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PDF, 7.87MB - Holy Family Church
HOLY FAMILY CHURCH THIRTY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 10, 2013 WHAT’S INSIDE STATE OF THE PARISH CONTACT NUMBERS .............2 ADMINISTRATION.................2 WORSHIP ................................3 EDUCATION/FORMATION ...5 COMMUNITY LIFE .................7 OUTREACH ............................9 ADVERTISING .......................16 LITURGY MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE .19 PARISH CALENDAR ...............19 DISCIPLE’S REFLECTION ......BC Welcome to Holy Family Church If you are visiting, or new in our community, we are blessed that you are here to worship with us. Our Parish Life Director, priests, and all our parish family extend to you the hospitality of Jesus Christ. If you would like more information about our parish or wish to join our faith community, please visit the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings or contact the Pastoral Center. Holy Family Mission Statement Holy Family Church is a welcoming Catholic Eucharistic community of disciples connecting faith with life and reaching out to those in need. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH Sharing as Beloved Disciples through Grace, Gratitude and Generosity Holy Family’s theme this year is: Sharing as Beloved Disciples. We have integrated this theme into the different facets of our parish life through the prism of Grace, Gratitude and Generosity. Spending time in prayer with God, sharing our gifts and talents in our parish community and in the whole world, giving generously to support the church and its ministerial and outreach programs—all these are ways in which we are invited to share as Beloved Disciples. Cambria Smith, our Parish Life Director, will speak at all the Masses this weekend on the state of Holy Family as a vibrant community of disciples following the path of renewed relationship with Jesus. During the following week, you will receive a brochure which will invite you to consider your commitment of Grace, Gratitude and Generosity to the parish. A commitment card will also be enclosed which you may bring with you to Mass the following Sunday or mail back to the Pastoral Center. You are all invited to use your God-given gifts to serve one another, our Church and our world. 1501 FREMONT AVENUE SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030 Cambria Smith, Parish Life Director Reverend Jose Parathanal, Priest Minister Fr. Bob Folbrecht, Priest Minister Monsignor Clement J. Connolly, Spiritual Director Reverend Niall O’Leary, Director of Spirituality Reverend Anthony Scannell, Capuchin, Weekend Presider PASTORAL CENTER (Parish Offices) 1527 Fremont Avenue South Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: 626.799.8908 Fax: 626.799.0423 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon. – Thurs, 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sun. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil – 5:00 p.m. Sundays – 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:45 p.m., & 5:30 p.m. Weekdays – 6:20 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Saturdays – 8:00 a.m. only SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturdays – 3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m., or by appointment, please call the Pastoral Center. VOCATION OFFICE Fr. Rick Viveros Phone: 626.330.2269 Assisted listening headsets are available at weekend Masses, please see an usher. Visit our website at www.holyfamily.org. CONTACT NUMBERS ADMINISTRATION BOOKSTORE Parish Hall, lower level. . . . 626.403.6133 ALL SOULS NOVENA CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS & REMEMBERING CHURCH Dawn Ponnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 November 1-13 To remember and honor our beloved dead, we observe an All Souls Novena. To enroll deceased loved ones, please fill out a special envelope at the Pastoral Center. EDEN CENTER – 1520 Fremont Ave. TOGETHER IN MISSION Youth Ministry & Youth Confirmation: Dawn Ponnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 EDUCATION CENTER – 1301 Rollin St. School: Dr. Frank Montejano . . . . . . 626.799.4354 Religious Education: Colette Villegas . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6118 FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908. Assistance with funeral, music, liturgy and other needs is available. Funerals are scheduled from Tuesday through Friday mornings. INFANT OUTREACH/REFERRALS Carrie-Ann Lue Sue. . . . . . . 626.403.6140 LITURGY AND ADULT FORMATION Frank Ponnet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6116 MUSIC Director of Music and 11:15 a.m. Choir: Andrew Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6124 9:30 a.m. Choir . . . . . . . . . . . 626.799.8908 Sunday 5:30 p.m. Youth Choir: Ben Coria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.491.8951 PASTORAL CARE (Ministry to the Elderly & Sick) Mary Ternan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6115 PRE-BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Parents are asked to inquire at the Pastoral Center prior to the child’s birth. ST. JOSEPH CENTER – 1524 Fremont Ave. Giving Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6140 Community Services: Carrie-Ann Lue Sue. . . . . . . 626.403.6140 VIDEO MINISTRY . . . . . . . . . 626.403.6128 VOLUNTEERING Mary Schimmoller. . . . . . . . . 626.403.6113 WEDDINGS One party must be a registered parishioner for one year before booking a wedding. Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908 at least 6 months prior to proposed date of marriage. 2 How is Holy Family Responding to Together in Mission? It has been a few months since Cambria made her appeal for Together in Mission. So far, our parishioners have paid $146,515 the $154,658 pledged. We have made great strides toward our goal of $146,862, but still need to raise $347 by November. Can you help us reach our goal? No amount is too small (or too big!). If we exceed our goal, the surplus will be used to support Holy Family’s ministries. The 35 parishes and 52 schools that receive funding from this 2013 campaign are depending on the generosity of those who contribute, in order to continue providing sacramental, ministerial, and educational services to those who live in the most financially disadvantaged areas of the Archdiocese. If you have not already made a donation, please call Carol Joe at 626-403-6101 to arrange a contribution. If you have already done so, please accept our thanks and appreciation for helping to keep our parishes and schools alive and functioning in God’s name. ENDOWMENTS Holy Family Church established two endowment trust funds in March 2001. The first one is the Parish Endowment Trust Fund and its purpose is “Solely to perpetuate, support, and uphold the work of Holy Family Parish, South Pasadena.” Through generous donations from the people and friends of Holy Family, we will be able to support our many ministries. This fund will also enable Holy Family to care for and safeguard its historic church building. The second fund is the Education Endowment Trust Fund. Its purpose is “Solely to perpetuate, support, and uphold the work of Holy Family School, Religious Education Program and additional Educational Programs for Children.” This fund will assure the continued education and religious formation of our children. By supporting one or both of these funds, you are ensuring that the legacy of our vibrant faith-filled parish will be enjoyed by future generations. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Training Sessions The Archdiocese has mandated that all adults who work with or around children in any capacity must know how to recognize and prevent child sexual abuse by attending a “Protecting God’s Children” VIRTUS awareness session. All adults are encouraged to attend VIRTUS sessions at Holy Family. Please pre-register by visiting www.virtus.org and click on “Registration.” If you need assistance with registration, contact Elizabeth Calciano Fagan, 626.437.3865. Virtus Re-certification Anyone who attended a Virtus class prior to December 31, 2009 needs to be Recertified. Classes at other parishes may be available. Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908 for more information. Fingerprinting View the complete fingerprinting schedule at the Welcome Center or at: http://www.archdiocese.la/about/ hr/index.php or call to schedule an appointment. Appointments are still necessary to facilitate a smooth operation in the field. Tuesday, November 5, San Gabriel Mission, San Gabriel, 626.457.3035 Tuesday, November 12, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Los Angeles, 323.261.8051 Did You Know? What is ‘relational bullying’? Relational bullying is unwarranted, persistent, unwelcome behavior in the form of criticism, isolation, or fabricated allegations that can damage relationships. Examples include social exclusion (“You can’t be with us”), spreading rumors (“Did you hear…?), and withholding friendship (“I won’t be your friend if you…”). Though relational bullying can often seem ambiguous to outside observers and often garners less attention than physical bullying or verbal bullying, it should not be discounted simply as normal, adolescent behavior. In fact, several recent studies suggest relational bullying is more strongly related to emotional distress and teen depression than any other form of bullying. Make sure your child’s school does not tolerate such behavior among its students. WORSHIP THIRTY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 10, 2013 “They are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise.” - Luke 20:27-38 If you are interested in bringing up our gifts of bread & wine, please see an usher before Mass begins. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 6:20 a.m. – Veterans All Souls Novena 8:00 a.m. – Christine Lopez TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 6:20 a.m. – Laura Farfan † 8:00 a.m. – Mary Lou Workman † All Souls Novena WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 6:20 a.m. – Thanksgiving For Mary All Souls Novena 8:00 a.m. – Mary Margaret Swift THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 6:20 a.m. – Clarice † 8:00 a.m. – Anna Maria Killinger † FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 6:20 a.m. – Cardinal Manning † 8:00 a.m. – Maria Montanez † SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:00 a.m. – Concetta Russo † THIS SUNDAY: 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14 Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15 2 Thessalonians 2:16--3:5 Luke 20:27-38 MONDAY: Wisdom 1:1-7 Psalm 139:1-10 Luke 17:1-6 TUESDAY: Wisdom 2:23 -- 3:9 Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19 Luke 17:7-10 WEDNESDAY: Wisdom 6:1-11 Psalm 82:3-4, 6-7 Luke 17:11-19 THURSDAY: Wisdom 7:22 -- 8:1 Psalm 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175 Luke 17:20-25 FRIDAY: Wisdom 13:1-9 Psalm 19:2-5 Luke 17:26-37 SATURDAY: Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9 Psalm 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43 Luke 18:1-8 NEXT SUNDAY: Malachi 3:19-20 Psalm 98:5-9 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 Luke 21:5-19 For a reflection on the Sunday readings, please go to: http://www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml d Silence is Golden Please turn off cell phones and other electronic devices and refrain from texting during Mass. Thank You! LADIES RETREAT Save the Date, Feb 21-23, 2014 Ladies of the Parish, take a good look at the calendar!!! The holidays will be here before you can turn around and you will be in need of a spiritual recharge after all is over. Our annual Ladies Retreat at Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra on Feb 21-23, 2014 is the answer. What a perfect way to prepare for the Season of Lent which begins on March 5th. Accommodations range from private to shared rooms. Don’t miss out. Call a friend and have her join you. Reservations are now being taken. For more information please call Gloria Lopez, Parish Captain, 626-799-4652 or email [email protected] The Carmelite Sisters are praying for you. APOLOGETICS TRAINING Meet three of the top Catholic apologists in the country! Patrick Madrid, Dr. Edward Feser and Kenneth Hensley will conduct specialized apologetics training for Catholics interested in learning more about their faith. Sessions will be held November 21 - 24 at St. Joseph's Campus, 507 N. Granada Ave., Alhambra. For further details, please visit http://catholicapologeticsacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Apologetics-Academy-flyer-LA-web-1.pdf, call (855) 324-9887 or Lisa Donovan (626) 203-7960. FR. JIM HEFT Tuesday, Nov. 19. Cocktail reception at 6 pm, with the lecture beginning at 7 pm. “Forming One’s Conscience in a Polarized Church,” will examine how one goes about assessing and defining personal values that may — or may not — square with Church positions. We look forward to seeing you! Caruso Catholic Center, 844 W. 32nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90002. RSVP: [email protected], or call 213.740.1864. PRAYER GROUPS Blessed Mother Prayer Group meets on the 1st Saturday of the month, 1:00 p.m., Eremos Chapel, in the Pastoral Center. Contact: Margie Jaramillo, 323.257.1935 FCA Block Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Group meets on the 2nd & last Sundays of the month. Contact: Ramon Lacson, 323.257.1017 Mom’s Prayer Group meets every Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., at the Eden Center. Contact: Gigi Salinas, 626.799.5818 Prayers for Children no meetings, just the power of prayer. We pray for all of God’s children on the 15th of each month. Contact: Donna Gibson, [email protected] DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help after Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Mass, followed by the rosary. Immaculate Heart of Mary after 8:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st Saturday of the month, followed by the rosary. Sacred Heart Devotions after 8:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st Friday of the month, followed by the rosary. LITURGY OF THE HOURS Liturgy of the Hours provides psalms, readings, meditations and intercessions for every hour of the day, to inspire us to pray. Come and join us for Morning Prayer from 7:157:45 a.m., Mon.-Sat., inside the church. For info, e-mail: [email protected]. CENTERING PRAYER GROUP Meets on the 1st & 3rd Monday for meditation, 7:00.-7:20 p.m., in the Guadalupe Room. Sharing/discussion follows, 7:30 .8:30 p.m. Contact: Brian O’Neill, 626.482.9239 or [email protected]. ROSARY Join us in the church to pray the rosary after 8:00 a.m. daily Mass. We have a wonderful step-by-step guide to praying the rosary, which has all the prayers and their sequence, including the new Luminous Mysteries. Come and pray with us and get reacquainted with this powerful tool. FCA/BLD HEALING MASS The Filipino Catholic Association, in participation with BLD Los Angeles, invites all parishioners to a special healing mass every first Friday of the month held at 8:00 p.m. in the church. Contacts: Jun & Alice de Guzman, 626.372.4522 or [email protected]. 3 WORSHIP PRAY FOR THE SICK Please remember the sick in your prayers: Emily Morales Lillian Perez Judith Buckner Tom Albano Charles Stratton Anna Delgado Lillian Varela Mary H. Castaneda Lillian Baum Dorothy Rocha Chris Pontrelli Sr. Fred Brosio Julia Relley Melissa Quezada John Watkins Christina Sonsoning Still Need FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE Ricardo Poblete Edward Billmeyer William H. Graham, Jr. Pete Ramos Richard Prado Francisco Ferriols Julian Pambuena Chito Pangilinan Decon Valentin Saucedo Recent deaths in our Holy Family community are posted on our website. With the consent of the family, funeral arrangements are also listed and updated according to the most recent information that we have received. Go to holyfamily.org and click on “Recent Deaths in our Holy Family Community” under “Mass”. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of Christ, rest in peace. Amen. Names received after 3:00 p.m. on Friday will go into the following week’s Prayers for the Faithful. Still Need ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH Christine McClain Edward F. Smith, Jr. Still Need EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION November 26, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. All are welcome on the 4th Tuesday of the month. BAPTIZED BABIES’ BLESSING January 12, 9:30 a.m. Anyone who has recently had a baby baptized is welcome to receive a special blessing. Please call in advance to celebrate with us for the Baptized Babies’ Blessing. Contact: Pastoral Center, 626.799.8908 ANOINTING OF THE SICK January 18, 5:00 p.m. and January 19, 11:15 a.m. The Sacrament of the Sick is for Catholics who have reached the age of reason and whose health is seriously impaired by illness, accident, or old age, and for those facing surgery when serious illness is the reason. ANNIVERSARY BLESSING December 1, 9:30 a.m. Couples celebrating an anniversay this month are welcome to receive a special blessing. Please call in advance to celebrate with us. Contact: Pastoral Center, 626.799.8908 4 LITURGY MATTERS Session Three Continued Cardinal Tesserant, president for the day, announces that no vote will be taken in this session of the Council on the document on religious liberty. The curialists have taken advantage of a minor role to manipulate this postponement in order, they hope, to kill the document. Immediately, petitions are circulated on the floor of the Council, and nearly 1000 signers call on the Pope to intervene to stop this move. In the end, however, the Pope allows the minority to sway him, causing anger, resentment, and hostility. The Pope does promise, however, that this document will be treated first in the fourth session. There is also a move on the same day by the same minority to postpone actions on the document of ecumenism. To please the curialists, the Pope sends last-minute changes to this document. Cardinal Bea must write them into the document before the Council can vote on it. There is a general sense in the Council that time is running out because this was to have been the third and final