- Waqfe Nau
- Waqfe Nau
Volume 3 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2014 www.waqfenau.us Ahmadiyya Kababir Mosque on the Carmel Mt., Haifa, Israel Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! you also should invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace. [33:57] Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Nawa`e Waqfe Nau A Quarterly Publication of National Waqfe Nau Department - USA Ameer Jama`at USA Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar Na’ib Ameer & Missionary InCharge Maulan Naseem Mahdi In This Issue Al-Quran Hadith Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) Friday Sermon 4 5-6 7 8-13 National Secretary Waqfe Nau Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) 14 Masih Al-Maud Day 15 Chief Editor Imran Jattala Regional Ijtema Reports Editors Mansoor Ahmad Madiha Akbar Hammad Malik www.waqfenau.us 16-18 Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada Trip 19 Waqfe Nau Syllabus...Things to know 20 Qaseedah 21 Tarana from Kalam-e-Mahmood 22 Word Search 23 Upcoming Events 24 Please send any information, comments, suggestions or articles regarding Waqfe Nau To: [email protected] Online Waqfe Nau Classes www.blogTalkRadio.com/waqfenau Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Al-Quran Page 4 Page 5 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Al-Hadith Six Articles of Faith Narrated by Ḥaḍrat ‘Umar bin al-Khaṭṭāb, (Allāh be pleased with him): said the Holy Prophet (peace of Allāh be on him and His blessings), “The requirements of Faith are that thou should believe in Allāh and in His Angels and in His Books and in His Prophets and in the Last Day, i.e., the Day of Requital, and that thou should also believe in Allāh’s determination of good and in His determination of evil.” (Muslim) Continued on next page Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 6 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 7 Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) Our paradise is in our God. Our highest delight is in our God for we have seen Him and have found every beauty in Him. This wealth is worth procuring though one may have to lay down one’s life to procure it. This ruby is worth purchasing though one may have to lose one’s self to acquire it. O ye, who are bereft, run to this fountain and it will satiate your thirst. It is the fountain of life that will save you. What shall I do, and by what drum shall I make the announcement that this is your God, so that people might hear? What remedy shall I apply to their ears so that they should listen. If you belong to Allah, rest assured that Allah will indeed belong to you. (Kishti Nuh; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 19, pp. 21-22) Hearken ye who have ears to hear: What is it that Allah requires of you? Only this that you should become His alone and set up no equal with him, neither on this earth nor in heaven. Our God is that One Who is alive today as much as He ever was. Likewise, He speaks today as He did in the past; He hears as he used to hear. To think that He only listens but does not speak in this age is a vain belief. Indeed, He both hears and speaks. All His attributes are eternal and everlasting. None of His attributes were ever suspended, nor will they ever be. He is the same Unique Being Who has no associate. He has neither son nor wife, and He is the same Eternal Being Who is peerless, and there is none like unto Him. There is no one similar to Him in His attributes; none of His powers ever wane. He is near, yet far; distant, yet close. He is the Hightest of the high, yet it cannot be said that there is anyone below Him farther than He. He is in Heaven, but it cannot be said that He is not on earth. He combines in Himself all the most perfect attributes and manifests the virtures which are truly worthy of praise. He is the Fountainhead of all excellence. He is the All-Powerful. Everything good originates from Him and to Him all things return. All possessions belong to Him, in Him all excellences combine. He is free from blemish, without weakness. He is Unique in His right to be worshiped by all who dwell on the earth or belong to heaven. (Al-Wasiyyat: Roohani Khazain, Vol. 20, pp. 309310) Page 8 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Friday Sermon: Signs of Truth Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor AhmadABA, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on February 14, 2014 In today’s Friday sermon Hazrat Khalifatul Masih gave a discourse with reference to revelations of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) which are given in his writings. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said in this regard that the real objective of these revelations was for God to make evident the truth of Islam to the world through him and to demonstrate the status of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). While these revelations and signs silence the others and the detractors, they are also proofs of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) for Muslims that he indeed is the one commissioned by God for the revival of Islam. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) writes in his magnum opus, Baraheen e Ahmadiyya about keeping a record of his revelations and says that all these arrangements have been put in place so that it may be perfectly disclosed to those who seek the truth that all blessings and lights are inherent in Islam and so that the convincing proofs of Allah reach the godless people of this age, so that in turn their satanic nature is made evident to every fair-minded person. These people are inclined to darkness and are averse to light and reject the high status of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and utter abusive words for him and lay unfair allegations on the most eminent of all men. Borne of their intrinsic wickedness and extreme lack of faith, they are not aware that he alone is the most perfect of men who came to this world and whose light has been illuminating the world like the sun and shall continue to illuminate. So that the glory of Islam is made evident through these true writings via the acknowledgement of the detractors themselves and a way of proofs is opened for the sincere seeker and anyone who has any delusions gets a reality check. lievers, so that their hearts are strengthened and assured and they may have perfect belief that the right path is with Islam alone. Now there is only one Prophet and one Book under the heaven. The Prophet is Muhammad, the chosen one (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who is higher and more exalted than all Prophets and is the most perfect of Messengers and is the Seal of all the Prophets and the best of men by following whom we find God Almighty and all the veils of darkness are lifted and the signs of true salvation are witnessed in this very life. The Book is the Holy Qur’an, which comprises true and perfect guidance and effectiveness, through which knowledge and understanding of the Divine are obtained and the heart is purified of human weaknesses; and being delivered from ignorance, heedlessness and doubts, a person arrives at the stage of complete certainty. Another reason for writing down these visions and revelations and the testimonies of people of other religions is for Muslims to be always equipped with strong arguments. And so that it is always clear and evident to people when the wicked, ungodly and black-hearted individuals, who unfairly contend with Muslims are trounced and silenced. So that the seekers of truth of this age as well as of the future generations are protected from the toxic air of wickedness and misguidance which is prevalent these day because these revelations will unfold many such aspects which are destined to manifest in the future. Thus, when this age is gone and a new world is revealed and sees for itself the truths written in this book, these prophecies will be most beneficial for strengthening faith. (Baraheen e Ahmadiyya I - IV, pp. 555-558 - footnotes) The significance of this text was not limited to the time of its publication; in fact these signs were also to appear in times to come and were meant to prove the truth of Islam. It is astonishing that people do not seek these signs but are quick to raise objections. It was God’s will in however many languages he revealed His words to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Indeed outsiders were witness to these revelations and Another reason for writing down these visions and they proved the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet revelations is to enhance the strength of faith of be- (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). The book Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 9 Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued... Baraheen e Ahmadiyya remains a sign today for those In his book Nuzulul Masih, the Promised Messiah (on with spiritual insight and this book and his other whom be peace) explains his various revelations: books are becoming sources of guidance for people. ‘O Ahmad, mercy flows from your lips. We have beThe Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) made his stowed upon you abundant points of wisdom.’ So, obviprophecies after been given knowledge from God. In ously my words were miraculous and none could contend with them. I published more than twenty books this regard he says in his book Kishti Nuh: and journals in eloquent Arabic but no one could con‘Matters of the unseen that God has disclosed to me tend with me. God took away both power of speech and which were fulfilled on time are not less than ten and heart from them and gave them to me.’ P. 510 thousand in number. However, only one hundred and fifty of these have been recorded in the book ‘Nazulul ‘They say from where did you have this status? It is a Masih’, which is under publication, along with proofs deception. We will not accept you unless we see God.’ and witness accounts. None of my prophecies has These people will not accept anything apart from a sign been left unfulfilled or [at least] one of its two-parts of death! Say to them that death, that is, the plague is has not been left unfulfilled. Even if a person spends also coming, therefore do not be haste with me. This his life looking for any such prophecy that I may have prophecy was made 20 years before the outbreak of uttered and dies in the process he will not find one the plague!’ p. 510 about which he could say that it was left unfulfilled. Though, he may say whatever he wanted out of impu- ‘The Company of the Lounge, how will you know what dence or lack of awareness. I say with conviction that the Company of the Lounge is? You will see their eyes thousands of most evident prophecies of mine have running with tears. They will call down blessings on you been clearly fulfilled and hundreds of thousands of and will supplicate: Our Lord, we have heard a crier people witnessed this. If an example of this is looked calling people to the faith, a summoner to Allah and a in the previous Prophets, it cannot be found with the bright lamp.’ At the time when this prophecy was pubexception of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of lished in Baraheen e Ahmadiyya, there was neither a Allah be on him). Had my detractors resolved the lounge, nor any company of the lounge. Later, when matter based on this, their eyes would have been sincere people migrated to Qadian, guest houses and opened ages ago. I was prepared to give them a huge lounges were prepared for them. Observe how magreward if they could come up with an example of nificent this prophecy is! These matters were disclosed these prophecies! What else can we say but attribute at a time when one could not have even imagined that it to wickedness and thinking ill of others when it is a time will come when such sincere people will gather merely said out of mischief or foolishness that such in Qadian and lounges will be prepared for them! pp. and such prophecy has not been fulfilled! … It is not a 501 – 502 small matter for thousands of prophecies to be fulfilled with exactness and thousands of living witnesses ‘The opponents will plan to extinguish the light of God to them to be present. It is as if seeing the Glorious with the breaths of their mouths, that is, they will utilGod. Has anyone observed anywhere apart from the ise cunning. However, God will perfect His light altime of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah though the disbelievers will resent it.’ This is a prophbe on him) that thousands of prophecies were given ecy of a time when there was no opposition or enmity and they were all fulfilled as clear as the day and thou- against this movement. Ten years after this prophecy sands of people bore witness to their fulfilment! I such enmity was shown that it became an upsurge; alleknow for certain that as God Almighty is manifesting gation of disbelief was recorded, edicts of murder were Himself in this age and is coming closer and is unfold- recorded and published in hundreds of books and jouring hundreds of matters of the unseen to His servant, nals. Almost all the maulwis became opponents and very few examples of this time can be found in the they did not desist from making the lowest of low earlier times.’ (Kishti Nuh, pp. 6- 7) schemes to ruin me. However, the outcome was quite the opposite and this movement progressed extraordinarily!’ pp. 526-527 Page 10 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued... ‘Although people will not save you, that is, they will try to ruin you but God will generate measures to save you. God will definitely save you although the people will not want to save you.’ See what a strong and glorious prophecy this is! The promise to save is made twice and it has been clearly promised that people will try to ruin and destroy you and will hatch all kinds of schemes, but God will be with you. He will disrupt these schemes and will save you! Just think all possible schemes were hatched. All manner of ploys were devised to ruin and destroy me. Murder cases were filed against me and many efforts were made to disgrace me. Schemes were made to embroil me in tax matters, edicts of disbelief were given but God failed them all and they did not succeed in any of their deception. God had informed me a very long time ago about the forceful storm that followed. Fear God and speak the truth! Is this not knowledge of the unseen and Divine succour! … defence signifies being saved from great calamities which was the real objective of the enemy. You see, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was also promised to be defended although he sustained severe injuries in the Battle of Uhad and this took place after the promise of defence was made. Similarly, Allah the Exalted had said to Hazrat Isa (on whom be peace): ‘…and when I restrained the children of Israel from putting thee to death…(5: 111) although it is proven from what followed in the nation that the Jews imprisoned Hazrat Masih (on whom be peace) and put him on the cross but God ultimately saved him. This is what is meant by ‘…when I restrained…’ as it is meant by: ‘…And Allah will protect thee from men…’(5:68) pp. 427-428 These were a few examples of the signs of Allah as given to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) whose books are also a sign. He writes: ‘When I write something in Urdu or Arabic I feel as if someone is tutoring me from within. My writing, be it in Arabic, Urdu or Persian is divided in two types. One type is when phraseology and its meanings flow for me as I write. I do not have to work hard for this writing and the phraseology is within my mental capacity. The words and their connotation is such that it is possible for me to write them without any special grace of God Almighty and with the blessing of His general support which is in the nature of human ability. I write these subjects making little effort and taking a lot of time. And Allah knows. The other type of my writing is simply extraordinary. For example when I write an Arabic phrase and the syntax needs certain words which I have no knowledge of, at such times revelation of God Almighty guides me regarding the phrase and the Holy Spirit puts those words in my heart like mutlu revelation and makes me utter them. At such times I am not in control of my senses. For example while writing Arabic I needed an exact word for بسیاری عیالwhich I did not know but the syntax was dependent on it. Immediately the word ضففwas put in my heart like mutlu revelation which precisely means . بسیاری عیالOr for example, while writing I needed a word to mean keeping quiet while indignant and I did not know it and instantly the word وجومwas revealed to me. It is the same with Arabic phrases. While writing in Arabic hundreds of structured phrases are revealed to me like mutlu revelation or an angel shows me phrases written on a piece of paper and some of these phrases are Quranic verses or similar to them, with a little variation. Sometimes it is realised after a while that such and such Arabic phrase that was revealed from God Almighty is in such and such book. As God is the Master of everything, He has