View January 2015 D`var - Congregation Beth David


View January 2015 D`var - Congregation Beth David
We Need YOU to Reach Our Goal!
Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Fundraising Chair, The Next 50 Building and Endowment Campaign
The excitement around the Next 50 Building and Endowment
Project is growing. If you have been to Beth David in the past
few days, you have seen the art work has come down and the
moving boxes have gone up! We have reached the $6.1m to start
construction and are heading toward the next $1m for our
Endowment. This is where we need YOU!!
Over 250 people have made a gift to
the Next 50 Campaign!! We are
overwhelmed at the support and
generosity of our congregants. So
many of you are talking about being
embraced by a community, a true
Kehillah, when you walk through
the doors of our new home. This is
your chance to “see your footprint”
and “make your mark” at
Congregation Beth David.
MANY of you have not had that opportunity. We are now
planning for more Parlor Meetings. These meetings will start
again in March. This is YOUR chance to make a difference at
CBD. There you can talk about Beth David, what your
synagogue means to you, ask questions about this amazing
project, think about and then make your pledge.
Every gift that is meaningful to you is a meaningful gift.
Please gift until you feel great about your donation to your
synagogue. Your children and those following them will thank
In This Issue:
From the Rabbi
Page 3
Page 5
Pages 6 & 7
Pages 18 & 19
Page 29
100% CLUB
Pages 30 & 31
Page 32
Pages 32-34
Main Office
[email protected]
Philip R. Ohriner
Senior Rabbi
[email protected]
Leslie Alexander
Rabbi of Community
Engagement and Outreach
[email protected]
Daniel J. Pressman
Rabbi Emeritus
Tanya Lorien
Dir. of Operations
[email protected]
Barbara Biran
Dir. of Ritual
[email protected]
Monica Hernandez
Bookkeeping Associate
[email protected]
Jillian Cosgrave
Front Office Associate
[email protected]
Lynn Crocker
Mkt & Comm Associate
[email protected]
Iris Bendahan
Dir. of Jewish Edu. Program
[email protected]
Andrea Ammerman
School Admin. Assistant
[email protected]
Stay Up-To-Date on All
CBD Events
Go to:
and “like” our page!
(Jewish Experience for Teens)
[email protected]
From the Rabbi
Sliḥah v’savlanut: Increasing Our Capacity for
Pardon and Patience as a Community
By Rabbi Ohriner
Dear friends,
This is an exciting time for our CBD community! Books and offices are being packed in preparation for our
move into portables on the parking lot as we begin the construction phase of the Next 50 Project. Our Next 50
team and our staff poured over the plans for our temporary spaces to ensure that our religious services,
programs, meetings, classes, and events are impacted as little as possible during our year of construction. We
also engaged in careful consideration to ensure ease of accessibility so that everyone will be able to make use of
our temporary spaces. In short, we are planning on business as usual to a great extent! Our sanctuary and social
hall will remain accessible until after Sukkot, and we will be holding our Shabbat services and Kiddush lunches
there until we are ready for their remodel. At that point we will have access to our
new, stunning Small Sanctuary that can accommodate close to 300! For a complete
diagram of our temporary building plan during Next 50 construction please see pages
6 & 7.
Moving into temporary space can be a very jarring experience! Over the course of the
coming months we know there will be some inconveniences. In addition, many of us
may experience a sense of loss in the changes that will be taking place within our
permanent space. Our building is not our community, but it has housed our kehillah
admirably for decades. That sense of loss can also add to frustrations over the
inadequacies of any temporary dwelling. However, this process also provides each of us with an opportunity to
engage in the perfection of two middot, two character traits that our tradition stresses as being vital to our
Jewish development. As we watch the vision for our building become a reality we have an opportunity to focus
on ‫(סליחה‬sliḥah) and ‫(סבלנות‬savlanut), “pardon” and “patience”.
In modern Hebrew sliḥah has the sense of “Pardon me!” or “Excuse me!”, but historically sliḥah had a valence
of “forgiveness”. For example, during the High Holy Days we implore God and each other: “slaḥ
lanu!”,“Forgive us!”. In its traditional sense, sliḥah allows us to look beyond the hurt or wrong committed
against us and be open to the remorse, regret, and/or restitution of the offending party that might restore our
sense of completeness.
Savlanut, “patience”, shares the same Hebrew root as the word ‫( סבל‬sevel) which can mean “burden” or with
different vowels can refer to a “porter”. Savlanut can therefore be understood as our ability to carry a burden.
The word savlanut is also very similar to the Hebrew word for “tolerance.” On these interrelated middot
(character-traits), Rav Simcha Zissel of Chelm wrote “ ‘pain and joy are interlaced with one another’—that is,
after pain will come joy and the joy will be much greater than if one hadn’t experienced the pain before the
joy”. I am not sure this is always the case, but regarding our potential collective inconvenience I believe it is
true. Over the upcoming year, my hope is that we will all be able to look past the inconveniences that come with
construction and instead, envision the exquisiteness of what will follow— a more inviting, comfortable, and
inspiring 21st Century building capable of housing our growing kehillah kedoshah (sacred community) for the
next 50 years and beyond!
Rabbi Philip Ohriner
President’s Perspective
By David Hoffman, CBD Board President
Dear Friends,
I write this the day after our annual meeting. Some 111
of you attended this important event, and as you have
already heard, not only was the slate of officers and
directors approved, but you also overwhelmingly
approved the referendum vote on the Next 50 building
project. Thank you for your support and your devotion
to our wonderful community.
So, by the time you receive this D’var, major changes
will have already been happening to our building.
