Sep. 6 - Our Lady of the Angels Parish
Sep. 6 - Our Lady of the Angels Parish
OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH 6442 PELHAM, TAYLOR ~ 313-381-3000 SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Page 2 PARISH DIRECTORY OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS 6442 PELHAM RD. ~ TAYLOR, MI 48180 (313) 381-3000 Fax (313) 381-5528 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Regular Office Hours: Mon. - Thur.: 9am - 12, 1-8pm ~ Fri: 9am - 12, 1-3pm Rev. Dariusz Strzalkowski Pastor Daniel Hurley William Thome Deacon Deacon Order of Masses Saturday 4 pm ~ Sunday 8 am, 10 am,12 pm Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. ~ 8:45 am Wednesday: No Mass or Prayer Service Holy Days: As Announced Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 9:15 am - 6 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3 pm ~ and by appointment Dir. of Faith Formation & Pastoral Minister: Karen Kerr ~ Tues. 4:30-5:45pm ~ 6-7:15pm Religious Ed Secretary: Maria G. Valdez Christian Service Coordinator: Marie Gdowski Music Ministry Leader: Nick Urbiel Parish Nurse Ministry: Mary Catherine Wright Youth Ministry: Tom Kupovits Office Staff Patty Baringer ~ Bookkeeper Sally Turczyn, Maria G. Valdez Rose Zakrzewski Custodians: George Collins, Greg Leja Parish Council Members: Fr. Dariusz, Deacon Bill Thome, Bob White (Chairperson), Rodger Rowley (Co-Chairperson), Monica Alabastro, Vic Alabastro, Cheri Antonnicola, Bennie Belknap, Rose Campbell, Bill Ehred, Jerry LaMonica, Rose Rotunda, Suzanne Starr, Sue Vokal, Jerry Ziemba Baptisms: Infants and young children are baptized at 1:00 pm on Sundays throughout the year or by special appointment. Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to Baptism. Please call Karen Kerr. Marriages: Couples who wish to be married at OLOA will meet with Fr. Dariusz to discuss their plans and set their marriage date. Prior to the wedding, the couple attends an engaged couples workshop. Please contact Fr. Dariusz to schedule your pre-marriage appointment at least 8 months in advance of your wedding date. New Parishioners: Register at Parish Office Change of Address: Notify Parish Office Our Mission Statement Reflects our Spirit “Our Lady of the Angels is a worshipping community dedicated to the education and spiritual growth of the whole parish family. With guidance from the Holy Spirit we extend our Christian love to the community we serve. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord with all our hearts and we welcome all to join us on our journey in following Him.” THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS THIS WEEK IN LOVING MEMORY OF: RENE HUBBELL FROM: FOOD PANTRY WORKERS MASS INTENTIONS SCHEDULES FOR SEPTEMBER 12& 13 Monday, September 7 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE Tuesday, September 8 8:45am †Robert & Virginia Kirkpatrick (Family) †Derek Jon Fitzpatrick (Ted & Mary Fitzpatrick & Family) Wednesday, September 9 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE Thursday, September 10 8:45am †Josephine Gajda (Nancy Sicks) †Dec. Members of the Drzewiecki Family (Family) Friday, September 11 †John Locher (Dolores Locher) 8:45am Saturday, September 12 †Frank Fregonara (Mrs. Pearl Spinozzi) †Dorothy B. Dombeck, Jr. (Dorothy Dombeck, Sr.) †Barb Ennis (Doris Lossing) †Frank Merandi (Wife, Betty) 4:00pm Sunday, September 13 8:00am †Dec. Members of Fr. Saylor K of C Council #3774 (Members) †Arthur Fish (Wife, Marilyn) 10:00am †John Lenski (Elaine Jacek) †Marion Przytulski (OLOA Altar Servers) - Special Intentions of James & Jean Early (60th Wedding Ann.) (Florence Ames) †Judith Formosa (Family) †Albert Martel (Olive Jacques) 12:00pm †For those listed in our Books of Remembrance LECTORS 4:00PM: Kaitlyn Borg Bill Wencel & 8:00AM: Pat Rzucidlo Don Turczyn & 10:00AM: Linda Bollman Dan Lai & 12:00PM: Jane Dewald MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST 4:00PM: Diane Balikowski, Cathay Czerwonka, Gerry Lefteroff, David & Suzanne Foucher, Cindy Clark 8:00AM: Linda Wallace, Bob Cooper, David Zyczynski, Len Vokal 10:00AM: Florence Ames, Barb Zub, Cheri Antonnicola, Mary Vermette, Ed Bollman, Devin Frosheiser Jeanette Richter, Barbara 12:00PM: Parish, Cathy Elliott, Sylvia Vella, Diane Kaminski ALTAR SERVERS 4:00PM: Lindsay Kwasniak Lillian Miazga & 8:00AM: Kevin Begic Lucas Eccleton & 10:00AM: Kyle Thibeault Joseph Siegel & 12:00PM: Kayla Begley Hannah O’Brien & USHERS 4:00PM: Ben Bazanski 8:00AM: Sebastian Escamilla 10:00AM: Ron Mc Combe 12:00PM: Dominick Savona OUR RETURN GIFT TO GOD SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 2015 COLLECTION . . . $11,101.00 TO MEET BUDGET . . . . $10,482.00 NUMBER OF ENVELOPES 333 PLEASE REMEMBER OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS IN YOUR WILL Page 3 A few words from Fr. Dariusz In today’s First Reading, Isaiah encourages the chosen people not to be afraid of God. He tells them to be strong and not fear because God will come and save them. In the days of this great prophet, the chosen people of God continuously lived in fear of the Lord. They had just cause to fear Him for they all knew how their ancestors had endured the wrath of God when they had hardened their hearts and disobeyed His Commandments. At the