SIR JAMES SMITH’S A CO-OPERATIVE TRUST SCHOOL HEADLINES SUMMER 2015 Sir James Smith’s Community School Camelford Cornwall PL32 9UJ Email: [email protected] Website: www.sirjamessmiths.cornwall.sch.uk Telephone: 01840 213274 Fax: 01840 212189 HEADTEACHER - JON LAWRENCE Important dates for your diary: • • • • • GCSE results day is Thursday 20th August Start of Autumn Term for students: Monday 7th September Half term: Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October Last day of Autumn Term for students: Friday 18th December INSET - training days for staff – school closed to students: Thursday 3rd September; Friday 4th September; Monday 4th January; Monday 11th April and Friday 1st July And some other dates: • • • • • • • Parents/carers of Year 11 students – Academic Review Day: Tuesday 22nd September Year 6 Open Evening: Tuesday 1st October Parents/carers of Year 7 students – Academic Review Day: Tuesday 6th October Deep Learning Days: Thursday 23rd October & Wednesday 9th December Year 9 Parents Evening: Thursday 19th November Parents/carers of Year 10 students – Academic Review Day: Tuesday 24th November A more detailed year specific listing will be distributed early in September Thank you to our parents/carers Once again we have reached the end of another academic year. I would like to thank parents/carers for supporting staff and the school. At the recent Year 6 Parent’s Evening I referred to the 80:20 rule; this is where 80% of a child’s success is attributed to parents/carers. As we all know, parental attitudes to education (teachers, schoolwork, uniform, rules) is the key influence on how their child values education generally and school in particular. Where home and school work well together, children do better at school and have a better start to their working life. I hope we can continue and build on that partnership next September. Keeping parents/carers better informed – SIMS Learning Gateway In September parents/carers will be invited to an information session to introduce them to our new on-line ‘Learning Gateway’ which is a new function added to the school’s information management system (SIMS). This will allow parents/carers to access information about their child: attendance, timetable, behaviour, homework and so on. Schools where this is already in use speak very positively about how the gateway has encouraged greater parental engagement by providing easy access to up-to-date information. Once the date and time of the event are confirmed, parents/carers will be informed via text-alert. Reminders about dress code The summer is a great time to get ready for September and one of the things I would like to remind parents/carers about is hair style/colour and facial piercings. Please ensure that come September hairstyles are sensible and avoid extravagant colours and styles. Similarly, the school will not allow facial piercings and will insist associated jewellery is either removed or covered up with a plaster. Most parents/carers buy uniform over the holidays. The school uniform includes a school jumper. It is not appropriate for students to come to school wearing their own jumpers or hoodies and expect to be able to wear them around school during the day. Please be aware that students will be asked and expected to remove personal jumpers and hoodies. If it is cold, a replacement school jumper can be supplied by the school. The key items to avoid are: footwear with light-coloured soles – footwear should be all-black please; and trousers that are clingy lycra-style or jeans-like, both of which are not appropriate for wearing to school. The school tries hard to keep standards high and your support in these matters is essential. Please consult the uniform list if you are unsure what items are acceptable/unacceptable. The uniform list can be found on the website in the Parents section. Thank you in anticipation of your understanding and support for the school. Holiday leave of absence The school is still receiving requests for holidays during term time. Unless the circumstances are exceptional - and that is very rare - I am not able to authorise any absence for holiday in term time. Attendance should be above 95%; where attendance falls below 90% parents/carers will receive a letter notifying them of our concerns. Research shows clearly that GCSE grades suffer by one grade per subject when attendance falls below 90%. Students in all year groups must understand the importance of consistently good attendance right from the start. Subject Leader Maths I am very pleased to announce the appointment of a very experienced teacher to become our new maths leader. Jon O’Neil has taught in secondary schools for many years and brings with him a strong reputation locally as an excellent teacher and leader. I have heard directly and via the jungle drums that students, parents/carers and staff at Budehaven School are sorry to lose him. Jon will join an established team at Sir Jim’s and build on the good work undertaken by James Grill. Jon and the maths team are keen to prove that maths teaching here is as good as in any school and students can look forward to better progress and improved outcomes. Staffing News There have been lots of changes to staffing this year: staff leaving, others changing roles and some staff joining. • • Staff leaving us at the end of July: • James Grill, Subject Leader Maths, is leaving us to join Budehaven School; • Louise Hunt, Teacher of Science, is joining Okehampton College; Kim Ross, English teacher, is leaving to join Wadebridge School; Trina Craddock, HLTA, is leaving to go to University; • Zena Jones, Teacher of History and Year Director. This is a one-year secondment to Australia. Zena will be re-joining Sir Jim’s in September 2016. Staff changing roles within school • Bob Goulden becomes our new Design Technician; • Jane Guest becomes our new Literacy, Communication and Intervention HLTA; • Paul Collier is our new Alternative Provision HLTA; • Elaine Scawn takes over as Physical, Sensory and Medical HLTA; • James Rotheram reduces his contract but remains as a Performing Arts Technican; • Ed McGuffie takes over as Year Director 10; • Ed Kirk takes over as Year Director 11. Staff joining Sir Jim’s • Jon O’Neil as Subject Leader Maths; • Katy Stratton as Teacher of English; • Dr Ella Paremain as temporary Teacher of English (covering Ms Tarrant’s Maternity Leave); • Christine McMorran as Cover Supervisor; • Sue Walsh as Teaching Assistant; • Rebecca Tutin as Teaching Assistant; • James Davis as Teaching Assistant; • Lauren Finch as HLTA Numeracy. Move to year tutor groups From September all tutor groups will be year-based. This will improve communication and encourage consistency in expectations as students have just one tutor and one Year Director supporting and advising them. The move to year-based tutor groups also creates more time for staff to introduce agerelated personal social and health related topics. The House system will still be used for competitions. To help boost student involvement in house activities, the post of House Captain and House Deputy has been created. We hope to appoint a team of students to help promote and run a range of activities and fund-raising events. Keeping the school drugs free Sir Jim’s and several other schools in north Cornwall are working together with Devon and Cornwall Police on a drugs education programme. There will be a statement released to the press early in September about this