- CDA Guwahati
- CDA Guwahati
,) _. r:,.:,' rtO*',, rief:t / 1, _..:+*+++*<%._ im<cfuRqrciRk+fuq I Tqil i<+tHmrr c;rlcf oF rHt t .A Fi€'de' C U-'-a lE! Xl DEFENCE ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT iTe {erfi trt|fq g€'f,6 COAST GUARD MANUAL : *mtrqqvi qar *qr q{Tfq{"ffi * sTferfirq * qrtt ftqr ltqr Issued by the Authority of Controller General of Defence Accounts EFGTT?I Tiansiation q* *Erq w3arc Central Translation Bureau T€ {',ardq MINISTRY OF'HOME iqwfq L4NGUAGE DEP,ARTMENT TrEt$tNtr qt t<ait NEW DELTII -lR \ FOR USE OFTHEDEFENEF +4q rqr niqr Fqrq tcdr.,T + frrq ACCffi {qTr dqr fqwrrr ; l- l*iRARy I ::' -. '€63j C S :t i\. DEFEN]CE ACC*TJNTS DEPARTMEh]T' erc {e{'fi'f,qqq qRrfi COAST GI-]ARD TTAXruUAL agkqqe qai_itq vqrfnuar * xrlsmn rt qTtr fqqr qq.,r Xssued by the Authority of Controller General of Defenie Accounts t992 qEr{ Translation *:frq emqrq 6qd Central Translation Bureau q uarca MIMSTRY OFHOME trttrTTrn fffiFl LANGUAGE DEPART}4ENI T€ffi }{EW DELHI Si'.j',.t i ;::liit,+RY; itr'Ail ?,7 i r e :', I eil ,,. ;_iiru *lj.w PREFACE This Manual contaius detaiied instructions for the conduct end clisposal of work, relating to the mainte- nrnce oF pay accounts and interna.i ar.rd.i of payment claims etc. of Coa;t Guard personnel to be carried ort by Coa:t Guard Section oi C.D.A. (Navy) Bornbay. \r witl 2. All officers and members of rhe establisirment are expected to make themselves fully conversant ihe contents of the Manual ancl ignorance of its provisions wjll not be aceer:ied as arl excllse for any dlpafiil:e from rules or failure fo ccmply with them. ' 3. This Manilal is a deparlm:nrai pubiioation. The in;{ri:ctions eonain=d therein are supplementary to the rcles iir thc Civil and Defence Audit and Account Codes, Financial Regalations. Pay ancl Aliowan€es Regula'Lions, F.R./S.R. etc. and shouid lot be_quotedSin coirespondence w-irh offices ouiside the Defence Acdcunts Departrnent. No change, which invoives a substantial dgparture from the instructions, should be cffected without the orevious appioval ol Controiler Geneial of Defence Accounts. Noihing in this manual will b: held to supersed: an5' ;'tbnCr'rg rule or tlrd;r of the Government of ledia with whiih it rnay be at V?f,3i]Ce. 4. The Coti:rolirr of De''ence Accounts l-\asf ) rvili be re:ponsible for ke':ping the Manital corrected up-to-daie. For thts pu-rllo:€, ire .a'11 pfoE cre corrections whenever nece:jsary a:rd send the draii a-mendmeats to' the Controiler General of D,-fence Accounts in duplicate foi approvai quot;ng the orders on rvhieh the corfections propo:ed are based. (R. K. MATHUR.) C.G.D.A Nnw Dsr-nr Dr. 27-11-i991 fi) 92-MF(D)l66CCDA-l(a1 i ! I fABLE OF.CONTENTS Peqe1..: , Pacr SUB.SECTION CTTAPTER. : Introduction & I Cs*rrn II CnArrB. Genelal d. Adminnstration III cgirrx-rv 9 )-o 10 7: ,-.1t :r-;CillPfnR V :.- Cnnrrn Vl ':'Ledger Wiog ' 9-35 48*129 -, .:!.6{-3 l3O-148 :: "':i2;t7 I 8 ,...i .. ,l4g ,':6ryA 7L, 150-171 72-79 Xn : Transportation Stqteq Coltract:;..::CnAPTER XIII ']: :1,: .: I : Cnnpren ' ;' : 80 173 8l t74 8t l7s ,. . 83 176. , ', 84 XIV : Stores Audit . CberrsnXV :FinancialAdvice ' 112 111' 85 178-185 86-87 i:: :r:.::-: .-:::li:_: :i::: t::::1-iii:=i1i:r:: (ii) I ,. .,-E-,.. =i l .a "1- -t t: ': i CHAPTER INTRODUCTION ' ,rnrl L^^- Guard Ac t 1978 as an Armed Force of the Union ^^-.tit,,rart under the Coast ' 1. Coast Guard has been constituted India' in the Maritime Zones of ;.rd ;;ir.; Nationai interest -through of India for protecri;L:# 1ffi!il.exercises Corn::rand and Operaiiorral administraiive oveiall The Direclor General 6oast Griarcl Coast Eastern tL Bombay [CoIvICG{w)]' Coin'rancier Commancter Coast G;;;"'\&A;iuto-ntgio* and Nicobar Anr,rarnan Guard cottrmlala"r .coasr Resion st vishakha;;;*"ic-ovrcciFit:'"na Districi Hqr, (ri) Coa'-t Guard Station' -^ iccMCc(A & i;i;'e"';ie;ri : ,.l.rl. d;;li'ii.s';;i;;;ii;d inio ril-co,'"1 Guard xir-s,;iionlE-n.ruu.s and (iv) Ssorc Esiablishments. t GENtrRAL - 2.T1reCoastGuardOrganisationismannedbythefollowingfor:cesl.;:.. (i) Regular Coast Guard Per:onnel' (ii) Petsonnel on deputation ftom Defence i,,i, : Services' Defence sen'ices and police. o._".oloy.edfReleased pefsonnel of other civil department' and n-on-8az9tt9d) on deputation from Defence and (iv) crviilans lqryo"d Coast Guard' iv) Regular civr'Iiins'ofi governed under the provisions of Fundamental and snpplementary 3. The€oasJ Guard Personnel aie Rules for the PurPose ot :- J' ,. 1i1'Travetling allowance '''.1: journey onperinanenttransfer I ' Gi) TA (iii) LTC (iv) Road mileage on ffansfer (v) Ttansportation of personal eft'ect (vi) Joinig time - (vii) CEA|TF , ,'" rg35 Allowance n.gofutiuft ioiriJo"V foi6*ttaii pay and atlowances si'rilar to Navv' . :. .: ca.ssAccoLINrINGPR0CEDURE+ilRJr"iE$or.MAINrAINING:AY=A-P"R€VjDENr and InPrest Cash Accomting, Cash disbtmcm 4. The existing p,rovision'< fo-r d-rarq! i gi:.1':--t$-H"*Jryi ;"s"t io t# r;rTi;;i;t ;e;;d suip* ""o sl*" ss{e'1s : (a) Finarcial xm lfl"";iiJilliff - accounting and aduit ol Public funds prescribed d Shore Esiablishments shall be adopted mutatis " Defml Section-2, 1 Systen of Pay aurl Providents Funils Accounts Ti3:?:#Jafi;iH;'i;A;"'i'oli;i"."iio'.Ji"gi'tutions ror the Indian Navv shallapplv mutaiis mutandis ioiCouit Guard Pprsonnel :- t::}35:r"t":n"!3fJilrTlF inancial regula(a) Coast Guar<loffrcers including civilians staff officets Industrial Section-4 of Chapter XII Financial Regu(b) Coast Guard Non-gazetted staff including latiolls Defenee Services Part-II and non- industrial civilians General Provident Fund (Rules) 1960. (") Provident Fund Accounts CCS (Revised) Pay rules 1986 and pay and allowances Regulations (Navy) 1966. (d) Pay and Allowances CCS (Pensions) Rules 1972' (e) Pensions/GratuitY CCS (Leave) Rules 1972. (0 Leave Rules FUNCTIONS OF CQAST GUARD SECTION (Navy) coast Grrard section is responsible for 6. controller of Defence Accounts :- (i)TheMaintenanceofthepayaccoun^tsonIRLASystemofallCoastGuardofficersSub-ordiCou'a-bluitiunt (gazgtle{and non-gazetted' industrial nonnate Officers "iA"iti"tl[i'Couirgm"ett-Ont Navy'ind A'F' personnei and Defence Civilian' n"-"ipii,Li"ht'y industrial, sondeputation. ;?;;i;;;i"ii#;"fr".i;-crn-tidrcovt.Departmenf and (ii) ProlisioniSupply of funds to Coast Grrard rhrps (iii) Audit establishments' Strinl/ fstaUlishments' of Cash Accounts of Coast Guard audit of personal claims' (iv) Audit of pay and fund account and and compilation thereof' (v) Preparation of Abstract of receiptlCharges 4 F ,-l ^^^^'.-fa ' accounts' (vi) Maintenance of provident fund of (vii) Audit and payment/adjustment e4diEc f,+4 (viii) Audit and payrent of otingcd il4 d+ttaneous bills of coast Guard shipslEstablishment (ix) Audit of Pryrr*offsf Pcfram bdls' -ffimdr;*ift t'i*i'1?J:8x'i's["iilt,'llff '"l1fl *# ""'H:#f, (ri) supplies' General Cost Guard and othet administrative authorities. Torcndsfinatrcial advice to Director q" Bombay is ur_ v" CH{FFER U ADMINISTTATION SE€TION , .&.T.he,co11ductand disposalof itenqs dealfrrithin tleadministrative ll Office Manual-Part-Il-Volume'f ' as laid drwn in Chapter : .:: . . i***ti:*t*j ' srestiOalii4{-t.@:.te -:- --_ - the same *-r CHAPTER III ACCOUNTS SECTION 9. The conduct aud d.isposa! of itemr dealt ivithin the Accounts Section will geirerally be the same laiddown inChapleiill Office Manual Pari-II Vol. I. as / (a) t/ for accounl,ng the entire receiply.}P:*ji.ll: Cuard Section. is. responsible 'and_obtaining_reinrbursemeni from Chibf Controllcrs OrgSnisation oi CoastGuarcl i"=..rp,!"i -;'&iit;"tJ o-iei;lt" und Cutto*=T'{"o Delhj- CDA{N) will function as a of Aecp+nt"s, details to the ChielCcntrcller ;;t;;;i;;fiid;;;J6;l;rt *ontirty SAo's Aics vn€necessarv Acitunts'Centrsl Boarcl ol Erclse aod Custotrts, Nerv- Delhi "i , 1(?) The icc*int an,i exoend:trii'e in rcspect of Coast Guard Organisation will be bockcd 1o a single -' Coa. hiad gjcr2ti.; uuCcr-hf*cr !{ead 8658 "Suspense Account" Minoi Head lleptt.tl iti,,or"co* under- Majoi Head 0021 ,.P3!, 2041, .2049,' 2235. Revenue-pd6*-L+r=* . to _ Defence^ Services aie irl-r'o- applicable to Coast 936:uitirl;sa6ie. einj. eor I, irsSg,-67!, Gua,-d qbnd!q11e4.*tA. view'fo identity the C.G.O. transactions Cafegory Codes 80 to 97 *ei u. gG-u=d ?-o Code Head s Concet:ned' (l) \-/ C.D.A.{N) Coast 'F (3) Chequ$,IDrafts in settlement ol the rnonthly account received fi'om CAO, CBEC New, Delhi 'l' i* to clear compilation made to code head 01020!49 ' "ijuti"o faf fte amount received/paid by other CsDA on account of.transaction^pertaining to.CGO will t-' ^tJtoot?';";;6#Hiad-0/020/49 cluring the month, At the end of month.statement'of exo""Aii,]t"-i" pro-foii"u inonth which *ill it relales. tre'seni so as to-reach in the office. of CDAtN)-by 10th of following r.{\ RD&Rcomnilation fromEDP Centre, Nerv Delhi, reconcilation is made with t-' rtn rcceinrof and amounl tcclutdto 01020149' Eironeous/$lgng ;;;;;; i-o*n in ttut.meirt uf expenditurcCsDA in the month following the mcnth to which IEirrt-i"i *ifG iectified" by crincerned ua'insaction relates. : (6) The entire amount creditedidebited to suspense head. (0/020/f)Uly$9-CsO.A during a financial '"' .,uuii"iil be transflred iUy minus credit/de6it to code head) to CDA (N) Bombay throug! Defence L"".h;;;il;;;;;l;ride account foi March (Suppl.) & adiusted subsequently in tfdt'vears' account. (7) In addition to the expenditure arising in the books of C.DA.'s. * 1/9+PSGuard',CIrga4isaincirred bv Dr4P.-ln Fovidir.gtau.q{,,cover^to the Coast "' 'iiui?p;;ditri;."; ictual basis account. froir C.C-.E-.G recoverable. is also e;rA'dg"nisation ry,SiA,-O.,ls 1@E$: . For this Dur'ose, other Cs. D- A- ' "' willilfu4e,C.TE'€{+F+JiSqry month the expenditure incured ffi"d;:6:-bmcersistag emplogrod on auditr accoilnting, p.aynrent etc. rvork relating to Coast cuara orgnisation trfu4h ttcir month$ statement o[ account. on D.A-D. Officers/Staff incurred by c.D.A. (Na"y).will. be intimatpd to coast il in throgh their monthly statements execept rresgective b rcspective audit sbction/A.A.Os. 9{ece$ by out Coast wor.ked will be actuals the at charges aUdit at Bombay, ia.CA. M included in the monthly expendiftrre return. c 6 ..' :t: (b)- 3pdgFt allotnnent for'QG organisation is made -by.G.O.I., Ytio. o-f Finance Deprhent of Re' yEqfo-IF (8,'& A) Ii{ew Delhi. C.G. Section besides watchipg the pri4:ess,of expenditure on ,Axlaip-tfO capital acceunt renders a monthly. _expenditure return to CGIIQ!s. A register " .,.,,aitii*oaiJ*ii.is maintained to watch the_p_iogres6 of ex,penditure. unusmlly iow bookings/ , .r .. i'ieavli bookrngs, are brought to the noice of. CC*iQrs t9 enable them to regulate the €Ep€niiture 'bl{ .riappropriation or 6y obtaining additional funds. :. ' (c) Operation/nranninglrnaintenance of two (in num_ber) Petrol Boats belonging_to Deptt. qf Indian '-' Oit Corptiration, Govt. of Iadia, is entrusted to Coast Guard Organisation,.Recovery:of Charg€sin'that bonnectiori rvith reference to G of I, Min. of Def. letter No. OPl220ll34 DO/CG7D (N-III) dt. i3th Feb. 1984 trom Dept. of lOC is u:ade on Half yearly expenditure statement oa th6 basis of details received from C.O. CGS Vadinar, NPO, HQrs CGR (West), is suAmi,tted to fOC for remitting the expenditure, cirequesldrafts reeived from IOC will bii adjusted by , crediting 0P2Ol+:9. j\,TATNTENANCE OF DEBT t*T nnqsren (d) The general rules under which amourts are compiled under Debt lleads are contained in Chapters 18 ;nd 19 of Defence Account Code. Detaih,.of bmqunts:compiled'under the following Debt Heads will be recorff in he 1qi{erq.re-&.s to.belowr:-r- I-Ilcfqft 1- ' .,, : Sa@y'Ptposits .l : . , , ol0|7l02 . ol0t7l04 .0lot7l05 Deposits in thb Provident Fund Av .Ap2f,lss S- Advances l. Lamediate Relief 0/ol8/01 2. Imprest Holders Accounts 0/018/60 .'itr,, eDA's Offrce o/018/61 . A,cconnts , Ren! relating to Director of Estates olazarc4 All code Heads are required to be prefixed by Category IV-Loans and Advanccs by the Central Govt l. House -Loare 06 for pr-oper identification- to GwL SenG Building Advances 2. Bicyole Advance . . :j: 3. FloodlFan Advane r.:. 'a_': , : l 061012120 861012122 5. MotG 0610t2123 the provisions contairred in Para ,158 . io 171 of Officc '--::ri. .. :!:_jj::: ,..: :.':: +i : ._:-=:i :::-::-:: ]j' :.:.: . : ::r:] ::. .'. ii.tli'..,The,:coneirct,rmd .disDs:al of .ryorj deali .with:irr:thgr.disbgrse-rr as laid'down in Chapier-IV Officei Manual Part-II, Volime-I. .rent cectrsi a4l: ce@4ry.:&,.*h9 dapc bc the :::::1": -: -:::!:_ !::.::::;.j-..:.1'i:!j=s ;- :r:: -r - :ii:lll :-i:: :,-..:ia. : ,. !: j CHAPTER VT Idger Wing No. t . P.eM(s) (1) Objectives t2 (2) Introduction l3 (3) General t4 (4) Functions: 1. Opening of New IRLA 2. Issue of Authorisation Slips 15-I6 . iz-rs 3. Duties of task holder in ledpr wing 19 4. Incrementofpay 20 5. Grant ofpromotion 2t 6 22 Re-adjustment ofpay and allowances ?. Grant of House Rent Allowance 23-24 8. GrantofGoodConduct pay . 25 9. Deprivation of Good Conduct Badge Pay 26 10. Restoration of Good Conduct Badge pay I 1 . Grant of special increment for small family norms. 12. Unit and Charge certificate allowance 27 28 29-32 i3.Chanseof Brareha=ryf,9,lf..s$f tiopof Btanch. g! i '(Duty1 Allowance 141-.99a*$ 34 15. Grant of concessions to personal recruited/posted at Andaman & Nicobar Islands 35 16. Grant of Kit maintenance allowance, hair cuttinglwashing allowance 36 17. Grant of diving allowance 37 18. Divinig pay and Dip money 38 19. Diving qualification and reta 39 :, : _' r' 33 - 20. Grantof Handlyrng money 4A 21. Graat of'flying pay 4t 22. Grant of flying bounty 23. Grant of expartriation allowance 42 43 24. Fixation of pay of Re-employed pensioner terms and mnditions 25. concession for Navy Personnel permanentlyabeorved in the coast Guard 44-45 26. Noa-ctretive Aecounts 47 46 10 OBJECTIVES 12, The objectivos ofthe wing are :- ' (1) To ensure:prop., maintenance of the entitlementlRlAs of all Coast Guard Persoucl in the . payment control of controller of Defenee Aceounts (Navy), Coast€uard Scction. (2) To ensure prompt anci eorrect authorisation for payrnent of their entitlements including incrcments. INTRODUCTION t' 13. The pay accounts of the Coast Guard Prsonnel are maintained on IRLA flndividual Ruanie Ldgpr Account) system, The accounts are closed monthly in rcspet of officers and quarterly in respcet of $ub.ordinate Ofrcer, Naviks etc. with credit/debit balance after taking iffi account the paymnt of advan€es received by them. .'. .-=*., . there are two sets of - IRLAsiIPAs (a) The entitlement IRLA 1b) The disburscmcnt . is IRLA GENERAL 14. Tte endtle.p- ent IR.LA'Bf each individual willbe maintained by the LW I and disbursrmont IRLA msintair€-bY:.tblL. W= :ilf ;' "':::.' EntltlementlRlA : Officers : (l) IN (Pay) 223-AAuthorisation : Officers consists of part-I, as per specimen given in Annexure-I. I (2) fN (Pay) 223-8 Disbursement : Officer as per specimen given in Annexure-Il. Annexure Annexure (NorE : III : IN (PaD 224-A : Authorisation-Sailors. IV : IN (Pay) 224-8: Disbursement-Sailors. Forms.applicqblg1oNavy havebecnadoptedmutatis mutaudis) FUNgNONfi ' Opening of New IRLAs I5. IRLAs will be opened on the authority of notification of entitlement/enrolment order, @nforms, CE orders. Gazette notification, Govt. sanction letters, received from ships, Coast Gtrlard Rccord ofrci and establithment and last Pay Certificates received from previous Pay authorities. Every IRLA opened will be alloted pay account number as per casualities_ notified by_ C.oast Guar_d_Rgcord Qffice in their drafting orders (enrblment) and to watch continuity of numbers allotted. A personal file for each individual alongwltt the IRLA will ahb be opned. All the IRLAs opened will be gntei-ed in a separate Register. New Pay accounst in respect of the Coast Guard personnel will be opened on following ocesioas :- (1) Appointment/Enrolment of Coast Guard Service personnel/Officers in C-oast Guard Scrvice iniludingdeputationists from Army/Air Force etc. (2) Promotion from lower cadre to Officer's cadre. (3) Changeofbranchanticlassificationofbranch. : (4) Permanent absorption or re-employmcnf/rc@3 of o&rs and sailors from Navy. .GedormslDoEs a . Genforql IN gherlat€ on completioo o,f initial ', ,. .:.. !rg-}'!{*,9"N fpp$ 238-A 3. Advancements Genforms 4. Periodical Inerements As due based on Genforms DOE/PIC. ': 5. Good Conduct Badge .,.,,tN.,-l rN 'i,''::.',:, }'[email protected] .'' ": ' :. 6.'Kitrup'ffi't.t'' a ,t. '' ,,.1, ,' 7. Change of Branch 8. Deserters ..', ' 14 /DOPS 14'. '. =,IN . : .'|';'. .1 ''DQAs/Genforms DOEsiGenformr : 9,: :.Un-it, Ce-rtj$cate allowance (LowerfiIigbcr)' :B.ounty and Su.rvey p.e-nfqqlqs:,-., 12, Authorifu Casualty 13. Nil Pay Discharge/Release orders DOPs, Letters, Signals etc, Sllp GenformslDOEs 14. Re-employment Resumption of good Conduct Badge$ on Re-em- 15. DOEs ployrnent. DOAs/DOEs/Genforms Miscellaneous 16. Initial Certificate from Commandin€ Ofreer. 17. Flying Pay : Issue of Authorisation SliPs tT. An authorisation slips iN (Pay) 22hc,224'{Ann_exure V + If-I ig d,ocqmen!41tr mediumt$ror$! which'lW I Section will infimate io ifs correspording L! ll._gection-the ba* entitlement of pay 99! to..L-W ufio*u*" of Coast Guard personnel ineludirigofficers-and civilians. These wjll be the.authority slips personnel concerned;laqlhorisation will be B*v-nA-Aiiq.wanc€s fo in" OiiU."rrft"i-"f ifi"'irgrf-t. i"iiiA ,in*t"ver tggre is initial incre*st and Subscequefi increase/decrease in pay and allowances in duplitv carbon proms. They'wiil indicate :- "uii (f) The snk, name and Pay account number of the concetned officer and navik etc. (2)..$a_rysqf.. nit. .-.,..1'3)'T,he;a-uthority on whioh it is based. (4) Thedateofeffectand rates of pay andallowancesduepermonth, ' (5) Authorisation slip serial number and date. Authorisation slips in respect of all Officers so prepa{ed will be submitted with IRLA and relevant Airoutlti ofrcer for approval. Authorisation slips iq^respec! of civilians, sub-ordinjrtes officors by.AAO/SO(A).-Thc Accounts Ofrcer,. Assistant-Ac-counts O-fffl"g1, SO(A) & Naviks *itt O" approved ^ ^*iUjltgg.in thb prescribed colulls agarnst thg pay'and allowance details. documents io "ft"t-""""n"r1_-_JE ::A'nthcrisltioq slips will be numbered seri4lly, Asgpar,_qtg series o_f nu_mbers being allotted for each ,ri.,nfrr- Ana in the^ resister of authorisation Slips vide (Annexur0-V). The register with the original \-.t:j"--.' I*ii*ir*iion"ntered slip will be han-cted over to the correspondiug Ltil II on day to day basis and their initid obreview the authorisation slips register at the iuir"O i" the reiister. The AAO/SO(A) of sub-section_will of eu"h -ofith to ensure that ali Authorisation slips enter therein have been handed over and ""a of LW II task holders obtained' initials . ,- Wings .- ,,19- .E-vgry A.-uditor is responsible :- ' .. Duties Of Task [Iolders in Ledger : . -.. :, ..:'.11i 'ri' (a) To maintain list of ships/units formations aritl *ratch'receipt of quarterly nominal rolls. .- (b) To maintain card index of all Coast Guard personal whose accounts are maintained. ;hat no name of Coast Guard personnel +vhose aceornt is held is omitted in the nominal roll. (d) To carr5r out adjustment of GenformsiCE grdqr Part-I€ndP-a*.+ PIC, DOE, DOP and make '-' *y chinges in"the pay and allowancec, in th enti6ement IRLAs' 13 {d,Te,.i,.g$l ltl.retisteres and'complete details rvith (f) To carry out scale audit check with reference reference to,:io$&et'igq aviilable. to nonns prescribed. (g) To maintain work book where in all letters, Genforms, PIC, CE lists etc. will be entered and -' submitted daily to SO /AAO and weekly to A.O for scrutiny. (h)'!o keep'all the I'RLAs pertirining to his task securely in cupboard and no lRlA/docuceent is lost. {i) To watch replies to'the original references aod issue fi) T_omaintainnots book reminderi, ,, , of order and note all the orders instructions.etc..qffecljng.pay qnd-. allowances. passing promo- tion :: :!:i:rri ::.:+j:::::: -:i::i' :-.i..:.:_-=: i::. of : a =:--.:-_- tr4 PeV) (31.-Tbgr, the sacle of pay of the grade has been shown cortectly as per eC$,t$,Sv.W4 : :--- :l:..r.. '.:.' ., Rule 1986, : -.9"},.$b€.1thedlroqoti9Riswi{''hinthqauthodsedlimit,......- ---i ,{5} That in casp of .promotiog on traqsfer (6) The pay fixation proforma authbrity, the joining time availed is completed of iq in accordance with rqle, inall respect and.,nas leen 4pproved by ,the-competent After the scrutiny of the above'doeufiient$ the authori-sati^on siip will be raised forapproval and transferreJto-f-W If through the Authorisation Slip pgister for further necessary action. ge--Ailjustment.ef {U an{Al]gwarcs # 22. Thepqyan*allowancein theentitlementof events :- O) , IBl-As..*lleqiiireto-be re-adjusted on the following ..+.-':: Reversion to lowerranks (2) Increase in DA eqd.qfF-allorqale (3) Retuioa in iEqlgqr .49e,to punishment (O Crnge of brancb/cadre classification and re-mustering of groups. -: order/genform, CC lists notifying the casualties and Govt. orders for grant adjusiment will be made in the IRLAs and authdrisaiion slip prepared far enward transmissibn to LW II fo1 crediting in the disbursement S!$: 11n 'eei156ft@efgiSg De nbiessry ..f-effiEqA ffi;fAd - .,.:'a..' Gr-apJ -:-i' of Hsuse Rent Allowance 23. House rent allowance and compensatory (City) atlo-wance_are payable with' r'reference to basic pay ' adts place of duty irreslsiveof th&#*gidweof,ibQqsL ryaBl- HRA fiil1 be adaitl€ to the ofrcer and Coast Guard personnel other.than those lxovided'with Govt onrlq a 14g[,=@i=14!!g$q.1!oeoq furnishing the sertificate to the effect that they incure some expenditurc .,'...-1 '.==-F, ''' '. : House Rent Allowance is also payabletothoseirfiolivri intheir own fiou-se subject to the condition they areincurring/contributingtowards houle prpp54y {oJ the rnaintenance of the 24. While admitting the gnAit house. _ that l witt tre eiiftir0d.that:- (1) $y the competg.nt t-' The.prescribed certificate has been signed bv the individsal R;$ andgo..g1E5igged l= autliority. ' :O) ln case of ttansfer if the individual ' ' admitted beyond 08 montbs Eit fron (3) The HRA is admitted for thfs! ceeding 180 daYs at ttPEqe*C! (4) Thea[omaacs con (fl '= lhs g old duty station HRA is not .tlran 90 days, in case of temporary transfer not exhe w.as entitled-to at the time of transfer.- - Sgn{hq during m,edical leave w.ithglt,p,errniqsion of tho individlal re,sldesjn g;ccorlmqdation allotted to his Gbvt; Atttonoilious'bodie,s,.'. Fublic Undertakingi, Itfunici---, the anowatrce is not admissible -Central: when by Mon/taughtei etc. ba$t;ei, P6* Tlust . ',.,'' , ' - - l5 Grcntof GCBPay '-, 25r..€oodjCq6-dsctsadCe pay shall,te,admissiblegt,.the pre$cribed rates 1o Naviks (i.e. Coast Guard ORs) who are granted Good Coneluct Badgg inaccordanee .wrt! provisions contained iri'Regulations for NaW. The follorving audit check will be exercised :- (1) The Nirvik has completed the requisiteperiodt'af qualit ng se-rvi-ce forepc[- Badgc. (2\ His conduct is qua,b,fS fer-1he.a"ward.: The miqimun requirement is coqti-nuous Very Good Conduct for two .' yearS'q!tgdkonable service immediately preceeding the award of the Badge. (3) For the 2nd and 3rd award of thb badges the Navik is in continuous possession of the preceding ba={ge.for1!pon!hsofactualserviceimmediatelypriortoaward-of2ndor.3rdbadge. (4) The GCg..turn'fli.I i+l has been signed by the Commanding Officer oi Ships/Estts. and raised ,,.,,r ,- ,bl the,Bur-€.au,o,f Na:viks and columns of GCBreturn ascorrectly frlled in andparticulars fur:'.r qished therein are correct with reference to the fuforna€on available in the IRLA. Dqrivationof GCBPay It will be s*a thit::--'::=::'L-.-:.i (l) SeB.,Fay.E-, e+ appropt'iatety 26. with e&et trom the date of punishment. (2) The tlme yhiqh of counted towards restortion badge. : .'.:, (3) Aa e,ntrvis made.in thE service certificate of the Badge. : +:- - -:a: Conduct that:.=(1) (2) .- .Q::.n- -16 (3) The spouse have not ::' I less than on - 4or* thoa tbreq living childrec. (a) The sterilization operation has been conducied.by.-Govt. hospital CGtrIS, Voluntary institution getting grant froin Govt. or any other institution. (5) The smployee who has undergone str rilization operation will get personal pay from the fi-rst of the monthfoliowing thedate of opelation. (6) Thebenefitoftheincrementshouldbeallowedfromthefirstofthb month foltowing the date of operation. (?) The pay has been sanctione{ by the. h€ad of the department^after satisfyiag that the prescribed coniitioqs for t_he grant of sfpcial increment have been fulfilled. (S) The personal pay has been allowed eiiber to the husbaqd or the wile wbea husband and wife are government emPtoYees. Unit end Charge Certicate Altowance 29. Engine roorn artificers and Yantriks of CoastGuard rvho are_on contin-gous service ter'ms will be granted unicertificate and charge certificate allc rance-provided th,at t-hey are ro-engaged'or undertaken in frrlting to re-engage to compl6te the minimu:l quali$ing service for pe4si.eo.?t rhe rates'prescribed io pug* 178 or P & A Regulations' Both the allosences sball aot be drawn concurrently. Special rat0 of cherge_ certificate allowanee will be admiJsibh forthe period of re-ergagesgnJ bey€nd 15 years provided tbe higler rate of cbarge certificate allovane hnd 6een tlrawn for two ye+rs. thelsrerrsteof charge ertifrcate allowsnce ehe!! be iilddbb 30- (1) I}uring the period of their first ten y-cers Fqgag@m-t date' of qualifying for the eharge certificate. on com.pletion of two years from the (2) During the period of re-engagement beyond ten years to !h! date of pensiona.pdfrom tle {a-t9 -clate bf comoletion-oi ten yeais service since attaining man's rate or since the age of l7 folloi#ns the if thdy are alreadyqualiJied. for the charge certificate or from tbe date of qualiffing is later .wn"icnever viars -for charge certificate whichever is later. 31. The higher late shall be payable duriag t!9 period of engagemcnt.to cgmplete tp9_tine of pensioa frcm the date f6ilowing the date bf completiof of l0 years, since. qtqining the ag9 of 17 -years yhic!' ev-=- ii,ater provided imtqtrg l,owprra-te-bas'besa drawn for a p€riod of two yearc after qualiffing for the sffcate period of first teo years Norn ' "" :-The .- ," engagernen-t feferrd to sub-para above shall in case of those of ERA transferred to continuous *?-fi"ttif.r *ii" n"*-rigo.af6iiigh-: years engagement'and lrave l-een their period of eight years ;;rrfu ;".i'bave re-enga[ed to com]teie the time of pension including engagement plus two years of thei r peri od of re'engagement. 32. It will be seen in audit that the category of Sailorsfi.{aviks the couditions adnissible, t-hq rates and ottrer.ildngJ as mentionpd. a,bo:re.arestrictliar{hered ts and ate suplrorted by Gegfgrtn$praft in Orders. Change of Eranch anil Clessification nf Brnnch : Nsviks 33, The authorisation IPAs are required to be changed according to their pay-sg-ales admissible on nec6ssary qualifcation. On receipt of the DO? from the Bureau of cnanee of Uraect afier acquiring -be ta[en to raise the ant@stion slip for approval and for onward transMvi-ks necesrary action will actioas to LW Il. Grant of Deputation (Duty) Attowance 34. The deputation {D1;ty) allowaqce at tLe prescribed rates norifed by Goy!. ,from time to timo will Ue cr;te,fto if,ose inAiviauali who are transreried/appointed on temporary basis to other department pro-videC the transfet is outside ttie norrnal fielci of eployment and is in the public interest. 4n LI ,-- al-^, be,{q9n t}rat Whiie aJnittin$.deputati.on.(Futy} altrowaec€.it wjtl (li The'**ooot :..- .i - pay' admissible is caleutated on basic ,:-'-F*,tq*'T#{,i?^!L1*qili#,#lFfF:,*H{::;',;ili"d}-*i{1k,$:},#"i:*ll[ : vears the sPecific aPPror''al i- ua-*ittt,i flor sufi 9 cx;c'r;;:n' CCA' H-RA etc' t::O counled as pay for rny other allowa*t. ": :O' the maxi't ' the period of deputation,i":^:"i:f ltion the basic pay plus'deputation pay is not exceeded (4) During = tt?'J# orittt fixed pqy Ol U ' ' t"t ' of'thepost' '''laomr"uiJ."i;il;*t :''' and Poste'il at Andaroan and Nicobar Islan.s of Concissior- to Fersonnel Recruiteil recruited aad posted at admissible to coast Guard personnel 35. The following.concesgions witl be Andaman--and Nico6ar trslands 1* , ,Grant I (a) .: , - ^ CompensatoryAllowance -.- :',.=- i"..,-,' .", ' (b) Special compeflsatofv au-o*qs€,=r..;;':-':: -:.r,-, ' ' {c) Andamaa SPecial PaY' . l ribed in Govt' letter whileadmittingtbeabove.allowance.itwiltbeseenthattheccnditionsprese: as notified in Govt. letter from have beg fu-lfilted-ald ta9..a11owan",'TJ.,ial'iita;ii,;iliibidtates time to itme- Hatr,Cuttiag a.xd Washi*g Allonance rates and aq per conditiqqs laid ==.:-i5f ;.:g#ii';.:seen,t!1t-tbel.+f lovialge is admitted at tbeprescribed ,Aooiio''b"vt. Gttar issued from time to time. Grant of Diving Ailowance 37. Coast Guard oscerft'{avi$ y'ho"T? ai the case may be' fees l1t?lTt^i.lt:';3'f,: are eniitled to diving ""ff^J*"nttjteiainin3 ;*3f mulgated i-ees in.re clearance diving cadrg are pr.o. Hd.Naviks wbb are quatrifiec1 and aTe al1otted.tg clivers and retaining 'nr"'ait'tluqer 5. ;-it'i:;;;tttwun"" in respe ct of clearance il3 1€fffifi admitting list. while daily IN :F\'tr3:iXtl1\tuf; of autlioiity the on lr" ,-" ?f;ii??"i*iffi ,i}ilts-,li:ils:;*m;il*;:if "Tuimed notificd in the INDL as having been qualified (a) The name of the Officer-and Naviks had been to the'respective cadre' '*' u*-"l*utance diver/ship/deep i#fiilApiiit"a (b) The rates are admitted correctly' '' diving cadre as seeo from the noninal exceed the sanctioned number of (c\ The strength does not roll received for the PurPcs'?' DivingPaY/DiPmoneY ':, '. !o the qualife$ r"-ri.idAer*i;from'time'to time be ddmissible*iin tne i'utn6ri' ."",?*ojXli*Tlfl*lyrli!T,X[ii',,$"Xf.in@iipili"ofrcer' il;iih- atii6i?#iffi#" p'".ii* :r'- -'.i c;mmandiog vabie under Regulating 148 (i) P & 4 of"iri"'"e"rJF_'y:t 'Jffffiffi!+""ryi#"';;;.;ai;s "" * "j3,3,,'J,3gfixTf; in dicJmpression are qfiliii;g;;u.,t'unA'ui;nOants videil-thar-rpy ot receive16.3-gry$;r-#iioi.;]'i'U;;'.asdive1s........... .tt. t.li- .--.--.:'-- Regs (Navy) to diver will f'tmjr:lt im; reeompresslor l8 eatering and /e]l The neriod for which payment is adpissible will be the tnterval betu'een tb€ lime of pressure. leaving or enrering of ti-e th" r;;ffi.i"o-r..t5i,ir[o thatxi i#i; (d)Theattendantwhenattendingontfaineediversarealsoentitledtodivingpay. . cadr-e,of clearance diver shall be enJitled to dip (e) A clearance diver who is borne o! the authorised n"s. ias-A p & A (Naw), so lons he remains in the clearance *"###.ffi;i";i;;;#6ild;Ain cadre. diving qualified attendant will be admitted at the fate of usth of the dip mofley paid to eleariice divem oir whom he is attendtitg' ffl Din moley to Dtving Qualification Retaining Fte **ihlil,i5i"ii3""'rf,%nlllo"",*l'l?'X#*";{S'&"ry,.#*U';l1:*t"T'iff!bK3.;':' r..r duties shallnot be eligible for the diviog duties Naviks who become unfit for {iving unfrt' as declared aate of his or the retaining iiin'ili in Reg 149(l) The retaining fees prescribd will be adnissible in addition to pay admissible in Reg 148(1fif F & .{negs(NavY;' Grantofltrerdlyhg MmeY' -r6otit 40.Hardlyingmoneyqjrr"leqgfr^bCoaslGuardofrcers/t.laviksinclu{ingthosebelongingto i:oncerned' oo b6ard ship ,..oiipuifr., be seen that : While admitting the allowance it will genform notising the grant as per rates (a\ The amount is credited in the IpA with reference to t*' time to time' frLscriued from coast Guardship and living condition of the (b) Theamountir."dntJq:"::lgi-4gtotypeof '-' iLiP"t notiffing in the genform' (")T;*1i"r#f,r*ff l11#$fl i:1"*Tffi:ieA$ira'f.H:n$*,r$Holl:landforthe to those ofrcer and Naviks who have spent (d) The hardlying money at montbly rates is admitted ship' board on a in month atleast 8 d;;t'/ I 0 ;;it iitpt"tindy Flying PaY 41. Flyingpaywillbeadmittedtocoa.st Guard oersonnd imesoective of therankwhileundergoing andrares stipulateirin Gorr. orders issued from rime initialflyingtramlng"T;;H;JffiJ.iooiiioot to time. 42. FtYing Bo@tY 42. uu".Tp."?Hfr Officers/Nailiks of the ev'iatioa branch who fq*::'lt:.f., *:'i.'fs* r the aut'horities.cadreb of pilots.and observers x5+iliE^l'::i:*,;x"1.,"?*:*gl#if S:fi to their normal pay and allowallces. bf ineir aiicrew service in additi<'n fltus ro*.!v *lL 91 1il.".#Heffi#i;;if,"'p;ft0 19 Regulatioas 98 The alloryance is adniltecl ry-pelgoqditioq and tates.sfipu.-trated:,in'Govl"olderiand (NavY)]' of P&A [Regs. to ro-ianA rit :-:'--. : ..''.....'....:. Expatriation Allowance outiitle th-e limits-of the area specified are 43. Coast Guard Prcrsoqnel ashore Ex-Iadia ald afl94t entitled to expatriation' allowance' (a) Nortb, longituds g2o---2l'East South latitude 15o North then East -45t **' East of Lice.-.-.2ou il"ioigii"ti 95i-Eest then due south to Equator' (&).Squth of 'the Equator. (c) West oftbo'meridian of 600 East as far as south o-f"theFqtrator' It will be seen thst :- , 0}Theallorcanceig.paidwitt.reforencotogenformnot]rfne.tnecasualty. (lr)Ratesprescribedfromtimetotimearecorrectlyadmitted. (fir) The all required condtions are fulfilled' (', not admitted to perqon$ in receipt of Qompensatory allowance and daily allow. *;"".g?:Il'd;js Firatiou of Pay of Re-emptoyeil Pensloner Termr anil €oniitlons on retirement/relea.se fiom such service 44. personnel of Defence Service as well as of Police service of service laid down in Govt. of India, uoa iriirci*r be re-employed in th" 6;;;;ri*d "oJ.-r "ooaitions as amended fron time to time' 12'7-79 Min. of Defence leuer{iiOfOipg5/CC/p (X-U) dated fl#ff*{pi*'f ' *o* m#llr:m-rl'fl;-*#*r*i?,ti*nu:;fl;ifi*iil"'l::HiTii:n* pension equivalent gratuity qqc) effect from 01-8-88 the entire amount on account-of ex-service men who held-post be lgw of In the case (ii). pay n.i"i thJ snal u" ig"or"o case of civilians wbo held post blow GPA and in Forcis i""ii'ir-rj.fEnce commirr'itoiiA the entiro pension and pension equivalent of retirement po.t, at ,-Witn *iri[ iiJtlu ignored' ienefits shall be "itrt"lt-retirement points will be seeo :45. In case of re-employed officers the following (1) Govt. sanction exists for re-employment and notified in Genform/DDE' and re-employsent. (2) There is at least one day's interval between the date of retirement pension etc. is called for from (3) If the ofrcer is pensioner the Aetiits of last pay drawn, retirement -ih. '-' pension dnctioning authority' civilians pe4sioners who held GPA (4) In case of-service officer belonging to the Defence forces andpension equivalent of gratuity to bo pension, of 500 Rs. first th"e oTtiiit.**oi lpst$ ut toili*" ipored. 4R t"v Sersoiiser Fenianeduy : : 4.6r:Jtdd;U--uu,." corce*ioo eb.o6-d il*€coct who arE pefmanFntlfebptElln the Qoast qqq{yillbe$itle$ cqtain in-Guvtni"ttef No. gg/sc/tzot/71 D (N-ID dated 23-09-78 as extended: from **onael "ritip*ali"o '' . , .;6i;ii*t.rne'importantppintstotFsenwitllie:; , (l) tho pay seale,whiob u; ioOinHrlaf islin reoerpt oo ht'64 ' Ghrard ,', of hb absorption in Coast Glard is Protected. Nalal serviqe reridered by.individugi shdl be;coueted forthe purpcise Of leteeaina*'tz\#.o6re .+ino:of-his pepsion at tfue tihe's{retiremebt frbm tho Coast Guatd. .' 'i :-:i: tB (h + o'E E,€{ .,8 s6< I -o 6= E< 'E9U >E€ . .!) 6g -. Hg Q< Es e9 .a-'E -. arE' Ef T o 6. o \o \o = F I al gr : 23 I -a 1,,., ,l:. I c {r. -. ' t =rH 58 FE uE xa' +o o z; d qz So ,ti r(J 6 evt &vt dEo ofrz st ' Ft tr o F E o h o sr= G zz j o-^ '.. E F 8Et o 4e t=L F e JA o EE ilH <F Ar fI{ ;:. ti6 trl A E IA t) \4 & < x!q & .: 2E 4'= o J.', ccd .b i E g ?4,.h v . a UA : OIr*H<Z. .:-.:::_ r,-.,.:l: ::. :r . -': : l :.:<t @ r_' :t:'l "e (/= d,4 A ;7.- El O - fa; 9l <lc t.' f L I i () -l I a a , o a -o e"d d: ,a o :L d o' 4,o a) > 3 Z,dt ..a Fi e. i 8-cr 6{ sri c-t c -l 1i gl o o l{- -i -.:Ff::.:-: ., :, :::-::-==El-: . r:::=--{==._=r --_ - x" ::.:1::- i li;l ry P, ,z 94s E-B.g€ <i o.;u€ .El -l *a .t ?F- , -; o+ .FG ot ca) z X >H O {n F tlc 8i g .t) { : i. ::.-::::r::jr:.i:::.:: i-,r ' ::: : i I I O I .o : .-.€ ,,., r::5 :o -.* FT a -:..*-'t=1=,:> l: r': ::-:i:i -:...:. .::#;;=-t,l:,..,:r 't- : ..:. 25'I I I I I I L o . ".l: .ut . d v_' . :'C o 6 I l I I t I I I oh I 6== I I -l \r. 6l co' cn E v H xi si z I o o (J I gEE d8E o ,aa O o H u o !d J?&.x rl) cB o 4 si on; (B at ssE uilu I zo & _ *-'#e '.:.' .El. *_.--,. -':: 17 z<t .qt' .e> a z F- z tJr Fl o k sl z il, F a Fl r! o a t! B tr z 42 Ii & (h z t- .Po od - s.l (,ri o EI (J z o qt & j d & o z zEI 07 0 T, =o ut * re ...... C) d FJ F /. A C; z ti F o o ! ci A z EI Ei vt U & z t^a O ct z a F Fr .:! o g€ o a !) s.l a LI cB zrd A *r o z F .O 9s EE (c t)i_ a {) o o 9.! t, Oct oz ! o >' rII (tr trt -o- * I I tr = -El & H:! A .. za, O17 4,A j isA 6q FO ;,9 Ed 0.'.= -qE :j::-'':: a< 5Lj n I I o C' o A qt o rq I I i,I rl ()r h o >l o .nt ::\l t1 ! 6t tr l o & Or ,! ah -Et 5i ot 5l LI cdi Orl I o & i d oo d(B b,: 0 i o e8 o h o >} ct o * 'i = trl<Y =cFi -:: A d d .. ,,F=? -D_ H F:' ,, F a 29tn c-: o & ; (, o 6 z ql j lD a a -o F :_ ::o 6 L c! o cg o d pi ? r:- O ;.i #v 6l- AF '!? t! UO EU il9 6 d Io Od e{ sz NFi a-O AH E- vn EA o o d 5 a) E f, o z c Pr 28 s sl"llluJ' rpdns/osv I I rt "-"";TI r.''.1 lueruqlpug p6 F I '6t ol 4 sloJJo . .1Zt:0I'sloo Jo lelol R letol s ^l I vs//vn) = .gg o o Gt qt R bor. q '4 < a o\ G I ! o o F 6 !i o lq E a q.: 0) 6 J' G & E xo F rl tr a-:: o J u) d 6 t) t< j qt ,.4.. :4.:1: :.Q,,,, e : d o0 .;H oH o d ii.l gi ..'fu'' ,r \0 a 5 AO '.6 6i FO <t z c ,o 8 4, .o d o a & !B cl F{ Fr € 'a ta 9{ Er o o a ct c d GI 3o a .-o ..:-, ct o a fr t ,{ c6t E -ts 3CI . ' :. ANNffiRB,V (Seo P4!f,'17) AuITIORISATION.SLIP ( '.i,;..N;.i(Fay 223 C ' , ,l. ... . . oFncERs/r.{AvrKs/ctlln rANs) Fersonal No. of casuality with 2. Nature , Eay !{nr rhdr Co$f Gq4rd Accounts OBcer' Pey Eonhiy. 92,Mt{D)166@DA-5 CG CellCDA (N); __ Eombay. : 3t ANNEXT'RE VI :. (S€e Para 17) I' ]r. Gev]2i*€ AT]TIIORISAIION SLIP P. Ns. :.. Name Rank Serial No. Neturo of Casualty with Authori{ : Enrol/ADV/HQ/PVcCB Ship/Erlt. l-, .., ,.r, .RATE'OF TPAY, Monthl ----=-:-- Fa$icPat G.C,E. Pay AND AI-LOWANCES K. M. A. Total in figuror ard Dearness All. words. --'- 2. Paynow fftod A. O.filupdt. C9. Prt Ofrcc CDA(N), : : c.€. c.ll. 1: ANI.IEXURE eoast Guard Pecsonnei are Governed under the VII , I ,_:,. Provisiofi,following Govt. 6tters, ;-.*-,-',.-. ,t,, 1. Tcrms and conditiors of iervioe of Naval Officers while on tloputation-to Goast Guard. 2- Terms 1cA.. q$i1iosi oJpervice of Defence Service Personnel qtr deputation to eoasi,G*irdG.r.M.D. rette*.,:ry3... N-rD &atd 24-tL7e letter An/oiz8/cafiQl'. ' z7llCGlD (N'rr) Ct. 4p/01?s/8e)4cef/D 3l-3-80. , 3. &neesioa,'for Indiar Naly Personnel permanently absorbod i:n the C.oast Guard. cI MP letter cGlscllnr?UD (N-ID dt.23-og-78 as a@e4/e,4e,nded. coditbm oi.errr$- g,9ael Guard Fersonrel. MD_LctEr-_CGrr_Q/sgll4uvlcsp (N-lp of & pLlot?7l7g7lcclD (N-rD ^2e-0e-78 r- 5. Terms and PApI24CGHQE60/CGID (N-iD tit. 28.2-80. ;:<?.:r_:a:-i;.:ir.'.::i:.-:i. .:- i.:ij:.:in\.::1:.,. : :: 33 3-t2-7e ,. ' ': r: : . l FLY LEAF INSTRUCfiON 1 Fly loaf instruction for the maintenance of register for opening of New IRLAs' Object-=:f okoep' a record of all IRLi{s opened aud for whicb eards havebeeq ope=oed' ., (S# para l$ Thoregisterun11bemajntainedinthefo'r9asshgwn.-... habrilarsdf *il*w.trRtAs openea will be reeorril€d in the registorandeaeh.entiyinitialled maitoqelo@al.',. 1 subryitted !o the officer.iallharge monthly .Th"..."gist"rwilt be t FLY LEAF NO. .: I REGISIER OF OPENING oF IRLAs OIT.ICEES.I!{AYIKSJCwILIANS Sl No. ?ersorul No. Rank and Name of tbe officir Narne of Unit :-:-3 f,|ate/Mootb openidg of IRLA Date/Mooty of opcutios €ard Indcx: Isftials by the' :_.,'!i- '1. -!i i 35' FLY LEAF INSTRU.CTIO.}{ NO. ,, 2 Fly leaf instructions for ths fiaintenance of luthorisation regieter O6ject--Ta ensure that all authqrisation slips preparod by LW-I reeeived by LW'II. (Seo para 18) Agthorisation slip an important documents htiving-finaneial- beari.ng. It is e ssential that it is accoux.t€d for uilvJ* tiaeg. To dnsure tire above requirement a register will be maintained by gections of ledger Wing-I wrll*be entered in this registq.r-q,llqti4g serial All;;iil.;ii;; *tips'iitut approval Uy the AcccuntiOfficel hil.il;h;;;;,'f6,autLo*siiionlstip witt be received by the LW-II duly appendlng tbeir initials in tokea of having received .the4. TbiSfegisterwi1lbesubmittedtotheaccorrnts.officoron5tftofeverymontb.:. a E'LY.LEAF NO. . Sl.No. AUTHOETSAAIQN SLIP Namo & Renk FayA/c. No. 2 i REGH@ I ,. Datg of ofoct of , ' . . a4ju8fihgrt Nq!q$ , 34 ;'.: !- 56 Iailial of ryqgtglngrndit LW-U - *'F iiit: '. P*"o($ ..-'. 48 ';',, -'19 (*), opiiniri'ofitsbutsitne{lt :'- t t*l,a (4) Adit tqi"t'in"tte-IBl,A.; (5) Expartiatiea *llQwan@ ,"; :'.='-151 : 1ir4p-. (Gity). allowancc - 50 ' 5t:52 ....-53, '"- .ti4 :: i ,'55 ,56 57 : 58 59 tr :&tilding.adtance *'F:*,::::a':-" :' 6l . '62.6t 6+66,, ,67 58 .59 7A-12 73-71 .75 '\g.=.?. -..,.,.7539 8r-82 89 8+--87 188 ,,89r.91 ,'92-93 ...... j. utffi / 94 . ele6 97 :: .98 : 99=1oo ,1O1.102 ' ' ,l€3 ...1,{f 1gt-106 . ,1S? ' ,:l€t 10e-110 111 tL2-r29 -:=,:.lj:: .: i t'; r:tj" 38 Objective - :- :, ::: = +t.''G-atffisdfthdWingate::: :'- (t) To ensure ptopur maintenance of disbursement '' ' " . ', , IRLAs of Coast Guard Oflficers, Subordiraie Offcers, Naviks, Civilians, (Gazatt€diNon-Gazetted, Industrial, Non-Industrial Staff), Armyi Service perscnnel, releasedlre-employed, OiEcers ard service personnei from Defenie AF Services oa &eputation. (tt) To €nsure promlf adjustment of pay and allowanees and timely issue of staiement-of their entitlerrentC , .,, .,(.rii).tn,er*"ura'.p.1ggqa"A$.d qory€ql fiaintenange of tbeir ProvidEnt Fund Accounts. .. Duties : i -. '' 49. This vring will be rnainly responsible for paymelt-+.f,F=ay.gqdellowanes meint'eqancsofdisbursementIRLAsandGPFAeco*rnts.1:1. ' : :'',:': of above personnel and ''. The broad outlires of (i) !-!q- :.- ... . of Dispu,rqemq!.,$ll.A. varigrrl firnqtiort e!-this wiae.1.l9: Opening aad mai*taae€e , ' .,, : : of all,ei€dits in the Pay aecougt-suqh and,e{A, Deatriess allowance, advance for eoiveyance, and other allowances admissible from tirne to time. l (iil- Adjustrefi* of Scrutiny (AT) Subsidiary documents and their adjustment. ..:....._:''.{l'}.]p1.3io"''.39..1'*',quarterlyAbstfactofRecerptarrdCharges. in the lRlA.suchas PLt CG-BA CGi,Ft NGIS, €CEIS ,:,:1,,:'1,-'.11.'. (t), Reeofery oi authorised deductions etc. ' (yt) Monthly/quarterly closing of Account ard.=ilsue of -stale.pqent .L,L=.!ft1!l*on"re (rii) Scrutiny of overpeyments resul:iagia-'dsbit babae+ ::..,, (r'ir) Issue of last pay certificate' flx)- Checkiog ., ",'.''' ':d lcare and leave encashmont. (x) Veri@tion of 25 yers cf service.E ..::-1....-.'.1:::.]1'::.:.-:':.j... . -,1 . t -{x,r].=-@liSatioa of pay acco unt of non-effeclive per sona-el. . Opening of IRLAs 50. Whenewr an Coast Curad *nployee is taken into the payment qf CDAfl9 eoast G,uard'sectioh the,j;;har.6at;;ole*iiic#sifni*--** i,ersonal file will be=o'pdcea by.+Lw-I rina reeeivedthe same by trcteeriot ttr" particular ship/Estt. The task,holdei.wllthm take action as follows :-i "l*du;=i;isi:tasl , (l) Enter:the pay account No. Ranks and Name of tbe g$oYee'in disbursemeqt IRLA. (fii) Entsr 'fhe basic eredit/debits ',iar'the IRLA" ' l (iv) Retr.r,rn the authorisation IRLA to LW Il on the same day. (v) Adjust the autlorisaliEq,slip with iefetecce to the pay partic.ulars..,.,r',r:., ' (vl) Review'an ttri pap!.Sln th,i personal file to dctermine abtion pendingand'suitable action takcn thereon. 91-Mp(Dx66@DA--6 39 \,./here an LPC is required and has been received (through LW-I) note the clenrands/ credir/ f'r'i) ' ' ciebiis and standing reioveries if any mention there-in in the IRLA. (y4.r) If the employee is on deputation take action to regulate the recovery of GP'F/CPFiDSOPF/ - -AFPF ': orders. as laid down in'apirropriate (tx l lf any advance of TAlDAlLTeiDemands are indicated in the LPC note in the IRLA. Atljustment in the lr? LA 51. On recerpt olaurhorisarion slip lrorn tron .'iip LW-I ol ihis wlng will.enter ihe general clerk cach- authorisii- in tnr u'othorisation slip distlibe,io;r-r'egister. . 'The authorr:;atio.i1 slip wili be handed over to the rvill rvatch the clearance of A'S. by of the SO (A)l$.A9 ErouF .rhi'o.lgb i1_q rbgistel, Thc the monrh of adjustmenl under the dated rnilial in ihe Register. i .onc.,ried auditor *uifi"g He v;jll also submit thc Regisies to the AC I/C every week after prepaiing a sulnnary of outstanding ]: A.S. 52. The lollowilg points will be seen rvhile adjusting the authorirytion stips :- (i) Verify that the n_lme and pay accaunt,N.gi of shown in the IRLA' (i;) Yerify rhat the t'i (jd 1;1.:.,..:,-,,,., .-' , , a. A . s been sign€d,qv ttt* tJrg employ'ee given in A-S. t4t1ip-s,,with the particular so(A)/AAo:,Ao of Lw I., in the A,S. intoauditcageof tn" quthorisatidn slip in the column provided' Transcribe the entries conlained a*F"f tireIRLA and note the No. Determine the gffe.gts,.calcrilate ihe amoqnt^due to/frcm ernpio)'ee and rhe difference in ihe ratei of pay and-allowanee from thedate of casualty to the la:t dare of the.rnortth p^receding. , ' aiy-t regarding paynients/conditions thereof etc. are acted upon. (r,1 Enter also the revised raies of pay and allorvance in the months account opened at that stage. (vl) Examine theeffectof therevisiog-of pay an_d oiher :teps o.f cralitslr'ecoveries such.as tho:;e based on the orders governing such staiedbel.orvandcarryoutre-adjustmentifnecessary crediis and recoveries rr -:.:,,;,,; , ' :,..,.,,..'- . ' :- - . -' - (a) City Comfnqaqoq.Elowangell{RA;' ,{tF*eua ggii seneht,;f Hc.ence fees and ailled charges. based on pay scales. ,,.,.,,-,{4 D_€&t{es$effi4,nqes atd other,allowance -.., '':(d).GPF/PF Subscriptir:n (r) Recovcry of lncome Tax and Surcharge on arreals of pay and aliowance if any due consequent on revision of pay and altowance' ".tT":::tjlllj"*rr*net wiu be entitted ro the above iallowatrce:when,seiving ashore Ex-rnctia or afloat outside certain limit. It should be that :* (;) The pa-ynent of allowances is notified'ii1'Gen{ornr, (ii) Tlie rates are admitted correctly' (iii) Compensatoiy afl"waqg4f alreacly paid is reoovered' (fv] The allowanse.js notradriiitted in conjuction with daily 9t-MF(D)l66CGDA-6(a) allolvance when en,duty,in U,K. iA 4U: Cornpensatrrry (Ciry ) Allowance 54. Du.:i.:ig gag admisrlbii, ry cl cornp-,-ns:l:ory (e iiy) aiio',varrce lc Qffce.tr;liliavik: (t) itris.E-dgritted, at lne sarne rates and wiih same colcli'tions as appllca!:le 'OffiiirilSailorsof ' IndianNavy. :...:,:.r,.a-,..(ii) Hardling,mbney is not drawn ig addiiion . il.+a;$,*i' r:tliai li.c tl€ Commissioned , ':'', .,, , \tfi i (ir j ir: case of tr:''nifer of Coast Guard employee in -receipt oi CCA lo otlter staiir:n urhere similm alio+ance at di*--b-reaj-ialg,!g.adraiilible tle allowance-oi' ihe itansii pericd is regtricted tq lou,er Compensetory Altolvllce during Tempo.lary Dutics 55. It will b.: seen ihat :- (i) Tlre enlillement lo tiie aliowance is r;girla,lgd with rgfe{!i1g.e.=1g+,93--4q.q?:l9r. : .t,: .: ,:,-. ::r .,.::l , l:-'.+-:.j.:':;'.;.;r:';;:::.::.:-:: :'i ': . ;';.: : : (!t) The Offieer proc*eiiing on dep*tatioa/Course, oi instiur:tors'E::Ei a gtrlggding one ycar the ' allowance is admissibie'p:ovided the,offieerfhasnst av*ilqrl ol faliily p-rrlsage,gr,!i4:i not drawn tarniiy TA to home iorvn/selcc-red.pl4ce-olresrdenssir lndjr!:,::.1,f the O8qe{+vgils, of family . passage/TA at laier daie it shoqld be seqr that tlrc CA alreae{y chap-.,;r is recovered. {liii Tbe period -: qf depufationlTy. d'uty/Course of imtiuctirrn !s less thai one year. (ir) Depuration, Ty. duty periods less than one year, the allowance will i:c admissible for the entire period of deputation etc. subject to fulfiLnent of the usual coirdition. 5=,.-=-i1;iCaxnensatoryAl*#aneeAui'ingLeavef Deputation '. ;: 1:.i-:l 56. (i) It wiit be seen tliat the au'rhoiiiy sanctioning leave ceriific+te th€i the ofrger is likely to tetulit to drrty at station at which he proceeded on leave or at anoiher station wher'ein he shail be ciltitled to similar allowairce. (tt (rrr) fcr:fiistJ?S,ri ays, ottcer niay al1ow drawal oi- ali.owanec with Ty. duly for the first 90days. daty cgrrsds ofinstruetion abroad shall issued lrom iii':re i.c'tii:re will be 4l Recovery of ?efirndable Advance-Advance of Pay on Transfer 58. It should be seen that f eave :- (l) GenformlCE list authorising leave/ftansfer of , : , the individual exists. (;i) The amoxnt is paid on acquitiance rolls prior to move/leave of the individual not earlier than l0 days before the date of transfer/leave. (tri) The qua4tum does not exceed the,total sum of pay to date plus one months pay restricted to netenlitlement. (iv) The advances of pay leave is paid only for the actual period of E/L (y) The advanse of pay cn leave/transf,er are not drav"n concurrently (ri) No advance , is paid to the individual proceeding ou,t of India on duty v,'ith his ship. (vr'i) Advanceisnotpaidtoiadividuatp:oco3dirigrondbputationoutside one month. India for peiiod less tha-n (riii) Advance of Fay for leave is adjusted is full as pay falls due monthly and no issue of leave pay is rnade until the sum advance has b.een recevered. If the leave is cancelled before thrc individual proceeds on,leave the entire amount of advance drarim is refunded in one lumpsum. (r-x) (-x) lVhen the individ*al is recalled from leave the advance is recovered in the normal manner. (ri) When an individual is rejoined duty of his own accord, the advance in proportion to the unspent period of leave is refunded imrrediately. Advance for the Purchase of Nlotor Carffotor Cycle etc. 59. The payment of advance for purchase of motor c.ogveyance etc. to Coast Guard Officers, Subordinate Offiders, Naviks ancl Civilians are made by imprest audit sub-section of Coast Guard Section, after necessary pre-audit checks. On receipt of copy of payment authority/payment sche<lules on a/c of such advances by the Ledger Wing. It should on ensure that :- (4 The particulars ofadvances such as total arnount ofeach instalment and period of recovery * '. .: , ... .,.g.. *o*bt',of.instalment are noted in the IRLA for recovQry. (i;)liUe-total intere st recoverable, the nurnber of instalments and amount , of each instalment calculated and intimated to Acgounts section for verification and confirrnation of figures. (fil) Interest is recovered regularly after confirmation till the entire amount is liquidated. In respect of recovery of other advances such as flood advance, cycle advance, fan advanee, the'sameProcedure willapply. Houm Builrting Ailvance :i' 60. The above procedure wil! also be followed in resqect of House Building advance except :- (f) The payment of advance is made in stages by instalments. (ii) The enaire am. pgt-rt of advance.lcgcther with interest . ' is repaid in 20 years i.e., I80 months insof interest. The advance/ talmenh in respect of principal aFount and 60 monthly instalment . interOs! m-ay bi repaid^in a shorGr period. $i, lf tbe adyance is drawn for construction of a Nerv House or.enlargi.ng living accommcdation recov€ry rs commenced from the pay for the month following tbe complition df house or pay the 18th month after the date of payment of the first instalment, whichever is earlier, of 42 iir') If ihe ad','ance trken p,lrtl3,.for purcha=c.cfl land and partly.for constniction tire rccovery gqry:n;n1':,,ir.1,n tfe fi;il oi t:iq,Tgqlf i9.ii1q;;rg thr conpijrios irc,u; wiil il"6* ii6e "i'tfre tuy ''24iltinoflihai:er.'ihedaieoti,rvhie,B'lheinsiairu.-.*iioipuicirasecf,laia.t;;ds;:"";bir?rejnd;vidlai, (rf rvh uhevcr is earlicr. In case of rea.dy.build houce or flat tl,e r,tcove iy ing that is rvhich tlre advance is raken. !s cornmenced from ilre gray cf rhe nronih follou- (r'i) Recovery olHB{ is not poslponed without tlrr prior concurrence of Govt. (ulr) il-tltc_poriioncl'lite.adva.ncerlcl ::ir;q5i.sleftfoLe recoyer.ecldiringrire.ciii,re.ceryice i:iv,iite seea that ihe same is adjustcii iiom tire reiiremeiit/dcarir grar,uity 5r by saie c.l tlie ligu::e,-or in any other manner. '. Festival'Ad*ance l -.,,.:," : , : 61. Festival aCvance is admissible to a sui:ordinate Ofrcer/Navii*s and Civiiians, r1L)n-ga;etied employee '--" D whose pay dce: uoi excced Rs. 2,ii50, :sh+rvdebtorba1ance..afthe.iime.ojdrawalofadvance,- (li) The advance:should be'rec'Overed ;snotrnrre thatr 10 equaf inonthly (iii) instalm.ents. The advance will be admissible only on one occassion in a calendar year. ' (fv) P-11me.n!; mlde o:1 ;l.s:qarate acquittance roll marked "Irestival" and a certificaie ihai all conditions h.ave becn lulfiliec and the amcunt is r,'covcred reg,,rlarly with-ip p,"*.i;L-J i,"rr;;;;;, , .,' ..endorsed.on theAcquittanqe Rolis. 'l Moncy in lieu of Ration 52. O.fficers :^ Ration allo-wance is gr-anted to .officer; serrring ai1*at at the lower rates as adrnissitrlc io suboriiinate officer and Naviks undei the,condiiions laid Cowriin,;qIMD iettli CC1SC-,,i;Ail;ii;ei; (N-II) dated t6-l'.7.9 as ammend.ed. f-ne amount is claimed Fy ttre ship in respecr ofc'ritled cfficers cn bcard on a contingent biil and pre-audited by pay.audif Sutr-sec.tion'.and,piiA thr6ugh ;;h ;;o;;-i;;t";ht;-. ,Ofreer;S{q i&srste. , '63. they are e*liiled to free rationg in k_ind ii for gny reason r1!!ons in kind arc not issued an allorvance inlisrofcalculatedonihebasisof Coast G,:ard latioi scale {'ill br i}ait1-h;;*gi'bfrio.le:i*. Cash account. The allowance will also.be payable duriag ail kindr of ieave;#; f*;rftl#r';5i;;;;.li;l '' u'*'uo''-31receiptofrele':antpaidvouch;ritwltiueseonthat:-'_.-.:(l) The grant is supported voucher. genlorm and retevant genlorrn with period inrotvedis gted on the ]Mii;or"t ff?q* -1," , (2) Adjustment is caried out in IRLA rvith contra debit yjlh , .13) Th9 arnounr paicl is correcr as per rates,l=,li=d,!"* *d,gfi il. ' ' ", received. (a) {ghe1 and.lou'er raie/special rates are admitted under conditions laid down in Govt./Coast Guard Orders issued fromtime-io ti.rae,,' {5) In case where indivlduals are recalled t o* t:1:".::-when anticipated period of temporary is curtaiJed. th3 ration mgney dtawn in gdvanee for unavai'led poiiioo df b;;e; tn refuafffrecovered.'The reiovery (6) ': so affectri ;r Aj6;[* * "r.r,l";tlink.i;i;h #tt]i"i;r";J,i,." ';' MLR is not paid to subordinate officerft-laviks admitted in hospital. du,, O.*n 43 duties a certpersonnel engaged in movetnent contro' (?) whpnever MLR" is' paicl at sqelill rate to the period for on movement cont'rol duiy , ficate to ,h; ;tr;;;"t rhe inclividual rvau-employed to eat in restaurant or hotel -foi rvhich MLR at special rate has been paid anO t'" *** "quired has been : furnished' : .l Genfnrm/Ilrnftlng OriletslCED Pt' I & Parf II (Generat Information) Genform 54.AGenformin(Pay)238anc1238AislntendecltocommunicateoccufancessuehSs:ttansfer'leave etc. effecting pay and allorvances--andbthenentitleand change in the rank, rates er.,gagement punishment. other occasion whdn it is ndcessary A genform wli atso be issued on any ment of an 6fficer or JNavik' etc' in respect ol coast Guard peraudli euthori{;e s of the change, movement to acquaint court cuorJ anel ships/establishment or by an offieer empoissued by the commanding officersof be wiil Genform sonnei. werecl on their behalf' 65,A:eparategenformwillbeusedforeachindividual.Howeverifthesamechangeaffectsmany of.! genform may be issued for al1 indivia large dlaft to another srln on the reverse side of the gen' oieca'tGt*'J Om"u's' Navits rvill be tyoed duals. The list of the-name' attached to the genform' form or a separate list vrill be genform and not by a of a genform will be nrafe bv issue of another 66. Amendment to or cancollation should be confirmed by genform. Gerrrcportecr ny s{nur witl subsequentl-v o""*n"e a, signal. etter or document is requifed fcr adjusta letter coritingent bill or some other farm,sb9-$1d'qQt'be used rnhere claim,.Good eqnduct tr4d89 pay et€' Genform rnent.of certainallowance'suchaspilotage.alliwanee willbeprepared..pu*u..tyforCoastGuardOfffrcer,CoastGuardsubcrdinateofRcer'andNaviksand t""tlrrirt the serial Nos' will be ensured' : . :. e.g. ir"rdividuals on ihe sarae date "f Drafting Order dischargo is notified in Coast 11-r€i{' *ep"Tf"::1'P+grnotion' 6?. In case of offiq.tbc.:'c+T...i!-1e;l 9-:f in""*un"ls,5uppo1ted by gerrform as stated above Guard lis'prrblish'4ly'io*.tc*na.Freaoauarterr-una are subsequentry notified in the drafting- order based c-asuakies f,iir*=t**"i ;in"v 110;iio*uo"., "rotiog Bureau of Navik (BUVrK)' ilt"J"t*uv Drafting ranks the following type of casualties arenotifiedlthrough rn case of personnel below ofrcer (BUVIK)OrAer Bu'eau of Navits (i) Enrolme,nt (ii) Promotion/Revertion (ifi) Discharge/DismissalPeath (rv) 1,Plob"afon/Confirnation it etc' ' :: -- ^- year' ' serial Nos' for eash-calender wilf be notified in order of is contained.inrbrder distribution Otders and The preparatioo i*uriiv #;;;*r"" r l .,-. of genfo:nolDrdtinc Coust Guard Headquarters It wilt be ensured that :- rate 1. Pay and allowances-at apprqpriate areu::tt*U from thc to while enrolling' Z. PrescriUed age limit is adbered allowance is acted uPoll' 3. Punishrqcnt attaching pay and date of enrolment' 44 4. Al condition tegarding entry are fulfill€d'"" :l ''. :'5i::r6i*a*ularities noticed during actu{5ent of drafting orders affecting pay '-uiE;sht ' to the nofice of Record Office' Civliis:; Estsblishmen-t P-art I and Part :: II 'Greqls . ' aqd allowances are '':' 4' ' .F ' nsn-indtrstiial stafl the follorving 68. In case of crv*i€ns (gezette{' non-gazetted industriai' ('E Oqdar in aotified be :casuaities will j '11Y:4ppt-!q1rllenJ.,'. '€)..$ motion. ', . r;,-pes of . , (5)' Retirement. (6) Leave etc. ,1X Ofire11-*1.sc-!!J$ alle=-r,v,_311s. ::: . , .. authoriti€s at'various level in'strict serial order on financial year These are.published':by.administrative basis. nce rolis in (Pay) 230 anrt in (Pay) 231 or.coast c.^uard orgfinisation shaltbe p^iaced with Cash 69. The comnranding ofircers/lmprest htde^rs Accoul:ts (Naw) for'distnsennent of pay and allowof Defence *r*i"iul;contr,iil*r assiqnment ih,{oney ihe disbursement of [email protected] nred6-.'iry1'Acquittance ancds and nttr, ,"qrri?.i".#n-r.r.-- Rolls. :.: .- ': : -: -, ::-.,1i=:::.-_ -: _r :.-.:r:r,::: j :' Rolts,in the individtral running ledger The following points will be seen rvhile-debjtiog.th-iAaaiuittance ffi*iite=i*l A"C prup4."d in alphabetieal order and for personnel bElow officer prepare{ for offieers and' sailors, ...qgqutn*..S*parale,.rolls. are (r) to ensure ranks/rate, names and !!at !!e are- shown in btock capitals and cars tirken tt '*1'f,rs iliiit.;ir"trr|-""l,.iriii*"9 iott*'ute correglf as qhown in the Individual Runtring ..,re\ Ledger Accounts through out the financial year(3) There is coniinuity in the serial numbers of the acquittance th""fi:,::*:'^*3:,th':,j33"1 Acquittance'ro,!1s;.co3 istins of mgre- '1"#;"i*"t'f*^":1;'*: acquittance roll; (1. ihu,ro,ul amount of an acquittance roll top schedule- for paymcnts (6) --..-. ',. l. : '. - - -.:.,, .4., '. r. sieo€d the acquittance rolls and certified that the amounts shown there k-Bay book over his signature. , within the net intitlement' 1s) ifre abtutttr'$d"is stipb/elitabili's1liicrft: (9) ltreie':ii no erUy in despatch of acquittance rolls'by 4s (10)Thepaymenttnacleonacqrtittan'cerollsinlespq:lofindividualofwhomrunningledgerac. ;h;'%;Atti;tance Rc'lls Items -unCer Research Register" . counts are not openecl iu ",-,t"rriit and'ivatch its elearance' inthe individualrunninglcdger account should Each item of :c.q.ui.qkl:e roll.adjustecl/posted hoider' be ticked una it'i'diutt"."l by the task coov alongwitll tlte origiiral top sche' t' -L:' ^ ^r acquittance ^^^"ir' roll tlre duplicateSectibir ( !2) Aiter posting/adjusting of for linking rvith cash accouilt' Gti;td dule is scheduted to imprest t"o-t..iio"]a;;; (ll) to enable tliem to Guard are supplied with pav book in order holders are ?0. Eachofifrcer and Na'rik of coast officer''inrprest supply bv'tfc ;;de tit;;yil;t draw thereon rheir.ri.r],i net entitteme,,t' :_;;;.;t;i'i;;h" ptv uooi.t oiiirtt satne date theS' are .iiade (l) separateiy for officer and Naviks' Pay books bear running serial number increnient in s':ale or alteration in on (z)variations in |ates cf eay and alioivances tifilronicticn' *iilr .ull signature bv the q$;;;1"^;;i;;dJ alrotmenr are nade by ihe inrprl'r"r'ffiii"', in,Prest lrolder'- (:) {r pereent vrith the entries in the Individual Running "Ledger ra:'me".f#'[:,3f*'ffiifni.centr"";iv"ut'ui rrclder. wher ihe pay 6ook ,r to this sectiou' "i diiili,ii?it-t" t'{".'.'?t9;-;i"i1iii*p'iut it is rcturned "lr i,ili#,1it-i;;i";il";-hus'b.""qr"* "nserviceabie j Tl.onreceiptofclosedpaybookspertainingtoeffectivepersc,nnelthefoliorvingpointsr,r:illbeSeefl:_ fl)'compareettrissofadvancesinpaybooksrviththosealread-ildebitedinthelndivielualR';nning t"'"r*oi"''A;;;;1t";itltitiire"te'toAcquittanceRolls' .'.1(}Postiirtlrelniiivi<iualRuniringLedgerAccountsiillunadjusteilitemsunderaseparateheading ^'niuuoces books"' '-' from PaY (3) cteck tr.," )aYulentsintlreclosedpaybook.s.havebeentvritteninwords *," puvtSor'.""*lii l**.ai"tlr;^;;;;fi'";;; ifft};ii,T,i"l?t,?l#lfilto;;;"'iooifor-cor.npletion and resubmission. co-nriiliu'od;-;"s"hipTLJrirriJri*.nt ' the amount 'p.9lt"g in the lrrdividual and (4) Unauthorised alteraticn and discrepancies between tt.puv-Uno-f, Uil be brought tothe nctice of Runrring Gdg;, Accounrsrnd.;ili;;';;;r.C-in cr**""0[i=5m?ii-r,p7E-i;oiilr;;;;;'d ';id;J lstxpeditiously rvith them' as pcsiible in communica- tion f5)Asui|able.endorsementwillbemadeinthe.paybooksofthefactthatithasbegncheckedwith t"' 't-ttdulOnut Running Ledger Account' tn Record Record Section for safe custoc ly accordingly' books to ^o" ?rnnlzs (6) Return the^ pay T2.Thelcssofpaybookistobeviewedseriously,fige3gntlossesinoneandthesameshipshould uno higher authorities for pEoper in' to norice.of commanding oml"i;ii]"hi;7nr;;b--lisrrm"ni n"tt"iiuiibnt. be brought .a Preparationof abstract of receipts anilcharges. _ i . ,,,-,-_^-. ., form IN(Pay) Irdger Aeeo'qnt.an individual abstracts on 73. After the closing of Individual Running iedeer Accounts are prepared month 236 iri respect of debits'lfiji,"ifri; ?dj*r"difib:" than officers. \vitlr refefoi officers'"fifiilt*tyi;;.;pa;".e-s other wise for each ship/E#6f_fi;; trren prepared nonrhwisc/qilarrer' ii rence to these abstra"6;, ;;r;i,d"t;d;i;rtr;;i'J"iii"l-iiltiagzit of monttrivTquarterlv compilation' n*ri"r..qtir" wise and submitted ffiiii;;;iff;;ine t;f";i";";r;;;;ti""i;d;irtui-ioi [*;*;ffi..r:#r"$t$g#fJt:":.*],]fl ;';*i:f;'3s*l',*l;*e'T:##r ]f;tftri]fi.g,:]]ffi=Jto the citing reference 46 ?4. While preparing the abstract of the following points will be seen :(1) All vertical casting of the Individual abstract are correct (2) The postings ofthe totals in consolidated abstract from individualabstracts is done correctly. (3) The opening and closi4g balances agree with those shovrl in the Individual Running kdger Accounts. (4) The debits/credits are correctly copied in the abstracts and no item of Credit/Debit is onoitted. (5) The total aumbers of accounts copied for the month agrees with the total number of Individual Running Ledger Accounts maintained Income-tax ?5. The assessment and recovery of Income Tax will be done with reference to current orders on thc SO(AyAAO.wiil carefully check all the affected Income Tax, Fayeeseparate form wjll be -uio-and tairied for each'affected individual f6r recording monthly recoveries anii ttis shoutd be sent td- concerncd ofrcer alongwith March Statement of entitlements. zu-bject Annual consolidated receipt in the prescribed form for eacb individual from whom lncome-Tax rc- covered wilt be issded afterthe close ofeach financial year. Po6hl Life imr:rance (PLI) ::Jfi,.'Recoveiies.b.n abcount of prernia due from Coast Guard-enployees who subscribe to the Fostal ,.-life,insgraece are aftected through their Individuul Qunnjag-Leliser-Aicounts. Policy holdersirfl=pei mitted to pay the first instalment/premium in cash either in the Post Office or in the Imprest accoun:t of the Ship/Establishment. In the exceptioqal circumstances the premium may also be redvered fron pav. Where t-he first premium is deposited in cash r'/ith Inryrest Account intimation-of the deposit will be receiuid by the Ledger Wing lI from the lmprest Subsection- Further recoveries of monthly primia will be emeitea tf,rough Individual Running L-edggr Account. Where the propgser has authorised the Coast Guard Section to recoyer the fir_st premium by deduction from the pay the recovery will be made immedi"t"tf oo receipt of letter of authoritY :,; ='': TI. Tbe debit enty of the first premiurn in the Individual R.unning LedgerAccount -SO(ayaAO will be nade bv ths aaditor s$der-his.dated initials'and.this rvill be checked and attesteci Uy under nir Oatii initials on th9 same day. Where the payment of first preroium is- made by deciuction'ihroo-rgir tfrul"OiuiAudi Bg4ini kdget Accouut the date on which the entry is. inade in the_ Irrdividual R.unning-Ledger would be deerted bs the date of payment of first premium regardless of month account through wtrich-the r""overv may be made. As the'contract befween the insurant and the Govt. commences irbm tUt-uti-lif r99[,v_ery of the fi-rst premiu.m in the.Indivitiuaf Running. Ledger_Accountto any incorrect""t""f quotation oi this date may lead to avoidable complications. It is essential that the ciebit entry made in indiviOual Running Ledger Account is attested by the dated initial of the auditor and SO(A)/AAO and this date islntimaied immediately to thq posta! authorities fo1 lhe issue of policy to the insurant. The Coast Guard Seciion effecting thc r:covery of first premium will ?lso imT:_diately write to proposer's head of the office to iinA the prescribed health certificate direct to Director PLI. 78. The recoveries of premia.in- the quarterly/monthly abstract of receipt and charges agree with tht totals of the mo-nfhly schedules relating to that month/quarters schedules of r^ecoveries aie sent to Directoi PLI every month/quarter. Naval Group Insuance Schene (NGIS) 79. Approval of the Govt. was accorded vide GI. MD letter AD/133/CGHQ/451/CG/D-1N-II dated l7-5-80 for the Naval Group lnsurance S.4"-*9 to Officers, Suborelinate Cf&cers, Saitois anb enrofto followers of the Coast Guard. It was also provided that the rules for the operation of ihe cro"p lnTuriail 92-MiJfD)l66CGDA-7 -47 to the Coast Guard Personrtel. This scheme becanre effective from 0l Mrr. oi tne scneme is to renCer financial assistance to relieve hardship or distress of -family.of Coast Guard personnel who die,while in service. The following categories of personnel arc Scheme shall aonlv mustatis tS.-*itrii'piifiil"bi;;t coverbd under the Naval Group Insuranqe Scheme (NGIS) (a) :- Coast- Guard Personnel directlV recrutted. (b) Naval Personnel on deputation to Coas! Guard. (c) Naval Personnel permanently absorbed in the Coast Guard on relinquishment of commissiorf release before attaining the age of superannuation. (d) Coast Guard personnel engaged in flyingand in receipt of flying pay will also be covered undcr the additional Group Insurance Scheme. . (e) Ex-Service employees personnel (Army/Navy or Air Force) ex-central Govt. and ex-public underta{ing bnd other direct entrants who are below45 ' year of age and aot covered under any posi [etirement Insurance - ' ''80. The main responsibility Scheme. ' l of Coast GTr^4.Wionrl.uW:r9 will be :- (1) To recover the monthly premium through IRLA as per rate laid down in Govt. letter from the date of joining tie service receipt of necessary genform. (2) To arrangg remittance of the -monthlyiquarterly premia to secretary Naval Group_Insuranoe Fund. Naval Headquarters New Delhi who maintains the detail account of NGIS. €o{st, C'f,aq Benevolent Association (F unEl) ' -81.,fhi:'Coast'Guard Benevdlent Association is a charitable organisationregisterd under,the Sgsieties Registration Act with object to render financial assistance, relievg hardship or distress of servin$=Goast - Gu-ard as well as released retired Coast Guard personnel and their families. : 82. The CGBA is managed by a council and finanmd bypnkibutions received from officers, subordinate off.cers and Naviks. {ft) Dooations reeived from i{ividuals {dD l!ft€rEstonitrYestment.- ad privaie"l;tffie 'ume4akings. -- Thc main responsibility of ledger wing { i II will be :- recover the contribution at prescribed raies on quarteily basis in aclvance from the IRLAs of " (o) To the officers, Naviks in March, June, Sep: andD.ee. Contribution from new members will commence from their pay for the month following that on which they join the service. (D) The amount of loan Sanctioned as intimated."bll tti" Association ,will be recovered,in,insta]meots through their IPA ;rnd remit the same alongyilh contributions'to-the secretary Co*ast Guard ' Benevblent Association who maintains the detailed account of the Fund. Coast Guard Amenities Funil 83. The Coast Guard Amenities Fund is a welfare Fund and all'serving deputationists would of the fund :- (i) be mefiiber The fund is utilised fof ,pr,ixision,ofiatr&qitibs:to, service personnel of Coast Guard .aad ihEir families. to set up new e'bnteen and to improve existing canteen. (tii) Re-imbursement of irrecoverable money from Subordinate Officers, the amount recovered by' : this is remitted to seuetary CGAF, CpHQ, N. Delhi. glrrU{D)l66CGDA-(a) (r't..,-Reqdefirng fiiranglal'assisiance a8 The respoasibility o{ task holder w-ill be to see thaf :* \ (a) Contributioas ar€ recovered cluari:rly ir advance from officers and'sailord in-Mirch, Jun9, -' S"p. and Dec. through pay alcou it of the indiliduals' .($) C.9ql1i!.tlti.op afe r€covered at the rates laid down from ti111e to time. ' -... , (c) Cqntrib{ttions from nerv mernbers eonunences from their pay from the month following that ''-' - 'whiih'they join the service. The total *mount-ieeoverld.is remitted to seuetary CGA Fund CGHQ' \ it ' R*overq of Lrcenle Fees, Funniture, Wa{er anJ Electricify scd Allied Charges ga- Ths - nUu*ing cheoks will be exercised :* the.!ice1g Fee for Governmeat On the recommendation _of the_ foqll Ce-ntral Pay QqPqission preciibed Flat.Rates based,on the tereco:e@.{:the toiarri-ecr will and a.eeotmJaation tsinlle, irostil shall be payable by t[e -iant.' charges nv=apr'and''electricitv ser the Governmeat ii''t'.;;;-;;;;i;abi time to ftom down trse' ;uftA;;fi"liJdila E5. ErAilr l ._ .,i _ Suborillnate Offlcers aacl Nariks Personnel serving Afaat t$o% r4% Subordinate Offioers Naviks Personnel serving Ashore so% 5&'/" married accommodation would be for freg,.rmlunlshed qtasters --,oply. The 1i"bifi& for puyn"trt for allied setvice such a,s furniture, water, electricity, conservancy etc. will be that of The entitlefilor.lts: to Compensation in lieu of Rent, Feeq, Fauil; Acco=4+-.9ddiiop,,,-..', , g8. In case famig aemnodatioa at:qt{fl g:ris'ao{ provi{gd !V povt.-ferso-nriel falling within the u"tnotirA narrleO. esialtilh4ent shall be Sntitlqd to compensation i:r lieu of rent-free accommodation. q11ast,64pidemplcyees:are gqverned under thg provisions applicable to olbeiCentral Govt entittef t6 gencial-pcolaccommod'tioii andliable to paylicedcefee attherates and '. *G-tbetondlitioat laid down ir Fundamer:tal Rule (FR)' Siffi.'lc .i"il;vi;G;;A-so 49: it On reeipt of liceaoe fee bill etc' 'r'vil'i be seeq that :-* (r) The rent bill received are acknor:rledged' rent bjil is correctlY ieeovered/debifed in the IP'LA' ' {ii}.Ttre:anpunt shown in tbe withsut refr:nd billrissuedtt AAgl!|.?j: (tdr) No refund on accou*t for e.::ces.; recovory is crr:dited I:l due to excess recovery of ihe actusl anount on a prevtous M4nagef - ";G;;ilir;;;;d ffi;ti?hr;d.'- olEcer is provided with (ju) The recovery of licence fse i5 afi:cted for each of the statio:t wbcre an iJJoiloJoiution at more tnan ore station' "" ad'd'itional charges are recov^eted on percentage basis (v) In case where rert and. furniture: nd allied -renr emoruments such as oo ru,oe*"d;;iffi;;i ,rit{r:;:l? srmulralrcuubIJ. ls ,i;,.3i:?3i"1[J,?L::.,",,}:r t,icover9o ctc. ccA i"*ry allornance, flying pay an.'. ''' in IRLAS Scrutiny of oveqpayment a*d debitor balsnce ' : ,,13*i*i,ffi#-rH-$ffi .. . , $'!"fi ir,r?'-Tfi -oo i:xif"'.'"'T-prll'1?f,.";f;?X.:T"?i';tffi *ithff is transferred individuar an : wden ixamnr" rp,il.iiii'g.iri"pi r"r ?arviaur. the net entithment prescribed extent' Although to'hc ;i,p""i"i 9'dva19# tne *t" p"rmits to.qutlt;"i proceed on leave, "rs; itrto-drur balance, ihe advance is treated swh advams -ry ,"*iiii'-r#';dl'ie;::;;;;,,;i-iur.'ring run into the debit balance because of i"olui*uuimuv as auttsised. es u$;;i tnG trr" """oo*,-oi"t-i" entitrement or bv anv speciar orders' tr#iq"Hl;##fi1*i:",#*3J ;i;",,ffi#rlrun*:qar rt lL u4rsrrv\ vv^ : 90. .As-unauthorised paJment 'uYe in -' ' excess of the riw. the cases of reat debit balance rrust br iiiiiu.i" itls regard :- e*titlenent of an in'd'ividual enlttlglg ?Bryve irreFula' ,Jo,trn*n by irus office and following action is il;;d;lii n.ill be sent to comm€flding (f) When the account is closed lr,ith d'ebit bale rcc a specialintiqatioa' balance in ihe paybook of the indie"uit *"t" r" officer ;il;lC#.1"q*rti"g " ".tJ"-fire "f reiirict further paymr-:nL niA"ut and (ttlTh€debitbalance*illbe=categorised,$-o---autho:is:d'rmauthorised'debitbalanceonaccount 6tc. is authoris'ed debit and unauthorised of pyment of karrefransferfesr-i'vJiflood advancesabove' mentioned' thun otto ;fEGl;;;;;i-;fi; eebiibelanc.q yjttJ"1rg'*A in thl-r separatg T6€ ' {fn}:Altthe . , r*iH be reyre.$ed critica.lly ny-sqlaiAa.o t"'"i"irtair"ihe be brought to rho notice of the cor'tributory factors so that they may Ship/Esta6lishroent Administration dffi;*etrg-om".iof autborities' will be sent separately under a (iv) The statement of entitlsments ir:. respect gi.t":l debit balaneea note of the debit balance in the ' snecial forwarding letter reque:iitig"eij. sttipiSsit. to make on futrue payment' restriction impose tc insrructions plyuoor.r'Jfif,JH#l;#ffi"in l,iar, with ad' run' into debit bale'.n-ce-as a result of payment of unauthorised . N6tg.:--In:case,where tlrc account under minimum iompulsorv td reduced be vances GpF/AFppF/DSOp suspended after . "b;,;htl;iltx iii-ir"-o*ii.r'*1,ill * intimation tb the commonoi,ig.*ott'"i suo/Estt.'thloueh Commanding Officer' th" ;;k";;l"dg"*ti? "f trc indi-iidual "bt"i"l""e accounts continue - are not itnposed and (v) Inspite of all the above action eash rcstrictiqrr authorities' such administrative hieher ttt to *ilib;;il;;eto be rn the debit tbe case all aspects bringing form narrative be un,I' cas" report ,u.rilE".ua" - o"i roi'.ilrr-i"di;ie";i ortn" - d;;; ; (a) Lrst ofover iqsue that have contributed Paymeot oo eacn occaslon' to ths debitor balance specifying ths extent o ovef \ . 50 (b) The oades of the Ofrcers w'ho advanced payment. (c) The c.losing balance in the account during the period covered. (/) The number and date of alert memo/special communication/Signat etc. addressed to the Commanding Offfrcer ship/estt. and bis acknowledgement. 91. The higher administrative fotrnation.will be specificallyasked to institute an iwestigation and take suitable aciion agaiost the pay officer(s) if necessary. The cases will also be considered for inclusion in the report on Major Financial and Accounting Irregu- larities. The cases of real debit balance should be constantly reviewed until account comes into credit balance. MonthlylQuarterly closing of account and issue of statement of entitlement 92. The IRLAs of the Coast Guard Oftcers inclu{ing Civililns are closed with effect from 15th of ev"ry monin and in case of subordirate officer/agviks of tbe IRLAs are closed quarterly basis as under :- tAceawtsfor the wonth af To be closed in,t&ewonth Ivlarch (0 llccnbcrr lac and Feb (il) lvlar, APr and MaY Juue sep and Aug 1id) Juno, JulY '(iv) Scp, Oct af_ Dec & Nov 93. The closing of pay account comlxises of two stages viz. i- adiustment of various credits and detitq in tbe IRLA The difference betrveen the fa) .-' postines. gl*iaiti and total debits will be showu as !h9 closing oredit/debit balance as the case may totui b" *d may be ca4ed {orward for next month/qua-rte!. @ ffit11?*g$1fff",L"f statement of account of eatitlement. The foltowing drill will be (r) Ensure that all the Authorisation slip raised by LWI at tbe time of closing are adjusted in the IRLAS. (tt) All debits/credits vouchers such as licencee fees bills,lospital stappages and credit/debit memos received from audit Sub-section and other audit ofrcers are adjusted in the IRLA5, (rt ) (iv) '' '- Pay and allowance are drawn in the IRLAS as per entitlemenl The rate of recovery of income tax willbe fixed and will be contilued year. Unless therd is change in taxable income' till the end of financial alt the standing recoveries suc! a1 pro$dent fu-nd subscription PLI premium, fy) Recover ''' -Nunut Group Insurancd Subscription, CGBA, CGAF_Subscription, recovery oT amount on account 6f advance such as Motor CariMotor Cycle/ScooterlBicycleiHBA, and other advances and interest therton. /ut) Where an accouot is closed with debit balance, examine the reasons aad take appropriate ''-' 4Uoo for clearance and intimate Commanding Officer Ship/Estt. to restrict furthei pay. ments' on account of EOL, HPL granted with reference to (vrD ' - Calculate and recover the amount Genform and CE Orders. 51 Stetcnent of Endtlement a r'.nonthly/quarterly statenent gJentjtlgryent. The statement during and debited credited thg-mgnlh/quarter as well as full details of any other witt itow tAe amount t"co"eiies in order to enable the officerlNaviks to verify their correctness :94. Every Ofrcer/Navik frrrnished-with ' is not always necessary that ttrc statement of entitlement will exhibit the correot net entitlement at the end of tho month/quarter, as certain acquittance r9{, ggnform etc. may not have reached to this section and con'sequently not posted q1 a$us1ed in tLe pay accounts prior to-is_sue of the statement of r:ntitlement. The Imprest/holder Sup-ply Officer of the Ship/Establisbment therefore will take into ccnsideration any advaace paid but not taken in the statement of entifinint before disbursement of advances are made or while making entires of net eutitlement/ balance in the PaY book' (o) t*' It .credit be forwarded to the ship or establishment. In case officer/sailor has been Oiun.a before receipt of statement the Imprest ho]4gl the supply_officer will forward the statemeni of entitlemenl direct to tle new ship/establishment. If however the Officer/Naviks Gr tr.r released or discharged from service it will be returoed to this section. f6\ t"' The statement will account shows-a.debit intimation of transfer of a Ofrcerfi.Iaviks slhose *"' fn the6;evsnt ient to the new ship or estt,_so that cash issues to officers/naviks are restricted until such /n.1 pay balance, ;iU time as the debit balaqce is fullY liguidated' Y€rificatior of qaalifying service after 25 years of service years of service or 5 years before 95. The work relating to verification of qlalifying service after 25 th$ sectiop-.. receipt of prescribed proforma b.y on is done Personnel Guard ,etireile"iin iespect of Cdast verification it will be seen that :for cards of service Ooolpistory ;fi;*ith,ib*id" (t) The entire period of service rendered in- Go{. grganisatiol for which pay and allowances have been drawn qualifl'ing for pensionery benefits have besn financed from consolidated Funds of i"aLpo"J funC iadinist6red bl Govt the appointment must be in pensionable establishment. (ii)Thefollowingperioddonotcountasqualifyingservice:(a) The perid of EOL without medical certificate' (D) The suspension period if iot provided otherwise' 1rt oeriod in two spell of service, provided break is condoned. The break in service will t-' Rreak G treited automatically condoned if not provided otherwise. (d) Any service rendered before attaining the age of 16 years in cdse of class "D" employee in '- other categories 18 Years' (e)Theservicerenderedinnoa.pensionabteestablishment. service salient Points to be taken into accounf to aFive at rylalifying 96. (t) The year to year service verification canied out by the Head of ofrce must be endorsed in service books. (tt) The service spent from the date of appointment to the date of retirement will be counted to arrive at qualifYing service. (ifi) The non-qualifying service if any wili be deducted from the total service to anive at the net quali- fying service (iu) The former soell of service already counted by CDA(N) may also be taken into account to arrive at toiaf qualifvioe *"ruir". It may also be ensured that the condition of counting if any mentioned therein liJ-"]rir{J.r'fulf;Uia before it isbounted as qualifying service. \2. J- rendered by cDA(p)/"ay con. (y} The certi€catc of verifisation after comple.j'":111-.:rs service available the entries trodi,..gr€iqokaa.fnr re'lhe certificaterendered bJ CPA(Prypay controllet.is not .,,'+,#. '..'1 G "rann1in11en1tc the date of retirement maybe verifircd as perannual'verification '""&'itifi&tr:iinoered uy'Haud of offiee in the service book' , qillnY of non-qualifying service i (u,) EcI- sick leave taken s[ould be checked to alcertei-n tbe be allowed as qualifying service. howevei ground raay The EoL 6n rnedical with the help of checked to ascertain the actual position of (yrt) Therogularisatioa-of suspensiol friod ifanV 4al-]e it has been i:eglfarised by the'gran! of !1y due, tirc entire,period .cov.erld bv llve this period. lo "ari *arilir*it oa oy EoL will be-treaied as qua,lifying servie. otherwise it will not count towardg,gensioa. tn , ie";;;;"*. .. (yidj) If the break in servlce is condoned entry , in service book" The eutire period will bo treated exist-s ur'qit"ti'iii;;;* , ..,.:1;,... .:, ,l li"t* , ie-qred a.14 the fraction (,') To arriVe ar q-iralifying seryice the fraction-tf,l&-'i-A beneflts of'punditg is however moatbs.'J&e 03 .oo*r* r3ayL treatd as ooe coqplet€.qi ' pBoslo,S:; qi4mus srvice fequit'ed' to eam , not available to comi{et9 voluntary retiremsnt it may be ensured that maximum yhile "r.i" ,h* -" tb (x) ail'wi*gweighaa6,,1-..1ae=td.se.df ..r.F4tkFof - tt'"'*'i*i*i'* qualifying service of 33"years/retirement d'ate' -S . r '1.:'i',: = '**6.'g"i"tJtn of oanri-e book is required. The ,...-t,=,,.E;service lrn, scrutiny nf the.plge .^"'finrr *-€s.;.€eagqqtaess of tbolqualifying-serv-lce to an'i.ve at the conect quartum in .n;rii;ida,taF,6iry gu{,ruc" in the service book may } tokept i;w assure the correctness of E€L Tle l€are be consulted o? quali@-@gGve,aceount no,ay also to arrine at net qralifying servioe,, ignored be , , ,peri on *r""oot oi ioiioot cuvered ty MC must Leave and Leave Encashment 97. Coasr Guard Officers, Sqlcrdi-q4tq .@cq1, Navikg goveraed q4!*1lhj The leave JtEurord leave (i) ia*)-Rriles' 1'9?2.for thEpurpb+c of leave and leave ercashment. r*s.rnaintained by Dlrector'($'ersonnel) at CGHQ, New Delhi tit;m;;r ranks by ShiplEstt. concerned. fhe leavs account in respect of ;'faa4itedlty NLAOs.. The,various types of leave admissible and the conditions admiq'qible to CG emplcyees in a calendar year : 45 days on completion of ous year service" EL is wcrked qut io two:instalmeltq { a1r"d3;.1-ilians e1z;tted, non-gazetted staff are '/ :- the Year' :ZaAaigo"n 01 JanuarY of tbj 23 daYs on 01 JulY ofthe Year' . leqve upto 120 days and are also peqmi{ted to aeumulate Earsed eoast Guard employes are permitted on superannuation' thctlqs.of,relir€m€xt oo *orurU leave upto fZO Oaylat 53" Final settlenent of hccount 98. On qgceipi of geniormfCE order/Govt. ietter/D0P notifying casuaities'regaiding local releasei dlsetaigeldeathidesertion or superannuatjon a noting will !9 pudq in relevant,portion of the I$LA. On ree+ipt 6f'trc case for final settlement ttre following action will be taken :- (i) Check the pay books to see that all advances have been debited in the IRLA tbe service book to seethat service verification of 25 years is d91e Lnd all non-qualifying 'AtI servrs& rs cond.oned/regularised year-wise service is verified ancl noted in the service b-ook. ancl a regularised. e correct leave entries {tt) Ch"r.k (iii) Maini.ain cornprehcnsive registcr of all release/discharge (ir) No demand certificate are rEeeived from :- cas€s slrowing day to day progress. (a) Commanding Officer (A) MES authoritylEstate (") fa Manager. ' , SN. of Coast Giiard (u) Last pay and allowance drawn and date from which the Officers/Naviks not entitlcd to any pay are shown ooriectly. (vt) No Pay is drawn beyond the date of release/discharge. (yr) ' ' - ":' Pay ilccounts of Ofrcers and Naviks etc. discharged on corr,passionarc grounds, d.ismissed,dead, reldased, closed with debit balance ale set off against furtf,er credits/if any and inecoverabfi ,.debit belarce intimated to Comrnanding Ofrcer/Estt., for regularisatioa and its regulerisation ,Ss rvatched through sepaiate register. .:*jll ' The case file and IRLA duly closed with all pay slips alongwith service,doceimefts,lrill fqrouwardtransmissiontopayaucitforissueofpa5rmentaut&ority.j: bc segt to review Accomts of deserters 9. Wh€n ae irilividsal subject to the Coast Guard Act hqs been absent from his ship or from the ptace of duly wi_t1*mf du -autority or absent wiihout leave shall on conviction by a Coast-Guard Court -bglia!,li,ia.1suffer..ilfiir;so4rlrent for a term which ma.y,extend to two-years or less or punished by mulcts of pp6ft.gsd afioyrance as niay be prescribed. In case of an individual who deserts or attenrpts t6 desert he snail be liable to lufbr imprisonrnentfor a term which may extend to seven years or such less punishment as the case may be. - lq0. On.receipt of genform DO from Ship/Estt.iBuviknotifying the cesualty markedas "R{JIS'the following action ivlll be taken :- (r) The same will be noted prominently in the IRLA. No Pay and allowances will be admitted (ii) When a person has been absent from his duty without leavs for more than 6 months the matter ivill be ieportcd to Bureau of Naviks to transfer the deserter to non-efective strength and call fcrr all service documents eic., for frnal settlement of account as a deserter alongwith No Demand Celiificete. On receipt of the above documents the IRLA will.be closed, drawing the pay and allowance upto the date prior to the date of Runideserter. The instructions contained f6r finalisation for aciount will be observed in this regard. A separate register t'ill to maiutairod to fiqaliqe accougt sf Run Out/Dese;ter. (iii) ' ' In casg-of the IRLAcloSes with a Credit Balance it will be iotimated to BUVfK (whilo returnins tbe finil settlement doeumsnts) tlerough a eonomunieation,$arks 'l{cit to'be paid'. The guviE '. 54 t. informed that the amourtt has been taken to Field Deposit and they will beasted to meke a note of this in service d.ocuments. In case the doserter is not apprehandedfioind duty within 3 years, *fter the date of de,"sertion the terrninal credit balance which is,held in deposit will b€ *itt transfemed to th* Credi" cf Govt. under the head 'MISC RECEIFT? in accordance yith thc provisions of 'parr. 321 flof$nee Aeeounts Code. The redrawal of the amount for payrent to ihe individ,ual or liis heirs will require tlie sanctions of CDA (Navy). !*ase the IR.tr r\ is closed v;ith dobit: bale-nce tlie debil balance will be intimated to Br:reao Naviks for noting and waiving. (iy) In of Provident Fund Account 101. The probedure for ms-intenanee of provident fund account is laid down in chapter XVII of OM Pt. VII. This wing maintaias fund icdgor ca'-ds in iesp3ct of Coasr Guald Offioe$ailors, Gazetted, Non-gazetted civilians and Isdustrie.l. ncir-industrial staf. : Nomination adnhsion Applisatioas forms for admissioa t" Gt Fund are i'eceived alongwith nomination forms agd statetrnt of fr*icufars for allotpent of provideat fund account numbers. 1b foltourrag poinis shou'6 be kept in view at the time of checks/aceeptance cf tbo no'iirination form:- (l) Fuli address of the nominee(s) is given- in column l. and 6 cf the.form, full name(s) and not the . ., =.:';:::'.\."' .gg1i1a6e.of. in-itiatrs of the noI:ninee is (are) required to be fri-rnished. i- : (ii) Retrationship of the ncminee(s) with subscriber is furnished in column 1 and 6. A,l1 the column of the forms aie fiiled ir-', no column is left blank. If the subscriber does not ' ' want to, make' an, e*iry in columa 5 and 6 ihe word nil should be entered. (trr) (td ' - Ir tLe cas; cf a subscriber not possessing.a famlly tlre word.s acquiring. a fa,mily are inserted in the columa 5, io addition any otler contingeacies that may mention therein. and amendment imples$ion of the subscriber, {r} All atteratio*s . it ihe form are attested over the dated signature in full or thumb (vl) case where thero are more than one nominee, share of each nominee is specified in colum I ' In & 6 as the case maY be. (vr'i) Nomination is attested by two govt. servant their designation and complete address is invrriably ' be given on the nomination form. (viii) Nomination is executed on the prescribed form. (tt) ' Date including the month invariably be entered in the form. (x)'The subscriber having a family '(xi) . as defited, noninated only a membedmembersof his family. As the norni*at!.on form is, a lega! documents it will be filled or typewritten. On allotnent of Fund Accouat Nos. the funds cards are opened by the wing for the subscriber and is attested bY the Accounts Officer' 102. While posting the subscdpion or recovery of loan in the fund, cards it will be seen that :(r) Subscription is recovsred for all eligible pelsoanel who have co1x1pleted one year service, 92-MtJ(D)166CEDA-8 .EE JJ (rfl eons'equent on the change in rate of pay drawn the rate of subscriPtion mrcqd$yil-d' (ifi) Recovery of loan on account of temporary withdrawal is effected in ilstahcntr*lp;lqlitr . rates and regularly till the full amount is liquidated. Temporary Advanee/Final Wifkdrawal fre*c GPF 103. On receipt c,i the intjrnation iegard,ing Ty/Final rvithdrawal {rom'!he-fuqd, lot p4yeullit section a suitai;le noie may be kept in th;disbu;sen:'ent IRLA and funds cards for further actioo. s6- Closing of Fun'i Accc'nintllssue of Annual Sfatement of GPF Account will 104. The conduct arid d.isposal of r:,ork regarding closing of Fund account and issue of GPF acccun in Chapter XVII of OM Pt. VII' be the sane 3s faid down Final settlement of funds account 105. Consequent on rei.=se/d.ischargejdeath of tte'individual the administrati're authorities will forand onward transmission to fund Sub-section foi rvardtlie f;l6t"i"g ao""**"tr ii.*"r&ty ""iin"utlo" :payment of final accunulation to C.G. Personnel fcrm duly f;lled for firial payment of provident fqnd money and sigqattrc {t) Srandard. by tk Heed of Gfrce with necessary certificate. (rr) Forrn for discontinuance cf proyident fund subscription duly completed by the head of officc. (tr'4 A copy of the CE list drafting order, GX lotifying.the"casualty vi7-. rctiremant/invalidmcntl - ' releaieldeath/superannuation etc. of C.G. Personnel. t, 'tf6t:V"lln"ation of the parrieulars given in the applications regarding thg lT^o,Y?:_!t of sub.script!9n ollt be da'de with refe]ence to-puy particulars-i* tq€ qF, refune of "dnuo"*'uttd'""itt["Affi-i6uio". by the Accounti offflcer. While forv;arding the final settlement papers to t-und section itiitv "o"nt"isigned particuiars are furnished :the following (c) The details of ty-advance/final withdrawal drawn during the last 12 months as per IRLA. - (b) Iast month recoyery effecting in the IRLA. (c) Amount of recorery on acccuilt of subscription for the last 12 months. (d) Date ar{ aeture of esualty for final payment. and attested by audit offiosr. {e) .F.uerls eards are duty.gJosed, and countersigned, in all respect Ttansfer of IRLAS within ledger wing 107. (r) Two separate register one for 'transfer out' ard. cther for'transfer in' w:tl be opened aod mainuyile teageriryirg;;;iffi i" nvii-Tili.-l*.tion t'lo. a. The entries in the "Transfer out' rcgiprgf will b€ in one seriel order. tained (il) thecausalities Ielatinglo out'and On r.roeipt of Genform CG Grders ctc. modifying .'Transfer .rrui*fetG'-;i;H;;t and pcrsonnel wi1 b";;#A il tfr'e register on day to dPy basis viz. as and when ti;-;&;;lt""i"Gn*a., ancl ccl. 1 to 7 oit{c-tiu"tr"t i"t ald transfer in register will be completed immedi-ately. (iii) Actuai traesf*r of IRLAs rvill b€ carried out once or twice in a month tV tfie Accouott On""t of the CG Section and on the date of fixed by him' ces as considered convenient (iv) On the appointed date the IRLAs due for transfer rvill be closed and '-ire transfer IN/OUT, balancntered in Col. 9 ofrhe register. ez-l#{D}Iffi€DA{a} (y) The IRLAs will be passed ol alongwiththe rogister to_fransferec task holderdirect sto will initiral 1trg it * iri token of ackniwiedgemei"t of IRLA and conplete Col. 8 and 9of-thlransfer "g"ln*t in th registet. witnfit" will reYbw the entries pertaining to-his by theIRLAryhichareduebutharrcnotbeen-ibriwd tastln/tifrsfe;T;";t;i;; uoatutco action to obtain pnform/Dlo. from be entered in register-will transfer to 6 of 1 Column task, concerned the him from his not been ree eived and noted bylhe time the rRLA is transfened it win bc iTTn" r#"?i l#lirl" "t", I to 4 ano othei colunrn will be iompleted on receip of g€ilfornlcE list cc" io Coi. ioiur"a i" the r"egister as the case may be. (vi) After the transfer as above are effected eaeh task holder completion of the,'transr:1 (vii) 9-"1 -T9 ^l',:Sf:::1,::^'3i:f.*t"".:,:T $h1rrt:?: -After r*giii"i fto6 trr* t"ag"t wing and marked card index within a week of'thr tian'sfei",it afiiir registbr the l0 of col. endorse will i"aui'"uia ffi;6;i,l;] ;;p6-y;d i"; tne ,S*SH "rrtki;ttfi vant card index. l0g. As and when transfer are afiected at the e-nd. of each acco-"o.tiog eJprtgr 9*,foT" closi.ng-is-comin duplicate of ba.lances traisferred r*"n"""Jl*r, iRiA k;;F. ;;i ;b*ir l.-ry; sc{A}lAAo a statement statemert at above will be consoliThe prrp"r.o sup/estabiihment-wise. ilfepi;;-al fi;;if, i[iiriei given to CC aftor receipt of the confrma' be will copy fi';tf"''ia it appx @). One il"J by Sblrii;AAb task hl&rstion from various APPENDIX "A" Date Task holder ::t* i= - *" QE Statement of Balane transferred out/in Balance TlCut Penonnel No. Cr. Dr. Balance TAN To/From Cr. Ship Iloldcrs ToTAL Dr. TOTAL .* Appir\InIX ,.8' Dat€ QE Task boltlers out/io Oonsotidated stat€m€tf of balance transferred Balance OutfI Cr. TOTAL @Tto14 Balance T/Out To{Frm Cr. Dr. TOTAL .Dr. 57 Grant of Dearness Aliowance .te and under the conditions applicabie l0g.AllCoastGuardPersonneiafeentitie{itoD'A.atlheratean^d*u+noer..."*o' "i,\thil. ;Ctiing tile D.A' it will be seen that :to other Central Cout. !'.i'u"i;. orders issued from time to time' (;) The rates claimed are correct and are in accordance with (i;)NoD.A.isadmittedduringExtentionofiear.gwithouipayandallowance. pay leave' (rrr) D.A. at proportionate rate is a-dmissible during haif Last Pay Certificate appointed) dray any P?y 3:d 'allolvances without 110. No Person can (untress he has been newly he'was lart paid' Houever on a last pay om..t'by oroducingon lastp"y;;riifi;;i; bti+ i"*;ttltc 6y the indi'"'icual concerned with a#tt; i;;;tft" *hb* ";-;;;; iertificate not forth corning' ihe Accountt a certificate s'r'ating :ihe date upto and (r) The rates of pay and allowance is 6'hich he is mtitted asd (ii) The particular aethoriry sr agenc'y by which he was so paid' advances if any may admit /;ir\ ,"', The fund dcdrErions and the amrcun'r of cony ihereof. ,ill"fu*ffir*pt "iG" for w-hich he was pay and ailcwances provi- L.pC or cer',ified of birth (in case of oivilians) the date py certificate showing the daie and thetherlate pay and allowinces to which he is entitled and rr*i. t."n adjuited. uoto which hrs pay is requirecr to be issued in the foltowins "ffi;ii;;;;#i frhd dductioo* roo?Eo?ollJiriiri*rii"rr;"y-i';";";;fiia lu. A last ---- :(r) t'' Sailors,AirmenandCiviliansolDefenceservlceeic.'whose -inalvitiual running ledger account system :- Grses accounts are maintaincd on the establishments of the High Commissioner for India in d to the establlsnmenr (a) While servin-g-.in or attached the United Kingdom' (b) Transfer to the payment of anothet' audit ofrce' (c) Transfer to pension establishmeut' Omcem (fi)AImyoffisgrstransferredotsecondedtoNavy'/AirForceandViceVersa. - (b) Transfer to pension establishmen running ledger accounts system' (ifi) civilians whose accounts are . maintainecl oa individual are noted aad the demand deduction uif while issuing Lpc it *i[ #;;;'ffi ""ihorised for recover-v bv the concerned in LPc ou,rruojiTr"?g;;; i;-"iiiai"ic,i.il lf uoy are ncted audit authoritY' .-Iaanycaseirrwhichthereis.probabilityt]ratafinal,LPc8*sliowillnotbeissuedintime,to the issue oi due date a. temporai' LFC vill be issued pending l" forwarding letter a in explained ine chse ""rti""*tion .ir"u*r:L"-o of fnal last pay ""rlnJlL i"O-lf.. "tt""ai"e ;rtincate' p;t i"J ;i. admit of pay teing H'ufrn i;;;;;d Final settlement of ad h tie eDsoe of Pey Books w!e1e pay books- have -beel lost or mislaid the of final settlement-- of account optn"a threi months from the date of the individual igdividual runhg hd$f accopnt *ill be [.pi i.Apt ioa adjustment of outstanding acguittance roll' gloccods o" *Ur.ffiF rlJetc. to p"#i;ih" 112. In case - :t.ig A portioa of the credit balance assesssd with reference tg the last acquittance roll will be withheld tie terminal credit balance payable at the tinie of dischange.etc.. for subsequent ^a{justment, After 3 months the IRLA will be reviewed and if no debit are recelved against the payment of the ambunt withheld will be authorised and IRLA closed finally. If any credit have been received the balance due will be authorised or if the accounts shows a debit balance action to regularise the amount will be taken. from A simple register will be maintained to watch the final settlement of provisionally closed accounL c*t,ol . Government Errployees Group rnsurancescheme-l980 into forte from 1st January, 1982 provides for the Central on contiiQulory aad. self-fina'ncing baiis, the twin beqefits of a"a fb* iort u ui Cove"omeni6*pf"V""r, aninsurancecovertofrlfpin"itfumiliesintheeventbf death in service and a lump-sum'paymentto augment their resources on retirement. ll3. Scope--:fbe Scheme, which came :' \- Insurance and Savings Ftnd-The scbeme has tffi -funds, vr'2., fnsurance fund and Savings A portion ofl the subscliption is creditsl to Insurance fund a_nd the other portion to the Savings f,"od *friJn will earn in.r€rest ai tZ%p.a- w-e-f. l-1-1988 compounded quarterly lI4. - fund. LlS. Member*rip--!ff- eqloyees entering service on or^after lst f'ebruary,. 1989 are compulsorily by the scherfo. tnose in sewice on 31st J-anuary, 1989.,were given. option to opt out of the "oo"od oio. Those sho have not opted:out of the scheme/failed to exercise :such ,option and those rvira ;d;t *d s€r"io" on or after l-2-1989, the revised rates of subscription will be recov€redi It 116: Employees will be enrolled as members of the scheme only..from lst Janlary every year. an emnloyee'entLrs service on or after 2nd January i,o ?tty Y!ar, he will be enrolled as .a ^nnember only ;fih"-";xt year. From the actual dat6 6f entering service ti.l1 thg end of that ;rear, h-e A;;*f-t i;;;;ty reduced rate of monthly *iff 69."ifu"a io insurance iover only by paying ll7. Rates of monthly subscription and amount of insurance cover-The rates tion and coiresponding amount ofinsurance cover are as under :- Montbly rate of SubscriPtion Group to which the emPloYees belongs .40 .20 B of -P5' monthly subscrip- For those who opt out ofthe.scheme #______-::_r with enhanced units of subscription iefore enrolment After enroment Amount of insu- .------:-:Rate bf Amount of as a merneber as a member r{irrce cover R3, A subscription. Subscription Insurance cover Rs. Rs. Rs; Rs. 120 1,20,000 80 80,0q) 60 60,000 40 40,{x}o ' c l0 30 30,0m 20 z),om D 5 15 15,(m 10 10,000 promotion during the year-4n r_egulal promotion ,oj -an en- plgVee- fro^m one -Group jo another Crooolfier the ist Janu#y in'aiiy Year,-4i! subscription will be raised qrly fro.m. the lst- January of llg. then6xrvear. As foreiadple, a-Group-'C' employee is promoted--to Group -'B' on 2-l-1990. His be- Rs- 30 p.m. and Rs. 30,000 till the end of December, 1990 and jSsuradcecoverwillbe raised tq Rl. 90p.m: and Rs. 60,000 ii;ili'#,,e, i;9iilt-;t*riptiqna$ to the,higher group, his.subscripticn and insurance cover admifted is empt"V?" Once ies"ectivelv. if is subsequently reverted to the lower group. "" he even rate, ;ifi;iil"; 1f, b. .t C-saie Jii[ri.i-ri"tiJr"ano-lnturance rjotir will NOre :-Montlly raG of sub. and amount of Insurance cover raised w,e'f' 1'1'90 59 ll9. Reoveryof monthly subscription will be efected from the pay for that month, i.e. for Ianuaqr, it will be-recovered from the pay for January payable on- thg last dayof that month. l2O. Interest on arre(ts of subscription-In the case of an employee who was on extraordinary leave ',.,.-' 'I foi auy.'period, the arrears of subscription will be reoovered.with interest admissible under the scheme from his salary for the month following the month in which he resumes duty in not more than tlrrec instalments. If an employee dies while on exJraordinary leave, the arrears of sutscription due from him will be recovered with interest from the payment payaUie under the scheme.l ' 121. Benefits Payable-lf an employee ceases to be in service due to retirement, resignation etc will be entitled to the payment of only the lump-sum amount of his accumulation in the Savings Fund. If he dies while in service, his family/nominee will become entitled. for payment of the lumpsum amount of his accumulation in the Savings fund 'aid in addition the amourrt of dppropriate insurance cover to which he was entitled at the time of death. --If al employee dies while in service before becoming : a member of the scheme, his family wili be entiiled-for p4ym; of appropriate insurance cover amount he only and no benefit yill be payabl,e &om Savings: Fund. W. frwrciagfranG.P.F.lc.P.F-Tt is'not'permissible except in a case where the financial positionof anemployee doe5:not permit him to contribute both to GPF'/CPF and Group fnsuran@ $cfreme" den he may be..pemjtted a non-refundable withdrawal from his GPF/CPF account of an aooaat,equivalent to one'year's subscription paid towards the Scheme. Income-tax rebate is admissible for the amount of subscriptions paid rinder tk scheme as in the s€E-a4oJ-G-PF contributions, Life fnsurance premia etc. except to tbe ext€nt of the amount \pithdras/n from the GPF/CPF on account of such subscriptions. AssignmentoflmrareFmdrf,dSryfusM : 123. The emgloyec's intefe$t ia the Insurance/Savings fund can be assigned in favour Gnaneial institutions as socurity for obtaining loan for ionstructionfpurchase ofhouse/flat. of recognised i Recoyery of Govemment dues not perrnissible 124. The Scheme is in the nature of a contract between an employee and the Government. No reco. very from the amount payable under the scheme can be made excepting the dues under the scheme or as specifically authorised by the employee. It is legally not permissible to adjust Govt. dues against the payment due to the employee or his nominees from the Scheme. 125. Nomination should be obtained in the prescriM form and pasted on the Service Book of the employee, and an entry to that effect recorded in the service book. tf the employ-ee has a ,family' he shall make such nomination only in favour of a member or members of his family. 126. Register of rembers should be maintained in the prescribed form and kept up-to-date. I27. BLANK. I28. 8LANK. I29. BLAI{K. : -ir-,i , ;'i.,:.q. ; ,:ar. ;1r.. :: .uj.::: -1 1, . : ,, - ,:r.;.: -:.,ir,::..:i1:t,,,.,,,: . :_ . 60 -1.::' FLY LEAF'INtrRIJCITIS}fNO. 3 Fly kaf ias@srif,or .watching regularisation of debit :-Uakspp'oq-@ *S.!$,tt.,<egrbrisationo{debitbalaqeesled.€'g@l a -.J a debit balance on final settlement of accounts the partieuh rU bc , ' .: ',' .. ilE .-.=":.+;+--,.:.. 'igpla.iisiltlon'watched. The register wilflo unbmittqd to the Accounts ofrcer monthly. : Register for watching regularisatiqn of Sl.No. Naq/Rmt '"A,mt :-l: of debtor iNo.& :..FuIt-,:' dateofthe her acnremo tioa & unioer whom balance .. " ,r ' whieh debtq .lrnlanOe ,ietimated ioBtFVIK -\ :-*:.:::' wisc) & date lo6F statg: loent or.Gorftr ordg unds which rccularncd 910 7 ...l+ri-;-- (Month- No, Remarks 61 FLY LIIAF INSTRUCTIONS NO. 4 : Fly leaf instructions for the maintanance of the register for wzttching final settlement of accomtsObjects: To watch prompt finalisation of accounts in respect of the individuals wlF bmrc noneffitive on release/discharge etc. (See para 98). On receiot of senforms/drafting order etc. the relevant colu4n will be completed -ad tbc -OoJomints"will be immedia*tely calted for from BUVIK/CGHQs. oecerruw be watched and the service documents crc' will ba -to:ptp,pt,$11*1,"":-:f after completion of the relevant column in the register. rto*"i i;-Sh:lp/brdbtitnm"ot :hr:.,"::T^fill The Rigister rnill be submitted to the Officer-in-Charge monthly' FLY LEAF NO. 4 Rsister for wat&ing Final Settlement of accounts. SL Nc Iitu Pav Afu Date of release/ dischargo etc. Genform DDNo. Date No. and date under Datc Date of Rornarks finalisation of recoiPt of documests which documents calleil for i<- I FLY LEAF INSTRUCTION NO. 5 Flyleafinstructionfortheregisterofmarkedrun/deserlers' Objec:t: To ensure that all run/deserter 1ny account are settl€d promptly. (See Para 100) the As soon as the ggnfom/daily order noliffing the casu-alties of marked run are received beJond the date of *u-"*iub.;1.,dfr-1hgGirdto€n$retnainopa_yandall-gwanceareadmitted ^caitea for from BUyIKS. through the. mcdium of R\r"/De.€"t€" eF fml-;tia#nt documents will be is ;ffdhd: ftc tqoturizci"n of debit balance watched through this register, Tb rqi*r Eitr bc submitted to acaount ofrcer every montht -i. it) o -a GI d :.F :a:*:_,. ' ri-: aE ie Es EE$E C) !t E rt I:"=:--'-: le? l::: :: i--r:l: gG: ::1.-- -i=-:r-, ::: o tt o 8b FF tuz <€ J4 s ( & + A II \o dE it) e d z \.} e o 7-_ a .-_ I F ol o\ , FLY LEAF' TNSTRUETIONS NO. 6 Fly leaf iastmctions for the maintenance the _Register of IRLAs.transferred-INf0UT -or issuc of LPC,6 other offcat iransfer'of IRLA or issue' 'of 'AiJect to watch the traasfer of LPC to olhcf, ofurs. (Sec Para 107) Columns I to 7 o!' the register witl be completed, -with refer.crce to genfornlDCE CE,o'rders register On r€cfut be riatched.:tlrrorrgh-the LpC wili rvateted:throrrgh -the reglster will'lie IRLA./issue of LPC tranefer of IRLA./issue oromot transfer n reeiot. -The =The oronof on C thfiilitulars will be entereC in '.he remaining relevant column of the registu. of Th 'Tb registei will'pe submitted to Accounts Office-Monthly' FLY LEAF INST. NO.-6 Ship,{Estt. from whicb " , transferred I-z Fty Leaf Inst. No. 6-cotdShip/Estt. to which transferred Date of receipt of IRLA IN/OU" Cr. \ tr-uf{D}t66OBDn-t Reo*g Balance oa transfer Dr- -:- . .\ 6.higdqq{ ::1*::''i:.5i;i:'''-r'il' . . . '', Glcral .. . !:,:. . Index c"ot d &rd Card Iqdex GEn@ : . i List of Ships/Establishrcnts nirdlution df Cenformprining' otders/CE lists etc' . Prdgress Report Yearlyf{omirall oth- t; 138 , 6d' \ CHAPTER VIII ,, Otj+riles :.. , r t30. The objectives of Central Co-orciination Section al'e :(D''to coordinate and control the accounting functions of fhe ledSer wings. (O Formaintain an upto date day to day record perlaining t-o hdgei occoitnt$; Central Coordination Sub*Section l3l. This sub-section wili be responsible ior control and coordination fsr the various ...it.r, of *bff- wings. The sub-sectiirn will :(i) Maintain an upto daie iisi showing the names of uni. ts whose p4y accounts arg maintained. (il)lvtaintenanceofcentralcardindexofalleffectiveandnon+ffectiveIR'LAs. done in ledger ., ., ' , {iii) Controlali miscellaneousitems _esnforn/payq$,+ _aceui,tfanc€ rott'OO1;yCe.fisl,,ffiff. Vouchers. .j' (iv) Furnish statistics for informatias tased on the IR.LAs wtrich niay be required specially at times by main o&=eenerrFd (v) Coasolidare ad subdt fhe various reports and returns pertaining to ledger wings to Main Ofuon ' .,-tq llL ,, i .y+4f=F=-*e, tnd t pbr"hart for carryils ou1 the above'iteorsof worts. l&F;'Whenever I$.LAs are opened they rvill be pai-sed on by the ledger wing I task holdeis task hoiders. The lattir *iif pi6pur" ru"a for each rRLA; u'nJ th"o iot" o,iti. ,da!9-,q+,w$9lthi card is opened and autireniicate" the entry.by *ri-o"i"Jiritaia-;i;"";;fi:ilr'#,tnst-* .,,,.,..='.,,ti!I&-.r.i.4trd,'So(A)/AAo. Particulars of all cardscpened wiit oe .""oiciol" i"ertei;r-ii"'|i#o.." to card ' d.e date- Card i*x ii.i"j"G g-is€s*r€b*.;- " PE.No. RLA ,, qpqedl : it*eiidl,', Card .-__-a__l oPgned on ,fnttiaft', .-4:-:r' recov€rlng. the IRLA 2 Ust of ShiplIstablituc rJJ' 133. An ru up EP to w dafF w tBr.ryrrq fu shedl*l-tlx uFrElIHi will bc &.*D -e- 9r aruslrQrEa[Ions\,v-nOSe pay aCCOUntS afe maintained bV h#*e#,ffi #,r*'ru$s.t*sx;*{u.E$kls?Hpj$ffi "ffnffi #,f ffi mffi T"?mi#:ff H*,1?"1H.Ti',1'"1,TifE?[1i***,, Section S.@ 6d Genfornflhafting Orders/CE List'etc. order and civilian lists notifying various casualties such as liromotions, iiunish,I34. Genform/Drafting 'transfers=, granting.MlR, HL&{ Expetriation allowance,- Leave, Run - Sirrrender, Ap mcrlt, enrolments, orehension. Discharee etc. wlll be received -"ra in this subsection. All such documents will be screinized; paised on to lisbursement ledger Wing-II for action- Di; 6i;;;;';"hit*iili-r't"tuiir.i"t-*ir" crepancies s^uch as missing numbers etc. ' a're reconciled after necessary correspondence with th, g or!i- .. nate. Pay Books 135. Completed pay books forwarded by ship/e-stt. will be centrally received in this- sub-section and The pay books rvill thereafter be passed o_n t9 ledger Wing-II fOr duly checked, the period covered by such paybooks will be noted in the books receipl verification. On index cards and passed-on to record subsec'uion for safe custody- entered in a separate-register. - All the casualties affecting the movement of IRLAo.e.g, transfer, desertion death, discharge, release etc. will be noted on the indei cards. Wheneyer a trahsfei ocCurs, the name of the o1d uriit will not be deleted but fresh enty will be made below so that card will show the hi-story of the movements of the indi. vidual. In the case of transfer of fBI.As from one shiplestt. to anqther in the same section, the "Registers of IRIA5 transf,er out" maintained by ledger wing vide para 107 will be collected by e'G. Sub-section and card index marked acccrdingly. The effective and non-effective card will be kept separately. 'a qqe, '-,'" =,!i:::.- Roll 94 eld Controf of Acquittance 136. When acquittance Rolls IN (Pay) 229 pertai{ng to Coast Guard Strjp/Estt. are received alongwith top schedules ihe same will be entered in tG acquittance rolls gontrgl register, ship/estt. wise in a consecutive serial numbers allotted to top schedule from the first day of April every year as mentioned. 137. The acquittance rolls will be passed on to Disbursement lRLA keepers alongwith original and dupli. cate top schedules. The clerks maintaining that register will watch the return of the duplicate copies top sche-dule duly acknowledged in part II ibid with forwarding memo addrEssed to impresi enable the idprest sub-section to checks:the corr€ctness the _amount with cash account. .Any amount rem,aining de6iteO in the IRLA for sa{ng rpasons or other will be rloted in the "Research Register" maintained for the purpose. The amount'tept under research will also be noted in the Col. 6 o-f the Acquittance Rolb ionirol Register.4nd as whdn it is cleared the same will be linked and noted in Col. 7 of the above Regisrcr. Action on Local Release Serials 138. On receipt of local release genform/drafting order/signal etc. all the otd IRI)A and case files of the individual goihg on superannualion reltiase/disctrarge'ari collecte4 personrel No., Name aad IPA sheets will be throughly checked and discrepancies if any are set righl Necessary.ser*ice doetmenis will be imrnediately be'called for from the O-i/c, BUVIK, C.G. be if not already receircd. On rgceipt the same will be entered in final settlement register and passed on to concrned IPa, keeper for necessary action. Miscellaneous Vouchst 139. Misceilan€ou vouchms ssch as hospital steppage, loss statement, rent/licence bills, MtR.vouchers will be receirad shipr'ctl Tice and entered in the respective register showing the amount and distiibirte to concerd auditorsforadjustmena It will be seen that fhese vouchers are cleared immediately,.d-iscrepencic: srr& as wrong personnel number, double recovery for the balance period etc. referred to concerned. adhoriths for darifica€on. 68 .AI\INEXIJRE'D( List of Rcpor6 asd Retuqrs to bo rendered. by Coast Guard Section connected with maintcoaneof IRLAs FLY LEAF INSTR'I'gfrONNO. 7 Fty{gaf iasrructions for the maintenance of Register of index cards opened. ObjeAs:-To keep are@rd,ofallthe index Chrd:oPen€d in res1rut of IRI,As maintain€d (scc pra $2) Particulars,of'all cards opened will be recorded in the register arc olnned, ' to ensure that no daplicate IRLA The register will be suimitted to the Officer-in-charge nonthly- FLY' I.EAF INSTRIJCTION'NO. 7 -. E lth. &G -,' d,Baqf .,: . R€gistef, oJ.Iadex,er-ds ope-aed:,' IRLA, in opaod/received card , :epg,ad.oo inilial of Remelks' AAO/SO(A), reeiving theIRLA FLY LEAF INSTRUCTION NO 8 Fty leaf i'astructions for the maintenance of Register, Geaforql{r:aflitg orderlCE orders etc. , ObJectz-To ensufe all the gsnfornl/drafing ord€rslcivilians ete; orders are received orderi ind there are no missing numbei (see nara 13a)' As soon as be entered in the as srders notifting the casualties are received, r€istcr w-is', and passod fit aroid ddat dadiustn€ot of pay and allowance. to ledger wing for a in consecutivo it will pramptly adjustment sq FLY LEAF INSTRUCTTON NO. '] 8 Register of epnform/draftin-g ordlrslCE orders etc. Date of receipt No and date Missing genform date under which the missing etc. I'{o. called DDOJCEC ri No. & of denfoni/ for Initial of , 'tBd!Or-:r@+ inglemfqfms DDO/CEQ€ic' f 2 FLY LEAF INST,RUCq-IQN NO. e Register of'PaY books, $rib. Pde4 :€o*clmg '.the p4y ,bok Date of . ."' .' receipt hthe s{Frtioo. Initiel , j'' ,of.the'-.' ' atiditor rffeivtng the pay book for checking 1' DaJe of raceipt of pay books ddly checked ..-', FLY LEAF INSTRUCTION NO. 10 Fly lCaf instructions for the maintenance of the Register of Acquittance roll contro{Distribution , Object : To watch the speed of adjustment of acquittance roll (See Para 136). ' ' ress The register will start a fresh for every month and should exhibit again each acquittance rq{ thc progof adjristment until the entire amount is cleared To ensure prompt distribution Officer-in-Charge monthly. of Acquittance Roll, the-registerwill be submitted to the Account FLY LEAF INSTRUCTION NO. 10 Register of Acquittance roll control/Distributioo Name of the Ship/Establishment {nonth). Sl- No. Date Sch. Date and month of Affi e@dlinlRl-A Acquittance Roll No. No. C.ontrol cloarance of . FLY LEAF INSTRUCTION NO. Initials of the Auclitor .madjtrsd anooot 11 Fly leaf instructions for the maintenance of the Register of Acquittance Rolls items under Research. Object:-To watch the speedy adjustment of Acquittance Rolls items under research (See Para 137). nill ;.:,,r-.-,:--, : , Thosc items of acquittance rolls which do not easily adjust and require further research or referen@ be entered in tbis iegister. The items entered in the register are adjusted expeditiously. -The- regist* will b-e submitted to the Officer-iu-Charge monthly' . FLY L-EAF INSTRUCTION NO. 1I REGTSTER OF ACQUTmANCE ROI,L ITEMS UNDEB RESEAXCg Month Name of and ship/ control No. estt. e21llqpFffirro Acquittance Rolls and items No. Amount neasm\lrlod 'lnUsdiEg aqoqBt cl@rcd Rcmarks CHAPTER X . REYI.EW GROUP ' ::: a r.,.:t . tr,:.' .* :,:, . ,t:::-F:;_ ::l ..F.4i4($ .:.+.,{S= -,:.. 'i-S11,: .,,.;!{{_. ::.*:-::: . r . : z *t < --dl153-1S- rgr,se 11. IL : -'!. :,-: * 73 Objectives 150. The objectives ofl review group is to IRLA are rrairtiaiued ploperly by ensure ' the the iPA keepers. General 151. The review group, of c. of 'work done in the will conduct 9l'i'ntelligent scrutiny' in ii"'iJ"iil"i"-t# iil'ffiii***.i *.'.litort and vill work G-uard. section Guards section. ttie group win function close accord with them.- c. . Fmctions ' 152. The main functions of the rerien- group m51r be brcadly divided isto the follo*ring headings :- (i) ftrutinY of the IRIAS' {ii)CffiineofafliEdfuumeillssochasgenforn,rDoE,rDoDiCE.!ist. tloclcctixthsnt.sbgeeathelRLAsandthefinanciataccounts{abstractcireeiptandcharges.) orders such as selected selection of the application of thc neru rrf) Rrirxfcet rlffL's ,b5r random,o,rJi!'iTt#"fi;fih;ipi'ii."tii" i" thi actscl practice of selected i-"dpayandauowan* Got- or&s etc' Scfrs d IRLAs 'rrr. wing I and ledger the IRLAS over.all o concurrent review rvill becairied outf*,igti""aer_revieweveryqurrtei:oLalt:iuatequarterso TT33t::l.YJ,t:llTf shipiestt.ii ofeach rvinsl[. The accounts rrrlpr.itt. a..6ui't are rL'crified ttren and there that-misrake ccmmittee by a redger uuoit anO not allot'ed to continue for long' Theouantumof audit rvill norma]|y oilJiiiiE'*iin " be 25/'.oF_!b9 IPA F"*:l*i:i[[:ff #Fl1ffi,S*6",itrr;tri,fr of OM. VIt. ' :. i Jll* ronnula . binders 1',-";ff .' be reiorded adopted for selection shown invariably utt.les-s a iori,cst pcrcentage ril";'"'#'li;.';ni;f is i;3'1'f ,T -* ''rili i-e ;i.:ieia1i., sciutirrizeci to (a) Entries in the- IRL-As viz. service-pq,Ji9Y1?,, arrd.dedtrctloi:s fo'' i-':si-' rhe lRLAsrvill see that the initials oi uuaitJ'iiis6?A))XX""il;;t;;-;;;'ic'cd be subjected to a general scrutlny to see .Tn:ir ^..J:,.--. q^J a\ia a (i)Allchargeshavebeencheckedbytheledgerwingauditors.soiA}rAAoandtireirdated ' initials exist. (ii)RatesofpayShgy|are.correctanrlcorrespcndileediustr:lcltexist$j.{Fthg.aa+hotisa$ouf & CE lists' disbursement. rpas wrtn|Jf!ffi;; ;^ dfaiioElooo/DoP involved on account:of chanses in rates t-"}1t:t*i: (iii) \---l Changes in the rate of 9p.fand adjusted :::TI"t corrpctlv' ;il;tv iil;;;tr;"t"d i : ,. : theselecledquarter/r4onthwillbesubjecttodetailedcheckl' : : ' it wilt be seen that :- : Sl Castings have been correctly done and calculation are correct' ''.''.. ' :' -Qi) Recoveries of GPF and PLI subscription "n: t:i" : . ^:"' . and advance.etc' af- regularly effected' (iii)Thrcopeningbalancesarecorrectandicarriedforwardcorrectiy. ' 14 (iv)- Full particulars (period and.au[horit/, nljure of allo"wanee)) and all nriscellaneous credits and dcbits have iieprr notcd in tho rclpdsJivo coluunr} asd thele are oo overlapping credits or short , debifs. (v) Continuity of pay bools serial nunirber . cxisJs. 154. The IRLAs reviewed wilt be suitably eifaced under the initi'als of the auditors and SO(A)/AAO sSowine the noriod upto which reviewed and guarterslbonths eccorut subjected to detailed review. The narticuiar neiiod upt6 which a binder bas beso reryiewed will be slnowu ou the inside of the back binder iover in tlie profoima appended bclow Binder No. & of the shiP/estt' Name Pcriod upio whicb revieurcd :- Dltoen wbich lgyitye6rfl4!d Dated initials of auditor Date initials of So(A)/AAo element of surprise should be maint$ned by selgctinqdi{hreut AccountirJg quarter/month binders of IRLAs for detailed revie* ia each'Review Quarter'instead of invariOitrerent - -.rt""tiog same acc-oontifig quartet immediately preceding - +h: r-evigw uUfy o.tdrtetirnooth-for the binder sclectcd for ieview es e mattcr of course and also in ttre ofanciltary items which should be made with more emphasis on the representative Norr :-Au loi the ili;;iff and-qualitative chaiacter rathcr than on thc numerical Checkof AllieilDocuments 155. (Gen forms/CE list/i Tlre revicw - asd goqp n'iil cre$bc es'*t I iipr*ing fficrs} 5/. cfrccls {pndttcnq$s a$.2-/,, 2t 91!t: tittl*; The review will ,ffi;Yrnffi 'ffi 'lt'#fi ;:*lin*yi*ffi ild.ifr-ii;rdird. i:ll"r.1ff .'*.ifi J*iff be };"f;3 Ddng 4p perreniae cbscks itwill be*sen-th.at pay and allowances have been the-disbmsenrnt shtrt of theIRLA. ;trr.tty ahagrn rnd-ffiGd'in ,7< _ 'u .. ^15F. Thefollowingpercentage of;checksshownagainst'eachitemwill AAO duri*g the {evievr bf IRI,A ete, for th,,- each quarter Nat'uiacf docume;rts Sl.,No. ,r. ff SO1A;' of ch:cli= l. Authorisation a z. Disbursement IR.LA Off sers r}IA ? Disbursement IRLA Saiiors 00.q 4. NA ListiDaily listiGazette notification Officer 010 5 Drafting Orders-Sailors. 010 6. sl ips/Offfrcers/Saiiprs 1C0 Genform-Sailors 005 '7. Miscellaneous demand 010 .8. Miscellaneous Credits 010 Recurring debit li-ke hcc'me-Tar 0*t lo Rent Bills--O$cers o1* lt. Rent Bi[s 010 Acquittane rollq $05 Remittance q10 9. 13. . .:i:_i beearrjeelou|by'ihe ::.-,: , t4:- -,Futd d€.ductions' 003 'Closed Pay tsooks |i uri-: 16. Abstra"ct casting and tracing r]!'r 2 17. Terminal/Gratuity cla.ims 18. r0c FuId Accounts 100 tbetotalitenrof r,o;l-:;lio','nagainrtsl.no>.4to l6checkc,Jl"ySf1,\)'ii\l::: i:j-.ur- Ooly s}yoof 'ryc confirrned to the work revieu,ed by autlitt,ir i,:e r.,'r,-::rir;irrq 9?lT t-ittt percentage fixed abovc. will 50% be_ing,ehecked out of the items tot so revierured. Should the perientage iesult in ihe nurib.,l..ttli--ii fallilg belgw'iwo, a minimum of the one itenr already checked 6y the ailditor e*d a,noilei- iie;r:s g+t so checked will be brbught rvithin the pur.riew of the review of SO(A)/AAO. items as nlay be decided b-r.ri:e O-iC- Aftei . The SO(AyAAO will in additicn check such speciai the test checks are carried cqt_.by SC(A)/AAq this fact willbe recordedb_v- r,iakirgea€*tii+i:e+lei:ir liC; 'individuals ilnder this dated iilitials in the pa] ac,rounts:of the and othei allied- doc,rments co,]i*r,r*i aq,,well as in the test checks register vlliere in the names of the OfficemlSailors Asd official ;;t*, whoseacc,0gntswereauditpdduringqtmrterirrerecorded. Objection Statements - 157. All objections loticed du1:r-e review r*illSlssued to&4gquing II through objectiarn s ateraent and settlement of objections pursued in the manner laid down in ainexurdilt to hipresi At r.itlo"-oi oM PT' VII' :';:1'-'' ;i='''- ' "' t' Iftheaudito@ionisaorredisnediatesteps'willbetakens byledgerrvingll to adiust further oavover issue witf regard to the provisiJis Fents etc. at correct rate and to take steps for_rec_ov_eJY. f9r past laid down in Rule 179 Fimnciat Regulation Pt. i. Vol. l. ' 76 payments 158. In case the matter is to be referred to administrative authorities, CGDA for a.ruling the payments past ogly be confirmed action yl-l and stopped will be obiection of oav and allowances-""4"r -on Cfje (N) and Coast Guard authorities and recovery rvill be deferred pending ;; ffi ;; J;d;;to-the ;;ri-il irom Navaf-rr*Oq"".te:rsfcoast Guard Headquarter' in the obj-ition statemini The cotlective value.of the objections sotincluded 'Money in an object:l.l^t.l19f"ll register). value is fhe prime guide to progress (Audit in IAFA-4?3 btrd;r t. ;; ot,; t4-"i*J the gravitf or otherwise of an .objection. Scale Audit of the Complement of Inilian C. Guaril 159. procedure outline inpa'''a223 oM PT. vII will be followed so far as C. Guard is concerned. . -'Aitvances : sn Acquittance Rolls will be conducted solely from the ecquittagce rolls into the IRLA. while conducting tfr" rlti"tiii *ifi U. r"* thut there is not break in the ctntinuity o{-OlybooLs serial numbers entered in the i[Ld';;,i'trrui urtioo ttui b""o taken by the kdger group to call for irarticulars in respect of missing . 160. Review numbers. of heany adnanc6 it edll be seen whether prompt action has ben taken by ledger gro-up in consultation wiJhth-erlvrgqofhcers-and *here they to ;ni.ertigateil*-"itr#; "f l*-npeymJnts iqiui mre, ac,tion has been taken by the ledger wingfor liquidation th" qredie "r. ""r*ilu"nv "."r*rdby in-;ddare witb the order in force' ;i-t"bil-b"h"1" In all cases Fd Bswis . ... ,:-,.,tt,1tt' :- to-the extent indicated below .,t$,,;==8 .F-c=.hpc*ed : nt of all initial entries :.-= '{a1't (b) 2 Per cent of all charges (c)lpercentofdebitvouchers.postedinthefundbroadsheet- Checking of Abstracts of Receipts and Charges will be checked in to the grand summary and supporting vouchers :- (i) ,Opening balance in t!re. abstract for current quarter/month r,vill be compared with the closing " 6alancl forjhe previous quarter to the extent of l0 percent' (ii) The totals of both sides of abstract of for the current quarter/month will be checked in full Grand total will be checked. _ ,.! (iiD The totals of both si{es of abstract of receipt and charges should be checked to see that they 162. This tallY' : (iv) The progressive figures underthe head'Field Deposits'0/0!6/01 and net-balancesintheindi' vi?uai i,inning t"AEer accounts for the quarter/mbnth should be wcrked out to ensure that sets of figures' , thcre is no differenie between the two . ?: (v) on receipt of printed compilation it should'be seen jlat tk'".9"Tj.--.h:ru- s:1.^lh^::-h.u4 .Fi;ld d"p;;iiJlugri.r witn tnat shown in tnc purcbbg medim of the abstract of receipt and charges for that Watch over Expenditme quarter/month' SrrdidfrlIfldT{!., _ rot thc cxlrnditure-sanctioned for a limited period is not admitted such sanction will be maintained b! Review b.u"Jinei *,i"d #16fr" 6x614 sanction- A-record ofknown in lime by the Review group to leclger b€ will sanction aoy Xnade fn"-Oaa,Ae*rity"of e-fo;163. The rer1.q. gr.gap,x_iecnqilfie ;;d Arc3;3ffi *il t*;aittafrKd in prescribed form to rvatch such sanction. 77*: S. !io. ,-artieu'lii of::sanction which Date on which Date on sanction iseffective sfinctton exorres ) 1.. tl ri ' Authority '5 ';i " tt*Aifark. -.6 Tech:ii*:l -{il: ire'fesf Auiiit RtIleTG i{-!. Ti;: :.-dr--1--q.3ilr BiIl eEEeiEe all teahili€al slanctionp€rtaiiling to.Fay.an$r4llowancres of C, Gg:.-jp:-:: i::;:; ;;rd F-".lir terirnicel;.lvice on accounting and other aspecis to Coast Guard A&ninistrar+? i6it"riri;. :aci sieer los'er i-oruation. ' nr be also exa4ined=thaf the test'a,udit objection/Draff paras are replied *,ilt to and dealt with till 6nalisarioa. l:j:. y,'!t,; iir':.,t io Ii,r consaii,jatetl ;bstract the pay and al!+v'arlres of Coast Guard Personnel . :f, la1o,,.;lri1C iiy ti:r review g.oup-to-th* reiev"ant Headi of accounts as iricscrib*d in the classification , ,','.i 't.-.ir1; . C-i:r:::-;e E:i!r.;;ce-3h,e oper:ing bala-nce will be acljusted try debit to field deposits. The opening b::i:ri++ .-.=:;iit =+l::!ed b;='credit to field d.l"u:lt:' t:edi; .r:ie-{t} ?ry and alloiv$ce rvill L'e dehitet! to_ C. Guard slrspense head 'AlA20l49' (2) Miscell,::.-€!Fi'r:1,cie$its,1i;'=11 --u,tq.+,,.,,'5 *ubited"ttl the game ire:d ibid' ;,1..1 tc ltrprest hcld,ers by thg lljprest -audit subs9ction,.the.recovery be crl'{.lirc,i ti; tl'.e serne-suspense head. (ii) Creriits for FLi subscription in_respect '::"*"il !'er5pi:;^i , rcr'. ur1'r,-i t:rrougli IR"LA v,tith reference 'r.o FLI sc*edui"a -receir'ed from f)irector *-. iirr,.t t .,,:: i,,:. Irii:ri'*:l t+ tit* F:sial departiient moirtl:rl,r' througi: tire i'"i;strlicis of -receipt-and cha.Ses by i-i.: re,,ir,-,:r,,;i i.; Ci- Pi".r i{c.,rl {su-'pensi head GiJ20/49r,. .lt will be seen a:-aj et:}j:3d-thnJtheamountcomp,i"i t:i""t r',,itlr i:;* ici:ii :.::r*uni of schedules'.-endere,i fbi iire mcnth iiii) Fue'3 deduction will be credifed i" i"4J i;e:d c*ncerr-t*;1 {iv} trnc*me Tax recc'veries wili be creriite<i io ths n'iad. "-''"="6;;;$tt!:!$$i'*7Cilt,'6i, "i-lvantei :' : .: j;;-;;;neatt*;; ,,.-rii ' " .' ' " , , ' C!*s.ing bn!ances-{.a) iitile eiosi;"lg i-.a1ar;ce-b: a. credit balar:ce it +adjgstd-bycredit to "Field D.pouitt; " ft) 1f the clc,i;,:g briia;:re b6 dei;it i;:lance it !s adjosted by debit yrder "Fieid deposits". i5f. Tli*;ii,ssiir:riiirr.! -:.,;11 b: ci:e;ied bi SOf.A),rAAO-ofj*'rytioo.-'.,1it9'qupli"ate goqigs.of the pu*"i-;-.g-;,ecig::: =,,;" i:r.j th: cr+srifi:arion iupported by the foliawiirg-schedtlie.*1$tatement will be sent ie;ii'':.' to i-'!r ;j.!i:.= , r,.,rj .i.,-;F;,:ie-AFPFF Schdete, l{otcr,€g#F{ot9r'c;iele arlvanc-e recovery statement, :ni:: -:*- stg-ie:;ietrt, {*uo bail{i+g reeovety,;sfateme*1, scireiluies in respect of .creditT --r::i:-i lr rjei-..r *:: **€r FAOJCp*a- R:coaciiiat'g*,:stat€ment in respesr of amounts compiled to ir#t-o i**i pU Suiu=rigicn sc-bedules i_-ii':, E,,,.,::: ,,",: 1,.,.- -., ., ::;j!9-?;1' i-!!ri:- : . . 78 will .d b ll: these which 1, ANNEXTJRE Lrsrbr.REGrsrpRs ToBE nllryrmero :.1 J Regrt". ofAuthorisation sliP ::t* Gfficer *t*sfei rn out or 0JPAY 4t Para lSofthis manual ilue of LPC to olher Para 10? of this manual 5th of the month 5th of the mouth .Re€isbr of Run'out cases Para 100 ofthis manual 5 Registei fbr watchiug regularisation ofdebit balance hra 6 ? r 89198 ofthboanua1 final settlement accoun8 settlmt ofampb RoG@rtln Registerfor\Yatchiogfinal ParagSofbi$ unnual RegisrcrofAcquittas Para RqisrerofAqriempe*"*ry9=1Tl 9 Bei*erddomfMirysderlCEorder etc' 136 .' 5th of the month , oflhismatual ktal3Tofthis maoual l .:-...:'a-a=:--':-..' : .1.. r Sth of t-he morth 105th,ofthe month tt Paral34ofthis*Toul Para 132': of this$rinual, ': 5thof the month ,t Para'135 of.itliis.maaual- :l 5th ofthe'month b- ' 4. on 5thofthemoath Manuscript Para 15 of this maaual Register of oPenia$ of 'IRLAS a YXTI t:. ,t ' l0th:of fu nsrfh l0th of.thc'msrlth 5th of the month rRA}.{sP0trfi[ffiolll ili::-r. , : ra,. ri ::rtli!: rr:: -€ :' : - :t. :j:.:'r...j'!.;,::::F:..:l::'€ ..#. { - :: ll:l- ..- -: ..-.- 4'-: I : :,-.-, :-l :il i:.:!-=::ritil:'=,.: _ j.. ::at::a>j:-it- :. i: - _... :-:: _::::::=i:::t:t:.t,.:.::.::: .. I I :' :'=-a.:,::- - :, ::'-j]:::.i::.]:\ * .*itl'+rtqe aCIre:dd@+ctisn will: *ll6r:'rl+rtc" tII of Office"Manual part VlI. ' ,- _; . : . :j::::::::-j i'::':::: -.":.:.:li: .. ... I . -'.. :j:::::r liig-r., i-. -.t aj-5!+:; :--l --<l{ :; I :i : rl_-::::i:ii :i:r:rt:: :.:, I:t::!_r.::i::':ii::'il:-,ji'r-'j:, .,1.::'..:,:-.",',1'.".; .- CITAFT:g.R fltr{I : 85 .:..: .]. ' :: ::.r::'.r,..+-: -...: : i::ra_:I . :-:a:rr-'r:.-_:-;jr:+-:r,.:--, :l::1:.:i:;:i":r:i: :::: oPieqes ."S6 No. & date of Conection Pana affected ,'a Iqitials of person posting correctioa No,. & tlon ib"' 87 date of Corri:c- para ' ' '': t;;' affected ':' Initialsofpersonr posting correction