December 1956
December 1956
COlIJIHAIRLE I CHONNDAE LOCH GARMAN I Minutes of Meeting of Gener~l Purposes Committee of An Comhairle held in the Council Chamber , County Hall, Wexford , on Monday , 3rd De cember, 1956, at 2 p . m. I II I An Cathaoirleach, Councillor J . J.Kennedy , presided. ", ATTENDANCE I Council~ors T. Darcy, I J . J . Bowe, T. Howlin , S. Browne, PaKinsella , E. Mac CUirtin, J . OtLeary, T . D. , I T.OfLoughlin and T. Redmond. The County Manager , Mr . T.F . Broe, County Engineer, I : Mr . I were also in attendance. J~F.Doris, and the County Secretary, Mr. T.F . McDermott, Dr . H. Aughney, Chief I ~~edical Officer, Mr . G. Forde , Chie.f Assistant Engineer, Mr. T. McNulty, Assistant County Eng ineer, Gorey, were also in attendance .for Item No . 1 of the Agenda . \ REPORT ON APPLICATION OF GOREY LEATHER OOMPANY FOR DISPOSAL I OF FACTORY EFFLUENT . I I A deputation .from Gorey Leather Company attended the • Members of the deputation were Messrs. Policky, meeting. L Hrabich and Miss Foloy. Mr. Pol~_cky gavo details of the existing method of disposal of effluent from the Loather , Factory into a stream which had not suf.ficient volum€) of water to take the flow from tho .factory . He gave dotails of Court Proceedings in which tho Company had boen involved and infor~d the Committee of tho injunction which had boon obtained by riparian ownors to prevont the factory from discharging this stream. int~ An application had beon mado by the Loathor Company to dispose o.f tho of.fluent into n TOYln Sowor ngo It was proposed to treat ef.fluent so that it would be inn0cous~ the details o.f the treatment to be agroed between the Tochnical Staffs of the Council and the Factory. l '" © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The I I I - 2 ... original application was for a maximum of 3 ~ 000 gallons per hour spread over a 24 hour period and an indication was given that when production was at its peak the outflow might reach 5,000 ga llons par hour . Mr . Policky indic ated that these fiGures had bean further examinod and could now be modified to a nominal outflow of 15,000 ga; .lons per hour and a maximum of 2,500 by spreading the time for discharge over the full week . It was estimated tha t the overall quantity woul d no t exceod 50,000 gallons per d RY . He also gave particulars of tho purification procedure which the factory authori ties wore arranging. The deputo.tion then withdrew. The County Mo.nager made a statement in which he informod the Committee of the manner in which this appli c at i on had been examined by the Technical Staff of the Counc i 1. He gave tho meeting the summary of the engineering report dated the 4th October , 1956 , and the details of the report of the Chief Medical Officer date d the 28th November , 1956 . The Committee was also informed th a t the deputation from the Gorey Leather Company had been in conference with the County Manager and Off i cials of tho Council on the previous Saturdo.y and further technioal data had been provided by the Oompany as a result of tha t deoision. Tho County Manager gave a full statement of the obligations of l ocal authorities under the Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts and recomraended tha t careful considero.tion should be given to the advisability of obtaining Counsel ' s opinion on the statutory obligations to ac cepting trade waste of this type into a Town Sewerage System. Tho County Manager pointed out that the modification of the figures g iven by the deput a tion weuld require reoonsider a tion. of tho technical aspe c ts . The estimateci outflot,' had noV[ boon r oduco'dVbry 5,0/<. of t h{; ori 16 ina i roduction might infJ..uon ~o tho rG'c·o!1Jl11'e nda t 'i'&h 'of th'e County Engineer ru:1d w041:6 mor<ltJ co-A'st1a;jr o:ti0h~ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES this It was agreed on the proposal of An Cathaoirleach seconded by Councillor J.J.Bowe, that further consideration of the application be deferred for legal advice on the Councilts statutory obligat~ons in the matter and for consideration by the Engineering Staff and the Chief Medical Officer of the additional data on treatment of effluent and the modification in the figures for estimated outflow. COMIV IUNICATION FROM DEPARTMf-:NT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RE LOANS FROM THE LOCAL LOANS FUND. A circular letter dnted 27th November , 1956, from the Department of Local Government was read for the moeting. The ciroular referred te procedure for obtaining loans from the LOCQl Loans Fund and stressed thQt no ex~enditure should be incurred in respect of capital works until the local authority shall have been informed that the loan has been sanctioned and if it is proposed to obtain the loan from the Local Loans Fund until the sanction of tl~ Minister for Finance has been notified to the local authority. The terms of the circular were noted. CORRESPONDENCE WITH DEPARTMENTS RE FILLING OF PERMANENT OFFICES (a) Chief Fire Officer : The Departmental communication dated the 19th November , 1956, which referred to the assigmnent of the duties of Chief Fire Officer to the temp orary Chief Assistant County Engineer was read. The letter requested that the Council should have the matter re-examined and conveyed approval to the temporary employment of Mr. G. M. Forde as Chiof Assistant County Engineer for a further poriod ending not later than the 31st January, 1957. In the nbsence of a firm decision to make permanent arrangements for the discharge of the dutie s 0f Chief Fire Officer the Minister would not feel justified in appro 'ling the continuance of the tempor o:ry © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 4 ... • I arrangements beyond that date. It was proposed by Oouncillor J.J.Bowe, seconded by Oouncillor S. Browne and unanimously resolved to recommend to An Oomhairle that as the pr esent arrangements continued to bo satisfactory the Minister for Local Government should be ro~ quested to sanction their continuance for a further year as in the present circumstances the Oouncil would not be justified in proceeding with a permanent addition to the Engineering (b) ~dical Officer, st. JohnTs Hospital, Enniscorthy : Staf~ . Th8 General Purposes Oommittee was given details of the draft qualifications, particulars of office and salary approved 'iY the Minister for Health for the permanent offioe of Medical OJ fice:eSt. Johnl s Hospital, Enniscorthy, a nd was informed of the intima tion r e ce i ved from the Department that it was })roposed t o proceed wi th the filling of a number of permanen~ posts of Medical Officers to Oounty Homes in the near future . The terms of the Department t s communication were noted . PROPOSAL FOR INOREASE OF OOTTAGE RENTS The Oommittee was informed that the Oounty Manager1s proposals for a revision of renta of labourers' cottages had been circulated to the members of An Oomhairle as directed at the meeting cf the Oommittee held on 5th November, 1956, and were now submitted for reconsideration of the Oommittee . On the proposal of Oouncillor E. Mac Ouirtin, seconded by Councillor T. Howlin, it was resolved to request an Oomhairle to recoIT@end to the Oounty Manager that the proposnls for increaso in rents should not be implemented until all the tenants affected theroby had been given adequ~te notice of the alteration in tho amount of tho weekly rent of each cott age and also informed that tonants who proceeded to hnve their cottages vosted prior to tho do. te fixed fo!.' the operation of the increases would be exempted from the proposed revision . Oouncillor J.O!Leary,T~D . dissented from this recommendation, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 5 ... APPLIOATION OF WEXFORD HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS FOR . (a) IMPLEMENTATION OF LOAN GUARANTEE (b) PURCHASE ,OF NEW PILOT ~. The Committee was given details of the Abstra c t of Accounts of the Wexford Harbour Commissioners for the year ended 31st March, 1956 , and also of the harbour dues charged in Wexford Harbour and a number of other harbours of corresponding size . It was proposed by Councillor E. Mac CUir t in , seaonded by Councillor S. Brovme, aDd unanimously resolved that the Committee should recommend to An Comhairle payment of the principal and interest guaranteed on the £7 , 000 loan for the current financial year . It was also unanimously agreed that An Comhairle should inform the Harbour Commissioners that it could not accede to the request for financial aid in the purchase of a new pilo'~ boat at the present time . RESOLUTIONS FROM THE IRISH NURSES ' ORGANISATION The following resolutions from the Irish Nurses' Organisation were submitted for consideration :1. That a resolution be sent from this Counci l to the Minister for Health requesting him to give a dofinit e assurance that existing dispensary midwives will not be c a lled on to resign boforo they reach tho ago limit and that they will be rocognisod as suitablo officers to care for tho infant up to the ago of six weoks in accordanco with tho statutory obligations placed on Loc a l Authorities by tho 1953 Health Act . 2 . That this Council strongly rocommends that the nursing profossion should bo representod on Consultativo Hoalth COlnmittoos sot up undor tho Heal th Act . The terms of the r oso lutions woro not o d on tho proposal of Councillor S. Browno , s oconded by Council l or T. Rodmond. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 6 - NOTIFICATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY GRANT - LOCAL AUTHOR ITIES (WORKS ). ACT The Committee was informed of the circular letter dated 24th November , 1956, from the Department of Local GO';ernment notifying a Supplementary Grant of £6 , 000 for schemes under the Local Authorities (Works) Act, 194:~ GRANT FOR WEXFORD BRIDGE The terms of Departmental letter dated JIst November , 1956$ which notified a Rnad Fund Grant of £315 , 000 or 75% of the cost of construction of Wexford Bridge, whichever is the lesser, wa .'i read for the meeting . It was proposed by Councillcr J.J . Bowe seconded by Councillor T. Darcy and unanimously agreed that An Comhairle should express its appreciation to the Minister for the notification of this incroased grant under all present circumstances . ~ENDITURE ON DISABLED PERSONS MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCES ThD Committeo was infQT~d that tho expenditure to the 30th September , 1956, on allowances to disabled persons amounted to £12 , 090 . The estimate for the year was £23,500 and it was anticipated that thore would be an ever - exponditure ef £1,500 on the estimate . It was agreed on the proposal of An Cathaoirleach, seconded by Councillor J . J . Bowe to recommend to An Comhairle that authority be givon for the over-oxpenditure in view of the difficulty of estimating accurately the annual ameunt roquired for this new hoading of expenditure at tho commoncement of the financial year and that the Minister for Health bo specifically askod if 507~ of the exponditure :!.n oxcess of tho estimate would be recouped from the He a1th Services Grant . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 7 - GUARANTEE SCHENffi FOR ADVANCES BY BUILDING SOCIETIES . The Cnmmittee was informed that details of the Guarantee Scheme adopted by the Wexford Corp oration in relation to advances by building societies wa s avai l able . From c orrespondence with the Town Clerk it appeared that the det a i~ed scheme had not yet been s anctioned. It was unanimously agreed to recommenc to An Comhairle that further considoration bc adjourned until details of the scheme approved by the Ministcr werc available . SALARIES OF SUPERINTENDENT ASSISTANCE OFFICER AlIiD ASSISTANCE OFFICERS The Genoral Purposes Committee was informed of the r efer encc in circular letter H. A. 13/56 dated 13th Nove mber J 1956 , from the Dep artment of Social We lfare tha t t he Minist er would be prep ared to approve , who r e a local authority so proposod, of paymont t o Suporintondent Assi stance Officers and Assistance Off icers of a t empor ar y a llowance of 7t% ob bas ic s alarios . The Committee wa s g ivon details of the salary scalos of the As s ist ance Offi cers in the count y and of the t otal over - a ll remuner a ti on cf these officers as Assist anc e Off icers and Rent Collectors. It Wo.s pro posed by Oounc illor T. Darc y -' seconde d by An Cathaoirleach and unanimous l y agreed to r ecommend to An Comhairle tha t further consi de ration of thc matter be adjourned . NEliV PLA N FOR RURAL COTTAGES The Committee vms i nformed that tho amended p l an for the construction of rur nl cottages was avai l ab l e and it had bee n suggested th2.t in order to ob tain pr a ctical experion~e of t ho cost of the new propos a l one cott age should be erectcc as a n exper imo nt . It was unanimous ly agreed on the pr o- posr'.l of An Cathaoirleach seconded by Councillor E. Ma c Cuirtin that this pr ocedur 3 bo adop t ed . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ( - 8 - SEALING OF DOCUMENTS ) It was proposed by Councillor T. Hawlin seconded by An I Cathaoirloach and unanimously resolved that the Senl of the Council be affixed to the Deed of Transfer with 1~s . Rose Nolan , for tho transfer of proporty at Ballymurray , Tho Bal lagh . OTHER. BUSINE,SS A number of Councill ors roqu0sted tha t particular c asos f~r l oans under the Small Dwoll i ngs Ac quisition Ac ts be examined . Councillor T. Dar c y sta t ed tha t quantities of r o ck had bo on deposited on the cottago p l ot attached to one of tho houseD in the Coolgr eany Village 8chomo and asked that i t bo removed elsewher e . It was roquost e d tha t work should bo commenc ed as soon as possiblo on schemes approved under tho Lo c al Autherit i es (Works) Act . rouncillor S . Browne mQde nn enquiry conc erning a c on- tr a ct for pain ting at st . John t s ,,( c- pi.JL.u._l , Ennis corthy . Petrol All owance : It was pro p osed by Counci l lor J . J . Bewe secondod by Cnuncillor T. Darcy that representation should be 1 made to the Minister for Industry and Commor ce by the Counc il for the granting ef a sup pl eme ntary petrol all owance to members of County Councils wh o were obligod to trave l dist an co s from rur a l area8 . It VICl.S further agre e d th nt the rosolution on thi s matter be sent to the General Council of County Counc i ls so that represent a tions be made by tha t Body . ./ / • /' ,1 ,. ~ ..,; . ,'i j.