Com d`habitude publicité
Com d`habitude publicité
Com d’habitude publicité Advertising sales agency A wide range of materials Expertise and marketing of advertising space in the education and research sector PRESS partners in the agency Access to the best educational PRESS partners OVER 40 PRESS PUBLICATIONS TED OVER 5 MILLION COPIES DISTRIBU JOURNAL: EDUCATION MAGAZINE JOURNALS : SNESUP ; FORMER DES MAÎTRES EDUCATION COMMUNITY, PARENTS, TEACHERS COLLEGE TEACHERS JOURNAL : ÉQUIPE DE DIRECTION JOURNAL : VRS HEAD TEACHERS (HIGH SCHOOLS, COLLEGES) JOURNALS : CONVERGENCES + MEMENTO BURSARS BUYING EDUCATION MATERIAL JOURNAL : POUR L’ENSEIGNEMENT PROFESSIONNEL PUBLIC HEAD TEACHERS, HEADS OF DEPARTMENT, TEACHERS IN TECHNICAL COLLEGE JOURNAL : INSPECTEUR AUJOURD’HUI National education inspectors JOURNALS : GUIDE DES CARRIÈRES DE LA FONCTION PUBLIQUE TERRITORIALE ; SYNDICALEMENT VÔTRE SCIENTISTS AND RESEARCHERS JOURNALS : US TABLOID; US MAG + SUPPLEMENTS SECONDARY EDUCATION TEACHERS, CPE, COPSY, LIBRARIANS, ETC. JOURNAL : POUR Also target th e disciplines ta ught NURSERY SCHOOL TO COLLEGE TEACHERS JOURNAL : SNEP PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHERS JOURNALS : GUIDE DU JEUNE PROF, MEMO STAGIAIRES OBJECTIF CONCOURS... (over 10) FUTURE AND YOUNG TEACHERS Regional authorities’ staff Alternative advertising Advertising packs COM D’HABITUDE also gives advertisers the opportunity to be represented on stands during publishing conferences and conventions: Contact us. Check out our press packs and advertising rates on our website: or by phone : To make your life easier, discounts on pairs: contact us. 05 55 24 14 03 WEBSITES available The largest range of sites to communicate with education professionals (civil servants) Over 20 websites allowing you to access 1.4 million education professionals, with an audience of nearly 14 million pupils, students and their parents. over s bsite e w 0 2 llionar i m 0 4 views/ye page ionorss l l i m 5 e visit uniqu WEBSITE FOR GOOD TEACHING PLANS FOR TEACHERS ONLY PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT TEACHER WEBSITE N°1 UNOFFICIAL TEACHING PORTAL WEBSITE FOR HEAD TEACHERS AND THEIR DEPUTIES EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES WEBSITE WEBSITE DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CIVIL SERVANTS CLUB SCHOOL NURSE WEBSITE TECHNOLOGY AND USE OF ICT WEBSITE WEBSITE FOR TECHNICAL COLLEGE TEACHERS AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ABOUT ICT AT SCHOOL THEMED WEBSITE FOR FURTHER EDUCATION THE MOST VISITED TEACHING WEBSITE (SECONDARY EDUCATION) Find all our other available sites on A wide range of customised materials for your online campaigns • BANNERS • SQUARES • SKYSCRAPERS • NEWSLETTERS • SPONSORSHIP OF COLUMNS • SPECIAL OFFERS • DESIGN ... A specialised advertising sales agency, a coherent reader profile Readers of our press and website partners are education workers. Communicate effectively by accessing an impressive readership whose interest is threefold : 1. A readership which influences and takes part in decisions regarding the purchase of equipment and services for their schools and universities : • Computer equipment, new technology • Software applications and packages 2. A readership in touch with culture, new technology and leisure activities. With a high socio-cultural level, teachers and education staff are civil servants. Their income is guaranteed and they are opinion leaders. They have many hobbies : reading, cultural outings (museum and exhibition visits, cinema, theatre, festivals etc.), travel, music, interior design, gastronomy, research, new technology, computers etc. • Office and desktop equipment, school textbooks, books • Equipment and public transport, insurance, banks • Food, school and university canteen equipment • Language, cultural and teaching trips etc. 3. A readership with access to almost 14 million students and their parents. Advertisers who communicate through our partners in the agency (a sample list) Insurance, banks, insurance companies CASDEN, GMF, MAE, MAIF, MGEN, MFP, MNH, MNT, MNFCT … Regional authorities CONSEILS RÉGIONAUX, CDT ... Publishing, media School textbooks, books, journals, encyclopaedias, dictionaries ADP PARTNER, BAMBOO, BELIN, DE BOECK, CNDP-SCEREN, DILA, GALLIMARD, FATON, FLAMMARION, FRANCE 5, NATHAN, PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES (BORDEAUX, MIRAIL, SORBONNE NOUVELLE, etc.), ARTE, UNIVERS POCHE, VUIBERT … Energy, sustainable development, transport EDF, GDF, TOTAL, SCRELEC, SNCF… Hobbies, culture PARC ASTERIX, GAUMONT, PATHE, ALLIBERT, ARVEL, ATHENA, CHÂTEAU DE CHENONCEAU, GCU, INTERMÈDES, MUSÉE DU LOUVRE, POINT AFRIQUE, SNCF … Office stationery and equipment APLI AGIPA, CAMIF COLLECTIVITÉS, CLAIREFONTAINE, QUO VADIS, PAPETERIE HAMELIN … Computer equipment, new technology, telecom APPLE, CANON, EDUTICE, ELMO, IBM, PANASONIC, PROMETHEAN, HP, NETOP SCHOOL, MICROSOFT, QUADRIA, SONY, ADESOFT, INDEX EDUCATION, FILEMAKER, MAPLESOFT, LA