1 2001 State of Environment UDK 504(474.5) St112 © Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania © Cover: Common Gull a rare bird hatching in natural environment. Photo of S.Paltanavièius 2 Editorial commission: A. Dragûnas, L. Budrys, A. Èepelë, V. Greièiûnas, V. Kruðinskas, S. Motiejûnas, D. Pivoriûnas, R. Sakalauskas, V. Vaièiûnas Executive editor: L. Stoðkus Technical editor: Text: E. Cuzanauskienë T. Adomaitis, K. Armolaitis, J. Arustienë, G. Balkuvienë, G. Berlinskas, V.D. Bernotienë, Z. Bitvinskaitë, V. Bieliauskienë, P. Bluzma, A. Braþiûnienë, S. Bucevièiûtë, I. Dailidienë, V. Daubarienë, R. Gagienë, G. Gaigalas, K. Gaigalis, V.A. Galvonaitë, J. Giedraitienë, G. Godienë, D. Gudaitienë, V. Januðka, D. Jarmalavièius, A. Jaðinskaitë, R. Jokûbauskaitë, R.M. Jonavièienë, V. Juozefaitë, K. Kadûnas, V. Kesminas, I. Kriðèiukaitienë, N. Kupstaitis, A. Lebedys, L. Loþys, R. Maþeikytë, J. Maþvila, L. Morkeliûnas, S. Motiejûnas, S. Mozgeris, A. Naktinis, V. Naruðevièius, I. Olenina, G. Paltanavièiûtë, A. Pumputytë, V.R. Repeèka, J. Satkûnas, S. Stakënas, V. Stakënas, A. Steponënas, L. Stoðkus, N. Ðarkauskienë, R. Ðatkauskas, Z. Ðilienë, B. Ðimanskienë, D. Ðopauskienë, S. Ðvaþas, J. Taminskas, R. Tijûnaitë, K. Ulkienë, J. Urbelionytë, V. Valantiejienë, V. Vincevièienë, T. Virbickas, P. Zolubas, D. Þelvytë, R. Þydelis, D. Þidonytë, G. Þilinskas Information provided by following institutions: Environmental Quality Department, MoE Nature Protection Department, MoE Territorial Planning, Urban Development and Architecture Department, MoE Environmental Strategy Department, MoE Forest Department, MoE Joint Research Centre, MoE Marine Research Centre, MoE Klaipëda Regional Environmental Protection Department, MoE Lithuanian Geological Service at the MoE Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service at the MoE State Protected Areas Service at the MoE General Forest Enterprise at the MoE Department of Statistics at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Institute of Ecology Institute of Physics Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economy 3 4 Clean environment is our most precious wealth that is of vital importance for human kind to survive. Our future depends on the way we will cherish this wealth and use natural resources. This publication not only discusses the state of environment but also analyses reasons that caused changes as well as environmental protection measures used to minimize adverse impact from human activity to the environment. Lithuania has only now took this difficult road in order to solve environmental tasks in integrated way taking into account both economic and social issues. The whole Europe goes the same direction. Sustainable development strategy and political principles based on the strategy very well illustrate the environmental standpoint of the European Union. Seeking the EU membership, Lithuania will have to follow the same principles. A role of environmental information is very important while implementing the sustainable development strategy. Sufficient information helps to make an evaluation if the current economic policy is in compliance with sustainable development principles and good enough to implement the objectives. On the other hand, these principles are still not completely established in our country. Moreover, just as compilation of this publication has proved, we lack clear environmental indicators to assess the progress made in economic development of the country and minimization of pressure on environment. Lithuanian sustainable development strategy, which is currently under preparation by the Ministry of Environment together with representatives from scientific institutions, will help to fill in this gap. The strategy will foresee mid-term and long-term objectives, select indicators for evaluation of the progress achieved. In principle, this publication differs from previous reports as it seeks to provide more information to decision-makers and all others who care about environmental problems. Living environment depends on human influence. I do hope that the material presented in this publication will provide a possibility for each reader to distinguish major tendencies of changing environmental components and help to select proper measures for implementation of sustainable development strategy of the country. I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the Joint Research Center for their innovative approach and all others who assisted in compilation of this publication or otherwise helped with its preparation and publishing. Arûnas Kundrotas Minister of Environment 5 6 The appearance of this publication has been influenced by few main factors. Firstly, it is a constantly increasing demand for information on the state of environment. Such information is needed to assist other environmental institutions in setting up their goals and enabling them to evaluate achieved progress. Such information can help to identify environmental priorities where joint actions are needed from local and central authorities in order to improve the environment. Information analysis, justified evaluation of the whole complex of data and facts can help to find actual reasons that influence the state of environment and assist in defining the optimal measures for environmental policy. Secondly, there is an existing demand for public awareness on the state of environment. Efforts are made to provide the public with objective information about the state of environment as degradation of environment may affect human health. The public has the right to know about potential threats and measures taken by environmental institutions to eliminate them. The main objective of this publication is to provide answers to the following questions: · · · · what processes happen in the natural environment? why do they happen? are changes influenced by the processes significant? what are environmental measures taken so far? Material for the publication has been collected and the publication itself put into certain structure in order to: · · · · discuss major environmental problems, influencing the status of the main environmental sectors such as air, water, soil, and biota. Four chapters of the publication are used for that purpose; discuss specific environmental problems related to depletion of stratospheric ozone layer, radioactivity and waste management; discuss some specific problems related to conservation of landscape; discuss use of the main natural resources (except of fish). The chapter on biota in its composition differs from other sections that analyse the status of different environmental sectors. Emphasis in this chapter is made on biodiversity conservation. In principle, biodiversity is the main (and most probably the only) parameter characterizing the status of biota. Talking about the status of biota, it is impossible to avoid description of the status of biodiversity. Meanwhile, definition of biodiversity is rather broad. In order to define what is biodiversity a lot of information is needed on the status of all species of organisms living in every ecosystem, habitats as well as the status of genetic diversity. However, it is not an intention of this publication even if sufficient information is available. Therefore, it concentrates on specific topics of biodiversity conservation although leaving out diversity of genetic resources. A very complex problem of landscape protection is also analysed only to a limited extend. It covers dynamics of the Baltic Sea coastline and karst processes in Northern Lithuania. The chapter on landscape protection provides general information on protected areas in Lithuania. Material presented in the chapter gets off the tradition understanding of landscape as it turns to biological diversity issues, etc. However, the definition landscape is used in this publication in broad sense as the whole complex of natural, social and economic processes and factors as well as their inter-relations at certain time and in certain place. The landscape is a complex with its natural, cultural and aesthetic value. The chapter on natural resources significantly differs from other chapters of this publication as it contains information about the use of natural environment. Availability of natural resources and possibility to use them provide favorable conditions for the country to ensure economic wealth. Such countries as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Norway became the riches countries in the world due to their natural resources. Lithuania has limited number of renewable strategic resources such as oil. However, rather sufficient amounts of solid resources are available in Lithuania. At present renewable wildlife resources allow to meet existing demands, but overuse of those resources may have significant ecological and economic consequences. One of the main tasks for environmental institutions is to ensure sustainable use of such resources. The countrys ability to rationally use natural resources is partly a reflection of the abil7 State of Environment 2001 Executive summary State of Environment 2001 DPSIR model (driving force à pressure à state à impact à response) has been developed by European Environment Agency basing on the conception prepared by OECD. Such model based on causality link principle is used by EEA and most of the European countries in their reports about the state of environment. Usually, EU Directives and UN Conventions set up quantitative objectives for countries to achieve. Specific indicators provide a possibility to evaluate progress made by the country in achieving the set objectives. Apparently, applications of such or any other model simplify processes that exist in reality. In fact, links between different phenomena are very complicated and meaningful. However, analysis of the main or consequential factors provides us with a possibility, although sometimes very small, to feel pulse of the health of environment and select the treatment needed to stabilize it. Each chapter of the publication starts with the executive summary presenting: · · · · · objectives and tasks of the international and national environmental policy in the context of a specific sector; existing situation in the context of a specific sector; main problems; problems discussed in the publication; indicators selected to present the problem. Selected indicators represent the parts of DPSIR model mentioned above. A summarizing conclusion is presented in the end of analysis of each indicator. The conclusion starts with conventional symbol that presents trend of indicator: J means a positive trend of indicator from environmental point of view. Driving forces develop in the same direction, thus, having less negative impact on environmental quality, pressure on environment reduces, state of environment improves or environmental protection measures are strengthened, etc.; Figure 1. DPSIR model is used to define causality link between individual processes.. 8 ? means that indicator does not change; means a negative trend of indicator from environmental point of view; driving forces develop in the direction that intensifies negative impact on environmental quality, pressure on environment increases, state of environment deteriorates or environmental protection measures do not give any results, etc. due to changed data collection methods it is impossible to draw a conclusion on the direction of changing trend of an indicator. General evaluation of every analysed problem is presented in the summary of the publication. The summary also provides a table with all indicators used in the publication. State of Environment 2001 K L 9 Table 1. List of indicators used in the publication Driving forces State of Environment 2001 CLIMATE CHANGE V1.1. Structure of energy sources Pressure on environment State, impact A1.1. Greenhouse gas emissions into environment B1.1. Air temperature change B1.2. Precipitation change B1.3. Sea water level change in Klaipeda strait G1.1. Number of boiler houses reconstructed to use biofuel B2.1. Number of cases when NO2 limit value is exceeded G2.1. List of measures to improve ambient air quality AIR QUALITY TRANSPORT IMPACT ON URBAN AIR QUALITY V2.1. Number of transport vehicles A2.1. NOX, CO, CH4, NMVOC emissions from road transport sector STRATOSPHERIC OZONE LAYER DEPLETION OF OZONE LAYER V3.1. Consumption of B3.1. Total thickness of ozone layer depleting substances EUTROPHICATION V4.1. Size of milk and meat production V4.2. Number of cattle A13.1. Crop area ozone layer WATER QUALITY A4.1. Nb, Pb, BOD emissions from point pollution sources GROUND WATER A13.1. Crop area 10 G3.1. Suspension of import and use of ozone layer depleting substances regulated by the Montreal Protocol. B4.1. Nb, Pb ir BOD annual concentrations of median trends in rivers B4.2. Nb ir Pb average annual concentrations in the Curonian Lagoon B4.3. Concentration of Chlorophyl A in the Curonian Lagoon B4.4. Nb and Pb average annual concentrations in the Baltic Sea near the coast B4.5. Chlorophyl A concentration in the Baltic Sea G4.1. Wastewater treatment G4.2. Taxes on pollution by Nb, Pb and BOD A5.1. Number of registered oil spills A5.2. Amount of collected oil A5.3. Number of administrative fines and civil actions for environmental pollution B5.1. Difference between number of killed waterfowls due to oil spills out of total number of dead waterfows B5.2. Concentration of oil products in the surface water G5.1. Number of inspections (ships, terminals) per year G5.2. Differnce between number of found and penalized polluters out of the total number of polluters - B6.1. Concentration of sulphates in ground water B6.2. Concentration of nitrates in ground water - OIL SPILLS IN CURONIAN LAGOON AND BALTIC SEA V5.1. Storm winds (>20 m/s) in Klaipëda V5.2. Oil cargo turnover in Klaipëda harbour and Bûtingë terminal V5.3. A number of ships entering the harbour Measures to improve the state Pressure on environment State, impact CONDITION OF SOIL ACIDIFICATION OF MEADOW AND FOREST SOILS V7.1. SO2, NOx and NH3 emissions in EU countries A7.1. SO2, NOx and NH3 deposits from the atmosphere MANAGEMENT OF OBSOLETE PESTICIDES A8.1. Number of pesticide storage sites B7.1. Change of forest soil reaction B7.2. Change of meadow soil reaction and influencing factors G7.1. Liming of Lithuanian soils G12.1. Ratio of pure and mixed forest stands B8.1. Level of pollution with pesticides in investigated areas G8.1. Number of utilised pesticides G8.2. Financing of management of pesticide storage sites WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT A9.1. Collection of municipal waste A9.2. Generation of hazardous waste RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION V10.1. Part of nuclear energy out of total production of energy V11.1. Number of patients with malignant tumour A10.1. Radioactive releases from INPP into air and water A10.2. Unplanned operation shut downs A10.3. Amount of spent nuclear fuel disposed in the nuclear fuel repository A10.4. Amount of radioactive waste produced in Ignalina NPP A11.1. Amount of imported radioactive materials A11.2. Registered cases of illegal import, export and storage of radionuclides B10.1. Total âradioactivity of fall outs B10.2. Volumetric activity of radionuclide aerosols B10.3. Radionuclide concentrations in bottom sediments of Drûkðiai lake B10.4. Maximum relative gamma dose rate annual means A12.1. Clear cut forest area ratio with afforested area A23.2. An area of burnt forest A23.3. Amount of illegal timber fellings A13.1. Crop area A18.1. Violations of protection regime of protected areas A25.1. A number of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total evaluated number of cervidaes B12.1. Change of average age of forest stands B12.2. Average defoliation of trees B12.3. Area of damaged forest stands B13.1. Area of seminatural territories out of total territories B14.1. Abundance of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total area P15.1. Mortality rate of wintering waterfowls B15.1. Abundance of Stellers Eider in witnering sites by the coast B16.1. Change tendencies of small mammals as a feeding basis in separate biotopes BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION V23.1. Export of round and sawn timber V13.1. Purchase of agricultural crop production V13.2. Export of agricultural crop production Measures to improve the state State of Environment 2001 Driving forces G9.1. Recycling of secondary raw materials G10.1. Number of stationary radiation meters in the border posts. G11.1. Summarised part of returned spent radiation sources activity out of total annual activity of radioactive waste G12.1. Ratio of pure and mixed forest stands G18.1. Establishment of protected areas G25.1. Number of permits issued for hunting of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total number of evaluated cervidaes G.24.1 List of wild flora and fungi species collection and trade of which is restricted or prohibited 11 Driving forces Pressure on environment State of Environment 2001 CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSTIY PROTECTED AREAS V18.1. Number of inhabitants in protected areas A18.1. Violations of protection regime in protected areas A19.1. Amount of ground dumped in deep water TREND OF KARST PROCESSES B1.1. Change of air temperature B17.1. Migrating fish prevalence in Lithuanian rivers B17.2. Fish abundance and biomass in Lithuanian lakes B17.3. Fish abundance and biomass in the Curonian Lagoon B17.4. Fish abundance and biomass in the Baltic Sea B18.1. A number of species in protected areas included into the Lithuanian Red Data Book out of total number of species in the Red Data Book G18.1. Establishment of protected areas B19.1. Perennial balance of surface coast drifts G19.1. Financing of coastline improvement B20.1. Gypsum denudation P20.1. Development of karst region - NATURAL RESOURCES MINERAL RESOURCES A21.1. Total extraction of B21.1. Map on - - mineral resources (except of peat and oil) A21.2. Peat extraction A21.3. Oil extraction distribution of mineral resource deposits V22.1. Surface water consumption for diferent economic needs V22.2. Ground water consumption for different economic needs A22.1. Amounts of surface and ground water abstraction B22.1. Annual balance of surface water resources B22.2. Ground water level G22.1. Public investment into water supply and wastewater treatment s V23.1. Export of round and sawn timber A23.1. Felling totals A23.2. Burnt forest area A23.3. Amount of illegal timber felling A12.1. Clear cut forest area ratio with afforested area B23.1. Change of timber volume B23.2. Forest cover change B12.2. Average defoliation of trees G23.1. Size of fine to citizens for illegal felling of trees and shrubs in forest land SURFACE AND GROUND WATER RESOURCES FOREST RESOURCES 12 Measures to improve the state LANDSCAPE PROTECTION BALTIC SEA COASTLINE PROTECTION V19.1. Cargo turnover in Klaipëda port V5.1. Storm winds (>20 m/s) in Klaipëda State, impact Pressure on environment State, impact BERRIES, MUSHROOMS AND OTHER RESOURCES V24.1. Purchase of mushrooms, berries, herbs or their parts, reeds per year GAME FAUNA RESOURCES A25.1. A number of - cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total evaluated number of cervidaes B.14.1. Abundance of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) Measures to improve the state G24.1. List of wild flora and fungi species collection and trade of which is restricted or limited State of Environment 2001 Driving forces G25.1. Number of permits issued for hunting of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total number of evaluated cervidaes 13 State of Environment 2001 Ambient air quality Air pollution remains to be the main global environmental problem. Pollutants are persistant in the air for rather long period of time and they are transported by air far from their origin source. In addition, air pollutants influence different processes such as climate change (CO2, CH4, N2O), reduction of urban air quality (CO, non-methane VOC, NOx, SO2, SP), formation of trophospheric ozone layer (CH4, non-methane VOC, CO, NOx), acidification of soil and surface water (NH 3, NO x, SO 2) as well as euthrophication (NH3, NOx). It has an impact on human health, declining productivity of agriculture, changes in biodiversity, poor state of forests, etc. On international level first attempts to control air pollution were made by signing the United Nations Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution in 1979. The implementation of the Convention has proved that it was possible to achieve significant results by joint efforts of all countries. Two Protocols have been adopted for the implementation of the Convention during the first 10-15 years, providing for the reduction of pollutants, which are emited into the atmosphere and have a negative environmental impact. In order to stabilize climate change processes the United Nations Convention on Climate Change was sined in 1992. It controls greenhouse gase emissions into the atmoshpere (United Nations Convention on Climate Change, 1995). In European Union air quality is regulated by 11 main EU Directives and Resolutions (http:// europa.eu.int/comm/environment/enlarg/handbook/ air.pdf). Most of them set up requirements for the road transport sector other sectors 100% 90% 80% use and storage of air polluting products (fuel, organic solvents). Reduction of air pollution is among environmental priority tasks in our country. Lithuania has accessed to the aforementioned UN Conventions. Lithuania has in principle completed transposition of the EU air quality requirements into the national legislation. Best progress has been achieved transposing EU requirements for pollution reduction in energy and industrial sectors as well as evaluation of air quality. Lithuania has committed itself to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 8% compared with 1990 level. These requirements are set up in Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change. Lithuania has also made a commitment to ensure that SO2 emissions do not exceed 142 000 tons per year, NOx 110 000 tons per year, non-methane volatile organic compounds 92 000 tons per year, NH3 84 000 tons per year until 2010. Economic sectors have different influence on ambient air quality. The main influencing factors are transport, industry, energy, agriculture and household (Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999). According to statistics, mobile sources are the main factors influencing air quality and climate change in all Europe (Environmental signals 2001, 2001). The main pollutants emitted from mobile sources are nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds (see Figure 2). Pollutants from industry are emitted into the higher levels of the atmosphere where they are dispersed over the large area. Meanwhile, pollutants emitted from mobile sources can generate close to the ground surface, thus posing direct threat to human health. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% NOx CO NMLOJ NMVOC KD SO2 NH3 Fig. 2. Emissions from mobile sources of the total amount of emissions. Data of 2000. Data base of Air Division of the Ministry of Environment. 14 Influence by mobile sources to urban air quality. A number of road transport is selected as the main indicator describing driving forces. During five years of the last hunderd years registered number of vehicles increased by 40%. Obviously, not all of them are used constantly. Situation can be better reflected by amount of fuel consumed for road transport. According to statistics, the amount has decreased during the last few years. This indicator is also used to calculate emissions from mobile sources of individual pollutants. Althoug emissions from mobile sources contain materials harmful to human health such as lead, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the main air pollution problem in the cities is caused by NO2 concentrations. Therefore, a number of cases when single limit NO2 value is increased in the areas with intensive transport has been selected as an indicator describing the status of air quality. Concentrations of pollutants emitted from other mobile sources in the ambient air are relatively low and usually do not exceed set limit values. A list of environmental improvement measures indicate actions taken by environmental institutions in order to reduce negative impact from mobile sources to ambient air quality. Climate change is a global enviromental problem posing a serious threat to environment. Therefore, this chapter seeks to analyse Lithuanian input into the global process. According to statistics, the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere in Lithuania are energy, transport and household where energy sector plays the major role. According to energy consumption, in opposite to other countries, industrial sector is not considered among the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere in Lithuania(Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999). Thus, the sector is not analysed in this publication. Transfer from organic energy sources to hydro- and nuclear energy or the other way round may significantly influence pressure on environment. Hence, an indicator structure of energy sources represents driving forces. This information has a special value in the context of closure of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Three indicators are selected to describe processes of climate change. They include air temperature, amount of percipitation and change of the Baltic Sea water level in Klaipëda strait. An indicator of a number of reconstructed boiler houses to use biofuel reflects efforts of environmental institutions made in order to use alternative energy sources and reduce CO2 emissions consequently. References: Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999, Copenhagen, pg. 446. Environmental Signals 2001, 2001, Copenhagen, pg.112. Handbook for Implementation of EU Environmental Legislation http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ enlarg/handbook/air.pdf United Nations Convention on Climate Change, 1995, Vilnius, pg.35. 15 State of Environment 2001 Therefore, this chapter presents ambient air quality in the light of transport influence on urban air quality. CLIMATE CHANGE Driving forces V1.1. Structure of energy sources oil products 12 natural gas coal nuclear energy other fuel 10 8 Mtne State of Environment 2001 Structure of energy from natural sources or produced energy. 6 4 2 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: Publications Lithuanian energy, 1994 2001 of the Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Lithuanian Energy Institute Primary energy structure in 2000 compared with 1993 has changed. Consumption of oil products and coal decreased respectively by 50% and 80%. Use of renewable energy sources has grown and today makes about 8% in total balance of fuel and energy. In 2000 the largest share of the total balance of energy sources belongs to nuclear energy 31%. This has influenced reduction of CO2, SO2, NOx and VOC emissions into the atmosphere. Energy and transport are the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions as most of greenhouse gases are caused by organic fuel burning processes. Forecasts of Lithuanian economic development foresee tendency of economic growth and, at the same time, increase of energy demand. Therefore, planned closure of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant will influence an increase of pollution due to changes in the structure of fuel balance. J Decreased use of oil products and coal reduced CO2, SO2, NOx ir VOC emissions into the atmosphere. 16 Pressure on environment A1.1. Greenhouse gas emission into the atmosphere State of Environment 2001 Greenhouse gas emission according to sectors (CO2 equivalent). 8000 energy 7000 thousand tons 6000 5000 household transport 4000 3000 2000 DATA SOURCE: 1000 Climatic data base CLIDATA of Hydrometeorological Service and Lithuanian Climate Reference Book “Air Temperature, 1992, Vilnius”. 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: Publication of the Department of Statistics at the Government of Lithuania Fuel and energy balance, 2001 Greenhouse gas emission is closely related to economic changes and has similar trend. Fluctuation of greenhouse gas emission (CO2 equivalent) in energy and transport sectors is explained in terms of decreased production size and use of fuel. In household sector it is explained in terms of fuel structure changes. Local fuel sources are used more often for heat production. Comparing the amount of CO2 emissions in the context of emissions in other countries, in Lithuania as well as in Latvia and Estonia the level of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere has been decreasing during the last years due to decreased energy consumption. J CO2 and CH4 emission have decreased due to declined production size and lower fuel consumption as well as introduction of new technologies related to effective energy consumption. 17 State B1.1. Changes of air temperature Changes of air temperature year after year, sliding decades. Vilnius 1777-2001 8 °C 7 State of Environment 2001 6 5 4 3 2 m etaverage in is v idannual. . 1 sliding s lan k ieji ddecades e im t m eèiai 1997 1987 1977 1967 1957 1947 1937 1927 1917 1907 1897 1887 1877 1867 1857 1847 1837 1827 1817 1807 1797 1787 1777 0 DATA SOURCE: Climatic data base CLIDATA of Hydrometeorological Service and Lithuanian Climate Reference Book Air Temperature, 1992, Vilnius. Climate change research methods are based on year-after-year investigation results. A complex system forms global climate. It covers not only atmosphere but also oceans, cryosphere, terrestrial land, fresh water and flora as well as sun energy that forces changes in the whole system. Time of climate change is unlimited, but change of one part of climate system can be observed in shorter intervals. Atmosphere is the most active part of the climate system. Changing weathers indicate climatic fluctuations. Analysing distribution of climate indicators (temperature, precipitation) and annual motion some features of climate change became evident. Summarising data about temperature from the last two hundred of years and a temperature curve of last decades, we can draw a conclusion that there were warmer and colder periods during all this time. The difference between periods is 4-5oC. If air temperature changes in the last decade (1991-2000) are compared with the thirty years (1961-1990) climatic norm, it becomes clear that annual air temperature has raised by 0.8oC, winter (in particular January) and first part of spring have become warmer, and autumn became early and colder. Winter has become warmer in the Eastern part and spring in the Western and Southwestern parts of Lithuania. Meanwhile, autumn has become colder in the Eastern part of Lithuania (see Figure B1.1.1) Fig. B1.1.1 Annual air temperature Lithuania LIETUVA Vilnius Varëna Utena Ukmergë Telšiai Ðilutë Šiauliai Raseiniai Panevëþys Nida Lazdijai Laukuva Klaipëda norm (1961-1990) Kybartai Kaunas, Dotnuva Dûkðtas 1991-2000 °C Birai 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DATA SOURCE: Climatic data base CLIDATA of Hydrometeorological Service and Lithuanian Climate Reference Book “Air Temperature, 1992, Vilnius”. 18 Comparing air temperature changes in 2001 with the climate norm of 1961-1990, it appears that air temperature in different month varied. The average air temperature in the last years was nearly the same as the average temperature of 0.9oC in 1961-1990. However, second part of winter (in particular January) and spring were warmer but first part of summer (June) and winter (December) was colder (see Table B1.1.2). Months/ Periods 1961-1990 1991-2000 Differences 2001 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Annual -5.1 -2.1 3.0 -0.9 -4.6 -2.2 2.4 -3.0 -0.7 0.6 1.3 -0.2 5.4 7.2 1.8 7.6 11.9 11.9 0.0 12.1 15.5 15.6 0.2 14.1 16.7 17.6 0.9 20.7 16.2 17.0 0.8 17.7 11.9 12.0 0.1 12.0 7.2 7.0 -0.2 9.1 2.0 1.2 -0.8 2.0 -2.4 -2.1 0.3 -5.6 6.2 7.0 0.8 7.1 DATA SOURCE: Climatic data base CLIDATA of Hydrometeorological Service and Lithuanian Climate Reference Book Air Temperature, 1992, Vilnius. K Situation remains rather stable, except of single annual variations providing they do not have significant influence on climate (as a complex system). B1.2. Changes in amount of precipitation Changes of annual amount of precipitation in the territory of Lithuania. 800 norm (1961-1991) 700 1991-2000 600 2001 mm 500 400 300 200 100 0 annualM etinis cold (11-03) (11-03)p eriod laikotarp io Šaltojo warm (04-10) p eriod Šiltojo (04-10) laikotarp io DATA SOURCE: Climatic data base CLIDATA of Hydrometeorological Service and Lithuanian Climate Reference Book Air Temperature, 1992, Vilnius. Precipitation is one of the most complicated climatic elements. The amount of precipitation is a conditional quantity that depends on wind speed, composition of precipitation phases, size of raindrops and speed of fall. The amount of precipitation cannot fully reflect an actual amount of precipitation fallen on the total area due to difference in density of measurement network and spread surface heterogeneity. It happens that in case of no precipitation in a month time or even longer period, suddenly a monthly norm or even double precipitation norm falls out just in few hours. The annual precipitation in Lithuania is 661.5 mm (year-after-year norm in 1961-1990 period). According to the amount of precipitation, Lithuania is located in surplus irrigation zone as only a part of all precipitation evaporates. Comparing the amount of the last decade with year-after-year norm, it is obvious that the annual amount of precipitation remains nearly unchanged. However, the amount of precipitation in different months has changed: increased in colder period, in particular in February. 19 State of Environment 2001 Table B1.1.2 Changes in monthly air temperature (°C) for Lithuania Comparing data from 2001 with year-after-year climatic norm of many years, it is clear that the total amount of precipitation has been higher 766 mm. In colder period the amount has slightly increased, but in warmer period increased significantly. Summer months, in particular, second part and beginning of autumn (November) became drier. From territorial point of view no significant regularities can be noticed. B1.3. Changes of water level in Klaipëda strait Average annual water levels in Klaipëda strait and the Curonian Lagoon near Nida settlement in 1961-2000. K laip ëd a s t rait 30 C u ro n ian L ago o n n ear N id a 25 20 15 cm 10 5 0 -5 -10 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 1971 1969 1967 1965 1963 -15 1961 State of Environment 2001 K Situation remains rather stable, except fluctuations in some years providing they do not have significant influence on climate (as a complex system). DATA SOURCE: Database of the Marine Research Centre Preparing diagrams of water level as an indicator, monitoring data from the Marine Research Centre is used. Analysis of average annual and average monthly water levels in Klaipëda strait (Winter harbour) and central part of the Curonian Lagoon (Nida) is carried out. Strong attention is paid to changes of water level in Klaipëda strait, as most of background data covering a hundred years period (1898-2000 m.) is available. During this period water level has raised by 1,35 mm per year. Basing on the long-term trend of average water level (Barnett, 1984, cit. Raudsepp and other, 1999) this number illustrates that water level in Southeastern Baltic raises approximately 1,7 mm/year. According to German scientist Stigge (1993), water level in Southeastern part of the Baltic Sea during a hundred years raised in average by 15 cm. In different periods water level changes differ. From the middle of XXth century water level tendency to rise became apparent, in particular, in colder season (Fig. B1.3.1 and B1.3.2). In the last two decades a sudden rise of water level has been observed in the light of shortterm average annual water level fluctuations. According to Lithuanian scientists (Jarrmalavièius, Þilinskas, 1996), a sudden rise of water level (6,5 mm/year) from 1976 to 1990 cannot be explained 20 by izoastic fluctuations of earth-crust. Water level rise in the last decades is related to more frequent adequacy of warm and humid air streams in colder period, global air circulation changes, stronger transfer from the west, rising air temperature, warm winters with higher amount of precipitation and less snow, stronger influence from macro circulation processes that cover not only Lithuania (Bukantis, Rimkus, Stankûnavièius, 2001). Rising water level is influenced by increased volume of water (Robin, 1989, cit. Þaromskis, 2001), caused by rising water temperature (Lazarenko, 1961; Basalykas, 1985). Scientists and oceanologists from many countries show their attention to rising level of the ocean. More sudden rise of water level observed in the last decades is a matter of concern (Hofstede, 1993; Kalas, 1993). Basing on the calculations of different forecast, scenarios are prepared. They state that water level will rise from 8 to 25 cm by 2025 and from 31 to 110 cm by 2100 providing that climate gets warmer and so is water temperature, glaciers melt depending on regional variations (International Conference of Climatologists, 1990, cit. Subrata Paul and other, 1993). Rising water level is directly related to floods, erosion of coasts and stability of hydrotechnical installations depend on water level fluctuations. 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 1950 average monthly water level 1955 1960 1965 1970 Linear (average monthly water level) 1975 ye ars 1980 1985 1990 1995 State of Environment 2001 water level, cm Fig. B1.3.1 Sliding average water level of 12 months in Klaipëda strait and rectilinear trend in cold period (months 10 03) in 1950-2000 2000 DATA SOURCE: Database of the Marine Research Centre. water level, cm Fig. B1.3.2 Sliding average water level of 12 months in Klaipëda strait and rectilinear trend in warm period (months 04-09) in 1950-2000 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1950 average monthly water level 1955 1960 1965 1970 Linear (average monthly water level) 1975 ye ars 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 DATA SOURCE: Database of the Marine Research Centre. L Water level in Southeast Baltic near the coast of Lithuania rised by 14 cm during the last hundred year. Since the mid of XXth century rising water level tendency became very obvious, in particular, in cold period of a year. The tendency manifested itself in the last two decades. References: Basalykas A. Þemë þmonijos buveinë, 1985, Vilnius, pg. 256 Bukantis A., Rimkus E., Stankûnavièius G. Lietuvos klimato svyravimai ir kaita (ið: Klimato svyravimø poveikis fiziniams geografiniams procesams Lietuvoje), 2001, Vilnius, pg. 27-107 Jarmalavièius D., Þilinskas G. Pietinës ir Pietrytinës Baltijos jûros daugiameèiø vandens lygiø svyravimo ypatumai, 1996, Geografija 32, pg. 2832 Þaromskis R. Klimato pokyèiø poveikis Baltijos jûros ir Kurðiø mariø krantams (ið: Klimato svyravimø poveikis fiziniams geografiniams procesams Lietuvoje), 2001,Vilnius, pg. 122 -164 Hofstede J.L.A. Coastal defence policy in the Federal State of Schleswing-Holstein: adapting to changing hydrographic conditions (from: International Workshop, Sea Level Changes and Water Management, Session 6: Costal management and measures to sea level rise), 1993, VI - 3 IPCC. Climate change: the IPCC scientific assessment, Cambrige Universiteti Press, 1990, New York Kalas M. Characteristic of sea level changes on the Polish Coast of the baltic Sea in the last forty five years (ið: International Workshop, Sea Level Changes and Water Management, Session 1: Observed Sea Level Changes and Land Subsidence), 1993, I 51. Stigge H.J. Sea level changes and high-water probability on the German Baltic Coast (ið: International Workshop, Sea Level Changes and Water Management, Session 1: Observed Sea Level Changes and Land Subsidence), 1993, I 19. Raudsepp U., Toompuu A., Kouts T. A stochastic model for the sea level in the Estonian costal area, Journal of Marine Systems 22, 1999, pg. 69-87 Subrata P., Zillur Rahman M., Bhuiya A.H. Sea level rise and cyclonic disaster in the coastal belt of bangladech: a perspective plan for disaster preraredness programme (ið: International Workshop, Sea Level Changes and Water Management, Session 6: Costal management and measures to sea level rise), 1993, VI - 25. Lazarenko N. N. Kolebanija urovnia moria, Hydrometizdat, 1961, Leningrad, pg. 108. 21 Measures to improve the state G1.1. Number of boiler houses reconstructed to use biofuel State of Environment 2001 Counties Utenos county Vilniaus county Panevëþio county Klaipëdos county Kauno county Alytaus county Marijampolës county Ðiauliø county Tauragës county Total Number of boiler houses 5 9 7 8 8 4 4 1 6 52 DATA SOURCE: Publication Possibilities for use of biofuel in Lithuania, 2000, Vilnius. Since 1993 Lithuania participates in the Swedish environmental energy systems programme which aims to increase energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in the Baltic Region and Eastern European countries. This programme is implemented through co-operation with the Swedish National Energy Administration (STEAM). Within the frame of the programme more than 10 projects have been implemented and their total investment amounted to more than 4 mln. USD. Part of boiler houses have been newly constructed or reconstructed with the assistance from AB Kazlø Rûdos metalas, UAB Germeta and UAB Singaras. Today there are 52 boiler houses using wood for fuel that are new or reconstructed. Total average heat production from boiler houses using wood reached up to 466,4 thousand MWh., while total production was 16,6 million MWh in Lithuania in 1999. A National Energy Strategy adopeted by Lithuanian Parliament (Decision No. VIII 1348, dated October 5, 1999) foresees intensive use of renewable energy sources. A strong emphasis is made on use of recycled forest and timber waste. More boiler houses of such type are concentrated around Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipëda as there are more sawmills located in the area and more timber waste recycled. Tax for 1 TJ of energy produced from burning timber is approximtely 126 Lt, and from burning coal approx. 659 Lt. J Use of wood fuel is more favorable from environmental point of view. An amount of heat produced in the reconstructed boiler houses forms only a small part of a total amount of energy produced in the country. However, use of cleaner technologies improves situation at the local level. 22 TRANSPORT IMPACT ON URBAN AIR QUALITY Driving forces V2.1. A number of vehicles other road vehicles petrol dysel 1400 1200 1200 1000 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 thousand tons thousand units motor cars 1400 0 DATA SOURCE: Publications of the Department of Statistics at the Government of Lithuania Transport and communications, 1997 - 2001 From 1996 to 2000 a total number of road vehicles has increased by approx. 40%. A number of motor cars in the priod of 1996-2000 has increased by some 49%. In 2000 there were 1055.7 thousand motor cars older than 10 years and their share accounted to 90% of a total number of motor cars. In 1997 there were 84% of such cars, while in Latvia and Estonia motor cars of that age formed 80% and 71%m respectively. Although a number of vehicles used in Lithuania increased, a total amount of fuel consumed decreased by 6%. This number proves more effective use of vehicles. L A total number of road vehicles as well as threat to air pollution increases, in particular in larger cities where traffic is more intensive. 23 State of Environment 2001 A total number of vehicles registered in Lithuania Pressure on environment A2.1. NOX, CO, CH4, NMVOC emission from road transport sector 250 200 thousand tons State of Environment 2001 Antrophogenic pollutants emitted from Lithuanian transport sector, tons per year, evaluated according to the amount of consumbed fuel NOx 150 NMVOC NM LOJ 100 CO CH4 50 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: A publication of the Department of Statistics at the Government of Lithuania Fuel and energy balance, 2001. The main source of pollutant emission in Lithuania, as in many other countries, are mobile pollution sources. A share of pollutant emission from road transport in 2000 accounted to 97% of a total emission amount, and from other transport means (railway, aviation, navy, etc.) - only 3%. The structure of pollutants remains similar to earlier years. The largest share belongs to carbon monoxide (CO) 73.8%, nitrogen oxide 13.2%, non-methane volatile organic compounds 12.9%. The largest share of fuel consumed by transport in 2000 belongs to dysel approx. 50%. Liquefied gas consumption in transport increased by 76% in 2000 in comparison with 1996. Despite the increased number of motorcars in Lithuania, the total amount of consumed fuel in 2000 decreased by 6% compared with 1996. J Due to the declined consumption of fuel, the amount of pollutants emitted from mobile sources also decreased. 24 State B2.1. Number of cases when NO2 limit value is exceeded During investigations air is absorbed through filters for 30 minutes and NO2 concentration in each sample is compared with a single limit value of 85 mg/m3 that is valid in Lithuania. number of cases 80 1997 1999 60 2000 2001 50 40 30 20 10 nëra d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vilnius Klaipëda Kaunas Këdainiai Naujoji Akmenë DATA SOURCE: Joint Research Center. During the last years the main source of pollutant emission in the largest cities was from mobile pollution source. Nitrogen oxide emissions have significant impact on air quality. According to research data, in case of unfavorable metheorological conditions to dispersion of pollutants, concentrations of nitrogen dioxide often exceed the allowable limit value near streets and cross-roads where traffic is heavy. The most frequent detection of exceeded limit value was in Vilnius in 1997-1999 (no data is available from 2000 and 2001) near streets where traffic is heavy. Values of this indicator at the cross-road of Kalvarijø Kareiviø streets fluctuated from 52 to 73 cases per year. Less cases from 8 to 43 - identified in Kaunas and Klaipëda where traffic is less inten- sive. Fluctuations of this indicator were influenced not only by the amount of pollutants emitted but also by differeny metheorological conditions. Main parameters that influence dispersion of pollutants are wind speed and direction, state of the surface atmosphere layer, precipitation. In large cities unfavorable conditions for dispersion of pollutants appear when the weather is quiet, temperature inversion due to fall of the earth surface temperature occure at night and in the early morning hours causing vertical mixture of air and accumulation of pollutants on the surface of earth. When the weather is influenced by cyclones formed over Atlantic, intensive mixture of air streams appear and pollutants are quickly dispersed or washed away by precipitation. Fig. B2.1.1 Recurrence of cases in Kaunas when NO2 limit value is exceeded and wind is weak Kaunas number of cases 30 exceeded number still weather % 14 12 25 10 20 8 15 6 10 4 5 2 0 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Hydrometeorological Service, Joint Research Centre 25 State of Environment 2001 1998 70 State of Environment 2001 In Këdainiai and Naujoji Akmenë where transport is not that heavy, limit values are exceeded only in some years. Pollutants emitted from stationary sources have stronger impact to pollution of ambient air in smaller industrial centres. Higher concentrations can be observed in these towns only when wind blows from the direction of large industries. In 2001, NO2 limit value was exceeded from July 23 to 26 in Naujoji Akmenë when weak northern wind was blowing from the direction of AB Akmenës cementas. In the future air pollution with nitrogen oxides will increase near heavy traffic crossroads, providing that there is growing number of vehicles in cities. K Amount of emitted pollutants and meteorological conditions have strongest impact on air pollution. Depending on air conditions, NO2 concentration in some years exceeded the limit value and in other years just a few cases were observed. Presently applied calculation methods of pollutants emitted from transport are not sufficient to draw reliable conclusions on development of this indicator in heavy traffic places without detailed investigations. 26 Measures to improve the state G2.1. A list of measures to improve ambient air quality CO M anufactured until O ctober 1, 1986 P ercent of volum e 4 H ydrocarbons ppm 1200 M anufactured after O ctober 1, 1986 3 600 0.5 0.3 100 100 W ith three com ponent neutralization system s for exhausted gas: -at m inim u m frequency of revolution -at regulated by m anufacture but not less frequent revolution than 2000 m in. -1 State of Environment 2001 Pollution norm s for m otor cars w ith O tto engines that are in use Exhausted fum e standard for vehicles with diesel fuel engines Turbo non-inflatable Turbo inflatable C oefficient of light absorption, m -1 2.0 O ptim al density, percentage 2.5 66 58 C om pulsory qualitative indicators N am e of co m pulsory qualitative indicator m in. lim iting value m ax. lim iting value All type of petroleum (except aviation fuel) A m ount of lead - 0.013g/l A m ount of benzene - 5.0 % volum e - 0.05% of m ass A m ount of sulpher D iesel fuel for road (m otor cars) transport A m ount of polycyclic aro m atiniu hydrocarbons - 11% of m ass A m ount of sulpher - 0.035% of m ass 51 - C etanic num ber Liquefied gas for road transport (according to GO ST 27578-87) U nsaturated hydrocarbons Q uantity of propane when air tem perature is above m inus 20 0 C W hen air tem perature is low er than m inus 20 0 C Q uantity of sulphur and sulphur com pounds - 6% of m ass 40% of m ass - 80% of m ass - 0.01% of m ass Liquefied gas for road transport (according to EN 589) Engine octanic num ber 89 - Total am ount of sulphur - 0.01% of m ass Normative documents LAND 14-2000 and LAND 15-2000 setting up requirements for quality of exhausted gas were approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania No. 89 dated 8 of March 2000. Seeking to improve the quality of oil products, Ministers of Economy, Environment and Transport of the Republic of Lithuania issued the Order No.135/ 221/137 dated April 20, 2001 approving quality indicators for petrol, diesel fuel and liquified gas used in Lithuania. Transposing requirements of the EU Council Directive No.1999/32/EB relating to Reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels and the EU Council Directive No. 98/70/EB relating to Quality of petrol and diesel fuels, some compulsary qualitative indicators became stricter. Environmental indicators for petrol and diesel fuel quality were approved by the Orders No.438/268/266 of Ministers of Environment, Economy and Transport of the Republic of Lithuania. These indicators regulate sulfhur amount in fuel oil and gasoline, environmental quality parameters for petroleum and diesel fuel and determines special regulation conditions for use of fuel oil and gasoline as well as control measures for petroleum and diesel fuel market. Since January 1st, 2005 sulphur content in petrol has to be reduced to 50 mg/kg. Quantity of benzene has to decrease to 1% of volume. J Requirements for quality of petrol and exhausted gas became stricter with the help of newly adopted documents in the last few years. 