12h00 Enrico Boi 13


12h00 Enrico Boi 13
The register as an instrument of knowledge: • Suppor8ng decision makers in both design and investment choices to op8mize the use of resources • Making more effec8ve interven8ons in case of failure, and to ensure greater security of networks and systems • Making it easier to design renova8ons of a network or its expansion • Iden8fying exis8ng usable infrastructure in order to reuse them •Facilita8ng access to informa8on on networks layout in order to avoid interference construc8on Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 THE PILOT PROJECT
“Proge&azione Partecipata dei So&oservizi nei Territori dei Comuni di Milano, Rho, Pero e Arese -­‐ 2010-­‐2012” Key elements: • M apping networks of exis8ng shared standards; • Tes8ng georadar available technologies and prototypes Purpose: to allow the government to define best targets, priori8es and policies for op8mal planning of underground infrastructure. Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil Comune Arese
Comune Pero
Comune Rho
No Dig Interna3onal 2012 PROJECT STRUCTURE
Evalua3on of feasibility -­‐ Evalua3on of costs -­‐ Model tes3ng Mapping the pilot area: Cost evalua2on in rela2on to: • Acquiring of u8lity database • Different mapping methods: Ø Digital Slit trenches • Instrumental surveys • Processing of all different dataset Ø GPR standard Ø GPR 3D complex • Mashing of the geodatabase • Data representa8on • Data processing • Data mashing • Webgis portal • 2d-­‐3d webgis Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil Define a management-­‐design solu2on: • Regional level: management of a public portal containing all the regional common dataset • Local authori3es: data interchange infrastructure for sharing informa8on between u8lity company and authori8es • Adop8on of common database tables No Dig Interna3onal 2012 A PILOT PROJECT FOR MILANO, RHO, PERO, ARESE Rho
Project area: 48.166.242 mq PopulaBon in the area: 168.966 abitan3 Area occupied by uBliBes: 2.423.212 mq Index for uBlity crowding on the area = 5% Networks: water, electricity, centralised hea3ng, sewage, storm water, gas, TLC, public lightning UBlity companies: ENEL, Colt, Ianomi, Metroweb, Telecom, Fastweb, Wind, Terna, A2A, Snam, MM Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 A PILOT PROJECT FOR MILANO, RHO, PERO, ARESE
Key element of the projects is the prac3cal aproach, with 228.000 sqm of GPR mapping sutes distributed within the 4 municipali8es Aree comunali interessate dal progetto
Comune di Arese (m2)
Comune di Pero (m2)
Comune di Rho (m2)
Comune di Milano (m2)
Totale aree comunali (m2)
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil 485,222.00
No Dig Interna3onal 2012 Historical database
GPR and more
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 DATA MASHING
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 TEST SITE SURVEY
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 PLAN POSITION ACCURACY
35% is the estimate discrepancy between historical and instrumental dataset
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 DATA LAYOUT: 2D WEBGIS PORTAL
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 DATA LAYOUT: 3D WEBGIS PORTAL
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil No Dig Interna3onal 2012 Grazie
Thank You
Sao Paolo -­‐ Brazil !!
No Dig Interna3onal 2012