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Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
Past Issues
Have a Great Summer! Rusticus Garden Club Member of the Garden Club of America
Summer 2015 Bulletin
Don't Miss . . .
July 28, 2015 10 am to 12 noon
Amba Farms, 29 Wood Road,
Bedford Hills, NY
Farm Tour and Presentation of
the Rusticus Community
Conservation Award to Liz
Taggart. Please RSVP to Karen
Simons President's Message
Summer is here and our Annual Flower Show and Meeting signaled to
me that it’s time to spend some time enjoying all that the rain and the
wind and the snow and the sunshine have brought us. The smell of cut
grass is wafting through my window, a far cry from the comment I had
about snow a few months ago! The Rusticus calendar was full during the past month. A highlight was
our Fundraiser, held at the beautiful home of Sascha and Evan. Standing in that lovely setting with a party beautifully created by Sarah
Colley and the Fundraising Committee seemed to have lent itself to
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
some enthusiastic bidding by our members. The fantastic offerings
generously provided by our members created a flurry of bidding and the
net income for the fundraiser broke all records. We raised about
$25,000. Many thanks to everyone involved. We will carefully consider
our options as to how to best to use this income.
Save the Date . . .
First Membership meeting,
Tuesday, September 17th at 9:00
am, Planting and Caring for
Hydrangeas, location to be
Show Off Your Green
Thumb at the Rye
Garden Club
Centennial Flower
Show Celebrate Rye Garden Club's Centennial
by entering and viewing their Centennial
Flower Show, One Hundred Years and
Blooming on September 24th and 25th. A
few openings remain in some floral
design, horticulture and photography
classes. Check out the show schedule.
Please contact Sarah Barringer, Rye
Garden Club President, if you have any
questions. Congratulations to
This Year's
Rusticus Award
Following the Fundraiser came the Rusticus Flower Show. Thank you to
Patty Grunebaum and Mel Morley for organizing and producing a well
run, high caliber show. The comment was made that it was comparable
to a GCA level show. No detail was overlooked. The addition of
Botanical Arts to this year's schedule was new to us, and the Club
handled the added responsibility very well. All of us we appreciate the
time involved at this early point on the learning curve. And thank you to
Kathy Moreau and Sarah Robinson for organizing the Horticulture part of
the show. Their preparation helped tremendously in this aspect of the
show. Carol Timmis deserves a big thank you for inviting judges and
keeping the judging well organized. Lauren Ivanhoe’s help was much
appreciated too. Finally, thank you to Carolyn Gilbert, Hospitality Chair,
and everyone who contributed to the delicious lunch. It wouldn’t have
been a luncheon with out you!
One person in this club who deserves a special thank you is Mary Ann
Robinson. As Vice President, she has been a valuable asset to many
aspects of our club administration and is always present with a great
smile and thoughtful comment. She has certainly made my job easier
this year.
This has been a wonderful year for me and after all of those thank yous,
I’d like to thank every member of the club. In one way or another, your
participation is what makes it fun. We all help to educate one
another, and we benefit from our members' vast knowledge and
experience. I hope each member delights in that aspect of the club. Learning as a member never ceases! Because it’s a club and not a
public organization, it’s important to appreciate the social aspect of our
group as well. The friendship we share makes our club special. And so,
overall, I hope this year was as much fun for you as it was for me. Have
a wonderful summer and I hope to see you at our next meeting on
Tuesday, September 15th!
Sascha Greenberg Receives the Rusticus
Appreciation Award from President Cathy
Biddle and Awards Chair Amy Cilmi
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
Friends and Garden Tours
Pam Hubbard, Nancy Joyce, Christian Daviron, Nancy Geary,
Sarah Robinson and Cathy Biddle Tours Martha Stewart's garden. Cathy Sheppard Receives the Rusticus
Horticulture Award from President Cathy
Biddle and Awards Chair Amy Cilmi
The following members were honored at
our annual meeting for their years of
service and dedication to the Rusticus
Garden Club. Active Members Honored:
Kathie Dixon, 35 years
Jane Epstein, 25 years
Lisa Gerard, 25 years
Nancy Joyce, 30 years
Christy Pulsifer, 30 years
Leslie Robinson, 30 years
Martha Spofford, 45 years
And the Ribbons Go to . . .