same time, they also knew that as long as they obeyed the Lord God, they would receive all kinds of blessings. Prior to the coming of Jesus, many prophets had come and gone. Through many of them, the grace of God was manifested and miraculous wonders were seen. But, one sign stood out, that particular one being reserved to Jesus. That sign was “The blind shall see.” This is why the New Testament emphasizes so much that Jesus healed the blind in fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament. This particular sign was expected of the Messiah. It was like a Divine Trademark. “The blind shall see,” had two meanings. In the first sense, it’s meaning was literal and worldly. The blind being able to see. In the second sense, it was a reference to the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit and the spiritual heart that is received through our new creation during the Sacrament of Baptism. Through the grace of God, the spiritual heart has the faculty to perceive what is spiritual. It perceives the mysteries of God that have been revealed through Jesus Christ. Today’s Gospel Reading is a confirmation of the many prophecies that are found in the Old Testament, including those mentioned earlier during the First Reading. Jesus miraculously healed the an who was deaf and who had an impediment in his speech. Astounded beyond measure, those who were present said that Jesus has done everything well. Not only has Jesus physically healed the man, but through His Blood, He has renewed mankind. He has created a new world, the Kingdom of God, through the Sacrament of Baptism. By the grace of God the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are new creations. We need God to touch our ears in order to be able to hear His word, and we need Him to touch our tongues in order to profess our faith. God bless you all, Fr. D. ALTAR SERVER NOTES Mass Attendance Report Sunday Liturgy (Aug. 15-16) ~ 88% To All The Altar Servers And Their Families. HAVE A SAFE AND FUNFILLED LABOR DAY HOLIDAY! Our Patron Saint St. John Berchmans is the Patron Saint of Altar Servers. As a young boy and throughout his days at the seminary he served two to three Masses daily. He died at the age of twenty-two shortly before being ordained as a priest. Scrabble Last week’s Scrabble word has seven letters and the clue is: “He is known as ‘The Wise Man’ of God.” S O L O M O N This week’s word has six letters and the clue is: “Some candles are known as these.” _ O _ I _ _ “GEE, I DIDN’T KNOW THAT!” When Pope Francis comes to Philadelphia in late September he will speak at Independence Hall and will use the same lectern Abraham Lincoln used when he gave the famous Gettysburg Address over 150 years ago. Our Lady of the Angels Will Be The Host Parish For The Marian Service In October Each year in celebration of The Feast of the Holy Rosary the three parishes in Taylor rotate as host parish and this year Our Lady of the Angels will have the Rosary Service on Sunday evening, October 4th. October is The Month of the Holy Rosary and our parish is named in honor of the Blessed Mother. More news about this special event next week! New Altar Servers Training Classes Hopefully boys and girls in the 4th grade and up will consider being an Altar Server. As soon as the dates are set they will be published in the parish paper. If you have any questions now feel free to call Joe Boncher (734-676-2687) or Jim Kerrigan (734-287-8170). ADORATION EVERY THURSDAY IN THE CHURCH THE BLESSED SACRAMENT WILL BE EXPOSED ON THE ALTAR FROM 9:15AM TILL 6:00PM A booklet entitled “AN HOUR WITH JESUS” is available to use in the Narthex or you may purchase one in the Parish Office. Allen Park Knights of Columbus 3774 Crystal Park Hall Wednesday, September 16 1:00pm - 6:45pm To make an appointment please visit Sponsor code kofc3774 or call Jimbo or Anne Zagunis 313-383-0878 Page 4 RELIGIOUS ED CLASS NEWS The Youthful Corner Youth Group Calendar For all your information needs please follow up on Facebook at “Our Lady of the Angels-Faith Formation.” All updates will be posted to this page along with our Church bulletin. We are trying to make it easy for parents to be informed as to everything going on in and about Religious Formation. This also includes the RCIA, all Sacraments, etc… 2015-2016 REGISTRATION FORMS There are registration forms available in the Religious Ed. Office, Parish Office, Church, and online at our website. REGISTRATION SUNDAY On Sunday, September 13th, following the 10am and 12pm Masses, I will be in the Narthex of the Church taking this year 2015/2016 Religious Education Registrations. Please stop by and register if you haven’t done so. RCIA What is RCIA? It is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. RCIA is an adult Catholic program for education and spiritual preparation prior to entry into the Roman Catholic Church and community. The RCIA program is led by a team who will help guide the program participants through the faith journey. In addition, participants have individual sponsors to pray with and discuss topics throughout the program. For some of our adults, you may have missed making your Sacrament of Confirmation; this is the program for you. If you have any questions at any time please contact Karen. I am here to serve