N E W S L E T T E R - Waikato Classic Motorcycle Club


N E W S L E T T E R - Waikato Classic Motorcycle Club
[email protected]
[email protected]
Web site:http://www.classicbikes.co.nz
Meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the Month held at the Beerescourt Bowling Club Rooms, Maeroa Road,
Hamilton. Starting at 7-30pm
1929 BSA S29 Sloper.
Sender: 14 Cooper Cres, Norfolk Downs,Cambridge 3434
Commenced 7-45pm Present 28.
Apologies:- Les Garrett, Marg Cartwright, Peter Cooper, Roy Wheaton, Geoff Long, Brian Izzard, Archie
Stutt, Bryan Dawson.
Minutes of the last meeting as per the newsletter taken as read.
Reports:26/7 Okoroire. Steve gave a brief report as per his report in the newsletter.
Next Runs:16/8 – Rider training – show of hands indicated interest – about 15 – 20 people.
Time and place in the newsletter.
30/8 – To Les and Heathers – social run. Meet, time and place in the newsletter.
September Weekend Run – Steve advised the planned itinerary. Discussion followed. Full details to go in
September newsletter.
Club Tour
Ken advises that he has 4 – 6 places which ideally need to be filled as some costs have been fixed on
original numbers going. All arrangements are well sorted. Will have a newsletter out shortly.
Next Meeting:Reminder that it is the AGM.
Trophies:Again requested nominations.
Web Site:Ken reported that it is right up to date, and busy with enquiries. In particular a contact from a similar club in
Australia. We are working towards an exchange of information, newsletters etc. Perhaps a future meet up
here or over there!
Guest Speaker:Grant from Passrite Driving Academy who touched on many aspects of riding including, steering, braking,
balance, looking where going, cornering, throttle and brake control, round-a-bouts, tyres, blind areas and
formation riding.
Good discussion followed.
Meeting closed 9-30pm.
Another year passes in the history of the Waikato Classic Motorcycle Club and another rather
successful twelve months. Our swap meet was one of the best we have had in recent years with both
buyers, sellers and tyre kickers up on numbers. Unfortunately it wasn't the financial bonanza we
normally expect as we were not able to provide our own catering but still a great day and a big
thankyou to all those who gave up their time and helped out on the day.
Rally organised by Nelson was another of our successes with detours along roads that only Nelson
seems to know about.
We again won the trophy for the best club attendance at the Tauranga Clubs Annual Rally. For those
of you that missed out on this rally try to make it next year as it's one of the best around.
The clubs' web site is now well established and a special thanks to Ken for the work he puts in
keeping it updated.
Our monthly club runs have been a bit of a mixed bag this year some really successful but others very
disappointing. When you consider we have over 100 members and we struggle to get more than half a
dozen bikes on the road I don't know what we have to do to get more of you out there on a Sunday
This is also the time of the year to thank all those members who put in such a lot of time and effort into
the running of our club. Ian and Marg who toil away looking after our finances, secretarial work,
monthly newsletter and the tasty treats for our monthly meetings. Ken is without doubt one of the
hardest if not the hardest working club member. I would hate to think how much time he puts into
organising our South Island tours. Another guy who puts in the hours is our club captain Steve Hardy
organising the monthly runs and the club project bike. There are also those who do a lot behind the
scenes such as Brian Gaylor our unofficial tea and coffee maker at club meetings and club carpenter
making all the tour bike transport frames. There are so many people doing there own little bit to make
this club the success that it is.
Well this will be my final act as club president as I will be handing over the reins after two very
enjoyable years. I wish Dave all the very best for the future as our new club president.
Cheers and remember stay upright.
With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world
at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a
very important person, which almost went unnoticed
last week.
Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Tokey",
died peacefully at age 93.
The most traumatic part for his family was getting him
into the coffin.
They put his left leg in, and then the trouble started.
Is this our new club President!!
This is a run to Waiuku and the Awhitu Peninsular
staying overnight in the Waiuku Hotel.
We will meet up with some of our Auckland members
on this trip, and visit some places of interest.
Departure is at 10am from the Placemakers Car Park
at TeRapa.