Dookie Tingue, 25 years
By Patty Grunebaum and Mel Morley, Flower Show Co­Chairs Phillis Warden, 35 years
Neil Wattles, 30 years
On June 17th, with the sun shining, Rusticus held its annual meeting
and club flower show, Summertime Jazz, in the ballroom and sun
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
porch at the John Jay Homestead. Despite some ambivalence about the
later date and the change in venue, by all accounts it was a great
The Horticulture Division was a sight to behold and offered a refreshing
new variety of specimens we haven’t seen before. Perhaps this was
due, as one member suggested, to the later date of the show and the
fact that everyone’s beloved early June peonies were no longer
Award recipients Neil Wattles, Christy
Pulsifer, Landa Freeman and Leslie
Associate Members Honored:
Mary Beck, 45 years
Kim Burns, 25 years
Poppy Cummings, 25 years
Landa Freeman, 30 years
available for show. Congratulations and many thanks to all of the
members who brought single cut specimens, arrangements, plants,
terrariums, begonias and nasturtiums. We could not have a show
without all of your entries and we appreciate all of your hard work,
dedication and talents! A special congratulations to Neil Wattles, who
was awarded the Rusticus Memorial Cup for “Best in Show” for her
Chinese Calycanthus, and to Hatsy Vallar, who was awarded the Toddy
Dunham Novice Horticulture Award, for her Shrimp Begonia. Well done
Susan Henry, 45 years
Candace Herguth, 25 years
Sallie Mundy, 35 years
Melie Spofford, 35 years
Honorary Member Honored:
Susie Prezzano, 35 years
Rusticus Awards
Award to Local
By Elyse Arnow and Karen
Simons, Conservation Co­
The Community Conservation
award is given annually by the
Conservation Committee to
“honor a member of the
community whose work in the
fields of environmental
awareness and horticulture is
outstanding and who fosters an
appreciation for nature, beauty
and the fragility of our planet.”
Thank you as well to our very knowledgeable and patient passers and
We are lucky this year to have
two wonderful recipients of this
award who complement the work
of each other and have
significantly contributed to a
local, sustainable agricultural
movement as well as cultivated
lands in their communities
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
our clerks, Kerry Wilson and Pam Hubbard; your expertise and help
were invaluable.The Horticulture Co­Chairs, Kathy Moreau and Sarah
Robinson, did an amazing job of putting together the Horticulture
Division Flower Show Schedule and of orchestrating everything to do
with Horticulture for the Show. I hope you’ll agree that the sun porch
provided a wonderful backdrop for the flower show with the perfect
amount of natural sunlight and space to move around and take in the
natural beauty.
dedicated to healthy farming
practices and community
education. Liz Taggart of Amba
Farms in Bedford Hills provides
farm to table produce to Local
Table Market and Café of Love,
among other food establishments
in our community. Her work at
Westchester Land Trust on the
farmer match program and at
Rippowam Cisqua in developing
the outdoor classroom
garden are two examples of her
dedication to community
education and her
comprehensive vision. Healthy
soils and plants provide another
strong link to Rusticus’ hands­on
approach to gardening and
sustainable backyard practices. Our second recipient is the long­
time Mount Kisco resident Nancy
Kohlberg, who together with her
husband, runs the 200­acre
Cabbage Hill Farm. Liz Taggart,
as well as many others, consider
her a local pioneer in the farm­to­
table movement and an educator
on sustainable and humane
agricultural practices. With her
This year the Flower Show Co­Chairs decided to add a Botanical Arts
Division consisting of two classes with 4 entries each. We are so grateful
to the brave individuals, all novices, who graciously accepted the
challenge. The Judges were amazed at the caliber of the embellished
combs and frames. They awarded Class 1, “Your Daddy’s Rich,” a
Judges Citation for “Outstanding novice performance ­ a head above!”
Congratulations as well to Mary Ann Robinson who was awarded the
“Rusticus Garden Club Botanical Arts Award” for her beautifully
embellished frame. Thank you to Lisa Gerard for all of her help and
guidance and for serving as the passer for Botanical Arts. A special
restaurant, Hudson Valley Flying
thank you to Torrie Morrison, whose beautiful Summertime design for
the Flower Show Schedule and signage set the tone for the wonderful
Pig in Mount Kisco, and
show. Cabbage­Hill’s continued
presence at the John Jay
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
Farmers Market on Saturdays, we
see and taste the delicacies
grown using back­to­the­land,
small scale farming, aquaponics
and the breeding and raising of
specialized rare animal breeds.
Now a non­profit, Cabbage Hill
Farm continues to be a
passionate voice for sustainable,
agricultural practices and
humane animal care. At our Annual Meeting and
Luncheon, we were treated to a
few words of wisdom from Nancy
on her early vision and
commitment to a well­run,
integrated, small­scale, local farm
that continues to educate her
peers and community through
farm visits, outreach and our
taste buds.
Thank You! Our
Civic Gardens
Look Great
The luncheon was a delicious as always thanks to the Hospitality Chair,
Carolyn Gilbert, and the many kind members who generously
contributed food for the luncheon as well as for the judges' breakfast.
One of the judges remarked that it was the best breakfast she had ever
had at a club flower show. After sampling one of the homemade cheddar
biscuits myself, I can see why she said that. There was a round of
applause as Cathy Biddle announced that the committee reports would
not be read aloud (they were, instead, printed and left on the tables to
take home and are available here), leaving more time to hear about and
celebrate the success of the Zone III Meeting in Rochester and Kerry
Wilson’s incredible organizational talents, the record breaking silent
auction and cocktail party as well as recognizing the many women who
have been members of Rusticus – some for over 40 years! (Check# or
will we list this somewhere in the bulletin???). We applauded the
provisional members who became active members and we introduced
the three women who will become new provisionals. Mrs. Nancy
Kohlberg of Cabbage Hill Farm and Liz Taggart of Amba Farms were
awarded the Community Conservation Award. After the members collected their entries and said their goodbyes, the
cleaning angels descended and within a matter of minutes, chairs and
tables were folded and stored for pick­up and the ballroom of John Jay
Homestead was once again returned to its original state. Summertime
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
Jazz was over, and we were already beginning to think about next year.
Cathy decided to revert back to an earlier date in June for next year’s
show and we hope you’ll all agree that the move to the Ballroom and
sun porch was a nice change and one we should continue with. We are
so grateful to everyone who helped to make Summertime Jazz a
success. We could not have done this without the help of so many
talented, kind and generous individuals and the gracious leadership of
our President, Cathy. We welcome your feedback and comments and
look forward to more fun next year!
Help keep our civic gardens looking their
best. Please sign up to water and weed
our civic gardens at the Bedford Village
Library, and the John Jay Homestead
Terrace Garden during the weeks listed
below. Sign up with a friend and enjoy
some good conversation while watering.
Contact Pam Hubbard or Vickie Hall to
Weeks of:
August 3
August 17
August 24
August 31
September 21
Weeks of:
July 27
August 3
August 10
August 17
August 24
August 31
September 7
September 14
September 21
Individual Class Awards were as follows:
Horticulture Division, Section I Class Number: 1A Class Name: Livin’ is Easy
1st Place: Neil Wattles
2nd Place: Christy Pulsifer
3rd Place: Marge Sandwick
Honorable Mention: Kathy Sheppard & Carol Timmis
Class: Number 1B Class Name: Livin’ is Easy
1st Place: Sarah Robinson
2nd Place: Carolyn Gilbert
3rd Place: Catherine Biddle
Class Number: 2A
Class Name: Rise up Singing
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
1st Place: Patty Grunebaum
2nd Place: Landa Freeman
3rd Place: Martha Spofford
Honorable Mention: Lauren Ivanhoe & Melissa Fleming
Class Number: 2B
Class Name: Rise up Singing
1st Place: Neil Wattles*
2nd Place: Carol Timmis
3rd Place: Amy Cilmi
Honorable Mention: Patty Grunebaum, Christy Pulsifer & Laura Kaplan
* Best in Show – Rusticus Memorial Cup awarded to Neil Wattles
Class Number: 3
Class Name: Take to the Sky
1st Place: Neil Wattles
2nd Place: Elyse Arnow
3rd Place: Patty Grunebaum
Honorable Mention: Mary Ann Robinson
Reminder: It's Time
to Pay Your Dues
Horticulture Division, Section II Class Number: 4A
Class Name: Fish are Jumpin’ (Provisional Members)
1st Place: Hatsy Vallar*
2nd Place: Linda Corso
* Toddy Dunham Novice Horticulture Award – Best in Show awarded to
Hatsy Vallar
Class Number: 4B
Class Name: Fish are Jumpin’ (Active Members)
1st Place: Carolyn Gilbert
2nd Place: Kathy Moreau
3rd Place: Patty Grunebaum
Honorable Mention: Amy Cilmi & Neil Wattles
Rusticus dues for 2015­2016 are
due. The amount due is as follows:
Active/Provisional: $200
Associate/Affiliate: $225
Please send your check payable to
Rusticus Garden Club, PO Box 732,
Bedford NY today!!
When you joined Rusticus you also
became a member of the GCA. As
a result, Rusticus turns over a
portion of the dues we collect from
each of you to the GCA for your
membership. The dues to GCA are
due July 1. So Rusticus does not
have to carry this expense on your
behalf, prompt payment of your
dues would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please
contact Laura Kaplan.
Class Number: 5
Class Name: Hush Little Baby
1st Place: Vickie Hall
2nd Place: Kathy Moreau
3rd Place: Amy Cilmi
Class Number: 6A
Class Name: Spread Your Wings
1st Place: Sarah Robinson
2nd Place: Mary Ann Robinson
3rd Place: Susan Henry
Honorable Mention: Patty Grunebaum & Landa Freeman
Class Number: 6B
Class Name: Spread Your Wings
1st Place: Carolyn Gilbert
2nd Place: Karen Simons
3rd Place: Neil Wattles
Honorable Mention: Landa Freeman
Class Number: 7
Class Name: Summertime ­ Par
1st Place: Sarah Robinson
Botanical Arts Division
Class Number: 1*
Class Name: Your Daddy’s Rich (Embellished Comb)
1st Place: Christy Pulsifer
2nd Place: Patty Grunebaum
3rd Place: Amy Cilmi
Honorable Mention: Vickie Hall
Judges Citation: "Outstanding novice performance – a head above!"
Presented to: Rusticus Garden Club Class 1 Exhibitors, Your Daddy’s
Rusticus Summer 2015 Bulletin
The Rusticus 2015­
2016 Directory We will shortly be working on the
new Directory and ask that all
members send in any corrections or
changes in their listing to Cathy
Biddle. If you made a correction at
the Annual Meeting, we have it and
you need not send it in again.
Thank you!
Class Number: 2
Class Name: Your Ma is Good Lookin’ (Embellished Frame)
1st Place: Frances Bright
2nd Place: Mary Ann Robinson*
3rd Place: Catherine Biddle
Honorable Mention: Pamela Hubbard
*Rusticus Garden Club Botanical Arts Award awarded to Mary Ann
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