the people of Our Lady of the Angels Parish. TV AND ONLINE MASS ~ FOR THE HOMEBOUND: Do you know someone unable to get to Church because of illness, frailty, or other struggles? For the homebound, “My Sunday Mass on WMYD TV 20 at 8:30am provides spiritual comfort and hope. To see the Mass online, visit: (For Catholics who can get to Church, TV or online Mass does not meet the obligation.) Sept 6 ~ NO YOUTH GROUP Sept 13 ~ Youth Group 6:30-8pm ~ PC Quote of the Week: “In my own life I well know how hard it is for me to trust that I am loved, and to trust that the intimacy I most crave is there for me. I most often live as if I have to earn love, do something noteworthy, and then perhaps I might get something in return. This attitude touches the whole question of what is called in the spiritual life, the “First Love.” Do I really believe that I am loved first, independent of what I do or what I accomplish? This is an important question because as long as I think that what I most need I have to earn, deserve and collect by hard work, I will never get what I most need and desire, which is a love that cannot be earned, but that is freely given. Thus, my return is my willingness to renounce such thoughts and to choose to live more and more from my true identity as a cherished child of God. - - Henri Nouwen An open invitation: Are you awesome? Have you always been awesome? Do you wish you could meet other awesome people just like you? Well look no further then Our Lady of the Angels Youth Group. We are the keepers of awesomeness. But we need you to stop by and add to this amazing phenomenon. So if you are between the ages of 10 to 18 and looking for great friends, good people, lots of fun and amazing events then stop by the Youth Loft Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8pm. And begin your awesome journey into fulfilling your faith. See you there! If you have any questions please feel free to contact Youth Leader: Tom Kupovits (313-229-1197) Please pray for the Youth of the Parish Our Lady of the Angels Holy Water Fonts For The Home Do you have a Holy Water Font in your bedroom. A perfect place for it would be next to the door, and bless yourself each morning and evening. Holy Water Fonts are available in the Parish Office. A perfect Font has the Blessed Mother with the Child Jesus and three angels in the background, it could easily be titled “OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS” this Font is $7.00. In addition to the Font we have Holy Water bottles in two sizes, (2 oz.) $2.00 and (8 oz.) $3.00. There is a large Holy Water container in the Church near the cry room so you can fill these smaller containers anytime you come to Church. CHRISTNET MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH 7:00PM IN THE ST. ELIZABETH ROOM WILL WE HAVE ENOUGH FOOD TO FEED 300+ PERSONS? Our Lady of the Angels will provide a meal for St. Christines Soup Kitchen on Tuesday, September 15th. We will be making sloppy joes & buns, Pasta Salad: we will need tomatoes, cukes, onions, tri-colored pasta and Italian Dressing. Desserts: Cookies, Cupcakes, Cakes, Fruit Cocktail Fruit: Apples, Peaches, Bananas Food can be dropped off in the kitchen on Saturday, September 12th at 4:15pm or Sunday, September 13th at 1:15pm or drop off in the Office Monday, September 14th. We will also accept grocery donations and monetary donations! We will need a kitchen crew on Monday, September 14th at 1:00pm to make all the food. Please let me know if you can make it. 313-381-3000. Mark Your Calendar Tuesday, September 15th. God Bless Marie Gdowski Page 5 SCRIPTURE READING WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Sunday ~ Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 Monday ~ Col 1:24—2:3; Ps 62; Lk 6:6-11 Tuesday ~ The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mi5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13; Mt 1:1-16; 18-23 or 1:18-23 Wednesday ~ Saint Peter Claver, Priest Col 3:1-11; Ps 145; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday ~ Col 3:12-17; Ps 150; Lk 6:27-38 Friday ~ 1 Tm 1:1-2, 12-14; Ps 16; Lk 6:39-42 Saturday ~ The Most Holy Name of Mary 1 Tm 1:15-17; Ps 113; Lk 6:43-49 THANK YOU, THANK YOU SAVELAND SUPERMARKET Sunday ~ Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 50:5-9a; Ps 116; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35 IN THE JOURNEY BOOK For the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 6, 2015. Readings are on Page 995. For the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 13, 2015. Readings are on Page 998. FESTIVAL NEEDS: Please look around your house for a 10’ by 20’ King canopy. We are in need of a donation of one for next year’s Festival. Even just the frame would be great as we can purchase a new canopy top. Please call 313-802-9038 if you can help. Also we are looking for two very special people: (1) Sponsor ad sign maker (2) Mexican Booth Chairperson If you are an artist or art student, we need you! Please call 313-802-9038. Your talent is truly needed. The fundraiser held at Saveland Supermarket on Sunday, August 23rd was a great success that generated some wonderful donations for our food pantry. We sincerely thank Saveland Supermarket (corner of Pelham & Champaign) for graciously allowing us to hold this event. This market not only provided space on their parking lot and loaned us the grill for the cooking but also donated all the hot dogs, chips, beverages, etc. that were sold. After paying our expenses, we netted $1,721. Then Saveland generously added $79 for a grand total of $1,800. To make things even better, we received donations from some of our parishioners / workers to bring the GRAND TOTAL to $2,000. This is not the first time this store has donated their facility and food so we deeply appreciate their wonderful generosity because all the proceeds will be used to buy perishable foods and much needed items for the pantry. We also want to thank those members from our parish who manned the booths, cooked the food, sold the Raffle Tickets and kept everyone smiling. They even provided music! Fund raisers not only generate funds to keep our programs going but they’re activities that encourage people to work together and support each other for a cause that benefits the needy. We are very grateful to the staff at Saveland for sharing our parish’s mission to feed those in need. We strongly encourage our parishioners to patronize this establishment and let them know how much we appreciate their efforts and generosity. This market is to be commended for the wonderful support they give us. Let’s show our appreciation by shopping at this market. THANKS AGAIN SAVELAND! Food Pantry Committee We would also request that all food donations be checked for the expiration dates because our policy is not to give food that has expired. FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS Thank You. Cash and checks are needed to buy perishable items. Checks should be made out to: Our Lady of the Angels SVdP Food Pantry. All monetary donations should be brought to the Parish Office or put in the Collection Basket. PURIFICATORS AND FINGER TOWELS LAUNDRY VOLUNTEERS Sept. 13th & Sept. 20th …Shirley Ghena September 27th …….. Rose Rotunda THE FOOD PANTRY IS IN NEED OF: TOILET PAPER!! Page 6 PRAYER REQUEST LIST We believe in the power of prayer! The names submitted will continue on the list for approximately one month. If you wish to extend that period, please call the parish office. Dear God, We place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to good health once more. . . Shawn Adams, Sue & Roy Aho, Suzanne Aloe, Louise Ames, Bill Baraboll, Lois Bauer, Mary Becker, Bobby Belknap, Nancy Bellok, Dolores Bencsik, Virginia Biggott, Pam Black, Patrick Brennen, Dorothy Bruhn, Diane Bruno, Mary Jane Budai, Lois Burke, Stella Butkiewicz, Cecile Byrne, Beverly Campbell, Madeline Carpenter, Maxine Cichon, Bill Clark, Robert Colasinski, Carmela Conflitti, Ron Coogan, Gloria Criss, Lynn Cross, William Cupp, Jennifer D’Agustino, Connie Dadabbo, Katherine Davis, Dorothy Dauphinais, Grace Dean, Ron Dean, Annmary Demyan, Charles Derrick, Peggy Derrick, Winifred Drotar, Louise Dushefski, James Ellsworth, Nancy Evanego, Aileen Farber, Mike Ferguson, Andrea Ferrise, John Fitzgerald, Leona Flatley, Ray Fleszar, Caroline Florez, Connie Formosa, William Garbacz, Bunny Garchar, Lindy Giacomantonio, Pat Gibson, Tom Gillen, Cindy Grassa-Caron, Frances Ann Griffith, Wanita Hamel, Tim Hellrung, Harold Hiensberger, Angela Honeycutt, Gerald Honeycutt, Michael Hornyak, Jr., Mary Katherine Hughes, Sally Hughes, Octavia James, Raymond Jarczak, Don & Cesidia Johnson, Steve & Terry Johnson, Don Jones, Laurie Juleff, Sylvia Kapelanski, Lillian Kapera, Lisa Kastl, Liz Katz, Peter & Maria Kiliaris, Daniel Kirksey, Lucy Korval, Mary Alice Krzyzaniak, Dennis LaBelle, Greg Lahiff, Suzanne Lakkis, Maryann Lapinski, Patrice Lessnay, Marge Ligenza, Dolores Locher, Collin Lovely, Rose Machowicz, Mary MacLellan, Mary Lynn Makin, Jeanne Manard, Frank Mancina, George Mancos, Violet Manis, Tom Marcero, D. Martin, Michael Martin, Al Martinez, Lisa Menna, Bob Merriman, Audrie Meszaras, Norm Mietkiewicz, Helen Miller, Karen Mitchell, Donald Modrzynski, Margaret D. Molnar, Liam Morley, Mary Morris, John Mosella, Sr., Rosemarie Mulka, Melissa Murray, Ann & John Naylor, Jeff Neese, Anna & Joseph Nowak, Joseph O’Donnell, Rita Oleksiak, Elaine Oswald, Michael Paillon, Marty & Mary Lou Pakledinaz, Canuta Perez, Sonya Peterson, Angelo Pizzo, Helen Plitt, Lisa Powaser, Ann Putz, Charles Quinn, Michael Radocaj, Jr., Marge Raymond, Maxine Raymond, Tamra Ream, Rowan Reinhard, Deloris Reminder, Priscilla Reminder, Ann Renaud, Christopher Renaud, Mary Reynolds, Charles Risch, Dan Robb, Anne Robinson, Rick Roy, Ryan Robertson, Kathy Rushlow, Lisa Sant, Dominick & Angelina Savano, Mary Ann Savanyo, Mary Schiffert, Gloria Schratz, John Scorzelli, Leona Scott, Lucy Senech, Georgian Shasko, Pat Sheridan, Daniel Paul Smith, Diane Smith, Matthew Smith, Margaret Snyder, Ryan Sparks, George Steele, Ann Stevens, Pattie Stevens, Edna Stokes, Jameson Sullivan, Joseph Sweetman, Eddie Switaj, Homer Taylor, Mary Jo Terry, Dan & Madeline Tesin, Elizabeth Toppi, Terri Tunney, Florence Vallad, George Van Denberg, Mike Vasas, Eleanor Vereb, James Vickroy, Elizabeth & Sherwood Vivoda, James Walcott, Barbara Walega, Celia Wardowski, Ruth Williams, Fr. Gene Wojtewicz, Donna Wood WRITE IN THE NAME OF A DEPARTED LOVED ONE IN OUR “BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE” By writing