AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Journal of Climate EARLY ONLINE RELEASE This is a preliminary PDF of the author-produced manuscript that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. Since it is being posted so soon after acceptance, it has not yet been copyedited, formatted, or processed by AMS Publications. This preliminary version of the manuscript may be downloaded, distributed, and cited, but please be aware that there will be visual differences and possibly some content differences between this version and the final published version. The DOI for this manuscript is doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0063.1 The final published version of this manuscript will replace the preliminary version at the above DOI once it is available. If you would like to cite this EOR in a separate work, please use the following full citation: Atwood, A., E. Wu, D. Frierson, D. Battisti, and J. Sachs, 2015: Quantifying climate forcings and feedbacks over the last millennium in the CMIP5/PMIP3 models. J. Climate. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0063.1, in press. © 2015 American Meteorological Society LaTeX File (.tex, .sty, .cls, .bst, .bib) Click here to download LaTeX File (.tex, .sty, .cls, .bst, .bib): Atwood_CMIP5LastMill_EBudg_finalrev.tex 1 Quantifying climate forcings and feedbacks over the last millennium in the 2 CMIP5/PMIP3 models 3 A.R. Atwood∗ 4 School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 5 E. Wu, D.M.W. Frierson, D.S. Battisti 6 Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 7 J.P. Sachs 8 School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 9 ∗ Corresponding author address: School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 10 98195, USA. 11 E-mail: [email protected] Generated using v4.3.2 of the AMS LATEX template 1 ABSTRACT 12 The role of radiative forcings and climate feedbacks on global cooling over 13 the last millennium is quantified in the CMIP5/PMIP3 transient climate model 14 simulations. Changes in the global energy budget over the last millennium are 15 decomposed into contributions from radiative forcings and climate feedbacks 16 through the use of the Approximate Partial Radiative Perturbation method and 17 radiative kernels. Global cooling occurs ca. 1200-1850 CE in the multi-model 18 ensemble mean with pronounced minima corresponding with volcanically ac- 19 tive periods that are outside the range of natural variability. Analysis of the 20 global energy budget during the last millennium indicates that Little Ice Age 21 (LIA; 1600-1850 CE) cooling is largely driven by volcanic forcing (compris- 22 ing an average of 77% of the total forcing among models), while contribu- 23 tions due to changes in insolation (10%) and greenhouse gas concentrations 24 (13%) are substantially lower. The combination of these forcings directly con- 25 tributes to 40% of the global cooling during the LIA, while the remainder of 26 the cooling arises due to the sum of the climate feedbacks. Dominant pos- 27 itive feedbacks include the water vapor feedback, which contributes 29% of 28 the global cooling, and the surface albedo feedback, which contributes 14% 29 of the global cooling. The surface albedo feedback arises due to high latitude 30 sea ice expansion and increased snow cover, and is correlated to the strength 31 of the volcanic forcing. Lapse rate changes contribute an additional 7% of the 32 global cooling and arise due to greater cooling near the surface than aloft in 33 the mid and high latitudes. 2 34 35 Keywords: Last millennium; Little Ice Age; climate forcings; feedbacks 1. Introduction 36 The temporal evolution and spatial structure of temperature variability over the past millennium 37 serve as important constraints for separating anthropogenic impacts from natural climate variabil- 38 ity. Reconstructions point to two major climate epochs during the preindustrial era: the Medieval 39 Climate Anomaly (MCA; ca. 900-1200 CE) and the Little Ice Age (LIA; ca. 1300-1850 CE) 40 (e.g. Crowley 2000; Jones et al. 1998; Lamb 1965; Mann et al. 2009). Paleoclimate proxy records 41 demonstrate substantial heterogeneity in the timing, amplitude, and spatial extent of the MCA and 42 LIA, thus these periods are characterized by regionally specific temperature departures from an 43 overall global cooling trend over the last millennium (Consortium 2013). Temperature reconstruc- 44 tions across the globe generally indicate a cooling trend beginning ca. 1200-1500 CE and (though 45 interspersed with periods of warmth) continuing to the 19th century, with cooling in North Amer- 46 ica and the Southern Hemisphere lagging that in the Arctic, Europe and Asia (Fig. 1; Consortium 47 2013; Cunningham et al. 2013; Kobashi et al. 2011; Larsen et al. 2011; Masse et al. 2008; Ogilvie 48 and Jonsson 2001). 49 Solar, volcanic and orbital forcings combined with atmosphere, ocean and sea-ice feedbacks 50 are thought to have been responsible for the cold conditions during the LIA, while greenhouse 51 gas forcing and internal variability are also thought to have played important roles in global tem- 52 perature variations over the last millennium (e.g. Bianchi and McCave 1999; Bond et al. 2001; 53 Briffa et al. 1998; Consortium 2013; Crowley 2000; Kaufman et al. 2009; Lean and Rind 1999; 54 Lehner et al. 2013; Mann et al. 1998; Marcott et al. 2013; Miller et al. 2012; Palastanga et al. 55 2011; Schleussner and Feulner 2013; Schurer et al. 2013; Wanamaker et al. 2012; Zhong et al. 56 2011). While evidence of LIA cooling has been documented across the globe, substantial spatial 3 57 and temporal heterogeneity exists in the cooling signal that is likely a result of a complex array of 58 forcing, feedbacks and internal variability in the climate system (Kaufman et al. 2009; Fernandez- 59 Donado et al. 2013; Lehner et al. 2013). Importantly, the relative contributions of the various 60 forcing and feedback terms to the global and regional cooling signals are still poorly understood. 61 For instance, while some studies have emphasized the role of solar variability on the cooling dur- 62 ing the LIA (Lean and Rind 1999; Bard et al. 2000; Bond et al. 2001; Weber 2005; Yoshimori 63 et al. 2005), others have suggested that volcanic aerosols and greenhouse gases had a dominant 64 role (Briffa et al. 1998; Hegerl et al. 2003; Ammann et al. 2007; Schurer et al. 2014). Still others 65 have highlighted the importance of orbital variations (Kaufman et al. 2009) and ocean and sea-ice 66 feedbacks (Bianchi and McCave 1999; Miller et al. 2012; Wanamaker et al. 2012; Lehner et al. 67 2013; Schleussner and Feulner 2013). 68 Here we seek to address this issue by quantifying the relative importance of the various climate 69 forcings and feedbacks to global cooling during the LIA in the last millennium simulations per- 70 formed as a part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5)/Paleoclimate 71 Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (PMIP3). These transient climate model simulations are 72 driven by last millennium boundary conditions and enable detailed evaluation of the global en- 73 ergy budget to be evaluated over the last millennium (Braconnot et al. 2012; Schmidt et al. 2012; 74 Taylor et al. 2012). However, decomposing the energy fluxes into contributions from individual 75 forcings and climate feedbacks is nontrivial. One approach to quantifying the response of the 76 climate system to individual forcings involves applying a multiple regression method to proxy- 77 based temperature reconstructions in order to estimate the climatic ”fingerprints” of the forcings 78 (Hegerl et al. 2003, 2007). Such climatic fingerprints have also be evaluated from General Circu- 79 lation Model (GCM) simulations driven with different forcing datasets and the results compared 80 to the fingerprints from proxy-based reconstructions (Schurer et al. 2013, 2014). As a part of this 4 81 analysis, Schurer et al. carried out individually forced model simulations in order to quantify the 82 role of individual forcings on temperature variability over the last millennium. However, such 83 individually forced experiments are computationally expensive with a fully coupled GCM and to 84 date, only a limited number of such simulations have been performed. In this study, we adopt an 85 alternative approach to quantifying the mechanisms of LIA cooling that can be applied to a large 86 number of all-forcing GCM simulations. In this study, we quantify the role of the various forcing 87 and feedback mechanisms to global cooling over the last millennium by decomposing the global 88 energy budget of the last millennium simulations in the CMIP5/PMIP3 archive through the use of 89 the Approximate Partial Radiative Perturbation (APRP) method and radiative kernels. 90 2. Methods 91 a. Model simulations and forcings 92 In this analysis, we use output from transient climate simulations of the last millennium and from 93 unforced 850-1000 year-long control simulations with preindustrial boundary conditions from 94 seven different Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) in the CMIP5/PMIP3 95 archive (Braconnot et al. 2012; Taylor et al. 2012). These models are: CCSM4 (Gent et al. 2011; 96 Landrum et al. 2013); GISS-E2-R forcing ensemble members r1i1p121 and r1i1p124 (GISS 121 97 and GISS 124 hereafter; Schmidt et al. 2006), MPI-ESM-P (MPI hereafter), IPSL-CM5A-LR 98 (IPSL hereafter; Dufresne et al. 2013), CSIRO-Mk3L-1-2 (CSIRO hereafter; Rotstayn et al. 2012; 99 Phipps et al. 2012), and HadCM3 (Pope et al. 2000; Collins et al. 2001; Schurer et al. 2013). These 100 model simulations were chosen based on the availability of data at the time of analysis. MIROC- 101 ESM and FGOALS-s2 simulations were omitted due to long-term drifts in global mean surface air 102 temperature in their preindustrial control simulations. Details of the models, external forcing and 5 103 references can be found in Table 1, in Masson-Delmotte et al. (2013), and in Flato et al. (2013). 104 Different forcing data sets were imposed in the last millennium simulations of different GCMs, fol- 105 lowing the protocols of PMIP3 ( as 106 discussed by Schmidt et al. (2012) and outlined in Table 1. The forcings are comprised of (from 107 top to bottom in Fig. 2): volcanic aerosols, greenhouse gas (CH4, CO2, and N2O) concentrations, 108 solar radiation associated with changes in orbital configuration and solar output, and (not shown) 109 anthropogenic land-use changes. 110 1) VOLCANIC FORCING 111 Reconstructions of volcanic aerosols used in the last millennium simulations (Fig. 2A) are de- 112 rived from either the Gao et al. (2008) (hereafter GRA) data set of sulfate loading, or the Ammann 113 et al. (2007) (hereafter AJS), or Crowley et al. (2008) (hereafter CEA) data sets of aerosol optical 114 depth (AOD), as indicated in Table 1 (Schmidt et al. 2011). The CEA data set is based on 13 115 Greenland and Antarctic ice cores and AOD and effective radius are given in 10-day intervals in 116 four equal area latitude bands. The GRA data set is based on 54 ice cores, 32 from Arctic and 22 117 from Antarctica. Sulfate loading is provided in the GRA data set as a function of month, latitude 118 in 10 bands, and height from 9 to 30 km at 0.5 km resolution. Four models (GISS 121, GISS 124, 119 MPI, HadCM3) prescribed volcanic aerosols in terms of AOD and aerosol effective radius from 120 CEA. CCSM4 prescribed sulfate loading (in Tg) from GRA (Landrum et al. 2013). CSIRO esti- 121 mated the globally averaged forcing from the CEA data set of AOD and applied the forcing as a 122 total solar irradiance anomaly (Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013). In IPSL, AOD was prescribed from 123 the AJS data set, but, due to details of the implementation, the aerosol extinction coefficients expe- 124 rienced a slow daily decrease subsequent to being updated at the start of each day (J.-L. Dufresne 125 and M. Khodri, personal communication). 6 126 2) T RACE GAS FORCING 127 Changes in concentration of the principle well mixed GHGs (CO2, CH4 and N2O) over the last 128 millennium (Fig. 2D) are related to both natural variations as well as anthropogenic factors in 129 the latter part of the last millennium (Gerber et al. 2003). Reconstructions are derived from high- 130 resolution ice cores in Antarctica and smoothed to retain only decadal-scale and longer variations 131 (Joos and Spahni 2008). All models use the same set of GHG concentrations, as described in 132 Schmidt et al. (2011). In addition, one model (MPI) parameterizes ozone variations as a function 133 of changes in solar irradiance based on the results of Shindell et al. (2006). 134 3) O RBITAL FORCING 135 Changes in the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) insolation during the last millennium were pri- 136 marily due to changes in precession. From 850 CE to the present, a ca. 20-day shift in perihelion 137 (from Dec. 15th to Jan. 4th) occurred, leading to an increase in insolation in early NH summer 138 relative to the late NH summer (Schmidt et al. 2011). Small decreases in eccentricity and obliquity 139 also contributed to the insolation changes. These changes gave rise to a ca. 3 W/m2 decrease in 140 insolation in boreal summer (JJA) through the last millennium (Fig. 2E). 141 4) S OLAR FORCING 142 Changes in total solar irradiance (TSI) are prescribed using either the Vieira et al. (2011) (VSK) 143 or Steinhilber et al. (2009) (SBF) reconstruction as described in Schmidt et al. (2011). In some 144 models, background variations of TSI (variations not tied to the solar cycle) are taken from Wang 145 et al. (2005) (WLS) as indicated in Table 1. TSI anomalies from these three products are shown in 146 Fig. 2F. 7 147 5) L AND USE FORCING 148 Reconstructions of land use and land cover are available for the last three centuries based on 149 published maps of agricultural areas and for earlier periods based on scaling agricultural activity 150 with population on a per country basis. The resultant data set provides annual maps of cropland, 151 C3 pasture and C4 pasture, which influence the surface albedo, water cycle, surface roughness and 152 soil characteristics (PEA; Pongratz et al. 2008; Schmidt et al. 2011). Although implementation 153 of a given land cover forcing varies across models, all model simulations analyzed in this study 154 either used land cover forcings from PEA, or maintained constant land cover (taken from the 155 preindustrial control runs; Table 1). 156 b. Description of the APRP method 157 The Approximate Partial Radiative Perturbation (APRP) method enables changes in top-of-the- 158 atmosphere (TOA) shortwave (SW) energy fluxes to be decomposed into individual radiative forc- 159 ing and climate feedback terms (Taylor et al. 2007). The APRP method has been used to perform 160 climate feedback analyses in a variety of Last Glacial Maximum, historical, and future climate 161 simulations (e.g. Crucifix 2006; Yoshimori et al. 2011; Hwang et al. 2013; Masson-Delmotte et al. 162 2013). APRP is based on a simple, single layer, shortwave radiative model of the atmosphere, in 163 which the influence of changes in surface albedo, shortwave absorption and scattering on the top 164 of the atmosphere energy budget are diagnosed at every grid cell from all-sky and clear-sky GCM 165 output. APRP analysis relies on the use of a single layer radiative transfer model that is tuned to 166 mimic the radiation code of the GCM. Specifically, three parameters in the single layer model are 167 calculated (the surface albedo, atmospheric scattering coefficient and atmospheric absorption co- 168 efficient) to ensure that the surface and top of the atmosphere shortwave fluxes are consistent with 169 those in the GCM. These single layer model parameters are calculated for two time periods, rep8 170 resenting the control and perturbed conditions. These parameters are then individually perturbed 171 in the single layer model by the amount they change between the control and perturbed periods of 172 the GCM simulation and the influence of these changes on the TOA shortwave flux in the single 173 layer model is calculated. In this way, the single layer model enables the effects of changes in 174 surface albedo, atmospheric absorption, atmospheric scattering and clouds to be isolated from one 175 another using a simple and efficient method. Importantly, these calculations allow for an estimate 176 of volcanic forcing to be obtained from the change in shortwave non-cloud scattering (see Section 177 2.4, below). 178 This method is similar to the Partial Radiative Perturbation (PRP) method, which is the more ac- 179 curate method of calculating feedbacks (as it is based on applying a given perturbation of a climate 180 feedback variable to an offline radiation code of the model and determining its feedback strength 181 from the subsequent change in TOA flux). However, whereas the PRP method requires running the 182 GCMs radiation code offline with the various radiation properties individually perturbed, APRP 183 calculations are far less computationally expensive and require far less data from the full GCM 184 simulations (only monthly clear-sky and full-sky radiative flux fields at the surface and TOA are 185 needed). In addition, comparison between full PRP and APRP analyses of global warming and 186 Last Glacial Maximum simulations with two GCMs demonstrated that the differences between 187 them were typically only a few percent (Taylor et al. 2007). Further details of the APRP method 188 can be found in Taylor et al. (2007). 189 c. Description of the radiative kernel method 190 Due to the sensitivity of the radiation balance to the vertical distribution of atmospheric water 191 vapor, temperature, and clouds, the simple, single-layer atmosphere model used in the SW APRP 192 calculations is generally not appropriate for LW feedback analysis (Yoshimori et al. 2011). We 9 193 must thus adopt a different method for decomposing TOA LW fluxes from the last millennium 194 simulations. Under the radiative kernel technique of Soden et al. (2008), climate feedbacks are 195 quantified based on the TOA radiative response to a small change in the climate feedback variable. 196 Climate feedbacks are represented as the product of two terms: the first is the radiative kernel, 197 which is a weighting term that describes the TOA flux perturbation due a standard change in a 198 particular climate feedback variable (e.g. specific humidity), the second is the change in that 199 climate feedback variable in the full GCM simulation. The kernels used in this analysis are from 200 Shell et al. (2008) based on the CAM3 offline radiative transfer model with a CAM3 present day 201 climate base state. Available kernels include a surface albedo kernel, LW water vapor kernel, LW 202 surface skin temperature kernel, and LW atmospheric temperature kernel, and LW CO2 kernel. 203 For each feedback there is a clear-sky kernel (for which cloud-free conditions were used in the 204 radiative transfer calculations) and an all-sky kernel (which includes the effects of clouds in the 205 radiative transfer calculations). Due to strong non-linearities, cloud feedbacks cannot be evaluated 206 directly from a radiative kernel but instead are calculated by adjusting the cloud radiative forcing to 207 account for cloud masking effects (using the difference between the all-sky and clear-sky kernels) 208 as outlined in Soden et al. (2008). Studies have shown that radiative kernels are dependent on the 209 forcing and background climate state, but are highly similar when calculated from different models 210 under a given base state (Soden et al. 2008; Yoshimori et al. 2011; Vial et al. 2013). Comparison 211 between full PRP, APRP, and radiative kernel methods in Last Glacial Maximum and 2xCO2 212 simulations with an atmospheric GCM coupled to a slab ocean model suggest that differences 213 between PRP and radiative kernel feedbacks tend to be slightly larger than those between PRP and 214 APRP feedbacks (Yoshimori et al. 2011). 10 215 d. Calculation of forcings and feedbacks using APRP and radiative kernel methods 216 As described in Section 2.3, quantification of the forcing and feedbacks in the CMIP5/PMIP3 217 last millennium simulations was estimated using the above APRP method to decompose changes 218 in the global shortwave (SW) TOA energy budget and using the radiative kernel method to de- 219 compose changes in the global LW TOA energy budget (Shell et al. 2008; Soden and Held 2006; 220 Soden et al. 2008). The response of the TOA global energy budget to a radiative forcing can be 221 described as follows: ∆Rimbal = ∆F + ∆Rresp (1) 222 where ∆F represents the radiative forcing, ∆Rresp represents the TOA energy fluxes due to cli- 223 mate feedbacks (i.e. the climate response), and ∆Rimbal represents the remaining imbalance in the 224 Earth’s TOA energy budget. The TOA and surface energy fluxes are defined as positive when 225 directed into the atmosphere. The change in the net TOA energy flux can then be decomposed into 226 the change in absorbed shortwave (∆RSW ) and the change in outgoing LW (−∆RLW ) : ∆Rimbal = ∆RSW + ∆RLW 227 228 (2) 1) T HE SHORTWAVE ENERGY BUDGET The SW energy budget at the TOA can be described as: RSW = So (1 − A). (3) 229 where So is the solar constant (in W /m2 ) and A is the planetary albedo. Following a perturbation, 230 the new SW budget is: (RSW + ∆RSW ) = (So + ∆S)(1 − (A + ∆A)). 11 (4) 231 Hence, the change in TOA SW (∆RSW ) is then: ∆RSW = ∆S(1 − A) − So ∆A −∆S∆A | {z } | {z } ∆Fsolar (5) ∆RA 232 where ∆Fsolar is the change in solar forcing (due to either a change in orbital configuration or in 233 solar output), ∆RA is the change in TOA SW due to a change in planetary albedo, and ∆S∆A is the 234 residual. Solar forcing was further decomposed into changes in solar output and changes orbital 235 configuration using equations from Berger (1978). The change in planetary albedo is: ∆A = ∆Aα + ∆Acloud + ∆Aclear,scatter + ∆Aclear,abs + ∆Aresid . (6) 236 The terms on the RHS are changes in the planetary albedo due to the SW climate forcings and 237 feedbacks; they are estimated by the Approximate Partial Radiation Perturbation (APRP) method 238 of Taylor et al. (2007), and ∆Aresid is the residual. We interpret the change in clear sky scattering 239 to be forcing by volcanic aerosols: ∆Fvolc = −So ∆Aclear,scatter 240 and the the remaining shortwave feedback ∆RSW terms to be: −So ∆Aα surface albedo feedback ∆Rα ∆RSW = −So ∆Acloud SW cloud feedback ∆Rcloud −So ∆Aclear,abs SW absorption by water vapor ∆Rq . (7) (8) 241 Atmospheric clear sky absorption is primarily driven by changes in the absorption of incoming 242 SW radiation by atmospheric water vapor, so this term is therefore interpreted as the SW water 243 vapor feedback (implicit in this assumption is that the change in SW absorption due to volcanic 244 aerosols is small relative to that due to water vapor changes). 12 245 246 Plugging in Eq. 6, 7, and 8 into Eq. 5, we find the changes in shortwave at the top of the atmosphere in terms of forcings and feedbacks: ∆RSW = ∆Fsolar + ∆Fvolc + ∆RSW,cloud + ∆RSW,q + ∆Rα + εSW , | {z } | {z } SW Forcings (9) SW Feedback where εSW = − So ∆Aresid − ∆S∆A 247 is the SW residual, which provides a measure of the accuracy of the APRP approximation to the 248 SW TOA fluxes. 249 2) T HE L ONGWAVE B UDGET 250 The change in the TOA longwave radiation is: ∆RLW = ∆FGHG + ∆RPlanck + ∆RLW,cloud + ∆RLW,q + ∆Rlapse rate + εLW , | {z } | {z } LW Forcing (10) LW Feedbacks 251 where ∆FGHG is the forcing due to the change in the concentration of greenhouse gases (calculated 252 using the formulas from Myhre et al. (1998), and ∆RPlanck , ∆Rcloud , ∆Rq , and ∆Rlapse rate are the 253 Planck, cloud, water vapor and lapse rate feedbacks and εLW is the longwave residual. 254 3) T HE T OTAL TOA E NERGY B UDGET 255 Inserting Eq. 9 and 10 into the total TOA energy budget equation (Eq. 1), we have ∆F + ∆Rresp = ∆Rimbal = ∆RSW + ∆RLW 256 where ∆F is the sum of the forcings, ∆F = ∆Fsolar + ∆Fvolc + ∆FGHG , 257 (11) ∆Rresp is the sum of the shortwave and longwave feedbacks 13 (12) ∆Rresp = ∆RSW,cloud + ∆RSW,q + ∆Rα + ∆RPlanck + ∆RLW,cloud + ∆RLW,q + ∆Rlapse rate | {z } {z } | SW Feedbacks LW Feedbacks +εSW + εLW , (13) 258 and ∆Rimbal is the energy imbalance if the system is not yet in equilibrium. Note that, given 259 the magnitude and spatial distribution of the surface albedo changes in comparison to land cover 260 changes (Pongratz et al. 2008; Schmidt et al. 2011) we neglect the contribution of land use changes 261 to global forcing. 262 263 Assuming the change in the global average surface air temperature (∆Tas ) is small, we can expand the climate response in terms of a Taylor series: ∆R j = dR j ∂ R j dx j 2 ∆Tas + O((∆Tas ) ) ≈ ∆Tas ≡ λ j × ∆Tas . ∂ x j dTas dTas (14) 264 where x j is a state variable. The shortwave changes due to climate feedbacks are obtained by 265 the Approximate Partial Radiation Perturbation (APRP) method of Taylor et al. (2007), while the 266 longwave changes due to due to climate feedbacks are obtained using radiative kernels (Soden 267 and Held 2006). Note that cloud feedbacks cannot be calculated directly from radiative kernels 268 because of strong nonlinearities that arise from cloud masking. Following Soden et al. (2008), 269 we adjusted the cloud radiative effect by correcting for non-cloud feedbacks (where the clear-sky 270 CS = 1.16 ∗ ∆F GHG forcing was calculated as: ∆FGHG GHG ). 271 4) C ONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CHANGE IN SURFACE AIR TEMPERATURE 272 273 Inserting Eq. 14 into Eq. 11 we find the temperature response in terms of the forcings and feedbacks (as in Feldl and Roe 2013) and Vial et al. (2013): λPlanck ∆Tas + ∑ λ j × ∆Tas = − ∆F + ∆Rimbal − εSW − εLW , j6=Planck 14 (15) 274 where λPlanck defines the climate sensitivity in absence of feedbacks. Equivalently ∆Tas = − ∆F/λPlanck − ∑ λ j /λPlanck × ∆Tas + ∆Rimbal /λPlanck − (εSW + εLW )/λPlanck j6=Planck (16) 275 276 277 where λ j are the climate feedback factors ( [λ j ] = W m−2 K−1 ). Finally, we can equate each term in Eq. 16 as a contribution to the global average temperature change ∆Tas : ∆Tas = ∆T forcing + ∆T feedbacks + ∆T atm+ocean uptake + ∆T ε . (17) 278 In addition to the forcing and feedbacks, we report the fraction f of the total global cooling ∆Tas 279 due to individual forcings and feedbacks: f = ∆Tx × 100 . ∑ ∆Tx (18) 280 Only negative (cooling) ∆Tx were included in calculating f . There are two major assumptions 281 underlying the global cooling contributions presented here: (1) the climate feedbacks include only 282 the first order terms of the Taylor series expansion of global mean surface temperature change 283 (while higher order terms are incorporated into the residual), and (2) the feedback factors associ- 284 ated with the different forcing agents are assumed equal. While the nonlinear feedback terms are 285 typically assumed to be small and neglected (e.g. Soden and Held 2006), it has been shown that 286 the feedback strength can vary with the type of forcing. This point is addressed in Section 3b. 287 3. Results and Discussion 288 a. Temperature trends over the last millennium in the CMIP5/PMIP3 models 289 The globally averaged surface temperature anomaly through the last millennium and preindus- 290 trial control simulations is shown in Fig. 2C (where annually averaged data were smoothed with 15 291 a Gaussian filter; σ = 3 years). Relative to the period from 850-1200 CE, all CMIP5/PMIP3 sim- 292 ulations generally demonstrate colder global temperatures ca. 1250-1850 CE. Compared to the 293 preindustrial control simulations from the same models, the last millennium simulations demon- 294 strate global temperature anomalies outside the range of natural variability during volcanically 295 active periods ca. 1230-1300, 1450, 1600-1750, and 1800-1840 CE. Average Northern Hemi- 296 sphere (NH) temperature anomalies in the multi-model mean agree well with proxy-derived NH 297 temperature reconstructions, with long-term (centennial-scale) cooling of several tenths of a de- 298 gree Celsius through the last millennium and pronounced cold periods through the 13th, mid-15th, 299 17th-18th and early 19th centuries (Fig. 3; Frank et al. 2010). Temperature anomalies associated 300 with large volcanic events tend to be substantially larger in the models than in the reconstructions. 301 This issue has been well documented and may be due to errors in the tree ring-based temperature 302 reconstructions (e.g. anomalous tree growth immediately following large volcanic events; Mann 303 et al. 2012), to uncertainties in the volcanic reconstructions (Sigl et al. 2014), and/or to the models’ 304 tendency to overestimate the impact of large volcanic events (e.g. due to the linear scaling based 305 on the Pinatubo eruption that is typically applied between stratospheric sulfate loading and AOD) 306 (Timmreck et al. 2009). 307 To quantify the contribution of radiative forcings and climate feedbacks to global cooling over 308 the last millennium, we compare the energy budget in the LIA (hereafter defined as 1600-1850 309 CE) to that in the MCA (950-1200 CE). We extend our analysis to examine the cause of the cold 310 periods ca. 1400-1650 CE and 1200-1450 CE (relative to the same MCA warm period) in section 311 3.4. 312 While the LIA is characterized by centennial-scale global temperature minima in all 313 CMIP5/PMIP3 models, there are marked differences in the amplitude and spatial pattern of the 314 surface temperature anomalies (relative to the MCA) across the models (Fig. 4). The regional 16 315 temperature differences are reflected in changes in sea ice concentration (Fig. 5); in the Arctic, 316 sea ice concentration increases in all models, whereas Antarctic sea ice concentration increases 317 in some models (CCSM4, CSIRO, HadCM3) and decreases in others (GISS121 and GISS124). 318 Sources of these inter-model differences are discussed in Section 3.3. 319 b. Attribution of LIA cooling 320 Climate forcing during the last millennium is comprised of contributions from changes in solar 321 output, orbital configuration, stratospheric sulfate aerosols associated with large volcanic erup- 322 tions, changes in trace gases and changes in land use through its impact on surface albedo and 323 evapotranspiration (Table 1; Bony et al. 2006; Schmidt et al. 2011). Given the magnitude and spa- 324 tial distribution of the surface albedo changes seen during all three cold periods, land use changes 325 are not important contributors to the forcing of these cold periods. The forcings are shown in Fig. 326 6 and the global cooling contribution from each of these forcings is shown in Fig. 7 and Table 2. 327 A TOA energy budget analysis of the CMIP5/PMIP3 last millennium simulations indicates that 328 volcanic forcing was the primary driver of LIA cooling in the models. Volcanic forcing accounted 329 for 77% of the total forcing on average (ranging from 50-84% or −0.07 W m−2 to − 0.32 W m−2 , 330 across models; Fig. 6). This forcing directly contributed to 31% (on average) of the global cooling 331 during the LIA (Fig. 7; Table 2). In comparison, solar and GHG forcing were substantially weaker, 332 comprising an average of 10% and 13% of the total forcing and 4% and 5% of the global cooling, 333 respectively. Globally averaged solar forcing was driven by changes in solar output over the last 334 millennium as changes in orbital parameters imparted insignificant forcing (Fig. 6). However it is 335 important to note that the insignificance of the direct orbital forcing term when globally and annual 336 averaged does not necessarily imply that orbital forcing played an insignificant role in global 337 cooling during the LIA. Orbital forcing (which has a rich seasonal and latitudinal structure) likely 17 338 triggered global climate feedbacks. For instance, precessional forcing imposed a ca. 3 W m−2 339 decrease in insolation in boreal summer (JJA) at 65 ◦ N through the last millennium (Fig. 2E) 340 which may have contributed to non-negligible surface albedo and water vapor feedbacks through 341 colder temperatures and sea ice growth in the Arctic. 342 A number of positive climate feedbacks reinforce the radiative forcing during the LIA. The 343 global cooling contribution from each of these feedbacks is shown in Fig. 7 while the global en- 344 ergy fluxes are shown in Fig. S1. (Feedbacks and global cooling contributions were not calculated 345 for the HadCM3 and CSIRO last millennium simulations because relative humidity data were not 346 available for HadCM3 and the implementation of volcanic forcing as a TSI perturbation in CSIRO 347 precluded separation of the SW forcings and feedbacks.) Under the current analysis framework, 348 these feedbacks cannot be ascribed to any particular type of forcing and thus we assume that the 349 strength of the the feedbacks is independent of the forcing agent. Although it has been pointed 350 out that the feedback strength can vary with the type of forcing, the differences appear to be small 351 among solar, greenhouse gas, and volcanic forcing (Hansen et al. 2005). This, combined with 352 the result that volcanic forcing dominates the forcing during the LIA, suggests that this source of 353 uncertainty in the LIA cooling contributions is likely to be small. Another important point regard- 354 ing the inability to distinguish between feedbacks associated with different forcing mechanisms is 355 that we are unable to quantify the total (direct and indirect) cooling associated with the individual 356 forcing mechanisms; it is therefore possible that forcings that had negligible direct contributions to 357 LIA cooling (e.g. orbital forcing) may have been responsible for non-negligible climate feedbacks. 358 The largest positive feedback is the LW water vapor feedback, which is responsible for 20%, on 359 average, of the global cooling (Table 2). The LW water vapor feedback occurs in response to the 360 decreased atmospheric water vapor concentration; the saturation vapor pressure decreases as the 361 atmosphere cools as given by the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. In addition, the SW water vapor 18 362 feedback represents a lesser but globally important positive feedback in all of the models (con- 363 tributing 9%, on average, to the global cooling), consistent with decreased absorption of incoming 364 SW radiation by atmospheric water vapor during the LIA. 365 In global warming simulations, the positive water vapor feedback is due to both the vertically 366 uniform atmospheric warming as well as the vertical redistribution of water vapor (as robust de- 367 creases in tropical lapse rate from enhanced warming aloft lead to an upward shift in the water 368 vapor distribution). In the CMIP5 4xCO2 simulations, the large positive water vapor feedback is 369 partially offset by a negative lapse rate feedback. In contrast, the CMIP5/PMIP3 last millennium 370 simulations demonstrate water vapor and lapse rate feedbacks that reinforce one another. The pos- 371 itive lapse rate feedback arises due to greater cooling near the surface than aloft poleward of ca. 372 30 − 40 ◦ latitude (Fig. S2) and contributes 7% on average to the global cooling (Fig. 7; Table 2). 373 A positive lapse rate feedback has also been observed in Last Glacial Maximum simulations with 374 a slab ocean model under the addition of ice sheet and orbital forcings (Yoshimori et al. 2011), 375 suggesting that the positive (versus negative) lapse rate feedback may be a function of the SW 376 (versus LW) forcings. Combined, the water vapor and lapse rate feedbacks are responsible for 377 36%, on average, of the global cooling during the LIA. Thus, while the total (SW + LW) water 378 vapor feedback (1.20 ± 0.19 W m−2 K −1 ; Fig. 8) is substantially less than that reported from the 379 CMIP5 4xCO2 simulations, the combined water vapor and lapse rate feedback in the LIA (relative 380 to the MCA; 1.47 ± 0.10 W m−2 K −1 ) is larger than that observed in the future climate simula- 381 tions (1.26 ± 0.07 W m−2 K −1 ; Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013). The combined LIA water vapor and 382 lapse rate feedback is closer to that observed in Last Glacial Maximum simulations compared to 383 the pre-industrial climate (1.39 ± 0.09 W m−2 K −1 ; Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013). Yoshimori et al. 384 (2011) argue that the combined water vapor and lapse rate feedbacks are strongly dependent on the 19 385 background climate state, giving rise to the dependence of climate sensitivity on the background 386 climate state. 387 Second to the LW water vapor feedback, the next largest global feedback is the surface 388 albedo feedback (0.59 ± 0.12 W m−2 K −1 ), which is responsible for 14% of the global cool- 389 ing on average (Fig. 390 creases in high latitude sea ice during the LIA in CCSM4 and MPI. In HadCM3, GISS121 and 391 GISS124 this feedback is equally or predominately due to increased surface albedo over Eura- 392 sia and North America (presumably from increased snow cover; data not shown). This sur- 393 face albedo feedback is generally larger than that found from the CMIP5 4xCO2 simulations 394 (0.33 ± 0.14 W m−2 K −1 ; Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013), as well as that from Last Glacial Maxi- 395 mum simulations (0.41 ± 0.18 W m−2 K −1 Crucifix 2006; Yoshimori et al. 2011; Masson-Delmotte 396 et al. 2013)). Possible sources of the larger surface albedo feedback in the LIA relative to the future 397 climate and Last Glacial Maximum simulations include the disparate forcings and the disparate 398 background climate states. We propose that volcanic forcing played a large role in the strength of 399 the surface albedo feedback during the LIA. Fig. 9 shows that the surface albedo feedback has a 400 weak but significant positive correlation (R2 = 0.28, p < 0.01) to the strength of the volcanic forc- 401 ing in the last millennium simulations. The correlation is most pronounced during the 1200-1450 402 AD period (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.01), which is the LIA interval characterized by the largest volcanic 403 events of the last millennium and the largest average volcanic forcing as a fraction of the total 404 forcing. 7; Table 2). The surface albedo feedback arises primarily from in- 405 Not unexpectedly, clouds have a varied response among models, most notably in the SW cloud 406 feedback. The LW cloud feedback (0.27±0.17 W m−2 K −1 ) is positive in all models, and is broadly 407 consistent with that found in the CMIP5 4xCO2 simulations (0.22 ± 0.18 W m−2 K −1 ; Masson- 408 Delmotte et al. 2013) and generally higher than that found in the Last Glacial Maximum simula20 409 tions (0.08 ± 0.10 W m−2 K −1 ; Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013). The positive LW cloud feedback is 410 likely due to lower cloud tops in the colder LIA atmosphere. The LW cloud feedback contributes 411 6%, on average, to the global cooling. The SW cloud feedback (−0.20 ± 0.47 W m−2 K −1 ) is more 412 variable among models, which is a well-documented feature across future and paleo climate sim- 413 ulations (e.g. Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013; Vial et al. 2013). In all last millennium simulations 414 aside from IPSL, the SW cloud feedback is a negative feedback during the LIA and generally arises 415 from decreased cloud fraction in the tropics and high latitudes. The positive SW cloud feedback 416 in IPSL is the dominant positive feedback and arises from increased cloud fraction in the midlat- 417 itudes, particularly in the SH (data not shown). A strong correlation between SW cloud feedback 418 and low-cloud fidelity has been found in future climate simulations. The SW cloud feedback is 419 strongly positively correlated to the SW cloud radiative effect present in the control simulations, 420 with a larger positive SW cloud feedback present in models with higher control low cloud cover 421 (Lacagnina et al. 2014). This relationship suggests that the large inter-model spread in the SW 422 cloud feedback may be indicative of a large inter-model spread in low cloud amount in the last 423 millennium control simulations. 424 Combined, these feedbacks are responsible for an average of 60% of the global cooling dur- 425 ing the LIA. The water vapor, lapse rate, surface albedo, and cloud feedback parameters sum to 426 2.18 ± 0.33 W m−2 K −1 , similar to the combined feedback parameter from the 4xCO2 simulations 427 (2.19 ± 0.35 W m−2 K −1 ); Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013). The larger surface albedo and water va- 428 por/lapse rate feedbacks in the LIA, relative to the future climate simulations, are more than offset 429 by the lower average SW cloud feedback. For the Last Glacial Maximum climate, the summed 430 feedback parameter (1.87 ± 0.21 W m−2 K −1 ; Masson-Delmotte et al. 2013) is slightly less than 431 that found in the LIA and 4xCO2 simulations. (Yoshimori et al. 2011) demonstrate that the lower 432 climate feedback parameter in the Last Glacial Maximum relative to future climate simulations 21 433 is primarily due to a lower SW cloud feedback. Here we find that lower surface albedo and LW 434 cloud feedbacks are primarily responsible for the lower combined feedback parameter during the 435 Last Glacial Maximum relative to the LIA. 436 Finally, we note that the SW residual term is negilgable (less than 1% of the total SW feedback 437 parameter) while the LW residual term ranges from 0.00 W m−2 K −1 to − 0.59 W m−2 K −1 , or 0 438 - 23% of the total LW feedback parameter. While this residual may indicate the presence of 439 nonlinear LW feedbacks, it may also reflect LW absorption by volcanic aerosols, which has been 440 neglected in this analysis. However, the average total residual (19%) is similar to that reported 441 from the CMIP5 4xCO2 simulations (23%; Vial et al. 2013). 442 c. Sources of inter-model differences in LIA climate change 443 While the LIA is characterized by global cooling relative to the MCA in all models, the ampli- 444 tude of the cooling differs by more than a factor of 2 among models (Fig. 7). Factors that may 445 be responsible for the inter-model spread in global mean temperature change include differing 446 climate forcings, differing climate feedbacks and differing efficiencies with which they transfer 447 heat into the ocean. However, as ocean heat uptake during the LIA is small in all the models (as 448 demonstrated by small changes in surface energy fluxes in Fig. S1), the TOA radiative forcings 449 and feedbacks are primarily responsible for the inter-model spread in global cooling during the 450 LIA. Among radiative forcings, differences in volcanic forcing drive the inter-model spread in 451 total forcing (Fig. 6). Differences in volcanic forcing across models could be due to differences 452 in the forcing data set used (therefore reflecting uncertainty in the volcanic aerosol reconstruc- 453 tions) as well as due to differences in the treatment of volcanic aerosols in the models. The CEA 454 data set of AOD and effective radius indicates substantially lower AOD anomalies during large 455 volcanic events (Fig. 2A) but a larger increase in the number of volcanic events during the LIA 22 456 relative to the MCA. The use of different forcing data sets is responsible for a substantial portion 457 of the inter-model spread in volcanic forcing during the LIA (e.g. compare the volcanic forcing in 458 CCSM4 to GISS/MPI/HadCM3 in Fig. 6). The weaker volcanic forcing in IPSL in comparison 459 to the other models is particularly notable, however, it is unclear to what degree this is due to 460 the forcing data set used (AJS) versus the implementation of the forcing (see Methods). Another 461 substantial contribution to the inter-model spread arises from the differing treatment of volcanic 462 aerosols among models that use the same volcanic reconstruction. For instance, volcanic forcing 463 in CSIRO (which prescribes volcanic forcing based on the CEA data set, imposed as a globally- 464 averaged perturbation to TSI) is up to 50% lower than that in GISS/MPI/HadCM3 (which pre- 465 scribe latitudenally-varying AOD and effective radius; Fig. 6). In contrast to the other models, 466 CCSM4 has an atmospheric chemistry scheme that models the transport, processing and radiative 467 properties of the volcanic aerosols from the aerosol loading provided in GRA). 