session. Much work remains to be done, however, on multiple documents, including the important and controversial document on the church in the modern world. The minority has been successful in delaying final action on several items and a sense of gloom is palatable in these final days. November 20, 1964 a large majority approves the declaration on the church’s relation with non-Christians (Nostra Aetate). The document on Eastern churches is also approved the following day. Likewise the document on ecumenism is approved, including 19 out of the 40 last-minute changes ordered by the Pope. November 21, 1964 the third session is closed by Pope Paul VI, who takes the occasion to proclaim Mary the mother of the church, a move that disappoints the Protestant observers and adds to the general gloomy feeling at the end of the stormy session. Three documents are promulgated: the church, ecumenism, and Eastern churches, and that there will be a fourth session is also announced. Still Need BIBLE STUDY We'll be continuing our study of the Book of Isaiah this week. The prophet told the people of Jerusalem to give up their idols and trust in "The Holy One of Israel" 740 years before the birth of Christ. And he tells the people of southern California to do the same thing 2,700 years later! How did they respond and how will we respond to this message? Let's talk about it this Wednesday evening at 7:00 in the Galilee Room. FR. NIALL Fr. Niall has transitioned into an independent living facility that better suits his current physical needs. He continues to visit the sick, along with other priestly duties and still plans on being an active part of the Holy Family Community. To get in touch with him, please call the Pastoral Center front desk at 626.799.8908. CELEBRATING YOUNG ADULTS IN MINISTRY November 16, 2013 marks the 17th annual “Celebrating Young Adults in Ministry,” an event which recognizes the contributions that young adults make to the life of our local faith communities. This year our parish has chosen to honor James Doliente, Joan Ervin, Matthew Gardner and Michelle Gardner. The “Celebrating Young Adults in Ministry” Recognition Mass will be Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angeles in Los Angeles. The celebration begins promptly at 3:00 pm. Archbishop Jose H. Gomez will preside at the Eucharistic Celebration. All are welcome to attend. Please join us in celebrating Holy Family’s Young Adults! EDUCATION/FORMATION HOLY FAMILY TODDLER CO-OP The Toddler Co-Op is a fully cooperative experience for walking toddlers between the ages of 1 and 3½ years. The Toddler Co-op meets during the 9:30 a.m. Mass on most Sundays from September through May in the St. Joseph’s Center. Toddlers engage in age-appropriate crafts, free play, and circle time while you attend Mass. The Toddler Co-Op will provide your little one with friendships and a faith foundation that can last a lifetime. Questions? Send us an email at [email protected] or leave a voicemail at 626.403.6121. SUNDAY PRESCHOOL Sunday Preschool is a cooperative preschool experience for 3, 4, and 5 year olds. The curriculum is developmentally appropriate, designed to introduce preschoolers to God and their faith community. Calling all high school students in need of service hours! Holy Family Sunday Preschool and Toddler Co-Op are seeking responsible high school students who like working with small children to become volunteer classroom helpers during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Service Hours and letters of recommendation provided to deserving students. Please contact [email protected] 619.871.234. The Giving Bank - Reaching Out to Those in Need In an effort to connect our faith with life, each year the Holy Family Sunday Preschool supports the Giving Bank with their Thanks Giving Canned Food Drive. This year, we will again be participating in the canned food program. Items needed include: Boxed or canned milk, boxed potatoes, canned yams, canned cranberries, or cranberry sauce. Through participation in this community and in this ministry we can continue to live in fellowship with God and the Holy Spirit. Director of Administration: Alex Uriarte [email protected], Director of Curriculum: Jacquiline Wagner [email protected]. Contact: 626.403.6112 or Email: [email protected]. HOLY FAMILY BOOKSTORE Books for all ages! Religious Items Gifts Fine Art Jewelry Greeting Cards Sacramental Gifts Bookstore Hours Tuesday – Saturday...10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sunday .................9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS Lower Level – Parish Hall – Elevator Access Contact: 626.403.6133 Holy Family Bookstore 2 13 20 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education is a fun, engaging, active process of formation that intends to convert the learner to the religious tradition of the Catholic Church, with the explicit goal of passing on the beliefs, history, rituals and ethical code of our tradition. We invite all children grades 1-8 to participate and journey together to become disciples of Jesus. For more information contact Colette Villegas, DRE at 626-403-6118. For regular updates see our website: re.holyfamily.org November 10th: RE is hosting Continental Breakfast so please stop on by the Parish Hall to visit us! December 9th: All are invited to our Parish Advent Assembly! Lots of great ideas are being planned as we prepare a birthday celebration for Jesus! We will share a meal, play games, learn together, sing songs, light candles and share Jesus' birthday cake. The party goes from 6:30pm-8pm in the Parish Hall. A $5.00 donation per guest will help cover the meal. We have filled the hall for the past 4 years. We max the hall at 200 guest so RSVP is REQUIRED: [email protected] All are invited. Year I & II sacramental prep families are expected to attend. EDGE: MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY EDGE is a fun and welcoming youth group for 6th-8th graders. We meet weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Eden Center. For more information please contact Angelina Duell, MDiv at [email protected] or visit our website: youthministry.holyfamily.org/edge. EDGE seeking volunteers to join our Core Team! EDGE is the wonderful and vibrant ministry it is because of our amazing, dedicated volunteers. Relational ministry is the key to successful ministry with young adolescents so we are inviting YOU to consider joining our ministry as a small group facilitator, musician, game/sports leader, among other great options! Please see our website or contact Angelina for more information. DIACONATE INFORMATION DAYS Called To Be A Deacon? Prospective applicants and their wives are invited to attend an Information Day presented by the Office of Diaconate Formation. Here you can meet the formation staff and learn more about the formation program. Sunday, January 12, 2014 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at St. John Chrysostom Parish, 546 East Florence Ave., Inglewood, CA 90301. Sunday, April 13, 2014 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, 5801 Kanan Rd. Westlake Village, CA 91362. Sunday, Novembe er 17, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Boo okstore SCIN Jewelry² r Trunk Show Religious Jewelry Creations of Andrea a Magolske Sunday, Novembe er 24 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Boo okstore City of Ange els Trunk Show Vintage Me edal Necklaces ONE DAY ONLY Sunday, December 1 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Boo okstore ³-HZHOV -HZHOV´ 7UXQN 6KRZ All artist proceeds are donated to Mission Haiti ONE DAY ONLY For Info f rmation on any of these events, please call the Bookstore at (626) 403-6133 Now in n Stock In the Boos B ktore 2014 St. Joseph h Sunday Missals 2014 Guide to Litturgy of the Hours 2014 Guide to Christian Prayer MARYKNOLL FALL FESTIVAL Maryknoll Sisters in Monrovia and the Guild invite you to attend “FALL FESTIVAL” luncheon/card party on Tuesday November 12, 2013. Luncheon is served at 12 noon. $15 donation per person. Card players may come at 10 a.m. Single card players will be matched to complete tables of four. Please come and bring your friends! Call for reservations: (626) 358-1825 Maryknoll Sisters 300 Norumbega Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016 5 EDUCATION/FORMATION MEN’S READING GROUP November 19, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., in the Guadalupe Room of the Pastoral Center. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to discuss books concerned with religious, moral, and ethical issues. Even if you don’t read the books, you’re welcome to join us for good fellowship! We’re reading The Strangest Way by Robert Barron. Available in the Holy Family Bookstore. Contact: Ron Piccirillo, 626.993.5563 WOMEN’S READING GROUP November 11, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m., in the Pastoral Center. Please join us on the second Monday of the month in the Cardinal Manning room for a provocative and animated discussion. Don’t worry if you don’t get a chance to read the book – come anyway, the discussion is always lively and fun. We’re reading Women of Mercy by Kathy Coffey. Available in the Holy Family Bookstore. Contact: Mary Miasnik, 323.222.7944 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION The Spiritual Direction Ministry provides an opportunity to those who seek guidance, affirmation, and/or enrichment in their spiritual experience. Each spiritual journey is a personal path and all are welcome to discover a deeper relationship with God. Contact: Mary O’Brien, 323/550-8394 Veronica Hurd, 626/627-6022 or [email protected] Elwia Beaudette, 626.831.2462 or [email protected]. DIVORCED AND SEPARATED GROUP The group usually meets Thursday evenings in the Pastoral Center. If you are joining the group for the first time, please pick up a copy of the book, Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends. Facilitating this group are Bill Metzdorf and Heidi Seber. To join, to be added to our e-mail update list, or for more information, please contact Heidi, 626.233.8370. GAY AND LESBIAN OUTREACH Many gays and lesbians feel disconnected from their Church. Holy Family’s Gay and Lesbian Outreach, in the spirit of ALL ARE WELCOME, provides a confidential, safe environment for discussion, education and socialization every Wednesday evening. Gays and lesbians, as well as their parents, are welcome. For further information please contact Elizabeth S. Taylor, Ph.D., Ministry Chair at 626.792.1103. 6 HOLY FAMILY YOUTH MINISTRY Mission Trip: Jamaica Information Meeting: Our first meeting will be on Sunday, November 10 after the 5:30 Mass in the Eden Center. This meeting is for teens, parents and all other interested adults. Email [email protected] if you have any questions or go to youthminstry.holyfamily.org to sign up! Confirmation 2015: Session 2 will be held on November 5 at 7:00 pm or November 10 at 3:45 pm. Confirmation 2014: Session 9 will be held on November 19 at 7:00 pm or November 24 at 3:45 pm. Teens will gather in Eden, and adults will gather in St. Joseph’s Center. For Confirmation 2014 candidates, the Holy Spirit Retreat is just a little over a month away from December 7-8. If you would like to attend this retreat, please make sure to fill out the permission slip on our website, youthministry.holyfamily.org. ADULT CONFIRMATION If you are a practicing Catholic but have not yet celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation, consider attending a refresher course in Catholicism. Please call Dawn at 626.403.6128 or [email protected]. RE-MEMBERING CHURCH Re-Membering Church is a ministry that helps people discover what has changed since they have been away from the faith. It also is a warm and welcoming way to come back—without judgment, only the loving embrace of this community. To join the group please call Frank at 626.403.6116 or email him at [email protected]. EMBRACING THE BEGINNING OF LIFE Embracing the Beginning of Life - A new ministry at Holy Family which seeks to build awareness within our parish in accordance with the Vatican II's Charter on Rights of the Family, 'Human Life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.' Meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. Contact Rafael Flores [email protected] or Natalie Duran [email protected] for more information. RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS A few weeks ago we had a Rite of Acceptance for people wishing to take a journey of faith toward becoming a Catholic. At the Rite they were asked, “What do you ask of God and God’s Church?” We will highlight each person’s answer today and the weeks to come. For you know someone who would like to take a journey of faith and explore the Catholic faith, please call Dawn 626 4036128 or email: [email protected]. Andrew Miller said: God’s grace and guidance and support of the church. HOLY FAMILY TUTORING MINISTRY You may just be the person one of our two Catholic schools needs to tutor a child in reading or math. You need not be a credentialed teacher to participate in our ministry. We hope you love to spend time with children and love to see them become successful in school. We would love to see a tutor in grades K, 1, 3, 4, and 5. We are also seeking two more librarians to join our group at Dolores Mission. We would like to put two volunteers a morning to help children check out books. The library is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays only. If you are interested and can donate a half day a week, please contact Mary Schimmoller, Holy Family’s Volunteer Coordinator at 626.403.6113. COMMUNITY LIFE FALL FESTIVAL Thanks to everyone who helped to make the fair a tremendous success! And thanks those who came out to support, participate, and just have fun! Check the Parish Highlights section in the upcoming weeks for photos. Raffle Winners Thank you so much to everyone who purchased raffle tickets this year. It wouldn't have been a success without your support. Congratulations to our winners!! 1st prize - $5,000 Mimi Chang 2nd prize - $1,000 Mimi Chang (Yes, she won both first and second!) 3rd prize - $500 Karen Gillmore 4th prize - $100 John Yonai The Eggleston Family Christian Crothers Helen Esposito Mia Loewel Viana Lopez Raquel Mora Ruperto Albelda Roy Tatlonghari Jennifer Harnsberger Robert Omens Marie Roberts Krista Noonan Rosemary Peterson William Webb MINISTRY OF THE ARTS IMAGE—available in the Bookstore. IMAGE is a literary and art quarterly that provides a unique forum for the best contemporary writing and artwork that is informed by -- or grapples with -- religious faith. Committed to artistic excellence and religious truth, IMAGE is recommended for all those interested in the visual and performing arts, literature and faith. The Ministry of the Arts mission is to develop, implement and sustain a holistic arts program that is an integral part of Holy Family Church and creates an enriched, vibrant environment that deepens people's connection to God. KIDS ART CONTEST Get your markers, paints, and crayons ready! We are having an art contest and invite all children of the Parish to participate. The theme is Nativity or Christmas, and the winner will be featured on our Christmas Card that is mailed out to registered families! Please submit all entries to the Pastoral Center, attention bulletin and include the child’s name, address, age, and telephone number. Children age 13 and under are eligible. Deadline for submissions is November 17. Thanks and good luck! HOLY FAMILY 50 + CLUB Our regular meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. followed by light refreshments. Our next meeting is Thursday, November 7 at 1:30. A regifting auction is planned for December. You bring a no longer used, gently aged item that can be purchased as a gift for you or someone else. For information about our Club, call of our president Julie Smith, 626.796.2859. Dues for the 2013-2014 year of $15.00 can be paid from now until November 1 Which is almost here. Make checks payable to Holy Family 50+ Club (write membership on the advise line) and put it in an envelope marked “50+ Club Membership” and leave it at the parish office. Dining Out Dining out is on hiatus until after the holidays. Call Carol Duhs, 626.449.7809 for information. Game Day Saturday, November 30 at 11:00 a.m. at Colonial Kitchen. Call Lou Moore, 626.281.3561 for reservations. For bulletin submission, contact Bette Gillette, 626.799.6487. SERRA CLUB The Serra Club of Los Angeles invites guests and prospective members to join them for fellowship and affirmation. First established in 1934 in Seattle, Washington, and now world-wide with 20,000 members in 36 countries, the Serra Club is the lay vocation arm of the Church. Their mission is simple. They promote, foster and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They meet from 12:00-1:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, at Taix Restaurant, 1911 Sunset Bl., Los Angeles. Contact: John Watkins (parishioner), 626.432.4712 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRIES Care, Prayer, in Remembrance of … CPR is a once-a-month gathering of thosewho are grieving the loss of a loved one.This support group offers an opportunity to meet with others who are going through asimilar experience and share a common faith. These one-hour sessions are on the last Tuesday of each month at 6:30 in the Pastoral Center. In Remembrance of ... Eight week sessions occur on Thursday evenings, between 6:30-8:00 p.m. Contact Frank Ponnet, 626.403.6116 CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS Toastmasters: 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m., in the Pastoral Center. Want to improve your communication and leadership skills? Be more effective in meetings? Get your point across more concisely? Join us and learn how membership can help you succeed. Contact: Mary Elizabeth Ohde, 323/257-8989. KINDRED SPIRITS Parish life can be strongly marriage and family oriented with few opportunities for single adults to feel comfortable at social gatherings or in vounteer capacities. Kindred Spirits was formed to create comfortable ways for single adults, over 40 to get to know each other, and to build supportive friendships that enhance their participation in parish life as well as create meaningful connections in their lives outside of church. Truly great friendships have evolved through sharing in social events, volunteer projects, and spiritual enrichment activities together. We attend the Saturday evening vigil Mass each first Saturday, followed by going to a different local restaurant. Other potential activities are discussed and plans made during these First Saturday gatherings. If you would like additional information, please email [email protected]. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE HOLY FAMILY 50+ CLUB Our regular meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. followed by light refreshments. Our next meeting is Thursday, November 7 at 1:30. A regifting auction is planned for December. You bring a no longer used, gently aged item that can be purchased as a gift for you or someone else. For information about our Club, call of our president Julie Smith, 626.796.2859. Dues for the 2013-2014 year of $15.00 can be paid from now until November 1. Make checks payable to Holy Family 50+ Club (write “Homeboy Heals” membershipA program on theof Homeboy adviseIndustries line) and put it in an envelope marked “50+ Club Membership” x Looking for licensed clinicians willing to and leave at the parish office. see it 1 client for weekly counseling, at no charge Dining Out Sessions be conducted at your practice Our nextx date is can Thursday, October 24, at or at any of the Homeboy locations Barkley’s in South Pasadena at 5:30 p.m. Call Carol Duhs, 626.449.7809 for reservations. Game Day Saturday, October 26 at 11:00 a.m. at Colonial Kitchen. Call Lou Moore, 626.281.3561 for For further information please contact Mary Schimmoller, reservations. Volunteer Coordinator, @contact 626-403-6113 or email: For bulletin submission, Bette Gillette, [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTRY Holy Family’s neighboring city of Pasadena has a goal of becoming a zero-waste community. The Zero Waste Pasadena 2040 campaign aims to drastically reduce the amount of trash sent to landfills by virtually every waste producer in the community. In reality, “zero waste” doesn’t always translate to absolutely no waste, according to a 2011 report in the “Wall Street Journal, which marks success at 90 percent diversion or higher. According to Pasadena’s Department of Public Works, the benefits of a zero-waste objective are plentiful. Not only will the initiative help shape a healthier environment and save useful materials from languishing in landfills, but it may even boost hiring in the recycling and manufacturing industries. For Catholics, the importance of such efforts was made plain at Pope Francis’ installation Mass when he said, “The vocation of being a protector is not just something involving us Christians alone; it also has a prior dimension which is simply human, involving everyone. It means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live.” Also, visit us on the Holy Family website at www.holyfamily.org/environmental-ministry/. The ministry meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. New members are welcome. Contact Carol Polanskey at (626) 398-4262 or [email protected]. How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number—living things both large and small. Ps104:24–25 8 HOLY FAMILY ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Today ICF Branch 108 Bocce (1:00 pm - 2:30 pm), Social and General Meeting (3:00 to 5:00 pm) in the Galilee Room (Basement Pastoral Center). Parishioners welcome. On November 10, Mother Cabrini Chapel and Library Open House from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm hosted by the Knights of Columbus, Cabrini Chapter. Members and Parishioners welcome to come and visit this historic facility and learn about Mother Cabrini and share personal experiences with this inspirational Saint. Parishioners are welcome to come and enjoy ICF scheduled events. If you have any questions or are interested in the ICF, and would like more information on ICF Membership, events or volunteer opportunities, please call Carmelo Sabatella or Theresa Shaw. Contact: Carmelo Sabatella at 626.372.7812, e-mail [email protected] or Theresa Shaw at 626.403.6102. Save the Date: November 17, ICF Bishop Day Mass and Chaplain Recognition Luncheon at Our Lady of Angels Cathedral in downtown Los Angeles. Call 626 372-7812 or 626 403-6102 for more information. December 1, Mother Cabrini Pilgrimage at Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church. Special mass at 12:30 pm, followed by Pilgrimage to and Bedediction at the Mother Cabrini Shrine. Luncheon immediatley following at the Parish Hall. $15 per person. Call 626 372-7812 for reservations and more information. December 8, ICF Branch 108 Christmas Party in HF St Joseph Center from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Attendees encouraged to RSVP, Donate $10 for gift to a preselected needy family and bring canned goods for the HF Giving Bank. Call 626 403-6102 or 626 372-7812 for more information. Still Need HOLY FAMILY MEN’S CLUB CALENDAR Nov 4 Mar 1 Mar 8/9 May Monday Night Football 6:00 p.m. 1000 S. Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, CA (626) 993-6400 A Night at the Races “The Holy Family Derby!!!” 7:00 p.m. Volunteers Needed - 2 Hours Shifts St. Josephs Table Volunteers Needed - 2 Hours Shifts Saturday PM & Sunday Games Night- “Texas Style” 7:00 p.m. (End of Year Event) SAVE THOSE BOX TOPS Turn your grocery shopping into easy cash for Holy Family School. Just look for the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products that you probably already buy, in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip and bring them to the school office when school resumes. Each Box Top is worth 10¢ and supports our HFS GAINS program. For more information, check out www.boxtops4education.com FILIPINO CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION November 10, Block rosary group will meet at the Lourdes Clavel residence. Call event organizer Ramon Lacson at (323) 257-1017 or Francis Cavestany at (323) 258-3416 for details. FCA’s Contact Information: For more information on our organization and volunteer opportunities, please call our Coordinator Jack Abrera at 323.258.9326, or our Secretary Rey Tuazon at 323. 256.4499 or our Treasurer Henry Lee at 323.258.1903. FCA’s Mission to Preserve and Share the Filipino Culture: Religious activities like Block Rosary Group with meetings on the 2nd and last Sundays of each month, Healing Mass in partnership with BLD on the 1st Friday of each month, Divine Mercy Celebration on the 2nd Sunday after Easter, Simbang Gabi Humanitarian activities like helping the Giving Bank, Mission Haiti and some Filipino charities Social activities like a trip to San Manuel Casino, Filipino Brunch and fellowship gathering, the Parish Auction and the Parish Fair featuring Filipino cuisine and the annual dinner dance Offering a spiritual bouquet of prayer and Masses to ill members and serving as a support group for families of deceased members. All members are encouraged to contact Ramon Lacson at (323) 999-7237. OUTREACH DRESSES FOR HAITI Fr. Tony and Dress Maker Esther Sustayta Bless the Dresses To sign up to make dresses for the poor children of Haiti, contact: [email protected]. HOLY FAMILY CAREER NETWORKING GROUP We focus on job search skills, networking, resume reviews, and interviewing techniques. We are no longer meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Please contact Bruce McIntosh to arrange for an individual and personalized meeting one-onone. Group meetings will be held as warranted by the number of interested participants dictates. Contact info: 626.201.6717 or email at [email protected]. FR. GREG AND HOMEBOY LOOK TO HOLY FAMILY - Tattoo Removal Are you a Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner or Physician willing to give a few hours per month to Homeboy Industries’ tattoo removal program? Medical Professionals are needed to assist in the Homeboy tattoo removal program, Y’a Estuvo (I am ready). The Restorative Justice Ministries of Holy Family Church have been asked by Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., to assist in recruiting physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners who are willing to give 2 to 5 hours per month to Homeboy Industries’ tattoo removal program. Physicians do not need a dermatology specialization, only a desire to share their gifts and to have a positive impact in the lives of everyone at Homeboy. Mental Health Workers Also Needed Homeboy is launching a new Volunteer Therapist Program called “Homeboy Heals”. Licensed psychologists, social workers and marriage and family therapists who are willing to donate from one to four hours each week, are encouraged to consider applying for our new Volunteer Therapist Program, Homeboy Heals. The Program has two parts. Option One asks providers within a 5mile radius of our facility to counsel one Homeboy client weekly – at no charge – in his or her private office. The Second Option, for those whose offices are further away, is to schedule a three to four hour block of time each week at our Homeboy Industries’ First Street location. Please