the name of a departed loved one in our “Book of Remembrance” they will be remembered throughout the year at selected daily Masses. Our previous book is filled and a new book has been placed in the Church. The “BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE” is located on a stand on the East wall of the Church next to the confessionals. If the name of a departed one was written in the previous book there is no need to write it in the new book. Masses will be offered for all those listed in our “BOOKS (plural) OF REMEMBRANCE” However if you want to enter the name again in the new book feel free to do so. NURSE MINISTRY NOTES Spaces for our Cooking Matters EXTRA for Diabetes Classes are filled. We have been notified by Oakwood part of Beaumont Community Services that there are no places left, however, you may call 800 -543-WELL(9355) or visit diabetes to be placed on a waiting lit or receive information regarding other classes and dates available in the area. We thank you for your support and for your commitment to healthy living. On another subject, it is hard to believe that Labor Day is already here. Our children will be returning to classes so be aware that they will again be walking to their bus stops and to school. When driving, please keep your eyes off of your phones and text messages and keep them on these children. Drive responsibly - it’s the law. Our members have been meeting often to plan our Family Health and Wellness Fair. We have recruited healthcare providers. We are scheduling presentations on health topics and want to offer an opportunity for education and information. Representatives from Walgreen Pharmacy will be offering flu shots (yes, it’s that time of year), however, please remember to bring your insurance information. Oakwood /Beaumont will be available for glucose and cholesterol blood testing on site. Healthy snacks will be served. If you haven’t already done so, please save the date - - Sunday, September 20th from 9am to 2pm at the parish center. We plan this event after Sunday Masses for the convenience of our parishioners. If you attend 4pm Saturday Mass, we ask that you come to visit our fair on Sunday to see what we offer. The quilt and U of M and MSU blanket raffle will take place at the end of the fair. Our parishioners and surrounding community have been supportive in the past and we hope to have your support again. The next meeting of OLOA Parish Nurse Ministry will take place Monday, September 14th at 7pm. Page 7 Right to Life - LIFESPAN - Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Scandal SPECIAL MARIAN SERVICE SUNDAY OCTOBER 4TH AT 7:00PM This year in addition to our regular Marian Service, Our Lady of the Angels is the host parish of the three parishes in Taylor for this special liturgy. In addition to the Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Mother and Benediction we are honored to have a first class relic of St. Anne, Mother of Mary. Those attending will be invited to come forward and kiss or touch this relic of St. Anne. St. Anne is the Patron Saint of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Also those attending will be given a blank petition card to fill out and bring forward during the service. These will be placed before Mary’s statue. A social gathering in the parish center with refreshments will follow the service. NOTE: A large statue of St. Anne holding her daughter Mary will be in the Church during the October 3rd-4th weekend. WE SHARE YOUR OUTRAGE! Turn your outrage at atrocities being performed by Planned Parenthood into action. Get reservations to LIFESPAN’s pro-life breakfast on September 12th and find out what is being done to defund PP in Michigan. Contact your Congressional Representatives and your Senators, letting them know how you feel about billions of our tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood the largest killer in America. For more information and to get your reservations for the breakfast, call the LIFESPAN office: 734-422-6230. Getting Older And Getting God: The Wisdom Years Thursday, September 17th, 2015 (9AM - 3PM) If you are 60 or older, come to Capuchin Retreat in Washington, MI for this very rewarding program. This is a day to come away and appreciate the wisdom years and how you can deepen your journey toward God. You will be enriched and appreciate the wisdom years in your present life. Presented by Fred Cavaiani, Psychologist, Marriage Counselor, Spiritual Director, and Staff Member at Capuchin Retreat $45 fee includes: breakfast, lunch, and an inspiring program. Call Capuchin Retreat at 248-651-4826 to make your reservation or: International Day of Prayer for Peace Monday, September 21st, 7:00PM 2015 ST. THERESE TRIDUUM at St. Albert the Great Church Theme: St. Therese for Today Come listen, pray, and be inspired. Let St. Therese touch you! September 29th, 7:00pm; September 30th, 7:00pm; October 1st, 7:00pm; All 3 Days: Mass with St. Therese Homily, Novena, Benediction, and Rosary before all Masses. Confession at 6pm. Also on Feast Day, October 1st: Veneration of Relic, A Rose for All, and Refreshments after Mass. Call: 313-770-3203 or 313-292-0430 See: People of all faiths and cultures are invited to a prayer service to celebrate the International Day of Prayer for