Calendario para la Semana Santo y Pascua Holy Saturday / Sábado
Calendario para la Semana Santo y Pascua Holy Saturday / Sábado
March 31, 2013 EASTER SCHEDULES FOR ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Calendario para la Semana Santo y Pascua Holy Saturday / Sábado de Gloria, April 7 (Please Note: NO Confessions will be offered) (NO Morning Mass or regular 5:15pm or 7:00pm Mass will be offered during this time) 7:30pm Easter Vigil Sunday, March 31 ~ Easter Sunday / Domingo de Pascua 5:30am, 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), 3:30pm (Latin in the Extraordinary Form),6:00pm EASTER SCHEDULES FOR ST. AGNES MISSION CHURCH Saturday, March 30 ~ Holy Saturday 8:00pm Easter Vigil (Spanish) Sunday, March 31 ~ Easter Sunday 9:00am English 10:30am Spanish St. Anthony’s Staff page 2 March 31, 2013 Clergy Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar, St. Agnes Mission In Residence Parish Deacon Parish Deacon Rev. Msgr. Rob Wenzinger Rev. Fr. Loren Blessing Rev. Ricardo D. Magdaleno Rev. Msgr. Myron J. Cotta, V.G. Rev. Mr. Edward C. Valdez Rev. Mr. Ricardo DeLeon Religious Parish Sister Parish Sister Parish Sister Sr. Flor Azevedo, FHIC Sr. Rosa Maria Branco, FHIC Hna. Teresa de Jesús, MCSTNJ Confessions will NOT be offered morning or afternoon on: Saturday, March 30 Saturday, April 20 Saturday, April 27 Saturday, May 18 NO morning confessions, Saturday, June 1 Mission Statement The Catholic Christian Community of St. Anthony of Padua welcomes all to our celebrations of God’s love. Through prayer, education, sacraments, caring and stewardship, we strive to serve the needs of God’s people and to gain a richer understanding of the gospel message of love. St. Anthony of Padua Parish Office will be closed: Friday, March 29 at 12:00pm and Monday, April 1 ALL DAY We will reopen on Tuesday, April 2 with our normal business hours. POLICY FOR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deadline: 11 days prior to the Sunday you’d like your article to be considered for publication. Format: Typewritten, e-mail is preferable Send articles to Jan by e-mail @ [email protected] Note: The editor’s deadline is set by the publisher and is non-negotiable. Due to this reason, late articles will not be accepted. Articles must be approved prior to appearing in the bulletin. We reserve the right to edit articles. St. Anthony of Padua 5770 N. Maroa, Fresno Ca 93704-2038 (559) 439-0124 Fax: (559) 439-3050 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm (open during lunch) Mass Schedule Saturday: 8:00am., 5:15pm (Vigil Mass), 7:00pm (Spanish) Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), 3:30pm (Latin), 6:00pm Daily Mass Schedule (September - May) Monday - Thursday: 6:45am, 8:00am Friday: 6:45am, 8:45am First Friday: 5:30pm (Chapel) Misa en español del Primer Viernes: 7:00pm (Capilla de Guadalupe) Perpetual Adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week located in the Parish Office Sacrament of Reconciliation (confesiones) Saturday: 11:00am - 12:00pm AND 2:30pm - 4:30pm St Agnes Mission Church 111 W. Birch St., Pinedale, Ca 93650 (559) 439-2100 Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 4:00pm (Closed for lunch 12:30 - 1:30pm) (Closed Wednesdays) Mass Schedule Sunday: 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish) No Daily Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Confessions will be held at St. Anthony's Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday: 7:00 - 8:00pm St. Anthony’s School 5680 N. Maroa, Fresno, Ca 93704 (559) 435-0700 Fax: (559) 435-6749 Principal: Mrs. Kim Cochran Sacraments page 3 READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT #902 Banns of Marriage Readings and Mass Intentions (March 31 - April 7, 2013) The following couples will marry in the coming weeks: Sunday 3/31 Thomas Harley and Caroline Hansen James Mendrin and Adrienne Cappelluti Michael Rojas and Ashley Oakes 5:30am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:oo pm If you know of any canonical reason for them not to be married, please contact the Parish Office. Recently Requested Masses And Intentions Mary Downs by Richard Downs