contact Mary Schimmoller, Holy Family Volunteer Coordinator, at 626.403.6113. or [email protected]. OUTREACH OPTIONS FOR SENIORS We are very fortunate and blessed to have the Carmelite Sisters in the San Gabriel Valley. They are able to offer many options for people, especially seniors. They are the ONLY Catholic religious community in the area that is able to offer independent living, assisted living, and a skilled nursing facility for seniors. They provide excellent quality of care, but they also are part of a loving, supportive, spiritual, and compassionate team that cares for the residents and family members. They offer Mass on a regular basis. Please call if you have any questions and/or are thinking about senior housing for yourself or a loved one. Contact: The Manor’s Admissions Coordinator, 626/256-3055 ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUPS Free support groups for families dealing with Alzheimer’s. Adult Children’s Support Group (for those who care for a parent or a grandparent with Alzheimer’s) meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Spouse’s Support Group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Meetings are held at the Mission Lodge, 824 S. Gladys Ave., San Gabriel, CA. Contact: Larry Schulte, Ph.D., 626/795-8681 Please leave your telephone number and various times that he may contact you with more information about the support group. HOMEGIRL SALSA All 265 Ralph's stores in Southern California are now stocking Homegirl Cafe's salsas and tortilla chips. Salsas available include morita, mango, salsa verde, mole, and pico de gallo (mild and spicy). If you haven't tasted these salsas before, do so, and you will not be disappointed. They are all creations of Homegirl Chef Pati Zarate whose culinary skills have been praised extensively and who founded Homegirl Cafe with Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ. The salsas are also available Monday through Saturday at Homegirl Cafe, 130 W. Bruno Street, Los Angeles (at Alameda -under the Chinatown Gold Line station). 10 PASTORAL CARE (MINISTRY TO THE ELDERLY AND SICK) Monthly Mass Schedule Prospect Manor: 1st Wednesday of the month, 2:00 p.m., 800 Prospect Ave., South Pasadena To notify us of someone in the parish who is sick, please follow these procedures: 1. Call the Pastoral Center, Monday to Sunday if the sick person needs to be visited by a priest. 2. You will be asked a few important questions by the staff person answering your call, as a form must be filled out. Hospital? Home? Communion? Person’s home address and phone? Parishioner or not? Elderly? Name on intercessions? 3. Please ask the staff person to notify Mary Ternan. Water Color and Drawing Art Class Offered Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at The South Pasadena Senior Center at 1102 Oxley St. in South Pasadena. For questions and or information, please call Lorrie at 626.799.4215. SENIOR CARE COMMUNITY EVENTS AARP Driver Safety Events Co-sponsored with AARP, this two half-day refresher class for drivers 50 and over covers age-related physical changes, the rules of the road and local driving problems. Automobile insurance companies are mandated to give graduates (55 and older) a premium discount. Call the membership line at (626) 397-3147. Cost: $12 AARP members, $14 non-members. AARP Driver Safety (Insurance Discount): Nov. 5 & Wed., Nov. 6 THE GIVING BANK at ST. JOSEPH CENTER (SJC) – 1524 Fremont Avenue Contact: Carrie, Marlene, or Juan, 626.403.6140 Our volunteers are assured of fun, fellowship, and a friendly atmosphere. Donations are accepted Tuesday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Press the buzzer so that we know you are there, and our staff will be happy to help you carry the items in from your car! Please do NOT leave any items outside St. Joseph Center after 4:30 p.m. or on weekends. St. Vincent de Paul offers FREE PICK-UPS; call 1800-974-3571. Giving Bank: Monday Distribution 9:00-10:45 a.m. (Volunteers are needed 7:0011a.m.) Bagging Sundays: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Lunches for the homeless: Monday through Friday, 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. CARMELITE SISTERS OFFERING INFANT CARE Carmelite Sisters at the Little Flower Missionary House in Lincoln Heights have added infant care to their program. Infant (6 weeks old) to Kindergarten (6yrs), Potty Training available. Open: M-F 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please call for more information and a tour: 323.221.9248 or visit www.littleflowerla.com. Please Use `Good Search.com' and Little Flower gets a donation every time you search! Just be sure to put Little Flower Missionary House as your designated charity! WALK FOR LIFE Join us for the 2014 Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. Charter Bus will depart from Saint James the Less Catholic Church in Perris, Ca. There will be a pickup locations in nearby Duarte, CA. Bus fare is only $75 round trip. Hotel accomodations are seperate and can be made through the trip coordinator. Bus departure on Friday morning January 24th, Walk is on Saturday, January 25th, eturning on Sunday Evening, January 26th. For more information please contact Jose Gomez at (951) 9437799. Evenings are best, if no answer feel free to leave message. PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 1 Thee H Th Holy oly Fa Family mily B Bereavement ereavement M Ministry iinistry i Invites you to “Coping with the holidays after the loss of a loved one” Gathering Thursday, November 21st, 2013 From 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. In the Pastoral Center Galilee Room Refreshments will be served A lll a re we lco c me All are welcome PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 2 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH-COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL STATEMENT July 2012 to June 2013* ($ in thousands) Actual Prior Year $ Change Income Collections 2,336 2,322 14 Donations to Parish 230 225 5 Ministry Income 645 643 2 30 36 (6) 3,241 3,226 15 15 Other Total Income Expense 1,807 1,792 Fixed Expenses 333 324 9 Operating Expenses 616 575 41 Ministry Support 476 531 (55) Other Expenses 23 23 3,255 3,245 (0) 10 Salaries & Benefits Total Expenses (14) (19) Property Income 120 119 1 Fundraisers 128 159 (31) 234 259 (25) Net Operating Gain/Loss Net Gain/Loss 5 *The budget for Holy Family School is maintained separately. Fundraisers include the Fair, Raffle and Auction. The income sources listed above in our Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013 have made it possible to support our various ministries. Our ministries, under the Administration, Worship, Education/Formation, Community Life and Outreach Commissions, are recipients of your generous donations and allow us to bring our vision and mission to life. They are the embodiment of Holy Family’s mission as a “welcoming Catholic Eucharistic community of disciples connecting faith with life and reaching out to those in need”. Comparing the current year to last year, we show that generous donors have stepped up to give us an increase in special one-time donations as well as in regular Sunday collections. Expenses in all categories have gone up with inflation, with the exception of Ministry Support. A change in ministry youth programs has led to less spending, and food and other donations to the Giving Bank have reduced its cash outlay. Overall, we ended the year with a surplus of $234,000 that enables us to address our immediate needs as well as save for future goals like capital improvements and technology in education. As disciples of Christ, we extend a helping hand not only to those in our community, but also to those beyond our parish boundaries. We give to different causes through the Archdiocese. Through Together in Mission, the Archdiocese has been able to keep open many of its parishes and schools in financially disadvantaged neighborhoods. Mission Haiti has elevated the lives of the children and adults in the slums of Haiti. The Generosity Report below reflects donations that are part of the special appeals held throughout the year: Holy Family’s Generosity Report (not included in the above Statement) ($ in thousands) Actual Prior Year $ Change Together in Mission 149 151 (2) Arch Collections 40 31 9 Mission Haiti 328 364 (36) St. Vincent de Paul 7 8 (1) Other Local Needs 17 13 4 Total 541 567 (26) For more information on the financial statement, please go to www.holyfamily.org and look for State of the Parish Report. PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 3 PA R I S H H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 4 The Festival is not possible without the help of our volunteers. We want to thank our Chairs. FAIR CHAIRS Entertainment & Decor Procurement Operations & Event Volunteers & Communications Brandon & Francesca Gill Rafael Flores & Yvett Merino Rustin & Paola Mork Leonard Peña & Julie Soma FAIR CO-CHAIRS Procurement Entertainment & Decor Operations & Event Volunteers & Communications Ramon Barreras & Veronica del Rio Barreras Scott & Lauren Delphey Manuel & Kathryn Olaiz Joe & Emily Viola EVENT CHAIRS Accounting Bingo Bingo Co-Chairs Prize Booth Prize Booth Co-Chairs Raffle Sponsorship Ticket Sales Treasury Carol Joe John & Louise Edmunds David & Toni Motte Frank & Claudia Cuellar Ken & Kelly Watson Leonard & Emily Diaz Andrea Shaffer & Christina Papadopulos Patricia Plescia Jennifer Harnsberger FOOD BOOTH CHAIRS Beer Garden Beverages Hamburgers & Hot Dogs Italian Sausages Margaritas Mexican Pizza Confetti Eggs Sugar Shack Chairs Sugar Shack Co-Chairs Cake Walk John & Mary Hatton RCIA, Frank Ponnet Sean & Mindy Dwyer ICF, Tad & Theresa Shaw Karey DeLeon & Jacqueline Wagner Danielle Hellyar & Alfred & Adriana Alvarado Jorge & Tiana Muñoz Youth Ministry, Dawn Ponnet & Kim Rollert Bill & Brigid Brahos Bill & Michelle Alexander Shaun & Aileen Capelo GAME BOOTH CHAIRS Batman Obstacle Challenge Bushel Basket Colossus Obstacle Course Colossus Obstacle Course Co-Chairs Crafts Dip Bowling Double Splash Slide Dunk Tank Face, Hair & Nail Painting Human Foosball Leaping Frogs Lollipop Spin Milk Bottle Toss Milk Can Toss Money Cube Pinewood Derby Radar Pitch Salem Stockades (Jail) Skeeball Toddler Carousel Bouncer Sunday Preschool, Eric Garland & Julie Soma Adel and Tricia Nur Russ & Liz Jackson Robert & Stephanie Sepulveda Manuel & Martha Figueroa Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Tina Tran Brent Honoré & Onica Cole Charlene Flores Veronica Castro Denise Bilotta Andy & JoEllen Skinner Chris & Monica Mihaly Laurie Kruse David & Stacy Armillei CJ & Dana Laugharn CubScouts, Christina Ruano Men's Club, Ken Watson Gregg & Sandra Millett Armand & Heidi Adkins Toddler Co-Op H O LY FA M I LY H I G H L I G H T S PA G E 1 5 Holy Family Fair 2013 Sponsors Holy Family Fall Festival wholeheartedly thanks our very generous donors, underwriters and sponsors: Top Dog Hot Dog ($500+) Dee Barker Patrick & Krista Bengford Gretchen Berger Jim & Dee Dee Brewer John & Patricia Bucklin Tom & Julie Condon Crown City Tire The De Leon-Wagner Family Tom & Patricia Ellison Hall & Olivia Evans The Gibbs Family The Gill Family Oscar M. Jaime George & Valerie Leiva Live Oak Memorial Park Michael McDonagh Dolores S. McNulty The McNulty Family Margot & Mitch Milias Ted & Anne Moss Molly Munger Joe & Terry Nally Harry Olivar & Family Helen Pekny Matthew & Susan Sipe Dr. & Mrs. Vaugh Starnes Cathy & Paul Tosetti Joseph & Emily Viola Kim & Bill Wardlaw Lemonade Brigade ($250+) William & Patricia Bedford Margaret Bernardy & Refugio Arellano Jr. Pete & Moya Collins Louise O. Dougherty Rebecca Ford & Martin Esteverena Diane & Greg Evans Thomas & Lisa Evans Ted & Tina Fogliani Karen & Michael Gillmore The Halkett Family Bitsy & Dick Hotaling Julie & Michael James Maguire Family Mika Color Heather & Walt Mix Robert & Eileen O'Leary The Phegley Family Eugenia Riordan Mule The Daneskys Charlene & Jim Seley Celine Wedemeyer & Kevin Shea Michelle Nicastro - Stark Family Bill & Peggy Still Dan & Heather Timmons Paul Vert Margaret & John Williams Roasted Peanut Gallery ($100+) The Baker Family Marchael Bayne Pamela Boxley Agnes Brozek Jane Cappai Brunello Jeff & Zora Chase Remy C. Rippens/Clavel Home Care Bill & Celestine Davidson Jean & Pat De Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunn Mary Ann & Robert Fidler Melvin & Deena Gerstner Kathi Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Giovanini Carol Goldthwait Max & Harriet Green James & Joanne Hawkins Tess, Reed & Ella Henderson Kathy & Karl Holtsnider Holy Family 50+ Club Sean Karimi Patricia Korbel Nancy Lawrence Helen Ling Mary Loftus Brent & Leah Mason Kay Meihaus Margaret M. Morrow Kevin O'hearn Robert Omens Ken & Sharon Pelton Ron & Connie Piccirillo The Placido Family Ms. Rita Pudenz Nellie Rios-Parra Rosemary & Robert Risley Francisco Rivera & Karla Haynes Eric & Caren Sawyer Mary & Bob Scott Richard & Julianne Sturma Jamie & Maura Sullivan Rob & Charisse Tolleson Rolando & Lucia Vasquez Dick & Ann Ward John E. Watkins Ruth & Jim Wong Robert & Karen Wong Evan & Rowena Wyatt Other (-$100) Tom & Doreen Harmon Martha Harvey Pam Jones Judith McLaughlin Roy & Christine Tatlonghar Ben’s Barber Shop RODENT CONTROL SPECIALIST Medical monitoring by professionals & RN’s Rehabilitation therapy Commercial/Residential Service 818-994-1700 • 888-644-BUGS (2847) 626-836-7000 444 Fair Oaks, South Pasadena 626-441-6084 (physical, speech, occupational) Beverly Ann FLOWERS Gifts LARRY MILLER 1150 N. Brand Blvd. Glendale, CA 91202 818-246-1753 Coordination of discharge planning Wound care • Infusion therapy Home health aide • Home safety education Diabetic care • Medical social services We accept Medicare, Medi-CAL & private insurance plans. No out-of-pocket costs. SUZY TANASI, Parishioner, Director of Patient Care 323.887.2883 • www.ERHomeHealth.com “Get Healthier and Heal Faster” STATE FARM INSURANCE Marcia Bleifer • (626) 441-6700 1008 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena Next to Wells Fargo • Lic. #0751482 Benefits of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD®) • Improves the immune system by detoxification of the body [email protected] Dr. Erika Klein-Schoen, DC, CMLD 1000 Fremont Ave., Annex Suite C, South Pasadena, CA 91030 (323) 344-8971 or (323) 804-4403 (by appointment only) www.lymphdrainage-la.com Business Slow? Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Call 1-800-231-0805 today for a FREE ad design. “A bold and innovative full-service catering company serving the Pasadena and Greater Los Angeles area.” Mobile (626) 862.8008 Office (626) 795.4200 Justin Prietto / Owner [email protected] The Sponsors Who Appear On This Page. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-231-0805 CHRISTOPHER RYAN PAINT Luisita K. Cabrales, CEO (323) 254-5950 Administrator Superior Craftsmanship Since 1976 San Marino Home Health Since 1996 2233 Huntington Dr., Suite 3 San Marino, CA 91108 626.584.0635 Tel 626.584.0636 Fax 626.524.7112 Cell [email protected] Our committed staff includes nurses, therapists, social workers and aides work as a team to help patients and families through life’s health problems. 288500 Holy Family Church (C) CA. Lic. #520059 Parishioner OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & INFERTILITY SHAUN P. GRADY, M.D. DOROTHY C. HONG, M.D. CINDY H. CHOU, M.D. (Parishioners) 207 S. Santa Anita, Ste. 335 San Gabriel, CA 91776 (626) 576-1214 www.jspaluch.com MIKA• FullCOLOR Color to B / W PRINTING & GRAPHICS 147 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. • Lithography & Digital Output Sierra Madre, CA 91024 • Custom Printed Plastic & Paper Bags (323) 254-4116 TEL. • (323) 254-5303 FAX 6000 MONTEREY RD., HIGHLAND PARK For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 (626) 355-3443 Classic California Senior Living ANCHOR PACIFIC COMPANY Real Estate Appraisals Private lunch tours available. William H. Bortz Compassionate Caregivers Live-in or Hourly Parishioner 2450 MISSION STREET, SUITE 5 SAN MARINO, CA 91108 (626) 403-8470 FAX (626) 403-8473 Special discounts for Parish members may apply! Remy C. Rippens 1763 Royal Oaks Drive North Bradbury, CA 91010 Director / Parishioner (626) 441-8240 www.clavelhomecare.com DSS LIC. #191502216 COA #067 888.313.0511 or [email protected] COMPUTER PROBLEMS? On-Site Home & Office Repairs • Upgrades Troubleshooting • Installations Custom Computers Built Data Recovery • Speed Optimization Internet Problems • Error Correction Virus Removal Degreed, Experienced, Certified (626) 792-7772 POLENZANI BENEFITS & INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, INDIVIDUAL HEALTH. MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS, LIFE AND DISABILITY LIC. #OG00839 (626) 792-4219 INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES: •AUTO/HOME •LIFE •BUSINESS •INVESTMENTS •WORKERS COMP •RETIREMENT •HEALTH PLANNING •LONG TERM CARE (626) 799-7813 MORROW & HOLMAN PLUMBING, INC. (626) 799-3115 (323) 682-2708 835 El Centro St. • South Pasadena Scott A. Hancock Attorney At Law Probate.Estate Planning.Corporate & Business Law Real Estate Law Offices Of Snyder & Hancock, A professional Corporation 1112 Fair Oaks Avenue, South Pasadena, California 91030 Phone: (626) 799-7156 Facsimile (626) 799-7393 In South Pasadena since 1940 Serra for Priestly and Religious Vocations STATE LICENSED FD 341 Catholic Funeral Directors 27 CHESTNUT STREET PASADENA, CA 91103 626-793-7159 • 323-681-0776 NEW RECEPTION CENTER & CHAPEL 288500 Holy Family Church (B) www.cabotandsonsfh.com SE HABLA ESPAÑOL www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Tree & Landscape G d ar ening Service Since 1978 AFFORDABLY PRICED! • Weekly Service • New Lawns • Lighting • Clean Ups & Hauling • Ornamental Tree Pruning • Water Efficient Sprinklers & Drip Systems VICTOR ROBINETTE, CPA, CFP, C.V.A. FREE ESTIMATES ST. LIC # 897989 C-27, D-49 Keeping You In Control Of Your Finances Business Appraisals & Development Tax & Financial Planning (626) 398-6799 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. FINNERMAN HOMES 1414 Fair Oaks Ave., Ste 6 • South Pasadena, CA 91030 Parishioner For further information, please call the Parish Office. Committed to South Pasadena & Its Neighbors (626) 799-4761 DENNIS FINNERMAN REALTOR® Parishioner Oak Knoll Barber Shop The Best