J. H. Wachters, Silvania. F. Pereira, H. Paul Urbach, Mickael Brun, Segolene Olivier, Sergio Nicoletti, and Hans Peter Herzig, « Submicron hollow spot generation by solid immersion lens and structured illumination », New Journal of Physics 14, (2012) 103024 2- A C Assafrao, M-S Kim, A J H Wachters, T Scharf, H P Herzig, S Olivier, M Brun, S F Pereira and H P Urbach, «Experimental and theoretical investigation on the misalignment tolerance of micron-sized solid immersion lens.», J. Opt. 15, (2013) 025706 51 Gray tone image holographic watermarking for analogical archiving Research topics: Computer Generated Holography, Halftoning, Diffraction grating C. Martinez, F. Laulagnet, O. Lemonnier ABSTRACT: We have developed an original approach for the watermarking of holograms in gray tone images for use in microscopic analogical image archiving. Our concept is based on the coding of Computer Generated Holograms by elliptical patterns with size and polarity independent of the holographic data but constrained by the visual representation of a gray tone image. Digital data can then be superimposed to the halftone image representation in order to increase the analogic media storage capacity with low visual impact. The increasing use of numerical imaging technologies in everyday life has increased the needs for image storage solutions. Materialized storage media such as optical disks, hard disk drives and flash memory or dematerialized solutions such as cloud computing offer valuable answers for storing and sharing huge quantities of data. Although these solutions are satisfactory for general consumer needs, they give no guarantee regarding information access durability. Analogue archiving media such as microforms offer a good solution to data access durability concerns in the case of graphical file format preservation. The human readable approach releases the constraint of file and media format and is less sensitive to global data loss as it allows progressive, detectable degradation of the media. Storage capacity is one of the main drawbacks of this solution. To release this capacity constraint due to poor information density, a modern approach of human readable media based on up to date lithographic technologies has been proposed [1]. techniques. The hologram then allows the coding of both visual and holographic image. To improve the visual rendering of the gray tone image, the diffractive patterns polarity is alternated between open aperture on the metallic layer and opaque aperture on the transparent substrate. According to Babinet principle the hologram phase function is shifted following the aperture polarity. Figure 2 shows the result of a gray tone image engraving with aperture period 4 µm on a resolution grid 200 nm. The figure also shows the result of the hologram recovery with a 650 nm Laser. A 69x69 QR Code is easily decrypted. In the frame of collaboration with the French company Arnano, specialized in micro engraving for aesthetic and data archiving applications, we have developed an original approach for image watermarking with computer generated holography (CGH). Our principle is to use the complementary diffraction behaviour stated in the Babinet principle to add visual information to the Fourier hologram [2]. Figure 1: principle of elliptical Computer Generated Holography As shown in Figure 1, principle of CGH generation is to code the complex digital Fourier transform of an image in both size and location of diffractive patterns distributed in a periodic grid. Location d and size wx, wy of the patterns allow coding the hologram phase and amplitude. As hologram amplitude has little influence on hologram recovery we modify the diffractive pattern size to render a visual aspect to the hologram according to halftoning Figure 2: Top left) Gray tone image. Top right) Microscopic view of the halftone engraving. Bottom left) Hologram recovery. Bottom right) Details of the hologram structure and recovery. Typical application should be the embedment of the image metadata or the image digital compressed file inside the engraved halftone raw image representation to improve analogical data archiving capacity and access time. References : 1. C. Martinez, O. Lemonnier, F. Laulagnet, A. Fargeix, M.F. Armand, “Micro and Nano Structuring for Long Term Data Preservation,” . French Symposium on Emerging Technologies for micro-nanofabrication (2010), We-L5. 2. C. Martinez, O. Lemonnier, F. Laulagnet, A. Fargeix, F. Tissot, and M. F. Armand, "Complementary computer generated holography for aesthetic watermarking," Opt. Express 20, 5547-5556 (2012) 52 53 6 Silicon Photonics MOS plasmonics Hybrid optical sources Modulators Receivers Photonic systems 54 CMOS Plasmonics Research topics : Plasmonics, Silicon Photonics, Modulators A. Emboras, R.M. Briggs,* A. Najar, S. Nambiar, P. Grosse, E. Augendre, C. Leroux, Hyun Seok Lee, Chawki Awada,** S. Boutami, Fabrice Charra,** Ludovic Douillard,** B. de Salvo, H.A. Atwater* and R. Espiau de Lamaestre (*Caltech, **CEA, DSM, IRAMIS) ABSTRACT: We proposed and validated a new technological platform to fabricate field effect surface plasmon devices. It relies on state of the art complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) processes available in the Leti 200mm CMOS foundry, which are further tuned to meet to goal of low optical losses and electrically reliable operation. Such a platform opens the way towards the high performance and low cost fabrication of plasmonic devices. The use of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) in metal nanostructures to control light at scales lower than its natural wavelength has emerged in the past few years as a promising way of decreasing footprint of optical functions in integrated silicon photonics. Both the control over the optical losses of plasmonic modes and the compatibility of SPP device fabrication with complementary metal-oxidesemiconductor (CMOS) processes are required to meet the promises of applications. In 2012, we first showed that copper layers fabricated by standard CMOS processes used for electrical interconnections are particularly well suited to optical purposes, owing to the huge efforts made in microelectronics to achieve a very good copper material quality. We fabricated Cu layers which exhibit optical losses close to the ones of silver, a metal very often considered for plasmonics but not permitted in CMOS environment [1]. measurements conducted in a MNOS channel waveguide configuration coupled to standard silicon photonics circuitry confirms the very low optical losses (0.39 dB.μm−1), in good agreement with predictions using ellipsometric optical constants of Cu. Finally, in an effort to minimize the insertion losses between forseen plasmonic devices and standard silicon photonic circuitry, we have demonstrated a compact, efficient and straightforward approach for coupling light from a silicon waveguide to a vertical metal-insulator-silicon-metal (MISM) plasmonic waveguide [3], by inserting an intermediate metalinsulator-silicon-insulator (MISI) coupler of optimal length (Fig.2). The device fabrication is fully compatible with CMOS microelectronics circuitry and fabrication processes, involving damascene process to fabricate Cu waveguides/electrodes and direct bonding to achieve vertical integration of the MISM structure. This coupling scheme provides experimentally measured coupling loss as low as 2.5 dB per coupler for a coupler length of only 0.5 µm, despite the high optical confinement of the MISM mode and its mismatch with the silicon waveguide mode. This integrated device could be used as a very low footprint electro-optical plasmonic modulator. Figure 1 – Left: SEM cross section of the MNOS plasmonic waveguide, Right: comparison of the reliability of Cu gate MNOS vs MOS. The use of Cu for CMOS interconnects has led to the development of efficient diffusion barriers, so that electronics devices can be connected without detrimental effects on their electrical reliability. Due to the optical loss issue, integration of Cu within MOS plasmonic devices requires a diffusion barrier that is transparent to photons. We proposed a MNOS stack [2] as a reference building block for integrated field effect plasmonic devices, where the “N” stands for an ultrathin stoechiometric silicon nitride layer acting as an optically transparent diffusion barrier layer. We experimentally proved that the insertion of this nitride layer in a MOS stack lead to an increase in the electrical reliability of a copper gate capacitance from 50 to 95%, while preserving the low optical losses brought by the use of copper as the plasmon supporting metal. Optical transmission Figure 2 - Top: scheme of the fabricated MISM devices with integrated MISI input and output coupler. Bottom, from left to righ SEM cross section of the active MISM stack, microscope top view of the device with input and output silicon waveguides as well as Cu electrodes, coupling loss variation as a function of the coupler length. References : 1. Hyun Seok Lee, C. Awada, S. Boutami, F. Charra, L. Douillard and R. Espiau de Lamaestre, Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 8, pp. 8974-8981 (2012) 2. A. Emboras, A. Najar, S. Nambiar, P. Grosse, E. Augendre, C. Leroux, B. de Salvo, and R. Espiau de Lamaestre, Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 13, pp. 13612-13621 (2012) 3. A. Emboras, R. M. Briggs, A. Najar, S. Nambiar, C. Delacour, Ph. Grosse, E. Augendre, J. M. Fedeli, B. de Salvo, H. A. Atwater, and R. Espiau de Lamaestre, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 251117 (2012) 55 Hybrid III-V/Si Photonic Crystal Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Research topics: Hybrid IIIV/Si semiconductor lasers, Photonic Crystals. B. Ben Bakir, C. Sciancalepore, D. Bordel, JM Fedeli, S. Menezo, X. Letartre* and P. Viktorovitch* (*INL Lyon) ABSTRACT: Long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) for photonics-on-CMOS integration based on Si/SiO2 photonic crystals mirrors (PCMs) have been fabricated. Capable to operate continuous-wave up to 40°C at low thresholds, such compact VCSELs show single-mode polarization-stable operation at 1.55-µm with uncooled output powers in excess of 0.4 mW. Noticeably, the light molding obtained through the engineering of Si/SiO2 photonic crystals allows for a tailored modal selection and full polarization control. Furthermore, the high-throughput cost-effective Si-based process technology developed is ideally wellsuited for an industrial