Ha y atm xil n sk nrt y n qilh q, y aqilh{tn xil n shnrt b o t mik l a r dir
Ha y atm xil n sk nrt y n qilh q, y aqilh{tn xil n shnrt b o t mik l a r dir
t-:a t.{ Hay atm xil nsknrt y nqilh q, y aqilh{tn xil nshnrt bot mik l ar dir ! Protector o.flife nre plnnts, protectorof plmrts nre botorrists! BOTANIKADUNYASI Hdrmetli oxucu! Dear reader! HazrrkimerheledeBotanikainstitutununyenilenmesi At this stage the renovationof the Instituteof Botanyand ve apanlmrgdiger iglereyekunvurmaqolar. Her geyden other activitiesin this respectmight be summarized.First hele keqen of all, it concernsthe intensiveactivityin the modernization ewel bu igler infrastrukturun modernlegmesi, and protectionof the valuableHerbarzenginkollek- of the infrastructure esrinortalarrndan toplanmrgbitkindvlerinin gox deyerliHerbarifondununqorunmasl ium Foundationwhich contains rich collectionof plant siyasrsaxlanrlan tizre gerginfealiyyetiehate edir.Volksvagenfondununve speciescollectedsince middleof the last century.At preqorun- sent, all required conditions for the conservationof dovlet bi.idcesinin desteyiile hazrrdakolleksiyantn masr ligtin her bir geraityaradrhb,tezlikleHerbarifondu collectionsare establishedby supportof the Volkswagen novlerinindigitallagdrrrlmasr i.igtinxUsusiherb-skanerde Foundationas well as the State budget,the specialherbof herbarium fealiyyetebaglayacaq.$i.ibhesizki, bu igde esas rolu bit- scannerwill be also used for the digitalization herbarilerinhaztr- speciessoon. Indeed,the staff of the Institute,participakilerintoplanmasr,sistemlegdirilmesi, haztrlan- ting with great enthusiasmin the collection,systematizalanmasrve yerlegdirilmesi, melumatresurslartntn bd- tion, preparationof the herbarium,elaborationof informategkiledilmesinde masr,biitUnHerbarikolleksiyasrnrn ytik hevesle igtirak eden institut emekdaglan oynaytr. tion resources,organizationof Herbariumcollection,plays Yaglr nesil ile yanagr,genc kadrlarda bu istiqametde the main role. Besideolder generation,young scientists 32%- also diligentlywork in this direction.Thus, 32% from the seyle gahgrr.Bele ki, institutunelmi emekdagtndan scientificstaff of the Instituteare youngscientistsand spetegkiledir. ini genc alim ve miitexessislar Bitkilerintoplanmasrve Herbarifondununzenginlegdi- cialists. forthe ln additionto the plannedbotanicalinvestigations botanikitedqiqatlaraelave rilmesi UgUnplanlagdrrrlmrg olaraqcari ilde BerlinBotanikaBa$r ve BotanikaMuzeyi- collectionof plants and the enrichmentof the Herbarium high proqramrhesabrnainstitutateqdimedilmig Foundation,this year the field works in the nin (Almaniya) xtisusi neqliyyatvasitesileAzerbaycanrnyUksek da$ltq mountainousregions of Azerbaijanwere carried out by Bir- means of he specialcar presentedto the Instituteby the ferqligdl tedqiqatlarrheyatakegirilmigdir. rayonlarrnda ge aparrlantedqiqatlardabotaniklerimiz hem tecrUbelerini programof BerlinBotanicGardenand BotanicalMuseum ve yeni melu- (Germany).During joint expeditionsour botanistscould artrrmaq,hem de dz tecri.ibelerini bdli.igmek matlartoplamaqimkanrelde etmigler.Institutbu istiqamet- improveas well as sharetheir experiencesand gathernew vo Azerbaycantn information.In this respects, the lnstitute is in close de Respublikanrn herbarikolleksiyasrnrn which have takmillegdiril-contactwith the other botanicalorganizations mslumatbazasrntn miiasir QrrmrzrKitabrnrn to the improvementof the herbariumcollection de contribution mesi Ugtintdhfelervermigdiger botanikimUessiselerle srx elaqededir.OnlarrnarasrndaNaxgrvanBioresurslar of Republicand databaseof new Red Book of Azerbaijan. institutu, Merdakan Dendrarisi,Merkezi Nebatet BaSr, Among them, there are the Instituteof Bioresourcesof Nakhchivan, Mardakan Arboretum, Central Botanical GenceDdvletUniversiteti ve s. vardrr. di.inyanrn 50 cilkesiile qlobalemakdagltq Garden,GanjaStateUniversityetc. Biz,hamginin, We also took a step fonruardin the joint work with the eden MilleniumToxum Bankr(MTB, BirlegmigKralltq)ile proqnozlarna MilleniumSeed Bank (MSB, UK) globallycollaborating mtigterekigdeireliaddrmatdrq.Ekspertlerin goxunun with 50 countriesof the world.Accordingto the prognosis gdre bu esrinsonu i.igtinbitkialemininyartstndan mehv olma tehltikesivar. Bu o demekdirki, minlenlede of experts,there is the dangerthat more than half of the yox olacaq.Bununbege- vegetationwill be disappearedto the end of this century. heyvantebiiyagamamUhitinden bdyiikmonasrvar. Tebii ki, bitki- This means that thousandsof animalswill be lost from riyyetinmdvcudlu$ui.igi.in saxlan- their natural habitat. lt has a great meaning for the 6z ler in situbdyUdUklari tebiiyagamamUhitlerinde Acrnacaqlrhaldrrki, etraf mtihitetezyiqo qeder existenceof humanity.Certainly,plants should be conmalrdrrlar. bdyi.ikdtirki, bu hemige miimktin olmur. Buna gdre da served in situ in their naturalhabitat.lt is miserablethat toxum banklarrayn-ayn ndvlerinex situqorunmastltgtjn due to the intensepressureon the environmentit is not effektlielave strategiyadrr.Bu yolla minlerletoxum ndv- always possible.Therefore,the seed banks is the addiberpasrmenbeyikimi onlannqo- tional effectivestrategyfor the ex situconservationof the larinyayrlmaerazilerinin olan bitkile- individualspecies.By this way the thousandsseeds can nadirve neslikesilmekde runubsaxlanrlmasr, yabanr artrrrlmasr ve tebietdereintroduksi-be conservedas a resourcefor the restorationof distriburin miqdarrnrn yasr UgUnehtiyathalrndasaxlanrlabiler.Omekdaglartmtztion of areasof species,the increaseof numberand reintoplanrlmrg toxumlarMTB-de,MilliGen Bankln- troductionof rare and endangeredspeciesto the nature. terefinden saxlanrlacaq, hemginintibbi, kend The seeds collectedby our staff will be kept at the MSB, da ve institutumuzda alsowill be usedfor teserriifatr,sonayeve s. ehemiyyatlibitkilerinyeni ve da- NationalGene Bankand our Institute, vamlryollarrntaprlaraqcemiyyetijgi.infaydalrolmastUzre the researchon new and sustainableapproachesto use elmitedqiqatlarda istifadeedilecek.2013-cUilin maytndan medicinal,agricultural,industrialetc. useful plantsfor the BirlegmigKralh$rnrn desteyi ile birge bitkilerinex sifu sax- community.The realizationof the programof ex sifu conplanlagdtrtltr, proqramrnrn bu servationof plantssupportedby UK is plannedsince may, heyatakegirilmasi lanmasr proqramdaxaricde treyninq kegmig genc tedqiqatgtlann 2013,the attendanceof young scientiststrainedabroadis also are considered. da igtirakrnezerdetutulur. The informationon the activityof the lnstituteof Botany Botanika institutununheyatrndanbu vo ya diger and othereventswill be found in this issueof Newsletter. bu sayrndatanrgola bilersiz. faktlarlaBiJlletenin AMEABotanikaInstitutunundirektoru, b.e.d.,prof.ValideOli-zade Prof. Dr. Valida Ali-zade Director of the Institute of Botany, ANAS BOTANiKA DUNYASI Xaberler Ulurlu layiha yanrndaElmin Prezidenti Azerbaycan inkigafr Fondunun ilk qrantmUsabiqenadir sininqalibiolan "Azerbaycanrn ve nesli kesilmekdeolan bitki ve qiymetgobeleknovlerinin statusunun elmi lahiye movzusunda lendirilmesi" gatmrgdrr ve layihenin u$urla baga rehberi,AMEA Botanikainstitutunun EiF direktoru,b.e.d.,professorV,M.Oli-zada terefinden sertifikata layiqgorUlmUgdUr, Qtrmru kitafu. Nadirve nesli kesilmekdeolan bitki ve gdbaleknUvlari "Azerbaycan Respublikasrnrn Qtrmtzt olan kitabr.Nadirve neslikesilmekde bitki ve gdbeleknovleri"kitabrgapa Bu 300 bitki(266 teqdimolunmugdur. ali ve 20 ibtidai)ve gdbelek(14) co$rafiyayrlnovlerinin morfologiyasr, masr, sayr, biologiyasr,ekologiyast,fitoqorunmanrn faksenologiyasr, mehdudlagdtrtct ehateeden resmi torlarrve zeruritedbirlerini melumatkitabrdrr,Kitaba 362 gekil ve 270 bibloqrafik adlardaxiledilmigdir, Faxri Farmanlar News Successful project Winner of first grant competitionof unFoundation ScienceDevelopment Azerbaijan of the der the President Republicat subjectof scientificreof statusof rare search<Assessment and endangeredplant and fungal species of Azerbaijan>completed successfuland projectmanager,directorof Botany,ANAS,prof.V,Ali-zadewas awardedcertificate by the SDF. Rareand endangeredplant and mushroom specles The "Redbookof AzerbaijanRepublic. plantand mushRareand endangered roomspecies"is submittedfor the publishing,This is the official reference publication which containsinformation geographical distribuon morphology, tion, number,biology,ecology,phytocoenology,limitingfactorsand the necessary measuresof protectionof 300 plant (266 higherand 20 lower)and mushroom (14) species.362 photos270 bibliographic in the book, namesare included Honorary Diplomas The statfof the Instituteof Botany, emekAMEABotanikainstitutunun memberof ANAS corresponding daglarrAMEA-nrnmUxbir OzvU, Doctor Ninel the ANAS Garayeva, b,e.d,inna b.e,d.NinelQarayeva, of biologicalsciencesInna GurQurbanova,b.e.d., prof. Rena banova,prof.RenaAgabeyli,Doc' A$abeyli,b,e.d. Novruz Quliyev, tor of biologicalsciences Novruz elmde b.e.d,Sayyareibadullayeva Guliyev,Doctorof biologicalscigosterdiklerixidmetlerinegdre AMEA-ntn encesSayyaralbadullayeva have been awarof the Presidium Diploma Reyaset HeyetininFexri Fermantile teltif dedwiththe Honorary the scientific activities. of ANAS for their edilmigler. BOTAN1KAI}UNY Bioadaptasiyalaboratoriyasl I Laboratoryof Bioadaptation in was established of Bioadaptation The Laboratory Bioadaptasiyalaboratoriyasr2010-cu ilde AMEA Problemsof fundamental 2010 in the Department of Fundamental Biolojimehsuldarlr$tn BotanikaInstitutunun problemleri gdbesinde yaradtlmrgdrr.Laboratoriyantn Biological of Botany,Azerbaiof the Institute Productivity Academyof Sciences(ANAS).Headof the mUdiri b.e.d., professor,AMEA-nrn mUxbir tizvU lrade jan National sciences,CorresponLaboratory is Doctorof biological rr. Laboratoriy ada 7 emekdaggaltgtr. Hirseynovad Laboratoriyanrn osas istiqameti ali bitkilerin dent memberof ANAS, Professorlrada Huseynova. in the Lab. fotosintetik membranlartntn osas struktur-funksional Therearesevenemployees in sintezi, arethe study of the Laboratory lal komplekslerin The maindirections olan piqment-zi.i komponentleri proseslerinin of the pigmentyr$rlmasrve formalagmasr tedqiqi,bitkilarin of the synthesis, andformation assembly comas the mainstructural-functional heyat fealiyyetininve onlarrnabiotik (quraqltq,goranllq, proteincomplexes in higherplants, membranes radiasiya ve s.) ve biotik (viruslar,firoplazmavo s.) ponentsof photosynthetic of mexa- plantactivityand the molecular-genetic mechanisms molekulyar-genetik amillerecavab reaksiyalartntn (drought, radiation emekdagla: salinity, to abiotic the theirresponses nizmlerinin6yrenilmesidir.Laboratoriyanln phytoplasmas, etc.)factors.The nnrn aldr$r neticeler defelerle AMEA-ntn illik etc.)andbiotic(viruses, to most wereincluded en mtihUmelmi neticelerslrastnadaxil resultsobtainedin the Laboratory hesabatlarrnda scientific resultsof theAnnualReportsof Azeredilmigdir. Bu tedqiqatlarrn on dnemli neticeleri important The mostimporbaijanNationalAcademyof Sciences. rr. a9a$rdakrlard resultsarefollowrng: o Miieyyen olunmugdurki, fotosisteml, fotosistemll tantresearch of the of formation thatthe regulation va igrqtoplayan komplekslerin formalagmastntn o lt was revealed coml, photosystem ll and light-harvesting t o n z i m l e n m e s i , e s a s o n , p o s t t r a n s k r i p s i y a photosystem plexestakesplace,mainly,at posttranscriptional level, seviyyesinde bag verir ve bu zaman nlivenin ve in betweennuclear ici sistemlerin and at the sametimethe cooperation xloroplastr n genom ve ziilalsintezed genomesand protein-synthesizing comandchloroplast koope-rasiyasr mtigahideolunur. plexes piqment-ziilal is observed. komMiixtelif igrq rejiminde complekslerininyr$rlma prinsiplerimUeyyenlegdirilmig rPrinciplesof the assemblyof pigment-protein and plexesin differentlightregimeswere determined vo bu proseslerde karotinoidlerinstruktur vo in these roleof carotenoids rolu agkarolunmugdur. the structural andstabilizing stabillegdirici hasbeenrevealed. itt< dafe olaraq, bugda bitkisinde ELiP adlanan processes of wheatplantprimarily igrqla ilkin induksiya olunan zUlallar mUgahide o Forthe firsttime,the proteins and olunmug ve onlarrn karotinoidbirlagdiranzi.ilallar inducedby the lightcalledthe ELIPwereobserved proteins. it wasprovedthattheyarecarotenoid olmasrsi.ibutedildmigdir. F.Quliyeva ET Okingilik i nsti tu tu n un tecrii be b azastn d a F.Guliyeva in the experimental plot of the Research I nsti tu te of Ag ri cu ltu re xestali k I ari n i n i m m u n oferment analizi (ELisA) ile diaqnostikasr iizra tacrii bi seminarda in the training seminar on diagnosis of virus disease of vegetabI es by i m my noen zyme assay (ELISA) BCTAF{iKAI}UruYA5I Bu$danrn muxtolif genotiplorindefotosintetikapa- r Molecularbases of protectionand adaptationprocratrn quraqlrqve duz stresineqargt davamltlt$tnln esses of the toleranceof photosyntheticapparatus proseslarininmolekulyaresasmUdafie-adaptasiya of the differentwheat genotypesto droughtand salarr agkar olunmugve tolerantsortlannseleksiyasl line stresswas detectedand markersigns for selecgiJ u r. olu n mugd i.i n markerelametlermtieyyen tion of tolerantvarietieswere defined. r Su qrtlr$r zamail bugda bitkisinde ontogenezin r Activityof antioxidantenzymes(catalase,ascorbate peroxidase)was studied in wheat genotypesat all btittin fazalarrnda antioksidlegdiricifermentlerin (katalaza, askorbatperoksidaza)feallt$t dyrenilstages of ontogenesisunder water deficiency.The migdir. Genotiplerintolerantlt$rile bu fermentlerin direct correlationbetween tolerance of genotypes fealh$r arasrnda birbaga korrelyasiya mUgahide and enzymeactivitywas observed. olunmugdur. r The screening for drought tolerance in durum (Tiriticum durum L.) and bread (Triticum aestivum L.) r Azerbaycanda genbankda toplanan berk (Tiriticum durum L.) ve yumgaq (Triticumaestivum L.) bu$da wheat genotypescollectedin the GeneBankof Azergenotiplerinde RAPD, SSR vo funksional baijanwas performedby the use of the RAPD,SSR genomarkerlerdenistifadeetmeklequraqIr$a davamltIt$tn and functionalmarkers and drought-tolerant sortlar mi.ieyyen skrininqi apanlmrg ve davamlt typeswere identified. olunmugdur. o Tomato yellow leaf curlvirus, Bean common mosaic t Azerbaycanrn mi.ixtelif bdlgelerinden toplanmtg virus, Bean leaf roll virus, Bean yellow mosaic virus, medeni ve yabant terevez bitkilarindeseroloji ve Chickpea chlorotic dwart virus, Alfalfa mosaic virus molekulyarmetodlarla(DAS-EL|SA,RcA, PZR) ilk and the combinationof these viruseswere detected defe olaraq Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, Bean by serologicaland molecularmethods(DAS-ELISA, common mosaic virus, Bean leaf roll virus, Bean RCA, PCR) for the first time in cultural and wild yellow mosaic virus, Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus, vegetableplants collectedfrom differentregionsof Alfalfa mosaic virus ve bu viruslartnqartgt$t agkar Azerbaijan and their molecular identificationwas edilmig vo onlarrn molekulyar identifikasiyasl carriedout. aparrlmrgdrr. One PhD,4 Masterand 4 Bachelorthesishavebeen 1 namizedlik,4 magistr,4 bakalavrigi defended.One PhD thesis is alreadysubmittedfor deLaboratoriyada mtidafieolunmugdur.1 ig biologiyaelmlerilizre felsefe fenseand one is underthedefenseprocedurenow. teqdimolunmug,1 ig isa Staff of the Laboratoryare participantsof the one doktorualmaq iigiin mi.idafieye projects,winnersof firstgrant mildafieerefesindedir. localand one international LaboratoriyanrnemekdaglartAzerbaycan Respub- competitionsof ScienceDevelopmentFoundationunder likasrnrnPrezidentiyanrnda Elmin inkigaftFondunun the Presidentof the Republicof Azerbaijanin 2010 and qalibiolmugbir yerlive bir 2 0 1 1 . 201O-cuil 1-cimtisabiqesinin beynelxalqlayihenin,hemginin2011-ciil 1-ci mUsabiqedenu$urlakegmiglayihenin igtirakgtlartdtr. o prof. S.Vinter (Almaniyil f .Qutiyevaya i5z mxlahetlarini verir The head of Department of the DSMZ center t Prof. S.Vinter (Germany) gives his adui-?eto F'Guliye.v.a " . ., Prof. Q.MIirg[idov (Birlagmig Krallry), b.A.f. d. S.Riistamova, b.e.d., prof ., AM EA-n rn m. ii. I.Hii seynov a (Azarbaycan), h.e.d., prof. A.Konigev (Rusiya) Bioloii mehsuldarhlrn fu n d amentaI p ro b IemI eri gi5basi nd e Prof. G.Murshudov (UK), Dr. S.Rustamova, Dr. of Sci., Prof., Corresponding memher of ANAS I.Huseynova (Azebaiian), Prof. A.Konichev (Russia) in the Department of Fundamental Problems of Biological Productivity BOTANIKADUNYASI emekdagtElmira The employeeof Bioadaptation LaboratoryElmiraMaBioadaptasiyalaboratoriyastnln of in the framework Meherremova "Zaqafqaziyada bitki mUxtelifliyininharramova carriesout investigations the qorunubsaxlanmast iglenibhaztrlanmast" Tools for Conserving metodlartntn the projecton "Developing Forthis purpose, tedqiqatlarapartr.Bu meqsedle PlantDiversity of the Transcaucasus". layihesigergivesinde ismailli, Astara, Lerik,Astara, Lerik, to Lankaran, expeditions ZdtO-cu ZOIZ-ciillerLenkeran, during2010-2012 tegkil organized ekspedisiyalar were etc. rayonlartna lsmailli,Gabala,Oguz, Zaqalala, Qebele,O$uz,Zaqatala (3 and plantmaterial(specimens of 3 treespeciesZelkova edilmigve laboratoranalizlerUgUnbitki materiallart a$acntivUnin Zelkovacarpinifolia,Pterocaryafraxinifolia carpinifolia,Pterocarya fraxinifolia,Albizia Julibrissin) toplanmrgdtr.Osas werecollected The aim is to analyses. nUmuneleri) for the laboratory ve Atbiziajulibrissin populyasiyacarry out populationlevel samplingof the species Zaqafqaziyaljzre meqsedbu novlerinbUtUn to analyze theirrangein the Transcaucasus, s e v i y y e s i n d et o p l a n t l m a s t ,m U x t e l i f m o l e k u l y a rthroughout genetik geneticstructuring usingdifferentmo' istifadeederkenpopulyasiyalarrn of the populations metodlardan hempinin lecularmethodsand comparethem and finallyto de' ve mUqayisesi, 6yrenilmesi strukturlagmastntn qorunubsaxlanmast ve idaresiUgUn velopa strategyfor conserving genetikmtixtelifliyin and managinggenetic tr. rn hazrrlanmastd three species. the all startegiyan diversity for RahileRahimovacaremekdagrRahile RehimovaAB$ Laboratoriyantn The employeeof Laboratory Fraunhofer Molekulyar BiotexnologiyaMerkezinderies out her PhD-studyin FraunhoferCenter for (USA), Biotechnology felsefedoktoruiginiheyatakegirir. Molecular in the sevwerepresented Laboratoriyantnneticoleri goxsayh beynelxalq The resultsof Laboratory (TUrkiye, isvegre, eralinternational andsymposiconferences congresses, konqres,konfiansve simpoziumlarda Rusiya,Yaponiya, ums (Turkey,Sweden,France,UK, Hungary,Russia, Kralltq,Macanstan, Fransa,Birlegmig Hindistan, italiya, ltaly,India,Chinaetc,)and reAB$, Almaniya, Qin ve s.) teqdim Japan,USA,Germany, tjz flectedin overthan180articlesand2 monographs. One olunmug,180-denartrqmeqalsde,2monoqrafiyada biri Moskvada, of thesemonographs Bu monoqrafiyalardan was publishedin Moscowin the eksinitapmtgdrr. gap olunmugdur. Qeyd prestigious publishing company"Nauka".lt shouldbe niifuzlu"Nauka"negriyyatrnda on photosyn' etmek laztmdtrki, bu fotosintezUzre"Nauka"dagap notedthatthis is the onlyone monograph tr, in "Nauka". olunanyeganemonoqrafiyad thesispublished D{JNYASI }3{}T'AFJfKA Bioadaptasiya laboratoriyastntnamekdaglart Fotosintez Tedqiqatlarrttzre Beynelxalq Cemiyyetin ile 24-30 iyul 2011-ciil tarixindeBakt gehetegebbi.isU rinde kegiribn "Davamlt inkigaf izra fotosintez tedqiqatlarr"beynelxalqkonfranstntnlokal komitasinin i.izvleri kimi yaxtndan igtirak etmigler. Konfransda Azerbaycandan yegane plenar moruze irada Htjseynovaterefindenedilrhigdir. activelyparof Bioadaptation Thestaffof Laboratory at the Interticipatedas a membersof localcommittee "Photosynthesis for Research on nationalConference of International organized by the initiative Sustainability" Researchon 24-30 July, Societyfor Photosynthesis fromAzerbaijan, 2011in Baku.Onlyone representative hashada plenarylectureat the ConlradaHuseynova, ference. irade Hliseynova "Davamh inkigaf iizre fotosintez tad q i q atl an " beyn alxaI q konfrans tnd a plenar meruze edir lrada Huseynova gives plenary lecture in the lnternational Conference on " Ph o to sy n thesls Researc h fo r Sus tai n ab i Ii ty " Akad. C.Oliyev iLz talabaleri ila birlikde "Davamh inkigaf iizra fotosintez tadqiqatlan" mdvzusunda beynalxalq Ronfransda. Sotda; Frau n hofer Mo Ieku lyar Bi otexn o Iog i ya Markezin i n (AB$) direktoru prof. V.Yusibov; salda: Fraunhofer Molekulyar Biotex' notogiya Merkazinin (AB$) qrup rahheri, prof. T.Memmadov, Pusan IJniversiteti ni n (Koreya) tedqiqatE'prof. i.zii ffii q arov ve i. Hii seynov a Acad. J.Aliyev with his students in the lnternational Conference on "Photosynfhesis Research for Sustainability". ln the left: Director of Fraunhofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology (USA) Prot. V.Yusibov; in the right: group leader in Fraunhofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology (USA) Prof. T'Mammadov, Research Prof. LZulfugarov from Pusan University (Korea) and l.HuseYnova Fransaile elaqeler Links with France The head of the scientificresearchesof the Azerbaycandameyve a$aclan ve tarevaz bittedqiqi mrigterak of Fruit Biologyand PathologyUMRDepartment fitoplazma xasteliklerinin kilerinde Elmiof the Re(Biologie Tesarrufatl Kend 1332 du Fruitet Pathologie) Fransantn Milli meqsedila re) of France (INRA cendqiq Agriculture of National Bordeaux search Institute Tadqiqatinstitutunun patologiyast Foissac, (INRA Dr. Xavier va cendqiq re), Bordeaux UMR-1332Meyvelerinbiologiyast Probof Fundamental (Biologiedu Fruit et Pathologie)gdbesininelmi havevisitedthe Department akadeby academilead Foissac Productivity lems of Biological tedqiqatlarrizre mridiri Dr. Xavier mik Celal Oliyevinrehbadiketdiyi AMEA Botanika cian Jalal Aliyev to continuethe study of phytoi n s t i t u t u B i o l o j i m e h s u l d a r l r g r nf u n d a m e n t a l plasmadiseaseson the fruit trees and vegetable qona$tolmugdur. plantsin Azerbaijan. problemleri gdbesinin ile Azerbaycan it shouldbe noticedthatthe basisof this scienQeyd etmek laztmdrrki, Fransa esasl 2005-ci tific cooperationbetweenFranceand Azerba'tjan alimleriarasrndabu elmiamekdaglt$tn etgrin gox davam u$urla de had been laid down since2005 and successfully ilden qoyulmugve bu realizedtoday. dirilir. ile. birlikde The diagnosisof plantswith symptomsof phyDr. X.Foissacadbeninemekdaglart malik bitkilarin toplasmadiseases,collectionof their carrier inelametlerine fitoplazmaxestaliklerinin olanhegeratvektor- sectsvectorsand the actionsagainstthis disease onlanndagryrcrlan diaqnostikasr, larrnrntoplanmasrva bu xesteliyaqargr mtibarize were widelydiscussedduringthe meetingwith Dr. aparmtgdtr. X.Foissac. tadbirlari haqdagenigmrizakireler BilTAh]iKA il Sefer mUddatindexeste a$aclartnagkar olun- AMEA MerkeziNebatatBalrntn meyveve terevez becerilentacrribesahelerindaxestelikelametlerine ve malikgavalt,gaftaltve erik a$aclartagkarlanmtg yarpaq ntimuneleri analizleraparmaqrigrinonlardan toplanmrgdtr. funBiolojimehsuldarlr$tn aliminstitutun Fransalt igtiraketmigdir. laSeferinsonundaDr.X.Foissac,Bioadaptasiya lrade mtidiri,AMEA-nrnmtixbiriizvii boratoriyastntn laGenomunstrukturuve ekspressiyast HUseynova, mi.idiri,b.ii.f.d., dosent Olemdar boratoriyasrnrn igtiMemmedovve doktorantGrilnareBalakigiyeva rak etdiyideyirmimasadabirge aparrlmrgelmi-tedqiqatiglerininnaticelerimtizakireedilmigve gelecekiglerplanlagdrrtlmtgdtr. da bu sahede96rUlecak or.x)ii ii'ro i"i' ' . ?{YASN Duringthe visit, expeditionsto Baku,Absheron Peninsulaand Guba regionof Azerbaijanwere organized to reveal the infectedtrees, also plum, peachand apricottreeswith the diseasesymptoms fieldsof the Rewere identifiedin the experimental searchInstituteof Agricultureand VegetableGrowing of the Ministry of Agricultureof Azerbaijan and (Pirshaghidistrict),the Instituteof Horticulture SubtropicalPlants(Guba)and the CentralBotanical Gardenof ANASand leafsampleswere collectedfor the analysis. in the discussionof Frenchscientistparticipated of phytoplasmas the PhD thesison "The distribution in fruit trees and vegetablesin Azerbaijanand molecularstudyof theirdiversity"submittedby Gulnaraof the PhD studentof the Department Balakishiyeva, Productivity' Problemsof Biological Fundamental At the end of the visitthe resultsof joint research workand furtheractivitiesin thisfieldwere discussed of Dr' Xavier at round table with the participation of Bioadaptation, Foissac,the headof the Laboratory member of ANAS, Professorlrada Corresponding Huseynova,the head of the Laboratoryof Genome AssociateProfessor,Dr' Struciureand Expression, PhD-studentGulnara and Mammadov Alamdar Balakishiyeva. aliaa "pt""iva "" ila birlikde laboratoriyastntn emekdaglan Dr. Xavier Foissac with staff of the Lahoratory of BioadaPtation 1 E.Meherremova ,; I aAl r2trranl tacriibelari zamanr ciil laariihalari I . . st"'J E.Maharramova vduring field exPeditions L'rltattgttqrrtvts ECTANIKADUNYASI AlltlEC-lae akdaEkq Briyiik Britaniyanrn AMEC Environmentand Infrastructure Grovth Regions Mining Services Group-un niJmayendeleri Dr. P.Rogersve S.Galchenkoiyun aytnda AMEA BotanikainstitutundagdrUgkegirdiler.Gdri.ig zamail institutundirektoru b.e.d., professorV.M.elizade qonaqlarrinstitutunelmi fealiyyetivo son illerde elde etdiyi nailiyyetlerletanrg etdi, AMEC-le emakdagh$rnperspektivlerive istiqametlerietraftndagenig miizakirelerkegirildive ilkin razrhqlarelde edildi. Goriigtinsonundaqonaqlarinstitutdaapartlanyenilenme bildirdiler. igleriile tanrgoldularve momnunluqlarrnr ' of AMEC Environmentand The representatives Infrastructure GroMh RegionsMiningServicesGroup in Juneat Dr. P.Rogersve S.Galchenko had meeting the Instituteof Botany,ANAS.Duringmeetingthe Digaveinforrectorof the Institute Prof.Dr. V.M.Ali-zade andits mationaboutthescientific activityof the Institute anddirecachievements in the lastyears,perspectives tions of the collaboration with AMECwere discussed At the endof and preliminary agreement was achieved. carried the meetingguestsgotto knowthe renovations outin the lnstitute theircontentment. andexpressed nmeC ntiimayatndateri ile miizakira Discussion with the representatives of AMEC AMEC nilmayandeleri Herbari Fondunda Representatives of AMEC in the Herbarium Foundation Ganc dqiqatgrGiirctistanda AMEA Botanika institutunundoktorantt,b.U.f.d. Regad Selimov Gi.irci.istan Milli BotanikaBa$rnda bu tegkilat ile AMEA Botanika institutu arasrnda olan qargrhqlr emekdaghq gergivesinde elmi tecrUbe kegmigdir.Buradao, m[iasirmetodikaiizre toxumlartn qurudulmasr nezerive toplanmasr, ve temizlanmesinin praktiki esaslarrna yiyelanmigdir.Bitkilerin ex situ geraitde mi.ihafizesininmUasir metodu kimi toxum bankrnrnteskili,toxumlarrnuzun mtiddatlisaxlanmasl, onlarrnkeyfiyyetinin teyin olunmasriisullan ile tantg olmugdur. A.Seti mov I aborattoriyad a tecr[ibe zamanr R.Salimov in the laboratory during training Post-doctoralresearcherof the Instituteof Botany RashadSalimovvisitedthe NationalBotanicalGarden of Georgiawithinthe cooperationbetweenthis organization and the lnstituteof Botany of ANAS. There he gainedtheoreticaland practicalknowledgeon the collection,drying and cleaningof seeds in accordance with the modernmethods.He becamefamiliarwith the managementof seed bank as a modernmethodof ex sifu conservationof plants,long-termstorageof seeds and assessmentmethodsfor theirquality. BOTANIKA T}UNYASI $cientificarticleof Azerbaijani scientistis Publishedin the prestigiousjournal aliminelmi Azarbaycanll meqalesiniifuzlujurnalda darc olundu Bu yaxtnlardaAvroPa Bitki BioloqlarrCemiYYetininresmidovrUnegriolan yUksekimPaktfaknUfuzlu, Plantatorlu "Physiologia frffll@r\ fotosoya genotiplerinin sintezi, fototeneffUsUve adlt meqamehsuldarlt$t" lesi derc olunub.XUsusi aktuallr$rile segilmigbu fototenefmeqalebitkilerde ftiltafiuhi The article "PhotosYnthesis, photoresPiration of wheat and productivitY genotYPes" soybean and of academicianJalal Aliyev was recentlY Published in the officialPeriodical publicationof the European SocietY of . Plant Biologists,Prestigiousjournalwith high impact factor "PhYsiologia Plantarum".This article to very fUs, karbon metabolizmive mehsuldarltqara- distinguished by its actualitydedicated photoproblem on srnda gox maraqlrve ziddiyyetlibir probleme interesting and conflicting productivand hesr olunmugdur. carbonmetabolism respiration, plants. AkademikCelal OliyevindUnyaelmine ver- ity of JalalAliof academician The contribution diyi tdhfeler fotosintez prosesinin kompleks gekilde tedqiqiniehate edir. Bu tedqiqatlartn fizioloji, ehatedairesibitkilednmehsuldarlt$rntn biokimyevi, biofiziki ve molekulyar-genetik esaslartnt,eyni zamanda bitkilerinheyattntn the tegkilininmolekulyarseviy- geneticbasis,at the sametimecombines struktur-funksional mofrom processes yeden baglayaraqbutov bitki ve ekine qeder studyof the productivity combUtUnmerhele ve formalarrndamehsuldarltq lecularlevel of the structural-functional plants whole to plant activity life ozUndecemlegdirir. positionof oyrenilmesini proseslerinin the Bitkilerinheyatrndafotosintezqeder ehemiy- and sowings.The importantresultsabout in yetli olan fototeneffUsprosesi haqda qiymetli no less significantthan photosynthesis photorespiration plant life activityprocessof neticelereldeedilib. wereobtained. verilen AkademikCelalOliyevinmeqalesinde repThe theoryand practicalapproaches nezeri ve tecrUbimelumatlarfototeneffUshadi- resentedin the paperof Jalal Aliyev play a mUhUmrol oynaytr. sesininbagadUgUlmesinde the phenomerolein understanding significant Bu ideya tarla geraitindebecerilenmuxtelifge- non of photorespiration. The ideais basedon notiplerdenistifade etmekle goxillik, meqsed- the resultsobtainedfromthe long-term, versayonlU ve hertereflitecrUbelerdenalrnan neti- tileand purposeful withthe use investigations celereesaslantb. field. grown in the genotypes of different uzun israfgrlrqolmast haqda FototeneffUsUn Contrary to conceptionarisen during eksine olaraq, manyyearson wastefulness of photorespirailler movcud olan tesevvUrlerin genotiplerle kontrast tarla geraitindeyetigdirilen tion,takinginto accountthe 40 yearsinvestive gationson differentaspectsof photorespiraqaz mubadilesinin,karbon metabolizminin mUxtelif and esastnda tion (gas exchange,carbonmetabolism RBFt</Ofermentininaktivliyi neticesinde activity Jalal Aliyevhas proved apartlan40 illiktecrUbeler of RuBPC/O) Usullarla l0 BOTAN1KANUNYASI that photorespiration is one of the evolutionary developedvital metabolicprocessesin plantsand the attemptsto reducethis procthe crop ess with the purposeof increasing productivity are inconsistent. It shouldbe notedthatthis globalconon the Conference clusionwas represented Soby on Photosynthesis held International (ISPR)on cietyof Photosynthesis Research July 24-30,2011 in Baku and was highly participants. welcomedby the conference sciPublishing the paperof Azerbaijan and repentistfirst in the list of contributors DUnyada ilk defe olaraq Azerbaycanlt resentingthe paper on the Journalfront juraliminmeqalesinieks etdirengorUntUnUn cover shows it's importancefor the world a ri l me si ve me q a lenin' 1- ci science. n a l r nU zq a b r $ rn dve akademik Celal Oliyev terefinden sUbut gediginde tekamUlUn edilmigdirki, fototeneffUs formalagmrg heyat ehemiyyetli metabolik prosesdirve bitkilerinmehsuldarlt$tnt arttrmaq yollarla onu azaltmaq mUxtelif meqsedile cehdleriesassrzdrr. Qeyd edek ki, bu qlobal netice Fotosintez tedqiqatlarr Uzre Beynelxalq Cemiyyetin (| S P R )2 4 - 3 0 i yu l 2 0 1 1 -cii l ta ri xi n deBakr da teqdimolunkegirdiyiFotosintezkonfranstnda mug vo konfrans igtirakgrlarrterefinden gox yUksekseviyyedaqargrlanmrgdtr. ig kimi gap olunmasr onun ehemiyyetini gosterir. "Azorbaycandafitoplazma xostelikleri"adh bukletnegr edilmigdir Phytoplasmadiseasesin Azerba an" bookletwas published "Elm" Redaksiya, Negriyyat ve PoliqrafiyaMerkezinde Azerbaycan Respublikasrntn PrezidentiyanrndaElmininkigafr F o n d u n u n ma l i yye d e ste yi l e G . Ba l a k i g i ye va ,O.Me mme d o v h e mmU e l l i f v o l . H U s e y n o va n rn olduqlarr "Azorbaycanda fitoplazma xestelikleri" adlt bukletnegredilmigdir. Buklet fitoplazmalar haqqrnda umumi edebiyyat me l u m a t l a r rn rn xU l a se si n d eve n yapatogenlerin bu bitkilerde ratdrqlarrxarakterikelametlerin gekilleriyerlegdirilmig ibaretdir. fotoqalereyadan OdebiyyatxUlasesindeoxucularafitoplazmalarrn mUasirtesnifatrteqdim edilmig,tehlUkeli fitoplazmaxestelikleri, onlarrnsahib bitkilerive dagryrcr hegerat vektorlarr nezerden kegiriltdretdiklerixesteliklerin migdir.Fitoplazmalarrn elametleri etrafh tesvir edilmigdir..Bukletde qargt mUbarizeUsullahemgininfitoplazmalara rr n ad a x U s u siye r a yrrl mrg d rr. 1l Booklettitled "Phytoplasmadiseases in Azerbaijan"(G.Balakishiyeva, A.Mamm adov and LHusey nov a) has been recentlypublishedby the editorial publishing center "Elm" with the supportof the ScienceDevelopment Foundation under the Presidentof the Republicof Azerbaijan. Booklet compilesoverviewof common knowledgeabout phytoplasma and photogalleryrepresentingthe characteristic symptoms of the I pathogen effect on plants. The overviewconsist of modern classification of phytoplasmas,descriptionof hazardous phytoplasma diseases, the host plants and carrier insects,vectors. Main characteristicsof phytoplasmadiseases are describedin details.Specialplace in the bookletare givenfor methodsof fighting againstphytoplasmas. BOTAI\TIKADUNYASI Sci entific p abIi eati CIns i nagrlar The bookletintendedfor the use of pytoaqronomlar,fermerBukletfitopatoloqlar, farmersand studentsof agriculler ve kend teserrUfatt universitetlerinin pathologists, tural universities. telebeleriUgUnmaraqltola biler. Bookleton "Virusdiseases croPsin infectingvegetable Azerbaijan" torovoz "Azorbaycanda virus yoluxduran bitkilsrini xsstsliklori"bukleti i . w . U U s e y n o v a ,N . F . S u l t a n o v a , C .O.Ol i ye vihne mmUO . Q . M e m m e d o v, ellif olduqlarr "Azerbaycanda terevez bitkileriniyoluxduranvirus xestelikleri" adlr buklet "Elm" Redaksiya,Negriyyat ve PoliqrafiyaMerkezindegapdan gtxmrgdrr.Nezerealsaq ki, mUasirdovrde b i t k i x e s t e l i k l e r i n eq a r g l k i m y e v i genig miqyasda mUdafievasitelerinden b a x ma Y a r a q , e d i l m e s i n a istifade m U x t e l i f z i y a n v e r i c i l e r i nv o b i t k i vurxesteliklerininolke iqtisadiyyattna du$u ziyan durmadan arttr. Diger terefden, Azerbaycanda her il terevez bitkileriyeni-yeniviruslarlayoluxur,bu da 6z ndvbesindeboyUkmehsulitkisine sebeb olmaqlayanagt,kend teserrUfatt keyfiyyetini bitkilefininUmumimehsuldarlt$rntn terevez baxtmdan Bu saltr. xeyli aga$r bitkilerininvirus xesteliklerinintesnifattnlve t n g l i gekiller le o n l a r t n e s a s si mp to ml a rrnre genigeks etdirenbukletingapdangrxmasrbele h e l l i n eya rd l mgor l a b tl ar . b i r p r o b l e m in Bukletdebiotikstres haqqtndaUmumimemuasir lumat,viruslartnstrukturuve muxtelifliyi, yaytlmtq top dUnyada tesnifatsistemleri,bUtUn virus xestelikleri,virus xesteliklerininmUxtelif tiplerive onlartnyayrlmayollarroz eksinitapmrgdrr.BuradabirzancirliDNT-terkibligenoma xUsusileboyUkyer aymalikvirusxesteliklerine iqtisadi rr l m r g ,h e m g i n i nvi ru s xe ste l i kl e r inin ehemiyyeti ve onlara qargl ilkin mUdafie tedbirleride genig tehlil edilmigdir.Bukletin sonunda dord il aparrlan fitopatoloji monitorinqlerinneticesi olaraq, Azerbaycanda terevez bitkilerini yoluxduran virus xesve bitki viruslateliklerininesas simptomlartnt nnrn mueyyen olundu$uerazilerieks etdiren xerite verilmigdir.Buklet fitopatoloqlar,aqronomlar,fermerlerve kend teserrufatruniversitetlerinintelebeleriile yanaqr,genigoxucu kUtlesiUcUnnezerdetutulub. L2 Booklet titled "Virus diseases infecting vegetable crops in Azerbaijan" (1.M. HuseYnova, N .F . S u l t a n o v a , A . C h . Mammdov,J.A. Aliyev)was recentlypublishedby the editorial publishingcenter"El m " .T ak i ng into account that in sPite of the use of chemicalmeans against plantdiseasescurrentlyis largescaled,the damage to the state economy caused bY Pests and different plant diseases increasessteadily. On the other hand, vegetable crops in Azerbaijanare infected with new viruses every Year, thus not onlycausingthe lossof the agriculreducing but alsonoticeably turalproductivity, the qualityof totalharvest.Therefore,booklet of virusdiseasesof the classification reflecting vegetablecrops and their main symptoms in coloredpicturescouldbe userepresented ful in solvingthe problem. Bookletrepresentsthe generalinformation aboutthe bioticstress,the structureand sysof viruses,modernclassification diversity tems,top viral diseasesspreadall over the world,differenttypesof viraldiseasesand the waysin whichthey are spread.The viraldisDNA genomeand easeswith single-strained value of viral diseases also the economical methodsagainstthem and initialprevention At the end of the bookare widelydescribed. let, as a resultof 4 years phytopathological the main the map representing monitoring, in Azerbaijan areasof cropvirusesdistribution is given. symptoms withkeycharacteristic Booklet is intendedfor agronomists, studentsof univerfarmers,phytopathologists, and broadmass of reasitiesof agriculture ders. B ANIKA NUNYASI erefliheyatyolu f Honorablelife path "Sohbetyaghnesilden,qadrn-alimlerden dtigende men her zaman derin hdrmet ve mehebbetle Odalet xanrm Semedovanrdiigi.intirem"deyerekb.e.d.,professorV.M.Oli-zade sdhbete bagladr.Xogbextlikdenbu heyatda qelbimizde xog izlerqoyan insanlarlarastlagrrrq. Hele genc illerimdemen Odaletxanrmrnmtrdrikliyi,layaqeti ve elmi bilikleriile qargrlagdrm vo uzun illardiro, Onun menim benzemekistediyimbir ni.imunedir. genc her zaman ciz elmi bilik ve tecri.ibelerini kadrlarlab6lUgmekseyi xiisusiqeyd edilmelidir. Akademik M.H.Abutalrbovunmektebinin parlaq yetirmelerinden olan biologiya elmleri namizedi O.C.Semedova1953-cUildenbag laborantvezifesinden apancr elmi iggi vezifesine qeder en ewel ciziine telebkarlr$r, derin erudisiya,yi.iksekmedeniyyetive ciz ixtisasrnamesuliyyetiile ferqlenerekuzun ve gerefliyol kegmigdir.Odalet xanrm bu gtin de gahgqanh$rile segilir.80-dengox elmi eserinmUellifiolmaqlayanagr, izahlt o, "Bitkifiziologiyasr terminlerinin ve anlayrglarrnrn lU$eti"nin 2 buraxrlrgrnrntertibi vo terciimesinde yaxrndan igtirak etmigdir. Odalet xanrm Azerbaycan Terminologiya KomitesininUzvUdUr. Bitki fiziologiyasr(indiki Eksperimentalbotanika) gdbesindegahgdr$rbtitUn miiddet erzinde O.C.Semedova bitkilerinfiziologiyasrvo biokimyasr,mineral qidalanma,makro-ve mikroelementlerin azotlu maddeler mUbadilesine tesiri ve s. kimi mi.ixtelifistiqametlerinde aparrlantedqiqatlarayaradrcrmtinasibetgdstermigdir. Son iller o, bdyi.lkentuziazmlastress effektin aktual problemikimi bitki orqanizmine tesir eden en mUhtim abiotikfaktorlardanbiri olan a$rrmetallarrnbitkilerinproteinazsisteminetesirinin tedqiqine qogulmugdur. Bi.iti.inkollektivO.C.Samedovanrn emek ve ictimai fealiyyetini yekdillikle yUksek qiymetlendirir.Odalet xanrma on bdyi.ik arzulannrn heyata kegmesini, mehsuldaryaradrcrheyat ve xog ehval-ruhiyyearzu edirik. "l always think about Adalat Samedovawith deep respect and love when we talk about older generationand women scientists"- with these words started her speech Prof. Dr. V.M.Ali-zade.Fortunately,in our life we meet people who remain good memoriesin our hearts.i was young when i met with Mrs. Samedova's wisdom, dignity and scientific knowledgeand for many years she is an example for me to whom I wish to be look like. Her effort alwaysto share her scientific knowledgeand experiencewith young staff should be especially noted. The bright student of school of M.H.Abutalibov, Dr. A.J.Samedovapassed distinctivelong and honorable way startingin 1953 as a laboratoryassistantup to the leading scientist with exactingnesson herself, deep erudition,high cultureand the responsibility to her professsion.Mrs. Samedovadistinguishesby her diligence today, too. Besides,being author of more than 80 scientificarticles,she also took an active part in compilationand translationof the 2ndeditionof "Glossaryof terms and conceptsof plant physiology". A.Samedovais a memberof the TerminologyCommitteeof Azerbaijan. During working period at the Departmentof Plant Physiology(now ExperimentalBotany) A.J.Samedova demonstratedcreative attitudeto the investigationsin different directions such as plant physiology and biochemistry,mineral nutrition, effect of macro-and microelementson nitrogen metabolismetc. ln recent years,with great enthusiasmshe involvedin the study of effectof heavy metals on proteinase system of plants, one of majorabioticfactoraffectingplantorganismwhich is known as actual problemof stress effect. All staffunanimously the laborand highlyappreciates social activity of A.J.Samadova.They wish to Mrs. Samedova the realization of her greatest dreams, productivecreativelife and good mood. Dr. O.Semedova laboratoriyada tecrii be apararken, 2012-ci il Dr. A.Samedova in the Laboratory,2012 t \l { ile birlikde, 1993-cii il Dr. A.Samedova with her colleagues, 1993 13 r AMEABotanikaInstitutununHerbariFondunun75 illiyi 75thAnniversary of the Herbarium of the Instituteof Botanyof ANAS BotanikainstitutununHerbari Fondu 1936-crilda yaradrlmlgdrr.Fond yarandrqdan bu giJne qeder AzerbaycanrnA.Qrossheym,i.Karyagin,e.Axundov, R.Rzazade,Y.isayev,O.Xelilov,R.Osgerova,S.Musayev vo s. kimi gdrkemli botanikleri herbari kolleksiyalarrnlntoplanmasl vo geniglendirilmesine bciyi.iktrihfelervermigler.Bu enene indi de yeni nesil botaniklerterefinden davam etdirilir ve onlar herbari kolleksiyasInrn geniglendirilmesinde feal igtirakedirler. Herbari kolleksiyasr135 fesile, 1065 cinsi ehate eden 600.000-eyaxrn ni.isxedenibaretdir.NUmuneler arasrnda 63 ali sporlu, 24 gllpaqtoxumlu,4319 drti.lliitoxumlubitki nciviJ var. Kolleksiyadakrherbari n0munelerinin ekseriyyetiAzerbaycanflorasrnr,elecede Qafqaz florasrnrehate edir. Burada, hemginin,iran, Ti.lrkiye,Almaniya,GiircUstan,Ukrayna,Rusiya,ABg, lsrailves. cilkelerin florasrda temsilolunur. Herbari kolleksiyasrnrn deyerliliyinezere alrnaraq AMEA Botanika institutu va Berlin-DahlemBotanika Ba$r ve BotanikaMuzeyi (BBBM,Almaniya)arasrnda imzalanmrgRazrlagmaMemorandumunda (6 noyabr 2009-cu il) Azerbaycandamiiasir botanikaelminininkigafrnaxidmet edecak diger meselelerleyanagr,herbari materiallarrntn qorunmasr[igi.intedbirlerplanl da qeyd edilmigdir. Azerbaycan vo Alman botaniklerinin Memorandumgergivesinde VolksvagenStiftung Fondu terefindendasteklenenemekdaglrglHerbari Fondunda infrastru kturunmtiasiravadanIrqlarla temini, tekmillegdirilmasi,melumatlarrn digitallagdrrrlmasr ve FondunAvropa melumat bazasrnaqogulmasrugi.ingenig perspektivleragrr. The HerbariumFoundationof the Instituteof Botany of AzerbaijanNationalAcademy of Scienceswas organized in 1936. Eminent botanists of Azerbaijan such as A.Grossheim,l.Karyagin,G.Axundov,R.Rzazade,Y.isayev,A.Khalilov,R.Asgerova,S.Musayevetc. had great contributionin the creationof the Herbarium Foundation.This traditionpresentlycontinuesby new generationof botanistsand they activelyparticipatein completion of the collection. Herbariumcollectioncontains600,000sheets belongingto 135 families1065genus.Amongthem there are 63 highersporous, 24 gymnosperm, 4313 angiosperm plantspecies.The majorityspecimensrepresent the flora of Azerbaijanas well as the Caucasianflora. Floraof lran,Turkey,Germany,Georgia,Ukraine,Russia,USA,lsraeletc.are alsopresentedhere. Considering the significance of the Herbariumcollection,besidesof other importanttasks for the development of botanicalsciencein Azerbaijan,the activity plan about conservationof herbariummaterialswas also includedin the Memorandum (6 of Understanding November,2009)that was signedbetweenthe Institute of Botanyof ANAS and Berlin-Dahlem BotanicGarden and BotanicalMuseum(BGBM,Germany).The cooperationof Azerbaijaniand German botanistswithin the supportedby VolkswagenStiftung Foundationin the frameworkof MoU opens wide perspectives for the improving infrastructureof HerbariumFoundationand providingit with modern equipments,digitalization of Yenilenmig Herbari kabinetlari Renovated Herharium cabinets Alpan kendina 2011 to Guba, village,2011 KAr-Araz ovahjrna ekspedisiya, 1960 Expedition to Kur-Araz Iowland, 1960 t4 BOTANTKADUNYASI ffv*m$s Bu emekdaglrqgergivesindeBBBM-in Herbariumunun kuratoru Dr. S.Bollendoffi10-24 iyun 2012-cil mtiddatindeAMEA BotanikainstitutununHerbarilaboratoriyasrndaelmi ezamiyyetdeoldu ve Fondda yenilenme iglerininapanlmasrndalaboratoriyaemekdaglarrile dz tecrUbesini bdli.igdU. 2012-ci ilin may ayrnda AMEA Botanika HerbariFondunun75 illiyinahesr edilmig institutunda tedbir kegirildi.Tedbiri girig scizU ile agan Botanika institutunundirektoru, b.e.d., ProfessorV.M.Oli-zada son zamanlar Fondda aparrlanyenilenmeigleri ve perspektivlerihaqda melumatverdi. InstitutunHerbari laboratoriyasrnrn mi.idiri,b.e.n. P.QaraxaniFondun 75 illik inkigaf yolu vo hazrrkr veziyyetini eks etdiren moruzoile tedbiridavametdirdi. resources to the European and joiningthe Foundation Database. in theframework of thiscooperation curatorof the Herbarium of BGBMDr. S,Bollendorff visitedthe Instituteof Botanyof ANAS on 10-24June,2012 and sharedher experiences of the Foundation for renovation withstaffof Herbarium Laboratory of the Institute. Theactiondedicated to the 75thAnniversary of Herof Botanyon bariumFoundation was heldat the Institute may,2012.Thedirectorof the Institute Prof.Dr.V.M.Alizadeopenedthe meetingwith introductory speechand gaveinformation aboutrenewalactivitycarriedout in the Foundation Headof the lastperiodandthe perspectives. Herbariumlaboratory continuedthe Dr. P.Garakhani meeting of HerbariumFowithspeechon development undation during75 yearsanditspresentoosition. Yenilenmig Herbari Fondu ila tanrylry The acquaintance with the renovated Herbarium Foundation Herbari Fondunun 75 illiyina hasr edilmig tadbirin aqlryt The opening of the Ceremony dedicated to 75th Anniversary of Herbarium foundation techiz Tedbirinigtirakgrlarr miiasir avadanhqlarla ile edilmigyeni Herbariotaqlanve herbarimateriallarr tanrgoldularvo momnunluqlarrnr Tedbirde bildirdiler. maraqIr mi.izakireler kegirild i, AMEA-nrn mi.ixbirUzvi.i, professorl.Hi.iseynova, Omekdarelm xadimi,professor S.Serkerovvo diger igtirakgrlar HerbariFondunun botanika elminde miihUmlUyiive hazrrda institutda aparrlanigler haqda fikirlerlerinibildirdilerve deyerli tekliflaretdiler. l5 Participantsof the meeting acquaintedwith newly equipped herbarium rooms and herbarium materials and expressed their commitment. Interesting discussionswere arose in the meeting. Corresponding memberof the ANAS, Prof. LHuseynova, the Honoured scientist,Prof.S.Serkero.v and other participants shared their opinion aboui the importance of Herbarium Foundationin the botanicalscienceand the currentactivities carried out in the Institute,gave their valuable suggestions BOTANiKADUNYASI s' Miiasiravadanllqlarla nrghq Ss"*mfs Acquaintancewith modern equipments Muasir ddvrde elmi-tedqiqatigleri daha 9ox deqiqlik ve etrafh yanagma imkanlarryaradan yuksek texnologiyalr avadanlrqlardan istifadeniteleb edir. Son illerde Azerbaycanda botanika elminin muasir seviyyede inkigafristiqametindebir srra ehemiyyetli addrmlaratrlrrve AMEA rehberliyinin desteyilelaboratoriyala" muasir avadanlrqlarlatechiz olunur. Bu Tokyo meqsecle AMEA-nrn Botanika lnstitutunda. BOEKITexnologiya$irketininMDB olkeleriuzre icragr direktoruO.Shpakve bag menecerV.Tinkovile gorug Nowadaysthe researchworksrequireto use more precisehigh technological equipmentsallowing more comprehensive approaches.Last yearssomeimportant stepsin the directionof developmentof botanical sciencein Azerbaijan were done and by support of ANAS the laboratoriesare providedwith some modern equipments. Withthis purpose,the meetingwith executor directoron CIS countriesof O.Shpak, Tokio BOEKITechnology Companyand the BOEK| nilmayendelari ila gdriig Meeting with representatives of BOEKI G6ru9 zamant Institutundirektoru,b.e.d., prof. manager V.Tinkov had meeting in the Instituteof V.Oli-zadeInstitutdaaparrlangenig profillitedqiqat Botanyof ANAS. Duringthe meetingthe directorof igleri,botanikasahesindeson illerdeelde edilmig InstituteProf.Dr. V.Ali-zadegave broadinformation nailiyyetlar hadqamelumatverdi. about multidisciplinary researchof the Institute, V.TinkovInstitutemekdaglarrnr biologiyaelmi- successesin the field of botanylast years. nin hazrrkiteleblerine cavabverengenigimkanltNDr. V.Tinkov informed the scientists of the S l M , J E M , J S M v e s . k i m i s u p e r d e q i q m i k - Instituteabout to some large-scaleappropriateto roskoplar,analitikskanerler,element seviyyesinde modern requirementssuper microscopes,analytianalizediciler kimi bir srra muasir avadanltqlarve cal scans, elementalanalyzerssuch as N-S|M, onlardan istifadeninehemiyyetlineticeleriile tantg JEM, JSM ect. and the significantresultsof their etdi. Muzakirelet zamail qeyd edildi ki, bele use. lt was noted that to use of such equipments avadanlrqlardanistifade Azerbaycanda botanika will open wide oppoi-tunities to raise the competiyukselmesineimkan- tivenessof the botanicalsciencein Azerbaijan.The elmininreqabetqabiliyyetinin lar yaradar.AMEA Elmi-Tegkilatgobesininreisi, head of the Departmentof Scientific-Organization riyaziyyat izre felsefe doktoru O.Sadrqov grxrg of ANAS Dr. A.Sadigovgave informationabout the ederek Tokyo BOEKI girketininnumayendelerinin meeting of representaiives of Tokio BOEKI AMEA-nrnprezidentiakademikM.Kerimovve birin- TechnologyCompanywith the Presidentof ANAS ci vitse-prezidentiakademikA.Hegimovterefinden Academician M.Karimov and the first Viceqebuledildiyini, en muasirelmi president of ANAS Academician A.Hashimov, AMEA rehberliyinin cihazlarrn alrnmasrnda maraqlroldu$unubildirdi,bu noticedthat the head of ANAS is interestedin the girketle emekdaglr$rn ehemiyyetinden ve providing Instituteswith more modern scientific perspektivlerinden danr9dr. equipments and talked about importance and perspectivesof cooperationwith this company. t6 BOTANiKA DTJNYASX Hemyerl i Iarimizi n u! url arr The successesof our compatriots Azerbaycan Respublikast Prezidentinin AMEA-ntn genc alimlerinin Avropantn elmi markazlerinde doktorluq d i ssertasiy aI an ii zre ted q i q atl an n tn d astek I an m asi h a qqtnda Sarancamt (9 fevral 2010-cu il, Ng 719) esasnda Botanika Institutundan 3 alim bir il milddetinde Avropantn miixtalif iSlkalerinin qabaqctl Elmi-Tedqiqat Merkezlerinde tedqiqat iglerini ujurla tamamladtqdan sonra Azerb ay c an a d i5n m ii 9l er. 3 scienfisfs from the lnstitute of Botany returned to Azerbaijan after successful finishing of their research at the leading Research Centers of different European countries during one year on the basis of Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic (9 February, 2010, Ne 719) on Support of Young Scienfisfs of ANAS for their doctoral researchin Research Centers of Europe. BiolojiMehsuldarlrgrn Fundamental Problemleri$6besininGenomunquruluguve ekspressiyasrlaboratoriyasrnrn mudiri, b.e.n.OlemdarQerkezo$lu Memmedov FransanrnBordogeherindeyerlegenMilli AgronomikTedqiqatlarinstitutunun Virusologiyave Bitki PatologiysrlaboratoriyalarrndaAzerbaycandantoplanmrggeyir(gaftalr, deklimeyvebitkilerini erik,albalr, yoluxduran badam) ve genomuRNT nuklein turgusundanibaret olan Plum pox virusun ve meyve ve terevez bitkilerini The head of Laboratoryof Structure and Expressionof Genomeof the Department of FundamentalProblems of Biological ProductivityDr. Alamdar Charkez Mammadov worked carriedout moleculardiagnosisand identification of the Plum pox virus, RNA-containingvirus and phytoplasmas deseases of infected fruit (peach,apricot,cherry,plum and almond) plants and vegetable (pepper, eggplant, tomato), investigatedgenetic diversityof samples of the species of Prunus family (biber,badrmcan, pomidor)yoluxduran fitoplazma which were collectedin Azerbaijan,also sequenced xesteliklerinin molekulyar diaqnostikasr ve identifi- Stolbur2 phytoplasmagenomeand studiedthe gekasiyasr uzretedqiqatlar aparmrg ve Prunusndvle- netic diversityof phytoplasmagenome Stolbur in genetik rinin divergensiyasrnl oyrenmig, Stolbur2 the laboratoriesof Virologyand Plant Pathologyof genomunusekvens etmig ve the National Research Instituteof Agriculturelofitoplazmasrnrn genetikdivergensiyasrnr onlarrn catedin Bordeaux(France). tedqiqetmigdir. BiolojiMehsuldarlr$rn Fundamental Problemleri $6besinin Karbonun fotosintetik assimilyasiyasrnrn enzimologiyasr laboratoriyasrnrn mudiri,b.e.n.$ahniyarMikayrl o$lu BayramovlspaniyanrnElm ve InnovasiyaNazirliyinin nezdindeolan Bitkilerin biokimyasr ve Fotosintez Institutunda denli bitkilerinbiotexnologiyasrlaboratoriyasrndataxrlbitkilerinde karbonqaztnrn fotosintetik assimilyasiyasrndaigtirak eden bezi fermentlerinquraqlrqve duz stressinin tesirinden tenzimlenme mexanizmlerini tedqiqetmigdir. The head of Laboratoryof Enzymologyof PhotosyntheticCarbon Assimilationof the Departmentof FundamentalProblems of Biological Productivity Dr. Shahniyar MikayrlBayramovstudiedthe mechanisms of regulationof some enzymesparticipating in the photosynthetic assimilationof carbon dioxide in the grain plants under drought and saline stress in the lnstituteof Plant Biochemistry and Photsynthesis underMinistryof Scienceand Innovationof Spain. Elmi informasiya ve innovasiyagobesinin mudiri, b.e.n. Esmira Hesen qtzl Almaniyantn Olirzayeva HohenheimHannoverUniversitetlerinin BitkiQidalanmasl Institutlarrnda Azerbaycanrnsenaye tullantrlarr ile girklenmig muxtelif erazilerindeyayrlmrgyovgan (Artemisia L.) bitkisininmuxtelifnovleri/ekotiplerinin qargl a$rr metallarve neft mehsullarrna davamlrlr$rve girklendiricilerin bitkiler terefinden detoksifikasiyamexanizmleri izre tedqiqatlaraparmtg, bu bitkilerin The head of Departmentof ScientificInformation and lnnovationDr. Esmira Gasan Alirzayevacarriedout investigationson the mechanismsof toleranceof some species/ ecotypesof Aftemisia L. plants,distributed on various areas of Azerbaijan contaminated by industrialwastes,to heavy metals and petroleumproducts and detoxification of pollutantsby the plants, as well as the scientificbasis of the role of these plants in remediationof contaminatedsoils in the lnstitutesof Plant Nutritionof Hohenheim girklenmi g torpaqlan n temizlenmesinde rolununelmi and Hannover (Germany). Universities esaslarrnr aragdlrm rgdrr. T7 Interestto flora of Azerbaijanis increased Azerbaycanfloraslna maraqgeniglenir Rusiya Elmler AkademiyastnrnV.L.Komarovadtna Botaniki institutununHerbari Fondunun alimleri ivan Tatanov,Valeriya$vanova ve LyudmilaKrupkina2-15 Russianscientistsivan Tatanov,Valeriya$vanova of the Foundation fromHerbarium ve LyudmilaKrupkina of RussianAcadInstituteof BotanyafterV.L.Komarov the lnstiduring2-15June,2012visited emyof Sciences tute of Botanyof ANAS.The goalof theirvisitwas the properties, current bioecological studyof phylogenesis, of Cyspecies some of collection statusand herbarium genus distribPolygala and peraceaefamily,Thatictrum Duringthe visittogetherwiththe sciutedin Azerbaijan. of of Botany-Headof Department entistsof the Institute Rusiyah hotanikler Azarbaycan rn raYonIan nd a ekspedisiyalarda Russran botanists in the expeditions to d ifferent regions of Azerbaiian mildiri, b.e.n. V.Kerimov, Herbari laboratoriyaslntn mi.idiri,b.e.n.P.Qaraxani,Geobotanikagtibesininb.e'i. igtirakrile Azerbaycantnbir M.Musayevva bagqalarrnrn srra erazilerinde(Lenkaran,Astara, Ceyranbatanve s.) olmuglar.Rusiya botanikleriinstitutun ekspedisiyalarda Hemkarlar TegkilatrnrntegebbUsU ile tegkil edilmig Azerbaycanrngdzel gugelerindenbiri olan Qebale rayozamant nuna seferdede igtiraketmigler.Ekspedisiyalar qiymetli herbari nUmunsleri toplanmtg ve Institutun HerbariFondunada teqdimedilmigdir.QonaqlararagdtrmalarrnlinstitutunHerbariFondundadavametdirmigler. Moskva DcjvletUniversitetininprofessoruAleksandr Zernov 19-26 iyun 2012-ciil mi.iddetindeAMEA Botanika qona$lolmugdur.QonaqBotanikainstitutunInstitutunun dan olan doktorantl $.Mizeyeva ile bidikdeAbgeronun tedqiqi UgtinAbgeron Milli Parkrnda, bitki mtixtalifliyinin Zire qesebesindave bezi Bakr kendlerindeekspedisiyaA.S.Zerlarda olmugve miJxtelifbitki ncivleritoplamrglar. nov institutunHerbariFonduile yaxrndantantg olmugve oradatedqiqatigleriaparmtgdtr. l8 the Head Systematicsof HigherPlantsDr. V.Kerimov' sciensenior P.Garakhani, Dr. Laboratory of Herbarium guests Dr. M.Musayev of Geobotany of Department tist participatedin the expeditionsto some regions Rusetc.)of Azerbaijan. (Lankaran, Astara,Jeyranbatan sian botanistsattendedthe trip to Gabala,one of the withthe initiaorganized regionsof Azerbaijan, beautiful During the Institute. Committeeof tive of Trade-Union and collected were plant materials valuable expeditions of Foundation to Herbarium submitted were duplicates their continued Guests ANAS. of of Botany lnstitute the Foundation. in the Herbarium investigations AleksandrZernovfromthe MoscowState Professor of Botanyof ANASon 19visitedthe Institute University 26 June, 2012.Togetherwith his PhD studentSh.Mirin exzayevafromthe lnstituteof Botanyhe participated and settlement NationalPark,Zira peditions to Absheron of plant diversity the study to Baku somevillagesaround collected. plant were species different Absheron, with the HerbariumFoundation acquainted A.S.Zernov andworkedthere. nUruYASr eorar\Tirca J*srcf ')_ I I *drfgmms Berlin-Dahlem BotanikaBa$r ve BotanikaMuzeyinin Dr. SarahBollendoffi, curatorof Herbariumof Berlin(BBBM)Herbarisinin kuratoruDr. SarahBollendorff iyun DahlemBotanicGardenand Botanical Museum(BGBM) ayrnda Botanikainstitutunaseferi zamanr Institut duringher visitthe Instituteof Botanyin Junetogether participated emekdaglarr ile birlikdeAzarbaycanrn bezi rayonlarrnawithscientists of the Institute in expeditions ekspedisiyalarda igtiraketmigdir.QonaqinstitutunBitki to the differentregionsof Azerbaijan. She visitedthe gObesinin ehtiyatlarr apancrelmiiggisi, b.e.n.N.Mehdiye- mountainmassifs(1416-1916 m abovesee level)of va ile birlikds bezikendlerinin deniz some villagesof Gusarregionin participation of Dr. Qusar rayonunun yerlegen N.Mehdiyeva, 1416-1916 seviyyesinden m-dekhUndUrlUkde the leadingscientistof Departmentof da$ massivlerinde olmug,bu erazilerinbitki drtUyUve PlantResources. Someplantspeciesincluded in theRed landgaftxi.isusiyyetleri ile tanrg olmugdur.Heminera- Bookof Azerbaijan(AquilegiaolympicaBoiss.,Pyrethrum zilerdeAzerbaycanrn bezibitki coccineumBieb.,SorbusaucupariaL., Platantherachlorkitabrna sahnmrg Qrrmrzr ndvleri: Aquilegia olympicaBoiss.,Pyrethrum coccineum anfha(Cust,)Reichenb. Boiss.) , Liliumledebourii(Baker) Bieb,, Sorbus aucuparia L., Platantherachlorantha werefoundin theseregions. (Cust.)Reichenb., (Baker)Boiss,agkar Liliumledebourii edilmigdir. Prof. A.Zemov ve g.Mineyeva Abgercnerazisinde ekspedisiyada A.Zemov and Sh.Mirzayeva in the expeditionto ,, -T I Oxuculann ve mlivafiq tagkilatIann diqqetine: Qusar rayonunun Laze kendi atraflannaekspedisiyazamanr agkar edilmigdir ki, nadir va nesli kesllmakdeolan bazi bitki n6vfsri (Pyrethrum coccineum Bieb., Sorbus au. cuparia L.,Lilium ledebourii (Baker) Boiss.) tehlUkealtrndadrr. To the altention of readers and co rresponding organizations: Duringthe expeditionaroundLaza village of Gusar region it was revealedthat some rare and endangered plant species lPyrethrum coccineum Bieb., Sorbus aucuparia L.,Lilium ledebourii (Baker)Boiss.)are under threat. $ekillerin mtlellifleri: Dr. N.Mehdiyeva ve Dr. S.Bollendorff Authorsof photos: Dr. N.Mehdiyeva and Dr. S.Bollendorff S.Bollendorffinstitutun emekdaglarrV.Ksrimov, S.Bollendorff togetherwith thescientists of the institute P.Qaraxani ve A.Dadagovantn ile$amaxrrayonu V.Kerimov, igtirakr got to know P.Garakhani ve A.Dadaghova florasrnrn mUxtalifliyi ilede tanlgolmugdur. the