the power to reveal to me a fine phrase from a book or a fine couplet from a poetic collection. This was about Arabic language, but it is even more amazing that I have certain revelations in languages that I have no familiarity with, like English, Sanskrit or Hebrew, just as some of it is written in Baraheen e Ahmadiyya. I swear by Allah in Whose hand is my life that this is the way of Allah with me and it is one of the signs given to me. Matters of the unseen are revealed to me in various forms and my God has no care if the phrase which is given to me as a revelation is written in an Arabic, English or Sanskrit book, because it is from the unseen for me. Just as Allah the Exalted has placed many stories of the Torah in the Holy Qur’an and has included them in matters of the unseen because those stories were unknown to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) although they were known to the Jews. This is the secret behind me calling on the world to contend with me in commentaries of miraculous and eloquent Arabic. Otherwise, who is man, and what is the significance of son of Adam to arrogantly call on the world to contend with him.’ Nuzulul Masih, pp. 434-436) Next Huzoor gave some examples of the effect the powerful Arabic writings of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) have had on people. A Palestinian lady writes that she firmly believed that Hazrat Isa (on whom be peace) was alive in the heaven Page 11 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued... and would revive Islam with the use of force. She was introduced to the Jama’at through her younger brother-in-law and read books of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). She felt as if she had found priceless pearls. The eloquent Arabic writings were like gems of spiritual knowledge and she felt that it is such valuable writings that initiate man’s connection with God. Once fully satisfied, she took Bai’at. Khalid Sahib from Morocco writes that after he was introduced to Ahmadiyyat he was amazed that the Imam Mahdi had come and gone and he had only just heard about him! He reflected and prayed for guidance and started reading up on the Arabic website of the Jama’at. Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam was the first book he read and he read it many times. The subject matter sent his soul in a trance. After reading various other books he felt that he had found a treasureAjaz Sahib from Algeria writes that he was completely trove. disappointed with erroneous commentaries when he was introduced to the writings of the Promised Mes- Hani Sahib writes about Madah Sahib that he asked a siah (on whom be peace) through a Jordanian Ahmadi few questions in response to which extracts of the friend. As he read the writings his heart opened up Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) were sent to and the power of the writings caused him to physically him. He was suitably impressed. He says that the writtremble in awe and he was convinced these were ings opened up his breast and he was delighted to find writings inspired by revelations. such spiritual material to read in this age! Faraz Sahib from Abu Dhabi writes that he read as many books of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) as he could and also started watching Arabic programmes on MTA. Following this he studied Quranic verses and Ahadith and was satisfied. He now had two options; to continue to wait for a militant Mahdi and stay connected to erroneous creed or accept Hazrat Ahmad, who had presented the beauties of Islam and defended the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), as the Imam Mahdi. He sought Divine help and prayed a lot and was inclined to the Ahmadiyya Jama’at. When he read the Promised Messiah’s poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) his body trembled and his eyes welled up and he said out aloud that a slanderer could never write such poetry and how could a slanderer have such sentiments for the Prophet. He also felt that for a non-Arab to express such eloquent Arabic was not possible without Divine help! Abbas Sahib who is an Arab and resides in Italy writes that in spite of what the maulwis said, he used to watch MTA. Once he heard Arabic Qaseeda of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) on MTA. As he listened to it, he looked at an image of the Promised Messiah until, spontaneously he said our aloud, by God, a liar cannot express such sentiments. This person is definitely from God. Atami Sahib from Yemen writes that as a journalist and researcher he was intrigued to find the truth. He read a book by detractors of the Jama’at which had resorted to slandering. He realised these were age-old allegations and nothing else. On the other hand he found the eloquent Arabic of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) miraculous. After reading books of the Promised Messiah he reached the conclusion that he had presented the true image of Islam once again. Hayat Sahib from Iran writes that he was born in a Shia family and was inclined to religion but was not satisfied with the image of Islam, he felt something was lacking and became convinced that it needed correcting. A friend introduced him to MTA. Gradually he was impressed by what he saw on MTA. He was amazed that the religious scholars called on the Shia people for debate but only abused the Ahmadis since they could not contend with their strong arguments. When he heard about the objectives of writing Baraheen e Ahmadiyya he was convinced of the truth. He read books of the Khulafa and realised they were the leaders of Islam and the world was in great need of their views. He felt the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) challenge to Arabs and non-Arabs in Arabic language was a golden chance for the opponents to have proved their distinction, but they could not do so. Reflecting on all these proofs, he says he had no choice but to accept the truth and now he considers Tabligh his obligation! Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 12 Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued... There are numerous such episodes but Huzoor presented just a few today. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) writes about signs: ‘In the same way hundreds of Signs have appeared in my support. Is there a person living on the earth today who could outshine me in this respect? I call God as a witness Who is the Master of my life that so far more than 200,000 Signs have been manifested in my favour and, more or less, 10,000 souls have seen the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, in dreams and has given testimony in my favour. Moreover, sages of great renown and spiritually exalted persons who have very large numbers of followers numbering up to 400,000 have been directed in their visions that I have truly come from God. Some of these died thirty years before my appearance; such a sage was named Gulab Shah, who lived in district Ludhiana and who had told Mian Karim Bakhsh of Jamalpur that Jesus had been born at Qadian and that he would visit Ludhiana. pleased with him) said that he took his Bai’at inspired by a dream. He saw the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) laying on a bed very ill and the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is looking after him. The Holy Prophet stands up with the support of the Promised Messiah and begins to give a lecture based on the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah. In the dream the Holy Prophet’s health is restored and his face looks lively. This dream was interpreted to signify that Islam was going to be revived through the Promised Messiah and Rasheed sahib took Bai’at. Abdul Sattar Sahib writes that he asked his father about the issue of death of Jesus (on whom be peace). His father related a dream to him. He saw two tents by the River Ravi, one of the tents is of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the other is the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace). He goes into the Holy Prophet’s tent and asks him about the holy person who has claimed to be the Messiah. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) says three times: He is very accomplished. This convinced Mian Karim Bakhsh was a righteous man of advanced him about the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah’s age who firmly believed in One God. He came to see claim and he accepted him. me at Ludhiana and related to me this prophecy for which the 'Maulvis' harassed him greatly, but he paid Sardar Karam Dad Sahib writes that he had a dream no heed to them. He told me that Gulab Shah used to before taking Bai’at. He saw the Holy Prophet (peace say in his presence that Jesus son of Mary is not alive. and blessings of Allah be on him) and the Promised He is dead. He shall never come back to this world. Messiah (on whom be peace) strolling on a road. The Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the Jesus for this nation who, Holy Prophet gestures with his finger three times tounder Divine power and wisdom, has been created in wards the Promised Messiah and says, ‘he is from God.’ the likeness of Jesus and in heaven he has been named Later, when Sardar Sahib took Bai’at in Qadian, he Jesus. He reiterated saying: O Karim Bakhsh, when found the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that Jesus shall appear you will see how bitterly the looked exactly as he had appeared in the dream. Indivines shall oppose him, but they will not succeed. He deed, people continue to experience such dreams in shall be sent to this world to clear and embellish the the current age. disfigured and distorted commentaries of the Holy Quran which he shall again present to the world in Momin bin Ahmad Sahib writes that he had never their original perspectives. In this prophecy the sage heard of Ahmadiyyat. He once saw the Holy Prophet had clearly pointed out that Mian Karim Bakhsh would (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in a dream. reach the advanced age and see the Messiah person- The Holy Prophet and he are standing on a beautiful ally.’ Tadhkirat-ush-Shahadatain, pp. 36-37 (published minaret and the Holy Prophet gestures to the moon with his finger. It is a full moon which is nearby and its translation) light is spread far and wide while in the middle stands Next Huzoor related some incidents of people ac- the minaret. The Holy Prophet gestures as he tells him cepting the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) something which he does not understand. The Holy after seeing the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Prophet is very kind and affectionate to him and he Allah be on him) in dreams, both from the times of feels words cannot express this. The Holy Prophet then leaves. After awakening he felt as if he was elethe Promised Messiah and also in recent times. vated from the ground and for many days he did not Hazrat Mian Abdul Rasheed Sahib (may Allah be much talk to people. He did not understand the dream. Page 13 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih VABA’s Friday Sermon Summary Continued... His father later told him that he too had seen the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in a dream and he had given him the glad-tidings of the birth of a son (Momin Sahib). Later, in Syria he was introduced to the Jama’at and he studied about it and found its beliefs to the same that he used to talk to his friends as