development perspective. Recently, our research efforts were oriented to the realization of ultra-compact vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers as next-generation emitters for silicon photonics applications. This silicon-based photonic building block has been conceived within a large-scale CMOS-compatible processing technology mindset. In detail, the silicon patterning of 1-D photonic crystal mirrors (PCMs) on 200-mm-wide semiconductor-oninsulator (SOI) wafers aims at both an efficient light harnessing and optimal optical confinement, while the III-V epitaxial layers providing light amplification are wafer-bonded to SOI by state-of-the-art molecular bonding to ensure laser performances, CMOS-compatibility and large-scale low-cost fabrication. Figure 1: (a) Schematic view of a III/V-on-Si VCSEL cavity employing a double set of Si/SiO2 1-D photonic crystal mirrors (PCM). (b) Crosssectional SEM view of the double PCM-VCSEL cavity. The VCSEL architecture for optical pumping is sketched up in Fig. 1(a), while a scanning electron microscope crosssectional view of fabricated devices is shown in Fig. 1(b). Briefly, an InGaAsP-based three-quantum-well active region is embedded between two silica spacers measuring 900 nm each, while the VCSEL cavity is vertically terminated by two 290-nm-thick 1-D Si/silica photonic crystal mirrors characterized by a 50% in fill-factor and 910 nm lattice period, respectively. The photonic crystal membrane has been designed in order to enhance its spectral response both in terms of modal reflectivity and optical confinement, aiming at low-threshold VCSEL devices. Concerning the device optical and thermal features reported in Fig. 2, these VCSELs operate continuous-wave up to 40°C with output powers in the mW range, being the temperature limit mainly ascribable to the use of InGaAsP-based active regions. Lasing thresholds within the sub-mW range and side-mode suppression ratio > 25dB confirm the optimal modal confinement - both vertical and lateral - achieved in these VCSEL structures also thanks to the introduction of photonic crystal heterostructures within the silicon membranes. Figure 2: CW lasing behavior of double PCM-VCSELs at different pumping powers and stage temperatures. (Left) Single-mode emission with 26 dB of transverse SMSR is obtained up to a stage temperature of 40°C. The estimated thermal tuning coefficient is 0.057 nm/K. (Right) LL curves corresponding to different stage temperatures. References : [1] C. Sciancalepore, B. Ben Bakir, X. Letartre, J. Harduin, N. Olivier, C. Seassal, J.-M Fedeli, and P. Viktorovitch, “CMOS-compatible 1.55-µm ultra-compact emitting VCSELs using double photonic crystal mirrors,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 455-457, 2012. [2] C. Sciancalepore, B. Ben Bakir, C. Seassal, X. Letartre, J. Harduin, N. Olivier, J.-M Fedeli, and P. Viktorovitch, “Thermal, modal and polarization features of double photonic crystal vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” IEEE Phot. J., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 398-410, 2012 [3] C. Sciancalepore, B. Ben Bakir, X. Letartre, J.-M. Fedeli, N. Olivier, D. Bordel, C. Seassal, P. Rojo-Romeo, P. Regreny, and P. Viktorovitch, “Quasi-3D light confinement in double photonic crystal reflectors VCSELs for CMOS-compatible integration”, J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 29, no. 13, pp. 2015–2024, 2011. [4] C. Sciancalepore, B. Ben Bakir, X. Letartre, N. Olivier, D. Bordel, C. Seassal, P. Rojo-Romeo, P. Regreny, J.-M. Fedeli, and P. Viktorovitch, “CMOS-compatible integration of III–V VCSELs based on double photonic crystal reflectors”, in Proc. 8th IEEE Int. Conf. GFP, Sep. 2011, pp. 205–207 56 Silicon optical modulators Research topics : Optical Interconnect, Si Modulator J. M. Fédéli, E Grellier, P.Rivallin,( LETI/DCOS) , S. Menezo, M Fournier, P Grosse, L. Vivien*, D.Morini*, D Thomson**, G.T.Reed** (* IEF, ** University of Surrey) ABSTRACT: In the frame of the FP7 Helios project, we have developed a full set of silicon modulators with 40Gbps operation using carrier depletion . Trade-offs and challenges for those types of modulators are reviewed I. INTRODUCTION Year after year, the different network interconnects, ranging from long haul to on chip communications, continue to increase in both complexity and bandwidth. As the technology becomes more cost effective and bandwidth requirements increase, optical links are becoming competitive with their electrical counterparts for transmission over shorter and shorter distances. For applications such as high performances computing or data centres, silicon photonics is the leading candidate for optical link transmission due to its low fabrication costs, its CMOS compatibility and the possibility for co-integration with electronics. consumption and footprint. We have fabricated several carrier-depletion-based MZIs capable of 40Gbit/s modulation. In [1], we fabricated a Mach-Zehnder based on a pn junction with an efficiency of VπLπ=2.7 V.cm and optical loss of 4.5 dB/mm. For the generation of modulated light, a continuous laser source and an optical modulator is the main required functionalities for any optical interconnect solution.. There are multiple figures of merit for the optical modulator. Ideally the modulator would have a high modulation speed, high extinction ratio, low optical losses, small footprint, low driving voltage, low power consumption, a wide operating temperature range and the desired optical bandwidth. Figure 1: Microscope image of a fabricated MZI and ring modulator [1] In [2], we fabricated a device using a pipin junction with significantly lower optical losses of 1dB/mm and an efficiency of 3.5 V.cm. In Figure 2 we represent a lateral pipin phase shifter. Thanks to the intrinsic region inside the 420nm-large waveguide, this structure exhibits less absorption due to the free-carriers than a pn phase shifter. II. RESEARCH AND RESULTS During the HELIOS project and in collaboration with ( the Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale” and the University of Surrey, CEA-LETI fabricated modulators based on the plasma-dispersion effect where the silicon refractive index is changed by free-carrier concentration variation. The plasma dispersion effect is obtained in a carrier depletion structure using reverse biased diodes or in a carrier injection structure using forward biased diodes. In general, carrier injection devices present lower optical losses and lower driving voltage than carrier depletion ones. However the photon lifetime with carrier injection limits the modulation rate at few Gigabit/s unless pre-emphasis is used. The variation of refractive index resulting from the plasmadispersion effect is converted into an intensity modulation of the signal thanks to either a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) or a resonant structure such as a microring resonator. Mach-Zehnder interferometers are commonly used due to their broad spectral bandwidth (and thus related tolerance against temperature variations). They however require a large interaction length. The choice of the active region length is a trade off on which depend multiple key characteristics of the modulator. A long region is needed for a high extinction ratio and low driving voltages whereas a small diode junction is desired for low optical losses, power Figure 2: Schematic views a lateral pipin phase shifter [2] Due to their relatively large size, and thus large capacitance, MZI modulators exhibit power consumption of several pJ/bit [1], which is too high for network-on-chip applications. More power-efficient modulators can be realized with ring resonator devices. In [3], we fabricated a modulator of 6µmradius with a measured capacitance of 16fF enabling modulation power consumption of only 32fJ/bit. When driven with a 1.4Vpp voltage swing, an extinction ratio of 1.6dB (1.1dB at 40Gbit/s) and an additional loss of 10dB were obtained. III. FUTURE WORK In order to address short links applications, the power consumption should decrease in the range of tens of fJ. So optimization of ring devices, development of slow waves devices, and new modulator concepts are path for energy efficient devices. References: [1] D. J. Thomson, F. Y. Gardes, Y. Hu, G. Mashanovich, M. Fournier, P. Grosse, J.-M. Fédéli, and G. T. Reed, “High contrast 40Gbit/s optical modulation in silicon,” Opt. Express 19(12), 11507–11516 (2011). [2] Melissa Ziebell, Delphine Marris-Morini, Gilles Rasigade, Jean-Marc Fédéli, Paul Crozat, Eric Cassan, David Bouville, and Laurent Vivien, "40 Gbit/s low-loss silicon optical modulator based on a pipin diode", Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 10, pp. 10591-10596 (2012) [3] D. J. Thomson, F. Y. Gardes, D. C. Cox, J.-M. Fedeli, G. Z. Mashanovich, and G. T. Reed, "Self-aligned silicon ring resonator optical modulator with focused ion beam error correction," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30, 445-449 (2013) 57 Ge PIN Waveguide Integrated Photodiodes for Optical Communications Applications Research topics: Photodetectors, Silicon photonics, Germanium L. Virot , J.M. Fédéli , J.M. Hartmann , L. Vivien*, P Crozat* (* IEF) ABSTRACT: Germanium has been proven to be a good candidate for waveguide integrated photodiodes. We present here the latest results on lateral PIN Ge photodiodes. Bandwidth over 50GHz at zero bias has been achieved as well as responsivity over 0.8A/W at 1.55µm wavelength. Very low dark current of the order of 25nA at -1V has been obtained. Those performances should allow operation at 40Gb/s for several optical communications applications. Despite the lattice mismatch between Silicon and Germanium, integration of crystalline Ge on Si has been possible thanks to developments in hetero-epitaxy [1,2]. Using a two-step Reduced-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (RPCVD) process, followed by optimized annealing, it has been possible to obtain very good quality Ge layers on Si, with reduced Threading Dislocation Density (TDD). Those TDD contributes directly to dark current generation when the photodiode is reverse biased. The Ge is grown in 10x10µm Si cavities at the end of the Si waveguide leading to butt-coupled photodiode. To define the PIN junction, a lateral structure has been adopted and p-type and n-type regions were defined by ion implantation process. The implantation and annealing steps are of importance since it will both define the quality of the contact but also the electric field inside the junction. With lateral junction, only one etch step is necessary to take contact on top of doped Ge. This simplifies the process for large scale integration of the photodiodes with modulators and passive devices. The best dark currents at -1V reverse bias were measured at 6nA and 25nA for 1µm and 0.5µm (Fig. 1) intrinsic region width design respectively; those values are the lowest reported ones for this type of Ge photodiodes. design, very high bandwidth has been obtained as shown on the Fig.2. 