plantdiversity of Shamakhi region. lnstitutun Herbari Fondunun zenginlegdirilmasi Forthe enrichment of Herbarium Foundation of the gergir,esindeInstitutevery valuablegift (automobile meqsedileinstitutaBBBM ile emekdaglrq Mitsubishi PaVolkvagenStiffiung Fondu terefindengox deyerli jero) was presentedto the Instituteby Volkwagen hediyye-Mitsubishi Pajeromarkalravtomobilteqdim Stiffiungin the frameworkof the cooperation with edilmigdir. Bu naqliyyat amekdaglarr ve BGBM.Thisvehiclewill openwidepossibilities vasitesiInstitut for the qonaqlarrn gdlekspedisiya-fleld expeditions hettayUksek da$arazilerine of staff and guestsof the Institute genigimkanlar yaradrr. larri.igUn evento the highmountain areas. t9 BOTANiKANUNYASI of Meetingwith the ParticiPants InternationalOlYmPiad BeynelxalqOlimpiadantn ile gdrUg igtirakgtlan The Instituteof Botany of ANAS pays always specialattentionto expand links with educational to rouse irtterestin pupilsto botaniorganizations, cal scienceand to increasetheir knowledgein this field.One of the steps in this directionis the cooperation with the Azerbaijan-TurkeyPrivate Turkish Lyceum representingour country in different internationalOlympiadswith honor and the owner of many silverand gold medals.This year'smeeting with pupils of lyceum that are participantsof Olympiadholdin SinBiological XXlll International AMEA Botanika institutu her zaman tehsil ve mektebocaqlartile elaqelerinigeniglendirmeye lilerdebotanikaelmine maraq oyatma$a,onlartn xususidiqqet artrrrlmaslna bu sahe uzrebiliklerinin biri muxatllanaddtmlardan ayrrrr.Bu istiqametde 6lkemiziher zaman olimpiadalarda telifbe'rnelxalq gerefletemsileden ve goxsayltqlztl ve gumugmeozel Turk dallar sahibi olan Azerbaycan-Turkiye aytnda iyul 2O12-ciilin Liseyleriile emekdaghqdrr. SinqapurdakegirilecekXXlll BeynelxalqBiologiya olan lisey gagirdleriile igtirakgtlart Olimpiadasrnrn kegirilenbu ilki gdrugde gox maraqlroldu.G6ru9 S.Bollendorff OlimPiada i igtirakgilan ila mlizakirede i S.Bollendorff is in dtscussion j with pafticipants of OlymPiad Herbari Fondu ile tanghq Acquaintance with P.Qaraxani Olimpiada igtirakgilarr ile mlizakirade P.Garakhani rb in dlscussion with pafticipants of OlYmPiad zamail gagirdler Olimpiadaya haztrltq ugun onlarr maraqlandtransuallarla botaniklerimize muraciet etdiler. Onlarrn suallart Botanika institutunun Herbari laboratoriyastntnmudiri, b.e.n. Pervane Qaraxani ile yanagt, Institutun qona$r olan Berlin-DahlemBotanika Ba$t ve Botanika Muzeyinin (Almaniya) Herbarisinin kuratoru Sarah Bollendorff terefinden de cavablandtrrldr. $agirdlerve botanikler'arastnda aparrldt.Umidedirik genigve maraqltmuzakireler gagirdlerimizin gorugun neticesi u$urlu ki, olacaq. donmesi 6lkemizeyeni medallarla 20 gapore in July of 2012 was also very interesting. Duringthe meetingpupilsaddressedtheir questions connectedwith the preparationfor Olympiad to botanists.Their questionswere answered by Dr. ParvanaGarakhani,the head of the Herbarium Laboratoryof the lnstituteof Botany of ANAS as well as by Sarah Bollendorff,the guestof the Institute, the Curator of Herbariumof Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum (Germany). Interestingand broad discussionswere held between studenis and botanists.We hope that the successfulresult of the meeting will be of pupilsgainedin Olympiads. new achievements BOTANiKADUNYASI The Roleof Herbariumin the Conservationof PlantDiversity Herbari ndununbitki The Instituteof BotanyANAS continuously AMEABotanikainstitutuelmletehsilarasrnda works on the improving linksbetweenscienceand elaqelerin geniglendirilmesi ve mekteblilerde andcreatingthe interestof pupilsto bobotanikaelmine maraq yaratmaqistiqametinde education lnstitu- tanicalscience.Wth thisaim,the seminaron "The Botanika davamlr igleraparrr.Bu meqsedle Roleof Herbarium Foundation in the Conservation ve tundailk defe olaraq2 6lke mutexesisslerinin was heldfirsttime in the Insti(Avropaliseyi ve 271 saylt of PlantDiversity" Bakr mekteblilerinin of specialists orta mektebyuxarrsinif gagirdlerinin) igtirakrile tute of Botanywith the participation pupils of Baku from and from schools 2 countries "HerbariFondununBitki MuxtelifliyininQorun(European Lyceumand schoolNe 271). In the seminar masrnda Rolu"mdvzusunda mariflendirici Laboratory of the kegirildi.SeminardaInstitutunHerbarilaboratori- seminarthe Headof Herbarium Institute andCuratorof the Dr.ParvanaGarakhani yasrnrn mudiri,b.e.n.Pervane ve Berlin Qaraxani S.Bollendorff herbari ni n rolu haqda dan6r S.B ol Ien dorff ta Iks about role of herbarium J I I ( BotanikaBa$r ve botanikaMuzeyinin (Almaniya) Herbari FondununkuratoruDr. Sarah Bollendorff gagirdleregol tedqiqatlarrnrn tegkilive monitorinq toplaniglerininaparrlmasr, herbarimateriallarrnrn masr ve hazrrlanmasr,herbari numunelerinden maraqlt istifadeninelmi ve praktikiehemiyyetinin aspektlerihaqda soz agdrlar.$agirdler Botanika Institutunun zengin HerbariFondu ve orada son ddvrdeaparrlanyenilenmeigleriile tanrg oldular. $agirdler meruzelerve fondla elaqeli aldtqlart melumatlaretrafrndagenig muzakirelerapardrlar ve konullu olaraq Herbari Fondununzenginlegdirilmesindeigtiraketmek arzusundaolduqlartnt bildirdiler.Tedbir zamail ndvbeti illerde bu elaqelerindaha da inkigafetdirilmesinin ehemiyyetli oldu$uvur$ulandr. 2I Herbariumof the Berlin-DahlemBotanicalGarden and BotanicalMuseum(Germany)Dr. Sarah Bollendorfflead a conversationabout organization of field studiesand monitoring,collectingand preparing the herbarium materials, interesting aspectsof scientificand practicalsignificanceof use of herbarium specimens. Pupils got acquaintedwith the rich HerbariumFoundationof the Instituteof Botany of ANAS and renovation processin the Foundationin the last period.Pupils widely discussed lectures and information they got about the Herbarium and expressed their wishes to voluntarilyparticipatein the enrichmentof Herbarium.Duringthe event the importanceof developmentof these links in the followingyearswas emphasized. BOTANIKA DUhIYASI MUndaricat Contents . On soz Preface 2 Xeberler News ...............4 B i o a d a p t a sliaybao r a t o r i y a s r . . . Laboratory of Bioadaptation geniglenir Fransaileelaqeler T h efi n k sw i t hF r a n c ies e x p a n d e. d. .. . . . . . . . . . ...... . 7 AMEC-le emekdaghq t hA M E C , C o l l a b o r a tw i oi n .,,,.........,9 seferdeolmugdur GenctedqiqatgGurcustanda Y o u n gs ci e n ti st vi si te Ge d o rg i a . nufuzlujurnaldadercolundu Azerbaycanh aliminelmimeqalesi is published Scientific articleof Azerbaijaniscientist j o u r n a l . i n t h ep r e s t i g i o u s .. .....9 ............,.10 "Azerbaycanda adhbukletnegredilmigdir fitoplazma xestelikleri" "Phytoplasma diseasesin Azerbaijan" b o o k l ewa t sp u b l i sh e d ... ,,,........11 yoluxduran virusxestelikleri" "Azerbaycanda bukleti terevezbitkilerini vegetable cropsin Azerbaijan... Booklet on "Virusdiseases infection ,,, . ..........12 t l u ,.... $ e r e f lhi e yayo ....... 13 75 illiyi AMEABotanika institutunun HerbariFondunun of Botanyof ANAS... 75thAnniversary of theHerbarium . ......14 Muasiravadanhqlarla tanrglrq equipments ...... A c q u a i n ta nC ceo l l a b o ra tiwointhmoder n Hemyerlilerimizin u$urlarr . T h es u c ce sseosf o u rco mp a tri o ts ,,,..........16 ............17 18 Mugterek ekspedisiyalar Monitoring of RareandThreatened ilegOrug Beynelxalq igtirakgrlarr Olimpiadanrn p a rti ci p a n ts M e e t i nwi g thth e o f i n ter national Olympiad...... ..... ......20 qorunmasrnda rolu HerbariFondunun bitkimUxtelifliyinin in theConservation of PlantDiversity. Theroleof Herbarium Foundation ...........21 22 BOTANiKA D{.]NYASI "Botanika Diinyast" Molumat BiilleteniAMEA Botanika institutunun EImi $uraunm qoran ile buraxthr (30noyabr 2010-cuil protokol N 13) News/etter"Botanical World" ts tssued on the declarationof ScientificCouncil of the lnstituteof Botany,ANAS (30 November,2010,ProtokolN 13) AMEABotanikainstitutunun Tertibatgr: gdbesi ve innovasiya Elmiinformasiya Gompiler:Scientificinformationand innovationof the lnstituteof Botany,ANAS "Tehsil" Merkezi Respublikasr Azerbaycan Mtiessisesi "B orgah"Neqriyyat-poliqrafiya Baqdirektor.Miiqfiq BORQALI Bagredaktor:AyselVtgOenl-i Bakr,Metbuatprospekti,529-cumehelle, " Azerbaycan" IV mertebe, neqrtyya1u, "$erqinsosi"redaksiyasr. 10-95; . (012)-438Telefonlar (050)-322-0 5-5s 5-55, (0ss)-6e2-0 Yrfirlmafaverilib20.06.2012. Qapatmzalamb 30.I0 .2012. $er1igapr-eraqi3. Fiziki gapveroqi2,85. Ofsetgapusulu.Olanovkafrz.Sifariq25.sayr500. mriqavileile. Qi1-meti Bah-2012