Margarita Monterrubio by Marc J and Lucy Vasquez Ernest Valorosi by Frank & Diane Witherow Ernest Valorosi by Bill & Louise Weakland John Orlando by Bea Franz Fatima Mendonca by Eliseo & Nivia Cuellar Juana Chavez by Eliseo & Nivia Cuellar David Richard Clymore by John & MaryPat Woolf Alyce Shirley Hartunian by John & MaryPat Woolf Intentions Shirley Moore by Sally Lauritzen Melissa Powers & family by A Prayer Pal Fernando Gonzalez by his daughter Irmalinda & Rafael Gutierrez by their friends Intentions of John Kasaian & family by Suzelle, Claire & John Michael by his family # 902 Monday 4/1 6:45 am 8:00 am Tuesday 4/2 6:45 am 8:00 am Wednesday 4/3 6:45 am 8:00 am Thursday 4/4 6:45 am 8:00 am Friday 4/5 6:45 am 8:45 am 5:30pm 7:00pm Saturday 4/6 Pray for the Sick: We pray for all those who are sick. May they feel the healing power of our prayers. Condolences: We pray for all the faithful departed. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or (at an afternoon or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35 Salubong Mass † Mary Pia by Gloria & Eddy Lopes † Deceased Members of the Fazio, Pecora, & Tricarico Families Intentions of Carl Olson by Marketa Limova † Roy Silva by J. Silva † Jacqueline Carey by Tom & MaryKay Hackett † Nettie Armas by Pat & Linda Mastro Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 † Carrie Dunn Penchuk by her mother, Ann Rader † John Marcelle by Irene Danks Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 † Carl Orlando by Mike & Sara Orlando † Livia Pukish by Georgina Reynolds & family Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 † Departed Souls of SA-Legion of Mary by SA-Legion of Mary † Agnes Consolascio by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rotella Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 † Gary Gentile by Jube & Mary Najarian † Eleanor Stittich by Ron & Kathi O’Rourke Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 † Jane, Solag & Linda Dalition by Geo Dalition † Elizabeth Fry by her daughters † Mary Bernard by The Monahan Family † Mary & Joe Silva by J. Silva Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 8:00 am † Cynthia Chavez by Manuel Chavez 5:15 pm † Aldo Pistacchio by Patty Fahrney 7:00 pm (Spanish) † Ray Saldate by Hilda Saldate Sunday 4/7 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:oo pm Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 † Elliott Chielpegian by Pat & Linda Mastro † Nathan D. Nelson by Ron & Kathi O’Rourke † Michael Coyle by Nikki & Giuiliano DiCicco Family Pro Populo † William S. Whitehurst by Ann, Wm,Wiinston,&Warren † Francis & Lorraine VanAnne by Larry & Ravar Holody Marriage: Love and Life In The Divine Plan: Unitive and Procreative For the weekend of March 17, 2013 This week’s plate income: $24,593.00 Last year’s plate income: $33,275.57 Difference: + $ 1,317.43 Year to Date Plate Collection: 7/1/2011 – 2/29/2012 $ 849,638.50 7/1/2012 – 2/28/2013 $ 874,115.55 Difference + $24,477.05 Thank you for your generosity! “Conjugal love expresses the unitive meaning of marriage in such a way as to show how this meaning is ordered toward the equally obvious procreative meaning. The unitive meaning is distorted if the procreative meaning is deliberately disavowed… Likewise, the procreative meaning of marriage is degraded without the unitive.” (Excerpted from the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter entitled Marriage: Love and Life In The Divine Plan. To read the document go to Prayer to God the Father of All Life Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the Fatherly care which You extend to all creation, and especially to us, made in Your image and likeness. Bless our families and bless our land, that we may have the joy of welcoming and nurturing the life of which You are the source and the Eternal Father. Amen. Religious Education Page 4 March 31, 2013 Edge All 6th, 7th, & 8th graders ALWAYS WELCOME! Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:45pm in the Social Hall Happy Easter! April 9 ~ XLT Sharon Christison at 439-0124 ext. 111 or [email protected] STEUBENVILLE SAN DIEGO is an amazing annual gathering of Catholic teens held at the University of San Diego. Join over 4,000 Catholic teens and their chaperones for a weekend FULL of fun, friendship and faith. There's great music, incredible speakers , time for prayer and really good food! WHEN: July 26 - 28, 2013 WHERE: Jenny Craig Pavilion @ the University of San Diego WHO: All high school teens, graduating 8th graders (incoming freshmen) through 2013 graduating seniors. (NOTE: There is also a young adult tract if you are over 18 and have been out of high school 1 year or more.) COST: $275 includes travel, food and lodging @ USD, and t-shirt. ("Travel meals," snacks and souvenirs are NOT included.) Registration forms are available in the parish office or online at You may email Sharon Christison at [email protected]. RADIANT JOY Life Teen All teens in High School are welcome to attend our 6:00pm Mass. Come sit up front in the Main Section of the Church. Our Life Nights immediately follow until 9:00pm. Life Night April 7th th April 14 w/Ike Ndolo Band Tickets available call Sharon at 439-0124x111 Tickets are 10 dollars all are invited to attend! GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER Religious Education Program for K - 6th grades NO CLASSES ON: Sunday, March 31st or Tuesday, April 2nd HAPPY EASTER! For more information, please contact: Mary Briseño at 439-0124 ext. 119, [email protected] Our Little Rock Scripture Study series continues with the Gospel of John. Join us on Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Board Room of the Parish Center. New members are always welcome. Materials are available from the facilitator. This study began a few weeks ago but it’s not too late to jump in and pick up where we are. We look forward to you joining us. If you have any questions, please call Martha @ 439-0124, ext. 114. R.C.I.A ~ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults ~ Do know anyone who may be interested in becoming part of the Catholic church? Or maybe someone who is in need of Confirmation or First Communion? Please join us. We meet every Tuesday @ 6:30pm in the Conference Room. New inquirers are always welcome ~ no preregistration is required. (accompanying friends are welcome too)! Please JOIN us! Contact Martha if you have any questions or just need more information at 439-0124 ext 114. Parish Ministries www.stanthonyfresno. “Do not be afraid! I know you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said.” Alleluia, Alleluia!! Page 5 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY DEVOTIONS NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2013 @ ST. ANTHONY OF “Jesus, I Trust PADUA CHURCH in You” Come join us as we will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday Devotions @ 2:30pm in the Main Church…by reciting the praises, singing the Chaplet of Mercy and Venerate the Image of the Divine Mercy, and as we pray for God’s Mercy on the Whole World… Jesus told St. Faustina, "Write down these words, My daughter. Speak to the world about My mercy...While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My Mercy" (1680) ~ Matthew 28:5 SAVE THE DATE! 3-DAY PARISH MISSSION W / REV. CEDRIC PISEGNA, C.P. @ ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH MAY 13th - 15th MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY! Morning Missions w/Mass @ 9:30am Evening Missions @ 7pm - NO Mass Tuesday evening Confessions Wednesday, May 15th evening: ‘Mass to the Holy Spirit’ Childcare is available for questions? Please contact the Office of Ministries at: 439-0124, 112. THERE WILL BE NO MINISTRY CORE GROUP MEETING IN APRIL! See you in June! Thank you and May God bless you for all your good works! HAPPY EASTER - HE IS RISEN! During the Holy Triduum the Adoration Chapel will be closed @ 6pm on Holy Thursday March 28th thru March 30th. After the Easter Vigil the Eucharist will be reposed in the tabernacle. On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 @ 7:30am the chapel will reopen and the Eucharist will be exposed in the monstrance. Thank you for your patience… Happy Easter, He is Risen! There will be NO TUESDAY NIGHT FAITH BIBLE STUDY w/Deacon Ed Valdez on Tuesday, April 2nd, class will RESUME on Tuesday, April 9th. See you then! There will be NO Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study Class on April 4th - Easter break. Class will RESUME on THURSDAY, APRIL 11th. See you then...Happy Easter Resurrection! SILVER ANGELS SENIOR MINISTRY will host a ‘SPRING BOUTIQUE!’ SATURDAY & SUNDAY! APRIL 13th & 14th WEEKEND! QUEEN OF THE HOLY FAMILY GUILD All women of the parish are invited to the: Queen of the Holy Family Guild Meeting on Thursday, April 4th @ 6:30pm in the Conference Room. Please call Pat at: 431-5246 or Irene at:431-0167 Where: Conference Room Times: Saturday - 4:00pm to 7:00pm Sunday - 7:30am to 3:00pm We will have a wonderful variety of items, including baked goods, craft items, and water color paintings. First Friday Mass April 5, 2013 Everyone is welcome to join the St. Padre Pio Devotees as they gather for Mass @ 5:30pm on First Friday in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction, immediately following a conclusion of prayers for the intercession of St. Padre Pio. Please be sure to stop by! “If we only knew how God regards this Sacrifice, we would risk our lives to be present at a single Mass.” ~ St. Pio of Pietrelcino News You Can Use Page 6 March 31, 2013 St. Agnes Mission Church We would like to acknowledge our most recently confirmed high school students! Our prayers and blessings are with each of you, your parents and sponsors. A special thank you goes to our CCD Director, Phyllis Carmona and to Fr. Ricardo Magdaleno for the countless hours of preparation, modeling and sharing our faith with these young men and women. Alexis Barajas Mykal Estrada Joanna Moreno Jose Moreno Gabriella Reyes Georgianna Reyes Marcos Valencia Rebecca Valencia FR. MAURICE EMELU . . . . . . .is the founder of Grace To You Ministries. A nonprofit international organization dedicated to sharing the gospel of life, love and grace; and to promoting the catholic principles for life and living across the globe through the modern means of communication. Where: Time: Cost: Contact: St. Anthony of Padua 8:00am - 3:00pm $20/person (lunch included) before April 10, 2013 $30/person on-site Christy Villas 271-1246, Tessie 824-7923, Alice 227-2634, Inez 790-7476 LENT TO TRIDUUM: JOURNEY OF CONVERSION The Year of Faith is a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord Jesus, the world’s only Savior. In the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection, God has revealed, in its fullness, the love that saves and calls us to conversion of life through forgiveness of our sins (see Benedict XVI, Door of Faith, 6). March, in this Year of Faith, leads us by Lent’s journey of conversion to the Paschal Triduum: Holy Thursday’s foot washing and Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday’s celebration of Jesus’ lifegiving passion, the Vigil and Easter morning’s joy at Jesus’ glorious resurrection. In some parishes, especially those with catechumens, the March Gospels challenge us to join the Samaritan woman and the man blind from birth in deepening our understanding of Jesus as more than a prophet, indeed the Savior of the world. In other parishes, the Gospels invite us to let the Lord “prune” us of sin that we may bear fruit while there is time; to return as prodigals to our Father’s house and ease the welcome home for fellow sinners; to embrace as our own the pardon Jesus so graciously offered the woman caught in adultery. These Gospels bid us open our hearts to God’s gentle but powerful grace slowly purifying and transforming our thoughts and relationships, our mentality and conduct. But if at Easter we find ourselves disappointed at the incompleteness of our transformation, Lent’s yearly recurrence reminds us: conversion, like the journey of faith, is indeed a journey that lasts a lifetime. MISSION Seek forgiveness and reconciliation in the sacrament of penance and offer forgiveness and reconciliation to those with whom I am not at peace. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. EASTERTIME A Sense of the Season First, we kept the forty days, with praying, fasting and giving alms. Then we celebrated the three days of Christ’s passion, dying and rising. Now we delight in the fifty days, with rejoicing, feasting and giving witness! The season of Easter is fifty days long. It is a time of unbridled joy, of exuberant rejoicing. The church tells us, “The fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost are celebrated in joyful exultation as one feast day, or better as one ‘great Sunday.’ These above all others are days for the singing of the Alleluia.” (General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar, #22) Why is Eastertime fifty days? The ancient cultures that gave us the Bible had great respect for numbers. They believed that numbers contained hints about God and the meaning of life. The number seven was thought to contain fullness: There are seven days in the week, according to God’s original way of ordering time, creating all that there is and resting. So if you multiply 7 times 7, you have “fullness times fullness.” But wait! 727 is 49! With God, there is always more—more than we can ever imagine. So our holy season of Easter is even more than “fullness times fullness.” It’s “fullness times fullness” and then some: 727+1. That’s what love is like: more than we can ever imagine. That’s what heaven is going to be like: more than we can ever imagine. The fifty days are days for looking for the risen Lord among us, for hearing in each other’s stories of rising from the big and small deaths, days when we experience something of Christ’s triumphs. That’s why we look to the newly baptized, robed in bright new clothes and oily with gladness: At Easter, they died and rose with Christ! Now they take their places with us. Together, like the apostles who were so full of the Spirit that people thought they were drunk, we rush about with good and giddy news: Death is not the last word! Life and love are forever! And slowly, painstakingly, we work together, together with Christ, to change this world into the world to come. Sing Alleluia! Copyright © 1997 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933- Around our Diocese page 7 Channel 49 to benefit WtàxM Tuesday, April 30 g|ÅxM 5:00pm - 10:30pm 7HC per ticket (includes tax and gratuity) \ÇvÄâwxáM Appetizer, Salad, Entrée and Dessert j|Çx? Tâvà|ÉÇ tÇw etyyÄx TwätÇvx ÑâÜv{táx à|v~xàá tÇw ÜxáxÜätà|ÉÇá? ÜxÖâ|Üxw Please call FIVE Restaurant at 434-5553 to reserve your table. For tickets call Catholic Charities at 237-0851 or e-mail Kelly Lilles at [email protected] CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CLUB The guest speaker for the April meeting will be Jed York. Jed became CEO of the San Francisco 49ers in 2010. His promotion of Trent Baalke to General Manager and the hiring of Jim Harbaugh as Head Coach put the 49ers back in the playoffs after a ten season hiatus. York spearheaded a successful ballot measure for the first LEED certified NFL stadium in 2010. York secured financing in 2011 and obtained $200 of NFL support for the support for the Santa Clara stadium in February 2012. When: April 12, 2013 Time: 7:15am Where: Pardini’s (2257 W Shaw) Did you know that St. Anthony’s is the ONLY Catholic church in the Fresno area that broadcasts the Sunday Mass? We do, every Sunday on IMMACULATE HEART RADIO (1250AM) at 11:00am. So if you are unable to attend Mass, please tune in and listen along with us. Married Singles Lifestyle The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the July program in Bakersfield beginning with a weekend on July 12-14 call 661-747-2212 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at VOLUNTEER AT ST. AGNES - SHARE IN A SACRED TRUST Join our St. Agnes community of caring, compassionate volunteers who share in the ministry of visiting the sick and Eucharistic Ministry. The Center for Spiritual Care will offer training to Eucharistic Ministers in spirituality, prayer, listening, diversity, grief and loss beginning April 11, 2013. Please call 450-3854 for information or registration. HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Pagina 8 Marzo 31, 2013 TRANSFORMACIÓN El punto culminante de nuestra fe cristiana y la fiesta más importante de todo el año de la Iglesia se celebra hoy. Jesús glorioso y resucitado tiene que haber lucido diferente