Haircut In Town Since 1932 1615 Chelsea Road, San Marino, CA 91108 626.282.6976 www.OakKnollBarbershop.com • Personal • Professional • Positive 888-FINNRMN (346-6766) www.finnermanhomes.com 624 E. COLORADO BLVD. • PASADENA Fax (626) 795-0743 ASTI & Assistant Arrange an interview for your son to participate in America’s Oldest and Most Distinguished Boys Choir. Call (626) 792-4888 or (626) 799-7563 website: thepasadenaboyschoir.org (626) 795-5577 Certified Personal Trainer Local Parishioner 310-213-1161 [email protected] 1506 MISSION STREET • SO. PASADENA (626) 441-6217 Two Locations to Serve You 550 N. Brand Blvd Suite 1000 Glendale, CA 91203 818-409-0759 Your ad Stanislawski & Co., Inc. I N T E R N A T I O N A L Gloria López Manager • Parishioner 119 West California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91105 Tel: (626) 796-4448 [email protected] www.protravelinternational.com CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS For Businesses and Individuals 626-441-0330 729 Mission Street could be in this space! TO U R S , C R U I S E S , P I LG R I M A G E S Breakfast: M-F 5:30 - 10:30 S & S 5:30 - 11:00 Lunch / Dinner: Until 11:30 pm (626) 799-9242 PASADENA • 600 S. LAKE AVE. #308 South Pasadena Fine Foods & Celebrations Brasserie; Food Emporium Mon-Fri 7:00 - 6:30 Sat 8:00-5:00 2649 Mission St. San Marino (626) 441-2299 Parishioner www.darrelldone.com 626.844.2255 288500 Holy Family Church (A) South Pasadena free yogurt of equal value up to 10oz. Cannot be combined with any other offers. good only at menchie’s south pasadena MARRIAGE, FAMILY, CHILD THERAPIST EXPECT more TM Dionne Byrne Mitchell, M.S., MFT Relationship Conflicts / Teen Issues / Loss / Anxiety MFC # 39399 Catholic Values (626) 482-6039 www.jspaluch.com menchie’s south pasadena 1040 mission st. south pasadena, ca 91030 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE TECHNOLOGY CORNER If you are able to cover a spot that is not filled, please contact Erin Lima at [email protected] or 626/403-6143. WELCOME CENTER PODCASTING AND VIDEO STREAMING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:00 a.m. – Nancy Madden 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. – Tina Tran 12:30 p.m. – Maria Demarzzo, Patricia Palmer Did you know that you can watch the Mass live from your computer? Go to http://www.holyfamily.org/podcasts-and-videos/ and watch our 9:30 and other special Masses live. Did you miss the gospel and homily? We have pod casts as well as video streaming on our web site. Please visit www.holyfamily.org and select “podcasts” or “Video Mass” from the menu on the right side of the home page. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS VIDEO MINISTRY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 If you would like to join our hardworking video ministry staff, please 5:00 p.m. – Sam Glenn, Bitsy Hotaling, Dick Hotaling, Mario Martinez, Rose give us a call at 626 403-6128. Marie Martinez, Mary Nally, Pat Nally, Terry Nally SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 6:30 a.m. – Laura Escobedo, Lydia Islas, Anne Morrissey, Rich Morrissey, Judi VISIT OUR WEBSITE Schwab, NOT FILLED It is more than just the Mass schedule! We have a 8:00 a.m. – Jenn Bradley, Norma Ferriols, Jim Meagher, Kathy Meagher, David blog, an online prayer book, links to our Facebook Motte, Toni Motte, Lisa Wong, Noelle Wong page, volunteer opportunities, information about 9:30 a.m. – Helen Caliway, Jane Cappai-Brunello, Carol Chiodo, Diane Collison,upcoming events, and more! Ana Cordero, Rita Coulter, Natalie Durivou, Tina Forrestel, Kevin Randall, NOT FILLED LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! 11:15 a.m. – Angela Fernandez, Ericka Giordano, Cecilia Kappos, Linda Lim, Inez Lopez, Karen Noyes, Rosemarie Rodriguez, Christina Ruano 12:45 p.m. – Cynthia Aldana, Carolina Cisneros, Rachel Griffin, Kristin Grosser, Go to: http://www.facebook.com /holy.family.south.pasadena Sophia Pollerana, 3 NOT FILLED 5:30 p.m. – Rita Fortner, Megan Jarjour, Candy Krueger, Jay Krueger, Paul Onufer, Jo Marie Reilly, Michael Reilly, Allyson Simpson, Roland Simpson, Carol Watkins YOU TUBE LECTORS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 5:00 p.m. – Norbert Bell, Charles Mullaly SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 6:30 a.m. – Teena Fogenay, Leslie Smith 8:00 a.m. – Sherie Carroll, Steve Carroll 9:30 a.m. – Kerry O'Hara, Tom Sullivan 11:15 a.m. – Bernice Hernandez, Vic Robinette 12:45 p.m. – Lauren Cain, Jeff Rollert 5:30 p.m. – Bridget Garrity, Gianna Villaluna ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 5:00 p.m. – Harlow Glenn, Phoenix Glenn, Colleen Henderson Pendergast ,Catie Sanchez, Clarabelle Sullivan SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 6:30 a.m. – Ralph Hernandez, Isiah Paulino, Madeline E. Placido, Joshua Raymundo, Abigail Toth 8:00 a.m. – Max Bradley, Isabella Edmundson, Jack Fagan, Shea O'Hearn 9:30 a.m. – Jake Altmayer, Alyssa Galang, James Galang, Jayvin Garrovillas, Nicollette Monge, NOT FILLED 11:15 a.m. – Ryan Davis, Daniel Fernandez, Mary Harmon, Jacob Ruano, Hope Sadahiro 12:45 p.m. – Sebastian Gamboa, Sebastian Lacayo, Felicia Martinez, Julian Martine 5:30 p.m. – Grace Sadahiro, Hope Sadahiro, Jack Onufer, Timothy Reilly, Ellie Watkins We have a You Tube Channel!!! Visit us at http://www.youtube.com/user/holyfamilyvideo. On this channel we feature the homilies from our 9:30 masses. Tell your friends and subscribe! iFaith UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS THE YEAR AHEAD March 10-12 Parish Mission March 13-16 Religious Education Congress May 2 Confirmation HOSPITALITY MINISTER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 5:00 p.m. – Irma Hernandez, Mary Miasnik, Julia Scalise SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 8:00 a.m. – Judi Schwab, Patty Walcha 9:30 a.m. – Judy De Balogh, Marion Hovorka, Jacqueline Johnson 11:15 a.m. – Arnold Cotton, Barbara Cotton, Mamie O'Neal To schedule or cancel an event on the master calendar, please contact Patricia, 626/403-6106 or [email protected]. 19 DISCIPLE’S REFLECTION GOSPEL WORD SEARCH CALL TO PRAYER Begin by calling upon God: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Let us pause for a moment, and listen attentively to this week’spassage. THE WORD OF GOD Luke 20:27-38 Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and put this question to Jesus, saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us, If someone’s brother dies leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take the wife and raise up descendants for his brother. Now there were seven brothers; the first married a woman but died childless. Then the second and the third married her, and likewise all the seven died childless. Finally the woman also died. Now at the resurrection whose wife will that woman be? For all seven had been married to her.” Jesus said to them, “The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise. That the dead will rise even Moses made known in the passage about the bush, when he called out ‘Lord,’ the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.” FAITH SHARING Children: What is the possession that you love the most? And why? Teens: If God is in all people, how should it make a difference in the way I treat other people? Adults: How should it make a difference in the way we treat the gifts God has given Still Need IN THE SPOTLIGHT GRACE, GRATITUDE AND GENEROSITY Thank you to our fair chairs for making this year’s fair one of the best ever! Your energy and enthusiasm shined through this event and your hard work paid off as everyone had such a wonderful time. Thank you again! Fall Festival 2013 Chairs: Rafael Flores & Yvett Merino - [email protected] Brandon & Francesca Gill - [email protected] Rustin & Paola Mork - [email protected] Leonard Peña & Julie Soma - [email protected] Still Need M A H A R B A R U J I L Y W C N T B P Y N L T V B T K D O Q E P Y H H N S B Y S Q F J X K O A N H T W R I L A G U Q Y E W N E X X V B X E J C E I D D E E C E X ABRAHAM CHIEF COLLECTOR DESCENDANT EXTORTED GRUMBLE JERICHO S W W E A L T H Y N F E N C R I A G L T P O S S E S S I O N S E L U H M H J B O N O I T A V L A S E C I T L O O C T M R F I U M Z D B S H S O A S R O G C R U T R I X R H L W E E H T C E P U C A E R E T B B H Z R Z D Y S B T R Z B V Z E G D POSSESSIONS SALVATION STATURE SYCAMORE TAX TREE WEALTHY CELEBRATE LIFE’S BIG MOMENTS J.S. Paluch (our bulletin company) is providing the opportunity for parishioners, groups, and organizations to Celebrate Life’s Big Moments by purchasing space on the back ad page in the bulletin. Space can be purchased to appear one week or multiple weeks for the low cost of $25 for a single spaced ad, $50 for a double spaced ad, or $75 for a four space ad. Costs are per week. Ideas for ads can include wedding announcements, best wishes, graduation announcements, anniversaries, birthdays, sacraments, memorials, and more. (Life’s Big Moments ads are subject to approval by J.S. Paluch and rates do not apply to regular business ads.) E-mail us at [email protected] for more information or to place an ad! 20
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