partnership. Schools have a duty to educate their students about drugs so they can make informed decisions. School also have a duty to keep their premises drugs-free. As part of the education programme, each school will be inviting the police drugs dog into assemblies during the third week in September. This visit will then be followed up by a second one several weeks later. Parents/carers will be kept informed via the website and alerted via text-alert. Changes to the times of the school day: consultation earlier in the year Following a request from a parent, the school undertook consultation about changing the start and finish times of the school day. All parents/carers and staff were invited to complete an on-line questionnaire. Additionally a random sample of students were asked their views and we consulted with the local authority. Following the consultation it was obvious there was no appetite amongst parents/carers, students, the local authority nor staff to change the timings of the school day. Complaints Schools work hard to do the best job possible but we don’t always get it right. If you are unhappy about something – academic, pastoral or general – please contact the school as soon as your concerns arise. If we are not aware there is a problem we will not be able to resolve the matter. For academic matters, please contact the teacher or Subject Leader. For pastoral and general matters, the tutor is normally the first point of contact followed by the Year Director. Thank you. Policies – a reminder One of the things I like to do each year is remind parents/carers about school policies. They can be found on the school’s website in the parents section. These policies set down what the school will do in certain circumstances. There are three to which I would like to draw your attention: Behaviour, Child Protection and Substance Misuse. All three have recently been updated. E safety update I need to remind parents/carers about the need for greater vigilance at home when young people are on-line. Whilst the school uses assembly time and class time to instruct students about keeping safe, it is always helpful if parents/carers can do their bit as well. One of the worrying developments in recent years has been the way paedophiles use social media to target and then groom young people. Another thing to think about is ‘sexting’; this is where impressionable youngsters are persuaded to send images of themselves in various states of undress – this could be illegal (depending on the actual image) and the image can be used against the unwitting sender. Finally there is the use of Facebook and other sites for trolling and direct bullying. The government also wants schools to point out to parents/carers that social media platforms are being used to promote radicalism, glorify terrorism and recruit vulnerable people. Parents/carers may think Cornwall is far removed from all of this, but there is evidence of Cornish children visiting these sites this academic year. A few years ago a young man attempted to detonate a nail-bomb in Giraffe’s restaurant in Princeshay, Exeter: BBC News. Nicky Reilly, a young Plymouth man and a Muslim convert has been jailed for life and must serve a minimum of 18 years after launching a failed suicide bomb attack on a restaurant in Exeter. Finally – ‘Retro-rocket’ the Greenpower car The Green Power project has been a phenomenal success. The team of students drawn from Years 7 – 11 has worked tirelessly to build and improve their electric car. They have attended race meetings locally and in West Sussex pitting their car against others from across the country. On 27th September the team hope to improve on their best at the Castle Coombe circuit. If they can squeeze a few miles more out of the battery they will qualify for the international finals at Rockingham in October. Many thanks must go to the team’s generous supporters that include ADP Tools, Highfield Motors, Dairy Crest and Kernow Properties – your help is greatly appreciated and has made a real difference to the young people involved. ADMINISTRATION At the beginning of the new term we will be sending out Data Sheets to all parents/carers to confirm your child’s details. We will also be sending out various forms that will need signing and returning. With this information we will include the new Calendar which will inform you of all the relevant information and dates that you will need for the new school year. We have changed the Annual Consent Form (copy included in this issue of Headlines), so that you will only have to sign this once and we then keep it on your child’s records for the duration of their time at school. If any of your details change within the year, please let us know as soon as possible. A text alert will be sent out half termly to remind parents/carers of the need to keep the school up to date. When paying for trips online there will also be a consent question to be ticked or for anyone not using the online payment system there will be a consent form to be signed and returned. Just to let you know that we do keep a dual correspondence record if you require letters, reports and various forms of communication to be sent to another family member. When we send out the data forms in September, could you please let us know by letter if you would like us to add a contact to our dual correspondence list. ATTENDANCE Just a reminder about the procedure to follow if your child is absent:Parents/carers should phone the Attendance Officer, Kelly Crowther, on the morning of absence – 01840 214150. There is an answer phone so please do leave a message if there is no answer. Alternatively they may email: [email protected] If your child is absent for more than one day we would still appreciate a quick call in the morning informing us of this. This is for safeguarding reasons which we take seriously. All students should aim to have 95% attendance or above. Home and school need to work together to ensure attendance is as high as possible because there is a strong link between good attendance and success in exams. CHARITIES Byond Students raised £370 on Friday 15th May for the Cornish-based disaster relief charity, Byond. The money was raised during a ‘non-uniform day’, with the choice of charity resting with the students on the School Council. On the day the money was collected by a group of senior students. Byond is based at Redruth, and during the week assemblies were held by members of the School Council, who explained to fellow students the charity’s work undertaken in disaster areas such as Nepal, following the recent earthquakes. Senior students helping to collect the money were Michael, Sarah Wilson, George Hooper, Tamsin, Robert Doman, Michaela Westlake, Katie Storr, Jodie and Dean. DUKE OF EDINBURGH We have been running the Duke of Edinburgh Award for several years now at Sir Jim's. For those of you who haven't heard of DofE, it gives recognition to young people for the activities they do - volunteering, PE and skills - as well as encouraging them to try new ones and getting them out on expeditions. There are 3 levels: Bronze, Silver & Gold, with increasingly challenging targets for the participants. We will be enrolling students for 2015/16 DofE in September/October and the Expedition Training starts in January 2016. Ruth Henderson is in school most Tuesday lunchtimes in IT1 if students have any queries or would just like a chat about DofE. If you would like more information