Temporary portable offices and classrooms will be
installed on our parking lot; and soon offices and
classrooms will be on the verge of relocating from our
building to these portables.
Once construction begins in January, the entrance to our
sanctuary and social hall will be through the doors facing
Scully. The main entrance to CBD will be a construction
zone! As will the courtyard, school wing and
administration offices!
I ask you all to be patient with our phenomenal staff
during this transition, as they are packing; unpacking and
getting used to their new quarters. There are sure to be
some hiccups as phone lines and internet connections are
re-routed. Be patient also, as we learn to access our
building from a different direction.
While our physical building will be undergoing
transformation, you can still expect the high level of
programing that CBD is known for. In January, we will
have an amazing artist-in-residence weekend. In March,
our scholar-in-residence is the nationally reknown Dr
Ron Wolfson. Your board will be considering new
initiatives, including a new dues model that will reduce
barriers to joining, or remaining members of, CBD.
Finally, on a personal note, I am honored and humbled,
to continue serving as your president. However, I stand
on the shoulders of our past presidents and boards who
had the courage and ambition to form our congregation
and invest in a building 50 years ago; of the presidents
who had the foresight to plan for an orderly rabbinic
transition; of our leaders who understood the importance
of establishing an endowment foundation and formed
one. I hope to honor and continue their legacy in the
next two years.
Important Membership Update:
CBD Considers “Sustaining Dues” Model
By Jeff Warwick
Membership Vice President
For the past 18 months the Board of Directors,
through the Membership and Finance Committees,
has been studying different dues models with an
eye towards changing CBD’s required dues model.
We have found that our current dues model
creates a barrier for prospective members, and it
creates a demeaning experience for current
members who must ask to have their dues
adjusted due to circumstances beyond their
A dues model, different than the one we have used
for decades, has shown success at other
synagogues. When implemented, those synagogues
have increased their congregational memberships
and income.
What sets this other dues model apart from our
current model? The set rate of dues to sustain the
congregation is suggested, rather than mandated.
If one is unable to pay the suggested amount, one
does not need to plead for a downward
adjustment. Rather, the congregation trusts that
congregants are responsible and will contribute as
much as they are able, if not the suggested amount.
amount individual to each congregant/family unit,
based on both of these numbers, which will be
used as the pledge, should a congregant/family
unit not reply to the pledge letter.
The most significant change that the proposed
dues model brings to our congregation is trust. We
trust fellow congregants will do the right thing, to
continue investing in our community, but in a more
dignified, responsible, and sustainable way. We
believe that the building of trust and, as a result, a
stronger Beth David community, is more consistent
with our congregation’s long-term goals.
Moreover, the tzedaka feeling -- the sense of
responsibly contributing toward the congregation
and its community, will draw new members.
Permitting new members to choose their dues
amount, rather than requiring them to disclose
personal financial information when filing an aid
application, removes a barrier to entry that has
been a significant hindrance.
Many congregants now voluntarily pay more than
the required dues as donations. We do not expect
this to change because, as congregants, we know
how important Beth David, and our community
here, is to us all.
Likewise, allowing current congregants to choose
the amount they pay each year will help to retain
congregants whose income fluctuates or priorities
change. Rather than offering a “senior’s rate,” we
recognize that there is great range in how much
retirees can afford. The ability to choose, in a
dignified manner, empowers people of all ages to
pay what they can.
The dues model that we are considering is called
the Sustaining Number Dues Model. Each and
every spring, congregants/family units will receive
a pledge letter, asking how much they will pay in
dues for the upcoming fiscal year. There will be
guidance for the dues decision – the letter will
identify both how much the congregant/family unit
is currently paying as well as how much the
Finance Committee suggests each
congregant/family unit contribute, called the
Sustaining Number. There will also be a default
The Board is still studying this model, and will be
soliciting congregational feedback during a series
of meetings, with presentations and time to ask
questions and discuss all aspects of the proposed
dues model. Then, currently scheduled for the
March meeting, the Board of Directors will vote on
whether to adopt the proposed dues model, to
become effective for the next fiscal year,
commencing on July 1, 2015. As with all of the
Congregation’s board meetings, congregants are
invited to attend that meeting.
Continued on page 10
Sustaining Dues Model
Continued from page 9
Toda Raba!
Presentation #1- same at each of the following
 Sunday, January 11th 12:30 - 1:30pm
 Tuesday, January 20th 10:00 - 11:00am
 Wednesday, January 21st 5:15 - 6:15pm
Presentation #2- same at each of the following
 Sunday, February 8th 10:30 - 11:15am
 Tuesday, February 17th 10:00 - 11:00
 Tuesday, February 17th 7:30 - 8:30pm
Thank You Very Much
From congregant Jerry Daniel
Thank you to friends and members of
Congregation Beth David who sent
condolences and contributions in
memory of my brother,
Michael Daniel,
who passed away recently.
following minyan
We will post on the CBD website a letter that will be sent to all congregants in January, a description of
the new dues model, a Frequently Asked Questions document, and a sample of a Pledge Letter that
would be used in the event that the Board enacts the proposed dues structure at the March board
meeting. You can also call or email us with questions.
Feel free to contact Jeff Warwick at [email protected], the CBD office, or email
[email protected] which will forward to the team: Membership VP, President, VP of Finance
and Rabbi Ohriner, with any questions about the proposed dues model.
Dr. Ron Wolfson
Friday March 20th – Sunday March 22nd
Dr. Ron Wolfson is a Fingerhut Professor of Education at American
Jewish University in Los Angeles and a cofounder of Synagogue 3000,
an institute whose mission is to catalyze excellence in synagogue life.
He is a pioneer in the field of Jewish family education and a member
of the Consortium for the Jewish Family.
Dr. Wolfson is a frequent scholar-in-residence for synagogues and
on a wide range of topics in Jewish life.
During his time at CBD, Dr. Wolfson will discuss the meaning and
impact of Relational Judaism based on his book “Relational Judaism:
Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community”, in
which he suggests a synagogue is a face-to-face community of
relationships that offers meaning and purpose, belonging and blessing.
Join us to explore this important and transformational subject.
Please share our joy as our son, Jared, is called
to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on:
Saturday, January 3, 2015
We invite you to join us for a Kiddush luncheon
following the service.
Ronit and Ryan Weinstock
Help Jared Raise Funds to Support PJ Library
PJ Library delivers free, award-winning Jewish literature and music to children in our
community. Donations can be made through their website: or by sending a
check to: 67 Hunt Street, Suite 100, Agawam, MA 01001.
Please share our joy as our son, Derron, is called
to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on:
Saturday, January 10, 2015
We invite you to join us for a Kiddush luncheon
following the service.
David and Holly Mendel
Help Derron Raise Money to Fight Ebola
For his Bar Mitzvah project, Derron is raising money to fight Ebola through American Jewish
World Service. Visit his fundraising page:
Please share our joy as our son, Nadav, is called
to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on:
Saturday, January 24, 2015
We invite you to join us for a Kiddush luncheon
following the service.
Jacob and Renee Ben-David
Help Nadav Raise Funds for Magen David Adom
MDA is Israel’s ambulance, blood service and disaster-relief organization. It is funded
through private donations. Use this link to go to Nadav’s fundraising page:
Mordechai Rosenstein
January 28th – February 1st
See flyer on page 15 for details
Join us for an experience with renowned Jewish artist Mordechai
Rosenstein. By utilizing his interest in Judaica and painting,
Rosenstein has given a contemporary meaning to the art of Hebrew
calligraphy. His vibrant shapes and colors enhance synagogues and
homes worldwide. ** Below denotes Artist-in-Resident event
Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Reception
Saturday, January 31st 7:30pm
This is an opportunity to mingle with Mordechai
and purchase his art.
13 Tevet
9:30am Minyan
10:00am Threads of Tradition
14 Tevet
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
15 Tevet
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Conversations in
Jewish Learning
16 Tevet
4:00pm JEWEL
4:00pm JCore
7:00pm Musical Minyan
20 Tevet
9:30am Minyan
12:30pm Proposed Dues
Model Discussion
21 Tevet
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Minyan
22 Tevet
23 Tevet
4:00pm JEWEL
4:00pm JCore
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Havdalah and History
27 Tevet
9:00am Haftarah Trope Class
9:30am JCore Sunday School
9:30am Mitzvah Day
9:30am Minyan
10:45am T'Fillah
11:15am Family Education
Hour - Parenting
29 Tevet
10:00am Proposed Dues
Model Discussion
7:00pm Minyan
1 Sh'vat
Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat
4:00pm JEWEL
4:00pm JCore
5:15pm Proposed Dues Model
7:00pm Minyan
5 Sh'vat
9:00am Haftarah Trope Class
9:30am JCore Sunday School
9:30am Minyan
10:00am Groundbreaking
10:45am T'Fillah
6 Sh'vat
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Minyan
8 Sh'vat
4:00pm JEWEL
4:00pm JCore
6:00pm Teen (JET) Dinner
Hands-on Art Experience**
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Board Meeting
28 Tevet
Martin Luther King's Birthday
10:00am Intermediate
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for
FSU Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
7 Sh'vat
Asara B'Tevet
New Year's Day
10 Tevet
11 Tevet
4:44pm Candle lighting
6:30pm Services
12 Tevet
9:30am Services/Jared
Weinstock Bar Mitzvah
9:30am Zayin Shabbat School
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
7:00pm Minyan
1:30pm Book
Discussion Group
1:30pm CBD Jewish
Artists Group
7:00pm Minyan
17 Tevet
24 Tevet
6:00pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
Study Group
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
2 Sh'vat
6:00pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
Study Group
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
9 Sh'vat
6:00pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
Study Group
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Adult Bnai Mitzvah
7:30pm Conversations in
Jewish Learning - Creating
Jewish Art**
18 Tevet
8:30am Friday Morning
Talmud Study
10:00am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
4:50pm Candle lighting
6:30pm Services
8:30am Friday Morning
Talmud Study
10:00am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
4:57pm Candle lighting
6:00pm PJ Shabbat
6:30pm Services
10:00am Friday Morning
Talmud Study: Tractate
11:15am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
5:04pm Candle lighting
6:30pm Services
10 Sh'vat
10:00am Friday Morning
Talmud Study: Tractate
11:15am Spiritual Ethics
Discussion Group
5:12pm Candle lighting
6:30pm Cantorial Shabbat,
Dinner and Lecture**
6:30pm Services
19 Tevet
9:00am Torah Trope Class
9:30am Services/Derron
Mendel Bar Mitzvah
9:30am JCore Shabbat School
9:30am Youth Congregation
9:30am Zayin Shabbat School
11:00am Haverim
11:15am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm Book Discussion
26 Tevet
9:30am Services/Sisterhood
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm CBD Jewish Artists
7:30pm Ani V'ata A Capella
4 Sh'vat
9:30am Services/Nadav
Ben-David Bar Mitzvah
9:30am Zayin Shabbat School
10:30am Youth Congregation
11:00am Haverim
11:15am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
9:30am Services/Torah Talk
by Mordechai
10:30am Youth Congregation
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm My Journey as an
7:30pm Wine and Hors
d’oeuvres Reception with
the Artist**
7:30pm Ani V’ata
A Capella Group
9:30am Mitzvah Day
10:00am Groundbreaking Ceremony
Proposed Dues
Model Discussions
Sunday 1/11 from
12:30 - 1:30pm
Tuesday 1/20 from
10:00 - 11:00am
Wednesay 1/21 from
5:15 - 6:15pm
With a Song in My Heart:
Shoshana Levitt
Shoshana Levitt is a young woman with an
indefatigable reservoir of energy. As a sophomore at
New York University majoring in “Media, Culture,
and Communication” focusing on “global and
transcultural communication as well as technology
and society,” Shoshana is also minoring in “the
business of entertainment, media, and technology.”