- • . ...... ~ t, Runa i dfie . Dningnithe nr an (O't: I n de © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES j COMHAIRLE CHONNDAE LOCH GARMAN Monthl y Mee ting - l Oth De cember, 1956 ) M I NU TES 1 Aras an Chonndae, Loc h Garman 1 : T. F. McDormott , Runaidho . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Cm'LHAIRLE CHOmIDAE LOCH GARMAN The Monthly Meeting of An Comhairle will be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall , Wexford , on Munday , lOth December, 1956, at 2 p . m. C L A R 1. Adoption of Minute s . 2 . Correspondence. 3 . Monthly Reports . 4. Recommendations of District Committees . 5. Recommendations of General Purposes Cormnittee:(a) Application of Gorey Leather Company for disposa l of factory effluent ; (b) Corresp~ndence with Departments re filling of permru1ent offices of (a) Chief Fire Officer and (b) Medical Officer, St. John's Hospital, Enniscnrthy . (c) Proposal frr increase of cottage ronts; (d) Application of Wexford rtarbour Commissioners for (a) implementation cf loan guarantee and (b) purchase of new pilot boat; (e) Notification of Supplomentary Grant - Local Authcr it ios (Works) Act; (f) Notification of Grant f er Wexford Bridgo; (g) Expenditure on Disabled Persons (Maintenanco) Allowances; (h) Guaranteo Scheme for advances by Building Societies; (i) Salaries of Superintendent Assistance Off ic er and Assistance Officers; (j) New plan for rural cottages . 6 . Amendment of Secondary Scholarships Scheme 1956 . 7. Schedule of Tenders . 8 . Schedule of Works proposed. 9. Financial business . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - I - 2 - 10. Not ico s o:f Mot ion :fr om Membor s : _ (a) Councillor J .J. Bowo : tlThat the Council make avaih,blo to ra tepo.yors in tho county, roo.d material, as r oquirod , o.-C an economic pricert, (b) Council l or A. Miniho.n: "Recognising tho :fact th at the incro ase of 3/- por wook to road workors will no cess it ate tho l ay ing off of somo omployees for a consider ab lo po riod tho Council should apportion this hardship oquall y betweon all road workors !!. (c) Councillor A. Minihan : " That this Council should make o.vailablo tho sum of £210 , the ost imatod cost of removing a vory dangorous cornor ~t the junction of Forr ymountgarrott Road and Collogo Roo.d 6r Croywoll within tho urban o.roa of NOIiv Ros s . II 11 . Roplies to Quories . 12. Soo.ling of Documonts . 13. Such oth~r business as may proporly ariso. TOMAS MAC DIARMUDA , Runaidhe . Aras an Chonndao , Loch GarnlD.n . 5.o.dh Nollaig , . 1956. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Ii I COIlIHAIRLE CHO NNDAE LOCH GARMAN Minutes of Monthly Meeting of An Comhairle held in the Council Chamber, County Hal1 1 Wexford, on MondaYl lOth Docomber) 1956, at 2~ An Cathaoirleach, Councillor J.J.Kennedy, presided. ATTENDANCE Councillors D.Allen, T.D., E. 1YIac Cuirtin, T.liayes, T.Darcy, T. Howlin, J.OYLear y ,T.D., J.J.Bowe, T.Fardy, L.Kinsella, T.OILoughlin, J.J.Furlong, P.Kinsella, S.Browne J.Galvin, A.Minihan, T.Redmond. The County Manager, Mr.T.F.Broe, Doris, J~Boyce, County Engineer Mr.J.F. Chief Asst.County Engineer" I'/Ir.T.J.Kennedy, Council!s Solicitor ) Mr.R.J.Elgee, and the Count -y Secretary, Mr. T.F. ~,: 0 Der mott, were also in attendance. ADOPTIO N OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of An Comhairle held ~uarterly on the 12th November, 1956, wer e unanimously adopted on the pr op os al of Councillor S. Browne, seconded b~· Councillor J , <T , BOV:0 RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY Councillor J.O'Leary,T.D~ proposed that the sympathy of An Comhairle be extende d t o His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Staunton, Bishop of Forns, with the clergy of the Diocese and with the r e latives of the late Very Rev. Fr. Cloney, P.P., Oylegate, and Ver y Rev. Fr. Sinnott, P. P ., Litter. Councillor J.J.Bowo seconde d the r osolution of sympathy Councillor T. Redmond propos e d a vote of sympathy with tho f amily of tho late Mr. Michael Nolan, Bally courcoy. S: Browne s e conded tho r osolution. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Councillor . - 2 - Councillor J. Boyce proposed a vote of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr. Patrick Murphy, New Ross. Councillor T.Fardy seconded the proposal. Councillor J. Boyce moved a re so lution of sympathy with I Mr. James Cullen, High street, Clongeen, and with Mr . Martin Franklin, Ganger, New Ross, on recent bereavements. Councillor T.Fardy seconded the res olutiona. Councillor S. Browne proposed a vote of sympathy with I the Lord Bishop of Ossory and with the Nlr. Empey, Re c tor, Ennis cor thy. ~elatives of the late Rev . Councillor D. Allen, T.D. seconded the r e solution. Councillor T. Fardy proposed a resolution of sympathy with Very Rev. Fr. Guardian and the Franciscan Community un the death of Rev. Fr. Bertrand O.F. M. An Cathaoirleach, Oouncillor J.J. Kennedy , s ecnnded the resolution. The County Manager, County Secretary, County Engineer and CouncilTs Solicitor associated themselves with the votes of sympathy which were unanimously adopted in silence, all members standing . I CORRESPONDENCE (a) Road at Grange Upper: A l e tter dated 30th November, 1956, from ratepayers at Grange, Ruthnurc, was re a d to the me e ting. The letter reforre d to the condition of the road at Gr ange Upper. It was proposed by Councillor J.J.Bowe, se conded by Councillor S. Browne, and unanimously rosolved that a copy of the l otter be sent to tho 00unty Engineer who should be asked to r eport to the next meoting of the Enniscorthy District Committoe. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 3 - (b) Acknowledgments of Resolutions of Sympathy: Acknowledg- ments of resolutions of sympathy from the Lord Bishop of Ossory and IVIr . N. Walsh, Land Steward, St. John's Hospital, were read. (c) Irish Local Government Officials' Union: A communication from the Irish Local Government Officials' Union notifying the members of An Comhairle that the Annual Mass for deceased and living members and staffs of local authorities in C0unty We ]~ord would be celebrated in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rowe Street , Wexford, on Thursday, 13th December 1956, was read. (d) Employment & ~ergency Schemes Vote 1956/57: A com- muni cation from the Department of Local Government dated 6th December, 1956, notifying a grant of £200 from the- Employment and Emergency Schemes Vote 1956/57, subject to a local contribution of £65, was submitted. MONTHLY REPORTS (a) Mental Hospital Visiting Corrrrnittee: The report of the meeting of the Mental Hcspital Visiting Committee held on the 30th November , 1956, was read. A copy of the report is attached to tho official minutes . Councillor J.OfLeary,T.D. enquired concerning the advertaement which had been issued for repairs to farm buildings and que ried the nocessity for entering into a contr a ct for repairs when a wholotimo maintenance staff was engagod by the Mental Hospital Authority. The County Manager informod An Comhairle that the tradesmen employed wore ongaged on maintenance work throughout the hospita l. The Consulting ~rchit e ct had r ep ortod on the condition of tho roef over Division 6 and had propared n © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES draft specification and plan. The Department had intimated that it was desirable that a schedule of rates anGlor quantities Rhould be prepared by a Quantity Surveyor in view of the relationship of this work to the work of the other buildings . r~pair on roofs uf The County Manager also explained that it was not proposed to engage a ~uantity Surveyor or a Con- sulting Architect for the work of repair to the out -offices. Councillor T. OILoughlin stated that he was of opinion tha t the tradesmen on the Mental HJspital staff were not able to Cope with the dry rot in the roof timbers of the institution. A discussion also took place on the duties of the maintenance staff in relation to the cleaning of shoots and painting of gutters . It wa~ finally agreed on the proposal of Councillor T. Redmond, seconded by Councillor D. Allen;' T.D. that the County Manager should bring a full repo:r.·t of the contra ct work proposed for the reroo~ing of the out-offices to An Comhairle and the matter referred back f~ reconsideration by the Mental Hospital Visiting Committee. (b) Rate Collection Report: The report on tho Rate Collection for the month of Novombor , 1956, a copy of which is attachod to the official record was submitted for considera tion. The report showed that 56.56% of the warrant had been collectod at the 30th Novembe r, 1956, which comparod with a p~rcentage of 57.57 at tho corrosponding date last year . The roport was unanimously adopted. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 5 - (c) County Engineer IS Report: The report of the County Engineer dated 6th Docombor, 1956, on progress of road and other e ngineering works was submitted for consideration. A copy of the report is attached to the official minutes. A letter datod lOth Docember, 1956, from the County Engine er , as follows, was road:"I desiro to refor to ',y'our lette r of the 30th October last concerning this year's Main Road Grant. I find that there is a balance available of £3,272 . I recommend that this monoy be expe nde d on Road 36 from Cullentra to Kiltealy . This ro ad was on the list for exe cution in the current yen~ but had to be removed when the Main Road Grant was reduced:!. It was proposed by Councillor J.J.Bowe, seconded by Councillor D. Allon, T . D. and unanimously res olved that the Oount y Engineer 's report be approved. A discussion took p lace on the recow~end at ion to allocate t ho unexpended balance of £3,272 to Ma in Road No.36 from CUllontra to Kiltealy. Councillor J. Galvin expressed the view that the Main Road fr om Taghmon to Adamstown would have equal claim for re0onstruction with the ro ad in question. Councillor J.J.Bowe proPJsod tha t the recommenda tion of the County Engineer bo approved. Councillor J. 0 f Leary, T .D. s000nded the proposal. Councillor J. Boyco proposod that the amount should be spent equally in tho four aroas of tho count y . Councillor P.Kinsella secondod tho amendment. On a . show of hands tho amendment was defeatod - three votes for, twe lve against - and the proposal was adopted by the same voting. Co~ncillor J. Boyce onquired concerni ng the pensionable st a tus of an employeo who had boon emp loyod by tho County Council for 4i yoars und subs equently for a period of 1 yoar and 9 months by the Board of Works. The employeo in question had made application to r onew his employmont with the Council. Councillor Boyce was informed of tho legal position. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 6 - Councillor J. O'Leary, T . D. referred to the number of men returned in the County Engineer's report as being in employment and objected to the inclusion of the employment of men on Wexford Bridge in the report . Oouncillor p~ Kinsella expressed dissatisfaction with the number of men appearing in the report as employed in quarries in Gorey North Engineering District. He stated that there had not been eleven men in Gorey Hill Quarry for some ibwo ''jmon ths pas t . The Oounty Engin~er pointed out that the figures returned by. him were for employment at the end of November and were an a c curato redord of employment at that date. Councillor Kinsella askod that tho figures for omploy ~ ment be rechecked. Oouncillor S. Browne referred to the employment of a workman named Morris of Oastlebridgo and asked that the circumstancGs of the terminati··n of this man ' s employmGnt be further examined. The Oounty Manager agreed to do so . Councillors P. Kinsella and T. Redmond directed attention of tho County Engineer to particular roads which wore in need of ropair . Oouncillor E. Mac Ouirtin enquired concerning the sur facing of the Ballybrennan/Rosslare Strand Road which had been the subjGct of correspondence with the Secretary of the Rossl~e Strand Development Association. Councillors T. Howlin and J . J .Furlong referred to the condition of roads in the south of the Oounty where the gr ading machine had bo e n used for maintenance work and enquired if it was proposed to do any ftnther work on these ro ads . The Oounty Engineer stated that further work would be c arried out and some matorial spread as soon as it was possible to do so . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES --~~----- - 7 .... r ~ I (d) Housing Progress Re p ort: The Housing Progress Report for the month of Novembor, 1956, n copy of which is attaohed to tho Offici a l Record, was road . Tho r ep or twa s unanimously adop t ed on tho proposal of Councillor J. Boy c e , seconded by Cuuncillor T. o 'Loughlin. Councillor J . Boyco enquir od concering tho Jmp loyme nt of mon on dir o ct labour construction of houses in the New Ross Are a and was informe d that no further sitos wo re availabl o for bui lding by the group mentionod. Ro f erenoe was a lso mado to the oonstruct ion of hous es in the Gorey Ar oa wh ich had boon partly built and wero still incomp l e to . It was ~xp l ai ne d that the altoration dir octod by An Comhnirle in the accoptanco of tendor s for contr a ct work by tr a desme n on direct labour housing schemes had nocessitated a delay i n c omplotion of work until the usua:),. procodure with r ogard to t enders was carr i od out. Councillor D. Allon , T .D . askod that the County Managor should g ivo' An Comhairlo in committee a full sta t emont on tho position r egarding tho financ ing of tho Council's housing ) pro gr o.mmo . In particular ho requosto d informa tion on whethor tho Council was r e coiving advancos from tho Loc a l Lo ans Fund for financing of tho Housing Capita l Ac count and if a ny difficulty was bo i ng exporioncod with tho Counc il ' s ovordr aft for c apit a l purpos os. The County Man agor infor me d the meo ting tha t t here had boon con sidorab l e dol ay in payme nt of instalmonts of gr ants an d housing loans during t ho curr ont quart~r . Tho Council was awaiting issuos on app lic a tions tot a lling approximately £ 65 , 000 of housing loan i nstalmonts from tho Commi ss ioners of Public Works . Tho SUbstanti a l par t of this sum had boon app lio d for in Sopt oinbor l as t . In addition tho Council had not r e ce ivod a r ocoupmont of Road Fund Grants . The © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - ---- ,--- - 8 - expenditure cn Road Improvement to dat e wa s approxima toly £10 9,000 for the current financia l year and instalmonts of The dolay in gr ants r e ce ived tot all od only £10 , 000. obtaining inst a l ments of gr an t s and loans had r e sultod in The amount of increased overdraft wi th the Tre asurer . t his overdraft would r ea ch it~ peak during tho month of De c omber a nd provided t ha t gr ants wo r e paid on duo dates j should sh ow a reduction for t ho l a ter months of t ho financial year. Tho Manager ref errod ~o t he circular letter from tho Department of Loc a l Govornment, da ted 27th November, 1956, 'w hi ch had be on do a lt with by tho Gener e l Purposos Corrnnitteo of An Comhairlo. This circular, as f ollows , was read in full for An Comhairlo:II I run directed by t he Minister for Local Government to state that he has received a preliminary report on the replies to Circular No.H. 15/56 of the 22nd ultimo in whi ch estima tes were r8quested of draws from the Local Loans Fund on f')ot of c. . . . 'rent housing c ommi tments . The Minister notes that an unduly high proportion of ant icipa t ed expenditure in the rema ining part of the financ ial year is ascribed to works for whi ch loans have not ye t been sanctioned. The official ferm of application for s anct ion to b orrowing contains the following instruction whic h wa s intended tc r epres e nt standard pra ctice:- tl No expenditure should be incurred in respect of the works until the loc a l authority shall h a ve beo n informed tha t the lo an has been s anctionJd a nd if it is prop os ed to ob t ain the loan from the Local Lo ans Fund until tho s a nct i on of the Minister for F inanoe has been notified t o t he local authori t y" . The es t imate o submi tte d are being examined in detail and whe r e i~ appears tha t there has been over es tima ti on , notwi thst andi ng the express ter ms of the Minist er T s r e quest, s epar a t e corrnnuni cations will issue in r e l a tion to par ticul ar r e turns . As it is eviient from the proliminar y r ep ort that lo an issues for a ll purp os e s at the r a te a t present e stima t ed by loc a l authoritie s wi ll continue to p ~ a c e a severo str ain on the national c ap it al r es our ce s, t he Minist er must bespeak the clos ost co-oper atio n 0f l ocal aut horities in ensuring that the fund s available ar e app l iod to the best u se and that c ap it a l is not tied u p by being resorved to mee t li ab ilities of an uncert a in nature that may not matur o in tho fin ancial yoar to which tho appropriate loans are rolev ant . The Ministor has accordingly g ivo n the f ollowing dir e ctions whioh ar e app lica~l o to a ll forms of borrowing for which his s ar-ction is r equir od:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~ - ~ -:=.-~- ~---=--.---~ - ---~-- - ~ - 9 - (1) Commitments on f oot of a loan pr op os ed to be obtained from the loc a l Lo ans Fund for any project not ye t undertaken should not be incurred b y a loc al authority in advance of a n otific a tion from thi s Department that the sanction of the for Finance h as bee n given to the i ssue of the appropriate loan from the Fund. (This direction does not apply to preliminary expe nses in respect of fees, l and acquisition , e tc., incurred with the approval of the Minis ter). (2) Where t e nders havo been approved by the Minister for Local Government, contracts should not be signed until s anction to the loan is g iven, whe th er the loan is to be borrowed from the Loc al Lo ans Fund or othe rwise . (3) The commencement of fresh direct l ab our operations should similarly be deferred until the loan appropriate thereto has boen s anctione d, from the Loca l Loans Fund or otherwise . (4 ) Commitments should J.lot be ent er ed into by loc al authorities i n r espe ct of Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts a dvances or s uppleme ntary housing gr ants prior to the receip t of sanction to the lo ans , f r om tho Loc al Loans Fund or otherwise . (5) Sanction to new borrowing by way of t emp orary ove rdraft a ccommodation for any c ap it al purp ose should not normally b e sought until s anction to the issue of a loan for that pur p oso from the Loca l Loans Fund or otherwise has been ohta ined . " In r ep l y to queri es from members it wa s explained t ha t heretofore it h ad be e n the practice to proceed with approved works on recoipt of sanction of the Minister a nd to arrange for the financing of t he se work s by t emp or ar y overdr af t pending t he arrangement of t he loans and is sue of insta lments . The Departmontfs l ette r now clearly stated tha t no works could b e commonced until the loan had been sanctioned. 1 Councillor S. Browne asked t hat the Councills proc edure for app l y ing for sanction fo r luans should be a lt er e d accordingly to ensure that the application was made at an earlier stago in t ho pl anning of c api t a l wor ks . An Runaidhe informe d t he moo ting t ha t tha t was being dono and t hat app lica tion for a loan of £ 60 , 000 for the purpose of financi ng the 1956 Agreement Scheme was submitted to the mooting . It was proposed by Councillor J. OILoary, T. D. seconded by Councillor P. Kinse lla an d unanimous ly r es olv ed t ha t the s anction of the Minist er be request ed to a loa n of £ 60 ,000 for tho pur p ose of financing the er oction of 60 cott ages under the 1956 Agreoment Scheme. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 10 Councillor D. Allen, T.D . was given information on the date of sanction and the date on which the mor t gage was se a l ed for the loan of £100, 000 for the 1955 Agreement Scheme and £29,730 for Village Schemes . Councillor J. O'Lear y , T. D. r ef err e d to a Depar t ment a l query on Clonroche Housing Scheme and wa s informed tha t enquiries would be made r egarding the nature of the query which I was stated to be outstanding . A (e ) Chief Medi c a l Officer ' s Roport : The r ep or t of the Chief Medi cal Off icor for the month of October , 1 956 , was submitte d to t he meeting . The r eport was una nimously adopted on the proposal of Oounc illor T. Hayos , seconded by Councillor J . Boyce . fioun c illor J . Boyce asked t hat a mee ting of the Oonsult a tivo Hea lth Committeo be arranged and suggeste d Friday , 14th Do c ember, 1 956 . It was pointed out tha t that evening mi ght not sui t the Me dical Officers on the Commi ttee . Councillor J . J . Bowe intimated t ha t the date was not suit ab l e to him. It W:1S arr ange d that a mee ting of the Commi ttee should be fixed for a convonient approximate d a t e . Councillor E. Mac Cuirtin enquired concerning progr ess in the er e cti on of new dispensarios a nd it was agr oed that a full r ep ort would be submitted for the nex t meeting of An Combairle . REOOlvl1vlEHDATIONS OF DISTRICT COMMITTEES (a) New Ross District Committee : The r ecommendations of t he New Ross Dis trict Committee meet ing he ld on tho 29th Novembor, 1956 , whic h ar e r e cordod in the minut es of th at meeting , copy of whi ch is attachod to tho Offi cia l Re cord, weJ.' e unanimousl y appreve d on the prop os al of Councillor J . J .Furlong , s e conde d by Councillor J . Boyce. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 11 (b) Woxford District Comnittoo: Tho r o commo nda tions of tho vVoxford Di s tri c t C ornmi tt oe moo ting he ld en the 15th Novombor, 1 956 , whi c h r oc orde d in t he minut es of th at moo ting, copy of vlh ich is a tt a cho d to tho Offici a l Record., wor e unani mously adepted on the proposal of Councillor E . Ma c Cuirtin , s o conded by Coun0illor T. Howlin . (c) Gor oy Distr-ict Committeo: The r e commend a tions of tho Gor ey Dis tr i ct C ommi tt eo mooting h o Id on tho 23rd Novombo r, 1 95 6 , V'lhi c h ar o r o c or ded in t he minut os of th a t moe ting , copy of whi ch is o. tt a c hed to tho Offi ci a l Re cord, Vie r a unanimousl y adop t od on tho proposal of Councillor D. All en , T.D., s e conded by C ounc illor Kinso ll a . Councillor T. OILoughlin intim t o d h i s d iss e nt from t ho decision on t ho Fe rns/C amolin Wat~r Scheme . (d) Ennis corthy Dis trict Comflittoo: Tho r e comme nd a tions ef t ho Enniscorthy District Committoe meo ti ng he ld on t ho 27th Novembe r , 1 956 , which are r e corded in the minut os of tho.t mee ting, CJPY of whi c h is a tt a c hed to t he Off ici a l Re cord, wore unanimousl y o.ppreved en the p r oposo.l of Councillor J.J . Bowe , s e conded by Cou n cillor S . Br owno . RECONITI1E1IJ1)ATIONS OF THE GE NERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE (d App lication of Gor ey Lea t hor Company for dis p os a l of Factory F£fluent: The minute of the mee ting of the Genera l Purposes Committee held.on tho 3rd De c embo r, 1 956 , was submitt ed for consi (ler a tion . The r e commondation of tho Comrnittoe t ha t further COD- sideration of t ho app lic a t ion bo doferred for l oga l advice t he Council's st a tutor y obli gations in t ho r.H.. ttor and for c on- sideration by tho Engineer ing Staff and t he Oh i o f Modic a l Officer of t he additional data on the tr ea t mont of tho of f luent and modif ic ation in the fi gur es of t he es ti mat e d outflow was unan irrnE l y adop t od on p ropos a l of Councillor J . Boy c e socondod b y J . J . Bowe . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES C oun c ill~ - 1~ - (b) Filling of Permanent Offices of (i) Chi ef Firo Offic er and (ii) Me dic a l Officer;St. John's Hospital . (i) Chief Fire Officer: The following r e commenda tion of the Genor a l Purposes Committee ~as unanimously adopted on t ho prop osal of Councillor D. Allen , T .D. seconded by Councillor T. Darcy, that as the pr esent arrangements continued to be satisfactory t he Mi n ister for Loca l Government should be r e quested to sanct ion tho continuanc e of theso arrangoments for a furthor yoar . The Council did not feel justified in pr esent circumstances in pro ceeding with a permanent addition t o the engineering staff. (ii) Medi c a l Officer , st . John's Hosp it a l,Enniscorthy: An Comhairle was informed of the details ef a communic at ion datod 5th November, 1956, from t ho Department of Health with wh ich was enclesed draft qualifications, par ticu l ars of offico and duties of permanent office of Medic a l Officer , County Homo , Enniscorthy . Tho mattor was submitted to An Comhair l o having r egard to tho altoration proposod in the salary s calo for t ho permanont offi ce . It was propose d by Counc i ll or D. Allon , T. D. s e conded by Councillor J . Boy c o, and unanimously rosolv od tha t tho Mi nistor for Hoalth bo informod that An Comhairle was s a tisfied tha t the presont arrangemonts fer the fil ling of this post woro sat i sfa ctor y. (c) Proposa l for Increase of Cott age Rents : The following minute of tho moo ting of tho Gonoral Purposes Committo o held en the 3rd Docomber , 1 956 , was submitted for considorati en :li The Committoe was informed t hat tho County Manager ' s proposal s fer a revision of rent s of l abour ors ' c ottages had beo n c ircul ated to tho members of An Comhaif l e as dire ct ed at t he moo ti ng of tho Committoo hold on 5th Novembe r, 1 956 , and wero now submitt od for roconsidoration of tho Coramitto e . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 13 - ! • On tho propo s al of Councillor E. Ma c Cuirtin, se c onded by Councillor T. Howlin, it was r eso lv e d to request an Oomhair l e to rocommend t o t ho Count y Manager th a t the pro p os als for increase in r onts should not be imp l eme nted until al l tho t o nants affectod thoroby had been given a de qua te notice of t ho a lte r a tion in the amount of the woekly rent of e£1. ch cott agEl and £1.lso informEl d tha t t e nants who proce ode d t o have thoir cottages vestod prior to tho d a t e fixed for the oper a tion of the increasos would bo oxempto d from tho pro posod r evision . Councillor J . O'Loary , T.D. diss El nted from t his r e commenda tion" . It was pr oposod by Councillor J . Boyco seoondod by Councillor T. Rodmond a nd unanimousl y r e solved tha t tho r e c ommenda tion of the Ge nor a l Purpos e s Cormnittee bo ad opted. (d) A-p lic a tion of Woxford Harbour Commissione rs for i) im l eme nt a tion of loan uar antee a nd (ii) purchaso of no w p ilot boat: The rocommondation of the General Pur p os es Conrrnitt eo tha t (i) payment of tho principal a nd interest guar ant oed by An OODlllairle on tho £7 , 000 lo an r a i s od by the WElxford Harbour Conrrn ii3sionors bo mado for t ho curre nt financial yoar and (ii) tho Har bour COli1mis s ioners be informed th a t An Comha ir l e cou ld not a cc odo t o tho r oquest for financial a id to pur chaso a now pi l ot boat at the presont timo was unan i mously adopted on tho prop os a l of Councillor J . J . BOVIO , se condEld by Oounc illor T. Do.rc y . (0 ) Notification of Suppleme ntary Gr a nt - Loc a l Auth orit i e s Wor ks Act: An Comhair l e 1 l e tt ~r WB,S informed of tho cont ents of circular R. 202/1/8 of the 24 t h Novomber , 1 956 , from the Dopartme nt of Loc a l Govo rnment vvhich not ifi od a supp l emen t ar y gr o.nt of £ 6,000 to tho Wexford County Council for scho me s under the Loc o. l Authoritio s (Works ) Act for t ho financia l yoar 1 956/57 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 14 - (f) Notification of Grant for Wexford Bridge: The meeting was informed of the notification dated 21st . November, 1956, received from the Department of Local Government of the allocation of a Road Fund Grant of £315,000 or 75% of the cost of the work whichever is the lesser, towards J 1 the cost of constructing Wexford Bridge. The recomrnendation of the General Purpose s 0 omrni ttee the.t An 0 omhair le s:lOu1d Jxpress its appreciation to the Minister for the notif.ication of this increased grant in the present circumstances was unanimously adopted on the proposal of Oouncil10r J.J.Bowe, seconded by Oouhci110r J. Boyce. (g) Expenditure on Disabled Persons Mai ntenance Allowances : The following minute of the General Purposes Oommittee meeting held on the 3rd December, 1956, was submitted :liThe Oommittee was informed that the expenditure to tho 30th September , 1956, on allowances to disabled persons amounted to £12,090 . The estimate for the year was £23 ,500 and it was anticipated th a t there would be an overexpenditure of £1500 on the estimate . It was agreed on the pr opo sal of An 0 athaoir le ach seconded by Oouncillor J.J . Bowe to recomrnend to An Oomhairle that authori ty be given for the oVer-expenditure in view of the difficulty of estimating accuratoly the annual amount required for this new heading of expe nditure at tho comraencement of the financial year and that tho Minis ter for Health be specific a lly asked if 50% of the expenditure in excess of tho estimate would be recoup ed frcm the Health Servico s Gr ant lt • Tho r ocomroondati on of the Oommittoe was unanimously adopted on the prop os al of Oouncillor J.J . Bowe , seconded by oouncillor S . Br owne . (h) Guaranteo Scheme for AdVances by BUilding Societios: The recommondation of t he Goner a l Purposos Oommittoo that furthor considor a tion of this matt er be ad journed until details of a schomo a pproved by the Ministor wero availablo was unanimously adopted on the proposal of Oouncillor J. Boyc o, seconded by Oouncillor T. Darcy . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 1~ - (i) Sa lari,e s of Sup o rirte nd e ~t Assistance Offic er and As s is ,tane e Orf icers : The r e comrne ndation of t he Ge ner a l Purposes Committee that f urther consid~ration of this ma tter be ad journe d was unanimously approved on the propos a l of Councillor J . Boyce seconded by An Cathaoirlea ch. (j) New Plan for Rural Cottages: The r e commenda tion of tho General PurpOS GS Committoe that ono cott age should be erecte d in acccrdance with the ne w pl an pr epar e d by the Arc hi tect for rur a l cott ages wa s unanimousl y adopt o ~ on the prop os al of Councillor T. Redmond , s e conde d by Councillor T Howlin. AlVIEIDl'flENT OF SECONDARY SCHOLARSHIPS SCHEME 1956 It was prop os ed by Councillor A . Minihan seconded by Councillor J . Boyce and unanimously r eso lv ed tha t Cla us e 1(0.) of tho Scheme for Scholar shire in So co ndar y , Voc at i on al j';dnd other approved sch001s for 1 956 be amended by the insertion of "fivo bursaries" in pl a ce of four bursari es as ori ginally pr()vide d. The !'or ogo ing amendmont ViTO, S moved to per mit of , t ho awar d of an addit i onal burs ar y to Miss Johanna A. Dooley , Now Ros s , in accordo.nco wi t h a pro vious r es olution of An Comhairle a nd the sancti on of tho Minis t er for Educ ation conve ye d in letter of the 13t h Octobe r, 1 956 . SCHEDULE OF TENDERS The t e ndors listed on tho sche dules atta ched wor e opene d at thi s moeting of An Comha irlo . Tho t onders whi ch had boon opened a t the Council Mee ting on 12th Novembor , 1956 , and wh ich aro listed in the schedules att a ched to this Rooord we r o s ubmit t od for t ho information of An Comhairlo . It was pro po s od b y Councillor T. Redmond s o conde d by Councillor J . J . Bowe and unanimousl y r e solv ed th a t tho approval of An Comhairlo bo given to the ac cep tance of the © WEXFORD ARCHIVES t onders in accordancoCOUNTY wit h thoCOUNCIL schodulos . - 16 SCHEDULE OF VD RKS PROPOSED An Comhairle was informed that there were no new works proposed other than those reported in the monthly reports . FINANCIAL BUSINESS (a) Lnan £60 , 000 - Capital Road Improvement Programme 1 956/57 : The fol lowing r es olution was propos ed by Coun(; illor J . J . Bowe seconded by Councillor D. Allen , T . D. and unanimously resolved that pursuant to the letter of sancti0n dated the 20th November , 1 956 , nf the Minister for L0cal Government the sum of £60 , 000 be borrowed from The Nationa l Bank Limited, Wexford , for the reconstruction of County Roads under tho CouncilTs Road Reconstruction Programme for 1956/57 to be repaid within Ten Years with interes t at the appropriate rate . c hargod by tho Bank from timo t o time for such advances as in said lottor of sanction provided, t'.o said Loan and interest thereon to bo s ocur od by a Mortgago ovor the Ratos and that the Seal of the Council be affixed to the said mor tgage to The National Bank Limi t od. The Soal of tho Council was thon affixe d to t ho Mortgage . ("!J) Loan £4 ,700 - Improvomen t works at Wexford Co. Hosp ital: It was proposed by Councillor J . Boyce, soconded by Councillor T. Hayos a nd una nimously r os olve d that tho Soal of An Comhairlo bo af f ixod to the Mortgago Deed gu ar ant ee ing rep aymont of this loan. Tho Soal of An Comhairle was then affixed to tho Mortgngo Doed. (c) Lo an £ 1,200 - Provision of Di~pensari os Rosidoncos: It was proposed by Councillor J . Boyco, se c onded by Councillor T. Hayes, and'unanimously r e solvod that tho Seal of An Comhairlo bo nffixod to tho Mortgage Deed.guar ant ooing ropayment of this loan. The So Ctl of An Comhairlo was then affixod to tho Mortgago Deed . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 17 - LOAN UNDER SMALL DWELLINGS ACQUISITION ACTS - JOHN FOLEY . Councillor S. Browne enquirod concerning the application of Mr . John Foley, 'l!iJ¥'er Street , Enniscorthy, for a loan under the Small Dwe llings Acquisition Acts and was informed of the date on which tho application was re ceived and of subsequent onquiries made by tho Council . It was proposed by Councillor S. Browne, seconded by Councillor J . J . Bowo, and unanimously resolvod that An Comhairle r e commend to tho County Mano.ger that this loan appli c ation bo granted. DREDGING AT KILMORE Q.QAX Councillor T. Howlin reforred to the dredging operation in progress at Kilmore Quay and stated that the manner in which the work vms being exe cut ed during tho last month had not been satisfo.ctory . It was agroed that tho matter should be referrod to the County Engineor to invostigato tho progr oss of tho job which was boing carried out by tho Commissioners of Public Works . ORGANISATION OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Councillor J . J . Bowe askod for permission to discuss the general quostion of engineering services and was informed by An Cathaoirleach th at it would bo necossary to havo notico of tho matt ~ r. NOTICES OF MOTION (a) Road Matoria ls: Councillor J . J . Bowe movod t ho fol- lowing motion of which notice had beon givon - "Tha t tho r ouncil mako availa'cle to ratopayers in the county , road matorial, as roquired,G,t o.n oconomi c price". Councillor T.. Do.r~y soconded the motion whi ch vms debated at considorable l ongt h. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 18 A number of members of An Comhairle having spoken in support of the motion it was finall y agreed on the proposal of An Catha oirleach that the matter should be deferred for one month to enable a full r epor t to be submitted for consideration of the members on the manner in which the road material could be mado available to f armors as suggested . Ceuncillor A. (b) Increase in Roadworkers' Wages : Minihan withdrow the motion concorning tho incro ase in roadworkers' wages whi ch had been t ab le 'i ar an gClar. (c) Cerner at Croywoll, Now Ross: Councillor A. Minihan movod the follov.ring metion of which notice had boen g i ven: "That t his Council should make :1vo.i lable the sum of £210~ t he estimated cost of re moving a very dango rous corner at the junction of Ferrymountgarrett Road and Colle ge Road or C:t'eyvrell wi thin tho urban ar ea of New Ros s" . A re port dated 7th Docombor, 1956, from tho Count y Engineer stating t ha t t he roo.ds wor o under tho jurisdiction of the New Ross Urban Council and t hat tho County Council could not provide money for t his work wo.s submitted. It was agr eed that the County Council had no pOwer in t ho matte r. ROCK BED AT EDENVALE A l e tter dated 15th Novembor , 1956~ frem tho Office of Public Works which r e ferr od to the r os olution of An Comha irlo pas sed 8. tits September Meo ting r o quos ting t hat a rock bed at Edenvalo be r emoved was r oad. The t orms of the lotter were noted . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I - 19 - TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT OF MR . M. MURPHY; ASSISTANT CO . ENGINEER Councillor A. Minihan onquirod conco rning tho notification of t erminn. tion of the t el'!1por 8.r y emp loyment which had boo~1 g iven to Mr . Mi chae l Murphy, Assistant County Eng ine e r, New Ross AroG.. The County Manager outlined the f:J.cts conce rning Mr . :rvrur phy I s omp lo ymo nt with the Council and the g0ner o. l direction g iven by the Dopartmont limi ting the duro.tion of emp lo yment of t emp or:J.ry offic e rs . MEt . WILLIAM BURP HY 2 rvU->.C HINERY OVERSEER. An C athao irlo o. c h proposed t hClt tho Council should place on record its appre ci ation of t ho services of Mr . William Murphy who had retirod from his per manent pos t as Ma chiner y Overseer at t he Council's MCl c hine r y Yo.rd t Enniscorthy . Councillor J. Galvin seconded the resolution. Tho member s of th(; C ounc il vvho were pre sent spoke o.ppro ci a ti ve l y of the,') servi ce given by :Mr . Murphy during his with the Council. The Count y MClnager , County Eng ine e r o.nd ·ount y Secret Clr y o.s so c io.tod theT!! sel vo s VOTE OF CONGRATULATION TO the r emar ks of the members . ~ffi. RONNIE DELANEY. Councillor T. OILoughlin propos o d tho. t An Comhairlo should p lace on rocord it s congr o. tulations to lVIr . Ronnio Delane y on his outst a nding achievement in winning tho 1500 Metr os at the Olympic Gnrnes in Mo lbourne . Councillor T. Howlin secondo d tho resolution which wa s nously o.dopted , the members pres e nt having a~sociated t hemse lve s with the proposal. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - !O - SEALING OF DOCUMENTS It was propo,~ed by Councillor J . Boyce seconded by Councillor T. Hayes, and unanimously resolved that the Seal of An Comhairle be affixed to the following iocuments:1. Agreement wi th ~,1r. Richard Carroll , Monalee, Ballindaggin, for the cleaning of eave gutters a nd shoots at the District Me ntal Hospital, Enniscorthy . 2 . Tr ansfers under the Labourors Acts (Agreement and C . P . O. Schemes) as follows:Patric k Ba nville, Gibberpatrick . John G. Doyle, Glontire. Mic hae l Gough , Ballyorley. 3. Domolition Ol'dors undor the Housing (Miscolla noous Pro Visions) Act, 1931 , as follows:House a t: Occupior C oolbo y Richard Miskolla Coolboy. Thomas Stafford Danoscastlo Andre·'1l Curmnins, Dane scas tlo . Mrs . Margaret Whito . 4 . Contr a cts for tho erection of Lab ourers Cottage s a s follows: Contractor House a t Soan Dunno,Killo g noy,Clonrocbo Pk~ Dunbar ,Ri v o rc h apo 1,C ourtown Pk . Dunbnr,Riverchapel $ Cou~town PIc. Dunbar ,Rivorchape11'C ourtown A.Nolan,Boolabog,B 0 11Y0arnoy J a s. Murphy,Clologuu , F orns S oamus Daly & Cha rlos Hobbs, C ourtovm . Tominoarly Knockina Gorteon Barnland Ballyho.milton Milohouso Ballyteiguo Prico £800 £810 £830 £805 £790 £770 £850 5. Vosting Ordors undor tho Labo uror s Act 1 936, o.s follows: Mar tin Keano , Tay lorstown s Tintorn. William Murphy, Clono Wost, Monamolin. P a tr ick 0 I Brion, Whi tof ort, Artramont . Jano Coloman, Ballinacoola, Kilnnhuo . Wi lli am Taylor s Bal l yhine , Forth. Po.triclc Le a cy, Clologuo Upp~r, Balloughter . Donis Tompkins, Camolin. Mark Byrno , Nowcastle. Jos oph Murphy, Pollmann.Gh Great, Bridgotown. John Hickoy, Orristown, Killinick. J amos Byrno, B:J.ll ynostr aw , Glonbrion. Wi lli run Mill a r, Kisha , Kil..3cor an . Elizab:th O'Loary, Chapol , Clonrocho . Cathorino Howoll , Camolin. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - 21 6 . Le tt ing Agr eements under t he Labour er s Acts as f oll ows :Eamonn Kea l y , Milltown , Fer ns . Cather ine Mur phy Bal ly c arri gee n, Ferns . John Parle , Cull, Du ncormick . Patri ck Furlong , Ro semount Lodge , New Rus s . Luke Kavanagh, Aske , Gorey . J ohn Roc he , Ki ng sf ord , Barntown. Michae l P. Kehoe , 1174 Colvi lle st . ,Ros sl . Bridge t Donne lly , Dunc a nnon . Pa tr i ck Kehoe , Pcllr ane , Tomhaggard . Patrick Mur phy , Garr ymoyl e , Bl ackwater . J ame s Lea cy , Ball yc arri geon , For ns . Mic hao l Redmond, Courtb all yod..rnu nd. John Tur ne r, Ball yc arr igeon , For ns . Bridge t McCl ean , Ba l lycarrigeon Lowo r. Will iam Bre nnan , Moun ~ St . Bonodict, Gor ey . $ 7 . Dea l er s I Lic once s fer t ho s al e ef Pastouri se d Milk under t ho Milk & Dairies (Spe ci al Des i gnations) Regula tio ns , 1 93 8 , as foll ows : - Mr s . Cadogan, Nowb avm . Mr s . P. Fol ey , Ballyha. ck , Arthur s town . Mic hae l De ve r oux~ Pembrokos tnwn , Dunc0rmick . Do nis Murr ay , Moorfie l ds , Rat haspe ck . NJrs . Ria. OlLeary , Oy l egat e . John Conb oy , Moorfiold, Wexf ord . Nic h ola.s Ka.vanagh, Ba llyfi n oguo , Wexfor d. Andr ow ' Rovro ll, Ballyduf f, Camolin . IvTrs . N. Gunne r, Ky l ecCro ss ! Wexford . She lbourne Co - op~r a tive Socie t y , Bal lyw illi am. Th emas Ross it e r, Ball yhine , Kilr ane . Robe rt Wal ke r , Gr eat Clonar d , W~ xford. Dan i e l St afford, Gr oa t Cl onar d , Wex f or d . Co. t ho r ine A. 0 fBr ion , Duncorm ic lc . Sean Cu l len , Rour kes Ts Cro ss , F ou l ksmills . She l b our no Co- oper o.t i vo Soc ie t y , Old Ro ss . Pa tr ick But l or, Cl onr oc he . ' Mo.r gar e t Car t on , Sc o.rawal sh , Enn i s cort hy . , . --,,' , ,.Ii" ~,i. /:",. I "- ,: f / " -, .~'~, . 