40Gb/s operation at zero bias has also been demonstrated [3] as shown by open eye diagram in Fig. 3. For the largest intrinsic region width of 1µm, the -3dB optical bandwidth was measured to be 28GHz and over 50GHz at zero bias and -1V respectively. Figure 2: Typical frequency response of PIN Ge photodiodes. By processing three 200mm SOI wafers, yields of 100% (in term of functional diodes) were obtained for 1µm intrinsic region width design and over 97% for 0.5µm design. The responsivity at 1550nm was around 0.8A/W and 0.5A/W for 1µm and 0.5µm intrinsic region width respectively. 40Gbit/s Figure 3: Eye diagram at 40Gb/s at zero bias. Figure 1: Typical dark and photo current of PIN Ge photodiode of 0.5µm intrinsic region width design. Thanks to optimized doping and annealing steps, the intrinsic region can be reduced to improve the zero volt efficiency of the photodiode. Thus with the smallest intrinsic region By tailoring the intrinsic region width by optimized design and process (ion implantation and annealing), both the responsivity and frequency response can be adjusted to meet the requirements of the targeted applications. Zero bias operation should allow very high sensitivity, limited only by the Transimpedance Amplifier noise performances. References : [1] J.M. Hartmann, A.M. Papon, V. Destefanis, T. Billon, “Reduced Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ge Thick Layers on Si (001), Si(011) and Si(111)”, J. Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 5287-5296. [2] J.M. Hartmann, A. Abbadie, J.P. Barnes, J.M. Fédéli, T. Billon, L. Vivien, “Impact of the H2 anneal on the structural and optical properties of thin and thick Ge layers on Si; Low temperature surface passivation of Ge by Si”, J. Crystal Growth 312 (2010) 532-541. [3] L. Vivien, A. Polzer, D. Marris-Morini, J. Osmond, J.M. Hartmann, P. Crozat, E. Cassan, C. Kopp, H. Zimmermann, J.M. Fédéli, “Zero bias 40Gb/s Ge waveguide photodetector on Si”, Opt. Express 20(2) (2012) 1096-1101. 58 16 channel receiver with 20 GHz Ge Photodiodes Research topics : receiver, Ge photodiodes, silicon photonics J.M. Fedeli, L.Virot, J.M. Hartmann (LETI/ DTSI) , P.Grosse , W.Bogaerts*, L. Vivien** (* IMEC, Univ. Gent, ** IEF ) ABSTRACT : A 200GHz 16 channel receiver with polarization management was obtained with a 2D grating coupler, 2xAWGs and 16 Ge photodiodes. PDL was below 1dB, BW above 20GHz, receiver sensitivity in the order of 0.08 A/W. Submicron silicon photonics have generated an increasing interest in recent years, mainly for optical telecommunications or for optical interconnects in microelectronic circuits. The rationale of silicon photonics is the reduction of the cost and energy of communications systems through the integration of photonic components and an electronic integrated circuit (IC) on a common chip (telecommunications applications), or the enhancement of IC performances with the introduction of optics inside a high performance chip (core to core communications), or low cost sensors. The FP7 HELIOS project aimed to combine a photonic layer with a CMOS circuit by using microelectronics fabrication processes. A first goal was to develop high performance generic building blocks for a broad range of applications: WDM sources by III-V/Si heterogeneous integration [1], fast modulators [2,3] and detectors [4], passive circuits and packaging. One of the demonstrators is a 16x10 Gb/s receiver with different building blocks: A 2D surface grating couples the light coming from a single mode fiber SMF fiber into the circuit and separates the two polarizations while transforming the TM polarization into TE. Identical 200GHz 16 channel AWGs receive the two input signals and demultiplexes the guided TE modes. The two 16 output waveguides are then connected to 16 Ge photodiodes (figure 1) Figure 1: Top-view with Optical Microscopy of the 16 channel receiver with 2D couplers (left) and Ge PD (right) We have developed a self-aligned process for the fabrication of the waveguides using two photolithography steps with a 193 nm stepper and two Si dry etching steps for the fabrication of gratings and waveguides on optical SOI substrates (220nm Si on top of 2µm Buried Oxide). We then defined cavities for the selective epitaxial growth of Germanium at the end of the waveguides. After doping with ion implantations to form a PIN Ge diode, damascene type metallization was used to form the electrodes. For 480nm x 220nm cladded waveguides, the losses were found at 2.3 dB/cm. The optimal efficiency for the 2D grating coupler was experimentally found to be 15% (~8dB coupling losses) at 1550nm with a 3dB bandwidth of 55nm. The minimum PDL was measured at ~1dB at ~1550nm. The 16 channels AWG with 200GHz separation performed with a crosstalk at -15 dB, and the minimum center-channel insertion losses was around 2.8 dB. The Ge photodiode is a butt coupled PIN lateral type of 10µm length with a sensitivity ~ 0.8 A/W. Capacitance is below 5fF range and dark current of the order of 20nA (-0.5V). With an applied voltage of -1V, the bandwidth of all dies is above 15 GHz while the mean value is around 20GHz which is comfortable for 10GB/s operation and should be also enough for 25Gbit/s operation in new receivers. Figure 2 : Photodiodes measurement after AWG The spectral characteristic of the receiver is shown in figure 2. With the losses and sensitivity of the basic blocks, the overall receiver sensitivity is in the order of 0.08 A/W with a channel separation of 1.6nm, corresponding to 200GHz. References : [1] M. Lamponi, S. Keyvaninia, C. Jany, F. Poingt, F. Lelarge, G. de Valicourt, G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, S. Messaoudene, J.-M. Fedeli, G.H. Duan, “Low-threshold heterogeneously integrated InP/SOI laser with a double adiabatic taper coupler”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Volume: 24, Page(s): 76 – 78, 2012. [2] D. J. Thomson, F. Y. Gardes, Y. Hu, G. Mashanovich, M. Fournier, P. Grosse, J-M. Fedeli, and G. T. Reed, "High contrast 40Gbit/s optical modulation in silicon," Opt. Express 19, 11507-11516 (2011) [3] M.Ziebell &al, “40 Gbit/s low-loss silicon optical modulator based on a pipin diode”, to appear in Optics Express in 2012 [4] L.Vivien & al, “Zero-bias 40Gbit/s germanium waveguide photodetector on silicon," Opt. Express 20, 1096-1101 (2012) [5] W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, P. Dumon, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, and E. Pluk, “A polarization-diversity wavelength duplexer circuit in silicon-on-insulator photonic wires.,” Optics express, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1567-78, Feb. 2007 59 Optical Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmission using full CMOS-compatible transmitter Research topics : Optical OFDM, Hybrid III/V-on-Silicon Laser, Quadrature-Amplitude Modulation G. Beninca de Farias, S. Menezo, A. Descos, B. Ben Bakir ABSTRACT: The direct-OFDM modulation of a hybrid III/V-on-Silicon laser, developed and fabricated in the CMOS Photonics lab, is demonstrated for the first time. While classical On-Off Keying (OOK) modulation limits the data-rate at 6Gbps, we demonstrate a record data-rate of 12.6Gbps in a back to back configuration. A 9.4Gbps transmission data rate is further achieved over 250m of Multi-Mode Fiber (MMF). This work paves the way for a full-CMOS compatible optical transmitter. In the optical fiber communication domain, the classical OnOff Keying (OOK) modulation is the technique used in most transmission systems shorter than 100km. While it is has very low complexity, the product bit-rate x distance is rapidly limited by chromatic dispersion (in Single-Mode Fiber SMF transmission) or intermodal dispersion (in MMF transmission). A particular multi-carrier technique, Orthogonal-Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), is gaining interest for optical communication for its robustness against time-dispersive channels, and for allowing much higher data-rates by using spectral-efficient higher-order modulation formats (Quadrature-Amplitude Modulation – QAM) [1]. The OFDM signal can be generated and processed with a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). In a general sense, we analyze the implementation of optical OFDM using an entire photonic transceiver compatible with CMOS technology. In order to do optical OFDM transmission, special requirements such as linear and low-noise devices are necessary. We experimentally demonstrate a direct-OFDM modulation of a hybrid III/V-on-Silicon laser, achieving a data-rate of 12.6Gbps in optical back-to-back (with no fiber) [2] and 9.4Gbps after 250m of MMF. The modulation level-format of each subcarrier is optimized according to the measured Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and the targeted Bit Error Rate (BER) is below 2.2e-3. Our hybrid III/V-on-Silicon laser fabricated using direct bonding technique [3], exhibits a threshold current of 90mA, and 1mW of optical power coupled to the MMF at 220mA bias current. The -3dB modulation bandwidth is measured to be 4.2GHz as shown in Figure 1, at 220mA bias. As a benchmark, we evaluated direct OOK modulation of the laser. An opened eye diagram is measured up to 6Gbps (cf. Figure 1), but no transmission could be made after 250m of MMF due to the dispersion. through a computer. The OFDM signal is defined off line in a classic manner for OFDM signal generation: 1) the serial incoming data is divided into parallel channels (42 in this work); 2) the data is then encoded using QAM modulation; 3) an inverse FFT (IFFT) generates each of the 42 sub-carriers with phase and amplitudes defined by the QAM modulators, and superimposes them. As indicated in the inset of Figure 2, the OFDM signal baseband bandwidth is 4GHz. An Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) serves as a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), with 8bits resolution. The rms (respectively peak, pk) laser modulating current is 14mA rms (respectively 57mA pk current). The achievable data-rate is evaluated firstly in optical B2B (with no fiber), and after 250m of MMF. At the receiver, a photo-receiver is used with an overall gain of 600V/W is used. A digital oscilloscope serves as the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) also with 8 bits resolution. Figure 2: Experimental Set-up The SNR computation per subcarrier is consistently verified by running a first acquisition and allocating Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK) symbols to the 42 data subcarriers. From the SNR distribution which is reported in figure 3, we compute the modulation order (e. g. the number of bits) maximum that we can transmit so that the (BER) is kept below 2.2e-3. The QAM mapping varies from QPSK (2 bits) to 32-QAM (5 bits) for the subcarriers with the best SNR as shown in Figure 3. The mean BER for optical B2B is 8.2e4, and for 250m of MMF is 1.7e-3, which can still be corrected with appropriated error correcting codes. Figure 3: Experimental Results Figure 1 : Hybrid Laser Characterization The experimental set-up for the direct OFDM transmission is shown if Figure 2. The OFDM signal is generated off-line Recently, with an improved laser design, we could achieve a data-rate of 21.5Gbps in optical B2B, and 12.5Gbps after 50km of SMF, with no optical amplification. These results will be presented this year in an international conference. [1] J. Armstrong, “OFDM for Optical Communications”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 180-204, January 2009. [2] S. Menezo, G. Beninca de Farias, B. Ben Bakir, A. Descos, N. Genay, “12.6 Gb/s Direct OFDM modulation of a Hybrid IIIV-on-Silicon Laser”, Group IV Photonics Conference (GFP) 2012. [3] B. Ben Bakir, A. Descos, N. Olivier, D. Bordel, P. Grosse, J.L. Gentner, F. Lelarge and J-M. Fedeli, “Hybrid Si/III-V Lasers with adiabatic coupling”, Group IV Photonics Conference (GFP) 2011. 60 CMOS Photonic Circuits for Passive Optical Networks (PON) Research topics : Fiber To The Home (FTTH), Optical Network Unit (ONU), CMOS Photonics, Reflective Mach-Zenher Modulator (R-MZM) S. Menezo, G. Beninca de Farias ABSTRACT: Frequency Division Multiplexing/Frequency Division Multi-Access (FDM/FDMA) passive optical networks are shown to provide a possible solution in terms of performance, manufacturability and cost for the second next generation passive optical access systems (NG-PON2). The CMOS Photonics Lab studies such solutions within the frame work of FAON and FABULOUS projects (partially funded by the French National Agency for Research and the European Commission). The link capacities are experimentally evaluated, and the implementation of the required optical network unit in silicon photonics is being demonstrated, as this CMOS compatible technology is well suited for mass market applications. The second next generation of access networks (NG-PON2) is forecast to increase the global capacity of access networks systems well beyond 40 Gbps downlink and 10 Gbps uplink, in order to provide a sustained data capacity of 1 Gbps per user. Those systems will also be able to reach between 64 and 1000 users per feeder, with a passive reach of 20 to 40 km. It is generally accepted that the use of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) will be required. A large family of solutions proposes a pure WDM shared access technique with one individual wavelength per user. Others advocate the combination of WDM with another per wavelength shared access mechanism such as, for instance, time domain multiplexing and multiple access (TDM/TDMA) or orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and multiple access (OFDM/OFDMA). In previous papers [1], a polarization independent reflective Mach–Zehnder Modulator (R-MZM) was proposed, capable of providing optical carrier suppression modulation. The latest is suitable for single wavelength OFDMA or FDMA applications in the uplink direction of passive optical networks (PONs). FDM/FDMA can be a very interesting alternative to TDMA as it removes the need for burst mode operation and also can decrease significantly the bandwidth of the electronic stages in the optical network unit (ONU), thus reducing its cost and power consumption. By finding a good compromise between the maximum RF bandwidth accessible by any ONU and the cost of the electronic stages, it is possible to achieve simultaneously a suitable service level (max. data rate) and acceptable deployment costs. Most of all, the ONU could be realized completely in silicon photonics, integrating complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) and bipolar CMOS (BiCMOS) electronics, thus reducing further its cost and making it suitable for a mass market such as the optical access market. In [2], we further assess the architecture of the previously proposed system through a theoretical analysis for the downlink and an experimental test-bed for the uplink. From this, specifications are given for the ONU modem, including required photonics and electronics. Following the system level analysis with both downstream (DS) and upstream (US) links, we study the possibility of making the required ONU exclusively using silicon photonics and off-the-shelf electronics. A possible silicon photonics implementation of the ONU reflective MZM is represented in Fig. 1. Following the clockwise (CW) light path from the input fiber, the light is coupled into the silicon photonic die through a) a 2D surface grating coupler. It then travels through b1) a first WDM tunable filter, c1) a first Semi-conductor Optical Amplifier (SOA), d) a silicon MZ modulator and c2) another SOA, b2) another WDM filter and back to the optical fiber through the 2D grating coupler. Figure 1: Reflective Mach-Zehnder Modulator (Transmitter of the ONU for the uplink) A tap is taken at the output of the MZ modulator and detected by e1) a monitoring waveguide-coupled photodetector in order to properly bias the MZ modulator. The counterclockwise (CCW) path is reversed. The ONU receiver is simply made of a photo-detector with an associated trans-impedance amplifier. The integration of the listed components can be made fully monolithically on silicon wafers in CMOS-compatible platforms. A full monolithic integration will allow a significant reduction of packaging, and therefore cost. The first generation of demonstrators will be focused on the photonic circuit. The second generation of demonstrators will comprise the photonic circuit with the CMOS electronic drivers. Leti will use its 3D copper pillar technology for achieving the electro/optic integration. References : [1] B. Charbonnier, N. Brochier, and P. Chanclou, “Reflective polarisation independent Mach-Zenhder modulator for FDMA/OFDMA PON,” Electron. Lett., vol. 46, no. 25, pp. 1682–1683, 2010. [2] B. Charbonnier, S. Menezo, P. O’Brien, “Silicon Photonics for Next Generation FDM/ FDMA PON”, Journal of Optical Communications and Networks, VOL. 4, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2012. 61 7 Solid state lighting Nanowire light emitters Nanoimprint for solid state lighting Thermal engineering (LED) 62 Nanowire growth mechanisms Research topics: nanowires, wide band gap semiconductors, epitaxial growth, substrates, polarity G. Perillat-Merceroz, R. Thierry, P. Ferret, G. Feuillet and P.H. Jouneau (CEA/DSM/INAC) Semiconducting nanowires are potentially interesting building blocks for novel and efficient optical devices. It is the aim of this work to assess the allegedly structural perfection of these nanostructures when grown on different types of substrates. We take ZnO as a case study. Whatever the substrate, the overall morphology of the nanostructures are similar (a wire on top a pyramid), and the wires have opposite polarity compared to their originating pyramids. However the location of the inversion domain boundary does depend upon the underlying substrate, pointing to different nucleation mechanisms. Since inversion domain boundaries are structural defects, a particular attention should be paid to controlling these defects in the nanostructures. Controlling the growth and the morphology of semiconducting nanowires appears crucial if one wants to optimize the performance of nanowire-based devices such as photovoltaic solar cells, nano-generators, or light-emitting diodes. With this in mind and as a case study, we investigated the nucleation and growth mechanisms of ZnO nanowires grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Different substrates were considered to try and determine their possible influence on the structure of the nanowires (namely O polar ZnO for homepitaxial growth and c plane sapphire fro heteroepitaxial growth). Whatever the substrate and for the same growth conditions, the overall morphology of the nanostructures is identical, consisting in a pyramid with a nanowire sitting on top (fig.1a). Whatever the substrate, ZnO nanowires are Znpolar, as demonstrated by convergent beam electron diffraction while the pyramids are of O polarity (fig.1b, c, d). Examination of a fair population of nanowires grown either homo-epitaxially on ZnO or heteroepitaxially on sapphire, allowed us to draw a clear picture of the nucleation mechanisms of the inversion domain boundary at play in the two cases. For growth on ZnO (Fig.2), as growth proceeds, the inversion domain boundary is found to move up in order to remain at the top of the O-polar pyramids. It is proposed that the local segregation of aluminium impurities at the top of the pyramid, originating from the ZnO substrate, could account for the nucleation of inverted domains as discussed in other materials such as GaN:Mg. On the other hand, for growth on sapphire substrates (figure 3), the nucleation of Zn-polar wires occurs at the top of the O-polar pyramids, within the pyramid itself or at the sapphire/ZnO interface. In this last case, the nucleation of inverted domains could be partly attributed to atomic steps, but also to the non-polar character of the sapphire substrate. To conclude, this work stresses the fact that crystal polarity governs both the nucleation and the shape of ZnO nanostructures. We recently found out that similar behaviours exist in the case of GaN nanostructures. Devicewise, a particular attention should be paid to controlling these structural defects since they could be detrimental to optical/ electrical efficiencies. Figure 1 TEM image of the wire on a pyramid (on a ZnO buffer ) and related CBED diffraction pattterns , showing that nanowire and pyramid have opposite crystal polarity Figure 2:TEM images. Nanowire growth on ZnO substrate for two different growth durations showing that the inversion domain boundary moves up during growth to stay at the top of the underlying pyramid Figure 3 : TEM images of the nanowire on pyramid structure in the case of growth on sapphire. The inversion domain boundary is found to nucleate on top of the pyramid, within the pyramid itself or at the substrate interface References : G. Perillat-Merceroz, R . Thierry, P.H. Jouneau, P. Ferret, G. Feuillet Compared growth mechanisms of Zn-polar ZnO nanowires on O-polar ZnO and on sapphire Nanotechnology 23 (2012) 125702 63 GaN nanowire Selective Area Growth Research topics : nanostructures for Solid State Lighting, LED D. Salomon, B. Amstatt, A. Dussaigne, P. Ferret, M. Lafossas, G. Perillat-Merceroz, S. Landis, B. Martin, R. Templier C Bougerol*, B Gayral*, Xiaojun Chen*, J. Eymery*, C. Durand * (*CEA/INAC or CNRS Institut Néel.) ABSTRACT: So as to control the growth of nanowire (NW) heterostuctures for LEDs devices, it is highly necessary to make sure that all nanowires will have similar morphologies and dimensions. It is shown here that this is only possible through the use of selective area growth (SAG); It is further demonstrated that the shape of the obtained nanostructures depends on their crystal polarity which, in turns, is highly dependent upon the nature and/or the crystalline polarity of the underlying substrate. An important development in our Solid State Lighting activities concerns nanowire (NW) Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The expected advantages of NW over the standard 2D growth are based on the following concepts: higher material quality, larger active surface, 200 mm Si compatible technology … However, fundamental issues have to be addressed in order to control the growth of nanowire (NW) based LEDs heterostuctures: NW nucleation mechanisms and shape, indium incorporation, doping issues, strain state... But, since the optical and electrical properties of the nanowire LED strongly depend upon the uniformity of the individual nanowires, only selective area growth (SAG) can be envisaged, as pointed out below. Similar processes can be undertaken on pre-patterned substrates in order to obtain organized growth of nanowires. This is done here using bulk GaN substrates were polarity is perfectly defined. A selectivity mask (Si3N4) is deposited on the N-polar (resp. Ga-polar) surface (Fig.2.a, resp. 2.b) of a free-standing GaN substrate. Opening in the mask (Nanoimprint or optical lithography) yields a perfect control on the position and size of the nanowires. In this case, homepitaxial growth leads to either flat top NWs for N polarity but to pyramids for Ga polarity. These results stress the critical issue of crystal polarity to control the growth of nitride nanostructures, which is highly critical for the properties and efficiency of nanowire based LEDs. In this work [1], we show that crystal polarity strongly impacts the MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy) growth of GaN NWs. Let us first consider the case of selforganised hetero-epitaxial growth on sapphire substrates. Firstly, the growth of N-polar GaN wires has been reported using a nitridation step of the sapphire substrate to induce Npolar crystal growth. N-polar GaN wires present a hexagonal shape with flat top surface (Fig.1.a). Differently, the growth of Ga-polar prepared sapphire surfaces induces pencil-shape GaN wires (Fig.1.b) with pyramidal shape at their top. Note that the vertical m-plane facet formation requires a combination of lower V/III ratio and highly reduced V-III precursor flows, which tend to yield smaller diameters (100200 nm) NWs than for growth on N-polar surfaces. (a) (b) Figure 2 : Effect of polarity on GaN nanostructure shape : a) ordered wires on N-polar GaN substrates, b) ordered nanopyramids on Gapolar GaN substrates Figure 1 : (a) N-polar GaN wires on c-sapphire with flat top surface, (b) Ga-polar GaN wires on c-sapphire with pyramidal tip. References : [1] C. Durand, Xiaojun Chen, C. Bougerol, G. Perillat-Merceroz, D. Sam-Giao, B Gayral, B. Amstatt, B. Martin, R. Templier, P. Ferret, and J. Eymery. « The control of crystal polarity for MOCVD nanowire growth », International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, October 1419, 2012, Sapporo, Japan. 64 Strain relaxation mechanims in nanowire heterostructures Semiconductor nanowires, Core-shell heterostructures, Misfit relaxation, Dislocation glide G. Perillat-Merceroz, R. Thierry, P.Ferret, G. Feuillet, and P.H. Jouneau (DSM/INAC) Strain relaxation processes have been investigated in the case of radial nanowire heterostructures. Transmission Electron Microscopy observations of multiple quantum core-shell ZnO / ZnMgO heterostrutures clearly revealed that, like in the case of 2 dimensional strained epitaxy, strain relaxation occurs via glide of dislocations. But in this case dislocation glide occurs in pyramidal and prismatic planes, in order to release the interfacial strain on the lateral facets of the wires. It is also apparent that the corners of adjacent facets introduce inhomogeneous strain fields with specific relaxation processes at these locations. Wide Band Gap Semi-conducting nanowires are widely being investigated for their potential applications in the field of optoelectronics, especially for photovoltaics and light emitters. For LED applications, the core-shell configuration (Cf. figure 1), where the light emitting quantum wells are deposited radially around the initial rod, are especially interesting mainly because of the greater optically active volume compared to classical 2 dimensional epitaxial layers. The use of nanowire based optical devices is commonly thought to limit strain accommodation problems because of the limited size of these objects and of the presumed easier surface relaxation. Nevertheless, as in the case of 2D layers, we could show that strain relaxation may occur because of the lattice mismatch stress between the core and the shell materials. In turns, strain relaxation induces dislocations that are detrimental to device efficiencies. For instance, we have demonstrated that internal quantum efficiencies of ZnO coreshell quantum wells varies from 1% to 54% whether dislocations are present or not [1]. In order to understand and better control strain relaxation effects in these quasi-1 dimensionnal structures, we carried out a TEM analysis of plastic relaxation mechanisms in ZnO/ZnMgO core-shell nanowires grown by MOVPE [2]. It was shown that strain relaxation along the c and a directions of the m plane facets of the wurtzite core-shell nanowires occurred through the glide of dislocation half-loops from the free surface to the interface. Glide occurs in pyramidal planes, with the Burgers vectors of the dislocations having a component both along c and in the c plane, and in prismatic planes, with b=a. Some of these half-loops may close up in order to accommodate the misfit at two consecutive opposite interfaces (ZnO/ZnMgO and ZnMgO/ZnO) of the nanowire heterostructure. The stress state in these one-dimensional structures is different from 2D layers, because of the finite dimensions of the m and a facets. Actually, the presence of corners between these facets induces inhomogeneous strain fields in the shell. These observations will help design optimized core-shell nanowire heterostructures by an adequate choice of core and layer thicknesses together with alloy composition in order to avoid the formation of detrimental defects such as dislocations and so as to control the strain relaxation mechanisms. a b Figure 1: STEM image of a) cross section and b) plan view of a c-oriented ZnO/ ZnMgO core-shell nanowire heterostructure Figure 2: TEM contrast study of dislocations in core-shell ZnO/ZnMgO nanowire heterostructures; the different types of dislocations appear visible or invisible according to the diffraction vector g, allowing for the determination of their Burgers vector b Figure 3 a) Stress representation in wurzite coreshell nanowires b) and c) Activated glide directions and glides planes References : [1] R. Thierry, G. Perillat Merceroz, P. Ferret, P.H. Jouneau, G. Feuillet ,Core-shell multi-quantum wells in ZnO/ZnMgO nanowires with high optical efficiencies, Nanotechnology 23(2012) 085705 [2] G. Perillat-Merceroz, R. Thierry, P.H. Jouneau, P. Ferret, G. Feuillet, Strain relaxation by dislocation glide in ZnO/ ZnMgO core-shell nanowires, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 17, 173102 (2012) 65 NanoImprint Lithography (NIL) technology for solid state lighting Research topics: NanoImprint Lithography, 3D pattern, Light extraction, LED V. REBOUD, S. LANDIS, Y. LEE, E. ROGNIN Typical light emitting diodes (LEDs) structures are composed of multiple thin semiconducting layers with an active region capable of emitting light. LEDs efficiency derives from four individual terms: the internal quantum efficiency; the light extraction efficiency (from the unpackaged chip); the conversion efficiency of the phosphors; and finally the packaging efficiency. NanoImprint Lithography (NIL) technology has been implemented in LEDs manufacturing scheme to improve light extraction efficiency and simplify process steps. Two approaches are currently investigated: patterning the top surface of LED devices with Photonic Crystals (PhCs) and Patterning the Sapphire Substrates (PSS) on top of which the LED structure layers are grown. In practice, light extraction efficiency is far from 100%. The reflection at the LED/air interface can be considered as a loss mechanism. However, the main loss channel in the LED is caused by the total internal reflection that occurs when the light goes from an optically dense medium to a less optically dense medium (GaN to air for example). For gallium nitrite based LED, the light extraction efficiency from a flat LED surface to the air is only 4.61%. Numerous methods have been proposed to circumvent the poor light extraction efficiency: modifying the geometry of the chip by shaping the sides of the LED chip into trapezoidal shape; roughening the sides and the surface of the chip, which can enhance scattering effect, leading however to a degradation of the electrical characteristics, and a rise of the forward voltage. Based on the aforementioned remarks, the LED lightextraction efficiency can be improved by controlling the structuration of the LED surface, advantageously achieved by the NanoImprint lithography with an accurate control of the critical dimension of surface structures. A uniform size and the periodicity of the structures (comparable to the light emitting wavelength), called photonic crystal, allows the control of the angular diagram of the emitted light [1]. The photonic crystal [2] enhances the external quantum efficiency of the LED by controlling light propagating modes in the LED chip, thereby forcing the generated photons to exit the chip and/or forming an efficient waveguide to couple photons to the free space. curable based resists to pattern LEDs. The conformal contact during the patterning process was then achieved reducing dramatically the number of patterning defects. The nanoimprinted PhCs were then successfully transferred into a GaN layer on top of 100 mm sapphire substrate (Fig. 1). Another major concern of LED manufacturing is the substrate/GaN interface. The most commonly used substrate for growing GaN films is sapphire. However, a 16% lattice mismatch between the GaN and the sapphire exists, causing a large number of threading dislocations at the interface. An approach to solve this problem requires altering the crystal growth orientation of the epitaxial film by resorting to etched sapphire surface structures with pyramidal shapes. The interrupted and/or bent dislocations might reduce the density of the threading dislocations. In addition, these surface structures can display effects similar to the roughened surface to enhance the light extraction efficiency for the multiple reflections at the GaN/sapphire interface. Such substrate patterning is known as the patterned sapphire substrate (PSS) technique (Fig. 2). Typical PSS patterns are on the order of micrometers and shrinking the size of the patterns to nanometer scales is believed to significantly improve light extraction efficiency, but also to simplify the buffer layer growth and its thickness. We succeeded in developing a specific 3D patterning process [3, 4] to tune the imprinted pyramid shape angle in order to optimize the optical function response. This approach presents the unique advantage to transfer 3D structures at wafer scale in a single step on bowed and warped wafers. Figure 1: 100 mm GaN layer on Sapphire Substrate fully patterned with Photonic Crystal. The typical properties of LED substrates presents high bow, varying TTV and surface defects after epi-growth. The structuration of such substrates is challenging for conventional lithography methods, especially if high resolution is requested to realize 2D or 3D periodic and quasi periodic PhCs. To circumvent these issues, we developed imprint process based on transparent soft stamp and UV Figure 2: 100 mm Sapphire Substrate fully covered with reflective patterns printed by NIL. [1] V. Reboud, C. M. Sotomayor Torres, Enhancement of extraction efficiency in nanoimprinted optical device structures, Proceedings of SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering 8428 , art. no. 84280B 2012 [2] V. Reboud, A.Z. Khokhar, B. Sepúlveda, D. Dudek, T. Kehoe, J. Cuffe, N. Kehagias, M. Lira-Cantu, N. Gadegaard, V. Grasso, V. Lambertini, C.M. Sotomayor Torres, Enhanced light extraction in ITO-free OLEDs using double-sided printed electrodes, Nanoscale, 4 (11), 2012. [3] S. Landis, V. Reboud, T. Enot, C. Vizioz, Three dimensional on 300mm wafer scale Nano Imprint Lithography processes, Oral presentation, Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, Toulouse, France, September 16-20, 2012. [4] V. Reboud and S. Landis, 3D micro-optics patterning by wafer-scale NanoImprint lithography on 8" and 12" wafers, NNT2012 wafer scale imprint for optical, Invited paper, The 11th International Conference on NanoImprint & Nanoprint Technology, Napa, CA, United States, October 24-26, 2012. 66 Thermal engineering for LED based modules Research topics: LEDs, thermal design, lead-frame Gasse, B. Pardo , A. Lagrange ABSTRACT: Thermal design optimization is mandatory to enable mass deployment of LED technology in the general lighting industry. The first optimization presented here, led to a novel leadframe package, that made it possible to obtain a junction to slug thermal resistance as low as 5.5 K/W. This work was completed by the manufacturing of multi-LED modules using the same technology. Thermal characterization was performed to assess the gain both at component and board level in comparison to standard technologies. LED based lighting systems are intrinsically much more efficient and reliable than most other lighting technologies, but still, only almost 30% of the total energy they use is converted into visible light and 70% is lost into heat. Although the internal efficiency of LEDs improves at each new generation, packaging and system engineers still have to design solutions that allow for a large dissipation of heat out of the device junction. Indeed, keeping a low junction temperature (Tj), has a major impact on the product performances (LED efficiency, reliability, colour maintenance ...). Any module or lamp can be described as a network of thermal resistances in series or in parallel, as shown below. Within Consumerizing Solid State Lighting program (CSSL), sponsored by the European Commission (Cf. website: http://www.consumerizingssl.eu), the consortium goal is to design and fabricate a cost effective LED based lamp as a retrofit for the 60W incandescent bulb [1]. LETI’s main focus was to reduce the junction –to-slug thermal resistance of the LED package. To do so, together with our partner Boschman, we designed and fabricated a new leadframe package shown on Fig. 1. 300-1000 µm + n QW p 3 µm + Au/Sn 100 µm + Si doped 5 µm - GaN With a similar thermal characterization, we have obtained a thermal resistance of 13.7 K/W (total thermal resistance from junction to board) compared to 19 K/W for a board of ceramic based components on a Via Filled FR4 board, the improvements coming from both component and board (see Fig.3). Reflective Polymer 10 µm 10 µm Figure 2: Multi-LED module using LF packages Silicone Glue Reflective Polymer 200 µm In addition to encapsulation processes, this work has been pursued on multi-component modules on Insulated Metal Substrates (see Fig. 2). + Die-Attach (Ag Glue) or Solder + Component Lead Frame Solder Joint SAC Component Lead Frame Air Solder Joint SAC Figure 1: Novel leadframe package on star PCB and schematic showing cross section of complete assembly. This package is based on a thin Cu layer (to improve thermal dissipation) embedded into a white reflective polymer (to enhance light extraction). After die attach and soldering of the package on Star Metal Core PCB using SnAgCu solder, thermal resistances have been measured using the T3Ster© equipment. In parallel, Numerical simulations using Ansys software have been carried out. A relatively good agreement between simulation and measurement has been found and is discussed in ref [12]. A thermal resistance as low as 5.5 K/W has been obtained, which is almost twice as low as commercially available ceramic submounts. Figure 3 : Thermal characterizations of multi-LED modules As to the optimization of the LED properties, other works are currently in progress, to better control and enhance blue to white conversion in LED modules and better understand their failure modes. References: [1] B. Pardo et al, Thermal experimental & simulation investigations on new lead frame based LED packages, Imaps 7th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal management, La Rochelle, 1-2 february 2012. [2] B. Pardo, A. Gasse, J. Jakovenko, R.J. Werkhoven, X. Perpiñà, T. van Weelden, P. Bancken, 3th IEEE international conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Micro/Nanoelectronics and Systems - EuroSimE 2012 – Portugal, April 16-17-18, Oral presentation – Selected and accepted to be published in a Special issue of Microelectronics Reliability. 67 8 PhD Degrees Awarded Audrey BASTARD Anne Laure BAVENCOVE Julien BOIZOT Hélène BOURVON Stéphane BROCHEN Clément CHAUVEAU Alexandros EMBORAS Frédérique GEMAIN Vipul GOHRI Baptiste GOUBAULT Johannes GOUPY Siddharth NAMBIAR Duy Thong NGUYEN Etienne ROGNIN 68 Audrey BASTARD University of Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique) Physical analysis of materials for electrical Phase Change memories (PC Ram) Phase Change Memories are suitable for the next generation of non-volatiles memories due to high programmation speed and endurance. However, two major improvements need to be made in order to enter memories market, the short retention time at high temperature, and the important electric consumption. This thesis focuses on the development of new phase change materials to replace the reference material, Ge2Sb2Te5, unsuitable for embedded memories applications working at high temperatures. The behavior of binary compounds GeTe and GeSb has been investigated and compared to the reference material during both the crystallization of the « as deposited » amorphous and the « melt quenched » amorphous materials. Indeed it is important to study the « melt quenched » amorphous state of the material to be as close as possible to the cycled material in the devices. So, the crystallization mechanism of GeTe checked by the crystallization study of the amorphous « melt quenched » by laser annealing is in agreement with the in situ TEM observation (thermal annealing) of the crystallization. The addition of “doping” elements in the binary compounds has also been performed to improve the thermal stability of amorphous undoped materials. These “doping” elements allow a current reset decrease, or a later formation of « voids » during cycling. Anne Laure BAVENCOVE University of Grenoble UJF (Université Joseph Fourier) Fabrication of GaN nanowire-based light emitting diodes This thesis aims at studying the intrinsic properties of InGaN/GaN nanowires (NWs) in order to fabricate efficient light emitting diodes (LEDs). Two active region designs, obtained through different growth techniques, have been extensively investigated. Axial NW-based LEDs emitting from the blue (450 nm) to the red (620 nm) spectral range have been grown by MBE. In this case, single emitters present diameters typically smaller than 100 nm. MOCVD allowed the fabrication of LEDs emitting shorter wavelengths (< 430 nm) from Core/Shell heterostructures with typical dimensions in the micrometer range. In both cases, the spontaneous growth has been conducted on Silicon (111) highly conductive substrates in order to inject the current vertically into macroscopically contacted devices. Fundamental technological blocks needed to fabricate LEDs have been investigated through a wide range of characterization techniques suitable for high aspect ratio structures. Thus, the effect of ntype (Silicon) and p-type (Magnesium) dopant species has been assessed thanks to optical spectroscopy techniques, and these results have been confirmed by electrical measurements carried out on single wires. Furthermore, low temperature cathodoluminescence has been widely used in order to study the optical properties of InGaN-based active regions. After technological integration, electro-optical characterizations resolved at the wirescale have revealed that the performances of NW-based LEDs are mainly limited by the fluctuation of electrical and optical properties between single emitters. 69 Julien BOIZOT University of Paris VI Lifetime Optimization of Organic Light-Emission Diode microdisplays The present study deals with active-matrix OLED microdisplays, based on a white top-emitting biemitters structure. The optimization of these devices lifetime is the main point of this manuscript. The luminous efficiency loss and the voltage drift induced while ageing of the device under constant current driving conditions are indeed key parameters. A first part consists in understanding the main degradation mechanisms known to operate in OLED devices. A focus on intrinsic mechanisms is here chosen to improve devices lifetime. Extrinsic mechanisms like encapsulation issues or other process optimization are not developed in this work. We propose here a systematic study on the influence of OLED structure parameters on initial but especially on aging performances. The optimization of anode electrical contact through plasma treatments and a thin oxide interlayer show very interesting results for reducing operating bias and voltage drift induced while aging under constant current. The enhancement of doping percentage in doped injection layers also show significant improvement on devices performances, with the great advantage of being a useful tool for controlling devices efficiency. We also find that an optimization of the emission layers thicknesses could lead to great lifetime improvement. Those results are also combined and confirmed by a Design Of Experiments meant to determine the influence of the main process parameters on devices performances. Finally, we initiate the characterization of our OLED devices using impedance spectroscopy measurements. From the modeling of single-layer structures to the understanding of simple bipolar devices through analysis of capacitive evolution of full-stack devices with time, we here show that this technic appears very useful for the understanding of charge carrier dynamic and could help reducing charge accumulation. Hélène BOURVON University of Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique) Development of Visible and Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diodes and photodetectors based on Colloidal nanocrystals This work is devoted to the development of Visible and Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diodes and photodetectors based on colloidal nanocrystals. First, we report a wet strategy for solution processed QDLEDs. Using spin coated and inkjet printed polymers, we have developed our first devices. Unfortunately, their efficiencies were quite low. To overcome these issues, we have developed an original QDs deposition method based on stamping and Langmuir processes, called Langmuir-Schaeffer Stamping (LSS). LSS is a very cost-efficient, dry, simple and homogeneous method to deposit nanocrystals on any substrate, even on small molecules deposited layers. Using LSS, we have developed efficient devices whose specifications are reported here. Direct injection and Förster mechanisms are studied. Furthermore we have fabricated infrared devices with PbS nanocrystals. Performances of our 10 9 Jones NIR photo-detectors and NIR-QDLEDs are presented in this thesis. 70 Stéphane BROCHEN University of Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique) Electrical properties of zinc oxide single crystals Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a II-VI semiconductor which appears as a very promising material for UV optoelectronic applications, in particular for the production of light emitting devices (LED). For these applications, ZnO presents strong advantages: a high exciton binding energy (60 meV ), a wide direct band gap (3.4 eV ), the availability of large diameter bulk substrates for homoepitaxial growth of high quality thin films or nanostructures. However, the development of these applications is hampered by the difficulty to dope ZnO p-type. The impurity to obtain an electrical conductivity associated with positive charge carriers (holes), and therefore the production of ZnO pn junctions have not yet been really identified. In this thesis we have studied the physical mechanisms that govern the electrical properties of ZnO single crystal and epilayers. The control of contacts (ohmic or Schottky) on different ZnO surfaces allowed us to carry out both transport measurements (resistivity and Hall effect) and capacitance measurements (C(V ), Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) and admittance spectroscopy). Experimental tools and theoretical models used in this work are described. We have clarified intentional or unintentional n-type doping mechanisms in ZnO single crystal samples. We have also identified impurities and growth parameters responsible for the residual ntype doping. This understanding is a crucial and preliminary step for understanding the doping mechanisms at stake in this material and is also necessary to achieve stable p-type conductivity, which is still the main challenge for the realization of optoelectronic devices based on ZnO. Clément CHAUVEAU University Technology of Troyes (UTT) Resonators arrays for silicon photonics, applications in wavelength division multiplexing The development of the micro-electronics industry has given access to very high data transmission rates. Currently, these data rates are limited by the electrical interconnection bandwidth and it will soon be necessary to use optical links to obtain higher data rates. To attain this objective, new building blocks must be developed such as lasers, modulators, photo-detectors, wave-guides and routing devices which must all be fully compatible with the CMOS processing. This doctoral thesis concerns the study and development of new components based on circular resonators arrays, which other alternative solutions to existing devices in the field of wavelength division multiplexing for silicon photonics. The study of single ring resonators over the entire surface of a wafer shows that the use of thermal regulation is required to compensate for fabrication variations. Results of simulations and experiments show that arrays of circular resonators allow broadband filtering with very low loss. Based on this principle, an 8 channel multiplexer is demonstrated conforming to telecoms specifications. This kind of device is a potential candidate for use in the development of wavelength division multiplexing in silicon photonics. 71 Alexandros EMBORAS University Technology of Troyes (UTT) CMOS Integration of plasmon field effect devices Compact and low energy consumption integrated optical modulator is urgently required for encoding information into optical signals. To that respect, the use of plasmon modes to modulate light is of particular interest when compared to the state of the art silicon based optical modulators, as they could allow lower operation voltage and energy consumption. The PhD work of A Emboras tackled to the integration of a Si field-effect plasmonic modulator within a silicon photonics circuitry using the standard CMOS technology. First, he clarified the material aspects and the technological sequence required in order to realize an integrated plasmonic modulator in a way compatible with the requirements of the CMOS technology. In particular, the Metal-Nitride-Oxide-Semiconductor (MNOS) stack has emerged as a very promising for electrooptical plasmonic devices’design, allowing both an electrically reliable and a low optical loss operation. The latter performance was amplified by the choice of copper processed by using standard interconnect patterning technique as a plasmon supporting metal waveguide. The final modulator took advantage of those developments by inserting this MNOS stack inside a vertical MNOSM active structure, where the back metal was fabricated by waferscale direct bonding technique. An efficient and compact (0.5 µm length) optical butt coupling structure was developed between a standard strip silicon waveguide and the previous plasmonic active stack. A Emboras demonstrated that such couplers operates with optical coupling loss of just 2.5 dB per facets, ie a value twice smaller compared to the case of direct coupling. By applying an oscillating voltage to the very resulting very compact modulator structure (0.5 to 3 μm2), an electro-absorptive plasmonic modulator was experimentally demonstrated at telecom wavelength. The electro-absorption modulation is exhibiting a capacitive behavior, and its experimentally measured magnitude is in agreement with electro-optical simulations. This first fully CMOS compatible experimental demonstration of a plasmonic modulator is paving the way to future innovative designs. Frédérique GEMAIN University of Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique) Doping Spectroscopic Studies in II-VI Materials In this thesis work the optical and electrical properties of dopants in HgCdTe, CdZnTe and CdS layers were studied. These 3 II-VI materials are used in detection devices, for infrared light detection in the case of HgCdTe and CdZnTe or for visible light detection in the case of CdS. Optical characterizations of these II-VI layers were carried out mainly by photoluminescence and were correlated with electrical measurements realized by temperature dependent Hall effect. HgCdTe layers are the active layers in infrared detectors. A study of intrinsic doping with mercury vacancies and of extrinsic doping with arsenic in HgCdTe layers, was carried out. Correlations between optical measurements with electrical measurements led to identification of the activation energies of the 2 mercury vacancy acceptors. Comparison between PL spectra of As doped HgCdTe samples with measurements carried out by X-ray absorption (EXAFS) allowed to determine the arsenic complexes optical signatures in HgCdTe. Besides, a modeling work about alloy disorder in HgCdTe layers was also carried out to precisely fit the PL spectra. We also studied CdZnTe substrate used for HgCdTe epitaxy. Comparisons of PL spectra with growth parameters allowed us to understand the origin of intrinsic defects in this material. Last, we studied CdS layers, the II-VI material used as transparent window and forming the n side of p-n junctions in CdS/CdTe in solar cells. In this part, we studied the influence of different deposition methods on the formation of intrinsic defects measured by photoluminescence. These measurements were correlated with solar cells efficiency. 