After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in the
fields of marketing, public relations, or
was a section leader in both ensembles and was
elected president of the chamber singers in her
senior year. With the chamber singers, she
performed all over the Bay area as well as traveling
to Argentina, Hungary, Austria, and the Czech
She credits her supportive parents, Marc and Paula,
with encouraging her passion for music, “driving me
to and from many piano voice lessons, volunteering
for my school’s choir and theatre programs, and
supporting me through all of my personal musical
Despite the challenges of her academic
commitments, Shoshana finds time to sing with an
energetic Jewish a capella group known as “Ani
V’Ata,” with concerts ranging from “A Capella
Shabbats” at NYU to performing for the oldies
legend Frankie Valli of The Four Seasons. She also
serves Ani V’Ata as its vice president of marketing
and publicity. (Ani V’Ata earned distinction as a
semifinalist group at the International Championship
for Collegiate A Capella in 2011.)
While it may be exhausting trying to follow this
energetic young lady’s academic and extra-curricular
activities, singing is for Shoshana the way which
“allows me to express myself, to explore my mood,
to become energized!” She delights singing in
ensembles, but admits that “I enjoy the rush that
comes with singing solos.” Shoshana also writes
songs for voice and piano, acknowledging that “it is
a dream of mine to professionally record my original
Shoshana brought to Ani V’Ata years of choral
experience, singing in ensembles as well as the
“concert choir” and the elite “chamber singers” of
Woodside Priory School in Portola Valley, where
she attended high school. At Woodside Priory, she
Shoshana will be performing with Ani V’Ata at
CBD on January 17th from 7:30 – 9:30pm (see flyer
on page 20). Attendees will be able to recognize her
as the young woman with talent and energy! Tickets
may be purchased at
Robin Sabes to receive
Janet Berg award
At the time of Janet Berg's retirement, the Janet Berg
Award was created by Women's Philanthropy of the
Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley as a way to honor
her 31 years of service to the local Jewish community,
both as a professional and as a volunteer.
Robin Sabes will be presented
with the Janet Berg award at the
Power of Women Dinner
Thursday, January 22nd at 6 pm.
For more information about the
Power of Women Dinner
Robin was chosen by the Community Agency of
Executives and Rabbis (CAER) and heartily
endorsed by the entire committee for her
faithful commitment to our local Jewish
Robin embodies the spirit of the award in that
she has had a positive effect on so many Jewish
agencies in Silicon Valley.
Robin has been the President of Women's
Philanthropy (then Women's Division);
volunteered for Hillel of Silicon Valley; was a
Youth group advisor and sat on the Hebrew High
Committee at Congregation Beth David; been a
board member of the Addison-Penzak Jewish
Community Center (named by her family); and,
is the current President of the Jewish Family
Now Accepting Nominations for Summer 2015 Resident Camp Scholarships
This fund perpetuates the memory and ideals of Beth David
members Sheldon and Melvina Balk and their sons, Richard
and David Balk. We seek to capture and light the spirit of
Judaism in our youth, especially those who may seem
apathetic about Jewish activities.
We offer substantial aid, not based on academic results or activities, but, rather, to
awaken a student’s Jewish identity. We give preference to first time campers.
Please email Chuck Taubman at [email protected] to learn how to submit a nomination
(the due date is January 30, 2015).
Havdallah and History
Planning Meeting
Janaury 14th 7:30 – 9:00pm
Threads of Tradition
January 4th 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Threads of Tradition is
a group of women who
sew Tachrichim
(Jewish burial
garments). Basic
sewing skills are
Come join us as we begin to plan and implement
a wonderful event for November 2015.
We will work together with History San Jose to
create a night of 1800’s-1900’s Jewish history
along with San Jose history to “go back in time”
and experience the activities, music, food, careers
and Jewish traditions of the Gold Rush and
beyond right in the middle of the real buildings of
History San Jose outside at Kelley Park.
Committee members are needed to help with
publicity, food, dance, music, games, history,
docenting, check in and more. Come join us and
get involved!!! Want more information? Email
Rabbi Alexander at [email protected]
appreciated, but not necessary for participation.
Bring a sewing machine, if you have one. We also
appreciate contributions to the Rabbi’s
Discretionary Fund to help cover the cost of
material for the garments.
The sewing session will take place at a private
residence, please email Beverly Jacobson at
[email protected] for the address.
CBD Jewish Artists Group
This group is open to all artists in the Jewish community, not just members of CBD.
