June 7, 2015
June 7, 2015
We are praying for: Shirley Ahnstedt, the people of Nepal, Ashley Long, Karl Scott, Art Garcia, Becca, Dave and baby Katherine Austin, Aileen Randolph, Shelly Vincent-Price, Joan Mecom, Eve Crolius, Margaret Martin Our continued prayers for: Josh Pierson, Logan Powell, Linda Johnston, Heather, Bob and Ellie Hacker, Gary Abbuhl, Mary, Michele Zuniga, Joan, Clara Shipp, Ken Cruz/Cambodia, Linda Calvin, Glo and Ed Keller, Don Worthington, Joan Williamson, Gerrianne Parker, Tara Gross, Lindsey, Barb Banquer, Andrew Runn, Gene Thompson, Tom Cobb Our troops world wide: Chris Jensen, Valerie Kyzar, Tony Mastriano, Jon Strait, Robert Runn, Irish Selman, Devin Glaser, Danny Banner, Michael Sundberg, Kyle Worthington, Travis Brinkman, Kyleigh Vogels, Nick Lahvic Send your prayer requests, or if you would like to be added to the email prayer chain to: [email protected] For more information on our ministries, Contact Directors: Children & Family Ministries: Misty Bone [email protected] Youth: Emily Farrenkopf [email protected] Nursery: Jenn Jones [email protected] Wesley Anns: Diane Hansen [email protected] Chancel Choir: Dan Chaikin [email protected] Hand Bells: Linda Patten [email protected] Praise Team: Laurie Harris [email protected] Contact Us: 350 11th Avenue, 303-776-3523 www.heartoflongmont.org [email protected] Business Hours: Monday through Thursday; 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to Noon Sunday Services: 9:00 a.m. Informal — 10:30 a.m. Traditional Pastor: Rev. Dave Lillie [email protected] A Look at the Week Ahead . . . Sunday, June 7, 2015 UMCOR Flood Relief Group Arrives 4:30 p.m. Mission Trip Meeting 5:30 p.m. BASIC Monday, June 8 UMCOR Flood Relief Group 9:30 a.m. Exercise Tuesday, June 9 UMCOR Flood Relief Group 7:45 a.m. Exercise Group Noon Pulse & Bulletin Deadline 6:30 p.m. Praise Team 7:00 p.m. Communications Team Wednesday, June 10 UMCOR Flood Relief Group 9:30 a.m. Exercise Group 9:30 a.m. Agape Mom’s Group 10:00 a.m. Care Team Thursday, June 11 UMCOR Flood Relief Group 7:45 a.m. Exercise Group Noon Book Club 1:15 p.m. Outreach Team 6:15 p.m. Men’s Softball Game Garden Acres Park 7:15 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Friday, June 12 UMCOR Flood Relief Group 9:30 a.m. Exercise Group Saturday, June 13 UMCOR Flood Relief Group Sunday school classes and meeting locations are posted on the bulletin board at the west entrance. Coffee is served in the Gallery between services We welcome every person and recognize each as a unique and sacred child of God. You have a place here regardless of age, race, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. Christians and nonRigid Christians alike areOrunfortable to “holier-than-thou” Christian. and brittle? flexible and durable? God never called Which us to criticize or doom-say … we were made for celebration and joy. type of faith is God calling us to develop? 10:30 Worship Singing Our Praise* Welcome and Announcements Singing Our Praise* Offering Our Gifts and Ourselves Opening Our Hearts To God The Lord’s Supper God’s Word For Our Lives Message Closing Song & Blessing* Hymn* “Blessed Be the God of Israel” v 1-3 Welcome & Announcements Affirmation of Faith Gloria Patri Anthem Children’s Time Offering Doxology Offering Prayer Hymn* “Seek Ye First” v 1, 2 Opening Our Hearts To God God’s Word For Our Lives Acts 21:18-26 (NLT) Message The Lord’s Supper Hymn* “In Christ There Is No East or West” v 1-4 Closing Blessing *Please stand as you are able Words to all songs, prayers and responses are projected on the screen. CCLI License #102176 9:00 Worship #209 #70 #405 #548 Compassion Offering ~ On the first Teec Nos Pos Mission Trip Needs Sunday of each month, the people of the Heart of Longmont give a “compassion offering” to assist an outreach ministry beyond our church walls. This month we are supporting Restore Innocence. The mission of Restore Innocence is to aid victims (minor girls) of human trafficking in the rescue, restorative and reintegration process by providing for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs, and its focus is to provide Restoration Bags to rescued victims and provide restoration and recovery to help reintegrate girls back into normal life. If you would like to give a 2nd mile gift, please place it in the offering plate, located on the white speakers, during communion. For more information about Restore Innocence, please see the Pulse, or visit the website at restoreinnocence.org. The community of Teec Nos Pos is in great need of canned food. As a gift to the community in which the Youth will be serving from June 20 through June 27, we want to bring them as much food as we can! The most desired items are non-perishable protein foods such as tuna, chicken and beans. Please donate your non-perishable canned food between now and June 19, by depositing it in the barrel in the gallery. If you have questions please contact Emily at [email protected] (best contact), or 303-548-6079. Thank you! Share Your Musical Gifts ~ Summer Special Music Signups! The Chancel Choir, Bell Choir and Wesley Anns will be off during the summer. This means that the special music segment of the 10:30 service is available in July and August for all congregation members to participate. Please consider enhancing our worship service by singing a solo (or a duet) or playing an instrument to the glory of God. The sign up sheet is at the Hospitality Center. Be sure to indicate on the sign up sheet if you will need an accompanist. Any questions, call Dan Chaikin at 303-834-9033. Thank you for sharing your musical gifts with the congregation! Adventurers Sunday School Class ~ Please join us for our next event, which is a gourmet potluck dinner the evening of June 19, at the home of Kerri and Mike Hickman. To sign up, join meetup.com with your email address, and search for and join the "Spiritual Adventurers" group. Once a member of Spiritual Adventurers, select either of these events and RSVP, or by contacting Mike or Kerri Hickman. Also, if you are interested in attending or looking into an adult Sunday school class, please join us! If you have any questions or to RSVP, please contact Mike or Kerri Hickman at 720-494-0340 or [email protected]. Garage Sale ~ The Heart of Longmont’s biennial garage sale will be Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., so mark your calendars. Let’s clean out those cupboards, closets and basements! Please drop-off your donations in Wesley Hall Sunday, July 5, or Monday, July 6 through Thursday, July 9 between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Contact Gloria Hinz about large items, as not all items can be accepted. We cannot accept electronics or clothing. Please call Gloria Hinz with any questions at 303-776-3383. Free Shredding Event, June 13 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the City of Longmont Waste Diversion Center, 140 Martin Street, Longmont. FYI: Shredded material is recyclable, but not accepted in your curbside single-stream recycling cart. You may drop-off your shredded materials at the Waste Diversion Center. Hard-to-Recycle Event, June 20 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ~ City of Longmont Waste Diversion Center, 140 Martin Street Longmont. Accepted items include electronics such as computers, TV’s and stereo equipment. There is a fee for electronic items, fire extinguishers, bike tires and tubes, and porcelain fixtures such as toilets and urinals. Items collected at no charge include #6 white block foam, cell phones, printer and inkjet cartridges, single or paired athletic shoes, computer keyboards, mice, cables, books and manuals, plastic bags, textiles and big durable #2 plastics. Visit the City of Longmont website/recycling for a full list of accepted items. The Altar flowers are donated by: Dennis and Kate Gordon ~ in celebration of Kate’s birthday Ray and Marty Allison ~ in loving memory of our parents Jerry and Shirley Ahnsted ~ in loving memory of our daughter Teresa Mashburn Teresa and James Curts ~ in loving memory of our amazing daughter Meghan Many thanks to all of you who showed us the Heart in the Heart of Longmont while Michele has been recovering from total knee replacement. Your prayers, calls, cards, visits and delicious meals made us feel wrapped in love. More thanks than we can express. God bless. Jesse and Michele Zuniga