288500-112915 - Holy Family Church
288500-112915 - Holy Family Church
HOLY FAMILY CHURCH F I R S T S U N D AY O F A D V E N T, N o v e m b e r 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 WHAT’S INSIDE INSIDE WHAT’S CONTACT NUMBERS NUMBERS.............2 .............2 CONTACT Come Join Us! ADMINISTRATION.................2 ADMINISTRATION.................2 WORSHIP................................3 ................................3 WORSHIP EDUCATION/FORMATION ...5 ...5 EDUCATION/FORMATION COMMUNITY LIFE LIFE .................7 .................7 COMMUNITY OUTREACH............................9 ............................9 OUTREACH ADVERTISING .......................16 .......................16 ADVERTISING LITURGYMINISTERS’ MINISTERS’SCHEDULE SCHEDULE.19 .19 LITURGY PARISH CALENDAR CALENDAR...............19 ...............19 PARISH DISCIPLE’S REFLECTION REFLECTION......BC ......BC DISCIPLE’S Welcome to to Holy Holy Family Family Church Church Welcome If you are visiting, or new in our comIf you are visiting, or new in our community, we are blessed that you are munity, we are blessed that you are here to worship with us. here to worship with us. Our Parish Parish Life Life Director, Director, priests, priests, and and all all Our our parish family extend to you the our parish family extend to you the hospitality of of Jesus Jesus Christ. Christ. IfIf you you would would hospitality like more information about our parish like more information about our parish or wish wish to to join join our our faith faith community, community, or please visit the Welcome Center on on please visit the Welcome Center Sunday mornings or contact the Sunday mornings or contact the Pastoral Center. Center. Pastoral Holy Family Family Mission Mission Statement Statement Holy Holy Family Church is a welcoming Holy Family Church is a welcoming Catholic Eucharistic community of Catholic Eucharistic community of disciples of Jesus Christ connectdisciples connecting faith with life ing faith with out life to and reaching out and reaching those in need. to those in need. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH “I present, therefore, this Extraordinary Jubilee Year dedicated to living out in our daily lives the mercy which the Father constantly extends to all of us. He never tires of casting open the doors of his heart and of repeating that he loves us and wants to share his love with us.” With these words, our Holy Father has proclaimed a Holy Year of the Lord’s Favor – or Mercy. On December 8, the Pope will open the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, extending mercy and evoking the concept of forgiveness. The door represents a transition into a special year of faith and forgiveness. At Holy Family Church, we will mark the week with special evenings of Reconciliation. We are pleased to announce our plans to make this a very Holy Year. Please join Msgr. Connolly for an Evening of Reconciliation to prepare us to enter into the Year of Mercy. December 7,8,9 at 7:00 p.m. & December 10 at 9:30 a.m. For more information, visit our website at www.holyfamily.org/mercymeans. Faith · Community · Peace · Comfort Home · Love · Friendship · Mercy Service · Hope · Compassion 1501 FREMONT AVENUE SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030 Cambria Tortorelli, Parish Life Director Fr. Bob Folbrecht, Priest Minister Fr. Fulgencio (Pol) Legaspi Monsignor Clement J. Connolly, Spiritual Director Reverend Anthony Scannell, Capuchin, Weekend Presider PASTORAL CENTER (Parish Offices) 1527 Fremont Avenue South Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: 626.799.8908 Fax: 626.799.0423 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon. – Thurs, 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sun. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil – 5:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Sundays – 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:45 p.m., & 5:30 p.m. Weekdays – 6:20 a.m. & 8:15 a.m. Saturdays – 8:15 a.m. only Saturdays – 3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m., or by appointment, please call the Pastoral Center. VOCATION OFFICE Fr. Rick Viveros Phone: 626.330.2269 Assisted listening headsets are available at weekend Masses, please see an usher. Visit our website at www.holyfamily.org. CONTACT NUMBERS ADMINISTRATION BOOKSTORE STATE OF THE PARISH Parish Hall, lower level. . . . 626.403.6133 School: Dr. Frank Montejano . . . . . . 626.799.4354 Religious Education: Colette Villegas . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6118 Recently, we were gifted with the words of fellow parishioners about why they give of themselves in grace, gratitude and generosity to Holy Family, and the powerful spirituality behind the very act of giving! Our parish survives and thrives because of YOU! Thank you Holy Family for your continued acts of stewardship to our community and beyond. All of us are invited to renew our gifts of grace, gratitude and generosity to Holy Family Church. Your financial pledge to Holy Family, no matter the size, is welcomed at any time during the offertory collection at Mass or to the Pastoral Center. Likewise, please email Mary Schimmoller, Director of Volunteers, to give of your time and talents; with over 80 ministries, your gifts are valuable and needed and will be used with great care and thankfulness! For further information about giving to Holy Family, please call Mary Hatton in the Office of Parish Stewardship at 626.403.6138 or [email protected]. Thank you! FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN & VULNERABLE ADULTS Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908. Assistance with funeral, music, liturgy and other needs is available. Funerals are scheduled from Tuesday through Friday mornings. VIRTUS® Training Sessions VIRTUS® “Protecting God’s Children” is a three-hour training for adults which teaches the five basic steps of child sexual abuse prevention. This program is mandated for all adults who work with or around children or youth on a regular basis. Please pre-register on-line www.virtus.org and click on “Registration.” If you need assistance with registration, contact the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908.This certificate is VALID for four years. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS & REMEMBERING CHURCH Dawn Ponnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 EDEN CENTER – 1520 Fremont Ave. Youth Ministry & Youth Confirmation: Dawn Ponnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 EDUCATION CENTER – 1301 Rollin St. LITURGY AND ADULT FORMATION Frank Ponnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6116 MUSIC Director of Music and 11:15 a.m. Choir: Andrew Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6124 9:30 a.m. Choir . . . . . . . . . . . 626.799.8908 Sunday 5:30 p.m. Youth Choir: Ben Coria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.491.8951 PASTORAL CARE (Ministry to the Elderly & Sick) Mary Ternan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6115 PRE-BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Parents are asked to inquire at the Pastoral Center prior to the child’s birth. ST. JOSEPH CENTER – 1524 Fremont Ave. Giving Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6140 Community Services: Carrie-Ann Lue Sue. . . . . . . 626.403.6140 VIDEO MINISTRY . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 VIRTUS® Keeping the Promise Alive ™ Refresher Program Four-years from the date of completing “Protecting God’s Children” you must attend “Keeping the Promise Alive” which provides ongoing awareness for the prevention of child sexual abuse. A list of locations can be found on www.virtus.org. Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908 for more information. Live Scan Fingerprinting View the complete fingerprinting schedule at the Welcome Center or at http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/hr/Pages/fingerprinting.aspx. Call the location to schedule an appointment. Tuesday, December 1, Cathedral High School, Los Angeles, 323.225.2438 Thursday, December 10, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Los Angeles, 323.261.8051 Friday, December 11, Divine Savior Church, Los Angeles, 323.225.9181 If you have any questions regarding our Safeguard the Children program please contact Donella Sotelo at [email protected]. Did you know? Who should report child abuse? Priests, deacons, school faculty and administrators and other staff members in our parishes and schools have been designated as mandated reporters under California law. When one of these persons receives information leading to a “reasonable suspicion” that a child is being abused or neglected, he or she must make a report to the appropriate child protection or law enforcement agency. However, every adult has a moral responsibility to report suspected child abuse. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “How to Familiarize Yourself with Policies and Procedures on Reporting Abuse,” email: [email protected]. VOLUNTEERING Mary Schimmoller. . . . . . . . . 626.403.6113 WEDDINGS One party must be a registered parishioner for one year before booking a wedding. Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908 at least 6 months prior to proposed date of marriage. 2 FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! We'd love for you to follow our parish happenings and the Good Word @HolyFamilysp. And if you feel so inclined to take your own IG pics of Holy Family and its happenings, please tag us or use the geo-tag Holy Family Church South Pasadena. Contact Karen Whitney at [email protected] or 626.403.6108 with questions. Thanks! WORSHIP FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT November 29, 2015 “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” -Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 If you are interested in bringing up our gifts of bread & wine, please see an usher before Mass begins. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK THIS SUNDAY: Jer 33: 14-16 Ps 25:4-5 1 Thes 3:12--4:2 Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 MONDAY: Rom 10: 9-18 Ps 19:8-11 Mt 4:18-22 TUESDAY: Is 11: 1-10 Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 Lk 10:21-24 WEDNESDAY: Is 25: 6-10a Ps 23:1-6 Mt 15:29-37 THURSDAY: Is 26: 1-6 Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a Mt 7:21, 24-27 FRIDAY Is 29: 17-24 Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 Mt 9:27-31 SATURDAY: Is 30: 19-21, 23-26 Ps 147:1-6 Mt 9:35--10: 1, 5a, 6-8 MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 6:20 a.m. – Joe Nally † 8:15 a.m. – Carmine Sabatella † TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 6:20 a.m. – Anthony Sabatella † 8:15 a.m. – Vargas Brothers † WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 6:20 a.m. – Patrick T. McCarthy † 8:15 a.m. – Sophia Walcha THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 6:20 a.m. – Dr. Luis Degollado † 8:15 a.m. – Marte Lewis FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 6:20 a.m. – Holy Family Priests 8:15 a.m. – Emma Hutchins † SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 8:15 a.m. – Michael Morales † For a reflection on the Sunday readings, please go to: http://www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml ALL ARE WELCOME But who do you define as “All”? A young father cradles his infant son in Mass trying to sooth him as the baby fusses during the homily. Nearby parishioners turn and smile, one gently whispers to the infant to help calm him, all offering encouragement to the father. A harried mother leads her nine year old daughter into the church, a bit late. The young girl is clumsy and stumbles into the pew, causing a small ruckus. She is grunting it seems in protest. Nearby parishioners look on with disapproval and judgment, then look away quickly, a feeling of discomfort for all. Does “All” mean “typical”? What is expected? That which we can process as “normal”? Or does “All” include the child who cannot communicate with recognizable language, the child who looks different, the child who interrupts our prayer, the child that “sings” too loud or protests loudly to the music? What about the mother who needs our embrace and more of our prayers? Who deserves the blessing of the Sacraments? At baptism, we do not ask if a child is typical before the parents, godparents, and yes, the community profess to share their faith with this child and teach them the Commandments of Love. As a community, following the footsteps of Jesus, we need to truly embrace that “All” are welcome no matter where our comforts lie or what that may bring to our place of worship, for truly the blessings we share will be returned a hundredfold through the grace that each of these children bring to our table. All are Welcome: the Special Needs Committee of Holy Family Parish is here for you, please contact us at [email protected]. PRAYER GROUPS Blessed Mother Prayer Group meets on the 1st Saturday of the month, 1:00 p.m., Eremos Chapel, in the Pastoral Center. Contact: Margie Jaramillo, 323.257.1935 FCA Block Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Group meets on the 2nd & last Sundays of the month. Contact: Ramon Lacson, 323.257.1017 Prayers for Children no meetings, just the power of prayer. We pray for all of God’s children on the 15th of each month. Contact: Donna Gibson, [email protected] DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help after Tuesday 8:15 a.m. Mass, followed by the rosary. Immaculate Heart of Mary after 8:15 a.m. Mass on the 1st Saturday of the month, followed by the rosary. Sacred Heart Devotions after 8:15 a.m. Mass on the 1st Friday of the month, followed by the rosary. LITURGY OF THE HOURS Liturgy of the Hours provides psalms, hymns, readings, intercessions and meditations for the day, to inspire us to pray unceasingly. Come, join us in church for Morning Prayer 7:20am-7:40am M-F and 7:30am-7:50am Sat.& Holidays. For more info, email: [email protected]. CENTERING PRAYER GROUP Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for meditation, 7:00.-7:20 p.m., in the Guadalupe Room. Sharing/discussion follows, 7:30 .-8:30 p.m. Contact: Brian O’Neill, 626.482.9239 or [email protected]. ROSARY Join us in the church to pray the rosary after 8:15 a.m. daily Mass. We have a wonderful step-by-step guide to praying the rosary, which has all the prayers and their sequence, including the new Luminous Mysteries. Come and pray with us and get reacquainted with this powerful tool. FCA/BLD HEALING MASS The Filipino Catholic Association, in participation with BLD Los Angeles, invites all parishioners to a special healing mass every first Friday of the month held at 8:00 p.m. in the church. Contacts: Jun & Alice de Guzman, 626.372.4522 or jun3 [email protected]. WORSHIP SACRED SPACE PROJECT-YOUR GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE PRAY FOR THE SICK Please remember the sick in your prayers: Margaret Rivas Willy Gaa Margaret Guerra Mauel Herrera Alan Mary Scofield Jim Meager Rose LeBlanc FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE Áine Clare Madigan John Malloy Mike Schafer Abbott Lawrence Wagner Evaristo Munoz Marge Huntley Robert Cairnes Betty Cherry Recent deaths in our Holy Family community are posted on our website. With the consent of the family, funeral arrangements are also listed and updated according to the most recent information that we have received. Go to holyfamily.org and click on “Recent Deaths in our Holy Family Community” under “Mass”. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of Christ, rest in peace. Amen. Names received after 3:00 p.m. on Friday will go into the following week’s Prayers for the Faithful. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION Tuesday, December 22, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. All are welcome on the 4th Tuesday of the month. ANNIVERSARY BLESSING Couples celebrating an anniversary are welcome to receive a special blessing. Please call in advance to celebrate with us. For dates and other information contact the Pastoral Center, 626.799.8908. RCIA Last week we celebrated the Rite of Acceptance for all of those who wish to become students in the RCIA process. When asked the question what do you ask of God and God’s church Sarah Schoettler said “I asked God to deepen my faith and for peace in our world and in my heart and I asked God’s church to help me raise my three children and to live every day in God’s love.” Welcome Sarah to this faith community. If you would like to explore that Catholic Way of life, please contact Dawn at 626.403.6128, or email [email protected]. Have you noticed the fresh coat of paint and the clean ceiling recently? If you have, you can thank the over 200 families and individuals who have contributed generously to this most important church enhancement project. We are $75,000 from our goal of $500,000! Please consider a donation which can be made over time that will greatly enhance the success of this project. Happening now are interior painting, further window repairs and other noticeable improvements. To make a donation, please visit the Sacred Space Project Page at www.holyfamily.org/sacredspace/ or submit your donation to the Pastoral Center. For additional questions please contact Mary Hatton, Director of Parish Stewardship, at 626.403.6138 or [email protected]. THANK YOU and God bless you all for your support of this most important restoration project, and for your commitment to the beautification of our beloved church! LITURGY MATTERS Mercy means… Fifteen days from today, the Holy Doors, or Jubilee doors will be opened in St. Peter’s basilica. This will mark a year of celebration of with the theme of Mercy. Many of you are wearing your Mercy Means…bracelets, and we assume you are getting questions. What a wonderful opportunity to share with friends and family our calling to be MercyMakers. (yes I made up the word). Mercymakers forgive, mercymakers invite, mercymakers are examples of what it means to resemble Christ. This past weekend some of the teens of the parish spent Saturday reflecting on Who is Jesus, how God’s revelation rolls down through the ages, and also what we might need to trim from our lives to be more merciful. We heard, out of the mouth of teens: “reach out to the needy”, “be more loving”, “continue to serve others”. One teen shared that he would like to live a life more like Jesus so others might want to be like Jesus too. This left us speechless. After I swallowed hard a few times, I said, “Yes!” Then we all got to thinking how do we live our lives? Do we invite people to the Catholic way of life by our very lives? Are others generous because we are generous, are others merciful, because we have shown mercy? And “and how can I grow to be more like Jesus? www.holyfamily.org/mercymeans LADIES OF THE PARISH, SAVE THE DATE! Christmas is coming!! What to do!! What to do!..Step back and take a deep breath. The first name on your list should be you!. Give yourself a weekend of Spiritual reflection and Awakening. Then second on your list, invite someone to join you. Mark your calendar for our annual Ladies Retreat, Feb 26-28, 2016. The Theme for 2016 is “I have Loved You With An Everlasting Love” Jer.31:3 and our Retreat Master will be Fr. James Farfaglia. We have semi-private or shared doubles available. If you have attended before, there is no need to explain what a wonderful spirit filled weekend this can be. If you have never attended a silent retreat, what are you waiting for? You don’t have to drive out to the desert for this weekend of solitude, but to the Sacred Heart Retreat House in nearby Alhambra. He is calling you to spend some time with Him. Will you respond? For more information, please contact Gloria Lopez, District Captain at 626-833-3486 after 6pm, or email [email protected] ARE YOU CALLED TO SHARE YOUR FAITH WITH CHILDREN? Holy Family needs committed people to teach in our Religious Education program. You don’t have to be a professional teacher, or have in-depth knowledge of Catholic Doctrine. All that is required is that you love children and have a deep desire to share and model your Catholic Faith with them. Volunteers wanted to teach religion (catechists*) for Toddlers, Preschoolers and Grade-schoolers on Sunday mornings (or Weds. afternoons for elementary school). Don’t worry - Holy Family provides professional staff, curriculum, materials, etc. For more information, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Mary Schimmoller at 626.403.6113 or e-mail: [email protected]. 4 EDUCATION/FORMATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious education is a lifelong process that guides the baptized into ‘intimacy with Jesus Christ’. (Catechesi Tradendae). Religious education is more than formal instruction; it is a conscious pathway to the development of the whole person as a model of Christ and permeates all facets of life in a Catholic community. Its foundations are laid in the home and built in partnership within the parish community. The ministry of Religious Education is an entrusted participant in this collaboration, serving the mission and expressing the love of Christ to our parish children! It is the goal of our parish, directors in formation, catechists and volunteers to work diligently with parents to encourage, support, strengthen and enhance their work in the formation of their children for the Kingdom of God. For more information contact Colette Villegas, DRE at 626.403.6118. For regular updates see our website: re.holyfamily.org. HOLY FAMILY BOOKSTORE Books for all ages! Religious Items Gifts Fine Art Jewelry Greeting Cards Sacramental Gifts Bookstore Hours Tuesday – Saturday...10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sunday .................9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS Lower Level – Parish Hall – Elevator Access Contact: 626.403.6133 MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY NEWS Mercy means… MSM is a welcoming, exciting, fun community of sixth, seventh and eighth grade youth who gather weekly for formation, friendship, fun, and service. Join us as we learn together how to better love God, our neighbors and ourselves through study of Scripture, knowledge of our faith tradition and our commitment to discipleship. Our purpose is to inspire youth to know Jesus and empower them grow as engaged disciples. Please visit our website at youthministry.holyfamily.org for more details. Upcoming Sessions: On Wednesdays we meet from 7:00-8:30 p.m. On Thrusdays we meet from 3:30-5:00 p.m. November 26 & 27 No session due to the Thanksgiving Holiday HOLY FAMILY YOUTH MINISTRY Introducing Young Lives Next week at 7:00 p.m., High School aged teens are invited to join us for Young Lives. This ministry will include prizes, faith sharing, food and fun. Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m., we gather every other week. Union Station Homeless Center On the 4th Wednesday of every month, Holy Family Youth Ministry takes teens and adults to the Union Station Homeless Center for adults. They bring ingredients, prepare food and serve the 60 adults who reside at the center. If you’d like to be a part of this life-giving ministry, please take a look at our website to sign up. It’s an incredible opportunity to be God’s hands and feet in today’s world. Mission Trip For more information about our upcoming mission trips, visit our webpage, youthministry.holfamily.org. We have three mission trips planned for teens and preteens. Local Mission open to seventh graders and older in March 2016 Domestic Mission, to Yakama, WA open to ninth graders and older in July 2016 International Mission to Costa Rica open to eleventh graders and older in June 2016 CONFIRMATION NEWS youthministry.holyfamily.org Confirmation 2016: Year-Two Session 10 will be on Sunday Janaury 24 following the 5:30 Mass. Our guest speaker will be Jesse Manabusian. He will only present on Sunday. The first our two retreats is December 12 and 13, information and permission slips are on our website; holyfamily.youthministry.org Confirmation 2017: New Candidates Session 3 will be on Sunday, Janaury 