If you intend going please confirm this with Club
Captain Steve Hardy ASAP so that accommodation
can be reserved.
No doubt you have heard that as from 1st November it will be compulsory to use headlights during
the daytime (as well as at night!)
However I understand that this will apply only to machines built after 1st January 1980. At this point I
have not seen any advices or information from official sources.
16 people attended.
9 bikes and 2 cars made their way to Les and Heather's at Pirongia, arriving around 11am. After a
good poke around in the shed, Heather put on her usual great spread for lunch – enough to feed
an army!
It started to rain about 1pm and looked fairly set in, so around 2pm we all headed off in various
directions homeward.
Many thanks to Les and Heather for their hospitality.
A vacancy has arisen for about 4 people to join the tour to the South Island in November.
Bike not necessary as a coach is travelling with us.
Please contact Ken: Phone 847-4412 as soon as possible if interested.
Sympathy:Our sympathy goes to Geoff and Susie Long. Geoff's Mum passed away last month.
Congratulations;Our congratulations go to Tony and Eunice Rika on celebrating 50 years of marriage.
The club has enjoyed another successful year, recording a modest profit of just under $600.
Major items of income were :- Subs $2180, Swap Meet $1500 and Investment interest $681
Major expenses were:- Newsletter $1710, Web site etc $468, Insurance $395, Interclub BBQ $423
and Social expenses $342.
The club is in a sound financial position with a good cash reserve.
A copy of the accounts is available to financial members on request.
Provided that the status quo remains I don't see a need for any changes.
Accordingly I recommend that the subs remain at $20 for the next financial year.
Ian (Secretary Treasurer)
I recently decided to refurbish my Ariel Arrow, which has been out of commission for several
A visit to the website for Draganfly Motorcycles, a check of the on line parts list and an order
was placed for a set of new pistons etc. These duly arrived in about 10 days.
I then selected a pair of suitable Barrels and took them to a local engineering shop owned
by Ian Goodwin. Ian is well regarded in Vintage and Classic Car circles and also does quite a
bit of motorcycle stuff. He has a keen interest in any older engines. I found him very helpful
and obliging (He even loaned me a couple of tools) and I am pleased with the result.
If you are looking for precision motor work to be done I would certainly recommend that you
consider Ian for the task.
A few days later I prepared to reassemble the motor but
when I fully unpacked the piston kits to my horror I found that
one of the piston rings was broken. I sent off an email to
Draganfly advising them of this transit damage, and they
responded within a few hours that a replacement was on its
Sure enough, seven days later a replacement set of 2 rings
arrived in the mail absolutely free of charge.
I have dealt with Draganfly before and have always found their service excellent, so if you
are after Ariel or BSA parts I highly recommend them.
I have replied to them thanking them for their service and attaching a copy of this newsletter
for their information.
Announced in August 1926, the Sloper was introduced in 1927. With its overhead valve cylinder angled
forward, the Sloper's low rakish looks were in tune with the times. With a wet sump, saddle tank and a
90 degree valve angle the S29 was absolutely up to the minute. Producing 18hp, capable of delivering
a respectable 70mph and priced at forty seven pounds, the Sloper was an immediate success and
what it lacked in speed it made up for in style.
Selling over 80 thousand units, the BSA Sloper proved to be a company favourite and suggested that
the publics aesthetic eye was maturing.
I was walking past a place and I heard people inside chanting "thirteen, thirteen, thirteen"
Quite curious about, I found a hole in the fence and looked in. Someone inside poked me
in the eye!
Then everyone inside started chanting "fourteen, fourteen, fourteen"!!
Next Committee meeting 7-30pm Tuesday 29th September Dave at Keogh's.
Speedo Cables:
Speedo Cables made to order for all models.
Contact Doug Pickerill on 07 849 3104
Club Shirts:
$25 each see Rob Marden.
Club Badges:
$5 each See Ian
Eze Products For Sale:
$10 each see Ian
Ezewash / Ezeshine
Eze Tyre Shine
These are very good products and are Club branded!
Contact Rob Marden to purchase these.
Dririder Motorcycle Jacket
Size – 56/46 2XL. Removable wet weather liner and Thermal liner in good
condition – worn only half a dozen times.