Peace. Lila Cabbil, President Emeritus of the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute, will lead the, Let Us Dwell Together in Unity, service at St. Bonaventure Monastery Chapel, 1780 Mount Elliott, Detroit. Also featured will be the Detroit Dearing Dance Company and the Capuchin Soup Kitchen Choir. The evening is sponsored by the Capuchin ministries including the Capuchin Soup Kitchen and the Solanus Casey Center. Security and lighted parking will be available. Page 8 CSA-funding programs Evangelization ATTENTION: Do you have a son or daughter interested in becoming an Altar Server? The Our Lady of the Angels training class for new Altar Servers is starting October 7, 2015, at 7:00pm in the Church. It consists of seven sessions of about 40 minutes long. You qualify to join if you have made your First Communion and are in the fourth grade or higher. Serving is a great way to be a part of the Mass, help out our Church, learn responsibility, and gain long lasting friends. If you feel the calling, please join us this October to begin your training and begin to be a part of our Church community. The Archdiocese of Detroit in partnering with ChristLife for next Saturday’s “Following Christ and Sharing Christ” training conference, which will provide discipleship and evangelization tools to those engaged in adult faith formation and evangelization in our parishes. Please contact Joe Boncher at [email protected] with the following information: Attendees will learn to more fully embrace the Church’s universal call to holiness and evangelization; help others establish the spiritual disciplines of a Catholic disciple; learn how to lead the Holy Spirit, forgiven, and renunciation prayer sessions presented in Following Christ, and discover how to follow and share Jesus Christ in their ordinary daily lives and become more fully a parish of missionary disciples. NAME: __________________________________________________________ AGE: ___________________ GRADE: ___________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: _________________________________________________ Masses You Can Serve: 4p 8am 10am 12noon Looking forward to hearing from you. National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Babies Saturday, September 12th Please attend one of these special Memorial Services for unborn children killed by abortion and buried at cemeteries in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Give these victims of abortion the respect they deserve! Come one, Come all!!! The contemporary music group serving the 12 noon Mass on Sundays is looking for more talented people to join us. Our group is up-beat and uses modern music of all kinds. If you are interested in singing or playing an instrument with a fun group, please give me a call. We would really love to have a pianist. We also need a percussionist (drums, bongos, etc.). Of course we would value any other instrument you play. In a contemporary group such as ours, we can use and incorporate almost any instrument and a musician with any amount of talent. Let the Spirit move through you. Voices of course are always needed. We will teach you if group singing is new to you. Don’t let that stop you. For more information please contact me (Susi) at 734-225-7555, or leave your name at the rectory at 313-381-3000. Your gifts to the Catholic Service Appeal help fund “Following Christ and Sharing Christ,” to be led by ChristLife founder and director Dave Nodar at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on September 12th, so those ministering in the Archdiocese can attend for only $20, including training materials and meals. For more information on CSA-funded programs, ministries, and services, please go to Assumption Grotto Parish Cemetery 1pm - 13770 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit, MI. (The aborted babies buried here were killed at Women’s Advisory Clinic, Trimester II, Novi Physician Center, and other Michigan Abortion Clinics now closed). White Chapel Cemetery 2pm 621 W. Long Lake Rd., Troy, MI. Right side of Garden of the Last Supper Section (The unborn babies buried here were found tossed in an alley near an Abortion Clinic in Oakland County. Holy Sepulchre Cemetery - Infant Section 2pm - 25800 W. 10 Mile Rd., Southfield, MI. Holy Innocents Section 71S - Special Guests: Archbishop Allen Vigneron, Monica Migliorino Miller and Stacy Swimp (The aborted babies buried at Holy Sepulchre were killed at the Woman Care Clinic, Lathrup Village, MI, February and March 2008). For more information see: TO ALL EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR THE HOME BOUND Just a quick reminder, that on September 19th, 2015, we will implement the new Eucharistic prayer and procedure, at all Masses! We will have a quick walk through on Sunday, September 13th after the 12:00pm Mass (around 1:15). I hope you can all make it! God Bless Marie Gdowski Page 9 Southern Downriver Right to Life’s 5th Annual Golf for Life Outing Monday, September 14, 2015 Grosse Ile Golf & Country Club 9339 Bellevue Rd. Grosse Ile, MI 48138 Southern Downriver Right to Life’s Fifth Annual Golf for Life Outing will be held at the beautiful Grosse Ile Golf and Country Club on Monday, September 14th. The 18 Hole Scramble begins with registrations at 11:00AM and a Shot-Gun Start @ 12:00 Noon, followed by cocktails at 5:00PM and dinner at 5:45PM. The $140 price includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, a Broiled Salmon or Chicken Piccatta Dinner, ¼ lb. Dearborn All Beef Hot Dog or Kielbasa & chips at the turn, beer, soft drinks, & bottled water, and prizes galore (including a hole in one contest featuring a 2015 Buick Encore sponsored by Groulx Buick GMC). 