72 Vipul GOHRI University of Grenoble Development of top-emission Organic Light-Emitting Diodes for high luminance monochrome and full-colour microdisplay applications The present work reports the development of high luminance organic light emitting diodes(OLEDs) device stacks for microdisplay applications. The devices are based on silicon complementary metaloxide semiconductor (CMOS) backplane. In the present treatise efforts are particularly focused on reducing the luminance decay and the voltage drift during device operation. In the first part of this study, high brightness and low operating voltage green OLEDs are reported. The top emitting device stack comprises of fluorescent green emitter accompanied by charge blocking layers and doped charge transport layers. The effect of different device structures, configurations and organic materials on the initial and lifetime performance of the device is presented. In the second part of the study, device development of hybrid OLED stacks for high luminance full color microdisplays is reported. The hybrid devices comprise of a solution processed and photocrosslinkable hole transport layer (X-HTL) and an evaporated white OLED stack. It is shown that homogeneous thin films of X-HTL can be deposited by optimization of the deposition parameters. Hybrid device stacks are presented and the results indicate the feasibility of achieving higher color saturation and efficiency for primary colors than the standard technique which uses white stack and color filters. Preliminary investigations on the three emitter white stack for improvement in the efficiency of hybrid OLED are also presented. Finally, the fine pixel level patterning (resolution 5 μm) of X-HTL is demonstrated. Baptiste GOUBAULT University of Lorraine High density interconnection and 3D integration: study of the mechanical and electrical contact achieved by micro-tube insertion In order to address industrial requirements and 3D integration issues, a lot of research is focused on the main bonding technologies such as reflow soldering, thermo-compression, Direct Bond Interconnect (DBI), Solid Liquid Inter Diffusion (SLID) and insertion [1, 2]. Over the last few years, shortcomings caused by planarity, parallelism and roughness defects have been investigated and mitigated. Additionally, bonding parameters such as high process loads, temperature and low hybridization speeds are also critical. However, by decreasing the interconnection pitch, the size of components, and increasing the number of stacked dies, all of these issues have to be revisited. That is why the room temperature micro-tube insertion technology is a good candidate to address all of these industrial difficulties. To prove it, this thesis deals with the mechanical, electrical, and metallurgical behavior study of the golden micro-tube insertion into Al-0.5Cu pads. An experimental and numerical analysis is carried out in order to determine the main mechanisms involved during the assembly time. Thus, the mechanical and electrical study of a single micro-tube insertion into an Al-0.5Cu has demonstrated the loading rate and alignment influence. Moreover, component assemblies have confirmed previous results and demonstrated the parallelism impact. Finally, accelerated aging and mechanical tests have proved the good mechanical, electrical and metallurgical performances of those assemblies. 73 Johannes GOUPY University of Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique) Development of microcalorimeters matrix for high resolution spectro-imaging in Xray astronomy Future of the next camera onboard space observatories implies a major enhancement in number of pixels and a very low operative temperature (below 0.1 K). In this evolution, the large number of output wires from the cool detector is often responsible of the most important thermal load onto the cold bath (cryostat). In this context, the thermal insulation between the different detection circuits is the bottleneck for these cameras. An innovative technological component, protected by a patent, has been developed to tackle this problem. This device has both an excellent electrical resistivity and a very high thermal resistivity. The proposed solution is a stack of thin superconducting layers at electrical interconnections. The thermal resistance at each interface relies on the elastic properties of the materials used, the quality of the interfaces and temperature. The AMM model used in conjunction with the measured material characteristics allows a theorical estimation of the thermal resistance per interface. The measurements undertaken with superconducting connections with very high thermal resistivity are very well described by this AMM model. We have measured thermal resistances as high as 3.3 105 K/W @ 200 mK for a multilayer of 62 interfaces built with titaniun nitride and niobium alternatively on a 16 mm2 array. In the conditions foreseen for a 4000 micro-calorimeters camera operating at 50 mK in X-rays, this multilayer technique should allow a thermal load onto the cold bath that is much lower that 1 mW for more than 8000 contacts. This device can be used in the future, any time an excellent thermal insulation, associated with an excellent electrical conduction is necessary. Siddharth NAMBIAR University of Grenoble UJF (Université Joseph Fourier) Plasmon Assisted Si based Electo-Optical Devices Although the optical properties of nanostructured metals were known for many decades, it is only in the past few years that this field has attracted wide interest. This is in part due to the progress in nanofabrication techniques. The field of plasmonics is often touted as the next generation platform that could interface nanoscale electronics and Si photonics. With current electronic systems nearing saturation, the migration to photonic systems would become inevitable. Crucial to achieving this integration is to predict the electromagnetic response of these nanophotonic components. Electromagnetic numerical tools are one way to understand the optical properties of these plasmon based nanophotonic components. By and large the thesis deals with numerically analysing the propagation and near field characteristics of plasmon based components for Si photonics. The two principal EM modelling tools used in this regard are the boundary element method as well as the finite difference time domain. Two main kind of active plasmonic active devices were investigated: integrated modulators, and free space radiation photodetectors. The critical issue of an efficient coupling of light into a very confined guided plasmonic mode was first investigated so as to isolate the main modal governing contributions. Next, a new structure of plasmon assisted modulator was proposed and a complete optical design taking into the technological constraints of a CMOS foundry is provided and discussed. Finally a design optimizing the radiative coupling to the absorption of a Ge dot, using a plasmonic dipolar antenna, is studied. In particular the radiative engineering of the supporting SOI substrate is shown to have a tremendous effect on the final performance of the device. 74 Duy Thong NGUYEN University of Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique) Design, modeling, and characterization of innovative terahertz detectors This PhD thesis aims to establish an electromagnetic modeling of the bolometer at terahertz (THz) range that can facilitate the design of the detector from the uncooled infrared bolometer technology. The envisaged application for the detectors lies in active THz imaging at room temperature. We have studied the optical coupling of a THz antenna-coupled bolometer operating in the range 1 – 5 THz. Simulations in receiving and transmitting modes have been performed to study the optical characteristics of the bolometer. The combination of these two simulation types leads to a powerful toolset to design terahertz bolometers. For the experimental aspect, measurements have been performed by using Fourier-transform technique to study experimentally the electromagnetic behavior of the bolometer. They are measurement of reflectivity of the focal plane array’s surface and spectral response measurement. The results of measurement were found to be in good agreement with the simulation. The understanding from the study in this PhD helps us make improvement to the actual detector. Also the design of bolometer for low frequency (850 GHz) has been proposed. This leads to a perspective of using bolometer for terahertz imaging at the frequency where many characteristic of the terahertz radiation are favourable for imaging application. Etienne ROGNIN University of Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique) Characterization and applications of flowing nanoimprinted thin polymer films This thesis presents a theoretical and experimental work on nanoscale flows of polymer melts. Different levelling dynamics emerge from the analytical and numerical study of the reflow of a polymer film that is first nanoimprinted and then annealed above its glass transition temperature, depending on the initial topography of the film. These concepts were applied to the manufacturing of optical devices from the reflow of complex nanostructures. A method to measure the Newtonian viscosity and the terminal relaxation time of a thin polymer film was also developed. Finally, an exploratory work on a residual-layer-free nanoimprint process based on de-wetting is presented. Emphasis was put on the accurate computation of the disjoining pressure in stratified media with the modern Lifshitz theory based on the optical properties of the interacting materials. 75 76 Thanks to… Editorial committee Alexei TCHELNOKOV Gérard DESTEFANIS Jean Marc FEDELI Guy FEUILLET Jean MARTY Graphic Art Valérie LASSABLIERE Hélène VATOUYAS