May 2015 Newsletter - Aiken Driving Club
May 2015 Newsletter - Aiken Driving Club
Driving Tradition Into The Future May 2015 Newsletter See you at the first BBQ of the year on May 30th at the Carriage Museum, check out info in the calendar... Joanne Wally Was the DRIVING CAMP STAR! For vacation, I took three donkeys to Muffy MacKenzie Seaton’s driving camp in Windsor, S.C., for a week. I was so proud of mini-donk, Wally. Muffy said he was the star of camp. He was quite impressive. His other camp mates were a huge fancy Dutch harness horse, a Dartmoor pony, and a gray Dutch harness/Arabian cross horse! Wally had not been hitched to the cart since a year ago. With Muffy’s assistance, we did a little refresher, like dragging the single tree first. Wally didn’t seem to mind, so we hitched him up, and away we went, down the road and through the woods. Wally’s ears were up and acted like he had been driving his whole life. We even did a little trotting in the woods, up hills, through some deep sand. What a star Wally was! Then, after our trek through the woods, I did some solo trotting in Muffy’s dressage area, some circles and trotting down the center line, a stop and a salute. He was just fabulous and has quite a little motor. Stanley, my bigger sorrel donkey, got broke to the cart. He was fine and seemed to enjoy himself. Mini donk, Merlin, needs a little more work before going to cart. Overall, it was hard work, had a great time and it was a great accomplishment. So, I am getting Wally ready to compete in the Great Donkey and Mule Celebration this July in Shelbyville, TN., the biggest donkey and mule show East of the Mississippi. I am going with my mini-donk friend, Gilder Cantrell, of Glee Creek Minature Donkeys. It will be my first ever driving class and Wally’s too! P.O. Box 271, Aiken, SC 29802-0271 • Page 2 Aiken Driving Club Calendar for 2015 (May—June) ADS MAY 2-3 CCC HDT MAY 13 BOARD MEETING AT ST. THADDIUS SUZAN SALLSTROM AIKEN MAY 15-17 CARRIAGE CLASSIC IN THE PINES ADS PINEHURST NC MAY 15- GAYLA BLUEGRASS CDE ADS GEORGETOWN, KY MAY 20 EDUCATION NIGHT—SEE P. 6 MAY 2023 MAY 30 CAA JOHNS ISLAND JUNE 5-7 CAA DRIVING WEEKEND AT MULLET HALL ON JOHNS ISLAND BBQ AT THE CARRIAGE MUSEUM, (SEE BELOW) ELK CREEK CDE JUNE 21 SUMMER KICK OFF DRIVE (SEE BELOW) JUNE 26-27 CAA CARRIAGE FESTIVAL BBQ! NC SC RSVP 803-295-6785 ADS ELKTON, MD CAA LEXINGTON KY Saturday, May 30th 6 to 8 pm @ Gerde Carriage Museum in Hopeland Gardens rsvp 803-295-6785. Kick off summer drive in Aiken Sunday, June 21st, 10 a.m. With luncheon and sweet tea at the Carriage Museum in Hopeland Gardens. More details in June news letter. Save the date. City excited to have us and are doing lunch for drivers and grooms. PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE 6 acre lot available in Windsor Trace IV with frontage on North Windsor Rd. and Windsor Rd. Cleared and planted in Coastal Bermuda, this lot has easy access to lovely trails in and around the community. Ideal for carriage driving, trail riding and other equine activities. Offered at $63,000. Please contact Lee Hedlund @ 803 221-6831 (cell) or 803 648-8660 (office) for more May 2015 Page 3 From The Top . . .By Suzan Sallstrom, ADC President This has been a fast year. It seems like only yesterday I was accepting the position of president. In the past year the board members have over seen new things such as the Annual Equine Flea market, purchase of eight new measuring sticks, a review of safety tips, and we even had a square dance. ADC sponsored numerous events this year. Pleasure drives at Stormbranch Equestrian Club, Poole Training Center, two Audubon drives, and the Christmas games. We had two Pleasure Shows: May 2014 organized by Janelle Marshall, and March 2015 organized by Arnie Brooks. From the profits of this years show, Arnie was able to donate $1500 to the Star program, $1500 to Equine Rescue, and $200 to Barnwell Dog Rescue. We also sponsored the Monster Mini, Katydid CDE, and the Traditional Day of Driving, as well as a great fall weekend. Donations this fiscal year include: ADS Acadia 40th Anniversary Drive, $100, ADS from 2014 Windsor Trace CDE profits, $200. The Gaston Livery Stable from the flea market $480. Hitchcock woods $250. Windsor Fire and Rescue $200. Montmorenci Fire and Rescue $500 from the 2014 Pleasure Show profits. Aiken Land Conservancy $250. We also sponsored the Junior Driver Essay Scholarship $225, as an entry fee to the Katydid CDE. New things are happening at the Carriage Museum. Both the City of Aiken and Hopelands want to partner with us to open the museum on a regular schedule, in order to show the public the history of carriage driving. This years Gerde Award went to Bev Lesher for the use of her land so many times. May is Carriage Driving Month, and the purpose of the club is to participate in and enjoy the sport and tradition of driving. This is the foundation of the clubs philosophy and value system. We promote education, safety, pleasure and competitive driving, and most of all, comradery with fellow driving enthusiasts. I wish to thank the board members, committee chairs, and all the volunteers who make this club and it’s events such a great organization. Trot on… Suzan Page Page44 CLASSIFIED ADS . . .P FOR SALE Rear Entry Road Cart, from Running Brook Farm. Adjustable seat, corduroy & vinyl seat benches, flush hubs, vinyl cover for corduroy seat back., Shaft ht approx 30" at level, shaft width at narrowest 26 3/4", shaft length from tip to trace hook 77 1/2", wheel Dia 41". Used with 14.2 Haflinger and a Fjord. Very good condition. Michael Hartz 803-6429940 Get ready for the Springtime Pleasure shows and Traditional Day of Driving! Early 1900s (1905 - 1910?) pony wicker "Miami" wagonette by Standard Vehicle Company, Lawrenceburg, IN. has shafts and pole for 11-13 hand ponies. Restored in 1995 and kept inside ever since. I have pre-restoration photographic documentation of original finish and maker. Great Pleasure or CAA competition piece. $3700. Located in middle Georgia but I can have it in Windsor almost overnight. Contact me at [email protected] or 404.2296 206 for photos. Pat Cheatham Newnan, Georgia Frey Sprint cart. Brand new large pony. Black with custom wheels. On display to see at Boot,bridles & britches in Aiken Price $3,800 803 226-5045 New WCC M100 pony/cde single marathon carriage New WCC pony sport wagonette single/pair carriage Call for price and details 803 226-5045 Ponies for sale: 10 yo, 13h bay gelding, old style Morgan type, rides and drives (green). Super cute. $2500 12 yo, 12.3h gray Welsh cross mare, rides & ground drives, ADC August Aiken 2014Driving Newsletter Club LEASE SEND ADS TO AIKENDRIVINGCLUB @ GMAIL . COM $1500 Call Rebecca, 803-6460462 3/3 SMALL HORSE FARM FOR SALE or LEASE/RENT TO OWN– 1.8 acres with spacious 2500 sf 4 bedroom, 3 bath, double wide mobile home and carport with attached shed and overhead door. Split bedroom layout with huge master suite, whirlpool tub and separate shower. Hay and carriage storage trailer. Three 12X16 covered stalls with 4’ walls and 16X20 walkouts opening to almost an acre of no climb fenced paddock. Separate set up for two minis with low covered stalls and large walk out. Separate tack room and covered wash stall. Use of full size dressage arena & jumps. 80 acre hay field to drive/ ride in next door and miles of trails. Spectacular sunsets. Easy access 20 minutes to Aiken or Augusta; 30 minutes to Windsor. $89,000 Listed with Meybohm, Tracey Turner. For lease/rental info, call Joanne 803-761-1022 or email for pix [email protected]. HOME FOR SALE Join the Foxchase Community, an established equestrian neighborhood in Aiken. This 2000 sf brick ranch has direct access to Hitchcock Woods from the backyard. Three bedroom, 2 bath, fireplaced family room, livingroom and formal dining room as well as eat in kitchen, central HVAC. large deck, oversized two car garage. For your horses, two stalls hay shed, and board fenced paddocks. $299,000. call Claire 803-643-3184 FOR SALE MiniAficionado refrigerator. 34 inches high, 22 wide, 20 deep. Perfect for tack room. $135.00 O/B/O. Call Peggy 803-270-5490. ACCOMMODATIONS: Rooms in private home with kitchen and laundry privileges. Short term/long term.Equines possible. 1/2 way between Aiken and Katydid. Ann Zouck 803 6416242 WANTED to buy or lease, frontentry two-wheeled horse-sized cart not for show or competition but to train a horse to drive. Kitty Corbett (803) 4801294 or [email protected] TRANPORT NEEDED for a marathon carriage to Pinehurst/ Southern Pines area this spring. e-mail Pat [email protected] or call 404.229.6206. May 2015 Page 5 Page 5 April Education Night RECAP Eight people braved a chilly, drizzly evening to attend a session at the Mansur's farm where Carrie and Peter Kelen from Results Equine demonstrated some of the newest therapies available to our horses. Using Blaze, the ever hungry Haflinger, Carrie explained a typical exam, in the process revealing some sore spots on the horse. Using those areas, she demonstrated techniques like cold laser, ultraviolet light, ultra-sound and electrical stimulation to encourage relaxation of the tight muscles. She finished by showing carrot stretches and Blaze was able to bring his muzzle nearly to his hip to grab that fistful of hay. It was eye-opening for the attendees to see how small areas of discomfort that we might not notice can have an effect on the movement and comfort of our four legged friends. “The professional equine therapist presentation was probably the best EduNite I've ever attended. It would not have occurred to me to call in a horse physical therapist to attend Rhett and maybe make sense of his peculiarities. He's always carried his head to the left if not corrected, has one side of his withers more developed than the other, constantly head-bobs as though lame, counterbends especially on right turns in harness, and refuses smooth canter departure in either direction when under saddle “ Kitty Corbett “As competitors, we always want to be sure that our equines are in the best of shape to perform to the best of their ability (they do so much for us). Thanks for finding Carrie and getting her to talk to us.” Diane Mansur 2014 / 2016 BOARD MEMBERS PRESIDENT: Suzan Sallstrom 914-204-4189 [email protected] V. PRESIDENT: Peggy Dils TREASURER: Pixie Baxter SECRETARY: Jim Sector 803-295-6785 803-226-9572 [email protected] MEMBERS AT LARGE Shelly Temple Peggy Keeler Jane Hostetter EDUCATION COMMITTEE Martha MacDonald Teri Merry 804-837-4888 803-270-5490 772-341-1226 The ADC Newsletter is sent out monthly to all members, and includes a Calendar of current ADC Events, local and other driving related events, Reports, Agendas, Classified Ads and Announcements. Submissions of articles and photos are welcomed, and encouraged. Both our website and our newsletter are good sources of information on driving throughout our region. Visit our website at: DEADLINE 609-510-7465 803-292-8898 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Joanne Holmberg [email protected] WEBMASTER Pao Lin Hatch [email protected] NEWSLETTER 240-274-6180 The 20th of each month is the deadline for submissions and corrections. Photos should be emailed to the Editor and ALSO to the Webmaster. Please identify, people, animals and photographer. Your submitted photograph implies permission for its use. CLASSIFIED ADS are free to all members. You may submit your ad to the Editor by email or by USPS (email preferred). Ads are published for three consecutive newsletters and appear on our website for the same period. Non members may submit ads for $25.00. Please send submissions and corrections to: By E-mail: [email protected] By USPS: ADC Newsletter. c/o Joanne Holmberg, 51 Love Pond Dr., Jackson, SC 29831 ELECTRONIC DELIVERY GO GREEN and save yourself and the club money! If you would like your newsletter sent via e-mail (View all photos in color!) instead of a USPS mailed paper copy, please notify the Editor by e-mail at [email protected]. Page 6 Aiken Driving Club May Education Night Wednesday, May 20, 6PM-7PM at the Carolina Moon Distillery 116 Courthouse Square, Edgefield for a free tour and tasting of Edgefield's own moonshine. Learn how corn became the grain of choice, learn some of the secrets early moonshiners used and get an answer or two to the CAA Level One Proficiency test. Come for some fun, celebrate the end of our competition season and stay in town for dinner at any of our good restaurants. Please note the EARLIER start time. Financial Report The Aiken Driving Club remains on solid financial footing. The Club started the fiscal year, January 1, 2014 with a total of $19,381.81 in two accounts: a “show account” and a “working account.” Both accounts were at First Citizen’s. The ADC Board determined that it was in the best interest of the Club to merge the accounts but remain at First Citizens. In a world of electronic banking, keeping the records of the income and expenses could be better managed by using excel spreadsheets and line-item categories than the arbitrary assignment of income/expenditure to one or the other bank account. The Club ended the year with an account balance of $15,952.09, a difference of ($3,429.72) from the year’s start. Treasurer May 2015 7 Page Page 7 Carriage Trail Driving Safety Tips • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Never remove your bridle while your horse is hitched to a carriage. Do not tie your horse to your trailer if still hitched to a carriage. Teach your horse to “whoa” and “stand” before attempting a drive away from home. Check if there is drinking water available at the driving facility. Before the drive, check for harness wear and vehicle soundness. Make sure your breeching is properly adjusted. Consider using a gullet strap, or braid your horses mane into your bridle to prevent its easy removal. Law requires a Slow Moving Vehicle sign if driving on public roads. It must be visible and three feet off the ground. Consider a safety vest, reflectors, bicycle flag and lights for better visibility. Have a Spares Kit including halter(s) and lead(s), and a First Aid Kit for horses and humans. Carry a fully charged cell phone on your person. Know the drive manager’s number. Wear appropriate clothing, including sturdy footwear, driving gloves, and well-fitted equestrian helmet. Carry a whip. It “replaces” your riding legs. If driving a pair, you need a groom. Do not drive two or more horses by yourself. When your horse is put to the vehicle, a knowledgeable driver needs to be in the vehicle with the reins in hand. Do not lead your horse from the ground while it is put to a vehicle. The driver is always the first person in the vehicle and the last one out. Stay on marked trails. Watch the trail ahead for turkeys, deer, and other animals. Avoid being out during hunting seasons. Do not let your horse nibble on plants along the trail. Some may be poisonous. Go from light to dark areas slowly so horse’s eyes can adjust. Always cross perpendicular to railroad tracks. Cross bridges with care. Observe the condition of the bridge before you cross. Descend steep grades slowly. Call out to another driver to ask to pass. Once past, leave plenty of room between carriages. If you meet a rider, stop the carriage. Riding horses are often afraid of you. Allow the riders to determine how to safely pass. If driving on the road, drive in the middle of the lane. Look for places to get off the road safely. Have a Great Time! Shellhouse Paid $100 7/13/2013 Aug-13 to Jul 14
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