Active Development - Town of Wasaga Beach
Active Development - Town of Wasaga Beach
Active & Proposed Developments as of June 2016 Wasag a Woo ds C ir. Mary St. Baltic Ave. Endrus Rd. ay Cabin Cres. Theme Park Dr. Tr. Brid Ja l Dr. arla ne Ced Laura Ave. Vigo Rd. Zoo Park Rd. L n. A T te es. Cr 42 Lots Kimbolton Dr. Rd . n gda le She lbur ne Ave. 51 287 Units D r. Rylan Rd. e. Maste Lo Langevin Dr. S avarin St. Sp o Westbury Rd. Wesley Ave. Wo o d Ave. Ka Cre Bro Ln Cres. n Par Dr. Berkely St. Ansley Rd. Leo Blvd . Christy Dr. Elm Dr. Grand Poplar Ln. White Sands Georgian Glen Dr. nah Wil low St. Edward St. John St. w s. 12 Lots 62 Britton Ct. Mu lli gan . Cres. ale Beck St. d. sR Acc es . Tr. P l. e rr u n De err y . t. S hS 12t ve. Birc hA Blu eb 12t h 13t hS N. t. 13t h St. S. C res . ver R iver St. N. Cre Vet bour era Cre ns s Wa . y S il y Ct. Val le se Ro rlan roo k Dr. Inn is dC res . bro ok Dr. Riv erd ale Dr. Gle nE ton Rd Sm . allm an Dr. r. er D S. s. Besley Ln. . St. N Bril ling Fernb 861 Units alk Saint Ja m Pennsyl ea d Brd.Point St. D r. 21 Freeth y 59 151 Units Ryther Rd. ow oo d York Ave. North Carolina Ave. Princess Point Dr. New r ru Ca 61 e s Pl. Indiana o is St. Sha w rs S t. S . Car ruth ers St. N. S. Illin Cres. 160 Units th e . Sin clair Ave . Dr .N cky Ave. va P Ox bo w d. Flos Rd. Ten W. Ave. 0 Lake Rd. 0.5 1 2 Kilometres Flos Rd. Six W. W a 20 Dr. This map, either in whole or in part, may not be reproduced without the written authority from © Town of Wasaga Beach (in part) under license from: © The Corporation of the County of Simcoe; © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources: © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers: © Members of the Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange. All rights reserved. THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. a le Ba ss w 110-120 Units Deerbrook Dr. Flos Rd. Eight W. Jacks 97 Units Sunnidale Rd. S. Ct . Club Al le n Cr e Riversid es. Cr Cr I St. S. 32n d Sunnid ale D r. s. Ch rist o phe P au r Av l i ne 39t Pl . e. hS t. S . Gle Me nd a le A lros ve . eA ve. P arkwood Dr. Cre Cam ero nD r. . d. N Sunnid ale R Rd. S. 40t hS t. S . t St .S . St. S. 41s 42n d ol e Dr. ood We dge w Dr. Butt ern St. Dean Ct. Acad emy Ave. rald St . d. 7 ty R un Falvo Mid dl e to Lis a S n Dr. t. Man Co Mis 56t 55t h Rd . rium Rod S. hS t. S 57th St. N . . St. Dowlw S. ood D 5 4 r. th S Vio let t. S St. . 53r d Wh it St. e Bir 54th ch W S ay 52n . St. N. dS t. S . 51s Orch t St id S . S. t. 50t Wa hS y t. S 51s 49t t St . hS . N. Tril t. S 50t lium h . 4 S 45t 8th t. N h S Ct. . St. t. S S. . Lee 47th 48t St. St. hS S. t. N Ma r ie 47t . Fra St. hS nk t. N St. . 46t hS t. N . 45t Mea do hS wla t. N rk . Blvd . 44t hS t. N Red . O a or d k Dr. e yL 43r R Tan n. dS a t. N . 61st S S. t. N 60th St. . 59th St. N. S. 58th St. 58th St. S. N. 57th St. S. yrn es Ln. S. 60th St. 61st S t. es . 24t h N. St. S. 62nd Denn is Ln. M aple Dr. . Su g a r Green P 63rd S t. N. 62nd S t. N. B 64th S t. . S. t S t. 71s Cre s. d. 7 70 1st S th t. N . S 69 th t. N. 68 St. N th . St 67 .N th St. . N. 66 th St. N. 65t h S t. N Inv erk ip R Sy lva n Ave. Bro cks Ln. 72n t. la . t. N dS Pops Ln. St. S. St. S. 7 73 rd 4th S t. N. St. S. 73rd St. N. S rd .N o rt h Su n n id 405 Units 13 556 Units 12/ 74 th 52 Berkshir e Ave. ine s. 75 th 64 Av Ave. 4th L 191 Units . St n ia sC v Lyo n Sil d. Dr. sR Dr. Fai rgr oun d d . Map le e Av . Rd M Mu rra Dr. y Go lf Ave . 140 Units 19 r. ke di n o Kl 940 Units Cres. nD 42 Units rk Pa K e nt u Ct. ut R on T he Boa rd w 23 tD lnu r. 50 Units ob ts er ines 65 24 Ct. 49 Be ll s . Rd rk a P Marl Lake E. lva Be rl w o od Ma Tim b e Tw in P 60 39 Lots Ln . s. alachian pp r. Ga Ln rs Ct. na 96 Units 66 Spence r Blvd. Cres. Fai r way Birdie Ct . 66 66 Units g o nq u in Tr. 75 Lots o er Down 10 Units H ar 48 G 50 60 Units Le 260 Units Village 40 Units Leslie Anne Dr. e ly 35 38 t. eS sli Cr es. a sk 92 Units 45 39 Al N id a ve. aA Aw end a daw Ma 56 e Cr Ev ts Ln. ir . al e rie s. e. Av ie 36 e adow ews Northgate Rd. 34 od eM 54 ron wo ay W 40 nad rtha wa . s . Rd se ur Co lf Fo 37 me t. z S Hu Topa . St rl a E 57 Elizabet h Dr. Bir c h Tr. Su nw ar lewood 105 Units ra Tr. K eno . 43 44 41 W D o nato a Tr. paw Chip Wally Dr. M nd 16 Units e. Av a h at 53 Sav a et Ln. M a rk B lvd. 70 St. Pr o t. is S F aw Ma in 22 Units Phase I 60 Units Trailwoo d P l. 42 k 64 Units t. nS Phase II 17 Units t. Line E River Rd. E. C Lew ne ys Wa uc kle y Gle . 67 ay Tr. Beachw N. Ho Po rt Ro yal T r. x eg ina St. S t. R Ct. Cres 31 wS L a idla ve. st A e r Fo . Ct C re res. re s . Tr. 32 res s Bus hC Caribou le Co ee n . Pl. Tr. age Port C Dr. uw er gr ersands C n bea Ac orn Br o er Ev Carib no India t. well Bay al Roy K en S. . r Rd s a l d Cre r. ch D Be e n Do 17th St. 16th te ewa Edg R W. r. ce St. . St. N 3rd N. . St. S 14th N. r. t. N . . St. N 15th St. 16th Rd . Talla Ct. Lis bo Ct. n . St. S r re s as D gua Anti Oak L n . . Rd ive r rD ye D 33 . 22 i dham tyn Ln. ch e Ca ld Cir. Way . St. N 17th Pr F is Fat im a r S t. ale derd Lau d. Blv . Proposed Number of Lots/Units ox Kn N. e Subdivision/ Development Under Construction nd Dr. odla Wo P opla 12 Units t. osley S Old M River 30 r. 392 Units Hillier C t. d oo Dr. Bla k r. St. 19th N. Draft Plan of Subdivision Approved N. Mar N. Proposed Subdivision t. 25th S . Alex andra Ln. N. y Ln w v ie Leroy Ln. 46 Du St. ker Ba A zo Orch ard D r. nt Cr eek Dr . Pe n n t. 26th S Lam o Morg an R d Proposed Severances Dr. igby R Em e Rose C t. K e ll e y 16 kD ar v Bl a es. e l Cr Oak d u ro St 25 Pea rl St . t. 27th S Ct. N. er h Cr es . i ll Dr. Proposed Condominium 26 Lots t. N. 28th S s rD Su m m N. San d St. Rapid r. d. W . Arnil l Cres. Dean na Dr. w r Kno xR re An d aga Ori t. Modular Home Community ty Ridge Rd. 7th Ln. 1 st 6th Ln. Ln. 5th Ln. 3r2dnd L n. Ln. 4th Ln. 28 . St e nd sla . es S p ringdale Ave. C Commercial/Residential Mixed Use W as Way k Cres. ne od 373 Lots Commercial G ate s r ge t. 29th S Dr. Hele na S t. Wilh elm St. Fred erick Dr. Hic k G o ld F S eel ey r. Ln. Ol d Tamara c Ferndale Wilso n r. Am b e D Legend . Wild woo dD Bayw o 15 Bl Pl. ue Jay h inc 27 th 28 t. 31 s t S . e Ln nysid Su n Scho o or Cre s Idlew ood 14 Win terg ree n Wa y Card inal W ay 26 N. 13 104 Units D r. 18 30th St. J oann e Cres . Dr. Ramblewood Dr. Tona Tr. Pine Cres . 31st St. 26 Lots 11 Aste r Ave. N. C herry Sa nds C r 12 d. Map lesid e sdale N. od Pl. Robins on R Que en t. 32nd S Bria rwo Croc us D r. N. s. r. 63 71 68 69 . t. 34th S 10 ine Cre Iris D Mosley St. 50 Units St. N. 35th ca C s re Lily Dr. Alle gra Dr. 17 20 Units n Linda L . 9 122 Lots 38th St. N. Bian 218 Lots 39th St. N. 8 Dr. 40th St. N. Bay S ands 228 Units Pinecrest Ave. 41st St. N. 26 y. Hw 6 Shore Ln. t. 33rd S a N 36th St. wasa g 22 Units t. 23rd S Ct. ve. r on A n ke r . rd ot ta Reid y. H w E. 26 id e .N Aylin g t Ba y S 33/34 S 5 4773 72 29 S 14th . 6W 5 7 Units 15 Units 7 11 Units Spru C e. Av 5th d oo 2 y. . 2nd Nottawasaga Bay 2 Rd ch D Bea St. 6th N. St. Hw 5 14 Units Ash St. r. e J en 1st . Constance Blvd. t. S Blvd. a chw Betty Be rt S R ob e D ter s wa y a B 24 Lots St Shore s wn . m Ma . Rd oar rilyn Ma S. t ta 55 n. V w rb Sta . Ave yn l i r Ma . N. Ave Dr. L er at . d war ve. eA org Hia 4 Cir. line as t . y Ln Kirb 14 Units oe Ca n Rd . d Co 236 Units e ter v i Wa Lee Cir. . Dr A ve 177 Units 117 Lots Bayview Ave. Ge w ue Bl Ave . No ttaw a R d. 3 Ea ale std ve Oli 1 22 Units dy Jam es S t. 58 Ln. Jack Pin e Gr ov e Ct. S an 345 Units 8 Units Maple Hill Ct . e Cr : Archer Rd. 01. Maram Building Corp - Commercial Development (Maram) 13. Ramblewood Estates Subdivision (Phase II) 25. Marocco Knox Road East High Density Development 37. Wasaga Beach Village Ph 3 - Berkley Homes 49. Iantorno Residential Development 61. Country Meadows (Parkbridge) 02. Vandermeer Homes 14. Marocco 45th Street Commercial Development 26. RONA 38. Ansley Grove Subdivision - Pine Valley Developments 50. Donato-Strite Subdivision 62. New England Village Phase 2 (Subdivision) 03. West Wasaga (Stirling Cook Development Properties) 15. TY-Corp Lands 27. Di Paola Commercial 39. Scave Commercial Site Plan (Phases III & IV) 51. New England Village (Subdivision) 63. Mosley Street Professional Building-Commercial 04. Bluewater Canoe Club (Phases I & II) 16. Baycliffe Homes - Morgan Road Development 28. Free Spirit Tours 40. Esso Redevelopment - Petro Gold 52. New England Village (Condominium) 64. Deerbrook Drive - 2355573 Ont Inc 05. Wasaga Pines Retail Centre 17. Donato Puccini Townhouse Development 29. Greenhill Homes 41. Hamount Commercial (Phase 1, 2 & 3) 53. Di Giovanni Hotel & Condominium Development 65. Marlwood Inc Subdivision 06. DAS Developments 18. Pine Valley Estates Subdivision (Phase IV) Formerly J.Dick 30. Riverdock Suites (Marcolini) 42. Hamount Residential 54. Wasaga Country Life Resort (Phases 4B & 4C) 66.Farsight Homes 07. Jell-E-Bean Campground Expansion 19. Pacific Homes (Sunnidale Trails) Secondary Plan Ph.1 31. Blueberry Village Townhomes (Phase 1) 43. Parkbridge Wasaga Meadows East 55. Skydale Condos - Coastline Drive 67. Chrissies Cabins (Hamount) 08. Zancor Trillium Forest North - Commercial Zancor 20. Pacific Homes (Sunnidale Trails) Secondary Plan Ph.2 32. Blueberry Village Townhomes (Phase 2) 44. Parkbridge Wasaga Country Life (Phase 5) 56. Optima Homes 68. Pine Valley Commercial 09. Zancor Trillium Forest North - Zancor 21. Marocco / Spence (Sunnidale Trails) 33. Acchione /Fisico Severances 45. York Contracting - Royal Bank Plaza Ph.2 57. Beaver Run Estates Condos 69. DiMichelle/Dipaola 10. Business Park (Zancor) 22. Rivers Edge Phase 1 (Sunnidale Trails) Secondary Plan Area 34. Westbury Road Subdivision - Berkley Homes 46. Bremont Homes - H2O Townhomes 58. Eastdale Redevelopment 70. Hamount Commercial (700m2)/Residential (64 Units) 11. Robinson Road Area Servicing/Development 23. Rivers Edge Phase 2 (Sunnidale Trails) Secondary Plan Area 35. Devlin Subdivision (Mollela) 47. Perciball - Townhomes 59. Parkbridge - Phase 6 Park Place 71. Superstore Commercial Pad 12. Marocco Residential Development (Ramblewood Drive) 24. Arnill Pitt - Marocco - Proposed Condominium Townhouses 36. Sergautis Townhouse Development 48. Golfview Estates (Peter Regina) 60. Eastdale Drive - 2355573 Ont Inc. 72. A.B.B. Developments - 12 Unit Stacked Townhouse 73. Tru Star Developments -11 Units 3