'I; ~ t!.. . ......... __ . Runa.idne . Da i ngni t ho o.r o.n 14 1 0. de © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 1 957 . Visiting Committee Meeting held Members present: 30/11/'56. Rev. Fr. Ransom, Adm. (Chairman). Ve ry Rev. Dean McFall. Messrs. J. O'Leary, T.D., J. Howlin and T. Redmond. A vote of sympathy to the relatives of the Rev. Francis F. Empey, deceased, late Church of Ireland Chaplain to the Mental Hospital was passed unanimously on the proposition of Fr. Ransom seconded by J. O'Leary. The County Manager also associated himself with the vote of sympathy. copy of letter dated the 28th November, 1956 from the Department of Health re roofs was read by the County Manager for the information of the members as follows:HI have been asked by the Minister for H9alth to refer to your letter of 2nd October, 1956 and enclosures regarding the repair of the roof over Division 6, Enniscorthy Mental Hospital and to state that the draft Specification and Plan are generally in order; they have been discussed by Department's Technical viser with your BOard's Architect aDd some minor amendments will be incorporated in the final Drawings. The question of the recoupment of the expenditure will be further considered when an estimate of the cost of the work is received; as the proposed work is expected to give an indication of the probable cost of repairs to the roofs of all the buildings it is considered desirable that a Schedule of Rates and/or approximate iuantities should be prepared by a Q,uantity Surveyor. I am accordingly to re l uest you to be good enough to arrange for the submission of an eStimate of cost of the work proposed." The members agreed to re commend the appo intment of Mr. P. Mulcahy, 62, Merrion Sl uare, Dublin, as ql,uantity SurVeyor in connection with the proposed work. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~c· \. \S~. Co . ~ c , , .r~===--~===:::#:=-=~---=t _=~~~L:~:::O:.-.\\. ~ c. ~o· \ \. ~ ~ ~ ~~(M.¥.... ~+. \S ~ \b~ ~ ~ <AM. ~' . ~ • E\ce\ \ S .,\ \ S~· \$ S~ \~ oca \~ o 4+ S ~ '0 Q b $""\ . ~ $ ,\ to(o·o~ C\ b0 :-\ <0 <00 ~%00N0M-~. -~.:~. 0 » - ~~. \0\. "1 \ Co S do. ~\·o~ '?> (QC).. • ~~.Qq 0 S~·,~ . \Co s . . ~~. \ .... ~ O\~ s, ~ ~~ol ~~ \~ ""\ -0 ~~~ \ ~OO~ '\J ~~ \ ~\ \ lb ~o~~ \0 . ~O\ o.)J" ~ • ~~~, S<o· \\ ~~. \ ~ <\ $'(0. 0 0 S'::)'" \0 S~·I0~ ~ \· ~CS \~ 'oS~' \Co+ <a \ Ci\ , \ "' \ ~~~ 0 \ ~ ~ ... ~.. \"'1\~~ <=\0 \ S \O \ os ~\O\ a ~ S\ 'S \\ • s S \ \ \ -OS . ~ . \9 s ':) . '\ ~. ~. ~'"t> . .,,~_....\__~__~__o ~ q..-..w--""'-'-""""""""""""'''''''''''~ --....:.... \ qs\o\ ' ~ ~'c ~~~ -o~b.O ~~ l ~ O«o.lQb __ ~. ~O , ~ 0 0 ~.....sbQ;. ... (/:,a£..t. ~ ~ ~cb.ol' \b ..., ~,~'1 oJt &:P ~ ~~c:.ka. ~"'~ 1...0\ 0 ~ ~~~..,-. . ~\CW~ ~~~ ,~<=\O , Q. \ \ . ~ b c· \\ . \ " b '-"U..... ~ "1 -a..~~ ~~~ \ 0 0 ~~ ~ <a S 'SG\. oJ.: ~o· \~ \ \ .' ~~ ,Coso ~\ 0 \ 0 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ENGINEER'S OFFICE, COUNTY HALL, . WEXFORD. 6th Necember, 1956~ To the Chairman and Members of the County Council. -------------------------------------------------- Hereunder is the report on works under my jurisdiction for the month of November, 1956, and a statement showing the expenditure and employment of men on such works. The work set out for execution on the following vnads is now complete: Road 136/13 8/1025/1035 BallymoneY-Courtown. The surfacing but not sealing of the following roads is done: Raheenaskeagh-Ford Tombrack-Ballyroebuck. Road 330/631 11 160 The position with work on other roads is as follows: Road No. 115/116 Location Holyfort-Baltyfarrell Surfacing in progress. Amt.Allowed JAstimated EX:Qendi ture £13,100 £5,460 With regard to Wexford Bridge, the piles on the upstream cylinder on Pier No.1 have been driven to -49 O.D., and some excavation work has been done in the downstream cylinder on Pier No.1. Some of the concrete sheet~piling at the Ferrybank abutment has been driven. The sheet piling driving has been made slow due to the nature of the strata through which they are being driven. Area RETUR N OF MEN EMPLOYED AT END OF NOVEMBER 112~6. Institutions Rd.Main- Rd.Con- ,Quarries & Other LAW8,. Total Mileage Works tenance .~truction Gore y North 18 Gorey South 20 E I corthy N.W 11 E I corthy N.E. 29 E I corthy S. 15 New Ross S.E. 27 New Ross East 14 Wexford North 30 Wexford South 22 21 Duncannon Machinery Emplys. Wexford Bridge 4 10 10 207 28 4 1 11 24 30 18 22 23 11 36 19 23 2 12 9 10 2 5 a~ 216 220 229 235 95 231 138 223 209 207 15 582 2003 34 54 - 4 a~ 37 50 41 75 4 44 37 - 217 34 ROAD MAINTEN ANCE Amo~&llowed Main Roads County Roads L.A.W.Act £52,500 £63,400 £18,000 Amount S:Qent £36,314 £42,211 £2,874 co~ E~b ItEE~>--'~ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL . EXPENDITURE ON COTTAGE REPAIRS TO FORTNIGHT E~IDING 24/11/ 1 56. )))) ------ ))) ENGINEER . Amount Alloca ted . Amount Exponde d , Balance Available A. M. McDonald . £1 , 515 . O. O. £1 . 481 .1 2 . 3 . £33 . 7 . 9 • . M. O ' Malley . £1687 . 10. O. £1 , 313 .1 6 . 6. 373 .13 . 6 . M. B . Fitzgerald . 835 .1 0 . O. 618 . 3 . 4 217. 6 . 8 . 533 .1 6 . 3 . 769.13. 9 . £1 , 500 . 3 .10 . 476 .1 6 . 2. T. J . McNul ty. £1 , 303 .1 0 . O • . P. O'Neill . o. o. £1 , 585 . 10 . o. £1 , 614 . 8 • 7 . 525 , O. O. 350 .10 . 3. 1 74 . 9 . 9 . £1 , 474 . 10 . O. £1 , 214 .15 . 3 . 259 .1 4 . 9 . M· J • Murphy . T. H. Finnigan . A. C . Ward . £1 . 977 . P. J . Quinn. £1 ,96 6 .10 . o. £2 , 220 .17 . 6 . M. P. Foley . £2 ,130 . O. O. £1 , 69'7 .15. 1. Amt. over expended . 28 .18. 7 254 . 7.6. 432 . 4 .11. -£15 , 000 . O. O. £ 12 , 545 .18 .10 . Net Balance available £2 ,7 37 . 7.3. £2 , 454 . 1. 2 . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 283 .6. 1. COlJEC: 1 956 ?ur":.n Direct La' 1953 :rov~mbe.l.· , the r:lOnth of 1953 = . .r 1954 ,., .,L.D . \.. . ) ·.. · .. ·.. .0 . ...J cottabes \!ere completec. . 1955 .. ... - 12 ) " ....... t'.IO Cont:::o::..ct 0'_. . 1' . . . . ....I • 1956 1956 , 195- 5 1 2 ~ j ... .. -..; . ., 20 lr"\r:~ :;;'uv 'J . P • ·.. . ·.. Total ••• :; .l. 17 ) 1) .v . ... • 10.,.1 • J ) 4) ) ) 3) I 1""~L' ..IV ... 1953 ) ·.. 1) 37 . Files of applicRtions ei~ by ::::h1e1' :'Ieo.ical 1' . . . icer . Eree 8 • •• investi~ated vis . See re~)ort of Chlp ~ --edLcc.l T:"'ee a:pplications received . i 1 un '':' t and 2 overcro ;o.ed . /' Officer . K'lmore \is . v In a~cor Y'c~ .1:;: ... rc~_"('st ::...t last - ont'~ly :-Aet.ln . . . oi'c __ c )o'--U.1c:i1 a2.1 cr':',. .,ina a~plicants on the __ i1..• 0re \l11:&(.)e .... c ~"'.:e f ll'".l ',Jere c:_rc"la . . . ::.sed . 'To date 5 a~ plic"l.ticms ~lave been rec'" ':'--3' . Bunelody V~ :::: . :.: . O.' s reco ..~Lendation re h018in e n"e..:'c: to the next - istrict Co,_.littee :~eetin[ . / Clonroche ,ill e sU-..d.1.i..t.-ceci. " vis . Tende::' /?\!a':' t inc. derart..l.ent al sanct ion .'y. 1956 . 5 . ( 60 isolated cottages) . .tJPl.'ov[-l' 0 oar.. of £6(' , 1..\. required . F iles of applications in respect of the following Villa~e ..... chemes have been examined by the Oh:'ef 1:edical Off icer &.no. fr om her r eports it would appear that there is a need of erection of houses as set out below :~ri~vetown vis Ball,tv• illian; T ... Is •.• :-l "\s~ lare '-!br . IT/s ••• ~~Ju--tJ. . 5/6 6 8 --. <0 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Public Health Offices , County Hall, Wexford. December, 1956. REPORT OF TEE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER: During the month of October, 1956, the following cases of ~nfectious Diseases were notified to this office:- A. P. M. 17 Scarlatina: 2 Pertussis: 2 Pneumonia: 2 Enteritis: 7 Septic Throat: 2 Influenza: 6 Impetigo: 3 Vhooping Cough: 5 r Measles: I 1 Infant ile Ezema: 2 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES --"'- -= -~=? - The following table represents the Admission s and Discharges at the County Fever Hos pital, New Ross, dur i ng the month of October, 1956:- Admissions: 60 Discharges: 48 There were thirty-two pat ients in the County Fever Hos pi t al on 1st November, 1956. Acute /\llterior PoUomyelitis: During the month of: NovEIIlber there were seven confirtned cases of Poliomyelitis and four observation cales were adnitted to New Rosa Fever Hospital" Of: the seven def:inite cases notified three were admitted to Cherryorchard Fever Hospital" three to New Ross Fever Hospital and one patient died. Three patients were discharged home f:ron New Ross Fever Hospital, and nineteen observation cases. At the end of November fourteen patients were under treatment in Cherryorchard Fever Hoopital. One patient had been. transferred from Cherry-orchard Fever Hospit...,! to Balcloyle uxiliary Hospital, and ~ patient to Cappagh Orthopaedio Hosp i tal. There were five definite cases under treatment in New Ross Fever Hospital on 30th November. 1956. These were discharged home on 3rd December, 1956 A further report on proposed transfers an~or discharges from Cherryorchard Fever Hos pital is now awaited. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES r,lATERNITY AND CHILD f1.2:LFARE SHHEME : In connection with the above Scheme the following returns have been received:Visits Eaid 258 No. of Nurs ing Mothers en Books on 1/10/56 310 No. of Ante-natal cases on Books on 1/~O/56 114 152 'I 58 89 No. of babies over six weeks and under 1 year on books on ]/1,0 /56. 433 283 No. of children over 1 year and under 5 years on books on 1/10/56 1580 912 (a) Ante-natal 38 47 (b) Nursing mothers 38 142 (c) Babies under six weeks 47 147 No. of babies under six weeks II No. of new cases admitted during October, 1956:- (d) Babios over six weeks and under one year. (e) Children over one year and under f'ive years DIPHTERIA IMMUNISATION CONTI lUOUS 14 4 22 4 SCHEElE: In connection with the above scheme the following returns have been received from Part-time Public Health Nurses for the month of October, 1956:No. of Parents' Consent Cards signed ,showing number of children who are now ready for immunisation •••••••••••••• 89 No. of Parents' Consent Cards signed showing number of children who will be ready for innnunisa tion wi thin the next three-monthly period ••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• 39 No. of Refusals (if any) •.•..................................... 10 The above report includes work done by Nurses employed by District Nursing Association, Hew Ross, Enniscorthy, Rathaspeck, and Gorey, Nurses in Dispensary Districts and Public Health Nurses. " © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES FOR MONTH INSPECTORS' HEALTH GCTOBER, 1956. Wexford Area - Mr. O. M. FoleYI Number of houses in.pected •••.••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 " " " " ~ " nuisanceJ in~pections •••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 " " " disinfeotions •••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 milk and dairies inspections •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o 6 " Food Hygiene inspections ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l samples of milk taken ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o •••••• o.10 • Inspections of dumping grounds ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 n " " " Slaughter-houses inspected ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 " Burial grounds •••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Inspections of dance halls ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Enniscorthy and Gorey Areas - Mr. H. O'Rourke: Number of disinfections •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 5 " " " " " n " " " milk shops and deiries inspected ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 s~ples of milk taken •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• 7 sLmples of water taken ••••••••••••••..•.•••••••••.•••.••••••• 7 nuisance inspections ••••..••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Food Hygiene inspections ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SO " Inspections of dumping ground •••••••••••••••••••• ·•••••••••••• 1 " " " A 2 " Slaughter-houses inspected ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 12 houses inspected ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• ~9 Sewerage ~orks inspected ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 New R08s Area - Mr. R. A. O'Grady: N~er " of disinfections ••••••••.••..••••.•••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••• 4 " " " " " n " " " " " houses inspected •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 213 cawsheds~ dairies and milk shops inspected •••••••••••••••••• 35 Slaughter-houses inspected ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o 19 nuisances inspected •••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Food Hygiene inspections •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Inspections of Water Works ••••••••••••••••• o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Inspections of Dumping Grounds •••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••• 7 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES TUBERCULOSIS UATTERS: Tuberculosis Officer's Monthly Report - October, 1956: Number of dispensaries held •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 It " " " new patients examined ••.••..•.••••••••••••••• 7 " found non-tubercular •••••••••••• 5 " II " Patients responsible for attendance ••••••••• 94: II It attendance s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 " " uninsured patients •••••.•••.••••••••.••••••• 45 11 " insured patients •••••••••.•••••••..••••••••• 32 It " " pulmonary cases ••.......•..•••••........••.• 49 " " " observation cases • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 II " " It non-pulmonary cases •••••••••.•••.••••..••• ·•• 5 contacts •................................... 16 pat ients in sanatoria outs ide the county •••• 75 II II " " " " premises for disinfection ••••••••••••••••••• 4 " fI domiciliary visits •••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 20 II II Grianan Charmain ••••••..•••••••• 78 specimens of spetum sent for examination •••• 56 Nurses ' Monthly Reports: D~ ring the month of October, 1956, thEBe were 39 patients visited by the nurses employed under the County Tuberculosis Scheme and 47 visits were paid. Recommendations for X-ray examination: There were 234 patients recommended for X-ray examination during the month of October, 1956. GriananCharmain: The following table represents the admissions, discharges and deaths at Grianan Charmain during the month of October,1956: Admissions •• •• •• 3 Discharges •• •• •• 6 •• o Death •• • •• Interim patients treated Extern " 2 "17. Preliminary returns sho,ys that about 5,357 persons were X-r8¥ed during the neit of the tean to the county. A detailed report vall be made lIhen full neport i8 receiTed. The attendanoe in rural areas was Tery good as was also the response in New Ross whioh was the best centre. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES l - . ,~ MILK AND DAIRIES ACT) 1935. During the month of October, 1956, inspections under the Milk and Dairies Act, 1935, were carried out as follows:New Ross Area: Eleven inspections were carried out. noted. No defects were Three Minit Dirt Tests were carried out and were found to be satisfactory. Gorey Area: I Fourteen inspections were carried o~t. noted. Six defects were Three Minit Dirt,8 Tests were carried· out and \"lere found to be satisfactory. Enniscorthy Area: Twenty-three inspections were carried out. Five defects were noted. Wexfor d Area: Twanty-seven inspections were carried out. were noted. ..TVIO defects Five l.1init Dirt Tests were carried out and were found to be satisfactory. RECO~ . .1ENDATIONS: During the month of Octo bel"', 1956; one Milk Shop and one Dairy were recommended for registration • SLAUGl-::TER-HOUSES .. AND rilEAT n SPECT ImTS: I have submitted the reports of the Veterinary Surgeons in respect of Slaughter-houses and Meat Inspections carried out by them in Wexford County Health District and Urban Districts during the month of October, 1956. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ·. HOUSING: During the ~onth of October , 1956, eighty- one applications were considered in relation to the letting of seven cottages and recommendation made according to the Housing (I:1anagement and Letting) Regulations , 1950. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES iJllEXFIDRD COUNTY SCHOOL :.ffiDICAL SERVICE SCHEI·1E. During the month of October, 1956, 9 schools medical examination were carried outi 306 children were examined. 145 It II found defective. Treatment: Opthalmic Treatment: During the month of October, 1956, 98 children were notified to attend Eye Clinic, and of these 89 attended. Dental Treatment: During the month of October, 1956, 204 children were notified to attend Dental IDlinics. NOTIFICATION OF BIRTHS ACT; 1906 and 1915: During the month of October, 1956, 159 notifications of Birth were neceived in this office. Inspections of Midwives: During the month of October, 1956, routine inspectLton of midwives was carried out. HONORIA AUGHNEY, CHIEF 1ffiDICAL -, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES OFFICER. . ~. MINUTES OF WEXFORD DISTRICT MEET ING HELD AT COUNT Y HALL, WEXFORD, 15th NOVEMBER, 1956. ------------------Councillor Curtin (presiding), Councillors Byrne and Howlin. Also present: Mr. T. F. Broe, County Manager; Messrs. T. J. Kennedy and G. Forde, Chief Assistant County Engineers; Mr. Foley, Asst. County Engineer; Miss Hore, Staff Officer, Housing Dept.; and Mr. Leahy, Secretary to the Committee. Attendance: Confirmation of Minut~. The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and signed by the Chairman. I' ROADS. The Chairman opened a discussion on the road reconstruction programme for 1956/1957 and suggested that the Ballyfane-Castletown road and the Ballyhealy-Kilmore road be put on the list. Mr.Broe, County Manager, pointed out that the Road Reconstruction Programme for 1957/1958 was under discussion by the General Purposes Committee. and that the District Committee could only make recommendations regaraing roads for reconstruction. The meeting then recommended the following roads be put on the list for 1957/58. ( 1) (2) (3) (It) Ballyfane-Churchtown Ballyhealy-Kilmore Kilmannon-Cleariestown Baldwinstown-Kilmore. (5 ) (6) ( 7) (8) County Hospital-Ferrycarrig Kingsford-Trinit y-Taghmon Rathaspeck X - MCQuillans X Murrintown-Caseys x. A discussion then took place on road repairs and the following roads were brought to the attention of the Engineering staff: Cl~. Howlin stated that there was a considerable quantity of mud on the roads done by the mechanical grader in the Tomhaggard area at Ballyharty and at Newhouse, Baldwinstown. He also referred to the flooding of the road at Neamstown. Mr. Foley, Assistant Co. Engineer, stated that the roads done by the grader were not yet completed as he still had to put gravel on them. He also agreed to examine the flooding of the road at Neamstown. Clr. Byrne asked that the flooding of the footpath at King st. be brought to the attention of the County Engineer. The Chairman complained about the Camross-Taghmon road and the pot-holes in John Street. HOUSING. c~r. Byrne raised the matter of the application of the late John Roche, County Hospital, for a cottage. He stated that Mr. Roche's widow intended to go forward with the application and asked that the Housing Department give the matter its early attention. . Clr. Howlin enquired about the delay in the erection of a cottage for O'Brien, Mulrankin, and was informed that the Department of Local Government had not yet sanctioned the tender submitted to them in July last. It was decided to send a reminder to the Departmenl. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The Chairman asked about the progress with regard to the acquisition of a site for Mrs. Cleary, Stoney. Miss Hore, S. () ., Housing, informed the meeting that this cottage was to be built on a derelict site for which an acguisition order had been sealed at the last meeting of An Chomhairle. It was decided to have the application of Nls. Keating, Moortown, considered at the next meeting. The Chairman stated that the cottages at Glynn, tenanted by Stafford and Berney, were in a very bad state and that the floors and roofs were in urgent need of repair. It was decided on the proposition of the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Howlin, to ask the County Engineer to allocate money from the special fund for the repair of these cottages. LETTI NG OF COTTAGE AT BALLYGOMAN: Mr. Broe, County Manager, told the members tEat he was not prepared to appoint Thomas Whelan as tenant of the vacant cottage at Ballygoman as the C.M.O. had recommended that two of the other applicants, Bernard Power and Walter Connolly, were in need of alternative accommodation, while Whelan and his family were living in a fit house with one other occupant. The Chairman stated that Whelan and his family were c onfined to one room of the house and proposed that the C.M.O. be asked to re-examine his housing conditions. The proposition was seconoed by Councillor Byrne and unanimously passed. LETTING OF COTT@GE AT BALLYGEARY: The meeting recommended that Mr . M. P. Kehoe, A.O., be considered by the County Manager when he was a ppointing a tenant for this house. L . A. W. A. SCHEMES. The foll owing list of priority schemes under the Local Autrorities (Works) Act for 1956/1957 were approved: PART I PART II Wexford North Scheme~O:-- Amount §cheme-No. Amount 1032 103~ Wexford South: £356 £1~9 103 £1 8 1042 £260 1214 1217 £1,000 £1,000 1218 1223 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 £ 00 £350 £100 £100 £700 £100 £~OO -WATER SUPPLIES: . In reply to the Chairman, Mr. Forde, Chief Assistant County Englneer, states that money had been made available for the proposed extension to Barntown Water Supply and that he expected to get the pipes from another County Council. pu~ p It Was decided to consider Glynn when selecting areas for erection for 1957/1958. The meeting then concluded. , © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES r .. J tI~s. I • WEXFORD COUHTY COU NC IL --------- - ----- - -------GOREY DI: STRICT Minutes of the Gorey Di stri c t Commit t ee Mee t ing held in the Courthous e , Go r ey on the 23rd Novembe r, 195 6 . AT TEJ'lDA TYCE ; Councillor D. Allen, pr es ided . Councillors T. Darcy, p . Kinsella and T. J . O' Lou ghl in . Also pr esen t: Mr . T. J . Kennedy , Chi ef Asst . Co . Enf ine e r Mis. J . Forde, A. l\icDona ld, T . HcNulty, P . O' Neill, and M. J . O' Malley, Asst . Co . T. ~a cDiarmada Housing Sect ion En ~ inee rs . Ua s , Co . Se cr etary, Miss B . Hore, S.O . and T. Dixon Sec r etary to the Committee . A:iOPTION OF .~ I !\1UTr::::S: The Minutes of the mee tin g he l d on the 21st AuguE'. t , 1956 , were adopted on the proposition of Councillor P . Kinsella seconded by Councillor O' Loughlin and we r e signed by the Chairman . N,. DB1UTATIONS I . consisting of Rev . M. Le nnon C. C. and Mr . J . If/hi tnor e r equosted r epairs to the r oad from Lo gfan Cross to main Tinaholy ro ad . t wo miles in stone y . They stated that the road wh ' ch i s approx1l11a t EJ ly l en~ th is in a very bad condition , potholed and They furthe r stated that a l ar ge amount of heavy t r affic used tho road . Redr:lOnd and Al l ar de of Courtown Hbr ·. Dev . Assoc i at ion st r essed t he nee d for certain amen i ti e sat Court ovm Harbour . They parti culary requested (1) the r es urfacing of ro ads i n Courtown (2) the in stall ation of :Sxtra Lights and (3) a Dumping Ground . They also r equClstod r epai rs to thE> C;outh Fier . DEPUTAT IO N NO . 5 . f rom t he Askamore Di strict, consiste d of Mis Jas . h enny , Thos . Ke nny. Rath and Doyl e . The deputat ion point e d out the vnr y bad repair of Road No . 17 4 - from Askamore to Bri deswc: and stressed the need for iY'lF18diat e r epairs . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 2. DEPUTATION NO . 4 consisted of II'l essrs . Doyle , Kenny , Kennedy and Ryan and it stressed the urg en t road from one mile .. Bol ~ y rreed for imm~diate repa ir s t o t ho Cross Roads to the Yellow Gap - a dis t ance of about They sta t ed that the road Vl[lS hollow in the c o nt r e , was o vergrovm and extrc mG flooding oc curred . AFPL ICA'l'ION FROM GOR1~Y LLitT :i:LR CO . LTD . , f o r p owmis sion to di spos e of the factory offlu ent into the town sewerage system was co n sid(' r od by th8 meeting . Thlir . Forde , Asst . Co . Engineer po inted ou t tha t i t vias not :Tet c ortain whcthor the existing pipos would tak e tho ext r a s8wage . Mr . Allen pointo J out that if the County Counci l made available thei r sewerage system for the disposal of the facto r y ofrluent tho Council wou l d havo to take r ns ponsibility fo r any pollution of the' riv e r vrhich miq,ht occur . On thE"; proposition of tho Chairman s0conded by Clr . T ~ Darcy, and agr~ed , it was decided to recomme nd consideration of t ho matter by the County Council . lt i A '!.':CR ~ .7 SUPPLY - FERT'IS AFD ClJ'OLIH: fl. minute of the County Council meeting of tho 13th Augus t, 1956 , r oque stiner r o c onsi clera ti on of t ho ~ o ur c c placed be foro tlill moeting . Clr . O ' Loughlin of supply , was su~g0sted the examination of the str eam n oar st . Hogue ' s VIcl l , Ferns , along with some springs ,- c lose - by, as t ''10 sourcs of supply for the uppor portion of Fs r ns . After somo discussion it was deci i.e d to procood wi th t he ori ginal p r oposal, i . o ., that Ballybog Stream be usod as the sour co of supp l y , thEl t VIa t c r bo pumpc d to sE) r vi co rc sorvoir in Kil thoro18,s TOV'lnl and and that deli very to Fo rns and Camolin bo made by gravi t;T . / FUBLIC LIGHTInG: Conside.ration was g iv en to an B . S . B . quotation fo r of an extra li ght at Forns . the 8 r ection Consideration was also given to an application from Kilmuckrid~e Dovelopment Association request ing two extra li vhts at Kilmuckrid~~o Villa r-c . It was decided to defe r - both applications until the Estimates "eating of tho Counci l. A 18 t ter from Rev . E . Conno l ly , C . C., Mono.molin, r eqW.'l sting pub l i c l ighting for tho villagE, vras also before) the mcctinr . As the village vms not a Scheduled Village, it did not qualify fo r public Ii S"hting and the lit'e ting re j s Ct8 d the appli co. tion on the se gr ounds . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 3. AP:rLIC;NJ~ION FOR FO OTPATH FRO!' A I e ttor from ~1r . MR . T . LAMBERT , GOREY : T . Lar.1bert , 1 Lr . Main St , Gorey , reque sting tho construction of a footpath outside his premises was r ead for the mE)etin~ . The l e tt or s tat od that Mr . Lambert wished ,; to erect a Sun- Blind on a window fronting tho main Gor oY- Arklow road , and that ho ~ould not do so unless thnro was a 6 ' footpath construc t ed . Tho Chairman oDpos o d the app lication on the grounds that it would make tho already --- dan~ e rous corn e r TIore hazardous . The meeting de c ided to dE) fE:r the na tt or tIor the r e commenda ti ons of the County Engineer . 1 L CCAL M iTHORITILS ;;,J ORICS fiCTS: The Mo e ting gav e approval to tho Priority Lists . ROADS: 1m application from r Els idonts on the road l ea ding froM Annagh~ WI cklow Gap r oquf's ting that tho roadway be take n ovor as a public ro :::.:" was submitted to the moo ting . Tho moeting decided , that as the Council would not bo in a position to r econstruct tho roadway ; that they r ec ommend to the r o sidents to make app lication to tho Special T:i::mployr'1ont Scheme s Offi co for thc; forma ti on of a Rural Improv ome nts Rc hrmc for t he r e pair of this road . A momori a l from r o side nts in the Inch District -r e que stin g an COMha irl c to surface the road from Cool,Q'rE:) an~T to Jon os ' Cross ~ Fallfls was submi tt od f or considc:ration . On the proposi tion of thn Chairman and agr ocd , it was de cided to de fer the rna tt or for the tiI'lc boing . HOPSING: Fil es in connec tion VJith sit E.; applications r ecor'1I1onded by the county ~anager to b e defe rr e d afte r r eviLw were submitted as fol lows:Coun ty Manage r ' s RoconIne!ldation Cormi tt80 ' s Re corrrnonda ti on - --"----:-'~- J arne s Ke nny, ::Wountalox anlor De f or - House certifi e d to be in r () asonabl e g ood (' ondition 'fhomas Kennt) dy, 22 Coislinne Gorey Reject - already in fit hous e owned by Gor ey Town Commissioners Mary ~JcDonald, Knockinn Ballinast raw Dof e r - in vi ew of ~nfinoor ' r c corl1r:J.e ndation that hous e is r epairabl o for a small I'Tr s Co . ~anag8r 1 s r e commendation adopted . do . s sum . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES do . 3. CountLHanag8r ' s RecomY1ondation Joseph KElhoe, Clonloigh Camolin Defer - Unnarriod Coruni t t ne ' s 'FfOC()r.miEHld a t i on Co . II:1anagElr ' s recommend ation 8.dopt(-)d . ]'viichael rov/e r, No need for r e housing Ballyroebuck,Kilrush certified-dofe r . do . 1\1 a t t Byrne, Hyde Park , Inch do . House c ~ rtified,to be r epairabl e for £ 1 2 .Defer . The Chairman raised the natter of extras on contracts , which had b( E;n rais ed at thE' monthl y r:l(:c ting of the Council and enquir ed if any action had b u m tak e n by the J.VT'l.nap-er . Tho Chai rI'lan was reques t ed if he had any spocific cas e in mind and case of Mr . John Wi 11 oughby . h~) r efer r ed to the The; moeting was informed that the ~ouncil were ~ lr ca dy corre spondinG with Mr . Wi llourhby and that tho mattEr would he e xp e dit ed . Tho Me ~ ting the n concluded . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES COMHAIRLE CHONDAE LOCH GARMAN Minutes of the Enniscorthy District Cornri1ittee Meeting held on Tuesday ,27th November,1956. ATTENDANCE: Councillor J.J, Dowe presided. Also present were Councillors T. Redmond, Mes srs. T. J. Kennedy and G. Forde, Chief Assistant County Engineers; Messrs. A. McDonald, M.B. Fitzgerald and M~ O'Malley, Assistant County Engineers; Miss N. Hore, Staff Officer, Housing Sect ion, and Mr. J. 0 'Le ary , Secretary to tho Commi ttee. J. 0' Leary, T.D. and S. Browne; CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: On the proposal of Councillor Redmond, seconded by the Chairman, tho minutes'of the previous me e ting held on the 28th August, 1 956 , were adopted. MARSHALSTOWN LANE: . A memorial regarding the condition of Marshalstown Lane, which was referred to tho Committoe by the Council at the meeting held on 19th September, was considered together with the en gineering report thereon. The report indicated that the entrances to the lane from both the Moyne/Marshalstown and Pullinstown/Marshalstown roads were at a,c ute angles and that the cost of reshaping would amount to £45 and £210 r e spectively. I On·the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Redmond, it was agreed that the work on Moyne/Marshalstown e nd be done provided the local landowners would be agreeable to draw away the excavated clay which would entail a saving of approx imately half the estimated cost of £45. (j) ROAD Murphy, AT BROWNSWOOD: An application from Mr o Paul Br ownswood, Enniscorthy 1 for the improvement of Road 525 at Br ownswood together with the Engineer's report was put before the meeting. The report indicated that only a reconstruction scheme could improve the present c on.dition of the road. -NO.525 The Committee, however, agreed that they were not prepared to recommend the r ec onstruction of this road at the present time. CURRADUFF!KILTEALY WATER SUPPLY: Consideration was given to the Engineer " s report on the cost of extending the Kilteal.> Water Supply to Curraduff ,. It was est imated that tho work would cost approximately £780, of which tho Council's contribution would be approximately £485. It was agreed that the Council be r e commended to undertake this work provided the usual State Grant would be forthcoming. ,r DISPENSARY AT KILLANNE: The Enginoer' s r eport on tho possibility of ere cting the new dispensary at Ki llanne on the Council's land attached to the Dispensary Residence was con s idere d. The Engine er did not favour this proposal due to expected difficulty with r egar d to water and sewerage, and recommended the site a lready sel ec ted as being the most suitable. The Committ ee agre ed to adopt the r e commendation provided the cost of acquiring the site did not prove excessive ©.•WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 2. LOCAL AUTHORITIES WORKS ACT: Approval was iven to the works ~ h6wn on 't he 12riorit; lis . 0 W lC sanction had been ac corde d. MroFitzgeral d ~edto submit details of a scheme for the Boro river at Wilton,Bree, co s ting £750 which he stated was omitt e d from the minut e s of the previous meetinL as I Following a discussion on schemes under the Local Authorities Works Act in general, r eference was made to the appar ent lack of co-ordination betwe en Land Drainage Projects and the Council!s schemes and it was stated that the Local Agent for t he Land Dr a inage Schemes had n ot appr oached any of the members or officials in connection with proposed schemes. On the propos a l of the Chairman, s e conded by Councillor Redmond,it was recommended that the C ~~~:J ~7~~~ ~~ the Agent p ointing out that t h el would we iiOmc informati on re g ardin~ intended projects so Authorities Work s !i.c s sch emes mi" h , e~ , d in c on 'uncti on Wl the ralnage Project. I HOUSING: The following list of Cottage Ap p lic a':; :: o~s, recommended by the County Manager to be def err e d 'aft er review in view of the revised Housing Progr ammes ; 'wsr e submitted to the meeting' and the County ManaGer' s recommendation approved:- ff No housing need certified. Brigid Butler, Me:rton,Macmine. Def er. Ambrose OtGorman, Money tucker. House in reasonably good condition. Defer. Joseph Cooper, Ballina.:pierce. Rouse could be repaired for £20. Defer. Jos eph Moorehouse, Ball inab arna. Living in Council Cottage with motherin-law. Defer. In this conne ction the Committ e e intimat e d that the Moorehouse f amily were living in Cor bally . The Committee recommende d that the pr e sent housing accommodati on of this family be insp e ct e d and the file r e submitted to t he County Manager on r e ceipt of report. COTTAGE REPAIRS: Councillor Re dmond: Councillor O'Leary: Councillor Browne: The following wer e r ep orted for r epairs:-. Cottage of Thomas Stafford, Oylcgate, (no door ). " John Ryan, Kilcol mack, " (doors and windows •" " " II " II Kinsella 8: Quirke, Aughna clappa. Flynn, IVionart Ea st. \ \ Foley, Greenville. \ Councillor Re dmond request e d tha t the matt er of payment to Patrick O!Connor, Monavull en; for drawing wat er to new cott a ge at Monavull en b e looke d into. r Councillor Browne inquired as t o the pres ent p osition reg arding the proposal of Mr. ' Cosgrave to acquire some prop erty of the Coun cil at st • John 'sand wa s inf orme d that the matt er woul d be att ended t o and that he would be notified \ of the position. \ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 3. Counci l lor Browne requested tha t the CoUnty Manager" be asked to r e consider the app lic a tion of :rvh~ . Jo}l..n F oley , Wafer Street, Enniscort hy , for a lo a n under t he Small Dwe llings Ac quisition Acts in view of t he fact that he is unabl e to obtain loan facilities e lsewhe r e and that application was made to the Council before i ts rev ised scheme VIas ado p ted . ~ ROADS: Councill or O' Leary recommended that the Council" provide materi a ls for surfacine:; Chape l Lane at Dl'tUng oold, Enniscorthy , and stat ed that a similar conces s ion had been a llovled some years ago . It was agre e d that the matter of r epa irs to Slaney Street be given priority in next year s proposals . OUTSTANDINq ACC0:U;NIS: The matt e r of outst and i ng payment s due to tEe f oll ow ing VlO.S l'o.isod: ~ Thomas Devereux, Oul artleigh, The Bal l , (Buri a l Groun d to.kcr) • Thomas Carty, Bl a ck smi th (work done fo r f:lr . Williamson) . Dire ct Labour Group (wet - time payment for July) . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES W E X FOR D C 0 U N T v New Ross DiGtrict C 0 U NC I L GOr.u:J.ittee Meeting , held on the 29th November , 1956, nt the Tho l sel , New Ross at 3 . p . m. J.TTEIJDANCE: Pr e sent were: Councillors Kennedy (presided) BO~Tce , Pnrdy, Furlong and Minihan . Also in attendance wor e : Mis J . F . Doris Co . Engineer, T. J . Kennedy Chief Asst . County Enginee r, H. Finnegan , B. Fitzgerald, r1 . J . Murphy, A.rt . C. Vlard , Asst . County .wn[,ineers, ID . F . lVlcDc r rnott Co . Secretary, Miss E . Hor o , S . O. Housing Section nnd C. O' Dwyer Acting Secretary to the COmr.1itt ee . MINUTI~S : Minutes of tho mee ting he l d on thE) 23rd August, 1 956 were taken as r oad , . and signod . Rev . Fr . Alla n was r o ceivud and he put forward a case to have the Poulfour - Sal tmills anrl tho T®r:o pl ntO"In Vill - Templetown i)hurchFcthard Roads attende d to . A Deputation from the Dre a li s to vn-Burke stown- Kill osk Ratepaye rs Associat ion was r e coived Hnd the sjpoJkcsl:lan r eques t e d that tho road fror:! Burl{e stown to Campil o Via Dronlistown and Killcsk bE) r epairod as this s(;ction of ro nd carri , s consid cr ab l o traffic ~uring the corn and ·be e t sea s ons . Comne; nts of tho GCHbc:rs on the d(;pu to. ti ons wc r () deferred unti 1 the roads it em was being di Gcu sse d . LOCAL i.U'l'HORITlr.S (ViO RJ'=?) i. CT : A priority li st of schcr.18s under the L. il. . W, !" was rcferr El d to the Cor,m i t t o c from tho Countv Counci 1 for consi do r a tion n.nd thi s list v was agreed to . Counci l lor Furlong stated t ha t tho compl e tion of work done on t ho (;ora Hi ~0 r at Har ()SrlO ad the s ource: . 1jiT afl ne c o ssnr 7 bocnuse of flooc'Jing bo l ow Mr . Doris e xplainod that this Dnrticu l a r job had not boon sanctioned but ho wou ld lo ok into tho natter . Councillor Boyce: was inf orned thn t the EJ r cc tion of a bridgo on © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES f (2 ) Road No . 17 9 was no t i nc l udo rl in the l i st . Fil es in conno ction with t ho following appl ic atio n fl fo r cottap" c e r e ction we r e' submitted with tho recommendat i ons of the county ~:8.nap;(;r a ft e r r , vir 'IT und e r the pre sent r evi sod howdng pro gr ffi<lTIe . App l i c an t --"-"-._--- lVlanaver ' J ohn Boltmd, Tcmp l c' u ctigan Ballyvri lli 8.n H[\r t in fl Ho corrrr.1Emd[l ti on u e f er - Unrw.rri e d . Hi a tc r 8 , T ~ rr ernth Cassagh Defer - fi t accon:rlOd8.t i on . '11he COLi.n i ttoe noted thE, Co . l\'anager ' s r e r oI'1l11endations an d r oqu(Js t cd thnt a ful l li st of app l icants for t he a r Go. b e submitted so as to e nabl e a priority list to b u . In accordance wi th the r e luest of Council [l th~) I:-:onthly n~,e t ing of the fil e in connectio!'l wi th the app li c:utio YJ of Fic:1EW l .K ehoe , L ackGn , New Ross was submitted . Co . S('cretary r epo rt ed that of t ho ho l ding of the app li cunt (28 ac r es approx) he could not be r egarded as e li g ibl e - appli catio n defer r ed . On r equest of the C J • I\wn8.€,or 8. fil e in connection with co tt U.7e 1 94 Ballykc lly - VJhi t e church formerly t onante d by St c phen :KE;ho e' , was submi ttf'd . I t was r ( parte d t hnt thi s cottage hnd be:Em adver tis ed for tcnc1.ncy 'lnd no appl_ i cat ion V!D.S r e ceived . The Co . ~THnac:e r noV'! n r oposcd a ll ottin~ tho cot t agc to an applicant for cottago e r o ction In t Lc a r cr. . T' c ComIlli ttcc r ecoP1rlOnded the appoin tmen t of Ed'.'lJard Doyl e , Ba llykel l y , New c .~ RORS whose case had been inc l uded in the 1 956 .0 . The followin g qu(,ri cs v/erc rai sed by Cl lr . Fardy ( a ) :?osi ti on r c app licati on of J r.ncs Powe r for site on t he l a nds of Cullen , Rourkcsc r oss . (b) ~ithdr nwa l of app lic ation of John Fitzgerald, Haresnoad for a Councillor Furlonr r 8quE-stod t ha t r opa irs bE) carriod ou t in t ho followin g cases: Thomas Pisko ll a , Mulli nde rr y ; Michc,o l 11'Jurp hy , Coolboy , Robt . Troa cy, Li gawn ; Jo hn Doyl e , Harosmcad . Richard Cull o n , Br yan s t own . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 1 •• (3) Councill o r Kennedy nskc d thu t t he chutes on the c o ttngc:) of I'Fi chaol Powo r , Bnllygow , bo r op l a c ed . In co nne ction with r cpni rs t~ cotta~e Ra thnur() , it was poin t o d out to Counc i llor of ~ How l in j ~!,inihnn Gr ang8 , that thi s vms in tho :Cnniscorthy nr ( n and woul d be r efe r red to tHr '. O I ~,1(t ll ~y B . E . It Vias r ecommended tha t the [",ppli cation o f doalt with undor the Bu l lywilli am Villago ~'ichD.el ~lorris be ScheDe , TV:r . Fitz go r a l d stntod that wi lful cnDnge was o vid e nt i n Clonroche Vill agE) SchenD and nft (; r discussion it was d o cid o d t h a t tho GOYl1ni ttCE) would be in agreement wi th nction being tnl~ e n agains those r es p ons ible ., for such damage in future . The roads mentionod by tho DeDututions we r e consid e red but as none of them we r e on t ho Pri o ri t~T Li s t ,: r . ~J:u r phy B . :;~ . thE:: lTIn t tE)r vras defE'rr" d . stn te d that he intondo d to use the blado - grndE!r on tGC Bu rke s tovm- Campi I E: Road vIl'lEJDeVCr avai l ab l e to him . Tho Co . Engineer was asl'C(,d to investigato th( sprcE,(ding of mnt ' rl a l on the thir(!-clnss r ond from Cnmross to t he CrosR of BE'11siloguo . Tho Road by Carroreirh Church was s t ated to b E) in nocd of a tt ontion and the Co . Lnc;inoo r vws asked to l ook into t ho nutte r e Tho COl ,d,U thori ti c s ~nginc8r (~[Torks) VJas ask~d to rc-submit undE ,r tho Loc a l Act the rE; 1i of of floodi ng on the) main BE.l l 1y- wi lli am- Kilt cn l y Rond . Th0 Cornrnittec defer red to the. I,~s t JIn.: . . tos r (; 0 ti nt: the: provision ' of a third 1i [pht for Carri r Villag e . In c onnect i on wi th Pub lic Liphting it was s t ated that the i:irrlc - swi tc hes w( r o oftE;n not wo rking corre ctly and it was decided r t~ bring the r1 att c r to the noticE, of th~; .L . S . B . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES OOUl. UIL GOUl 7Y ]i;bThJ.A TE.S rlEGEIVED THE PrlIH TI1~G AHD Sl1PPL Y OF STAT IOl~ER Y Al~D ()THErlltE~UI5ITES FOrt USE Il~ THE COU1~UIL'S OFF I OgS TlliWUGHOUT THE GOUHTY. ----------------------------------------------------9--G. p. SECTION (SECONDARY SCHOLARSHIPS) - 400 Copies of Scheme for 1927. LOUEST •••••• Echo Printing Works, Ennlscorthy •••••..••.•••• £2 : 10 O. Mess ~ s John English & 00. Ltd., Wexford •••••.•• £5 : 10 : O. 200 Copies IIForm of AEplication for permission to compete" 15 : a 12 : 0 LOWEST •••••• Echo Printing Works, En ni scorthy •••••••••..•••• £2 Messrs John English & Co. Ltd., Wexford •••••••• £.6 ---------------------------------------------------------J.() TOn r AlAl' I ()l~ SE 0 TI01 • ~OO Forms R. F, 12. (Slips :for Registration Books). LOWEST. • • • •• Messrs John Engli sh & Co. Ltd" Wexford ..••••.• £2 Echo Printing Works, Enniscorthy ••••••••••••••• £3 8 1" 0 0 : 0 : ------------------------------------------------G. p. SECTION (RATES APP LOTMENTl 1800 Rate She~ Hessrs John English & Co. Ltd. J Wexford •••••••• £70 : 0 : 0 60 Rate Sheets IIGoreLJI!:.ban Area" 1 essrs John English & Co. Ltd., 01;LY ~UOTATIOl~f) W~xford •••••••• £14 : 5 0, HECEIVED. -------------------------------------------------- 120 Front shee,s for Rate Books: LmEST •••• Echo Printing Works, Enniscorthy, ••••••••••••• £1 : 19 6 1 essrs John English & Co. Ltd., Enniscorthy •••• £2: 9: 0, 5000 Forms "Cl.aim for Abatement" LOHEST •••• Echo Printing Works, Enniscorthy •..•.....•...•• ~19 : 17 : 6 Messrs John Elle:;lish & Co. Ltd., Wexford •••••••• £23: 2: 6, 5000 Acknowledge Oards. LOWEST ••••• Messrs John English & 00. Ltd., exford ••••••• £.5 0 0 Echo PrintiLng orks, Enniscorth¥ ••••••••••.••• £5 : 5 : O. 120 forms "Cer ti ficat e of Secretary. LO'EST ••••• Echo Printing Works, Enniscorthy ••••.••••••• £l: 2 : 6 Messr s John Ebgli sh & Co, Ltd., Wexford •••••• £.2 : 2 O. -----------------------------------------------------HEALTH SEOTION. 40 Dozen Special Beguisitions for Medicines & Hedical and Surgical Apol. Messrs He1ys Ltd., Dame st., Dublin •••••• £6 : 10 : 0 10 Boxes ( 50 each box) Denni son's Tabs. Messrs Helys Ltd. Dame s'r. DUBLl ~ •••••• £2 : 0 : 0, © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES rt EALTH SEGTIU 1 Materni ty Home Hecord. (N ew Ross District Ho~i tal) 6. Hessrs Dollard Pi:intinghouse (Dublin) Ltd •••••• £l : 11 50 Books "Report of Night/Day Nu~" LO EST ••••• Messrs John Ej-.glish & Co. Ltd. , Wexford •• • 1,9 : 8 : o. Echo Printing Works, Enniscorthy •••••••••• £11:17 6.. 600 Sheets "Particulars of Admission to Insti tutions. LOhEST ••••• Echo Printing \ orks, Enniscorthy •••••••••• £5 : 0 : o. Mes6rs John English & Co. Ltd., Wexford ••• £6 :10 O. 2 Combined Hospital Registers. essrs Dollard Printinghouse (Dublin) Ltd •••••• £17 : 0 : O. -------------------------------------------------------GE.ihAL PUHPOSES (HAT~S SECTION) 50 Books "Interim :late H.eceiE.1§." LOi EST ••••• Messr s John Engli sh & Co. Ltd. Wexford •••••• £7 Echo Printing Works, Enni scor thy •••••••...•• £9 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 0 : 0 O. o. Tenders opened at Meeting of Council on .10/8/ 56 for Oak Tree at Ballinatray, CQurtown. ------------ ( 1) Victor Davis, Courteencurragh, Gorey. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES £2. O. Od TRADES CONrRACT WORK Tenders opened at Heetlng of Council on 10/12/1956. Amount Cottage No. Contrac tor £38 £7 485 Ford-of-Lyng, Rosslare. (2) doo 599 Ba ymnnaun, Kil inick. (2) do. 485A Ford-of-Lyng, Rosslare. (3) £38 £7 John J. Kenny, Bal1yve1ig, Campile. do. 6 Bargy Commons (1) £89.10.0 599 Ba1lyminaun ( 1) £89.10.0d William Moore, Maytown, Tqgoato 485A Ford-of-Lyng, Rosslare. (2) £38 £9 485 Ford-of-Lyng, Rosslare. (2) (3) £38 £9 James Colfer, The Hill, CuI enstown, Duncormick. do. Ford-of-Lyng, Ross1are. ( 1) £87 Ford-of-Lyng, Rosslare. (1) £87 James Kearns, Bargy Commons, Murrintown. 6 Barg ( 2) (3) £40 £10 James Colfer, The Hill, Cullenstown. Ballyminaun, Killinlck. ( ) £87 Michael Donovan, Bregorteen, Barntown. 6 Barg Commons Newcastle. ( 1) (3) £97 £10 John Fitzhenry, Murrintown. 6 (1) £100 £43 £10 Edward Fitzhenry 84 South ~ain St., Wexford. i. J. Furlong, Horetown,Kil inick. 6 Bargy Commons Patrick Quirke, Bal1yki1liane, KilJ.inick. do. Commons (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) 599 £38 £7 (3) ( 1) (2) (3) (3) © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES £95 £43 £10 £12 COUNTY COU CIL. Tenders opened at Meeting o~ County Council held on liIonday, 10th December, 1956. ----------------------- purchase of farm Equipment at sto John's Hospital, Elmiscorthy. 1. ~ary Kinso1la, Killeens,Wexford: £8 for entire lot advertised. 2. John Creane, Glengla"ss,Kille,nne: £2. 15. 3. James Redmond, Raheen,Davidstown: £2. for harrow and £1 for wheels an d axle. 4. James Redmond, 5. AndreVl Cloke, Dranagh, Boheravalel Tomgarrov~ Adamstown~ o. Do. £3 for horse's harness. £4. 10. • for plough. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES . , PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SECTION • Tenders received and not deal ~ with by C.ouncil. Submitted to Mee ting of Council hel d an the 10th Dec ember', 1956. ~-~------~-~--"-------------------------~~-~~------~----~ The tender recommended for ac ce tanc e in each case (underlined) is the lowest tender received exc ept where ot erwl;se st a ted. 1. (a) Machine - wo n Turf for st. J ohn's Hospital, and Grianan Charmain, Enni s corthy. Bord na Mona r BallYdermot, Co. Ki l dare - 100 tons for Each Instltution at 57_6U. per ton ex :works. 2. Maohine-vlOn Turf for Wexford County Hosp it al. (a) J.J.Stafford & Sons (Wexford ) Ltd: (b) Bord na Mona , Ballyd ermot, Co.Kil dare: 57/6d e per ton ex works. ., 3, £4. 2. 6. per t on defiv ered. Coke for County Clinic. O. (a) J .J.St afford & Sons (Wexfo r d ) Ltd.: £11. 5. per ton deliv ered. (b) H. Wilson , Commerci al Quay, Wexford: £11. 10. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES o. p er ton" COUNTY ENGINK::JR I S DE PARTMENT Quotations received and not dealt with by Council. Submitted to Meeting of Council held on 10/12/56. The tender recommended for acceptg,nce in each case (underline d) is the lowe st tender received except where otherwise stated Contractor Item t o be Supplied Amount (1) Donegal County Council 225 lin.y ds . 2" Turners Asbestos Cement "Everite" Pressure Pipes for Barntown Water Supply. (2) Wexford Timber Co., Wexford . Plast e rlath Incr ea se of 3~a per sq. yd. on quotat ion for period ended 31/3/1957, M.O. 503/56. do. Plaster Increase of 1/- per do. do. Roofing Felt and Canvas Ba s e Damp course Increase of do. do. Vermillion Paint Other Colours Increase of 2/- per gal. Incr ea se of 1/6 pe r gal . do. McCormack & Heg ar ty, Wexford. Paint Incr ea s e of 1/6 pe r gal . on quotation for pe riod ended 30/9/1956, M.O. 191/56 and 421/56. John A. Woo d , Rockrohan, Carrigrohane , Co. Cork. Hire of Caterpillar 212 Motor Grader gz~ e r : 3) 6/- per lin.yd. cwt~ 7~% hour working 10/- pe r hour Standby © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES SCHEDULE OF TENDERS FROM COUNTY ENGl NE ! RI NG SECT ION Ope ned at Meeting of Co. Council he ld on 12/11/56 and submitt ed t o Council Me e ting held on 10/12/56. ----------------• The t end e r r ec ommend ed for acceptanc e in each case (unde rlined) is the lowe st t end e r r ece ived except whe r e othe rwis e stat ed. contractor It em to be sup pli ed '.) Thos . C. Lp. sli e Co. ".rexford. Sons, & Painting of windows at st. John's Hos pi ta 1, Enniscorthy. John Murphy & Sons, Wexford. do. Freeman's, New Ros s. Amount £147. 17. 6d £175. 14. Od £197. 12. Od o. Od Spray Paint ers Ltd., Dublin. do. £215. S. Walsh & Sons, Enniscorthy. do. £219. 18. Od Cunningham Bros., Dublin. do. £225. Micha el Sanfey, Gorey. do. £292. 12. 6d J. Bailey, New Ros s • do. £300. O. Od £518. 5:. do. £536. 4. Od Wexford Timber Co.Ltd., We xford. do. £567. O. Od Jas. McMahon Ltd., Limerick. do. £577. o. do. £581. 19. 5d W. & L. Crewe Ltd. , Dublin. do. £587. Jas. o 'Kee ffe & Co. Lt d . , Dublin. do. £598. 16. Od Morgan McMa hon Limerick. do. £612. .~ McFerra n Dublin. & G. O'Dohe rty Co. Clare . Guilford, Sons, & Brooks Thomas Dublin. Supply of Kiln Dri ed Red Deal to Vexford Store s. C() .Ltd· & & 9 Co.Ltd., © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES O. Od 1d Od 3· Od O. Od Cohtractor ehadwicks Ltd.,Dublin. Chadwicks Ltd.,Dublin. Wexford Timber Co. Ltd. J. J. O'Hara & Co.Ltd. ( c) Chadwicks Ltd.,Dublin. Dinan Dowdall & Co.Ltd. J. J. O'Hara & Co. :d ) Chadwicks Ltd. ,Dublin. Dinan Dowdall & Co. Ltd. Wexfo rd Timber Co.Ltd. Jas. McMahon Ltd. J.J. O'Hara <.lJt Co. Chadwicks Ltd.,Dublin. J.J. l 'Hara & Co. Dinan Dowdall & Co.Ltd. Wexford Timber Co.Ltd. Jas. McMahon Ltd. f) 'g) £22. 6.11d (le ss 2;% M. A.) £22. 6.10d 650 Pairs cranked steel butt hinges do. P.J.Matthews & Do., Dublin. Wexford Timber Co.Ltd. Dinan Dowdall Col,Dublin. Jas.McMahon Ltd.,Limerick. J.J.O'Hara & Co.,Dublin. (b ) Amount Item to be Supplied do. do. do. do. £22. 6.11d £22. 8. Od £26.12. Od £27. 1. 8d 650 doz. rustproof(~~§l £9. O. Zd screws to suit hinges (less 2~-% M.A.) do. (~" x 8) £7. 2. 2d do. ( i " x 8) £22. 6.11d 300 japanned 12" non-slip casement stays do. £2!±. 7. 6d M.A.) £55. O. Od £61.17. 6d (less~1b 300 No.m.i. black iapanned £9.ilil. 8d wedge type casemen (less 2~~ M.A.) fast eners aD. £9. 7. 6d do. £9.19. Od do. £10.18. 9d do. £13. 2. 6d 350 No .m.i. black japanned £18. d 10" wedge type casement ( 1 e s s '2 0 11. A • ) fast eners with No.2 spuds £21.17. 6d do. £22.19. 4d do. £23. 6. 8d do. £26. 7. Od . Jas.McMahon Ltd., Limerick. Wexford Timber Co.Ltd. Chad"w i cks Ltd., Dinan Dowdall & Co.Ltd. J. J. O'Hara & Co. 23 gross of ~" No. 7 japanned screws do. do. do. do. Jas. McMahon Ltd. Limerick Wexford Timber Co.Ltd. Chadwicks Ltd. Dinan Dowdall & Co.Ltd. J. J. O'Hara & Co.Ltd. 9 gross of 1" No. 8 japanned screws(d/d.4 wks.) do. (d/d. 8 weeks) do. do. do. £3. 9. Od ,. £3.10 .11d £3.16. 8d £4. 4. 4d £5. 1. 7d £1.12. 3d £1.12. £1.16. £2. O. £2.11. 3d Od 6<11 Od Messrs. McFerran & Guilford Ltd., Dublin 9 quot ed an all-in-price for Items 3(a), (b), (c), (d) and ( e ) of £114. 5. 3d. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES TENDERS RECEIVED IN CONNE CTION WITH (1) PLASTERING, (2)· CARPENTRY , & JOINERY~(3) PAINTING OF COTTAGES ERECTED BY DIRECT LABOUR GROUPS. Contractor Cottage No. 607 Cherriestown do .. Type of Work Laurence Stafford? Glaglig, Broadway. (1) (2) . ,- £ James Colfer, The Hill, Cullenstown, Dllncormack. (1) £97 John J. Kelly, Ballyvelig, Campile. (l~ £102.10.0 John Fitzhenry, Murrintown. (1) £100 C43 £10 Martin Dempsey, 1 Wolfe Tone Villas, " Wexford. 611 Harpoonstown ££9,15. 0 (3) (2 ) (3) , Amount (1) (2) (3) B. P. Hunt, Duncormack. (3) William Deve reux, 'r rac eystown, Tag hmon. (3) Patrick Quirke, Ba1lykilliane , Ki1linick. (3) (2) (2) (2) £99 £37 £8 £38 £8.10.0 £38 £9 £4-0 £8 Thos. Jordan, 56 Bishopswat e r, Wexford. (2) (3) £4-5 £10 John Finn, Hodgesmill, Murrintown. (3) £9 James Kearns , Bargy Commons, Murrintown. ( 3) £10 Laurence Stafford? Glaglig, Broadway. (1) (2) (3) £89.12.0 £35 £9 Rob ert Cassidy, Mulrankin,Broadway. (3) £.B Jame s Colf er, The Hill, Cu11enstown,Duncormick. ( 1) £97 John J. Kenny, Ba11yvelig, Campile. ( 1) £102.10.0 Micha el Byrne , 24- Upper John St., Wexford. (1) (2) £124£40 £10 B. P. Hunt, Duncormick. William Devereux, . Trac eystown, Taghmon. Patric k QUirke ,. Ballykilliane ,Killinicko Thoma s F1yt.m, Ballyask, Kilmore. (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES £38 £8.10.0 £38 £9 £40 £8 £40 £10 \ 611 •Harpoonstown (contd. ) Thomas Jordcan, 56 Bishopswater, We xford. ( 2) (3) £45 £10 John Finn, Hodge smill, Murrintown. James Kearns, Bargy Commons, Murrintown. ( 3) £9 (3) £10 James Davey, Bannow. ----~---------------------------------------- 537 Garraun Littletown ..........------------- me 2~ .6 .17. ,6 Richard 0 'Neill, Killanne, Bnniscorthy. (1) Chris.Murphy, Boro Vale , Bnniscorthy. (1 ) £105 Michael Browne, Esmonde Roa d, Enniscorthy . (1) £105 £85 £12 T. Lawlor, Rathnure , Enni s corthy. (1 ) (2) Micha -, 1 Dunne, Curragraigue, Enniscorthy. (1) Patrick Murphy, Boro Val e, Enniscorthy. (2) (3) £48 £7 Thos. C. Leslie, Ballyeden, Enniscorthy. (3) £34 ( 1) (2) £106 £40 £10 (Philip Furlong, LATE TENDER (Boolabawn, (Killurin_ ~47 NO AMOUNT (2) (3) &.2.15. (2) (3) 0 £108 £48 £10 (3) £155 £50 £12 (2) (3) (3) Philip Furlong, TulliBards, Bridgetown. (1) Robert Cassidy, Mulrankin, Bridgetown . (2) Laurence Stafford, Glaglig, Broadway . ( 1) (2 ) (3) £89.15.0 £35 £9 Jame s Colfer, The Hill, CUllenstown. (1) £97 John Grace, 12 John's Gate st., Wexford. (1) £100 John J. Kenny, Bal1yve1ig , Campile . (1) £102.10.0 (2) £37.12.6d £8. 7.6d James Davey, Bannow Moor, Wel1ingtonbridge . £~O &2 (3) (3) B . P. Hunt, Duncormick. (2) Patrick ~uirk e, Ballykilliane, Drinagh . ( 2) (3) £40 £10 Thomas Flynn, Ballyask, Kilmor e . (2) (3 ) £40 £10 £38 £8.10.0d ( 3) Thomas Jordan, 56 Bishopswate r, Wexford . (2) £45 (3) £10 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES - - -- · ~ 447 Li ttletown (contd.) John Finn, Hodg e smills, NUI' rintown. (3) £9 Jame s Kee rns, Bargy (3) £10 Ge org e Curran, Ba llyvalooe , Blackwat e r. (1) £20 James Gordon, Ballysilla 9 Ballymurn. 01) £100 John Burke , 9 Parnell st., Wexford. (1) (2) (3) £124 £40 £10 Micha e l Doyle , Ba llyluc a s, Ballymurn . (2) £45 Thoma s Kearon, Ba llyhowbeg, Scree n. (3) £14.10.0 I n . Doyl e & P. Nolan, 5 Island Road, Enniscorthy. (1 ) £93 John Mur phy, Newt own, F erns. ( 2) (3) £41 £1£ Hugh O' Ne ill, Browns wood, Enniscorthy. (1 ) (2) (3) £99 £44 £9.15.0d J ames Gord an, Ba llysilla9 Ballymurn. (1) £100 John Doyle , Monagee r, Enni s c orthy. ~l) ~~ £100 £35 £10 Michae l Bro\<me , Esm onde Roa d , Enniscorthy. (1) (2) (3) £100 £85 £12 John Thorpe , Che stnut Vi ew, Tomna loss ett. ( 1) £110 John Burke 9 9 Pa rne ll st., Wexford. ( 1) (2) £124 £40 £10 Jos e ph Bayne , 7 Sha nnon, Enniscorthy. (2) £88.10 .0 Thom9s Kea ron, Ba llyhowb eg, Scr ee n. (3) £14.10.0 Thoma s C. Le sli e , Ba llyede n, Enniscorthy. (3) £34 (1 ) ( 2) (3) £106 £40 £10 Cbmmons~ Mu r rintown~ -520 Slievenagorea 4 Cooraun LATE TENDER (Philip Furlong , (Boola bawn 9 (Enniscorthy. ( (3 ) © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 601 Ki1braney 500 She1ma1ier Commons Thomas Foley, Ballyke rogu e , Campilee (1) £94 Peter Cummins, T he Cot tag 6 , Ballykel1y, New ROSSe (2) (3) £37 Patrick Browne , Ballinruane, Ballycullane . (2) (3) £40 £10 Micha e l Murray, Newb awn. (3 ) £8 (1) £99 Martin Demps e y, 1 Wolfe Tone Villa s 9 Wexford. (2) ££1 (3) ~ John Grace 9 12 John I s Gat e St. , Wexford. (1) £100 Patrick Auirke , Ballykil1iane, Ki11inick. ~~~ £40 £10 Thomas Jordan, .36 Bishopswater, Wexford. (2) (3) £45 £10 John Finn~ Hodge smil1s, Murrintown. ( 3) £9 .- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES