May 2014 - Santa Cruz United Methodist Church


May 2014 - Santa Cruz United Methodist Church
PO Box 1549, Sahuarita Arizona 85629
Phone: 520-282-4085
See us at: or
Meeting at 70 E. Sahuarita Road
Worship at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday
CRUZ NEWZ, May 2014
Are you ready for something new this summer?
We asked and you answered. An overwhelming number of you are ready to try something new this summer! Here's
what our Sunday morning will look like from June 1 through July 27:
9:00--Worship together
10:15--Snacks in the hallway
10:45--A few songs & a recap of the day's scripture
11:00--Small groups
What do I do with my kids? As always, your kids will be cared for all morning long. You can pick them up for
snacks...or not. We'll bring a snack to them. Rachael Jacobs will coordinate a team of people to help keep your kidos
happily learning all morning.
Who will be in my small group? The primary purpose of this schedule is to give you the opportunity to develop
meaningful relationships with the people in your church. We will do our best to keep you with the same small group
(8-10 people) in June and then switch up the groups for the month of July. The preacher will provide questions and
get-to-know-you activities each week so you won't have to sit around wondering what to talk about.
Who is providing the snacks and what will we eat? In true United Methodist fashion, you'll provide the food. Perhaps
2-3 families will group together to provide substantial snacks one week during the 9 we're together. We hope to
provide more than donuts. Think yogurt, granola bars, cheese, smoothies, ice cream bars. These details will come
together mid-May.
What should I wear? Please...let's make this summer CASUAL SUMMER! Shorts and t-shirts are just fine during our
hot summer months.
Will my friends be welcome? Absolutely! This is actually a great time to invite your friends. They'll leave feeling like
they made 8 new friends...and so will you!
What if I only want to come at 10:45? That's great, too! Because we'll recap the scripture at 10:45, you won't miss a
beat if you choose not to come all morning long.
If you have additional questions or would like to volunteer to be a small group leader or to bring snacks, email me at
[email protected]. ---Pastor Angie
Awesome, awesome, awesome! This is what I think about our “Worship Without Walls” Sunday. All of the comments
I heard were nothing but very positive. There were so many different opportunities for people to go out into the
community and serve. During her sermon, Pastor Angie mentioned that one definition of Discipleship is helping or
“being there” for someone. I agree. One of my tasks as a Pastor at Santa Cruz Valley is to organize a program of
discipleship. Well, as a church we sure got a good start on Sunday, April 27. (see photos on page 5)
Biblical Discipleship is the intentional act of one person impacting the life of another person in the direction of being
like Jesus. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy he wrote, “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by
many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to
others.” New Living Translation (NLT)
So, I see Biblical Discipleship as: intentional, impacting, personal and Christlike. We are on the right track. I will
continue my work with Discipleship and look forward to more opportunities to be Disciples for Christ as individuals
and as a congregation. ---Pastor Michael
Upcoming sermon series: Changed Lives – Changed World. We will look at the stories of people in scripture whose lives were
changed and, because of their changed lives, the entire world was changed.
May 4 – Zaccheus, Luke 19:1-12
May 11, Mothers’ Day – The woman at the well, John 4
May 18 – Paul, Acts 9:1-31
May 25 – Court Fisher, Wesley Foundation Director will be speaking
LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES BASIC CLASS – The purpose of Lay Servant Ministries is to encourage and
empower lay people to seek and to serve in active ministries in support of their local congreagations and beyond. As a
lay servant you may never be called upon to speak in public. Lay Servants offer their gifts in the areas of Caring,
Leading and Communicating. Desert Skies United Methodist Church is offering a class on Friday, May 16 and
Saturday, May 17. Registrations and payment must be received no later than May 5. Cost is $25 and the text book
must be read in advance of the class. Contact the church office if you are intrested in more information about this
opportunity or phone Gretchen Lofgren at 663-0775.
ATTENTION ITUNES/PODCAST FANS – be sure to subscribe to Pastor Angie’s sermon podcasts. In the iTunes
store, search for “Santa Cruz Valley UMC” and download one sermon or subscribe to receive all. For Android users,
download the app Once it loads and opens, type in Angie’s name in the search tab. Apple users can also
download the app and follow the same procedure as for Android users.
If you have any questions, contact me at [email protected] or 520-625-9067. ---Wayne Craig
FROM THE DESERT SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE: This year's Annual Conference mission project will be a
sock collection competition between the Districts. Socks are one of the least donated but most needed necessity when
it comes to homeless health care. While they're often a limited resource, clean socks are an affordable donation that
makes a big difference for those living in shelters and on the streets. This year's sock collection gives the Desert
Southwest Conference a chance to come together and bless others with the gift of warm, dry, healthy feet through
generosity and competition. Every church can participate in this mission project by bringing packages of socks to
Annual Conference. The socks will be collected and displayed in District specific bins at the Annual Conference
Imaginarium. Churches and individuals can also send money to their district office for the Annual Conference Mission
Project by including "Socks" in the memo line. During Annual Conference, socks will be purchased with that money
and added to the designated District collection bin. Each District will identify a non-profit organization in their area
that is willing to come to the Annual Conference hotel to receive the socks and bring them back to their organization.
We will have a collection bin at the back of the sanctuary to collect these socks for the homeless.
Ladies! The WOMEN OF FAITH tour is making a stop in Phoenix. It starts May 16th at 7:00 p.m. and ends on
Saturday at noon. We will join hundreds of women in sharing stories, laughter, music and worship. The theme of the
event is From Survival to Revival and features speakers such as Christine Caine from Hillsong Church, Kari Jobe, the
worship pastor from Gateway Church and 2 best selling Christian authors, Sheila Walsh & Angela Thomas. For more
information visit their website at http://www.womenof Please contact Amy Kalm 520-305-0221 or
[email protected] to see about sharing rides and a hotel room for the night of the 16th. If 10 are interested in
attending, we could take advantage of a group rate. Once we know how many are interested, we can discuss which tier
and pricing! Let’s see what God has to say to us!
SUNDAY COFFEE AND SNACKS: Any individual or group a welcome to provide our between-services snack.
Dates and information are available at the Welcome Table. Please help if you can, with this fellowship time.
Your eyes and vision are an important part of your Spiritual and Physical health. There are many things you can do so
your vision can be as healthy as possible throughout your lifetime! The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are
good, your whole body will be full of light. Matt. 6:22
Tips for Healthy Vision:
* Get regular comprehensive dilated eye exams
* Know your family’s eye health history - some eye conditions are hereditary
* Eat right to protect your sight: fruits & vegetables, especially dark leafy greens, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
* Maintain a healthy weight - decrease risks of health problems related to eyes
* Quit smoking or never start - smoking increases risk of eye diseases
* Wear protective eyewear for eye safety: during sports, at workplace, and home activities
* Wear sunglasses that block 99-100% of ultraviolet rays
* Clean your hands and contact lenses properly - avoid risk of infections
* Read and Study the Bible
Vision resources from: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
---Submitted by Nancy Schooley, RN, Parish Nurse, 317-410-4948 or [email protected] for more info
CARING HANDS ministry is available to anyone who has a need for meals, rides, assistance at home, etc. One call
or e-mail will activate this group to help in any way we can – summer coordinator is Maureen Swartzentruber at 7806723 or [email protected].
Holy Humor: There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of
the country. "Is there anything breakable in here?" asked the postal clerk. "Only the Ten Commandments." answered
the lady.
Christianity and Islam by Ronn Kerr is a unique new study for a unique time. Each chapter covers a major area of the
world's two largest religions, comparing and contrasting them in a way that brings greater understanding of each.
Written for Christian adults and older youth that have little knowledge of Islam other than what they have seen in the
news, this study aims at providing a general understanding of the differences and similarities between these two great
religions. The study takes neither a 'how-to-convert-Muslims' nor a 'we're-all-the-same' approach. It provides students
with a greater appreciation of both Jesus and Muhammad, both the New Testament and the Quran, and both
Christianity and Islam. One of the most common comments from students who have taken the course is that they
learned a lot about Islam and just about as much about their own faith! Study will be held Sunday, May 4, 11 & 18
from 1-2:30 p.m. The $10 cost covers all materials. Reading outside of class will be required. Please indicate your
participation by contacting pastor.angie@scvumc. THURSDAY LIFT at the church, 7 p.m. Thursdays (May 1 potluck. Contact Sharon Craig for summer schedule)
SIFT (Sisters in Fellowship Together) Ladies meet at the church on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. (May 9, 16, 23, 30)
SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY meets Sundays at 6 p.m. at the Bitker home (contact Kathie about dates)
RICE BIBLE STUDY meets at the church twice a month, Sundays at 5 p.m. (May 4 picnic, then on hold until fall)
LADIES’ ONCE-A-MONTH Group meets on the first Monday at 6:30 p.m. each month. (May 5)
SCRAP BOOKING/CRAFT GROUP once a month, noon to 10 p.m. (May 31)
MEN’S GROUP gathers at 7:30 a.m. 2nd and 4th Saturdays for devotion and fellowship. (May 10, 24)
CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM Sundays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. (May 4, 11, 18)
OTHER MEETINGS: Special Education Parent Support Group May 8, 6:30 p.m.; Board of Trustees May 12, 6 p.m.