about DofE, you can ask Michelle Kirk in school, email [email protected] or check out the website where there are lots of details: www.dofe.org. SJS DofE News Eight Year 10 students recently undertook their D of E Silver Expedition by walking from Looe to Boscastle, carrying all their equipment, food etc. We would like to congratulate them all. FINANCE Purchase of PE Kit from the School Shop (Year 11) The School has a limited stock of the Hummel PE kit and rugby shirts. Prices are as follows: • • • • • • • T-Shirt Shorts Windproof Top Tracksuit Jog Bottoms Rugby Shirt Mouthguards £4-50/£7-50 now in the SALE £3-00 now in the SALE £12-00/£15-00 now in the SALE £22-50/£30-00 now in the SALE £10-00/£15-00 now in the SALE £12-00/£13.50 £1-70 During the summer break the PE kit is available to purchase via the Schoolmoney website www.schoolmoney.co.uk. The purchase of the Hummel PE kit is only relevant to students in Year 11. As we sell out of this kit, students in Year 11 will gradually migrate to the new style PE kit which the lower years are wearing. Purchase of PE Kit from the School Shop (New Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 & Year 10) The new PE Kit pricelist is as follows and can be ordered and paid for via the Schoolmoney website www.schoolmoney.co.uk and will be delivered to students on the first day of term: • • • • • • • • Ladies Micro Fleece Ladies Netburn Skort Ladies Haze Polo Unisex Vapour Polo T-Shirt Unisex Response Short Mens Multi-Sports Shirt Unisex Sports Socks Mouthguards £13-70/£17-60 £10-80/£14-10 £9-80/£12-40 £9-80/£12-40 £7-50/£9-50 £12-90/£16-70 £3-80/£4-80 £1-70 Purchase of School Jumpers and Cardigans (All Years) • • • School Jumper with logo School Cardigan with logo School Tie £14-00/£18-00 £15-00/£20-40 £5-50 Free School Meals Did you know…just registering your child for Free School Meals means that the School gets extra money for all our students? Register now to make sure we don’t miss out. The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’. Sir James Smith’s Community School receives £935 for each child registered for Free School Meals. With this money we could arrange one to one tuition, provide a range of intervention programmes and provide a wider range of enrichment activities. If you are registered for Free School Meals you could also receive subsidised Music lessons and Post-16 Bursary funding. There may well be a range of other benefits available. Please register to make sure your child and others in their class don’t miss out. How does it work? 1. First, check if you qualify – it is not just if you are unemployed, so please look at the list below. 2. Registering is really quick and easy – if you think you qualify complete the on-line form at www.cornwall.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools-and-colleges/school-meals/. 3. If you want your child to have a free, healthy meal at lunchtime that’s great – they will get the free meal (saving you more than £400 a year), extra benefits and the School gets £935. 4. If you don’t want your child to have the school meals they can continue as normal – as long as you qualify and are registered, the School still gets £935 extra. No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming. The Cashless Catering System will, on a daily basis, automatically allocate the appropriate accounts with the free meal amounts. Students with Free Meal Entitlements remain anonymous at all times as all account types are accessed in the exact same manner regardless as to whether paid for or not. Do you qualify? You can register your child for Free School Meals if you get any of these benefits: • Income Support. • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance. • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA-IR). • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit. • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190. • Working tax credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working tax Credit. Students can also register for Free School Meals if they get any of these benefits themselves. Come and talk to us if you’re not sure. How to Register • Go to Cornwall Council website – www.cornwall.gov.uk. • Click onto Education and Learning. • Click onto Apply for Free School Meals. • Fill in Free School Meals Eligibility. • Submit form. If you do not have access to the internet at home, please contact us and we will arrange for you to use a School computer. FIRST AID Managing Medicines Our Managing Medicines Policy now states that all parents/carers wishing their child to have medication in school i.e. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen etc, must send in a letter of authority together with a box which contains the medication required. Any medication from the GP must come in the original container with the correct dosage labelled as dispensed. Could I also remind you that under no circumstances should students carry their own pain killers with them. If changes occur to your child’s health, please could you let us know in writing so that we can keep our records up to date. School Nurse Your local school nursing team has a regular school nurse drop-in clinic on a Thursday during 1st and 2nd break and an appointment-based clinic during the third period (11am). During the drop-in sessions, students are able to access a range of health information from the nurse. If you would like to know more about specific issues that the school nursing team can offer support in, please contact 01288 320152. Minor ailments and first aid needs will continue to be addressed by the designated First Aider on site, Mrs Sally Mason. GOVERNORS From September, the Governing Body will change its constitution in line with the new Government requirements. There will be fewer governors with a total of 12 rather than the 16 previously. Parents/Carers Staff Local Authority Foundation (representing the Trust) Community Headteacher Total Old 6 2 2 2 New 5 1 1 2 3 2 as Co-opted) 1 12 1 16 The Governing Body will in future be technically a Board of Governors and, with the new structure, there will be no vacancies for new governors in September. However, governors serve a four year term and there are regular retirements from the Board. Being a governor is a very worthwhile and interesting occupation. The Board of Governors play an important role in determining the strategic development of the school and holding the leadership of the school to account for the education of all the students as well as supporting all aspects of school life. If you are interested in becoming a parent governor or feel that you have something to offer the Board as a co-opted member, please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Judith Knock at school for more information. GREENPOWER F24 Sir Jim’s Greenpower team recently achieved a successful first outing at Newquay Airport, where their electrically powered racing car, ‘Retro Rocket’, took part in the south-west heat of the Greenpower Formula 24 championship. It was the first competitive outing for the team since the building of the car began this January. Ben Langton, Subject Leader for Art, who is responsible for leading and overseeing the project, said: ‘The car has taken a lot of time to prepare and the team has done a fantastic job. Some team members had never even picked up a spanner let alone prepare a car for racing! The result of great teamwork and support from the wider community has paid off with an excellent achievement at our first event, giving our team high aspirations for future developments and races.’ The team were able to arrive in style, thanks to one of the team’s sponsors Fabio Luffarelli from Highfield Motors, Camelford, who provided a racing car transporter. Team member, George Hooper, reported: ‘The team were instantly hard at work. There was no time to relax as team members hurried to find the scrutineering bay, and others stayed behind to ensure the car was ready to race. The wheel covers (for better aerodynamics) were glued, batteries inserted, and final checks made; a quick test drive around the paddock revealed to competitors the new design, with many commenting on its radical “retro” looks.’ Peter Alford, one of the Year 11 team members, took the wheel first, with a further two drivers getting time on track before the end of the hour, in which the team set the third fastest time in their class. The team then managed a superb first place in one race, and by the end of the day had cemented second place in the ‘kit car’ class. Not only this, but ‘Retro Rocket’, the design of which was derived from the early racers of the 1930s, also won the ‘Best Presented Team’ trophy and ‘Top Newcomer’ awards, completing a haul of four trophies. Thanks were extended from the team members to their sponsors, ADP Tools, Dairy Crest, Highfield Motors, Kernow Properties and the school, plus parents/carers and teachers. George added: ‘Our aspirations for the future are still as strong as before, with our main ambition being to qualify for the international final at Rockingham this year. However, there is still a great deal of work to do to make these dreams become a reality, and more testing, developing and enhancing of the car are sure to follow as we attempt to build on our successes. We are currently looking for more sponsors to join our ranks and help us make these goals become a reality. Hopefully, with more continued support from the local community, people will be hearing a lot more of ‘Retro Rocket’!’ KERNOW YOUTH BOOK AWARDS Nine young readers from school attended this year’s Kernow Youth Book Awards, which were held on 29th April at Cornwall College St Austell. Hosted by ‘Kernow King’, the event took place in the Keay Theatre at the College. Among the authors attending were Gillian Cross, of ‘The Demon Headmaster’ fame, who was given a lift in the school mini-bus from St Austell train station to the College. School librarian Mel Bendell organised the trip, together with fellow Sir Jim’s librarian Debbie Godden. Debbie explained that author Rob Badcock signed a copy of his new book ‘Big Frog’ for the students and also signed bookmarks for them. During the event Anthony McGowan, who wrote one of the final six books in the running for the top Award, spoke about his writing career and took questions from the audience, as did Gillian Cross. Debbie added: ‘Students from other schools in Cornwall gave presentations about the books, but as this was our first time attending this was more of a learning experience for us. We wanted to see what it was all about and hope to give a presentation next year.’ The eventual winner was ‘Split Second’ by Sophie Mackenzie. She wasn’t at the ceremony but gave a video speech to the audience. Sir Jim’s students had voted this book their favourite. The nine students attending the event were Tara Dagley, Katie Gabriel, Jacob Marsh, Freya Greaves, James Jaquest, Louie Noon, Yasmin Cunningham, Lucy Blake and Dylan Masters. LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE NEWS FROM THE LRC This term we have been very busy as usual with updating the books in the library. We have disposed of many books which are now very dated and of not much relevance and have introduced more challenging and current books. READATHON After half-term we began the 2015 Readathon. Students were sponsored to read as many books, magazines and comics as they liked to raise money for children’s charities. We showed the Readathon DVD to many students and signed up a few volunteer students. Not only did this promote reading for fun, but also we raised money for charity at the same time. The students raised £81.50 and we would like to thank them for their participation. We are hoping to run this again next year, hopefully involving more students as this was really a learning curve for us. TURNING PAGES As our Year 11 students have now finished their exams, we have had to bring Turning Pages to a close until September. This has been a hugely successful reading scheme, involving SJS students mentoring students from Camelford Primary School. Not only is this valuable to help with reading skills, but it is also very helpful for transition from Primary School to Secondary. MEET THE MARINES Four Year 11 students recently attended a ‘Meet the Marines’ event at Stonehouse Barracks, Plymouth. Ryan Mears, Jack Franks, Andrzej Szczepanowski and Louis were among around 70 students who took part in the occasion, held earlier this year and run by Commando Recruiting Troop. The young people invited to ‘Meet the Marines’ participated in a number of ‘stances’ which included a boat ride, an abseil, a weapons display and leadership task. Although the weather was not warm, a series of push-ups and team races ensured that the four students did not feel the chilly wind blowing off of Plymouth Sound. MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES Adopted Students We are delighted to introduce our two “adopted students” for the coming academic year. This year we are linking with students from two universities; Bristol and Plymouth. Bethany Chudley is a student of English with French at the University of Plymouth, who is about to embark on her year abroad in Nantes, France. It was a pleasure to have her in school last month, when she visited our French classes and introduced herself to our students. Cait Houlbrook is a student of German at the University of Bristol and she is off to Wernigerode in the Sachsen – Anhalt region of Germany. Both Bethany and Cait will be keeping in touch with us over the year so that SJS students can follow their adventures. We look forward to hearing from them. MFL News It has been a busy year in the Modern Foreign Languages Department. We have been especially impressed this year with the commitment some of our Year 11 students have shown in attending regularly after school. The Mike Williams trophy for MFL was awarded this year to Andrew Connolly who showed exceptional commitment to his French studies throughout his GCSE course and was an excellent role model for younger students. We have welcomed many visitors including our Adopted Students and Holly Chapman from Enterprise Foundation South West who spoke to all Year 8 students about the value of modern foreign languages in the work place. Holly listed many businesses in the South West that consider a qualification in another language essential. As Headlines goes to press, Year 7 French and German students are gripped by Eurovision fever! Our sixth Eurovision song contest is underway and Year 7 classes have been practising their own song and dance routines. Filming is underway now and all students and staff will be voting during the last week of term. The announcement of the winner will be in the final assembly of the year; the winning class taking Schnappi, the Eurovision bear, and the trophy, to their classroom for the whole of the next year. We have recently launched the 2016 Belgium Trip for Activities Week next year and the trip is already fully subscribed. 43 students and 6 members of staff will spend four days in Namur, Belgium. We will be staying in a hostel on the picturesque river Meuse, exploring Namur itself and travelling to Aachen in Germany, Cassel in France and the beautiful Belgian capital of Brussels. This follows our successful trips to Belgium in 2012 and 2014 and we are delighted that so many of our students embrace such opportunities to travel and experience other cultures. PROM NIGHT Styles of transport galore were selected by students to ensure they arrived at their Prom in true style. The Prom was held this year at Bowood Golf and Country Club, with the young people arriving at the Club entrance in vehicles ranging from tractors to an arctic lorry, a Bentley to a coal lorry and motorbikes accompanied by a motor bike club to American limos. A crowd of parents/carers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbours turned out to cheer the arrivals, who were greeted, not only by friendly faces, but also a red carpet. Following a three-course meal the students, who had just finished their GCSE examinations, danced until the early hours of the morning to a disco organised by Wayne Shilling. Between the meal and the dancing, though, the ‘Smithy Awards’, were presented – from the student most likely to become an Evil Professor to the person who is liable to become Prime Minister. Organisers of the Prom, Heliena McCarten and Sally Mason, said they sent ‘a huge thanks to Nigel Cobbledick for another superb evening at Bowood, Janice Craddock for amazing decorations, Bruallen for the beautiful flower arrangements, Tom Cole for his presence and Wayne Shilling for putting together fab music during the evening. RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT The class of students who first joined Sir Jim's in the early autumn of 2010 finally said their farewells to staff and fellow students on Thursday 11th June 2015. During a special event, held in the school hall, they received their Records of Achievement, were awarded certificates and trophies, and watched a DVD which reflected how they had grown and changed throughout the five years, and highlighted some of the activities they had participated in throughout that time. Parents and carers, staff and governors watched them receive their Records of Achievement, which were handed to them by Chair of Governors, Jonathan Holt. Speeches were made by Headteacher, Jon Lawrence and Year Director for Year 11, Chris Renshaw. On behalf of all staff, students and governors Mr Lawrence wished those leaving ‘good luck in your exams and best wishes for the future, whatever you do, and wherever your next step takes you.’ He stressed that ‘back at Sir Jim’s we will take great delight in hearing of your successes.’ Mr Lawrence praised them for being a ‘great year group, a really good bunch of young people’ who their ‘parents and carers should be proud of, because I am.’ Mr Renshaw emphasised that he would not be wishing the students luck for their summer results as: ‘luck has nothing to do with it. You should be confident that your endeavours over the past five years will be rewarded. Look at the young adults you have become, and take the next step of your learning journey mindful of all the successes you have enjoyed, and failures you have learned from.’ He praised the prefect body for their diligence and hard work and for proving their worth following their selection. Certificates or trophies were presented to students who impressed in each faculty; to Duke of Edinburgh award students Bix Lawley (Silver) and Matt Dean (completed Silver expedition); to those who had constantly been on the school’s ‘high flyers’ list; and to Head Girl Tamsin Harding and Head Boy George Hooper. After the presentations had taken place, the celebration continued in the Learning Resource Centre, where refreshments, including a Cornish clotted cream tea, were available. Trophies awarded were: Award for Artistic Excellence (Megan Thornhill); the Barbara Eversley Memorial Award for Drama and the Award for Outstanding Work in Film Studies (Michael Arnott); Award for Outstanding Contribution in English (Mavi Degener); Award for Outstanding Contribution in English Literature (Katie Storr); Geographer of the Year Award (Robert Doman); Award for Outstanding Achievement in ICT (Jodie Lavender-Bournes); Award for Outstanding Achievement in Core ICT (Emily Stanzl); the Jenny Rowe Award for History (Georgia Bunt); the Keen Cooks Award (Zak Robinson); the Mathematics Award and Head Boy Award (George Hooper); Mike Williams Modern Foreign Languages Award (Andrew Connolly); Musical Excellence Award (Ben Nicholls); Morality and Ethics Award (Poppy Gregory); the Sprayson Award for Science (Saffron Good); the Practical Learning Award (Jordan Hamley); the Tamarisk Award for Product Design (Peter Alford); the Award for Exceptional Contribution to PE (Laura Galley); and the Head Girl Award (Tamsin Harding). Honours certificates were presented to Peter Alford; Michael Arnott; Kaya Barfoot; Jack Collier; Mavi Degener; Robert Doman; Saffron Good; Tamsin Harding; George Hooper; Harvey Lanaway; Kate Reynolds; Daniel Richards and Katie Storr. SCHOOL GARDEN The summer season is well under-way in the school garden, despite the poor temperatures; I recorded 6 degrees centigrade on the moor on the 10th of June. We have hatched two chicks in an incubator; they were resident in S4 but are now in the outside pens - please come and take a look. The poly-tunnel contains the usual variety of tomato, peppers etc but also quite a good grape vine now and the children have concentrated on strawberries, their favourite fruit, and raspberries outside. The comfrey beds have grown well this year, (the large plants in front of the poly-tunnel), and besides being a great plant for bees is also rotted down to produce a liquid plant food for everything else in the garden. We concentrate still on a No Dig, Organic system that encourages sustainable fresh crops and fosters a caring attitude to wild life and the wider environment. Please feel free to arrange to look around at your convenience and remind your child that gardening club is Thursday 2:30pm to 4:30pm with Mike Sherry. Students can sign up for the club at the Science prep room, any time. SCIENCE Four young scientists from school recently attended a Chemistry Festival, held at Truro College. The Salters’ Chemistry Festival was open to a number of schools throughout Cornwall, with four Year 8 students from Sir Jim’s participating in the fun activities and challenges which formed the event. Jake Stebbings, Amy Penwarden, Zoe Brooks and Oliver Clark comprised the team from school. They combined their knowledge of science to perform very well in both the ‘Salters’ Challenge’ and the ‘University Challenge’ which provided the basis of the Festival. These participating teams had to undertake practical chemistry activities – some of these designed to prove why a hypothetical ‘criminal’ was guilty, due to samples left behind at a ‘crime scene’. At the close of the Festival a lively demonstration was given to those school teams attending, which involved a number of rockets, and controlled explosions. Other such events have been held at Universities and Colleges throughout the UK over the last few months. On their return to school the team from Sir Jim’s were individually presented with their certificates by Subject Leader for Science, Georgie Precious. SKI TRIP – ITALY Passo Tonale During the first week of the Easter Holidays, a party of 49 left school and headed to Italy for a trip of their schooldays. Sat on board our luxury coach noone knew how much fun was about to be had by all, as the coach weaved through England, crossed the channel, headed through France, got diverted in Switzerland and 32 hours later arrived at our hotel. We stayed in a small hotel just outside the ski resort of Passo Tonale and were looked after magnificently by the staff. The first morning saw the group up early as we fitted boots and skis and headed off to meet our team of instructors. Everyone was away and skiing by 10am on the first day, although some spent more time faceplanted in the snow than actually upright on the ski’s! The weather was stunning and the ski conditions good as the group enjoyed their first day on the slopes. The first night we enjoyed a 3 course meal in the hotel, followed by a kangaroo court in which the misdemeanours of students and staff were brought to the attention of the judge and forfeits handed out. Following plenty of laughs it was off to bed. Day two saw the biggest improvement in skiing as the refreshed students all started to show excellent progress and the advanced group found out that they really liked the ski cross race course. The instructors struck up a really good rapport with the students and it was clear that everyone was having an enjoyable day. The second evening was Quiz night; everyone took part with a host of prizes for the winners and the wooden spoon. The student’s confidence on the skis continued to rise throughout the remaining days of the trip. There were students in the jump park, on the top of the highest peak and disappearing down the Wolf run, all showing wonderful skill and technique. On the Wednesday the whole group travelled across the valley and up the famous glacier to eat lunch. Despite the best efforts by staff to deliver the geography lecture on glacier formations to the students, it was clear that once they had taken in the views, chips and snowballs were more popular than the evolution of the Passo Tonale Ice Glacier. Evening entertainment saw us head to the bowling alley for the SJS Ski Trip championship, with prizes for the top three and we also visited a local ice cream parlour. The highlight though was the skiing and the students finished the week as pro skiers. Despite a high speed crash into the netting on the ski cross run and a trip in a rather fast Italian ambulance due to a twisted knee, everyone finished the week in good health and having enjoyed a truly wonderful trip. As the coach made its way back to blighty, the students were left to reflect on how brilliantly they had represented the school and what a great time they had enjoyed. The staff were immensely proud of all the students for the way they carried themselves, enjoyed themselves and progressed on the skis. A great week and roll on Ski Trip 2017. The Ski Trip 2017 will take place again during the Easter holiday of 2017 and students in new Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and 10 will be invited. Further information will be available in the new school year. SPORT Cornwall School Games Following their success at the North Cornwall qualifier, the extreme golf team travelled down to St. Austell to represent the region against 8 other schools at the Cornwall School Games Finals. Following a rather long and wet opening ceremony, the team eventually made it to St. Austell Golf Club to let the battle commence. In blustery and wet conditions the boys made a good start and after the first round were in 4th place. With little between the top side, they knew a good second round could see them in contention for a medal. As the sun came out and the wind died, the second round got under way and the SJS boys started to feel their rhythm. They completed the second round in stunning fashion and handed in their card, confident of having put in a good performance. Once all the scores were in, SJS were declared winners of the bronze medal, missing out on silver by just 3 shots. To finish as a top three team in Cornwall is a fantastic result. Well done SJS. Cricket Under 15 County Championship At the start of June, eight students took part in the Cornwall Schools Chance to Shine Cricket Tournament at Truro school. On a sunny day the boys played 3 matches. First up was a fixture against Falmouth. This game proved to be very close. SJS scored 45 runs from their allotted 6 overs. Falmouth’s reply stuttered and they were left needing 4 off the last over, which they achieved with the penultimate ball. Next up was a game against Mullion. SJS were competitive and another tight finish was on the cards, until the opponents unleashed their big hitting middle order batsman, who took the game away. Finally, the SJS lads played a strong Brannel outfit. Brannel scored 65 runs; however, SJS made a good fist of it finishing on 42 off their 6 overs. Unfortunately the Under 13 Championship was cancelled due to bad weather. Martial Arts Year 10 student, Holly Kalicki, made a medal-winning martial arts appearance at the recently-held Tae Kwon Do championships in Plymouth. Holly, a member of the Callington-based ‘New Wave Martial Arts’ club took both a gold and a bronze medal in the Southern Championships. She emerged as the Female Junior Middleweight British Sparring champion and took the bronze in the ‘Junior Patterns’. North Cornwall Youth Games Extreme golfers won the day when they participated in the North Cornwall Youth Games on 22nd April. Against opposition from other schools such as Launceston College, Budehaven Community School and Wadebridge School, Sir Jim’s ‘Extreme Golfers’ produced some wonderful stroke play and nerveless putting to finish on 723 – 100 points clear of their nearest rivals. Subject leader for PE, Matt Dyson, explained that the ‘team will now represent North Cornwall at the Cornwall School Games Finals, as one of the six regional qualifiers.’ Other competitors from Sir Jim’s also proved their worth at the Games, held across the Budehaven School campus. The Under 13 Table Tennis team finished third, with the team of four being narrowly pipped to the silver medal by a few points. There were silver medals for the Under 13 girls football team who reached the final, ably led by Cornwall Schools footballer, Nicola Champion. Mr Dyson explained that the team ‘looked good going into the gold medal match, but luck was against them as, deep into the second half, the girls conceded a deflected shot and had to settle for the runnersup spot’. Sports Day The sun shone for Sports Day at school, with staff and students flocking to the top field to watch the events in action. A number of parents/carers also viewed the battle between the school’s four houses – Chydeme, Tredeme, Poldeme and Landeme. At the end of the day, which saw field events take place in the morning and races in the afternoon, Poldeme emerged as winners. The sports, which produced fun and friendly rivalry, ended in traditional manner, with the relay races. Students from Year 7 to Year 10 participated, Year 11 students having already left following their GCSE examinations which finished in June. YOUTH CLUB Due to cuts in Cornwall Council spending, almost all of the Youth Service has been axed. This has meant that there are no longer any youth workers to run sessions at the Youth Club in Camelford. Without their expertise and commitment, the management committee have been forced to stop offering sessions or activities for young people at the club and it has been closed since the spring. The Council believe that it is up to communities to run such activities themselves but we have found that teenagers seem to respond much better to trained youth workers who can often provide much needed advice and guidance as well as enjoyable activities for the young people. The management committee are very reluctant to give up on this much needed facility for young people in this area and so, if anyone is able to help either in running sessions or activities or just putting in some time with the management of the centre, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please ring Jonathan Holt on 01840 212434 if you can help in any way. If you would like this copy of Headlines in a different format, please contact the school. PARENTAL CONSENT FORM School Sports Events, College visits and other day trips in the South West This form has been produced for parents/carers of young people to complete and gives the necessary authority to the school to take your child out of school. Students will not be taken out of school without parent/carer prior knowledge. This form will only need to be completed once during the student’s time at school. PLEASE NOTE that in signing this form your rights are not affected in any way. School: SIR JAMES SMITH’S COMMUNITY SCHOOL I wish my son/daughter …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... To be allowed to take part in the above mentioned journeys or visits and agree to him/her taking part in any of the activities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I consent to any emergency treatment required by my child during the course of the visit. Yes/No I confirm that my child does not suffer from any medical condition requiring regular treatment OR my child suffers from………………………….…………………………………………..requiring regular treatment (e.g. diabetes, asthma) Allergies (e.g. antibiotics, elastoplasts, aspirin or any medicine food /drink?) If your child suffers from a particular complaint, please enclose a letter giving details of the complaint and its treatment. Letter enclosed. Yes/No Is he/she receiving treatment at present? Yes/No Does he/she have any special dietary needs? Yes/No Address……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..... Date of Birth………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….……... Emergency Contact Person………………………………………………. Tel No………………………………………………………..……. Mob No ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Doctors name ………………………………………………………………………….……. Contact No …………………………………….… Date of last Anti-tetanus injection……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… I consent to my child travelling by any form of public or contracted transport and/or in a motor vehicle driven by authorised staff members. I acknowledge the need for him/her to behave responsibly at all times. If any of your details change within the year, please let us know as soon as possible A text alert will be sent out half termly to remind parents/carers of the need to keep the school up to date. When paying for trips online there will also be a consent question to be ticked or for anyone not using the online payment system there will be a consent form to be signed and returned. Signature of Parent/Carer………………………………………………………………………….. Date………………………….………….….… ******************************* The Local Authority through its employees and agents will at all times take reasonable care of your child and his/her personal effects and money. If your child has an accident or suffers loss or damage to his/her personal effects and money which is not as a result of any lack of care on the part of the Local Authority, its employees or agents, the Local Authority will not be able to pay any damages or meet any expenses arising. Similarly if your child incurs any liability towards a third party in respect, for example, of any injury caused by your child to that third party or damage to the third party’s property, the Local Authority will not be responsible for this unless it can be shown to be at fault in some way. If you would like this in an alternative format please contact the School. ! " # % $ $ ! # & ! ! ' Fees & Charges Swimming Pool Times Swimming Pool Monday Adult Swim £4.00 Junior Swim £2.80 Group Swimming School Junior (per 10wk block) £44.00 Aquafit £5.30 Coached Activities Adult (Per hour) £4.70 Junior (Per hour) £3.60 All prices per session. For family, joint and single weekly passes please ask at reception. Sports Hall Activities (All prices per hour/session) Pay & Play Activities Adult £4.20 Junior £2.70 Pay and Play Table Tennis £2.00 Sports Hall Hire £38.00 Badminton Court Hire £9.40 Equipment Hire £1.20 Shower (Only) £2.00 Locker Fees £0.20 Fitness Studio (Price per 1 hour session) 06:30 - 07:00 07:00 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:15 09:15 – 11:45 11:45 – 12:45 Members Only* Lengths* Over 50s* Leisure Swim* Lunchtime Lengths* 13:00 - 14:00 Private Booking 14:00 – 16:00 Pool Fun 16:15 – 17:30 Kayaking New time for summer holidays! 17:30 - 18:30 Leisure Swim* 18:30 – 19:30 Aquafit 19:30 – 20:30 Lengths* 20:30 - 21:15 Adult Lessons Tuesday 07:00 – 07:30 07:30 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:30 09:30 – 12:15 12:15 – 13:15 13:30 – 15:30 15:45 - 17:15 17:30 – 20:00 20:15 – 21:15 Members Only* Lengths* Over 50s* Leisure Swim* Lunchtime Lengths* Pool Fun Leisure Swim* Swim Club Swim Plus+ Adult £4.20 Non Member Induction £30.00 Member Induction £15.00 Swimming Fitness Session Membership 06:30 - 07:00 07:00 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:15 09:15 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:15 (Monthly Direct Debit) Single Couple Single Concession Couple Concession Family up to 4 Under 18’s One Month Only Key Fob (£10 Deposit) Weekly Family Swim £27.00 £37.00 £17.00 £27.00 £42.00 £12.00 +£5.00 £12.00 £20.00 07:00 – 07:30 07:30 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:15 09:30 - 11:30 11:45 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:15 14:30 – 16:30 16:45 – 17:30 17:45 – 20:00 20:00 – 21:30 Members Only* Lengths* Over 50s* Swim School Leisure Swim* Lunchtime Lengths* Pool Fun Leisure Swim* Swim Club Lengths* 06:30 - 07:00 07:00 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:15 09:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:30 13:45 – 15:45 16:00 – 19:00 Members ONLY* Lengths* Over 50s* Swim School Starfish Parent & Baby AquaFit Lite Pool Fun Leisure Swim Members ONLY* Lengths* Over 50s* Leisure Swim* Lunchtime Lengths* Pool Fun Leisure Swim* Pool Fun Lengths * 09.00 - 17:00 18:00 - 19:00 Junior All Day Club Circuits Full body workout set out in a circuit formation. Also part of the bootcamp programme. 19:30 – 21:00 10:00 – 16:00 Aikido 15yrs** Lengths* Over 50s* Lengths* Swim School Leisure Swim* Pool Fun Adventure Day Out Please see kids Activity Timetable for Details or ask at reception. 10:30 - 12:00 12:30 - 17:00 17:30 – 18:30 Tiny Tots Courts/Hall available for hire 5-A-Side Football** Zumba** Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 10:30 - 12:00 09:30 - 10:30 Mini Multisport with weights correct and safely. 11:00 - 12:00 Junior Multisport 18:30 - 19:30 Core Fitness PLEASE NOTE: Children under 8yrs must be accompanied by an adult (16yrs+). Last entry into the swimming pool is ½ hour before the end of each session. Members ONLY - Access is permitted to these sessions via your personal key fob. please call for details. * These sessions are supervised from reception by a single qualified lifeguard. strengthening the core muscles. 17:00 – 20:30 Courts/Hall available for hire Tuesday 07:30 – 21:00 Over 50s StayFit Wednesday 12:30 - 18:00 07:00 – 20:30 18:00 - 19:00 Courts/Hall available for hire Bootcamp offsite session Thursday 07:30 – 21:30 A fitness class off-site at either the beach, the park or on the moors. 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 – 21:30 Pay and Play Netball Pay and Play Table Tennis and Badminton Friday 17:30 – 18:00 18:00 - 19:00 Friday 07:00 – 18:00 Saturday 07:30 – 16:00 Sunday Junior All Day Club Courts/Hall available for hire KickBox Fitness 09:00 - 16:00 To use the Fitness Studio you must attend an induction session. Please ask at reception for further details and induction times. Last entry is 30 minutes before end of session. A brand new session using the skills of kick boxing to improve your fitness. Gym Inductions Saturday Must be booked. Please ask a member of staff to book a time. Half price Badminton Courts Please call to book. 09:30 - 10:30 Bootcamp Morning session Outdoor Courts Sunday Courts can be booked for just £4 per hour. For court availability please contact the Centre for further information. Fitness sessions aimed at Lengths* Parent & Baby Leisure* Pool Fun Leisure Swim* 07:00 – 20:30 A light fitness sesssion aimed at over 50’s to keep fit and healthy. (age 4-7yrs) 12:00 - 13:30 Monday Tiny Tots Junior weights Training (12-17yrs) A new session to teach juniors to train 09.00 - 17:00 (age 8-14yrs) 09:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 11:00 11:00 - 12:15 12:30 - 14:30 14:45 - 16:00 Fitness Suite Times Thursday Monday 19:00 - 20:00 Saturday 07:30 – 08:30 08:30 – 09:15 09:15 - 10:00 10:00 – 12:00 12:15 – 13:45 14:00 – 16:00 Sports Hall Sessions Tuesday Friday Sunday Wednesday 13:30 – 15:30 15:45 - 18:00 18:15 – 19:15 19:30 – 21:00 Thursday Half price Badminton Courts Please call to book. **Private hire activity. Please contact the Centre for more details. For up-to-date information about the latest activities, events, opening times, and everything else in-between, feel free to call into the centre, telephone 01840 213188 or visit our website at www.camelfordleisurecentre.co.uk Junior Football Club Starts Sat 1st August Gold members = Free Members = £1 Non - Members = £2 Junior Football Club + Every Saturday From 8.45am-9.45am Things you’ll learn… + Short passing + Dribbling + Shooting + Control + Goal keeping Skill retention + Fun skill’s challenges + Small sided games + Conditioned tactical games For further information talk to reception or call 01840 213188 Start Your Weekend With A Kick! Fancy our introduction to Kick Boxing Class on Friday evening 6-7pm. Problem with what to do to with the kids? Bring them along for an introduction to circuits, basketball, football, badminton, handball, table tennis. A different theme and sport each week. You train, they play. Only £1 per session Session will run alongside your Kick Boxing Class All sessions run and supervised by experienced coaches For further information talk to reception or call 01840 213188 Extreme Sports Adventure Days Out Only £30 for the Whole day! Tues 10:00 - 16:00 Adventure Days Out Come and have a go at something new with our fun packed adventure days out. + 28th July - Kayaking on open water + 04th Aug - Climbing at The Barn + 11th Aug - Kayaking on open water + 18th Aug - Mountain Biking (bike hire is extra) + 25th Aug - Kayaking on open water Give us a ring to book your space now!! For further information talk to reception or call 01840 213188 Are you looking for a new job or a career change? Look no further! Cornwall Adult Education offer a range of courses right here on your doorstep at The Camel Centre (located on the Sir James Smith’s school site – Dark Lane entrance). We offer a variety of part time courses from basic maths and English though to GCSEs, A levels, Beauty, Complementary Therapy Diplomas and Access to Higher Education. No need to travel long distances Learn in a friendly learning environment Free English and maths GCSE courses Help with fees may be available Make it your year to learn, enjoy, succeed Do you want to go to university but don’t have the qualifications to get you there? Yes?... Come and talk to us about an Access to Higher Education Diploma starting in September 2015. We offer a range of diplomas to help you get into: Nursing, midwifery, other allied health professions, social work, psychology, sociology, business and teaching. • Three days per week fits into a school timetable • The course could FREE on completion of your degree • 24+ Advanced Learning Loans available Call 01288 356629 to book an appointment with our local coordinator to find out more. Retrain for a Career in the Beauty and Complementary Industry in our Beauty Salon at The Camel Centre. Call 01288 356629 to book on the next information session to find out more. Cornwall Council 2015/16 school term dates (for community and voluntary-controlled schools) September 2015 Mon Tue 1 October 2015 November 2015 7 14 21 28 Mon 5 12 19 26 Mon 2 9 16 23 8 15 22 29 Tue 6 13 20 27 Tue 3 10 17 24 30 Wed 2 9 16 23 Thurs 3 10 17 24 Wed Thurs 1 7 14 21 28 Wed 4 11 18 25 8 15 22 29 Thurs 5 12 19 26 30 School holidays Bank holidays Fri 4 11 18 25 Fri 2 9 16 23 30 Fri 6 13 20 27 Christmas Day 25 December 2015 Sat 5 12 19 26 Sat 3 10 17 24 31 Sat 7 14 21 28 Boxing Day 28 December 2015 Sun 6 13 20 27 Sun 4 11 18 25 8 15 22 29 New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday 01 January 2016 25 March 2016 28 March 2016 29 Early May Holiday 2 May 2016 December 2015 Mon Sun January 2016 7 14 21 28 1 February 2016 Mon 4 11 18 25 Mon 1 8 15 22 Tue 1 8 15 22 29 Tue 5 12 19 26 Tue 2 9 16 23 Spring Bank Holiday 30 May 2016 Wed 2 9 16 23 30 Wed 6 13 20 27 Wed 3 10 17 24 Summer Bank Holiday 29 August 2016 Thurs 3 10 17 24 31 Thurs 7 14 21 28 Thurs 4 11 18 25 Fri 4 11 18 25 Fri 1 8 15 22 29 Fri 5 12 19 26 AUTUMN TERM 2015 (72 days) Sat 5 12 19 26 Sat 2 9 16 23 30 Sat 6 13 20 27 03 September - 18 December Sun 6 13 20 27 Sun 3 10 17 24 31 Sun 7 14 21 28 (Half term 26 - 30 October) Mon 2 9 16 23 30 04 January - 24 March 31 (Half term 15 - 19 February) March 2016 Mon April 2016 7 14 21 28 May 2016 Mon 4 11 18 25 SPRING TERM 2016 (54 days) Tue 1 8 15 22 29 Tue 5 12 19 26 Tue 3 10 17 24 Wed 2 9 16 23 30 Wed 6 13 20 27 Wed 4 11 18 25 Thurs 3 10 17 24 31 Thurs 7 14 21 28 Thurs 5 12 19 26 SUMMER TERM 2016 (69 days) Fri 4 11 18 25 Fri 1 8 15 22 29 Fri 6 13 20 27 11 April - 22 July Sat 5 12 19 26 Sat 2 9 16 23 30 Sat 7 14 21 28 (Half term 30 May - 3 June) Sun 6 13 20 27 Sun 3 10 17 24 8 15 22 29 June 2016 Sun 1 July 2016 August 2016 Mon 6 13 20 27 Mon 4 11 18 25 Mon 1 8 15 22 29 Tue 7 14 21 28 Tue 5 12 19 26 Tue 2 9 16 23 30 8 15 22 29 Wed 6 13 20 27 Wed 3 10 17 24 31 30 Thurs 7 14 21 28 Thurs 4 11 18 25 8 15 22 29 Fri 5 12 19 26 Wed 1 Thurs 2 9 16 23 Fri 3 10 17 24 Sat 4 11 18 Sun 5 12 19 Fri 1 25 Sat 2 9 16 23 30 Sat 6 13 20 27 26 Sun 3 10 17 24 31 Sun 7 14 21 28 195 days are included on the school calendar. Schools will be open to pupils for 190 days. The 5 additional days are allotted for In-Service Training. Home Grown Chick Photo by Sam Boothroyd – Year 7
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