Brand new R-Jays
Wet weather Trousers, never worn! Have removable thermal liners.
Size Large.
Buy both for $150-00 only!! A real bargain.
Contact Dave Keogh on:- 07-855-4355 or 021547761
We have created a register of special tools which members own, and are prepared to lend to
other members.
If you are prepared to add something to the register, please contact Marg on (07) 827-4317 so
it can be added to the register.
We currently have on the register:
Tap and Die Set
Triumph sprung hub tool
Side Valve Spring Compressor
Two Legged Gear Puller
Brake Lining Rivet Punch
BSA Staunchion Puller
Matchless Staunchion Puller
07- 847-4412
07- 847-4981
07- 871-5540
07- 871-5540
07- 847-4226
As a popular saying goes " You are never to old to learn". Well a dozen or so of us can vouch
for that after attending the Rider Training Course put on by the Pass Rite Driving Academy a
couple of Sundays ago. Grant the instructor put us all through our paces mainly on controlling
the bikes at slow speeds. This is a skill that many of us have never been taught and it was a real
eye opener. By the end of the morning we had mastered steering lock to lock using no throttle
and clutch, tight circle riding at ultra low speed and weaving through a cone course again with
no throttle and clutch. The final exercise was riding through a tight corner at a constant speed.
Every one I spoke to during the morning really enjoyed the training session and a message of
thanks was sent to Grant for arranging it all.
Before I go I must let you all know that Ken was witnessed and photographed riding a modern
Japanese bike and with a smile on his face if slightly strained. Plus another of our members who
shall remain anonymous but his name rhymes with lick and would walk rather than be seen on
anything Japanese was heard to say and I quote "What great little bikes those Hondas are I
wouldn't mind getting one for riding to work on.
Freephone:- 0800-907-926
Email:- [email protected]
18-20th Sept
Hawkes Bay Rally (Tuki Tuki )
26, 27th
September Weekend run to Waiuku
Details in this Newsletter. Meet at Placemakers Car Park, TeRapa at 10am.
3rd Oct
"Te Aroha Glide In" Show / display of Classic Cars and Motorcycles.
Nostalgia Military Vehicles. Warbirds fly over etc. A Club display is planned.
Meet at Morrinsville Road Layby at 9am.
13th Oct
Club Meeting
17th Oct
Great Lake Run around Lake Taupo. Ian has Entry Forms.
18th Oct
Swap Meet, Hamilton Motorcycle Club. Claudelands, 7-30am start.
30thOct / 1st Nov
New Plymouth Classic Club Rally. Ian has entry forms.
8th Nov
Tauranga Classic Motorcycle Club Road Trial. Details in this newsletter.
10th Nov
Club Meeting
14/28th Nov
Club Tour.
27/29 Nov
Manawatu Classic Club 30th Anniversary Rally.
10th Jan
Blue Smoke and Pedals.
24th Jan
Tauranga Interclub BBQ
5 – 7 Feb
NZCMRR Classic Racing Festival Pukekohe.
7 - 13th Feb
The BSA Owners International Rally, at Christchurch.
29 -31st Oct
National Classic Rally at New Plymouth.
* Club Run means Classic Bikes only – unless prior approval from Club Captain.
If you have no bike
you are very welcome to come by car,
The Waikato Classic Motorcycle Club and its Officers will not accept any responsibility for
any accident, damage or loss incurred by any person on any Club organized event or ride. We advise that all
members, riders, passengers and people attending any Club organized outing or event must obey the rules of the
road at all times.
Gail Jones, Les and Heather Garrett
Rob Marden
07 824 6559
Vice President:
Dave Keogh
07 855 4355
Ian Cartwright
07 827 4317
Club Captain:
Steve Hardy
07 829 8411
Events Co-ordinator:
Ken McGeady
07 847 4412
Marg Cartwright
07 827 4317
Nelson Marshall, Steve Retter, Dick Hastie, Bryan Dawson.
Collection of motorcycle sport magazines
from 1981 to 2003.
17 years are complete with 12 issues, will
provide details of others.
Asking $25 for each complete year.
$2 each magazine for incomplete set.
Contact John Cooke :- 09-289-6074
email:- [email protected]