VACAtiON BIBLE STUDY work days are May 10 and 17, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; May 23 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; May 31 noon to 5; June
1 12:30 to 5:30.
Have you noticed the jar on the chair at the back of the sanctuary gradually filling up with coins and bills? It says
UMCOR on the label. Have you ever wondered what that stands for and how the money will be used?
The following is an excerpt from the March - April issue of the United Methodist Interpreter. I think this gives us a
good idea of what UMCOR does and how we at Santa Cruz Valley can be a part of this mission.
By Tom Gillem
A lack of food irreversibly damaging the health of children and the elderly ...Young adults virtually unable to
contribute to their country's development ... A teenage girl seeking refuge from modern-day slavery.
These aren't the typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes and other horrendous headline-grabbing disasters that first come to
mind when thinking about the worldwide relief efforts of The United Methodist Church. Instead, they are among the
many other humanitarian crises the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) addresses each day, unthinkable
events affecting entire countries - and individuals.
When the unthinkable occurs somewhere in the world, it may be an event such as a famine, a major chemical spill, a
massive fire, a tornado, a hurricane, a typhoon or an earthquake. The unthinkable may also be vulnerable adults or
children caught in human trafficking, people living in dire poverty or without access to clean water or mothers, infants
and toddlers dying for lack of access to basic medical care. Whatever the catastrophe, United Methodists respond.
They are doing something about it through their local church by giving to UMCOR, which then uses that money -- 100
percent of what is given -- to directly respond to those situations.
UMCOR now works in more than 80 countries providing humanitarian relief and health and development assistance to
the most vulnerable people and communities affected by crisis or chronic need...UMCOR provides both temporary
relief and long-term development, training and support.
For disaster relief in the United States, UMCOR works with annual conferences, which coordinate the response to
locally identified needs. When there is a disaster around the world, the folks on the ground in that area are
immediately contacted. If there is a United Methodist or a Methodist presence UMCOR reaches out to those people to
help coordinate the response effort.
"UMCOR represents the best of our connectional system," said the Rev Denise Honeycutt, deputy general secretary for
UMCOR. "It's when we say we are about something bigger than just ourselves. And when we come togther, we can
do more together than we can do separately."
So keep that change coming in. Help Santa Cruz Valley do its part in giving hope when the unthinkable happens
somewhere in the world.
We also collect: Food Bank Items, Toys for the Sopori School Christmas (suitable for grades 1 through 6), Box Tops
for Education and Campbells’ Soup Labels. All are appreciated! ---Connie Kratzer, Missions Coordinator
Wow I can't
amazing year
group. We are
help students
be transformed
that if students
means for their
some good
have a fun event
school year. We
year we are
our students High students
students. We
calendar being launched soon.
believe we are almost to the end of the school year. What an
this has been. There is so much happening within the Vintage Life
launching into a
Transformation. I
want to
understand what it
means to
through Christ. I
can tap into what
that truly
lives, they will
walk into
places for their
lives. We
coming up for the
end of the
are also excited
that this
offering two
camps for
one will be for
and one for High
have a full
We wanted to send out a huge thank you to everyone that donated to
the Red
Envelope Fundraiser. It was a huge success and our most successful
to date. Thank you all for believing in our students and this ministry. We can't do it without you! Blessings to each of
you! ---Tony Jacobs, Vintage Life Director CHILDRENʼS MINISTRY
So many wonderful things are happening with King's Kids. We just finished a 16-week series on the life of Jesus and
things He did while He was here on earth. In the next 4 weeks we will be learning about the 40 days after resurrection.
This will finish out the school year-wow!!!! It is hard to believe that the school year has gone by so fast.
We have been so blessed this school year to have teens also join in serving in Kings Kids. Did you know that teens
serving and feeling a part of the church and finding places that they fit and can offer their gifts is essential to them
staying in church after they graduate. The kids love having them join us and we are so thankful to be a part of them
learning about their faith and how they can serve.
Looking forward to summer we have huge plans for Kings Kids. We know that the adults are changing up what they
are doing for summer and we are too. The details are still being sorted out but rest assured your kids will not be bored,
will learn and will actually have fun the weeks we are on an altered schedule.
Last but not least, as we prepare for summer we are going to need help. Normally we have around 10 kids in first
service and in second service we always have at least 20 and usually are closer to 25+. With the new summer schedule
all of the kids will be in the back together. This last Sunday when we did worship without walls we had over 40
people in the back. That means that we are going to need a TON of help. Please consider helping in the back at least
one week this summer. If we had everyone serve at least one week it would be amazing and we would not be short
workers. Please contact Rachael for information and the sign up schedule.
---Rachael Jacobs, Children’s Ministry Director
Holy Humor: Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question, "Boys and girls, what do we know about
God?" A hand shot up in the air. "He is an artist!" said the kindergarten boy. "Really? How do you know?" the
teacher asked. "You know - Our Father, who does art in Heaven... "
What a wonderful Palm Sunday celebration we had, with the children waving palm branches in addition to
ceremonies for Baptism, Confirmation and Church Membership!
Confirmed were Mary Campbell, Jenny Chatterton, Ginny Graves, Olivia Graves, Joan Huff, Julian Kratzer, Ken
Kratzer, Addison McCarty, Ian Mottley, Grace Olsen, Andrea Rivera, Miranda Rivera and Prestly Rivera.
Baptized were Ian Mottley, Joan Huff, and Noah Graves.
And new members joining the church were Jeremy Graves, Bill McHaffie, Susan Watson, Ken Mottley, Howard
Watson, David Brooks, Karla and Harvey Goering, and Amy, Suzanne and Meg Kalm.
We are welcoming you all into our fellowship!
Easter Sunday brought three services, a beautifully decorated sanctuary, and a few other surprises!
Worship Without Walls resulted in much service work being done outside of our church walls, including the
church grounds and homes of some of our members, Sahuarita roadside, food banks and homeless areas of
Wanda Lothert celebrated her 90th birthday with neighbors and friends recently.
American Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE fundraiser was a huge success. 21 teams with over 354 people
participated. It was held March 29th at Anamaz park. Over $78,000 was raised! Team Cruzin for a Cure raised over
$2,200 through pledges and activities. Also, 900 pounds of food were donated to the local food bank.
Thanks so much to everyone who volunteered or donated to this very worthy cause to find a cure for cancer. Keep
March 28th open in 2015 for the next Relay For Life. ---Debbe Ainslie, Team Captain
Monthly CRUZ NEWZ will be published from the church office by Glenna Campbell for the next few months.
Please send all information and photos to her for this purpose. Thank you, Glenna! As always, the weekly e-NEWZ
blast is being sent from the church office, and information for that e-mail communication may be sent to the office.
ELECTRONIC GIVING for tithes and offerings is now available at the church. For more information, check out the
church website.
SENIOR PASTOR: Angie McCarty, 977-8879, [email protected]
ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Michael Anderson, 604-2818, [email protected]
YOUTH MINISTRY DIRECTOR: Tony Jacobs, 909-471-6897, [email protected]
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DIRECTOR: Rachael Jacobs, 909-471-6464, [email protected]
MUSIC DIRECTOR: Randy Cochran, 981-1547, [email protected]
BOOKKEEPING & FINANCIAL RECORDS: Cheryl Chatterton, 399-2898, [email protected]
OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR, Glenna Campbell, 207-2766, [email protected]
CHURCH BULLETIN: Diana Conway, 245-5470, [email protected]
TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR: Wayne Craig, 625-9067, [email protected]
NEWSLETTER: Lynda Ashcraft, 609-5977, [email protected]
CHURCH OFFICE HOURS; 9 to noon, Monday through Friday, [email protected]
Our Mission: A multi-generational church connecting, sharing and growing in the love of Christ.
Our Vision: An accepting church inspired and empowered by God to serve the world.
Our Values: Loving, Accepting, Learning, Growing, Outreaching, Humility
Holy Humor: There is the story of a pastor who got up one Sunday and announced to his congregation: "I have good
news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is,
it's still out there in your pockets."