POSTE … Health, hygiene, prevention BOIRON, LABORATOIRE MEDA (PRIODERM), SEPIA SANTE, EFC, Fed. Française de Cardiologie, PROCTER and GAMBLE, SANOFI PASTEUR… Food, nutrition, school and university canteen equipment EVIAN, NESTLE, CNIEL … Research, industry CNRS, HACH LANGE, IFP, IFREMER, INRA, IRD, SADE, SDEC, SLB WATER … Universities, grandes écoles, training courses, extra tuition, language holidays CNED, IECS, IPGP, ISAB, UNIVERSITÉS IUT … A collaboration of trust with media agencies and advertising space broking agencies ANACROUSE, CARAT, ECRAN MEDIA, HAVAS MEDIA, MEDIA EDGE : CIA, INITIATIVE MEDIA, MPG, SEREC, UNIVERSAL MCCANN, ZENITHOPTIMEDIA, MEDIABYDESIGN, MEDIABRANDS, MINDSHARE, PROMOPRESSE ... Com d’habitude publicité The only agency specialising in education A wide range of partners To really target 24 major education and research publishers have put us in charge of over 20 websites and over 40 publications, for a range of unique materials for all professions, all levels (from nursery to university) and all disciplines in education and research. Advertisers and media agencies, our renowned team, equipped with unique know-how, will analyse and listen carefully to your needs to work with you in putting a clear media plan together adapted to your projects and budget . All the agency and par tner information on our website : Our 2010 prices online : Advertising prices/calendars e All our advertising prices and calendars onlin on our website : tarifs.html News page Our 2010 pr online ices : A news column: all the agency’s and its partners’ news on our site. New publications and special offers. Download our press packs in PDF format Newsletters rtunities, Keep up to date with our news and oppo editorial content etc. Register: [email protected] Advertising contact Clotilde POITEVIN-AMADIEU Advertising director COM D’HABITUDE PUBLICITE 25 rue Fernand DELMAS 19100 BRIVE Terms and conditions at : TEL : 05 55 24 14 03 FAX : 05 55 18 03 73 [email protected] Network of 24 major education publishers (a sample list) To keep up to date about publishers joining us, check out our site: EDITIONS FABERT SNUPDEN Éditions Fabert edit several guides and books in the field of education 1 publication available : Education magazine + 1 website : Syndicat National Unitaire des Personnels de Direction de l’Éducation Nationale 1 publication available + 1 website : Équipe de Direction Unitaire, FSU SNICS Leading Federation in Education Leading Federation for the State Departments 1 publication available : Pour Syndicat National des Infirmièr(e)s et Conseillèr(e)s de Santé 2 publications + 1 website available : But en Blanc éducation, But en Blanc toute profession, FONCTIONN’AIR+ Leading leisure activities incentives club for civil servants 2 websites available : SNCS Syndicat National des Chercheurs Scientifiques Leading union group for researchers and research teachers. 1 publication available : VRS SNES National Teaching Union for secondary education (leading teachers’ union in France) 8 – 10 publications available : US Mag, US Tabloid, website, GUIDES including Guide du Jeune Prof, Memo Stagiaires, Objectif Concours etc. + 1 website : Supplements for specific categories and disciplines DE MARQUE EUROPE Editor of teaching materials 1 site available : UNATOS Union Nationale des Agents Techniques, Ouvriers, Service de l’Education Nationale et de l’enseignement supérieur 1 publication available + 1 website : Régions ATOS, SNASUB Syndicat National de l’Administration Scolaire, Universitaire et des Bibliothèques 1 publication + 1 website available : Convergences, SNPIFSU Syndicat National des Personnels d’Inspection de l’Éducation Nationale 1 publication available : Inspecteur Aujourd’hui, SNEP Syndicat National de l’Éducation Physique 4 publications + 1 website + equipment brochures + sport events sponsorship/ partnership : SNEP, swimming pool brochure, halls, SnepAtout, SNU PÔLE EMPLOI Syndicat National Unitaire Travail Emploi Formation Insertion 1 publication available : Modes D’emplois SNU-CLIAS Union Nationale Unitaire des Collectivités Locales, Intérieur et Affaires Sociales 2 publications available : Guide des Carrières de la Fonction publique territoriale, Syndicalement vôtre SNESUP Syndicat National de l’Enseignement Supérieur 2 publications available + 1 website : Snesup, Former des Maîtres, TERRA PROJECT Multimedia editor specialising in sustainable development 1 website available : LA MAISON DES ENSEIGNANTS Non-profit organisation accredited by National Education 2 websites available :, PLANETE ENSEIGNANT Groupement d’Enseignants 1 website available : Observatoire BOIVIGNY Electronic publishing house 1 website available + special files SNUEP Syndicat National Unitaire de l’Enseignement Professionnel 2 publications available +1 website : For state technical college education, Special IUFM (teacher training) interns, WOOMEET Educational content producers 1 website available : OBSERVATOIRE BOIVIGNY