27 State of Environment 2001 Stratospheric ozone layer Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer increases ultra-violetn radiation which cause development of skin cancer. In the beginning it was only observed by scientists. Whereas, when a significant depletion of the ozone layer was observed around 1980s, this problem received appropriate attention at the political level. The thinnest ozone layer (30-40% of its usual thickness) was observed over Antarctica. In 1998 the largest so-called ozone hole was observed reaching 27 million km2. This area is equil to the territory of Europe (Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999). Since 1990 similar observations have been made over Antarctica. Today it is known that the main reason for depletion of ozone layer use of special chemical materials produced by people. Already in the beginning of 1970s, first concern about negative impact of halogen compounds made from chlorine, fluorine, bromine, carbon and hydrogen, to the stratospheric ozone layer was expressed. Half an age chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) that are inert, very stable, inflammable and non-toxic, easy to handle, cheap to produce were considered as a miracle invention to satisfy needs of the society. In 1928 it was discovered that CFC are suitable materials for cooling equipment. Since 1950s they started to be widely used in other industrial sectors: production of plastic foam, aerozoles, as a solvent in production of metering equipment all over the world and in Lithuania. Each decade the society came up with a new area for adoption of these materials. In the beginning it was supposed that only CFC deplete the ozone layer. However, with the development of science it was recognized that other chemical materials such as halones (used for fire fighting), methylchloroform (solvent), carbon tetrachloride (solvent), methylbromide (pesticide and fungicide), hydrobromofluorocarbons HBFC, hydrochlorofluorocarbons HCFC (used instead of CFC) also deplete the ozone layer. HCFC invented for temporarily replacement of CFC also deplete the ozone layer only on smaller scale. Aerozolic chlorine and bromine compounds are very stable, whereas they disintegrate under the influence of short wave sun radiation in the stratosphere. Even one atom of chlorine or bromine released during chemical reactions may deplete thou28 sands of ozone molecules, thus causing the ozone holes. First attempts on international level to prevent further depletion of the ozone layer were made in 1985 when Vienna Convention was signed. The Montreal Protocol of Vienna Convention approved a timetable for phase out of ozone depleting substances. In 1992 in Copenhagen limits for HCFC production were set up. European Union sets forward even stricter requirements as it is done in the Protocol of the Convention. Lithuania signed Vienna Convention on Protection of Ozone Layer and Montreal Protocol in 1995 and ratified London and Copenhagen amendments to the Protocol in 1998. Lithuania is not a producer of ozone depleting substances. All of such substances needed in household are imported. First of all, an indicator Consumption of ozone layer depleting substances shows how widly regulated materials are used in the country. From the other point of view, consumption of pure materials is related to emission of regulated materials into the atmosphere. Even when appropriately handled, some of them are released into the atmosphere. Thus, this indicator was selected in order to identify driving forces of the environment. In 2000, comparing with 1995, consumption of ozone layer depleting substances in Lithuania declined by 88%. In the last years, the main consumers of ozone layer depleting substances were the sectors of cooling and air conditioning equipment of operation and maintenance. A total thickness of ozone layer measured in Kaunas provide a picture of its trend over Lithuania that is influenced by global processes. An input from our country to such processes is rather low. Nevertheless, Lithuania has committed itself to all the requirements of the Montreal Protocol. An indicator of Import and phase out of ozone depleting substances that are under the Montreal Protocol identifies measures taken by the country in order to diminish its input into the process of ozone layer depletion. References: Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999, Copenhagen, pg. 446 DEPLETION OF THE OZONE LAYER Driving forces V3.1. Consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODS) 450 methylbromide (exceptional cases) 400 HCFH 350 carbon tetrachloride (exceptional cases) methylbromide State of Environment 2001 Calculated level, tons Consumption of ozone depleting substances in Lithuania is defined by a formula: consumption of pure (unused) ODS = import of pure ODS export, that shows an existing demand for pure substances in Lithuania. This publication also provides an evaluation of the consumption in cases that are exceptions according to the Montreal Protocol. Consumption level of a specific controlled substance is calculated multiplying consumed amount of the substance expressed in meters by potential of the ozone depletion, specified for this substance in annexes of the Montreal Protocol. halons methylcloroform CFC carbon tetrachloride 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 1996 1997 years 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: Chemical Materials Division of the Ministry of Environment. The amount of ozone depleting substances needed to satisfy demands in Lithuania are imported. A diagram provides data about consumption of ozone depleting substances in Lithuania from 1995 to 2000. Data about ODS are presented using the calculated level, i.e. after the evaluation of negative impact of ozone depleting substances. In 1995 55% of ODS (mostly CFC12 and freon 12) were used in cooling and air conditioning equipment, 13% - in production of aerozoles, 20% - for fat removal and treatment, 12% - other purposes. The main consumer of ODS in Lithuania is cooling and air conditioning sector. J Lithuania implemented its commitment to reduce import of these substanced by 86% in 2000 comparing with 1996. Although import of pure materials for use in cooling, air conidition and fire fighting equipment maintenance is refused, utilised materials may be still in use for some time. 29 State B3.1. Thickness of total ozone layer 2001 m 2001 19932000 1993 - 2000 m 550 450 dobsonai 400 350 300 250 361 346 331 316 301 286 271 256 241 226 211 196 181 166 151 136 121 106 91 76 61 46 31 16 200 1 State of Environment 2001 500 days dienos DATA SOURCE: Total ozone layer measurements performed by Kaunas meterological station of Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service. Since 1993, the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service observes thickness of ozone layer by filter ozonemeter M-124 in Kaunas, and since 2000 started obesrvations and measurements of ultra-violet rays by UV-Biometer in Kaunas and Palanga. Period of observations is not sufficient to make deeper analysis, although it is possible to state that, in principle, changing tendency of total ozone layer thickness corresponds to tendencies of measurement results received from other regional stations. Thickness of total ozone layer over Northern Hemisphere is the largest in spring and smallest in autumn and winter. In January, March and April of 2001 comparing with averages of 1993 2000, thickness of ozone layer was higher by 7 11 percent, in July and August lower by 10 11 percent. Comparing annual levels, an average in 2001 was lower by 0,3 percent than in 1993 2000. It should be noted that accumulation of ozone depleting substances in the atmosphere continues even when their emission is decreased. Any changes in concentrations of these substances or meteorological conditions may have a global impact, i.e. pollution increase in other country has an impact on the ozone layer over Lithuania, and the other way round. In 2001 ozone layer depletion was below dangerous limit. The thinnest ozone layer of 230 Dobson units was registerd on 17th of November 2001. K The situation is stable. Althoug the average in 2001 is lower by 0,3%, this difference is not significant. 30 Measures to improve the state G3.1. Import and phase out of ozone depleting substances that are controled by the Montreal Protocol Methylcloroform Carbon tetrachloride Hydrofluorocarbons HCFC Hydrobromofluorocarbon s HBFC Methylbromide Import/phase out actions Import of pure substances is prohibited from January 1, 2001.∗ Phase out of utilised substances from maintenance of cooling and air conditioning equipment is planned in 2003 2004. Import of pure substances is prohibited from January 1, 2001* Phase out of halons from existing installations is planned in 2003 2004 and dismounting of installations or replacement by fire fighting systems filled in with halons is planned untill the EU membership. Import of pure substances is prohibited from January 1, 2001* Use of these substances is allowed only for special laboratory analysis and in exeptional cases. Prohibition on import of pure and utilised substances is planned from 2010. Phase out of utilised substances in maintenance of cooling and air conditioning equipment from 2015. Not used in Lithuania Prohibition on supply to the market and consumption of this substance will be valid from 2005*, except of its use for quarantine and processing before export. DATA SOURCE: Chemical Materials Division of the Ministry of Environment. On January 18, 1995 Lithuania signed Vienna Convention on Protection of Ozone Layer of 1985 and the Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances of 1987, and on February 2, 1998 ratified London and Copenhagen ammedments to this Protocol. In 1996 Lithuania prepared and approved a National programme for Phase out of ozone depleting substances, that was revised in 1997. Basing on the programme, in 2001 Lithuania prohibited use and import of pure CFC, methylchloroform, carbon tetrachloride, halons (with special exceptions when no effective alternative measures are available for replacement). Seeking EU membership, Lithuania has committed itself to prohibit import of HCFC and methylbromide earlier than it is set up in the Montreal Protocol. In order to implement the Programme for phase out of ozone depleting substances, a number of investment projects have been implemented with financing from Global Environment Facility. These projects have helped to phase out ODS from cooling equipment and production of aerosoles. ODS are not used in the production of refrigerators in Lithuania. As a result of implemented investment project on refrigerant CFC 12 recovery and recycling, 16 enterprises received equipment for recov- ery of this refrigerant, 3 enterprises were provided with primary treatment facilities. Seminars on refrigerants recovery and recycling to were conducted to specialists working with maintenance of cooling and air conditioning equipment. Used CFC 12 is permitted to be used as a supplement for existing installations as well as for maintenance. Supply of ODS into the market is regulated though single permits issued for the import of those substances into Lithuania. Single import permits are issued following requirements of the Montreal Protocol on control of ODS trade with other countries. In order to ensure safe handling of ODS and control of their consumption, enterprises related to ODS handling (in particular, wholesale and storage of ODS) have their commercial activities regulated. Such enterprises must have a special licence issued by the Ministry of Environment. Seeking to reduce ODS emission into the atmosphere, the draft Law on Pollution Taxes foresees taxes for emission of these substances into the environment and penalties in case emissions exceed the set limits. Futher actions to phase out ODS in Lithuania as well as to reduce emissions into the atmosphere are foreseen for the period of 2002 2004. Import of products and articles with ODS to Lithuania will be prohibited, measures promoting ODS recovery * Prohibition to import to Lithuania and use substances is not applied in exceptional cases when the Montreal Protocol allows to use controled substances due to absance of effective replacement measures. 31 State of Environment 2001 Substance or group of substances Chlorofluorocarbons CFC (CFC 12 or freon 12, CFC 113 or freon 113, etc.) Halons from intallations while maintaining or dismounting will be implemented and recovered substances collected. In order to reduce ODS emission from installations during their maintenance or dismounting, it is foreseen to strengthen control of ODS recovery and installations containing ODS. In addition, it is foreseen to limit prohibition on use of HCFC only to particular areas. Consumption of ODS has decreased in Lithuania due to implemented measures. State of Environment 2001 J Today Lithuania is in full compliance with the Montreal Protocol requirements that are set for developed countries and there are plans to set up even stricter requirements than the ones of the Montreal Protocol. Present strategy for ODS management in Lithuania is formed taking into consideration countrys political decision to become a member of European Union. 32 Water quality is assessed on the basis of quantity of pollutants reaching water bodies and their characteristics. The main polluters of water bodies are household, industry and agricultural sectors. Discharges from household and industry are considered as point source pollution, meanwhile, agricultural sector is a non-point source pollution. Such division gives a background information about the nature of dispersion. In order to have good water quality, a strong attention is given to such materials that cause pollution eutrophication, water acidification processes and threat to human health. Pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metals are just few to be mentioned. The main 17 EU directives in water sector provide basis for the management of these problems http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/enlarg/handbook/water.pdf. Some of them have an objective to maintain water quality, others minimise pollution discharges, cover aspects of integrated management of water resources and quality assessment. Lithuania, as other countries that are parties to the Convention on the Baltic Sea Environmental Protection, has the same objectives. Lithuania has made a progress in minimising pollution from point sources. Modernised or newly constructed wastewater treatment plants in the largest cities enabled Lithuania to reduce total pollution load to surface water by half. In the last decade an area of cultivated land was reduced to approximately one third, cattle-breeding and poultry farming decreased more than twise, farming principles changed. Thus, non-point source pollution from agriculture had to be reduced as well. According to the surface water monitoring data, the main problem of water quality in Lithuania is rather high trophication of water bodies caused by pollution. Increased water acidity is one of the main problems in Scandinavian countries, as in many other countries where water bodies have low quantity of carbonates. This problem is not specific to Lithuania though and it is not discussed in this publication. In Lithuania pollution with hazardous substances has a local character. It is more related to single emergency cases. This subject is also left out of the publication. However, additional discussion is required on intensive oil recycling and export activities as one of the strongest environmental pollution risk factors. This chapter is limited to oil spills in the Cronin Lagoon and the Baltic Sea as one of the most acute problems from environmental and political point of view. This problem is closely related to operation quality of Bating Oil Terminal. Discussion on ground water quality also requires special attention. Firstly, due to the fact that ground water is the only drinking water source in Lithuania and its quality of ground water is directly linked with human health. Discharge of polluted water into the ground water aquifers is strictly prohibited in Lithuania. In such way, it seems that there is no threat to ground water quality. However, due to non-point source pollution caused by intensive agricultural activities, cattle breeding and poultry farming, fertilizer storage sites, leachate from landfills, quality of ground water in many territories is of concern. According to data, ground water is mostly polluted with nitrogen in all Lithuania and with fluoride, sulphate and chloride in the Northern part of the country. This chapter covers few main aspects of ground water quality development. Another serious problem of drinking water quality is not discussed in this publication. Drinking water is influenced by the quality of natural ground water resources, effectiveness of iron removal from drinking water, state of centralized drinking water supply network. Nitrates prevail in dug wells and cause another acute problem. Today there are 300 thousand Eutrophication is an ordinary and natural phenomenon. It is a process when water ecosystems were concentrations of nutrients (biogenic substances) are low transform into ecosystems with high concentrations of nutrients. Due to human activities this process became very active causing degradation of water ecosystems. It is defined by prevailing biomass of phytoplankton algae (water blossom), deficit of oxygen, and increased amount of transported materials, decreased fauna diversity. Lakes with biogenic substances overgrow with algae. Thus, aesthetic and recreational values of such lakes are lost. Deficit of oxygen pose a threat on fish extinction, which may have rather significant economic consequences. 33 State of Environment 2001 Water quality State of Environment 2001 dug wells (2-5 meters deep) in Lithuania. They serve 1/4 of all Lithuanian inhabitants (assessment of implementation consequences of Directive 98/83/EB on the quality of water intended for human consumption // Client European Committee at the Government of Lithuania. Executed by Dr. Bernardas Paukðtys. Vilnius, 2001). High concentrations of nitrates prevail in half of all dug wells. Another serious problem is bacteriological and microbiological pollution in natural bathing water. Since 2002 a Bathing Water Monitoring Program was approved and detailed investigations of bathing water started. It is foreseen to implement the bathing water monitoring program until the end of 2004. During the implementation analysis of the state of bathing water, cause-effect relation, factors affecting the quality, programs established to improve the state will be carried out. As detailed activities have just started, water quality from microbiological point of view is not analysed in this publication. Eutrophication. The main chemical substances influencing eutrophication intensity are nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Therefore, eutrophication process is caused by economy branches where discharged wastewater is highly polluted with such compounds. Municipal wastewater has the largest share of input. The quantity of wastewater is closely related to the number of population of households and, thus, it is not discussed in this publication. Discharges from dairies and meat processing enterprises contain rather high concentrations of biogenic and organic substances and they were selected as the main indicator that reflects regulated forces of point source pollution. To characterize non-point source pollution two indicators were selected. One is a cultivated land (described in the chapter on Biodiversity Conservation), another a number of cattle. The latter in a complex way reflects the development of cattle breeding and poultry farming, which are the main biogenic sources discharged together with manure and sewage into the environment and a level of potential impact on eutrophication. The cultivated land reflects extensiveness of farming and indirectly specifies the dimension of areas where use of fertilizers is allowed. Annual consumption of fertilizers could be an appropriate indicator, however, due to lack of data it cannot be used at this stage. Pressure on the environment is assessed using data on N, P and BOD discharges from point pollution sources. Due to different calculation methodic that are used and hardly comparable results, it is impossible to assess the amount of substances discharged from agriculture. According to the statistical data, cattle breeding and poultry farming were 34 more intensive in Lithuania in soviet period. Manure and sewage collection reservoirs were constructed only in the large farms. Other farms discharged manure and sewage directly into water bodies. Situation has improved with changing attitude to farming and reduced number of cattle-breeding farms. However, territories of the farms left over from the soviet period, due to their negligence to environment in the past, form zones of increased pollution. Large quantities of nutrients are washed away from these territories. Meanwhile, development processes in plant production had less revolutionary character. With changing structure of cultivated land only some changes reduced leakage of nutrients, for example, ploughing of pastures has even increased it. Bearing in mind, that large quantities of fertilizers have been used in soviet times without any attention to their impact on the environment, and relatively small amounts were used recently, most likely, today, the pressure on environment is lower. However, it was noticed that if uncultivated land is not taken care of for at least few years, leakage of nutrients will be higher for at least some years. Large quantities of unused nutrients reserve in soil, slow implementation of agroenvironmental measures as well as strong momentum of natural processes do not provide a sufficient basis to consider that pressure on environment has significantly diminished due to diffused pollution in the last decade. In order to describe eutrophication levels in surface water bodies, following indicators were used: fluctuation of the average annual concentration of total N and total phosphorus in rivers, the Cronin Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. The average annual fluctuation of BOD in rivers indicates the level of organic pollution and its indirect impact on eutrophication processes. The concentration of chlorophyll A, pigment of plankton algae that causes photosynthesis in the Baltic Sea and the Cronin Lagoon, directly indicate the productivity of a water body, eutrophication level and pressure with biogenic substances. Eutrophication of lakes is also a serious problem, although not discussed in this publication. The most effective measure to reduce point source pollution is an improvement of wastewater treatment quality. Introduction of complete biological treatment enables to reduce N and P discharges into surface waters. Pollution taxes on total N, total P and BOD serve as economic measures to encourage polluters to reduce their discharges and comply with the EU requirements and objectives of the Lithuanian environmental protection strategy. Agricultural development is one of the main factors that determines underground water quality, namely its upper part ground water on a country scale. Meanwhile, dynamics of cultivated land (see the chapter on Biodiversity Concservation) could partly give a slight and indirect hint on change of driving forces with respect to ground water quality. Under natural conditions ground water quality is determined by physical, geographical, climatic, airgraphic, hydrographic, biological, geological as well as hydrogeological factors (Lietuvos gamtinë aplinka, Lithuanias Environment, 1994). Depending on a balance of these factors even under the identical conditions of diffused pollution, ground water quality may differ. The concentration of nitrates in ground water is an indicator used to determine ground water quality in Lithuania. A quality of deeper aquifers used for drinking purpose is determined by concentrations of sulphates and chlorides in ground water. The change of both parameters limited by drinking water standards are presented using an example from Klaipëda wellfield. Protection of ground water quality is very important when people take drinking water from wells. Ground water quality is usually influenced by local pollution, the main reason for pollution is not clear, major environmental protection measures are directed towards alternative supply of drinking water to people, for example, installation of dug wells, rather than improvement of the environment. However, due to lack of comprehensive data no reliable indicator was selected that could help to evaluate improvement measures. References: Handbook for Implementation of EU Environmental Legislation http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ enlarg/handbook/water.pdf Assessment of implementation consequences of Directive 98/83/EB on the quality of water intended for human consumption // Client European Committee at the Government of Lithuania. Executed by Dr. Bernardas Paukðtys. Vilnius, 2001 Lithuanias Environment. Status, processes, trends, 1994, Vilnius, pg.114 35 State of Environment 2001 Oil spills in the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. One of driving forces posing potential threat to the environment is transportation of oil and oil products through Klaipëda harbor and Bûtingës terminal. Oil cargo turnover in Klaipëda Harbor and Bûtingë Terminal indirectly shows the risk level. Oil is discharged into water not only from tankers but also from other ships together with ballast water, in case of accidents, etc. Growing ship traffic increases possibility of ship collision. Hence, a number of ships entering the harbour, technical condition of ships, fuel used illustratesp potential oil pollution risk. Basing on year-after-year experience, accidents with significant ecological consequences happen when weather conditions are unfavorable. Thus, frequency of storm winds (>20 m/s) at the coast is an indicator used to reflect influencing power of nature. Typically it is difficult to exactly assess oil spill size in case of an accident. Therefore, three indirect indicators are used in this publication to evaluate the pressure on environment, namely, a number of registered oil spills, amount of oil collected, and administrative penalties as well as civil action imposed for environmental pollution. Partly it helps to estimate pressure. A number of birds that die due to oil spills out of a total number of birds killed represents an impact of oil spills to bird populations, although, due to unequal abundance of bird populations and concrete localisation of oil spills, this indicator is insufficient to demonstrate the impact. An indicator showing the concentration of oil products in water of the Bûtingë terminal environment facilitate evaluation of impact from operation of Bûtingë terminal to the environmental quality. A number of inspections carried out in the ships and Bûtingë terminal per year and a number of penalised polluters indicate an improvement of the inspection work in order to prevent pollution and compensate damage made to the environment. EUTROPHICATION Driving forces V4.1. Milk and meat production scale 3500 meat production 3000 thousand tons State of Environment 2001 Amount of meat and meat products produced and a milk yield received (thousand tons) in 19902000. milk production 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: The Department of Statistics at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania A part of wastewater is discharged from meat processing industries and dairies. Chemical composition of discharges from meat processing industries and dairies is similar chemical composition of discharges from household, but with higher concentrations. They contain large quantities of organic substances as well as nitrogen. Since 1990, meat and milk production decreased by 2-3 times. Therefore, wastewater pollution discharged from industries decreases respectively. K Situation in 1995 2000 is rather stable. Size of milk and meat production has not changed significantly in 1995-2000. 36 V4.2. Number of cattle The average annual number of cattle recalculated into conditional units of cattle. CUC (CONDITIONAL UNITS OF CATTLE)-1 milch-cow or 3 heifers (from 1 year) or 5 calfs (up to 1 year), or 2 cattle for meat up to 2 years, or 3 production pigs with sucking-pigs, or 8 fatling pigs, or 150 laying hens, or 2500 chickens, or 2 hourses, or 9 sheep. number 1600 1448,6 1390,7 1284,1 1149,9 1134 1200 800 400 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Department of Statistics at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. A total number of cattle constantly decreased. It is a positive change from environmental point of view. Fig. V4.1.1 Density of cattle (conditional cattle) falling to one ha of farming land CC CC/ha 1,5 1 0,5 0,43 0,41 0,38 0,34 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: The Department of Statistics at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Density of cattle should not exceed 1,7 of conditional cattle to one hectare of farming land in a farm. According to data of the Department of Statistics, it was calculated that density of cattle (conditional cattles) in Lithuania to one ha of farming land was 0,43 CC/ha in 1997, and 0,34 CC/ha in 2000 (see Fig.V4.2.1). Thus, according to these calculations a number of conditional cattle in Lithuania is still far from reaching the maximum norm, however, in some some farms situation can differ. 37 State of Environment 2001 conditional number of cattle 2000 Therfore, pollution impact to some water bodies can also differ, depending on the type of water body where a cattle farm is located, the way it is constructed, conditions for manure storage, etc. thousand t tûkst.t. State of Environment 2001 Fig. 4.2.2 Amount of total nitrogen and phosphorus accumulated in manure per year 160 140 120 Pb 100 Nb 80 60 40 20 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Department of Statistics at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania According to data from the Department of Statistics, an amount of 144,9 thousand tons of nitrogen and 22 thousand phosphorus accumulated in manure in 1997 and 113,4 thousand tons of nitrogen and 17 thousand tons of phosphorus in 2000 (see Fig. V4.2.2). These numbers indicate declining number of cattle in Lithuania and, respectively, decreasing amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in manure. However, tendencies may vary in some areas as they depend on a number of cattle in a farm. Moreover, there is a lack of evaluation and calculation methodic for assessment of pollution discharged into water bodies. Assessing requirments of the EU Nitrates Directive, a Code of Good Agricultural Practices has been prepared. It specifies that seeking to reduce pollution with nitrates, an annual amount of manure from each farm inserted into soil or received from pasturage, cannot exceed 170 kg of nitrogen per farming land hectare. Other water protection requirements from nitrogen pollution caused by agriculture are approved by a common Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania and the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. In order to protect water bodies from pollution originated by cattle-breeding farms, the manure and sewage storage sites have to be properly installed. For this reason, LAND 33-99 Environmental requirements for manure and sewage handling in farms was issued. J A slight decrease in number of cattle over the last five years continued in Lithuania. Relatively discharges of Nt and Pt into the fields and surface run-off into water bodies decreased, although situation in some farms may differ. 38 Pressure on environment A4.1. Nt, Pt, BOD discharges from point pollution sources 18000 BOD7 16000 total nitrogen 14000 total phosphorus tons 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment. During 1996-2001 the amount of main pollutants discharged into surface water bodies from point pollution sources has decreased significantly, even by 50%. The decrease was influenced by biological treatment introduced in Vilnius Wastewater Treatment Plant in 1996, Kaunas Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Plant constructed in 1999, Klaipëda and Ukmergë Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant constructed in 1998, and Utena Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant reconstructed in 1998 and Alytus in 1999. Fig. 4.1.1. BOD7 discharges from the largest cities 6000 Vilnius city tons/year 5000 Kaunas city 4000 3000 Klaipëda city 2000 1000 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 years 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment Most of pollutants discharged from the largest cities in Lithuania reach water bodies together with municipal wastewater. Although after the construction of Vilnius Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant organic pollution in wastewater decreased by eight times, Vilnius city remains to be the largest polluter of the river Neris municipal wastewater discharged from Vilnius city contains 60% of BOD7 and total nitrogen and 87% of total phosphorus (see Fig. A4.1.1 A4.1.3) 39 State of Environment 2001 Change of total discharged amount of main pollutants, calculated basing on enterprises accounts for environmental pollution on Lithuania scale. Information is provided only by those enterprises that have a compulsory requirement to obtain permit for use of natural resources. State of Environment 2001 tons/years Fig. A4.1.2 Total nitrogen discharges from the largest cities Vilnius city 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1996 1997 Kaunas city 1998 1999 Klaipëda city 2000 2001 ye ars DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment. Fig. A4.1.3 Total phosphorus discharged from the largest cities Vilnius city 200 Kaunas city Klaipëda city tons/year 150 100 50 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment Municipal wastewater discharged from Kaunas city contains 66% of BOD7, 75% of total nitrogen, 57% of total phosphorus out of total amount of BOD7, total nitrogen and phosphorus discharged into the river Nemunas from point pollution sources. After construction of Mechanical Wastewater Treat- ment Plant Kaunas city pollution has decreased by three times. After construction of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant in Klaipëda organic pollution discharged into the Curonian Lagoon decreased by 5 times. J Due to newly constructed or reconstruction biological treatment plants in the largest cities of Lithuania, discharges of BOD7, total N and total P from point pollution source significantly decreased in 1996-2000. Situation became stable in 2000-2001. Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda remain to be the largest surface water polluters. 40 State Figure B 4.1. Change trends of Nt, Pt and BOD annual concentrations in rivers The average annual concentration of biogenic and organic substances in the monitoring research sites during the 9 year period (50 rivers, 105 sites). total N, mg/l 4 0,25 0,20 3 0,15 2 0,10 1 0,05 0,00 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 N mediana Ntotal bendrojo mediana total N tendency N bendrojo tendencija 1999 2000 2001 P mediana Ptotal bendrojo mediana total P tendency P bendrojo tendencija mgO2/l 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 BDS7 BOD7mediana mediana 1998 1999 2000 2001 BOD7tendencija tendency BDS7 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center data base VANMON on water quality in rivers. One of the main problems of water quality in rivers is pollution with biogenic and organic substances. The amount of biogenic substances in water is indicated by concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Nitrates form the largest share of total nitrogen composition, another part is ammonium nitrogen that is toxic to water fauna. The main pollution sources of water with biogenic substances are non-point source pollution from agriculture and urban wastewater. Fluctuation of concentrations depends on biochemical processes in water. Higher concentrations of biogenic substances may cause the eutrophication process in the slow streams and that may cause deteriorated ecological conditions in water bodies. It is necessary to reduce biogenic pollu- tion in rivers in order to improve ecological state of water bodies. The amount of organic substances in water is assessed on the basis of an indicator of biochemical oxygen demand for 7 days (BOD7), i.e. the amount of dissolved oxygen needed for biochemical oxidation of organic materials present in water. The main sources of water pollution with organic materials are industries, wastewater discharged from households or cattle-breeding farms. These materials also form during disintegration process of water vegetation. Low chemical and microbiological quality of water is caused by high values of the BOD7 indicator and has negative impact on water biodiversity. In 1993- 2000 concentrations of organic substances, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in 41 State of Environment 2001 total P, mg/l Fig. B4.1.1 Change trends of the average annual concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and nitrates in 1993-2001 NH4-N, mg/l 0,8 State of Environment 2001 NO3-N, mg/l 2 1,5 0,6 1 0,4 0,5 0,2 0 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 NO3-N mediana NH4-N mediana tendency NO3-N tendencija NH4-N tendency tendencija DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center database VANMON on water quality in rivers In 1993-2001 declining tendency of ammonium nitrogen concentrations was noticed, but concentra- tions of nitrates in rivers remained stable (see Fig. B4.1.1). Fig. B4.1.2 A number of investigation sites in the rivers (%) according to average annual concentrations of total nitrogen in 1993-2001 total N, mg/l >7,5 80% 2,5-7,5 60% 40% 0,75-2,5 20% 0,3-0,75 0% 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 <0,3 1993 number of river investigation sites 100% DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center database VANMON on water quality in rivers. Fig. B4.1.3 Number of investigation sites in the rivers (%) according to average annual concentrations of total phosphorus in 1993-2001 number or river investigation sites total P, mg/l 100% >0,500 80% 0,250-0,500 60% 0,125-0,250 40% 0,050-0,125 0,025-0,050 20% <0,025 0% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center database VANMON on water quality in rivers. 42 Fig. B4.1.4 Number of investigation sites in the rivers (%) according to average annual concentrations of BOD7 in 1993-2001 BOD7, mg/l BDS7 , mgO2/l 80% 60% >5 40% 3,5-5 State of Environment 2001 tyrimø vietø skaièius number ofupiø river investigation sites 100% 2-3,5 20% <2 0% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center database VANMON on water quality in rivers According to the National Monitoring Program 15 investigated sites out of 150 are on the border, 4 for reference conditions, 25 under the influence of agricultural farming and 60 on the rivers effected by cities. On the basis of conditionally selected intervals of concentrations, the data shows fluctuation of total nitrogen from 0,75 to 2,50 mg/l, total phosphorus from 0,050 to 0,125 mg/l from more than 50% of monitored rivers. From 10% of monitored sites, concentration of total nitrogen is higher than 7,50 mg/l, total phosphorus more than 0,500 mg/ l (Fig. B4.1.2), (Fig. B4.1.3). The highest concentrations of these substances are observed in rivers of Mûða-Lielupë catchment area below the cities that discharge insufficiently treated wastewater and in Panevëþys, Ðalèia and Lomena (Fig.B4.1.5). Fig. B4.1.5 Concentrations of organic and biogenic substances in rivers in 2001 JRC, Monitoring information centre J According to the monitoring results of the last nine years, concentrations of biogenic (total nitrogen and total phosphorus), ammonium nitrogen and organic substances (BOD7) in rivers decreased. However, change trend of nitrate concentrations during the same period remains the same. 43 Fig. B4.2. Average concentrations of Nt and Pt in the Cronin Lagoon Average annual concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the Curonian Lagoon in 1997 – 2001 State of Environment 2001 N,mg/l 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 1997 0,15 1998 1999 2000 2001 P,mg/l 0,1 0,05 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center data base. There is no significant change tendency in amounts of total nitrogen in the Cronin Lagoon during the last five years. Highest average annual value of total nitrogen (1.7 mgN/l) in the Cronin Lagoon observed in 1999. In the vegetation period when concentrations of organic substances in water increase, the amount of total nitrogen near Ventë reached 3.0 mgN/l. Due to decreased quantity of phytoplankton the amount of organic substances also decreased in cool summer and due to lasting vegetation, quantity of mineral nitrogen was lower than usual. In 2000 the lowest average annual value of total nitrogen, lower than in 1999 by 1.5 times, was observed. In winter 60 % of the amount of total nitrogen in the Cronin Lagoon consist of mineral nitrogen. During vegetation in summer time amounts of nitrogen decreases and the largest part of total nitrogen (80-90%) consists of organic nitrogen. 44 Concentrations of total phosphorus in the Curonian Lagoon decrease. In 2000 the average annual concentration of total phosphorus (0.081 mgP/ l) was the lowest during the last five year and 1.7 times lower than in 1997. Concentrations exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC = 0.2 mgP/l) are observed in summer time when organic substances prevail in the Curonian Lagoon. In 1999 high concentrations of total phosphorus ( 0.21 0.65 mgP/l) exceeded MAC set in 1996 by 2-3 times. In winter mineral phosphorus prevail in the lagoon and form 60 80% of total phosphorus amount, meanwhile, in spring, summer and autumn more organic phosphorus (60 80%) is observed in the lagoon. Fig. B4.2.1 Trend of average season concentrations of nitrates in the Cronin Lagoon near Ventë 0,8 mg/l 0,6 winter Þiema Vasar summer 0,4 0,0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Center database. Trend of mineral substances is characterized by seasonal changes that correspond to a cycle of biological processes. Basing on surface water classification system in Lithuania, and according to amounts of mineral nitrogen, the Cronin Lagoon water is considered as moderately polluted (quality class No.3) in winter. In cold period of a year concentrations of nitrates increase in the lagoon. From 1998 to 2000, the average season concentration increased by 2.3 times (see Fig. B4.2.2). During vegetation in summer time, when growth of phytoplankton is intensive, concentrations of nutrients significantly decrease. Significant rather strong fluctuations of nutrients indicate responsive reaction of ecosystem to surplus amounts of mineral and organic substances. Fig. B4.2.2 Average season concentrations of nitrates in the Curonian Lagoon 1,2 mg/l 1,0 winter Þie ma summer Vas 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Center database. A great amount of mineral and organic substances inflow into the Cronin Lagoon is observed from Nemunas river. Aquatoria near Ventë is by far most influenced by water inflow from Nemunas river. Thus, average annual season values of nitrates are by 1.3 1.6 times higher than in the lagoon in winter (see Fig. B4.2.1). Strong influence from natural processes to changes in the amounts of mineral substances is indicated by concentrations of nitrates being lower near Ventë than in the other aquatoria of the Cronin Lagoon in the summer time. K There is no significant change trend of the amount of total nitrogen during the last five years. The amount of nitrates increases in the Curonian Lagoon in the cold period of a year. In 2000 their average season values exceeded the level of 1998 by two times in winter. The amount of total phosphorus decreases in the Curonian Lagoon. 45 State of Environment 2001 0,2 B4.3. Concentration of chlorophyll A in the Cronin Lagoon Dynamics of year-after-year concentration of chlorophyll “A” (annual average) in the Curonian Lagoon as well as level of water trophication (10-100 mg/m3 – eutrophic level). 90 3 mg/m 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Center database. After many years of investigations on dynamics of chlorophyll A concentrations and basing on the description scale of water trophication proposed by Vinberg (Âèíáåðã, 1954), it is possible to conclude that water in the Curonian Lagoon corresponds to eutrophic state waters: the average annual concentration of chlorophyll A fluctuates within 10 100 mg/m3 limits. In principle, the values of average annual concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll A depends on the quantitative development of phytoplankton all the year round. The average annual values of chlorophyll were highest in years (for example, 1997, 1999, 2001) when hydrological conditions in the Curonian Lagoon were favourable to intensive growth of phytoplankton species in summer and autumn. Phytoplankton biomass reaches the intensive blooming level in summer time (Fig. B4.3.1). Though, lower average values are caused by shorter phytoplankton growth period in spring as in some years the lagoon is ice-covered for unusually long time (for example, until the end of March in 1994, and even until 25th of April in 1996). Fig. B4.3.1 Year-after-year dynamic of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae biomass (mg/l, logarithmic scale) in the Curonian Lagoon and water blooming level mg/l 1000 hyperblooming 100 inte nsive blooming 10 ave rage le ve l blooming DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Center database. 46 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1 1981 State of Environment 2001 80 70 lion filaments/l in average; biomass 20 mg/l. Basing on Reimers scale (Ðåéìåðñ, 1990), it corresponds to the level of intensive blooming (Fig. B4.3.1). A. flos-aquae biomass reaches hyperblooming level (over 100 mg/l) in particular hot summers. Intensive growth of cyanobacteria, their strong prevailance in phytoplankton is an unquestionable sign of anthrophogenic eutrophication. (Àáàêóìîâ, 1980). Fig. B4.3.2 Aphanizomenon flos-aquae biomass growth tendency in the central part of Curonian Lagoon 160 mg/l Biom., mg/l Nulyginta biom. Trendas 120 80 40 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Center data base Fig. B4.3.3 Development tendency of Chlorophyll A concentrations in the central part of Curonian Lagoon 320 mg/m3 280 Chl. mg/m3 240 Nulygintas Level off chl. mg/m3 T rTrend endas 200 160 120 80 40 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Center data base Due to increased concentrations of nitrates and phosphates (biogenic substances used by phytoplankton) in the Cronin Lagoon (Olenina, 1998), phytoplankton biomass as well as A. flos-aquae biomass and chlorophyll A concentration constantly increases (see Fig. B4.3.2 B4.3.3). Comparing recent results with earlier data (Óñåëèòå, 1959) it is possible to conclude that A. flos-aquae biomass increased over 10 times in the last 5-6 years. It proves that eutrophication in the Cronin Lagoon continues. 47 State of Environment 2001 Water blooming is related to the intensive growth of cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. In vegetation period this type of biomass amounts to 80 90% out of total phytoplankton in the Curonian Lagoon. A. flos-aquae is sensitive to strong water mixture, thus, its prevailance in aquatoria of the lagoon is caused by long quiet summers. Year after year investigation results proved that abundance of A. flos-aquae in blooming period exceeds 10 mil- State of Environment 2001 L Chlorophyll “A” concentration in the Curonian Lagoon increases. Water “blooming” phenomenon occures in the Curonian Lagoon annualy and continues from June to November. In blooming period total phytoplankton biomass reaches such level when sings of biological pollution appear and water quality decreases. References: Àáàêóìîâ Â.À. Ïðîêàðèîòû è îáëèãàòíî àãàìíûå ïðîñòåéøèå êàê èíäèêàòîðû ñîñòîÿíèÿ ïðèðîäíîé ñðåäû è îñîáåííîñòè èõ ïîïóëÿöèé // Ïðîáëåìû ýêîëîãè÷åñêîãî ìîíèòîðèíãà ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿ ýêîñèñòåì. 1980, ò. 3, ñ. 21 50. Âèíáåðã Ã.Ã. Ñîäåðæàíèå õëîðîôèëà êàê ïîêàçàòåëü êîëè÷åñòâåííîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ôèòîïëàíêòîíà // Òðåòüÿ ýêîë. êîíô. 1954, c. 7073. Ðåéìåðñ Í.Ô. Ïðèðîäîïîëüçîâàíèå. Ìîñêâà, 1990. Olenina I. Long-term changes in the Kurðiø Marios Lagoon: eutrophication and phytoplankton response // Ekologija, Nr. 1, 1998, p. 5665. Óñåëèòå C. Ôèòîïëàíêòîí çàëèâà Êóðøþ Ìàðåñ è åãî ñåçîííàÿ äèíàìèêà // Êóðøþ Ìàðåñ. Èòîãè êîìïëåêñíîãî èññëåäîâàíèÿ. 1959, c. 139163. Fig. B4.4. Average annual concentrations of Nt and Pt in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea Average annual concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosporus in water of coastal zone of the Baltic Sea in 1997 2001. N,mg/l 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2000 2001 P,mg/l 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0 1997 1998 1999 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Centre database. In the last four years concentrations of total nitrogen in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea decreased. From 1998 to 2001 the average annual values decreased by 2.7 times. In the summer of 1998 high concentrations of total nitrogen were observed near Klaipëda (2.22 mgN/l) and Karklë (2.47 mgN/l) in the zone influenced by water flows polluted with organic substances from the Cronin Lagoon. 48 In the last five years concentrations of total phosphorus in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea were stable. The average values (0.025 0.032 mgP/l) were 3 5 times lower than in the Cronin Lagoon and rather similar to concentrations observed in the open sea. Fig. B4.4.1 Trend of concentrations of nitrates in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea in winter. 0,5 7 st. 6 st. 0,4 5 st. 0,3 4 st. 0,2 3 st. 0,1 2 st. 0,0 1997 1 st. 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Centre data base. Water in coastal zone differs according to concentrations of nutrients. Based on hydrochemical conditions the highest inflow of water from the Cronin Lagoon into the Baltic Sea is near Smiltynë (5 st.) and Melnragë (4 st.) aquatoria. Moreover, intensive inflow influences water near in coastal zone north from Klaipëda (see Fig. B4.4.1). Aquatoria near Nida (7 st.) and Juodkrantë (6 st.) are very little influenced by anthropogenic factors. Concentrations of nutrients fluctuate not only due to human activities but also under the influence of natural processes. The highest concentrations of nutrients are in cold period of a year when biological production efficiency is low and inflow from inland is high. Concentrations in winter times indicate size of nutrients reserve and, thus, eutrophication potential. In the last year (2001) the average winter value of nitrates (0.25 mgN/l) in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea was close to their average season value of the last decade. Winter concentrations of nitrates in coastal zone was about 5 times higher than in the open sea, and in summer time the total concentrations in the whole monitored Baltic Sea aquatoria were similar (0.01 0.02 mg/l). K During the last five years the amount of total nitrogen in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea decreases and the amount of total phosphorus remained low. According to amount of nutrients water in coastal zone differes. Eutrophication in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea is a local effect in the areas where pressure of pollutants is high, but its conditions alter. The quality of water in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea is influenced by water inflow from the Curonian Lagoon that is saturated with nutrients 3-5 times more than the sea water. 49 State of Environment 2001 mg/l Fig. B4.5. Chlorophyll A concentration in the Baltic Sea Year-after-year dynamics of chlorophyll “A” concentration in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea (the annual mean) and water trophication level (1-10 mg/m3 – mezotrophic level). mg/m 3 Littoral zone Open sea 12 10 6 4 2 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Centre data base. The Baltic Sea water blooming is most often observed in July-August. Most intensive blooming of cyanobacteria occurs in water zone influenced by the Cronin Lagoon: up to 35 km north from mouth of the lagoon. Water blooming period in the sea is shorter (from few days to few weeks); it is mostly dependant on hydrological conditions (streams, wind direction and speed) and does not reach such high level as in the Cronin Lagoon. As in the lagoon water blooming is related to intensive growth of cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Anabaena spp., Microcystis spp.). Water blooming is observed in the open sea areas in very hot summers. Usually, it is cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena that blooms. Biomass of this type most often reaches the average level (1 10 mg/l) in the Southeastern part of the Baltic Sea in blooming period. Intensive water blooming influenced by growth of N. spumigena was noticed only two times in the Southeastern part of the Baltic Sea during the last 18 months of investigation: in July in 1994 and 1997 when N. spumigena biomass was up to 80-90 mg/l. Based on Vindberg scale (Âèíáåðã, 1954) and according to Chlorophyll A concentration, the Baltic Sea water near Lithuanian coasts corresponds to mezotrophic water: annual concentrations of Chlorophyll A fluctuates within limits of 1-10 mg/m3. Fig. B4.5.1 Growth tendency of Chlorophyll A concentrations in coastal zone and the open part of Southeastern Baltic Sea 30 25 20 mg/m 3 15 10 5 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0 1993 State of Environment 2001 8 At virasea jûra Open P riekrant ë Coast al zone virasea) jûra) Linear (At (open Linear(coast (P riekrant ë) Linear al zone) DUOMENØ ÐALTINIS: Jûriniø tyrimø centro duomenø bazë Year-after-year Chlorophyll A data (19932001 m.) analysis shows that growth tendency of cyanobacteria biomass is observed in Lithuanian part of the Baltic Sea and the Cronin Lagoon (see Fig. B4.5.2). Fig. B4.5.1). 50 It is reasonable to expect that with reduced number of fertilizers used in agriculture, less biogenic substances will enter water bodies. However, it is possible that there are too many of them accumulated in the Lithuanian coastline ecosystems and, thus, intensive growth of water blooming is still observed. K Water blooming period is shortest in the Southeastern part of the Baltic Sea. It is mostly influenced by hydrological conditions and increases average level seldom. Chlorophyll A concentration remains relatively high. êîëè÷åñòâåííîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ôèòîïëàíêòîíà // Òðåòüÿ ýêîë. êîíô. 1954, c. 70–73. State of Environment 2001 References: Âèíáåðã Ã.Ã. Ñîäåðæàíèå õëîðîôèëà êàê ïîêàçàòåëü Measures to improve the state G4.1. Wastewater Treatment Untreated, only mechanically treated, partly biologically treated (mechanical + biological treatment processes), fully biologically treated (mechanical + biological treatment processes) wastewater discharged 200 180 14% 160 19% 24% 61% 58% 8% 12% 18% 2% 17% 1% 1999 2000 2001 mln.m 3 140 120 100 66% 80 full treatment (mechanical+biological) partial treatment (mechanical+biological) only mechanical treatmet untreated 60 40 20 0 DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment Most of polluted wastewater (82%) was fully and partly treated in mechanical+biological wastewater treatment plants: 58% partly treated in mechanical+biological wastewater treatment plant, 24% fully treated in biological+mechanical (with N and P) wastewater treatment plants. 17% of wastewater was treated only in mechanical wastewater treatment plants. Another part of wastewater (1%) discharged untreated. Fig. G4.1.1 Wastewater treatment effectiveness according to BOD7, N, P 200 180 13% 160 14% 18% 3 120 mln.m 140 100 treated up to MAT norms insufficiently treated untreated 75% 84% 80 81% 60 40 20 12% 0 1999 2% 1% 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment 51 In 2001 in cities according to BOD7, N ir P and in cities and settlements up to 10 000 PE according to biochemical oxygen demand (BOD7) in total 31 million m3 or 18% of wastewater (in 2000 14%) were treated up to maximum allowable pollution (MAT) norm usidariusiø uþterðtø nuotekø (2000 m. 14%), and 139 million m3 or 89% of insufficiently treated wastewater (in 2000 84%) were discharged (see Fig.G4.1.1). In 2001 removal of biogenic substances (N and P) was performed in 20 towns but not all of them had wastewater treated up maximum allowable pollution (MAT) norms. In 2001 about 82% (in 2000 86%) of all discharged wastewater did not correspond to the requirements of European Union. State of Environment 2001 J Every year the amount of untreated wastewater decreases and treated to MAC level increases. However, part of biological wastewater treatment plants are very old, they need to be reconstructed and supplemented by removal of total nitrogen and phosphorus. G4.2. Environmental pollution taxes according to Nt, Pt and BOD Tariff for a ton of pollutants discharged into the environment paid by polluter discharging > 5 cubic meters of wastewater into water bodies. 2000 2000 (Lt/t) total nitrogen 1800 1600 BOD 1417,83 1479,5 total phosphorus 1480 1479,5 1480 1400 1480 1200 1000 800 600 400 416,9 416,9 435 435 435 435 1998 1999 485 435 573 435 649 435 714 550 200 0 1997 2000 2001 2002 2003 DATA SOURCE: Economics and Programs Division of the Ministry of Environment. Water pollution taxes are paid by those enterprises that discharge pollutants into water bodies and that are required to have a permit for use of natural resources. The main tax payers are water supply companies that pay taxes according to water pollution tariffs in accordance with the requirements set up in the Law on Environmental Pollution Tax (Valstybës þinios Official Gazette, 1999, No. 47-1469). Tariff according to BOD7, total nitrogen and total phosphorus is raised every year. It has to encourage polluters to reduce discharges of polluted water at the pollution source and comply with the objectives defined in relevant EU Directives as well as Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy. Taxes collected from environmental polluters are distributed in the following way: 10 % - to the state budget, 20 % - to the Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund and 70 % - to the municipal nature protection funds. Table G4.2.1 Total amount of pollution taxes, including taxes for pollution of air and soil in 20002001 Y ear S u m (th o u san d L t) E n v iro n m en tal p o llu tio n tax S tate b u d g et 2028 2000 F unds* 19965 2001 S tate b u d g et F u n d s* 3610 J Economic measures are strengthened * 52 Municipal nature protection funds and Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund. 31840 OIL SPILLS IN THE CURONIAN LAGOON AND THE BALTIC SEA Driving forces V5.1. Storm winds (>20 m/s) in Klaipëda Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 01 1 2 1 4 4 02 6 1 5 3 2 03 1 2 0 4 0 04 2 0 1 0 0 05 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 1 0 07 0 0 0 1 0 08 0 0 0 0 0 09 5 0 0 0 1 10 2 8 2 1 5 11 0 1 0 0 10 12 0 2 16 0 6 Annual 17 16 25 14 28 DATA SOURCE: Database CLIDATA of Hydrometeorological Service and Lithuanian Climate Reference Book Vëjas. 1961-1990, 1992, Vilnius. Data about wind speed and direction is important in relation to analysis of oil spill problem in the Cronin Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. Strong winds are driving forces that may influence accidents in terminals, etc. Although Lithuania is considered to be the country of average and weak winds, strong winds (in particular at the coastline) are rather frequent. Wind that has a speed of 21- 24 m/s (number 9 according to Bofort scale) is called a strom. Stronger winds (2528 m/s) are called heavy storms, when speed of wind is 29-33 m/s severe storms, and hurrican rages when wind speed exceeds 33 m/s. Such dangerous meteorological phenomena are rather frequent at the coast. The average wind speed at the coast is 5.2-5.7 m/s (in Lithuania 2.7-3.1 m/s). Winds are the strongest in the cold period of a year (autumn and winter), in particular, in the end of October or in November. In average wind stronger than > 20 m/s (according to annual norm) is observed at the coastline 15-20 days a year. During storms and hurricanes western winds (W, SW, NW) prevail. Fig. V5.1.1 Wind rose of Klaipëda MS (1961-1990) Wind speed and direction are not constant magnitudes. They change together with atmospheric cir- culation and other factors the same way as temperature and precipitation (see Fig. V5.1.1) from year to year. K In average wind at the coast reaches 20 m/s (according to the annual norm) 15-20 days per year. At this time a threat for potential oil spill in the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea increases. Although in 2001 more storms at the coast were registered, it does not give a background to consider storm winds as more frequent phenomenon. 53 State of Environment 2001 A number of days divided by years when wind speed in Klaipëda was> 20 m/s. V5.2. Oil cargo turnover in Klaipëda harbour and Bûtingë terminal The amount of oil products reloaded in Klaipëda harbour and Bûtingë terminal. 12 Bûtingë terminal Klaipëda harbor Quantity (million tons) 8 6 4 2 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: AB Klaipëdos nafta - http://www.oil.lt/lt/pav/P004.html and AB Maþeikiø nafta branch office in Bating Due to started operation of Bating oil terminal, the total amount of reloaded oil increased from 3,6 million tons to 10,3 million tons per year. Basing on plans prepared by oil stevedoring companies, a possible increase of reloaded oil amounts may be expected in the future. L Oil turnover increases and so is a possibility of pollution. V5.3. Number of ships that entered the harbour Change trend of ships that entered Klaipëda harbour and Bating terminal in 1997-2001 (including tankers that entered Bûting terminal). Bûtingë terminal Klaipëda harbor 8200 8000 7800 Number of ships State of Environment 2001 10 7600 7400 7200 7000 6800 6600 6400 6200 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: Klaipëda State Seaport Authority and Bûtingë oil terminal. 54 2001 tion company. Pollution with oil is usually observed in areas where human activities related to navigation, construction and maintenance of ships are intensive. An example of such an area is Malkø bay aquatoria. Due to decreased circulation in this place water can hardly recover from oil products and other pollutants as well as biogenic substances. Every year approximately 20 thousand m3 of polluted water and oil waste, about 80 m3 of greasy rags and 150 m3 of waste are collected. K Although a number of ships entering the harbour increases, it remains below the level of 1998. Pressure on environment A5.1. Number of registered oil spills A number of reports on pollution in Klaipëda harbour, the Baltic Sea, Bûtingë terminal per year. 80 Number of reports 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Marine Environmental Protection Agency of Klaipëda Regional Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Environment In 2001 a number of reports on pollution in aquatoria and the Baltic Sea was the lowest in the last three years. An active preventive work has been carried out. The harbour companies were concerned about environmental protection issues. In 2000 the Marine Environmental Agency registered 76 reports on pollution. 11 of them were reported from Lithuanian coastal zone of the Baltic Sea, and another from harbour aquatoria. In 2000 only one oil spill was registered and in 2001 - two oil spills in Bûtingë terminal. Most reports on pollution were received in the cold period of a year. J Situation improves. In 2001 more ships entered the harbour than in 2000, however, a number of reports on pollution decreased by 40 percent. 55 State of Environment 2001 A number of ships that entered Klaipëda harbour is below the total number of 1997 1998, but slightly increases since 1999 (1,8 %). The number is influenced by a cargo flows through the harbour. It is expected that a number of ships will increase in the future due to the harbour and region developments. Klaipëda harbour covers an area of 1038 ha where private companies perform their commercial activities. At present there are 7 stevedoring companies, 3 ship repair companies and one ship construc- A5.2. Amount of collected oil (per year) The amount of collected oil products in Klaipëda harbour aquatoria, the Baltic Sea and coastal zone, tons per year. State of Environment 2001 amount of collected oil, m 3 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Marine Environmental Protection Agency of Klaipëda Regional Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Environment. L Amount of collected oil increases. Situation deteriorates due to consequences of the last accident that took place in Bûtingë oil terminal on 23 of November 2001. A5.3. Administrative penalties and civil actions imposed for environmental pollution amount (Lt) from administrative penalties and civil actions Monetary expression of administrative penalties and civil actions imposed for pollution of the environment per year. Bûtingë terminal 3000000 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 500000 0 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Marine Environmental Protection Agency of Klaipëda Regional Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Environment. A number of administrative penalties and civil actions imposed for environmental pollution depends on a number of large-scale accidents when perpetra- tor is established. These are accidents that took place in Bating terminal in March 6, 2001 and November 23, 2001. . L An increased number of imposed penalties indicates increasing pollution. 56 State B5.1. Number of waterfowl killed due to oil spills out of the total number of killed waterfowl Relative abundance of waterfowl killed due to oil spills at the Lithuanian coastline (number of killed individuals/calculation km) and its share (%) out of the total number of killed waterfowl. 2,95 % out of found dead waterfowls 100 90 ind/km abundance of killed birds due to oil spils 2,5 2 part of killed birds due to oil spills out of total numer 1,5 State of Environment 2001 3 80 70 60 50 40 1 0,82 30 20 0,5 0,09 0,07 0,04 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 0,02 0,03 1998 1999 0,05 0,05 10 0 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The environmental monitoring data fund, a database of registered waterfowls killed at the Lithuanian coastline (Laboratory of Birds Ecology, EKOI). A proportion of birds covered by oil products out of the total number of birds identified, reflects a general level of the sea aquatoria pollution and enables to define pollution tendencies in the course of a year as well as compare with pollution level in the other parts of the world. At present, direction or trend of the process is still intangible and impossible to be interpreted due to the short monitoring period (according to experience from other other countries performing such observations, the optimal monitoring period for reliable evaluation of trend is 20-30 years). It is possible to consider that background pollution with oil products in coastal zone of the Baltic Sea is yet evaluated as satisfactory and stable. A part of birds covered with oil products at the coast of Lithuania is rather low compared with other Western European countries (Holland, Denmark, Germany), where navigation is more intensive. However, it exceeds the number in neighbouring Latvia (Camphuysen & van Franeker, 1992; Urtans & Priednieks, 1996). On the other hand, oil spills in the sea during accidents have crusial negative impact on the Baltic Sea ecosystems. In 1995 and 1997 a number of birds killed due to the background oil pollution increased by 11 42 times due to oil spills in case of accidents. The number of birds killed due to oil spills exceeded the total number of killed birds from 46% to more than 90%. It is necessary to emphasise that rather small part of birds killed due to oil spills are casted ashore and this part is quickly eaten by predators or covered by sand. Thus, registered numbers are lower than the real number. This indicator also depends on weather conditions during the research period and oil product persistance on water surface. Two oil spill accidents in Bûtingë terminal in 2001 have proved it - part of killed birds, if any, were moved further offshore when strong winds prevailed. Moreover, oil spills occurred under the water and rather large part before it sank to the bottom shortly remained on the surface due to oil bounding chemicals that were used. Thus, a number of birds killed due to oil spills did not indicate a significant harm caused to birds. With growing navigation intensity, pressure to Bûtingë terminal and, in particular, possible start of 57 oil extraction in the Baltic Sea, the impact on water quality and biodiversity of marine ecosystems from background pollution with oil products may become dangerous, in particular, if oil spill control in the sea remains not strengthened. State of Environment 2001 K Most likely, the background pollution with oil products is satisfactory and rather stable as no clear change tendencies in a number of birds covered with oil products have been observed. References: Camphuysen K. C. J. & van Franeker J. A. 1992. The value of beached bird surveys in monitoring marine oil pollution. Technisch Rapport Vogelbescherming 10, Vogelbescherming Nederland, Zeist. Urtans E. & Priednieks J. 1999. Seabird mortality in Latvian coastal fishery. Putni daba 9.2: 2-8 (in Latvian with English summary). B5.2. Concentration of oil products in surface water Concentration of oil hydrocarbons in water environment of Bûtingë terminal. Concentrations of oil hydrocarbons observed in surface and in lower water layer (mg/l) and bottom sediment (mg/kg of dry weight) are presented. mg/l 0,08 2001 03 0,07 0,06 2001 05 0,05 2001 08 0,04 0,03 2001 10 0,02 2002 03 0,01 0 B T -1 B T -2 B T -3 B T -4 B T -5 B T -6 DATA SOURCE: Environmental monitoring of Bûtingë oil terminal. Annual report 2001. Environmental monitoring of Bûtingë oil terminal. First quarter report 2002. A continuous monitoring of impact from Bûtingë terminal is carried out in the surrounding environment of Bûtingë terminal. According to the program, sampling is done in different water levels 4 times a year in 6 regular monitoring sites. B4 monitoring site is at the buoy, B3, B5, B6 near the buoy, B1 and B2 in coastal zone between the buoy and the coast. According to the research data, the average concentration of oil hydrocarbons changed within the limits of 0,01-0,04 mg/l and did not exceed the maximum allowable concentration (0,05 mg/l) in the last year. The results are similar to the ones from investigations performed in neighboring regions of the sea. In May 58 concentration of oil hydrocarbons was equal to maximum allowable concentration or even exceeded it in all monitoring sites of Bûtingë oil terminal. Results of this year water quality investigations show that concentrations of oil hydrocarbons are within ordinary limits. In all monitoring sites concentrations were below 0,03 mg/l. In addition to water quality investigations, analysis on sediment contamination with oil products are performed in all monitoring sites once a year. In all cases, concentrations of oil hydrocarbons complied with clean soil requirements (less 20 mg/kg of dry weight). mg/l 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0,00 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 Fig. B5.1.2 Oil hydrocarbon concentrations in the lower water layer mg/l 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0,00 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 Fig. B5.1.3 Amount of oil hydrocarbons in bottom sediments mg/kg of dry ground 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00 T3 T4 T5 T7 T11 T20 T21 T22 T24 T25 T26 1,96 2,17 3,56 1,34 9,45 2,93 1,30 2,91 42,42 0,77 18,41 DATA SOURCE: The Marine Research Centre of the Ministry of Environment. After the accident of November 23, 2001 in Bûtingës oil terminal, an oil spill in the sea was approximately 59 tons. During an expedition on 7-8 of December 2001 water samples were taken in the surface water layer and sediment water interface in the area of the oil spill and drift of oil slick forecasted. In most of analysed water samples low concentrations of oil hydrocarbons were observed. Concentration exceeding maximum allowable concentration (MAC-0,05 mg/ l) by 2,8 times was observed in the surface water layer and by 1,4 times in the sediment water interface in one monitoring site of the oil collection area (T17-23 sampling stations). The highest concentrations of oil hydrocarbons are observed in bottom sediments in the sampling stations T11, T24 ir T26. These stations are located further from the buoy, i.e. in drift of oil trajectory. The amount of oil hydrocarbons observed in bottom sediments of the station T24 exceeded requirements set up for clean ground, and such sediments 59 State of Environment 2001 Fig. B5.1.1 Hydrocarbon concentrations in the surface water layer State of Environment 2001 tions are not typical to the eastern coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. Concentrations of oil hydrocarbons in bottom sediments of other sampling sites are rather low and comparable to the ones observed in a similar type of sediments in the eastern coastal zone of the Batlic sea. During the expedition there were no oil products found neither on the sea surface, bottom sediments, nor on stones of various size. Nevertheless, according to the results of chemical analysis, the amounts of oil hydrocarbons exceeding MAC and non-characteristic to the eastern coastal zone of the Baltic Sea were observed in some areas of oil collection and drift of oil slick These amounts are caused by pollution due to antrophogenic impact and provides an assessment that operation of Bûtingë terminal has direct connection with these pollutants reaching the marine environment. In addition, unlikely small concentrations of oil hydrocarbons in the surface water layer of the buoy area prove that oil dispergents were used. Assessment of impact of these materials to the environment is very contradictory. belong to the moderately polluted ground class (Klaipëdos uosto akvatorijos ir jûrinio kanalo gilinimo, valymo ir gruntø gramzdinimo jûroje laikinosios taisyklës(Provisional Rules for Dredging, Cleaning and Dumping of Dredged Ground in Klaipëda Harbour Aquatoria and the Sea Canal), Klaipëda, 1994). Similar amounts were registerd in dumping region only in 1997 and near Smiltynë in 1998. Ability of bottom sediments to accumulate pollutants is mostly dependant on granular composition of sediments. Therefore, the highest concentration was observed in aleuritic silt (the station T24) which is very receptive of pollutants compared with other sampling sites where sand and grave of various coarseness prevail. High oil hydrocarbon concentrations unequal to ground sediment composition were observed in stations T11 and T26. According to level of saturation with oil hydrocarbons, these sediments comply with the requirements of the clean ground class. However, these concentra- Fig. B5.1.3 Scheme of water and bottom sediments sampling after the accident in Bûtingë terminal 56.06 56.04 T1 T2 SPM T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T15 T16 56.02 BÛTINGË T14 ÐVENTOJI T17-23 56.00 T24 55.98 T25 55.96 55.94 T26 20.92 T27 20.94 20.96 20.98 PALANGA 21.00 Sampling sites (oceanographic stations) 21.02 21.04 21.06 21.08 21.10 SPM - Buoy Bottom trawling K There were no significant changes of oil hydrocarbon concentrations observed in the area of Bûtingë terminal. Direct negative impact on the environment from oil spill during the accident (November 23, 2001) was short-term due to high dilution of water, active hydrodynamics of water mass and processes of biochemical decomposition. An impact on marine organisms can be observed in a long-term when they accumulate bioaccumulating mutagenic oil hydrocarbons through the nutrition chain. References: Klaipëdos uosto akvatorijos ir jûrinio kanalo 60 gilinimo, valymo ir gruntø gramzdinimo jûroje laikinosios taisyklës. Klaipëda, 1994 (manuscript). Measures to improve the state G5.1. A number of inspections (ships, terminals) per year A number of inspections of ships that entered Klaipëda harbour and Bûtingë oil termina per year. 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Marine Environmental Protection Agency of Klaipëda Regional Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Environment. With increased number of ships that entered Klaipëda harbor in 2001, a number of inspections have also increased. In 2000 a number of reports on pollution was 40 percent more than in 2001, it was among preventive measures for pollution reduction. Bûtingë oil terminal started operation in July 23, 1999. There were no inspections performed for tankers that entered in 1999. 10 % of ships that entered the terminal were inspected in 2000 and 79% - in 2001. One of the measures used to reduce pollution in the Baltic Sea is a requirement to keep ships with accumulated pollutants in Klaipëda State Port. Moreover, it is necessary to introduce a sanitary tax for fishing vessels and other small ships. Ships for collection of accumulated pollutants and waste could pay a small annual fee. J Situation improves. In 2001 twice as many ship inspections as in 2000 were performed. Meanhile, a number of reports on pollution decreased by 40 percent compared with the same year. A number of inspected ships that entered Bûtingë terminal of AB Maþeikiø nafta increased. 61 State of Environment 2001 number of inspected ships 800 G5.2. A number of identified and penalised polluters out of the total number of polluters number of indentified polluters (%) State of Environment 2001 A part of identified and penalised polluters out of the total number of fixed violations in that year. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Marine Environmental Protection Agency of Klaipëda Regional Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Environment Growing inspection number of ships that entered Klaipëda harbour in 2001, declining number of reports on pollution, increased number of identified and penalized polluters are the results of efficient inspection work. The size of penalty for a ton of spilled oil changes depending on the size of damage made to environment using a coefficient set up in the damage calculation methods. J In 2001 a number of identified polluters significantly increased. 62 GROUND WATER State B6.1. Concentrations of sulphates in ground water Cl mg/l 300 Debit Debitas 45000 40000 250 35000 200 30000 150 25000 100 20000 50 15000 0 10000 yield, m3/day SO4 350 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 year DATA SOURCE: Vilniaus hidrogeologija and Lithuanian Geological Service data base, well field monitoring results carried out by SP UAB Klaipëdos vanduo. The highest level of drinking water consumption in Lithuania was reached in 1989 1990. At that time water mineralisation, sulphate and chloride concentrations increased in a number of well fields of the country. In some cases water quality did not comply with drinking water standard requirements. Inflow of mineral water is typical to well fields using water from deep aquifers. Klaipëda III, Ðiauliai I II, Joniðkis, Këdainiai, Panevëþys, Marijampolë, Druskininkai and Vilkaviðkis well fields are considered characteristic well fields. In Klaipëda III well fields ground water quality changes due to mineral water curve (coming from south) that occupies mostly one third of II well field. Therefore, total mineralisation, total hardness and concentrations of mostly all ions increased in water pumped out of these well fields year by year. Changes of groundwater quality in these well fields is influenced by hydrogeological reasons (most frequently mineralised water curve). The diagram represents water quality trend since 1990. At that time consumption of water started to decline. Decreasing water yield in well fields influenced reduction of chloride and sulphate quantity in drinking water. Similar situation is observed in other well fields mentioned above. J Since 1990 the amount of water taken from many well fields in Lithuania has decreased. At present the number amounts to 20 30 % of 1990 level. Such situations has influenced water quality. Mineralisation of drinking water decreased as well as the amount of sulphate and chlorine ions. These tendencies provide a background for expections that in case sustainable water intaken is ensured, drinking water quality will be improved. 63 State of Environment 2001 Change of chloride ir sulphate ion concentrations in ground water using Klaipëda well field II as an example. It represents well fields that use deep aquifers with low inflow of mineralised water. B6.2. Concentration of nitrates in ground water In natural water nitrate ions form during nitrification process of ammonium ions, come into water together with precipitation as well as industrial and municipal wastewater, sewage and nitrided fertilizers. ➨ ↔ Significantly increased (10-30) ↔ 0,25 Increased (1-10) Slightly decreased (-1-1) Decreased (1-10) 14.05 0 0.21 0.35 Significantly decreased (10-30) 21 ➨ ↔↔ ➨ ↔➨ ↔ ↔ ↔ ➨ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ➨ ➨ ↔ ↔↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ 0,3 1,2 2.4 5.61 17.38 0,4 67 0 0,3 1 55 0 110 5,7 ➨ Quantity of nitrates, mg/l 2001 0 16 0 82 ➨ 2,3 0,7 DATA SOURCE: Lithuanian Geological Survey, the State ground water monitoring. The State ground water monitoring observes ground water quality forming under lithological conditions and the impact of regional anthropogenic factor. Increase of the amount of nitrates, when their concentrations are very low in natural conditions, is closely related with intensive use of land. According to monitoring data, concentrations of nitrates in ground water below 1 mg/l prevail. In 2001 the maximum allowable concentration (50 mg/l) was exceeded only in 4 dug wells. Comparing data from 1995-1996 with 2000-2001 data, slight changes in concentrations of nitrates below 1 mg/l in most of dug wells are noticeable. In territories where farm- ing is intensive, the largest amounts of nitrates prevail. Although intensiveness of farming (use of fertilizers) goes down thus stabilizing concentrations of nitrates in most of dug wells, in some of them growing tendency remains. High concentrations of nitrates existing in dug wells is another acute problem. However, it is not an object of the state monitoring as the problem is closely related with the local pollution and does not reflect regional regularities. This problem is solved through programmes on drinking water supply. Measures needed to prevent water pollution will be influenced by the implementation of Nitrates Directive and decisions taken. Fig. B6.2.1 Concentrations of nitrates in ground water with different pressure (Mikuþiai post) 50 40 mg/l State of Environment 2001 14 ➨ ➨ þy ➨ ➨ ↔↔ 6,9 ➨ ➨ þyp ➨p ↔ ➨ su 0,9 3,6 Change of nitrate quantities from 1995 till 2001 (mg/l) 30 20 10 0 1995 1996 arable land 1997 1998 meadow 1999 2000 2001 forest K Intensive use of land impacts ground water pollution with nitrates. The largest pollution is in farming land, the lowest in forest. With declining farming stabilisation tendency in the amounts of nitrates is noticable. 64 Even though soil is as important component of the environment to human beings as air and water, its protection receives significantly less attention. One of the reasons influencing such attitude to the state of soil is a fact that degradation of soil in opposite to air and water pollution, has boundaries. Thus, it can be only considered as local, internal problem of the country. Therefore, it is not surprising that the European Union (EU) environmental policy still has no clear objectives and tasks related to soil, protection of which is indirectly regulated by air and water protection Directives. A lack of attention is demonstrated not only by absence of clear policy and legal norms but also limited available information on the state of soil. At present in the EU there are 300.000 contaminated sites indentified, while there are almost 1,5 million of such sites according to preliminary evaluations. Since 2001 there are changes on-going in the EU environmental policy indicating increase of appropriate attention to soil quality in the nearest future. The European Commission has started development of the EU Soil Strategy (Consultation paper on the future EU Soil Strategy. Drafted by the European Commission, 2001). The European Environment Agency (EEA) makes attempts to prepare a common soil monitoring and assessment program (European soil monitoring and assessment framework. EIONET workshop proceedings. EEA,2001). Absence of unified soil investigations and assessments performed in different states burdens preparation of the programme. Nevertheless, priority problems of soil degradation are already identified: · pollution at local level · non-point source pollution · acidification · erosion · loss of soil due to urbanisation (expansion of settlements, road construction, etc.). Problem of pollution at local level is identified as the priority problem due to the fact that it is easy to unify monitoring of local soil pollution. In 2002 Lithuania together with other European countries started reporting to the EEA on soil pollution at local level. Lithuania, being associated country of the EU, complies its national environmental policy with the EU requirements. Absence of transparent soil protection policy in the EU predetermined that soil pro- tection problems were moved behind other environmental problems in our country. Situation is also , complicated due to lack of financial resources. Soil investigations, in particular, sanation works and restoration requires substantial financial resources. Soil investigations carried out within the frame of the State Environment Monitoring Program of the Ministry of Environment covers 2 out of 5 soil degradation problems identified by the EEA: soil acidification and loss due to urbanisation of territories. A problem of soil acidification is analysed in the Section on Soil acidification in Meadows and Forests. Currently on-going CORINE project of the EEA and the Ministry of Environment on the earth surface will facilitate evaluation of loss of soil due to urbanisation process from 1995 to 2000 already in 2003. Analysis of soil pollution at local level are not included into the State Environmental Monitoring Program, hence, they are carried out irregularly. Systematic reseach is performed only in former pesticides storage sites after the fire. Investigation of pollution of soil with oil products, heavy metals and other pollutants are performed based on special orders. Results of such work are only available from the client and institutions that fulfilled the order. Unfortunately, so far there is no information system developed in Lithuania capable to integrate all data on soil investigations. Therefore, a very brief discussion on problem of soil pollution at local level is provided in this publication The publication Section on Management of obsolete pesticides reviews problems of potential pollution sources, namely, pesticide storage sites, sites after fires and pesticide underground storage sites. Management of obsolete pesticides. During the period of 1995-2001 more than 900 potential pesticide pollution sources have been identified in Lithuania. These are pesticide storage sites, sites after fires and pesticide underground storage sites inherited from the soviet period. New owners inherited pesticide storage sites from former collective farms together with the dangerous content large amounts of pesticides from which significant part is obsolete and outdated pesticides. As all other dangerous chemical substances, pesticides must be stored in well maintained storage sites, safe packaged, floor of storage sites must have ground that prevents entering of chemicals into soil. Inventory of pesticide storage sites shows that rather large number of such 65 State of Environment 2001 Condition of soil State of Environment 2001 sites do not follow these requirements. There are cases when pesticides stored in improper conditions caused fires due to chemical reactions. Attempts to get rid of unwanted materials by disposing them in remote places became more frequent. Underground disposal of pesticides is very mostly dangerous due to possible leackage into the ground and surface water. Most of obsolete pesticides are listed among prohibited or limited chemical substances that are very toxic, have carcinogenic, mutagenic impact, and can accumulate in human organisms. Thus, even very small concentrations of such substances in drinking water are very dangerous. Balance of microhydrobionts starts changing even if there is minor surface water pollution from pestides. This will inevitably impact vegetation and fauna of water bodies, meanwhile, larger concentrations can be even deadly or impact their reproductivity, growth, behavior, etc. Pesticide contamination level in investigated territories proved that pollutants from pesticide storage sites after fires have already spread to both nearby territories as well as surface and ground water. Improper pesticides storage conditions may have the same consequences to surrounding areas, thus, it is necessary to move chemicals to specially arranged and well maintained sites. In 1995 the MoE initiated Obsolete Pesticides Management Program. The program foresees measures to improve the state which cover procedures for pesticide storage, use of usable pesticides and utilisation of prohibited pesticides. Soil acidification in meadows and forests. Soil acidification is undesirable phenomenon both for agricultural land and forests. Increased acidity reduces soil fertility, affects growth of nurseries and formation of wood. Moreover, pollutants that enter soil in more acid media, take mobile shapes and thus, are easier absorbed by vegetation and infiltrate into 66 the soil layers. Besides other factors, the most influential factor of soil acidification is acid precipitations that enter soil. Acid precipitations are caused by acidifying substances such as SO2, NOx and NH3, emitted into the atmosphere from energy and other inustrial sectors as well as transport and agriculture. Continues ambient air monitoring proved that the main depositions acidifying the environment come to Lithuania along with long-range transboundary pollution from Western Europe (A. Milukaite and others, 2001). SO2, NOx and NH3 emissions significantly decreased in EU countries in 1980-2001. Reduction of emissions is determined by ambient air monitoring data on analysis of SO2, NOx and NH3 depositions from atmosphere and change of forest soil reaction. Change of forest soil reaction and influencing factors demonstrate a problem of acidification of cultivated land. Acidification of agricultural land is caused not only by acid precipitation but also by use of nitrogenous fertilizers, intensive farming, type of cultivated plants. The acidification process develops quickly, thus, in order to preserve existing fertility, liming of soil is needed. Volume of Lithuanian soil liming in 1949-2001 shows that since 1997 liming of Lithuanian soil was very poor. References: Consultation paper on the future EU Soil Strategy. Drafted by the European Commission, 2001. www.iclei.org/europe/soil/ European soil monitoring and assessment framework. EIONET workshop proceedings. EEA,2001. http://themes.eea.eu.int/Specific_media/soil/reports A.Milukaite, A.Mikelinskiene and B.Giedraitis. Characteristics of SO2, NO2, Soot and Benzo(a)pyrene concentration variation on the Eastern Coast of the Baltic Sea. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 130, pg. 1553-1558, 2001 ACIDIFICATION OF MEADOW AND FOREST SOILS Driving forces V7.1. SO2, NOx and NH3 emissions in EU countries State of Environment 2001 Acidifying gas emission into the environment in EU countries in 1980-1998 1600 350 1400 300 SO2 1200 250 1000 200 800 150 600 100 400 50 200 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 0 1982 0 NH3 acid-base equivalent of NOx, NH3 emissions, thousand tons NO2 1980 acid-base equivalent of SO2, SO2+NOx+NH3 emissions, thousand tons SO2+NOx+NH3 DATA SOURCE: Indicator Fact Sheet Signals 2001 – Chapter Air Pollution, EEA. One of the main reasons causing soil acidification is SO2, NOx and NH3 emissions into the atmosphere. These substances, when emitted into the atmosphere, participate in formation of acid compounds that return together with precipitation. These pollutants have different potential of acidity. Their input into acidifying the environment may be assessed with a helo of a relative indicator acid equivalent of emission that is calculated by multiplying individual pollutant emission (Em, Gg) from weight coefficient w the size of which depends on acid-base potential (Emissions of acidifying substances, EEA). Thus, acid-base equivalent of the total emission is equal: In 1998 in EU countries a total acid-base equivalent of emissions comprised 36 percent of SO2, 33% of NO2, and 33% of NH3 emissions. The largest pollutants were energy sector (29%), agriculture (29%), road transport (18%) and industry (13%). During 1980-1998 acidifying gas emissions significantly decreased. The decrease was mostly influenced by 70% reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions. Reduction of NO2 emissions during the same period was not significant and almost achieved the emission level of 1980. It is difficult to assess and control NH3 emissions from agriculture the main pollution source. Possibly, that is why NH3 emissions remained stable during the period of 1980-1998. w(SO2)*Em(SO2) + w(NOx)*Em(NOx) + w(NH3)*Em(NH3), whereas w(SO2) = 2/64 acid-base equiv./g = 31.25 acidbase equiv./kg w(NOx) = 1/46 acid-base equiv./g = 21.74 acidbase equiv./kg w(NH3) = 1/17 acid-base equiv./g = 58.82 acidbase equiv./kg 67 Fig. V7.1.1 SO2 emission in EU countries in 1980-1998 other 30000 transport emission, thousand tons industry energy production 20000 15000 10000 5000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 0 years DATA SOURCE: Indicator Fact Sheet Signals 2001 – Chapter Air Pollution, EEA In 1980-1998 SO2 emission in EU countries decreased by more than 70%, and in 19901998 – more than 50%. Such substantial decrease was mostly influenced by substitution of solid and liqued fuel for gas in energy and other industrial sectors, introduction of new technological decisions in energy production and consumption of coal and fuel oil containing less sulphur. In 1980-1998 SO2 emission in energy production sector decreased by 49%, other industrial sectors - 53%. Anthropogenic SO2 emission is caused by combustion of fuel that contains sulphur. In 1998 the main emission sources were the following: energy production (65%), industry (22%), heating in commercial and private sectors (7%) and transport (5%). Fig. V7.1.2 NOx emission in EU15 countries in 1980-1998 other 14000 transp ort 12000 emission, thousand tons industry energy production 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 0 1980 State of Environment 2001 25000 years DATA SOURCE: Indicator Fact Sheet Signals 2001 – Chapter Air Pollution, EEA. 68 The main source of pollution of nitrogen oxide is road transport (see Fig. V7.1.2). In 1998 nitrogen oxide emission from road transport in EU15 countries achieved 47%, from energy sector - 18%, and industry - 12%. NOx emission from road transport in 1980-1990 inceased by 20%, later started declining and in 1998 reached the level of 1980. Emission reduction was determined by a compulsory installation of exhausted gas catalyst in vehicles (Directive J 91/441/EEC) and introduction of emission standards for heavy transport (Directive 91/542/EEA) and motor cars (Dirctive 94/12/EC). Without these measures, in 1998 emissions of nitrogen oxides from transport would have increased by 50%. In 1999 when the implementation of measures foreseen in the Transport and Fuel Program of European Commission started, NOx emissions were expected to decrease by 6-10% already in 2000. Meanwhile, significant decrease is expected only in 2005. After electrical power plants changed fuel and technologies acidifying gas emissions decreased by 32% in 1980-1998 in EU countries. References: Emissions of acidifying substances, EEA, 2001. http://themes.eea.eu.int/Specific_media/air/indicators/acidification/index_html Pressure on environment A7.1. SO2, NOx and NH3 depositions from the atmosphere Change of atmospheric sulpher and nitrogen depositions in Lithuania. 1600 1400 mgS(N)/m2 met 1200 1000 SO4-S 800 NO3-N 600 NH4-N 400 200 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center data base “EcoData”. Seeking to assess atmospheric depositions of pollutants in Lithuania, atmosphere precipitation and air samples were taken in areas that are least affected by anthropogenic pollution sources. For this purpose atmosphere background monitoring stations were installed in Aukðtaitija (LT01), Dzûkija (LT02) and Þemaitija (LT03) national parks. Annual sulphur and nitrogen depositions in the atmosphere are assessed by summing up wet and dry depositions. 69 State of Environment 2001 State of Environment 2001 Sulpher and nitrogen are considered as the main pollutants in the atmosphere for the last few decades (Erikson E., 1952), and their depositions have direct or indirect impact on natural chemical processes and related live cycles of surface and ground water, soil and forest ecosystems. Return rate of pollutants from the atmosphere is mostly influenced by physical and chemical characteristics as well as meteorological factors. Gaseous sulphur and nitrogen compounds (SO2, NOx, NH3) emitted into the atmosphere, stay there for a couple of days before they are transported hundreds of kilometers from their source of emission, and usually in the form of aerosolic particulates transform to sulphates, nitrates and ammonium. Precipitation eliminates sulphur, nitrogen gasous and aerosolic chemical compounds from the atmosphere that are soluble in water. Size of their depositions depends on the amount of precipitation and factors that determine concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere and precipitation. Dry depositions of pollutants are calculated basing on measured concentration of pollutants in precipitation as well as the amount of precipitation. Pollutants from the atmosphere reach surface of the earth not only in form of precipitaion but also directly. Latter depositions are called dry depositions. Dry deposition of pollutants from the atmosphere is caused by it’s turbulancy, and it’s size is determined by physical-chemical and surface, where pollutants settle, characteristics. Analysing interaction factors between the main sulphur and nitrogen compounds and the surface, according to the adsorption features due to high chemical activity they are divided into groups such as HNO3, H2SO4, NH3 and SO2, and according to slow interraction with the surface such as NO, N2O and NO2. (Sehmel A. George., 1980). Dry depositions of pollutants are calculated measuring concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere samples and choosing dry pollutants sedimentation rate (Vd) that are used in modelling of pollutants dispersion in the atmosphere: HNO3 - 3 cm s-1, NH3 - 1.0 cm s-1, SO2 - 0.5 cm s-1, NO2 –0.1 cm s-1, and for aerosols NH4+, NO3as well as SO42- - 0.1 cm s-1 (Kasibhatla P.S., 1993). A7.1.1 pav. Sieros ir azoto vidutiniai srautai ið atmosferos mgS(N)/m2 year Aukðtaitija (LT01), Dzûkija (LT02) and Þemaitija (LT03) national parks LT01 1000 900 800 700 600 LT02 LT03 500 400 300 200 100 0 SO4 NO3 NH4 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center database “EcoData”. Annual values of atmospheric depositions in 1994-2000 presented in Fig. A7.1.1 show that the lowest depositions of sulphur and nitrogen compounds are in Aukðtaitija. Higher concentrations of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in Dzûkija and Þemaitija determined higher sulphur and nitrates dry depositions, which amount to 30 % of the total amount deposition of these pollutants. Due to higher concentrations of NH3 in the air from local pollu- 70 tion sources, higher ammonia nitrogen depositions were observed in Dzûkija and, in particularly, in Þemaitija. NH3 neutralizes acid in the atmosphere but, due to possible nitrification processes, it can transform into acidifying compound in the soil (Derwent R.G., 1989). It happens when the amount of nitrogen in soil is higher than its biological consumption, thus, under the influence of O 3 and miocroorganisms, during chemical reaction NH4+ turns into nitric acid. Fig. A7.1.2 Change of sulphur and nitrogen depositions from the atmosphere in Aukðtaitija SO4-S NO3-N 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 NH4-N 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center database “EcoData”. Fig. A7.1.2, A7.1.3 and A7.1.4 present change of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric depositions in three Lithuanian regions. Analysis of annual change of sulphur depositions shows noticeable reduction: in 2000 in Aukðtaitija it was 73 % lower compared with 1994, in Þemaitija 61 % compared with 1996, and Dzûkija 42 %. Ammonia nitrogen deposition during this period in all three regions decreased by 50%. Compared with start of presented period, reduction tendency (about 14 %) of nitric acid deposition is observed in Aukðtaitija and Þemaitija. However, there are no significant changes in the annual change in Dzûkija. Extent of ecosystems destruction is influenced not only by the amount of pollutants entering ecosystems but also sensitivity of ecosystems to pollutants (Kuylenstierna J.C.I., 2001, Granat L., 2001). Thus, assessing pollutants impact on forests, water ecosystems and soil in each region, it is necessary to take into account their chemical and physical characteristics. Due to decreasing anthropogenic pollution of SO2 in Europe, sulphur depositions into ecosystems are reducing significantly in Lithuania (Sopauskiene D., 2001). Fig. A7.1.3 Annual sulphur and nitrogen depositions from the atmosphere in Dzûkija Dzûkija, LT 02 SO4-S 1400 NO3-N mgS(N)/m2 year 1200 NH4-N 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research Center database “EcoData”. With the decreasing gaseous SO2, and decreasing concentrations of aerosolic SO42- in Lithuania, concentration of aerosolic NH4+, connected with SO42-, also reduces in air. It decreases atmospheric depositions of ammonia nitrogen into ecosystems in Lithuania. However, their reduction rate is slower than of sulphate sulphur. Approximately 50% of ammonia nitrogen in the total atmospheric deposition falls to dry depositions share the size of which is determined by ammonia concentration in air mostly caused by local sources. Slight changes of nitric acid atmospheric depositions into ecosystems are observed. 71 State of Environment 2001 mgS(N)/m2 year Aukštaitija, LT 01 A7.1.4 pav. Sieros ir azoto metiniø srautø ið atmosferos kaita Þemaitijoje emaitija, LT03 SO4-S 2500 State of Environment 2001 mgS(N)/m2 year NO3-N 2000 NH4-N 1500 1000 500 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: Joint Research Center data base “EcoData”. J Situation improves due to significant decrease of atmospheric depositions of potential ecosystem acidifiers, namely, sulphur and ammonia nitrogen. Literatûra: Derwent R.G., Hov O., Asman W.A.H., Jaarsveld J.A. and De Leeuw F.A. (1989) An intercomparison of long-term atmospheric transport models; The budgets of acidifying species for the Netherlands. Atmos. Environ., 9, 18931909. Erikson E. (1952 ) Composition of atmospheric precipitation. Tellus 4, 280303. Granat L., Das S.N., Tharkur R. S. and Rodhe H. (2001) Atmospheric deposition in a rural area in India net and potential acidity. Water, Air, and soil pollution, 130, 469474. Kasibhatla P.S., Levy II. H., Moxim W.J. and Chameides W.L. (1993) Global NOx, HNO3, PAN and 72 NOy distributions from fossil-fuel combustion emissions: A model study. J.Geophys.Res. 98, 71657180. Kuylenstierna J.C.I., Rodhe H., Cinderby S. and Hicks K. (2001) Acidification in developing countries: Ecosystem sensitivity and the critical load approach on a global scale. Ambio, 1, 2028. Sehmel A. George. (1980) Particle and gas dry deposition: A Review. Atmos.Environ., 14, 9831011. Ðopauskienë D., Jasinevièienë D. and Stapèinskaitë S. (2001) The effect of changes in European anthropogenic emissions on the concentrations of sulphur and nitrogen components in air and precipitation in Lithuania. Water, Air, and soil pollution, 130, 517522. State B7.1. Change of forest soil reaction 7,0 pHCaCl2 1992 m. 6,5 1998 m. State of Environment 2001 Change of pHCaCl2 in different types of forest soil. Change of soil reaction in spruce and fir-tree forest stands. 6,0 5,5 5,0 4,5 4,0 O (forest litter) 0-5 cm 10-20 cm 5-10 cm Depth DATA SOURCE: Forest soil database of the Lithuanian Forest Institute. Acid precipitations may cause negative changes of physical and chemical characteristics of forest soil: soil acidity, leakage of nutrients and pollution with heavy metals (Matzner and Murach, 1996; Vanmechelen et al., 1997). Change of forest soil reaction can reflect negative changes in the most obvious way. Different types of soil have different buffer (resistance) environment to impact from acidifying pollutants. According to buffer index, namely ratio of Ca2++Mg2+/Al3+ in Lithuanian forest monitoring (16x16 km, in total 67 plots of frequent monitoring), approximately 50% of investigated soil is sensitive to pollutants, and 3-6% of soil very sensitive. Comparing data from 1992 and 1998, it is possible to conclude that during the last 6 years acidification has covered 56% of all forest litters. Mean- while, reaction of the rest part (8%) remained the same and even became alkaline (36%). Opposite tendency is observed in the upper mineral and peat soil layer which is 20 cm deep: alkalinity is defined in 69%, acidification in 28% and stable reaction in 3%. After more thorough analysis of data received from pine and fir forests has been carried out, it became obvious that, in principle, reaction of forest litters and mineral soil layer which is 20 cm deep has not changed during the last 6 years. This could have been influenced by decreased air pollution and rainy summer of 1998 (compared with 1992, precipitation in June-August of 1998 exceeded the level by 2-5 times). After decreased pollution and due to excess quantity of precipitation the upper forest soil layers could have become more alkaline as leakage of mobile sulphur appeared and basic cations together with ground water or capillaries migrated from deeper less acid or even alkaline layers. 73 Fig. B7.1.1 Change of mobile sulphur in forest soil mg kg -1 1992 100 1998 80 60 State of Environment 2001 40 20 0 Miðko paklotë Forest litter 0-20 cm Deep Gylis DATA SOURCE: Forest soil monitoring database of the Lithuanian Forest Institute. Fig. B7.1.2 Change of forest soil reaction from 1992 to 1998 0-20 cm Forest litter more alkaline more acid state reaction K Comparing data from 1992 and 1998, it is possible to conclude that forest soil reaction in Lithuania during 6 years remained the same, i.e. more acid rather than alkaline. References: Matzner, E. and D.Murach. Soil changes induced by air pollutant deposition and their implication for forests in Central Europe. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 1996, 85, pg. 63-76. 74 Vanmechelen L., Groenemans R., Van Ranst E. Forest Soil Condition in Europe (Results of a large-scale soil survey). 1997, FSCC. Pg. 261. B7.2. Change of meadow soil reaction and its influencing factors Change of soil reaction area (%) in humus layer in different types of soil in Lithuanian soil regions. Year of survey Investigated area, ha (in 60 objects) Total of relatively acid Soil reaction (pHKCl) ≤4,5 4,6-5,0 5,1-5,5 5,6-6,0 6,1-6,5 6,6 ir > pH≤5,5 ± 1993-1996 1998-2001 3249,3 0,3 3,5 12,5 30,5 32,2 21,0 16,3 3,5 9,6 18,5 21,8 20,8 25,8 31,6 +15,3 Middle Lithuania 1993-1996 1998-2001 4873,8 0,4 0,8 2,8 9,1 19,0 67,9 4,0 0,3 1,4 4,0 8,3 11,4 74,6 5,7 +1,7 East Lithuania 1993-1996 1998-2001 4071,1 0,2 3,4 9,9 27,4 34,5 24,6 13,5 1,7 7,2 13,3 23,6 22,6 31,6 22,2 +8,7 Lithuania 1993-1996 1998-2001 12194,2 0,3 2,4 7,8 20,9 27,7 40,9 10,5 1,6 5,5 11,0 17,0 17,7 47,2 18,1 +7,6 DATA SOURCE: Monitoring of soil features and analysis of pollution in the main types of Lithuanian soil, LÞI, 2001. Assessing features of soil in used land areas as well as relevant changes, it is necessary to take into accound different farming conditions in Lithuania before and after independence. Period before independence was different due to very intensive liming of soil, extensive use of pesiticides, mineral and organic fertilizers. Liming activities have stopped after the middle of ninth decade, meanwhile, liming was carried out in 160-200 thousand ha of acid soil a year since 1965 till 1990. Before intensive liming took place, there were 40,7% of relatively acid soil (pH 5,5 and less) in the country, out of which up to 5,0 pH - 27,7%. Due to intensive liming the area decreased down to 18,7% out of which up to 5,0 pH 8,5%. (Dirvoþemio rûgðtumas ir kalkinimas/ Þemdirbystë. LÞI-LÞÛU mokslo darbai, -T.71 Akademija, 2000, p.3-20, Soil acidity and liming/ Agriculture. LÞI-LÞÛU scientific studies, -V.71, Academia, 2000, pg. 3-20). Reduced scope of liming and use of pesticides, mineral fertilizers had rather significant impact on change of agrochemical features of Lithuanian soil in used land areas and contamination level. Completed comparative investigations concluded that in 1995-1999 without repeatedly liming of soil in more than 186 thousand ha area of the farmers and collective farms in 13 administrative regions of the country and approximately 200 ha area in 60 monitoring sites (1993-2001), acidification of soil was noticeable. It means soil slowly returns to its previous condition. Strongest acidification was observed in Western Lithuania where soil has deeper carbonate layer and subsoil is acid due to podzolic veins that stretch into the depth. In particular, acidification is noticed in the areas where soil of very acid or in average acid reaction prevailed before intensive liming. Transfer of chemical compounds and fallouts from air, activity of soil microorganisms, gas circulation in roots of vegetation, physiologically acid fertilizers, and others add to soil acidification. For example, nitrogenous fertilizers also acidify soil. 75 State of Environment 2001 West Lithuania Fig. B7.2.1 Impact from nitrogenous fertilizers to soil acidification (1993) N P K 200 7,0 180 6,5 140 6,0 120 100 5,5 80 5,0 60 40 pH (0-10 cm) average annual norms kg/ha 4,5 20 Fertilisation options P90K90 P180K90 P90K0 P0K90 P0K180 P180K30 P180K180 P30K30 N100 P180K180 P30K180 P150K150 P90K90 N20-80 P120K120 P60K60 P30K30 P0K90 P180K180 N0 P0K180 P90K0 4,0 P90K90 0 Netrêta State of Environment 2001 160 N120 DATA SOURCE: J.Maþvila. Agrochemical features and their change in Lithuanian soil. Kaunas, 1998. Long-term fertilization test was established in 1971 in Skëmiai, Radviliðkis region where daugiamete grass was cultivated from 1989 till 1993. Grass was fertilized by nitrogenous fertilizers up to 120kg/ha annually. In some cases during those 4 years soil layer of 0-10 cm became more acid (Fig. B7.2.1). Fertilizers have rather significant impact on two most important guards of harvest, namely, calcium and magnesium as well as stronger leakage of sulphur being important nutrition element for vegetation. K Due to discontinuation of soil liming, transport of chemical compounds and fallouts from air, use of physiologically acid fertilizers and soil natural processes, acidification of Lithuanian soil increases. Fortunately, it has not yet reached critical limits. References: Dirvoþemio rûgðtumas ir kalkinimas/ Þemdirbystë. LÞI-LÞÛU scientific studies, -V.71 Akademija, 2000, pg.3-20. 76 Measures to improve the state G7.1. Lithuanian soil liming Extent of Lithuanian soil liming in the period of 1949-2001. 200 160 thousand ha 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 1998-2001 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1981-1990 1976-1980 1961-1975 1949-1961 0 DATA SOURCE: Soil acidity and liming/ Agriculture. LÞI-LÞÛU scientific studies, -V.71 Akademija, 2000. Intensive liming in the country started in 1961. During the last thirty years (1961-1990) liming was carried out 4-5 times in the most of acid soil in Lithuania. Since 1976 use of dust limestone powder, good quality liming materials from Akmenë started. In 1961-1980 liming was performed in about 2,3 million ha of used land acid reaction soil. Liming of 160 thousand ha annually was carried out in 1976-1980 and 200 thousand ha annually in 19811990. However, today such work is practically not performed. Acidification of originally acid soil with no liming activities rapidly increases. Physical-agrochemi- cal features and structure of soil degenerate, activity of microorganisms slows down, mineral fertilizers provide lower effect, quantity of mobile aluminium and acid pollutants increase. Their leakage into subsoil becomes more intensive, radionuclides and heavy metals easier reach vegetation, ecosystems are affected and their resistance to anthropogenic factors declines. Liming not only reduces actual, exchange and potential acidity of soil, improves agrophysical, microbiological characteristics, structure and sorption volume but also neutralizes and immobilizes pollutants, thus makes positive environmental effect. L According to monitoring and other research data, after discontinued regular liming, slow recovery of acidified soil reaction has started. Even if soil acidification is rather slow on the country scale, this process is incomparably faster in soil where liming was carried out earlier. Therefore, in order to keep soil fertility it is necessary to initiate liming. 77 State of Environment 2001 180 MANAGEMENT OF OBSOLETE PESTICIDES Pressure on environment A8.1. Number of pesticide storage facilities State of Environment 2001 Potential sources of pollution with pesticides – pesticide storage facilities, sites after pesticide fires and underground disposal of pesticides, 2001. Pesticide storage sites Inventory status completed uncompleted DATA SOURCE: Database of potential pollution sources of geological environment, LGS, 2001. In soviet times all collective farms had pesticide storage facilities the number of which in Lithuania exceeded 1200. Supply of pesticides did not correspond to the actual need, thus, in a short period of time large quantities of unused pesticides accumulated in storage facilities. After some time rather large part of pesticides became unsuitable for use: outdated pesticides were included into a list of prohibited chemical substances, no information about the content was left on their packages, etc. After collective farms collapsed, most of pesticide storage facilities were left without any control and became potential pollution sources. Due to improper storage conditions and storage order of hazardous chemical substances, they posed a risk to environment. In 1995 the Ministry of Environment initated an inventory of former pesticide storage facilities. Until 2002 the full inventory of potential pollution sources was carried out only in Birþai, Ignalina, Pasvalys, Pakruojis and Zarasai regions. After completion of the inventory in other regions, a number of such sites will certainly increase. Therefore, distribution of pesticide storage facilities on the map reflects only the state of information rather than existing situation. Basing on the inventory data of 1997, Lithuanian Geological Survey (LGS) prepared a database (DB) of potential environment pollution sources which is being constantly updated. At present the DB contains information about 954 pesticide storage sites pesticide storage facilities, sites after pesticide fires and underground pesticide disposal sites. However, situation in 2000-2001 is reflected only by the inventory data from five regions mentioned above. The inventory of 172 pesticide storage sites was carried out in these regions. 37 of these sites were identified as posing threat to environment. Detailed hydrogeological investigations were carried out only once in the surroundings of 4 former storage facilities. Systematic investigations of contaminated sites are carried out in Zigmantiðkës underground pesticide disposal sites and in territories and surroundings of burnt underground pesticide disposal sites. Since 1994 15 pesticide storage sites after fires, territories of 2 pesticide storage facilities and Zigmantiðkës underground pesticide disposal site were included into a monitoring programme of pesticide residues carried out by the Joint Research Center (JRC). L At present the database of potential pollution sources contains information on 172 investigated pesticide storage sites out of existing 954. That makes 18%. It is necessary to 78 carry out systematic inventory of pesticide storage facilities and underground disposal sites in the whole country. State B8.1. Level of pollution with pesticides in investigated sites State of Environment 2001 Pollution extent in pesticide storage facilities after fires and underground pesticide disposal sites, 2001. Pollution with pesticides Polluted Non-polluted No research G ground in the vicinity of storage facility, D soil outside of the vicinity of storage facility, GV ground water, PV surface water DATA SOURCE: Pesticide residues monitoring data, JRC, 2001. In 2001 objects where neighbouring territories are not protected from pollution of both ground and surface water with pesticides were included into the investigation programme of sites polluted with pesticides carried out by the JRC. Among these territories there are 15 fully or partly burnt pesticide storage facilities and Zigmantiðkës underground pesticide disposal site. Kazlø Rûda ir Vieðvilë pesticide storage facilities are two exemptions where large quantities of outdated pesticides are stored. Following samples were taken from investigated sites: · ground in the vicinity of storage facilities, · soil (up to 20 cm deep) samples within the radius of 200-300 metres outside of the vicinity of storage sites (background), · ground (wells) and surface (streamlets, ponds, land reclamation canals) water sources that reached the investigation zone. From 43 pesticides investigated in samples, the following have been found: · chloride organic (ChOP) DDT and its metabolites (DDE, DDD), hexachlorcyclohexane (HCH) a-, b-, g- and d-isomers, hexachlorbenzene (HCB), quintozene, endosulphane, triazine (TP) atrazine, simazine, propazine, prometrine, sebuthylazine-desethyl, terbutilazine, · phosphorus organic (FOP) carbophos, parathyon-ethyle and -methyle, diazinone, phenyltrotione, · other trialate, propiconazole. Investigation data showed that soil is contamined with pesticide residues in all sites except of Zigmantiðkës underground pesticide disposal site. Sandy soil prevails in Zigmantiðkës site, thus, leakage of pesticides to deeper layers occures and they have already reached ground water. In all sites except of Purviniai not only territories of former storage facilities are polluted but also the surrounding land. Usually these are agricultural fields, uncultivated land or meadows used for pasturage. The higest pollution concentration is in the areas where pesticides have reached ground and surface water. It should be noted that water is analysed only when water sources are in the vicinity of investigation zone, thus, it was possible to analyse pollution of ground water with pesticides only in 6 and pollution of surface water in 9 places out of 79 18. · Table B8.1.1 Contamination of pesticide storage sites after fires and undergound pesiticide disposal sites, 2001 Maximum concentrations of pesticides State of Environment 2001 Location mg/kg Ground in the vicinity of the site µg/l Soil outside of vicinity of the site Ground water* Surface water** ChO T FO Kt. ChO T FO Kt. ChO T Kt. ChO T Zigmantiðk 0 0 0 7.5 0 ës Purviniai ~0 0 0 0 Ramutiðkës 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.3 0.4 <0.1 0 Kazlø 0.1 0.2 0 0 0.3 0.5 0 ~0 2.9 2.5 Rûda Utena 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 Vainutas 2.7 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.2 0.2 6.3 57.4 0.02 554 Gudkaimis 0.4 2.9 <0.1 0.2 0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.04 85 Bauðiðkës 4.1 0.2 <0.1 0.3 <0.1 <0.1 0 0.1 0 6 0 1.4 0 S.Impiltis 17.0 0.4 <0.1 2.7 1.4 0.2 0 <0.1 4.5 0 0.01 Sakalinë 0.6 24.7 0 ~0.1 0.4 <0.1 0 0 Saugonys 16.9 28.6 0.2 0 4.4 0.8 <0.1 0 Vieðvilë 144 22.4 1.2 0.7 0.3 0.1 0 0 Lenkimai 57 1.6 0 ~0.1 4.2 0.3 0.1 1.3 0.07 1.8 249 Vaiðvydava 1.9 139 0 0 1.0 0.4 0 ~0 0.03 0.3 0 0.01 0 Verðiai 154 66 3.1 0 3.3 0.4 ~0 0 0 0 Audronys 3.9 260 0 <0.1 0.9 3.6 ~0 0 Spadvilið339 11.6 <0.1 0 1.7 0.1 0 0 kis Ðiaudinið1798 185 20.7 ~0 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.6 0 0 kiai Pesticide chemical class:ChO chloride organic, T triazine, FO phosphorus organic, Kt. azoles, thiocarbamates *MAC of pesticides in drinking watere - 0.1 µg/l (Directive 80/778/EEA) for a single pesticide, 0.5 µg/l for total amount **MAC of pesticides in surface water determined not for all identified pesiticides The MAC for most of pesticides identified in soil and ground samples is determined by translocation feature, i.e. limiting concentration for pesticides to start accumulating in plants used for food. Such standard is important only to evaluate pollution level of soil in the vicinity of pesticide storage facilities. According to translocation feature, Purviniai site is not polluted, in Bauðiðkiai site pollution level is low, Gudkaimis site is polluted, and surroundings of other pesticide storage facilities are highly polluted. Pollution with pesticides in the vicinity of storage facilities poses high risk due to possibilities for pesticides to reach neighbouring territories and, in particular, ground and surface water. This possibil- 80 Kt. 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 ity is determined by their chemical and physical characteristics, such as fragmentation semi-period, solubility in water and adsorbtion in soil as well as external factors such as type of soil, precipitation intensity, relief of an area, ground water depth, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to identify direct link between pesticide concentrations in ground and spreading scale of pollutants. According to available data, there is no possibility to determine limiting value where pesticides could penetrate into groundwater or disperse outside the vicinity of the storage site area by rain streamlets. Nevertheless, there is a possibility to foresee general scenario for pesticides behavior in soil which is characteristic to one or another chemical class of pesticides. State of Environment 2001 Triazines are very soluble in water and have weak adsorption in soil. Thus, contamination with these pesticides is observed in the sites where soil is sandy, ground water layers are not deep and pollutants will inevitably reach ground water as they are absolutely not decomposed. In clay soil rather large part of pesticides will leak together with water into lower sites of the area. The dense structure soil layer will slow down penetration of pollutants into deeper layers. However, this natural barrier may be insufficient to protect ground water from contamination as full process of triazine decomposition can continue up to 10 years. It is necessary to emphasize that during fragmentation TP decompose to metabolites which are very dangerous and persistent. Decomposition semi-period of chlororganic pesticides in soil continues from few months to several years. They are nearly insoluble and have strong adsorption in soil. These characteristics demonstrate that residues of these pollutants will remain for few more decades in soil polluted with ChO pesticides, if no sanation measures are taken. During the whole period pesticides will slowly leak to deeper soil layers and nearby territories. According to decomposition semi-period, solubility in water and adsorption in soi, phosphororganic pesticides are listed among ChO and triazine pesticides L Pollutants from pesticide storage sites after fires and investigated storage sites that are in use migrate to neighboring areas, ground and surface water. 81 Measures to improve the state G8.1. Amounts of utilised pesticides Use of obsolete pesticides in 1997-2000 (t/year). 239 1997 1998 1999 2000 counties 15 26 41 60 33 84 53 38 22 41 53 26 5 4 24 17 0 Telðiø 28 52 Tauragës 0 26 6 68 Utenos 15 57 Ðiauliø 22 42 Klaipëdos 19 4 Kauno 39 22 46 104 80 Marijampolës 86 68 Vilniaus 49 127 Alytaus 135 Panevëþio State of Environment 2001 tons DATA SOURCE: A publication of the Ministry of Environment “Environment‘2000”. In 2000 189 tons of obsolete pesticides were used, in 1999 292 tons, 1998 - 665 tons, 1997 730 tons. The largest quantities of pesticides were used in Kaunas (397 t) and Panevëþys (339 t) county regions, the smallest in Telðiai (45 t) and Klaipëda (83 t) county regions in the last four years. In the beginning of 2001 502 tons of not prohibited and usable pesticides, 214 tons of prohibited and 1 347 tons of unknown obsolete pesticides, in total 2 063 tons (Fig. 6) were left in 185 storage facilities. Most of them are stored in Marijampolë (386 t) and Klaipëda (302 t) counties, the smallest part in Telðiai (17 t) and Kaunas (72 t) counties. Most of them (75%) are unknown and prohibited in agriculture chemical substances. Quite many of them are stored in falling facilities, thus posing threat to environment and human health. Due to improper storage conditions mixed and unknown chemical substances may be a reason of environmental pollution and fires, pose very big threat. About 920 tons of pesticides require proper handling (repackaging, sorting, transportation to central storage facilities), about 800 tons of unknown chemical substances (about 35 % of unknown pesticides will be identified in the second stage, to the extent needed, in order to safely utilise in special waste utilisation facility) require identification, 185 storage facilities have to be cleaned up and decontaminated. Outdated and prohibited pesticides have to be utilised as well. Utilisation will be carried out together with other hazardous waste after the appropriate capacity for hazardous waste incineration and other type of utilisation (hazardous waste landfills) is in place. J Situation improves. It will be possible to reduce the amounts of outdated and prohibited pesticides after capacities for utilisation of hazardous wastes are in place. 82 G8.2. Financing of management of pesticide storage facilities Municipal financing allocated for management of pesticide storage facilities in 19972000 (Lt/year). 206 1997 1998 1999 2000 thousand Lt 114 1029 3 3 15 0 5 5 3 0 DATA SOURCE: A publication of the Ministry of Environment “Environment‘2000”. In 1995 the implementation of obsolete pesticides management program started. About 4,5 thousand tons of obsolete chemicals used in agriculture were stored in 950 storage facilities. In 1995 - 1999 3280 tons of obsolete pesticides were repacked, weighted, transported to central storage facilities and sorted in 28 regions (approximate expenditure of 900 Lt per 1 ton). 618 tons of unknown pesticides (identification of 1 ton cost 3400 Lt) were identified using laboratories in 1996 1999 in 18 regions. An amount of approximately 6 million litas was allocated for pesticides management from the state budget in the last five years. In 2000 municipal allocations for installation of storage facilities, management and maintenance of those facilities amounted to 205 thousand Lt. In 1997-1999 municipal financing for management and protection of storage facilities was 487 thousand Lt, 569 thousand Lt and 262 thousand Lt accordingly. Financing of management of pesticide storage facilities differ significantly from county to county. In 1997-2000 the largest allocations were made by Panevëþys county, the smallest by Telðiai and Tauragë counties. Different financing level in counties is determined by diverse pesticide management problems inherited from old times different quantities of obsolete pesticides, number of storage facilities and their condition, as well as different financial possibilities of individual municipality. J Situation improves. A number of pesticide storage facilities have to be reduced leaving up to one or two properly installed storage facilities. This would ensure their maintenance and protection and reduce expenditures needed to maintain the facilities. 83 State of Environment 2001 37 Telðiø 9 0 11 Tauragës 55 65 Utenos 15 48 44 44 Marijampolës 49 45 47 Alytaus Kauno Vilniaus countie s 58 33 15 21 5 0 99 62 Panevëþio 52 8 11 Klaipëdos 64 44 80 Ðiauliø 110 State of Environment 2001 Waste management One of the most difficult environmental tasks is to rationally manage wastes that generate in production and consumption processes. According to statistical data, generation of waste in the Free Market Zone of Europe increased by approximately 10% in 1990-1995 (Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999). Due to lack of reliable statistical data on generation of waste and variety of statistical methods used, it is difficult to forecast future trend of waste generation. However, it is rather likely, that amounts of generated waste will increase. According to OECD data, the main waste flows comprise recycled industrial waste (26%) and construction, demolition waste (25%). 18% are mining and 15% - household waste (Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999). The main EU waste management requirements are adopted in the light of Waste Management Strategy (1989). They aim at minimisation of specific waste generation, improvement of production and waste management technologies as well as regulation of transportation, import and export http:// europa.eu.int/comm/environment/enlarg/handbook/ waste.pdf. The Basel Convention controls transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal. The Convention was ratified by Lithuania in 1998. There are three main principles of the Convention, namely, to reduce transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, to treat and dispose hazardous wastes as close as possible to their source of generation, and to minimise hazardous wastes generation http://www.unep.ch/basel/about.html# basic. Waste management in Lithuania is one of priorities of the Environmental Protection Strategy (Lietuvos Aplinkos apsaugos strategija, 1996 (Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy, 1996)). The main tasks are to establish a rational waste management system, and reduce the amounts of hazardous and municipal waste and their impact on environment. Special attention is given to obsolete pesticides management (more detailed description is given in the Chapter on Condition of Soil). In 1999 the Government of Lithuania approved the National Waste Management Strategy and action plan where highest priorities were given to the principles of waste prevention, utilisation and safe disposal. The document is in compliance with the requirements of EU directives and the Basel Convention. 84 In the National Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan main emphasis is given to the development of infrastructure for household waste collection, minimisation of number of landfills, reduction of biodegradable waste amounts disposed in landfills, development of recycling of secondary raw materials, in particular, packaging waste. Lithuania has committed itself to have municipal waste collection services provided to not less than 90% inhabitants until 2005 and reduce the number of operating landfills to 30 until 2012, increase recycling from up to 9-12% of secondary raw materials from total amount of municipal waste until 2012, to reduce amount of biodegradable wastes in landfills by 75% until 2012 comparing with 1993 level. The above listed tasks have to be reviewed in accordance with the agreements made during the negotiation process with the EU and results achieved so far in waste management. A problem of collection of reliable data about waste quantities is rather significant in Lithuania. Due to newly introduced waste classification, treatment and accounting methods, it is difficult to compare data from different years. This Chapter provides the tendency of hazardous waste accumulation and municipal waste collection in the last decade. Partly, it reflects general tendency of pressure on environment. However, most likely, the change of municipal waste indicator does not relfect real situation and it is effected by a new data collection oder. Recycling of secondary waste shows efforts made in reducing the amounts of accumulating wastes with part of them being returned to a cycle of materials flow. References: Basic description of the Basel Convention http:// www.unep.ch/basel/about.html#basic Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999, Copenhagen, pg. 446. Handbook for Implementation of EU Environmental Legislation http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/ enlarg/handbook/waste.pdf Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija. Veiksmø programa, 1996, Vilnius, pg. 42. WASTE MANAGEMENT Pressure on environment A9.1. Collection of municipal wastes State of Environment 2001 Collection of municipal wastes, i.e. household and commercial, industrial, from institutions and other type of origin, that are similar to household waste by their type and composition in 19922001. 2000 1800 1600 thousand tons 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Contaminated Sites and Waste Division, Ministry of Environment. Data quality is insufficient due to small part that is weighted (in Kariotiðkës and Lapës landfills), and in other places only recalculated from m3 into tons. Reducing amount of municipal wastes is explained by newly introduced weighting of waste in the largest landfills and improved evaluation quality when recalculating accumulated volume of waste into mass. According to assessments of experts, the amount of accumulated municipal wastes should be even lower and reach about 750 thousand tons. It was assessed that about 300 kg of municipal wastes for one inhabitant per year are generated in large cities, about 220 kg in smaller towns (regional centers), and about 70 kg in settlements and countryside. Table A9.1.1 Amount of mixe municipal wastes for one inhabitant, 2000 m. Area Amount, Inhabitants, kg/inhabitant thousand t. thousands Vilnius city Kaunas city Klaipëda city Ðiauliai city Panevëþys city Marijampolë city Alytus city Total in large cities Total in Lithuania 201,085 112,569 106,603 50,987 50,000 23,582 14,179 559,006 1,084 578 413 203 147 134 52 78 1,603 3,650 347,9 272,8 526,4 347,8 374,0 453,5 183,0 348,7 297,5 DATA SOURCE: Status review of waste management, 2001, task force UAB „Ekobaltas“ and others. 85 Table A9.1.2 Comparative generation of waste per capita in European countries Location Household wastes, kg/year 240 188 130 State of Environment 2001 Riga, Latvia Tallinn, Estonia Tartu, Estonia Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Germany Average in Europe Municipal waste, kg/year 312 401 398 359-409 399 DATA SOURCE: Baltic State of Environment Report, Riga 2000. ? Reduced amounts of collected municipal waste can be explained by new collection order introduced since 2000 and more precise data currently available. However, it does not mean that smaller amounts of municipal waste accumulate in Lithuania A9.2. Generation of hazardous waste Amounts of hazardous waste generated in 1992-2001. 250 thousand tons 200 150 100 50 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Contaminated Sites and Waste Division, Ministry of Environment. It is foreseen to implement hazardous waste collection, transportation and processing system combining regional hazardous waste storage sites, waste incineration facilities, their physical and chemical treatment and disposal company. In 2001 a regional hazardous waste storage site was constructed in Ðiauliai, and it is foreseen to finish construction of such storage sites in Alytus and Klaipëda in 2002 and in Vilnius in 2003. In 2001 according to the industrial origin, most of hazardous waste generated in coke and oil refineries (44 %), 26 % - in transport and storage and 20 % - in construction. In 2001 according to waste accounting data, 89 thousand tons of hazardous waste were handled. In December 21, 2001 an amount of 118 thousand tons of hazardous waste were untreated. Compared with the same date of 2000, the stored amount of these waste increased up to 22 thousand tons. J During the last decade generation of hazardous wastes decreased in Lithuania. 86 Measures to improve the state G9.1. Recycling of secondary raw materials Amounts of recycled secondary raw materials in 1998-2001. thousand tons 14 14 120 48 11 11 45 41 plastic glass paper 49 80 40 80 64 41 36 0 1998 1998 m. 1999 1999 m. 2000 2000 m. 2001 2001m. DATA SOURCE: Contaminated Sites and Waste Division, Ministry of Environment. Paper and cardboard waste recycling capacities are present but so is a problem of waste paper. In Lithuania less than 40 thousand tons of waste paper is collected, the rest part is imported. Waste paper collection (purchase), sorting and packaging companies are not satisfied with the price set up for waste paper purchase. Glass recycling capacities are not sufficient along with an existing problem of glass sorting and preparation (washing) before recyling. Glass collection companies are not satisfied with the price proposed by factories for glass purchase. In Lithuania more than 50 thousand tons of plastic waste are generated annually, however, only polyethylene waste are collected up to 2,5 thousand tons per year. PET bottles are scarcely collected. Recycling capacities of most common secondary raw materials (paper, glass and some sorts of plastic waste) are not fully used in Lithuania. Waste companies are not able to provide sufficient amounts of secondary raw materials or supply quality is not in compliance with the requirements set up by waste recycling companies. Thus, cardboard, plastic wastes are imported, meanwhile, rather big share of potential secondary raw materials are disposed in Lithuanian landfills. Separation of secondary raw materials from municipal waste streams is carried out to the limited extend only in larger cities. Development of economic mechanism in Lithuania will ensure profitableness of collection and utilisation of secondary raw materials. The main principles of such mechanism are: · strengthening the liability of producers and availability of appropriate bussiness conditions; · various ecological product charges for collection of money to subsidise and provide loans to implement collection, sorting, processing for recycling of secondary raw materials recycling and encourage waste utilisation; · voluntary commitments of state and municipal institutions to purchase products produced from secondary raw materials. J In general, recycling of secondary raw materials increases. The increase is caused by recycled amounts of paper and cardboard, meanwhile, recycling volume of glass and plastics remains the same. 87 State of Environment 2001 160 State of Environment 2001 Radionuclide contamination There are two types of origin of ionising radiation sources in the environment natural and anthropogenic. At normal conditions the larger part of people effected by radiation and radiation state of the environment is caused by natural ionising radiation sources (cosmic radiation, cosmogenic and earth-crust radionuclides). Artificial radionuclides spread in the environment during experiments with nuclear weapon in 1951- 1962 and the accident in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 (Atlas of ceasium deposition on Europe after the Chernobyl accident, European Commission, Luxembourg, 1998, ; 2nd Baltic State of the Environmental Report based on environmental indicators, Baltic Environmental Forum, Ryga, 2000, P.98). Specific attention is given to nuclear and radiation safety in the EU and the rest of the world. At present there are two main objectives: to minimise probability of nuclear accident in nuclear power plants and to set up unified safety standards. A number of conventions have been signed by countries in order to define responsibilities in case of a nuclear accident, physical protection measures from nuclear substances, nuclear safety requirements and to agree on early notification in case of a nuclear accident. The most important is an International Nuclear Safety Convention (1996) that aims to ensure implementation of the highest level security measures in all nuclear power plants. In 2001 the Baltic Sea countries signed an agreement on exchange of radiation monitoring data. Prevention of risk from Ignalina NPP and reduction of radioactive pollution are among priority tasks in the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy (1996). Ignalina NPP is the main source of radioactive pollution. It has two RBMK type reactors of 1500 MW power capacity each, with their maximum power capacity limited down to 1300 MW in 1986. After restoration of independence a strong attention is given to nuclear safety in Lithuania. Necessary infrastructure has been developed in a short time and over 200 million euros have been invested into safety improvements of the Power Plant. Despite of significant improvements in safety of the Plant, RBMK reactors remain very sensitive to possible damages as they have no containment and have positive response coefficient. The National 88 Energy Strategy foresees to close the Ignalina NPP Unit 1 by 2005. Presently discussions are on-going reagarding deadlines for decommissioning of the Unit 2. In addition to nuclear energy, there are other branches using radioactive sources. Medicine, science and different industrial branches are the ones to be mentioned. Due to incautious behavior, improper management of radioactive waste, in case of accidents and incidents radionuclides may be released into the environment, posing serious risk to human health. Lithuania successfully implements EU requirements in the field of radiation safety. Requirements on nuclear safety that are valid in Lithuania comply with appropriate EU safety standards (EC Directive 96/29/Euratom) and facilitate implementation of commitments made at international level. Constant radiation monitoring in Lithuania ensures effective dissemination of information in case of increased ionising radiation to Lithuanian people and the state institutions. One part of this Chapter is related to impact assessment from INPP to environment, another to safety problems of radiation sources. According to production of electricity Lithuania is a leading country in the world. Obviously, nuclear energy plays an important role in the countrys energy sector. An indicator of driving forces clearly illustrates this picture. The indicator describes part of nuclear energy (%) out of total amount of produced energy. Radioactive releases from INPP into the atmosphere and water indicate pressure on environment while Ignalina NPP is in operation. Certainly, the largest possibility for radioactive releases into the environment occures during shut down or start-up of reactors. Moreover, risk level is partly reflected by unintended shut down of reactors. An indicator of a number of unintended shut downs of Ignalina NPP reactors was selected for this purpose. Nuclear power plant generates large quantities of radioactive waste that pose a long-term threat to human health and environment. The highest risk is posed by spent nuclear fuel most dangerous type of radioactive wastes. It continues to pose risk for a very long time (up to million years). Proper treatment of spent nuclear fuel is very expensive. Bas- are most often used to diagnose and treat cancers. Thus, a number of patients with malignant tumor is used to indicate the main driving force. An input (%) from different activities into the total amount of accumulating radioactive wastes indicates economic branches that pose the highest risk to environment. Threat can be minimised if used ionising radiation sources are returned to producers. Illegal registered cases of radionuclides import, export and storage show a possibility of illegal entry of radionuclides into the country. A number of stationary radioactivity meters at the boarder posts indicate capacity of boarder control services to register illegal import of radionuclides. A number of ionising radiation sources returned after use out of total amount of radioactive waste generated per year demonstrates effectiveness of specific radioactive waste minimisation measures. References Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija. Veiksmø programa, 1996, Vilnius, pg. 42 Atlas of ceasium deposition on Europe after the Chernobyl accident, European Commission, 1998, Luxembourg. 2nd Baltic State of the Environmental Report based on environmental indicators, 2000, Ryga, pg. 98. 89 State of Environment 2001 ing on initial assessments, underground disposal of nuclear fuel requires about 70% of all NP decommissioning costs. The amount of spent nuclear fuel is another indicator of pressure on environment. Pollution of air, water and soil with radionuclides may be caused by application of insufficently safe nuclear waste treatment technologies. This pressure from the Power Plant to environment is illustrated by the amounts of radioactive waste generated in INPP. Dispersion of 137Cs and 60Co radionuclides in the bottom sediments of Drûkðiai lake reflects impact from INPP to the state of Drûkðiai lake ecosystems. Volumentric activity of aerozolic radionuclides and general b-activity in fallouts provide an opportunity to assess radioactivity of air masses. Annual values of maximum relative gamma dose power show increased ionising radiation. There was no objective indicator found to reflect minimisation measures for INPP impact to the environment. However, seeking to reduce radionuclide pollution of environment caused by the power plant, an appropriate environmental legal act was prepared. It regulates limits for radionuclide releases from power plants and sets up radiation monitoring order. Basing on analysis of imported amounts of radioactive materials, most of them were imported to Lithuania to satisfy medical needs. Such materials RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION Driving forces V10.1. Amount of nuclear energy from a total amount of produced energy Elektricity, TWh electricity produced in Ignalina NPP INPP share 18,0 100,0 16,0 90,0 14,0 80,0 70,0 12,0 60,0 10,0 50,0 8,0 40,0 6,0 30,0 4,0 20,0 2,0 10,0 0,0 0,0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Ignalina NPP share, % State of Environment 2001 Nuclear energy part ratio of electricity produced in Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant with total amount of electricity produced in Lithuanian power plants expressed in percentage. This indicator also includes electricity consumed in Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (approximately 10-15 % of produced energy). 2001 DATA SOURCE „Energy News, 2(20)/2000“; Ministry of Economy. Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant has two operating reactors of 1500 MW. After the Chernobyl accident their maximum power capacity was limited (to approximately 1300 MW). Due to limited demand of electricity the power plant operates at limited capacity. During the last decade the power plant annually produces from 8 to 14 TWh of electricity (except of electricity consumed by the power plant; 1015%). It amounts to approximately 80% of the overall electricity produced in the country. Extensive use of nuclear energy results in limited use of organic fuel and low atmosphere pollution with combustion products (CO2, SOx, NOx). Amount of produced electricity influences the amounts of spent nuclear fuel and generated radioactive waste, and partly pollution of the environment with radionuclides. Pressure on environment depends not only on intensity of electricity production but also on culture of power plant operation. K At present situation is rather stable. The power plant produces 70-80% of overall energy produced in Lithuania. 90 V11.1. Number of patients with malignant tumor A number of patients with malignant tumor included into medical list. 70000 Number of patients 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 DATA SOURCE: The Department of Statistics at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. With economic growth of the country and introduction of modern technologies, use of radioactive materials should also increase in industry, scientific research and medicine. Demand for radioizotopic preparations increases with more fre- quent deseases of malignant tumor. On the other hand, radioactive materials are used less intensively in some industrial branches (for example, textile) due to adopted laws that comply with EU requirements and implementation of modern technologies. L Situation partly deteriorates due to more intensive application of radioactive materials in some areas. Increased number of deseases with malignant tumor causes growth of radioactive materials demand in medicine. Situation is also complicated by some industrial enterprises becoming banckrupt and some insolvent. They become unable to safely handle used sealed sources. 91 State of Environment 2001 60000 Pressure on environment A10.1. Radioactive releases from INPP to atmosphere and water Amount of radionuclide gases, aerosols, liquids or other shapes releases from Ignalina NPP to the environment per year. State of Environment 2001 Release limit: Inert gas 1,4 107 GBq per year, Long-living radionuclides in shape of aerosols 940 GBq per year, Iodine 131 990 GBq per year 1000 inert gas aerosols iodine activity, GBq 100 10 1 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 0,1 Release limit 2,5 104 GBq per year 30 25,86 activity, GBq 25 22,57 20 16,62 15,17 15 10 7,68 5 0 3,22 3,03 0,13 0,14 0,096 0,23 4,19 5,91 6,10 3,69 5,55 3,56 1,25 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Division of Radioactive Materials, Ministry of Environment; Report on results of radiation monitoring in the region of INPP 2001. During Ignalina NPP operation part of generated radioactive waste is released into the environment atmoshpere, water. Inert radioactive gases, long-living radionuclide aerosols and radioactive 92 iodine are released into the atmosphere. These releases are uninterrupttedly measured. The most intensive radioactive pollution of environment was recorded in 1984-1968, right after the start up of the same lake. Intensity of radionuclides is measured in water discharge channels. The most intensive pollution of water ecosystem in 1990 and 1992 is related to unstable operation regime of the plant often alternation of power generated by the plant has damaged part of hermetic fuel rods. Since 1995 decreasing tendency of pollution is observed at the lake. Moreover, it should be noted, that data on discharges from first few years are incompletly reliable due to application of improper measuring methods. After decomissioning of INPP no more inert radioactive gas and radioactive iodine will be released into the environment, however, more intensive pollution with radionuclides in shape of aerosols is expected. Fig. A 10.1.1 Normalised releases of Ignalinos NPP emissions and discharges inert gas, *10+5 aerosols iodine-131 effluents 16 12 10 8 6 4 2 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 0 1990 Normalised releases, Bq/W/year 14 DATA SOURCE: Division of Radioactive Materials, Ministry of Environment Normalised release is a supplementary indicator used for better description of the plant operation. It is a ratio of annual release of emissions and discharges with the amount of produced electricity. This indicator is used to compare different reactors (Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation, 2000). In 1995-1997 average normalised releases of inert gas from pressurized water reactors, boiling water reactors and RBMK reactors were 13000, 180000 and 460000 Bq/W respectively, of aerosols 0,1; 350 and 8 Bq/W respectively and iodines 0,2, 0,3 and 7 Bq/W respectively (Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation, 2000) (see Fig. A10.1.1). J Since 1990, due to sufficiently good operation of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, environmental pollution with radionuclides caused by operation of the plant constantly decreases. References: Motiejûnas S., Nedveckaitë T., Filistoviè V., Maþeika J., Morkeliûnas L., Maceika E. Assessment of environmental impact due to radioactive effluents from Ignalina NPP. Environmental and chemical physics. Vilnius, 1999, 21, 1. Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation. United Nations Scientific Committee on Effects of ionizing Radiation, 2000 Report to General Assembly, United Nations. New York, 2000. 93 State of Environment 2001 operation of the plant. It amounted up to 50% of allowable release limits. In the last years releases have significantly reduced and now they amount to 1% of allowable limits. It was determined that dose of releases from the plant influenced by radionuclides makes about 0,5% of natural radiation to the most volnurable groups of inhabitants and does not exceed 1 % of allowable radiation dose (Motiejûnas and others, 1999). Normalised release set by Ignalina NPP are below the average values of RBMK reactors. This illustrates rather good operation culture of the plant. Water from Drûkðiai lake used to cool condensers of Ignalina NPP turbines is later discharged into A10.2. Unplanned shut down of INPP reactors operation Unplanned maintenance of INPP reactors, regular maintenance and shut downs due to absence of energy demand. shut down number of Ignalina NPP energy blocks 35 Unplaned shut down 25 20 15 10 5 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Progress report from the State Nuclear Energy Safety Inspection 2001. One of the most informative indicators of safe operation is a number of unplanned shut downs of the plant reactors. Radioactive pollution of environment increases both during stops of nuclear reactors and start-up of operation compared with stable reactors operation regime. In 2001 operation of Ignalina NPP first unit was stopped and started-up twise: once for regular maintenance, another time for unplanned. Operation of the second unit was stopped twice and both times due to low energy demand. The same number of stops of nuclear reactors operation increase the concern. K There is no significant declining tendency of unplanned shut downs of nuclear reactors for maintenance. It is necessary to put more efforts to ensure stable and reliable operation of the plant. A10.3. Amount of spent nuclear fuel stored in nuclear fuel repositories Total number of spent nuclear fuel assemblies stored in containers located in Ignalina NPP repository and cooling pools (1998 2001). 1 unit 2 unit containers 7000 6000 SNF assemblies, units State of Environment 2001 30 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1998 1999 DATA SOURCE: Data from Ignalina NPP. 94 2000 2001 pools for not less than five years. After reduced activity fuel is tranfered to dry repositories hermetic metal and ferro-concrete containers. Storage duration up to 50 years. Fuel storage in containers is more safe than in cooling pools. Moreover, these containers are adopted for transportation (for example, to spent nuclear fuel repository) rather than storage of spent nuclear fuel. Final treatment stage and most appropriate way of storage of spent nuclear fuel is underground disposal. Installation of such disposal facility requires longterm scientific research, it is time consuming and costly. Lithuania has not yet made a decision on final treatment of spent nuclear fuel after the storage period in dry storage facility expires. Discussions on possibility by joint efforts of two countries to install regional underground disposal facilities or to transport to repositories in other countries are on-going. J Safety relating to spent nuclear fuel started improving after transfer of fuel to containers. A10.4. Amount of radioactive waste generated in INPP Amount of solid or liquid radioactive waste generated per year, tons. solid, 1 group solid, 3 group ionic resins 2000 1800 solid, 2 group bituminous waste perlite 1600 Mass, tons 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Data from Ignalina NPP. 1) solid wastes are classified according to old classification system (ÑÏ ÀÑ-88, 1988). 2) as recycling or other type of reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel is not foreseen in Lithuania, it is considered as radioactive wastes, but the amounts are analysed separately. 95 State of Environment 2001 Processing of spent nuclear fuel is banned by laws of the Republic of Lithuania (fuel processing is very polluting and dangerous process, and processing of fuel from RBMK reactors is not profitable). Thus, spent nuclear fuel is listed among radioactive waste as one of the most hazardous type of waste. The most serious threat to environment is caused by long-living actinides contained in spent nuclear fuel (plutonium-239 half period lasts 24 thousand years). Because of that, spent nuclear fuel remains hazardous for one million years. Every day approximately two fuel assemblies are withdrawn from Ignalina NPP reactors (one assembly contains about 230 kg of uranium dioxide). About 99,9% of all radionuclides generated in nuclear reactors remain in spent nuclear fuel. Due to high activity spent nuclear fuel radiates thermal energy and, therefore, this fuel is let in cooling water State of Environment 2001 The main source of radioactive waste is Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (input from other generators of small radioactive waste was only 0,15% in 2000 and 0,5% in 2001 of total waste amount). Solid, liquid and gaseous radioactive waste are accumulated in Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Radioactive waste pose a long-term threat to human health and environment and their management (recyling, storage, underground deposition) is very costly. Possible leackages of radionuclides to the environment due to insufficiently safe technologies of radioactive wastes may result in air, water, soil and ground pollution. In 2001 solid waste were grouped basing on activity of their ionising radiation (ÑÏ ÀÑ-88, 1988). After introduction of new classification system (VDRA-01-2001, 2001) solid waste were grouped basing on their physical state, chemical characteristics and activity as well as long-livingness of contained radionuclides. Such approach will provide better security ensurance for people working with waste, but also minimise long-term impact on the environment. At present all solid radioactive waste generated at Ignalina NPP are kept untreated in storage facilities on site of the plant. Combustible wastes are pressed by low power press (Baltrûnas, Kalinauskas, 1999). Performed analysis have proved that present deposition capacities do not comply with long-term safety requirements set for radioactive waste underground repositories. Therefore, it was recommended to remove stored waste, process them and classify applying modern technologies. Liquid radioactive waste that accumulated during operation of Ignalina NPP are evaporated or filtered using ion exchange resins and perlite filters. Evaporation residue is condensated converting it into solid bitumen mass. The mass is kept in large storage facilities. Spent resins and perlit are stored in reservoirs on territory of the plant. Storage of liquid type of radioactive waste is insufficiently safe. Following Lithuanian legal requirements waste have to be converted into solid shapes. Gaseous radioactive waste are filtered, kept in exposure system and emitted through ventilation pipes of 150 meters height. Every year about 1014 1015 Bq of inert gas where short-living argon 41 prevails (approximately 90 percent) are emitted. Exposure of inert gas is very low as it does not combine into any biological links. Decomissioning of nuclear reactors will result in large quantities of radioactive waste. Basing on rough estimates waste amount will double. Therefore, it is necessary to be properly prepared in advance. J Due to current restructuring of radioactive waste system in Ignalina NPP the amount of radioactive waste generated in the plant has decreased. Significant improvements of safe radioactive waste handling is expected after restructuring of the system. At the same time it is expected that amounts of radioactive waste will increase twice after shutdown of reactors. References: Baltrûnas D., Kalinauskas R. Radioaktyviøjø atliekø saugojimas/ Statyba ir architektûra/ 1999, 9. Radioaktyviøjø atliekø tvarkymo atominëje elektrinëje iki jø laidojimo reikalavimai (VD-RA-01-2001)/ Þin., 2001, Nr. 672467. 