de alguna manera, pues sus discípulos no pudieron reconocerlo enseguida, ni siquiera aquellos que lo conocían mejor, a quienes Jesús tuvo que asegurarles que no era un fantasma. Invita a Tomás a que toque sus llagas, toma el desayuno con Pedro y sus compañeros junto al lago y en Emaús dos discípulos lo “ven” cuando toma el pan, lo bendice, lo parte y se los entrega. Nosotros recibimos a este mismo Jesús en cada Eucaristía. Dorothy Day se dio cuenta que conocemos a Dios y a los demás al partir el pan y que este hecho acaba con nuestra soledad. Day se convirtió en una de las más grandes campeonas en favor de los pobres, los abandonados, los hambrientos y los vagabundos. La verdadera fe, como la de Dorothy Day, nos transforma. Algunos experimentan una conversión súbita, mientras que para otros es un proceso más lento que se va desenvolviendo en el transcurso del tiempo. Si llegamos a conocer la verdad de la Pascua, ella emanará y se desbordará de nuestra propia vida llegando a todos los que nos rodean. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. AÑO DE LA FE: ABRIL DE 2013 Tiempo de Pascua: llamado a la evangelización Meditación Por la fe, los discípulos formaron la primera comunidad reunida en torno a la enseñanza de los apóstoles, la oración y la celebración de la Eucaristía, poniendo en común todos sus bienes para atender las necesidades de los hermanos. (ver Benedicto XVI, La puerta de la fe, 13). AÑO DE LA FE - Misión Ser el tipo de discípulo, personalmente y en comunión con mis hermanos y hermanas, en quien los que buscan a Jesús puedan ver por lo menos un vistazo de su presencia. Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Oremos a Dios en la Pascua, para que nunca más veamos la oscuridad. Pidámosle al Señor que abra nuestros ojos para reconocerlo al partir el pan y que nos dé la fuerza para seguirlo en su vida gloriosa. Derechos de autor © 2012, MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: SÁBADO 7:00PM Y DOMINGO A LA 1:00PM - AÑO DE LA FE HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Marzo 31, 2013 Pagina 9 Bienvenidos! NUEVOS FELIGRESES Le damos la más cordial bienvenida a todas las familias y personas que nos acompañan en nuestras celebraciones litúrgicas, o que se han mudado recientemente a este vecindario y ahora son parte de esta comunidad de fe. Los invitamos a pasar por la oficina y se inscriban como miembros de St. Anthony of Padua. Es importante que estén registrados en la parroquia, como miembros, para poder servirles mejor! BAUTISMOS: Pase a la oficina de la parroquia para reservar la fecha deseada para el bautizo de su bebe y para registrarse (papás y padrinos) para las platicas de preparación para este sacramento. PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES: Papás y Padrinos necesitan tomar las platicas pre-bautismales dos meses antes del bautismo. QUINCEAÑERAS: Recoja y repase el folleto de información antes de hacer una cita para reservar la fecha deseada para la misa de quince años. BODAS: Parejas que desean recibir el Sacramento de Matrimonio en St. Anthony of Padua necesitan recoger el folleto de información y después comunicarse con la coordinadora de este sacramento por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada para su boda. PRESENTACIONES: Las familias que desean presentar a sus hijos recién nacidos, de 40 días, o 3 años en la iglesia, necesitan pasar a la oficina para reservar la fecha de presentación. HOMEBOUND (VISITAS A LOS ENFERMOS) informe a la Hna. Tere al 439-0124 x. 113 de cualquier persona, familiar o vecino que esta en el hospital, asilo de ancianos o en casa para que sean visitados por un miembro del Ministerio de Enfermos. A la misma vez invitamos a personas que les gustaría ser parte de este importante ministerio. REUNIÓN DE COORDINADORES DE MINISTERIOS HISPANOS. TODOS los coordinadores, representantes de los diferentes grupos de St. Anthony necesitan estar presentes en esta reunión. Traer reportes en escrito por favor. 