10th Annual St. Joseph Oktoberfest In Detroit Detroit’s historic St. Joseph Church, located at 1828 Jay St. across Gratiot from Eastern Market, will host its tenth annual Oktoberfest on Saturday, September 26th from 5pm to 9pm, and Sunday, September 27th from 1pm to 7:30pm. Free admission and fun for the whole family. Authentic German beer and food (carryout available), four live bands, German dancers, children’s activities, Attic Treasures Tent, Raffles (car; cash with secondary prizes), arts & crafts vendors, church tours, and free choral concert Sunday at 3pm. Saturday 4pm Choral Mass and Sunday Noon German Orchestra Mass. Guarded parking. For more information, visit: The Fifth annual Golf for Life Outing is the primary fund raising event for Southern Downriver Right to Life, a local affiliate of Right to Life of Michigan. The funds raised will be used to reach out to youth, schools, crisis pregnancy centers, Churches, and individuals in the Downriver Area in support of the Right to Life. Your help will also allow us to sponsor buses for youth to attend the March for Life in Washington D.C. in January, and for the Educational Fund of Michigan right to Life’s Reach-out efforts in support of Life. You can register on-line or on our Web Site at SDRTL.ORG. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available. Please contact Joe Connors ([email protected]) at 800-295-4277 to register and for additional information. Catholic Cruise to the Caribbean Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Caribbean Cruise with Father Vincent Jazmines, December 5th - December 12th, 2015 on Holland American Westerdam out of Fr. Lauderdale (Port Everglades), Florida - - Ports of Call: Grand Turk Island ~ San Juan, Puerto Rico ~ Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. ~ Half Moon Cay, Bahamas (Cruise line Private Island). Prices begin at $1269 for two passengers this includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further info or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 8 6 0 - 3 9 9 - 1 7 8 5 / [email protected]. ONE ROSARY A DAY FOR LIFE PRAY A ROSARY DAILY TO END ABORTION. Receive a Full-Tuition Scholarship To Attend Ave Maria School of Law Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida is offering a generous 3-yr, FullTuition scholarship for 1st year law students entering Summer/Fall 2016. Qualified candidates may also be eligible for a 1st year stipend. Scholarships are based on LSAT scores. Come and learn about the MI / Toledo Scholarship! Ave Maria School of Law Scholarship Reception. Join AMSL Founder, Thomas S. Monaghan, School of Law President Kevin Cieply, and the Board of Governors. Thursday, September 17th 5:30pm - 7:30pm Domino’s Farms in Ann Arbor YOUR KIDS WILL THANK YOU FOR GOING ON A MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND! The kids are continuing their education, why don’t married couples get a tune-up for their marriage? Worldwide Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones—and focus only on each other. If you’d like growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you’ll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can make! Weekends fill up quickly, so a prompt response is encouraged. WWME weekends in 2015 are: Sept. 25th-27th - Holiday Inn Express Troy Oct. 23rd-25th - Holiday Inn Express Troy Dec. 4th-6th - Holiday Inn Express Troy Call: 888322-9963 - - (Application Fee: $75) Our Lady of Mount Carmel is having a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in November. Catholic Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. November 9th - 18th, 2015. Daily Mass at the Holy Sights. Visit Jerusalem, Nazareth, Galilee, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea and more! Includes 3 Meals Daily. Air from Detroit. $3,649.00. For more info call Cathie or Mike Milano at 1-800-773-2660. Page 10 This Week in our Parish Events and Activities The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 6 Dear Lord Jesus and Mary Mother of God, hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand; comfort them and their families. Send angels of protection, love and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort to all the service men and women still at war. Bring them home safely and comfort their families. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Petty Officer, Patrick C. Dauphinais SSG Lepine, Christopher COL David Fleckenstein ~ Army LT Michael A. Molnar ~ Navy Daniel J. Lyson ~ Navy CPT Glen Dowling MST Sgt Brian Dimock Joshua Maloney ~ Australian Army David Maloney ~ Australian Army Justin Dean ~ Marines SSG Andrew Guingona Sp. Airman Matthew Atton ~ Air Force CPL Gregory Ruoss ~ Marines Joseph Galbraith PVT Joseph Kimes ~ Army Samuel Stahl ~ U.S. Marines SR Wilson, Andrew C. ~ Navy Donald Johnson ~ Korea CPL Marshall Ohlert ~ U.S. Marines PAWS IN THE PARK A Party for Pet Lovers P.A.W.S. OF MICHIGAN Saturday, September 12th Young Patriots Park Riverview, MI 11am - 4pm A dog walk and pet lovers festival to help raise funds for homeless cats and dogs, and to help families with spay and neuter. Event includes t-shirt, goodie bag, contests, games, music by DJ Wayne, psychic readings by Anna Calhoun of Smokey Crystal, vendors, pet adoptions, $25 micro-chipping, raffle, silent auction, Canine Good Citizen Certifications, a performance by Caught in a Zipper and more… 9:30am ~ Registration 11am ~ Walk Begins Complete event schedule is available at Masses: 8:00am, 10am, 12 noon 10am ~ RAS Corporate Communion ~ Ch Quilt Raffle Tickets ~ N No Youth Group Monday, September 7 ~ Labor Day NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE OFFICE CLOSED OUR PRAYER GARDEN The bricks we ordered several weeks ago were installed in our beautiful Prayer Garden last week. The garden is in bloom and as we walk through it, we can admire all the different aspects that make it such an attractive part of our Church grounds. A commemorative brick can have a very special meaning. It is a way of remembering someone who has passed away or can serve as a special keepsake to honor family members and friends. We suggest that you take a moment to stroll through the garden and look at the many bricks honoring loved ones and the plants and flowers that make the garden a quiet place to spend a few moments enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. The garden is a memento befitting our parish that signifies the love and unity that draws us closer together as God’s family. Bricks can be purchased by either filling out the form in the Parish Office or on the Parish website. The cost is $110 with 3 lines of inscription. Each line can accommodate 14 characters including the spaces. Symbols can also be inscribed on the bricks at a cost of $5.00 for each one. The form with the symbols is available in the parish office. Please consider buying a brick to honor those who are important to you. Tuesday, September 8 8:45am~ Mass 7pm ~ Usher’s meeting ~ St. Jos Wednesday, September 9 NO MASS OR PRAYER SERVICE 10am-1pm ~ Charity Stitchers ~ Room 4 1-2:45pm ~ Food Pantry Thursday, September 10 8:45am ~ Mass 9:15am-6pm ~ Adoration 6-7:30pm ~ Folk Group practice ~ Ch 7:30pm ~ Choir practice ~ Ch Friday, September 11 ~ Patriot Day 8:45am ~ Mass 9:30-11am ~ Women of Prayer ~ St. Ann 10-11:45am ~ Food Pantry Saturday, September 12 3pm ~ CONFESSIONS 4pm ~ Mass Quilt Raffle Tickets ~ N SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19th, 2015 EUCHRE! St. Cyprian — Social Hall Doors open at 6:30pm Play starts at 7:00pm Sharp No partners are needed, partners change each game. $10 entry fee (bring your quarters in case you get Euchred!). Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. All proceeds to support our Seminarian, Adam Nowak. Register in advance with Mark Lauer at (313) 724-8395 or at the door. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RIVERVIEW COUNCIL #13980 St. Cyprian Parish Riverview, MI Page 11 BULLETIN BOARD *SCLERODERMA SUPPORT GROUP* Crafts and Artists wanted for the Divine Child Elementary School 39th Holiday Boutique on November 7, 2015. For more information please contact us at: [email protected] OPEN YOUR HEART AND HOME to a Catholic exchange student from Spain and Germany for the coming 2015-2016 school year Volunteer host families (with or without children) as well as single parents are needed to provide food, a bed and a loving home for the coming school year, one or two semesters, starting in August. EMF students have medical insurance, spending money for their personal expenses and expect to share their host family’s daily life including household responsibilities. For more information on EMF students, please call Marie Claude Dijoud now at 1-800-467-8363 or visit our web site at Meets the Third Friday of Every Month at 11am-1pm. *Guest Speakers +Refreshments + Handouts. *Support Group Leader - Annie Valle [email protected], 313-2912055 *Meeting Location: Our Lady of the Angels Church 6442 Pelham, Taylor, MI 48180. RON’S HANDYMAN SERVICE ALL 50 PLUS SINGLES WELCOME BETHANY SOUTH DOWNRIVER AUGUST EVENTS Bethany is a Catholic Organization under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Detroit office of youth and family providing peer support to the divorced and separated of all Christian faiths. Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am - 12 noon Pickle ball - Allen Park Community Center, 15800 White Ave. Cost is $3. Judy (313) 389-4730 or Chris (313) 561-9721 Electrical, Plumbing or Carpentry Kitchen and Bath Remodel Ron Maniaci, Parish Member SAVE THE DATE: 10-17-15!! Reasonable Rates Call for FREE ESTIMATES Cell: 313-410-8233 [email protected] We have exciting news coming soon for all SFX school Alumni & Friends!! Details will follow as they are confirmed. For now, please mark your calendars for SATURDAY ~ OCTOBER 17, 2015.
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Jun. 14 - Our Lady of the Angels Parish
Saturday: 3 pm ~ and by appointment
Dir. of Faith Formation & Pastoral Minister: Karen Kerr ~ Tues. 4:30-5:45pm ~ 6-7:15pm
Religious Ed Secretary: Maria G. Valdez
Christian Service Coordinator: