Pinecrest News - Pinecrest Medical Care Facility
Pinecrest News - Pinecrest Medical Care Facility
Pinecrest News AUGUST 2009 Check out our website: Our newsletter can now be accessed on the “Highlights” page on our website. Have you noticed an increase in the number of youth around Pinecrest this summer? Some of them are here from AGES, see page 6 for details… The others are part of the “Earn While You Learn” Michigan Works! Program. It’s a project that receives federal economic stimulus package funds to put disadvantaged youth ages 14-24 to work for approximately 10 weeks beginning in June. The goal of the program is to provide youth with a work experience that will increase their sense of community involvement, civic responsibility and work maturity employability skills. Through the Michigan Works! Programs in Dickinson and Menominee counties 70 kids are working this summer, according to Paul Velder, program manager. Pictured left to right are: Breeanne Grandquist, Craig LeClair, instructor, Paul Velder, program manager, Ethan Ivey, Hali Bemis, Wyatt Ivey, Ariel Novak and Aneva Smith. This year the youth are going to be involved with the beautification of Pinecrest grounds; involving the following projects: trim the trees, redesign the front flower garden, remove old and put down new mulch in the playground area, Clean and weed gardens, border gardens and fountain area in backyard; and many more. Pinecrest News AUGUST 2009 Page 2 of 9 FAMOUS LEFT-HANDED PEOPLE– WORD SEARCH Word List Don ADAMS Eddie ALBERT Tim ALLEN Dan AYKROYD Napoleon BONAPARTE Carol BURNETT George BURNS Julius CAESAR Glen CAMPBELL Bill CLINTON W.C. FIELDS Henry FORD Gerald Ford JIMI Hendrix JUDY Garland Helen KELLER Steve MCQUEEN Barack OBAMA Ronald REAGAN David ROCKEFELLER SHIRLEY MacLaine Thought for the Pinecrest Team: Success and happiness are all about effective teamwork… According to Dr. Wm. Thomas, nursing homes should be Human Habitats not Clinical Institutions. How can we make a nursing home into a Human Habitat? One element in the process involves “companion animals.” Companion animals help combat what Dr. Thomas calls the three plagues of most long-term care facilities – loneliness, helplessness and boredom. Animals live at Eden homes, rather than just visit as part of therapy programs, so that both animals and humans can form strong bonds. Even frail older people feel empowered and needed as they assist with pet care. While pets cannot stop the advance of aging, research has shown that animals can relieve anxiety and enhance our socialization. Answers to Matching on page 7. 1-H, 2-C, 3-E, 4-K, 5-F, 6-J, 7-A, 8-D, 9-L, 10-B Pinecrest News AUGUST 2009 Page 3 of 9 Happy Birthday Residents!! Marilyn Brunette ....... Aug. 03 Nancy Kadletz........... Aug. 08 Marie Kleikamp......... Aug. 11 Janet Nelson .............. Aug. 15 Jack Rahoi .................. Aug. 19 Mildred Boges ........... Aug. 22 Caroline Crnich ......... Aug. 26 Nancy Cutler ............. Aug. 31 Irene Nelson ............................... Aug. 06 Betty Williams ............................. Aug. 10 Mildred Behnke .......................... Aug. 13 Blossom Mackenzie ................... Aug. 16 Martha Ball .................................. Aug. 29 Barbara Polequin ........................ Aug. 30 Pinecrest’s Staff Birthdays!! Sharon Bellmore, Dietary ................. Aug. 16 Audrey Fix, Shahbaz ......................... Aug. 22 Ann Gurgall, PTA ............................. Aug. 13 Jennifer Isham, LPN ......................... Aug. 08 Robin Korhonen, LPN ..................... Aug. 20 Richard Mapes, Admin. .................... Aug. 19 Joan Schwark, Laundry ..................... Aug. 11 Michelle DeGraves, CNA ...................... Aug. 15 Julie Flodine, LPN .................................. Aug. 31 Barbara Hull, Shahbaz ............................ Aug. 24 Candace Ives, LPN ................................. Aug. 30 Nancy Mach, Nurse Sec. ........................ Aug. 12 James Martin, PTA .................................. Aug. 22 Shaylar Semour, CNA............................. Aug. 27 NAHCA NEWS This year the C.N.A. National Convention will be held Sept. 16 & 17 at the Argosy Hotel Spa & Casino in Kansas City, Missouri. LOOK!…Has anyone seen this book around Pinecrest? Mary Knauf loaned it someone, but can’t remember who. Was it you? Trivia Time: Answers to questions on page 4… 1. Olga Korbut, 2. Heated argument, 3. Blood pressure, 4. French dressing by a factor of 3-1, 5. West Virginia & Vermont, 6. Vick’s VapoRub, 7. Parrot, 8. Pony Express riders, 9. Gov’nr. Of New York, 10. Wisk, 11. “Little Boy”, 12. Alexander G. Bell, 13. Columbia River, 14. Polaroid, 15. Mosquito Pinecrest News AUGUST 2009 Page 4 of 9 1. Family Day List We encourage Residents, Families & responsible parties to attend the Resident’s Care Conference on Family Day. This month’s meeting is the last Tuesday of the month, AUGUST 25, 2009. Please contact: Bill Strem, Social Worker - 497-2133 or Jennifer DeGrand, Social Worker - 497-2150 7:30 am - 3:30 pm CT The following is a list of resident’s whose care will be reviewed this month: Linda Baird Cletus Bastian Margaret Bastian Mildred Blazer Janel Bower Shirley Brown Theresa Charlier Amelia Eilola Ada Forgette Irene Frankard Eleanor Frankini Virginia Grenier Lillian Healy David Horie Theodore Hover Mae Hupy Doris Johnson Janice Kakuk Joseph Kirschner Earl Koch Shirley Kolich Reino Lampinen Alma Larsen Lester LeBeau Ethel Lidbeck Bryon Lord Kenneth Matchett Clarence Mattson Anne Mauhar Gabriel Mouford Frances Mullin Harry Nelson June Nolde Thomas Perryman Myron Phillips Joan Poquette Lucille Poupore Robert Robinette Evelyn Sheski Lorraine Stanislawski John Stiglitz Elsie Stone Ellen SunilaVOLUNTEER(s) Constance William Tebo Nora Vanenkevort OFSzoke THE MONTH – St. John Neumann’s Parish Volunteers Llewellyn Waldo Walter Welch Betty Williams Trivia Time… 1. Who was the Russian gymnastics star in the 1972 Olympics? 2. What is a “Rhubarb” in baseball? 3. What is measured in terms of systolic and diastolic? 4. Which has more calories, a tablespoon of French dressing or a slice of bacon? 5. What two states have the word “mountain” in their official nicknames? 6. What product was named for the creator’s brother-in-law, Dr. Joshua Vick? 7. What animal head appears on the handle of Mary Poppin’s umbrella? 8. What position was filled using this 1860 want ad: “Wanted. Young, skinny, wiry fellows. Not over 18. Must be expert riders. Willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred.” 9. What political office did Franklin Roosevelt hold before winning the Presidency? 10. According to ads, what product targeted “ring around the collar”? 11. What was the code name of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima? 12. Name the famous inventor who was a founder and second president of the National Geographic Society. 13. On what river is the Grand Coulee Dam? 14. What company produced the first commercial instant camera in 1947? 15. According to the World Health Organization, what is the world’s most deadly animal, killing more than 2 million people every year? Answers can found on page 3… Pinecrest News AUGUST 2009 Page 5 of 9 LOOK HERE! . . . Family Members and Visitors – Please be careful about bringing snacks into the building. Make sure the snacks are repackaged to prevent the attraction of ants. We want to avoid an ant problem. Thank you for your cooperation. The Gift --- Pinecrest’s Auxiliary News --- Shop is open 8-4 weekdays. There is a flowered suggestion box on the first floor by the nurses’ station for ideas on how the Auxiliary could spend its money. So if you have any ideas let us know. Recent projects include: buying new folding tables, fish tank and accessories, LCD TV, and re-upholstering a lift-chair, as well as supporting on-going projects (Birthday Club, Entertainment, and Lost item replacement fund). If you have left-over garage sale items (not clothes) we could use them in the gift shop. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” --Gandhi Your donations are our means to an end; that is, supplementing Pinecrest’s programs by contributing to areas of the residents’ quality of life where Pinecrest may not have the resources. Suggestions for donations: We always have a need for “like new” items such as, jewelry, especially clip-on earrings and long necklaces, stuffed animals and even monetary donations. We will meet on the first Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Visitor’s Waiting Room Thursday, AUGUST 6th, is the next meeting. If you cannot attend the next meeting but are interested, please contact Shirley at (906) 639-2486. WELCOME to our NEW RESIDENTS Pamela Croy Grace Flynn Mary Kass Dorothy Nowak Arthur Rodman Emma Simpson Elizabeth Stewart Eunice Veraghen In Loving Memory of . . . Anna Gustafson Howard Jones Ernest Sunilla Pinecrest News AUGUST 2009 Page 6 of 9 Pinecrest Volunteer(s) of the Month – A.G.E.S. Group Area Geriatric Education Scholars Upper Peninsula Health Education Corp. sponsored 39 UP high school students at 14 long-term care sites in Summer 2009. Being tri-county owned, this year Pinecrest accepted interns from Dickinson, Delta, and Menominee counties. Olivia, Cecil, Tori & Hannah Brooke & Theresa A total of 85 students have been trained and placed through AGES since 2006. Students led Caitlyn & activities, Marilyn "job shadowed" Harry healthcare & Jessica professionals and interacted one-to-one with elderly site residents. AGES participants report that they are "very satisfied" with their educational placements and program content and would recommend the program to their friends. Many enjoyed their AGES experience so much that they remained on as volunteers at their assigned long-term care sites. AGES alumni report that they are pursuing higher education studies in nursing, physical therapy and pre-medical studies and many report that they would like to pursue healthcare employment in the UP. Some past AGES students have obtained their certifications and are working as CNAs (Certified Nurse Aides). Thank you AGES students for giving us “Moments to Remember.” Pinecrest News AUGUST 2009 Page 7 of 9 Pinecrest Resident of the Month – Joyce Daugherty Joyce and her husband Vernon “Pete” came to the U.P. in the early ‘60’s from Marion, Michigan (near Cadillac). He worked as a pipeline welder. Joyce has been a homemaker most of her adult life. Joyce raised six children (1-girl in Grand Rapids, 1-boy in New York, 3-sons in Iron Mountain and the youngest son in Texas) and has eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. They were married for 60 yrs. She has been an avid gardener, flower and vegetable. She would can many fruits and vegetables. One family favorite was canned peaches. She made especially good cinnamon rolls. She has always had pets, cats and dogs. She has enjoyed sewing and quilting. Once she let the boys build and use a .22 cal. bullet trap in the basement. She still has favorite TV shows that she watches. To name a few, The Andy Grifith Show, Sanford and Son, and the Lifetime cable channel. Joyce still enjoys walking for exercise. Congratulations to you on being selected as Resident of the Month for August. Match these Names with the correct description. . . How good are you? 1) ______Lifestyle/decorating icon, TV host, writer and editor who served prison time. 2) ______American professional sportsman who coined the term, Super Bowl; Hall of Famer in football, soccer & tennis. 3) ______“The Queen Mum” 4) ______Comedy pioneer, star, and first woman to head a major Hollywood studio 5) ______Dancer and alleged German spy who blew a kiss to her firing squad 6) ______Oscars for Rain Man and Kramer vs. Kramer but known as The Graduate 7) ______Apple computer cofounder and Dancing with the Stars contestant 8) ______Expert markswoman and star attraction of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show 9) ______American explorer and partner of Captain William Clark 10) ______TV science fiction writer and creator of the Star Trek series Answers found on page 2 A. Steve Wozniak B. Gene Roddenberry C. Lamar Hunt D. Annie Oakley E. Queen Elizabeth F. Mata Hari G. Al Roker H. Martha Stewart I. Shelley Long J. Dustin Hoffman K. Lucille Ball L. Meriwether Lewis PINECREST MEDICAL CARE FACILITY PO BOX 603 POWERS, MI 49874-0603 In case you need us … We’re at your service! Richard Mapes, Administrator ........... 497-5244 Jerry Hubbard, Asst. Administrator ....... 497-2113 Darlene Smith, Dir of Resident Services 497-2119 Jennifer DeGrand, Social Worker ...... 497-2150 Bill Strem, Social Worker .................. 497-2133 Sue Williamson, Care Mgr. ................ 497-2152 Ruth Wilson, Care Mgr. ..................... 497-2149 Doreen Stein, Care Mgr. ..................... 497-2109 1st Floor RN ........................................ 497-2136 2nd Floor RN ....................................... 497-2125 Amy Smith, Occupational Therapy .......... 497-2156 Katie O’Connell, PT ........................... 497-2141 Kelly Florenski, Tri-Co. Rehab. Dir. .. 497-2141 Stephanie Viau, OT ............................ 497-2156 Tri-County Rehabilitation Services .... 497-2120 Speech Therapy ................................................ 497-2148 Becky Gorzinski, PT Assist. ............................. 497-2146 Penney Gierke, Food Service Mgr. .................. 497-2127 Claudia Borntrager, Reg. Dietitian ................... 497-2154 Cheryl Rochon, Activity Director .................... 497-2118 Barb Blahnik, Environ./Safety Services ........... 497-2124 Shar Corrigan, Accounts Receivable ................ 497-2145 Steve Hughes, Community Relations ............... 497-2147 Jacqueline Johnson, Privacy Officer ................ 497-2123 Sandy Hayward, Personnel ............................... 497-2132 Sun AUGUST 2009 Mon Tue Wed * = Multipurpose Room Thu Fri Sat 1 2 9:30 Sensory Stim. 2:00 Ice Cream Social 3 10:00 Shopping Outing *1:30 Song Service 2:30 Rosary (2nd DR) 6:00 Social Circle 4 *10:00 Movie 2:00 Happy Hour (2nd DR) 3:30 Wii Golf 6:00 1 to 1 Visits 5 9:00 Zoo Outing 1:30 Rosary 6 9:30 Baking group *1:45 Bingo 3:30 Cards 6:00 1 to 1 Visits 7 *10:00 Mass 2:00 Happy Hour (1st) w/Paul Wedell *3:30 Volleyball 8 9:00 Ball Toss 2:00 Bingo 9 9:30 1 to 1 Visits *2:00 Lutheran Service 10 9:00 Zoo Outing *1:30 Worship & Communion Service 2:30 Rosary (2nd DR) 6:00 Resident Choice 17 *9:45 Life Connections 2:30 Rosary (2nd DR) 3:30 Sensory Stim. 6:00 1 to 1 visits 11 10:00 Bus Ride 2:00 Happy Hour (2nd) 6:00 Cribbage 12 10:00 Bunco *2:00 Jim Clements 3:30 Social Circle 13 9:45 1 to 1 visits *1:45 Bingo 3:30 Cards 6:00 Sensory Stim. 14 *10:00 Mass 2:00 Happy Hour(1st) 3:30 Fish Fry Outing 15 9:30 Aroma therapy 2:00 Bingo 18 *10:00 Movie 2:00 Happy Hour (2nd DR) 3:30 Room visits 6:00 Bowling 19 9:00 Fair Outing 20 10:00 Spa Treatments *1:45 Bingo 3:30 Cards 6:00 1 to 1 Visits 21 *10:00 Mass 2:00 Happy Hour (1st) 3:00 Croquet 22 9:30 Manicures 2:00 Bingo 24 *9:45 Life Connections *1:30 Song Service 2:30 Rosary (2nd DR) 3:30 Sensory Stim. 6:00 Room visits 31 *9:45 Life Connections 2:30 Rosary (2nd DR) 6:00 Room Visits 25 11:30 Cook out 2:00 Happy Hour (2nd ) 3:30 1 to 1 visits 6:00 Reminiscing 26 9:30 1 to 1 visits 10:00 Casino Outing 2:00 Resident Council Meeting 27 10:00 Tea Party *1:45 Bingo 3:30 Cards 6:00 1 to 1 visits 28 *10:00 Mass 2:00 Happy Hour (1st) 3:30 Fish Fry Outing 29 9:30 Trivia 2:00 Bingo 16 9:30 Board Games *2:00 Bark River Bible Church 23 9:30 Beauty Shop 2:00 Trivia 30 9:30 Resident Choice *2:00 Lutheran Service
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Pinecrest News
Bill Strem, Social Worker .................. 497-2133
Sue Williamson, Care Mgr. ................ 497-2152
Ruth Wilson, Care Mgr. ..................... 497-2149
Doreen Stein, Care Mgr. ................