6:00pm Salón #21. Felicitamos a nuestros jóvenes del 2do año de confirmación del programa en español que el día sábado 23 de marzo, 2013 recibieron el Sacramento de Confirmación y en plenitud la gracia y los dones del Espíritu Santo a través de nuestro Obispo Armando Xavier Ochoa CONFIRMADOS: ALEXANDRA GUADALUPE MARIA MAGDALENA CANSECO ILENE CERVANTES ESCOBAR ARTEMIO ALBERTO DIAZ DYLAN NATHANIEL JOSE FLORENTINO JOSE SERGIO THOMAS FLORES URIBE MONICA CATALINA GARCIA CINDY INES GARZON JACQUELINE CAMILA GOMEZ GONZALES JENIFFER THERESE GOMEZ GONZALES KARLA SELENE CATHERINE GUERRERO VERONICA MICHELLE MALDONADO LETICIA CATHERINE MORALES ISABEL MORALES GONZALEZ CESAR CHAYANNE JOSE ORTEGA DEL TORO JONATHAN DE JESUS RODRIGUEZ VAZQUEZ DANIEL SANTIAGO SANCHEZ LUIS ANGEL JUAN SILVA AGUILAR SAILOR JAVIER VEGA ARLEEN LILIBETH ANGELA VELASQUEZ LOPEZ Oremos por ellos para que sigan luchando por una vida de santidad y nunca dejen de lado la oración para que se mantengan fuertes en la fe. “Felices Pascuas” Pascua viene de una palabra hebrea pesah que quiere decir “lugar de pastos” e indica el final de un periodo de ayuno. La Pascua Judía celebra la libertad del cautiverio de Egipto. El cristianismo tomo la fiesta de la Pascua para celebrar la muerte y resurrección de Jesús quien nos da la libertad del cautiverio pecaminoso de nuestras vidas. Eventualmente el uso de “Pascua” pasó a indicar cualquier evento en la vida de Jesús que añade a la libertad que nos obtuvo en su vida, cruz y resurrección. He aquí porque tradicionalmente se hablaba de la Pascua del Nacimiento, o Pascua de Resurrección y la Pascua del Espíritu Santo (Pentecostés) y todavía en grandes fiestas religiosas del año la gente se saluda con “Felices Pascuas”. En EE.UU., Argentina y otros países se celebra la Pascua (Easter en inglés) con la búsqueda de huevos multicolores y supuestamente traídos por una coneja. Easter era una diosa teutónica cuyos símbolos eran el huevo y la coneja, símbolos de vida y fertilidad que pasaron a representar la nueva vida que se nos da al ser liberados del pecado por la pascua de Jesús. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. AÑO DE LA FE - MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: SÁBADO 7:00PM Y DOMINGO A LA 1:00PM - AÑO DE LA FE Page 10 Easter Sunday March 31, 2013 Comment Compared to the readings of the Easter Vigil, those for Easter Sunday may seem a bit anticlimactic. While the readings for the Vigil build and rise to a glorious crescendo, today’s readings are more subdued, like the stillness before dawn, before the first light. In fact, the joy and excitement of the day come bursting through mainly in the responsorial psalm: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad” (Psalm 118:24). In the first reading, Peter is preaching the fundamentals of faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus to the Roman New Life centurion Cornelius—who observed the Jewish faith but who New life abounds! Fresh signs of resurrection surround us. was not circumcised—and to his Gentile family and friends. The work of Lent is done: hatchets are buried, fences are Jesus, who “went about doing good and healing,” was crucified, mended, grudges forgotten. Christ is risen! New life whom “God raised on the third day,” who was seen by “witnesses … who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead” (Acts 10:38, 40–41). So much of God’s generosity in Christ Jesus is crammed into so few words, much of the formula of faith from the apostolic community. Paul’s letter reminds us that we all have a part in the Resurrection. We have all died and risen with Christ. That is why the Resurrection makes an impact on our lives here and now. We’re called to be people alive in Christ, people bound for glory together with him. John’s account of the Resurrection is not simply low-key. Rather, the evangelist offers a number of details that reveal a “coming to light,” as it were. Mary, expecting to prepare the body of Jesus for permanent burial, finds an empty tomb. She does not understand and hurries to Peter and John with the shocking news. The two apostles come to the burial site. John remembers how the garments of death have fallen and how one is carefully rolled. The men do not know what to make of this. Experience will have to follow. Faith will follow. Light will dawn. New life will