24th at 3:45. This session will be with Jesse Manabusian. He will only present on Sunday. The second of our retreats is Janaury 16th & 17th, our Strengthsfinders Retreat. Read more about it on our website. Our Beatitudes Retreat will be on March 19 and 20. Be sure to sign up for these important events. If you have any questions, please contact our office or consult our website www.youthministry.holyfamily.org. for more information Trunk Show TODAY ONLY Sunday, November 29, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We are so excited to have The Serapyhm Designs Trunk Show here today. Arasely Chelsea Rios, designer-owner of Seraphym Designs utilizes only the best quality beads, components and metals in her rosaries, bracelets and necklaces. Each piece is handcrafted and uniquely designed for quality, longevity, and richness of color. She chooses color themes and metals that mimic the splendor of the earth, the sky, and the strength of the old world, then brings them all together with beads that capture the life-giving qualities of light. Chelsea was commissioned to create a rosary for Pope Francis when he visited the United States. It was presented to him during the Mass of the canonization of Fra Junipero Serra. Now in the Store And available for purchase DIVORCED AND SEPARATED GROUP The group meets on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. We will be using the text, "Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends" by Bruce Fisher. The book is available in the Holy Family Bookstore. Bill Metzdorf facilitates the group. If you are interested in joining us, please call Terri Lynn Doubet 818.729.0577 with any questions you may have. All are welcome! 5 EDUCATION/FORMATION HFS SAVE THE DATES 12/2 Christmas Concert in Church 6:00 p.m. 12/6 HFS Children’s Choir Sings at 12:45 Mass 12/8 School Mass at 9:30 a.m. led by 5th Grade, followed by 5th Grade Family Retreat 12/9 Parent-Teacher Conferences 12/11-13 Dick Whittington & His Cat – 3rd & 4th Grade Musical Production 12/18 Christmas Assembly 12/21-1/3 Christmas Vacation 1/4 Classes Resume Holy Family School 1301 Rollin Street South Pasadena, CA 91030 Principal: Dr. Frank Montejano 626.799.4354 Website: school.holyfamily.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HFKnights MEN’S READING GROUP December 15, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., in the Guadalupe Room of the Pastoral Center. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to discuss books concerned with religious, moral, and ethical issues. We are reading Neighboring Faiths by David Nirenberg. Even if you don’t read the books, you’re welcome to join us for good fellowship! Contact: Ron Piccirillo, 626.993.5563 HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS Giving Thanks for Closing the Gap Twelve years ago, parent leaders, with the consent of parish/school administration, founded Legacy of Learning, the annual fund at Holy Family School that not only supports vital faculty members such as teacher’s aides in each classroom and enrichment programs such as the Drama Program, Meet the Masters art education program, Mock Trial, Academic Decathlon, and Science Camp, but also seeks to keep tuition down while closing the $1525 gap between a student’s tuition and what it truly costs to educate each student. This year Legacy of Learning school families have pledged $97,000 (99% participation) and an additional $5,000 has been contributed from alumni and friends. For this, we express deep gratitude for all of your generosity and support for closing the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating Holy Family students. More information at http://school.holyfamily.org/support-hfs/legacy-of-learning/. Alumni News Longtime parishioner, HFS alumna and school parent Lucy (Mendoza) Jaburian extends the invitation to all parishioners to enjoy her grandfather’s paintings, which are currently on display at the Los Angeles Cathedral Art Exhibit on recently canonized St. Junipero Serra. The first showing of these art pieces was here at the Holy Family Parish Hall in the 1970’s. HOLY FAMILY TODDLER CO-OP If you have a walking, or soon-to-be-walking, toddler through the age of 3, please consider having them join us at the Toddler Co-Op. The Co-Op meets most Sundays from September through May during the 9:30 a.m. Mass in the St. Joseph's Center. We, the parents, take turns watching our kids play, engage in crafts, and faith-based circle time in a fully cooperative environment. Feel free to leave us a voicemail at 626.403.6121, email us at [email protected], or get a copy of the application and more information at bit.ly/hfcoop. Please remember, a complete application must include completion of Virtus Training and LiveScan fingerprinting. SUNDAY PRESCHOOL (CO-OP) Now Enrolling! Sunday Preschool is a cooperative preschool experience for 3, 4, & 5 year olds. Classes meet weekly, during the 9:30 a.m. Mass on most Sundays in the Education Center building, from September through May. The curriculum is developmentally appropriate, designed to introduce preschoolers to God and their faith community. The children are also introduced to our Christian community through special donations to the Giving Bank and other activities. Contact Andrea Nassaney, Director of Administration for more information and to register: [email protected] or [email protected]. EMBRACING THE BEGINNING OF LIFE Embracing the Beginning of Life seeks to build awareness within our parish in accordance with Vatican II's Charter on Rights of the Family 'Human Life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.' Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. Contact Rafael Flores [email protected] or Natalie Duran [email protected] for more information. Holy Family Adoption Services: 800.464.2367 Free and confidential pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and options counseling: 877.398.7734 Pregnancy Center of the San Gabriel Valley: 626.309.0788 East Los Angeles Pregnancy Center: 323.838.0204 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats: 626.309.0788 GAY AND LESBIAN OUTREACH Many gays and lesbians feel disconnected from their Church. Holy Family’s Gay and Lesbian Outreach, in the spirit of ALL ARE WELCOME, provides a confidential, safe environment for discussion, education and socialization every Wednesday evening. Gays and lesbians, as well as their parents, are welcome. For further information please contact Elizabeth S. Taylor, Ph.D., Ministry Chair at 626.792.1103. BIBLE STUDY 6 Fall Bible Study: The Minor Prophets: Amos, Hosea, and Micah. Please join us this Wednesday in the Galilee Room at 7:00 p.m. as we study the Biblical underpinnings of Pope Francis’ Jubilee Year of Mercy. Scriptures of Advent: Weekly sessions: Dec 2, 9, 16. All weekly sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. and conclude by 8:30 p.m. in the Galilee Room in the Pastoral Center. Any questions please call Frank Ponnet at 626.403.6116 or Tim O’Brien at [email protected]. COMMUNITY LIFE HOLY FAMILY 50 + CLUB Our regular meeting will be the first Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be Thursday, December 3, at 1:30 p.m, at St. Joseph Center. Light refreshments will be served. If you have any questions about our Club, call our president Helen Caliway, 626.799.2422. DUES for the 2015-2016 year are due. If you wish to join, make checks payable to Holy Family 50+ Club (write Membership on the advise line) and drop it off at Holy Family Parish Office --mark Patricia Van Ness, 50+ Club Membership, on the envelope. Patricia, our membership chairperson, will pick them up during the week. GAME DAY Our next game day will be Saturday, November 28 at 11:00 a.m. at Colonial Kitchen. Call Tina Jimenez, 323.227.8128, for reservations. There will be no Game Day in December. We’ll start up again in January. ACTIVITIES (Open to Members and Non-Members) SAVE THE DATE - Wednesday, January 13, 2016 the Club has planned a day trip to San Manuel, cost $15.00 with $10 back to gamble or dine and includes the cost of the bus and driver. We usually leave from St. Joseph Center about 8:30 a.m. and return about 5:00 p.m. For reservations call Julia Shaw, 626.844.7301, or Lorraine Baldwin, 626378.0931. Send your check to Lorraine, 2630 Grayson Ct. Simi Valley 93065. Fifty people are needed to cover the low cost of the trip so reservations and checks are due by December 18. For bulletin submission, contact Bette Gillette, 626.799.6487. AUCTION 2016 OUR HOLY FAMILY REUNION Now that Thanksgiving is over, the Holiday season has officially begun and our Annual Auction, Our Holy Family Reunion is on the horizon. Save the date: April 30th, 2016. To repeat the amazing success we had last year, can you help? We know you're busy so there are lots of opportunities that fit any skills you can offer. No time commitment is too small! To get those amazing items to bid on, gift gathering parties are being planned. Several parishioners have already opened their homes and if you can host one, that would be awesome. To volunteer for the auction or to host a party, please contact Mary Schimmoller: [email protected] NEEDLE ARTS MINISTRY The Needle Arts Ministry is still meeting to work on projects. We don’t have a leader but we can do our best to help each other out. Wednesdays in the Guadalupe room, 12:30-2:30. Contact Karen at [email protected] or 626.403.6108. ST. ANTHONY’S ALUMNI Attention: St. Anthony's School San Gabriel Graduates! Our school library is creating an Alumni tree and we welcome you to be a part of it. Please call the school for more information at 626.280.7255 and ask for Adela. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRIES Care, Prayer, in Remembrance of… (CPR) last Tuesday of each month 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Mother Theresa Room (except Nov, Dec & May 2016). Quilting B for Bereavement: Thursdays; Jan 7th - Feb 11th, 2016 6:30 - 8:00, Galilee Room In Remembrance of… sessions (IRO) Spring and Fall: Thursdays 6:30 - 8:00, Galilee Room. Apr 7th - May 26, 2016, Sept - Nov 2016 dates TBA. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS Toastmasters: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m., in the Pastoral Center. Want to improve your communication and leadership skills? Be more effective in meetings? Get your point across more concisely? Join us and learn how membership can help you succeed. Contact: Mary Elizabeth Ohde, 323.257.8989. SERRA CLUB The Serra Club of Los Angeles invites guests and prospective members to join them for fellowship and affirmation. First established in 1934 in Seattle, Washington, and now world-wide with 20,000 members in 36 countries, the Serra Club is the lay vocation arm of the Church. Their mission is simple. They promote, foster and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They meet from 12:00-1:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, at Taix Restaurant, 1911 Sunset Bl., Los Angeles. Contact: John F. Watkins, parishioner, 626.432.4712. KINDRED SPIRITS Parish life can be strongly marriage and family oriented with few opportunities for single adults to feel comfortable at social gatherings or in volunteer capacities. Kindred Spirits was formed to create comfortable ways for single adults, over 40 to get to know each other, and to build supportive friendships that enhance their participation in parish life as well as create meaningful connections in their lives outside of church. Truly great friendships have evolved through sharing in social events, volunteer projects, and spiritual enrichment activities together. We attend the Saturday evening vigil Mass each first Saturday, followed by going to a different local restaurant. Other potential activities are discussed and plans made during these First Saturday gatherings. If you would like additional information, please email [email protected]. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE HOLY FAMILY 50+ CLUB CALL ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTRY—A Our meetings will be held on the first TOregular ACTION Thursday of thethe month at 1:30 released p.m. followed HolyOur Father byLast lightsummer, refreshments. next meetinga is groundbreaking encyclical calling for the Church and people everywhere to take part in a cultural revolution to heal our Earth's environment and uplift those who live in poverty. "We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it," Pope Francis writes. You can join the movement right now by connecting with Holy Family's Environmental and Fair Trade Ministry. Learn more at holyfamily.org/environ mental-ministry/. The ministry meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. New members are always welcome. JUNIPERRO SERRA ART EXHIBIT AT THE CATHEDRAL Thousands attended Pope Francis’ canonization of 18th century priest Junipero Serra. Here in California, where Serra founded the state's first missions, the church is planning its own tribute. Officials at the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles have mounted a special art exhibit honoring the friar. The display will feature a painting of Serra by renowned sacred and cultural artist Lalo Garcia, commissioned by ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTRY Archbishop Jose H. Gomez. It is thought to On the the first feastofficial of Saint Joseph the Worker be portrait of Serra as a in 2013, Pope Francisatsaid, “Workentrance is funda-of saint. The exhibit, the main mental to the dignity the person.” Butofin the cathedral, willaround runofthrough the end countless places the globe, working the year and includes several pieces bydo conditions and organizational practices Mexican Mendoza (grandfavery little painter to honorAurelio the inherent dignity of workers. ther of parishioner Lucy Jaburian). Two of the showtime Serratoatmake workoramong Nowpaintings is the perfect renew a commitment to purchasing fair trade prodthe natives: directing the construction of a ucts. When buy items are fair mission andyou overseeing anthat offering by trade certified, youpeople support: indigenous to Jesus. The remaining ● Safe andartist healthy work Anderson, conditions pieces, by local Howard ● Payment of 21 a fair price for Inthethe portray California's missions. goods chapel, exchange visitors canofsee two Serra relics: a ● An end to child and forced small piece of bone andlabor a wine-colored stole helabor wore over his robes. The exhibit ● through Respect for the environment runs December 31, 2015 at the Cathedral of Our of for themarginalized Angels, 555 ● Skills and Lady growth producers W. Temple, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The simple act of choosing fair trade prod- ucts creates opportunities for the economically disadvantaged, allowing them to move out of poverty and into self-sufficiency, according to the World Fair Trade Organization. The words of the Holy 8 Father continue to resonate: “Work, HOLY FAMILY ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Thank you members of ICF and LCA (Latino Catholic Association) for helping staff the Salsa Dinner Dance on November 14th. The event was successful raising funds to help Branch 108 send funds for the ICF Cooley's Anemia Fundraising Program helping Childrens Hospital of Oakland with funds to help find ways to erradicate this devastating disease. On November 15th, the ICF Bishop Day Mass was held in Saint Peter's Church followed by the Chaplain Recognition Luncheon in Casa Italiana in Los Angeles. 19 ICF Branches from the Los Angeles Archdiocese District joined Bishop Sartoris in this annual event to support the Archbishop (Spiritual Bouquet) and the Seminarians (Seminary Burse) of Saint John's Seminary in Camarillo. On December 6, 2015, join ICF Members at the Mother Cabrini Mass (12:30 pm) followed by Pilgrimage and Luncheon at Saint Francis Xavier Church 380l Scott Road, Burbank. Parishioners welcome to visit Chapel and Library and learn about our first American Saint. Call 626 372-7812 to RSVP for Luncheon. $15 per person. If you are thinking about giving back to your community, come join ICF Branch 108 and meet an organization of culturally-diverse, community-based members who enjoy their faith, food, and friendship while helping their church and community. If you have any questions or are interested in the ICF and would like information on membership, events or volunteer opportunities, please call Carmelo Sabatella at 626.372.7812 or Theresa Shaw at 626.403.6102. For more information on ICF go online to icf.org. Students need community service hours? Call 626.372.7812 for more information. Carmelo Sabatella, Past President - ICF Branch 108 Email: [email protected]. Save The Date: Preparation is underway for the next Wine Tasting event on February 6, 2016. Mark you calendars, this will be a special event and parishioners are invited to attend. Questions? Call 626.372.7812. FILIPINO CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION Upcoming Events: Today, November 29, The Block Rosary/Divine Mercy Prayer Group will meet at the Padua residence. Please call Francis Cavestany at 323.258.3416 for further details. December 2, Working Group Meeting at 10 AM at the Pastoral Center. Please ask the receptionist to confirm the meeting room. This meeting is open to all FCA members. December 4, Healing Mass at 8 PM. Please call Jun & Alice De Guzman at 626.372.4522 for details. Mark your Calendar December 15, Simbang Gabi celebration at the Our Lady of Angels Cathedral at 6:30 p.m. Archbishop Gomez is the main celebrant. December 18, Simbang Gabi at Holy Family Church at 7:00 p.m. FCA’s Contact Information: For more information and volunteer opportunities, please call Jun Bandalan at 626.251.7182. For future bulletin announcements/postings, please call Jessie Ivins at 310. 367.5698. Mission: Preserve and Share the Filipino Culture Religious activities: Block Rosary/Divine Mercy Prayer Group - meetings on the 2nd and last Sundays of each month; Healing Mass in partnership with Bukas Loob sa Diyos (BLD) on the 1st Friday of each month; Divine Mercy Celebration on the Sunday following Easter Sunday; Filipino Saints Day Mass (San Lorenzo de Manila and San Pedro de Cebu); and a Simbang Gabi Evening Mass as part of a traditional nine-day novena preceding Christmas. Both masses are celebrated with a Tagalog choir. Humanitarian activities: Support the Giving Bank and Holy Family Church and Filipino charities. Social and fund raising activities: Annual After-Dinner Barrio Fiesta, Rummage Sale and Filipino Story Time and Crafts Sunday. OUTREACH MISSION HAITI Vocational School One of Fr. Tom’s dreams has been to expand his high school curriculum to include a vocational school (or division) which would teach a few basic trades, such as carpentry, masonry, auto mechanics, electricity, and plumbing. Fr. Tom has even reserved space at St. Anne’s school in the slum of Cite Soleil for such a school. Many of the young men and women in the slum are very intelligent and capable, but unfortunately completely illiterate. Some of them are ideal students for learning a trade. Among the obstacles Fr. Tom faces in making his dream for the school not immediately realizable is the lack of the specialized equipment needed for each of the trades. Fortunately, for one of the trades at least, carpentry, a giant step has been taken. A parishioner who had a fully equipped woodworking workshop has donated most of the basic tools and supplies needed to initiate a carpentry curriculum. Another friend of Mission Haiti, not a parishioner but very generous, has donated a beautiful set of large metal cabinets, ideal for storing and securing all the tools necessary for such a course. (Tools have a way of disappearing in Haiti if they are not locked up.) We are hoping that the recent donation of carpentry tools, plus what Fr. Tom already has, could pave the way for Fr. Tom to initiate at least a course in carpentry. We realize, of course, that equipment is only one part of making the dream of starting a vocational school become a reality. Finding the teachers who have the skills needed and who are willing to travel daily into the slum of Cite Soleil is perhaps even a greater challenge. One possibility which we will suggest to Fr. Tom is to hire graduates from the excellent Salesian Technical School in Port-au-Prince. Such graduates might well rise to the challenge of reaching out to the Cite Soleil youth. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The Mission Haiti Committee HOLY FAMILY CAREER NETWORKING GROUP We focus on job search skills, networking, resume reviews, and interviewing techniques. We are no longer meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Please contact Bruce McIntosh to arrange for an individual and personalized meeting one-onone. Group meetings will be held as warranted by the number of interested participants dictates. Contact info: 626.201.6717 or email at [email protected]. Here is a special volunteer opportunity, families are welcome! Holy Family is partnering with the St. Francis Center to feed the hungry on the fifth Saturday of the month You can help: •Serve breakfast to the homeless You can help provide the homeless with warm meals. • Work in the Food Pantry St. Francis Center is located at 1835 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 January 30, 9:30 a.m. Would you like to help? Please contact Mary Schimmoller, Volunteer Coordinator at 626.403.6113 or e-mail her at [email protected]. FREE COUPLES COUNSELING Free Couples Therapy in Pasadena: Fuller Seminary's School of Psychology is offering up to 15 free sessions of couples therapy on a first-come-first-served basis for qualified adults. This opportunity will be available on Wednesday evenings. All therapy will be conducted by Marriage and Family Therapy masters students under the direct supervision of licensed supervisors. Each session will be conducted under direct video supervision. Please contact Migum Gweon at Fuller School of Psychology at 626.584.5523 ([email protected]) for any questions or to set up a phone intake. 9 OUTREACH OPTIONS FOR SENIORS We are very fortunate and blessed to have the Carmelite Sisters in the San Gabriel Valley. They are able to offer many options for people, especially seniors. They are the ONLY Catholic religious community in the area that is able to offer independent living, assisted living, and a skilled nursing facility for seniors. They provide excellent quality of care, but they also are part of a loving, supportive, spiritual, and compassionate team that cares for the residents and family members. They offer Mass on a regular basis. Please call if you have any questions and/or are thinking about senior housing for yourself or a loved one. Please contact Santa Teresita Admissions and Community Relations Department, 626.256.3055. LEAN INTO THE WIND Our CD is available on Amazon and iTunes! Please help us spread the word... A m a z o n : http://ow.ly/uWQrC i T u n e s : http://ow.ly/uWPCH You can also listen to samples and purchase at www.leanintothewind.com ...May God bless and reward you! Also available in the Holy Family Bookstore. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUPS Free support groups for families dealing with Alzheimer’s. Adult Children’s Support Group (for those who care for a parent or a grandparent with Alzheimer’s) meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Spouse’s Support Group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Meetings are held at the Mission Lodge, 824 S. Gladys Ave., San Gabriel, CA. Contact: Larry Schulte, Ph.D., 626.795.8681 Please leave your telephone number and various times that he may contact you with more information about the support group. 10 PASTORAL CARE (MINISTRY TO THE ELDERLY AND SICK) Monthly Mass Schedule Prospect Manor: 1st Wednesday of the month, 2:00 p.m., 800 Prospect Ave., South Pasadena To notify us of someone in the parish who is sick, please follow these procedures: 1. Call the Pastoral Center, Monday to Sunday if the sick person needs to be visited by a priest. 2. You will be asked a few important questions by the staff person answering your call, as a form must be filled out. Hospital? Home? Communion? Person’s home address and phone? Parishioner or not? Elderly? Name on intercessions? 3. Please ask the staff person to notify Mary Ternan. Water Color and Drawing Art Class Offered Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the South Pasadena Senior Center at 1102 Oxley St. in South Pasadena. For questions and or information, please call Lorrie at 626.799.4215. THE GIVING BANK at ST. JOSEPH CENTER (SJC) – 1524 Fremont Avenue Contact: Carrie, Marlene, or Franco, 626.403.6140 Our volunteers are assured of fun, fellowship, and a friendly atmosphere. Donations are accepted Tuesday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Press the buzzer so that we know you are there, and our staff will be happy to help you carry the items in from your car! Please do NOT leave any items outside St. Joseph Center after 4:30 p.m. or on weekends. St. Vincent de Paul offers FREE PICK-UPS; call 1.800.974.3571. Giving Bank: Monday Distribution 9:00-10:45 a.m. (Volunteers are needed 7:0011a.m.) Bagging Sundays: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Lunches for the homeless: Monday through Friday, 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. The Giving Bank has a wonderful opportunity to receive fresh fruits and vegetables for the clients we serve! In order to take advantage of this opportunity, we are seeking a few volunteers (to put on a rotating schedule) that are available on Sunday afternoons to pick up the produce and bring it to Holy Family. If you're interested in lending a hand, please contact us at 626.403.6140 for more information. GET ON THE BUS Hello Get On The Bus Friends, We are happy to announce our 2nd Annual Get On The Bus Christmas Party and ToyGive-Away. Place: Holy Name of Jesus School Address: 1955 W. Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018 Date: December 19, 2015. Time: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.: Set-Up 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Party/Toy-Give-Away 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Clean-Up If you live near-by or want to help set-up, plate food, pass out toys and have a great time with the children and families, please let us know. Respond with an email to: [email protected] We would be delighted to have you join us! PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 1 !" #$ %" %%% &$ % % '( )%#$*$+ ," '% % %-'.#$,"/"0$ ""%'1. 2% $" 3"%% %$ -34563+453 7$$ PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 2 Simbang Gabi (Mass at Dawn), a popular Filipino tradition, is a 9day novena preparing for the birth of Jesus and honoring the blessed Virgin Mary. In the Philippines, a 4:00 AM mass is celebrated with church bells ringing, and is followed by a breakfast consisting of Filipino delicacies. In the United States, this celebration is mostly held in the evening. Mass Celebrated by: Fr. Fulgencio (Pol) Legaspi Sponsored by: The Filipino Catholic Association Ministry Friday, December 18, 2015 Mass at 7pm with the FCA Choir A Filipino Dinner will follow in the Parish Hall Holy Family Church Ȃ South Pasadena For more information, please contact Jun Bandalan (626) 251-7182 or [email protected] . PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 3 C PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 4 PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 5 Oak Knoll Barber Shop Medical monitoring by professionals & RN’s Rehabilitation therapy MIKA• FullCOLOR Color to B / W PRINTING & GRAPHICS The Best Haircut In Town Since 1932 • Lithography & Digital Output • Custom Printed Plastic & Paper Bags 1615 Chelsea Road, San Marino, CA 91108 (323) 254-4116 TEL. • (323) 254-5303 FAX 626.282.6976 www.OakKnollBarbershop.com 6000 MONTEREY RD., HIGHLAND PARK (physical, speech, occupational) Coordination of discharge planning Wound care • Infusion therapy Home health aide • Home safety education Diabetic care • Medical social services OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & INFERTILITY SHAUN P. GRADY, M.D. DOROTHY C. HONG, M.D. CINDY H. CHOU, M.D. (Parishioners) We accept Medicare, Medi-CAL & private insurance plans. No out-of-pocket costs. 207 S. Santa Anita, Ste. 335 San Gabriel, CA 91776 147 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA 91024 SUZY TANASI, Parishioner, Director of Patient Care (626) 576-1214 (626) 355-3443 323.887.2883 • www.ERHomeHealth.com RODENT CONTROL SPECIALIST Commercial/Residential Service 818-994-1700 • 888-644-BUGS (2847) 626-836-7000 PROTECTING SENIORS Ben’s Barber Shop 444 Fair Oaks, South Pasadena NATIONWIDE 626-441-6084 PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! ........... 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation $1a Day! $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n rsonarl Companio e P r u e through 2030 Yo Pray Designed to be TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com $39.95 Since 1976, Mark Piscitelli has been a name associated with men's fashions, dealing in ready to wear and custom clothing. 589 E. Green Street(at Madison) Pasadena, CA 91101 • (626) 578-7382 www.markpiscitellimensclothing.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 288500 Holy Family Church (C) www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 “We meet with you in the comfort of your home” or in our office FD 1458 595 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 307, Pasadena, CA 91101 Phone: (626) 449-2121 Fax: (626) 449-2124 Toll Free: (800) 434-2735 www.avalonpasadenafuneralhome.com Precios Razonables....Servicio Excepcional Employee Benefits, Medicare Supplements, Life & Disability Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Retirement Products JEFF STOREY, FICF Lic. #OG00839 (626) 281-5572 or [email protected] (626) 792-4219 polenzani.com Your ad Residential/ Commercial Call Frank Chimenti for a Complimentary Consultation Office 626-355-1871 E-mail [email protected] STATE FARM INSURANCE Marcia Bleifer • (626) 441-6700 1008 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena e’s HANDYMAN SERVICES k a J Big Michael Alvarez could be in this space! Handyman/Home Inspections/Painting Retired L.A. City Building Inspector 6 26 . 673 . 4 917 Next to Wells Fargo • Lic. #0751482 Full Plumbing Service “Family Owned & Operated for Over 30 Years” Free Estimates ★ $78 Drain Cleaning 24/7 Emergency Service • Licensed and Insured 626-448-6455 www.westernrooter.com ★ [email protected] Lic# 725320 Scott A. Hancock STATE LICENSED FD 341 Attorney At Law 27 CHESTNUT STREET PASADENA, CA 91103 626-793-7159 • 323-681-0776 RECEPTION CENTER & CHAPEL 288500 Holy Family Church (B) www.cabotandsonsfh.com SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Fine Foods & Celebrations Brasserie; Food Emporium Mon-Fri 7:00 - 6:30 Sat 8:00-5:00 2649 Mission St. San Marino (626) 441-2299 Parishioner www.jspaluch.com Probate.Estate Planning.Corporate & Business Law Real Estate Law Offices Of Snyder & Hancock, A professional Corporation 1112 Fair Oaks Avenue, South Pasadena, California 91030 Phone: (626) 799-7156 Facsimile (626) 799-7393 In South Pasadena since 1940 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Tree & Landscape G d ar ening Service Since 1978 AFFORDABLY PRICED! • Weekly Service • New Lawns • Lighting • Clean Ups & Hauling • Ornamental Tree Pruning • Water Efficient Sprinklers & Drip Systems FREE ESTIMATES ST. LIC # 897989 C-27, D-49 ANTI-AGING CREAM 626-379-2949 Cell 626-281-2324 Home Lynda Harris [email protected] (626) 398-6799 Breakfast: Keeping You In Control Of Your Finances Business Appraisals & Development Tax & Financial Planning Michael L. Tom Attorney at Law M-F 5:30 - 10:30 S & S 5:30 - 11:00 Lunch / Dinner: Until 11:30 pm (626) 799-9242 PASADENA • 600 S. LAKE AVE. #308 LIVING TRUSTS - WILLS - POWER OF ATTORNEY - FAMILY PLANNING PRENUPTS - POSTNUPTS - LEGAL DOCUMENTS • Will Travel 626.975.2064 [email protected] 1414 Fair Oaks Ave., Ste 6 • South Pasadena, CA 91030 Parishioner (626) 799-4761 940 East Main St., Alhambra, CA 91801 SARAH ROGERS MBA, GRI, e-Pro 626.390.0511 [email protected] SarahRogersEstates.com Odono 24-Hour Family Child Care Lic #198018089 626-416-9476 Alhambra, CA 91801 [email protected] Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Professional Real Estate Services since 1994 Parishioner BRE 01201812 VICTOR ROBINETTE, CPA, CFP, C.V.A. For further information, please call the Parish Office. JOHN AAROE GROUP Senior Home Care • Light Housekeeping • Bonded and Insured • Errands and Shopping - Affordable Hourly Rates • Joyful Companionship - Up to 24-hour Care • Respite for Family - Meal Preparation • Personal Hygiene Serving Glendale • Pasadena • Surrounding Areas 818-549-1400 / 626-799-0872 / www.visitingangels.com RUDY’S PLUMBING St. Lic. #917340 www.rudysplumbing.com (626) 359-0194 or 358-1490 Local Parishioner Stanislawski & Co., Inc. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS For Businesses and Individuals 626-441-0330 729 Mission Street FINNERMAN HOMES Committed to Pasadena & Its Neighbors DENNIS FINNERMAN REALTOR® Parishioner • Personal • Professional • Positive Are You Ready To Make A Move? CaBRE#01700576 626.893.2947 www.finnermanhomes.com COMPUTER PROBLEMS? 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Minimum 10oz. yogurt purcahse required. good only at menchie’s south pasadena CABRE01233781 Free Consultation www.jspaluch.com TEL (626) 795-8333 [email protected] www.thonbeck.com menchie’s south pasadena 1040 mission st. south pasadena, ca 91030 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE POWERED BY iFaith If you are able to cover a spot that is not filled, please contact Erin Lima at [email protected] or 626/403-6143. PODCASTING AND VIDEO STREAMING 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. – Ariel Valdescona 12:30 p.m. – Mary Azcona- Erememco, Maria Demarzzo, Patricia Palmer Did you know that you can watch the Mass live from your computer? Go to http://www.holyfamily.org/podcasts-and-videos/ and watch our 9:30 a.m. and other special Masses live. Did you miss the gospel and homily? We have pod casts as well as video streaming on our web site. Please visit www.holyfamily.org and select “podcasts” or “Video Mass” from the menu on the right side of the home page. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS VIDEO MINISTRY WELCOME CENTER SATURDAY, DEC 5 If you would like to join our hardworking video ministry staff, please 5:00 p.m. –Lela Bissner, Carlotta De Francisco, Ruben Jauregui, Kathleen Mc give us a call at 626.403.6128. Carthy, Mary Nally, Pat Nally, Terry Nally, Caren Sawyer SUNDAY, DEC 6 VISIT OUR WEBSITE 6:30 a.m. –Wendy Abbate, Anne Morrissey, Rich Morrissey, Jo Prietto, 2 NOT It is more than just the Mass schedule! We have a FILLED blog, an online prayer book, links to our Facebook 8:00 a.m. – Linda Breen, Tom Breen, Gaelen Burgess, Chris Conte, Rob Gilmore, Dora Lee, Peter Leung, Rose Marie Martinez page, volunteer opportunities, information about 9:30 a.m. – Carrie Diaz, Debbie Eggleston, Liz Gilfillan, Kathy Holtsnider, Connie upcoming events, and more! Olmos-Piccirillo, Erika Randall, Dana Studer, Laura Ursitti 11:15 a.m. – Mary Azcona-Eremenco, Jun Bandalan Jr, Jenn Bradley, Helen LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! Caliway, Jane Cappai-Brunello, John Fuller, Nora Fuller, Linda Lim 12:45 p.m. –Dolores Alvarez, Jesse Alvarez, Amalia Vasquez Enciso, Kristin Go to: http://www.facebook.com Grosser, Gabriel Gutierrez, Mila Padua, Sophia Pollerana-Garcia, Rosemarie /holy.family.south.pasadena Rodriguez 5:30 p.m. – Amion Burton, Sabrina Camacho, Becky Gafvert, Rafael Gamboa, Amy Garrity, Chuck Korth, Renee Korth, Alyson Lewis, Bill Lewis, Christina Ruano YOU TUBE LECTOR SATURDAY, DEC 5 5:00 p.m. – Ernie Arnold, Lauren Cain SUNDAY, DEC 6 6:30 a.m. – Michael Cacciotti, Helen Pekny 8:00 a.m. – Patricia Gonzalez, Frank Mayer 9:30 a.m. – Norbert Bell, Gretchen Robinette 11:15 a.m. – Jay Madden, Eric Munson 12:45 p.m. –Ben Handelman, Vince Tricarico 5:30 p.m. – Camille Burton, Bridget Garrity, Julia Torres ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, DEC 5 5:00 p.m. – William Esnault, Brendan Long, Eric Perez, Karenna Perez SUNDAY, DEC 6 6:30 a.m. –Carlos Bravo, Marshall Ismail, Maya Ismail, Raizel Villaluna 8:00 a.m. – Charles Baker, Andrei Cosinas, Truman Koch, Felicia Martinez, Katherine Moses 9:30 a.m. –Alyssa Adriano, Kayla Adriano, Emily Casciani, Felix Diaz, Emily Vargas 11:15 a.m. –Peter Evans, William Hotaling, Charles Pallares, Christopher Pallares, Katherine Pallares 12:45 p.m. –Samuel Gutierrez, John Hoffman, Katherine Hoffman, Francesca Puccinelli, Sarah Ryan 5:30 p.m. –Sebastian Evans, Frances Burton, Luke Garrity, Meghan Garrity HOSPITALITY MINISTER We have a You Tube Channel!!! Visit us at http://www.youtube.com/user/holyfamilyvideo. On this channel we feature the homilies from our 9:30 a.m. masses. Tell your friends and subscribe! FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! We'd love for you to follow our parish happenings and the Good Word @HolyFamilysp. And if you feel so inclined to take your own IG pics of Holy Family and its happenings, please tag us or use the geo-tag Holy Family Church South Pasadena. We may even repost it, with your permission of course. Contact Karen Whitney at [email protected] or 626.403.6108 with questions. Thanks! UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS THE YEAR AHEAD December 18 Simbang Gabi Celebration December 25 Christmas January 8 Parish Wide Bingo Night January 9 Meet & Greet SATURDAY, DEC 5 5:00 p.m. –Cathy Lohr-Arkin, Mary Miasnik, Janet Moore SUNDAY, DEC 6 8:00 a.m. –Pam Kennington, Patty Walcha 9:30 a.m. –Marion Hovorka, Patricia Lomeli, Diane Sternal 11:15 a.m. –Fran Buckingham, Arnold Cotton, Barbara Cotton 12:45 p.m. –Felicitas De La Cruz, Ana Maria Nicholls (Gutierrez) To schedule or cancel an event on the master calendar, please contact Nancy, 626.403.6107 or [email protected]. 19 DISCIPLE’S REFLECTION GOSPEL WORD SEARCH CALL TO PRAYER Begin by calling upon God: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Let us pause for a moment, and listen attentively to this week’s passage. THE WORD OF GOD Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 Jesus said to his disciples: “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand. “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” Advent 2015 at Holy Family December 4 11 a.m. Senior Christmas Brunch, Connolly Hall 11 a.m. Mercy Week December 5-December 12th December 5-6 Second Sunday of Advent: Mercy Ritual at all Sunday Masses December 7 6 p.m. Vigil Mass for Immaculate Conception 7 p.m. Mercy Reflection and Sacrament of Reconciliation with Msgr. Connolly 7 p.m. Religious Ed Advent Assembly – Connolly Hall December 8 Feast of Immaculate Conception Opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy Doors E B D P S G Y D K Z O A N R I M I M L W L S U T U W L N G A N R A T O P S Q D D P T O N N R O Z R K N C T S Z A S E I I O A L H O H E A V E N S I K R I R S A N ANTICIPATION CLOUD DISCIPLES EARTH HEAVENS JESUS MOON NATIONS PEOPLE POWERS E R C W G O F C C I I K O E G E C I Y C P S Q M Y J M A I V H J N N A I W L N Y H W A V E S Z H X M E O S B P R I O A G J N M S K S U R Q G K Z G L J R T K P R N O I T A P I C I T N A E C A L H H U O A F J K Q I O O P H P S L M S U S E J W ROARING SEA SIGNS STARS SUN WAVES WORLD Masses at 6:20 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m. with School Children, 6:00 p.m. 7 p.m. Mercy Reflection and Sacrament of Reconciliation with Msgr. Connolly December 9 7 p.m. Mercy Reflection and Sacrament of Reconciliation with Msgr. Connolly December 10 9:15 a.m. Mercy Reflection and Sacrament of Reconciliation with Msgr. Connolly December 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 5 p.m. mass, Mariachis and Tamale Dinner in Connolly Hall 7:30 p.m. Advent Christmas Concert with All HF choirs December 13 7 p.m. Java, Jazz and Jesus – Young Adult Saint Joseph Center December 18 8 p.m. FCA Simbang Gabi Mass & Reception Church & Connolly Hall www.holyfamily.org 20
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