Upcoming Meetings:
Saturday, January 17th at 1:30 pm
Saturday, February 21st 1:30 pm
Presentation by Ann Tavan on:
Presentation by Corinne Sherman on:
Teaching Art
Kippot Theory and Production
Want more information? Contact Jeff Warwick at [email protected]
Social Action Feeds the Homeless
On December 24th a group from CBD
gathered to help prepare and serve
Christmas Eve dinner to the homeless at
HomeFirst in San Jose. Thank you to
everyone who volunteers that day as well as
everyone who made stew ahead of time and
donated money. (Left and above)
Students Participate in Kristallnacht
JEM taught by Morah Daniela Bluastein
Kristallnacht is often referred to as the "Night of
Broken Glass" and commemorates the wave of violence
which took place on November 9 and 10, 1938,
throughout Germany, annexed Austria, and in areas of
the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia recently occupied
by German troops.
Students peruse artwork and bios presented by Kita
Zayin in honor of
Jewish Experience for Teens (JET)
Pack Bags of Food for the Needy at JFS
JET SATO (Social Action Tikkun Olam) project for December was to assist Lori Cinnamon at Jewish Family
Services with packing special Hanukkah gift bags for needy, elderly, and Russian communities. The hard
working teens spent three hours sorting, counting out, and packing 200 bags filled with food such as potato
pancake mix, gefilte fish, and pickles. Items were provided by JFS. Thank you to Lori for both getting the
project organized and giving the teens a talk about what JFS does for the community. Also thank you to Irene
Swedroe, our JET coordinator, for getting the project set up, and to Ben Kovar and Davida Adelberg for
helping out. KUDOS!!! to all the teens who helped out!
CBD Winter Blood Drive
Monday, February 2nd
3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
At Beth David
Please give the gift of life by dontating at the CBD Winter Blood Drive.
Please email Bryan Ferguson at [email protected]
or call 408-832-3250 to set up your
donation appointment.
Your donation can help save a life!
On the day of the annual meeting, our monthly dance program had to be moved outdoors due to mic-ing
issues. The students had a great time in the fresh air (luckily no rain), and we all would like to warmly
welcome Donna Frankel as our new teacher this year. Thank you to Stephanie Rothstein for taking photos!
Why is Our School Principal Playing in the Pinat HaTaf?
Why is Iris, our school principal, playing in the Pinat
HaTaf?? Well, actually she’s not playing, she’s spending her
time cleaning up after the kids who every Shabbat transform
our charming tot corner into an chaotic mess of toys, food
crumbs, and puzzle pieces (kudos to a few other congregants
who’ve also chipped in to do this every so often). Yet whose
job should it be to clean up? You got it! Parents of our
young children! Yes, just like in your own living room, it is
you who are responsible to help your children who play in the
pinat hataf learn to clean up after themselves so that pinat
hataf stays charming for all kids! Especially now, as we
prepare for a new building, it’s a good time to teach our little
ones about Kavod (respect), not only for people but for our
shared spaces. Todah Rabah!
We wish the following members a very happy birthday.
Be sure to attend the Saturday, January 10th Ruah Rally
(following services) for a special birthday blessing.
Anna Kraus
Eliot Tenberg
Samuel Tramiel
Renee Ben-David
Michael Leitner
Heather Harris
Nehama Beer
Jane Gold
Elise Schwartz
Dena Acevedo
Stephen Schleimer
Susan Rosenzweig
Evgeny Margolis
Bryan Ferguson
Tamara Maltiel
David Mendel
Susan Schwerin
Frances Wasserman
Benjamin Abada
Kamran Zohoori
Barbara Bromberg
Deborah Shapiro
Elior Ohriner
Rama Strod
Stephanie Spielvogel
Leonard Shen
Alina Korol
Alexandra Kass
Sandi Bretz
Ida Frenkel
Briana Balaban
Ilana Eskinazi-Stockdale
Sharon Mutchnik
Stephen Goldstein
Neal Gafter
Adrian Feria
Nachum Meyers
Reuven Shelef
Janet Witkin
Yelena Yatskar
Ian Kass
Ann Tavan
Stanley Farkas
Theodore Rosenblume
Steven Linder
Bren Dorsay
Lory Drukarev
Gloria Rosenblume
Alex Fridlib
Murray Dolmatch
Ian Ferguson
Maureen Schneider
Philip Alexander
Richard Parrish
Nadav Ben-David
Isaac Berezovsky
Jake Selincourt
Alexander Sherman
Jeannette Zeitman
Jenifer Ohriner
Paul Riskin
Norman Abramovitz
Ezra Jacobson
Alison Field
Joy Jamtgaard
Debra Fils
Inna Sigal
Lesley Kuhn
Barak Tzori
Felissa Cagan
Rimma Zaraysky
Irina Tokar
Alex Volinsky
Michael Hamilton
Aaron Schneider
Lloyd Dickman
Joseph Bendahan
Anton Gotlib
Beth Kuhn
Emilia Shvarts
Jacob Deloumi
Elliot Applesmith,
David Veksler
Judy Levin
Julie Tardos
Aaron Fox
Rowin Hughes
Rachel Gild
Andrew Green
Mindy Berkowitz
Karen Guggenheim
Andrew Wolfe
Leonid Kats
Edward Kiss
Martin Bress
THANK YOU! To the following who have
donated to the Next 50 building campaign
It our hope to have 100% of CBD members step forward and make
a personally meaningful donation to the campaign. Your
participation is important, not the amount. See your name here!
(List updated as of December 29th)
Cookie Addison & Family
Davida & Charles Adelberg
Marilyn & Allan Ader
Yael & Elie Alcheck
Monique & Philip Alexander
Dr. Kenneth Aitchison &
Rabbi Leslie Alexander
Rochelle & Barry Alhadeff
Appleman Family
Judy & Michael Applesmith
Helen & Max Baer
Ginny & Bob Baird
Mishy & Jason Balaban
Amy & Gary Ball
Ruth & Noah Bareket
Elizabeth & Jim Batson
Betty Becker
Mindy & Rabbi Allan Berkowitz
Mary Jo & Alan Bernard
Cathy & William Beyda
Barbara Biran
Roberta & Jeremy Bloom
The Blumenthal Family
Judy & Brett Borah
Rhoda & Martin Bress
Bayla & Abe Bromberg
Linda & Barry Brummer
Marlene & Marshall Burak
Nestor Cabrales
Felissa & Myron Cagan
The Checkman Family
Lori Kramer Cinnamon
Diane & Bert Clement
Joanne & Harry Cornbleet
Jillian Cosgrave
Lynn Crocker
Jerry Daniel
Karen & Jacob Deloumi
Eleanor & Lloyd Dickman
Sandra & Morris Dolmatch
Lou Dombro
Dorothy & Richard Dorsay
Galina & Mike Drabkin
Herb Dreifuss
Susan Greenberg-Englander &
Jeffrey Englander
Rhonda Farber
Hillary & Stanley Farkas
Jan & Bryan Ferguson
Harriet & Don Fernandez
Donald Field
Reneé & Howard Fine
Ziva & David Fishman
Kama Fletcher
Julia & Adam Fuks
Ricki Lee and Neal Gafter
Emily & Howard Gannes
Susan & Lee Gavens
Ann Graubart Gershanov
Lee & Al Ghan
Ruth & Edward Gipstein
Wendy J. & Lance Glasser
Glenda & Harry Glatstein
Jane & Michael Gold
Sondra & Alex Goldberger
Sheila & Howard Goldstein
Isaac Goldstein
Barbara & Stephen Goldstein &
Vivian & Sherman Golub
Alana & Grant Goodman
Janie & Greg Gotlib
Rhonda Raider & Donald Gould
Joseph Grapa
Cheryl & Dave Graubart
Barbara & Arye Green
Ann Greenspan
Karen & Allen Guggenheim
Susan & Clifford Gutterman
Joyce & Bill Halper
Nathan Handelsman
Harel Family
Continued on page 31
100% Club Continued
From page 30
CBD Hazak
Vivian Herman
Monica Hernandez
Laurie Himelstein
Bonnie & Lee Hirsch
Debby & David Hoffman
Dr. Melinda Reynard &
Steve Hoffman
Sharon & Amir Horovitz
Madelyn & Dov Isaacs
Beverly & Fred Jacobson
Jane & Len Jacobson
Lori & Daniel Kahn
Renee & Jeffrey Kanel
Ellen & Steven Karel
Evan Kass
Stephanie & Ian Kass & Family
Marlene Kass
Shoshana Wolf & Jonathan Katz
Rudi & Jeff Katz
Doris & Stanley Katz
Bonnie Kehl
Carol & Roland King
Lynne & Stephen Kinsey
Morrie Kirschen
Eleanor & Ed Kiss
Jacqueline & Charles Klein
Susan & Thomas Klein
Caryn & Ben Kovar
Anna Kraus
Judith & Israel Krongold
Lauren Flato & Steven Labovitz
Rachel Schwab & Chet Lanctot
Lorna Borenstein & David Lawee
Benjamin Leitner
Susan & Michael Leitner
Jeanette & Stuart Lerner
Judy & Gordon Levin
Bernard Levine
Fay Levinson
Paula Barbarito-Levitt &
Marc E. Levitt
Gloria & Ken Levy
Mimi & Reuben Levy
Sheryl & Eric Lewis
Andrea & Steven Linder
Tanya Lorien
Shelley & Ken Luskey
Miriam & Charles Marr
Dan Maydan
Sandy & David Mayer
Sylvia & Michael Meltzer
Holly & David Mendel
Elizabeth & William Menkin
Sylvia & Leonard Metz
Bonnie Slavitt Moore &
Jack Moore
Vanina J. Sandel Mutchnik &
Sharon Mutchnik
Susan & Gary Nankin
Ronee & Ike Nassi
Nancy & Marty Newman
Phyllis & Neil Newman
Jenifer & Evan Ohriner
Rabbis Shoshana & Philip Ohriner
Crystal & Mendy Ouzillou
Alice Wald & Paul Overmyer
Andrew Passett
Lori Passett & Family
Evette & David Pennypacker
Susannah & Karl Pfalzer
Joelle Pluemer
Margie & Howard Pomerantz
Rabbi Daniel Pressman
Judie & Benjamin Ram
Thelma Ramm
Susan & Ron Remba
Robinson Family
Bettina & Daniel Rosenberg
Alison & Ron Ruebusch
Robin Sabes
Marina & Michael Salzman
Christel Sanders
Felicia & Michael Schaffer
Cyndi Sherman & Steve Schleimer
Natalie M. Schriger
Myra & Pete Schwartz
Marilyn Sefchovich
Yulia Shvarts
Lil Silberstein
Barbara & David Silverstein
Nancy & Dan Skilken
Morris and Fannie Skilken
Family Foundation
Irene & Walter Spector
Joan & Henry Stone
Bonnie & Lee Stone
Rama & Arieh Strod
Meryle and Howard Sussman
Susan Gould & Rami Tabibian
Rochelle & Sander Taboh
Barbara & Chuck Taubman
Ann & Rick Tavan
Evelyn Tavan
Irina & Gene Tenberg
Support provided by Tides
Helen Tieger
Nazgol & Shelley Timmins
Aline Usim
Marjorie Alpert & Jeff Warwick
Barbie & Martin Weinstein
Sheila & Marty Weisberg
Harriet & Frank Weiss
Linda & Joseph Weiss & Family
Gayle & Arthur Weissbrodt
Pat & Alan Werba
Drs. Carol & Terry Winograd
Elise & Dennis Wolf
Roni & Andy Wolfe
Wendy Wu
Yanovsky Family
Rhoda & Larry Yelowitz
Zimberoff Family Trust
Beryl Zimberoff
Phyllis & Jerry Zis
We wish the following members a happy anniversary. Be sure to attend the
Saturday, January 24th Ruah Rally (following services) for a special anniversary blessing.
Steve & Rita Schlosser
Clifford & Susan
Martin & Barbara
Boris & Sara Dashevsky
Richard & Dorothy Dorsay
Andrew Pickholtz & Jan
Michael & Dena Acevedo
Nachum & Barbara Meyers
Alex & Sondra Goldberger
Joseph & Ann Sorger
Deon & Dawn Glajchen
Paul Overmyer & Alice
David & Andrea
Bill & Cathy Beyda
Alex & Galina
Bill Province & Julie
Lawrence & Judith Cohn
Igor & Liliya Yunerman
Marty & Sheila Weisberg
Contributions are vital to the life of our community. We acknowledge the gifts received between
November 1 – 30, 2014, from the following individuals and families
Annual Campaign
In memory of my mother, Candida de Choudens, from
Olga Farber
In memory of my sister, Liza Smolyanitsky, from
Alexander Lazer
Congregation Beth David Anniversary &
Capital Campaign (continued)
Martin Weisberg, in honor of your 80th birthday, from
Wayne & Tina Levenfeld
Congregation Beth David, thank you for High Holy Day
services, from Anita Kanel
Balk Family Camp Scholarship Fund
In memory of my sister, Judy Katz, from Sheila
Alexander Balk & Lauren Hyman, in honor of your
wedding, from John & Mary Byrnes
In memory of my cousin, Tina Berman, from Sheila
In memory of my boyfriend, David Wieland, from
Congregation Beth David Anniversary &
Lisa Kiss
Capital Campaign
In memory of my brother, Lawrence Ehrlich, from
Dr. Jeffrey Kanel, with respect, appreciation & love,
Donald Ehrlich
from Sherman & Vivian Golub
In memory of my mother, Pauline Roman, from Susan
Gerald Daniel, in memory of your brother, Michael
Daniel, from Nat Kallman
Nathan Kallman, in memory of your beloved wife, Edie, In memory of my sister-in-law, Florence Nidenberg
Kirschen, from Morris Kirschen
from Joseph & Iris Bendahan & Family
of my grandmother, Lubov Vulfovna
Martin Weisberg, in honor of your birthday, from
Gilman, from Liliya Yunerman
Joseph Grapa
Contributions (Continued)
Congregation Beth David Anniversary &
Capital Campaign (continued)
In memory of my brother, Izak Eshaghoff, from Esmail
In memory of my father-in-law, Solomon Lazar Goldstein,
from Robert Mehler
In memory of my father, Philip Mehler, from Robert
Congregation Beth David Fund (continued)
In memory of Leslie's mother, Ethel Malkin & Enid's
father, Bert F. Goldberg, from Leslie & Enid Malkin
In memory of my mother, Lea Seymon, from Jane
In memory of my father, Albert Kragen, from Michele
JET Director Discretionary Fund
Congregation Beth David Bible and Siddur
and Mahzor Fund
Congregation Beth David, from Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
In memory of my daughter, Debbie Gandel, from Martin
Kiddush Lunch
Congregation Beth David Endowment Fund
In memory of my father-in-law, Abraham Bischoff, from
Marjorie Bischoff
In memory of my mother, Dollie Klatzko, from Marjorie
Congregation Beth David Fund
Congregation Beth David, from Liya Freydin
Congregation Beth David, for kaddish, from Liya Freydin
Congregation Beth David, from Vladimir & Margarita
Congregation Beth David, from Mark & Lynne Snyder
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, in honor of your installation, from
Jyl Jurman
Rabbi Leslie Alexander, in honor of your installation,
from Jyl Jurman
Jerry Daniel, in memory of your brother, Michael Daniel,
from Stephen & Lynne Kinsey
In memory of my mother, Esther Penzak, from Cookie
In memory of my father, Morris Penzak, from Cookie
In memory of my mother-in-law, Pauline Addison, from
Cookie Addison
In memory of my father, Theodore Wolf, from Dennis
In memory of my mother, Viola Hubka, from Dr. William
In memory of my friend, Anna Vishney, from Dr. William
In memory of my father, Frank Hubka, from Dr. William
In memory of my mother, Thelma Fleck, from Frank &
J. Aurelia Fleck
In memory of my brother, Arnold Schwartz, from Martin
Sponsor Kiddush on November 8, 2014, in honor of the
naming of our daughters, Daria and Daphne, from
Leeor & Tamar Mamou
Sandra Mayer, in memory of your mother, Harriette
Kirschen, from Arthur & Gayle Weissbrodt
David Mayer, in memory of your mother, Yoheved
Mayer, from Arthur & Gayle Weissbrodt
Gerald Daniel, in memory of your brother, Michael
Daniel, from Arthur & Gayle Weissbrodt
In honor of Myrtle Schwartz, from Arthur & Gayle
Norman Abramovitz & Family, in memory of your
mother, Bernyce Abramovitz, from Arthur & Gayle
Gerald Daniel, in memory of your brother, Michael
Daniel, from Vivian Herman
Barbara Biran, thank you for making the aufruf for
Marni & David sweet, from Robert & Irene Swedroe
In memory of my aunt, Sally Simms, from Joel
In memory of my mother, Ramah Khatoon Isaac, from
Myrtle Schwartz
In memory of my uncle, Raphael Isaac, from Myrtle
In memory of my uncle, Gilbert Simms, from Joel
In memory of my friend, Pauline Levin, from Myrtle
In memory of my beloved father, Harry Moskowitz,
from Natalie Schriger
In memory of Sol Liebowitz, from Eric & Sheryl Lewis
In memory of Florence Graubart, from Eric & Sheryl
In memory of our parents, Isaac & Alice Ghan and
Morris & Erna Frank, from Albert & Lee Ghan
In memory of my mother, Freida Miller, from Arthur &
Gayle Weissbrodt
Contributions (Continued)
Kiddush Lunch (continued)
In memory of my uncle, Herman Leibman, from Joel
In memory of my cousin, Ikey Isaac, from Myrtle
In memory of my brother, Robert (Bert) Schwartz, from
Joel Schwartz
March of the Living Fund
In memory of my father, Eugene Wald, from Alice
In memory of my wife, Ilene Doppelt, from Phillip
Rabbi Alexander Discretionary Fund
Eric & Ilene Janofsky, in honor of your twin
grandchildren's birth, from Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn
Rabbi Ohriner Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, from Joseph Grapa
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, from Joel & Myrtle Schwartz
In honor of the Aufruf of Marni Swedroe and David
Ovadia, from Robert & Irene Swedroe
In memory of my mother, Manya Reyzis, from
Alexander Lazer
In memory of my mother, Lika Segal, from Kamilla Lif
In memory of Esther Green, Herman Teifeld and
Norman Teifeld, from Arye & Barbara Green
In memory of my mother, Lyuba Plotkina, from Dina
In memory of my mother, Yenta Gruzman, from Faina
In memory of my father, Max Hoffman, from Helen
In memory of my father, Jack Doppelt, from Phillip
In memory of my uncle, Lazar Gurvech, from Dina
Rabbi Pressman Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in appreciation, from Rhonda
In memory of my grandfather, Boris Genuchovich
Gilman, from Liliya Yunerman
Rama Strod Education Fund
Tracy, Mia & Gabe Robinson, in memory of your
beloved father & grandfather, Melvyn Rosenstein,
from Iris Bendahan
In memory of Eleanor's mother, Helen C. Schweitzer,
from Edward & Eleanor Kiss
Religious School & Hebrew High Scholarship
Theodore & Gloria Rosenblume, for refuah sheleimah
speedy recovery, from Robert & Joan Garden
In memory of my grandfather, Morris N. Pessah, from
Cara Vainish
In memory of my father, Semyon Yunerman, from Igor
Religious School Myuchad Fund
Mrs. Phyllis Schriger & Family, in memory of Paul
Schriger, from Natalie Schriger
Iris Bendahan, in memory of your beloved father and
grandfather, Abraham Eshel, from Robert & Irene
Norman Abramovitz & Family, in memory of your
mother, from Robert & Irene Swedroe
Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund
In memory of my brother, Jacky Zeltzer, from Rita
In memory of my mother, Eva Zeltzer, from Rita Sauvage
Silver, Sabes, Frank Youth Fund
In memory of my mother, Arlene Greenberg, from Laurie
In memory of my father, Leonard Greenberg, from Laurie
Social Action
Dinner for the Homeless, from H. James Tellefson
Dinner for the Homeless, from Bryan & Jan Ferguson
Dinner for the Homeless, from Leonard Shen & Susan
Yizkor Donation
Congregation Beth David, from Sima Vishnevsky
Support CBD
Note: This form has been shortened for space needs, for a complete list of designated funds please see the online D’var or phone the office.
Donor(s): (If donor is a Beth David member, you may leave address blank)
Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________
In honor/memory of _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Acknowledge this donation to: (If acknowledgement goes to a Beth David member, you may leave address blank)
Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________
Additional Message:_________________________________________________________________________________
□ I do NOT wish to have my donation acknowledged in the D’var
Donation Amount: $_________or check one of the following: ____$18
______ Congregation Beth David Fund
____ Myuchad Fund (Special Needs Program)
______ Beth David Endowment
____ March of the Living Scholarship Fund
______ Kiddush Oneg
____ Balk Family Camp Scholarship Fund
______ Annual Campaign
____ Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund
______ Capital Campaign
Discretionary Funds (please specify):
____ Jewish Education Program/JET Scholarship Fund
____ Rabbi Leslie Alexander
____ Rabbi Philip Ohriner
____ Bible and Siddur Fund
____ Jewish Education Principal
____ JET Principal
Billing: (Choose One)
____ Check/payment attached, please process directly.
____ Bill my account for the above amount and process immediately. Account # ________________
We appreciate your donations!
Yiddish Discussion Group
Do you know Yiddish?
Would you like to chat
with others in Yiddish?
Email Al Ghan at
[email protected]
Or call Jillian in the CBD office at
Mah Jongg Players
Would you like to play
Mah Jongg at CBD?
Games forming soon.
Email [email protected]
Or call Jillian in the CBD office at
Congregation Beth David
Nonprofit Org
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Upcoming in January
At Congregation Beth David
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Sunday, January 25th 10:00am – 1:00pm
Join us Sunday morning – rain or shine – for a celebration and
ceremony taking us into the Next 50 years of Beth David.
There will be refreshments and activities in which to participate.
RSVP on line: or call the office at
408-257-3333 for assistance. See flyer inside
Mordechai Rosenstein
January 28th – February 1st
See flyer inside
Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Reception
Saturday, January 31st 7:30pm
This is an opportunity to mingle with Mordechai
and purchase his art.