a youngster. He wrote to Huzoor and said that he used to weep while reading the books of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and each word would be instilled in his soul. It is impossible to express how precious faith is! He believes Ahmadiyya Jama’at presents the true creed of Islam and feels that although right now the Jama’at is partially triumphant in the near future it will be wholly triumphant, InshaAllah. A friend from Damascus, Rizwan Sahib writes that he learned religion from personal study. After an incident he started searching for Divine knowledge and in the first dream he was given the message that the Holy Qur’an is the treasuretrove of all knowledge and the resolutions of all one’s problems should be found in it. One night as he recited the verse: ‘Those whose labour is all lost in search after things pertaining to the life of this world, and they think that they are doing good works.’(18:105) in his Salat, he felt great and if the Ahmadis were true then their opponents should be put in trouble. Five days later he saw that two of the opponents fell ill and died painfully. This convinced him that Jama’at Ahmadiyya was from God. A Tabligh report from Burkina Faso tells of a time when our missionary went to a village with a hundred Ahmadis. They told him that it had not rained for some time and they were concerned for their crop. The missionary sahib suggested praying to God and offering Salat Istisqa. When the announcement was made for Salat Istiqa, non-Ahmadi Muslims did not join the Ahmadis in offering it. During the Salat the missionary sahib implored God for the sake of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). God listened to the prayers of Ahmadi women and children and it rained. The non-Ahmadis and Christians who had seen Ahmadis observing Salat Istisqa were most impressed and this resulted in 90 Bai’ats. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says: ‘Our Jama’at should have a true connection with God Almighty and they should be grateful that God Almighty has not left them but has shown them hundreds of signs of His power to strengthen their faith to the degree of certainty.’ May God make us those who connect with Him, may He show each one of us His signs and enhance in faith and may we instil this spirit in our next generation. May God keep our generations firm on this and enhance their faith! fear. Just then two youngsters knocked on his door and asked him about Qadianiyyat. He was about to read them from a book on Qadianiyyat as disbelief when he felt he was doing wrong and would be simply repeating hearsay, so he stopped. Later, he was introduced to an Ahmadi, Basit Sahib and the first book he read was Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam which he did not put down until he was finished reading it. He realised it was not what he had heard and the concept of revelation continuing in this age impressed him the most. He saw the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in a dream and he told him Next Huzoor announced that he would lead two futhat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was the only means of sal- neral Prayers in absentia. Raziullah Din was martyred on 8 Feb as he left home for work in Karachi, Pakistan. vation from the evils of the time. Two unknown motorcycle riders fired at him. He was Next Huzoor related some incidents from African rushed to the hospital but succumbed to his injuries countries. Once our missionary went to a town for and was martyred. He was 26 years old and had Tabligh but the young people there created chaos and worked in a factory for six years. He was a caring perTabligh had to be abandoned. Next day all the towns- son who was ardently devoted to Khilafat and had people had gathered for a program of theirs when great respect and regard for Nizam e Jama’at. He often suddenly fierce wind started blowing and torrential expressed his wish for martyrdom. He was a Moosi and rain came and their program was spoiled. The towns- often gave Jama’at duty. He was the only breadwinner people felt the storm was a sign of God’s wrath be- of his family. May God elevate his station and grant cause the Ahmadi program had been stopped. As a steadfastness to his parents, wife and six month old baby daughter and keep them all in His protection. Dr result 41 people accepted Ahmadiyyat. Khalid Yusuf died on 7 Feb at Fazle Umer Hospital at A report from Nigeria tells that once Tabligh efforts in the age of 46. He was a Moosi and leaves behind three a village were met with opposition. Sometime later a daughters and one son. May God elevate the station of young man of the village prayed to God that if the the deceased and grant steadfastness to his children. Ahmadis were not true they should be put in trouble He was a good doctor and had passion to serve . Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 14 ‘Musleh Maud’ - ‘Promised Son’ On 20 February 1886, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to have received a divine revelation informing him that an exceptionally gifted and pious son would be born to him. This prophecy came to be known as the prophecy of ‘Musleh Maud’, meaning the ‘Promised Son’. In fulfilment of this grand prophecy, on 12 January 1889, his son, Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad was born. In 1914 the ‘Promised Son’ was elected as the Second Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and his period of spiritual leadership lasted for more than 50 years until his demise in 1965. Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad (ra) proved to be a leader of infinite wisdom, courage and piety. His Khilafat was laden with countless achievements as he spread the true and peaceful message of Islam to the corners of the world. Throughout his life, the Second Khalifa extolled peace, love, tolerance and mutual understanding as the cornerstones of Islamic teachings and he proved this through his magnificent commentaries of the Holy Qur’an. Speaking about the Promised Son, the current Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) has said: “The Second Khalifa’s 52 year Khilafat is a clear testimony to the fulfilment of the Musleh Maud prophecy. His speeches and writings were full of the pain he felt in his heart for the establishment of Islam and for the true status and character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) to be established in the world. If we look at the characteristics defined in the prophecy, it becomes apparent that they were all fulfilled in the life of Hadhrat Musleh Maud (ra).” Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) further stated: “We do not celebrate the date of birth of the Second Khalifa, rather we celebrate the fulfilment of the Promised Messiah’s prophecy vouchsafed to him on 20 February 1886. The fulfilment of this prophecy is a testimony to the veracity and truth of the Promised Messiah(as).” - See more at: http://www.alislam.org/egazette/press-release/ahmadiyya-muslim-jamaat-celebrates-fulfilment-ofhistoric-prophecy/#sthash.PnzC0Bh0.dpuf Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 15 Masih Al-Maud Day– March 23rd Saturday 23rd March 1889 was the fateful day when Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah(a.s.), accepted the hands of forty faithful servants in allegiance to the Ten Conditions of Bai’at (initiation) and founded the community which he called ‘The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at’. The Promised Messiah(a.s.) took this oath of allegiance at the house of a spiritual preceptor Hadhrat Sufi Ahmad Jan in the city of Ludhiana (Punjab, India). Hadhrat Hakim Maulvi Noor al-Din(r.a.) was the first person to have the honor of offering the first Bai’at. This was a revolutionary yet a very modest beginning to a new chapter in the history of Islam. The Promised Messiah (as) declared: By the pure grace of God and not by any merit of my own, I have been bestowed a perfect portion of the bounty which was bestowed before me on the Prophets and Messengers and the elect of God. It would not have been possible for me to be bestowed this bounty unless I had followed my lord and master, the pride of the prophets, the best of mankind, Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Whatever I have been bestowed has been bestowed upon me on account of this obedience. I know through my true and perfect knowledge that no human being can approach God or acquire perfect understanding of the Divine except through following the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. (Haqeeqatul Wahi, p. 62) Again, he has declared: God, Who was aware of the secret of the heart of the Holy Prophet, exalted him above all the Prophets and all mankind who were before him or might come after him and granted him all his objectives in his lifetime. He is the fountainhead of all grace and anyone who claims any excellence without confessing his obligation to him is not a human being but is progeny of Satan, for the key of every excellence has been bestowed upon him and the treasure of all understanding has been granted to him. He who does not achieve through him is deprived forever. What am I and what is my reality? I would be ungrateful if I were not to confess that I have discovered the true Unity of God only through the Holy Prophet, and have been bestowed the understanding of God only through this perfect Prophet and through his light. (Haqeeqatul Wahi, p. 115) It is thus clear beyond doubt that the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, did not consider himself a prophet in his own right, but believed that God Almighty had bestowed upon him the title of prophet for the purpose of establishing the perfect law brought by the Holy Prophet (saw), in his capacity as his follower and servant and that he was not given any new law. Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 16 Chicago Regional Waqfe-Nau Ijtema Report Alhamdulillah on June 15, 2013 Regional Waqfe-Nau ijtema Chicago region took place at the first Ahmadiyya mosque in the US, Al-Sadiq mosque Chicago. Following registration and breakfast the formal program started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, Urdu poem followed by welcome note and program overview by regional sec. Mohammed Layeequddin which was followed by a welcome address by national sec. Waqfe-Nau Hafiz Samiullah Sahib and Chicago East Jamaat president, Abdul Karim Sahib and Dua. Presentations by Waqfeen younger than 5 years of age took place followed by academic competitions for ages 5 to 21. That was followed by lunch. In the second session of the Ijtema we had a few Waqfenau children present a talk show. The topic was Huzoor’s 18th January Friday sermon about Waqfenau children. Then the prizes for the academic competitions were distributed. All Waqfenau children received chocolate. At the end of the program Hafiz Samiullah Sahib gave a concluding address. After that was Nasim Mahdi Sahib’s short speech followed by Dua and Salat. By Allah’s grace and mercy our program ended successfully. We had an attendance of 32 Waqfe-Nau boys and 13 Waqfe-Nau girls attended and total of 75 ~ 80 members attended the event. Silicon Valley Regional Waqfe-Nau Ijtema Fifty six members registered. Twenty one waqfeen participated in assessments of second six month material. Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 17 Pennsylvania/New Jersey Regional Waqfe-Nau Ijtema The Combined Pennsylvania and New Jersey Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema was held on Nov 2, 2013 at Hadee Mosque, Harrisburg. About 150-155 people attended this Ijtema of which 83 were Waqfeen-e-Nau. We were honored to have National Waqfe Nau Sec. Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib. The program began with Talawat by Safwan Akbar and Nazm by Ahmad Bhatti. Next, the Local Sadr's representative Javed Bhatti Sahib gave the welcoming address. This was followed by the program for the day. First, we had the under 5 Waqfeen presentations. All the children under the age of 5 were invited one at a time to make their presentation on anything from their age syllabus. Each child was given a medal and a chocolate for their presentation. Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 18 Pennsylvania/New Jersey Regional Waqfe-Nau Ijtema Educational competitions in all the age groups were being held parallel to save time plus these were held separately for boys and girls and were done simultaneously. All the competitions went smoothly. Mashallah. After lunch and Salat, a group photograph was taken of the Waqfeen, fathers and honored guests with Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib. We began this afternoon session with Hammad Malik Sahib’s wonderful PowerPoint presentation on Parents’ Responsibilities followed by Zafarullah Khan Sahib’s Urdu workshop. Near the end, the prize distribution ceremony was held and prizes were given for various competitions to the Waqfeen by Hafiz Samiullah Sahib on the men’s side and by Naib Regional Sadr Sahiba, Farida Ahmad on the women’s side. In conclusion, Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib gave his concluding address to all Waqfeen and parents. The Ijtema program ended with Dua. Page 19 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA WAQFE NAU BOYS’ ANNUAL TRIP TO JAMIA AHMADIYYA, CANADA Register online at www.waqfenau.us APRIL 18 — 20, 2014 (FRI — SUN) Experience a full day at the Jamia along with sports competitions and sightseeing APPLY FOR ADMISSION TO JAMIA AHMADIYYA, CANADA Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada is seeking US applicants for admission into the 7-year Shahid degree program beginning in fall, 2014. The applicants for admission must fulfill the following prerequisites: The applicant must be between 17 and 20 years of age. The applicant must have finished high school. The applicant must apply for Waqfe Zindagi (life dedication) also. The applicant must be able to recite the Holy Quran correctly. For detailed information, please contact [email protected] or call (706)-860-1629. Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary National Secretary Waqfe Nau, USA Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Waqfe-Nau Syllabus...Things to know Page 20 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA مسبا Page 21 Qaseedah Composed by the Promised Messiah (as) in Honor of the Holy Prophet (saw) Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 22 Tarana (From Kalam-e-Mahmood) Composed by Hazrat Mirza Bashirrudin Mahmood Ahmad (ra) Transliteration Meree raat din bas yahee ik sadaa hai, keh is aalame kaun ka ik Khuda hai Usi ne hai paida kia is jahan ko, sitaron ko sooraj ko aur aasman ko Wo hai aik uska naheen koi hamsar, wo maalik hai sab ka wo hakim hai sub par Na hai baap is ka na hai koi bayta, hamashan say hai or hamashan rahay ga Har aik cheez par is ko kodrat hai hasil, har aik kam ki is ko takat hai hasil Paharon ko is nay hi uncha kiya hai, samandar ko is nay hi pani diya hain Yeh darya jo charo taraf baharaha hain, is nay to qudrat say payda kiya hai Samandar ki machlee hawa kay parinday, gahralo charinday bano kay darinday Har ik cheez ko rozi wo dayta hai har dum, khazanay kabhi iskay hotay nahi kum Hai faryad mazloom ki sunay wala, sadakat ka kar ta hai bol bala Yahi raat din ab to meri sadaa hai, yeh mera Khuda hai yeh mera Khuda hai Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA QUIZ—TIME Page 23 Waqfe Nau Newsletter USA Page 24 Boys Jamia Trip 2014 Requirements WN and Non-WN boys 14 years and older. Please plan to reach Baitul Islam on Thursday, 4/17/14 by 9 P.M. Some of you may have to start Thursday morning. Midnight or later arrivals and all night driving is not acceptable. All travelers must have valid US passport or Green Card (for land travel only). Travel by air to Toronto requires a valid passport. Parent permission Form must be completed before departure. Waqfe Nau USA Upcoming National and Regional Events 2ND QUARTER 2014 1. Apr 05 Sat. Waqfe Nau Evaluation Day LOCAL/REGIONAL 2. Apr 12 Sat. Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema at Houston, TX TEXAS Region 3. Apr 12 Sat. CPW & Rededication Inspiration Workshop TEXAS Region 4. Apr 18-20 Jamia Ahmadiyya, Canada (JAC-2014) Fri-Sun Boys’ Trip to Jamia Ahmadiyya, Canada NATIONAL 5. May 03 Sat. Regional WN Ijtema at Rochester, NY NORTHEAST 6. May 10 Sat. Regional WN Ijtema at Detroit, MI DETROIT 7. May 17 Sat. Regional WN Ijtema at North Jersey, NJ PA-NJ Regions 8. May 18 Sun. Regional WN Ijtema at Atlanta, GA ATLANTA 9. Jun 08 Sun. Regional WN Ijtema Baitur Rahman, SS, MD VA-DC-MD 10. Jun 14 Sat. Regional WN Ijtema at Chicago, IL IL-MILWAUKEE 11. Jun 29 - July 28 RAMADHAN UL MAUBARAK - 1435 NATIONAL Editor’s Note All Regional and Local Waqfe Nau Secretaries We are looking for extra talented Waqfe Nau and their extra curricular activities or educational achievements. Please send us the picture of the Waqfe Nau with the details of his/her achievement at [email protected]. PLEASE SEND PICTURES AND REPORTS OF REGIONAL IJTEMAS OR ANY ACTIVITIES RELATED TO WAQFE NAU AT [email protected] Please encourage Waqifeene Nau & Waqifaate Nau to submit content for this newsletter. “Love For All Hatred For None”