468 In addition to differences in radiative forcing among models, differences in the strength of cli- 469 mate feedbacks add to the inter-model spread in LIA cooling. The total effective feedback param- 470 eter differs by a factor of 2 across models (ranging from −0.98 W m−2 K −1 to − 2.05 W m−2 K −1 ; 471 Fig. 8). The Planck response varies little among models, as expected (−3.41 ± 0.05 W m−2 K −1 ). 472 The largest spread in climate feedbacks among models occurs in the SW cloud feedback 473 (−0.20 ± 0.47 W m−2 K −1 ) and the lapse rate feedback (0.27 ± 0.25 W m−2 K −1 ). The large spread 474 in the SW cloud feedback is a common feature in GCM simulations (Crucifix 2006; Soden and 475 Held 2006; Vial et al. 2013). The large spread in the lapse rate feedback is likely in part due to the 476 varied response of high latitude sea ice among models (Fig. 5; Fig. S2). 23 477 d. Sensitivity of results to definition of LIA 478 The processes (forcings and feedbacks) that are responsible for the cold conditions during the 479 periods 1200-1450 CE and 1400-1650 CE are qualitatively similar to those responsible for the 480 cold conditions in the LIA (i.e. from 1600-1850 CE). During all three periods, volcanic forcing is 481 the dominant forcing, with a multi-model mean of 82%, 54% and 77% of the total forcing during 482 the 1200-1450 CE, 1400-1650 CE and 1600-1850 CE periods, respectively (Fig. 6). The 1600- 483 1850 CE period is characterized by the largest total forcing (−0.30 W m−2 K −1 in the multi-model 484 mean). In contrast, the 1400-1650 CE period has the weakest total forcing (−0.19 W m−2 K −1 ), but 485 it features the strongest relative contribution from solar forcing (30%; Fig. S1), as it contains the 486 Sporer Minimum. While greenhouse gas forcing makes a notable contribution to the total forcing 487 in 1600-1850 CE (13%) and 1400-1650 CE (16%) it is weak in 1200-1450 CE (3%). 488 In addition to substantial differences in total forcing across the three cold epochs, there are 489 substantial differences in the effective climate feedback parameter across the epochs (ranging from 490 −1.42 W m−2 K −1 to − 1.97 W m−2 K −1 ). Differences in the feedback parameter arise primarily 491 due to differences in the SW cloud feedback and the net LW feedback. Ocean heat uptake is small 492 across all three periods, as demonstrated by changes in global mean surface energy fluxes of less 493 than ±0.05 W m−2 K −1 (data not shown). 494 4. Conclusions 495 The CMIP5/PMIP3 last millennium simulations feature extended periods of cold conditions 496 across the globe during the period ca. 1200 -1850 CE; temperature anomalies averaged over the 497 NH generally agree well with proxy based temperature reconstructions. Analysis of the global 498 TOA energy budget during the last millennium using APRP and radiative kernel techniques indi- 499 cates that volcanic forcing is primarily responsible for the cold conditions in the CMIP5/PMIP3 24 500 models. Volcanic forcing contributes an average of 82%, 54% and 77% of the total forcing in 501 the multi-model mean for the cold epochs in 1200-1450 CE, 1400-1650 CE and 1600-1850 CE, 502 respectively. Forcing contributions due to changes in insolation (15%, 30%, 10%) and greenhouse 503 gas concentrations (3%, 16%, 13%) are substantially smaller than the volcanic forcing. 504 A feedback analysis of the 1600-1850 CE period demonstrates that the dominant climate feed- 505 backs that reinforce the global cooling include the water vapor and lapse rate feedbacks, which 506 combined are responsible for 36% of the LIA cooling in the models; the positive LW and SW 507 water vapor feedbacks are a consequence of the decrease in water vapor concentration associated 508 with the vertically-integrated cooling while the positive lapse rate feedback arises due to greater 509 cooling near the surface than aloft poleward of ca. 30 − 40 ◦ latitude. While lapse rate changes 510 provide a negative feedback in simulations of greenhouse gas forcing, a positive lapse rate feed- 511 back has also been observed in Last Glacial Maximum simulations. The combined water vapor 512 and lapse rate feedback present in the last millennium simulations is larger than that from future 513 climate simulations but similar to that from Last Glacial Maximum simulations. In contrast, the 514 surface albedo feedback is generally larger than that found in either the future climate or Last 515 Glacial Maximum simulations. Indeed, the surface albedo feedback is the dominant positive SW 516 feedback in the last millennium simulations, responsible for 14% of the global cooling on average, 517 and arises from sea ice growth and increased snow cover during the LIA. The positive correlation 518 between the strength of the surface albedo feedback and the magnitude of volcanic forcing in the 519 last millennium simulations suggests that volcanic forcing may be responsible for the larger sur- 520 face albedo feedback during the LIA (relative to the future climate and Last Glacial Maximum 521 simulations). LW cloud feedback provides an additional 6% of the global cooling on average and 522 is consistent with lower cloud tops in the colder LIA atmosphere. 25 523 There are several points to consider when interpreting the results of the CMIP5/PMIP3 last mil- 524 lennium simulations in light of the paleoclimate record. Firstly, large uncertainties exist in the 525 characterization of volcanic forcing that may not be adequately represented in the last millen- 526 nium simulations. Sources of uncertainty include the reconstructions of aerosol loading, AOD and 527 aerosol effective radius as a function of time, latitude and height in the atmosphere (e.g. Timmreck 528 et al. 2009), all of which exert important controls on the climate system. A new reconstruction 529 of volcanic aerosol loading based on a more extensive array of Antarctic ice core records found 530 a substantially different history of volcanic aerosol deposition prior to 1500 AD as compared to 531 prior reconstructions (Sigl et al. 2014). These uncertainties are further compounded by the CMIP5 532 models’ poor representation of the dynamical response of the atmosphere to volcanic eruptions 533 (Driscoll et al. 2012). Large uncertainties also exist in the reconstructions of changes in insola- 534 tion over the last millennium. In particular, one reconstruction suggests that changes in insolation 535 during the LIA were an order of magnitude larger than those used in the CMIP5/PMIP3 last mil- 536 lennium simulations (Schmidt et al. 2012; Shapiro et al. 2011). This uncertainty, in conjunction 537 with the fact that only one of the CMIP5/PMIP3 last millennium runs included solar-driven ozone 538 variations (Shindell et al. 2006) leaves open the possibility that solar forcing may have played a 539 larger role in LIA cooling than suggested by these model simulations. 540 Acknowledgments. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foun- 541 dation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (DGE-1256082) and the Department of Energy 542 Global Change Education Program (under fellowships to A. Atwood). E. Wu and D.M.W. Frier- 543 son are supported by NSF awards AGS-0846641, AGS-0936059, and AGS-1359464. We thank A. 544 Donohoe, M. Zelinka, A. Pendergrass, K. Shell, C. Bitz, B. Santer, M. Khodri, and J.-L. Dufresne 545 for useful discussions that improved this manuscript. 26 546 References 547 Ammann, C. M., F. Joos, D. S. Schimel, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, and R. A. 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(2008); B) ice cap extent in central Iceland from Hvitarvatn 746 Lake sediment varve thickness Larsen et al. (2011); C) multi-proxy NE Atlantic SST composite 747 Cunningham et al. (2013); D) Greenland temperature reconstruction Kobashi et al. (2011); E) NH 748 temperature anomalies based on a multi-proxy network and climate field reconstruction method 749 Mann et al. (2009). 750 Fig. 2. Climate forcings and global surface air temperature through the last millennium in the 751 CMIP5 models: A) Aerosol optical depth from CEA (blue bars Crowley (2000)) and estimated 752 from GRA (red bars Gao et al. (2008)) by dividing sulfate loading by 150 Tg Stothers (1984). 753 B) Globally averaged surface air temperature anomaly (relative to 950-1200 CE) in each last mil- 754 lennium simulation. C) Globally averaged surface air temperature anomaly for the multi-model 755 ensemble mean of the last millennium simulations (blue) and the control simulations (green) where 756 solid lines represent the multi-model mean and shading represents 1σ . Temperature anomalies are 757 calculated relative to years 100-350 in each data set and annually averaged data were smoothed 36 758 with a Gaussian filter with σ = 3 yrs. D) Concentration of CO2, CH4, and N2O. E) Changes in 759 insolation at 65N in JJA (blue) and 65S in DJF (red). F) Globally averaged insolation anomalies 760 (relative to 950-1200 CE) for the solar forcing data sets outlined in Table 1. 761 Fig. 3. Mean NH temp anomaly from CMIP5/PMIP3 models (blue) and from 521 proxy-based 762 ensemble estimates (black; Frank et al. 2010; based on 9 different large-scale NH temperature re- 763 constructions spanning the last millennium, recalibrated to annual NH temperatures over all possi- 764 ble decadal intervals > 40 years during the 19th-20th centuries in order to consider uncertainty in 765 the individual records as well as in the slope and intercept of the calibration). Temperature anoma- 766 lies are calculated relative to the MCA (950-1200 CE) and annually averaged data were smoothed 767 with a Gaussian filter with σ = 3 yrs. Solid lines represent the multi-model/multi-reconstruction 768 mean and shading represents ±1σ . 769 Fig. 4. LIA (1600-1850 CE) minus MCA (950-1200 CE) surface air temperature changes in the 770 CMIP5/PMIP3 simulations. 771 Fig. 5. LIA (1600-1850 CE) minus MCA (950-1200 CE) sea ice concentration changes in the 772 CMIP5/PMIP3 simulations. 773 Fig. 6. Decomposition of radiative forcings in the CMIP5/PMIP3 last millennium simulations 774 into contributions from volcanic aerosols, solar output, orbital configuration and the well-mixed 775 GHGs for the period from A) 1200-1450 CE, B) 1400-1650 CE and C) 1600-1850 CE, relative 776 to the MCA (950-1200 CE). Percentages in the brown, yellow and blue boxes represent fractional 777 contributions to total forcing from volcanic, total solar (orbital and TSI) and total GHG (CO2, 778 CH4, and N2O) forcings, respectively. Values below the bars represent total forcing in W m−2 . 37 779 GRA, AJS, and CEA (at the top of the figure) indicate the volcanic forcing data set used (see 780 Section 2.1a). 781 Fig. 7. Global cooling contributions from Eq. 17 due to volcanic, solar and GHG forcings and the 782 SW and LW feedbacks compared to the total globally averaged temperature change between the 783 LIA (1600-1850 CE) and MCA (950-1200 CE). The difference between the total cooling and the 784 sum of the forcings and feedbacks is the Planck response. Global cooling contributions were not 785 calculated for HadCM3 and CSIRO due to data availability (see text for details). 786 Fig. 8. LIA climate feedback parameters calculated from the CMIP5/PMIP3 simulations for the 787 SW (surface albedo, SW cloud, SW absorption), LW (total LW, Planck response, lapse rate, LW 788 water vapor and LW cloud, LW residual) and total feedbacks. Decomposition of feedbacks was 789 not performed for HadCM3 and CSIRO due to data availability (see text for details). 790 Fig. 9. Surface albedo feedback versus volcanic forcing during the LIA (relative to the MCA; 950- 791 1200 AD). Each data point represents one model from one of the three LIA periods (1200-1450 792 AD, 1400-1650 AD and 1600-1850 AD). 38 793 LIST OF FIGURES 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Table1 Click here to download Manuscript (non-LaTeX): Table1.xlsx Table 1. Description of CMIP5/PMIP3 models and their forcings used in this analysis Forcings1 (lon x lat x vertical levels) Model CCSM4 GISS 121 GISS 124 MPI IPSL Ensemble r1i1p1 r1i1p121 r1i1p124 r1i1p1 r1i1p1 Atm Resolution 288 x 192 x L26 144 x 90 x L40 144 x 90 x L40 196 x 98 x L47 96 x 95 x L39 Ocean Resolution 320 x 384 x L60 288 x 180 x L32 288 x 180 x L32 256 x 220 x L40 182 x 149 x L31 Solar Volcanic VSK GRA (sulfate loading) SBF CEA (AOD) VSK + WLS back CEA (AOD) VSK + WLS back CEA (AOD) VSK + WLS back AJS (AOD)2 Ozone PI Control PI Control PI Control Regression PI Control CSIRO r1i1p1 64 x 56 x L18 128 x 112 x L21 SBF PI Control HadCM3 r1i1p1 96 x 73 x L19 288 x 144 x L20 CEA (AOD convt to TSI anomaly) SBF + WLS back CEA (AOD) PI Control Land use PEA PEA PEA PEA same as PI Control same as PI Control PEA Orbital variations3 Reference4 Internally calc. Internally calc. Internally calc. Internally calc. Internally calc. Landrum et al. (2013) Internally calc. Internally calc. Schurer et al. (2013) 1 See Methods for details. 2 Volcanic aerosols were prescribed in IPSL such that the aerosol extinction coefficients underwent a slow daily decrease subsequent to being updated at the start of each day. 3 Internally calculated using equations from Berger (1978) 4 Additional information on the CMIP5/PMIP3 last millennium runs can be found in Masson-Delmotte et al. (2013) Table2 Click here to download Manuscript (non-LaTeX): Table2.xlsx Table 2 Global Cooling Contributions (1600-1850 CE minus 950-1200 CE) Ocn heat Volcanic Solar forcing GHG forcing Sfc albedo ΔT total (°C) Model1 uptake (°C) forcing (°C) (°C) (°C) fdbk (°C) CCSM4 MPI GISS121 GISS124 IPSL Mean 1 -0.29 -0.16 -0.19 -0.18 -0.14 -0.19 -0.003 (1%) 0.006 0.002 0.003 -0.003 (2%) 0.001 -0.07 (23%) -0.09 (39%) -0.09 (39%) -0.10 (40%) -0.02 (14%) -0.07 (31%) -0.01 (2%) -0.01 (4%) -0.01 (4%) -0.01 (4%) -0.01 (7%) -0.01 (4%) -0.01 (3%) -0.01 (5%) -0.01 (4%) -0.01 (4%) -0.01 (7%) -0.01 (5%) SW cloud fdbk (°C) SW q fdbk (°C) -0.06 (20%) 0.01 -0.03 (8%) -0.03 (13%) 0.03 -0.03 (12%) -0.03 (13%) 0.02 -0.02 (7%) -0.03 (13%) 0.02 -0.02 (7%) -0.02 (11%) -0.03 (21%) -0.01 (8%) -0.03 (14%) 0.01 -0.02 (9%) SW res (°C) Lapse rate fdbk (°C) LW q fdbk (°C) LW cloud fdbk (°C) LW res (°C) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.06 (18%) 0.00 (0%) -0.01 (4%) -0.01 (5%) -0.01 (7%) -0.02 (7%) -0.05 (17%) -0.04 (20%) -0.05 (20%) -0.04 (18%) -0.04 (25%) -0.05 (20%) -0.02 (8%) -0.02 (7%) -0.02 (9%) -0.02 (8%) -0.00 (0%) -0.02 (6%) 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.02 Decomposition of feedbacks was not performed for the HadCM3 and CSIRO last millennium simulations because relative humidity data were not available for HadCM3 and the implementation of volcanic forcing as a TSI perturbation in CSIRO precluded the use of the method outlined in Section 2.3 to separate the SW forcings and feedbacks.