come. Reflection Resurrection does not mean—just cannot mean—return to everyday life. Resurrection means a breakthrough to the extraordinary life Jesus promised when he said, “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Jesus rose from the dead to make that abundantly clear. He ascended to “God’s right hand” not only to show us that heaven is our home, but to ready it for our arrival. We look forward to that homecoming and recognize that Jesus himself will be our ultimate “judge.” We anticipate that judgment, believing that Jesus, who knows first-hand our condition—our sufferings, temptations, joys, desires, and trials—and who came to call sinners, refused to cast the first stone, and declined to condemn, will be there to welcome us and to act as a compassionate judge. We look forward to that day as one of hope and ultimate joy, a day of mercy, not merit, a day of grace, not disgrace. Are we ready to rise? Rise from the dead? Can we put aside anxious and tentative living and embrace life with confidence and surety? Jesus’ resurrection assures us that we can, for Jesus died and rose not for himself, but for us. Easter reconciles us with creation, with ourselves, and with God. Winter is over; the dead time is past. Now is the time for living. Now is the time for embracing one another and the future with renewed humanity and unclouded hope. Copyright © 2003, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD I can remember as a child being afraid of the dark. Not all the time—just usually after seeing a horror movie. For nights after, I would peer into the darkness, trying to make sure there was nothing out there. Even as an adult there have been times when I walked through a dark place feeling an uneasiness that was hard to shake. Easter in the Gospel of John begins in the dark. Night still holds the earth in its embrace. Darkness also gripped the hearts of Jesus’ followers—the darkness of grief, sorrow, and hopelessness. Jesus of Nazareth—who had preached in a way no one else ever had, who had worked deeds of great power by curing the sick, healing lepers, giving sight to the blind, lifting up the lame, and who had even called the dead back to life—had been crucified and laid in the tomb. A large stone had been rolled in front of the entrance, death’s final punctuation mark. Only John tells us there was a garden where he was crucified, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid. From this garden God decided to begin creation anew, so while it was still dark God breathed once again into a human figure, and the new Adam was raised up and would never die. Not all darkness is to be feared. Sometimes it may even be necessary, summoning God to create once again, dispelling the shadow of death and despair that can settle over the human heart. -James A. Wallace, LIVING GOD’S WORD We pray to God on Easter that we shall never again see darkness. We ask God to open our eyes to know him in the breaking of bread and we ask for the strength to follow him in his risen life. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. DR. 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BULLARD PHARMACY The Finest in Banquets (559) 222-2453 Hours M-F 8:30-7, Sat. 9-5 2026 W. Bullard at West 438-0111 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Whitehurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Call 222-9923 1525 E. Saginaw Way – Fresno, CA – 558.227.4048 Donald Cardell FD1185 Mgr. for an Appointment 125 E. Barstow Avenue, Ste 101 Most Dental Insurance Accepted Gentle & Professional Staff Hablamos Español Ja i m e ’s D e s i g n s & F l o o r s “2 Generations Serving Fresno for Over 35 Years” Flooring and Complete Remodeling “You Dream It, WE’LL DO IT” N OW ! 2 L o c a t i o n s To S e r ve Yo u Lic. #842258 1932 E. Home (559) 268-6286 Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days a Week 5279 N. Blackstone Ave. (559) 435-6570 Janine Esquivel Abogada/Attorney CRIBARI VINEYARDS Serving the Clergy for Four Generations Fresno Catherine Irasusta, D.D.S. Gentle Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 1575 W. Shaw (bet. 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