96 Ñàíèòàðíûå ïðàâèëà ïðîåêòèðîâàíèÿ è ýêñïëîàòàöèè àòîìíûõ ñòàíöèé (ÑÏ ÀÑ-88), 1988. A11.1. Amount of imported radioactive materials Radioactive materials differ in their activity. Activity is the amount of radionuclides present in certain energy state at certain time expressed by a formula: dN A= dt imported radioactive materials except of sealed sources 14000 medicine industry and energy scientific research 12000 10000 activity, GBq State of Environment 2001 whereas A - activity, dN - expected self nuclear transformation out of energy state in certain period of time dt . Total activity of all materials can better reflect pressure on environment 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 M edicina industry and energy Pram onë ir energetika 1,4 2486 13314 3882 5415 0 0 0 0 0 M okslo tyrim ai 40,5 32,7 15 19,5 19,7 medicine scientific research imported sealed sources 450000 medicine industry and energy scientific research 400000 350000 activity, GBq 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 medicine Medicina industry and energy Pramonë ir energetika scientific research Mokslo tyrimai 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 0 496,6 237000 420000 0 5008 63370 40050 31363 25087 0,0002 10,98 0,7 0,4 0,1 DATA SOURCE: Database on permits issued by the Ministry of Environment for import of radioactive materials. Most of industries, energy producers, medical and educational institutions require radioactive materials in their activities. Radioactive materials are not produced in Lithuania. Hence, imported quantity of radioactive materials reflects their consumption. Radioactive materials are divided into sealed sources (materials present in hermetic casing) and non-hermetic radioactive materials (unsealed sources) (Valiukënas ir kt., 1999). Sealed sources pose minimum threat to environment as radionuclides are released only in case of incident (for example, fire), etc. Using unsealed materials one part of them is released through ventilation system or with wastewater into the environment. Medical institutions are the most important consumers of radioactive materials. Mostly volatile and in particular radiotoxic iodine isotopes 131I (half period time t = 8 days) and 125I (t = 60 days) as well as 97 Mo+ 99mTc (t = 66 h) are used. These radioisotopic preparations are used to diagnose and treat oncological deseases. High activity sealed sources are used in medicine (60Co sources are most often used for treatment of oncological deseases, t = 5,3 year) and industry (192Ir source are used in defectoscopy, t = 99 74 days, 239Pu in textile, t = 24100000 years). Due to physical and chemical characteristics of radionuclides their possible impact to human health and environment significantly differs (HN 73 1997, 2002; Ðàäèîàêòèâíûå âåùåñòâà, 1990). Plutonium, iodine and cesium radionuclides are most radiotoxic. State of Environment 2001 L Growing tendency of radioactive materials use in medicine is observed. References: Valiukënas V., Makariûnienë E., Morkûnas G. Jonizuojanèiosios spinduliuotës ir radiacinës saugos terminø þodynas. Vilnius: BÁ UAB Litimo, 1999. Lietuvos higienos norma HN 73 1997 Pagrindinës radiacinës saugos normos//Þin., 2002, Nr. 11388. Âðåäíûå õèìè÷åñêèå âåùåñòâà/ Ðàäèîàêòèâíûå âåùåñòâà: Ñïðàâ. èçä. Áàæåíîâ Â.A., Áóëäàêîâ Ë.A., Âàñèëåíêî È.ß. è äð./ Ïîä ðåä. Â.À.Ôèëîâà è äð./ Ë.: Õèìèÿ, 1990. A11.2. Registered illegal import, export and deposition of radionuclides Number of illegal import and deposition of radioactive materials registered following the order set by laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania illegal transportation and deposition of radioactive materials 18 16 14 cases 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Radioactive Materials Division, Ministry of Environment. The largest part of registered illegal transportation and disposal or radioactive waste is consists of weak radioactive scrapmetal or ionising radiation sources contained in scrapmetal. Radioactive scrapmetal is registered while it is transported through the state border or during inspections performed in scrapmetal collection posts. Most often pollution with radioactive cesium and cobalt isotopes (specific activity from 4 to 70 kBq/kg) are reg- istered. These radionuclides are characteristic to nuclear reactors. Less pollution of scrapmetal is registered with radium and thorium. In 2001 sources used in aviation were found twice in aluminium scrap. Polluted scrapmetal and sources were deposited in radioactive waste repository of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Since 1997 till beginning of 2001 the accumulated amount of radioactive waste has decreased. J Situation improves with better control of borders and scrapmetal collection sites. 98 State B10.1. Total â-radioactivity in fallouts Density of total beta-radioactivity in fallouts in the Republic of Lithuania. 10 2 Bq/m per day 8 6 4 2 0 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Radiation Division of Joint Research Center. Radiation monitoring of atmosphere fallouts is performed in order to assess activity of radionuclides depositions to surface and identify anomalous radionuclides as well as to determine their origin. More precise information is received while investigating atmosphere fallouts rahter than measuring gama-radiation. Thus, monitoring of fallouts complements early notification system. Atmosphere fallouts are interruptedly collected in five meteorological stations in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipëda, Utena and Dûkðtas using gauze cases that are changed every 5 days. Radiation laboratory of the JRC measures general beta radiation, analyses gama spectrum (defining activity of 137Cs, 7Be and other gama rays) and carries out radiochemical (90Sr) analysis. In 2000-2001 only emanation (daughter radon nuclides), as well as 7Be, 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclides were observed in fallouts, but no anomalous radionuclides. General beta activity (density of activity) is presented in Table No.1. Sligh increase of radionuclides fallouts is related to increased amount of emanation radionuclides and transboundary air movements. Density of general beta activity observed in 5 monitoring stations is similar to the average of the last nine years.. Few years after the Chernobyl accident, most of short-living radionuclides decomposed. Minor density fluctuation of general beta activity in fallouts is observed after 1992. The average (background) value: 0,45-0,50 Bq/m2 per day. Average annual values of 90Sr fluctuate in 5 stations within the limits of 0,0038-0,0053 Bq/m2 per day. 99 State of Environment 2001 12 Table B10.1.1 Average general beta activitiy in fallouts from the atmosphere ( Bq/m2 per day) Months State of Environment 2001 January Vilnius Kaunas Klaipëda Utena Dûkðtas 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 Average in the Republic 2000 2001 0,40 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,42 0,40 February 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,30 0,40 0,40 0,42 0,38 March 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 April 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,60 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,44 May 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,50 0,44 0,46 June 0,50 0,40 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,50 0,46 July 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,50 0,40 0,70 0,40 0,70 0,50 0,60 0,50 August 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,50 0,50 September October 0,40 0,60 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,60 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,30 0,40 0,40 0,60 0,40 0,48 0,44 November 0,90 0,40 0,90 0,50 0,70 0,40 0,60 0,40 0,70 0,40 0,76 0,42 December 0,50 0,40 0,60 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,50 0,40 0,48 0,40 Annual average in station 0,49 0,46 0,53 0,49 0,45 0,41 0,46 0,41 0,49 0,44 0,48 0,44 Summarizing results of general beta activity in fallouts in 2000-2001 distributed according to months and location where fallouts are collected, it is noticeable that density of fallouts activity distributes equally. The activity value is strongly influenced by amount of precipitation (observed increases of fallouts activity correlates with intensive precipitation by 50-150 percents). Table B10.1.2 represents a number of increases in general beta activity in fallouts from the atmosphere when the average activity value of fallouts exceeds 50%. Table B10.1.2 Number of increases in general beta activity in fallouts from the atmosphere when the average activity value exceeds 50% Years 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Vilnius 13 16 18 7 5 8 7 12 10 Kaunas 10 11 12 10 16 8 4 13 11 Klaipëda 9 5 7 6 7 8 11 3 7 Dûkðtas 58 59 49 47 50 52 10 16 5 Utena 3 7 3 3 0 11 5 9 7 Note: In 1998 in Dûkðtas gauze samples were taken every day. K Density of general beta activity in fallouts remained mostly the same in the last few years, average annual values vary from 0,44 to 0,50 Bq/m2 per day. General beta activity in fallouts only a little depends on season of a year, collection site, but have direct dependence upon amount of precipitation. 100 B10.2. Volumetric activity of radionuclide aerosols 7 Be volumetric activity in aerosols in ground level air in 1997-2001 and 137Cs volumetric activity in aerosols in ground level air in 1997–2001. 25 1997 15 1998 1999 10 2000 5 2001 0 I I ketv. II II ketv. III III ketv. IV IV ketv. average values Vidutines vertës I I ketv. II III IV (quarter) II ketv III ketv. IV ketv. maximum values Maksimalios vertës 35 30 ìBq/m3 25 1997 20 1998 15 1999 10 2000 2001 5 0 I II III IV I ketv. II ketv. III ketv. IV ketv. average values Vidutinës vertës I I ketv. II III IV ketv. IV II ketv. III ketv. maximum values Maksimalios vertës (quarter) DATA SOURCE: Radiation Divison of the Joint Research Center. Natural radionuclides are observed in the lower air (potassium, radium, thorium, radon and products of their decomposition as well as cosmogenic radionuclides) and anthropogenic radionuclides (that are released into atmosphere in cause of nuclear accidents or nuclear explosions, and other human activity). Most of radionuclides present in the atmosphere correlate with aerosolic particles. Concentration of radioactive particles in the air is not sufficient to carry out direct measurements. Therefore, filters are used to absorb high volume of air and only then gama spectra of filters are analysed. Such measurements give a possibility to identify radionuclides released into the environment from nuclear facilities, control observance of an agreement banning nuclear explosions, evaluate background inhalation radiation dose rates and those influenced by transboundary movements. Measurements are carried out in Eastern Lithuania in Utena using air filter SNOW WHITE installed 10 meters above the ground. Due to interraction of cosmic radiation with atmosphere gas, a number of radionuclides are formed. One of them is 7Be, which half-period is 53 days. The highest volumetric activity of 7Be is measured in filters of aerosols (mBq/m3): 1997 08 25 7,8; 1998 04 23 7,8; 1999 04 26 10,04; 2000 07 24 8,6; 2001 07 18 20,6. Maximum concentrations of this radionuclide are observed in spring summer, minimum autumn or winter. Average annual values of 7Be volumetric activity fluctuates from 2,7 to 4,4 mBq/m3 in the last five years. Summing up data of the last 5 year investigations, an assumption can be made that one of the main factors influencing maximum concentrations in spring-summer is transfer of stratospheric air satu101 State of Environment 2001 mBq/m3 20 State of Environment 2001 rated with cosmogenic radionuclides into troposphere. In some cases increase of volumetric activity of radionuclide 7Be is closely related to increase of volumetric activity of 137Cs . During mass nuclear weapon tests in the air, large quantities of radionuclide materials were released into the air. Explosion products were released several kilometers up in the air and remained in stratosphere for rather long period of time. Currently such explosions are not carried out in the atmosphere, thus stratospheric fallouts and aerosols are influenced by residues of old products. Rather large quantities of radioactive pollutants were released into the atmosphere after the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Short-living iodine and tellurium nuclides quickly decomposed, but hot particles and long-living cesium, strontium, plutonium and other radionuclides were released to the earth surface and may be again lifted up to the atmosphere by wind. This fact causes increases of 137Cs volumetric activity in spring-summer. The highest releases were measures in filters (mBq/m3): 1997 08 25 5,0; 1998 09 10 16,6; 1999 04 15 27,6 ir 09 16 31,9; 2000 05 19 6,4: 2001 12 06 8,8. These increases of radioactive cesium in ground level air have not caused equivalent increase of gama dose rate. They are not related with radionuclide releases from operating nuclear power plants. No other radionuclides that are characteristic to nuclear reactors have been observed. The average annual volumetric activity of 137 Cs in air aerosols fluctuated from 1,0 to 2,6 mBq/ m3. Activated carbon filters are adopted to absorb radioactive inert gas and iodine radionuclides characteristic to releases from nuclear power plants. During the last five years investigation period no radionuclides of this type have been observed in carbon filters. Short-term increases (above 0,30 mSv/h) of equivalent gamma dose rate are observed near filters in spring summer period. It is caused by daughter radionuclides of natural radon 222Rn released from soil to ground level air. Increased concentrations of radon and its decomposition products in ground level air are influenced by meteorological conditions: precipitation, temperature and air mixtures. K Measurements of volumetric activity of cosmogenic 7Be, technogenic 137Cs, natural 40K and other natural radionuclides were performed in ground level air. Measured radionuclide activity were low and have not caused any equivalent gamma dose increases. Short-term increases of gamma dose rate observed in spring – summer in aerosols station are consequences of accumulated natural radon daughter decomposition products in ground level air at unfavourable meteorological conditions. No radionuclides characteristic to nuclear power plants and “fresh” nuclear explosion products were observed. 102 B10.3. Radionuclide concentrations in bottom sediments of Drûkðiai lake Distribution of Cs and 60Co concentrations in bottom sediments of Drûkðiai lake. 137 Cs-137, Bq/kg sauso svorio # & # ! 1 # " State of Environment 2001 km 5 3 2 7a 7 2a 4a 4 Ignalinos AE Ignalina NPP 6 Waste water 6a Vandens valymo treatmet plant árenginiai Co-60, Bq/kg sauso svorio <dl # ! ! " " km # ! %= % = " "= Ignalinos AE Ignalina NPP Wastevalymo water Vandens árenginiai treatmet plant $ $= DATA SOURCE: Maþeika I., Marèiulionienë D., DuðauskienëDuþ R., Jokðtas K., Galkus A., Gudelis A., Jasiulionis R., Motiejûnas S. Technogenic radionuclides and some heavy metals in the ecosystem of Lake Drûkðiai, a cooling pool of the Ignalina nuclear power plant Heavy metals in the environment an integrated approach. Ed.D.A. Lovejoy, Vilnius, 1999, P. 32-45. 103 State of Environment 2001 Water from Drûkðiai lake is used by Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant for cooling purposes. Used water from the plant is discharged into the lake. Larger and smaller amounts of activation and corrosion radionuclides are released into the lake together with water used to cool reactors. The smaller part of these radionuclides is in soluble or suspended shape, another part accumulates during biological processes in the bottom sediments of the lake. 137 Cs and other pollutants from the power plant such as 137Cs, 134Cs, 54Mn, 60Co, 90Sr are observed in whole bottom sediments of the lake. Most often with the help of gamma spectrophotometric method it is possible to detect 4 artificial radionuclides (137Cs, 134 Cs, 60Co, 54Mn) in the lake bottom sediments samples and by radiochemical method measure 90Sr. Detailed investigations of the lake bottom sediments were carried out in 1997. Later investigations only proved a presumption that the amount of radionuclides in sediments changes very slowly. The highest 137Cs concentrations (up to 315 Bq/kg of dry weight) were observed in the western (active surface leakage), southeastern (impact zone of effluents discharged from wastewater treatment plant, formation of sorbtion-sedimentation biogeochemical barrier) and eastern (channal zone of heated water discharge, integrated impact) parts of Drûkðiai lake. It is related with distribution of increased amounts of total nitrogen (N) and phosphoruso (P), organic carbon (C), as well as iron (Fe) and other ir kitø macro ir microelements in bottom sediments. Detection limit of measured 134Cs concentration was exceeded only in water part of the lake bottom sediments. Its highest concentrations (up to 30 Bq/ kg of dry weight) are related with impact zones of heated water channal and discharged wastewater. Co was measured in larger quantity of samples than Cs, and highest concentrations of 60Co (up to 65 Bq/kg of dry weigth) are related with heated water channel and Ignalina NPP rain water sewerage zone. The same measurements of bottom sediments were conducted in the same zones for 54Mn and 60Co. However, highest concentrations of 54Mn are only up to 25 Bq/kg of dry weight in heated water channal zone. Distribution of 90Sr concentrations in bottom sediments are more equil than of 137Cs as 90Sr remains in water for longer period of time. Highest concentrations of 90Sr (up to 85 Bq/kg of dry weigth) in bottom sediments are observed in heated water channal zone. The nature of 134Cs/137Cs ratio and dependance 137 of Cs concentrations indicate that there are no 134Cs observed in the highest 137Cs concentration zone or 134 Cs/137Cs ratio is similar to 134Cs/137Cs ratio during the Chernobyl accident. Data analysis show that 137Cs concentration in bottom sediments is formed from the following proportions: 43% nuclear explosions, 52% Chernobyl accident and below 5% effluents from Ignalina NPP. The highest concentrations of 137Cs in bottom sediments are observed in western, southeastern and eastern parts of the lake reaching up to 315 Bq/kg of dry weight. The highest 60Co concentrations (up to 65 Bq/kg of dry weigth) in bottom sediments are in heated water channal and industrial rain sewerage discharge zone. Distribution of 90Sr in bottom sediments is more equil. The highest concentrations observed in heated water channal zone were 85 Bq/kg of dry weight. Evaluated effluent dose from Ignalina NPP is below non-regulated level of 10 mSv per year. 60 134 K Artificial radionuclides are observed in Drûkðiai lake ecosystem. Origin of these radionuclides is Ignalina NPP reactors. However specific concentrations of radionuclides measures in bottom sediments of Drûkðiai lake are not significant. 104 B10.4. Maximum relative gamma dose rate annual means Ratio between the highest measured g dose rate and threshold dose rate. 52 % 52 51 50 50 49 49 48 48 47 46 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 DATA SOURCE: The Joint Research centre Database “RADIS”. Gamma dose rate is the easiest parameter to be measured by physical measures. Hence, regular automation gamma monitoring is a background for early notification about radiation incident. Intensity of gamma radiation is caused by radionuclides present in air, and the earth surface as well as cosmic radiation. At normal conditions gamma radiation depends on ground composition, height and width of the area. Sudden increase of ionising ratiation can be influenced by spreading of radioactive pollutants in air and the earth surface after the accident in nuclear installations or nuclear explosure. Accidents in case of use, storage and transportation of radioactive materials can cause lower extent of pollution. Network of automation gamma monitoring stations covers the whole territory of Lithuania. Special attention is given to Ignalina NPP region. Gamma dose rate is measured uninterruptedly and results are transmitted automatically to the Joint Research Centre database. Information is provided to the Civil Protection Department and other state institutions if gamma dose rate exceeds threshold level of 300 nSv/ h. In 2001 dose rate fluctuated from 70 to 180 nSv/ h. Slight changes of the average natural value registered in monitoring stations were influenced by unequal distribution of K, U and Th radionuclides in ground. Short-term increases of gamma dose rate are linked with meteorological anomalies rather than increased environmental pollution. Means of the indicator are constant and his slight change is caused by natural and meteorological conditions as well as statistic nature of nuclear processes. At this specific six year period scattering of the indicator is about 8%. It can be partly related with statistic nature of processes (about 1% scattering). Natural conditions have strongest influence on scattering of indicator means. The most important influencing factors are: surface where sensor is located, precipitation and their intensity. Fluctuations up to 10% and even higher are possible only under the influence of precipitation. K Situation is very stable. During the whole measuring period gamma dose rate has never reached its critical mean. 105 State of Environment 2001 50 50 Measures to improve the state G10.1. Number of stationary radiation meters in the border posts Number of stationary radiation meters (gates) in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania in 1995 - 2001. 5 Number of "gates", units State of Environment 2001 5 4 4 4 1998 1999 2000 3 3 2 4 2 2 1995 1996 1 0 1997 2001 stationary radiation meters DATA SOURCE: Border Control Service of the Ministry of Interior. Customs control of imported, exported and transit goods (loads) is performed in the territory of the border control posts. Border police performs control of all goods (loads) and luggage. Stationary radiation meters (gates) are considered to be the most J Border control improves. 106 effective control measures. Implementing stationary equipment, strengthening control of future European Union border is given priority. In all other border posts radiation is controled using portable ionising radiation meters. G11.1. Summarized part of returned spent radiation sources activity out of total annual activity of radioactive waste Radiation sources have different activity. Radiation sum indicates total annual activity of radioactive waste. Summarized radiation of sources returned to their origin country is calculated out of total annual activity of radioactive waste. 10 8 6 4 2 0 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Radioactive Materials Division of the Ministry of Environment. Lithuanian Republic Law on Radioactive Waste and Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and Safety of Radioactive Waste Management promote return of spent sources to their producer. Such sources can be reused. It diminishes the amount of radioactive waste. Small part of spent sealed ionising radiation sources are returned to their producer. At present spent sources are returned to the producer in Byelorussia only in energy sector (not Ignalina NPP). Other source users have no such agreements signed. In order to reuse ionising radiation sources, it is necessary to develop an internal system for their use in the country. K Currently only a very small part of radioactive materials is reused. It is necessary to analyse possibilities for reuse of radioactive sources. 107 State of Environment 2001 radioactivity part, % 12 State of Environment 2001 Biodiversity conservation Biodiversity conservation is one of the most important tasks in sustainable development of civilisation. Biological diversity comprises all species of alive organisms living in all ecosystems, habitats as well as genetic diversity (Lietuvos Respublikos Biologinës ávairovës iðsaugojimo strategija ir veiksmø planas, 1997 (Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan, of the Republic of Lithuania, 1997)). In addition to other important funcitons, biodiversity ensures functioning and stability of natural systems. It is the environmental component acting as the main resource for such economic branches of vital importance as forestry, agriculture, fishery, medicine, it has a major role in tourism and recreation sectors. Therefore, biodiversity conservation is one of the most important environmental issues on the agenda both in Europe and the rest of the world. The importance is reflected by rather big number of international agreements on conservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. The following agreements can be mentioned: firstly, Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro), Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern), Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn), Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Washington), Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar), Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, EC Biodiversity Strategy and four sectorial biodiversity conservation action plans presented in the strategy, EC Sixth Environmental Action Programme, EU Sustainable Development Strategy (An Inventory of Biodiversity Indicators in Europe, 2001) and 7 main legal acts of European Community Council directly related to biodiversity conservation (3 Directives, 3 Regulations and 1 Resolution). Components of biodiversity conservation, status monitoring, reporting obligations on the state of environment are also specified in separate articles of at least four EC Directives and 15 other type of European and international agreements and programmes (http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/enlarg/handbook/nature.pdf). The main document Convention on Biological Diversity contains obligations of the Parties to 108 identify the components of biodiversity important for its conservation and sustainable use, monitor the components and identify the main processes and categories of activities which are likely to have significant adverse impact on biodiversity as well as take actions to ensure biodiversity conservation and sustainable use (Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992). Other above indicated international legal acts emphasize the importance to maintain biodiversity, natural habitats and wild fauna and flora conservation, extinction prevention, state monitoring and improvement. Lithuania has joint most of the main international conventions related to biodiversity conservation, namely, Ramsar (in 1993), Rio (1995), Bern (1996), Washington (CITES) (2001), Bonn (2001). In the end of 2001 Lithuanian Parliament ratified another important international document on biodiversity conservation, namely, the Agreement on the Conservation of Bats n Europe (London) that came into force. Conservation of biodiversity and natural habitas, prevention of their degradation, optimal use of biota resosurces are among priority tasks identified in the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy (Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija, 1996). The Biodiversity Conservation Strategy Action Plan prepared in 1997 is the main result of commitments made in Rio Convention with the main objective to conserve the most important natural ecosystems and wild species of flora and fauna to future generations while ensuring sustainable use and management of biological and landscape resources. Special attention in the Action Plan is paid to protection of forest, coastal and the Baltic Sea, inland aquatic, wetland and meadow ecosystems as well as conservation of species and genetic resources (Lietuvos Respublikos Bioávairovës iðsaugojimo strategija ir veiksmø planas, 1997 (Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan, of the Republic of Lithuania, 1997)). On the other hand most of international legal acts indicate manifold approach to conservation of biodiversity as a very complex system that is distinquished by abundance of different indicators and yet inexplicable interactions. One of the most complicated problems of environmental quality assessment not only among European environmental policy specialists to select proper indicators for the state of biodiversity. Selection of comparable biodiversity indicators is more complicated not only due to long-term data trends but also lack of basic information. In particular, it concerns genetic diversity most of recently prepared reports on the state of environment in European countries do not use genetic diversity indicators because of absence of data. Biodiversity being of complex nature is influenced by variaty of factors which becomes a constrain in identification of indicators. Due to the above reasons, this publication analyses Lithuanian biodiversity conservation from two out of three aspects, namely, natural ecosystems and species leaving out diversity of genetic resources. Absence or lack of comprehensive data required for analysis hampers not only a deduction of clear connection between indicators in accordance to the model driving forces à pressure on environmentà state, impactà response (measures to improve the state), but also evaluation of many important driving forces and changes in pressures on environment. Most of available information is on present state of biodiversity components, thus, the state indicators are most comprehensive. However, this part of the publication mostly concentrates on ecosystems that are of economic importance, such as, for example, forests, fauna groups, game cervidaes and inchtiofauna. There is no sufficient data on fragmentation of natural habitats including status of endangered species of fauna and flora. Bearing in mind, that data is often closely related to impact on natural resources and their state, quite a number of indicators is broader discussed in Sections on Timber and Game Fauna of the Chapter on Natural Resources. Another part of indicators closely related to biodiversity conservation are also discussed in the Chapter on Landscape Protection. The EEA Center on Nature and Biodiversity Conservation specifies at least 12 main sectors of economic activities that affect biodviersity (Core set of Biodiversity indicators, 2002). At present the highest threat to biodiversity in European region is posed by such human activities as changing land use, environmental pollution, introduction of imported species of plants and animals, constant overuse of natu- ral resources, tourism and recreational zone development. It is expected that adverse impact on biodiversity will not decrease due to intensifying agriculture and, contrarily, due to degradation of abandonded valuable biotops, monocultural forestry, urban and transport infrastructure development, climate change, introduction of imported species (most likely, genetically modified organisms). Despite of restoration of some species and natural habitats whith the help of environmental measures, it is expected that optimisation of biodiversity in the territory of EU remains impossible also in the second decade of XXI century (Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, 1999). In Lithuania, compared with most of Western European countries, rather many natural territories with large biodiversity of European importance are still present. Lithuanian mosaic landscape nature still has plenty of rare species of fauna and flora included into a list of endangered species on a global level that are extinct or endangered in industrial Western European countries. Meanwhile, necessity to prevent deteriorating biodiversity is already stressed in the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy. A report presented to European Environmental Agency identifies the following main driving forces that have adverse impact on biodiversity in Lithuania: agriculture, forestry, tourism and recreation, as well as fishery, industry, energy and countryside development. Agrarian landscape is a type of landscape that occupies the largest part of the territory in Lithuania. As a rule, its ecosystem has the most deterioriated biodiversity. On the other hand, they grant temporarily asylum and serve as essential feeding areas for fauna species. Agrarian ecosystems are very important to bird species including those listed in the Lithuanian Red Data Book as one fifth of these species hatch in such habitats. Natural wetlands or flooded lowland meadows rare and endangered habitats in all Europe - are the richest biotopes from biodiversity point of view. Monocultural farming lands are habitats with very poor biodiversity. One of the main driving forces accelerating development of such farming lands is purchase of agricultural crop production and export of agricultural crop produc109 State of Environment 2001 A list of basic biodiversity indicators is still in experimental and coordination phase (the latter activities have been recently started in Europe), but different countries and international environmental institutions use a huge number of different indicators to monitor and assess the state of environment. In 2001 the European Nature Conservation Centre performed analysis and identified 260 indicators! The European Environment Agency expects to prepare a list of biodiversity indicators in 2002 that would at most fullfil biodiversity information demands of European Union Council of Ministers and the most influential international environmental organizations. On the other hand, a feasibility study has already concluded that in some cases it is impossible to define suitable biodiversity indicators. State of Environment 2001 tion. These indicators show internal and external market conditions that influence agricultural crop production being the main food product element. Increasing purchase in internal market and export act as factors promoting growth of such production as well as anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems. According to statistic data, lately internal market provides rather limited possibilities for agricultural crop production, however, on the other hand, export of such production has significantly increased. Evaluating information received from these indicators, it is necessary to have in mind that assessment of reexport size is rather difficult, thus, impact of driving forces may be slightly overestimated. On the other hand, official statistics show rather low level of agricultural crop production commodity market (ratio of commodity output to the total output) which is only up to approximately 30% and hampers complete evaluation of promoting internal market impact. Changes of land use in open landscape that occupies two thirds of area in Lithuania, influence two opposite threats to biodiversity: more intensive agriculture, in particular in Central and Southern Lithuania where even meadows are cultivated, and abandonce of haying natural meadows and pastures, in particular, in Southeastern and Western Lithuania that has influenced degradation of habitats with valuable meadow biodiversity complex. These are one of the main biodiversity conservation problems related to socio-economic changes in rural areas. Dynamics of crop area, reflecting economic and socioeconomic importance of agricultural crop production in the country economy, also demonstrates intensity of both direct (fragmantation or destruction of natural biotopes) and indirect (biodiversity impoverishment due to monoculturisation and use of pesticides, eutrophication of surface water bodies and pollution of ground waters resulting from use of fertilisers, etc.) anthropogenic pressures on natural ecosystems and other components of environment. Meanwhile, changes in size of semi-natural territories indicate changes of close to natural landscape area (slightly influenced by urban development and agricultural activities) and biodiversity. However, it is worthwhile remembering that artificially planted forest areas are listed among semi-natural territories. In general, increase of semi-natural areas in the last years was mostly caused by increase of forests. Unfortunately, contrary tendency is noticable in case of wetlands - one of the most rare habitats with unique fauna and flora communities. Forests semi-natural ecosystems in Lithuania with richest biodiversity. About 85% of Lithuanian forests are semi-natural, less that 1% are natural (un110 touched by human activities) and the rest part is named as forest plantations (Forest Resources of Europe, 2000). Forest resource trade is the most important driving force influencing this type of inland ecosystem. Export of round and sawn timber shows intensity of international trade impact on forest resources and at the same time on forest ecosystems. Since 1997, just as in the case of agricultural crop production, driving force intensifies with declining consumption in internal market, and, most probably, will increase in the future (see Timber Resources, indicator V23.1). The main potential threats posed by forestry to biodiversity in Lithuanian forests are the following: growing number of fellings, decreasing diversity of forest stands species, disproportion of forest stands age and type. According to statistic data, total number of fellings (see Timber Resources, indicator A23.1) in legal fellings remains stable, although it should increase in the future. Meanwhile, change in forest area (see Timber Resources, indicator B23.2) show a slight increase of about one percent in the last 8 years. This tendency is noticable all over Europe where forest areas increase up to approximately 0,5 million hectares per year (Environmental Signals 2002, 2002). Annual fellings in EU and associated member countries are even smaller that allowed by sustainable use of forest resources (Forest Resources of Europe, 2000). From all type of fellings clear fellings have the strongest impact on biodiversity decrease in forest ecosystems. Ratio of clear fellings area with afforested area shows forestry impact on natural balance and biodiversity as well as its tendency. From biodiversity point of view, illegal fellings are more harmful than larger fellings carried out in accordance with the approved forest management plan. During illegal fellings not only clear fellings are performed but also age of forest stands, growing possibilities, destroyed protected habitats, nests of rare bird species, improperly handled cutting areas, rising threat of spreading tree deseases and fires are neglected. The amount of timber from illegal fellings (see Timber Resources, indicator A23.3) indicate scale of environmental pressure of this type and increasing tendency. In particular, long-term impact on forest ecosystems biodiversity in all layers, including forest litters and pedobiontes, is caused by forest fires. Assessment of changes of burnt forest areas and causes of fires demonstrated constantly increasing number of fires due to careless behavior of forest visitors lately (see Timber Resources, indicator A23.2). Forest biodiversity state is reflected by their soundness and naturalness. Forest defoliation shows soundness of this type of ecosystems, their ability to product organic material in photosynthesis process. Severly damaged forest area and its changes also reflect general state of forest ecosystems. It is possible to decide on the influence of natural and anthropogenic activities to the state of forests from reasons that caused damages of forest stands. In the last years, apart from severe damage caused by the hurrinace Anatolijus, forests suffer from damages by deseases and insects. Unfortunately, according to forecasts, a number of problems caused by deseases and new sources of trunk pests will not decrease. Age of forest stands is one of recognised indicators of forest naturalness. More mature is a forest stand, more stable and valuable from biodiversity point of view is a forest ecosystem. Change in average age of forest stands as well as distribution of areas of forest stands in accordance to maturity groups show that Lithuanian forests get older. Pure and mixed forest plantations ratio illustrates efforts made to preserve naturalness and biodiversity of forest ecosystems. Environmental pressure on forest biodiversity is also demonstrated by intensive use of other forest resources. Lack of data about status of wolfes, lynxes and other rare mammals and birds in Lithuanian forests in the last years is an obstacle for accurate assessment of anthropohgenic load volume. Although data received from Lithuanian Association of Hunters and Fishermen indicate increased number of hunters by 50% in Lithuania in the last decade of XX century, issued hunting permits show a number of hunted cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of evaluated number of cervidaes meaning that influence from official huntings on forest fauna does not increase (see Game Fauna Resources, indicator A25.1). This fact is proved by a number of issued hunting licences for cervidaess (red deers, elks, roe) out of evaluated number of cervidaes that illustrates use of 60-90% of issued hunting licences (see Game Fauna Re- sources, indicator G25.1). Meanwhile, monitoring data show that relative abundance of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) continuesly decreases whereas a number of elks and red deers started decreasing recently as these animals are forced to choose less optimal type of land. Thus, it is expected that this tendency is a consequence of intesifying poaching. Abundance of both hunted and rare predator mammals and rare and threatened birds of prey populations depend (some species directly) on accessibility to feeding basis consisting from small mammals. Change of small mammals, as a feeding basis, in separate biotopes gives a possibility to evaluate suitability of some areas for predators. It is of particular importance for planning of biotechnical measures in protected areas (for example, number of owl nesting-boxes per acrage). Growing fishery, pollution and loss of habitats pose the most serious threat to Lithuanian water ecosystems in relation to biodiversity conservation. Report to European Environment Agency mentioned above indicates that oil spills during accidents and illegal spills of oil products from transit ships are of particular threat to the Baltic Sea and Lithuanian coastal zone ecosystems. Analysis of fish abundance and biomass in the Baltic Sea show that due to increasing commercial fishing, in particular in Klaipëda-Bûtingë zone, and pollution state of sea fish population declines. Increase of commercial fishing and pollution with oil products in the Baltic Sea has a negative impact on the status of waterfowl wintering sites of international importance at the coastal zone of Lithuania. Increasing negative anthropogenic impact on the quality of these specific and sensitive habitats is evidently reflected by mortality rate of wintering waterfowls, which is in particular high near Karklë-Ðventoji settlements. Changes in abundance of Stellers Eiders, one of threatened birds on a world scale, in wintering sites near Lithuanian coasts are used as a quality indicator of wintering sites in the USA, Norway and other countries. It also illustrates degradation of wintering sites of international European Environment Agency emphasizes that 30% of endangered bird species, above 50% of threatened mammal speices, in particular, large predators (such as bear, wolf, lynx), becoming extinct in many European countries in the last years, are closely related to forest ecosystems and require their protection not to be limited to only direct protection but also protection of their habitats and feeding basis (Environmental Signals 2002, 2002). 111 State of Environment 2001 A problem of damaged foliage was observed as a serious problem in European forests already in the end of XIX century. In the last five years forest defoliation in Lithuania has slighly decreased and fluctuates about 25%. Basing on data from the international Cooperation Programme (ICP Forest) in the field of forest protection, similar tendency is observed in all European forests where defoliation became stable on a high level with one fourth of damaged forests (Environmental Signals 2002, 2002). State of Environment 2001 imprtance at Lithuanian coastal zone where significant part biogeographical population of rare waterfowls concentrate. Fish abundance and biomass indicators in inland waters change depending on ecological features of water bodies and anthropogenic impact. Reducing pollution of inland water bodies influences some positive changes in ichtiological complex of the Curonian Lagoon. Analysis of abundance of fish and biomass in the Curonian Lagoon showed that extent of fishing in this water body is optimal, a number of commercial migrating fish, such as vimba, increased, restoration of twaite shad population that used to be the most important commercial fish in the Curonian Lagoon and now included into the Lithuanian Red Data Book, started. Fish abundance and biomass in Lithuanian lakes is very much dependant on type of a lake and fishery intensity which, if increased, destabilises state of ichtiofauna in water body and poses threat to biodiversity of these ecosystems. Specific and the only important problem of ichtiofauna diversity conservation in rivers is loss of habitats due to physical barriers (usually, dams of small hydropower plants) built on fish migrating routes. From this point of view, volume of lost territories is clearly illustrated by assessment results of migrating fish distribution in Lithuanian rivers. Thorough evaluation of impact from tourism and reacreational activities to Lithuanian biodiversity is hindered by lack of appropriate data. The main factors from this sector having negative impact on biodiversity are growth of tourism and recreation as well as pollution caused by those factors and fragmentation of valuable habitats. Regional dissimilarities are emphasized where coastal zone in Western Lithuania, surroundings of natural water bodies and natural high aesthetic value landscape areas, including state protected areas in eastern region are considered as the most challenging. Unfortunately, lack of data hampered the assessment of changes of visitor flows in protected areas. Issues related with the state of protected areas and most acute problems are discussed broader in the Chapter on Landscape Protection. Dynamics of protected areas acreage indicates double increase of protected areas acreage in the last decade and slight decrease of the acreage recently. This means, that many landscape complexes of nature value out of this large acreage have already received protection status (see Protected Areas, indicator G18.1). A number of registered violations of protected areas protection regimes in state parks and strict nature reserves illustrate pressure of visitors on the most valuable nature complexes (see Protected Areas, indicator A18.1) According to data from Lithuanian Department of Statistics, since 1998 tourism growth is observed in Lithuania. During three years a number of tourists visiting through travel agencies increased from 58,5 to nearly 72 thousand per year. Compared with 1998 duration of stays by tourists in Lithuania increased from 11%, and compared with 1996 even by 46%. If number of visitors in hotels and recreational centres during the last three years decreased, a number of visitors in 1998-2001 in tourist centres and lodges increased nearly two times. It is expected that latter forms the main part of tourists interested in valuable nature areas and attractive from recreational point of view rather than interested in cultural complexes. According to data from Tourism Department more tourists are interested in country tourism (http:// www.tourism.lt/lt/lt.htm), which also increases anthropogenic pressure on valuable nature areas. References: An Inventory of Biodiversity Indicators in Europe. Draft report of ECNC, 2001, the Netherlands, pg.14. Convention on Biological Diversity. No. 92-7807, 1992, United Nations Environment Programme. Core set of Biodiversity indicators. Draft version, 2002, ETC/NCB, pg.10. Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century. 1999, Copenhagen, pg.446. Environmental Signals 2002 (working title), forthcoming. 2002, Copenhagen. 112 Forest Resources of Europe, CIS, North America, Australia, Japan and New-Zealand. UN ECE/FAO contribution to the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000, Geneva Timber and Forest Study papers, N°17, 2000, UN, New York, Geneva. Handbook for Implementation of EU Environmental Legislation (http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/enlarg/ handbook/nature.pdf). Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija. Veiksmø programa, 1996, Vilnius, pg 42. Lietuvos Respublikos Bioávairovës iðsaugojimo strategija ir veiksmø planas. 1997, Vilnius, pg 106. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Driving forces V13.1. Agricultural crop production purchase and export 250 900 800 200 700 600 150 500 400 100 300 200 50 Grain Grûdai Other crop production, thousand tons Grain and sugar beets, thousand tons 1000 State of Environment 2001 Purchase of the main groups of agricultural crop production in Lithuanian market Flax Linø pluoštas fibre Cukriniai Sugar runkeliai beet Rapsai Rapes Bulvës Potatoes 100 0 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Darþovës Vegetables DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics. Until 1993-1994 purchase of grain and sugar beets in the internal market has declined. It was influenced by altered situation in agriculture when most of companies were reducing the scope of production and farmers were only developing and strengthening. Moreover, Eastern markets were lost. Purchase of this production was constantly increasing by more that 1,5 million tons per year in 1997. The increase was caused by stronger economic potential of private farmers and some stability of prices and purchase policy. However, after 1997 purchase in the internal market has declined. It was influenced by total crop area becoming smaller and unstable, purchase quota for sugar beets and grain as well as reduced purchase price for grain and increasing production cost. Since 1990-1991 after the start of land reform, purchase of potatoes (by the way standing in the second place after grain crops by the crop area they occupy) as well as of vegetables has drastically declined. It is explained by high production cost, increasing machinery price, declining export into Eastern countries and irregulated flows of cheaper production from the West. However, lately (1998-2000) importance of this production strated slightly increasing. After decreased prices for grain, beets and potatoes, part of farmers and agricultural partnerships turned to rather vegetables with high purchase prices. In 1999 purchase of rapes as one of the most perspective production, reached the peak but after 2000 due to lower purchase prices decreased by almost one third (compared with 1998 level). J Activity of internal market in purchase of agricultural crop production has been reducing in the last 3-4 years which does not promote the development of farming land or intensive use of agrotechnical measures. 113 V13.1. Agricultural crop production export Export of agricultural crop production (vegetables and their products, cereals and their products, ground grain products, various grains, seeds and root-crop following codes of integrated nomenclature of goods 07.01, 07.03 07.13, 10.01 10.05, 10.08, 11.01 11.05, 12.09, 12.12, 12.14, 19.01, 19.02, 19.05, 20.04 ir 20.05) (tousand tons). Export State of Environment 2001 thousand tons 450 Import 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics After redistribution of markets in 1994-1995 and recovery of demand for Lithuanian agricultural production in NIS countries, export of agricultural crop production has significantly increased since 1996 with the exception in 2000 when export decreased due to fluctuation of conjuncture. Constantly declining import reduces potential volume of reexport, which means, that export of local agricultural crop production from the country increases. In 1996 ex- port made only 25% of import size and since 1997 has already exceeded this number. In 2001 export of the main groups of agricultural crop production was more than four times higher than import. Thus, export becomes an important driving force that promotes development of agriculture. After permission to import fodder grains was received, it is likely that local agricultural crop production could slow down. L Meanwhile, export of agricultural crop production being a driving force that promotes agricultural development constantly increases and compared with 1995 increased by six times. 114 Pressure on environment A12.1. Clear felling area ratio with afforested area Comparison of clear felling area (ha) with afforested area (ha) per year. thousand tons 16 clear felling area, thousand ha established forest stands, thousand ha 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Division of Forest Management and Forest Resources, Ministry of Environment. Increasing forest felling dimensions also increase clear felling areas. Since 1999 the area of established forest stands decreases due to many clear felling areas left for natural regeneration. Corre- spondingly, since 1999 the clear felling areas left for natural renegeneration increases. Leaving clear felling areas for natural regeneration more resistant and valuable from biodiversity point of view forest stands are formed. K In the future, ratio between clear felling and established forest areas should remain stable. Clear felling areas left for natural regeneration may increase. 115 State of Environment 2001 14 A13.1. Crop area Crop area is a part of arable agricultural land used for agricultural crop production (thousand ha) determined by assessment of factual crop area after summer sowing. 3000 2900 2800 thousand ha 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics. From 1990 to 2001 total crop area in Lithuania decreased by 26,5%, although, it has increased after the economic crisis period in 1994-1995 and remained at the level of more than 2,5 million hect- ares. Occupying about 38,3% of the countrys territory it exceedes crop areas in Latvia (by approximately 15%) and Estonia (by approximtely 20%) and, according to this parameter, takes sixth place in Europe. Fig. A13.1.1 Areas of the main crop groups (thousand hectares) in 1990-2001. 1400 Grain Grûdinës crops kultûros 140 1200 120 1000 100 800 80 600 60 400 40 200 20 0 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Other crops, thousand ha Grain crops, thousand ha State of Environment 2001 2700 Linai Flax Rapes Rapsai Sugar Cukriniai beets runkeliai Potatoes Bulvës VegeLauko tables darþovës grown in the open field DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics. The largest territory (about 47% of total crop area) covered with grain crops (Fig. A13.1.1) and having a strong influence on fluctuation of total crop 116 area reached its maximum in 1993. In 1995 with declining consumption in the internal market, these crop areas reduced by almost 200 thousand hectares, used for potatoes also decreases, which is most likely influenced by nearly double drop in purchase prices until 2001. Hence, the internal market does not promote cultivation of these crops. However, with dereasing pressure to environment of such type, futher devastation of natural and semi-natural biotopes (e.g., meadow ploughing) due to expanding crop area is observed in some regions with of high fertility and expensive farming lands (over 41 score), in particular, those located in southwestern Lithuania. Hence, restitution of fertile farming land and land selling to foreigners may influence certain agriculture intensity in the mentioned regions (Fig. A13.1.2). Meanwhile, structural regulation measures applied for general agricultural policy in European Union may have an opposite impact. Fig. A13.1.2 Prevalence of most fertile farming lands in Lithuanian administrative regions < <40,2 40,2 scores balo 40,2-50 balø 40,2-50 scores DATA SOURCE: FAO project TCP/LIT/6613. The State Land Management Institute. J Total area of agricultural crop area decreases together with physical (agrotechnical, monoculture) and chemical (pesticides, fertilizers) pressure on biodiversity of agrarian landscape except of some regions, in particular, in the central part of Lithuania, where crop areas are increased due to high fertility or intensive agrotechnical measures are used. 117 State of Environment 2001 however covered 1,2 million hectares already in 1997. From 1997-1998 decrease of most of the main areas covered with farm crops was observed. The only exeption were rapes as their popularity in 19941999 was growing due to more intensive purchase and rather high prices with less production in 2000. In 200 grain crops area nearly reached 100 thousand ha and was close to the level of 1999. Sugar beets area was dependant on stable purchase quota and fluctuated rather little, although since 1997 it was decreasing and in 2000 was the lowest in all last decade. On the other hand, the total crop area of beets, vegetables grown in the open field and rapes amounts only to 5% of the total crop area. Therefore, changes in their areas have no significant influence on biodiversity as crop grains. Since 1998 farming land State, impact B12.1. Change of average age forest stands Change of average age forest stands in Lithuanians in 1938-2001. Change forest stand area distribution by maturity groups (saplings, average age, premature and mature) in 1993-2001, %. 50 Average age of forest stands State of Environment 2001 60 40 30 20 10 0 1938 1948 1961 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2001 DATA SOURCE: Department of Forests, Ministry of Environment. Since 1948 the average age of forest stands in Lithuania gradually increases. An explanation of this is an intensive afforestation in abandoned agricultural land started after the II World War as well as rather large part of wetlands overgrown with forest due to land reclamation activities. Age of forest stands established at that time grows every year and today reaches up to 50 or above. The average change of forest stands age indicate that Lithuanian forests get older. Fig. B12.1.1. Change of forest stands area distribution in accordance to groups of age in 1993-2001, % 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% saplings 9,6 12,6 17,9 17,6 19,9 44,7 18,2 41,4 27,8 40,2 26,1 1993 24,0 1998 average age 2001 premature DATA SOURCE: Department of Forests, Ministry of Environment 118 mature to 10 years in 1999. Area of saplings has slightly decreased. Total contribution of average age and premature forest stands in Lithuanian forests remains stable. Thus, Lithuanian forest age structure became more optimal in the last decade. It is expected that areas of premature and mature forest stands will increase in the future. So will the areas of sapling stands as it is planned to start afforestation in the abandoned agricultural land. J Average age of forest stands increases and so is a number of mature forest stands. B12.2. Defoliation of forests 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 40 Part of healthy trees % 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Defoliation, % Average defoliation of trees and changing part of healthy trees (%) in Lithuania in 1989-2001. 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 sveikø medþiøtrees dalis % defoliacija, % part of healthy defoliation DATA SOURCE: Lithuanian Institute of Forests. Defoliation is a loss of leaves or needles of a tree compared with a tree that has full (absolutely healthy) foliage. It is caused by air pollution, deseases, pests, abiotic factors. Defoliation is evaluated in persentage. Defoliation of a healthy tree is equal to 0%, and a dead tree 100%. Average defoliation indicates healthiness of forests, their ability to produce organic material in photosynthesis process. In Lithuania defoliation of trees is observed since 1987. Untill 1995 average defoliation of all type of trees increased in Lithuania. Nevertheless, after 1996 part of healthy trees in Lithuanian forests decreased and state of forests improved since 1996 (part of strongly and moderately damaged trees decreased more than of healthy trees). It was influenced by recovery of fir-tree stands after invasion of barkgnawer typograph and favourable hydroclimatic con- ditions. Reduction of atmosphere pollutio due to economic decline of the whole region and reduced SO2 emissions in Western Europe have also had rather strong influence. In the last 5 years average defoliation in Lithuania varies from 19 to 21%. Compared with Europe, state of forests in Lithuania is in the middle of Central and Eastern European countries (Check Republic, Poland, Slovakia) where state is the worst and Northern Eu119 State of Environment 2001 During the last 10 years increased areas of mature forest stands indicate that forests in Lithuania get older (see Fig.B12.1.1) - in 1993 they covered 10,9% of area from overall area of forest stands and in 2001 already 17,6 %. In fact, one of the reasons for increased area of mature forests is that part of fire-stands have been listed among mature forest stands after their maturity age was decreased down rope (Finland, Sweden) where it is the best. Prevailance of defoliation in specific years is influenced by many factors in the country. These are diverse meteorological conditions, air pollution, inva- sion of local forest pests and deseases, natural factors, regional composition of forest species, age of forest stands, etc. B12.3. Damaged forest area Damaged forests area (ha) in state forests by abiotic (windfalls, snowfalls, fires) and biotic (deseases, pests, beasts) factors. abiotic be asts pe sts de se ase s 180000 150000 Damaged area, ha State of Environment 2001 K During the last 4 years average defoliation slightly changes (17-23%). Usually state of forests is worse in the middle and the south, and the best in the north and the west of Lithuania. 120000 90000 60000 30000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 pp rognoz ë rognosis DATA SOURCE: Public enterprise Forest protection station. Due to the hurricane Anatolijus in Lithuania in December of 1999, damaged forest area by abiotic factors (windfalls, snowfalls) especially increased in 1999-2000. Damaged forest area by barkgnawer typograph in 1997 and piny owl-moth in 2000 also increased significantly. In 2001 damaged forest areas by abiotic (windfalls, snowfalls, fires) and biotic (deseases, pests, beasts) factors reached up to 55 609 ha of the territory in Lithaunia. Despite of chemical and biological measures used to protect forests, it is most likely, that with increasing number of damages by bark-gnawer typograph and snoutbeetle as well as increased number of damaged ashtree stands, number of damages will remain large in 2002. Formation of trunk pests sources is expected in Southern Lithuania where forest areas damaged by piny owl-moth and nun moth may amount to 16 000 ha. Moreover, dried up or drying up ash-tree stands are increasing and form the largest damaged part of trees. This problem became obvious in 1996 but it was difficult to identify the reasons. The area of dried up ash-tree stands increased twice in the last three years, namely, 1999-2001. According to current tendencies it may increase by two times more in the coming years. It brings losses of valuable and rich diversity of augmentation and fauna in deciduous forest habitats. K Taking into account change of climatic conditions that influence spreading of pests and deseases, abundance of beasts and spreading of grybiniø deseases in ash-tree stands, it is most likely, that damaged forest area will not decrease in the nearest future. 120 B13.1. Semi-natural territories out of total area A part of semi-natural territories (forests, meadows and natural pastures, wetlands and water bodies)(ha) out of total area of Lithuania, %. 44,4 2890 44,2 thousand ha 2880 2870 44 2860 43,8 2850 43,6 2840 43,4 2830 2820 43,2 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics. Fig. B13.1.1. Change of forest area (ha) thousands ha 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 1975 1970 1965 1960 1955 Forests 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics. Significant changes in farming land and at the same time in landscape started in Lithuania in the first part of XX century. Due to intensive agricultural development, agrarian landcape area has increased (up to two thirds of the countrys territory) and reached its maximum level in the middle of XX century. After the war and together with increased forest area, a total area of natural territories has also enlarged. According to statistical data, since 1993 changing tendency of natural and semi-natural area is not very visible. It is influenced by inter-variations of different categories of natural and semi-natural territories as well as changes made in assessment principles. Increase of natural and semi-natural areas is influenced by gradually expanding forest areas (both due to naturally overgrown meadows and abandoned natural pastures a number of which reduces since 1999 and due to artificial afforestation of abandoned agricultural land). Meanwhile, wetland areas are the most rare and valuable biotope in Lithuania which continues to decline by in average 1-2 thousand hectares per year (see Fig. B13.1.1-B13.1.3). A proposition is possible that in total up to 100 thousand hectares of natural territories were lost in the last decade, i.e. approximately 1,5% of the countrys territory had anthropogenic impact. Ratio of natural and semi-natural territories as well as urbanised landscape 121 State of Environment 2001 2900 % out of total territory 44,6 2910 in particular, due to the development of urbanised landscape (urban and recreational territories). Natural landscape quality depends not only on total acreage of semi-natural territories, but also on integrity of these territories. Due to different fertility of farming land, historically the least fragmentation is observed in the southern-southeastern part of Lithuania (ratio of natural and urbanised areas is above 12,5), meanwhile, areas that are mostly affected by anthropogenic impact are located in central and south-western regions of Lithuania (below 5,5). Fig. B13.1.2 Change of meadow and natural pasture areas (ha) Meadows and natural pastures 510 thousand ha 500 490 480 470 460 450 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics. Fig. B13.1.3. Change of wetland area (ha) Wetlands 158 156 154 thousand ha State of Environment 2001 areas changed not in the favour of natural landscape. In 1993 it was up to 8,0, 1995 - 7,9, and already in 1998 was still 7,8. Today economic and territorial disbalance in farming land (natural territories decrease in the land that is fertile and valuable from recreational point of view, however, some processes of renaturalisation, paludification and overgrowth with bushes are observed in less valuable areas) does not allow to assess changes of natural/semi-natural territories and those affected by anthropogenic impact ratio in the last years. Likely, more significant declining tendencies can be expected in the future, 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Department of Statistics. K During the last 3-4 years due to increase of forest areas, total acreage of semi-natural territories has been also slightly increasing. However, declining tendency of natural meadow and wetland areas is observed which can even be worse due to anthropogenic impact on territories with economic value. 122 B14.1. Abundance of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) Average abundance of roe, red deers and elks (ind./1000 ha) in monitoring stations in 1999-2001. 1999 2001 10 6 4 2 0 Stirna Rol T.Red elnias deer Briedis Elk DATA SOURCE: Institute of Ecology. In the last decade of XX century in Lithuania, as well as in Latvia and Estonia, the abundance of cervidaes population significantly decreased. It was influenced by excessive hunting, poaching, rigorous (to roe) winter in 1995/96. Untill 1998 abundance of roe and elks in monitoring stations decreased by an average of 2-3 times, and red deers increased by approximately 1,5 times (due to expansion of animals into forests uninhabited earlier) (Bluzma, Baleiðis, 1999). Later the average abundance of roedeer in stations remained almost stable. However, with further decrease of elks population, significant abundance decrease of red deers started. Compared results from 15 monitoring stations in 1999 and 2001 show decrease of the red deer abundance from 8,6 to 5,5, and elks - from 3,2 to 2,2 ind./1000 hectares of forest. According to monitoring results, optimal average abundance of roe population in Lithuania is 20-30, red deers 6-10, elks - 3-5 ind./1000 hectares of forest. In the beginning poaching was stimulated by issue of permits to obtain sporting guns for self-de- fence purpose and poor economic conditions of local people. Later rapidly growing number of hunters that obtained rifles have futher stimulated this problem. Fighting against poaching is complicated as poachers are often equipment with modern transport and communication means. Regulation of cervidaes hunting by setting up hunting limits is rather ineffective. Reports on animals received from hunters and foresters do not correspond with real situation. (Bluzma, 2001). Seeking short-term benefits (higher hunting limits), often an overestimated number of mammals is provided deliberately. According to official statistics the average abundance of roe-deer in 1999-2001 in Lithuania inceased from 26,6 to 33,7 ind./1000 ha, red deer decreased from 7,6 to 6,3 ind./1000 ha, abundance of elks remained at the same level of 2,4 ind./1000 ha. These numbers differ from monitoring results. Moreover, since 2001 inventory of hunted animals is no longer performed: hunters provide only preliminary number of animals. 123 State of Environment 2001 ind./1000 ha 8 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Roe Red deer Elk 1999 2001 Molingos Clayeylygumos plains 1999 2001 Smëlingos lygumos Sandy plains 1999 2001 Kalvotos moreninës Hilly morainic uplands aukštumos DATA SOURCE: Institute of Ecology. Compared monitoring data from different type of areas (see Fig. B14.1.1), show the highest abundance of roe and red-deer (12,9 and 8,6 ind/1000 ha accordingly) in 2001 in hilly morainic uplands, and elks (2,7 ind/1000 ha) in sandy plains. These variations reflect ecological characteristics of different species and quality of their living areas. The most favourable ecological conditions for roe are hilly morainic uplands, red-deers clayey plains, elks sandy plains (Bluzma, Baleiðis, 1993). However, lately, due to poaching of cervidaes their abundance does not correspond to quality of their living areas. Clayey plains were always characterized by abundance of red-deer but now abundance of these animals as well as elks has significantly decreased. It is possible to make a guess that decrease is caused by existing favourable poaching conditions as animals grazing in open plain areas are easy to be noticed. Fig. B14.1.2 Abundance of roe, red-deer and elk (ind./1000 ha) in different regions in 1999 and 2001. Roe Red deers Elk 14 12 ind./1000 ha State of Environment 2001 ind./1000 ha Fig. B14.1.1 Abundance of roe, red-deer and elk (ind./1000 ha) in different type of stations in 1999 and 2001. 10 8 6 4 2 0 1999 2001 1999 2001 1999 2001 1999 2001 West Vakarø Center Vidurio Rytø East Pietø South DATA SOURCE: Institute of Ecology. Comapring monitoring data from 1999 and 2001 in different regions, it is obvious that abundance of red-deer and elk has mostly decreased during this period in western and middle parts of 124 Lithuania, the least – in eastern part of Lithuania, and even increased in southern part of the country (see Fig. B14.1.2). Pressumption can be made that these variations are mostly related to unequal poaching level in the regions. L In 1999-2001 abundance of roe in monitoring stations remained rather stable, mean- while, abundance of red-deer and elk decreased by almost one third. In particular, abundance of all cervidaes significantly decreased in western part of Lithuania. The highest abundance of roe and red-deer stayed in hilly morainic uplands, elks in sandy plains. Bluzma P., Baleiðis R. The cervid (Cervidae) monitoring in Lithuania (19931998).//Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 1999, vol. 9, No 1, p. 6170. State of Environment 2001 References: Bluzma P. Lietuvos medþiojamieji þinduoliai: populiacijø dinamika ir dabartinë bûklë//Theriologija Lituanica, 2001, No 1, p. 419. Bluzma P., Baleiðis R. Moose population density and habitat quality in different landscapes of Lithuania// Ekologija, 1993, Nr.4, p. 4346. P15.1. Mortality-rate of wintering waterfowls Dead wintering waterfowls located in monitoring sections at Lithuanian coastline (except of birds killed due to oil spills in 1995 and 1997 as latter data is not included ino order to prevent from inacurate anaysis data on bakground oil pollution) and reasons for their mortality expressed in sample rates. 100% 45 116 16 21 53 101 98 96 93 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 90% 80% other oil nets 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% DATA SOURCE: Institute of Ecology. Few waterfowl wintering sites of international importance were identified at the Lithuanian coastline (Ðvaþas, Vaitkus, 1994, Ðvaþas, 1996, Ðvaþas and others, 2001). During the last 10 years environmental state of the coastline has drastically changed. Excesive fishing with nets was started at the coastal zone only in the last decade. Transportation of oil products became more intensive. In 1995-2001 five larger oil spills were registered. Increased anthropogenic pressure caused changes in the status of most important waterfowl wintering sites. Since 1993 a number of waterfowls killed in fishermen nets was constantly increasing. Calculations were made that up to 10% of waterfowls wintering in Lithuanian marine waters may be killed annually in fishermen nets (Þydelis, 2002). Impact from background oil pollution of the sea on birds was rather insignificant (see. Oil spills in the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea, indicator B5.1), with the exception of massive mortality of Sea-ducks as a result of oil spills in winter of 1995 and 1997 (Vaitkus and others, 1994; Þydelis, Dagys, 1997, Þydelis, 2002). Density of killed birds in coasline monitoring sections was different. The average densities defined near the inland coast (0,43 ind/km) exceeded densities defined near the coast of Curonian Lagoon (0,09 ind/km). 125 Fig. B15.1.1 Ecological groups of killed waterfowls expressed in sample rates 100% 45 116 16 21 53 101 98 96 93 other gulls auks grebes divers sea-ducks 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% State of Environment 2001 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Institute of Ecology. Sea-ducks (long-tailed duck, common scoter and Stellers Eider) and gulls that form the largest part of killed waterfowls (see Fig. B15.1.1) are very sensitive to anthropogenic impact. In 2001 sea-ducks amounted to approximately 80% of all birds killed in fishing nets. These ducks concentrate in limited aquatoria of Lithuanian wintering sites at the coastal zone where fishing is very extensive. Their wintering period (November-March) is the same as extensive salmon fishing with large-eye gillnets. A large part of killed waterfowls as a result of oil pollution in the sea are gulls. Prevailance of waterfowls that died due to fishing nets and oil pollution in Lithuanian waters are similar to prevailance registered at the Baltic Sea coastline in Poland (Stempniewicz, 1994) but lower than at the coast of North Sea in Holland (Camphuysen 1989, Camphuysen, Franeker, 1992). Most likely intensive oil product transportationand possible oil extraction in the Russian part of the sea near the Curonian Lagoon will have the biggest impact on waterfowl populations. Fishing gillnets at the coastal zone will constantly pose a threat to waterfowl populations. L Mortality-rate of birds caught in fishing nets increases. References: Camphuysen C. Beached Bird Surveys in the Netherlands in 19151988: seabird mortality in the southern North Sea since the early days of oil pollution. Technical report, 1989. Camphuysen C., Franeker J. The value of Beached Bird Surveys in monitoring marine oil pollution. Technical report, 1992. Stempniewicz L. Marine birds drowning in fishing nets in the Gulf of Gdansk: numbers, species composition, age and sex structure. Ornis Svecica, 1994. Vol. 4., p. 123132. Ðvaþas S., Vaitkus G. Vandens paukðèiø rûðinë sudëtis ir gausumas Lietuvos pajûryje. Naftos terminalas Bûtingëje. Vilnius, 1994. P. 108121. Ðvaþas S. Internationally important sites for Anatidae in Lithuania. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 1996. Vol. 13, N. 2, p. 285303. 126 Ðvaþas S., Dagys M., Þydelis R., Raudonikis L. Changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterfowl populations in Lithuania in the 20th century. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 2001. Vol. 11, N. 3, p. 243255. Vaitkus G., Petraitis A., Þydelis R. Beached bird density trends in Lithuania during 19911994. Acta Ornithologica Lituanica, 1994. Vol. 910, p.7886. Þydelis R., Dagys M. Winter period ornithological impact assessment of oil related activities and sea transportation in Lithuanian inshore waters of the Baltic Sea and in the Kurðiø lagoon. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, Ornithologia, 1997. Vol. 6, p.4565. Þydelis R. Habitat selection of waterbirds wintering in Lithuanian coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. Summary of Doctoral Dissertation. Vilnius, 2002. B15.1. Abundance of Stellers Eider in wintering sites by the Lithuanian coast Polysticta stelleri 2500 1500 1000 500 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Institute of Ecology. Stellers Eider (Polysticta stelleri) is one of the most rare duck species. It is included into the international list of endangered bird species (Tucker, Heath, 1994). Stellers Eider belongs to stenatopic species wintering in shallow solid bottom marine biotopes rich with underwater vegetation where they selectively feed on crustacea and mollusca (Þydelis, 2002). About 30 000 individuals of these birds come to European wintering sites (Nygard and others, 1995; Rose, Scott, 1997). Until 2000 Stellers Eider (up to 6-7% of individuals from all geographical population) were wintering at the small segment of the Baltic coastline near Karklës-Ðventosios settlements (Ðvaþas, 1996, Ðvaþas and others, 2001; Þydelis, 2000, 2002). Constant inventories of wintering Stellers Eider showed steady growth of population in the wintering site near Karklë-Ðventoji in 1987-1997. During the last 5 years a number of these globally endangered species of ducks decreased by more than two times at the Lithuanian coast, mean- while in other wintering sites of Europe their number continued to increase (BirdLife & European Bird Census Council, 2000). Rapid decrease of wintering Stellers Eider reflects the change of marine environment status near Karklë-Ðventoji and growth of anthropogenic pressure in the last years. This type of species is very sensitive to disturbances caused by fishing at the coastal zone (Nygard and others, 1995; Þydelis, 2002). Since 1993 fishing intensity was constantly growing in this area. In 1999-2001 about 30 Stellers Eiders were registered dead in fishing nets (Þydelis, 2002), however, most likely the total number of Stellers Eiders killed in fishing nets was few times higher. Declining number of wintering Stellers Eiders is also related to disturbance caused by marine part of Bûtingës oil terminal construction works and operation. Oil pollution of the sea poses serious threat to Stellers Eider. They were found dead as a result of oil pollution at the coastal zone near Palanga after oil spills in the last few years. L Decreasing abundance of Stellers Eider in wintering sites of international importance at the coastal zone near Palanga shows deterioriating status. References: European bird populations. Estimates and trends. BirdLife International & European Bird Census, BirdLife Conservation Series No.10. Cambridge, 2000. P. 27-28. Nygard T., Frantzen B., Ðvaþas S. Stellers Eider wintering in Europe: numbers, distribution and origin. Wildfowl, 1995. Vol. 46, p. 140155. Rose P., Scott D. Waterfowl population estimates. Wetlands International Publication 44, 1977. P. 49. Ðvaþas S. Internationally important sites for Anatidae in Lithuania. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 1996. Vol. 13, N 2, p. 285303. Ðvaþas S., Dagys M., Þydelis R., Raudonikis L. Changes in numbers and distribution of wintering waterfowl populations in Lithuania in the 20th century. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 2001. Vol. 11, N. 3, p. 243255. Tucker G., Heath M. Birds in Europe. Their Conservation Status. BirdLife Conservation Series No 3. Cambridge, 1994. P. 134135. Þydelis R. Habitat choice of Stellers Eider wintering at Lithuanian coast of the Baltic Sea. Acta Ornithologica, 2000. Vol. 35, N.1, p. 129131. Þydelis R. Habitat selection of waterbirds wintering in Lithuanian coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. Summary of Doctoral Dissertation. Vilnius, 2002. 127 State of Environment 2001 Number of birds 2000 B16.1. Change tendencies of small mammals as a feeding basis in separate biotopes Abundance of small mammals in autumn in dominant biotopes of separate areas 35 NdRP PjRP Þkmt 1999 30 2000 2001 VrRP DbRP KmRZ PgRP PnRP KrRP BþRP Gragr KmRP VðRP NrRP NkRP Dkmt Abundance, ind/ha 20 15 10 5 Akmt Dkmt VðRP NkRP BþRP KmRP Grarg KrRP PgRP PnRP KmRZ VrRP DbRP PjRP Þkmt 0 NdRP State of Environment 2001 25 Investigation sites Akmt Nemunas Delta Regional Park Pajûrys Regional Park Integrated monitoring territory in Dzukija Varniai Regional Park Dubysa Regional Park Kamanos Strict Nature Reserve Pagramantis Regional Park Panemuniai Regional Park Krekenava Regional Park Birþai Regional Park Graisupis agrostationary Kauno Marios Regional Park Viðtytis Regional Park Neris Regional Park Nemuno Kilpos Regional Park Integrated monitoring territory in Dzukija Integrated monitoring territory in Aukðtaitija DATA SOURCE: Status of small mammal communities and population of species dominating in these communities in Lithuania. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology, Report to the Ministry of Environment. Vilnius, 1999 and 2001. In spring time abundance of small mammals is scarce but in some years when wintering conditions are more favourable, their number increases. Over the breeding season the number of small mammals grows and as a result they are very abundant in autumn. The abundance fluctuates every year. Change tendencies of small mammals abundance depend on forest type, existing habitats and their diversity, i.e. availability of food resources, large number of hiding places and biological features of species. Most of small mammal species are characterized by biotopic, local and regional variation and abundandce cycles of changing abundance of their population. It is well illustrated by change diagram of small mammals abundance in sixteen local areas. The least abundant they are in sandy and delta plains of the Baltic hollow area where feeding basis is very poor and natural conditions are extreme (as for example, in Pajûrys and Nemuno delta regional parks) as well as scanty biotopes of Nemunas valleys and slopes (for example, in Panemuniø, Kauno mariø and Nemuno kilpø regional parks). Higher abundance of small mammals appears in fir-stands and deciduous forests as well as wet meddows in Þemaièiø-Kurðo district (such as integrated monitoring territory in Þemaitija, Varniai and Dubysa regional parks, Kamanø strict nature reserve). The highest abundance is in deciduous and mixed forests as well as cultural pastures or mosaic biotopes (such as Graisupio agrostationary, Krekenava and Birþai regional parks). The basis of small mammal abundance in local territories of forests or open areas is formed by abundance of species populations that prevail. Bank vole During research of small mammals carried out in some local territories located in different geographic districts 16 species have been registered. 8 small mammal species prevailed, namely, bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), yellow-necked field mouse (Apodemus flavicollis), common shrew (Sorex araneus), Eurasian pygmy shrew (S. minutus), common vole (Microtus arvalis), striped mouse (A. agrarius), tundra and field (accordingly M. oeconomus and M. agrestis) voles. Population of these species formed basis for small mammal abundance. Other species were sparcely observed. Individuals of mentioned species were most often observed in food of predators. Abundant remainder of Microtus ir Clethrionomys genera voles, Abodemus genus mouse and Sorex genus shrews are observed in vomits of owls (accordingly 34,1, 25,6, 11,5 and 16,1 %) (Balèiauskienë and others, 2000). Abundant remainder of Microtus genus voles (relative amount 32,765%) is observed in excrements of foxes and few more species, i.e. Apodemus genus mouse, Clethrionomys and Microtus genera voles (relative amount accordingly 11-20, 1,4-19,8 and 6,3-22,3 %) and more of Sorex genus shrews are observed in excrements of martens (Baltrûnaitë, 2001). Individuals abundance of separate species in feeding of predators changes depending on abundance of small mammals inhabited in their hunting areas. 128 often observed in shrub-marshes and meadows near forests. According to Baleiðis (2001), changing cycles of foxes abundance in Eastern Lithuania (by hunting catch) may be related to changes of peliniø grauþikø populations. In general, deciduous and mixed forests and cultural pastures with small daciduous agroforest stands and, in particular, clayey plains of Central Lithuania and morain highlands in Eastern Lithuania provide most favourable conditions for small mammal populations. Therefore, food resources of birds of pray and furs are changing. A number of predators in the years when abundance of small mammals decreased in poor territories (for example, pure pine forests) was limited. They were foreced to spend more time and energy searching for food and migrating to territories where small mammals prevail. Population of predators grow with increasing number of food resources. Moreover, some predators feed in broader plots and they can start feeding other animals when number of small mammals decreases. Table B16.1.1. Investigation sites of small mammals in 1999-2001 in different physical geographical districts and registered number of species District Investigation site and code Species A: Baltic waterhole Nemuno deltos and Pajûrio regional S. ar.,S. min., A. fl., C. gl., parks (NdRP and PjRP) M. ar., M. oe. B: Þemaièiø Kurðo Þemaitijos integrated monitoring S. ar., S. min., N. fod., S. b. C: Pabaltijo lowland territory (Þkmt), Varniø and Dubysos M. min., M. mus., A. ag., regional parks (VrRP, DbRP) and A. ur., A. fl., C. gl., M. ar., Kamanø strict nature reserve (KmRZ) M. ros., M. ag., M. oe. Pagramanèio, Panemuniø, Krekenavos, S.ar., S. min., M. min., M. Birþø regional parks (PgRP, PnRP, mus., A. ag., A. fl., C. gl., KrRP, BþRP) and Graisupio agrostationary (Gragr) M. ar., M. ros., M. ag., M. D: Kalvotø moraine highlands and plains Kauno mariø, Viðtyèio, Neries and S.ar., S. min., M. min., M. Nemuno kilpø regional parks mus., A.ag., A. syl., A. fl., (KmRP, VðRP, NrRP, NkRP) C. gl., M. ar., M.ag., M. oe. E: Zandriniø plains Dzûkijos and Aukðtaitijos integrated S.ar., S. min., A.ar., A. fl., monitoring territories (Dkmt, Akmt) oe., A. ter. C. gl., M. ros., M.ag. T. eu. mole, S. ar. common shrew, S. min. Eurasian pygmy shrew, N. fod. water shrew, S. b. birch mouse, M. min. harvest mouse, M. mus. house mouse, A. ag. field mouse, A. syl. forest mouse, A. ur. small field mouse, A. fl. yellow-necked mouse, C. gl. root vole, M. ar. common vole, M. ros. sibling vole, M. ag. field vole, M. oe. root vole, A. ter. water vole; * T. eu., N. fod., A.syl., M.oe. sugauti 1994 m. K Small mammals form a good feeding basis in most of biotopes prevailing in Lithuania. However, it is poor in biotopes of sandy and delta plains of Baltic waterhole district and Nemunas valleys and slopes. References: Baleiðis R. Rudøjø lapiø gausos fliuktuacija// Theriologia Lituanica, 2001, Nr. 1, p. 9295. Maþeikytë R. Smulkiøjø þinduoliø rûðiø iðtirtumas Lietuvoje XX a.//Theriologia Lituanica, 2001, Nr. 1, p. 105118. Balèiauskienë L., Juðkaitis R. & Naruðevièius V. Small mammals in the diet of the tawny owl (Strix aluco) in central Lithuania //Folia theriologica Estonica, 2000, Nr. 5, p. 1526. Baltrûnaitë L. Feeding habits, food niche overlap of red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) and pine marten (Martes martes L.) in hilly moraine highland, Lithuania. Ekologija, 2001, Nr. 2, p. 2732. 129 State of Environment 2001 prevail in forests most often and sometimes yellownecked field mouse. In addition, abundance of small mammals in large forest areas depends on type of forest stands their number is higher in deciduous forest stands and fir-stands mixed with deciduous trees rather than in pure pine forests and example of which can be territories of integrated monitoring in Dzûkija and Aukðtaitija (for example, populations of small mammls in Dzûkija mezeoentrophical black alder stand is 14-20 times biger than in lichen pinewood and in Aukðtaitija fir-stands - 1,5-2,4 times more than in bilberry pinewood). In open area habitats, different type of meadows and cultural pastures the highest number of Microtus genus voles and field mouse prevail (Graisupio and Saldutiðkio agrostationaries in Central and Eastern Lithuania). In these habitats mostly common vole prevail and it was determined that changing cycle of its population abundance in Lithuania is 3-4 years (Maþeikytë, 2001). Sometimes Sorex genus shrews and bank voles as well as yellow-necked field mice are more B17.1. Migrating fish prevalence in Lithuanian rivers Current prevalance area of migratory fish in Lithuania. VV V VV Ve ee ee en nn nn ntttttta aa aa a NN N NN Neeeee m m m m muuuuu m nnnnnëëë ëëlllliillisiiss ss aaa a ûû ûû ûððða M Mû M M M A Akkkkm A A meeen m m m m ennna aaa----D Da D M M M D aaan M M Miiiin nnnë ëëë niin niiiijjiijja nn a ajja aa muunnaass N Neem ÐÐ ÐÐ Ð Ð vvveee nnnttt ooojjijii iii ra ra JJJJJJûû ra ra ûû ûra D DD DD Duuuuuu bbbbbbyyy yyyssssssaaa aaa N N N N Neeeeevv vvvëëëëëþþ þþþiiisiissss vu vuooo vu Lë Lëvu Lë vu vu Lë Lë Lë riiss NNeer ÞÞÞeee im iim m eeennn aaa State of Environment 2001 vvvvvaaaaaa rrrrrttttuutuuuu BBBBBaaaaaa ))))) oosssss tiitijjiijjojjoo aaaaallltlltt B B B (B(B jiijiii((( tttoottooojjj eeeeennnnn ÐÐÐÐÐvvvvv ÐÐ Ð Ðe ÐÐ eððððððu ee ee up uu uu pë pp pp ë ëë ëë sss kkkyyyyyysss eeeeeerrrrrrkkk M M M M M M River catchment areas accessible migratory fish þuvims Upiø baseinai to pasiekiami praeivëms Prarastos teritorijos Lost territories l Water rise (not less than 3 meters) DATA SOURCE: Data base of Institute of Ecology and Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Environment. Human intervention into the Baltic salmon biology is one of the most intensive in global history of fish population. Rapid development of industry and agriculture resulted in pollution and reclamation of rivers, construction of dams on some rivers blocked up salmon migration routes to their spawning and maturing grounds. Today only 20 out of 60 former salmon rivers in the Baltic catchment area are suitable for spawning (Bengtsson, 1999). These negative factors had significant impact on total decrease of Baltic salmon abundance. Due to decreased quantity of resources, salmon has been included into the Red Data Book of Lithuania. Salmons are migratory fish and their live cycle is closely related to marine and river biotopes. According to historical data, salmon was observed in 16 Lithuanian rivers. At present smolts produce natu- 130 rally only in two rivers - Þeimena and Neris. In orther rivers salmon is found only by chance. Current prevalence area of migratory fish (salmon, sea-trout, vimba) has decreased in Lithuania due to construction of dams. Worse migration and spawning conditions have caused decrease in migratory fish populations. For example, in average about 5000 salmon individuals migrated every year to Nemunas catchment area in the last decade. Due to lost spawning grounds, growth of salmon smolts is very slow (29 000 annualy), meanwhile, potential smolt production can reach about 180 000 (Fig. B17.1.1). Moreover, due to insufficient attention to salmon protention in their migration routes and spawning grounds, a large number of salmon migrating to Nemunas catchment area are caught by poachers and commercial fishmermen. Fig. B17.1.1 Potential and existing production of salmon smolts in Lithaunian rivers Potential production 175000 Smolt production 29000 50000 40000 30000 State of Environment 2001 20000 10000 0 Neris Ðventoji Dubysa Siesartis Kitos DATA SOURCE: Data base of Institute of Ecology and Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of Environment. L Research data and environmental measure taken to restore salmon population, show that sitaution in Lithuania is serious. Existing dams and pollution of rivers block up salmons from reaching their spawning grounds, thus, reducing their prevalence in rivers. Existing salmon smolts amount only to 18% of potential production. Illegal and commercial fishing hinder large numbers of salmon migrating to Nemunas catchment area as insufficient protection measures are taken on their migration routes and spawning grounds. References: Bengtsson B. E. and all.1999. Reproductive disturbance in Baltic Fish: A Synopsis of the FiRe Project. Ambio, Vol. 28, No 1, p. 28. 131 B17.2. Fish abundance and biomass in Lithuanian lakes Dynamics of biomass and abundance of fish caught in monitored lakes in 1993 – 2001. Biomass and abundance is fish (kg and units) caught using standard selective nets in water body per single catch. Þuvintas State of Environment 2001 120 Dusia Plateliai Tauragnas Lûkstas average biomass, kg 100 80 60 40 20 0 1993 1993 m. 2000 1994 1994 m. Þuvintas 1995 1995 m. 1996 1996 m. Dusia 1997 1997 m. Plateliai 1998 1998 m. 1999 1999 m. Tauragnas 2001 2001 m. Lûkstas average abundance, individuals 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1993m. 1993 1994m. 1994 1995m. 1995 1996 1996 m. 1997 1997 m. 1998 1998 m. 1999 1999 m. 2001 2001 m. DATA SOURCE: Scientific report. Experimental assessment of vendace fishing in Dusia lake. Definition of used fishing equipment effectiveness in Meteliai, Dusia and Obelija lakes with recommendations on needed limitations. Ministry of Environment. Vilnius. 1999, pg. 1-45. Biological monitoring provide a possibility to direcly evaluate long-term integrated impact to wild nature from all negative factors and decide on the real threat to the environment. As an example of such phenomena change of fish abundance and biomass in lakes of different trophic level is presented: mezotrophic type Dusios, Plateliø and Tauragno, eutrophic type Lûksto and hypertrophic type Þuvinto lakes. Succession state of different type of 132 lakes reflect successive state of fish community. Thus, basing on prevailing and indicaroty fish species very deep Dusios and Tauragno lakes belong to smelt, Plateliai lake to vendace, Lûkstas to bleak and shallow Þuvintas to breamtype of lakes (Virbickas and others, 1994). However, fish abundance and biomass indicators change depending not only on ecological characteristics of lakes but also on intensity of commercial fishery. In Þuvintas lake where strict nature reserve regime is applied, no fishing is allowed and during monitoring fish density and biomass indicators are most stable compared with other lakes. In average biomass of caught fish in Þuvintas lake was up to 20,7 kg, fish abundance reached 200 individuals. Rather small change of indicators was ob- served in Plateliai and Tauragnas lakes where intensity of commercial fishing is low (in average 16,9 and 15,8 kg and 143 and 195 individuals). Due to rather intensive commercial fishing in Lûkstas lake biomass fluctuated from 10,1 to 34,7 kg, and abundance from 133 to 1022 individuals. commercial cathes 40 20 35 18 16 30 14 25 12 20 10 15 8 6 10 4 5 commercial biomass, tons Average biomass, kg monitoring catch State of Environment 2001 Fig. B17.2.1 Dynamics of caught fish biomass and commercial catches in Dusia lake in 1993-2001 2 0 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Scientific report. Experimental assessment of vendace fishing in Dusia lake. Definition of used fishing equipment effectiveness in Meteliai, Dusia and Obelija lakes with recommendations on needed limitations. Ministry of Environment. Vilnius. 1999, pg. 1-45. Most changes of fish abundance and biomass is observed in Dusia lake (see Fig. B17.2.1) Smallest biomass (6,67 kg) was in 1993, and largest (37,8 kg) in 1994. Dynamics curve show annual decrease of biomass which was lower than the average of yearafter-year (8,4 kg) in 1999. Respectively fish abundance decreased from 765 to 171 individuals. Change of density and biomass is caused by extensive com- mercial fishing in Dusia lake. Year-after-year data from commercial statistics show that lately catches were declining from 43,3 t (1974) to 1,215 t (2001) in Dusia lake. Decreased fish abundance and biomass as well as tendentiously declining commercial catches indicate critical state of fish resources. Investigation results show a need to reduce commercial fishing intenstity in Dusia lake and control commerial fishing. L State of fish community is unstable and often is close to the critical level in the lakes where commercial fishing is extensive. References: Virbickas J., Kesminas V., Repeèka R., Virbickas T. Þuvys. Þuvø populiacijø bûklë ir dinamika / Lietuvos gamtinë aplinka. Bûklë, procesai, tendencijos. Vilnius, 1994. P. 83-87. 133 B17.3. Fish abundance and biomass in the Curonian Lagoon Changes of commercial catches and fish biomass in the Curonian Lagoon in 1993-2001. (Commerical catches are expressed in tons, fish biomass in experimental catches kg/l per net used during monitoring). 1600 biomass 14 commercial catches 12 1200 10 8 800 6 kg/net 1000 tons State of Environment 2001 1400 600 4 400 2 200 0 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Scientific report. Research on population structure and abundance of commerial fish in the Curonian Lagoon and Nemunas river delta. Vilnius. 2001, P. 73. Fish abundance and biomass has significantly fluctuated during monitoring period. It was influenced by both commercial fishing and rather visible changes in composition of fish species due to reduced biogenic pollution. Considerable increase of commercial catched was observed during monitoring in Lithuanian part of the Lagoon and it influenced slight decrease of fish abundance and biomass in experimental catches. High abundance of carp fish, in particular, roach and bream, was noticed in the start of monitoring. Later, in 1998-2001, abundance decreased which can be explained in few ways. Firstly, decrease of fish was influenced by more excessive commercial fishing. In the last years cathes of roach amounts to 500 134 tons annually. The number could have decreased also due to reduced pollution and discharge of biogenic substances into the Nemunas river catchment area as roach prevail in eutrophical and hypertrophical water bodies. High perch abundance is observed in monitoring catches due to very successful perch spawning in 1997 which reached its peak in 1999. The largest amounts of experimental catches were observed in the same year. Later, due to increased abundance of pike-perch, ruffs and other younger age groups of perch which are the main feeding source for pikeperch, have decreased. Increase of valuable migratory fish (vimba, twaite shad) abundance is observed (see Fig. B17.3.1). Fig. B17.3.1 Twaite shad abundance calculated in catches ind/l per net of 30 meters long and 38-50 mm porosity during twaite shad fishing in their migration routes 6 5 3 2 1 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Scientific report. Research on population structure and abundance of commerial fish in the Curonian Lagoon and Nemunas river delta. Vilnius. 2001, P. 73. Several decades ago twaite shad was the main commercial migratory fish in the Curonian Lagoon. Today, due to increased pollution, it was close to extinction and was included into the Red Data Book of Lithuania. For a very long time (since 1982) it was not registered in experimental catches and appeared only in 1994. In few years twaite shad abundance has increased and already in May-June of 1998-2001 it became the main among fish species caught with nets of 38-50 mm porosity in the Curonian Lagoon migratory routes and spawning grounds. Most probably, the main reason for restoration of this population was rapid decrease of pollution in the lower Nemunas and Curonian Lagoon. According to Dubra (1994) biogenic pollution of the Curonian Lagoon decreased by 2-3 times from 1986 to 1992. Marine Research Centre data of 19932001 show that continues pollution reduction and constant increase of twaite shad population. Certainly, dredging of Klaipëda channel and banning of commercial fishing in twaite shad spawning grounds had positive impact on restoration of twaite shad population. There were no such strong abundance of twaite shad population observed in the neigbouring countries. Keeping in mind that twaite shad population remains abundant for several years and catches of young age twaite shad in the Baltic Sea and northern part of the Lagoon are large, it is recommended to strike off this fish from the Red Data Book of Lithuania. We consider that it is still premature to strike off twaite shad from the Red Data Book of Lithuania. In recent years restoration of this fish is observed only in the Curonian Lagoon catchment area. Consequently, reproduction of twaite shad is a very important task also due to the fact that their spawning grounds are protected by the EU Directives. Twaite shad has been recently transferred from first protection category to third. To start with, it could be moved to category number 4 with futher monitoring of changes in their resousrces in the Curonian Lagoon. Monitoring of twaite shad abundance in the Curonian Lagoon and coastal zone of the Baltic Sea demonstrates that situation is improving. The main reason for their reproduction is decreased pollution in the lower Nemunas and Curonian Lagoon. Dredging of Klaipëda channel and banning of commercial fishing in twaite shad spawning grounds had also a positive impact. In the last years commercial catches became stable, extent of fishing is optimal and increase of cathes in the future could only have negative impact. Thus, it is recommended to keep fishing in the Lagoon at the same level with a possibility to switch from fishing of valuable species to more abundant but less valuable fish species. K Taking into accound data on fish abundance and biomass, situation in the Curonian Lagoon is stable. Today commercial fishing intensity is optimal and should not be increased. Decreased biogenic pollution has influenced changes in fish community structure: abundance of perch communities and valuable migratory fish species (vimba, twaite shad) increase. References: Dubra J. Kurðiø mariø ir Baltijos jûros vandens kokybë. Lietuvos gamtinë aplinka. Vilnius, 1994. P. 46 51. 135 State of Environment 2001 ind/net. 4 B17.4. Fish abundance and biomass in the Baltic Sea Changes of fish biomass and commercial catches at the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea in 1993-2001 (Commercial catches are expressed in tons, fish biomass in experimental catches – kg/l of monitoring net). biomass 6 commercial catches 500 5 400 4 300 3 200 2 100 1 0 kg/net tons State of Environment 2001 600 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Scientific report. Assessment of commercial fish population structure and abundance near the coast, Vilnius. 2000, P. 58 Significant changes of abundance, biomass and species composition of fish are observed while analysing experimental catches earlier and during the monitoring period. In 1989-1991 fish catches in the coastal zone were biger that in the last few years. It is not strange as fishing in the coastal zone was not intensive until 1991-1992. More excessive fishing resulted in considerable decrease of experimental catches (in particular, in 1996), but later the number has slighly inceased. Rather large catches in 19972000 were caused by sharply increased number of vimba and both in abundance and biomass amounted to more than 50%. In 2001 catches of vimba in the Baltic sea coastal zone was lower. Consequently, number of total catches has also decreased. Due to excessive fishing in the coastal zone, major decreasee in abundance of larger halibut and river plaice was also observed. In the coastal zones of neigbouring countries (Latvia, Russia) where fishing is less intensive, no major decreases in fish abundance was observed. Due to illegal fishing with smaller porosity nets, catches of younger groups of the above mentioned fish species, vimba, pike-perch and some other are large. Most likely, due to increasing pollution and decreasing number of spawning grounds, declining abundance of sprat community is also observed. However, it is characteristic to the whole Baltic Sea. Because of improved reproduction conditions and decreased pollution of inland waters, increased abundance of vimba and twaite shad was observed during the monitoring period. Communities of freshwater fish also increase, most likely, due to intensive dredging activities in Klaipëda strait. It is necessary to limit halibut, river plaice fishing as significant decrease in abundance of these fish communities is observed. It is also necessary to take measures to reduce pollution and strengthen fish protection control in the coastal zone. Use of artificial spawning grounds is recommended for reproduction of sprat communities. L According to fish abundance and biomass data, situation in the Baltic sea coastal zone has recently deteriorated. It concerns mostly marine fish species, meanwhile, abundance of migratory and fresh-water fish grows. In particular, decrease is caused by excessive commercial fishing in Klaipëda-Bûtingë zone. It is necessary to limit fishing intensity, reduce pollution and strengthen fish protection control in the Baltic sea coastal zone. 136 Measures to improve the state G12.1. Ratio of pure and mixed forest stands Division of forest stands established in former felling area in 1997-2001 into pure and mixed, % in the total forest area established in one year. 100 90 80 46 46 50 54 54 50 1997 1998 1999 70 57 58 43 42 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000 2001 pure mixed DATA SOURCE: Forest Department, Ministry of Environment. According to Law on Forest of the Republic of Lithuania, forest in felling areas must be restored in 3 years and natural regeneration is expected not later than in 4 years. In order to protect biodiversity, over 30 % of all felling areas are left for natural regeneration. Forest restoration shall: follow sustainable forest development principles and meet demands of country people and economy. Biodiversity in Lithuanian forests is rich. The country belongs to natural zone of mixed forests where broad-leaved and coniferous forests prevail. Thus, even if pure stands are established, later various types of trees and shrubs appear forming mixed forest stand. Comparing ration of mixed stands established in the last five years with total number of established stands, it becomes obvious that mixed forest stands significantly increased in the last years. In 1997 46% of mixed forest stands were established and in 2001 already 58% out of total number of stands. Variaty of deciduous trees and shrubs are available in nurseries of state forest enterprises which help to increase biodiversity: oaks, forest apple-trees and pear-trees, etc. Seed plantations of deciduous trees such as black alder, birch and others have been introduced. J Percentage of forest stands out of total established forest areas has signifcantly increased in the last years. In order to ensure rich biodiversity in Lithuanian forests, the growth should continue and more mixed forest stands should be established. 137 State of Environment 2001 % State of Environment 2001 Landscape conservation Landscape protection is listed among top priorities in the Environmental Protection Strategy (Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija. Veiksmø programa, 1996 (Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy. Action Programme, 1996)). Special attention is paid to preventive measures of natural landscape from further degradation and protection of ecologically sensitive and most natural (picturesque) territories. The European Landscape Convention was signed by the Lithuanian Minister of Environment on 20 of October 2000 together with other ministers from 17 European countries. The Convention sets obligations to governmental institutions for implementation of environmental measures at the local, national and international levels in order to ensure lanscape protection, management and planning. These measures have to be applied for all types of landscape, be flexible and take into account specific features of the area (http://www.nature.coe.int/ english/main/landscape/florence.htm). In such way, landscape conservation must be strengthened in the EU integration context. One of the main landscape features influencing its identity is the whole complex of farming land which appeared in the course of interaction between natural processes and human economic activity. The landscape structure is effected by general land management principles that are currently influenced by land reform and restoration of private ownership, land market development, democratic relationship development, changing economic priorities. Landscape protection is a very complicated environmental task due to its manifold ecological, cultural and aesthetic values. Thus, it is difficult to select objective criteries for evaluation of landscape condition and change. Development of used land area and earth cover on a country scale as well as optimisation of used land area is not analysed in this Chapter of the publication (partly it is discussed in the Chapters on Timber Resources, Biodiversity Conservation). This Chapter presents actual problems related to protection of natural landscape complex, development tendencies of the Baltic Sea coastline and karst process in more detailed. Latvia Russia Conventional Signs Strict nature reserves National parks Regional parks Reserves Ichtiological reserves Byelorussia Poland LITHUANIAN PROTECTED AREAS The State Protected Areas Service Fig. 3. The protected areas network. 138 Protection of the Baltic Sea coasts is a priority task for the state and local authorities. The coastline condition is influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Strong winds at the coastline are more frequent than in the rest part of Lithuania. Annually, wind at the coastline is stronger than >20 m/ s in average 15-20 days (according to several years norm), thus, frequence of storm winds at the coastline is used for evaluation of driving forces (refer to Chapter on Water Quality for more information (indicator V5.1). In 1999 the hurricane Anatolijus made a big damage to the coastline about 55 ha of inland was washed away, forest at the coastline suffered. Since 1990 developments at the coastline have intensified reconstruction of Klaipëda Harbour has started as well as construction of Bûtingë oil termi- nal, recreation infrastructure developments have increased and so has costruction of living houses. The development of Klaipëda harbour is considered to be the main human economic activity that has adverse impact on the state of the Baltic Sea coastline. Hence, criteria of the volume of submerged ground into the deep waters is used to directly reflect anthropogenic pressure on the Baltic Sea coastline. Due to dredging activities at the receiving channal north from Klaipëda only one third of silt sand moving from south to north reaches the coast. Due to decreasing total amount of migrating silt, abrasion of coasts becomes more active. Balance of year-afteryear surface coast outwasht indicates the development of the coastline state in the last ten years. Seeking to improve the condition, the state and local authorities have made rather large allocations for coastline management, but they are still not adequate to prevent abrasion. Prevention of karst landscape degradation is also mentioned in the Environmental Protection Strategy (Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija. Veiksmø programa, 1996 (Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy. Action Programme, 1996)). The main driving force that causes more active karst processes is change of air temperature of several years towards warming direction. More information on this issue is presented in the Chapter on Climate Change (indicator B1.1.). Intensity of gypsum denudation (outwash) defines the status of karst region and provides possibility to forecast futher development tendencies. Gypsum denudation influences scale of kars area. Since 1992 the special purpose programme on Groundwater protection from pollution and development of ecological farming in the karst region is implemented in accordance with the Decision of the Government No. 589 dated December 24, 1991. References: European Landscape Convention. http:// www.nature.coe.int/english/main/landscape/conv.htm Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija. Veiksmø programa, 1996, Vilnius, pg.42. 139 State of Environment 2001 Protected areas (see Fig. 3) are established seeking to protect most unique and typical, most valuable natural and cultural landcape areas were most severe conflicts between private and state interests turn up Land restoration and privatisation, construction development are processes that currently have the strongest influence on protected areas environmental state. During the initial phase of land reform (910 years ago) more than 10% of territory in national and regional parks was returned to previous owners, and during the last 2 years more than 15%. More than twice of forest and water bodies were restored lately compared with the first years of the reform. Number of inhabitants in national and regional parks only partly reflects potential pressure on protected areas. Intensity of tourism in protected areas can better reflect driving forces, however, reliable data is still lacking. A number of registered violations of protected areas protection regime per year only partly reflects current impact. The value of protected areas from biological point of view is defined by a part of species listed in the Lithuanian Red Data Book out of total number of species in the Lithuanian Red Data Book present in protected areas. The protected areas dynamics show efforts made by environmental institutions in order to preserve the most valuable landscape complexes. PROTECTED AREAS Driving forces V18.1. Number of inhabitants in protected areas Number of inhabitants in national and regional parks in 2000. 17500 18000 16755 16000 14000 11101 12000 10000 8000 6984 6636 5692 6000 4558 4311 3500 2790 4000 2714 4600 4019 2726 2000 1257 1058 30322840 2371 2200 16201712 1200 1403 1360 3300 3032 2415 1100 1148 620 1057 Dieveniðkiø Þagarës Ventos Vityèio Varniø Veisiejø Tytuvënø Sartø Sirvëtos Salantø Rambyno Pajûrio Panemuniø Neries Pagramanèio Nemuno kilpø Meteliø Nemuno deltos Labanoro Kurtuvënø Krekenavos Graþutës Kauno mariø Birþø Dubysos Aukštadvario Asvejos Anykðèiø Dzûkijos Kurðiø nerijos emaitijos 0 Aukštaitijos State of Environment 2001 20000 DATA SOURCE: The State Protected Areas Service. A number of inhabitants reflects background (not in seasonal period) potential pressure on protected area. This number in the state parks slightly decreases. A number of inhabitants and visitors in protected areas is related to their location with respect to system of settlements, quality of natural resources, suitability for recreation, attractiveness and abundance. Protected areas with high nature diversity and number of inhabitants, and good accessibility experience stronger anthropogenic pressure; arising conflicts are diverse and deep. In particular, it is actual to those protected areas that are located the zones under influence from large cities and resorts. Most of national and regional parks are seminatural territories, however, they contain rather large number of inhabited areas. They include 2 resort towns (Neringa in Kurðiø Nerija National park (NP), Birðtonas in Nemuno Kilpos regional park (RP), 2 regional centres (Trakai in Trakai Historical NP, Anykðèiai in Anykðèiai RP), 7 other towns (Salantai in Salantai RP, Dusetos in Sartai RP, 140 Tytuvënai in Tytuvënai RP, Varniai in Varniai RP, Veisiejai in Veisiejai RP, Viekðniai in Venta RP, Þagarë in Þagarë RP). Verkiai ir Pavilnys regional parks are located in the vicinity of Vilnius city. Parts of 7 more cities (Klaipëda, Kaunas, Palanga, Birþai, Gelgaudiðkis, Prienai, Venta) are in the national and regional parks. A number of inhabitants in these protected areas is higher compared with other protected areas. Protected areas (for example, Kauno mariø, Verkiø, Pavilniø, Aukðtadvario, Asvejos regional parks, Trakai Historican national park and others) located in the vicinity of large cities receive the largest everyday short-term pressure. Meanwhile, protected areas (for example, Kurðiø nerijos, Aukðtaitijos national parks, Pajûrio, Nemuno deltos, Labanoro regional parks and others) with exceptional values located in far distances from largest cities experience pressure only in seasons. Frequently visited areas still lack well developed information system and recreation infrastructure. Based on precise calculations only 30% of recreation mentation of these measures. Pressure from recreation on most frequently visited areas in the summer time is immense. As a result of more frequent flows of visitors, a number of general protection and use regime violations in protected areas as well as protection and use regimes of water bodies increases. zones in the state parks are suitable for use. 15 information visitor centers and nature schools are established in the state parks. More information stands and references to visiting places are required. Recreation infrastructure, education are the main measures to regulate flows of visitors in the state parks. State park directions are responsible for imple- Pressure on environment A18.1. Protection regime violations in protected areas Established landscape protection regime violations in protected areas in 1999 2001. 400 392 373 350 275 number 300 250 226 231 233 200 200 127 123 150 100 50 0 1999 2000 national parks 2001 regional parks strict nature reserves DATA SOURCE: The State Protected Areas Service. Grass burning, littering, illegal landfilling, car parking near water, car washing, fire setting in other places than defined for that purpose, disregard of prohibition signs, illegal forest cutting, water pollution with municipal discharges, etc. can be listed among the main violations in the state parks and strict nature reserves. Inspection work is based not only on punishment but also on prevention. Very often punishment is limited to verbal notification, explanation of state park establishment aims, protection regimes of protected values. Persons that cause insignificant violations receive warning and get information broschures about state park direction activities and applied penalties. Protected areas vary in their size, geographical location, values, attractiveness for recreation and tourism. Therefore, a number of visitors and violations differ. During 2001 a number of established violations in the national parks increased, in regional parks significantly decreased and in strict nature reserves decreased by two times. J In recent years a number of violations in regional parks and strict nature reserves decreases. Most likely, people recognise a need to protect and preserve nature not only because of legal requirements but also because of the nature itself, for their own and other people’s wealth. 141 State of Environment 2001 K Most attractive protected areas from recreational point of view that are easy to access, experience increasing anthropogenic impact. State B18.1. Number of species included into the Red Data Book (RDB) of Lithuania inhabited in protected areas out of total number of species listed in RDB State of Environment 2001 Percentage of species included into the Red Data Book of Lithuania out of total number inhabited in national parks and state strict nature reserves. 40,00 flora fauna fungi 36,25 35,83 32,92 35,00 30,00 25,83 22,41 25,00 20,00 18,49 16,25 14,66 15,00 11,52 9,80 8,90 10,00 5,76 5,00 0,00 Dzûkijos NP Aukštaitijos NP Kurðiø nerijos NP emaitijos NP flora fauna fungi 37,50 40,00 35,00 30,00 23,81 25,00 21,25 20,83 18,33 20,00 13,61 15,00 10,92 10,36 10,00 5,04 5,00 0,00 0,00 Èepkeliø SNR Èepkeliø VR 0,00 Kamanø SNR Kamanø VR 0,00 Vieðvilës SNR Vieðvilës VR Þuvinto SNR uvinto VR DATA SOURCE: The State Protected Areas Service. Biological diversity combines flora, fauna, fungi and microorganism species and their communities, their habitats and ecosystems as well as genetic diversity. Biodiversity changes and deteriorates both due to natural processes (global climate warming) and human economic activities. With the aim to protect endangered species and their communities, the Red Data Book of Lithuania was compiled and protected areas established. 142 A number of species observed in national parks all, except of fauna species in Þemaitija National Park and fauna and fungi species in Kurðiø Nerija National park listed in the Red Data Book of Lithuania slightly differs from total number of species included in the Red Data Book. Èepkeliai State Strict Nature Reserve compared with other state strict nature reserves has the largest percentage of species included into the Red Data Book. It has been influ- ministrations. In regional parks activities of inventory character prevail and in some places no monitoring is performed. The most thoroughly investigated is composition of parent species. Lignified and flowering grasses as well as invertebrates are most investigated, amphibia and reptiles, bats and predators the least. Fungi and invertebrates, except of species composition and prevalence of moths, beetles and other insects are least investigated. Limited dat is available about biodiversity in water bodies of protected areas. Insufficient monitoring of changes in abundance of local species populations has been carried out. K A number of the Red Data Book species in protected areas depned on specifics and level of investigation of these areas. In the future protected areas investigation level will increase. Measures to improve the state G18.1. Establishment of protected areas Dynamics of protected areas in 1960 2000. 450 400 Protected areas, thousand ha 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Strict nature reserves National parks Regional parks DATA SOURCE: The State Protected Areas Service. State reserves 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 1970 1968 1966 1964 1962 1960 0 Municipal reserves 143 State of Environment 2001 enced by protected area size (for example, it is the largest strict nature reserve in the country), intricacy of the natural protected complex (Èepkeliai is a marsh with relict forests near lakes and swamps). A number of the Red Data Book species in protected areas only partly reflects values of protected areas. Biodiversity level to certain degree depends on the investigation level of the areas which is caused by nature of activities set up in protected areas statute, adminstration structure, staffing, financial resources and other factors, thus, their investigation level differes. The best possibilities for research are provided by strict nature reserve and national park ad- State of Environment 2001 In Lithuania there are still many natural and semi-natural territories where fauna, flora and fungi species prevail that are extinct in the Western European countries. Thus, part of Lithuanian protected areas is included into protected areas lists of international importance. All 4 State Strict Nature Reserves (Èepkeliai, Kamanos, Vieðvilë, Þuvintas) and Nemuno deltos Regional Park are included into a list of wetlands of international importance of the Ramsar Convention (Convention on Wetlands, Ramsar, 1971). Implementing HELCOM recommendation No. 15/5, Kurðiø Nerija together with Nemuno Deltos and Pajûrio Regional Parks are included into the Baltic Sea Protected Areas list. Kurðiø Nerija National Park is in the UNESCO World Nature and Cultural Heritage list. Protected areas are established seeking to protect natural and cultural heritage complexes and objects (values), landscape and biological diversity, ensure the ecological balance, sustainable use and restoration of natural resources, provide favorable conditions for cognitive tourism, scientific research and monitoring of environmental status, promote natural and cultural heritage complexes and objects (values). Fig. G18.1.1 Par (%) of protected areas in Lithuania in 2001 Protected areas 11, 9% DATA SOURCE: The State Protected Areas Service. The Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania determines categories of protected areas, establishment principles, and activity limitations in protected areas. At present the system of protected areas in Lithuania consists of: 4 State Strict Nature Reserves (Þuvinto, established in 1937, Èepkeliø in 1975, Kamanø in 1979, Vieðvilës in 1991) and 2 Culture Reserves. Total area of Nature and Culture Reserves is 24 004 ha, 5 National Parks 1 of them is Historical National (Aukðtaitijos 1974, Dzûkijos 1991, Kurðiø nerijos 1991, Trakø historical 1991, Þemaitijos 1991), with their total area covering 152 728 ha, 30 Regional Parks (1992) (1 of them is historical regional), with their total area 436 000 ha, 258 State Reserves with their total area 150 299 ha, 386 natural monuments (protected natural landscape objects), 101 Municipal Reserves with their total area - 11 122 ha. At present the system of protected areas in Lithuania covers about 755 thousand hectares, i.e. about 11,9 % of the countrys area. 144 Fig. G18.1.2 Distribution of protected areas (%) in Lithuania by categories Regional Parks 56% State Reserves 19% State Strict Nature Reserves 3% State of Environment 2001 National Parks 20% Municipal Reserves 2% DATA SOURCE: The State Protected Areas Service. Fig. G18.1.3 Distribution of State strict nature reserves by categories Botanic Pedological 3,4 % 0,9 % Zoological 6,2 % Botaniczoological 12,2 % T elmological 15,8% Hydrographic 7,9 % Geomorphological 15,3 % Geological 0,4 % Landscape 37,9 % DATA SOURCE: The State Protected Areas Service. J In the last decade the country’s territory covered with protected areas increased by two times (from 4,75% to 11,9%). 145 PROTECTION OF THE BALTIC SEA COASTLINE Driving forces V19.1. Cargo turnover in Klaipëda Port Annual cargo turnover in Klaipëda Port per year. oil products other products State of Environment 2001 million tons 15 10 5 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: The services of port Klaipëda, http://www.spk.lt/port/statistics/diagrams.htm. According to cargo turnover of other produts than oil, Klaipëda Port is the second among other Baltic Sea ports (after Sankt Peterburg) http://www.jura.lt/ 2001_06/article04_l.htm. In 1990-2000 cargo turnover in this port slighlty increased and now strongly changes. In 2000, the most successful year of the last decade for Klaipëda port, the cargo turnover exceeded the level of 1990 by 17%. However, in 2001 it reached only 7% of the level in 1990. The increase was caused by other products (metal (22,4%), fertiliser (15,0%) and other unclassified products (14,9% of overall cargo turnover)). Compared with 1990 cargo turnover of these products in 2000 reached 36% http://www.spk.lt/port/ statistics/diagrams.htm. In 1995 cargo turnover of oil products decreased and made only 45-70 % of the level in 1990 http://www.spk.lt/port/statistics/diagrams.htm. At present cargo turnover capacities in Kaipëda Port became stable. However, with the future development of the Port they will increase and may have an adverse impact on coastal zone areas that are sensitive to anthropogenic pressure. Currently, deepening of Klaipëda Port Channel up to 14 meters is on-going with future perspective to deepen the Channel and quay water up to 17 meters. After the Free Port status came into force, custom procedures will be simplified. It is expected that industrial activities intensifies within the territory of the Port and in the surroundings. Additional servicies will be introduced and distributional centres established. Newly constructed terminal of cruise ships will enable the development of this type of navigation. Railway track reconstruction will increase their capacity. According to the assessment made, this will allow the port to handle up to 40 million tons of cargo per year http://www.spk.lt/port/development_lit.htm. K At present, cargo turnover in the Port is stable, however, it may increase along with the Port development. References: Krova. //Tarptautinis verslo þurnalas Jûra, 2001, Nr. 6 (http://www.jura.lt/2001_06/article04_l.htm). The services of port Klaipëda (http://www.spk.lt/) 146 Pressure on environment A19.1. Amount of ground dumped in deep-water 2,25 2 1,75 1,5 1,25 1 0,75 0,5 0,25 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 III sea dumping site 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 IV sea dumping site DATA SOURCE: Annual Report of Klaipëda Regional Environmental Protection Department. Since the start of Klaipëda Port operation approximately 18020 million m3 of ground was extracted during dredging and growth of the Channel in order to clean it from silts. Almost all of it was dumped in the open sea and eliminated by migrating silt from the upper zone of the coast. It has a strong influence on migrating silt flow deficit near the Lithuanian coasts and causes outwash. For example, reserve of all surface drifts (calculated up to average annual water level), genereated in Lithuanian beaches, makes about 5,7 mln. m3 (continental coast - 2,2 million m3 and Kurðiø Nerija 3,5 million m3). It means that the amount of sand dumped in the open sea during the whope Port operation period over 3,5 times exceeds the amount of sand generated on Lithuanian beaches. After the start of Klaipëda Port deepening in 1995, an amount of 1800 thousand m3 of ground is dredged from the Port Channel and taken to the open sea annually. According to preliminary calculations, approximately 600-700 thousand m3 of ground will be dredged during deepening of the channel up to 14 meters. Later, during the clean-up activities, it is expected to dredge an amount of 360 thousand m3 sand of marine origin every year. Low concentrations of chemical ingredients are observed in places at the port channel where sandy ground prevails. Basically, clean ground which belongs to the first contamination class prevail. Because of these characteristics, ground is very suitable for coastal zone recultivation. In order to keep competitive ability of the port it is necessary to continue to deepen and maintain the port. The Ministry of Environment took a Decision No. 01-24-399 On assessment of possible impact from reconstruction of Klaipëda Channel on the environment on January 31, 2000. The Decision will ensure optimal use of sand received as a result of the port dredging and clean-up activities for stabilisation of Lithuanian coastal zone. L Compared with earlier years, after 1995 annual dumping of ground in the III dumping site in the open sea has increased more than twise. Together with the last hurricanes it has a significant impact on distribution of sea silt and coastal zone deformation. 147 State of Environment 2001 Amount of dumped ground, million m3 2,5 State B19.1. Perennial balance of surface coast drifts State of Environment 2001 Total sum of washed out, whiffled and accumulated materials that form coast (calculated up to average perennial sea level) in time and space of changes. Balance of surface drifts of continental coast and Kurðiø Nerija in 19932001. DATA SOURCE: Coastal research and management database of Marine geographical division of the Institute of Geography; Project on Geological atlas of Lithuanian Baltic Sea coasts of Lithuanian Geological Service (19992003); Þilinskas G., Jarmalavièius D., Minkevièius V. Aeolian processes at the coastline, 2001, pg. 284. Intensity of cyclones and raise of sea level, influenced by global climate changes, reducing sand reserve at the coastal zone as well as intensive an148 thropogenic activities accelerate coastal erosion processes all over the world. Today about 70% of previously stable and accumulative type of coast is dev- cesses in Ðventoji Bûtingë zone between Klaipëda and Nemirseta every 10 kilometers about 8 hectares of coastal territory if lost. If compared with 1995, Kopgalio beaches in Kurðiø Nerija in 1996 diminished by two times. The continental coast where perennial balance of surface drifts is very negative takes about 25 kilometers (65%), meanwhile, the coast in Kurðiø Nerija about 2 kilometers (4%). It is influenced by coast distribution with regard to direction of silt migration, anthropogenic pressure and management intensity. State of coasts will continue to deterioriate if no proper coastal zone management measures are taken. Strongest coastal zone erosion (hot spots). A Continental coast; B Kurðiø nerija. ? hot spot identification. Baltic Sea Baltic Sea Latvia Russia L Erosion of coasts become dominant and more intensive in the larger part of the conti- nental coast. State of coasts in Kurðiø Nerija is rather stable apart from more active washout at Kopgalis. 149 State of Environment 2001 astated. Currently, more active erosion is observed at Lithuanian coasts. More often recurrence of strong storms and other above mentioned factors influence frequent coastal outwash rather than accumulation. Hence, foreshore with negative drift balance at the Lithuanian coast grows and causes regression. In the result of regression Lithuanian territory and recreational space shrink, its status deterioriate, problems related to secure operation of hydrotechnical installations appear, threat is posed to neighboring natural and economic objects and their infrastructure. State of continental coast is worse than of coast in Kurðiø Nerija in Lithuania. Due to abrasion pro- Measures to improve the state G19.1. Financing of coast improvement Allocations from Palanga Municipality Nature Protection Fund and the State budget for strengthening dunes and coastline as well as other coast management activities. strengthening of dunes strengthening of coast other coastal management works 100 allocations, thousand Lt State of Environment 2001 120 80 60 40 20 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 DATA SOURCE: Palanga Municipality, Nature Resources Division on the Ministry of Environment. Allocations for strengthening of dunes, coastline and other coastal management activities constantly increase, although they are not sufficient to meet the demand. Kurðiø Nerija coasts compared with the Baltic sea continental coast are managed in better way, thus, less washout is observed after storms. In 1999 a special coastal management programme for Kurðiø Nerija was prepared and management activities both at the sea and on the lagoon started. In 2000 after the hurricane Anatolijus additional financing (90 000 Lt) was allocated from the State Reserve Fund to strengthen dunes along the beach of 700 meters north from Palanga bridge and 900 meters south from the bridge. In 2002 an amount of 75 000 Lt was allocated from the Nature Protection Fund to strengthen dunes, and 15 000 Lt for other coast al management activities. Provisions for Lithuanian Baltic Sea coastal zone management were approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment dated 2001 November 29 No.570. It is planned to prepare the Coastal Zone Management Action Programme until December 31, 2002. The Programme should facilitate expedient allocations of financial resources. During a meeting held at the Ministry of Environment on April 4, 2002, it was decided to prepare the Baltic Sea continental coast management programme. It will take into account the nature of coast use, state of separate zones (eroded, stable or accumulated coastline), set up stabilising measures of coast management and suggest possible implementation of the Programme. It is foreseen to continue sand deposition works at the coastal zone in Melnragë-Giruliai region which were successfully started in February 2002 using sand received from dredging and growing activities at Klaipëda Channel. J Allocations for coast management increase although they are not adequate to growing demand. 150 DEVELOPMENT OF KARST PROCESSES State, impact B20.1. Gypsum denudation Gypsum denudation - Ca SO4 .2H2O (m³ from km² per year) outwashed together with karst rivers flow. Change of gypsum denudation in Tatula catchment area. 250 200 150 100 50 measured 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 1971 1969 1967 1965 year 1963 0 calculated according to link DATA SOURCE: Annual Report 2001 of Geological Survey “Integrated ground and surface water monitoring in Lithuanian karst region”, 2001; Database of Hydrogeological sector, Geographical Institute. In 1994?2000 compared with 1962?1979 the rate of gypsum denudation in Northern Lithaunian gypsum karst region which covers about 400 km2 was about 30% higher (Narbutas and others, 2001). In particular strong increase in gypsum denudation rate is observed since 1978. Ground water resources in the karst region exhausted and river outflows decreased due to lower annual precipitation in the 7-8 decade of the last century and their distribution specifics of a year. aþëjæs upiø nuotëkis. Such conditions caused smaller amounts of calcium sulphate washed out together with river outflows than in periods when water level was high. At that time smaller gypsum denudation was observed. In 1980-2000 gypsum denudation rate increased. It was influenced by climate change as increased amount of precipitation replenished ground water aquifers and increased speed of water circulation between surface and undergound hydrosphere which resulted in faster gypsum denudation process. Gypsum denudation has been also increased due to elongated hydrological season of warmer winters (period without ground frost). L Climate change is the main reason of intensive gypsum denudation in karst regionof Northern Lithuania in 1980-2000. It is a precondition for more frequent appearance of surface kart forms in the region. So far no signs that could change the situation have been noticed. References: Narbutas V., Linèius A., Marcinkevièius V. Devono uolienø karstas ir aplinkosaugos problemos Ðiaurës Lietuvoje. Vilnius, 2001. 151 State of Environment 2001 m³/ km² per year 300 P20.1. Karst region development State of Environment 2001 Division of Northern Lithuania karst region by karst development level. Number of sinkholes per 1 square km: Low density areas (below 20) Average density (20-50) High density (50-80) Extreme density (over 80) DATA SOURCE: Chronicle of Geography, No. 27, 1991, pg. 198-203. Active development of karst processes and phenomena are observed in upper Devonian gypsum rocks that lie close to the earth surface in karst region of Northern Lithuania. This part of Lithuania is characteristic by its specific karst landscape which consists of sinkholes (karst relief forms that appear in the earth surface after covering sediments sink into underground caves that are formed due to soluble gypsum. According to deciphered aerophotographs and other geodesic plans as well as data from engineering geological routes, there are over 8500 sinkholes in Northern Lithuanian karst region. 152 In relation to density of sinkholes (number per km2), territory of karst region is divided into territories of extreme density, high density, average density and low density. Most active karst processes and phenomena prevail in 5-7 km wide zone that stretches from north to east from Pasvalys through Kirdonis and Karajimiðkis to northern surroundings of Birþai. Karst development is influenced by climate, nature of hydrographical network, conditions of karst rock occurance, vadose zones, thickness and composition of sediments that cover karst rocks, human activities, etc. In the last years investigations of karst processes all through the region became more inten- sive: in the last five years 7 new sinkholes were formed only in Pasvalys region. Formation of sinkholes poses threat to construction of buildings and their safe exploitation, have direct impact on water circulation, namely, infiltration of precipitation, formation of underground flows and river outflows, and natural protection of underground hydrosphere. State of Environment 2001 L In the last years karst process intensified. Formation of new sinkholes poses threat to accidents in constructions and their deformation, to human lifes, influence ground water pollution, etc. 153 State of Environment 2001 Natural resources As indicated in the Executive summary rational use of natural resources is one of the main sustainable development aspects of the country. Sustainable use of resources is listed among the top priority tasks in the Sustainable Development Action Programme Agenda 21 approved in the United Nations Environment and Development Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. One of five components of the United Nations Environmental Programme is covers sustainable use of natural resources. Although the emphasis is made on protection of natural ecosystems against intensive and unsustainable exploitation, rational use of natural reosurces is mentioned as the most important measure in the world community to seek for survival and welfare (http://www.unep.org/ unep/sub1.htm). Recognizing the importance of sustainable development principles, Lithuania together with other countries of the world signed Rio de Janeiro Declaration in 1992. Protection of natural resources is one of the tasks of the National Environmental Protection Strategy (Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija, 1996 (Lithuanian Environmental Protection Strategy, 1996)). In 2002 Lithuanian Sustainable Development Strategy will be prepared covering a period until 2015. Among other measures, it is foreseen to highlight use of natural resources. Lithuania is not very rich with natural resources. However, with respect to some of them, it is the richest among other European countries. Lithuania has an exeptional position among other European countries with regard to ground water resources. Large amount of ground water provides Lithuanian inhab- itants with a possibility to use ground water as the only source of drinking water. Lithuanian Geological Survey prepared Ground Water Use and Protection Strategy which provides an integrated plan for assessment of ground water and its safety, use of ground water resources, ground water protection management development and improvement. Ground Water Strategy was approved on January 25, 2002 by the Decision of the Government No.107 (Official Gazette, 2002, No. 10-362). Sufficient ground water resources are available due to high amount of annual precipitation in Lithuania. However, scarce amount of water in rivers is an obstacle to use them broadly for hydroenergy purposes. The Government of Lithuania adopted a National Energy Strategy on May 25, 2001 seeking to reduce fuel import, to highest extent use available resources in Lithuania, futher increase use of local energy resources, expand use of hydroenergy, waste energy, biogas, household waste, wind, sun, geothermal energy as alternative energy sources in Lithuania. Surface water is indirectly used in energy production. Large amounts of surface water is used by Ignalina NPP for cooling reactors. Due to the power plant, thermic regime in Drûkðiø lake is partly disturbed. It is impossible not to mention recreational value of inland surface water. Aukðtaitija, Dzûkija and Þemaitija regions abounding in lakes provide natural recreation conditions. Protected areas established in the most picturesque territories ensure conservation of landscape complexes. Production ground water bodies prospected in the whole territory of Lithuania have over 2 million m3/d of fresh water. During the highest ground water consumption period in 1989 about 50-75% of prospected resources were used in the cities. Already in 1999 when drinking water consumption declined, only 20-30% were used (Lithuanian Geological Survey 60, 2001). 154 Use of surface and ground water for separate economy needs are the main driving forces that have an impact on these resources. Direct pressure is determined by extracted amounts of ground and surface water. The annual balance of surface water resources and ground water level reflect status variation of available surface and ground water resources during a year. Public investment into wastewater treatment and water supply specify the countrys efforts to effectively use available resources. Forest resources is another wealth of Lithuania. The most important goal of the current forest policy is to preserve forest resources, ensure their rational use and increase forest productivity, conserve biodiversity, ensure other economic, ecological and social functions. In the long term it is foreseen to increase forest area through afforestation of abandonded agricultural and other type of land. Rather gentle Lithuanian climate provides favourable conditions for growth of both coniferous and deciduous trees. Forest covers almost of one third of Lithuanias territory. According to forest area per capita only such countries as Russia (6,00), Finsland (4,43), Sweden (3,43), Norway (2,75) are more rich than Lithuania (0,53 ha). Meanwhile, according to this indicator Lithuania leaves beghind Austria (0,49), Slovak (0,38), France (0,29), Check Republic (0,29), Poland (0,23), Switzerland (0,18), Germany (0,13), Great Britain (0,04) (Lietuvos miðkø bûklë ir jà sàlygojantys veiksniai, 1999 (State of Lithuanian forests and ifluencing factors, 1999)). However in Latvia and Estonia forest area per capita is much higher (accordingly 1,42 and 1,11 ha) (2nd Baltic state of environment report, 2000). Basing on economic calculations, not less than 0,40 ha of forest per capita is required to satisfy internal country demands (the same source). As to Lithuanian specialists, optimal forest area in Lithuania should cover 33-35% of the total countrys territory. According to productivity of forest stands in production forests (186 m3/ha), Lithuania surpasses forests in Finland (91), Norway (102), Great Britain (117), Sweden (121), Denmark (125), Byelorussia (163), Latvia (170) and close to catch up with forests in France (194) and Poland (213 m3/ha) (Lietuvos miðkø bûklë ir jà sàlygojantys veiksniai, 1999 (State of Lithuanian forests and influencing factors, 1999)). Export of round and sawn timber is chosen to indicate one of the main forest resources driving force. Total amount of cut down timber shows direct pressure on available timber resources. Pressure intensity is partly determined by area of clear fellingg ratio with total forest stands area. Area of burnt forest and amount of illegally cut timber show damage extent to the existing timber resources made by other factors. Total dynamics of the countrys forest area is determined by change in forest area. Dynamics of timber resources is characterised by change of total timber volume. Status of forest stands is indicated by the average defoliation of trees and area of damaged forest stands. These indicators are important both in relation to resources and biodiversity conservation. Chapter on Biodiversity Conservation provides more information on this topic (indicators B12.2. and B12.3.). Magnitude of fine for illegal cutting of trees and shrubs in forest land reflects efforts made by environmental institutions to reduce disaproved use of resources. Talking about fauna resources, firstly fish resources should be mentioned. Lithuania as other Baltic countries have extensive fishery trandition. Fishery is the main living source for most of inhabitants at the coastline. According to statistical data, abundance of the Baltic sea fish population has significantly decreased due to large extent of fishing out. However, as investigations show, some species such as salmon slowly reproduce. State of fish resources in the Curonian Lagoon has also improved. Seeking to maintain good fishing resources few millions of young age fish are let into water bodies annualy. Measures for rational fish resource management are foreseen in Fishery Development Strategy adopted in 1998. This publication does not analyse problems related to use and protection of fish resources in detail. It is planned to make this analysis in the next publication on State of Environment. 155 State of Environment 2001 The average density of Lithuanian river network including artificial streams is 1 km/km2. In Lithuania there are close to 30 thousand water streams longer than 250 m, 758 rivers longer than 10 km, 18 rivers longer than 100 km and 9 rivers longer than 200 km (Lithuanias environment, 1994). In the country there are close to 3 thousand lakes and somewhat more than 1,5 thousand ponds which are over 0.5 ha in area (The State Environmental Protection Program, 1998). According to data from 1962, total potential capacity of rivers exceeds 600 mW. Due to different abudance of water level, the energy value of rivers differ. In addition to Nemunas and Neris, Ðventoji, Merkys, Jûra, Vokë, Virvytë, Varduva have highest energy values, meanwhile Nevëþis, Lëvuo, Mituva, Bartuva, Mûða have the lowest (Lietuvos TSR upiø kadastras, 1962). State of Environment 2001 Management of game fauna resources is regulated by Hunting Statute in the Republic of Lithuania and Hunting Rules in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Use of limited game fauna is regulated through hunting permits. In addition, Lithuania signed Bern Convention which sets requirements for protection of endangered species. Due to incomplete information, only state of cervidaes is analysed in detail. An indicator showing hunting down intensity is chosen to reflect pressure on environment. It is a number of hunted cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total evaluated number of cervidaes. Abundance of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe), described in the Chapter on Biodiversity Conservation (see indicator B14.1.) determines status of cervidaes population in Lithuania. A number of issued permits to hunt cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total evaluated number of cervidaes provides information about regulation policy of cervidaes population. Use of wild flora resources is regulated by over ten national legal acts. They regulate trade of these resources, their protection, set prohibitions. Purchase of mushrooms, berries, herbs or their parts, technical flora (reeds) per year shows driving forces and partly reflects pressure on environment as purchased are the amounts collected. Due to lack of complete inventory of wild flora, it is difficult to exactly determine their state. However, there are no reasons to affirm that existing volume of use has no negative impact on their resources. A list of restricted or prohibited wild flora and fungi species for collection and trade could be considered as a general wild fauna protection measure. Mineral resources form a reliable base. At present there are 17 types of minerals prospected. According to legal acts that are in force, only detailed prospected resources can be used. In practise, extraction of all resources, except of oil, have been constantly decreasing and made up only one fourth of previous extent. Oil extraction was constantly increasing and providing that current speed remains the same all prospected oil deposits will be extracted in less than 10 years. Extraction of mineral resources illustrates current pressure. Due to lack of data, at this stage no comprehensive information is provided on export of minerals. However, basing on existing data it is possible to state that resources extracted in Lithuania such as oil and peet are in large part exported to foreign countries. Map on prevalance of mineral deposits show the level and distribution of their prospect in different regions of the country. Current national policy on minerals is more orientied to increase of exploitation with basically no limitations (except of quartz sand), thus, it was impossible to find evident indicator in relation to measures for state improvement. Only 8 out of 18 available mineral resources are exploited in Lithuania (limestone, dolomite, sand, gravel, clay, chalky marl, quartz sand, peat, oil). Exploitation of gaize and sapropel stopped in the ninth century. Possibilities to exploit rock salt, iron, freshwater limestone, and rocks enriched with glauconits and gypsum resources are not investigated. No exploitation of anhydrite and amber resources is on-going. References: 2nd Baltic state of environment report, based on environmental indicators. Riga, 2000. UNEP. Programme Element 1. Sustainable Management and Use of Natural Resources (http://www. unep.org/unep/sub1.htm). Lietuvos aplinkos apsaugos strategija. Veiksmø programa. Vilnius, 1996. Lietuvos gamtinë aplinka. Bûklë, procesai, tendencijos. Vilnius, 1994. 156 Lietuvos geologijos tarnyba 60. Veikla ir uþdaviniai. Vilnius, 2001. Lietuvos miðkø bûklë ir jà sàlygojantys veiksniai. Kaunas, 1999. Lietuvos TSR upiø kadastras. III dalis. Vilnius, 1962. Valstybinë aplinkos monitoringo programa. Vilnius, 1998. MINERAL RESOURCES Pressure on environment A21.1. Total extraction of mineral resources (exept of peat and oil) thousand m State of Environment 2001 Dynamics of extracted amounts of prospected mineral resources in Lithuania in the last ten years. 3 30000 26345 24326 25000 20000 15806 15000 10000 7039 6265 6473 4993 3548 5000 6451 5910 4789 4630 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Register of the Earth Entrails. Extraction intensity of mineral resources is directly dependant on markets for realisation of extracted resources. Major part of extracted mineral resousrces in Lithuania is used in construction and construction materials industry as well as cement production, the largest amounts of extracted mineral resources consist of gravel, sand, dolomite, limestones. Extraction volume of solid mineral resources in 1991-1993 compared with 1990 decreased by in average 4 times and later dynamics of their extraction volume stabilised. In 1993-2001 an average amount of 3,5 6,5 million cubic meters of minerals was extracted. During the last three years constantly decreasing tendency of solid mineral extraction is observed which testifies falling impact of selected indicator to environment and progressing stagnation of recycling industry where local natural raw materials are used. Supplying the country with most of prospected and aprobate solid mineral resources covers period of 200-300 years providing that extraction intensity remains at the same level. J Extraction volume of mineral resosurces directly illustrates economic condition of the country. From economic development point of view, intensifying extraction process could be positive and induced, in case all possible measures to minimise its negative impact on the environment are taken. 157 A21.2. Peat extraction Dynamics of peat extraction during the last ten years. thousand tons Peat extraction White peat 900 800 763 627 650 State of Environment 2001 700 600 511 500 438 380 342 400 317 241 300 250 190 200 170 266 179 112 262 284 179 196 125 260 260 184 179 100 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Register of the earth entrails In principle, the development of peat extraction dynamics during the last ten years corresponds to dynamics of total solid mineral resource extraction. Prevalent volume of annual peat extraction is 250260 thousand tons during this period, balanced amount propsected for peat 118 million tons. Nega- tive side of peat extraction tendency is that above 95% of all white peat raw materials extracted in Lithuania are exported. Efforts are made to limit this process at the state level through differentiated tax on extracted peat resources, however, lately no expected results were received. J The amount of extracted peat exceeds country’s demands by approximately 20 times. However, from the available amount of these resources we can assert that settled volume of their extraction in the last years follows sustainable economic development principles and does not pose threat to natural biodiversity. 158 A21.3. Oil extraction Dynamics of oil extraction during the last ten years. thousand tons 470,9 500 450 350 316,5 277 300 232 250 212,4 200 160,6 150 114,5 100 50 72 78,5 1993 1994 64 33 12 0 1990 1991 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Register of the earth entrails. The development of oil extraction dynamics in the last decade completly differs from extraction development of all solid mineral resources. Oil extraction volume increased by 40 times in the last decade. Extracted amount of prospected oil resources in 2001-12-31 was equal to 3687 thousand tons, expected annual volume of extraction not less than 470 thousand tons out of which more than 75% will be exported. Available oil resources in Lithuania will be exploited in 8-10 years. L Oil extraction significantly supplements the State budget. However, at the current exploitation rate, available resources will be exploited in 8-10 years. 159 State of Environment 2001 400 State B21.1. Map on distribution of mineral resource deposits Distribution of prospected mineral resources in counties. State of Environment 2001 Resources, million m3 * million tons Gravel Sand Clay Peat Curative peat Limestone Dolomite Anhydrite Gaize Chalky marl Limestone sinte Sapropel Oil* DATA SOURCE: Register of the Earth Entrails. Ðiauliai county is distinquished for available amounts of prospected mineral resources. All prospected deposits of the main construction materials such as dolomite and limestone as well as the largest industrial peat deposits in Lithuania are located in this county. Relatively scanty prospected underground resources are in Telðiai and Marijampolë counties. Total available amount of underground resources is distributed almost evenly in the rest part of the country and essentially differes only in percentage distribution among separate groups of resources. Impact from mineral resource extraction to the environment is under control posing no threat to stability of geosystems. Available amount of most prospected resources enable promotion of extraction rate that would be of value to the state and society. Reduction of negative impact from extraction process to the environment through increased extraction is closely related to recultivation problem of exploited areas. J Most of available prospected solid mineral resources at current extraction rate will be sufficient for the rest 200-300 years. L Status with oil resources requires special attention as it will be exploited in 8-10 years at current exploitation rate. 160 SURFACE AND GROUND WATER RESOURCES Driving forces V22.1. Surface water consumption for different economic needs State of Environment 2001 Added up annual surface water consumption in Lithuanian enterprises which account in accordance to permits on use of natural resources. energy fishery industry 5000 4500 4000 million m 3 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment. 3939 million m3 of water was consumed for energy puposes (649 million m3 more than in 2000). Changes in amounts of consumed surface water are mostly influenced by its consumption for energy purposes in Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant and Kruonio Hydroelectric Power Station. In 2001 Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant consumed 2480 million m3 of surface water (from Drûkðiai lake), i.e. 502 million m3 more than in 2000. K There is a slight decrease of water consumption in industry and fishery sectors due to declined activities in industrial enterprises and fishery farms. Changes in amounts of consumed surface water are mostly influenced by changing energy in Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant and Kruonio Hydroelectric Power Station. 161 V22.2. Ground water consumption for different economic needs Added up annual ground water consumption in Lithuanian enterprises which account in accordance to permits on use of natural resources. 160 3 120 million m State of Environment 2001 140 100 80 60 40 20 0 1997 1998 economy and household 1999 industry 2000 agriculture 2001 other DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment Ground water is consumed for economic and household, industry, agriculture and other needs. In 2001 an amount of of 121 million m3 of ground water was consumed, the largest part 104 million m3 (in 2000 107 million m3) - for household needs. J Consumption of ground water declined due to economic and household sectors. For economic reasons people are now more willing to save water. 162 Pressure on environment A22.1. Amounts of surface and ground water abstraction Surface and ground water abstraction for different needs in 1999 2001. 5000 4000 million m 3 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1999 2000 total abstracted water amount 2001 water amount from underground sources DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment In 2001 an amount of 4210 million m3 (632 million m3 more than in 2000) of water was abstracted in Lithuania: 4053 million m3 (641 million m3 more than in 2000) of surface water abstracted and 157 million m3 (9 million m3 less than in 2000) of Fig. A22.1.1 Water losses ground water. Variations of abstracted water are reflected by its consumption for different needs (see also Surface water consumption for different economic needs and Ground water consumption for different economic needs, indicators V22.1. and V22.2.). 46 million m 3 44 42 40 38 36 1999 2000 water losses 2001 DATA SOURCE: Water Division of the Ministry of Environment. Difference of abstracted and consumed water is caused by water losses when water is supplied from well fields to consumers. There is a slight an- nual decrease of water losses in Lithuania. In 2001 water losses amounted to 23% of abstracted ground water. K Annual fluctuation of total abstracted amount of water is mostly influenced by energy production. Abstracted amount of ground water mostly used for economic and household demands has slightly decreased in the last years. In 2001 water losses amounted to 23% of abstracted ground water. 163 State of Environment 2001 4500 State B22.1. Annual balance of surface water resources Total water outflow from Lithaunian territory. 3 km total outflow from Lithuania inflow out of it from Poland and Byelorussia State of Environment 2001 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 1971 0 DATA SOURCE: Hydrometeorological Service. During the last 30 years surface water resources (water outflow from Lithuania) declined from 17.930 km3 (in 1976) to 37.310 km3 (in 1980). The perennial (1961-2001) norm is 26.017 km3. Amount of surface water resources is direcly dependant on amount of precipitations and less on evaporation. In 1976 precipitation amounted only to 24-80% of the norm, thus, the amount of surface water resources was the lowest in 230 years. In 1980 and 1998 amount of precipitations exceeded the norm by 110-160%, summers were rainy, freshet occurred few times in rivers and the amount of surface water resources was the largest. According to diagram, large abundance of water was in 1978-1981, 1983-1990. In 2001 abundance of water (25.210 km3) was close to the norm. K In 2001 annual balance of surface water resources was close to the average of the last 30 years. 164 B22.2. Ground water level ➽➽ ➽ State of Environment 2001 -3. ➽ ➽ ➽ -2. ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ -1. ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽➽ ➽ ➽ ➽ ➽➽ State of ground water level in 2001 in terms of perennial level (19902001): 1below; 2close to; 3above; ➽ Position of shallow-ground water level vis-à-vis earth surface or sea level DATA SOURCE: Lithuanian Geological Service. Expression of qualitative ground water nutrishion is equal to water level. Higher average annual level causes higher infiltration of atmosphere precipitation and the other way round. Size of infiltration nutrishion is influenced by meteorological conditions, but natural perennial fluctuation levels are also important to restoration of natural resources. These levels reflect a diagram of perennial ground water level fluctuation, in addition to mentioned level fluctuations (about 22 years), short-term (3-5 years) and seasonal water level fluctuation cycles are distinguished. During the monitoring period (19632001) two periods with minimum levels 1971-77 and 1996-97 and one period with maximum level 1981-87 are observed in Lithuania. Since 1997 ground water level started rising in some regions, but in the last decade its surface in Lithuania is usually below the perennial level. In particular, deficiency in water is noticed in summer time and beninning of autumn in clay sediment regions where due to increased evaporation water surface abates to such degree when wells dry up in some places. In 2001 the average water occurrence depth exceeded the perennial norm in Lithuanian territory, except of eastern part where water lies below 10 meters and in some clayey sediment regions of Central Lithuania. In 2001 the average water level exceeded the level of 2000 in Central part of Lithuania, Suvalkija, Wester (only in Pajûrys lowland) and Eastern Lithuania where water is up to 3 meters depth. Ground water in the rest part of the country was below than in 2000. Amount of ground water resources in Lithuania is assessed according to average perennial ground water level (138 m3/s). In 2001 it declined down to 0,0206 km3 or 20,6x106 m3. However, compared with 2000, resources increased up to 0,064 km3 (64x106 m3). 165 Fig. B22.2.1 Perennial ground water fluctionation according to monitoring data 660 Varëna Depth from earth surface, cm 680 700 720 State of Environment 2001 740 760 Average annual 780 800 1960 Average perennial 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 Date, years DATA SOURCE: Lithuanian Geological Service. (Fig. B22.2.1) provides perennial ground water level fluctuations in southeastern Lithuania (example of Varëna station), where largest amounts of ground water resources are formed and influence from meteorological factors is lower. J Taking into account perennial level fluctuations, conditions for restoration of ground water resources are slightly improving, although alteration of meteorological conditions may change the situation. 166 Measures to improve the state G22.1. Public investment into water supply and waste water treatment State budget and Privatisation Fund allocations for construction of environmental objects divided by years (million litas). 90 80 million Lt 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Economics and Programmes Division of the Ministry of Environment. During independence from 1992 to 2001 more than 1080 million litas were allocated for construction of environmental objects. Out of this amount 560 million litas were allocated from the State budget and Privatisation fund, 336 million litas loans from foreign countries and 184 million litas grant allocations. Almost all named financing in environmental sector - 98,6 percent were allocations made for construction of waste water treatment plants. Until 1999 the State budget was the main financing source in the field of environmental protection. Since 1999 environmental financing has been allocated to municipalities from the State budget and Privatisation Fund. Until 1995 the state budget expenditures for environmental objects were increasing. Later, with financial assistance from foreign countries, the State budget and Privatisation Fund allocations for environmental objects started decreasing. J After aforementioned financing waste water treatment was improved significantly. 167 State of Environment 2001 100 FOREST RESOUSRCES Driving forces V23.1. Export of round and sawn timber State of Environment 2001 Total amount of round and sawn timber (deciduous and conifers) exported to other countries, thousand m3 per year. thousand m3 1800 round timber sawn timber 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: “Statistics of Lithuanian forestry 2001”, Forest Economy Center. After restoration of Independence it became possible to export pulpwood (raw material for production of celliulose) and, therefore, round timber export increased. Pulpwood amounts to 80-90% of total amount of exported round timber. In the last years round timber export became stable and together with forest fellings consistently increases. In 2001 round timber export was up to 1,3 million m³ or 22,8 % of total amount of round timber produced. Sawn timber export increased after declined consumption in internal market. In the last years sawn timber export became stable, its change directly depends on round timber supply (fellings) in some particular years. Similar but stronger growth tendencies of round and sawn timber export were registerd in other Baltic countries. Lately, Latvia and Estonia reached the annual round timber export of 3-4 million m³. K It is foreseen that round timber export will directly depend on changes in forest fellings (round timber production). According to prognosis, sawn timber export will gradually decrease together with growing consumption of sawn timber at local level which was only about 50-60% of the level registered until 1990. 168 Pressure on environment A23.1. Felling totals Total volume of all type of fellings in deciduous and coniferous forests of Lithuania, thousand m3 per year. 6,0 6 5,2 4,9 5,3 4,9 5,7 4,7 5 4 5,5 4,2 3,3 3,3 3 2 1 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: Forest Management and Forest Resources Division of the Ministry of Environment. Since 1991 volumes of forest fellings increased in Lithuania. In 1995-1996, due to elimination of storm consequences and massive spruce desiccation, volumes of forest fellings significantly increased and in 1995 was up to 6 million m3. Volumes of forest fellings remained rather stable in the state forests eliminating storm consequences and massive spruce desiccation. Volumes of fellings in private forests constantly intensify due to increasing private forest areas. Fig. A23.1. 1 Balance of total annual timber increment and volume of timer fellings in 1993-2001, million m3 million m3 12 10 11,7 11,6 11,4 8 6 4 4,7 5,7 4,9 2 0 1993 total annual timber increment 1998 volume of timber fellings 2001 DATA SOURCE: Forest Management and Forest Resources Division of the Ministry of Environment. 169 State of Environment 2001 million m 3 During the last decade total timber increment in Lithuanian forests has inreased (see Fig. A23.1.1). The growth of timber increment was influenced by favourable age structure of forest stands as well as increasing forest area due to regeneration and afforestation activities in the agricultural abandonded and other unsuitable land. Volumes of forest fellings in Lithuania are about 50% of total annual timber increment. It helps to ensure implementation of sustainable forestry principles. In European Union countries average timber fellings make about 70% of annual timber increment. State of Environment 2001 K In the future volumes of forest fellings should increase both in state and private forests. However, prognosis show that these volumes will make 50-60% out of total annual timber increment. A23.2. Burnt forest area Dynamics of burnt forest area (ha) in the last 5 years. 400 350 300 250 ha 200 150 100 50 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: General Forest Enterprise at the Ministry of Environment. Forest fires pose a threat to conservation of the countrys forest resources. To large extent forest fires are influenced by human economic and other type of activities in forests as well as meteorological conditions. Dynamics of burnt forest area during certain period of time demonstrate the extent of damage on forest ecosystems and changing tendencies. In 2001 170 compared with 1999 and 2000 burnt forest area decreased and amounted to 113 ha. The decrease was influenced by unfavourable meteorological conditions for fires to start. Moreover, a number of fires caused by careless behavior of forest visitors has decreased. Fig. A23.2. 1 Dynamics of number of fires (units) in forests in 1997-2001 units 1000 900 800 700 600 500 300 200 100 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: General Forest Enterprise at the Ministry of Environment. In 2001 total number of forest fires just as the burnt forest area was smaller than in 1999 and 2000 (see Fig. A23.2.1). The following reasons can be men- tioned: unfavourable meteorological conditions, decreased number of fires caused by careless behavior of forest visitors. Fig. A23.2. 2 Dynamics of number of fires in forests (%) by reasons that caused fires in 1997-2001 % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 8 4 6 16 20 76 76 1997 1998 careless behavior 3 15 7 11 13 79 82 84 1999 2000 2001 settings unknown reasons DATA SOURCE: General Forest Enterprise at the Ministry of Environment. Due to increased number of forest visitors, in particular in berries and mushrooms collection season, a number of forest fires caused by careless behavior of visitors increases (see Fig. A23.2.2). De- liberate setting fires to forests decreased. This indicates a need to more actively inform the public about damage to forest resources caused by fires, clarify reasons that caused fires and behavior rules in the forest. K Number of forest fires and burnt forest area slightly changes in Lithuania. It is foreseen to have stable figures in the future. Distribution of forest fire numbers by reasons that caused fires remains rather stable. A tendency of increased number of fires due to careless behavior of forest visitors is observed. We can assert that the main reason of starting fires in the future will remain careless behavior of forest visitors and grass burning in spring. Thus, it is foreseen to strengthen public information about fire prevention in forests. 171 State of Environment 2001 400 A23.3. Amount of illegal timber felling Volume of illegal timber felling (m3) in 1994 2001. m3 50000 45000 40000 State of Environment 2001 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 DATA SOURCE: General Forest Enterprise at the Ministry of Environment. In the last years volume of illegal forest fellings has increased in our country. In particular, large volumes of illegal fellings are observed in private forests. If in 1995 volume of illegal forest fellings in private forests was 3,1 thousand m3, in 2001 this volume increased up to 41,3 thousand m3 and made about 84% of total volume of illegal forest fellings in this year. Increasing number of illegal fellings in private forests can also be explained by continues restitution of forests which increases the number of private forest areas and owners. L Compared with total annual volume of forest fellings, volumes of illegal fellings are relatively small. However, it should be noted that illegal fellings have negative impact on biodiversity and the environment. Taking into account stricter liability for illegal forest fellings and strenghtened forest control, it is foreseen to prevent volumes of illegal forest fellings from growing in the future in our country. 172 State B23.1. Change of timber volume Change of total timber volume (mln. m3) in Lithuanian forests from 1938 to 2001. 400 million m 3 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1938 1948 1961 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2001 year of inventory DATA SOURCE: The Lithuanian forest inventory (January 1, 2001), 2001, Kaunas, P. 73 From 1948 timber volume in Lithuanian forests increases. Timber volume growth is mostly caused by increasing area covered with forest. In 1948 Lithuanian forest cover was 19,7%, and in 2001 30,9 %. Moreover, seeking to accumulate as high volume in forest stands as possible, forest management activities are on-going. Accordingly, the aver- age forest volume per one 1 ha increased up to 193 m3/ha in 2001. Despite of increasing forest change since 1991, the total timber volume continues to grow. One of the main reasons for increased timber volume is volume of fellings which make about 50% of total annual timber increment. J The total timber volume in Lithuanian forests will continue to grow in the future as annual volume of forest fellings are expected to increase up to 50-60% of annual timber increment. In addition, the total timber volume will grow also due to increasing forest areas. 173 State of Environment 2001 350 B23.2. Forest cover change Change of forest area and countrys territory ratio (%) since 1938 until 2001. 35 30 forest area, % State of Environment 2001 25 20 15 10 5 0 1938 1948 1956 1961 1973 1983 1993 1998 2001 DATA SOURCE: The Lithuanian Forest Inventory (January 1, 2001), 2001, Kaunas, pg. 71. Since 1948 forest cover constantly increases. As a result of afforestation of abandonded agricultural land and land-reclamation rather large acreage of wetlands overgrew with forests. During the last decade natural regeneration of forests in abandonded agricultural and other lands has incresead. K Forest cover in Lithuania on January 1, 2001 was 30,9%. During the last 8 years it has increased only by 0,8%. Basing on scientific research, the optimum forest cover should be 33-35%. Seeking to increase forest cover in the country, afforestation activities in abandonded agricultural land are foreseen. It is expected that forest cover of the country will increase by 2-3% in the coming 20 years. 174 Measures to improve the state Years 1994.05.07-1998.04.03 1998.04.03-2000.03.15 2000.03.15-2002.03.27 since 2002.03.27 Size of fine (Lt) to citizens for illegal felling of trees and shrubs 3 up to 10 m 10 -100 m3 > 100 m3 iki 200∗ iki 200∗ iki 200∗ 100 - 500 1 000 - 5 000 10 000 - 50 000 200 - 400 2 000 - 4 000 5 000 - 20 000 ∗∗ ∗∗ 2 000 - 4 000 5 000 - 30 000∗∗ 200 - 400 DATA SOURCE: Forestry Development Division of Forest Department of the Ministry of Environment. Illegal felling of trees and shrubs in the state and private forest land poses treat to sustainable use of forest. Volumes of illegal fellings rapidly grows in increasing private forest areas. Tighten liability for illegal forest fellings is enforced in order to ensure efficient control. Changing size of fine for illegal felling of trees and shrubs in forest land indicate raising liability. In 1994-1998 size of fine did not depend on volume of illegal timber fellings, however, there was a possiblity set up in laws to take possesion of equipment that were used in violation. Since 1998 differentiated size of fine depending on volume of illegal timber felling has been set up. Moreover, fine for large volume of illgal timber felling has been increased. Since 2002 fine can be imposed along with taking possesion of violation equipment and means. J It is foreseen to tighten liability for illegal felling of trees and shrubs in order to strengthen efficient control over violators to reduce illegal forest use. * with confiscation of equipment that were used to violate the law or without ** with confiscation of equipment and means that were used to violote the law or without 175 State of Environment 2001 Fig. G23.1. Size of fine to citizens for illegal felling of trees and shrubs in forest land BERRIES, MUSHROOMS AND OTHER RESOURCES Driving forces V24.1. Purchase of mushrooms, berries, herbs or their parts, reeds per year State of Environment 2001 Amount (tons) of purchased mushrooms, berries, herbs or their parts and reeds in purchase posts in Lithuania in 1997-2001. purchased fruits and berries purchased mushrooms 3868 4000 3000 t 4000 3007 2306 2125 2000 t 3000 2142 203 1000 1997 1998 1999 2000 0 2001 1997 1998 purchased herbs 100 81 2001 198 93 180 150 60 40 22 27 t 120 90 60 20 0 2000 purchased reeds 80 t 1999 838 year year 89 1939 2000 838 1000 0 3669 30 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 0 9 1997 year 27 1998 0 1999 5 2000 2001 year DATA SOURCE: Division of Nature Resources of the Ministry of Environment. The last five years excluding 1999 (draught) were good for mushrooms. Purchase has a tendency to increase. In average annual purchase of mushrooms amounts to 3 thousand tons. According to scientific research the average biological mushroom harvest in our country is 54 thousand tons per year. Approximately 20% of mushrooms remain, 50% are damaged by pests and about 16 thousand tons are available for exploitation per year. It is possible to somewhat plan that 1 kg of mushrooms picked up per capita will amount to 3,7 thousand tons on the country scale. In the country 7-10 thousand tons of mushrooms can be picked up. 176 In the last years purchase of wild fruits and berries has been decreasing. Annual fluctuations of purhcased amounts of berries and fruits are influenced by meteorological conditions and variations in market price. From berries the largest purchased amounts are of bilberries (79%), red-bilberries and cranberries. Purchase of herbs decreased due to market conjuncture. The decrease is caused by imported production that is often cheaper. Fig. V24.1.1 Purhcase of mushrooms by species purchased mushrooms (some species) tons 3000 2500 2000 1500 State of Environment 2001 1000 500 0 boletus 1997 chanterelle 1998 1999 purchased muschrooms (some species) 2001 year man of horseback gypsy mushroom bay boletus sand boletus 140 tons 2000 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 year DATA SOURCE: Division of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment From mushroom species the largest amounts of chaterelle (79%), and boletus are purchased (13%) (see Fig. V24.1.1). Fig. V24.1.2 Purhcase of wild berries by species purchased berries (some species) tons 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 bilberries 1997 1998 1999 red-bilberries 2000 cranberries 2001 year DATA SOURCE: Division of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment. 177 Fig. V24.1.3 Pruchase of herbs by species purchased herbs (some species) tons sweet sedge common bearberry thymian hawthorn bogbean 14 12 10 State of Environment 2001 8 6 4 2 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 year DATA SOURCE: Division of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment. From berry species the largest amounts of bilberries (79%) (see Fig. V24.1.2), and from herb species the largest amounts of common bearberries are purchased (see Fig. V24.1.3). K Current purchases fluctuate depending on meteorological conditions and market prices. 178 Measures to improve the state G24.1. A list of wild flora and fungi species collection and trade of which is restricted or prohibited State of Environment 2001 Taking into account partial inventory of herbs carried out by specialists of the Institute of Botanics and suggestions made regarding collection restriction a list of wild flora and fungi species, collection and trade of which is restricted or prohibited, has been confirmed by the order of the Minister of Environment. 1. The Ministry of Environment prepares and approves a list of wild flora and fungi species, collection and trade of which is restricted or prohibited. 2. Species of flora, collection and trade of which is restricted (collection and trade is allowed only with special permission from the Ministry of Environment: 2.1. umbellate wintergreen (Chimaphila umbellata); 2.2. scented sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata); 2.3. Southern holygrass (Hierochloe australis); 2.4. small centaury (Centaurium pulchellum); 2.5. forking centaury (Centaurium erythraea); 3. Prohibited: 3.1. to tear out, pluck or otherwise destroy and sell all types of ground-pine, except their sporangium spicula used as medicinal raw material: 3.1.1. Northern ground cedar (Diphasiastrum complanatum); 3.1.2. wiry ground cedar (Diphasiastrum tristachyum); 3.1.3. interrupted clubmoss (Lycopodium annotinum); 3.1.4. common clubmoss (Lycopodium clavatum); 3.2. to pluck and sell blossoms: 3.2.1. of all type of lilies (Nymphaea); 3.2.2. of all type of pasque-flowers (Pulsatilla); 3.3. to tear out, dig out with roots or otherwise destroy following flora species: 3.3.1. globe flower (Trollius europaeus); 3.3.2. Martagon lily (Lilium martagon); 3.3.4. wild windblume (Anemone sylvestris); 3.3.5. cowslip primrose (Primula veris); 3.3.6. large yellow foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora). 3.4. to pluck and sell truss and leaves of glovewort (Convallaria majalis), except if they are collected as medicinal raw material; 3.5. collect and sell mushrooms: 3.5.1.boletus when their cap diameter is less than 1,5 cm; 3.5.2.chanterelle when their cap diameter is less than 1,0 cm. DATA SOURCE: The Order of the Minister of Environment No. 173 dated April 27, 2000 (Official Gazette, 2000, No. 37-1046) and ammendments in the Order of the Minister of Environment No. 226 dated April 24, 2001 (Official Gazette, 2001, No. 34-1275). Taking into account partial inventory of herbs in Lithuania carried out by specialists of the Institute of Botanics and suggestions made and after prohibited collection of some species of flora for cer- tain period of time, herb resources start recovering. Restricted collection helps to direct collectors to such places where flora resources are sufficient or allow them to collect only limited quantities. K A list of flora and fungi species, collection of which is restricted or prohibited is not extended. 179 GAME FAUNA RESOURCES Pressure on environment A25.1. Number of hunted cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total evaluated amount of animals State of Environment 2001 Ratio of restricted abundance of animal populations and used hunting permits (for red deers, elks, roe) based on data received from hunting circles in 1999-2001. abundance of population used permits Red deers 6000 16000 Number (individuals) 14000 Number (individuals) abundance of population used permits Elks 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2000 0 0 1999-2000 2000-2001 1999-2000 2001-2002 2000-2001 2001-2002 abundance of population used permits Roe Number (individuals) 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 DATA SOURCE: Division of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment Issued hunting permits for game fauna are only partly used (about 60 percent of red deers, about 7080 percent elks, 80-90 percent of roe). It is caused by migration of game fauna populations, sometimes unfavourable nature conditions for hunting and other factors. In previous years, influence could have been made by hunting limits for game fauna set in centralised way. In 2001 the limit setting order for hunting of game fauna was changed and will allow to use game fauna resources in more rational way (see also Limits issued for hunting of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of evaluated number of cervidaes, indicator G25.1.). K Due to reduced population of red deers and elks, their hunting has reduced respectively. Roe hunting increased in the last years due to growth of roe population. Total intensity of licenced hunting remains the same. 180 Measures to improve the state G25.1. Number of permits issued for hunting of cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of total number of evaluated cervidaes abundance of population used permits Red deers abundance of population used permits Elks 6000 16000 number (individuals) 14000 number (individuals) State of Environment 2001 Ratio of restricted abundance of animal populations and used hunting permits for cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) based on data received from hunting circles in 1999-2001. 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2000 0 0 1999-2000 2000-2001 1999-2000 2001-2002 2000-2001 2001-2002 abundance of population used permits Roe Number (individuals) 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 DATA SOURCE: Division of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Environment. It is allowed to hunt about 20 percent of registered red deers, 10-15 percent of elks and about 20 percent of roe every year. Factually, about 13 percent of registered red deers, 10 percent of elks and 10-16 percent of roe are hunted. Taking into account decreasing population of red deer and sexual degradation, hunting of red deer males was prohibited in the hunting season in 20022003. In 2001 the order of setting hunting limits for game fauna was changed. Currently, special commissions are established in each region to set up hunting limits with reference to preliminary number of animals in separate hunting grounds, number of hunted animals during previous hunting season in the same hunting grounds, and damage to forest made by animals. After all these factors are evaluated, the commission sets up hunting limits for next hunting season. Most likely, such mechanism will facilitate rational use of game fauna resources. K Mechanism for issuing hunting limits remains the same for the last 3 years. 181 Resume Table 2. Summary PROBLEM Driving forces Pressure on environment State, impact AMBIENT AIR QUALITY CLIMATE CHANGE J J TRANSPORT IMPACT ON URBAN AIR QUALITY L J OZONE LAYER DEPLETION J EUTROPHICATION JJ K J OIL SPILLS IN THE CURONIAN LAGOON AND THE BALTIC SEA GROUND WATER KK L J LL BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION J K J J KKK L KK JJ WATER QUALITY J J JJ J K J KK J L L L JJ WASTE MANAGEMENT J ?J WASTE MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT RADIATION J STRATOSPHERIC OZONE LAYER SOIL CONDITION ACIDIFICATION OF MEADOW AND FOREST SOILS MANAGEMENT OF OBSOLETE PESITICDES KK L K Measures to improve the state ENVIRONMENT RADIATION K L J K L JJJJ K L KKKK J K BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION JJ KKK L J KKKKK LLLLL L JJ KK K L J J LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION PROTECTED AREAS BALTIC SEA COAST PROTECTION DEVELOPMENT OF KARST PROCESSES K KK J L K NATURAL RESOURCES MINERAL RESOURCES SURFACE AND GROUND WATER RESOURCES FOREST RESOURCES J K K BERRIES, MUSHROOMS AND OTHER RESOURCES GAME FAUNA RESOURCES 182 K JJ L K KKK L K LL J/L J K J J KK J K L K AMBIENT AIR QUALITY Despite of the current situation, recovering economy of the country and future decommissioning of Ignalina NP, increase of greenhouse gas emissions is inevitable. Seeking to implement requirements of international agreements, it is necessary to increase energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in energy and transport sectors. Increase of forest area is another effective measure to minimise negative impact from greenhouse gases. Statistical data indicate reducing consumption of fuel on the country scale, however, concentration of vehicles in Vilnius and other largest cities is increasing and causes traffic jams, higher pollution and worse living conditions. The main attention should be paid to raise attractiveness of public transport, improve traffic management, renew fleet of motorcars and improve quality of fuel. It is impossible to reduce pollution from transport without strict legal and efficient economic measures (even if they are unpopular). STRATOSPHERIC OZONE LAYER After implementation of international requirements for import and use of ozone depleting substances, their consumption has been reduced by 90% in the last six years. Presently, the main attention must be paid to collection of ODS recovered from various installations and their safe utilisation. In order to reduce ODS emission into the atmosphere during maintenance of installations, it is necessary to purchase appropriate ODS collection equipment and emphasize training of operating staff and general public education. In the future it is foreseen to apply stricter requirements for ODS import and use and for control of installations containing ODS. WATER QUALITY Most likely, eutrophication remains the major problem in terms of water quality. Oil spills, their control, preventive measures and protection of ground water resources are important indicators that influence water quality. Analysis of eutrophication indicators has proved that the main influencing sectors of industry and agriculture, namely, milk and meat production industry and number of cattle, due to their stable production and gradually decreasing number of cattle, had no significant impact on eutrophication during the last six years. Such factors of pressure on environment like discharges of BOD7, total nitrogen and phosphorus from point pollution sources, in particu- lar, in large cities, have considerably decreased after implementation of wastewater treatment measures, namely, modernization and construction of wastewater treatment plants. Analysis of oil spill indicators has showed that strong attention is needed to ensure the safety and evaluate natural conditions in operation of Bûtingë oil terminal that increases risk and probability of oil spills. It is necessary to point out that oil pollution in Lithuanian rivers is low. Analysis of ground water indicators demonstrates no threat for dry up of ground water resources with reduced water consumption. Decreasing mineralisation of drinking water and amounts of sulphate and chloride ions present in water is also a good indicator. Municipal wastewater treatment, improvement of water supply system (for example, renovation of sewerage networks), assessment of non-point source pollution, intensive land management control are important measures for improvement of water quality and reduction of eutrophication. Thus, in order to evaluate non-point source pollution, it is necessary to develop special calculation methods. CONDITION OF SOIL Soil acidification in Lithuania is rather slow and has not yet reached the critical limit due to reduced depositions of chemical compounds and precipitation as well as use of acid fertilizers. However, without restarted regular liming of fields, soil acidification process may intensify and cause negative impact on soil quality and the environment. State of forest soil in Lithuania remains stable. Compared with 1995, pesticide quantities and number of their storage sites have significantly decreased. However, today proper storage conditions are not in place and pollutants from storage territories as well as storage fire places migrate to ground and surface water. It is necessary to reduce the number of pesticide storage site to the largest extent possible, thus eliminating pollution sources, and apply soil sanation measures in polluted territories. Establishment of hazardous waste treatment capacities and ulitisation of currently stored pesticide amounts is urgently needed. WASTE MANAGEMENT Since 1998 legal framework for waste management has significantly improved. However, implementation is rather slow. Currently there is no complete collection and recycling system for secondary raw materials in place. There is insufficient number 183 of waste landfills installed in accordance with requirements, hazardous waste recycling and safe utilisation capacities are lacking. Therefore, shortterm priorities and largest investment should be directed to solve these problems. It is necessary to further improve legal framework, in particular, concerning special requirements for management of waste streams. RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION In principle, Lithuania has implemented all main EU requirements and norms in the field of radiation safety. The territory of our country has not been strongly influenced during the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident. Hence, current environmental pollution with artificial radionuclides does not pose serious threat. Impact from operating Ignalina NPP to the environment is not significant. Natural radionuclides and widespread products influence radiation state in the surroundings of Ignalina NPP after the nuclear explosions and Chernobyl accident rather than pollutants from the plant. Seeking to prevent environmental pollution with radionuclides, it is necessary to update radioactive waste management system, properly prepare for decommissioning of the power plant, and further improve preparedness to respond to nuclear and radiation accidents. Safety of radiation sources in other than nuclear energy objects (industrial enterprises, medical institutions) raise concern. It is important to ensure safety of ionizing radiation sources and radioactive waste in insolvent companies. Most likely, use of radioactive sources in industrial enterprises and medical institutions will increase along with the economic growth of the country. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION There are many remaining natural territories rich with biodiversity in Lithuania. For the most part it is a result of mosaic landscape and current system of protected areas. Changes of land use in the open landscape resulted in degradation of some biodiversity complexes. These changes are observed in wetlands and natural meadows; anthropogenic impact on territories of economic value may increase. Lithuanian agricultural policy may influence this process as it promotes sustainable and extensive agriculture, protection of genetic diversity, valuable flora, microbiota and fauna elements in agrarian landscape. Due to slightly increasing forest area in the last 3-4 years, the total acreage of semi-natural territories has been also increasing. Protection of salmon population remains prob184 lematic due to newly constructed dams and pollution of rivers that are the main factors that prevent salmon from reaching their spawning grounds. It is necessary to accelerate Lithuanian biodiversity inventory and prepare a study on biodiversity. LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION From quantitative and qualitative point of view, Lithuania has well developed and scientifically based system of protected areas. It is necessary to concentrate more on management of these areas, implementation of protection measures, development of recreational infrastructure. More intensive natural geodynamic processes and development of the Klaipëda Port resulted in the Baltic Sea coast erosion which in particular dominates in the continental part of the coast and Kopgalis in Kurðiø Nerija. Priority given to coastal zone management and allocation of financial resources are not adequate to the actual needs. With extended warm period in the last decade, karst processes prevail in the Northern Lithuanian region. It is necessary to ensure sustainable development of landscape as on-going processes influence all economic activities as well as their conditions. In order to preserve state and diversity of landscape and implement requirements of the European Landscape Convention, active environmental actions started on the state and municipal levels must continue. NATURAL RESOURCES Lithuania is not very rich with earth entrails resources, however, the country has sufficient prospected and aprobated solid mineral resources to satisty its needs for the next 200-300 years providing that exploitation rate remains the same. Extraction of mineral resources directly reflects economic state of the country. From economic development point of view, more intensive extraction is positive phenomena, providing that all possible measures to prevent its adverse impact on the environment are implemented. It is possible to manage impact from extraction of mineral resources on the environment and avoid threat to stability of geosystems. Most of prospected resources available in the country enable to increase the extraction volume so that it would be beneficial to the State and the society. Surface and ground water resources are rather abundant. Water consumption for drinking and industrial purposes has decreased and only 20-30% of available ground water resources have been used so far. General water consumption has also decreased by several times and structure of water consumption has slightly changed over the last decade. Water use in municipal sector has slightly increased (45%) and in industrial sector decreased from 24% (in 1991) down to 21% (in 2001). Decreased water consumption in transition period has also reduced polluted wastewater discharged by several times. Forest resources in Lithuania will increase. Afforestation of abandonded agricultural lands will be introduced. It is expected that general volume of timer in forests will also grow as only about 50-60% of annual timber increment felling is foreseen. Volumes of timber felling in private forests will increase due to growing private forest areas during the land (forest) reform. It is foreseen to tigthen liability for illegal forest fellings and strengthen forest control. Hence, volume of illegal forest fellings should not increase significantly in the country. In order to ensure effective protection of forest against fires, it is foreseen to take more active role in public education on fire prevention in forests. Number of major game fauna population, namely, cervidaes, has only slightly changed in Lithuania in the last three years. Roe population has increased, but red deer and elks populations decreased. Moreover, sexual degradation of red deers is observed. Therefore, hunting of red deer males is prohibited in the hunting seasons in 20022003. Hunting periods for cervidaes have been revised. Number of hunted cervidaes (red deers, elks, roe) out of the total number of registered cervidaes remains stable in the last three years. It provides a possibility to believe that measures for improvement of the state of population have been properly selected. Taking this into account, situation will remain stable or slightly change in the future. Purchase of berries, mushrooms and other resources fluctuate depending on meteorological conditions and market prices. Meanwhile, general condition of resources remains stable. A list of wild flora and fungi species, collection of which is restricted or prohibited, will help to keep the condition stable. 185 List of abbreviations 186 AS BOD CC CFC ChOP CITES DB EEA EU HBFC HCFC FOP INPP JRC LGS LRDB MAC MAP MoE NIS Academy of sciences Biological oxygen demand Conditional cattles Chloroflourocarbons Chlororganic pesticides Convention on Trade of Endgangered Fauna and Flora Speci Database European Environment Agency European Union Hydrobromofluorocarbons Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Phosphorus organic pesticides Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant Joint Research Centre Lithuanian Geological Service Lithuanian Red Data Book Maximum allowable concentration Maximum allowable pollution Ministry of Environment Newly Independent States NP National park NPP ODS OECD RBMK RP SP UNEP Nuclear power plant Ozone depleting substances Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Channel-type power reactor Regional park Solid particle United Nations Environment Programme Content EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 7 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY ........................................................................................................ 14 CLIMATE CHANGE ............................................................................................................... 16 Driving forces ...................................................................................................................... 16 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 17 State ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Measures to improve the state ............................................................................................. 22 TRANSPORT IMPACT ON URBAN AIR QUALITY ........................................................... 23 Driving forces ...................................................................................................................... 23 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 24 State ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Measures to improve the state STRATOSPHERIC OZONE LAYER ....................................................................................... 28 DEPLETION OF OZONE LAYER ......................................................................................... 29 Driving forces ...................................................................................................................... 29 State ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Measures to improve the state ............................................................................................. 31 WATER QUALITY ..................................................................................................................... 33 EUTROPHICATION ................................................................................................................ 36 Driving forces ...................................................................................................................... 36 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 39 State ..................................................................................................................................... 41 Measures to improve the state ............................................................................................. 51 OIL SPILLS IN THE CURONIAN LAGOON AND THE BALTIC SEA ............................. 53 Driving forces ...................................................................................................................... 53 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 55 State ..................................................................................................................................... 57 Measures to improve the state ............................................................................................. 63 GROUND WATER ................................................................................................................... 63 State ..................................................................................................................................... 63 CONDITION OF SOIL ............................................................................................................... 65 ACIDIFICATION OF MEADOW AND FOREST SOILS ..................................................... 67 Driving forces ...................................................................................................................... 67 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 69 State ..................................................................................................................................... 73 Measures to improve the state ............................................................................................. 77 MANAGEMENT OF OBSOLETE PESTICIDES .................................................................. 78 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 78 State ..................................................................................................................................... 79 Measures to improve the state ............................................................................................. 82 WASTE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 84 WASTE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 85 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 85 Measures to improve the state ............................................................................................. 87 187 RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION ................................................................................... 88 RADIONUCLIDE CONTAMINATION .................................................................................. 90 Driving forces ...................................................................................................................... 90 Pressure on environment ..................................................................................................... 92 State ..................................................................................................................................... 99 Measures to improve the state .......................................................................................... 106 BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ....................................................................................... 108 BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ..................................................................................... 113 Driving forces .................................................................................................................... 113 Pressure on environment ................................................................................................... 115 State, impact ...................................................................................................................... 118 Measures to improve the state .......................................................................................... 137 LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION ............................................................................................ 138 PROTECTED AREAS ........................................................................................................... 140 Driving forces .................................................................................................................... 141 Pressure on environment ................................................................................................... 141 State ................................................................................................................................... 142 Measures to improve the state .......................................................................................... 146 PROTECTION OF THE BALTIC SEA COASTLINE ......................................................... 146 Driving forces .................................................................................................................... 146 Pressure on environment ................................................................................................... 147 State ................................................................................................................................... 148 Measures to improve the state .......................................................................................... 150 DEVELOPMENT OF KARST PROCESSES State, impact NATURAL RESOURCES ......................................................................................................... 154 MINERAL RESOURCES ...................................................................................................... 157 Pressure on environment ................................................................................................... 157 State ................................................................................................................................... 160 SURFACE AND GROUND WATER RESOURCES ............................................................ 161 Driving forces .................................................................................................................... 161 Pressure on environment ................................................................................................... 163 State ................................................................................................................................... 164 Measures to improve the state .......................................................................................... 167 FOREST RESOURCES ......................................................................................................... 168 Driving forces .................................................................................................................... 168 Pressure on environment ................................................................................................... 168 State ................................................................................................................................... 173 Measures to improve the state .......................................................................................... 175 BERRIES, MUSHROOMS AND OTHER RESOURCES ................................................... 176 Driving forces .................................................................................................................... 176 Measures to improve the state .......................................................................................... 179 GAME FAUNA RESOSURCES ............................................................................................ 180 Pressure on environment ................................................................................................... 180 Measures to improve the state ................................................................................................ 181 Resume ........................................................................................................................................ 182 List of abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 186 188